16 minute read





This hidden Tempe gem is the epicenter for upcycling aficionados and zero-wasters. Founder and Executive Director Sherrie Zeitlin and her team divert tons of materials from the landfill (paper, paints, fabric, bottles, containers—almost anything imaginable) and offer it for reuse to artists, educators, nonprofits, and the general public, completely free of charge.

The Art Resource Center (ARC), located at 910 S. Hohokam Drive, #105, not only works incredibly hard to get upcycled products in schools, but is also a certified Arizona Green Business through Local First Arizona. It practices sustainability in its operations, switching to LED bulbs, using occupancy sensors in its large facility, eliminating chemical air fresheners, avoiding spraying for pests, recycling all acceptable materials, and using donated items—including bags for purchases rather than buying new. We spoke to Zeitlin to find out more .


What are some common back-to-school items one can find at the Art Resource Center? Best-kept secrets?

Most people are looking for traditional supplies to start the school year, but when they come to The ARC, they are usually overwhelmed by the variety. We have about 10,000 topographic maps that are perfect for mapping one’s life, especially the fantasies of young children.

You've been serving Arizona teachers and students for a long time. What stories/projects have strongly impacted you along the way?

I have 16 years of stories that make me smile or bring tears to my eyes. The very first year, I received a call from a new hire teacher who was expected to teach with a room full of nothing but a couple of reams of copy paper. We filled her van with supplies as she cried and cried and cried.

School benches have been made using our broken clay tiles, quilts and masks from our fabric, and sculptures from all the random bits and pieces we have. We hear all the time that the teachers could not do what they do if it weren't for The ARC.

Any nonprofit can walk through our doors and take away supplies free of charge. There are no buy-in or hidden fees. The question most often asked, "Are you sure it's free?"

Any at-home discards parents/teachers can quickly turn into supplies?

There is art to be made from anything, and our homes are filled with the makings! From paper towel rolls to newspapers to twist ties and yogurt cups to leftover paint cans in the garage, the sky's the limit. For special trips and tricks, you might just want to visit or give The ARC a call!

Maria Lopez is the communications manager for Local First Arizona, a coalition of more than 3,000 local, independent businesses and nonprofits working to promote, support, and celebrate a vibrant and sustainable Arizona economy by educating citizens about local business ownership, social equity, cultural diversity, and environmental impact. More at www.localfirstaz.com.

Photos courtesy Joan Fudala



As schools start up again—some online, some inperson—one lesson to remember is that not all educators teach in schools. For some, the community is their classroom.

One such educator is Scottsdale’s Joan Fudala, who for three-plus decades has robustly served her city and the Valley as an author, communications executive, lecturer, preservation advocate, historical consultant, and member of numerous commissions, committees and nonprofits.

“Joan Fudala has effectively promoted and created a public awareness of our history in the greater Scottsdale area; contributed to our understanding of Scottsdale’s historic people, places and events; and executed research and publishing projects that celebrate our vast historical resources,” wrote Douglas B. Sydnor, FAIA, nominating her in a March 2 letter for a 2020 Governor’s Heritage Preservation Honor Award.

President of the distinguished Scottsdale-based Douglas Sydnor Architect + Associates, Sydnor is a 2018 Honor Award recipient and a founding chairman of the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Commission.

Fudala was honored on June 18 as one of 10 awardees in a virtual ceremony hosted by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Arizona Preservation Foundation—both based in Phoenix.

At the same time, eight honorees were awarded the 2020 Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Commission Awards in Public Archaeology. The 18 men and women were selected by professionals in archaeology, cultural resource management, historic preservation and museum operations.

“Her many, many achievements are the product of decades of work helping Scottsdale understand, appreciate, and protect its history,” says Christopher Cody, Esq., deputy state historic preservation officer for the SHPO at Arizona State Parks & Trails, of Fudala.

“Our mission to educate the public about the value of historic preservation and to promote it would be impossible without heroes like Joan taking the initiative in their own

communities,” he adds. “Joan has created opportunities for the public to be educated about local history, and, by facilitating that engagement, she has helped make history more tangible for people to be connected to the place where they live and to each other.”

Fudala has been totally engaged in the community, says her friend and former work associate, Sam Campana, a Scottsdale city council member from 1986 to 1994 and mayor from 1996 to 2000. “She knows all the camps, all the tribes, has friends and colleagues in the business/tourism sector from whence she came, hundreds in the nonprofit organizations where she has served diligently, and with everyone who has been a ‘player’ at city hall for those three decades. That’s quite an accomplishment.”


A baby boomer, Fudala was born and raised in a Cincinnati suburb “full of returning WWII veterans. My parents were very active in the community, both providing wonderful role models for me,” she recalls.

She majored in journalism with a minor in history at The Ohio State University. Among her electives was Air Force ROTC; the program was just opening for women so they could gain an officer’s commission.

“During this volatile period of the Vietnam War and anti-war campus protests, this was not a popular decision, but it did provide me with an instant career in journalism,” she recalls, noting that she later added a master’s in communications from the University of Northern Colorado.

One week after graduation from Ohio State, she became an Air Force public affairs officer (PAO), serving nine years at bases in San Antonio, Texas; Luke Air Force Base in Arizona; at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C; in South Korea; and in Hampton, Virginia. She followed this with 12 years as an Air Force Reserve PAO at the Pentagon. During this time, she also had civilian executive public relations/ communications positions with a chain of department stores, two regional airlines, and the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce/CVB (1991–1998).

In 1976, while stationed at Luke, she met her late husband, Gene, a Luke fighter pilot. They loved the desert, attending activities, and patronizing vintage restaurants such as Reata Pass and Trader Vic’s.

“We vowed to eventually move back to the Valley when our careers would permit,” she shares, adding that they returned for vacations and then returned to stay in 1991. “Throughout my childhood in Ohio, I dreamed of living the Arizona lifestyle, watched Westerns on TV, read novels set in the Southwest, and camped at the Grand Canyon with my family in 1961,” she says.

Soon after moving to Scottsdale, she planned events to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 1997. She became a full-time Scottsdale community historian two years later under Joan Fudala Historic Consulting, focusing on researching and communicating Scottsdale area history, tracing to its founding in 1888.

“From family car trips to historic sites and museums, to reading historical novels and biographies, to watching history unfold throughout my life, I’ve always loved 19th- to 20thcentury U.S. and European history,” she recalls. “I’m inspired by the actions and decisions of historic figures and fascinated by the cycles/repetitions of history.” She also devotedly read Nancy Drew books as a child. “Researching history fulfills that inner detective in me,” she says. “I love the thrill of discovery and connecting the dots!”


Sydnor met Fudala when she became the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce communications director in the early 1990s. Their community service together started with the founding of the Scottsdale Historic Preservation Program in 1997, and has continued for many years.

She has also served on many Scottsdale nonprofit boards and city commissions, championing preservation, human services and history, including Western Spirit:

Scottsdale’s Museum of the West, Scottsdale Historical Society and Friends of Scottsdale Public Library board of directors. As part of her long-term work with the Scottsdale libraries, she helped establish its digital archive of historic photographs in 2006, giving residents, students, and a global audience access to Scottsdale online historical material.

“She has contributed to our understanding of Scottsdale’s historic people, places and events; has brought to light many forgotten but fascinating areas of Scottsdale’s past; and helped the city, its businesses and organizations preserve and celebrate their legacies,” Sydnor wrote in his nominating letter. He calls her Scottsdale’s “relentless retro-preneur.”

Fudala has published seven books, beginning with one that benefited the McDowell Sonoran Land Trust titled Historic Scottsdale: A Life from the Land. This comprehensive Scottsdale history was the first to include Scottsdale’s grassroots effort to create the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, the largest municipal preserve in the country and a Scottsdale landmark.

Fudala visits the LOVE sculpture in Scottsdale.

In addition, she has written a monthly column about Scottsdale history in the Scottsdale Airpark News for 20 years, and articles for The Arizona Republic, Scottsdale Progress, Scottsdale Life and other periodicals. She also edited Sydnor’s three Arizona architectural history books in 2010, 2011 and 2013.

As mayor, Campana appointed Fudala to the Scottsdale Human Services Commission, noting, “Her great sympatico and passion for people served the city well over those years. She found ways to increase the funds for our human services needs in our community, highlight gently the poverties and hardships almost invisible in our affluent city, and to befriend the Hispanic community around Vista Del Camino and help in efforts to sensitize our relationships with the Salt River PimaMaricopa Indian Community.”

Awards and honors have followed: among these, Scottsdale History Hall of Fame (2016); Scottsdale Public Library’s Spirit of Literacy Award (2014); Scottsdale Leadership Frank Hodges Alumni Achievement Award (2002); and Scottsdale Woman of the Year (2002).

“To Joan, research and writing is the first step in telling the backstory of how people, places and events in Scottsdale have changed over the decades,” Sydnor continued in his nomination letter. “In all of her client and pro bono projects, her goal is to encourage pride and involvement among Scottsdale residents and businesses so that Scottsdale remains a special place.”

She views her role as particularly important in the comparatively young Valley, where many come from so many places.

“As a rapidly evolving area, it’s easy to forget the past as we rush to move forward,” she says. “By preserving stories, photos and significant sites of the past, we can share pride in the area’s historic record of innovation, civic involvement and cultural diversity, while learning lessons from those less-than-inclusive behaviors or missteps of past generations that we have the opportunity to correct and change.”

Her favorite Scottsdale places? Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West, Scottsdale Heritage Connection at Civic Center Library, Scottsdale Historical Museum, McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, Cattletrack arts enclave, Scottsdale Civic Center Mall, Scottsdale Stadium, and Taliesin West, the National Historic Landmark winter home of Frank Lloyd Wright.


Every summer Fudala spends cool coastal time in San Diego, where she attends classes at UC San Diego.

She invited her friend Sam Campana to join her recently.

They found an outlier cinema specializing in, what else, yesterday’s hit movies. They watched Jersey Boys about the ’60s pop group The Four Seasons. Perhaps the only other attendees were a couple, she remembers.

“We might have bothered them away by talking aloud through the entire thing and singing along, ‘I love you baby, and if it’s quite alright... ,’ ‘You're just too good to be true,’ ‘My eyes adored you,’ and another ’60s favorite, ‘Let’s Hang On,’” Campana recalls with a laugh.

“Well, Joan does that for me, she does that for her friends and colleagues, and she does that for Scottsdale: ‘Let’s hang on.’ Let’s hang on to our history, our collective memories, our misfires, and our real fires. Let’s hang on. That’s Joan Fudala’s message. She’s a true Scottsdale Treasure.”

David M. Brown is a Valley writer (www.azwriter.com).



As pet caretakers, we want our furry companions to be as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, however, dogs and cats—just like us—sometimes get sick. But since our pets can’t talk, how are we supposed to know when they need medical care? Look for these 8 signs.


Pretty much every dog or cat vomits at some point, often due to a mild infection or to having eaten something that disagreed with them. Cats will often vomit to get rid of a hairball. If your pet vomits once but otherwise seems to be feeling good, there’s probably no cause for concern (everyone gets one free vomit, as I like to say). However, if your pet vomits multiple times, or if they are also lethargic, have stopped eating, or are having diarrhea, they should be seen by a veterinarian.


Like vomiting, one episode of diarrhea in an otherwise healthy-seeming pet is usually nothing to worry about. But, as with vomiting, if there is concurrent lethargy, vomiting, or loss of appetite—or if there are multiple episodes of diarrhea—a trip to the doctor is in order.


While dogs or cats may cough on occasion, coughing is

Photos by Don Crossland

generally not “normal” for them. Infections, allergies, heart disease and asthma are some of the common reasons for a dog or cat to cough. Coughing should always be taken seriously and necessitates a consultation with your veterinarian.


Just like us, dogs and cats can sneeze for a variety of reasons. An occasional episode of sneezing is not typically cause for alarm. However, if the sneezing becomes persistent or relentless, or if there is nasal discharge, eye discharge, lethargy, or coughing, your pet should be evaluated by your veterinarian.


Discharge from one or both eyes often needs to be treated, especially if your pet is also squinting or rubbing their eyes. Infections, allergies, and corneal ulcerations are common causes of runny eyes.


Medically referred to as polyuria and polydipsia (or “pu/pd”), increased water consumption and urination often indicates a serious underlying problem, such as diabetes, kidney disease, or a bladder infection. If your dog or cat is pu/pd, they need to be seen by your veterinarian.


Almost always, limping is a sign of pain. Many people think that if their dog or cat isn’t crying or whining, it isn’t painful. But nothing could be further from the truth! Most pets won’t vocalize when something hurts, so limping is their way of communicating that their leg is painful or uncomfortable. If your dog or cat limps for more than a day or so, call your veterinarian.


Just like us, dogs or cats can get an itch that they need to scratch. However, persistent scratching, licking, or chewing (especially of the legs and paws) is not normal and needs to be treated. Having your dog or cat wear an Elizabethan collar (i.e., the “cone of shame”) to prevent licking or chewing is not an acceptable treatment! Yes, the collar prevents your pet from self-traumatizing its skin, but it does nothing to alleviate the irritation or agony of continued itchiness. There are many causes of excessive itchiness—fleas, allergy, skin infections—and all of them can be treated effectively by your veterinarian.

As a pet caretaker, you are ultimately responsible for your pet’s health, so if you’re not sure if your pet should be seen by your veterinarian, give your vet a call. Veterinary staff is always happy to answer questions or try to offer guidance over the phone and can let you know if your pet needs to be examined. Just like you, we want your pet to be happy and healthy for a long, long time.

After graduating from UC Davis, Dr. Wilson completed a surgical residency at a specialty hospital in Los Angeles. During her time in private practice she worked with many rescue groups, including Hope 4 Paws, which led her to move to New York City to become the medical director of the ASPCA. Dr. Wilson has since moved to Madison, Wisconsin, along with two horses, two dogs, a cat, and a menagerie of birds, squirrrels, chimpmunks, and rabbits she insists on feeding throughout the year.


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RECIPES Good for the Belly

Photos by Don Crossland


Recipe courtesy of Suzette Smith, founder of Garden Goddess Ferments, www.gardengoddessferments.com

INGREDIENTS 4 oz. Ginger Lemon Kombucha 2 oz. cranberry juice 2 oz. Pick Up the Beet Juice 1 squeezed lime

DIRECTIONS Pour kombucha, cranberry and Beet Kvass in a glass, spritz with lime, and there will be no hangover. This drink is a fun and refreshing probiotic soda that even the most discerning palates will approve of.


Recipe courtesy of Suzette Smith, founder of Garden Goddess Ferments, www.gardengoddessferments.com

INGREDIENTS 2 stalks of broccoli cut into bite-sized flowers 1 head of cauliflower cut into bite-sized flowers 4-plus cloves of garlic (optional) 1 small handful of dill weed Peppers or spices of your choice

Things You’ll Need: 1-2 qt. wide mouth mason jar Filtered water 2.5% brine—salt in water, 2 quarts of water takes 38 grams of salt Fermentation lid Glass weight

DIRECTIONS Rinse veggies, then lay the jar and dill on their sides. Add the veggies and stuff the jar. Put the lid on, and fill the gasket with water halfway. Set in a dark closet for 3-5 days. Take the gasket off, place an air-tight lid on the jar, and keep in the fridge. The fermentation mixture gets better with time and will last for nearly a year.

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