Green Living Magazine May 2020

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pring is a reminder of the blessings all around us— life is in bloom! Everything seems fresh and colorful. Possibilities seem endless. But, how do you stay grateful in a season of renewal and rebirth when the world feels so negative and there is so much unknown? In times of crisis and fear, I lean on my routine, my tribe, and my family. This allows me to live in the moment, stay positive, and focus on how I want to come out of this unprecedented experience. As an entrepreneur during these times, I’ve realized that creating and sticking to a routine each day has given me a sense of calm amidst the chaos. Being at home with two of my three children and my husband for going on six weeks has had its challenges, as I’m sure many of you can relate to!

HOW TO BEGIN YOUR DAY I like to begin my day with 20 minutes of meditation before I even think of picking up my phone. Sometimes that meditation means a walk outside and letting the morning sunshine warm my face. Other days I grab my coffee and write in my gratitude

journal. These purposeful moments create some normalcy and allow me to tackle my day with a clear mind, especially when a day full of meetings and coaching follows. Picking things to incorporate into my day that bring me joy, purpose, and a challenge help ease the stress of the unknown and allow me to create space for myself—even the little joys of having a cup of coffee alone before my day fully starts.

LEAN ON FRIENDS Now more than ever, I’m leaning on girlfriends. Friends I’ve had for years who are also mothers, wives, daughters, sisters— and the list goes on. Friends who are also overwhelmed and missing the little reprieves we had before lockdown. I’ve enjoyed being creative while virtually connecting! We’ve done socially distanced yoga, Zoom cocktail hours, and I even started sewing masks and making bracelets for my tribe of women—it gives me a creative outlet and hopefully will put a smile on their faces.

May 2020 | greenliving


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