THE ENVIRONMENT: NARRATED written by Lexi Delmonico
This next piece composites a collection of perspectives from the Dictionary of Political Quotes edited by Lewis D. Eigen and Jonathon P. Siegel. The different views represent how over the course of history our relationship with environmentalism and natural resources has changed little. The book where these quotes were acquired from was published in 1994, making the content dated in some ways but painfully present in others. When reading these quotes you will come to understand how climate inaction transcends across party lines, and how environmental hopes and fears are universal across time. This is an eternal element of the human condition. It is a part of us. There is something humbling, sanguine, and almost breathtaking about this fact. It enlightens us to the fallibility of not only our future, but maybe even ourselves. You will find anger in some quotes, agreement with others, and a few that are so preposterous you have to laugh at them. I invite you to join me on this narrated epic that has led to the modern environmental conservation movement. Thank you.