The Green Observer - Fall 2020

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FALL 2020

The Green Observer R E A D

G R E E N .


G R E E N .

Editor's Letter Â


Dear Observers, What a strange world we are living in. This fall, we are writing to you amidst a global pandemic, a national election, and widespread ecological issues that threaten our wellbeing. In the wake of these uncertain circumstances, we have taken time to reflect on the earth around us and share our thoughts and experiences with you. In this issue, we present a diverse array of pieces featuring news, art, poetry, woodworking, tips, lore, and exploration. Join us as we walk you through the environment of the Fall of 2020.

Our journey is filled with curiosity, impression, and hope. In the words of Rachel Carson: "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."


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Table of Contents 5





























Falling for Fall Leaves GRACE GUDWEIN Autumn has arrived; the temperature is dropping, the days are getting shorter, and the smell of pumpkin spice is in the air. In addition to these indicators of many people’s favorite season, perhaps the most quintessential sign that fall is in full swing is the bright yellows, reds, and oranges of the leaves. While almost everyone appreciates fantastic fall foliage, not nearly as many people know how or why this dramatic change in leaves happens. Let’s dive right into that pile of leaves and find out. Before humans had an understanding of the science

Not only are these oranges and yellows beautiful, but the

behind fall foliage, early legends attempted to explain why

process of reducing chlorophyll benefits the trees as well.

the leaves change color. The Algonquin tribes had a

As the days shorten, trees have less opportunity to absorb

legend of a ferocious bear that wreaked havoc on local


tribes. In response, the local tribes gathered up their

expenditure of performing photosynthesis outweighs the

strongest hunters to kill the bear, but the bear was

energy collected from shortened days. At this point,

cunning and avoided hunters for many months. The

chlorophyll begins to reduce, and the carotenoids begin to

hunters chased the bear around the world, shooting

appear. These bright colored leaves may deter insects by

arrows at him along the way. Eventually, one arrow grazed

warning the bugs that this tree is healthy and will be able

the bear just enough to draw blood. At the pain, the bear

to fight off unwanted insect larva in the spring.






“took to the sky” to continue his escape, and to this day the hunters still chase the bear in circles around Earth

So what about red? Red leaves happen to be extra special;

from the sky. When the wounded bear is closest to the

a brand new pigment is produced to make the leaves this

Earth in the fall, his blood trips onto the trees, giving them

color. Some trees, such as red maples and sourwoods,

their beautiful fall hues.

produce anthocyanin in their leaves during autumn, which is responsible for bright red hues. These beautiful scarlet

Obviously this legend is exactly that, a legend, but

pigments provide trees with protection to reabsorb

nonetheless it is an interesting take on why leaves change

nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium,

color. Scientifically, the beautiful colors of fall foliage

efficiently for the winter. All trees with any color of fall

appear as the amounts of certain pigments in the leaves

foliage collect nutrients, but bright sunlight can damage

change. As fall approaches, the amount of chlorophyll, a

the mechanisms in trees that take in nutrients. Red

green pigment responsible for photosynthesis, is reduced

anthocyanin can protect these tree parts. In fact, research

in tree leaves. This reduction of chlorophyll technically

studies have found trees with anthocyanin to absorb more

happens throughout a tree’s entire growing season, but

nutrients than trees without the pigment, propulsion and

the process is sped up in the fall. What is left behind after

rigid frames.

the chlorophyll is removed is carotenoid pigments that produce the yellows and oranges we all love. Howard Neufeld, Appalachian State University plant ecophysiology professor and fall foliage specialist, explains that beta carotene makes leaves orange (and carrots as well), and xanthophylls create yellow.

6 Just how bright the fall leaf colors are depends on a variety

Before the leaves fall this season, I encourage you to be a

of environmental factors. Sunny August and September

“leaf peeper” - a person who visits areas to appreciate

days allow leaves to produce abundant sugars, and cooler

beautiful fall foliage. Luckily, there are many places near

nights hold in more of these sugars for the leaves to use

the University of Illinois to leaf peep, and I have compiled

rather than the entire tree. This plethora of sugar

a list of recommendations from the Chambana Moms

encourages the production of the red producing pigment

website and my own experiences. Right on campus, the

anthocyanin. Also, Neufeld adds that trees must have

Quad, Arboretum, Illini Grove, and Japan House all offer

enough water to produce bright leaves, saying that drought

fantastic foliage. In Champaign, Kauffman Lake, Hessel

is an “enemy of a good fall.”

Park, and Mattis Park are great areas, In Urbana, Meadowbrook Park and Busse Woods are both beautiful.

Throughout the entire season, the tree has been forming an

My favorite two spots are Kauffman Lake and Busse

abscission layer, which is a layer of cells between a tree

Woods. A little further away, Lake of the Woods in

branch and a leaf that will protect the branch once the leaf

Mahomet, Allerton Park in Monticello, and Kickapoo State

is dropped. At the end of fall, leaves have lost their

Park in Oakwood are all beautiful as well.

chlorophyll and are not providing anything to the tree; thus, they fall off the tree. In some cases, the leaf will stay on the

No matter how close or far you can travel, I encourage

tree long enough for the carotenoids and anthocyanins to

you to get out and leaf peep soon. The Smoky Mountains

diminish, which results in the characteristic, end-of-fall

website offers a Fall Foliage Prediction Map that shows

brown leaves. The brown color comes from the pigment

when fall foliage will reach its peak brightness all around

tannin, which is found in the leaf cell membranes.

the United States depending on what date you choose to look at on the map. Central Illinois will reach its peak

In the future, climate change may affect fall foliage.

between October 19th and 26th, so head out and leaf

Increased droughts and temperatures can expedite the


coloring of some species of trees and slow it down in others. This phenomenon, Neufeld explains, will cause people to witness “different groups of trees turning color over an extended time” rather than all the trees changing at once. Also certain species of trees are threatened by invasive species and more sensitive to climate change, which could potentially lower their populations in forests. Other species of trees will likely move into these trees' habitats, which would change the colors of the leaves currently seen in autumn.

Green It Yourself: Bee Houses ANTONIO CISNEROS

Save the Bees has become such a popular phrase that’s plastered on clothing, social media, and everywhere in between but what does Save the Bees really mean and how can an individual do their part to save them? The easiest way to help these buzzing little creatures is to understand that these insects keep our ecosystems running and that you shouldn’t be afraid of them, or worse, try to get rid of them. However, if you’re interested in going to the extra step to help these little guys out and boosting your garden yields then building a beehouse may be the perfect project for you. Beehouses are meant to house solitary bees like Mason and Leafcutter bees as opposed to honey bees who prefer to live in hives. Building and maintaining proper upkeep of these houses can help protect threatened species that do not sting, are non-aggressive, and are 120% more effective at pollination plants than honey bees. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create and maintain your own Beehouse.


1. Gather all your materials and get situated in a comfortable location where you can assemble your Beehouse. Since you’re using a power tool a garage or outdoor workbench may be optimal for this project.


2. Set one piece of wood aside since this will be used last and we do not want to get it confused with the others. Using your power drill (equipped with an appropriately sized drill bit) drill two holes at the corners of the same edge of four of the 6” pieces. These holes will be used to fasten the Beehouse with screws without splitting or cracking the wood.

4. Grab the piece of wood we set aside earlier, this will act as your backing to your Beehouse. Using a drill bit, drill 4 holes at each corner of the piece of wood then swap out your drill bit for a Phillips screwdriver bit and drill a screw into each of these holes connecting your backplate to the four pieces. The end result should look like a box with no lid.

6. Pick a spot to hang up your new Beehouse! When selecting a location it’s important to keep a few things in mind. The first is to pick a location that is 56 ft off the ground that faces East. Facing the front of your Beehouse towards the East will help warm bees before they begin their day of pollinating. Additionally, selecting a drier location will help prevent the growth of mold and mildew we recommend placing it under the awnings of your home. Placing your home in a diagonal shape will position will also prevent pooling water in your Beehome. Finally, make sure to check up on your Bees! A Beehouse requires low levels of maintenance that involves removing infected and walled up bamboo shoots.

3. Place two pieces of wood together at their edges making sure to match a drilled edge with a non drilled edge. At this point equip your power drill with a Phillips screwdriver bit and screw into each hole making sure it drives through into the other piece of wood. This should connect the two pieces together giving you two sides of a box. Repeat this process until all four sides are connected.

5. Pack your bamboo shoots and sticks into your Beehouse until they are unable to fall out on their own. This ensures storms or heavy winds won’t knock them out while still giving you the option to remove and replace bamboo shoots.


Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands ALEXANDRA SCHNEEBERGER



A Guide to Navigating the World of Fast Fashion ZOE HUSPEN As the seasons change, so does our fashion. Fast fashion has risen to the front of the mainstream clothing community because it is clothing that is typically trendy and extremely affordable for the everyday consumer. For example, CEO of popular brand Fashion Nova stated that the company launches over 600 to 900 new styles every week. The latest trends come and go so quickly that fast fashion brands are incentivized to create the cheapest clothing at the fastest pace. Nearly three-fifths of all clothing ends up in incinerators or landfills within a year of being produced. The problem with this constant churning of clothing production is that these companies can resort to child labor and unsafe working conditions to get the job done. Faster production can result in compromising the safety of the industry workers and cutting corners on environmental regulations. The quality of clothing can also be compromised because it is not made to last. More than 60 percent of fabric fibers are now synthetics, derived from fossil fuels, so if and when our clothing ends up in landfill, it will not decay. These ethical decisions can be hard to navigate as an average consumer, so here is a guide of where to start on your journey to become a more sustainable clothing shopper. Do your research! A lot of clothing companies can mislead consumers by promoting their brand as "sustainable" when it really is not. This practice is called "greenwashing", where these brands make empty promises of more environmentally friendly clothing production that mislead shoppers. Doing a quick internet search on one of your favorite clothing brands can give you a summary of how they approach sustainability. There are also different websites that rate the ethics and sustainability of popular mainstream clothing brands, which can be a useful tool for consumers. Consider buying second-hand clothing. Thrift shopping has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. There is also some debate on the ethics of thrift shopping based on clothing availability and socio-economic status, but it is a place to start on your clothing journey. Your local thrift stores typically take donations, which means there is a high volume of clothing available at these locations. Even thrift stores like Goodwill have a lot of clothing that needs to be cycled through the racks. If you have a good eye for fashion, you can spot unique, vintage clothing at thrift stores that are made to last longer. Try to find new sustainable clothing brands to invest in if you can. Brands like Reformation and Patagonia have come into the spotlight in recent years for their efforts to become more sustainable brands. The difficulty for the consumer is that these quality items tend to come at a higher price. This is not necessarily a viable option for every demographic. This would be considered more of a return on investment for sustainability.

Shopping ethically is a constant struggle in a consumption-based society, but we have to try and start somewhere. Education is a powerful tool for consumers to become more conscious of their shopping patterns and the consequences of those decisions. The demands of shoppers will drive the clothing brand production, so they carry an influence to sway the production processes long-term. My hope is that as a consumer you will have a better understanding of how your clothing is produced moving forward to help you make more informed decisions about where to shop.



I slip under a low wooden bar Sidestepping vagrants near the door Low lights grow feverishly I think it’s light pollution My shoe kicks an empty can The frost of my drink chills my lips Liquid surges over my nerves It must be water pollution A spark clicks on next to me While a dull haze consumes the room Like the London Fog of ‘52 I think it’s air pollution Drums pick up a rhythm The guitar rings in my ear And the bass hums along too To make some noise pollution


Mother Nature LUCY QUINN

Comparing climate policy: Biden vs. Trump and why your vote matters!



In the midst of a global pandemic, one of the

First, let’s take a look at the Biden and Harris

largest social justice movements in history, and

campaign and their plans to combat climate change.

altered daily routines for many Americans, we also

A few of Biden’s goals include putting the US on track

have an election to think about and it couldn’t be

to be net-zero emissions by 2050, standing up for

more important.

communities of color who have been targeted by corporations and their environmental hazards while

2020 has also been an intense year as far as

also beginning an economic transition to renewable

natural disasters across the US. This hurricane

energy. One of the main obstacles to environmental

season produced so many storms that we ran out

protection is the idea that the economy will tank as a

of letters in the alphabet to give them all names;

result. Biden hopes that with proper funding and

this hasn’t happened since 2005. Wildfires ravaged

resources we can make innovation possible without

the West coast, transforming the surrounding

leaving people out of work. He also believes the

atmosphere to a terrifying red hue. Even the

Green New Deal to be a powerful step in the right

midwest got hit with a rare storm. An “inland

direction and plans to expand our clean-energy

hurricane” ripped across Iowa and parts of Illinois


near the city of Chicago. The resulting tornadoes left behind millions of dollars in storm damage and

On the other hand, Trump has a long track record of

put thousands out of power.

denying climate change. He withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accords and promoted

The reality is, climate change isn’t going away, in

the continued use of coal. Over the past four years

fact this is just the beginning. As a society, we

he’s rolled back at least 68 environmental policies

must decide how we are going to handle climate change before it’s too late. The upcoming election is so important because environmental issues are finally widely recognized problems in the US and it’s essential to be an informed voter with so much at stake.

with 23 more still in progress. He loosened many Obama-era





emissions, clean air, water, and toxins. While he claims






decreased during his term, that is mostly due to the rapid technological innovation we’ve been seeing in the past decade, not his policy changes. Electric cars have steadily improved since 2010 and coal is also declining in use. During the recent presidential debate Mike Pence even responded to a climate related question by simply saying, “yes, the climate is changing.” It’s clear the Trump administration has failed to address and acknowledge that climate change is a human caused issue.


This upcoming election is vital because the future of our planet and our lives are on the table and it cannot wait. The UN has stated that we have approximately ten years to reverse or reduce the effects of climate change and keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius. So what will the next four years look like if either Joe Biden or Donald Trump is elected? The outcomes could be drastically different. With Donald Trump already openly stating that climate change is “an expensive hoax” and denying human influence on our climate, the next four years look pretty bleak. Joe Biden on the other hand, even though he doesn’t fully support the Green New Deal, he has a 2 trillion dollar plan to take action against climate change.

The bottom line is, we can’t afford to wait. The environment can’t wait. The federal National Climate Assessment even claimed that “moderate warming could cost the American economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year by the century’s end.” It’s sometimes difficult to actually quantify everything nature does for us, but it’s much more than we could possibly know. Ignoring climate change altogether actually might end up being more costly than dealing with it now while we still have time. Please, vote wisely.





What’s spookier than the enormous amount of waste we produce during the Halloween season? Make a pledge to go green this Halloween and celebrate sustainably. Here are some tips to help you get started! Just click on each idea you’re interested in for more information:

1. Donate your pumpkins to a local zoo 2. Thrift your costumes 3. Host a costume swap 4. Purchase local fall goodies 5. Roast your pumpkin seeds 6. Recycle your candy wrappers 7. Make your own face paint 8. Serve seasonal fruits and veggies 9. DIY your decor 10. Donate unwanted warm clothing 11. Learn how to preserve 12. Make your own candle 13. Compost pumpkins and gourds


Looking at Lawns: Urbana Supports its Pollinators! EMMA RODER

Let’s talk about lawn culture. In America’s suburbia, a clipped, uniform lawn has become the gold standard for yards everywhere. It may seem silly to nonhomeowners, but keeping a well-manicured lawn is seen as crucial to the fabric of a community. Some Homeowner’s Associations around the U.S. have even gone so far as to regulate the appearance of people’s front yards. Tall fescue type grass: a must. Regular weeding: essential. Tastefully minimalist flower arrangements: absolutely vital. That last requirement I find downright criminal for one reason. 1) The Bees! These types of regulations have a serious impact on pollinators living, working, and pollinating in the area. Luckily the lovely Urbana, Illinois has no such restrictions on their lawns! My newfound hobby of walking has led me on a botanical tour through the residential campus town and I’ve seen some incredibly colorful and biologically diverse front yards that always have the bees buzzing. All of these yards have their own unique take on Horticulture, but I want to rate the most common Pro-Pollinator plants I’ve come across in the neighborhood.

First up, the Purple Illusion. More commonly known as “Spike Speedwells,” this vibrant beauty is the perfect accent flower that Urbana homes adore. I wondered why I often see these bush-like bundles on the edge of front yards until I found out that they are frequently used to ward off deer. Through my observations, they appear to be attractive to all pollinators but are particularly compelling for butterflies. 10/10 for these multi talented little guys!

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Another staple of Urbana front yards is the classic white hydrangea. Hydrangeas come in a variety of

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colors but I’ve seen that white hydrangeas are popular because they don’t clash with the color scheme of the rest of the lawn. These bushes are especially large, some reach up to five feet tall. It seems that Urbana hydrangeas are all fertile because they are always surrounded by the most bees in every yard I find them. 12/10 to these hardworking girls!

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My final rate of the day is of the coneflower. This breed of daisy is perhaps the most common flower I see on my trips through the neighborhood and it’s easy to see why! They come in a variety of heights and colors, perfect for any arrangements you might need. The perfect pop of color and they attract every pollinator in the book. Hummingbird and bees and butterflies, oh my! One of my favorites for sure. 15/10 for that biological versatility!

With Fall in full swing, Urbana lawns have started uprooting in preparation for another cold winter. But if you get the chance on a random 80-degree afternoon, treat yourself to a walk and take a gander at some lovely, pollinator-friendly lawns!

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