1 minute read

Lampiran D. Tanggapan atas temuan dari KPMG Kanada

Thank you for your inquiry.

The questions that you have posed in your report pertain to the Kalimantan mill expansion. KPMG was hired by APRIL Group’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee to provide limited assurance over the Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0 commitments specific to APRIL’s supply chain for its Kerinci mill. The scope of our assessment does not include the broader RGE Group or other mills. We are therefore unable to comment on your findings.

KPMG in Canada is committed to delivering high-quality services in accordance with applicable regulated and international standards and independence requirements.

We objectively report on the SFMP 2.0 commitments that we have been asked to measure against and are currently in the process of reporting on APRIL’s activities during 2022. As part of this transparent process, all third-party assurance findings are made publicly available.

Katarina Lukich (she/her) ESG Communications National Marketing &


KPMG Management Services LP klukich@kpmg.ca

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