Summery of Summer

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greensboro boys & girls club project

07|25|12 1

making a complex 4

5 materiality


next steps 2


interior|plan & elevations

1 2 3


materiality written summary of explorations / questions


pre-departure scheme

materiality | 4

here’s what we did in order to address the issue of the boys & girls club not feeling like part of the grc complex we began by exploring the addition of brick to the new building. with brick now part of the material palette we then had to re-address the issue of materiality for the connector. we tested multiple combinations of alternative woods (either cedar or cyprus), hardie board, and brick.

post-departure/pre-vendrell | exterior material explorations

materiality | 5

pre-vendrell schemes | west elevation

materiality | 6

osb + cyprus

brick + cyprus

brick (below soffit) + cyprus pre-vendrell schemes | east elevation & connector

materiality | 7

all hardie board

hardie board (below soffit) + osb

all cyprus pre-vendrell schemes | east elevation & connector

materiality | 8

here’s what we thought after analyzing these iterations, we thought that brick was worth pursuing as part of the material palette, though we remained unsure how much was appropriate on the west facade. we realized that brick could solve our issue of materiality on the east facade and interior walls of the connector as well. the only problem that remained was we would still need a third material for the ceiling of the connector and soffits. in trying to keep with our diagram of the building and a minimal material palette, we did not feel it was appropriate to introduce a fourth material such as hardie board, especially since we learned it would not be able to replace the gypsum board needed for the fire rating of the wall/roof assemblies. so our solution was to continue using osb for these conditions, therefore retaining a continuity of overhead planes from interior to exterior. the use of brick, then, would be maximized to the 8-foot datum line on all walls not clad in metal.

post-departure/pre-vendrell | exterior material explorations

materiality | 9

here’s what we did vendrell to the rescue! with the arrival of vendrell, we were encouraged to continue exploring the use of brick on the boys & girls club as one strategy for making it feel like part of the complex. however, as an alternative (second) strategy we considered the idea of applying metal to the grc as we realized that brick on the boys & girls club may not be the solution for tying the two buildings together after all. so here’s how we refer to the strategies: strategy 1: brick on blue strategy 2: blue on brick

with vendrell | brick explorations

materiality |10

with vendrell schemes | west elevation | brick on blue option 1

materiality |11

with vendrell schemes | west elevation | brick on blue option 2

materiality |12

with vendrell schemes | west elevation | brick on blue option 3

materiality |13

with vendrell schemes | west elevation | blue on brick

materiality |14

here’s what we thought in exploring brick, we found ourselves constantly struggling with deciding how much brick on the boys & girls club was enough for it to feel like part of a complex. a proper balance could not be determined, and we realized the decision would remain too arbitrary. furthermore, we realized that it would be impossible to completely match new brick to the old brick of the grc. also, the issue of materiality of the connector arose again, and we determined that in order to stay true to the diagram of the building and create a cohesive aesthetic, brick would not be appropriate for the interior of the connector since it would be incapable of being applied everywhere (walls and ceilings/soffits). however, we did determine through the exploration of the “blue on brick� strategy that there just might be other elements that could help unify the two buildings and create the look of a complex.

with vendrell | brick explorations

materiality |15

here’s what we did so we trudged along, more determined than ever to solve this materiality problem and the issue of creating a unified complex. we re-directed our focus on using wood (we’re thinking cyprus) as the secondary exterior material and explored its application as a rain screen both in the horizontal and vertical directions. we realized through the exploration of brick that if a second material was to be introduced on the west facade, it must really be applied with meaning. it couldn’t conflict with the “bite out of the apple” diagram! so we explored following the diagram of the east side of the building on the west. finally, now without brick in the equation, we had to figure out what can make a complex. we determined these elements to be (1) similar colors, (2) landscape, (3) similar scale of additions, and (4) signage. with additional criteria we then explored how to make a complex.

with vendrell | exterior material explorations

materiality |16

with vendrell | exterior material explorations

materiality |17

with vendrell schemes | exterior material explorations

materiality |18

with vendrell schemes | making a complex

materiality |19

with vendrell schemes | making a complex

materiality |20

with vendrell schemes | making a complex

materiality |21

with vendrell schemes | making a complex

materiality |22

where we are we believe that the strategies of using similar colors, landscape, scale additions, and signage will tie the GRC and BGC together as a complex. color: repaint the around the GRC windows to match the BGC (especially shared gym) landscape: define boudaries and edges for the site with plants and materials. adding layers of depth with trees, bushes, etc. signage: we decided signage placed on the buildings worked well with building facades on the site and that signs placed as objects on the site didn’t work as well if they didn’t seve additional purposes.



courtyard& connector we have had a difficult time designing the triangular space between the gym and the BGC trying figure out what we could fill it with or what would happen there. much like before, when there was a solid wall on the west side of the connector, there was too much separation between the space inside the connector and the space between the gym. what we decided to do was reduce the size of the west wall in plan and inset Ron’s office (much like the east wall) so now there is a soffit condition on the west that extends from the entry to the wall of the connector. this better ties the inbetween space with the entry and courtyard and the connector.


courtyard/connector | 25

courtyard/connector | 26

courtyard/connector | 27

courtyard/connector | 28

courtyard/connector | 29

courtyard/connector | 30

where we are the location of Ron’s office window had to change because his office was inset further in the building leaving little room for the window to go on the short wall in his office. the location of the window on the wall needs to be decided. the seating and strategy for covering up the a/c is curretntly the same cyprus that would be used on the building but more exploration is needed. surface conditions are still grass, gravel, and concrete but more exploration is needed.



interior the interior strategies haven’t changed all that much. most of the changes are in response to the changes that happened in the connector. However, we did explore the cubby wall elevations before Vendrell to make them read more with diagram and the placement of the vending machines.


plan |33

cubby wall |34

vending machine placement |35

vending machine placement | 36

where we are we decided on the last cubby wall option that makes the cubbies stop at the windows and makes thickness around the cubbies to make them look carved. the final vending machine placement we’ve decided to go with is set inside the cubby wall allowing maximum visibility and flexibility in the snack room.



section the explorations we have done in section have tested the dropped ceiling condition, lighting strategy, skylights and the western soffit condition.


upper left

upper right

dropped ceiling |39

dropped ceiling | 40

scheme 1

scheme 2a&b

skylights | 41

scheme 1

scheme 2a

scheme 2b

scheme 1 - consists of SUNTUF® Corrugated Polycarbonate Sheet that matches the PBR roof profile on the exterior and has glazing inserted in the roof beneath the membrane *we have 9” and 12“ samples scheme 2a - deck mounting is a skylight system that sits underneath the roofing system reducing protrusion height (only specified for shingled roofs) scheme 2b - curb mounting with this system the skylight and flashing is mounted on top

skylights | 42

where we are • dropped ceiling: we decided the dropped ceiling made the most sense extending only over the snack room allowing the entry height to be higher and possibly allowing more light in. • lighting: will discuss in packet • skylights: scheme 2a & b both protrude out of the roof which we found disrupted the aesthetic of the roof rapping and becoming a wall. as well they do not fit into the language of how we make openings into the building. scheme 2a also was only specified for shingled roofs and the total cost of scheme 2b including mounting hardware and glazing came to $444.55 per skylight. we decided scheme 1 will work best because it fits better with diagram, it will be easier for us to install, and it will potentially be much cheaper.



next steps • talk with xavier: he offered to ask one of his consultants this week to help us figure out the most appropriate way to get general and task lighting in the classroom. • talk with paul stoller: he offered to talk with us friday we have questions for him regarding lighting, bathroom venting, heating and cooling, etc... we have to catch him up he hasn’t seen anything since alpolic. • talk with joe: we need to ask joe about the structural implications for our proposal for the connector and its code compliance also a few issues with the general section.(example ada drawing set) • talk with gaines hall: acoustic considerations • get together a donation packet • continue drawings for ada review • making a complex interventions (possible neck down work)


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