Shalom Greensboro June/July 2016

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A Publication of the Greensboro Jewish Federation, Greensboro, North Carolina

VOL. 41, NO. 10 - JUNE 2016, SIVAN-TAMMUZ- 5776


Greensboro Jewish Federation Annual Meeting

Impacting Jewish Lives Engaging our Jewish Community

Sara Lee Saperstein, Cathy Levinson and Susan Gutterman Andy Rosen, Graham Sheridan and Marshall Tuck

Steve Shavitz

Corie Hampton and Mamie Todaro

Keith Rosen, outgoing Federation President, presents incoming President Marc Isaacson with a gift during GJF Annual Meeting

A packed house

A Vision for the Future with President Marc Isaacson more on page 3 Page 3 - Annual Meeting


Page 4 - Spring Women's Events Engage All Ages! Page 5 New Board Members for Foundation



June - Aug. 2016

Executive Director’s Column

"Because I Know Ivan"

SHALOM GREENSBORO WWW.SHALOMGREENSBORO.ORG 2016-2017 FEDERATION OFFICERS Marc Isaacson Sue Simmons Andrew Brod Jenny Kaiser Tammi Thurm Victoria Milstein Arthur Samet Kevin Witriol

President President Elect Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer


MARILYN CHANDLER, ext. 236 Executive Director EMILY GRAY, ext. 237 Assistant Director MICHELE PERRELL, ext. 231 Director of Finance and Human Resources JUDI ROSSABI, ext. 229 Communications and Corporate Partnership Manager DIANNE HINES, ext. 233 Campaign and Program Associate EMPERATRIZ PEREZ, ext. 230 Accounting Assistant HANNAH HENZA, ext. 221 Program Coordinator GABRIEL FRAIRE, 681-7227 Federation Editor/Graphic Designer CHRISTINA SHIFFLER, ext. 238 Office and Database Administrator JEWISH FOUNDATION OF GREENSBORO SUSAN R. GUTTERMAN, 852-0099 Endowment Director MARYANN KINGSMILL, Stewardship, Program, and Communications Coordinator 294-0846 DEBORAH LINDLEY, 852-8462 Senior Financial and Technology Associate JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES MAIN NUMBER, 852-4829 BETSY GAMBURG, ext. 225 JFS Director DAVID FRAZIER, ext. 227 Volunteer Coordinator KATY CLAUSSEN, ext. 228 Chai Notes Facilitator MARLENE BARUCH, ext. 224 Congregational Nurse MARCIA HERMELIN, ext. 222 Administrative Assistant DEBORAH FRISCO, ext. 226 Clinical Social Worker

Shalom Greensboro is published ten times a year from September through May, and June/July, by the Greensboro Jewish Federation, 5509-C West Friendly Ave., Guilford Corporate Park, Greensboro, NC 27410-4211. Telephone: (336) 852-5433. Fax: (336) 852-4346. Its purpose is to provide informational and educational coverage of Jewish news, events and programs in the greater Greensboro and Guilford County areas. Delivery is on or before the first of the month. News of communitywide activities are welcome but must be submitted by email to: jfededitor@ Photographs are accepted accompanied by captions. Please include the date, the contact person and a phone number with your articles and photographs.

By Marilyn Forman Chandler, Executive Director, Greensboro Jewish Federation “Because I know Ivan” We were all sitting in Joy Shavitz’ living room, the recent travelers from the Interfaith Study Mission to Israel. We asked everyone to share memories Marilyn Forman from the trip; Chandler how the trip had made a difference in their personal and professional lives and how each individual was willing to make a difference in Greensboro. We asked everyone to write a letter addressed to themselves, answering these questions, that will be mailed back to him/her after six months or one year. Some individuals spoke about how the trip had opened hearts, souls, and minds in a very profound way and that they were afraid would close back up. What should we do with the energy within each of us? Some offered suggestions about programs we could do here at home like joint Muslim/Jewish solar panel projects, church dinners, bringing Israeli peace seekers to Greensboro. Still others suggested we try to model volunteer programs in Greensboro after ones we had seen in Israel like Lifeline for the Elderly and the Ethiopian National Project. We spent a long time talking about how to spread the word about commUNITY and how we can look past people who aren’t like you to see their humanity. I thought I would share one particular story because it relates to recent horrific

events in Florida. Rev. Odell Cleveland, the co-chair of the mission with Nancy Brenner, related a phone call he received. “There was a message on my answering machine at the church from an African American man, saying he was gay and was in a relationship with a trans woman who was white.” The man was very upset, suggesting that there was no place for him to be taken in and made to feel welcome at the church where Rev. Cleveland is Chief Administrative Officer. Rev. Cleveland hesitated but for a moment because there really wasn’t a place for the man and his partner at the church. But, then, he said to himself: “I know Ivan. I was with him for ten days in Israel and he has become my friend. I said to myself, call the man.” And he did. Not only that, but Rev. Cleveland asked the upset caller to come to visit him at the church so that they could talk about his concerns. Because “I know Ivan.” More than that, Rev. Cleveland went and advocated on the man’s behalf before his pastor. Rev. Cleveland, invited the man to join him as his special guest in church on the following Sunday and the man did.” Because “I know Ivan.” Ivan Canada, costaff of the mission, is Executive Director of NCCJ and also straddles many worlds in our community as a gay man and member of the African American and Caucasian communities. Rev. Jason Caldwell, also a participant on our mission, used the word UBUNTU, and spoke about its importance. It is an African word meaning human-ness or human kindness and literally means: “I am, because you are” or “I am what I am because of who we all are.” We humans are responsible for experiencing ourselves through a lens of humanity that is different from our own lens, enabling us to experience humanity at a different level. I have been thinking a lot about Rev. Cleveland’s statement: “I know Ivan.” Don’t we all? I sat glued to my

iPhone and then computer and finally the television, reading and watching the daunting news of the heinous mass shooting of innocent individuals in a gay nightclub in Orlando. Reports have indicated that the shooter allegedly was known to harbor bias sentiments against several different classes including homosexuals, African American and Jewish people. It is high time we all take an inner look at ourselves and vow that because we too “know Ivan” we will do something to swim against the rising tide of baseless hatred, name calling, stereotyping and the like. ORL ANDO

In his statement following the Orlando attack, President Obama offered these words: “Attacks on any American regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation is an attack on all of us and on the fundamental values of equality and dignity that define us as a country.” Federation President Marc Isaacson and I released the following statement: “The Greensboro Jewish Federation was horrified by the senseless act of violence that occurred in Orlando. An assault on anyone who values freedom, this event must strengthen our resolve to fight for human rights and dignity in every community and in every corner of the globe.“ And I too know Ivan. I am proud to be called his friend.

Israeli Scouts making a surprise visit to the Annual meeting.



Remarks by Federation President Marc Isaacson


y vision for the next two years is to focus our efforts on two key areas: impacting Jewish lives and engaging our Jewish community. In every decision we make as a Federation, we will consider those two purposes, and I will ask a Board member or staff representative to start every meeting with a short recounting of how we have accomplished one of those goals during the time since our last meeting.

I had the privilege to grow up in this Jewish community and took it for granted at the time. Since then, I have been involved in my Temple, raised a family here and have traveled to other places and have seen how other Jewish organizations have been involved in their communities.

Marc Isaacson

Our predecessors have worked to build this Jewish community as something unique and special. We swing above our weight class.

Our community is relatively small but very effective, and we are respected for that around the world. We all benefit from their hard and intelligent work. We will continue to build on this commitment to make an impact on Jewish lives both here and around the world. Our efforts today follow in the footsteps of some of the best people with whom I have had the privilege to work, including my predecessors - Keith Rosen, Steve Shavitz, Frank Brenner and Susan Robinson – just to name a few. And of course it’s hard to tell Marilyn No when she asks for anything. Our Jewish community and our Federation are in a transition period. We have lost some key leaders in our community through death and job relocations. We have also had staff

Annual Meeting Report COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT FUND In Memory Of: Of: Aron Katz From: Natalie Mapou Of: Irving Chandler From: Dana Rosen

transitions at Federation. Now is the time to step back and revisit our core mission and purpose. I want to thank you for entrusting me with the leadership of the Greensboro Jewish Federation. I will do my best to continue to earn your confidence and will try to leave it better than I found it.



June - Aug. 2016

Women’s Philanthropy Completes a Series of Great Events for 2015-16


rom an art and architecture tour of historical downtown Greensboro with guest speaker Kathy Manning to a fabulous dinner and show at Community Theatre of Greensboro to exploring the latest trends in cocktails and mixology, Greensboro Jewish women enjoyed a year of building community, camaraderie and classical good times. With record-breaking participation and innovative programming, the series of events helped to showcase Greensboro Jewish Women’s Philanthropy at its best. Look for more exciting events for fall in our newsletter. Thank you to all who participated in any women's events this year! Debi Silber, Nancy Hoffman, Ellen Fischer

Former Women’s Campaign Chairs enjoy Gypsy event at CTG on May 11. Front row: Kathy Manning, Emily Kranz, Joan Samet, Phyllis Shavitz, Shelly Weiner, Irene Cohen. Back Row: Susan Robinson, Ellen Samet, Ellen Fischer, Tobee Kaplan, Gail LeBauer, Tammi Thurm, Corky Segal, Sue Simmons, Jenny Kaiser

Shelley Weiner, Judy Hyman, Jenny Kaiser, and Barbara Barrett

Cindy Hoff, Muriel Hoff

Robin Lecin, Lisa Shapiro, Irene Cohen, and Hannah Henza.

Sharon Segall, Marion Ruderman, Abby Feinstein

Photos from Art and Architecture Event

Kathy Manning, Sue Simmons and Erin Rosen enjoy an evening of art and fun food at the VCM Studio.

Pam Haber, Laurie Regal and Arlene Beck with Art and Architecture event chair Amy Chrystal

Artist Victoria Milstein with Preservation Greensboro’s Benjamin Briggs.



Foundation Welcomes New Board Members Joyce Shuman Foundation Chair 2016 – 2018

“Having been born in Greensboro, this mission excites me so much, as I see it as an opportunity to make my beloved city even better! Born of New York transplants, I will always be grateful for their choosing Greensboro. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, and sister first. Also, I am a retired teacher and continue to be a community volunteer. I have served as president of Beth David Synagogue, Greensboro Hadassah, and North Carolina Hillel; chaired the Women’s Campaign for the Federation and currently volunteer at a local public school. In addition to volunteering, my passions are reading, bridge and exercising."

Freddy Robinson Freddy Robinson is a tax partner and has been with Bernard Robinson & Company for 40 years. He is responsible for tax-related services to individuals and closely held businesses. His areas of specialty include complex income tax issues, Internal Revenue Service examinations, mergers and acquisitions, business valuations, succession planning, estates and trusts, S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and investment planning . Freddy will serve as Vice Chair on the Board 2016 – 2018.

Sue Simmons Sue Simmons has been working in the nonprofit sector for over 18 years, most recently as Director of Development at the Center for Creative Leadership. Sue is President Elect of the Greensboro Jewish

Federation. In 2014 she chaired the Federation Women’s Campaign. Outside of the Jewish Community she serves as incoming board chair of Boundless Impact, a statewide board focused on global economic development for North Carolina. Sue is a facilitator for IMPACT Greensboro, a leadership program centered on diversity and inclusion funded by the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, and has facilitated sessions for CCL nonprofit clients for many years. Sue holds a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Communications from the University of Cincinnati. She and husband Gary, are the proud parents of B’nai Shalom graduates, Brent, a Sports Marketing Executive in Charlotte, and Kelsey, an Evaluation Associate with EnCompass in Washington, D.C.

Sam Cone Sam Cone is a financial consultant with Pinsker Wealth Management, an independent wealth and tax planning firm in Greensboro, N.C. Sam earned his JD cum laude from the New York University School of Law in 2008 and his BA with highest distinction in mathematics and philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2003, where he became a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Sam practiced law before joining Pinsker Wealth Management. Following law school, he was a law clerk to Justice Mark Martin of the NC Supreme Court, after which he practiced in the litigation group of Irell & Manella in Los Angeles, CA. Sam is active in the community and is presently involved with several non-profits devoted to youth health, gender equality, the Jewish community, and other causes. Sam is a certified professional stunt performer, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student, and roller derby official.

Tobee Kaplan

Tobee Kaplan has always set the pace for giving and has led the Greensboro Jewish community in establishing the concept of the National Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment for Women’s Division. Tobee has been a Lion since before 1985 and a LOJE since October 1999. As a member of Greensboro’s Beth David Synagogue and Temple Emanuel, she and her family were pioneers in the establishment of B’nai Shalom Jewish Day School. Tobee was instrumental in establishing Greensboro Jewish Family Services and through the generosity of Tobee and her husband Leonard, the vision grew to include the offices of the Greensboro Jewish Federation and its agencies. She has been a member of the Federation’s Board of Trustees, the Allocations Committee, and Campaign Chair for Women’s Division of the Greensboro Jewish Federation where she was honored as “Volunteer of the Year” in 1999. Recently, Tobee has provided the lead gift for the new Leonard J. Kaplan Wellness Center at UNCG in memory of her beloved husband, Leonard.


Todah Rabah

Jewish Family Services

We thank the following people for their contributions to Jewish Family Services. All contributions to JFS are used to support JFS programs and services and the Client Assistance fund unless otherwise specified by the donor. Jewish Family Services Jill and Richard Auslander Frederick Chalfin FNZ Foundation Romeo Club In Honor: Of: Elaine and Nick Stravella’s 25th anniversary From: Marilyn and Robert Chandler Of: Joan Samet From: Marilyn and Robert Chandler Of: David Frazier From: Madeline Reed In Memory: Of: Michael Riley From: Judy Hyman and Dick Rosen Food Pantry Beverly and Lawrence Brenowitz Greensboro Roller Derby Lynn Zimmerman In Honor: Of: Steve Shavitz being such a wonderful father and son From: Phyllis Shavitz Of: From:

the following for service as a JFS Board member Caroline Brown Michele Haber Jen Strasser Jewish Family Services

Of: From:

the following as a JFS Volunteer of the Year Carol Gillespie Paula Katz Audrey Krakovitz Jewish Family Services

Of: the following for service as a JFG Board member Barbara Barrett Mark Black Andrew Bowen Irene Cohen Victoria Milstein Erin Rosen Keith Rosen Todd Schwarz Corey Skolnick From: Jewish Foundation of Greensboro

Please join us for Paper Marbling A Chai Notes Art Workshop At Jewish Family Services 1:30-3:00 p.m. Monday, August 29, 2016.

A large class follows Tai Chi Instructor Mary Lou White's directions.

Tai Chi Classes In partnership with the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments, the JFS Congregational Nurse program began an eight week Tai Chi program at Jewish Family Services that is running now through June 22. Our participants are enjoying this gentle form of exercise while having fun and socializing and reaping the benefits of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a graceful, low-impact exercise that can benefit people of all ages. Practitioners use elegant, controlled movements as they flow from one pose to the next. Since Tai Chi is low-impact and puts minimal stress on muscles and joints, it is generally safe for all ages and fitness levels. It focuses on mental and spiritual aspects integrated into movement. The particular type of Tai Chi we are using was developed by Dr. Paul Lam and is specifically focused on the needs of older

adults. Evidence a suggests Tai Chi may also lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of falls. Additional benefits of Tai Chi include: • Decreased stress, anxiety and depression • Increased energy and stamina • Improved muscle strength • Improved balance and stability • Enhanced mental capacity and concentration • Promotes deep breathing • Increases overall well-being If you are interested in joining us in the future for another 8 session series, please contact Marlene Baruch, Congregational Nurse at 336-852-4829, ext. 224 or This program is funded in part through the BJH Foundation for Senior Services.

JFS Welcomes New Social Worker “I am glad to be on board” By Deborah Frisco, MSW, LCSW

health center. I started working with older adults in 2009 and have What a journey life worked with this population ever can be! I am very happy to since. Through the years I found have found the perfect place my niche with the older adult to work. Originally from population. Albany, New York, I moved I have lived in Greensboro to San Diego to attend San since February 1993. In my free Diego State University where time I love to spend time with I received an undergraduate my family and pets. I also love to degree in Liberal Arts for cook large meals for family and elementary education. I also friends. attended a post baccalaureate Deborah Frisco, new I am looking forward to JFS social worker getting to know more people in program at San Diego State University for my teaching the community and welcome credentials. After moving your calls. I am available to Greensboro, I attended the Joint MSW Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and will Program at A&T and UNCG where I be providing therapy, case management, earned my Master’s degree in Social Work. and information and referral. I can be Once I started in the social work field reached at 336-852-4829, ext. 226 or I was a child therapist at a county mental e-mail at

Van Fund Vivian Rosen

Please RSVP so we can guarantee supplies. Contact Katy Claussen, Chai Notes Facilitator: (336) 852-4829, ext. 228 Chai Notes is funded in part by the BJH Foundation for Senior Services.

Next JFS Employment Program: Struggling with a resume?

The Art Of The Resume Presented by Abby Donnelly Founder of the Leadership Legacy Group.

Wednesday, June 29 at 7:00 p.m. at JFS RSVP to Betsy Gamburg 852-4829, ext. 225 or bgamburg@ Chai Notes Film Series Presents:

Dancing in Jaffa

Thursday, July 21, 2:00 p.m. Carolina Estates, 4434 Old Battleground Road

In Honor: Of: Joan Samet From: Merrianne Leff We apologize if we have missed anyone’s contribution. Please call Jewish Family Services at 852-4829, ext. 222 if we missed you, and we will include you in the next issue. The minimum donation for each submission is $10.00. Thank you.

June - Aug. 2016

JFS has received three grants for next year. Pictured left are Sarah Detrano from Enterprise Holdings Foundation, seen here handing a $2000 mock check to Betsy Gamburg in support of the JFS van program. Pictured right are Katy Claussen (far left) of Chai Notes, Marleen Baruch, Congregational Nurse, Betsy Gamburg, Director, and Wendee Cutler, Executive Director of the BJH Foundation for Senior Services. The Foundation has awarded JFS more than $40,000 in support of these two programs.

Please RSVP: Contact Katy Claussen, Chai Notes Facilitator (336) 852-4829, ext. 228 Chai Notes is funded in part by the BJH Foundation for Senior Services.

Jewish Family Services


Celebrating Volunteering and Our Volunteers of the Year


reensboro Jewish participated in the Ruth Family Services relies and Morry Jacobs Jewish on the dedication and Community Blood commitment provided by Drive. Carol has headed our volunteers without up food collections for whom we could not serve the JFS food pantry our Greensboro Jewish and been the liaison for Community. We give you, that with the Chevrah our volunteers, a huge Torah group at Temple yasher koach! Emanuel. Carol has Volunteers of all ages, also worked tirelessly Paula Katz Carol Gillespie Audrey Krakovitz and together as families, in many capacities with JFS for over 8 years and has demonstrated have served in many the food pantry. She her leadership time and time again. ways—at our Senior Holiday Luncheons also participated in Rosh Hashanah and She has served on our Board for four with Beth David and Temple Emanuel, Pesach gift bag assembly and delivery terms and most recently served two assembling holiday gift bags and programs. With her contagious smile and years as the JFS Board Chair. She’ll delivering them, in the JFS Food Pantry, attitude to give unselfishly in service to continue on the Board in the capacity at Chanukah at Abbottswood, Christmas the Jewish community, Carol brings not at Cone and Wesley Long Hospitals, at the as Past Chair for another 2 year term. only ability but heart to every project. While on the Board she was the Board Interactive Resource Center, Greensboro Audrey Krakovitz came on Liaison to our Volunteer Coordinator Urban Ministries, the Center for New board with a long record of volunteer and, in that role, attended many JFS North Carolinians, Hot Dish and Hope, service to the community. With her programs and brainstormed new ideas Backpack Beginnings, the Barnabas extraordinary ability to recognize need for volunteer activities. She has also Network and many more. And we are and the leadership skills to achieve a served on sub-committees for the Board very proud of our teens who have served successful outcome, she has successfully and represented JFS on the Federation with the IRC clothing drive, painted at implemented many positive changes at Executive Committee. Paula has cothe local animal shelter, participated in the JFS Food Pantry. She helped develop chaired the Ruth and Morry Jacobs Jewish reading programs at local elementary a food preference chart to assist food Community Blood Drive and served on schools, helped at the Mitzvah Garden at recipients receive items they like and Temple Emanuel, and sorted, shelved, and that committee for three years. She has had a major role in helping JFS bring organized the JFS food pantry. We expect also worked in our food pantry. Paula’s A Simple Gesture to the entire Jewish good humor, her insight into people, her volunteer service hours to total 2,350 community. Audrey also regularly stocks energy, and her very warm and caring hours this year and, calculated at the the pantry, helps re-distribute food to heart have enabled JFS to grow and do so recommended national hourly volunteer other pantries, and bags the groceries for much in the community. rate of $19 per hour, that’s a savings of our clients. She is the Chair of the JFS $44,650 for our community! Carol Gillespie has worked with Food Task Force. We are grateful for her In keeping with tradition, we have a myriad of volunteer projects over the service and look forward to working with selected three volunteers of the year— years including the Rosh Hashanah her on many future projects. Paula Katz, Carol Gillespie, and Senior Luncheon, the Passover Senior The Talmud says, “When you save one Audrey Krakovitz for their extraordinary Luncheon, the JFS Volunteer Luncheon, life it is as if you saved the entire world.” service. been a point person for Christmas at Saving a life takes on many forms and is Cone and Wesley Long Hospitals and what our volunteers do each and every day. Paula Katz has been a volunteer at

JFS Chai Notes presents: Lomir Zingen Yiddish Music Mon., July 18 at 2:30 p.m. at Abbotswood (in the Theater). Open to all in our community who enjoy Yiddish. Call Katy Claussen at 852-4829, ext. 228 or kclaussen@

A VOLUNTEER LUNCH TO REMEMBER! Jewish Family Services Thanks

BRAVO CUCINA Friendly Shopping Center

Mitzvah Day in Action

Mitzvah Day Singers led by Katy Claussen perform for residents at Heritage Greens. Group shot of volunteers from several Mitzvah Day Projects.

Barbara Teichman, front center, was captain for the Reading Connections project at Temple Emanuel.

Co-Chair Karen Kaplan keeping it a family affair as representative of the Mitzvah Day Committee.

Youth volunteers preparing treat boxes for Cookies for Community Helpers.



Campaign Donors WOMEN Lynne Abramowitz Elaine Abrams Rose Ackermann Marion Adams Agape Faith Church Jimmie Agnew Judith Altman Valerie Amsterdam Marilyn Anderson Mindy Andrews Elizabeth Applebaum Meredith Arkin Lori Attias Helene AvrahamKatz Jennifer Badik Linda Baggish Helene Bargebuhr Barbara Barrett Marlene Baruch Heather Benson Merrily Benson Marty Bergman June Bergstein Mary Berkelhammer Sylvia Berkelhammer Ellen Berlin Zelda Bernard Clara Jean Berry Linda Betheil Raisa Beyder Judith Bleiberg Ruth Bloomfield B’nai Shalom Synagogue Pre-School Laurie Bober Faina Bochkis Fran Bombart Laura Bonasia Stephanie Bourland Andrea Bowen Nancy Brenner Zelda Breslow Gail Bretan Mindy Brewer Andrea Calhoun Emily Chadbourne Dori Chandler Hallie Chandler Marilyn Chandler Shira Chandler Marilyn Cherry Amy Chrystal Eileen Claussen Lynne Clawson Selma Clein Elaine Cohen Donna Cohen Irene Cohen Liz Cohen Rachel Cohen Sandy and Max Cohen Barbara Cone Rene Cone

Sally Cone Dahlia Crater Sylvia Curtis Wendee Cutler Rachel Darrow Cheryl David Jackie Davidowitz Marlene Davis Joanna Delman Jennifer Delman Sherry Dickstein Marion Dintenfass Jeri D'Lugin Brenda Dodd Karen Dresser Anne Dumont Yvonne Evans Joan Fachler Orren Falk Diane Falkowitz Mankie Fedler Susan Feibelman Abby Feinstein Susan Feldman Marilyn FeuchsMarker Janis Fields Kay Fields Ellen Fischer Elizabeth Fishbeyn Ilene Fisher Terri FlamGoldberg Linda Fleishman Pnina Fogel Amanda Fonorow Phyllis Forman Betsy Fox Shirley Freedman Laura Friedman Elvira Gabitov Betsy Gamburg Joan Ganz Renee Garfinkel Ellen Gefen Ellen Gerber Elaine Germain Amy Gers Carol Gillespie Marion Gilligan Jodie Gisser Marsha Glazman Wilma Glick Pamela Goldberg Ellen Goldenberg Julie Goldfarb Sandra Goldman Phyllis Goldman Yael Goldschmidt Laura Goldstein Nikki Goldstein Diane Goldstein Martha Golensky Michele Gordon Sara Gordon Geraldine Goss Susan Gottsegen Joan Gould Karen Gould Ronnie Grabon Emily Gray Ellen Green

Susan Green Eleanor Greenberg Sandra Greene Hope Gruber Nancy Gutterman Susan Gutterman Nancy Guttman Rita Guyes Michele Haber Gladys Haber Pamela Haber Amy Hager Sheila Hall Corie Hampton Risa Hanau Lenore Harrison Lillian Helpern Ronnie Herbst Marcia Hermelin Dianne Hines Sharon Hines Cindy Hoff Muriel Hoff Sara Lynch Hoffman Nancy Hoffmann Marcia Horowitz Anita Hyman Janice Hyman Judith R. Hyman Dora Il'yasova Dori Jalazo Adrienne Johnson Paula Justice Ann Kabel Miriam Kaftal Fern Kahn Chagit Kahn Karen Kahn Alice Kaiser Jenny Kaiser Sharon Kaiser Shirley Kamenetz Courtney Kamlet Audrey Kane Carole Kaplan Eva Kaplan Maeve Kaplan Naomi Kaplan Tobee Kaplan Harriett Karesh Jeanette Katz Laurie Katz Paula Katz Sandra Kaye Sandra L. Kaye Genya Kazakov Svetlana Khanatayev Vicki Kilimanjaro Mila Kilimnik Maryann Kingsmill Deborah Kintzing Betty Kittner Audrey Krakovitz Emily Kranz Kathy Kraus Sandy Krellen Jane Kriegsman Judy Kriegsman Carole Krusch Mindy Kutchei

Marina Kyazimova Donna LaBranch Lisa Lasovsky Joslin LeBauer Robin Lecin Agnes Lee Merrianne Leff AJ Lefkowitz Marley Lerner Simara Levi Carol Levin Karen Levin Mimi Levin Renee Levine Cathy Levinson Erica LevitinBrowne Jan Levy Jane Levy Arlene Lieb Ester Lieberman Eleanor Liebowitz Mechelle Lindenberg Deborah Lindley Elisa Liss Laura Lloyd Tace Loeb Dani Luft Susan Lutins Lynn MacDonald Joanne Madorno Sarah Malino Bea Mandel Patricia Mandelstamm Bobbie Mann Kathy Manning and Randall Kaplan Patsy Manning Natalie Mapou Wendy Massey Jill Masters Amanda Mbuvi Blaire McClanahan Arlene McKane Mica Silber Medoff Dale Meltzer Lois Mezer Sharman Michaelson Bonnie Miller Debby Miller Susan Milman Victoria Milstein Marissa Milstein Bunny Moff Cynthia Murinson Joan Muss Emma Myatt Barbara Myers Judith Nebenzahl Sarah Neff Susan Nehmen Ellen Nelson Linda Newman Olga Oganesov Valerie O'Keefe Sheryl Oring Isanne Ossey Halina Ozarow

June - Aug. 2016


Special thanks to all of our donors who made the 2016 Women’s Campaign so successful - Todah Rabah! The names of donors whose gifts are received after June 14, will appear in the September issue. Maureen Palmer Caroline Panzer Stacey Papier Kelly Pearlman Sarah Pearlman Empy Perez Michele Perrell Jill Peterfeso Judy Peters Denise Peterson Midge Pines Susan Pinsker Susan Polinsky Laura Pollak Barbara Pomer Erica Procton Eleanor Procton Donna Pulitzer TZiPi Radonsky Carol Rauch Inessa Reeve Laurie Regal Jillian Reich Cynthia Reichelson Joyce Richman Susan Robinson Gloria Robinson, z'l Erin Rosen Vivian Rosen Jeanette Rosenbaum Carol Rosenberg Jane RosenGrandon Sheree Rosenkrantz Ila Rosenthal Ellen Ross Kendra Ross Susan Ross Judi Rossabi Keren Rotberg Amanda Rotenstreich Betty Roth Kathryn Roth Barbara Ruby Vivian Ruden Marian Ruderman Marnie Ruskin Ann Saab Taira Saksonskaya Alyssa Samet Ellen Samet Emilie Samet Joan Samet Sylvia R. Samet Camilla Samuelson Sara Lee Saperstein Lia Sater Debbie Schandler Barbara Scheck Dianne Schlanger Dana Schleien Jamie Schleuning Jennifer Schultz Ann Schwarz Jennifer Schwarz Kim Segal Shelley Segal Sharon Segall Corky SegalWaxman

Linda Shapiro Lisa Shapiro Joy Shavitz Phyllis Shavitz Vivian Sheidler Ellen Sheridan Christina Shiffler Joyce Shuman Susan Siegel Debi Silber Eileen Silber Gloria Silber Ruth Silfen Janie Silvers Linda Silverstein Susan Simmons Sherri Simon Julie Skirboll Robin Skirboll Linda Sloan Ellen Smith Lois Snitzer Beth Socol Barbara Sohn Alina Spaulding Sabine Spaulding Sylvie Spielman Miriam Spitzer Anna Starobin Marian Stein Kay Stern Susan Stevens Patti Stiles Louise Stolaroff Elizabeth Strasser Jen Strasser Polly Strasser Susan Strumwasser Sue Swartzberg Daniel Swick Elyse Tafeen Gloria Tafeen Peggy Tager Doris Tanger Ellen Tannenbaum Jeanne Tannenbaum Barbara Teichman Amy Thompson Tammi Thurm Mamie Todaro Leslye Tuck Lindsey Tuck Nancy Unger Mary VanderLinden Louise Van Schaack Arleen VelezJackson Rachel Villalba Peggy Wainer Ginger Wald Anne Waranch Linda Wearb Shelly Weiner Adele Weinstein Roz Weintraub Sonia Weissman Sophie Wells Lotte Wertheim Bonnie Wetzler Jill Wilson

Jessica Wisniewski Doreen Wolf Rachel Wolf

Caryn Wright Illein Youngman Myrna Zimmerman

JOINT CONTRIBUTORS Debbie and Neil Aberman Susan and Daniel Acker Ellen and James Adelman Suzanne Waner and Michael Altheimer Audrey and Jerome Altheimer Robin and Daniel Amelkin Linda and Gary Anderson Jon and Suzan Antin Andrew and Kris Aronson Arlene and Alan Bardy Helene and Roy Bargebuhr Michele and Joseph Basile Kathleen Whitmire and Herb Baum Paula and Howard Becker Marilyn and Neil Belenky Marcia and Alan Berger Sylvia and Michael Berkelhammer Deborah and Jeffrey Berman Peggy and Nat Bernstein Gail and Steve Bernstein Estate of Steve Dashoff z"l Blue Ridge Properties Karen and Andrew Brod Aida and Hank Brodt Marlene and Dennis Brown Sherry and Larry Camras Ingrid and Jerry Cassuto Esther and Norman Chernoff Katy and Geoffrey Claussen Sally and John Cohen Sandy and Max Cohen Betsy Gamburg and Phil Cohen Julie Ann and Scott Cooper Julie Bean and Darryl Deitsch Arlene and Lenny Dolin Kelly and Glenn Drew Anne and Howard Dumont Jodi and Alan Dvoskin Karen and Don Eckstein Kim and Erick Ellsweig Amy and Barry Epstein Ann and Michael Falk Ilene and Matt Fisher Karen and Gabriel Fraire Kim and Donald Freedman Judith Magier and Paul Fribush Jennifer Sadock and Steven Friedland Amy and Todd Gers Barbara and Alan Ginsburg Joan and Ira Glazer Melody and David Glick Marlene and Alan Goland Alice and Barry Goldman Laura and Meir Goldstein Toby and Kalman Gordon Gordan Family Gordon Iron and Metal Meganne and Jason Gould Ricki and Sidney Gray Gail and Arthur Haber Amy and Benjamin Hager Judith and Stanley Hammer Beverly and Zev Harel Nahomi and Jonathan Harkavy CONTINUED NEXT PAGE



Special thanks to all of our donors who made the 2016 Men’s Campaign so successful - Todah Rabah! The names of donors whose gifts are received after June 14, will appear in the September issue.



Hannah and Jack Henza Andrew and Erica Herman Jaclyn and Bruce Hirschhaut Rodna and David Hurewitz Sara and Allan Jacobs Penelope and Michael Kaplan Joanne Altman and Jack Kaplan Ginger and Kenneth Karb Lojeved and Noe Katz Diana Rahami and Emil Khanatayev Michal and Andrew Koren Sara Ann and Scott Kramer Jane Steiner and Brad Krantz Carmen and Melvin Kriegsman Victoryia and Aleksandr Krokhmal Sue and Jack Lerner Ellen and Robert Levin Beverly and Douglas Levine Pat and Peter Levitin Debra and Steve LeWinter Simone and Joel Liebling Zhanna and Roman Loshinsky Sandy and Edward Lurey Leslie and Stephen Mackler Annemarie and Edgar Marks Elaine and Benjamin Marks Nancy and Kelly Marks Fay and Daniel Marks Kay and Michael Marshall Jennifer and Lucas McKeon Carmen and Steve Mendelson Anita and Stanley Meyer Lisa and William Meyerhoffer Gladys and Samuel Meyerhoffer Sheryl and Kenneth Miller Renee and Lanny Miller Brian Perrell and Miraje Recon and Dev LLC, Lisa and Michael Montalvo Anne and Johan Naude Freddie and Marvin Neiditz Karol and John Neufeld Heidi and Howard Norwick Shana and Michael Paccadolmi Dee and Sheldon Patty Gayle and Michael Peake Wendy Wood and David Peterson Karen Spira and Jason Pikler Amy Sloane-Pinel and Nicolas Pinel Kathleen and Hal Pines Hindi and Yosef Plotkin Sue and David Polinsky Annette and Robert Rachlin Terri and Scott Rafkin Lisa and Frank Rancer Tammi Schriever-Rankin and Tim Rankin Kathy and Lowell Rauch Rosalyn and William Robbins Joan Krieger and Max Roseman Judith Magier and David Rosenblutt Carol Kenny and David Rosenstein Rachel Brown and Michael Ross Edna and George Rubenstein Andrea and David Rubin Vivian and Robert Ruden Jennifer Summer and John Russo Ruth and Elly Saltzman Leslie and Carl Samet Norman and Sylvia Samet Valerie and Daryll Samsell Deborah Schoenhoff and Jerry Plovsky

Randi and Brad Semon Donna and Mark Shapiro Lisa and Rick Shapiro Sheryl Gottlieb-Siar and David Siar Tracy and Jeffrey Simon Annette and Chalmers Skaggs Joyce and Larry Slakter Michal and Shay Soker Miriam and Jeffrey Spitzer JoAnn and Robert Steele Jen and Aaron Strasser Cecile and Terry Stretch Leah and Barry Strulson Nancy and Paul Summerell Ekaterina and Matthew Tabin United Brass Works Fdn. Michael Berkelhammer and Edward Benson Barbara and Jo VanDerLinden Ekaterina and Igor Vapne Natalie and Stan Varlamov Peggy and Herbert Wainer Joyce and Howard Wainer Kim and Robert Wainer Natalie and Gideon Wasserberg Jo Ann and JamesWeissman Sophie and Jonathan Wells Robin and Gregg Wiener Cate and Robert Wineburg Jessica and GreggWisniewski Ethel and Zola Yari Susan and Philip Zaleon


Victor Ackermann David Altman AMEX PAC Match Bryan Andrews Matt Applebaum Roy Arkin Larry Arnold Alexander Aronson Jody Attias Boaz AvrahamKatz Gary Bargebuhr Andre Baron Gene Baruch Scott Bayer Igal Ben-Gal Paul Benson Scott Benson Mark Beyder Blue Heron Blue Ridge Properties Estate of Steve Dashoff, z'l Richard Bober Mark Bochkis Mikhail Bochkis Steve Bombart Andrew Bowen Joseph Brantley Barry Brasloff Frank Brenner George Breslow Charles Bretan Evan Bretan Lee Bretan William Cassell Mark Caudill Robert Chandler

Kenneth Cherry Glenn Chrystal Gerald Clawson Allan Cohen Irving Cohen Harvey Colchamiro Alan Cone Bradford Cone Robert Cone Sam Cone Tom Cone Benjamin Cone, Jr. Keith Cushman Ivan Cutler Michael Dana Kevin Daniels Leon Davidowitz Mark Davidowitz David Delman Jerome Dintenfass Doug Dodd Glenn Drew Don Eckstein Lee Eisen David Evans Harry Falk Stanley Falkenstein Jonathan Falkowitz Robert Falkowitz David Feinstein Scott Feldman Howard Feller Andrew Fields Marc Fields Gary Fischer Abram Fishbeyn Ted Fishman Richard Fox Herbert Foy


Campaign Donors

David Frazier Jeffrey Friedman Martin Friedman Dan Garfinkel Jerry Gedaly Al Geiger Donald Germain Michael Gisser David Gitlin Jon Glazman Sheldon Glick Brian Goldberg Laurence Goldberg Robert Goldberg Marc Goldenberg Allan Goldfarb Erwin Goldman Bert Goldman Micah Goldstein Robert Goldstein David Gordon John Gordon Kalman Gordon Lance Gordon Daniel Gottsegen Jason Gould Joshua Gould Sigmund Gould Gary Grandon Brandon Gray David Gray Edwin Green Ronald Green Kenneth Greene Ned Gross Dale Gurvis Bernard Gutterman David Gutterman Fred Guttman Leonard Guyes Harold Haber Benjamin Hager Melvin Hairston Rabbi Eliezer Havivi Don Henza Leslie Hermelin Leo Horowitz Mark Hyman Stephen Hyman Henry Isaacson Marc Isaacson Marvin Isreal Albert Jacobson Paul Jalazo Benjamin Kahn Terry Kahn Brian Kaiser Joey Kaiser Leo Kaiser Brad Kamlet Andrew Kane David Kaplan Leonard Kaplan Leonard J. Kaplan z'l Malcolm Kaplan Michael Kaplan Randall Kaplan Kathy Manning Richard Kaplan Scott Kaplan Kenneth Karb

Harvey Katz Noe Katz Jeff Katz Benjamin Kaye Neil Kaye Leonid Kazakov Bob Ketay Aleksandr Khanatayev John Kilimanjaro Jo Kimmel Marc Kranz Rodney Kranz Eric Kraus Ron Krellan David Kriegsman Jack Kriegsman Josh Landau Paul Lasovsky Kurt Lauenstein Adam Lazovik Eugene LeBauer Joseph LeBauer Samuel LeBauer Lerner Family Fdn. Richard Lerner Tomas Levi Seymour Levin Alan Levine Richard Levy Stephen Levy Pat Levy, III Irwin Lewis Paul Lieb Gary Lindenberg Murray Lipman Andrew London Leonid Loshinsky Ryan Luft Brian Lurey Neil Lutins David Mandel Bernard Mann David Marker Edgar Marks Yoni Maslem David Massey John Masters Andrew Mbuvi Alan Medoff Ari Medoff Jeff Medoff David Meschan Howard Mezer Gary Michalove Joseph Miller Kenneth Miller Robert Miller Scott Milman Ronald Milstein David Moff Jason Mostofsky Donald Murinson Charles Myers Gerald Natkin Stan Neerman Samuel Neerman Joe Nehmen Frank Nelson Fred Newman Michael Nichols Howard Norwick Robert Nudelman William O'Keefe Kevin Ossey

Phil Papier Fred Pearlman Jeff Petrinitz William Pines Jerrold Pinsker Jonathan Plitman Donald Pulitzer Stanley Pulitzer Norman Regal Stan Reich Sam Reichelson Stephen Robertson Freddy Robinson Stephen Robinson Keith Rosen Richard Rosen Mark Rosenbaum Allan Ross Brian Ross Michael Ross Jay Rotberg Kenneth Rotenstreich Jerome Ruskin Walter Salinger Arthur Samet Carl Samet Jan Samet Leonard Samet Marc Samet Paul Saperstein Steven Scheck George Scheer Leslie Schlanger Stuart Schleien Jim Schwartz Zachary Aaron Schwarz Todd Schwarz Justin Scott Jeffrey Segal Philip Segal, III Jeff Shapiro Jerry Shapiro Mark Manufacturing Lee Shapiro Marc Shavitz Robbie Shavitz Stanley Shavitz, z'l Stephen Shavitz Desmond Sheridan Graham Sheridan Nissim Shimoni Robert Shuman Philip Silver Josef Silverman Mark Silvers Gary Silverstein Howard Silverstein Raphael Simel Gary Simmons Gary Simon Robert Skirboll Robert Skolnik Harry Sky Thomas Sloan Alan Socol Arthur Sohn Shay Soker Mitchel Sommers Christopher Spaulding Walter Spielman Josef Starobin

Starr Philanthropic Fund Daniel Stein John Stein Joseph Stern William Stern Fdn. Robert Stevens Ken Stiles Richard Strasser Joseph Strasser Nathan Swick Matthew Tabin Stuart Tafeen Sigmund Tannenbaum Stuart Teichman Kevin Thurm Doug Torn Marshall Tuck George Turner Matthew Tuttle Allen Unger United Brass Works Fdn. Edward Benson Mike Berkelhammer Scott VanDerLinden Jose Villalba Richard Wald Terry Waranch Federic Waxman Jerry Wearb Robert Wein David Weiner Frank Weiner, z'l Robert Weinstein Lewis Weinstock Richard Weintraub Eugene Weisberger Martin Weissburg James Weissman Steve Willen Brian Williams Kevin Witriol Daniel Wolf Steven Woolf Carl Wright Ron Yaar Nachum Yardenay Ron Yardenay Philip Zaleon Harold Zimmerman Benjamin C. Zuraw

z'l Zichrono L’vrocho - Of Blessed Memory If you were inadvertently omitted please call Dianne Hines at 852-5433, ext. 233 or email her at dhines@ shalomgreensboro. org and you will be included in the September issue.



June - Aug. 2016

Gesher Greensboro Update The Networking & Trivia event at Preyer Brewing in May was a lot of fun. More than 40 young Jewish professionals gathered for an evening of networking and a lively [mostly Jewish] trivia contest. The event also featured short ‘Gesher Talks’ by Dr. Andrew Brod, City Council member

Nancy Hoffman, Sam Funchess, Beth Manella and Mark Bochkis. The Gesher Greensboro project is designed to recruit, retain and relocate Jewish individuals (and their families) to Greensboro; ultimately benefiting all of our Jewish institutions and organizations and our

community as a whole. Gesher Greensboro focuses on four initiatives: a marketing plan to attract young Jews from the northeast and beyond, an internship program, business development and micro loans and networking. We welcome your input and involvement.

Sara Shechter, Brian Comer, Beth Manella, David Kaplan

Kara Rothberg, Hannah Henza and Matthew Levy David and Caroline Mason

Emily Gray, Amy Hager and Ron Yardenay

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Sheraton Greensboro Hotel we create your vision

Creative and Innovative Events with Personal Touches that Delight



Your Future ...

The PJ Library program will be holding two events this summer.

Our Focus

Wealth Management & Tax Planning

Meet Me At Menchies Another chance to hang out with your PJ Friends while taking a break from the hot summer heat. Join us just for fun at Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Quaker Village Shopping Center, Friendly Ave, Greensboro.

Jerrold B. Pinsker, JD

Integrity ◆ Competence ◆ Creativity

Sunday July 17, 3:30 p.m. Popsicles in the Park

PINSKER WEALTH MANAGEMENT, INC. (336) 294-1811 Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC.

Save the Date for the second annual Popsicles in the Park! We'll provide the popsicles, you provide the fun! Location TBD.

Sunday, August 21


Sam Cone, JD


Come Home

Contact Judi to learn more about our exciting program to strengthen the Jewish Community in Greensboro. or (336) 852-5433 x229



June - Aug. 2016

Chabad of Greensboro

Camp Gan Israel Day Camp Enters Seventh Year

BJH Foundation Awards Grants


JH Foundation completed its 2016 grant allocation process awarding a total of $289,379 to 18 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. These organizations enhance the lives of older Jewish adults in North and South Carolina by facilitating 27 different grant programs. This is the 10th year BJH Foundation has awarded grants with a cumulative total of $1,865,000. Programs in 2016 emphasizing the “Best Practices” category included: Case Management, Congregational Nursing, Mental and/or Physical Health as a few examples. A total of $179,558 was awarded to 11 different programs in this category. Awards totaling $109,821 for 16 other programs focused on areas including Education, Socialization, Transportation, and Volunteerism. The 2016 BJH Foundation grant recipients are: • Agudas Israel Congregation – Asheville, N.C. • Asheville Jewish Community Center – Asheville, N.C. • Beth David Synagogue – Greensboro, N.C. • Beth Shalom Synagogue – Columbia, S.C. • Charleston Jewish Family Services – Charleston, S.C. • Sandra and Leon Levine Jewish Community Center – Charlotte, N.C. • Jewish Family Services of WNC – Asheville, N.C.

• Jewish Family Service – Columbia, S.C. • Jewish Family Services – Greensboro, N.C. • Jewish Family Services – Raleigh, N.C. • Jewish Federation of DurhamChapel Hill – Durham, N.C. • Temple Beth El – Charlotte, N.C. • Temple Beth Or – Raleigh, N.C. • Temple B’nai Sholem – New Bern, N.C. • Temple Emanuel – Greensboro, N.C. • Temple Emanu-El – Myrtle Beach, S.C. • Temple Israel – Charlotte, N.C. • Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman – Davidson, N.C. BJH Foundation’s impact on the older Jewish adult population has a direct correlation to the hard work and dedication of the organizations receiving these grants. These organizations make our mission of “Enhancing the Lives of Older Jewish Adults” possible and successful. BJH Foundation is based in Greensboro, N.C. but we are a foundation for all older Jewish adults within North and South Carolina. The board welcomes input from the various communities in order to have the most impact on the greatest number of older Jewish adults. Please help us help your older Jewish adult population by communicating with us. BJH Foundation welcomes consideration in your charitable giving plans. For & ASSOCIATES, INC. more information 5412 W. Friendly Ave., Greensboro, NC 27410 please contact Wendee Cutler CALL at wcutler@ MEL KRIEGSMAN bjhfoundation. ® org, visit our REALTOR website at www. bjhfoundation. org or call the BJH OFFICE: (336) 852-4100 CELL: (336) 312-1978 FAX: (336) 852-7487 VOICE MAIL: (336) 333-0809 Foundation office at HOME: (336) 292-4666 EMAIL: 336-854-8400. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE



elcome to Camp Gan Israel (CGI), part of the largest and fastest-growing network of Jewish day camps in the world. Gan Israel is dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish children from diverse backgrounds and affiliations. CGI of Greensboro is a treasure trove of custom tailored activities, both classic and innovative, allowing campers to experience summer the way it should be: exciting, relaxing, eyeopening, and forever a source of childhood’s best memories. Our counselors are chosen for their personal warmth and ability to understand and care for each child as an individual. Counselors have prior camp experience and are well trained in safety. Each counselor is a role model for our children, promising friendships that will last forever. Camp would not be complete without our weekly trips featuring excursions to some of a child’s favorite destinations: Wet & Wild Waterpark, Celebration Station, Bowling, Airbound Trampoline Park, Gem Mining, and Swimming at Starmount Country Club and Hamilton Lakes. Our mission is to seamlessly create a dream summer of arts, athletics, adventure, and friendship, all within a Jewish framework. We invite you to see firsthand the magic of CGI. Be on the lookout for a spirited, memorable summer! Dates: Four one-week sessions from June 27- July 22. Time: 9:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m., aftercare available upon request. Cost: Per week $225 All four weeks $850. Scholarships available!

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of Shalom Greensboro Tell them you saw their ad in Shalom Greensboro for information on how to advertise call Judi Rossabi 336-852-5433 x 229 Temple Emanuel Early Childhood Engagement Center Summer Camp

June 20 - June 24 June 27 – July 1 ●All camps are five days a week from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. ●Children ages 18 months to five years old are welcome to attend. ●Snacks will be provided. Lunches need to be sent from home. ●Cost: $120 per week. ●Camps may be cancelled if there is insufficient registration. ●For more information, call Louise at 336-292-7899 or Lvanschaack@




Tot Shabbat

Friday, August 16, 6:00 p.m. Join us for singing and dancing as we welcome Shabbat. Oneg following.

Shabbat in the Woods & Potluck BBQ

Friday, August 19, 6:30 p.m. – Service. 7:30 p.m. – Chicken Dinner • Come dressed in something casual and comfortable. • $5 per person, children three and under free ($12 max per family) • Temple Emanuel will provide BBQ Chicken. Please bring a non-dairy side dish or dessert. • For more information, or to RSVP and sign up to bring a side dish, call 336-292-7899 or visit www.

(336) 617-2002 Brian Ross Steve Shavitz


14 SHALOM GREENSBORO American Hebrew Academy

The Jeffrey Brendt Gray Scholarship: first alumni scholarship fund established at the American Hebrew Academy


he American Hebrew Academy is pleased to announce the establishment of The Jeffrey Brendt Gray Scholarship, the first scholarship fund ever established by an Academy alumnus. The scholarships awarded from this fund will be granted to students with financial need and a desire to pursue a career in business after attending the American Hebrew Academy. “As an alumnus, I feel that if there is something I can do for the school, I should,” said Gray (Class of 2013), now a rising senior at Wake Forest University majoring in Economics and Chinese Language and Culture. “I was surprised to learn that I was the first alumnus to fund a scholarship, and I find that exciting. I know that not everyone can give, but it’s a great tradition to start, and maybe other graduates will start giving as well.” “Jeffrey Brendt Gray’s leadership reflects the commitment we hope to instill in all Academy graduates and I hope it serves as an example many other graduates will soon follow,” said American Hebrew Academy CEO Glenn Drew. By establishing the scholarship, Jeffrey Gray hopes to attract students interested

Jeffrey Brendt Gray

in business and economics to the American Hebrew Academy. “Economics is not just for business people,” he explained, “I think it’s very well-rounding, and everyone should really take an economics class, if only just an introduction. When I was at the American Hebrew Academy the school offered their first economics class ever, and I hope the department will continue to grow. That is the reason I started a scholarship for students with an interest in business.” Gray became interested in the world of finance as a young boy. He tells how by 2008, he was already interested in the stock market, and even began trading stocks at a young age. “I did not want to be a doctor, and I really didn’t have interest in any field other than finance, and the stock market was all over the news at that time, so I started learning the basics when I was 13 or 14.” And while Jeffrey learned to make money, his parents, David and Rosemery Gray, instilled in him the importance of tzedakah, also one of the most important values taught at the American Hebrew

Academy. When Gray graduated in 2013, his parents purchased him a Mont Blanc pen once owned by Chico Sabbah z”l, the visionary founder of the American Hebrew Academy, whose life work exemplified the values of Jewish philanthropy. At the time, Glenn Drew said: “You shall use this pen to write a check, to make a donation to the Academy, giving thanks to those who provided for your education and brought you to this day, in turn assuring others just like you will follow in your footsteps.” And indeed, the establishment of the The Jeffrey Brendt Gray Scholarship was done with the Mont Blanc pen Gray received upon his graduation from the American Hebrew Academy. “This scholarship was all his idea,” said Jeffrey’s father, David Gray. “He is turning out to be quite the mensch, and I am extremely proud of him.” Gray loved attending the American Hebrew Academy, reminiscing about the school, fondly remembering his favorite teacher, Fenna Corry, as well as Dr. Scott Culclasure, and his time in the finance club, a group of six or seven kids who would get together to trade stocks. “But I always wished there was more business related activities, said Gray. “There are many people donating to the Jewish aspects of the school, such as for a synagogue or a worship space. There weren’t any donations towards economics, which is what I am interested in. So, I thought that I should be the one to do it.” Gray’s initiative to establish a scholarship fund will hopefully encourage other Academy alumnae to support the school and help outstanding students who might not be able to afford tuition to attend the American Hebrew Academy. “I really enjoyed going to school at the American Hebrew Academy,” Gray said. “The school is so unique. There is no other Jewish place to get a high quality education. There are plenty of Christian schools, but nothing else like the Academy.”

2015-2016 Academy Fellows

How will you jump-start your career?

Develop a vibrant and pluralistic Jewish environment for our entire community while nurturing meaningful relationships with students and engaging in professional development. The American Hebrew Academy Fellowship is a ten month position geared towards recent college graduates and young adults. This position is focused on the care and keeping of Academy high school students. >Residential Life: Support students socially, emotionally, and academically >Professional Rotations: Enhance life on campus with the Dean of Students, Dean of Jewish Life, and Dean of Student Programming >Career Mentorship: Hands-on experience and guidance alongside seasoned faculty and professional staff Academy Fellows receive training, a furnished on-campus apartment, kosher meals, and a monthly stipend. Full health benefits are also available. All Jewish backgrounds are encouraged to apply. To learn more and apply, call (336) 217-7039 or visit:

For all your printing and direct mail needs! Office: 336.855.2622 Toll Free: 877.271.3004 FREE ESTIMATES

Beth David Synagogue Torah for Our Times (meets weekly)

Saturday, 9:15 a.m. Weekly parsha and other readings are reviewed and studied each week in the Board Room. All are welcome to this engaging, weekly group.

Torah Study with Lee Bretan

(meets weekly) Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. Lee Bretan leads a wonderful group in exploring the depths and richness of the King David stories. Enjoy a lively discussion of texts, its meanings and subtexts. Class meets in the board room. Free. All are welcome.

Jewish Meditation Circle

(meets weekly) Thursdays, 7:15 p.m. practices, a body scan and a breath meditation. Each last 5-10 minutes, having brief discussion afterward about our experiences, exploring Jewish meditation practices for both beginner and advanced meditation students. This is a weekly class, with new members welcome at any time. Join. Questions? Contact Rabbi Ross at 336-235-7731.

Young Families Potluck

July 8 5:30 p.m. In June, we kicked-off a new program for young families; a potluck dinner at the home of one of our young families. We have games, stories and a few songs for kids and parents. Please bring a vegetarian/dairy offering to serve at least six people. Rabbi Ross will bring challah and grape juice. Please let us know if you are interested in hosting the next potluck dinner! Please RSVP to Rabbi Ross at if you would like to host a potluck dinner in your home!

Tisha B’Av Services

Erev Tisha B’av Wednesday July 13 Services Thursday 7/14 One Shul One Book: Drawing In The Dust, by Zoe Klein Saturday, August 20 This year’s “One Shul One Book” has it all: Modern and Ancient Israel, Jews and Arabs, Religious and Secular, Archeology and Politics, Bible, and Love stories ancient and modern. All in a whirlwind first novel by Los Angeles Rabbi Zoe Klein. A great summer beach read. Available through the Greensboro Public Library, Kindle and paperback/ Amazon. Book discussion to be held at Shabbat Kiddush on August 20.

Book Packing

July 19, 9 a.m. Help us pack and sort books for our annual Book Sale! And, the synagogue needs volunteers willing to pick up and box book donations for our upcoming annual book sale. A reliable vehicle and a willingness to move many boxes are needed. Please call Kathy Clontz at 336294-0007. *Great opportunity to provide a community service!

Book Talk:

American Hebrew Academy

The International Jewish College Prep Boarding School

June - Aug. 2016

901-A Norwalk St Greensboro, NC 27407

Sharing the Burden: Rabbi Simhah Zissel Ziv and the Path of Musar by Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen Sunday August 28, 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m.



Adam Lazovick, Alyssa Gatto, Corie Hampton, Sarah Hantgan, Marissa Milstein

Monday so drinks and hot dogs are $1 and tickets are only $6. Check out all of our great events at or groups/jtriad

JTriad Summer Events HeBrew Happy Hour at the WinstonSalem Dash! Sunday, July 17, 2016 Join J Triad in Winston-Salem for a great day of baseball fun! HeBrew Happy Hour at the Greensboro Grasshoppers Monday, August 1, 2016 Meet at 6:30 p.m., game at 7:00 p.m. Join J Triad at the Hoppers for a great night of baseball! It’s Money Off

JTriad is based on the Jewish values of community, education and philanthropy, J Triad (Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem, and surrounding areas), strives to be an inclusive space for young adults to grow and connect through shared goals, interests, and experiences. J Triad members participate in a wide variety of educational, leadership, volunteer, and social activities that allow for meaningful involvement while benefitting the local and global Jewish community. J Triad is sponsored by the Beth David Synagogue, the Greensboro Jewish Federation, Temple Emanuel of Greensboro and Temple Emanuel of Winston-Salem.


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5509-C West Friendly Avenue - Guilford Corporate Park Greensboro, NC 27410-4211 (336) 852-5433 fax (336) 852-4346



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and Campaign Chairs Lenny Samet and Emily Kranz

From the 2016 Campaign Team

Thank You to Our 2016 Campaign Donors


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