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Course numbers

The first digit corresponds to the overall level of the course. Where courses at the same level are tracked by ability, the second digit indicates the track of the course: 100 is the lower track of 150, 200 is the lower track of 250, etc. Any appended letters reflect organization schemes at the departmental level.

Level 1 = 100; 1st level in a sequence or courses typically taken prior to 9th grade.

Level 2 = 200; 2nd level in a sequence, introductory courses, or courses typically taken in 9th grade.

Level 3 = 300; 3rd level in a sequence, intermediate courses, or courses typically taken in 9th or 10th grade.

Level 4 = 400; 4th level in a sequence, intermediate courses, or courses typically taken in 10th grade.

Level 5 = 500; 5th level in a sequence, intermediate courses, or courses typically taken in 10th or 11th grade.

Level 6 = 600; 6th level in a sequence, advanced courses, or courses typically taken in the first year of college.*

Level 7 = 700; advanced courses typically taken after the first year of college.

Level 8 = 800; reserved for Advanced Inquiries.

* Starting with the Class of 2023, no courses use the AP label; courses use the AP label for the Class of 2022.


Computer Science, Engineering, and Design is a transdisciplinary department that dedicates physical resources and intellectual power to the development of breakthrough ideas. CSED students are adaptive learners who address real-world problems through entrepreneurship and socially responsible design.

CSED250 IntroDuCtIon to ComputatIonal thInkIng

In this beginning-level course, students will learn basic programming concepts using tools that create graphics from computer code. At the same time, students will learn to think critically about the technology that surrounds us and shapes our daily lives, discovering the foundations of computational thinking and diving into units on the internet and artificial intelligence. (.5 credit; 1st semester or 2nd semester)

CSED450a IntErmEDIatE ComputEr SCIEnCE

This lab-based course helps students continue the work they started in Introduction to Computational Thinking. This course will emphasize the development of coding skills so students can engage more deeply with computer science. Students will explore the fundamentals of programming and complete hands-on assignments that apply their knowledge to topics such as image processing, data analysis, and simulations. Prerequisites: Introduction to Computational Thinking or departmental permission. (.5 credit; 2nd Semester)

CSED450B IntErmEDIatE EngInEErIng

This class focuses on the process an engineer goes through to understand, design, and execute a project. Students will explore the fundamentals of both the engineering process and the design thinking process, gaining skills in makerspace tools including the saw, 3D printer, vinyl cutter, and laser cutter. Through a hands-on approach, students will engage in collaborative project design, troubleshooting, and scientific testing. By engaging with real-world problems, we hope that students will come away with an ability to


empathize with and design for clients. Prerequisites: Introduction to Computational Thinking or departmental permission. (.5 credit; 2nd semester)

CSED650a aDvanCED ComputEr SCIEnCE (ap)

Students will study program design and implementation, algorithm analysis, standard data structures, and object-oriented programming design. The course emphasizes programming methodology with an emphasis on problem-solving and algorithm development. Open to 11th- and 12th-graders; prerequisites: Intermediate Computer Science or departmental permission. Students who take this course will be encouraged to sit for the AP Computer Science Exam. (1 credit; full year)

CSED650B aDvanCED EngInEErIng: phySICal ComputIng anD DESIgn

In this class, students will unwrap the electronic world of the objects that surround them by learning to program a microcontroller and design products. They will learn how electronic devices communicate with each other and they will create a website or app to control their devices. Students will discover how sensors like accelerometers and gyroscopes work and they will use CAD, illustrator, 3D printers, and laser-cutters to create enclosures for product ideas. By the end of the semester, they will create and present prototype products. Open to 10th-, 11th-, and 12th-graders; prerequisites: Intermediate Engineering, or Advanced Computer Science, or departmental permission. (.5 credit; 1st semester)

CSED650C aDvanCED EngInEErIng: mEChatronICS

The theme of this course is movement. Students will build and design small and large robots that move like animals, draw on whiteboards, and reach for high places. They will study autonomous movement through the use of sensors and camera data. Students will also learn how engineers collect and assess data from sensors to improve machine accuracy. They will explore mechanical engineering by designing in CAD and learn about creating a mechanical advantage through the use of gears and pulleys. The course will involve designing enclosures and parts for robots using 3D printers to give an artistic sparkle to student machines. Open to 10th-, 11th-, and 12th-graders; prerequisites: Intermediate Engineering, or Advanced Computer Science, or departmental permission. (.5 credit; 2nd semester)

CSED750a InquIry: Data StruCturES

Are you interested in how computers store and retrieve data efficiently? Have you ever wondered how a computer stores information about a game board, a dictionary, or a network? Do you sometimes ask yourself, “How does that video game make a decision about moving my virtual opponent?” This data structures class will engage with these questions. In this course, you will learn how to implement, analyze, and use fundamental data structures such as matrices, stacks, queues, hash tables, and binary trees. Open to 11th and 12th graders; prerequisites: Advanced Computer Science or departmental permission. (.5 credit; 1st semester)

CSED750B InquIry: gamE DESIgn anD DEvElopmEnt

In this course, students will design and program a game. The class begins with an exploration of current theories in game design, including game mechanics, user interfaces, and implementation. Students will apply their understanding of these concepts and their experience in computer science to construct an original, polished game. Open to 11th and 12th graders; prerequisites: Advanced Computer Science or departmental permission. (.5 credit; 2nd semester)

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