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Year-end financial reports allow for a review of your financial progress over the past year while also providing critical information necessary to evaluate future business needs. Beyond the benefit to your business management, it also supports your future loan needs.
GreenStone works with many of its members to gather their year-end financial information, inputting the data into our systems to be able to help evaluate the financial position of each farm. Getting this done at year-end provides them a direct benefit throughout the year when additional financing is needed. With the financial information already entered in our system and analyzed, GreenStone is able to evaluate and process loans in a more timely and responsive manner. NEW This Year: Members who received this annual request to submit year-end financials to GreenStone will notice a few changes. The mailing will come to those members in December in a separate envelope for each entity/individual, even if it is the same address, to ensure privacy of your financial information. The balance sheet will look a little different this year and there will not be a full machinery/equipment and vehicle listing as our process have evolved. More specific instruction will be included in the package! ■
On behalf of the WI FFA Foundation Board or Directors, I would sincerely like to thank you for your generous donation to the WI Association of FFA. Your donation offers 21,000+ students the ability to experience premier leadership, personal growth and career success. It is because of people like you we are able to accomplish our mission by ensuring access to agricultural education and FFA for all students in WI. From the ”bottom of my heart, Thank you! —-Katie Holewinski, FFA Foundation Board Member Thank you for your support for the 2021 Michigan Out-ofDoors Youth Camp Charity Shoot. Your contribution helps us to continue doing our work of educating youth about the ”importance of conservation and nature. —Ian FitzGerald, Policy and Special Events Coordinator
“ “ “Thank you for sponsoring the Michigan State University Dairy Challenge program. This year Dairy Challenge looked a little different than in years past but continued to be an incredibly valuable experience for our team. We were thankful for the opportunity to compete virtually at the Midwest Regional contest in March as well as the National Dairy Challenge contest in April. At the National contest, we are excited to share that MSU captured our third consecutive national championship! We deeply appreciate your continued support which has helped our program reach our ”fullest potential. Thank you, —2021 MSU National Dairy Challenge Team, Beka McDonald, Kristen Burkhardt, Miriah Dershem, and Lynn Olthof