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Tax Calendar

“It’s a small world,” said Dan. “You’re only a couple people away from knowing any farmer in the area, and you’re even closer to the customers.”

Getting Better, not Bigger

Dan plans to remain a small farm and continue to serve people in the community. He doesn’t plan to expand his land any time soon, but he wants to keep an eye on new inventions and equipment to make his farm better. Most importantly, he wants to keep people happy. “It’s about providing food to the community, but it’s also a lifestyle,” said Dan. “I don’t want to go any bigger. I want to get better. Some crops come and go every single year, and I hope I’m growing things people want.” And GreenStone is happy to be on his side as he continues making his small, beginning farmer vision come alive. “I’m just really happy to be part of Dan’s team and making his dream become a reality,” said Emelee. ■

➡ Dan grows a variety of plants, including lavender!



GreenStone publishes regular updates on our Open Fields blog. Check out some of the posts you may have missed at www.greenstonefcs.com/openfieldsblog.

Strategic Planning Can Maximize Tax Savings

Harvest season is fast approaching, and continued high commodity prices mean an optimistic outlook for 2022 farm profits according to the latest USDA forecast. This means more motivation than usual to get an early start on tax planning!

Dollars and Sense: Breaking Barriers for Beginning Farmers

When it comes to starting any business, having someone in your corner to turn to for advice can be one of the most helpful resources you’ll ever need.

Commodity Update: Grape and Wine Outlook

After Mother Nature’s wrath in 2021, this year’s crop looks to be more uniform and on the positive side for both Michigan and Wisconsin growers. ■

➡ Top Left: The Schultzes' australian shepherd, Miles.

➡ Bottom Left: GreenStone financial services officer, Johnny Thompson, featured with Max and Halie Schultz

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