2 minute read
Precision Data Sharing
Crop insurance through GreenStone is even more streamlined than you may have experienced before, because you can now electronically share your precision data with your crop insurance specialist. The purpose of crop insurance is to help protect your business, and that’s why along with offering the smartest plans to protect revenue, we also have the latest in technology to save you time and money. Using precision data benefits farmers in a variety of ways. First, it makes it simple to share important information, as it uses data you’re already capturing. As an added benefit, it is easier to keep records since you’re not managing a lot of pieces of paper. Plus, you can do it from your home, your field, your farm - anywhere you can get on the internet. The biggest benefit to GreenStone customers is policy holders only pay premium on the acres they plant, and this also creates a more precise Actual Production History (APH.) If you’re reporting fewer acres, this could increase your APH, resulting in a larger guarantee and the first dollars paid during a claim. Ultimately, this helps crop insurance specialist assist customers because it reduces the amount of time specialists spend with policy holders collecting data, and instead allows time for more valued-added conversations. Policy holders already collect this data; electronically sharing it with your specialist saves time for the policy holder with both the crop insurance specialist and their FSA office. Precision data sharing applies to reporting, claims, and APH reviews. For reporting, as soon as your planting and harvest data is available, you can upload it securely to the cloud - or put it on a thumb drive for your crop insurance specialist to access. No need for printing paperwork or entering data into a website. The completed report will be sent in DocuSign for your approval. For claims, your adjuster will have the information as soon as you share it. Plus, you know that your data is complete and accurate, which will result in a fair assessment of payment. Three documents are required to verify a loss – seeding map, calibration report, and harvest wet-weight map. When you upload them, you’re set for a faster claim process. When you’re using it for APH reviews, you can ensure your records are correct, save time by doing it all electronically, and provide the best data. Farmers can gather the relevant precision records, review them with GreenStone, and the complete records make the process even smoother. You don’t need to worry about GreenStone mining or selling your data. We only use what’s needed for crop insurance, and we never share your information. Even though precision data may capture a lot of extra information, we only use the same information that you are currently manually reporting. Not only does sharing precision data make working with GreenStone more convenient, but with the instant sharing of information, it takes much less time to validate claims, so you get your money faster. You do the field work, we’ll do the paperwork. For more information, contact your GreenStone crop insurance specialist. ■