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Crop Insurance Calendar
GreenStone is proud to introduce the new Optimum crop insurance analyzer tool available in late January. This new resource, available to members renewing or purchasing crop insurance through GreenStone for the 2021 growing season, will review coverage options available for your operation to generate a customized, data-driven recommendation for your specific needs and budget. Optimum’s easy-to-read reports will simplify the selection of the ideal coverage for your budget, to ensure your business will achieve break-even or better during even the most challenging growing conditions. To learn more about this exclusive benefit available soon for our customers, visit www.greenstonefcs.com or contact your local crop insurance specialist. ■
Fruit Acreage Reports / Yield Reports and Pre-Acceptance Worksheets Due
Final date to sign-up or make changes for a spring 2021 crop insurance policy. If you are interested in changing the coverage level, type or need to add a crop, please call your crop insurance specialist to review your options. Any and all changes need to be completed by the March 15th deadline! If a signed application is not returned, your policy will automatically renew at the same level you insured at during the previous year.
2020 harvested crops. Before you get busy in the field this spring, be sure to have your production reports completed, signed and submitted before the deadline.
*Please note some dates can vary by county, especially in Wisconsin. Please check with your crop insurance specialist for specific dates if you are unsure.
Premium bills were due before October 1, 2020. Starting with the earliest Premium Bill date, payments are applied as follows: A) Any unpaid finance or interest charge, B) Unpaid administrative fees, and C) Unpaid premiums. Please keep in mind that accrued interest on uncollected premium is attached, according with the terms of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement, and CANNOT be waived by the agent or AIP. If you cannot pay your premium before the March 15th Debt Termination Date, contact the AIP directly to set up a payment plan. Otherwise, you will not be eligible for crop insurance or any other federally subsidized programs. ■
RMA now allows a single Enterprise Unit (EU) structure that covers two adjoining counties. It is only available when authorized on the actuarial documents for crops in which Revenue Protection (RP) is available. One county must individually qualify for EU as the primary and the other county must not qualify for EU. MCEU must be elected on or before the SCD and electing MCEU does not automatically make the county eligible MCEU. ■
Early and late plant dates may have changed and vary by location within the State. Be sure to contact your GreenStone crop insurance specialist to get the specific dates for your area. It is important to note that crop acreage planted before the early plant date is not eligible for replant payments but will still be eligible for insurance coverage. The insurance guarantee is not impacted as long as producers follow good farming practices. Crops planted after the late plant date during the late plant period will also have reduced coverage. ■
The end of insurance period has been extended to December 5 and the stage guarantees have been removed. The production guarantee will now be expressed in pounds of raw sugar. This is calculated by multiplying the tons of beet production by 2,000, and converted to pounds of raw sugar by the average percentage of raw sugar to determine the production to count. This conversion began with the 2018 production, and historical years will be adjusted by the AIP on your APH Database. There is also an early harvest factor to recognize for the potential lower weight and sugar content of early harvested beets. ■
As a reminder, the USDA Risk Management Agency now requires all insured organic certified producers to provide a copy of their organic crop plan and organic certificate to their agent before the acreage reporting date. ■