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YBSF Resources
GreenStone recognizes the importance of young, beginning, and small farmers and the role urban food production and diverse producers play in sustaining rural communities and agriculture.
With the new year comes new opportunities, and to continue supporting the next generation of agriculture, GreenStone is again providing $40,000 to young, beginning, and small farmers through the newly revised CultivateGrowth grant program! Whether you are starting a business from the ground up or taking over your family’s generational farm, you need the right resources and knowledge to overcome the challenges of today’s highly competitive market. Designed specifically to help prepare all producers for success, the grant program helps minimize financial and resource barriers often faced by individuals newly entering the industry. 2022 marks the fifth year GreenStone has dedicated $40,000 to individuals through grant funding. The grant amounts will be up to $1,000 to current customers and up to $500 to non-GreenStone customers.
Eligibility: • Young, beginning or small farmer -18-35 years of age, or -Farming for less than 10 years, or - Sustain annual gross sales from agricultural production of less than $250,000 • Must be eligible to be a member of
GreenStone: reside in Michigan or northeast Wisconsin
Intended grant use must fall within one of the following categories: • Agricultural programs/events: educational course/program (on-site or online), conference fees, etc. • GreenStone resources: first time use of accounting and tax services, technology support, etc. • Non-GreenStone services: business and farm consultants, etc. Interested in applying? Visit www.greenstonefcs.com for more information. ■