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Farmers After Hours: Profitability and Financial Fundamentals
With harvest season in full swing, the list of farm chores never seeming to end and the chaos of everyday life making it difficult to find extra hours in the day, it becomes all too easy to push off those pesky items on your financial to-do list.
To equip you with the financial tools and resources necessary to finally check off those items, GreenStone has partnered with the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture for the “Farmers After Hours series: Profitability and Financial Fundamentals.“
The series kicked off on September 16 with a one-hour, live panel of farmers openly sharing their financial struggles, how they overcame them, the resources they utilized and more. Each week, industry experts share information during a weekly 20-minute webinar on a variety of financial topics such as tax and accounting, the importance of a balance sheet and how to prepare for farm succession. The series wraps up with another live panel including all topic experts 1. Cory Blumerick, Senior Crop Insurance Specialist, was recognized with the 2020 Fruit + Vegetable 40 under 40 award. This honor is reserved exclusively for outstanding young industry professionals who are demonstrating exceptional commitment to making their mark in the industry through innovation and leadership. Congratulations on this distinguished honor! when listeners will engage and ask the experts questions. Farmers After Hours series: Profitability and Financial Fundamentals is free to attend. Watch each week for valuable information for your farm: • Week 1 – Live Farmer
Panel (60 minutes) • Week 2 – Understanding your • Week 3 – Preparing for Tax
Season (20 minutes) • Week 4 – Best Accounting
Practices (20 minutes) • Week 5 – Innovative Revenue
Sources (20 minutes) • Week 6 (held on October 21) – Learning the Lending Process (20 minutes) • Week 7 (held on October 28) – Transitional and Estate
Planning (20 minutes) • Week 8 (held on November 4) –
Live: Ask-the-Expert panel (90 minutes) For more information on the series, to register for upcoming webinars, or to watch past webinars, visit www.michfb.com/ mi/MiFoundation4Ag. ■
Win Dollars with your Deer in Wisconsin and MI U.P.
This hunting season, GreenStone will be giving away $1,000 in cash prizes during the Annual Deer Challenge. Hunters who reside in northeast Wisconsin or Michigan’s Upper Peninsula are invited to participate for the chance to win big bucks now through Friday, December 4, 2020. The contest features both adult and junior classes and grand prizes will be awarded in each class:
Big Buck Contest Adults (18 years and older) • First Place - $400 • Second Place - $200 • Third Place - $100
Junior Buck (17 years and younger) • First Place - $200 • Second Place - $100
Along with the grand prizes, all entrants who harvest a deer with any legal gun, bow, muzzleloader or crossbow will be entered into a drawing to win a game camera or a $25 Cabela’s gift card. Trophies will also be awarded to junior hunters who harvest their first deer.
To qualify, deer must be harvested in Michigan or Wisconsin and the hunter must complete the deer entry form. Submit the form online by visiting www.GreenStoneFCS. com/DeerChallenge For more information, visit www.GreenStoneFCS.com. ■
balance sheet (20 minutes) SERVICE ANNIVERSARIES Help GreenStone congratulate and thank these staff who are celebrating an employment milestone. From
2. Ben Spitzley, VP & Commercial Lending Group Manager, was recently appointed to the Michigan Dairy Memorial and Scholarship Foundation board as a result of his continuous efforts to be active and provide value to the Dairy Industry. Congratulations, Ben! MPPA also honored Jason Klein, with Dykhuis Farms, the Swine Herd Manager Award for his superior commitment, knowledge and leadership in his role as a manager of a pork production
operation. five to 40, the years represent the dedication and service all employees provide our members.
Christopher Vargas (5) Kyanne Rodabaugh (20) Ian McGonigal (20) Kathleen Esckilsen (40)
Eric Smith (5) Heidi Pettis (10) Matt Willbrandt (10) Susan Smith (35)
Nicole Burke (10) Trina Powers (15) Leah Mills (15)