Greenteam Uni Stuttgart Newsletter January 2014

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LOADING E0711-5 Manufacturing has started


Meet the Sponsors

GreenTeam Teambuilding


TEAM NEWS Meet the new team!


GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V.


2 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dear sponsors, supporters and friends, The new year has already begun with a highlight: We successfully passed the FSG Rules Quiz and registered for Hockenheim! We will now work on building the foundation for a successful season. We went for a teambuilding weekend, cleaned up our workshop, and met our sponsors to thank them for the support during the last years and to strengthen our collaboration. This newsletter will give you some impressions about the events. In December we had our first important deadline: design freeze. We are happy to announce that almost every part of the E5 is designed in detail and is ready for production. The whole team put a lot of work and effort into this project to make sure that we will be able to present a reliable and fast car next year. One thing is for sure: we want this car to win! We hope you and your family had wonderful holidays and we wish you a happy and successful new year!

Benedikt Bauersachs, Maria Denise Branciforti and Dusko Mitrovic GreenTeam E0711-5


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EDITORIAL 2 Introduction





Car #26 will be green again!

Meet the new team!


Clean up!


Meet the members


10 Manufacturing has started


11 Merry Christmas 12 GreenTeam Teambuilding 16 Meet the sponsors! 20 ZF Teambuilding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

4 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

S P E C I A L:

Car #26 will be green again! We passed the FSG Rules Quiz!

›› Stuttgart. On Monday January 13th it was time for the FSG Rules Quiz! Both electric

and combustion teams who want to participate in Hockenheim have to pass the rules quiz successfully, which means to answer all questions correctly and very fast. Only 40 slots were available for over 60 electric teams, which means that passing the Rules Quiz is not an easy task at all. Before the Rules Quiz the organisational team developed a strategy. The team learned the FSAE and FSG rules by heart. To be prepared we practiced the rulesquiz in every team meeting before and after Christmas. We also met two times to practice the quiz under real conditions.


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›› Strategy. We met two hours before the quiz. Everything was

ready when the quiz started at noon. Everyone knew what to do. Minute after minute we solved the questions and after eight minutes we were able to send our answers for the first time. We didn’t really get that we did it until we were asked to choose our car number. The team screamed and celebrated! We answered the quiz with the 5th fastest time! We chose the traditional car number 26. Now we are working even harder on the car to beat the other teams in Hockenheim!


6 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

TEAM NEWS: Meet the new team! Season 2013/2014



» DUSKO MITROVIC« Chief Engineer (Electrical)

» BENEDIKT BAUERSACHS « Chief Engineer (Mechanical)

» BASTIAN NEUBER « Monocoque

» MIRJAM BASTEK « Seat, Firewall, Belts, Crashbox


» STEPHAN KLATT « Head of Frame & Monocoque

» MICHAEL JANßEN« Aerodynamics, Front Wing

» NIKITA BURTSEV « Aerodynamics, Rear Wing


» ANDRÈ EBEL« Head of HV-Accumulator

» IVAN ANDELIC « Cell Tests, Analysis, Packaging

» PHILIPP HOFSÄß « Aerodynamics, Diffusor


» XUEDONG MENG « » CHRISTIAN SEIDLER « Accumulator-Management-System Accumulator-Management-System

» PHILIPP WACHTER « Casing, Cooling System

» ALEXANDER GEMMER « Head of HV-Elektronics

» ALEXAND Inverter, H



» SIMON KUNZ « Head of System Electronics



» SEBASTIAN BIL« Electrical Measurement/Connection

» ADRIAN HAUG« E-Packaging


» DAVID FINK « Breake System and Pedal Box

»TIM LINDNER « Uprights


» MAX SUNDERMANN« Spring-Damper-System



» CHRISTIAN KELLER « Head of Suspension


»STEFAN SCHMIDT « Head of Drivetrain

» MARIU Rim,



» DOMINIK SCHÄFER « Electric Motor Housing

» PHILIPP PFERDT « Cooling System

» DAVID BATTRAN « Wheel Axle

» ALEXANDER PILZ « Inverter Mechanical



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O n e P a s s i o n . O n e G o a l . O n e Te a m

DER KEMPT « HV-Harness

AN BINDER« emetry

US KLEIN« , Tyres



» HUA AI« Vehicle Dynamic Simulation

» HUGH MILLEAR « Laptime-Simulation

» PRISCA SCHMID« Eventmanagement

» MARTIN SCHMID« Eventmanagement

» MIREILLE PISTORIUS « Public Realtions


SE BRANCIFORTI « Organization

» FABIAN BONG « Sponsorship

» MARTIN KUNDLA « Manufacturing Organization

» NHI HUYNH « Finance


8 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

TEAM NEWS: Clean up!

From GreenTeam to CleanTeam

>>> Stuttgart After building a racecar prototype a workshop usually looks like a mess.

If you have ever visited a Formula Student team during the construction phase you have probably seen lamination material, glue, tools, and so on lying all over the place. The mess gets bigger and bigger during the season and after the events in summer and fall the car had to get fixed so many times that there is even more glue, tools, and dirt in the workshop. It took some days to get everything from the old car out of the workshop. The things no longer needed for the new car are stored away so that there is space for new tools and material. To clean up the workshop the GreenTeam then met one cold but luckily dry Saturday in November. We carried everything out of the workshop and cleaned the floor. We also counted our material and tools to find out what we’re missing and need to buy. It took a whole day to clean the workshop and we were still not done yet. The next thing on the to do list was building up our new kitchen. We installed a new oven and new shelves - a whole new „kitchen feeling“!


9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014

Meet the members!

Benjamin Bauersachs Chief Engineer ( Mechanical), studies Technology Management 2nd season in the GreenTeam

>>> How did you first hear about the GreenTeam? It was a YouTube video - it was the video of the E1-team which reminded me of an A-Team prologue. It was a great video with cool guys which gave a good insight into Formula Student.

>>> Which was the most impressive moment in your first season? Acceleration in Silverstone. In the first run the car made a huge sidewards jump because one motor did not run. Only a few minutes later we drove the fastest time - With all four motors!

>>> Which competition do you look forward to the most? FSG in Hockenheim. The event is very professional and it is the biggest event in Europe. The most successful teams from all over the world compete against each other.

>>> Which detail of the new car are you especially proud of? I really like the general concept because there are no compromises.

>>> If you were able to implement a new FSAE rule, which one would it be? I would like to add another dynamic discipline. It would be a super-slalom, a slalom course which would be several hundred meters long. This would be a very demanding course for our drivers and chassis and gear engineers.


10 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

LOADING E0711-5: Manufacturing has started

Only two and a half months until the rollout

>>> Countdown to rollout



>>> This section gives you an overview on what is happening at the moment with the design and construction of the E0711-5 After the design freeze in December we presented the concept to our alumni. We then implemented their advice into our design. Additionally, we tested different materials so that we are able to select the most suitable material for our various components. Material and component lists were started in order to allow a smooth production and ordering process and to prepare for the design and cost events. Currently we are already in the production phase. A big thank you goes to our manufacturing partners who manufacture our parts or allow us to produce the parts on their machines. Since the middle of January we are for example working on the monocoque and other parts of the car. The monocoque should be ready in seven weeks which means we can stick to our timetable.


11 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014


Merry Christmas

GreenTeam and Rennteam had a little Christmas party together

>>> Stuttgart Together with the Rennteam we had a little Christmas party on Dec. 20th.

Everyone brought something to eat and a present for “Schrottwichteln” (“rubbish gift exchange”), a tradition in Germany. For “Schrottwichteln” you bring an old, ugly present which you already have at home. Everyone exchanges presents and sometimes you roll a dice to have the chance to exchange “good” and “bad” presents (usually, all of the presents are very bad…). It is a lot of fun especially when the presents are chosen as thoughtfully as seen at our Christmas party. Besides “Schrottwichteln” we enjoyed the good food and some beer. Everyone was happy that some days off lay ahead. We rested a little during the holidays to come back refreshed and reinvigorated for the new year. GreenTeam and Rennteam wish that all of you had merry Christmas and a good start in a successful 2014!


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GreenTeam Teambuilding

A weekend filled with nature, soccer and good food


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In November we spent a weekend together in the south of Germany to get to know each other. Luckily most of the team was able to attend the team bulding. Our event organisers Martin and Prisca booked accommodation and took care of providing good food and beer. After the arrival on Friday we cooked together and spent the evening with nice conversations. Due to rain and low temperature some planned activities could not be done the next day, nevertheless we went for a hike. During the breaks we played some games to learn the names and work packages of all team members. We ended with a balloon race which was fun to watch. We then walked back to our accommodation and had lunch. In the afternoon we had a little brainstorm about the business plan presentation and afterwards we set up our projector to watch soccer. As you can imagine Dortmund vs. Bayern Munich is a must see when being on a teambuilding trip with 30 men. On Sunday we cleaned up the accommodation together. All in all it was a fun weekend with good ideas and positive conversations.


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Meet the sponsors!

In the beginning of December we welcomed our sponsors in Stuttgart


17 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | January 2014

>>> Stuttgart On Wednesday, 4th of December, we welcomed our sponsors to our third sponsor’s night. The sponsor’s night is held annually. The event aims to present the new team to our sponsors. The sponsors arrived at 5:30 pm and were welcomed by all team members. They were able to view videos and reviews of the last season. There were also a speeches by Mr. Wiedemann, faculty advisor of the FKFS, and the former head of organization, Axel Leins, as well as the current head of organization, Denise Branciforti. The official part of the event ended with a fun video which gave impressions of the ups and downs of the last season and again revealed the potential of the E4 on the road. We prepared a buffet and drinks for our sponsors and grabbed the chance to talk to them in a relaxed atmosphere. It was interesting to hear that some employees have hand-on experience of the Formula Student since they also worked in Formula Student teams before they started their careers. If they were interested, we took sponsors to our container so they could have a look at our workshop. The detailed questions and interesting conversations prove how deep the understanding of our work is to our sponsors. The sponsor’s night was a great opportunity for us to get to know our sponsors personally and to talk directly about possible projects. On the other hand our sponsors now know the new team members which enables them to contact us faster and more efficient. Meeting our sponsors already became a beloved tradition which we will continue next year. Until then we look forward to meet our sponsors at their offices, at our rollout in May or in Hockenheim.


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ZF Teambuilding Freezing fun


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>>> Feldberg ZF invited us to the annual teambuilding that took place in the Feldberg

area. 18 team members packed their winter clothes and were prepared for the activities that took place both indoors and outdoors, some of them under professional guidance. The teambuilding started in the evening and we had to work on a task together. To keep it a secret for the teams taking part next year, we will not say what kind of task it was. Afterwards we cooked and had dinner together. The next day there was another task to be solved. Afterwards, we did a snowshoe hike which was still fun despite the freezing cold. Thank you ZF for inviting us!


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Schulz Feinbearbeitung


Impressum N

Edition January 2014

Publisher GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Pfaffenwaldring 12 D-70569 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 685 65759 Homepage Mail


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