GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart Newsletter November 2013

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SEASON REVIEW Experiences and Impressions of the E0711-4

TEAM NEWS Testing the Limits


LOADING E0711-5 Phase One started


GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V.

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D e a r R e a d e r, After the competition in China the season 2013 is now complete – now it`s time to look back. We started with high goals and expectations into the season 2013. The 36-person team was aware of the risk going along with the high grade of innovation. The four-wheel-drive, the self-developed control unit and accumulator management, the full-monocoque and the advanced aerodynamics was not to be underestimated. At first, the season went according to plan. Until the rollout in April the E4 was nearly ready, less than two weeks later the race car drove its first meters. Indeed we were one of the first Formula Student Electric teams with a working race car, but the problems did not wait long to come. First the EMC did not work properly, then software-problems occurred which let the E4 shut down. Due to the complexity it was not always easy to determine the reason for the problems and eventually we even had to skip the important test event “ZF Race Camp“ to get fix the car in time for the competition at Silverstone. Despite a dream start, we could not finish the Formula Student UK as we wanted to - although the 14th place overall was not that bad. Nevertheless the first endurance failure in the history of the GreenTeam was hard to take. Even in the most important competition of the season at Hockenheim we did not make it through the Endurance – which certainly was the saddest moment for the entire team, especially since everyone knew what potential the car has. This potential could not be obtained because of small things... In Austria the E4 finally completed all dynamic disciplines except Skid Pad. The 5th place overall gave proof that the E4 could prevail against the top competitors. For the last European competition in Italy we wanted to do everything right – and we succeeded. With the Rennteam we achieved a historic double victory. While only a few days remained before the start of the 2014 season, half of the team was preparing for the competition in China. In June we started recruiting for the 2014 season. This early start allowed us to begin working on the new car already in September. Since then every team member has worked at full speed for the next generation, the E0711-5. At the same time, the team management has changed. At the same time, the team management has changed and is officially presented to you in this newsletter. Last of all I want to express thanks to everyone who supported the GreenTeam, who gae us motivation also in bad times and who believed in us. Also I wish the best of luck to the new team. Feuer frei! Axel Leins, President E0711-4


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Dear Reader



Saison 2012/13



Testing the limits


12 Phase One started


14 ETAS Inside Event 16 Boxenstopp@Daimler Event


4 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | November 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

S P E C I A L:

Saison 2012/2013 One year full of ups and downs

After a long emotional season in 2013, GreenTeam looks back in both sorrow and joy. The whole range from great successes to heart-breaking failures made this season the most turbulent in our short history. An innovative concept including a huge reduction of weight made possible by a full monocoque, as well as 4-wheel-drive and a complete aero-package marked the beginning of the fourth Formula Student season of the GreenTeam. The design of the E0711-4 was a big challenge for the thirty-six students of the 2012/2013 team. Therefore the rollout of the car this past April in front of families, friends, and sponsors, was a moment to remember. The rollout was an important milestone, but nevertheless the car hadn’t driven before this event. Exactly two weeks after the first revealing of the E4 the car finally drove around the GreenTeam container for the first time. From this day on, testing was all the team did. Not only the car had to get ready for the competitions, but also the drivers needed to practice to get a feeling for the car. Besides testing there are lots of other things to prepare for the competitions, for example planning and calculating the participation in five events in four months. But not enough: it is not just the fastest car on track that wins a competition, but it`s the overall concept and execution that is most important. The cost report and design presentations as well as a business plan presentation need to be prepared and practised before the events. To win a competition, a team needs to be close to perfect in both dynamic and static disciplines.


5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | November 2013

›› STATION 1: Silverstone In early July the entire team left the European continent towards Silverstone for the Formula Student UK, the oldest Formula Student competition in Europe. In bright sunshine the E0711-4 took part in its first competition and recorded its first successes: 1st place in Acceleration, 2nd place in the Autocross and participation in the Design finals. Sadly in the crucial discipline everything changed: while in only the second lap of Endurance, the stress-test of Formula Student competitions, the E0711-4 failed to finish due to a mechanical problem in the steering. This was a massive shock to the whole team, as never before had a GreenTeam car fail in Endurance. Nevertheless a 14th place overall (of 80, combined with Formula Student Combustion cars) was a positive result.

›› STATION 2: Hockenheim Only a few weeks later, in early August, it was time for the highlight of the season: Formula Student Germany. During the competition which takes place in Hockenheim the team got to meet many of its sponsors, as well as many friends and family members who come to cheer for their rarely seen friends and children. They now could finally take a look at what the team achieved during many day and night shifts in the container and while testing the car. Unfortunately, problems hit the car again at Hockenheim and the E0711-4 was only able to take part in the Autocross and Endurance dynamic events, where the car was not able to finish for the 2nd time. After Hockenheim, the entire team forced themselves to redouble their efforts, because one thing was certain: The E0711-4 was built to win. The will and the motivation to prove this fact was to be demonstrated in Austria and Italy. The expectations were huge leading into the last two crucial events.


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›› STATION 3: Spielberg In Austria, we were able to start to see glimpses of the huge potential we had been striving for all season. In perfect conditions the E0711-4 finished its first endurance during a competition. In the end, the team finished 5th in the overall standings. But that was not (yet) enough! A top placement was the goal.

›› STATION 4 : Varano While at the final European competition in Italy, the team finally had the chance to compete against and conquer their most direct competitors, Zurich and Zwickau. At Varano, the whole team came together as a truly effective and cohesive unit, making the dream of 1st place a reality. During the competition, top placing’s came in one after another: 2nd place in Business Presentation, 4th place in Engineering Design, and 2nd place in Cost event put us in an excellent position after the static events. Results in the dynamic disciplines afterwards did not disappoint with a 3rd place in Skid-Pad, 2nd in Acceleration and an amazing 1st place in Autocross in torrential rain. Only the times of Endurance would decide our fate, victory or defeat. After what seemed like an age, waiting in the dark on the main straight of Riccardo Paletti Circuit, the words from the announcer “and the winner is car number.. 628 – GreenTeam University of Stuttgart!” were at first unbelievable. GreenTeam was victorious at Formula SAE Italy! The excitement never stopped and everyone was indescribably happy, with that perfect evening continuing when history was written by the first double victory of a single university in Formula Student, with RennTeam also going up to the top step of the podium for their combustion win. That competition also was the team’s first win over the competitors from Zurich, who occupy the top of the Formula Student Electric world rankings.


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›› STATION 5: Xiangyang After Italy there was only one competition left for GreenTeam: Formula Student China. One year ago, the GreenTeam took part in the competition as the only non-Chinese team. Again in mid-October, the national competition was held for the third time. With the support of Daimler AG, Universität Stuttgart, VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Small Planet Solutions, and ZF Friedrichshafen AG, sixteen of the thirty-six team members were able to fly to Xiangyang in Hubei Province. The Formula Student China has become more international through the years, while the event still has the size of a medium-sized European competition. GreenTeam was again the only European team that was present in China in 2013. During the competition, the team raced against nine other teams in the electric class, with a total of 50 teams taking part and this made the competition tighter than last year. Nevertheless the GreenTeam was the best team out of the 50 participating teams and ended the season with another victory in China. For more information please have a look at the detailed Follow-up of the event which is uploaded on

››Thanks to all our Supporters! With this perfect ending we now can all look back on a thrilling and emotional season with many ups and downs, as well as lots of new friendships that were made both on and off the track. It is not only the competition itself, but also the time off the track and the exchanges with other teams that are what makes Formula Student around the world so special. At this point we would like to sincerely thank all of our sponsors and supporters who are always there for us, and without their help we could not be where we are today. A very special thanks also goes to all the families and friends who have supported us with patience and understanding throughout the season.


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TEAM NEWS: Testing the limits

First team building activity in a high ropes course

›› Stuttgart.

Shortly after the team was built

and started to meet regularly, the first teambuilding activity was scheduled. One sunny day in October we met at the University and went by train to Zuffenhausen where we spent some time conquering a high ropes course. After a brief safety introduction we could get started. Everyone began in the practice course, and then we were ready for the lofty heights. The course was up to eleven meters high. Everyone climbed at its own pace and was glad when receiving advice from the teammates. As often, from another perspective things were seen quite differently. We all had fun together and were able to test our limits.

›› critical look

›› team photo of the brave


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›› safety first


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›› an overview of the high ropes course


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›› After the climbing the team sat together for some drinks and then went back to the train station. All in all we had a great time and had the chance to get to know each other better. ‹‹

›› nice get-together... of course this picture was taken after climbing :)


12 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | November 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

LOADING E0711-5: Phase One started Development of the new car

›› Countdown to Rollout



›› Loading E0711-5. This section will

give you an overview on what is happening at the moment with the design and construction of the E0711-5. In August the head of organization, Ben, Denise, and Dusko selected the new team by talking to many students and by finding out which work package fits to them. They built a new team structure to enhance the processes of designing the E0711-5. After deciding on the concept for the new race car every team member received its work package.

Te a m - O r g a n i z a t i o n

Benedikt Bauersachs Chief Engineer (Mechanical) in the GT since: 2012 Degree course: Technology Management Maria Denise Branciforti Head of Organization In the GT since: 2012 Degree course: Mechanical Engineering Dusko Mitrovic Chief Engineer (Electrical) in the GT since: 2012 Degree course: Electrical Engineering

›› Phase One. The project for the „E0711-5“ began in late August with the concept phase. After the team was locked in, each team member received his or her work package which then he or she works on independently. This way everyone gets a chance to contribute their own ideas and to solve the multitude of problems they face creatively. These various individual concepts from each subteam then need to be merged together into a single, integrated concept which is quite a challenge.


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›› Concept Days. During the first two concepts days, held in later October and early November, each and every work package is presented and discussed between current team members and GreenTeam alumni. This initial step of concept presentations is very important to the team as it makes sure each team member understands the direction and details of all the other designs going on around them. After the discussion of the current concept as well as possible alternatives, everyone has gotten new feedback and design input on their work packages, as well as help regarding construction and physical testing.

›› Stutcad. Before and after the concept days, many days and nights are spent in the StutCAD; the CAD training center of the University of Stuttgart. This phase will end with a presentation in early December, where the final solutions are discussed with GreenTeam alumni. Their input will then be taken into consideration before finalising the design.

›› Sponsorship. In addition to designing and manufacturing the car many other processes take place. Sponsors and production partners need to be acquired, because without their support even the best concept car would still be a concept. We are very pleased that we were able to keep many sponsors from last season, and were also able to acquire new sponsors. This shows us that we are not the only ones who have confidence in our work.

As you can see, the E0711-5 continues to be very interesting as the time frame from design is very ambitious and tight. Stay tuned for the next part of “Loading - E0711-5” in our next newsletter.


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EVENTS: ETAS Inside Event

The GreenTeam displayed the E0711-3 in Feuerbach

›› Feuerbach. On October 2nd our sponsor ETAS invited seven Formula Student teams to Feuerbach to the ETAS inside event. The day began with testimonials from ETAS employees, who talked about their work and career at ETAS. During lunch break, the ETAS associates had the opportunity to get a glimpse of the „Fascination Formula Student“ by speaking with team members. In the afternoon there was a workshop in which the teams were faced with the task of building a bridge and a marble run out of old magazines and tape. The results were presented in front of three judges, who already knew most of the team members from the judging at the Formula Student Germany at Hockenheim. The day ended with a get-together at the Cannstatter Wasen, which has already become a beloved tradition.

›› photo of all participating teams


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›› the GreenTeam participants

›› it‘s time to tinker

›› presentation of the results


16 GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. | November 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Boxenstopp@Daimler Event A visit at Daimler in Sindelfingen

›› Sindelfingen.

On October 18th we were

invited to Sindelfingen for the Boxenstopp@Daimler event. Together with the E-Stall Esslingen, we had the chance to take part in interesting workshops and lectures on electric mobility. There was also enough time for personal exchanges and discussions with Daimler associates about working at Daimler and general career opportunities. Before lunch break we also had the opportunity to talk to HR about our CVs.

›› our drive to Sindelfingen

›› photo of the participants


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›› let the competition begin!


The highlight of the day was the opportunity to drive

the Car2Go-Smart cars. The challenge was to find various sports in Sindelfingen and to drive the electric cars as economically as possible. The day was then finished off at Palm Beach in Stuttgart. Thank you to our sponsor Daimler for this day full of insider insights and interesting conversations.

›› task distribution

›› result presentation

›› car2go for the challenge



Schulz Feinbearbeitung


Impressum N Edition November 2013 Publisher GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Pfaffenwaldring 12 D-70569 Stuttgart Phone +49 711 685 65759 Homepage Mail


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