GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart Report about the Formula Student China 2013

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Formula Student China GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Season 2013 Report



ear Sponsors, Supporters and Friends of the GreenTeam,

its done! About three weeks after the competition in China we are safe and sound back to Stuttgart. The time in Far East was exciting and demanding, but it was worthwhile: we won! Also beside the competition we could network with the other teams and experienced an uninhibited hospitality and helpfulness. But please, enjoy reading all details about our trip on the following pages. We look forward to your thoughts and feedback! On behalf of the GreenTeam, Axel Leins

Formula Student China The Formula Student China exists now since three years. In cooperation with the Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAEC) the first competition could be held in 2010. The organziers are very motivated to professionalize the event and let it grow. For example, we could get to know to a delegation from China in Silverstone. They traveled to UK to gain impressions. Since 2012 the competition was open for electric cars, but first only for Chinese teams, there the GreenTeam participated without unofficially. On from this year, it was possible for non-chinese

teams to participate officially. The most important change is the new venue. Up to this year the FSC took place in Shanghai at the Formula 1-course. For 2013 and the following years they decided on moving to Xiangyang (Hubei), about 1000km in distance from Peking and Shanghai and built a complete new race track for the Formula Student.

The team for China The tasks are related to the Season 2013.

These 16 team members make the team for the competition in China.

Nico Epple Head of Electronics GT since...


Subject of study Electr. Engineering

Head of Organization

Subject of study Head of Mechanics

GT since...

GT since...

Axel Leins 2011


Subject of study Ren. Energies

Subject of study Mech. Engineering

Hua Ai

Fabian Bong

China Supervisor


GT since...

GT since...



Subject of study Automotive Engineering

Subject of study Electr. Engineering

Lothar Bloschies

Marco Di Sarno

Brake system / Pedals

Business Plan

GT since...

GT since...


Subject of study Mech. Engineering


Subject of study Physik

The team for China Tobias Emmerich Head of Drivetrain GT since...


Subject of study Cypernetics

Zhengling Li Anti-Roll-Bars GT since...


Subject of study Automotive Engineering

Andreas Pilsl

Daniel Schlamp

Cooling System

Head of Suspension

GT since...


GT since...


Subject of study Automotive Engineering

Subject of study Technology Management

Andreas Schwab

Max Sundermann


Rims / Wheel Axles

GT since...


GT since...


Subject of study Aerospace Engineering

Subject of study Automotive Engineering

Hans Wiggenhauser

Christian Wolf



GT since...


Subject of study Mech. Engineering

Hao Wu


Subject of study Financial Management

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiedemann

Steering System GT since...

GT since...


Subject of study Automotive Engineering

Faculty Advisor President of the FKFS Director Automotive Engineering Visiting Professor at the Tongji-Universit채t

Report PREPARATION 12.10.-14.10.

Already the arrival in Xiangyang was an adventure – due to too much smog, the aircraft spent about 20 minutes in a holding pattern until they decided to have a refueling stop at Wuhan. We then arrived with a 2hours delay in Xiangyang. Xiangyang is as large as the half of Baden-Württemberg, On the way to the hotel there are construction sites as far as the eye can see – Xiangyang is a typical “boom town”. The competition site was planned until spring 2013 and had been built up in just 6 months, a remarkable performance. The course is also built for kart races. Our race car was sent of from Stuttgart in a cargo box, which arrived in Xiangyang in a typical sea container. Somehow we began to wonder in the way the customs duty in Beijing treated the box. Neither the box had been fully closed, nor has the load in the box been saved again. Well, to our luck nothing happened... Because the accumulator cells are declared as dangerous goods, so the accumulator had to be disassembled in Germany and assambled in China, which took about 2 days. In the following days more and more teams arrived in Xiangyang. Different to their plans, the teams from Liverpool and Gothenburg were not able to participate, so we should remain as the only non-chinese team.

▲ Everything under construction – typical impression in Xiangyang

▲ The cargo box and the sea container

▲ The Xiangyang Airport. Tiny compared to the big city

▲ Quite high interest on from the first minute

Report Day 1 – Registration 14th October

On the first official day there was only the team registration, but because of several import regulations we had to organize things like fire extinguishers and tape. The Chinese welcomed us warmly and the interest in the team and the car was quite high. Already on the second day the local newspaper of Xiangyang gave a report, after which some TV companies requested for interviews.

Day 2 – Scrutineering, Statics 15. October

The FSC organizers had a very ambitious time planning. The Scrutineering as well as the whole Statics were planned at only one single day (50 teams). Fortunately we needed not too much preparation time – after 4 competitions, the Statics as well as the Scrutineering went quite well. But: the language barrier (written or spoken) became a central point and could be only solved by our Chinese team members working as translators. So the Statics/Scrutineering took much longer as scheduled. Also, the Scrutineering was accompanied by a media team to gain experience. One of the most experienced Electrical Scrutineers, Jürgen Falb, also came to the competition and could give good advice to the Scrutineers.

▲ A typical Chinese breakfast

▲ the media interest was as high as we never experienced in any European competition

The crowd waiting for Scrutineering

▲ Engineering Design Event, in part held with the help of translators

Report Day 3 – Scrutineering, Dynamics 16th October

This day started with about 2 hours of queuing - their time planning did not work out. Too less teams passed Scrutineering yesterday, eventually the operations became more hectic (and sometimes chaotic). The organizers decided on reforming the entrance for Scrutineering which let the crowd being like in a big funnel. Nevertheless we had patience and finally passed rain-, tilt-, and braketest. After the lunch break – being supplied by local deliveries – we went on with Skid Pad and Acceleration. The scoring for Electric cars was separated to the Combustion scoring, so we had to compete against 9 E-Teams. SkidPad Max 5,260s – best time 1st place Acceleration (0-75m) Daniel 3,363s - best time (and our best accel-time this season!) 1st place

▲ Skid Pad

▲ Finishing Acceleration - best result of the season with 3,363s

▲ Hua right before Autocross

▲ the media interest was as high as we never experienced in any European competition

Report Day 4 – Dynamics 17th October

Imporant visitors today! The President of the University of Stuttgart, Prof. Wolfram Ressel, stopped in Xiangyang to visit us. Together with Prof. Wiedemann, who arrived yesterday, we got together with interesting personalites – e.g. the Vice President of the SAE China, Mr. Yen, or the Vice President of the Beijing Institute of Technology. Along to these official meetings the competition we went on with the competition – we passed Autocross with best time! Hua Ai and Andreas Pilsl were able to drive these best times despite they had nearly no possibility for testing Autocross with the E4. The preparation time between Italy and departure of the cargo box for China was too short. Our usual Autocross- and Endurance drivers, Stephan Klatt and Peter Suess, were not able to come to China due to proffesional duties. Autocros Andreas Pilsl 62,5s Hua Ai 59,2s (Bestzeit) 1st place

Prof. Ressel (2.l) visited us in Xiangyang

Group picture with the Tongji-Team, the Professors Li Liguang, Ressel and Wiedemann

▲ Hua right before Autocross

Group picture with Prof. Wiedemann (9.l) and the President of the University of Stuttgart, Prof Ressel (11.l)

Report Day 5 – Dynamics 18th October

Now it became quite thrilling – the next competitor had about 100pts less than us, the Endurance should decide on the 1st place for us. Of course we knew about the reliability from Austria and Italy, but always had the “did not finish“ from Silverstone and Hockenheim at the back of our minds. The E4 started as last and drove with steady times, the last five laps it was the only race car on the track. Of course there was some melancholy upcoming –this should be the last official participation of the E4 in this season... Hua and Andreas drove good times without exception. Despite the used power was only a part of the allowed power we drove best times (also against a Formula 2 driver in a combustion car!). Afterwards there was the big group photo and the award ceremony - unfortunately in Chinese only. But: we were honored for two things. 1st Place Electric Overall 1st Place “Lightweight Award“. This was now our first international success – and we are very proud of it. Unlike at European competitions there was no final party for the teams, but we made it up at the following evening. Directly after the competition we first had to pack the cargo box for the delivery to Germany.

â–˛ Endurance

â–˛ 1st place at Formula Student China 2013!

Colloquium at the Tongji 22th October 2013

Since 1994 the Univeristy of Stuttgart stands in cooperation with the Tongji University, Shanghai. A special step was a double master‘s degree program for the course of studies “Automotive Engineering“ and “Mechanical Engineering“ in Summer of 2012. With our participation at FSC2012 we could operate for the University of Stuttgart on the level of the Formula Student –with workshops for the Formula Student team of the Tongji–University. This team planned their first Formula Student Electric race car. Also in this year we were engaged at the Tongji-University. After the competition, most of the team members took the journey to Shanghai for a Colloquium at the Tongji University. There were both teams, E and C, from the Tongji, as well as the professors Zhang, Xiong and Wiedemann. The patronage was by ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF is involved in the Tongji University, in the University of Stuttgart and in the GreenTeam. The Colloquium was quite interesting – every team presented details about its race car. Afterwards, at a round table, there was a discussion about topics concerning the Formula Student with teams and professors. Also Dr. Gall, Head of the ZF Engineering Center Shanghai, presented interesting insights into the Chinese Market and how ZF is involved.

▲ Prof. Wiedemann introducing and moderating

Group Photo after the Event

The DIAN Racing team is the Formula Student Electric Team of the Tongji-University

Press- and Media review Source Type Edition Date

Xiangyang Newspaper Print / Newspaper 500.000 20.10.2013

“Hua Ai, a chinese student in a German team, participates in this European top team with an electric race car at the Competition Formula Student China.“

Source Type Edition Date

Xiangyang Newspaper Print / Newspaper 500.000 16.10.2013

“This year also added a electric race, which was won by the University of Stuttgart electric team, Hefei University second, Lushan College of Guangxi University of Technology won third place in the electric race.“ Source Type Link: Link via Google Translate Date online 24.10.2013

Source Type Link: Link via Google Translate Date online 24.10.2013

“University of Stuttgart and Xiamen University of Technology awarded for winning the combustion- and electric championship“

“(...)Xiamen University of Technology won the combustion-championship, the University of Stuttgart won the electric-championship.(...)“ Source Type Link: Link via Google Translate Date online 20.10.2013

Press- and Media review Source Type Link: Link via Google Translate Date

Xiangyang Government Network News online 24.10.2013

(...) “In this contest, the University of Stuttgart, Germany as Europe‘s top college teams fleet came to Xiangyang. In the team there is the Chinese member Aihua, he is from Beijing, Beijing Institute of Technology, after his auto professional graduation, he went to Stuttgart University to graduate, in 2010 he joined the school team. The competition organizers of FSC added pure electric race cars, so Aihua and his German classmates got the chance to compete. Reporters saw him, as Aihua and his German team-mates are with the vehicle for inspection. He explained that at present, around the world are organizing various college racing, the competition is their fifth year to participate in the team event of the country. (...)”

Source Type Date

AUTOMAG / TV Video / online 20.10.2013

Source Type Link: Link via Google Translate Date

RÖMHELD (Pressebox) online 29.10.2013

(...) “Successful at international Formula Student Competition The Formula Student comeptitions are international race-car competitions, only student-teams are allowed. The races take place in Europa, Asia and the USA. (...) And to the close of the season, the Stuttgarter Team won the Formula Student (Electric) Competition in Xiangyang, China.“

Press- and Media review Source Type Date Edition

Stuttgarter Nachrichten print 05.11.2013 188.000

“Students of Stuttgart have won for the second time at the Formula Student China (FSC) Electric. With support of some sponsors, 16 of 36 team members travelled to Xiangyang, Hubei, China. The representers of the University of Stuttgart were the only non-chinese participants. At the competition, the team achieved against nine other electric teams. Also the GreenTeam won the „Lightweight Award“. On the whole, 50 teams took part at the FSC 2013. Besides the performance on the track, there is also a scoring for the design of the car, as well as for a marketing concept.“

Source Type Date

Auto Life print 01.11.2013

Sponsors for China 2013 Daimler AG. Also for the journey to China, Daimler extended the sponsoring to support the logistics and the team. Herewith we could further strengthen the partnership with Daimler. Institute of International Affairs of the University of Stuttgart, and the University of Stuttgart. Contribution for covering the travelling expenses, e.g. the plane tickets, we received financial support from a scholarship-program of the University of Stuttgart.

Small Planet Solutions. From SPS we received professional know-how and material support for ensuring the transport of the accumulator according to the regulations of the international airfreight.

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure – Local direction Würrtemberg. In Accordance to the financial support of the VDI WÜrttemberg for China, we represent the whole program of Engineering Studies at Schools, and we show what are the possiblities even for young students.

ZF Friedrichshafen AG.The diverse sponsoring of ZF includes also support for the journey to China. The colloquium at the Tongji University rounds the season off!

Sponsors 2013


Schulz Feinbearbeitung

GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Pfaffenwaldring 12 D-70569 Stuttgart Office: 0711 685 65759 President, Head of Organization Head of Electronics Head of Mechanics Sponsoring

Axel Leins Nico Epple Martin Kundla Fabian Bong

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