2015 MBA Impact Report

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Greenville Chamber


Since 2013, the Greenville Chamber’s Minority Business Accelerator Program has served the Upstate region of South Carolina through an intentional effort to accelerate the growth of diverse suppliers, which strengthens the overall economic base of the region.

2015 Impact • 12 Diverse Suppliers • Spanning 10 Industry Segments • $28.1MM Aggregate Revenues • Employing 252 Full-Time Employees

2015 MBA Advisory Council and Coaches Nika White (Advisor) VP, Diversity and Inclusion, Greenville Chamber David Willis (Advisor/Coach) Principal, NuLevel Strategic Solutions, LLC Toby Stansell (Advisor/Coach) COO, Acumen IT Dr. Keith Miller (Advisor) CEO, Greenville Technical College Louise Connell (Advisor/Coach) Director of Supplier Diversity, BMW Steven Prior (Advisor/Coach) Director of Supplier Diversity, Michelin Mark Curtis (Coach) Director, Greenville Health System Ric Ransom (Coach) Senior Administrator, Greenville Health System Sonya Cunningham (Advisor) Former Manager of Supplier Diversity, Greenville Health System Renee Jones (Advisor) Director of Supplier Diversity SE Region, Skanska Rich Hagins (MBE/Advisor/Coach) CEO, US&S, Inc. Rajeev Jindal (Advisor/Coach) CEO, Bunty, LLC Erwin Carter (Advisor/Coach) CEO, Newbold Services, LLC Crystal German (Advisor) Former VP of Economic Inclusion, Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Bob Baretto (Advisor/Coach) President & CEO, GBS Lumber Todd Davidson (Advisor/Coach) Member, Nexsen Pruet, LLC Steve Bailey (Coach) CEO, Merus Refreshment Services, Inc.

Greenville Chamber





Our Mission The mission of the Minority Business Accelerator (“MBA”) is to build a more viable, diverse, inclusive and sustainable business culture throughout the Upstate of South Carolina. Central to achieving this mission will be the MBA’s ability to grow and strengthen its overall Minority Business Enterprise (“MBE”) base.

Our Vision This Mission will be realized through the Vision of: • Increased MBE access to sustainable business opportunities • A more diversified Upstate supply chain, which will lead to greater ideas, a more inclusive business environment, and increased wealth for all • Greater capacity among MBE suppliers making them more attractive to large customers • Improved market alignment to ensure that success is realized by all stakeholders in the market

MBA Operating Team

Nika White

VP, Diversity and Inclusion Greenville Chamber of Commerce

David Willis

MBA Lead Program Consultant Principal at NuLevel Strategic Solutions, LLC

Greenville Chamber





Toby Stansell

MBA Leadership Development COO at Acumen IT

Our Team In 2009, the Greenville Chamber began a series of bold initiatives all aimed at stimulating the local economy throughout the Upstate region, and positioning the city of Greenville as one of the most progressive and inclusive cities throughout the United States. A key catalyst for these initiatives was, ACCELERATE. The Greenville Chamber’s ACCELERATE initiative began in 2009 as a collective response to strategic weaknesses documented in the annual Regional Economic Scorecard prepared by Clemson University. The primary goal of ACCELERATE is to reverse the declining trend in local income growth relative to other communities around the country. The ACCELERATE initiative today includes five (5) strategic objectives, which are, 1) Sell Greenville, 2) Grow new company headquarters, 3) Increase the number of, and performance of minority-owned businesses, 4) Create an environment that is both pro-business and pro-community, and 5) Lead new analytics projects. While all are inter-related, each of these objectives have their own individual lives and unique leadership directions. The objective to increase the number of, and performance of, minority-owned businesses gave birth to the Minority Business Accelerator (“MBA”) program. Since its inception in 2013, the MBA has had a tremendous impact throughout the region. The underlying objective of the MBA program is to create an ecosystem that would nurture and enable minority-owned businesses located within the ten counties of Upstate SC to thrive. These firms have been given an unprecedented level of exposure and access to business opportunities in and around the region, which has already begun to show positive results in business performance and community economic impact. In 2014 -15, the MBA program effectively assembled 12 diverse suppliers that all have common goals that align with the Greenville Chamber’s five objectives, as well as the demands of the local business community. Moreover, they all have the desire and capabilities necessary to achieve real, sustainable growth for themselves and the surrounding community. This was evidenced by more than $3.0 million in new contract opportunities and more than 67 new jobs created throughout the region in just over 2 years.




Our Capabilities MBA encompasses a broad and diverse group of capable MBE suppliers. Many of our firms have participated as Tier I and Tier II suppliers on large, complex national contract opportunities with Fortune 500 companies supplying the following types of goods and services: Healthcare: Health Screening, Physicals, Education and Vaccinations General Services: Assembly, Manufacturing Components, Printing and Fulfillment, Product Design, Employee Background Investigation Staff Recruiting: Augmentation and Temporary Placement Services Transportation: Courier, Logistics, Freight, LTL, Warehousing Facilities Maintenance Services: Janitorial, Landscaping, Repairs, Maintenance, Pest Control IT Solutions: Systems design, Implementation/Integration, Project Management Commercial Construction: Design, Build, Renovations / Retrofit, Specialty Trade – Pipe Insulation Marketing & Promotion: Brand Design, Development / Management; Web Design & SEO

Greenville Chamber






Inaugural (2013-14) MBA Class

Greenville Chamber





OUR MBEs Alfonso Interpreting & Transporting, Inc. Alfonso Interpreting & Transporting, Inc. is a South Carolina S-Corporation, with its headquarters located in Greenville, South Carolina. The Company is co-owned by Mrs. Emily Alfonso, President (50%) and Mr. Jeffery Alfonso, Vice President (50%). Mr. Alfonso is a certified OSHA Authorized Trainer and Mrs. Alfonso is a Certified Court Interpreter. The company positions itself in the market as a language and translation firm providing Spanish interpreting and translation services for various types of businesses including insurance carriers and attorneys. Currently, the company has a local presence across the state of South Carolina; however, it is targeting expansion into the North Carolina and Georgia markets, soon. www.alfonsointerpreting.com | ealfonso@alfonsointerpreting.com | 3 FTEs (864) 271-2954 P.O. Box 27309 Greenville, SC 29616

Carter Insulation Services, LLC Carter Insulation Services, LLC is a Georgia Limited Liability Company which has its South Carolina headquarters in Graniteville, South Carolina. The Company supports the commercial, industrial, and chemical processing industries with diverse mechanical insulation solutions, often working independently and in conjunction with Mechanical Contractors. Carter Insulation Services also provides general and insulation related Facilities Maintenance contracts to provide ongoing services. In particular, the company specializes in insulating hot and cold water piping, chillers, tanks and vessels, pumps and exchangers. www.carterinsulationservices.com | reg@carterinsulationservices.co | 10 FTEs (803) 593-5993 205 Sudlow Lake Road Graniteville, SC 29829

Flat Fee Recruiting, LLC Flat Fee Recruiting, LLC is a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, with its headquarters located in Greenville, South Carolina. The Company is wholly-owned by Ms. Ava Smith, CEO. The Company is a permanent placement recruiting firm, specializing in providing quality employees for lower fees than the conventional staffing agencies. The Company’s value proposition is its ability to service a broad range of business-types, in terms of size and industry, at one flat rate. Flat Fee Recruiting positions itself in the market as an affordable Employment Services firm, specializing in Recruiting / Permanent Placement services and HR Consulting Services. www.flatfeehiring.com | ava@flatfeehiring.com | 5 FTEs (864) 607-9786 PO Box 6252 Greenville, SC 29607

Greenville Chamber





OUR MBEs IG Global Sourcing, LLC IG Global Sourcing, LLC is a South Carolina Limited Liability Company with its South Carolina headquarters located in Greenville, South Carolina. The Company is led by CEO, Mr. Robert Chandler, who owns and controls 100% interest in the business. IG positions itself in the market as a manufacturer, assembler, printing company and global sourcing provider. It has key strategic sourcing relationships in the United States, Mexico, China and Japan. While IG mainly focuses on manufacturing and print, it does have the capability to warehouse certain goods as well as provide order fulfillment, shipping and packaging. IG has an international presence with the ability to serve clients both domestically and globally – with its current footprint spanning the North and South Carolina market as well as Illinois. The company was founded in 2003, and covers a vast number of industries such as industrial, waste handling, automotive, agricultural, and furniture. www.igteam.com | rchandler@igteam.com | 3 FTEs (864) 297-4081 319 Garlington Rd, Suite B1 Greenville, SC 29615

JCC General Contractors, LLC JCC General Contractors, LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, is a licensed, South Carolina general contracting firm, which has its headquarters in Greenville, South Carolina. The Company was formed in 2011 and is wholly-owned and controlled by its Managing Member, James Jordon. JCC’s footprint is primarily in the South Carolina region, but is capable of performing in surrounding states, such as North Carolina and Georgia. The company’s core area of focus is on small scale commercial rehab and new construction; in particular, its capabilities are in vertical construction projects, government contracting, multiunit residential construction, institutions, private retail construction, and roads & highway. www.jordoncompanies.com | james@jordoncompanies.com | 10 FTEs (414) 975-8097 50 Grand Ave Greenville, SC 29607

Metro Transportation Services, LLC Metro Transportation Services, LLC was founded in 1986 by Joseph Greene, with its core focus being in the Courier & Messaging space. Since then, it has expanded to become a full service, regional transportation company, which currently offers a range of services, including Courier & Messaging, Special Handling Courier, Freight Hauling, Logistics and Warehousing. The company’s footprint includes Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. In addition to its vast geographical footprint, Metro also serves a variety of key industry sectors, including, Healthcare, Energy, Finance, Manufacturing, Retail, and Distribution. Metro’s value proposition is in its ability to quickly achieve clarity on customers’ goals and expectations, and to consistently drive cost savings and streamline its customers’ supply chain. This is always achieved in a manner that is highly professional, efficient and well aligned with the customers’ organizational objectives. www.ridewithmetro.com | ktaylor@ridewithmetro.com | 60 FTEs (704) 749-5295 4123 Rose Lake Drive Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217

Greenville Chamber





OUR MBEs Professional Healthcare Services, LLC Professional Healthcare Services, LLC (a South Carolina Limited Liability Company), which has its headquarters in Greenville, South Carolina was established in 1998 as an independentlyowned medical services company. The company began by providing medical case management and medical records review for various clients and industries. Additional services were added in 2003 to accommodate the requests and needs of its growing client base. Today, the company offers an array of professional, cost-effective healthcare solutions for both large and small companies, industrial workforce, insurance carriers, government and state agencies, non-profit organizations and individuals. The company is wholly-owned by Ms. Doris Haley (100% shareholder), who is actively engaged in the business as its CEO. The business offers a wide range of services, across a fairly broad range of client-types, and has primarily been focused in the Upstate of South Carolina. www.phsonline.com | dhaley@phsonline.com | 6 FTEs (864) 214-7577 1007 Pendleton Street Greenville, SC 29601

Synesis International, Inc. Founded in 1994, Synesis International, Inc. (Synesis) is a South Carolina Sub-Chapter S Corporation, headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina. Mr. Ricardo Studart is the majority shareholder. Synesis is a full service business systems consulting and IT infrastructure support firm specializing in servicing small to mid-sized firms. The company provides a complete spectrum of systems planning, analysis and design-to-implementation for manufacturing, distribution, energy and service industries. Synesis is a leader in ERP, MES, CRM, Business Intelligence, and SharePoint-based web portals. The company also provides custom programming services for unique client, web and mobile needs. Synesis is a certified partner of SAP, Infor and Microsoft. www.synesisintl.com | rstudart@synesisintl.com | 19 FTEs (864 288-1550 30 Creekview Court Greenville, SC 29615

Talent Management Solutions, LLC Talent Management Solutions, LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, is headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina. The company was formed in 2001 and is whollyowned and controlled by its CEO, David Mitchell. The company’s primary market area is currently North and South Carolina; however, it considers its broader service area to be the entire Southeastern and Mid-Western regions. TMS’ customer base consists mainly of education, industrial/manufacturing and retail, where it supplies a wide range of temporary and permanent staff. In addition to its core staffing services, the company also provides offsite assembly services for local manufacturing companies. www.tmsco.net | david.mitchell@tmsco.net | 4 FTEs (864) 235-6837 880 S. Pleasantburg Drive, Suite 2E Greenville, SC 29607


OUR MBEs The Idea Group, LLC theideagroup (TIG) is a consulting firm specializing in providing marketing and branding support to organizations spanning all industries and sizes. The company delivers its services in a creative and passionate manner, which results in successful long term relationships with its clients. TIG manages its processes to produce the highest quality marketing strategies and collateral. What separates it from the competition is the open, honest insight into these processes that it provides its clients. An additional arm of services provided by TIG focuses on speaking, coaching and training at corporate and individual levels. TIG was the recipient of the 2013 Minority Business of the Year and was Small Business of the Month in May 2015. www.theideagroup.co | Sydney Cooke (POC) sydney@theideagroup.co | 6 FTEs (864) 248-4787 600 E. North Street, Suite 103 Greenville, SC 29607

US&S, Inc. US&S was founded in 2003 by retired Naval Commander Sylvester Richard Hagins. US&S is a facility maintenance and support service provider with a focus in six core areas: Operations and Maintenance, Renovation, Repairs, Janitorial, Grounds Maintenance, and Staff Augmentation. US&S offers an unparalleled level of service for clients and operates at offices and project sites predominantly throughout the southeast United States, serving federal, commercial, industrial and institutional markets. US&S was recognized by Lockheed Martin as an Outstanding Small Business Supplier on May 14, 2012, being only the second service company ever to be recognized by the company with this award at the time. Most recently, the company was named Small Business of the Month in March 2014, and subsequently the “2014 Small Business of the Year” by the Greenville Chamber of Commerce. www.usands.com | Euleta Hagins (POC) ehagins@usands.com | 120 FTEs (864) 233-8035 50 Grand Avenue Greenville, SC 29607

White Holdings, LLC White Holdings, LLC is a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, which has its headquarters in Greenville, South Carolina, was established as a privately held financial services holding company that owns multiple business units, which focus on providing financial solutions to clients while simultaneously growing communities. Those business units are divided into three categories; insurance (home and auto), money services and real estate. Mr. White is a 100% shareholder in the business. The Company’s primary footprint spans across South Carolina. In 2015, White Holdings expanded its operations to include transportation and logistic services. The company currently has the capability of providing, regional courier and freight services. www.white-holdings.com | carlowhite@white-holdings.com | 6 FTEs (864) 233-8035 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive, Suite E8 Greenville, SC 29607 Greenville Chamber



Our Delivery Model MBA is one of five business accelerator programs located throughout the United States, and the only one in the Southeastern Region of the country. Its purpose is to facilitate a diverse and inclusive business environment across the upstate of South Carolina. This is achieved through a core group of stakeholders, which includes the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, a host of local corporations, and a dedicated group of small MBEs committed to managed growth and prosperity for the entire region. The MBA’s role in successfully achieving this objective is to assist participating MBEs in building capacity that ultimately leads to increased visibility and access to sustainable business opportunities. Assessments: All MBE participants undergo a very comprehensive business assessment process in an effort to better gauge the requirements for the business to achieve successful growth Development Plans: Based on the results of the assessment process, each MBE will be required to create a unique Business Development Plan, specific to their growth through the MBA program. This plan will include specific action items that will be implemented. Leadership Development: While all aspects of the program are aimed at developing the leadership skills of MBE participants, the MBA offers concentrated quarterly Leadership Development sessions, which focus on critical conventional leadership skills necessary to thrive in the current business environment. Resources: To augment the capacity building process, MBEs are also provided with access to unique and specialized resources to assist each in attaining their business goals and building more effective leadership teams; these resources range from access to key professional service providers to critical market / industry intelligence.


Business Development Plans

Exposure & Access

MBA Capacity and Acceleration Model Executive Coaching

Leadership Development


Executive Coaching: One of the critical elements of the MBA program is the coaching initiative. Each MBE is carefully paired with an executive coach. These coaches are well respected business leaders, based out of the upstate region. These individuals have successfully demonstrated the ability to lead large scaled operations and manage large leadership teams. These individuals assist MBEs by providing encouragement, thought leadership, innovative ideas, and accountability in the MBE’s efforts to achieve their stated goals. Where appropriate, they are also effective in building unique bridges to critical business opportunities. Exposure & Access: Participating MBEs receive exposure through a variety of unique social media, presentation, and PR opportunities. MBEs receive access to key customers through introduction and referrals, as well as unique opportunities to bid on specific contract opportunities. One of the program’s signature access opportunities is the annual Pitch Session, where MBEs are individually paired with key representatives of large local corporations, and given the opportunity to pitch their business and/or ideas in a professional environment.




Diverse Portfolio Mix MBA encompasses some of upstate of South Carolina’s top diverse suppliers. This includes a broad range of businesses from various ethnic, industry, and gender backgrounds. Moreover, the program is capable of supporting firms of various sizes. Program participants are sub-divided into 3-Tracks, which includes, Track I (Emerging or early stage firms), Track II (Equip & Enable), and Track III (Accelerate). Those firms at the accelerated level have a demonstrated track record and the necessary systems in place to perform at a highlevel. While revenues are a factor in determining the categories into which each falls, many qualitative and quantitative factors are considered.

MBE Development Tracks Track I – Emerging

These MBEs have potential to grow and succeed, but do not quite meet the minimum requirements of the program to advance to Track II or Track III. Selection into this group requires a review by the MBA administrative team. Their access to program services are unique to their needs. The goal of the Emerging Track is to have a pipeline of MBEs that are being supported to advance to Track III.

Track II - Equip & Enable

These firms require greater amount of development, systems and internal infrastructure; they will participate in the full platform delivered by the MBA program. Also, the MBA will help these MBEs gain access to incremental growth opportunities.

Track III - Accelerate

These are MBEs more established with a demonstrated track record of successfully providing products and services to large organizations/corporations. Also, these firms will have a clearly articulated (documented) vision and growth strategy. The focus will be on accelerating these firms by assisting them in gaining access to business opportunities with large corporate/ governmental customers.


Track I

Track II

Track III

Group Description


Equip & Enable


Average Annual Revenue Range

$50K to $99k

$100k to $1.9MM


Average Annual Profits



Years In Operation



Growth Rate


Positive 3-Year Trend

Min. #Employees (Full-Time)




Primary Business Location

Upstate of SC


All (Excluding Brokers and Certain Professional Service Providers)


Active (>50%)

Business owners must be engaged full-time and able to fully participate in the MBA program activities

Greenville Chamber





2015 MBA Performance MBA measures success using various qualitative and quantitative metrics*. Here are the core metrics that have been used to ensure that the program is achieving its intended impact. In most categories, we have met or exceeded targeted expectations. EXPOSURE OPPORTUNITIES


Goal (15) Goal (45)

Target = 15 Exposure Opportunities


Target = 45 Introductions & Referrals

180% of Goal

90% of Goal




Goal (10) Goal ($1MM)

Target = 10 RFP & RFQ Opportunities



Target = $1MM in Contract Opportunities

220% of Goal

328% of Goal



Goal (15)

Target = 3 Strategic Partnerships

100% of Goal


Goal (3)

Target = 15 Full-Time Jobs

373% of Goal

*All metrics are directly attributable to efforts of the MBA program.





Engagement Each quarter, participants meet for intensive leadership development workshops and networking. In attendance are corporate and community leaders and top notch subject matter experts leading the way. Many great opportunities for our participants emerge from these sessions.

Leadership Development The MBA program uses highly respected subject matter experts from the private, public, and non-profit sectors to deliver relevant, substantive, and qualitative leadership development insights to our MBE participants.

Transformation “Since joining the MBA in 2013, our business has realized double-digit growth, which I attribute, in large part, to the growth in our leadership capacity. This growth has been fueled by the knowledge and exposure realized through a variety of experiences provided by the program.� - Ava Smith, Flat Fee Recruiting, LLC

Greenville Chamber





Mentorship “The Business Coaches expanded my thought leadership capabilities well beyond my expectations. In addition, they provided insights, resources, and connections, which led to meaningful increases in our overall bottom line...and I’d be re-missed in not adding that these relationships have evolved into multiple personal friendships.” - Carlo White, White Holdings, LLC

Partnerships “It’s difficult to put into words what Rich and his company has meant to me, my family and my business. The MBA program has helped to cultivate and enable this relationship to flourish in ways, in which I could have never imagined.” - James Jordon, JCC General Contractors, LLC

Rich Hagins and James Jordon forged a formidable bond, which is underscored by a strong mentor-protégé relationship, strategic joint ventures, and unprecedented growth.





JCC General Contractors, LLC Company Background

James Jordon

JCC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, is a licensed South Carolina general contracting firm, which has its headquarters in Greenville, South Carolina. The Company was formed in 2011 and is wholly-owned and controlled by its Managing Member, James Jordon.

In a very short period of time, JCC has established itself as one of the Upstate’s premier construction companies. This is evidenced by the enormous amount of growth that the company has realized in just 3-years, and through its reception of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 MBE of the Year award. The company has also been recognized in several other publications, as one of the up and coming businesses in the area.

MBA Impact JCC is perhaps one of the most compelling MBA Impact stories, to-date. The company’s CEO, James Jordon, entered the Greenville area in 2011, hungry to build a strong and viable business. He wasted little time in getting plugged in and positioned to make his mark. One of the first things he did was to become a member of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, which occurred around the same time as the launch of the Accelerate Initiative. Within months James was introduced to the MBA program, which struck an immediate cord with him. In 2013, JCC joined the MBA program to use it as a launching pad for building new relationships, honing its leadership skills, building capacity, and expanding its customer-base. In nearly 3 years JCC has been able to do so much more. In fact, through the MBA program, JCC was connected with Greenville Health Systems (GHS), and was tapped to participate in the organization’s General Contracting Program. Through this program, JCC was able to learn how to bid on and perform specialized and highly secure healthcare facility construction. Moreover, the program opened the door for JCC to access $1 million in new work with GHS over a 12 month period.

Company at a Glance Owner: James Jordon

Location: Greenville, SC FTEs: 10 MBA Coach: Rich Hagins, US&S, Inc. Track: II Footprint: South Carolina Website: www.jordoncompanies.com

Core Competencies: • New Construction • Commercial Rehab • Vertical Construction • Multi-Unit, Multi-Family • Roads & Highways • Janitorial/Maintenance

MBA Performance (24 Months): • 9 Key Exposure Opportunities • 5 Key Introductions & Referrals • 5 Key RFP/RFQ Opportunities • >100% Revenue Increase • 3 Net FTEs Created

Key Customers:

• Greenville Health System • U.S. Department of Defense • US&S, Inc.

Certifications and Affiliations:

• SBA 8a Certification • Greenville Chamber of Commerce Member • Carolinas-Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council • South Carolina Department of Transportation DBE Certification

“It’s one thing to have the drive and determination to be successful, but being placed in an environment where these attributes meet opportunity, is a rare and phenomenal occurrence. The insights, relationships, and access provided through this program have greatly contributed to our ability achieve triple-digit, year-over-year growth – more importantly, it has placed on a track of sustainable growth and profitability.”

- James Jordon





US&S, Inc. Company Background

Rich Hagins

US&S, Inc. (US&S) was established February 14, 2003 by President and owner, Richard Hagins. Since its inception, US&S has become a leader in the Facilities Maintenance and Support Services industry. Its approach is centered on meeting each customer’s unique needs and leveraging key strategic partnerships.

MBA Impact US&S has been instrumental in the development of the MBA program, and Mr. Hagins is recognized as a pillar, serving in a variety of roles (in addition to being a participant), which includes, an Advisory Committee member, Coach, and mentor to many of the smaller MBEs. His involvement in the program has directly led to nearly $1 million dollars in opportunities for some of his peers in the program, as well as even greater opportunities for US&S. A key relationship established by Mr. Hagins has been with his Coach, Mark Curtis, of Greenville Health System. The two meet on a regular bases, which helps to expand both of their knowledge bases around supplier diversity and general leadership issues. However, Mr. Hagins admits that, “the time we spend together is invaluable in helping us to broaden our view on a variety of business issues, as well as open doors for US&S that have led to vital business opportunities.” US&S was fairly well established upon entering the program, however, it was also firmly committed to the mission of the program and its ability to transform the Upstate area. Mr. Hagins goes on to say, “While initially our plan was to just contribute, my calculation was that long-term, there would be some direct benefit to US&S. To my surprise, we were able to establish relationships with a variety of businesses, which included prospected customers, smaller MBEs, direct peers, and other key players in the market that were able to open doors, and expand our strategic thinking beyond anything we could have imagined. This has led to tremendous growth for our business, clearly defined organizational strategies, and provided us with a lot to look forward to.”

- Richard Hagins

Greenville Chamber



Company at a Glance Owners: Rich Hagins and Clev Christophe Location: Greenville, SC FTEs: 120 MBA Coach: Mark Curtis, GHS Track: III Footprint: National Website: www.usands.com

Core Competencies:

• Operations & Maintenance • Repairs • Renovation • Janitorial • Grounds Maintenance • Staff Augmentation

MBA Performance (24 Months): • 3 Key Exposure Opportunities • 6 Key Introductions & Referrals • 4 Key RFP / RFQ Opportunities • 11.3% Relative Growth • 47 Net FTEs Created

Key Customers:

• Various Agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense, Veteran’s Affairs, and General Services Administration • Lockheed Martin • Johnson Controls • Savannah River Nuclear Solutions ▪ • Shaw Environmental • VT Griffin / VT Group • Siemens • BMW • Northrop Grumman • Spartanburg Community College

Certifications and Affiliations:

• CVMSDC MBE Certification • Greenville Chamber of Commerce Member • SBA 8a - Graduated • Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned • South Carolina Unified DBE Certification • South Carolina Department of Transportation DBE Certification


Professional Healthcare Services, LLC Company Background Professional Healthcare Services, LLC (PHS) was established in 1998 by President and owner, Doris Haley. The company began by providing medical case management and medical records review for various clients and industries. Additional services were added in 2003 Doris Haley to accommodate the requests and needs of its growing client base. Today, the company offers an array of professional, cost-effective healthcare solutions for both large and small companies, industrial workforce, insurance carriers, government and state agencies, non-profit organizations and individuals, which includes, but is not limited to, physical, drug screening, immunizations, and background checks. PHS is one of the few MBEs in the region providing these combined services.

Company at a Glance

MBA Impact

MBA Performance (24 Months):

During the last major U.S. recession, reform within the healthcare system has had a significant impact on healthcare providers of all sizes. In particular, this has led to mass consolidation, and cost reductions throughout. PHS was not immune, and prior to joining the MBA was struggling to reposition itself within the industry and market. The MBA program helped Mrs. Haley identify many of the underlying culprits hindering the company’s ability to move forward. In 2015, Mrs. Haley was assigned a Business Coach, which was absolutely transformative to her and her business. Her coach, Ric Ransom of Greenville Health System, immediately connected with her, and was able to quickly help her identify the excess weight hindering the business, as well as low-hanging opportunities available to it. “Mr. Ransom has helped us develop and implement a much needed operating budget, and is helping us build a longrange strategy to capture many hidden opportunities,” says Mrs. Haley. “This program provides a healthy and nurturing eco-system that enables MBEs to receive a high level of exposure, and professional support in a safe, respectable environment. Through this program, my knowledge-base has increased exponentially, and I have obtained access to prospective customers that I have been unable to access for more than a decade.”

Owner: Doris Haley

Location: Greenville, SC FTEs: 6 MBA Coach: Ric Ransom, GHS Track: II Footprint: Southeastern Website: phsonline.com

Core Competencies:

• Medical case management • Wellness services • On-site nurse services • Drug and alcohol screening • Lab testing • Immunizations/vaccinations

• 2 Key Exposure Opportunities • 5 Key Introductions & Referrals • 1 Key RFP / RFQ Opportunities • 1FTE

Key Customers:

• ZF Chassis, TFW Automotive • Baker Motor Group • Nonprofit Organizations • Trucking Companies • Medical Care Facilities

Certifications and Affiliations:

• CVMSDC MBE Certification • Greenville Chamber of Commerce Member • South Carolina Unified Certification • South Carolina Department of Transportation DBE Certification • Certified Case Manager • Member of GSHRM • Member of The Rotary Club of Greenville

- Doris Haley



Alfonso Interpreting & Transporting, Inc. Company Background Alfonso Interpreting & Transporting, Inc. (AITI) is a South Carolina S-Corporation, with its headquarters located in Greenville, South Carolina. The Company is co-owned by Mrs. Emily Alfonso, President (50%) and Mr. Jeffrey Alfonso, Vice President (50%). Jeff Alfonso AITI is well positioned in the Carolinas to provide services on a broad scale to meet the growing diverse population-base in the region. The company specializes in the following: conference, court, medical, and safety training interpretation; English/Spanish safety training; and translation. What makes this firm unique is its professionalism and depth of industry knowledge. In addition, the company has a wide-range of language partners on an internal basis, which enables it to be highly responsive to its customers’ needs.

MBA Impact One of the central themes of the MBA program is growth. Growth oriented firms behave quite differently than lifestyle firms, and those differences have been one of the major lessons taught to AITI throughout their experience in the program. Upon entering the program, AITI functioned as a life-style business, with limited systems and controls in place to help them navigate larger more sophisticated corporate supplychains. Mr. Alfonso recalls, “A major awakening occurred for us when our Business Coach, Carlos Quintero, basically put a spotlight on the inefficiencies surrounding our business development model. He not only showed us the gaps, but provided us with a viable road map for implementing a more functional and successful model. More importantly, he has been a true accountability partner, ensuring that we do the work required, in order to achieve our growth objectives.” In addition to the impact realized through the coaching relationship, AITI has established an amazing network among its peers, which is resulting in meaningful business opportunities. This network is also serving as a viable resource pool that the company is able to leverage within its existing network.

Greenville Chamber





Company at a Glance Owner: Jeff & Emily Alfonso

Location: Greenville, SC FTEs: 3 MBA Coach: Carlos Quintero, Sales Effectiveness, Inc. Track: II Footprint: North and South Carolina Website: www.alfonsointerpreting.com

Core Competencies:

• Interpretation • Translation • Courtroom Interpretation • Conference Interpretation • OSHA Safety Training (in Spanish or Spanish Interpretation)

MBA Performance (24 Months): •▪2 Key Exposure Opportunities • 8 Key Introductions & Referrals • 1 Key RFP / RFQ Opportunities • 1% Revenue Increase

Certifications and Affiliations:

• South Carolina MWBE Certification • Greenville Chamber of Commerce • Greenville Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Strategic Partnerships The MBA program would not be possible without the vision and commitment of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, and its core partners and investors that have given so generously to the mission of Diversity & Inclusion, and recognizing the vital role that MBEs play in achieving economic vitality throughout the Upstate of South Carolina: • Carolinas Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council • Nulevel Solutions • Corporate Partners

Strategic Partners MBA Strategic Partners have contributed greatly to the success of the MBA program, giving of their time and energy to serve in the capacity of Advisors, Coaches / Mentors, Facilitators, and Resource Providers: • BILO • BMW • City of Greenville • Community Foundation • Carolina-Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council • Denny’s Corporation • Duke Energy • Furman University • Greenville Health System • Greenville Chamber ACCELERATE • Greenville County • Greenville Technical College • Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd • Hollingsworth Foundation • JHM Hotels • Michelin • NuLevel Strategic Solutions • Piedmont Natural Gas • SBA • Skanska • theideagroup • US Small Business Administration

Greenville Chamber





A Look Ahead: 2016 Goals In 2016, MBA’s focus will be on better engagement among all stakeholders, increased access to opportunities, and a more focused capacity building model that centers on each MBEs individual needs. This will be measured by:


Exposure Opportunities

Exposure is critical in bringing awareness to our MBEs. While all of our efforts are geared towards bringing greater exposure, we will target 20 unique, high-profile exposure opportunities in 2016.


Introductions & Referrals

Introductions and referrals are an integral tool in helping bring success to our MBEs. In 2015, this goal was set at 50, and we are maintaining this goal in 2016, as we fell just shy of it in 2015, with 45.


RFQ/RFP Opportunities

RFP and RFQ Opportunities truly signify access for participating MBEs. A core principle within the MBA program is that opportunity begins with access, and access begins with having a “seat at the table.” In 2015, we set a goal to deliver 10 unique RFP/RFQ opportunities and landed at 23. We will increase this goal to 25 in 2016.

Greenville Chamber





$4 Million Contract Awards

The clear and measurable outcome for MBE participants is whether or not they’re being utilized, both inside and outside of the program. In 2015, the outcome exceeded $3.4MM. Given the current momentum of the program, we are targeted $4MM in 2016.


Strategic Partnerships

For our MBEs, accelerated capacity is most effectively achieved through partnerships. In 2016, a big push will be made to build more viable and sustainable partnerships to fuel capacity and growth. Our target will be 5, which bodes well with the 3 consummated in 2015.


Full Time Jobs

If the MBA Program is effectively carrying out its mission then one of the most important metrics will be the number of new, sustainable jobs created by our MBEs. In 2015, several key contract opportunities resulted in net job increases of approximately 56. The current trajectory for job creation seems promising, and thus, we will target 60 new jobs in 2016.

For more information on the MBA program please contact: Nika White

VP, Diversity and Inclusion Greenville Chamber 864-239-3727 nwhite@greenvillechamber.org www.greenvillechamber.org

Greenville Chamber





Greenville Chamber



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