2017 Greenville Chamber Sponsorship Opportunities

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let’s do something that matters today The Chamber’s vision is a globally competitive Upstate economy where businesses succeed and people prosper. Our 2017 programming has been intentionally designed with this in mind. Sponsoring a Chamber program or event not only ensures that we can continue to provide high-caliber, beneficial events, but also puts your company in front of your peers and potential customers. So whether you’re trying to get in front of small business owners, young professionals, or CEO’s, or whether you’re looking to speak to large crowds or have one-on-one conversations, we have the perfect opportunity for you. Let us help connect you to the right audience. Let’s do something that matters today.


Annual Legislative Breakfast............................................................................................................. 7 Advocacy Committees...................................................................................................................... 7 Advocacy Breakfasts/Lunches........................................................................................................... 7 Legislative Manual............................................................................................................................. 8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip..................................................................................... 8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Day in Columbia................................................................................... 8 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 101........................................................................................ 9 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 201........................................................................................ 9 Workforce Summit............................................................................................................................. 10


128th Annual Meeting...................................................................................................................... 11 Business After Hours......................................................................................................................... 12 Coffee & Connections....................................................................................................................... 12 Friday Forum..................................................................................................................................... 12 Golf Tournament............................................................................................................................... 13 Nonprofit Alliance............................................................................................................................. 15 Sales Roundtable............................................................................................................................... 15 Small Business Owners Forum.......................................................................................................... 16 Small Business of the Month............................................................................................................. 16


ACE Leadership Symposium............................................................................................................. 17 ATHENA Leadership Symposium...................................................................................................... 17 Diversity & Inclusion Summit............................................................................................................. 18 Minority Business Accelerator........................................................................................................... 19 Multicultural Open House................................................................................................................. 20 Netnight............................................................................................................................................ 20 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner................................................................................... 21 Women at Work................................................................................................................................ 22


BBQ Bash.......................................................................................................................................... 23 Human Resources Law Update......................................................................................................... 24 Intercommunity Leadership Visit....................................................................................................... 24


Leadership Greenville....................................................................................................................... 25 Leadership Greenville Alumni........................................................................................................... 25 Leadership Summit............................................................................................................................ 25 Opportunity Greenville..................................................................................................................... 26 Youth Leadership Greenville............................................................................................................. 26 Pulse Young Professionals Program.................................................................................................. 27 Pulse Young Professionals Events..................................................................................................... 27 Pulse Young Professionals Leadership Lunch.................................................................................... 28 Pulse Young Professionals Pacesetters............................................................................................. 28


Partnership Opportunities................................................................................................................. 29 Trustee Investors............................................................................................................................... 31





Advocacy Breakfast/Lunch........................................ 7 Business After Hours................................................. 12 Coffee & Connections............................................... 12 Sales Roundtable....................................................... 15 Small Business Owners Forum.................................. 16 Friday Forum............................................................. 12 Women at Work........................................................ 22


Advocacy Breakfast/Lunch........................................ 7 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 201................ 9 Coffee & Connections............................................... 12 Sales Roundtable....................................................... 16 Small Business Owners Forum.................................. 16 Multicultural Open House......................................... 20 Human Resources Law Update................................. 24 Leadership Summit.................................................... 25


Business After Hours................................................. 12 Friday Forum............................................................. 12 ACE Leadership Symposium..................................... 17 Women at Work........................................................ 22


Upstate Chamber Coalition Day in Columbia........... 8 Coffee & Connections............................................... 12 Sales Roundtable....................................................... 15 Small Business Owners Forum.................................. 16 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner........... 21


Friday Forum............................................................. 12 Netnight.................................................................... 20 Women at Work........................................................ 22


Business After Hours................................................. 12 Sales Roundtable....................................................... 15 Small Business Owners Forum.................................. 16

Advocacy Breakfast/Lunch........................................ 7 Workforce Summit..................................................... 10 Coffee & Connections............................................... 12 Friday Forum............................................................. 12 Golf Tournament....................................................... 13 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 101................ 9 Coffee & Connections............................................... 12 Sales Roundtable....................................................... 15 Small Business Owners Forum.................................. 16 Netnight.................................................................... 20 Intercommunity Leadership Visit............................... 24


Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip............. 8 Business After Hours................................................. 12 Friday Forum............................................................. 12 Diversity & Inclusion Summit..................................... 18 Women at Work........................................................ 22 BBQ Bash.................................................................. 23 Opportunity Greenville............................................. 26


Coffee & Connections............................................... 12 Sales Roundtable....................................................... 15 Small Business Owners Forum.................................. 16 ATHENA Leadership Symposium.............................. 17 Netnight.................................................................... 20


Annual Legislative Breakfast..................................... 7 Legislative Manual..................................................... 8


Advocacy Committees.............................................. 7 Nonprofit Alliance..................................................... 15 Small Business Of the Month.................................... 16 Minority Business Accelerator................................... 19 Leadership Greenville .............................................. 25 Leadership Greenville Alumni................................... 25 Youth Leadership Greenville..................................... 26 Pulse Young Professionals......................................... 27


Annual Legislative Breakfast House Sponsor - $500.......................................................................7 Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Bronze Sponsor - $500.............................................8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Day in Columbia House Sponsor - $500............................................8 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 101 Sustaining Sponsor - $150...........................................9 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 101 Gold Sponsor - $250....................................................9 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 101 Presenting Sponsor - $500...........................................9 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 201 Partner - $500..............................................................9 Workforce Summit Bronze Sponsor - $500.....................................................................................10 Business After Hours Table Sponsor - $225....................................................................................12 Coffee & Connections Monthly Presenting Sponsor - $350...........................................................12 Friday Forum Breakfast Sponsor - $350..........................................................................................12 Golf Tournament Tee/Green Sponsor - $275..................................................................................13 Nonprofit Alliance Monthly Event Sponsor - $200.........................................................................15 Sales Roundtable Event Sponsor - $250.........................................................................................15 Small Business Owners Forum Host Sponsor - $350......................................................................16 Multicultural Open House Table Sponsor - $500............................................................................20 Netnight Bronze Sponsor - $750....................................................................................................20 Women at Work Silver Sponsor - $400...........................................................................................22 BBQ Bash Door Prize Sponsor - $250.............................................................................................23 BBQ Bash Bronze Sponsor - $500...................................................................................................23 Opportunity Greenville Session Sponsor - $500.............................................................................26


Annual Legislative Breakfast Senate Sponsor - $1,000...................................................................7 Environmental, Healthcare, Small Business Policy Council, or Transportation Issues - $600.........7 Advocacy Breakfasts/Lunches Individual Lunch Sponsor - $1,000.................................................7 Legislative Manual Half Page - $550...............................................................................................8 Legislative Manual Full Page - $1,000.............................................................................................8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Silver Sponsor - $1,000.............................................8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Day in Columbia Senate Sponsor - $1,000........................................8 Upstate Political Leadership Institute 201 Presenting Sponsor - $1,000........................................9 Workforce Summit Silver Sponsor - $1,000....................................................................................10 Business After Hours Annual Table Sponsor - $800........................................................................12 Golf Tournament Par 3 Sponsor - $750...........................................................................................13 ACE Leadership Symposium Bronze Sponsor - $750.....................................................................17 ATHENA Leadership Symposium Bronze Sponsor - $750..............................................................17 Diversity & Inclusion Bronze Summit - $750...................................................................................18 Multicultural Open House Gold Sponsor - $1,000.........................................................................20 Netnight Bronze Sponsor - $750....................................................................................................20 Women at Work Gold Sponsor - $550............................................................................................22 Women at Work Single Event Presenting Sponsor - $1,000...........................................................22 BBQ Bash Silver Sponsor - $1,200..................................................................................................23 Human Resources Law Update Bronze Exhibitor - $675................................................................24 Leadership Greenville Lunch Sponsor - $800.................................................................................25 Leadership Summit Workshop Sponsor - $750..............................................................................25 Leadership Summit Presenting Sponsor - $1,000...........................................................................25 Opportunity Greenville Presenting Sponsor - $800........................................................................26 Youth Leadership Greenville Lunch Sponsor - $800.......................................................................26 Youth Leadership Greenville Sponsor - $1,000...............................................................................26 Pulse Young Professionals Event Sponsor - $1,000........................................................................27


Advocacy Issues Committee Update - $1,250................................................................................7 Legislative Manual Inside Front Cover - $1,500..............................................................................8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Gold Sponsor - $1,500.............................................8 Workforce Summit Gold Sponsor - $1,500.....................................................................................10 Golf Tournament Comfort Station or Beverage Cart Sponsor - $1,500.........................................13 Nonprofit Alliance Annual Presenting Sponsor - $1,500................................................................15 Sales Roundtable Presenting Sponsor - $1,500..............................................................................15 Small Business Owners Forum Annual Presenting Sponsor - $1,250.............................................16 BBQ Bash Beverage Sponsor - $1,500............................................................................................23 Human Resources Law Update Silver Exhibitor Plus Sponsor - $1,250..........................................24 Human Resources Law Update Gold Break Sponsor - $1,500........................................................24


Annual Legislative Breakfast Governor Sponsor - $2,000...............................................................7 Legislative Manual Back Cover or Inside Center Spread - $2,000..................................................8 Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Reception Sponsor - $2,000.....................................8 128th Annual Meeting Table Sponsor - $1,850..............................................................................11 ACE Leadership Symposium Gold Sponsor - $2,000......................................................................17 ATHENA Leadership Symposium Gold Sponsor - $2,000..............................................................17 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Diversity Friend $1,600...........................................21 BBQ Bash Gold Sponsor - $2,000...................................................................................................23


Upstate Chamber Coalition Day in Columbia Presenting Sponsor - $2,500..................................8 Workforce Summit Presenting Sponsor - $2,500............................................................................10 Golf Tournament Lunch Sponsor - $2,500......................................................................................13 Diversity & Inclusion Summit Silver Sponsor - $2,500....................................................................18 Multicultural Open House Presenting Sponsor - $2,500................................................................20 Netnight Gold Sponsor - $2,500.....................................................................................................20 Human Resources Law Update Presenting Sponsor - $2,500.........................................................24


Golf Tournament 19th Hole Sponsor - $3,000................................................................................13 Minority Business Accelerator Supporter - $3,000.........................................................................19 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Diversity Advocate $3,000......................................21 Business Growth Partner - $2,750...................................................................................................29


Annual Legislative Breakfast Presenting Sponsor - $3,000.............................................................7 Legislative Breakfasts/Lunches Presenting Sponsor - $5,000.........................................................7 Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Presenting Sponsor - $3,500....................................8 128th Annual Meeting Award Sponsor - $4,500.............................................................................11 128th Annual Meeting Reception Sponsor - $5,000.......................................................................11 Business After Hours Host Sponsor - $3,500..................................................................................12 Small Business of the Month Annual Sponsor - $3,500..................................................................16 ACE Leadership Symposium Presenting Sponsor - $5,000............................................................17 ATHENA Leadership Symposium Presenting Sponsor - $5,000.....................................................17 Diversity & Inclusion Summit Gold Sponsor - $5,000.....................................................................18 Minority Business Accelerator Champion - $5,000.........................................................................19 Netnight Presenting Sponsor - $5,000...........................................................................................20 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Diversity Reception Sponsor $3,500.......................21 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Diversity Award Partner - $4,000............................21 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Diversity Champion $5,000.....................................21 Women at Work Annual Presenting Sponsor - $3,500....................................................................22 BBQ Bash Presenting Sponsor - $5,000..........................................................................................23 Youth Leadership Greenville Presenting Sponsor - $5,000.............................................................26 Business Advocacy Partner - $3,500...............................................................................................29 Diversity & Inclusion Partner - $5,000.............................................................................................29 Economic Competitiveness Partner - $3,500..................................................................................30 Pulse Young Professionals Partner - $5,000....................................................................................30


128th Annual Meeting Platinum Sponsor - $7,500.........................................................................11 128th Annual Meeting Diamond Sponsor - $12,000......................................................................11 128th Annual Meeting Presenting Sponsor - $15,000....................................................................11 Friday Forum Presenting Sponsor - $8,000....................................................................................12 Golf Tournament Presenting Sponsor - $6,000...............................................................................13 Diversity & Inclusion Summit Presenting Sponsor - $10,000..........................................................18 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Diversity Speaker Sponsor - $6,500........................21 Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner Presenting Sponsor - $7,500...................................21 Leadership Greenville Presenting Sponsor - $8,000.......................................................................25 Pulse Young Professionals Presenting Sponsor - $10,000..............................................................27 Pulse Young Professionals Leadership Lunch Presenting Sponsor - $6,500...................................28 Pulse Young Professionals Pacesetters Presenting Sponsor - $5,500.............................................28 Strategic Partner - $25,000.............................................................................................................30 Trustee Investor - $30,000...............................................................................................................31


Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Reception Sponsor...................................................8 Business After Hours Host...............................................................................................................12 Women at Work Silver Sponsor......................................................................................................22 Opportunity Greenville Session Sponsor........................................................................................26

ADVOCACY Annual Legislative Breakfast

Advocacy Committees

The Annual Legislative Breakfast is one of the most anticipated legislative events in the Greenville business community. This is an opportunity to interact directly with our Legislative Delegation and learn about key issues coming before the SC General Assembly that may impact businesses.


December 8 | 7:30am | Location TBD

Projected Attendance: 200 Audience: Community and business leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $3,000 • Logo recognition on event promotions • Opportunity to welcome attendees for 2-3 minutes • 7 attendees with reserved, priority seating with legislators of choice Gold Sponsor | $2,000 • Logo recognition on event promotions • 5 attendees with reserved seating with legislator • Sponsorship mentioned in welcome or closing Silver Sponsor | $1,000 • Logo recognition on event promotions • 4 attendees • Sponsorship mentioned in welcome or closing Bronze Sponsor | $500 • Logo recognition on event promotions • 1 attendee

Greenville Chamber

Legislative Issues | $1,250 (Annual sponsorship for 9 meetings) • Logo recognition on event promotions • Opportunity to welcome attendees for 2-3 minutes Environmental, Healthcare, Small Business Policy Council, or Transportation Issues | $600 (Per committee, 4 meetings for each committee per year) • Logo recognition on event promotions • Opportunity to welcome attendees for 2-3 minutes Registration: Free for Investors/Members

Advocacy Breakfasts/Lunches

3 events throughout 2017 | Dates, Time, Location TBD These events will bring in high-level speakers to discuss relevant advocacy issues and how they impact small business. Projected Attendance: 100-200 Audience: Community and business leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | Entire Series | $5,000 • Logo recognition on all event materials and promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at each breakfast or lunch • Opportunity to distribute materials on tables • 6 attendees to each event with reserved, priority seating with speakers Individual Lunch Sponsor | $1,000 • Logo recognition on all event materials and promotions • 4 attendees to event with reserved, priority seating • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at presentation table in back or outside Registration: $30 Investors/Members $50 General Admission

Published in December

The 2018 Legislative Manual will feature 24-30 pages of information on our state and local agenda, information to help business interact with government, and contact information for federal, state and local officials. SPONSORSHIP LEVELS • Back Cover | $2,000 • Full Page (inside) | $1,000 • Inside Center Spread | $2,000 • Half Page (inside) | $550 • Inside Front Cover | $1,500

Upstate Chamber Coalition Charleston Trip Fall | Charleston, SC

This trip is an excellent way to build bridges with the second biggest metro area of the state – and the Port of Charleston, which is a huge player in our Upstate economy. Projected Attendance: 30-50 Audience: Community and business leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $3,500 • Logo recognition on all event materials and signage at event • Opportunity to give welcome remarks at reception • 25% discount on registration Reception Sponsor | $2,000 or In-Kind • Sponsorship recognition in event materials and signage at event • Opportunity to give welcome remarks at reception Gold Sponsor | $1,500 • Sponsorship recognition in event materials and signage at event • 10% discount on registration Silver Sponsor | $1,000 • Name recognition in event materials and signage at event Bronze Sponsor | $500 • Name recognition in event materials and signage at event

Upstate Chamber Coalition Day in Columbia May 3 | 9:00am to 9:00pm South Carolina Statehouse

The Upstate Chamber Coalition’s Day in Columbia will be re-imagined for 2017 with a series of speakers on critical topics and a UCC awards ceremony for legislators. Projected Attendance: 50 Audience: Community and business leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $2,500 • Logo recognition on all event promotions • Logo recognition on signage and materials at meetings and reception • Speaking opportunity day-of • Assistance setting up individual meetings will legislators • 5 attendees with reserved table at reception


Legislative Manual

Senate Sponsor | $1,000 • Logo recognition on all event promotions • Logo recognition on signage and materials at meetings and reception • Speaking opportunity day-of • Assistance setting up individual meetings with legislators • 3 attendees House Sponsor | $500 • Logo recognition on event promotions • Logo recognition on signage at meetings and reception • 2 attendees Registration: $25 without transportation $50 with transportation


ADVOCACY Upstate Political Leadership Institute 101

Upstate Political Leadership Institute 201

The purpose of the 101 school is to educate business leaders on the basics of running for office. The two-night course gives an overview on running a campaign and what makes a viable candidate.

Graduates of 101 courses from any chambers in the Upstate Chamber Coalition will be eligible to attend a 201 in-depth candidate school that will delve deeply into the world of campaigning, fundraising, messaging and political organization. The 201 course will offer workshops, and will pull from campaign experts across the state and Southeast.

Fall | Time/Location TBD

Projected Attendance: Max 30 Audience: Community and business leaders interested in running for public office Presenting | $500 • 4 attendees • Logo recognition in event materials and promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes during opening or closing Gold | $250 • 2 attendees • Name and/or logo recognition in event materials and promotions • Sponsorship mentioned at event Sustaining | $150 • 1 attendee • Name and/or logo recognition in event materials and promotions • Sponsorship mentioned at event

Fall | Time/Location TBD

Projected Attendance: Max 20 Audience: Community and business leaders interested in running for public office Presenting Sponsor | $1,000 (Exclusive) • 2 attendees from your company (or scholarships for others) • Logo recognition in event materials and promotions • Sponsorship mentioned in welcome or closing Partner | $500 • 1 attendee from your company (or scholarship for an attendee) • Name recognition in event materials and promotions • Sponsorship mentioned in welcome or closing Registration: $200

Summer/Fall | Time/Location TBD

Workforce development is the Upstate business community’s biggest concern – and the Chamber’s top legislative priority in 2017. The workforce summit will explore the issues facing businesses in hiring, highlight the work being done by local agencies, and push the policy fixes we believe need to be made. Attendees will leave armed with information on how to improve their workforce pipeline and with the information they need to engage elected officials on workforce development and education issues.


Workforce Summit/Ex-Offender Job Fair

Projected Attendance: 200 Audience: Business owners and human resources professionals Presenting | $2,500 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, materials and signage at event • 6 attendees • Opportunity to speak at forum • Booth at job fair Gold | $1,500 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, materials and signage at event • 4 attendees Silver | $1,000 • Name recognition in event materials • 2 attendees Bronze | $500 • Name recognition in event materials • 1 attendee


BUSINESS GROWTH 128th Annual Meeting

January 31 | 5:00pm to 8:30pm | TD Convention Center The Greenville Chamber Annual Meeting is the largest business meeting in South Carolina, joining together around 1,300 South Carolina business and community leaders from throughout the Upstate. The event highlights the Chamber’s dynamic leadership and vision for 2017, as well as recognizes business and community leaders who are working diligently to help move the Upstate forward. Projected Attendance: 1,300 Audience: Chamber Investors SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $15,000 [SOLD] • Top billing on event signage • Company logo displayed prominently on invitation and program • Back cover, full color ad in event program • Recognition as Presenting Sponsor in event promotions • Company CEO to make welcome remarks from the podium at the event • Company CEO interviewed for “Sponsor Spotlight” video shown during the event • 20 attendees with reserved, priority seating Diamond Sponsor | $12,000 • Company name listed on event signage • Company name listed prominently on invitation and program • Full page, full color ad in event program • Recognition as Diamond Sponsor in event promotions • Company CEO to make remarks from the podium at the event • Company CEO interviewed for “Sponsor Spotlight” video shown during the event • 20 attendees with reserved, priority seating Platinum Sponsor | $7,500 • Company name listed on event signage • Company name listed on invitation and program • Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in event promotions • Company CEO recognized at Annual Meeting • Company CEO interviewed for “Sponsor Spotlight” video shown during the event • 10 attendees with reserved, priority seating • Sponsorship Add-On Opportunity – Half page, full color ad in event program for $500

Reception Sponsor | $5,000 • Company name listed on event signage • Company name listed on invitation and program • Special signage within the Reception with company name and logo • Company display table in the Reception • Recognition as Reception Sponsor in event promotions • 10 attendees with reserved, priority seating • Sponsorship Add-On Opportunity – Half page, full color ad in event program for $500 Award Sponsor | $4,500 • Company name listed on event signage • Company name listed on award, invitation and program • Company representative to be recognized from the podium to present award on stage • Recognition as Award Sponsor in event promotions • 10 attendees with reserved, priority seating • Sponsorship Add-On Opportunity – Half page, full color ad in event program for $500 Table Sponsor | $1,850 • Company name listed on event signage • Company name listed on invitation and program • Recognition as Table Sponsor in event promotions • 10 attendees • Sponsorship Add-On Opportunity – Quarter page, full color ad in event program for $500 Registration: $85 Investors/Members $150 General Admission

January 10, Dave & Busters | April 11, Children’s Museum of the Upstate | July 11, Haywood Mall* | October 10, TBD 5:00pm to 7:00pm (*July 11 4:00 to 7:00pm) Business After Hours is one of the Chamber’s premier networking events. Investors utilize this opportunity to discuss and share ideas in a relaxed, social atmosphere while learning about other Investor businesses. Projected Attendance: 75-150 Audience: Chamber Investors SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Host Sponsor | $3,500 or in-kind food, drinks & location • Logo recognition on all event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct doorprize drawings at event Table Sponsor | $800 for Annual Table Sponsor for all 4 events | $225 Single Event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • Table will be provided • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct doorprize drawings at event Registration: Free for Investors/Members

Coffee & Connections

January 4, March 1, May 3, August 2, September 6, November 1 | 8:30am to 9:30am | Location TBD Meet new Investors and learn how to maximize your face-to-face opportunities with this structured networking event. Projected Attendance: 30-50 Audience: New Chamber Investors Monthly Presenting Sponsor | $350 • Logo recognition on all event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct doorprize drawings at event Registration: Free for Investors/Members

Friday Forum

February 24, April 21, June 23, August 25, & October 27 8:00am to 9:30am | Hilton Greenville The Friday Forum series is a general business event held on a Friday during select months. Friday Forum helps business professionals connect, learn and grow with networking opportunities and an educational presentation. Projected Attendance: 150 Audience: Business professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $8,000 • Logo recognition in all event promotions • Opportunity to welcome attendees with company spotlight for 1-2 minutes at all 5 programs • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/distribute materials at the event • 10 attendees at all events with reserved, priority seating • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event


Business After Hours

Breakfast Sponsor | $350 • Logo recognition in event promotions and from podium during event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/distribute materials at the event • 5 attendees with reserved, priority seating • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Registration: $15 Investors/Members $25 General Admission



August/September | Time/Location TBD The Golf Tournament is one of the Chamber’s most highly anticipated annual events. Players and sponsors participate in a captain’s choice golf tournament with special amenities that include custom player gifts, lunch, comfort stations and hole-in-one contests. Post-round, all participants are invited to the 19th Hole reception featuring open bar, barbeque, raffle, networking and prizes for tournament winners. Projected Attendance: 300 Audience: Business and community leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $6,000 • Two foursomes in the golf tournament at course(s) of choice, including lunch, comfort stations, green fees, cart fees, range, and custom player gifts for all players • Recognition as Presenting Sponsor in event materials, signage, and promotions • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials near the Registration area at each course and at the 19th Hole • Opportunity to provide promotional items/giveaways for player gifts • Company CEO or company representative invited to briefly welcome guests in attendance at each course prior to shotgun start • Meeting with event coordinator to best determine how company can be advertised during the event 19th Hole | $3,000 • One foursome in the golf tournament at the course of your choice, including lunch, comfort stations, green fees, cart fees, range, and custom player gifts for all players • Recognition as 19th Hole Sponsor in event materials, signage, and promotions • Opportunity to display signage at entrance of 19th Hole • Recognition from podium during awards presentation • Meeting with event coordinator to best determine how company can be advertised during the event Lunch Sponsor | $2,500 • One foursome in the golf tournament at the course of your choice, including lunch, green fees, cart fees, range, and custom player gifts for all players • Company logo on every boxed lunch on one course • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials near the Lunch area at each course • Company representative onsite to help distribute lunches to players • Recognition as Lunch Sponsor in event materials, signage, and promotions • Customizing available Beverage Cart Sponsor | $1,500 • Company logo displayed prominently on beverage cart on one course of your choice • Opportunity for one company representative to ride in the cart and meet/greet players during tournament • Opportunity for company to provide giveaways (cups, koozies, etc.) for beverage cart • Recognition as Beverage Cart Sponsor in event materials, signage, and promotions • Two complimentary attendees to the 19th Hole

Comfort Station Sponsor | $1,500 • Company logo displayed prominently at Comfort Station on one course of your choice • Opportunity for company representative to be onsite at Comfort Stations to promote company, meet/greet players during tournament and distribute snacks and drinks • Opportunity for company to provide giveaways (cups, koozies, etc.) for Comfort Station • Recognition as Comfort Station Sponsor in event marketing materials, signage, and promotions • Two complimentary attendees to the 19th Hole Par 3 Sponsor | $750 • Display table with company representatives onsite to promote the company at a Par 3 Hole on the course of your choice • Signage with company logo at the tee and the green • Recognition as Par 3 Sponsor in event materials, signage, and promotions • Two complimentary attendees to the 19th Hole • Customizing available • A good opportunity to collect business cards, hand out samples of products and/or promotional items, etc. Tee/Green Sponsor | $275/$175 (Discounted Rate for a Foursome) • Recognition as Tee/Green Sponsor in event materials, signage, and promotions • One complimentary attendee to the 19th Hole


Golf Tournament continued

Foursome | $1,200 • One foursome in the golf tournament at the course of your choice*, including lunch, comfort stations,green fees, cart fees, range and custom player gifts for all players • Players invited to the 19th Hole Individual Player | $300 • One player in the golf tournament at the course of your choice*, including lunch, comfort stations, green fees,cart fees, range and custom player gifts for all players • Player invited to the 19th Hole 19th Hole Attendee | $50 • Featuring Barbeque, open bar, raffle prizes and networking


BUSINESS GROWTH Nonprofit Alliance

2nd Thursday of every month (except July) 8:00am to 9:30am | Greenville Chamber This morning event for Nonprofit Executive Directors explores topics related to nonprofit management and provides a forum to review opportunities and challenges facing this sector. Projected Attendance: 30 Audience: Executive Directors and Chief Executive Officers of 501(c)(3) organizations SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Annual Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 [SOLD] • Logo recognition in event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at all events • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • 4 attendees to all events • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Monthly Event Sponsor | $200 • Logo recognition in event promotions • Opportunity to speak at event for 2-3 minutes • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • 2 attendees to event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Registration: Free for Investors/Members, $10 General Admission

Sales Roundtable

January 18, March 15, May 17, July 19, September 20, November 15 11:30am to 1:00pm | Greenville Chamber Sales Roundtable is a gathering of sales professionals and business owners to share best practices, learn new ideas, and hone skills that will increase sales performance. Projected Attendance: 40-75 Audience: Sales professionals and business owners SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Annual Presenting Sponsor | $1,500 • Logo recognition on all event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 3 minutes at all programs • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Individual Event Sponsor | $250 • Logo recognition in event promotions • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Registration: Free for Investors/Members

January 11, March 8, May 10, July 12, September 13, November 8 | 11:30am to 1:00pm Greenville Chamber This bi-monthly forum provides opportunities for small business owners to learn best practices from each other in a unique, interactive “True Roundtable” format. Projected Attendance: 30-50 Audience: Small business owners SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Annual Presenting Sponsor | $1,250 • Logo recognition in all event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at all events • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event


Small Business Owners Forum

Monthly Event Sponsor | $350 • Logo recognition in event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 3 minutes at event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Registration: Free for Investors/Members

Small Business of the Month

Third Thursday of every month | 8:00am to 8:30am | Greenville Chamber The Greenville Chamber recognizes an extraordinary small business at each monthly Board Meeting. Projected Attendance: 30 Audience: Greenville Chamber Board of Directors and leadership Annual Sponsor | $3,500 [SOLD] • Opportunity for company representative to present the award at the monthly Chamber Board of Directors Meeting • Sponsorship recognition and photo in the Small Business of the Month blog post and promotions • Logo recognition on award


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION ACE Leadership Symposium

ATHENA Leadership Symposium

Advancing Multicultural Leadership

Advancing Women’s Leadership and Corporate Board Service

April 20 | 11:30am to 1:00pm TD Convention Center

The mission of the ACE Leadership Symposium is to send the strong message to the community that in order to advance minority leadership, there must be a concerted effort to advocate for this cause. We must collaborate to ensure multicultural leaders excel personally and in their endeavors to contribute to their organizations. Marcus Shaw, Senior Director of Business Development for Management Leadership for Tomorrow, will be the keynote speaker. 2017 will be the fifth annual ACE Leadership Symposium. Projected Attendance: 500 Audience: Diverse business owners and professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $5,000 (Exclusive) • Logo recognition on all digital and printed event promotions • Logo recognition on all signage and printed programs at event • Opportunity to speak at event for 2-3 minutes • Opportunity to distribute materials at the event • 20 attendees to luncheon with reserved, priority seating Gold Sponsor | $2,000 • Logo recognition on all digital event promotions • Logo recognition on all signage and printed programs at event • Company name recognition from podium at the event • 10 attendees to luncheon with reserved, priority seating

November 14 | 11:30am to 1:00pm TD Convention Center

This unique program is inspired by recipients of the ATHENA Leadership Award®, a prestigious award presented at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting to women who have made significant contributions to Greenville in promoting community prosperity and quality of life. The ATHENA Leadership Symposium strives to equip Greenville’s business community with the knowledge and resources needed to create greater gender balance in senior level positions. This year’s featured speaker is Veronica Biggins, the Managing Partner of the Atlanta office of Diversified Search and Chairs the Board Practice. Projected Attendance: 500 Audience: Diverse business owners and professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $5,000 (Exclusive) • Logo recognition on all digital and printed event promotions • Logo recognition on signage at event • Opportunity to distribute materials at the event • 20 attendees to luncheon event with reserved, priority seating Gold Sponsor | $2,000 • Logo recognition on all digital event promotions • Logo recognition on signage at event • Company recognition from podium at the event • 10 attendees to luncheon event with reserved, priority seating

Bronze Sponsor | $750 • Name recognition on event page of Chamber website • Name recognition on PowerPoint and printed programs at event • 10 attendees to luncheon with reserved, priority seating

Bronze Sponsor | $750 • Name recognition on event page of Chamber website • Name recognition on PowerPoint and printed programs at event • 10 attendees to luncheon event with reserved, priority seating

Registration: $35 Investors/Members $50 General Admission

Registration: $35 Investors/Members $50 General Admission

October 17 | 9:00am to 6:00pm | TD Convention Center Leveraging Human Difference: A Strategic Priority for Business Success and Community Prosperity The Diversity & Inclusion Summit will teach you how to enrich your life and your business by honing your skills as an authentic, intentional diversity leader. There will be workshops, keynote addresses, and a networking reception to give attendees the opportunity to have conversations with and learn from authorities who speak from years of experience. Projected Attendance: 300-400 Audience: Diverse business owners and professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $10,000 (Exclusive) • Logo recognition on all digital and printed event promotions • Logo recognition on all signage, printed programs, and on PowerPoint during breakfast/luncheon • Opportunity for company representative to participant on program during the breakfast/luncheon • 30 attendee passes to event with reserved, priority seating at the breakfast and luncheon


Diversity & Inclusion Summit

Gold Sponsor | $5,000 • Logo recognition on all digital and printed event promotions • Logo recognition on all signage, printed programs, and on PowerPoint during breakfast/luncheon • 20 attendees to event with reserved, priority seating at the breakfast and luncheon Silver Sponsor | $2,500 • Name recognition on digital event promotions • Name recognition on all signage, printed programs, and on PowerPoint during breakfast/luncheon • 10 attendees to event with reserved, priority seating at the breakfast and luncheon Bronze Sponsor | $750 • Name recognition on event page of Chamber website • Name recognition on printed programs at event • 5 attendees to event with reserved, priority seating at the breakfast and luncheon keynote events Early Registration: $85 Investors/Members, $100 General Admission Registration After June 15: $125 Investors/Members, $150 General Admission


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Minority Business Accelerator January-December | Greenville Chamber

The Minority Business Accelerator program (MBA) prepares high potential minority-owned businesses for accelerated growth and expansion through business development services, mentoring, targeted training, access to large corporations for partnership opportunities and a custom roadmap to sustainable growth. The MBA program is one of only five in the country. Projected Attendance: 20 Minority Business Enterprises Audience: Minority Business Enterprises, coaches, and session leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS MBA Champion | $5,000 (Up to 3, category exclusivity) • Logo recognition on all communications • Logo recognition on PowerPoint during networking hours of each session • Opportunity to participate in the kick-off event and the end of session graduation • Opportunity to have representative(s) attend up to three sessions for networking opportunities with participants • Opportunity to distribute materials to participants • Opportunity to have a representative serve as a subject matter expert by participating in a session as a panelist or guest presenter (to be coordinated in advance with MBA Program Administrator) • Opportunity to recommend vendors/suppliers to participate in the program (participants must meet qualifications to be considered) MBA Supporter | $3,000 • Name recognition on the Greenville Chamber website and in the MBA Participant Manual • Recognition from podium at the kick-off event and end of session graduation • Logo recognition on PowerPoint during networking hours of each session • Opportunity to have one representative attend one of the sessions to network with MBA participants, speak for 2-3 minutes, and distribute materials • Opportunity to recommend vendors/suppliers to participate in the program (participants must meet qualifications)


This event hosted by Greenville Chamber Staff, Board of Directors and the Chamber’s Hispanic Business Committee, is an opportunity for multicultural business owners and professionals to learn about the offerings of the Greenville Chamber and network with community and business leaders.

Netnight provides the opportunity for diverse business owners and professionals to connect. Attendees enjoy the intentionality in helping guests ensure an effective networking experience. This event consistently sells out.

March 14 | 5:30pm to 8:00pm Greenville Chamber

Projected Attendance: 300 Audience: Multicultural business leaders, MBA participants, Public Officials, Chamber staff and leadership SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $2,500 • Logo recognition on all digital and printed event promotions • Logo recognition on all signage at event • Opportunity to speak at event for 2-3 minutes • Exhibitor table at the event Gold Sponsor | $1,000 • Logo recognition on all digital and printed event promotions • Logo recognition on PowerPoint at event • Recognition from podium at the event • Exhibitor table at the event Table Sponsor | $500 • Name recognition on event page of Chamber website • Name recognition on PowerPoint at event • Opportunity to distribute materials on Community Information Table Event is free, pre-registration is required.

June 8, September 7, November 2 6:00pm to 8:30pm Fluor Field (Newly renovated indoor space)

Projected Attendance: 500 Audience: Diverse business owners and professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $5,000 (Limited availability, category exclusivity) • Logo recognition on all event promotions • Opportunity to serve as a Table Exhibitor to distribute materials at each of the three events • Logo recognition on the Drive Vision Board and on venue monitors at event • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at each of the three events • 8 attendees at each event • VIP Suite to invite special guests


Multicultural Open House

Gold Sponsor | $2,500 • Logo recognition on event promotions • Opportunity to serve as a Table Exhibitor to distribute materials at two of the three events • Logo recognition on the Drive Vision Board and on venue monitors at event • Company name recognition from podium at events • 4 attendees at each event Bronze Sponsor | $750 • Name recognition on event page of Chamber website • Opportunity to serve as a Table Exhibitor to distribute materials at one of the three events • Logo recognition on venue monitors • 2 attendees at each event Registration: $15 Investors/Members $25 General Admission


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Upstate Diversity Leadership Awards Dinner

May 10 | 5:00pm to 8:00pm | Hyatt Regency Greenville Downtown This annual event was created in 2005 by the Diversity Leaders Initiative at the Riley Institute at Furman as a way to promote and celebrate diversity in the Upstate. This event is hosted by the Greenville Chamber and the Riley Institute at Furman in partnership with Upstate Chambers to ensure our community is an inclusive place to work and live. Projected Attendance: 500 Audience: Business and community leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $7,500 • 20 attendees to event with reserved, priority seating • Company representative to welcome attendees from the podium during the event • Top billing recognition as Presenting Sponsor in event materials, signage and promotions Diversity Speaker Sponsor | $6,500 • 20 attendees to event with reserved, priority seating • Company representative to introduce speaker from the podium at the event • Recognition as Diversity Speaker Sponsor in event materials, signage and promotions Diversity Champion | $5,000 • 10 attendees to event with premium seating • Recognition from the podium as Diversity Champion • Recognition as Diversity Champion in event materials, signage and promotions Diversity Award Partner | $4,000 • 10 attendees to event with premium seating • Recognition from the podium as Diversity Award Partner • Company representative to present award on stage • Recognition as Diversity Award Partner in event materials, signage and promotions Diversity Reception Sponsor | $3,500 • 10 attendees to event • Company recognition from the podium as Diversity Reception Sponsor • Special signage at entrance of Reception with company name and logo • Recognition as Diversity Reception Sponsor in event materials, signage and promotions Diversity Advocate | $3,000 • 10 attendees to event • Company recognition from the podium as Diversity Advocate • Recognition as Diversity Advocate in event materials, signage and promotions Diversity Friend | $1,600 • 10 attendees to event • Recognition as Diversity Friend in event materials and promotions

February 15, April 5, June 22 and October 26 | Various Times Embassy Suites Golf Resort & Conference Center Designed for women professionals and entrepreneurs of all ages and career levels, the Women at Work initiative provides events for professional development, learning and networking. The four events throughout the year consist of speaker series and engaging forums featuring opportunities with high-impact speakers, panels, and technical training, all while helping Upstate women expand their professional network. Projected Attendance: 200 Audience: Women professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $3,500 Full Year | $1,000 Single Event (Category exclusivity) • Top billing logo recognition on all promotional materials • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/distribute materials at the event • Logo recognition on event signage • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event • Opportunity to welcome attendees with company spotlight for 2-3 minutes at beginning of event • 10 attendees at event with reserved, priority seating at seated events


Women at Work

Gold Sponsor (Single Event) | $550 (Category exclusivity) • Logo recognition on all promotional materials • Logo recognition on event signage • Opportunity to distribute materials at the event • Opportunity to extend closing remarks with company spotlight for 2-3 minutes at event • 5 attendees at event with reserved, priority seating at seated events Silver Sponsor (Single Event) | $400 or in-kind food/beverage (Category exclusivity) • Logo recognition on all promotional materials • Logo recognition on event signage • Opportunity to distribute materials at the event • 3 attendees at event with reserved, priority seating at seated events • Category exclusivity Visit greenvillechamber.org for registration pricing and event dates.



BBQ Bash

October 5 | Time/Location TBD This annual event is held to honor our local manufacturing companies and to recognize their collective impact on the Greenville area’s economy and quality of life. Projected Attendance: 400-500 Audience: Manufacturing industry, business and community leaders SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $5,000 (Category Exclusivity) • Logo recognition on all event materials and promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes and assist with door prizes • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • 10 attendees with Presenting Sponsor nametags • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Gold Sponsor | $2,000 • Name recognition on all event materials and promotions • Sponsorship recognition from the podium at the event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at the event • 8 attendees with Gold Sponsor nametags • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Beverage Sponsor | $1,500 • Name recognition on event materials and promotions • Sponsorship recognition from the podium at the event • Opportunity to serve at the event • 6 attendees with Beverage Sponsor nametags • Receive a copy of attendee business cards

Silver Sponsor | $1,200 • Name recognition on event materials and promotions • Sponsorship recognition from the podium at the event • 6 attendees with Silver Sponsor nametags • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Bronze Sponsor | $500 • Name recognition on event materials and promotions • Sponsorship Recognition from the podium at the event • 4 attendees with Bronze Sponsor nametags Door Prize Sponsor | $250 • Name recognition on event materials and promotions • Sponsorship Recognition from the podium at the event • 2 attendees with Door Prize Sponsor nametags Registration: $40 Investors/Members $100 General Admission

March 24 | 7:30am to 3:30pm | TD Convention Center This annual one-day event provides a briefing on current human resources issues, the opportunity to meet other professionals in the area, and a chance to visit with suppliers of human resources services. Projected Attendance: 250 Audience: Human Resources professionals SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $2,500 [SOLD] • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website • Logo recognition on event signage • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event (including on lunch tables) • Opportunity to welcome attendees with company spotlight for 2-3 minutes • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • 8 attendees (negotiable) • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Gold Sponsor - Break | $1,500 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website • Logo recognition on event signage • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event (including on lunch tables) • Opportunity to speak during morning break for 1-2 minutes • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Silver Sponsor - Exhibitor Plus | $1,250 • Logo recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website • Logo recognition on event signage • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event (including on lunch tables) • Opportunity to participate in all conference sessions, breaks and lunch • 4 attendees • Receive a copy of attendee business cards Bronze Sponsor - Exhibitor | $675 • Name recognition in all event promotions, including HRLU website • Name recognition on event signage • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at the event • 3 attendees to event with discounted rate for additional attendees • Receive a copy of attendee business cards


Human Resources Law Update

Intercommunity Leadership Visit September 27-29 | Raleigh and Durham, NC

During the first-ever joint Intercommunity Leadership Visit produced by the Greenville and Spartanburg Chambers, 100+ Upstate business and community leaders will travel to Raleigh-Durham to explore how they have worked together to build one of the most economically vibrant metros in the nation. Sponsorship opportunities coming soon.



Leadership Greenville Alumni

The Chamber’s flagship leadership program is designed to help develop informed, committed and qualified leaders for Greenville County. By taking an intensive look into the issues affecting Greenville County, the 10-month program prepares and motivates participants to provide quality, dynamic leadership within the area.

All Leadership Greenville graduates are invited to continue their experience by joining Leadership Greenville Alumni.

September 2016-May 2017 | Various locations

Projected Attendance: 55-60 Audience: Leadership Greenville participants, session leaders and Chamber volunteers SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | 2 Year Commitment $8000 per year for one sponsor or $4000 per sponsor per year if co-sponsored [SOLD] • Guaranteed place for 1 employee in Leadership Greenville Class • Right of first refusal for following year’s Presenting Sponsorship • Logo recognition on all program promotions • Logo recognition on all printed and digital program/class day materials • Opportunity to offer welcome address at Orientation and both opening and ending retreats • Opportunity to have an additional representative attend opening and ending retreats to network with class members and Leadership Greenville Alumni • Opportunity to participate as an experiential visit site or speaker/panelist for one of the class day sessions • Opportunity to offer welcome address with company spotlight for 3 minutes at Graduation • Logo recognition on Graduation event materials and signage • 2 attendees at Graduation Lunch Sponsor | $800 per class session • Opportunity to speak at sponsored class day lunch for 1-2 minutes • Opportunity to network with 60 community leaders Registration: $2,700 Investors/Members $3,200 All Others

September 2016-May 2017 | Various locations


March 31 | 8:30am to 1:00pm | Embassy Suites Attendees engage in dynamic workshops and hear from leaders to inform, inspire and ignite action in our community. Audrey Russo, President/CEO of the Pittsburgh Technology Council, will be the keynote speaker, accompanied by Merl Code, Minor Shaw and other community leaders. Projected Attendance: 150-200 Audience: Business and community leaders Presenting Sponsor | $1,000 • Logo recognition in event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at event • 10 attendees at the event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Workshop Sponsor | $750 • Logo recognition in event promotions • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at workshop session • 2 attendees at the event • Opportunity to display your company’s signage/ distribute materials at workshop session • Opportunity to collect business cards to conduct door-prize drawings at event Registration: $25 LGA members & current LG Class $40 All Others

October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 | Various locations Opportunity Greenville is a 5-week program held each Fall to guide participants through the inner workings of Greenville. Participants learn about our economy, government, culture and history from local leaders and decision makers. This is a great way to learn how to get involved in the community. Projected Attendance: 50-70 Audience: Community leaders and newcomers SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $800 • 1 program participant • Logo recognition on all digital and print event promotions and materials • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at one session • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes during one session • Ability to provide items to be given away as prizes during one session • 1 attendee at the Orientation and Graduation Receptions to network with participants Session Sponsor | $500 or In-Kind • Logo recognition on digital and print event promotions and materials • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at one session • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes during the sponsored session • Ability to provide items to be given away as prizes during the sponsored session • 1 attendee at the Orientation and Graduation Reception to network with participants Registration: $350 Investors/Members $450 All Others

Youth Leadership Greenville

September 2016-May 2017 Various locations Youth Leadership Greenville (YLG) is modeled after our signature Leadership Greenville program and is designed for Greenville County high school juniors. The program challenges participants to become engaged citizens, and prepares them to serve in leadership positions within our community. Projected Attendance: 55-60 Audience: YLG participants, session leaders and Chamber volunteers SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Presenting Sponsor | $5,000 • Logo recognition on all digital and printed program promotions and materials • Opportunity to distribute materials and speak for 2-3 minutes at Orientation • Sponsor recognition on event materials at Graduation • 4 attendees to Graduation • Right of first refusal for next year’s sponsorship Gold Sponsor | $1,000 • Logo recognition on all digital and printed program promotions and materials • Opportunity to attend and be recognized at Orientation • Sponsor recognition at Graduation • 4 attendees to Graduation • Right of first refusal for next year’s sponsorship Lunch Sponsor $800 per class session • Opportunity to distribute materials and speak at sponsored class day lunch for 2-3 minutes • Opportunity to network with 60 high school juniors from Greenville County’s public, private, charter and home school networks


Opportunity Greenville


LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Pulse Young Professionals Program

Pulse Young Professionals Events

Pulse Young Professionals is a program for young professionals ages 22-39, providing opportunities for social connection, leadership development and community engagement.

Some of the events executed to develop our community’s young professionals include: Annual Signature Event (300*) Arts & Culture (20-40*) Diversity and Inclusion (20-40*) Holiday Party (200*) Leadership Luncheons (200*) Pacesetters (50*) Socials (150-200*) Volunteers (20-40*)

Throughout 2017 | Various locations

Audience: Young professionals (ages 22-39) SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Annual Presenting Sponsor | $10,000 per year or $8,500 per year for two year commitment • Up to 10 Pulse memberships • Opportunity to place 1 Intern in Intern Experience and 1 member in Pacesetters • Opportunity to sit on a planning committee • Opportunity to invite 4 guests to attend all lunches and socials (including non-Pulse members) • Logo recognition on all digital and printed program promotions • Opportunity to welcome attendees with company spotlight for 2-3 minutes at all Pulse events • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at all events • Ad placement in Pulse bi-weekly newsletter • 1 Eblast sent to Pulse members on sponsor’s behalf • Opportunity to host 1 event and/or provide speaker(s) for lunch, workshops, panel discussions, and mentors for Pacesetters Annual Pulse Membership: $100 Investors/Members $125 All Others

*Projected attendance Audience: Young professionals (ages 22-39) Event Sponsor | $1,000 per event (Choose any Pulse event, max 3 sponsors per event) • Logo recognition on sponsored event materials and promotions • Sponsorship recognition from podium at event • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at event • Opportunity to host event at venue • 2 non-Pulse member attendees Visit greenvillechamber.org for full Pulse Young Professionals event schedule.

Pulse Young Professionals Pacesetters

These events bring in expert speakers or forums on professional/personal development topics and skills. This event is one of Pulse Young Professional’s most popular programs.

Pacesetters is a group mentoring program designed to connect high-potential, young professionals with Greenville’s most successful leaders.

Projected Attendance: 200 Audience: Young professionals (ages 22-39)

Audience: Young professionals and mentors

6 throughout the year | Various locations

Leadership Presenting Sponsor | $6,500 per year or $6,000 per year for two year commitment • Up to 2 Pulse memberships • Opportunity to sit on Leadership planning committee • Logo recognition on event materials and promotions • Opportunity to welcome attendees with company spotlight for 2-3 minutes at luncheons • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at lunches and new member orientations • 1 ad placement in Pulse bi-weekly newsletter • 1 Eblast sent to Pulse members on sponsor’s behalf • Opportunity to host event and/or provide speaker(s) for luncheon and panel discussions • 4 non-Pulse member attendees at each luncheon • Opportunity to place 1 intern in Intern Experience and 1 member in Pacesetters Visit greenvillechamber.org for registration pricing and event dates.

January-November | Various locations

Pacesetters Presenting Sponsor | $5,500 per year or $5,000 for two year commitment • Up to 2 Pulse memberships • 2 members in Pacesetters • Opportunity to sit on Pacesetters planning committee • Logo recognition on all Pacesetters program materials and promotions • Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at all Pacesetters events and new member orientations • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at all Pacesetters events • 1 ad placement in Pulse bi-weekly newsletter • 1 eblast sent to Pulse members on sponsor’s behalf • Opportunity to host event and/or provide speaker(s) for workshops, panel discussions and mentors • 2 non-Pulse member attendees to 2 luncheons and 2 socials • Opportunity to place 1 intern in Intern Experience


Pulse Young Professionals Leadership Series/Lunches

Registration: $125


PARTNERSHIPS Business Growth Partner


Designed for Investors who want to be in front of small business owners, Business Growth Partners receive: • • • • •

20% discount on individual Business Growth event sponsorships Inclusion on Partner signage 1 seat on Small Business Council A complimentary expo table at Business Growth events 2 complimentary admissions to all Business Growth events plus priority seating (when applicable) • Recognition as a Business Growth Partner on the Chamber website

Business Advocacy Partner


Designed for Investors who want a stronger voice for the region and want more exposure with our elected officials, Business Advocacy Partners receive: • • • • • • • • •

20% discount on individual Business Advocacy event sponsorships Inclusion on Partner signage 1 Seat on the Upstate Chamber Coalition (UCC) Advisory Board Sponsorship recognition at 40+ Greenville Chamber committee meetings Recognition in all UCC emails Recognition as a Business Advocacy partner on Chamber website Sponsorship recognition at all Greenville Chamber Advocacy and UCC events 2 complimentary tickets to all Greenville Chamber Advocacy and UCC events plus priority seating (when applicable) Special access to exclusive receptions before or after events

Diversity & Inclusion Partner


Designed for Investors who wish to support the Chamber’s Diversity & Inclusion efforts to promote economic development through diversity and inclusion, Partners receive: • • • • • • •

20% discount on individual D&I event sponsorships Logo recognition on Partner signage displayed at all major D&I events Recognition as a D&I Partner on Chamber website 2 complimentary admissions at all 2017 D&I events D&I Partner recognition at all Minority Business Accelerator sessions and events Complimentary D&I Consulting/Training up to 4 hours Opportunity to have a representative serve on the Minority Business Accelerator Advisory Council • Opportunity to have a representative serve on the Chamber’s Diversity Council


Designed for Investors dedicated to ensuring the future economic success of our community, Partners receive: • • • • • • • • •

20% discount on individual Economic Competitiveness event sponsorships 20% discount on Intercommunity Leadership Visit (ILV) registration 2 complimentary registrations to all local ILV events Priority involvement in inbound Intercity Delegation Visits 1 seat on Economic Competitiveness Council Inclusion on Partner signage Recognition as an Economic Competitiveness Partner on Chamber website 2 complimentary admissions at all Economic Competitiveness events Sponsorship recognition at Industry Roundtable meetings

Pulse Young Professionals Partner


Designed for Investors who prefer high-impact exposure and engagement with our community’s young professionals. • • • • • • • •

Up to 5 Pulse memberships Opportunity to place 1 intern in Intern Experience and 1 member in Pacesetters Logo recognition on all digital and printed program promotions Opportunity to display signage/distribute materials at selected events Logo recognition in Pulse bi-weekly newsletter 1 ad placement in Pulse bi-weekly newsletter 1 eblast sent to Pulse members on Partner’s behalf Option to host 1 event and/or provide speaker(s) for a lunch, workshop or panel discussion

Strategic Partner


Economic Competitiveness Partner


Designed for Investors who prefer high-impact exposure and engagement throughout all Chamber initiatives, Strategic Partners receive: • Acknowledgement as all of the above Partnerships with all associated benefits • Recognition as a Strategic Partner on the Chamber website • 1 complimentary sponsorship for a program or event (up to $5000) and 20% off all Chamber event sponsorships (some exclusions may apply)


Trustee Investors are recognized as our business community’s critical support system, dedicated to the initiatives of the Greenville Chamber. Companies that invest at least $30,000 in Chamber dues or at least $55,000 comprehensively through Chamber investment, sponsorships, and/or Accelerate over a calendar year will qualify as a Chamber Trustee Investor.

Trustee Investors will receive the services and recognition they chose, plus these additional items: • 5-minute presentation to the Chamber’s Board of Directors at a monthly board meeting (scheduled in advance) • One guaranteed participant in Leadership Greenville Class 44 • A logo on the Chamber website’s home page • Recognition as a Trustee Investor throughout the Chamber facility and in all Chamber publications and communications • Economic development research to assist your business • Diversity and Inclusion consulting and training services • Carolina Panthers football tickets (4 tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis)



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