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25% Foundation Greenville Chamber
2021 Greenville County Per Capita Personal Income: $55,442
Current Percentage of U.S. Per Capita Personal Income: 86%
Increased Economic Activity in Greenville at 100% of U.S. PCPI: $4.64B
Additional Annual New Greenville County Net Tax Revenue: $100MM
The Goal

By 2030, 60% of working-age adults will have a high-quality post-secondary credential, certificate or degree that is tied to employment and economic mobility.
“Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan Corporation, is proud to support the Greenville Chamber Foundation and its vital work to dramatically increase local education attainment levels and prepare a pipeline of skilled talent for SC employers. We funded the Career Navigator because we are excited by the potentially transformative impact of this pilot program.”
- Claire A. Gibbons, Power:Ed

The Career Navigator works to close equity gaps through a “sorting in” approach for education beyond high school. The Navigator tracks and supports adults in the process of returning to school or completing a degree or credential, providing help, support, and access to resources needed to balance the demands of education, work, and family.
Greenville County will need 37,000 more high-quality credentials, certificates or degrees - 4,100 per year - to meet the 60% goal by 2030
NEXT attracts and helps grow high-impact, knowledge-based companies by developing the entrepreneurial ecosystem and connecting entrepreneurs to it.
NEXT accomplishes this work through three primary strategies:
GROW: Ecosystem. Members. Pipeline Marketing.
HELP: Services. Programs. Events.
MEASURE: Trends. Industries. Volume.
NEXT has identified 330 entrepreneurs in the region, with approximately 92 receiving some sort of services in Q3 and Q4 of 2022.
Of those 330, they fall into the following categories:
Significant accomplishments in 2022 included:

The Chamber’s Accelerate program has been an invaluable supporter of NEXT and the work that has been needed to cultivate a thriving startup scene in Greenville. We encourage more business leaders to engage with their time and talent through our mentoring program and within our NEXT Accelerator. With the Chamber’s support we have developed numerous opportunities to help our entrepreneurs realize their dreams including the NEXT Founders Fund and the continued growth of our annual Venture Summit. Entrepreneurial activity in our region will definitely accelerate from here!
- Scott Millwood, Deal
Source: NEXT?
By caring more, and investing our time, talents, and resources into our entrepreneurs through programs like Launchpad, the better we become and, in turn, our community. Our entrepreneurs are the backbone of our community and by experiencing and engaging, everyone involved gains a greater sense of purpose and stronger sense of community. Their success becomes our success.

Greenville's business community has been so incredibly supportive of me and my business that I felt compelled to give back in any way that I can to ensure the success of other entrepreneurs in our community. This program provides unparalleled opportunity for both the participants and the coaches to continue to grow, learn and develop their businesses.
- Taryn Scher, TK Public Relations
The Minority Business Accelerator drives positive community economic impact by increasing the overall capacity of locally-based, high-potential women, veteran and minority-owned businesses. The program provides business development services, mentoring, technical assistance, and access to

117 companies supported
$28MM+ in new revenue opportunities
280+ FTE opportunities created

2022 Highlights
52 net new jobs created
$55,000 median employee salary
60% of participants reported a revenue increase (vs. 55% national benchmark)
The Greenville Chamber hosted the MBA Tenth Anniversary Celebration, Presented by Bank of America, on September 8th. Headlining the anniversary celebration event was featured speaker, Jewel Burks Solomon, an Atlanta-based entrepreneur and speaker, most well-known for co-founding Partpic, which was acquired by Amazon in 2016. More than 120 individuals attended the event to celebrate the occasion.
In a partnership with Greenville County Schools to connect high school juniors and seniors with paid work-based learning internships, LaunchGVL continues to grow its impact on students and employers.