1 minute read

Upstate Chamber Coalition National Issues Forum

Date TBD | Washington, D.C.

The Upstate Chamber Coalition’s biennial trip to Washington, D.C. is an opportunity for Upstate business leaders to meet with their Federal delegation and advocate for issues that are important to business. Participants will visit Capitol Hill, meet with their representatives, hear from policy experts, and will even get to enjoy some of the exciting sites D.C. has to offer.

Projected Attendance:40 Audience: Business leaders, state and national political leaders


Presenting Sponsor | $5,000

• Logo recognition on event promotions, materials and signage • Opportunity to welcome attendees at event of their choosing • 3 attendees • Media engagement, pre- and post-visit

Reception Sponsor | $2,500

• Opportunity to speak at a reception • May bring non-trip guests to reception

Presidential Sponsor | $2,500

• Logo recognition in event promotions, session materials and signage • 2 attendees

App Sponsor | $1,500

• Logo recognition on event promotions, materials, signage and trip app

Senate Sponsor | $1,500

• Name recognition on materials and signage

Breakfast Sponsor | $1,000

• Name recognition on materials and signage • Opportunity to speak at Friday Breakfast

House Sponsor | $500

• Name recognition on event materials and signage

Registration: $750 Investors/Members $1,200 All Others


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