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1 GU President Emeritus W. Richard Stephens ’53 received the 27th (2020) Annual Gerald Turley Memorial Award. e award, presented by the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, honors a Greenville citizen who has demonstrated personal sacri ce, involvement, innovation, and community leadership to promote the success of Greenville.

Contact Rev. E. Wayne Ryan ’58 at ewryan54@gmail.com or 111 Grand St, Burlington, IA 52601-6110.


Barb (Buschart ’68) Larson recently moved to the Twin Cities area in Minnesota to be closer to her daughter as they welcome a new granddaughter. 2850 Market Place Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117.


Contact Pamela (Turck ’70) Williams at pam@stanwilliams.com or 43635 Cottisford St, Northville, MI 48167.

Cherry (Walker ’71) Cox shares that she has retired for the third time. Contact Cherry at 506 Tullie Dr, Longview, TX 75601 or cwcox_506@ aol.com.

Don Butterworth ’75 celebrates 40 years as a librarian at Asbury eological Seminary. Contact Don at 2365 High Bridge Road, Wilmore, KY 40390 or d0npatt1@windstream.net.

’71 REUNION YEAR October 29-31, 2021


2 Mike Hopper ’81 serves as senior pastor at the Wesley Free Methodist Church in Anderson, Indiana. Contact Mike at swimfast.hopper@gmail.com.

3 Craig A Boyd ’85 published his fth and sixth books: Christian Ethics and Moral Philosophy: An Introduction to Issues and Approaches (Baker Academic Books, 2018) with Don orsen, and e Virtues: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2021) with Kevin Timpe. Craig is professor of philosophy and humanities at Saint Louis University.


Brandon Hill ’93 serves as vice president for student development at East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma.

Chrisy (Luttrell ’96) Ennen received ordination in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. last year. She currently serves as minister of word and sacrament at First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, Alabama. e Greenville Chamber of Commerce presented Steve ’98 and Karen Smith the 28th (2021) Annual Gerald Turley Award for innovation and leadership that contributes to the greater community’s success. e Smiths started Enertech, now Enertech Global, which provides jobs locally and globally. Enertech Global builds geothermal heat pumps and distributes solar PV products.

Karen (Snyder ’99) and Binu Alexander were married August 27, 2018. Both serve in Bible translation in South Asia. karens@cam42.net.

’96 REUNION YEAR October 29-31, 2021


Erin (Helmuth ’00) Kinzel recently started her own business, Kinzel Consulting, to help small business owners and nonpro ts with marketing and communication needs.

Amanda (Landis ’06) Bridgford

works as a special education teacher at the Denver School of Science and Technology.

’01 REUNION YEAR October 29-31, 2021

Greenville Advocate, Dave Bell


W. Richard Stephens ’53



An Introduction to Issues and Approaches

Craig A. Boyd and Don Thorsen


Craig A Boyd ’85

4 Audra Elizabeth (Newby ’10)

Clodfelter recently assumed the role of executive director at the Olney and Greater Richland County Chamber of Commerce.

An article about arti cial intelligence (AI) in the March 2021 issue of Iowa Magazine features the research of Dustin Swarm ’10, ’18. Dustin works with the DeRoo Research Group at the University of Iowa. He teaches computers “to categorize celestial objects on their own and then ag for further examination the ones that don’t t into neat categories.” He presently examines data supplied by the satellite Chandra X-ray Observatory, a collection of 300,000-plus space objects.

Brandon Leonard ’11 works in the HSHS Neuroscience Center as an RN for HSHS Medical Group in Spring eld, Illinois. A graduate of St. John’s College of Nursing (SJC), he also serves as president of St. John’s alumni board. Leonard plans to begin SJC’s Family Nurse Practitioner program this fall.

Raelynn Ann (Hinerman ’14) Cain married Micheal Cain, Jr. on March 27, 2021, in Mandeville, Louisiana.

5 Jon Barth ’15 MAE-Coaching

authored two books, e 1% Journal: 366 Challenges for Teachers and Coaches to Increase eir Impact (Rise Above Leadership, 2018) and e 1% Journal for Students: 366 Challenges to Learn for Impact (Rise Above Leadership, 2020). Both books address the “transformational habit” of daily journaling. Jon has over 15 years of experience as a teacher and administrator in public education, plus experience coaching junior high school, high school, and college athletes.

6 Andrew Scott ’16, MBA ’19

serves as executive chef and kitchen manager at GU’s Toastiez restaurant in Greenville. Toastiez is located in Greenville’s SMART Center, a business incubator space near campus. e restaurant employs students and gives them opportunities for hands-on experience in retail business operations.

7 Alex Staton ’16 serves as senior SEO and content marketer at Ramsey Solutions in Franklin, Tennessee.

Mason Tennell ’16 and GU Biology Professor Eric Nord recently joined their fellow researchers in seeing the culmination of years of work published. is May, science journal PLOS ONE published the article “Response of benthic macroinvertebrates to dam removal in the restoration of the Boardman River, Michigan, USA. ” It documents a study that spanned six years, from 2011 to 2016. Researchers, including Mason, examined how removal of the Brown Bridge Dam in late 2012 a ected insect communities upstream and downstream from the dam. GU partners with the project’s coordinator, the Au Sable Institute.

’11 REUNION YEAR October 29-31, 2021


Donovan Graydon ’20 serves as a senior instructor at Soccer ShotsGwinnett in Georgia, a program that works to positively impact children age eight and under by teaching them soccer skills.

Curt I ert ’20 now serves as vice president of operations at Citizens Electric Corporation.

Ashley Marie Dryden ’21 serves as a probation o cer with E ngham (Illinois) County.

8 Samantha Siefken ’21 received GU’s President’s Citation at the University’s 2021 Commencement. Samantha’s father, Dr. Phil Siefken, received the same recognition when he graduated in 1986. Samantha currently serves with Students International on a year-long internship in the Dominican Republic. She works in rural health clinics and provides health care to impoverished communities.

Contact Kristina Unverfehrt ’21 at kfb84320@gmail.com.

Audra Elizabeth (Newby ’10) Clodfelter


Jon Barth ’15


Andrew Scott ’16


Alex Staton ’16


Samantha Siefken ’21

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