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Bulletin from the Bradshaw Institute
Bradshaw Institute update
The Bradshaw Institute for Community Child Health & Advocacy, part of Prisma Health Children’s Hospital–Upstate, works to create healthy and safe communities, increase access to care for those experiencing vulnerabilities, provide evidence-based strategies to improve health literacy, and ultimately become a best practice leader.
Here are 12 highlights of the team’s activities or statistics in the Upstate during FY21 (October 2020–September 2021), despite the pandemic: • Prisma Health Pediatric Support Services, which was established throughout our ambulatory pediatric practices, received 4,346 referrals. • 244 students were seen during 392 total visits at our School-based Health Centers in the 2020–21 school year; 163 of those visits were for mental health screenings and psychosocial management. • 160 Tdap, HPV and meningococcal vaccinations were administered to Greenville County students through these School-based Health Centers. • 144 students received sports physicals through Schoolbased Health Centers. • 843 Upstate students took part in the Wheels to
Wellness bike skills program. • The team maintained 31 permanent Child Passenger
Safety Inspection Stations in the community and completed 496 car seat inspections.
Prisma Health team members and participants take a break during a Car Seat Program. • New services began at Patewood Hospital and Oconee
Memorial Hospital with the addition of a Child Life/Safe
Kids position that covers inpatient and community car seat/safe sleep needs. • Safety educators provided personalized pediatric injury prevention education to 1,371 families at Prisma Health
Greenville Memorial Hospital and 858 families at Prisma
Health Patewood Hospital before their baby’s discharge from our Newborn Services unit. • 242 safe sleep referrals and education were provided via
Cribs for Kids; 55 cribs were supplied to families. • To help keep 4,000 children healthy and dry, nearly 180,000 diapers were distributed via our Diaper Bank. • 108 individuals participated in Bradshaw Institute’s virtual Parenting Support Series. • 40 of our medical residents were trained in community health and advocacy.
Diaper Bank distribution events
• Saturday, Aug. 20, at Patewood campus in
Greenville, 29615
• October date TBD at Greer campus, 29650
• Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Oconee campus in
Seneca, 29672.
To learn more, email the Bradshaw Institute at Bradshaw.info@PrismaHealth.org.