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Y1 Unit 4

Y1 Unit 4

The challenges presented to humanity by the global climate emergency are unprecedented—considerable technical, social, political, moral, and ethical questions remain. We have an obligation to support and prepare the next generation of architects for these challenges. Architecture must reflect the needs of the time in which it is produced, balanced with a responsibility of care for its rich inheritance, whilst equally mindful of the legacies gifted to the future. This implicit responsibility must be shared by the institutions which educate, inform, and prepare these same young people for entry into a transforming professional landscape.

Considering the ongoing global Covid19 pandemic, the university adopted a holistic approach to blended learning across all programmes. Within the School of Design, Stockwell Street was carefully adapted to allow for continued socially distanced face-to-face teaching in small groups, whilst moving larger seminars and lecture-based activities online. Envisioning the ever-present potential need to again move completely online, we developed a parallel digital teaching environment to ensure any transition would be smooth and seamless.


This catalogues’ true function however remains unchanged. That is, to articulate and present a collective cross-sectional journey through our professionally accredited Architectural programmes within the School of Design at the University of Greenwich. Returning this year to its traditional role as a companion guide to the summer exhibition of student work, which on this occasion will be a combined digital online and onsite physical exhibition.

Following the established structure, the aim is to guide the reader vertically through our programmes, across the interconnected modules of Design, Technology, Histories and Theories. Our architecture programmes are presented as a unified whole, collectively seen through a single pedagogical lens from year one, through MArch, to post graduate diploma in architectural practice. Design practice is placed firmly at the centre of everything we do. Technology, Histories and Theories are parallel strands of creative design-based critical thinking. The subject of Architecture is in the first instance a discipline, that gathers together these complex trajectories of thought—which are then put into practice.

Programme structures should have inherent simplicity, they need to provide contingency and opportunity for invention and surprise. Curriculums themselves should be invisible at the point of delivery—imbedded seamlessly within an intuitive teaching interface. A supportive studio-based culture is at the centre of the School of Design, where students are taught within the unit-based design studio system. We ask our students to be speculative, we therefore have a parallel obligation to provide an environment that encourages, supports and enables this to take place and evolve. Within this constructed model, Architecture has the potential to develop powerful contingencies for addressing the unknown, unlocking new uses and new meanings, new possibilities for yet to be discovered futures.

This catalogue stands as a true substantive testament to the exceptional dedication and collective achievement of our students, their inspirational tutors, dedicated technical support team, and super supportive school administrators alike—together there is a palpable expression of optimism and humanity.

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