The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.
October 16, 2020
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An Unforgettable Season By Liz Leamy Three weeks ago, the Greenwich Polo Club wrapped up its 2020 season in showstopping style with a one-two series of matches featuring its famous characteristic showcase of superb highgoal teams, players and ponies. In this exciting final round of matches, Altaris and Barton rode away with the day’s top honors with the players and their charges all wowing the spectators with their terrific power, skill and stealth, hitting speeds of up to 40 miles an hour as they would fly up and down the massive Conyers Farm field. Along with this extraordinary athletic standard, the atmosphere at the GPC was golden across the board, something that seemed to be very much appreciated by spectators all throughout this memorable season. Last August, the famed GPC kicked off the 2020 season with the annual East Coast Open Championships of which White Birch, the famed GPC-based contingent victoriously had clinched the title back in mid September. Right from the outset through to the final series of matches, the GPC knocked
the proverbial ball out of the park on all counts, particularly in terms of how its staff and management handled the wellbeing and safety of everyone there to insure a good overall experience during this challenging pandemic period. At all of the matches, spectators, who comprised an outdoor reduced capacity crowd, consistently followed the mandated CDC guidelines of wearing masks and maintaining healthy social distance from one another. They would sit in either designated spread-out spots in the grandstand, small round tables in outlined areas along the sidelines or in the cordoned-off tent areas. Each week, visitors were handed sea led plastic bags contain ing red sanitizer packets and programs upon entering the Conyers Farm grounds by GPC staff members, while hand sanitation dispensaries were set up all around the field for everyone to use during the matches. Without a doubt, it was something to see the entire GPC community come together in such a focused, concerned and committed fashion and made for a comforting, safe and pleasant experience.
continued on page 2
The Future of The New Bruce
At the New Bruce Groundbreaking Ceremony massive backhoes created "triumphal arches" framing the construction site. Melani Lust Photography
By Anne W. Semmes It was a bright, brisk and windy day last Thursday when the New Bruce donors, staff members, designer, and elected officials gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Bruce Museum, to double in size. Peter Sutton, the former executive director whose dream had been to transform the Museum into a world class regional museum was an
early arrival. “I’ve rarely seen the building so clearly because they've already begun the work with this triumphal arch that is created by the backhoe,” said Sutton. “It's great that we're moving finally forward.” Sutton had surmised with present executive director Robert Wolterstorff it had taken 18 years – the length of Sutton’s tenure, for this expansion “to come to fruition.” “This man deserves a lot of credit,”
said arriving Bill Richter to Sutton who countered with, “You did, sir. You made all the difference in the world, sir. You really did.” Richter’s $15 million gift had helped turn Sutton’s dream into reality with the planned 40,000-plus square-foot William L. Richter Art Wing. “ T h i s i s s uch a b e aut i f u l d ay,” exclaimed arriving Steven Dumez the New
continued on page 3
An Inspiring New Feature Three weeks ago we were challenged by a reader to name one Medal of Honor winner. "Everyone can name hundreds of famous actors," he said, "but not one medal of honor" recipient. Point taken. Medals of Honor are awarded sparingly and are bestowed only to the bravest of the brave; and that courage must be well documented. This week we beg in a series of pieces
Gardenvale (red jersey) faces off against Los Violines (green jersey) in the first round series of the 2020 East Coast Open, held earlier this season at the Greenwich Polo Club (photo by John Robben)
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Sit in the Pit Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
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Virtual Walk/Run for Abilis this Sunday, October 18, 2020 is a 5K run or 1 mile walk that you, your friends, family members and coworkers can safely complete anywhere and at any time on Sunday. Please sign up with this link:
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about individuals who received the Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is the nation's highest medal for valor awarded to members of the armed forces. Less than 3,500 have been awarded to members of all DoD services and the Coast Guard. We begin with Edward Rickenbacker, who was married in Christ Church Greenwich. His awe-inspiring story can be found on page 2.
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT It is sometimes necessary to climb down and sit in the pit with our friends who are struggling. When our friends are hurting, our caring presence is 85 percent of our value. We can all be present. The challenge is to leave our suggestions elsewhere for a while. This is the hard part: just listening. We draw out our friend’s story. We do not suggest how this may become a valuable experience or have a silver lining or is just like what happened to us once upon a time. We’re simply present. If the story is on autorepeat for months, our friend may need a counselor. Grief can become a toxic grievance. Emma’s son died of a rare illness. Friends brought meals, walked with her, picked up her daughter from school, and included her in social occasions. They hugged her when she cried and let her talk about her son when she wanted to. They did not judge her when she occasionally didn’t show up for events. They called or visited instead. Emma eventually used her artistic gifts to paint uplifting mosaics on hospital walls, including a wall in the hospital where her son was treated. She credits her newfound sense of purpose to the quiet friends who sat in the pit with her while she grieved. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-869-1515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
The Greenwich Education Alliance is holding its annual Turkey Trot beginning November 1st. Please consider sponsoring the Turkey Trot. Sponsors can sign up until 10/23/20. Sign up to sponsor or participate at: online. All proceeds go to fund public school programs. #greenwichallianceturkeytrot2020 Community Centers, Inc. is in need of volunteers to deliver food Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. No one needs to choose more than one day a week and the whole pickup and delivery process takes about an hour. Please call for details: 203-869-1276 TAG, the Transportation Association of Greenwich, is delivering grocery bags of food collected by Neighbor to Neighbor for over 500 families a week. They are in need of volunteers to deliver groceries Monday-Friday between 9:30am and 12:30pm. Volunteers are needed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. You will travel on the TAG bus to deliver grocery bags for contactless delivery. Please call TAG at 203 637-4345 or email to volunteer. Meals on W heels : Please join in helping to deliver food to the community. Reach out via phone 203 896-1312 or email us: to join our team of drivers. Jewish Family Services of Greenwich is working with Families Affected by COVID-19 Transition Services (FACTS). They are providing services to help families improve lives post COVID-19. Below are items families need most. Please have it shipped to their office at 1 Holly Hill Lane in Greenwich and let them know by either calling (203-622-1881) or emailing Items needed: Crib mattress, Crib sheets , Infant car seat, Baby bath tub, Wash cloths, Crib mobile, Newborn pacifiers, New clothing (newborn to six months; winter clothing, i.e. onesies, pajamas, outfits, socks, mittens), New clothing for boys and girls, school aged 5 and up, and Personal care items. Inspirica Inc. is collecting non-perishable food items and Shop Rite gift cards for their Harvest for Hope drive which feeds over 800 families at Thanksgiving. Please drop off any of the following: instant mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, candied yams, string beans/peas, corn, mixed vegetables, apple sauce, coffee, tea, or disposable aluminum pans. Donations can be brought to 141 Franklin Street in downtown Stamford. Donations are being accepted now through November 19, 2020. harvestforhope
By Beth Barhydt On the radar screen this week: alarming emergency drought restrictions that seemingly came out of nowhere. Although Aquarion has been warning us for most of the summer, it has been difficult to hear their message over the other very loud conversations. In coordination with state and local officials, Aquarion announced Wednesday a mandatory irrigation ban in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford, and Westport as southwest Fairfield County hit its third drought trigger this fall. R ight now 100 percent of Connecticut is classified as Abnormally Dry, including Fairfield County, and 38.4 percent is classif ied under an extreme drought. Recent rainfall from Hurricane Delta remnants did little to replenish water supplies. Effective immediately, automatic irrigation systems and hoseend sprinklers are banned and all Aquarion-issued, irrigation variances have been revoked for the season. In the home, three-quarters of the water used is in the bathroom. As Americans, we use an average of 88 gallons of water per person, per day. Those numbers may well go up for those working from home. If 88+ gallons per person, per day seems like a lot to you, you are not alone. We can do better and it is irresistibly easy. All we need to do is pay more attention. See page 17 for effortless, stepby-step ways to use less water. Now that we know, let's keep this water shortage on our radar screens.
Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel
Homer Rees Reflects on Peter Sutton’s “Field Of Dreams” By Anne W. Semmes At the New Bruce groundbreaking ceremony, an array of elected officials spoke via video to the group, including First Selectman Fred Camillo, Congressman Jim Himes, and State Rep. Steve Mesker, spoke of pride in “our hometown Museum.” Concluding remarks included major donor Bill Richter, who spoke of his roots going back forty years in Greenwich. He personally thanked Peter Sutton, for getting him “hooked in the first place.” Then it was shoveling time with Bill Richter as one of the first. Following on was Homer Rees, who served 18 months as interim director for the Bruce from 2000 to when Peter Sutton arrived in 2001. “I believe Peter’s first day was 9/11,” Rees shared. “Peter immediately recognized the Museum was too small. He developed a dream of turning the Bruce into a world class regional Museum. In order to do that it had to be expanded.”
"Peter developed a dream of turning the Bruce into a world class regional Museum." Homer Rees So, said Rees, “Peter did two things - he put on one blockbuster show after another and he had various architects create plans.” One of those first blockbuster shows was ‘Love Letters.’ “It featured two paintings by the Dutch painter, Vermeer, who has so few paintings. After this people realized this could be a world class regional museum. “He hit on the right design, the right architecture. By that time the community was convinced a larger museum with a good design could be a real plus for the town of Greenwich. Being near the railroad station, it could
draw from some distances away, if it had the right exhibition.” And so, “Once the community realized the Bruce could be a major asset if expanded, the money started to f low in and they were able to raise enough money to achieve his goal.” “Peter used to say Greenwich had an extraordinary art collection – the problem was it was hanging on other people’s walls. If you build an expanded gallery these people will help fill it with art.” W hat pleased Rees t he most on the Bruce’s groundbreaking day was, “to see Peter’s field of dreams start to become a reality.”
Jim Lockhart, Bruce Museum board chair, on left, prepares to do some ceremonial shoveling with former Museum executive director Peter Sutton. Melanie Lust Photography
Medal of Honor: Edward Rickenbacker
CITATION READS: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidit y above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy near Billy, France , 25 September 1918. While on a voluntary patrol over the lines, 1st Lt. Rickenbacker attacked 7 enemy planes (5 t ype Fokker, protecting two type Halberstadt). Disregarding the odds against
From Page 1 “This has been a very successful season. We commend the Greenwich Polo Club for being able to bring the excitement of the polo season in a safe and secure environment to af ford us the opportunity to share the Barbados with everyone here,” said Eusi Skeete, Vice Consul, Director USA and Senior Business Development Of f icer of Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., a GPC partner whose tented area was always popular stopping ground with spectators this past season. Certainly, this turned out to be an exciting, fun and unforgettable season at the GPC on all counts, especially considering the fact that af forded individuals the opportunity to be able to enjoy this extraordinary sport in such a safe and positive manner.
a me m b e r of t he 9 4 t h Ae r o Pursuit Squadron. Ultimately, Rickenbacker was appointed the head of the squadron. He became famous for his bravery. R icken backer ear ned the nick name “Ace of Aces” and earned numerous awards for heroism during World War I. On April 29th, Rickenbacker scored his f irst aerial victory and also his first Distinguished Service Cross for a vigorous fight and pursuit of a plane into enemy territory to shoot it down. During May 1918, Rickenbacker downed five more German airplanes while earning an additional four Distinguished S e r v ic e Cr o s s e s , e a ch t i m e attacking and dispersing larger formations of enemy planes. Rickenbacker, through a lucky streak also gained a reputation
O n a n y g i v e n S u n d a y, spectators could regularly be seen smiling, chatting and laughing toget her wh i le watch i ng t he matches, a heartwarming sight that made for an uplifting and highenergy environment. “This has been a great experience. It’s so nice to be outside with people watching such an incredible sport,” said Sophia Scarpelli, a Greenwich resident who grew up in town and is the owner and proprietor of the Sophia’s, the popular unique boutique jewelry and gift shop on Liberty Way that features authentic period costumes and also a consigner of estate jewelry. “The grounds are so spectacular and it’s wonderful to see people enjoying the day in such a safe and conscientious way.” Meanwhile, the fashion showcase at the GPC this season was as spectacular as ever, with spectators wearing outfits that ranged from bright-hued dresses
and pantsuits to smart pants, blazers and shirts among other things, which made for a fantastic collective visual every week, to say the least. Perhaps the best thing of the entire season, however, was the fact that those individuals who had the opportunity to spend time at the GPC were able to enjoy being outdoors in such a breathtaking setting so they could enjoy worldclass polo. This, coupled with the fact that the GPC is based in Greenwich, reputed to be one of the most storied, historic and exciting towns in the U.S., is also why the whole experience there this year was a win-win for everyone on all counts. “You leave here feeling so inspired and uplifted,” said Skeete. “The next stop [for us] is the Barbados. The sport is such a huge part of the whole experience there and the Barbados is the polo capitol of the Caribbean. After that, we’ll be back here again next summer.”
for surviving close calls and crash landings. In July 1918, in a particularly harrowing incident, "he barely made it back from one battle with a fuselage full of bullet holes, half a propeller, and a scorched streak on his helmet wher e a n enemy bu l let had nearly found its mark." A ll in, he ea r ned seven Distinguished Service Crosses. I n 1930 h is sevent h Ser v ice C r o s s w a s up g r a d e d to t h e Congressional Medal of Honor, and the French Croix de Guerre. After the war ended, R icken backer pu bl ishe d h is memoirs of his experiences, which he titled Fighting the Flying C i r c u s (1919). R icken backer married Adelaide Frost Durant in Greenwich at Christ Church on September 16, 1922. Rickenbacker, without formal
education past age twelve, would eventually rise to control his own airline, Eastern Air Lines, and make it the only self-sufficient, free-enterprise – he accepted no government subsidies – airline in America for many years. During World War II, while on a personal mission to deliver a message to Gen. MacArthur from President Roosevelt and to inspect American aviation facilities in the Pacific, the plane he was flying in lost its way and was forced to ditch in the Pacific Ocean. Rickenbacker and the surviving crew members endured over three weeks of life rafts before rescue. Consistent with his dogged determination R ickenbacker completed his assignment before returning to the states, despite losing 60
pounds and suffering from severe sunburn. Rickenbacker died in Zurich, Switzerland, on July 27, 1973. He is interred in Greenlawn Cemetery in Columbus, Ohio. In 1995, the United States Postal Service honored Rickenbacker by issuing a stamp with his image.
John Ferris Robben
Edward V. Rickenbacker
him, he dived on them and shot down one of the Fokkers out of control. He then attacked one of the Halberstadts and sent it down also. E d w a r d Ve r n o n “ E d d i e ” R ickenbacker was born in Columbus, Ohio, on October 8, 1890. His parents were Swiss immigrants to the United States. As a young man, he was involved in racing automobiles. By the time the United States entered World War I, he was one of the country’s top three racing drivers. I n 1 91 7, R i c k e n b a c k e r volunteered for the military. He became the staff driver for the head of the American forces in France, General John Pershing. R icke n b acke r c omplete d pilot training in just 17 days and received his commission. He then transferred to the United States Air Service and became
Altaris goes to take the ball in the last day of matches this season at the Greenwich Polo Club
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Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
From Page 1 Orleans Director of Design of the New Bruce. “It's been seven years since we [Eskew+Dumez+Ripple] submitted our design proposal for the competition for this Museum,” he said, “And it's just incredible to see it come to fruition.” D u me z g a z e d ac r os s t he hillside that will feature a building façade design of cast stone and glass to suggest the striated walls of Connecticut’s historic rock quarries. “When we first visited the site,” said Dumez, “we were taken by the setting of the Bruce in the Park. So, the design reorients the front door to the Park that is Former Bruce Museum executive director Peter Sutton joins Museum Trustee Susan E. Lynch going to represent a connection and present executive director Robert Wolterstorrf at the New Bruce groundbreaking ceremony. back to the community. And so, a Melani Lust Photography café, a gift shop, a lecture hall, all free and open to the public is to RTM.” would address in his talk. “I talk rooms, so we can have big events be right there in the Park now. So, Susan Lynch spoke of the about the bright light of a new here, as well as just lunch with the "What an extraordinary opportunity to lead the creation that'll be a big change.” of a new cultural institution for the ages!" shared William Museum’s f irst en largement beginning - I don’t dwell too much grandkids.” Most certainly a big change project of 1992 commencing some on the darkness around it. It's Lockhart also addressed the L. Richter, donor of the New Bruce Art Wing. Melani Lust for the ar r iv ing A n ne von 30 years ago “It was certainly in important to be doing something challenging $60 million fundraising Photography Stuelpnagel, the Museum’s director the 1980's,” she said. Her 30-years about the future right now.” campaign. “We've raised of exhibitions the last 30 years. of Museum support is evidenced “We should have the whole $45 million for the building “Awesome,” was her reaction to the in Robert Wolterstorff’s full title new William L. Richter Art Wing already.” With a targeted $15 especially high for Bob Lawrence, Allen Eskew, a founding partner doubling of the Museum’s exhibit as The Susan E. Lynch Executive in two years,” chimed in Museum million needed for the endowment chair of the New Bruce Building of the design winning f irm of space, adding with a smile, “And Director. board chair Jim Lockhart. “The he said there was still a way to go. Committee, and his Museum Eskew+Dumez+Ripple, who died I'm not going to retire any time So, how was Wolterstorff, old building up there is going to be “We're probably only about a third supporting wife Gale. “This is a before learning his firm’s selection soon!” milestone of a lifetime for Gale and for the New Bruce. joining them, feeling on this launch all science and education. Steven of the way there.” von Stuelpnagel had long lived B ut b e fo r e t h e s t r i n g o f with the knowledge the Museum speakers began Daniel Ksepka, lacked space. “It created all that the Curator of Science at the Bruce yearning for more space. Our shared his excitement of seeing donors have to grow along with it. his rotating science exhibition They have to want to support the space to grow from 500 square larger spaces.” feet to 2,000 square feet. “If you Enter Heidi Brake Smith cocould see through there,” he points chair of the New Bruce Campaign to the outer wall of the Museum, Committee. “I'm very t hey'r e st i l l work i ng i n t he excited,” she said, “I'm very basement. They're making giant pleased. I'm actually speaking bugs, they're working on dinosaur today so it's been 48 hours of just dioramas, they've got minerals trying to say, how do you convey that they're mounting for our to people that we rarely have an permanent science gallery. That's opportunity to really impact and all happening right now. That's implement something like this in a actually opening next year, before community? This is generational. the new art wing.” I'm needing to buy my outfit for the “For ever y museu m, you opening!” know,” he continued, “and I have a State Rep. Steve Mesker, taking three-year-old, you’ve got to have time out from his re-election fluorescent minerals. You've got campaign, stood reminiscing to have dinosaurs, and you've got with long time Bruce supporter to have a tank with animals in it. and trustee Susan E. Lynch of Bruce Museum Curator of Science Daniel Ksepka shows a model of the dilophosaurus dinosaur-in-the-making for the New Bruce. We've got all that, so we are having the years struggle to arrive at this a dilophosaurus made - a dinosaur PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentinel (StamLIVE: None groundbreaking day. “I’veCODE: sat HSS-2020-95 on ford) - 10/9 issue (Due Date: 10/1/2020) PRODUCTION: N/A me,” he said. that lived here in the Jurassic day? “Elation is the biggest thing andWORKORDER Alexandra Cohen have givenTRIM: 11” xL10.5” o c k h a r t ’s w i f e C r i c k e t DESCRIPTION: #: 74939 the RTM for the last 18 years, on Dr. Hannafin Lawrence would spell out Period 200 billion years ago. This is and then there's this little layer of the Education wing. It's going added her excitement of, “Just the FILE:said 03A-74933-07C-HSS-2020-95-V1.indd SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.20005.B.011 BLEED: None the education committee,” relief.” Lynch added, “And then a to be a great community center extraordinary experiences people “the rocky and steep” path taken an animal about 14-feet long. Two Mesker. “So, I helped them walk 212.237.7000 deep breath because there's always for the Town of Greenwich, for are going to have with the science to arrive at the building design crests on its head, a meat-eating through the process of getting shown in a slide in his talk, saying, dinosaur, and it has feathers! And something next, always something Fairfield County and Westchester and the art.” the buy-in for the entire capital waiting.” County. It's going to have a great Surely the enthusiasm for “It seems so logical, doesn’t it? so, we're actually having it made f u nd ra isi ng proje c t a nd t he Wolterstorff spoke to what he auditorium and lots of meeting T:11” that combined science and art is So right, so stunning.” He also in Manhattan at the American oversight and approval from the spoke of the untimely death of Museum of Natural History.”
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Page 4 |Greenwich Sentinel
“We’re always looking to stay ahead of the curve. Proactive banking is what we do. Because we’re a small bank, we can do this quickly,” Gaudio said. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, businesses around the state and the country have had to come up with innovative ways to serve customers in a safe manner. The First Bank of Greenwich is certainly leading the way, as they are the first bank in the area to have walk-up teller windows. The bank recently installed walk-up windows for customers at its three branches in Stamford, Cos Cob, and Port Chester, N.Y. The inside of each branch entrance was redesigned with a window, which separates the teller and customer, a call button/microphone system, and an electronic pull-out drawer for transactions. “We don’t know where the COVID-19 is going. For the safety and convenience of our customers and staff, we came up with the idea of installing walk-up windows,” said FBOG President and CEO, Frank J. Gaudio. If the drive-thru in Cos Cob or Port Chester gets overcrowded, customers can now park their car, and come inside where they ring the bell at the walk-up window. A teller will come over and handle any transaction. “When you come in, you’re taken care of right away,” Gaudio said. “This way, you feel safer, and our staff feels safer.” Gaudio believes the windows will come in handy during the fall and winter months if the pandemic continues in earnest. The bank will also be able to remain open through the walk-up window if inclement weather causes staffing issues, or if there are problems with drive-thru service. “This is just another avenue for us to help customers,” said FBOG Vice President and Retail Banking Manager, Emily Newcamp.
“It makes them feel safe, but it’s still giving personal service.” Newcamp added that throughout the pandemic, transaction volume at the bank has actually increased. “This isn’t affecting us. We’re just doing business differently,” she added. Similar to when the FBOG acted quickly on processing Payroll Protection Program applications in the spring, Gaudio acted quickly in coming up with a new innovative way to serve his customers. The idea for the walk-up windows was created about two months ago, but a lot of research went into planning and finding the right materials, such as the electronic pull-out drawer, in order to make everything work. Each branch entrance was remodeled and rebuilt within a week. “We’re always looking to stay ahead of the curve. Proactive banking is what we do. Because we’re a small bank, we can do this quickly,” Gaudio said. Amy Huertas, Assistant Vice President & Branch Manager at FBOG, is looking forward to having that personal, oneon-one connection that was present before the pandemic. “Since COVID, we haven’t had the opportunity to really have a face-to-face with our customers. Being able to walk up to the window and see a customer’s face, even though it’s behind a mask, it just kind of brings back that personal touch that everyone’s been used to over the years,”she said. The FBOG still offers in-person appointments for customers. The bank is fully compliant with COVID protocols.
YNHH Prepared for Another COVID Wave By Richard Kaufman Officials from Yale New Haven Health gave a brief ing on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on Tuesday. While they acknowledged that there is an uptick in cases going on in the state of Connecticut, t hey a r e pr epa r e d to ha nd le another wave. According to Yale New Haven Health CEO, Marna Borgstrom, as of Tuesday morning, there were 64 COVID-positive patients ho spit a l i z e d t h r ou g hout t he system, which includes eight at Greenwich Hospital. On Sept. 30, Yale New Haven Health had 26 hospitalizations system-wide. Since the pandemic began, Yale New Haven Health has discharged more than 4,000 COVID positive patients. There have been 596 deaths. Dr. Tom Balcezak, Yale New Haven Health's Chief Clinical Officer, said there is a smattering of upticks in some of the colleges and universities in the state, as well as at some nursing homes. With f lu season beginning
and cases going up, Borgstrom said fatigue is setting in. Balcezak is concerned about rising cases, and said another wave could take an emotional toll on a lot of communities as lockdowns and stricter guidelines could return. "When we started having these [briefings] at the end of March, if we had thought that in mid-October we were going to be sitting here and still sort of hunkered down and following these protocols of mask wearing and social distancing, I think I at least would have had a ha rd t i me i mag i n i ng t hat," Borgstrom said. "I think this is going to be our reality for a while, but we are responsible for one another. This really is a community responsibility. We acknowledge how difficult this is for people, but letting down our guard and getting sloppy now can have consequences that will be very challenging for many of us." Yale New Haven Health has worked on planning for high, medium, and low scenarios with regards to COVID cases.
"Our plea, respectfully, is that people respect this virus, and that until we get a vaccination and it's well accepted, we really have to stay vigilant," said Yale New Haven Health CEO, Marna Borgstrom.
"We have stockpiled supplies that we might need. We'd like to not have to use any of those plans for a high and a medium scenario, and stay at the low threshold for numbers of COVID cases, but we are prepared and I think it's important for the public to know that we are taking steps to remain vigilant and prepared for the next wave," Balcezak said. Balcezak added that there are dedicated COVID units for patients, as well as dedicated areas for “Persons Under Investigation” (PUI units). Prior to a diagnosis,
a patient is placed into a PUI unit until they're tested for COVID-19. Depending on the result, that patient is then moved to a COVID unit or a non-COVID area for care. "That's been pretty effective for us," said Balcezak. Additionally, a diagnostic test is performed on 100% of patients that are coming into a hospital, and on patients who are receiving high-risk outpatient procedures. On the vaccine front, Balcezak said that Yale Center for Clinical Investigation recently signed a deal to enter into a vaccine trial with
Merck. The system is currently enrolled in another trial with Pfizer. Participants are still wanted for the Pfizer vaccine. For more information, go to medicine.yale. edu/ycci/ Balcezak said that the logistics in rolling out an approved, effective vaccine will be diff icult, for a variety of reasons. Yale New Haven Health is currently working with other hospitals around the state on logistics. "We have 3.5 million people in our state, and most estimates are we need 80% of those individuals vaccinated in order to get what's being called community immunity. L o g i st ic a l ly, i n te r m s of t he numbers, that's very diff icult," Balcezak said. A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e g e n e t i c material vaccines require storage at extremely cold temperatures, roughly minus 94 degrees fahrenheit. They need to be stored at that temperature until a day or two before they're administered. " We just don't have those la rge nu m bers of f reezers to
evenly distribute across the state," Balcezak said. To that end he noted that nationally, UPS and FedEx are putting together freezer farms. "The logistics of keeping them cold, transporting them all cold, and then keeping them cold until you distribute to the individual patients is going to be large," he added. Also, all of the vaccine candidates require two doses approximately 30 days apart. " The challenge is if you get one of the pharmaceutical manufacturer's vaccine the first time, you have to get that same manufacturer's vaccine the second time," Balcezak added. "There's very little known about the cross reactivity between the two different manufacturer's vaccines." But until a vaccine is found to be safe and effective, Borgstrom urged everyone to keep their guard up against the virus. "Our plea, respectfully, is that people respect this virus, and that until we get a vaccination and it's well accepted, we really have to stay vigilant," she said.
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Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Town Government
Updates from the First Selectman By Richard Kaufman Ever y week , the Greenwich Sentinel will bring you alternating updates from the BET leadership and First Selectman Fred Camillo. Town Hall Reopens to the Public Tow n Ha l l f u l ly reopened to the public earlier this week, after being closed since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents have been able to make appointments to enter the building since June. While appointments are still encouraged from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, Town Hall will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. through the front doors only. Masks and social distancing are required while in the building. There are sanitizing stations throughout Town Hall as well. “We anticipate the reopening going fine,” First Selectman Fred Camillo said earlier this week. “We’re def initely ready but we have to adjust policies as we go along." For more information on Town Hall, go to Greenwich Celebrates Columbus Day Greenwich celebrated Columbus Day in the rain in front
of Town Hall earlier this week with the raising of the Italian flag, while recognizing two residents for their contributions to the community. Peter and Bea Crumbine were honored by the St. Law rence S o c ie t y, w h ich w a s fou nde d in 1923 as a fellowship of local Italian families. Now, the nonprofit organization hosts concerts, family nig hts, an annual golf tournament, wine dinners, and a variety of other events to bring the community together. Each year, the group honors an Italian-American resident on Columbus Day. Even though Bea and Peter aren't Italian-Americans, they were chosen because of what they mean to the town. Peter is a former f ive-term member of the Board of Selectmen a n d s e r ve d o n t h e B o a r d o f E s t i m at e a n d Ta x at i o n , a n d Representative Town Meeting. He currently sits on the Selectman's Nominations Advisory Committee. Bea is Greenwich's Ambassador-at-large, and was the architect of the sister-city relationship Greenwich has in Italy with the city of Rose and Morra De Sanctis. She was also instrumental, along with Frank DiVincenzo, in moving the old historic Lia Fail stone monoliths to Montgomery Pinetum Park in
Fred Camillo First Selectman
"We’re definitely ready but we have to adjust policies as we go along," said First Selectman Fred Camillo on the reopening of Town Hall. recent years. "They've both been so giving to our town and a huge part of it," Camillo said. "They're not only two of our leading citizens, they're two of the nicest."
For Camillo, Columbus Day means a lot. "It's a day that Italian A m e r i c a n s l o o k fo r w a r d to . People came here, in most cases, very poor. They didn't look like other people, they didn't speak the language, so there were a lot of obstacles in their way, and over time, they overcame them," Camillo said, adding that his ancestors allowed him to grow up in this country and in Greenwich. "That's what's great a b out A mer ic a. Pe ople come from all over the world, and we all contribute in our own ways. All our ethnic groups combine to contribute to making the country what it is." Update on Edgewood Drive The Off ice of the First Selectman, the Greenwich Police Department, and the Planning and Zoning Commission have been discussing the decade's old issue on Edgewood Drive just off West Putnam Avenue in Greenwich. Currently, Edgewood Drive is the only loading and unloading zone for all 11 car dealerships on the western side of town. In the past, the zone would get tied up for hours if a tractor trailer came to pick up a car from a dealership that's farther away. Other trucks would come behind it, and sit in
a no parking zone which is on a blind turn. The GPD had proposed adding another loading zone nearby on Edgewood Avenue, where there are seven one-hour parking spots that are usually used by dealership employees. But Camillo said earlier this week that the dealerships seemed to have fixed the problem themselves, which has concerned residents for a number of years "A t l e a s t o n e d e a l e r s h i p sent a letter to residents in that n e i g h b o r h o o d a p o l o g i z i n g ," Camillo said. The dealerships have responded well to Planning Zoning's concerns, and agreed to comply with their site plans "We think the problem may be solved, but we're going to monitor it, and take action if we need to," Camillo said. The Board of Selectmen will circle back on the issue at the next BOS meeting.
Department. "So we're going to probably talk to the people [who have the RV's] and hopefully avoid having to issue tickets. But we certainly can't have large vehicles parked in road bocking sightlines," Camillo said. Town Will Honor First Responders, Essential Workers
Ju s t b e for e s u m m e r, Greenwich made plans on having a parade and celebration, pr e s ente d by t he Gr e enw ich P o l i c e E m e r a l d S o c i e t y, i n September to honor the healthcare workers, f irst responders, and essential employees who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. However, it was postponed. If the parade and celebration can't be pulled off before the end of the year, it will be moved to 2021, Camillo said earlier this week. "We will have the parade ," Update on RV Camillo said. "We want to make it Concerns in Town all encompassing. We also want to Last month, Camillo said he make sure we're on the other side was committed to looking into of the pandemic. It's postponed, the complaints from residents but it's definitely not canceled.". about Recreational Vehicles (RV's) Stay Up tp date. Check back here pa rked on tow n roads wh ich obstruct sightlines. Earlier this each week for alternating updates week, Camillo spoke with GPD from the BET leadership and First Deputy Chief Mark Marino, who Selectman Fred Camillo. oversees the Parking Services
Our Local News, In Brief
Tow n H a l l i s op e n to t he public starting October 13 from 8am to 1pm and until 3:30pm by appointment. Appointments are encouraged and masks are required at all times while inside the building.
Proposed Senior Assisted Living
Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, YWCA encouraged supporters to log 100 miles of walking in order to “walk the walk” through the month of September, and on Sunday October 4, supporters walked a ceremonial final mile at Bruce Park. YWCA offers domestic abuse ser v ices which can be reached at 203-622-0003, 24/7. You can learn more about their services at https://ywcagreenwich. org/what-we-do/get-help-now/.
G r e e nw i c h P l a n n i n g a n d Zoning Commission has concerns about the bulk and scale of a proposed assisted living facility for seniors, even af ter the development team has scaled it down. It is still currently in the pre application phase, and it calls for 120 residentation units on Old Track Road near Old Field Point Road. The number of units and amount of square feet have COVID b ot h b een re duce d si nce t he last discussion in July. P&Z has As of Oct. 13, 8 COVID patients requested more data and has were at Greenwich Hospital.
The Greenwich Public School board heard an update recently about a $98,000 audit which is an attempt to examine the complaints that parents have had regarding the special education services in the district over the course of decades. There have been complaints that the district has failed to identify students who would be eligible for special education services, that they have silenced educators and forced parents into seeking legal action before their children are provided required services. The Public Consulting Group will be pulling files and conducting interviews in order to compile data and make a report, which should be available in May or June.
Get Your Pink Patch! The Glenville Volunteer Fire Company (GV FC) Pin k Patch Project raises awareness and funds for the fight against breast cancer. You can join their efforts by purchasing a special edition GV FC Pink Patch for $10. A ll proceeds are donated to the Breast Cancer Alliance of Greenwich. E-mail Steven Caldwell at to get yours. POLICE DEPT.
David N. Theis Award The Glenville Volunteer Fire Company successfully hosted the 6th Annual David N. Theis Award for Community Service, albeit in a somewhat abridged version because of the pandemic. Held outside at the Glenville Volunteer Fire Station, approximately 25 socially distanced, and masked attendees saw past First Selectman Peter Tesei present the award in memory of Kerrin Coyle, who passed away this past
New GPD Officer Greenwich Police Department has just sworn in a new officer. Officer Joshua Weinstock is from Sm it htow n, New York a nd is married with two children. Before coming to Greewnich, he worked for Wallingford Police Department after becoming a police officer in 2017. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from SUNY Binghamton and was employed as a registered nurse before becoming an officer. He also has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from
For the Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol, Chief Dostmann swore in two new Sergeants for the Patrol. T h e G r e e n w i c h P o l i c e Congratulations to Sgt. E. Graham Depar tment would like to let and Sgt. A. Buffone. residents k now t hat t here is a medication disposa l box at Boat Fire the Public Safety Complex that L ast F r iday a f ter no on, i n residents can use to safely dispose Cos Cob Harbor, a private vessel of unwanted prescriptions. For caught fire. Teams of firefighters, more information, please visit both on water and on land, spent their partner’s website, Greenwich almost four hours on scene to To g e t h e r, a t h t t p s : // w w w. extinguish the fire safely. GREENWICH HOSPITAL
Unused Medication Disposal
Citizen’s Police Academy
Greenwich Police Department has announced that they will be soon accepting applications for the 2020 Citizen’s Police Academy Fall Session which will be held virtually. It is a six week program held on Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm on Zoom starting on November 4 and going until Decem ber 16. The academy provides residents with a firsthand overview of law enforcement and community related functions of the Police Department. For more information and access to applications when available, please visit https://www.greenwichct. gov/399/Citizens-Police-Academy.
Blackbaud Breach Greenw ich Hospital has announced that they were one of the many organizations that were affected by the Blackbaud data breach. Blackbaud, a software company, was used by the hospital for a long time for communication and engagement with donors. No personal f inancial information was involved, some personal information such as names and addresses, may have been impacted. Yale New Haven Health System, after being notif ied by Blackbaud, immediately did an extensive internal investigation to determine what information was impacted. For more information about the breach at Blackbaud p l e a s e v i s i t , h t t p s : // w w w.
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Town Hall Open
This year, Greenwich Reads Together has two books that they will be exploring. Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and Mountains Beyond Mountain by Tracy Kidder have been chosen after Greenwich Library sought input from the community to choose a book. For more information about the books, the authors, and the virtual events that Greenwich Reads Together has in store please visit https:// w w w. g r e e nw i c h l i b r a r y. o r g / greenwich-reads-together/.
Long Island University. Off icer CCFPP Weinstock will now complete a twelve month probationary period. New Sergeants
October 12, 2020 was proclaimed to be Bea and Peter Crumbine Day by First Selectman Fred Camillo. They were bestowed the honor due to their continued contributions and support to the Greenwich Italian community. The St. Lawrence Society held a ceremony at Town Hall where the Italian Flag was raised.
Greenwich Reads Together
year. Accepting for her was Jack Kriskey, who spoke about Kerrin's love for any person or animal that needed a little extra help. As someone who not only recognized u n d e r p r i v i l e g e , b u t wo r k e d tirelessly to make a difference, her legacy continues today at Abilis, Adopt-A-Dog, and many other places that work to make a positive difference.
Bea and Peter Crumbine Day
suggested that the development EDUCATION team work on a proposal that has Audit of Special Education a lower floor-area ratio.
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Here, everyone’s family. 1323 King Street Greenwich Located the Griff Golf Course on the Cob patio. 31 E. at Putnam Avenue, Cos 203.992.1333
Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
On My Watch
Presidential: Susan Eisenhower’s New Book, “How Ike Led” By Anne W. Semmes
Imagine having on your resume when applying to be president of the United States a recommendation of, “You have been selfless in your actions, always sound and tolerant in your judgements, and altogether admirable in the courage and wisdom of your military decisions.” This is how Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of the 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower begins her new book, “How Ike Led – The Principles Behind Eisenhower’s Biggest Decisions,” with a quote from General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff of the Army, dated May 8, 1945. Susa n Eisen hower, who I met with pleasure years ago, is a respected policy strategist and consultant based in Washington, D.C. Her book launch is timely, with this year’s 75th anniversary of VJ Day marking the surrender of Japan and end of WWII, and the unveiling of architect Frank Gehry’s Eisenhower Memorial in Washington - and in a presidential election year! She describes her book as neither a biography, nor a history of her grandfather’s wartime or presidential years, but rather “a primer” for those who may not recall how Ike “approached the important questions of his day.” She notes, her grandfather was “arguably the most bipartisan president we have had in modern American history.” This reader has found a number of surprises. First off is where Ike the warrior came from. The third of six sons, Ike’s mother was an “ardent pacifist” having grown up in the wake of the Civil War. His engineer father was the disciplinarian. His mother, when not reading the Bible would “rotate her boys through a range of household chores, from washing clothes to cleaning the house, to doing the sewing…some of the cooking and all the washing up.” Parents Ida and David “conveyed to Ike and his brothers a respect for the dignity of a man’s work, even the most humble among us.” Thus, one of their chores was to “sell their garden grown vegetables door to door across the railroad tracks in the wealthy part of Abilene [Kansas].” Ike would take that empathy “for the ordinary man’s lot in life” when connecting with his GIs. Ike chose to go to West Point not to be a soldier, but because it was free. At West Point he would pass through an acting out phase to “a growing seriousness and purpose he had absorbed from his childhood.” When taking the cadet’s oath he would recall, “the feeling that came over me that the expression, ‘United States of America’ would now and henceforth mean something different…it would be the nation I would be serving, not myself.” Likewise came a shift with his superiors. “For all of Ike’s false starts…his instructors had seen something in the young man.” “He is born to command.”
The book jacket of Susan Eisenhower's need book.
"The measure of a leader is more than the sum of his or her successful decisions."
Susan Eisenhower notes, her grandfather was To celebrate Susan Eisenhower's birth Ike, as head of NATO in Paris, painted "A French Garden" on a postcard with, "Bon Anniversaire." And Supreme Commander he was of the D-Day Invasion on June 6, 1944, during which he kept in his wallet an “in case of failure” note. It read, in part, “My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops, the air, and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt, it is mine alone.” “This unused communique,” writes Susan, “is often thought of today as a sy mbol of Ike’s leadership – the willingness to take complete and full responsibility for his decisions.” It was while serving as first Allied supreme commander of NATO in Paris that Ike began to be pressured to run for the presidency. He may have been encouraged by that grassroots bipartisan campaign, Citizens for Eisenhower, with its millions of volunteers, created by two veteran f ighter pilots, one being philanthropist Stanley M. Rumbough, Jr. But what swayed him to run was the isolationist stance of the “sure-fire” nominee Senator Robert A. Taft. “Should the isolationists take the White House,” writes Susan, “everything Eisenhower had worked for would come to naught.” Soon after Ike’s victory a secret foray over the Korean War frontline via helicopter had convinced him of the futility of that engagement. He was operating on certain maxims. “Never fight unless you have to;”
“Never fight alone,” and “Never fight for long.” Six months later the armistice was signed. “Perhaps,” writes Susan, [Ike’s] “greatest achievement as president…was eight years of peace, w ith no American casualties after the end of the Korean War.” Ike also made his mark on the desegregation front, first in his front yard, “in the District of Columbia, the Federal Government, and the Armed Forces,” and then in the D.C schools, all “without violence.” He drew criticism for bringing in Federal troops to enforce the integration of a Little Rock high school, but his efforts would lead to Harvard’s establishing a Dwight D. Eisenhower Scholarship Fund “to recognize the progress toward equal opportunities that began in the Eisenhower administration.” One has to add what Ike’s principle was about the Supreme Cou r t , t h at it shou ld h ave a b a la nc e b et we e n D e mo c rat s and Republicans, that it should “represent diverse ideological points of view.” Bill Ewald, late of Greenwich, served as Ike’s speechwriter in the White House and later worked with Ike on his memoirs, along with son John Eisenhower. In his book, “Eisenhower the President, Crucial Days:1951-1960,” Bill, whom I was also fortunate to know, writes of a corporate executive’s description of Ike that reads, “[No] public man whom I have ever known…had such intellectual honesty as Eisenhower.”
“arguably the most bipartisan president we have had in modern American history.” Susan’s book is full of rich personal anecdotes – a favorite concerning her part in escaped horses that brought havoc to Ike’s favorite putting green. Ike would surely be pleased with the appreciation shown in the writings
of his son, John, grandson David, and granddaughter Susan for their keeping the flame of his greatness alive. Over the years Susan has been discovering the multidimensional person that her grandfather was.
It has left her, she writes, “frankly in awe of how he handled some of the most consequential decisions ever undertaken by a general or a president – while retaining a genuine capacity for empathy and kindness.”
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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Take a Hike: Mount Tom By Julia Lucey There’s just nothing like a New England autumn. One great way to enjoy the colorful foliage, cool autumn air, and panoramic views Connecticut has to offer is by paying a visit to one of its beautiful state parks. In a state where there is so much natural beauty a short drive away, there are always opportunities to get out and explore a new destination. If you’re looking for a quick hike with an excellent payof f this season, Mount Tom State Park in Washington Depot is a great spot to add to your list for an easy day trip out of town. The 231-acre park is named after Mt. Tom, which lies within
its bounds. Mt. Tom reaches 1,325 feet above sea level, although the hike itself is under a mile and ascends about 500 feet. At the mountain’s base is Mount Tom Pond, a 56-acre pond with a small beachfront. Mt. Tom State Park is around 60 miles or little over an hour and a half north of Greenwich. Reaching the park is an easy drive straight up route 7 and then route 202, which puts you on a wonderfully scenic f inal stretch before reaching the park’s entrance. The parking lot puts visitors right at the hiking trail’s start, but parking is limited, so try to plan your visit during offpeak hours!
Local day trips offer a fun and -- in the midst of COVID-19 -safe way to experience a change of scenery from time to time. A climb up to the mountain’s summit from the parking area can be done in under 30 minutes. The hike itself is moderate, with a few steeper inclines as you make your way toward the peak. The hard work pays off once you reach the top, which overlooks the pond and hills beyond the park. In addition, atop the mountain sits a stone tower that visitors can enter and walk up to the top for an even better look of the surrounding area. On a clear day, you can
expect to find views of Mount Everett in Massachusetts and the Catskills. This time of year, the park’s beauty is amplified by the vibrant fall colors, as orange and yellow colored trees hug the trails and mountain top, and surround the lake down below. Not only is the park a picturesque destination to enjoy the leaves’ changing colors this fall, but it’s also a park with a rich history. Established in 1915 as a state park, Mount Tom is
one of the oldest parks in the Connecticut State Park system. In 1911, New Yorker Charles Senff offered land including Mt. Tom as a gift to the State of Connecticut to be used as recreational park land, according to the National Register of Historic Places. Prior to this, the state only owned one park, which was not open for public recreation. One of Senff’s conditions upon gifting his land was that a tower remain in place at Mount Tom’s summit,
and upon visiting you’ll find this wish remains fulfilled to this day. The current tower was built all the way back in 1921, primarily using stone found on site. Of cou rse we ca n a lways experience the charm of the autumn months here at home i n Greenw ich, but loca l day trips offer a fun and -- in the midst of COVID-19 -- safe way to experience a change of scenery from time to time. Outdoor hikes at locations like Mount Tom State Park are an especially great way to go about doing this, as it allows hikers to keep their distance while enjoy ing the beautif ul nature of autumn and maybe even some good company!
Greater Good Columns
If only...
By Meg Allred Finnerud I doubt these are the first words that come to mind when we think of people of faith. But, let me tell you, those words came up a lot in the story of God. Hear me out. I’m sure we’ve all learned about the story of God’s people being led out of their captivity. Let’s pretend for a moment that we’re traveling along behind these Israelites as they came across the desert out of Egypt and we could place a microphone in the middle of the crowd, we might hear something like this. “If only we had known how hard this trip through the desert would be, we would have stayed in Egypt. This dust and dirt
and hunger and heat is just too much. If only we could have seen how far we’d have to travel and if only they had told us.” Is this what we remember the people of God saying to Moses and Abraham as they were led out of enslavement and suffering? I don’t think so. But it’s right there in the book of Exodus. If you don’t believe me, feel free to look it up. But the story of the “if only’s” certainly doesn’t end there. Anyone who has even a little bit of exposure to the story of Jesus surely knows Jesus spent almost all of his time trying to deal with the constant questioning of God’s plan. In other words, Christians got into the “if only” game all the time. Even the disciples complained and questioned Jesus continually. If we dropped that imaginary microphone into the middle of the closest followers of Jesus, we might have heard something like this. “Jesus, if only you’d tell us exactly what we have to do to get into the kingdom of heaven, we could help you. If only you’d let
The pandemic has brought on a crisis and as it drags on and we realize we can’t go back to our lives before the virus, we start thinking about the “if only’s.” us know which one of us you like the best, we could stop competing with each other. If only we could see the end game, we could let people know.” (Okay, I know what you’re thinking. They didn’t say exactly these things but it’s a pretty good summary. Remember, we’re just imagining.) Let’s just say, there’s lots of doubting and complaining and “if only’s” among God’s people. Big surprise, then, that as we continually face a pandemic, we start engaging as people have done throughout history and complain and doubt and speculate with “if only’s.” Crises and suffering challenge faith and we’re surely experiencing a crisis and we’re surely suffering. The pandemic has brought on a
crisis and as it drags on and we realize we can’t go back to our lives before the virus, we start thinking about the “if only’s.” By now, I’d bet we’ve all got our own set of them. If only we could just get over all of this craziness and move on, we’re thinking. If only, we could reverse the clock to a few months ago, we imagine. If only, we could be normal again. If only, we’d known how long this pandemic would drag on. Even people of faith can’t overcome the desire to complain and engage in the “if only’s.” And, like those people coming across the desert and those disciples trying to understand Jesus, we wonder about God’s plan. The pandemic makes us feel as if we’re in the middle of kind a desert. We question leadership. We imagine
some other people may be better off. We feel tired and frustrated and even depressed. We lose our patience. We want our lives back. A nd yet, when we’re busy engaging in this sort of “if only’s” and wishing we could go back, we’re missing the many miracles all around us and the wonderful ways people are finding to adapt. We’re forgetting the people who are courageously caring for our elderly loved ones living in congregant care. We’re overlooking the many who are working to keep us safe and protecting our freedoms. We’re not seeing how hard business people are changing to stay afloat and how teachers are taking their skills online. We’re undervaluing the people who are making difficult
decisions for the public good. Whether you believe (as I do) that these people—and the many others helping you each day—represent God’s miracles or not, surely you can agree that ending the “if only’s” and deciding to look forward and not back, will be what get us out of this crisis. We can find a new set of “if only’s.” How about this one? If only we could all find a way to help one another. Remember, God sent bread from heaven. My friends, with our kindness, we’d start a transformation and be the miracles. And we’d be on our way out of the desert. Best of all, we’d be doing it together. If only…. The Rev. Meg Allred Finnerud, an Episcopal priest, currently serves as Executive Director of Greenwich Chaplaincy Services--a 52-year-old non-profit founded by the Greenwich Fellowship of Clergy providing spiritual care to nursing homes in Greenwich.
Want to Hire GenZ? Diversity Is No Longer Enough -- It’s Time to Push for Equity By Jody Bell Diversity is the language of the past; pushing for equal pay and equal representation is a given for this activist generation. They want more. They want equity. Girls With Impact Graduate Kristen St. Louis, 17, hopes her future employers will “actively and intentionally mold spaces that are meant for people of varying backgrounds and experiences,” she said on the show, The GenZ Project with Jennifer Openshaw. G enZ wa nts employers to be enacting policies that bring minority voices to the forefront, p u r s u i n g d i f f i c u l t c o m p a ny conversations and creating these policies to reflect this.
These are all incredibly large goals that can’t possibly be achieved overnight, so we heard from Girls With Impact graduates -- GenZ CEO’s all under the age of 20 -- on key ways that business leaders can incorporate equity now. Avoiding the Diversity Quota Trap Raina Jain, 17, is concerned about entering the workforce as a woman of color. She fears being offered a job simply to fulf ill a company quota on diversity, as opposed to her “value brought to t he compa ny.” D u r i ng t he hiring process, executives must emphasize their knowledge of the applicant -- not simply interview someone who fits the quota and
fail to articulate why this applicant is a good fit outside of their race/ gender. This same attention to detail must extend beyond the hiring process, ensuring that these voices are heard and not just there as diversity placeholders. Retention Rates Over Representation GenZ is examining retention rates of diverse employees to de te r m i ne w he t he r t he s e companies have fallen into this “Quota Trap.” When retention rates are disproportionately low for women or minority employees, it says a lot about company culture. GenZ is no longer satisfied with knowing they are represented in the companies they aspire to work for; they want to know that they
will be valued and happy -- not replaceable employees. A s St. L ou is, who is CEO of Mirror Me Diversity, puts it: “D iver sit y me a n s a b s olutely nothing if your employees are not coming back.” B e n e f it s T h at E n c ou r a g e Empowerment Pushing for equity implies the understanding of a current inequity. The only way to truly acknowledge this and display this k nowledge to your employees is through the empowerment of those at a proven disadvantage. St. Louis suggests professional development or financial literacy courses aimed at demographics that statistically do not have access to them. Including them as
benefits is a great way to further communicate support towards these minority employees who must be brought to the forefront and empowered. Avoid Greenwashing; Pursue Internal and External Social Good To conform to social activism sh if ts seen w ith i n G enZ a nd M i l len n ia l consu mers, ma ny companies are adopting a “dogood” model that looks akin to social enterprises. However, for many companies, this is simply donating a portion of profits, and doing little more. This is often referred to as Greenwashing: doing some social good but promoting sales off the basis of this perception. Having a toxic company culture and unhappy
employe e s wh i lst promot i ng themselves as a socially beneficial company is the “biggest turn off from any internship or any job I've ever held,” says Jody Bell, 18. Ti me a nd t i me aga i n t h is you ng generat ion i s pr ov i ng themselves as social and economic leaders at the forefront of this movement. To learn more, download the report, What’s Inside the Minds of GenZ. Jody Bell, 18, is Girls With Impact’s Chief Editor and a program graduate. Girls With Impact is the nation's only entrepreneurship program for teen girls, turning them into tomorrow's business leaders and innovators.
State of Connecticut
Rep. Delauro's Sweeping Independent Contractor Bill Bill would change independent contractor classification, require businesses to post emoji faces on store fronts.
By Marc E. Fitch A large and sweeping labor bill sponsored by U. S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro would change how workers a re classi f ie d as independent contractors, make shareholders liable for labor violations and requires employers be responsible for workers’ rights in foreign countries O dd ly, a nd i n p erhaps a sign of the times, the Worker Flexibility and Small Business Protection Act also requires businesses post an emoji face on its main entry way and website to designate how compliant the business is with labor laws. Employers will face penalties of $1,000 per worker per day and be required to post its rating in the newspaper if the business does not post its emoji face and rating on its place of business and website. “This important legislation aims to change that and establish ground rules to stop corporations from abusing and dictating workers’ economic conditions while denying them basic workplace protections,” DeLauro said in a press release. “It provides a safety net that can fully and swiftly catch workers in the 21st century economy.” But the bulk of DeLauro’s bill would affect independent contractors by making what is
known as the ABC test a matter of federal law. Proponents of the bill, including DeLauro’s co-sponsors Senators Sherrod Brown, D-OH, and Patty Murray, D-WA, say businesses are trying to avoid pay ing benef its and pay roll deductions like unemployment insurance by structuring their businesses to classify workers as independent contractors rather than as employees. The ABC test, or variation of it, is currently used by 28 states, including Connecticut, and is much more stringent than the federal government in defining who qualifies as in independent contractor. C u r r e n t l y, t h e f e d e r a l government only uses part A of the ABC test, which defines an individual as an independent contractor “if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and now what will be done and how it will be done,” according to the Internal Revenue Service. In Connecticut and other states, however, an independent contractor must also perform the work outside the usual course of the employer’s business and must be “customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession or business of the same nature as the service being provided.” T h e g i g e c o n o m y, i n
which individuals classif ied as i ndependent contractors ta ke job assig n ments, have fueled debates and pushes for legislation at the state level to classify, for instance, Uber drivers as employees rather than independent contractors. T h e s t at e o f C a l i fo r n i a , notably, passed a law in 2019 that requires Uber and Lyft to cla ssi f y t hei r d r ivers a s e m p l oye e s , e n t i t l i n g t h e m to benef its. Both companies refused to comply with the law and are engaged in a court battle with the state of California and a state ballot initiative. The California law also had the unintended consequence of forcing media companies to lay hundreds of freelance writers and artists. The online publication, VOX publishing, reportedly had to lay off 200 freelance writers and replace them with 20 full-time
employees. A l t h o u g h D e L au r o s ay s the bill is necessary because “gig workers are not entitled to minimum wage, sick days, overtime pay, safety protections, unemployment or health insurance,” the legislation would actually offer companies like Uber and Lyft an exemption from minimum wage and overtime regulations provided their employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Major national unions like AFL-CIO and SEIU have been trying to organize drivers and other gig workers for years and are strongly supporting the bill. Specifically, the bill states that no employer sha ll be deemed to have violated Section 6 or 7 of the Fa ir L a b or St a nda rds Ac t i f t he employees are covered under a collective bargaining agreement negotiated by recognized labor
representatives. The legislation would also make it easier for unions t o m a k e i n -r o a d s i n t o t h e franchise sector by classifying franchisor corporations as the employer, rather than franchise ow ners, ena bling u n ions to target the corporation itself, rather than trying to organize each individual restaurant or franchisee. SEIU has been attempting to organize fast-food restaurant workers for many years with little success, thus far. Nationally-recognized labor attorney F. Vincent Vernuccio says the bill is “unreasonably pu n itive” a nd w i l l hu r t t he businesses it claims to help. “ T he Worker F lex i bi l it y and Small Business Protection Ac t is a ny t h i ng but, it w i l l create paperwork and litigation nightmares for businesses and for the Department of Labor,”
Vernuccio said. “It is also a direct attack on entrepreneurs that want to work for themselves and not be employees.” The ABC test can occasionally be used as a cudgel f o r g ove r n m e n t s t r y i n g t o extract revenue from unlikely sources. Connecticut’s Dept. of Labor undertook a multi-year quest to classify little league soccer referees – many of whom were high school students who would occasionally referee children’s soccer games on weekends – as employees of the league, forcing them to pay unemploy ment insurance, for instance. T h e l i t t l e l e a g u e s we r e subject to DOL audits and, in one instance, forced to consider a professional women’s soccer player as an “employee” because she conducted a soccer clinic with kids. The emoji language comes under the bill’s transparency section, ensuring consumers know a businesses’ compliance with labor laws. Businesses can already be investigated and fined by both the U.S. Department of Labor and the state labor departments if they are accused of violating labor laws. Marc can be reached at
Editorial Page
Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Please Conserve “Rain, rain go away. Come again another day.” NO! We need the rain, desperately! You would need to have your head in the sand (very dry sand that is) to not know that we are suffering from severe drought conditions here in Greenwich. Drive by one of our reservoirs and you will easily see the low water levels. By some accounts our reservoirs are at 39 percent of their capacity. With little rain in the foreseeable forecast this is a significant challenge for our community. This is not a problem that was just realized last week. This has been almost a year in the making. You may remember the mild winter, followed by a spring and summer with little rain. And even though the National Weather Service is predicting a severe winter with many snowstorms that does not help us today. Fortunately, our water company, Aquarion, has been taking increasingly more essential steps since July, when they called for voluntary water use reductions to help alleviate the situation. In August they asked customers who have automatic irrigation systems to proactively reduce their usage to two days a week. Aquarion, based in Bridgeport, provides water for 51 communities throughout Connecticut. As a public utility they are regulated by the state and the Department of Public Health to ensure they are operating in the best interest of our communities and for the safety of our water supply. This week Aquarion enacted phase 3 of Water Use Restrictions, which is a mandatory ban on all irrigation. Details can be found on their website at There is also
This week Aquarion enacted phase 3 of Water Use Restrictions, which is a mandatory ban on all irrigation. information on what residents and businesses can do to conserve water, which is very helpful. Our last severe drought was in 2016 when our reservoirs were at less than 30 percent at this time of year. We are not at that level yet, hopefully with conservation by residents and businesses we will not be. The 20-year average for this time of year is about 65 percent. In the last 30 days we have had only 2.8 inches of rain. The numbers certainly don’t paint a very pretty picture. Fortunately, fall is here and there really is no longer a need for outdoor watering. Our lawns will survive just fine until next spring. In fact, the old saying of the “grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” may take on new meaning as the Greenwich Police are able to issue tickets to those still watering their lawns. Word is getting out about the water restrictions. Social media feeds from residents are commenting on it. The media is reporting it. Aquarion launched a ver y proactive outreach campaig n to our community and three others; Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, which are all facing severe drought conditions. In an effort to get residents to reduce water usage they have knocked on doors, met with the top water users, sent a special oversized postcard regarding the water use restriction, hired a phone bank to call all of their customers, and beginning this weekend you may see a mobile billboard driving around town as a further way to bring attention to the situation. In the midst of a severe drought our community has faced in several years, Aquarion is doing the right thing. We applaud their efforts. Our question is what are you doing? This is not a situation where because our neighbor is complying, we do not have to. We do. For the good of all and the betterment of our entire community we strongly encourage all residents and building owners to adhere to the water restrictions. Don’t worry, the rain will come another day, and then we can all go out and play.
It is the political season and we receive more letters and OpEds at this time of year than any other. The Greenwich Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor and OpEds that are local, factual, and civil. We will not publish things that are taken out of context – like a quote taken out of a speech completely out of context. Blanket statements about an entire group of people will not be published because they cannot possibly be accurate. We do make an effort to fact check letters but we make mistakes too. If you see a letter that appears to contain incorrect or misleading information, please let us know at The Greenwich Sentinel will publish all letters that are factual which are received in support of any local candidate either in print or online. If you do not see a letter in The Greenwich Sentinel, it is either because we were not sent it, we found inaccuracies in it, or the letter was outside our guidelines. LETTER
For DeCaro Because He is Not Making Friends To the Editor:
In 2000 I sat down with a young man to count Absentee Ballots during that year’s Presidential Primary. Little did I know that I would be writing a note to reminisce and also to recommend him for re-election as Registrar of Voters some 20 years later. Together, Fred DeCaro III and I were tasked w it h ha nd cou nti ng a pi le of absentee ballots. It wasn’t our originally assigned stack; it was an additional one given to us because Fred, his first time as a volunteer, had caused a minor ruckus because the counters behind us weren’t double-checking their ballots, and Fred had spotted it and reported it to the AB LETTER
join me in electing her to be our 149th district banking and running a family business, she State House Representative. has steered the BOE Finance Committee to look at the big picture and responsibly plan to A proven problem solver and strategic address the many infrastructure needs from thinker, she tirelessly helped the Board’s Policy ADA accessibility to updating 60 year old Committee draft the “hybrid solution” enabling school buildings. She looks beyond the district’s all families to make the learning choice best needs to the how, with focus on time and cost for them while fully supporting in-school effectiveness. learning. She also acted quickly to identify When I think of who should take the mantle both an Interim and new Superintendent when as our State Rep in the 149th it is Kathleen surprised with the resignation of the district’s Stowe. She ex hibits the experience and prior leader. character we should continue to have represent A consensus builder who seeks bipartisan us. Kathleen understands what needs to be solutions, she and the BOE chair worked accomplished for Greenwich and she is the type together to communicate with the community of leader we need. Debbie Appelbaum, GPS Board of Education, throughout the pandemic and reopening Member 2013-2017, Secretary 2013-2016 of schools. With experience in investment
Jim Himes is a True Public Servant
To the Editor: Greenwich and the Fourth Congressional District are in an enviable position to have Jim Himes as our U.S. Representative. There are numerous reasons to re-elect Congressman Himes, including his integrity, his unparalleled commitment of his time and energy on behalf of his constituents, his commanding knowledge of the issues and his humanity. But the list isn’t complete without talking about his leadership on gun violence prevention, which has been exceptional. Jim has been a vocal advocate in Congress for stronger federal gun regulations and he has been a steadfast supporter of organizations working in Connecticut to end gun violence. Gun policy matters to voters; according to a Gallup poll, three out of four say a candidate's position on gun regulation is "extremely important" or "very important.” From my grassroots organizing work on the issue in Greenwich, I’m confident that a Letter
made him begin to study and learn about election administration, until he ran for the first time for Registrar in 2006 and lost; but eventually winning in 2008). I then worked for Fred for nearly a decade as one of the Assistant Registrars assigned to absentee ballot counting; his desire for accuracy and integrity in the voting process continues to this day. I urge you to cast your ballot for Fred DeCaro III in the upcoming election so he can continue to innovate and make voting easier and secure at the same time. Winona Mullis
In Support of Kimberly Stowe
To the Editor: Governing is hard. I know first-hand from my term on the Greenwich Board of Education from 2013-17. It is complex and requires the capability to problem solve, create consensus, look at the bigger picture and strategically attack issues. It is the ability to examine each and every decision individually and requires the ability to represent a broad swath of views and constituent needs. You must hear all points of view, research each decision thoroughly, and then act. Kathleen Stowe has this important firsthand experience in governing as a member of the Greenwich Board of Education since 2017 and its Vice Chair since 2019. She will hit the ground running in Hartford, and I ask you to LETTER
moderator. The veteran moderator leaned down and said: “You’re not making any friends in this room.” To which Fred replied, “I didn’t know I was here to make friends. I thought I was here to ensure an accurate count.” Perhaps as rewa rd, perhaps as punishment, Fred and I were asked to take over the contested ballots and count and recount it ourselves. It was enormous, as there were about 500 ballots, with more than 15 different candidates among all the races. We wound up counting it not once, not twice, but three times, until we were both satisfied that the count was correct. Fred tells me that experience is what
majority of voters want elected officials like Jim who favor protecting our communities’ right to live safe from gun violence over the NRA’s “guns everywhere” agenda. Like many in Connecticut, I got involved in the effort to strengthen gun laws after the Sandy Hook School shooting. Over the past eight years Jim has generously given his time to help the efforts that I’ve been involved with to advance the movement. He supported the local grassroots efforts of the Greenwich Council Against Gun Violence by participating in its rallies for the Sandy Hook Ride on Washington (including cycling with Team 26 from Newtown to Greenwich on a cold March day in 2014.) He joins panel discussions hosted by CT Against Gun Violence and has organized his own forums, including one last year on smart guns— part of his effort to pass bipartisan legislation to create incentives to adopt this technology that could prevent thousands of gun deaths every year. Rep. Himes has taken principled stands
to call attention to the dereliction of duty by Congressional allies of the gun lobby who put protection of gun rights over the safety of his constituents in Fairfield County. In 2016 he boldly refused to offer empty “thoughts and prayers” while Congressional leaders blocked votes on expanding background checks to all gun sales, a proven measure to save lives that’s supported by overwhelming majorities Americans of all political affiliations, including gun owners themselves. Jim Himes is a true public servant who we need to represent our interests and values in Congress. Please join me in voting to re-elect Jim to represent the 4th Congressional District. Jonathan Perlo. The writer led the Greenwich Council Against Gun Violence and the Southwestern CT Chapter of the Brady Campaign and currently works for CT Against Gun Violence as its director of communications.
Vote for Kimberly Fiorello
While our district has welcomed several recent newcomers from New York City, over the same time period we have seen other families and businesses leave Connecticut for more attractive places to live and work, including Florida, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Georgia, and Montana. Kimberly Fiorello is the only candidate running for state representative in District 149
who understands the most urgent challenge facing the state of Connecticut: How do we attract more young families and growing businesses to Connecticut? Kimberly Fiorello understands that the strength of our communities is in our towns, not Hartford. She will go to Hartford to help preser ve the f reedoms that Greenw ich, Stamford, and all Connecticut towns enjoy.
Kimberly Fiorello understands our urgent need to reduce the tax burden on families and businesses. She will fight to create more educational choices for parents through charter schools and an Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program for businesses. Stephen Schmalhofer
A Brand New Approach to Politics from Joe Kelly
To the Editor: In light of Joe Kelly’s campaign for State Representative of the 150th District, I felt compelled to share a heartwarming story about what I witnessed a year ago during a Greenwich High School rugby game. Before the game started, everything was going as normal; The boys were doing their thing: warming up, stretching, getting ready for the match, as they were clearly trained to do. The coaches were there for guidance if needed, but as Joe tells us parents every year: this team belongs to the boys. What stood out to me, though, was how I saw Joe walk past me with his arm around one of our athletes that was struggling with something; Joe was looking at the athlete in the eyes, helpful and hopeful, but also suggesting that he needed to think through whatever the issue was on his own. Once the game started, we realized the referee was missing. No ref, no problem. Joe LETTER
hopped onto the field and got it going. Obviously, he’s an accomplished ref, but his reputation is extraordinary enough that an opposing team allowed the opposing head coach to be the ref! Once the of f icial referee arrived, Joe immediately went to grab the flag to run the lines—the best seat in the house—as he says. Then, a player went down hard, one of our own, and it surprised no one when Joe sprinted to his aid. Once the physical trainer arrived, Joe immediately moved both teams—who, to their credit, were dutifully on their knees already— away from the player so he could be treated in privacy. Finally, there was an incident with a player—again, one of our own—who clearly was bothered enough by something to unsettle him and the situation escalated quickly. And again, Joe ran: not afraid, not away, but into the “burning building”, towards the player who needed help. I have no idea how it resolved when he got there, but Joe went without
hesitation and worked to calm the player down. I’m sure over the years Joe has seen it all before, and so he could make the case that what I saw today was merely experience in action. But, reflecting on it now, I asked my son, Bradley, if all the guys like Coach Kelly and he replied “yeah, everybody really loves him.” This and his winning record certainly support that he’s an extraordinary coach. But what I witnessed that day clearly showed that he’s also an extraordinary and empathetic person. It was miraculous and incredibly inspirational to see him in action. If the kids take away even just a little bit of this from Joe, we all should be incredibly thankful. And if Joe approaches politics with even a fraction of the passion he approaches coaching rugby, then our state and town will benefit tremendously because of it. Jeff Negrin
Urging You to Keep Steve Meskers
To the Editor: I write to support the re-election of Steve Meskers as our State Representative. In 2019 I was President of Rocky Point Club, located in Old Greenwich. Just before the summer season began I was advised that a large corporation wanted to place up to four football sized barges
in the middle of our sailing area and in front of Tods Point. Steve immediately connected me with all the proper State DEEP officials and after some contentious hearings, with Steve actively speaking and supporting us, we prevailed and their application for that area was withdrawn.
Steve was in constant touch with me throughout the lengthy process and was always thoughtful, creative and persuasive. I strongly urge you to keep Steve in Hartford so he can continue to protect what we so value...our community. Be safe, Bill Kelly.
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Want something to crow about?
PUT YOUR NAME ON THE ZOO’S NEW FARMYARD! We are looking for a philanthropic member of the community to establish a lasting legacy. Have your family’s name forever synonymous with learning, conservation and wholesome family fun.
We would be udderly grateful! Serious inquiries only: Call Jessica Summers, Director of Development, at 203-394-6573
Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel
Children and Education
Feature Column
A Thoughtful and Intentional Approach to Election Discourse
By Molly King The 2020 election is upon us and Greenwich Academy is thoug htf u l ly consider i ng t he te ach i ng opp or t u n it ie s pr e s e nte d by t h i s n at ion a l moment. The goals seem clear for a school that values the development of st r ong a nd pu r p os ef u l voice s for g i rl s a nd you ng women. But a re they achievable in this fraught political environment? Many school heads have voiced concerns that political rifts in our country are having a d i v i s i ve i m p a c t o n t h e i r school communities. Some are sending out messages to their communities while others are reluctant to potentially stir the pot even further given the daily news cycle. What should GA
do? Transparently communicate t he cha l lenge a nd welcome the opportunity to teach our students about the importance of civic engagement. Why is that so important in 2020? Two reasons stand out: • It ’s t h e c e n t e n n i a l o f women’s suffrage and as a girls’ school, we need to reflect upon and celebrate this milestone. • The current national discourse around politics is tense in many quarters. This is not something we want our students to emulate; rather, we want to teach them that there are unifying principles that we can all embrace. I asked our History Department Chair Lulu Sandes how she and her departmental colleag ues are teaching the election. Her response was the best of GA—student-centered and correlated to strong educational principles: “Our approach to teaching the election is one that emphasizes civic education with a goal of meeting our students where they are, and preparing them for a life of engaged citizenship.” Nothing in that statement
In a year that offered many of us the chance to notice our natural world at a slower pace, this autumn presents us with another special opportunity to experience the beauty of nature through new eyes. Everyone deser ves access to the Ver y Important Places near them, and we are all responsible for reducing barriers if we have the power to do so. As the microscopic world of the coronavirus continues to challenge us on unimaginable
proselytizes and nothing about it is partisan. It’s great teaching a nd a l ig ns w it h t he role of GA and all schools to develop a responsible and educated citizenry. Specific to the election, there are age appropriate ways to engage our students and that’s where our focus is. Here are just a few, of many examples: Lower School: This month, our read-aloud prog ram features Equalit y’s Call: The Story of Voting Rights in America. Additional titles made available to our students and teachers include: Lillian’s Right to Vote and V is for Voting. In addition, ou r 4t h g rade st udents a re
undertaking a full unit on voting rights and citizenship. M i d d l e S c h o o l : Ve t e r a n current events teacher Tracy Kaufman-Agro ’75 goes right to the candidates, conscious of what the girls are hearing at home and wanting to both open up their thinking and fortify t hei r u nder st a nd i ng of t he issues on both sides. She said: “I use a lot of political cartoons, humor, and optimism. And I don’t belabor topics.” That’s a teacher who understands how to reach students where they are. Upper School: From understanding the electoral college to the importance of
media literacy to the difference between civil rights and civil liberties, the history department h a s deve lop e d a p r i m e r to be covered in ou r adv isor y program so the girls have a strong baseline understanding of concepts and terminology heading into the election. This week, GA hosted a v i r t ua l d ia log w it h St ate Representative Caroline Simmons ’04 and her husband Art Linares. Notably, they have both pursued careers in politics, but as members of different parties. Not only is Caroline a fantastic role model as an alumna in elected office, but she
Molly King is the head of school at Greenwich Academy and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bowdoin College and a Masters from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
VIP Access for All
Feature Column
By Eli Shaffer
GA hosted a virtual dialog with State Representative Caroline Simmons ’04 and her husband Art Linares. Notably, they have both pursued careers in politics, but as members of different parties.
and Art may be the ultimate example of bipartisanship! Of course, the GA girls are gearing up for the election on their own. Two recent student clubs launched in the Upper School are Let’s Talk Politics and the Current Events Club. A nd senior Lindsay W. and junior Shanika D. recently made an announcement on behalf of the League of Women Voters, encouraging all students eligible to vote to do so. Recalling the work of the League back to my childhood when my mother was president of the local chapter, I asked Lindsay why she felt this work was important to promote. She responded, “The LW V's mission, in my opinion, aligns well with GA's—to encourage you n g wo m e n to u s e t h e i r voices.” Exactly. What wonderful evidence of lifelong leadership development in action. Onward!
scale, the disease that was at first a great equalizer in its threat has now settled into all-too-familiar inequities of impact in race, access and class. At Audubon, we have connected thousands of students, families, and nature lovers to p l a c e -b a s e d e nv i r on m e nt a l education over the past 77 years, and we have not let the temporary closure of our buildings stop us now. With virtual programs going strong and over 15 miles of trails open to all at our w i ld l i fe sa nct ua r ies, people from throughout our region and beyond have maintained access to nature at a time in which that access has the greatest potential to uplif t, br ig hten a nd hea l. Autumn is a time of change, and this year is certainly no exception. As the leaves change colors and the air turns chilly, the feeling of change is hard to avoid. This year has forced change on so many of us in so many
As the season of giving thanks approaches, there is so much to be thankful for – even and especially in a year such as this. While inequity is on full display all around us, a special moment of recognition in nature is something anyone can access. ways. While confronting my own personal health challenges, I saw how fortunate I am to have the uplifting support of family, friends and colleagues, while simultaneously seeing the systems in my body that sustain me as a constant source of uncertainty and fear. I found myself drawn more than ever to the delicate tapestry of balance that our environment puts on display, sometimes w ith the
flourish of spring birdsong, and other times with the subtlety of a babbling stream. My daily walks at the Audubon Center or explorations with our toddler in the backyard took on a new level of meaning – one that millions of people have shared since the world seemingly turned on its head in March, and many of us turned to nature for a sense of joy, community and wonder. At times of great challenge
and uncertainty, the steady beat of a cricket’s love song or the whimsical dance of a falling leaf allow anyone with a moment to spare, with a window to peer through, or even with nothing more than a device screen to be in balance with the world around them. With an appreciation of nature, anyone can be not a businessperson, a student, a parent, an essential worker or even a self, but just a part of our
shared environment. In a moment of calm with the birds, the plants, the elements and living things around us, anyone can become a part of a larger world, in balance with the chaos of our lives and the calm march of the seasons. In nature, regardless of your race or wealth or experiences, you can simply be a part of life. As the season of giving thanks approaches, there is so much to be thankful for – even and especially in a year such as this. While inequity is on full display all around us, a special moment of recognition in nature is something anyone can access. The Very Important Place nearest you is the place you are right now. To access it, all you must do is pause and notice it. This Fallof-the-Leaves, I hope you take a moment to notice it! Eli Schaffer is the Director of the Greenwich Audubon Center. He is living his dream of connecting others to nature for the benefit of
Feature Column
A Letter to My Colleagues: Prioritize Self-Care
By Shanta Smith Happy National Principals Month! The start of the 20202021 school year has been unlike any other in our nation’s history. As we manage socially distant learning environments, engage in numerous Google Meets video calls, serve as in-person and remote school principals and assume our traditional responsibilities of supporting our brilliant students, collaborating w ith excellent educators and par tnering w ith wonder f ul families we are learning each day what it means to be a “pandemic principal.” Balancing our new normal as “pandemic principals” h a s b e e n q u ite c h a l l e n g i n g . However, t he tea m of school adm inistrators in Greenw ich have stepped up through seen and unforeseen circumstances to proudly take the helm and LEAD with strength, grace and dignity.
However, to sustain ourselves through these uncertain times, we must pr ior itize self-ca re. P r i o r it i z i n g s e l f- c a r e i s n o t something that many educational leaders do well. We often f ind ourselves making sacrifices that require us to put everyone else’s needs before our own. We must learn to follow the directions of airline f light attendants who r em i nd u s to “put you r ow n oxygen mask on first before giving the mask to others.” R e du c i n g l i fe ’s s t r e s s or s through the practice of self-care does not require monumental ef for ts but it does involve pu r p osef u l pla n n i ng. Hence, as school leaders, we must be intentional in the selection of practical strategies that meet our unique needs. Listed below are self-care strategies that I have entitled P.A.C.E. strategies. P.A.C.E. strategies are intentional, feasible activities and routines that you can practice anywhere to help you keep pace with the evolving role of the principalship. The P.A.C.E. strategies are as follows: Pause: Schedule time to stop, rest and ref lect upon what comp onents of sel f- c a re you would like to explore in your life. Kevin Cashman, the author of The Pause Principle, encourages leaders to “step back to lead
As educational leaders, we love what we do and we begin each day ready to accomplish the next feat that we encounter. As we throw on our principal’s cape each day we have to remember that we are not in this work alone and that we can only keep up this pace by prioritizing self-care. forward” (Cashman, 2012). To enact his recommendation, Study yourself. Complete a self-care assessment. Numerous organizations provide free selfcare questionnaires online that you can utilize to achieve this aim. Review the findings from the self-care assessment and decide what self-care area you would like to use to create your self-care plan. Actualize: Develop a plan to meet your self-care needs. To actualize your plan, Create and implement a reasonable and sustainable plan. To b e g i n, sele c t one sel fcare strategy that you can easily accomplish in a 10 to 15 minute time frame each day. Here are some examples of
practical self-care strategies: Set aside time for a daily healthy lunch; take a daily walk; listen to a motivational podcast; engage in journaling; schedule quiet time to reflect and meditate or identify one activity that you enjoy and plan to engage in that activity each day. Communicate: Share your plan with individuals who are close to you who can help you stay the course. To f u lf i l l th is sug gestion, Secure an accountability partner. Identify a dependable individual as your accountability partner. Schedule a weekly check in time with your accountability partner. Text, call or meet with your par tner to discuss your progress. Use this time to seek
solace with someone who wants to see you win. Evaluate: Ref lect upon your self-care plan and practices. To evaluate your plan, Assess your plan like it is the SIP. This is an inside joke for educational leaders. SIP stands for School Improvement Plan. S e l f-A s s e s s . T h e m aj o r difference between the SIP and your assessment of your selfcare plan is that you are the sole evaluator who determines the metrics, analyzes the ef fectiveness of the plan and decides upon the implication of the findings based upon what is best for you. Revisit and adjust your plan a s o f t e n a s n e e d e d . A l w ay s exercise self-compassion. Your self-care plan is malleable and
you should design it to help you. If it is not working, change it. If it is working, continue the plan or augment it with additional selfcare strategies. As educational leaders, we love what we do and we begin each day ready to accomplish the next feat that we encounter. As we throw on our principal’s cape each day we have to remember that we are not in this work alone and that we can only keep up this pace by prioritizing self-care. Each day we must proactively and purposefully plan to address our individual self-care needs so we can continue to support the stellar educators in our school district to fulfill the mission of Greenwich Public Schools. Daily self-care regimens will help us to establish an authentic habit o f u n e q u i vo c a l l y c a r i n g f o r ourselves. Our burden as school administrators is heavy. To lighten the load, we must purposefully plan to prioritize self-care in our lives in a manner that prepares us for the known and the unknown challenges that will surface in the principalship this year. Take care.
Shanta M. Smith is the principal of Hamilton Avenue STEAM Magnet School in Greenwich, CT. Hamilton Avenue STEAM Magnet School is a K to 5 elementary school.
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2020 Election Information and Resources
Feature Column
By Ryan Fazio Our campaign is energized and very proud to have the support of so many Democrat, Republican, and unaff iliated voters across
Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel
Setting the Record Straight
Greenwich, Stamford, and New Canaan. We are coming together around a message of change in Connecticut: Cut taxes and reduce wasteful spending and red tape to create economic prosperity for all Ke ep s cho ol s op en s a fely and reduce state inf luence over local schools Protect the public health and safety of all with pragmatic health and policing policies Our message is resonating, which is probably why my opponent and the PAC supporting h e r h ave b e e n m a k i n g s u c h
bizarre attacks against us. Here we can set the record straight: I will lower health care costs and expand access by protecting people with pre-existing conditions in law, ex panding choice in health insurance, and improving regulations to increase health care access and jobs I will fight against regressive taxes on working moms like tolls and payroll taxes, together costing the average family over $1,200 per year, which my opponent supports I am a product of Greenwich public schools. I have volunteered as a tutor in inner-city schools for
I am a product of the Greenwich public schools and will fight to protect and improve them the last seven years. I will always fight to protect and improve our pu bl ic s cho ol s t h r oug h h ig h standards, funding, and reduced control from state bureaucrats I am in favor of gay marriage, which, like abortion, is legally protected under both federal and state law. No matter what happens in the courts or this year’s election, both will remain legal in
Connecticut, where the statutes are clear and state officials across the aisle overwhelmingly support both I worked in renewable energy most of my c a r e er a nd have written about my plan to protect the environment and reduce skyhigh electricity costs, which my opponent voted to triple in HB7156 Th is d istr ict is my home. And I will always f ight for all
our people in the State Senate— whether they voted for me or not. My opponent wants to distract from the big issues facing our state—where there has been no economic g row th in 13 years under Democrat r u le—rather than run on her record. I will always focus on the issues and uniting our community.
2020 Voting Guide Fred DeCaro, Registrar of Voters
Q. What is important for people to know who are voting in person? All our traditional polling places will be open the normal voting hours of 6AM-8PM. When you vote in person, your ballot is immediately counted by the tabulator. And if you make a mistake, the ballot is immediately returned to you and you can fix it with a fresh ballot. If you are voting in person, please read and understand the state-issued guidance around voter ID. A poster (https://www.greenwichct. gov/DocumentCenter/View/5248) issued by the State of CT can be found at every check-in table explaining CT’s rules. Bringing the proper ID expedites the voting process. If you do not have an ID with you, you can still vote by filling out an affidavit. Please check your registration prior to coming to the polls. There is an excellent Voter Lookup Tool on the Town of Greenwich website at The tool will confirm you are an active voter, confirm your voting address,
gloves. Per the Governor’s orders, all voters Regarding the absentee ballot application should be wearing a mask. We will happily process: provide you with a mask if you need one. If you complete any portion of the For the November election, we continue to absentee ballot application for someone increase our safety protocols by having extra else, sign the form as the “Assister” staff assigned to clean the polling places. We and print/type your name, residence have acquired extra voting booths so we can address, and phone number. clean them in-between voters. We will have Remember, you must sign the tape on the floor showing six-foot lengths when application form if you assist with a waiting in line. We also encourage voters to ballot application! bring their own book or clipboard to write against and bypass the privacy booths entirely. Regarding assistance w ith completing or You can also bring your own ball-point pen returning the ballot: (blue or black ink, please) if you like. Do not bring a sharpie-type permanent marker. We If you are not a “designee” don’t take will be sanitizing the markers we provide possession of a ballot or deliver a throughout the day. completed ballot! Of those voters who answered our survey about their in-person voting experience in Only the voter’s immediate family August, 94% said they felt either “very safe”, or member or healthcare provider may “extremely safe – as safe as possible.” assist the voter as a “designee,” so Q. How are you making sure that it is if you are neither, don’t assist with/ safe to vote at the polls? be present when the voter completes Q. What do we need to tell people their ballot. The safety of voters A ND poll workers about requesting an absentee ballot? is paramount. For the primary, we added A “designee” is: plexiglass barriers, hand sanitizer, and free Absentee ballot applications should have arrived by now. If you are planning on voting o A person caring for the applicant due with this method, please take the proper steps to applicant’s illness or disability; to receive your ballot expeditiously. o An applicant’s family member, Promptly complete your application. designated by the applicant, and who Follow all directions carefully and agrees to act as a designee; return the application to Greenwich’s Town Clerk. o Or, if no such person consents or is available, a police officer, registrar of Either mail it using the included voters, or assistant or deputy registrar postage prepaid envelope or drop it in of voters in applicant’s town/city one of Greenwich’s new Ballot Boxes. of residence. The Ballot Boxes are located outside Town Hall near the visitor parking lot These are criminal violations in the former parking meter kiosk and It is a class D felony: in the lobby of the Police Station.
remind you of your polling place. Hint: If you didn’t get an absentee ballot application in the mail, you may not be registered to vote. Please use the Voter Lookup tool to check. If you are not registered to vote, or if your address is not correct, now is the time to fix this. If you have a valid CT driver’s license, you can register to vote paperlessly by visiting https:// You can also use that same link to change your address. Fixing these items is much harder on Election Day. Please do it now. Registering to vote is not a long process. But it becomes more involved if you don’t do it ahead of time and instead register at Election Day Registration in Town Hall on Election Day. If possible, please use the online tool. If you would prefer a paper form, please email vote@ and we will send you one.
The f irst batch of absentee ballots was mailed October 2. Please be patient while the post office delivers the ballots.
for any person not authorized by law to possess the official absentee ballot of an applicant to whom it was issued;
You can use the Voter Lookup tool to check the status of your absentee ballot application and ballot. The voter lookup tool (https:// will show you one of the following statuses regarding your absentee ballot.
for any candidate or agent of a candidate, political party or committee to knowingly be present when absentee ballot applicant executes an absentee ballot;
Your application has been received Your ballot has been issued Your ballot has been received back by the Town Clerk.
to commit a false statement in absentee balloting.
Q. What should we know about obtaining the results of the election?
Q. Is there anything particular about Because of the high volume of absentee voting absentee that people should ballots, it is unlikely results with any certainty know? will be published on Election Night. The
Please follow all absentee ballot instructions legislature has effectively extended the time exactly – failure to follow instructions may to report results until the Monday after the invalidate your vote. election. While we do not expect to use all the time allotted, there is no way to properly give Put the ballot inside the inner envelope. totals when absentee ballots are still being Sign the inner envelope. dropped off in drop boxes around town at 8PM. You c a n sig n up to get not i f ie d when Only put one ballot in the results are published by visiting https://www. return envelope. and scrolling down to the section “Sign Up to Get Turnout Reports Most importantly, don't delay – late and Election Night Results”. An email will be arriving absentee ballots cannot sent out within minutes of the results being be counted. published to the State of CT’s Election Results Deposit your ballot in one of Greenwich’s Reporting website. ballot boxes which are available 24/7 up to 8 PM on Election Day November 3. Or mail your ballot as soon as possible. CT law states that Q. Any final thoughts? it is the receipt of the ballot by the Town Clerk, In 2016, Greenwich had the highest turnout not the postmark, which determines if it will be of any large municipality in CT. Over 85% counted. of registered voters came to the polls. The Secretary of the State awarded us with the Q. Can I help my friend or neighbor Democracy Cup in honor of this achievement. In 2018, Greenwich turnout, while still high, with their absentee ballot? was not as good as West Hartford, and we had There may be a desire to help others with to relinquish this honor. the completion or return of their absentee ballot. I n 2 0 2 0 , it’s time we bring the When in doubt, avoid the running afoul of the Democracy Cup back to Greenwich. You strict laws about handling absentee ballots. can help make this happen simply by The Secretary of the State has published casting your vote in November! very clear guidelines about assisting others Learn more about the Democracy Cup and and handling ballots. Below is just a small our local award, the Greenwich Turnout Trophy, excerpt of the rules. Please read them at https:// at: and Back-the-Democracy-Cup online avoid the Class D Felonies listed as part of the guidelines.
Obit uaries may be submit ted to her father, "and the constant reminder that love is the greatest gift of all; a giant smile and belly laugh being a pretty close second." Dorothea O'Keefe "He just had the biggest heart," Mott Dorothea (Dotty) M. O'Keefe, a 25- Zeimetz told the Tribune Sunday. "He year resident of Greenwich, CT, passed was the life of the party and his laugh away peacefully at home on Oct. 12, 2020. filled the room, whether it was on stage, Dott y was 85 years old, born in in a classroom or a coffeeshop. Fezziwig Philadelphia, PA, on Dec. 5, 1934 and she was he and he was Fezziwig." lived in Mount Vernon, NY for more than "His kindness and exuberance in that 50 years. She was the daughter of the role," said Robert Falls, artistic director late Jules and Catherine Menghetti, and of the Goodman, "was iconic." the sister of the Eleanor Lindberg. Dotty On social media, hundreds of bereft was married for fifty-five years to the fel low per for mers w rote their ow n love of her life, Don O'Keefe who passed versions of that truth. away in 2015. Dotty had three beautiful Mott was born in New York City daughters – the late Kathy DeBernardis, and grew up in Greenwich, CT. After Jean Soucy and Lynn Maffei. Dotty was graduating from Greenwich Country a kindergarten teacher at Sts. Peter and Day School, Choate Rosemary Hall and Paul in Mount Vernon for 25 years. Dotty Northwestern University, he took to the was an active parishioner and volunteer Chicago stage and its audiences took to at St. Mary's Church in Greenwich. him. His first professional job was in the I n a d d i t i o n t o h e r s i s t e r a n d comedy "She Stoops to Conquer" at the daughters, Dotty is survived and will be Court Theatre in 1978. Thereafter, he greatly missed by eight grandchildren, worked constantly in most every Chicago K a itly n Souc y, Kev i n DeBer na rd is, theater of note for the next 30 years. Peter Soucy, Caroline DeBernardis, Jack Even after his wife, Susan Osborne-Mott, Soucy, Grace Maffei, Lauren DeBernardis became an Episcopal priest and the pair, and Emily Maf fei; and her sons-in- both people of faith in service to others, law Stephen Soucy, Robert Maffei and moved back East in 2008, Mott still Thomas DeBernardis. returned to Chicago often to perform. D ue to COV I D r e s t r ic t ion s , a Prior to his death, the couple had private funeral mass will be held on r e t u r n e d h om e to C h i c a go. Mo t t 's Thursday, Oct. 15 at St. Mary's Church daughter said, He was a very poignant on Greenwich Avenue in Greenwich, actor who did his share of dramatic CT. In lieu of f lowers, contributions in roles, including working opposite John Dotty's memory may be made to St. Ma l kov ich i n Fa l ls Wisdom Br idge Mary's Church, 178 Greenwich Avenue, Theatre production of Sam Shepard's Greenwich, CT 06830. "Curse of the Starving Class." But belly laughs, or the acquisition thereof from members of a Chicago theater audience, Jessie Young wer e Mot t 's sp e c ia lt y. To s e e how Jessie Ferris Young passed away directors understood this and craved peacefully on Oct. 12, 2020. She was Mott in their shows, you need only look born on April 13, 1921 in Cos Cob and at the roles in which the actor, famous for was a lifelong resident of Greenwich. She craft and comic timing, was cast over a was the beloved wife of the late Leslie vast career on the Chicago boards. A. Young for 67 years. They married on Mot t playe d t he Cow a r d ly L ion May 29, 1941 before Les went off to fight i n " T h e W i z a r d o f O z" at C h i c a g o in World War II. After raising her two Shakespeare Theater in 2002. sons, she became a medical secretary In 1998, he essayed the stiffest of and off ice manager for Dr. Nolan and butlers in "You Can't Take it With You" Dr. Bogdan for over 25 years, after her at the Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook retirement, she volunteered at Greenwich Terrace. A nd if you wanted a Rude Hospital in the Emergency room for 10 Mechanical for "A Midsummer Night's years. Dream," well, Mott was your man. Jessie is survived by her two sons He even told a story about showing and their wives, Ronald A. Young and up naked during a Goodman Theatre Nancy, William A. Young and Elisa C. production of "Galileo," all in a successful She has three grandchildren, Ronald attempt to make the late Brian Dennehy Young and wife Jennifer; Chad Young and laugh. Generations of Goodman Tiny wife Julia, and Julian A. Young. She also Tims found him to be a riot. has four great-grandchildren, Peyton, At Ch ic a go Ch i ld r e n's T he at r e , Logan, Mia Bella, and Cameron. Mott played Toad in "A Year with Frog Contributions in Jessie's memory and Toad." He was ver y adept w ith may be made to Diamond Hill Methodist the comedies of Moliere. And, when Church in Cos Cob. There w ill be a David Cromer directed "Miracle on 34th private graveside religious service at Street" at the old Chicago Center for the Putnam Cemetery on Thursday, Oct. 15. Performing Arts in 2002, there was only one actor in his mind for Kris Kringle. Bradley Mott " Brad ley Mot t," sa id Cromer on Sunday, "was a delicious artist and a In Charles Dickens' "A Christmas delicious person." Carol," Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserable Mott liked to describe himself as a soul, marvels at the kindness and joy big guy, but very light on his toes: It was dispensed to all by his former boss, Mr. an accurate self-observation, often put Fezziwig. "The happiness he gives," to good use when he was required to Scrooge says, "is quite as great as if it dance. 'I'm not in very good shape by any cost a fortune." For years at the Goodman Theatre's stretch of the imagination," he told the annual holiday production, Fezziwig was Chicago Tribune in 1989, "but I have an not merely played but exploded in the agility that belies my bulk.' Indeed he did, along with a singular affirmation of life by one Bradley Mott, a beloved Chicago actor as well known gift for mentoring young people, as honed for the joy he dispensed onstage as for through his work teaching at both the his antics and camaraderie behind the Latin School of Chicago and Columbia College of Chicago, where he would meet scenes. Mott, 64, died Saturday, Oct. 10 at his wife. "Bradley was hilarious, of course," his home, surrounded by his family, in said the actor Tom Mula. "But anyone the Ravenswood Manor neighborhood who worked with him, and everyone who in Chicago, due to pancreatic cancer. His death was announced by his daughter, knew him, knew what a huge-hearted Emily Mott Zeimetz. "Thank you for man he was. His kindness and generosity being my rock," Mott Zeimetz wrote of was a blessing to us all."
O t h e r s u r v i vor s i n clude a s on , Andrew Mott, and two brothers, Tod Mott and Alex Mott, as well as Bradley Mott's mother, Nancy Barton Mott. Plans for a memorial service are in the works. In lieu of f lowers, donations in Brad's name, can be sent to one of the following charities: Care For Friends at Church of Our Savior, Chicago, IL,; Food Justice at Trinity Church, Asbury Park, NJ,; Actors Fund,
Kelli Anne Piro Kelli Anne Piro (née Carey) passed away Oct. 9, 2020 at the age of 51 after a short battle with cancer. She was born July 30, 1969 to Barbara and Edward Carey at Mount Kisco Hospital. She is survived by her husband, Charlie; her children, Katie and Chase; her mother, Barbara (née Deegan); her brothers, Edward Carey (Donna, Lucas, Grace) and Bill Guy (Virginia, Will, Alexa, Kayla); and her sister, Pamela Thompson (née Guy) (Bill). She was predeceased by her father, Edward. For twenty years, Kelli worked as a treasury manager at Omnicom Capital, wher e her w a r m sm i le a nd c a r i ng personality made her loved by coworkers from her office in Stamford, CT all the way out to Dublin, Ireland. Outside of work, Kelli lived for her family. She thoroughly enjoyed hosting large family gatherings in which she would prepare for weeks in advance. Though, Kelli's real passion was her children. She loved to put a smile on their faces. Kelli was the most supportive mother, as she never missed a single sporting event ranging from Katie's sof tball games all the way throug h Chase's collegiate football games, and she always made sure that she could be heard from the bleachers. Kelli also enjoyed going to see the Tedeschi Trucks Band with her husband, Charlie. She knew every word to every song and was certainly not afraid to sing along. Kelli was frequently seen walking at Tod's Point, taking in the breath-taking views and stopping off at Donut Delight for her beloved iced tea afterwards. No matter where she went, Kelli could not wait to come home and see her best friend, Apollo, who would always be waiting for her by the door to shower her with unconditional love. Kelli was one of a kind and was taken from us far too soon. She was caring, selfless, funny, and the most beautiful woman the world had ever seen. Kelli brought color into this black and white world, and her spirit will be carried on through her loved ones. She will forever be missed. To honor her life, family and friends gat her e d on We d ne sday at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, 134 Hamilton Ave., Greenwich. A Mass of Christian Burial w ill take place at 10 a.m. on Thu rsday at St. Cather ine of Siena Church, Riverside. Interment to follow immediately at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.
Scott McCullough D. Scott McCullough passed away after a courageous battle with respiratory failure related to k idney disease at U Mass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Mass. Scott was born on June 27, 1949 in Greenwich, CT to Robert W. McCullough and Margaret Hammons McCullough. He attended Brunswick School, The Hun School of Princeton NJ and graduated from Brown University. He worked for Rolex USA for many years where he was a top sales person. Scott loved the water and his boat Black Watch and delighted in the semiannual hair-raising deliveries of his boat
Do they know?
Edith DeBeradinis It is with sadness that we a ck n ow l e d ge t h e p a s s i n g o f E d it h D'Andrea de Beradinis on Oct. 9, 2020; 20 days short of her 104th birthday. E d it h w a s b o r n o n O c t . 2 9, 1916 i n Gr e enw ich , CT to A nt hony a nd Ph i lomena D'A nd re a. She was predeceased by her sisters Josephine Ca r uso, Rose Ca l la ha n a nd A su nta D'Andrea and brother Rocco D'Andrea. Her husband of 57 years passed in 2005 and her son Thomas in 2018. Edith attended Greenwich Public Schools. I n 194 8 she ma r r ied L eon DeBeradinis who was born on the exact day of her birth. She made her home in Stamford, CT over the next 72 years. She often noted that she made a career of raising her five children and lovingly nurturing her nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Edith was an avid reader and loved to bake. She new she made the best thin crust pizza you could eat. E d it h le ave s b eh i nd he r lov i n g family. Children: Roger, Lynn (Michael) Gostomski, David (Tracey Miller) of Stamford and Wendy (Vinny) DeLio of Port Chester. Grandchildren: Lori Gostomski ( James) Malerba, Matthew Gostomski both of Stamford, John (Sonia) DeBeradinis of NYC, Lisa DeBeradinis (Mike) Schacter, Daniel DeBeradinis both of Greenwich, Frank, Vincent DeLio both of Port Chester, Deirdra DeLio (Mark) Muollo of Harrison, James DeBeradinis of Stamford. Great-grandchildren: Hannah and James Malerba, Sadie and Bo Schacter. During an inter v iew w ith The Stamford Advocate in 2012 at the age of 96 Edith boasted that she could read without glasses, hear a pin drop and had all of her teeth. She concluded her interview with these thoughts, about living a good life "Work hard. Be nice to people. Don't expect that life has to give to you – you give to life." The family will receive friends at Thomas M. Gallagher Funeral Home, 453 Shippan Ave., Stamford, on Thursday, Oct. 15, from 4-8 p.m. under mandated covid guidelines. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, Oct. 16 at Holy Spirit Church, 403 Scofieldtown Rd., Stamford, CT. The Interment will follow at Queen of Peace Cemetery, Stamford. We ask that you keep Edith in your prayers and in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of your choice.
Mary Oztemel
If If If
Perhaps you should tell them... Pre-arranging a funeral allows you to make choices and selections so that your loved ones are not left to guess, but rather, are able to grieve. Don't assume your family will make the same choices you'd prefer. Let your voice be heard and your wishes known. To speak to a licensed, trusted and knowledgeable funeral director, call us at (203) 869-5968 or (914) 698-5968 or visit We are not sales people, but we are a family.
to and from Florida. He sailed on his father's yacht, Inverness, in many ocean races and was a crew member on two America's Cup boats. He was a member of New York Yacht Club, Cruising Club of America, Storm Trysail, and the Lincoln County Rifle Club. S cot t was a t r ue gent lema n; he was well loved, generous, self less and extremely patient. He loved his dogs, Katy and Ginger, Fox News and Classical organ music. He was predeceased by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McCullough of Riverside, CT and his brother-in-law, Michael Lindsay-Stewart. Survivors include his adored wife of 12 years, Kathy McCullough of Boothbay Harbor, ME, step-sons Scott Campbell (partner Sarah Bartley) of Boothbay, ME, and Ronnie Campbell(Jamie) of Boothbay Harbor, ME, grandchildren Tyler, Austin and Kailee Campbell and Brianna and Brody Campbell. He is also survived by his beloved sisters, Con n ie L i ndsay-Stewa r t of Re dd i ng CT, S a ndy Mc Cu l loug h of Riverside, CT and Linda McCullough, also of R iverside, CT and godchild, Antonia Munro of Scotland. A private service will be held at a later date. Should friends desire, memorial donations may be made to Adopt-a Dog, Inc., 23 Cox Ave., Armonk, NY 10504 or Christ Church Greenwich, 254 Post Road, Greenwich, CT 06830, memo: Organ Fund.
134 Hamilton Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 (203) 869-5968
Mary Oztemel, a longtime resident of Greenwich, CT and Key Biscayne, FL, passed away peacefully on Oct. 2, surrounded by her loving family. Born Mary Rose Kechejian in Watertown, MA on June 21, 1924, she was the eldest child of Beatrice and Avedis Kechejian. Her brother, George Kechejian, predeceased her. She met her husband, Ara Oztemel, in Boston, where they spent the first 12 years of their 50year marriage. Mary believed in living life to the fullest. She was a world traveler and shared her adventures with friends and family. She was a Gold Life Master i n b r i d g e a n d p l aye d i n dup l i c a t e tournaments until the end of her life. Her other hobbies included reading, needlepointing (creating 23 Christmas stockings for her children, their spouses and grandchildren) and sports of all kinds. A member of Milbrook Club for 61 years, she played both tennis and golf. In everything she was a fierce competitor, a trait that she passed on to her family. Mary was a lover of all music, but jazz was her greatest passion. She shared this love of music with her husband, and together they hosted many parties and weekend jazz sessions at their home. The hallmark of these sessions
was the inclusion of budding musicians, who were inv ited to play alongside professional jazz musicians and friends. Everyone was welcome. Mar y loved to sing and was not prone shyness when she heard a song she loved. At restaurants and cabarets, whenever out with family, she could always be persuaded to join the piano player with the vocals to a catalogue of standards. She made her public debut when, to her delight, she was included in a promotional TV advertisement for her residence at Sellecks Woods, singing with the resident piano player, Max. As the mother of five children, she spent years involved with their club and school sports, always ferrying carloads of kids. She is remembered by the many friends of her children as the most fun mom ever. She is also remembered by all for her friendliness, her independent spirit and her frank, sometimes unfiltered, remarks. She loved Rod Stewart, Dancing with the Stars (she was a very good dancer herself ) and was happy when besting everyone at Spite and Malice. Jason Day was one of her favorite golfers, and she was thrilled to meet him when she had the opportunity to attend the Masters Golf Tournament in 2016. Mary leaves behind a family, rich with memories of a mother who filled their lives with music, adventures, a love of Armenian food and most of all, laughter. We are smiling through our tears, and we will never forget her. She is survived by her five children: K atherine Caporale (Charles), Greg Oztemel (Betsy), Gary Oztemel (Karen), Glenn Oztemel (Rosa) and Susan Barnes (David), her grandchildren Conor and Evan Caporale, Wesley, Cooper and Skyler Barnes, Alexandra and Harrison Oztemel, Andrei and Levon Oztemel, and her great-grandsons, Leonardo and Axel. Due to continuing health concerns surrounding the pandemic, we w ill postpone a larger gathering to celebrate the life and passing of Mary to a time when friends and family can gather more safely. To h o n o r M a r y ' s l o v e o f j a z z standards, the family asks that donations be made in her name to WQXR classical public radio station at
Richard Hogan Richard William Hogan, longtime re sident of Gre enw ich, CT, passe d away on Oct. 2, 2020. He was 73. Born in New York, N Y, he was the son of Francis Xavier Hogan and Beatrice Busk Hogan. He graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor's Degree in History, where he attended on a full track scholarship and leveraged his track speed as a starting left cornerback for the FSU footba l l tea m. At FSU, Richard became a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, where he made many lifelong, loyal friends whom he continued to meet every year in Tallahassee for one more big game. His fraternity brothers knew him as "Yank" — a New Yorker, unique from the southern gentlemen of Sigma Chi at Florida State. After college, R ichard ser ved as a com m issioned officer in the U.S. Army at the rank of First Lieutenant, Infantry Company Commander on the DMZ in Korea from 1969-70. R icha rd spent most of h is career at ABC Television, beginning with Channel 7 local sales and eventually moving to ABC Network Sales including Sports and Olympics in his early career and eventually News. He often bragged that he couldn't wait to get to his job at ABC — especially when he was selling sports where every event he sold, he got to attend! Richard's interests were varied, but sports were front and center. He was a lifetime member of New York Athletic Club and active in its squash team through the early 90s when he converted his focus to golf. He was a NY Giants, Florida State University, and NY Yankees fan. Richard was a member of the Kiawah Island Club on Kiawah Island, SC, Anglebrook Golf Club in Westchester, The Kahkwa Club in Erie, PA, and the FSU Varsity Club (lettered for track) Richard will be remembered as a man described by his friends as having a "larger than life" personality with a huge heart, and more so, as a staunchly loyal friend. Loyal, true friendships and long-term relationships were extremely important to him and he focused on cultivating strong bonds with the people he loved. He had a great sense of humor. A true reward for anyone who knew him was to hit his funny bone and hear one of those "Richard Hogan laughs." R ichard is sur vived by his wife, Su za n ne Bauscha rd Hoga n a nd h is cousin, Gail Busk Naylor. R ichard's e x te nde d f a m i l y w h o s u r v i ve h i m include Richard Bauschard, Frederick Bauscha rd, L au ra Bauscha rd, A lex Bauschard, Maude Bauschard Trost, and Michelle Bauschard… and of course, his "foxhole friend" and unofficial brother, T i f ton Si m mon s Jr., a nd h i s m a ny brothers of Sigma Chi. Richard's funeral will be private with a memorial service planned at a future date. In lieu of f lowers, please consider making a donation to the Sigma Chi Foundation in memory of Richard Hogan at either 1714 Hinman Avenue, Evanston,
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Are Miracles for Real? By Marek Zabriskie
In my first parish, Cathy, a parishioner and close friend, contracted the mu mps f rom her son. She became gravely ill and slipped into a coma. Clay, her husband, stayed with her around the clock at the hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. He camped out each night like a homeless man sleeping in the visitors lounge. One day, as he held his wife’s hand, Clay whispered, “Cathy, if you ever Do you believe in miracles? come out of this, I will take you I do, because I’ve seen my fair on a cruise wherever you want sha re of t hem – some t r u ly to go in the world.” His wife remained unresponsive. extraordinary moments.
She remained comatose for another week, and when she came out of it, her first words were, “Clay, what about that cruise?” It was a miracle. Miracles have been present in my life from the outset. My father developed nephritis – an inf lammation of the kidneys – when he was 27. My mother was pregnant with me. I would never have known my father had he died back then. His kidneys completely shut down. The doctors gave him up for dead. Then a young, female d o c to r s u g g e s te d t h at t h e y
extract blood. They drew out lots of dark, unclean blood, and somehow my father’s kidneys starting working again. It was a miracle. I’ve seen miracles occur in people careers, relationships and faith journeys. I have witnessed miracles between parents and children, siblings, friends and colleagues. I have witnessed miracles in battles with drugs a nd a lcohol a nd m iracles in marriages. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that “the invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous
i n t h e c o m m o n .” T h e I r i s h play w r ig ht G e orge B er na r d Shaw said, “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” I find it hard not believe in miracles. After all, we share a cosmos with 10,000 million galaxies, each home to 100,000 million stars, or 1,600 galaxies for every human on earth. Isn’t that amazing and miraculous. We t r y to compute a l l of this using three pounds of flesh called the human brain, which contains some 100 billion nerve cells, or neurons, which is
greater than the total number of humans who have ever lived and as plentiful as all the stars in a thousand galaxies. We a r e s u r r o u n d e d b y m i r a c l e s . E ve n t h e F r e n c h philosopher Voltaire, who was no friend to religion, wrote, “All is a miracle. The stupendous order of nature, the revolution of a hundred million worlds around millions of suns, the activity of light, the life of all animals, a l l a re g ra nd a nd per pet ua l miracles.” The Rev. Marek Zabriskie is the Rector at Christ Church
Worship Services Information Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite). Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Children's Ministries: Wed, 7-8:30pm ( Evening Prayer Meeting: Fri, 7-8:30pm. ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). The Glory Of Christ (Bible Study): Every Wednesday through Nov. 18, 7-8:30pm. Life Groups: daily through Nov. 21 ( Baptist First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( livestream). Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:30-9:15am, via Google Meet. Catholic Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: Vigil, 4pm (also live streamed); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-5599256 or email: sacredheartgrn@ Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). The 2021 Mass Book is open for Mass, Altar Flowers and Altar Bread & Wine requests. Religious Education zoom classes begins Oct. 14. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203637-3661 Daily Mass: Livestreamed only: 7am; In-person at St. Agnes Church: 5:15pm. Weekend Masses: Sat: 5pm Vigil, St. Catherine’s Church (Livestreamed and Inperson). Sunday: 8:30am, In-person at St. Agnes; 10:30am, In-person at St. Catherine and Livestreamed; 11am, In-person at St. Agnes (Language Masses: French: 2nd Sun of the month, Italian: 3rd Sun, Spanish: 4th Sun); 5pm, In-person at St. Catherine and Livestreamed. If you or someone you know is homebound or going to be in the hospital and would like Confession, Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). Presentation: ‘The Ancient Near East: Land of Babel’: Oct. 18, 121:15pm, via Zoom. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246
for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit EWTN. com for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Beginning in October: Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be live-streamed. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm (Livestreamed, 10-11am). Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel (make a reservation: stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be live-streamed. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: MonThu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 r ist ia nsciencec greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-6809095, code is 520520*. Community First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-6293876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Worship: Sun, 10-10:30am, Sanctuary, registration is required ( go/70a084aafa72aa0fb6-inperson) and online. Bible Talk: weekdays, 6-6:20pm, Instagram Live. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this project, contact RHCC Youth Group Yard Games
Tournament: Oct. 19, 6-8pm, Binney Park. THRIVE - High School Youth Group Gathering: Oct. 21, 6pm. Congregational The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: Outdoor Service: Sun 8-9am, Memory Garden (signup online or call the church office); Virtual Worship: through live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM or 105.5 FM). Connect during the week: Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All and Faith Formation for Children (sent by Rosemary Lamie). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Outdoors: Sun, 8am, Tomes-Higgins-Front Lawn (in the event of heavy rain, services will be moved to the Chapel), registration is required (akryzak@ c h r i s tc hu r c h g r e e nw ic; Virtual: Sun, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Weekdays: Mon-Fri, 8am, on Zoom. Eucharist & Healing Prayer: Tue, 10am, in-person. Choral Evensong: Sun, 5pm & Thu, 6:30pm, in-person & livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. ‘Traces of the Trade’ - Film Screening and Q&A: Oct. 24, 11am, Avon Theatre, RSVP, $10. ‘Holding Onto Hope’ interview and Q&A with Bishop Michael Curry: Oct. 25, 11am, via Zoom. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am (signupgenius. com/go/4 090e4aadac2ea 3f f 2 sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship: Sun, 8am, indoor, register. Discovery Hour Conversations on Racial Reconciliation: Sun, 9:30am, outside the library. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at "Mindfulness on the Meadow’ - prayer and reflection under the tent in the meadow: Wed, 10am, through October, RSVP. Yoga On The Meadow: Oct. 16, 10am. Traditional Worship returns Oct. 18, 8am, register; the 10:15am service and Sunday School will be outside throughout October (no registration is required. The later service will be uploaded to YouTube).
St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6372262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: MonThurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976 All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Women's Rosh Chodesh: Oct. 19, 7:30-9pm, via Zoom. Virtual Shabbat Service and Oneg: Oct. 23, 7:30-9pm, via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. Rashi with the Rabbi: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, lori.baden@ 2nd-5th Grade Youth Program: Oct. 25, 11:30am12:30pm, registration is required. Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (; via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-4362866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dialin number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220).
Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Beginning Oct. 4: Revive Church will be meeting every Sunday at 10am at Humbled Coffee, 575 Hope St, Stamford (bring your own lawn chair and arrive at 10am or earlier). Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events that require Registration: Outdoor Sunday Service or Online: 10am. Prayer Hour: Wed, 6:30am. Alpha Online via Zoom: Tue, 7pm. Kingdom Come - Prayer Study via Zoom: Mon, 7pm, through Oct. 19. Following Christ in an Election Year Study – Wed, 7pm, through Nov. 25, on Facebook College Zoom Bible Study begins: Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7-8:15pm ( ‘God of the City’ Stamford Outreach Concert: Oct. 16, 5-7pm, downtown Stamford at Winfield Street Coffee (96 Broad St). ‘From Greenwich to Europe’ - Piano Recital: Oct. 17, 4pm, register. Oct. 18: First Communion Training for Kids:, during the Service; Discover Stanwich Session, 12pm; One Body: A Prayer March for Unity, 2:30pm. Outdoor Worship Night: Oct. 23, 7pm, registration is required. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6374615 Sunday Service held online via Zoom. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, TrinityChurchLife/live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:308:45pm. Fall Zoom Intercession: Oct. 22, 7pm. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686; Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 9am, register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. Prayer Meeting: Thu, 8-8:45pm, Zoom online or by phone. All-Church Bonfire: Oct. 17, 12-1pm, Camp Simmons. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, outside on the lawn. All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 1011:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. Prayer for the Nation: Oct. 22, 7:30-8pm, online.
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Fill in crossword answers on page 10.
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10.
Very Hard
Very Hard
Astrology for Week of Oct 18, 2020 LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Do you tell others what they need to hear or what they want to hear? Even if you’re unsure how they’ll react to the truth, don’t be tempted to take the easy way out. The grief they give you now will be nothing compared to the grief you’ll get later if you lie.
ARIES 21 March-20 April The atmosphere is likely to be tense this week, especially in one-to-one relationships. No matter how hard you try to put things right your efforts will not be appreciated, so don’t bother. Partners and loved one aren’t the only ones who can be selfish!
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov If others don’t seem to be taking your ideas seriously it’s their loss, not yours, so don’t get hung up about it. It may be that your ideas make them feel inferior so they reject them as a way of getting back at you. Take their rejection as a compliment.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May Your people skills will not be much use this week and could even be a hindrance. The more you try to be nice to people, the more they will take it as a sign of weakness and mess you about. It may go against the grain but just this once it will pay to be nasty.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You’ll be reluctant to take a friend’s advice this week – most likely because you’re a bit touchy just now and don’t like to think others know more than you. Or maybe your instincts are telling you not to be too trusting. Only you can decide which one it is.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June Your emotions will be remarkably subdued early this week. In fact, you’re likely to be at your coolest and most reserved. But don’t worry about it as, whatever the reason, it will soon be forgotten. By the weekend you’ll be back to your passionate best.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Be enthusiastic about what you have to do this week. The instant your interest begins to wane your standards will start to slip and you’ll do a second-class job. That’s bad news for your reputation and good news for your rivals and opponents.
CANCER 22 June-23 July Your upbeat nature will come in handy this week, especially when dealing with those whose negative attitude differs so much from your own. The more they complain about things going wrong in the world, the more you you must focus on the ones going right.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Your confidence may take a nose-dive this week due to today’s Sun-Saturn link. The good news is that little will come of it so don’t think it’s the end of the world. Also, if you encounter opposition, back off and bide your time – you’ve plenty of it.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug Getting involved in a battle of wills with an authority figure is likely to end badly for you this week. Even if you know you’re in the right it may be wise to back down and let them call the shots, especially if they have the power to make your life uncomfortable.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You have bitten off more than you can chew and must now decide whether to take smaller bites or risk losing everything. Don’t be greedy and try to hold on to it all just because there’s more than enough to go around. You can still have the lion’s share.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Cosmic forces make it easy for you to impress those in power this week but they also warn you not to make claims you can’t live up to. Stick to what you’re good at and don’t be tempted to make out you’re better than you are – you’re good enough already.
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Mark Pruner | |
One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830
Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903
For Market Updates and Listings Visit
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
Address Original List Price 630 Steamboat Road 2E $539,000 1465 Putnam Avenue 514 $525,000 48 Stirrup Lane 48 $685,000 607 Lyon Farm Drive 607 $865,000 301 Lyon Farm Drive 301 $995,000 157 Cat Rock Road $1,095,000 8 View Street 5 $1,199,000 59 Cherry Valley Road $1,850,000 49 Riverside Avenue $1,275,000 5 Georgetowne North 5 $1,325,000 19 Overlook Drive $1,799,000 376 Sound Beach Avenue $1,695,000 192 Bible Street $2,295,000 22 Wildwood Drive $2,149,000 2 Sheldrake Road $2,259,000 165 Shore Road B & C $3,000,000 32 Hidden Brook Road $2,850,000 87 Perkins Road $2,995,000 21 Byfield Lane $3,500,000 402ASound Beach Ave $4,600,000 500 Lake Avenue $7,700,000 17 Walsh Lane $18,500,000 84 Meadow Road 7 Chieftans Road 19 Meadow Lane 22 Normandy Lane 53 Rock Maple Road 8 & 14 Fox Run Lane 18 Hillcrest Lane 33 Meeting House Road 36 French Road 4 Old Round Hill Lane 66 Glenwood Drive
$3,295,000 $3,395,000 $3,450,000 $3,595,000 $3,495,000 $3,995,000 $3,985,000 $4,595,000 $6,600,000 $9,995,000 $13,750,000
List Price Sold Price Cumulative DOM # Bdrms # FBths # HBths Acres +/$449,000 $415,000 427 1 1 1 2.27 $525,000 $520,000 12 2 1 1 0 $685,000 $685,000 0 2 3 1 0 $865,000 $857,500 20 3 2 1 0 $950,000 $910,000 217 3 2 1 0 $1,095,000 $1,025,000 572 4 3 0 2.5 $1,199,000 $1,150,000 63 3 2 1 0 $1,850,000 $1,200,000 202 4 4 1 3.73 $1,275,000 $1,200,000 13 3 2 1 0.17 $1,325,000 $1,270,000 84 3 1 1 0 $1,495,000 $1,442,500 472 5 3 1 0.36 $1,695,000 $1,705,000 70 4 3 1 0.2 $2,295,000 $2,050,000 200 4 4 2 1.12 $2,149,000 $2,100,000 58 5 5 1 0.35 $2,259,000 $2,130,000 59 4 4 1 0.24 $2,799,000 $2,500,000 340 3 3 1 0 $2,850,000 $2,850,000 0 6 4 1 0.27 $2,995,000 $2,900,000 53 4 5 1 2.01 $3,500,000 $3,450,000 36 5 5 2 2 $4,600,000 $4,237,500 79 7 6 1 0.65 $6,790,000 $6,350,000 350 7 7 2 2.61 $18,500,000 $17,300,000 83 7 7 4 2.49 $3,295,000 $3,025,000 $3,395,000 $3,222,500 $3,450,000 $3,300,000 $3,595,000 $3,400,000 $3,495,000 $3,675,000 $3,995,000 $3,800,000 $3,985,000 $3,866,000 $4,595,000 $4,400,000 $6,250,000 $5,400,000 $9,495,000 $8,675,000 $13,750,000 $12,500,000
Top Sales for the Previous Week 92 7 5 2 144 4 7 2 20 5 5 1 70 5 3 1 51 6 6 1 43 6 8 1 240 5 5 1 79 7 8 3 1,077 8 9 1 202 7 9 2 853 7 7 2
1.1 1.76 2.63 1 2.24 7.92 1.42 4.07 2.5 3.15 1.26
SqFt +/918 1,122 1,681 2,110 2,233 2,800 3,292 3,887 1,820 3,072 3,517 2,757 5,269 5,000 3,204 1,840 4,071 4,062 6,137 7,048 10,018 15,136
Sold Price/SqFt $452 $463 $408 $406 $408 $366 $349 $309 $659 $413 $410 $618 $389 $420 $665 $1,359 $700 $714 $562 $601 $634 $1,143
SP/OLP 0.77 0.99 1 0.99 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.65 0.94 0.96 0.8 1.01 0.89 0.98 0.94 0.83 1 0.97 0.99 0.92 0.82 0.94
Section South of Post Road Old Greenwich North Mianus South Parkway South Parkway Cos Cob South of Post Road North Parkway Riverside South Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich Cos Cob South of Post Road South Parkway Old Greenwich Riverside South Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway South of Post Road
5,546 8,594 4,732 4,578 6,600 6,480 6,763 12,343 11,517 15,916 10,045
$545 $375 $697 $743 $557 $586 $572 $356 $469 $545 $1,244
0.92 0.95 0.96 0.95 1.05 0.95 0.97 0.96 0.82 0.87 0.91
Riverside North Parkway South Parkway Riverside South Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich North Parkway South Parkway North Parkway South of Post Road
Outdoor Furniture Restorations & Sales
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APR vs Interest rate
By Cheryl MacCluskey Fall is upon us, stepping out in the morning you’re hit with cool weather with the aroma of fall in the air, It is getting colder and darker; leaves are falling from the trees. There is a chill in the air overnight, frost on the ground in the morning, mist and fog in the air. Dry, dead leaves crunch beneath your feet and clouds appear when you breathe out. A different fall from last year, but still taking a hike or a drive in the countryside and for a moment you think our world is back to normal. Opps, Interest rate vs. APR In the last couple of months I have been asked the questions from Clients, “what is APR” and what does it stand for? APR is referred to as Annual Percentage Rate. When you’re refinancing or taking out a mortgage, keep in mind that an advertised interest rate isn’t the same as your loan’s annual percentage rate (APR). What’s the difference? Interest rate refers to the a n nu a l c o s t of a lo a n to a borrower and is expressed as a percentage. APR is the annual cost of a loan to a borrower — including fees. Like an interest rate,
t he A PR is ex pressed as a percentage. Unlike an interest r ate , h owe ve r, it i n c lu d e s other charges or fees such as mortgage insurance, most closing costs, discount points and loan origination fees. Why the difference? The APR is intended to give you more information about what yo u’r e r e a l l y p a y i n g . T h e Federal Truth in Lending Act requires that every consumer loan agreement disclose the A PR . Si nce a l l lenders must follow the same rules to e n s u r e t h e a c c u ra c y of the APR, borrowers can use the APR as a good basis for comparing cer tain costs of loans. (Remember, though: Yo u r m o n t h l y p ay m e n t i s not based on APR, it's based on the interest rate on your promissory note.) So evaluate carefully when you look at the rates lenders offer you. Compare one loan’s APR against another loan’s APR to get a fair comparison of total cost — and be sure to compare actual interest rates, too. Interest rate vs. APR The i ntere st rate is t he percentage that the lender charges for lending you money. The APR ref lects the interest rate plus the fees that you pay directly to the lender for fees such as origination charges, discount points and any other costs. These fees are added to the cost of the loan, and APR takes them into account. This is why APR is higher than the interest rate. But, remember the rate that you get locked in with your lender is the rate on which your monthly payment is based.
Should you compare mortgage rate or APR? I wo u l d s a y t h a t w h e n comparing both interest rate and APR, the mortgage with the lowest interest rate is usually the best deal. APR is used as a tool for comparing mortgage offers with different combinations of interest rates, fees, discount points. The APR calculations assumes the borrower will keep the loan for its entire term. For a 30 year loan, the entire term is 30 years. Very few people today keep their mortgages for the entire term. Usually they either refinance, pay off the mortgage before it’s paid off or they just sell the home. A f ter you do subm it a mor tgage application, your lender has to provide a threepage document called the Loan Estimate. On page 3 of the Loan Estimate it will show you a “comparisons” section that will list not only the APR but also how much the loan will cost you in the first five years. This will include the all the loan costs, pulse 60 months of the principal, interest and any mortgage insurance. I tell my clients that the “Comparisons” sections of the Loan Estimate are useful in sideby-side comparisons if getting several mortgage offers. I feel that the interest rate is what most people concentrate on when applying for a mortgage. I hope this helped in explaining the difference between Interest Rate versus APR. Cher yl MacCluskey is the Senior Mortgage Consultant at Prosperity Home Loans and can be reached at 203-536-1297 or by email at cheryl.maccluskey@
Featured Open House 106 Husted Lane
Magnificent stone and clapboard Georgian on 2.4 private acres with pool and spa close to town. High ceilings throughout this ve r y h a nd s om e 7 b e d r o om , 8 bath home. Beautiful large master suite with fireplace and separate office/library. Master bath with steam shower and ultra
tub. 6 spacious ensuite double bedrooms. Fantastic gourmet kitchen, dining area and large family room with stone fireplace. French doors to expansive deck overlooking lovely property and pool. Living room with fireplace, formal dining room and terrific library. Fabulous walk out lower
level w ith fam ily room w ith fireplace, kitchenette, wine cellar, exercise room and full bath. 3rd f loor with playroom, bedroom, bath and cedar closet. Mudroom, 2 powder rooms, back staircase, generator, 3 car garage are a few of the amenities in this fabulous home in a prime location.
Open House S u n d a y 1 0 /1 8 2 : 0 0 P M - 4 : 0 0 P M Seven Bedrooms Three Car Garage Seven Full Baths, One Half Bath 9,771 Sq. Ft. Gourmet Kitchen $5,275,000
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
List Price
47 Lafayette Place 1H 19 Church St West 2 1465 Putnam Ave 122 23 Pemberwick Road 45 Ettl Lane 504 45 Richland Road 71 Sheephill Road 500 River Road 1 20 Church Street A54 7 Gerald Court 18 Wyndover Lane 20 Scott Road 75 Taconic Road
425,000 475,000 520,000 617,500 675,000 799,000 899,000 950,000 995,000 1,195,000 1,200,000 1,349,000 1,399,000 1,695,000 1,695,000 1,695,000 1,725,000 1,795,000 1,795,000 1,945,000 2,150,000 2,450,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 3,295,000 3,400,000 3,750,000 3,850,000 4,875,000 5,750,000 6,999,000 9,500,000
525 452 387 528 373 440 489 556 631 498 446 471 372
809 1,051 1,344 1,169 1,812 1,815 1,839 1,710 1,578 2,399 2,688 2,864 3,763 2,850 1,658 3,743 2,558 2,208 3,572 5,489 2,897 6,061 3,187 7,089 6,996 6,000 4,508 5,386 6,978 8,321 -
0 0 0 0.14 0 0.15 0.2 0 0 0.22 0.27 0.42 4.48 0.54 0.54 0.17 0.3 4.87 0.31 0.19 0.49 2.9 0.27 4 0.88 2.16 2.75 0.29 1.23 1 0.76 2.2 11
1 2 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 4 5 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 6 4 7 6 5
1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 1 4 4 2 3 5 2 6 3 5 5 6 5 4 4 8 6
South Parkway Byram Old Greenwich Pemberwick Glenville Byram Riverside Cos Cob South Parkway Riverside Cos Cob Banksville North Parkway Riverside Riverside Cos Cob South of Post Road North Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road Byram South Parkway South of Post Road North Parkway South of Post Road North Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway South of Post Road South of Post Road South Parkway South Parkway
8 Sound Beach Ave Ext. 4 8 Sound Beach Ave Ext. 1
63 Valleywood Road 75 Havemeyer Place 67 Sumner Road 15 Stanwich Road 27 Perryridge Road 18 Candlelight Place 36 Birchwood Drive 10 Newton Street 958 Lake Avenue 87 Orchard Drive 82 Buckfield Lane 26 Meadow Lane 49a Shore Road 11 Joshua Lane 188 Otter Rock Drive 143 Otter Rock Drive 49 Fox Run Lane 188 Round Hill Road
595 1,040 480 702 881 602 446 863 495 1,020 465 486 625 854 905 824 841
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
186 Putnam Park #186
Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Riverside Cos Cob Cos Cob Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich
11 Rex Street 11 River Road #108 44 Stirrup Lane #44 12 Relay Place 261 Cognewaugh Road 142 Old Mill Road 20 Shore Road 505 E Putnam Avenue 53 Long Meadow Road 88 Birch Lane 3 Juniper Lane 514 Round Hill Road 22 Frost Road 4 Ford Lane 106 Husted Lane
$490,000 Sun 1-3 PM $689,999 Sun 1-3:30 PM $725,000 Sun 1-3 PM $839,000 Sun 1:30-3:30 PM $899,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,125,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,295,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,775,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,300,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,375,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,450,000 sun 2-4 PM $2,995,000 sun 2-4 PM $3,975,000 Sun 1-3 PM $4,495,000 Sun 1-3 PM $4,695,000 Sun 1-4 PM $5,275,000 sun 2-4 PM
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A Finite Resource: Water Please save this and use it for reference.
From Aquarion: It’s cheap. It’s safe. It tastes great. And it’s just a turn of the faucet away. No wonder water is in such demand. No wonder most people try not to waste it. But there are many, many ways to save water. So many, in fact, that there’s a good chance you’re missing out on some great ones. Here’s your guide to dozens of easy, practical ways to make the most of something we just can’t do without. Throughout Your Home ~Upgrade your faucets and aerators! You can also save water by upg rad i ng to WaterS ense l a b e l e d f au c e t s o r a e r ato r s . WaterSense labeled bathroom sink faucets and aerators use a m a x i mu m o f 1 . 5 g p m . B y upgrading, you can save 30% or more from the standard flow of 2.2 gpm. This would save the average family 700 gallons of water per year. ~Reuse dehumidifier water. ~Fix leaky faucets. This one step alone could cut your water usage by almost 20%. ~I n su late you r hot w ater pipes. ~Switch to on-demand water heaters close to your showers and kitchen sink. ~If you purchase a top-loading machine, get one with a sudssaver. It enables you to reuse most
of the sudsy wash water for a second load. ~Avoid fountains and pools that don’t have recircu lating pumps. Bathroom ~ Turn off the water while lathering up, shaving, or brushing teeth. As much as 3,000 gallons per year can be saved with this simple step. ~Trim a minute off the length of your showers. You’ll save on your water-heating bills, too. Shortening your shower by one minute saves 550 gallons of water a year. ~M i n i m i z e b at h s a nd t he amount of water you use for each. ~Submerge a plastic bottle or two filled with sand inside each toilet tank in your house. (Be sure it doesn’t interfere with the flushing mechanism.) Every time you flush, you’ll save the volume in those bottles. ~Us e a bucket to c apt u r e shower and bath water while you wait for it to warm up. Then use it in your toilet tank or to water plants. ~Don’t forget to test you r toilets for leaks! By performing a simple test using dye tablets or food coloring, you can determine if you have a toilet leak. View our step-by-step video. ~Buy an inexpensive kit to convert your toilet to dual-f lush
mode (or, for free, use the “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” rule). ~P ut fo o d color i ng i n t he toilet tank. If it reaches the bowl without a flush, replace the flapper valve. Kitchen ~Don't run the tap just to chill the water. Use a pitcher to chill drinking water in the refrigerator instead. ~Wash full loads only in your d ishwa sher (d it to w it h you r washing machine). ~Hand-wash dishes in a pan, not under running water. ~Keep a bowl by your kitchen sink to save water you’d otherwise let run down the drain – including pasta and other cooking water. Use this for your plants. ~Steam vegetables instead of boiling then. It uses less water, and improves flavor and nutrition, too. ~Keep vegetable scraps out of the garbage disposal, which uses a lot of water. Compost them for your garden.
b u i l t b e fo r e 1 9 9 4 , i t w a s t e s more than 10 gallons of water per cycle. A n ENERGY STA R certif ied dishwasher will save approximately 3,870 gallons of water over its lifetime. Washing Machines ~Wa s h i n g m a c h i n e s accounts for 15% to 40% of an average family's indoor water consumption. ~T i p : A d j u s t Yo u r L o a d Amounts and Settings ~To conserve the most water,
make sure you are running full loads or adjust to the correct load level setting. ~Tip: Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR Certified Washing Machine ~By upgrading to an ENERGY STAR certified washing machine, you can save 45% of the water and 25% of the energy. Washing machines built before 2003 are less efficient than newer models. A n E N E RGY STA R c e r t i f ie d washing machine uses 13 gallons of water per load verses 23 gallons for a standard machine.
R e d u c e Yo u r O u t d o o r Water Use Most homes use 30% of their water outdoors. ~Sweep driveways, steps, and sidewalks instead of hosing them clean. ~Use car washes that recycle water. ~Cover swimming pools at night. ~Avoid fountains and pools that don’t have recircu lating pumps.
Dishwashers ~Tip: Run Full Loads ~The easiest way to save water when using your dishwasher is to make sure you are only running full loads. ~Tip: Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR Certified Dishwasher ~I f you r d i shw a she r w a s
Obituaries continued
IL 60201 or and select memorial gift option and reference Richard Hogan. Or, consider making a donation to the FSU Alumni Association, 1030 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304-7719 (one. alumni/donation-form).
Patricia Englert Patricia Mary Englert, a longtime resident of Greenwich, CT, passed peacefully on Oct. 1, 2020, surrounded by her loving family. She was born in the Bronx, NY on Jan. 18, 1925, the eldest daughter of the late Patrick and Mary (Glynn) Crowley. Pat r icia's i nsatia ble curiosity and love of learning led her to g raduate f rom Cathedral High School and Hunter College at the top of her class. She pursued her talents in the corporate world, working for Bache & Company and as assistant to the editor of Hearst Corporation. She later worked many years for the Greenwich Department of Social Services. On May 20, 1950, Patr icia ma r r ied the love of her life — the late Walter J. Englert Sr. For 55 years the two built a beautiful life together — one that was ever-grounded in the values of faith, family and love. Patricia and Walter were sure to pass these precious values down to their six beloved children. A de eply devote d mot her, Patricia's children were the center of her world. She was often volunteering at school events, cheering them on from the sidelines, or leading a local Brownie troop. Patr icia was a devout Catholic, a loyal parishioner of St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church and a regular volunteer with Neighbor to Neighbor. The daughter of Irish i m m i g ra nt s , Pat r ic i a w a s particularly proud of her Irish her it age . A f r e sh pie ce of Irish soda bread, and a warm cup of tea would never fail to bring a smile to her face. The highlight of her later years was a trip back to her mother's homestead in Loughgly nn, County Roscommon, Ireland w ith her sister, daug hters and g randdaug hter, where she reunited with over 100 long-m i s s e d r elat ive s . O n any given day, one would be hard-pressed to find Patricia without a book, manuscript or m a g a z i ne i n he r h a nd . A nd her love of words did not stop there. A prolific and talented writer, Patricia would often share her works with family and friends, always leaving everyone in awe of
her beautiful prose, creative mind, and sharp wit. In 2016 she moved to The Hill House where she was surrounded by new and special friends. It was here that she discovered a passion for painting and got much joy from presenting her works in art shows and then bestowing her masterpieces to those she loved dearly. Patricia was generous, compassionate, k i n d a n d eve r c om m it te d to enriching the lives of her family and friends through w a r m hu g s , w it t y s tor ie s a nd belly laug hs. She w ill be greatly missed, but her spirit will undoubtedly live on through her loved ones. She is su r v ive d by her si x devoted children Mar y Ellen Tufts, Eileen T. Teufel, Walter J. Englert., Jr., Barbara E. Cafero, Joan P. Eaton and Jean E. Arcoite; her cherished sons-in-law Robert J. Teufel, Jr., Law rence F. Cafero, Jr. and Warren E. Eaton; and her beloved grandchildren — of whom she was infinitely proud — Michael E. Tufts, Benjamin E. Tufts (Erin), Jacqueline A. Cafaro (Carl), Christopher L. Cafero, Nicholas J. Cafero, Erin E. Arcoite, Robert J. Arcoite, Brigitte E. Arcoite, and greatgrandson Carmelo L. Cafaro. She is also sur v ived by her adoring brothers Thomas Crowley and Patrick Crowley, h e r s i s t e r - i n - l a w, M a r i e Crowley, and her sister and best friend, Dorothy Nelson. In addition to her husband a nd pa rents, Pat r ic ia was pre decease d by her sister Mary Krueger. Visitation was on Oct. 6 at the Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Greenwich. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Riverside. In lieu of f lowers, please consider a donation in memory of Patricia to the ar ts and activities program at The Hill House, 10 Riverside Avenue, Riverside, CT 06878.
Peter Purcell May 9, 1946 - Sept. 30, 2020 Peter Day Purcell, aged 74 passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020 in Sarasota, Fla. Peter grew up in Larchmont, N Y w ith h is 11 brothers a nd sisters. Peter ma r r ied a nd moved to Greenwich, CT where he raised his 9 children. As a sports enthusiast, he spent many weekends either watching or going to New York Giants games. Peter retired in 2001 and moved shortly after to North Carolina and then, finally a few years later to Florida. He is survived by 9 siblings, 8 daughters, 1 son and 14 grandchildren as well as his wife,
Deborah Edwards. Peter will join his father, Robert Purcell; his mother, Edith Purcell and brothers Mike and Bill at their resting spot at Manor Park in Larchmont, NY. A private family "Celebration of Life" will be held, in lieu of a service due to COVID concerns.
Mary Van Loan Mary Kirkwood Van Loan, age 85, passed away peacefully Wednesday evening, Sept. 30, 2020, with her daughter Lynn and granddaughter Bo Yun by her side. Born Dec. 18, 1934, in Mitchell, South Dakota, Ma r y was the daug hter of Robert Campbell Kirkwood and Virginia Bates Kirkwood and sister of Robert Campbell Kirkwood, Jr. Since her father moved often as he pursued his career at F.W. Woolworth, Mary lived in more than thirty homes before settling in Greenwich, CT, to raise her own family. She attended House In The Pines school in Norton, Mass., before receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree from Mount Holyoke College. While in college she was blessed by Pope Pious XXII. After graduation, Mary taught at the Castilleja School in Palo Alto, Calif., before moving to Connecticut to teach at Andrew Warde High School and Ludlowe Middle School in Fairfield. She married Richard Van Loan, a stock broker with K idder, Peabody in New York City. During their 18-year marriage they had three children: Rich Van Loan of Boston, Mass. and Scottsdale, Ariz.; Lynn Brainerd of Branford, CT; and Bob Van Loan of Fairfield, CT. Mary's career as a personal financial advisor was pioneering not only because she was a woman in that field, but also because financial planning was in its infancy. In addition to working as a personal financial planner at Putnam Trust and Union Trust banks, Mary started her own financial planning firm and became President of the Westchester/Rockland/Fairfield Societ y of t he I nstit ute of Certified Financial Planners. Her professional affiliations included t he lower Fa i r f ield Est ate Planning Council, Financial Women International, and the International Association of Financial Planners. She also published several articles on financial subjects. As a volunteer, Mary was actively involved with several c om mu n it y or g a n i z at ion s i n c lu d i n g G r e e nw i c h a n d Stamford YWCAs, where she was a recipient of the Brava Award honoring women who are committed to philanthropy and community service. Brava
honorees demonstrate a special combination of outstanding professional accomplishment, mentoring others – especially women – and caring for the c om mu n it y. She w a s a l s o actively involved in Greenwich Continuing Education and the Greenwich Council of the Boy Scouts of America. A f ter reti r i ng f rom her career as a Certified Financial Planner, Mary moved to Cape Cod to be with Jane Seward Pomeroy, whom she had known since high school. For 18 years, Mary's natural curiosity and sense of adventure had them, among other things, travelling cross-country in a Winnebago, volunteering at the Jacob Sears Library, and hosting countless neighborhood parties, holiday celebrations, and school reunions. Perhaps most of all, Mary will be remembered for creating relationships that made people feel special. She was "like a second mother" to many of her friends' children, and she made them comfortable enough that they could talk with her about anything. Mary is survived by her children, Rich Van Loan and his partner Ed Juel, her daughter Lynn Brainerd and husband Stuart and their children Lucas and Bo Yun, and son Bob and his wife Ellen and their two sons Ethan and Nicholas. She is also survived by nephew Robert "Cam" Kirkwood, III and niece Kimberly Kirkwood Roberts. Mary and her family are also grateful for neighbor Bruce Benvie, who provided t he m w it h t he c om for t of k now ing he was always available to lend a hand. D ue to Cov id-19, a c elebrat ion of l i fe w i l l b e held at a date and time to be determined later. In lieu of f lowers, Mary would love it if you would take a minute — right now — to let your family know how much you love them. She regularly told her own family she loved them, and that is her greatest legacy of all.
Winifred Rodriguez Winifred "Joan" Rodriguez, age 93, of Fairf ield, formerly of Greenwich, passed away on Monday, Sept. 28, 2020. Born in New York City, Joan spent most of her early life in Scarsdale, NY before attending Garland Junior College in Boston. Shortly after graduating, she married the love of her life, Harold J. Rodriguez, and settled in Greenwich where they would spend nearly 35 years raising their children before moving to Fairfield in 1990. Joan took great pride in her family and loved getting away with them
to Vermont for skiing, and later on having them visit them yearround to their second home in Reading, VT. After raising her children, Joan took up tennis at 50 years old and golf at the age of 70. She loved traveling and had done so nearly her whole life. As a child she traveled to Europe by ocean liner with her father, and later traveled with her husband regularly to many parts of North America, Europe, Hawaii, Japan, Australia, and Egypt. Throughout her life, gardening was a passion; she enjoyed antiques, and she loved attending both opera and ballet. Joan is sur v ived by her f ive loving children and their spouses: Pamela R. Stirrat (Craig R .) of Wellesley, M A, Lillian R . Schneider (William D.) of Denver, CO, Harold J. Rodriguez, Jr. ( Jacquelyn F.) of Southport, CT, Joanne Willich (Manfred) of Stuar t, F L , and Nanc y M. Rodrig uez (Bur ton Wells) of Stanardsville, VA; as well as 11 beloved grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. In addition to her husband, Harold, Joan was predeceased by her sister, Nancy E. Spag noli and her brother, James M. Spagnoli, Jr. Services for Joan will be held privately at Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, NY. In lieu of f lowers, please consider a donation in Joan's memory to the Pequot L i b r a r y p e q u o t l i b r a r y. o r g / support/donations
Virginia Davies Virginia "Ginger" N. (Fox) Dav ies passed away at the Wingate Rehabilitation Facility in Norton, Mass. on Sept. 26, 2020. She was born in Greenwich, CT on April 26, 1942, the 10th of 10 children born to Thomas and Anna (Shredders) Fox. She was a longtime Greenwich resident for 65 years and most recently having resided in Mansfield, Mass. for the last 3 years. Ginger was an exceptional cook, and anyone who knows her, knew that her favorite meal to cook and eat was Thanksgiving dinner. She is sur v ived by her daughter Elizabeth Bonnyman, he r hu sb a nd D a n a nd he r 2 grandsons Evan and Cole (who both loved their Grammy very much). She is also survived by her sisters, Elaine Jordan and Betty Lou Morus and many nieces and nephews. She w a s pr e de c e a s e d by her husband, Donald Davies, 4 brothers Thomas (Junie), Robert, Raymond and Edwin Fox and 3 sisters, A nita St yles, Ruth Tyburski and Gracie Butler. Due to COVID-19 r e s t r ic t ion s , we r e g r et t h at ser v ices w i l l not be open to the public. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospita l, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
Robert Albert
Robert J. "Bob" Albert was 88 yea rs old when he died peacefully in Sarasota, FL on Sept. 17. Bob was born March 7, 1932 in Bronx, NY; where he was raised and then lived in Rye, NY where he attended Rye High School. From there he joined the US Marine Corps and was appointed Diplomatic Courier during the Korean conflict. After discharge he attended Brooklyn College, where he lived, majoring in business, and starting many entrepreneu r ia l advent u res, which was always his spirit. In 1958, he was newly married and began his career a t Tu c k Ta p e w h e r e t h e y relocated him to Memphis, TN. Upon moving back to NY, Bob co-founded Direct Media, Inc., Greenwich, CT, with his partners. He was a pioneer in the Direct Mail Marketing field gaining clients such as TV Guide, R e a d e r 's D i g e s t , C o n s u m e r Reports and AAA. In 1986, he left to start his own company, List Marketing Limited, located in Greenwich and then Norwalk, CT. In 2000, he won The Silver Apple Award from The Direct Marketing Club of New York for recognition of 25 years of outstanding contribution. He was a long-standing member of the Milbrook Country Club in Greenwich, CT, often seen driving his cherished 1931 Model A, dressed in his memorable golf outfits and hats, to the many Golf Championships he'd win there. Bob owned a second home on Bromley Mountain in VT for many years where he enjoyed snow skiing with his family and friends. A f ter retirement, he moved to FL where he continued his love of golf and to be closer to his family, settled in Sarasota where they all call home. He will be remembered as a fun loving, impeccably dressed, larger than life, personality that was felt when he walked into a room. Bob had a great outlook on life, living it to the fullest with no regrets. He leaves behind his daughter; Jacqueline, her husband, Lloyd and twin 7-year old grandsons; Sebastian & Alexander Pepper. He also leaves former wife; Ann P. Albert, stepsons; John Walrath, his wife Catherine, Peter Walrath and his newborn son Jake. In addition, he also leaves behind sisters; Judith O'Daly, and Patricia McCann, (sisters; Jean and Ethel and brother; Peter predeceased him), 11 nieces and nephews, their wives, and husbands and many grandnieces and nephews, most of which reside in Long Island, NY. The inter n ment was held at Sarasota National Cemetery, immediate family only, on Oct. 8 where Robert had a military burial and was laid to rest. In lieu of f lowers, contributions to Meals on Wheels are appreciated.
Mandatory Irrigation Ban Now In Effect For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport
In coordination with state and local officials, a mandatory irrigation ban
in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport is in effect. With drought conditions continuing to worsen across the state, southwest Fairfield County has hit its third drought trigger this fall. The ban includes both automatic irrigation systems and hose-end sprinklers. As cooler temperatures have arrived, irrigation system use has become unnecessary. Consequently, all Aquarion-issued, irrigation variances are revoked for the season. Hand-held watering, soaker hose, and drip irrigation continues to be permitted for new plantings. Aquarion also encourages all of its other customers throughout the state to turn off their irrigation systems as this is a statewide drought. Visit to learn how you can use water more efficiently indoors as well.
Questions? Contact Customer Service at 1-800-732-9678
Š 2020 Aquarion Water Company