The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.
November 13, 2020
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Cos Cob VFW Celebration
Opening Hearts and Minds By Stuart Adelberg As I write, our nation lingers in the most divisive state that I can remember. I offer no opinions here on the politics of the day, as I have already done that, like millions of others, w ith my recent vote. Today’s issues are stark for so many of us and this ma ke s it se em a l most impossible to comprehend those who see things d i f f e r e n t l y. T h o u g h understandable, I worry about the lasting damage this situation has inflicted on personal relationships and our increasing inability to engage with those who have different points of view. I g rew up w it h t he idea that an open mind, the ability to listen and learn, and the desire to seek compromise were positive attr ibutes. I have fond memories of col le ge cla sse s a nd family discussions that challenged my preconceived notions, and of heated debates with re sp e c te d a nt agon ists with whom I might never agree, but whose arguments were at least as important, worthy and well founded as my own. To d a y, s o m a n y o f u s d e m o n s t r at e a n
unwillingness to connect with those with whom we d isag re e, a lack of interest in listening to unique and dif ferent p e r s p e c t i ve s , a s e n s e that it is unnecessary to consider anyone else’s opinion. We see debates devolve into altercations, disagreements become p e r s on a l at t ack s , a nd compromises def ined as weak ness. This is so unfortunate. It is my privilege to know many brilliant people, but not one of them is right 100% of the time, and I think most of them would agree that every day presents an opportunity to learn something valuable from someone else. Re cent ly, t he Avon Theatre Film Center showed a wonderf ul f ilm that demonstrated to me how even the most ingrained feelings and opinions can be changed by experiencing something from another p e r s o n’s p e r s p e c t i ve . THE KEEPER recounted t he t r ue stor y of B er t Trautma n n, a G er ma n paratrooper who is captured by the British du r i n g Wo r l d Wa r I I . W h i le e xe r c i si n g i n a pr isoner of war camp, Bert’s extraordinary talent as a football goalkeeper is revealed. As the end of the war approaches, Bert is recruited by the revered Manchester City Football Club. As I watched t he f i l m i n t he Avon’s beautiful historic theatre, I experienced the same mixed emotions displayed by the British football
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fans as they struggled to decide whether a former Nazi can be forgiven and transformed from enemy to national sports hero. The Holocaust is personal to me and the idea that someone who participated, even on the p e r iphe r y of t he Na z i cause, might be worthy of forgiveness is difficult fo r m e to c o n s i d e r. I f presented w ith this as an academic question, I would have likely rejected the possibility out of hand. But this film introduced me to Bert as a human being, an imperfect man who struggled w it h t he me mor ie s of what he witnessed and the remorse over what he lacked the personal strength to do. According to the story, it was a Rabbi and leader of the local Jewish community who was the first to publicly encourage forg iveness and acceptance, a truly charitable and openminded act at a time when the wounds of the war were still incredibly fresh. I did not anticipate being so personally touched by THE KEEPER, but such is the power of a quality film. It doesn’t tell you what to think or feel – but the entirety of the theatrical experience inserts you fully into a world of new perspectives. One cannot help but be moved. After the year that we have all had – opening our hearts and minds to new perspectives seems like something we might all embrace. See you at the Avon!
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CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836
There were some 60 or more allowed to attend the sunny Saturday morning Cos Cob VFW Post 10112’s annual Veteran’s Day ceremony in the Cos Cob VFW Veteran’s Memorial Site on Strickland Road. Cos Cob Post Commander Joe Musich welcomed one and all, followed by the “Salute to Colors,” and singing of the National A nt h e m by n ote d tow n vo c a l i s t Stephanie Kies. Holding hands over hearts were town officials, First Selectman Fred Camillo, State Rep. elect Kimberly Fiorello, State Rep. Harry Arora, and former State Rep. Livvy Floren. In the crowd Police Chief Jim Heavey stood by a group of Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. The Ringing of the Memorial Bell tolled for the loss this year of three Post 1011 2 members, former Post Commander Joe Gregory, and Lou Caravella, both WWII veterans, as well as Frank Francis who served post Korean War. Membership in the Post now numbers, between 38-40 noted
Post Service member Tony Marzullo. Especially invited to the ceremony were a number of Cub Scouts from Pack 23 unable to participate in their annual Veterans Day ceremony at North Mianus International School of Dundee, due to the pandemic. Learning this Bill Cameron, Post Adjutant Off icer, had invited them. Seen amongst the group were the first female Cub Scout members. “Today, we confront Covid-19,” spoke Cameron. “Even without this plague, we are losing our honored veterans by the droves. Many of our older veterans are now again fighting for their lives. They may be weakened by advanced years, old injuries and past or present persistent illnesses in addition to the virus.” “What can we all do for these heroes of WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East conf licts?” asked Cameron. “First, we can pray for them and for us. God removed the 1918 Flu, and He will do it again.” “Second,” he continued, “when we meet a veteran, we can thank him or her for their noble service and
Calls to Action
wish them good health. Third, we can honor our glad and the efforts of our founding fathers who created this beautiful country. Fourth, we can proudly standby our police forces, our health care workers and all our essential workers who daily are the selfless community heroes. “Fif th, just as the veteran answered the call to serve our country in the military, each of us following their example can right now volunteer our time and talents to help and serve within our own community.” Cameron then offered a hopeful image to those gathered. “When a short time from now a young child seeing an old cloth mask hanging on a wall will ask what is it? The child will be told that the face mask was a symbol of one of the worst global pandemics that the world has ever seen named Covid-19.” “Take a look around you at our ve t e r a n s g a t h e r e d h e r e t o d a y,” Cameron concluded, “and draw from their strength and bravery so that each of us can increase our own resilience."
Radar Screen
Friday November 13, is the American Red Cross Blood Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Riverside. Please go to html/find-drive and type in 06878 for the zip code to sign up for your time slot to donate blood between 9am and 1:30pm.
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com
By Anne W. Semmes
The Marriage Castle
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ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; promotions, achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. These are free. Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com
The Veterans Day ceremony included invited Cub Scouts from Pack 23 with a couple of the first female members. Photo by Anne W. Semmes
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT We build our invisible marriage castle together on a patch of bare ground beginning on our wedding day. The building blocks are the traditions from our childhood, our behaviors, our routines, and the people we decide to welcome inside. It’s important to talk about people and behaviors that we don’t want in our castle, too. Our relationships need to be defended and protected against invasion. The old images of marriage as a garden or a safe haven aren’t strong enough. Demanding work schedules, the Internet, inlaws, and extended time apart are just a few of the challenges that are lobbed regularly into our castles. We need strong drawbridges to close the door for family time. We need to stock the moat with piranha to protect against unwelcome guests. Everett and P r iya both g rew up in dif f icult families. They were afraid of committing to a longterm relationship. Designing their castle helped them intentionally build walls against yelling and excessive alcohol use that had hurt them as children. They included things that they wished they’d had as kids such as family dinners and community service projects. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-869-1515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
Close up the computers and register for the Greenwich Alliance for Education's TURKEY TROT FITNESS CHALLENGE! T-shirts and gaiters are still available in most sizes! Prizes for posting your fitness activity to #GreenwichAllianceTurkeyTrot2020. $500 prize to the school with the greatest participation! Participating in this community event helps raise critical dollars for the Greenwich Alliance for Education programs for public school students. REGISTER NOW: Boys & Girls Club wants you to join in the Gingerbread House Wars! Order your $50 gingerbread house TODAY, decorate the Gingerbread house and post a photo by Friday, December 11. Ask family and friends to “vote” for your creation with their donations. Go to sign up at events/jj1/ or contact Michele Smith, Special Events Manager, msmith@ or call 203-962-6567. Liberation Programs needs PPE donations: Masks: N95, Medical and Homemade, Disposable Gloves, Hand Sanitizer (Purell or 60%+ Ethanol), Disinfecting Wipes and Sprays, Protective Gowns and Disposable Shoe Coverings. Liberation programs have remained open helping hundreds in recovery from addiction. Help them stay open by donating much needed PPE. Please contact Fiona Wilkes at or call 203 354-6918 to arrange a safe, contactless donation drop off or PPE pick up. Community Centers Inc. is collecting donations of fresh or frozen turkeys, yams, vegetables, and baked pies to continue their efforts against food insecurity. Donations can be brought to CCI, located on the second floor at 2 St. Roch Avenue in Greenwich on Monday November 23 or Tuesday November 24 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Call 203-869-1276 for more details. The YWCA Greenwich is asking for your unused gift cards or cash donations. Grab your extra gift cards to empower victims and survivors of domestic violence to purchase their own fundamental supplies like food and medication. Stop by the YWCA Greenwich Member Services to drop off a gift card. You can also donate online at or call 203 869-6501 to find out more. St. Mary Church is holding their Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Go out and grab an Acme, ShopRite, or Stop & Shop gift card to help provide Thanksgiving dinner for those in need. Purchase the cards and drop them off at the St. Mary Parish Center at 178 Greenwich Avenue, anytime from November 2-21. You can also place them in the collection box at Mass or call 203 869-9393 for more information.
By Beth Barhydt On the radar screen this week: our charities, non-profits, and loved local institutions are in real trouble. Greenwich residents may well want to pay attention and take steps to help the organizations they cherish here in town because many of them are in trouble and you may not know until they are closing their doors. It is a good time, before the end of the year, to take a look at what we gave or spent locally in 2019 and try to match it in 2020. Whether it is Smart Kids for toys or an Avon Theatre membership or your place of worship, there are dozens and dozens of places we will want to return to when the pandemic is over. There may not have been big galas, dress up events, invitations with our names on them, gift bags, or in person events with live auctions, but the organizations that typically survive because of those events are still in need of support. For instance, I just realized that we let our family membership to the zoo lapse this summer. If we expect to go back next summer, then skipping a year is a bad idea. At the Sentinel, we initiated the CALL TO ACTION on the front page because we have heard from so many local people that help is needed. Our future selves will thank us for putting what we love on our radar screens now.
Diane's Books of Greenwich is celebrating 30 years! Diane's Books of Greenwich is celebrating 30 years!
Rotary Welcomes New Members and Rear Admiral Thebaud
The Greenwich Rotary Club has been hard at work raising money for charities, inducting new members, and learning from notable speakers since resuming their meetings at the Riverside Yacht Club. (Above left) On Wednesday, October 28, two new Rotary members were inducted into the Greenwich Rotary Club. The club welcomed Sheila Goggin and Agathe Likoba. (Above Right) On Wednesday, November 11, Veterans Day, they welcomed guest speaker, Cindy Thebaud, retired rear admiral of the Navy. A graduate of the Taft School where she played varsity field hockey, lead the Papyrus as editor-in-chief, served on the sailing team, and achieved high academic honors, Thebaud went on to graduate with distinction from Annapolis, received a master’s degree from the George Washington University, and honors at the Naval War College. She earned command of the Destroyer USS Decatur in the midst of Operation Enduring Freedom, command of Destroyer Squadron 60 to provide security and build prosperity for West and Central Africa through the African Partnership Station, and membership in the Strategic Studies Group of the Chief of Naval Operations leading to her appointment as a rear admiral of the United States Navy. Also on the agenda at the Nov. 11 meeting, Fred Camillo was recognized as an honorary member.
Greenwich Excellence in Dementia Care
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Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Icy Frantz I am late this year; I usually start the multi-step process of creating our Christmas card in October. While many have rejected the idea of snail mail, I still love to send and receive real paper, the thicker the better. Searching for a picture of our children - one that will pass each child’s individual scrutiny - can take time. Updating addresses in our unwieldy “Christmas card list” - also time-consuming. Securing a drawing from our artist in residence takes nudging, reminders, and sometimes bribery. But writing a message that honors the year (this year in particular!), that is both hopeful and honest, that condenses our sentiments into a few words, is hard.
So, as I searched for inspiration, I found this: “Both light and shadow are the dance of love” -Rumi. And although I do not think you will see Rumi’s quote on our card, it has stuck with me. Because it is true and feels so relevant. Now. This year. I am often in awe of people who live through times of great shadows and go on to find amazing light. Bethany Hamilton lost her left arm but survived a near-fatal shark attack, and just a year later went on to win first place in the Explorer Women’s Division of the NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association) national championship. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery and taught himself to read before becoming the leader of the abolitionist movement. Marc Zupan became a quadriplegic when his car was hit by a drunk driver. He is now a gold medal-winning Paralympic medalist in wheelchair rugby. Oh, and he also rock climbs and skydives. Viktor Frankl was imprisoned at several Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz; his wife and
Let's Dance
family were killed by the regime. He later went on to write Man's Search For Meaning, considered by many to be one of the ten most influential books in the United States. Theodor Geisel’s work was called “rubbish” by 27 publishing companies; today, the world could not imagine the absence of the beloved Dr. Seuss. These adversities, failures, and losses did not fully dimmish or crush their spirits, although I feel certain there were times of mourning and anger, but maybe it actually awakened something, a drive that might otherwise have been missed. Maybe there is a benefit to our lives, and even a raw necessity, for the existence of both shadow and light. Of course, these are famous people, and their stories are known by many and widely feted, but all around us, even in our own families, we see examples of Rumi’s dance of love. These examples might not gain the same notoriety, the adversity might not be as traumatic, the effects may not be as exceptional, but I would argue that still, they are transformative.
Our daughter set off this fall to a new school; she was excited, but the first handful of calls were distressing. Wearing masks was hard. Making friends from six feet apart was hard. The campus was essentially closed, with no visits from family and no going home. A nd even w ithout the COV ID restrictions, it was all new. The expectations were new. The people with whom she shared a lunch table, brand new. She had left behind a comfortable home, the only school she had ever known, and a handful of wonderful friends. Certainly, the discomfort that our daughter has felt this fall doesn’t even begin to compare in scope to the adversity that many have endured, but it is shaping all the same. Little by little, over the course of t he p a s t few mont h s , ou r conversations have grown in subject. Living outside of her comfort zone has pushed her to think differently, to consider more. Her world seems larger, not smaller. And although many times this fall, she has felt like she was living in the shadow, in the darkness, I can see clearly that a light has been switched on.
And like all of us, I too have known the dark shadows, some bigger than others, and I have known the light, and I imagine I will experience both again. Our times of darkness need the hope that is revealed in times of joy, and, conversely, our joy profits from the lessons learned during our darkest days . T her e i s a n i mp or t a nt relationship between the two, and although I have never articulated it as a dance, I think Rumi might be onto something. Before COVID, I enjoyed being on a dance floor - remember that?even though I am not a particularly good dancer. I appreciate the moves of one friend who can maneuver her hips in ways I can’t, and my husband when he hits the floor to breakdance, a skill he mastered while in business school. There is something about being on that dance floor, limbs flailing, bodies stirring, an interconnectedness that is real and promising. And that brings us to the dance of love. One of the most important purposes of our lives here on earth is to learn to love more greatly. It is not to be happy; it is not to be rich;
it is not even to win Super Bowls or elections (although those are all welcome components). Most religions talk about the importance of such love - love of God, of brother, of child, of neighbor, of enemy, of self - and it’s hard to argue against those. It’s easy to see how much greater our world is when we feel it, when we share it, when we stand committed to it. All of our relationships benefit when we are able to love. Our communities are healthier through such expression. Our children feel more secure. We feel more secure. And, like on the crowded - and sometimes hot and loud - dance floor, we feel more connected. Frankly, this is far too many words for a quaint holiday message; it may even be too much for a column in a newspaper! So, I will leave you here, and wish you health and happiness for a wonderful Thanksgiving in a year that has been uncomfortable at best, and hard, but one that has also pushed us all to be better, to do better, to love better.
Come visit me at the Icing on the Cake,
Local Artist Aims to Brighten the World By Richard Kaufman
and age, I think that everyone can have an appreciation for art," When the COVID-19 pandemic Enowitz said. "What I want is for hit in March, the world seemed a people to smile again, and just little less bright, so one local mom to see that there can be a silver decided to add some color to lift lining with all the negativity since people's spirits. COVID." Marla Beth Enowitz, who lives D e s c r i b e d a s a n a b st rac t in nearby Rye Brook, N.Y., had expressionist artist, Enowitz uses always painted as a hobby. When acrylic paint to f low forming, quarantine was in effect in the cascading drips and marbling spring, she shared her artwork on effects with glitter in vivid and social media, and neighbors and bright hues to evoke happiness, friends began reaching out to have optimism, and positivity. Her work pieces commissioned. is usually done on large, five foot Now Enow itz's hobby has canvases, and one piece can take Marla Beth Enowitz's art is now on display at the turned into a business. She even several days to complete. First Bank of Greenwich. has some of her art displayed at the Enowitz's inspiration comes J House hotel in Riverside, and now from the imaginative minds of at the First Bank of Greenwich in children. Even though her art is PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentinel (Stam- PRODUCTION: N/A Cos Cob. commissioned by adults who want CODE: HSS-2020-95 LIVE: None ford) - 10/9 issue (Due Date: 10/1/2020) "The world just became very tox add DESCRIPTION: Dr. Hannafin WORKORDER #: 74939 TRIM: 11” 10.5” some fun to their homes, divided and negative.I felt that Enowitz said they always come FILE: 03A-74933-07C-HSS-2020-95-V1.indd SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.20005.B.011 BLEED: None that was the messaging lately preback to tell her how their child was 212.237.7000 election and with COVID. I was so mesmerized by it. tired of things dividing people, so F i r s t B a n k o f G r e e nw i c h my hope is that my art can unite President and CEO, Frank Gaudio, people. Regardless of background T:11”heard about Enowitz's paintings at
"What I want is for people to smile again, and just to see that there can be a silver lining with all the negativity since COVID," said artist, Marla Beth Enowitz.
the J House. Gaudio, a big supporter of the arts and music in Fairfield and Westchester County, contacted Enowitz to see if he could get some of her work on display in his Cos Cob branch. In the past, pre-COVID, Gaudio held art exhibits to showcase local artists. "I'm very grateful, because with the coronavirus going around, it's been kind of depressing for people. Marla's artwork is uplifting and colorful," Gaudio said. The bank recently installed walk-up windows for customers to limit in-person visits, so Gaudio wanted something to brighten the inside of the bank. He repainted the walls, and now has five pieces from Enowitz's collection on display, a matching set of three new works, and 10 mini-canvases. W h i le customers a re sti l l allowed in by appointment only, Gaudio is hoping one day soon more people can come in and see the newly decorated building.
"It's uplifting for us spiritually. The customers haven't had a chance to enjoy it, only the ones that come in for appointments. But I'm looking forward to the day where we can open the doors and her artwork will be up," Gaudio said. Enowitz said her art is a form of medicine for herself, too, and she uses it as a way to collect her thoughts. "And then when I'm done with the piece, to be able to share that with people and have them look inside themselves and say, 'Wow, this makes me smile, things can be bright...' Just that two-way street of me enjoying my work, but then being able to share it with other people [is what I love]," Enowitz sa id. "I wa nt my he a r t to b e accessible to everybody. It's just my way to give back. It's very fulfilling." Fo r m o r e i n fo r m at i o n o n Enow itz and her ar t, go to and @ marlabeth_designs on Instagram.
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Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Town Government
Update from the Board of Estimate and Taxation By Richard Kaufman
but to live them.' If you can remember that, you'll always E v e r y o t h e r w e e k , t h e do well when remembering Greenwich Sentinel will bring and honoring our veterans," y o u e x c l u s i v e u p d a t e s o n Camillo said. happenings around Town Hall COVID-19 Update from First Selectman Fred L a s t F r i d a y, C a m i l l o Camillo. released an update on Veterans Day COV I D -19 t hat i nd ic ate d a G r e e n w i c h o b s e r v e d surge of cases in Greenwich, Veterans Day on Wednesday in mostly due to young residents a few scaled back ceremonies participating in non-school around town. sanctioned athletics, who are in "It's one of the th ree national holidays that are very si m i la r i n me a n i ng a nd i n being very special, those three being Memorial Day, July 4, and Veterans Day," First Selectman Fred Camillo said. Earlier this week, Camillo visited students at Riverside School to talk about the day that honors those who have turn infecting family members. served in the armed forces. Earlier this week, Pf izer Camillo told the students announced that its vaccine they have to remember two candidate is more than 90% things: to remember not only ef fective against COV ID-19, to thank veterans on Veterans and approval from the Food & Day, but to thank them each Drug Administration could be d a y, a s e a c h d a y i s a g i f t coming soon. because of the men and women Even though it appears as if who sacrificed their lives. a vaccine is imminent, Camillo "I always like to quote John u rge d r e sident s to r ema i n F. Kennedy, who said, 'When vigilant. we e x pr e s s ou r g rat it ude , " By mo st e st i m ate s , by we must remember that the late spr i ng , e a rly su m mer highest form of appreciation we should be in a very good is to not just utter the words,
to finish the game."
Fred Camillo First Selectman
the tow n clerk's of f ice, the poll workers. People were just Election Day Reaction L a s t we e k , R e p u b l i c a n terrific up and down the line. R e g i s t r a r o f Vo t e r s , F r e d Greenwich again showed how Decaro, said the election on it's done," Camillo said. Nov. 3 was the most well-run Greenwich Avenue/Elm ele c t ion he c a n r emem b er Street Improvement Update during his tenure. This year S eve ra l we e k s a go, t he was especially challeng ing Board of Selectmen received a because of the high turnout presentation of a project that and volume of absentee ballots. would enhance and upgrade Camillo praised everyone the intersection of Greenwich for all the hard work they did to Avenue and Elm Street, by
"Greenwich again showed how it's done," said First Selectman Fred Camillo, on the town's handling of election day. position. We're going to start to get there, but with the cold we at h e r c o m i n g a n d w it h certain surges and spikes, why risk it now? We've come this far and done so well, let's not take our eye off the ball or foot off the pedal," he said. "Let's f inish the job so we can get safely on the other side of this. There's a lot of good news and positive news coming our way, but we're not there yet. It's like a baseball game and we're in the 7th inning. You really have
ensure the days leading up to and including election day went off without a hitch. Earlier this week in Stamford, it was reported that registrars there had found 1,219 absentee ballots that weren't cou nted. They were added to tallies, but no races were affected. "Let's be proud of what we did here in Greenw ich. We didn't have any of those issues. That's directly attributable to the registrars, the town clerk,
adding bump-outs to increase safety for pedestrians, and to improve aesthetics. Since then, people have raised concerns to Camillo about emergency vehicles and their ability to properly navigate the proposed b u m p - o u t s a n d n a r r owe d roadway. On Tuesday, Camillo said police and f ire personnel conducted a demonstration on site. "All vehicles can make the turns with the bump-outs. It
went perfectly. We are set to move forward on that. It's going to be a beautiful enhancement to Greenwich Avenue. I'm very happy about that," Camillo added. Camillo noted that the Board of Selectmen was hoping to vote on granting municipal i mprovement status to the project during their meeting on T hu r s day. I f appr ove d , the project would then move to the Planning and Zoning Commission. If the approval process goes as planned, work could begin early spring 2021. Holiday Lights Returning to Greenwich Avenue Work has already begun on installing holiday lights along Greenwich Avenue, Camillo said. "We will have a ceremony for that in a few weeks. We vowed last year to return the lights, and that's going to come to fruition. The town should be very happy and excited about that," he said. A date a nd ti me for t he ceremony has not been announced yet. Stay Up tp date. Check back here each week for alternating updates from the BET leadership and First Selectman Fred Camillo.
Our Local News, In Brief GPD Promotion
member of the GHS swimming and diving team, won York, Rhode Island, U.S. Virgin Island, Vermont, and the FCIAC West Region diving title this past Monday Washington D.C. “On November 5, 2020, Chief Heavey promoted Det. which was held at Westhill High School in Stamford. Daniel Bucci to the rank of Sergeant. CT Moves to Phase 2.1 The GHS boys soccer team has also won their season Det. Bucci is a graduate of the University of Central title with a final game against New Canaan and will Connecticut has moved back to a modified phase Florida. He graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor’s Degree move on to play in the FCIAC West Region tournament. two, called Phase 2.1, and the following restrictions are in Psychology. Det. Bucci was hired as a Greenwich in effect. Restaurants are required to have a reduced Police Officer on April 11, 2011. He was promoted School Sports Halted capacity of 50% with a maximum of 8 people per a to the rank of Detective in September of 2017. He Youth and high school sports that have been table. They are also required to close by 9:30pm for has also served as a Field Training Officer, where he was responsible for training and mentoring the classified as high risk for the transmission of COVID-19 dine in services, takeout and delivery services will still Department’s new officers. Detective Bucci is a POSTC will not be able to be played this coming winter season. be allowed after that time. Personal services (ex. hair certified instructor in defensive tactics, handcuffing, For sports that are classified medium risk participants salon and barber shops) will remain at 75% capacity. baton, OC, and human trafficking. He is one of the will need to wear a mask. State youth teams will not be Venues are limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people Greenwich Police Department’s Women’s Self Defense able to travel out of the state. CIAC has also announced outdoors. Performing Arts and Movie Theaters program's lead instructors, which teaches women in that the state date for the winter season has been are limited to a maximum of 100 people. Religious Gatherings are limited to 50% of the building's capacity the community invaluable tactics to protect themselves postponed. or a maximum of 100 people. in dangerous situations. Det. Bucci was awarded Officer Travel Advisory of the Month and an Investigator’s Ribbon in March of Turkey Trot 2019 for his work in solving a multi-jurisdictional ATM Many states have added CT as a state that needs to burglary spree. His investigation helped to close twelve quarantine for 14 days and provide a negative test result This year is the 10th anniversary of the Greenwich additional cases across the state. Det. Bucci has also if traveling to them. They are as follows: Alaska, Hawaii, Alliance for Education Turkey Trot but due to the received several recognitions for his involvement in Maine, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Washington D.C., pandemic it has been reimagined as a month long other investigations and assistance at medical scenes.” and Vermont. Pennsylvania has Connecticut as a state fitness challenge. For more information or to register (GPD Facebook) with a recommended quarantine, it is not required. please visit Connecticut has also added states to their travel FCIAC West Region Championships OGRCC Updates advisory list. Currently the only states NOT on the list are Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Greenwich High School junior Annie Bingle, a The OGRCC soccer teams played their final games
this past weekend. Their winter registration opens on November 16th on their website. They are also now offering in person dance classes at Carmel Academy on Sundays, registration is also on their website, https://
JC UN Celebration Julian Curtiss elementary school, in honor of United Nations Day, upheld their 30 year tradition of a weeklong celebration full of culturally rich activities. Some of the activities included “Autumn Stories From Around the World”, discussions of the World Food Program, and virtual talks with parents of students about their heritages.
Thanksgiving Virtual Food Drive Two Greenwich High School clubs, Roots and Shoots and Neighbor to Neighbor, as well as GHS Assistant Deans, are working together to reach their goal of raising $10,000 to provide Thanksgiving meals to over 100 families in the Greenwich Community. With the help of their partner, the Greenwich Social Services Holiday Aide program, they will hold their 10th annual Thanksgiving Food Drive virtually. For more information and to donate please visit https://www.
Community Calendar HOSPITAL greenwichhospital. org/events Nov. 16 12:30 - 2 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. Free. Call 203-863-3598 or 203-863-3646 for assistance. 4 - 5 p.m. Webinar: Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure. Free. Nov. 17 6 - 7 p.m. Webinar: Alzheimer's Disease Resources. Free. 6 - 8 p.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln., Greenwich. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. Nov. 20 12 - 1 p.m. Webinar: Bariatric Informational. Free. ABILIS Nov. 19 10 a.m. ‘Little Crafters & Mommies’ - A Mommy & Me craft class for 2-4 year olds. Abilis, 1150 Summer St., Stamford. Register. Alliance Francaise of Greenwich Nov. 20 6 p.m. L'Arrivée du Beaujolais and French Wines for an American Thanksgiving - a
virtual wine tasting and pairing. Free. KIDS IN CRISIS Nov. 16 7 - 8 p.m. Lighthouse teen group: LGBTQIA: What Does It All Mean for You and Your Teen? Via Zoom. (us02web.zoom. us/j/88577627456). lighthouse@ AUDUBON CENTER greenwich.audubon. org/events Nov. 19 4 p.m. Hawk Watch LIVE. Facebook homepage. Free. All ages. RED CROSS Nov. 18 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Greenwich Hospital, 5 Perryridge Rd. Stamford FLINN GALLERY: Through Jan. 6 The Flinn Gallery presents ‘Heidi Johnson, Animal Attraction’, for inperson and virtual viewing. Free. BRUCE MUSEUM Nov. 17 7 p.m. Bruce Experiences: Expeditions: Behind
the Scenes with Luc Hardy - a live virtual event. Free. Register. Nov. 18 10 a.m. Workshop: Japanese Brushwork with Dr. Flax: Painting Wild Orchids. 1 Museum Dr. Reservations are required. $10, members; $15, non-members. 203.869.0376 ext. 311. YMCA Nov. 13 5 - 8 p.m. Kids’ Night Out. (Ages 3-10). 50 East Putnam Ave. Member, $25; non-member, $35. Registration is required. (Min. participants 4; max. participants 15). 203869-1630, ext. 283. dgonzalez@gwymca. org Y WCA Nov. 18 1 p.m. Webinar: How to Make Sense of Today’s Financial Markets. Via Zoom. womenandmoney TOWN HALL calendar Nov. 16 10:30 a.m. Architectural Review Sign Meeting - Virtual Zoom Meeting. 6:30 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET)
Meeting. Via Zoom. Nov. 17 5 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Via Zoom. 203-6227894. 7 p.m. Board of Human Services November Meeting. Nov. 18 7 a.m. Just Eat It: A food waste story screening and panel discussion. Virtual participation. 12 p.m. Selectmen's Nominating Advisory Committee Virtual Web Meeting. Virtual Zoom.
Preschool). Free. Register. 203-6227940. dsullivan@ 1 p.m. Virtual – Cloak and Dagger Book Club. Free. Register. 203622-6883. 2 p.m. Virtual – Spotlight on Free. Register. 203-6256560. csherman@ Nov. 16 10 a.m. Virtual: Story Time (Baby, Toddler, Preschool). Free.
Register. 203-6227940. dsullivan@ 5 - 6:30 p.m. Virtual: Making Apple Crumb Bars for Thanksgiving. Free. Register. 203-6227918 emorrissey@ 7 p.m. Virtual – AuthorsLive: ‘Stories of Suffragette City’. Free. Register. sschmidt@ Nov. 17 10 a.m. Greenwich Commission on
Aging: Caregiving, COVID, and the Holidays. Via Zoom. 203- 625-6549. 11 a.m. Virtual Drop-in Computer Lab. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@ 1 p.m. SCORE Webinar Google Analytics 101: Improve Your Online Business by Understanding Essential Data. Free. Register. 203-6227910. ywang@
2 p.m. Virtual – Foundation Directory Online (FDO) Database Demo. Free. Register. ywang@ 3 p.m. Virtual – Laser Engraved Glass Jars. Free. Register. 203-622-7979. innovationlab@ 4 p.m. Virtual: STEAM Storytime from the Flinn Gallery!. econnell@
JSJ WINDOW TREATMENTS Serving Greenwich since 1989
PARENTS LEAGUE Nov. 18 7 p.m. Making Sense of Middle School: A Conversation with Judith Warner. Free registration for Parents League Members, $35 for non-members. LIBRARIES Nov. 13 2 p.m. Virtual – Let Your Device Entertain You!. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. csherman@ Nov. 14 10 a.m. Virtual: Saturday Story Time (Toddler,
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Antiquarius Goes Virtual By Richard Kaufman With the holidays fast approaching, it's once again time for the Greenwich Historical Society's Antiquarius event. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the look of Antiquarius this year and in-person gatherings aren’t possible, the theme for 2020 is "Together at Home." The mostly virtual annual holiday extravaganza will take place from Nov. 19 through Dec. 6, and will celebrate decorative arts, antiques, architecture, a nd de sig n , a nd fe at u r e t r e a su r e d A ntiq ua r ius classics, i nclud i ng t he Holiday House Tour, Holiday Boutique, Greenwich Winter Antiques & Design Show, Festival of Trees and Candlelit Evening Tours of Bush-Holley House. A design workshop, presented by the area’s most talented pros on creating unforgettable interiors and warm, inviting home gatherings, is a new addition this year. "A nt iq ua r iu s ha s a lways b e en a celebration of the holidays and design, and we're trying to do our best to capture that in the most responsible way we can, while also honoring all of the things that make Greenwich special during the holidays," said Cai Pandolfino, Director of Communications, Strategy and Business Development at the Historical Society. "We're also featuring so many of our local partners who we have the privilege of working with year round." Beginning on Nov. 19, the second annual Festival of Tabletop Trees will adorn the airy Greenwich Historical Society lobby. They will celebrate the talents of local retailers, designers and organizations who help make Greenwich homes festive sanctuaries during the holidays. People can purchase or bid on a selection of 25 decorated trees via an online auction. Guests at the Historical Society will be able to view the trees safely throughout the day. "Our challenge this year was to make something feel like there's an element of people coming together to celebrate, and that there will be parts of this where you can enjoy beauty right in front of you," Pandolfino said, also noting that gingerbread house kits from Black Forest Bakery will be given to Antiquarius patrons to put together at home. The Historical Society is also working with Greenwich Orchids and McArdle's to deliver flower arrangements to patrons' homes. The Holiday Boutique will take place virtually from Nov. 27 through Dec. 6. Guests can choose from a collection of things -- like children's wear, chic accessories, jewelry and specialty foods -all curated from a group of local retailers and designers. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Historical Society arts and education programs. E d d i e R o s s a n d S u s a n S c u l l y, who both have years of experience in decorating and entertaining in Greenwich, will bestow their knowledge on guests during a virtual holiday entertaining workshop on Dec. 2 at 6:30 p.m. "Eddie and Susan decided to team up to do our entertaining workshop this year, which I think will be a really fun, upbeat and exciting virtual format," Pandolfino
This year's Antiquarius celebration will feature virtual programs and events.
"Antiquarius has always been a celebration of the holidays and design, and we're trying to do our best to capture that in the most responsible way we can, while also honoring all of the things that make Greenwich special during the holidays," said Cai Pandolfino from the Greenwich Historical Society. said. "They'll be sharing all of their tips and insights and experiences of actually entertaining in Greenwich, but they'll also be doing a lot of hands-on f lower decorating and cocktail making and a lot of different activities during the course of their workshop." The Greenwich Winter Antiques & Design Show will take place virtually from Dec. 2-6. InCollect, a partner of the Historical Society, will present over 40 world-class dealers with a collection of antiques, modern furniture, fine art and jewelry. Patrons can get early access on Dec. 1. The much anticipated holiday house tours, presented by lifestyle blog Quintessence, will take place virtually this year as well. Greenwich-based interior designers Charlotte Barnes, Heather Georges and Patrick Mele will provide exclusive tours of decorated homes. The tours will allow guests to see a designer's thought process about what their inspirations were. Pandolfino believes the tours will be more impactful than in years past. "We think it's going to be a much richer experience in that you actually get to talk with a designer, and you'll hear the conversation with the designer instead of just touring a home," she said. "I think it's going to end up being a different experience, but a more dynamic experience." Candlelit evening tours of the Bush Holley House will be available for up to four people per tour, from Dec. 2-4, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Space is limited and advance reservations are required. New this year is the Antiquarius Designer Panel on Dec. 4 at 11 a.m. on Zoom. DJ Carey of Connecticut Cottages & Ga rdens magazine w ill moderate
a discussion with arhitect Doug VanderHorn, landscape designer James Doyle, and interior designer Amy Aidinis Hirsch. Additionally, there are three Honorary Design Chairs: Charlotte Barnes, Heather Georges, and Patrick Mele. " O f te nt i me s we h ave honor e d a designer from outside the Greenwich area. This year, it seemed to make a lot of sense to honor designers who are working and living in our town," Pandolfino said. Antiquarius serves as the primary fundraiser for the Greenwich Historical Society and its programs, since the GHS gets zero funding from the town. W it h t he COV I D -19 p a nde m ic impacting businesses and organizations like the GHS, Antiquarius has even more importance this year. "I'm sure, like a lot of other nonprofit organizations, we saw our revenues come to a standstill when the pandemic hit us in March. We've had to postpone other fundraising events that we were planning on hold i ng i n t he spr i ng. S o as we move into December with our primary fundraiser, we're obviously hopeful that people will support the GHS, which does such wonderful work in our town with history and education programs, and preservation initiatives," said GHS Executive Director, Debra Mecky. "There's so many things here that are about our community. Antiquarius is focused on our community, businesses, and designers. We also hope people will see this as an opportunity to support GHS." Virtual passport tickets are $250 for all events. Patron tickets with exclusive benefits are also available at a range of prices. For information and to purchase tickets, go to greenwichhistor / antiquarius/
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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Audie Murphy
CITATION READS: 2d Lt . Mur phy commanded Company B, which was attacked by 6 tanks and waves of infantry. 2d Lt. Murphy ordered his men to withdraw to prepared positions in a woods, while he remained forward at his command post and continued to give fire directions to the artillery by telephone. Behind him , to his right, 1 of our tank destroyers received a direct hit and began to burn. Its crew withdrew to the woods . 2d Lt. Murphy continued to direct artillery f ire which killed large numbers of the advancing enemy infantry. With the enemy tanks abreast of his position, 2d Lt. Murphy climbed on the burning tank destroyer, which was in danger of blowing up at any moment, and employed its .50 caliber machine gun against the enemy. He was alone and exposed to German f ire from 3 sides, but his deadly f ire killed dozens of Germans and caused their infantry attack to waver. The enemy tanks, losing infantry support, began to fall back. For an hour the Germans tried every available weapon to eliminate 2d Lt. Murphy, but he continued to hold his position and wiped out a squad which wa s trying to creep up unnoticed on his right flank. Germans reached as close as 10 yards, only to be mowed down by his f ire. He received a leg wound, but ignored it and continued the single-handed f ight until his ammunition was exhausted. He then made his way to his company, refused medical attention , and organized the company in a counterattack which forced the Germans to withdraw. His directing of artillery fire wiped out many of the enemy; he killed or wounded about 50. 2d Lt. Murphy's indomitable courage and his refusal
to give an inch of ground saved his company from possible encirclement and destruction, and enabled it to hold the woods which had been the enemy's objective. Audie Murphy was not a tall man. He was just under 5 feet, 7 inches. He enlisted in the United States Army at age 17 to make something of himself. His com mander is said to have thought he was too small for combat and tried to have him reassigned as a cook. Murphy had other ideas, he always wanted to be a soldier. By the end of World War II, Audie Mur phy's ex ploits had e a r ne d h i m ever y me da l h is country could give. He was the war's most decorated soldier and a national hero. His list of medals include: Medal of Honor Distinguished Service Cross Silver Star with First Oak Leaf Cluster Legion of Merit Bronze Star Medal with "V" Device and First Oak Leaf Cluster Purple Heart with Second Oak Leaf Cluster U.S. Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal Good Conduct Medal Distinguished Unit Emblem with First Oak Leaf Cluster American Campaign Medal European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with One Silver Star, Four Bronze Service Stars (representing nine campaigns)
and one Bronze Arrowhead (representing assault landing at Sicily and Southern France)
World War II Victory Medal Army of Occupation Medal with Germany Clasp Armed Forces Reserve Medal Combat Infantry Badge Marksman Badge with Rifle Bar Expert Badge with Bayonet Bar French Fourragere in Colors
of the Croix de Guerre French Legion of Honor, Grade of Chevalier French Croix de Guerre With Silver Star French Croix de Guerre with Palm Medal of Liberated France Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 Palm He was sent overseas in 1943 and was rapidly promoted to corporal and sergeant, eventually receiving a battlefield commission to second lieutenant and platoon leader. At just nineteen years old he received the Medal of Honor for standing alone against a German tank and infantry attack — firing from the top of a stranded tank destroyer and calling in artillery fire on top of his own position. (In one account when asked over a field telephone how close the Nazis were to him, he is said to have replied, Just hold the phone and I'll let you talk to one of the bastards.) According to the New York Ti m e s, a n eyew it ne ss, P fc . Anthony Abramski, later said: “I ex pected to see the whole damn tank destroyer blow up under him any minute. For an hour he held off the enemy force single-handed, f ighting against impossible odds.” W hen he r et u r ne d home , LIFE magazine put him on the cover of a July 1945 issue and he soon found himself "discovered" by Hollywood. Murphy met a screenwriter named David McClure. McClure a nd Mu r phy sig ne d to w r ite Murphy's memoir, with McClure as ghostwriter. After a year of work, they had written To Hell and Back. It was made into a film in 1955 in which Murphy starred as himself. Murphy had done well as an actor in The Red Badge of Courage (1951) and in some western roles but he was reportedly reluctant to star as himself. After the movie came out, Murphy referred to the "strange jerking back and forth between make-believe and reality" filming created.
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR Time Magazine's revew of the movie read, "Credibility burns in his mild face and gentle gestures as he moves through scenes of battle raptly, like a man reliving them with wonder and something of reverence." Mu r phy cont i nue d ac t i ng and wrote more than 18 songs r e cor de d by si ngers such a s Dean Martin, Harry Nilsson, and Charlie Pride. Murphy continued to serve throughout his life, joining the Texas National Guard in 1950, after the outbreak in the Korean War, and eventually attained the rank of major. He transferred to the U.S. Army Reserve where he served until his death. He died in 1971 at just 45 years old in a plane crash. G ov. R ick Per r y aw a r de d the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor posthumously to Audie Murphy. The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration that can be awa rde d to a mem b er of t he Texas Military Forces. Perry said, “More than four decades since his untimely passi ng, Aud ie Mu r phy lives on in the hearts and memories of a generation of Americans. He personif ies the traits that led A merica to victor y in the Second World War and on other battlef ields around the globe. Audie Murphy remains a shining example for anyone who believes in the importance of ser vice, for generations now and into the future.”
House Fire Occupant Dies By Richard Kaufman A n occupant of the house that was engulfed by f ire and destroyed last Monday on the 160 block of North Water Street in Byram has died from severe burns, said Greenwich Fire Department Chief, Joseph McHugh, on Tuesday. Career and volunteer units from all over town responded to the house fire on the morning of Nov. 2, and immediately noticed smoke conditions inside, with high wind conditions. “High winds are a big factor in fighting fires because it can quick ly spread the f ire. [The firefighters] were also met with clutter conditions; there were a lot
of combustibles inside the house. We were behind the eight-ball right off the bat,” McHugh said. Firef ighters tried to make an interior attack to conduct a search, but conditions forced them to retreat. Once it was clear that the two occupants made it out of the house, firefighters l au nche d a n e x te r ior at t a ck because of structural stability concerns. One occupant came away with no injuries, while the other was rushed to the hospital with severe burns and smoke inhalation. That person later succumbed to those injuries, said McHugh, who didn’t disclose the identity of the victim. All career units — six engines and one ladder — responded to
the scene, along with volunteers from Sound Beach and Glenville stations. Volunteers manned fire houses across Greenwich while the fire was occurring in order to keep the protection of the town ongoing. “The response and operation from the men and women of this department was amazing under those conditions,” McHugh said. “It was a tribute to the training and commitment to the members of the department.” The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and the fire department is working closely w ith the Greenw ich Police Department. McHugh said on Tuesday it’s unclear when the investigation will wrap up.
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Editorial Page
Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Gratitude For months now, years even, we have been inundated with constant political rhetoric and hyperbole from our nation’s capital. For many this has created a heightened state of anxiety. The strain is beginning to show and many now refuse to engage in political discourse. Hopefully, with this most recent election behind us that anxiety will lessen. While freedom of speech is our most favorite constitutional amendment (obviously), we believe it is time to put the political rhetoric down and stand up as adults. We can have differing opinions while demonstrating respect. We do not have to “uninvite” ourselves to Thanksgiving dinner out of fear of what the conversation may turn to. That is just silly and, in fact, lets fear take root, which is never healthy. Instead of letting fear get a grip on you, instead of practicing your rights as loudly and disruptively as possible, we suggest practicing something else - gratitude.
For some of us, we may have allowed a disillusioned adult perspective of life to take hold. In our rush to continually build the ideal vision of our lives we missed the opportunity to be thankful for what we have accumulated along the way. We can all do with a little more gratitude in our lives. What is gratitude? According to the dictionary, gratitude is the “quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” That sounds simple enough, but, in fact, it is something you need to practice every day. When did we stop being grateful? As kids we had nothing but gratitude. Every toy we received, every chance to spend time with a parent, every walk in the woods or sail out on the Sound was awesome. We may not have identified it as gratitude, but that is what it was. As we grew to working adults and establishing careers, we lost some of that “awesomeness.” For some of us, we may have allowed a disillusioned adult perspective of life to take hold. In our rush to continually build the ideal vision of our lives we missed the opportunity to be thankful for what we have accumulated along the way. The practice of gratitude can be found in the origins of every major religion and even indigenous tribes as far apart as Australian Aborigines and the American Indians. Clearly the practice of gratitude is important if it was encouraged and developed throughout the world when there was no common messenger and no communication capable of delivering such a message. Gratitude is what allowed communities to develop and grow and thrive before there was the rule of law. As communities became more complex, laws were a necessity, but gratitude remained an integral part, even today. Go to any church or synagogue in town when they hold a service and listen closely, really closely, and you will hear words of gratitude being spoken, preached and prayed. We need to do a better job of hearing that message and incorporating it into our daily lives. Yes, this election was unlike any we have previously seen, but it is over, and let us be grateful for that. Let’s dial back the ongoing rhetoric, and for those unhappy with this year’s results, be grateful that in four years you will have the opportunity to affect change again. Let us change intolerance into gratitude, for we live in the greatest community, in the greatest country. Let us show gratitude for all that our community has to offer. Let us really show it. We challenge you to live the definition of gratitude every day; be thankful, show appreciation, and return kindness. You will be surprised. The more you practice gratitude the more gratitude will befall you, and that would not be a bad thing, would it? It may be too much to wish for, but wouldn’t it be “awesome” if enough of us lived this way, with fewer ill manners in the supermarket, fewer honking horns, or fewer nasty looks because of whatever bumper sticker you have on your car? It would certainly lessen people’s anxiety levels and we would be grateful for that. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Debbie Reynolds New Book By Anne W. Semmes Long time Greenwich resident Deborah “Debbie” Toll Reynolds is heavily invested in her family and her church. She has found a way to honor them both in a well-researched and illustrated history, “Examining Our Roots: F r om t he B e g i n n i n g of T he Town of Greenwich To Stanwich Church in 2020.” “I love history,” Reynolds tells, “I’ve been studying Greenwich history for years and years.” She married Greenwich history in 1956 when she became Mrs. Russell Reynolds, Jr., whose family traces back over 350 years. The intriguing part of that history plays out in the religious settling of the northeastern Stanwich corner of Greenwich. “The Reynolds family came to Greenw ich i n 16 50,” says Rey nolds, 10 years af ter the Feaks and Captain Patrick had bought that Old Greenwich land from the Indians in 1640. But what Reynolds lays out is how those neighborhoods/towns were formed with the influx of farmers. “The Colonial Legislature r e q u i r e d t h a t a t ow n mu s t maintain an ‘orthodox’ minister of the Congregational Church,” she writes. Thus, was formed the First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich, then the Second Congregational Church in the Horseneck (Greenwich) area, and then the Stanwich Congregational Church. These ecclesiastical communities Reynolds explains were “a way of government in the early days,” while under British rule. And going to church was mandatory. The law was, “that every person should attend public worship on Sunday Fast Day and Thanksgiving under penalty of five shillings, and that the inhabitants of each Town or Society, were to be taxed to support its ministries.” What of those whipping posts and stocks Reynolds writes of - were they in practice? “There is absolutely no record of it at all.” She points instead to the peace making that came from those ecclesiastical communities. Citing “a very bad time” in the early Stanwich Congregational Church “where everybody was backbiting and telling stories,” a church member offered his nearby house for members to talk things over. “They reached a decision to forgive each other and live peaceably.” “You know, I teach the Bible,” says Reynolds, “So, the most important thing for me, whether it's the Bible or whether it's Greenwich history is placing myself in the history, to really get back into feeling like I'm there. That's my special thing.” Cer tainly, she sleeps in that history, as her Taconic Road home is the Old Parsonage (circa 1848) of the Stanwich Congregational Church, where over a dozen Pastors did reside including one who married Russ Reynolds’ grandmother and grandfather. In 1938 the church was forced to sell the Parsonage for $12,000, Reynolds tells, building a smaller one up the road on Taconic, which would lead to the Reynolds buying it in 2004. Behind the house a barn complex “lovingly and historically restored” once held the pastors’ horses and cows and carriages. Reynolds tells of a recent walk she took with husband Russ on Carrington Drive off Stanwich, to
“The most important thing for me, whether it's the Bible or whether it's Greenwich history is placing myself in the history, to really get back into feeling like I'm there.” Debbie Reynolds.
The Stanwich Congregational Church, circa 2006, on Taconic Road. Photo by Warren Van Deventer.
Debbie and Russ Reynolds stand before their historic home, the Old Parsonage, circa 1848, that served also as home for some 14 pastors of the Stanwich Congregational Church. Photo by Warren Van Deventer. the site of the original Nathaniel outgrown, and the present one Reynolds farm. “It's beautiful, on Taconic Road, built in 2006. A nice flat land.” Nathaniel Junior constant exterior look throughout had built his house nearby, dating is that New England colonial from 1750 – “It’s kept up lovingly,” c h u r c h o f w h i t e c l a p b o a r d says Reynolds. “Through their with steeple. community meetings they would Reynolds cites former Pastor decide who's going to do the Ne e ly Towe a s t he c r e at ive roads, fences, and grazing areas. d i r e c tor o f t h e n ew chu r ch The Reynolds were constantly design. “Every little detail she b ei ng c a l le d up on to do t he thought of and was interested in, surveying. Everyone shared in and it's a beautiful church. She those jobs. was going to get this thing right, “And then all of a sudden, and she sent out a lot of people, things change - the farms get Russ and I included, to look at all broken up and sold off.” the old churches. It has a center The railroads arrive making section and two side sections and a commute to New York City a balcony that curves around the possible. “Entire farm properties whole church from front through “Examining Our Roots: From w i t h h o m e a n d a n c i l l a r y the back, so that the church could the Beginning of The Town buildings,” she writes, “large be cozier on the bottom and the of Greenwich To Stanwich Church in 2020” amounts of land, animals and balcony takes the overflow.” farm equipment were sold at What is not included in auction for shockingly low prices.” the book is the extraordinary in fact, “their home lots next to Reynolds has a hand drawn d i s c ove r y D ebbie a nd R u s s each other.” “ S o , i s n' t t h a t t h e m o s t map in her book of the historic Reynolds made some 10-20 years Stanwich area she reckons to into their marriage of the early amazing thing?” notes Reynolds. have been about 4 by 4 square intertwining of their ancestral Most def initely, as Reynolds miles. There are four Stanwich roots. It seems that both of their harkens from California. Free copies of Deborah Toll Congregational Church sites – ancestors arrived in Boston in the earliest circa 1721 on North the early 1630s. “They went to Reynolds’ “Examining Our Roots: Stanwich Road, its successor built Watertown which is right next From the Beginning of The Town nearby in 1804 but burned down to Boston to get themselves of Greenwich To Stanwich Church in 1923, a takeover of a Methodist organized, to get land,” tells in 2020,” can be picked up at C h a p e l b e c o m e s S t a n w i c h Reynolds. Sometime between Stanwich Congregational Church, Church, still in existence but 1635 or 1636, their ancestors had 202 Taconic Road, Greenwich.
Girl Scouts Appreciate Veterans’ Day Events
To the Editor:
We w i s h t o t h a n k G r e e n w i c h veterans and the VFW and American Legion, not only for their service, but also for organizing two very meaningful ceremonies. On both occasions, our local veterans were ex tremely welcom ing. They discussed the importance of teaching children about the sacrifices so many men and women made to ensure our freedoms. We agree. Participation in civic events such as Veterans’ Day ceremonies shows children that “the military” is not just a LETTER
concept on a screen or in a book, but is made up of people from their community -- family and friends. This makes an important impression on young people and will become increasingly relevant as they grow, whether they find themselves in a recruiter’s office or in a voting booth. This lesson is an integral part of the Girl Scout experience. The Greenwich Girl Scouts are proud to count veterans among our Girl Scout leaders and service academy students among our recently-graduated Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout Promise, wh ich ever y Gi rl S cout memor i z e s ,
includes a pledge to “serve my country.” Our Girl Scout badges offer girls at every level an opportunity to learn about civic responsibility and our democracy. We encou rage a l l p a r ent s i n ou r community to bring their children to future Veterans’ Day events. To those who have served our country, we say thank you. We also ask you to consider joining one of our local veterans’ organizations, whose work helps us in our efforts to form the next generation of civic-minded adults. Frances Wu Nobay & Kimberly Sushon, volunteer co-Service Unit Managers, Greenwich Girl Scouts.
Thank You for Anne Semmes
To the Editor: Amazing news! Your wonderful writer Anne Semmes wrote an article in the Sentinel about saving a community effort to keep Chase Bank in Banksville. It was scheduled to close on October 27th.
I learned on Oct 29th that Chase signed a five piece. I know absolutely that it was a huge help year contract with Guy Sutten, the landlord and in accomplishing our keep Chase in owner of the Banksville Shopping Center where Banksville, support the local businesses and the Chase is located. community. The entire community wants to thank you Thank you thank you! Easy Kelsey Merrowl. for running the story and having Anne write the
A Deep Love of Home and Respect for Others
By Francis Ambrogio The military can sometimes seem to be a world closed off and totally unto itself – we even have our own words. I recently “PCS’d” (Permanent Change of Station, ironically used for two or three yea r assig n ments) f rom For t Benning, Georgia, to Fort Drum, New York. Most people would simply say they’d been transferred. While I packed up my place in Georgia to get ready to move up here to Fort Drum, I came across the yearbook of my grandfather’s unit from the Second World War, the 417th Bombardment Group – “The Sky Lancers.” It’s a real treasure. The faces of the men who served almost eighty years ago stare back at you from the pages as if they were still as alive and as young as they were then. The soldiers, whether working, relaxing, playing baseball, or getting mail, don’t seem all so different from the soldiers of today.
There are also pages and pages of names, listing all of the men who served in the unit, along with their hometowns and addresses. They came from everywhere in the United States, and under the “A’s” on the page for my grandfather’s unit within the 417th, the 672nd Bombardment Squadron – the “Tomahawks” – is his name, Frank Ambrogio, with his address on Moshier Street in Pemberwick. Folded neatly into the book were a series of letters between my grandfather and the men who were part of his flight crew aboard their A-20 Havoc all those years ago. One man was from North Carolina, and the other was from Ohio. The letters were from the 1990s, five decades after the war. Only small portions of the letters concern the war itself. In one, my granddad’s buddy recalled dropping a bomb and watching it skip down a road, but not hav ing a clue what it actually hit because they made a hard right turn and flew off! These few memories of f lying are special, because my grandfather never once spoke to me about f lying. He taught me the Army Air Corps Song when I was a little boy, and he told me to “go to West Point and be like General MacArthur”… to the point of reminding me (incorrectly) that “MacArthur never played sports at West Point” when he thought I was too focused on sports and not enough on school as a teenager. He recounted plenty of stories about
For them, home, family, and friendship were the most important things to think about and focus on. the jungles and naked islanders of New Guinea, of the kindness and gratitude of the Filipinos and the bombed-out city of Manila, and of life on Okinawa as the war drew to a close – but never a word about f lying. His unit suffered a high attrition rate, and most of those memories, perhaps, were better left in the 1940s. Given his unit’s location at the war’s end and the horrifyingly high military and civilian casualty projections for t he u ne xe c ute d i nv a sion of Japa n – wh ich wer e t r u ly catastrophic in scale, far higher than the destruction caused by any bombings – it was no wonder that he had a drink every year on August 6th, the day that the first atomic bomb was dropped. Only recently did I learn, from my godfather, that my grandfather was actually shot down and had to survive in the jungle until he could find American ground troops. But the letters focus mostly on more mundane things. What had they all done since the war? Were they retired? Did they golf? How were their wives and kids? Did they have grandkids? Might they be travelling near where
each other lived, or had they ever narrowly missed one another since the war? Did they ever fly? Most of them had not, but one said his wife might just convince him to fly down to Florida for a vacation. My grandfather experienced quite awful claustrophobia after the war – he would not ride on planes, boats, or often even elevators – he walked up seven flights of stairs at Greenwich Hospital the day I was born. I can only imagine that his comrades had similar stresses. These were men who had been through something truly traumatic and transformational. For them, home, family, and friendship were the most important things to think about and to focus on. Their service had drawn them into a world entirely unlike the world they had come from, and in doing so made them far closer to not only their homes but to one another, spread across the country though they may have been. I n my shor t f ive ye a rs of service, I have not been through any thing close to what my grandfather saw. But I can say that the Army has, like it did for him, exposed me to people from across
our nation and thrust me into the niche and particular world of the military, and in doing so given me a heightened appreciation and affection for my home – both my town and my country – and my fellow citizens. Before entering We st Poi nt, I had never met someone from Nebraska or Idaho, and I certainly had never been around so many Texans at once (you could tell from the boots and the endless paeans to the Lone Star State/Republic). As a platoon leader, I found myself commanding a tank with a German-American from Michigan in the gunner’s seat, a Mexican-American kid from Texas as our driver, and a Korean Army draftee as our loader. Almost every color and creed could be found in the platoon, ranging from the corporals from Puerto Rico and Trinidad to the old Scots-Canadian platoon sergeant – adopted by Vietnamese-Americans and raised in this country – to his AfricanAmerican gunner, who proudly reminded us that he was from Louisiana and considered no food too spicy. In the Army, everyone is the same. Both in peace and in war, commitment to comrades, professional proficiency, and work ethic are what set you apart – and nothing else. Ever yone loves home a nd friends and family. Hopefully we all see the basic humanity in one another and treat each other with the respect that must follow from that. Military service is certainly
not the only means by which to achieve this. However, veterans offer a unique contribution, having stepped into a radically different world, one with its own language and its own rhythm of life, where every person is broken down to be built back up again in a uniform way. Paradoxically, it is in this uniformity and “awayness” from home that gives servicemembers such deep love of home and a basic respect for others no matter who they are or where they are from. There is no doubt that ou r c ou nt r y c u r r e nt ly f i nd s it s e l f ut te rl y – a n d p e rh ap s unnecessarily – divided. Maybe part of the solution to this is to try to think like soldiers do – start from common experiences and common challenges. Differences can exist and always will. That’s fine, and can, in fact, be a strength, as long as we focus primarily on what we actually hold in common with one another – how we are alike, the similar things we care about and value, and the fact that we all want a better tomorrow. Francis Ambrogio is a Captain in the US Army, currently serving as a cavalry officer in the 10th Mountain Division. A Cos Cob native, he is a 2011 graduate of Greenwich High School and a 2015 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. All opinions are his own and should not be construed as those of the Army, the Dept. of Defense, or the US Government.
Veterans Day Thank You
By Kimberly Fiorello This week, we honor Veterans Day on the anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in the year 1918. We also celebrate the 245th birthday of the Marine Corps, established by the Second Continental Congress
on November 10, 1775, to fight for the cause of freedom during the Revolutionary War. And we are on the cusp of that most wonderful of American holidays – Thanksgiving. George Washington, in 1789, proclaimed it as a day to thank the role of providence in creating the United St ate s a nd t he Con st it ut ion . Abraham Lincoln, in 1863, officially designated it a permanent federal holiday. There are so many people to thank every day when we get to wake up and live in the land of the free because of the brave. While these are difficult times that have tested our community’s ch a rac te r a nd i nte g r it y – at
t i mes, feel i ng relent less a nd overwhelming – there are still so many people deserving of an abundance of gratitude. Our postal and election workers who experienced a grueling test of their dedication this election season. Our parents and teachers who everyday demonstrate what internal fortitude looks like, as they strive to educate our children under extremely taxing circumstances. And, our police officers, first responders, nu rses, doctors, g rocer y store workers, tr uck drivers, small business owners, restauranteurs, and so many others, including the everyday citizens who volunteer, show kindness and extend a helping
hand. It is through you all that our civil society shines brightly. S o of ten we overlo ok t he treasures of our community. O n We d n e s d a y m o r n i n g , while we gathered at the Veterans Monument on Greenwich Avenue, the real monuments of our community were the veterans in the audience – the men and women who served in Vietnam, Korea, the Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other foreign soil. And to the thirty-one current Greenwich Police Officers who also served in the United States Armed Forces, a special thank you for once again choosing a path of service to our town. Commander Peter LeBeau of the American Legion Post 29
thanked everyone for being there, then asked that guests never let the next generation forget what it means to be an American. The rifle salute by the Byram Veterans Honor Guard pierced through the autumn morning air. The rendering of taps by U.S. Marine George Bennett marked the solemnity of the occasion. It is more than our civic duty, it is in fact our personal responsibility, to teach our children the gravity of A mer ica n h istor y a nd t he fundamental, beautiful principles of our country. The freedoms our veterans fought for are what allow us to remain “we, the people,” u n ite d by t he D e cla rat ion of Independence and the Constitution,
animated by liberty, rule of law, and self-government. I share the poignant words of the benediction that closed ou r tow n-w ide Vetera ns Day presentation, given by Reverend Dr. Thomas Nins of the First Baptist Church in Greenwich: “Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to honor those who brought honor to us. We ask that you would continue to bless this country as we move forward together in the freedom that was fought for and the freedom that brave men and women died for. Bless their memory. Bless those who are in active duty now. God bless the United States of America.” In service, Kimberly Fiorello
Greenwich Poll Workers Deserve Thanks By Harry Fisher I worke d a s a n A s sist a nt Registrar to help manage and monitor the processing of Absentee Ballots (ABs) for the tow n of Greenw ich. It was a very interesting, and exhausting process. I worked a bout si x hours on Monday the 2nd and Wednesday the 4th, and 15 hours on Election Day, most of it on my feet. The process in Connecticut is a good one and only ballots received by 8 pm on Election Day are counted. That helps avoid a lot of what we have seen since that day in other locations around the country. The process starts with the Town Clerk’s office which issues and then receives the ABs either f rom the mail or the various collection boxes in town. Most of that work occurred since October 2nd when CT can start issuing absentee ballots. The weekend
prior to Election Day the employees of the Town Clerk’s office compiled ballots to send over for counting to the Registrar of Voters. The Town Clerk’s office uses the State Election System which not only checks the registered voter, but also when the ballot is received back it is also checked in the same system. When the Registrar of Voters prints their poll books for the election, those that have already returned their absentee ballots are already marked in the books with an A. It is important to note that the Town Clerk’s office did their processing in the Town Clerk’s non-public vault, and all ballots remained in the vault until turned over to the Registrars for counting. Chain of custody is important and was closely monitored by all involved with at least one person from each party observing movement of ballots in sealed containers.
All ballots received by the Registrars from the Town Clerk were processed by two people working as a team, with masks on at all times, hand sanitizer available, and Plexiglass in the middle of each table. On Election Day, workers were separated by party af f iliation to ensure t hat t her e w a s neut ra l it y i n the treatment of ballots. Any questions were referred to the Registrars or the moderator, and most times that was one from each party as well. The ability to pre-process was a new change effected by the Legislature of CT. It allowed the Registrars to engage a team of eighteen paid volunteers to work on Monday the 2nd to open only the outside envelope of the ABs. If the ballot was properly contained within the inner envelope, and that envelope was signed, then the AB was judged valid. It then went back in a bin to be sealed
for counting on Election Day. The rules are quite accommodating; ballots under the flap of the inner envelope are valid and any mark is considered a signature. The preprocessing ability vastly improved the efficiency of counting of ballots on Election Day and facilitated rep or t i ng of prel i m i na r y A B results soon after the polls closed on Election Day. Election Day was the main event. All ballots received by close of business on Monday were transferred at 6:30 am from the town hall vault to Greenwich High School (GHS) by two officers of the Greenwich Police in a police van. Two Assistant registrars including myself, witnessed the transfer of the sealed boxes. We had about 15,300 ballots to be counted that day, which compares to about 41,470 registered voters, and about 35,250 who voted. It was about 3 ½ times the number received in 2016. We had 50 paid volunteers
in a large gym at GHS, plus the Democrat Registrar, a Democrat Moderator, two Republican and one Democrat Assistant Registrars. I was one of the Republicans. The procedure was to open the inner envelopes, remove the anonymous ballot, shuf f le them and then the Moderator and Registrars transferred them in to the tabulators. We had six tabulator machines, which were the same as you see at the in – person polling locations. We f i n ished cou nti ng t he domestic ballots at about 3pm, so most of the workers were able to get home early versus an expected 8 pm finish. Again, that was due to pre-processing. Some ballots rejected by the machines had to be counted by hand. That included damaged ballots and those with write-in marks. All overseas ballots had to be counted by hand. At all times it was our responsibility to determine the
Byram Veterans Association T h e B y r a m Ve t e r a n s Association held their annual Ve te r a n s D ay c e r e m o ny Wednesday evening. Due to the pandem ic and the renovation of the Byram Fire House, the annual parade on Delavan Avenue had to be canceled. That did not deter The By ram Vets f rom hav ing their ceremony, which was r elo c ate d to t he Euge ne Morlot Park (formally the grounds of Byram School). The park holds a ver y significant place in the hearts of the community and the Byram Veterans Association as each year on Memorial Day, they honor 13 veterans that attended Byram School and who ultimately gave their lives serving our country. The rain could not dampen the grateful and patriotic
spirits of the members, the Byram community and local off icials. This is a day to remember all veterans, both locally and nationally. We say Thank You & God Bless. F i r s t S ele c t m a n F r e d Camillo spoke at the event, “As we observe the 102th anniversary of the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of 1918, we must never forget to say “Thank You” and to remember. We say thank you for each day, as every day is a gift from our veterans. We must remember their self lessness & sacrif ice as they all lef t behind their lives that they were leading to defend our country on foreign lands. It is that service above self that this day marks”.
intent of the voter, and that all was finished by about 7pm. We then ran the tapes for each tabulator machine, correlated numerous forms that were kept during the process to ensure that accurate records were kept, packaged up all ballots into sealed containers and locked them into the blue ‘election in a box’ unit that you might have seen at polling locations. All of those closet – like containers were locked and sealed at all polling locations and left there overnight. We finished at GHS at about 9 pm, hence my 15 hour day. On Wednesday the 4th we processed about 400 ballots that were received by 8 pm on Election Day in the Town hall, following all the procedure noted above. All in we had a very good team of enthusiastic workers. Some elderly and some younger, some new some experienced. They all deserve a huge gratitude of thanks from the citizens of Greenwich.
Children and Education
Happy Thanksgiving Mrs. Winter By Mary Forde Growing up, my brother with disabilities was something like the character “Pig Pen” in Charlie Brown comics – there always seemed to be a whirlwind of chaos circling around him. He was a force and not always for good. Every day he would come home from school throw his stuff in the house and go down the block to Mrs. Winter’s house. Mrs. Winter was a lovely woman with three children who had a house that looked like Better Homes and Gardens. Everything was neat and in its place. Tim would go down to Mrs. Winter and she would give him milk and cookies (real cookies, like chocolate chip. My mother’s strategy was to buy cookies that no one liked or would eat so that when we whined there was nothing to eat, she would say, “There’s cookies” knowing full well that the one box
sugar crisps was ten years old). After his snack, I think Tim just sat in front of the TV until dinner time when Mrs. Winter would call and in her calm and measured voice ask if someone could come down and get him and bring him home – somewhat reluctantly we did. Mrs. Winter was not a social worker, psychologist or nurse. She had a gift for creating a warm and nurturing place where a whirling dervish could f ind some quiet and his family could have some semblance of normalcy. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and I think about what I am grateful for, I find myself thinking about Mrs. Winter. In all the years that Tim went down to her house every day after school, I don’t think we ever properly thanked her. Maybe because what she did just seemed so regular and routine. In all honesty, we really took her
Growing up, my brother with disabilities was something like the character “Pig Pen” in Charlie Brown comics – there always seemed to be a whirlwind of chaos circling around him. He was a force and not always for good. for granted, although I don’t think we could have survived without her. It has me think ing about the people in my life now that I probably should be rewarding and thanking profusely but who I fail to recognize because I take them for granted. Since most of our Thanksgiving dinners will end up being quieter and smaller, it
may be a good time to start a new tradition of identifying the ‘good deed doers’ in our lives (watch the Wizard of Oz after dinner and see what the Wizard gives the Tin Man) and how we can show them just how important they are. What are those little gifts of time and service that we receive from friends, neighbors, co-workers or others that make our lives just a
little easier? Not the ‘running into burning buildings’ gestures but the neighbor who drops of an extra bagel on Saturday. The friend who always picks you first to be on her team. The brother who always lets you have the last chocolate chip cookie (yes, I still resent the sugar crisps). The second part of the discussion is how can each one of us become “good deed doers” in someone else’s life. Bring the newspaper from the driveway to the front door. Invite someone new to sit with you in the Student Center (hopefully soon). Bring an extra coffee back to the office. Most of us have Thanksgiving traditions that come from long ago and nobody seems to have understanding of why they started or why we keep doing them. I don’t know who was the first person to put the canned jellied cranberry sauce on a glass dish and pretend that the indentations from the can
are decorative but I believe we can give that one up. A new tradition can be to start your family’s League of Good Deed Doers – recognizing those who do good unto us and reaching out to do good unto others. Call them out by name and action saying, “I am really thankful for Jenny because she always ends her emails by saying something nice.” And “from now on, I am going to text Grandma a picture of me and my art projects every Saturday.” It can become a new Thanksgiving tradition and grow as our tables welcome back friends and families. We may not save the world but we can make small, important differences that just might save a family, just like Mrs. Winter. Mary Forde is the Chief Pupil Personnel Services and a very dear friend and mentor to many.
Stressed About Your Child's Education? By Bobbi Eggers
COVID has turned education upside down. We have to do the very best we can do, all hands on deck, power through every day, and ask for help wherever we can. It can feel overwhelming to make the right choices for your ch ild. But you a re not a lone. There’s plenty of help out there. To Zoom or not to Zoom? Let’s start with the obvious. Fa m i l ie s have had to de c ide whether or not to home school with Zoom sessions or send their child to attend classes. Some schools are managing the pivot well, others not so much, which creates anxiety that some children are falling behind, especially without personal student-teacher relationships. Parents have become full-time, hands-on co-teachers and tutors, not what was in the job description when they gave birth. Is Boarding School a good option? Some parents would prefer to have their children at boarding schools, in a controlled, safe environment. Those admissions off ices are overwhelmed with
applicants. But if you cannot visit schools, and get a sense of student life, how do you make a life-altering decision? How does an Admissions Officer get to know the character of a young student? Jim and Robin Br ow n , Fou nder s of Br ow n s Educational Consultants, have vast experience working with families. Jim as a placement advisor, Dean of Students at Hackley School and Assistant Head at Stanwich School, and Robin, as a Learning Specialist at Rye Country Day and assisted with admissions at Stanwich School. They now work one-on-one with families to place students into the right school, col lege or u n iversit y. “Ever y school is different, appealing to some children and not others. Be thoughtful, ask questions, and don’t just listen to your friends’ opinions. If you choose a Boarding School, your child is going to be there for long stretches of time, in an effort to maintain a healthy campus. You want to make sure the teachers and staff value an educational style that is appropriate for your child’s learning style. Some students need more diligence, others cannot handle too much pressure, and others may need a supportive environment in order for students to grow into themselves more. This is a decision that can impact them in important years of growth. Consider several options and ask how they’re managing campus life.” If Day or Boarding Schools are an option, it’s a good idea to invest in professionals who are most familiar with the schools,
The education world has turned upside down. Don’t take on too much, for yourself and for them. Ask for help. You are not alone in this. especially during this pandemic. Try to stay positive. My friends who have children in local schools are impressed with most of the teachers, especially now that they have seen them in action, teaching in a Zoom session. Elizabeth has two children who are attending private school on campus. “In many ways, it feels like an ‘almost normal’ school year, with a few extra steps (i.e. doing a daily health screening before leaving the house, packing extra masks, that sort of thing). Of course, there are challenges and changes - certain traditions and events have been cancelled or modified, and we feel a sense of loss and disappointment there. But we are hoping to be in a different situation next year or the year after when we can enjoy those things again.” It’s hard to know how your student is really doing. For high school kids, their world has been rocked in many ways. Another friend, Nancy, has three children in three different levels of the Greenwich Public School System. “For the most part, I'm impressed with how the
district has adapted and is meeting the needs of our students. “This morning, I asked my high school daughter what she thought about the hybrid scheduling,” Nancy said. “She says she'd much rather be at school, seeing her friends i n t he ha l l a nd ex p er ienci ng the com mu n it y. It's isolating watching a class on-line from one's bedroom.” School staff and teachers are working more hours, learning new skills, being flexible, creative and patient. It's difficult for the teachers to teach both the students in the classroom and at home at the same time. Some of them are better at this than others. Nancy feels badly for her daughter, “Imagine watching a boring high school chemistry class from your bedroom! But they have terrific teachers and they are doing their best.” When your teenager doesn’t share their laptop with you, how do you know if classes are going well? Sometimes we find out a little late in the school year. Lynn Carnegie, Founder and CEO of Carnegie Prep, has over three decades of experience in standardized testing and academic tutoring, with a
roster of tutors, working day and night throughout this pandemic. “Communicate with your child to figure out where the weaknesses are. As teenagers, they may not want to be tutored by a parent. I think most kids are like that. If they cannot ask their teacher for extra help, find an experienced tutor who not only knows the course and the content, but who has a style and personality your child will connect with. You know you've found the right tutor when your child actually looks forward to each meeting." Another emotional hurdle: some schools are cutting sports …and not just for safed ist a nci ng. We ke ep re ad i ng a bout the on-a nd-of f aga i n seasons for tea m spor ts, but here’s another seismic change that will have a lasting impact on students’ activities and scholarships. Universities and colleges all over the country are making budget cuts, starting with athletic programs including men’s volleyball, golf, wrestling, soccer, squash, synchronized swimming, men’s rowing, co-ed and women’s sailing, fencing, field hockey and lightweight rowing. and diving, equestrian, squash and skiing programs. The most widely cut sport so far was tennis, with 48 prog rams across the countr y scrapped. Schools say they are striving to balance diversity, but additionally, maintaining teams is expensive, factoring in coaching salaries, recruiting expenses with air travel and dinners, team travel
during the season and other costs. This is a game changer for many families, with the ultimate goal of being recruited, and perhaps getting an athletic scholarship. If you are one of those families, now what? And what will this mean for some high school and lower school competitive sports? Will they become less important? Applying to Colleges has changed, too. He r e ’s s o m e t h i n g e l s e to consider. Because of the pandemic, some colleges are now foregoing SATs and ACTs. But the testoptional process can be a silver lining for some students because admissions officers must consider applications more carefully, and value the quality of the essay to reflect the depth of thinking and resiliency of its author. It’s is a good time to rely on the advice o f p r o fe s s i o n a l s . T h e y h ave t remendous ex p er ience w it h essays, applications, and they know the schools. They are familiar with their values and can help find the right fit for your child. Elizabeth sums it up, “This is a marathon, not a sprint.” Don’t take on too much, for yourself and for them. Ask for help. You are not alone in this. Bobbi Eggers is mother of 5 and founder of Family Matters podcast. By day, she works with a team to pair non-profits and small businesses to help each other to help others. www., Bobbieggers@
Take a Hike: Westmoreland Sanctuary By Julia Lucey In Greenwich, when we think of New York we tend to think of the city, but our neighboring state has so much more to offer, especially this year with travel to NYC considerably limited. Even just over the border in Westchester County there are some incredible spots to get out into nature and take in stunning views. If you’re in search of a new hiking location or just in need of some time away from the computer screen, visit Westmoreland Sanctuary in Mt. Kisco, NY for a convenient hike and a breath of fresh air. The park is about 13 miles north of Greenwich, and the trip there is the perfect 30-minute autumn drive up North Street and
just over the New York border. Parking is free, and the small lot is just below the trail entrance. Since 1957, Westmoreland Sanctuary’s 640 acres of land have been a site for a range of activities for all visitors, from h i k i n g t r a i l s to e du c a t i o n a l programs to conservation of local wildlife. Westmoreland has hikes of all lengths and difficulties for everyone to enjoy. Seven and a half miles of trails pass through wooded areas, past lakes and s t r e a m s , a n d up h i l l s . E a c h individual trail is 1.5 miles or less, but trails are interconnected, so the length of your hike is very much up to you. Whether you want a quick and easy walk through the sanctuary or a more intense climb, these trails are perfect for hikers of
The streams that run through the park are AA-classified by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, meaning their streams contain potable water that provides for over 100,000 Connecticut and New York residents
all levels. The trails are not overcrowded and are spacious enough to allow visitors to maintain a safe distance when passing. Of course, most hikers carry a mask with them to use while passing others, as this is an activity to avoid the virus, not catch it! Also, be advised that Westmoreland’s trails are not open to dogs, so plan for your fourlegged friends to stay home this time!
In addition to being a great place to h i ke, West morela nd Sanctuary does a lot of conservation work to protect the plants, animals, and their habitats within the property’s bounds. The streams that run through the park are AA-classified by the NYS Department of Environmental Conser vation, mea n i ng t hei r streams contain potable water that provides for over 100,000 C o n n e c t i c u t a n d N e w Yo r k
residents, the Sanctuary’s website explains. On the property you’ll also f ind a nature center and museum, housed in a 200 year old reconstructed church adjacent to the trail entrance. Inside are exhibits of flora and fauna native to the area, live animals, and a bird observation window. The museum is the perfect spot to begin or end your hike and is perfect for naturelovers of all ages!
As winter approaches, these last few weeks of fall weather are the perfect time to get out and enjoy these (relatively) hiking temperatures. Not only that but the trails look especially beautiful as the last of the fall foliage changes color and covers the ground. The expansive trails of Westmoreland Sanctuary are a great way to get out of town in a covid-safe manner this autumn!
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Children and Education
GPS Budget for 2021-2022 By Richard Kaufman Superintendent of Greenwich Public Schools, Dr. Toni Jones, unveiled her proposed 2021-2022 operating and capital budget last week during a special meeting of the Board of Education. Jones' operating budget proposal is $169.8 million, an increase over the current year's total of 3.97%, or $6.4 million, just above the Board of Estimate and Taxation's recommendation of a 3.38% increase. The capital budget is proposed at $37.9 million. Jones said that a great deal of preparation goes into crafting a budget like this, and that she looks at previous and current budgets, the need for staffing, enrollment protection data, estimated and fixed costs, local state and federal funding, and academic needs. "This is a 12 month budget process. This year has been like no other, in that COVID-19 made it much more difficult because in June, July and August we were ve r y fo c u s e d on pu r ch a si n g Personal Protective Equipment and getting our schools open. We had a very compressed process t h i s ye a r, e s p e c i a l l y du r i n g October," Jones said last week during her presentation. Budget pr ior it ie s i nclude meeting contractual salar y obligations of $2.3 million, as well as using an additional $1.9 million for special education tuition. $652,000 is set aside to purchase new mathematics textbooks for k i nderga r ten t h roug h eig ht h graders. At the end of last school year, the district was asked to bring its budget to a zero percent increase due to COV I D -19. Ther efor e ,
"We had a very compressed [budget] process this year, especially during October," said GPD Superintendent, Dr. Toni Jones. the district renegotiated its bus contract, and used savings to prepurchase items -- such as books and supplies -- that were needed in the 2021-2022 budget. Now, that funding must be restored so the district can have those items: $136,000 for new library books, as well as teaching and custodial supplies. Jones noted that salary expense is something she watches very closely. 90.75% of the district salary expense would go towards classroom support staff in her budget. Administration salary expense would account for 2.6%, down from 4% in the current year's budget. " Th is is somet h i ng t hat I have really worked hard on as an administrator to make sure we're targeting as much of our dollars to the classroom," Jones said. Jones pointed out that it's possible the district will need an increase in special education staff come next June. "When we look at the operating budget, one request that we do have of the Board of Education is during our special education review, we could get to
June, and it's possible that we will need an increase in staff," Jones said. “We would like the board to discuss if there's a way to build in $500,000 [in the budget] in working with our partners on the Board of Estimate and Taxation, so that if we should need more staff, funding could be available in June. Otherwise, if we had to go for an interim appropriation, we could not get staff hired in time to start school." BOE member, Karen Hirsh, thanked Jones for adding that element into her budget presentation. "I want to give a huge thank you to Dr. Jones for noting that we may need additional funds to help support special education once we get our audit back, and for being cognizant of the fact that it will be in between budget cycles, and not asking us to wait yet another year for more change to come," Hirsh said. Of the $37.9 million capital budget, $19.6 million is for major projects, and $16. 2 million is for annual infrastructure and improvements. The remaining money would be used for
tech nolog y, food ser v ice and security. One of the items on the major project list is the soil remediation at Western Middle School, at $8 million There is also the Cardinal Field Improvement project, phases 1B and 2, at $4.8 million, and the secure entryway project at Greenwich High School, listed at $2.75 million. Additional projects include the Central Middle School field improvement project ($2.3 million), and the Julian Curtiss Renovation design work ($1.7 million). New on the list is $102,000 for a feasibility study on Central Middle School renovation. "This is not to move CMS for w a r d ag g r e s sively. We've realized that over the next decade, we're going to spend more than $20 million trying to keep the building healthy for our students," Jones said. "Is there a better way to actually strategize how we're going to manage some of the large projects on the horizon? We think this will be money well spent to get somebody to help us plan and study and to have a good roadmap." BOE Vice Cha ir, K ath leen Stowe , a nd mem b er Me g ha n Olsson commended Jones for crafting her proposed budget. "I do find this budget to be the most cohesive and comprehensive budget that I've come across [in my tenure on the Board]," Olsson said. The budget will be reviewed by the board throughout this month, and final adoption should come in December.
GHS Veteran’s Day 2020
This year, Greenwich High School used creative technology to recognize and celebrate the amazing service of our country’s veterans. P rog ram A ssociate for Social Studies Frank Kovac organized the first-ever Virtual Veteran’s Day panel discussion. The discussion was led by
students Fiona Busch, Wyatt Radzin, and Hadley Rosenberg. M r. K o v a c s t a t e d , “ T h e students not only asked mea n i ng f u l q uest ions of ou r veterans but were able to smoothly navigate the technology of our virtual platform.” The panel consisted of
veterans Lieutenant Commander James Waters, Captain Matthew Carstensen, and Major Timothy Rose, all of whom had incredible stories of service and strong local ties to the Town of Greenwich. The Virtual Veteran’s Day 2020 not only recognizes and celebrates the stellar service of A
our Veterans, but it can now be used as a reference for any student interested in military service as a career path. To watch the panel discussion in its entirety, please click here on the GHS official website. For more information, please contact Frank J. Kovac at GHS, Bella House.
Presentation Series
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with each presentation fully illustrated w ith on-screen, relative graphics. Please join us via Zoom for the lastBof these engaging events! November 18: Part 4: The challenge of Tr a n s m it t i n g Tr a d it i on to Posterity: The rise of Roman
out to give an overview of the events that made it possible for narratives and traditions to develop, especially those underlying the scriptures, and be eventually recorded thereby ensuring their transmission down the generations. It’s a fascinating story and one that is relevant to our contemporary world as we cope with our overarching need to communicate with each other, and at the same time, balance the pursuit for national identity with the forces of globalization. D e s p i t e t h e i r c o m p l e x i t y, Robert attempts to present the events as straightforwardly and engagingly as possible,
Yo u ’ r e i n v i t e d t o j o i n Deacon Robert Henrey from The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes as he continues to present his four part series: The A ncient Nea r East: Land of Babel We d n e s d a y, N ove m b e r 18, 5:00-6:15 PM v ia this Zoom link: j/91648902276#success In this series of presentations, Robert Henrey sh a r e s h i s i nte r e s t i n t h e hig h ly diverse historical and cultural env ironments that characterized the Ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean world. He sets
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Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel
Edward Sanden
Edward John Sanden, 68, of Greenwich, CT, passed away on November 7, 2020. Ed was born in Edmonton, A l b er t a to Est her a nd Em i l Sanden. One of five children, he was an avid athlete and skier who competed on the Canadian Junior National team. He was known by his family and friends for his creativity and sense of humor. Ed had a career in marketing, working at IBM, Ogilvy & Mather, CUC International, and later at startups iPrint and Recollections. A beloved husband, father, brother and son, Ed was known for his storytelling, his love of history, his humor, and his knack for building and f ixing almost anything. He enjoyed adventuring in the ocean or the mountains with his family and friends. Ed also had a love for music and jazz in particular. Ed is survived by his wife, Virginia Sanden, and four children: Max and Alix Sanden, as well as Katherine Sanden and Clifford Sanden (Olivia Sanden) from former wife Barbara Bellafiore. He is also survived by his mother Esther Sanden, and siblings Jim Sanden (Diane Sanden), Tom Sanden (Lindy Sanden), Catherine Sanden, and Dave Sanden (Brenda Sanden). In lieu of f lowers, donations ca n be made to Adventu re Unlimited Ranches at https:// support-us/
Ralph Kravitz
On Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, R a lph K rav it z , passed away peacefully in his home, at the age of 83. He was loved by his wife of 55 years, Malka Kravitz, his close and extended family, and the hundreds of friends whose lives he touched over the years. Ralph was the last of a breed, truly exemplifying the American Dream. He was born on July 21, 1937, in East London, within earshot of the bells of St. Mary-lebow, to Wolfie Kravitz and Minnie (Standig) Kravitz. As a young child he moved to Brooklyn, NY and then White Lake, NY, where he learned the value of family, built lifelong friendships and started to form an internal drive that would shape the rest of his personal and professional life. It was in his formative years that Ralph began to value the
importance of family and friends. He, his brother Neil, and cousins Bobby and Elliot were as tightk n it a s a ny fou r s ome cou ld be, running amok on the back roads of Sullivan County, NY, and causing all sorts of trouble for their parents, teachers and probably the authorities. It was in this period that he also built lifelong friendships that he valued and maintained throughout his life. Although a bit irreverent, at heart he showed himself to be dedicated, loyal and giving. His friends and family could count on him as a teenager, just as they could during his entire life. After graduating from Monticello High School, armed w it h a pr op e n sit y for m at h a n d a w i l l i n g n e s s to c h a s e the A mer ican Dream, R a lph set his sights on a Mechanical Engineering degree at Georgia Tech. After a year, both he and the administration came to a mutual understanding that he, perhaps, wasn’t quite ready for such a commitment. Undeterred, R a lph made t he de c i sion to get the skills he needed in the militar y, and spent the nex t two years in the 82nd Airborne D iv ision, For t Brag g. Ther e he became a man and learned responsibility. Upon honorable discharge he returned to his studies at Georgia Tech. Just before graduation, Ralph met Malka Penner, who quickly b e c a me h i s b e st f r iend a nd closest conf idant, and shortly thereafter became his life partner for the next 55 years. R alph graduated from Georgia Tech with a new set of lifelong friends from college, a wife, a degree, and a desire to attain the American Dream; to be able to provide for himself and his family, and to thrive. Ralph’s professional career began in Aerospace Engineering, work ing for Pratt & Whitney and General Electric. Within a few years, and with a wife and a growing family, Kravitz was of fered a position w ith First National City Bank, where he retired after 22 years. Valued for his sk ills in Systems and Operations, he rose in the organization and played critical roles in the investment bank in Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, North America and the Middle East. He was integral to Citibank’s success in these markets, and had a knack for identif ying problems and for finding and cultivating talent. He became a mentor to many, and helped them rise through the ranks. He always gave back to those around him. After an illustrious career at Citibank, Ralph came out of retirement and took a position with the American Enterprise F u n d , s t a r te d by P r e s id e nt G e o r g e H .W. B u s h . H e w a s named president of the Polish American Bank, which he led through the transition as the first Polish financial institution to go public. He again retired, but this was to be short-lived. His talents were in high demand, and he was again lured away from his sailboat and Yankees games, taking a transitional position with Advent. Ralph’s career offered him and his family rare opportunities. He was able to realize the classic American Dream, the “rags to riches” story. He was ably to provide for his family all those things that he never had as a child. He was able to travel the
world for business and pleasure. As he said, however, “You can take the man out of Monticello, but you can’t take Monticello out of the man.” He never forgot his humble roots, and he never stopped giving back, of both self and time. He helped countless people to realize their dreams. Kravitz’s greatest joy in life was his family. He was a loyal and true partner to Malka. He tirelessly supported his sons, Craig and Brian, through their endeavors in life. His greatest joys, however, were his four grandchildren, Eli, Zoe, Alexa and Ethan, for whom he would, quite literally, go to the end of the world and back . He provided experiences such as Outward Bound, World Series games, meet-and-greets with One Direction, and academic enrichment camps. His family was his life. An avid sailor and boatman, Ralph became a licensed sea captain when he finally retired. He was ac t ive i n t he Power Squadron, and taught classes in boatman-ship. His boat was his refuge, a place to get away and listen to a Yankees game, or to host his friends for a sail and barbecue. Ralph Kravitz will be remembered fondly by all those whose lives he touched over the years, f rom the bank ing community to the boating communit y, and all those in between. He truly cared about people, and it was ref lected in the depth and length of the relationships that he built. R a lph is su r v ive d by h is wife, Malka, his sons Craig and Brian, his daughter-in-law Jessica Burrill, his grandchildren Eli, Zoe, Alexa and Ethan, and his brother, Neil. A p r i v ate b u r i a l s e r v i c e was held on Nov. 8, 2020 at the Glenville Cemetery, Greenwich.
James Palmisano
University in LaVerne, CA. She taught kindergarten and first grade in locales including San Dimas, CA; Rosemont, PA; Springf ield, NJ; and at North Street School in Greenwich. After the birth of her first child, Helen Louise left teaching and grew increasingly busy with numerous volunteer activities. She was Co -P r e side nt of t h e P TA at Parkway School, as well as a PTA volunteer at North Street and Glenville Elementary Schools, Central Junior High School, and Greenwich High School. A long-time member of the F i r s t P r e sby te r i a n C hu r c h , she served as an elder, deacon, S u n d ay s c h o o l te a c h e r a n d chair of multiple committees. In addition, she served on the board of the Greenwich Chaplaincy and was a member of the Greenwich J u n i o r Wo m e n ' s C l u b , t h e Greenwich chapter of PEO, and the Milbrook Club. Helen Louise and her husband Wayne shared a happy marriage of 59 years filled with much joy, love and friendship. She loved her home on Baldwin Farms South, with its f lowerladen patio and its backyard weeping cherry tree. A talented self-taught chef and baker, she loved nothing more than sharing the bounty of her kitchen with friends and family. She enjoyed lingering breakfasts, beautiful music, dom ino game nig hts, lively political discussions, and heartfelt laughing. She was very proud of the accomplishments of her children and grandchildren, and supported them unfailingly in all their endeavors. Helen Louise was predeceased by her parents, brot her D ona ld, a nd sisters Nancy Ziegler and Marigrace Komarnicki. She is survived by her husband, Wayne, Jr.; her children Janice Holappa (Hal); Hilary Cassidy (Sean); Wayne III (Sandra); her sisters Jean Are (Atlanta) and Carol Bechtler (Richmond, VA); grandchildren L a u r e n , H a l I I I a n d Te d d y Holappa, and Kerry and Dara Cassidy; and many nieces, nephews, and in-laws. Due to COVID restrictions, a family-only memorial service will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 11 a.m. To view the service via livestream, please go to /Branom. Memorial gifts may be made to the charity of one’s choice.
James A. Palmisano passed away on Nov. 5, 2020 after losing his fight with cancer. James spent most of his life in the food business, this included a partnership in a small café, and his own catering business, and a small restaurant, which he left two years later. After thirtyfive years in the food business, he went to work (seasonally) for the Parks and Recreation Department in Greenwich where he stayed until his retirement. He was an avid bowler, pool Paul Hines player, and fisherman. He was predeceased by his mother Irene Anna Palmisano, his father Dominick J. Palmisano, several uncles and aunts. He is survived by his wife Marylou K. Palmisano, His sister Tina Yusi (Joseph) of Greenwich, his brother Dominick Palmisano ( M a r c i a) o f C l e r m o nt , F l a ., several nieces and nephews. Services will be private. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Bendheim Cancer Paul Garry Hines, a former C e n t e r, 7 7 L a f a ye t t e P l a c e , financial executive at EF Hutton Greenwich, CT 06830 and Chief Financial officer for William E. Simon and Sons in Helen Branom Morristown, NJ, died after a long Helen Louise Branom passed struggle to recover from open away on Nov. 2, 2020, following hea r t su rger y on Novem b er a brief illness. She was born to 4th. He lived in the Riverside Mabel and Henry G. Bucher on community in Greenwich in the May 19, 1937, in Lebanon, PA. late sixties and early seventies She graduated from Donegal and lived in Dolphin Cove in High School in Marietta, PA, Stam ford until 2000, w ith a before attending Elizabethtown period of time when he lived in College in Elizabethtown, PA, Bernardsville, NJ. He was born in and graduating from LaVerne Schenectady, NY on July 30, 1937
to John and Helen Hines. At the time of his death, he was living in Charleston, SC where he had retired in 2000. He is survived by his second w i fe , Jud y H i n e s , w h o m h e married in 1979 and his three children from his first marriage to E l a i n e Fo u r n i e r : E r i n o f Golden, CO, Tara of Wilmington, NC, and Gael Natal of Rio Rancho, NM and his step-children, Lucas Heller, Oakland, CA and Nina Heller, Charleston, SC, and four grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. He was a sailor since age 12 , having learned on the Cha rles r iver in Ca m br idge, M A, where he g rew up, in a public sailing program that led him to his life-time passion. He was a competitive racer in the Breakwater Irregulars and on NY Yacht Club cruises, on his last boat, Starshine. He served on the governing board for Operation Sail in New York Harbor and chaired the Cadet Hospitality prog ra m i n 19 7 76 a nd 1986. He was Chair of the Dolphin Cove Association for a time. He served on the board of the Mead School for Human Development in Greenwich, the Foundation for Religion and Mental Health in Tarrytown, and many other organizations, especially those fostering quality improvement in public education. He was an active member of the Partners of '63, formed by his class to direct their philanthropy at the time of retirement to a focused effort in education. A memorial message may be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements by J. Henry Stuhr, West Ashley Chapel, 3360 Glenn McConnell Parkway, Charleston, SC 29414.
System. Sheila was a lov ing w ife, m o t h e r, g r a n d m o t h e r a n d g reat-g ra nd mother. She a nd her husband 'Jinx' raised three children in Greenwich and were actively involved in all of their many sports and extra-curricular activities. Sheila and Jinx were inseparable and loved to play golf and have lunch together. After the kids were grown they enjoyed travelling. Sheila also enjoyed her lunch group calling themselves the "Four Spoons" and always looked forward to a fun lunch outing with them. She was exceptionally active in the busy lives of her grandchildren and 'Mimi' will be missed dearly by all whom she touched and impacted. Mimi loved to host holidays when all the family would be together at her house. Sheila cherished her husband, her family and her friends and was loved by so many. Sheila is sur v ived by her hu sba nd Ji n x , her daug hter and son-in-law, Esther Cleaves Burke and Bryant W. Burke, of Austin, TX; son and daughter-inlaw, Eugene Lee Cleaves III and Samantha Fahnestock Cleaves, of Riverside; son and daughter-inlaw, Daniel O'Brien Cleaves and Kimberly Cleaves, of Summit, NJ; 14 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given in Sheila's name to the Bendheim Cancer Center of Greenwich. The family wishes to extend our sincere thanks to all the wonderful Doctors and nurses at Greenwich Hospital with special thanks to Casey and Dr. Hollister. Our family holds a special place i n ou r hea r ts for her lov i ng caregivers Alberta and Nana. A private burial will take place.
Sheila Cleaves
Bernice Klosowski
Sheila Mary Hennessy Cleaves, 84, of Riverside, CT, went to be w ith the Lord on Tuesday evening, Nov. 3, 2020. She was the wife of Eugene Lee Cleaves, Jr. who survives her. They were married on Feb. 7, 1959 in Scarsdale, NY and shared over 60 wonderful years together. She was born on June 15, 1936, in St. Louis City, Missouri. She was the daughter of Eugene William Hennessy and Dorothy Edwa rds O'Br ien Hen nessy. Sheila grew up in Scarsdale New York, attended The Ursuline S cho ol a nd g ra du ate d f r om Manhattanv ille College in Purchase, New York. She later earned a Masters in Education from Fairfield University. Sheila was a devoted member of S a i nt Cat he r i ne of Sie n a Church in Riverside. She was a longtime member of Innis Arden Golf Club and active with golf, the swim team, paddle tennis and her beloved women's tennis team where she developed many lifelong friendships. She was a dedicated volunteer with the Junior League of Greenwich and the Greenwich Public School
Bernice J. Klosowski, 85, died peacefully Nov. 3, 2020. Bernice, a Greenwich native, was born on Jan. 3, 1935 to the late John and Mary Mayores. A g raduate of Greenw ich H ig h S chool, She worke d at the Merry Go Round Mews, in Greenwich, as well as a personal assistant for Nancy Carnegie Rockefeller. She was married to John V. Klosowski, who preceded her in death as well as her sister Barbara Hoffkins. A beloved mother and g r a n d m o t h e r, a n d g r e a tgrandmother, Bernice is survived by h e r s o n Jo h n K l o s ow s k i (Angela), and daughters Nancy Marra and Lynn Raiente. She will be lovingly remembered by her grandchildren Melissa R a iente a nd Jef f rey R a iente as well as John Klosowski and M ichael K losowsk i, a nd her cherished great-grandchildren M a t i a s B a r r e r a a n d X av i e r Barrera. A mass of Christian burial was held Nov. 9 at St Paul's R.C. Church, Greenwich. Burial took place at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.
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Ordinary Saints Like You and Me
By Marek Zabriskie Churches across our nation recently celebrated All Saints’ Sunday – one of the five biggest Sundays of the Church Year. Many churches have a larger than usual Sunday attendance and gustily sing hymns like, “For All the Saints” and “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God.” We a r e t h i n k o f f a m o u s persons – like Saint Francis and St. Teresa of Avila and others – when we think about saints. But that omits just about all of us normal earthlings, which is to miss the point of what saints really are and to let ourselves off the hook from leading saintly lives.
Virginia Boorom
Long-time Riverside resident Virginia (Ginny) Fiske Boorom p a s s e d aw ay O c t . 2 4 , 2 02 0 from coronavirus at age 91. A resident of R iverside for 4 8 years, from 1964 to 2012, she moved to Hearthstone Drive with her husband Warren, an A BC Advertising Executive, in 1964. Both of her sons attended school in Greenwich. Mrs. Boorom served for eight yea rs as a repor ter for The Village Gazette, the Greenwich weekly newspaper, specializing in zoning, conservation, and education topics. She was a mem b er of t he R iver side Association Board of Governors from 1977 to 1981, serving as Vice President for two years. She was a member from 1982 to 1991 of the Greenwich Point Committee and served on a five-member subcommittee which wrote the 1990 Greenwich Point Master Plan, now adopted by the town. Ginny moved to Oregon in her later years, and enjoyed spending time with her granddaughter, watching hummingbirds and staying up to date on current events by reading the New York Times daily and watching CNN and Oregon Public Broadcasting. Vi rg i n ia was b or n Apr i l 30, 1929 in Oak Park, Illinois, to Eunice Van Dyne Fiske and Kenneth Morton Fiske of Crystal Lake, IL. She graduated from Nor thwestern Universit y in 1950 where she was a member o f K ap p a A l p h a T h e t a a n d Phi Sigma Iota, the national Romance language honor society. She was also a member of Northwestern University's John Evans Society. She shared a story about getting a ride from the infamous Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy, and noted that his car was filthy inside! After moving to Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, Ginny served Kappa Alpha Theta as State Chairman for Lower New York State, and as Alumnae Rushing Chairman for Westchester County, NY. Ginny was a founder and president for three years of the Hudson River Theta Club and also ser ved as an off icer of the Hastings Republican Club. She was predeceased by her son, John Boorom in 2008, her husband of 58 years, Warren Boorom in 2012, and her brother, Kenneth V. Fiske in 2017. Surviving her are her son Kenneth, daughter-in-law Tessa Hanover, grandchildren Natasha a nd Austin, n ieces Jen n ifer Fiske, Diana Wilson and Nancy Readel, and her cousin Nancy Fleming. In lieu of f lowers, please send donations in her name to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Frederick Buechner writes, Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace. All moments in our ordinary lives can be key moments. God is found in the mundane and ordinary as much as the magnificent and the miraculous. The key is to have the eyes to see the fingerprints of God all around us. Ch r ist Chu rch Gre enw ich congregant Deborah Royce recently had an outstanding interview with our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, our first Black Presiding Bishop, who just published an exceptional memoir entitled Love is the Way: Holding onto Hope in Troubling Times. You can purchase
his book at Dogwood Books and Gifts or watch this exceptional interview on the Christ Church website. Presiding Bishop Curry told Royce and those listening, “When I was asked to write a memoir, I told my publisher, ‘No one is interested i n my l i fe , not even my ow n daughters.’” As he said this, I could hear my own daughters saying something similar about me. But thankfully our Presiding Bishop finally agreed to write about the people who taught him how to love, respect and forgive for others. He is an amazing spiritual leader, but he did not become that all by himself. Along the way, there was a cast of hundreds of teachers, coaches, guidance counselors, mentors, friends, clerg y, aunts, uncles, grandparents and professors. Each played a special role in developing his character and his gifts. Presiding Bishop Curry spoke about figures like Josie Robbins, who after his mother died early in life, leaving her preacher husband
to raise two small children on his own, asked, “How can I help?” The preacher hired Josie to help raise his children. So, she prepared their lunch, ironed their clothes and helped with homework and for decades to follow attended all of their graduations, weddings, births and baptisms. “Josie Robbins is what love looks like,” said Bishop Curry. I suspect that we all have a Josie Robbins in our life – an ordinary saint who played an extraordinary role. Who comes to your mind? In one of his sermons, Buechner said, To be a saint is to live… with the hands stretched out both to give and to receive with gladness. To be a saint is to work and weep for the broken and suffering of the world… Maybe more than anything else, to be a saint is to know joy. Not happiness that comes and goes with
the moments that occasion it, but joy that is always there like an underground spring no matter how dark and terrible the night… It is to live a life that is always giving itself away and yet is always full. That sounds like a manageable job description for each of us. No b o ok ha s made a g r e ater impression on me than Thomas Merton’s spiritual autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain. In it, Merton tells how his friend, Lax, and he were walking down Sixth Avenue on spring night in 1938 towards Greenwich Village. The street was all torn up and red lanterns lit where they were digging the subway. Lax turned to Merton, who was pursuing his Ph.D. at Columbia University and asked, “What do you want to be, anyway?” Merton wanted to be a writer or a teacher, but he put his answer on a spiritual plane. “…I want is to be a good catholic,” he said.
“What do you mean to be a good Catholic?” asked Lax. Merton gave a lame explanation… betraying how little he had thought about it. “What you should say,” said Lax, “is that you want to be a saint.” Merton recoiled. “How do you expect me to be a saint,“ he asked. Simply by wanting to,” said Lax. “I can’t be a saint,” said Merton, reflecting on his own sins, and the false humility which makes people say that they cannot do things that they can and must do... But Lax said, “No. All that is necessary to be a saint is to want to be one.” God created each of us to be a saint with a small “s”, and the desire to lead a saintly life is half the battle. Yet, we so often feel dwarfed by those saints with a capital “S,” – people like St. Paul, who formulated the Christian faith, or St. Francis of Assisi, who gave away everything and served the poor, or St. Teresa of Avila, whose mystic eyes penetrated into peoples’ souls.
family and Mary Lake and I will miss her every day." T he M au r e r Fou nd at ion grants are designed to enrich communities and the lives of their patrons through programs of cultural value. Grants help br o ade n ac c e s s to t he a r t s and raise artistic standards. Previous grants have gone to the New York Botanical Garden, the Norton Gallery and School of Art, the Los Angeles Opera and many other institutions. In addition to her work at the Maurer Family Foundation, both Ann and Gil have been actively involved w ith the Nor ton Museum of Art, located in West Palm Beach, Florida. Ann and Gil have been longtime residents of Palm Beach, Florida. She is sur v ived by her husband, Gil, their five children, C h r i s t o p h e r, D a v i d , Pe t e r, Jonathan and Meredith, her s i s t e r, Ja n e D ' E s p i n o s a , 1 1 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Funeral arrangements are private. Donations may be made to the Ann E. Maurer Scholarship F u nd , Wel le sley Col le ge . A celebration of Ann's life will be scheduled at a future date.
pro duc t ions, ma ny of t hem in starring roles. Carol was a regular soloist at several local houses of worship, including the Noroton Presbyterian Church, Temple Beth-El, and Temple Sinai in Stamford, and enjoyed singing even into her final days. Carol was also a valued, longtime employee of Hall's Magazine Reports in Greenwich, CT. Carol took special delight in her ex tensive brood of g ra ndch i ld ren, who a lways k new t h at " G ra nd m a", " G r a m m y " o r " G r a m" w a s interested in hearing all about their latest exploits and were nurtured by her unconditional love. She was a devoted parishioner at St. Clement's Church in Stamford, CT. Carol is sur v ived by her three children, Anthony P r i nc iot t i of Conc or d , M A , Anna Princiotti of Riverside, CT, and Angela Princiotti of Basel, Switzerland; her seven grandchildren, Jennifer Marro Gale and her husband Michael Gale, Christopher Marro, B enja m i n M a r r o, Cou r t ney White, Tyler White, and Jordan White; as well as two greatgrandchildren, Adrianna and Noelle Marro Gale. Carol is also survived by her sisters Irene Gillette and Diane Calderazzo as well as numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, Carol was preceded in death by her brother Richard Mobley and her sister Barbara Hewitt. A mass of Christian burial was held Nov. 6 at St. Clement of Rome Church, Stamford. The interment immediately followed mass at St. Mary R.C. Cemetery in Greenwich. In accordance w ith the current social restrictions due to COVID-19, please be sure to bring a face covering and adhere to distancing standards if you plan on attending the services. In lieu of f lowers memorial do n at i o n s m ay b e m a d e i n Carol's name to St. Clement of Rome R.C. Church, 535 Fairfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902.
William Strain
July 26, 1931-October 12, 2020 William N.H. "Bill" Strain, 89, of Round Hill, Greenwich, CT, ou r b eloved Fi re Ch ief, answered his last alarm and entered eternal rest on Oct. 12, 2020. A lifelong resident of Round Hill and the third-generation ow ner of t he St ra i n fa m i ly businesses including the Round Hill Service Station, the Round H i l l S t o r e , F. H . S t r a i n O i l Company and Mader Petroleum, Bi l l w a s a cha r ter mem b er (1948), driver and pump operator with the Round Hill Volunteer Fire Company (RHVFC) before being called into service in the U.S. Army in 1952. Newly married to his beloved w ife Jack ie, Corporal Strain served as a Motor Sergeant and signal corps radio operator with the 164th OIFCRD. Honorably d ischa rge d i n 195 4 , he a nd Jackie returned to Greenwich, the family businesses and the Fire Company, where Bill was elevated to Captain (1955-1958) a nd then Ch ief (1958-1974). Additionally, Bill served as a Deputy Forest Fire Warden, Acting Town Fie Chief (1971), a member of the International A s s o c iat ion of F i r e Ch iefs , a District Chief for the New England Association of Fire Ch ie f s , a nd Pa s t P r e side nt of the Greenw ich Fireman's A ssociat ion. He is b el ieve d to hold the distinctions both o f " yo u n g e s t F i r e C h i e f i n Connecticut history" and "oldest qualified fire truck driver", with 65 years of service fighting fires. In 2011, his final year as a driver, he received a Lifetime of Service Award and October 16 was name "Bill Strain Day" by the Town of Greenwich, in honor of his service to first responders. A proud truck driver and outstanding master mechanic, Bill of ten built replacement parts for customers' antique or specia lt y ca r pa r ts were no longer obtainable. In 2009 Greenwich Magazine named him the "Soul of Round Hill", a distinction which followed closely behind by that of The Round Hill Association, Inc.'s, who called him the "Chief of Round Hill". He was preceded in death by h is pa rents, h is brot her and sister, and by his beloved wife Jackie, who first captured his heart at a Round Hill Community House dance. He is survived by f ive loving daug hters: Robi n Va nacor e ( Joh n), Sa ndy Rega n ( Bi l l), Barbara Berleth ( Jeff ), Holly Gillespie (Eamonn) and Jackie Wood (Jon); two grandchildren: Christopher Berleth (Kali) and Katie Wignall (Kevin); two stepgrandchildren Lisa Balleau and Sean Regan; and two g reatgrandchildren, Remington and Rutledge Berleth. A private funeral and graveside service were held Oct. 17 by the family and Bill was laid to rest at the Middle Patent Rural Cemetery. A memorial service will be held in his honor at a future to-be-determined date. In honor of Bill's memory, contributions can be made to the American Brain Foundation
or the American Stroke Association.
John Grier Poole
Jo h n G r i e r Po o l e ( Ja c k) died peacefully on Sept. 27 in Stamford, CT. Jack was born Jan.11, 1943, the son of Ann and Donald Poole of Swathmore, PA. Jack attended Swathmore High School, in PA, Class of 1960. After spending a PG year at the Fountain Valley School in Colorado, he received a Bachelor of A r ts deg ree f rom Brow n University (class of 1965) where he was active in u n iversit y affairs and where he made many lifelong friends. After receiving an M.B.A. deg ree f rom t he Un iversit y of Penn, Wharton School he accepted a job w ith Mer r i l l Lynch in investment banking. His career there was spent in New York and then in Chicago. L ater, he a nd t wo pa r t ners formed Stanwich Partners Inc., an investment firm in Greenwich and then Stamford CT. He and the former Lydia Br ig gs mar r ied in 1966 and raised their three children, Jesse, Amanda, and David in New York City, Chicago, Greenwich, and Rehoboth Beach, DE. He was a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity, The University Club of New York, the Racquet Club of Chicago, t h e F i e ld C lu b a n d S e c on d Congregational Church both of Greenwich, CT. He is survived by his three children, five grandchildren Aidan and Catherine Delaney of Cos Cob, CT, and Lillian, Hartley and Winslow Poole of Dover, MA, and by his brother, Donald W. Poole of Rye, NY. Jack will be remembered for his bright engaging mind, great style, sense of humor, and delight in his friends and family (both human and canine).
of congestive heart failure. Married since 1951 to Gilbert C. Maurer, director and former COO of Hearst, A nn was an accomplished and passionate chef, a devoted mother a nd an active member of her local com munit y as well as the ar t communit y throug h her role with the Maurer Family Foundation. Born in Philadelphia in 1930, Ann graduated from Wellesley College in 1951 and co-founded the Maurer Public Speak ing Program at the college in 2012 with her husband, Gil, and also established a scholarship fund there in her name. She was also a talented book editor for 30 years and a world traveler. "Both an incredible partner and generous soul, Ann worked tirelessly to enrich communities by supporting their cultural programs," said Gil. "A lifelong lover of the arts, she was always look ing for ways to make programs more accessible for all. I feel blessed to have called her my wife." "Ann and Gil Maurer have built a remarkable family and philanthropic legacy together and have served as great role mo dels to scor e s of He a rst colleagues and others over the years for lives supremely welllived," said Steven R. Swartz, president and chief executive officer of Hearst. "On behalf of all of our Hearst colleagues, I want to extend our deepest c ondole nc e s to Gi l a nd t he Maurer family. We will all miss Ann terribly." " I ' ve b e e n pr i v i le ge d to have shared my personal and business life for more than 45 years with Ann Maurer and my indispensable partner Gil," said Frank A. Bennack, Jr., executive vice chairman and former chief executive officer of Hearst. "Ann was the gold standard as wife, mother and steadfast friend. She was among the best judges of character I ever met. Her exceptional intelligence, empathy and zest for life was evident to all who knew her. She was truly
Page 11 |Greenwich Sentinel
Carol Princiotti Carol Princiotti, 85, passed away peacefully on Monday, Nov. 2, 2020 at her home in Riverside, CT with her daughters by her side. Carol was born in Hornell, NY on Feb. 19, 1935, the fourth child of the late Juanita Holcroft Mobley and Cecil Mobley. She graduated from Hornell High School and attended the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. A gifted singer, Carol did studio work in New York City upon leaving Oberlin. She met her husband, the late Salvatore Princiotti, in Falmouth, MA, where they were participants in summer stock musical theater performances. After settling in Riverside with her husband in 1962, Carol, one of the most outstanding mezzo sopranos in the area, continued to sing professionally, performing in countless stage
The Rev. Marek Zabriskie is the Rector at Christ Church
Do they know? If
Ann Maurer
If If
A n n E . M au r e r, Philanthropist and Board Member of the Maurer Family Foundation, dies at 89. Ann E. Maurer, loving wife and mother, book editor, chef, philanthropist and co-founder of the Maurer Family Foundation, died Oct. 30, three days before her 90th birthday, in Connecticut
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Worship Services Information ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite). Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Children's Ministries: Wed, 7-8:30pm ( Evening Prayer Meeting: Fri, 7-8:30pm. ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). The Glory Of Christ (Bible Study): through Nov. 18, 7-8:30pm, register, Soul Care Conference: Nov. 19-21, 9am-5pm, ( 2020 Children's Christmas Choir: through Nov. 29, Sun, 11-11:30am, register. Discovery Track, every Sun through Dec. 2, 7-8:30pm. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:30-9:15am, via Google Meet. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: Vigil, 4pm (also live streamed); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). The 2021 Mass Book is open for Mass, Altar Flowers and Altar Bread & Wine requests. Thanksgiving Food Drive: parishioners are asked to contribute a $20 gift card of either ShopRite or Stop & Shop or Cash Donations (put it in an envelope and drop it off in the Sunday collection baskets or drop it off at the rectory or mail it to 38 Gold St). St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Daily Masses: Livestreamed only: 7am; In-person at St. Agnes Church: 5:15pm. Weekend Masses: Sat: 5pm Vigil, St. Catherine’s Church (Livestreamed and Inperson). Sunday: 8:30am, In-person at St. Agnes; 10:30am, In-person & livestreamed at St. Catherine; 11am, In-person Language Masses at St. Agnes (French: 2nd Sun of the month, Spanish: 4th Sun); 5pm, In-person & livestreamed at St. Catherine. (Registration to attend Mass in person is required, at: signupgenius. com/go/805094eafae2aa4f58-mass). If you or someone you know is homebound or going to be in the hospital and would like Confession, Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). The Ancient Near East: Land of Babel: ‘The challenge of Transmitting Tradition to Posterity’: Nov. 18, 5-6:15pm, via Zoom. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). Thanksgiving Food Drive: through Nov. 21 (please consider purchasing a store card from Acme, ShopRite, or Stop & Shop, and drop them off in the Parish Center or place them in the collection box at Masses).
St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (All masses are Live Streamed on Zoom. Log onto the website at stmichaelgreenwich. com to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). Saint Michael the Archangel Men’s Association Thanksgiving Turkey Drive: through Nov. 18, please volunteer and/or donate, phuston@hudsonferry. com. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Live-streamed, 10-11am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Worship, Children's Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. RHCC Youth Group Service Project: Neighbor to Neighbor Collection: Nov. 15, 11:30am. THRIVE - High School Youth Group Gathering: Nov. 18, 6pm. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: Outdoor Service: Sun 8-9am, Memory Garden (sign-up online or call the church office); Virtual Worship: through live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM or 105.5 FM). Connect during the week: Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All and Faith Formation for Children (sent by Rosemary Lamie). The Giving Tree: through Nov. 22 (choose via Sign Up Genius. Gifts should be returned to the drive by collection at church on Harvest Sunday, Nov. 22). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at 2cc. org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year.
Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Outdoors: Sun, 8am, TomesHiggins-Front Lawn (in the event of heavy rain, services will be moved to the Chapel), registration is required (akryzak@christchurchgreenwich. org); Virtual: Sun, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Weekdays: Mon-Fri, 8am, on Zoom. Eucharist & Healing Prayer: Tue, 10am, in-person. Choral Evensong: Sun, 5pm & Thu, 6:30pm, in-person & livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Terry's Bible Study: The Book of Esther: Wed, 10am, Chapel In-person or via Zoom. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. Pacific House Meal-aMonth: Pacific House seeks volunteers to cook dinner to feed 40 men. Torah Study with Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz & Rev. Marek Zabriskie: Sun, through Nov. 15, 6:30pm, via Zoom. Youth Group: Nov. 13, 6-8pm. Forum: ‘Hope on Any Given Day’: Nov. 15, 11am, Parish Hall. Fire & Wine: Nov. 19, 7-8pm, behind the Tomes-Higgins House. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Outdoor Holy Eucharist, 8-9am; Live & Virtual Holy Eucharist, 10-11am ( go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship: Sun, 8am, indoor, register. Discovery Hour - Conversations on Racial Reconciliation: Sun, 9:30am, outside the library. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. Inspirica Harvest of Hope: Thanksgiving basket food and donation collection for Inspirica, contact Paul Lindemeyer or Deacon Liz - St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Resilience Series: ‘Great Lessons from a Great Man: Elie Wiesel’s Legacy and the American Political Divide’: Nov. 15, 8:15pm, on Zoom. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Women’s Rosh Chodesh: Nov. 16, 7:30-9pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:15am. Rashi with the Rabbi: Tue, 121pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, Torah Study: Nov. 15, 6:30pm, on Zoom. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm.
METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (us02web.; via phone: Dialin: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, 575 Hope St. Stamford (Humbled Coffee. Bring your own lawn chair and arrive at 10am or earlier). Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: *Outdoor Sunday Service: Sundays, 10am, In-Person/Online. *Keeping the Grace in Race: Nov. 19, 7pm, online. *Thanksgiving Eve Service: Nov. 25, 7pm, In-Person/Online. *’Trust, Truth, and Trauma: Is Forgiveness Politically Possible?’: Nov. 30, 7pm, In-Person/ Online. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service held online via Zoom. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, youtube. com/c/TrinityChurchLife/live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays: Nov. 19, 6:459pm, register. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Interfaith Blood Drive: Nov. 14, 8am-1:30pm, edna. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman's Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 1011:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:309am, online. Operation Christmas Child: Nov. 16, all day, online. Wednesday Prayer: Nov. 18, 8:30-9am, online.
Amateurs Who Care
By Edward G. Horstmann I onc e s aw a c a r to on i n T h e Ne w Yo rk e r m a g a z i n e that showed a man sitting on a sofa and a woman (noticeably pregnant) sitting beside him. As they look through a book of baby names, she says: “Remember: we want her to stand out and fit in.” It can be good to belong to something in a way that feels like a great fit, and to know that we fit in because our gifts are needed. Sometimes, however, we mu st st a nd out , a nd go against the grain. After all, what would the world be like without odd ducks who dare to question unquestioned attitudes or assumptions? I’m thinking that the Rev.
Samuel Willard was the kind of person who knew how to fit in and stand out. Willard was the pastor of the Third Church in Boston, M a s s a c h u s e t t s . H e s e r ve d that congregation from 1678 until 1707 and on May 30, 1694 he preached an Election Day sermon: the annual election ser mon was a v i bra nt New England tradition, introduced in the 1600s and lasting until the latter years of the nineteenth c e nt u r y. It w a s a m e s s a g e delivered to those who had been elected to positions of leadership in local government, and to those who had elected them. Willard’s message that day was titled, The Character of a Good Ruler. As he preached he devoted special attention to the magistrates who had just been elected to their positions. They were part of his flock, and from them he expected w ise and compassionate leadership for the common good. But the Rev. Willard didn’t neglect to address others who had gathered for worship that mor n i ng . H i s c ong r e g at ion included people who may have considered themselves much
After all, what would the world be like without odd ducks who dare to question unquestioned attitudes or assumptions? less powerful than those elected officials. But without them and t hei r votes t he mag istrates would not have been elected to office. And Samuel Willard also acknowledged the memories of an event that had taken place two years earlier in the Boston area: the Salem Witch Trials. He had direct experience of that tragedy. Some members of his congregation had been accused of witchcraft. Some of the accusers were also members of his congregation. Samuel Willard was pastor to all of them. And he risked his pastoral authority, and even his life, to serve as a voice of reason throughout the hysteria. He was instrumental in helping to disband the tribunal that was responsible for the deaths of t went y people by state execution. Than k G od, he was willing to stand out when
standing out was required. Look ing out over the congregation from his pulpit, Willard insisted that a civil ruler “must be one who preferred the public benefit above all private and separate interest, must be above f lattery and bribery, and must hate ambition and covetousness.” He emphasized, “A people a re not made for rulers but rulers for a people…” Samuel Willard also challenged his congregation. How did they want to be remembered? As people who could be counted upon to raise t hei r ha nds h ig h i n ac ts of responsible leadership, or as people who would sit on their hands when leadership was most required? In the Presbyterian Church where my faith was first raised, a communion table stood at t he f r ont of t he s a nc t ua r y, on it t hese words: “Do t h is
so that we can focus on what most needs to get done? Like devoting attention to the care of creation for the sake of future generations. Like practicing p at ience a nd de cenc y w it h friends and strangers alike, and especially those whose political views may differ from our own. M ayb e t he Ele c t ion Day sermon we most need to hear comes f rom Parker Palmer, who writes about how to renew the spirit of democracy in our world. He says, “A community consists not only of specialized professionals but of generalized amateurs. It is worth recalling the root meaning of that word amateur: it means lover or to love. The key to curing is care, and it seems more and more obvious that the dis-eases of our time will be cured not only by professiona ls, but by a n abundance of amateurs who care.” A mateu rs who ca re: not a bad job description for t ho s e who w a nt to b e wel l remembered.
i n r e m e m b r a n c e o f m e .” Those were a mong t he last words that Jesus spoke to his friends, offered as he shared a meal with them, and when you’re conscious of speaking last words, you want to say something that will last. He was telling them how he wanted to be remembered. “Do this,” he said, “break bread and pour wine because that will remind you of the generosity of God that f lowed from me, and the inclusive love of God that flowed from my heart, and the tenderness of God that worked through my hands.” In other words, live as I lived. In this election season, in the midst of a global pandemic, how do we want to be remembered? What matters of lesser importance will we set aside so that we can set our hearts T h e Re v. D r. E d w a r d G . where true joy is to be found? Horstmann is the Senior Minister What will we choose not to do at Round Hill Community Church.
Something We Need To Be Doing Now By Terry Elsberry A sermon preached on Oct. 11, 2020 at Christ Church. I’m a student at Virginia Seminary, five miles from the Pentagon. It’s the first day of my CPE, and I’m scared. W h a t ’s C P E ? C l i n i c a l Pastoral Education. All Episcopal seminarians need to take a summer of CPE following their freshman year. What CPE means is you spend a summer in a health care facility. Mostly you observe. You also get to call on patients and, hopefully, hone your pastoral skills for calling on people in hospitals. Why scared? Because I’ve chosen for my hospita l St. Elizabeth’s Federa l Menta l Hospital in Washington, DC. It’s for high need, some high risk, some even dangerously psycholog ica lly impaired mental patients. John Hinckley, the man who shot President Reagan is at St. Elizabeth’s. I could not feel more inadequate I’ve met with my supervisor. He’s told me what to do this first morning. Which is spend the morning in what he called The Day Room. “What should I do?” I ask.” “Observe,” he says. “Today all you have to do is observe.” T h e n h e h a n d s m e t wo u nu su a l ly la r ge keys on a chain. He says, “Unlock the first door. Then lock it behind you.” “Go down the hall, unlock the second door and lock it behind you.” With a big grin, he gives me a little shove. I am literally shak ing in my shoes. First door. Unlock; lock. Second door. Unlock; lock. Nobody told me I’d be in a locked ward, let alone a doubly locked ward. Why didn’t I sign on for some nice, normal, s we e t l it t l e n e i g h b orh o o d hospital? What am I doing here, anyway? To o l a t e f o r s e c o n d g u e s s i n g . Sudd e n l y I f i n d myself in a large room with lots of windows and a whole lot of very psychologically ill people. Are they dangerous? Will they hurt me? What can I do? As it turned out, nothing was really required of me that morning. Mostly the people in the room ignored me. Four guys were in the corner playing pool. There were a couple of groups talking. Some people just sat and stared. Some looked out the window. A woman in the corner was at the piano playing a surpassingly beautiful Grieg sonata. So what did I do? Moved around, said hello to people who would look in my direction. And prayed, prayed something like, “Help, Lord.” And he did. As the summer c ont i nue d , I fou nd p e op le who would talk to me. Some of t he c onver s at ion s wer e nonsensical, some brilliant.
Two mornings a week, I led a Bible study. I b e g a n to s e e t h at t h e people in the Day Room were just people like any of us. They just happened to be burdened w ith a tragic af f liction. I b e g a n to u nw i n d , r e l a x . I discovered what one of my professors called “the ministry
Just before we went through the buffet line, Althea came up to me. She said, “Before you leave, I want you to know how you changed my life this summer.” Gulping, having absolutely no idea what to expect, I said, “Go ahead. Tell me.” She said that the morning I preached in chapel a story I told
down from the one she’d been in for so long. It meant she was getting better. He a r i ng A lt he a’s words was the first time I recognized something that had been with me all my life but that I had somehow ta ken for granted. It was the power of encouragement. THAT WAS
Encourage yourselves, encourage others with the promise, with the reminder, that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So that we might join hands and hearts and move forward through these dark and desperate times on the brightest of all paths to a better place: the path of His encouragement. of presence.” In other words, you just hang out with people and pray silently for them and ask God to somehow comfort them through you. Before the summer was over, I learned something else. I learned the importance of intentionally doing a certain thing that can help anyone in any situation in life. It’s something that can help people carry on when they feel like giving up. It’s something that can help us survive the problems and difficulties, even the tragedies of life. It ’s s om e t h i n g you a nd I, as p eople of G o d i n t h is unprecedented time of pandemic need to be doing. Midway through the summer session, J. Edward my supervisor said, “Terry, at this week’s chapel service I want you to preach.” P reach? Me preach? I wanted to beg off; pleaded for time. But no way. J. Edward was adamant. I was going to preach at the next chapel service. My sermon was happily short. Happily for the congregation. Happily for me. I prayed, asked the Lord what He wanted me to talk about. What He gave me was simple, you might call it Christianity 101. But my little message of the morning had a surprising result. A result I didn’t learn about until several weeks later, at the end of the session, on the last day of my CPE experience. That’s when I learned the value of doing what I’m charging you, and me, with doing. On the last day of CPE, we had a picnic, outdoors on the grounds for all of us students from seminaries all around the DC area, our supervisors, members of the hospital staff and a few of the patients who were considered able to leave the building. One of the patients was a mem ber of my g roup; an attractive woman in her late Tw e n t i e s . H e r n a m e w a s Althea.
about something that happened to me as a little boy had changed her life. I could take no credit. The Lord had given me the idea. That’s why I’d based my homily on the first time I ever heard the most important song of my life. I was in Sunday School, four years old, and my teacher taught me “Jesus loves me, this I know.” I ta l ked a bout how that simple little song had brought me through some of the worst times of my life. I said I’d learned through my life experiences that Jesus loves us no matter what we may be going through; Jesus loves us even when we forget Him and give our lives over to all kinds of other interests and pursuits. Jesus loves us when we turn our backs on Him. And always, always when we want to come back to Him, He welcomes us back with the open arms of unchanging, everlasting, always forgiving love. “ Yo u r w o r d s c h a n g e d my life,” Althea said. “I’m a Christian. I can’t believe I’ve never heard that song before. My church upbringing wasn’t about love, it was about being good, doing right, staying out of trouble. For the first time in my life, I feel encouraged. “ Yo u r w o r d s g a v e m e encou ragement,” she s a id. “And I never felt encouraged in my whole life before. I’ve spent my life just dragging along, carrying the burden of my illness, feeling nothing but unloved and unlovable. “If Jesus really does love me, no matter who I am or how sick I am; if He really does love me no matter what, then I may be able to have a life after all. I have hope that I can come through this to a better place. I’m encouraged!” And with that, Althea’s face lit up with a blazing smile like the sun coming out after a long spell of stormy weather, and she went off to enjoy the picnic. Later I heard she’d just been moved to a new unit, a step
THE GREATEST LEARNING OF M Y SU M M ER . I T WA S S OM ET H I NG I ’ D A LWAYS H A D I N M Y L I F E , I J US T HADN’T RECOGNIZED IT FOR WHAT IT WAS. Looking back in my own life I remembered the teachers, the coaches, the friends who had encouraged me. I remembered my parents saying, “You can do it!” I remembered how my Encouragers had helped me do things I never thought I could do, make the most of a bad situation. Think of the people
who have encouraged you. Most of all, it’s been Jesus who has picked me up when time after time I’ve fallen down and the Lord who has brought me through tough times to a better place. So here we are now, living in the midst of terrible times. Times so unheard of, so heart-wrenching, so anxietyproducing, so filled with grief I can’t find the words to express it. The number of new Covid cases across our country, the num ber of lives still being lost are unfathomable. Forest f ires burning thousands of acres on the West Coast. More hurricanes, windstorms and f loods i n t he M idwest a nd S out h . Pe ople losi ng t hei r businesses, jobs, sometimes their homes. But as Christians, we’re here with a mission. It’s a mission to not give up, not give in–to fear, frustration, anxiety, pessimism or any of the other commonly felt, natural responses to tragic situations. We’re being called by the Lord to look up, look up to Him, find in Him the power of His Spirit and the encouragement of His great love for us. He’s calling us not only to encourage others. He’s calling us to encourage ourselves. In one of my favorite lines in the Bible, we read that one
time when David was going through a rough place, as the Bible says, “David went out and encouraged himself in the Lord.” What’s it mean to encourage ourselves in the Lord? It means we remind ourselves that He’s with us, that He’s always got our back, that He will always bring us through. A nd hav i ng encou raged Himself in the Lord, Dav id went back to the path G od had in mind for him. A path of possibility, a path of opportunity, a path of promise. We’re living in desperate times. Which means we desperately need each other, we desperately need our church, we desperately need the Lord. E n c o u r a g e yo u r s e l ve s , encou rage ot hers w it h t he promise, with the reminder, t h a t we c a n d o a l l t h i n g s through Christ who strengthens us. So that we might join hands and hearts and move forward through these dark and desperate times on the brightest of all paths to a better place: the path of His encouragement. Terr y served as Associate Rector at Christ Church from 1986-1994, and has now returned as Priest Associate. He recently r e t i r e d a s th e Re c to r of S t . Matthew’s Church in Bedford, NY, where he served for the last 23 years.
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Wildly Successful
An 11 Million Year Old is Making a Come Back By Jim Knox As an angler, and a lover of all things outdoors, it will come as no surprise that my life events are frequently defined by their intersection w ith the natural world. Much like a song will spark memories rich with place details, I relive special life moments based upon my time spent in the wild. When my brother and I took my son fishing along Pound Ridge Reservation’s Waccabuc River, we were hoping for him to catch just one fish. My memories of that September day 11 years ago are crystal clear. The sky was Robin’s Egg Blue, the gravel bank along the river’s gentle curve held a fresh track from a yearling Black Bear, and my son had a fish on the line before we could get our cameras out. Unlike it’s brethren pointed upstream with eyes to the current awaiting their next meal, the small trout on the end of his line gave up its camouf lage posture to reveal sparkling silver flashes as it fought hard in the clear water. Tempering his excitement with cries of, “I got one! I got one!”, we coached him to guide the little guy into the shallow water at the pool’s southern end. It was there we paused to savor the moment and snap a few quick pictures without stressing the fish. “What type is it Dad?!”, he asked earnestly.
Seventh and eighth grade students are leading the way and making a big difference. “ T h a t ’s a B r o o k Tr o u t ! ”, I announced, echoing his excitement. Sadly, due to development, land and water use practices, this New England original has been wiped out from nearly 30%, and reduced from roughly 50%, of its native waters. We had reason to be excited. Simply put, if you’ve got Brook Trout, you’ve got clean water. The f ish we beheld was a beautiful creature; its lean body a rendering of nature’s palette come to life. Sporting a frosted green back with lighter wavy, wo r m-l i k e m a r k i n g s k n ow n as vermiculations, its pattern resembled the sw if t sw irling waters ref lecting the sunlight,
rendering it all but invisible to predators from above. Its bluesilver f lanks revealed creamcolored speck ling with bright scarlet spots encircled by blue halos along its midline. A tangerine colored belly with white-edged scarlet fins completed the brilliant coloration of the native f ish. A couple of photos with the beaming fisherman before a swift release a nd t he l it t le t r out r e su me d its place with the others in the coursing current at the head of the pool. That f ish impressed us like countless generations before us. Salvelinus fontinalis, better known as the Brook Trout, is not quite what it seems. Properly known as a char, these 11 million year old
Astrology for Week of Nov. 15, 2020 SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov There’s no point telling you to take things easy this week as the New Moon in your sign will compel you to push yourself hard. You have finally emerged from a long phase of nothing seeming to go right and now you will want to make the most of it.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May Friends and colleagues will want to help you this week and you must take advantage of it. A New Moon highlighting partnerships means that if you work willingly with others now the results will be highly beneficial, and a lot better than if you work on your own.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You don’t like others trying to exert their will on you so don’t try to impose your will on them. In fact, the planets urge you to take time off from the hurly burly to think about the meaning of your existence. That small still voice within knows all the answers.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June If you need to push yourself hard to achieve an important goal then do so now as the New Moon boosts your energy. But you must promise yourself that once you’ve reached your objective you’ll reward yourself with a period of complete rest.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan A New Moon focussing on team efforts makes this the ideal week to get involved in movements or causes you believe in. Even if you’re not political there are many issues you feel strongly about. Don’t stand on the sidelines – your talents are needed.
CANCER 22 June-23 July Your physical and mental powers are at their peak so don’t let the negative side of your brain tell you something’s not possible. The New Moon boosts your confidence to a level it has not reached for some time. Keep it there as long as you can.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You like a challenge and that’s good as you are about to face one. This week’s midheaven New Moon will present you with an important task and if you make a good job of it your reputation will soar. But the opposite also applies, so don’t mess it up.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug You must focus on your family and personal issues this week. No matter how vital other areas of your life may be they depend largely on your relationships with those you live with. This is the time to iron out any disputes between you. Love is the answer.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You’ll have plenty of energy and enthusiasm this week, possibly too much. A particularly adventurous New Moon means you’ll take any risk to get what you want – which is to be the best at what you do, and, of course, to be recognised as such.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept No matter how dramatic the changes that take place this week, bear in mind that they are designed to benefit you. That may be hard to believe if things don’t work out as planned but it simply means your plans were wrong. Embrace your fate.
ARIES 21 March-20 April You don’t usually lack faith in your abilities but the Sun in Scorpio can have a negative effect on your self-belief. However, the New Moon means that the attitude you adopt over the next 24 hours will stay with you for weeks. Think positive.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct This is a great week to finalise plans of all kinds but especially those in which you have a financial stake. A material New Moon indicates that what you agree to now will pay dividends in the future, but only if you trust your instincts, and other people.
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creatures are not true trout but are close kin to their trout and salmon relatives. While all of these fish are streamlined, lack spines in their fins, and require clean, cold, oxygen-rich water, they still exhibit tremendous diversity. Most of the differences have to do with scale and camouf lage patterns. Whereas trout and salmon have a light background with dark spots or speckles, char have a dark background with light spots or speckles. Wherever they are found, they are indicators of very healthy environmental conditions. Similarly, their presence results in greater distribution of vital nutrients to entire stream and river communities, enhanced biodiversity, amazing angling experience for any sevenyear old! At the time of colonial settlement, the only two members of this greater cold water clan in New England were the bold, brawny Atlantic Salmon inhabiting “big waters” like the Connecticut River, and the shy, dainty Brook Trout inhabiting “small waters” like spring fed glacial kettle ponds and headwater streams. In fact, the Brook Trout’s latin name, Salvelinus fontinalis, roughly translates to “the little char that lives in springs”, referring to its need for pure, cold waters. It’s status as an environmental indicator species is undeniable. T h a n k f u l l y, t h e r e w e r e
conservationists who said the lo s s of t he Br o ok Tr out w a s unacceptable, and their age would surprise you. Beginning in 2011, Con nec t icut ’s Bea rdsley Zoo launched its middle school Trout in the Classroom program. As one of 114 classroom programs statewide who raise trout and release them into Connecticut’s streams and rivers, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo has the unique opportunity to connect students with this species on an individual level. With the added benefit of getting kids involved in Brook Trout care and release, the zoo, along with their close partners, The Connecticut Department of Energ y and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and its Inland Fisheries Division, train students to roll up their sleeves and dive into conservation. The com m itment of these dedicated wildlife professionals is reflected in the students. Their focus, work ethic, and caring have r e su lte d i n a c r ow n i ng conservation achievement--the successful reintroduction of Brook Trout to the Pequonnock River watershed after an absence for more than 100 years. Fast forward a decade and a good story gets even better. With tons of trash removed from the Pequonnock, thousands of ground cover plants, shrubs and trees planted, and hundreds of fish released into their ancestral
waters, the kids are making a difference! Seventh a nd eig hth g rade students from Bridgeport’s Park City Prep and Bridge Academy are leading the way. They are providing expert care for the little char, headstarting them to provide protection from predators such as Belted Kingfishers and Giant Water Bugs, and getting them back to the river before the temperature drops in the late fall. In recent years, zoo staff has even confirmed the return of “Salters” or sea-run Brook Trout to Fairfield County--the first in perhaps 150 years. My family and I have been fortunate enough to share the experience of catching and releasing wild Brook Trout in their native waters like so many previous generations of anglers. Increasing numbers of Fairfield County residents have worked side by side with their neighbors, ensuring future generations will be able to enjoy the same experience and treasure such memories. When these young people are given a chance to work together to achieve common goals, students and Brook Trout alike, take to success... swimmingly. Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Adviser for The Bruce Museum. Jim shares his passion for the working with the world's wildlife with audiences and readers of all ages.
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10.
Very Hard
Very Hard
Dramatic Differences Continue in Our Neighborhoods By Mark Pruner
First some good news, Greenwich just passed 700 sales for the year to date. This is the f irst time we have done that since 2013 when we had 724 sales for the entire year. Prior to that, you have to go back to 2007 to see sales exceed 700 houses for the year. But the news gets even better, in those t wo earlier years, we didn’t have 171 contracts waiting to close. With most of the election uncertainty behind us, closings should pick up in November and are likely to exceed October 2020’s 92 sales. One thing you can be sure of is that we will exceed our 10-year average of 39 November house sales, since we are already at 31 sales with only a third of the month gone. As of the end of October, we are up 109% on contracts over last year, while our sales are up “only” 49%, since we had to make up for a slow first half. In that slow first half, we were down 11% in sales compared to our ten-year average. Year over year, we were up 17% compared to our anemic 2019. The second half surge in sales and contract is however, not a town-wide phenomenon. Our new sweet spot in town is mid-country so let’s take a detailed look at this area, that is bigger than backcountry, but doesn’t get nearly the attention that backcountry does. For the GMLS there is no backcountry. It’s kind of like the rules of golf not mentioning the rough that you find on every golf course. The GMLS has a huge section of the town called South of the Parkway. This area goes all the way from the southside of the Merritt Parkway to the north side of the Post Road. It starts in the west at the New York border and continues all the way to the Stamford border in the east except where it bumps up against Cos Cob. We also call much of this a r e a m id- c ou nt r y, but t he s out h e r n e n d o f t h i s a r e a isn’t. Students in the South of t he Pa rk way se c t ion go to four different elementary schools; Parkway, North Street, Glenville and Julian Curtis. The houses South of the Parkway are located in 5 different P&Z zones. The smallest is the R-7 zone with 7,500 s.f. minimum lot size lots located on lower Lake Avenue near the hospital. The largest zone is the RA-2 zone with 87,120 s.f. lots south of the Merritt Parkway. The h ig he st sa le s pr ice South of the Parkway in 2020 is 13,412 s.f. in Deer Park that sold for $10,750,000. The square footage of this house is almost double the lot size in the R-7 zone. The least expensive house Sout h of t he Pa rk way was
Ridgefield and Weston. Covid buyers who can’t find what they want in Greenwich are moving up t h e l i n e . Mo s t o f t h e m haven’t been in their office for months and if you are going into your office once a week, what’s an extra 30 minutes in your commute a few times a month. Coming up a new president, new COVID vaccines, vaccine deniers, another multi-trillion dollar stimulus package and a significant increase in sales stuff no one has predicted. Stay prices in any neighborhood. tuned….. Th is is b e c au se t he a b ove analysis is not for price Mark Pruner is a Realtor increases. This year Greenwich with Berkshire Hathaway in is competing not only against Greenwich. He can reached at Darien and New Canaan, but 203-969-7900 or mark@bhhsne. also Wilton and Bedford, and com.
Mid-country Greenwich doesn't get the attention it deserves. It is
leading the town in the number of increased sales and is third in
the percent increase over last year. It has also had a major drop in inventory making a tighter market. actually in the R-12 zone and sold for $850,000 near Central Middle School. To draw overall statistical conclusions from such a diverse set of prices and lot size is problematic, but it’s what we have. When you look at the nu m b e r s fo r S o ut h o f t h e Pa rk w ay, t h e y a r e a l m o s t t w ice a ny ot her sec t ion of the town. Part of that is that as mentioned, it is by far the largest section of Greenwich, but it’s also has had the biggest gains in sales this year. Last year, South of the Parkway had 115 sales out of 449 sales or 25.6% of all sales. This year South of the Parkway, we have had 198 sales out of 671 sales or 29.5%. So, more sales and a bigger share of these increased sales as people are buying up the 1- and 2-acre zones in this section. Match the increase in sales with a drop of 31% in listings and you better bring you A-game and a good Realtor if you want the house. The three other areas where we saw big jumps in the number of sales were Riverside,
Cos Cob and Backcountry. For Riverside and Cos Cob, 2019 was not a good year, so when they came back this year, they got a bigger increase year over year. Backcountr y actually started its recovery, pre-COVID as by 2019 prices there had gotten much cheaper than in Old Greenwich. In the COVID era, people want land and there are still good deals to be had in backcountry which resulted in 32 more sales this year. The question is for how much longer. Backcountry sales are up 70% over last year and contracts are up 118%, while inventory is down 11%, which is less than other sections. This small drop in inventory probably indicates that there were a bunch of people in backcountry who had been waiting for better times to list. (I’ve been talking to several about listing now or later.) Old Greenw ich is not in recover y. It has b een on a multi-year run w ithout the ups and downs we have seen in other areas of town. In my old neighborhood, south of the
village that used to be junior executives and their families, inventory is down 38% to only 34 listings. Sales are up 30% and contracts are up 41%, but both these increases are below our townwide average. It’s nice to start from a high base, but the percentage increases are not as great. Cos Cob has seen major percentage increases as they have recovered from a poor 2019. Last year at this time, there were only 7 contracts on Cos Cob listings, this year we have 20 contracts for a 186% increase. Sales after a slow start for the year, are up 58%, better than town-wide average of 49%. South of the Post Road has done even better with a 213% increase going from 8 contracts last year to 25 contracts this year. On the other side of the ledger, sales in North Mianus a r e dow n 5 0 % goi n g f r om 13 sales last year to only 7 sales this year. A lot of this is Brownian motion as it works out to less than 1 sale a month. What we are not seeing is
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CESAR RABELLINO 203.249.9866
Greenwich 136 East Putnam Avenue | ©2020 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.
WWW.4H O MES BYBA RBA RA .C O M C 203.249.1454 | D 203.618.0172 bar bara.z ac c agnini@c bm oves.c om 66 Field Point Road | Greenwich, CT 06830 278 Sound Beach Avenue | Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. ©2020 Coldwell Banker Realty. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Realty fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.
WESTCHESTER 500 Westchester Avenue Port Chester, New York Tel 914.908.5444
Frank J. Gaudio President/CEO 203.302.4375
GREENWICH 444 East Putnam Avenue Cos Cob, CT Tel 203.629.8400
STAMFORD 900 Summer Street Stamford, CT Tel 203.413.6101 | NMLS#510513
Mark Pruner | |
One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830
Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903
For Market Updates and Listings Visit
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
List Price
1465 Putnam Ave 513
Old Greenwich
666 1,200
33 Talbot Lane 20
$586 $458
95 Pemberwick Road
90 Laddins Rock Road
Old Greenwich
992 North Street
1,456 1,270
11 River Road 108
$477 $571
Cos Cob
18 Suburban Avenue
Cos Cob
29 Cary Road
0.12 0.22 0 0.14 0.22
30 Suburban Avenue
Cos Cob
10 Brook Drive
2,334 0.47 4
1 South of Post Road
178 Milbank Avenue B
2 South of Post Road
30 Maher Avenue
3,559 0.43 4
South Parkway
1 Lita Drive
2,779 0.32 4
South Parkway
19 Rockwood Lane
South Parkway
32 Hendrie Drive
2,945 0.32 6
Old Greenwich
8 Tomac Avenue
Old Greenwich
14 Gray Oaks Lane
5,599 2.28 5
South Parkway
135 Milbank Ave west
5,000 0.3
4 South of Post Road
2 Zaccheus Mead Lane
South Parkway
82 Round Hill Road
5,862 1.53 4
South Parkway
95 Oneida Drive
$4,295,000 $4,800,000
5,212 0.7 5 9,856 4.06 6
4 South of Post Road
137 Old Mill Road
$824 $487
North Parkway
50 Vineyard Lane
South Parkway
68 Otter Rock Drive
4,620 0.93 5
5 South of Post Road
54 Round Hill Road
9,924 2.52 6
72 Rockwood Lane 31 Meadow Wood Dr 417 Field Point Road 3 Hekma Road
$6,895,000 $8,495,000 $9,850,000 $17,500,000
$766 $1,370 $1,804 $1,080
9,000 6,200 5,460 16,200
6 South Parkway 5 South of Post Road 6 South of Post Road 7 North Parkway
2.31 0.3
1.77 1.21 2.62 4.01
6 5 6 7
South Parkway
LAST WEEK'S FEATURED NEW LISTINGS Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
List Price
15 Gray Oaks Lane 28 Pheasant Lane 3 Wynn Lane 70 Sherwood Avenue 20 End Avenue 54 Round Hill Road 417 Field Point Road 23 Khakum Wood Road
$2,450,000.0 $2,950,000.0 $3,175,000.0 $3,495,000.0 $4,295,000.0 $6,880,000.0 $8,300,000.0 $11,500,000.0
$656.7 $817.6 $550.6
168 Bedford Road 45 Lake Drive 20 Chieftans Road 9 Chieftans Road 183 Connecticut Ave 10 Hillside Drive 25 Sheffield Way 12 Stanwich Road 7 Topping Road 10 Lighthouse Lane 6 Ford Lane 42 Stag Lane 23 Khakum Wood Rd
$1,849,000 $2,195,000 $2,595,000 $2,995,000 $3,250,000 $4,595,000 $4,595,000 $4,995,000 $8,195,000 $8,499,000 $8,900,000 $9,285,000 $11,500,000
$452.3 $652.1
$693.3 $1,520.2 $880.4
$482 $726 $520 $460 $1,188 $567 $663 $668 $795 $2,023 $1,516 $1,001 $880
3,731 2.08 5 3,608 1.54 4 5,766 2.25 4 7,727 2 5 6,586 0.55 6 9,924 2.52 6 1.93 6 13,063 8.69 7
3,833 3,024 4,995 6,512 2,736 8,100 6,927 7,483 10,314 4,201 5,871 9,279 13,063
8 0.4 1.08 1.17 0.11 2.17 2.02 1.6 4.6 0.63 0.42 6.29 8.69
5 4 4 4 3 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7
3 South Parkway 4 South Parkway 5 South Parkway 6 North Parkway 6 Old Greenwich 5 South Parkway 6 South of Post Road 9 South Parkway
3 North Parkway 2 Riverside 5 North Parkway 5 North Parkway 2 South of Post Road 5 South Parkway 6 South Parkway 7 South Parkway 8 North Parkway 3 Old Greenwich 6 Old Greenwich 7 North Parkway 9 South Parkway
Original List
List Price
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres
19 Le Grande Avenue 18 28 Pleasant Street 525 Lyon Farm Drive 525 10 Chestnut Street 41 Mianus View Terrace 5 Osee Place 124 Dingletown Road 63 North Ridge Road 40 Buckfield Lane 7 Hemlock Drive 76 Summit Road 20 Meadow Road 14 Widgeon Way 26 Circle Drive 282 Taconic Road 4 Knollwood Drive E 233 Overlook Drive 17 Davenport Avenue 62 Sherwood Avenue 4 Cedar Hill 34 Burying Hill Road 51 Mayo Avenue 340 Stanwich Road
$659,000 $789,000 $825,000 $800,000 $849,000 $1,295,000 $1,350,000 $1,495,000 $1,600,000 $1,975,000 $2,085,000 $2,395,000 $2,495,000 $2,495,000 $3,150,000 $3,525,000 $3,250,000 $3,550,000 $3,895,000 $3,750,000 $4,495,000 $6,950,000 $9,499,000
$659,000 $749,900 $799,000 $800,000 $849,000 $1,265,000 $1,350,000 $1,495,000 $1,750,000 $1,795,000 $1,875,000 $2,395,000 $2,495,000 $2,495,000 $2,675,000 $2,999,000 $3,250,000 $3,250,000 $3,650,000 $3,750,000 $4,495,000 $6,950,000 $9,499,000
$585,000 $690,000 $775,000 $775,000 $870,000 $1,225,000 $1,375,000 $1,492,000 $1,650,000 $1,690,000 $1,770,000 $2,325,000 $2,420,000 $2,495,000 $2,500,000 $2,920,000 $3,150,000 $3,175,000 $3,557,500 $3,700,000 $4,275,000 $6,400,000 $8,650,000
1,173 2,140 1,771 1,934 2,194 2,211 3,057 3,659 2,858 4,200 3,477 3,020 4,202 5,638 5,790 6,853 5,594 3,764 7,587 4,971 6,485 12,174
329 218 72 58 81 49 112 238 146 949 145 52 61 30 1,251 134 57 128 214 64 62 42 69
2 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 6 5 4 5 4 6 6 5 4 6 5 5 7 5
1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 3 5 4 6 6 5 4 6 4 4 5 5
0 0.15 0.11 0.28 0.2 1.33 0.28 4.61 1.46 0.26 0.2 0.33 0.49 4.26 1.8 0.43 0.18 5.02 0.51 6.31 1.1 3.83
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
27 Evergreen Road 1012 North Street 992 North Street 71 View Street 51 Forest Avenue #83 56 Prospect Street #56 5 Relay Court 29 Cary Road 69 Loughlin Avenue 1044 North Street 74 Valleywood Road 20 Shore Road 505 E Putnam Avenue 27 Linwood Avenue 41 Baldwin Farms North 123 Maple Avenue 52 Upland Drive 282 Round Hill Road 514 Round Hill Road 70 Old Mill Road 27 Evergreen Road 11 Turner Drive 18 Lower Cross Road
Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Riverside Cos Cob Greenwich Cos Cob Old Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
$35,000 $649,500 $694,500 $695,000 $745,000 $799,000 $859,000 $1,185,000 $1,250,000 $1,275,000 $1,495,000 $1,725,000 $2,300,000 $2,650,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $3,795,000 $3,950,000 $3,975,000 $4,695,000 $4,749,000 $5,845,000 $6,995,000
Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM
Berkshire Hathaway New England Land Company Sotheby's Sotheby's Compass Connecticut, LLC William Raveis Coldwell Banker Realty New England Land Company Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Nest Seekers Sotheby's Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Realty Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway