The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.
November 6, 2020
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Close Races Everywhere
Veterans Day Challenge
By James Heavey N e x t We d n e s d a y, November 11, is Veterans Day, but it will certainly look a bit different this year in Greenwich. There will not be the traditional Vetera n s Wa l k dow n Greenwich Avenue, and the Redman’s Annual Veterans Luncheon is also cancelled due to COVID-19 limitations. But there will still be several ways to honor our US Veterans. Novem ber 11th is reserved to recognize and thank all the men and women who have ever worn the uniform of our military. While Memorial Day in May is reserved to recognize those who paid the ultimate sacrif ice defending our country, Veterans Day is different. It’s a day that reminds us to be tha n k f u l for all Veterans who have served, living and dead, and also for all those still on active or reserve duty, protecting our nation. When I returned from Desert Shield / D e s e r t Stor m n e a rly thirty years ago, I was eager to get back to my normal routine here in
Greenwich. Joe Rutledge, who worked for the Gas Company and whom I knew from his service as a Volunteer with the Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol, soon began to stalk me; he wanted me to join the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW.) I had been gone for nine months, done my duty and didn’t consider myself a “Veteran.” I kind of thought of Veterans as people who had been a soldier or sailor many years before and who had long ago retired. I was still active in the A rmy Reser ves and figured I would maybe have time to join a Veterans g roup when I was retired. Joe, who had served in the 77th Infantry Division in the Pacific in WWII, had a different take. He thought it was important to have Vetera n s r em a i n “on the team” and join one of the Veterans’ groups here in Greenwich. So in honor of Joe Rutledge, I challenge every G r e e nw i c h Ve t e r a n to re-engage with one of our Veterans’ organizations and help out at one of the many communit y events that the American Legion Post 29, Byram Veterans, Ninth District Veterans and VFW Post 10112 conduct during the year. Yes, I did take Joe’s advice to join the VFW and the American Legion, and I encourage
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you to join and help out with one of the Veterans groups in their efforts to support patriotism and community service. And to all Veterans and non-Veterans, I also challenge you to attend one of the ceremonies next week in town to show your appreciation for all that our Veterans have done for us and o u r c o u n t r y. E v e n during the current COVID -19 restrictions, you can still support and recognize a Veteran by making a phone call and sending a note, so they know they are not forgotten. On Satu rday, November 7 at 10:30 AM at the Cos Cob VFW Post 10112 Veterans’ Memorial on Strickland Road (adjacent to the Cos Cob Town dock), the Veterans of Foreig n Wars, Cos Cob, CT Post 10112 invites the public to attend a brief heartfelt ceremony to honor all Veterans everywhere who served a nd sacr i f iced i n t he defense of our country. O n We d n e s d a y, November 11 at 11 AM, there will be a town-wide ceremony in honor of Veterans Day conducted at t he Vetera n s Monument on Greenwich Avenue (opposite the S e n i o r C e n t e r, 2 9 9 Greenw ich Ave). The ceremony will be led by American Legion Post
continued on page 3
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Another election has come and gone in Greenwich, and it featured several close races which were not concluded on election night, and instead stretched into the day on Wednesday. The tig htest race was bet ween Republican Ryan Fazio and incumbent Democrat, Alex Kasser, for the 36th District State Senate seat. On election night, Fazio held a slim margin with outstanding absentee ballots from Stamford still needing to be counted. But as of press time on Wednesday, unofficial results from the Connecticut Secretary of State website showed Kasser with 27,014 votes to Fazio's 26,583. In 2018, Kasser became the first Democrat to win the 36th State Senate seat since 1930. Republicans scored a victory in the 150th District, as incumbent Harry Arora defeated Democratic challenger, Hector Arzeno, by an unofficial tally of 53% to 47%. The race was too close to call on Tuesday night, but Arzeno conceded on Wednesday morning. Arora was elected earlier this year in a special election to finish out current
G r e e nw ich F i r s t S e le c t m a n F r e d Camillo's term in Hartford. Arora thanked his supporters on Tuesday night, and pledged to continue working for his constituents in Hartford. Greenwich Republicans gathered at their headquarters for a virtual event, and Democrats met at the Old Greenwich Social Club. “Our community has sent a strong message that the policies and the ideas that we have, the concept of serving our community well, and representing their interests, is what everyone in Greenwich w a nt s ,” A r ora s a id . “ Eve n i n t he minority party in Hartford, we’re going to bring change. The last 10 months, it’s been a great honor serving the community, and I can promise you that I’m going to leave no stone unturned to bring change and to put us on the path of good policy, and to make sure each one of us gets from the state what we deserve, which is good policy and good responsive government.” In the 149th District, Republican Kimberly Fiorello held an unofficial lead of 53% to 47% over Democrat Kathleen Stowe as of press time on Wednesday, as absentee ballots were still being
Calls to Action Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com
By Richard Kaufman
The Rejection Coin
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ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; promotions, achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. These are free. Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com
Lines formed early Tuesday morning at many voting locations throughout town.
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT We a r e h a r d-w i r e d t o d i s l i k e r e j e c t i o n . We ex per ience rejection in one of t wo ways: abandonment or criticism, two sides of the same coin. This rejection coin is what virtually every argument is about. We typically partner with someone triggered by the opposite side of the coin. Which side of the rejection coin triggers you more? Ask your spouse (or teen) the same question. We sometimes experience abandonment as being “not heard, unimportant, not seen, not cared about, or invisible” and criticism as being “judged, belittled, and never good enough.” People look at each other differently when they understand that no one likes the rejection coin. This is not pathology. It is our basic human desire to avoid abandonment and criticism. Nicole chased Caleb into his home office when he avoided their difficult conversations. Nicole thought that Caleb was uncaring and insensitive. Caleb perceived Nicole as aggressive and demanding. When they realized that Caleb hated criticism and Nicole feared abandonment, Nicole learned to say things more gently and Caleb learned to stay present in the room. Seeing each other’s sensitivities as opposite sides of the same coin enabled them to understand each other better in moments of stress.
Community Centers Inc needs brown paper grocery bags, volunteers to pack food and deliver groceries and Thanksgiving turkey donations. CCI’s goal is to get a Thanksgiving turkey to every family they serve. Reach out to Sydney Henck at sydney. or call 203-869-1276 for more details about how to help. Please note their new address: 2 St. Roch Avenue across from the Hamilton Avenue School. Website link: First Congregational Church of Greenwich Women’s Fellowship is sponsoring a Veteran’s Day Drive to support female veterans living at ABRI-Homes for the Brave in Bridgeport. Join in supporting our veterans and drop off donations on Friday November 6 from 2–4 pm or Saturday November 7 from 10–12pm. Please pull around to the cemetery side of the church and drop items off by the ramp entrance to the Meetinghouse. Items most needed: ramen noodles, soups, fresh fruit, protein bars, peanut butter and jelly, headphones, prepaid phone cards, books, hand sanitizer, paper towels, hand soap and bath or bed linens. Please follow this link for a more extensive wish list: ad2e5a4e-c08e-43ef-a2a2-050c387e29f7.pdf New Covenant Center is collecting 500 Turkeys virtually. This year the New Covenant Center cannot accept turkeys in person but is accepting monetary donations. Please visit their website to see how your generosity can feed a family t h is Tha n k sg iv i ng. ht tps: //w w w.newcovena / turkeydrive/?f bclid=IwAR 2 _7xILeLSD6S50qfsrZynGqIym_ HqbStfPHeoAOWbAaywRenjZjMFE4Y0 Inspirica’s Harvest for Hope Drive provides food for 800+ families in need each Thanksgiving. They are requesting the following non perishable items: instant mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, candied yams, string beans/peas, corn, mixed vegetables, apple sauce, coffee, tea and disposable aluminum roaster pans. You can drop off donations now through 11/19 at 141 Franklin Street, Stamford, CT. Check out their website for other ways to help: Family Centers is raising money to provide Thanksgiving meals to those most in need. Please help with a monetary donation to make a family’s Thanksgiving complete. Family Centers will provide Shop Rite gift cards to the families who need it most. Follow this link to get involved:
Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-869-1515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
Turkey Trot
November Fitness Challenge Register at:
counted. The 149th District covers the backcountry of Greenwich and a section of North Stamford. On Tuesday night, Fiorello thanked her supporters, and said the process of seeking office had been "humbling." “I am proud to be a Republican, I am proud to be an American. I truly thank those who have faith in the Republican principles," she said. “We will still see [what happens with the results], but I am so grateful for all the people who came out to support this campaign. I am truly your voice.” Democrat Stephen Meskers will head back to Hartford to represent the 150th District. He beat Republican Joe Kelly, the former Greenwich High School rugby coach and current Board of Education member, 55% (6,714 votes) to 45% (5,512 votes). Kelly called Meskers on Tuesday night to concede the race, which had been very civil and competitive over the last couple months. "The whole experience was great. It was our first campaign, and it was good fun," Kelly said on Wednesday. "Our opponent was great. We decided
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Radar Screen
By Beth Barhydt On the radar screen this week: a new development in the works on the St. Michael's campus seems to be taking church members and neighbors by surprise. St. Michael’s church has evidently agreed to sell nearly three acres of land to LCB Senior Living (https:// The letter of intent was reportedly signed by the Diocese of Bridgeport and LCB Living in order to build an assisted living facility which would house about eightly residents and would be four stories tall. The facility would be located on North Street. Residents in the area, who found out recently about the agreement, are concerned that the large facility would significantly strain North Street’s ability to handle traffic. The main thoroughfare is already stressed at several choke points by traffic to and from several local schools and traffic from the Meritt Parkway to downtown Greenwich. During rush hour it can already take as much as ten minutes to get across Nor t h Street. COV ID has eased some of this congestion but that is temporary. It appears, from the schematic (dated Jan. 24, 2020) that the project is well on its way. The proposed building would be located at 471 North Street. A proje c t of thi s m a g nit ude should be something everyone sees coming and should definitely be on our radar screens.
A Church Opens Its Outdoors to A Nursery School in a Pandemic and the Children Thrive By Anne W. Semmes
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There are definite signs of the beneficial effects of a pandemic, as discovered in the now 60-yearold Christ Church Nursery School (CCNS). “We have always wanted to extend our learning outside,” says CCNS Executive Director Jennifer Purdy, “But the pandemic has created this imperative to change. We knew that if we were outside that's when we're keeping the children and teachers safest.” So, what i f she cou ld ex tend that experience beyond their playground? “We got permission to pretty much use the entire Christ Church campus,” says Purdy. “We created these outdoor classrooms that the children are using in all different ways.” A pa rk i ng lot ser ves as a mud k itchen w ith pots and pans. Nearby is an area dubbed H o n e y c o m b H i d e a w a y. A passageway b et we en chu rch buildings is now the “Enchanted Castle,” a church garden is the Hummingbird Hallow. “Just to see the children walk around the campus is stunning,” says Purdy. But it’s the curiosity aroused by the outdoors that is the energizer. When a group gathered for a snack by their teacher in the Church’s outdoor cafe area, its bird bath and visiting birds became a magnet. “That led into their creating food for the birds,” says Purdy. “So, instead of a bird feeder, they created these hanging bird feeders where they rolled seeds onto a toilet paper roll, and they hung them in the trees with pipe cleaners, and watched to see if the birds were interested.” To t hei r del ig ht , t he bi r d feeder crafters saw the next day, “The birds had literally taken everything and just left behind the pipe cleaners. And so, the children actually took the pipe cleaners and put them on their backpacks like a badge of honor!” That bi rd fe e d i ng proje c t displays an educational philosophy of Em i l io Re g g io t hat P u r dy brought with her when she arrived at CCNS si x ye a rs ago. “ The children are exploring and playing and something usually bubbles up, and the teachers kind of grab on to that and help deepen the learning in lots of different ways. But a big part of that philosophy is that the environment plays an important role as a teacher. Children are learning through the environment that they're in.” Since September A lysse Scott has seen her f ive-fearold daughter Myla’s play shift at home. “My flower bed has turned into a kitchen for mud cupcakes w ith f lower petal sprink les,” she reports, and Myla was soon working to recreate an outdoor road and bridge for her toy cars made in her CCNS outdoor classroom, from “random objects” found in her garage. Mother Megan Morrell reports he r t h r e e -ye a r old d aug hte r Ca r ol i ne ’s “ i m a g i n at ion a nd excitement for the outdoors has hit an all-time high thanks to the incredible outdoor learning space and wonderful teachers at Christ Church.” So, what happens when the cold comes, and the snow, and the rain? “In the very beginning of the school year we told parents that there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing,” Purdy is quoting here a line with Scandinavian origins she says, as “some of those children don't even have an indoor classroom.
Bird nest building
"We knew that if we were outside that's when we're keeping the children and teachers safest.” Jennifer Purdy. They're just outdoors all day. So, in the beginning of the school year, we told parents that the children are going to need rain suits, snow suits, boots, mittens, hats, because we're going outside.” With some 85-plus children, aged 2 to 5 (young f ives are in t hei r Con ne c t ic ut P r og ra m), that’s a lot of clothes to put on (and off) in wintertime, and those 16 teachers needed to be won over. So, during a staff meeting, Purdy challenged them w ith, “So, what lea r n i ng goa ls a re being met in that time where the children are putting everything on?” The teachers replied, “motor planning…sequencing and helping one another.” Thus, said Purdy, “Getting dressed is the
curriculum.” And how are those children coping with wearing masks? “The teachers are masked outdoors,” says Purdy, but “Children do not need to wear masks outdoors sometimes they just like it and keep it on. It's like, this is what we're doing this year. The greatest measure we can take to keep our community safe is to be outside. “The outdoors g ives the children the opportunity to move when they need to move more and get that sensory input.” At a recent staff meeting she received proof positive. The teachers reported the children as “naturally regulating themselves…They’re much more attentive. They are more tuned in with nature. We can put out
shells, we can put out pinecones, and that has a value indoors but being outdoors is really what's helped the children to be invested in nature.” “This year the children are spending most of the day outdoors, and I don't see any reason why we can't do this in a normal year,” says Purdy, noting that normal nursery day has a half hour visit to a playground. “This doesn’t allow for the kind of sensory input that we got as children. We were outside all the time. We were climbing trees; we were rolling down hills. "We saw this as an opportunity and this has become such a silver lining for us.”
A parking lot serves as a mud kitchen with pots and pans.
Students created these hanging bird feeders where they rolled seeds onto a toilet paper roll and hung it in the trees with a pipe cleaners.
Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Anne W. Semmes
Banksville Gets Its Chase Bank Back With Some Community Effort
On a Wednesday last of rampant Covid and stalled presidential election, there was triumph in Banksville. They gathered around their bank, Chase by name, for a ribbon cutting to celebrate their bank was not after all going to leave them in the lurch to move off to Bedford. Proof positive came from the bank’s and shop owners’ landlord, Guy Sutton who reported that J. P. Morgan Chase, had indeed signed a five-year contract. “We think this decision is really a vote of confidence for Banksville,” he said, adding, he was “pleasantly surprised and delighted that Chase had elected to stay.” "The whole community is so supportive of local businesses and while Chase is a larger chain, it feels
like this branch especially has had a lasting impact on the community,” s a id M a r ia Ce c i, ma nager of neighboring Troy Nursery. “We are so happy that the bank is staying." “Losing the bank would have been catastrophic,” said Rusty Pa rker, a 40-yea r Ba n k sv i l le neighbor and Chase bank customer. “The bank was originally a gas station when this shopping center was built. And we originally had two gas stations in Banksvillle. Unfortunately, we don't have any at the moment - we can use a gas station, and keeping the bank is very important. And we are hoping for a food store to replace the IGA, which hasn't happened yet. You can see they're selling hot tubs up there, but an IGA would make this whole The Banksville community of shop owners and bank customers thing totally self sufficient." gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony. Photo by Elise Rusty ’s w ife K atty Parker ‘Raindrops’Merrow spoke of her personal attachment
"It says so much about the Chase company that they would listen to us when we appealed to them to keep the branch open." Katty Parker.
From Page 1 early on to set an example to everyone out there that you can be in a campaign and be friendly with your opponent. We each tried to compete to have people vote for us, not against our opponent. Unfortunately, he got more votes than I did, and that's the will of the people." Meskers said he was “overwhelmed and thrilled” by the support he received, and added that he was grateful for the way Kelly ran his campaign. “I’m honored and touched by the community putting their faith and trust in me. I’m looking forward to serving,” Meskers said. Meskers added that the Greenwich delegation to Hartford will have to come together to serve the people. “We’re going to have to reach a consensus on policy. There were some
Veterans Day
stark differences offered in the debates,” he said. “We’ll have to work together to represent Greenwich, and work together to ach ieve t he ach ieva ble. I t h i n k Greenwich is wise to have a bipartisan delegation, particularly if you want your voice heard; you need to be on both sides of the aisle.” Elsewhere, Greenwich's Registrars of Voters, Democrat Mary Hegarty and Republican Fred Decaro, will return to their positions. Jim Himes, the Greenwich resident and Democratic U.S. Congressman representing the 4th District, won reelection handedly against Republican challenger Jonathan Riddle. Record Voter Turnout in Greenwich Turnout was extremely hig h in Greenwich in an election unlike any other before it. According to the Registrar of Voters website, the unofficial turnout rate was 84.81%. The record in Greenwich was 82.93, set in 2016. That year, Greenwich
won the Democracy Cup, which is given out to the municipality in Connecticut with the highest turnout rate. Out of 41, 560 elig ible voters in town, 35,2 48 people voted. Of that number, according to the Registrar of Voters online turnout data, 15,440 were absentee ballots, and 19,808 voted in person. Operations ran smoothly across Greenwich at the polling locations. Long lines formed early in the morning, but dissipated into the afternoon and evening. "I think that the poll workers and the voters should all be very proud of themselves for how well everyone conducted themselves in this election. It's one of the best elections I've ever administered in my 12 years," Decaro said. Millennial turnout was expected to increase in Greenwich, said Tony Turner, a former member of the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting and the
Board of Estimate and Taxation, and now the founder and CEO of Rock The Vote Greenwich. The group is a local non-profit, non-partisan chapter of the national organization. Rock The Vote Greenwich got off the ground two months ago, and helps 18-35 millennial voters in Greenwich to make more informed decisions at the ballot box, by providing tools on how to register to vote, how to update or change party status, and by giving voters access to local candidate information. For local elections in Greenwich, millennial turnout is only 14%. In U.S. presidential election years, that number increases to only 49%. "This is the most disruption America has had since World War II, and clearly people wanted to be heard in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. The campaigns were also very rigorous, both Republican and Democrat. It made voters in our area more awake and aware than we've seen in decades. I
PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentinel (Stam- monument in Greenwich Police Department CODE: HSS-2020-95 ford) - 10/9 issue (Due Date: 10/1/2020) PRODUCTION: N/A
Honor Guard. DESCRIPTION: Dr. Hannafin A pr o cl a m at ion w i l l b e FILE: 03A-74933-07C-HSS-2020-95-V1.indd presented by First Selectman 212.237.7000 29 and include members of the F r e d Ca m i l lo a nd w r e at h s Byram Veterans Association, will be placed at the Veterans t he Co s Cob V F W a nd t he Monument as well as the WWI
From Page 1
to the Chase branch. “They know my face - they say, 'How are you, Mrs. Parker.’ It is so personal. I can be anywhere and call them at the bank, and they can vouch for me if I have a problem.” “I'm not a techie,” she says. “I don't like to do things on machines. I like that face to face. it makes a big difference to me. So that's why I'm up every weekend cashing a check or making a deposit. It says so much about the Chase company that they would listen to us when we appealed to them to keep the branch open. It means that they feel their customers are important, and their people are not just a number. I will recommend the Chase Bank from now on to anybody who asks me.” The force behind this triumph could be identified as Easy Kelsey who managed to care for her horses at Kelsey Farm while bringing her
front of the old A ssociation w i l l conduct a LIVE: None p ost of f ice (now R H ). The service at the Eugene Marlow WORKORDER #: 74939 TRIM: 11” x 10.5” ceremony w ill also include Pa rk (ne x t to t he D or ot hy SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.20005.B.011 BLEED: None representatives from both the Hamill Skating Rink in Byram) Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. to honor Veterans. O n We d ne s day even i ng W h i le a l l Ve te ra n s a nd at 6 PM, the Byram Veterans t he pu bl ic a r e i nv ite d a nd
Banksville community together to protest the closing of their bank. “Easy was such an integral part of making this happen and we all jumped on her bandwagon when she started,” said Christine Teg tmeier Sa la za r, co-ow ner with brother Tom of food catering Happiness Is, that was handing out mesmerizing Apple Cake muffins to attendees. “Easy would not give up and we stuck with her and kept hoping. And you never know. Never say never.” “It's unbelievable,” said Sonali Costa, owner of the North Street Pharmacy. “A small effort from a little community like ours was able to really make this happen. We're just overwhelmed with joy. I'm really proud of everybody here. Easy Kelsey is a f ireball. She's awesome. She really makes things happen.”
think if you combine the rigorousness of the local campaigns, with the disruption that we've seen at the national level, people just came out in droves to be heard on all of that," Turner said. Turner believes there is still a long way to go in supporting millennial voters in Greenwich. "I think finally they have a trusted source of information that they can go to that's non-partisan, not for profit, that just does one thing and that focuses on helping them make a more informed vote, which research says is one of the reasons turnout is so low," Turner added. "They just don't have all the right information that convinces them the issues will have a direct impact on both the here and the now, as well as the future. They're our future, they're the next generation of leadership. We have to engage with them now." Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o
encouraged to attend these ceremonies, participants are reminded to follow CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 and to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. James Heavey is the
Greenwich Chief of Police. He is a US Army Veteran of Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His father, Bart, also served in the US Army and his son James is a US Army ROTC Cadet at Northeastern University.
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Now open Saturdays. To learn more, visit or call 203-872-6923. 1 Blachley Road, Stamford, CT 06902 | Most major insurance plans accepted.
Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
Ross Ogden: Six Decades of Service and Counting By Michael de Vulpillieres “Start early, be open to new challenges, and never lose sight of what is our core mission, which is helping people at a time when they need it most.” This is the advice Ross Ogden shares with anyone who is considering becoming a Red Cross volunteer. These words of wisdom come from six decades of service through the Red Cross. The youngest of three children, Ross was born in Chicago, Ill., and moved to Greenwich, Conn., when he was about 6 years old. He started his Red Cross career as a sophomore in high school, when a new dentist in town approached Ogden and his friends and offered to teach them a first aid course. Ogden and his classmates though it sounded like fun, and quickly moved through basic and then advanced first-aid training. Once they finished their courses, that’s when his Red Cross journey really got underway. “The dentist said, ‘now you have all this training so I'm going to form for the local Red Cross what today we call a FASB Team, a first aid standby team, and we’ll be going to public events and we’ll offer first aid,’ and that transitioned us from a training mode into a service mode,” said Ogden. Recalling an early experience as part of the first aid team, Ogden said, “One night I got a call that there was a residential house on fire. I put on my gear and drove to the site of the fire. When I got there the Chief directed me immediately over to a physician who was the town medical examiner but as there providing emergency care. I was asked to set up a triage center because there were a number of f iremen who were going down as a result of injuries like smoke inhalation. “The fire happened in the late afternoon the last week of my senior year in high school. I was blowing off the faculty dinner because I was at the fire scene. The next Monday when I arrived in school the head of the school called me into his office and he said I'm very disappointed … and I said, well you know I have a good excuse. But he didn’t want to hear it. Later that afternoon the newspaper came out and on the front page in the center of the paper was a picture of me
Ross Ogden speaks to fellow Red Cross team members.
Ross Ogden at a recent Red Cross blood drive.
“Another part is the friendships that I’ve made at the Red Cross and many have become lifelong friends. And the other part is the diversity of the organization. There is a richness in diversity that absolutely I find energizing, empowering, and just enormously uplifting.” administering oxygen to a fireman. The next morning, I got summoned back to his office and he issued an apology.” After finishing at the Brunswick School, he went on Swarthmore College to study English Literature and later received an MBA with a concentration in marketing from the University of Virginia. Ogden went on to work in marketing for General Mills on major brands like Jell-O and Cool Whip, before starting his own consulting business in the late 1980s. The Red Cross remained a consistent and important part of Ogden’s life during his professional career. Over the years
he wore many different hats and volunteered countless hours for the organization including deploying to some of the biggest tragedies of our time: 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. “I think one of my favorite things, and I think it’s true for just about anybody who has been out on a disaster deployment, is getting to know the other people deployed with you and getting to know what their backgrounds are, where they came from, and why they are there,” said Ogden. O gde n r e t i r e d i n r ou g h ly 2013 when his wife, Cathy, was diagnosed with a serious illness. Ogden cared for her until her death in 2015.
Although Ogden cannot pinpoint the moment he knew he would be a lifelong Red Cross volunteer, he does say the many opportunities the organization presents ensure “you can’t get bored because there’s always something different and interesting to do.” The last four years, Ogden has worked as an executive volunteer partner in biomedical services, where he has been instrumental in supporting biomedical volunteer workforce engagement. “I sp end a lot of my t i me thinking about how we can make that job more productive, more satisfying and enable the Red Cross
Ross Ogden (top row, wearing a tie) and his Red Cross first aid team in the early 1970s to collect more blood and be more efficient in the way that it does so that we’re sustainable. It isn’t as dramatic as deployments, but it’s still a wonderful opportunity to work with a great group of people and enable other volunteers to achieve their objective of delivering the mission,” said Ogden. After seeing the organization through many changes, including serving on the national Board of Governors, Ogden is most proud that during his sixty years with the Red Cross he has really touched every line of service, from frontline direct service delivery to the board of governors, from management at
the local level to management at the national headquarters level. “I think the special sauce is the combination of mission … helping people when they need it most. There’s nothing more memorable than that. Those moments just stick with you because you feel like you are really caring about the humanitarian mission.” “Another part is the friendships that I’ve made at the Red Cross and many have become lifelong friends. And the other part is the diversity of the organization. There is a richness in diversity that absolutely I find energizing, empowering, and just enormously uplifting.”
Outdoor Furniture Restorations and Sales
It’s that time of year to restore your furniture to it’s original elegance.
Photo by Patty DeFelice-Nevis
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Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Town Government
Update from the Board of Estimate and Taxation By Richard Kaufman The Greenwich Sentinel brings you updates from Greenwich's Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET). The BET is responsible for the proper administration of the financial affairs of the Town includin g the i ssuanc e of the annual recommended budget and setting the Town tax mill rate. The Board also acts on requests for additional appropriations, transfers and allotments made during the fiscal year. BET Approves Budget Guidelines The Greenwich Board o f E s t i m a t e a n d Ta x a t i o n unanimously approved guidelines for the 2021-2022 budget last week. They were previously crafted and approved by the four-person BET Budget Committee. "There was a lot of collaboration and cooperation amongst the four budget committee members in order to come to this agreement," said BET Budget Committee Chair, Leslie Tarkington. The guidelines, which are nonbinding, project the next town budget to be at $460 million, up from $448 from the current fiscal year, with a 1.74 percent increase in the mill rate. Based on information available at this time, the estimated budget anticipates operating costs for the Town of Greenwich to increase by 2.48%. Allocating all employee b e n e f it c o s t s , t h e op e r at i n g
b u d g e t f o r t h e To w n w o u l d increase by 2.92%, and the Board of Education/Greenwich Public Schools operational spending would increase by 4.2%. The capital budget is for e c a ste d at $ 5 5 m i l l ion . It consists of prioritized projects to cover required annual maintenance expenses, remediation, and a few improvement projects. With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoi ng , BET Ch a i r M ich ael Mason said the board and town is hoping for some semblance of normalcy to return in the future.
conversations will be challenging a nd d i f f ic u lt. I ju st hop e we continue to gather information between now and then,” he said. BET Vice Chair Karen Fa s s u l i o t i s s a i d t h e b u d g e t guidelines represent the fact that there are a lot of unknowns and challenges ahead because of the pandemic and its impact. "The document we have before us recognizes that we have a lot of unknowns going forward. There is a lot of uncertainty with respect to COVID," she said. "We don't know whether we'll have another shutdown. We don't know
from a group of parents in town who feel the school district has not supported special education students, and is violating state and federal regulations. "I know we did place money in the budget this past year to ensure there is a consultant look ing at t h i s a r e a ve r y c a r e f u l l y," Krumeich said. "My concern is that we reflect that this is an area where the expenses are growing, and we may not have allowed for that in the guidelines in a way that gives the Board of Education the sense that we will support them if they need to increase this area."
because if I look at the various projects that we put on hold last year, and the addition of those in the pipeline originally for this year, that's a lot of wood to chop, and we know maintenance is of the utmost importance," she said. Mason said that more needs to be done with capital projects and that he's in favor of returning to long-range planning and the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). "I relied heavily for years on the CIP plan where a resident can see a project, watch it make progress, watch it get funded and it goes through. I don't see
"There was a lot of collaboration and cooperation amongst the four budget committee members in order to come to this agreement," BET Budget Committee Chair, Leslie Tarkington. "We are hoping for normalcy, a lt houg h [we w i l l s e e] wh at normalcy will be af ter this pandemic and the next year or so and how everything operates -whether it's capital projects, how schools are operated, or how town hall is operated," Mason said. Mason added that in February, when the budget process really k ick s into gea r a nd hea r ings beg in, the board needs to be cautious in making decisions. “When February comes, these
what services will be affected going for ward. There may be more need for some services, less need for other services. All of that is going to be discussed as we go into the next budget year." Several BET members voiced concerns about the guidelines. Democratic member, Beth Krumeich, mentioned the town’s study of special education services, and her concerns with special education. She cited a recent complaint filed to the state
According to the guidelines, the "Board of Education/Schools should present details of special education costs, and an update on the Special Education study, including potential budget impacts not ref lected in the Estimate Budget, if available” during the budget process. BET Member Miriam Kreuzer said she had concerns about the capital side of the budget. "This is one area that still certainly concerns me, partly
Committee member Leslie M o r i a r t y, w h o i s a l s o t h e Democratic caucus leader, said the guidelines set up "important conversations" for February when budget hearings take place. "We need to give guidance to the town departments and to the Board of Education on showing the information of what we know now. The text of the document I think does a better job of highlighting what we don't know now, and that we are open for the conversation to really understand the operations," Moriarty said. "At the end of the day, the budget that we approve represents our values; it represents what we try to find - the balance between the cost to provide necessary services, and what those services may be. I think we as a board need to be open to listen to what those needs really are." Superintendent of Schools Dr. Toni Jones will present the school's budget this month. First Selectma n Fred Ca m i l lo w i l l present his budget to the BET in January. BET Budget Committee hearings will take place in February, and the Representative Town Meeting has traditionally approved the final budget in May. This year, it was delayed until June because of the pandemic.
that, and I'm going to have a very different stance in February if we don't return to the CIP process. I think that's vital," Mason said. "The 12 of us can pick numbers o f w h at we t h i n k a n a n nu a l spending amount should be, but I want to protect the residents. If their project doesn't get done this year, maybe it's the next year, or Stay Up tp date. Check back the year after. I want to get back to that, otherwise we'll be making here each week for alternating updates from the BET leadership arbitrary decisions." B E T a n d B E T B u d g e t and First Selectman Fred Camillo.
Our Local News, In Brief
GPD Officers of the Month
the two third grade students. Two of the students were discussed further in future meetings. a third grader and a first grader who both had contact Greenw ich Police Depar tment has named BET Budget with the original two students. Another third grade detectives, Michael Rooney and Gregory Parrillo, as student and a kindergartener round out the positive The Budget Committee for the Board of Estimate their Officers of the Month. cases. and Taxation will be sending the budget guidelines In June 2020, two local juveniles contacted the for 2021-22 municipal year to the full board after Special Victims Section to report that they had Avon Theatre Bond Movies being approved last week at their special meeting established an online relationship with someone who After the passing of Sean Connery, Avon Theatre last week. The budget is currently $448 million for they believed was a child predator. Detectives Michael Rooney and Gregory Parrillo, through the use of has announced that they will be holding showings of 2020-21 and is expected to increase to $460 million various investigative techniques, were able to make all seven of the James Bond movies that he starred in for 2021-22. The increases include contractually contact with the suspect in online chat rooms. The over the course of the month of November. To purchase mandated salary increases, about a $1.5 million Detectives were able to establish the suspect’s identity tickets and check show times please visit http:// increase for town operational spending, and about a $5.5 million increase for school spending. There is no and location (New Jersey). They then coordinated date set for the full BET vote on the guidelines yet but with the State of New Jersey Crimes Against Children Tod’s Point Restrictions it is expected to be soon. Task Force and the Prosecutors in both New Jersey and Connecticut. Surveillance was conducted on the Parks and Recreation has announced an update GHS FCIAC West Winners suspect and probable cause for an arrest warrant was regarding access to Greenwich Point Park. Effective obtained. November 1 through November 30, passes will be The Greenwich High School Cardinals went On September 10th, 2020 Detectives Rooney and required to enter the park. Single entry passes will undefeated to win the FCIAC West Region regular Parrillo accompanied task force members and New continue to be sold in limited amounts and there will season title for girls cross country. Both the girls and Jersey State Police SWAT in executing a high risk be capacity limits. For more information please visit boys teams went on to compete in the FCIAC West search and seizure of the suspect’s residence. The Region Championships at Waveny Park this past suspect was taken into custody as a fugitive at that Wednesday. time. The suspect was then extradited to Connecticut COVID in CT on September 23rd to answer local charges. BIC Foundation Supports Right now CT is at a rate of 16.5 cases per 100,000 Girls With Impact residents and has recorded 538 new cases from 13,039 Silver Shield Foundation Walk tests, a 4.1% positive rate. This rate hasn’t been seen Girls With Impact announced that it is partnering The Silver Shield Foundation will be holding an since June. The state is still under the national average with the BIC Corporate Foundation to increase access inaugural Greenwich Walk at Tod’s Point on November of 21.5 cases per 100,000 residents. Five more deaths to education for young women, with a focus on social 7 in honor of all first responders. The walkers will be have also been attributed to the virus and 22 more entrepreneurship. BIC’s contribution will support raising funds to support the Foundation whose core hospitalizations as of last week. In Greenwich itself, Girls With Impact’s 2020-21 goal to serve 2,000 low to mission is providing scholarships for children and there have been 36 new cases and another death as moderate income girls. surviving spouses of first responders from CT, NY, and of the end of last week making the total number of “You can’t think about education without thinking NJ who have been killed in the line of duty. For more positive cases in Greenwich since the pandemic began about BIC,” said Girls With Impact CEO Jennifer information or to register for the event please visit 1,106 with 53 deaths. Openshaw. “We’re thrilled to add them to an impressive To roster of corporations committed to girls, diversity donate please visit Dining on Greenwich Ave and the power of entrepreneurship as a critical path to campaign/greenwichwalk2020. The Board of Selectmen has discussed the outdoor career and college success.” dining on Greenwich Avenue, specifically the closing GPS COVID Update of the bottom of the avenue, again at their most recent Old Greenwich Resident Receives Award Greenwich High School has put 25 students and four meeting. With winter approaching and a push for STAR, Inc. Lighting the Way, a local not-forteachers in quarantine after an elective teacher tested continuing the outdoor seating in Spring, the selectmen profit serving people impacted by intellectual and positive on Friday October 30. Another 16 students are were looking for feedback from the public. Many of the developmental disabilities and their families, recently in quarantine after being exposed during a team sports local shops have said that while the pop outs have been awarded Tony Williams of Old Greenwich the competition outside of school. New Lebanon School beneficial for the restaurants, they have been bad for “Humanitarian of the Year Award”. has reported one case, a paraprofessional, and the retail due to the lack of parking. There has also been He received the award because of his leading role in entire kindergarten and first grade are in quarantine, some concern regarding the elderly and those with cycling 2,000 miles around Italy with a team of cyclists expected to return November 6. North Street School disabilities needing to be dropped off closer to their to raise over $225,000 for non-profits, including over has reported two new cases and the classes of both 3rd destinations which isn’t possible with the bottom being $126,000 for STAR. Tony helped organize a group of grade students will be quarantining. Another four cases closed and is more difficult with the pop outs. Public current and former Fairfield County residents. were reported at North Street School after the report of safety is the main concern with all of this and it will be
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Silver Shield Foundation Announces Inaugural Greenwich Walk to Honor All First Responders The Silver Shield Foundation is proud to announce its inaugural Greenwich Walk in honor of all first responders on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020 at Tod’s Point. Walkers will raise funds to support the organization’s core mission of providing scholarships for children and surviving spouses of Police Officers, Firefighters/EMS members killed in the line of duty. In attendance will be representatives from many agencies including the Greenwich Police Department, New York City Police Department, New York City Fire Department, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey State Police, Suffolk County Police Department and Nassau County Police Department. Greenwich Police Chief Jim Heavey, Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, Connecticut State Police Colonel Stavros Mellekas, New York City Police Chief of Department Terry Monahan, and New York City Fire Department First Deputy Commissioner Laura Kavanaugh will be speaking at the event. Along with honoring all first responders, several families of Silver Shield Foundation scholarship recipients will be on hand to walk in memory of their parent/spouse who died in the line of duty. Walkers are being asked to raise a minimum of $100 for the event and can register on the Silver Shield Foundation website at events. To donate any amount you wish directly to the Walk, go to Attendance to is limited to walkers, staff, and honorees due to COVID-19 restrictions. Rain date is Sun., Nov. 8.
Whitby School 2020 Alumni Speaker Series with Sonia Malloy On Nov. 10, Whitby School launches its Alumni Speaker Series and welcomes alumna Sonia Malloy ’86 as the first speaker. Ms. Malloy is the founder and owner of Splurge, a specialty items store located in Greenwich, and will present on Operating a Small Business During The Pandemic. The Series taps into a distinguished 60+ year alumni network that will cover a range of contemporary topics from the arts, science, business, and politics. The Series is open to the public and will be an hourlong live Zoom presentation. To register and receive the meeting access code, please go to https://www.
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Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
Honor Bestowed Upon The Greenwich Historical Society By Anne W. Semmes Once a year, the National Trust for Historic Preservation awards its prestigious Trustees Emeritus Award for Historic Site Stewardship. This year of 2020 they chose the Greenwich Historical Society. In the National Trust’s letter to the Historical Society’s Executive Director Debra Mecky, the Trust’s Chief Preservation Officer Katherine Malone-Frances states: “A jury of historic sites experts from both inside and outside the National Trust unanimously selected the Greenwich Historical Society for this award and particularly noted the breadth and quality of the preservation projects that have been completed to steward and interpret your historic buildings and landscape, as well as the different levels and types of support that you marshalled to make this work happen.” The letter continues, “The jur y also noted the Societ y ’s straightforward and thoughtful approach to telling the stories of people who were enslaved on the property.”
The Greenwich Historical Society received The National Trust for Historic Preservation 2020 Trustees Emeritus Award. Photo by Durston Saylor.
“This award underscores the importance of preserving historic sites for building strong bridges to the future." Debra Mecky.
“This award,” shared Mecky, “underscores the importance of preserving historic sites for building strong bridges to the future. Bush Holley House is an architectural gem and an asset for educating our children and the public at large on the important role Greenwich played in America’s development. We are honored to be recognized by the National Trust for our success in preservation and programming initiatives.” Mecky also wished to thank Peter Malkin, Honorary Trustee, “for his dedicated leadership of our capital campaign; our Board of Trustees for their vision and support; and our architectural team at David Scott Parker Architects for its award-winning design of our new museum, library and archives building.” For 24 of the Historical Society’s nearly 90 years – it was founded in 1931, Mecky has overseen not only the realization of its new campus, but a number of important a nd memora ble ex h i bits a nd programming. In a letter of support for the National Trust Trustees Emeritus Award, the CT Humanities
(CTH) Executive Director Jason Mancini, Ph. D praised the Society’s CTH-funded exhibition, just closed, “An Unfinished Revolution: The Women’s Suffrage Centennial,” and the prior exhibit, “An American Story: Finding Home in Fairfield County, with its local stories told by first generation immigrants to Greenwich from Italy and other countries. Also cited in the CT Humanities letter was praise for the Society’s “exemplary ongoing stewardship of the Bush-Holley site…Its slave quarters and related education programs are a model for other institutions who seek to tell a more diverse and complete story of their communities.” When asked what other award ranked so high during her twodozen years tenure as executive director, she told of the sticker that one can see on entering the Historical Society, of the American Alliance of Museums that had accredited the Historical Society in 2004 as one of the very few historical societies to receive museum status. “And we were just reaccredited in 2020!” she noted.
Celebrating The Artistry and Generosity Of Cos Cob Donors By Anne W. Semmes Last Monday the Greenwich H i s to r i c a l S o c i e t y w a r m l y welcomed with tea and c r u mp et s t ho s e who sha r e its Cos Cob roots, Josie Merck and friend Florence Phillips, with their two new gifts of art now displayed in the Society’s expanded and newly named James Stephenson and Josie Merck Stevenson Library and A r c h i ve s . F i f t e e n o r m o r e friends of the gift givers attended the celebration. “The original idea for this event,” said Society Executive Director Debra Mecky to the gathered group, “was an informal dedication of a print by John C. Phillips, Florence Phillip's late husband [known as Jack]. And thanks to Florence, we were able to restore it and reframe it and you will really be able to see how lovely and beautiful a print it is.” With its title of “Horseleech Pond I,” Mecky described it as “a beautiful marsh” now seen off the reading room of the Library. “It ’s a place we go to on Cape Cod,” Phillips described that marsh. She gave thanks to Josie Merck for her idea “to bring something of Jack’s” to the Library. “Jack would be so proud to be a Cos Cob artist to be in the Library room of Josie and Jim's.” The Phillips Cos Cob roots include Jack Phillips’ sister, Madelyn Phillips O’Neil, wife of Horton O’Neil, the architect of the Cos Cob Amphitheater, memorably saved and moved to Sarah Lawrence College, with the generosity of Josie Merck.
Josie Merck stands by her donated Gerald Van Gorden painting of the Pinetum in the Archivist’s office. Photo by Anne W. Semmes
"Waiting to be publicly displayed in January was another recent art gift, Childe Hassam’s painting of “The Red Mill, Cos Cob.” Mecky then described Josie Merck’s donation of a landscape painting by former “Postmaster” of t he Cos Cob Post Of f ice, Gerald “Gerry’ Van Gorden. Its setting is in the Montgomery Pinetum. “It has been installed in the Archivist's office,” said Meck y. She surprised some in the group with the history that the original site of the Cos Cob Post office was located on the Society’s campus. “It was located behind the Bush Holley House, in the old Justus Lake Bush Storehouse which I can take you to see. In those days,
[late 19th - early 20th c] the postmaster had to provide a room in his residence in order in to be appointed Postmaster.” “G err y wasn't really our postmaster,” noted Merck. Van Gorden had served as a postman for 40 years. “He's a fine painter and very modest. He had a few shows at the Cos Cob Library. But what he was for some of us was our Greenwich historian and such a passionate connector of people and places.” Van Gorden’s roots went beyond his many years at the Post O f f ice , Mer ck sha r e d.
“ H i s g r a n d f a t h e r, W i l l i a m Van G orden had a boatyard located on the shores of the new Cos Cob Park. He serviced, winterized, built, and stored many a vessel for the Belle Haven and Greenwich residents. He was close friends with the chief of the power plant, Mr. Lewis Grant O'Donnell, whose daughter Gertrude Riska wrote an oral history for the Greenwich Library back in 1989.” Merck held up some p o stc a r d s Va n G or den h ad sent her. On one recent one mailed from the Amish country
in Pennsylvania where Van Gorden has retired had shared his regrets he was unable to attend the Society event. Another postal had a teepee drawn near the stamp. “And that's because he delivered mail to my mailbox,” and “I did have a teepee,” she smiled. On another card was his photo taken in the Cos Cob Post Office. “And that's our beloved Cos Cob postman, Gerald Van Gorden. And I'm giving these postcards to Archivist Christopher Shields because h is ha ndw r iting is extraordinary.” Guests then divided up five at time to explore the Archives led by Shields. There, waiting to b e pu bl icly d isplaye d i n January was another recent art gift, Childe Hassam’s painting of “The Red Mill, Cos Cob.” “It was purchased at auction at Christie’s probably two months ago,” shared Shield. The painting dates to Hassam’s first visit to the famous Cos Cob art colony in 1896. In light of these recent art donations Mecky was asked by this attendee what were the Society ’s present collecting objectives with the Society’s increased spaces. She shared their “Collections Management Policy” that addresses both its Archives and Museum. “The Archivist’s collecting objective is to maintain and build the present collection the acquisition of unique or rare historical collection items pertaining to all aspects of Gr e enw ich. The se item s i nclude but a re not l i m ited to: Personal papers and
manuscripts including letters, diaries, journals, memoranda, reminiscences, rosters, service records, account books, charts, s u r veys , pu b l i sh e d work s , and field books. Photographs, negatives, and slides. Ephemera and memorabilia such as ribbons, medals, lapel buttons, awards, and other small objects. Audiotapes, videotapes, DVDs, and digital audiovisual formats both amateur and professional. Material pertaining to all aspects of Bush-Holley House and its occupants through the years. T h e M u s e u m C u r a t o r ’s collecting objective is to maintain and build the present collection of objects documenting the material culture of present and former inhabitants of Greenwich and its region. Particular emphasis is given to those items connected to the history of Bush-Holley Historic Site or useful to its interpretation. Objects include, but are not limited to fine and d e c o r at i ve a r t s , m a r it i m e , ag ricultural, industrial and domestic artifacts, such as: Items reflecting the lifestyles of the occupants of Bush-Holley Historic Site. Items ref lecting the activities of members of the Cos Cob Art Colony. Items made or used in Greenw ich reflecting historic or present-day Greenwich. Items concerning or associated with Greenwich people, places or events. For f u r t her i n for mat ion contact Archivist Christopher Shields at cshields@, or Curator Maggie Dimock at mdimock@
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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Thomas J. Hudner, Jr.
CITATION READS: For c on s pic u ou s ga l l a n t r y and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a pilot in Fighter Squadron 32, while attempting to rescue a squadron mate whose plane struck by antiaircraft f ire and trailing smoke, was forced down behind enemy lines. Quickly maneuvering to circle the downed pilot and protect him from enemy troops infesting the area. Lt. (J. G.) Hudner risked his life to save the injured flier who was trapped alive in the burning wreckage. Fully aware of the extreme danger in landing on the rough mountainous terrain and the scant hope of escape or survival in subzero temperature, he put his plane down skillfully in a deliberate wheels-up landing in the presence of enemy troops. With his bare hands, he packed the fuselage with snow to keep the flames away from the pilot and struggled to pull him free. Unsuccessful in this, he returned to his crashed aircraft and radioed other airborne planes requesting that a helicopter be dispatched with an ax and f ire extinguisher. He then remained on the spot despite the continuing danger from enemy action and, with the assistance of the rescue pilot, renewed a desperate but unavailing battle against time, cold and flames. Lt. ( J.G.) Hudner’s exceptionally valiant action and selfless devotion to a shipmate sustain and enhance the highest traditions of the U. S. Naval Service. Thomas J. Hudner was born August 31, 192 4 in Fall R iver, Massachusetts. He attended Phillips Academy (Andover). At A ndover Tom Hudner or Lou as he was known to his many f riends, was captain of the track team and a member of the football and lacrosse teams. He served as a class officer and was on the Student Council.
on the scene, undeterred by the continuing enemy action. With the assistance of the rescue pilot, Lieutenant Charles Ward, they worked until nightfall to free Jessie Brown from his damaged aircraft. With nightfall approaching and the helicopter unable to fly in darkness they had to leave Brown and the aircraft in enemy territory. Jesse Brown’s last words to Hudner were “tell Daisy I love her”. Tom Hudner often spoke about the deep regret he had not being able to rescue his wingman. It was impossible to retrieve the body or the plane. Tom Hudner pleaded with his superiors to allow him to return to the wreck to extract Brown, but he was not allowed because they feared an ambush by the enemy. The US Navy bombed the crash site with napalm two days later to prevent the body and aircraft from falling into Chinese or North Korean hands. Hudner f lew over 20 combat missions during the war, serving i n Kor e a u nt i l 19 51 when he returned to the United States. On April 13, 1951 Hudner received the Medal of Honor from President Truman. At the ceremony he met Daisy Brow n, the w idow of Ensign Jesse L. Brown. The two stayed in regular contact for at least 50 years following this meeting. In 2001 Hudner was proud to visit Mississippi State University to present Daisy Brow n w it h s evera l of Je ss e Brown’s posthumous medals. In 1968 Tom Hudner married Georgea Smith. Georgea was a widow with three children. Tom and Georgea later had a son Thomas J. Hudner III born in 1971. Thomas Hudner continued his Naval career until 1973. He received 19 awards including the Medal of Honor. His assignments were numerous and worldwide. Hud ne r w a s pr omote d to Captain in 1965. In 1966 he was assigned to USS Kitty Hawk as a navigator. He later became the ship’s executive off icer. Kitty Hawk was deployed off the shore of South Vietnam in 1966 and 1967. He ser ved on t he sh ip du r i ng t h is t i me but s aw no combat and flew no missions. His f inal Nav y posting w a s a s t he he ad of Av iat ion Te c h n i c a l Tr a i n i n g i n t h e O f f i c e o f t h e C h i e f o f Nav a l Operations in Washington DC. He held this position until his
r et i r e me nt i n 19 7 3 . Shor t ly before his retirement, the Navy commissioned the K nox-class f r ig ate US S Je s s e L . Br ow n , which was the third U.S. ship named in honor of an African American. Hudner was delighted to give the dedication with Daisy Brown Thorne and her daughter Pamela Brown at his side at the
Photo by Anne Drake
By Anne T. Drake
Hu d n e r e n t e r e d t h e U. S . Naval Academy in 1946 having been inspired by a speech given by Andover Headmaster Claude Fuess following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Mr. Hudner was one of 10 in his class that was accepted to the Naval Academy in 1943. World War II was over by the time Hudner was commissioned. After graduation he served as a communication off icer aboard several surface ships, including USS Helena which was of f the coast of Taiwan. Shortly thereafter he transferred to the Naval Base Pearl Harbor. When Hudner entered the Navy, he was not at all interested in av iation. By 194 8 Hudner had changed his mind and applied to f light school seeking a new challenge. By the fall of 1950 Hudner was f lying combat missions in Korea having been assigned to VF 32 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Leyte piloting the F4U Corsair. He later said he considered the Corsair to be safe and enjoyed this assignment. On December 4th he was one of a group of six fighters sent out on an ar med recon naissance mission over North Korea supporting the US Marine Corps ground troops who were trapped by Chinese forces. Hudner’s w ingman was a Nav y f lier named Jesse Brown, the son of a Mississippi sharecropper. Jesse was t he Nav y ’s f i rst A f r ica n American pilot. While straf ing enemy positions at a low altitude Brown’s plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire. Jesse Brown was f lying too low to allow him to bail out or clear the snow-covered mountains. Brown crashed his plane into a bowl-shaped valley near Somongn i , 1 5 m i le s b e h i nd Ch i ne s e lines. The crash pinned Brown's leg beneath the f uselage. His airborne colleagues thought he had died in the crash, until Brown stripped off his helmet and gloves to try to free himself. Unable to free himself, Brown waved to the other pilots for assistance. Hunder radioed h is f lig ht leader that he was “going in” and crash landed his plane nearby. Despite i nju r i ng h is back on landing, Hudner rushed over to Brown and worked for several minutes to rescue him. Realizing he could not do it alone he called for a helicopter, a fire extinguisher, and an axe. Hudner remained
Commissioning ceremony. A f ter ret i rement, Hud ner worked as a consultant and later did work with the United Service Organization. He worked with various veteran’s groups as a leader of the veterans’ community. From 1991 to 1999 Hudner served as Commissioner for the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services. Hudner’s off icial biography Devotion: An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship a n d S a c r if i c e w a s r ele a s e i n 2015 af ter collaborating w ith Adam Makos for seven years. In July 2013 Tom Hudner visited Pyongyang, North Korea along w it h Ma kos to recover Jesse Brown’s remains from the crash site. He was unsuccessful and extremely disappointed. In 2012 Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus declared that a naval guided missile destroyer under construction at the time would be named the USS Thomas Hudner. The ship was christened on April 1, 2017 with Hudner in attendance. It was commissioned in Boston on December 1, 2018. Thomas Jerome Hudner, Jr. died on November 13, 2017 at age 93 in Concord Massachusetts. He was interred at Arlington National Cemetery on April 4, 2018. Written by Anne T. Drake, a Greenwich resident, whose father, Philip Drake, was a classmate of Thomas Hudner's at Phillips Academy (Andover).
MIKU SUSHI Partners with N2N Restaurateurs K Dong and Chef Steve Chen, the co-owners of MIKU SUSHI in Green-wich, are exercising their special brand of community spirit this month in a creative way. With their gourmet Japanese cuisine skills, they have developed a new appetizer and sushi roll to fundraise and promote programs for Neighbor 2 Neighbor, Greenwich’s local food pantry serving at-risk residents in Stamford, Greenwich, and Port Chester. Those customers who order the new “Neighbor Strong Roll” or the #GiveHealthy appetizer will see one hundred percent of the proceeds of their order donated to Neighbor to Neighbor throughout the month of November. K Dong and Chef Steve Chen had f irst connected with Neighbor 2 Neighbor in March
when they delivered a food and supply donation. In May Miku re-opened for takeout, and started limited outdoor dining in July, resuming indoor dining in late August at 50-percent capacity. MIKU’s non-profit campaign promotes a new partner each month. MIKU has exercised that community spirit supporting the Bruce Muse-um, Breast Cancer Alliance, Lights to the Avenue, and the American Red Cross. “It’s important for us to be involved with the community,” said Dong. “We are grateful for the warm welcome we received when we opened last year and for the support we received during this year’s pandemic. Our goal is to pay it forward, promote the spirit of giving, and also strength-en our relationship with our customers.”
“It is a privilege to partner with K and his staff at MIKU as we focus on the importance of feeding our neighbors in need,” said Margaret Tjimos Goldberg, Executive Director at Neighbor to Neighbor. Known for distributing clothing, supplies, and food to at-risk families in the Greenwich ar-ea, Neighbor to Neighbor has focused solely on food assistance and has temporarily closed its clothing room due to the COVID pandemic. Goldberg noted that Neighbor 2 Neighbor has moved operations to the Arch Street Teen Center. Anyone living in the Greenwich area with food insecurities should con-tact the Greenwich Dept. of Human Services (203 622-7793) for assistance with the food pantry program.
Warm Up This Winter Atko Bros Landscaping is now providing top quality Kiln Dried Firewood Delivered and Stacked for the best prices GUARANTEED. 1 face cord 8x4x16” $300 and 1/2 face cord 4x4x16” $180 We also stock woodhaven Firewood racks with covers We deliver to Greenwich, Cos Cob, Old Greenwich, Riverside, Byram and surrounding areas in Fairfield County, CT and Westchester Country, NY.
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Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt
Editorial Page Columns
Voting in District 12
EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
That seemingly endless line of masked women and men had but one mission – to participate in the American democratic process by casting their vote. It was impossible to tell who was voting Democratic and who was voting Republican and that was good. The atmosphere was almost reverent and that’s the way it should be.
A Community Was Heard In the midst of all the pollical noise of the past month or so it would be understandable if you had not heard about the Chase Bank branch in the Banksville section of Greenwich planning to close. At the very top of North Street sits a cluster of businesses that make up a vibrant and important business community for the backcountry. It is a great place to visit. We have always been strong supporters of local businesses. They are the cornerstone of our economy and help give our community its sense of self. Who doesn’t like to walk into a local business and have them welcome you by name, even when you are wearing a mask? It makes you feel good.
Whenever we would stop into the Back Country Market (pretty much weekly) which is owned by Christine Tegtmeier Salazar and her brother Tom, we would overhear excited conversations about what other businesses or individuals had signed the petition or called a Chase executive The businesses in Banksville, of which there are about 50 all told, are like that. They know their customers and value their customers. The branch of Chase Bank located there was the same as well, welcoming customers by name. When the decision to close the branch and move its operations to Bedford was made it was done in a corporate office far from this community for business reasons that surely made sense at the time. Fortunately, when the decision to close the branch was announced the closeness of the business community in Banksville worked in its favor. A petition drive was launched. Businesses and customers were mobilized to lobby Chase executives to keep the branch open. Led by Easy Kelsey who owns a well-known back-country horse farm, the effort picked up steam through the early fall. It was great to stop into some of the local businesses and see their enthusiasm for the effort. Whenever we would stop into the Back Country Market (pretty much weekly) which is owned by Christine Tegtmeier Salazar and her brother Tom, we would overhear excited conversations about what other businesses or individuals had signed the petition or called a Chase executive. It was a grass roots effort at its very best. It was positive. The campaign to save the bank was about community and the vital role the bank plays in the community. An executive in New York City who decides where a branch would be located would not know about that sense of community unless they visited. And that is exactly what happened. An executive came to explore the funky little hamlet that straddles Greenwich and the New York border. What they found was a tightknit community where everyone knew everyone’s name, where the bank employees knew their patrons by name. They visited other businesses in the area to ask about their banking experience. What they heard must have, at first, sounded alien to a New York City executive. After all, how many big city bank employees know their patrons by name? In the middle of a pandemic to see the friendliness and care shown by customers of the market would seem in stark contrast to the rioting going on in cities across the country. But the bank executive did see it. They saw it all: the vibrancy, the inter-dependability of businesses and indiv idua ls, and most impor tantly the community and how important it is for the branch of the bank to continue to be a part of that community. The result is a five-year lease has been signed. Congratulations Banksville, you did it right. In a time when negativity is the go-to emotion and communication style, you were positive and affected positive change for all involved. That is rare to see these days and it is refreshing.
By Patricia Chadwick For decades, my husband and I have been early morning voters at the North Mianus School in Old Greenwich. The only time we ever experienced a wait of more than a minute or two was in the mid-term election in 2018, and I wrote about it as a good sign that the citizenry was involved. We love voting in person, and for years we’d bring our children with us to let them feel involved in the process. There’s something very empowering about voting, even if the outcome is not what one was hoping for. At least one had a say in the matter. This year, my husband and I discussed the best time to vote. We expected that the turnout would be far greater than normal, but with so many people choosing to use mail-in ballots, maybe the foot traffic would be down. Or maybe with so many people working from home because of the pandemic, the voting pattern would be more evenly distributed throughout the day. “I’m going to get there early to beat the traffic,” I said, while my husband thought the afternoon might be a quieter time. So I was up at 5am (it felt like 6am since Daylight Saving time ended only two days ago), showered and dressed for the day, leaving my husband still asleep.
I checked the temperature – it was 37! Sure hope there’s no line, I thought. By 5:40, I was heading out of the house for the one-mile drive to the school, dressed in a down jacket and earmuffs, but without gloves. As I came to make a left at the bottom of the hill, two cars were approaching and turned on to the same street. “I bet I know where they’re going” I thought and how right I was. The school parking lot was nearly full and the line of wouldbe voters stretched from the notas-yet-open door down the full length of the lot. I found one of the last parking places and made my way in the darkness to the end of the line. The time was 5:48a.m. I checked the temperature on my cell phone – it was still 37 degrees. HMMM – 12 minutes before the doors opened, but how long will it take to get to the front of the line. Why didn’t I wear gloves? I pulled out my cell phone and searched for the daily Sudoku – it took me just five minutes to do the puzzle. I limit myself to one a day and this one was far too easy. But those five minutes of exposure had turned my fingers to icicles. So I stuck my hands in my pockets and started thinking about things to warm me up. How lucky that I’m not voting in Minnesota or Wisconsin or
Montana. I felt better, and then the line began to move. By the time a got to the door, it was 6:21am, a thirty-three-minute crawl that increasingly felt like a pilgrimage to a holy place, and in a way it was. The school basketball gymnasium was a sanctuary of sorts – a place where I could play my part, small as it was, in our democracy. Once inside the warmth of the school building, the routine was as it has been for as long as I can remember. The same people who’ve been working the polls for years were cheerful and helpful. Plexiglas screens and no common pens were the only exceptions to the past. Oh, and there were no stickers to tell the world I had voted! I blame that on COVID-19. As I exited the hall, I checked out the line of citizens waiting for their turn to vote. It had grown measurably, now wending past two sides of the parking lot and up the street. That seemingly endless line of masked women and men had but one mission – to participate in the American democratic process by casting their vote. I wondered how many of them would vote as I had and how many would be voting the other way. Despite a campaign season that undoubtedly has been the most divisive and stressful that any of us can remember, there was not a thread of animus among the
voters in the interminable line I was part of this morning. It was impossible to tell who was voting Democratic and who was voting Republican and that was good. The atmosphere was almost reverent and that’s the way it should be. Like most Americans (I believe), I will be glued to the telev ision w ith my family all evening and maybe well into the night or even the wee hours of tomorrow. While the Presidential election is the most electric on a national scale, there are numerous neck and neck races for House and Senate seats. It’s a good night for a pizza delivery, a fire in the fireplace, some popcorn and a large screen TV. But on the serious side, the tension hanging over this election is worrying. It's up to each of the candidates, particularly at the Presidential level, to convince their followers to accept the outcome without violence. I hope and pray that will take place. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. Her recently published memoir, Little Sister, the story of her unusual childhood growing up in a cult, is now available in paperback . She is currently working on her second book, Breaking Glass, about “growing up” on Wall Street. www.
Turkey Trot Fitness Challenge Month The Greenwich Alliance’s 10th annual Turkey Trot is REIMAGINED as a month-long community fitness challenge register today
By Julie Faryniarz On November 1, at Cadillac of Greenwich, First Selectman, Fred Camillo proclaimed the month of November as the Greenwich Alliance for Education’s Turkey Trot Fitness Challenge Month. The Greenwich Alliance’s 10th annual Turkey Trot is REIMAGINED as a month-long community fitness challenge and runs from November 1 - 28. Our community is encouraged to get active walking, running, or biking while wearing a Turkey Trot shirt in support of the Alliance. Costs are $30 per adult (age 14+) and $15 per child with t-shirts and neck gaiters are available while they last. Register today at https://greenwichalliance. org to help us raise $50,000! Special thanks to Cadillac of Greenwich for hosting this event. Eric Sandstrom, Managing Partner of Cadillac, “is a proud sponsor of the Greenwich Alliance for Education because we believe that there is nothing more important than the success of our youth. The Alliance supports every child’s opportunity and the teacher’s behind their success.” In 2011, Emmy Stocker approached Christine Kim, then A l l ia nc e B o a r d Ch a i r, a b out
hosting a 5K and a 1 Mile race as a community event and fundraiser to our organization. Three hundred people registered in our first year. By 2019, the Turkey Trot had grown to 1200 participants and at least 1000 spectators. You - our supportive and generous community - have helped us raise $377,000 in support of Alliance programs focused on funding innovation, expanding opp or t u n it ie s, a nd i n spi r i ng educators in the Greenwich Public Schools. A special “shout out” to the entire Turkey Trot Committee and the hundreds of volunteers who have organized this race for our families on the Saturday after Thanksgiving for all these years. Thanks everyone! Ready, get set, go… Tu r n o f f y o u r c o m p u t e r, lace up your sneakers, pump up your bike tires, grab your phones and beg in snapping and posting pictures using #GreenwichAllianceTurkeyTrot2020. Prizes will be awarded throughout the month to registered participants for social media posts of pictures with the Funky Turkeys, wearing Turkey hats, posing with Tom the Turkey, running with your dog, and much more. Make sure to check our website www.greenwichalliance. org for additional categories and prize offerings. We are so excited about the Funky Turkeys which were made using found objects and recycled materials created through the Developing Artist Program led by Michael Manning and Ben Quesnel. Prizes will also be awarded to
First Selectman, Fred Camillo poses with Artist, Michael Manning and Julie Faryniarz with a Funky Turkey made through the Developing Artist grant program every school that registers at least 10 people and $500 to the school with the greatest percentage of registrants to enrollment. Will Julian Curtiss be unseated as the school competition winner this year? Consider set ti ng up some personal fitness goals - run or walk one mile a day as a family or with a friend to complete the equivalent of a marathon, ride your bike a few extra loops at Tod’s Point, take a hike at the Audubon with a small group of friends. There are so many ways to get active, stay fit, and have fun in this month-long Turkey Trot Fitness Challenge! Check out the Alliance website for various activities to participate in throughout the month including a Turkey Trot Celebration event on November 28th. Tom the Turkey may even make a guest appearance at some of them. We are so grateful to our many sponsors who are committed to education and have stepped up to sponsor the Turkey Trot in this challenging 2020 year. Cynthia DeR iemer - Coldwell Banker, Cushman & Wakef ield, Garden Catering, The Gibbons Family, MBI, Inc, Shepard Insurance Group,
and Upper Crust Bagel have been sponsors or supporters for all 10 years. Other 2020 lead sponsors include: 400 Capital Management; Cadillac of Greenwich; Cecilia Fernandez, Anderson Associates; Coldwell Banker Global Luxury; Elling ton Management Group LLC; First County Bank; General Atlantic; Greenwich Braces; JDF, LLC; MarketAxess; Morgan Stanley/ Thomas Markey, Financial Advisor; Samuel Owen Gallery; School of Rock, and The Richman Group. Visit the Greenwich Alliance for Education website for a full listing of sponsors and please support their businesses! Look for me walking Baker, my Portuguese Water Dog, every morning with my friends. Meg and Suzanne and her Labradoodle, Tucker, as we log our miles for the Turkey Trot. Please make sure to register at https://greenwichalliance. org, we really need your support. And most of all - have fun! Julie is the Executive Director of the Greenwich Alliance for Education, a member of the Greenwich United Way's Planning Council and Advisory Board, and one of last year's YWCA Women Who Inspire award recipients.
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Children and Education
District Norms
By Ralph Mayo The Greenwich Public School system adopted a list of norms several years ago to give everyone in the district a set of behaviors to guide us both in and out of school. Prior to holding a meeting, we state the district norms and refer back to these norms after the meeting has concluded to determine if we have conducted ou rselves appropr iately. The norms are:
Be Here Be Safe Be Honest Care for Self and Others Let Go and Move On A s we move for wa rd i nto N ove m b e r a n d o u r n a t i o n a l elections are held, it is important that each of the leaders in our community and country follow some type of norms so we can have a dialogue about the issues that are before us rather than the attacked filled rhetoric that obfuscates where people stand on the important topics of the day. As I read our local newspapers and listen to the different televised debates, I can’t help but wonder if the spea kers wou ld have performed better had they learned our norms and applied them when participating in a debate. Quite frankly, the depths that we have fallen to are unfathomable. The lack of civility is unbearable and it needs to stop! As a building
So, I am wondering once again if the young adults at our great high school can overcome the many barriers to learning that have been placed in front of them, then why can’t our leaders do the same when it comes to discussing the problems that our country is facing. Principal who works with 2800 adolescents, I worry that they too will begin to act in this manner because they see adults in leadership roles doing the same. It is imperative that we have an educated electorate who ca n understand the issues and then determine who would be the best person to represent them, but how
can this happen if all we hear is a great deal of noise without content. A s we m ove t h r o u g h t h e Pandemic, we shifted into crisis mode at our school; which means that we are working extremely well as a staff to make our climate as positive as possible at all times. Our staff, which had been highly collaborative in the past is even
more so now in creating a Hybrid Learning environment that can be accessed by all learners. Our wonderful students, have also done an amazing job in following all the guidelines that we have put in place for them. So, I am wondering once again if the young adults at our great high school can overcome the many barriers
to learning that have been placed in front of them, then why can’t our leaders do the same when it comes to discussing the problems that our country is facing. Some may take my words as political in nature, but I can assure you they are not. I just want to see the democratic process move forward, the one that our forefathers fought and died for so our children and grandchildren may have the same liberties that we all currently enjoy in our great country. If we need to be in crisis mode for our community to come together, so be it. Once we emerge from this pandemic and understand that we were able to do so by caring for self and others we will have learned a valuable lesson about how to conduct ourselves at all times. Ralph Mayo is the Principal of Greenwich High School. This is his forty-fourth year working in public education.
Make It Fun: Art Museums And Galleries With Kids By Michael Manning I always promised myself that taking my kids to museums, galleries and art exhibitions would be nothing but fun. After all, with their dad being an artist they would invariably be spending a little bit of time looking at art. Spending the day at the mu s e u m i s s o m e t h i n g we all like to do with our kids. It's something we appreciate having our children experience through school and other or g a n i z at ion s . But how to make it something your child looks forward to, gets excited about and remembers fondly is a bit more compl ic ate d. The most important thing is to make it casual and make it fun. Tu r n e v e r y t r i p t o a mu s e u m o r g a l l e r y i nto a game; that’s what I used to do w it h my ow n k id s a n d it’s now something I do with my s t u d e nt s . D o n’t t r y to cram too much into the day, think ing you have to make the most of your time. With a nyo n e , a du lt s , te e n a g e r s and especially younger kids g iv ing them too much to look at mashes ever y th ing together and they w ind up remem bering ver y little. This is where making it fun and casual is key to creating an engaging memorable experience. One of my favorite things
to do w ith my ow n k ids and younger students is to walk into a room f illed with paintings and simply tell them to pick out their favorite piece. Ask them to close their eyes, turn around one time slowly, open them and pick their favorite painting. In a museum setting we would run from room to room picking out our favorite works of art this way. This simple game gave them control over what they were looking at and choosing, leading to more conversations about the work and overall day. A way to build on this is to ask children to make drawings and take notes using a little sketchbook. The sketchbook in this situation will help with the casualness of everything. Sometimes draw the art work, sometimes just doodle or even play tic-tac-toe and make funny drawings of us in the museums. Another fun way to connect children to the are is to take selfies and have each child try to mimic the expression of the figures in the work. Ask them to look for patterns that match their sho e s. Each of t he se l it t le games helps children more c l o s e l y e x a m i n e t h e work and draw connections to themselves. One year, when I took my young children to the Whitney Bien n ia l, I wa s concer ne d
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I always promised myself that taking my kids to museums, galleries and art exhibitions would be nothing but fun...
Family in hand.
about my kids getting bored a n d m o r e i m p o r t a n t l y, over whelmed. For the day, we packe d va r ious t h i ngs, including sketchbooks, pencils, markers, a supply of Thomas t h e Ta n k E n g i n e s , s o m e snacks and most importantly a brand new Lego figure, the now ancient Bionicle, to be built while there. We did our typical game of picking our favorite painting or sculpture. Sometimes, af ter pick ing a favor ite piece I wou ld say,
“why don’t we draw one” and we would sit right on the floor and sketch; cartoon characters would often make their way in and sometimes do something to the art we were sketching. At some point I pulled out the lego, which was a surprise, a nd a l l of a sudden it was like we were sitting on the living room f loor. Ironically a few people thought it might be part of an installation as building the figure seemed so natural in the setting. Without
purposely saying we’re going to look at and study art, we lived and breathed it without really calling much attention to it . T he mor e c a su a l we make visiting galleries, the more accessible it becomes to our everyday lives and the easier it is to expose children to dif ferent elements of creativity. W h i le we a re cu r rent ly in a new distanced (learning and socially) env ironment, there are still plenty of places
to spend some time casually looking at art. The galleries a nd mu s eu m s a r e doi n g a tremendous job creating safe, accessible experiences. On Wednesdays, our school is f u l ly r emote a nd I v isit various museums, galleries, art organizations, and a r tist ’s st ud ios to conduc t my classes. Places to v isit right now include the Aldrich Museum with a great Frank Stella exhibition and the Yale University Art Gallery. Storm K i ng a nd t he H ig h l i ne a re wonderful outdoor facilities. The Met, New Museum and Moma all have well organized plans for accepting visitors and most of the Chelsea galleries are open if you call ahead. One of the best parts of recently visiting these places is how happy and normal it made this stressful environment seem. Going to see some art with your kids right now might just be what everyone needs, and don’t forget the sketchbooks, legos and snacks! Michael Manning is a professional studio artist and educator. He is currently co-leadin g the Developin g Artist Program funded by t h e G r e e n wi c h Al l i a n c e fo r Education , The CT Of f ice of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. H i s a r t w o rk h a s b e e n p a r t of numerous regional and international exhibitions, s ol o a n d g r ou p e xh i bi t i o n s i n Hau s der Ku n st Mu s eu m in Munich , G er many; Ar not A r t M u s e u m , E l m i r a , N Y; University of Connecticut; Seton Hall University and the Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT. Michael also runs the art programs for the Boys & Girls Club and is the Art Department Chair at a high school in NY.
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Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel
Community Calendar
GREENWICH HOSPITAL: greenwichhospital. org/events Nov. 7 9 - 11 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln., Greenwich. $65. 888305-9253. Nov. 9 12:30 - 2 p.m. Webinar: Hip Replacement Education. Free. 203-863-3598. 6:30 - 7 p.m. Webinar: Navigating Insurance: Diabetes Benefits. Free.
Nov. 7 10:30 a.m. Sing Along with Tom Weber. Via Zoom. Free. Registration is required. dsullivan@ 3 p.m. Explore Virtual Reality. Via Zoom. Free. Register. innovationlab@
Nov. 10 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Webinar: DASH Diet for Cardiac Health. Free. 2:30 - 2 p.m. Webinar: Anterior Total Hip Replacement Class. Free. 203-863-3598. 6 - 7 p.m. Webinar: My Chart Tutorial. Free. Nov. 11 5 - 6 p.m. Webinar: Stroke Education Support Group (interactive meeting). Free. 6 - 7:30 p.m. Webinar: Get a Grip: Treatments for Painful Hand. Free. Nov. 12 1 - 2 p.m. Webinar: Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. Free. 5 - 6 p.m. Webinar: The Pelvis and Its Function. Free.
10 a.m. Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. Via Zoom. Free. Register. ywang@ 3:45 p.m. World Music with Anitra. Via Zoom. Free. Register. lmatthews@ 7 p.m. Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: “Trumbo” with Award-Winning Writer & Producer John McNamara. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 203-622-7910. friendsfridayfilms@
Nov. 9 10 a.m. Virtual: Story Time (Baby, Toddler, Preschool). Free. Register. 203-6227940. dsullivan@ 4 p.m. Virtual: Make it Monday (Grades K-2). Free. Register. 6 - 7:30 p.m. Virtual: Fiction Addiction Book. Free. Register. ghayes@ Nov. 10 11 a.m. Virtual Drop-in Computer Lab. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@ 11:30 a.m.
Virtual - Bloomberg Training. Free. Register. 203-622-7910. ywang@ 1 p.m. Virtual – Friends Book Group. Free. RSVP. 203622-7938. 3 p.m. Virtual – Intro to 3D Printing. Free. Register. 203-6227979. innovationlab@ 5 p.m. Virtual – New Yorker Stories Discussion Group. Free. Register. 203-6226883. lmatthews@ 6 p.m. Virtual – The Road To College. Free. Register. 203-6227918. emorrissey@ 7 p.m. Virtual – AuthorsLive: Exploring Greenwich Homes: Industry Experts Project Trends in Architecture, Real Estate, and Design. Free. Register. 203622-7948. rhansen@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Harvard Case Discussion: Democracy and Women’s Rights in America. Free. Register. civics@ Nov. 11 11 a.m. Virtual – “Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy” with Historian Stephen Wertheim, PhD. Free. Register. 203-6227948. rhansen@ Nov. 12 9 a.m. Parent & Child Yoga for Tots (Ages 2-5). Via Zoom. Free. Register. dsullivan@
10 a.m. Virtual - Investment Basics V: Why a Portfolio Review is Important and How to Do It. Free. Register. 203-622-7924. ywang@ 10 a.m. ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ Bilingual Storytime. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong. Free. Register. 203622-6883. lmatthews@ 7 p.m. A Night Out With Friends: A Virtual Musical Celebration of Gratitude. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 203622-7919. dsalm@ 7 p.m. GRT: Christ Church Greenwich Book Discussion. Adults. Free. 203-531-0426. us02web.zoom. us/j/84175042921, Meeting ID: 841 7504 2921 7 p.m. Virtual – Andy Warhol and the Pop Revolution with Beth Gersh-Nesic Ph.D. Free. Register. 203-531-0426. Nov. 13 2 p.m. Virtual – Let Your Device Entertain You!. Free. Register. 203625-6560. csherman@
PERROT LIBRARY: events.html Nov. 18 7 p.m. My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation, a Zoom Discussion with local architect and author, Donald Rattner. Via Zoom. Free.
AUDUBON CENTER: greenwich.audubon. org/events Nov. 11 4 p.m. Conservation Conversations. Facebook homepage. Free. All ages.
GREENWICH YMCA: Nov. 13 5 - 8 p.m. Kids’ Night Out. (Ages 3-10). 50 East Putnam Ave. Member, $25; non-member, $35. Registration is required. (Min. participants 4; max. participants 15). 203-869-1630, ext. 283. dgonzalez@
YWCA GREENWICH: Nov. 12 12:30 p.m. 3rd Annual Women Who Inspire Awards Virtual. 203-869-6501, ext. 102. j.eliopoulos@ ywcagreenwich. org. inspire2020
TOWN HALL MEETINGS: calendar Nov. 9 8:30 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Budget Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Law Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Law Department Conference Room, 101 Field Point Rd.
Nov. 10 8:30 a.m. OPEB Trust Board Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Human Services - Conference Room - 3rd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 10 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Investment Advisory Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Human Services Conference Room - 3rd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 12 p.m. FS Diversity Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting. Virtual Zoom. 5:30 p.m. Shellfish Commission Monthly Meeting. Virtual Zoom. 6:30 p.m. Board of Parks and Recreation Meeting. Virtual Zoom Webinar. 7 p.m. FSYC November Virtual Board Meeting (Rescheduled from Nov. 3). Via Zoom. Nov. 11 2 p.m. FS Re-Imagine Greenwich Virtual Web Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Historic District Commission Regular Meeting. Via Zoom. Nov. 12 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Virtual Web Meeting Via Zoom. 12:30 p.m. Board of Selectmen Special Virtual Web Meeting Via Zoom.
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Very Hard
Classifieds: For Sale PRE-OWNED BELL & GOSSETT LITTLE RED BOOSTER PUMP. These were removed from my heating system as I did an up grade. I am including the Coaxial Cable with each unit. The one I have available is 90" long cable approximate. Also including the (4) Nuts and Bolts for each unit. Bell & Gossett 106500-K58 Booster Pump 106500K58 LR-20 | PN: 106500-K58; 1/20 HP; 115 V; 60 Hz; 1 Phase; 2900 RPM; (203) 461-1200 RAIN BARREL S e r ie s 6 0 0 0 ra i n c atch e r w ith screen and overf low. L a rge 6 0 ga l lon c ap ac it y. $125 Call: 203 461 1937 QUEEN BED SET W/FRAME, FOAM, TOPPER COVER CLEAN EXCELLENT CONDITION- $300 203.461.1200 MIRROR FROM DRESSER FOUND IN ATTIC, HEAVY $30.00. OBO; 203-496-0035 BAUER ICE SKATES MEN’S SIZE 12, LIGHTLY USED. $75 CALL: 203 461 1937
LIKE NEW WOMEN’S ANKLE BOOTS. SIZE 9 WITH STUDDED HEEL DETAIL $150; CALL: 203 461 1937 STUART WEITZMAN BOOTS WOMEN’S PULL ON KNEE HIGH BLACK SUEDE BOOT WITH 3 1/2” HEEL. LIKE NEW. SIZE 8 ½; $80 CALL: 203 461 1937 TALBOTS KNEE HIGH BOOTS Chocolate suede boots. Inside zipper. Size 9, like new; $50 Call: 203 461 1937 PRADA GLOVES LIGHTLY USED WOMEN’S SIZE 71/2, BLACK LEATHER WIT FUR TRIM. $200 CALL: 203 461 1937 (2) STACOR 5 DRAW LIKE NEW FLAT METAL FILES left. (1) White and (1) Black all the same size. Store art work, plans, pictures, posters, kids artwork, anything you need to store flat. These are already discounted. Why would you spend well over $1000 when mine are over 50% less in like new condition. Check out how large these are: 47 W x
17½ H x 34¾ D. Item # K-4634. My prices are the "BEST" for these large size flat files. Store Maps, posters,plans,art work. Draws easily pull out. Clean Excellent condition. No rust or dents. From a smoke free environment. $550. (203) 461-1200. Lovely French with Brass Trim and Scroll Accents Bakers Rack. 35½W X 19½D X 74½ H. Early 19th Century. The brass has a beautiful aged patina, but could be polished if desired. The stamping at the base of this unit says: E DAUBERT 7 RUE ALEXANDRE PARIS. Three top Brass Accents with a Center Divider. What makes this unique is that it has one black marbled accents rectangular wood insert shelf and two curved brass trim shelves. From a smoke free environment, (203) 461-1200. Manfrotto Bogen Auto Poles 2 P ie ces Complete w it h Clamps/holders Auto-poles are a great studio accessory. Able to span from f loor to ceiling, they will hold securely without legs. A unique locking mechanism assures stability. In situations where the ceiling
is too high, an accessory leg set is available. Perfect for holding up backg rounds or can be used as a pole to hold superclamps. This Manfrotto Single Autopole, Extends From 82.7"145.7". Color: silver; material: aluminum; maximum extension: 145.67 in.; minimum extension: 8 2 .6 8 i n . : p o l e d i a m e t e r : 45.40mm.; weight: 4.85 lbs. My listing includes. (2) Manfrotto Super Clamps, (4) Holders I have used these very little like maybe 2-4 times. From a smoke free environment: $300; (203) 461-1200. Pre-Owned Large Delsey Suitecase/Luggage 360 easy spin. 32" from wheels to top X 20"W X 13". Like New $125.00 (203) 461-1200. Pelican Soft Case with oodles of Storage space. Light weight. I have 2 extra gray Velcro pads which I will include. This case is great to take on an Airplane Travel, or just travel in general as it is light weight. Size of case is approx: 21 L X 8 W x 15 H. $90.00 (203) 461-1200. TACO CARTRIDGE CIRCULAR 007-F5 $85 2) AVAIL. 203-461-1200
PROVIDING ELITE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Proudly serving the Greenwich Area for Over 15 Years
2 0 3 . 9 2 1. 7 17 2 | Sharon Swe e n ey Stef fan n | s haron @ g re e n w i c h s ta ffi n g . c o m
PEGGY KARR GLASS PLATE 11” YELLOW FISH PLATE. NEW IN BOX. $30; CALL: 203 461 1937 ERIC PARNELL GLASS PLATE SALMON GLASS PLATE. $60; CALL: 203 461 1937 VINTAGE MISS LEWIS EVENING BAG BLACK, GENTLY USED EVENING BAG FROM BERGDORF GOODMAN. $50 CALL: 203 461 1937 TJ PERCUSSION DRUM SET PERCUSSION/ROCK 5 PIECE DRUM SET WITH ZILDJIAN CYMBALS. BLUE METALLIC, PLAYED VERY LITTLE. $350; CALL: 203 461 1937 PR E - OW N E D B E L L & GOSSETT 106189 MR SERIES 100 MOTOR WITH 9' COAXIAL CABLE. Ta ke n out i n 1 1-2 019 a s I upgraded my heating system. Lightly used or almost hardly ever as this was for my basement heat Zone only and rarely turned on. (203) 461-1200.
You Have Only to be Still By Marek Zabriskie
Astronomer Carl Sagan, writes, “The Cosmos is all there is and all there ever will be.” For folks like Sagan, miracles are things for children to believe in – like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. People like Sagan believe in a world composed solely of atoms and molecules. Nothing can be true unless it can be replicated in an experiment. Thus, they miss out on the miraculous, because miracles cannot be replicated. Folks who dismiss miracles, remind me of that great line from Flannery O’Connor’s novel, Wise Blood, where the redoubtable
country preacher, Hazel Motes, informs his landlady that he is a preacher in the Church Without Christ, where “the blind don’t see and the lame don’t walk and what’s dead stays that way.” To which the woman innocently replies, “Protestant?” Whether you are Protestant, C at h o l i c , Jew i sh , Mu sl i m or agnostic, I would urge you to believe in miracles. Why deny the possibility to something so powerful and promising that you may one day need? Trust that there’s more to life than meets the eye. It’s especially important to do this during the pandemic, after a divisive election, tropical storms, raging forest fires, rising racial tensions and massive economic woes not seen in years. We need a few miracles. So, if you are facing challenges, trust that God has not given up on the world. Miracles do occur. Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live one’s life – to live as if nothing is a miracle and
Paul Antonik
the other is to live as if everything is a miracle.” Throughout history some of the greatest scientists have believed in miracles, Christians like Isaac Newton and Galileo. Francis Collins, who headed the Human Genome Project and now serves as the Director of the National Institute of Health, speaks openly about his Christian faith. In his book The Science of God, Collins explains how science led him to embrace faith. C.S. Lewis notes that the world can be broken up into a natural and supernatural realm. If we only believe in the natural realm, we will fail to grasp the supernatural. Yet, the Bible is full of miracles. Jesus turned water into wine, calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, walked on water and used five loaves of bread to feed roughly a small town. Jesus helped the blind to see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear and raised Lazarus from the dead. Each miracle was proof that God’s will for us is not chaos and suffering, but wholeness and joy. Since moving to Greenwich in
2018, I have seen miracles occur. I have seen church members do miraculous acts of charity for complete strangers and the greatest surge of generosity in our church in decades, which allows us to help more struggling people. The penultimate miracle in the Old Testament occurred when Moses stretched out his hand, and the Red Sea parted so that the Israelites could safely cross on dry ground. When Egyptian soldiers followed them, the waters converged and they were drowned. In her book, And God Spoke to Abraham: Preaching from the Old Testament, widely-regarded preacher, schola r a nd Ch r ist Chu r ch p a r i sh ioner Flem i ng Rutledge notes that there is a direct correlation between the Exodus event and Jesus’ resurrection. Just as God adopted the Jewish people who crossed through the waters of Red Sea, so God adopts Christians as they pass through baptismal waters. The Exodus made the Jews God’s Chosen People just as baptism makes us Christian.
During the Exodus, God led the Israelites to a place where there was no escape, no exit and no way out in order to prove to them that the miracle was God’s doing and not their own. God showed them what heavenly power can do. Moses told the people, “Fear not, st a nd f i r m , a nd s e e t he salvation of the Lord...” Then he added, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still.” (Exod. 14:13-14) The Israelites did not have to pray, fast or worship around the clock. God produced the miracle. Sometimes, we foolishly think that the miracle depends on us. If we just pray hard enough, notes preacher Barbara Brown Taylor, like a person at a country fair swinging a sledge hammer on one of those strength tests with the big thermometer with the bell that rings on top. If we just hit the sledgehammer hard enough, we will ring the bell and win the prize. But miracles don’t work like that. True, not everyone who prays for a miracle gets one. But when a miracle occurs, it’s a sign from God
there to help. If it was broken, you could always call Butch to fix it. He was awarded the Paul Ha r r is Fel low i n t he By ra m Rotary Club. He was a member of the Mianus River Boat and Yacht Club in Cos Cob as well as an owner and past president of The River Club, Inc. in Cos Cob. He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him. There will be no visiting hours and the service will be private. In lieu of flowers, donations may Paul (Butch) Antonik died be made to Wildlife in Crisis, 44 suddenly in Greenwich, CT on Indian Valley Road, Weston, CT Oct. 21, 2020 with his family by 06883 or a charity of your choice. his side. B or n on Ju ly 2 5 , 19 49 i n Joseph Purcell Por t Chester, N Y to the late Joh n a nd Ed it h A nton i k . He was predeceased by his brother Christian (Chris) Antonik. Butch was a loving husband, father and g randfather (Pop Po p). H e l e ave s b e h i n d h i s wife Dale of 37 years, his sister Margaret Volinski (Tom), his four children: Cindy Bello (Marc), Lisa Antonik, PJ Antonik (Lizzy) and Jason Antonik, as well as six Born April 28, 1942, Joseph grandchildren who were his pride "Jay" P. Purcell passed away and joy and several nieces. He at tended Greenw ich Oct. 20. Jay was a lifelong S c h o o l s a n d J . M . W r i g h t Greenwich resident where he Technical School in Stamford. He was involved in the RTM, we enlisted in the National Guard h a d a W i n d o w s a n d D o o r s and soon after became a full-time contracting business, ran a hot builder and eventually started dog truck, and ultimately became his own business. He was always the owner of The Columns, the
stately, historic building that still stands in Central Greenwich. He a l s o s t ud ie d a r t i n N YC and was a sk illed ar tist and craftsman. For the past 38 years, Jay was a Con necticut State Marshall, which required driving thousands of miles annually as he covered the entire State for his many clients. Twenty years ago, however, Jay found his real passion when he purchased a 33-acre horse farm in Glenmoore, PA. Each weekend he drove the 300+ miles round trip to be there. With painstaking precision and pride he spent the past two decades meticulously restoring stone walls, stone buildings and barns. Working with Amish craftsmen, he was insistent that the work be of the highest and most authentic quality. He also took pride in the plants, shrubs, and trees that surrounded his property and his 200-year-old stone farmhouse. The close supportive group of friends he made in those years were essential to his well being. They fully supported him and he them. His farm was meant to be a warm, welcoming place for all, and his final wishes were that the property be maintained as a horse farm in perpetuity. In his last two years, it was these deep, unwavering friendships that truly sustained him. In addition
to these very special people in his life, he is also survived by his companion of twenty-five years, with whom he resided in Rye, NY, his two sisters of Greenwich and three daughters. Information on other survivors is not available at this time.
Carolyn Leanos Ca r ol y n (Ca r r ie) G i l b e r t Murty (Luhrs) Leanos, born Sept. 10, 1938, passed away in Orlando, FL, on Oct. 8, 2020, in the home of and under the loving care of her sister, Mary Jane Slay. Carrie was born in Greenwich, CT to her late parents, John Joseph Murty, Jr. and Jane G. Grissler Murty Barnes. She graduated from Greenwich High School in 1956. In her early years, Carrie spent the summers on Island Beach (Greenwich), CT, with her sister Mary Jane, aunts Helen Keogh (who was a nurse at Island Beach) and May Olin, and cousins. As a young adult, Carrie worked as a telephone operator on a switchboard with party lines in Greenwich. In 1957, she married Fred Luhrs and moved multiple times as Fred followed his career, living in New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, Ohio, Puerto Rico, and California, birthing a child in each of the first four states. In 1975 Carrie and Fred were divorced. While
raising her children in California, Carrie volunteered in the Girl Scouts of America as a consultant in Fountain Valley. In Riverside, she worked with the Boy Scouts of America as a communications chairman in Riverside. After moving to California, she worked many jobs, including several secretarial positions for Occidental Research Corp. in Irvine. In 1980, she went to work for Toro Co. Irrigation Division in Riverside as a general assembler on the large gear head line. Carrie moved to West Pa lm Beach, Florida, in 1986, to be closer to her mother and sister. She went to work for Biscayne Engineering Co. as off ice manager. Carrie w a s m a r r i e d to Jo e L e a n o s from 1977 to 1999. From 19912004, Carrie worked as assistant administrator at St. Andrew’s Residence, retiring at age 65. Her last job was at Consulate Health Care WPB as a receptionist from 2004-2014. Carrie was a devoted and loving mother, and was deeply proud of her children. She is survived by her children Michael Luhrs (Laurie) of Van Nuys, CA, Karen Campbell (Bruce) of Eureka, CA, Patrick Luhrs ( Jeanette) of Redding, CA, and Thomas Luhrs (Cheryl) of West Palm Beach, FL., and her stepchildren, Danny Leanos (Monica)
Do they know?
that we are never alone as we face our challenges. Exodus foreshadows Jesus’ resurrection, because Jesus’ death was left to die alone on the darkest day of human history. There was no way out of the crucif ixion. No escape. No exit. No chance in hell, but God opened a way and delivered Jesus just like God delivered Israel. So, if you a re in a da rk , challenging place that feels like a dead end, where there seems to be no escape, no future, fear not for God can find a way where there is no way. When ever y thing is going wrong in your life and it feels like no one is on your side, trust that the Lord will fight for you, your health, marriage, family, job, future or a loved one. Trust these words, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still.” That’s the miracle of it all. The Rev. Marek Zabriskie is the Rector at Christ Church
of Mesa, AZ, and Ramona Parent (Dennis) of Corona, CA. Carrie is also survived by her ten g ra ndch i ld ren, Reb ek a h G enov is e ( F ra n k), M at t hew Luhrs, Jennifer Luhrs, Elijah Luhrs, Isaac Luhrs, Arabella Luhrs, Bethany Dean (Aaron), Havilah Deaton, Casey Luhrs, and Amber McNitt (Jordan), as well as eight great-grandchildren. In addition, Carrie is survived by her faithful and attentive sister, Mary Jane Slay, and Carrie’s nephews, Kevin Slay (Heather) of Bakersfield, CA, and Lloyd Slay of Orlando, FL. In addition to her parents, Carrie was predeceased by her in fant son Matthew and her former husband, Fred Luhrs. Carrie had a multitude o f i nte r e s t s , i n c lu d i n g te nt camping, bowling, reading, and needlecraft. She enjoyed going to the zoo often and gathering with her family, as well as caring for her dog, and later her cat, both named Moo. At Carrie’s request, her ashes will be scattered in t he At la ntic Ocea n. She has r e q u e s te d t h at t h e r e b e n o memorial service. Her family will gather at a later date to celebrate her life. In lieu of flowers, those who wish to may make a contribution to their local zoo in Carrie’s memory. A l l of he r c onve r s at ion s with family would always close with her tag to our “I love you” with “I love you MORE!”. As we remember her, we are reminded, it is God who loves us MOST!
Charles Norfleet, Sr.
If If If
Perhaps you should tell them... Pre-arranging a funeral allows you to make choices and selections so that your loved ones are not left to guess, but rather, are able to grieve. Don't assume your family will make the same choices you'd prefer. Let your voice be heard and your wishes known. To speak to a licensed, trusted and knowledgeable funeral director, call us at (203) 869-5968 or (914) 698-5968 or visit We are not sales people, but we are a family.
Page 12 |Greenwich Sentinel
134 Hamilton Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 (203) 869-5968
Cha rles Ca r rol l Nor f leet, Sr., 61, of Pawcatuck, CT died Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020 at home. Charles was born in Manhattan, NY on Oct. 6, 1959 a nd wa s t he s on of t he late Nor wo o d a nd Dia ne ( Jone s) Nor f le et. The fa m i ly move d to Greenwich, CT in 1971 and Charles lived there until recently when he moved first to Madison, C T a nd t he n to h i s c u r r e nt residence in Pawcatuck , CT. He was married to Elizabeth Stachnik in 1993. They divorced in 2015. Charles loved to be the center of attention and was a terrif ic storyteller. Those who know him best will remember fondly his laugh and his generous spirit. As a young man Charles was an avid skier, a talented photographer, and a natural salesman. Later in his life he enjoyed going to the rif le range and fishing with his son. Charles was a member of the Guilford Mens Sporting Association and the Sons of the Revolution. His unexpected death was caused by a massive heart attack. Charles is survived by his exwife and his son Charles Carroll Norfleet, Jr who currently reside in Boston, Mass., and his siblings Diane Quintana, Christopher Nor f leet, Daph ne L owe, and Valerie Norfleet. A private service will be held at the Paul A. Shaker Funeral Home in New Britain, CT. In lieu of flowers, donations in Charles' name may be made to the Moffit Cancer Research Center.
Worship Services Information ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite). Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Children's Ministries: Wed, 7-8:30pm ( Evening Prayer Meeting: Fri, 7-8:30pm. ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). 2020 Children's Christmas Choir begins Oct. 25-Nov. 29, Sun, 11-11:30am, register. The Glory Of Christ (Bible Study): through Nov. 18, 7-8:30pm, register, Life Groups: daily through Nov. 21 ( ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite). Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Children's Ministries: Wed, 7-8:30pm (htcgreenwich.eventbrite. com). Evening Prayer Meeting: Fri, 7-8:30pm. ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). The Glory Of Christ (Bible Study): through Nov. 18, 7-8:30pm, register, HTCglorySep20. Life Groups: daily through Nov. 21 (pastoranitta@htchurch. com). 2020 Children's Christmas Choir: through Nov. 29, Sun, 11-11:30am, register. Discovery Track, every Sun through Dec. 2, 7-8:30pm. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:30-9:15am, via Google Meet. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: Vigil, 4pm (also live streamed); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). The 2021 Mass Book is open for Mass, Altar Flowers and Altar Bread & Wine requests. Thanksgiving Food Drive: parishioners are asked to contribute a $20 gift card of either ShopRite or Stop & Shop or Cash Donations (put it in an envelope and drop it off in the Sunday collection baskets or drop it off at the rectory or mail it to 38 Gold St). St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Daily Masses: Livestreamed only: 7am; In-person at St. Agnes Church: 5:15pm. Weekend Masses: Sat: 5pm Vigil, St. Catherine’s Church (Livestreamed and Inperson). Sunday: 8:30am, In-person at St. Agnes; 10:30am, In-person & livestreamed at St. Catherine; 11am, In-person Language Masses at St. Agnes (French: 2nd Sun of the month, Spanish: 4th Sun); 5pm, In-person & livestreamed at St. Catherine. (Registration to attend Mass in person is required, at: signupgenius. com/go/805094eafae2aa4f58-mass). If you or someone you know is homebound or going to be in the hospital and would like Confession, Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for dropoff donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). The Ancient Near East: Land of Babel: Nov. 11 & 18, 5-6:15pm, via Zoom. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call
203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). Thanksgiving Food Drive: through Nov. 21 (please consider purchasing a store card from Acme, ShopRite, or Stop & Shop, and drop them off in the Parish Center or place them in the collection box at Masses). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (All masses are Live Streamed on Zoom. Log onto the website at stmichaelgreenwich. com to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). Saint Michael the Archangel Men’s Association Thanksgiving Turkey Drive: through Nov. 18, please volunteer and/or donate, phuston@hudsonferry. com. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Live-streamed, 10-11am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Worship, Children's Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. Nov. 9: Pacific House Meal Preparation and Service, 4pm; RHCC Youth Group Hike, 5:30pm. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: Outdoor Service: Sun 8-9am, Memory Garden (sign-up online or call the church office); Virtual Worship: through live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM or 105.5 FM). Connect during the week: Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All and Faith Formation for Children (sent by Rosemary Lamie). Veterans Day Collection Drive: Nov. 6, 2-4pm to Nov. 7, 10am-12pm, to see the wish list go to veterans-day-collection-drive. The Giving Tree: Nov. 6-22 (choose via Sign Up Genius. Gifts should be returned to the drive by collection at church on Harvest Sunday, Nov. 22.). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church).
Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at 2cc. org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Outdoors: Sun, 8am, TomesHiggins-Front Lawn (in the event of heavy rain, services will be moved to the Chapel), registration is required (akryzak@christchurchgreenwich. org); Virtual: Sun, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Weekdays: Mon-Fri, 8am, on Zoom. Eucharist & Healing Prayer: Tue, 10am, in-person. Choral Evensong: Sun, 5pm & Thu, 6:30pm, in-person & livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Terry's Bible Study: The Book of Esther: Wed, 10am, Chapel In-person or via Zoom. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. Pacific House Meal-aMonth: Pacific House seeks volunteers to cook dinner to feed 40 men. Torah Study with Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz & Rev. Marek Zabriskie: Sun, through Nov. 15, 6:30pm, via Zoom. Nov. 8: Forum: The Book of Job: Faith at the Crossroads, 11am; All Souls Requiem, 5pm. Christian Man Cave: Nov. 11, 7:30-8:30pm, behind the Rectory, RSVP, mzabriskie@ Greenwich Reads Book Discussion: Nov. 12, 7pm, on Zoom. Fire & Wine: Nov. 12, 7-8pm, behind the Tomes-Higgins House. Youth Group: Nov. 13, 6-8pm. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Outdoor Holy Eucharist, 8-9am; Live & Virtual Holy Eucharist, 10-11am ( go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship: Sun, 8am, indoor, register. Discovery Hour - Conversations on Racial Reconciliation: Sun, 9:30am, outside the library. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. Inspirica Harvest of Hope: Thanksgiving basket food and donation collection for Inspirica, contact Paul Lindemeyer or Deacon Liz - St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Resilience Series: ‘Pursuing the infinite: The Hidden Worlds of Physics and Judaism’: Nov. 9, 8pm, on Zoom. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Shabbat: Nov. 6, 7:30-9pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. In Person Outdoor Shabbat Service: Nov. 6, 6-7pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:15am. Rashi with the Rabbi: Tue, 121pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, Torah Study: Nov. 8, 6:30pm, on Zoom. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am.
St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (us02web.; via phone: Dialin: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, 575 Hope St. Stamford (Humbled Coffee. Bring your own lawn chair and arrive at 10am or earlier). Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: *Outdoor Sunday Service: Sundays, 10am, In-Person/Online. *Keeping the Grace in Race: Nov. 12, 7pm, On-line. *Thanksgiving Eve service: Nov. 25, 7pm, In-Person/Online. *’Trust, Truth, and Trauma: Is Forgiveness Politically Possible?’: Nov. 30, 7pm, In-Person/ Online. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service held online via Zoom. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, youtube. com/c/TrinityChurchLife/live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. TK Family Walk: Nov. 7, 10am-12pm, Cove Island Park, Stamford. Fall Zoom Intercession: Nov. 12, 7pm. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 9am, register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at fpcg. org/live. Sunday School online, 10:1511am. Prayer Meeting: Thu, 8-8:45pm, Zoom online or by phone. Middle School Ministry (5th-7th grade): Fri, 4:15-5:15pm. ‘Mosaic’: K-1st grade: Tue, 2nd-3rd grade: Wed, 4th grade: Thu, 4:15-5:15pm, through Nov. 12. Cooking for Pacific House Shelter: Nov. 12, 1:30-4:30pm. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman's Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 1011:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:309am, online. Book Study: The Color of Compromise: Nov. 10, 1:30pm, online.
Losing Our Lives to Find Them By Jake Kircher It was German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who coined the saying, “What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.” The quote speaks to the concept of resilience, an increasingly popular term in recent years in education and childhood development. Further, it speaks to the idea that at the core of life is surviving whatever comes your way and clinging onto whatever you have left after hard situations. It’s also important to note that we are neurologically wired to keep ourselves alive at all costs. Our brains have hard wired responses to danger that tell us to fight, flee or freeze in order to ensure that we can live to see another day. However, as Dr. Jerome Lubbe points out, sometimes the brain can’t tell the difference between a bear and a missed deadline. In other words, due to past traumas
and challenges, sometimes our brains and bodies respond to “keep us alive” in situations that don’t actually call for that kind of response. More so, sometimes those responses actually create relational harm and deeper wounds. Have you ever run away from a relationship to keep yourself “safe” and yet deep down it was actually the right thing for you but you were simply scared of being hurt? Or have you ever blown up at a loved one or in response to a situation where “fighting” wasn’t the right response? Maybe you ca n relate to “freezing” by watching too much Netf li x or needing to turn to substances to numb yourself out in order to “survive”? With this in mind, it seems that surviving may keep us alive longer, but it doesn’t mean that we will necessarily become stronger by doing so. In fact, it would be easy to argue that at times surviving life
Due to past traumas and challenges, sometimes our brains and bodies respond to “keep us alive” in situations that don’t actually call for that kind of response. More so, sometimes those responses actually create relational harm and deeper wounds. actually deteriorates our quality of life and keeps us from thriving in a healthy way when we fight, flee or freeze in the wrong circumstances. As a contrast, I have been struck with a much deeper truth than Nietzsche’s words, and an invitation from Christ that leads to even greater strength: “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” (Romans 8:13) For Jesus, real life and strength actually comes th roug h death, not by surviving it.
What Paul speaks to in Romans is that part of the gift of the Spirit (aka Counselor) is to help us rediscover who we really are in Christ. For all of us, we have these identities that we cling to - some of them physical like wealth, titles, or possessions; and others based on past experiences, most often from our childhood and family of origins - but those coping mechanisms and survival instincts only mask and hinder us from the “life to the fullest” that Jesus wants us to have. There is another time Jesus is teaching and he asks, “What will it
profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” That is exactly what surviving gains us. We fight our way forward in life and we may gain all sorts of things that help us feel successful and accomplished but what will we truly hold in the end? What will the cost be towards our very own souls and the actual identity that God gave each of us in the very beginning of Creation?. Instead of surviving, Jesus invites us to pick up our cross and follow Him into death. The difference with Jesus is that this
death actually leads to something new and better - to resurrection. We g e t t o s h a r e t h a t s a m e resurrection when we can embrace the dichotomy that dying, letting go and releasing can actually lead us to greater life. When facing difficult seasons, how would your life be different if instead of clinging on to all the ways you know how to survive, you actually allowed the Spirit to let those habits and tools die? What if instead of fighting for independence, you allowed the Spirit to move you to a place of greater dependence on God and the people in your family or community surrounding you? And what if the “you” that you have fought to hold onto, actually should be let go so that you can experience deeper healing that leads to your true identity in Christ?. Jake Kircher is the Executive Pastor at Trinity Church.
What Really Matters? A sermon preached on Sunday, September 27, 2020, The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, a t C h r i st C h u rc h Gre e nwi c h , Connecticut, by Priest Associate the Rev. Terence L. Elsberry. Has God turned His back on us? Has America made Him so angry He’s punishing us? So many people experiencing such terrible loss. From the pandemic. From forest f ires and storms. From violence. Too much loss, too much suffering, too much anger, too much hate, too much. The answer is, of course, no. We can turn our backs on Him, reject Him and His ways and His guidelines for living. We see people doing that all the time, don’t we? But He will never turn His back on us. H av i n g s a id t h at , a s H i s people, as Christians, as Christian Americans, there are certain things you and I need to be doing in the face of trauma, injustice, corruption. We need to be playing our part in helping other people and ourselves hold the line and come through to bettertimes. What are those things? Along with the essentials of caring for our families and ourselves, where do we need to be putting our emphasis, our energy, our focus? What really matters? Because there are some things that really do matter. Matter in what it means to be the people of God, matter in what it means to live the lives He has for us, matter in what He expects us to show the world. WHAT REALLY MATTERS? NUMBER ONE: LOVE Love is the most important thing in the world. It’s the greatest power in the universe. Because God IS love. Out of love, He created the phantasmagorical reaches of outer space, the incalculable va r iet ies of t h is pla net—t he wonders of nature, the wonders of
creatures, the wonders of US. And in response? How are we to respond to all these marvels of His unfathomable imagination? By loving. By loving Him, by loving His creation, by loving each other. Actually, Jesus has already answered the What Really Matters question a long time ago. When a young lawyer asked Jesus what He considered the most important of all the commandments, Jesus without hesitating said: “You shall the love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind . . . and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” We hear it. A lot of us have been hearing it all our lives. But what do we do with it? How do we respond? How can I love God with all my heart? I’m no super spiritual person. I may have been to seminary, but I’m not super human. And to love Jesus this much seems super human. And other people? Can’t love that yay-hoo who’s a supporter of THAT candidate. Can’t love that little kid who was so mean to my grandchild in school. Can’t love that guy who beat me out of the job. Can’t love those awful people who . . . Can’t? Or WON’T? What do you want us to learn about loving, Lord? Why is it so important to You? Can you help me love the unlovable? OR TRY THIS: help me forgive the unforgivable. Think of people who have done you, or someone you love, wrong. Because from love (the Jesus kind) naturally flows forgiveness. Not always easy being a Christian. Without His help, it sometimes seems impossible. Lord Jesus, help us. Help us love, help us forgive as You would have us do. Because, Lord, we sure can’t do it on our own. LOVE. NUMBER TWO: RESPECT
Hard on the heels of love, which includes forgiveness, comes respect. Respect the created order. Respect other people. The Apostle Paul is talking to us today when he writes; “If there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Holy Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete; be of the same mind, having the same mind, having the same love.” The same love as who? As Jesus. What Paul’s saying here is we’re supposed to love like Jesus. A love so extreme, so incomprehensible, He actually let Himself be nailed to a cross--for who? For me. For you. WHEN I LOOK AT HIM UP THERE HANGING ON THAT CROSS, how can I NOT walk humbly through life? He did this for me. He did it for you. How could He? Because He loves and respects us that much. So does He ask us to respect and cherish His creation. From the very beginning, when He’s created the world and created the first people, He says He wants them to partner with Him in cultivating and developing and caring for and guarding nature. He tells them to tend it not destroy it. Then there’s people. He’s calling us to respect other people. That means no room for racism, or anti-Semitism, or anti-anything that has to do with race, color or religion or anything that makes them different from us. If He can respect us to the point of dying for us, how can we not answer His call today and every day that we need to respect others? In the musical motion picture “The Greatest Showman,” Hugh Jackman plays P. T. Barnum, founder of the circus. Barnum starts his circus in a hall he rents downtown in the City. Par t of the show ’s initia l
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success depends on the gallery of so-called “freaks” Barnum assembles. A lot of these people have been down and out all their lives, ridiculed, barely surviving, living on the edge. Barnum makes them stars! Ye a r s late r, whe n simultaneously the circus comes on hard times and Barnum hits rock bottom both financially and in his marriage, he comes to the end of himself. He gives up, shuts down the circus. One afternoon he’s drinking alone in a bar when suddenly he hears something. He looks up, turns around. Into the bar solemnly march his so-called “freaks.” One by one they come in and surround him: The 500-pound Man. The Bearded Lady. Tom Thumb the midget. Mrs. Thumb. The Irish Giant. Dog Boy. The Siamese Twins. The Albino girls. The Horned Boy. The Three-Legged Man. The Elephant-Skinned Man. They tell Barnum they’re not going to let him fail. They’re not going to let the circus stay closed. He has for the first time in their lives given them respect. He’s given them jobs, made them stars in the entertainment world. They’re willing to work without pay for as long as it takes to get the circus going again. IDEA! If we can’t afford to rent a building, we’ll put the show in a TENT. Novel idea: circus in a tent. We’ll take the show on the road! Ac r o s s t h e c o u nt r y they go. And an American entertainment institution is born. And it happened, partly, because Barnum showed respect for a bunch of people no one has ever respected before. A nd if f rom love comes forgiveness and from love and forgiveness comes respect, also from love comes helping others. Look for people you can help in these times, find ways to show them you care, help those who are
down get a leg up. There’s always The other day on the news somebody who can use some I saw a happy story—an actual kind of help. Let’s make it happen. cheer-up. It’s the story of The Red LOVE. RESPECT. Truck. A handful of young musicians NUMBER THREE: SHINE from the Metropolitan Opera, out God is calling us to shine. of work because of the Pandemic, Shine? What’s that mean? As His have decided to take music to the people, He wants us to stand out streets of Manhattan. For several in a crowd. Stand out? I was taught weeks now, a small group of to never put myself forward. We vocalists and violinists pile into know the importance of humility. the truck every morning and bring When He asks us to shine, the joy, the delight, the wonder of the Lord’s not calling us to show the great music to unsuspecting off or be full of ourselves or put people around the city. ourselves ahead of others. They drive around, see a To shine is to shine with the few people on park benches or very persona of Jesus Himself. You gathered in clumps, stop the truck, and I need to show Jesus to the jump out and spontaneously begin world. How? By being good. playing the must unbelievably Ooh, who wants to be good? beautiful music. You should see That’s what I would have said the looks of relief, of joy on the when I was a much younger listeners’ faces as for even a few man. Good. That’s no fun. Why minutes they’re transported by the do you think when I was a kid music. my nickname was “Terry the The newscast even showed Terrible?” one couple dancing to the stains of But when I say shine with Puccini, their faces lit briefly with goodness, I mean things like sheer happiness. never lie. Never, NEVER lie. Tell When you and I shine with the truth. Always. Stand for the the light of goodness, the light of so-called old-fashioned values. attitudes and actions based on Things like truth, yes, and justice the teachings of Jesus, we will and integrity and honor. Shine automatically lift up the people by being trustworthy, faithful, around us, make others feel better, true to your word. Shine by being even in times like these. We need courageous in standing up for to pull together and do our best to what you know is right even when lighten each other’s load. a whole lot of people are laying We’re not all musicians, but down their values and going with we can love others, show them what’s expedient. We need to be respect and shine with the light of shining with goodness. We need to Christ. LOVE. RESPECT. SHINE. show the world a better way—the So, what is the Lord asking of Jesus way--to live. us? The same thing He’s always It ’s not a l l a b out get t i ng asked of His people, the same ahead, not all about winning, not thing He had His prophet Micah all about success, not all about tell His people 2700 years ago SELF. It’s about building a life when he said, “What does the on the foundation of values that Lord require of you,” asked Micah, are going to last forever. We need “but to do justice, to love kindness to be showing our children and and to walk humbly with your grandchildren what it means to God.” shine with values like these. The I wonder . . . were they able to future of this country depends on do it all those years ago? What do it. SHINE. you think? Can we do it now?
Your Horoscope, Puzzles
Fill in crossword answers on page 11.
Astrology for Week of Nov. 8, 2020 SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov With the Sun in your sign perfectly linked to generous Neptune you’ll be in a forgiving mood this week, which is good as you don’t have the energy to pursue vendettas. It may not be your way to turn the other cheek but just this once it might pay off.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May You are more aware of how others perceive you than you let on. You’re also ready, if necessary, to change your ways to fit in with how they want things done. But don’t change too much this week or they might get the idea that you’re starting to weaken.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You’ve been especially open to other points of view recently so it may not bother you the slightest this week if certain people say things that would normally have you frothing at the mouth in fury. Are you mellowing or do you no longer care?
GEMINI 22 May-21 June Whatever your view, the world is not against you, people are not the enemy and what happens this week will reinforce that. Most people are decent, forgiving and kind. Don’t base your view of human nature on the tiny minority who let down the rest.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Stop fighting inevitable forces and start looking for ways to benefit from the changes taking place. You will have to accept that there are some things in life that you cannot control but there is also nothing in life that you cannot turn to your advantage.
CANCER 22 June-23 July Stop trying to control events and let fate be your guide. That doesn’t mean giving up free will but accepting that the powers that guide your life know what’s best for you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in such powers. They believe in you.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Moving up in the world is fine but are you moving up for a reason or is it just an ego trip? The cosmic setup warns that if you pursue power for its own sake it may destroy you. But if you want it for the good you can do with it you may get your chance.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug If you are too fatalistic and believe that every bad thing that happens is in some way aimed at you personally you’ll find yourself trapped in a cycle of cynicism and despair. The world is still a wonderful place. Take a look and you’ll see that it’s true.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March If you find it hard to get excited about your tasks this week, view them in a wider context. Even the most boring chore has its place in the greater scheme of things, so imagine the outcome if you do them badly. It’s the little things that matter most.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Pretend you can trust those you have to deal with this week even if they have deceived you in the past. If you take what others tell you at face value they won’t let you down. Sometimes it takes trust to encourage trust and overcome suspicion.
ARIES 21 March-20 April Any tensions in your life will vanish this week. Neptune’s perceptive influence will help you see your life and its problems in their true light and you’ll be amazed to discover they don’t matter at all. It’s who you are, not what you do, that counts.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct A freewheeling aspect between the Sun and Neptune urges you to change your pattern this week and do something that is not ruled by the clock. Almost anything will do just so long as it isn’t predictable or planned. It’s going to be a great week.
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Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 11.
Very Hard
Very Hard
Are You the Doughnut or the Hole? By Mark Pruner
Home Sales Fall to New Highs Greenwich single family home s a le s d r opp e d 21% in October compared to September 2020. Some people will see this as the beginning of a return to our typical winter doldrums for sales. But, that’s not very likely to happen, since we have 182 contracts waiting to close. What you want to focus on in October sales is the doughnut and not the hole. October Sales are the Doughnut with Extra Sprinkles Our 92 sales in October is spectacular. Our ten-year average for October is 41 sales, we more than doubled that nu m b er t h is ye a r. O u r 92 October sales is actually higher than our average for our best sales month, June, which only averages 86 sales. So good sales, but a significant drop over last month, but very good contracts. A significant part of the drop in sales in October compared to S eptem b er is l i kely t he uncertainty of the election. Whenever there is a rise in uncertainty, we see a slowing in sales. I’ve always found this curious, as closing dates are set weeks and months before the event, but as the event draws nearer, closing dates get pushed beyond the uncertainty created by the event. Contracts Continue to Be Way Up With 182 contracts we actually have a good shot at November being over 100 single family home sales, which would be a rebound from October. The one thing that the drop in October likely means is that we won’t make 900 sale this year, but over 800 sales is likely as we have 853 sales and contracts total YTD. This compares to 526 sale for all of 2019. Now, 2019 was our worst year since the crash of 2009. Our 67 1 sales in 10 months is greater than our 10-year average of 621 sales per year, and we have two months to go. Our market has been like those movies, Chariots of Fire, The Black, Herbie the Love Bug, and others where the competitor stumbles and then comes roaring back. February to April were all below average months so to have already exceeded our 10-year average shows just how strong the second half sales surge has been. Months of Supply are Way Down When it comes to parsing the numbers this month it’s actually kind of boring. Our inventory is down 127 houses or 22% from last year in every price category, but one. The one exception is over $10 million where we are up 6 houses from 29 to 35 listings. At the same time, we are up 100% in sales at the ultra-high end from 6 sales last year to 12 sales this year, and half of those sales are over $16 million. This brings up our average for the year to $2.67 million up 12.5% from last year. Our median sales price is also up 12.8% to $2.11 million. October saw our sales price per square foot increase by 4.7% compared to all of 2019. This is a much better indicator as to whether house prices are rising as it is less influenced by
This chart shows Single Family Home Sales in Greenwich by month with the 10-year average. Chart prepared by Mark Pruner.
Sales and contracts show the market from $1-4 million is our busiest market.
Greenwich single family home sales dropped 21% in October compared to September 2020. Some people will see this as the beginning of a return to our typical winter doldrums for sales. But, that’s not very likely to happen, since we have 182 contracts waiting to close. What you want to focus on in October sales is the doughnut and not the hole.
whether sales are in up in any particular price category. At the same time, our sales price to assessment ratio is only up 1.7% for the first 10 months of the year. When you look at just October sales, those sales prices to assessment ratios are up 4.1% over last year. These are real price increases in Greenwich house prices regardless of how you look at it. You just need to pick your number depending on whether you are talking to someone from Darien or the Tax Assessor. What is really remarkable across the board is our drop in months of supply, which is the amount of time it would take to sell our present inventory based on the rate of sales so far. With inventory down 22% and sales up 49%, months of supply for the whole market is down from 13.1 MoS to 6.9 MoS. This is a big drop and means for most price categories we are clearly in a seller’s market. Over $10 million, we are dow n f rom 4 8. 3 months of supply to 29.2 MoS, a drop of 19.1 MoS. The next biggest price category MoS drop is somewhat surprising. From $3 – 4 million, we are down from 23.3 MoS last year to 7.0 months of supply this year, a drop of 16.3 MoS. (If anyone is looking in that price range, I have a good backcountry opportunity for you.) When you look at the bar chart of inventory, sales, last months sales and contracts a few things jump out at you. Our $2 – 4 million market is doing particularly well for sales. It’s also where we have the most inventory, so it is not supplied constrained like our under $1 million market. The hot area for contracts is $1 million to $4 million and we saw the same thing for sales last month. Should I Stay or Should I Re-Lo? I n e ve r y o t h e r p o s trecession year, when a client would ask me if they should list their house in November, it was a nuanced investigation to look at inventory, sales, style of house, age and condition. I don’t like to put on houses when inventory is high and demand is low, to have them sit accumulating days on market. Of ten my recom mendation was to wait until late February of the following year. In 2020 this analysis is not necessary. The analysis is not what month and year you should put your house on, but how soon you can put it on this year. The buyers are there, and many are looking for fresh inventory. Sp e e d i s pr ob a bly to you r advantage unless you want to roll the dice for the potential of a little more appreciation versus the potential for a bigger depreciation. For buyers you should be ready to move quickly when you find the right house. If you don’t there is a good chance that someone else will. A nd…. then there is the whole question of what this election w ill mean for Greenwich real estate.
Mark Pruner is a Realtor with Berkshire Hathaway in Greenwich. He can reached at 203-969-7900 or mark@bhhsne. com.
Mark Pruner | |
One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830
Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903
For Market Updates and Listings Visit
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
List Price
1525 Putnam Ave 209 52 Lafayette Place 1A 40 Elm Street 1M 102 Valley Road 25 82 Putnam Park 82 1012 North Street 40 Mitchell Place 307 Cognewaugh Road 59 Summit Road 29 Cary Road 18 Stonehedge Dr. South 312 Lyon Farm Drive 312 30 Suburban Avenue 11 Buena Vista Drive 39 Hettiefred Road 28 Hassake Road 32 Terrace Avenue 15 Gray Oaks Lane 28 Pheasant Lane 3 Wynn Lane 70 Sherwood Avenue 20 End Avenue 54 Round Hill Road 417 Field Point Road 23 Khakum Wood Road
$309,500.0 $425,000.0 $495,000.0 $575,000.0 $579,500.0 $649,500.0 $849,900.0 $899,000.0 $929,000.0 $1,185,000.0 $1,199,000.0 $1,225,000.0 $1,249,000.0 $1,425,000.0 $1,695,000.0 $2,195,000.0 $2,395,000.0 $2,450,000.0 $2,950,000.0 $3,175,000.0 $3,495,000.0 $4,295,000.0 $6,880,000.0 $8,300,000.0 $11,500,000.0
$459.2 $433.7
674 980
1 2 0 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 6 7
168 Bedford Road 45 Lake Drive 20 Chieftans Road 9 Chieftans Road 183 Connecticut Ave 10 Hillside Drive 25 Sheffield Way 12 Stanwich Road 7 Topping Road 10 Lighthouse Lane 6 Ford Lane 42 Stag Lane 23 Khakum Wood Rd
$1,849,000 $2,195,000 $2,595,000 $2,995,000 $3,250,000 $4,595,000 $4,595,000 $4,995,000 $8,195,000 $8,499,000 $8,900,000 $9,285,000 $11,500,000
0 0
$908.3 $575.0
545 1,000
1,588 0.27 1,365 0.2 2,310 4.08
$622.6 $389.2 $646.9 $667.2 $704.9 $684.4 $409.9 $410.3 $590.0 $446.1 $728.6 $656.7 $817.6 $550.6
$452.3 $652.1
$693.3 $1,520.2 $880.4
$482 $726 $520 $460 $1,188 $567 $663 $668 $795 $2,023 $1,516 $1,001 $880
1,436 1,776 1,701 1,790 3,047 3,473 2,873 4,921 3,287
0.29 0.22 1.11 0 0.2 0.35
0.18 0.33 3,731 2.08 3,608 1.54 5,766 2.25
7,727 2 6,586 0.55
9,924 2.52 1.93 13,063 8.69
3,833 3,024 4,995 6,512 2,736 8,100 6,927 7,483 10,314 4,201 5,871 9,279 13,063
8 0.4 1.08 1.17 0.11 2.17 2.02 1.6 4.6 0.63 0.42 6.29 8.69
5 4 4 4 3 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7
1 Old Greenwich 1 South Parkway 1 South of Post Road 2 Cos Cob 2 South of Post Road 2 Banksville 1 Glenville 3 Cos Cob 1 Riverside 3 Riverside 2 North Parkway 3 Glenville 4 Cos Cob 4 Glenville 3 Glenville 4 Old Greenwich 3 Riverside 3 South Parkway 4 South Parkway 5 South Parkway 6 North Parkway 6 Old Greenwich 5 South Parkway 6 South of Post Road 9 South Parkway
3 North Parkway 2 Riverside 5 North Parkway 5 North Parkway 2 South of Post Road 5 South Parkway 6 South Parkway 7 South Parkway 8 North Parkway 3 Old Greenwich 6 Old Greenwich 7 North Parkway 9 South Parkway
LAST WEEK'S FEATURED NEW LISTINGS Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
List Price
39 Crawford Terrace 6 Sunshine Avenue 14 Homestead Road 35 Morgan Avenue 35 Mianus View Terr 292 Davis Avenue C 11 Buena Vista Drive 39 Hettiefred Road 7 Chestnut Street
$1,250,000 $1,295,000 $1,295,000 $1,295,000 $1,400,000 $1,415,000 $1,425,000 $1,695,000 $1,698,000
$531 $551 $449 $639
168 Bedford Road 45 Lake Drive 20 Chieftans Road 9 Chieftans Road 183 Connecticut Ave 10 Hillside Drive 25 Sheffield Way 12 Stanwich Road 7 Topping Road 10 Lighthouse Lane 6 Ford Lane 42 Stag Lane
$1,849,000 $2,195,000 $2,595,000 $2,995,000 $3,250,000 $4,595,000 $4,595,000 $4,995,000 $8,195,000 $8,499,000 $8,900,000 $9,285,000
$602 $647 $410 $590 $440
$482 $726 $520 $460 $1,188 $567 $663 $668 $795 $2,023 $1,516 $1,001
2,353 0.32 2,352 0.17 2,882 0.2 2,026 0.18
4 3 5 3 2,327 0.33 5 2,188 0 3 3,473 0.35 5 2,873 1.3 3 3,856 0.26 4
3,833 3,024 4,995 6,512 2,736 8,100 6,927 7,483 10,314 4,201 5,871 9,279
8 0.4 1.08 1.17 0.11 2.17 2.02 1.6 4.6 0.63 0.42 6.29
5 4 4 4 3 6 6 6 6 7 6 6
3 North Mianus 3 Riverside 3 Glenville 2 Pemberwick 2 Cos Cob 3 South of Post Road 4 Glenville 3 Glenville 4 Cos Cob
3 North Parkway 2 Riverside 5 North Parkway 5 North Parkway 2 South of Post Road 5 South Parkway 6 South Parkway 7 South Parkway 8 North Parkway 3 Old Greenwich 6 Old Greenwich 7 North Parkway
Original List
7 River Road Slip C-14 $79,900 3 Putnam Hill 3H $739,000 65 Old Field Point Road $625,000 450 Riversville Road $860,000 51 Forest Avenue 76 $798,000 88 Greenwich Hills Dr 88 $860,000 5 Brookside Park $839,000 15 Ferris Drive $899,500 27 Griffith Road $1,375,000 47 Glen Road $1,895,000 9 Hillcrest Park Road $1,675,000 7 Pleasant View Place $1,595,000 38 Cassidy Park 38 $1,895,000 90 Bowman Drive $1,895,000 742 Lake Avenue $2,400,000 64 Park Avenue S $1,975,000 100 Cat Rock Road $2,445,000 2 Old Church Road 3 $2,195,000 31 Ridge Road $2,275,000 8 Dorchester Lane $2,599,000 85 Perkins Road $2,795,000 15 Dearfield Lane $2,995,000 28 Oak Street $3,295,000 294 Round Hill Road $2,995,000 398 Stanwich Road $3,950,000 44 Porchuck Road $3,775,000 14 Hycliff Road $3,999,000 6 Keofferam Road $4,100,000 27 Cobb Island Drive $4,795,000 11 Lighthouse Lane $3,995,000 313 Stanwich Road $7,495,000 521 Round Hill Road $49,895,000
List Price
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres
$79,900 $68,000 133 $659,000 $640,000 485 $625,000 $646,575 28 $835,000 $740,000 143 $798,000 $790,000 29 $799,000 $795,000 312 $839,000 $831,500 13 $899,500 $899,000 26 $1,325,000 $1,267,000 119 $1,695,000 $1,562,500 221 $1,499,000 $1,575,000 79 $1,525,000 $1,649,000 138 $1,899,000 $1,755,000 222 $1,895,000 $1,800,000 59 $2,400,000 $1,825,000 31 $1,975,000 $1,957,000 69 $2,175,000 $2,000,000 614 $2,195,000 $2,000,000 664 $2,275,000 $2,275,000 $2,599,000 $2,425,000 20 $2,795,000 $2,687,500 238 $2,795,000 $2,700,000 179 $3,088,888 $2,800,000 174 $2,995,000 $2,850,000 91 $3,495,000 $2,900,000 317 $3,295,000 $3,330,000 113 $3,999,000 $3,825,000 291 $4,100,000 $3,865,000 57 $4,475,000 $3,999,000 92 $3,995,000 $4,050,000 19 $7,495,000 $7,300,000 23 $16,500,000 $16,500,000 2,178
0 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 9
0 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 5 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 4 5 6 8
0.17 2 0 0 0.27 0.3 0.19 0.23 1.04 0.68 0.26 1 2 0.17 2.39 0 0.27 0.26 2.02 0.31 0.69 2.01 2 4.23 6.46 0.47 1.12 0.28 3.17 40.26
1,580 1,300 1,895 1,603 2,099 2,084 2,245 2,375 3,221 4,345 3,670 4,000 4,741 4,652 3,742 5,534 4,054 5,730 4,250 5,164 6,153 7,438 5,381 8,993 5,634 9,291 5,902 4,986 10,212 17,603
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
27 Evergreen Road 51 Forest Avenue #31 52 Caroline Place 333 Palmer Hill Road #1B 44 Stirrup Lane #44 5 Relay Court 69 Loughlin Avenue 6 Sunshine Avenue 19 Peters Road 35 Leonard Avenue 20 Shore Road 20 Shore Road 41 Stonebrook Lane 18 Circle Drive 1 Macarthur Drive 149 Weaver Street 41 Baldwin Farms North 123 Maple Avenue 172 Milbank Ave., Unit E 11 Joshua Lane 59 Connecticut Ave. 282 Round Hill Road 27 Evergreen Road 50 Vineyard Lane 18 Lower Cross Road 66 Cherry Valley Road
Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Riverside Cos Cob Cos Cob Riverside Riverside Riverside Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Cos Cob Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
$35,000 $595,000 $715,000 $749,000 $839,000 $859,000 $1,250,000 $1,295,000 $1,450,000 $1,499,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,750,000 $2,150,000 $2,200,000 $2,350,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $3,350,000 $3,850,000 $3,900,000 $3,950,000 $4,749,000 $4,950,000 $6,995,000 $10,888,000
Sun 2-5 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 Sun 1-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1:30-4 PM Sun 2-5 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM
Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence The Rosato Group Sotheby's The Rosato Group Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway The Higgins Group
I would like to thank all of my buyers & sellers for their confidence in me! !!
22 Cherry Tree Ln, Greenwich Life is better with a water view! Easy living begins at this property $7,250,000 5 Bedrooms | 5.2 Baths 6,129 Sq. Ft. w/ Patty Ekvall
located in the coastal waterfront man-gated Harbor Point Association. The Association’s amenities boast it’s own private beach, kayak launch, dock & deep water moorings. It’s a perfect balance of privacy with a sense of community. Spectacular west facing water views overlooking the mesmerizing vistas of passing sailboats, wildlife, & dramatic sunsets!
343 SOUND BEACH AVE, Old Geenwich | $2,195,000
677 RIVER RD, Cos Cob | $1,349,000
4 Bedrooms | 2.1 Baths | 2,506 Sq. Ft.
4 Bedrooms | 4 Baths | 2,426 Sq. Ft.
ACTIVE 25 W. ELM #16 $550,000
SOLD 96 DOUBLING RD $5,000,000
CONTRACT 1076 LAKE AVE $3,390,000
SOLD 7 DEMPSEY LN $2,800,00
SOLD 141 OLD CHURCH RD $1,950,000
CONTRACT 21 MOHAWK LN $1,550,000
SOLD 960 LAKE AVE $1,380,000
SOLD 8 VIEW ST, 5 $1,150,000
SOLD 1 QUAKER LN $1,015,950
SOLD 114 W. LYON FARM RD $1,000,000
RENTED 8 MELON PATCH $25,000/ mo.
w/ Carline Martin
w/P. Janis
50 years Greenwich resident, 6 years Greenwich Sentinel Real Estate columnist. One of my favorite things to do is to help people decide whether to stay, renovate, sell or buy. If I can help you in these difficult times, please feel free to call or email me. Mark Pruner | 203-969-7900 |