July 31, 2020

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July 31, 2020

The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.

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New EGCC Plans Presented to BOS By Richard Kaufman Last week, the Board of Selectmen received a presentation on plans for a new Eastern Greenwich Civic Center. No ac t ion wa s t a ken on t he Municipal Improvement request, but a vote could come during the board's next meeting on Aug. 13. A la n Monel l i, t he tow n's Sup e r i nte n d e nt o f Bu i l d i n g Construction & Maintenance, discussed the project, which would completely replace the current 31,765 square foot twostory structure at 90 Harding Rd., in Old Greenwich. "A m o d e r n r e p l a c e m e n t A rendering of the new Eastern Greenwich Civic Center which would completely replace the b u i l d i n g w o u l d p r o v i d e existing structure from TSKP. ef f iciencies in all aspects of o p e r at i o n t h at t h e e x i s t i n g

E.G.O. = Easily Gets Offended Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry

PLEASE NOTE! For the next 2 weeks the Greenwich Sentinel will be on our annual hiatus - a brief break from printing - as we reassess, upgrade, and (hopefully) improve. We will resume weekly printing on August 21st.

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OFFICE OF GOVERNOR NED LAMONT 860-566-4840 800-406-1527 https://portal.ct.gov/Officeof-the-Governor/Contact/ Email-Governor-Lamont LOCAL LEGISLATORS Sen. Alex Kasser (D-36) 860-240-0393 alex@senatedems.ct.gov Rep. Livvy Floren (R-149) Livvy.Floren@housegop. ct.gov Rep. Stephen Meskers (D-150) Stephen.Meskers@cga. ct.gov Rep. Harry Arora (R-151) harry.arora@housegop. ct.gov Candidate for Senate Ryan Fazio (R-36) info@ryanfazio.com Candidate for Rep. Kathleen Stowe (D-149) campaign@kathleenstowe. com Candidate for Rep. Kimberly Fiorello (R-149) 203-340-1764 Kimberlyfor149@gmail.com Candidate for Rep. Joe Kelly (R-150)

203-536-0025 joe@joekellyct.com Candidate for Rep. Hector Arzeno (D-151) hector@electhector.com

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT

Our E.G.O., which Easily Gets Offended, can get us into a lot of relationship trouble. Our pride builds armor around us that we hope is impenetrable, but it isn’t. People are inevitably going to do things that offend us. We offend others, too. Taking offense is related to the Greek word skandalon, the trigger of a trap on which bait is placed for an animal. Though more closely related to our modern word scandal, skandalon is also translated as “a stumbling block or a snare.” When we take offense, we get our leg caught in a trap. An analogous image is biting down on a fish hook. The trapper and the fisherman may not even know that we’ve been caught! Research shows that we are most often unaware when we offend others. The degree to which we are not easily offended may be a barometer of our psychological and spiritual health Lydia was often the target of her mother’s rampages. She couldn’t escape. When these moments occurred, she imagined she was holding a bullfighter’s red cape out to her side for her mother’s rage to tear through. In this way, her ego didn’t get gored, though sometimes Lydia did get nicked. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books or at Amazon.

building couldn't deliver," Monelli said. The new bu i ld i ng, wh ich would be one story and about 35,418 square feet, would be ADA compliant and energy efficient. It would feature a full-sized multiuse gymnasium with roll-out spectator seating; a 8,100 square foot multi-use event space; three 1,000 square foot activity rooms; and a storage room for gym and activity equipment. Monelli also said that the new civic center would have an expanded vending area w ith a lounge; updated restrooms with separate family restrooms; exterior restrooms to support f ield activities; administrative

See EGCC page 5

Hydrangea Envy Contest By Julia Lucey One of the best parts of taking a stroll through your neighborhood here in Greenwich is taking in all the lovely gardens that decorate our streets. Perhaps you’ve noticed the blooming bushes full of vivid hydrangea flowers that seem to be a fan favorite in many gardens around town. Perhaps you’ve even been so mesmerized by the flower’s beauty you snapped a quick photo -- and now you need to put that photo to good use! Last Monday, July 20, Greenwich Botanical Center (BGC) announced its “Hydrangea Envy” photo contest that will take place online and on social media. The contest asks participants to submit their best shots of hydrangea flowers, a flower you’re bound to see in neighborhoods all across town. As hydrangeas come in many different colors, the contest has lots of room for variety and originality. “We had a bumper crop for Hydrangea this summer, and we hope folks will capture the vivid hues and varied types we see here in our own backyards. This contest is a wonderful way to share the incredible beauty and diversity of these beloved plants,” said Meg McAuley Kaicher, GBC President, Board of Directors. Entering is a simple process: you can find the contest page linked on GBC’s website at greenwichbotanicalcenter. org, or via their facebook page, @GreenwichBotanical. Participants can also post their entries to their Facebook timelines and Instagram and Twitter feeds to encourage their followers to v isit the contest page and vote. Contestants may make up to five entries and are allotted one vote per photo per day. The contest will run until August 31, with winners notified on September 2nd. Winning photographs will be judged in a few different ways. First, there will be awards to those with the most votes on the competition site. In

addition, GBC will be judging specific categories, looking for the most creative photos or other subcategories including “most unusual colors” or “best photo with animal or insect.” Fun prizes will be awarded to winners, including hydrangea plants and other hydrangea-related gift items, as well as GBC gift shop certificates and garden consults. The contest, which has already attracted over 1500 people to its home page, has not only been a great way for GBC to increase its audience, but it’s also an exciting new way to enjoy your own backyard and all the beautiful gardens around Greenwich (and beyond!). Entries have already brought forth an impressive assortment of hydrangea photos, including a 30 foot high climbing hydrangea plant, some all the way from Tokyo, and a few adorable dogs (and a horse!) enjoying the flowers! Next time your passing some breathtaking hydrangeas, or if you already have your very own growing in your garden, be sure to snap some pictures, think of a caption, and upload an entry to Greenwich Botanical Center’s “Hydrangea Envy” photo contest!

Special Meeting on COVID Enforcement

Camillo to Hold Special Meeting Next Week on Enforcement of COVID-19 Guidelines By Richard Kaufman Due to an uptick in coronavirus cases in young people and increased complaints from around town about large gatherings and parties, First Selectman Fred Camillo is prepared to respond.

"We're done with warnings," Camillo said on Tuesday. "We're going to take action." Camillo will call a special meeting of t he Boa rd of Selectmen l i kely on Wednesday, Aug. 5 with the town's attorney, Greenwich Police chief, James Heavey, and a

"We're done with warnings," Camillo said on Tuesday. "We're going to take action." representative from the Health Department. " My g o a l i s to l o o k at a l l o f t h e enforcement tools we have at our discretion under a state of emergency and under the executive orders of the Governor (Ned Lamont), and see how we would enforce those protocols and guidelines that we have already there," Camillo said. The orders currently limit indoor gatherings to 25 people, and outdoor gatherings to 100 people. Social distancing and mask wearing is required. "A nyb o dy g u i lt y of v iolat i ng t he

First Selectman Fred Camillo

measures of the COVID-19 executive orders will have to answer for it. We're not looking to go out and make people's lives miserable. There's been ample warnings given for days, weeks and months." Last week, Camillo issued a statement appealing to younger residents about following the four W's: Watch your distance, Wipe down surfaces, Wash your hands, and Wear a mask As of Wednesday afternoon, according to the town Health Department, there have been 918 Greenwich residents who have

See CAMILLO page 4

Students Thrown for a Loop By Zilana Lee T h e c o r o n av i r u s p a n d e m i c h a s upended students’ education in every aspect, especially the college process. High school students preparing to take standardized exams including the SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement tests had to put their plans on hold due to social distance requirements.

Back in early April, the College Board, a not-for-profit association of over 6,000 universities and colleges best known for its SAT, announced that Advanced Placement (AP) tests would be administered online for students to take at home. The AP exams are taken each May by students and are comprised of year-long material from AP courses. Greenwich High School offers various AP courses, including U.S. History

and Language and Composition. In an interview with Sal Khan, owner of Khan Academy, and David Coleman, College Board CEO, Coleman discussed the association’s plans for the AP exams amid the pandemic. “When we surveyed 18,000 students, over 91% of them said they wanted the opportunity to take an exam and claim the credit we’ve earned,” said Coleman. “Let’s remember, the crisis hit

after 75% of the school year was done, so these are students who have been working all year in their AP classroom.” The at-home A P ex a m s wer e 4 5 minutes and students were allowed to have their notes during the exam. The exams covered only 75% of material covered in the school year due to early school closures. The College Board also

See STUDENTS page 5

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Richmond Zooms with Library By Julia Lucey This past Tuesday, July 28, the Greenwich Library hosted Dennis Richmond, Jr., an author, genealogist, and advocate for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), for a Zoom webinar. Dennis, just 25 years old, was full of enthusiasm as he offered the audience a look into his research on his own family’s past, his work supporting students and HBCUs, and a little bit about his process of writing his recently released memoir, He Spoke at my School: An Educational Journey. Richmond introduced himself as the founder of the NY/NJ HBCU initiative and the author of He Spoke at My School, which looks at his life throughout his education and his dedicated work advocating for higher education. R i c h m o n d r e c o u nte d t h e moment that inspired him to commit to uncovering his family’s past: in 2008 he was watching Roots with his father, a series that follows generations of decendents of an African man sold into slavery in Colonial America. Richmond decided to research his own family. He introduced us to his greatg randmother Adele Matilda Merritt, who was born in Greenwich in 1913. While he didn’t know her personally, she was a geriatric nurse that he had heard stories about and he specifically recalled referring to her as a “baby nurse.” Adele was just the beginning. Using documents he found in Greenwich Town Hall, Richmond was able to look far back into his family history. In 2012, when Richmond was in 11th grade and growing up in Yonkers, NY, he didn’t know much about Connecticut aside from hearing about Greenwich. One day he decided he would take the trip to Greenwich -- he hopped on a bus from White Plains to Port Chester and then grabbed a cab to Greenwich Town Hall. When he arrived, it was “nothing more than a gold mine,” Richmond recounted. He uncovered records of his sixth great grandmother, Margaret “Peg” Merritt, who was born into slavery in Greenwich in 1773. The records also revealed two of her sons, including Richmond's fifth great grandfather, Charles, born 1791. Records had them listed as the “negroes of Nathan Merritt.” What further surprised Richmond was learning that Peg was freed from slavery in 1800 and both sons were soon after freed under the Gradual Emancipation Act. In other words, Richmond is the descendant of multiple generations of free Black Americans. To R i c h m o n d , t h i s n e w s was entirely unexpected. Based on his education and the lack of details passed down regarding his ancestors, such a possibility was one he hadn’t considered. He was also able to uncover his ancestors' professions. Cha rles a nd h is brother, for instance, were in the land selling business, as well as his fourth great grandfather, Abraham Merritt. Abraham’s son, Edward B. Merritt, who was born in 1870, did

something impressive for his time -- he worked an office job as a real estate agent. John Sherman Merritt, born 1889 to Edward, then fathered four children, Lilia May, Joseph, Adele, and Jim. An incredibly hard worker, John Sherman made a point of sending his children to college -- Lilia May, born 1917, for instance, attended Pratt Institute and went on to enter prominent circles in Harlem as she entered t he world of f a sh ion . Adele , Richmond’s great grandmother, became a nurse and was the mother of Joyce Marie Watkins, Richmond’s grandmother. In the late 30s, she moved her family from Greenwich to New Rochelle, and Joyce went on to become

internships, he explained. In 2016, for instance, Richmond began an internship with the Black Alliance for Educational Options, or BAEO, whose goa l is to “change the educational landscape” for Black students. The webinar was open for questions, as well, and one asked Richmond how we can support HBCUs today. Richmond explained many run fundraising campaigns that those wishing to contribute can keep an eye out for throughout the year. He went on to emphasize the importance of supporting smaller, lesser known HBCUs, as well. While schools like Howard University, a more commonly k nown school, receive lots of attention and funding, Richmond

Richmond recounted the moment that had inspired him to commit to the journey of uncovering his family’s past: in 2008 he was watching Roots with his father a business ow ner, R ich mond explained, running a daycare in the Bronx. With this information, Dennis Richmond realized, “Not only do I come from greatness, but I have to continue the legacy.” Richmond was born in Yonkers, NY, where, during his time in school, he became more conscious that his family life was one experienced by all of his peers. He was well traveled, taught to “speak proper,” and had a love of education instilled in him from a young age. He came from a loving family, and this different background made him subject to bullying by his classmates. It was while learning more about his family history, Dennis explained, that he began to “come out of his shell” -- he even ran for school president. While his campaign was not successful, it revealed to him something even more important for his future: Richmond learned his love for public speaking. Richmond now visits schools in the Yonkers/Bronx/Brooklyn area advocating for collegiate education, specif ically HBCU education. His goal is to bring these conversations into spaces where they aren’t otherwise -- he aims to hook students onto the idea of higher education. His work began with a short ten minute video to grab students' attention and get their minds think ing a bout col lege, a nd it q u ick ly became a great success at his presentations. As his presentations began to gain traction (they were all done as volunteer work), he began to receive sponsorship and

mentioned schools like A llen University and Morris Brown college, just two examples of HBCU schools the general public may not be familiar with. All funds help, Richmond made clear. In terms of his memoir, a q uestion asked how the title came to be. Richmond recanted a moment in N YC in which a young man noticed him and said, “Hey, you spoke at my school!” Dennis soon found this to be a common occurrence -- people were recognizing him after he gave his presentations to NY area high schools. So, the name He Spoke at my School practically wrote itself, Richmond explained. Richmond had earlier marveled over the impressive legacy his ancestors had left in Greenwich. Newspapers he had u ncovered included obituaries of these relatives, citing individuals including John Sherman Merritt as an “esteemed individual in the community” and a “well known colored man in Greenwich.” Now, over a century later, Richmond is making his own lasting mark. Throughout COVID, he has been using Zoom as a platform to continue talking with students and schools. Richmond also works as a journalist, with his most recent publication in the New York Post titled “These are the Colleges Where Black Students Really Matter.” In addition, his memoir is now out and doing well. And, as his inf luence continues to grow, his research of his own history continues: “that’s the life of a genealogist: there’s always more to find,” says Richmond.

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Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel

Beverly Smith’s Garden Path to History, the Lake Avenue Bridge By Anne W. Semmes Beverly Smith is a prize-winning gardener. Her three-quarter acre garden in Cos Cob, with its 95-plus “deer don’t eat” varieties of plants, she designed and maintains herself. She’s proud that her garden has been featured in the Greenwich Botanical Center’s annual Grandif lora Garden Tour. She’s also a member of the Riverside Garden Club and serves as its historian, and she has become bewitched by the Merritt Parkway’s Lake Avenue Bridge. Step back to the Fall of 2018, when Smith had her assig nment as RG C historian, “to pull together a history of RGC for its June 2019 Centennial party.” In her research she came upon t wo intrig uing 8" X 10,” black and white photos, circa 1940, of the Lake Avenue Bridge that showed a large rock with plaque inscribed: “This planting has been made possible through the cooperation of the Riverside Garden Club.” The rock appears surrounded by laurels. Smith drove out to the Bridge to find that plaque on its rock beneath the Lake Avenue overpass, but found, “The median had become narrow to provide more roadway space, so the plaque and rock were gone.” She began investigating the history of the Merritt Parkway – yes, named fo r t h at l o n g s e r v i n g R e p u b l i c a n Congressman Schuyler Merritt, from the 4th Congressional District. But she was looking for the involvement of other southwestern Fairfield County garden clubs. “I found a photo of Fairf ield Garden Club's plaque,” she tells, but she found no other Greenwich garden club involvement. Neither did she find what those original plantings would have been at the Lake Avenue Bridge site. She did find online, at the National Park Service National Register of Historic Places on the Merritt Parkway that, “Flowering trees and shrubs, especially ‘Thousands of Dogwood, Laurel Plants,’ were donated by ten Fairfield garden clu bs a nd civ ic g roups i n t he t wo months just before completion of the full length of the Parkway." That Parkway completion was in 1934. Along its stretch of 37 and a half miles with 68 bridges, Smith found the Lake Avenue Bridge of special design. In those 1940’s black and white photos she saw the black metal grille design of the bridge, but then in her Fall of 2018 visit she saw its faded blue painted design. She was thrilled to see its 2019 restoration with its original elegant black and gold painted design. She came to learn that the grapevine and grapes design was based on the Connecticut State Seal, with its three grape vines in the center, supporting and bearing fruit. (On that seal is the state motto, “Sustinet Qui Transtulit,” or “He who is transplanted still sustains”). Turns out that Lake Avenue Bridge design is an award winner reports Wes Hay nes, executive director of the Merritt Park way Conser vancy, “It has earned a national award for excellence from the National Scenic Byways Foundation and a state award

Turns out that Lake Avenue Bridge design is an award winner reports Wes Haynes, executive director of the Merritt Parkway Conservancy.

A recognizable Art Deco motif is seen in the restored grapevine design of the Lake Avenue Bridge. Photo by Tod Bryant for the Merritt Parkway Conservancy. The Merritt Parkway Lake Avenue Bridge in its faded blue phase Beverly Smith saw in December 2018.

The Merritt Parkway Lake Avenue Bridge restored with Riverside Garden Club historian, Beverly Smith.

Riverside Garden Club historian Beverly Smith and her Centennial history opened to the Lake Avenue Bridge history. for merit from Preservation Connecticut (formerly Connecticut Trust).” Haynes, who coincidentally just gave a Greenwich Library virtual talk on “The Merritt Parkway’s Marvelous Bridges,” shares that, George Dunkelberger, the architect of all the Parkway bridges “had conceived of using the grapevines from the State seal, then engaged a young Irish immigrant metal artisan, Kenneth Lynch, to design the actual grapevine pattern and relief.” Lynch had to his credit the famous gargoyles on the Chrysler Building in New York. But Lynch did face WWII steel shortages in realizing his design, Smith would learn. Haynes cites a recognizable Art Deco motif in Lynch’s grille design. “There is much more of what architectural historians today call Art Deco in some aspect of nearly all of the Merritt's bridges - to the extent that some call the Merritt the largest art deco construction


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in the country.” (Dunkelberger had only referred to them as “simply modern.”) Haynes named numerous bridges as exhibiting “Art Deco principles” with “details derived from the 1925 exposition of decorative and industrial arts in Paris that launched the "art deco" movement. Regarding his knowledge of garden clubs involved in the plantings – he knew of no record of those involved in but felt it “safe to say that most if not all clubs in the towns the Merritt passes through did. It is an important part of the Merritt's story, for after years of contentious planning, Fairfield County residents were finally won over by the promise of the modern yet beautiful road they demanded, an object lesson of local democracy in action, with the Garden Clubs among those leading the effort.” The 2014 History Press publication, “The Mer r itt Park way - The Road

CAMILLO From Page 1

tested positive for COVID-19 since the pandemic began, an increase of 47 since last week. According to the town, about half of the 47 new cases are teens/young adults. "Younger kids think they're immune to it and they can fight it. In many cases they are, but the concern has always been t hey're goi ng to come i nto contact with people who have compromised immune systems," Camillo said. A breakdown by age group for the 47 new cases since last week is as follows: Three cases for those 1-10 years of age; 24 cases, age 11-20; four cases, age 21-30; one case, age 31-40; two cases, age 41-50; six cases, age 51-60; one case, age 61-70; three cases, age 71-80; two cases, age 80-90; and one case, age 90-100. The Health Department, through contact tracing, has been able to determine that many of the teen/young adult cases can be linked to large parties held in town between July 15-19. Contact tracing is an important tool for municipalities to alert people who might have been exposed and see where the virus has spread, but it's only as effective as the information that's given. The Health Department said many of the new cases -- younger patients and their families -- aren't revealing where they've been, and those who have submitted concerns to the town about large gatherings

A women reads over a letter handled by Sandboxx.

The 1940 photo of the Lake Avenue Bridge with the now disappeared rock and plaque of Riverside Garden Club That Shaped A Region,” states that “Of the nearly 70,000 trees and shrubs required to landscape the parkway, 47,700 were mountain laurel.” And, “Many organizations, Fairfield County Garden Clubs and individuals donated plants for the parkway.” H istor ian Beverly Sm ith in her research has distinguished her Riverside Garden Club in being the only documented Greenwich garden club to date having contributed toward that Parkway landscape, with the Lake Avenue Bridge.

have also been hesitant to give specific details. "I'm getting lots of calls and text messages, and I know other people are, too [about large gatherings]. We're telling everybody that it's great you're reaching out, it's great that you care, but if you don't give us names and addresses and contact information there's nothing we can do," Camillo added. "We want to do contact tracing -- that's critical. If people are afraid to come for ward because they think they're going to get in trouble, that's not the case and I want to make sure people understand that. We want to talk to you because we want to be able to contact trace and make sure that we stay ahead of this so the public stays safe." L t . Jo h n Slu s a r z o f t h e Greenwich Police Department said that as of earlier this week on Monday, the department had not responded to any large gatherings that needed to be broken up. "Mr. Camillo is echoing what all the healthcare people are talking about. You have to wear the mask while you're out, that's what's reducing the spread. We have to keep it up and not get complacent," he said. Slusarz said that if anyone is concerned about an activity or an organization not following g u idel i ne s i s sue d t h r oug h COVID-19 related Executive Orders and emergency declarations, to call the department's non-emergency number at 203-622-8004. Those w ith in for mation or questions can call the town Health Department at 203-6227836.

Her Centennial book grew to 165 pages. “We benefited from Greenwich Historical Societ y ’s archives,” she says. She also salvaged parts of RGC’s aging scrapbooks, scanning articles, handwritten pieces, and typewritten pages. “I have been interested in history for decades,” she tells. “And those two black and white photos of that boulder and plaque intrigued me,” she says, “so I went on an adventure into history. Research is fun for me and the reward is having success.”

Camillo called Lamont’s execut ive orders "si mple guidelines to follow." "For people to ignore that, you're putting people at risk. It becomes a very selfish act, and it's criminal," he said, noting that Lamont has left it up to the

town’s to determine how they want to handle infractions. " Th is isn't a n empt y threat. There have been ample w a r n i n g s . You h ave t h e s e parties at your own peril if we find out about it and you have not followed the guidelines."


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Feature Column

Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel

What the H is Going On? Faith, hope and prayer are my superpowers

By Dan FitzPatrick Does anyone else get the feeling that we are all living on Htrae (Earth spelled backwards), the comic book “Bizarro World” where everything is “weirdly inverted or opp osite to ex p e c t at ion s” (Wikipedia)? A short list will suffice to make the point: rioters hijack protests, burning, looting and destroying property while loca l leaders do noth i ng a nd reject outside help; mayors and governors denounce and seek to defund their own police forces while crime runs rampant and the quality of life in their communities decays; Congress holds a muchanticipated hearing at which the Attorney General is to testify, and then denies him the opportunity to answer their questions (or even get a five minute break). Bizarro would feel right at home. The universality of this upsidedown, inside-out, right-is-wrong, wrong-is-acceptable environment could lead one to believe that there

is some organizing force trying to undermine our institutions, our values, our way of life. But that would be too much, even for the most die-hard conspiratorialists among us. So, what is going on? I am reminded of a story. A man (could also be a woman) was beset by difficulties and worries and struggling mightily just to live a good and decent life. One day he met a person on the street who he came to realize was the devil incarnate, literally. The devil smiled at him in a gloating way and said, “You realize, don’t you, that I am the source of all your troubles, and that you don’t have a hope of defeating me, for I am the prince of this world.” The man replied “I know who you are, and that you lie and manipulate and sow fear and confusion and anger and envy and hatred and hopelessness in the hearts of men and women in your quest to drain the world of all that is good and decent and loving. And I know that I am no match for you and your nefarious power. But I also know that what you’ve just said is also a lie, for I do have hope.” “I know that I am not alone in my fight against you. I have the power to call upon the souls and


From Page 1 office areas; interior waiting areas; and lease space for the Old Greenwich Riverside Community Center. “The exterior building will utilize the existing lighted tennis courts and children's playground. They will not be touched," Monelli added, noting that an environmental analysis of soil surrounding the building was performed and "no issues were found." Work on the surrounding playing fields will not be included in the project. Monelli said the fields will be usable during construction. A new self-parking lot will be incorporated

STUDENTS From Page 1

launched “AP Live” to provide ever y student a f ree on li ne review of AP course content scheduled each day. As of April 7, 2020, the content received 4.7 million views. Students were given the option to take practice online exams for free in order to familiarize themselves with the at-home format. “For AP U.S. Government we had already f inished the curriculum in the first semester, but for AP Comparative Government we were only about halfway through the curriculum. We had to learn the rest at home which was difficult because we didn’t have tests and so you did not really have to understand the information very deeply,” said Kate Van Duyne, a rising senior at Greenwich High School. Despite the College Board’s efforts to provide online testing, the association received criticism f rom st udents who took its on l i ne A P ex a m s. St udents experienced technical glitches while trying to submit their answers and many students were unable to successfully do this, having no choice but to make-up the exam. Due to its technical shortcomings, the College Board is now straying away from administering the SAT admissions test online. In addition, the association urged universities and colleges to not punish applicants who do not submit scores or to extend the deadlines for students to submit SAT scores. In response, mu lt ip l e s c h o o l s i n c lu d i n g Harvard and Cornell are waiving standardized test requirements for 2021 applicants. The leaders of the University of California


saints in heaven and even God himself at any time for assistance. You know full well that you can never prevail in the end against that combination, whatever harm you manage to accomplish in the process. Faith, hope and prayer are my superpowers, and they are more than a match for yours.” “As you know, I merely have to ask for help, and it will be given. Perhaps not in the manner or time I expect, but that promise is rock solid. So do your best, or worst, and I will continue to struggle to be who I am meant to be and to do what I believe to be right. And in the end, if I am true to that path, I hope one day to be in a place where you are not. So please move out of the way. I have more struggling to do today.” It is hig hly unfashionable these days to speak of good and evil, but both are real, and their interaction is warp and woof of the human condition. They also manifest themselves in many ways and degrees. Sometimes evil is so blatant that it cannot be ignored or misunderstood for what it is. An example would be mass genocide. But mostly evil is subtle, insidious, hidden behind a smile or claims of good

with a turnaround to increase vehicle drop-off and pick-up. The town-owned lot across the street will be reconfigured with aesthetic improvements to maximize the number of spaces in order to comply with zoning regulations for the building's function. Monelli said the engineering division of the town's Public Works Department is working on a storm drain solution for Harding Road, that in conjunction with the building plans, will alleviate flooding on the roadway. The existing building was built in 1950 as an employee recreation center for Electrolux. The town later acquired the building and the 13.22 acre site in 1966. The town originally began to develop plans for a building rehabilitation in 2000, but in the years

system even voted on May 21 to phase out the SAT and ACT as an admissions requirement over the next four years. College Board will be administering the SAT in-person starting August 29, 2020. Due to social distancing measures and high demand of students registering for the exam, there is limited seating capacity for students in certain areas. Van Duyne’s scheduled SATs in May and June were cancelled due to the pandemic, and her tutoring ended at the start of quarantine. When the College Board opened SAT registration, Van Duyne noticed limited availability even with early sign-up. Because her schedu led SAT exa ms were cancelled, Van Duyne was given the opportunity to sign-up early, but even then, a limited number of testing centers were available. She is now registered to take the SAT in August at a testing center in Avon, CT, nearly a twohour drive from Greenwich. The SAT is offered on the following dates in the fall of 2020: 8/29, 9/26, 10/3, 11/7, 12/5. You can find the 2021 testing dates at https:// collegereadiness.collegeboard. org/sat/register/dates-deadlines. On the day of the test, students will need to bring a calculator, No. 2 pencil, Admission ticket, and a photo ID. The ACT exam is administered by ACT, a nonprofit organization of the same name. It is not affiliated with the College Boa rd. The ACT is of fer i ng in-person exams to students beginning September 12, 2020. Registration opens on the last week of July. The ACT is offered on the following dates in the fall of 2020: 9/12, 9/13, 9/19, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/25, and 12/12. You can find the 2021 testing dates at https://www.act.org/content/act/


en/products-and-services/theact/registration.html. On the day of the test, students will need to bring a calculator, No. 2 pencil, a printed copy of their ticket, and a photo ID. SAT and ACT testing centers will follow social distancing requirements recommended by t h e C D C . T h e r e w i l l b e Cov id-19 r elate d sig n age , including f loor sig nage to maintain six feet distances at key locations such as checkin and seating arrangements. Although gloves and masks will not be provided, staff members are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), and students are encouraged to do so as well. Students will be asked to temporarily remove masks for inspection and fullface conf irmation as part of test security protocols at checkin. In addition, testing staff and students are required to have health screenings and wellness checks on test day. Students will be asked several health and wellness questions during checkin, and if they reply “yes” to any of the questions they won’t be admitted. The student may reschedule their test at no cost. If a student does not feel well on the test day, they also have the option to reschedule at no cost. It is important for students to keep their brains sharp and consistently stimulated over the summer to prevent the summer slide – when students struggle to retain skills and knowledge over summer break, resulting in learning loss by the start of school in the fall. Since the SAT and ACT were cancelled in May and June, and now available in the later months of the summer, students have to get back into s t ud y m o d e . P r e p a r i n g fo r the SAT or ACT in advanced

intentions. Evil thrives on lies and the human proclivity to be selfcentered, self-loving, self-seeking, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing. It is most at home in human pride and its goal is power – the ability to bend events and people to its will. As John Dalberg, 1st Baron Acton, famously said “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” To my mind, much of what we are experiencing these days derives from the struggle for power by people and organizations looking to undermine, subvert, te a r dow n, opp ose a nd deny the current social order. What they would replace it w ith is unclear, though history is littered with examples of failed social experimentation. I wou ld pr op o s e t h at t he challenge is greatest, and the fight is fiercest, here in the United States precisely because of the historic nature of our government. Our Great Experiment differed from others – and has been surprisingly successful – because it is based on the concept of personal autonomy, liberty and the primacy of We the People over the government we hire to serve us. People, groups, movements, governments seeking

power (the ability to bend events and other people to their will) absolutely hate this autonomy and seek to overcome it at every turn. Their tools include undermining respect for and adherence to the rule of law, promoting anarchy, delegitimizing religion and cultural institutions supportive of the concept of free will, promoting the false promise of rights uncoupled f r o m r e s p o n s i b i l i t y, l y i n g , cheating, stealing, intimidating, manipulating, denouncing, defaming anyone and destroying anything that stands in their way. We are in the midst of a Great Fight; not necessarily one between good and evil, though I believe that is a part of it, but a fight to preserve our personal liberties and way of life against those, organized or not, who would take them from us. This f ight must be fought, and it will require cooperation and coordination at least equal to that which is aligned against us. In the 18th century Edmund Burke warned that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing.” That’s the short version of what he wrote. He continued, “No man, who is not inf lamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can f latter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours, are of power to defeat the subtle designs

that followed, issues with the facility began to crop up which required immediate repairs. A f te r e x p l o r i n g e x i s t i n g c o n d it i o n s o f the concrete structure, other problems were investigated such as space utilization, functionality and accessibility. The lack of thermal insulation and air conditioning throughout the building, as well as a deteriorating subterranean plumbing system, have been problems for years. T h e tow n d e te r m i n e d t h at a c o mp l e te replacement made more sense. In 2018, then First Selectman, Peter Tesei, established a committee to ascertain the desired amenities that a new building would require. Stakeholders were interviewed, and a town-wide survey was administered to get feedback. The com m it te e has held severa l pu bl ic increases one’s likelihood of receiving a satisfactory score. For parents looking to help their child study for the college exam, there are multiple resources to choose from. The College Board and Khan Academy are providing free resources online, including fulllength SAT practice tests and personalized learning tools. Visit ht t ps: //w w w.k ha nac ademy. org /sat?ut m _ sou rce = cb c t aosp&utm _medium=cb418cb&utm_campaign=practice to access the free online resource. A ma z on of fer s a my r iad of SAT and ACT guidebooks with organized chapters on different t e s t to p i c s a n d f u l l-l e n g t h practice tests. Here are a few you can find on Amazon: The Princeton Review 10 Practice Tests for the SAT, The Official ACT P rep Gu ide 2020-2021, and The Princeton Review 1,511 ACT Practice Questions. While motivating your child to study for an exam is no easy task, reviewing a couple of SAT or ACT f lashcards each day can help them improve in math and english. Barron’s is a well-known learning company that sells SAT and ACT flashcards. An alternate option is Quizlet, a free online study website and app that helps students study using flashcards, games, and quizzes. In addition, sp e nd i n g 1 5 m i nute s a d ay doing math problems may help students greatly by the time it is test day. Khan Academy is a free online learning resource with specialized lessons on everything from Algebra to grammar. Each student has different needs and preferences when it comes to learning. For many students, more individualized one - on- one te ach i ng i s t he most effective way to learn new concepts and test taking skills.


and united cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrif ice in a contemptible struggle.” One of the most diabolical aspects of our current f ight is the warping and upending of our cherished right of free speech and open ex pression. Social pressure and a dishonest media are stifling honest debate on topics of vital importance. Many people nowadays don’t bother to express their opinions, even when asked. They simply don’t want to fight the narrative seeking to be imposed upon them. But those voices must be heard; more people need to get constructively engaged in the fight to save what is best about our country. If we do not, then we disrespect the memories of all those who previously fought the good fight for our benefit. In the meantime, or perhaps always, we each have the ability to exercise our own personal superpowers. No, we cannot fly or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but we can stay hopeful and pray for the future of our great country. Pray in particular that the unseen hand of good can turn the hearts deceived by evil, and that we can return, soon, to a sense of community, civility and respect that can be the legacy we leave to future generations.

information meetings to discuss the project and a list of goals. In 2019, the committee released a Request For Proposal to Connecticut architectural firms, and ultimately selected TSKP of Hartford, Conn., the same f irm that built the new New Lebanon School. The Board will likely vote on the plan Aug. 13 to allow time for the public comments and feedback. The project will still need to be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission and meet the regulations of the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency. First Selectman Fred Camillo, and Selectpersons Lauren Rabin and Jill Oberlander all indicated support for the project. "It's about time," said Oberlander.

ArborBridge is a private online tutoring company for multiple e x a m s , i n c l u d i n g t h e S AT and ACT. Using a data-driven algorithm, tutors at ArborBridge ca n a na ly ze t hei r st udent ’s performance and determine specif ic skills to work on. In addition, Princeton Rev iew,


Varsity Tutors, Carnegie Prep, and Study Point also offer inperson or online tutoring for the SAT or ACT. Due to the changing nature of the pandemic, stay updated on possible changes to the SAT and ACT testing dates and locations at their websites.

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PUBLISHER Beth@GreenwichSentinel.com Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

Summer Hiatus


Editorial Page Reflecting on Mr. Lewis

By Katherine McKersie A s we celebrate the g reat and important life of Civil Rights icon Congressman John Lewis this week, I recall the meeting our daughter, (then in fourth grade) had with Mr. Lewis in 2018. She had read his book for young people, "March," and then asked his office if she could visit with him. Amazingly, he said yes. Some time later when we shared this story with Jim Himes he said that it did not surprise

There was no mistaking it this week. The dog days of summer are here. Those hot, sultry days when everyone just wants to stay inside. Life slows down to a trickle of activities as folks depart for cooler climates – usually. If this were a normal year, we would be eagerly LETTER anticipating our departure for our favorite secluded beach in Maine where the water is cold enough to By Martin Blanco snap you out of even the hottest days of summer. As a father, neighbor, and Our Maine traditions were born f rom our p u b l i c s e r v a nt , I a m d e e p l y mother being a native Mainer. We would visit our concerned about Connecticut’s grandparents in Augusta every summer. Over time f ut u re . It is t he re ason I a m our family, cousins included, self-divided into two supporting Ryan Fazio for State Senate and why I urge others to distinct groups, based on the preferred body of water. consider supporting him: You were either ocean people or lake people. In the past, Greenwich has Regardless of which group you identified with, weathered many of the economic challenges the state has entangled there was not much variation in how you got to itself with by retaining its own Maine. Only so many roads will lead you to the political and fiscal character – and Piscataqua River Bridge between Portsmouth, New a big part of that has been due to historically robust and f iscally Hampshire and Kittery, Maine. Because we have been making the trek for LETTER decades, first with parents, then with children and now, our children on their own. Jokes that were first told in the 1960’s are still repeated today. “Are we By Livvy Floren going over the bridge or under?” And when we go Medical advice precluded my through a toll plaza, “Did I ever tell you about the attending the Special Session of time my Mom went to throw the change in the bucket the House of Representatives and missed entirely? She and her friend just laughed o n J u l y 2 3 -2 4 . H o w e v e r, I watched every minute of the 22hysterically.” hour marathon either live or on Now our children report in that when they cross demand on CT-N. As I predicted, three of the Piscataqua River, they roll down the windows the bills on the call received and turn up the music, just like we did when we were almost unanimous, bipartisan support. These bills were ones their age (and still do today). had worked on for many years There is also the annual retelling of a story from I(absentee ballots) and for at least the 1970’s when a certain family member was in a two sessions in the Insurance

him at all about Mr. Lewis. The Congressman engaged with our daug hter as I imag ine he did all he met, whether president or pupil, as very important and worthy of his full attention. For one hour, he gave her a tour of his office and shared many stories. It was hard not to keep saying, "Wow." When she came home, she wrote about it for the paper, and shared that back with him. His legacy continued. This week in honor of Mr. Lewis, I implore all Greenwich residents eligible to

vote, to make sure that you do in all future elections. He nearly lost his life for that right. This week, ref lecting on Mr. Lewis and his life's work, I recall that he told us his seatmate in the Freedom Rides was from Cos Cob, Mr. Albert Bigelow. This week, I recall all of this, and yes, I recall in recent days several ugly incidents in just our corner of the world, right here in Greenwich by folks whose work we know is important. These racist incidents show how far we still have to travel.

In closing, I would like to quote Mr. Lewis, and implore us all to ref lect, rethink and return the work of this remarkable man. He said, "As a nation..., we must move our feet, our hands, our hearts, our resources to build and not to tear down, to reconcile and not to divide, to love and not to hate, to heal and not to kill. In the final analysis, we are one people, one family, one house-the American house, the American family." [Walking With the Wind, p.50]

Support for Ryan Fazio responsible representation in the state senate – until recently. This past term, our message to the rest of the Connecticut state senate has been feeble. Our state senator has focused on telling us what Hartford wants from us: pay more taxes and deal with more regulation. Greenwich needs a senator that will speak for us – and the Connecticut state senate needs a voice that represents our values. Greenwich is an outstanding com mu n it y. We ne e d a st ate senator that will f ight for our

principles and for the ideals that have helped us rise above the rest. Connecticut will be stronger for it. We need a senator that will not succumb to Hartford’s political culture – it is not what Greenwich is about. Ryan has the energy, vision, a nd e x p e r ie nc e to help t u r n things around in Hartford. His optimism, his commitment to our neighborhoods and our people, his academic understanding and practical experience with our economy, and the time he has devoted to helping residents in

Fairfield County – often choosing to volunteer h is time to help others despite an ongoing senate campaign and the demands of his professional work – is what we need in Hartford. Greenwich can lead by example. We need to turn this state around. We need to convey that to the rest of the state and having the right state senator will make all the difference. I ask you to join me in supporting Ryan for the Connecticut state senate this November.

Bill Chipped Away at Good Government

(c ap p i n g t h e c o s t o f i n s u l i n a n d i n s u r a n c e c ove r a g e f o r telehealth/telemedicine). The votes were 144-2; 142-4; and 145-0, respectively… no small feat. The fourth bill – HB 6004 Po l i c e A c c o u n t a b i l i t y – d i d not me et t he s a me fate . The Ju d i c i a r y C o m m i t t e e c h a i r s a nd R a n k ing Mem bers spent countless hours crafting a draft reform bill that included prov isions for t ra nspa renc y, c o m mu n i t y p o l i c i n g m o d e l s l i ke t hos e of Gr e enw ich a nd Sta m ford, increased cu ltura l a n d R e a l E s t a t e C o m m i t t e e and sensitivity training, civilian

The prime suspect was not too happy to become a local celebrity, if only for a moment, nor was her father. To this day you must be very careful in whose company you retell the story (sorry Mom). rush to make a ferry and while parking accidently, hit the fire house in Boothbay Harbor. Unsure of what to do, and not wanting to just flee the scene entirely, she left the car imbedded into the side of the building with a note explaining she would be back after the last ferry. It was noteworthy enough, or perhaps just a very slow news week, for the local paper to report upon the incident and list all parties involved. The prime suspect was not too happy to become a local celebrity, if only for a moment, nor was her father. To this day you must be very select in whose company you retell the story (sorry Mom). For us, these traditions are being put on hold this year. Yes, we are still taking our annual two-week hiatus, starting when this issue goes to bed, but we will be staying put and working to roll out some new features of the Greenwich Sentinel. For the August 21st issue you will notice a new listing of individuals for the Editorial Page. We are excited to be adding several individuals to our Editorial Board. This group will meet monthly throughout the year to discuss town issues and where the Greenwich Sentinel stands on those issues. It is a bipartisan group and between them they will share responsibility for the weekly editorial. We will also be announcing a new group of individuals who will form what we are calling an “Endorsement Board.” These individuals, who will be from different backgrounds and political affiliations, will be responsible for meeting with each candidate running for local office and then deciding whom to endorse. No one who has an ownership stake in the Sentinel will be part of the Endorsement Board. We want to ensure the Sentinel has a transparent open process for endorsing candidates for office. So, changes are afoot! For now, however, we hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe next few weeks. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have suggestions or story ideas. We are here working away.


review boards, and the use of body- and dashboard cameras, among many other viable recommendations. I applaud and appreciate their efforts which aimed above obstructionist and bellicose behavior and put aside personal political agendas. Real reform does not ride in on either an elephant or a donkey, but it does need to follow a thoughtful and equitable legislative process. This bill did not receive an inperson public hearing where all stakeholders could speak (it only had a ZOOM “listening” airing), and I feel that the decision to pass

the bill (86-58) chipped away at good government procedure and practice. We have in place a Police Accountability Task Force which is charged with substantive work and duties. I wanted to allow the subject-matter experts the opportunity to recommend future policy changes, which is why I urged the State Senate to vote NO on HB 6004 on July 28. Livvy R. Floren is the current S t a t e Re p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r t h e 149th District covering parts of Greenwich and Stamford. She is not seeking re-election.

Support for Kim Fiorello

By Gale B. Hartch I am excited that Kimberly Fiorello is running as the Republican candidate for State Representative for District 149. There are two qualities that I believe would make her an asset to Connecticut as a member of Connecticut’s General Assembly. First and foremost Kimberly has an outgoing, cheerful personality. She makes friends easily. She relates to colleagues in

an honest, genuine, upbeat fashion. When I attended a social gathering with her, people rushed over to see her. They wanted to share or discuss some issue or event. She was adept at introducing me to the younger generation. I have been impressed by the large number of friends, old and young and diverse, that Kimberly has accumulated throughout our town and our state. Secondly, Kimberly is a great organizer. She is able to get an enormous amount of work done.

I have watched her as a volunteer raise her hand before anyone else. She is not afraid to take on a task and in completing it has managed to go way beyond what was ex pected. She organ izes herself well; and when she is in a leadership position with many people involved, she shows the same organizational skills. She delegates well. She is the one who sets up the Zoom meetings. She is the one who brings people into the discussion. She is the one

who creates new ideas. In summary these two qualities make K imberly a perfect candidate for State Representative. As a new member of the General Assembly Kimberly will be a fresh, bright face. It would not be long before everyone knows her. Kimberly w ill stand out as a leg islator helping to get things done with members of both political parties. Gale B . Har tch , Greenwich resident for 54 years.

Helping People with Autism Through COVID As the Coronavirus pandemic has us all locked in place, Brita D a r a n y vo n R e g e n s b u r g , o f Friends of Autistic People, saw herself barred from seeing her daughter, Vanessa, once a week. Brita was devastated at not being able to see her daughter. Added to that, was the fact that Vanessa was very upset and disoriented that her Day Programs, which h ad pr ov ide d he r s che du le d learning and activities during the day, had been cancelled. A Day Program, usually in another location, allows for a predictable structure for people with autism that they need and thrive on.

Friends of Autistic People (FAP), recognizing that feelings of suffering and depression for autistic people are caused by the lack of a predictable routine, saw an innovative approach to help provide relief: Previously, FAP and Infinity Music Therapy had partnered to create music therapy for adu lts a nd ch i ld ren w it h profound autism from financially struggling families. The onset of the global pandemic forced them to think of a new strategy, in which they discovered they could continue music therapy on a v ir tual platform. FA P is now f unding Vir tua l Music

Therapy Treatment sessions, which are aimed to break up the monotonous days of people who are sheltered in group homes during the pandemic, thereby providing them with a fun and predictable educational activity at least once a week. P r ov i d i n g mu s i c t h e r apy virtually has its added benefits. There is a ripple ef fect: each session reaches several more people than an in-person session. I n add it ion to t he you ng ster w ith autism receiving his/ her treatment session, the participating parent or group home worker is learning

techniques, which they can use to teach other group home staff and other family members. These new trainees, in turn, can provide the same services to other group home residents as wel l as to cousins, friends, neighbors, etc. who live at home. With this, the service of virtual music therapy exponentially expands, and we alleviate the Covid-induced stress in more people than ever before. Friends of Autistic People can be reached by email at fap. autismct@gmail.com. Donations to continue their work are appreciated and can be made via their website: autisticadults.org

Greenwich Art Society’s Summer Member Exhibition The Greenwich Art Society p r e s e nt s it s s u m m e r o n l i n e exhibit “At Home, For Home” - a virtual member exhibition of art for sale. A generous percentage of sales will support the Greenwich Art Society. The exhibit is on view through August 30.

The Greenwich Art Society challenged member artists and studio school students this spring to continue to create artwork from their home studios during the Shelter in Place period. The S o c iet y fe at u r e d a r t work on their website and social media

platforms to do their part to keep the arts alive. “At Home, For Home” takes the concept of keeping visual arts alive to the next level with the goal of trying to financially support not only the artists but the Greenwich Art Society as

well. For further information or to purchase an art work, call 203-629-1533, weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., or visit greenwichartsociety.org

Town’s Human Services Has New Commissioner First Selectman Fred Camillo a n nou nce d t hat t he Tow n of Greenwich will welcome a new Commissioner to the Greenwich Department of Human Services on August 24. After an intensive five-month search, the Board of Directors voted to appoint Demetria Nelson to be the Department’s new Commissioner. Since 2016, Ms. Nelson has been t he Ad m i n i s t rat ive D i r e c tor for t he Add ic t ion Tr e at ment Services at the BronxCare Health Sys te m w h e r e sh e h a s b e e n responsible for the administration

and oversight of f ive addiction treatment programs (outpatient addictions, inpatient rehabilitation, inpatient detoxification, methadone maintenance, and community residence) and one supplementary grant-funded TCE-HIV program. Ms. Nelson holds a LCSW and has 18 years of experience in the field of human services, 15 years of experience in addiction and mental health, and 13 years of increasing supervisory/managerial experience. Ms. Nelson earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Boston University.

She went on to earn a Master of Social Work from Columbia University and a Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University, Teachers College. “We believe Demetria will provide the strong leadership and vision the Department of Human Services needs to move into the future,” said Chair Alan Gunzburg. Ms. Nelson succeeds Dr. Alan Barry who is retiring after 10 years. First Selectman Camillo said, “I look forward to working with Demetria as the Town continues to

address and serve the needs of our most vulnerable residents. I have confidence in her ability to lead the Department of Human Services and the staff in providing critical services to our residents.” Mr. Gunzburg said, “Some of the adjectives used to describe Ms. Nelson were ‘engaging, intelligent, con sc ient iou s, ha rdwork i ng , genuine, and kind.’” Ms. Nelson’s mother was a home health aide in the Greenwich Dept. of Human Services several years ago. Ms. Nelson was a case worker for a brief time from 2002-2004.


Sweeping Police Reform Bill Passed

By Kimberly Fiorello A sweeping police reform bill just passed the Connecticut General Assembly and now heads to the Governor. Yes, we want to root out bad cops who betray our trust and abuse their authority. And yes, we want the highest standards of accountability in our police force. But does this big bill, “An Act Concerning Police Accountability,” totaling 41 sections at last count, get the job done? Here are some key provisions of the bill and the questions they raise in my mind: * Changing the legal standard of justified use of deadly force. The bill would judge an officer’s actions from the perspective of a reasonable regular person, instead of judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene. And, it would require that the off icer exhaust “all reasonable alternatives,” including attempting


to arrest first, before using deadly force. Would this cause police officers to hesitate to do what’s necessary to save or assist citizens in exactly those split-second moments when decisive action is needed? * De-certif ying of f icers as qualified to serve as policemen, if their conduct, including words spoken or actions taken while off duty, is found to “undermine public confidence” in police work. Or, an officer whose behavior does not merit de-certification, can be issued a 45-day suspension. Who decides how to define “undermine public confidence” and could this be too vague and subjective a standard by which to measure our police? * Remov ing governmental “q ua l i f ie d i m mu n it y ”, wh ich cou ld su bje c t p ol ice of f icers and municipalities to lawsuits, even when they performed their duties pursuant to policies and procedures. A task force would be set up to study requiring all police

off icers to purchase their own professional liability insurance. Illegal acts, crimes and violations of civil rights by bad cops are not covered by qualif ied immunity under current law, so wouldn’t this policy hurt good cops by forcing them to risk their personal assets and buy insurance they do not need? Some proponents argue “qualified immunity” is a flawed judicial doctrine that should really be removed for all public officials who could abuse their authority and hurt people, including the governor, mayors, selectmen, school administrators, teachers, prison guards and more, not just police officers. That’s interesting. * Banning the use of militarystyle equipment by police departments. We don’t want to see tanks on our neighborhood streets, but our police should be able to use certain gear that improves their effectiveness and safety. For example, night vision goggles

leased from the U.S. Department of Defense are a big help when trying to find lost Alzheimer sufferers and small children in the dark. Perhaps there should be a carve-out for especially useful tactical tools? Missing from among the 41 sections of this bill is any mention of police department accreditation. “Accreditation is about systemic best practices,” says my friend Jeff Hogan, a former police officer and former Chairman of the Farmington Tow n Cou nc i l, who over s aw Farmington’s police department become the first in Connecticut to be state-accredited and privatelyaccredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, CALEA. His son is currently an active police officer in Connecticut. Accreditation rigorously reviews all departments functions, policies and operations. It ensures accountability and transparency in hiring, training, disciplining, and firing. It reaches out to the

community for input. Unlike topdown legislation, the process of accreditation is a holistic approach to adopting best practices and impacting the culture of each unique police department to be the best it can be. Greenwich should be proud that its force is one of 39 stateaccredited police agencies from the 163 agencies in the state. Chief Jim Heavey responded to my email saying that Greenwich spent two years earning its accreditation t h roug h a process that dea lt with many of the concerns this legislation now seeks to address. I reached out to Stamford’s Police Chief Tim Shaw but he was out at Lione Park for a weekly morning work-out w it h neig h borhood youth. New Canaan PD is CALEAaccredited; Darien PD is stateaccredited. This massive state-wide reform bill is a one-size-fits-all solution that may do more harm to Greenwich and Stamford. The broad language

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and punitive spirit of the bill has understandably discouraged and frustrated many police officers. “Back the Blue” rallies are being scheduled across our state to boost support for local police departments. Municipalities deciding to p u r s u e s t ate - o r p r i v ate accreditation programs for their police departments is one idea for an intense, focused, professional way to address many of the issues the proposed Police Accountability bill seeks to fix, without the overreach that should concern us all. Please reach out to Governor Lamont 860-566-4840 to express your opinions on this flawed bill. Kimberly Fiorello is a candidate for State Representative in the 149th, Greenwich and Stamford. This is the seat currently held by Livvy Floren, who is not running for re-election.

In Pursuit of Social Justice: Still A Long Way to Go

By Zane Khader As many of you might know, a police reform bill passed the Connecticut State Senate on at 4:00 am on Wednesday morning and has received a lot of controversy in the papers. I’d like to go in-depth on each c o nt r ove r s i a l p r ov i s i o n a n d explain why these provisions are counterproductive and /or ineffective in our pursuit of social justice. The bill is titled “LCO no. 3471 – An Act Concerning Police Accountability.” Feel free to search it up and read the text; The Office of Legislative Research (OLR) provides unbiased context to the bill and is a useful tool if you aren’t familiar with the background behind the legislation. I encourage you, the reader, to do your own research and decide for yourself whether or not all aspects of the bill, as written, are wholly productive. SECTION 30 The f irst controversial prov ision, Section 30, wh ich “r e q u i r e s a p ol ic e of f ic er to inter vene and report another officer’s use of excessive force, subject to the penalties of h i nder i ng pr o s e c ut ion ;” a nd “prohibits law enforcement units from taking retaliatory action against the intervening officer,” is seemingly productive in concept,


but it is considerably held back due to the vagueness of language. The OLR interprets this section as requiring an intervention from a police officer who “objectively knows is unreasonable, excessive, or illegal.” What’s the problem with this? The vagueness behind the interpretation of “objectively” presents a massive problem. How is an individual police of f icer who i s ac t i ng “su bje c t ively ” and in-the-moment supposed to judge anything “objectively?” If police officer A misinterprets police officer B’s action as what t hey deem to b e “objectively unreasonable,” and takes physical action against police officer B in an attempt to “intervene,” then police off icer A may have just jeopardized the safety of his entire unit because of his misjudgment on objectivity. This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t encourage police of f icers to raise objections at actions they may find illegal, we definitely should, and the other parts of Section 30 that protect police officers that do intervene are certainly well-intended and should stay. But, the parameters need to be better set in a way that won’t needlessly jeopardize the safety of police off icers in the field. Thus, the punishment of a “1st or 2nd degree hindering prosecution” for not intervening—

thereby making the witnessing police officer a convicted felon— seems extreme, especially when we consider the aforementioned argument on objectivity (a police officer might, in the moment, not recognize that their fellow officer’s use of force is excessive). Besides, what qualif ies as an “attempt to stop” or an “intervention?” Physical action? A word of caution? The language is too vague, and there is no reason to believe that the police officers who intend to abuse the law anyway won’t take advantage of this vagueness to create a loophole. Altogether, this section needs to be rewritten, clarified, or removed. QUALIFIED IMMUNITY The other controversial provision (and the reason why everyone is so “up in arms”), Section 41, refers to the removal of qualified immunity for police of f icers. Qualif ied immunity, according to Cornell Law School’s L e g a l I n for m at ion I n st it ute , “protects a government official from lawsuits alleging that the official violated a plaintiff's rights, only allowing suits where officials violated a ‘clearly established’ statutory or constitutional right.” They also write that “qualif ied immunity is not immunity from having to pay money damages, but rather immunity from having

to go through the costs of a trial at all,” so even if, under the current system, the claim against an officer is meritorious, it should still get resolved with qualified immunity in place. Therefore, the notion that removing qualif ied immunity will help bring police officers who abuse their power to justice is simply untrue. With qualif ied immunity removed, any citizen who feels their rights have been abridged (or even, say, an angry resident who got a speeding ticket for going 80 mph on I-95)—regardless of the merit of their claim—can force an officer to come to court instead of allowing them to serve the community and do their jobs. This will cause our court system to be even more backed up and incur more unnecessary legal fees. Worse yet, our alreadyexisting shortage of police officers will get much worse when young, aspiring police officers realize that hurting someone’s feelings might cause them to spend hours in a courtroom. Qualified immunity is not the problem, at least not in the Town of Greenwich. If it is in other communities, then perhaps the issue should be addressed in those communities alone. Just as a doctor does not blindly prescribe all of his patients antibiotics for each of their specialized issues,

let’s not assume that a blanket state-level “solution” w ill f i x specific town-level issues. AVOID WITH OR AGAINST Beyond this piece of legislation, I’d like to make the additional point that viewing the discussion through the prevailing lens of, “you’re either with us or you’re against us,” does a disservice to both the complex nature of policymaking and to the average citizen. The situation is not “good vs. evil” or “pro-police vs. anti-police.” Let’s judge policy on its own merits and not on its suggested symbolism. No law will solve every problem, and viewing it as such is dishonest, especially when the bigotry we all despise is rooted more in culture than in law. THE WAY WE SEE POLICE F u r t her mor e , we ne e d to stop generalizing the “police” as an institutional enemy, saying phrases like “all cops are bad,” or advocating for legislation that attack s the ver y same police of f ic er s who have d i l igent ly served our town for decades; this is both disingenuous and entirely counterproductive in the pursuit of meaningful change. There ARE communities in this country (and state) where police corruption and abuse of power run rampant; there is no doubt about that. But, Greenwich, CT, is not one of those

communities, and our off icers should not be punished because of i s sue s t h at ex i st i n ot her communities across the nation. A top-down crackdown on police is considerably less productive (and less genuine) than a grassroots m ove m e n t c o m i n g f r o m t h e communities that they serve. Hence, for the last time, we need to look at these specif ic issues through the proper bottom-up lens of policy-making; only when our problems are addressed on a community-by-community basis will each issue get the specif ic treatment it needs. There are 41 distinct sections to this bill, and only two of them are problematic. Let’s not ruin the entire piece of legislation because there are disagreements on a few points. This legislation, even without the two problematic provisions, is ground-breaking in ensuring our police departments and our communities are given the proper attention during these trying times. But, we still have a long way to go in the pursuit of social justice and we’re only just getting started. Zane Khader, the immediate past president of the Greenwich High School student body, wrote this piece in conjunction with Joe Kelly, candidate, 150th District.

Equal Protection and Public Safety for All

By Zane Khader When G eorge Floyd was brutally killed in Minneapolis t wo m o n t h s a g o , o u r p o l i c e depar tments in Greenw ich, St a m for d , New Ca n a a n , a nd elsewhere in Connecticut, earnestly engaged the community. They showed open willingness to raise the already high bar they have set for good policing here. Greenwich Chief Jim Heavey, for example, has advocated for police body cameras to increase t ra n spa renc y a nd ex pre sse d concern that it is too difficult to fire bad officer in Connecticut, who are few but do their colleagues a massive disservice. Stamford Po l i c e C h i e f S h a w a n d N e w Canaan Chief Leon Krolikowski have been similarly forthright in their community engagement. My Republican ticket-mates in Greenwich, including state Rep. H a r r y A r ora , K i m b erly Fiorello, and Joe Kelly, expressed our longstanding beliefs that equal justice under the law is a

moral imperative and also that policing must be transparent and accountable. We have openly advocated for policing reforms along those lines. I have spoken out in favor of body cameras, more independent investigation of wrongdoing, reporting of all uses of police force, and more public disclosure of policing information. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, i n s t e a d of br i n g i n g p e ople to ge t he r, Democratic leadership in the state legislature has used this crisis to advance a radical bill that passed the state House and will endanger vulnerable populations and police alike. The bill is sprawling and rushed with 41 sections but only one day of hearings over Zoom. It’s not responsible to bring vast change to a fundamental role of government in short time mostly over video chat. There is a lot in the bill that I and other Republican candidates for the General Assembly eagerly support. But the problems with the bill dwarf them and induced several Democrats in the state

House to vote against the bill with Republicans and one Democrat in the state Senate to do the same. The first general flaw is that it excessively ties the hands of police doing their job. For example, the bill changes the standard for use of lethal force from threat of serious physical injury to a several-factor test that seems to include hindsight. Put yourself in the position of an earnest officer being physically attacked and having to go through a mental checklist of several factors before you defend yourself. It also bars officers from doing searches with the consent of motorists stopped for a traffic violation. The second big flaw is that it creates major liability for police forced into difficult positions. As is, if an officer breaks the law while on duty, he or she is rightly subject to prosecution under criminal law. But this bill will make local police depar tments subject to more civil lawsuits now too, which is a major departure. This change will force police departments to

second guess how closely they can police communities in need of protection. The one constituency that will clearly benefit from this provision is trial lawyers, who are often the chief beneficiaries of progressive Democrats in the state government. These factors will bring risk to the lives of innocent citizens in the most vulnerable neighborhoods in Fairfield County. We are blessed with a lot of social capital in our community that adds a layer of protection even if this bill passes. But consider the danger that citizens across the country now face as police pull back. In the last four weeks, homicides in Chicago have skyrocketed 190 percent over year, from 40 to 116. Many children are among those victims, including thirteen-year-old Amaria Jones k i l led by a stray bu l let f ired outside while in her own home. Unspeakable tragedy unfolding every day now. Unequal protection under the law endangers the weak and must

SandBlast 2020 By Zilana Lee In an effort to bring back the popular Sand Sculpture Festival, this summer it will be a socially d ist a nt contest v ia ema i l. I n coordination with the Greenwich A r t s Cou nc i l, t he Pa rk s a nd Recreation Department welcomes all Greenwich residents to build a sand sculpture and enter their sculpture to the contest for a chance to win a prize from the event sponsor, Logos. This year Sandblast will not be held as a one-day event, but instead a contest open throughout the summer. There is no specific theme for sand sculptures, and participants are encouraged to use their imagination and get creative at the beach this summer. The deadline to submit photos is Friday, August 28. Families

are asked to submit photos via email to ptroiano@greenwichct. org. Entries should include a title and picture of the sculpture, full name(s) of sculptor(s), and home address. There is a limit of no more than two sculptures per household and the contest is open to Greenwich residents only. The judges will look at each su bm ission a nd pick t he top three sculptures based of f of the following criteria – only use what can be found naturally at the beach, and originality and creativity of the sculpture. The top three sculptures are awarded a prize from Logos, an embroidery and printing service located in Glenville. Each year there are different sponsors, last year the sponsors were Meli-Melo Juice Bar of Greenwich and Beachmate. All provided special prizes and

giveaways for participants. “The Parks and Recreation Department tries to do many things for the community, not just sports based or physical activity programs in the parks. We try to do our passive programs as well which are more family-community centered,” said Patricia Troiano, Greenwich Recreation Supervisor. “Over the years Sandblast has really grown in popularity because it’s a family-centered event, it’s free, and it helps the community enjoy the sum mer time and celebrate time together at the beach.” L a s t y e a r, h u n d r e d s o f residents gathered at Tod’s Point for the sand sculpture festival. Some of the sculptures included a large shark, a family of squid, a living room, Hogwarts Castle, and many more. The children were

hard at work creating their sand sculptures, but they could not have been completed without the help of all family members – it was a team effort! In addition, there were a few professional sand sculptors at the festival, creating sculptures for everyone to admire. The Greenwich Arts Council promotes the arts by working closely with the town to encourage children’s creativity and artistic expression through the experience of creating art in the sand. The Parks and Recreation Department holds a similar event in the winter, a snow sculpture contest. It is not a one-day event, but children can submit a photo of their snow sculpture throughout the winter months for a chance to win a prize. The judges cannot wait to see what participants build in the sand this year!

always be thwarted. Likewise, surging violence brought about b y d e - p o l i c i n g h u r t s p o o r, struggling communities the most. Compassion requires that we always fight for equal protection under the law and public safety for everyone in Connecticut. For those reasons, I urged my opponent and her colleagues in the state Senate to listen to our noble police off icers and other

community leaders speaking out against this radical legislation. Unfortunately she decided to vote for this de-policing bill, which I believe forsakes those in greatest need. This bill now heads to Governor Lamont's desk. Rya n Fa z io i s a c a n did ate for the 36th state Senate district, covering Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan.

Red Cross Welcomes Camillo to Board of Directors


lawsuits, was the topic of debate with the republicans proposing an amendment that would eliminate that clause, but it wasn’t passed due to a tie vote. The bill went to the State Senate and after a ten-hour debate and a vote of 21-15, it was passed The A mer ica n Red Cross Metro early in the morning on Wednesday, July New York North Chapter announces 29. the addition of Fred Camillo to the organization’s Board of Directors. “I could not be more honored to join an organization like the Red Cross, whose long history serving Greenwich and our Greenwich Academy started country is legendary. I am very excited to start working with the Board of Directors construction on their new Lower School and volunteers to advance the mission of last summer, 2019, and it should be this important community organization,” completed before the students return said Fred Camillo, First Selectman of the to school in this coming fall. The goal of the new construction is to make the Town of Greenwich. “We are extremely honored to have lower school “open” and “colorful” and Fred join our Board of Directors. He it will have 12 spaces just for the core demonstrates the spirit of the Red Cross curriculum, a new library dedicated to every day through his commitment to David W. Wallace, a new welcoming Greenwich and to building strong and center, and breakout spaces. resilient communities,” said Stephanie Dunn Ashley, Metro New York North Red Cross Chapter CEO. “Fred Camillo is a leader in our community, and we are so excited to have Gr e enw ich ba s e d i n su r er, W. R . him join the Board of Directors to help Berkley, has reported that their bottom elevate our mission here in Greenwich l i ne for t hei r se cond q ua r ter is a n and across our Metro New York North estimated 67 percent less than the same Chapter,” said Giovanna Miller, Chair, period last year. This reflects a loss of $85 Metro New York North Red Cross Board. million related to COVID-19, an addition Before serving as First Selectman $20 million loss due to civil unrest, and an of the Town of Greenwich, Fred was a additional $40 million loss due to severe Connecticut State Representative for weather events. the 151stDistrict, serving for 11 years and as Assistant Minority Leader. His professional experience includes being a small business owner having founded Greenwich Recycling Co., work as a Greenwich Hospital has been known high school teacher, baseball coach, and and recognized for “clinical excellence, mortgage banker. His community service p at ie nt s at i sf ac t ion , te ch nolo g ic a l includes serving the boards of Greenwich innovations, medical advancements, Council of Boy Scouts, the Greenwich and community involvement” and 2020 Baseball Foundation, Greenwich Junior is no different. For the sixth year in a Babe Ruth League, the Greenwich Old row, Greenwich Hospital was awarded Timer’s Athletic Association, the Cos Cob the Healthgrades Outstanding Patient Association and Adopt-a-Dog. Experience Award for being among He is a summa cum laude graduate of the top 15 percent of hospitals across Manhattanville College where he earned a the country for patient experience. For Bachelor of Arts degree in political science the seventh year in a row, Greenwich and history, and a Master of Arts degree Hospital was selected as one of America’s in education. Best Hospitals for Obstetrics. It was

feedback from the restaurants and that he wanted to discuss this now and not in the normal two week period it takes to add an item to the agenda to give reassurance to the restaurants and to make sure that the restaurants would have adequate time to prepare for the fall. The selectman voted unanimously to approve the continued closure of the bottom of Greenw ich Avenue through December 21.

Greenwich Academy New Lower School Bruce Museum Zoom Webinar

W.R. Berkley COVID Losses

Recognizing Greenwich Hospital

Eastern Greenwich Civic Center Building

also named, for the fourth time, one of America’s Best Hospitals for Bariatric Surgery. Again, for the seventh year in a row, the Breast Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital’s Greenwich Hospital Campus was named one of America’s Best Breast Centers a nd one of A mer ica’s Best Hospitals for Cancer Care. To round out Greenwich Hospital’s awards for 2020 so far, it was named one of America’s Best Stroke Centers for the third year.

On Wednesday July 22, the Board of Selectmen met with Alan Monelli, the Superintendent of Building Construction and Maintenance for DPW, about a new project to replace the Easter n Greenwich Civic Center building. This project is years coming, with the town considering rehabilitation for the building years ago but determining it would be more beneficial to replace the building. In 2018, the First Selectman created a committee to study what the new building would need in terms of amenities. It is expected that the selectman will vote at O n S u n d ay Ju l y 2 6 , G r e e nw i c h their next meeting as this was just a first Police apprehended a suspected car presentation. thief after getting a report of suspicious people wearing hoodies and masks in Belle Haven. One of the suspects was arrested and charged with trespassing, burglary, and larceny. Police Chief Heavey commented on the situation and said that not one of the cars that was broken into Greenwich High School is getting a was locked and urged the public to lock new Folsom House administrator and their cars and take the keys with them. So math coordinator. Andrew Byrne was far in 2020, there have 64 cars stolen in appointed by GHS’s headmaster Ralph Greenwich. Mayo and his appointment will go into ef fect on Aug ust 17. Before com ing to GH S, By r ne was t he Di rec tor of Human Resources at the United Nations International School located in New York Greenwich High School is mourning the City. He is replacing Dana Tulotta who is loss of their beloved Head Hockey Coach now the Assistant Headmaster. Chris Rurak after he passed away last

GPD Charges Suspect in Connection with Car Robberies

Greenwich High School New Administrator

GHS Mourns Hockey Coach Chris Rurak

New Harbor Master Ian MacMillian has been replaced as harbor master, a position he has held since 2011, after his term ended on June 30, and he choose not to apply for reappointment. Sean Jordan has been named his successor after the Harbor Management Committee sent him as their preferred candidate on the slate to Governor Ned Lamont.

New Department of Human Services Commissioner Alan Barry, commissioner of the Department of Human Services, is retired after ten years and his successor will be Demetria Nelson, a licensed clinical social worker who has had experience in addiction and mental health services. Nelson will take on the role starting August 24.

Land Preservation The Board of Selectman has approved the purchase of 7 2 acres of land in backcountry Greenwich to preserve as an open area. The land, located on Lake Avenue, will be purchased by the town in partnership with the Greenwich Land Trust, for two million dollars from Aquarion Water Co.

Police Accountability The police accountability bill passed in the State House of Representatives early in the morning on July 24 after a seven and a half debate taking the entire night. The most controversial section of the bill, the immunity provision, which can make law enforcement more exposed to

week at the age of 47. A scholarship fund has been established by the Rurak family and the Greenwich Athletic Foundation in his honor. The fund will benefit his two sons, Christopher and Matthew, members of the GHS class of 2023, as well as benefit a student-athlete annually. Chris Rurak will be missed by everyone who knew him or saw his impact.

Brunswick Graduation Brunswick had their graduation on Saturday July 29. Earlier this year they had a drive-through parade to celebrate the end of the school year but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they weren’t able to have an in-person ceremony until now. Only the faculty and students were there, and they live streamed the ceremony so that parents and others in the community could watch. Several students were unable to attend the ceremony for many reasons. Two of which are Charles Heath and Kyle Yelensky who are currently enrolled at The U.S. Naval Academy and are going throug h their plebe summer where they have little contact with the outside world. The academy is a prestigious four-year service academy that prepares midshipmen to be officers in the naval service.

If you are interested in science and outer space save the date for August 6. Bruce Museum w ill be hosting a Zoom webinar from 7:00pm to 8:30pm called “Energy Storage Technologies for Ea r t h a nd O t her Pla net s .” T he panelists will include physics professor Steve Greenbaum, founder and CEO of Ionic Materials Mike Zimmerman, and electrochemical technology laboratory supervisor Will West. They will discuss the question of: if we go to Mars, how will we power the spaceship for the sevenmonth journey there and then back? The cost is $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers and you can reserve a place at brucemuseum.org or by calling 203869-0376.

CT’s Response to Other States COVID Numbers Connecticut has increased the number of states that would need to quarantine if coming into the state. It is now up to 34 states plus Puerto Rice and D.C., the states can be found at https://portal. ct.gov/Coronavirus/Travel. Governor Ned Lamont has also announced that out of state visitors who haven’t quarantined for 14 days or refuse a health questionnaire can be fined $1,000.

State Senate Passes Mail In Vote Legislation On Tuesday July 28, the state senate easily passed legislation that would allow people to mail in their votes for the November 3 presidential election. The vote was 35-1 with the lone vote against being from Senator Dennis Bradley, D-Bridgeport, who remembers the issues that he had in his hometown when it came to absentee ballots.

Help a Neighbor Campaign The Help a Neig h bor ca mpa ig n, a partnership between a Greenwich newspaper and a Stamford newspaper along with four human services agencies has ra ise d a l most $60,0 0 0 to help individuals and families struggling to pay for basic necessities due to the pandemic. The recipients of the money raised include members of Family Centers, Domus, Person to Person, and Building One Community.

Greenwich Academy Graduation On Thursday July 23, Greenwich Academy had their graduation on their spacious lawn. The temperatures that day were in the 90s and the students had what was described as a “Mary Poppins” moment when each of the graduates were given a white umbrella to help with the heat and the sun. Only the faculty and graduates were able to attend, and the graduates were sat spaced out on the lawn due to COVID-19 restrictions. To commemorate the unique year that the Class of 2020 had, they were presented with a plaque that will be mounted in the senior lounge to remember them by.

30th Anniversary of American with Disabilities Act First Selectman Fred Camillo proclaimed July 26 as Americans with Disabilities Day in Greenwich to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Alan Gunzburg, the Committee Chair of the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities, says that he doesn’t know what his life would have been without this Act and that there has been so much progress but there is still so much more to be done.

COVID Transmission in Connecticut

A concerning m ilestone when it comes to COVID-19 has been reached in Connecticut. The transmission rate has reach slightly above one. The transmission rate is a way to estimate how many people will be infected by one person with the illness. If the transmission rate is below one, then the cases would have declined, since it was above one the cases are going to increase. A few different independent agencies tracking the spread of COVID-19 in Connecticut have all reported the At the Board of Selectman meeting transmission rate as being above one. on July 23, First Selectman Fred Camillo motioned to add an item to the agenda, an extension on outdoor dining until December 21. It was seconded by Jill Oberlander. It was discussed and Camillo brought up that they have gotten positive

Outdoor Dining Staying Until Dec.

Free School Meals from Greenwich Public Schools

Greenwich Public Schools is still giving out free school breakfasts and lunches during the summer. The meals are delivered on weekdays by school bus, there are three routes and a few stops on each route. The plan is for the deliveries to continue for the rest of the summer and even into the fall for students who stay home.

Playgrounds and Parks are Opening

view this parking lot. Partners are being sought to assist with the plantings. The Tree Conservancy is continuing this initiative with the landscaping of the Cos Cob Marina parking lot and is moving on to Glenville with the Parking Lot on Pemberwick Road. The Conservancy’s goal is to landscape all major parking lots in Greenwich. The beautification of these lots is another example of the fulfillment of the Conservancy’s mission to enhance the urban forest of Greenwich.

Fred Camillo Robocall

The playg rounds are opening in Greenwich and town officials are warning residents to sanitize the equipment before their children play with it. The use of On Thursday July 23, there was a the equipment is at your own risk and robocall from Fred Camillo, Greenwich’s residents are encouraged to use their best First Selectman, to remind Greenwich judgement when going to the playgrounds. residents of the four W’s (wash your hands, watch your distance, wipe down surfaces, and wear a mask). This phone call and a following email came after his On July 23, Greenwich resident Gerrit office received many complaints about Cole made his debut for the New York young people not following guidelines and Yankees as their new pitcher at the season attending large gatherings without masks opener game against the Washington or proper social distancing. Nationals. The New York Yankees held a 4-1 lead until the game was called after a two-hour rain delay. Cole had a great game until the cancelation, striking out 14 of the 16 batters. By Zilana Lee: Helping others in your community can have the added benefit of increasing your own happiness and reducing your own stress levels. During Covid-19, there are numerous ways to do this and some are outlined below. The most meaningful and important things you can do is to follow the safety GEMS Executive Director Trac y measures required to protect yourself Schietinger said that the employee who and everyone in the community. Wear a was widely criticized for a racist Facebook mask when out and about and practice “rant” (now deleted) is no longer employed social distancing. The good news is that by GEMS. She did not comment the CT currently has a low, 1% positivity rate specifics due to federal regulations on (based on the number of tests reported personnel matters. She did say that GEMS and the number of those that were clearly doesn’t condone the content in the positive). For this good news story to Facebook rant. continue, each person has a role to play so that everyone in the community can benefit. Other ways you can help: Supporting local restaurants and businesses: Many restaurants are offering carryOne day in the not too distant future, out and this is a great way of supporting humans will reach for Mars — a seven- your favorite local eating places as they month journey each way. What will power struggle during this period. In addition, people there and back is a revolutionary, ordering products online from a local near-indestructible battery possessing business or purchasing gift certificates more energy than any other battery for those businesses to give to others, is currently in existence on planet Earth. another way to benefit those in your local Meet one of the scientists guiding its community. invention, the innovator and CEO driving Helping pets and shelters: its production, and a senior member Local animal shelters and rescue of the NASA leadership team who will groups are reducing services but still determine how this extraordinary battery need to care for their animals. The United will catapult mankind toward the stars and improve life on Earth on Thursday, States Humane Society suggests helping August 6, 7 – 8:30 p.m., when the Bruce by adopting or fostering a pet, which will Museum hosts a Zoom webinar: “Energy reduce the strain on shelters. Greenwich has seen a surge in new Storage Technologies for Earth—and home placements for dogs and cats Other Planets.” The panelists: Dr. Steve Greenbaum during this Covid-19 period. Adopt-A-Dog is CUN Y Distinguished Professor of shelter, just over the Greenwich border Physics at Hunter College, whose lab in Armonk NY, has a program which is investigates new materials for improved enjoying great success. They offer a trial electrochemical energy storage. He is period in a “foster-care” arrangement, working on a revolutionary new type to make sure the placement is a good fit of battery that Dr. Mike Zimmerman, before the adoption goes through. This Founder and CEO of MA-based Ionic seems to work well for both the dogs and Mater ia ls, w i l l pro duce for t he EV those considering adoption. Pet food bank s are also seek ing and Grid Storage markets. Joining the conversation w ill be Dr. Will West, volunteers to help with delivering the Group Supervisor of the Electrochemical food, encouraging donations, and posting Technologies Group at the Jet Propulsion resources online. Laboratory (JPL). In addition to his R&D Jewish Family Services: activities in energy storage/conversion, JFS is looking for help with their he is the Cognizant Engineer for the rover “Supermarketing for Seniors” program and descent stage batteries on the JPL’s during the pandemic to deliver groceries Mars 2020 mission. to Greenwich seniors sheltering in place. The Aug. 6 ‘Bruce Presents’ webinar Volunteers introduce themselves via will begin with a brief introduction phone calls on a Thursday, giving the by Dr. Greenbaum, followed by short senior a friendly outlet for connection as presentations each from Dr. Zimmerman well as transmitting information as to the and Dr. West. These experts will then delivery time on Friday. open the conversation to participants, On Fridays, groceries are picked with a Q&A session moderated by Dr. up at a central location for door-toGreenbaum, Bruce Museum Curator of door delivery. CDC guidelines regarding Science Dr. Daniel Ksepka, and Leonard social distancing, use of masks, and Jacobs, producer of the Bruce Presents ha nd s a n it i z i ng pr oto cols mu st b e series. followed. Volunteers must have checkable Participation in the virtual event references, a valid driver’s license and upon Zoom, for the benef it of the Bruce to-date insurance on their car. Museum, is $10 for Museum members and $15 non-members. To reserve a place, Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive: The Social Justice Committee of the visit brucemuseum.org or call 203-869Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. 0376. A link to join the online conversation will be sent to registered attendees one Agnes is continuing to help Neighbor to Neighbor by collecting food and other hour prior to the program. living essentials in a no contact format. On Tuesdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., there is a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church where people can drop bagged grocery donations in the trunk, Surface parking lots are an essential which are then taken to Neighbor to feature of our town’s transportation Neighbor for distribution to those in need. system. Unfortunately, for the most part Some of the food items requested they are unsightly, can contribute to are: peanut butter and jelly, oatmeal, flooding and polluted stormwater runoff, canned meats/chili/chicken, Chef Boyardi and increase the “heat island” effect. The Ravioli, tuna, canned fruit, black or red greening of our parking lots using “right kidney beans, cereal, rice, and soup. Nontree, right place” strategy – in essence Food items needed include: toilet paper, to create parking parks – can improve toiletries, paper towels, sanitary products, appearance, increase drainage, reduce cleaning products etc. water and air pollution and provide Reaching out: important ecological habitats such as You can give back simply by reaching Pollinator Pathway network s. With out to the people you know to find out how tree and other plantings, our surface they are, ask if there’s anything they need, lots can provide multiple benefits to our or just have a friendly chat. You could start community in addition to parking. with reaching out to those that are more The genesis of this project began vulnerable such as an elderly neighbor in September 2018 with the plantings or friend, who may be cut off from social of shrubs and trees in the Horseneck connections. You might consider baking Parking Lot and was a welcome sight to something and leaving it outside their the commuters and other travelers who door to maintain social distance.

Cole’s Yankee Debut

How You Can Give Back

GEMS Action to Employee Who “Ranted” on Facebook

Virtual Panel Discussion on Energy Storage Solutions

GTC Continues ‘Greening’ Town Parking Lots

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel

The Gunnery, a Boarding School with Ties to Greenwich, Changes its Name The Gunnery, a coeducational, independent, college preparatory school located in Washington, CT with a significant alumni presence in Greenwich, announced that it is changing its name after 170 years to The Frederick Gunn School ef fective July 2 5. The change honors the vision and ideals of school founder Frederick Gunn, an outdoorsman and naturalist recog nized as the founder of camping in the United States, a courageous abolitionist, a leader of the Underground Railroad in Washington, and a pioneering educator. “We are today recommitting ou r school to t he idea ls t hat Frederick Gunn lived and taught 170 years ago because they remain inspiring today,” said Head of School Peter Becker, who noted t hat t he na me cha nge i s t he culmination of a process begun severa l yea rs ago. “A lthoug h we could not have foreseen it, this change takes place at an extraordinary moment. In six weeks, we will welcome students for t h e f a l l te r m i n a v a s t l y different world — one reshaped by a global pandemic and one coming to grips with the history of race in America. Frederick Gunn modeled both resilience in the face of unanticipated challenges and a willingness to stand up for the rights of all people. His message is a message for our time, and for all time.” When Mr. Gunn founded his school in 1850, he challenged the way people thought about school. In addition to academics, he emphasized the importance of athletics, spending time in nature, as well as using p er for m i ng a r t s d idac t ic a l ly and to connect the school with the town of Washington. Like his contemporaries, Henr y David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mr. Gunn was deeply moved by the natu ra l world. Experiencing nature was essential to life and essential to the formation of character in his

students. Mr. Gunn recognized that character, the kind of person you are, is not only shaped by how students compete on the playing field, perform on stage, and conduct themselves in the dorm, but it ought also to compel a student to action. After graduating from Yale Universit y in 18 37, M r. Gunn returned home to Washington. He was converted to the abolitionist cause by his oldest brother, John Gunn, and became a leader in the abolitionist movement and the Underground Railroad. Unwilling to compromise his beliefs, and unable to sustain a living in the face of public condemnation, he left his family and community until the tide of public opinion shifted. Returning to Washington in 1849, he established his school as a place that welcomed boys and girls, students black and white, as well as international students, in defiance of social norms. “He was a principled man, who stood up for what he believed in, even when it cost him dearly,” said Patrick Dorton, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and a 1986 alumnus who is co-founder and managing partner of Rational 360, Inc., a communications and public relations firm in Washington, D.C. “He was an ardent abolitionist. A nd he put belief into action when he became a porter on the Underground Railroad.” Today, the students at his school are carrying that legacy forward. They are encouraged to thin k for themselves, to express their beliefs confidently and persuasively, to stand up for themselves and for others. “They leave prepared to make a difference in the lives of others, to be a force for good,” Becker said. “They are active citizens— active in changing the world in the same entrepreneurial way that Frederick Gunn changed the world so many years ago.” The name “The Gunnery” was not chosen by Frederick Gunn, but affectionately bestowed by

his students and townspeople and later of f icially adopted as an expression of universal fondness for its founder. While well intentioned, its ambiguity ultimately obscured Mr. Gunn’s vision and ideals. “At first, this may feel to many alumni like a departure. In reality, it’s the opposite. We’ve always been a school na med for M r. Gunn; becoming The Frederick Gunn School just removes the uncertainty for people unfamiliar with the man,” said Jon Tisch, a 1972 alumnus who is Chairman and CEO of Loews Hotels & Co. and co-owner of the New York Giants. According to Becker, the new na me sy m b ol i z e s t he scho ol and culture that have been built over decades. “The results are clear to see. We are in the midst of rebuilding our campus. We have built a new dining hall, new dorms and athletic f ields, created a College Counseling Center and bought the historic home that was Mr. Gunn’s first school on The Green. We just opened the $22 million Thomas S. Perakos Arts and Community Center – an inspiring home for the risking, creating, making, and wonder that happen in the visual and performing arts. It is also a new hub for our campus and for Litchfield County, and a vital place of community and culturemaking. It demonstrates the type of facilities we will build going forward.” In addition to approving the name change, in Januar y the Boa rd of Tr uste es adopte d a new strategic plan that calls for the renovation and expansion of the current science and math building into a Science, Math and Technology Center. The school has made a commitment to build a new and modern athletic center and to integrate renewable energy sources and sustainable systems into every element of campus and operations, reflecting Mr. Gunn’s appreciation for the natural world.

The New logo and name of The Gunnery School, which was originally named after Frederick Gunn.

“At first, this may feel to many alumni like a departure. In reality, it’s the opposite. We’ve always been a school named for Mr. Gunn; becoming The Frederick Gunn School just removes the uncertainty for people unfamiliar with the man,” said Jon Tisch, a 1972 alumnus who is Chairman and CEO of Loews Hotels & Co. and co-owner of the New York Giants. “A n d i t ’s n o t j u s t a b o u t buildings,” Becker said. “The Outdoor Program will become a cornerstone of The Frederick Gunn School experience. Students at our school will connect to the outdoors in personally challenging and exciting ways in order to graduate. The Center for Citizenship and Just Democracy launches this year, funded by the E.E. Ford Foundation and matched by school donors. It will be a place where students explore and practice active citizenship animated by the ideas and example of Mr. Gunn. Our community already celebrates character, courage and risk-taking. We will more formally give our students opportunities through this center to practice what it means to change the world around


ABSENTEE BALLOTS FOR AUGUST 11 PRIMARY Beginning July 21, all voters who requested an absentee ballot will receive the ballots in the mail, which will also include a postage paid return envelope. Greenwich will also have two secure ballot drop boxes, located at: 1) Police, John B. Margenot Atrium, 1 Bruce Place; 2) Town Hall Guest Parking Lot, 101 Field Point Road, to allow voters to deliver their absentee ballots in person without close personal contact. For those who would still like to appear in person to cast their vote, our polling locations will remain open, however, the ability to vote absentee will ensure that the democratic process continues safely and securely. DMV The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles has added to its list of extended deadlines for Connecticut residents with expiring credentials. Eligible DMV credentials that expire between Aug. 1, 2020 and Sept. 30, 2020 are automatically covered by this extension. In addition to extending the expiration date of DMV credentials, late fees associated with eligible expired credentials will be waived during the time period of the extension for qualifying credentials. For more information, Visit ct.gov/dmv or call 1-800-842-8222. FRIDAY, JULY 31 The Off-Beat Players presents ‘A Rogers and Hammerstein Concert’ – online. offbeatplayers@gmail.com. offbeatplayers.org 10 a.m. Online Qigong Class with Greenwich’s Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte Whole Health. Via Zoom. (Every Friday). Classes are also available on facebook. com/donnabuntewholehealth 10 a.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: ‘Café Franco-Américain’ Conversation in English and French. RSVP for Zoom link. sbenthal@aol.com 10 - 10:30 a.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Ann (Baby, Toddler, Preschool). Free. Register to get link password. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 10:30 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Commission

on Aging: Chair Yoga with Leah Thornton. Via Zoom (zoom.us/j/3032051305). 203-252-6545. cpg@gcds. net. greenwichct.gov/190/ Commission-on-Aging 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – World Music with Anitra. Free. Register to get link password. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Commission on Aging: China in the Modern World with Jim Levy. Via Zoom (zoom. us/j/3032051305#success). 203-252-6545. cpg@gcds. net. greenwichct.gov/190/ Commission-on-Aging 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – YA Graphic Novel Discussion (Grades 6-8). Free. Register. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 5 - 5:30 p.m. Virtual Hike – a virtual summer hike through different areas of Greenwich Audubon Center sanctuary. Also offered at 5pm. No pre-registration is required. All ages. facebook.com/ GreenwichAudubonCenter 5:30 p.m. ‘BBQ Dinner to Go’. The Club at St. Lawrence Society (SLS), 86 Valley Rd. SLS members, $36.95; non-members, $39.95. 203-618-9036. trish@ stlawrencesociety.com. stlawrencesociety.com 7 - 8 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Family Book Trivia Night. Free. Register. econnell@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar SATURDAY, AUG. 1 9 a.m. Versailles Farms Summer Stand. Versailles Farms, 56 Locust Rd. 203-862-0400. info@versaillesfarms.com. versaillesfarms.com 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Greenwich Farmers Market. 2 Horseneck Ln. (Every Sat. through December). 203-3800580. gfm-ct@optimum.net. greenwichfarmersmarketct.com 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Meditation. Free. 203-622-7920. schan@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar

10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – WonderSpark Puppets “The Lion & The Mouse” Show & Workshop. Free. Register. 203-622-7940. dsullivan@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar MONDAY, AUG. 3 10 a.m. NAMI-CAN Online Support Group – for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents with behavioral and emotional issues. Free. (1st Mon of month). Zoom, Meeting ID: 771 786 639, Password: 559907. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 2 - 4 p.m. Greenwich Performing Arts Summer Workshop: ‘Broadway Review’. Ages 7-14. Through Aug. 14. Register. No experience necessary. 203-273-7827. greenwichperformingarts.com 1 p.m. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: ‘Introduction to Entrepreneurship’ - Online. For girls 12-18. Free. Register. girlswithimpact.org 5 – 6:30 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Teen Writing Workshop: How To Write Comics & Graphic Novels. Free. Register. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar TUESDAY, AUG. 4 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Story Time (toddlers & preschoolers). Free. Register. 203-622-7940. dsullivan@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Drop-in Computer Lab. Free. Register. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 1 p.m. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: Generation Innovation - Group Work: Solve a World Issue Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register. girlswithimpact.org 4 - 5 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Virtual - Robert Rogers Puppet Company: “Young Hercules”. Free. Register. 203-531-0426. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar

them.” The school has established an innovation track for students called the IDEAS program, which allows them to explore robotics, e n g i n e e r i n g a n d te c h n o l o g y as a first step toward pursuing those passions in college and l i fe. I nvest ment i n t he Gu n n Scholar program, in which s t u d e nt s e x p l o r e s o c i a l a n d cultural change emanating from the school’s unique history, will continue, while a new Center for Entrepreneurship will help students connect to the innovation e c o n o my a n d s t a r t l e a r n i n g about changing the business and civic world through creative and pragmatic entrepreneurship. The school is equally committed to making an

investment in its faculty and staff, who “are the heirs and stewards of Mr. Gunn’s vision in their work with students,” Becker said, and will lay the groundwork for a fully integrated commitment to developing a diverse and inclusive campus. “We w ill be the inclusive, love-oriented community that F r e de r ick a nd A big a i l G u n n always envisioned and committed their lives to,” Becker said. “We are proud of our history and will always celebrate The Gunnery. We’re changing the name but our history, our principles, and our mission will always guide us.” For more information about The Frederick Gunn School, please visit frederickgunn.org


6 - 7 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Discovering Memoirs. Free. Register. Adults. 203-625-6534. ghayes@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group (Every Tuesday) – Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. Free. Zoom Meeting: zoom.us/j/2084433181, or call: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181. 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall Meeting Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-622-7894. greenwichct.gov 7:30 - 9 p.m. Greenwich Choral Society holds Zoom online rehearsals (every Tuesday, through Dec. 15). Open to all. Free. admin@ greenwichchoralsociety.org WEDNESDAY, AUG. 5 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays@Whitby virtual conversations - learn about life at Whitby School. Register. Free. whitbyschool.org/viritualwednesdays-at-whitby 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – STEAM storytime (children). Via Zoom. Free. Register. econnell@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 11 a.m. Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich webinar: Robert Gallucci, American academic and diplomat: “America’s Place in the World.” Free. Open to all. Pre-registration required. info@greenwichrma.org. bit. ly/30IBj21. greenwichrma.org 11 a.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: ‘Café Crème’ - Conversation en Français. Free and open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. clairenegrin@gmail.com 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Spotlight on Apps: Naxos Music. Free. Register. 203- 625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 1 p.m. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: ‘Money Matters - Make Me a Millionaire’ - Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register. girlswithimpact.org

1:30 p.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: Club de Lecture en Français. Free and open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. vponslet@aol.com 2 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Bookworms Book Club (Grades 2-3). Free. Register. 203-622-7940. dsullivan@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 2 – 3:15 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Intro to 3D Printing. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. innovationlab@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 2:30 - 6 p.m. Old Greenwich Farmer’s Market. Parking lot of the Living Hope Community Church, 38 West End Ave. (Shoppers are asked to wear masks and maintain social distance). info@ oldgreenwichfarmersmarket. com. oldgreenwichfarmersmarket. com/index.html 3 - 3:45 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Afternoon Story Craft (Ages 2 ½ and up). Free. Register to get link password. 203-622-6883. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 5 - 6 p.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: Focus on French Cinema’s Worldwide Wednesdays. Free and open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. afgreenwich@gmail. com 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Groups - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wed). Free. Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/2084433181, or call: 1 646 558 8656. 7 p.m. Architectural Review Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall Meeting Room, 101 Field Point Rd. greenwichct.gov 7 - 8:30 p.m. YWCA Greenwich: ‘Black@: A Conversation About Race, Culture and Curriculum’. Free and open to all. Register. us02web.zoom. us/webinar/register/

Back to School With Compassion

Column By Darla Steiner

It’s the prime of summer. Used to be that many folks could spend this point in the year reveling in the joys of the season, freed from the usual confines of school and work schedules, and still blissfully far enough removed from that rising sense of needing to prepare for reentry to the norms of school and work life. Used to be. This summer, however, the joys of the season seem quieter, more subdued, and tinged with ambiguity. Ever since school and work moved from their independent locations and made themselves right at home in our own households, we have been struggling to reimagine just what returning to school and work will actually look like when (and dare I say, if) they finally fly the coop, or at least move off our dining tables. Now that local schools are planning to reopen in September, that nagging sensation of needing to get ready to go back has us flummoxed…what exactly are we

Column By Gaby Rattner

Teach Your Children Well You who are on the road Must have a code that you can live by -- Lyrics by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young As September approaches our family, like every other with school-age children, is grappling with back to school. We are all facing a “Morton’s Fork” (a choice between two equally unpleasant alternatives): Risk the physical health of students, teachers, and staff, or sacrifice students’ education, growth, and mental well-being. I say it is an impossible choice because no matter how well conceived, carefully planned, and perfectly delivered a remote learning program might be, it is no substitute for what happens in

going back to? What’s more, after so many months of repeatedly hearing the message that the safest place to be is in our homes, the idea of returning to school or the workplace, especially with the rather opaque sense of what the new norms of these once familiar places will actually be, evokes for many of us confounding and even uncomfortable feelings. Given our differing experiences of the pandemic and its unique effects on us and our loved ones, some of us may even be downright afraid of returning to the school and work environments. So, while it’s summertime and the living should be easy, it’s probable that for many of us, it’s really not. Many of us are faced with very difficult decisions about if, when, and how we might return to school and work while still in the throes of this pandemic. And, with schools planning to reopen their doors in just over a month or so, these tough decisions must be made now, or, at least, very soon. Fo r f a m i l i e s w i t h y o u n g children, there are still so many log istics, so ma ny va r ia bles, so ma ny considerations, a nd so many un k now ns, that the decision about whether or not to send their children to school is bound to be complicated and even heart-wrenching. They worry if it will be safe for their children to return, and whether the potential for extended periods of distance learning in the event of localized

There is an ominous cloud looming in our summer skies and shadowing how all of this will play out on those first days when the doors to the school building are opened once again and our children instances of the virus will be enough to adequately support their children’s development and meet their families’ needs. In preschools, where opportunities for socialization and interactive play with peers are integral to the curriculum, and where we also know that young children do not understand social distancing, teachers and administrators are grappling with how to support ch i ld ren’s cr itica l socia l a nd emotional development without sacrificing their physical health and wellbeing, and we are striving to help families support them as well. Teachers, too, are challenged by similar concerns, and must weigh their options, often faced with choosing between a career they love and their own health. And with enrollment in preschools declining, many of them may no longer have a position to return to. Administrators are valiantly for g i n g a he ad w it h pl a n s to enhance the health and safety practices in their schools and to optimize their distance lea r n i ng cu r r icu la. They a re

taking inventory of and making adaptations for their ever-changing enrollment, and scouring their budgets and tapping their creative resources in order to make it all work somehow. In my many communications with families and colleagues, I am hearing so much nervousness and anxiety over all these difficult decisions having to be made. There is an ominous cloud looming in our summer skies and shadowing how all of this will play out on those first days when the doors to the school building are opened once again and our children venture inside. So, how do we move beyond these fears and get back to the business of school and work? There are many practical ways. At our preschool, we will do this by meeting with families prior to the new school year, using both online platforms and small, in-person, physically distanced gatherings. We are creating questionnaires for families to complete that will help us get a better understanding of their personal experience of the pandemic, as well as their concerns

and questions about their child’s development before and since it began. We hope that families will take full advantage of these meetings and partner with us in creating comfortable, open communications. Since many schools may be limiting access to the school facility to unessential personnel, it will be all the more impor tant that fam ilies have regular daily communications from teachers about how their children are doing at school. We must acknowledge our fears and recognize them in ourselves and others and reconcile them for what they are. We must accept that our decisions are steeped in our beliefs of what we feel is best for ourselves and our families, and that they will look different for each of us. We must also realize that we are all accountable in providing a safe space for all of us – children and adults - to learn and work. Acknowledging our fears is a fundamental way we can all contribute to safely reestablishing our school and work communities.

Teach Your Children Well

need to be in school. It h a s n o t b e e n a n e a s y decision for our family, and we understand not all will agree. But we feel we must evince courage, keep a steady eye on conditions at school and in our community, and be flexible as needed. Though we wish mightily that our youngsters

As parents, as a community, we are all facing an impossible choice. a live classroom. And no matter how extensive and thoroughly prepared are the protocols for returning to school buildings, an unseen threat can be said to lurk within. The pros and cons of this particular decision have been well documented. The arguments on both sides are strong, wellreasoned, and must be respected. Likewise, the role that schools play in our communities has been brought vividly to the fore during their absence. Much more than learning centers, our schools provide physical and emotional sustenance, a first barrier against all sorts of external threats. And again, our schools are to be lauded for providing food and other essentials to families in need even while their doors were closed. In the process of deliberating, angsting, and worrying, we are actually teaching our children.

Whether we involve them in the decision-mak ing process or not, we are showing them how we as individuals, families, and communities assess risk in order to make immensely critical decisions. It seems to me that this is a calculus about balancing a set of averages: the average number of active cases currently extant in our area; the average expected class size; the average quantifiable learning loss suffered by children who have been out of live school for four months plus summer; t h e ave r a g e l o s s o f i n c o m e to families who must choose between childcare, sending their children back to school, or giving up employment to supervise at home learning; the gains to be had if children return to school, and so on. For single-parent families, for families that already face food and

financial insecurity, families such as those we serve at Community Centers, Inc., for parents whose children have learning or developmental challenges, this decision becomes even more fraught. Each family’s “averages”, therefore, will be different. And I join everyone across the country in wishing we did not have to do these calculations. But I would argue that for all of us, the decision is bigger than any one family, or even any one community. The decisions we reach, individually and collectively, will af fect this generation of children profoundly. The one calculation we must all include is not only how the choices we make today affect our children’s current lives, but also their futures. And in a na ly zing these averages and doing the risk / benef it computations, I continue to come down on the side of the children’s

Acknowledging our fears can be scary. But, if we can be determined to not judge or shame one another for the decisions we have made, and, instead, recognize the anxiety that looms behind those choices, we can create emotionally safe spaces – caring communities, as I like to call them – that will strengthen us as we continue to carve out a pathway through this jungle of uncertainty. For ma ny of us, the r isk s associated with the pandemic are real, and the fear is unsettling. Elizabeth Gilbert, noted author and journalist, says that “the opposite of fear is not courage; the opposite of fear is compassion. You cannot chase fear out, you can only bring love in.” Enhancing health and safety measures will help make for safer physical environments, but sharing our compassion will help us to make a more successful return to society. Be sure to bring yours in your school bags and briefcases on your first day back. And don’t forget to save some for yourself as you are making those tough decisions. I know you are doing the best you can to figure it all out. Take good care! Darla Steiner, M A Early Childhood Education, is the director of First Church Preschool , a program of the First Congregational Church of Greenwich, located in Old Greenwich, across from Binney Park. She has worked in the Early Childhood Education Profession for more than 20 years.

did not have to confront such difficult circumstances so early and in this way, learning to think through a challenging problem, assess risk and calculate benefits could become an important lesson for whatever lies ahead. Gaby Rattner is the Executive Director of CCI

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everyday items, add some glow and with the freedom of more sticks as lights and your child will materials, your child will be able to be thrilled to hang it up in their be even more expressive in their room. work. Another popular project is Sidewalk chalk is just $6 for ZOOM TOOL ON THE TOP TOOL BAR VIEW IMAGE DETAILS to use cardboard USE boxes to create a large box of 48TOpieces of chalk. giant dogs, mythical creatures, This also works well with large robots and anything your child can format drawings and is great to imagine. Or encourage your child mix with tempera paint. to use boxes to make a bed and More than anything, house for their stuffed animals. remember that everyday spaces Here are some of my go-to like your backyard and everyday items for art projects: objects that you would otherwise If you’re looking for larger d i s c a r d a r e p e r fe c t w ay s to boxes, head to your local bike discover your inner artist. Each shop where they will be happy of these projects will keep your to help with your child’s creative child engaged for hours and give endeavors. A them an opportunity to explore Fo r c u t t i n g c a r d b o a r d a new materials, problem solve and safe tool that I like to use is a simply have a ton of fun. Don’t Canary cardboard cutter, which forget to add some music and is basically a double sided butter shrug off the mess as your child knife. You can find it on Amazon creates amazing works of art! for only $8. Michael Manning is a For painting, instead of using professional st udio ar t i st and regular 8” x 10” pieces of paper, educator. He is currently co-leading pick up a f ifty yard roll of Red the Developing Artist Program Rosin paperBat Home Depot which funded by the Greenwich Alliance is typically used for flooring. The for Education, The CT Office of the cost is only $14 and is some of the Arts and the National Endowment best paper you can buy for creating for the Arts. His artwork has been large scale works of art. One of my part of numerous regional and favorite things is to roll out two international exhibitions, solo and pieces and glue them together so8000 in facsimile group exhibitions telephone 631 957 631 957 7203in Haus der Kunst the end we have a surface that’s 6 Museum in Munich, Germany; Arnot x 7 feet to work on. Put it out in the Art Museum, Elmira, NY; University 000000 0000 Seton Hall University JN backyard and your child will truly PO of Connecticut; love working on a larger scale. and the Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, For paint, don’t spend a lot. Just CT. Mic h ael al s o r u n s the a r t use a primary set of tempera paint programs for the Boys & Girls Club in the gallon size which is about and is the Art Depart Chair at a high $16 on Amazon or any art supply school in NY. shop. It’s much less expensive


GET OUT OF THE BOX WITH A BACKYARD ART STUDIO! The summer is one of the best times of year to fully enjoy the creative process. Not just because of the more relaxed atmosphere but also because you can have an instant art studio right in your own backyard. Kids are now free to work outside without the concern of spills and the mess which sometimes come with creating art on the dining room table. This year with the COVID-19 environment, the outside art studio is even more important. During the summer months, keeping your child engaged in the creative process for hours only takes a few things: a little creativity, a designated backyard art studio space and the use of new materials to create a completely fresh approach to art and to each project. First, create or designate a

space that will be the new outdoor studio. The front and backyards as well as other outside spaces are great as they provide your young artist a space where they don’t have to worry about making a mess. It doesn't have to be a large space, just a space that they can call their own and play with materials and ideas. This space will foster a creative mindset and can become a world of its own. Next, introduce new materials. This can be one of the easiest ways to get your child to engage in the creative process. It’s important to remember that art can be made of a bsolutely a ny t h i ng. You r basement, garage and attic, are great places to find objects to get your child thinking about the endless possibilities of art. Old Amazon boxes, recycled water bottles, old clothing, toys that are about to be thrown away; each of these can be turned into unique pieces of art. Use zip ties to assemble your work since they are strong, flexible and easy to cut apart with scissors. By giving your child new material, you're creating a problem solv ing cha l lenge, drawing on their innate creativity. Here are some of the most popular projects I’ve done with children in Greenwich Public Schools and the Boys & Girls Club Camp Simmons. First, a recycled chandelier. All it takes is some recycled water bottles, hot glue to connect the bottles, clear packing tape to shape it and string to hang it. Create the chandelier with these


By Michael Manning



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Here, everyone’s family. 1323 King Street Greenwich Located the Griff Golf Course on the Cob patio. 31 E. at Putnam Avenue, Cos 203.992.1333

O b i t u a r i e s , fo r w h i c h there is never a charge or fe e o f a n y k i n d , m a y b e submitted with photos to Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com.

Patrick Durkin


Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, 914-698-5968. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday 10am at St's. John & Paul RC Church followed by entombment at Greenwood Union Cemetery. Memorial donations can be sent to an a n i m a l r e s c ue ch a r it y of your choice or to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, www.stjude.org Publisher's Note: The entire Sentinel family extends its condolences to the Graziano family.

Joseph Iacono Our friend, Patrick Durkin, was born the day after Christmas in 1956 and died on July 27, 2020. We will be doing an in depth obituary and remembrance of Patrick at a later date.

Ann Marie Graziano

Ann Marie Graziano, passed away July 25, 2020, in the a r ms of her lov ing family. She endured a brief yet extraordinarily courageous battle with cancer. She was 67. Ann Marie was born in New Rochelle on October 16th, 1952 to John & Florence “Dolly” (nee Generoso) Williams. Ann Marie graduated from New Rochelle High School and went on to become a hair stylist. She was the proprietor of Fred’s Salon in New Rochelle and halted her career in order to play the role she served best, devoted wife and mother. Ann Marie was the epitome of a matriarch. She was a caretaker w h o s e l ove t r a n s c e n d e d generations as she tended to her grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and of course, her own immediate family. On August 18th 1978, she married her lov ing husband, Vincent Graziano. She would stand by his side through their relationship that began nearly 55 years ago as a true companion, partner and soulmate. Together, they enjoyed more recent years in Southwest Florida, where she was a well-loved fixture in the West Bay Club Community. Ann Marie enjoyed Florida, as well as travel to Europe with her husband and their friends. Her greatest joy, however, was her family. She lived for her children and grandchildren, seizing every moment and opportunity to be in their presence. Ann Marie was an exceptional cook and baker, well known for her anisette cookies and biscotti’s that were loved by all. Ann Marie is the cherished mother of Jennifer Graziano and Vincent Graziano and his wife Amy. She is the loving, adored and devoted “Mimzy” to Emma Elizabeth, Mia Florence and Vincent Thomas. She is the dear sister to JoAnn Williams, Michael Williams and sister in law of Angela Williams, M a r i e G r a z i a n o ( Jo s e p h , deceased), Dominick Graziano (Laurie) Mary Ellen Vassallo (Anthony) and John Graziano (Gina). She is also survived by her aunts, Gloria Prunesti and Yolanda Williams as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. She now is reunited in Heaven with all who have gone before her, and most especially, her faithful companion, Oliver. To honor Ann Marie’s incredible life, family and friends will gather on Thursday 7-9pm and Friday 4-8pm at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home 767 E.

Joseph Iacono, 83, of Greenwich, CT passed away after a courageous battle with cancer on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, at home surrounded by his loving family. Joseph was born on July 27, 1936 in Brooklyn, NY to the late Ubaldo and Vincenza Lanza Iacono. Joseph and his wife have lived in Greenwich, CT for over 40 years. He attended CUNY where he earned both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Economics. Joseph was a very intelligent and selfless individual. He worked for Unilever U. S until his retirement. In Joseph's free t i m e yo u c o u l d f i n d h i m cook ing, gardening, and watching his favorite team, the Mets. He a lso loved attending the Metropolitan Opera a nd The New York City Ballet with his wife, Lee. His grandchildren brought so much joy in his life and he loved watching them grow up. Jo s e p h i s s u r v i ve d by his loving wife Lee Stingone Iacono, his daughter Veronica Capalbo and her husband Peter R., his grandchildren Peter Joseph Capalbo II, Julia Capalbo and Nicolette Capalbo as well as his brother Frank Iacono and many nieces and nephews. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Monday, July 27 at St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Church, Riverside. I nter ment fol lowed at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich. There were no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, donations c a n b e m a d e i n Jo s e p h's memor y to t he A mer ic a n Cancer Society, 38 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06854.

Andrew Kirby

Andrew Louis Kirby, 61, of Gre enw ich, CT passe d away on July 14, 2020 from a heart attack while vacationing with his family. He spent his last days in a place he loved, the Kirby family camp in the Adirondacks. Andrew was born in New York City on August 6, 1958, son of William and Ann (Pfohl) K irby. He grew up with his large, loving family in Forest Hills Gardens, Queens, commuting with his siblings to Saint David's School in Manhattan. Andrew attended Phillips E xe te r Ac a de my a nd t h e Lawrenceville School, Duke University (BSE 1980), and H a r v a r d L aw S cho ol ( J D 1983). He was a proud Duke alumnus, cheering on the Blue Devils every season, and was a recipient of the 2020 Forever Duke Award for his decades of active involvement in the Duke Alumni Association. Professionally, Andrew wore many hats. Over the course of his career, he was a corporate law yer at Shearman & Sterling, in-house counsel and

Director of Acquisitions for Cadbury Schweppes, founder and President of SodaMate, and President of Plaxall, the family real estate and plastics manufacturing business in Long Island City, NY. He served on multiple nonprofit boards including the Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement, the Queens Museum, and the Long Island City Partnership. While he wasn't a practicing engineer in his career, he was a member of Tau Beta Pi honor society, and his passion for innovating, creative problem solving, and understanding how things work was apparent in all he did. Andrew's interests were also varied. He was a superb ath lete who loved sk ii ng, tennis, paddle tennis, and golf with friends and family. He loved to swim, and was famous for his trademark variation on the cannonball that would leave any bysta nders d renched a nd laughing. A ndrew was the spark that enlivened any gathering. Thanks to him, get-togethers of ten included music a nd dancing, a competitive game of cornhole, or even a little late-night bowling. Andrew's greatest pleasure was spending quality time with his wife Nancy, son Duncan, and daughter Johanna. He and Nancy often enjoyed kayaking and long walks at Tod's Point on Long Island Sound. During his childhood, Andrew's family vac at ione d at Ro ck y wold Deephaven Camps on Squam Lake, NH, a tradition Andrew continued w ith h is ow n family. His daughter Johanna was married there in June of last year, a celebration that brought Andrew immense joy. A ndrew was a devoted hu sb a n d a n d f at h e r w h o made his love for his family k now n w it h h is const a nt encouragement and support. He was always there for his family at a moment's notice— providing invaluable life and ca reer adv ice to Du nca n, offering moral and technical support for Nancy with her te a c h i n g c a r e e r, o r e ve n (memorably) moving Johanna into a f if th f loor wa l k-up apartment in the middle of a hot NYC summer. He was generous with his time and energ y: a lways ava i la ble, always helping, and never expecting anything in return. Andrew is survived by his beloved wife of thirty-six years Nancy (Trettis) Kirby, his son Duncan Kirby (Alessandra), his daughter Johanna Allen (Brandon), and his mother Ann Kirby. Andrew's father, W i l l i a m J. K i rby, p a s s e d away i n 2 003. A nd rew is also survived by his brothers Wi l lia m Jr. (A n ne), Br ia n (Mona), and Peter; and sisters Mathis Powelson (Stephen), Paula (Peter McWhinnie), and Julia Vien (George), as well as many loving nieces and nephews. His family will miss his easy smile and contagious laugh, his puckish sense of humor, his warmth, and his steadfast love. We feel him with us and will carry his spirit in our hearts forever. Due to the current pandemic, a memorial service for Andrew will be held at a later date. Donations in his name may be made to the Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement.

To g e t h e r, t h e y s t a r t e d a family and moved down to Nor w a l k , C T whe r e t hey raised their family and opened up a specialty sporting goods business, Gordon's Gateway To Sports in Cos Cob, CT. B e r n a d e t te's p a s s i o n s included traveling, gardening, decorating, making chocolates a nd col lecti ng Goebel figurines. She had a vibrant spirit, was generous of hear t, was interested and opinionated in national politics, enjoyed playing the stock market and spent an enormous amount of time in Ireland with Gordon, touring the country, playing all the famous links golf courses and making friends amongst the locals. Upon retirement, they moved to South Dennis, MA where they had built a home. They enjoyed playing golf together on many of the Cape's f ine courses and f ished on many of the Cape's beautiful b e a c h e s . A f t e r G o r d o n's passing, Bernadette got involved in the Senior Center in Dennis where she played pinochle and went to various events held there. She leaves behind three children, (Dianne, Bob and R a n d y), 4 g r a n d c h i l d r e n (Jennifer, Robin, Jeff and Erin), and 3 great-grandchildren (C o r i n n e , M a d e l i n e a n d Evangeline). A special thanks is given to the Pleasant Bay Nursing and Rehab Center along with the VNA Hospice of Cape Cod for their devoted care and service in Bernadette's last few months of life. Because of the COVID pandemic, it was an incredibly diff icult time for everyone involved in Bernadette's care and it was handled with dignity and professionalism. In addition, we would like to thank her incredible neighbors, Ralph

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and Beth DiPietro and Betty Ann and Steve DeCesare for their love and support, along with their unrelenting efforts in checking in on mom and making sure she was okay. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts can be sent to Pleasant Bay Nu rsing a nd Reha b Center, 383 South Orleans Rd., Brewster MA 02653 or the VNA Hospice of Cape Cod, 434 Route 134, suite G-1, South Dennis MA 02660.

Robert Van Orsdel

Robert W. Van Orsdel, 94, of Norwalk and Greenwich passed away peacef ully on Monday, Ju ly 2 7, 2 02 0 at Fairf ield County House hospice. He was the husband of the late Elfrieda (Freddie) Va n O r s d e l a n d l i v e d i n Norwalk since 1962. Freddie a nd B ob gol fe d to ge t he r, founded the local block party and hosted many nights of bridge at their home. Bob was born in Youngstown, Ohio on October 31, 1925; he was the son of William Tod Van Orsdel and Nell Lightbody Van Orsdel. A f ter ser v i ng i n t he U. S. Army Air Corps during World War II, he graduated with a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Case I n s t i t u t e o f Te c h n o l o g y, now part of Case Western Reserve University. In 2010, CWRU presented him with a Meritorious Service Award. B o b w a s e m p l oye d by t he Chem ic a l D iv i sion of FMC Corporation in Sales

and Marketing. In 1968 he joi ne d Vu lc a n Che m ic a l s M a t e r i a l s C o m p a ny a s a National Accounts Manager until his retirement in 1992. H e w a s a n h o n o r a r y l i fe member of National Accounts Marketing Association, now known as Strategic Accounts Management Association, where he served as an officer and on the Board of Directors. Bob, also known as S.O.B. (Sweet Old Bob) and "The Old G o at ", w a s a ch a r ter member of the Oak Hills Golf A ssociation a nd a for mer Board Member of the West Norwalk Association. He and his wife became members of St. Peter Lutheran Church in 1962, where Bob served on several Boards and Committees and was a former President. Bob is sur v ived by his son Brian Tod Van Orsdel and his wife Alicia and their son Liam of New York City, and his daughter Leslie Van Orsdel and her husband John Eddy of Cos Cob, CT, and ma ny beloved n ieces a nd nephews. In addition to his wife of 66 years, Bob was also predeceased by his sister Betty Jean Weaver. A v iew ing w ill be held for fa m ily a nd f r iends on Thursday, July 30 from 10:30– 11 a.m. at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 208 Newtown Avenue, prior to a funeral service at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Robert Beinke officiating. I n t e r m e n t w i l l f o l l ow a t W i l l o w b r o o k C e m e t e r y, Westport, CT. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Bob's name to the Capital Fund, St. Peter Lutheran Church, 208 Newtown Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851.

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Bernadette Keleher B er nadet te L a Br e cq ue Keleher of S out h D en n is, Mass., died peacefully in her home on July 8, 2020. She was born on January 14, 1928 in East Hartford, CT and was the daughter of Albert and Emelia LaBrecque. She graduated Hartford High School and worked locally in the Hartford area where she met her future husband, Gordon Keleher.

134 Hamilton Avenue

Greenwich, CT 06830






7:15 p.m. ‘Concerts in the Cars’ presents Bearcats Jazz Band. Horseneck parking lot, corner of Arch Street and Horseneck Lane. 203-618-7649. greenwichct.gov. (For rain cancellation, call 203-861-6100 after 4pm). THURSDAY, AUG. 6 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Qi Gong. Free. Register to get link password. 203-6226883. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 1 p.m. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: ‘Don’t Say That! Email and Communications Etiquette’ - Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register. girlswithimpact.org 1 - 2 p.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar: Reopening and Staying Open - How to Assess the Past 60 Days and Prepare for What’s Next. Free. Register. 203622-7920. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/signup/ Calendar 1 - 2 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Meet the Animals and Let’s Explore!. Free. Register to get link password. 203-6226883. ghayes@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/signup/ Calendar 2 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Organize Your Summer Photos with Apple Photos. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/signup/ Calendar 2 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Junior Book Club (Grades 4-6). Free. Register. 203622-7920. dsullivan@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 3 p.m. ICC Greenwich Tween and Teen Trivia (ages 10-14). Also held Aug. 7. Via Zoom. Register to play or to cheer on the teams. form.jotform. com/200656720325146 7 - 8 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Virtual – Zooming with Gunsmoke - “Summer Country Music Concert”. Free. 203-5310426. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar

org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/ signup/Calendar 1 p.m.

Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: Create Your Own Website: ‘www.you.com’ Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register. girlswithimpact.org 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – YA Graphic Novel Discussion Group (Grades 6-8). Free. Register. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/signup/ Calendar 8 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: ‘Bats: Superheroes of the Night Sky’ – online program. Tickets start at $10. Register. 203-930-1353. Ryan.MacLean@audubon. org SATURDAY, AUG. 8 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Meditation Workshop. Free. 203-622-7920. schan@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary. evanced.info/signup/Calendar 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – WonderSpark Puppets “The Three Little Pigs” Show & Workshop. Free. Register. 203-622-7940. dsullivan@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary. evanced.info/signup/Calendar 1 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Cloak & Dagger Book Club. Free. Register. 203622-6883. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar TUESDAY, AUG. 11 7 - 8:30 p.m. Anchor Health Initiative: Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Support Group - online. Open to all ages. Safe, private and free. (2nd and 4th Wed of the month). (us04web.zoom.us/j/508855477. Meeting ID: 508 855 477, Password: 605979) WEDNESDAY, AUG. 12 11 a.m. Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich webinar: Nelson Tebbe, Professor of Law, Cornell University: “The First Amendment and the Supreme Court’s 2019 Term.” Free. Open to all. Pre-registration required. info@ greenwichrma.org. bit.ly/30IBj21. greenwichrma.org

7 - 8:30 p.m. Bruce Museum Zoom webinar: ‘Energy Storage Technologies for Earth - and Other Planets’. $10, members; $15, non-members. RSVP. 203-869-0376. brucemuseum.org

7 - 8:30 p.m. Anchor Health Initiative: Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Support Group - online. Open to all ages. Safe, private and free. (2nd and 4th Wed of the month). (us04web.zoom.us/j/508855477. Meeting ID: 508 855 477, Password: 605979).



The Off-Beat Players presents ‘Charlotte’s Web’ – online. offbeatplayers@gmail.com. offbeatplayers.org

6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group. Free. (2nd Thu of the month). Join Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/212727055, Meeting ID: 212 727 055.

10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 203-6227920. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.evanced.info/signup/ Calendar 10 – 10:30 a.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Ann. Free. Register to get link password. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary.

FRIDAY, AUG. 14 The Off-Beat Players presents ‘The Off-Beat Players Variety Show’ – online. offbeatplayers@gmail.com. offbeatplayers.org AUG. 17-21 & AUG. 24-28 JackRabbits Gymnastics Camp – twoweek summer full day/half day camp.


Space is limited to ensure appropriate physical distancing and adequate time to conduct thorough disinfecting in between classes. Private classes are also available by prior arrangement. $450. 203-613-1033. jackrabbitsgym@hotmail. com. jackrabbitsgym.com/sessions.htm

Wednesday: Candlelight Meeting, 8pm PST. zoom.us/j/659596548


Friday: Daily Reflections Meeting, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/137609502

• No-Contact Food Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor: On Tuesdays, 9-11am, there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s Church. Please drop your bagged grocery donations in the trunk. (Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Saturday, Sunday or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). For more information, contact 203-637-3661 or visit stc-sta.org THROUGH AUG. 7 Kids in Crisis community-wide Scavenger Hunt, a family-friendly virtual event. Participants will be given all sorts of challenges in the categories of Family Fun, Do Good, and Community Awareness & Support. Download the Goosechase app (free) on your mobile device to participate. ow.ly/P7Jr50AvjlE ONLINE ALANON MEETINGS Saturdays 9:30 - 10 a.m. AlAnon Newcomers. 10 - 11:30 a.m. AlAnon. al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/electronicmeetings ONLINE AA MEETINGS Daily 9 p.m. 12 Step Study Group of AA - a recurring discussion in the format of a book study. No prior experience required. Open meeting. Zoom video chat. Zoom id: 799-468-887, Password: 156760. aaebookguy@gmail.com. aaintergroup.org/directory.php

Thursday: Secular AA Meeting, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/295712428 Thursday: Grapevine Meeting, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/282018390

Friday: West Valley Speaker Meeting, 7:30pm PST. zoom.us/j/514586368 Saturday: Sobriety Speaks Out Speaker/ Participation Meeting, 6pm PST. zoom. us/j/980772892 Sunday: Big Book Study Meeting, 12:30pm PST. zoom.us/j/787468826 Sunday: Sunday Meeting at HITS, 4:30pm PST. zoom.us/j/831719356 Email contact: holeinthesky.zoom@ gmail.com OUR NEIGHBORING TOWNS SATURDAY, AUG. 1 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Rowayton Arts Center’s (RAC) ‘Painting en Plein Air’ Workshop. RAC, 145 Rowayton Ave., Rowayton. All ages. $60. Register. 203-866-2744, ext. 2. rowaytonarts.org/workshops TUESDAY, AUG. 4 7:30 p.m. VOICES of September 11th Webinar Series: ‘A Roundtable Discussion: A Holistic Approach to Incorporating MindBody Practices During Stressful Times’. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. voicesofseptember11.org THURSDAY, AUG. 6 5:30 p.m. The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum: Virtual Talk on Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Free, donation recommended. 203-838-9799. info@ lockwoodmathewsmansion.com. lockwoodmathewsmansion.com/event



3 p.m. AA A New Hope Online - a Big Book Study format. Open meeting. zoom. us/j/117872240, passcode: 121314. inboundmed@gmail.com. aaintergroup.org/directory.php

8:45 p.m. Bedford Playhouse: Drive In Movie - ‘The Goonies’. Also offered Aug. 8. John Jay Homestead, 400 Jay St., Katonah, NY. $30/car. johnjayhomestead.org/eventscalendar/drive-in-movie-the-goonies-1

BY PHONE Last Tuesday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Home Meeting of AA - discussion group with a 20-minute speaker. No computer needed however long distance charges may apply. Call: 978-990-5000, then enter pin: 426546


Hole In The Sky AA Meeting Schedule 25 online/virtual meetings per week at the Hole In The Sky, 7 days a week through the Zoom Platform with video, audio and call in options. Rotating formats that include speaker, participation and mixed meetings:


Monday to Friday: AA Spiritual Discussion, 6:45pm PST. zoom. us/j/705311870 Monday & Friday: AA Big Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/867060088 Tuesday & Saturday: 12&12 Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/295712428 Wednesday: Living Sober Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/295712428

8:45 p.m. ‘Step OUT For The Brave 40,000 Step Virtual Challenge’ – a virtual walk for homeless veterans. Between Aug. 8 & 16. $40. Register. 203-338-0669. egorenbergh@homesforthebrave.org. homesforthebrave.org Connecticut Trial Firm’s ‘2020 Tremendous Teacher Nomination’. Nominate a deserving Connecticut teacher. The winner will receive a $500 gift card. Nominations accepted through Aug. 15. info@cttrialfirm.com. cttrialfirm.com/2020-tremendousteacher-nomination THROUGH AUG. 16 Loft Artists Association new exhibit: “Sprung From Cages” - Artwork Created in Isolation. Loft Artists Association Gallery, 575 Pacific St., Stamford. (Facemasks required). Free. 203-2472027. loftartists.org

Wednesday: Beginner’s Workshop, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/609275263

On Faith

Hope To See Us Through: How to Keep Worry From Winning By Terry Elsberry “‘For I k now the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’” —Jeremiah 29:11 I was talking to a friend the other day, and the two of us agreed this pandemic has made both of us more anxious than usual. Some days it feels a little like having a low- grade fever, this ever-present sense of foreboding. What’s going to happen next? I’m going to the grocery store. Is somebody breathing coronavirus on me? How much hand-washing and antiseptic wiping will it take to make sure you’re totally germ-free? How can you really be sure you’ll keep winning over an enemy this brutally virulent and viciously omnipresent? Is it true we can expect another major wave this winter? How long will it take to develop a vaccine? Once launched, the worry chain stretches on, adding link after link of anxious thinking. Depending on where we are in our lives, the questions assail us. Will my children be back in school next Fall? I love my family, but how can I find even a little alone

time? Is my job secure? Worse, I’ve lost my job; can I find another one in times like these? Will I be able to put food on the table? What’s going to happen to the economy? What if I or someone I love has some of the Covid-19 traits that make for greater than average vulnerability? How many more weeks of this enforced shutdown, locked-down, socially distanced, fenced-in life can I stand? Am I going to have to spend the rest of my life relating to people virtually? B U T WA I T, I ’ M A CH R IST I A N. HOW ’S A CHRISTIAN SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH WORRY? That’s the still more vitally important question for you and me in these crisis times. And—good news for us!—the Bible gives us the answers. ONE. Pray specifically. See Philippians 4:6. “Be anxious for nothing, but in e ve r y t h i n g by p r aye r a n d supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Don’t be vague. Sometimes we feel the Lord is too high-up and spiritual to understand our basic human needs. Not true. He knows us. He created us, after all. Therefore, He calls us to pray with concrete requests, to lay our

“Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”(Philippians 4: 8) needs clearly before Him. Sometimes I come to Him with what might seem like either absurdly mundane or absurdly grandiose requests. As I often tell myself, the Bible says, “You have not because you ask not.” So I ask. So should you. And be specific. He doesn’t have to fill the requests you bring Him, but we can’t expect the answer if we don’t ask the question. Notice another key injunction in these lines from Philippians: “in everything by prayer and supplication WITH T H A N K SGI V I NG let you r requests be made known.” In other words, to your worry and anxiety add thanks. You may

be feeling so low, it may be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done. But even when you’re calling to God out of a pit of worry and doubt, when you bring your needs to Him, include thanks. Thank Him in advance for the help you’re asking Him to give you. It may seem strange. But it’s a spiritual principle. One of the ways to get the answers you want from God is by thanking Him in advance, often when you’re feeling the least grateful. TWO. Look to God for peace of mind. Philippians first tells us to lay down our anxiety, make our requests clearly and with thanksgiving. Now we read: “And

the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7) All Jesus had to say to calm the storm that almost sank the boat was “Peace, be still.” All He has to do is intervene on our behalf and our personal storms are stilled. THREE. Balance bad thoughts with good. Finally, Philippians puts it all together for us with guidelines for how best to go forward in times like these. The Apostle Paul didn’t know a pandemic. But he endured terrible hardships. And how did he not only survive but triumph? B y doi n g s om e t h i n g he challenges you and me to do.

“Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is r ig ht, whatever is pu re, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”(Philippians 4: 8) It turns out what Paul asks us to do here is not only spiritually but also psychologically sound. In a recent issue of “Harvard Business Review Digest,” Scott Barinato suggests that one of the things we can do now to manage anxiety is to balance bad thoughts with good. That’s a big responsibility, isn’t it? To focus, concentrate, fix our minds on such positive thoughts when we’re riddled with worry and anxiety. But it’s our holy obligation. A crucial spiritual discipline sent us from the heart of God. And in these times, a pathway to hope. Terr y served as Associate Rector at Christ Church from 1986-1994, and has now returned as Priest Associate. He recently r e t i r e d a s th e Re c to r of S t . Matthew’s Church in Bedford, NY, where he served for the last 23 years.

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Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 www.htchurch.com In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite. Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at htchurch.com & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce lesson (bit.ly/ HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). Harvest Time Students - online: Wed, 7:30pm, YouTube Channel. New: Prayer Meeting - Phase 1: Fri, 7pm, Sanctuary (for additional details, reach out to Pastor Ruth). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 www.firstbaptistgreenwich.com Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 www.greenwichbaptist.org Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website (greenwichbaptist.org/livestream). Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:309:15am, via Google Meet. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 www.sacredheartgreenwich.org In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: sacredheartgrn@optonline. net). Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). Holy Communion: Aug. 1, 10:30am & 12:30pm. Aug. 2, 2:30pm. Aug. 7: 5pm. Aug. 8: 10:30am & 12:30pm. Aug. 9, 2:30pm. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 www.stc-sta.org Daily Mass under the Tent: Mon-Fri, 5:155:45pm (sign up through homepage). Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Fri, 7-7:30am, (sign up through homepage). Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon, 1:30pm; Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu, 1:30pm; Stations of the Cross: Fri, 1:30pm. The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners Hotline: 203-637-3661 x375. Parish Partners in Prayer: pray silently wherever you are: 8am & 8pm. No-Contact Food Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor: Tuesdays, 9-11am, there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church, please drop your bagged grocery donations in the trunk. (Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Saturday, Sunday or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). First Communion Under the Tent: Saturdays, 9am Mass, St. Agnes. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 www.stmarygreenwich.org Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Summer Rosary: Sun & Tue, 7:30pm, via YouTube Live. Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Sun, 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit EWTN.com for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 www.stmichaelgreenwich.com Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: signupgenius.com/go/ stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. Mass Cards: Parishioners may request Masses and get Mass Cards, call 203 869-5421. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm & Sun, 12-1pm. Confessions: Wed, 1011am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel

(make a reservation: signupgenius.com/ go/stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 www.stpaulgreenwich.org Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Online daily Mass at EWTN.com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at wordonfire.org/daily-mass. Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 www.strochchurch.com In-person Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 7:30pm; Sat, 5pm (Vigil); Sun, 7:30am, 10:30am & 1pm (Spanish), sign-up (signupgenius. com/go/strochchurch). Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), MonSat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. First Saturday Fatima Devotion: Low Mass (Latin) 8am, followed by Rosary and Litany of Loreto. Confession: Saturdays, 4-4:30pm or by appointment. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 www.christiansciencect.org/ greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 www.firstchurchofroundhill.com Worship services are cancelled until further notice. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@outlook. com). The church will re-open for worship on Sunday, Sept. 13. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org In-person Public Outdoor Worship: Sun, 10-10:30am, registration is required (signupgenius.com/ go/70a084aafa72aa0fb6-inperson). Virtual events: Sunday Worship & Church School - Online: Sun 10am, youtu.be/CNjyLHzsRlI. Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this project, contact jjacullo@optonline.net. The Gathering: A Virtual Potluck Supper: Aug. 2, 4-6pm. Round Hill Art Studio Open (4th Monday): Aug. 11, 1pm. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6371791 www.fccog.org Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Fridays on Facebook (live @ 3pm with Rev. Patrick Collins). The First Congregational Church of Greenwich is currently accepting applications for an Associate Pastor. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 www.northgreenwichchurch.org Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at Pastor@northgreenwichchurch.org any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 www.2cc.org Services available online, details at 2cc.org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 www.churchoftheadvent.org Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.;

203-869-6600 www.christchurchgreenwich.org Outdoor Worship: Sun, 9am, Tomes-Higgins-Front Lawn (during Summer weather permitting), registration is required, akryzak@ christchurchgreenwich.org. Virtual Worship Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 8am, on Zoom. Evensong: Thu, 5pm, livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice. org. Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. Virtual ‘Packathon’ – ongoing (onrealm.org/ ParishChristChu/-/give/outreach). Dogwood Books & Gifts is open Sundays, 10am-12pm & TuesdayFriday, 10am-4pm. Confirmation Class enrollment is open for 202021, register online. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 www.stbarnabasgreenwich.org Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am (signupgenius.com/ go/4090e4aadac2ea3f f 2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. Morning Prayer: Aug. 5, 8-9am, contact Clergy. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 www.stpaulsriverside.org Mass on the Grass: Sundays, 9:30am. Service on the Meadow: Sundays, 9:30am. Virtual events: Online Morning Prayer: Sun, 10:15-11:15am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: stpaulsriverside.org/ online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at dofaithathome.org. Vestry Meeting: Aug. 4, 7:30pm. Morning Mediation: Aug. 5, 10am. Evening Prayer: Aug. 6, 7pm. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6372262 www.saintsaviours.org In-person Outdoor Service: Sat, 11am & Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. Wednesday Bible Study on Zoom and Teleconference (us02web.zoom. us/j/460978476. One tap mobile: +1 3 0 1 7 1 5 8 5 9 2 , 4 6 0 9 7 8 4 7 6 # . LandLine: +1 646 558 8656. US Meeting #: 460978476#) JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 www.chabadgreenwich.org Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. July 31: Daily Tanya and Hayom Yom Inspiration Rabbi Deren and Andy Wels, 8:30-8:50am; Chasidic Philosophy with Rabbi Feldman, 10:00-10:45am; Sermons, Songs, and Candlelighting, 6:30-7pm; all events are held via Zoom. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; Shirami. info@gmail.com www.congregationshirami.org All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Havdalah Service: Aug. 15, 7:30-9pm, Zoom link to be provided. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 www.grs.org Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom.us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, TueFri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. ‘Resistance’ Film: Online Discussion with Actor Jesse Eisenberg: Aug. 3, 7-8pm, register to receive the link. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 www.templesholom.com Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-8697191 ext. 3. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, preregistration is required, lori.baden@ templesholom.com. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 www.firstpaul.com Indoor service held jointly at St. Paul through Labor Day weekend. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 www.firstpaul.com Indoor service: Sunday, 9am. Bible Study: Sunday, 10:15am.

METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 www.diamondhillumc.com Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (us02web.zoom.us/j/635272316?); via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 www.fumcgreenwich.com Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) www.myrevive.org Online Sermons available on Facebook (facebook.com/ myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail.com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 www.stanwichchurch.org In-person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary, registration is required (s t a n w i c h c h u r c h .t p s d b.c o m / OnlineReg/196). Worship online: Sun, 10am, (website, Facebook, YouTube). Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515606-5410, punch in access code: 119748#). Alpha Online Sessions: Mon, 7:30-8:45pm, register. Facebook Live with Pastor David: Wed 7pm. Student Small Groups: Fri 6:30pm, via Zoom. Seniors and College Student Bible Study: Aug. 4, 7-8:15pm, via Zoom. S. Norwalk meals for BRM: Aug. 7, 5:30-7:30pm. Hymn Sing in the Sanctuary: Aug. 9, 11:30am-12pm. Student Game Night: Aug. 12, 7-8:30pm, via Zoom. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6374615 www.albertsonchurch.org Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 www.trinitychurch.life Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, youtube.com/c/TrinityChurchLife/live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch. Life. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. SummerQuest: through Aug. 2. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 www.fpcg.org Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at fpcg.org/live. Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. Email info@fpcg.org with questions. Beginning June 3: Summer Wednesdays (Online) - Join Ellie and Tara on Zoom every other Wed, 4:305:30pm, ages 4-4th Grade, email ellie. strathdee@fpcg.org (a Zoom link will be sent out bi-weekly). The Prayer room – via Zoom: Tue, 12-12:45pm & Thu, 8-8:45pm (email holacastillo13@ gmail.com for the Zoom ID and password). Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 www.gracechurchgreenwich.com Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 www.LivingHopeCT.org Worship Service online: Sun, 1011:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee and fellowship: Sun, 11:15am-12pm, via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage). Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am.

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Uncommon Musical


Just for Fun SUNDAY, AUG 2

National Girlfriend Day Ice Cream Sandwich Day National Mustard Day – First Instrument Day Sister's Day – First Sunday in Saturday in August National Avocado Day August Mead Day – First Saturday in National Raspberry Cake Day National Coloring Day August

MONDAY, AUG 3 Watermelon Day

Crossword Puzzle answers below



Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

National Oyster Day

Single Working Women's Day Night Out Day – First

Work Like a Dog Day


Tuesday in August

Root Beer Float Day Fresh Breath Day

Wiggle Your Toes Day National IPA Day

Bring Back Lost Words


noun | Fan-dang-guhl | 19 century, English A splendid but useless ornament. Olivia’s outfit was so emblazoned with fandangles, one could hear her jingling from across the block

Color It.

PLEASE NOTE For the next 2 weeks, the Greenwich Sentinel will be on our annual hiatus - a brief break from printing as we reassess, upgrade, and (hopefully) improve. We will resume weekly printing on August 21st. That is why we are printing your horoscope through the week of August 16. Everyone here at the Sentinel wishes you a wonderful two weeks filled with good fortune.

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Astrology Column For Week of Aug 2, 2020

LEO 24 July-23 Aug A relationship problem will come to a head this week but that could be a good thing, especially if one or both of you has been pretending nothing is wrong. The most important thing is that you start thinking about it and that means thinking NOT shouting.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Tomorrow’s Full Moon in your sign means that voices will be raised and tempers come close to the boil but nothing much of consequence will happen if you treat it all as a bit of a joke. By the weekend you’ll look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If you’re unhappy with the working pattern of your life, this is the time to change it. However, once changed, you won’t be able to change it back again, so make sure you know what you’re doing and what you really want. Maybe you just need a holiday.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Experience has taught you to trust your instincts, so do so this week and ignore those who say you’re acting irrationally. You may be, but more likely, you’ve sensed that something is wrong and demands caution. Remember: your inner voice knows all the answers.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct You’re not the kind to do things by halves and with a Full Moon in the most dynamic area of your chart you will go all the way, and then a bit further, just to prove it can be done. You can travel alone if you want but it will be more fun if you travel with friends.

ARIES 21 March-20 April You have more in common with a certain person than either of you cares to admit, which is why you are currently at each others’ throats. The good news is that once the battle’s over you will end up the best of friends. Life’s funny like that.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov What happens this week may seem to come out of the blue but if you look closely you’ll see it has roots in something you did about six months ago. You will then know not only how to handle the situation but how to turn it to your own professional advantage.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May You will be tempted to make a life-changing decision this week, one you can never go back on, so make sure you know all the facts and interpret them correctly. Emotion must play no part in what you’re planning – if it does your decision could be wrong.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Like it or not you are involved in a situation you have no way of controlling, so the best you can do is hang on tight and hope you end up somewhere worth going. And if you don’t? Well, you’re a Sag: you’re sure to find ways to have fun on the journey.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June It’s always unwise to be opinionated during a Full Moon, if only because everyone has an opinion. So keep your thoughts to yourself if you can and, if you can’t, at lease express them in a way that doesn’t cause offense. If you do get in a fight hit first – and hard!

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan There’ll be times this week when you feel the best course is to walk away from your responsibilities. It might be best short-term but common sense should tell you that in the long term your problems will be even greater. Might it be better to deal with them head-on?

CANCER 22 June-23 July This is not a week to make snap decisions over money issues or business affairs, simply because you are likely to be thinking with your heart rather than your head. Cancers have a reputation for patience and caution. Don’t spoil it by doing something silly.

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Astrology Column For Week of Aug 9, 2020

LEO 24 July-23 Aug Don’t pursue new ideas too forcefully this week because chances are they won’t get you far and may even get you into trouble. A tricky Mars-Pluto aspect warns that you’d be wise to wait until it’s easier to develop your plans without stirring up fierce opposition.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb With analytical Mercury challenging your disruptive ruling planet Uranus this would be a good week to relinquish your hold on things you no longer have any use for. The more you throw out the more space you will have for something better.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If you are involved in anything of a financial of business nature it will pay you to check the small print carefully. Don’t let your enthusiasm blind you to the realities because if things don’t work out as you expected it is you who will foot the bill.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Everyone has values but not everyone lives up to them. But you can’t use that as an excuse to ignore principles you have lived by for many years. You may gain a material benefit in the short-term but you will hate yourself in the long term for being so weak.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Be careful what you say and who you say it to this week as there is a chance you could make an enemy of someone who thinks you’ve singled them out for criticism. It may just be a failure of understanding on their part but it is you who will suffer long term.

ARIES 21 March-20 April This could be a stressful week, especially in your working environment where you are likely to come up against people who are at best unhelpful and at worst downright hostile. There are times when you must fight for what you want. This is one of them.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Don’t worry too much if something you’re working on does not appear to be going too well. The effort you have put in has not been wasted and will, in time, bring the rewards and recognition you crave. Maybe it’s you who is being a little bit impatient.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May By all means set yourself a target this week but don’t make it so outrageous that failure is more likely than success. You may think anything is possible, and indeed it is, but it won’t just happen as if by magic. You need to work towards your goal a step at a time.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Current aspects make you determined to prove yourself, which is odd because no one has even hinted that they don’t think you’re good enough. It’s not whether you’re better than your rivals that counts – it’s whether you are better than you were yesterday.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June You’ll cross swords with someone you live or work with this week and if your dispute has anything to do with money it may be a bloody encounter! According to your solar chart compromise is out of the question so be ruthless and get it over with fast.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Someone will offer to do you a favour this week but before you accept you should find out what they expect in return. Even if they say they don’t expect anything you must still be suspicious because the planets warn they are not being generous out of kindness.

CANCER 22 June-23 July With aggressive Mars at odds with despotic Pluto you’ll find it hard to get your own way this week especially when dealing with authority figures. Fortunately, it’s only a phase and you should be in control again next week – if you keep your temper.

Astrology Column For Week of Aug 16, 2020

LEO 24 July-23 Aug You have no intention of hiding your feelings, so sensitive souls had best stay out of range! With the Sun, your ruler, linked to assertive Mars you are unlikely to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it is better to speak your mind. VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Virgoans don’t often get angry but when they do they do so with a vengeance. However, this may not be the right time or place to air your grievances. By looking at the problem objectively you’re more likely to reach a satisfactory agreement. LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct True friends often put others’ interests first, even if it makes things harder for themselves. One such person will figure prominently this week but this time the roles will be reversed: it is they who needs help and you who can provide it. Time to repay a favour. SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov It is time for a change. Not just any old change but complete transformation in the way you function. In a nutshell, you need freedom to express yourself, to be bigger than you are. You will get that freedom this week – just be sure you use it wisely. SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Nothing is impossible to a Sagittarian. Some things are more difficult than others, of course, but few things defeat you completely. The Sun in Leo aspects ambitious Mars this week which suggests that anything you set your mind to is unlikely to fail. CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan You won’t lack advice this week but it’s likely to be a bit extreme. There is someone who can offer some no-nonsense common sense guidance but you won’t get it just by opening your ears. Open your mind and listen to what your inner voice is telling you. AQUARIUS

Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.com

21 Jan-19 Feb Communication must be clear and concise this week otherwise no one will know what you want and nothing will get done, regardless of your intentions. Don’t worry about saying the wrong thing – certain people aren’t as helpless as they like you to believe. PISCES 20 Feb-20 March With the Sun joining forces with zealous Mars you will be passionate in the extreme this week. On a professional level it means you will be determined to stay in control. Remember: no one has a heaven-sent right to take what is yours. ARIES 21 March-20 April By tradition, Aries is the sign of the pioneer, and with your daring ruler Mars in your sign aspected by the Sun this week an adventure is certainly on the cards. Whether it’s the kind of adventure you’re expecting is another matter but it will be exciting. TAURUS 21 April-21 May If it is only fear holding you back, it is because Mars in Aries is making you prone to all sorts of weird and wonderful anxieties. But none of them is real and current aspects suggest that if you take a risk it could work out the way you hope, not the way you fear. GEMINI 22 May-21 June This should be a week when, no matter what you turn your hand to, it should work out better than you expected. Even if you are not an expert you can do a very expert job. But don’t let success go to your head – it may not be this easy every time. CANCER 22 June-23 July You have so much talent and potential but you seem to doubt that you have what it takes to succeed. Not only do you have what it takes but today’s Sun-Mars union suggests you’re unlikely to fail if you have the courage to follow your dreams.

Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.com

Sudoku, above: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 7. Easy




Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel



Mark Pruner | Mark@GreenwichStreets.com | mark@bhhsne.com


One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Robert Pulitano | RobertPulitano@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabillino | CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com Pam Toner | PamToner@bhhsne.com

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903

For Market Updates and Listings Visit deborahferencegray.com



Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866

FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092




List Price







1535 Putnam Ave 409






Old Greenwich

130 Putnam Park 130


$490 $15


1 South of Post Road

1465 Putnam Ave 514







79 Putnam Road






2 South of Post Road





Cos Cob



South Parkway


2 South of Post Road




1465 E Putnam Avenue #111 Old Greenwich


Sat 2-4 PM

Coldwell Banker

453 Putnam Avenue 4D


453 E Putnam Avenue #4D

Cos Cob


Sun 12-2 PM


47 Lafayette Place 3H


17 Talbot Lane



Sun 2-4 PM

Douglas Elliman

128 Putnam Park 128


77 Silo Circle #77



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker

149 Lake Avenue



69 Riverdale Ave 501


28 Pleasant Street

Cos Cob


Sat 12-2 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

150 Pemberwick Road

10 Northwind Drive



Sat 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

10 Northwind Drive



Sun 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

76 Milbank Avenue



Sat 11-2 PM

Davenport Properties LLC

200 Palmer Hill Road

Old Greenwich


Sun 1-3 PM

1 Shady Lane



160 Bedford Road


27 Linwood Avenue


Old Greenwich


South Parkway


0.21 4 2,152 0 2


South Parkway



3,104 0.32 3



101 Lewis Street UNIT N




2 South of Post Road

6 Carpenters Brook Rd



3,735 4.24 4


North Parkway

35 Leonard Avenue



3,793 0.28 5



209 Palmer Hill Road






Old Greenwich

Houlihan Lawrence

20 Shore Road



3,000 0.22 4


Old Greenwich

Sun 12-2 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

30 Sawmill Lane



2,793 2.21



South Parkway


Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker

1 Shady Lane




0.47 4






15 Widgeon Way



3,354 0.34 5

4 South of Post Road

22 Wildwood Drive



5,000 0.35 5

5 South of Post Road

87 Perkins Road



Coldwell Banker

172 Byram Shore Road





6 South of Post Road

28 Oak Street



Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1:30-3:30 PM Sun 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

603 Steamboat Road 7



3 South of Post Road

172 Milbank Avenue #E



Sun 12-1:30 PM

Coldwell Banker

45 Overlook Drive



0 2 3,377 0.45 4

59 Connecticut Avenue



Sun 2-4 PM

Coldwell Banker

27 Linwood Avenue


29 Weston Hill Road




27 Evergreen Road



Sun 3-5:30 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

556 Riversville Road


18 Chieftans Road

Water Restriction Greenwich Sent 5.25 x 10.5.qxp_Layout 1 6/15/20 12:52 PM Page 1

8 Boulder Brook Road



Sun 1-4 PM


Ready For Your Most Important Needs For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport







3 South of Post Road










6,276 2.23 6


North Parkway





North Parkway

357 Shore Road



3,983 0.64 5

4 South of Post Road

17 Intervale Place



5,028 0.72 5

4 South of Post Road

154 Byram Shore Road



5,563 0.52 5


$892 $937 $677 $717 $855 $850 $732 $1,912

4,401 4,797 6,796 6,688 7,015 8,822 14,967 17,000

6 North Parkway 5 North Parkway 7 South Parkway 6 South of Post Road 6 South Parkway 5 South Parkway 8 South of Post Road 7 North Parkway

215 Old Mill Road 2 Conyers Farm Drive 77 Rockwood Lane 83 Oneida Drive 736 Lake Avenue

$3,925,000 $4,495,000 $4,600,000 $4,795,000 $5,995,000 24 Thunder Mountain Rd $7,495,000 1 Harbor Drive $10,950,000 435 & 429 Round Hill $32,500,000



11.97 10.3 1.24 0.85 5.75 2.69 2.19 8

5 5 5 6 7 6 6 7



Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866


ith the lawn and garden season upon us, it’s time to remember how important it is to avoid using water inefficiently – including over-irrigation. The average suburban household uses at least 30% of its water for irrigation. But most could use less – a lot less – and still enjoy healthy lawns and gardens. That’s why Aquarion, in coordination with town and state officials, continues to expand this conservation-focused irrigation schedule throughout its service area. Here are some tips to make it even easier for you: • If you have a built-in irrigation system, have a licensed irrigation professional make sure it’s working efficiently • Check our website to see if you qualify for a variance from the schedule – for new plantings, a large property, or a high-efficiency irrigation system. • Keep in mind, weather and other conditions may further reduce your watering needs. Together, we can ensure our communities always have enough water for all their vital needs. For more tips on improving your water efficiency, please visit our website. Questions? Call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678



Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres


31 Church Street West 26 Columbus Avenue 20 Hunt Terrace 45 Mary Lane 25 Indian Harbor Drive 3 51 The Avenue 26 Old Wagon Road 1 Lia Fail Way 115 Dingletown Road 52 Frontier Road 536 River Road 91 Winthrop Drive 84 Circle Drive 23 Palmer Terrace 7 Clark Street

$498,000 $595,000 $645,000 $845,000 $825,000 $827,000 $899,000 $1,495,000 $1,499,000 $1,650,000 $1,680,000 $2,195,000 $2,200,000 $2,495,000 $3,650,000

$498,000 $595,000 $625,000 $825,000 $825,000 $827,000 $899,000 $1,399,000 $1,499,000 $1,650,000 $1,680,000 $2,195,000 $2,200,000 $2,495,000 $3,495,000

$505,000 $542,000 $582,000 $780,000 $780,000 $827,000 $900,000 $1,325,000 $1,499,000 $1,625,000 $1,631,250 $1,975,000 $2,200,000 $2,625,000 $3,200,000

10 39 147 81 47 38 613 933 69 65 36 15 77

2 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 4 5

2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 4

0.09 0.12 0.19 0.27 0 0.94 0.31 1.05 2.13 1.32 0.35 0.34 0.47 0.49

1,185 1,236 1,706 1,564 1,612 2,706 1,352 2,528 4,244 3,195 2,944 3,567 4,444 3,810 5,100

11 Plow Lane 46 Parsonage Road 85 Dingletown Road

$3,450,000 $3,795,000 $4,750,000

$3,450,000 $3,795,000 $3,950,000

$3,224,000 $3,375,000 $3,750,000

8 39 339

5 5 3

7 4 3

0.7 0.8 2.08

6,176 7,210 4,500

Sign Up! Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule Last Digit of Your Address Number Please Water Only On: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers)

Saturday & Tuesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

No address number

Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

© 2020 Aquarion Water Company

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How to be the Winning Seller in a Multiple Offer Situation By Mark Pruner

There are lots of articles about how to be the winning bidder in a tight market. I wrote one last week for the Greenwich Sentinel and it is one of several that I have written over the years on that subject. What you don’t see that often is what should the seller do in a multiple offer situation. The accepted rule is that all the seller need do is smile and accept a large check, that however will not necessarily give the seller their best result. The seller may actually think their side is just sitting back and letting the offers roll-in, but if they have a good agent, that agent is going to have a busy couple of days. For the buyer, the goal in a multiple bid situation is fairly straight forward; get the house. In some cases, buyers may be willing to go over fair market value to get the house, but then the new accepted price becomes FMV. For the seller with multiple offers, you can balance out all your needs to get to the optimal result. For example, if the seller was assuming they would have a couple of months to move out once the accepted offer comes in and the high bidder wants to move in two weeks, the seller can just say “no”, knowing that there is another offer. The seller is free to pick any offer, from anyone. So, if you like one buyer better than other you can take the lower bid. I can’t say that I have ever seen it happen in Greenwich, but if your reason is because the other buyer is in a class protected from discrimination by statute, then your Realtor is prohibited from participating in any discriminatory actions. What I have seen in Greenwich multiple times is an obnoxious buyer with a higher bid lose out to someone who is nicer. It’s your house with certain limitations you can do what you want with it. So far this year, we have sold 329 single family homes. Of those 329 houses, 56 or 17% went for list

or over list price. Of those 56 houses, 42 houses got their accepted offer in the Covid period, another indicator of how the pandemic is driving the Greenwich market. The demand is mostly in our young family market under $3 million where we find 85% of the sales at list or over list. These deals generally move fast. So far this year, 25 houses got to contract in less than 15 days from the list date and all 25 houses of those houses went for list price or higher. If you are a buyer in a hot market, an opening offer of full list price can be a good place to start. It shows you are serious and will scare off many other less resolute bidders. But what about the seller? If your house has been on the market for 2 days and you get a full price offer, do you say “yes”. The short is yes say yes to the offer, but you don’t have to do it real fast. All offers have multiple terms and you can take some time to get all of those negotiated, a day or two, in case another offer comes along. The saying that “Your first offer is generally your best offer” is often true, so you don’t want to keep that first offer waiting long. The reason that a quick offer like this is often your best offer is that to move so quickly the buyer was prepared and waiting for something like your house to come on the market. The buyer knew what things were selling for and knew not to try a low-ball strategy on a new listing. When this situation arises, you want to vet the buyers. If the deal is all cash, they should be happy to give you a proof of funds. If they need a mortgage are the buyers already underwritten preapproved so they only need an appraisal to remove the mortgage contingency. If it turns out the buyer wasn’t prepared and just through out an offer, then as a seller you need to risk adjust the offer based on how likely the buyers are to get a mortgage and to go through with the deal. If they are newbies, they may just be trying to “hold” your house while looking at other houses. Separating out the good bidders from the others is where your Realtor can really earn their commission. Let’s say there are two or three bidders almost simultaneously. In this situation, you can negotiate each bid separately. Usually, if there are three bidders, two of them are clearly better than the third offer and the third bid drops out pretty quickly. So now it’s down to two bidders and it’s a series of phone calls and emails to determine who will make the best offer. One quirk in Greenwich is that the seller’s agent won’t tell the first buyer what the second buyer has bid so the negotiates as to price are not transparent. (BTW: As the seller you can have your agent disclose the terms of each offer to the other buyer, but your agent may want that in writing.) As the seller, you should also look at the non-

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In today’s hot market we are seeing more of these highest and best offers. A couple of weeks ago, I heard of one house in Old Greenwich that had 19 groups attend the first public open house, many of them with their agents. By the end of the open house the listing agent had two offers followed by three more the next day. price terms. When is the best time for you to close? If it’s a teardown can you leave some of your unwanted furniture behind. This can save both time and money, particularly if you are downsizing to a senior care facility or other already furnished housing. Some buyers may even be willing to waive the inspection prior to contract signing. Just because you have accepted an offer doesn’t mean the deal is done. The rule in Greenwich is that there is no deal until a contract is signed and the contracts aren’t even drafted until after the inspections are done. Back in the 80’s when I was a real estate attorney, the parties went to contract quickly with a short inspection contingency period. What this did was to effectively shift control of the deal to the buyers, since they could back out of the deal at any time up until the inspection contingency expired, whereas the seller was bound unless released by the buyer. Nowadays, the seller has the right to accept another higher offer even if they have already accepted an offer from a prior buyer. “There is no deal until the contract has been signed.” However, just because a second buyer has made a postacceptance, higher offer is no reason to accept it automatically, since to do so is fraught with risks. The offer may be higher, but is it better? If you have an all-cash, quick close deal, a higher offer with a mortgage contingency and a closing maybe in three months needs to have a much higher price. Also, the first buyer has already done a lot of due diligence and knows where all the bodies are buried, sometimes literally. (I just had a buyer pull out of a deal when she found out her new home was adjacent to a colonial cemetery. I thought that was cool, her and her husband, had a different opinion.) Last year, I had a seller accept an offer from a second buyer who kept raising their offer until they were $325,000 higher on a circa $1.3 million prior offer. The seller accepted the second buyer’s much higher offer, then second buyer did their inspection and lowered their offer by $400,000, below the first offer. So if you are thinking of accepting a higher

offer after you’ve accepted an offer think twice or more before doing so. Let’s say you have a really hot property. Several years ago, I noticed when looking over the market, that one price range in one area of town was particularly popular with several deals and not much inventory. I got the seller to put on the property at we thought was fair market value. We ended up with 8 offers, and three were over list in three days on the market. So, we went to highest and best; i.e. sealed envelopes that have to be in by a particular time. The final accepted offer was 122% over list price, the highest percentage over list for that year and the next two years. In today’s hot market we are seeing more of these highest and best offers. A couple of weeks ago, I heard of one house in Old Greenwich that had 19 groups attend the first public open house, many of them with their agents. By the end of the open house the listing agent had two offers followed by three more the next day. If you do go to highest and best, you want to make sure that everyone plays by the same rules so that you can compare offers and someone doesn’t try to game the system like that out of town broker. A time and a place for the bid is good. A statement that the seller may select any bid is better. In some cases, the seller may provide an inspection report from a reputable firm to all the buyers. To make the offers even more comparable, the seller can even supply the contract so that the buyer signs it and returns it with their offer. Then, the seller only needs to sign the contract for there to be a deal. Every deal is different, and the idea is to get the best deal for the seller. Your terms for the highest and best deal should reflect that. Now, if only I had such a listing. Anyone have a newer house on two acres with a pool in midcountry for under $2.5 million …. Mark Pruner is the Editor of the Real Estate page of the Greenwich Sentinel. He is a sales executive at Berkshire Hathaway in their Greenwich office. He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or at mark@bhhsne.com.

Sacred Heart Greenwich Graduation By Anne White Although it was a physically distant outdoor graduation with just the 82 Class of 2020 graduates and some of their teachers, it was still an opportunity for some normalcy and a chance to celebrate their achievements together. The event, which was held on Friday, July 24th was live-streamed for families. The ceremony was held outside under a tent and seniors were on a stage three times the size of the usual stage in order to keep them physically distant. Graduation speakers faced toward the girls as opposed to toward the audience because their was no audience. Because the girls received their diplomas during Sacred Heart's car parade in June, they just had their names read and did not physically receive anything at the ceremony on Friday. Overall it was a safe, simple, and beautiful graduation ceremony. Congratulations to the 82 graduates from Sacred Heart Greenwich! Here are some highlights from their year and their ceremony: 2020 Highlights: 10,000 hours of community service were completed by Upper School students this year

24 seniors served as Eucharistic Ministers Distributed $8,200 in grants to educational agencies across the world through the student-run Barat Foundation 1 NEPSAC Class A champion team (field hockey) and 2 Fairchester Athletic Association regular season championship teams (varsity f ield hockey and soccer); Squash team placed 1st in the country at the Interscholastic National Championships 10 seniors continuing on and committed to play sports at the collegiate level A note from Pamela Juan Hayes ’64: Whether in the classroom, on the turf, in the chapel, at the anchor desk, in the lab or behind the podium, the graduating Class of 2020 accomplished so much at Sacred Heart Greenwich. We’re especially proud to see these talented students matriculate to strong colleges and universities that reflect their individual academic interests and passions so closely. We look forward to seeing how far their academics, faith and commitment to others takes them in the future. Valedictorian: Valentina Grether

Why Brown University: I chose Brown firstly because of the Open Curriculum. Since I plan on majoring in engineering, which has stricter requirements than other majors, it was really important to me that I still had as much flexibility as possible to pursue courses in all my other interests. Ultimately, Brown's Open Curriculum seemed ideal to extend my college experience to encompass not only my intellectual development, but also my growth as an individual. Another important factor was the collaborative culture at Brown, and the amazing opportunities that the university offers. Many of the current students I talked with highlighted the Brown UTRAs, which are undergraduate teaching and research awards for Brown students. Brown fascinated me because the students and faculty are always challenging each other to grow together in learning. Last but certainly not least, Providence is a great town for college students. Students always praise the art exhibits and other events available outside of Brown, not to mention a seemingly endless list of amazing Providence restaurants. Co-Salutatorian: Caroline Badagliacca

Hometown: Riverside, CT

Hometown: North Salem, NY

Number of years at Sacred Heart: 8

Number of years at Sacred Heart: 10

Activities highlights (sports, volunteering, arts, etc): I play Tennis and Squash at Sacred Heart, I am a Freshman Peer Leader, and a Eucharistic Minister.

Activities highlights (sports, volunteering, arts, etc): co-editor of Voices publication, music therapy volunteer with Alzheimer’s patients, participant in Sacred Heat’s science research program, Regeneron Scholar for studying music and cognition, Girl Scout Gold Award recipient Why Vanderbilt: Upon first visiting Vanderbilt’s campus, what stood out to me the most is the incredible balance the school possesses. I knew when looking for a school I wanted a place that was academically rigorous, but still left room for other enrichment and Vanderbilt’s programs, research possibilities, SEC sports, and boundless opportunities to be involved on campus were perfect for me. Additionally, one of my main focuses during my time at Sacred Heart has been working with those suffering from dementia and trying to use music to improve their quality of life. Not only does Vanderbilt have a music cognition laboratory, but the interdisciplinary nature of their academic programs, as well as my acceptance into the Curb Scholars Program, provided me with a unique chance to combine my interests in music, cognition, and business both in and out of the classroom. Co-Salutatorian: Elisa Howard Hometown: Norwalk, CT Number of years at Sacred Heart: 2 Activities highlights (sports, volunteering, arts, etc): co-captain of Sacred Heart Robotics, Perspectives Art Editor, NY Medical College Summer Prostate Cancer Research Assistant, saxophonist in Sacred Heart Jazz Band, varsity track and field, varsity cross country, varsity fencing, Kairos Retreat Leader, Kumon Math and Reading Instructor, George Washington Carver

Community Center volunteer, White Plains Hospital step-down unit volunteer, CT Special Olympics volunteer, altar server and Eucharist Minister. Why Yale University: I have always been fascinated by the innate intricacies of the human brain and nervous system, and Yale University's renowned research opportunities, including the First-Year Summer Research Fellowship, will enable me to explore unanswered questions of neuroscience. When applying to Yale, I was particularly inspired by the research of Professor Nenad Sestan, who revived cellular functionality in a pig brain four hours after its death. Through research in one of Yale's over 1,200 laboratories, I can investigate my own rather unconventional questions of the brain. At the same time, I am an aspiring neurosurgeon, and, through Yale's affiliations with the medical school and hospital, I may explore my surgical interests as an undergraduate student. The Sacred Heart Greenwich Class of 2020: Alice Adams, Salome Alfaro, Rachel Ali, Malika Amoruso, Olivia Andrews, Leah Atkins, Caroline Badagliacca, Caroline Baranello, Konstantina Barker, Grayson Bennett, Zada Brown, Edilia Bueno, Cameron Calcano, Sarah Carter, Emma Caruso, Claire Chmiel, Alexa Choy, Bridget Cobb, Elizabeth Colligan, Sophia Curto, Celia Daigle, Elle de Alessandri, Lillian DeConcini, Gabrielle DiBiase, Julie Drago, Megan Farrell, Georgia Ferguson, Sydney Gallop, Olivia Gasvoda, Sophia Georgas, Ashley Giannetti, Valentina Grether, Giselle Gray, Christine Guido, Isabella Gunningham, Stephanie Guza, Carly Haines, Bridget Hamlet, Victoria Hannett, Katherine Harkins, Aubrey Hash, Linley Himes, Elizabeth Hisler, Kara Hodge, Elisa Howard, Zoe Kassapidis, Kathryn Keller, Sydney Kim, Peyton Lauricella, Mary Marcogliese, Julia Matthiesen, Avery McCloskey, Grace McDevitt, Nicole Mellert, Caitlyn Mitchell, Kathleen Murray, Grace Nemec, Erin O’Connor, Taylor O’Meara, Gabriella Petrizzo, Christine Plaster, Michaela Pond, Jacqueline Prata, Paige Pucel, Isabella Quinson, Isabella Rogers, Pamela Rosenburgh, Amelia Sheehan, Morgan Smith, Mariana Soto, Eliza Stanley, Nicole Tapia, Daniella Tocco, Renata Trevino, Elizabeth Trimble, Kellie Ulmer, Arielle Uygur, Piper Van Wagenen, Jennafer Washington, Julia Welsh, Cassidy Willie-Lawes and Elexa Wilson. Photos were taken by Highpoint Pictures.

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