August 21, 2020

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August 21, 2020

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.


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Checking in with Diane’s Books By Anne W. Semmes T h i s N o v e m b e r D i a n e ’s Books will celebrate 30 years of book selling to the Greenwich c o m m u n i t y. B u t w i t h t h e pandemic having shut it down for regular business Diane Garrett’s anniversary tradition of a dressup cost u me pa r t y may b e i n abeyance. Her shopping rule of one face-masked customer at a time recently introduced may still be in place, certainly an improvement over only curbside pickup. Not being able to freely browse in a bookstore is surely a hardship. “At the beginning of March, when we closed the store,” says Diane, “somebody Diane Garrett will be celebrating her Diane Books 30th anniversary and her primary purpose to said we should be called essential "put books in people's hands."

A 10 Reaction to a 1 Infraction

STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ TOP 5 THINGS TO DO IN GREENWICH: www.greenwichsentinel. com/community-event/ LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836

Step Out to the Wildest Spot in CT!

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT

services because we were nurses for the soul.” For a bookstore owner who happens also to be a registered nurse, Diane thought it “a beautiful thing to say that we were that kind of an essential service.” When Diane and husband Gordon Garrett (late of 2018) and their three teenaged children arrived in Greenwich from their native Canada her master’s in library science bespoke a library job, but Diane had the urge to personally “put books in people’s h a n d s .” S h e w a s n’t d au nte d by the presence then of seven other bookstores in town. She was “astounded that there was no bookstore for children,” she says. She felt strong ly a bout

See Diane page 5

What Makes a Hidden Gem? Review By Daria Kozikowska Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry


Having a “10” reaction to a “1” infraction is usually a reaction to old pain, probably from childhood. If we feel betrayed, abandoned, rejected, insulted, or misunderstood, and our reaction sucks more energy out of us than we want to expend, it helps to ask ourselves when we first experienced similar feelings. Chances are, we were powerless children then. We are adults now. When the intensity of our response is out of proportion to the “1” infraction, it helps to ask ourselves: how do we—as grown-ups—want to respond? As adults, we have the ability to override our responses rooted in childhood trauma and lay down new memory track. With intentionality and prac- tice, we can teach ourselves to have “1” reactions, even when they weren’t modeled for us. When Tiffany was 19, the man in the seat next to her on a small plane offered to put her backpack in the overhead bin. As he did so, the blueberry yogurt in the side pocket of Tiffa- ny’s backpack exploded on his white shirt. His calm “1” reac- tion to this event amazed her even more when she learned that he was a college president en route to give a speech. Years later, as CEO of a company, she shared this lesson with her team. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books or at Amazon.

Many may wonder what “The Drawing Room” is when they drive by it on East Putnam in Cos Cob. The brown and teal building by the pretty coral house with an intriguing sign does make you wonder. What makes it both confusing and interesting is that The Drawing Room is really many different things in two unique spaces. There’s the boutique located close to the road and a beautiful cafe and art gallery on the back side. The cafe has a lot of charm with an off white and teal design. Quiet, soft music inside sets the mood for afternoon tea or dessert. They offer a wide range of mixed organic teas including the refreshing Iced Hot Mama as well as getting very serious when it comes to their coffee. Longtime owner, Kenleigh Larock knows what she is doing. Sourcing ingredients is just one of her many passions. Their coffee comes from South Carolina and Drawing Room customers have been loving every sip since 2004. Their beautiful space also offers patio seating. Light food is a staple on their menu. Breakfast dishes include avocado toast, Ham-egg-cheese croissant, scones and hot cereal. The Lu nch Menu of fers tast y sa ndw iches li ke cucumber, chicken salad and egg salad that is off the charts. The finger sandwich platter allows you to taste all three varieties in one sitting. The cucumber sandwich is a must try. For me it brought a sense of nostalgia from when my mother made my favorite sandwich as a child. The cucumber version is light and refreshing with a herb cream cheese. The egg salad is creamy and made in house with fresh eggs. Tthe chicken salad sandwich has a robust flavor from their black bread that’s accompanied by cream cheese and scallions. All three have great combinations with

flavors that light up your taste buds. Soups and specials are available daily. The soup choice on the day of my visit was lentil and vegetable but my choice was their baked egg special which was delicious; a great way to start your day. The dish was served in a small skillet, with the baked egg, tomato, crispy onions and sliced avocado. Don’t leave The Drawing Room without tasting their dessert! The Ganache and Raspberry crumble mini tarts is Simply Amazing and the coconut and passionfruit macarons were perfectly made. Be sure to stop in and enjoy this hidden gem in Cos Cob. A place you can eat, chit chat, shop and so much more. Explore the art between both spaces but be careful to leave plenty of time to explore because you won’t want to leave. The eatery also caters to parties in their private onsite gallery space or at your home. Just another reason why this place is so fabulous. The Drawing Room is open TuesdaySaturday, 10:30-4 p.m. at 220 East Putnam Avenue. For more information call 203-661-3737.

July 2020 Real Estate Report Contracts are up an Astounding 119 Percent

In July 2020, we had 85 sales of singlefamily home in Greenwich, this blows away last year when we had 72 sales and is also well above our 10-year average of 74 sales. The sales are impressive, but what is really astounding is that we have 208 contracts waiting to close. This is up 119% from last year when we had a fairly normal 95 contracts at the end of July 2019. Contracts are up in every price range with a big jump in contracts between $1 and 4 million. Even our contracts over $4 million are up 21 contracts from last year going from 13 contract to 34 contracts are a jump of 161 percent. See page 15 for the full report by Mark Pruner.

Officer Helps Save Two Lives in Two Months



For the second time in two months, Officer Ryan Carino was an essential link in a patient's survival. T h e Tow n's e m e r g e n c y m e d i c a l response is structured to mirror the "Chain of Survival" concept endorsed by the American Heart Association. The chain of sur v ival refers to a series of actions that, properly executed, reduce the mortality associated with sudden cardiac arrest. Like any chain, the chain of survival is only as strong as its

weakest link. According to the Greenwich Police Department (GPD), Officer Carino arrived on a medical call and found the patient alert and sitting with his wife. Suddenly the patient's heart stopped beating, and he became unconscious. Officer Carino used his medical training, his police experience, and began CPR. A spokesperson for the GPD said that the police embrace their role as medical first responders in the chain of survival and

work cooperatively with the Greenwich Emergency Medical Services (GEMS). Two ambulance crews from GEMS were dispatched, arrived promptly, and provided Advanced Life Support for the patient; one crew was Paramedic Greg Saracino and EMT Kristina Hughes and the other Paramedic was Walter Hughes w it h EM T Sa ma nt ha Zez i ma. A f ter receiving a shock from an AED, the patient regained consciousness was transported to the Greenwich Hospital. The officer's

early intervention and the efforts of the GEMS personnel came together to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient. The patient continues to do well. So well, in fact, that he and his wife went to the Public Safety Complex to thank those involved in his successful recovery. Paramedic Walter Hughes and his daughter EMT Kristina Hughes were on this call together. We will have more on this story on-line at

Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel Column


Telemedicine is a Godsend

By Patricia Chadwick



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As the pro bono Chief Adm inistrative Of f icer of Anchor Health Initiative (AHI), the largest Connecticut health c a r e c o m p a ny s e r v i n g t h e primary and specialty needs of the LGBTQ community, I have witnessed f irsthand the beneficial impact of telemedicine (also referred to as telehealth) on the lives of our more than 1500 patients. In March of this year, when COV ID-19 led to mandator y stay-at-home orders in the State of Connecticut, we were able to implement, within a week, a telehealth protocol for all our patients. Ours was not a unique experience. From giant multinational enterprises to small entrepreneurial c omp a n ie s c over i ng a v a st array of industries across this country and around the world, the benefits of technology came to the fore, allowing hundreds of m illions of employees to work remotely, thus averting what surely could have been a ma ssive g loba l e conom ic depression. As one of those small (and n o t-fo r -p r o f i t) c o m p a n i e s , it was all hands on deck, as we taug ht our patients to engage electronically, making it possible for them to “visit” their providers on a regular and timely basis. One major benef it for our patients over these past f ive mont hs has b e en t hat t hey seldom have needed to cancel their appointments. Such last minute issues as a sick child at home, or inclement weather or even just the effort to make a long trip for someone who is elderly, frail or not feeling well, have been all but eliminated by the miracle of technology, as patients can now receive the medical care they need with reduced stress and w ithout risking their own health or the health of others. I’m sure that most of you h ave h ad s ome one i n you r family who has availed him/ herself of telemedicine in the recent past, and that you’ve been grateful for the saving of time, travel and hassle. My hu sb a nd a nd I h ave

also experienced firsthand the benefits of “visiting” the doctor via Zoom (or its equivalent) over these last few months. The scheduled appointments were always on time – no long waits in a waiting room – and once engaged with the doctor, it felt as though we were in the same room, without ever the sense of b ei ng r u she d. W hatever prescription orders were needed were sent directly to our pharmacy. O f c ou r s e , tele me d ic i ne cannot take the place of all health care visits – numerous procedures, annual physicals, an array of emergencies, and injections are primary examples

And secondly, the very fact that we are living amid a deadly pandemic guarantees that more people need medical attention. Telemedicine epitomizes the axiom – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is probably safe to say that come March 15 of next year, this country will still be battling COVID-19. Even if a vaccine is available, it will not be universally used. Will the State of Connecticut – and for that matter, will private health insurance companies – really put a n end to ut i l i z i ng t he technology that can be of major benefit in preventing the spread of the disease?

Let’s ensure that telemedicine becomes a permanent part of American health care. Telemedicine epitomizes the axiom – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” of t he ne e d for p at ie nt s to make in-person visits to their providers. But follow-ups for those kinds of visits can easily and proficiently be handled by a tele- visit. S o, it ’s d isconcer t i ng to discover that, during a special s e s sion of t he Con ne c t ic ut legislature three weeks ago, in codifying Governor Lamont’s executive order to allow telehealth visits for the State’s Medicaid patients, the State House of Representatives inserted an end date of March 15, 2021 for reimbursement for such visits. What could possibly have been their reason ing? When I investigated, it was explained to me that the costs wer e r u n n i ng way a b ove a budget that had been approved before anyone knew there was a COVID-19. T h e r e a r e t wo p r i m a r y r e a s o n s w hy t e l e m e d i c i n e might be more costly than what the State had budgeted. First, because a tele-v isit has the benefit of reducing cancellations and no-shows, which means that more patients are being cared for than anticipated. That should be cause for celebration – not dismay. Right? It’s a clear example of how technology is improving the healthcare and wellbeing of poor people (who a re the sole patients of the State’s health insurance plan).

I f t he motivation on t he part of the State is really to reduce costs, that can be done by negotiating a lower r ei m bu r s ement rate to t he providers. At least in that way, it’s the health care companies, like ours, that foots the bill, not the patients. Admittedly, it is impossible for a ny pr ivate hea lt h ca re facility in the State to survive solely on the income it receives for seeing its Medicaid patients, so such facilities need to balance the ratio of private and public pay patients. A s nu merous i ndust r ies embrace the technology that allows employees to improve time-management, productivity, and even the environment by work i ng remotely, it wou ld unconscionable if the health insurance industry – public and private – turned its back on its constituents, whose health and well-being they hold in their hands, all for the sake of money. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. Her recently published memoir, Little Sister, the stor y of her u n u s u a l c h i l d h o o d g r o wi n g up in a cult, is now available in paperback. She is currently working on her second book , about “g rowin g u p” on Wall Street. www.patriciachadwick. com

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Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel

You're doing creative things to stay safe. And we're doing world-class things to keep you safe. At Yale New Haven Health, we’ve instituted a comprehensive 10-step safety program in all of our facilities to ensure that everything is clean, safe, and ready to treat you at a moment’s notice. There's never been a better time to take advantage of our world-class medical expertise in the presence of new, world-class safety measures.

Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel


Davidde Strackbein’s Nonstop Search for Our Missing History By Anne W. Semmes It’s a story about buried treasure and lost plaques, and all good intentions to honor the 300th anniversary of the state of Connecticut by beautifying the borders of the prize-winning Merritt Highway. But the path grew cold to find the proof of that good intention, until a noted Town historian did some clever sleuthing to bring that proof to light. Davidde Strack bein has been watching over Greenwich history a near half century, most recently as (now retired) board chair of the Greenwich Historical Society (HSTG). She was duly honored by the Board of Selectmen for her historic shepherding of Greenwich through its 375th anniversary year in 2015. She has just walked the extra mile in her boots, literally, figuratively - and precariously, to point out to us there is a bronze plaque commemorating the 300th anniversary of Connecticut on a boulder abutting the Merritt Parkway at the Round Hill Road Bridge. The plaque reads: “1635 1935 To Commemorate The Tercentenary Of the State of Connecticut The Garden Clubs of the Township Of Greenwich Landscaped This Portion Of The Merritt Parkway.” Signatures include Greenwich Garden Club, Riverside Garden Club, Garden Clu b of Old Greenw ich, Greenw ich Tree Association, Hortulus Club, Junior League, North Mianus Club, Woman’s Club Gardeners, and Greenw ich Tercentenary Committee. Davidde now stands at a safe distance atop that Bridge overlooking the plaque, having ventured down a steep hill to point it out, close by a stream of fastmoving traffic. She tells of her excitement reading my recent article telling of fellow

sleuth Beverly Smith having discovered her Riverside Garden Club had once had a plaque by the Lake Avenue Bridge, now removed. “ W h e n I c a l l e d B e v e r l y,” s a i d Davidde, “Beverly said, ‘Why didn't I know about your plaque,’ and I said, ‘Why didn't I know about your plaque!’” It seems there may have been at least 17 commemorative plaques along the Parkway, according to that 2014 history of “The Merritt Parkway – The Road that Shaped a Region.” And there were commemorative trees planted, now long gone, like that 30-foot memorial elm tree planted near that Round Hill Road Bridge boulder and plaque. And beneath that elm tree was a “treasure box” placed there during the dedication of the plaque in 1937. (The Parkway opened the next year, 1938). It was f inding that key “with its beautiful blue ribbon” to that treasure box that first ignited Davidde’s curiosity. The year was 1986 when HTSG Archivist Davidde stumbled upon the key with a “Brief History of the Connecticut State Tercentenary Plaque and Time Capsules Buried in 1937.” During that dedication c e r e mony M r s . E dw i n Bi n ney, “a s honorary chairman of the Tercentenary Committee and president of the Historical Society of the Town of Greenwich, buried a box containing historical documents at the base of the elm tree.” That key came to mind a few years later in 2002 when Davidde as HSTG Associate Historian was meeting with Claire Vanderbilt, the Chair Emerita of HSTG Board of Trustees, and Susan Richardson, Preservation Coordinator, to consider ways the Historical Society could celebrate the 2020 founding of the Merritt Parkway Conservancy. Davidde

Greenwich Excellence in Dementia Care

shared her find of Mrs. Binney’s donation key and ribbon Davidde had preserved in a special acid-free box in the HSTG Archives. Claire Vanderbilt as a new board member of the Conservancy was captivated a nd sha red the lost key stor y w it h Con s e r v a nc y Fou nd i n g Chairman Peter Malkin. The hunt was soon on for someone with the “expertise and material…to search with a metal detector” for that metal treasure box. Fast forward to November 2003 when the metal detector makes his search. No metal treasure box found. No sign of elm tree. Time to bring on Greenwich’s Conser vation Commissioner Denise Savage au, a nd Tre e Wa rden Br uce Spaman to do their diligent wandering about, but not finding any evidence. In 2004, a Connecticut State archaeolog ist is contacted to aid in the search. The archaeologist gathers members of the Conservancy, the HSTG, the State Historical Preservation Office, and Department of Transportation – all equipped with accumulated research to scour the original site for “The Feature Elm.” An interesting gathering of people, but… Those Parkway participating garden clubs did their best to bring forth any relevant local history to aid in the search, which continued into 2005. The last unsuccessful effort brought in ground penetrating radar equipment in the spring of 2005. The CT State Archaeologist brought his colleagues from the Friends of the Office of State A rchaeolog y, to join the HSTG, the Con s e r v a nc y, a nd t he C T D ep t . of Transportation, to witness the work of scientists from the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture as they prodded both the south and north sides of the Parkway by the Round Hill Bridge. And so today in 2020, as Davidde and I stand on that Bridge with the cars sweeping out from under us she shakes her head with the mystery of where that metal box, with its historical documents could be. She then adds, tantalizingly, while looking across at the north side

Davidde Strackbein blazes a trail by the Round Hill Road bridge over the Merritt Parkway to point out a 1937 plaque commemorating the Connecticut State Tercentenary and landscaping by area garden clubs. Photo by Anne W. Semmes of the Parkway where a large expanse of grass abuts the entry ramp, “That’s where the Junior League – North Mianus Club buried their golden treasure box that has never been found.” She pauses, then says, “You know, Barbara Tuchman said, ‘Research is seductive,’ and it truly is.” Postscr ipt: The 2020 Connecticut Preservation Awards just announced include the Merritt Parkway Conservancy to receive the Harlan H. Griswold Award from Connecticut Preservation and the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office. “Since 2002, the Merritt Parkway Conservancy has actively championed

Connecticut’s histor ic parkway, as a private partner assisting the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT). Over the years , the Conservanc y has promoted Parkway histor y, provided supplemental landscape care, and consulted on numerous Parkway improvement projects. But its greatest accomplishment has been to balance the two seemingly incompatible roles of supporting CTDOT and when necessary c h a l l e n g i n g i t .” O n S e p t e m b e r 9 , Connecticut Preservation will hold its virtual awards ceremony. For information visit

Fazio/Kasser Spar Over Fake Twitter Anti-Defamation League Helped to Get Fake Account Removed By Anne White

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Ryan Fazio's campaign photo was used on a fake Twitter account which has been removed by Twitter but is still visable on his opponent's social media; a point of contention between Fazio and Alex Kasser.

Widely reported and debated while the Greenwich Sentinel was on our annual hiatus, here is a quick recap of the controversy surrounding the campaigns of Alex Kasser and Ryan Fazio. Early in August Ryan Fazio had a problem similar to the one Fred Camillo's campaign had to deal with last year, a very public identity theft.

Last year, misleading signs were posted all over town as if they had been put up by Fred Camillo's campaign. However, no such sig ns had been made by Camillo. Town Republicans blasted the spread of the signs in town just two weeks before the Election as manipulative and purposely misleading. Fazio had to deal with a fake Twitter account, which had been tweeting as if it were coming from a Fazio-backed PAC. The fake account posted several bizarre tweets, like this one: Ryan is smart, handsome and healthy. His teeth are fantastic before posting more damaging racist tweets. Fazio said the account, which had only 4 followers, was fake and that it was created specifically to damage his campaign. He and his campaign worked with Twitter to shut it down completely but it was a slow process. Slow enough that the fake account caught the attention of Fazio's opponent, current state Senator Alex Kasser whom he is challenging for the Senate seat, which represents Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan. Fazio denounced the fake Tweets as “hateful rhetoric” calling them “vile and insane messages that I would never subscribe to” and he worked with the Anti Defamation League and Twitter and had the impostor account closed and the fake Tweets removed. Kasser used the fake tweets in a fundraising appeal via email to followers

and posts on her Twitter and Instagram accounts writing, “Let there be no question about what this tweet means." It is "rhetoric used in Nazi Germany and the Rwandan Genocide." The A nti Defamation Leag ue (ADL) which worked to have the fake account shut down, has set up a division specifically to route out hate and rule violations in social media. Twitter’s rules state that users of the social media platform may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations in a man ner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others. Fazio's campaign has called for K a s s e r to s top i mp l y i n g t h at h i s supporters had anything to do with the fake Twitter account. K asser's post remains in place saying, "This is a tweet from an account identifying itself as a PAC supporting my opponent." In a campaign statement, Fazio said, he is disappointed that Kasser "used her position of power to amplify the voice of this malicious and obviously bogus account, with only four followers, in order to divide and deceive our community.” According to comments by Kasser, the point of her message was not about the origins of the tweets but the language of racism used by Trump and republicans.


By Richard Kaufman Updates on happenings around Town Hall from First Selectman Fred Camillo.

Camillo Forms Task Force to Examine Storm Response Following Tropical Storm Isaias, First Selectman Fred Camillo has organized a task force to look at how the town prepares and responds to weather events. Isaias left downed trees and widespread power outages up and down the east coast, but Camillo said Greenwich was prepared. However, there's always room for improvement. "Ou r tow n d id rea l ly wel l responding to the weather event, but we noticed a couple things we could do separate from the utility companies," Camillo said. "Even if there's a total epic fail on the part of the utility, we think we can put some things in place that will mitigate that." A n i ne p er s on , t wo -we ek task force, led by Emergency M a n a g e m e n t D i r e c t o r, D a n Warzoha, and others who have experience on similar issues, will undertake several actionable items that can be implemented as hurricane season rolls on. "I spoke to the Superintendent of Parks and Trees, and Tree Warden, Gregory Kramer, who agreed; we should be going around in the spring and inventorying every part of town that has trees that are near lines that need to be trimmed," Camillo said, mentioning perhaps that residents could call the town and let officials know where danger spots are. "It's no good hearing about it after the fact when the damage is done. We think we can mitigate a lot of the outages by doing that. Everybody seems to be on board," Camillo said. Camillo stressed that the town is "very much dedicated" to its beautiful landscape, and that the intention is to not take trees down completely. "We're not looking to take trees down, we're looking to just do trimming and get them out of the way wherever they're within reach of a wire or pole. If they're dead,


From Page 1 “raising readers,” having been “su r r ou nde d by b o ok s a nd poetry” all her life. But her bookstore couldn’t just be for children, she says, “because I want the whole family to read, because if the whole family doesn't read the children aren't going to be lifelong readers.” So, Diane’s family bookstore was born with that red wagon logo. Red was her mother’s favorite color. “The Chinese say it's the color of joy,” she tells, “which makes me very happy.” And certainly joyful is that little red wagon on display full of books for a newborn, a Diane specialty – this one targeted as a book title displays for a “San

Updates from Town Hall "Our town did really well responding to the weather event, but we noticed a couple things we could do separate from the utility companies," Camillo said. "Even if there's a total epic fail on the part of the utility, we think we can put some things in place that will mitigate that." diseased or dying, then we have to address that," said Camillo, who has been in conversations with JoAnn Messina, Executive Director of the Greenwich Tree Conservancy. "I think having an inventory of where these tree limbs are will certainly go a long way towards mitigating future damage caused by the storms that are going to be coming our way."

Mill Pond Beautification Camillo has long been a proponent of beautif ying and enhancing the Town of Greenwich, and using public/private partnerships to get projects done. With Mill Pond in Cos Cob, both can be accomplished. "When you go on the Post Road and you look over at Mill Pond, on the Post Road there's overgrowth there. We want to clear it out to give people a view of the pond again," Camillo said. "We may need to find out if we have to get an encroachment permit with the state. If that's the case, we will." The Junior League of Greenwich would partner with the town to clear overgrowth and low hanging branches that have blocked out the view. Camillo said there would be some strategic plantings, and benches for people to sit and enjoy the view. "The idea is to make a village green there -- a really enhanced village green that would be a destination for people," he said. Camillo has similar ideas for Glenville next to the fire house and civic center. "There's a little village green there but it needs some help and attention," he noted. Nothing has been finalized yet on the Mill Pond idea.

Selectmen Approve 15 Minute Parking Spots in Downtown

next step last week, as the Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to send the item to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Municipal Improvement approval. The project would completely replace the current 31,765 square foot two-story structure at 90 Harding Rd., in Old Greenwich. The new building, which would be one story and about 35,418 square feet, would be ADA compliant and energy efficient. It would feature a full-sized multi-use gymnasium with roll-out spectator seating; a 8,100 square foot multi-use event space; three 1,000 square foot activity rooms; and a storage room for gym and activity equipment. There would also be an expanded vending area with a lounge; updated restrooms with separate family restrooms; exterior restrooms to support field activities; administrative office areas; interior waiting areas; and lease space for the Old Greenwich Riverside Community Center. Work on t he su r rou nd i ng playing fields will not be included in the project, but playing fields would be usable during construction. The existing building was built in 1950 as an employee recreation center for Electrolux. The town later acquired the building and the 13.22 acre site in 1966. The town originally began to develop plans for a building rehabilitation in 2000, but in the years that followed, issues with the facility began to crop up which required immediate repairs. After exploring existing conditions of the concrete structure, New Eastern Greenwich Civic other problems were investigated such as space utilization, Center MI Request Moved to functionality and accessibility. Planning & Zoning The lack of thermal insulation and Plans for a new Eastern air conditioning throughout the Greenwich Civic Center took the

Board of Selectmen Approve Nuisance Ordinance Last week, the Greenwich Board of Selectmen approved a nuisance ordinance which addresses blighted properties. It will now go to the Representative Town Meeting in September for final approval. The previous ordinance was not followed closely, as most people usually just boarded up properties thinking that sufficed for securing a building. Blighted properties pose safety risks, and can not only negatively impact a neighborhood, but all residents in town, Camillo said. "Some people were filing for tax abatements, claiming that their properties weren't worth as much because of the blighted property. In some cases when that was granted, there was a hit to the revenue coming in and then it starts to affect everyone in town, not just those in that neighborhood," Camillo added. The idea to address the ord ina nce was spa rked a f ter a blighted property in Byram garnered attention last year. Under the ordinance, a nuisance would exist where there are trees, shrubs, or vegetation "which are hazardous or injurious to the public

that are ready for pickup. Some have b e en ordere d or ot hers recommended to customers who’ve signed onto to Diane’s “book of the month” suggestion. Another way she recommends books has come to a halt with the pandemic – book club visits to her door. “Every year or twice a year they come and sit after hours in the store. I just love doing it. I used to go to them but that was really silly because then I had to take a bunch of books. So now they just come and curl up in my store, we go to dinner afterwards, and we just talk about books.” “ T her e a r e ton s a nd ton s o f b o ok clu b s i n t h i s tow n ,” she tells. “I've got binders and binders of book clubs. If I can talk about books and put something "Everything on my shelves is there for a reason - Nobody buys the books but me," says Diane wonderful in their hands, that's Garrett of Diane's Books. Photo by Anne W. Semmes all they want. But I also talk about 18-year staffer, Theresa. is evident in the rows of red paper running a book club. It always Part of that customer service bags of books seen in her store revolves around a theme. I don't

"When we closed the store,” says Diane Garrett, “somebody said we should be called essential services because we were nurses for the soul.” Francisco Baby.” Included is that classic, “The Little Engine That Could.” “She loves the classics,” says Maria, who oversees the well-stocked children’s section. Having served Diane for 18 of those 30 years, Maria can attest that Diane “picks each book for the children’s section.” Diane distinguishes, "by giving the right books to the right kids.” To a town that Diane says has been “very gracious to her,” she has found ways to give back, not surprisingly by doing what she greatly values, reading children’s books out loud. “I will go out and talk and read in the classrooms,” she says, of t h ree element a r y schools, Julian Curtiss, Hamilton Avenue and New Lebanon. “I give them b o ok s a nd go a nd r e ad,” she says though Covid has brought a pause. “People ask me do I charge. I never charge. This is what I love to do.” Her Christmas tradition of the Angel Tree where customers donate books for needy children has been reinvented with Covid to similarly provide books for those in Kids in Crisis.

When the pedestrian mall was formed on Greenwich Avenue, the Board of Selectmen said they would be flexible and adapt to the needs of residents and business owners. After hearing from some merchants recently about their concerns over parking, the board approved 15 minute parking spots at the top of the Avenue and on Mason Street "Some merchants were a little concerned about the loss of parking. This is something that helps them," Camillo said. "There are a lot of people who like to run in and out [of businesses] and are not there for the long term." The pedestrian mall has been a big hit since it was implemented earlier this summer, according to Camillo. "People are talking about it. I see people coming to Greenwich and looking around. I encountered a couple a few weeks ago from Rye Brook, N.Y. They were clearly interested in not only having dinner, but the town and finding out more about it," added Camillo. "Those are all positive signs that there's more life coming into our downtown area. We want to keep it that way. We'd love to make it permanent." Camillo hopes to couple the new parking spots with a broader plan to expand parking to Town Hall, which would have a trolley service leaving for downtown every 30 minutes or so for people who don’t want to walk. A group which Camillo impaneled to look at ways on how to improve the downtown area is expected to reconvene next week to discuss ideas.

building, as well as a deteriorating subterranean plumbing system, have been problems for years. The town determined that a complete replacement made more sense. "This is decades in the making. We've discussed this for a long time," said Camillo. "We've had this building since the late 60's. Within 25 years it became outdated, as a lot of things started to go wrong with the building. It becomes a case where you're pouring money into a facility you're never going to get back. This really is the prudent thing to do, not only for quality of life for our residents to enjoy a facility like that, but also financially. It doesn't make sense to keep plugging holes in a building that's only going to get worse." Along with Planning & Zoning approval, the project will need to meet the regulations of the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency.

So, has she seen one type of book selling more than another in this Covid time? Not really. “People always ask me what's your best seller, Diane. I say what do you like to read? I think its whatever takes you away. It's race that's really running the show now. Whether people are reading t hese book s, or buy i ng t hem because they think they should, I don't know the answer to that.” Are there books she won’t sell? “I don't want to have anything on my shelf that I don't understand. But, if you want to buy something that I don't understand, I'll order it for you. I buy all the books. Everything on my shelf is there for a reason. That's how I run my store.” She also divvies out subject specialties amongst her staff of 10. “When somebody calls and they say they want x, then I'll get so and so, or so and so will call you. I am the only generalist. I cannot stand to go in a store where when I ask a question, nobody has the right answer.” “Customer ser v ice,” is the h a l l m a rk t h at d i s t i n g u i s h e s Diane’s bookstore says another


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health, safety and welfare; or would cause substantial depreciation in the value of real property in the neighborhood; or have been deter m i ned to be a nu isa nce pursuant to any other provision of this Municipal Code." It also def ines a nuisance as "building and construction mater ia ls, la ndscape a nd f i l l materials, demolition debris, motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts, fixed and rotary wing aircraft and parts, boats and boat parts, tires, appliances, furniture, metal, plastic, cardboard or glass containers, paper and rags which are: inoperable, abandoned, or discarded, and found in substantial quantities in or upon any premises, and visible from any third-party residential premises, or any public right of way or public park and hazardous or injurious to the public health, safety and welfare; or would cause substantial depreciation in the value of real property in the neighborhood." Language was added to the ordinance to include any fully or partially vacant building, structure, or dwelling which would not qualify for a certificate of occupancy, and deemed unsafe or unfit for human habitation as defined in state code. The full proposed ordinance can be found on the town website under the agenda for the Aug. 13 Board of Selectmen meeting. With the proposed ordinance, the nuisance would have to exist for six months before the town can take action. "We want to have something that is compassionate where it gives people a chance to fix [a blighted property], but not forever. We had some properties that were blighted for decades. That's not fair to anybody. This gives you a six month period to fix it," Camillo said. The Representative Tow n Meeting will have a first reading of the proposed ordinance in September, when they can take a vote. "We certainly would work with someone who's trying [to fix a property], we just don't want people to go on indefinitely like this because it holds people hostage," said Camillo. just throw books at them. I give them a structure. It gives them another dimension when they're talking about the books.” Putting the focus back on her own bookstore she is asked how she sees her bookstore surviving with those original seven having disappeared? “It is sad,” she says, “Especia l ly now t he world is never going to go back to where it was. Bookstores are very fragile right now because we operate on very small margins. You have to have a lot of inventory to make your store interesting. So, it’s that kind of game.” And what of that overheard b ook clu b bu z z of concer n i f s omet h i ng shou ld happ en to Diane's book store? “DI A N E'S BOOKS FOREVER AND FOREVER,” is her reply. “That is our store mantra. I forgot to tell you that! So that is the plan!”

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PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

Welcome Back The lazy, hazy days of summer are giving way to doctor’s appointments, school supply lists and the demands of resuming our fast-paced lives. All in the shadow of COVID. Gone for now are the hikes up distant mountains and the dramatic sunsets across Nantucket Sound. As one of our friends said, “I am missing that island rhythm.” We can empathize. One of our favorite authors is Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Suess. He wrote of the end of summer, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” It’s almost here. The unofficial end of summer is quickly approaching. Of course, summer does not really end until the Fall Equinox on September 22, but you can see signs that we are turning a corner all around town. Staples is packed at 8 p.m. at night as students pick up their school supplies. Schools are sending out their reopening plans. Parking is once again a challenge on Greenwich Avenue. William Shakespeare wrote, “Summer’s lease has all too short a date.” While we may agree in part, we are also looking forward, with anticipation, to what the fall holds. Whenever we go from one season to the next it is a natural starting point. Last spring, we wrote about our excitement for summer projects. We had big plans for this summer and largely accomplished them. Now we have big plans for the fall. And one of them is to encourage as many of you as possible to purchase a subscription to the Greenwich Sentinel. Since we began publishing five and a half years ago, we have received an overwhelmingly positive response to the paper. It has been incredible. When we are out in town, people stop us to talk

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow man. about the paper, compliment it, offer suggestions, thank us. If we hear anything negative it is that they are not receiving the paper. And it is not just us, our columnists and advertisers are receiving a tremendous response as well. Our advertisers see the benefit of being in the paper as their businesses are doing well and people are commenting on their ads. This makes us happy because it is their support and success that is helping us to succeed. Another way we succeed is when we encourage our readers to “Buy Local,” to do as much of their shopping as possible in town because by supporting our local economy we are supporting our neighbors and that is good for our community. A simple way that you can support the local economy today is to purchase a subscription to the Sentinel. This will ensure you receive the paper each week and do not miss any of the local coverage of our community. This also supports local businesses, our schools, houses of worship, seniors, sports teams, the hospital, youth, non-profits - just about every facet of town because it means more and more people will be reading about their activities. As fall approaches, we have several new initiatives we will be launching. We also want to hear from you about what is happening in your life. We want to celebrate your milestones with you. Have something on your mind? Send us a letter and let us know what it is. When we began the Sentinel, its mission was to be an honest record of the news of Greenwich and to do so in way that did not divide our community. We want to celebrate what is good and report on what needs to be known. We will not shy away from a story, but there is much that happens in our community that goes unreported. Author Herman Melville wrote: “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow man.” We want to be one of those fibers.


Editorial Page The Great Mars Hoax Redux

By Anne Burns A favorable opposition of Mars is coming, and once more the Great Mars Hoax is circulating on the Internet! We are being told, with the aid of some pretty Photoshop pictures (see below), that Mars will have its closest approach to Earth in 50,000 years on August 27, 2020 and will look as large and bright as the full Moon. This misunderstanding dates back to August of 2003, when Mars did in fact have an extremely favora ble opposition wh ich coincided with its closest approach to Earth. Here’s an excerpt from the original news story (from “The encounter will culminate on August 27 [2003] when Mars comes into within 34,649,589 miles for Earth and will appear (next to the Moon) the brightest object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear 25.11 arc-seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification Mars will look as large as the full Moon [does] to the naked eye.” According to Snopes, the crucial phrase I’ve italicized was dropped when the story was transcribed, leading the unwary reader to think that Mars would look as large as the full Moon to the naked eye. Of course, if it ever did we’d be in a whole lot of trouble, as it would be either on a collision course with Earth, or about to pass us so closely

that the gravitational force would probably rip both planets apart. S evera l of us were at t he Bowman Observatory the night of the 2003 opposition, and Mars was in fact very bright, and quite spectacular through the telescope. One interesting feature was that at midnight, the planet lost its usual reddish color and became bright white, like the full Moon. However, to the naked eye it still looked like a large dot. These stories (which seem to surface whenever Mars is having a favorable opposition) assume that Mars is always at opposition on August 27. For that to occur, Mars would either have to be stationary in its orbit – which doesn’t happen to any object in the Solar System, or anywhere else – or else match Earth’s orbit exactly, in which case it would be constantly at opposition! An opposition occurs when the Sun, Earth and one of the outer planets line up in a straight line. As seen from Earth, a planet at opposition acts like the full Moon; it rises at sunset, crosses the northsouth meridian at midnight, and sets at sunrise. Most outer planets ( Jupiter, Saturn, et al.) have an opposition every year, because they move so slowly in relation to the Earth. Jupiter, for instance, takes almost 12 Earth years to complete one orbit, so Earth passes it about every 13 months, like a race car on a circular track “lapping” a slowermoving car.

Mars, however, is closer and moves faster in relation to Earth; the Martian year is 687 Earth days long, or about 1.9 Earth years. So Mars only has an opposition about every 26 months. Most of the time Earth is slowly catching up with Mars, slowly passing it, or slowly leaving it behind. (This is why Mars lingers for months in either the morning or evening twilight.) Also, not all Mars oppositions are “favorable,” coinciding with Mars’ closest approach to Earth. If, for instance, Mars is at aphelion (its farthest distance from the Sun) when Earth passes it, it will be a lot farther away and thus small and dim. Favorable opposition happen only every 15-17 years, and are much anticipated by astronomers

hoping to study the red planet in more detail. In 2020, Mars will have its closest approach to Ear th on October 5, and its opposition on October 13. It will be very bright at magnitude -2.6 – but definitely NOT the size of the full Moon! The next favorable opposition will occur in 2035 – 15 years from now rather than 50 thousand. So, if you know anyone who’s over-excited about this, please set them straight - and encourage them to turn their telescopes or binoculars on Mars in October to see a beautiful sight – which will NOT look like this! Anne Burns is President of the Astronomical Society of Greenwich


Zero Confidence in Eversource

By Beth Boyer We lost power for seven days each with Sandy and Irene. With this storm we were powerless for 8 full days (another 30 minutes and we would have been going into our ninth day). We had crews come to : 1. Turn off power to lines, 2. Cut and clear the tree that fell across our road, 3. Paint lines and symbols on the road and trees, 4. Dig a hole for a new pole near a damaged pole,

5. Drop off a new pole, 6. Insert the pole, 7. String the wires and energize them. Seven different crews over 8 days, from all over New England. Only the line painter was from Eversource. Everyone else was from out of state. We spoke with people from every crew. Nice folks doing a hard job away from their homes. Each one told us the same thing. Eversource has fired many of their local crews, mostly to minimize

unionized workers, and instead just hires distant contractors when needed for these types of events. They explained they don’t know our area, or our switches or even our roads. They said Eversource was giving them repair tickets that were delayed, so they’d fix something, get a ticket the next day that the same place had their power out, return to see what was wrong, only to find out that it was fine, the ticket was delayed. So they were going to places that didn’t need them, wasting time.

It sounded like an absolute screw up all around, at every stage of repairs, exacerbated by “cost cutting” measures like not trimming trees. We’re glad to be restored, very grateful to the Greenwich Police who helped so much during the storm. But I have zero confidence in Eversource. Get ready for the next storm, because given the way Eversource operates, we can expect more frequent lengthy outages. I just need to get our generator serviced before the next storm!


Customers Should Demand Action

By Luise Lichtenberg Greeting town residents, Last week's tropical storm was not strong enough for the amount of damage that has occurred, in our town. The blame for all the power outages lays in the hands of the power company and all the owners of the phone poles. The power company is

responsible for tree trimming, it looks to me like no tree trimming has been done in town in years. As customers we pay for that, why is it on being done? In our bills we also pay for phone poles replacement, they should be replaced every 50 years. Many of the poles in town are well over that age. And why are none of the old telecommunications

equipment removed from the poles? They add weight, not a good thing during wind events, besides being an eye sore. I've been through a massive, destructive storm in another state and it took ten years for all the work from that one storm to be completed. Eversource is doing repairs just to get the power on, but not the maintenance and

replacement to keep the power on. Brace yourselves we will be suffering with outages for many years to come. I strongly urge you to reach out to our town Selectmen and our state legislators and demand answers and actions. We are completely reliant on power, we can't afford to be without.


By Henry Orphys

Concern About Kasser Votes

When Senator Alex Kasser ran for office two years ago I had high hopes she would prove to be a different kind of Democrat who would work outside of Hartford’s two-party system to represent the interests of her constituents irrespective of political affiliation. Sadly, her recent vote on the Act Concerning Police Accountability has shown that my faith in her was misplaced.

As many other contributors to our local newspapers have pointed out, this Act, while containing some appropr iate cha nges to the way our state’s police forces operate, also creates significant personal exposure for our police officers and makes it extremely difficult for them to perform their duties of protecting and serving their communities. When Senator Kasser spoke in favor of this bill on the Senate f loor she said the

bill does not penalize good police officers, but that is not accurate. This bill will penalize good police officers by making them susceptible to frivolous lawsuits they will have to pay to defend, a cost that will doubtless be passed on to the taxpayers and their communities and which will cause great stress and anxiety for those good officers who are innocent of wrongdoing. For this reason I have decided to support her opponent, Ryan Fazio,

in the upcoming election for State Senator representing District 36. Ryan’s common-sense approach to issues such as police accountability and his understanding of the steps required to improve Connecticut’s economy convince me that his votes will be more closely aligned with the views of the people of our district than Senator Kasser’s have been. I hope others will join me in supporting Ryan Fazio for State Senator representing District 36.


All Webcasting at GPS is Unacceptable

By Frances Wu Nobay I am representing my family of three Greenwich Public School students grades 3, 5 and 7 and the 196 families of the Greenwich, CT Remote School Facebook group. We, Greenwich Public School families across K - 12, have opted in to the remote school learning option and have joined forces for conversation, communication and collaboration. Ou r g roup l istened to t he August 10 Board of Education Special Meeting and are extremely concerned about Grade 6 - 12 Remote School Learning bombshell revealed. In prior communications, the Gr 6 - 12 remote school learning option was presented: - as a school within a school with remote teachers teaching remote students - in a few cases where a remote teacher with the appropriate experience could not be found, e.g. high school astronomy, the class would be webcast - 50/50 synchronous versus asynchronous learning

- Zoom fatigue/virtual engagement were to be managed - an opportunity to incubate, innovate distance learning techniques prior to the probability of district-wide distance learning On Aug 10, this is what we heard: - school within a school with remote teachers teaching remote students is for K - 5 only - all Grades 6 - 12 classes would be webcast, except for Wednesdays at the high school - the live teacher's first priority is the live students; secondarily, if the live teacher has time during independent work, the teacher will check the chat for questions from remote students - live and remote students will be graded the same way, even though remote students have no opportunity (except for Wednesday at the high school) for live engagement - aside from PE, passing time and some portion of lunch, remote students are required to be online the entire day - a replication/copy of in-person school Webcasting Gr 6 - 12 in-person

classes is inequitable, academically risky, socio-emotionally dangerous and operationally impossible for the teachers. GPS must provide remote students an equal opportunit y to engage, participate, learn and interact with the teacher and their fellow students. And, due to Zoom fatigue and the downsides of twodimensional screens, the teacher may need to use polling, breakout groups and other interactive strategies for true equity. Have you ever dialed in to a meeting where all the other participants are in person? It's an abysmal failure with the remote participants shut out, checked out or put out. A highly skilled facilitator can manage the in-person/virtual dynamic. One way would be for a second in-person resource to be assigned as the voice for the remote participants. Another way is all students, in-person and virtual, to be on-camera and the teacher runs the class as if everyone is virtual. And, lastly, the teacher has two screens - one casting and one as a

remote participant. The point is: GPS, you must do better for our Gr 6 - 12 remote students. In the 21st century, virtual interaction is the norm. Our teachers and students must upskill to this new reality. 1. W h e n a n d w h y d i d G P S decide to change the Grade 6 - 12 remote school learning approach from incidental webcasting to all webcasting? 2. Where/how has it been shown that webcasting an in-person class provides the best learning experience for remote students? 3. What resources are needed to return to the original school within a school approach for the majority for Gr 6 - 12? 4. W h a t t r a i n i n g a r e G r 6 12 teachers being provided to effectively lead virtual classes as well as combo virtual/in-person classes? 5. W h at K PI s a r e i n plac e to measure whether remote students are engaged and learning?


By Jennifer Dayton How can sy mbolic images define rather than divide us, in what we purchase, perform, produce, memorialize and promote? Symbols throughout thousands of years of human expression carried power. This power let others see the world through a certain viewpoint, from the earliest paintings in prehistoric times, to images in today’s digital media. Symbols evoke origin stories, accomplishments, beliefs and portraits of a purposeful life. They underpin the arts, history, literature, science and civics. In a rising wave, sy mbols that tell a story about people, are

in question when judged to no longer communicate a universal meaning. Food packaging is under redesign. Civic, sculptural pedestals are empty. Historical societies are relocating monuments. Sports teams are chang ing mascots. Universities are rebranding. Military bases are rededicating facilities. Public opinion is shifting to embrace a wider range of experiences that old symbols did not acknowledge. As a gateway to New England w it h a cha ng i ng p opu lat ion , Greenw ich needs no name recognition. Yet, beyond real estate, we have yet to persuade the world we can become an economic engine and fulf ill a range of life goals.


We have to create a trusted civic brand that crystallizes the town’s future aspirations for economic development, combined with a spirit of connectedness, as idealized by a small town. The housing market is up, now we need home-grown commerce and employment. In Greenwich, we celebrate self-reliance and our best known and enduring symbol is of Israel Putnam’s horseback ride to secure the defense of Greenwich against colonial rule. Our community’s boards and commissions and Representative Town Meeting, have at times discouraged state and federal intervention, given our home rule status embedded in the

town charter. Our town government symbol speaks to autonomy and it should be preserved. Greenwich today can benefit from a new and concurrent brand symbol to market business startup opportunities. It should speak to a work experience in Greenwich that highlights the interchange of ideas, people and capital. Yet, with the inf lux of new residents from New York, we do not wish to become a bedroom community with a hollowed out civic culture. When residents personally invest and work in Greenwich, there is elasticity and diversification in economic development for future generations. Between January

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2019 and June 2020, Stamford has enjoyed six business start-ups or business expansions. Westport has pulled off seven. Greenwich shows zero, according to the Office of Research, CT Department of Labor. How do we sy mbolize the immersive experience of starting a venture in Greenwich today? Commonly visited websites in town communicate that we are a green community. It’s time to look outward and define for the world, how we appear on the outside looking in. For example, Denmark’s city of Copenhagen has a logo of its name with the image of a green button superimposed over certain letters to contain and highlight

“op e n .” Si nc e m a ke r s of t he monopoly game have been able to create a unique Greenwich edition, let’s move forward and pass GO on the economic development front. Rediscovering our brand as a town is important and imaginative work right now. We live in a highly visual era and we should fully embrace that in digital media. Let us as a town, convey a business value proposition of purpose and growth through interlinkages, welcom ing the in f lu x of new residents and businesses. Jennifer works to promote civic engagement at the local, regional and statewide levels. She has served on the RTM and the Board of Education.

Prelude to a (Constitutional) Crisis?


By Dan FitzPatrick By now even the most casual observer of our national political scene will have noted that the bulk of our mainstream media has abandoned any pretense of objectivity and enlisted in fullthroated support of one political party and viewpoint over the other, with the focus almost exclusively on criticizing certain individuals personally rather than their policies, programs or priorities. I have written previously about the Fourth Estate’s historic function as the principal information source for an informed electorate, and its attendant duty to verify the accuracy of that information before its publication. That privileged position is why the media in this country enjoy the historically unprecedented First Amendment freedom of the press. I believe that the privilege is predicated on the duty, and that by abandoning any pretense at objectivity in favor of advancing a partisan narrative, the media undermines its credibility and jeopardizes its position, particularly now that it no longer enjoys a monopolistic control of the means of disseminating information to the public. But a full exploration of the long-term fate of the media is beyond the scope of this short article and will

be left to another day. Statistics support my claim of bias: a recent Media Research Center study concludes that evening newscast coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC during the two-month period from June 1 through July 31 was 150 times more negative on President Trump than Vice President Biden. Notwithstanding the magnitude of this disparity, the most surprising thing about it is that no one is actually surprised by it. To be fair, the president seems to have an almost self-destructive penchant for saying things or picking fights that even his most ardent supporters find objectionable (some say he does so in part intentionally to trigger media reaction), but that does not in and of itself explain the extent to which the bulk of his national media coverage has been so negative. At this point I believe most of us have simply come to expect (though not accept) that this will be the “new normal” of media coverage, at least through this election and perhaps thereafter. Now for my main point. I believe that we are being set up for what could be an unprecedented constitutional crisis with longstanding negative consequences for our country and perhaps the world. That crisis would be based on an argument that the November 3 election was improper, unfair,

invalid, fraudulent, manipulated (you pick the modifier) and the result illegitimate, casting into question a fundamental and foundational aspect of our democracy – the peaceful transfer of power at the highest levels of our government. This would be a disaster for our country and a field day for our enemies, who would be quick to exploit our disarray to advance their strategic goals. One has only to think of the likely reaction in Beijing, Moscow and Teheran to imagine what the world could become with the United States preoccupied with internecine political warfare. What is happening now that could bring us to that point? First, I believe that there is a concerted ef fort to create conditions conducive to voter fraud. I have long had difficulty understanding the objections to verifying the identity of individuals (i.e. citizens) entitled to vote. Nevertheless, many jurisdictions have few if any limitations on voting, and there are documented instances of individuals voting in more than one jurisdiction (see, e.g., https://www.heritage. org/voterfraud/search?state=NH), and votes cast by deceased persons (resurrection come early?). But these problems have been with us for years (how in the world we have not yet acted to address them is

beyond me). What is new? In my opinion the current coronavirus pandemic is being used to generate concern about in-person voting in support of a push to use general mail-in voting. This would be a different process than that used for absentee balloting in that absentee ballots are provided to registered voters upon request whereas the general mail-in ballots would have no such control and would be provided to just about anyone and everyone regardless of voter eligibility. In addition, some current proposals provide for “vote bundlers” who collect ballots and deliver them to the post office. This practice can lead to what Robert Reynolds termed “vote tripling” in a 2018 Harvard Kennedy School Review article – see https://ksr.hkspublications. org/2018/01/08/vote-bundling-andvote-tripling-innovative-gotv-tactics/. Some proposals also contemplate the use of pre-paid envelopes. What is wrong with that? Prepaid envelopes do not get stamp-cancelled so there is no indication of the timeliness of their posting. It is not difficult to see how this procedure could facilitate voter fraud on a massive scale. A further complication is the question whether the US Postal Service could effectively handle the processing burden; estimates of the amount of mail lost by the post office every year

vary from 3-5 percent -- even when fully funded. In addition to the potential for voter fraud generally, I believe the push towards general mail-in voting is meant to provide an “insurance policy” in the event of President Trump’s possible reelection. The argument would go as follows: unless Trump wins by an undeniably large margin, opponents will claim that shortcomings in the process – pointing at the post off ice as the principal scapegoat – render the result questionable or even illegitimate, necessitating a do-over and/or highly partisan investigations. Even if the election stands (perhaps as the result of another Supreme Cour t inter vention), Tr ump’s victory would be tainted and the election process would become yet another subject to inspire a second impeachment attempt, the end result of which would be a weakened presidency and emboldened enemies. The second development that I believe is wholly toxic to our constitutional form of government is the suggestion (which for a while has been a major part of the media narrative) that, should he lose the election President Trump would not peacefully leave the White House and would have to be removed physically by means of the armed forces. I believe that concept to be

wholly without basis and part of the effort to create false issues for partisan purposes. This is the stuff of third-world dictatorships and I do not believe that even in the current climate of extreme partisan rhetoric that anyone truly believes it to be a possibility. One has only to look to the national election of 1960, where in the face of real concerns about voter fraud in Chicago that cost him the election (https://www.dnainfo. com/chicago/20161019/downtown/ vote-rigged-elections-history-fraudstolen-trump/), Richard Nixon conceded to John F. Kennedy in order to spare the country the spectacle of a contest. I believe that, whatever you may say about him, Donald Trump is at heart a patriot and would not in that instance put himself above the country. We are in for a very wild ride over the next two months or so. I sincerely hope that we can avoid a result which leaves us weakened as a country and as a society, and vulnerable to the predations of individuals and nations who wish us ill. My hope is that enough thoughtful people take a hard look at what is happening in and to our country and take personal action to help address our collective challenges. It takes a village to save a nation. Perhaps that is the true meaning of “E Pluribus Unum.”


CT Needs Less Energy Bureaucracy, More Innovation

By Kimberly Fiorello Eversource is a governmentsanctioned monopoly that operates with no market competition and plenty of governmental oversight. Perhaps that is all we need to know about why we, the consumers, are so unhappy with it. What explains Eversource’s sharp rate increases in July? The company tried to blame high power usage during a COVID-summer. But the rate hike has more to do with a 2018 bill “An Act Concerning Connecticut’s Energy Future” that had government picking winners and losers. W hat a b out Ever s ou r ce’s excessive pay packages to its exe c ut ive s t hat ’s got f i ngers wagging? In 2019, it’s CEO was paid a total package worth $19.8 m i l lion; the COO, $5.4 m; the general counsel, $5.5m; and the executive vice president of strategy, customer, and corporate relations, $5.7m. Again, reg ulators and legislators approved the guaranteed profit levels that allowed for such compensation, why act suddenly offended now? W hat a b out Ever s ou r ce’s miserable performance storm after storm with dismal customer OpEd

service? Isn’t it also the job of the Governor and the hundreds of energ y and env ironmental experts and political appointees at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, DEEP, and at the Public Utility Regulatory Agency, PURA, who all work for the public, to anticipate energy system weaknesses and ensure pre-storm emergency preparedness? Plenty of blame to go around. Indeed, true righteous indignation belongs to the ratep ayer s a nd t a x p ayer s of Connecticut. Coming across loud and clear is the ground swell of fury from regular Nutmeggers asking, why must we, hard-working, taxpaying, law-abiding citizens of Connecticut, have to suffer so much incompetence from those in power? Perhaps, we, too, need to look in the mirror. Many of us have been voting these folks into office year af ter year. A nd those in power have been busy legislating a nd m a nd at i n g t hei r w ay to forcing Connecticut residents and businesses to pay some of the highest electricity rates in the country. In addition to the 2018 bill cited above, other new energy laws include:

• In 2017, “An Act Concerning producers, leading to higher prices Zero Carbon Solicitation and paid by ratepayers. We took a lean 5-person energy Procurement.” planning department under the • I n 2 01 5, t wo bi l ls, “A n Ac t Office of Policy and Management Concerning the Encouragement in 2010 and supersized it into a of Local Economic Development booming new bureaucracy at DEEP a nd Ac c e s s to R e side nt i a l with current headcount of more Renewable Energy” and “An than 700 state employees. Act Concerning Affordable and With so many more heads Reliable Energy.” thinking about our state’s energy • In 2013, “An Act Concerning and environmental needs, you’d Connecticut’s Clean Energ y think problems are getting solved. Goals.” But you’d be wrong. A looming • In 2011, “An Act Concerning the crisis ahead is the closure of Establishment of the Department Connecticut’s largest trash-toof Energy and Environmental energy plant, which manages half of Protection, DEEP, and Planning our state’s trash and is desperately for Connecticut’s Energy Future.” in need of renovations. Instead of producing energy from our waste There are good ideas mixed with advanced emissions systems, in with poor ones, but what is soon we will be putting our garbage the net result of all these new on trucks and rail cars to send to laws? landfills in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Bot tom line, energ y is not Sound green to you? affordable, nor reliable, especially We don’t need higher taxes h i t t i n g h a r d t h e v u l n e r a b l e or new fees to pay for renovating among us. this plant, we need to ask what C o n n e c t i c u t n o l o n g e r happened to all the money we par ticipates in the wholesale already send to Hartford? Among market for power in the same the many line items driving up your way it once did as part of the six- electric bill, one of them is for a state regional grid under ISO-New governmental green bank to invest England. Our state is going it alone in green ideas. more, contracting directly with T h e r e a r e p r i v at e s e c to r government-favored green energy

Women’s Lib

(or the 19th Amendment celebration) By Nancy B. Burke On Aug ust 26, 2020, the descendants of Elizabeth Cady S t a nto n , S u s a n B . A nt h o ny, a n d S o j o u r n e r Tr u t h w i l l u nvei l Mere d it h B erg ma n n’s statue portraying these three famous suf fragists in Central Park to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the 19th A mendment - the right for A merican women of any race or color to vote. Coline Jenkins, Greenwich resident and greatgreat granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, has played a leading role in this event. Fifty years years after the 19th Amendment passed, the women’s r ig hts movement had ga i ned moment u m a nd w a s du bb e d “Women's Lib,” but not until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 did women gain the right to apply for their own credit cards. Even today, women struggle to achieve parity with their male counterparts at work. Although

century were for women to get work for working mothers, and married and start a family after (or during the COVID-19 quarantines this year, childcare has placed an before) graduation. extra burden on young working CAREER: To d a y ‘s w o m e n a r e a b l e mothers - making it even more to apply for jobs in what were necessary for men and women to once predominately male fields, share parenting and household UPBRINGING: What we teach our children has such as law, medicine, business, t ask s wh i le rely i ng on ex t ra a lasting impact. We can teach our politics, technology, engineering, help f r om g ra ndp a r ent s a nd sons and daughters how to excel the ministry, etc. In the 1970s caretakers. academically, compete in athletics, Citibank and other institutions PERSONAL AMBITION: Today's women are advised to handle finances, hold a good job, began to offer training programs for c ol le ge - e duc ate d wome n explore careers that are fulfilling co-parent, cook, clean, etc. who wanted to enter their ranks. and profitable for them as they EDUCATION: Today’s women of the 21st Gradually there became less of a lead healthy lives in peaceful century in the United States can stigma for men or women to work coexistence with men. As we witness the ceremony apply to schools and colleges together as peers and to change fo r t h e i n s t a l l at i o n o f t h r e e jobs or careers. which once only admitted men. As suffragists in Central Park this recent as fifty years ago this was MARRIAGE: August, we will be reminded of Today’s women tend to marry usually not the case. Women were not admitted to the Ivy League men who share job and family how far women in this country colleges and instead attended responsibilities. The marriage have come and how far we still s i n g l e s e x c o l l e g e s o r c o e d vows “to love and to cherish” have to go. As Elizabeth Cady Stanton universities. Until the latter part of have replaced men asking women said: “We hold these truths to the 20th century, it was unusual “to love and obey.” Today it’s as be self-evident: that all men and for fema le col le ge g raduate s important for a female to have a women are created equal.”. to b e come law yer s , do c tor s , job and access to a credit card as Na n c y B u rk e is a member or busi ness women. Societa l it is for a man. Trying to hold a Greenwich Pen Women expectations in the early 20th job while raising children is hard women have made signif icant progress towards equality, there continue to be deeper issues relati ng to one’s upbr i ng i ng, education, career, marriage, and personal ambition.

innovators interested in opening waste-to-energ y or recycling businesses in Connecticut. But this is a capital-intensive industry and they can’t flourish here, where they face over-regulation and uncertain reg ulations. It took Quantum Biopower, Connecticut’s f irst anaerobic digestion plant, 3 years to get permits from DEEP, incurring $2m in carrying costs. Our green bank gave Quantum a $2m lowinterest loan. Isn’t faster permitting a better solution? Meanwhile, previous poststorm studies advised rigorous tree trimming to allow for prompt repairs and avoidance of massive power outages. What do you think a post-Isaias study will advise? An answer we can see with our own eyes. Eversource needs to regularly trim our rapid growth trees on main, as well as secondary roads. The idea of burying our electric

power cables underground comes up again. The cost that’s tossed around is $1million per mile. Stamford has about 313 miles of roads and Greenwich 265 miles. Just two towns will cost over half a billion dollars. There are 169 towns in Connecticut. Prioritizing our many needs, do we want to endure years of construction work and spend or borrow billions of dollars to bury power lines? When thinking of government in Connecticut, two wise maxims come to mind. Keep it simple. Less is more. Connecticut ratepayers and taxpayers need less energy bureaucracy and more free marketbased solutions that incentivize innovations and drive costs down. Kimberly Fiorello is a candidate for State Representative for District 149, Greenwich and Stamford



Officer Recognized

Officer Ryan Carino of the Greenwich Police Department was recognized on their facebook page after he used his emergency medical training to help save a patient's life for the second time in two months. He arrived on the scene to see the patient’s heart stop beating and performed CPR. GEMS arrived and were able to use an AED to shock the patient who regained consciousness and was then taken to Greenwich Hospital.

Officer of the Month Detective James Manning of the Greenwich Police Department was named Of f icer of the Mont h. I n S eptem b er of last ye a r D ete c t ive Manning coordinated an investigation after an elderly Greenwich resident had fallen victim to a “sweetheart” scam. In June, the United States Secret Service arrested a suspect in the scam and Detective Manning was able to recover the lost money.

Officer Presented with MPO At the end of July, Police Chief Heavey presented Officer Alan Pesce with his Master Patrol Officer ( M P O) b ad ge a f te r c omple t i n g a si x mont h probationary period. “MPO's are the leaders and mentors of their fellow police officers. They have been specially trained to handle every situation and act as field specialist during critical incidents. To reach this level officers must have demonstrated both a high degree of competency and have earned the trust of supervisors and colleagues.”

New Deputy Police Chief On Thursday August 13, the Greenwich Police Department named Captain Robert Berry as a second deputy chief, the other being Deputy Police Chief Mark Marino. Captain Berry currently leads the department’s Detective Division and there will be a formal promotion ceremony in the future.


Glenville Volunteer Fire Company Scholarships The Glenville Volunteer Fire Company honored some of their student volunteers with scholarships to help them with college. All of the students who received scholarships are members of the Glenville Fire Explorers units and are children of members of the volunteer fire company. A ceremony was held on July 26 for the scholarship checks to be presented to the recipients - Thomas Arrinda, CJ Furano, Camilla Kornberg, Michael Hoha, Natalie Medico, DJ Furano, Nicholas Blanco and Claire Napolitano.

GFD Gets New Recruits At the beginning of this month First Selectman Fred Camillo swore in three new recruits to the Greenwich Fire Department in an online ceremony. The three new recruits are Anthony Ryan, Roger Clapp, and John Valentini and they will receive 15 weeks of training at the academy.


Innis Arden Golf Club Changes Innis Arden Golf Club is planning to get rid of it’s existing clubhouse and build a new 48,000 square foot one in its place. They are also talking about adding a new paddle court facility and warming hut as well as reconfiguring their parking lot and some of the holes. They have submitted a plan to P&Z to get the approvals needed.

Binney Park Scenic Loop


role of Assistant Headmaster. In this role, Mr. Byrne will be responsible for the social, emotional and academic needs of Folsom House students, oversight Enforcing COVID Protocols The Board of Selectman had a special meeting of Folsom House staff, curriculum and instructional on August 5 to discuss the large amount of reports practices for the Mathematics Program and more. of parties and large gatherings. Town attorney Vin Klara Monaco New Glenville Marino recommended pursuing the local ordinance School Principal process due to the likelihood that the current pandemic could go on for years and that the state of Ms. K lara Monaco has been appointed the emergency declared by the Governor will expire on Principal of Glenville School, effective August 5, 2020. September 10. It will be discussed further and there Most recently, Ms. Monaco held the role of Assistant may be a Zoom meeting to answer questions. Principal at New Lebanon School and will replace Mr. Marc D’Amico who recently accepted the role Town Nuisance Ordinance of Director of Curriculum for K-8 and Head of K-5 At the August 13 Board of Selectmen meeting, Leadership for the GPS District. the updated town Nuisance ordinance was read Marc D'Amico New Director of for a second time and voted on. It was approved unanimously and will be read on September 21 by the K-8 Curriculum RTM to eventually get voted on. The changes had to Mr. Marc D’Amico has been appointed as the do with expanding the ordinance to include more of Director of Curriculum for K-8 and Head of K-5 the blighted properties that were existing outside of Leadership for the GPS District, effective July 1, 2020. the old version. In this new role, he will lead the elementary principal team and be responsible for K-8 Curriculum, OTHER TOWN NEWS Instruction and Assessment; fostering innovative practices which represent a 21st century mindset to providing equity and access across all schools in Dump Extended Hours The dump, Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility, making learning personal; building and managing will be open for extended hours, 7:00am - 2:00pm, on a fiscally responsible budget focused on innovative Saturday August 22nd to continue helping residents teaching practices; providing oversight, coordination, consistenc y, a nd col la b orat ion w it h t he K-8 who are cleaning up due to Tropical Storm Isaias. curriculum; and creating effective parent, teacher, and child communications and curriculum content, Public Hearing to Discuss among other responsibilities.

Eversource Rate

On Monday August 24 at 10:00am, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) will host a public hearing on Zoom in response to their approval of Eversource’s request to increase their delivery rates. You can contact PUR A at pura., register for the meeting at ht t ps: //c tde ep.z o om .u s/me et i ng /r e g ister/ tJYqcO2urTosGtGf4iMYOF9fUA1xdzNgkD_6, and it will be streamed on Connecticut Network.

GPS is planning on a full return for PK-8. GHS (only the high school) is preparing for a hybrid approach given the size of the building and the complexities of cohorting with a high school schedule. The District is preparing to pivot if needed from face-to-face instruction and/or hybrid to full remote learning, should there be a spike in cases in our region. Options include: a full return to school, a hybrid Town Textile Recycling approach to learning or a fully remote learning model The Town of Greenwich and the Greenwich depending on the number of cases per 100,000 Recycling Advisory Board (GRAB) has announced a people. new textile recycling program as part of the town’s CIAC Pausing Sports commitment to sustainability and waste reduction. Textiles are now one of the many items in an ever The Board of the Connecticut Interscholastic growing list that can be recycled in town. Bins are Athletic Conference (CIAC), the governing body for available around town to collect all dry and odorless our high school’s athletics program, has announced textiles - clothing, shoes, accessories, towels and that they are “pausing all in-person interscholastic fall bedding. Stuffed animals, rugs and pillows are not sport activity, including conditioning programs which accepted. A list of the locations of the bins can be are underway, until Monday, August 24.” CIAC will found at / be meeting with the Department of Health next week reuse-1. to discuss its recommendations for interscholastic athletics, as CIAC was recommending a full return to Paper Shredding Event sports, while the Connecticut Department of Health On October 10, shredding trucks sponsored was not. by the First Bank of Greenwich and Santaguida Sanitation will be at Island Beach parking lot from OTHER NEWS 9:30am - 11:45am. It is $2 for every box of paper and the maximum is five boxes per car, exact change is Greenwich Republicans Show needed.


Greenwich Team Wins Junior Baseball Title The Greenwich Cannons, an 17-under baseball team part of the Junior American Legion, won the Fairf ield County Baseball Junior Division Championship following a 21 game winning streak. Their last game was against Fairfield with a 12-6 win at Greenwich High School.

Cal Ripken All Stars Baseball Team State Champions

At the P&Z meeting on June 30, they continued discussion on an application to designate a loop The Greenwich Cal Ripken All-Stars, a baseball around the north end of Binney Park as a scenic road. team for 11 year olds, won the state championship There was some concern with the wording of the after beating New Canaan with a 9-4 win at the town charter as to if it would be possible to approve Connecticut Tournament. so the application was left open until the presentation could be reviewed more closely and the wording of GHS Football Player the town charter was taken into account.

Residential Baseball Field

Commits to Princeton

A.J. Barber, a rising senior and wide receiver for Greenwich High School’s football team, has announced that he has committed to the admission process at Princeton University. Barber is the son of Tiki Barber, a former member of the New York Giants.

A private baseball field being used by a resident’s son’s Cal Ripken team has been cited twice for zoning violations and the owner has reached out to P&Z to get it approved. It had been denied at two public hearings after neighbors expressed objects due to Swimmers Fight Cancer noise and traffic. P&Z approved the field with many Earlier this month a team of 50 swimmers and conditions regarding when and what it can be used for, parking, the type of equipment used, and limiting 15 volunteers, known as Team Julian, raised $45,000 to fight cancer by swimming across the sound. They of fertilizer and pesticides. did this in honor of Julian Fraser, a 2014 graduate West Elm St. Outdoor Dining of Greenwich High School and an All-American During the August 13th Board of Selectmen swimmer and water polo player, who passed away in meeting, attorneys representing three restaurants 2017 from osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. on West Elm Street discussed expanding their sidewalk outdoor dining to the street, where there SCHOOL NEWS are currently parking spots, in the same manner as the restaurants on the avenue. The reasoning is Special Education Parents on due to the sidewalk not having enough space to be conducive to social distancing. The response from School Reopening Plan First Selectman Camillo was positive, suggesting Special Education parents of Greenwich Public patrons could use parking at town hall. It was Schools are concerned with whether their children’s approved unanimously and will need to by P&Z next. needs have been fully taken into account with the reopening plan that has been posted. The parents Proposed Building on East fear that the plan will only make inequities for their Putnam Avenue, Cos Cob children worse. GPS Director of Pupil Personnel P&Z has received an improved proposal and Services Mary Forde reassures that there doesn't design for a new building at 100 East Putnam Avenue, have to be any disruption in the learning plans of the the center of Cos Cob’s business district. The building special education students but parents are saying will include more shops and 22 apartments. More that the plan does exactly that. You can find the work will need to be done before it is considered for plan and meeting minutes regarding the return to school at information/return-to-school-planning-team-2020.

Updating a Greenwich Estate

P&Z has gotten a proposal for creating a center of learning out of a 75 acre backcountry estate on Old Mill Road that contains a mansion once owned by actor Mel Gibson. The plan is still in it’s pre application stage and calls for keeping the existing buildings and adding a conference center as well as restoring horse trails and the mill. The center would be used to host workshops, lectures, and gatherings. It will continue to be discussed but the response has been positive.


Andrew Byrne is New GHS Folsom House Administrator Greenwich High School Headmaster Mr. Ralph Mayo has appointed Mr. Andrew Byrne as Folsom House Administrator and Mathematics Program Coordinator at Greenwich High School, effective August 17, 2020. Most recently, Mr. Byrne held the role of Director of Human Resources at the United Nations International School in New York City and will be returning to Greenwich Public Schools to replace Ms. Dana Tulotta who recently accepted the

Gratitude for First Responders & Essential Workers

O n We d ne s day, Aug u st 2 6t h , Gr e enw ich Republicans will be showing our support and giving our thanks to our fantastic public servants who keep us safe and make Greenwich such a wonderful place to live. I n a pr e s s r ele a s e t he Repu bl ic a n Tow n Committee (RTC) wrote, "Our law enforcement, safety and security personnel make us all proud with their dedication to duty, and deliver best in class services to our community. They hold themselves to the highest standard, and continue to be the benchmark for all peer towns. Each day we witness these fine men and women going about their jobs with dignity and respect for the townspeople they serve. Dan Quigley, Chair of the RTC, said: “We wanted to let them know how much we appreciate them, and how much their efforts mean to us all. Greenwich Republicans will provide lunch for all our GPD/GFD and other Town personnel as a gesture of thanks for the incredible jobs they do each and every day.” Quigley continued by saying “Their efforts have been especially exemplary in light of the recent storm that inflicted so much damage in our community. It was the unsung heroes of the essential departments that cleared the debris, organized our road traffic, kept our town vehicles moving, and responded to many emergencies.” First Selectman Fred Camillo said, “I salute Dan Quigley and the RTC for their very kind gesture of recognition of those who are on the front lines during the storm. I also suggested that our friends at the tree division, sewer department, and f leet departments should be included, which Dan agreed with wholeheartedly." Joey B’s Food Truck will be parked on Bruce Place on Wednesday, August 26th from 12noon to 4pm. They’ll be providing some great eats for our heroes, and hopefully a small respite from what has been a difficult past few weeks.

Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus in Greenwich The State of Connecticut Mosquito Management Program announced that mosquitoes trapped near the Eastern Civic Center in Old Greenwich have tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). These are the first positive mosquitoes identified by the Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station (CAES) in Greenwich this year. In addition to Greenwich, WNV positive mosquito pools have been found in Stamford, Darien, Bridgeport and Newington. The mosquitoes trapped (Culex pipiens) are generally bird and mammal biting which breed in standing water often found in artif icial containers like discarded tires, birdbaths and catch basins. During 2019, one (1) Connecticut resident developed WNVassociated illness, the cases were not fatal. Four (3) cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) were identified in Connecticut residents in 2019 and three of those patients died. So far this year EEE has not been isolated in mosquitoes in Connecticut. The State Mosquito Management Program continues to trap and test mosquitoes at three testing sites in Greenwich as part of their program and will continue through October 2020.

The Town of Greenwich continues the f ight against West Nile Virus by conducting a preemptive larviciding program, which includes the treatment of public and private roadway catch basins, public school ground catch basins and other property owned and operated by the Town as needed. This year’s program began in June and larvicide is reapplied every four to six weeks. Director of Health, Caroline Calderone Baisley stated, “Controlling the mosquito population in the larval stage through the application of larvicide has been found to be a prudent action; however, this measure only helps to reduce the mosquito population, not eliminate it. The recent warm weather and periodic rain events have increased the ability for mosquitoes to breed. Residents are encouraged to protect themselves whenever they are outdoors.” Director of Environmental Services, Michael Long, stated, “Although the town’s larvicide program treats catch basins, the general public must be vigilant in eliminating standing water on their own properties and protecting themselves from biting mosquitoes at all times. It is important to recognize that the highest risk of exposure to West Nile Virus infected mosquitoes is during the months of August and September.” The virus (WNV) is spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito, which becomes infected when it bites a bird carrying the virus. WNV is not spread by person-to-person contact or directly from birds to people. General symptoms occur suddenly between 5 – 15 days following the bite of an infected mosquito and range from slight fever, headache, rash, swollen lymph nodes, nausea, malaise and eye pain, to the rapid onset of severe headache, high fever, stiff neck, disorientation, severe muscle weakness, gastrointestinal symptoms, coma or death. Most people who are bitten by an infected mosquito are able to fight off infection and experience mild or no symptoms at all. Some individuals, including the elderly and persons with compromised immune systems, WNV can cause serious illness that affects the central nervous system. In a minority of infected persons, especially those over 50 years old, WNV can cause serious illness, including encephalitis and meningitis. Infection can lead to death in 3 - 15% of persons with severe forms of the illness. “The f inding of W N V positive mosquitoes in Greenwich marks the time to emphasize that personal protection measures are ex tremely important against biting mosquitoes during the day and at night,” says Caroline Calderone Baisley, Director of Health. The following precautions should be taken when outdoors: The Town of Greenwich Mosquito Management Brochure is available throughout the community and on the Town’s Website. Greenwich Department of Health DEEP Mosquito Management Program Website

I mp ac t Fa i r f ie ld Cou nt y Announces 2021 $100,000 Core Mission Grant Opportunity Impact Fairfield County (Impact FFC) is pleased to announce a $100,000 grant opportunity for non-prof its that reach underserved populations and highlight unmet needs in Fairf ield County. The Impact FFC Core Mission Grant will provide restricted funds to develop new programs; enhance, expand or strengthen existing programs; and/or improve organizational capacity that advances the nonprofit organization's core mission. Impact FFC will award one or two grants of $100,000 each, and the winner(s) will be determined by a vote of its membership on May 5, 2021 To apply for an Impact FFC Core Mission Grant, organizations must be: • Classified as a “public charity” with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code • Operating in, serving residents of, and fully expending funds in Fairfield County, CT • Targeting underserved populations • In possession of three years of independently prepared, audited financial statements • A new awardee; in other words, not a recipient of an Impact FFC $100,000 grant for a period of at least three years Applying starts with a Letter of Inquiry which will be accepted online beginning Oct 14, 2020 and will be due Nov 11, 2020. Organizations may only submit one application each grant cycle. Potential applicants are encouraged to attend an optional Applicant Information Session to be held virtually on September 16, 2020 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am. RSVP is required at Please only one representative per organization. In addition, on October 7, 2020, Impact FFC will be hosting an optional virtual proposal pitch event. Non-profits will be able to gain advice on potential proposal ideas from experienced Impact FFC members. Details will be announced on Impact FFC’s website by mid-September. All applicants are encouraged to review the eligibility requirements and Frequently Asked Questions at under ‘Apply For A Grant’ to determine whether both the organization and the project or program meet the criteria for an Impact FFC Grant. About Impact FFC: Impact FFC is a collective giving circle that engages women of Fairf ield County, CT in local philanthropy on a deeper level. Collectively raising funds and empowering women to lead transformational solutions in its community, Impact FFC awards $100,000 grants annually to local non-profits. Total funding is determined by the number of members who contribute $1,000 each toward the grants. Excess membership funds will be divided among the non-winning finalists of the grant process for general operating support. Grant finalists are determined through a detailed process of proposal review and evaluation by members, and the grant recipients are chosen by a vote of membership at the Impact FFC Annual Meeting in May. Please do not ca ll or contact Impact F FC members, as all members are asked to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the grant process. Questions about the grant process may only be sent to

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel

First Bank of Greenwich: Community Corner Cobber North: Great Food on the Greens By Richard Kaufman Since 2011, the Greenwich community has gone to Caren's Cos Cobber at 31 E. Putnam Ave. for great food and even greater company. Now, residents can find the same delicious eats and familiar friends on the grounds of the picturesque Griffith E. Harris golf course, at the Cos Cobber North location on 1323 King St. Restaurant owner, Caren St. Phillip, opened the original location in Cos Cob nine years ago after leaving her job as a school teacher. New to the business, St. Phillip had to learn everything from how to conduct ordering to how the payroll worked. The restaurant quickly turned into a Greenwich staple for scores of residents. "My goal for the Cos Cobber was to make it a neighborhood place. You walk in, you feel at home, everyone knows you and knows each other, and I wanted you to feel like you were in my own dining room. That was my vision for it," St. Phillip.

"I love the people interaction, and all of the friendships I've built through these years," Caren St. Phillip said. "I consider my customers like family." I n M ay, t h at v i sion w a s brought over to The Griff when the Backcountry Bar & Grill closed. Cos Cobber North has both indoor and outdoor dining spaces, open to all, in accordance w it h t he c u r r ent COV I D -19 guidelines. " We' ve b e e n ve r y we l lreceived. Everyone has been

brunch available on Saturday and Sunday. The menu features classics and favorites from the Cos Cob location, as well as nightly specials. On occasion, live bands provide music outside. Not on l y h a s St . Ph i l l ip provided good food and a place to gather for the community, she has also given back through

happy. We've been busy, and I take that as a good sign," St. Phillip. The restaurant is open for breakfast (window only), lunch a nd d in ner ever y day, w ith

charity over the years, notably through fundraisers for various Greenwich High School athletic teams and Greenwich Emergency Medical Services (GEMS). So when it came time to open

up an account when she started her restaurant business, she chose the First Bank of Greenwich (FBOG), which also prides itself on putting the community first. "I've been with them forever," said St. Phillip. "We have a good relationship. I feel like I could email or text anyone who works there and they get right back to me." When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and small businesses scrambled to stay af loat, St. Phillip took part in the Payroll Protection Program (PPP), which was facilitated by the FBOG. It helped the Cos Cobber keep its roughly 13 employees. "I have to say, they did a great job. They were on it. They were first to get the ball rolling very quickly," St. Phillip added.

Amy Huertas (far left) and Emily Newcamp (far right) from the First Bank of Greenwich, with Cos Cobber owner Caren St Phillip (third in from right) and the staff from the Cobber North. (Richard Kaufman photo)

Opening up a new restaurant during a pandemic could be a scary proposition, but the opportunity came so quickly that St. Phillip said she couldn't think about the challenges. Emily Newcamp, Vice President and Retail Banking Manager for the FBOG, had no doubt that St. Phillip would be successful. "Everybody in town knows Caren. As soon as I heard she was opening this location, I knew she'd do well because she has a following. This is a prime location,

especially during a pandemic. People are getting out and going golfing," Newcamp said. "She's been a great customer and a great advocate for the bank." Whether you head to the Cos Cobber or Cos Cobber North, you'll surely be greeted by St. Phillip. For her, the customers are what it's all about. "I love the people interaction, and all of the friendships I've built through these years," she said. "I consider my customers like family."

Byram Library’s Outdoor Book Sale Bonanza The Friends of the Byram Shubert Library invite everyone to their Outdoor Book and Media Sale Bonanza to be held on Friday, August 28 and Saturday, August 29 in the parking lot of St. Paul Lutheran Church, 55 William Street West in Byram. Hours for the Opening Sale at 4:00 p.m. to 7:3 p.m. Admission on Friday evening is $20, offering shoppers the first chance to buy a box of wonderful books and media items for $60 a box. On Saturday, the sale is oen from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.there is no entry fee and each box you fill will cost only $20. Credit cards will be accepted. The large assortment of items includes art books, self-help and psychiatry books, finance and business publications, children’s books and more, totaling about 25,000 volumes. In addition, there are thousands of CDs, DVDs and audiobooks. Covid-19 precautions will be enforced. Entry to the sale requires wearing a mask covering nose and mouth. No one will be admitted who is not wearing a mask. Anyone who removes a mask while shopping will be immediately asked to leave. Social distancing is required while shopping. The sale is entirely outdoors; there will be no entry to the building. All the profits from the sale support the programs sponsored by the Friends of the Byram Shubert Library. The more than 80 programs and events include music for people of all ages, craft workshops for the entire family, music, art and science performances for children and much, much ore. In addition, the Friends have added a variety of online activities for their community. For more information you may call the library at 203.531.0426.

SPLURGE Raises Money for Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund

Gates open at 6p.m. • Movies begin at 7p.m. Greenwich Polo Club • 1 Hurlingham Drive, Greenwich, CT


MEDIA SPONSORS Greenwich Sentinel Jen Danzi

GOLD SPONSORS Emerald Tree & Shrub Care Sebass Events & Entertainment

GREEN SPONSORS The Brant Foundation Finocchio Brothers, Inc. The First Bank of Greenwich Horseneck Wine & Spirits


Greenwich Land Trust

The Greenwich United Way’s Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund received a generous gift from local Greenwich retailer SPLURGE, following the gift shop’s successful “Greenwich Strong” mask campaign. SPLURGE owner Sonia Malloy bought more than 40 “Greenwich Strong” masks designed by a local friend in May and sold them with $5 from each sale designated for the Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund. The masks sold out in a few short weeks. “I wanted to do something to support the Greenwich United Way’s relief fund. While the months during the government mandated closure were very financially challenging for small businesses like mine, I know that there are others who are suffering even worse and I wanted to do my part to help,” said Malloy. “It has always been my mission to do good while doing business at SPLURGE and I feel it is my responsibility to give back as much as possible to this wonderful community.” Founded in 2007, SPLURGE is an ardent supporter of the local community and has delivered hundreds of Easter baskets to Kids in Crisis and The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County, countless cans of food to Neighbor to Neighbor and toys to Toys for Tots. It regularly hosts SPLURGE for a Cause charitable shopping nights resulting in thousands of dollars donated to local charities, donated hundreds of items to local organizations for silent auctions and events, and sold products made by people with developmental disabilities from Abilis. “It is the business owners in town like Sonia who make our community the wonderful place it is to live, work and raise a family. When our town faces crises, we pull together and help our neighbors,” said David Rabin, CEO of Greenwich United Way. “We are grateful for SPLURGE’s generous gift as we continue issuing grants and helping those who need it most.” The Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund provides disaster relief and recover y ef forts for Greenw ich residents experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 health crisis. The GUW Board of Directors and Grants Committee volunteers continue to review proposals from local agencies, conducting a deep dive into each organization’s financials, and assessing the specific recovery-related needs. To date, ~$442,000 of aid and grants have been issued to: Abilis, Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Building One Community, Caritas of Port Chester, Community Centers, Inc. of Greenwich (CCI), Family Centers, Filling in the Blanks, Food Rescue US, the Friends of Nathaniel Witherell, the Jewish Family Services, Kids In Crisis, Meals On Wheels, Neighbor to Neighbor, Pathways, PTAC, River House, Transportation Association of Greenwich (TAG), and YWCA of Greenwich. Grant applications are still being accepted for non-profit local agencies supporting relevant relief efforts and can be submitted to GUW’s Director of Community Impact, Robert Moore at rmoore@ Donations can be made to the fund here.


Finding “Meaning” During Difficult Times

By Kimberly Wolfson-Lisack My father is good with words. He can be eloquent, and compelling, and he can be cynical and jarring, all in the same short conversation. He’s good w ith them, and he doesn’t mince them. Although his professional career was in the high profile world of New York City advertising, he was a philosophy major at his Ivy League alma mater against the backdrop of the turbulent 1960’s. He learned with, and from, some great minds. He is known for his wedding and bar mitzvah toasts, and has been published more than a few times in local newspapers. He told me something not too long ago and it stuck with me. He said, “Clichés are clichés for a reason, and the reason


is because they are always true “. No cynicism there, just something to hold onto. Clichés are true. How many clichés come to mind as we continue to live through the pandemic of COVID-19? I don’t have to list them, you know the ones I’m talking about, and you probably have some of your own. We hear variations of them in songs, sometimes we see them printed on bumper stickers or on Instagram and Tik Tok. Maybe they are phrases or mottos passed down from one family member to the next, meant to instill faith or strength during times of despair and doubt. I think it is fair to say that we need them right now. I know I’m looking for the “silver lining “, and I can’t be the only one ready to see the “rainbow after the

Maybe clichés are phrases or mottos passed down from one family member to the next, meant to instill faith or strength during times of despair and doubt. I think it is fair to say that we need them right now. storm”. It seems impossible to be living through this devastating time and not be changed by it. We are all facing challenges and decisions that 6 months ago seemed inconceivable. For some folks this may be an opportunity to reflect

on, and maybe even challenge personal perspectives, habits, and motivations. Yet for others, self-reflection is a luxury that the pandemic is not affording them. This article is not about “searching” for meaning, it is about finding it, and it may be hiding right in front

of you. Sure you can go down the existential rabbit hole searching for the deep universal meaning of the pandemic, or you can give yourself permission to recog nize that nobody can tell you how to find the deeper meaning of living through

trauma, only you can do that for yourself. And wherever you find it, and however you manifest it, is okay. For me, I find myself saying thank you with added gratitude. My local grocery store workers, pharmacists, essential workers, nurses, doctors, I am still moved to tears when I thank them for their bravery. And yes, I will admit it, I have a very cheesy motto/cliché that is stuck in my head and giving me streng th these days. It is short, and to the point. You have probably seen it printed on the cover of inspirational journals at the bookstore, or perhaps you have seen it on a faux weathered piece of wood in an Etsy shop. It’s a cliché for a reason, and it’s true for me now.

The Faces of GenZ: Who They Are

By Jennifer Openshaw

Greta Thu n berg has been leading the international climate change conversation since she was 15 – and now she's the youngest Time's Person of The Year we’ve ever seen. Malala Yousafzai was 11 when she began writing about educational equity for the BBC -- now she's a published author, and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate in history. T h e s e i n d i v i du a l s a r e n’t anomalies. In a recent IrregularLabs study, 73% of GenZ said that being political/socially active was integral to their identity. In her kick-off show – The GenZ Project with Jennifer Openshaw on LinkedIn Live – Openshaw chatted with four GenZ women and discovered that they had a lot to say about who they are and what matters most to them: change and playing a personal role in innovation. In fact, it’s time we recognize that this generation is going to change the way our society functions: They are

the storm that is going to radically progress our socio-economic playing field. What drives this passion, and how do we channel it? What is Fueling This Need for Change? GenZ was born between 1995 – 2015 and is just now entering the workforce. Any way you slice it, their childhood has been consumed by turmoil. Girls With Impact graduate Kristen St. Louis, 17, points out that, “I’ve never seen a world without 9/11. I’ve never seen a world without global warming. It’s not that we’re so used to those things, it’s the complete opposite; we are so aware that we’ve had to live with this our entire lives that we’re desperate for a change.” Indeed, GenZ is so ready for this change, they’re pursuing it before they have even graduated high school. How is GenZ Pursuing Change amid Covid and #BLM? The answer: Social Entrepreneurship; self-directed

“I’ve never seen a world without 9/11. I’ve never seen a world without global warming. It’s not that we’re so used to those things, it’s the complete opposite; we are so aware that we’ve had to live with this our entire lives that we’re desperate for a change." impact. This sense of turmoil -- mixed with perceived inaction of current leaders -- has left GenZ taking matters into their own hands -pursuing change through their own means. As Girls With Impact’s own report on GenZ finds, 60% want to create something world-changing. Social entrepreneurship gives these young people a method of maximizing their impact in a way that is self-directed and can also bring in an income. It’s no surprise that 41% of Genz plan on becoming

entrepreneurs: they recognize the power of business, and how that can be leveraged to also fall in line with social/political goals. In fact, as Jody Bell, 18, points out, "Entrepreneurship is activism in disguise." As Parents and Educators, How Do We Support GenZ? Fo r g e t l e a r n i n g h ow to regurgitate, as Raina Jain, 16, says. This generation is looking for learning outside the traditional system. Raina, a high school student and

Astrology for Week of Aug. 23, 2020 VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept The Sun, at the start of its four-week stay in your sign, boosts your confidence and self-esteem, but other aspects warn that this is not a good time to push too hard. You will achieve more this week if you go with the flow rather than try to direct it.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Be sure you know what you’re talking about this week as someone is likely to challenge you to prove what you say which could be embarrassing if you’ve exaggerated the facts. You don’t need to embellish the truth to make yourself look good.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct You won’t lack advice this week: everyone will tell you what you’re doing wrong. But are you doing anything wrong? Cosmic forces suggest you’re on the right track and recent setbacks are nothing to worry about. The only advice you need is your own.

ARIES 21 March-20 April You have so much talent and so much courage, so why the sudden bout of self doubt? The only way you are going to reassure yourself that you have what it takes to succeed is to dive in at the deep end and take the kind of risks you normally enjoy.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Don’t worry too much if something you say hurts a colleague’s feelings this week because they’re not as weak or as soft as they like to make out. Don’t say something hurtful for the sake of it but don’t tone down your comments just to make them feel better.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May You’ll find it difficult to hide your feelings this week – even if you say nothing colleagues and partners will sense you are not in the best of moods. But that’s ok because, if anything, you’ve been far too nice lately. Don’t let anyone take you for granted.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec When you’re challenged, you just become more determined to stay in control, but stubborn resistance may not be enough this week as you will be swept along by a power greater than your own. Also, don’t upset someone in authority or the results could be painful.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June Don’t be too aggressive this week – particularly in business and financial dealings – even if you think a bit of anger is justified, because with Mars at odds with Saturn you could find yourself on the losing side. Don’t upset people whose goodwill you depend on.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan The Sun in Virgo brings out your adventurous streak but partners and colleagues seem reluctant to take risks. On this occasion you would be wise to follow their example and not expose yourself to situations that could in some way turn dangerous.

CANCER 22 June-23 July You’ll put yourself out for someone and do something above and beyond the call of duty this week – and get no thanks at all. Annoying as it is you’re advised, on this occasion, to suffer in silence. Your self-sacrifice will be rewarded another way, another time.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You, more than many, know that the only thing to fear is fear itself. And that could turn out to be particularly applicable this week. In fact, if you take a calculated risk over the next couple of days you might just pull off something quite remarkable.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug You may feel it’s time for a change but you also feel trapped by obligations. Despite your frustration, don’t despair, because it won’t be long before a new opportunity comes your way. You can’t see it yet but it’s there – all you have to do is believe.

professional public speaking coach, expresses this sense of “traditional school” consisting of almost algebraic learning outcomes: “xyz do this and do that and here’s the outcome.” "It’s a system that needs to change," says Raina. One way parents can do this: supplement this education with the empowerment of entrepreneurship and business courses -- allowing students the opportunity to take action. We must encourage them to be change-makers because time and time again, they are proving

themselves capable. What’s Next? For the past 5 months, GenZ, an activist generation as it is, has realized that racism is alive and well, that our healthcare system is simply failing, and that climate change won’t stop even if we’re on lockdown. Coming out of this period, with a large portion of GenZ entering higher education and the professional world, it would be an understatement to call this moment in time important. As St. Louis states, “it’s an oncoming storm.” So, to parents, educators, and active fans of this generation: get ready because they are just getting started. Jennifer Openshaw is nationally known financial expert and CEO of the non-profit Girls With Impact, a modern business and innovation academy for NextGen women leaders, ages 12-18. She's appeared on Oprah and CNBC's Power Lunch and is a LinkedIn Influencer.

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Fulvio Montanari Dr. Fulvio Montanari, born in Milan, Italy in 1940, son of Brunetto and Jole (Gozzini) Montanari. Surviving harsh war time conditions, Montanari we nt o n to e a r n a c o l l e g e scholarship to play hockey in the U.S., and capped his education with a Doctorate in Finance awarded by the prestigious Bocconi University. Montanari’s first professional position was in the Ita lia n D i v i s i o n o f Pe a t M a r w i c k Mitchell, followed by a position with First Chicago, providing postings in Milan, Atlanta, and Chicago. Later in his career, Montanari took advantage of the opportunity to open the Park Avenue, NYC branch office of Banca Popolare di Milano, from which he retired. Mont a n a r i w a s a n av id sportsman. He grew up playing tennis and skiing the mountains of Northern Italy and was a skilled soccer player. Loving the outdoors, he pursued jogging, ran the first Nashville marathon, loved f ly f ishing, and golf. Upon retirement, Montanari volunteered at the Neighbor To Neighbor Food Pantry, took up photography and birdwatching at Greenwich Point, CT, where his last eBird posting on January 26, 2020, included a Thick Billed Murre and a Razorbill. Montanari was predeceased by his sister, Mirella, and is s u c c e e d e d by h i s b e l ove d sons, Davide and Gian Marco Montanari, his Grand Daughter Chiara, his Grand Son Marcello, h i s e x- w i f e L y n n W h i t e Montanari, all of Stamford, CT, his partner of 29 years, Lynnette Clemens, Old Greenwich, CT, and his much loved dogs Carrey and Henry. The family requests that memor ia l contr ibutions be made in Fulvio’s memory to e it he r t he D a mon R u nyon Cancer Research Foundation, N YC , o r t o A d o p t-A- D o g , Greenwich, CT.

Patrick James Durkin


Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College Pat pursued a career in investment banking working with Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette, Credite Suisse, Barclays and most recently Atlas Merchant Capital. His business carried him around the world from work ing on telecommunication projects in South America to opening DLJ’s Moscow off ice. It was in Moscow where he met his wonderful wife Kristen Staples. Patrick was hosting a lavish event to celebrate their new of f ice when he approached Kristen and asked her what she thought of the evening – her response was “Not enough caviar.” While Patrick was larger than life to many, Kristen kept him grounded and they enjoyed seventeen years of marriage together. A succe ssf u l ba n ker, at heart Pat was a politician. Prior to business school he worked for Congressman Judd Gregg of New Hampshire and was a speech writer for Secretary o f t h e Tr e a s u r y D o n a l d Regan. Later, Pat served on the Presidential Task Force of Market Mechanisms with former Senator Nicolas Brady and was a tireless campaigner and fund raiser for Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and Senator John McCain, along with numerous candidates at the state and local levels. Everyone knew Pat and he could open doors that others found shut. Most of all Pat was a husband and father. He loved his wife and children Luke, Austin and Kate more than any thing in the world. Pat shared with his children his love for travel, the outdoors, sports and anything else that they could do together. Pat will always be with them whether sk iing at Okemo Mountain, hiking through the fields and woods at the Durkin family farm or walking on Capitol Hill. Along with his immediate family Pat leaves his mother Virginia Durkin, his brothers Bill and his wife Martha, Tim and his wife Liz, Tom and his wife Sue and Dan and his wife Susan, along with numerous nieces and nephews who will spend a lifetime telling stories about Uncle Pat. Given the current circumstances no service is planned at this time. Notice will be provided at a later date as to where donations may be made in Patrick’s memory.

Lawrence A. DeLuca

Patrick James Durkin, 63, of New York City and Greenwich, CT died on Monday, July 27. Patrick was the son of Virginia Hewitt Durkin and Willia m Austin Du rk in, Jr. H e g r e w up i n G r e e nw i c h attending North Street School and Brunswick School. Sports were a big part of Pat’s youth, whether catching passes thrown by his twin brother Tim on the Greenwich Grenadiers football team, playing pond hockey at Bridges Nurser y or golf at Greenwich Country Club. At Brunswick School Pat was the Captain of the Varsity Soccer Team and played four years of varsity soccer at Middlebury College in Vermont. More importantly, Pat was a leader being a perennial class President and volunteerism played an enormous role in h i s l i fe . At Br u n s w ick he organized student volunteers for The Nathaniel Witherell home and raised money for a South Korean orphanage, and later in life his volunteer activities ranged from helping at a homeless shelter in New York City to serving on the boards of the Red Cross and the National Wildlife Foundation. A f ter g raduating from Middlebury College and the

Lawrence A. DeLuca "Uncle Larry" passed away Thursday, August 13. He was 86. Larry was bor n in Greenw ich on July 1, 1934 to Anthony and Viv ia n (nee Urso) DeLuca. Lar r y ow ned and operated Lawrence A. DeLuca General Contracting and Excavating and worked with Connecticut Natural Gas for over 40 years. He was hardworking, loved to restore antique cars, and was a die-hard NY Yankee fan. Larry loved his family and friends, always lending a helping hand. He was affectionately known a s Uncle L a r r y to a l l who knew him. He is survived by his beloved wife, Lois Volkert, loving step-children Bill Volkert (Susa n Ma r ie), Susa n Ja ne Dinneny ( John), 7 cherished step-grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren, his sister Rose Marie Abazia, and sister in law Nancy Deluca. He is also survived by his loving nephews Billy, Frankie, Timmy, Joey, and niece Nancy, as well as 22 grand nieces and nephews, 2 great grand nieces, and 3

aunts Patricia Urso, Olimpia Louis P. Belmonte Chiappetta, and Florence Louis P. Belmonte, 89, of Polakovic. Larry is predeceased Da n bu r y, CT a nd for merly by his brother Anthony (Toto) of Port Chester, N Y passed and nephews Tony and Larry. away on Aug ust 2 , 2020. Frank M. Chimblo, Jr Louis was born and raised in Greenwich, CT, son of the late Lucantonio and Filomena Belmonte. Married to Anna Pe r s a mp i e r i B e l m o nte fo r 62 years, he also leaves his children Phyllis, Lawrence and Michael (Rhonda) Belmonte; Grandchildren Michael (Nicole), Christopher and April Belmonte; and his sister Viola Belmonte. Louis was predeceased by his brother, A rmand Belmonte and his sister, Sue Pangallo. Louis was a proud Korean War F ra n k M ichael D om i n ic veteran. He served as part of Chimblo Jr., 47, born June 6, the U.S. Army 13th Engineer 1973. Frank was a longtime Combat Battalion, 7th Infantry resident of Cos Cob, CT, died Division, as a Staff Sergeant. He unexpectedly Saturday, August landed at Inchon and fought in 1, 2020. battles at Pork Chop Hill and F r a n k w a s b o r n i n Old Baldy, receiving two Bronze G r e e n w i c h H o s p i t a l i n Battle Stars and additional Greenwich, CT and lived the medals for meritorious service. first decade of his childhood A f ter h is m i l ita r y ser v ice, in Stamford, CT mov ing to Louis trained and worked as an Cos Cob, CT in 1985 for the electrician as a member of Local remainder of his life. Frank 501, IBEW, until his retirement. was the loving son of Christine Louis was a lifelong Yankees M . Ch i m blo a nd F ra n k M . fan, frequently coaching his Chimblo Sr. In addition to his team from his favorite chair parents he is survived by his with his wife, children and son, Nicholas M. Chimblo, ex- grandchildren nearby. Family wife, Juliana Sartre, two sisters, and friends gathered on August A m a n d a C h i m b l o R o s a l e s 6 at Coxe and Graziano Funeral and Rachelle Chimblo Tabora, H o m e , G r e e nw i c h , C T. A brother, Kristopher T. Chimblo, mass of Christian Burial was brothers-in-law , Armando J. celebrated Friday August 7, Rosales and Jonathan Tabora, 2020 at St. Paul Roman Catholic nieces and nephews, Erica J. Chu rch, in Greenw ich, CT, Rosales Gonzalez, Gabriella A. interment followed at St. Mary’s Rosales, Brayden A. Rosales Cemetery in Greenwich. To and Landon J. Rosales, a great- leave online condolences for the nephew, Xavier S. Gonzalez family please visit our website as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends. Frank was a graduate of Roger Hudson Greenwich High School and Gesswein Jr. eve nt u a l ly c omple t i n g h i s studies in f itness/nutrition Roger Hudson Gesswein concluding with his certification Jr. died peacefully in the arms i n p e r s o n a l t r a i n i n g a n d of his wife, Farideh, and son, nutrition, working as a CPT Roger, on Friday, July 31st. and CNC acquiring his degrees Roger was born in Brooklyn, through the National Academy New York, to Roger Gesswein of Spor ts med ici ne NA SM. Sr. and his wife, Naomi, on Frank also attended the Bucky N e w Ye a r ’s D a y 1 9 4 3 . H e Dent school of Baseball which spent his formative years in eventually led to his lifelong Old Greenwich, Connecticut, p a s s i o n , b a s e b a l l . Ye s h e where his family moved in the engaged in other sports but ‘50s and where he graduated baseball was his one true talent. from Greenwich High School. Frank not only played for all the Roger was a keen swimmer and town leagues but was chosen sailor, evidenced by his many in 1986 to travel to Caracas sailing awards and trophies Venezuela to play baseball for from Rocky Point Club and the one of the United States Jr. pool record which he held for baseball teams in which he was many years in the 100-yard part of the team that brought freestyle at The University home a championship trophy of Connecticut. Shortly after for there skill and excellence in graduating from UConn, Roger the sport. entered his family business, F r a n k l o v e d b e i n g Paul H. Gesswein & Co. Inc., a surrounded by his family and supplier of tools and machinery friends. Frank was always the to jewelry and die makers, then life of the party and he made run by his father and bearing sure that everyone with him the name of its founder, his was having almost as much grandfather. fun as he was. In his free time Roger was truly a man of F r a n k l ove d wo r k i n g o u t , vision and action. When he attending concerts, watching entered Paul H. Gesswein & h i s f a vo r i t e s p o r t s t e a m s Co, its scope was national. It compete, numerous trips to was his dream to expand its Foxwoods and Mohegan sun reach internationally. Traveling but most important and dear to extensively abroad, looking for Frank, bonding with his best new products, markets and buddy, the apple of his eye, his customers, Roger went on to son, Nico. This by far was more establish Gesswein Canada, important to him than anything Gesswein Siam in Thailand, and else. Frank cherished all of Gesswein Trading in India, all of his time he had with his son which remain highly successful Nicholas. Sharing with Nico his to this day. love for baseball as well as other A s R o g e r g r e w, s o d i d sports and hobbies. These two h i s a c c o mp l i sh m e nt s . H i s had a bond nobody could break. energ y and commitment to If you knew Frank well or t h e b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i t y barely at all, he forever left n e v e r d w i n d l e d . B e s i d e s you thinking. Whether it was bei ng the active Cha i r ma n about how hysterically funny a n d C E O o f h i s c o m p a n y he was, or just how down right and its subsidiaries, he was inappropriate he was, Frank International Board Member made sure that if nothing else and Chapter Chairman of the he was always going to leave Young Presidents' Organization his mark. Frank truly loved (YPO), and a member of the so many and was loved by so World Presidents’ Organization many more. I will never forget ( W P O) fo r ove r a d e c a d e ; Franks incredible smile, energy Chairman of the Jewelry Board and charisma. Even with just of Trade ( JBT); President of one encounter with him you New York's Golden Circle Club; would be sure to remember him P r e sident, V ice P r e sident, for life. He will forever be loved Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and missed by all. Rest In Peace and Banquet Chairman of the Frank ie, Cleveland Brow ns Twent y-Four K arat Club of Forever! the City of New York; a board A w a ke w a ke w a s h e l d member of the Manufacturing August 12th, 2020 at Fred D. Je we l e r s a n d Sup p l i e r s o f K napp Fu nera l Home . The America (MJSA); and a member Funeral at St. Mary's Cemetery of the Boston Jewelers Club. He in Greenwich was private. was awarded the 1999 National

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Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) National Humanitarian Award. Roger was a mem ber of The National Arts Club and The Greenwich Country Club. His appreciation of wine and g o o d c o m p a ny l e d h i m t o become Commandeur in the Commanderie de Bordeaux of New York and Commandeur of the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin, Sous Commanderie de Fairfield County. Roger was a valued member of the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin. He generously hosted the Bastille Day piquenique for several years, always attracting large numbers of members and friends. He was extremely helpful in garnering supp or t world-w ide for Burgundy’s successful selection as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Confrérie will always remem b er Roger ’s ea r nest support, wit and joie de vivre. Roger was a man of many parts, all bursting with life. It is hard to imagine one so full of life. He will be remembered for his warm, engaging personality, for his generosity and charity, for the business he created and the people he inf luenced. He will be remembered as a loving and supportive father, a kind and gentle person, a decent and honest human being, who was always cheerful, always c ou r te ou s a nd r e sp e c t f u l , always brave and strong, right to the end. He loved his life, his family, and his friends. The good he has done can never be undone. The life he lived can never be erased. "Good night, sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!" Roger leaves behind a wife, Farideh; three children, Kristen, Roger, and Alexander; three grandchildren, Stephen, Campbell, and James Fealy, and a brother, Dwight Gesswein. The Gesswein family will host a celebration of Roger’s life when it is safe to do so, in the spring of 2021 in Greenwich. For those who wish to honor his memory with a charitable donation, please send f ully tax-deductible donations to the following cause: Checks should be made payable to: HUMC Foundation #1126 BMT Inpatient; Memo: In honor of Roger Hudson Gesswein, Jr. and mailed to: Hackensack Meridian, Hackensack Un iversit y Me d ic a l Center Foundation, 160 Essex Street, Suite 101, Lodi, NJ 07644 These are the people who nurtured and guided Roger through his long and difficult struggle and cared for him w it h love a nd c omp a s sion throughout his final months, weeks and days. They rarely

receive the appreciation they deserve.

Frances McEachern Streich

Frances Streich, of Old Greenwich, CT passed away peacefully on the morning of August 8th at home with her family. Frances, daughter of Tom and Frances McEachern was born in Memphis, TN in 1932. She grew up in Riverside, CT where she met the love of her life and husband of 66 years, Peter W. Streich. Frances attended Riverside Elementary and Greenwich High School, Randolph-Macon Woman's College in Lynchburg, VA and The Child Education Foundation in NYC from where she received her degree and teaching certif icate in 1953. Frances & Peter were married at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Riverside, CT. Frances and Peter moved to Old Greenwich, CT in 1963 and reside in the same home that they have loved ever since. F ra nc e s i s su r v ive d by her husband Peter, daughter Cynthia Bell (husband Jim) of OG, daughter Catherine Kramer (husband Paul) of Riverside, s o n J e f f r e y S t r e i c h (w i f e Lindsay) of Portland, OR and sisters Martha Sanders & Betty Da lsemer of Bozema n, M T and Carmel, CA respectively. Frances was blessed with and loved beyond words by her seven grandchildren, Courtney, Taylor, Emma, Sarah, Wylie, Greta and Marina who will miss Nanny greatly with all of thei r hea r ts. The enti re family hold in their hearts the memories of so many joyous family celebrations, traditions a nd reu n ions that Fra nces organized. Frances was a proud mem ber of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority, the PEO sisterhood (a philanthropic organization where women supp or t t he advancement of women) and the Riverside Yacht Club. She was particularly proud of her work and ultimate presidency of Meals on Wheels of Greenwich. Frances loved gardening and q u i lt i ng of wh ich she w a s pa r ticu la rly accomplished. She will always be envied and

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Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

Greenwich Elders - At Home in Quarantine

By Nike Whittemore

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walks, so I began getting up about the same time, walking the dog, watching some news, and then doing some exercises that I found on YouTube from the National Institute on Aging. I also started writing a diary since I like to write. Another thing that’s been great has been participating in At Home’s book discussion group via teleconference. A recent selection was "The Overstory" by Richard Powers which is a book about trees. I got so interested in trees that I ordered a tree identification book from Amazon and then when I went out to walk the dog, I’d try to identify the trees! I also took an online course through the “Great Courses” available on Greenwich Library’s website, so that was fun. Talking about the Library, I decided during this period that after 54 years of being a librarian there (30 years full-time and 24 years part-time) that it was time for me to resign. That was very sad for me because I love the library and I miss my friends there, but I feel it just isn’t safe for me to go back. Wo r k i n g a t G r e e n w i c h Library for so many years, we were early on using computers, so I’m familiar with them. I email a lot and I’ve used FaceTime and Skype, but I hadn’t used Zoom before. I think the technology is a godsend, if you think about it, as far as when people are isolated. It’s wonderful to have these things now. I must say, though, I still prefer talking on the phone or obviously, meeting face to face with people. That’s more satisfying. You miss the group kind of thing - I hope we can eventually get back to that. And I haven’t had to order groceries online because my son lives nearby and brings them to me. Being a member of At Home definitely helped make the quarantine easier. I’d get a call from somebody from the organization and then I’d call others and that way we kept in touch. At Home also has regular programs on Zoom and teleconferencing, so I think it definitely helped keep people socially connected. I also feel that At Home is a safety net. It’s helped me stay in my home knowing that I can call on them if I need something or need help. For example, I called on Lise because I needed a face mask and she was over here in 10 minutes with a mask for me! This was when you couldn’t go out at first, so that was great. I

He received his BA from Yale University in 1958 where he was a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity. He joined General Reinsurance Group Corp in February of 1960 becoming S en ior V ic e P r e sident for ove r s e a s o p e r a t i o n s . H i s position enabled him to live in Sweden, England, Australia, and Switzerland at various times during the course of his career. He also served as Executive Chairman of Trident Holdings (a financial services company acquired by General Re) for three years. A f ter leav ing G eneral Re, Philip joined Insurance Venture Partners, a boutique investment firm, which raised capital for small insurance op e rat ion s . Su b s e q ue nt ly he joined the George Soros Organization to become Chief Executive Officer of the RVI Group (a residual value insurer). Later, he became Chairman and CEO of Ontos, an insurance technology company in Andover, MA. He participated in a variety of charitable and community activities. He was a governor of the Johns Street Club in New York City and a director of both the Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich and the Greenwich Health Association. He served as joint head usher of Christ Episcopal Church and was a longtime governor of the Field Club of Greenwich. Since 1971, he was a significant fundraiser for Planned Parenthood of

Connecticut, co-founding that organ ization's endow ment fund in 1986. He was also a founding board member of the Middlesex School Alumni Association. Ph i l ip, a n e nt hu sia s t ic lover of the Arts, studied at Slade School of Art in London, England. He often shared his knowledge and passion for the arts with others. Philip loved tennis and paddle tennis. He recently became a lifetime member of the Field Club of Greenwich. He played tennis on the Yale University tennis team and went on to win many amateur tennis tournaments locally and in New England. He had a ranking in the Eastern District Men's singles tennis and was ranked in the top 10 nationally in both Men's, Senior Men's and Mixed Doubles paddle tennis. He is survived by his wife of 31 years, Susan Elizabeth Ness (Kinnear), his daughter, A lexandra Semple Ness of Vero Beach, FL and his stepdaughters, Stephanie Elisabeth Gibsone Borges (Eduardo) of New York City and Heidi Suzanne Roblin Maund ( James) of Old Greenw ich, CT. He is also survived by his brother, Peter Semple Ness, of Greenw ich, CT. He was very close to his family and greatly cherished his stepgrandchildren, Alix, James, and George, and six godchildren. Due to the current pandemic a Memorial Service

When the U.S. went into lockdown with COVID-19, the news reported that the older population was particularly vulnerable to the virus and was the hardest hit, especially those living in nursing homes. Watching these heartbreaking stories made me wonder how Greenwich residents who were “aging in place” (choosing to age in their own homes, rather than move to community living) were doing, and so I reached out to Lise Jameson, Executive Director of At Home in Greenwich to ask if I could interview a few of her eldest members by phone. Barbara Martin (90), Bernard Pressner (98), Dick Franck (84), and his wife Polly Franck (83) graciously volunteered and were a joy to speak with. Initially, my intention was to write a succinct article about their collective experience, but as I sat down to summarize their

comments, I realized that their words, not mine, powerfully expressed each of their unique perspectives of the pandemic. Therefore, the following captures the highlights of the first of the four interviews. Barbara Martin: “At f irst, during the lock down, I felt very strange and rather frightened by it and I remember that I was glued to the television set. I was watching the TV day and night it seemed, and I couldn’t seem to focus. Once or twice I remember waking up and feeling like I was going to cry. I was also very frightened thinking about if I would have to go to the doctor or to the hospital. There were so many cases, I didn’t want to have to call an ambulance. Fortunately, I didn’t have to, but I was very careful with what I ate. After a week or two of the initial feelings of depression, I started getting organized and got back into my usual routine. I have to take my dog out for


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remembered by her family and friends for her beautiful hair and crystal blue eyes. Her fa m ily wou ld like to t ha n k a l l of her lov i ng caregivers, particularly Caty and Blanca who loved her and helped care for her with great tenderness. Due to Covid-19, there will be no services held at this time. In lieu of f lowers, please consider a donation to Meals on Wheels of Greenwich or a simple act of kindness in Frances's memory.

Philip Wahmann Ness, Jr.

Philip Wahmann Ness, Jr. passed away peacefully at home with his dog, Chester, by his side on July 26, 2020. He was born in Baltimore, MD to Anne Semple Ness and Philip Wahmann Ness. Philip attended the Gilman School in Baltimore, MD, the Brunswick School in Greenwich, CT and g raduated f rom Middlesex School in Concord, MA in 1954.

“I got so interested in trees that I ordered a tree identification book from Amazon and then when I went out to walk the dog, I’d try to identify the trees!” Barbara Martin.

"I’ve gotten to know my neighbors better! People I least expected have offered to do things for me and that has been great." Barbara Martin

have a friend who’s in a nursing home and she’s locked up in her room and can’t go out. I thought, “I’m just so lucky that I can stay in my own home.” So, At Home definitely gives you a feeling of security. One thing this pandemic has reminded me of was having the flu four times, and I had a cousin who had polio before there was a vaccine. But as far as the social isolation is concerned, I think what that reminded me of was when I was 13 years old, right after my mother died, and I was sent to stay with relatives in Kansas who I barely knew, and I felt so socially isolated at that time. I was in high school and I knew no one. I think that experience when I was younger though helped me cope with this period because I had to find ways at that time to cope with it. There are not many people left at my age. I went through the Great Depression and a lot of different phases like others my age. I, like them, have learned that there are ups and downs in life and this is just one of the down periods. As far as

younger people, my grandson is a sophomore in college and it’s very hard for kids at that age because this is a time when they should be having fun in college and learning, but now his life is sort of on hold. It’s very hard for them because they feel the future is so uncertain. My advice to them is when you look back on it, you see ups and downs all through life. Hopefully, you’ll have more ups than downs.” One thing I appreciate so much more are the people who are the essential workers, like my mail carrier and the people who pick up my garbage. I think we’ll look at these people differently and really appreciate what they’ve done for us (in addition, obviously, to the doctors and nurses in the hospital) because they’ve made life bearable for us. What would we do without them? It would be pretty tough. And, also my feeling is this pandemic has exposed many of our problems that we have in society now, such as healthcare, economic inequality and racism. Hopefully, this will raise people’s awareness.

And I’ve gotten to know my neighbors better! People I least expected have offered to do things for me and that has been great. You realize how great people are on the whole. Now that things are easing up a bit, I think our attitudes are a little more optimistic, even though there’s no cure for it. We have to remember that. We need to keep our distance - we can’t forget that.”

will be held at a later date. Donations in his name may be made to Planned Parenthood of New England and Christ Church Greenwich.

there will be a small family memorial with a larger gat her i ng pla n ne d for t he spring of 2021.

Jane Fox. She was a member of the Connecticut Club and the Italian American Club riding her decorated golf cart in the Columbus Day Parade. She is survived by her children K a r en S efer i (Spi r o) w it h whom she resided in Trumbull and son John, Jr. of Riverside; grandchildren Andrew Seferi of Trumbull, John Frangione III of Greenwich and Heather Frangione of St. Petersburg, F L . ; g r e a t- g r a n d c h i l d r e n Conner and Haley Rose Beetham and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband, Florence was predeceased by daughter-inlaw, Laraine Pirie, brothers Angelo, Joseph, Ralph James (Chippie) and John Ferraro; sisters F i lomena ( Fa n n ie) Severo and Rose Randi. Due to Covid-19 concerns there will be no calling hours. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on August 6, 2020 at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Riverside, followed by entombment at St. Mary Cemetery, Greenwich. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made in her memory to CT Food Bank, 2 Research Pkwy., Wallingford, CT. 06492, T he C T D iap e r B a n k , 3 70 State St., North Haven, CT 06473, or Melanoma Research Foundation, 170 Township Line Rd. #D3, Hillsboro Township, NJ 08844. It is requested that all attendees wear a mask and respect social distancing. To leave an online condolence. please visit www.castiglionefh. com.

Obituaries, continued Lee R. Zoubek

Florence F. Frangione

Lee R. Zoubek passed away in his sleep on August 14, 2020, at Greenwich Hospital after a prolonged illness. Son of the late Annabell a n d C h a rl e s Z o u b e k , L e e was born at Columbia Presby terian Hospital in N e w Yo r k C i t y i n 1 9 4 1 . A lifetime Greenwich resident, he attended Greenwich High School and graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy in St. Petersburg, Florida. He at tende d Ro ck y Mou nt a i n College in Montana and Ryder Col lege i n New Jersey. He retired from the Pitney Bowes Company in Stamford, where he worked for more than 20 years. Lee was an avid fisherman and also enjoyed sailing on Long Island Sound with friends and family. He'll be fondly remembered for his wicked sense of humor and generous spirit. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Marijke Zoubek, older brother Charles, sister Roxa n ne Zou b ek Lawless, a niece, Rolly n Zoubek Bornhorst, and nephew, Christopher Zoubek. He was predeceased by his younger brother, Martin. Due to Covid restrictions,

Flor ence F. F ra ng ione passed away peacefully at St. Vincent Medical Center, on August 3, 2020 surrounded by her family. She was born in Riverside, CT on January 25, 1926 to Santa and Mary Judice Ferraro. She graduated from Greenwich High School and Short Secretarial School. She worked at Conde Nast Publications in Old Greenwich a n d Un i o n Tr u s t B a n k i n Greenwich where she retired as an assistant manager. In between she raised her family with her beloved husband, John of nearly 70 years and served as co-leader of Girl Scout Troop 12 at St. Catherine of Siena Elementary School. Her fondest retirement years were spent in the Villages, Florida where she learned to play golf, enjoyed week ly card games and Thursday tea with her friend,

Nike Whittemore is a longtime Greenwich resident, with a master’s degree in health advocacy from Sarah Lawrence College. She has served as a hospice volunteer, a reader for the visually impaired, an educator with The Eden Alternative, and a contributing writer for At Home in Greenwich. At Home in Greenwich supports a diverse community of aging adults living at home by providing trusted resources and services, enrichment opportunities and social connections. At Home is a nonprofit organization and can be reached at 203-422-2342, or at

On Faith

By Kate Noonan Glaser

I am dedicated to faith practices because they beckon me to think outside of myself. In a community of believers, I f ind a home with like-minded people looking for involvement in something bigger than themselves. I have no opinion

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Thinking Outside of Ourselves

a bout you r fa ith practice or conception of a higher power with one exception: I hope you realize you are not running the entire show. We are the producers of our own show in, oh, so many ways. I love the Kate show. I am the star of the show all day. When am I not thinking of me? My day is filled with my choices and my opinions. What should I eat for lunch? What is my first task at work? Why do I have to deal with wearing a mask? Where do I have to bring the kids now? C.S. Lewis put it succinctly: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; but thinking of yourself less.” Thinking of myself less allows me to reframe. Not only can I see

It seems we are all tasked w it h l ay i n g dow n ou r l i ve s incrementally. We are not all c a l l e d to m a r t y r o u r s e l ve s w h o l l y. Ye t , e a c h o f u s a r e called to turn from our wants a n d n e e d s to s e r ve o t h e r s , through listening, loving and g iv i n g ge nu i nely. W h i le we each contend with our personal upheavals we can still remember there are those in much need. L et ’s each lay dow n our life a nd th in k of ou rselves less, for at least long enough to lift do list pales in comparison to is a feeling that persists. Real love up someone else. It is good for the joy I experience as I become is joyful. our souls. part of a bigger community. The joy of helping those who are in Greater love has no one than this: Kate Noonan Glaser M.S .S . need, of listening to a co-worker, to lay down one’s life for one’s M.A.R. is the Spiritual Director and of meeting my child with an open friends. Chaplain Associate at Greenwich heart as they talk about their John 15:13 Chaplaincy Services. accomplishments or frustrations

The joy of helping those who are in need, of listening to a co-worker, of meeting my child with an open heart as they talk about their accomplishments or frustrations is a feeling that persists. who I am more clearly once the obsession of self is lifted but my vision of the world becomes more lucid. From this vantage point I can truly be of service to those around me. As I shift my focus to others the mere satisfaction I gleaned from a completed to-

Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite. Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce lesson ( ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:30-9:15am, via Google Meet. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: sacredheartgrn@ Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Daily Mass under the Tent: Mon-Fri, 5:155:45pm (sign up through homepage). Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Fri, 7-7:30am, (sign up through homepage). Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon, 1:30pm; Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu, 1:30pm; Stations of the Cross: Fri, 1:30pm. The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners Hotline: 203-6373661 x375. Parish Partners in Prayer: pray silently wherever you are: 8am & 8pm. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Summer Rosary: Sun & Tue, 7:30pm, via YouTube Live. Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Sun, 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: signupgenius. com/go/stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be live-streamed. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm & Sun, 12-1pm. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel (make a reservation: All Masses and Adoration will continue to be live-streamed.

St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-5318741, ext. 4). Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 In-person Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 7:30pm; Sat, 5pm (Vigil); Sun, 7:30am, 10:30am & 1pm (Spanish), sign-up ( go/strochchurch). Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live teleconference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until further notice. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-6293876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@ The church will re-open for worship on Sunday, Sept. 13. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 In-person Public Outdoor Worship: Sun, 1010:30am, registration is required (signupgenius. com/go/70a084aafa72aa0f b 6 -i nperson). Virtual events: Sunday Worship & Church School - Online: Sun 10am, CNjyLHzsRlI. Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this project, contact jjacullo@ Sunday Worship & Church School - ONLINE Sunday, August 23, 2020 - 10:00am | JackRabbits Summer Camp for Kids (Week 2) Monday, August 24, 2020 - 8:30am | Art Studio -TEMPORARILY POSTPONED Monday, August 24, 2020 - 1:00pm CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Fridays on Facebook (live @ 3pm with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 www. Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am.



Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432

Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395;

Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year.

Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (us02web.; via phone: Dial-in: +1929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742).

Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Outdoor Worship: Sun, 9am, Tomes-HigginsFront Lawn (during Summer - weather permitting), registration is required, akryzak@ Virtual Worship Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 8am, on Zoom. Evensong: Thu, 5pm, livestream. Morning Prayer livesessions: 7 & 9am at Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am ( go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Mass on the Grass: Sundays, 9:30am. Service on the Meadow: Sundays, 9:30am. Virtual events: Online Morning Prayer: Sun, 10:15-11:15am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: online-worship-resources. Faith At Home crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sat, 11am & Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom. us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203869-7191 ext. 3. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, pre-registration is required, lori. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor service held jointly at St. Paul through Labor Day weekend. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor service: Sunday, 9am. Bible Study: Sunday, 10:15am.

First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: MonFri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-4366380, Access code:​​612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online Sermons available on Facebook ( and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-5362686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 In-person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary, registration is required ( events). Worship online: Sun, 10am, (website, Facebook, YouTube). Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515-606-5410, access code 119748#). Outdoor Worship Service August 28, 7pm - register at The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, youtube. com/c/TrinityChurchLife/live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:308:45pm. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686; Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at live. Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. Email with questions. Beginning June 3: Summer Wednesdays (Online) - Join Ellie and Tara on Zoom every other Wed, 4:30-5:30pm, ages 4-4th Grade, email ellie.strathdee@fpcg. org (a Zoom link will be sent out bi-weekly). Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee and fellowship: Sun, 11:15am-12pm, via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage). Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am.

Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel



Mark Pruner | |


One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903

For Market Updates and Listings Visit



Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

List Price

118 Putnam Park 20 Church Street B20 17 Maple Drive 18 Rippowam Road 2B 41 Mianus View Terrace 51 Forest Avenue 63 5 Relay Court 41 Sundance Drive 5 Georgetowne North 19 Peters Road 9 Ferris Drive 25 MacArthur Drive 77 Taconic Road 15 Serenity Lane 16 Laddins Rock Road 120 Dingletown Road 20 Meadow Road 49 Ridgeview Avenue 39 Highview Avenue 81 Shore Road 17 Carrington Drive 40 Mooreland Road 13 Chieftans Road 51 Doubling Road 34 Burying Hill Road 11 Old Forge Road 20 Lindsay Drive 20 Bush Avenue 22 Cherry Tree Lane

$459,000 $699,000 $749,900 $849,000 $849,000 $875,000 $955,000 $1,129,000 $1,325,000 $1,450,000 $1,495,000 $1,750,000 $1,995,000 $2,200,000 $2,295,000 $2,375,000 $2,395,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,575,000 $2,650,000 $2,795,000 $3,295,000 $3,295,000 $4,495,000 $4,495,000 $4,995,000 $6,250,000 $7,250,000








3.1 0

1 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 10 5 6 5 7 5

1 South of Post Road 2 South Parkway 1 Old Greenwich 2 Cos Cob 3 Cos Cob 2 Old Greenwich 2 Cos Cob 3 Cos Cob 1 South Parkway 3 Riverside 3 Old Greenwich 3 Old Greenwich 3 North Parkway 3 North Mianus 4 Old Greenwich 4 South Parkway 3 Riverside 3 South Parkway 3 Old Greenwich 3 Old Greenwich 3 North Parkway 4 North Parkway 5 North Parkway 6 South Parkway 4 North Parkway 6 South Parkway 6 South Parkway 6 South of Post Road 5 Riverside

$880 $521 $387

$536 $450 $432 $431 $479 $711 $515 $550 $688 $574 $497 $793 $494 $633 $612 $437

$541 $540

$502 $693 $1,095 $744 $795 $1,183

852 0.15 1,630 0 2,194 0.28 1,633 0

2,122 0.09 2,613 0.3 3,072 0

3,030 2,102 3,400 3,630 3,200 4,000 4,775 3,020 5,061 3,949 4,205 6,064

0.61 0.18 0.17 4.2 1.03 0.37 1.89 0.2 1.71 0.23 0.38

4.53 5,162 4.82 6,106 0.92

6,561 6,485 4,105 6,710 7,861 6,129

2.5 6.31 2.06


1.49 1.05

751 Lake Avenue $7,495,000 $703 10,656 2.34 6 496 Lake Avenue $7 ,495,000 $656 11,420 3.45 7 Water Restriction Greenwich Sent 5.25 x 10.5.qxp_Layout 1 6/15/20 12:52 PM 601 Lake Avenue $8,000,000 $941 8,500 1.66 6


7 South Parkway 7 South Parkway Page 1 6 South Parkway

Ready For Your Most Important Needs For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport


ith the lawn and garden season upon us, it’s time to remember how important it is to avoid using water inefficiently – including over-irrigation. The average suburban household uses at least 30% of its water for irrigation. But most could use less – a lot less – and still enjoy healthy lawns and gardens. That’s why Aquarion, in coordination with town and state officials, continues to expand this conservation-focused irrigation schedule throughout its service area. Here are some tips to make it even easier for you: • If you have a built-in irrigation system, have a licensed irrigation professional make sure it’s working efficiently • Check our website to see if you qualify for a variance from the schedule – for new plantings, a large property, or a high-efficiency irrigation system. • Keep in mind, weather and other conditions may further reduce your watering needs. Together, we can ensure our communities always have enough water for all their vital needs. For more tips on improving your water efficiency, please visit our website. Questions? Call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678

Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule Last Digit of Your Address Number Please Water Only On: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers)

Saturday & Tuesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

No address number

Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

© 2020 Aquarion Water Company






75 Cos Cob Avenue #2

Cos Cob


Sun 11-1 PM

Coldwell Banker

89 Putnam Park



Sun 2-4 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

128 Putnam Park #128



Sun 2-4 PM


18 Leonard Avenue



Sun 1-3 PM


48 Hillside Road



Sun 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

33 Edgewater Drive

Old Greenwich


Sun 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

63 North Ridge Road

Old Greenwich


Sun 1-3 PM


20 Harkim Road



Sun 1-4 PM


64 Park Avenue S

Old Greenwich


Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker

84 Burning Tree Road



Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

23 Oak Street



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker

27 Linwood Avenue



Sat 1-3 PM


67 Lockwood Road



Sun 2-4 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

487 Lake Avenue



Sun 1-3 PM


294 Round Hill Road



Sat 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

3 Juniper Lane



Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

123 Maple Avenue



Sun 2-4 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

4 Sound View Terrace



Sun 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway

51 Doubling Road 282 Round Hill Road

Greenwich Greenwich

$3,295,000 $3,950,000

Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres


34 Putnam Park 54 Nicholas Avenue 20 Church Street A10 100 Greenwich Hills Drive 6 Wellington Place 31 Summit Road 33 Thornhill Road 15 Le Grande Avenue 2 51 Forest Avenue 52 172 Field Point Road 9 49 William Street A 8 Banksville Road 24 Midbrook Lane 9 Fairfield Avenue 5 Terrace Avenue 56 Byram Shore Road 38 Split Timber Place 22 Mallard Drive 72 Riverside Lane 21 Roosevelt Avenue 16 Pierce Road 65 Bote Road 169 Elm Street 199 Palmer Hill Road 15 Widgeon Way 151 Stanwich Road 99 Valley Road E 2 Prescott Lane 8 Laurel Lane 1 Widgeon Way 80 Rockwood Lane 9 Chateau Ridge Drive 11 Hidden Brook Road 2 Sylvan Lane 78 Baldwin Farms South 219 Milbank Avenue W 27 Delwood Lane 173 Valley Road 22 Wooddale Road 4 Doverton Drive 11 Bryon Road 63 Maple Avenue 55 Mooreland Road 1 Old Round Hill Lane 20 Andrews Farm Road 14 Dempsey Lane 14 Rockwood Lane 34 Beechcroft Road

$415,000 $649,000 $725,000 $699,000 $699,000 $850,000 $750,000 $715,000 $745,000 $949,000 $1,025,000 $995,000 $1,195,000 $1,395,000 $1,285,000 $1,295,000 $1,595,000 $1,675,000 $2,100,000 $1,995,000 $1,995,000 $2,295,000 $2,200,000 $2,195,000 $1,995,000 $2,400,000 $2,495,000 $2,495,000 $2,495,000 $2,995,000 $2,895,000 $2,595,000 $3,495,000 $2,890,000 $3,300,000 $3,350,000 $2,999,000 $2,950,000 $3,495,000 $4,450,000 $4,295,000 $4,350,000 $6,200,000 $4,795,000 $5,900,000 $6,300,000 $6,995,000 $8,495,000

$415,000 $529,000 $725,000 $699,000 $699,000 $750,000 $740,000 $725,000 $745,000 $949,000 $945,000 $995,000 $1,149,000 $1,295,000 $1,285,000 $1,295,000 $1,395,000 $1,675,000 $1,995,000 $1,895,000 $1,995,000 $2,295,000 $2,200,000 $2,195,000 $1,995,000 $2,400,000 $2,495,000 $2,495,000 $2,495,000 $2,749,000 $2,895,000 $2,595,000 $2,850,000 $2,890,000 $2,900,000 $2,999,999 $2,999,000 $2,950,000 $3,495,000 $3,945,000 $4,295,000 $4,350,000 $5,250,000 $4,795,000 $4,875,000 $6,300,000 $6,995,000 $8,495,000

$415,000 53 $500,000 312 $650,000 82 $700,000 78 $710,000 40 $712,500 162 $730,000 167 $730,000 46 $745,000 104 $939,500 57 $944,000 26 $1,050,000 24 $1,149,000 146 $1,170,000 83 $1,285,000 7 $1,310,000 171 $1,335,000 72 $1,625,000 40 $1,850,000 156 $1,875,000 72 $1,985,000 15 $2,000,000 84 $2,025,000 747 $2,100,000 35 $2,100,000 14 $2,285,000 43 $2,300,000 76 $2,420,000 $2,500,000 36 $2,625,000 456 $2,730,000 49 $2,775,000 90 $2,817,500 185 $2,825,000 13 $2,850,000 357 $2,892,500 951 $2,995,000 47 $3,200,000 14 $3,300,000 98 $3,687,500 136 $4,005,000 127 $4,350,000 $4,400,000 367 $4,460,000 801 $4,650,000 1,735 $6,300,000 $6,995,000 7 $8,495,000 302

1,634 1,809 1,791 1,940 1,386 1,211 1,246 1,952 2,516 3,024 1,684 1,626 2,270 2,991 2,044 3,103 3,500 3,425 3,812 3,243 4,358 5,437 3,354 4,792 4,268 2,607 6,033 5,200 4,630 4,319 5,317 4,795 4,858 4,439 4,511 6,618 5,822 5,869 3,054 6,536 9,103 9,213 9,744 7,328 7,786 9,800

1 2 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 5 5 4 3 6 5 5 4 6 5 5 5 4 6 5 4 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 5

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0.17 0 0.12 0.3 0.17 0 0 0 0.79 0.3 0.12 0.26 0.71 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.17 0.3 0.28 0.2 1.55 0.34 1.03 0 0.25 4.04 0.27 2.28 2.14 0.3 0.3 2.25 0.4 0.47 0.59 1.34 2 0.44 0.7 5.13 2 4 2.06 1.54 1.79

July 2020 Real Estate Market Report Contracts are up an Astounding 119%

By Mark Pruner

Of our 208 contracts, 148 are between $1 and $4 million, which

In July 2020, we had 85 sales of single-family home in Greenwich, this blows away last year when we had means in Greenwich that most of those 148 families have school 72 sales and is also well above our 10-year average of 74 sales. The sales are impressive, but what is really astounding is that we have 208 contracts waiting to close. This is up 119 percent from last year when we had a age children who want to be in their house before the school year fairly normal 95 contracts at the end of July 2019. Contracts are up in every price range with a big jump in contracts between $1 to $4 million. Even our starts, August will be a busy month with 62 sales just past midcontracts over $4 million are up 21 contracts from last year going from 13 contract to 34 contracts - a jump of 161 percent. month compared to 63 sales for all of August 2019. Our 10-year average for sales in August is 67 houses, so if a third of the houses under contract close in August we will still exceed our August average. The odds are that we are going to see a lot more than that. Of those 208 contracts, 148 are between $1 to $4 million, which means in Greenwich that most of those 148 you take a look at cost per square foot for July 2020 compared to the median for 2019 then prices are only up families have school age children who want to be in their house before the school year starts. 0.2% and if you look at the sales price to the tax assessors FMV assessment then we are actually down 1.0%. Throw in the sales price to the original list price which is up 3.4% and the median days on market, which is Sales shifting to later in the year July 2020 is also the third year in a row with more sales in July than in June, our traditional high sales down 9 days or 6.4% you can get really confused, but it’s not that hard. The median price is up, and the average price is up, but not as much. This is because, higher-end houses month. It looks like we have a real market change with sales getting more complicated and shifting later in the are selling, but not compared to the very high-end so the median is up, but the average is up a little less. That’s year. The result is that first half of the year is just not going to look as good, since sales are shifting from June the mix of what’s selling. to July. What is going to be interesting is that August actually has a good chance this year of exceeding our Overall prices in 2020 are flat based on price/sf and SP/Assmt ratio. This means we have some motivated already high July sales. buyers and many of the multiple offer deals that are rumored to be high have not closed as yet. At the same How Covid created a four-phase market time the market is tightening as the sales price to original list price is up. Also, the days on market is down so When you look back over the year you can see the market went through four phases this year. We opened things are a bit tighter. Sellers are pricing their house better as indicated by the SP/OLP ratio and there is more the year with a typical run up in transactions, i.e., sales and contract. Everything was looking pretty normal demand as indicated by the sales price. in this first phase with transactions steadily rising, until the second phase Covid lockdown came. We went Another factor in why prices aren’t increasing yet is that many buyers are looking well beyond Greenwich, from a good 33 transactions in the second week of March to only 17 transactions in the third week. While we but not just in New Canaan and Darien, but also in Westchester County and even New Jersey. Our market never stopped showing houses, lots of people put off looking and our transactions dropped to an average of 20 looks tight inside our borders, but buyers are not coming to Greenwich per se, but fleeing the high density and transactions per week through the first week in May. lack of social distance in NYC. They are looking overall and hence have lots more choices, having said that Starting with the second week of May, transactions increased steadily going from 33 transactions the there are lots more buyers for all the areas that have backyards and amenities. There, as always, Greenwich first week of the third phase all the way up to 64 transactions in the third week of June when we reached the stacks up pretty well. fourth phase that we are now. What we are seeing is a persistent high plateau of transactions with about 60 While we may not have seen a significant increase in sales price per square foot and sales price to transactions each week for the last five weeks now. assessment ratio as our 208 contracts close, I expect that we will. There is just too much demand and I’m As transactions increased, new listings followed, which is normally just the opposite in our market. In a hearing of too many bidding wars for prices not to go up. When you look at the 85 deals that closed in July, normal year, inventory comes on in February, March and April, then goes to contract in April and May and 25 of them went for the original list price or more. This percentage is up from 17% for all 2020 deal. Most closes in June and July. In this year our contracts started rising in in the first week of June and surged through of the deals that closed in July were signed in the Phase 3 ramp-up period. It will be interesting to see what the rest of the month and only then did we start seeing more inventory. Of course, you might not notice the percentage of deals signed in July go for over list. new inventory coming on if you only looked at the bottom-line numbers. New contracts have been at such a rapid pace that they are actually pulling down our inventory at a time the owners are listing an unprecedented Covid is shifting sales to three school districts number of houses for July.

Market Highlights The increase in sales, as mentioned, is across the board from $600K to $10 million plus. The only category where sales are not up is under $600K where we have 9 sales YTD plus four contracts with an inventory of only four houses leading to only 2.6 months of supply, i.e. very hot. If we had more listings under $600K we had more sales. You can pick any price category and it’s much more pro-seller this year. Out total sales even with the Covid lockdown phase are still up 48 sales or 19% from last year. If you are thinking about buying or selling a house you want to look at contracts not sales, since contracts tells you what the market demand is now. • Demand has increased the most over $1.5 million with an average increase in contracts of 189 percent. • The biggest jump in deals is from $3 – 4 million where we have 34 contracts compared to only 7 contracts in July 2019, an increase

of 386 percent. • The market from $4 – 5 million has also changed a lot. We only have 6 more contracts, but 16 less listings. Months of supply in this price category have dropped by more than a year to 13.2 months of supply from 24.8 months of supply

in July 2019. • We have seen a slight up-tick in inventory over $5 million with 142 listings compared to 132 listings in 2019 or 7.5 percent, but don’t worry too much as we also seen a big jump in contracts from 7 last year to 22 deals in 2020.

Not only are some price ranges hotter than others, some areas of town are hotter. When you look at the market bey school district you can see that our areas with the largest acreage have become the most popular. Our two most northerly school districts are where the action is. North St and Parkway elementary school districts are in a tie for largest percentage of transactions with 96 sales and transactions each. As they used to say in elementary school, Parkway is the “most improved” in the Covid era with transaction up a third from 15.5% pre-Covid to 20.4% in the Covid era. Riverside Elementary School District has also seen a significant increase in transactions in the Covid part of this year, while Cos Cob has seen the biggest decrease. This doesn’t mean that Cos Cob School District sales are down compared to 2019, they are not only that there has been a shift in the post April 2020 sale percentage to Parkway and Riverside. When you combine to the two most northerly school districts with Riverside you have more than half the deals in town. Does this mean we are going to see more crowded schools? Possibly. What isn’t clear is how many of these families have school age kids that will be going to public school. And, in some cases a family with school age kids may just be replacing a family with school age kids so there is no net increase in students. Also, Parkway and North St have additional capacity, but Riverside which already has our largest elementary population and possibly Central Middle School may see some expanded enrollment. After years of a shrinking to flat population having a few more people in town will be a good thing, particularly if everyone has electricity.

Months of Supply Show Strengthening Market When you look at months of supply what jumps out is just how remarkable July is. If you take sales and contracts every category is getting tighter. If you look at just deals that close in July and analyze them, everything up to $4 million dollars is accelerating. The other thing is just the absolute numbers. For most of the U.S. anything under six months supply is considered a seller’s market, but then median Mark Pruner is the Editor of the Real Estate page of the Greenwich Sentinel. He is a sales executive at Berkshire price for a home sale in the US is $329,000; i.e., half of the houses in the U.S. sell for less than $329K. The last Hathaway in their Greenwich office. He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or at time a house sold in Greenwich for less than that amount was in 2012. The idea of 6 months of supply being a seller’s market only works up to about $2 million. Above $3 million it’s more like one year of supply and above $5 million it’s probably 18 months of supply. Very high-end houses just take longer to sell. Based on those criteria we have a seller’s market all the way up to $6.5 million. When you look at where the contracts are, they are concentrated between $1 million and $4 million where we have 148 contracts or 71 percent of all contracts. This price range covers successful young families at the lower end and folks looking for a weekend house at the upper end. Also, we continue to see an increase of Greenwich buyers who realize that now is the time to buy before prices go up, since our median price is A new level of commitment, already up 5.6 percent this year. Curiously, that is not where to focus. Sales are up, are prices up too? Lots of people and the press focus on what is happening to the average sales price of houses and that is not a good number to look at in Greenwich if what you are trying to do is to see where the overall market is going and the median price is only a little better. Most years the change in the average price is not due to changes in overall market demand, but due more to the mix of what is selling. Given the broad increase in sales and contracts 2020 may be the exception to that rule as we are seeing an increase at most price ranges, but for the moment other price change indicators do not agree. So, what are sales prices doing. As I said, if you look just at the average, you’d say that prices are up 4.4%, which isn’t bad for 7 months appreciation. If you look at just the median, then sales prices are up 5.6%. But, if

and honesty in Real Estate.

GLORIA FALCON 203.559.1604

CESAR RABELLINO 203.249.9866

Greenwich 136 East Putnam Avenue | ©2020 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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