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Step Out to the Wildest Spot in CT!
Scientists Work to Solve Why Elephants are Dying By Jim Knox Notwithstanding contemporary threats such as food and water scarcity and poaching for their magnif icent ivory tusks, elephants are now facing a new and mysterious killer. For the past several months, hundreds of Botswana’s elephants have been succumbing to an unknown pathogen or illness which does not discriminate bet ween you ng or old, male or female. Bulls, cows and calves have all fallen. Veterinary pathologists are working around the clock to discover the invisible killer attacking the world’s largest p opu lat ion of t he g r e at beasts. L i ke s o m a ny of t he world’s children, I came to learn the identity of the world’s largest land animal as an adornment of the alphabet above the chalkboard in my k indergarten classroom. While M rs. Cully would
For the past several months, hundreds of Botswana’s elephants have been succumbing to an unknown pathogen or illness which does not discriminate between young or old, male or female. Veterinary pathologists are working around the clock to discover the invisible killer. engage us in colors, shapes, arithmetic, or story time, my gaze would swing past “A” for Ape and gallop toward “Z” for Zebra. Often though, I would settle on “E” for Elephant. The alphabet elephant was
invariably gray and happy-smiling with trunk held aloft and two perfect rounded white tusks curving upward. Due to the elephant’s unique design, It was a pretty good likeness to the real beast.
L i ke a l l of t he ot her k ids, i n a l l of t he ot her classrooms, t h roug hout North America and beyond, I took the elephant as a given, albeit an XXXL player among the planet’s fauna.
As immovable as it was incomparable, the elephant was simply a measure of the earth’s immensely varied biodiversity. It was a creature commanding a full two pages of picture books, a
mountain of a beast without equal, roaming the jungles and savannas of our young imaginations. Attaining a towering 13 feet in height, a staggering 33 feet in length and an earthtremoring 24,000 pounds in weight, the sheer scale of the African Bush Elephant, (Loxodonta africana) is hard to fathom. So far larger than even immense hippos and rhinos, the great beasts defy our senses. Having seen them in the wild--and having retreated from a rapidly advancing bull--please take my word for it. Unlike nearly every other creature, the elephant seemed somehow beyond the often damaging r e a c h o f h u m a n s . Ye t , nothing could be further from the truth. Along with their close cousins, the Asian Elephant a n d t h e A f r i c a n Fo r e s t Elephant, Bush or Savanna Elephants are unassailable mammals with no natural
See Elephants page 5
Aidan Buss Heads Back to the Royal Ballet School By Anne W. Semmes Greenwich’s ballet starin-the-making Aidan Buss is prospering in a pandemic. At 17 going on 18 in October, Aidan is returning to London this week to enter his fifth year at the Royal Ballet School. Ref lecting on four years completed, behind his mask, on his family’s back porch, he says, “It’s been tough sometimes, but I’m excited to go back.” Aidan’s destination – after he quarantines two weeks in London with family (his dad Andrew is British), is no longer outside London in the Royal Ballet School’s historic White Lodge campus set in the grand
la nd s c ap e of R ich mond Park, where he attended the Lower School. He is second year in the threeyear Upper School located in London’s Covent Garden. “One of the great things about being in Upper School is you're so close to the Royal Ballet company,” he says, “There's a bridge that connects the School to the company ‘across the road’ at the Royal Opera House. And you are able to go see these real performances that the company does ‘across the road.’” T h at b r id g e i s ap t l y named, “Aspiration Bridge.” As Aidan tells it, “Learning in Covent Garden, the entertainment district of
The Pause Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT When confronted with something dif f icult or unpleasant, pause before responding. A pause allows blood to flow back to our prefrontal cortex where logic, reason, compassion, and creativity help us formulate better responses. Without a pause, we’re stuck in our reptilian brain with its fight-or-flight response, which is neither pretty nor productive. Our pause button gets bigger with practice. Try breathing three times deeply to tell your nervous system that this is not a life-or-death emergency. We can sometimes buy ourselves a little more time by heading to a bathroom or bedroom. Eve had an eating disorder. She thought that cookies ran straight off the grocery shelf into her mouth. Having grown up in a chaotic home, Eve had no idea she could cultivate a pause button. Over time, she learned to pause before making food choices. Her newfound ability to pause also helped her better handle relationships and important decisions. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books or at Amazon.
London, as well as being across the road from the company has only increased my desire and dream of being a professional ballet dancer.” But the last five months have been an unexpected t r i a l . “ S o , I w a k e u p ,” he tells of that March 12 Thursday morning. “It's a normal day. And we go to school. The teachers say we're having an emergency assembly for all students.” What has been on Aidan’s mind is that week’s critical yearly evaluation he must pass muster to continue. Instead, the school’s artistic d i r e c t o r, C h r i s t o p h e r Powney, announces to all t he A mer ic a n st udents: “You must go home as soon as possible - if you can find a ticket.” It’s Covid-19 time and President Trump has declared that weekend the U.S. is closing its doors– to all but American citizens. That last bit escapes Aidan in his panic, thinking the door will be closed to him too. “I was frantically looking for a plane ticket home. But the problem was at nine in the morning, it's four in the morning here. I called my dad probably 30 times until he picked up.” But Aidan succeeds and by 6 p.m. is on his way to JFK. Aidan landed safely into a hotbed of Covid in his own backyard and became he says the f irst of the Royal Ballet School students to come down with the virus. He was fourth of a family of f ive to get sick. “It was about three days of exhaustion, no energy, lying in bed…No taste, no smell… just a high fever of 102.” But Aidan rebounded and soon was literally jumping into the Royal Ballet School zoom classes. “We took three weeks off because normally we take three weeks off in April,”
Aidan Buss practicing at the Greenwich Ballet Academy. (Photo by Victoria Rivera) he tells, with school ending i n Ju ly. How t he scho ol managed to offer classes in academics and dance to students all over the world, in different time zones is a wonder. “The school is such a big school,” says Aidan, “It has students from Australia, Japan, China, and America.” The Royal Ballet School web site of fer e d a z o om image showing individual students practicing in a variety of home settings. Aidan shows the space in
his living room where he practiced, on a Marley dance mat the School sent out to students. “At home , it ’s r e a l ly d i f f i c u l t t o d o j u m p s ,” he explains. “Usually in studios you have a sprung f loor that helps take some of the impact from your tendons and your ligaments. S o, it w a s d i f f ic u lt a nd potentially dangerous.” He demonstrates the challenge of prac t ic i ng “t ravel i ng steps” with little space - and
traveling steps include a jump. “So, those are difficult to do as well not having a really high ceiling.” Over the last four months Aidan has engaged himself in impressive dance opportunities w ith the renting of studio space and sharing with others with his School’s cooperation. “If you have a real studio, that is much more beneficial than doing a class here,
See Ballet page 5
Three Island Beach Lifeguards Honored By Richard Kaufman
On a sun-splashed day last Friday, First Selectman Fred Camillo ventured out to Island B e ach to honor t h r e e her oic lifeguards who saved a man's life last month. Michael Dorrian, Sean Kieran and Mitchell Grimes -- all from G r e e nw i c h - - e a c h r e c e i ve d certificates of special recognition for their actions on July 19. On t hat day, a Gre enw ich couple, who has asked to remain anonymous, packed up some lunch and took the ferry to Island Beach. The man decided to go for a swim, and waded into the water while talking to a neighboring beachgoer. As he continued to go into
From left to right: Mitchell Grimes, Sean Kieran, First Selectman Fred Camillo, Michael Dorian (John Ferris Robben photo)
deeper water, the man lost his balance and footing because of a strong current, and he flipped onto his back. He was being pulled into and under the pier area, where he was being pounded against the pillars and unable to right himself. In a matter of seconds, Dorrian, a 20-year veteran lifeguard, who had been watching from the beach, took ac t ion a nd i m me d iately headed into the water. He called for Kieran, who followed as the second responder. Kieran has worked at Island Beach for eight years. They pulled the man, who was battered, bruised and bleeding from struggling against the pier, back onto the sand where they checked his vitals and tended to his wounds. Grimes, an Island Beach
See Lifeguards page 5
Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel Column: On My Watch
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Esther Bushell's Book Clubs
By Anne W. Semmes So, who would know that this pandemic has been supportive of book clubs? Don’t we all envision groups of women (and yes, men) sitting together cozily in someone’s living room or porch, their featured book on their knees? Reality check. There’s been a Zoom takeover, with attendance rising. “Everybody shows up for Zoom because nobody's at the dentist, nobody's traveling, everybody's home.” So says Esther Bushell, Greenwich’s esteemed book club facilitator, most recently leading eight book clubs in Greenwich but taking her usual summer break – except for leading in August a California cousin’s book group via Zoom, before she starts up her own groups in September. Esther explains the Zoom effect on her groups: “The discussions are very significant. People listen to other people. When we're in front of each other we talk to each other, and we have that tendency to interrupt, and to finish other people's sentences and that doesn't happen on Zoom.” Esther reflected on the present pandemic moment on her back porch in Old Greenwich with a pile of new books before her sent by publishing houses. Not allowed inside, I could not see that shelf full of signed books, including “Ragtime” by E. L. Doctorow. Just one of the high-prof ile authors she has brought to Greenwich in her 17 years of leading book clubs. She recalls showing Doctorow her teaching copy. “He started crying, and he said, ‘Did you really think these things were important?’” She learned later he had received a bad diagnosis, “that he wasn't going to be around much longer, and everything was important to him.” Esther got into leading book clubs in 2003, the year she retired from her 40 years teaching English in the Greenwich Public Schools. She de“I scribes her metamorphose from high school teacher to book club facilitator. She was amazed to find that, “educated adult women really couldn't discuss a book. They didn't know how to analyze the book….my kids in high school had a better sense of this…and all these young women had forgotten how to do that.” So, English teacher Esther stepped up. “There was more teaching involved in the beginning, getting everybody in shape so to speak,” she says. And now, her book clubbers know how to deconstruct a book. “They know how to discuss it. And the initial shyness is gone.” She adds, "I think by listening to what other people have to say you learn how to read. ‘Oh, gee I never saw that - I didn't think that was important, or that's really interesting…I didn't see that. There's a lot of modeling going on - it's not just the facilitator who models. Everybody models.” She sees herself “less and less as a teacher. It's been a long time since I was a teacher.” In this pandemic she f inds fiction a favorite genre. “I think it's easier to talk about fiction than it
“The purpose of a book club is to share ideas, to bounce off ideas with each other.” Esther Bushell. (Photo by Anne W. Semmes)
“Everybody shows up for Zoom because nobody's at the dentist, nobody's traveling, everybody's home.” is nonfiction. When you talk about nonfiction, you go around the room, and somebody says, well I really like this, and the next person says I thought this was interesting, and then you’re done. You don't have the layers and the nuances in nonfiction, that you have in fiction.” She makes an exception with Erik Larson's widely read book, “The Splendid and the Vile.” “With Winston Churchill as a character, there are the layers and the nuances about Churchill.” So, of all those galleys Esther gets sent from publicists of those publishing houses, what percent of them does she feature in her book clubs? Maybe 25 percent she says. They have to answer to Esther’s criteria of a good book: “It has to be well written. It needs characters I really care about. And it has to move.” Authors she can count on in this regard are Elizabeth Strout and Bill Clegg. She holds up Clegg’s newest book, “The End of the Day.” “It hasn't come out,” she says. “It was scheduled to be published in June, and the publishers delayed it to come out in the fall, perhaps.” It’s a bad time to publish an “A book” during the pandemic,” she tells. Instead, “A lot of the B and C books are coming out.” She can trace back favorite books to her first book group that is still going she says with two members that go back those 17 years. One of them, Abbe Hascoe, had named the book, “Middlesex,” by Jeffrey Eugenides “the best book she ever read.” Esther decided to bring it back this last season. “And everybody still loved it. The book must be 16 years or 17 years old. It's still wonderful. And another older book that everybody absolutely loves is ‘A Prayer for Owen Meany’
by John Irving.” Add to that list of popular favorites, “The Great Gatsby,” But not Hemingway, nor our own Anya Seton. Rereading “The Winthrop Woman,” Esther had the feeling,” she says of Seton “standing in front of a class, and lecturing. It wasn't natural anymore.” She recalls those early days reading Anya Seton's novels – “I just couldn't put them down.” Hilary Mantel’s new book, “The Mirror and the Light,” is sitting atop her stack. She’s gotten into it she says – she reads two to three hours a day - but she’s suffering like others with the ability to concentrate under the Covid cloud. “People in my book clubs email back and forth about what have we’ve been reading and how they are having a hard time concentrating. I was really relieved to hear that I wasn’t the only one. So, people are reading things that aren't quite as challenging, or that are really high interest, like “The Splendid and the Vile.” There is no dou bt Est her has had a great ride reaching out to book lovers, leading up to 15 monthly book clubs in a year. Her Literary Matters event organization brings us leading authors when social mixing is allowed. But what truly surprises and fascinates Esther is, “There are so many interesting people in this town!” “This is a very thoughtful, intellectual community,” she shares, “People read in this community.” She has grown tired she says of “everybody stereotyping this community as affluent.” And she’s concerned over the buzz - “People are hoping that nothing happens to Diane's Books. If something happens to Diane's Books, I'm going to have to change my mind.”
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Celebrating Our Connection to the Nineteenth Amendment To m a r k t h e 1 0 0 t h anniversary of the passage of t he Ni nete ent h A mend ment , August 18, 2020, giving women the right to vote, student writer for the Greenwich Library Oral History Project, Noor Rekhi, a senior at Greenwich Academy, d r aw s f r o m fou r i nte r v i e w s with Greenwich descendants of suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. J o h n B a r n e y a n d h i s s i s t e r, R hoda Ba r ney-Jen k i ns, were interviewed by volunteer Penny Bott Haughwout in 1974. Catherine St a nton w a s i nte r v iewe d by volunteer Donna H. K avee in 1982 , and Coline Jenk ins was interviewed by volunteer Patricia Holch in 1997. This month, the Oral History P r oje c t de d ic ate s it s blog to Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her descendants. While Stanton lived in New York State, many of her descendants lived or currently live in Greenwich. Through interviews conducted w ith John Barney, Rhoda Barney Jenkins, Catherine Stanton, and Coline Jenkins, the Oral History Project has learned more about the Stanton family and their strong ties to the advocacy of feminism. A lt hou g h E l i z a b e t h Cady Stanton, born in 1815, did not live to see the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, she was arguably one of the most famous suffragists in American history. Coline Jenkins recounted her great-great grandmother’s legacy saying, “She and other women rewrote the Declaration of Independence. Their document was named the Declaration of Senti ments a nd was a list of g rievances against the maledominated society. There was a radical part of her document. The radical part was that women should vote; and she believed that, through the vote, women could gain other rights. She felt these rights were inherent to being a citizen of America, despite the gender of the citizen. She’s a central character in our family.” Central character she was. Her descendants have made efforts to preserve her history and carry on her ef forts. R hoda Barney Jenkins, great granddaughter of Stanton, was herself an advocate
Rhoda Barney Jenkins, accompanied by her grandson, Eric JenkinsSahlin, voting at Julian Curtiss School, circa 2000. Photo courtesy: Coline Jenkins for the Equal Rights Amendment and a member of the National O r g a n i z a t i o n f o r Wo m e n . A r e sident of Gr e enw ich when interviewed in 1974, she shed light on the background of the family going back to Margaret Livingston Cady, Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s mother. The daughter of a Revolutionary War colonel, Margaret was born with a fervor to stand up for what was right. Jenkins fondly recounted a family story in which Margaret cleverly managed to ensure that women would have the opportunity to get their votes counted in the election of their new minister. It is highly plausible to suggest that Margaret’s spirit may have b e en passe d on to El i z a b et h Cady St a nton, who wou ld i n turn inspire other generations of Stanton women. E l i z a b et h Cady St a nton’s daughter Harriet Stanton Blatch p l aye d a n a c t i ve r o l e i n t h e movement her mother ignited. Blatch was a powerful feminist
in her own right and was instrumental in organizing the first suffrage parade in New York City. Her work helped lead to the passage of the 19th Amendment. Blatch’s daug hter, Greenw ich resident Nora Stanton Barney, paved the way for other women as well. She was one of the first female civil engineers in America, graduating from Cornell in 1905, despite the lack of acceptance from her male peers. Even though she was purposely excluded from a class yearbook photo with her fellow engineer graduates, she received her degree and came in second in her class. At Cornell, she fou nded the Un iversit y ’s suffrage club. Undoubtedly, Nora Stanton Barney was an impressive figure. She was even invited to the British Parliament’s visitors’ box, although the invitation was retracted when she informed the State Department of her plan to shout, “Votes for Women!” in solidarity with British feminists. Most recently, Coline Jenkins,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton with her son Henry Brewster Stanton Jr., circa 1855. Caption: Elizabeth Cady Stanton with her son Henry Brewster Stanton Jr., circa 1855. Photo courtesy: Coline Jenkins
Greenwich resident and RTM m e m b e r, h e l p e d p r e s e r v e Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s legacy and ensure suffragists maintain their place in history. In 1921, a statue of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Luc r et ia Mot t, a nd Su s a n B. Anthony was relegated to the crypt beneath the U.S. Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C., days after its dedication. It remained there until the 1990s when a Woman Suffrage Statue committee was formed to return it to its place in the Rotunda, “the centerpiece of A me r ic a n de mo c rac y,” a s described by Jenkins. Jenkins helped create the documentary An American Revolution: Women Take Their Place about the moving of the statue. Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped secure the right of women to vote and Coline Jenkins helped ensure that her ancestor would still have a voice today. As we ref lect on the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, it is imperative that we recognize Stanton and the
Rhoda Barney Jenkins and her brother, John Barney. Photo courtesy: Greenwich Library Oral History Project
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generations of women after her who campaigned for women’s rights. When you cast your ballot this November, remember all the people who persevered so that every American woman could vote. Reflecting on Stanton’s work, Rhoda Barney Jenkins remarked,” I really would have liked to have known Elizabeth Cady Stanton. You know, the more you read of what she’s written, the more you respect how deeply she thought about things and how elegantly she put it, and this tremendous amount of work that she did, too. It’s just incredible.” Although Stanton lived over a century ago, we do get to know her. We know her through the progress she has made for women in our society and through the oral histories preserved for generations to come. T h e J o h n B a r n e y, R h o d a B a r ney-Je n k i n s , Cat he r i ne St a nton , a nd Col i ne Je n k i n s interview Tr a n s c r i p t s m a y b e r e a d at Greenwich Librar y and are available for purchase at the Oral Histor y Project off ice. The Oral History Project is sponsored by the Friends of the Greenwich Library. Visit the OHP website at glohistory. org. Mar y Jacobson , OHP blog editor.
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Feature Column
A Different Kind of Summer, a Different Kind of Fall
By Icy Frantz It’s been a different kind of summer. The temperatures were warm and the days long, as usual, but for many, it was difficult to experience the normal stressfree casual laid back feelings that we associate with the summer months. The kids have been out of school, forever, large gatherings were limited in size and scope, t ravel b a n s a nd r e st r ic t ion s prevented trips and annual family vac at ion t i me away, a nd t he pending fall is just that - pending. The other day a friend posted something on social media that
pr e dator s at adu lt ho o d . Yet their natural protected status, imbued by their colossal frames and muscle, cannot safeguard them from human activity. Their commensurate needs of vast habitat and food resources put them into direct competition w it h hu m a n s for sp a c e a nd sustenance. With such competition a nd su r v iva l ha ng i ng i n t he balance, the great beasts are very frequently relegated to national parks and other protected areas to ensure safety for all. Now, a s veter i na r y pathologists work to protect the world’s largest population of the great beasts, their survival is even
c a u g h t m y e ye . S h e w a s o n vacation on an island that was reachable by car and welcoming to Connecticut residents. She had gone out to the beach to watch the sunset, only to discover that the clouds had rolled in and were blocking the sun. “ S o , we c ove r e d up w i t h blankets and basically just watched it get dark,” she wrote. A nd t h at su m me d up t he summer beautifully for me. I had the good fortune to get away for a week, but the relaxation I normally derive from lying on the beach, reading a book, and watching the ebb and flow of the tide was obscured by the apprehension that I felt. It’s going to be a different kind of fall. For over twenty years, midAu g u s t h a s r e p r e s e nte d t h e beginning of the end; the hours in the day both fill and shorten. There are medical forms to complete, school shopping to be done, and little yellow stickies covered with lists to check off. This year, in our home, we still have two returning to academic institutions, however, at the time of this writing, one will once again be learning remotely while the other is scheduled to be more precarious. To date, leading suspects include toxins leaching into diminished water supplies and bacterial blooms which can fell these mighty mammals with terrifying swiftness. In solving the mystery of what is felling the elephants, we are taking steps to further protect the planet's fragile ecosystem and ourselves. Fa r more tha n the happy alphabet-teaching creatures of our youth, elephants are ecosystem engineers. Possessing the unique abilities to: unerringly detect and access hidden water reserves below ground, crack the world’s toughest seed pods to ensure fertilization of key tree species essentia l for the su r v iva l of innumerable wildlife species, and communicate over distances of more than ten miles through the
on campus (albeit with very strict guidelines and protocols). And all communications from their schools have clearly stated that any outlined plan is subject to change. It breaks my heart. S o how do e s one prepa re when we don’t know what we are preparing for? Do we head out to watch the sunset even if it is blocked by the clouds? No parent has parented their way through this before and no kid has lived this way before, so it makes sense that we all feel a little anxious. We have already seen a few universities open and promptly shut. We have grown familiar and comfortable with phrases such as “remote learning”, “hybrid campuses”, “distance teaching”, “best practices”, “transmission rates” and “pods”. Six months ago, it seemed absurd that schools
would close their doors; today, we accept it with a shrug. A little-known fact about me is that I play the piano, although I may be overstating that fact. I started taking lessons the year our second child went away to school. That was a very long time ago, and yet, I am still a beginner. Really. I am not a natural and I do not practice enough. However, a few times a year I attend a recital where I am expected to play, and it is nerve-racking. The weeks before the recital, I prepare by practicing like crazy, and when I sit down in front of the friendly crowd of colleagues (all of whom play better than I), a number of things can happen. Maybe I will bomb. Maybe my mind will go blank. Maybe I will be nervous, and my hands will shake, or I will hit the wrong keys and lose my place. Or maybe I will
The Wildlife Conservation Society’s 96 Elephants Initiative ( The International Elephant Foundation ( AZA’s Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE) Initiative ( use of low frequency sound waves, elephants are as indispensable as they are astounding. If ever there was a creature warranting study and protection, it is the elephant. So what can we do? T h a n k f u l l y, i n t h i s a g e o f infor mation, com munication and connectedness, there is an organization, an initiative and
an app for everything. There are numerous ways in which we can all contribute to a brighter future for these beasts and all t h e h a b it at-sh a r i n g s p e c i e s they unwittingly protect. For a start, the Wildlife Conservation Society’s 96 Elephants Initiative ( is successfully protecting elephants in 12 African
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lifeguard for two years, offered support as the third responder. The lifeguards offered the man ambulance services if he felt he needed it, and cared for him until he declared he was ok. Dorrian continued to monitor the man until the couple left Island Beach later on. "Because of their alertness as to what was going on in the water that day, a near drowning was avoided," the man's wife said in a letter describing the incident to Camillo. "We feel blessed that they were there doing their job that day... I am sure that if it were not for their rapid and professional response, my husband's life could have been lost." The lifeguards humbly accepted the recognition, saying that they were just doing their job. "I felt confident when we went out there. Once I blew the whistle, they were right behind me and all ready to go. We got the job done," Dorrian said.
museums and science centers. Modern elephants have roamed our planet's forests and savannas for more than 5 million years. To the present day, these terraforming wonders open game trails through their browsing, germinate, fertilize and disperse countless tree, shrub and grass species, and create water holes for other wildlife with their uncanny s e n s e o f s m e l l . S i mp l y, l i fe flourishes where elephants roam. Our species can coexist and indeed benefit from one another. “E” is not only for Elephant. It is also for Earth and it is for Everyone. Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Adviser for The Bruce Museum. Jim has a passion for working with wildlife and for sharing his work with others.
“Learning in Covent Garden, the entertainment district of London, and being across the road from the company has only increased my desire and dream of being a professional ballet dancer.” Aidan Buss.
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range cou ntr ies and has the support of more than one million com m it te d con ser vat ion ists worldwide. With nearly 90% of contributions going directly toward field conservation for both African and Asian Elephants, The International Elephant Foundation ( has been leading the way with more than 120 projects supported since 1999. Lastly, AZA’s Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE) Initiative ( contributes nearly $1,000,000 toward Asian Elepha nt f ield con s er vat ion annually. Additionally, SA FE offers innovative ways to directly support elephant conservation including the purchase of limited edition wines from The Wildlife Wine Club as well as through fun and educational visits to accredited member zoos, aquariums,
No parent has parented their way through this before and no kid has lived this way before, so it makes sense that we all feel a little anxious.
and you’re working with people. So, from April until mid-May, I was lucky to be working with two soloists of American Ballet Theater in a Greenw ich Conser vator y studio in a zoom class with the teachers in New York.” And yes, they were social distancing. “At the bar we'd stand away from each other and we'd make sure we kept a distance.” For June he had moved himself, solo, to a studio at the Connecticut Ballet Center in Stamford, where he connected with the School’s zoom classes. “At the same time,” he adds, “I was working with an amazing teacher Magaly Suarez in Miami over Zoom. She's Cuban, and she has a great school.” Not to miss any opportunity for stretching himself - even with School ending in July, he’s recently been working with his longtime teacher Yuri Vodolaga, artistic director of the Greenwich Ballet Academy. “I've been working with Yuri twice a week with another girl who is at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Russia – we worked on some pas de deux.” So, what has been most cha lleng ing for A ida n in th is virtual learning has not been the
be brilliant and play the best I have ever played. But no matter how I do, there will always be another recital, the crowd is always encouraging, loving, and applauds with gusto, and then we laugh about it over a well-deserved dinner. So, here is the leap – my piano recitals have taught me how to prepare for the unexpected hoping for brilliance, but ready for anything - and to face uncertainty with the three constants that have seen me through some aw f ul performances: encouragement, love, and humor. We show up to watch the sunset even if it is blocked by the clouds. Two n i g h t s a g o , I g o t a n unexpected call from the head of a boarding school with which I have been involved for the past seven years. We discussed the thorough
and thoughtful work that has gone into preparing a safe and healthy community for this fall. “It will be different. We will be very strict. We have to be,” he said. And then he shared this metaphor with me - “a little cliché,” as he put it – but, if a head of school can use it, I can too. It is fitting. It’s as if we are all climbing Mount Everest. We are at 26,000 feet, the f inal camp before our pu sh to t he su m m it . We a r e on borrowed oxygen. It’s been grueling and hard. The climb has depleted much of our energy, and there has been little time for rest. It’s scary. The summit is in sight and we want to reach it, knowing that at any time, we might need to abandon our climb, because of inclement weather, or failed equipment. But we will go for it. It’s been a different kind of summer and the chances are good that it’s going to be a different kind of fall. We are weary and anxious as we head towards this new terrain. But side by side, step by step, we will tackle this together. It might be a bomb. But then again, it may be brilliant. I say we go for it!! September, we are coming for you. Come visit me at
The Aspiration Bridge connects Aidan Buss and his School with the Royal Ballet Company in the Royal Opera House. (Royal Ballet School photo.) “academic front” he says, “because there’s so many resources online about how to do math, and it was easy to send in your work to a teacher and they could mark it.” It was the “ballet front.” “They're teaching us new things, harder things that are built on what we learned the previous year,” he says. “So, it does get more advanced every year.” And there’s that two-week ev a lu at ion h e w i l l f a c e n e x t March. He explains. “At the Upper School, there's five assessments… they assess you on ballet, they
The area between the pier and a nearby buoy in which the man struggled is known to lifeguards as "The Danger Zone." "This is not the f irst time we've had an incident there during high tide," Dorrian said, recalling a recent event where a man fell asleep on his back and drifted into the pier. "It's all about training. We've trained for this run before." Camillo praised the lifeguards, and stressed how dangerous the water can be. "Their actions are just symbolic of the dedication our town employees have. My dad always used to tell me, water is the most powerful force in the world. Even though we're in the Sound and we don't have the riptides of the ocean, it's still very, very dangerous," Camillo said. "Lifeguarding is not just all fun and games. Because of their actions, this family still has their dad, their uncle, their grandfather to enjoy." Dorrian cautioned swimmers to be aware of their surroundings. "Know how strong a swimmer you are, and take a look at the current," he said.
assess you on character dance, on contemporary dance. They assess you on your pas de deux. And they assess you on a solo.” Aidan had chosen for this year’s solo “a very
rare solo from Sleeping Beauty. The choreographer is Sir Peter Wright and it is only done by one ballet company in the world, the Dutch National Ballet.”
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That Aspiration Bridge comes to mind again when Aidan speaks of the proximity of his school to the Royal Ballet company. “That has actually helped my romance with ballet grow,” he says, “as I have been able to watch more ballets in person.” And one ballet has truly grabbed him that he hopes to dance in one day. “It’s the ballet” Onegin” – not the opera Eugene O ne g i n . It ’s c r e ate d by Joh n
Cranko. I got to watch it in January. There's so much drama in it. There are quite a few scenes of amazing pas de deux between Onegin and Tatiana - they look so difficult to do but there's so much feeling in them. And the ending of that ballet is probably one of the most amazing endings for me because it literally has my hair stand on end. It's so chilling.”
Editorial Page
Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Back To School It’s that time of year again. What seemed like the endless possibilities of months long vacation has gone by in a flash. Summer is winding down. College kids have already gone off to orientation. Greenwich Public School starts up in a few weeks. Private schools soon thereafter. Everyone is getting back into their routines. Hopefully the routines are a good thing. For the rest of us, the pace of life picks up again to resume its frantic race to get done what needs be done before we become undone by it! There is no arguing that we live in a very busy community with many things vying for attention. We are working harder and longer than ever before. But we do not want to get so busy we miss out on life. Socrates said it best: “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” One thing that has been reaffirmed over and over again since we started publishing is that there is much to celebrate in our community. There are so many wonderful things that occur on a daily basis that we actively look for them so that we can take a moment out of our busy lives and reflect on them. And yes, the steamy, hot weather finally broke this week, bringing refreshing cool air from the north. However, it has not done much to relieve people’s hot tempers. Even a quick trip to the post office showcases people honking their horns, parked in cross walks, going about their day in a generally aggravated state. A quick glance at those glumly standing in line for stamps seems to say it all. People are tired of the pandemic and worried for what the future holds. We don’t blame them. The ongoing months of pandemic living have taken their toll on just about everyone.
And yes, the steamy, hot weather finally broke this week, bringing refreshing cool air from the north. However, it has not done much to relieve people’s hot tempers.
The simple joy of walking down Greenwich Avenue is fraught with anxiety for those without face masks. The solitude of continued self-isolation is changing the way we interact with one another. That is affecting our community and not in a good way. We need to do better, treat each other better. A pandemic is not an excuse for a lack of respect for our neighbors and fellow citizens. Yes, we understand there is much uncertainty as we prepare for the new school year. While the schools have all done as good a job as possible of prepping for students’ safe return, we do not know what will happen when they get back into their classrooms. As parents we worry about our student’s academic and mental health. The stress of that worry can become toxic and we suspect that that may be one of the causes of people’s unhappiness and crankiness. We do not mean to suggest as Fred Rogers would say “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” We know that people are facing real challenges. But we also know that if we take a step back from being outwardly angry that our entire community can benefit. Kurt Vonnegut wrote: “What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” He is right. A by-product of this pandemic for many has been loneliness. It is a feeling you can have even if you are surrounded by loved ones. We must fight to combat it for ourselves and our children. Returning to school will help but we must do more to reach outside of ourselves and not allow loneliness to take root in our community. We are certainly going to be living with COVID for the foreseeable future. How we do so will determine if the toxic stress becomes a permanent feature in our lives or if we are able to build from here to create a friendlier, happier and less lonely community.
Camillo Statement to PURA
By Fred Camillo Dear Chairman Gillett, Vice-Chairman Betkowski, and Commissioner Caron. Let me begin by thanking you all for your service to our state, and taking on what can be, at times, a tough job regulating investor owned utility and telecommunication companies. With each company having to strike a balance between duties to shareholders and ratepayers, the only ratepayer guardian is The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). With each significant weather event, it becomes clear that the present system is not working. When Super Storm Sandy hit in 2012, your agency demanded a better plan and performance of Connecticut Light and Power (premerger before the company became known as Eversource). Eight years later, we f ind ourselves in the same position. While I respect the right of shareholders to realize a decent return on investment, and the right for just compensation for management, that realization is coupled with an expectation
of equivalent performance f o r t h e r a t e p a y e r. W h a t w e have continuously witnessed, unfortunately, is an emphasis on the former at the expense of the latter. In addition to better planning, more accurate forecasting, and an equal focus on the ratepayer, it is time to try new solutions, ones not seriously considered up to now, but desperately needed, those ideas that should be on the table for discussion include breaking the company up in to smaller units, and burying the lines wherever and whenever possible. Regarding the former, if the excuses being offered time and again are accurate, then changing the business model could be called for to address the reasons stated by Eversource as to the dismal performance. If calling in extra crews (from Canada and wherever else) is left up to estimates on the storm strength, then we will see many more "bad" calls. The excuse given by an Eversource spokesman was that it makes for bad fiscal policy to err on the side of caution as it would ref lect poorly on the
balance sheet. That quote, which I paraphrased, is all you need to know as to what is wrong with the thinking of the brain trust at Eversource. It will usually leave the ratepayers on the short end of the stick. Concerning the latter, we hear that underground wires initiatives are too costly. I would counter that by keeping them above ground, lost p ower a nd pro duc t iv it y, spoiled food, and public safety add up to as much, if not more, cost. I recognize that f lood zones and areas where ledge is present may not be conducive to underground utility wires, but placing them in other areas where either condition is not present would cut down considerably on lost time due to outages as there would be less area to which power would need to be restored. I believe PUR A should incentivize Eversource to endeavor to bury lines in our state wherever possible, and to do so now. A plan should be developed by working w ith all 169 municipalities to see when and where roads are scheduled to be dug up. That, as
an Eversource representative told me at an underground wire forum I hosted many years ago when I was in the Connecticut General Assembly, is the time to bury them. I, along with many Connecticut residents, have no issue with the aforementioned CEO compensation and shareholder return on investment if performance is in line with them. However, when we see that revenues were up a combined 11% since 2016, and the CEO being paid $16.8 million on top of a $3 million bonus awarded this year that totaled nearly $20 million, with a continued dismal response to storms, then the patience ends. On top of all this, the recent rate hikes may be the ultimate slap in the face to every ratepayer in Connecticut. The time for half-measures, empty rhetoric, and or ignoring the obvious discussions that can, I believe, result in positive solutions, has passed. The people of the State of Connecticut rightfully and respectfully call for change now. Thank you for your time and consideration. Fred Camillo, First Selectman
Support for Fiorello
By Elisa Esses Where are the values of the Democrats going - defunding the police, vandalizing statues, ever increasing taxes, including fees disguised as taxes? As a long-time Connecticut resident, I want leaders that love our country, protect our citizens and property, and lead us into prosperity. US News rates Connecticut 46th in fiscal stability with a long-term debt rating of 50th. It is no secret that our lack of State fiscal stability has caused the outflow of residents and business to more fiscally desirable states.
The current trajectory is not the path to prosperity. The Democrats have controlled the Connecticut House for over thirty years and have controlled the Governor’s office for the past ten years. If we want change, we need more strong Republican voices to speak out for fresh ideas and solutions to our state’s fiscal problems. Kimberly Fiorello, Republican running for District House Seat 149 is a welcome change to our Connecticut G eneral Assembly. Kimberly understands t he problem s i n Con ne c t icut including Hartford’s spending
a nd over-re g u lat ion t hat a re driving businesses and residents out. Minimum wage mandates, p a id fa m i ly le ave m a ndate s , and government mandated lock downs just accelerate the problem. Kimberly has a strong history of hard work and public service. Kimberly attended West Point and Harvard College, helped to found the Charter Oak Leadership Program, a Connecticut-based non-profit that trains community, business and political leaders in the core principles of our country and free market enterprise. A mother of four children, Kimberly regularly
volunteers at her children’s school, loca l chu rch, a nd Greenw ich Historical Society. She is such a problem solver that when she could not find a storage bag solution on the market she invented it, got her idea patented, and now it is for sale as a product called “Zipped Bags”. This is the kind of enterprising and energetic leader that we want in Hartford. Please join me on Nov. 3 and cast your vote for Kimberly Fiorello for District 149. Help our State get back on track to a place where people want to live and work.
The following students were named to the dean's list at Bates College for the winter semester ending in April 2020. This is a distinction earned by students whose cumulative grade point average is 3.8 or higher. Meg Robinson of Riverside, Conn.. Robinson, the child of John K. Robinson and Kathleen B. Robinson of Riverside, Conn.,
is a 2016 graduate of Greenwich High School. She is majoring in biological chemistry and minoring in Spanish at Bates. Samantha Schecter of Riverside, Conn.. Schecter, the child of Matthew B. Schecter and Jill E. Schecter of Riverside, Con n ., i s a 2 016 g radu ate of Greenwich High School. She is majoring in neuroscience and
minoring in women and gender studies at Bates. Caela LaPointe of Greenwich, Conn.. LaPointe, the child of Thomas A. LaPointe II and Paulina LaPointe of Cos Cob, Conn., and Kimberly A. LaPointe and Steven Roberts of Greenwich, Conn., is a 2019 graduate of Rye High School. Congratulations!
Located in Lewiston, Maine, Bates is internationally recognized as a leading liberal arts college, attracting 2 ,000 students from across the U.S. a nd a rou nd t he world. Si nce 1855, Bates has been dedicated to educating the whole person through creative and rigorous scholarship in a collaborative residential community.
Class Notes Bates College Dean's List Purchase College Dean's List
Purchase College announced that more than 1,500 students were named to the Dean's List for the spring semester. Students who have earned this academic honor have maintained a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher and taken a minimum of 12 credits. For BA
and BS programs, a semester GPA of 3.50 is required. For BFA and MusB programs, a semester GPA of 3.75 is required. Michelle Cavalieri of R iverside, Peter Grinnell of G r e e nw ich , Ryde r Iwat a o f G r e e nw i ch , a n d Nat a ch a
Sburlati of Greenwich all made Dean's List. Congratulations! Purchase College, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) network of 64 universities and colleges, was founded in 1967 by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. His aspiration for Purchase was
to create a dynamic campus that combined conservatory training in the v isual and performing arts with programs in the liberal arts and sciences, in order to inspire an appreciation for both intellectual and artistic talents in all students.
Loyola Dean's List Loyola University Maryland has announced the members of its spring 2020 Dean's List. In order to qualify for the Dean's List at Loyola, a student must achieve a minimum QPA of at least 3.500 for the term, provided that, in
the term they have successfully completed courses tota ling a minimum of 15 credits. Devon Dodge of Cos Cob, Natasha Reyes of Greenwich, Delainey Sheehan of Greenwich, Ryan Chan of Greenwich, Dylan
Feuerman of Greenwich, Kate Ragone of Greenwich, Claudia Zuccarelli of Greenwich, Sophia Jahan of Greenwich, Fjolla Gashi of Riverside. Congratulations! Established in 1852, Loyola University Maryland is a
Catholic, Jesuit comprehensive university comprising Loyola College, home to the University's arts and sciences programs; the Sellinger School of Business and Management; and the School of Education.
Emerson College Graduate Emerson College awarded 959 undergraduate degrees for the Class of 2020. Thomas Breck of Greenwich, graduated in August 2020 and received a BFA degree in Stage and Production Mngmnt. T h e C o l l e g e l au n c h e d a n Emerson 2020 Celebration we b site to h on or g ra du ate s' achievements with more than
800 submissions from students, families, alumni, faculty, and staff, which includes photos, videos, audio submissions, and text. The website strives to reflect the many facets of the Class of 2020 and the w ider Emerson community - its creativity, daring, thoughtfulness, irreverence, and humor. Video submissions include
well wishes from well-k nown alumni and celebrities in the entertainment industry, including actors Jennifer Coolidge, Henry Winkler, comedians Jay Leno, Bill Burr, and Steven Wright, screenwriter Adele Lim, actress Chrystee Pharris, and producer Kevin Bright, among others. Based in Boston, opposite t he h istor ic Boston Com mon
and in the hear t of the cit y's Theatre District, Emerson College educates individuals who will solve problems and change the world through engaged leadership in communication and the arts. Emerson is known for its experiential learning programs at Emerson Los Angeles, located in Hollywood, and at its 14th-century castle, in the Netherlands.
Henry Saleeby, of Cos Cob, was named to the 2020 Dean's List at Union College. Saleeby is a member of the Class of 2022 majoring in Managerial Economics. Michael
Sands, of Greenwich, was also named to the 2020 Dean's List at Union College. Sands is a member of the Class of 2020 majoring in Economics. Comprised annually, the Union
College Dean's List honors students who have a grade point average of 3.5 for the entire academic year and meet certain other requirements. Union College, founded in 1795 as the first college chartered
by the New York State Board of Regents, offers programs in the liberal arts and engineering to 2,100 undergraduates of high academic prom ise and strong personal motivation.
Union College Dean's List
Send Us Your Class Notes to
Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Yale New Haven Health: We Can't Let Our Guard Down By Richard Kaufman Officials from Yale New Haven Health gave an update on COVID-19 on Monday, and stressed the importance of staying the course in the fight against the disease. As of Monday morning, there were just 24 COVID patients across the Yale New Haven Health system, including one in Greenwich Hospital. At one point in April, there were roughly 800 patients in the system, and over 120 in Greenwich Hospital's 200 bed facility. Overall, Yale New Haven Health has discharged over 3,600 patients since the pandemic began. "We're still in a really strong position in Connecticut, compared to other states in this country. We need to make sure that we don't let up our guard," said Yale New Haven Health CEO, Marna Borgstrom. In recent days, there has been a spike in cases in Danbury, Conn., prompting schools to begin the year with online
learning. Borgstrom said Yale New Haven Health is continuing to monitor flare ups across the state, especially as the school year gets underway. Dr. Tom Balcezak, Yale New Haven Health's Chief Clinical Officer, said the state needs to respond quickly and go back to some of the restrictions that were in place in the early part of March if spikes occur. " W h i le it's d isapp oi nt i ng a nd unfortunate that there's been a spike of cases in Danbury, I think they're handling it very aggressively and appropriately. We're going to need to do the same if we see a spike," he said. Balcezak added that reopening schools will be more of an artform, mixed with science, as schools try to balance inperson and online learning. He said that while young children have shown a milder form of COVID-19, the potential threat of a spread to vulnerable people remains. "We have to be very careful in making sure that the children don't get the disease
both for themselves and for the folks around them," he said. "Whether or not we see a surge or a spike in cases is largely up to the students themselves and how they behave and how they conduct themselves." With regards to testing, Balcezak said the Food and Drug Administration recently granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a saliva test, which was developed by physicians at Yale School of Public Health and the Yale School of Medicine. "That's an exciting step forward and gives one additional way that we can do testing. It provides a novel way of collecting that test which is somewhat easier than the nasal swabs. I think we're going to continue to see innovations here in New Haven and across the country as we continue down this road in the pandemic," he said. The FDA also granted an EUA for the use of convalescent plasma as a treatment for those sick with the virus. Yale New Haven Health took part in an expanded use trial from the Mayo Clinic over the last
couple months. However, Balecezak said the treatment showed little benefit, and was hard to really gauge because there was no placebo aspect to the trial. "While there was demonstrated to be a little benefit, it was not a remarkable benefit. Because there was no harm in the potential for a little benefit, that's why they're granting the emergency use authorization," Balcezak said. "It's no panacea. If there is a benefit to using it, it's probably quite mild." Prevention ef forts and nonpharmacologic treatments will be key in fighting the pandemic, Balcezak noted. Pharmacologic treatment, such as pills and injections, haven't worked sufficiently enough to date. "Non-pharmacologic treatment and prevention are two of our strongest weapons against the pandemic. We have not seen really any benefit among pharmacologic therapies. I'm not certain that we ever will,” he said.
Yale New Haven Health is taking part in the Pfizer vaccine trial, beginning as early as this week. The Yale Center for Clinical Investigation and physicians at the university are continuing to work with Pfizer and the Yale New Haven Hospital's Investigational Pharmacy to ensure the safe arrival of the vaccine, which must be shipped at minus 80 degrees Celsius (minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit). Yale New Haven Health has prescreened and enrolled more than 300 people as of last Friday who will take part in the vaccine trial. "I am enthusiastic about a vaccine, because I think that's our best hope to create immunity among the population of humans on the earth. But it's going to be an enormous heavy lift to have 80 percent of the people on the face of the earth get vaccinated in order to stop the spread," Balcezak said. If you are interested in signing up for the trial, go to online.
Hundreds Needed for Red Cross Hurricane Team
The American Red Cross is seeking up to 1000 new volunteers f r om a c r o s s t he G r e ate r N Y region to be part of their inaugural Hurricane Season Reserve Corps, a new, trained g roup of team members ready to support affected communities in the event of a major disaster in our region. This large number of “reserve” volunteers is needed due to the added constraints brought on by COVID-19 and the projected intensity of the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 to November 30, 2020, with its
peak in the Northeast in August and September. “The coronavirus pandemic will make it challenging to deploy trained disaster volunteers from other parts of the country should an emergency occur. In light of this, the Red Cross is asking you to be ready to help your community,” said Stephanie Dunn Ashley, CEO, American Red Cross Metro NY North Chapter. “Train now to be a Red Cross volunteer and answer the call to help if the need arises here in our region.” Full information on volunteer opportunities is available here or
you can visit volunteertoday online. Specif ically, the Red Cross priority needs are for volunteers who will support sheltering efforts, including health services support, as needed across the Greater NY region. The Greater New York Region includes New York City, Long Island, Rockland and Westchester Counties, and Greenwich, Conn. Positions are available across New Jersey and New York State as well. SH ELT ER H EL P N EEDED There is a special need for volunteers to support sheltering efforts. To help keep people safe
during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the Red Cross has put in place additional precautions and developed special training for our workforce. The Red Cross needs volunteers to help staff shelter reception, registration, feeding, dormitory, information collection and other vital tasks to help those we serve. There are both associate and supervisory level opportunities available. All necessary training (minimum three hours) is provided virtually. In the event of a disaster mobilizations, individual shifts for this role are 12 hours.
HEALTH SERVICES SUPPORT NEEDED If you are an RN, LPN, LVN, APRN, NP, EMT, paramedic, MD/ DO or PA with an active, current and unencumbered license, the Red Cross needs your support. Volunteers are needed in shelters to help assess people’s health. Daily observation and health screening for COVID-19-like illness among shelter residents may also be required. RNs supervise all clinical tasks. Roles are also available for Certif ied Nursing Assistants, Certif ied Home Health Aides, s t ude nt nu r s e s a nd m e d ic a l
students. The Red Cross needs volunteers who can provide care as delegated by a licensed nurse in shelters. This could include assisting with activities of daily living, personal assistance services, providing health education and helping to replace medications, durable medical equipment or consumable medical supplies. All necessary training (minimum five hours) is provided virtually. In the event of a disaster mobilization, individual shifts for these roles are 12 hours. Visit / volunteertoday online.
Candidates Find Ways to Connect with Voters
At left: 151st State Rep Harry Arora at the unveiling ceremony for the new townhomes at Armstrong Court. Above: Kimberly Fiorello at a local, backyard meet and greet answering questions from constituents. At Right: Ryan Fazio meeting two future voters on Greenwich Avenue. (These were submitted photos. Please submit your photos to
From Japan to the J House Greenwich
The owners of MIKU SUSHI on Greenwich Avenue, K Dong, and Chef Steve Chen, have partnered with Tony Capasso, managing partner at Tony’s at the J House, to launch an all-new “elevated” sushi bar at the trendy boutique hotel, J House, in Greenwich, Connecticut. The MIKU x Tony’s pop-up is led by Executive Chef Joe Liu, former head sushi chef at Tao and Masa in Manhattan. Chef Liu trained uber master sushi Chef Daisuke Nakazawa, featured in the documentary film, Jiro Dreams of Sushi alongside world-renown master sushi chef, Jiro Ono. The menu soft-launched on Monday and features almost a dozen of the MIKU signature rolls including two new exclusives, Tony Roll made with bluefin toro,
avocado, scallion and spicy lobster salad, and J House Roll made with king salmon, avocado, wasabi sesame and spicy yellowtail. The nigiri a la carte list includes fish from the famous Tokyo fish market like shima aji, maidai, kanpachi, hamachi, and eel, all delivered fresh from Japan daily. This list of thinly sliced raw or cooked fish layered atop a mound of vinegary rice is also served with toppings that patrons won’t find at MIKU. “We wanted to provide something new and different at Tony’s,” explained Dong. He continued, “Chef Liu is one of the best sushi chefs in the country and we wanted to bring him in to help us create an elevated gastronomic experience that would stimulate the senses. Tony and
I are really excited to hear what customers think about the extra special menu we created for this collaboration.” In addition to the menu, the MIKU team is also bringing handcrafted dishware and glassware to Tony’s that is only made in Japan by skilled craftsmen. Each plate is unique and considered a work of art. Sake will also be available for patrons to consume using sake glasses that look like trendy floating cups. For reservations call Tony's at the J House (203) 698-6999. Visit the restaurant's website to view the menu (, and visit MIKU online to subscribe to the MIKU mailing list for information on upcoming events and new specials (
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Tony Capassp and K Dong at the JHouse
A Night the Hughes Family Won’t Forget By Richard Kaufman It was a day Walter Hughes and his daughter, Kristina, won’t soon forget. Late last month, Greenwich Emergenc y Med ica l Ser v ices (GEMS) was dispatched to a call at a local Greenwich country club where a man was having chest pains. Off icer Ryan Carino of the Greenwich Police Department responded first, and was talking w it h t he m a n when he went i nto c a r d i a c a r r e s t a n d l o s t consciousness. Carino began to perform CPR as Kristina, a GEMS EMT, and her Paramedic colleague, Greg Saracino, pulled up to the scene. A s i s s t a nd a r d op e r at i n g procedure for GEMS, another ambulance was dispatched to provide support. In that ambulance was Kristina’s father, Walter, a 33year veteran at GEMS, along with EMT Samanthia Zezima. Walter and Kristina had worked with each other a handful of times before, but it was rare since they had opposite shifts. This was the first cardiac arrest call they had
Walter Hughes, and his daughter, Kristina Hughes (contributed photo) been on together. “[The patient] definitely didn’t have a pulse, he definitely wasn’t breathing, but he was in a rhythm that was shockable,” said Kristina, who was preparing to administer basic airway resuscitation. “We defibrillated him with one shock and he came right back.” Kristina looked up at her father in amazement. “Any time you have a call like that where you revive someone and they’re waking up and beginning to
talk to you, that one will stick with you for a long time,” Walter said, adding that it was extra special to save a life alongside his daughter. This was the second time in two months that Officer Carino served as an essential link in a patient’s survival. Kristina said the collaboration between police and EMS in Greenwich is unmatched. “I have multiple EMS jobs. The only place where I see such a seamless, intuitive family-like environment between PD and EMS is in Greenwich,” Kristina said. O f te nt i m e s , r e s u lt s f r o m cardiac arrest events aren’t great. “We don’t get to see that a lot. To get to see that is awesome, and to be on that with my dad was even better. We see a lot of sad things, and especially this year [with COVID-19], to have a positive call and have my dad there was just really cool,” Kristina said. Kristina stayed in the back of the ambulance with the man on the way to the hospital. He said he couldn’t remember what happened. “I said, ‘Honey, it’s okay that you don’t remember, because honestly, the alternative is much worse,'” Kristina said. The man agreed.
This was the f irst of three c a rd iac a r re st c a l ls K r ist i na responded to that night. The other two didn’t have positive outcomes. The one bright spot made the night
Growing up in Golden’s Bridge, N.Y. i n We s tche s te r Cou nt y, Kristina joined the volunteer fire department when she was 16, but swore she’d never enter the medical
“[The patient] definitely didn’t have a pulse, he definitely wasn’t breathing, but he was in a rhythm that was shockable,” said Kristina, who was preparing to administer basic airway resuscitation. “We defibrillated him with one shock and he came right back.” . easier to deal with. “That guy gets to go home and kiss his wife goodnight, and the other people I dealt with with that night don’t get to do that,” Kristina said. T h e p at i e nt c o nt i nu e s to do well, according to an update from the GPD. Both he and his wife recently came down to the Public Safety Complex to thank all involved in his successful recovery.
field. Public service runs in the family, as Walter’s father was a volunteer f iref ighter, and his mother was a f ire dispatcher. However, K r isti na wa nted to own a beauty salon, so she went to cosmetology school and later studied business, but realized it wasn’t what she ultimately wanted to do for a living. Kristina went to work as a
receptionist at an animal hospital, which sparked her interest in emergency medicine. After becoming an emergency vet tech, she took a leave of absence and decided to take her EMT test. As soon as she stepped foot on an ambulance, Kristina was hooked. The EMS field has definitely brought the Hughes family closer together. “[My dad] has said he’s proud of me. He doesn’t need to say it. He just radiates it. It makes me teary eyed. It brings a lot of emotion out to me. I never felt a lot of pride from my parents growing up, which wasn’t on them — I always felt like I never really knew what I wanted to do, and I kept changing my mind and my direction a lot,” Kristina said. “Now that I’ve found my niche, I just feel so much pride radiating from him, and my mom, too. But because it’s what he does, I feel it more from him.” Kristina has been with GEMS now for two years, and has other EMS jobs in New York. She is now in Paramedic School in New Britain, Conn., following in her father’s footsteps. “Dad’s really proud of her,” Walter said.
Camp Simmons Staff Member Honored By Richard Kaufman F r om now on , t ho s e w ho participate in archery at Camp Simmons will shoot in the Kenny Santoro Archery Range. On Monday, First Selectman Fred Camillo declared Aug. 24 as Kenny Santoro Day in the Town of Greenwich, to honor Santoro's years of service as a staff member at Camp Simmons. The archery range was also dedicated in his name. Santoro attended the camp, which is run by the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, from age 6-12. He has worked there for 10 years
now, first as a lifeguard at the pool where he taught swim lessons, and then as the archery director for eight years. Camillo presented Santoro with a proclamation on Monday. "Kenny is very safety conscious and great with all of the different age campers. He enjoys seeing campers smile when they hit the bullseye on the target and when they learn the proper stance. Kenny enjoys watching campers grow up to become staff member like he did," the proclamation read in part. "Don Palmer, Vice President of Programs and Youth Development, shared that Kenny is a great staff member because he is dependable,
enjoys what he does because Camp Simmons is a special place to him. He knows the campers are in good hands when he sees Kenny walk into camp each day." Santoro, a graduate of Greenw ich H ig h School, was completely surprised. "I'm honored," he said. "It really means a lot that I'm able to give back to a place that's given me so much joy as a child." Ca m illo praised Sa ntoro's dedication to the community. “The example of Kenny Santoro is the story of volunteerism in the town, and the story of the Boys & Girls Club. It is about those who dedicate themselves to an
Motorcycle Accident
institution at a young age for many years, and leave both an impact and a legacy on and to all those who were beneficiaries of their kindness and civic-mindedness,” Camillo said. Campers participate in archery 4-5 times a week. On Mondays and Tuesdays, they learn basic skills. Wednesday features friendly shooting competitions, and on Thursdays, campers take aim at fun targets like foam Tyrannosaurus Rexes, or foam zombies. Santoro said he enjoys challenging the kids in archery. "I'm happy that I'm able to give back to the community and teach kids a new skill that they don't get
to do every day," he said. "I like when they realize they can do it and get better at it the more they practice." Although this summer has certainly been different because of COVID-19, Santoro said the entire camp has been able to overcome the challenges. Camp officially ends for the summer next week. "The kids and the staff really rose to the occasion. We've followed all the g uidelines. It's a little different, but they're still having fun, and they're able to do all the activities that they love doing," Santoro added. When asked what it's like to have the archery range named after
Monday, September 14, 28 register, call 888-305-9253 or visit greenwichhospital. org/events. The Zoom link will be distributed before the Support: The Bariatric Surgery Pre- and PostPolice saved the life of a motorcyclist involved in session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without Surgery Support Group will take place from 6 - 7 pm a crash on Lake Avenue on August 18th. The officers camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free. via Zoom. Support and information for those who at the scene acted quickly, administering first aid and have undergone or plan to have sleeve gastrectomy, Education: The monthly meeting of the stroke even applying a tourniquet to the motorcyclist's leg gastric bypass or lap band surgery. Speakers address education and support group will take place from 5 6 pm before being brought to a trauma center. The trauma medical, nutritional and lifestyle topics to maintain longvia Zoom. Gain valuable information about prevention, center said the decisive actions of the officers saved term weight-loss success. Contact bariatricsurgery@ nutrition, safety, self-care and medication management. the motorcyclist's life. The motorcyclist was in serious for login information. Free. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit greenwichhospital. condition but is "likely to recover" said Lt. Mark org/events. The Zoom link will be distributed before the Tuesday, September 15 Zuccerella of the Greenwich Police Department. session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without Education: Greenw ich Hospital’s Marisha camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free. Thefts from Cars on Rise Tamakuwala, physical therapist, will present “Preventing Education: Jonathan Berliner, MD, orthopedic Falls and Improving Balance” from 11 am - noon via Police are noticing an increase in daytime larcenies from unlocked cars. Be sure to lock your surgeon, will discuss “Trends in Joint Replacement Zoom. Gain an understanding of how to reduce the risk Surgery” from 6 - 7:30 pm via Zoom. Learn about the of falls, which are the leading cause of accidental injury cars and hide any valuables in the trunk. types of procedures, current trends and upcoming among people 55 and older. To register, call 888-305Maud Fiorello Selected innovations. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit 9253 or visit The Zoom The Zoom link will be link will be distributed before the session. Participants distributed before the session. Participants will be in will be in listen-only mode without camera access and listen-only mode without camera access and can ask can ask questions via chat. Free. questions via chat. Free. Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Richard Becker, Thursday, September 10 certified diabetes educator, will discuss “The Effects of Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Richard Becker, Exercise on Your Health” from 4 - 5 pm via Zoom. Learn certified diabetes educator, Erica Christ, registered how exercise can improve risk factors that affect blood dietitian and certified diabetes educator, will present lipid profiles, diabetes, mental health and heart disease. “Pulmonary Disease and Diabetes” from 2 - 3 pm To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit greenwichhospital. via Zoom. Lung disease, pulmonary medications org/events. The Zoom link will be distributed before the and breathing difficulties can complicate diabetes session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without care. Simple lifestyle changes can assist in better camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free. diabetes control. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit Wednesday, September 16 The Zoom link will be Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Veronica Bilenkin, distributed before the session. Participants will be in consumer health librarian, will present “Searching the listen-only mode without camera access and can ask Internet for Cancer Resources” from 4 - 5 pm via Zoom. questions via chat. Free. Learn how to find reliable and accurate online health Kimberly Fiorello and daughter Maud at the Thursday, September 10, 24 information about cancer, including navigating websites White House, where Maud represented CT Support: Greenwich Hospital’s Alexandra Conway, for individuals who are newly diagnosed, survivors for her artistic celebration of the Centenial PhD, and Mary Motwani, PhD, will facilitate the Chronic and caregivers. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit of The Woman’s Suffrage Movement. Physical Disabilities Support Group from 1 - 2 pm via The Zoom link will be Maud Fiorello, a rising 6th grader from Greenwich Zoom. Join peers who have limited mobility due to was selected to represent Connecticut at the White chronic physical disabilities to share resources, stores House's “Building the Movement: America’s Youth and perspectives. Pre-registration required. To register, Celebrate 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage” exhibit. call 888-305-9253 or visit Maud and her mother attended the opening of the The Zoom link will be distributed before the session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without camera exhibit on Monday, August 24th. access and can ask questions via chat. Free.
Community Health at Hospital October 2020 Program Calendar Wednesday, September 9
Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Veronica Bilenkin, consumer health librarian, will present “COVID-19 Resources” from 4 - 5 pm via Zoom. Learn how to find reliable updates and resources on topics such as prevent the spread of the virus and coping with quarantine. To
Monday, September 14 Support: Greenwich Hospital’s Nancy Ryan, registered dietitian, will discuss “Eat the Foods You Love; Love the Foods You Eat” at the diabetes support group from 6:30 - 7:30 pm via Zoom. To register, call 888-3059253 or visit The Zoom link will be distributed before the session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free.
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him, Santoro called it "shocking." "I'm glad that they feel I've done a good enough job to receive that honor," he said. Camp Simmons is a special place for Santoro. "Camp Simmons has always meant a lot to me. It's a place where you can meet new people you wouldn't be able to meet at school because they come from all over the place. You get to try different activities such as archery, canoeing and swimming," Santoro said. "It's just a fun place to be, and I'm glad I spent my summers here."
distributed before the session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free. Thursday, September 17 Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Alexandra Conway, PhD, and Alix Wilder, APRN, will present “Mindfulness to Manage Migraines and Stress” from 1 - 2 pm via Zoom. This experiential session provides an overview of research-supported mindfulness and relaxation training related to pain and migraine management. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit The Zoom link will be distributed before the session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free. Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Erica Christ, registered dietitian, will discuss “Nutrition and ‘New’ Eating for Optimal Health” from noon - 1 pm and 6 - 7 pm (choose one) via Zoom. Whether at work, school or socializing with friends, learn how to make healthy food choices in a safe environment in the age of social distancing, masks, hand sanitizers, curbside pickup and more. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit The Zoom link will be distributed before the session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free. Wednesday, September 23 Education: Greenwich Hospital’s Veronica Bilenkin, consumer health librarian, will present “Phone Apps for a Healthier Lifestyle” from 4 - 5 pm via Zoom. Learn how to download apps specifically designed to help you lose weight, eat healthier, reduce stress, improve memory skills and more. To register, call 888-305-9253 or visit The Zoom link will be distributed before the session. Participants will be in listen-only mode without camera access and can ask questions via chat. Free.
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Behind Our Masks, We Are Smiling and Ready
By Patrice Kopas
As I start my 12th year as Principal of Greenwich Catholic School, and throughout my years in education, I’ve had plenty of “first days.” Like all of you, and especially my fellow administrators, I know that this year’s first day will be like no other. While our students will still arrive carrying new backpacks and wearing freshly-ironed uniforms, they will also be in masks, and keeping their hands to themselves.
So this year, instead of our usual hugs and high-fives, they can count on me to greet them with bright, smiling eyes, and a “Welcome Back” that lovingly echoes through our halls. Our Reopening Guidelines have been meticulously planned. We have incorporated the guidance of nu m e r ou s e duc ator s , ou r Superintendent, and state and local health officials, so we are well-positioned for success as we enter this most unusual and unprecedented year. Last spring, Greenwich Catholic School implemented robust distance learning plans to ensure academic progress. This fall, we are proud to return to in-person instruction on our 38-acre campus five days a week. Our large classrooms and expansive outdoor spaces will allow us to continue to focus on rigorous academics, faith, critical thinking, responsibility and service in a safe
environment, and following health protocols. I am proud of the work we have done throughout the past six months to prepare for our muchanticipated return to school. We renovated our front entry, cafeteria, and gym building, and work was completed by our Facilities Team to upgrade and prepare our entire campus, with enhanced WiFi connectivity and additional digital access points in place to further improve our distance learning capabilities. We are holding limited-capacity, in-person orientations for our youngest learners and new families. Close attention will be paid to how all of our students in PreK through Grade 8 will feel, approach and react to the start of the school year, especially those just beginning their time with us at GCS. Two of those most precious gifts (pictured), are incoming
kindergarten twins Grant & Mileigh, who participated in our summer enrichment program this August. When we asked how they’re feeling about getting started at GCS, Grant said he is “really excited to be starting kindergarten because the teachers took great care of us at summer school. They made sure everyone wore masks and had our spaces to work and play 6 feet apart,” and Mileigh added that she feels “most excited about painting and drawing, and doing arts and crafts with Mrs. Swan,” our GCS Art Teacher. Looking through the eyes of Grant and Mileigh, it is clear that students are resilient. They are excited to see their teachers and make new friends, they are ready to learn and they are truly looking forward to returning to school as much as I am. We want our students to feel comfortable, and have created
a staggered start to the school year, which will allow students to become familiar with the guidelines for each school day. Students will be introduced to new routines, starting with temperatures being taken before entering any building, mask requirements, following appropriate signage, and encouraging proper handwashing and social distancing. It is our goal each day to support the health, safety and emotional well-being of everyone in the GCS community, and much thought has gone into our students’ emotional well-being and safety as they walk through our doors on North Street for the first time this September. This year, in addition to following health protocols under the guidance of our full-time nurse, we are offering a new telehealth program to assist our families with physical and emotional well-being. After all, it is the GCS community who has helped our
school to prosper for the past 50 years; our parents, teachers, staff, alumni, and most importantly, our students. And while we are the same community now as we were on March 12th, in many ways, we are much stronger. We are more informed. We are more determined. We are more united. We may be wearing masks, but behind them, we are smiling. And we have never been more ready to get started. Patrice Kopas became Principal of Greenwich Catholic School in 2009. Throughout her time at GCS, Mrs. Kopas has also served as Chair of NEASC Visiting Committees, a member of the NCEA, and on both the Catholic Identity Committee (Chairperson) and the Education C ommit tee of the D ioces e of Bridgeport. Established in 1970, Greenwich Catholic School serves students in PreK through Grade 8 on a 38-acre campus at 471 North Street.
Audubon's Outdoor Respites Are All Over Town By Julia Lucey The beauty of a town like Greenwich is that the more you explore, the more you find there are seemingly endless new places to discover. Beyond our better-known beaches and parks, there are still many hidden gems waiting to be explored and enjoyed by all. The Greenwich Audubon Center’s beautiful gardens and trails, for instance, will give you a hard time believing you are still in Greenwich. Greenwich Audubon’s Center and Sanctuary trails are now open daily from 9 to 5 p.m. The Audubon manages and protects seven Sanctuaries that amount to over 600 acres. The Main Sanctuary (613 Riversville Road) covers 285 miles and is also home to the Audubon Center, although most buildings and facilities on site are currently closed to the public with Covid precautions. Visitors can still enjoy the property’s seven miles of trails that meander through forests and fields, and around streams and ponds. At this time of year, the sanctuary feels otherworldly on a sunny afternoon as you stroll through the paths hugged by vibrant flowers enjoyed by butterflies. The Byram River crosses the Sanctuary and feeds into Mead Lake, where you’ll find croaking frogs as well as turtles. The 135-acre Fairchild Wildf lower Audubon Sanctuary offers eight miles of trails that “pass through formerly abandoned farmland and a variety of wetland habitats,” according to the Audubon’s website. Just a half mile away from the Main Sanctuary, the Wildflower Sanctuary can be a stop on your visit to the Audubon Center or its own trip. As you explore the property, you won’t find structured gardens but rather wildflowers and beautiful landscapes. The sanctuary is also home to different wetland habitats such as streams, ponds,
and swamps. The Gimbel Audubon Sanctuary is notable for its forestland where a variety of trees grow as well as its wetlands and streams. The 80-acre property also includes an open meadow and a memorial garden and connects with a trail that leads to the Byram River Gorge Preserve. Another smaller property is the 37-acre Hemlock Gorge Audubon Sanctuary, a property entirely made up of forest with a few miles of trails and streams to enjoy. Also managed by Greenwich Audubon is the Mildred Caldwell Audubon Sanctuary of Walden Woods, a 22-acre property of woodlands that gives visitors a glimpse at what was once a farm in the 19th century. The boardwalk trail leads into the forest area, and this trail is connected and leads to the Montgomery Pinetum. In addition, the Oneida Audubon Sanctuary is under four acres but allows its visitors to experience the saltwater marsh ecosystem. The Sanctuary’s trail ends up in an area to take a seat, relax, and watch the Egrets and Great Blue Herons that populate the marsh. Finally, the Wood Duck Swamp Audubon Sanctuary is a 16-acre property that is home to beautiful flowers, woodlands, and a diverse population of birds. The sanctuary’s trail makes its way around a red maple swamp. Not only is every Audubon property its own breathtaking oasis, but the Greenwich Audubon itself is constantly finding ways to keep the community connected to Greenwich’s rich wildlife and nature. While a typical summer would bring with it many on-site programs, such as the Summer Nature Day Camp for elementary students, COVID presented a challenge for such programs to take place this summer. The Audubon Center didn’t want to completely take away this experience from the kids though, and so they offered a virtual summer camp
as an alternative this year. The camp took place via livestreams, with activities including educational lessons and crafts about a select nature topic each week. The use of livestream was popular at the Audubon this year, as it offered an abundance of virtual sessions to the public throughout quarantine. These sessions spanned from livestreams of a peaceful sunset at the property to virtual hikes, as well as many educational programs for children and adults. Starting in September, the Audubon will be transitioning back to in-person events, with weekly guided hikes and many great children programs, such as their “Creatures and Crafts” workshop where
kids can learn about a specific animal. For a complete list of upcoming events, visit or see the Greenwich Sentinel’s online community calendar. Nature plays a big role in our lives, and this year we were reminded of that more than ever as we spent several months with very limited exposure to the great outdoors. The Greenwich Audubon has always and graciously continued to provide that vital connection to the environment. As summer comes to an end, the Audubon’s Sanctuaries are the perfect place to go explore, to immerse yourself in the wonderful peacefulness of nature.
Join 2020 Co-Chairs Stacey Higdon & Molly Schiff for Greenwich Land Trust’s first ever
GATES OPEN AT 6:00 P.M. MOVIES BEGIN AT 7:00 P.M. Snuggle up in the comfort of your own car and usher in the spooky season with a couple movies featuring supernatural characters under the starry night sky of Greenwich Polo Club!
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Proceeds from Go Wild! will support Greenwich Land Trust’s efforts to conserve open space, connect our community with the natural world, and inspire the next generation of conservationists.
Greenwich Land Trust
Schools and Covid - 19. Ready or Not.
By Jack Creeden
It seems that in the last month, the major story on the Internet or in televised newscasts has been about the reopening of schools. Unlike some schools in other parts of the country that returned in July or early August, school leaders in Connecticut at least had most of August to complete our planning efforts. Ready or not, it is time to go back to school in one form or another! Most scho ol of f ic ia ls a nd teachers I know have spent the su m mer developi ng pol icies, timetables and multiple schedules to help students get back to school safely, either in person or through an online learning process. Teaching is Hard. I Miss My Friends Change seems to be the only constant in our Covid-19 world, and the field of education has not been spared the whiplash that comes w ith constant change. There are many parents for whom the return to school cannot come
soon enough. They spent from March to June serving as teaching assistants for their children while trying to juggle their own work schedules. Parents soon learned t h at a n e f fe c t i ve r e a d i n g or mathematics lesson only happens after a classroom teacher spends hours selecting content, developing strategies, and creatively applying a variety of methods to keep students engaged and actively participating. For those honest enough to say it out loud, by the middle of June parents acknowledged that good teaching is hard work! Not on ly d id pa r ent s a nd caregivers serve as classroom support staff during the winter/ spring, this summer they became camp counselors and recreational program directors as the YMCA, sports camps and a host of i n-p e r s o n s u m m e r l e a r n i n g experiences shut down. Parents and students alike yearned for a chance to interact in-person with someone outside the family circle, tightly drawn against invading coronavirus carrying relatives or neighbors. Not much travel outside the pre-established pod has occurred since last March. Time to Go Back To School – Maybe? Parents are ready for children to return to school. For some, it is fear of lost academic skills. For others, they worried about eroding social-emotional development. S cho ol is not ju st a place to strengthen literacy and numeracy. It is often the focal point creating a
Most school officials and teachers have spent the summer preparing for the safe reopening of schools, in-person or online. How should parents decide what to do? hub of parental and student social activity and fun! But that desire to return to school is tempered in some families by concerns about the safety and health of children in a school environment. That has prompted a resurgence of interest in online learning, often the target of parental dissatisfaction last Spring. Now it is seen as a safety net against the possible resurgence of the virus. Both positions are understandable. Those who favor returning to school cite the statistics in Connecticut that indicate positive tests, hospital admissions and deaths due to the virus are well below mandated levels allowing schools to open (for reference see Indicators of COVID-19 supplied by CSDE). With multiple safeguards in place at schools including mask wearing, social distancing, frequent hand washing and improvements in ventilation systems, families believe the risks have been reduced to an acceptable level. Not all families have confidence in the numbers and emphasize that unpredictable human behavior, a virus that sets its own schedule,
and the prospect of having too many students too close together will not mitigate for them the risk ratio. Even the much maligned model of online learning is better than exposing one’s child, siblings, parents and elders to Covid-19. What’s a Parent To Do? Every family must make its own assessment of the risk. Here are sone essential questions to ask the school: • What are the local metrics in terms of positive tests, hospital admissions and deaths? • What safety precautions has the school taken to increase safety? Are those actions aligned w it h t he CD C a nd St ate of Connecticut regulations? • A re the safet y measu res “suggested” or “mandatory” for attendance? • How will the safety precautions be enforced? • What actions will the school take if Covid is suspected or confirmed? • Will the school communicate transparently about any suspected illnesses?
• How s e r i o u s l y d o e s t h e school com mu n it y ta ke its responsibility to honestly selfreport compliance with safety regulations? It is important that families ask the following questions and discuss with their children (child): • Are there family members with underlying health conditions that exposure to Covid would seriously aggravate? • How well have you and your children (child) responded to the changes in life brought on by Covid -19? • Returning to school will be different. How well have you prepared your children (child) to deal with school in a different format (wearing masks, social distancing, some classes changed)? • What changes on the socialemotional scale did you observe in your children (child) because of the isolation of the last 6 months? Does returning to school meet an important socialemotional need?
• How did your children (child) do with online learning last spring? Some children loved it. Others did not and missed the social interaction of the classroom. • If you select online learning, will you need an adult at home to support the child? Middle school and high school students have strong independent learning muscles and can do most assignments on their own. Elementar y and pre-school children need adult assistance with distance learning. Obviously the answers to these questions will vary by family and school. There is no one correct answer. But the questions have the potential to generate thoughtful discussions about school teaching and learning philosophies, individual learning styles, and the social emotional needs of students. Families and school communities will be forced to figure out a way to balance the needs of individuals w ith the good of the larger community. One’s individual health and that of one’s family are the highest priority. Simultaneously, how we listen and speak to one another while discussing these questions will also be critical indicators of the health of the community.
Jack Creeden is the Head of Whitby School and a long-time educator in independent schools.
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Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to Editor@
Riverside, CT and Vero Beach, FL, passed away upon finishing her daily swim on Monday, August 24th. Born in Rochester, New York on August 10, 1939, Pat moved to Greenwich in 1952 where she Patricia McDonald attended Greenwich Academy and then went on to Newton College. She met her beloved husband of 57 years, Miles F. McDonald, when both were in high school and, after marrying in 1963 and starting a family, they settled in Riverside and continued a great partnership devoted to each other and their community. Among the organizations to which Pat dedicated her time, passion and considerable energies over the years were: Hill House, which she co-founded and where she served as initial president; the Patricia B. McDonald, adored PTAs of Riverside, Eastern Middle w ife of M iles F. McDonald of and Greenwich High Schools, all
as co-president with her husband; Community Answers as well as the Greenwich Arts Council as long serving executive directors. Additionally, she served on the board of Friends of Nathaniel Witherell and dedicated numerous hours over decades in various capacities benefiting the Junior League of Greenwich and the United Way. As a testament to her quiet determination, she even brought the Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus to town in what was then the Electrolux parking lot in Old Greenwich. Pat was an unassuming force of nature who enjoyed nothing more than being on, in or near water. There she found great joy, whether it be kayaking with a dear friend and swimming in the Mianus Harbor as she did just this past weekend, to water aerobics with her newfound community of
friends in Florida, to cruising the Marie Williams New England coast for many years von Gontard on the family sloop Blackwater. While a Mass of Christian Burial w ill be scheduled in the coming days and a proper celebration of a magnificent life will take place once the world is in a safer place, for now we simply honor the values and example of one of the world’s truly self less people. Incapable of a proper retirement, she spent her last days and years f inding ways to help and benefit her family, her friends and her community. She knew no other way to live. In addition to her beloved husba nd, M i les, a nd ador i ng daughter, Deirdre, Pat is survived Marie Williams von Gontard by her gracious sister Jane Beattie (12/20/1926 – 08/19/2020), known and the joy of her past thirteen years, her precious grandson, a s “ M a m i e ,” p a s s e d a f t e r a glorious life, spending 69 years at Miles. the side of her beloved husband,
Adalbert (Adie) von Gontard, Jr. She is preceded in death by her brother whom she adored, Eugene F. Williams, Jr., of St. Louis, MO. Born and raised in St. Louis, Mamie was a lover of the outdoors and an elegant hostess, especially in her homes in Greenwich, CT and Watch Hill, RI. She was the guiding light of her husband, Adie, and their three children: Adalbert von Gontard, III (Beatrice Busch of Front Royal, VA), Eugenie Daniel (J.B. of Truscott, TX) and Victoria Skouras (Spyros Jr. of Greenwich, CT). Upon her marriage to Adie, the couple moved to New York where she worked for Father James Keller, M.M. and The Christophers. The couple later settled in Greenwich, CT. Mamie was a superb athlete, excelling at golf, tennis, skiing, and shooting (including winning the skeet championship at the
Round Hill Club eleven times!). She was a lifelong equestrian and experienced foxhunter. She particularly loved riding with the cowboys on her family’s ranch, The Pitchfork Land and Cattle Company, in Guthrie, TX. Ma m ie’s i n fectious sm i le and her passion for entertaining, gardening, fancy hats and sporty cars were reflections of her love of life, family and friends, and her sophisticated style. She will be missed by her family, including her loving sister Georgie W. Lewis (of Gulfstream, FL), her grandchildren: Andrew (Alma), Alex, Peter, and Adie IV, von Gontard, Colton (Allie Rae) and Becky Lee Daniel, Spyros III (Hope), Marina (Christopher Costaras), and Sophia Skouras and her eight great grandchildren: Andrew, Aiden, and Alice Beatrice von G ont a r d , Aug u st u s a nd Chisholm Daniel, and Elizabeth V i c to r i a , F r a n c i s Ja n e , a n d Spyros Solon IV, Skouras. Mamie remained friends to the end with her classmates from Foxcroft School, Columbia University, and Parson’s School of Design. A private, family service was held at River Bend Cemetery in Westerly, RI. In lieu of f lowers, please consider a donation(s) to Westerly H o s p i t a l ( 2 5 We l l s S t r e e t , Westerly, RI, 02891), Greenwich Hospital (5 Perryridge Road, Greenwich, CT, 06830), Watch H i l l C o n s e r v a n c y (O n e B ay Street, Watch Hill, RI, 02891), and Foxcroft School (22407 Foxhound Lane, Middleburg, VA, 20117).
Obituaries, continued
his family. His love and strength were ever-present with them. The greatest gifts in Chris’ life were his children, Christopher and Matthew. His world truly revolved around them, and he was ecstatic to be able to serve as their hockey coach every year since they learned how to skate and to share and blend the joys of the game with the joys of his family. Chris is survived by his wife, Jennifer Walsh-Rurak, their twin boys, Christopher and Matthew, his parents Don and Shirley Rurak, his brother, Dean Rurak (Barb), his sister, Lisa Rurak (David), his father in law, Michael Walsh, his sister in law, Megan Walsh Hakew ill ( James), his brother in law, M. Justin Walsh (Katie), and several nieces and nephews. Chris was predeceased by his mother in law, Jo-Ann Walsh, and his sister in law, Melissa Walsh. A celebration of Chris’ remarkable life will take place in the future when it is safe for those who loved him to gather. In lieu of flowers, please consider ma k ing a donation in Ch r is’ memory to the American Heart Association or to the Chris Rurak Scholarship Fund, which will enable an annual scholarship award to a GHS Student-Athlete.
Rosemary Vollmer
Christopher Rurak
Christopher Corey Rurak passed away suddenly on Ju ly 2 4t h le av i ng b eh i nd a n extraordinary legacy defined by family, love, and an unrelenting passion for the sport of hockey. Chris was born on July 1, 1973 in Innisfail in Alberta, Canada. In his teens, he moved with his family to Adelaide, Australia where he attended high school at Pulteney Grammar School. When he was 17, he moved to the United States and played Junior A hockey for the Massena Americans in the CJHL based out of Ottawa, Ontario, the Niagara Scenics in Buffalo, NY and in the NAJHL based in Michigan. Chris attended SUNY Cortland where he studied Economics and played varsity hockey for 4 years. He served as a team captain and was a selected to represent SU N Y Cor tland as member of the All-SUNYAC team. Additionally, while Chris was an undergraduate student, he represented Australia in the IIHF World Championships and played hockey in South Korea, Lithuania, South Africa, Andorra, Barcelona, Spain, Bendigo, Australia, and Cardiff Wales. Chris met his wife Jennifer while at Cortland and they married in 2001. Chris went on to earn an MBA in Rochester, NY prior to starting his logistics management f irm, Breakaway Transport, LLC nearly a decade ago. O ve r t h e p a s t t e n ye a r s Chris discovered an extended passion for hockey as his life-long dedication evolved from player to coach and program advisor. Chris brought his love, knowledge, and commitment to innumerable players in these roles. He coached at every level in youth hockey at the Greenwich Skating Club and for the last four years served as the Head Coach for the Greenwich High School Varsity team. Chris believed that hockey was an extraordinary vehicle to teach life lessons. As he reflected on this past season, Chris said it best when he noted, “Together we have come to recognize the importance o f t e a mwo r k , c o m m i t m e n t , leadership, suppor ting one another, successfully navigating adversity, winning with class, and losing with character. While never reflected on the scoreboard, these life lessons are the true victories that can be applied for the rest of our lives.” In these regards, Chris’ commitment to the sport and to the community through his coaching ef forts were unparalleled. But nowhere was his passion greater than that for
R o s e m a r y D . Vo l l m e r, loving and devoted Mother and Grandmother, passed away on Aug ust 2 4, 2020 surrounded by her adoring daughters. She was 80. Rosemar y was born on August 2, 1940 in New York City and a longtime Greenwich resident. Rosemary attended Elizabeth Seton School for Girls and Marymount College where she majored in English and Sociology. She also earned a second degree from New York School of Interior Design. In addition to raising her daughters and being a homemaker, Rosemary was an Interior Designer and real estate Broker. Rosemary was passionate a bout ever y t h i ng i n her l i fe especially her family, friends and rescuing dogs. She enjoyed t rave l i n g , r e a d i n g , w r it i n g , shopping and celebrating holidays and milestones with her family. Rosemary was married to Dr. Edward Vollmer on February 21, 1963 who predeceased her. Rosemary is survived by her daughters Jacqueline VollmerV iera (hu sb a nd M a r celo) of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Melinda Zukauskas (husband John) of Greenwich, Connecticut. Rosema r y was blessed w it h a nd t r e a su r e d by he r t h r e e grandchildren Elise, Charlie, and Liliana who w ill forever hold beautiful memories of her everlasting love for them. Memorial donations may be made in Rosemary's memory to OPIN (Outreach to Pets in Need) or Multiple Myeloma Foundation
Louis Belmonte L ouis P. Belmonte, 89, of Danbury, CT and formerly of Port Chester, NY passed away on August 2, 2020. Louis was born and raised in Greenwich, CT, son of the late Lucantonio and Filomena Belmonte. Married to Anna Persampieri Belmonte for 62 years, he also leaves his children Phyllis, Lawrence and Michael (R honda) Belmonte; Grandchildren Michael (Nicole), Christopher and April Belmonte; and his sister Viola Belmonte. Louis was predeceased by his brother, Armand Belmonte and his sister, Sue Pangallo. Louis was a proud Korean War veteran. He served as part of the U.S. Army 13th Engineer Combat Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, as a Staff Sergeant. He landed at Inchon and fought in battles at Pork Chop Hill and Old Baldy, receiving two Bronze Battle Stars and additional medals for meritorious service. After his military service, Louis trained and worked as an electrician as a member of Local 501, IBEW, until his retirement. Louis was a lifelong Yankees fan, frequently coaching his team from his favorite chair with his
wife, children and grandchildren nearby. To leave online condolences for the family please visit our website www.coxeandgraziano. com.
William Kennedy
William Paul "Bill" Kennedy passed away on August 18, 2020, surrounded by loving family. His f inal word, "Wonderful!" epitomized the joy Bill had for life, and the joy he brought to so many others. Bill Kennedy was born February 5, 1936 in Brooklyn, New York, as the youngest of five children of Frank and Rena Kennedy. He graduated from Xavier High School in Manhattan in 1954, where he was at the top of a class that included Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He went on to graduate from the College of the Holy Cross in 1958, and later earned a Master Degree in economics from New York University. He served in the U. S. Navy for two years as a commissioned officer, achieving the rank of Lieutenant. He went on to build a successful career in advertising, and authored over 20 novels, under his own name and under the pseudonym Diana Diamond. One of his books, Toy Soldiers, became a major motion picture, and he was working on a sequel when he died. B i l l s p e nt h i s c h i l d h o o d su m mers at Breez y Poi nt i n Brook ly n, where he met h is lifelong love, Dorothy "Duf f " McNally. They were married December 27, 1958, and were together for over 60 years until Duff's death in October 2019. They started a family in Wantagh, Long Island, and moved to Greenwich, Connecticut in 1973, where they lived until relocating permanently to Sarasota, Florida, in 1998. Bill's greatest joy was his family, and he never missed an opportunity to spend time with Duf f, their f ive children, and later their grandchildren, telling stories and making others laugh. He and Duff had a large group of very dear friends who enriched their lives tremendously. Bill was a lifelong learner, who loved to read and travel with friends and family. He was a devout Catholic, and his church community was always an important part of his life. Bill is survived by his brother, Father Robert E. Kennedy, SJ; his children and their spouses, Eileen Kennedy and Charles Hansmann; Karyn and Barry Kurland; Robert and Karen Kennedy; Patricia and Joseph Feeney; and William and Kathleen Kennedy. He is also survived by his 15 grandchildren Sam, Rachael and Sarah Kurland; Zachary, Jack, Kate and Kara Porter and Emily Feeney; Jake, Isabel and Abby Kennedy; and Liam, Kevin, Maggie and Grace Kennedy, along with countless nieces, nephews and friends. They, and all who were fortunate enough to know him, will cherish t he memor y of h is love a nd friendship.
Mary Sue Saltsman
Mexico City. They were married shortly after, on April 7th, 1956, starting the most beautiful sixtyfour-year marriage. Accomplished world travelers, Mary Sue and Bill traveled all over the globe, enjoying vacations in many beautiful places. Despite being ever y where the world has to offer, Mary Sue's favorite vacations were the ones spent on the shores of North Carolina with her children and grandchildren. Mary Sue was devoted to her faith, having spent over 30 years serving in the Christ Church Greenwich Altar Guild. Mary Sue lived a wonderful life and enjoyed spending time with her family, playing bridge, knitting, reading, and attending church. A devoted grandmother, Mary Sue was known for traveling, even under less than ideal weather conditions, to be present for the births of all of her grandchildren. She was adamant about regularly texting all of her children and grandchildren to let them know she loved, and was proud of them. Despite moving to the north, Mary Sue never lost her sense of southern hospitality and most noticeably her strong southern accent. Mary Sue's strong will, love for life, and love for her family led to ninety wonderful years on earth. Mary Sue, a devoted wife, mother, sister, grandmother, and great-grandmother; is survived by her ever-loving husband Bill; her siblings, Dot Blue, A nne Erwin, and Fyke Farmer Jr.; and her children, Nancy Carver and her husband, John, Ellen Brous and her husband, Phil, and Tom Saltsman and his wife, Candace; her grandchildren, Sarah, Jack, Sam, Julia, Caroline, and Kathryn, and great-grandson Carson. A private service honoring the long and beautiful life of Mary Sue Saltsman will be held this week. Donations in her memory can be made directly to the Christ Church Greenwich Alter Guild.
Diane Mazza DiBella
Diane DiBella passed away in Greenwich Hospital on August 21, 2020. She was born in Greenwich Hospital, the daughter of Antonio P. Mazza, a lifetime Greenwich resident, and Viola Jensen Mazza. Dia ne is su r v ived by her b r o t h e r, F r a n k M a z z a , a l s o a Greenw ich native, and her three daughters, Sherry Delany of Greenwich, Susan Blair of Fountain Inn, South Carolina a nd Stepha n ie Ei nsie d ler of Kennebunk, Maine. She has four grandchildren and six months ago was blessed with a greatgranddaughter. Diane lived her entire life in the tow n of Greenw ich. A d e d i c ate d b e a c h g o e r a n d boati ng ent husiast, she was easily recognized all summer long at Todd's Point. She and her husband, Armand DiBella had a Grand Banks boat and cruised the waters from the Bahamas to
Maine for many years. At only five feet one inch tall, her spirit soared higher than a mountain. She sacrificed personal pleasures to provide her girls with education and experiences. We are forever grateful. Diane's ability to communicate and relate on all levels with everyone she met was her gift. Her invincible enthusiasm and energy will live on in our hearts forever. In lieu of flowers, please support Meals On Wheels, 89 Maple Avenue, Greenwich, CT.
Martha S. Rhodes Martha Stowell Rhodes (May 22, 1929 - August 16, 2020) has gone to her reward, following illness. Martha is sur vived by daughters, Harriet E. Rhodes and Mary L. Rhodes; son, Erroll A. R hodes, II; grandchildren, L au ren R . McG overa n K ig ht and Erroll A Rhodes, III; f ive g reat-g randch ildren; n ieces, Grace R hodes and Gloria Iba and nephew, Robert R hodes. Martha was deeply devoted to her husband, Erroll F. Rhodes, and their family. An appreciation of Martha is available at In lieu of flowers, please send donations in honor of Martha to Agnes Scott College or Greenwich Academy. Requiescat in Pace.
Constance Morris
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having their 8th child while a nurse in the town of Georgetown. After this, she was one of the administrators of the Mental Health Hospital of St. Vincent, actively nursing on the island until their emigration in July 1978. Once in Greenwich, she continued to work in her field as a nursing assistant at the Mews, an assisted living facility in Greenwich, CT, until her retirement in 1996. Constance was a devoted wife to husband Stanley and mother of their 7 children. She enjoyed being a mother to not only her own children, but to all who needed her. She enjoyed and mastered many craf ts such as sew ing, crochet, embroidery, cooking, and baking, teaching her girls how to do them. She loved participating in the Bible Fellowship wherever she worked, helping to start one in 1980 while serving at the Mews. Constance, and her dear friend Betsy Swenson, led the group at the invitation of Sue Rockefeller, daughter-in-law to Mews founder, Nancy Rockefeller. Constance's pride and joy were her seven children and their families. She was well known for her love of all who needed to know the kindness and care of her Savior, always unself ishly giving of herself for the sake and comfort of others. She was an amazing cook and wonderful wife to her husband, Stanley. After great careers in the medical and educational fields in St. Vincent, the couple immigrated to the U.S. in 1978 with their three youngest children. This unselfish act was to offer their children a chance at the American Dream. Constance will be greatly missed and never forgotten. She ran a great race and has received her heavenly reward.
Stephen Dynan Constance Madeline Morris, a retired nurse and longtime r e s i d e n t o f G r e e nw i c h , C T, originally from the picturesque island of Mustique, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, passed into glory on Friday, August 14, 2020 at 3:30 a.m. at her home surrounded by her beloved family. Constance, predeceased by her husband of 4 8 years, Stanley McLean Morris, also of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. She is survived by her seven children and their families; Sylvia Barchue, her son Josyl Barchue, wife Heather Barchue, and their son Noah Barchue; Stacia Morris, Stanley McLean, Jr, wife Roxie Morris, and his children, Jidé Morris, wife Sheila Morris, and son Caleb, Akilah Charlemagne, husband Chev Charlemagne, and son Holden Charlemagne, Karleen Edwards-Caton, husband Jason Caton, and children Ky-Mani and Jahmir; Headley Alexander Morris, wife Cheryl PaynterMorris; Desmond Morris, wife Joz eyl Mor r i s , a nd ch i ld r en Sherika Dublin, Denzeyl Morris, a nd Br ia n n a Mor r i s; Au r iol Sonia Pollard, her husband Mark Pollard; and Sherry-Ann Morris. Constance was born on November 2, 1928 to Vivian and James Simon on the island of Bequia, and raised on Mustique, both are Grenadine islands of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. In 1950, she married Stanley McLean Morris. After having 7 children (one predeceased her as an infant), she attended and graduated from nursing school,
Stephen Gerard Dynan passed away on August 13, 2020, after a short illness. He was 59 years old. Stephen was born in Greenwich on December 27, 1960, to the late Ann (Shelley) and William P. Dynan. Stephen graduated from Greenwich High School and from Trinity College in Hartford. He worked as a free-lance editor and at Gateway Apparel. Stephen lived in Greenwich his entire life and was a parishioner at St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church. Stephen is survived by his sisters Karen and Nancy; his brother Bill; his brother-in-law Doug; his sister-in-law Anne Marie; his nieces Scout, Laura, Caroline, and Maple; and his nephews Will and Ben. Stephen will be missed for h i s i m a g i n at ion , q u i rk y sense of humor, knowledge of history, eye for detail, love of books, and attentiveness to his family. Because of the pandemic, a gathering to remember Stephen will be held at a later date. Contributions to recognize Stephen may be made to the ALS Association or a charity of one's choice. To leave an online condolence, please visit www.
Do they know? If
Mary Sue Saltsman passed away peacefully on Saturday, August 22 at Greenwich Hospital surrounded by her loving family. Mary Sue, the oldest of 4 siblings, was born on February 17, 1930 in Nashville, Tennessee to Fanny and Fyke Farmer. A graduate of Vanderbilt University, after completing her studies, Mary Sue journeyed to New York City to work for Young and Rubicom. After moving to New York City, she met t he love of her l i fe, William H. Saltsman, on a blind date. William, who goes by Bill, w a s v i site d by M a r y Sue i n Mexico City where he proposed to her in the mountains overlooking
If If
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Greenwich Elders - At Home in Quarantine
By Nike Whittemore
W hen t he U. S. went i nto lockdown with COVID-19, the news reported that the older popu lation was pa r ticu la rly v u l nera ble to t he v i r us a nd was the hardest hit, especially those living in nursing homes. Wo n d e r i n g h ow G r e e nw i c h residents who were “aging in place” (choosing to age in their own homes, rather than move to community living) were doing, I reached out to Lise Jameson, Executive Director of At Home in Greenwich to ask if I could interview a few of her eldest members by phone to see what their experiences had been of the pandemic. Four members volunteered for the project and following on are highlights from the second interview featuring Bernard Pressner, age 98. The hope is t hat readers might find themselves in these stories, know that they are not alone, and feel inspired to reflect on their own personal inner and outer journey with this pandemic. Bernard Pressner What has been your personal experience with the COVID-19 pandemic? “My personal feeling about the pandemic is that it’s making people ver y uptig ht. In fact, m y s o n , w h o ’s a d e n t i s t i n Manhattan, just called me and said he has found it very difficult to treat people’s teeth because they’re very tight due to this pandemic. So, the pandemic is creating havoc. We can only hope it doesn’t last too long.”
How have you spent your time in quarantine? “I do a lot of volunteer work and I find that helps me a lot. I also do a lot of walking which is very important, especially at my age. And I keep reading articles about breathing properly which is also important. I’ve been able to attend several of At Home’s “Lunch and Learns” on Zoom which is very helpful. And I also attend Saturday morning services at Temple Sholom online. They call people up to recite some of the prayers and I’m usually called, so it makes it very exciting!” Has being a member of At Home in Greenwich been helpful to you during the quarantine? “I have found that At Home has been a tremendous, wonderful thing for me. A gal there has done quite a bit of shopping for me. Lise, who runs the operation, has been absolutely marvelous.” Does this season remind you of any other season in your life? “I’ve had a wonderful life no complaints! I’m 98 years old and still play golf, walk without a w a l ke r a n d d r i ve a c a r. I worked as an executive with May Department Stores Company and then was in the sporting goods business. Before that, I was a WWII fighter pilot in New Guinea. And before that, I was a concert violinist who studied at Juilliard for four years. I’ve had a very exciting life!” What are your thoughts about all this new technology to help people during the quarantine?
“I find the technology very diff icult to use at my age. I’ve been able to use the technology with the help of people who know how to use it, including my son. I think it is creating a little havoc, especially for the older people since they can’t handle it. So, technology has its good points and its bad ones.” What learnings or wisdom from this situation would you like to share with your peers and/or the younger generations? “The people my age have a very difficult time. My advice to them would be to decide to just do the best you can and try to accept this new technology because it’s going to go on for a long time. And be careful because when people wa lk , they don’t look where they’re going since they’re looking at their cell phones all the time! There’s nothing we can do about it.” A re there any positive changes from this quarantine that you would like to see kept in our society as we move forward? “The new policies of opening up the restaurants and gyms, I think it had to be done, but it’s very important that people go by the rules - masks and don’t stay too close to one another. Let’s hope that works. I hope it works out, it’s important. And getting people back to work. But there’s been a lot of layoffs, too, and that’s just terrible. Let’s hope things change a little bit.” Nike Whittemore is a longtime Greenwich resident, with a master’s degree in health advocacy from
“I do a lot of volunteer work and I find that helps me a lot. I also do a lot of walking which is very important, especially at my age." Bernard Pressner.
“I have found At Home has been a tremendous, wonderful thing for me. A gal there has done quite a bit of shopping for me. ” Bernard Pressner.
Sarah Lawrence College. She has served as a hospice volunteer, a reader for the visually impaired, an educator with The Eden Alternative, and a contributing
writer for At Home in Greenwich. At Home in Greenwich supports a diverse communit y of aging adults living at home by providing trusted resources and services,
enrichment opportunities and social connections. At Home is a nonprof it organization and can be reached at 203-422-2342, or at
Worship Services Information
Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite. Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce lesson ( HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922).
469 North St.; 203-869-5421
Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm & Sun, 12-1pm. Confessions: Wed, 1011am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel (make a reservation: go/stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741
Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Online daily Mass at EWTN. com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2.
Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730
St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176
In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance).
In-person Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 7:30pm; Sat, 5pm (Vigil); Sun, 7:30am, 10:30am & 1pm (Spanish), sign-up (signupgenius. com/go/strochchurch). Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), MonSat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm.
Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:309:15am, via Google Meet.
St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-6373661 Daily Mass under the Tent: Mon-Fri, 5:15-5:45pm (sign up through homepage). Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Fri, 7-7:30am, (sign up through homepage). Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon, 1:30pm; Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu, 1:30pm; Stations of the Cross: Fri, 1:30pm. The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners Hotline: 203-637-3661 x375. Parish Partners in Prayer: pray silently wherever you are: 8am & 8pm. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Summer Rosary: Sun & Tue, 7:30pm, via YouTube Live. Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Sun, 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until further notice. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@outlook. com). The church will re-open for worship on Sunday, Sept. 13. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 In-person Public Outdoor Worship: Sun, 10-10:30am, registration is required ( go/70a084aafa72aa0f b6-inperson). Virtual events: Sunday Worship &
Church School - Online: Sun 10am, Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this project, contact
online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at
Sunday Worship & Church School ONLINE Sunday, August 23, 2020 10:00am | JackRabbits Summer Camp for Kids (Week 2) Monday, August 24, 2020 - 8:30am | Art Studio -TEMPORARILY POSTPONED Monday, August 24, 2020 - 1:00pm
St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262
CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Fridays on Facebook (live @ 3pm with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at 2cc. org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year.
In-person Outdoor Service: Sat, 11am & Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; Shirami. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-869-7191 ext. 3. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, pre-registration is required, lori. LUTHERAN
Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600
First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032
Outdoor Worship: Sun, 9am, Tomes-Higgins-Front Lawn (during Summer weather permitting), registration is required, akryzak@ Virtual Worship Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 8am, on Zoom. Evensong: Thu, 5pm, livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice. org. Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live.
Indoor service held jointly at St. Paul through Labor Day weekend.
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526
Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (; via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742).
Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am ( go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff 2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Mass on the Grass: Sundays, 9:30am. Service on the Meadow: Sundays, 9:30am. Virtual events: Online Morning Prayer: Sun, 10:15-11:15am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format:
Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 In-person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary, registration is required ( Worship online: Sun, 10am, (website, Facebook, YouTube). Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515-606-5410, access code 119748#). Outdoor Worship Service August 28, 7pm register at The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘dropin’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. PRESBYTERIAN
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466
First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686;
Indoor service: Sunday, 9am. Bible Study: Sunday, 10:15am.
Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at fpcg. org/live. Sunday School online, 10:1511am. Email with questions. Beginning June 3: Summer Wednesdays (Online) - Join Ellie and Tara on Zoom every other Wed, 4:305:30pm, ages 4-4th Grade, email ellie. (a Zoom link will be sent out bi-weekly).
METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395; www.diamondhillumc. com
First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm.
Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee and fellowship: Sun, 11:15am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:309am.
Wildly Successful
Page 17 13 | Greenwich Sentinel
The Honey Bee
By Jim Knox I was not born with a green thumb. I am however married to a n e x t r a o r d i n a r y wo m a n who conv inced me to plant hyd r a n g e a . . . a s e ve n I c o u l d master that horticultural feat. We’re so glad I did. Not only are the plants beautiful, but one in particular, has given us so much in return. Hydrangea paniculata is a biologist’s dream, with it’s blooming flowers providing nectar for dozens of pollinator species including: wasps, hummingbird moths, hummingbirds and bees. The diversity of bees alone is impressive: Mason Bees, Bumble Bees, Carpenter Bees, Sweat Bees and the most well known of all, Honey Bees, all come to feed. The Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, also known as the European Honey Bee, is one of the world’s most recognizable creatures. While Honey Bees lived in North America as long as 14 million years ago (we know this from fossilized Honey Bees), the Honey Bees which range throughout all of North America today are descendents of the first European hives brought over by colonists in 1622.
With more than 20,000 known bee species on the planet and more than 4,000 native to North America alone, the Honey Bee is the most well-known and for good reason--they produce a super food and its name is synonymous with all things good. Honey is a food created by bees, for bees. It is a sweet, viscous high-energy food derived from regurgitated nectar which is fed to young bees and other members of the colony or hive. Too good not to share, honey has wound up on the menu of many creatures including us humans and the occasional lucky bear. Yet taste alone is not the only virtue of this liquid gold. Long esteemed for its medicinal attributes, honey has recently received scientific support for its valued traits--among them: potent antibacterial, antioxidant and antifungal properties. In fact, sealed ceramic jars of honey have been unearthed on archaeological digs in western Asia after more than 5, 500 years. Incredibly, the honey within was not only free of bacteria and mold but also still palatable! The benefits of the world’s original natural sweetener don’t just end there. Manuka, Australia’s and New Zealand’s unrivaled super-honey is not only lauded for its flavor, it is also renowned for its efficacy in: f ighting infection, reducing inf lammation, healing wounds, regenerating tissue, reducing scars, combating indigestion and healing stomach ulcers. All of this goodness, from a common insect. Yet the once common Honey Bee is no longer so commonplace. A host of environmental assaults have hit the bees especially hard: pesticide usage, shifting climatic trends, habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive plants
and bees and introduced diseases have all led to decline in Honey Bee populations. Some would point out that the species is introduced and ask the inevitable question: why should we care? Such a hardhitting question warrants a nonsweetened answer. Honey Bees are more than just fuzzy, cute little insects which produce honey. They pollinate hundreds of species of plants including f lower, fruit and vegetable crops, increasing y ields and contributing more than 25 billion dollars to the U.S. agricultural industry each year! On the surface this sounds impressive b u t w h e n we b r e a k i t d ow n further, these buzzing little insects become downright indispensable. Due to their diligence--being as
"Manuka, Australia’s and New Zealand’s unrivaled super-honey is not only lauded for its flavor, it is also renowned for its efficacy in: fighting infection, reducing inflammation, healing wounds, regenerating tissue, reducing scars, combating indigestion and healing stomach ulcers." busy as bees--these insects are responsible for pollinating 90% or more of our staple crops. A sliver of their pollination pie includes: apples, broccoli, cau lif lower, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, peaches, pea rs, water melons, lemons, limes, avocados, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, onions, peppers and pumpkin. In short, without Honey Bees, we
Astrology for Week of Aug 30, 2020 VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If others try to persuade you that their way is best this week you must stick to what you know and trust. A Full Moon in your opposite sign means you will come under a lot of pressure – possibly even emotional blackmail – but don’t give in. Trust your judgement.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March A Full Moon in your sign will make you a bit emotional this week, even if you’re that rare Pisces who keeps their feelings under control. It’s probably no bad thing to go over the top as a lot of negativity has built up. Let it out or it’s you who will suffer.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct This week’s Full Moon urges you to talk less and think more, especially at work where you could do your promotion prospects much harm. If you have to defend your beliefs make sure you’ve a better grasp of the facts than your than your opponents.
ARIES 21 March-20 April You may be tempted to cut corners but it’s a temptation that must be overcome. If you give less than 100 percent this week you will have to give much more in the future. Do what you have to do to the best of your abilities – there will be time to rest later.
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov A setback might not really be a setback this week because the Pisces Full Moon will distort the way you look at the world – and the way the world looks at you. In just a few days you will be delighted you were forced to move in a new direction.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May You may have faith in what you’re doing but a second opinion is advisable. The planets indicate you’ve overlooked a small but vital detail that may not signify much now but might trip you up later. You don’t want your efforts wasted over something so trivial.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You may not be entirely happy with your work or career but this is not the time to make changes. The Full Moon could make you reckless and do things you’ll later regret. Fate will bring you the right opportunity at just the right time. Your role is to stay alert.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June You may suspect that someone is trying to cheat you – in your personal life or at work – but do not make accusations you may not be able to back up with facts. If you let yourself get emotional there is no telling what mistakes you might make.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Try to keep busy this week as the more time you have to ponder your life the more likely you are to make unnecessary changes. Also, don’t take the words of neighbours or friends too seriously: they’re liable to exaggerate – or even deliberately lie.
CANCER 22 June-23 July Leave nothing to chance, especially if travelling. A Full Moon warns that even if you’re the most level-headed of Cancers your emotions could get the better of you with grave results. Let others be reckless – you’ve got too much to lose.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You clearly need to do something about your finances but it doesn’t need to be too drastic. The Full Moon is dangerous as it could tempt you to get rid of stuff you’ll need one day. And it will cost you more to buy it back than you got from selling it off.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug Any last-minute doubts about what needs to be done should be banished them from your mind this week. With the Sun now in the money area of your chart you can do something about your finances. But no half measures – the situation calls for bold decisions.
Discover more about yourself at
couldn’t be “as American as apple pie”...and what kind of a holiday would Thanksgiving be without cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie? Lastly, while Honey Bees are most reluctant to employ their venom, treatments for various forms of arthritis and cancer have been developed from it, which have both improved and prolonged lives. With such contributions to our planet and our species, what
can we do to help Honey Bees? There a r e nu merous, si mple things virtually all landowners-public and private, as well as schools and corporations, can do to “bee” champions for our golden benefactors. We can plant beefriendly herbs, vegetables and f lowers. Native plants are the best choice. Pollinator gardens such as those on the properties of The Greenwich Land Trust, The
Bruce Museum, The New Canaan Land Trust and Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo, offer vital oases for these essential pollinators. Leave water out near your gardens and plantings--a bird bath or ceramic bowl will do. Never use pesticides. Instead, opt for natural pesticidal plants such as garlic, which will not harm bees. H o n e y B e e s a r e n a t u r e ’s marvels and nature clearly knows what to do. Frequently, we just have to give her a little assistance. By performing these simple habitat enhancements, you can give bees a chance to do what they do best-make our planet a biologically richer, healthier, and yes, tastier place. Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Adviser for The Bruce Museum. Jim has a passion for working with the world's wildlife and for sharing his work with others.
Sudoku, above: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10. Crossword Puzzle, below: Answers on page 10.
Have Some Fun!
Discover your inner artist. Engaging in coloring, in addition to being stress relieving, can lead being more creative at analytical thinking. Scientists have noted positive changes in heart rates and brainwaves of adults as they color. Coloring also sharpens the memory. So grab your coloredpencils or markers and see what you can do with this elephant.
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Ready For Your Most Important Needs For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport
ith the lawn and garden season upon us, it’s time to remember how important it is to avoid using water inefficiently – including over-irrigation. The average suburban household uses at least 30% of its water for irrigation. But most could use less – a lot less – and still enjoy healthy lawns and gardens. That’s why Aquarion, in coordination with town and state officials, continues to expand this conservation-focused irrigation schedule throughout its service area. Here are some tips to make it even easier for you: • If you have a built-in irrigation system, have a licensed irrigation professional make sure it’s working efficiently • Check our website to see if you qualify for a variance from the schedule – for new plantings, a large property, or a high-efficiency irrigation system. • Keep in mind, weather and other conditions may further reduce your watering needs. Together, we can ensure our communities always have enough water for all their vital needs. For more tips on improving your water efficiency, please visit our website. Questions? Call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678
Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule Last Digit of Your Address Number Please Water Only On: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers)
Saturday & Tuesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight
No address number
Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight
© 2020 Aquarion Water Company
Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel
Mark Pruner | |
One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830
Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903
For Market Updates and Listings Visit
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
Refinancing is About to Get More Expensive Refinancing with lower interest rates is about to get more expensive. By Cheryl Maccluskey
Many firms estimate that rates could spike by 0.375% or more but other experts estimate the new fee with only raise rates by 0.125%. So a rate that was 2.875% could actually end up at 3%, which by the way is still very low. My I remind everyone that in the 2018 market interest rates were as high as 18%. My first house I bought, I did pay over 18%. 3% seems like a dream to me. Let’s put this into perspective, 30 year rates have dropped almost a full percentage since the beginning of 2020, rates are down more than 2% from their recent high in the beginning of 2018. So, even if refinance rates rise due to the new rule, let’s be realistic, they’ll still be incredibly low compared to recent history. How to avoid paying the new Adverse Market refinance Fee. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase a large number of mortgages, meaning their new fee will have a wide-reaching impact. But, there are always ways of avoiding the fee, and the higher rate Refinancing with low interest rates is about to get when you refinance. Jumbo loans, anything over more expensive. $510,400 in Connecticut won’t be subject to the new Working in this industry I have seen so many fee. Portfolio loans. These are loans that the bank changes since Covid-19, no cash out refinances, no refinancing investment properties, Jumbo market has taken a hit, construction financing harder to How to avoid paying the new find, not that it was easy before Covid-19. As a Senior Loan Officer we are asking the borrowers for more Adverse Market refinance Fee. documentation, updated paystubs and credit reports days before closing. On top of all these changes the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has just announced a originates and they either hold onto or sell to private new fee for mortgages refinances. This fee will hit investors, rather than selling them to Fannie Mae or almost all conventional refinances. All lenders are Freddie Mac. Because they will not be sold to them responsible Refinance fee will be a onetime fee of a the fee does not apply. But, keep in mind Portfolio 0.5% charge or in layman terms $500.00 for every loans do come with typically higher rates in the first $100,000 borrowed. Most refinancing homeowners place. The last group is Government-backed loans, will pay the fee out of pocket but it will reflect in the including FHA, VA, USDA loans will also not be interest rate. affected. However FHA and USDA loans will have the The new fee applies only to current homeowners continued Mortgage insurance. Loan amounts lower who plan to ref inance, and had not locked a than $125,000, and Home Ready and Home Possible refinance rate before the Federal Housing Finance are also exempt. This fee is necessary to cover the Agency announcement on August 12, 2020. Clients losses during the pandemic which are estimated to be purchasing a new home will not be affected. The over $6 billion, losses for the borrowers and renters Adverse Market Refinance Fee has to be paid by during these hard times. lenders, on any refinance loans being sold to Fannie As always, you must shop around for rates. Find Mae or Freddie Mac. Did you know that Fannie and an independent Mortgage broker to work with and Freddie buy more than half of all mortgages? The fee has your best interest at heart and they can break doesn’t officially apply until the new date of December down the rates and fees to find the best option on 1, 2020. The FHFA originally had September 1, 2020 your behalf. to have the fee go into effect. It takes weeks for Cher yl is a resident of Greenwich where she lenders to deliver a closed loan to either Fannie Mae lives with her family. Cheryl is a graduate of Bennett or Freddie Mac. Many lenders have already started College, Marist College and Columbia. Throughout her including the fee in most unlocked loans. You can be mortgage career she has held origination positions at sure lenders are going to pass on these fees in the Citizens Bank, Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bank in form of higher rates. So, the big question is how much Westchester, and First Republic in Greenwich CT. will the Adverse Market Fee affect the interest rates?
List Price
25 Elm Street 16 65 Old Field Point Road 11 Rex Street 17 Talbot Lane 87 Laddins Rock Road 59 Pemberwick Road 18 Zygmont Lane 2 Putnam Hill 1 H 21 Linwood Avenue 1 Milbank Avenue 1B 48 Spring Street 10 41 Sundance Drive 49 Riverside Avenue 155 Field Point Road 3S 19 Gregory Road 51 Old Stone Bridge Rd 386 Riversville Road 13 Edgewater Drive 33 Daffodil Lane 82 Elm Street A 742 Lake Avenue 470 Taconic Road 40 Mooreland Road 30 Cat Rock Road 233 Overlook Drive 610 Lake Avenue 270 Taconic Road 11 Deer Lane
$625,000 $625,000 $699,999 $719,000 $825,000 $849,000 $949,000 $975,000 $1,000,000 $1,050,000 $1,099,000 $1,129,000 $1,275,000 $1,399,000 $1,595,000 $1,695,000 $1,795,000 $1,895,000 $1,895,000 $2,150,000 $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,795,000 $3,249,000 $3,250,000 $3,999,999 $4,250,000 $4,750,000
33 Broad Road 460 North Street
$481 $658 $313
$456 $279 $478 $625 $549 $608 $553 $432 $701 $592 $466 $479 $564 $806 $465 $769
$5,395,000 $10,995,000
$541 $424 $581 $589 $590 $1,069
$1,096 $709
1,300 1,064 2,298
2 3 2 5 3 5 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 5 7 4 6 5 4 6 4
0.17 0.11
0.1 1,808 0.31 3,046 0.14 1,986 0.51 1,560 10
1,822 0.18 1,727 0 1,987 0 2,613 0.3 1,820 0.17 2,365 0 3,420 0.28 3,540 1 3,185 4.02 0.17 4,074 2 2,796 0
4,652 2 2.82 5,162 7,669 5,594 6,789 7,209 4,442
4.82 2.03 0.43
2.77 1.53 1.34
1 South Parkway 1 Old Greenwich 1 Cos Cob 3 Cos Cob 1 Old Greenwich 4 Cos Cob 2 Cos Cob 2 South Parkway 3 Riverside 2 Old Greenwich 2 Old Greenwich 3 North Parkway 2 North Mianus 3 Old Greenwich 3 South Parkway 4 Riverside 3 South Parkway 2 Old Greenwich 3 Old Greenwich 4 North Parkway 4 North Parkway 5 North Parkway 4 South Parkway 7 North Parkway 5 South Parkway 4 South Parkway 5 South of Post Road 4 Riverside
4,922 0.9 5 15,500 3.75 7
4 8
South Parkway South Parkway
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
27 Evergreen Road
Sun 1-4 PM
Berkshire Hathaway
525 W Lyon Farm Drive #525 Greenwich
Sun 1-3 PM
Berkshire Hathaway
87 Laddins Rock Road
Old Greenwich
Sun 1-3 PM
Houlihan Lawrence
18 Rippowam Road #2B
Cos Cob
Sun 2-4 PM
Coldwell Banker
31 Scott Lane
Sun 2-4 PM
Coldwell Banker
13 Edgewater Drive
Old Greenwich
Sun 1-3 PM
77 Taconic Road
Sun 1-4 PM
Berkshire Hathaway
742 Lake Avenue
Sat 1-4 PM
160 Bedford Road
Sun 1-3 PM
Coldwell Banker
27 Linwood Avenue
Sat 1-3 PM
27 Linwood Avenue
Sun 12-4 PM
233 Overlook Drive
Sun 1-3 PM
Berkshire Hathaway
62 Sherwood Avenue
Sun 2-4 PM
Houlihan Lawrence
282 Round Hill Road
Sun 1-3 PM
15 Old Mill Road
Sun 1-3 PM
Sun 1-3 PM
Sun 1-4 PM
Berkshire Hathaway
402A Sound Beach Avenue Old Greenwich 27 Evergreen Road
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
Original List
List Price
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres
1465 Putnam Avenue 426 44 Putnam Park 44 36 High Street 176 Weaver Street 104 Lyon Farm Drive 104 17 Coachlamp Lane 26 Baldwin Farms South 391 Round Hill Road 71 Fairfield Road 34 Forest Avenue 21 Londonderry Drive 15 Verona Drive 65 Ridgeview Avenue 116 Cutler Road 1 Widgeon Way 17 Ivanhoe Lane 21 Knollwood Drive 11 Windabout Drive 9 Ridgeview Avenue 8 Hobart Drive 22 Cornelia Drive
$410,000 $459,000 $679,000 $1,195,000 $1,275,000 $1,449,000 $1,795,000 $1,895,000 $2,195,000 $2,150,000 $2,295,000 $2,195,000 $2,329,000 $3,195,000 $2,995,000 $2,985,000 $2,695,000 $3,795,000 $4,695,000 $4,995,000 $6,800,000
$399,000 $419,000 $649,000 $1,145,000 $1,275,000 $1,449,000 $1,550,000 $1,895,000 $2,050,000 $1,990,000 $1,999,000 $2,195,000 $2,329,000 $2,995,000 $2,749,000 $2,925,000 $2,695,000 $3,795,000 $4,695,000 $4,995,000 $6,450,000
$385,000 $410,000 $655,000 $1,175,000 $1,270,000 $1,450,000 $1,562,500 $1,700,000 $1,900,000 $1,990,000 $2,025,000 $2,195,000 $2,320,000 $2,500,000 $2,625,000 $2,800,000 $2,810,000 $3,685,000 $4,600,000 $4,995,000 $6,250,000
190 770 69 67 10 8 344 80 175 275 256 0 19 369 456 182 10 25 322 12 323
1 2 3 3 3 4 6 4 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6
1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 7 5 5 4 5 6 7 7
784 0.11 0.98 0.45 2.5 2.72 1 0.22 2 0.35 1.89 4 0.27 1.51 2.38 2.15 1 1.08 2
1,584 1,695 2,629 3,210 4,609 4,929 3,334 3,265 5,248 2,526 4,853 5,905 5,200 5,531 4,463 7,263 8,436 6,902 8,895
It’s a different summer this year Springtime traditionally sees a strong market for home sales. But this year, the strength of that market has continued right into summer. So if you’ve been thinking about looking for a new place to call home, you certainly haven’t missed out. In fact, your timing may be perfect.
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