September 25, 2020

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.

September 25, 2020

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Improving Census Numbers

Charity Calls to Action Greenwich Green & Clean

Richard Kaufman

In need of volunteers and teams for the fall town wide clean up! This Saturday, Sept. 26, from 11am - 3pm, Greenwich Green & Clean and Skip the Straw Greenwich are sponsoring the fall cleanup at Greenwich Point as part of the International Coastal Cleanup. To preregister on-line go to: www. For virtual participation, photographs of families or small groups collecting trash can be submitted at info@greenwichgreenandclean. org or use social media tags @GreenwichGreenandClean or @ SkipTheStrawGreenwich along with a list of items collected. For more information: 203-531-0006 Greenwich Alliance for Education Looking for Turkey Trot sponsors: uploads/2020/09/TURKEY-TROT-2020-SPONSOR-FORM-8_31.pdf Neighbor to Neighbor Most needed items: Unexpired, unopened, nonperishable food: tuna, canned meats, peanut butter and cereal, larger-sized diapers, and unexpired infant formula. Donations can be made at the Food Pantry, now located at Arch St. Teen Center or at the food drive taking place at St. Michael Church on Sunday 9/27 at St. Michael Church parking lot: 469 North Street from 10am-12:30pm. Liberation Programs: In need of Personal Protective Equipment donations, please see their website for donation opportunities: Liberation Programs are focused on Recovery for Life from addiction with services in the YWCA and throughout Fairfield County Mother’s for Others: Host a Diaper Drive in 3 easy steps: Community Centers, Inc. (CCI) In need of grocery bags, specifically brown paper bags with handles and help to bag and deliver groceries and prepared foods on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Food is going to families and senior citizens who live in subsidized housing in Greenwich and are our most vulnerable neighbors. Check the website for more details:

The f inal push to complete this year's census is on, as local and state officials are making rounds to encourage residents to get counted before the Sept. 30 deadline. O n M o n d a y, L t . G o v S u s a n Bysiewicz joined Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, and State Reps. Harry Arora (R-151) and Stephen Meskers (D-150) to knock on doors at Greenwich Close Apartments across from Town Hall. Tyler Fairbairn, the town's Director of Community Development and the head of Greenwich's Complete Count Committee, was part of the group, too, along with Greenwich Communities

themselves or open the door when the census enumerators show up." Bysiewicz said that as of Monday morning, 98.1 percent of households i n Con ne c t ic ut have eit her s el fresponded to the census, or responded to enumerators knocking on doors. The state enumeration rate is 28.1 percent, and the self-response rate is 70 percent, up from 69.5 percent in 2010, the last time the census was conducted. Greenwich's self-response rate is slightly above the rest of the state at 70.2 percent. " T h at nu m b e r i s g o o d ," s a i d Camillo. "But we're going to keep going." Camillo hoped to encourage people to participate, and thank those who have already been counted. He said

"We've tried hard to get the message out. We need to do more; there's always a little more to do," said State Rep. Harry Arora. Executive Director, Tony Johnson. Greenwich Communities, formerly known as the Greenwich Housing Authority, owns the apartment complex. Bysiewicz has been touring the state in recent weeks, visiting hard-to-count areas. Greenwich Close Apartments were chosen based off of low count data. "Some people think that it's only extremely urban areas and the very big cities that have hard-to-count areas, but that's not true. Twenty-two percent of the people in our state live in hardto-count areas. Hard-to-count areas

census outreach to the community will continue through schools and churches around town. A rora, who is running for reelection in the state legislature, said there is always room for improvement on the numbers. "We've tried hard to get the message out. We need to do more; there's always a little more to do. I feel very good about the 98.2 percent [in the state], but we need to get to 100 percent," he said. Meskers, also running for reelection, said he has run into several

DART Virtual Walk, Trinity Church: Saturday, September 27-October 3. You can walk virtually or follow the 2 mile course marked at Tod’s Point. Please register using this link: https://trinitychurch. life/event/7107-dart-virtual-walk The Undies Project: Looking for people to buy tickets to Virtual Cocktails and Comedy event taking place on Saturday, October 10:


A Grudge

First Selectman Fred Camillo and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz talking to a Greenwich resident about filling out the 2020 Census. (Richard Kaufman photo)

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By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT Grudges, like grievances, are ugly, disgusting creatures. Who would want to hold one, let alone nurse one? No one is changed by our grudges except us. They eat at us so slowly we sometimes don’t realize that they are consuming us whole. Grudges feed on un-forgiveness. They lock us into a prison cell along with the offending party, who is only truly there in our imagination. We can open the cell door from the inside, but only when we are willing to let the “guilty party” out first. This doesn’t mean minimizing the offense or excusing it—only letting go of feeding it. The key is in our hands; it’s our decision, in our own time. Wanting to get out of that jail and to let our grudge go can take a long time—sometimes years. The alternative is that the “guilty party” continues to expand and fill the cell of our mind. When we let our grudge go, we find that we have more productive ways to use that brain space. Charlie’s hatred of his verbally abusive father was “eating him up.” His therapist asked him if he could recall a single happy scene with him. He remembered the time his dad brought him a puppy. The counselor asked him to fully describe the scene and bring it to mind every time he thought of his dad. At first Charlie was resistant, but over time, this practice changed the way he perceived him. His grudge disappeared. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-869-1515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.

tend to be apartment and multi-family housing areas, and communities of color and immigrant communities," Bysiewicz said. "Our focus over the past two months has been on visiting hard-to-count neighborhoods with our local, state and federal leaders and our complete count committees to try to encourage folks to either respond

census workers while passing out campaign material. Meskers said he hopes people realize how important getting counted really is. "I think people don't recognize the importance of the census and the appropriate allocation of federal dollars," he said. "Being counted is very important so we can get our fair share

of infrastructure dollars, healthcare dollars, and aid for v ulnerable populations in Greenwich." Bysiewicz noted that there could be an extension on the Sept. 30 census deadline because of a lawsuit filed in California. Residents may complete the 2020 Census online at www.my2020census. gov. For people who do not have access to a computer, you can complete it by calling these numbers: E n g l i s h : 1- 8 4 4 - 3 3 0 -2 0 2 0 ; Spanish:1-84 4-468-2020; Chinese (Mandarin) 1-844-391-2020; Chinese (Cantonese) 1-844-398-2020; Haitian Creole: 1-844-474-2020.

Stipple Style

By Beth Barhydt We had some f un this week w it h t he Wa l l St r e et Jou r na l's program, which allows anyone with a subscription to the WSJ to create t hei r ow n i mage i n t he st ipple style... the WSJ's iconic graphic images of individuals. At Th e S e n t i n e l, we h app en to believe that subscriptions to newspapers are vital to a healthy democracy and suggest that you sign up for a Wall Street Journal subscription. In addition to being we l l i n for m e d a nd s upp or t i n g an outstanding publication, the added benefit will be that you too can have a stipple style image of yourself. You will find fun stipple style images of some of your favorite colu m n i st s a nd Gr e enw ich ite s throughout the paper this week. Should we keep them in the stipple style from now forward? Let us know what you think at Editor@ Our thanks to Jon Redman, who told us about this fun benef it to subscribing to the WSJ.

POLO: Greenwich Clinches Title By Liz Leamy It was certainly a day to remember as White Birch, the illustrious Greenwich Polo Club high-goal team k now n for its g r it, gold charisma and gold standard triumphantly clinched the 2020 East Coast Open title in remarkable style, claiming a 13-10 win over Black Hound DE, the Tef lon-tough squad based out of the New York Citymetropolitan area. This edge-of-your-seat match, held on the main field of the Greenwich Polo Club, host of this year’s East Coast Open, was an Mariano Aguerre, (far right, white jersey) swings his mallet in characteristic affair to remember in every stunning fashion to help White Birch of Greenwich take the East Coast Open regard as the two qualifying title in a dramatic final showdown against Black Hound DE that was held last f inal teams (of f ive total Tuesday at the GPC. (Photo by John Ferris Robben)

“It was one of those days we needed to shine. We were up against one of the best teams and went all in,” said Aguerre. “Both teams performed out there today and it was a tough and good game.” polo’s up-and-coming stars entries) in this celebrated a n d B l a c k H o u n d D E , decorated athletes. This illustrious group and some of its g lobally and historic Championship fe at u r e d r o ster s l i st i ng tournament, White Birch some of the sport’s most included some of high-goal See POLO page 2

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To obtain information on the last match of the 2020 season that will played at the GPC o n S u n d a y, S e pte m b e r 2 0 th , please contact the GPC at: info@


John Ferris Robben

renowned masters, along with a host of other highly reputed and tactical players and their charges who all went head to head against one another in hopes of clinching the East Coast Open title, a feat comparable that of winning the NHL Stanley Cup Championship. This extraordinary faceoff featured the likes of such heavy hitters as Mariano Aguerre the celebrated international eight goaler and number three player for White Birch who has thrilled c r owd s at t he GP C over t he years; Matias Magrini, the stealth Argentinian seven goaler and Black Hound DE number four player who has been a top GPC marquis player for many seasons; and Toro Ruiz of Black Hound DE , the electr ic A rgentin ia n seven goaler reputed to be one of the sport’s hottest rising stars, among others. Collectively, this faction and their colleagues threw down the proverbial hammer, indicating why they had reached this point of competition and also why they have come to be k nown as renowned world-class polo contenders. “Today’s match was amazing and it was def initely a game to remember. There were no opportunities for any errors out there and these teams were both just incredible,” said Ellie Briana Molyneux, a propr ietor of Va k ia no, t he prominent A rgentine craf t providers and cultivators who is a lso a n accomplished a nd dedicated polo player based out of the New York City-metropolitan area. “The intensity between these two teams was there all the way through to the fifth chukker and then White Birch pulled away.” I n t he e nd , A g ue r r e , t he celebrated GPC star and high goa l lu m i na r y del ivere d t he golden goods, helping White Birch catapult to the top of the East Coast Open leaderboard by scoring several gamewinning goals during the last few chukkers. Throughout the match, Aguerre, whose last name when translated means ‘war,’ turned on his famous star f ire, as he flew around the massive Conyers Farm field on his stealth ponies at

we had to do our job,” said Peke Gonzalez, White Birch number four player and Argentinean six goaler who, like Aguerre, played as i f he were on f i re du r i ng this match. (Gonzalez’s father, Mariano, a prominent hig h goaler, has also been a popular marquis player at the GPC for many years.) According to all the members of White Birch, headed by Christopher Brant, its ultrafo c use d pat ron (who score d some memorable points during this match), a key component for them going into this event was t he i ntense prepa ration and training routine they had undergone so they would be in optimal condition here. “We worked hard to get ready for this tournament,” said Pablo Llorente, the agile and lightningquick Argentinean six goaler who played a paramount role in White Birch’s successful run throughout this championship. “We did our job as best as we could and it was great to be out there playing.” Black Hound DE certainly showed their superior skills in this faceoff, which only makes sense considering its starstudded roster features Magrini a nd R u i z , a lon g w it h Luc a s D i a z A l b e r d i , t h e p owe r f u l Argentinean six-goaler and Will Tomita, its ever-solid patron, who soared around the f ield at top speeds knocking in goals with warrior-like focus and fierceness. Ultimately, the success of t h is ye a r ’s Ea st Coa st O p en f inal and entire championship series was largely due to its goldstandard host, the Greenwich Polo Club, who, like all of the players and ponies as well as all of their colleagues and cohorts p a r t i c ip a t i n g i n t h i s e ve nt , knocked the ball out of the park in magnificent fashion. “This is such a special p l a c e b e c au s e it sh owc a s e s a com bination of a h ig h-end distinctive sport at a high-end sports venue that features elite players and exquisite equine athletes that make for a unique a n d f a n t a s t i c e x p e r i e n c e ,” said Molyneux.

John Ferris Robben

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astonishing speeds, maneuvering and hitting the ball with great ease, skill and command. For these va lia nt ef for ts, Aguerre was awarded the Most Valuable Player Award citation of the match, while his gorgeous charge, Machitos Francisca, was honored for her work, as she was named the Best Playing Pony. For Aguerre, it was all about getting the job done and doing the thing he loves to do more than anything, which is playing polo. “It was one of those days we needed to shine. We were up against one of the best teams and went all in,” said Aguerre. “Both teams performed out there today and it was a toug h and good game.” Meanwhile, it was Aguerre’s emotional reaction at the conclusion of the match that rendered one of the most powerful and poignant moments of the day. As Aguerre rode his pony off the field, he let out a long warriorlike cry of joy of which his family, friends, teammates and others that were on hand responded to with thunderous applause and loud cheers. Cer t a i n ly, A g uer re’s st a r power has been much appreciated by the many thousands of people who have had the privilege to see him play at the GPC over the years, as well as those who have had other levels of interaction with him through the sport of polo. “Mariano is a fantastic athlete and embodies everything a true athlete is all about,” said Frank Boccanfuso, whose esteemed high-goal polo team, Phoenix, was part of the GPC roster for several years and whose son had spent some time practicing polo with Aguerre at one point. “He is at a level above even being a great polo player and does a lot more than hit the ball. He does all the things many might not know or necessarily see. He is an incredible strategist who sets up the game for others so they have the opportunity to win, scores when he needs to and always delivers when it’s go time.” Ag uerre, along w ith the entire White Birch contingent, remarked on the strength and toughness of their opponent, Black Hound DE, in this f inal, saying their playing made for a challenging and intense game. “It was a tough game. [Black Hound DE] was really good and

John Ferris Robben


From the top: (1) Mariano Aguerre, the famed Argentinian eight goaler and longtime star Greenwich Polo Club player, helps lead White Birch to victory as he flies down the field at Tuesday's dramatic East Coast Open final match. (2) Black Hound DE and White Birch go headto-head against one another in the heated final showdown. (3) Peke Gonzalez, number four player for White BirchGreenwich (white jersey, leads the field as1 he flies toward ball2in the dramatic Water Restriction Sentcenter) 5.25 x 10.5.qxp_Layout 8/25/20 3:16 PMthe Page final match, in which his team scored a 13-10 victory over Black Hound DE.

It’s Time To Conserve

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A reminder to our customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and

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Westport, the use of sprinkler irrigation is limited to the twice-weekly schedule shown in the table below. This permanent, mandatory conservation program is in effect from April through October each year to ensure adequate water supplies for fire protection and other vital needs throughout the summer. Southwest Fairfield County has already hit its second drought trigger this year. We are asking for an additional reduction in water usage of 20% at this time. If you are currently not following the mandatory, twice-weekly irrigation schedule, compliance with this schedule will likely achieve the 20% reduction. If you are already following the twice-weekly schedule or don’t have an irrigation system, you can find more ways to conserve at Thank you for all you are doing to use water more efficiently, outdoors and indoors. Questions? Contact Customer Service at 1-800-732-9678 or

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Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

© 2020 Aquarion Water Company

12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel

Coline Jenkins’ Women’s Rights Monument By Anne W. Semmes Coline Jenkins of Old Greenw ich has been at the forefront of celebrating the 100th anniversary of women gaining their right to vote. She was there in Central Park on Women’s Equality Day, August 26, for the unveiling of a three-women statue on the prominent Mall or Literary Walk - also featuring Shakespeare, Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. The three-women statue which includes Jenk ins’ great, great grandmother, suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other women’s rights activists Susan B. Anthony, and Sojourner Truth, has finally broken the bronze ceiling of no women statues in Central Park. To get them there Jenk ins has done some heav y lif ting, f iguratively, to help bring that statue to where it is. On a personal tour to New York last week to see that statue, Jenkins shared her proactive process over a seven-year period resulting in this triumph that so ref lects her inherited gene of finding ways to lift up women to their inalienable rights. It was in 2013 that Jenkins got the call from New Yorker Myriam Meidzian who on a walk in Central Park with husband Gary Ferdman, discovered no female statues, yet 23 of men. Their Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony St at ue F u nd w a s b or n , w it h Jenk ins and per tinent others enlisted. Calls with their female statue w ish to t he New York Parks Department and the Mayor brought “no direct response.” Later in 2014 Jenkins learns o f a t a l k to b e g i ve n b y t h e Commissioner of Parks Dept., Mitchell Silver. Jenkins travels the distance and gets her cue hearing Silver say, “The Mayor and I believe in equality and equity." Confronting him afterwards, she declares, “Do you know Central Park has no statues of women?” He responds, “I didn’t know that…I’ll look into it.” A month later Silver gives the green light to Jenkins and the Statue Fund. “We secured the perfect site at 77th and Central Park West,” tells Jenkins. And it seemed so on a visit years ago with Jenkins, the site being across the street from the New York Historical Society with its statue of Theodore Roosevelt astride a horse heralding equality with an American Indian and an African American. That Park entry site came with a Central Park

“As the first sculpture in Central Park depicting real women, the statue of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth highlights the importance of equity – in our parks and beyond." NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver

Coline Jenkins stands by her great-great grandmother, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, featured on right in the Women’s Rights Pioneer Monument in Central Park. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

Conservancy ruling - only entry sites for new statues in the Park. To move the process forward came critical fundraising, with the Statue Fund becoming the nonprofit Monumental, and the need to find a sculptor, etc. But, missing was a required Project Manager for such a public site . W ho to c a l l? W ho el s e , Jenkins thought, than the former Architect of the U.S. Capitol, Alan Hantman. Jenkins had worked with Hantman doing some heavy lifting some 20 plus years ago moving another three-women suffragette statue – “The Portrait Monument” of Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony, from oblivion in the Capitol basement into the Capitol Rotunda. Hantman directed Jenkins to Richard Southwick, Director of Historic Preservation with premier project managers, Beyer Blinder Belle (BBB), that list restorations of Grand Central Terminal, Empire State Building, presently the Frick Museum, and now “The Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument.” We met up with Southwick behind his mask on Broadway outside the BBB offices, thanks

to restr ictions of Cov id. “We labored really hard to get this Mall site. It’s very prominent,” Southwick relates. “We argued, for a constituency of 4 billon of the [female] population of the world (of 8 billion), they [Central Park Conservancy] should make an exception to not having a statue in the park. They f inally came around.” “Three women should be seen in the round,” he tells, “All the other statue bases are rectangular. But this one has an oval base. It speaks to the issue of collaboration that is so important to the theme of the sculpture.” Also behind a face mask was Kat Monaghan, BBB associate and studio administrator, who tells of the artist selection process. “We had 91 entries from all across the country – all accomplished professional artists.” The winner was Ridgefield artist, Meredith Bergmann with her design featuring only Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. “ T h e r e we r e d i s a g r e e m e nt s over the design from different stakeholders,” says Monaghan. The cry came from the Mayor’s off ice to add a woman pioneer

of color, so Sojourner Truth was added. “Meredith did an amazing job of modifying the design,” says Monaghan “It’s a great beginning. We have so far to go as a city, as a country, as a world to realize the historic contributions of women, black, Asian, Native American - that diversity has gotten us to where we are.” We w e r e f i n a l l y o n o u r way to Central Park Mall to see the Women’s R ights Pioneers Monument. But we had to make

a rest stop in the Department of Parks off ice building, “The Arsenal.” Who should appear in the entry but the man who initially gave the green light, New York City Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver. On his way out, he promised to send a quote on his having given that green light. We fou nd t he st at ue wel l framed beneath an American Elm tree. There were the three women collaborating around a small table fashioned after Stanton’s own table now treasured by Jenkins. Stanton is writing, with pen in hand, Truth is speaking with her knitting in her lap, while Anthony stands with her traveling bag, “bringing documentation of injustices to help focus their discussion.” The sculptor further explains: “The monument represents an indoor space because much of women’s political work originated in the home – in the 19th Century women were not commonly seen in the public sphere.” A young woman arrives taking photos and Jenkins easily engages. The woman has read that there were no women statues in the Park. “There is even a dog statue,” she cries with a smile, but no women!” Jenkins leads viewers to a Monumental Women sign with a code to copy into their iPhones to

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bring up the voices of Meryl Streep as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jane Alexander as Susan B. Anthony, and Viola Davis as Sojourner Truth. The passersby include a ll ages and all genders stopping and taking in the statue scene but it’s time to make the journey home. Jenkins needs to collect herself for an RTM meeting, an activity of hers for over 30 years. “I’ve been in a legislative process to act locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally,” she says, “You need to be an engaged citizen.” On the ride home, the quote from NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver surfaces on this reporter’s iPhone. “As the f irst sculpture in Central Park depicting real women, the statue of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth highlights the importance of equity – in our parks and beyond. This project ended a 60-year moratorium on new permanent statues in Central Park, and we are happy to do so with this tribute to brave and dynamic women whose work still impacts us more than a century later. Parks and public spaces are fundamental to the practice of democracy, and this statue will help reinforce those principles for generations to come.”

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Preparing for a New, Different Fall Sports Season

By Dr. Moira McCarthy With the start of a new school year, the fall sports season for young athletes is upon us. COVID has profoundly reshaped how schools reopen this fall, as well as what fall sports might look and feel like. The pandemic eliminated sports seasons for local athletes last spring and with most gyms, fields and leagues closed into the summer, many athletes have been unable to put in the necessary training and conditioning to gear up for fall sports as in prior years. Many athletes have become decond itioned by th is layof f. Training schedules were disrupted, skills development slowed and overall conditioning suf fered,

which is especially important to h e a lt hy b on e a n d mu s c l e development in young athletes. In the past two months, we at HSS have seen an increase in patients with traumatic knee injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. This may be due in part to reduced strength work and training. We’re also finding more knee and shoulder overuse injuries, a function of athletes who may be pushing too hard and fast to return to game form. Despite a new reality for youth sports this fall, which may include accelerated training sessions and shorter seasons, athletes can take steps to get back into playing condition and minimize injury risks. In some cases, the onus is on athletes to take more initiative with fitness programs. Don’t forget in-season training – Given the fact that practice schedules and conditioning sessions for ath letes may be accelerated after delayed starts to sports seasons this fall, it is especially important to maintain ongoing training during the season. In-season training sometimes takes a back seat to game action

Given the fact that practice schedules and conditioning sessions for athletes may be accelerated after delayed starts to sports seasons this fall, it is especially important to maintain ongoing training during the season for certain athletes. In conjunction with team practices, you should develop a regimen for pre-game activities and off-day recovery activities. Make it a priority to continue doing workouts to prevent injuries and even extend these workouts to the off-season to gain strength and mobility. Follow the cue of professional athletes who dedicate focused time and energies to ramp up for their shortened seasons. Reduce injury risks – Injuries are, unfortunately, a part of sports. The right kind of training and conditioning can reduce your chances for injury. No matter what sport you play, it’s important to balance endurance training with quality of movements. Emphasize proper alignment, build strength and activate appropriate muscle

groups. Allocate 10-15 minutes before each game to stretch and ac t iv ate mu s cle s , e sp e c ia l ly those around the joints. There are dedicated pre-workout injury prevention programs that take only a little extra time. Postgame stretching and cool downs are advised. Give yourself a head start and maintain conditioning during the off-season. If you’re working with a trainer or sports therapist, build on your sessions by exercising in front of a mirror to ensure proper alignment. Maximize nutrition and hydration – A well-balanced diet and proper hydration can help enhance athletic performance. A diet that combines macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) is essential for

performance, growth and health. Eating meals high in carbs and protein three hours prior to playing a sport can help build and repair muscle. Enjoy a recovery meal 30 minutes after exercise and another meal one to two hours later to help support growth and boost lean muscle mass. Hydration helps regulate body temperature and replace f luids lost to sweat. It’s important to hydrate before, during and after a game. For sporting events lasting longer than an hour or during hot and humid weather, use sports drinks in addition to water to replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates. Optimize performance – Bu i ld i n g a s t r on g at h l e t i c foundation helps you perform at your best. It blends many of the points discussed here: conditioning

and training, a healthy diet and nutrition, staying hydrated, and rema i n i ng f lex i ble. D y na m ic stretches involving movement are helpful before playing a sport, while static stretches are advised afterwards. Rest and recovery avoids overloading or overtaxing muscles. Take a break from your sport each week and consider cross training by playing other sports to improve performance in your primary sport. Social value of return to sports – The wellbeing of athletes and coaches is primary during the pandemic, so teams need to adopt all necessary health and safety protocols. As many of us have experienced, playing sports offers huge social benefits. It’s important to get young athletes back on the field to interact, engage and compete with their peers. Sports gives kids added purpose, teaches the value of teamwork, and helps drive self-esteem. Moira M. McCarthy, MD, is a sports medicine surgeon at HSS Orthopedics at Stamford Health, specializing in arthroscopic and open knee and shoulder surgery.

Water Wheelchair Gives More Access at Tod's Point

By Richard Kaufman

a beach mat at Greenw ich Last summer, the Town of Point that allows residents with Greenwich, with help from the disabilities and parents with Greenwich Lions Club, installed strollers or carts the ability to

The new multi-function beach wheelchair from the Lions Club was unveiled at Greenwich Point on Monday. Above: Joe Dowling testing out the new water wheelchair with help from some friends including First Selectman Fred Camillo. (Richard Kaufman photo)

walk on a sturdy platform all the way down to the waterline. N o w, b e a c h g o e r s w i t h disabilities can utilize a multifunction beach wheelchair to actually go into the water and enjoy some fun in the sun. On Monday, the Greenwich Lions Club, First Selectman Fred Camillo, and Greenwich Parks and Recreation Director Joe Siciliano, officially christened the new wheelchair at the Susie Baker Pavilion at Greenwich Point. The Lions Club wanted to unveil the “Water Wheels” earlier t h is su m mer, but COV I D -19 delayed it until the last day of Summer. The F i rst S elec t ma n's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities had the idea for the chair after look ing at how they could improve on the beach mat and give people more access to the water. The Lions Clu b ra i s e d money t h r oug h their annual grapefruit sale and

pancake breakfast. The chair cost just under $3,000. " It 's r e a l ly m ade to g ive people who may have had issues walking into the water the ability to go into the water for the first time, or go in for the first time in a long time," said Lions Club member and the chair of the First Selectman's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities, Alan Gunzburg. Gunzburg has long been an advocate in town for inclusion and allow ing access to tow n amenities for all. "You can't have a diverse g r o up w i t h o u t p e o p l e w i t h disabilities. You can have all different groups, but without having people with disabilities you really don't have all the voices and people at the table,” G u n z b u r g s a i d . “ W i t h [t h e Advisory Committee], what we've done is try to develop ways of finding accessibility to increase inclusion.”

The chair's wheels can handle all terrain, and it has yellow devices on each arm that are set up as f lotation devices. A fivepoint harness straps the user in. Greenw ich resident Joe Dowling, a wheelchair athlete who frequents Greenwich Point, tested out t he new cha i r on Monday and said he's looking forward to using it in the future. "This is really nice," he said, noting that he might encourage his two sons to come out and hit the beach with him. "My one son is a swimmer, so he may even take me swimming. Who knows." Camillo said the addition of the chair is long overdue. "We just can't thank the Lions Club enough. We'd like to see this at every beach and make sure everyone has equal access to all of our amenities. We'll work on Byram Beach next," Camillo said. There is currently a beach mat already in place at Byram Beach. C a m i l l o s a i d t h at i n t h e

future, if there is enough demand around town for more chairs, he could seek to add funds in the budget, or fundraise and present the matter to the Representative Town Meeting for approval. The cha i r w i l l b e stor e d near the beach mat, and will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Siciliano said he was happy to partner with the Lions Club and the town to help bring the chair to fruition. "This opens up a whole new avenue for folks that would like to have that experience [of enjoying the water], and they should be able to have it whenever they want to come here," Siciliano said. "This is just one little step in what we can do together. The Lions Club has been really great for us. They've come through on a couple of projects, like the beach mat and now the chair. It's great to partner with people that are interested in doing this."

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Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel

Town Government

Update from the Board of Estimate and Taxation

Routine Applications The BET met earlier this we ek for t hei r f i rst of f ic ia l regular meeting since July. The board unanimously approved three routine applications with no debate. The f irst application dealt with Nathaniel Witherell (NW). NW was awarded $160,000 from the Community Development Block Grant Program for the rehabilitation of their Pavilion e x t e r i o r. T h i s a w a r d h a d previously been approved by t he S ele c t ma n's O f f ice , t he BET and Representative Town Meeting (RTM). The request on Monday was to authorize the appropriation which will allow NW to spend the funds. The application was approved 12-0-0.

movement of the tennis courts. "[The Board of Education] can take the project to bids, get drawings and pricing, and they're allowed to commit to the project and get to work," Mason said.

Biannual Review of Town Fund Balance & Debt Policy Michael Mason Chair of the BET The last application called for the BET to release funds ($2,725,000) for the construction of new home side bleachers at Greenwich High School. The multi-phased project can now begin. Phases 1A and 1B includes: the construction of new home side bleachers with a press box, additional structure below t he bleachers t hat a re A DA accessible including an elevator, team room, rest rooms, entry kiosk and handicap parking. The money was placed in the 2019-2020 municipal budget, but conditions were placed on the release of the funds. Pha s e 2 i nclude s v i sitor bleachers and an additional structure for team rooms, restrooms and storage. This phase also includes additional site work related to the driveway, access to the Post Road, and

At Monday's BET meeting, Mason tasked Republican BET members Andy Duus and Bill Drake, along with Democrats L e s l i e M o r i a r t y a n d D av i d Weisbrod, with forming a special pr oj e c t te a m to r ev iew t he town's fund balance and debt policy, which are reviewed every two years. A b out 10 -1 2 ye a r s ago, cred it rati ng agencies were r e c om m e nd i n g tow n s h ave between 5-10 percent of their a n nua l op erat i ng budget i n reserve. "Every two years, the BET rules say we have to revisit and make sure we want to maintain that policy or modify it," Mason said. T he tow n's debt s er v ic e policy is somewhat tied to the fund balance. "How do we want to borrow for [capital] projects, for what leng th of ti me, what do the projections look like? We look at

funding, how we want to fund in the future, and we create the policy. That policy allows the Town Administrator and First Selectman to have an idea of what they think they can commit to [in budgets]," Mason said. Duus, Drake, Moriarty and Weisbrod will look at everything from different recommendations f rom cre d it rat i ng agencies to different potential funding mechanisms, Mason said. Mason asked the group to report back to the BET by November.

BET Leadership to Begin Meetings with First Selectman, Town Administrator Traditionally, there have been monthly meetings between t h e F i r s t S e l e c t m a n , Tow n Administrator, BET Chair, and the BET minority caucus leader. Mason said those meetings will start up once again after there was "sort of a breakdown" in the last term. "This is just a chance for communication. People have lost the value of live meetings and being able to chat with people and have a quick conversation about something or running an idea. Th is is rea lly good that [Town Administrator] Ben Branyan, [First Selectman] Fred Camillo, [BET minority caucus

Local News Updates: In Brief Signs are IN Although the first 500 yard signs which read "Proudly Supporting Our Greenwich Police" were all distributed, another shipment arrived to The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation last week. The signs are available through The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation with support from i n d i v i du a l s i n tow n . I f you wou ld l i ke to place a sig n i n your yard, please email Beth@ GreenwichSentinelFoundation. org online. If you would like to donate to the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation to help support this initiative, go to: https://secure. donate

United Way Greenwich United Way has helped members of the community through the pandemic through t hei r don at ion of mor e t h a n $500,000 to nonprofits since the pandemic started. They recently held a ceremony at Town Hall to k ickstart their fundraising campaign so that they can continue helping the community in the future. For more information about Greenwich United Way, or if you are interested in donating please visit https://greenwichunitedway. org/.

For the anniversary of the Garden Club of Old Greenwich, the club usually hosts a plant sale, but it was canceled this year due to the pandemic. To celebrate their 96th year, the club is hosting a “Bulb Binge” sale on their website, https:// www.gardenclubofoldgreenwich. org /. The proceeds w ill go to helping f und the club’s many community activities.

Greenwich American Legion 100th Anniversary

of h ig h school f resh ma n a nd sophomores from Connecticut a nd New York , won t he East Super Regional Championship at the Under Armour All-America L ac r o s s e G a me s . T hey we nt 5-0 to win and will go on to play at the National Championship Tournament in mid-October. The team has 23 players with three from Greenwich Academy, two from Sacred Heart Greenwich, and one from Greenwich High School. Ellie Johnson, a sophomore at Greenwich Academy, was named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player for her performance as a defender.

To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Greenwich American Legion, GHS New Coach a Veterans Organization honoring Greenwich High School has those who served overseas, held a new Head Basketball Coach. an event at the Tomes Higgins House on September 19. Please see Todd Trimmer is replacing Chris Lovermi after Lovermi resigned at website for photos. the end of last semester. Trimmer has worked at Stamford High EDUCATION School as an Assistant Varsity Coach, at Darien High School as NCAA Woman of the Year Interim Head Basketball Coach, and Emily Berzolla, a 2016 graduate has coached at many basketball of Greenwich High School, has been camps, clubs, and for youth teams. named one of the top 30 honorees He was also a basketball player in for the 2020 NCAA Woman of the highschool and in college. Year. Berzolla has been a starter for MIT’s women’s soccer team SPORTS for the last four years and studies CIAC Update Mechanical Engineering. Governor Lamont recently CONNY Lacrosse Wins stated that the decisions with T h e C O N N Y C o m m a n d regards to interscholastic football Girls lacrosse team, made up would be the local districts decision.

Mason gave an update on the town fire study, which the BET budgeted money for last year. The fire study aims to look at town-wide response times. More specif ically, there has been concern for years about response times in the northwest part of town. " I b el ieve t he f i r e st udy is in its f inal stages," Mason said on Tuesday. He said that a report will be shared with emergency safety personnel leadership this week during a subcommittee meeting. Matrix, the group conducting the study, will likely offer the town a list of suggestions to look at, and allow for feedback. "I think it's perfect timing with our new fire chief coming on board. Once we get done with that, my hope is to send [the study] to the full BET as a draft. The BET would accept it, it becomes public and will be on our webpage and everyone can review it," Mason said. Stay Up tp date. Check back here each week for alternating updates from the BET leadership and First Selectman Fred Camillo.

We’re Dedicated to the Health of Your Smile ...

This comes after a massive protest on the steps of the State capital against the CIAC decision to cancel and not reschedule the season. Among them were members of the Greenwich football team.



Flu Shots The Town of Greenwich will be holding two clinics in October to get flu shots. The first will be held at Eastern Greenwich Civic Center in Old Greenwich from 1pm - 4pm on October 14. The second will be a drive through held in the parking lot for Island Beach in central Greenwich from 10am 3pm on October 24. Both will have safety precautions in place. Online registration will be available soon and you can find more information regarding insurance and fees at Health-Department. POLICE DEPT.

GPD Recognition Officer Kevin Ingraham was r e cog n i z e d by Capt a i n M a rk Zuccerella for his actions that saved the life of a patient who had an overdose. He administered Narcan and performed CPR and was able to help the patient regain and stay conscious until GEMS was able to take over.













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Update on Fire Study






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leader] Leslie Moriarty and I will start this and get this dialogue running on a regular basis," Mason said.


Every other week, the Greenwich Sentinel will bring you updates from Greenwich's Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET). The BET is responsible for the proper administration of the financial affairs of the Town including the issuance of the annual recommended budget and setting the Town tax mill rate. The Board also acts on requests for additional appropriations, transfers and allotments made during the fiscal year.

" Yo u' r e s e e i n g t h e B E T authorizing Nathaniel Witherell to sp end t he money on t he project, and at the same time authorizing them to accept the grant for their revenues to come in," said BET Chair, Michael Mason, on Tuesday. "S o we spend the money and the check comes in, and we just backfill the account." The next application was to authorize the Health Department to allocate $67,736. The funds came as a result from a grant that Health Department Director, Caroline Baisley, applied for. The money will be put towards t wo Professional Medical Consultants; one who w ill suppor t the Div ision of Special Ser vices (HI V, STD, Blood borne Programs), and the other who will support the Division of Family Health by providing assistance to adults in need of podiatry services. A portion of the funds will also go towards a par t-time Billing Specialist, a temporary Public Promotional Specialist, and social security benefits. "Caroline Baisley is a superstar in town," Mason said. "She is continuously looking for g rants for ever y thing from fighting viruses to blood borne prog rams to testing to immunization."


By Richard Kaufman

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A Look Back at Don Kendall Who Died Earlier This Week

Donald Kendall – The Legend of PepsiCo By Anne W. Semmes Th i s stor y wa s or i g i n a l ly published in 2015. Donald Kendall, age 94, arrives at the door fresh from his exercise routine in his expansive gym. Kendall keeps active. He was a tennis player, but has lately taken up golf. He’s still a passionate f ly f isherman with destinations like Alaska, Iceland, and his ranch in Pinedale, Wyoming. “The New Fork River runs through the ranch,” he says. In his spacious home photographs documenting his life are displayed on every surface and level, of presidents, popes, and travels with his wife Bim – they’re celebrating their 50th anniversary – and their four children. One photo shows the Kendalls warmly dressed at the South Pole. Sitting in his sunny living room overlooking Greenwich H a rb or Kenda l l t a l k s a b out growing up on his father’s dairy farm in Sequim, Washington, “right across from Canada,” 50 miles outside Seattle. It is there that he acquired his work ethic he so successfully exercised as progen itor of the Pepsi Generation, overtak ing Coke under his reign, and cracking open the Iron Curtain with the arrival of the f irst American c omp a ny to b e pla nte d a nd producing in the then Soviet Union. Kendall describes that early work ethic of his youth. “I got up early in the morning to milk the cows, then took the bus to school. If I missed the bus I had to walk the two miles to school.” When school was out he was cutting and raking hay. “We had horses. We cut the hay with the horses and raked the hay with the horses.” With that work ethic firmly entrenched the new tractor arrived. Kendall has lef t behind a

tr i bute to h is fat her Ca r rol l Kendall having established in Sequim the Carroll C. Kendall Boys and Girls Club. “My father was Eng lish and my mother Charlotte was Scottish,” hence K e n d a l l ’s m i d d l e n a m e o f MacIntosh. The Kendalls came to Greenw ich in 1965, the year Kendall secured the 144 acres of wetlands and polo f ield in Purchase, N.Y. that in five years would become the prize winning Edward Durrell Stone designed PepsiCo world headquarters and the Donald M. Kendall (inspired) Sculpture Gardens. The Kendalls spent many happy years on Porchuck Road before moving some 10 years ago to Field Point Circle. Contented w ith his hometow n he says, “Greenwich is full of nice people – and beautiful views.” Kendall had put that Sequim gained work ethic to good use building PepsiCo. “I had a work ethic – spending long hours – 12 hour days. I don’t think you get a job working eight hours. You keep going with 12 hour days. I frequently had customers out on weekends. You stay involved – you get to know your people and you get to know your customers.” T h e r e ’s a s t o r y t o l d o f Kendall’s early salesman days of working nights “selling Pepsi syrup to restaurants when the customers were available in the evening.” Success happens he says, “Whenever the love of what you’re doing is stronger than the fatigue of doing it.” He’s coined t he ph rase, “ The on ly place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Su rely h is reputation for fortitude and relationship building was forged in the militar y. He was only in his second year of college when he and his two brothers all came home for that Christmas when t he Jap a ne s e b om b e d Pe a rl

Harbor. “My two brothers and I then signed up for the Navy (We were living on the water all the time).” His father’s reaction? “Who’s going to milk the cows?” Kendall and another brother were Navy pilots in the Pacific. “I f lew a patrol seaplane carrying 500 pound bombs and torpedoes in New Guinea, the Admiralty Islands and the Philippines. I was shot down by a Japanese plane that I shot down. I landed in the water off the Philippines. Admiral Halsey was out there w ith his f leet. He sent some planes after me. My brother was located in the f leet and helped locate me.” Kendall was rescued by a submarine and by war’s end had two Distinguished Flying Crosses and other medals. “I got out of the Navy in 1947,” he says, with no intention of returning to college. “I wanted to go fly fishing – I was headed for Nova Scotia to do some f ly fishing for Atlantic salmon.” But before he left he met up with an executive from the Pepsi Cola Company then located in Queens. “He offered me a job in sales for $400 a month,” says Kendall. “I told him I had already made my travel plans” Kendall was told, “Go do your f ishing and start when you come back.” By 1957 he was President of Pepsi-Cola International. By 1963 he was President and CEO of Pepsi-Cola, and by 1965 he was CEO of PepsiCo at the company’s creation – then moved to Park Avenue in New York. He retired as chairman and CEO in1986. Kendall’s skill for cultivating relationships is shown in the p h o to g r ap h s h e p oi nt s out , including one of then President Nixon in the Oval Room visiting with the Kendall family. “Nixon worked for me as a legal advisor in the 1960’s before he became President. We opened things up around the world. He traveled

with me all over the world.” A fateful story found in a biography of Kendall tells how Kendall was asked early in Nixon’s presidency, to use his considerable skills “to solicit advice from the outgoing P resident Ly ndon Joh nson.” Johnson recommended to Nixon to use an audio taping system he installed “as a means to organize his memoirs.” Nixon’s recorded conversations would lead to his removal from office. Before a photograph of Kendall and former President G e orge H .W. Bu sh, he tel ls, “When he was Ambassador to China, he helped me in China, and then when he was out of office as President, we traveled for a week all over China.” Before his years of traveling with presidents and A mbassadors, Kendall had some narrow escapes in his time as president of Pepsi-Cola International. In 1958, departing his hotel in Iraq the night before the king was overthrown, the next day rioters killed some of the hotel guests. In Lebanon, prior to the arrival of the Marines Kendall arrived at his hotel with a military escort, and promptly took a swim as low flying planes came shooting at him. To d ay K e n d a l l s ay s h e ’s no longer involved in politics, domestic or international. “It’s the younger generation’s problem,” he says. Passing on his choice for the next presidential race, he demurs to that next generation, “Pick a good one, one that has a good work ethic, one who is interested in international as well as domestic affairs.” He does not want to see the next president “getting us into all these confrontational af fairs u n less it ’s a f fec ti ng us.” He believes, “What we’re involved in now doesn’t involve us.” No doubt Kendall readily shares his take on politics with h is good f r iend Ja mes “Ji m”

Top: Donald and Bim. Bottom: Donald and his two sons, Kent, on left, and Donald Jr. on right at Donald’s ranch in Pinedale, Wyoming.

Baker, former Secretary of State. ”Jim’s a wonderful person,” he says. “We talk foreign affairs. He’s very knowledgeable on all those subjects. Jim is one of the best informed people on domestic and international affairs. He is highly qualified.” “ We m e t J i m a n d S u s a n when they were in Washington. We became very good friends and I had him out to our ranch in Wyoming.” The Bakers then acquired their own ranch there. “Susan is lovely lady. When you meet her you know Jim Baker is a grand salesman.” The ra nch a f fords a mple

space for the gathering of the Kendall clan, three sons, and a daughter, and 10 grandchildren. Donald Jr and family live in New Canaan, son Kent in California. Son Edward, from an earlier marriage, lives in South Carolina with sister Donna also in California. Kendall saves his last words for the topic of cultivating a family, something very important to him. “It’s important to develop good relationships with your children, to spend time with them, talk to them – and get involved with them in sports.”

Oral History Project

These days the ability to walk outside, inhale fresh sea air, and v iew sp e c t ac u la r water f ront scenery is treasured more than ever. A special gem in Greenwich which enables us to enjoy these experiences is the Cos Cob Park. In this blog, adapted from a 1989 Oral History Project interview of Gertrude O’Donnell Riska, we explore the history of this site, originally the Cos Cob Power Pla nt, a nd t he cont r i but ion s of Riska’s father, Lewis Grant O’Donnell, who played an instrumental role in that history. It is hard to believe that the scenic Cos Cob Park of today was once the site of the Cos Cob Power Plant, which opened in 1906 The plant was considered an engineering achievement in its day for its use of high-voltage alternating current for railroad electrification, powering trains from Long Island to New Haven. O ne hu nd r e d a nd f i f t y men , working round-the-clock, staffed it. Lewis Grant O’Donnell was employed at the Cos Cob Power Plant from its inception in 1906 and was promoted to Ch ief Ele c t r ic a l Eng i ne er i n 1923, a position he held until his retirement in 1940. His daughter, Gertrude O’Donnell R iska, provided many interesting details of that 3 4-year period in her father’s life. For him, “It was a twenty-four-hour job, whether he was there or at home.” Riska’s descriptions of the power plant paint a vivid picture. It was built four stories down into bedrock, with six-foot thick support pillars and walls of twofoot thick reinforced concrete. The floor was four feet in depth. The turbine room was f ive to six stories high, with six to eight turbines, each the size of a house sitting in a row. The plant used coal-fired steam turbines. “The minute you stepped inside the plant,” R iska said, “you were engulfed in heat and noise.” The plant was not a stranger to accidents, and after several, O’Donnell decided on a unique way to motivate his workers to be more careful. He painted a mural of a racetrack, six feet long and three feet high, and hung it above the workers’ timeclock. Each of the racehorses on the mural was moveable from the start line to the finish. According to Riska, “Each department was represented by a different racehorse, and they advanced or retreated according

to their careless accidents for the month,,.The winning department got awards.” A poem above the mural read: “Our racehorse Safety who is fast on his feet Can beat old Carelessness whenever they meet

Cos Cob Park It is hard to believe that the scenic Cos Cob Park of today was once the site of the Cos Cob Power Plant, which opened in 1906.

So give him your support— obey all the rules By taking no chances when working with tools.” Competition among all the depar tments was so intense, according to Riska, that no more accidents occurred at the plant for the duration of her dad’s tenure there. In addition to administering to his workers’ safety, O’Donnell was concerned about their job security. During the Great Depression, he was informed that twenty of his workers needed to be laid off. O’Donnell asked his men if they were willing to take a pay cut so none would lose their jobs. Those with seniority felt that the last ones hired should be the ones fired. As Riska tells it, her fat her had a d if ferent strategy in mind. The next day he announced, “I have a hat in my hand which contains slips of paper with each man’s name on it. The first twenty names pulled out picnic area. Over 150 shade and are the men that will be laid off.” ornamental trees, 192 evergreens, As none of the workers wanted and 3,400 shrubs and perennials to chance that outcome, they all were planted to beautify it. In agreed to the pay cut. O’Donnell September 2016, a remembrance viewed his workers as family and ceremony was held at the new cared deeply about the welfare of 9/11 memorial placed in the park. each of them. When you visit Cos Cob Park, Other events which remember that what is now a confronted O’Donnell included beautiful site was once the place the f ierce Hurricane of 1938. where trains were powered across During that storm, the tide rose New England. Also, think of Lewis so quick ly and forcefully that Grant O’Donnell, a man dedicated it short-circuited the plant and to his job and community and flooded the lower floors. O’Donnell to the wellbeing and safety of all did not leave the plant for a week those around him. until the trains were running Th e i n te r vi e w of G e r t r u d e again. During World War II, the O’Donnell Riska , “Chief of the power station was guarded by FBI Power Plant,” was conducted in agents as there was concern that, 1989 by Sallie Walter Williams. if it were bombed, there would It s t ra n s c r i pt m a y be re a d a t be no train movement in or out of Greenwich Library and is available New England. for purchase at the Oral History O’Donnell retired as Project office. Mary Jacobson serves chief electrical engineer in as OHP blog editor. The Oral History 1940. The power station was Project is sponsored by the Friends decom m issioned in 1987 a nd of the Greenwich Library. Visit the demolished in 2001. Eventually, OHP website at in 2015, a nine-acre park on Cos Cob Harbor, in the making for decades, was ready to be open Top Left: Chief Electrical Engineer Lewis Grant O\'Donnell stands in the four-story Boiler Room. Top Right: Each department to the public with its walking was represented by a different racehorse, and they advanced or retreated according to their careless accidents for the month. trails, playgrounds, turf field, and Bottom: The Cos Cob Power Plant as it existed in the early 20th century. Oral History Project photos.


Ruth Bader Ginsberg: On the Passing of a Great American

By Patricia Chadwick In a quiet moment of reflection after the announcement of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, it struck me that the example she set in the mission of her life could be exquisitely epitomized by the four cardinal virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. Those four pillars of virtue we r e f i r s t de f i n e d by Pl ato, in the f ifth century BCE, and subsequently espoused in several b o ok s of t he Old Te st a ment. Centuries later, early Christian theologians – including Augustine – promoted them as standards of moral behavior and they continue to be so accepted to this day. As an undergraduate at Cornell University majoring in Government, Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have read Plato’s Republic

and become familiar with his articulation of those four pillars. She was formed in the traditions of the Jewish religion and assuredly knew the Old Testament, where she wou ld have come across references to those virtues in Maccabees and the Book of Solomon. PRUDENCE was exemplified by her sagacity, exhibited with quiet discretion, knowing she could be more effective by her writings and her actions. Bombastic rhetoric appeared to be anathema to her; honest and direct guidance was her forte. The pursuit of JUSTICE was her life’s work from her earliest days as a young lawyer, arguing cases before the Supreme Court – a total of six, in five of which she succeeded in convincing a majority of The Nine. On the wall of her office at the Supreme Court she hung a poster with an inscription in Hebrew from the Torah: “Justice, justice shall you pursue.” T h r o u g h o u t h e r c a r e e r, she exercised FORTIT U DE by challenging the prevailing conventions of the day. She was propelled by a steely dedication that did not f lag in the face of determined opposition. And in her final years, she remained an alert

In this season of political acrimony, I believe Ruth Bader Ginsberg would encourage all Americans to express their convictions according to the sacred right that she spent much of life protecting - to vote. We can best honor her by exercising that right on Election Day.

and committed Justice despite illnesses that would have felled many. TEMPERANCE – a term that was highjacked by the Temperance Movement of the early twentieth

century – as a cardinal virtue connotes the calm middle zone between turbulent extremes where insight and accommodation can flourish. Her words exemplify that virtue: “Fight for the things that

you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” The diminutive Ruth Bader Gi n sb e r g c a st a n e m brac i n g shadow across some of the most challenging debates and people of

our time. She also played the role of teacher, advisor and confidante to the array of brilliant young clerks who were fortunate enough to work for her. A couple of years ago, I was w itness to an example of her pedagogy when I attended the Washington National Opera. Justice Ginsberg had bought tickets for ten or more of her clerks and during the intermission, they encircled her, hanging on her every word, as she sat slightly hunched yet elegant in a long dress, complemented by her famous black lace gloves and white jabot. In this season of political acrimony, I believe Ruth Bader Ginsberg would encourage all A m e r i c a n s to e x p r e s s t h e i r convictions according to the sacred right that she spent much of life protecting - to vote. We can best honor her by exercising that right on Election Day. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. Her recently published memoir, Little Sister, the story of her unusual childhood growing up in a cult, is now available in paperback. She is currently working on her second book, about “growing up” on Wall Street.

Talking it Out

By Dan FitzPatrick The current pandemic has certainly made life a lot more complicated (try hosting a coronacompliant wedding!), but “coronac on f i n e m e nt ” h a s h a d s om e benefits. For me, it has meant that I have been spending more time outside enjoying – as if for the first time – the natural beauty of this town in which I have lived for the past twenty-four years. The trees in bloom, the sparkling waters of Long Island Sound, the mix of architecture, the exceptional beaches and wonderful parks. I’ve had the chance to breathe the salt air, to bask in the sunlight and listen to the rain. All this is good for the soul. And it has provided me with time to ref lect, and to write. I’ve written often on the topic of the sorry state of our civil discourse, with people everywhere talking (sometimes yelling) at, rather than with, one another. A bit of noise and disagreement is normal in a democracy, but it is as if someone hooked our national “sound system” into a massive amplifier and cranked the volume to ma x . There a re plent y of culprits responsible for this and – sadly – they’ll all be working overtime to keep it up for at least the next eight weeks.

Disagreement and contention are not limited to the political sphere. In my line of work, I have been asked to serve as an expert witness on fiduciary (trust and estate) matters in federal and state court. It has been a fascinating experience for me as a former practicing attorney (though not a litigator) to watch the intellectual combat of two opposing views taken on subjects and practices I’ve spent most of my career engaged with. Unfortunately, by the time I get involved as an expert witness, the parties are so set in their positions that litigation is the only likely route for resolving their dispute. The f iduciary relationship (e. g., t hat b et ween a t r ustee of a personal trust and the benef iciaries, both current and future, of that trust) is an inherently complicated one. It is founded on an unusual legal principle – the separation (or “decoupling”) of legal ownership and control of assets placed in trust (the trust “corpus”) and the conditional right to benef it from those assets (the “beneficial interest”). An example may help illustrate: Grandma and Grandpa want to leave their wealth to their children and future heirs but are concerned that direct access to that wealth could have negative consequences which they would like to avoid. They have heard too many stories of families where unfettered access to wealth has undermined the work ethic of successive generations, which in turn undermined their sense of self-worth, leading to wasteful behavior, unhappiness and the phenomenon of “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”

It is an unfortunate reality that too many fiduciary relationships are characterized by disagreement, division, and hostility, which can ultimately lead to litigation. Absent some sort of early intervention, positions and attitudes harden to the point where, even if litigation is not pursued, relationships can be strained beyond repair. They believe Warren Buffett got it right when he advised wealthy people to leave their heirs “enough to do anything but not enough to do nothing.” S o, t he G ra ndp a r ent s s et up a trust into which all of their wealth will be transferred at their death. They name Rock Solid Trust Company as the trustee and proceed to live the remainder of their lives satisfied that they have made good provision for their family’s future. Years later, the Grandparents pass on and the trust is funded. Under the terms of the trust, the Grandparents’ three children are to receive all trust income, but none of its principal, except to the extent that the bank trustee decides to give them at its sole discretion. Under law, the trustee (in his, her or its capacity as trustee) is treated as the owner of thee tr ust assets, w ith a ll rights of control that that implies; however, the trustee cannot use or apply any of the trust assets for its own benefit, but rather must hold and deal with them for the benefit of the beneficiaries in the manner that the trustee believes is consistent with the intent of the trust’s creators. The trustee is held to the highest standard under law to fulfill three basic duties: due care (manage and administer the

trust corpus as a prudent person would deal with their own assets); loyalty (avoid conflicts of interest and do not use trust assets for its benefit); and impartiality (do not discriminate among beneficiaries with similar interests in the trust). Failure to perform these duties properly could render the trustee (whether a person or an entity) personally liable for damages necessary to make the trust whole. This very typical arrangement gives rise to a number of possible situations where conflict ca n a r ise. A l l too of ten, the generation creating the trust does not adequately explain their reasoning behind the decision, which may include important tax considerations or the wish to create a multi-generational “safety net” to protect against hardships and/or fund educational oppor tu n ities. Benef icia r ies may not (or may not want to) understand why they can’t have direct access to “their money” or why the trustee has the sole power to grant that access. It is easy to see how that relationship can become adversarial. Trustees often have another ver y dif f icult balancing task: investing trust assets in a manner that faithfully serves the interests of both the current beneficiaries (e.g., those entitled to receive

trust income) and the remainder benef iciaries (those who will receive the trust corpus remaining at the end of the trust’s existence). This is another area of potential conflict: income beneficiaries often want trust investments to favor income (e.g., high yield bonds) over capital appreciation (e.g., nondividend-paying growth stocks), whereas remainder beneficiaries want the exact opposite. The trustee’s job is to serve these diametrically opposed interests impartially (this is sometimes referred to ironically as “the duty to disappoint equally”). It is an unfortunate reality that too many f iduciary relationships are characterized by disagreement, division, and hostility, which can ultimately lead to litigation. And it is a sad reality that fiduciary litigation (against both institutional and individual trustees) is on the upswing, even to the point where law f irms are establishing practice groups specifically dedicated to it. Absent some sort of early intervention, positions and attitudes harden to the point where, even if litigation is not pursued, relationships can be strained beyond repair. It does not always have to be this way. In my experience, much of this pain and discord can be avoided through education

and mediation. One of the best ways to improve the chances for a successful f iduciary relationship is to promote effective com mu n ic at ion b et we en t he trust creating generation and the beneficiaries while the creating generation is still alive. Many families have great dif f iculty broaching the topics of money and death; for them, it may be helpful to have an experienced and objective third party facilitate t he conversat ion. Si m i la rly, if issues develop af ter the creating generation is no longer a r ou nd , a n ex p er ienc e d a nd objective third party can help the beneficiaries understand the responsibilities and constraints involved in trust administration, and facilitate constructive dialogue with the trustee, even if the relationship between the t r u s te e a nd b e n e f i c i a r i e s i s already under stress. In most cases, all parties are open to the attempt to seek resolution outside of t he cou r t ro om, e sp e cia l ly given the fact that under most trust agreements the cost of the trustee’s defense would be borne by the trust. Ta l k i ng . Ta l k i ng c a l m ly, patiently and in an informed manner about solutions to problems and disagreements. It’s what we used to do. Working to understand a situation from the perspective of the person or entity “on the other side.” Mediation. Constructive dialogue. It may be a while before we can get there as a nation, as a society, but we can start by seeking to address the things we can. Let’s all try to be good fiduciaries of the gifts that have been given to us, and the relationships that sustain us.

State of Connecticut

Report Finds Connecticut $67 billion in the Red By Marc E. Fitch A new annual report from Tr u t h i n A c c o u nt i n g fo u n d Con ne c t ic ut ha s $ 67 bi l l ion in bonded debt and unfunded retirement costs, making it the third most indebted state per taxpayer in the nation. The total debt, which amounts to $50,700 per taxpayer in the state, is based on Connecticut’s 2019 financial reports and does not include any potential fallout f rom 2020’s pandemic and economic downturn which could worsen Connecticut’s pension investment returns and increase its unfunded liabilities. The report lists Connecticut as hav ing $33.6 billion in bonded debt, $36.2 billion in unfunded pension debt, $19.9 billion in unfunded retiree health b enef it s a nd $ 6 . 2 bi l l ion i n “other liabilities.” “Connecticut went into the coronavirus pandemic in poor f iscal health, and it will probably come out of the crisis even worse,” the report states. “At the end of fiscal year 2019, Connecticut needed $67.4 billion to pay its bills. The Constitution State is projected to lose $8

billion of revenue as a result of the pandemic, which will put more strain on future taxpayers.” During a press conference on September 17, Gov. Ned Lamont ack nowledged Connecticut ’s long-term debt problems and issues with pension funding. “In the near term, Con n e c t i c ut i s p r e t t y we l lp osit ioned compa red to ou r peers. In the near-term we have a rainy day fund, in the near term our economy has performed better than true of most of those other states,” Lamont said. “But I got to tell you, debt and unfunded pension liabilities are a big deal. We probably have more debt and unfunded pension than any other state in the country.” C o n n e c t i c ut ’s to t a l d e b t amounts to 33 percent of the st ate’s tot a l g ross dome st ic product, according to investment publication Barrons. According to budget numbers presented by Office of Policy and Management Secretary Melissa McCaw, Connecticut is projecting a $2.1 billion deficit for this fiscal year, followed by two years of $3.5 billion deficits. H owe ve r, M c C aw n o t e d , Connecticut will see an increase in spending during FY2021 of

From the Office of Fiscal Analysis

roug h ly $1 billion related to f i xed costs such as pension payments, debt and Medicaid, as well as increased costs related to education funding and the rising minimum wage, which affects state-supported nonprofit organizations. “ Yo u ’ l l s e e i n v e s t m e n t s a nd f i xed costs g row th that occurred across the budget that resulted in increased spending,” McCaw said. The state is projecting a 6 percent loss of revenue due to the pandemic, McCaw said. Connecticut’s 2020 f iscal situation was much improved by an inf lux of federal funds and higher income and sales

ta x revenue than prev iously projected. Connecticut finished t he 2 02 0 f i s c a l ye a r w it h a surplus, which will be deposited into the budget reserve fund. With a fully-funded budget reserve of $3 billion, Connecticut also had additional money to help pay down the state’s pension debt, at the discretion of State Tr e a s u r e r S h a w n Wo o d e n . “That’s all very good news,” said State Comptroller Kevin Lembo. But payments on long-term retirement debt could rise or fall depending on stock market pension investment returns. The State Treasurer’s Of f ice anticipated investment fallout from the economic downturn and

the market has proven volatile during the pandemic, rising and falling in big swings. Con ne c t ic ut rel ie s on a n assumed 6.9 percent investment return for its pension and retiree healthcare f unds. Failure to meet the investment returns can increase the yearly payment on those liabilities. Connecticut will pay $3.4 bi l l ion tow a r d p e n sion a nd retiree healthcare costs in FY 21, according to the Office of Fiscal Analysis. That figure is expected to rise to $4.13 billion by FY 24. However, it is unknown at this time how investment returns may affect the payments. Connecticut’s total fixed costs,

including debt service payments and Medicaid, are estimated to rise from $9.9 billion this fiscal year to $11.4 billion by FY 2024. N a t i o n w i d e , Tr u t h i n Accounting reported that unfunded retirement liabilities “were the largest contributing factor to $1.4 trillion in state-level debt.” Con ne c t icut ’s ra n k i ng i n Truth in Accounting’s State of the State report remained unchanged since last year’s report at 48th in the country, ahead of only Illinois and New Jersey. However, Connecticut’s debt per taxpayer actually decreased by $1,100, compared to Truth in Accounting’s 2019 report. Connecticut was one of eig ht states in which total debt p er t a x payer exce e de d $20,000, earning it an “F ” g ra de by t he I l l i noi s-b a s e d nonprofit organization. Gov. Lamont will submit a budget proposal to the legislature in October, according to McCaw. Marc E. Fitch is an Investigative Reporter w i t h T h e Ya n k e e I n s t i t u t e . Marc can be reached at

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PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

Donald M. Kendall 1921 - 2020 The man who brought Pepsi to the former Soviet Union has died. Greenwich resident Donald M. Kendall died peacefully at his home here surrounded by his family. He was 99 years old. Credited with building the Pepsi brand and its parent company PepsiCo into the juggernaut it is today, Mr. Kendall was larger than life. We do not often write about individuals in the editorial, that is what obituaries are for. When we do, it is for someone who has left an indelible mark on our community. Mr. Kendall did just that while at the same time leaving his mark on how businesses should conduct themselves as well as international relations. In 1959, M r. Kenda ll, fa mously of fered Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev a Pepsi at the American National Exhibition in Moscow. After several refills, Khrushchev declared it “refreshing.” What followed was a complicated barter deal that only Mr. Kendall could have pulled off. Pepsi could be imported into the Soviet Union in exchange for Stolichnaya Vodka being brought to the West. Mr. Kendall was renowned for his ability as a salesman. From the beginning, milking cows on his family’s dairy farm in Washington state, Mr. Kendall developed a work ethic that would become integral to his leadership style. He believed in hard work, often putting in 12-hours

To have a conversation with Mr. Kendall was to travel the globe. There was no corner of it he had not been. plus days and would say “the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Much has been written about Mr. Kendall’s extraordinary career at Pepsi, one that began in 1946 and did not end until he left the Board of Directors in 1991 - 45 years. You no longer hear of people staying with one company that long. Mr. Kendall was from a different generation, both figuratively and literally. He was imposing physically, standing over 6 feet. When you shook hands with him, his grip was iron-clad, and well into his 90s his enthusiastic handshake would literally pull you off balance. As successful as he was, Mr. Kendall did not put on airs. He was a gentleman. Looking around his house on Porchuck Road you were overwhelmed by the number of photographs with world leaders, heads of state and even popes. Mr. Kendall knew them all. He built relationships with them that helped build Pepsi. However, it was always the relationship that was most important. To have a conversation with Mr. Kendall was to travel the globe. There was no corner of it he had not been. But the conversations always instilled a nugget of wisdom and insight into who he was. Did you know that he never hired a business school graduate from an Ivy league university? He wanted people who had to work hard for their education and had the work ethic to do so, like he did as a young boy milking cows. Mr. Kendall was not just a businessman - he loved the outdoors as well. He was an avid fisherman and liked to hunt. His ranch in Wyoming teamed with wildlife. When the ranch next to his went up for sale, Mr. Kendall called his good friend former Secretary of State James Baker and encouraged to him to purchase it. Based on Mr. Kendall’s recommendation


Editorial Page

Remote Learning Must Be Improved in Public Schools To the Editor: I w r ote a n op e n le t te r to Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jones, on behalf of the Greenwich Remote School Group and copied it to the Board of Education, the PTAC President, and the GEA. It is as follows: M y n a m e i s F r a n c e s Wu Nobay, and I’m the mom of three Greenwich Public School students in grades 3, 5 and 7. I am also the founder of the Greenwich CT Remote School Facebook Group. Through the camaraderie of our 570-personvirtual community and the outside expertise of our weekly speaker series, we, remote learning families are confident that remote learning can and will work - if, GPS does it right. To ensure the remote learning success of our 1500+ opted-in remote learners, plus the three day a week high schoolremote learners, and any future remote learners, we request: LETTER

1) Support for the Teachers: Whether full-remote or HyFlex, our beloved teachers need ongoing instructional coachingand training far beyond the minimal instruction given on how to use a mic, webcam or the Google platform and apps. Please make a dedicated remote le a r n i n g e x p e r t av a i la ble to provide active teacher coaching and hands-on support. ITtech and an on-demand video library are not enough. 2) Support our Remote Learners: Tears, daily unpredictability, hour after hour of being muted, no class friendships,being made to feel different are hard enough for a 15 year old, but what about a five year old? Please drop in to each ofthe remote classes, from a student device, on a home Wi-Fi, using Google Classroom. Experience for yourselves howfrustrating, deje c t i ng u nex p e c te d delays and problems are for our eager learners.

3) Significantly improve Remote Learner communications: If Dr. Jones, the BOE, principals are getting hundreds ofemails a day, it is not just because I spun everyone up. It is a sign of a fundamental communication g ap. R e m o te l e a r n e r p a r e nt s want to help, but we need much greater context and expectation clarity. TikTok-size help videos, cheatsheets,FAQs are urgently needed. Answers to outstanding q u e s t i o n s a r ou n d ove r s i z e d classes, su bstit ute coverage, devicebreaks, camera privacy, tech issues and remote SPED are all still pending.

books, planners, kits, print outs, goody bags, school photos, Math Superstars, WordMasters must bemade available to all learners at the same time.

5) Key Performance Indicators: Measure remote learner engagement, not m i nute s on camera. Our remote learnersneed their mind and spirit seen, not just their faces. Decreasing on-camera time but increasing group work, 1:1 humanengagement and frequent check-ins will ensure success. O n b eh a l f of a l l s t ude nt s connecting from their bedrooms, kitchens, and Boys and Girls Clubs, we learn together. To theBOE, please consistently support all 4) Onsite/Offsite a r e o n e c o m m u n i t y : modalities. We, the Greenwich CT Neighborhood school connections Remote School Facebook group are are critical. Ensure that schools here for you. h ave r e m o t e l e a r n e r c o nt a c t Respectfully, Frances Wu Nobay information so that the principal Founder, Greenwich CT Remote and the PTA can reach out to School Group create one school community. I n-p e r s o n m a t e r i a l s , l i b r a r y

Does the Town support its public schools?

To the Editor: Does the Town of Greenwich support its public schools? That was the question in the Spring of 2020. We the undersigned believe it 100% does! Last spring, during the Town budget process some people were suggesting the flat budget put forth for our schools was going to leave them underfunded in 20/21. That the education of the children would be compromised, and property values would fall. One might ask, if schools get the same amount of money in 20/21 that they had in 19/20 will it be enough? How did the 19/20 fiscal year turn out? As it turns out, the Board of Ed had plenty of money to do everything they planned to do and more. They covered their special education shortfall of about $1.5 million , they were able to pre-pay an additional $2.5 million in expenses for 20/21 fiscal year and had enough

extra to give $2 million of unused money back to the Town. Th is begs t he q uestion, why a l l t he controversy in the spring of 2020? Were there other special interests at play? Could it have been purely a political attack on the BET? Or was it mismanagement by the Board of Ed leaders? Does the Board of Ed not know their own budget? How could The BOE Chairman, Peter Bernstein and BOE Budget Committee Chairwoman, Kathleen Stowe, who is also candidate for State Representative 149, not know they were going to have an excess of $6 million? Why did they allow parents to be scared? Why didn’t they assure parents their children would be taken care of? It’s an interesting dichotomy that our town was facing “to have millions in excess” and “to think we were underfunding”. Some parents believed that the sky was falling. It was a huge

distraction from focusing on how we were going to open schools, educate our children and support the teachers in the fall. Shame on us that we are blessed enough to have a nine digit education budget supporting our kids with millions of dollars in excess and we are seemingly unaware of the surpluses. The reality is, the Town of Greenwich believes in providing a great education to the next generation and we need to be good stewards of this responsibility. Natalie Adee, Liz Cavorti-Goldman, Nancy Cooper, Allyson Cowin, Beatrice Igoe, Matt Igoe, Beth MacGillivray, Anna Povinelli, Wynn McDaniel, Antoinette Quigley, Patty Roberts, Frank Salamone, Randall Smith, Berrin Synder, Jane Sprung, Jean Stratton, Cathy Whitaker, Matt Yardis CORRECTION: Please note that Sarah Yardis was previously included in error and had not seen the letter.)


It’s Time for Republicans to Stand Up to Democrats

To the Editor: It a lways st r i ke s me t hat the Democrats seem to set the narrative. Democrats are allowed to paint Republicans as something we are not. This is very puzzling to me considering the atrocious track record they have managing Connecticut’s fiscal and financial health despite having a strong majorit y in both Connecticut legislative bodies and the Governorship for over a decade. In the debates about the school budget and the BET last Spring, Republicans were labelled “antischool” and in some cases “antichildren”! Democrats would also like you to believe that every Republican is a gun owner, or that LETTER

vehicle, recycle (properly), ride a bike or walk instead of driving your car or use a Brita water filter and not bottled water, these are all friendly to the environment without any taxpayer spend. These practices should be encouraged. My family tries to do these as much as possible. Several of my Republican friends have advocated a ban of plastic water bottles in Greenwich. I support that. These are policies that don’t cost the taxpayer or impose penalties on them and still achieve environmental benefits. People want to live in communities that are safe, have reasonably low taxes, a good public school system, responsible fiscal management and good facilities. Those are the main drivers of why people go where they go, and each of those reasons have been hallmarks of Republican le ade r sh ip i n G r e e nw ich for decades. Compare the track record of Republican led Greenwich with Democrat led Connecticut. One has been a success. The other a failure. The Democrat report card in

Connecticut is not pretty. Not only are their grades poor, but more importantly their effort has been dismal. Think of this. Democrats have for twelve years, enjoyed the ability to singlehandedly steer legislation in our state. What have they done to create jobs (0% job growth over a thirty year period)? Why have companies like GE, Starwood, Tudor Investments and Aetna moved to other states? Why are high net worth individuals who provide mass sums of tax revenue leaving our state (Barry Sternlicht, Paul Tudor Jones and others)? Why is wage growth in CT trailing almost every other state? Why has absolutely nothing been done to solve the problem of our unpaid pension liabilities??? One party rule in CT has failed in a very big way. We can do our part by voting them out of office and giving Republicans a chance. They deserve it. And so do we. It’s about time. By Jon Redmond, District 11, Republican Environmentalist

Joe Kelly for State Rep in the 150th District

To the Editor: Joe Kelly has been a great neighbor for over 20 years and h a s gon e t h e e x t ra d i s t a n c e to help others especially in a crisis. During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, he energized the entire neighborhood to use all available LETTER

only Democrats care about the environment while Republicans throw garbage out the window of their Hummer, while they joyride on the beach. Being a Republican means being f iscally responsible with taxpayer funds, believing that gover n ment shou ld work for the people and should be run ef f icient ly so it ca n b e more effective. Republicans believe in free enterprise, competition, meritocracy and we are staunch supporters of free market capitalism. Most Republicans, like myself are also concerned about the environment. We just don’t want to spend wildly on frivolous programs that will drive taxes higher and produce little to no return on investment. I’ve heard Democrat friends of mine actually say things like “if we had composting in Greenwich, more people would move here”. I find myself shaking my head at this naive and overly idealistic vision. Whether you drive an electric

chain saws and equipment to remove f ive large trees which had fallen across the only narrow roadway leading out to the main roads. This work was completed in a day, long before most town roads were cleared. As Greenwich residents know,

there’s a ton of work that needs to be done in Connecticut during this time of health and economic crisis. Joe Kelly can be counted on to apply his energy to figuring out what exactly needs to be done in the State, to connect with other legislators in Hartford, and

to roll up his sleeves to get the necessary work done. Hope you’ll vote for Joe Kelly - State Representative in the 150th District on November 3rd. Nancy Burke

Joe Kelly for State Rep in the 150th District

To the Editor: Joe Kelly never has a bad day. I’m not saying this to make you feel jealous or guilty. I'm not suggesting that admitting that you have bad days is the wrong way to live or that you should feel shame in any way. Quite the opposite. I think it’s near impossible to avoid bad days altogether. And yet, somehow, Joe does it. Living a life filled with only good days provides insight into the temperament of Joe Kelly, CT State Representative hopeful. His outlook on life is almost annoyingly optimistic. And that is something rare and highly valuable in a leader. The interesting thing about optimism is that it enables you to get things done. Without it, one could easily get caught up in the minutiae without being able to see the bigger picture and to chart a path. With it, no undertaking is too large.

I have worked with Joe for 12 years as a commodities broker. I remember in the early days of work ing together we were approached by someone looking to remove uranium (presumably being stockpiled for a weapon) from Libya, then controlled by ruthless dictator Gaddafi. This endeavor seemed immensely admirable and Joe, as always, was up to the task. He worked with several people in the industry including t ra n sp or t at ion a nd lo g i s t ic s organizations to figure out how on earth to get this material into safe hands. In the end, he decided it was best letting the US government handle this situation due to security issues, admitting that maybe, once, just this once, he had aimed to achieve a goal that was ever so slightly out of reach. I have no doubt Joe will work just as tirelessly to achieve the

goals of the Connecticut residents that he represents. Furthermore, Joe Kelly welcomes all opinions. Voice your opinion to him and you won’t get shut down. He may question how said action might fit into the overall game plan. He may say "let me sleep on it." However, Joe is a notorious insomniac and he will be up all night thinking about what you said and how to make it work vs “sleeping on it”. In my interactions with Joe, I’ve found that the more different someone is from him, the more he wants to hear their opinion, their story. He’s spent his life trying to surround himself by people of various backgrounds by living all over the world. Therefore, it made complete sense for him to wind up in an industry where he speaks to people all over the world on a daily basis. You can imagine

his delight when a Russian client, located in Germany, contacted us to sell uranium to a US based utility under the program Megatons to Megawatts, which essentially down blended Russian nuclear warheads into low-enriched uranium that was useable in a US power plant. This one he did succeed at. Convert bombs into power for beer fridges? Check. Another good day for Joe Kelly. J o e ’s d e s i r e t o h e a r a l l opinions and perspectives on various topics make him an ideal candidate in a representative democracy. You can feel confident your opinion will be heard and taken seriously. Joe might even help you to have a good day. Alexandra Penny

Send Us Your Letters to

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel


Consequences of Police Bill

By Kimberly Fiorello On Sept 1, the Connecticut State Police Union took a historic vote of no confidence in the governor and two state police leaders. This action came after executive orders and enactment of a sweeping police accountability bill that was fast-tracked through the legislature and signed by the governor in the middle of the summer. Th is no con f idence vote in Governor Ned Lamont, Commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection James Rovella and Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel John Eckersley is a giant red flag. The union said that of its

850 members, 716 cast ballots, and of the 707 valid votes that were cast, 97% expressed no confidence in all three leaders. This same union took umbrage with Lamont for his presumptuous and reactive executive order in early July banning chokeholds by the state police. Considering state police had prohibited chokeholds for more than 30 years, they accused the governor of political posturing. We should all take notice of these state troopers expressing this much frustration. Nearly half of them will be eligible for retirement in 2023. Concerned about the shortage of state police, in Feb 2019, State Senator Cathy Osten said, “We are close to almost a crisis level.” Alarmingly, one year after acknowledging a near “crisis level” shortage of troopers, she and fellow Democrats voted for the counter-productive, rushedthrough police bill. The police accountability bill included 46 sections of new laws that haphazardly micromanage the work of the police. This bill did not receive proper public debate,

nor time for more considered deliberation. Much of the bill is still not fully fleshed out, nor did those who voted for the bill its real budgetary and public safety impact on police departments, municipalities or the State. One of the most ill-thoughtout consequences of this bill is that it prohibits consent searches of individuals and limits searches of motor vehicles stopped solely for motor vehicle violations. See Section 21 of the bill. What do our police off icers find when they exercise lawful searches of motor vehicles? Here are just three examples, among many. In 2016, in Derby, 55 pounds of the opioid Fentanyl, equaling about 15 million lethal doses, were seized in motor vehicle stop of a tractor trailer. This was one of the f ive largest Fentanyl busts in U.S. history. We cannot take lightly that the Drug Enforcement Administration says Connecticut is the gateway to New England for illegal drugs. In 2019, in Old Saybrook, illegal assault rif les and high-capacity

magazines were taken off our streets, during a routine Driver Safety Checkpoint. And in May 2020, in Marlborough, illegal guns and drugs were found during a motor vehicle stop, along with the driver’s five-year-old child sleeping in the back seat. The child was safely returned to a relative, in addition to having Connecticut’s child welfare agency notif ied of the parent’s arrest with a litany of charges. Consent searches are constitutional and have been determined to be law f ul by thousands of Appellate and trial level courts for decades, says Elliot Spector, attorney and president of the Spector Criminal Justice Training Network. Spector is calling for this section of the bill to be repealed. In regards to mandating body cameras, Section 19 of the bill, state troopers already have them. In Greenwich, the police department has been asking for them. Our police have never needed the state to mandate these; what they need is funding to acquire them. In Stamford, officers on patrol use

body cameras, but now officers who interact with the public even from behind a desk will need to wear body cameras. W h i le b o dy c a meras cost about $1000 each, the data s to r a g e p e r o f f i c e r i s a b o ut $1300 per year. For a police department of about 150 officers like Greenwich or 270 officers like Stamford, the cost of data storage could be as high as $195,000 and $351,000 per year, respectively. The new law requires not only body cameras, but dashboard ca meras a nd data storage as well, without identifying where the f u nding to acq uire those items will come from. This is just one section among many of the unfunded mandates in this bill that would impact tax levies for all municipalities, many of which are already struggling economically. Perhaps the greatest rub of the bill is that it completely ignores the fact that we in Connecticut have a state police force that leads the country in pursuing best practices, as evidenced by the Connecticut State Police being the third in the nation to receive International Law

Enforcement Accreditation. It is imperative that legislation is crafted through a process of checks and balances, and with what politicians might feel is excruciating slowness, but for the people, would be the chance for wisdom and honest caring to prevail. Th is Novem b er, we Nutmeggers must hold accountable those politicians who voted “yes” and did not properly vet all the components of this bill that will compromise public safety. Kimberly Fiorello is the Republican and Independent Party Candidate for State Representative, D i s t r i c t 149, G r e e n wi c h a n d Stamford. Publisher's Note: In the online version Kimberly offers a link to see the vote via the Connecticut General Assembly website. We cannot do that in print so here is how our representatives voted: Harry Arora, State Rep. voted NO. Steve Meskers, State Rep. voted YES. Livvy Floren, State Rep. was not present for the vote. Alex Kasser, State Sen., voted YES.

Joe Kelly in His Own Words

By Joe Kelly From the day I moved to Greenwich, nearly 22 years ago, I knew this town was a special type of community. Inspired by the vigor of the public, I began vo l u n t e e r i n g i m m e d i a t e l y— first as a coach for youth soccer, basketball, and football teams and later as a member of Amogerone Volunteer Fire Company. My name is Joe Kelly, and I am running for

State Representative for the 150th District. I wanted to take this time to introduce myself and share with you some of my visions for the state. You might know me best for my recent role as Head “Coach Kelly” of the Greenwich High School Rugby Club, where we won 8 of the past 9 State Championships. Through that experience, I have been blessed with the opportunity to mold young minds and help guide the next generation of young men and young women (yes, we created a women’s rugby team!) to great success. Two years ago, I was honored to receive the Greenwich Old Timers Association’s Coach’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and I am eager to bring my ability to lead and motivate others to Hartford. I now serve as a member of the Greenwich Public Schools’ Board of Education, where I am the Chair of the Cardinal Stadium Design

and Feasibility Committee and a member of the Budget Committee. I’ve managed the design of the new GHS Cardinal Stadium and worked to implement the 2020-2021 budget cuts without having to lay off any teachers, in each respective role. In Spring 2020, I also worked with GHS Athletic Director, Gus Lindine, and GPS Superintendent, Toni Jones, to create a distancelearning sports program for our student athletes; It was ex-tremely beneficial for our students. I am, and will always be, committed to putting our kids first, especially during such an unprecedented time where balancing safety and enrichment is and must continue to be my top priority. I will continue to fight for every student and teacher in our state, as I have done in our town, who deserve the best, most advanced and safest educational environments available.

I am also a successful entrepreneur and run two businesses located here in town: Uranium Markets, LLC, a commodities brokerage firm, and ForestLand Development, a realestate de-velopment company. I’m proud to say that both businesses employ local workers f rom Connecti-cut. But, in all my years here in Connecticut, I have never had the state reach out to me to offer assistance; they only seem to bill me! We must reshape the relationship between job creators and government. When elected I will reach out to our local instate businesses as well as those businesses out-of-state interested in moving here to work with them to provide us with the infor-mation needed to create a competitive, robust economy that will create growth and jobs. To be successful we must control and reduce state


Stowe Committed to Quality Education

To the Editor: When I f irst moved to Greenwich, I immediately met Kathleen as a parent in my daughter’s class. She was warm, welcoming and soon after, she became my daughter’s first softball coach. We quickly realized that we both shared a passion for education, and I was ecstatic when she was elected to serve on the Board of Education for Greenwich. I am a former special education attorney, public school teacher, and a n advocate for fa m i lies

Kathleen was her willingness to listen. She is practical, bright and gets things done; her willingness to consider varying approaches on many topics, including education in this example, make her an appealing candidate to all, despite their political affiliation. Kathleen values a range of perspectives and opinions; when discussing my own family's experience with remote learning with her for example (positives and negatives), she was all ears, and while she respected

the efforts of the educators, she was equally committed to addressing real parent concerns. As a politician, and as an advocate for our students’ education, Kathleen has my utmost admiration and enthusiastic support. It is not her care for the community alone that makes her an attractive candidate, but her COMMITMENT to making our community in Greenwich and Stamford, better for all of us, especially the future generations. Lara Damashek

Praise for Ryan Fazio


To the Editor: In less than two months, we will be voting for leaders w h o w i l l h e lp ou r s t ate r e c ove r f r o m e c o n o m i c disrepair, a global pandemic, and a div ision that we have seen throughout our country. It is critical that we elect smart individuals who we can trust with our future, who we know can work with others and will represent our concerns in Hartford. One outstanding candidate, Ryan Fazio, has caught the attention, and the praise from our legislatures in the state senate. S e n ato r K e v i n K e l l y, Senator Henri Martin, Senator Craig Miner, Senator To n y H w a n g , S e n a t o r George Logan, Deputy Senate Minority Leader Paul Formica, Senator Minority L e a d e r P r o Te m p o r e Kevin Witkos, and Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano enthusiastica lly endorse LETTER

of ch i ld ren w it h sp e c ia l education needs. Over the years, I have engaged in several discussions w ith Kathleen about providing quality special education ser v ices to a l l students. Since I work in a private special education school, I have the perspective of how an independent school meets the needs of students with learning disabilities. I shared my experience and knowledge about a proven p r o g r a m w i t h h e r, a n d what impressed me about

Fazio. “His concerns for our education needs, improving our economy for all residents, and his desire to work collaboratively on all issues make him a fine choice for State Senator. I am proud to endorse Ryan Fazio for State Senate and I am confident he would serve the citizens of Greenwich, Stamford, and New Canaan with pride and integrity. I encourage all residents of the 36th District to support Ryan Fazio and I would be honored to serve alongside him in the State Senate.” - Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore Kevin Witkos, 8th District “I’m proud to endorse Ryan Fazio for State Senate in the 36th district. Connecticut needs talented young people to be involved and bring outside the box solutions to right size the st ate . Rya n’s e conom ics

ex per tise, his in ner-cit y volunteer experience, and renewable energy background will be a p e r fe c t f i t to s e r ve o u r s t ate ’s n e e d s i n a p o s tpandemic economy! I urge the residents of the 36th to suppor t Rya n Novem ber 3rd to help get Connecticut moving forward again!” -Deputy Senate Minority Leader, Paul M. For mica , 20th District "Ryan Fazio brings t h e e n e r g y, i d e a s , a n d enthusiasm that we need to make Connecticut an even better place for all people to live, work, and raise their families. He loves our state and believes in its potential, b ut a l s o k n ows t h at we have much that needs to be accomplished to create hope for the next generation. I know the people of the 36th District were served well for many years by Senator Scott Frantz. Ryan is clearly

someone who will represent the voices of the 36th with the same passion, respect, and dedication that Sen. F r a nt z d i d fo r s o m a ny years. Ryan will also bring h i s ow n i d e a s a n d n e w generation of perspectives to the table to make sure Hartford is focused on making Connecticut a place where all families, from all walks of life, have the same opportunities to succeed and thrive." -Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano It is time to end the longstanding one-party rule in the state of Connecticut and elect a young man who will respectfully represent all of his constituents and lead our state into a better future. I hope you will join us in supporting Ryan Fazio. Ross Moore and Jackie Budkins

Enthusiastic Support for Fiorello

To the Editor: I am writing to enthusiastically support the candidacy of Kimberly Fiorello for state representative for Greenwich and Stamford. Kimberly is a wife and mother. Her personal “story” is very compelling, but what most impresses me is her clear thinking and her principled approach to addressing Connecticut’s issues. For me, her commitment to the State is best exemplified by her effort to successfully start a state-wide non-profit to help

rejuvenate the Constitution state based on the fundamentals of liberty and free markets. She has a deep abiding concern for the people who are finding it necessary to leave our state because burdensome taxation. Of particular interest is her dedication to school choice and tax relief on our social security. She knows that each person, family, and business that leaves are a loss to the fabric of our communities. Kim’s ideas to keep and attract

businesses are based on reducing taxes and regulations (red tape). She will ask questions, speak out, call for accountability and report back to her constituents about what is really happening in our capital. She is warm, engaging, smart and principled. I very much hope you will join me in sending Kimberly Fiorello to Hartford to represent the interests of the people of Greenwich and Stamford. Skip Auch

expenditure, limit the size of government, and end the vicious cycle of increased taxation by the majority party. As part of my career in the alternative energy industry, I have also developed a passion for protecting our environment. I am a strong proponent of sustainable energy production and the widespread use of reusable materials. If elected, I would advocate for expanding our youth-focused environmental education programs in addition to environmentallyconscious policy for a sustain-able 21st century world. Our children and there children are counting on us. I’d like to also emphasize my commitment to achieving social justice. I believe that many modern instances of social crises have their roots in economic inequality and a lack of equal opportunity. I’ve embraced a platform of anti-racism

and anti-discrimination intended to open a dialogue with historically u nde r pr iv i le ge d g r oup s a nd ensure that access to high-quality employment opportuni-ties is not impeded on the basis of sex, race, or other qualifying factors. Lastly, in the wake of recent violent unrest against police officers across the nation, I want to affirm my support for the Greenwich Police Department. Our brave men and women in blue risk their lives every single day to keep this town safe, and, if elected, the GPD will always have a friend in me. If you are interested in keeping up with the campaign, feel free to check out our website, www. I also invite you to speak with me personally; you can call me at (203)536-0025 or email me at

Children and Education

Feature Column

Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore.

By Mary Forde

As we move into this new world, students have risen to the expectation to wear masks and stay 3-6 feet apart. For those of us loosely defined as adults, masks and social distancing are changes and burdens, for most kids they become just more things adults tell you to do without a real rationale - "Why do I have to eat broccoli?" Because it is good for you - and so are masks. I have heard parents (if social media is 'hearing') talking about how they had tears in their eyes when they were taking 'first day of school' pictures of their children in their masks. "This is not how it is supposed to be... “If I could ask one thing of parents and staff, it would be to put aside their sense of loss over what they think school should have been and share joy with what school is now. Perhaps the most valuable lesson we can teach our children/students is how to bounce back when the situation you are faced with is not the situation you expected. To quote the sage Frank Forde (father of six), "if something didn't

Feature Column By Gordon Beinstein If you had the ‘pleasure’ of tuning into the last couple of Greenwich Public School’s Board of Education meetings, you likely lef t w ith the impression that the school administration and teaching staff could do nothing right. The speakers and the Board discussions, with a few notable exceptions, focused on everything we did not do or don't have as a result of reopening during a global pandemic. The parental grievances and Board debates ranged from class size to the elective offerings and even touched on who is sitting next to whom in French class. I'm not suggesting that their concerns aren't very real for those who shared out, but considering this pandemic has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and millions more their jobs, we need to take perspective. The focus shouldn’t be

go wrong, you wouldn't remember the day." I personally can take credit, along with my siblings, for providing my father with so many memories. I don't recall him ever communicating to us that what happened was anything less than a chance for adventure. Now my memories may be somewhat rosy, but the same thing may very well happen to your children. You hope that they look back in 30 years and not remember the virus as much as they remember drawing pictures of beaver teeth on their masks. I recall one summer when we left for vacation and had driven about 30 minutes toward New Jersey before someone realized we forgot my one of my brothers. So we had to turn around and go back (although we did have a brief debate about the options). But my memory is not that we had to spend an extra hour in the car, but that we went to Jack in the Box to celebrate (maybe 'celebrate' is a bit strong) finding him. I can only imagine my parents' private conversation about the situation that night, but as kids we were plotting to see who would stay

Resiliency and the ability to roll with the punches are skills that will increasingly come in handy as we continue to evolve in this new reality. How can we rethink wrestling while staying three feet apart? behind the next time so that we could get to Burger King. We took our lead from the way the adults in our lives handled the curve balls thrown at them. There is a fun activity that you can do with your kids, called "surprise!" that I used to play with my students who had a very hard time dealing with changes in routines. We would start with a picture from a book and the first person would start making a story up about the picture, and I would say 'stop' and the next person would pick up the story but every second or third person,

I would yell, "stop, surprise" and introduce a wild scenario that next student had to incorporate into the story. For example, we had been tel l i ng a stor y of a student who went to the park on his bicycle and the next student continued the story that he went to the swings and was swinging and then I said "Stop, Surprise” and added that a helicopter landed in the playground and a monkey got out and sat on the swing next to you. The next student had to pick up that storyline and keep going. We would end the story by remembering that sometimes

rethink wrestling while staying three feet apart? How do you blow out birthday candles in your mask? What should replace handshakes? How can we help each other see these as opportunities instead of loss? Maybe every night at dinner, think of one thing that we can't do or can't do the same way we used to and come up with a variety of substitutions. Let me know what you come up with for handshakes - fist bumps are just not working for me! I d o n' t i n a n y w a y w a n t to dow nplay the tremendous tragedies associated with Covid - people have gotten very sick, people have suf fered huge losses and people have died. But throughout this crisis, our kids are watching us very closely. How we meet the cha l lenges that are presented to us every day may shape how resilient our children will be as adults (and our future parents, legislators and caretakers).

things happen that you don't expect but that you can choose to make the most of the situation and rather than getting stuck and whining about it. If you play this at home or in the car, you may want to try letting one your children in introduce the 'surprise', but be prepared, when kids choose the surprise scenario it will often involve monsters, crashes, vomit and losing clothes - be forewarned! Resiliency and the ability to roll with the punches are skills Mary P. Forde is the Chief Pupil that will increasingly come in Personnel Services Officer for the handy as we continue to evolve Greenwich Public Schools in this new reality. How can we

Something to Celebrate on what you did not get but rather what we did provide....SCHOOL! We are the only district in the area that has opened its doors for 5 days a week, for 6 plus hours every day for every child grades K-8 who wishes to attend. In addition, for those for whom ‘in-school’ education wasn't right for their families, the district is operating a completely separate remote learning elementary experience and has provided the means for all children in grades 6-8 to stream into their scheduled classes from home . A s you m ig ht ex p e c t , considering the scope of these efforts, this work has not gone off seamlessly, but we are improving daily. To get your kids through our doors safely some sacrifices had to be made. As one who had to make many of these decisions, I can tell you I took no joy in compromising the schooling experience for our kids. However, I would do it again

because the schedule we created, while imperfect, gave your children real-life school. The work we did to reopen schools for all allowed p a r e nt s to go b a ck to work , provided the structure kids need to thrive and a sense of normalcy in a challenging time. This is something to be celebrated not denigrated. As a middle school principal, I saw first hand the negative impact of the shutdown this past spring. Through calls to DCF and the GPD, home visits, and parental communications, I witnessed the extent of the suffering our children endu r e d by not b ei ng i n t he building. I'm not referring to a loss of a few months of math or Spanish instruction. I am talking about deep social-emotional scars that, unlike any academic losses, will not be easily rectified. It is also important to note that, while this pandemic affects everyone, it does not do so equally. I have heard it said we are

all in the same boat. We are not! We are in the same storm, but there are those weathering it in luxury yachts while others are barely holding on to the sides of their dinghys. Our neediest children go without food, emotional support, and family ‘wrap-around’ services when we are not there for them. Schools work to fill these voids and bridge the opportunity gap. Without us, the chasm grows. This is why we NEED to be in school regardless of the temporary impact on some aspects of our programming. To be transparent, the decision to return to school full time was not mine to make, but it is one I support for the reasons outlined above. My job was to make it work. Now, two-plus weeks in, I know we did the right thing. I know because every day I see our kids and staff connecting, teaching and learning. Thanks to the herculean efforts and expertise of our teachers,

when I walk my building it looks and feels like school. I also know because I have had more than 25 students who initially signed up for remote learning who have returned to ‘live’ school in fewer than 10 school days. When I inquire as to why, inevitably, the answer lies in how well they hear we are running our buildings and how much their kids miss the staff and their friends. I also know because my colleagues and I have received numerous communications from parents thanking us for doing what was necessary to open the buildings for all. These parents ARE appreciative of what they have. They understand that difficult choices had to be made, yet they trusted that those who made them did so in their child’s best interest. If you missed that message in the community comments and subsequent discussions at the Board of Education meetings, you

are not alone. This is already and will continue to be, an incredibly challenging school year. I am hopeful that we can come together as a community with an understanding that schools will be imperfect for a while, but that these changes, while necessary, are temporary. If our conversations can focus on providing a school experience that suppor ts the social, emotional, and academic development of ALL of our children we will come out on the other side of this stronger for having united in this effort. Gordon Beinstein has worked in middle schools his entire 33 years in education, the last 8 as the principal of Western Middle School in Greenwich. He doesn't think he will ever graduate from 8th grade! In 2019, Gordon was named the Connecticut State Principal Of The Year by the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS).

Greater Good

Feature Column

By Connie Blunden

Living a Life of Courage Principle Five: Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence. Principle Six: The Universe is on the side of justice.

This week I begin a six part series exploring the principles of nonviolence as understood and explained by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The pr inciples prov ide w isdom a n d g u i d a n c e fo r c o n f l i c t reconciliation and of fer us a path towards building the Beloved Community. The six principles are: Principle One: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. Principle Two: The Beloved Community is the framework for the future. Principle Three: Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil. P r i nc iple Fou r : Ac c ept suffering, without retaliation, for the sake of the cause and to achieve the goal.

Th i s we ek we b e g i n by looking closely at Principle One. We lead with this principle because it centers around a lifelong commitment and a way of being. This principle establishes that nonviolence is active and ongoing. If we wish to live into this principle it re q u i res d iscipl i ne over time. This principle urges us to practice nonv iolence on a daily basis. Furthermore, it encourages us to be courageous in our practice. Many people mistakenly associate nonviolence w ith indifference or weakness. In truth, nonviolence requires great strength. Professor and author Brené Brown explains the word courage in this way: “Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant "To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart." Over time, this def inition has changed, and today, we typically associate courage with heroic and brave deeds. But in my opinion, this def inition fails to recognize

As Brown alludes to, we fear being vulnerable but when we allow ourselves to speak from our heart we can be at peace with ourselves and actually experience greater courage. the inner strength and level of commitment required for us to actually speak honestly and openly about who we are and about our experiences -good and bad. Speaking from ou r hea r ts is what I t h i n k of as "ordinary courage.” As Br ow n a l lude s to, we fe a r being vulnerable but when we allow ourselves to speak from our heart we can be at peace with ourselves and actually experience greater courage. To d e l v e d e e p e r i n t o this principle I have invited Greenwich native and certified nonviolence practitioner, Emily Fiorentino, to join me in a conversation. CB: This principle has two parts. The first part establishes nonviolence as “a way of a life.” How does this principle help you think about nonviolence in

broad strokes?

itself when I first heard it.

EF: Nonviolence is something that requires practice, failure, work, progress, and more practice on a daily basis in order for its values to manifest in every part of your life. This cha l lenge s t he not ion t hat nonv iolenc e a s s omet h i ng only practiced in the midst of altercation. Dr. King def ines conf lict as something that is an inevitable part of life that can, at any moment, bubble up and lead to serious contention. Why are we only taught to deal with conflict when it has become an overt crisis, and not before? Nonviolence utilizes preventative measures; when practiced daily it can help us manage conflict as it arises, and before it has become something dire. This was a radical idea in

CB: The second part of this principles names courage as essential. What connection do you see between this t ype of courage and strength? EF: A crucial revelation for me was that a nonviolent response is stronger than a violent one. It is more difficult, and more courageous, to refrain from retaliation in the face of danger. Sitting at segregated lu n ch c ou nte r s , m a r ch i n g across the Ed mu nd Pet tus Bridge, and participating in the Freedom Rides were forceful and powerf ul responses to violent conditions.

EF: When I began practicing nonviolence, it was essential for me to shift my conceptions of strength, power, and courage, as well as my understanding of conf lict reconciliation. I had to learn to see this as a continuous process. The first principle nonviolence embodies this changed mindset. CB: What is something that you learned that you had not expected? EF: I have fou nd t hat a near constant awareness and practice of nonv iolence on minor issues means that I am better prepared to handle more overt conf lict when it arises. I hadn’t foreseen this benefit, but by c ont i nu i ng to ke ep nonviolence in the forefront of my daily interactions, my mind has been kept in shape to tackle more intense situations. This has been a powerful revelation for me as I continue to practice this principle.

Connie Blunden is the Director of the Center for Public Purpose and an upper school history teacher at Greenwich Academy. Her curricular and programmatic work focuses on social justice, participator y CB: How did your exposure citizenship and leadership. She also to the practice of nonviolence serves on the Board of the Selma Center for Nonviolence, Truth and impact your view of courage and Reconciliation in Alabama.


Answers to Fill-in Crossword and Suduko Puzzles Found on Page 17 Easy




Very Hard

Very Hard

Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel


RTM Approves Funding for GPD Body Cameras Richard Kaufman On Monday night, the Representative Town Meeting approved $359,298 for the purchase of police body cameras for the Greenwich Police Department. The funds were approved by a vote of 182 in favor, with 17 opposed and 16 abstentions. The funds approved on Monday night will purchase 160 cameras from Axon, the company that supplies tasers to the department. The funding allows the department to enter into a five-year contract with Axon that will also include the purchasing of batteries, charging stations and mounting hardware, according to RTM Town Services Committee Chair, Richard Neuman. There will also be remote equipment monitoring, interactive software with redaction capabilities, licenses, automatic monthly software updates and unlimited storage capacity. Axon will replace the cameras in two years when a new model comes out. Over the summer, Gov. Ned Lamont signed a sweeping police reform bill, which includes a mandate that all municipalities in Connecticut must equip its officers with body cameras effective Jan. 1, 2021. Additionally, Axon will supply the department with vehicle dashboard cameras. As part of Lamont's legislation, all police cars must have such cameras as of July 2022.

"I think the body cameras would go a long way on transparency and accountability. I think it would reduce liability." GPD Chief James Heavey in July. "One of the positives we saw with the new police accountability rules [from the governor], is these cameras will help officers defend themselves if they are charged under these new rules," Neuman said. GPD Chief, James Heavey, said earlier this summer that he hopes the town can apply for state grants to help with the cost of the body cameras. Only two RTM members spoke on the issue before the vote. Hale McSharry from District 5 said the issue of police accountability is very important to him, and that body cameras do not fully address the issues. "One of the reasons I ran for RTM in the first place is to speak against this item only to instill a healthy critique on what some may consider spending money on a feel good solution despite mixed data on its effectiveness," McSharry said, noting several studies that have been conducted on police departments around the country. "As evidenced by the number of horrifying

videos of police violence caught on camera, such as the murder of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake, I do not believe that being on camera effectively stops police from committing violence," McSharry added. McSharry said he believes the only "surefire way” to reduce incidents of police violence is to reduce the amount of contact police departments have with the community, and to reduce funding for law enforcement by reappropriating that money towards social services. Adam Leader from District 11 said that while he supported the proposal, he wished the town had implemented a data privacy policy ordinance first. "These cameras can capture extra, unnecessary r e side nt dat a , eve n i f t hey a r e byst a nde r s , engaging in first amendment activity, or aiding law enforcement, say by viewing residential security footage with a detective inside your home," Leader said. "I recommend the First Selectman, as police

commissioner, review the civil liberty and Freedom of Information impact of Greenwich Police body cameras, and publish a more protective Greenwich Police privacy policy and report it to the RTM." First Selectman Fred Camillo said earlier this month that while the town hasn't had the issues that other cities around the country have had with regards to police violence, he still supports the usage of cameras. "Certainly I think body cameras will not only protect the public, but protect the police," Camillo said. "In a lot of cases, the police get accused of things they never did. This will help bring clarity to allegations that are made either way. I think it certainly is a plus for our town. This can clear up lawsuits, too, and even has the potential to save money in the long run for the town." In July during a meeting with the Board of Estimate and Taxation, Heavey said he has been advocating for cameras for over five years. "I always say there are two types of police agencies in the state of Connecticut: those with body cameras, and those who will have them," Heavey said. "I think the body cameras would go a long way on transparency and accountability. I think it would reduce liability." Now, the body cameras will finally be in place in the Greenwich Police Department.

Greater Good

Life on "New" Terms

Feature Column

By Maggie Young

It all began in March, COV ID19’s f irst case in the USA creating a rollercoaster of emotions such as anxiety, fear, stress and uncertainty! Isolation was encouraged. At a steady and rapid pace, The Coronavirus pandemic forced us into our homes to “Shelter in place” while we were encouraged to do our part to “Flatten the curve”. Cities and states started to shut down as cases increased hourly and daily. Closings took on a life of their own; schools, churches, restaurants, malls, and theatres all closed. However, liquor stores considered essential and remained opened along with

grocery stores. Alcohol sales in stores and online increased at an alarming rate. Uber Eats and Uber Drinks thrived! What happened to those a lready struggling with substance use disorders? With a universal time out, ensuing State orders and CDC guidelines were followed; how wou ld t ho s e e x p e r ie nc i n g a n x i e t y, d e p r e s s i o n s a n d isolation and already on the cusp for potentia l a lcohol / su b st a nc e a bu s e fa i r? D id parents relax rules at home for alcohol use among teens in order to appease and bond w ith their child (ren) and / or over compensate for their u n c e r t a i nt y a s to w h at to do? With the first summer in history where sports and other activities were not available, how were young people able to exert energy? While shelteringin-place a nd seeing fa m i ly members differently than they ever had, how does one cope? How does a parent, who feels unprepared to read to their child (ren), cook meals, provide homework help, and experience

food insecurities cope with their day-to-day stress? How does an individual whose only escape from an abusive partner was to work outside the home now survive? What does one reach for to deal with life on its’ new terms; is it alcohol. Legal, accessible and stig ma f ree alcohol potentially start to look good to those looking for relief, looks even better to those who relied on it already and the best of all to those who could not cope with the responsibilities of their life during the pandemic. Did they resort to drinking, i nc re ase a lcohol i nt a ke or excessive drinking? There was no longer any place to hide, no place to run to, no dropping kids at day-care, school, work, extra-curricular activities, baptism, birthdays, catechism, bar mitzvah; it all happened under one roof, at home. The positive aspect of COV ID19 created; room for bonding, worship, laughter, game night, meals, academic, games and family story time. The decision for the school year’s end was distant learning.

Pre COV ID19 we nav igated through life; moving quickly from one task to the next and seldom saw one another for long periods because school, wo rk , wo r sh ip a n d e x t r acurricular activities were all outside of the home oftentimes w ith people other than the nuclear family. The New Norm continues! Waiting to exhale! T he Au g u s t /S epte m b e r b a c k- t o - s c h o o l p l a n f o r our precious young people had us hold our breath. Of course, young people deserve socialization, kinship, f r iendsh ip, a nd t he school experience – they also deserve protection and safety. How does the young person view the back-to-school decision and what does the parent / caregiver believe about their decision to send or not to send their child (ren) to school? Does that decision determine a “Good Parent” or “Bad Parent”? Hybrid/Virtual/Home Schooling, what is it to be? For the child (ren) headed to school, is it a bus or car ride

or a walk? When students see their friends, how do they greet one another? Are they properly we a r i n g t h e i r m a sk ; f u l l y covering their nose and mouth? How do parents focus in work or at home with the anxiety of if their child (ren) is safe? CORVID19 (The Pandemic) has shifted our focus…..we question are we doing all we can, is there anything else we can do? While we consistently experience stress, anxiety and uncertainty, what is our retreat? Is alcohol a companion; is it one glass of wine, one cocktail or a few? Has a drink become what we reach for to calm our worry? Let us take a minute to exhale and assess how we made it through the past six (6) months, what was the “it factor” that offered a sense of sanity, what became your vice? How do you make it through safely day-by-day? Let us continue to do the best we can daily and be kind to one another by offering support and Love. “Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain” (author unknown)

M a g g i e Yo u n g i s C h i e f Recovery Off icer at liberation Programs, Inc. is a person in long-term recovery for 28 years. Maggie joined the Liberation family in 1994 and currently h a s oversi ght of Greenwic h Prevention and education as well as inpatient care. Liberation Programs is one of Fairf ield Count y’s leading behavioral health organizations specializing in treatment for all t ypes of substance use disorders including alcohol, opiates, depressants and stimulants . We provide services for youth, adults and families that include inpatient and outpatient treatment and educ at ional and prevent ion resources for adolescents and their families. Those seekin g t reat ment for substanc e u se di sorders (SUD) can contact Liberation Programs, Inc. at admissions@ or by calling 855-LIB-PROG (855542-7764). To learn more about Liberation Programs, please visit www.liberationprograms. org or email us at info@

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Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

“God in the Garden”


By Marek Zabriskie

Like so many others, as the pandemic stretched on, I felt the need for color and beauty to perk up my life. I made trips to McArdle’s Garden Center and Sam Bridge Nursery in search of plants to transform the exterior of the Christ Church Rectory. The world is better w ith color and diversit y. Soon, I was digging up sod, breaking up clumps of soil and adding organic mixture to create a large flowerbed where once there was only lawn. I planted Liatris, lamb’s Ear and Lavender, Russian Sage and roses, Bee Balm and Buddleia, Phlox, Salvia and Scentropia, Catnip, Chaste Trees, Allium and Agastache – a Hummingbird Mint, which attracts pollinators. The Rectory garden soon welcomed a steady stream of bees. These small creatures have

eyes composed of hundreds of six-sided lenses. They use one eye for outgoing flights and the other eye for the return journey. Their search for food can cover up to 40 square miles, but usually is limited to a four-mile radius. On their hind legs, each bee bears a basket-like structure for storing pollen. When the bee returns to the hive, it does a dance to let other bees know where to find pollen and nectar. When the food is close, the bee performs the round dance. When the food is far away, it dances the waggle dance – a figure eight with loops separated by a straight run. The duration of the dance and the length of the abdominal f licks show the distance. It’s speed reveals the amount of nectar and pollen. Soon, other bees take off to gather food. Karl von Frisch discovered and decoded the dance of the bees in 1923 earning a Nobel Prize. My favorite spiritual writer, Michael Mayne, the former Dean of Westminster Abbey, notes that same year, the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke was diagnosed with leukemia. As Rilke searched for a metaphor to describe the poet’s role, he wrote, “We are the bees of the

That’s why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). It is our interior faith that allows us to detect God all around us, as we hike in the Babcock Preserve, walk around Tod’s Point as the sun is setting or putter in the garden on a crisp morning. Invisible,” adding, one earthly thing truly experienced, even once, is enough for a lifetime… Truly being here is glorious. So it is with our Creator. God is not found in the past or the future, but in the present moment. We encounter God in the here and now, and when we are fully present we, like the English poet William Blake, can see the “infinite” in everything. Blake wrote: To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour Blake saw the human body

lit by the windows of the five senses. He noted, “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.” Likewise, the thirteenthcentury saint, Dame Julian of Norwich, experienced ecstatic delight while gazing at a hazelnut, which she believed contained the essence of all creation. She wrote: See, I am God. See! I am in everything. See! I never lift my hand off my works, nor will I ever. See! I led everything toward the purpose for which I ordained it. The poet and mystic, Thomas Traherne, saw G od in every hill and valley in his beloved Hertfordshire, nestled in England along the Welsh border. He wrote:

You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself f loweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, a nd crow ne d with the stars: and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every sole heirs as well as you. Till you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and Kings in scepters, you never enjoy the world. Yet , t he G e r m a n mys t ic Meister Eck hardt notes that we may seek God in the world about us and find God nowhere, but if we first find God within ourselves then we shall find God everywhere. That’s why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you”

(Luke 17:21). It is our interior faith that allows us to detect God all around us, as we hike in the Babcock Preserve, walk around Tod’s Point as the sun is setting or putter in the garden on a crisp morning. The world is better with color and diversity. We were put on earth to be stewards of creation, which Jesus calls the kingdom of heaven. God has given us “dominion” over nature, but this does not mean that we are to dominate it, but rather we are called by God to care for it. Climate change is a real and grave danger, so is pollution and human destruction. The Black Sea, which once had 156 species of f ish, now has f ive. At least a thousand species are disappearing each year from the rainforests. Of all the fish species, 70 percent are now being fished faster than they can replace themselves. We mu s t c a r e for G o d’s creation. A Rabbi speculates that God’s first question at the judgement will be, “Did you enjoy my creation?” And I might add, were you a good steward of it? How will you answer these questions? Marek is the Rector of Christ Church Greenwich

Worship Services Information ASSEMBLIES OF GOD

project, contact

Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778

Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed.

Sunday Worship & Church School ONLINE Sunday, August 23, 2020 10:00am | JackRabbits Summer Camp for Kids (Week 2) Monday, August 24, 2020 - 8:30am | Art Studio -TEMPORARILY POSTPONED Monday, August 24, 2020 - 1:00pm

In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite. Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce lesson ( HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:309:15am, via Google Meet. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-6373661 Daily Mass under the Tent: Mon-Fri, 5:15-5:45pm (sign up through homepage). Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Fri, 7-7:30am, (sign up through homepage). Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon, 1:30pm; Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu, 1:30pm; Stations of the Cross: Fri, 1:30pm. The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners Hotline: 203-637-3661 x375. Parish Partners in Prayer: pray silently wherever you are: 8am & 8pm. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Summer Rosary: Sun & Tue, 7:30pm, via YouTube Live. Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Sun, 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421

St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm & Sun, 12-1pm. Confessions: Wed, 1011am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel (make a reservation: go/stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Online daily Mass at EWTN. com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 In-person Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 7:30pm; Sat, 5pm (Vigil); Sun, 7:30am, 10:30am & 1pm (Spanish), sign-up (signupgenius. com/go/strochchurch). Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), MonSat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until further notice. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@outlook. com). The church will re-open for worship on Sunday, Sept. 13. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 In-person Public Outdoor Worship: Sun, 10-10:30am, registration is required ( go/70a084aafa72aa0f b6-inperson). Virtual events: Sunday Worship & Church School - Online: Sun 10am, Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this

CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Fridays on Facebook (live @ 3pm with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at 2cc. org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Outdoor Worship: Sun, 9am, Tomes-Higgins-Front Lawn (during Summer weather permitting), registration is required, akryzak@ Virtual Worship Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 8am, on Zoom. Evensong: Thu, 5pm, livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice. org. Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live.

St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sat, 11am & Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; Shirami. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-869-7191 ext. 3. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, pre-registration is required, lori. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor service held jointly at St. Paul through Labor Day weekend. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor service: Sunday, 9am. Bible Study: Sunday, 10:15am. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395; www.diamondhillumc. com

Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events that require Registration: Prayer Hour: Wed 6:30 AM, Dial 515-606-5410, access code 119748#) | Outdoor Worship Night - Friday, September 25 at 7 PM. * | Outdoor Sunday Service or Online 10 AM. *| Kingdom Come Prayer Study via ZoomMondays at 7 PM.* | Alpha Online via Zoom- Tuesdays at 7 PM. * | Following Christ in an Election Year Study Wednesdays at 7 PM on Facebook | Outdoor Worship Night - Friday, October 23 at 7 PM. * The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘dropin’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686; Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at fpcg. org/live. Sunday School online, 10:1511am. Email with questions. Beginning June 3: Summer Wednesdays (Online) - Join Ellie and Tara on Zoom every other Wed, 4:305:30pm, ages 4-4th Grade, email ellie. (a Zoom link will be sent out bi-weekly).

Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am ( go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff 2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am.

Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (; via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742).

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447

First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584

Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website.

Mass on the Grass: Sundays, 9:30am. Service on the Meadow: Sundays, 9:30am. Virtual events: Online Morning Prayer: Sun, 10:15-11:15am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at

Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom.

Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee and fellowship: Sun, 11:15am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:309am.

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526

Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555

Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669

Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to Editor@

Thomas Klinka O n S e p t . 2 0 , 2 0 2 0 , To m K linka, beloved husband and eternal soulmate of Veronica, passed on from this life while at home surrounded by family and in a peaceful manner. He was a proud and caring father of three daughters, Elisia, Alana and Melissa, a trusted brother of Bill and his wife Linda, and a fun loving pop pop to grandsons, Magnus and Miles. He was predeceased by Ma and Dad, Mary & Bill Klinka Sr. A lifelong resident who was born and raised in the Byram section of Greenwich, Tom served as sergeant in the U.S. Army in the Vietnam War. He was a proud veteran. He received a BA in philosophy, with honors, from UConn Storrs. Tom was head chemist for over twenty years at RH Carlson in Greenwich, specializing in polymer proponents. He was an enthusiastic semiprofessional soccer player, avid antique collector, talented awardwinning photographer, and devoted rock'n'roll music aficionado. He attended the original Woodstock, and hundreds of other concerts over many decades. Tom had a recent exhibit of his rock'n'roll photography show n at the By ram Shuber t Library in 2019. Friends are welcome to join us at St. Mary's Cemetery, in Greenwich at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24 for a brief outdoor service. At a later and safer time, we will have a memorial to celebrate Tom's life. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made to the VA Parkinson's Disease Consortium. Make Check Payable to: VA Connecticut HCS Memo Line: IMO Thomas Klinka (Parkinson Consortium). Send to: VA Connecticut Healthcare System Voluntary Service (135), 950 Campbell Ave, West Haven, CT 06516. Electronic Donations may be made at: p a y. g o v/ p u b l i c / f o r m / start/52253675 Select Connecticut Healthcare System and Veterans General Welfare Account – West Haven Campus, and put - IMO Thomas Klinka (Parkinson Consortium).

Nina Cocchi Nina (Sanzone) Cocchi, age 77 of Riverside, CT, died Sunday, Sept. 20, 2020. Nina is remembered by her family and friends as being a caring and unyielding spirit that enriched the life of everybody within her orbit. A consummate giver, there was never a guest that did not feel welcomed, a birthday that went forgotten, or a ship that – no matter how stormy the seas or how broken the hull – could not find a safe harbor in her presence. Nina bravely foug ht the debilitating effects of a respiratory illness over the last 25 years of her life. She has shed her mortal pains and ascended to a better place. For both her life – a glorious gift to all who knew her – and for her quick passing, her family is grateful. Nina was born in Brooklyn on Oct. 23, 1942, the daughter of Amadeo and Lillie Sanzone. She was a graduate of Richmond Hill School (1960), with degrees in Art Education from Pratt Institute (BS, 1964) and the College of New Rochelle (MA, 1980). A former art teacher and floral designer, she was most recently known as a contributing artist to the Art Society of Old Greenwich for her award-winning and meticulously created torn-paper relief landscape collages. Nina was a devoted wife of Anthony Cocchi for 56 years. She is survived by her husband, her three children and their spouses, and her five grandchildren: Andrea Conte, husband Louis Conte, and children Thomas, Samuel and Louis; Peter Cocchi, wife Hope Cocchi, and children Christopher and Matthew; and Mike Cocchi and wife Zorayda Cocchi. She is also survived by her sister Diana Sanzone and partner Eddie Negron; brother Simon Reina and wife Marilyn Reina, and many nieces and nephews. Nina's fa m ily w ill receive relatives and friends, and online condolences, at Coxe and Graziano Fu nera l Home, 1 3 4 Ha m i lton Avenue, Greenwich, on Thursday, Sept. 2 4 from 4 to 8 p.m. The Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, Sept. 25 at 11 a.m. at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Greenwich (, with a remote broadcast for those unable to attend in person. (


All attendees are asked to please wear masks as per CT Department of Health guidelines. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to: nationalautismassociation. org

Donald Kendall Donald M. Kendall passed away peacefully on Sept. 19. He was 99 years old and died of natural causes, at home with his wife of 55 years and surrounded by the large and thriving family he shepherded. “Our family is heartbroken, but also incredibly proud of the truly epic life he led. From the dairy farm in Washington where he was born and grew up, he went on to serve his country with distinction as a Naval aviator in World War II and then joined the Pepsi Cola Company as a management trainee and route salesman. The fact that he climbed to the top and grew PepsiCo into the global enterprise it is today is a fitting testament to his legendary work et h ic, d r ive, opti m ism, competitive spirit and love of people. He believed passionately in the ability of commerce and relationships to bridge cultures and heal divides. Bringing Pepsi to the Soviet Union as the first Western consumer product sold there, and following up with the historic openings of China, India, Iran and many other countries to trade is probably his proudest legacy. “Not bad for a farm boy,” as Dad used to say. We say, well done Big D! Our family is planning to hold a small funeral in the coming days and a memorial service to celebrate his life after the pandemic is under control. We ask that donations be made in lieu of flowers to the Carroll C. Kendall Boys & Girls Club in Sequim, Washington, which he built in honor of his father.”

Carol James May 5, 1947 – Sept. 16, 2020 Carol Riggins James, 73, beloved wife of the late William Benjamin James II, and devoted mother of William Benjamin James III and Elizabeth James Burton, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020. In addition to her children, she is survived by her brother, Dr. Edward Patrick Riggins Jr., DMD (Janet); her daughter-in-law, Shari E. Aser; sonin-law, Charles T. Burton IV; and grandchildren, William B. James IV and Madeline B. James. Carol will also be forever remembered by her nieces, nephews, extended family, and dear friends. Carol was the loving daughter of the late Edward Patrick Riggins Sr. and Gertude Rose Riggins. A 1969 graduate of Ladycliff College, she earned a BA in mathematics. Carol then worked in software development at IBM from 1969 to 1972. Following this, she earned her MBA in finance from The Wharton School wh i le si mu lta neously earning an MS degree in computer science and engineering from the Moore School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1975. After earning an MBA from Wharton and an MS from the Moore School, she joined the Exxon Corporation, where she was a senior petroleum analyst for nine years. Carol left Exxon in 1986 to become Vice President at S.N. Phelps & Co. of Greenwich, CT, where she was an investment banker for mergers and acquisitions and recapitalizations. In 1993, she joined Artemis Capital Group in New York, an investment bank and financial services firm founded by six women, and served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. I n 19 98 , Ca r ol de c ide d to challenge herself even more and became Vice President and Senior Private Banker at PNC Advisors in Greenwich, CT for five years. In 2003, Carol became a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch where she spent the remainder of her career. Carol was most recently a Senior Vice President, Wealth Management Advisor. Carol was a founding partner and a Senior Advisor of the Giuffre James Fischer Group at Merrill's office in Westport, CT. Carol, who always considered herself a lifelong learner, earned the Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC) designation during her time at Merrill Lynch. Carol gave back to the community that she loved by pa r ticipati ng i n a nu m b er of organizations such as being a member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee of the Diocese of Bridgeport Finance Council. Carol was intimately involved with her parish, St. Michael the Archangel Church in Greenwich, CT, where she served on the Finance Committee, the Parish Council, was a Parish Trustee, and a member of the St. M ichael's Women's Association. Carol was Treasurer of the Round Hill Association and on

the Board of Directors for Greenwich Green & Clean. Carol served as the Chair of the Board of Directors of Greenwich's YWCA from 2002 to 2004 and was a member of the Metropolitan Club in Manhattan. In addition, Carol was a sustaining member of the Junior League of Greenwich for many years. Further, Carol was a Dame of the Grand Cross of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, a Dame of the American Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and co-founded, with her husband, the Fairfield County chapter of Legatus. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, a private funeral service will be held. In lieu of f lowers, the family kindly requests that donations be made to either Girls Inc. of Western Connecticut or the Greenwich Tree Conservancy.

William Hubbell, Jr. W i l l ia m (" Bi l l") Brad for d Hubbell, Jr. died of the effects of Parkinson's Disease on Sept. 12, 2020. His wisdom and graciousness, great love of family, and deep awareness of and interest in the world around him inspired his love of photography and created heartfelt connections with family and friends. Bi l l w a s b or n to W i l l i a m Bradford Hubbell and Dorothy Twyeffort Hubbell in New York City on Aug. 21, 1934 and grew up in Bedford, NY. He attended Bedford's One Room Schoolhouse, The Rippowam School, Deerfield Academy, and Princeton University. He also enrolled in courses at Columbia University and Yale University. Following college, he served his country in the Air Force during the Korean War. He fou nd h is passion a nd profession in photography. He remembered being interested in photography at the age of twelve. By the time he was a college student, he had discovered that he could make a living at his hobby. After apprenticeships with photographers at world-renowned Magnum Photos, he began fulltime work as an independent, shooting primarily for corporate and advertising accounts. Soon afterward, he began traveling abroad and took photographs for such magazines as National Geographic, Time, and Life. He went on to serve a three-year stint as a writer and photographer for the U.S. Information Agency in Japan, Korea, and southeast Asia. Returning home, Bill headed t he photog raphy depa r t ment at G u id a n c e A s s o c i ate s , t h e educational audio-visual division of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. He worked both behind the camera and as an executive at Harcourt Brace where he produced educational videos for schools and a movie called "Echoes." He then went out on his own, exploring all facets of photography from food to portraits and architecture to landscapes. He p r o du c e d s e ve ra l b o ok s: Connecticut, New England Coast, Safe Harbor, Seasons of Maine, Portland and Good Fences; and collaborated on each of the Stamford (CT) and Greenwich (CT) books celebrating their respective 350th anniversaries. He was a builder of stone walls; a world traveler; a farmer; a maker of fudge, Christmas punch, or a sandwich of tomatoes just picked off the vine; a floor refinisher; copper polisher; handyman; grower of prize-winning dahlias; film-maker; a devoted groomer to his beloved dogs Kodak, Domino, and Oscar; and a lover of all things chocolate. He was fascinated by history and nature. He recorded the life he saw around him, from his children growing up to the changes in the seasons. He enjoyed revitalizing old houses and antiques, bringing them back to usefulness and beauty. He was a consummate gentleman. Because he chose a nontraditional occupation, he encouraged his children and stepchildren to choose their own paths and supported them in following their dreams. Park inson's, to paraphrase the Paul Simon song, "took his Kodachrome away," but he kept his positive outlook, sense of humor, and appreciation for the people and things he enjoyed in his life. Bill is survived by his wife of 29 years, Jean Hubbell, of Falmouth, ME; his daughter Drika Costantino and her husband Anthony of Cos Cob, CT; his son Brad Hubbell and his wife Suzanne Daily, and their three children, Zack Hubbell, Alex Hubbell, and Corinne Daily of Mill Valley, CA; his step-son Tim Lackey and his wife Heidi of Whitefield, ME; his step-daughter Amanda Murray, her husband Rob, and their four children, Eliza and Hannah Cote and Daniel and Jonah Murray, of Yarmouth, ME; and by his sister,

Anne Hubbell French of Norwich, VT and his sister-in-law, Elizabeth ("Libby") Hubbell of Asheville, NC. He was predeceased by his brother John Twyeffort Hubbell and his stepson William Davis ("Dave") Lackey, Jr. He also maintained a friendship with his first wife, Marian Bingham, of Old Lyme, CT. He will be dearly missed by his family and friends, but his spirit and clear eye remain not only in all the pictures he took, but also in the hearts of those who love him.

Maureen Lott Maureen Catherine Cartier Lott of Beaverkill, NY and Greenwich, CT, a longtime area resident, passed away Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020 at Hospice of Orange and Sullivan in Newburgh, NY. She was 78. The daughter of the late Andrew Cartier and Catherine McPartland Cartier, she was born on Sept. 21, 1941 in Greenwich, CT. Maureen enjoyed tending to her many plants, crafting, and volunteering at the Roscoe Free Library. She loved spending time with her children and grandchildren i n t he ya rd a nd dow n at t he Beaverkill River. Survivors include her husband, Lester (Steve) Lott, at home, her two sons, Stephen Lott and his wife Kelly of Roxbury, CT and Lester (Kevin) Lott and his wife Nicole of Brookfield, CT and her three grandchildren, Catherine, Lyric and Andrew and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her brother, Andrew Cartier. Funeral services will be private. Burial will be in the Beaverkill Cemetery, Beaverkill, NY. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Maureen's name may be made to The Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties, Inc. via their website at

Douglas Schmid Oct. 12, 1959 – Sept. 10, 2020 Former Greenwich resident, Douglas Albert Schmid was born in Port Chester, NY and grew up in Greenwich and Cos Cob. He was the beloved son of Eleanor Schmid Morgan and the late Allen L. Schmid, Sr. and was also predeceased by his loving stepfather, James Daniel Morgan. Doug graduated from Saint Mary's High School in 1977 and earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation from Nathaniel Hawthorne College in 1981. He began his career as a flight instructor at Westchester and Danbury Airports. In Danbury, he met his soulmate, D e b or a h G r i f f i n . T h e y we r e married in 1991 and welcomed their children, Douglas Morgan Schmid and Morgan Kathleen Schmid in 1993 and 1996, respectively. Thus began the essence of what mattered most to Doug: his steadfast, caring commitment to his family and extended family. The family resides in Bethel. Doug was Service Manager at Preferred Utilities in Danbury where he worked for 20 years and was a valued and respected employee who was admired by everyone. Doug enjoyed the simple things in life: playing his favorite songs on his acoustic guitar with his family, days at the beach, taking good care of his home and yard, physical fitness and weightlifting - deadlifting as much as 450 lbs. He was a master griller, and he and Debbi hosted many large family gatherings at their home. Doug was sentimental and had a real soft spot for all of the children in the family. He was just plain good – a good son, good

brother, good husband, good father. Doug was hardworking, humble and a rock for all who knew and loved him. He will truly be missed. Doug is survived by his lovely wife, Debbi; his two children, Douglas and Morgan; his mother, Eleanor Morgan; siblings Allene Warner (David); Allen L. Schmid (Betty); Dale Allen (Kevin Totoian), Lee Morgan ( John); nieces and nephews David, Daniel and Jeff Warner, Kristin and Kelly Schmid, Dani Corrigan, Dan and Eva Black; great nieces, Devon Warner and Dakota Hines, and great-nephews, Kingston Hines and Liam Warner. Doug had many beloved Wachowski, Schmid and Morgan aunts, uncles and cousins. Though our hearts are aching terribly over this sudden loss, at the same time, all of our family feels the calming presence of Doug assuring us in many beautiful ways. A private Memorial Mass will be celebrated for Doug at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Danbury. A celebration of life will take place on October 17. Robert Fujitani Robert Fujitani passed away peacefully at home in Cos Cob on Sept. 6. He was one month shy of his 99th birthday. Bob was raised in Cos Cob and lived most of his adult life in Old Greenwich with his wife of 73 years, Ruth. He went to Cos Cob elementary school and graduated in 1939 from Greenwich High as class president and quarterback of the football team, Bob is well known among comic buffs for his lifelong career as a comic book artist. He was only twenty when he went to work at the New York studio of Will Eisner as a penciler. A few years later, he was drawing "Hangman" as well as other superhero and detective comics. This was the period known as the "Golden Age of Comics". Bob went on to illustrate the comic books "Prince Valiant" and "Lassie" among others. He spent many years drawing and inking the daily and Sunday "Flash Gordon" strips for King Features. Bob was also a talented and prolific painter, particularly seascapes of Long Island Sound where he loved to fish, and the woods at Tod's Point and Montgomery Pinetum where he walked every day. After a debilitating stroke in early June 2020, Bob was fortunate to have a close family friend as his constant companion and caregiver. Another dear friend wrote this, "I see that Bob had achieved Love, Bob-Love, and I know in my heart that his unique vibration is traveling through the universe, forever…" Bob found his way home, in his way, in his time. He is survived by his daughter, Susan Fujitani Meller and her husband, Frank Rubenfeld, who live in Berkeley, CA. Jeanette Pickens Jeanette (Jan) MacKay Watkins Almquist Pickens of Riverside, CT, was born in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY on July 15, 1942. She moved to Riverside in 1949. Jan was the daughter of the late Rebecca Lefferts Holmes Watkins and the late William Henry Watkins. She was predeceased by her brother, the late William Watkins and his wife Sharon Watkins. Jan was the beloved mother of Philip David Almquist (Janet), Donald James Almquist (Robyn) grandmother of Amelia Daisy, and Annie Elizabeth Almquist Yardis (Mike) grandmother of Michael David and Lily Taylor. Jan was stepmother of Michael Pickens (Ellie) step-grandmother of Konstanze and Dan Pickens (Marie)

step-grandmother of Amelie and Liam. She was also aunt to Jamie and Billy Watkins. Jan is survived by her husband James C. Pickens. Jan graduated from Riverside School, Eastern Jr. High, Greenwich Academy, and Colorado Women's College in Denver, CO. She taught school in Denver and substitute taught in Greenwich. Jan was a member of the Junior League since 1963 and volunteered at Colorado General Hospital. Jan moved to England in 1966 and returned stateside in 1969. She bred Champion American Cocker Spaniels in both the U.K. and U.S. Jan had a deep passion for animals. She had dogs, cats, ducks, rabbits, mice, gerbils, fish, and her very first pet was a chameleon. Jan also volunteered at Greenwich Hospital, starting as a candy striper. She was a board member of the Christ Church Choir for years. Jan loved her family, especially being a grandma. She was a skilled piano player and her children have fond memories of playing by her side. She loved traveling, boating, dancing, chocolate, playing cards particularly bridge and canasta. Jan loved walking Tod's Point in Greenwich and having picnics on the rocks. Jan was beautiful inside and out, she always had a smile on her face and a contagious laugh. Private service will be held at Christ Church Greenwich.

Eric Wahlstrom 1943-2020 Eric Rickard "Rick" Wahlstrom died from cardiac arrest on Aug. 26 in San Diego, Calif. He was 76. Rick grew up on Shore Road in Old Greenwich with his father Fred, mother Dorothy, and two brothers Fred Jr. and Paul. He graduated from Old Greenwich Elementary School and Riverside Junior High School. Illness kept him out of high s cho ol but he c omplete d h i s education at the University of Southern California where he received his B.S. in Business Administration (1972) and his M. B. A. (1973). Honors included Magna Cum Laude, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, and Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society. After graduation he was a planning analyst with the NCNB Corporation in Charlotte, NC (197475) before becoming a legislative aide to United States Senator Robert Morgan of North Carolina (197576). In 1976 he joined the American Bankers Association in Washington, D.C. as an associate director. Illness forced his retirement in 1989. Rick moved to La Jolla, California where he enjoyed horse racing and was a part-owner of several horses. Rick loved playing baseball at Binney Park. In 1961, while playing in the Cape Cod league, legend Ted Williams wrote "He has many good moves around the bag as a second baseman, and if given a chance to play he can develop into quite a ball player." He studied guitar with Stamford jazz icon Sal Salvador. Rick later taught his learned skills to students. For all who knew him he will be deeply missed.

Catherine Crowther Catherine Ann (Nan) Holland Crowther of Stamford, CT passed away peacefully at home after a brief illness on June 9, her 91st birthday. Born Catherine Ann Holland in 1929, Chicago, IL, she was the daughter of the late Francis J. Holland and Catherine McDermott Holland of Syracuse, NY and later Denver, CO.

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Real Estate Report, Fall Update By Mark Pruner

How to Make a Good Home Great

Fall Market Update The Greenwich real estate market is going into uncharted territory. After a near record August, September is continuing hot after a short rest for the Labor Day weekend. • September will likely be a record with 157 contracts and sales so far this month • Last year we had 46 sales for the whole month of September, as of 9/22/20 we have already had 79 sales and we may well break 100 sales for the second month in a row • We had a big drop for the 4-day Labor Day week, but transactions rebounded strongly last week. • We h a v e y e t t o s e e a fall drop off as sellers a r e cont i nu i n g to supply inventory late in the year, but inventory is going off about as fast as it is coming on • Inventory continues tight with 491 house listing versus 622 listings last year at this time a 21% drop • High-end NYers are looking for we e ke n d a n d b a i lout houses as Greenw ich is looking more attractive than the City and is much closer than the Hamptons • We h a v e 6 7 s a l e s a n d c o n t r a c t s ove r $ 5 M t h i s year compared to 39 sales and contracts as of the end of September last year an increase of 72% Column We have a lot of great houses in Greenwich that sell at premium prices, but these houses, particularly, the older ones, were not built the way you see them today. Their owners moved with the times and renovated these houses to the features that they and other people wanted. Today we are going to look at 22 Cherry Tree to see some of the things that were done to make a good house great.

22 Cherry Tree Lane in the Harbor Point Association was how to take a good, solidly built house and make it better. The new owners and the architects came up with several ways to improve the house. The most obvious change was the addition of a large pool right out the back door. The owners were originally told this could not be done, but with some creativity, perseverance and $400,000; the pool got built. While the pool is beautiful much of that cost was not paid to Shoreline Pools to actually build the pool. The lot is 1.05 acres and this area is not served by town sewers, so each lot needs a septic system. In the case of 22 Cherry Tree Lane, the septic system was located right where the pool would go. So. Redniss & Mead had Finding Ways to Improve a to come up with an engineering Good House – The Pool solution. The whole septic system The question for the buyers was moved from the large yard on a good house with 5 bedrooms and 4/2 baths on 1.05 acres with beautiful views of the Sound and tidal pond. (On the other side of the pond is 34 Indian Point Lane that sold in June of this year for $42,175,000 and also 32 Indian Point Lane which is listed at $20,995,000, but it’s too late if you wanted to buy it as it is under contract.) In 2013, 22 Cherry Tree was a two-story house with a portico across the front and seven gables on the second floor. It had been listed originally in 2011 for $6.99M. The following year it came back on at $5.49M and towards the end of 2012 was relisted for $5.19M and sold for an even $5 million on July 8, 2013.

the side of the property to the rear of the property, which meant you needed engineering studies and the approval of the Town Health Department. The nice thing is that moving the septic system meant that area is now a level yard ideally suited for the present badminton court or other outdoor activities. This area of R iverside falls w ithin the Coastal A rea M a nagement Z one s o it get s extra scrutiny from the town Planning and Zoning Commission. The regulatory process for all town agencies took two years to complete and cost a substantial portion of the $400K spent on the pool. Another major cost was that owners wanted the pool to be a roughly the same level as the first f loor of the house to get better views of the water and sunsets. This required bringing in dozens

of truckloads of dirt. At the end of the day the owners had a beautiful pool, an amenity that is in great demand in the Covid era. Add ing inter ior space a nd improvements T h e ow n e r s a l s o w a nt e d several additional features including a large walk-in closet in the master bedroom, a screened in porch, an elevated place to sit and watch the gorgeous sunsets and more space. They also wanted an updated kitchen, a second floor laundry and more parking spaces. The walk-in closet had an easy solution that was hard to do. Right next to the master bedroom was a small bedroom that didn’t work well as a bedroom but made for a very nice walk-in closet and an upstairs laundry room. The hard part was figuring out

how to replace that bedroom as you don’t see many four bedroom houses at this price point. The solution was to add a third floor but zoning only allows for 2 and a half stories and a maximum height of 40 feet. A half story does not mean that ceiling is only 4 feet high on the third f loor, it means that the size of the f loor can only be half the square footage of the f loor below. The height requirement would also have been violated with a standard peaked roof, so the third floor had a roof with two peaks each lower than a full peaked roof. The set back s i n t he R A-1 zone are 50 feet for the front and backyards and 25 feet on the side, so how to add floor space without significantly expanding the overall footprint of the house. One way to do this was to use the “wasted” upper space for the cathedral ceiling in the living room. By putting a ceiling over this space, the owners got a playroom on the second f loor. Directly off of the living room they screened in part of the portico and put a roof deck on top, which became one of the great features of the house. Now you can sit and watch the water from an upstairs vantage point. At the same time, they enlarged the w indows on the second f loor to let in more light and make the views of the Sound ever better. One area where many homeow ners have pa r ticu la r req u i rements is t he k itchen. Today’s kitchens are just as much gathering areas as are the adjacent family areas. The owners hired Kitchens by Deane to give the kitchen a warm inviting feel, while still being very functional. They also opened the kitchen to the family room and redid the large center island. Much of this work was done b e for e t he f a m i ly move d i n , though the long approval process for the pool meant that that work was going on while the owners were there. These changes and improvements in total came to $4 million over and above the purchase price, but in the end the owners got a house that felt like new and had everything that they wanted. As I often tell buyers, very few people ever regret creating the house that they really want. The costs to create a great house are not insignificant, but why put up with house features that make you unhappy every day. Your home should be the castle that you want. Mark Pruner is the co-listing agent for 22 Cherry Tree Lane along with Patty Ekvall. It is listed for $7,250,000. Mark is a Realtor with Berkshire Hathaway's Greenwich office and can be reached 203-9697900 or

Location, Location, Location F i r st of f, t he hou s e at 2 2 Cherry Tree Lane has location (Riverside), location (Harbor Point Association) and location (great views of Long Island Sound). For many folks in Greenwich, and even in Riverside, these streets may not be known, as unless you are going there, you aren’t going through there as the streets on the southern end of Riverside all end at the Sound. The Harbor Point Association was at one time a great estate of some 40 acres and now hosts some 35 houses. The association fronts on Greenwich Cove and the Sound and comes with its own marina and beach along a breakwater that reaches out into the Sound. It also has one of the nicer security guards at the front gate and many of the houses overlook a tidal pond with a weir at the opening that keeps the pond full at low tide. A Hot Neighborhood Today The present owners bought the house back in 2013 and it was

Nan was a graduate of Rosemont College where she met and married her roommate's brother, Hugh Lagan Crowther, who would become a pilot in the US Air Force. In 1955, Hugh was killed in an air accident off the coast of Iceland, leaving Nan with an 8-month-old son and a child on the way. Nan initially raised her family in Rocky Hill, NJ and in 1965 moved to Stamford, CT to teach at Whitby School, Greenwich, CT. Nan was an active parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena Church, Riverside, CT. In 2017, she was


awarded the St. Augustine Medal of Service for her work in the parish, which included leadership roles in the Charismatic Prayer Group, the Cursillo Movement and the Healing Ministry. Nan had a keen interest in genealog y and was Assistant Treasurer of CT Ancestry Society for many years. She was an avid gardener and a lifelong learner. She will be remembered for her warmth, generosity, genuine interest in others and deep spiritual devotion. She is survived by her son

Hugh and his wife Patricia, her daughter Catherine Rose and her three grandchildren, Catherine, Claire and Hugh. A mass of Christian burial was held Sept. 21 at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Riverside.

Winifred Robins Winifred Anne Robins, (94) of Stonington, CT and Amagansett, NY died Dec. 23, 2019 in her home with family. Born Sept. 17, 1925 in Yonkers, NY. Third child of Marion and

Robert E. Willis. Brothers Robert E. Willis Jr. and James M. Willis a re pre de ce ase d. Ch i ld hoo d summers were spent in Stonington, CT and Bar Harbor, ME. Anne lived in Greenwich, CT 19391979, graduating from Greenwich Academy and Pine Manor College serving as a Air Raid Warden during WWII. After graduating, she worked for an architectural firm in Greenwich and joined the Greenwich Rifle Club where in 1948 she met newcomer, Samuel Davis Robins Jr., a founding partner of Outdoor Traders sports and retail

store. Anne played a dedicated and creative role in the stores success. A member of Hortulus Garden Club of America since 1955, made her their longest standing member. She also served 5yrs. as Asst. Treasurer of Greenwich Garden Center. S u m m e r s we r e s p e n t i n Amagansett, NY since 1956, where she was a long time mem ber of the Devon Yacht Club. Anne returned to Stonington, CT in 1979. A member of Friends of Mystic Aquarium for 25+ years. Her love for gardening, nature, cooking, and making friends, to name a few, kept

her current and vital throughout her life. She was a loyal friend, and devoted mother. She is su r v ived by t h ree children, Samuel Davis Robins lll (wife Claire Robins), Leah Anne Robins (husband Leif Larsen), and Abigail Schutz, and grandchildren Reid and Grey Larsen, Emily and Ben Schutz. The family will have several small gatherings to celebrate her life in Maine, Stonington and Amagansett. In lieu of f lowers, please perform an act of kindness for a friend, or stranger.


Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel

Deborah Ference-Gray


Mark Pruner | |


One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903

For Market Updates and Listings Visit


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866



Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092






118 Putnam Park



Sat 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway N.E. Properties

75 Cos Cob Avenue #2

Cos Cob


Sun 11-1 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

87 Laddins Rock Road

Old Greenwich


Sun 2-4 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

35 Wildwood Drive



Sun 2-4:30 PM

Sotheby's International Realty

35 Leonard Avenue



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

34 Montgomery Lane



Sun 1-4 PM

Sotheby's International Realty

45 Circle Drive



Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

23 Oak Street



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

121 North Street



Sun 2-4 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

67 Circle Drive



Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

18 Circle Drive



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

9 Cliff Road



Sun 1-3 PM

Sotheby's International Realty

100 Cat Rock Road

Cos Cob


Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

29 Horseshoe Road

Cos Cob


Sun 1-3 PM

Berkshire Hathaway N.E. Properties

17 Edgewood Drive



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

6 Knoll Street



Sat 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

6 Knoll Street



Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

28 Tomac Avenue

Old Greenwich


Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

124 Havemeyer Place



Sun 2-4 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

50 Cat Rock Road

Cos Cob


Sat 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence

27 Bayside Terrace #A



Sun 1-3 PM

Sotheby's International Realty

Get the Most Up to Date Open Houses every weekend in the 5 Things To Do in Greenwich Today daily email by signing up at: MOVIES ANNOUNCED! VISIT GLTRUST.ORG/GO-WILD TO FIND OUT MORE. Join 2020 Co-Chairs Stacey Higdon & Molly Schiff for Greenwich Land Trust’s first ever


GATES OPEN AT 6:00 P.M. MOVIES BEGIN AT 7:00 P.M. Snuggle up in the comfort of your own car and usher in the spooky season with a couple movies featuring supernatural characters under the starry night sky of Greenwich Polo Club!



GOLD SPONSORS Emerald Tree & Shrub Care Juicy Juice Sebass Events & Entertainment

Original List

1465 Putnam Avenue 202 $324,995 100 Putnam Park 100 $529,000 33R Orchard Street $799,000 23 Stuart Drive $780,000 26 Hartford Avenue $865,000 55 Stanwich Road $850,000 64 Richland Road $975,000 111 Connecticut Ave A&B $1,200,000 5 Ferris Drive $1,450,000 7 Steep Hollow Lane $1,395,000 59 Riverside Lane $1,695,000 8 Oval Avenue $1,800,000 6 Carpenters Brook Road $1,650,000 64 Benjamin Street $1,625,000 22 Brown House Road $2,100,000 27 Alpine Road $1,850,000 88 Indian Harbor Drive $2,900,000 172 Byram Shore Road $2,150,000 487 Lake Avenue $3,685,000 183 Round Hill Road $3,095,000 1363 King Street $2,995,000 2 Lakewood Circle South $4,090,000 36 Butternut Hollow Road $3,395,000 6 Perkely Lane $3,895,000 187 Milbank Avenue $4,000,000 12 Saint Claire Avenue $4,600,000 96 Doubling Road $5,750,000 28 Turner Drive $5,495,000 80 Round Hill Road $5,995,000

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres

$319,500 $529,000 $799,000 $780,000 $810,000 $850,000 $975,000 $1,200,000 $1,350,000 $1,395,000 $1,695,000 $1,800,000 $1,650,000 $1,625,000 $1,895,000 $1,850,000 $2,245,000 $2,150,000 $2,900,000 $2,999,000 $2,995,000 $3,450,000 $3,395,000 $3,895,000 $4,000,000 $4,600,000 $5,350,000 $5,495,000 $5,995,000

$317,000 $517,000 $685,000 $780,000 $810,000 $850,000 $1,045,000 $1,200,000 $1,325,000 $1,375,000 $1,595,000 $1,625,000 $1,670,000 $1,700,000 $1,800,000 $1,900,000 $2,150,000 $2,170,000 $2,400,000 $2,600,000 $2,925,000 $3,040,000 $3,250,000 $3,695,000 $4,000,000 $4,900,000 $5,000,000 $5,147,000 $5,920,000

423 78 104 0 85 0 21 0 133 48 77 83 6 465 479 14 686 2 217 370 4 431 138 115 0 26 468 379 40

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1 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 4 3 6 4 6 6 5 4 5 5 6 5 9 7




0.42 0.17 0.12 0.47 0.17 0 0.27 2.08 0.22 0.16 4.24 0.36 0.2 2.04 0.35 0.5 1.84 2 2 1.38 2.06 0.37 0.37 0.55 2.06 1.34 2.12

1,735 1,480 2,205 1,518 2,412 1,170 3,540 3,300 2,903 2,355 3,735 2,127 3,043 3,906 4,064 4,939 4,607 6,763 5,120 5,854 4,707 6,200 7,837 6,263 8,228 8,617 7,049


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

List Price


15 Palmer Street 10


5 Brookside Park






1,672 0 2 2,084 0.27 4


Cos Cob


$370 $403


Old Greenwich

21 Wessels Place








40 Ettl Lane 18








6 Windsor Lane


Cos Cob



South Parkway

35 Wildwood Drive



15 Somerset Lane


3,003 0.31 4 1,754 0.39 3 3,001 0.47 4 0.31 4


109 Stanwich Road

$375 $681



51 Forest Avenue 19







Old Greenwich

9 Bolling Place






1 South of Post Road

22 Center Road



2,503 0.15



Old Greenwich

63 Valleywood Road







Cos Cob

191 Palmer Hill Road







Old Greenwich

9 End Avenue




0.27 6


Old Greenwich

9 Cliff Road






4 South of Post Road

20 Indian Field Road



5,100 0.29 5

4 South of Post Road

18 Old Wagon Road






North Mianus

505 Putnam Avenue



4,059 1.68 5


South Parkway

1 Shady Brook Lane



3,435 0.25 5


Old Greenwich

6 Knoll Street



4,500 0.26 5



14 Clark Street


3,011 0.23 5 5,638 0.49 4


Old Greenwich


South Parkway Riverside


3 South of Post Road

Horseneck Wine & Spirits • Lesser Evil • RISE Brewing Co. • UNION • Zevia

26 Circle Drive


$829 $443

MEDIA SPONSORS: Greenwich Lifestyle Magazine • Greenwich Moms • Greenwich Sentinel • Jen Danzi

7 Finney Knoll Lane







Proceeds from Go Wild! will support Greenwich Land Trust’s efforts to conserve open space, connect our community with the natural world, and inspire the next generation of conservationists.

19 Pintail Lane






4 South of Post Road

4 Buxton Lane



5,351 0.28 6

5 Brookridge Drive 11 Alden Road 34 Quail Road 60 Lismore Lane 132 Lockwood Road 11 Ledge Road 1141 King Street 23 Cliffdale Road 928 Lake Avenue 11 Hurlingham Drive 12 Dwight Lane 5 Ashton Drive 25 Edgewood Drive

$3,295,000 $3,450,000 $3,499,000 $4,350,000 $4,395,000 $4,400,000 $4,500,000 $4,950,000 $4,995,000 $5,997,000 $6,995,000 $9,250,000 $14,850,000

$691 $494 $538 $518 $694 $1,209 $1,528 $3,094 $1,113 $473 $933 $794 $980

GREEN SPONSORS: The Brant Foundation • Finocchio Borther, Inc. • The First Bank of Greenwich

A new level of commitment, and honesty in Real Estate.

GLORIA FALCON 203.559.1604

CESAR RABELLINO 203.249.9866

Greenwich 136 East Putnam Avenue | ©2020 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.

4,766 6,987 6,498 8,403 6,333 3,639 2,945 1,600 4,486 12,684 7,501 11,645 15,150

1.74 2.21 2.35 2.1 0.33 1.03 19.14 9.47 4.46

5 6 5 6 5 6 5 2 5 7 4.5 5 2.5 7 3.7 11



3 5 7 5 7 4 4 2 4 8 5 8 13

South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway Riverside Old Greenwich North Parkway North Parkway North Parkway North Parkway North Parkway South Parkway South Parkway

Food Focus

As Five a Course Menu or Stand Alone Dishes Autumn Meals Are Calling to Us ground black pepper. Use your stirring spoon to break up the pumpkin a bit. Pour in the broth. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes, to give the flavors time to meld. While the soup is cooking, toast the pepitas in a medium skillet over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until fragrant, golden and making little popping noises. You want them to be nice and toasty, but not burnt. Transfer pepitas to a bowl to cool. Once the pumpkin mixture is done cooking, stir in the coconut milk and maple syrup. Remove the soup from heat and let it cool slightly. You can use an immersion blender to blend this soup in the pot. I prefer to use my stand blender, which yields the creamiest results— working in batches, transfer the contents of the pan to a blender (do not fill your blender past the maximum fill line!). Securely fasten the blender’s lid and use a kitchen towel to protect your hand from steam escaping from the top of the blender as you purée the mixture until smooth. Transfer the puréed soup to a serving bowl and repeat with the remaining batches. Taste and adjust if necessary (I thought the soup was just right as is, but you might want to add more coconut milk for extra creaminess/ milder f lavor, or maple syrup to make it a little sweeter). Ladle the soup into individual bowls. Sprinkle pepitas over the soup and serve. Let leftover soup cool completely before transferring it to a proper storage container and refrigerating it for up to 4 days (leftovers taste even better the next day!). Or, freeze this soup for up to 3 months.

around the processor.

5. Apple Pie

Remove the dough, wrap in plastic ½ Cup granulated sugar wrap, and rest it the refrigerator for ½ cup packed brown sugar 30 minutes. Cut 2 ounces (55 g) of pasta dough 3 Tablespoons all purpose flour from the ball and roll out into large, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon wide, thin sheets of pasta. ¼ teaspoon ground ginger Lay a sheet over an empty ice cube ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg tray, and press the dough down ¼ teaspoon ground allspice gently into each of the holes. 6 to 7 cups of thinly sliced tart Fill each hole with a tablespoon of apples the butternut squash filling. Place a second sheet on top of the ice cube Enough pie pastry to create a tray. Press down on all the sides double crust of the raviolis. Flip the ice cup tray 1 tablespoon of butter over to release the pasta and cut off 1 l a r ge e g g w h ite (appr ox . 2 any excess dough. tablespoons) Separate each ravioli with a knife Extra sugar set aside or cutting tool. In a small bowl, combine the Gently place a few raviolis into sugars, flour and spices; set aside. boiling salted water and cook In a large bowl, toss apples with until the raviolis float and firm up lemon juice. Add sugar mixture; slightly, 2-3 minutes. Scoop out the toss to coat. ravioli and set aside briefly to cook a new batch or dump out the water Line a 9-in. pie plate with bottom and start the hazelnut brown butter crust; trim even with edge. Fill with apple mixture; dot with butter. Roll sauce. remaining crust to fit top of pie; In a pan, add 3 tablespoons of the place over filling. Trim, seal and butter, sage leaves, and hazelnuts. flute edges. Cut slits in crust. Cook until the butter browns deeply, the nuts are heated through, Beat egg white until foamy; brush and the sage is fried and crispy. over crust. Sprinkle with sugar. Turn off the heat and add the lemon Cover edges loosely with foil. Ba ke at 375° for 2 5 m i nutes. juice and season to taste. Swirl in 2 more tablespoons more Remove foil and bake until crust is of chilled butter, to thicken the golden brown and filling is bubbly, sauce. Add the cooked raviolis back 20-25 minutes longer. Cool on a in and toss gently to coat the pasta. wire rack. Serve the pasta with brown butter EXTRA: Your Own Pumpkin Spice Latte sauce.

4. One Pan Autumn Chicken Celebrate the first official week Dinner of autumn by making your own pumpk in spice latte at home! 5 (6 - 7 oz) bone-in, skin on chicken Make it in bulk and keep it in the thighs refrigerator to enjoy all through the 4 Tbsp olive oil, divided weekend. 1 1/2 Tbsp red wine vinegar 1 - 2 tablespoons pumpkin purée 3 cloves garlic, minced (1 Tbsp)

1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice, 1 Tbsp each minced fresh thyme, plus more for garnish

1. Hot Crab Dip 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup sour cream

f lavor. Leftovers would go great with sandwiches or salads the next day. Recipe yields 4 bowls or 6 cups of soup.

1/3 cup heavy cream, at room 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided temperature One 4-pound sugar pie pumpkin 1 cup shredded Asiago cheese 1 large yellow onion, chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon hot sauce

4 large or 6 medium garlic cloves, pressed or minced

1 teaspoon kosher salt

½ teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground black ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon pepper ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon seafood seasoning, ⅛ teaspoon cloves such as Old Bay Tiny dash of cayenne pepper 1 1/2 cups shredded white Cheddar (optional, if you like spice) One 16-ounce container claw crab Freshly ground black pepper meat, picked through for shells 4 cups (32 ounces) vegetable broth Crackers, bread or tortilla chips, for ½ cup full fat coconut milk or heavy serving cream Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. In a large bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons maple syrup or the cream cheese, mayonnaise, honey sour cream and heav y cream ¼ cup pepitas (green pumpkin until smooth. Stir in the Asiago, seeds) lemon juice, hot sauce, salt, pepper, P reheat oven to 4 2 5 deg rees seafood seasoning and 1/2 cup of Fahrenheit and line a bak ing the Cheddar until well combined. sheet with parchment paper for Fold in the crab meat. Transfer to easy cleanup. Carefully halve the a 1-quart baking dish and sprinkle pumpkin and scoop out the seeds with the remaining Cheddar. Bake (you can roast the seeds if you’d until browned and bubbling, 30 to like—see note—but you won’t need 35 minutes. Serve with crackers, them for this recipe). bread or tortilla chips! Slice each pumpkin halve in half to make quarters. Brush or rub 1 tablespoon olive oil over the flesh 2. Pumpkin Soup of the pumpk in and place the This pumpkin soup recipe calls for quarters, cut sides down, onto the roasted pumpkin for maximum baking sheet. Roast for 35 minutes

or longer, until the orange f lesh is easily pierced through with a 3. Butternut Squash Ravioli fork. Set it aside to cool for a few SQUASH FILLING minutes. 2 cups butternut squash, peeled Heat the remaining 3 tablespoons and chopped olive oil in a large Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot over medium ½ onion, chopped heat. Once the oil is shimmering, 3 cloves garlic, peeled add onion, garlic and salt to the 1 tablespoon olive oil skillet. Stir to combine. Cook, salt, to taste stirring occasionally, until onion is translucent, about 8 to 10 minutes. pepper, to taste In the meantime, peel the pumpkin 1 tablespoon brown sugar skin off the pumpkins and discard 2 oz grated parmesan cheese the skin. FRESH PASTA Add the pumpkin flesh, cinnamon, 2 cups flour nutmeg, cloves, cayenne pepper (if using), and a few twists of freshly 4 eggs 1 tablespoon olive oil HAZELNUT BROWN BUTTER SAUCE 5 tablespoons unsalted butter ¼ cup roasted hazelnut, chopped 10 leaves fresh sage salt, to taste 1 lemon, juiced 1 oz grated parmesan cheese Preheat oven to 425˚F (220˚C). Add the diced butternut squash, chopped onion, whole garlic cloves, olive oil, salt, and pepper to a baking sheet, tossing until fully coated. Bake until the squash is golden br ow n a nd te nde r, a b out 3 0 minutes. While the squash is in the oven, make the dough. When the sq uash is f inished cooking, add it to the food processor along with the brown sugar and Parmesan cheese. Pulse until it becomes smooth. Set aside to chill. R inse the bowl of the food processor. To the bowl of a food processor, add the flour, eggs, and olive oil, and pulse until the dough comes together into a large ball and swirls

sage and rosemary

Freshly ground black pepper

Salt and freshly ground black 2 tablespoons granulated sugar pepper 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 1 large sweet potato (about 16 oz) (I 2 cups whole milk leave unpeeled), chopped into 3/41 to 2 shots espresso (about 1/4 cup), inch cubes or 1/3 to 1/2 cup strong coffee 1 lb Brussels sprouts, sliced into 1/4 cup cold heavy cream, whipped halves into firm peaks 2 medium fuji apples, cored and sliced into half moons about 3/4- Heat the pumpkin and spices. Place the pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, inch thick and a generous helping of black 2 shallot bulbs, peeled and sliced pepper in a small saucepan over about 1/4-inch thick medium heat and cook, stirring 4 slices hickory smoked bacon, constantly, until it's hot and smells chopped into 1-inch pieces cooked, about 2 minutes. 2 Tbsp chopped parsley, for garnish Stir in the sugar. Add the sugar and (optional) stir until the mixture looks like a bubbly, thick syrup. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Pour 2 Tbsp olive oil, red wine Warm the milk. Whisk in the milk vinegar, garlic and herbs into a and vanilla (to taste) and warm gently, stirring often and watching gallon size resealable bag. carefully to make sure it doesn't Add chicken, season with salt boil over. and pepper then seal bag and massage mixture over chicken Blend the milk. Carefully process while working to evenly distribute the mixture with a hand blender herbs. Set aside and let rest while or in a traditional blender (hold the lid down tightly with a thick wad of chopping veggies. towels!) until frothy and blended. Place sweet potato, Br ussels sprouts, apples and shallot on an 18 Mix the drinks. Make the espresso or coffee and divide between 2 by 13-inch rimmed baking sheet. mugs. Add the frothed milk and Drizzle with remaining 2 Tbsp olive pumpkin mixture. Top with the oil then toss to evenly coat, season whipped cream and a sprinkle of with salt and pepper to taste. pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, or Spread into an even layer. nutmeg if desired. Set chicken thighs over veggie/ Make a big batch of pumpkin spice apple layer. base: If you like, you can make Separate any pieces of bacon that a big batch of the pumpkin spice may be stuck together then sprinkle base, and refrigerate. To make 8 bacon over veggie apple mixture. full servings, cook 1/2 cup pumpkin Roast in preheated oven until purée with 2 teaspoons pumpkin chicken and veggies are golden pie spice, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, brown, about 30 - 35 minutes and 1/2 cup granulated sugar. Stir in (chicken should register 165 in 1/2 cup vanilla extract. Refrigerate center). Broil during last few for up to 1 week and use as desired. minutes for a more golden brown To serve, blend 1/3 cup pumpkin spice base with milk until frothy, crispy skin on chicken if desired. Garnish with parsley if desired and and add 1 or 2 shots of espresso. Top with whipped cream and serve warm. serve.

Page 17 13 | Greenwich Sentinel

Your Horoscope, Puzzles

Fill in crossword answers on page 10.

Astrology for Week of Sep 27, 2020 LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Take your time and refuse to rush things this week. Ignore the shouters and panickers: everything that must be done will get done if you carry on at your usual steady pace. Let others rush all over the place. You would never do anything so undignified.

ARIES 21 March-20 April You seem to believe you’re being kept in the dark, that you’re the only one who doesn’t know what’s going on. A moment’s reflection should tell you how ridiculous that is but, if it doesn’t, what happens this week will convince you you’re not being shunned.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Mercury, planet of ideas, enters your birth sign today, sharpening your wits and your tongue. You already know what you most want to do, so do it and don’t pay the slightest attention to those who say you are either mad or bad. Their opinion means nothing.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May It is always easy to criticise but not so easy to praise people so they make a better job of what they’re doing next time. But that is what you must do this week, both in your personal relations and at work. Build people up, don’t tear them down.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Cosmic challenges may have left your feelings a bit raw of late. However, with Mercury, planet of logic, now in Scorpio it will be easier for you to stand back from your more negative emotions and see them for what they are: a drain on your energy.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June You’ll find it easier to be methodical now that Mercury, your ruler, is moving to focus on your work. In fact, you’ll be able to get twice, if not three times, as much done this week simply because you’ll be clear about what the important jobs are.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan It’s time to take the initiative and do what you believe is right, regardless of others’ views and your own doubts about the potential outcome. Deep down you know the correct thing to do and now it is just a question of having the nerve to do it.

CANCER 22 June-23 July Your creative juices will flow this week and it would be a crime to waste them. If you are not involved in anything of an artistic or creative nature, this is the time to start. What you do over the next few days is sure to earn you plenty of applause.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb If you are not already serious about your ambitions, with intelligent Mercury moving to focus on your career, you need to get serious about them now. If you were serious about them before, you can expect a major breakthrough in the days ahead.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug If you are accused of something you haven’t done this week, your best defence is to treat it as a joke. The most important thing is not to argue or try to defend yourself as that will look as if you’ve something to hide. Show them you’re too big to worry.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You may think you’d be happier if your circumstances were different but in reality it’s your attitude that needs to change. And with Mercury now in one of the more intelligent areas of your chart you will realise this is true. Stop worrying and start living.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Don’t tie yourself down with needless chores. You’ll be happier and more productive if you can come and go as you please this week and don’t have to worry about trivia. Be adventurous and go somewhere new. What you discover could change your life.

Discover more about yourself at


Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10.




Very Hard

Very Hard

Have Some Fun!

Discover your inner artist. Engaging in coloring, in addition to being stress relieving, can lead being more creative at analytical thinking. Scientists have noted positive changes in heart rates and brainwaves of adults as they color. Coloring also sharpens the memory. So grab your coloredpencils or markers and see what you can do with this owl.

Bring Back Lost Words


Noun. Ancient Greek meaning a state of peaceful serenity, calmness, and bliss.

MOVIES ANNOUNCED! VISIT GLTRUST.ORG/GO-WILD TO FIND OUT MORE. Join 2020 Co-Chairs Stacey Higdon & Molly Schiff for Greenwich Land Trust’s first ever


GATES OPEN AT 6:00 P.M. MOVIES BEGIN AT 7:00 P.M. Snuggle up in the comfort of your own car and usher in the spooky season with a couple movies featuring supernatural characters under the starry night sky of Greenwich Polo Club!



GOLD SPONSORS Emerald Tree & Shrub Care Juicy Juice Sebass Events & Entertainment

GREEN SPONSORS: The Brant Foundation • Finocchio Borther, Inc. • The First Bank of Greenwich Horseneck Wine & Spirits • Lesser Evil • RISE Brewing Co. • UNION • Zevia MEDIA SPONSORS: Greenwich Lifestyle Magazine • Greenwich Moms • Greenwich Sentinel • Jen Danzi Proceeds from Go Wild! will support Greenwich Land Trust’s efforts to conserve open space, connect our community with the natural world, and inspire the next generation of conservationists.

The Official & Incomplete Autumnal Book List 7 to 13

By Emma Barhydt Sunset is before 7:00pm, the temperature is (for the most part) below 75 degrees, and the leaves are just beginning to turn. Yes, Autumn has arrived in full force this year. As J.K Rowling says in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, “Autu m n seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.” Autumn is not only a beautiful season full of change and mystique, but it is also the perfect time to cozy up with a book. We at The Greenwich Sentinel have compiled our favorite autumnal books for readers in every age group. This list has something for everyone, and we hope that this Fall you will delight in the new worlds a book can open. For the optimal reading experience, we recommend making yourself a large mug of piping-hot cocoa or tea, donning your f luffiest socks and sweaters, and settling into a very comfortable chair or bed. Oh, and don't forget to clear your schedule... Enjoy!

Under 7

1. Fall Leaves - Liesbet Slegers Observing squirrels preparing for winter, playing with falling leaves, or splashing in puddles, ch i ld ren w i l l enjoy the v iv id imagery while they learn about the world around them on an autumn adventure.

1 . T h e B o y, T h e M o l e , T h e Fox, and The Horse - Charlie Mackesy “ W hat do you w a nt to b e when you grow up?” asked the mole. “Kind,” said the boy. Charlie Mackesy offers inspiration and hope in this beautif ul book based on his famous quartet of characters. This book explores their unlikely friendship and the poignant, universal lessons they learn together.

3. Friends for Life - Andrew Norriss W hen Jessica sits nex t to Francis on a bench during recess, he's surprised to learn that she isn't actually alive - she's a ghost. And she's surprised, too, because Francis is the first person who has been able to see her since she died.

5. All's Faire in Middle School Victoria Jamieson E l eve n-ye a r- o l d I mo g e n e ( I m p y) h a s g r o w n u p w i t h t wo p a r e n t s wo r k i n g a t t h e Renaissance Faire, and she's eager to begin her own training as a squire. First, though, she'll need to prove her bravery. Luckily Impy has just the quest in mind—she'll go to public school after a life of being homeschooled! This book illustrates the struggles of middle school perfectly. To fit in or to be yourself, that is the question!

14 - 17

5. Guji Guji - Chih-Yuan Chen The story of the sweet "Crocoduck" Guji Guji. Raised from an egg by Mother Duck, Guji Guji is quite content with his life as a duckling until he meets three nasty creatures who not only convince him that he is like them but try to persuade him to deliver his duck relatives for their dinner. Love overcomes all differences here, and Guji Guji's antics are laugh-out-loud adorable.

5. The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner - Stephenie Meyer A Twilight series novel, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner t a ke s you t h r oug h t he t h i r d book, Eclipse, from the eyes of Bree Tanner, a new vampire who happens to run into the Cullen's under unfortunate circumstances. This book is a fun accompaniment to the original series, or can be 2 . H a r r y P o t t e r a n d t h e read as a standalone book, both Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling options are equally enjoyable. What can we say? This book has become a classic novel full College of nostalgia for first days back at school, and the possibility and wild adventurousness of youth. On Harry's eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in w ith some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An 1. Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is incredible adventure is about to the perfect novel for anyone going begin! off to college, whether for their first time or their last. This book is heartbreaking in all the right places and will leave you with a sense of nostalgia, purpose, and hope. As Cath comes out of her shell in her first year of college, so do we as readers. Anyone, old or young, can relate to the feeling of being lost in a place you're supposed to be found.

2. The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman A masterwork of storytelling and suspense, Philip Pullman’s a w a r d-w i n n i n g T h e G o l d e n Compass is the f irst in the His Dark Materials series, which continues with The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. 3. Little Women - Louisa May   Alcott The novel follows the lives of four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and A my March—detailing their passage from childhood to womanhood and is loosely based on the author and her three sisters. This book is perfect for girls growing through the throws of middle school as they try to chart the labyrinth to adulthood.

2. Mouse’s First Fall - Lauren Thompson T h i s a d o r a b l e a d ve n t u r e explains the colors, shapes, and 4. Frindle - Andrew Clements sounds of Fall. When Nick learns some interesting information about how words are created, suddenly he's got the inspiration for his best plan ever...the frindle. Who says a pen has to be called a pen? Why not call it a frindle? This book is perfect for kid's foray into independence, and has become the cornerstone for creative thinking 3. Hello Fall – Deborah Diesen If you enjoyed Pout Pout Fish, for kids everywhere.   then this lovely picture book from the same author is sure to become a family favorite as well. The illustrations are stunning, and it has a sweet story to go with them.

4 . Fletcher and the Fallin g Leaves - Julia Rawlinson Th is i s a f u n stor y a b out Fletcher, a little fox who worries that something is terribly wrong when the leaves begin falling from his favorite tree. It’s a great book to explore the seasons.

disguises herself as a mustachewearing man. During Truthful's dangerous journey she discovers a crook, an unsuspecting ally, and an evil sorceress but will she find the Emerald?

1. Newt's Emerald - Garth Nix After Lady Truthful's magical Newington Emerald is stolen from her she devises a simple plan: go to London to recover the missing jewel. She quickly learns, however, that a woman cannot wander the city streets alone without damaging her reputation, and she

4. The House with Chicken Legs by Sophie Anderson Marinka dreams of a normal life, where her house stays in one place long enough for her to make friends. But her house has chicken legs and moves on without warning. Marinka's grandmother is Baba Yaga, who guides spirits between this world and the next. Ma r in k a longs to cha nge her destiny and sets out to break free from her grandmother's footsteps, but her house has other ideas... This book is a great autumnal read, perfect for cozying up with a big mug of hot cocoa and a fluffy blanket.

4. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin Follow Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency. A book about love and finding your place in the world, and learning what you will stand up for, who you will stand up to, and how to stand up for yourself.

celebrated historian Dr. Nell Irvin Painter surprised everyone in her life by returning to school—in her sixties—to earn a BFA and MFA in painting. In Old in Art School, she travels f rom her beloved Newark to the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design; f inds meaning in the artists she loves, even as she comes to understand how they may be undervalued; and struggles with the unstable balance between the pursuit of art and the inevitable, sometimes painful demands of a life fully lived.

3. The Woman Who Borrowed Memories - Tove Janson Unsentimental, yet always humane, Jansson’s stories make you contemplate what it means to live your life fully and what it means to be an adult. She makes 5 . A d u l t s - E m m a J a n e you ask of yourself, "what am I doing?" in a way completely free Unsworth J e n n y M c L a i n e ’s l i f e i s of judgment.   falling apart. Her friendships are flagging. Having left home at eighteen to remake herself as a self-sufficient millennial, Jenny is now in her thirties and nothing is as she thought it would be. Least of all adulthood.

Grown Ups

2. The Secret History - Donna Tartt Under the inf luence of their charismatic Classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the boundaries of normal morality, their lives are changed profoundly and forever as they discover how hard it can be to truly live.

3. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab In a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a bargain to live forever, but is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, a dazzling adventure as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.

1. Then We Came to the End Joshua Ferris The characters in Then We Came to the End cope w ith a business downturn in the timehonored way: through gossip, secret romance, elaborate pranks, and increasingly frequent coffee break s. By day they compete for the best office furniture left behind and try to make sense o f t h e m y s t e r i o u s p r o -b o n o ad campaign that is their only remaining "Work."

4. Bowlaway - Elizabeth McCracken From the day she is discovered unconscious in a New England cemetery at the turn of the twentieth century—nothing but a bowling ball, a candlepin, and f ifteen pounds of gold on her person—Bertha Truitt is an enigma to everyone in Salford, Massachusetts. Funny, charming, and beautifully enigmatic, Bowlaway will have you laughing one minute and crying the next.

5. Spoonbenders - Daryl Gregory Fo l l ow i n g t h e r i s e a n d fall of the Telemachus family, Spoonbenders is a hilarious and striking look at family through the lens of fantasy. The members of the Telemachus family each 2. Old in Art School: A Memoir deal with his or her own unique of Starting Over - Dr. Nell Irvin t e l e k i n e t i c o r c l a i r v o y a n t Painter ability, navigate lives filled with Fol low i ng her r et i r ement frustrations, hilarity and intrigue. f r o m P r i n c e t o n U n i v e r s i t y,

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