The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.
March 19, 2021
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Twin St. Patrick's Day Birthdays
Local News Briefs You Need to Know COVID/GPS UPDATE According to the school districts online tracker, as of Tuesday, 8 new Coronavirus cases had been reported. There are 27 active cases. Of those, 22 are students, 4 are teachers, and 1 is a service provider, according to the tracker. Eight of those cases are from Greenwich High, four are from Glenville, Hamilton Ave, and Western Middle. Two from Easten Middle and Old Greenwich, and one each are from Cos Cob, IS at Dundee, and Julian Curtiss.
COVID-19 VACCINE UPDATE This past Monday, Governor Lamont announced that Connecticut will be receiving 200,000 weekly vaccines. Around 85,000 people in the qualifying age brackets have already gotten at least one vaccine dose. The new tentative vaccine schedule has changed. Residents between the ages of 45 and 54 will now be able to make vaccination appointments on March 19 instead of March 22. All Connecticut residents ages 16 and older will most likely be eligible to register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on April 5.
GREENWICH POLICE DEPARTMENT CELEBRATES 125 YEARS The Greenwich Police Department is celebrating its 125th Anniversary this year, and will be partnering with local businesses to put on various events throughout the rest of 2021. The theme of this year will be “Honoring our Past and Embracing our Future”. Throughout the year, GPD will be raising funds to support the Greenwich Police Department’s Scholarship fund, which grants financial assistance to undergraduate students of active GPD officers.
On St. Patrick’s Day there were two family birthdays being celebrated in Town, Pat Chrusz of Glenville, born and raised in Greenwich who turned 95, and her Stamford son-in-law, John Zaleski, turned 65. To commemorate their joint birthday they have marked together for 45 years there was a surprise parade last Sunday, March 14! Fire engines proceeded from the parking lot on the corner of Comly Avenue and Pemberwick Road, across from the Castle Deli to the unexpecting home of Pat Chrusz with daughter, Joann and son-in-law Zaleski in attendance. Amidst much honking and merriment there was a mighty fine and early Happy Birthday!
Congressman Jim Himes, a Greenwich Democrat who represents the 4th Congressional District in Jeffery Bingham Mead, a descendant of the Connecticut, spoke briefly on Monday founders of Greenwich, has announced plans for a morning to First Selectman Fred new initiative meant to restore and reopen the Mead Camillo's Advisory Committee for family farmstead to the public. The Benjamin Mead People with Disabilities. Farm, a ten-acre farmstead, is one of the town’s The committee's mission is to oldest original homes, dating back to 1728. If you serve as a resource to the Greenwich are interested in joining Mr. Mead's effort, he can be community addressing accessibility, contacted at equal rights, removing barriers and promoting opportunities for individuals COS COB LIBRARY GIVES TALK ON with disabilities. TRAFFIC CONGESTION Himes discussed the latest on what to expect from the recently passed On March 24, Cos Cob Library and the American Rescue Plan, as well as what Greenwich Conservation Commission will be to expect from President Joe Biden's Please turn to page 7 administration and their commitment
SENTINEL SUBSCRIBE subscribe SUBSCRIBER DELIVERY ISSUES & REQUESTS Thomas@maninmotionllc. com or call 203-515-2288
If You Need an Answer Now, It’s No
By Kate Noonan
Last chance to bid in the Greenwich Alliance for Education Silent Auction! Don’t wait ~ the Auction closes tonight Friday March 19th at 8:45pm! Visit their website to bid on great items:
SPORTS ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-4850226; or buy online at Advertise STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ JIM KNOX LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; promotions, achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. These are free. Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT Children, and e s p e c i a l l y te e n s , c a n badger parents w ith requests. “Can I have ice cream? Can you take me to Arielle’s house? Can I have 20 dollars?” Such requests can be over whelming, especially if we have more than one child. Assuming that a request is reasonable, a simple way to keep our sanity is to reply, “If you have to have an answer now, it’s ‘no,’ but if you c a n w a i t a n h o u r (o r until tomorrow) it might be ‘yes.’” This response keeps us calm and teaches ou r ch i ld r e n to delay gratif ication. They may also f igure out another solution during the wait. Often, we worry that not meeting our children’s ne e d s w i l l s c a r t he m for life. In fact, we are
of ten helping them by giving them space to be resourceful. Especially i n t he a re a of sel fentertainment, downtime is vital to creativity and imagination. “Kevin, if you can wait until I finish this phone call, I will be happy to help you with your Legos. If you keep bothering me now, I won’t.” “Dustin, the only answer I can give you now is no because I need some time to think about it. Your mother and I will talk it over and let you know tomorrow.” Greenwich resident , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
10,000 Meals: JTAC, the Jewish Teen Action Club, located at Carmel Academy on Lake Avenue, has the goal of packing 10,000 meals for local food pantries. Be a part of this huge generous undertaking by donating any amount of $ to help the group get to their goal. You can also sign up to help pack up the meals on March 29 from 1-3pm. Go to their website to donate or find more ways to help: https://www. Enjoy and support local: The Greenwich Audubon is offering their first IN-PERSON programs since last year. The Woodcock Watch programs are on the evenings of March 26th and 27th from 6:45 -8:00 pm! TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE on the website AND CA PACIT Y IS LIMITED to 15 people for each program - don’t wait because tickets will sell out. **All participants are required to wear face-masks for the duration of the program as well.** Visit their website for more details: https:// Calling all Greenwich students! Are you creative and passionate about the environment? The local chapter of the United Nations Association, of Southwest Connecticut, is hosting a Mother Earth Day Student Creativity Contest now through April 16th.
By Richard Kaufman
show Greenwich will receive about $21 million from that municipal bucket. Himes noted that these funds are "fairly broad" in their potential use. "There are sewer projects, broadband projects, and other things that qualify for use. In combination with the educational money, much of this money will be able to be used either to address issues that arose specifically to the disability community in the last year or so, or to actually improve things like accessibility in our municipal facilities. That's obviously a decision that will be taken at the local level," Himes said. At the federal level, Himes said there wasn't much to report on about
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Please turn to page 13
Calls to Action
SUBMIT EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com
to serving people with disabilities. "For the first time, and for arguably for the last time in quite a period of time, there is going to be a major federal infusion of funds into states, counties and towns, including the Town of Greenwich," Himes said of the latest COVID-19 stimulus package. "The numbers are pretty staggering. It's up to town leaders and others to make sure in particular the monies that go to the state do find their way down to our towns and our cities." Connecticut will receive billions of dollars, and since the state does not have county government, roughly $280 million that otherwise would have gone to counties will go to municipalities. Himes said that current estimates
A public hearing before the state House’s Planning & Development Committee in Hartford heard from over 340 people about legislation which seeks to impose state zoning laws on Greenwich and all CT towns. Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo and other Greenwich residents pushed back against several proposed housing bills that would impose statewide zoning laws. The hearing, held on Monday before the state House’s Planning & D e ve l o p m e nt C o m m i t t e e , focused on several bills. Camillo testif ied before the committee about SB-1024: an act concerning zoning authority, certain design g u idel i nes, q ua l i f ic at ions of certain land use off icials and certain sewage disposal systems. Specifically, the bill would: “(1) Allow municipalities to require that land use applicants pay the costs of any technical review of applications, (2) make several changes to the Zoning Enabling Act, (3) establish requirements for zoning regulations concerning accessory apartments, mixed-
Himes Meets with First Selectman's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities By Richard Kaufman
Camillo Pushes Back Against Proposed Housing Bills
Students can submit any piece of art or product related to Earth Day. Students can create a website, flyer, poem, drawing, or any item inspired by Earth Day to win a cash prize. For more information visit Looking for a fulfilling and exciting vo l u n t e e r j o b? J o i n G E M S : Greenwich Emergency Medical Service. GEMS takes great pride in their volunteer staff. Their volunteers work shifts on duty, participate with the career staff in regular call reviews, can participate in continuing medical education opportunities, focus groups and staff meetings. Check out their website for more information and volunteer training opportunities: Join Inspirica’s mission of breaking the cycle of homelessness by signing up for one of their inp e r s o n o r v i r t u a l vo lu nte e r opportunities at https://www. online. Fill The Van! St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Riverside hosts a food collection for Neighbor-toNeighbor every Thursday from 10-11:30AM (weather permitting) in their parking lot. It is "contactless" drop off. All you need to do is bring your non perishable foods especially proteins including beans, canned tuna and chicken, peanut butter, for donation and they will get them to Neighbor to Neighbor... Have a CA L L TO ACT ION? E-mail Kate Noonan at the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation with the details: kate@ greenwichsentinelfoundation. org
Radar Screen By Beth Barhydt This week there can be only one issue on our radar screen. Like Godzilla on radar in a movie, the issue of legislation that removes local control and puts the state in control seems to be everywhere. It is not about the merits of this onslaught of legislation, which are debatable, it is about not being trusted to think for ourselves, it’s about having local decision-making authority systemically removed and given to a state bureaucracy that "knows better" than we do. One political party has complete control of state government right now and they are using that overwhelming authority to put forward a lineup of legislation that will change Connecticut forever. New England has a long tradition of local control over local issues. If this legislation is allowed to pass, local control over local issues may very well end. If you are unaware of the legislation being put forward in Hartford, then it is time to pay attention. The list includes requiring that all children's vaccinations are on a specific schedule that is state mandated; regionalizing control of schools; and taking over planning and zoning decisions. In the Sentinel, we have had remarkably prolific interest in this topic. You will see the most recent iteration, statewide zoning regulations, addressed throughout this week's issue. Read more above and on pages 3, 8 and 9.
Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel
Frank J. Gaudio President/CEO 203.302.4375
Declan Long, Leading His School in a Tough Year By Erin Whitney This spring, the Frederick Gu n n S cho ol (for me rly T he Gunnery) will have a new alum from Greenwich to add to its already signif icant alumni presence here. Greenwich native, Declan Long, will be graduating this spring as one of eight school leaders, P refe c ts, t hat have helped the rest of the student body navigate a different kind of year. Prefects are responsible for bridging the gap between faculty and students, organizing school meetings and class events, attending disciplinary committees, and mak ing a
By Erin Whitney
positive impact on the school during their time in the position. As a Prefect, Declan may have been expecting a different senior year than what he got but he says his experiences at the Frederick Gunn School (FGS) have taught him not to focus on the negative. FGS has 310 students, allowing each student to “better t he m s e lve s wh i le b e t te r i n g t h e c o m mu n it y,” a s D e c l a n puts it. Declan chose FGS for this reason and for its hockey team, although Declan’s hockey career did not go as he thought it would: he ended up not making varsity his sophomore or junior years. Although disappointing, Declan believes it allowed him to
pursue other interests, including leadership roles. Before he was elected Prefect, Declan served as the secretary for the Gunn Society (a studentrun organization that connects students to alumni); a member of the Student Activities Committee; and as junior class representative. Declan advises that when something doesn’t work out, “don’t get caught up in it.” He says that people should be open to all of the opportunities available and that if they’re focused on a failure, they might miss their chance for something else, as could have happened with hockey. “Take wins where they are and take losses where
they are and ref lect on both,” he says. This year in particular Declan has learned the value of listening. As part of a team that has had to navigate brand new waters in an era of COVID, leading a student body that has been alternately in-person, distance learning, and quarantined, Declan says each of the eight Prefects with whom he works bring different skills. “We work together well and all the other Prefects are really amazing,” he says. He identifies himself as the listener of the group: when there are varying perspectives, he’s able to listen to everyone and bring them all back together in agreement. He
says that it’s a key skill to have as a Prefect and as a leader in general. Not only will you learn from people, he says, but you will help others feel respected and connected. Engaging, passionate, intuitive, and open, Declan seems to be a role model of good leadership but his secret to success seems to be that he loves what he does: “You’ve gotta love it - don’t do it if you’re not going to love the job.” Declan explains that, “95 percent of what we do [as Prefects] isn’t seen, people only see 5 percent.” He believes that makes it especially important to love what you do so that you don’t need constant acknowledgment.
One FGS motto is Be a Force for Good, and the school encourages its students to be active members of their communities while at the school and in their lives as alumni. Declan seems to have taken these lessons to heart and urges others to do the same. “Living your life to please others is not fulfilling,” he says. Doing what you truly love in service to others is. When considering the future, D e cl a n i s op e n -m i nde d . He expects to pursue a major in engineering at college in the fall, but he will be certain to take his own advice to be happy with what he does, “whether that be engineering or something else.”
Taking a Break at the Beardsley Zoo
All of the birds in the Beardsley Zoo (like Kodiak, the Alaskan bald eagle pictured here), were rescued and are non-releasable due to injuries. Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport is the perfect spring break destination for families and teenagers. From sea otters to Amur tigers and leopards, visitors can enjoy learning about the species with which they share the Earth. Jim Knox, head of the zoo’s education program, says that the purpose of the zoo is conservation, research, engagement, and education. The Beardsley Zoo hosts around 280,000 visitors a year and houses several conservation and education programs. According to Jim Knox, the zoo is committed to the research and conservation of the many endangered species it houses. Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo is a member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and participates in the association’s Species Survival Plan, or SSP. The SSPs help conserve endangered species through comprehensive breeding and release programs and through spreading the word about the importance of those species. The Beardsley Zoo participates in around 25 Plans, including one for Mexican wolves (a subspecies of the gray wolf). Mexican wolves were extinct in the wild, but through partnerships with other members of the SSP, the Beardsley Zoo has helped the wolves begin to make a recovery. The Beardsley Zoo also offers a number of educational programs and opportunities for people of all ages. Jim Knox says that “anybody who wants to learn about wildlife is a potential participant… of any of our programs.” Zoo Tots is a spring-early summer program for children ages 22 months to four years. Zoo Patrol is a summer break program for slightly older kids, ages six to eleven. There are a number of programs for teenagers, including the Conservation Discovery Corps (in which participants research and present about species and participate in conservation research), Zoo Career Explorer (in which participants learn about careers available in zoology), a 4H chapter, and more. For adults, there are volunteer opportunities and evening lectures starting in the spring in which experts on anything zoo-related from all over the world talk about their field. Jim Knox says that for guests visiting during spring break, there are a lot of exhibits open. Animals such as anteaters, big cats, and birds of prey have ‘choice in access,’ meaning they can choose to be outside or inside within their habitats. “In the warmer weather,” Knox says, “you’re going to see them all.” The only off-habitat animals at this time are climate-specific species, such as those with rainforest and aquatic habitats. The Beardsley Zoo has worked with the governor of Connecticut’s COVID-19 safety protocols to ensure a safe but enjoyable visit to the zoo. Masks must be worn by everyone past the entrance gate - areas have been designated for viewing animals to avoid jams of people, and hours have been varied to allow for disinfection of surfaces. The zoo is also hosting a 500-piece art show called DAZZLE: A Garden of Glass by glass artist Peter Greenwood until April 6 inside the Greenhouse. Peter Greenwood’s work has been shown in twenty-five museums, including Greenwich’s own Bruce Museum and the Louvre Museum in Paris. If people are looking for a weekend or spring break day-trip, the Beardsley Zoo is the way to go. Jim Knox wants people to know that “at the zoo, there’s something for everybody…. If you like animals and if you like the planet,” he says, “this is a great place for you.” Visitors can help the zoo by contributing their resources and time: there are over 200 volunteers of all ages. Young people can help by reading and educating themselves: “the more you learn,” Knox says, “the more empowered you will be to help.” Visit Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo this spring!
ABOVE: This black leopard lives next door to his mother, Freya, a spotted Amur leopard. The Beardsley Zoo’s greenhouse, now hosting DAZZLE: A Garden of BELOW: The zoo’s red panda snacks on a stalk Glass, an art show by Peter Greenwood. of bamboo while sitting high up on a platform.
Local Public Company Market Watch GREENWICH INDEX COMPANY
52 LOW
W.R. Berkley Corp.
Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.
Fifth Street Asset Management Inc.
Hudson Pro
Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.
Oxford Lane Capital Corp.
Starwood Property Trust Inc.
StoneRiver Inc.
Oxford Square Capital Corp.
Townsquare Media Inc.
XPO Logistics Inc.
AmBase Corporation Ellington Financial LLC
* as of close of business 3/17/21
Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
The End of Zoning as You Know It Act The Out-of-Town Developers Dream Act
By Mark Pruner I support affordable housing in Greenwich and have done s o for de c ade s . B ack i n t he ‘ 9 0 ’s I d r a f te d t h e o r i g i n a l affordable accessory apartment ordinance and helped usher it through the Planning & Zoning Commission. I also was Chair of the Selectmen’s Affordable Housi ng Com m ission tr y i ng to coord i nate mu ltiple tow n agencies to make Greenw ich welcom i ng to a d iver sit y of people and economic means. I want to preserve the character of Greenwich and enhance its already diverse population. We are about to see a bill that will do just the opposite, while greatly changing Greenwich. SB 102 4 is a blo ck buster b i l l . Ju s t i nt r o du c e d i n t h e Connecticut legislature, it will do a lot of damage to the quality of life in Greenwich, particularly c ent ra l G r e enw ich a nd w i l l produce only a little affordable housing. We also have another bill that wants to create a statewide property tax, which in combination with SB 102 4 would create synergistic badness for Greenwich. W h a t S B 10 2 4 w i l l d o i f passed, and it has a very good chance of passing, is to bring in developers from outside this area to build lots of multi-family housing to rent mostly at market prices. The proponents of this bill, “Desegregate Connecticut”, are of the opinion that if you build lots of new housing that housing prices will fall, and this will desegregate Connecticut. I think that is extremely unlikely. What you are more likely to get are lots of new downtown and Post Road units renting at premium prices. There are several
underlying ideas that have been incorporated into the bill, but I can’t tell you how they would work even after multiple readings of the bill. Over the years, I’ve worked on a lot of legislation as an attorney, testif ied twice i n f r o nt o f t h e C o n n e c t i c ut legislature, was a lobbyist in Washington and spoke at a lot of public hearings here in town on P&Z and other regulations. I thought I was losing it in my old age, because I couldn’t f igure out the details of how SB 1024 would work. Luckily for me, and unfortunately for Connecticut, everyone I’ve discussed the bill has said the same thing too; they don’t know how it would work. Let’s take a look I what I think the bill says. WHERE COULD YOU BUILD The bill proposes hig hdensity development around the primary transit station for each municipality. For Greenwich this means our train stations and probably means the Greenwich train station. Unfortunately, the def inition of “municipality” is somewhat convoluted so in a worse case situation it would be all four train stations. The bill proposes high-density building within a half mile of the transit station. The odds are that this all of dow ntow n Greenw ich, including parts of Mead Point, will be looking at development t h at u n d e r t h e b i l l c a n n o t be stopped. The bill however goes on to say that the half-mile radius can be expanded to 1 mile if there is “a public right of way that directly connects to such transit station with adequate sidewalks, crosswalks and other similar pedestrian facilities”. Central Greenwich is a great place to walk, and a 1-mile radius would extend from Greenwich Hospital to most of Belle Haven and Field Point Circle. In addition to central you Greenwich, you also have two other areas for increased density areas, one is the “Main street corridor” and the other is any sing le-fam ily zone. Now the main street corridor may only
b e t he Post Road for t h re equarters of a mile around the top of Greenwich Avenue or it may mean the entire Post Road from NY to Stamford. I’m guessing the latter but I’m not sure. (It might also mean some of King Street also.) This main street corridor would extend a quarter mile on each side of the Post Road. WHAT COULD YOU BUILD? If it is central Greenw ich a nd t he Post Road cor r idor, what could you build? This is the really interesting part; you can build higher density in the transit district and the main street corridor at a “minimum of density of 15 units per acre”. To me that means that on our R-20, 0.46 acre lots, you would have to build at least 7 units. What I can’t f igure out is how big that 7-unit building can be. It might be limited to the present FAR of 4,500 s.f. in the R-20 zone, that would be 15 units of 300 sf. It might be limited to half of the lot size or 10,000 square feet per f loor up to 37.5 feet, the height limitation in the R-20 or it might have no limit. Also, the economics would strongly encourage developers do assemblages of properties, and to buy oversized lots so that they could put up much larger buildings. In the transit district you may not have to have any on-site parking. The presumption is that everyone will take public transit. I n t he m a i n st r e et c or r idor developers would only need a max of 2 parking spots per unit. So, a four-bedroom unit would still only need 2 parking spots. Trying to drive on Milbank or E. Elm could get very interesting in 2022. Then you have the accessory apartments that can be put in any single-family zone. Here it appears that anyone could build a guesthouse of up to 1,000 s.f. with a full k itchen. This can either be in the house, with no need for a separate entrance or it can be in a separate building. Contractors will have field day building elegant pool houses with full kitchens. Parents will
be able to send their kids to play in the backyard and not come back until tomorrow, oh and make your own breakfast too. The bill has no requirement that these actually be rented, they just have to be deed restricted for 10 years. Presently in Greenwich, if you build an affordable accessory apartment you had to certif y each year that it was still being rented at an affordable rate. The bill will abolish both our affordable accessory and elderly accessory apartment regulations. The bill also eliminates three key zoning provisions that presently zoning board members can use to turn down projects. Today projects have “to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; [need] to avoid undue concentration of population”. No longer will
overcrowding be a factor to be considered or can you complain when the big apartment building blocks the sun or air circulation. Under this bill, density as they call it or overcrowding as we call it, is actually being encouraged in what are our most densely populated areas already. “AS OF RIGHT” IS WRONG Probably the most da ngerous concept i n t he whole bill is that all of the above can be done “as of right”. This is the so-called “permit zoning.” What has a very good c h a n c e o f p a s s i n g i s t h at a developer who wants to build multi-family units will buy a piece of land and on October 1, 2021 will file one of his floorplans from a prior development with the Building Department. The Building Department then has
65 days, to approve the permit, which would be up to December 9th. The builder can then start construction on December 10, 2021. And, it could well be 20 builders building 20 projects. The only limit is that the town can provide that high density units can only be put on 50% of the downtown lots. “As of right” means no P&Z r ev iew, no pu bl ic he a r i ng s , but still likely lots of lawsuits. Whether the tow n can get a preliminary injunction to halt the construction of dozens of projects is not at all clear. It’s also not at all clear how many developers would go ahead in such a circumstance. As I said, I’m an advocate of affordable housing. I think acce ssor y apa r t ments a re a good way for widows to stay in their houses, for young couples to buy thei r f i rst house, for kids who grew up here to find an affordable place to live. The town could have done a better job of telling people about our elderly accessory and affordably accessory apartments, but the town needs some control of these units which permit zoning does not permit. We a l s o d o n ’t n e e d a statewide property tax. As with all taxes it will start off low, but just as the income tax did, it will grow. Every time legislatures need to plug a budget deficit hole, they can change one number, the state-wide mill rate, and poof the def icit is gone. Then we’ll get more tiers and the politically connected will get exemptions. It’s a really dangerous tax. SO, WHAT CAN BE DONE The proponents of this bill have been organizing for years and are trying to apply a m a c h e t e t o e v e r y t o w n ’s regulations, when towns are very diverse. You can start by contacting your state senator and representatives. Luckily, we have legislators in both the Republican and Democratic caucuses. Given the anti-Trump backlash, that swept in more liberal legislators, stopping this bill will be hard, so the best we may be able to do is amend it, and let’s really hope it can be clarified, so at least we know what the rules are. The legislators have already sat through a day of testimony, and I mean a day that started on one day and ended in the morning the following day, but I and other people couldn’t testify. There should be more hearings and they should be done regionally. As to the state property tax; kill it. The state is getting billions of dollars from Washington as part of pandemic relief. Now is not the time for more taxes. I like to say stay tuned for upcoming developments, but this time I’m urging you to get up and do something, now, before the uncontrolled upcoming developments overwhelm us. Mark Pruner is a Realtor in Greenwich , CT. He can be reached or 203-969-7900.
Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB: Tuesdays in March & April 6 ‘Tasty Tuesdays’ - when you support one of these 10 local restaurants, they will make a donation to Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich: March 16: Garden Catering and OG Social Club; March 23: Firehouse Deli and Famous Greek Kitchen; March 30: Joey B’s and Grigg Street Pizza; April 6: Old Greenwich Deli and Cobber North. LIBRARIES: March 18 9 a.m. Virtual – Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga (Ages 2-6). 203- 622-7940. children@ 10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ Bilingual Storytime. dsullivan@ 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong, mindful movement and breathing. Adults. 203-622-6883.
7 p.m.
Virtual – Food Explorers: Zucchini Meatballs. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@
Virtual – Literary Connections with Mark Schenker: “Mrs. Dalloway” by Virginia Woolf. 203-622-7922.
7 p.m. Virtual – Podcasting for Your Lifestyle. 203-625-6560. csherman@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Writer’s Summit Series: Dan Torday. 203-622-7948 rhansen@ March 23 10 a.m. Virtual – Weekly Job Search Accelerator Group. 11 a.m. Virtual – Petite Concert. dsullivan @ 1 p.m. SCORE Webinar: Basics of Small Business Bankruptcy. 203-622-7924.
1 p.m.
4 p.m. Virtual – Kids and Money: Get an Early Start on Managing Finances. 203-5310426.
SCORE Webinar: Define Your Vision and Increase Successs. ywang@
4 p.m. Virtual – Chess Club (Grades K-5). Free. Register.
2 p.m.
4 p.m. Virtual – Meditation and Breathing with Gail. 203-622-7920.
Virtual – Cord Cutting 101: The Basics. 4 p.m. Virtual – Book Bites. children@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Teen Writing Workshop: Comics & Graphic Novels. emorrissey@ March 19 10 a.m. Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203-622-7924. 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Ann. 203622-7920. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org 3:30 p.m. Virtual – Meditation Workshop. 203625-6549. 4 p.m. Virtual – Friday Fun: Play Kahoot! 203- 622-6883. lmatthews@ March 20 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Sing Along with Tom Weber. 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Spring Breakfast Cooking Demo with Gail: Belgian Waffles and Homemade Yogurt. 203-531-0426. 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Writing Your Family Story. For Genealogists of all levels. 203-622-6883. 11 a.m. Virtual – Drop-in Computer Lab. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@
6 p.m. Virtual – Design and Build a Flashlight Ring Part I. 203-625-6541. wgray@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Foreign Affairs Book Discussion Group: “Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most Destructive Industry on Earth.” 203-622-6883. ywang@ March 24 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime. 203-622-7920. 11 a.m. Virtual – Processing Grief: A COVID-19 Grief-Journaling Workshop. 203-6256549. 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong, mindful movement and breathing. Adults. 203-622-6883. 3 p.m. Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft. 203622-6883. Register. 6 p.m. Virtual – Student Lounge (Grades 6-8). 203-622-7918. emorrissey@ 6:30 p.m. Virtual – Lecture Series: “How to Ease Traffic Congestion in Greenwich”. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Date with an Author: Sadeqa Johnson, Author of “Yellow Wife.” March 25
1 p.m. Virtual – Spotlight on Apps: Libby. 203625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org
9 a.m. Virtual – Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga (Ages 2-6). 203- 622-7940. children@
March 22
10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ Bilingual Storytime. dsullivan@
10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime. 203-622-7920. 2 p.m. Virtual – Podcasting for Your Lifestyle. 203-625-6560. csherman@
4 p.m. Virtual – Cat in the Hat and Other Stories with Storyteller Luann Adams. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@
March 26 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Ann. 203622-7920. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org 3:30 p.m. Virtual – Meditation Workshop. 203625-6549. 3:45 p.m. Virtual – World Music with Anitra. 203622-6883. 4 p.m. Virtual – Kripalu Cooking for Kids with Chef Jeremy Rock Smith. 203-622-7940. 7 p.m. Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: Elizabeth Rynecki, Director of “Chasing Portraits.” 203-622-7910. friendsfridayfilms@ PERROT LIBRARY: March 22 7 p.m. Virtual Book Discussion on “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents,” by Isabel Wilkerson. Via Zoom. Free. Register. GREENWICH HOSPITAL: 888-305-9253 March 18 1 p.m. Webinar: MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Support Group. 6 p.m. Webinar: Where to Find Kidney Disease Resources.
6th Annual Trivia Challenge – six rounds of trivia, online silent auction and paddle raise. Via Zoom.
(Participants will receive a list of materials prior to the program). Advanced registration required. $20, non-members; $15, members. March 21 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Spring Flowers: Watercolor Workshops with Dr. Louise Flax - Snow Drop. Via Zoom. $15, members; $25, nonmembers.
March 20 2:30 p.m. Youth Programs Showcase – try classes, meet instructors, take a tour. 50 E. Putnam Ave. Free.
March 20
March 21 6:30 p.m. Amazing Woodcocks: Acrobats of the Air. Via Zoom. $10 & up. All ages. Ryan. 203-930-1353. RETIRED MEN’S ASSOCIATION: March 24 11 a.m. Webinar: Captain Jay Dirnberger; “Dedication to Duty: Recollections of a Vietnam Veteran Huey Helicopter Pilot.” Free. Open to all. YWCA GREENWICH: March 24 12:30 - 1:15 p.m. Ben Scott of GB Coaching together with YWCA Greenwich offer a trial soccer class leading up to an 8-week session. Ages 3, 4 & 5. YWCA Greenwich’s backyard, (near the tennis courts), 259 East Putnam Ave. Free and open to the community.
March 20
9 a.m.
March 23
CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253.
9:30 a.m.
12 p.m. Webinar: Bariatric Informational. March 22 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. 203-863-3598.
“Tod’s Point - Current Horticultural Projects” with Diana Klingner, Friends of Tod’s Point Board Member and Larry Imbrogno, Tod’s Point Resident Caretaker. Free. RSVP. LAND TRUST: March 24
March 23
4 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
Signs of Spring Amphibian Walk. Park and meet across from 17 South Sterling Rd. Pre-registration is required.
Webinar: The Importance of a Physical Exam. 6 p.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. 7 p.m. Webinar: Smilow Shares: Colorectal Cancer. March 24 10 a.m. Spinal Fusion Pre-Operative Video. Online. 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury. March 25 1 p.m.
GREENWICH BOTANICAL CENTER: March 22 3:30 p.m. GBC & Sam Bridge Nursery present Native Plants for Containers. Via Zoom. $30. Register. GRACE & HOPE SUNDAY FORUM: March 21 11 a.m. “What is a Gracist?” with Racial Reconciliation ministry leaders Adrienne and Stephen Reedy. Via Zoom. Free. Open to all. COMMUNITY GARDENS: events
8 p.m. Escape Egypt: Virtual Escape Room, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Free. Register. 203-858-6190. March 20 6 p.m. A Tribute to the Return of Live Music. The Pub at SLS, 86 Valley Rd. 203-6189036. March 25 7 p.m. Wines & Tapas of the Mediterranean. Register and pay online by March 21. The Pub at SLS, 86 Valley Rd. 203-6189036. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE: March 20 5 p.m. Concert OIF Women of Francophonie. Free and open to all. Via Zoom. March 24 1:30 p.m. Club de Lecture: “L’archipel d’une autre vie, Andrei Makine.” RSVP for a Zoom link. 5 p.m. ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ - join in for lively discussions on French films. Open to all. Donation. RSVP for a Zoom link. AMERICA’S BOATING CLUB: March 20 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Marine Engine Maintenance (6week session). ‘Hybrid’ In-person in Norwalk or Virtual Classroom Attendance. Register. 203-998-1864. CHORAL SOCIETY: March 23 7:30 - 9 p.m. Zoom rehearsals. No auditions are required to participate, just an interest in choral music. Every Tuesday. For more details contact admin@ GREENWICH ART SOCIETY: March 18 & 25 9 a.m. Workshop: Intro to Hand & Feet Drawing (March 18: Hands, March 25: Feet). In Studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. COMMUNITY CENTERS INC (CCI): Through March During the month of March, Community Centers, Inc. of Greenwich will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $3.00 reusable ‘GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS’ Bag at the ACME store located at 160 West Putnam Ave.
Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. (Meets twice per month).
March 24
6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
Through March 31
How to Ease Traffic Congestion in Greenwich. Via Zoom. Through the Greenwich Library. Free. Register.
“Spring into Undies” campaign money raised will be used to purchase underwear to donate to those who are less fortunate.
Webinar: Mobile Phone Apps for Patients. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pull-ups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Free Delivery 203-869-2299
Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave.
BRUCE MUSEUM: March 18 7 – 8:30 p.m. Bruce Experiences: Emily Mason: The Fifth Element – with David Ebony, Managing Editor of Art in America Magazine. Via Zoom. Advance registration required. March 20 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Art Workshop: llustrations with Emily Curran – Spring. Via Zoom.
INDIA CULTURAL CENTER: March 26 5 p.m. Exploring Asian Cuisines: learn how to make Easy Coconut Curry and Ladoo with Spices. Ages 5 to 18. Via Zoom. Free. A list of ingredients and zoom ID will be sent a week prior to the event.
Every occasion, every time ... professional, outstanding help at your service. It is about to get busy, so book now!
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
RTM Call Closes.
Through March 28
March 22
‘In Lost Landscape Revealed: Childe Hassam and The Red Mill, Cos Cob, Works by Hassam and Impressionist Artists Demonstrate Importance of Cos Cob in History of American Art’ exhibit.
5 p.m.
Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency Meeting. Via Zoom.
March 24
March 24
12:15 p.m. Weekly Wednesday lunch meeting. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. The bell will ring at 12:15pm. Jackets for men are required. $30.
12 p.m.
FS Waste Management Committee Web Meeting. Via Zoom. Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Free. Online. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Wednesday, by Appointment Only. Free.
Women in Journalism Panel discusses “Gloria: In Her Own Words.” Via Zoom. Register.
Nathaniel Witherell Board of Directors Meeting. 7 p.m.
FS Re-Imagine Greenwich Virtual Web Meeting. Via Zoom. 3:30 p.m.
5 p.m. Greenwich Public Schools 2021 Community Service Awards Ceremony. Virtual. 7 p.m.
Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing. Via Zoom.
March 24 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact admin@ for the meeting password.
March 25
March 26
March 18 7 p.m.
7:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Union Baptist Church, 805 Newfield Ave, Stamford. TOWN MEETINGS: March 19 12 p.m.
10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Board of Education Business Meeting. Old Greenwich School. OUR NEIGHBORING TOWNS
Through April 6 “DAZZLE: A Garden of Glass” by glass artist Peter Greenwood - art show. Tickets must be purchased online ahead of time. Free for ages 2 & under; $10 for children under 12 and seniors 62+; and $15 for adults. THE MARITIME AQUARIUM: March 19 11 a.m. Virtual Program: Fish Tales. Ages 1-5. Via Zoom. March 20 9 a.m. Virtual Scout Program: A Bear Goes Fishing Adventure. Via Zoom. Register. 7 p.m. Virtual Pajama Party. $20 per household ($15 per household for members). Seal Spotting & Birding Cruise March 20, 10:30am – 12:30pm & March 21, 11:30am – 1:30pm. Aquarium Dock, 10 N. Water St., Norwalk. $31.50. LOCKWOOD-MATHEWS MANSION MUSEUM: lockwoodmathewsmansion. com Through June 4
Let’s Talk: “How Much Should You Be Worrying About Your Children’s Gaming?” Via Zoom. Register. (Zoom calls are free). March 25 7:30 p.m.
The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum’s 8th Annual Young Writers’ Competition. Open to all middle school students 6th-8th grade in the Tristate area. Through June 4. 203-838-9799, ext. 6. education@lockwoodmathewsmansion. com
Colin Woodard: Views of Our “Union” By Anne W. Semmes Last Sunday morning aw a r d-w i n n i n g aut h o r a n d investigative journalist Colin Woodard took time of f from h is M a i ne home to add r e ss the Forum of Christ Church Greenwich, its parishioners and other interested parties, on the who, what, and why of his new book “Union – The Strug gle to Forge the Story of United States Nationhood.” It was an intriguing history lesson in this present day. The or ig i n of Woo da rd’s book was perhaps piqued by a cache of intellectuals believing there’s a need for a new US national history, “or possibly a renewed story, so as to provide us with a communal identity, that wou ld incor porate an understanding of our national origins of purpose.” Given that we have the ideals spelled out in the Declaration o f I n d e p e n d e n c e , Wo o d a r d wanted to jump forward to the 1820’s and tell the story of five prom i nent i nd iv idua ls w it h their competing visions of their new nation. “Because you can only understand where these ideas come from,” he told, “if you understand the people and the times and the combat that
was taking place, to gather and understand how they all came together, and how we ended up with the story or the myths as you might call them in the United States today.” Those f ive men included: New Englander George Bancroft, an historian and statesman, William Gilmore Simms, a southern writer and politician, Frederick Douglas, abolitionist and statesman, US President Woodrow Wilson, and Frederick Jackson Turner, historian and author of the “Frontier Thesis.” Hearing stories of these men “reads” like a novel. Bancroft believed the U.S. was a “Godchosen people,” that our country “was tasked with promoting human freedom and inalienable equality.” Simms believed, “that Jefferson was wrong when he wrote all humans are equal, that in fact, humans are not equal.” Frederick Douglas was “arguing for our civic national tradition… that in the end the U.S is about those ideals in the Declaration.” And under Woodrow Wilson, as president, in the 1910s-1920s, there was “an ethno-national vision that not everyone was entitled to self-government.” A n d l a s t l y, h o w F r e d e r i k Jackson Turner believed it was the West that had shaped the
Author Colin Woodard is the State and National Affairs Writer for the Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram. American people. In the Q&A, Woodard was asked what his prognosis was for unifying the country today. “The road ahead is difficult. The key things that need to be done is the rearticulation of what it is that holds us together, a strong r epud iat ion of t h i s A f r ic a n nationalist white supremacists’ model, and a defense of our basic liberal democracy.”
N e x t S u n d a y, M a r c h 21, the Christ Church For um Z o om will fe at ure , “W hat is Gracist? ” Racial Re c on c iliat ion mini st r y leaders Adrienne and Stephen Reedy work with Fairf ield Count y organizations to pursue reconciliation in their communities. For more information visit
Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
Andrew’s Studio Expressing Ideas in Music
By Anne W. Semmes
There is a special room at the Arch Street Teen Center equipped with that technology allowing students with a musical bent to bring something creative into being, a song, a message, a poem, or lyrics set to music, or a soundtrack to enhance a film. Since its opening in April of 2017, but for its unfortunate Covid-19 lock down last summer, the Andrew’s Studio has hosted hundreds of students, aged 12 to 24, finding their way to use that technology with help the Studio offers – for free - to express their ideas and inspirations. “The music that the kids are creating is awesome,” says Dexter Frisch, an electronic music specialist at age 26 who manages Andrew’s Studio, and when the pandemic lifts hopefully this summer, he will again be shepherding that flow of students from middle school up to college students’ home from their breaks wanting to finish up that piece of music. “Music is a huge part of Arch Street,” says Kyle Silver, executive director of the Teen Center. Like Frisch, Silver is temporarily “off campus” as Neighbor-to-Neighbor (in a new building stage) has moved into the Teen Center. “We've always had a lot of bands that actually started in the Teen Center,” says Silver, “Its where they started playing their first gigs. But we never had a way to produce it ourselves.” Until Lucy Rinaldi came to call, looking for a way “to help young adults find a clear direction in their lives.” Hadn’t her two sons enjoyed the time they spent at the Teen Center? Hadn’t there been discussions, Silver had recalled of creating a recording studio, and weren’t there two rooms “filled with junk” that could be transformed into a studio? Silver had pined for that studio since he first arrived at the Center 20 plus years ago. But in those techie days, “you would have needed half the building,” he says, “because the equipment at that time was so large.” But with today’s technology, “it could fit the space that we had in mind.” That Rinaldi - Silver meeting gave birth to the Andrew’s Studio. Hadn’t son Andrew played a couple of musical instruments? Yes, his first love was computers. “He was an absolute computing geek,” says Rinaldi, “He built his first green computer when he was 14.” At the time Andrew tragically passed in his sleep in 2016, age 24, he was working in cybersecurity, and designing a computer solely to crack passwords, says Rinaldi, “so that he could advise clients on how to make their passwords safe from everybody.” But she adds, “He adored electronic music of all kinds.” Rinaldi had found the way to translate all the extraordinary generosity she and her family, husband Marc and son Hugh had received they had placed in an Andrew’s Fund. Son Hugh had pointed the way with his idea that those funds be used “to help young adults find a clear direction in their lives.” And surely an Andrew’s Studio would be community building. “Kids would be coming to the Teen Center,” says Rinaldi, “rather than having them back home
Students getting coached with their music ideas by Dexter Frisch, manager of the Andrew’s Studio at the Arch Street Teen Center. doing stuff by themselves.” Dexter Frisch, a Greenwich High School graduate who lives in Riverside, sees Andrew’s Studio as “a good open door for the community. It was something that just didn't exist before. The other studios that were around, you'd have to go and pay money for it, so this was a free of charge program that was created for the community.” Frisch’s musical interests go from electronic to acoustic music he says. He cites most of the kids’ interest is in learning digital production. “Kids are interested in learning how to create music on the computer.” He adds, “They're creating something from the start. It's not always easy to create something and finish it and go through with it. So, I just give credit to those that try.” During school time students would book one-hour slots after school, “from about three o'clock to about seven o'clock.” Kyle Silver sees the generational shift in the creative efforts in Andrew’s Studio. “I've always thought music was a way for students to express themselves in a way that my generation journaled. But with technology it doesn't seem that students express themselves that way so much anymore.” Their journaling is being written in the music they’re creating, “how they were sort of seeing the world in
general, and how they autograph a song that kind of made sense to them under circumstances that they felt like they were facing at the time.” With the founding of another Andrew’s Studio in early 2018 at Domus Kids in Stamford that musical journaling is seen clearly in a collaborative effort, the Racial Harmony Project that kicked off last fall involving the Domus Andrew’s Studio, the Teen Center Andrew’s Studio and Christ Church Greenwich Youth as funded by the Andrews Fund. Rinaldi, as a member of Christ Church was encouraged to involve youth from her church and Andrew’s Studio with Domus leaders “to help us educate and talk to the participants about the racial issues and let them express their feelings and concerns.” That effort with 16 participants, aged 12-24, resulted in 13 musical pieces that were showcased at Christ Church, and are now being incorporated into a documentary film. Christ Church Director of Youth ministries Lauren Johnson found that Project involvement “super impactful for all our kids at Christ's Church,” she says. That for all participants, “It was something they really needed to be able to share their voice.” “I've always seen music as a form of creative therapy, and a way to connect with others that's generally hard to do in regular conversation,” confirms Jadon Washington, age 23, who leads the two-room Andrew’s Studio at Domus. That studio has worked with over 100 young adults, he says, ages 13 to the late 20’s. “We just give them that chance and allow them to have that space to just be free to create whatever they want and get those things off their chest that they need to.” Nick Frank, a freshman at UCONN and Greenwich High School graduate, had participated in the Racial Harmony Project as representing the Teen Center Andrew’s Studio. He’s found those he’s met at both studios to be “a positive group of people” and likes on his college breaks to be there for those new to that creative studio process, “if they need a friend or if they need help with something.” “Without my time spent with Dexter in Andrew's Studio,” says Frank, “I wouldn't be half the musician I am today.” He recalls a line in the film, “Singing in the Rain,” “when you sing something, you're saying it twice.” “The raw emotion behind writing lyrics and stuff like that,” says Frank, “is something that I struggle with, and Dexter has been there for me. So, the Studio definitely has had a huge impact on me as a person.” The third Andrew’s Studio opened at the Carver Center in Port Chester in January of 2019, with “big plans” for this spring and summer. The fourth Andrew’s Studio is soon to launch at the Boys & Girls Club in Stamford, with rumors of a fifth Studio perhaps in New Jersey. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e A n d r e w ’s S t u d i o s v i s i t
Botanical Center Presents Planting with Purpose The Greenwich Botanical Center is proud to present Planters with Purpose in collaboration with Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses. The event will feature Native Plants and Container Garden Specialist, Jen Plasky (AIFD, CANP), for a virtual lecture on using native plants in spring containers to attract beneficial pollinators. Join the Greenwich Botanical Center and Plasky this Monday, March 22 for the virtual lecture. The Greenwich Botanical Center launched its Native Habitat Virtual Lecture Series earlier this month with a lecture by Dr. Donald Leopold, chair of the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Plasky’s presentation will be the second in this series of lectures about the
ecological importance of native plants. Native plants promote biodiversity and the health of our ecosystems. They work in harmony with the f lora and fauna around them. Native plants are crucial for providing water, habitats, and food for wildlife. A veteran in her field, Jen Plasky is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, with a B.S. in Horticulture and an M.A. in Education. She is also an accredited member of the American Institute of Floral Designers and has worked in horticulture for 25 years in nurseries, garden centers, florists, and landscaping companies in both Connecticut and New York. Jen Plask y hopes to use her back g rou nd to in for m t he com mu n it y a bout accessible
ways in which anyone can become involved in sustainability. According to Plasky, “Elements and principles of design can be focused to create planters which have both visual and sustainable impact, allowing anyone to contribute to healthy ecosystems, even with limited space.” Plasky’s lecture will teach you how to apply principles of design to create planters that have both visual and sustainable impact. In native plant containers, combinations of plants that have interesting foliage shapes and textures, as well as blooms, are encouraged. In terms of their sustainable impact, foliage and blooms both serve as food sources for native insects and wildlife. Along with Jen Plasky, the Greenwich Botanical
Center is committed to promoting horticulture and conservation through educational programs. Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses focuses on native habitat restoration through education, like this series. The center invites anyone interested in becoming a more sustainable member of our community to join them for Plasky’s lecture this Monday, March 22 and more events coming up this Spring. Learn how to preserve pickled red onion with Chef Julia Blandori on March 31 and how to garden for bees, butterf lies, and other pollinators with author, Rhonda Fleming Hayes on April 1. All events are recorded for future access. Learn more about the Greenwich Botanical Center’s upcoming programs at
Always the Right Choice COME IN!! See our great selections!
The Native Habitat Virtual Lecture Series
Practicing strict social distancing. Masks required for your safety and ours.
All events are recorded for future access!
Wednesday, March 3
Native Plants of the Northeast: A Guide for Gardening and Conservation
Dr. Donald J. Leopold
Monday, March 22
Wednesday, March 31
GBC & Sam Bridge Nursery present Planters with Purpose
Deer Resistant Tips from a Neighbor
Jen Plasky, AIFD, CANP
GBC Neighbor Andy Chapin
Fine Wines | Spirits | Artisan Cheeses Craft Beer | Bar Accessories | Custom Gift Baskets Thursday, April 1 Pollinator Friendly Gardening, Gardening for Bees, Butterflies, and Other Pollinators Rhonda Fleming Hayes, Author
Thursday, April 7
Sustainable Habitats Using Native Vegetation to Manage Wildlife
Sarah Coccaro Greenwich Conservation Commission Resource Manager
Visit to sign up! Greenwich Botanical Center @greenwichbotanicalcenter
Free Local Delivery & Curbside Service Call us at (203) 489-3448 to place an order
102 Bruce Park Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 Mon - Sat: 9am - 9pm Sun: 10am - 5pm
7 Simple Steps to Spring Cleaning
Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Mike Astorino We welcome Spring with open arms after a long winter, but with the start of the new season also comes the often dreaded task of Spring cleaning. It can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! We’ve got some tips for simplified Spring Cleaning that will leave your home sparkling without the stress:
Luxury Goods of Greenwich is an enthusiastic buyer of new and gently used luxury items. Weof offer top dollar with Luxury Goods Greenwich is an for brands such as... immediate payment enthusiastic buyer of new and gently used luxury items. We offer top dollar with Gucci immediate payment for brands such as...
MAKE A LIST A daunting task like deep cleaning your home can feel much more manageable with a list. Break down your list by each room in your house, and what needs to be done in that room. Not only will you have the satisfaction of checking things off your list, but you will feel more motivated to get the entire house done. GET YOUR FAMILY INVOLVED Spring cleaning doesn’t need to be a one person job. The entire family can help with the various tasks that you have on your checklist. Get everyone involved by assigning different tasks to each member of your family, and try to make it fun. Turn up the music, and have a countdown. At the end of the cleaning session, go out and celebrate as a family. Knowing you have a clean, organized house to come home to will make it all worthwhile. ORGANIZE YOUR CLOSET With the weather warming up, you should change out your winter wardrobe for your spring/summer one. It’s important to have your winter clothing cleaned before you store them to help keep moths at bay. Plus, when you take your clothes out for next winter, they will be ready to wear - your future self will thank you! Our secret? Fabricare Cleaners. You can trust Fabricare with your favorite, hard-to-care-for winter fabrics – wool, cashmere, fur, down, etc – their professionals have expert knowledge on the best techniques & products to use on even the most delicate of fabrics. They will even store
any bulky winter coats, furs & blankets for you KEEP IT CLEAN until you are ready for them again so they are It can be a whole lot easier to keep your home out of your way. clean throughout the year, than having to do serious deep cleans every few months. Try CLEAR THE CLUTTER to maintain the new cleanliness around your Spring cleaning is a time to go through your home by dedicating 15 minutes a day to do entire house and try to clear some of the clutter. simple tasks like decluttering countertops, doing Go through each room, and decide what you a quick dusting of surfaces, wiping down the want to keep, sell, donate or toss. You will be kitchen and bathroom counters, vacuuming, shocked to see how many bags you have - some etc. You can do different tasks each day, but in to sell and some for donation. Fabricare Cleaners the long run, you will save yourself from doing a works with many local organizations in need massive deep clean if you tackle little chores for of clothing - they will pick up from your home 15 minutes each day. at no charge, and donate to those in need – just give them a call at 203-229-0001 to schedule a CALL IN THE PROFESSIONALS pick up, and they’ll handle the rest. Call in the experts at HomeCare by Fabricare to do the heavy lifting this year. The team of CLEAN INSIDE & OUT professionals are highly trained in all types of Spring means more outdoor time, so it’s time to fabric care, stain removal, and restoration, so get your patio & decks ready to enjoy! If you find you can trust them to leave your home cleaner, that your patio cushions need a good cleaning brighter, and dust-free! From rugs and carpets after being stored for the season, call in the to window treatments and upholstery to professionals at HomeCare by Fabricare. This bedding and much more, HomeCare will come division of Fabricare Cleaners are the experts to your home and clean nearly everything in on cleaning all types of materials from home your home so YOU don’t have to! Learn more at furnishings, including outdoor cushions. or call 203-957-3838.
New member inducted into the Rotary Club
On St Patrick’s Day, at the Greenwich Water Club, Suzanne Branch became the first new female member to be inducted into the Greenwich Rotary Club in 2021. Photo by Agathe Likoba
holding a discussion titled “How to Ease Traffic Congestion in Greenwich”. The talk will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and is part of a Wednesday environmental lecture series being held by Cos Cob library entitled “One Air, Water, and Land”.
HYATT REGENCY GIVES BACK This past Monday, The Hyatt Regency Hotel organized a drive-thru dinner handout for active and laid-off Hyatt employees. The drive-thru dinners included a fully prepared multi-course meal for families of up to four to enjoy. Throughout the day, between 80-100 meals were handed out.
GIRL SCOUT SEASON Girl Scout cookie season is finally upon us! Local Girl Scout troops will be selling their cookies at various Greenwich locations
Works has announced that the intersection improvement project at the intersection of Greenwich Ave and Elm Street will begin on Monday, March 22. Work on the intersection will be occurring between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. The Pin Oak in front of TD Bank could be cut down and replaced with seven new Willow Oak trees, but engineers are waiting for a resolution to an appeal sent to the tree warden. New planting beds will be installed, CHEF BRIAN LEWIS TO BRING bike racks, new benches, relocated lighting, “THE COTTAGE” TO GREENWICH newspaper stands, and new trash containers. Construction is estimated to last 12 weeks. Brian Lewis, owner and chef of OKO and The Cottage, announced that he will GHS ROOTS AND SHOOTS CLUB be bringing The Cottage to Greenwich. The Cottage will be located at 49 Greenwich PARTNERS WITH SANDY HOOK PROMISE Avenue, and will feature seasonal ingredients sourced from local vendors, purveyors, and This past week, the Greenwich High farmers. The opening date has not yet been School Roots & Shoots Club, in partnership announced, but is set for late 2021. with Sandy Hook Promise, participated in National Say Something Week in order to INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT teach students how to look for and act on the warning signs of someone at risk of hurting PROJECT CONTINUES themselves or others. The Greenwich Department of Public this month, and will also be collecting donations for Cookies for Heroes, a program that sends cookies to veterans and those currently serving in the U.S. military. This annual cookie-selling program teaches Girl Scouts business management, goal-setting, sales, and customer service skills. For a full schedule of cookie booths, you can visit
Louis Vuitton Gucci Hermès Louis Vuitton & Chanel. Hermès & Chanel.
Located inside The Happy Coin. Located 203-340-9778 inside The Happy Coin. 203-340-9778
Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt
Editorial Page CARTOON
EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Blanket Zoning is Not for Greenwich UPDATED FROM THE PRINT EDITION: This week’s issue of the Greenwich Sentinel is full of information about several bills before the state legislature that would dramatically alter state zoning laws. House Bill 6107 would remove zoning authority from our local Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission. The Office of Policy and Management in Hartford would then oversee all Greenwich P&Z issues. In its place it would mandate state-wide zoning that would call for a corridor of multi-family housing within one half mile of a transportation hub. This new housing would be required to have a minimum of four units. For 10 units or more 10 percent would need to be set aside to meet affordable housing requirements. What does this mean for us here in Greenwich? It means we lose the ability to regulate building scale and density in the neighborhoods surrounding our train stations. This can drastically affect both the character and value of these parts of town. Take a drive around Cos Cob or Riverside stations and imagine what those areas would be like with large multifamily houses where there are currently single-family homes.
“I cannot state in strong enough terms that onesize-fits-all, Hartforddriven mandates that weaken local control of authority is both not needed and potentially very dangerous." Earlier this week, the Planning and Development Committee of the legislature held a public hearing on the bill. As you might imagine, it was a popular hearing with passion on both sides of the issue. Our First Selectman Fred Camillo testified and said: “I cannot state in strong enough terms that one-size-fitsall, Hartford-driven mandates that weaken local control of authority is both not needed and potentially very dangerous. Any legislative proposal that threatens the streetscape and architectural consistency of neighborhoods in every municipality in the state of Connecticut by taking away local decision-making will devalue property, hurt tax revenues, clutter streets, and take away from the beauty of the local neighborhoods that we call home.” We agree. To be clear, we do not oppose housing density or affordable housing. Both are needed to create a vibrant community. We encourage developers and our P&Z to continue to increase both forms of housing. There are appropriate locations throughout town where these developments would fit nicely. What we do oppose is the concept of one-size-fits-all. It does not work for Greenwich, the same as it does not for Norwalk, or even Hartford. Our communities are too nuanced for a centralized decision-making process to be able to understand them. This bill should never make it out of committee. It will forever alter the landscape of our town if it does. At the hearing on Monday, one of the most eloquent comments we heard was from Representative Stephanie Thomas of Norwalk. A first term Democrat who has a great deal of experience on Norwalk’s P&Z and grew up in affordable housing, she too expressed concern about giving up local control of P&Z. One of the most disturbing and frankly outrageous and irresponsible comments came during New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker’s testimony. In his comments he confirmed his accusation that Greenwich actively uses zoning to keep minorities out of our community. He said, “Places like Greenwich and Woodbridge and New Canaan and other towns are using zoning to keep out communities of color. Let’s be clear about it.” This is a serious accusation. When asked for evidence, Mr. Elicker could provide none. His comments were baseless and inflammatory. He should apologize to the Greenwich P&Z Commission. As an elected official, he should know better. We are pleased that Representatives Harry Arora and Kimberly Fiorella have stood up against the proposed legislation and Mr. Elicker. However, we wonder where Senator Alex Kasser and Representative Steve Meskers stand? On a legislation that could alter our community dramatically they have been remarkably quiet. Do they also agree with Mr. Elicker’s comments about our P&Z acting illegally? They should join the call for him to provide evidence or apologize. Their silence is becoming deafening.
Zoning Bills Marked by Confusion, Rancor
By Rep. Kimberly Fiorello I n t he G enera l A ssem bly, Monday’s 24 hour-long Planning and Development Com m ittee P u bl ic He a r i n g showe d t h at the debate surrounding statemandated local zoning has become even more charged. This was made clear when Mayor Justin Elicker of New Haven accused the town of Greenwich of presently using zoning laws to discriminate against people of color. This was how he justified the need to pass state-mandated local zoning laws. If you are for the legislation, you are applauded; if you are against it, you run the risk of being publicly maligned. T her e wer e 3 4 1 sp e a ker s signed up to testify, but the meeting was slow-going due to the many questions being asked of the proponents of the bills. At the 24th hour mark, there were still about 100 folks waiting to have their voices heard, but they did not get the chance. There was a lot of confusion about the bills. Are these zoning ideas new mandates or suggested guidelines? Could increasing septic capacity hurt ground water? Will having no parking requirements mean more on-street parking? Is it realistic to expect future residents to not own a car and assume they will use public transport or rideshares, like Uber and Lyft? Are the bills about more affordable housing or about more marketbased housing? STATEMENT
Remarkably, the bills to upend local zoning controls are about market-based housing. The bills’ intent is to remove barriers and reduce costs to developers, so there will be a building surge i n C o n n e c t i c ut . G u e s s w h o was on the list to testify? The Homebuilders and Remodelers Association of Connecticut and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 326. I t ’s s i m p l e s u p p l y - a n d demand, says Sara Bronin, founder of DesegregateCT whose website touts that “SB1024 An Act Concerning Zoning Authority, Certain Design Guidelines, Qualification of Certain Land Use Off icials, and Certain Sewage Disposal Systems” contains all of her proposals -- as-of-right multiunit buildings on main streets and by transit stations, formbased zoning for buildings and streetscapes, reduced parking requirements, removal of the word “character,” and more. Consider these facts about Connecticut’s housing market. Connecticut housing prices have been the slowest in the country to increase in value for the last thirty years. Since 1991, Constitution State homeowners have watched other states’ housing markets appreciate, while their’s performed worst in the country, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency. In the bottom three, West Virginia and Illinois outpaced Connecticut. Nationally, severe housingburden for households, meaning housing costs eat up at least half of one’s monthly income, is greater on the West Coast and in the South than in New England, according to a Bloomberg CityLab report. However, for those who are suffering severe housing-burdens in Connecticut, the problem of
having low incomes and high costs will not be helped by flooding the housing market with new multiunit apartments near transit or commercial corridors. These can be some of the most expensive and already dense plots in any town. Speaking of income, through 2019, Connecticut was on an eightyear losing streak of suffering net losses of residents. According a 2018 study by the Connecticut Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth, Connecticut’s higher-income-earning individuals who left were replaced by those earning less. And, during COVID despite unprecedented federal unemployment assistance pushing up personal income nationally, Connecticut ranked second-tolast for personal income growth, according to a Feb 2021 analysis by Pew Charitable Trusts. Still, amazingly, in the last 18 years, the greatest amount of new affordable housing in our state was built in the towns of southwestern Connecticut. According to the state Department of Housing, 48% of all new DOH-defined 8-30g affordable housing was built in the region of Western Connecticut Council of Governments (which includes Greenwich and Stamford, up to Westport.) This was accomplished through the creative-thinking and innovations of the dedicated local citizens, who serve on town zoning commissions. As for the proponents pointing to data on the DesegregateCT website proving Connecticut is the most segregated state in the country, there is also data at the WestCOG website that proves Con ne c t ic ut i s not t he mo st segregated state in the country. On the national Dissimilarity Index, a commonly-used measure of residential segregation, Connecticut is above middle of the pack at #16
for having diversity. During the hearing, irony was lost on some of the legislators who expressed how much they valued each citizen’s voice. Yet, the bills they were supporting would nearly eliminate public hearings for local zoning applications, thus silencing the public input they seemed so much to appreciate. Worse, SB102 4 says, “any aggrieved party alleging that the zoning regulations of a municipality are noncompliant…may f ile an application in the superior court…” (lines 357 to 364). This would allow any “aggrieved party” to bypass the local zoning appeals board and go directly to court. And elsewhere, SB1024 says, “If a municipality fails to adopt new regulations or amend existing regulations by June 1, 2022…any noncompliant existing regulation shall become null and void…” (lines 484 to 491). The end result? A feeble, shrinking local voice. W h at a r e t h e c h a n c e s o f Hartford legislators passing such a radical change to Connecticut’s timeless Home Rule tradition? Ve r y h i g h g i ve n t h at t h e Democrat party enjoys a widemargin of votes in both Houses and the Governorship in our one-partyrule state. Signs are showing that they know their “medicine” is not popular, but they know better. So, state-takeover-of-local-zoning bills are showing up in various forms in different committees, including Housing, Planning & Development, Transportation and even Public Health. Now more than ever, individual freedom calls for vigilance. I hope you will make your local voice heard. Call Senate Dems at 860240-8600, House Dems at 860240-8500, and Governor Lamont at 860-566-4840.
Joint Response to Elicker Claims
Gr e enw ich St ate Representatives Kimberly Fiorello and Harry Arora responded to New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker's claims during a recent public hearing where he asserted that G r e e nw i c h a n d ot h e r tow n s actively use their zoning laws and regulations to prevent people of color and low income individuals from moving into their respective communities. The hearing, held by the legislature's Planning and Development Committee, invited public testimony on several bills related to local zoning. "Mayor Elicker’s
inflammatory statement is a gross mischaracterization of Greenwich a nd ot he r tow n s ," s a id R ep. Fiorello. "This baseless accusation is purposeful in pitting neighbor against neighbor. This rhetoric cannot go unchallenged. If he has proof that Greenwich or any town or city is actively using zoning laws to discriminate, I urge him to go to the proper authorities. If he does not have proof, then he must issue an apology retracting his statement. I would like to inform Mayor Elicker and anyone else who has preconceived notions about Greenwich, that the people of
Greenwich come from all different walks of life, each adding to the depth and humanity of our town. I have faith that, as a leader, Mayor Elicker will do the right thing, as I am sure he would not appreciate such aspersions cast on his city, which is so rich in history and community." "I denounce New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker's malicious remarks during this week's public hearings, calling, my town - where my family and I call home - a racist community without any corroboration or proof. As the mayor of the second biggest city in Connecticut, Mayor
Elicker's comments are outrageous and completely irresponsible," said Rep. Arora. "As a state lawmaker, who happens to be a minority, I call on the mayor to issue a formal apology to Greenwich and its proud residents. I love my community and the diverse people who reside here. If Mayor Elicker truly wishes to address the important issue of affordable housing in Connecticut, I invite him to reach out so that we may work together in a collegial and collaborative manner to develop a solution that works for the entire state and truly brings the reform he advocates for."
Camillo’s Response to Undue Affordable Housing Criticism
The recent comments of New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker in regards to Greenwich and our zoning regulations was off base, inflammatory, and divisive. Greenwich is a Town with a housing authority, which oversees more than 1,250 af fordable housing units recog nized by the state Department of Economic Community Development.
T h e aut h o r it y, r e c e nt l y renamed Greenwich Communities, has spent more than $27 million on af fordable housing in the past f ive years alone. Mor e over, ou r Pla n n i ng & Zoning Commission is coming before the Board of Selectmen next week to present a pu blic-pr ivate p a r t n e r sh ip t h at wou l d establish a housing trust
fund. All this was and is b ei ng done on t he lo c a l level, and not compelled by those at the state Capitol 86 miles to the north. I wou ld l i ke to t ha n k Mayor Elicker for returning my call. I enjoyed our conversation and look forward to work ing with him in the future on issues important to both of our municipalities as well as the
other 167 in Connecticut. I n t he me a nt i me , I w i l l stand by ready to correct the record when any misstatement of fact, slander, or attack on my h o m e tow n i s m a d e . We are proud of our record, and look forward to being the best we can as we go forward. First Selectman, Fred Camillo
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The Minimum Wage – An Apolitical Column
By Patricia Chadwick Some issues have outsized importance. Do you remember that mix of uncertainty and excitement when you started your first fulltime job? Your first day, when you had to show up at nine o’clock and stay until five in the afternoon, or some equivalent of a 40-hour work week? Do you remember the hourly rate of that first job? I’m imagining that many of you do, because a first job is a significant new phase of life, a milestone – one that marks independence, autonomy and authority over your own life. My e x p e r ie nc e i s a v iv id memory. I was offered my first job in June 1967 – as a typing teacher at the Hickox Secretarial School in Boston. There was no bargaining about what my pay would be; it was simply presented to me. “And you will be paid two dollars an hour, which will come to $80 a week. And we pay at the end of each month.” A r u s h o f t h o u g ht s we nt through my mind – Wow, I have a job! was the first one because without that I would have been on the street. The second was a dilemma – How will I survive
a whole month before I get my paycheck? which I figured I could resolve if I showed my letter of employment to the matron at the YWCA, the place I had chosen as home because I believed it was the safest and cheapest place to live. The third was a quick calculation that brought with it a sense of gratification – At least I’m making more than the minimum wage!, which I knew to be $1.40. Congress created the national minimum wage in 1938, three years after President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. Both were products born of the economic devastation wrought by The Great Depression and neither legislation at the time included a cost-of-living adjustment. The quadrupling of the price of oil in 1973 severely rattled through the economy, ratcheting up inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which reached 11% in 1974. Senior citizens raised an outcry as they watched the buying power of both their f ixed pensions and their social security income eroded by soaring inflation. When united around an issue, senior citizens carry immense sway with politicians because they constitute a strong and reliable voting bloc. Congress heeded the protests of its elderly constituents and in 1975 it passed legislation that attached an automatic annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to social security payments that was pegged to the CPI. The change pr o duce d sig n i f ic a nt a n nua l
increases in income – as much as 14% in 1981 and 11% in 1982. On the other hand, most of the workers who receive the federal minimum wage are either young (it being their f irst job) or unskilled – neither of whom wield political clout. That lack of voice has cost them dearly. Had Cong ress prov ide d t he sa me annualized cost-of-living benefit to the minimum wage in 1975, when the hourly rate was $2.10, it would be $10.54 today, 45% higher than the current $7.50. Tragically, it’s closing on twelve years since the federal government has approved any increase to the rate. The obvious problem with a national minimum wage is that it cannot reflect the vast divergence in regional variations in the cost
of l iv i ng across t he cou nt r y. Fortunately, only twenty states currently follow the federally mandated minimum hourly wage – the rest have adopted higher rates. Importantly, too, many cities have legislated rates above their own state’s minimum, reflecting the need to more realistically reflect local economic conditions. It is encouraging to note that today less than 2% of hourly workers in A merica are paid the federal minimum wage, a significant decline from around 15% in the early 1980s. Still – that two percent of workers need to be dignified with a minimum wage that doesn’t automatically relegate them to poverty and make them beholden to Government handouts. Corporate America,
particularly the retail industry, (think: Walmart, Home Depot, A ma zon, L owes, Ta rget) has been instrumental in adopting and promoting starting hourly wages well in excess of the current federal minimum. In addition, those companies (and many more across the country) offer health care benefits and employee stock purchase plans that not only cover medical needs, but also allow employees to build wealth for their retirement. In a country as prosperous and successful as ours, it seems unconscionable to be allowed to pay a wage so low that a hardworking employee is required to seek government assistance in order to have minimally adequate food, shelter and clothing. But
that is the current situation with a federal minimum hourly wage still stuck at $7.50. So, what is the right and fair minimum hourly rate? Senator Joe Manchin is correct when he opposes a doubling in the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. A state like West Virginia, (which he represents) already pays 17% more than the federally required rate but would face serious economic consequences if forced to pay $15 per hour. Sometimes a measure of common sense goes a long way a nd it seems to me that somewhere between $10.50 and $11.00, approximately the inflationadjusted rate since 1975, would preser ve the real purchasing power of the minimum wage. States and cities would be free, as they are now, to set their own higher rates. Adding an annual COL A t ie d to t he C PI wou ld provide additional security against inflation creep and would solve the problem of making the minimum hourly wage a political football every decade. Let’s remember - the ultimate purpose of a decent minimum wage is to allow a person to live in dignity. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. Her recently published memoir, Little Sister, the story of her unusual childhood growing up in a cult, is now available in paperback. She is currently working on her second book, Breaking Glass, about her “growing up” on Wall Street. www.
Now with COVID Billions, Is It Time for a Conn. Income Tax Cut?
By Tony Turner As a result of the American Rescue Plan (e.g., the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill) becoming law, Conn. state government will receive approximately $2.6 billion and our cities and towns $3.4 billion. Given this, we should pause to consider what a possible once in a life-time opportunity these funds may be creating for the people of our state both now and in the long term. H e r e ’s t h e f i n a n c i a l background. The Conn. two-year state budget for fiscal years 20222023 now under consideration by the General Assembly was projected to have just under a $2 billion deficit before the American Rescue Plan was signed into law. Our state’s rainy-day fund is already at a record level of $3.5 billion. So, for the math, we are about to be flush with cash to the tune of approximately $4.1 billion, derived from the reserve of $3.5
By Jennifer Dayton W hat wou ld be budgeted, if a town had a desire for smart growth? A tourist destination connected to Long Island Sound and the Arts? A Main Street that by design encouraged business-tobusiness cross-pollination? A train station that encouraged consumers to disembark? Of course. Not so fast, say the actions of many on the
billion plus $2.6 billion state COVID relief funds and less the $2 billion deficit, all resulting in a balanced budget. However, we must remind ourselves that we have material financial challenges. To wit, we have one of the highest total tax rates in the country, and the highest debt obligation of any state, allocating 31 percent o f s t a t e r e ve n u e t o b o n d , pension, and retirement health obligations, according to Moody’s A naly tics. Our ma x imum marginal tax rate is the highest in the U.S. coming in at 6.99 percent vs. Massachusetts at 5.2 percent and 6.37percent for the second highest tax bracket for New Jersey and New York, all according to i-calculatorUS. puts Conn. at 50th in overall effective state and local tax rates and 47th and 48th in vehicle property taxes and real estate taxes, respectively. According to recent studies by two national moving companies, United and North American Van Lines, these facts combined with a so-so job market (with Amazon passing over Conn. for a second time to locate here) are two of the reasons we saw more residents move out than relocate to CT
Board of Estimate and Taxation. Maintenance on old assets should crowd out new proposals, as stated in an op-ed in this newspaper, by one member of the BET. Un for t u nately, it app e a rs new assets are headed to a future budget, not this one. No one doubts the BET is expert at taxation. But the other half of its name is “Estimate,” a judgment of worth. The worth of Greenwich is our collective assets. Assets are also magnets of attraction for employees and businesses, distinguishing one town from another. When a portfolio of town assets isn’t becoming diversified, it’s time to reassess the town’s capital investment strategy. Projects that are not growth-
A full employment economy is bound to expand and that should be our goal. Let’s do a little more math. in 2020, all mainly led by those 55 years old and over. Our state ranked 50th in job growth in 2019 and last for wage growth for the last 11 years. According to the CT Department of Labor’s report r e l e a s e d l a s t N o v e m b e r, Connecticut ranked 50th in job growth in 2019; and we lost 122,500 jobs in 2020. And to add to the grim news, our state was also last for wage growth from 2010 to 2019. Next, take Hartford, our capitol city. It ranked 46th among state capitols in unaffordability, economic wellbeing, education, health and quality of life.The truth of the matter is that we have something fundamentally wrong with our state economy. So, what do we do with the cash of $4.1 billion and now a balanced budget? Maybe it’s time for a corporate and individual income tax cut. Successfully coping with the COVID-19 pandemic of course is top priority. Next, we must focus
on the CT economy, to make our state a destination for new and expanding job markets. We need to move ahead on a series of serious and material tax reduction changes with a view to bringing more jobs to our state. A full employment economy is bound to expand and that should be our goal. Let’s do a little more math. Decreasing our corporate tax rates, and individual income tax rates from 6.99% to a lower, more competitive rate would mean a loss in revenues that would now be affordable, even if in a single fiscal year; though affordable however, doing so in a single year may not be prudent. Better would be a phase-in over three or four years making for a sound decision and a safe step-by-step process to ensure we have it right. From a benchmark ing standpoint, let’s look at what other states are considering or have done as of this writing and as per my research. The states of Georgia, West
oriented survived the BET Budget Committee. It points to an approach that prioritizes assets with feebased revenue paid by taxpayers to town coffers, such as admissions paid to a better ice rink or rentals paid to a better civic center. While they are worthy projects and do conserve failing assets, we can do better. Residents have a voice in balancing the prevailing v iew on the BET. That is the reason our Plan of Conservation and Development rests with the Representative Town Meeting. Do elected officials pay attention to the fundamentals of economic development? Consider the list of identified BET Budget Com m ittee cuts: reimag ining the Greenw ich
w ate r f r ont ; r e de sig n i n g ou r main shopping street; improving transportation for people, in short, economic development. These i mpr ove me nt s w i l l ge ne rate different revenue streams - to the private sector. If not now, when is a better time for economic growth? If not here, where is Connecticut’s growth engine for the knowledge economy? Choices forced by cuts are becoming more and more bizarre: considerations for one school versus another; considerations for one sport versus another. Residents f ind it hard to understand why they have access to a pleasant island ferry terminal but an unpleasant central train terminal. Not only do cuts have
Virginia, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma have advanced legislation to provide a wide variety of tax cutting reform measures. They range from cutting taxes and raising the standard deduction on state income tax returns, proposing a full phase out of the state income tax, cutting taxes by $540 million mainly by allowing people who received Paycheck Program loans from the federal government to deduct related purchases on their 2020 state taxes, to reducing corporate taxes, and personal income taxes to below 5 percent all-the-while even phasing out the corporate income tax over five years. Tax reforms like these will have benefits both in the short and long terms. It’s likely our bond rating would improve from its current A+ rating, reducing the cost of debt for new financings or possibly allowing some paydown of debt, or both. And tax cuts could be a negotiating tool for
unintended consequences, they speak to a mindset of looking inward, not outward to the future of Greenwich. The most common argument against more capital investment is as follows: the schools have a limited timeframe for construction (summer) and therefore Greenwich is constrained in executing more capital projects. However, no such constraints exist to execute p r o p o s e d d ow ntow n c ap it a l projects. Any timing decisions on town projects are a matter of policy. Nothing makes a start impossible on town and school projects, with incoming federal stimulus funds. The moment to recog n ize an opportune time for economic development to diversify town
lowering pay increases with state pensioners. The point is that cutting corporate and individual income tax rates could have a multi-faceted positive effect for the greater good. I t ’s t i m e C o n n . a c t i n some form as these examples demonstrate affordability. Best of all, they make for good common sense . At a m i n i mu m, ou r options should be put through rigorous analysis so as to not miss any opportunity and realize what could be a new beginning for the state. If not, we will find ourselves in a continued economic stalemate, still last in many categories and having squandered away a once in a lifetime opportunity. Tony Turner most recently ser ved as a member of the Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation and former founder and CEO of an online regulatory software company based in Conn; he is currently the founder and CEO of My Voting Power Greenwich (MVPGreenwich), a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to enabling ease of voting and more informed voter decisions by 18–35-year-olds. He resides in Old Greenwich, CT.
assets is now. To compete for talent and to reap benefits of our emerging recovery, it’s time for smart grow th. Committing to smart growth will create a virtuous cycle of attracting consumers, pedestr ia ns, bikers, boaters, commuters, visitors, businesses, employees and residents. Let’s help the First Selectman make his downtown plan a reality by our choices in municipal elections. If you need inspiration, play the 1964 song, “Downtown - Don't wait a minute more - Downtown.” Je nnife r D ay ton work s to increase civic engagement at the local, regional and statew ide levels. She has ser ved on the Representative Town Meeting and the Greenwich Board of Education.
Fred Camillo Testimony for SB 1037 SB 1027 is the classic win-win for municipalities, the state, and the Thank you for allowing me to testify this morning. Having served on this very committee over a Good morning, Ranking Sen. decade ago, I appreciate the work Cohen, Rank ing Rep. Gresko, you all are doing to keep our state R a n k i ng S enator M i ner, a nd green, clean, and healthy! It is also Ranking Rep. Harding…
By Fred Camillo
great to see you all again, even if only virtually. I am testif y ing today in support of SN 1037, AAC Solid Waste Management. This bill will expand the number of bottles and
cans that carry a deposit, thus creating an opportunity to have even more items disappear from our municipal solid waste streams. When first enacted in 1980, many products did not exist and this,
in addition to the aforementioned chance to reduce waste, is just bringing the bill up to the present day. The bill also raises handling fees, which if enacted, would bring Connecticut in line with neighboring states as well help k e e p r e d e m p t i o n c e nt e r s i n business and avoid the cost shifting to municipalities and when these centers are forced to close due to low revenues. This in itself, is a job saver.
When we expanded the bottle bill to include water bottles a few years back, I immediately noticed less debris on roads, in parks, and at fields. That proved to have a positive effect on the Environment and lighten the tonnage of municipal solid waste. SB 1027 is the classic win-win for municipalities, the state, and the Environment. Thank you for your time and consideration on this important bill.
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Worship Services Information
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. The Glory of Christ: Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6-7pm, Chapel. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95A Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:203:50pm. Easter Food Drive: parishioners are invited to contribute $10, $20, $25 or more gift card of either “ShopRite” or “Stop & Shop” or “Cash Donations”, please put it in an envelope and drop it off in the Sunday collection baskets or at the rectory. Palm Sunday - March 28 Masses: Sat, 4pm (also available livestream); Sun, 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am. Confessions: March 30, 5-7pm, in the Church (No Appointment Necessary). Holy Thursday - April 1: Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 6:30pm (also available livestream); Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, until 11pm. Good Friday - April 2: Passion of the Lord, 3pm (also available livestream); Stations of the Cross, 6pm, in Person in the Church. Holy Saturday - April 3: Easter Vigil, 7:30pm (also available livestream). Easter Sunday - April 4 Masses: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am. *Mass registration is needed for all masses - call or text 203-559-9256 or email St. Catherine and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri (sign-in at church required): Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory (mask & social distance required): 5:15-5:45pm. Sat (1st Sat of the month): Confessions at St. Agnes Church – in-person (specific dates in the bulletin), 3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm (sign-up required). Sun: Distribution of Holy Communion Masses at front door of Rectory (mask & social distance required), 7:30-8am; St. Agnes Church – in-person, 8:30am (sign-up required); St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 10:30am (sign-up required); Language Masses at St. Agnes Church – in-person (sign-up required), 11am, Parish Hall (French: 2nd Sun of month; Italian: 3rd Sun of month; Spanish: 4th Sun of month); Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory, 5-5:30pm (mask & social distance required). Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). Lenten Retreat in Daily Life (geared for adults – resources for 40 days with weekly Zoom check-ins): through March 28, sign-up at Stations of the Cross: Deacon Eduardo Rodrigues: March 19, 7pm; Deacon Robert Henry: March 26, 7pm, St. Catherine Church, sign in required. St. Catherine Church, sign in required. Seven Last Words of Christ Jesus on the Cross: March 21, 6:30pm, St. Catherine Church (Livestreamed only, no in-person attendance). Holy Week: Vigil Mass of Palm Sunday: March 27, 5pm, St. Catherine Church & Livestreamed into Lucey Parish Hall. Palm Sunday Mass: March 28: 7:30am, St. Catherine Church & Livestreamed into Lucey Parish Hall; 8:30am, St. Agnes Church; 10:30am, St. Catherine Church & Livestreamed into Lucey Parish Hall; 5pm, St. Catherine Church & Livestreamed into Lucey Parish Hall. Teenled Stations of Cross: March 28, 7:30pm, St. Catherine Church. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). Lent: Stations of the Cross: Fridays, through March & April 12, 7pm. Via Crucis (en Español): Fridays of Lent, 7pm, in the Chapel. Daily Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm, through March 31. Sacrament of Reconciliation – Confessions heard in the Church: every Saturday, 2:45-3:45pm; March 29, 3-9pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: Mass, 9am (In-person & Live Stream); Confessions, 3:15-3:45pm; Vigil Mass, 4pm
(In-person only); Vigil Mass, 5pm (In-person & Live Stream). Sun: 7:30, 9 (In-person & Live Streamed), 10:30am, 12 & 5pm (In-person only). Mon: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Tue: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Wed: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30am-8pm; Confessions, 9:30-10:30am & 7-8pm. Thu: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Fri: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm. (Log onto the website at to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). Stations of the Cross: Fridays, 6:30pm. *All Masses are in person & live stream. Palm Sunday - March 28: *Saturday Vigil Masses: 4 & 5pm; *Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9, 10:30am, 12 & 5pm. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421
Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Livestreamed, 10-11am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-5318741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at wordonfire. org/daily-mass. Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. Weekday Masses are available – to place a request, call Rose at 203531-8741. Fridays in Lent: 9am Mass each Friday during Lenten Season followed by The Stations of the Cross. Bereavement Group: March 4, 5-6:30pm, in the Parish Hall (meets every other week), contact Dianne Deachan at 914-327-0447 or with any questions. First Friday Devotion: March 5, 9am Mass. First Saturday Devotion: March 6, 9am, in the Church. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live teleconference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Worship, Children’s Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. Book Group: ‘Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life’ by Karen Armstrong: March 21, 28, 1pm, on Zoom. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: Virtual Worship: every Sunday, 10am, via live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM or 105.5 FM). Connect during the week: Wed: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by the Ministerial Staff); Fri: Friday Email Blast (sign up through the website); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am (preschoolers-grade 6). Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. Reopening the church on Palm Sunday: March 28, 10am, Meetinghouse, advance registration required. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm, (Livestream also available). Traditional Sunday Service: 8:30 & 10:30am, (Livestream available for 10:30am). Check for details & signup at EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/on-demand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand).
Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/ on-demand). Lenten Virtual Food Drive: Help support Neighbor to Neighbor. ‘40 Acts of Kindness’: commit to doing 40 acts of kindness this Lent. Inspirica Dinners: join Christ Church in providing dinner for Inspirica. Contemplative Prayer Exploration Group: Mondays in March, 12pm, via Zoom. Fire & Wood: Thursdays through March 25, 7-8pm, via Zoom. Sunday Forum: “Union: The Struggle to Forge the Story of United States Nationhoo,” with New York Times historian and journalist Ben Woodard, 11am, via Zoom. Starting March 15: Sacred Ground - a 10-session film-based, small group dialogue series on Race and Faith, RSVP to Holy Week: Palm Sunday – March 28: Communion Service: 8am (in-person); Blessing of the Palms and Spiritual Communion, 10am, (in-person & livestream), register; Drive Thru Blessing, 12pm, Tomes-Higgins driveway; ‘Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater’, 5pm, Church (inperson & livestream). Characters at the Cross: March 29-31, 12pm, Facebook Live. Maundy Thursday - April 1: 7:30pm, Church (in-person & livestream). Good Friday - April 2: Liturgy & music by the Choir of Men & Teen Boys, 1pm, Church (in-person & livestream); A performance of Philip Moore’s new work, Via Crucis, 5pm, Church (in-person & livestream). Holy Saturday - April 3: Candlelit Vigil Service, 7:30pm, Church (in-person & livestream). Easter Sunday - April 4: Service of Communion, 8am, outside the TomesHiggins House (in-person). St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: 2sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. Palm Sunday - March 28: Live & Virtual Holy Eucharist, 10am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship Service: Sun, 10:15am, live online. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. Living Well Through Lent Series: Sundays, 11:30am, via Zoom. Bible Study During Lent - A Special Series from King’s College London: Tuesdays, 10:30am, via Zoom. Palm Sunday - March 28: Worship Service in the Sanctuary (registration required), 8am; Outdoor Worship Service on the Meadow, 11am. March 29: Evening Prayer, 7pm, via Zoom. March 30: Evening Prayer, 7pm, via Zoom. March 31: Tenebrae Worship Service in the Courtyard, 7pm. Maundy Thursday - April 1: Worship Service in the Sanctuary (registration required), 7pm. Good Friday - April 2: Worship Service in the Courtyard, 7pm. Easter Vigil - April 3: Worship Service in the Sanctuary (registration required), 7pm. Easter -April 4: Worship Service in the Sanctuary (registration required), 9am; Outdoor Worship Service in the Meadow, 11am. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Erev Shabbat Before Passover - March 26: Morning Service, 6:50am; Sell & Burn Chometz by 11:57am; Light Candles - Blessing 1, 6:55pm. Shabbat & First Seder Night: Morning Service, 8am; Finish Eating Chometz by 10:53am; Nullify Chometz by 11:57am; Light Candles AFTER this time, from a pre-existing flame - Blessings 2 & 4 7:56pm; Mincha & Evening Service , 7:56pm; Outdoor Seder at Deren Home, 8:15pm. First Day of Passover/Second Seder Night March 28: Morning Services, 10am; Evening Services, 7:50pm; Light Candles AFTER this time, from a pre-exciting flame - Blessings 2 & 4, 7:57pm; Outdoor Seder at Deren Home, 8:15pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www.congregationshirami. org All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. “Can I Be an Atheist and a (Good) Jew? What Does Judaism Say About God?” - Virtual Essential Jewish Conversation Class: Beliefs and Values: March 22, 7:30pm, via Zoom. 2nd Night Passover Seder: March 28, 6:00pm, via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom. us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. Building One Community Presentation with Anka Badurina: March 21, 10:30am, via Zoom, open to all. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services: live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri, 6:30pm; Sat, 10am; Sun, 8:15am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, K-5th Grade Youth Program - Chocolate Seder: March 21, 11:30am-1pm. Fast Of The First Born Siyyum: March 25, 7:30am. Virtual Seder With Rabbi Kevin Shabbat: March 27, 7:45pm.
LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship Service: every Sunday, 10am, followed by a time of Fellowship. Wednesday Noonday Prayer and Evening Bible Study in the Comfort of Your Home will resume shortly. (Zoom details for all can be found on the website). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: MonFri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 2703 Summer St. Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@ Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: Sunday Service: *In-person, 9am; Online, 10am. Maundy Thursday Virtual Dinner with Bryan Widbin: April 1, 6pm, *Zoom. Prayer Vigil: April 1, 8pm- April 2, 12pm, *In-person (sign-up for an hour). Good Friday Service: April 2, 12pm, *Inperson. Easter: April 4, 9 & 10:45am, *Outdoor. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 10-10:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email for registration and Zoom Links). Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. Palm Sunday - March 28: Live In-Person Trinity Worship Service, 10:45am. Easter - April 4: In-Person Service, 9-10:30am & 11am-12:30pm (Registration opens March 21). PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Wednesdays in Lent Services: through March 24, 7pm, Sanctuary. Easter flowers and Neighbor to Neighbor: dedications are due March 26. Pacific House Bagged Lunches: March 27, 10am-12pm, Fellowship Hall. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email gracechurchofgreenwich@ for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. ALPHA class - interactive online sessions to explore the big questions of life: Wed, 7pm, register at alphausa. org/try. Palm Sunday Worship Service: March 28, 10-11:15am, Sanctuary.
Glenn Phillips G l e n n L . P h i l l i p s , 6 9, o f Greenw ich, CT, passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 14, 2021, at Greenwich Hospital. Glenn was born on Jan. 12, 1952, in Bridgeport, CT, to the late Oscar and Eleanor Phillips of Trumbull, CT. He was raised in Trumbull, CT, and graduated from General Electric’s Financial Management Program. He later went on to attend Fairfield University for both his Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees. While at Fairfield, Glenn met his wife, Joyce, and the two were married in 1974. They moved to Greenwich, CT, where they built their home in 1991 with their daughter, Brittany, and have lived in Greenwich ever since. I n h i s e a rly ye a r s , Glen n was a decorated and awarded sh a r p sho ote r a nd , a l s o, h ad the pr iv i lege to work for the Bob Sharpe racing team with Paul Newman. Throughout his professional career, Glenn worked in both the manufacturing and f inancial ser vices industries, holding titles such as CEO and CFO, and ultimately, worked on Wall Street for several years. He was enthusiastic about exotic cars and owned several throughout the years. He also enjoyed spending time on the family boat, “Lady Brittany”, frequently traveling to Florida and the Bahamas. G l e n n i s s u r v i ve d by h i s wife, Joyce Phillips, of 47 years of marriage; his only daughter and son-in-law, Brittany and Tripp Lyons; his mother-in-law, Shirley Tabory; his only sister and brotherin-law, Pamela and Kevin Drake; his cousins, Richard and Susan Peristere; his niece, Victoria Gordon and many other cousins. Glenn was a caring and devoted family member whose presence, guidance and love will be missed dearly. To honor Glenn’s wishes, he will be cremated and there will be no funeral or formal service held. Glenn’s immediate family will instead have an intimate ceremony to celebrate his life. If you wish to honor Glenn, the family is asking that you please donate to the American Heart Association in his name.
Anne Grisanti
A nne Couming Grisanti, beloved of her three children and five granddaughters, and longtime resident of Larchmont, NY and Greenwich CT, passed away on March 9, 2021 at the age of 92. Anne was born in Worcester, Mass. on August 23, 1928, the daughter of Anna (Glavin) and Matthew Couming. Her father was principal of Worcester Classical High School. Paul Couming, her older brother and only sibling, served in the Navy in World War II and became a Catholic priest whose last position was pastor at St. Mary’s in North Grafton, MA. Anne attended Framingham State Teacher’s College (now U. Mass Framingham) and graduated in 1950 with a Bachelor’s degree in Home Economics. Prior to h av i n g c h i l d r e n , sh e t au g ht home economics in both public middle school and high school. She made sure her children and then grandchildren appreciated the chemistry of cooking, and she would tell them what had chemically occurred when they messed up various recipes. The information was received with varying degrees of appreciation, but was always meant with love. A n ne wa s ma r r ie d for 3 5 years to her ex-husband, Eugene
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P. Grisanti who pre-deceased her in 2017. They had three children – Mary Lee, Christopher and Paul. She adored her children, never tiring of their adventures and remembering details about their lives that showed true interest. She was the kindest and most loving grandmother to her f ive granddaughters – Rebecca, Noel, Tonie, Eliza and Tory. She was a big part of their lives, creating special opportunities for the whole family to be together each summer. Special memories were made in particular at Mohonk Mountain House where three generations would reconnect and enjoy each other’s company. She was de d ic ate d to her friendships, some of which go back more than 60 years. Some of her dear friends have passed on, but she also cherished those still here, taking care to stay connected. Her friends were family to her. She was a member of the Greenwich Women’s Club, and the Larchmont Yacht Club. Anne was proud of her Irish heritage, and would make fun of the fact that some of her relatives were, literally, Looneys. She always wore a locket (shown in the picture above) that was engraved with the Irish word “Acushla” – which literally means heartbeat, but was used as an endearment like “darling.” For several decades, she was a parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena Church in Greenwich, where her old piano now resides in the church hall. A devout and loving Catholic, she found joy in daily masses when she was still able to do so. As her children made their own families and their faiths evolved along with them, Anne was steadfast in understanding that what we have in common is much more important than our differences. She was not only accepted, but beloved, by a diverse group of in-laws, helping to provide a solid foundation for multiple families. The last year of her life, she endured the isolation of COVID, while living as well as possible at Edgehill. She deeply appreciated the aides who her were her constant companions. She remained happy and optimistic throughout lockdown. Even after a bad fall on Valentine’s Day, her strength of character was apparent. Everyone who came into contact with Anne Grisanti knew she was a kind and loving person. The last year showed how strong she was also. We will miss her terribly. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made in her name to Good Counsel Homes (, a shelter for homeless pregnant women that Anne has supported for 35 years.
years. Shortly after, he met his wife of 59 years, Dorothy, at AMF. Frank then embarked on a new career as a car salesman at Pray Automobile and Toyota of Greenwich for over 50 years. This career allowed his charismatic personality to shine through meeting new people every day. Frank was a faithful servant of the Lord and a man of great faith. He served as a Eucharistic Minister and Lector at Sacred Heart Church in Port Chester and St. Paul's Parish in Greenwich. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus in Greenwich and was honored by the Greenwich Old Timers' Athletic Association. Frank had a strong love of f ly fishing traveling to Quebec, Mo nt a n a a n d o f c o u r s e , t h e Housatonic River as often as he could. Salt water f ishing was another one of his hobbies he thoroughly enjoyed with his family, in addition to playing racquetball at the YMCA, fast pitch softball, golf and shuffleboard. He never did anything halfway which included his love of cooking; he was always the life of the party and quick with his jokes. Frank was married for 59 years to his love "Dottie". Together they raised 3 children, welcomed 7 g ra ndch ild ren a nd 3 g reatgrandchildren to the world. You would always see him at youth, high school and college lacrosse games, football, soccer, baseball, f ield hockey, golf and bowling matches. Always with a video camera in hand and leading the cheers with a smile. He was so very proud of each and every one of his grandchildren and felt so blessed to be a part of their lives. Frank was predeceased by his parents Helen Honulik Colucci and Michael Sudell and his beloved nephew Steven Sudell. He is survived by his wife Dottie, daughters Charlene MacDonald (Brian) and Debbie Dunster (Will) and son Paul (Amy). And also by his grandchildren Jimmy Dunster (Dani), Colin Dunster (Sally), Shaw n Dunster, Derek , A nne Dunster and Tyler and his greatgrandchildren Dillon, Skylar and Hudson. He will be fondly remembered by family, relatives and friends of all ages for his outgoing personality and "gift of gab" along with his sense of humor and numerous jokes, songs and one-liners. A wake was held at Castiglione Funeral Home on Wednesday, March 17. A funeral mass will be celebrated at St. Paul's Church in Greenwich on Thursday, March 18 at 10:30. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to: Wounded Warrior Project, P.O. Box 758516, Topeka, KS 66675.
Mary Larson
three children. Family meant the world to Yvon ne and she w a s b l e s s e d a n d g r ate f u l to enjoy her g ra ndch i ld ren a nd great-grandchildren. She will be remembered for her kindness and humility. She often said she was gifted with a full and happy life. She is survived by her husband Henry Hall, her loving children L i nda L a ng ( Pau l); Ken H a l l (Estelle); and Kyle Kohn (Paul); her cherished grandchildren Katherine Hall, Andrew Hall (Kaitlyn), Katrina Kohn, Lauren Lang and greatgrandchildren Henry Hall and Lilly Hall. She was predeceased by her granddaughter Hayley Ann Kohn. The family is planning a private service and burial. Donations in Yvonne Hall's memory may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Yvonne was a lifelong supporter of St. Jude's.
Albert Kim Albert Chung Kim, devoted father of three, early technologist, and avid tennis player, passed away unexpectedly and peacefully at his home in Greenwich, CT, on March 8, 2021. He was 55 years old. The child of Korean immigrants, Albert was born on May 1, 1965 in Atlanta, Ga. He spent his childhood in Great Neck, LI, and graduated from Long Island University with a degree in computer science. Albert went on to have a three decade-long career within technology, including 13 years spent as an early employee at Microsoft. Above all, Albert was singularly devoted to his family and friends. He was a thoughtful champion of his children, wife, and extended family members. Known for his extensive knowledge and ability to understand and f ix almost anything, Albert was always a first call for help and guidance. After picking up the sport as an adult, he became an avid tennis player, earning multiple trips to the USTA National Championships. Albert was the self-proclaimed and unrecognized "inventor" of Rollerblades. His lifelong passion for the outdoors culminated in nu merous back pack i ng t r ips including to the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Denali Wilderness, and Mt. Kilimanjaro. He is survived by his wife K ather ine K im a nd h is th ree children, Tasha, Elena, and Jared, in addition to his two sisters and a loving extended family. A celebration of Albert's life will be held in Greenwich, CT over the summer, with details to come. In lieu of flowers, gifts in memory of Albert Kim can be made either to the American Hiking Society or the USTA Foundation in support of expanding access to the outdoors and tennis, respectively.
Yvonne Hall
Mrs. Mary F. Larson, 100, wife of the late Lawrence J. Larson and a lifelong resident of Greenwich, CT passed away on Friday, March 12, 2021 at Greenwich Hospital. Mary was born Feb. 25, 1921 in Greenwich, CT and was the daughter of the late Charles and Bridget Moore. Survivors include one son, Rev. Lawrence A. Larson of Fairfield, CT, three nieces and six nephews. A graveside service was held on Tuesday, March 16 in Saint Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.
Harriet Van Vliet Harriet Fenn Van Vliet passed peacefully of natural causes on March 8, 2021. Born on Feb. 16, 1925 in Lexington, Mass., she was the daughter of Margaret Potter Fenn and Connecticut State Senator, Edward Loren Fenn. She is a graduate of Greenwich Academy, attended Columbia University and graduated from Wellesley College. After Wellesley, she worked with an interior design firm in New York City before her marriage to Stanley J. Van Vliet, Jr. With a strong commitment to volunteerism, Harriet was a longtime member of the Greenwich Junior League through which she dedicated much of her time as a docent at the former Samuel Pryor Doll Museum in Greenwich. She additionally served as a docent at the Neuberger and Whitney Museums in both New York and Stamford. Harriet was warm-hearted, generous, and cheerful. She will always be remembered for her beautiful smile, her zest for life and her love of music and the arts. She
July 16, 1931 - March 9, 2021 Yvonne Hall, longtime resident of Old Greenwich, CT and Bedford Village, NY, passed away on March 9, 2021. She was 89 years old. Born in the Bronx, NY, she was the daughter of John and Ida Migliaccio. She was a member of St. Clement of Rome Church in Stamford, CT. and St. Christopher's Church of Hobe Sound, FL. She enjoyed cooking, reading, traveling and gardening at her home in Florida. She had the "gift of gab" and always engaged with anyone nearby. She will be remembered for her love and devotion to her husband of 68 years and for her joyous dedication to raising her
Frank Sudell Long time Greenwich resident Frank E. Sudell passed away on March 10 one week shy of his 90th birthday. Frank attended Greenwich High School '49 where he lettered in football, basketball and baseball. After graduation from GHS, he immediately enlisted in the Air Force and attended Radio School to become a radio technician. After discharged from the Air Force as First Lieutenant, he worked for Post Road Iron Works and then served his community as a Greenwich Policeman for six
had impeccable taste and great patience with a busy family of sailors and skiers who were always late for dinner. She spent many summer hours in support of the junior sailing program at the Belle Haven Club where she and Stanley were established members. Harriet was predeceased by her parents; her brother, Edward Albert Fenn; her son, Stanley J. Van Vliet, III and her husband; Stanley J. Van Vliet, Jr. She is sur vived by her daughters and son, Elizabeth Van Vliet Oztemel (Greg), Margaret Van Vliet Moss of Denver and Greenwich, and Derek Fenn Van Vliet of Greenwich. She is the grandmother of Brooke Van Vliet Hinchman (Kasey) of Northern California; Eric Stanley Van Vliet (Krista) also of Northern California; Elizabeth Moss Pollock (Kurt) of Atlanta; Margaret Potter Moss also of Atlanta; and Lucile Shafer Moss of Denver. She is also the great grandmother of Andrew Reese Pollock and Abigail Fenn Pollock, both of Atlanta. A private graveside service will be held in Greenwich. In lieu of flowers, please offer your donation in Harriet's name to the ministry of your choice at Christ Church Greenwich.
William DeMucci
Bill DeMucci, age 76 of La Quinta, CA passed away March 6, 2021 in Indio, CA of a stroke. He was born September 10, 1944 to William and Lena DeMucci in Queens, NY. He attended Fordham Prep and Iona College. He married his childhood sweetheart, Mary Ann Arnone on Oct. 1, 1966 in Bayside, NY. They were married for 54 years but knew each other for 68 years. Bill started his career at Arthur Young and then American Home Products. In 1981 he moved to Palos Verdes, CA and was cofounder and President of Titron Media Co. Ltd., the world's largest independent manufacturer of VHS cassettes. Up until three years ago he was a consultant to start-up companies and organizations in the United States and China. Bill was involved in many different organizations including FOCUS, the Augustine Institute, Martha's Village and Kitchen, Legatus, the Papal Foundation, DDC (Desert Disciples of Christ), and St. Francis of Assisi Church Building and Finance Committee. He was also a Trustee Emeritus of Providence Little Company and Mary Hospital. Bill's passions were the New York Yankees, golf, running, having r u n 52 ma rat hons, a nd most importantly his faith and love for God. His biggest passion however was his family. In addition to his wife Mary Ann, he is survived by his daughter D a n i e l l e E s p o s i t o ( J o h n) o f Greenwich, CT and his son Bill of Dallas, TX. His four grandchildren who were his pride and joy; John Jr.; Matthew; Will and Sofia all of Greenwich, CT. Bill will also be missed by his brother Michael (Cheryl) of Redondo Beach, CA; his brother-in-law Bob (Patty) of Commack, NY; his sister-in-law Francine of Torrance, CA; six nieces and nephews and too many friends to count. He was predeceased by his parents. A mass was held at Sa i nt
Francis of Assisi Church in La Quinta, CA on March 16. A private burial will take place at a later date due to COVID. In lieu of f lowers the family asks for donations to Martha's Village and Kitchen and St. Francis of Assisi Church in La Quinta, CA.
Donald Shropshire, Jr.
Donald Camp Shropshire, Jr., a resident of Greenwich, CT and Vero Beach, FL, passed away on Feb. 26, 2021. Don was born in Atlanta, Ga., on Feb. 14, 1939. He was the son of Donald Camp and Sarah Frances Shropshire nee Mitchell. Don was a top student at North Fulton High School and captain of the football team. He was winner of the city of Atlanta ‘scholar athlete’ award in 1957 and was particularly proud of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Don subsequently attended Dartmouth College, where over the nex t si x years he ear ned a bachelor’s degree as well as master’s degrees in engineering and business. While in graduate school, he met Jean Mauser on a blind date in Boston, which led to 55 years of marriage and a relationship that he cherished. Upon graduating Dartmouth, Don began a 27-year career at IBM. His journey from salesman of mainf rame computers to general manager of the company was marked by regular home relocations and business trips around the world. He maintained a strong sense of pride in IBM and remained in close contact with former colleagues throughout life. Don spent the f inal decade of his career as a Vice President and General Manager of Lexmark Corporation, a printer business sold by IBM in 1990. These years were every bit as thrilling as his time at IBM as Don worked closely amongst a group of executives that he greatly admired and respected. Don led worldwide marketing and sales, and, at the time of his retirement, Lexmark was a leading global manufacturer of printers. Don’s career was characterized by his work ethic, deep customer loyalty, and a genuine appreciation for the opportunity to see the world and meet so many good people. Weekends were spent with a racket in hand or playing sports w ith h is ch i ld ren. Don loved the lakes of New Hampshire in the summer and the mountains in the winter. Jean introduced Don to classical music, which he appreciated throughout his adult life. They also loved their pets, including rescue dogs that were welcomed into the family. Don retired in 1999 and moved to the Johns Island community in Vero Beach, Florida, with Jean. He soon corrected a natural slice and developed a sound golf game, lowering his handicap to single digits and managing to “shoot his age” numerous times. His love of the game was based on the enjoyment he realized through time spent with old friends and the opportunity to make new friends during a round. Don was a devoted Christian throughout his life. As a young man he was a member of the Student Christian Fellowship and in retirement he and Jean attended Mass together every Sunday. He applied his executive skills to civic endeavors throughout retirement. He served on the Board of Directors of the United Way of Greenwich, i n clud i n g a s t h e c o - ch a i r of
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Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel
Spring is a Transition Unlike Most Others
By Eli Schaffer One of my favorite nature trivia facts is that many years ago, there were really only two widely acknowledged seasons, winter and summer. People living in temperate deciduous forest regions would celebrate the transitions from one to another with the leaves. ‘Spring of the leaves’ and ‘fall of leaves’ eventually became seasons of their own, and gosh am I glad they did; they’re my favorites! Transitions offer time for reflection on the past and preparation for the future, and
this spring is a transition unlike most others. A few days ago, the air finally cracked 50 degrees warm and my reg ular tour of the upper Greenwich Audubon trails took on new life. I felt the sun shining warm, the crunch of snow pack remnants under my boots and the smells of spring finally breezing their way across the pond. I sat and listened to the earliest bird sounds of the year; cardinals and nuthatches singing and chickadees “chick-a-dee-ing” as I glanced their way. I was struck by the parallels to human activity that we are about to witness all around us. As billions of birds fly north to reclaim homes lost to winter cold, so too will millions of people reemerge from quarantine-induced hibernation, just as we approach the first anniversary of COVID
return to our normal lives in stages. However normal returns to you, or as you establish a new normal, please remember to take the time to observe nature and notice the lessons it has on offer, since after all, the ecosystem of living things remerging from months of slumber and bustling lives. Spring itself includes us this year. i s a s t a g e d a n d p r o g r e s s i ve period of change from the harsh Eli Schaffer is the Director of cold and short days of winter to the Greenwich Audubon Center. He the sprawling hours of warm is living his dream job of leading summer days. If all migrating and a community of those who love hibernating animals returned and nature to care for the environment emerged at once, food supplies we share. He lives in Stamford would be exhausted and none with his wife, Deena and his sons, would fare well. Jude (2) and Rainen (9 mo). For The coming months have much more information on how you in store for us to be excited about. can connect with nature to protect With universal vaccine access birds, other wildlife and the places comes a return to the habitats we they need, visit greenwich.audubon. know and love. Just as the birds org. come back in waves, we will also
It goes without saying this spring, and its accompanying feelings of hope and happiness, are looked forward to more than in previous years. shutdowns. The pandemic has changed so much for so many p e ople; for a n u n i mag i na ble number of us, it meant tragedy and loss. Through the challenges and terror – indeed, likely in part because of it –people connected to the natural world around them in ways that I worried may have been lost to history. Daily walks w it h a close f r iend, or h i kes ex plor i ng t he wonders of a n environment we share with each other and diverse wildlife brought many people comfort, connection, joy and meaning.
Spring f lower blooms and joyous birdsong evoke feelings of rebirth and renewal. It goes without saying this spring, and its accompanying feelings of hope and happiness, are looked forward to more than in previous years. Wit h store s, re st au ra nts, at t rac t ion s a nd la rge event s bringing people together again soon, I sincerely hope we all keep those cost-free, nearby moments in nature a regular part of our routines. I also hope we can look to nature for guidance on how best to return to our fully scheduled
The Nomad's Enviable Perspective By Stuart Adelberg T h i s m o n t h , t h e Avo n i s screening the award-winning film, NOMADLAND. I had read about the f ilm in advance, so I was eagerly awaiting its release. Judging from the audiences at the Avon, which have been the most substantial since the pandemic began, my desire to see this film on the big screen was shared by many others. Fortunately, the Avon can comfortably accommodate an audience, while still exceeding the CDC’s social distancing and other strict safety guidelines. NOMADLAND tells the story of Fern, a widow who lost her job,
her house, and her community after the closure of a factory that was the source of support for an entire town. At the beginning of the film, we learn that this town was so dependent on one company that its zip code was discontinued after the factory closed. Fern leaves town in a van, but explains that she is not homeless, she is houseless. Through her travels, we are introduced to a world completely unknown to me – the world of modern nomads, folks who move from place to place, and job to job, bringing their “homes” with them. The nomads’ vehicles and modest belongings are a source of pride, as is their ability to care for themselves and look out for one another. They are a community and form lasting relationships as they meet at certain places, move on for a time, and then become reacquainted, as they say, “down the road.”
A good book, inspirational music, a great play, and a moving film can transport us from our day-to-day worries and allow us to explore the wonders of a different time, place, and experience. It is art that introduced me to the nomads, and it is art that enables us all to share their joys. The nomads are, surprisingly, not the melancholy, down-and-out folks you might expect them to be. Each of their stories is different and yes, some are sad. But every one of them is living the life they choose, and while they lack the resources most of us would consider essential, their friendships, resourcefulness, and the joy they derive from their adventures are all very real. This year, we have all been challenged in ways we could never have imagined twelve months ago. The pandemic has touched each
of us as it impacted our health, education, culture, economics, and, perhaps most importantly, our valued relationships and the ability to see and support each other. We all mourn the irreplaceable people and experiences that were taken by an enemy that attacked without warning. I ex p e c te d NOM A DL A N D to be a sad story of people who had nothing, and I assumed the film would put my own losses in perspective, when compared to the nomads who certainly lost so much
more. Instead, the film’s characters, many of whom are portrayed by actual nomads, lifted my spirits with their capacity to embrace the open road, enjoy complete selfdetermination, appreciate everyday experiences, and eagerly share what little they have, to help those who have less. I ad m i re these wa r m a nd generous people who live untethered by possessions and obligations, and for whom each day is an opportunity to explore new places, meet, and befriend fascinating people. Though
I question whether I personally embody the fortitude to successfully live the life of a nomad, I envy their freedom and their adventures. Fortunately, that part of their life is available to each of us every day. A good book, inspirational music, a great play, and a moving film can transport us from our day-to-day worries and allow us to explore the wonders of a different time, place, and experience. It is art that introduced me to the nomads, and it is art that enables us all to share their joys. See you at the movies! Old Greenwich resident, Stuart Adelberg, is the Executive Director of the historic Avon Theatre Film Center, a non-profit, community supported independent cinema in downtown Stamford. He has a long history of involvement and leadership within the region's nonprofit human services and arts communities.
Behind the Fibrolamellar Foundation is a Family's Tragic Loss By Kris Herndon Last month, when First Selectman Fred Camillo d e s i g n a t e d Fe b r u a r y 2 6 a s Rare Disease Awareness Day in Greenwich, he presented the of f icial proclamation to John Hopper, the President of the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation (FCF). T he F CF is b a s e d her e i n Greenwich, and Hopper says that Greenwich resident Marna Davis is a driving force behind it. Davis’s late son, Tucker Davis, founded the organization just before he passed away in 2010 at the age of 28, after battling the disease for 18 months. Fibrolamellar carcinonoma, also k now n as f ibrolamellar hepatocellular cancer (FLC), is a ra re liver ca ncer. Of ten asymptomatic in its early stages, FLC can escape detection until after it has spread. This, combined with its rarity and its tendency to afflict adolescents and young adults without clear risk factors, makes it deadly. Marna Davis, in other words, is uniquely aware of the challenges that face patients and caregivers confronted with a rare-disease diagnosis. And, like many who have survived a painful loss, Davis is determined to provide help, guidance, and resources to others facing the same struggle. In a recent conversation, Davis described the FCF’s mission: “To
From page 14 t wo Un ited Way Com mun it y campaigns, the Boys and Girls Club of Indian River County, and the Indian River Medical Center (now part of the Cleveland Clinic). Don loved hosting family and friends at his home in Vero. He took great pleasure in seeing his grandchildren enjoying the pool and beach, laughing with them during dinner, and indulging them with ice cream. He will be remembered for his love of family, loyalty to friends, the twinkle of mischief in his eye, humble manner, lifelong commitment to excellence, thoughtful holiday prayers, and genuine love of life. He is survived by Jean, his children, Donald Camp (Cristine), Joseph ( Julie), Charlotte, and Sarah (Jeff Csoka) as well as his grandchildren, Georgia, Abigail, Bennett, Lillian, Jane, Alexander, Julian and Sloane. Don was predeceased by his parents and his sister, Elizabeth Gail Shropshire White. It is the family’s wish that any memorial tribute be made in the form of a charitable donation to: Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation, 44900 Prentice Drive, Dulles, VA 20166 (
raise money, to fund research, to educate and to spread the word about fibrolamellar. To get the word out that there is work going on, the medical community wants to help patients and caregivers.” FCF’s website provides links to treatment options, updates on the latest research, a list of resources and support groups for patients and caregivers, and a list of ongoing clinical trials. There is also a link to donate and support the FCF’s work. Rare Disease Awareness Day underscores the paradox that while any given rare disease may affect only a handful of patients, there is strength in numbers. Twenty-five percent of all cancers are rare, and every pediatric cancer is rare. Yet an astounding one in ten Americans suffers from a rare disease. T h e d ay t h a t Tu c k e r w a s diagnosed, he and his family first encountered one of the signature dif f iculties of f ighting a rare disease: “There is no standard of care,” Davis says. “Doctors cannot tell you, this is the treatment and this is what you can expect.” That can be bewildering, as patients and their families face hig h-stakes decisions about treatments. “The day that things started t o g o a w r y f o r Tu c k e r, w e immediately went to a doctor and he said, you’ve got to go to the hospital,” Davis recalls. “And
Kenneth Kaess
Dr. Kenneth Richard Kaess, Physician and Cancer Researcher dies at 100. Dr. Kenneth Richard Kaess died Jan. 16, 2021 in Redding, CT. He was 100 years old. The cause of death was Covid said his daughter Karen Kaess Clark. Dr. Kenneth Richard Kaess was born March 1, 1920 in Fargo, ND. He was the third son, in the family of five children, of Dr. Andrew J Kaess and his wife Addie. Ken Kaess attended Saint John's Academy in Fargo, and
over the course of that day, it was determined that we were dealing with a liver cancer.” Soon they were headed to Sloan-Kettering: “In Greenwich, we are so fortunate to be close to New York,” Davis says now. “We’re close to a major medical center, and our doctors knew that and sent us there.”
In Tucker’s case, that first day presented a decision whether to have a filter placed in his kidney to treat a blood clot that had been causing problem. That was the first of many twists and turns, all made more challenging by the dearth of information about this rare condition. “There was a boy whose cancer
seemed to go into remission with this combination of drugs,” Davis recalls now. “But there were no clinical trials, you know, and there was no data. This was a one-off situation.” Making matters worse, one medical team wasn’t comfortable giving Tucker that treatment due to the toxicity of the combination of drugs, while the Sloan-Kettering team was. “They said they’d monitor him closely,” Davis recalls. It’s a dilemma many, if not most, cancer patients have faced: “There’s always that balance between toxicity and treatment: how much can a body take? Is the chemo going to kill you, or is the cancer going to kill you? There’s always that question with all cancers,” says Davis. Such decisions can be made based on data, trials, and comparing the outcomes of similar cases. But, in Tucker’s case, there were only a handful of cases worldwide to compare. Fibrolamellar often attacks the young. Tucker was no exception: “He was 26 when he was diagnosed, 28 when he passed away.” All pediatric cancers are rare, and even when they do present symptoms, doctors may not think of screening for cancers in young patients. “You think, they don’t get cancer,” Davis says. “But they do.” “I have found in this whole journey -- we now know doctors
g r a du ate d w it h a d e g r e e i n Electrical Engineering from the University of North Dakota. His two older brothers, James and Karl, had followed in their father's footsteps and had become doctors. Ken had thought he wanted to take a different path, but soon changed his mind, and too decided he wanted to be a doctor. The problem with this change of heart, was he had not taken any of the premed courses he needed to apply to Medical School. However, while researching medical schools he discovered one called Harvard, that didn't seem to require as many premed courses. He applied, his scholastic record was excellent, and Har vard Medical School accepted him on a full scholarship. It was wartime, so after he graduated from Harvard Medical School, Ken joined the Army. Because of his unique educational background, Harvard medical school, and a degree in electrical engineering, the Army placed him at the United States Army School of Roentgenology at M.I.T. At around the same time he was also a research fellow in Radiology a n d Nu c l e a r P hy s i c s a t t h e Biophysical Laboratory Harvard
Medical School. Ken also received a Fellowship in Pathology from Harvard. During this period Ken went to a Harvard Wellesley Dance and met Marguerite Welch, who he married a short time later. At the end of the war Ken and Marguerite moved to Chicago where Ken held an internship in Nuclear medicine at the University of Chicago. This was followed by an assistant residency in Radiology at Wesley Memorial Hospital, Northwestern Medical School. Ken was one of the first doctors to get his Boards in Nuclear Medicine. Ken and Marg uer ite then moved to Detroit Michigan, where Ken became a practicing radiologist at Henry Ford Memorial Hospital. After a few years in Detroit, Ken and Marguerite moved to Los Angeles where Ken became a practicing radiologist at Cedars Sinai Hospital. Ken's wife, Marguerite was unhappy in California and wanted to move back to the east coast. They settled in Connecticut, and Ken became Director of Radiology at St. Mary's Hospital, Waterbury Ct. Following that Ken became Director of Radiology at Winsted
Hospital, Winsted, CT. K e n K a e s s w a s a Fe l l ow of the Massachusetts Medical A ssociat ion, a Fel low of t he American Medical Association, a member of the New England Roentgen Ray Society, a member of the American Radium Society, a fellow of the American College of R adiolog y, a nd a mem ber of American Board of Nuclear Medicine. Dr. K aess was among the radiologists chosen to represent the United States at the Soviet American Congress of Radiology in Moscow U.S.S.R. and he received a certificate of appreciation from the Memorial Sloane Kettering Center New York , "i n honor of his outstanding leadership, commitment an support in the battle against cancer." Along with his many scholastic achievements, Ken Kaess was an accomplished saxophone player. During his college years he formed K e n K a e s s a n d t h e C a mp u s Kings. The band played multiple venues around North Dakota and Minnesota. He traveled extensively around the world, and loved spending his summers on Cape Cod. Noted for his great sense of
The Davis Family. Photo credit: The Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
“He said, ‘Mom, I hope we find a cure in my lifetime, but if we don’t, you’ve got to find it for me.’ And I said: ‘ We will.’”
all over the country. We know where the doctors are who think outside of the box and are willing to go the extra distance with a patient to try and help them ” “We really want to come up with a standard of care right now,” Davis says. “Surgery can be curative. But that’s if you get it before it spreads.” When Davis speaks about the work FCF has made possible, her voice lifts, and you can sense her optimism: “We have two clinical trials that have just started, this year, during a pandemic. Wow!” Davis says. “We have so many research papers written in top tier medical journals from the last ten years. We insist on collaboration, because collaboration speeds resu lts. We a re k i nd of l i ke the mouse that roared; we put fibrolamellar on the medical map.” Davis says FCF’s struggle is the same as other rare disease charities: “We all have some similar issues, being small. Some of these rare disease foundations are just a few people, all volunteer. There is a lot of talent locally, a lot of support and a caring community.” “He said, ‘Mom, I hope we find a cure in my lifetime, but if we don’t, you’ve got to find it for me.’ And I said: ‘We will.’”
humor, he impacted many peoples lives for the better. Dr. Kaess was predeceased by his first wife, Marguerite Welch Kaess, his second wife, Carolyn Bl ish K ae ss, a nd by h is son Kenneth Richard Kaess Jr. Dr. Kaess is survived by his daughter Karen Kaess Clark of Palm Beach, Fla., his son Karl Welch Kaess and his wife Lisa of Wilton, CT. His g randchildren Edw in Ma rston Bu rke a nd h is w i fe Yvonne of Greenwich, CT, James VanVleck Burke and his wife Alexandra of Coral Gables, Fla., Christopher James Kaess and his fiancé Tara Alvarez of N.Y.N.Y., Courtney Mae Kaess of N.Y.N.Y., Andrew Welch Kaess and his wife Nicolle of Westport, CT, and Alex Walleen Kaess and his wife Allyson of Belmont, Calif. He is also survived by his greatgrandchildren, Calista and Aria Burke of Greenwich, CT, and Marina Burke of Coral Gables, Fla.
For more information on FCF, please visit www.fibrofoundation. org.
Obituaries may be submitted to Caroll@GreenwichSentinel. com and are free, courtesy of the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation.
Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel
Town Updates by Richard Kaufman
Greenwich BET Gearing Up for Budget 'Decision Day'
Towards Decision Day The Board of Estimate and Ta xat ion is he ad i ng towa rds its "Decision Day" for their recommended budget on April 1. The budget will then go to the Representative Town Meeting for final adoption in May. BET Chair Michael Mason has said that the capital side will be a major talking point as off icials craft a spending plan. Earlier this week , he said he expects a dialogue on the Board of Education budget, mostly due to last month's roof collapse at North Mianus School. "What will the impacts of the NMS ceiling incident be, and what that will have to do with the Board of Education’s capital model, their operations plan, and the timelines for that?" Mason said. "That's going to be a dialogue. The Board of Education might need some operational money to continue working until they decide what the actual project scope [at NMS] is going to be, and I don't think they're going to decide that. I
think town engineering will be making that decision for them." Mason added that he also expects more discussions on the Board of Education's long range capital planning and priorities, such as ADA compliance, HVAC work and security issues. New Position for Fire Dept. The Greenwich Fire Department made a budget request for a second Assistant Fire Chief, who would focus on administration work. The current assistant chief would work on operations. The addition of the position could mean the loss of a volunteer recruitment and retention officer. But volu nte er ch iefs a r ou nd t ow n , a s we l l a s G F D C h i e f Joseph McHugh, want to keep the position. Mason said there are a few factors that will be a part of the d ia log ue su r r ou nd i ng a new assistant fire chief position and the impact it would have. "The challenge I see is we are
Mason added that he also expects more discussions on the Board of Education's long range capital planning and priorities, such as ADA compliance, HVAC work and security issues. still in arbitration with the fire union, and that's running a year behind schedule. The question is, what are the work rules going to be, what is the compensation package going to be for the position, what are the costs for the operational budget, and what are the retirement benefits going to be? That's still an ongoing d ia log ue as it relate s to t h is position," Mason said. Mason also said the department's implementation of the recently concluded f ire ser vices study, and their own internal study for future operational plans, will be factors.
g roundbreak ing ceremony at Greenwich High School's Cardinal Stadium. Construction will now begin on phases 1A and 1B. Phase 1A of the project includes the construction of new home-side bleachers that are ADA accessible with a press box, Cardinal Stadium elevator, new bathrooms and a Mason was one of several town team room that will go below the off icials present at last week's bleachers. Phase 1B includes the
addition of new lights on existing poles, handicap parking, and an entry kiosk. D u r i ng h i s tenu r e on t he BET, Mason has seen about $700 million worth of capital projects be completed around town. He said that the project at Cardinal Stadium has evolved over the years from just revolving around new bleachers. "It's good to see. The amount of people that see our town through the Stadium, for all the sports and the graduations and ceremonies, it's really our doormat to the community. I'm totally in favor of what the Board of Education is doing with this Phase 1A and 1B. They're on their way and they've got the resources. They've just got to pull this off and try to get the
bleachers in and usable enough for graduation and do the finish off work they can hopefully do after that," Mason said. Going Forward The BET will be participating in budget workshops as t hey conti nue to decide on a recommended budget. A public hearing on the budget will take place on Monday, March 29 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Residents will be able to speak at the meeting, and they can email formal comments which will be part of the permanent record. Details on how to submit comments will be on the BET page on the town website at "Once we get done with the budget, we're working with the RTM for a period of time until they approve it," Mason said. "Once the RTM approves a budget, we have to set the mill rate. Then we can kind of get back to some of our routine, and get back to some of our special projects that we're working on."
Selectmen Ask RTM to Remove Tipping Fee Sunset Clause The Board of Selectmen last week voted 2-1 to remove the sunset clause associated with the town's tipping fee program at Holly Hill Transfer Station, but the final vote will be up to the Representative Town Meeting. The clause, which could stop the tipping fee program on Oct. 31, 2021, was put in place by the RTM last year when tipping fees were approved in order to gauge the success and effectiveness of the program. Currently, residents pay $25 for a one-year permit -- which is good for the fiscal year beginning July 1 to June 30 -- to dump trash at Holly Hill. Commercial haulers pay a $112 fee per ton to use the facility. Commissioner of Public Works,
Amy Siebert, who is planning her budget for the year and looking to project revenue, said it would be hard to charge residents for a full year if the tipping fee program was eliminated in October. Camillo said tipping fees, which were implemented to combat the rising cost of waste management, have worked well, and that right now, there aren't better options out there. "[The tipping fees] have worked. There hasn't been anything else that's been a game changer that's come up," said First Selectman Fred Camillo at last week's Board of Selectmen meeting. "I haven't heard of anything on the horizon. That's what's making me lean towards eliminating the sunset clause."
Camillo said the town will "jump at anything" that they think will be a better option down the road. "If we eliminate the sunset provision now, and something better comes up in a couple of years, we can certainly go in and amend the ordinance accordingly. That shouldn't be an issue," added town attorney, Amina Ahmad. Last year, Camillo formed a waste management committee, which is tasked with evaluating the tipping fee program, and coming up with alternative options. Mike Basham, a committee member, said there was not a consensus among other members about what to do with the sunset clause. Camillo ex tended the
committee to work to September, at which point they will issue a report on the tipping fees. Camillo also said the committee could even go beyond September, and "morph into something else that's always looking at the issue." Selectperson Jill Oberlander motioned and voted in favor of extending the sunset clause to June 30, 2022 to align with public works' fiscal year, a move she said would provide "budget certainty." But Camillo and Selectperson Lauren Rabin voted in opposition, and later voted to remove the clause. "We were the only municipality that didn't have tipping fees. I don't see that there are other options," Rabin said. "If something materializes by September, when
the final report [from the waste management committee] is due, this will be the same Board of Selectmen to make changes. It's not going over an election year when anything is possible in June of 2022." Another committee member, A ngelo Pucci, who is also a commercial trash hauler, spoke in favor of keeping the sunset clause. "Leaving it in would give us time to work on it. If you eliminate it, it's over. It's never going to come back," he said. Camillo disagreed. "I'm not so sure that's true. At the end of the day, we are constantly looking at new ways to reduce solid waste. It's a passion of mine, it always has been," he said. Camillo reiterated the fact that
there aren't better options right now, and recalled that tipping fees were not his first choice last year. Camillo prefered a "Pay As You Throw" (PAYT) program instead, but it didn't garner enough support in the community. If a new and improved PAYT program came about, Camillo said the town would "absolutely look at that all day long." "I still think we need to keep working at this, because down the road in two, three, four, or five years, something may pop up that just blows everybody away," Camillo added. "We're not there yet, and it's obvious. We'll just keep moving the ball down the field yard by yard until we get there."
the biggest issue. "We need to be able to deliver good, concise training for jobs. The jobs of yesterday are gone. We don't have a person bagging our groceries, we're told to check out and to bag. There's no mailrooms anymore. We don't have someone working the slide projector," he said. "The paradigm needs to be shifted, and the only way to do that is with good training programs that support the individual and gets them into the job world and supports them as they start off." There is also currently an effort underway at the federal level around addressing web content accessibility guidelines, and making sure tools like Zoom
can be accessible to all. Himes said he expects to see some action on that front in the future. Gunzburg said that there needs to be rules in place about such issues, otherwise progress can get stalled in the courts. "We're in the early days of this new administration and new congress, so there's not a ton of specific things to report," Himes said. "I feel pretty good about the commitment and the initial actions that have been taken by the Biden administration in terms of making sure we have a truly inclusive society, and that we're doing the right thing by our communities of disabled Americans."
From Page One HIMES
From Page 1 legislation related to Americans with disabilities, because the government has been focused on fighting the pandemic and passing COVID relief money. But he expressed optimism for the future, citing an Executive Order that Biden signed when he took office, which aims to advance racial equity and support for underserved communities. "The term equity is defined to include the community of people with disabilities. A lot of those Executive Orders are obviously
limited in their scope, but nonetheless it's a tip of the hand of how this new administration i s g o i n g to t h i n k a b o ut t h e community," Himes said. The authorizations on the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) have expired. The W IOA w a s de sig ne d to strengthen and improve the nation's public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into highquality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers. Himes said that hearings on reauthorization could take place in the second half of 2021
From Page 1 use developments and multifamily housing, (4) convene a working group to develop model design guidelines for buildings and context-appropriate streets, (5) require certain qualifications of certain land use officials, and (6) address the jurisdiction and capacities of certain sewage disposal systems.” Proponents say SB-1024 will provide more affordable housing and, “Direct development to places with existing infrastructure & housing; adapt and adopt a ready-made, no-cost model code; and approve more housing, unhindered by outdated State sewerage & traffic standards.” But opponents of the bill, like Camillo, say state mandates would take local control away from municipalities. Written and verbal testimony was submitted for Monday’s hours long hearing. “I cannot state in strong enough terms that one size fits all, Hartford driven mandates that weaken local control of authority is both not needed and potentially very dangerous,” Camillo
H i me s ex p e c t s a "r obu st conversation" about the interaction of workforce innovation with minimum wage. Recently, there was a major effort to raise the minimum wage which failed on the grounds that it could not be included in a reconciliation. But lawmakers will try to pursue the raise again. "The question of the employ ment of those w ith disabilities and the exemption from some of those employers in terms of paying minimum wage, will be a very hot topic," Himes said. Dr. Stephanie Paulmeno, a committee member who works in the Greenwich Health Department
said. “Any legislative proposal that threatens the streetscape and architectural consistency of neighborhoods in every municipality in the State of Connecticut by taking away local decision making will devalue property, hurt tax revenues, clutter streets, and take away from the beauty of the local neighborhoods that we call home. I stand in opposition of SB 1024 and all other legislative proposals that do not address social equity nor promote affordable housing.” Camillo added that the “worthy goals” of social equity and affordable housing can best be accomplished through local authorities. “The Town of Greenwich continues to work with our Planning & Zoning Commission, Greenwich Housing Authority and other community advocates and volunteers to increase affordable housing units and opportunities. More than 27% of our population of 63,000 residents is non-white, with almost that same amount falling under the ALICE category,” Camillo said. “Over 38% of our student population is non-white. This diversity, which is evident in our ethnic, socio-economic, and political makeup, is a source of great strength and pride for Greenwich residents.”
LaRosa Building Group Is looking for people with experience for potential work with subcontractors on a project in Greenwich CT. Section 3, “very low income”, qualified people and Greenwich residents are encouraged to apply. Email for interest forms or visit the jobsite at 10 Riverside Ave, Riverside CT, Hill House Renovation Project. EOE/AA COMPANY
and is the President of Connecticut Nurses Association, said the same ideas in the healthcare field should translate into the conversation about minimum wage and people with disabilities. "In the healthcare field, we look at people not so much as to what they can't do, but what their abilities are. I think we need to sway the public to not feel that people with a disability should be paid less because they can't do something, but that their worth is equal to everyone else's. I'm wondering if there's some way we can build that in to the laws and discussions around this," she said. Committee Chair Alan Gunzburg said training for jobs is
Camillo noted that the Greenwich Housing Authority has spent more than $27 million over the past five years on affordable housing units, and the town’s Planning and Zoning commission is bringing a public-private initiative to the Board of Selectmen in the next few weeks which aims to help the town achieve the 10% affordable housing mandate. “The Town of Greenwich has seen an increase in its non-white population of over 25% since 2000. Our continuous diversification has and is being done through local efforts,’ Camillo said. SB-1024 promotes transit-oriented development. Towns would choose 50% of an area within a half mile of transit for 4-plus unit housing. Ten percent of 10-plus units must be affordable. Since Greenwich has four train stations, Camillo was asked by State Sen. Tony Hwang (R-28), the Ranking Committee Leader on the Planning and Development Committee, how the bill would affect commercial and residential properties. “The main station in Greenwich, within a half mile there are some multi-homes there, so that wouldn’t be as impacted. But in Cos Cob and Old Greenwich and Riverside, it really would be impacted by that,” Camillo said. Greenwich High School student, Caroline Yu, voiced support for SB-1024. “Affordable housing opens the gate to the state mending inequities. Namely, SB 1024 moves the state of Connecticut away from its national legacy of using zoning to maintain status quos that are rooted in history’s racism and discrimination,” she wrote. “I specifically support SB 1024’s proposals because they are multi-faceted, being simultaneously economically and environmentally advantageous alongside its initial aims. Transitoriented development reduces the amount of cars on the road, and therefore pollution, and it is an antidote to urban sprawl. Similarly, housing can be strategically implemented to be near main streets, where new customers will support small businesses. SB 1024 does not seek to radicalize our institutions or irrevocably plummet property values, but is an incomparable and feasible method of desegregating the state.” Old Greenwich resident, Peter Fusaro, voiced support for HB-6613, SB-1024 and HB-6107. “These land use reforms w ill encourage production of all types to meet the needs of all Connecticut residents by making the permitting and approval process easier and more manageable for small businesses to navigate while allowing
for gentle density in and around our main street corridors and transit hubs, all while allowing for local control,” he said. Ted Walworth, President of the Northeast Greenwich Association, urged lawmakers to “pull the plug” on HB-6107 — an act concerning the reorganization of the Zoning Enabling Act and the promotion of municipal compliance — and SB1027 — an act concerning accessory dwelling units and zoning regulations. He said that “local zoning matters.” “We insist on local zoning control in Greenwich, Fairf ield County and all of Connecticut’s 168 municipalities. I represent the Northeast Greenwich Association with over 2,800 households and you must protect our character, sense of place and overall property values in our diverse territory,” he said. The Board of Selectmen discussed the proposed bills last week, and Planning and Zoning Chair Margarita Alban voiced her opposition to SB-1024. “The bill doesn’t do anything with affordable housing. It doesn’t create affordable housing. The bottom line is, the goal is to increase housing supply and thus reduce overall housing prices in the state,” she said. Selectperson Lauren Rabin said she doesn’t believe the bill’s “one-size-fits-all approach” works. “Admittedly, the first time I lived in a single family home, I was 29 years old. I grew up in Greenwich on reduced [school] lunch. I understand some of the issues because I lived them,” Rabin said. “If I think about some of my favorite places where I lived, it wasn’t on a busy street next to I-95. It was a place where as a child I had a yard to play in. I think some of the conversation is not focused on what an actual resident would want in the housing choices that are presented to them. I don’t see that in some of the bills and some of the dialogue.” Selectperson Jill Oberlander said last week during the Board of Selectmen meeting that she was not sure yet where she stood on the bills, and that she was concerned with affordable housing and access children have to education in town. “I’m not sure where I stand on any of these proposals. I do agree with Lauren’s statement that one size fits all does not necessarily work for all of our communities. I also recognize sometimes in terms of legislation, it’s hard to get communities to move towards different goals. I‘m particularly sensitive to children, actually, and what access they have to great education.”
Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Paul R. Silverfarb The Greenwich High School girls’ indoor track & field team has not been at an official meet this winter and practice has been outside in frigid temperatures. While the season has been less than ideal for the Lady Cardinals, and every team throughout the Nutmeg State, they have been making the best of it. However, first thing was to find a head coach. With a coaching vacancy and the season about ready to kick off, a coach was needed quickly. And no one better than former head coach Evan Dubin, someone who has helped put the program on the map and made them a threat for a state champion every winter season. Dubin was named interim head coach on Feb. 1 as he was asked to fill in on a temporary basis until the school was able to get the head coaching situation sorted out. Coming back from February break, Dubin was able to take the interim tag off his title on Feb. 16 and became the head coach of a program that he’s quite familiar with. “It’s a lot of fun,” Dubin said. “The actual day-to-day coaching is something that I enjoyed doing and I still enjoy it. It feels like I’m riding a bike. I’m getting right back in it and it’s great to be in there again. I enjoy being there with the team and being able to help develop them to be better and faster. I hope that I’m out there making a difference. I have a lot of fun doing it. It was the other aspects of life that took me away from coaching in the first place. I want to be an active parent and being involved in my kid’s activities.” When it comes to the indoor track season, you can basically throw out the word “indoor.” Greenwich High School is outside
the entire time and is allowed no indoor space at the school to practice. There are no indoor meets, and there are no indoor practices, so for Big Red it’s either outdoors or nothing. “The downside this year is that we are at the mercy of the weather,” Dubin said. “It’s either outside or nothing. If it’s raining and 35 degrees out, we cancel practice. In other years, we would have adjusted what we were doing. We would have kept the sprinters inside and have them run in the hallway. If there was a big meet coming up, the kids might have had to tough it out and run in the snow. With no concrete meet that we’re training for right now, the biggest name in the game is staying healthy and safe.” To have some sort of spirit of competition, the Fairf ield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference has set up a virtual meet series. For each week, each team can, on their own, what distances they want to compete in. Within the team, Big Red has set up a time trials. The distance girls run on certain day, everybody runs the mile on a planned day, the sprinters run their races and field events take place on a specific day. “’They are traditional indoor distances, so that way people have the opportunity to compare their times to previous years,” Dubin said. “Although we are outdoors competing, we still use the indoor distances. I upload the results to that virtual race so people can see how they can compare with other girls in the leag ue at var ying distances. That’s what we’ve been doing to set up a ny comp onent of competition this season.” In addition to succeeding in the virtual races, a side goal for Greenwich High this year is to
GHS Tracksters Making the Most of its Season
The Greenwich High School girls' 4x800-meter relay team comprised of Esme Daplyn, Grace Collier, Mari Noble, and Bianca Granitto competes at the Ocean Breeze Elite Invitational. Their time of 9:22.44 was good enough for seventh in the country this indoor season. prepare those athletes for playing whatever spring sports they compete in. Because the end of the winter season is March 27 and the start of the spring season
a day later, there’s no real time to prepare the athletes for whatever baseball, volleyball, lacrosse, softball, rugby, or tennis throws in their way.
“We would like to also get these kids ready for whatever sport they are playing in the spring,” Dubin said. “If someone is going to do outdoor track, then it’s
easy and it just carries over. But if someone is playing a different spring sport, the winter track season is a way to work on your fitness and get ready. Because there is such a quick turnaround b e t we e n w i nte r a n d sp r i n g sports, it’s hard for athletes that participate in winter sports to get ready for spring sports.” “This year, like many sports, is a season unlike any other,” said Dubin. The 4x800 relay was invited at the Ocean Breeze Track Facility in Staten Island. In the event, the Ocean Breeze Elite Invitational, Big Red took their top foursome to the track and came away with the seventh fastest time in the country this year, crossing the finish line with a time of 9:26.44. Just like they’ve been doing throughout their tenure at GHS, the duo of Mari Noble and Grace Collier led the team. Bianca Granitto also was strong with her split time. However, it was freshman Esme Daplyn that stole the show, as she was took home the quickest split time on GHS and turned a few heads at the same time. “The other girls at the meet were staring at Esme and wondering who she was,” Dubin said. “Everybody knows how great Mari and Grace are by now, but seeing Esme run in her first ever indoor track meet and stun the competitors at the event was refreshing to see.” Just like they did during the Ocean Breeze Elite Invitation, the four girls have been stellar throughout the season. In addition, fellow distance runners Anna Weiksner and Sabina Csak have been st rong. Spr inters Hailey Tow nsend and Oliv ia Eslava have been lights out this winter. In the throwing events, Katie Janis has seen great success.
SCORE BOARD GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' BASKETBALL Stamford High 45 vs. Greenwich 61 Westhill High 43 vs. Greenwich 50 Greenwich 40 vs. St. Joseph 65
BOYS' BASKETBALL Greenwich 36 vs. Fairfield Ludlowe 37 Greenwich 56 vs. Westhill High 63 (OT) Harding High 43 vs. Greenwich 56
GIRLS ICE HOCKEY Greenwich 7 vs. Stamford-Westhill-Staples 3 Darien High 1 vs. Greenwich 1 (OT)
BOYS ICE HOCKEY Greenwich 4 vs. Westhill-Stamford 2 Greenwich 0 vs. St. Joseph 1
GYMNASTICS Greenwich 118.20 points vs. Fairfield Ludlowe
GIRLS INDOOR TRACK Ocean Breeze Elite Invitational: 4x800 relay: 9:26.44
Friends Rally to Support Carolyn, in ICU By Kris Herndon Since last Monday, Carolyn Tarpey, a single mother who has battled esophageal cancer in recent years, has been in the ICU with COVID. Now, a group of friends has rallied to raise funds for Tarpey and her 14-year-old adopted son, Henry. Their goal is to raise $250,000 to offset medical expenses and to provide for Henry. “Carolyn is just the most giving person. She has touched so ma ny l ive s ,” s a id Joa n Andrews, who launched the GoFundMe for Tarpey that has raised over $100,000 as of this writing. A n d r e w s , w h o h a s t wo sons, employed Tarpey as a nanny for seven years. The two women forged a close bond. Tarpey went on to work for many other Greenwich families, and has been working as a nanny in the area for 35 years, Andrews said. On a sunny day last week, Andrews gathered a group of Tarpey’s nearest and dearest friends in a local park, hoping to spread the word about the GoFundMe and about Tarpey’s precarious situation. Also on hand were Amanda Vigale, Stepha n ie K a r p, a nd L is a Beeson. The friends spoke of their fears and worries, but also of the positive and loving force Tarpey has been in their lives for many decades. “I ’ve b e e n f r i e n d s w it h Carolyn for 35 years,” said Vigale, who also has worked
as a na n ny. “W hen I f i rst moved here from the UK, I had no family here, so she really included me with her family, a nd I spent holidays w it h them. Then, many years later when I went to England again, she became part of my family, and so it was like two blended families together.” “She is an amazing person,” said Vigale. “She has been in my life for 35 years, and we miss her now, for eight weeks. We’ve been able to talk to her, but not share day-to-day life as we used to, and that’s a huge loss.” In 2007, Tarpey travelled to Khazakhstan to adopt Henry, now 14 . V i g a l e a d op te d a child as well, and the shared experience brought the two families closer: “I went with her to bring her son home with her,” Vigalle recalled. The adoption community was also what brought Tarpey into Stephanie Karp’s life: “I met Carolyn 14 years ago. I followed her story when she adopted her son,” Karp said. Karp was also in the process of adopting from Kazakhstan, and says Tarpey helped her through the process. “She became a mentor to me. We’ve b e e n fa m i ly, a nd f r ie nd s , ever since, and she’s been a remarkable source of comfort, advice, and wisdom in my life.” Lisa Beeson, like Joan A ndrews, had employed Carolyn Tarpey as a nanny. She spoke of Tarpey’s loving care for her three children, and said their bond has endured
Friends of Carolyn Tarpey gathered at Bruce Park to spread the word about the GoFundMe. From left: Stephanie Karp, Major Karp, Joan Andrews, Amanda
"I never worried with Carolyn," says Lisa Beeson, who employed Tarpey as a nanny for 19 years. "She was my Mary Poppins." well after Beeson’s kids grew to adulthood: “ She w a s my n a n ny for nineteen years,” Beeson said. “She has been like a second mom, and such an important part of our family for so long. She has an amazing ability to really be all things caring and loving. She’s such a loving person for my kids, and is still so close to all of us. She’s an important part of our lives.” “I never worried w ith
Carolyn,” Beeson said. “She really was my Mary Poppins.” The cancer diagnosis came in December of 2020. As a single mother, Tarpey kept the focus on caring for her son, even when she became ill: “She tried so very hard to present a sense of normalcy for her son throughout the chemotherapy a nd rad iat ion t reat ment,” Andrews recalled. “She was still cooking dinner, getting him to school, wanting to show
him that everything would be fine.” But a few weeks ago, Tarpey b e c a me i l l, a nd a te st for the coronavirus came back positive. Tarpey was placed on a ventilator and moved up to Yale New Haven ICU earlier in the week. Vigalle described the impact on Tarpey’s son: “He went to school on a Tuesday morning, she tested positive, and got the results back, and suddenly his life is in disarray. My husband picks him up from school, and says, 'you’re going to be staying with us for a while.' It’s been really hard. You want to protect him. He’s 14. You want to tell enough but not too much. Emotionally, he is very attached to his Mum. That’s his life.” Andrews said Tarpey’s battle with cancer made the COVID diagnosis that much more f rig htening. “The immune system is already impacted. She was so weak from the cancer, and from the chemo, it makes you that much more susceptible,” she said. With vaccinations on the rise around the state, Tarpey would have soon been eligible to be vaccinated. “We were so close,” Andrews said, “and then this hit.” Vigale emphasized the need for Tarpey to provide for son Henry, who attends Eagle Hill School in Greenwich: “She’s got exorbitant medical bills,” said Vigale, “and her livelihood is being a nanny. After she recovers, she may or may not
be able to work again.” COVID precautions have made the situation particularly hear trending for Tar pey’s friends and family. “Nobody has been able to see her. Her son hasn’t been able to see her,” Beeson said. She had hoped to see Tarpey, even br ie f ly, a s she w a s b e i n g transferred, but it was deemed too risky. Andrews said, “The most d i f f ic u lt p a r t of t he hospitalization is the loneliness.” A recent FaceTime call provided scant comfort: “It was so hard and laborious for her to breathe that she couldn’t really talk. She was so exhausted. I was very sad to watch her like that.” “The outreach of the broader Greenwich community has been wonderful,” Beeson said. “She’s been such a giving part of the community for so long. She’s given so much of herself to so many people and now we’re just trying to give to her so that she can focus on getting better.” Nearly 600 donors have supported the GoFundMe thus far, and the comments on the fundraising page show how beloved Carolyn Tarpey is. “We are hopeful,” Andrews said. “She is fighting for her life. I know that her son is driving her desire to get better.” To donate to and share the GoFundMe, go to: https://www.
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Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!
Astrology for Week of Mar. 21, 2021 ARIES 21 March-20 April Hopefully you have not made too many social plans for the next few days as there are more serious issues you need to deal with. Group activities are certainly highlighted but they are likely to be those that have an important purpose.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct With energetic Mars and ambitious Saturn linked across two of the most dynamic angles of your chart you’ll make whatever sacrifices are necessary to move up in the world this week. Be ruthless with yourself, by all means, but not with other people.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May Your main aim now must be to consolidate the gains of the past few months. It’s not enough to let those in authority know what you’re capable of, you must keep reminding them. The best way to do that is by coming up with quality work every day.
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov If you have made any outrageous claims or promises recently you’ll have to deliver this week. With Mars linked to Saturn, planet of responsibility, it will reflect badly on you personally and may even harm you professionally if you let people down.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June Mars in your sign joins forces with Saturn this week making you more assertive and ambitious. But, much as you might yearn to fly off to somewhere exotic, that isn’t possible. Besides, something unexpected will require your presence closer to home.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Associates or loved ones will put a block on your plans this week and, to put it mildly, you won’t be too happy about it. But if you knuckle down and do what is expected of you there is every chance you will be back in control by the weekend – and unstoppable.
CANCER 22 June-23 July Don’t let anyone disrupt your thoughts this week as you need to think deeply about what you’ve been doing in recent weeks and how you can do it even better in the future. Also, don’t let cashflow problems stop you from doing what you want to do.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan No matter what you are doing or working on don’t make things too complicated for yourself this week. The more convoluted your plans, the likelier it is you’ll veer off course and miss your target. It could cost a small fortune to get back on the right path.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug There are times when it is better to let others take the risks – like now. Saturn in your opposite sign of Aquarius warns that it is not a good idea to get involved in a group activity over which you have no control. It might just be wise to sit this one out.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Saturn in your sign links to Mars this week enabling you to bring to a successful conclusion something started long ago. If your creativity has not yet got the recognition it deserves it won’t be long before it does. Success will taste all the sweeter for the wait.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept The planets suggest you are close to completing something that will make a big difference to your social or professional status. But as you are starting to tire there’s a danger you might stop too soon. Force yourself to work harder – it’s all or nothing.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Someone you live or work with will be in an unforgiving mood this week so try not to say or do anything to upset them. Even if you enjoy winding them up it could backfire on you, so be careful. Not everyone appreciates your sense of humour.
Discover more about yourself at
Word Search
Anagram Crossword 2
15 17
16 20
19 23 25 27
37 40
32 35
38 42
45 47
Each number in the Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this puzzle, 9 represents B, 10 represents I and 20 represents T, so fill in B wherever 9 appears, I wherever 10 appears and T wherever 20 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid. Answers on page 11. 21
1 8
9 12
10 23
Crossword 1
40 43 45 51
52 56
ACROSS 1 --- rage (bodybuilder's aggression) 5 Litmus reddeners 10 Home of Bulls and Bucks 13 Sea eagles 14 Skeptical grunt 15 Augur 16 "And --thou slain the Jabberwock?" 17 Counteracting 19 Tiny toiler 20 Kennel sound 21 Joe ---, murdered foe of Al Capone 22 Female breakdancers 24 Scarecrow stuffing 26 Scrabble piece 27 Beholden one 28 Vacation homes, for short 31 "El Capitan" composer 33 The Mesozoic was --34 "--- Lay Me Down" (1995 hit)
44 49
28 34
21 24
9 15
26 31
Shakespeare - 35 words - listed below in this box of letters. Words are horizontal, vertical, and diagonal backward and forward. Answer on page 11 John Aemil Juno Aenas Lear Ajax Lion Alonso Luce Angus Maine Arde Maria Bawdy Moth Caius Nym Casca Owen Chiron Sextus Curan Tubal Edmund Tyre Ely Ursula Eros Wall Hymen Wye Iras Yorik Jamy Jessica
Code Breakers
35 Entr'--36 Pool contents? 37 Pocket Apple 38 Mineral suffix 39 Like a rainbow 40 Obviously surprised 41 "Put a --- on it!" 42 Can of worms? 43 Addict 44 Palestine group which wants to destroy Israel 45 Married radio sleuths 48 Put together 51 My New --(Paris Hilton show) 52 Char ending 53 Resort Fort ---, Fla 56 "Mi casa --casa" 57 They're sometimes put on 58 WinZip maker 59 "Stand up straight!" (Abbr.) 60 A A R P member (Abbr.) 61 Native of N-E Siberia 62 E T S offering
DOWN 1 Post-op time 2 Asian ape, genus Pongo 3 Founded 4 It ends in Oct. 5 What Richard III offered his kingdom for 6 Hit with the hand 7 "This tape will self-destruct in five seconds" fictional spy org. 8 Baseball "twin killings," for short 9 Ovine barbers 10 Diamond of note 11 Bachelor of English Language (Abbr.) 12 Jason's ship 15 Lather 18 Beauty pageant wear 20 --- breve, musical time signature 23 "All --- !" (Court command) 24 Shakespeare wrote 154 25 Like some
jackets 28 E.g. Ice Cube, Ice T 29 Brandy var. 30 Fries, maybe 31 Eolian propeller? 32 Jimmy Carter's birthday 33 Rust fungi spore clusters 36 Gated Manhattan park 37 Disney top businessman Robert --39 Degrade 40 Starting on 43 Not sensed 44 Bricklayers' equipment 46 Plantain lily 47 Dangerous feat 48 "Sad to say ..." 49 "No --- , no gain" 50 Engine sound 51 Color of la mer on a good day 54 --- good deed 55 Sacred chest 56 Horrific literary monogram
Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 11.
Very Hard
Very Hard
Children's Puzzles
From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.
The Link Between Sleep and Information Retention By Lockey W. Coughlin
With daylig ht sav ings less than a week in the rearview mirror, sleep is on my mind quite a bit. My sleep patterns are of paramount importance to me and when they are interrupted, I tend to get a little cranky. We all know that sleep is important, but, like many healthy habits we are encouraged to adopt, we are much more likely to make it a priority when the reasoning is clear. Even more likely if the positive and negative outcomes from this behavior are immediate and measurable. Sleep is one of these habits. It affects a student’s ability to learn and retain information in a very direct and measurable way. The studies are numerous showing conclusively that all-nig hters do not equal
better g rades. Quite the opposite, in fact. Poor sleep i mp a i r s motor f u nc t ion , concentration, cognition, etc., etc. Not new news, right? But wait, apparently, it also affects our ability to retain new information, as well. A study that I read recently connected the length of time one sleeps to the ability to retain information. This is where the light bulb went off. Several of my students have difficulty academically, but not with understanding and not with effort. They have trouble with retention. This shows itself most clearly in subjects like mathematics and foreign languages, where the content builds upon itself and each lesson is integral to the next lesson. For years I have touted the need to practice these subjects daily for at least 10 minutes a day. This is like learning to play an instrument, which, of course, requires daily practice. What I did not realize is that this kind of learning is impossible if the student is not getting a
Several of my students have difficulty academically, but not with understanding and not with effort. They have trouble with retention. full night’s sleep. Sleep patterns run in a cyclical pattern throughout the night, but most of the processing happens, it turns out, at the end of the sleep cycle. I explain it to my students like this: think of your memory like a f iling system w ith 2 5 drawers. Drawer number one is for shor t-ter m memor ies and drawers two through twenty-four are for longterm memories. If you do not empty out drawer number one, eventually nothing new will fit. Drawer number one is what gets processed and
then re-filed at the end of a sleep cycle. Students who suf fer from insomnia, have trouble sleeping through the night, or who get by on 5 hours of sleep a night also have trouble retaining information even from one day to the next. This prompted some serious discussions with my students and their parents. Every single student who was struggling with retention also had serious and ongoing sleep issues. Most of these sleep issues could be traced to one thing. Can you guess what that is? Yup.
Electronics. If you are sure that electronics are not the issue with your sleepless child, research best practices for e n s u r i n g a g o o d n i g ht ’s sleep. You might also choose to consult a physician or he a lt hc a r e pr ofe s sion a l. Otherwise, my suggestion is to remove phones, computers, televisions, and other devices in time for their kids to have an hour to desensitize and then to go to sleep for at least 7 hours. The recommended amount of time, of course is 7-9 hours. Always more for kids in a growth spurt. For example, electronics collected at 10pm, lights out at 11pm, up and ready to go between 6am and 8am, depending on your child’s schedule. Complaints and workarounds abound. One student complained that they needed their phone for an alarm clock. Others stated a need for background noise in order to fall asleep. Still others asked to keep their devices so that they could
read at night. If your child is struggling with information retention, hold f irm. A n Alexa or Google home device will take care of all these needs and then some. Don’t like that option? Try the truly old-fashioned ones – an alarm clock, a fan, and a book. Of course, learning retention is not just about sleep. It also requires interest, repetition, variation, and many other nuanced behaviors, but none of these w i l l b e succe ssf u l i f t he daily f iling has not been completed first. Lockey Coughlin is the Fou nder of Educ at ion w i t h o u t Wa l l s , L L C , a n d Webb Youth Services, Inc, a 501(c)3. Education without Wa l l s ( E WoW ) i s a f u l l resource sharing and tutoring c enter th at su ppor ts over 20 families working to get the best education for their children. For more information email L ockey at L ockey@
The printed edition has a Calvin & Hobbes Cartoon in this space which is not available in the digital edition.
CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1988 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.
Seeing the Light at the end of the Tunnel By Clay Kaufman As parents as school leaders, ma ny of us have watched children have struggled with school during t h e p a s t y e a r, e s p e c i a l l y students with learning differences. Some aspects of school and life have changed d r a m a t i c a l l y, i n c l u d i n g online learning and severe restrictions on activities and in-person time with friends. We are all grateful to see the light at the end of the tunnel! As life returns to some sense of normal, there are active steps parents can take to help their children find a school/life balance—pre-pandemic and post-pandemic—and be happier and more at peace. Strong Relationships After a year of isolation, it may be funny to focus on
ways to bu i ld fa m i ly ti me, but I have heard from many families who have created or rediscovered family traditions. Thos e t rad it ion s m ig ht b e a s si mple a s s et t i ng a side time for a daily family dinner most. Researchers find value in regular family time, a structured time that allows children a safe and predictable opportunity to reinforce bonds a nd ta lk a bout mea n ing f u l issues. It’s never too early or too late to start: establishing the tradition with very young children makes it easier to continue as they get older and more independent. A nd reestablishing family dinner with older students—minimizing the call of meetings, sports and activities—can allay anxiety. It’s tempting to believe that travel sports and other encroachments on family time are inevitable, and it may not be possible to protect dinner every night. But think about what you gain! I have spoken to s o m a ny s t u d e nt s ove r the years who have looked back so gratefully on priority family time.
Building Strengths As parents, we often notice our children’s challenges more quickly than we notice their strengths, particularly if our children may be struggling in highly visible areas such a s r e a d i n g , w r it i n g , m at h or social interactions. A nd it m ay b e h a r d e r to s e e a talent as a lifelong strength: where is the life path for a child who is strong in art or legos? But as parents, helping our children appreciate their strengths gives them respite from their challenges. These days, as well, there are many career opportunities for those who are artistically inclined, from architecture to graphic design to writing comic books and graphic novels. Twenty ye a rs ago, I don’t t h i n k anyone anticipated careers as professional poker players or video gamers. The point is not that we want to allow our children to play video games 8 hou rs a day, but that we can f ind ways to recognize, build and help our children apply their strengths in ways that might lead to interesting
careers. Could a child who is artistic spend more time r e a d i n g g rap h ic n ove l s or taking classes that might lead to a career interest? Or could a video game enthusiast take a class in video game design? Champlain College in Vermont has a video game design major! One of my former students completed his degree there and had an amazing experience. Building Independence Particularly when our children struggle in school, we feel an obligation to step in and reteach or help them organize their time— or even si mply orga n i ze it for t h e m . A nd we ’r e t h e i r parents, so doesn’t that make sense? It does—to a degree. As children reach middle and hig h school, they ver y naturally crave independence. It’s an innate instinct not to wa nt you r pa r ents to help you w it h ever y t h i ng or to “know” everything about you. So what do we do when our child is struggling with time management or struggling with school? Build the parent-child relationship on family terms,
and farm out the other tasks. Your main conversation with your child shouldn’t be whether the homework is done.
homework every night, allow a child to fail—as hard as that is—in order help that child discover internal motivation. I’ve learned from experience, and from many wise school psychologists, that you cannot force someone to be motivated! Ultimately, I believe most of us want our children to look back fondly on their childhood. Yes, t here a re t i mes when children will be grateful we pushed or encouraged them to do something they didn’t think they could do. But most often, I hear young adults say they most appreciated that their parents supported them no mat ter what; no mat ter what t hey st r ug g le d w it h . They appreciate that childhood was about being a family, not about getting your work done or getting all A’s. Our children will all have successes and failures, and we want to be their support, their refuge, their rock. And it’s always the right time to make that a priority!
Psychologists recommend different solutions: Give children tasks around the house that they can complete independently and successfully to build confidence and self-esteem. Have open conversations w it h you r c h i l d , i n w h i c h you just listen and don’t offer solutions (sometimes a child doesn’t want any advice, and just wants to vent). You can even ask, “Is there something you’d like me to do about this, or would you just like me to listen?” If the child has a learning difference, sometimes the right school environment can make all the difference. School is not one-size-fits-all, as any child will tell you, and it can be awful to be stuck in a system that doesn’t understand the way you learn. For a child who simply is Clay Kaufman is the Founder not motivated to do homework, some psychologists point out and Head of School at The Cedar that rather than fighting over School.
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Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
List Price Price/ SqFt SqFt AC BR FB
7 River Road Boat Slip E-9 $79,000 1535 Putnam Avenue 306 $299,500 105 Putnam Park $359,000 45 Ettl Lane 503 $679,000 100 Strickland Road 10 $785,000 192 Hobart Avenue $795,000 500 River Road 3 $859,000 528 Lyon Farm Drive 528 $895,000 17 Lyon Farm Drive 17 $950,000 20 Zygmont Lane $989,000 1020 North Street $1,100,000 59 Le Grande Avenue 2 $1,299,000 10 Crescent Road $1,395,000 71 Indian Harbor Drive $1,495,000 16 Park Avenue $1,575,000 21 Hillcrest Lane $1,750,000 48 Druid Lane $1,785,000 39 Hillcrest Park Road $1,800,000 13 Edgewater Drive $1,895,000 6 Palmer Terrace $1,990,000 25 Woodland Drive B $2,195,000 72 Sound Beach Avenue $2,395,000 1 Echo Lane $2,395,000 6 Interlaken Road $2,495,000 7 Brook Drive $2,549,000 21 Tomney Road $2,595,000 119 Lockwood Road $2,695,000 107 Perkins Road $3,375,000 15 Shoalpoint Lane $3,775,000 3 Tomac Lane $3,950,000 8 Indian Point Lane $3,975,000 50 Sumner Road $4,450,000 88 Riversville Road $4,450,000 9 Knollwood Drive $4,500,000 77 Park Avenue $6,250,000 62 Brookridge Drive $6,495,000 969 North Street $7,300,000 19 Rockwood Lane $7,895,000 31 Vista Drive $15,500,000
$448 $378 $384 $492 $376 $469 $449 $517 $464 $607 $523 $533 $665 $512 $511 $620 $325
668 950 1,770 2,112 1,830 1,992 1,836 2,132 1,812 2,482 2,618 2,248 3,075 3,424 2,877 5,547
$571 $869 $755 $706 $392 $578 $509 $650 $510 $939
3,484 2,526 3,174 3,394 6,362 4,408 5,094 4,148 6,615 4,019
$919 $608 $748 $686 $762 $854 $501 $893 $1,550
4,324 7,314 5,948 6,563 8,201 7,605 14,580 8,841 10,000
0 0 0 0.18 0 0 0 0.73 0.55 0 0.38 0.23 0.57 1 0.28 1 0.17 0.28 0.22 0.37 0.48 2 0.55 0.31 0.31 2.33 0.3 0.36 1.55 5.61 2.69 1.76 0.66 1.5 4.43 2.31 3.05
0 1 1 3 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 6 4 6 5 5 6 5 4 5 4 5 6 5 6 6 7 6 6
0 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 6 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 7 6 6 8 6 9 6 8
Area South of Post Road Old Greenwich South of Post Road Glenville Cos Cob Pemberwick North Mianus Glenville Glenville Banksville North Parkway South of Post Road Riverside South of Post Road South Parkway Old Greenwich Riverside Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Riverside South of Post Road Old Greenwich South Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road South Parkway Riverside South Parkway Riverside Old Greenwich Riverside North Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
50 Lafayette Place #3H 24 Putnam Park Road #24 25 Greenwich Hills Drive 70 Riverdale Avenue #703 8 Sickle Bar Lane 1020 North Street 43 Almira Drive 51 Forest Avenue #50 51 Forest Avenue #50 22 Center Road 39 Hillcrest Park Road 13 Edgewater Drive 6 Palmer Terrace 24 Londonderry Drive 24 Londonderry Drive 17 Mortimer Drive 181 Milbank Avenue #E 30 Upland Drive 340 Cognewaugh Road 30 Verona Drive 11 Alden Road 9 Tinker Lane 191 Milbank Avenue APT #P 18 Lower Cross Road 18 Lower Cross Road 78 Pecksland Road
Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
$359,000 $575,000 $729,000 $799,000 $1,049,000 $1,100,000 $1,195,000 $1,365,000 $1,365,000 $1,495,000 $1,800,000 $1,895,000 $1,990,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,695,000 $2,995,000 $2,995,000 $3,175,000 $3,395,000 $3,450,000 $3,450,000 $4,900,000 $6,495,000 $6,495,000 $9,950,000
Sun 1-3 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sat 1-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1:30-3:30 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-3 PM Sat 12-2:30 PM Sun 11-2 PM Sun 2-4 PM
Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Keller Williams Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address 157 Putnam Park 157 98 Valley Road 2 52 Nicholas Avenue 20 Church Street B11 11 River Road 110 40 Elm Street 3L 2 Cos Cob Avenue 50 Locust Street 522 Lyon Farm Drive 522 35 Wildwood Drive 19 Richmond Drive 56 Orchard Place E 73 Bowman Drive 343 Sound Beach Avenue 207 Round Hill Road 41 Baldwin Farms N 67 Glenville Road 3 Juniper Lane 372 Cedar Hill 81 Cat Rock Road 151 Park Avenue 680 Steamboat Road 5 514 Round Hill Road 390 Round Hill Road 11 Deer Park Court 185 Riverside Avenue
Original List $469,000 $549,000 $699,000 $655,000 $745,000 $725,000 $799,000 $875,000 $950,000 $1,199,000 $1,350,000 $1,745,000 $1,795,000 $2,195,000 $2,500,000 $2,800,000 $3,550,000 $2,845,000 $3,195,000 $3,250,000 $3,200,000 $3,340,000 $3,975,000 $5,495,000 $6,495,000 $6,995,000
List Price $469,000 $549,000 $649,000 $655,000 $725,000 $725,000 $799,000 $875,000 $950,000 $1,149,000 $1,195,000 $1,745,000 $1,795,000 $2,095,000 $2,300,000 $2,800,000 $2,900,000 $2,845,000 $3,195,000 $3,250,000 $3,200,000 $3,340,000 $3,825,000 $5,495,000 $6,495,000 $6,995,000
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt $450,000 74 2 1 $530,000 77 2 1 0 1,204 $630,000 105 3 1 0.13 1,176 $635,000 174 2 2 0 1,362 $714,000 138 2 2 0 1,104 $725,000 0 1 1 1,380 $760,000 27 3 2 0 1,550 $857,000 105 3 1 0.16 2,169 $916,500 22 2 2 0 1,904 $1,050,000 527 4 3 0.47 3,001 $1,145,000 162 3 2 0.15 1,673 $1,725,000 157 4 3 0.18 3,142 $1,745,000 290 5 3 1.11 5,313 $2,000,000 128 3 2 0.36 2,506 $2,050,000 66 5 3 2.07 3,500 $2,750,000 123 6 4 2.8 4,754 $2,825,000 724 5 5 1.64 5,626 $2,895,000 302 6 5 0.29 5,198 $2,992,500 115 6 4 0.9 5,443 $3,150,000 291 5 4 2.42 6,000 $3,200,000 342 5 4 0.38 5,427 $3,340,000 0 2 3 2,347 $3,633,000 224 5 6 4.01 5,254 $5,495,000 21 6 7 4.02 9,310 $6,210,000 69 6 6 2.3 7,209 $6,750,000 151 7 8 0.94 10,825
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Your Best OF 2021 summer GUIDE How Will You Spend Your Summer?
We have a few suggestions.
Are you feeling ready to unplug and spend a summer of fun and adventure outside? Come join us! We offer a wide varity of hiking, canoeing, and kayaking trips all across Maine and Canada. From beginner to advanced, we have the perfect program for you! Ages 14-18
• 3-Week and 5-Week Programs • Tuition Assistance Available
Email: | Tel. (207) 882-7323 | Web
Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel
Denmark, Maine • 207-452-2051
Bridgton, Maine • 207-647-3721
• The nation’s oldest brother/sister camps • Traditional Maine residential camp programs for 3 1/2 weeks or 7 weeks • Miles of lake shore frontage located in Western Maine • Wilderness trips
Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
One Summer
Four Options: Your Choice June 28 - July 30, 2021
Make July an investment in September with Eagle Hill School’s summer session! Join us for a summer learning experience that safely combines
in-person academic enrichment and skill development with outdoor social activities to inspire students to confidently reach their potential. | Hardwick, Massachusetts | 413.477.6000
Why Academic Summer Camps?
Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
structured, and supportive environment.
6. Strengthening a positive identity – With the benefit of a well-conceived summer orientation process, kids are assisted in sharing with the community their interests, their ideas, and their aspirations.
By Erin Wynne & Susan Cranford We have all heard or used terms such as “summer slide” and “summer learning loss. “ In fact, for years, in promoting our summer session we have pointed to Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers, where Gladwell makes the case with statistical evidence that the single greatest factor in a child’s academic achievement is not race, socio-economic status, or even IQ scores…but rather the level to which students have a structured academic experience during the summer. And never has this statement held more weight than it does right now, in the unprecedented time we are all living through together. Even the very best forms of online school delivery cannot replace the kind of growth and learning that happens within a student as a result of the personal interactions between teachers and students, and students and their peers. A recent national survey conducted by RAND Corporation, in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, found that sixty percent of teachers report that their students are less prepared for grade-level work now compared to where they were one year ago. And little is being done presently to close that gap. This can be especially true for students with diverse learning abilities who will be affected doubly by the loss of critical instruction and an extended period of potential regression in skills. As the summer approaches, we no longer are looking just at addressing the ‘learning loss” that could happen over the course of the summer, but rather at the inevitable learning loss that has occurred for all students over the course of the last twelve months. The quality and continuity of instruction that our children have received has varied greatly. A summer experience that can combine both academics at the foundational and advanced levels with fun, outdoor experiences will be crucial to making up for the COVID-related disruptions in learning, and in addressing the social and emotional needs of today’s young people. As we look ahead to Summer 2021, an academically focused summer camp is more critical to students’ development than ever before. Parents should be seeking academic enrichment and skill development in an atmosphere that inspires students to reach beyond their comfort zone, to explore new activities, and to reach their potential. They should also be looking for a destination where the kids can safely be outdoors in the fresh air and having fun! Below are ten advantages to carefully selecting the right summer experience for your child.
these new found freedoms within a camp atmosphere are all experienced within a safe,
7. Enjoying free time for fun – Away from the structured and scheduled routines of the academic year, the summer session provides time for unstructured play where
kids can laugh, take part in activities they most enjoy, and just have fun with their peers. Kids need to be encourage to just be kids.
8. Gaining leadership skills – Campers engage in activities that enhance their problem solving and communication skills, as well as learn how to be members of a “team.” Great camps nurture kids’ natural abilities and strengths while the adults and peers assist in developing areas in need of additional support.
9. Strengthening peer relations skills – A camp atmosphere is often one where there is a small close-knit community. Kids learn to cooperate with, respect, and be kind to one another. 10. Find success and gain confidence – Students explore, practice, and discover talents and passion!
As a school that has successfully navigated the challenges of the pandemic and been able to offer full-time,
in-person learning, we look forward to the summer and the opportunity to welcome students back to an in-person classroom environment where we can help them regain the academic skills, confidence, and self-esteem that come from meaningful, in-person student and teacher interactions. Erin Wynne, Eagle Hill School, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement and Susan Cranford, Eagle Hill School, Associate Director of Admission
R E G I S T E R T O D AY !
G I S T E5R WEEKS! T O D AY ! 1. Significant impact on academic achievement – Small classes that meet the student where he or she is currently performing and then moves them toward greater mastery and enrichment is key!
2. Time outdoors and to be physically active – Summer session provides a wonderful opportunity for kids to run, swim, hike, bike and enjoy nature. #playoutside!
wich2 S 3c8o uAtCi nRgE. S org 3. Development of key coping skills learning – Learn to live away from home with new peers and adults, students learn to advocate for themselves within an encouraging and supportive community, and they learn to take measured and manageable academic and social risks in the absence of their parents.
4. Making life-long friends – Without the social and academic pressures of the school year, children can relax and truly be themselves. The low pressure atmosphere fosters deeper, more meaningful friendships among the campers. 5. Gaining independence – Summertime is the perfect time for kids to practice making good, informed decisions. Kids learn to manage their time and their choices. Of course,
Camp Agawam
are special events and themed days like Christmas in July, Soccer Olympics, and weekly fishing derbies! Raymond, ME Est. 1919 Clubhouse Camp is located on Horseneck Lane in Greenwich and CAMP AGAWAM offers a multi-sport field house, soccer field, 25-meter pool, arts & 54 AGAWAM RD, RAYMOND, ME crafts and a technology center. Here, children enjoy daily games of 207-627-4780 | WWW.CAMPAGAWAM.ORG table tennis, bumper pool, and air hockey, as well as leisurely swims At Camp Agawam, a boy learns to become his best self. Through with their friends. Every day is special at the Clubhouse with themed a structured seven-week program filled with opportunities for days such as Funny Hat Day, Super Hero Day and the Summer leadership, teamwork, and healthy competition in a digital-free Olympics! Teenfor Campers can dive into summer at the Clubhouse. Open to Campers ages 5 tothe 16,character join Greenwich a summer environment, boys develop traits they Audubon need to play Center members ages 13-15, have access to a multi-sport court, soccer a positive their communities. Each Our boy leaves camp sanctuary with full ofrole fun,in friends, and nature! 285-acre providespool,teens field, swimming and game room. Most of their time is spent new skills, new friends, and a new sense of his own capacity, and endless opportunities to learn and play through hands-on activities. off-site visiting attractions such as New York City, local beaches, becomes part of a dedicated alumni network that extends around amusement parks, sporting events and more! Come gain a love, respect, and understanding of nature at engaging the globe. Since 1919, the values of sportsmanship, service to others, All camps are licensed by the State of Connecticut and are and sessions stewardshiplike of the natural worldExplorers, have been at Wildlife the heart of the Backwoods Expeditions, Creature competitively priced. Campers must be registered members of the Agawam experience, which takes place each summer on a 125-acre Club in order to attend. All swimming instructors are American Red Superpowers, and more. Experience summer the way it’s meant to lakeside campus in Maine. 7-Week Sessions. Some Half Season Cross certified. Session options are available.
Where a boy learns to be his best self.
Discover the Wonder of Nature
be enjoyed—in the great outdoors!
At Camp Agawam, a boy learns to become his best self. Founded in 1919, Camp Agawam is one of the nation’s oldest summer camps.
Givingwe Girls learn Strength for a Lifetime
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Afternoon activities and evening clubs are designed for maximum summer fun! Each afternoon, a choice of sporting or recreational activities is offered to every student with the opportunity to try something new or participate in an activity already loved. In addition, a vast selection of clubs makes the evenings an adventure. By giving students the chance to be part of a team or club, we foster the ideals of sharing, trust, sportsmanship, and tolerance. Friendships develop over shared interests and students gain confidence in their abilities. There’s a reason so many families have fallen in love with Eagle Hill after participating in the summer program. The summer session is the perfect mix of academics and fun!
Eagle Hill’s Summer Program is so much more than a traditional “summer school”. Class sizes are small, learning is multi-sensory, students are grouped according to skill rather than grade level, and CAMP CHEWONKI FOR BOYS classes are primarily taught by Eagle Hill faculty. Academic instruction (207) 882-7323 | WISCASSETT, MAINE is based on the individual needs of our students, whether your student AUDUBON CENTER NATURE DAY CAMP 613 Riversville Road • Greenwich, CT 06831 • 203-869-5272 WWW.BOYS.CHEWONKI.ORG has a learning difference or just needs additional learning support to be Proudly providing life-changing WWW.GREENWICH.AUDUBON.ORG Every summer, boys ages 8-15 come to Chewonki from across better prepared for September. experiences in nature for boys the country and around world to experience andthe young men, ages 8-19. authentic summer Fresh air, frogs, and friendships are just some of what’s waiting camp fun on the coast of Maine. On our 400-acre campus, you can Our program offers a variety of ways for your student to get the (207) 627- 4780 to be discovered in the hills, streams, and forest of the Greenwich explore the outdoors, gain new skills, work on a real farm—and academic and social support they need: Audubon Center. Seven miles of trails across 285 acres of wildlife just be yourself. For more than 100 years, our unique nature-based • Academics in the morning sanctuary provide endless chances to learn and play in an environment approach to adventure, learning, and play has created lasting summer • Fun summer activities in the afternoon The ALC experience Join us in Maine for what’s inside! that teaches through exploration. Children entering grades K-5 memories for our campers. Get outdoors and discover • A social skills group engenders lifelong participate in themed camp sessions,the including Backwoods Explorers • An option for five and six-year-old students the best summer of lessons of confidence, and Aquatic Adventures. Campers entering grades 6-9 can join our CAMP CHEWONKI FOR GIRLS • A two-week dorm program for students 10-14. life! MAINE specialty camps: Wilderness Survival, Climate Champions, Nature self-awareness and (207) 882-7323 your | WISCASSETT, Art Camp, and our off-site Ecology Adventures camp, WWW.GIRLS.CHEWONKI.ORG The academic programs run from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Each student kindness. ALC is rich in during which campers take daily field trips to forests, beaches, and other areas with Who are we? We’re girls and young women who love adventuring, participates in a language arts/tutorial class each day, as well as three friendship, fun, adventure experienced naturalists. having fun with new friends, learning about ourselves, each other, and additional classes in: reading, writing, mathematics, and study skills. The and fosters Our camp program encouragesimportant positive youth development Maine’s legendary lakes Camp Chewonki for and Boys and rivers, mountains forests, islands and afternoon activity program is from 1-3:30 p.m. This program immerses educational growth for through nature exploration, inquiry-based learning techniques, and coastline. 485 Chewonki Neck Rd. children in a fun and energetic program with field trips, games, crafts, positive social interactions.all By connecting campers to nature through campers. We welcome challenges, inspiration,Maine and laughter. Each of us is and more. Wiscasset, hands-on activities and authentic experiences our campers learn how essential in the community we create each summer, living close to the Early bird pricing is available until April 30, 2020. Visit www. Camp is an overnight to appreciate and Alford respectLake the world around them while reaping the natural world. for pricing and more summer camp for girls, ages 8 to 17, benefits that being outdoors has on physical and mental health. By Imagine How it Would Feel: wake up with the birds; cook blueberry information. located in Hope, Maine. combining inquiry-based learning with science and nature lessons pancakes over a campfire; laugh on a mountaintop after a hard climb; and activities campers develop important STEM skills and learn paddle your canoe through white water; sing under the stars with We offer 3 1/2 and 7 week sessions. how to question the world around them. We encourage a diverse and friends; share a lake with loons; hear a river running by your tent at welcoming camp environment where children can make friends, night. Imagine–or spend a summer with Join us find for our To learn more, reach out to us: us and outOpen what House! these learn how to work call as part of a team, andorbuild important 207-785-2400 email us at social skills. experiences feel like for real. April 11, 2020 Chewonki girls and young women are ages 8 to 16. We come from funof four-week summer program of strategies, all over the U.S. and the world. EachAone us is unique. What we have skill building, and executive function in common: curiosity, courage, compassion, a good sense of humor, andgrowth 860.567.1802 • • Litchfield, CT for bright students differently. the passionate belief that spending time outside teacheswho us learn and leads us to our truest selves. FORMAN SUMMER PROGRAM Chewonki girls and women discover joy in the great outdoors, 860-567-1802 | ADMISSION@FORMAN.ORG welcome a challenge, and get that competence and communityWWW.FORMANSCHOOL.ORG building are vital in the wilderness, and afterwards. They dare to ALFORD LAKE CAMP explore, expect the unexpected, work hard, and play with all their The Forman Summer Program is a four-week, coed boarding and 207-785-2400 | HOPE, MAINE heart. day camp that takes place on the Forman School campus during the WWW.ALFORDLAKECAMP.COM month of July. Open to any students entering grades 7-11 who would benefit from our individualized approach to learning, this program A Summer Haven for Girls, Alford Lake Camp is an overnight provides students insight into our innovative teaching techniques. summer camp for girls, ages 8 to 17, located on Alford Lake in Hope, During the Forman Summer Program, students learn independence, Maine. Summers at ALC are action-packed, fun and filled with self-advocacy, and academic strategies that they can apply in the friends. As one of the world’s oldest girls’ residential summer camps, classroom and beyond. ALC is steeped in tradition and legacy, tenets that guide the camp’s While attending morning classes, students discover their own EAGLE HILL SCHOOL SUMMER SESSION enduring philosophy. The Alford Lake Camp experience engenders individual learning styles in a small classroom environment and WWW.EAGLEHILL.SCHOOL/SUMMER confidence, self-awareness, and kindness, lifelong lessons. ALC is practice executive function skills. Afternoons offer the opportunity 413-477-6000 rich in friendship, fun, adventure and important educational growth to explore other areas of boarding school and New England summer ADMISSION@EAGEHILL.SCHOOL for all campers. life with activities such as jewelry making, boat building, athletics, Located in Hardwick, Massachusetts, Eagle Hill School runs a five- ropes course, theater, horseback riding, fishing, and more! For over 80 years, Forman has focused exclusively on teaching week summer session for students ages 10-16. With four programs to choose from, Eagle Hill’s summer session blends the experience of a students with learning differences and helping them build specific classic summer camp with our unique approach to educating diverse skills and strategies for success, and we are thrilled to have the learners in a warm, friendly, camp-like atmosphere. Course offerings opportunity to offer the Summer Program for those who may not be and activities are designed to help students have a fun-filled summer able to attend during the regular school months. Our faculty and staff BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF GREENWICH while building confidence and paving the road for academic success in are trained in research-proven approaches to education, validated teaching techniques, and the latest assistive technologies, meaning WWW.BGCG.ORG/CAMPS | 203-869-3224 the fall. Fun! Adventurous! MEMORABLE! Within just a few miles from Divided into eight periods, the daily schedule combines four students are exposed to innovative educational approaches that will home, kids ages 6-12 and 13-15, can choose their source of FUN this academic courses, focusing on the areas of reading, writing, and stay with them long after they leave the Forman campus. At Forman, we have seen how one summer can change a student’s summer! math, with four electives. Class sizes are kept small, averaging 5:1, Camp Simmons is a sprawling 77 acres of pure wilderness on and course schedules are designed based upon age, demonstrated life. To learn more about the Forman Summer Program and see the Lake Avenue in Greenwich and features an outdoor swimming pool, skill levels, and learning abilities, ensuring that students are always change for yourself, please contact us today! archery range and pond for boating and In addition to pm the placed in a position to maximize learning. This success-oriented many activities thatsessions campersavailable are encouraged participate 9 weekly • drop-offtobegins at 7:30in, am there environment gives bright, motivated students the opportunity to flourish.
Join us for a technology-free summer of outdoor fun, friendship, growth, leadership and community.
we lead we fly
CAMP BGCG JUNE 29 – AUGUST 28 • 9:00
– 4:30
Camp simmons Ages 6–12 • 744 Lake Avenue GREAT OUTDOOR ADVENTURES! Endless possibilities on 77 acres of wilderness: archery, canoeing, athletics, nature programs, arts & crafts, swimming and themed weeks.
Clubhouse camp Ages 6–12 • 4 Horseneck Lane GREAT INDOOR FUN! Air-conditioned multi-sport fieldhouse! Arts & crafts, hands-on technology activities, Summer Brain Gain, swimming and field trips. Extended hours available.
teen camp Ages 13–15 • 4 Horseneck Lane GREAT PLACE JUST FOR TEENS! Field trips, beach visits, sporting events, athletics, swimming, service projects, nature walks and special events.
Weekly program fee is $150 per child.* *Short week of June 29-July 2 is $120 per child. Must be a current club member.
For more information, visit 4 HORSENECK LANE, GREENWICH, CT • 203-869-3224 • BGCG.ORG
Great summers start here here.
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FRANKLIN ACADEMY 860-873-2700 X 1114 | EAST HADDAM, CT WWW.FA-CT.ORG/SUMMER/ Come to Franklin Academy this summer to make friends and have fun! Explore your interests with other people who enjoy the same things! And try something new, too! The Summer Program at Franklin Academy is a creative program designed for students aged 13 to 19 who have unique learning styles, including those diagnosed with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD, NVLD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and related profiles. Students are smart, passionate, and interesting. They enjoy being with like-minded teenagers. They embrace eclectic and varied interests and find joy as they participate in activities that excite their curiosity. Join us for a Summer Program Virtual Open House on Thursday, March 25, at 5:00 PM! Please call or email the Admissions Office to register and receive the Zoom link: 860-300-3774 x1114 or
GREENWICH COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL GCDS.NET/SUMMERCAMP 203-863-5677 401 OLD CHURCH ROAD, GREENWICH Co-ed summer camp for Ages 3 – 13 Located on the 92-acre campus of The Greenwich Country Day School, GCDS Summer Day Camp offers boys and girls a summer full of adventure and fun! Open to all children in the CT/NY area. Our state-of-the-art facilities include 2 swimming pools, 4 gymnasiums, 4 tennis courts, dance studio, rock wall, Performing Arts Center, Technology and Creativity Labs, and air-conditioned classrooms. Campers are divided into seven age groups. This allows our professional instructors and exceptional counselors to give more personalized attention to each camper and to target age-specific athletic and artistic activities. A nutritious nut-free lunch is served every day!
SocialWITH ImpactIMPACT and Business Academy GIRLS SUMMER CAMP UCONN STAMFORD | 917-355-1317 OPS@GIRLSWITHIMPACT.COM Create your own business or non-profit in just 5 girls,on-location rising grades 9 - 12 days at oneFor of our summer camps. Our camps will teach young female entrepreneurs how to identify a problem, create a business solution, promote it, finance it and pitch it. Through design thinking and collaboration, they’ll turn their passion
Join Girls With Impact for this 5-day camp, held at UConn Stamford and leave as the founder of your own venture, business, or non-profit. If you want to stand out from the crowd when it comes to college or career, this is your opportunity to do something unique and have fun doing it!
Entrepreneurship isn’t just about being your own boss anymore – it’s a skill set that everyone needs... and all employers want.
University of Connecticut, Stamford, CT July 6, 2020 or August 10, 2020 $495
THE GOW SCHOOL SOUTH WALES NY | 716.652.3450 WWW.GOW.ORG/SUMMER-PROGRAMS The Gow School Summer Program (GSSP) is a five-week program running from the end of June to the beginning of August. Designed for students ages 8–16 who possess the potential to excel but who have struggled in school or who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, central auditory processing disorder, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and ADD. “Summer school” doesn’t begin to cover Gow’s exciting and enriching summer program. With options for boarding, full or academic day, families can choose an option that works for them. GSSP days are broken up into two main parts: academics and camp fun. In the morning campers get to work in the classroom taking four classes that include Robotics, Reconstructive Language, Summer Reading and much more. The Gow School Summer Program is settled on 125-acres which gives our campers plenty of room to learn and play. With activities including a onehundred-foot water slide, and gaga pit campers utilize every inch of their surroundings. On the weekends campers load the busses to go camping, to water parks, to baseball games, or Cedar Point! The Gow School Summer Program helps improve academic performance by teaching skills as well as material, enhancing confidence, and instilling discipline and sportsmanship. GSSP gives students academic tools and self-confidence they can take with them wherever they go. By combining a structured program and environment with flexibility, individualization, and room for fun, The Gow School Summer Program provides a rich school experience that is precisely what dyslexic students need to learn and to enjoy learning.
GREENWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY 203-869-6899 | 39 STRICKLAND RD, COS COB GREENWICHHISTORY.ORG/CAMP Come explore Connecticut’s colonial history and Cos Cob’s Art Colony through games, crafts and hands-on fun . Creative minds will spend time in our historic gardens and (air-conditioned!) barn, exploring their surrounding using art, science and old-fashioned ingenuity under the guidance of professional educators and artists. Space is limited ! HISTORY WEEK CAMPERS will be transported back in time to Greenwich’s colonial era. They will learn about important historical events as well as skills necessary for living in a time without electricity and running water. Campers will have the opportunity to weave, cook and create colonial art. They will also
learn about the importance of a personal garden and about the plants that could be grown for cooking, medicine and creating natural pigments. ART WEEK CAMPERS will learn about the Cos Cob Art Colony and the avant-garde work of the impressionist artists that stayed at the Bush Holley House. Led by Master Painter Dmitri Wright, campers will have the opportunity to learn about color, light and form as they create their own unique works of art. Activities include painting en plain air, pottery and theater. Middle School Camps 6–8 Grade 9:30am–2:30pm
Elementary Camps 2– 5 Grade 9:30 am – 2:30 pm
History Camp: July 12 – 16
History Camp: July 26 – 30
Art Camp: July 19 – 23
Art Camp: August 2 – 6
Contact: Anna Greco, 203.869.6899 or agreco@
OXFORD ACADEMY SUMMER SESSION WESTBROOK, CONNECTICUT JUNE 21 - JULY 23 GIRLS AND BOYS, GRADES 8-12 WWW. OXFORDACADEMY.NET/SUMMEREXPERIENCE/ Oxford Academy’s summer session generates enthusiasm for academics and offers abundant seaside recreation for students who are ready to keep learning during the summer break. There are opportunities to accelerate learning and experience individualized support with customized, 1:1 and small group classes until 2pm followed by fun summer recreation on campus and Long Island Sound in the afternoons and evenings. We welcome day and boarding students. During classes students may explore new courses, take on challenging subjects and bolster their learning while guided by Oxford Academy’s expert teachers. The focus is on each student’s individual goals and needs. The Oxford Method of teaching employs a Socratic approach placing a premium on the development of the student’s voice in every class, growing their intellectual curiosity and ensuring a high level of engagement. Participants build their learning repertoire and avoid the ‘summer slide’ through coursework that prepares them for the September return to school. After classes, students spend their afternoons and evenings in a variety of activities and offerings including swimming, fishing, sailing, paddleboarding, kayaking, horseback riding, hiking, biking, tennis, basketball, soccer, archery and local outings. Summer session also offers time in the campus gardens, raising bees, hanging out at the beach, (a three minute walk from campus), mindfulness walks and most importantly, an opportunity to make friends from around the world.
CAMP SETON 363 RIVERSVILLE ROAD, GREENWICH 203-869-8424 | CAMPSETON.ORG GREENWICHSCOUTING.ORG 7 INCREDIBLE WEEKS! June 22 – August 7 No Scouting experience necessary! You do not have to be a Scout to attend Camp Seton! Set on a 238-acre woodland with 2 lakes and over 5 miles of hiking trails, Camp Seton combines the best of a traditional New England summer camp and resident Scout camp to offer a day camp full of outdoor adventure. Daily program offerings include fishing, boating, swimming, archery, BBs, nature, Scout skills, climbing, campfire cooking, handicrafts & more! Cub Scout Camp (Boys & girls age 7-10) Nothing stirs the imagination or interest of a young child like spending time in the outdoors. Everyday campers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of games, lessons and experiences in each of our four program areas – Aquatics, Scout Skills, Nature and Sports. Our enthusiastic staff plan fun activities while allowing time for free choice and unstructured, exploratory play. Boys and girls are separated by Dens and meet together for Friday campfire. Scout Adventure Camp (Boys age 11-13): Outdoor program for boys with or without Scouting experience! Our Scout Adventure camp highlights the best of our year-round Scouting program. Each day campers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities from fishing, campfire cooking, canoeing, swimming, ax and whittlin’ skills, archery, rifle shooting, shelter building, climbing, orienteering, and more! Book a camp tour today! WINONA CAMP FOR BOYS 207-647-3721 | BRIDGTON, MAINE WWW.WINONACAMPS.COM The Winona Experience begins with our beautiful location on the shores of Moose Pond with inspirational views of Pleasant Mountain and Mount Washington. A mile of waterfront, with each unit offering its own encampments and program. Junior (7-11), Intermediate (11-13), Senior (13-15) and CIT (16-17). Canoe, mountain and kayak trips are available for all ages. Campers choose activities on a daily basis from a wide variety of outdoor living programs, athletics and aquatics. Included in the Winona Experience is an extensive sailing program, horseback riding (English), rock climbing and woodworking. Junior Maine Guide program available to boys ages 14 and older. Veteran staff; with campers and staff from 30 states and 15 foreign countries. Founded in 1908. WYONEGONIC CAMPS (207) 452-2051 | DENMARK, MAINE WWW.WYONEGONIC.COM Wyonegonic Camps, established in 1902, is the oldest continuously-run camp for girls in America. Wyonegonic is composed of three separate camps — designed to fit the individual needs and interest of the campers. Each camp forms its own close-knit CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
or hobby into a prototype and business plan. Whether they’re destined to become a scientist, an engineer, a world leader, or CEO, girls will walk away with invaluable skills, giving them an added advantage for the future.
More info: ops@girlswithimpact,com 917-355-1317
Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
A fun in-person four-week program of strategies, skill building, and executive function growth for bright students who learn differently. 860.567.1802 • • Litchfield, CT
Play. Learn. Grow. BE OUTSIDE
CAMP BGCG JUNE 28 – AUGUST 27 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
9 weekly sessions available • summer brain gain enrichment opportunities
Camp simmons Ages 6–12 • 744 Lake Avenue GREAT OUTDOOR ADVENTURES! Endless possibilities on 77 acres of wilderness: archery, canoeing, athletics, nature programs, arts & crafts, swimming and themed weeks.
Clubhouse camp Ages 6–12 • 4 Horseneck Lane GREAT INDOOR FUN! Air-conditioned multi-sport fieldhouse! Arts & crafts, hands-on technology activities, Summer Brain Gain, swimming and field trips.
Summer Camp Long
teen camp Ages 13–15 • 4 Horseneck Lane GREAT PLACE JUST FOR TEENS! Field trips, beach visits, sporting events, athletics, swimming, service projects, nature walks and special events. Pre-Covid photos
Weekly program fee is $175 per child.* *Short week of July 6 - 9 is $150 per child. Must be, or join as, a current club member.
For more information, visit 4 HORSENECK LANE, GREENWICH, CT • 203-869-3224 • BGCG.ORG
Great summers start here here.
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Top 10 Benefits of Attending a Summer Session one, relational model of teaching which places a premium on the connection between teacher and student. This encourages students to find and use their voice in academic pursuits.
By Phil Cocchiola For decades at Oxford Academy we’ve witnessed summer students stoke their intellectual curiosity with coursework and explore the abundant seaside offerings nearby. With the disruption experienced in the past year due to the pandemic, students can benefit more than ever from additional time learning with expert teachers while also enjoying new friends and recreation along the Connecticut shoreline. Here are ten reasons why you should consider summer session: 1. Bolster learning Summer session means more learning! At Oxford Academy, boys and girls extend their experience beyond the traditional school year. They are taught by expert teachers, strengthening their skills and knowledge. We use a one to
experience beyond their childhood friend group. According to the Century Foundation, “researchers have documented that students’ exposure to other students who are different from themselves and the novel ideas that such exposure brings leads to improved cognitive skills, including critical thinking and problem solving.” Our culturally diverse community helps our students experience summer session as a time to transform and expand their worldview.
2. Explore new academic areas Unique summer offerings such as marine biology, forensics, painting and photography, statistics, psychology or Latin may awaken newfound interests. Within each course students may go as deep and wide as they’d like. By diving into new fields of study, 5. Increase social and emotional students may discover a future path strengths Summer session provides for college and career. ample opportunity to connect 3. Grow your knowledge base with teachers and friends though Summer session offers an programs, activities and free time. abundance of opportunities both Conversation and connection in and outside of the classroom. happen in the campus gardens, Project based learning provides tending to the hives, gaming in the deep learning experiences. Build a student center and walking to the go-kart, join the photography club beach. Many students take sailing and shoot a starry evening sky at and horseback riding lessons. the beach or engage in 3-D design As students meet new teachers or movie making in the Innovation and friends, they develop their Lab. Investigation and inspiration empathy, and improve their overall abound on our seaside campus communication skills. where students study the ocean, grow food in our gardens, help 6. Develop resilience Summer session promotes with the beehives, and learn about resilience by shaping the sustainable living. environment around students, 4. Make new friends & meet fostering new relationships with people from other cultures peers and trusted adults. The New friends broaden a teen’s muscle of resilience is further
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 community that is small enough to kindle deep friendships. Cabin life is rustic and simple. Our seven hundred acres of pine forest and two miles of shoreline offers campers a sense of privacy and isolation. We offer programs for girls between 8 and 18 years old. Wyonegonic is a camp where girls learn about themselves in a non-competitive atmosphere and enjoy the beauty of friendship in the simplicity of the outdoors.
WWW.GREENWICHYMCA.ORG BEST SUMMER EVER! Located in the heart of Greenwich, the YMCA of Greenwich offers a variety of Summer Camp options that value individuality as well as a sense of community, promote positive self-esteem and expose children to a variety of skills and experiences. Our dedicated camp counselors are ready to provide an active and fun environment for all of our campers. Mini Campers (ages 3-5) will enjoy arts & crafts, music & movement, outdoor sports. Discovery Campers (ages 6-12 and rising Kindergarteners attending with older siblings) will enjoy sports, crafts, games and more, AND take trips to town beaches and attractions. With 7 different weekly themes ranging from Y Spirit Week, Party in the USA, Mad Science and Water Works – the Y is where Summer adventure awaits! Show us your Y spirit, celebrate America’s birthday, step into the spotlight and show us your talents, get messy and wild, have some swashbuckling fun and find lost treasures, rock out at a beach party equipped with some splish-splish-splash fun and explore the galaxy’s great unknowns – you never know where Summer will take you next! Each camp also includes daily Swim Lessons based on the YMCA’s National swim lesson curriculum with lessons given by the Y’s trained Swim Instructors. Campers entering 10th or 11th grades (ages 13-15) in Fall 2020 will qualify for spots in our Camp Counselor in Training (CIT) program. Whether your campers come one week or the whole summer, our CIT program will keep them engaged while learning important skills. CITs will have opportunities to shadow the age groups as well as
participate in camp service projects and specially designed trainings. Training topics include customer service, planning activities, behavior modification, communication with parents, supervision at the waterfront, goal setting, active listening, working with younger campers, camp communication, service learning, and team work. Contact Information: For more information or to register please visit: online or contact Diana Gonzalez at or 203.869.1630 x 283.
YWCA SUMMER CAMPS 259 EAST PUTNAM AVENUE 203-869-6501 YWCAGREENWICH.ORG/SUMMER-CAMPS/ Summertime means water, sand, slides, and lots of fun for your child. Combining the best of our fitness classes with outdoor play, field trips, and hands-on learning, your child will enjoy activities at our beautiful 6.5-acre Greenwich campus. YWCA Preschool Summer Camp offers fun filled days with activities specially created for this age group. Each of our counselors are licensed teachers who will always nurture and supervise campers. Campers enjoy indoor and outdoor activities that include swimming and gymnastics instruction for older children when they attend 5-days-a-week. Be sure to sign up for the Lunch Bunch option available for either Extended or Full Day options. For nearly 50 years, Camp Ta-Yi-To has brought happiness to thousands of children. Under the guidance of our experienced camp director, a highly trained staff helps your child grow socially, emotionally and physically in a welcoming, safe environment. Campers enjoy a diverse schedule of activities. Girls Circle Summer Camp A camp just for girls . . . where new friendships grow. Girls learn and build self-esteem through games, crafts, field trips, workshops with local artists, writers, role models and so much fun!
Spend summer with friends. FOUNDED IN 1907 GIRLS 8-16 3 WEEKS OR 7 WEEKS HOPE, MAINE
strengthened through hard work and effort while taking risks in a safe environment and learning from failures. Students are encouraged to pursue their passions while learning problem solving skills.
7. Live independently Summer session students are coached to own their living and learning experience. Residing on campus in dorms and eating in a dining hall provides a growth opportunity to truly feel independent while learning to get along with others. This helps students prepare for boarding school or college, where the newfound sense of freedom and independence can sometimes be disorienting.
8. Discover new interests Summer session provides structured time and space to explore interests. Students enjoy the outdoors and nearby beach and rivers. Some join clubs such as photography, outdoor adventures, mindfulness, chess, environmental or even create their own club. There is time after classes for trying something new, joining friends for a hike, a bike ride or spending time at the shore for swimming and fishing. Horseback riding and sailing lessons are popular choices as well.
to numerous studies, students are likely to experience learning loss during summer break. When students are away from formal learning for 10-12 weeks, they forget what they learned during the school year. This can be mitigated by participating in summer session.
10. Prepare for college College admissions remain competitive. By attending summer session, students gain an edge through their coursework and by working with our college guidance counselor. Students may explore the college search process, identify schools and gain insights into the 9. Avoid the “summer slide” The pandemic has presented admissions process. They can work new challenges that have on their essays, applications and compromised learning in the past even prepare for SATs or ACTs. year. Combined with the usual Phil Cocchiola is the Head of summer slide, students need more learning time. According School at Oxford Academy
The YMCA of Greenwich offers a variety of Summer Camp options that value individuality, promote positive self-esteem, and build a sense of community. Our dedicated camp counselors are ready to provide an active and fun environment for all our campers.
CONTACT: Diana Gonzalez 203.869.1630 Ext. 283 to learn more
WHERE ADVENTURE AWAITS YMCA of Greenwich 50 East Putnam Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 | 203.869.1630
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Summer Program 2021
Virtual Classes June 21 - July 2
On Campus Institutes July 5 - July 23
The Summer Program at Franklin Academy serves bright students with unique learning styles who are 13 -19 years old. Students are celebrated for their gifts and have the freedom to be themselves in a community that fosters curiosity, learning, and growth. Exciting classes and Institutes bring together those who share similar interests so friendships can easily and naturally form. There is nurturing support and coaching in navigating social nuance and strengthening executive functioning. Join us for a Virtual Summer Program Open House on March 25!
Contact Admissions
860-873-2700 x1114
140 River Road East Haddam Connecticut 06423 860-873-2700
Camp Agawam Raymond, ME
Est. 1919
Where a boy learns to be his best self.
Join us for a technology-free summer of outdoor fun, friendship, growth, leadership and community.
(207) 627- 4780
CHOOSE the weeks that work for you! Limited Capacity. Enroll Now!
s are Camper with a provideidtious, nutr lunch nut-freey day ever
UPPER CAMP AGES 6–13 Designed to give children a unique camp experience through a variety of stimulating activities across our sprawling campus!
LOWER CAMP AGES 4–5 Extra hour of fun! Includes swimming, music, art, sports, science, and yoga.
A morning of exploration, play, group activities, and a chance to make friends all in a safe and engaging environment. Plus Swim and Lunch Programs!
This program provides parents the opportunity for a later pick up. Includes supervised playground time and a snack.
weeks of summer fun
days a week!
CHOOSE the weeks that work for you. summercamp