October 9, 2020

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.

October 9, 2020

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New Children’s Book BCA & Town Raise Flag, Awareness By Anne W. Semmes “When the World Went Quiet” is a children’s book of charm for 4 to 10-year olds that speaks to our lockdown times, with a Greenwich Academy graduate as author, Martina Faulkner. But you’ll find her pen name, Tia Martina, on the illustrated cover of a city scene where deer and a fox roam, and dolphins cavort in a nearby river. The book in lively rhyme takes the young reader around a world gone quiet where a dolphin leaps outside a Venetian window, where “Wild pumas roamed the streets in Chile,/ near homes with fun new smells,” and wild boars caused havoc in European towns. Martina is now based in Chicago where she oversees a women-owned and operated publishing and multimedia company, Inspirebytes Omni Media. She’s best described as having “a focus

on the role hope plays in our lives,” with skills as a certified life coach, licensed therapist, and Reiki Master Teacher. Her idea for her new children’s book might be traced to how her world went quiet. “Every morning I would get up and there'd be no car noise there, no plane noise, and I could hear the birds again. It took me about a week after lockdown to hear all the birds were singing, and it was so lovely.” But the idea for this children’s book came from conversing with her Canadian illustrator and “kindred spirit” Kelly Ulrich. “Kelly, we need to do something for the kids. This [pandemic] is scary.” A nd there it was on Facebook, the stories of those dolphins in Venice’s canals, “which turned out not to be true,” notes Martina, “but it set the spark… for something fun and whimsical and

continued on page 3

Author Tia Martina searched out stories from around the world of animals exploring human habitats.

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Last Thursday, the Breast Cancer A lliance (BCA), a Greenwich-based nonprofit, held a flag raising ceremony at Greenwich Town Hall to kick-off Breast Cancer Awareness Month for October. The BCA’s mission, according to their website, is to improve the survival rate and quality of life for those impacted by breast cancer through better prevention, early detection, treatment and cure. The BCA promotes these goals by investing in innovative research, breast surgery fellowships, regional education, and dignified support and screening for the underserved. While the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly altered many facets of everyday life over the past seven months, the BCA remains steadfast in raising awareness and fighting breast cancer. “During the pandemic, understandably, people have been focused elsewhere. We’ve been social distancing, we’ve been quarantining, we haven’t had events, we’ve been altering our lifestyles, but that hasn’t changed the rates of diagnosis. What has changed is accessibility to treatment; it has stalled research, it has prevented women who were not in immediate crisis with breast cancer from getting the screening that they would normally get in a timely fashion,” said Yonni Wattenmaker, Executive Director of the BCA. Wattenmaker pointed out that breast cancer affects one in eight women and one in just under 1,000 men. “The pandemic has instilled greater fear in the women who are going for treatment during this time. It’s delayed surgeries. Being aware of breast health is perhaps more important at this time, because it’s so easy for it to take a backseat to everything else that we’ve all been having to deal with.” Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo was on hand at the flag raising ceremony, and issued a proclamation which recognized the work of the BCA and the month of October. “As we celebrate the success and the ef forts of organizations like the Breast Cancer Alliance, groups that have contributed to the early detection survival rate of almost 90%, there is still work to be

ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-4850226; or buy online at GreenwichSentinel.com/ Advertise STORY IDEAS Publisher@ GreenwichSentinel.com COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ GreenwichSentinel.com JIM KNOX info@beardsleyzoo.org TOP 5 THINGS TO DO IN GREENWICH: www.greenwichsentinel. com/community-event/ LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836

participants can join or support high school and college students nationwide in getting fit by running, biking, swimming, or practicing with your school team. For more information and to sign up, go to breastcanceralliance.org/getfit Also going through the end of the month is the BCA’s annual GoForPink event, in which retailers and restaurants donate a percentage of sales and/or items to the BCA’s silent auction. Fo r m o r e o n G o Fo rP i n k , g o t o breastcanceralliance.org/shop-for-bca. Wattenmaker said it means a lot that the town of Greenwich is showing up to offer support to the BCA, even during a global pandemic. “Since BCA was founded in 1996, the town of Greenwich has supported our work and seen the impact that we can have on our neighbors and our friends,” Wattenmaker said. The BCA has awarded more than $29 million in grants to support its mission since 1996. “To have First Selectman Camillo be willing to come out to give a proclamation about the importance of our work, to still know there are partners in town who want to do what they can to continue to partner with us, and for all of our supporters who live here, we’re just so grateful for their faithfulness and continued commitment to the organization.”

Radar Screen

The Breast Cancer Alliance is holding its Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show on Monday October 19. Please come to the virtual luncheon to help raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. Our silent online auction for the event is opening on Sunday October 9. Please use this link to sign up and bid in the auction: https://one.bidpal. net/BCALuncheon2020/welcome Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry

EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com

SPORTS Paul@GreenwichSentinel.com

done,” Camillo said last week. “We salute their passion, focus, and success, and stand in support of them as the race towards the goal of 100%.” The BCA is holding several fundraising and awareness events throughout the month of October. The annual luncheon and fashion show, which highlights survivors, will be held on Oct. 19, and it will be entirely virtual. Actress Kate Walsh will be the speaker during the luncheon. The program will also include a memorial tribute to BCA co-founder, Lucy Day, who passed away earlier this year. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e accompanying silent auction, and to purchase tickets for the luncheon and fashion show, go to one.bidpal.net / BCALuncheon2020/welcome. Back in May, the BCA raised over $100,000 during a one day fitness event for breast cancer patients who have been affected by COVID-19. This month, the second Get Fit For Hope Challenge will take place through Oct. 31. “Exercise is not only important for prevention of breast cancer and recovery from treatment, but especially during this time. It’s so good for mental health,” Wattenmaker said. With a minimum $25 entry price,

Calls to Action


SUBSCRIBER DELIVERY ISSUES & REQUESTS Thomas@maninmotionllc. com or call 203-515-2288

ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; promotions, achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. These are free. Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com

“Since BCA was founded in 1996, the town of Greenwich has supported our work and seen the impact that we can have on our neighbors and our friends,” said Yonni Wattenmaker, Executive Director of the Breast Cancer

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT Kintsukuroi is a type of Japanese porcelain considered more valuable than a perfect, neverbroken piece of porcelain because of the gold or silver used to mend it. Our own lives are much like Kintsukuroi. By the time we reach adult- hood, everyone has experienced breaking and mending. None of us is “never broken.” Do we perceive the break ing and mending process as one that makes us more valuable or one that devalues us? Do we look at the pieces of our lives and see their artistic potential or just a pile of pieces? Veins of pain and the dark colors of our lives may add texture and beauty depending upon how we tell our stories. Sometimes we become part of the silver and gold that helps others’ mend their lives. Becoming kintsukuroi is something to celebrate. Matt would have preferred to not have been an alcoholic for nine years. It caused pain to him and to those he loved. On the other hand, now that he has been sober for a decade, it is because of his mended brokenness that he is approachable. He volunteers at a rehabilitation center for addicts. There is nothing in another person’s life that shocks him. Matt would not trade his gold scars for anything. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-869-1515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.

Neighbor to Neighbor: Most needed items at the Arch Street Teen Center food pantry are oatmeal, peanut butter and jelly. The NTN Food Pantry is open online for donations of fresh produce for 23 more days. Please follow this link to donate fresh produce: https://amplify. ampyourgood.com/user/campaigns/3363 . If you prefer to go and help in person please volunteer to pack and distribute food by using this link: https://www.ntngreenwich.org/how-you-can-help/volunteer/ TAG, the Transportation Association of Greenwich, is delivering grocery bags of food collected by Neighbor to Neighbor for over 500 families a week. They are in dire need of volunteers to deliver groceries Monday-Friday between 9:30am and 12:30pm. Volunteers are desperately needed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. You will travel on the TAG bus to deliver grocery bags for contactless delivery. Please call TAG at 203 637-4345 or email debbie@ridestag.org to volunteer. Meals on Wheels Volunteer drivers needed. COVID is a challenge for many seniors. Please come help us bring our community together by helping to deliver meals to seniors. Please contact Lynne Stewart 203 869-1312 or email greenwichmow@optonline.net for more information. Greenwich Chaplaincy Services is in need of new or gently used ipads to facilitate virtual family visits. Please reach out to Kate Noonan Glaser: kate@greenwichchaplaincy.org with your donations. http:// www.greenwichchaplaincy.org/ Kids in Crisis Autumn Scavenger Hunt: The Kids In Crisis Scavenger Hunt is an exciting, fun, family-friendly virtual event. The game will be ‘live’ October 23 – November 1, 2020. The Autumn Scavenger Hunt is full of cool challenges in the categories of Family Fun, Do Good, and Community Awareness & Support. Use this link to join the scavenger hunt: https://kidsincrisis.salsalabs.org/ autumnscavengerhuntregistrationform/index.html Domus Kids, an organization located on 83 Lockwood Avenue in Stamford, builds loving relationships with young people facing adversity, empowering them towards self-sufficiency. They are looking for virtual volunteers to share their career paths and also do mentoring with Domus youth. If you are available to mentor please reach out to Mitch Depino at mdepino@domuskids.org. They are in need of school supplies and hygiene supplies immediately which can be dropped off at the Domus Stamford location. Contact info: https://www.domuskids. org/ or 203 324-4277.

By Beth Barhydt On the radar screen this week are new Greenwich residents and the changing character of our town. Long-time Greenwich residents (sounding a little bit like Mainers) are complaining loudly and often about the cars with out of state plates that are too aggressive; don't know where they are going; and refuse to stop at crosswalks. With over 500 new residents from "away" by some counts, there is no doubt that the impact is very real. Imagine, however, moving to a new community like Greenwich in the middle of a pandemic. You cannot get to know people through your church or synagogue; you cannot meet your children's new teachers or classmates' families face to face; and you cannot ask your neighbors where the best place is to buy fresh fish (BonTon BTW). The internet is no substitute for human contact. They feel isolated and stressed and who can blame them? Change is difficult for everyone but perhaps more so for the people who are trying to figure out their new town in the middle of a pandemic. The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation is reaching out to many of these new residents with welcome baskets filled with goodies and information from all over town. McArdle's is generously adding a bouquet of flowers. The huge influx of new residents in such a brief period of time may change the character of Greenwich in ways we have not yet begun to sort through but they are here to stay. How we show our character and welcome them is something that should be on our radar screen.

Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel

Our Local News, In Brief CHARITY WORK


GPD Charity Work

Breast Cancer Alliance

Both new to GPD in t he last 4 ye a rs, O f f icers Vladimir Souffrant and Officer Yves Pierre helped start a charitable organization called Heart and Purpose. (www. heartandpurpose.org). They raise money for an all girls orphanage in Haiti, for social and emotional work shops for kids in Haiti as well as t he US a nd for a b ack to scho ol suppl ie s d r ive for underprivileged youths in Fairfield County.

There was a f lag raising ceremony at Town Hall on Thursday, October 1 by the Breast Cancer A lliance in honor of the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer Alliance is a Greenwich-based non profit and has raised millions of dollars in order to fund lifesaving research on breast c a ncer. The a l l ia nce w i l l continue to hold events, but they will be re-imagined due to the ongoing pandemic. For more information about the alliance, their events, and how to donate, please visit https:// breastcanceralliance.org/.

Brew Ha-Ha Comedy Show Greenwich United Way is continuing their annual Brew Ha-Ha Comedy Show this year. On Friday October 16, Greenwich residents can join from the comfort of their own homes, dinner is scheduled for 6pm with the show starting at 8pm. For more information about pricing, donating, and buying tickets please visit https://greenwichunitedway. or g / br ew-h a-h a- c ome dynight/.

Little Free Library Two Greenwich residents, Daisy Florin and Kate M a r l o w, h a v e d o n a t e d a Little Free Librar y to the town, which was purchased from a nonprof it that prompts neighborhood book exchanges. It is located in Cos Cob’s Hill Pond Chess Park and the idea is that you give a book and take a book but it isn’t ne ce ss a r y for use. Marlow and Florin are planning on keeping an eye on it to replenish it if needed. To le a r n mor e a b out t h e nonprofit, you can visit https://

Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention In honor of Domestic V i o l e n c e Aw a r e n e s s a n d Prevention Month, Y WCA encouraged supporters to log 100 miles of walking in order to “walk the walk” through the month of September, and on Sunday October 4, supporters walked a ceremonial f inal mile at Bruce Park. YWCA offers domestic abuse services which can be reached at 203622-0003, 24/7. You can learn more about their services at https://ywcagreenwich.org/ what-we-do/get-help-now/.

EDUCATION Eastern Middle School Quarantine Last Friday, October 2 , Eastern Middle School was c l o s e d du e to t h e s c h o o l district being extra cautious after a teacher tested positive for Cov id-19. The teacher had not been in school since

Tuesday of the week, and the reason for the closing was for contact tracing and cleaning. Most of the students and staff were cleared to return on the following Monday, with the expectation of 5 staff members a nd 11 st udent s who w i l l continue to quarantine due to suspected exposure.

recognized Detective Kyle O’Neil for his ef forts on a r obb e r y i nve s t ig at ion he completed. Detective O’Neil’s work led to the arrest of the person responsible for the robbery of a store in Byram.

New Officers

Greenwich Police Department’s Chief Heavey FIRE DEPT. has recently congratulated Officers Vladimir Souffrant GFD in Special and Thomas Koppelman on Training this Week passing their probationary All the career members of per iod a nd becom ing f u ll the Greenwich Fire Dept are members of the department. confined space technicians. Work with ADL They do year round training to keep their rescue skills sharp Over the last few days, and ready for emergencies. stickers used by hate groups All this week, members have have been found on traff ic been participating in their control signs in Greenwich. annual confined space entry T h e p l a c e m e n t o f t h e s e practical evolution. Not only stickers is illegal. If anyone does the Greenwich Fire Dept. h a s i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e respond to fires but they are placement of these stickers we also prepared and trained to ask that they contact the GPD respond to many different tip line at TIPS@greenwichct. ty pes of emergencies and org. rescues. The ADL - Anti-Defamation League's Director said, “We Get Your Pink Patch! k now that Greenwich and The Glenville Volunteer its leaders will make clear F i r e C o m p a n y ( G V F C ) today a nd ever y day t hat Pink Patch Project raises they reject this ideology and awareness and funds for the will fight to keep us all safe f ight against breast cancer. from hate and secure in our You can join their efforts by town. ADL is proud to have purchasing a special edition partnered for many years GVFC Pink Patch for $10. All with GPD on trainings related proceeds are donated to the to hate crimes, implicit bias Breast Cancer A lliance of and specif ically last year – white supremacist extremism Greenwich. E-mail Steven Caldwell at including Patriot Front. We SCaldwell@glenvillefire.org to thank GPD for investigating this incident and doing all they get yours. can to prevent ones in the POLICE DEPT. future.“

officers and vehicles will be displaying and wearing the purple ribbons to show their cont i nue d supp or t to t he cause and bring awareness to this national epidemic. Domestic Violence is the most investigated violent crime i n G r e e nw i c h , ave r a g i n g between 250 and 300 reported incidents a year. However, many experiences still go unreported. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will be victims of Domestic Violence. All of us most likely know someone who is or has been a victim. Domestic Violence has traumatic effects on children l e a d i n g to c o n s e q u e n c e s such as health and substance abuse, risky behaviors, and suicide. Services and support are f ree and conf idential. Fo r 2 4 h r h e l p r e g a r d i n g Domestic Violence, please call our partners at the YWCA Domestic Abuse Services at 203-622-0003. T h e G P D ’s o f f i c e r s have received tra in ing in handling domestic violence incidents and have a cadre of investigators to further help victims of Domestic Violence. For more information on how the GPD investigates Domestic Violence incidents, please visit our webpage at https:// www.greenwichct.gov/383/ Domestic-Violence-Unit

HEALTH West Nile Virus

The Connecticut Department of Health has notif ied Greenw ich Department of Health of a second resident of Greenwich GPD Recognizes who has tested positive for Domestic Violence West Nile Virus. The patient Detective In support of the Domestic became sick in late September G r e e n w i c h P o l i c e Violence Awa reness, the and is now in recovery. This Department’s Captain Gray Greenwich Police Department is the seventh reported case

within CT so far this year.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Greenwich Hospital w ill be holding a series of Zoom lectures that are open to the public. The lectures are as follows: Br e a st su rge on s B a rba ra Wa r d , M D , a n d A l y s s a Gi l le go, M D, w i l l d isc uss "Surgical Management of Breast Cancer" on Monday, O c t . 5 at 7 pm . L i nd a L a Trenta, MD, radiologist and Dana Jaggessarsingh, MD, patholog ist w ill discuss "Imaging and Patholog y: W h at D oe s It Me an? " on Tu e s d ay, O c t . 6 at 7 p m . Dav id Greenspun, M D, reconstructive and plastic surgeon, will discuss "Recon str uction af ter Breast Cancer Surger y: What Are Your Options?" o n We d n e s d ay, O c t . 7 a t 7 pm. Bruce McGibbon, M D, rad iat ion onc olo g i st a nd Dicker ma n Hol l ister, M D, m e d i c a l o n c o l o g i s t , will discuss "Medical and Radiation Oncology: Latest Breast Cancer Treatment Options" on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 7 pm. To register for these free events, contact Heather Studwell, cancer survivorship coordinator, at 203-863-4295.

BUSINESS Brooks Brothers Closes T he lo c at ion t h at w a s Brooks Brothers since 2001 is now officially "for lease" on Greenwich Avenue. The space is 12,500 square feet on two f loors and can be divided. Contact Tom Torelli of Allied Property Group at (203) 6615800 for more information.

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Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel

Wesskum Wood Road Bridge Replacement By Richard Kaufman Last week, the Greenw ich Department of Public Works, along with Stantec Consulting Services, held a virtual public information meeting on the replacement of the Wesskum Wood Road bridge over Binney Park Brook in Old Greenwich. The project is in the early design process, and the meeting served as a way to get feedback and input from the community. The bridge, which was built in 1950, is a concrete structure with an aesthetically pleasing stone masonry arch fascia. The bridge serves three purposes – supporting traf f ic traveling on Wesskum Wood Road, allowing water to flow in Binney Pond Brook to the Long Island Sound and allowing users of Binney Park to access the entire site. I n t h e s p r i n g o f 2 01 7, a n inspection found the bridge to be in poor condition -- rated a four on a scale of zero to nine. " T h at do e s n o t m e a n t h e structure is at any imminent risk of collapsing, it simply means that the bridge is deteriorated enough to a point where plans should be set in place to replace the structure, just so we can avoid having any future impacts to traff ic," said Justin Abate, the project manager from Stantec, at the informational meeting. The bridge is located in a newly designated scenic route -- the Binney Park Scenic Loop. “So we'll be preserving as many features of the old bridge as we can without sacrificing safety. And that's really

"We'll be preserving as many features of the old bridge as we can without sacrificing safety," said Justin Abate, project manager.

A rendering of the new Wesskum Wood Road bridge. (photo from Stantec Consulting/Greenwich DPW) the key: doing what we can to any additional stone approved per day. There will also be new maintain the 1950s historic appeal, prior to setting. The elevation of plantings around the bridge. while at the same time putting the bridge will not change, but the The cost of the bridge was something new in there that at bridge will get a little wider, with budgeted at $1.5 million. In 2018, least meets modern day safety the pavement area expanding from the town received a commitment standards,” Abate said. a little over 20 feet to 26 feet. This to f u nd t h roug h t he St ate of Ga br iel la Ci rcosta- Cohee, would create space for cyclists to Connecticut Local Bridge Program. sen ior c iv i l eng i ne er for t he travel over the bridge. The town would be reimbursed Greenwich DPW, said there are Additionally, there will be an for 50% of the construction and several other project considerations added sidewalk to continue with an inspection of the project. that will be addressed throughout existing sidewalk to the southeast. Stantec is proposing a road the design process, such as "A l l o f t h i s w o u l d a l l o w closure with a detour that would environmental permitting and for some nice connectivity for last for about three months during town approvals; avoiding private pedestrians through the park. And const r uc t ion. Tra f f ic heade d property impacts; and construction it'll allow people to get through the westbound on Wesskum Wood approach/sequencing and traffic park safely," Abate said. Road would have to be directed control. The bridge will have taller down Sound Beach Avenue and The proposed structure will parapets, and curved end walls eventually up Drinkwater Place have a masonry fascia with an to avoid snagging hazards for and over O wenoke Way back arch to match the existing look vehicles. As of 2017, Abate noted, to Wessk um. Traf f ic heading and to flow with the park setting. the estimated daily traffic on the eastbound on Wesskum would The intent is to reuse the existing stretch of road the bridge is located head up Arch Street and back stone as much as possible with on w a s a b out 1,0 4 0 veh icle s down Sound Beach.

"A semi-f inal design would be completed by November 2020. We expect to submit permits by January 2021, and have a f inal design completed in April 2021. We'd adver t i s e c on st r uc t ion to bid in December 2021, start const r uc t ion i n Ma rch 2 02 2 , and we anticipate completing construction in December 2022," A bate s a id. " Th is is a roug h schedule and some shifting could certainly happen." The park will remain open to the public throughout construction, Abate said. Several residents spoke after the presentation, and were pleased w ith the cur rent state of the project. Dick Fiss, who lives on nearby Pell Place, said he spoke to a Greenwich fire marshal who is concerned about f ire response times to Arch Street and Pell Place from the Sound Beach Firehouse, because of the proposed detour. The fire marshal suggested a twoway, temporary passage on Arch Street to help solve the issue. Jim Michel, Deputy Commissioner for the Department of Public Works, said there have been conversations with the fire department about coming up with

solutions. "Arch Street is a fairly narrow r o a d w a y, a n d i f we we r e t o make that two-directional for the duration of the construction and detour timeframe, we would have to deal with removing all the parking from that area, which may not be a very popular move," Michel said. "But it is something we are looking into, considering, and working with the fire department on." L ois B erl i n, who l ive s on Wesskum Wood Road, raised concern about there only being one storm drain between Binney Park Drive and Sound Beach, which often overflows. Michel said drainage will be looked at as part of the project. "We will take a look as part of this project at those drainage structures and see if there is the need for additional drainage structures to make sure that any everyday roadway flooding is not going to continue to be a concern," Michel said. For more information on the project, how to submit feedback and view last week's informational m e e t i n g , go to g r e e nw ichc t . gov/1607/Wesskum-Wood-RoadBridge.

author and illustrator to donate bring another dimension to the beautifully.” But what grew out of their ten percent of book sale profits “to ending of “When the World Went animal stories was realizing conservation efforts.” We want Quiet.” “Mommy,” asked young their children’s book had another kids to know,” says Martina, “that Sawyer Bieler, “There's something dimension - conservation. “It’s we need to raise [conservation] at the end that's missing, because a b ook a b out ba la nce,” tel ls awareness in a very soft, gentle I don't know what to do next?” hopeful and optimistic.” Th is you ng son of a nother So, Martina went dig g ing Martina. “When the humans way.” Greenwich Academy alumae, went away nature rebalanced. A Might there be a conservation for those stories on the web Mira Bieler, surely a budding lot of people think we're at the top e x p e r t i n t h e G r e e n w i c h of a n ima ls ex plor ing hu ma n habitats. “I chose stories that of the ecosystem. I believe we're Academy alumnae base, Martina ac tiv ist, broug ht t he end i ng circumnavigated the globe as at the bottom, because if we leave t houg ht, who cou ld add re ss illustration of kids holding up a will be fine. In this conservation aspect of the “Slow Down Wildlife Crossing” much as possible. I picked the tomorrow nature PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentinel (Stam- PRODUCTION: N/A CODE: HSS-2020-95 LIVE: None ford) - 10/9 issue (Due 10/1/2020) sign before a stream of wildlife, fact, nature will thrive. WeDate: can't book? The name came of alum animals that I thought would be DESCRIPTION: Dr.survive Hannafin if nature's not here. And WORKORDER #: 74939 TRIM: x 10.5” a nd a verse t hat reads, “So, Melissa Groo, the award-winning 11” fun and whimsical and not scary.” FILE: 03A-74933-07C-HSS-2020-95-V1.indd SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.20005.B.011 BLEED: wherever None wildlife photographer, writer, and you are,/ and whatever so, that puts us at the bottom. She cites the New Orleans rats Now, interestingly, we've created conservationist, who has added you do,/ think of how you can 212.237.7000 that come out at night to “party” a s c e n a r i o w h e r e n at u r e i s her endorsement on the book's make room/for the animals, too.” as the scariest ones, “which I back cover. And that’s not all that’s grown dependent on us to protect them, don't think are scary,” she notes, I t w a s t h e r e a c t i o n o f a out of “When the World Went “because Kelly drew them so so that we can survive.” T h e d e c i s i o n c a m e f r o m 10-year-old reader who would T:11”Quiet.” “So, we're developing a

fou r-we ek c u r r ic u lu m focusing on roughly first grade to fourth grade with the book as the starting point,” says Martina, “to give it away to any school or organization that wants it. “We're pulling the animals from the book for the basics of the curriculum. But then any organization can expand it to their local animals or their local wildlife. It's meant to normalize humans and wildlife as all part of the same ecosystem. So, instead of having the exercises be what does a lion eat, how does a bear sleep, we're saying how do you sleep and what do you eat. And is there an animal that you think would eat that too. So, its teaching

herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, from the perspective of you are a mammal, just like a bear is a mammal. And you had salmon last night for dinner and guess what, a bear eats salmon.” Though said curriculum won’t be available until next year, the Girl Scouts have already signed on says Martina. “They want to turn it into a badge.” “So,” she concludes, “This book has just taken on a life of its own. People get invested when they read it and they want to be part of this, and they’re thinking, ‘What can I do to help?’” For more information visit https://www.amazon.com/WhenWorld-Went-Quiet-Martina-ebook/ dp/


From Page 1


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Page 4 |Greenwich Sentinel

Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund

➤ Facilitated weekly collaboration between all nonprofits to address unmet developing needs throughout town and made countless connections to meet needs ➤ Connected Greenwich Public Schools to TAG to deliver breakfast and lunch to Free and Reduced Lunch children ➤ Acted as fiduciary for Town of Greenwich’s “Greenwich Together Fund” ➤ Supported frontline workers and provided meals for Nathaniel Witherell and Greenwich Hospital staff

granted to date

Funding allowed meals to Greenwich Free and Reduced Lunch students during July and August

residents received PPE and additional food

meals funded over 16 weeks

family Zoom calls made during one month

individuals, mostly children, served meals delivered in May and June

number of shelter nights for victims of domestic violence

Teen Talk counseling sessions to students in 13 middle and high schools recieved additional services, including risk assessment, clinical collaborations, parents support, home visits, referrals, school team meetings, accompanying students to hospital

seniors received meals at home

On Faith. Faith pages continued on page 11.

Theism, Better than Atheism, Best Explains Our World By Marek Zabriskie

In 1723, Bishop Joseph Butler, one of the greatest Anglican theologians, wrote The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed – a famous, but rarely read book. In it, he noted that both natural and revealed religion teach us about God. Revealed religion comes from reading the Bible. Natural religion comes from observing nature. Both help us to experience and learn about God. Surely, Matthew had this i n m i n d w h e n h e r e c or d e d Jesus telling a series of parables about the kingdom of heaven and what it is like. Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed…” “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in…” “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field...” “… the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of f ine pearls…” Our world is marked by p at te r n s , wh ich a r e t he fingerprints of God. The night stars move in patterns through the sky; the nautilus shell has a perfectly shaped-spiral pattern, waves break on the shore in symmetrical patterns like the patterns of desert sand, which point to the laws governing the flow of sand and air. Michael Mayne, the late Dean of Westminster Abbey, wrote: And nothing is more intriguing than the mathematical equations that link leaf and flower patterns with the exact proportions th e Gre ek s u s e d i n th ei r architecture.

Mayne notes that Leonardo Fibonacci was born in Pisa, Italy about 1170 A.D. and wrote extensively on numbers theory. H is most fa mous d iscover y is k now n as t he “Fi bonacci sequence,” which notes that each number is the sum of the two previous ones: hence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… These numbers, Fibonacci notes, dominate the natural world. The numbers of petals on most plants is a Fibonacci number – 3 petals on irises and lilies, 5 on buttercups and wild roses, 8 on delphiniums, 13 on ragwort and corn marigolds, 21 on asters, 34, 55 and 89 on various daisies. Fibonacci numbers appear on sunflowers, where the clockwise spira ling seed-heads w ill always be 34, 55 or 89, and the counterclockwise spiral 55, 89 or 144. Pineapples have 8 rows of diamond-shaped scales sloping left and 13 to the right. Furthermore, take the ratio of two successive Fibonacci numbers, starting with 5, and divide each by the number before it: 5/3 = 1.666, 8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625, 21/13 = 1.61538. The ratio averages 1.618, which is known as the Golden Mean. It is the ideal proportion used by ancient Greeks in building and was found to be particularly ple asi ng to t he hu ma n eye . During the Renaissance it was said to be the secret to a beautiful face and body. In a wellproportioned body 1/1.618 is the ratio from the top of the head to the navel, and from the navel to the ground, and the width of the mouth against the nose. The Golden Mean is found in the shell of a hermit crab, in a ram’s horn or an ocean wave. In a bee colony the number of female workers to male drones is about 1/1.618. God’s favorite ratio seems to be 1 to 1.62 as so much of creation corresponds to this. Even the climaxes in a Mozart piano sonata mirror this ratio. All things reflect their Maker with a near-perfect symmetry ra ng i ng f rom wh i rlp o ols to honeycom bs to ripples on a

The Golden Mean is found in the shell of a hermit crab, in a ram’s horn or an ocean wave. In a bee colony the number of female workers to male drones is about 1/1.618. God’s favorite ratio seems to be 1 to 1.62 as so much of creation corresponds to this.

Likew ise, as she stood silently at Tinker’s Creek, author Annie Dillard recalled that there are 228 distinct muscles in the head of an ordinary caterpillar. Th is focus on natu re is not pa nt heism – t he b el ief t hat God is everything – but rather panentheism – the belief that the Being of God pervades the whole universe, which exists and is sustained by God, who contains the world, yet transcends it. S u r e l y, t h e k i n g d o m o f h e ave n s u r r o u n d s u s . G o d reveals Godself to us through science, mathematics, beauty, reason and natural world. Hence, the Psalmist writes: When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have set in their courses, what are mortals, that you should be mindful of them? (Ps. 8:4) The mathematician, physicist, astronomer and theologian Isaac Newton discovered a universe that worked according to rational, elegant laws undergirding both the simplest and most complex structures, all of which were shot through with the mind of a universal Creator. Hence, I believe that theism better than atheism best explains this incredibly complicated, interconnected, stunning world with its vast varieties, shapes, sizes, species, complex ities and colors. As Gerald Manley Hopkins wrote,

pond, add i ng b eaut y to ou r lives and revealing that God is omnipresent – in galaxies, oceans, animals, humans and vast ecosystems. In 1965, two American radio astronomers at Cal Berkeley d iscovered the ex istence of background radiation, which they believed was part of the residual heat from the Big Bang that still suffuses our cosmos. They dubbed this structure “the handwriting of God.” God’s fingerprints are found in the Milky Way Galaxy, that sweeping band of light, which

The world is charge with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to greatness…

turns in space like a great wheel, composed of 300,000 million stars or in the Cat’s Eye Nebula, 3,000 light years away from the Draco constellation, which unfurls like a giant cosmic scarlet poppy. Geneticists tell us that we have only begun to catalog the

Because the Holy Ghost over the bent

vast extent of God’s creation, World broods with warm possibly describing only one breast and with ah! living species in a hundred. So far, we have catalogued 330,000 bright wings. k inds of beetle. When J.B.S. The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie Haldane, a Christian biologist, is the Rector of Christ Church w a s a s k e d t o d e s c r i b e h i s Greenwich concept of God, he replied, “[God] is inordinately fond of beetles.”

Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel


I Am Because We Are

By Icy Frantz I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling bewildered this fall. It’s the end of September and I still can’t find my footing. The temperatures are cooling and there is plenty new in our home. COVID continues to battle on. The election is looming. But what I really can’t figure out is who to root for - the Patriots or the Buccaneers? When Tom Brady (the G.O.A.T) announced last spring that he would be moving to a new team, I was struck with the dilemma - do I stay, or do I go? When Gronk was thrown into the mix, I was perplexed. What jersey do I wear? Do I free up my schedule so that I can catch both weekly games? And when the two teams come face to face against each other - what will I do? For years, the New England Patriots has been my community, my go-to, and the team has provided a special connection for me to like-

minded fans of the number 12 and the red, white and blue. The team’s success kept me tethered to the screen well into January and I watched and cheered from the comfort of our family room (and not just for the commercials or the half time show), I read the Monday morning commentary, and I smiled at folks on the street wearing familiar fan gear - you are my people!!! M a ny o f my d e c i s i o n s i n life have been based on finding community and it goes well beyond my allegiance to an NFL team or player. I went to a fully residential boarding school in New Hampshire in my teens. I attended a small liberal arts college in Hartford where I played squash and found a solid community in my teammates. I returned home to Greenwich, where I got involved and found another wonderful and supportive community. And while raising our children, we chose schools that provided an environment that was caring and family-like; again, strong communities. But what is it about communities that I f ind so attractive? I heard a politician many years ago speak about his upbringing. He said he lived in a town where folks looked out for one another. If a young child was found wandering the streets,

And I remember thinking that’s the kind of place where I want to live. A community where we care for and look out for one another, where we feel safe, where we feel connected, “where everybody knows your name” to quote a popular TV jingle. everyone knew exactly where the child belonged. No cops were called; no reason to get child protective services involved. And I remember thinking that’s the kind of place where I want to live. A community where we care for and look out for one another, where we feel safe, where we feel connected, “where everybody knows your name” to quote a popular TV jingle. And that’s the attraction. Our house has gotten quiet, and I f ind there are positives to t he decrease i n pa renti ng responsibilities. There is now more time for Netflix, and just the other night I browsed my way into a documentary entitled The Playbook: A Coach’s Rules for Life. Essentially, it’s about Doc Rivers’ successful run with the Celtics, but my big takeaway is whittled down to one word, Unbuntu (which is translated as “I am because we are”). The Celtics embraced this word as a way of life. In fact, in an interview with one of the team’s

stars after a game, the player deflected his own achievement by saying that he was able to make the baskets because his teammates did their jobs because they were where they were supposed to be. And when Doc Rivers’ father died, one of his players said, “I am sad because you are sad.” Communities exist on connection and survive because we need each other. In my town, I am often in awe of the many ways that our community comes together to support one another, and that support has been out in full force during the pandemic. Our first selectman and his administration have worked tirelessly. Nonprofits have come together to meet community needs. Individuals have volunteered. In the spring, members of our town government reached out to the elderly. We shopped locally. Teachers and healthcare workers and other frontline professionals stepped up to the challenges. We cheered each other on.

But there are dangers in staying too insulated within the boundaries of our communities, whether those lines are geographical, religious, social, political, or philosophical. We construct our worlds based on our likes, dislikes, and thoughts, and with those who have compatible goals and ideas. And that is nice. But to create a better world, we need to reach outside of our communities, even if it means cheering for the New York Giants. To that end, I invite you to join me in a little project called Communities Helping Communities, and as easy as it is, it will go far to help others. Did you know that within the past year, almost 2/3 of low-income women and girls have struggled to afford feminine hygiene products – items that I take very much for granted - and that inaccessibility often leads to missed school and work? LifeBridge in Bridgeport, Connecticut is working to supply 600 women and girls with feminine hygiene products,

and you can help make this happen. Products can be dropped off at the Cos Cobber at 31 East Putman Avenue or Roller Rabbit at 103 Greenwich Avenue, or monetary donations can be made to Lifebridge. org under the designation, choose “Hygiene Products.” Thank you in advance for your consideration! I have been lucky to be a part of many communities - teams, schools, churches, and towns - and there is no time that I feel safer and more secure than when I am fully engaged in those communities when I am with my people. This is privilege. I am also aware that there are many who do not have the same luxury, the same sense of security. The pandemic has taught us just how much power there is in community and just how much loneliness exists without it. We have an obligation to help people feel connected and cared for. Doc Rivers players understood so well that for an individual to make the winning basket, it is necessary for all of the players to be in the right place too. We all play a role in success. We need each other. (And just in case you are wondering, the Patriots are 2 and 1, and the Buccaneers are 3 and 1. I have managed to move beyond my comfort zone and cheer for both teams.) Come visit me at The Icing on the Cake at Icyfrantz.net

Designing the New Bruce

monkey, both of which resided in the turret room. And while I had served on architectural review committees in the past, I had never par ticipated in a desig n competition, which is s ome t h i n g q u ite d i f fe r e nt . I learned that design competitions are increasingly used to award impor tant com missions such a s t h e N e w B r u c e , a n d t h at rather than judging architectural firms and designs based solely on aesthetic merits, a desig n competition involves bringing a more holistic approach to the selection process. The selection process was fascinating. The first step for the Bruce was to retain a “Leader” to run the competition. Reed Kroloff, former editor of Architecture magazine and an expert in running design competitions, was chosen for the job. The first thing that Kroloff did, even before the committee was chosen, was to work with the Bruce to establish the competition entry rules and guidelines, the Bruce’s programmatic goals, and a schedule around critical deadlines and milestones. Another early responsibility was to publicize the competition to encourage top

firms to participate. From Kroloff’s initial list of 30 top design firms, the field was narrowed to 16, and then narrowed again to seven. Ultimately, only three firms made the “shortlist” and were invited to su bm it de sig n s a nd ma ke presentations for the New Bruce to the selection committee. The next step was to assemble a committee of board trustees, patrons, architects and other c o m mu n i t y m e m b e r s t o a c t as a jury or judging panel. The goal in assembling a selection committee is to have a balanced group with a mix of technical, design, community or educational perspectives, and the New Bruce selection committee embodied each of those characteristics. While Kroloff was doing his early legwork, Bob Lawrence and his wife Gail, and several others on the selection committee, toured the country and visited a number of America’s finest museums. The selection committee ultimately came together and met on the Bruce campus. The highlight of the committee’s work was the presentations of the dif ferent designs, which were made inperson by teams representing each firm. Each team traveled to

Greenwich to present, and Kroloff navigated the committee through t he eva luat ion of t he de sig n presentations. A ll of the desig ns were beautif ul, but the selection committee was most impressed by, and ultimately chose, the design team led by Eskew+Du mez+R ipple, working in collaboration with Reed H ilderbrand A rchitects for landscape desig n, and M. G o o dw i n Mu s eu m Pla n n i ng , Inc. The E+D+R team's in-person presentation was led by E+D+R's f o u n d e r, A l l e n E s k e w, w h o managed a brilliant presentation and explained the E+D+R team’s design approach for the Bruce. The E+D+R design is dramatic, sleek and substantial, constructed of stone and glass, and, as E+D+R explained, was “inspired by our ex per ience ex plor ing g ranite quarries in Guilford and Stony Cre ek a long t he Con ne c t ic ut c o a s t … c o n c e i ve d a s a s to n e monol it h t h at i s c a r ve d a nd excavated to create a monument that celebrates the geology of the site and its impact in shaping the culture of Connecticut.” The E+D+R team have done a fantastic job since

winning the design competition, notwithstanding a significant and sad setback that occurred shortly after winning the competition for the New Bruce. In December 2013, at the age of just 65, Allen Eskew died suddenly of a heart attack. Not only had the E+D+R team just won the Bruce competition, but just months after his death the American Institute of Architects named Eskew+Dumez+R ipple as the 2014 w inner of the Architecture Firm Award, the highest honor that the AIA awards a firm each year. The Bruce chose to stick with the E+D+R team, notwithstanding the loss of leader Allen Eskew, who had impressed the selection committee so much. This was a wise decision, and will undoubtedly be deeply appreciated as the New Bruce rises out of the hillside that it occupies on the edge of Bruce Park. Bob Lawrence summed it up nicely, stating, “The result will be just beautiful, and it is wonderful that work on the new wings is getting underway.” The New Bruce will be a spectacular and amazing resource for our town and region, and will undoubtedly be enjoyed for years to come by Greenwich residents, and especially by our Greenwich school children that have been enjoying the Bruce Museum for many decades.. Chris Franco is the President and co-founder of the Greenwich P o i n t C o n s e r v a n c y. C h r i s i s passionate about restoring and repurposing historic buildings, which is the focus of his company, The Franco Group LLC. Chris and his wife Rachel reside in Riverside.


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Something exciting, forwardlooking and hopeful is happening in October right in the heart of downtown Greenwich. The Bruce Museum, our own cultural “gem” which focuses on both the arts and science, is beginning construction on what will become the “New Bruce”. The New Bruce is being called a “reimagining” of our beloved local Museum, and will be double the size of the existing Museum. It will add state-ofthe-art exhibition, education and community spaces that will allow the art and science collections to be featured in spacious, modern g a l l e r i e s . T h e Mu s e u m w i l l ultimately be completely renovated and rebuilt, and in addition to the new galleries it will include a new museum store, lecture hall, restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating and flexible spaces that can be rented and used by the community. The Museum will become a much more accessible campus, and will also feature a new sculpture garden that will include beautif ul landscaped space s t hat w i l l con ne c t t he Museum with the surrounding

The centerpiece of the New Bruce and the most visible change for our community will be the architecturally-thrilling new contemporary William L. Richter Art Wing and Steven & Alexandra Cohen Education Wing, which will transform the look and functionality of the Museum.


By Chris Franco

Bruce Park. The centerpiece of the New Bruce and the most visible change for our community will be the architecturally-thrilling new contemporary William L. R ichter A rt Wing and Steven & Alexandra Cohen Education Wing, which will transform the look and f unctiona lit y of the Museum. The redesign of the New Bruce is being led by New Orleans-based architectural firm Eskew+Dumez+R ipple, which is an award-wining f irm that specializes in museum design, along with E+D+R partners Reed Hilderbrand Architects and M. Goodwin Museum Planning, Inc. The E+D+R team has designed a beautiful new facility for the New Bruce, and has proven to be a wonderful choice for such an important commission. The road to this great “reimagining” began a decade ago, when the Bruce’s Board of Tr ustees and then-Executive Director Peter Sutton selected Board members Bob Lawrence a nd Bob G oerga n to head a n architectural selection committee and organize a design competition to select an architectural firm to design the New Bruce. Back in 2013 - which right now seems like a lifetime ago - I had the honor and pleasure of serving on the design competition selection committee. I have a long history with the Bruce, having first visited the Museum as a Greenwich public school student i n the 1960s. I v iv id ly reca l l climbing the winding steps of the “tower” with my schoolmates, and arriving at the summit to visit the big talking parrot and the caged

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Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

On My Watch

Chase Banksville going, going, gone? Not on Easy Kelsey’s watch By Anne W. Semmes

The community of Banksville located in Greenw ich’s most northeastern corner is about to lose its only bank, much to the dismay of its citizenry. The Chase Bank sits in the heart of Ban k sv ille’s Nor th Street Shopping Center, and on October 27 it is scheduled to move to Bedford, N. Y. But stop the clock, there’s a growing groundswell of bank customers, store owners and residents perplexed with such a decision. Making the case for the need of that bank in Banksville is Easy Kelsey of backcountry Kelsey horse farm fame. This reporter met up with Easy at that last jazz concert of the summer held on September 17 at the Banksville Shopping Center, as presented by popular caterers Happiness Is. Easy was radiating determination behind her face mask, having addressed the crowd of diners with the bad news of the Chase closing. She had urged them, “We can save the bank if you sign and share this petition, and call and email Jaime Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase!” Easy had already called the office of Jaime Dimon, learned for sure the sad news, then promptly sent a handwritten letter to Mr. Dimon ending with, “I truly hope you’ll reconsider your plan to close Chase Banksville.” “There are 50-plus businesses in Banksville,” argues Easy. “This bank is a vital piece of our local backcountry economy. It

The Chase Bank, long serving the backcountry of Banksville, is to leave the North Street Shopping Center for Bedford the end of October. Photo by Morgan Fisher

The North Street Pharmacy window in Banksville displays a poster created by Easy Kelsey. Photo by Morgan Fisher

“This bank is a vital piece of our local backcountry economy. It serves the community, bringing people together in Banksville and driving business to our local shops.” Easy Kelsey serves the community, bringing people together in Banksville and driving business to our local shops.” W i t h h e l p f r o m E a s y ’s daug hter Kelsey Merrow, an on l i ne p et it ion wa s c r e ate d urging people to sign on to “Save Our Bank, Save Our Community” and to email or call Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase. Posters saying the same were placed in store front windows. E a s y ’s phone c a l l to M r. Dimon was soon followed by a Chase representative knocking on some of those Banksville stores displaying those “Save Our Bank” posters, with inquiries of what were the stores’ experiences at the Bank? “I just gave her a synopsis of our feelings,” says Sonali Costa, ow ner of the Nor th Street Pharmacy. “We love that bank. We love everybody there.

They've been such a pivotal part of our little society of Banksville and without them how could we be Banksville!” “A lot of our customers use Chase,” says Maria Ceci, manager of Troy’s Nurseries. She adds, “And a lot of our employees use Chase as well. I know all of our employees right after work, they go straight there and they use it for their paychecks.” “They are trusted, they are our community and them leaving is another step in making Chase Bank another virtual platform instead of a welcoming place,” is how Katie Goldberg, owner of The Study Fine Wine & Spirits sums up the Chase decision to depart. She adds, “There are few questions you can have answered in person, especially now,” thus, “We love having Chase and its wonderful staff to help navigate the inevitable issues that arise

with our personal and business banking.” For the last 22 years Christine Tegtmeier Salazar as co-owner of Happiness Is with her brother Tom, has presided over their catering business lately expanded into a café and “a very largescale market.” The intent was “to cover the people that didn't have butter and eggs and milk… so they didn't constantly have to go to downtown Greenwich or Armonk or Bedford to get what they needed.” She says, “The shopping center has never been as strong as it is right now. We have backcountry people who are counting on us, that use us on a day in day out basis. We're giving them what they need…They don't want to have to deal with larger food markets and larger places. They want the small community of Banksville because they feel safer.”

She concludes, “We've been on an uphill battle with this thing, like getting our landlord to get everything in place and we f inally have this beautiful shopping center. And I'm proud of it. And I'm proud of all of us that we've worked so hard to build this community, and it's sad that at this point Chase is leaving.” Easy Kelsey gave a call to t h at Nor t h St r e et Shoppi ng Center landlord Guy Sutton, to ask why Chase was pulling out. The answer, “Business trends are causing banks to be closed all over. People bank online and who goes in a bank to cash a check anymore?" Not according to Maria Ceci. “We definitely do a lot of banking online but no we do have to go to the bank, I would say a few times a week as a business.” Add Sonali Costa: “We have a relationship

with the bankers there. For me, it's huge, to have them there. People always go in there and talk to the bankers and do their financials, whatever they're doing at the bank. For me personally it's a pivotal part of the business. It’s just so helpful - without them there it would be very difficult.” Perhaps Happiness Is coow n e r C h r i s t i n e Te g t m e i e r Salazar has the most pertinent and persuasive reasons for Jaime Dimon to reconsider moving off Chase Banksville. “Maybe the foot traffic is not as high of volume. But the level of customer importance is - they have very prominent customers that enjoy using that Bank, who are highly annoyed with the fact that it's going to close. They should look at the value of the customers that they have going to them, and not upset that applecart.” She adds, “A nd the other reason is they're going to lose a foothold in a very good community that is only getting better. Due to COVID, a lot of people are moving to backcountry Greenwich, and it's becoming a stronger environment. And the people want the resources in backcountry Greenwich because they live there.” Add one more caveat. Does Chase k now t he latest that Bank sv ille’s upscale La Cremailiere restaurant is being reopened with new Banksville owners? According to Easy, the restaurant’s long-time manager, Robert Meysen attests that many of his customers bank at Chase. He cited the Bank as “a magnet for shoppers and for bringing people to North Greenwich - a veritable lifeblood of the (North Street) shopping center.” For those wanting to add their na me to Easy Kelsey ’s p e t i t i o n , n ow g r ow n t o 1 3 1 signers at this writing, they can visit: https://www.change.org/ SaveBanksvilleChase.

In the Skies

Mars, Meteor Showers, and a Blue Moon

October is packed with some amazing astronomy events. A blue moon, a second full moon within a month, will be occurring on Halloween this year. A full moon on Halloween happens every 19 years and a blue moon on Halloween happens even less frequently.

It’s also a great time for viewing Mars and trying to spot the galaxy of Andromeda. You can also see Mars in the Night Sky by simply going outside and looking up. Mars Close Approach was Oct. 6 but viewing is still great through the 13th.

According to NASA, close approach is the point in Mars' orbit when it comes closest to Earth, this time at about 38.6 million miles (62.07 million kilometers) from our planet. NASA's Mars 2020 mission, with its Perseverance rover, is currently en route to the Red Planet, with a landing scheduled for Feb. 18, 2021. Since Mars and Earth are at their closest, it's generally the best time to go to Mars. Many Mars missions have taken advantage of the close distance to visit the red planet. That's why, depending on budgets, you'll often see that Mars missions launch about every two years. Close Approach is when Mars and Earth come nearest to each other in their orbits around the sun. Close is a relative ter m. The m i n i mu m d ista nce f rom Earth to Mars is about 33.9 million miles (54.6 million kilometers). However, that doesn't happen very often. If Earth and Mars had perfectly

circular orbits, their minimum distance would always be the same. However, they have elliptical (egg-shaped) paths. In addition, gravitational tugging by planets constantly changes the shape of their orbits a little bit. Giant Jupiter especially influences the orbit of Mars. The orbits of Mars and Earth are also slightly tilted with respect to each other. All of these factors mean that not all close encounters are equal. In 2003, Mars made its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years. It won't be that close again until the year 2287. There w ill also be three meteor showers this month. The f irst is the D ra c on id m e te or showe r w h ich i s happening now - from October 6 through October 10. The second is the Orionid meteor shower which continue from now until November 7, but peek from October 21 to 22. The Orionids are a medium strength shower that sometimes reaches high strength activity. In a normal year



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the Orionids produce 10-20 shower members at maximum. In exceptional years, such as 2006-2009, the peak rates were on par with the Perseids (50-75 per hour). Recent displays have produced low to average displays of this shower. The third is the Taurid meteor which will end December 10. The Northern Taurids' next period of activity will be October 20th, 2020 to December 10th, 2020. This shower is much like the Southern Taurids, just active a bit later in the year. When the two showers are active simultaneously in late October and early November, there is sometimes a n nota ble i ncrease i n t he f i reba l l activity. There seems to be a seven year periodicity with these fireballs. 2008 and 2015 both produced remarkable fireball activity. The nex t pea k for the Nor ther n Taurids will be on the Nov 11-12, 2020 night. On this night, the moon will be 15% full.






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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel


Stay Grounded and Hopeful

By Dan FitzPatrick So far, 2020 has been very d i f f i c u lt . I k n ow t h at t h at statement is a real BSO (blinding statement of the obvious), but I thought, given the developments of the past week or so, that it needed to be said out loud. Unfortunately, it’s likely to get worse over the next number of weeks as the nation conducts a quadrennial presidential election so full of acrimony and uncertainty that the results may not be known for some time after the event. What a mess. As former president Barack Obama has noted, “elections have consequences.” The job of President of the United States is the most consequential in our country, and perhaps even in the world, given our nation’s historic signif icance in global events. Given this, it is no surprise (perhaps another BSO) that the

competition to fill it can be so rough, heated and contentious. It has always been thus (witness the election of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, one of the nastiest of all time), though recent elections have taken the level of acrimony to a new and unprecedented high. In my opinion, this has to some extent been the result of the use and misuse of technologies unimaginable at the time of our country’s founding. My wife and I recently viewed the Netflix documentary entitled “The Social Dilemma,” described a s a “d o c u m e n t a r y- d r a m a hybrid [that] explores the human impact of social network ing, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.” It was mind-boggling, and we encourage everyone to see it. In it, some of the people involved in the development of online tools such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and others, confess their concern about the way in which these tools have morphed into threats to our continued existence as a cohesive society (that is not an exaggeration). The film’s underlying premise is: these tools were created for positive purposes, but in order

This is scary, George Orwell “1984” stuff. It is made even worse by the fact that more and more people (particularly younger people) get their news and information primarily or exclusively via online services. to be sustainable, they had to attract revenue, principally by advertising. What they had to “sell” to the advertisers was the increasingly rich data they had on their individual clients (“users”); a p p l y i n g e ve r -i n c r e a s i n g l y sophisticated algorisms to this data, they could identify individual user interests and predict their behavior, which of course was valuable to advertisers who could then target their spending on audiences most likely to purchase their products or services. But it didn’t stop there. If you can reliably predict someone’s behavior, you likely can also manipulate it. If you can alter what a user sees online (e.g., by showing ads for products he/ she likely would buy), you can redirect or reinforce their views by tailoring (i.e., editing) information a nd messages. Ta ken to its extreme, you can have instances where two people access the same

online tool or service and yet get quite different information and a different experience. Since each believes that what they have seen is true, they reasonably believe that what the other has seen and believes is not true, leading to argument and discord – even though they have both been using the same tool or service! When used intentionally to impact political opinion, this used to be called propaganda. This is scary, George Orwell “1984” stuff. It is made even worse by the fact that more and more people (particularly younger people) get their news and information primarily or exclusively via online services. Add to that the obv ious and per vasive bias in our media these days, where information is constantly edited, omitted and misrepresented for political purposes, and it should be no surprise that we find ourselves in

this toxic mix of partisan poison and nasty name-calling. At the very least, we need to f ind a way where we all have the same experience of what the real facts are. But all is not lost. The republic will survive; I am confident of that. My confidence is based on what I believe to be the inherent common sense and intelligence of the American people. Increasingly, rank and file citizens are seeing through the attempts by the media and others to brainwash them, to make them believe that good is bad and bad is good, to drive divisions between people and groups by characterizing everyone as either “oppressor” or “oppressed” (thank you Karl Marx), to pit parent against child and brother against sister. One young woman’s journey of self-realization is captured i n t h is “wa l k away ” v ideo -h t t p s : // w w w.y o u t u b e . c o m /

watch?v=f lp7gKg5G4E. I share it not as an argument for one political philosophy or the other, but as a compelling example of a member of the younger generation (w h i c h w i l l on e d ay b e t h e governing generation) successfully stepping out of the confines of an imposed, one-sided, agendadriven mindset and finding her own way with the help of her realworld experiences. It gave me considerable hope for the future. In closing, I offer the following excerpt from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians (PHIL 4:8,9) -“[W]hatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. … Then the God of peace will be with you.” P e a c e . Wo u l d t h a t w e could bring that to our national discourse! Perhaps our best course of action for the remainder of 2020 is to remain grounded by thinking constantly about the good things Paul references, and be open to the hope of divine assistance in remaining one country, undivided, graced with the blessings of true liberty, and committed to the happiness and well-being of all.


By Jennifer Dayton Our neighbors and families’ well-being is top of mind, as we enter the last quarter of an unprecedented and disruptive year. One vantage point is the Fairf ield County Community Well-being Index (the Index) from Datahaven. Helpfully, it provides a baseline to track measures over time. Selected towns are compared on a wide range of economic and social indicators. Components of a tow n Index score are w ideranging: youth opportunity, income and poverty, labor and unemploy ment, educational access a nd at ta i n ment, l i fe expectancy and health, housing and commuting burdens, etc. Greenwich scored 792 out of 1000 on self-reported personal well-being in 2019.

Greenwich has been known as a place of economic opportunity to a diverse population. 7 2% of people surveyed in 2018, perceived good job opportunities in Greenwich and 78% believed youth had job advancement opportunities here. COV ID changed the outlook on job opportunities for our youth in our region. The Index also shows job loss for Fairfield County Latinos twice the rate — and their health insurance loss three times the rate — of Fairfield County’s white residents in recent yea rs. Jobs increase life satisfaction substantially more than household income, according to evidence presented by the Index. Greenwich should embrace a reputation as a town recommitted to helping others get ahead, building personal capital, while rebuilding the economy. One way is stability through af fordable home ownership. A range of housing choices is important now that the local real estate market has low inventory. An acute housing cost burden af fects about a quarter of renters in town. Additionally, the Index

It will take engagement, time and energy from volunteers, nonprofits and business leaders, along with those in public service, to make certain in the newly rebuilt local economy, that everyone’s wellbeing is accounted for. shows the homeownership rate of Latinos in Greenwich was just 34% in 2017 and Latinos are 14% of the Greenwich population at last count. Benefiting from more housing choices are taxpayers, when new employers relocate or find affordable housing for young workers. Residents also benefit from more housing choices when it facilitates better employee retention by schools and town departments. As an example, it is beneficial to well-being in any community, when police are also neighbors. Catalysts of resident wellbeing are our town services and cultural assets. Greenwich residents benefit from diverse resources for learning and are engaged in these areas with the rising generation. About twothirds of residents attained a college degree and a third of t hos e have mor e adv a nce d

degrees. Yet, despite a strong foundation, financial security is changeable. Before the pandemic, in Greenwich, 20% of adults reported they are “just getting by” and 23% reported less than two months of savings. Med ia n household i ncomes have risen but low income is prevalent today among children and childhood poverty produces knock-on effects over time that are pervasive and long-lasting for a community. Inhibitors of resident we l l-b e i n g , d e s p i t e a c c e s s to healthcare, are stressors h e i g hte n e d du r i n g COV I D, especially in childcare, eldercare and mental health. Life expectancy in Greenwich tops the chart for Fairfield County, but rates of heart disease and hypertension are increasing. Our healthcare community never stops working for prevention

and improvements. But, the a f for d a bi l it y of he a lt hc a r e remains in question until the Supreme Court hears arguments on the A f fordable Care Act, t h i s N ove m b e r. T h e I n d e x shows 9% of residents did not seek care and 19% postponed medical attention in 2018. It also indicates residents are quite concerned about the likelihood of substance abuse among our youth. Fortunately, Greenwich provides access to a healthy lifestyle with parks, sports and recreation opportunities that are restorative. A n up d ate d c e n su s w i l l g i ve n e w i n s i g h t s t o l o c a l government. Before the election of our current municipal officials, the Index found 77% perceived local government as responsive in Greenwich. While numerous solutions could be tested for all these identif ied

issues, “deepen ing people’s relationships w ith dif ferent levels of government,” is the primary recommendation of t he I ndex to i ncrease wel lbeing. Trust in our democratic principles and institutions is something we should all agree on and promote to safeguard against alienation. The pandemic has caused isolation. It will take engagement, time and energy from volunteers, nonprofits and business leaders, along with those in public service, to make certain in the newly rebuilt local economy, that everyone’s wellbeing is accounted for. Each of us can individually encourage and strengthen civic participation on issues of well-being, by the whole population. Jennifer Dayton works to increase civic engagement at the local, regional and statewide levels. She served on the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting and Board of Education. Please note: The Greenwich Sentinel made an error in Jennifer's column last week . In order to rectify that, we are reprinting it in it's entirety this week. Our apologies to readers and to Jennifer.

State of Connecticut

Governor's Deficit Mitigation Plan Submitted Oct. 1 Gov. Lamont relies on Rainy Day Fund, hiring freeze to balance this year’s budget

By Marc E. Fitch Gov. Ned Lamont submitted a budget proposal on October 1 that draws down Connecticut’s Rainy Day Fund by $1.8 billion, maintains the corporate surcharge tax and implements a hiring freeze to bridge a projected $2 billion budget deficit. The proposed budget would also take $25 million back from departments and agencies that had lapses in their budgets due to lower than expected costs and utilizes $100 million in federal COVID relief funds. A lthough the corporate su rcha rge ta x was mea nt to expire several years ago, it has been repeatedly extended over budget cycles. Lamont’s budget proposal maintains the tax once again past 2021 to generate $22.5 million. A d d it i o n a l l y, t h e b ud g e t delays t he ph a s e out of t he Capita l Stock met hod u nder the Cor poration Ta x to save $5.7 million. Lamont also implemented a hiring freeze, leaving nonessential state employee positions vacant for the time being to save $30 million. T h e g o v e r n o r ’s b u d g e t proposal is only for the current f is c a l ye a r a nd s ome of t he proposals will require a vote by the legislature. However, law makers w ill still be faced with crafting a

budget for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 when they return for the legislative session in January. The draw-down of the state’s reserve fund will leave roughly $1.2 billion in the Rainy Day Fund, but lawmakers will be faced with a projected $5 billion biennial deficit. A lthoug h the governor is recommending tak ing back lapsed f u nds across severa l different agencies, Lamont and budget chief Melissa McCaw have warned state agencies that they will have to f ind ways to cut costs. The governor can order state agencies to cut up to 10 percent from their budgets and Lamont has tapped the Boston Consulting Group to find ways to save state money th roug h ef f iciencies. Boston Consulting Group was also tapped with helping inform the governor’s reopening plan for Connecticut businesses. However, achieving those savings and ef f iciencies may b e d i f f ic u lt a s r ou g h ly h a l f o f C o n n e c t i c u t ’s b u d g e t i s w rapped up in f i xed costs related to Medicaid, pension payments, retiree health care and debt payments. A lt h ou g h t h e gove r nor ’s current year budget does not necessarily raise ta xes, it does maintain taxes meant to expire. But already, major labor groups have been pushing to increase taxes on the wealthy

in Connecticut. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and fellow Democrats reached a budget deal in late September that relies on raising taxes by $1 billion, in part, by increasing the tax rate on those making over $1 million per year a nd ex tend i ng New Jersey ’s c o r p o r at e s u r c h a r g e t a x to generate $600 million. N e w Yo r k G o v. A n d r e w

Cuomo, however, backed off his initial threat to raise taxes, saying a not her t a x i nc r e a s e wou ld put New York at a competitive disadvantage with its neighbors, including Connecticut. “It puts the state at a competitive disadvantage because people can go to other states and taxes are very high i n t h is state to b eg i n w it h,” Cuomo said.

New York is already seeing an exodus of people moving out of New York City in the wake of the pandemic and social unrest, many of whom are coming to Connecticut. The state is projecting a 6 percent revenue decrease this year coupled with f ixed costs rising approximately $1 billion. Marc can be reached at Marc@ YankeeInstitute.org

For the actual analysis from the Off ice of Fiscal An a lysi s , go to h t t ps://www. c g a . c t . g o v /o f a / D o c u m e n t s / ye a r/G A / 2 0 2 1 G A-2 0 2 0 1 0 0 7_ Analysis%20of %20October%20 1%202020%20Governor%27s%20 FY%2021%20Def icit%20 Mitigation%20Plan.pdf or check online at www.GreenwichSentinel. com

Editorial Page

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Beth@GreenwichSentinel.com Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

In Pink To our readers, please take note that during the month of October, the S in our flag will be printed in pink, in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a month dedicated to bringing awareness of the disease and to raising funds for research. The facts: breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In the United States alone, it is estimated that every year more than 220,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die. Those numbers are too high. There is some good news. Since 1990, the death rate from breast cancer declined. This is due to better screening that allows earlier detection and treatment options. And that is a main point of Breast Cancer Awareness Month to make sure that women are aware of the disease and how to be screened for it early, so that if there is an issue it can be treated as soon as possible which will offer the best chances for recovery. Support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is very visible in our town. As you go about town this month look for pink! A pink flag was raised at Town Hall on October 1st. Walk down Greenwich Avenue and notice all of the stores with pink placards in their windows. This awareness is due in large part to the good work of Breast Cancer Alliance. This powerful, non-profit breast cancer foundation was started in Greenwich, in 1996, by Mary Waterman and f ive friends. When Mary was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer, she wanted to create a local organization that would have an impact on heightening awareness of the benefits of early detection, as well as raise money to support research and education. Over the course of the past 20 years, the Breast Cancer Alliance has done much to educate Greenwich. Every April, it organizes a march down Greenwich Avenue as well as an annual golf outing, and later this month they will host its annual Luncheon and Fashion Show, virtually. Actress Kate Walsh will be the speaker during the luncheon. The program will also include a memorial tribute to BCA co-founder, Lucy Day, who passed away earlier this year. It is right that our country has dedicated a month to bringing awareness to breast cancer and are grateful to the Breast Cancer Alliance for all the work it accomplishes in our town to educate and inform us on this life altering topic. Thank you Breast Cancer Alliance for turning Greenwich pink this month. Keep up the great job. And, for the rest of us? We should make sure we keep this conversation going throughout the year.

It is the political season and we receive more letters and OpEds at this time of year than any other. The Greenwich Sentinel welcome letters to the editor and OpEds that are local, factual, and civil. We will not publish things that are taken out of context – like a quote taken out of a speech completely out of context. Blanket statements about an entire group of people will not be published because they cannot possibly be accurate. We do make an effort to fact check letters but we make mistakes too. If you see a letter that appears to contain incorrect or misleading information, please let us know at Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com. The Greenwich Sentinel will publish all letters that are factual which are received in support of any local candidate either in print or online. If you do not see a letter in The Greenwich Sentinel, it is either because we were not sent it, we found inaccuracies in it, or the letter was outside our guidelines. LETTER

Ryan Fazio: An Extraordinary Candidate

To the Editor: I am writing in support of Ryan Fazio for State Senate, District 36. My family has known Ryan since 2008, when he and our daughter were both seniors at Greenwich High School. Our family was impressed with Ryan before we even knew him personally. He was editor of The Beak, the GHS student newspaper, and his articles–which even then focused on politics and governance–were notably insightful and intelligent. As we got to k now Ryan through his friendship with our daughter, we were equally impressed with him on a personal level. Ryan is an extraordinary combination of intelligence and integrity, balanced by a respectful and easy approach with people. He is as good at listening to others as he is at presenting his point of view. Ryan has an easy, collaborative approach that will enable him to LETTER

many small business owners in Greenwich, we have been greatly a f fected by the stay at home orders and general slowdown in retail activities. As we worked

he has done an excellent job for Greenwich in these very difficult times and recommend him without hesitation. Rodica Brune and Constantin Popescu

able to vote absentee, but those who are in low risk categories and are willing to go to rallies, protests and other events should vote in person.” Voting should not require us to risk our lives. So, when I look at my recently arrived absentee ballot, which will allow me to participate in this democracy with a reasonable modicum of safety, my pencil will avoid Arora, and instead drift to Hector Arzeno, a successful,

fiscally responsible business man who cares that all of us can vote. Voting is a right we should cherish and hold dear. When those in power wish to take it from us, we should hold them accountable for this. It was worth my blood to earn this for Iraqis and Afghans, it is certainly worth my attention here at home. Christopher Graves

Fiorello is Impressive

To the Editor: The citizens of the 149th Distr ict of Greenwich need Kimberly Fiorello in Hartford. She has the smarts and the determination to change the downward spiral of the past twelve years of Democratic leadership of Connecticut. The Democratic party has had control of both houses and the gubernatorial post during the past decade. During these years, residents and corporations have fled the state, not only for Florida but as in the case of GE, for our neighbor, Massachusetts. As former chairman of District 7 RTM, I have known Kimberly well since she has represented the district for several terms. Kimberly is a “do-er.” She will work to decrease the onerous taxes and regulations that have driven residents and corporations from our state. Even the in past year, our state of Connecticut voted for 17 new taxes- on digital LETTER

hard to navigate the confusion, we g reatly appreciated the fact that Harry reached out to offer his help, offer advice and answered our questions! We feel

Veteran Voting for Arzeno

To the Editor: As a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, I have a real appreciation for how ver y sacred our right to vote is. The health of a democracy is measured by enfranchisement, not disenfranchisement. For this reason, I was alarmed when Harry Arora in June stated he was “currently of the opinion that anyone who is in a high risk group should be LETTER

He is in favor of term limits for state legislators, reducing taxes and simplifying the tax code, along with reducing onerous state regulations, which restrict small businesses and inhibit job creation. Ryan believes in supporting our state universities by freezing tuition indefinitely and providing choice for students stuck in failing schools. He supports policing strategies which protect civil liberties while also preserving public safety. Ryan has the balanced and intelligent platform that will inform better decisions in Hartford. Ryan is an extraordinary candidate at a time when our state has extraordinary problems. Please vote for Ryan Fazio as our District 36 State Senator. Patricia Brooks Walker

Harry Arora, Without Hesitation

To the Editor: We are writing to offer sincere support for State Representative Harry Arora, as he campaigns for re-election this year. Like LETTER

be heard in Hartford. Ryan has accomplished a lot in his 30+ years, and he has served the Greenwich community. In addition to his career in the shipping and renewable energy industries, Ryan is a member of RTM District 12. He has authored and published numerous articles on public policy and economic issues. Ryan has tutored in the inner city for the past seven years, has volunteered for the United Way and Meals on Wheels, and is on the Leadership Committee of the Associate Council of the KIPP Schools. Ryan has both the energy and commitment to do the hard work we need done in Hartford. Ryan recognizes that addressing our fiscal insolvency is Connecticut’s top priority. He has developed a thorough and carefully considered approach to state pension reform as a step in that direction.

downloads, restaurant take-out, dry cleaning bills, and an array of other taxes that fall on all of us, especially middle and lower income brackets. Kimberly lobbied in Hartford to try to defeat the police bill that was recently passed. It exposes individual members of local police departments to lawsuits, frivolous as well as serious. Since cops should not be responsible for carrying their individual liability insurance, towns, such as Greenwich, are paying for their insurance coverage. And those costs fall on— you, the taxpayers of the community. The Silver Shield, the organization representing the Greenwich Police Department, for the first time has endorsed a candidate to represent the 149th District, Kimberly Fiorello. Kimberly’s background is impressive. She grew up in South Korea and moved to Washington, D.C., when her father was appointed to a position in the Pentagon. She

attended West Point and transferred to Harvard where she majored in economics. As she says, her “first job was at Salomon Brothers; her most exciting job was as a reporter in Hong Kong for the Wall Street Journal; her hardest job was in the kitchen at Wallse restaurant in NYC; and her most rewarding job is being a wife and mom.” She and her husband are the parents of four school-age children. Kimberly Fiorello will carry on Livvy Floren’s outstanding efforts to bring rational financial controls to Connecticut. Those of us who live in the 149th district in Greenwich and north Stamford need a voice in Hartford to change the abysmal financial situation that confronts Connecticut residents. Vote for Kimberly Fiorello, found on both the Republican and Independent rows, on November 3. Valerie Stauffer

Thank you for GPD Signs

To the Editor: I want to thank the Greenwich Sentinel Fou ndat ion for pro duci ng a nd of fer i ng complimentary yard signs honoring our Greenwich Police. I am proudly displaying my signs in my yard because of my appreciation for what our police officers do every single day for everyone in our community. Our police are heroes. They protect our community from brazen bank robbers trying to flee down I-95. They respond to distress

calls from families with hurt loved ones. They visit our schools and educate our children on drug use and abuse, on internet safety, and on support systems available to them. They engage in community events to encourage and establish connection points. They keep our schools and communities safe with numerous unspoken initiatives/strategies. This summer, my 11 year old son got hurt on the beach. I needed help so I called the GPD. Within minutes, a police officer was

on the beach with us, helping to keep my son calm by chatting with him about school and the summer, while working with me to figure out the best course of action to get my son the medical assistance he needed. This is just one small example of how our police were there for us. They are true heroes and I am proud to be thanking and honoring them. Carolina Heflin

Vote for Coach Kelly


Coach Joe Kelly, with 8 State Rugby Championships to his record, is willing to step up to score a TRY (a goal) for us. He is running for State Representative in the 150th District. His credentials are very impressive and extensive – an entrepreneur and businessman. He has also demonstrated his love of this town and his willing to serve it through his volunteer work with young people. Joe has devoted his time, over many years, to youth soccer, football, as well as the very successful Rugby team. Joe Kelly’s community service has taken on a new direction. He is currently serving on the Greenwich Board of Education. If you have zoomed in to any of these meetings, you will see Joe’s stellar ability

to bring effective compromise to other members of the board and go forward in finding the best solutions for all the youngsters attending our very large and flourishing school system. These skills will be very successful in representing the citizens of 150th District. At this time, Joe wants to take his work ethic and advocate for solutions to fiscal problems that will benefit Greenwich to Hartford. He is well known in the business world as being able to work with opposing ideas and find compromising solutions to a variety of issues. This is certainly a skill we need to bring the changes we need not only for Greenwich but also for the state of Connecticut. Joe Kelly truly understands that Greenwich’s and Connecticut’s

effective and prosperous growth requires expansion of our statewide economy. He also knows we need to tackle the continuous burden of our ever growing underfunded pensions. Joe will invest his own actual experience. He understands the need for expansion of our established businesses while creating an environment that encourages new business to come to Connecticut through constructive economic incentives. The result will be bring new jobs leading to new taxpayers and maybe finally a financial solution to the huge looming issues facing all of Connecticut. Irene Dietrich, Dist. 8 RTM

The Greenwich Senior Center is Going Outside! Older adults need to get outside! While the weather is still nice and fall is in the air, the Greenwich Commission on Aging is adding some outdoor activities to their series of offerings. It is vital to older adults to stay engaged with friends and family, get some physical activity, and do things they really enjoy. Adding fresh air to that mix is rejuvenating. L or i Cont ad i no a nd t he st a f f at the Greenw ich Sen ior Center, have been working tirelessly to bring Zoom classes, social conversations, advice and connection to all older residents. “Social distance does not mean that we have to socially disconnect. In fact, maintaining social connection has important implications for health and wellbeing,” Lori said. “I am thrilled that the Senior Center

cont i nues to develop new, creat ive programs to engage our senior citizens,” Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo said. “What can be better than painting the bucolic scenes of our waterfront at Grass Island, or practicing tai chi on the lawns of Greenwich Common? It’s great that these programs and the walks in Cos Cob Park and the drive-through lunches are drawing our seniors outside to literally get a breath of fresh air and to be able to see their friends and the Senior Center staff for the first time in months. Our physical health and mental stimulation can never be halted, so these activities are critical to the wellbeing of our senior citizens.” Due to the sold-out success of the last “Drive-Thru BBQ,” Chef Teddy (Teddy Torchon) has returned to the Greenwich

Senior Center for one day to cook for his beloved friends and fans, members of the Greenwich Senior Center, where in the not so distant past, they could get a $5.00 lunch every weekday. The Senior Center continues to remain closed to reduce senior’s risk of exposure and remain safe. “Teddy’s Ready Drive-Thru Lunch,” on Sept. 26, offered BBQ Ribs, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Carrots, beverages and a Lemon Bar with Raspberry Sauce, all for $5.00. The staff and volunteers wore gloves and masks and delivered lunch to each car, along with a copy of the current newsletter and a pack of games and puzzles - part of a new direct mail program, “299 to You.” In October, they are planning two more “Teddy’s Ready Drive-Thru Lunches” with a fall Fest menu and a Halloween Lunch. If you love the outdoors, join Bill Wren

for Outdoor Tai Chi on Greenwich Avenue, on the green, across from the Senior Center, or Drawing and Painting at Grass Island with Chris Gordon, or Walking at Cos Cob Park with Wendy. For details, please call Deana at the Greenwich Senior Center, (203) 862-6700. If you are an older resident of Greenwich, here are more ways for you to connect: Daily Phone Calls From a Friendly Volunteer Older adults can receive a free daily phone call from a friendly Greenwich Country Day School family who has been assigned to them. Connect, chat, checkin. Email cpg@gcds.net or call (203) 8635653.

Get Technology Help For older adults who need free, basic, one-on-one help with their computer, smartphone or laptop, they can sign up and a Greenwich Country Day School volunteer will contact them to assist. Email cpg@gcds.net or call (203) 863-5653. To connect to a free live Zoom session for Older Adults: The CONNECTT program is a collaborative ef fort with Greenwich Countr y Day School and of fer daily programs on your computer, tablet or phone. For the Daily Schedule and to click to connect, go to the Greenwich Commission on Aging website page on the Town of Greenwich website: https://www.greenwichct.gov/190/ Commission-on-Aging

Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to Editor@ GreenwichSentinel.com.

Claire Infanti Claire Marie Infanti, of Greenwich, passed away Sept. 28, 2020 at age 89. She passed in Florida, where she had resided during the winter for many years. Claire was born May 3, 1931 to Alfred and Margaret Clare Sprague. She was a devoted homemaker a nd w i fe of R a lph I n fa nt i. A longtime golf enthusiast, Claire was a member of the Burning Tree Country Club. She is the cherished mother of Mary Lynn and Thomas Regan, and stepmother of Ralph, Jennifer and Carla Infanti. Claire is the loving grandmother of Chelsy Regan, Thomas Regan, Danielle Montagnesi and Dante Montagnesi. She was predeceased by her sons, Dante V. Montagnesi, John A. Montagnesi, Richard F. Montagnesi and brother, Clifton V. “Clif f ” Sprague. To honor Claire’s life, family and friends will gather on Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, 134 Hamilton Ave., Greenwich. Mass of Christian Burial will take place Monday at 10am at St. Mar y’s Church followed by interment at St. Mary’s Cemetery.

Nora DeMilia Nora Florence DeMilia (98) Dec. 16, 1921 – Sept. 24, 2020. A lifelong resident of Greenwich, Nora was the ninth out of 10 children, born on Dec. 16, 1921 to Lawrence and Mary (Perna) D'Andrea. Nora attended Greenwich Schools and graduated from Greenwich High School at the top of her class in June 1939. Nora was a member of the Honor Society all four years at Greenwich High School and a member of the newly formed Commerce Club in her Senior year. Nora was the last survivor of two amazing parents and nine siblings. This incredible family celebrated all the holidays together, whether it be the 4th of July picnic, where everyone brought something to a cookout that often started with coffee and donuts and lasted 2 days, or Christmas Eve where everyone gathered at Grandma D'Andrea's house after dinner. Nora was a voracious reader and loved crossword and jigsaw puzzles. She completed countless jigsaw puzzles with her husband, children and grandchildren for many years on their dining room table. She, of course, loved watching Lawrence Welk and a multitude of game shows that challenged her knowledge. Her children and grandchildren will hold the memory of making Christmas cookies and Easter bread with her and continue to carry these traditions forward. Nora was predeceased by her husband Anthony J. DeMilia, both her parents and all of her siblings: W i l l ia m A nd r e a , Sr., L ou i s e Ponziani, Catherine Cavaliere, Emma Allegrini, Angelina Sarni, Louis D'Andrea, Carmela D'Andrea, Charles D'A ndrea and Joseph D'Andrea. She is survived by her four children, Anne N. Reasoner (husband Carlton), Patricia A. DeMilia, Anthony C. DeMilia (wife Lori) and Marie E. Toledo (husband Frank). She is also survived by her four grandchildren, Anthony DeMilia, Nora (Reasoner) Jack (husband Christopher), Steven DeMilia and Nicholas Toledo as well as many nieces and nephews who will all miss her dearly. Calling hours were Sept. 29 at L aceren z a F u nera l Home , Stamford. A Mass of Christian Bu r ia l w a s c elebrate d at St . Catherine of Siena Church, Riverside. Entombment followed at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Bernard Garceau Bernard K. Garceau, Jr. (BK), passed away on Sept. 24, 2020 at the age of 61. He was born Sept. 11, 1959 in North Adams, MA to Bernard K Garceau, Sr. of New Smyrna Beach, FL and the late Antoinette B. Garceau, (2016). He leaves his sisters, Andrea (Michael) Noriega, Amanda (Al) Oliva, Nicole (Mark) Lane, Gisele Garceau and A m ie ( William) Sanborn. He was also the brother of the late Armand Garceau, (2018). He also leaves behind his nieces a nd nephews, Ad r ien ne ( T J ) Martin, Zachary Lane, Gabrielle Noriega, Will Sanborn and Corinne Sanborn. BK leaves his three adored children, Bernard K Garceau, III, Victoria (Randall) Bell and Andrew James (AJ). He also


leaves his 3 beloved grandsons, Jason, Travis and David Bell. He previously worked at Data Checker, Compaq and AT&T and spent the past 30 years, living and working in CO and TX. He was an avid photographer and loved playing the guitar. He will be greatly missed. In lieu of f lowers, donations may be made in his name to a charity of your choice. A celebration of his life will be held at a later date due to COVID.

Brigid McManus Jun. 4, 1924 – Sept. 23, 2020 Brigid (Bridie, Mrs. M) McManus, long time Byram resident, passed away peacefully on Wednesday morning, the 23rd of September at the Nathaniel Witherel l Nu rsing Home in Greenwich, where she had been a r e s i d e nt s i n c e s u f fe r i n g a debilitating stroke in the Spring of 2012. The stroke took her mobility but not her mind or her spirit. Bridie was born in Glangevlin, County Cavan in the Republic of Ireland, the second eldest of 14 children born to Rose and Edward Charles McGovern. Bridie immigrated to the US in 1949 and soon settled in her adopted home of Byram with husband Michael. Together they raised four children, Kathleen, Sheila, Michael and Edward. Bridie, first with her husband Mike and after his death, with son Mike, was the proprietor of the Delavan Deli in Byram for 29 years from 1966 until 1995. Mrs. M's roast beef sandwiches were known far and wide and are still talked about to this day. Bridie was known by all for her determination, hard work and quick wit, delivered with her unmistakable Irish brogue. Her extended family here and in Ireland was always her top priority. As the State-side matriarch of the McGovern clan, she was instrumental in helping brothers, sisters and cousins to establish lives here in the US as they arrived as new immigrants from the 'other side.' She welcomed all to her home, where she shared food, lodging, motherly advice and anything else they needed. Bridie was a devout Catholic and started every day, no matter the season or weather, with a brisk walk to attend early Mass at Sacred Heart Church, where she would join her dear friends Anne Hallock, Helen McG oldrick and Peg g y Donnelly in the last pew at the back of the church for their daily 'meeting.' Bridie was an avid gardener a n d a n i m a l l ove r, a n d a f t e r retirement in 1995 she enjoyed her golden years tending to her home, her beautiful gardens and anyand-all stray cats, dogs, squirrels and chipmunks who appeared at her back door. She also enjoyed working at New Lebanon School as a poll worker during elections. She loved this opportunity to catch up with so many of her customers and friends whom she missed so much after retirement. Her home and her k itchen were her domain, and she took great pride in hosting Holiday and family gatherings where she would be sure that all were comfortable, well fed and of good cheer. This continued even after her stroke. With a little help, and with her one good arm, she was still able to turn out her famous Irish raisin bread to be enjoyed by family and nursing home staff, much to her delight. In addition to her husband, she was predeceased by brothers Charles, Eamonn, Thomas, Philip and Terrance, and sisters Marie and Peggy. She is survived by brothers Patrick and John and sisters Agnes, Anne, Ellen and Kate. Bridie was blessed with seven grandchildren: Michael and Peter French, Madeline, Patrick and Sawyer McManus and Carly and Emily McManus, as well as her g reat-g randdaughter, Adeline French. The family would like to thank the entire staff at the Nathaniel Witherell Nursing Home who provided such great care over the past eight years. The second floor staff was especially kind and attentive to her every need, and special thanks go out to Almira St. Armand, Joy Cuevas, Matty Kearny, Claudet te Ma rsha l l, Dor ret te Williams, Francesca Joseph, Ann Marie Fray, Clareta Carty, Venice Taylor, Sandra Phang, Doreen Wright, Jeannette Virgil and Cathy Sages. A visitation will be held on Friday, the 25th of September from 4 to 8 p.m. at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, 31 Arch St., Greenwich. Mass of Christian Burial will be held Saturday, the 26th of September at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church, 38 Gold St., Greenwich. Burial to immediately

follow at St. Mary Cemetery, 399 North St., Greenwich. Those who wish to attend remotely are invited to partake in Bridie's mass via live stream through the following link: youtu.be/qNCVLXPh7eg For those who wish to make a donation in Brigid's name, the family would like to suggest The Nathaniel Witherell and Sacred Heart Church in Byram.

Joseph DeFilippis Joseph M. DeFilippis, 92, of Hamden and a former resident of Greenwich, beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend, passed away peacefully surrounded by the ones he laughed with, lived for and loved on Sept. 23, 2020. He was born in Brooklyn, NY on Feb. 14, 1928 to the late William and Lillian Continelli DeFilippis. After serving in the Navy, Joe was a co-owner of Lucas Printing Company of Stamford for 62 years. He attended the Manhattan School of P r inting a nd The P r inting Industries of Metropolitan New York. He was one of the founding members of the Glenbrook Athletic Club as well as a lifetime member of the Ponus Yacht Club. He enjoyed his time with friends at both of his clubs. His greatest joy was his family which he spent many hours entertaining. Joe will be fondly remembered for his sense of humor, intelligence and his willingness to help others. Joseph is su r v ived by h is loving children, Debra Scandone of Hamden, Michael DeFilippis and his wife Margie of Fairfield, Joseph DeFilippis and his wife Kathleen of Greenwich, as well as a brother, William DeFilippis and his wife Lorraine of Pound Ridge, NY and a sister-in-law, Sara "Sandie" DeF i l ippis of Sta m ford. A lso surviving are his grandchildren, Joseph Scandone, Christopher DeFilippis and his wife Carrie, Laura DeFilippis, Shelby DeFilippis, Kelly DeFilippis, Mark Scandone, Mikey DeFilippis, Hallie DeFilippis and his great-grandson, Jaxon DeFilippis. Besides his parents, Joseph was also predeceased by his wife, Dorothea Zaff ino DeFilippis, a brother, Ernest DeFilippis and a son-in-law, Peter Scandone. Calling hours were Sept. 28 at the Nicholas F. Cognetta Funeral Home & Crematory, Stamford. A prayer service was celebrated on Sept. 29 at the funeral home prior to Interment at Queen of Peace Cemetery, Stamford. In lieu of f lowers, the family requests that donations be made in Joseph's memory to Alzheimer's Association, alz.org P.O. Box 96011, Washington, DC, 20090-6011.

Roger Pisani Roger Pisani died on Tuesday, Sept. 22, aged 84. He was at his beloved Greenwich Point, looking over the harbour, cigar in hand. Roger was many wonderful things. After graduating Hamilton College (class of '57), he took off hitchhiking around the world. He met Julie – another hitchhiker who became his wife of six decades – in an immigration queue in Belgium. They went on as they started, living first in Cincinnati, then Riverside, Frank furt, Madrid, Paris and London, before settling back in Old Greenwich. Roger had a long career in advertising. On leaving Ted Bates, he turned his formidable marketing skills to trying to "un-sell" illegal drugs throughout the Americas. He was an active supporter of efforts to preserve the Eastern Greenwich Civic Center for community use. He loved messing about i n b o at s; f ly i n g a v a r ie t y of home -made k ite s of du biou s airworthiness; failing to catch fish; roller-blading for as long as it takes to smoke a cigar; yearly trips to Florida and Ireland; and, for better or worse, the Yankees. Roger will be remembered for his honesty in all matters, and for his eagerness to connect with people across every conceivable s p e c t r u m . A p r i m e e x a mp l e was his nephew Richard Onley, whose Special Needs were a never a barrier for shared pints and laughter. One of the world's true gentlemen, Roger is missed already by his wife, Julie, his son Mark, his daughter Elizabeth and his legions of friends around the world.

Christine worked in Real Estate as well as in her husband, Gerald's, construction business for many years. She also volunteered at St. Paul's Church, where she headed the Flower Guild; loved antiques as well as traveling. Christine is survived by her beloved husband, Gerald; her devoted children Gerald (Diane), Michael (Lisa), Carrie (Robert); and her cherished grandchildren Connie, Zach, Cole, Wyatt and great-grandson, Jaxon. She is also survived by her dear brother and sister-in-law Joey and Marie Ricciardi. To honor her life, a memorial gathering was held Sunday at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home. A Memorial Mass took place Monday at St. Paul's Church, Greenwich. Inurnment followed at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.

Virginia Case Jun 30, 1934 - Sep 22, 2020 Virginia Case of Redding CT, formerly of Greenwich, passed on Sept. 22. "Ginny" was born in Ohio and made Greenwich her family home for four decades. She was a dedicated member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Greenwich. Ginny was an accomplished artist and patron of the arts, including the Bruce M useum and the Greenwich Symphony. She was also a musician and school music teacher and volunteered in Greenwich schools helping students with English as a second language. But her greatest love was for her family. She had a mother's love for everything she did. She loved being a mother to her children as well as the many guest children who lived with our family over the years. Gi n ny i s su r v ive d by her husband Dick and her children, Duane, Ralph, Glenn, Sarah, Eileen, Katherine, and Melinda, and by seven grandchildren. She was predeceased by her daughter Ellen. Per her request, no funeral services will be held.

Mary Heist Mary (Lyman) Heist, 89, wife of the late L. C. Heist, slipped quietly away on Sept. 22, 2020 to be with the Lord she loved. Mary was born on Sept. 6, 1931 on the Lyman Farm in Middlefield, CT, the youngest daughter of the late John and Edna (Andersen) Lyman. She is a graduate of the Northfield School for Girls (MA), where she first met her husband (while he attended Mt. Hermon School), before attending Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY for her BS in Nursing. After graduation, Mary worked as a public health nurse for the Visiting Nurse Service of New York and the Navy Relief Society. Mary spread joy to all those she touched and devoted her life to her passions: her family, her faith, and her community. She passionately shared the message of the Lord with those around her. The highlights of her week were hosting Bible study in her home for over 45 years and her involvements at the Presbyterian Church of Old Greenw ich and Stanw ich Congregational Church. She was recognized in 1996 as the Community Leader of the Year by the Greenwich Time for her work chairing a major capital campaign for Hill house, a fixedincome housing facility for the elderly in Riverside, CT. She was also an ever-present force in the local community: serving on the Boards of the Stamford Center for

the Arts, Greenwich Community F u nd , G r e enw ich Sy mphony Guild, and the Youth Conservation Committee of Greenwich. She also loved teaching elementary school students about plants and other related subjects through the Junior Program of the Garden Club of Old Greenwich and preparing dinners for homeless women for St. Luke's Community Services. In addition to her volunteer work, Mary was committed to supporting education, establishing scholarships at Northfield Mount Hermon School, Skidmore College, the University of Connecticut, and Yale University. M a r y i s s u r v i ve d b y h e r children, Jane H. Gamber (Scott) of New Canaan, CT, William L. Heist (Lisa) of Trumbull, CT, Peter G. Heist (Theresa) of Eads, TN, Matthew C. Heist (Adrienne) of San Carlos, CA, and her fourteen grandchildren whom she adored. Interment w ill be private. Donations in her memory may be made to Stanwich Church, 202 Taconic Road, Greenwich, CT 06831 (stanwichchurch.org) or NMH School, The L.C. and Mary Heist Scholarship, 1 Lamplighter Way, Mt. Hermon, MA 01354 (nmhschool. org).

David Ford David B. Ford, age 74, passed away peacefully in the early hours of Sunday morning, Sept. 20, 2020, with his wife, Pamela, at his side. He died of complications related to his battle with a rare and aggressive cancer. While his life may have ended prematurely, he lived it to its fullest. Born on Jan.4, 1946, in Providence, RI, David was the eldest child of a Navy family. He was the son of the late Cdr. William Render Ford and Ann-Francis Barker Ford. David developed an early love of travel, moving with his family several times across the US before his teenage years, including stints in Alaska and in his current town of Greenwich, CT. They finally settled in Key West, FL and David attended Key West High School, followed by Florida State University. He graduated a proud Seminole in 1968 and moved north to attend Wharton, earning his M.B.A. in 1970. His academic success prompted an immediate offer from Goldman Sachs to join as a bond salesman in the Philadelphia off ice. While in job training in NYC, he met his first wife, Barrie Morrill, whom he married in 1972. His two sons, David Jr. and Jamie, were born in 1974 and 1976 in the suburbs of Philadelphia. A successful salesman and m a n a ge r, D av id w a s rapid ly promoted to G eneral Par tner as Head of Fixed Income Sales at Goldman Sachs. He was subsequently asked to move to Manhattan as a Managing Director of the firm. He soon became CoHead of the then-f ledgling Asset Management division (GSAM) and spent the next decade growing that business to prominence. He made many longtime friends at Goldman, where he was known as a consummate storyteller. He and his colleagues famously vied to "ring the bell" as the first at their desk in the morning – and David usually won, even if he was arriving sleepless from travel. He also made his mark as a mentor to many young analysts and associates, to whom he never hesitated to give advice on how to succeed in business and in life. After a 33-year career at Goldman Sachs, he retired in 2003 to pursue his philanthropic interests.

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Over his life, David devoted substantial time and f inancial support to charitable and non-profit organizations. He was passionate about education and preservation in all forms, spanning the natural world, cultural institutions and architecture. He was a Director of the National Audubon Society and served as Chair from 2014 - 2017. He was also a member of the Board and Director/Trustee of The World Monuments Fund, The American Agora Foundation, The Animal Medical Center, The International Tennis Hall of Fame, and The Preservation Society of Newport County. He additionally served as a Trustee/Director of The New School, Florida State University, the Redwood Library and Athenaeum, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Academy of Natural Sciences, and as a member of the Board of Overseers of the Wharton School. David re-married on July 4, 2014, and he was a devoted and loving husband to Pamela Fielder Ford, until his death. David and Pamela shared a passion for each other, their faith in Jesus Christ, and their beloved Pomeranian, Gigi Darling Ford. They spent eighteen beautiful years together. Dav id's many f riends w ill concur that he was a man of innumerable passions. A visionar y builder, David took on a monu m e nt a l pr oj e c t i n his restoration of Miramar, a neoclassical estate on Bellevue Avenue in Newport, RI. A relentless wanderer, he explored every corner of the world from Argentina to Antarctica, from Kilimanjaro to Kathmandu. An avid athlete, David ran triathlons, played every racquet sport imaginable and often made birdie on that important golf hole. A cunning gamesman, David could compete equally as well on the croquet pitch, the billiards table, playing cards or while sipping a Southside during a backgammon match. A debonair socialite, David was comfortable mingling formally with Presidents and business leaders, or simply sharing backyard pizza with his grandchildren. He never hesitated to open his home, extend his hospitality or find an opportunity to celebrate with friends and family. Most importantly, David was a loving husband, brother, father and grandfather. He is survived by his wife Pamela, his two brothers Dick and Tom, his sister Dale, his two sons David and Jamie, their wives Anne and Lauren and his grandchildren Render, Jack, Evelyn, Hunter, Wiley and Lucy Jane. He was love d a nd w i l l b e missed. I n l ieu of f lower s , ple a s e consider a donation to the Audubon Society: audubon.org. Birds, and the work done by Audubon to protect them, have always been important to David.

Sallie Kinch Sallie J. Kinch passed away on Sunday, Sept. 20. A fifty-year resident of Stamford, she was born in Clarendon, PA on Oct. 31, 1936. Sallie was a graduate of Slippery Rock Teachers' College and taught in her home state, with the U.S. Military Department of Defense Schools in Germany and, for more than 30 years, in the Greenwich Public School system. An avid knitter, she was also well known through local arts and crafts fairs for her Hand Knits by Sallie J. Kinch line of knit wear. She will be missed by her life long friends, Linda and George Mallozzi, their daughters, Susan and Lauren, Richard Campbell, Carmel Signa

Do they know? If

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Christine Ricciardi Christine Ricciardi, a lifelong Greenwich resident, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 22. She was 81. Born Dec. 20, 1938 to Paul and Rose Smurlo; Christine was a graduate of the Fashion Institute in New York, where she received a degree in Merchandising. She also received a certification in floral design from the New York Botanical Gardens.

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and Daniel Ward. No public service is planned.

Cathleen Riley May 13, 1923 – Aug. 24, 2020 Cathleen Dugan Riley, age 97, passed away on Aug. 24, 2020. She graduated from Smith College as a member of the Class of 1944, and she earned her Masters Degree in Linguistics from Columbia University in 1945. Cathy worked as a fashion model for Conover Agency in New York City, joined the USO near the end of World War II, and served the Troops from Alaska to Brazil. Her passions were horticulture and travel. She was a member of Hortulus Garden Club of Greenwich and the Garden Club of New Haven, while her most significant work was on behalf of the American Daffodil Society where Cathy was a renowned judge and decorated for her many successful hybrids. She traveled to over 76 countries and in later life often by herself. C at hy l i ve d fo r m a ny ye a r s i n Greenwich, Connecticut and then moved to Madison, Connecticut in 1983. She spent the last 13 years at Evergreen Woods in North Branford. She leaves behind two sons and a daughter: William Ross Proctor, Richard D. Proctor, and Kate P. Brooks, nine grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. Due to COVID, a memorial will be scheduled at a later date.

Stuart Reider Stuart E. Reider died on Aug. 25 at 84 years of age from natural causes after nine days at Greenwich Hospital. Mr. Reider was predeceased by his parents, Lillian and George, a sister, Sylvia Siskin, and a brother, Jerry Erik, all of whom liked to call him Trudy. He has two nieces, Ronnie Vitale and Jerrie and several grand nieces and nephews. Stuart had his early education in the public schools of Yonkers, New York after which he was granted a study-living opportunity in Switzerland with the esteemed Experiment In International Living Program based in Vermont. Stuart earned a degree at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and later graduated from the London School of Economics. What really shaped his pursuits in his life was time in Switzerland with the Experiment. For decades he spoke of epistolary friendships, as well as others supported by modern media in diverse locations, such as: Hong Cong, India, Tai Wan, Switzerland, Japan, England, Mexico and all the Northeastern states. Many times he was invited to wedding in exotic places where head had worked or traveled. Mr. Reider’s professional life included: Banker’s Trust at locations of Asia and the United Kingdom and Liaison Officer with the Japanese School in Greenwich. In recent years, he was a dedicated member of the Appointments Committee and Representative Town Meeting in Greenwich and an active member of the University Club in New York. The somewhat enigmatic Stuart Reider was loved and admired by many. Recently, his neighbor, Delores, expressed her family’s respect for his friendliness, wh ich was seldom ex p er ience d i n their earlier residences in England and Westchester. Stuart particularly enjoyed collecting Asian artifacts, entertaining f riends, mak ing new f riends while traveling and sharing his contacts with others. A memorial gathering will be held in October.

Robert Scherr A Greenwich resident for about 40 years, Robert Edward Scherr passed away at Academy Point in Mystic, CT on Aug. 17, 2020. He was 94. He was a member of Indian Harbor Yacht Club since 1966 and won numerous sailing trophies. He raced his Soling, Auslese, and owned the 37-foot Knutson yacht, Ceres. Bob grew up in Fleetwood, NY. He graduated from A. B. Davis High School in Mount Vernon, NY and was President of his senior class. He received the NY State Scholarship to M.I.T. He earned an aeronautical engineering degree from M.I.T. in just 2 years and 8 months graduating in 1946. While at M.I.T. he was inducted into Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society. He also was in the SAE fraternity and the Society of Automotive Engineers. After graduation, Bob was on the M.I.T. staff in the Aeronautical Department engaged in the subsonic wind tunnel testing. This led to an M.I.T. staff position involved in the construction of the Naval Supersonic Laboratory for project Meteor. Bob had a career as Vice President of Engineering at Automation Engineering Laboratory, Inc. (AEL) in Norwalk, CT where he was awarded 45 patents. He automated the production lines for Wrangler, Cadbury, Maidenform and other companies. The ultimate engineer sportsman, among other things, Bob designed, built and raced his Skeeter class ice boat (EXPRES-S). He had a private pilot's license and owned a Cessna and numerous gliders. Bob enjoyed car racing (dirt track races as well as Porsche club rallies) and skiing (he was on ski patrol at Alta). For decades he attended the Indy 500 races and University Glee Club concerts in

NYC. He belonged to The Corinthians, AOPA, EAA and WSCC, among other organizations. He was hum ble, optim istic and patient. Being kind, minimizing hurry and worry, staying positive, having captivating interests and hobbies and enjoying simple pleasures (like the comic strips) was his recipe for a long and happy life. He would often shrug off inconveniences with a simple "Could be worse"… even the day before his passing. Per his wishes there will be no funeral or memorial service.

Mary Jane Adams Mary Jane Adams, 79, passed away on July 25, 2020 in Darien, CT after a long and brave battle with cancer. Mary Jane was born on July 13, 1941 in Alexandria, VA. She moved with her family to Germany in 1947 where her father worked to reestablish the German legal system after World War II, an experience she remem bered and recounted often throughout her life. A talented oboist, she graduated from Fairfax High School and James Madison University. She went on to teach elementary school, first in Virginia and then in Ridgefield, CT. She later started her own business selling jewelry to local stores and at craft fairs. She lived in Old Greenwich for many years before moving to Darien. Mary Jane radiated positivity and made friends wherever she went. She truly lived by the Golden Rule, treating everyone she met with kindness and respect and making them feel special. As a result, she was treasured by her many friends and relatives. She loved to laugh, debate politics and listen to music. One of her favorite pastimes was taking all three of her grandsons on a drive so she could share some of her favorite albums with them without any chance that they could sneak away. M a r y J a n e i s s u r v i ve d b y h e r daughter, Suzanne Sullivan and son-inlaw Wayne of Old Greenwich, and three cherished grandsons, Patrick, Cole and Luke. She is also survived by two sisters and their husbands, Sandra Liberty (Jean) of Fairfield Glade, TN, and Anne Kollender (Peter Bennett) of Portland, OR, several beloved nieces and nephews, and former husband Richard Adams. Her parents, Mortimer and Dorothy Kollender, and her brother Andy and sister Diane predeceased her. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please spread kindness by doing something nice for someone.

John Archibald Dec 15, 1930 - May 6, 2020. John Archibald of Stamford died peacefully at Calvary Hospital, NY. Born at Old Greenwich to John Archibald and Marie Phillips Archibald, he graduated from Greenwich High School in 1948 and Lehigh University in 1952. Following U.S. Army active duty, 1953-54, he began a career with Norden Industries. John attended First Congregational Church of Greenwich. He had a cottage and many friends in the Canaan Pine Grove Association, Falls Village. His wry sense of humor, devotion, and personal discipline are well remembered. He is survived by his extended family, Marcus and Lenka Burke of Stamford, and godsons Nicholas Burke of Boston and Marcus Francis Burke of New York; and by his stepmother's niece and nephew, William Reynolds of Virginia and North Carolina, and Nancy Reynolds of Vermont.

Catherine Erickson Catherine Gloria Erickson, 96, entered eternal peace on Friday, March 27, 2020, at home, with her family at her side. Gloria, born in Maple Shade, NJ, on July 13, 1923, was the daughter of the late Paul J. Morris and Mary A. (Mae) McConaghy. Formerly of Ardmore, PA, and Yonkers, NY, she resided in Greenwich, CT since 1974. She enjoyed a successful career at the Pennsylvania Railroad and later at the Children's Village in Dobbs Ferry, NY, where she devoted herself to teaching and nurturing the children. Gloria volunteered at Greenwich Hospital, the Greenwich Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop, and "Shopped for Seniors" for Jewish Family Services. Gloria made everyone feel welcome and at ease. Meeting her for the first time always sparked a conversation and an instant connection. She always put everyone (family/friends) first. Gloria was very generous and would help anyone in need; even an acquaintance or stranger. She had many longtime friends, maintained her long-distance friendships, and always made many new friends along the way. Gloria is greatly missed. S h e i s s u r v i ve d b y h e r l ov i n g daughters Lori Lethbridge, Gloria Erickson (Marraffino), Judy Carmody (Ned), and Evelyn Ulmer, and grandchildren Kristen Lethbridge, Brenna Lethbridge, William Carmody ( Jill), Ryan Carmody, and Benjamin Carmody. She is also survived by her sister Valerie Reese (George) and her niece Michelle Stephens. Gloria was preceded in death by her beloved husband Ralph L. Erickson, son Bruce L. Erickson, and son-in-law Michael L. Marraffino. A Celebration of Life in her honor will be held at a future date. As an expression of sympathy, a memorial donation may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - stjude.org

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Family, Forgiveness, and Freedom

By Nathan Hart

On a cool October Saturday in 1969, a 19-year-old boy named Jimmy and a 20-year-old g irl named Wilma were married in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jimmy’s dad was a Baptist preacher and off iciated the ceremony which included an acapella rendition of 1st Corinthians 13 sung by the groom himself. The sky was cloudy all day but the sun shined brilliantly during the reciting of the vows. At the reception in the church basement, ham-on-buns were served. The getaway car was a borrowed Mustang and the couple honeymooned happily in Boston. A little over nine months later, Wilma gave birth to a baby boy. That boy is my older brother; there are two sisters between us, and I was born in 1978 as the youngest child of the family. Last summer, my dad Jim (as he is now called) and my mom Wilma celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at the family cottage in

Michigan. They were joined by my siblings and me, our spouses, and thirteen grandchildren. At the cottage one evening, we sat around the table on the screened-in porch after dinner. As the food settled in our bellies and the sun set over the lake, we began to individually share words of blessing for my parents. One of the teenage granddaughters thanked them for being an inspiring example of faith in God and humble service to the poor. My sister thanked them for sticking together through the challenges of marriage, careers, and raising kids. My nephew, through tears, thanked t h e m fo r b e i n g s o op e n a n d welcoming to him and everyone they ever meet. Everyone shared a heartfelt word. As I sat there and listened to so many testimonies of my parents’ influence, I began to realize that they have given us the richest of inheritances: love. We never had very much money, but they generously gave us that greater gift. O u r f a m i l y ’s s t o r y i s n ’ t perfect. I could share examples of rebellion (especially during the teenage years), heartbreak, alcohol overuse, a mortgage foreclosure, and more. Much forgiveness was required—but here’s the thing— much forgiveness was given. When there was brokenness, there was also repair. What did repair look like? Often it was simply saying,

There’s a lot going wrong in our nation these days, but if we can maintain these kinds of values and policies, we can keep providing an environment in which redemption stories can be lived.

Jim and Wilma Hart on their wedding day, October 18, 1969. Grand Rapids, MI. “I forg ive you.” Sometimes it meant doing the hard work of reconciliation. It was a daily search for grace. Grace is undeserved kindness and unconditional love. Grace says “I accept you whether you succeed or fail.” Grace means letting your own selfish needs die so that others can thrive in your sacrificial love. This describes the

home I grew up in. This is the rich inheritance I received from Jim and Wilma. I share this story with you for t wo re asons. F i rst, it ’s a quintessentially American story. My mom was conceived in The Netherlands in 1947 and born in Michigan in 1948. My grandparents emigrated to the U.S. as soon as

they could scrape together enough money after the war. (Can you picture my sweet grandmother, pregnant and not knowing much English, flying over the Atlantic and arriving in a land of uncertainty a nd pr om i s e for her u n b or n daughter?) It amazes me to think that only twenty years later, that immigrant daughter married my dad, whose family tree had been in the States for generations and included pastors, schoolteachers, and even slave owners (see my April 2019 column entitled The Slave Owner and the Savior). In America, previous generations’ pains and privileges allow for future generation’s possibilities. In America, an immigrant can marry the great grandson of a slave owner and together they can create a new redemptive branch in their family trees. There’s a lot going wrong in our nation these days, but if we can maintain these kinds of values and policies, we can keep providing an

environment in which redemption stories can be lived. Second, the story is quintessentially Christian. There is a reason my parents are able to so freely love, forgive, and serve people. The reason is the gospel: that G od f irst loved, forgave, and served us. As it says in 2 Corinthians 5, “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them.” The message of the gospel is that Jesus lovingly laid down his life, taking the penalty of our sins upon himself, so that we can live forever in his unconditional love. When we receive this amazingly good news, we are freed up to love, forgive, and serve everyone we encounter, including our family members, friends, and fellow citizens. This October, I am grateful for Jim and Wilma; for the country that makes their story achievable and for the gospel which makes their love possible. Rev. Dr. Nathan Hart is the Senior Pastor at Stanwich Church. Nathan grew up in Holland , Michigan, where he attended Hope College. He later received his Masters from Princeton Theological Seminary and his Doctorate from GordonConwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife have two children.

Worship Services Information

Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 www.htchurch.com In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite. Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at htchurch.com & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce lesson (bit.ly/HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). The Glory Of Christ (Bible Study): Every Wednesday through Nov. 18, 7-8:30pm. Baptist First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 www.firstbaptistgreenwich.com Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 www.greenwichbaptist.org Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website (greenwichbaptist.org/livestream). Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:309:15am, via Google Meet. Catholic Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 www.sacredheartgreenwich.org In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: sacredheartgrn@optonline.net). Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). Religious Education Classes resume Sept. 30. The 2021 Mass Book opens Oct. 1 for Mass, Altar Flowers and Altar Bread & Wine requests. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-6373661 www.stc-sta.org Daily Mass under the Tent: Mon-Fri, 5:15-5:45pm; Sat, 5pm; Sun, 8:30 & 10:30am (sign up through homepage). Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Fri, 7-7:30am, (sign up through homepage). Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon, 1:30pm; Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu, 1:30pm; Stations of the Cross: Fri, 1:30pm. The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners Hotline: 203-637-3661 x375. Parish Partners in Prayer: pray silently wherever you are: 8am & 8pm. Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor: Tuesdays from 9-11am (a car/SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 www.stmarygreenwich.org Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Summer Rosary: Sun & Tue, 7:30pm, via YouTube

Live. Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Sun, 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit EWTN.com for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 www.stmichaelgreenwich.com Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: signupgenius.com/go/stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be live-streamed. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm & Sun, 12-1pm. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel (make a reservation: signupgenius.com/go/ stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. ‘Musical Insights’: Wednesdays, 7:30-8pm preregister at: stmichaelmusicgreenwich@gmail.com to receive Zoom link. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 www.stpaulgreenwich.org Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Online daily Mass at EWTN. com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at wordonfire.org/daily-mass. Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 www.strochchurch.com In-person Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 7:30pm; Sat, 5pm (Vigil); Sun, 7:30am, 10:30am & 1pm (Spanish), signup (signupgenius.com/go/strochchurch). Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 www.christiansciencect.org/greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. Community First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 www.firstchurchofroundhill.com Worship services are cancelled until further notice. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@ outlook.com). The church will re-open for worship on Oct. 4. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Indoor Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary, registration is required (signupgenius. com/go/70a084aafa72aa0f b6-inper-

son). Virtual events: Sunday Worship & Church School - Online: Sun 10am, youtu.be/CNjyLHzsRlI. Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this project, contact jjacullo@optonline.net. Congregational The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 www.fccog.org Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Fridays on Facebook (live @ 3pm with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-8697763 www.northgreenwichchurch. org Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at Pastor@northgreenwichchurch. org any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 www.2cc.org Services available online, details at 2cc.org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 www.churchoftheadvent.org Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 www.christchurchgreenwich.org Outdoor Worship: Sun, 9am, TomesHiggins-Front Lawn (during Summer - weather permitting), registration is required, akryzak@christchurchgreenwich.org. Virtual Worship Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 8am, on Zoom. Choral Evensong: Thu, 6:30pm. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice.org. Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Eucharist & Healing Prayer: Tue, 10am. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 www.stbarnabasgreenwich.org Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am (signupgenius.com/ go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. Family Eucharist: 10-10:45am, Parish Hall. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 www.stpaulsriverside.org Mass on the Grass: Sundays, 9:30am. Service on the Meadow: Sundays, 9:30am. Virtual events: Online Morning Prayer: Sun, 10:15-11:15am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: stpaulsriverside.org/online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at dofaithathome.org. Conversations on Racial Reconciliation: Discovery Hour This Fall – ‘Sacred Ground’. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 www.saintsaviours.org

In-person Outdoor Service: Sat, 11am & Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 www.chabadgreenwich.org Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Sukkot BBQ & Game Show: Oct. 6, 3:30pm, Carmel Academy field, register. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; Shirami. info@gmail.com www.congregationshirami.org All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 www.grs.org Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom.us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 www.templesholom.com Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-869-7191 ext. 3. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, pre-registration is required, lori.baden@templesholom. com. Sukkot Shabbat Services: Oct. 3 10am. Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 www.firstpaul.com Indoor service held jointly at St. Paul through Labor Day weekend. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 www.firstpaul.com Indoor service: Sunday, 9am. Bible Study: Sunday, 10:15am. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395; www.diamondhillumc.com Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (us02web. zoom.us/j/635272316?); via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 www.fumcgreenwich.com Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​ 612220).

Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) www.myrevive.org Online Sermons available on Facebook (facebook.com/myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail.com. Starting Oct. 4, 10am: Revive Church will be meeting at Humbled Coffee, 575 Hope St., Stamford (Please bring your own lawn chair. Make sure to arrive at 10am or earlier as space is limited). Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 www.stanwichchurch.org Events that require Registration: stanwichchurch.org/event

Events marked by an * require registration Registration: stanwichchurch.org/event Prayer Hour: Wed 6:30 AM, Dial 515606-5410, access code 119748#) Outdoor Sunday Service or Online 10 AM * Kingdom Come Prayer Study via ZoomMondays at 7 PM * Following Christ in an Election Year Study - Wednesdays at 7 PM on Facebook Live-facebook.com/stanwichchurch "God of the City" Stamford Outreach Worship Event- Friday, October 16, 5 PM - 7 PM at Winfield Street Coffee (96 Broad St., Stamford) "From Europe to Greenwich" Piano Recital- Saturday, October 17 at 4 PM * Outdoor Worship Night - Friday, October 23 at 7 PM * at Stanwich Church The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 www.albertsonchurch.org Sunday Services held online via Zoom. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 www.trinitychurch.life Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, youtube.com/c/TrinityChurchLife/live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch. Life. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686; www.fpcg.org Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at fpcg.org/ live. Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. Email info@fpcg.org with questions. Beginning June 3: Summer Wednesdays (Online) - Join Ellie and Tara on Zoom every other Wed, 4:30-5:30pm, ages 4-4th Grade, email ellie.strathdee@fpcg.org (a Zoom link will be sent out bi-weekly). Beginning Sunday, Oct. 4: In-person Sunday Services resume, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency, Greenwich. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 www.gracechurchgreenwich.com Sunday Worship, 9:30am, outside on the lawn (Please bring a mask and a chair or blanket). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 www.LivingHopeCT.org In-Person Worship Service: Sun, 1011:15am (Tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Coffee Break: 10:4511:15am, on Zoom.

Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

Education Columns

Political Discussions the Classroom

By Jack Creeden A s we move closer to t he 2020 Presidential election, the value of classroom discussions on relevant political issues becomes increasingly important. A welleducated and informed citizen is at the heart of our democracy. Thomas Jefferson, our third President and founder of The University of Virginia said in 1821 “We fondly hope that the instruction which may f low by advancing the minds of our youth with the growing science of the times, may ensure to our country the reputation, prosperity, and all the other blessings which experience proves to result from the cultivation and improvement of the general mind." The well-known author James Baldwin wrote in 1963, “One of the paradoxes of education was that precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience, you

must find yourself at war with your society. It is your responsibility to change society if you think of yourself as an educated person.” While America’s classrooms often are the targets of criticism for a host of issues, our schools are the fundamental building blocks to educating the next generation of well-informed citizens who will create the societal change to help our country and our citizens prosper. Research scholars Hess and McAvoy argue, “Even with all their inherent challenges and structural defects, schools are still most likely the best place in the United States for young people to grapple with difficult and authentic issues.” (Hess & McAvoy, The Political Classrooms: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education, 2015). Schools traditionally have been seen as safe places for the exchange of different ideas and perspectives. Administrators, teachers and parents have supported the creation of school environments that support robust discussions. Classrooms have been centers of free expression where different perspectives are thoughtfully and respectfully articulated. As teachers, we work hard to help even our youngest children learn to use their words i n p osit ive a nd con st r uc t ive ways when introduced to

We are raising a younger generation who have never been taught the how or why of disagreement. different cultures, traditions and belief systems. Unfortunately, the inclusive climate that once characterized our schools is deteriorating. Data from The Southern Poverty Law Center reported a spike in hate crimes in the month following the 2016 election. More than 58% of the bias-related incidents involved Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry; 22% related to Religion; 16% had a Sexual Orientation focus. While those data were alarming, what was most disturbing was that the largest number of the reported incidents occurred in our K-12 schools compared to businesses or colleges/universities (Southern Poverty Law Center, Update 1094 Bias Related Incidents in the Month Following the Election.). What can be done to counter this trend? Restoring the importance of our classrooms as being places where political discussions can and should take place is a step towards educating children and young people about

the value of the free exchange of ideas. Hess and McAvoy completed an extensive study of political classrooms. Their findings present data from a longitudinal study of high school teachers who create political classrooms by including d i s c u s sion s of cont r over sia l political issues in the curriculum. According to Hess and McAvoy, the political classroom is not a partisan classroom, but rather one in which the aims are to promote political equity, tolerance, autonomy, fairness, engagement and political literacy. Comp a r e d to s t ud e nt s i n classes i n wh ich the teacher primarily lectures, at the end of their courses, students in the politica l classroom a re more likely to: • I ntend to vote i n ever y election • Express more interest in politics as a result of the class • Follow the news more • Engage in political discussion outside of the classroom

• Show more improvement in their knowledge of current events • Show more interest to listen to those with whom they disagree These are impactful results from ef forts to restore our c l a s s r o o m s to b e c e nte r s o f del i b erat ion a nd d isc ussion. S te p h e n s r e m i n d s u s o f t h e importance of teaching students to agree to disagree, “Intelligent disagreement is the lifeblood of any thriving society. Yet we are raising a younger generation who have never been taught either the how or why of disagreement, and who seem to think that free speech is a one-way right.”(B. Stephens, The Dying Art of Disagreement, NYT, 9.24.17). To c r e a t e t h e p o l i t i c a l classroom, Hess and McAvoy urge faculty to use their professional judgment based on three important criteria: Context, which requires that faculty understand deeply the cha racter istics of classroom, school and larger community; Available Evidence,

based on what teachers know about their students and standards of academic inquiry; and Educational Aims, which relies on the teacher’s/school’s definition of an educated person or good citizen. The assessment of each criterion can vary widely based on school mission, age of students, geog raphy and perhaps most important, the foundations created by earlier parts of the curriculum. If we avoid political classroom discussions, we are failing to meet our moral obligation to produce well-educated citizens. And if we allow for the mean-spirited, highly divisive expressions of opinions rather than facts that we saw in schools in 2016, where no one was truly listening, then we hardly are promoting healthy political classrooms. The value to our society and the obligation as teachers are clear. The time is now. We cannot afford to fail again.

Jack Creeden is the Head of Whitby School. He is a longtime school leader who has served as Head at three independent schools and has written and presented extensively on governance, s t ra t e g i c p l a n n i n g , a n d t h e intersection between global studies and diversity initiatives.

Adaptability In A Changing Environment

By Patrice Kopas Th roug hout a st udent's lifetime, the world as they know it will continuously change. To successfully navigate a world of change, students need to be adaptable. I think we can all agree that our current COVID-19 env ironment has required o u r yo u n g a d u l t s t o m a s t e r adaptability. At Greenwich Catholic School, we continuously encourage our students to respond positively to change and uncertainty, or to be adaptable. From arriving at school on their first day, especially after six months at home, to navigating new routines throug hout the day, our students were faced with changes to their “normal”. Students at GCS are having their

temperatures taken and staying six feet apart from classmates, in addition to normal changes that accompany any new school year, like transitioning to a new teacher, learning new academic skills, or changing social groups. A you ng adu lt's a bi lit y to adapt to changes at school is only possible with both clear guidance and continuous support from their teachers and school leadership. Developing the ability to adapt during change enables a student to have a positive attitude, behaviors and feelings toward the change. We are asking students to accept what they can’t change and to modify their behavior to accomplish goals set for them. This foundation will allow the student to continue to thrive and flourish in any academic environment. At Greenwich Catholic School, ou r goa l ha s a lways b e en to positively incorporate change and adaptability within a strong community, while focusing on academic excellence. As I walk through our hallways, I hear teachers identifying areas for students to positively adapt to new procedures by explaining the new requirements and encouraging questions to ensure understanding.

Developing the ability to adapt during change enables a student to have a positive attitude, behaviors and feelings toward the change. This calm approach allows the teacher or staff member to reduce confusion, negative thinking, and anxiety about change. One adjustment our students quickly adapted to was having “specials” teachers move from class to class, rather than having students travel to them. The mobile computer lab gives students the opportunity to learn graphic design and coding on iPads and Chromebooks, and some Music classes are being held outdoors, a l low i ng students to ex plore acoustics in a different way. During recess, our students are learning news ways to play. “Tag” may look different, but our lower school students are still running, talking and getting to know each other. In the morning, our youngest learners are using creative ways

to say good morning, whether it’s w ith a w ink or an “ank le handshake.” And at lunch, we often hear students talking about navigating the new normal and giving each other support. Our teachers and students have quickly learned how to turn what could be a negative experience into a positive one. The students have been able to continue learning and thriving, all while adapting to change. The students' smiling faces and positive attitudes toward the changes we had to implement gives me confidence that our students are learning adaptability skills which they will carry through their adult lives. Joseph Pietrafeso, our GCS S c h o o l C o u n s e l o r, h a s b e e n i mpr e s s e d w it h t he w ay t he students are adapting to the new

school year, and with the flexibility of our teachers. We are happy to be continuing our Advisory Program for our Upper School students this year. “We focus on character development and coping skills, so they learn to relate to each other we make sure that the kids have some type of social and emotional piece to their learning and that they feel supported by an adult in the building so they can let us know when they need help. It gives them a voice, and that’s a crucial part of their development.” At GCS we pride ourselves on helping our students develop a moral compass. A recent article in the NY Times noted that “highly adaptable people have a solid sense of what they consider right and wrong, and it tends to guide their decisions.” The article also stated that resilient people have “a social

support system, and they support others.” We are lucky that this is true at GCS and within our entire community. Through everyday interactions with our students and each other, we a re g u ide d by somet h i ng greater than ourselves. As October is the month celebrating the Feast Day of Guardian Angels, we remind our students that every one of the faithful has an angel standing at their side as educator and guide and ask them to pray to their Holy Guardian Angel every morning. Watching our children adapt to the changing times is a good reminder of how we as adults need to stay calm and adaptable to the new “normal”. We need to model adaptability every day - even when the pandemic is behind us.

Patrice Kopas became Principal of Greenwich Catholic School in 2009. Throughout her time at GCS, Mrs. Kopas has also served a s C h a i r o f N E AS C Vi s i t i n g Committees, a member of the NCEA, and on both the Catholic Identity Committee (Chairperson) and the Education Committee of the Diocese of Bridgeport. Greenwich Catholic School serves students in PreK through Grade 8 on their 38acre campus located at 471 North Street in Greenwich.

Guest Column

A Meaningful Life: A Tribute To Esther Bushell By Kristin Toretta Lee The isolation – and sometimes sordid deprivation – of the pandemic and events of the past year have manifested in some serious introspection. In the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s passing in particular, I have found myself reflecting on the idea of a “meaningful life.” In her February 2017 speech at Stanford University, Ginsburg remarked, “That’s what I think a meaningful life is – living not for oneself, but for one’s community.” But what does that mean? Do we all need to improve the fate of an entire gender? Should we all be doctors fighting to save lives? Sometimes it is in the moments when we feel furthest from the answers we seek that we end up finding them. My mother, using her antiquated but customary newspaper-clipping and post-it note communications, put Anne W. Semmes’ article about Esther Bushell’s famous book clubs in my mailbox and asked me – via postit – if I had been in contact with Esther recently. I decided it was time to reach out. But would she remember me? After all, I was one of literally thousands of students she had taught at Greenwich High School, and it was 20 years ago. An email in the dark, and a response! We decided to go for a masked-walk at the beach. It was more perfect than I could have imagined. I pulled into the park to see Esther standing at the entrance like a beacon; her

effervescent confidence, silver hair in the breeze, iconic black glasses seamlessly matching her blacktufted coat. We walked, we talked. I don’t k now if it was the impressionability of that phase of my life, or if Esther’s personality was just so memorable, but the image of her high school English class is like a vignette I have brazen on my mind. Her legs aggressively crossed, clutching a decrepit water bottle that had been reused for three months, Esther would tell us how life worked - in an absolutely, unmistakable, husky voice. Silver and black and the wisdom of ages. I often felt like I was watching a dimly lit literary act in the basement of a West Village venue in the 1960’s. Having had over 10 years of higher education degrees after high school, I cannot remember the vast majority of books I have read, classes I have taken, or even the teachers I have had… but I cannot forget Esther. As we walked and talked, I realized that she had an even bigger impact on my life than I had ever appreciated. She once told me that there were too many books in the world, and that it would be hard for me, but if I started reading something and I didn’t like it, I had to put it down and move on. This advice spanned far wider than books, and I never forgot it. St r ug g l i ng w it h my le ga l work load that week, I told Esther immediately she was the f irst person in my life that told me

"It is people like Esther [Bushell] who make you feel like you have purpose, and in turn they show that their own lives have had so much significance." Kristin Toretta Lee

Greenwich High School graduate (2004) Kristin Torreta Lee reconnects with her English teacher, Esther Bushell on a walk at Tod's Point. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

I should be a law yer one day (therefore, I blamed her for my annoying assignments). But more earnestly, I recognized that she knew my strengths, well before I did. I recalled her anecdotes about a vacation she took with her husband where they visited gothic churches in France…and her near obsession with how “everything changed in 1968.” It occurred to me that years later, I wrote a thesis at Harvard about Catholicism in contemporary France post 1968, and the economic and social

theories that corresponded. Was I so impacted by Esther’s own intrigues that I explored them in my own way? While on our walk, Esther stroked my ego and told me I was a “star,” and a “superwoman.” O n ly she c a n m a ke you fe el like a celebrity in the midst of a pandemic…with a toddler and a baby at home, the associated weight gain of a lockdown mitigated by ice cream, black circles under your eyes, and a hair-color envied by absolutely no one. It is people

like Esther who make you feel like you have purpose, and in turn they show that their own lives have had so much significance. After finally reconnecting, I ran into a mutual neighbor at church and told him I learned that he also knew Esther. He said, “Everyone knows Esther, she’s famous.” I laughed. Although I do k now that she is indeed famous, not only in this town but in literary circles across the country, I wanted to take a moment to share my gratitude, as a voice for all those who didn’t get the chance to

take this walk. Just as when we were st udents at Gre enw ich H ig h School, and Esther would tell us that “everything changed in 1968,” I have found myself often wondering over the course of this year whether Esther, (who, in my mind, will be teaching in perpetuity), would tell students 40 years from now that “everything changed in 2020.” (She said “yes” when I proposed this on our walk.) And after discussing the many trials and tribulations of the past months, I reflected to realize that there I was under the weight of a pandemic, testing our collective mortality, the haze of wildfires, a countr y facing its identit y, updating resumes and life plans for an uncertain future - and yet somehow Esther had made me feel a sense of community, finally. When you decide to return to Greenwich as an adult, you encounter a place you recognize but you don’t necessarily feel connected to anymore - after two years back with my own family in town, it was seeing Esther that gave me a sense of community here; she brought it home to me. It wasn’t a Supreme Court seat, a medical degree, or a life of charity; it was a teacher who gave me the tools and instruction in life to thread together a meaningful story of my own. Kristin Toretta Lee, a GHS grad of 2004, is a mother of two currently working as a lawyer and living in Old Greenwich.

Have Some Fun!

Discover your inner artist. Engaging in coloring, in addition to being stress relieving, can lead being more creative at analytical thinking. Scientists have noted positive changes in heart rates and brainwaves of adults as they color. Coloring also sharpens the memory. So grab your colored pencils or markers and see what you can do with this parrot.

Bring Back Lost Words

charientism Keyr-ee-uhn-tiz-uhm Ancient Greek

An insult concealed as a friendly joke She told him she loved his “dad joke,� but he suspected this was merely a charientism.

Answers to Fill-in Crossword and Suduko Puzzles from Page 12 Hard Easy Hard Easy

Very Hard

Very Hard

Page 14 |Greenwich Sentinel

Puzzles and Astrology

Fill in crossword answers on page 11.


Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 11.



Very Hard



Very Hard

Astrology for Week of Oct 11, 2020 LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Aim to patch up any outstanding disputes this week. Some feuds have dragged on too long and must be ended before they take up more of your time and energy. If you have to back down a bit the sacrifice will be worth it. View it as a tactical retreat.

ARIES 21 March-20 April You’ll know without doubt this week whether the task you you have set yourself is right – or too much – for you. If it’s the latter don’t be foolish and carry on regardless. We all have limits and admitting what they are is a sign of wisdom, not weakness.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Someone will make you an offer that’s hard to refuse this week but if you’re smart that’s what you will do. A Sun-Jupiter link warns the more it is hailed as the chance of a lifetime the more wary you should be. A little suspicion could do you a lot of good.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May You are acting as if nothing can go wrong, ever – at least not to you. Common sense should tell you it’s unlikely to be true, no matter how much good fortune you’ve had lately. This week’s Sun-Jupiter link will bring you back to earth with a bump.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Avoid making any drastic financial decisions this week as with the Sun challenging your excessive ruler Jupiter you risk going over the top and making things worse rather than better. The fact is you’re not as badly off as you like to think. Look on the bright side.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June You may think you can handle whatever is thrown at you, and maybe you can, but if you take on too much just now you risk over-reaching – and even harming – yourself. Stay within your limits and don’t think you have to succeed at everything you do.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan The planets urge you to be satisfied with what you’ve got and not to envy those who have more or are paid more. It’s good to be ambitious but it must be for the right reasons. Aim for the kind of success that brings joy on mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

CANCER 22 June-23 July You’ll accomplish more this week if you let others take the lead. If you insist on going your own way you are sure to rub everyone up the wrong way resulting in bad feeling all round, at home and work. You can do without that kind of nonsense right now.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Some things will never change and it’s a waste of your energy and time to try to prove otherwise. If you heed that cosmic message you will not go far wrong this week. Take life as it comes and make the best of what you have got. It’s plenty to make you happy.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug What you do this week must be done because you want to do it, not because others expect it of you. It won’t be easy but you will have to tell them you don’t exist to satisfy their whims. Claim your independence now or you will have mega problems later.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You’re starting to see progress in areas you thought hard to crack but don’t get over-confident as there’s still a long way to go. Jupiter’s influence could lead you to underrate challenges ahead. You’ve got what it takes but a sense of perspective is vital.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept No matter how many good things occur this week you’ll still feel dissatisfied. Whatever the reason, strive to keep your spirits high as it is only a passing phase and Friday’s New Moon will bring fresh opportunities to prove yourself. Be ready for them.

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Page 15 |Greenwich Sentinel

Food Focus

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Life as a Gourmet Easier

make you very happy. Add cinnamon and nutmeg or cardamom for variety. Serve with jam instead of a glaze. Add raisins or dried cranberries or nuts. The varieties are all yummy.

Homemade Scones Makes 6 What you need: Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder, Salt, Butter, Heavy Cream These are not the scones you find in a bakery. They are so much better and, fresh from the oven, they are just the treat your family will love on chilly Saturday mornings.

Place butter and egg yolks in large heat-­resistant glass or ceramic bowl over a pan of simmering water like a double boiler, and whisk constantly until mixture is smooth and homogeneous, about 1 minute.

Continue cooking while slowly adding the boiling water, whisking Eggs Benedict constantly, until thickened 7 to 10 minutes. Off heat, whisk in you are ready to make your scones. What you need: lemon juice, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and Eggs, Butter, Lemons or Lemon When you are ready, preheat the cayenne. oven to 375 degrees. Pull out a Juice, Salt, Pepper, Toast or English Toast English muffins. Place eggs cookie sheet/sheet pan and line Muffins with parchment paper. Do e s t he ide a of e at i ng e g g s on top and spoon Hollandaise over the eggs. Take out one of your pre-made bags Benedict sound wonderful but the and put the dry ingredients (not the idea of making it sound like torture? Ser ve w it h bacon or smoked butter yet) into a food processor. First, let's tack le Hollandaise salmon for a special touch or add Pulse three times to fully mix. Add Sauce. There is a magic trick that sautéed spinach. the cold butter, cut into about 5 will make all your nightmares of pats, to the flour mixture and pulse "broken" Hollandaise go away. An Easy to Follow in the processor another 12 times If your Hollandaise Sauce gets Cookbook: until you have a crumbly looking "broken" -looks like scrambled eggs mixture. in a pool of butter - have a few ice T h e C o m p l e t e I r i s h P u b

The trick to making your life easier with this gourmet treat is to do most of the prep work ahead of Add 1 cup of heavy cream. Pulse time. another three or four times and You will need 6 sandwich size turn out onto a separate piece of zip lock bags or something the parchment paper. Work the dough equivalent size. brief ly into a rectangle that is a little less than an inch think. Cut In each bag put: triangles and put them onto the 2 cups all purpose flour parchment lined cookie sheet. 3 tablespoons granulated sugar Bake for about 18 minutes. (organic if you have it) While cooking, mix a little bit of 1 tablespoon baking powder powdered sugar with maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon of salt and water to create a maple glaze. Cut 5 tablespoons of butter from Cool on a wire rack and add glaze sticks of butter, with the paper still when almost cool. on, and drop it into the bags. With less time in the kitchen and Find a spot out of the way in the warm delicious scones for pennies, refrigerator and store them until these pre-started treasures will

cubes standing by and add them to the sauce - now whisk the ice cubes into the mixture until they have melted. By the time they are done melting, your sauce should be beautiful and creamy again.


Our new favorite cookbook is The Complete Irish Pub Cookbook. To test it, we made dinner for twelve people using the following two recipes. They were the dinner Second, skip the poached eggs in party favorite with twelve out of favor of over-easy or over-medium twelve guests giving the meal 2 thumbs up. fried eggs. The Guinness Stout gave the stew FOR THE HOLLANDAISE: a rich, creamy f lavor, a perfect 8 tablespoons unsalted butter compliment for the beef. 4 large egg yolks Here are the recipes: 1/3 cup boiling water 2 teaspoons lemon juice

Beef with Stout


Serves 6

Pinch cayenne pepper

2 tablespoons of sunflower or other

low flavor oil 2 large onions, thinly sliced 8 carrots, sliced ¼ cup all purpose flour 2 ¾ pounds chuck short ribs or center cut beef shanks, cut into cubes 2 cups stout 2 teaspoons firmly packed dark brown sugar 2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme Salt & pepper

Herb Dumplings 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt ¼ shredded suet, bacon fat, or shortening 2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs ¼ cup water Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Heat the oil in a dutch oven or large, oven-safe pot and cook over low heat stirring occasionally for about five minutes. Meanwhile, place the f lour in a plastic bag, seasoning well w ith salt and pepper. Add the beef and shake well to coat. Reserve any remaining flour. Remove the onions and carrots from your dish and see for later. Add the beef to your dish in batches and cook, stirring frequently until nicely browned a l l over. Place a l l you r me at and veggies into your dish and sprinkle in the flour you kept. Pour

in the stout and add the sugar, bay leaves, and thyme. Bring all of this to a boil, cover, and cook in your preheated oven for one hour and forty-five minutes. To make the herb dumplings, mix the flour, baking powder, and slat into a bowl. Stir in the suet, bacon grease, or shortening and parsley and add in only enough of your water to make a soft dough. Your dough should resemble a very light play dough. Shape your dough into small balls between the palm of your hands, about one inch around or less. Add to the top of your dish and return to the oven for another 30 minutes. Don’t forget to remove your bay leaves. Serve immediately.

Champ Serves 4 8 potatoes (about 2 pounds), cut into even chunks (Russet, Idaho, and Yukon are all good choices) 20 scallions, some green tops included, chopped 1 ½ cups milk ¼ teaspoon white peppercorns ¼ cup snipped chives 1 teaspoon flaky or kosher salt ½ cup (1 stick) butter melted Add the potato chunks to a large saucepan of salted boiling water and cover. Bring the water back to a boil and simmer gently for 20 minutes, until potatoes are fork tender. Drain well and put back in the pan. Cover your pan with a dishtowel in order to get rid of excess liquid. While the potatoes are cooking, put your chopped scallions in a saucepan with the milk and the peppercorns. Simmer this mixture for five minutes then drain. Reserve your milk and scallions separately. Mash the potatoes until smooth. Stir in your milk until you have a creamy consistency. Stir in the scallions and chives and season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer your potato mixture to a war serving dish. Make a well in the center of your potatoes and pour in the hot, melted butter. Serve immediately, mixing in the melted butter at the table.




As we lament the divisions in our world, learning to listen to each other may be the first step to bridging the divides that concern us. Valuing what the other has to say is both simple and counterintuitive, but it is a sure-fire way to put the grace of God into concrete action. Mary Zahl, a teacher of the principles of Christian listening for 25 years, will lead this forum. n

OCT 25 | Holding onto Hope

In 2018, Bishop Michael Curry captured international attention as he preached at the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. In his sermon, Bishop Curry used the word “love” 60 times in 13 minutes. Love is the only way forward in these challenging times – a theme Curry carries over into in his new book, Love is the Way: Holding onto Hope in Troubling Times. Join us for an exceptional interview and Q&A session with Bishop Curry, conducted by Christ Church parishioner and author Deborah Royce. Note: This forum will be conducted via Zoom.

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NOV 15 | Hope on Any Given Day

As part of the community healing process after the Sandy Hook shootings, Tain Gregory (a then third grader) was asked, “What’s the most important thing in the world to you?” Tain thought for a moment then answered with one word. “God.” Until then, his mother had no idea how close to the surface his faith existed and how it was sustaining him in that grief-filled time. Sophfronia Scott, Tain’s mother and co-author of This Child of Faith: Raising a Spiritual Child in a Secular World, joins us to discuss the gifts and surprises of raising a child of faith and how her now teenage son’s ongoing sense of hope influences her own.

DEC 20 | Madonnas, Magis and Miracles

Painters have been portraying the birth of Christ since the 4th century, with each artist conveying a unique element of the narrative that speaks to his or her own time as well as particular moments of the Christmas story. Columbia Art History Professor and Metropolitan Museum educator Page Knox joins us to discuss iconic depictions of the nativity from the Renaissance to present day. Christ Church Greenwich 254 East Putnam Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 christchurchgreenwich.org



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Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel

2020 Election Information and Resources

Candidate Profile: Ryan Fazio

State Senate, District 36 Candidate: Ryan Fazio Rya n Fa z io w i l l l i kely b e knocking on your door in the near future if he has not already. We recently received an email from a reader whom Mr. Fazio visited. It read in part: Ryan rang our doorbell yesterday – he was doing the ‘ knocking on doors’ routine that’s part of a GOOD politician’s responsibility. It was lovely to see

him and we chatted about issues from the Sentinel. He was amazing in that he remembered specifics. He’s the kind of person that is going places. Ryan Fazio is running for the position of State Senator representing the 36th District, which includes all of Greenwich, most of north Stamford and a portion of New Canaan. Mr. Fazio is a newcomer to the political world at the state level, but not to Greenwich. He is a lifelong native and graduate of Greenw ich H ig h School; a member of the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) for District 12; a volunteer for the Greenwich United Way; and a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. Mr. Fazio also has a special interest in education; he has been an inner-city school tutor

for seven years and serves on the leadership committee of the Associate Council of the KIPP Schools. M r. Fa z i o h a s wo r k e d i n the shipping, agriculture and renewable energ y industries, mostly in Stamford. He is very clear in articulating his priorities: “Connecticut’s fiscal insolvency is the single most important long-term issue facing the state. Without solving it, every other problem gets worse.” “What needs to happen is for the state government to alter existing state employee contracts on the ma rg in to ma ke them sustainable to the state budget a nd e conomy. That do e s not mea n the state shou ld brea k contracts in a gratuitous way. It means that there should be lower cost of living adjustments,

Ryan rang our doorbell yesterday – he was doing the ‘knocking on doors’ routine that’s part of a GOOD politician’s responsibility. . higher employee contributions to pensions and health benefits, no overtime spiking of pensions, defined contribution plans, and, potentially, employee buyouts. This is the only rig ht way to solve the problem politically and economically.” He adds: “This is the generational challenge of our state. It can be solved, but it will take the right perspective and

leadership to achieve it in the face of enormous opposition.” Mr. Fazio summarized his priorities and proposed actions as follows: “To improve the economy, we need to slash income tax rates and simplify the tax code. We need regulatory reform and spending discipline that will welcome job creation and investment.

To i m p r o v e e d u c a t i o n , we s h o u l d e n s u r e a c a d e m i c r igor, reduce state ma ndates on local districts, and oppose regionalization efforts. And to keep people safe, we need balanced public health and policing strategies that protect civil liberties but also preserve public safety.”

2020 Voting How To Guide, Keep for Reference lobby of the Police Station. greenwichct.gov/1191/Voter-Information-Lookup The tool will confirm you are an active voter, confirm The first batch of absentee ballots was mailed your voting address, remind you of your polling October 2. Please be patient while the post office place. Q. What is important for people to delivers the ballots. Hint: If you didn’t get an absentee ballot application know who are voting in person? You can use the Voter Lookup tool to check the in the mail, you may not be registered to vote. Please status of your absentee ballot application and ballot. All our traditional polling places will be open the use the Voter Lookup tool to check. The voter lookup tool (https://www.greenwichct. normal voting hours of 6AM-8PM. When you vote gov/1191/Voter-Information-Lookup) will show you If you are not registered to vote, or if your address in person, your ballot is immediately counted by the tabulator. And if you make a mistake, the ballot is is not correct, now is the time to fix this. If you have one of the following statuses regarding your absentee immediately returned to you and you can fix it with a a valid CT driver’s license, you can register to vote ballot. paperlessly by visiting https://voterregistration. fresh ballot. Your application has been received ct.gov You can also use that same link to change If you are voting in person, please read and your address. Fixing these items is much harder on Your ballot has been issued understand the state-issued guidance around Election Day. Please do it now. Your ballot has been received back by the voter ID. A poster (https://www.greenwichct.gov/ Town Clerk. Registering to vote is not a long process. But it DocumentCenter/View/5248) issued by the State of CT can be found at every check-in table explaining becomes more involved if you don’t do it ahead of Q. Is there anything particular about CT’s rules. Bringing the proper ID expedites the time and instead register at Election Day Registration voting absentee that people should voting process. If you do not have an ID with you, you in Town Hall on Election Day. If possible, please use know? the online tool. If you would prefer a paper form, can still vote by filling out an affidavit. please email vote@greenwichct.org and we will send Please follow all absentee ballot instructions Please check your registration prior to coming you one. exactly – failure to follow instructions may invalidate to the polls. There is an excellent Voter Lookup Tool your vote. on the Town of Greenwich website at https://www. Q. How are you making sure that it is

Fred DeCaro, Registrar of Voters

safe to vote at the polls?

The safety of voters A N D poll workers is paramount. For the primary, we added plexiglass barriers, hand sanitizer, and free gloves. Per the Governor’s orders, all voters should be wearing a mask. We will happily provide you with a mask if you need one. For the November election, we continue to increase our safety protocols by having extra staff assigned to clean the polling places. We have acquired extra voting booths so we can clean them in-between voters. We will have tape on the floor showing six-foot lengths when waiting in line. We also encourage voters to bring their own book or clipboard to write against and bypass the privacy booths entirely. You can also bring your own ballpoint pen (blue or black ink, please) if you like. Do not bring a sharpie-type permanent marker. We will be sanitizing the markers we provide throughout the day. Of those voters who answered our survey about their in-person voting experience in August, 94% said they felt either “very safe”, or “extremely safe – as safe as possible.”

Q. What do we need to tell people about requesting an absentee ballot? Absentee ballot applications should have arrived by now. If you are planning on voting with this method, please take the proper steps to receive your ballot expeditiously. Promptly complete your application. Follow all directions carefully and return the application to Greenwich’s Town Clerk. Either mail it using the included postage prepaid envelope or drop it in one of Greenwich’s new Ballot Boxes. The Ballot Boxes are located outside Town Hall near the visitor parking lot in the former parking meter kiosk and in the

Put the ballot inside the inner envelope. Sign the inner envelope.

Only put one ballot in the return envelope. Most importantly, don't delay – late arriving absentee ballots cannot be counted.

Only the voter’s immediate family member or healthcare provider may assist the voter as a “designee,” so if you are neither, don’t assist with/be present when the voter completes their ballot. A “designee” is: o A person caring for the applicant due to applicant’s illness or disability; o An applicant’s family member, designated by the applicant, and who agrees to act as a designee; o Or, if no such person consents or is available, a police officer, registrar of voters, or assistant or deputy registrar of voters in applicant’s town/city of residence. These are criminal violations It is a class D felony: for any person not authorized by law to possess the official absentee ballot of an applicant to whom it was issued; for any candidate or agent of a candidate, political party or committee to knowingly be present when absentee ballot applicant executes an absentee ballot; to commit a false statement in absentee balloting.

Q. What should we know about

Deposit your ballot in one of Greenwich’s ballot boxes which are available 24/7 up to 8 PM on obtaining the results of the election? Election Day November 3. Or mail your ballot as soon Because of the high volume of absentee ballots, as possible. CT law states that it is the receipt of the it is unlikely results with any certainty will be ballot by the Town Clerk, not the postmark, which published on Election Night. The legislature has determines if it will be counted. effectively extended the time to report results until the Monday after the election. While we do not Q. Can I help my friend or neighbor expect to use all the time allotted, there is no way to with their absentee ballot? properly give totals when absentee ballots are still There may be a desire to help others with the being dropped off in drop boxes around town at 8PM. completion or return of their absentee ballot. When You can sign up to get notified when results are in doubt, avoid the running afoul of the strict laws published by visiting https://www.greenwichct.gov/ about handling absentee ballots. vote and scrolling down to the section “Sign Up to The Secretary of the State has published very Get Turnout Reports and Election Night Results”. An clear guidelines about assisting others and handling email will be sent out within minutes of the results ballots. Below is just a small excerpt of the rules. being published to the State of CT’s Election Results Please read them at https://portal.ct.gov/SOTS/ Reporting website. Election-Services/Voter-Information/AbsenteeQ. Any final thoughts? Ballot-Fact-Sheet and avoid the Class D Felonies listed as part of the guidelines. In 2016, Greenwich had the highest turnout of Regarding the absentee ballot application any large municipality in CT. Over 85% of registered voters came to the polls. The Secretary of the State process: awarded us with the Democracy Cup in honor of this If you complete any portion of the absentee achievement. ballot application for someone else, sign In 2018, Greenwich turnout, while still high, the form as the “Assister” and print/type was not as good as West Hartford, and we had to your name, residence address, and phone relinquish this honor. number. In 2020, it’s time we bring the Democracy Remember, you must sign the application Cup back to Greenwich. You can help make form if you assist with a ballot application! this happen simply by casting your vote in Regarding assistance with completing or returning November! the ballot: Learn more about the Democracy Cup and our If you are not a “designee” don’t take local award, the Greenwich Turnout Trophy, at: possession of a ballot or deliver a https://www.greenwichct.gov/1690/Bring-Back-thecompleted ballot! Democracy-Cup online

Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel

Leisure Time

Our Fun & Spooky Incomplete List of Halloween Books just a touch of scary, this ghostly by ghosts, with a guardian who trek fosters independence while belongs to neither the world of the offering reassurance. living nor the dead. Neil Gamen is a master storyteller and brings the world of Bod and his comrades to life in sparkling detail.

By Emma Barhydt “When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween” -Unknown. The leaves a re tu r n i ng to beautiful golden tones and the crisp autumn air has turned to a chill that sends shivers down your spine. Halloween is near, and what better way to get in the holiday spirit than to read some spooky, some scary, and some thrilling stories. Enjoy the Greenwich Sentinel’s Halloween book recommendations. Our list has books perfect for every type of reader at every age. Spend all month in the spooky spirit with the perfect books! Just make sure to leave your lights on...

5. How to Make Friends with a Ghost - Rebecca Green What do you do when you meet a ghost? One: Provide the ghost with some of its favorite snacks, like mud tarts and earwax truf f les. Two: Tell your ghost bedtime stories (ghosts love to be read to). Three: Make sure no one mistakes your ghost for whipped cream or a marshmallow when you aren't looking! If you follow these few simple steps and the rest of the essential tips in How to Make Friends with a Ghost, you'll see how a ghost friend will lovingly grow up and grow old with you.

7 to 13

5. A Pinch of Magic - Michelle Harrison * All Betty Widdershins wants is an adventure--one that takes her far away from Crowstone, the gloomy island where she's always lived. But instead of an adventure, Betty and her sisters, Fliss and Charlie, are given a set of magical objects, each with its own powers: a scruffy carpet bag, a set of wooden nesting dolls, and a giltframed mirror. And these magical objects come w ith thei r ow n terrible secret: the sisters' family is haunted by a generations-long curse that prevents them from ever leaving their island--at the cost of death.

needs. This book has moments that genuinely take you by surprise in the best way possible for a Halloween read.

5. Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury For those who still dream and remember, for those yet to experience the hypnotic power of its dark poetry, step inside. The show is about to begin. Cooger & Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show has come to Green Town, Illinois, to destroy ever y life touched by its strange and sinister mystery. A true Halloween classic, this book is perfect for chilly October nights.


and evil—of unicorns, and half show the good (and really, really badass) side of zombies. This book is as hilarious as it is haunting, you won’t want to put this book down for a second.

5. My Sister the Serial Killer Oyinkan Braithwaite K o r e d e ’s y o u n g e r s i s t e r, Ayoola, has a tendency to kill her boyfriends “in self-defense.” Korede cleans up after her because she wants to take care of her baby sister and she loves her. But when Ayoola sets her eyes on a doctor that works with Korede, a man she’s been in love with, she is faced with the choice to sacrifice one or the other.


14 - 17

detective story, and rarely missed transporting the reader to his own supernatural realm. His novels are the perfect Halloween read and will have you questioning whether or not that really is just a branch outside your window...

3. The Devil in the White City Erik Larson Erik Larson intertwines the true tale of the 1893 World's Fair and the cun ning ser ial k iller who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. Combining meticulous research with nailbiting storytelling, Erik Larson has crafted a narrative with all the wonder of newly discovered history and the thrills of the best fiction. Perfect for history lovers and horror lovers alike, this book will suck you in and won’t let you out until you’ve reached the very last page.

6 and Under

1. The Best Halloween Ever Barbara Robinson Ever y H a l lowe en , t he si x H e r d m a n k i d s s t e a l c a n d y, spray-paint other kids, and take everything that isn't nailed down. And this year promises to be the same, until the Mayor decides 1. Alic e & Greta - Steven J. to up and cancel Halloween. A Simmons fun story about ingenuity and Alice is a good witch. And independence. Greta... well, Greta and trouble are never far apart. But when a forgotten spell comes back to haunt her, Greta's stuck learning something she should have learned long ago. Alice and Greta are two sisters who learn that maybe good and bad aren’t as black and white as they may seem.

2. Room on the Broom - Julia Donaldson The witch and her cat are happily flying through the sky on a broomstick when the wind picks up and blows away several of the witch’s items, luckily three helpful animals find the missing items, and all they want in return is a ride on the broom. But is there room on the broom for so many friends?

3 . Spook y Pookie – Sa nd ra Boynton It’s Halloween! What will little Pookie decide to be this year? Pookie tries on costumes one by one, but somehow can’t find just the right thing. The resolution to Pookie’s dilemma will delight toddlers and their caregivers alike.

4. We’re Going on a Ghost Hunt - Marcia Vaughan The way is f u l l of spook y surprises, but these little ghost hunters are eager to find their very own ghost, and every brave young explorer in your neighborhood will be eager to join them. Charming and exciting, with

2. The Witches of Willow Cove Josh Roberts It’s not easy being a teenage w itch . S eve nt h g rade r A bby Shephe r d i s ju s t get t i n g t he h a n g o f it w h e n we i r d s t u f f starts happening all around her hometown of Willow Cove. Green slime bubbling to life in science class. Giant snakes slithering around the middle school gym. Her best friend suddenly keeping s e c r et s a nd tel l i ng l ie s . T he classic condition of seventh grade shown through the eyes of Abby the teenage witch is a delightful coming of age read with a spooky twist.

3. Small Spaces - Katherine Arden After suffering a tragic loss, eleven-year-old Ollie who only finds solace in books discovers a chilling ghost story about a girl named Beth, the two brothers who loved her, and a peculiar deal made with "the smiling man"--a sinister specter who grants your most tightly held wish, but only for the ultimate price.

4. The Graveyard Book - Neil Gamen Nobody O wens, k now n as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn’t live in a graveyard, being raised

1. Born at Midnight - Garth Nix One night Kylie Galen f inds herself at the wrong party, with the wrong people, and it changes her life forever. Her mother ships her off to Shadow Falls—a camp for troubled teens, and within hours of arriving, it becomes painfully clear that her fellow campers aren’t just “troubled.” A fun new take of the supernatural with more variety that the typical werewolf/ vampire books.

2. The Body Finder - Kimberly Derting Violet Ambrose is grappling with two major issues: Jay Heaton and her morbid secret ability. While the sixteen-year-old is confused by her new feelings for her best friend since childhood, she is more disturbed by her "power" to sense dead bodies— or at least those that have been murdered. A fun and spooky book that’s just the right amount of suspenseful but not quite scary.

1. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - Alvin Schwartz Take a trip down memory lane with a classic reminder of spooky childhood nights. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark contains some of the most alarming tales of horror, dark revenge, and supernatural e v e n t s o f a l l t i m e . Wa l k i n g corpses, dancing bones, knifewielding madmen, and narrow escapes from death—they're all here in this chilling collection of ghost stories. Make sure you read these books with the light ON!

1. Lord of the Flies - William Golding At the daw n of the next world war, a plane crashes on an uncharted island, stranding a group of schoolboys. At first, with no adult supervision, their freedom is something to celebrate. This far from civilization they can do anything they want. Anything. But as order collapses, as strange howls echo in the night, as terror begins its reign, the hope of adventure seems as far removed from reality as the hope of being rescued.

2 . P r a c t i c a l Ma g i c - A l i c e Hoffman For more than two hundred years, the Owens women have b e e n b l a m e d for e ve r y t h i n g that has gone w rong in their Massachusetts town. Their elderly aunts almost seemed to encourage the whispers of witchery, with their musty house and their exotic concoctions and their crowd of black cats. But all Gillian and Sally wanted was to escape. But the bonds they share will bring them back together—almost as if by 2. Complete Stories and Poems magic… of Edgar Allen Poe - Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is a classic horror novelist: Poe perfected the psychological thriller, invented the

3. TEN - Gretchen McNeil It was supposed to be the weekend of their lives—an exclusive house party on Henry Island. Best f riends Meg and Minnie are looking forward to two days of boys, booze, and fun-filled luxury. But what starts out as fun turns twisted after the discovery of a DVD with a sinister message: Vengeance is mine. And things only get worse from there. An Agatha Christie-esque, tense novel with a surprising twist, perfect for Halloween.

3. IT - Stephen King Welcome to Derry, Maine. It’s a small city, a place as hauntingly familiar as your own hometown. Only in Derry the haunting is real. They were seven teenagers when they first stumbled upon the horror. Now they are grownup men and women who have gone out into the big world to gain success and happiness. But the promise they made twenty-eight years ago calls them reunite in the same place where, as teenagers, they battled an evil creature that preyed on the city’s children.

4. Anya’s Ghost - Vera Brosgol I f A ny a e x p e c t e d to f i n d anything at the bottom of an old well, a new friend was not one of them. Especially not a new f r iend who's been dead for a century. Falling down a well is bad enough, but Anya's normal life might actually be worse. She's embarrassed by her family, selfconscious about her body, and she's pretty much given up on fitting in at school. A new friend― even a ghost―is just what she

4. Zombies vs Unicorns - Holly Black & Justine Larbalestier It’s a question as old as time itself: which is better, the zombie or the unicorn? This all-original anthology edited by Holly Black ( Te a m Un ic or n) a nd Ju s t i n e L a rb a le st ier ( Te a m Z om bie) makes strong arguments for both sides in the form of spectacular short stories. Half of the stories portray the strengths—for good

4. We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson If you enjoyed The Haunting of Hill House, you’ll love We Have Always Lived in the Castle even more. Taking readers deep into a labyrinth of dark neurosis, We Have Always Lived in the Castle is a deliciously unsettling novel about a perverse, isolated, and possibly murderous family and the struggle that ensues when a cousin arrives at their estate.

5. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Washington Irving Sleepy Hollow is a strange little place...some say bewitched. Some talk of its haunted valleys and streams, the ghostly woman in white, eerie midnight shrieks and howls, but most of all they talk of the Headless Horseman. A huge, shadow y soldier who rides headless through the night, terrifying unlucky travelers. This story is perfectly spooky but not outright scary, so you won’t need to worry about sleeping with the light on for the foreseeable future.


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September Sales Set Another Record Why Aren’t Prices Up More?

By Mark Pruner

families with kids, however, with limited inventory we are seeing more showings to families than we are to downsizers. Removing a few trees to create a yard when you only have 3 – 4 months of supply starts to look much more viable to buyers. House prices up 15.2% in Greenwich – Sort of

Once again sales of single family home in Greenwich set a record with 116 sales. This is up 150% from last year. We’ve never had a September with triple digit sales. Post-recession, the highest number of sales on the Greenwich MLS were 63 sales in 2015. Given that we had 193 contracts as of the end of August, I expected that we would have a very good September as these contracts closed, but I’m still surprised that sales set a new post-recession record for any month. For the year, we have sold 577 houses in Greenwich and this is more than the 526 houses we sold in all of 2019. Now 2019 was not a great year, but we will easily break the 600 house sales level this year as we have 173 contracts waiting to close. Any year over 600 sales is a good year for Greenwich. But we will likely be over 700 sales, which makes for a great year. If you just take the 173 contracts, we have outstanding, also up 150% over last year, and add them to the sales YTD, you come up with 750 sales and contracts. We might even exceed 800 sales, but more on that later. I say might, because our 173 contracts are down from our 193 contracts at the end of August. We may finally see the sales curve start to drop in October as our contracts are down. It just depends on how many of the 173 contracts that we have waiting to close, actually do close in October versus later in the year. In a normal October we sell around 41 houses we should easily double that this year and might make it three months in a row with over 100 sales. The market last week was as hot as it has been all year, when you look at our weekly transaction, sales and contracts signed. Last week we tied our previous high for the year at 68 transactions. All these transactions are sucking up inventory quickly. We are down to 47 7 single family homes or down 23% from last year when we had 622 listings at the end of September. Inventory is down in every price category from under $600,000 to $10 million. We a re up 2 l ist i ngs over $10 million to 35 listings. As we are seeing an increase in highend sales over $5 million, we are seeing more people listing their houses. The increase in listings over $5 million has been mostly matched by sales. The results are big drops in months of supply. For example, when you take the 8 sales over $10 million and add in the 4 contracts, the months of supply have dropped from 4 years of supply to a little over 2 years of supply. At t he h ig h-end, we went from a cold market to a warm market and from $5 - 6.5 million we only have 13 months of supply. Dropdown to $3 – 4 million and you are looking at 6.5 months of supply. This is the kind of number you see in Greenwich around $1 million not at triple that price. September sales have also distinctly tightened at several price points. When you take the September sales and analyze them to calculate months of supply you can see big drops from $1 million all the way to the very top. I have a listing that I put on last week at 343 Sound Beach Ave in Old Greenwich for $2,195,000. It’s an older house, but it has been freshly renovated and hit a sweet spot with lots of showing right out of the gates. I’m seeing the same thing at 677 River Road in Cos Cob, which is on for $1,3900,000. This is a nice 2,500 s.f. house on 1.1 acres. Being on River Road it slopes up from the Mianus River and has a limited backyard, normally a significant issue for

This chart shows Single Family Home Sales in Greenwich by month with the 10-year average. Chart prepared by Mark Pruner.

Sales were up 150% in September and set a record for any month since the recession and also were the best September for any year. Market activity is as high as it has been all year with contracts up 150% over last year. Contracts may have peaked, albeit in August rather than in May like in a normal year. Home prices in Greenwich have risen, but not as much as you might expect with this level of demand.

I was talking to my brother, Russ Pruner, a Realtor, since 1980 who has seen a lot of ups and a couple of downs in Greenwich real estate. We were both marveling at how all this demand hasn’t pushed up prices more. When you look at the sales price to assessment ratio for 2020, we are only up 1.0% for the year in sales price. On the other hand if you compare the average sales price for this year so far to last year, we are up from a 2019 average of $2.38 million to $2.59 million or an increase of 9.0 percent. This matches some of the price increases that we saw in the 80’s, 90’s and early digits. In many of these years we were seeing double digit percentage increases in prices per year. In 2004, we sold 835 houses listed on the Greenwich MLS and had another 144 private sales. If you want a dramatic number, the median increase is 15.2% in sales price for September 2020 compared to last year’s median. So, we are seeing price increases in the last two months as you would expect with sales over 100 house in each of the last two months. But I k now, what you a re saying, but how much is my house up. My best guess 4 – 6% with much of that coming in the last couple of months, but why isn’t it more? First off, each house is different and is its own micromarket. Houses that need work in Byram have not increased like moderately priced houses in midcountry, then again Byram saw some of our best appreciation pre-COVID. Also, as I’ve written before, COVID buyers are running from NYC and are looking at lots of options, particularly under $1 million. I actually had a buyer who was interested in Greenwich ask me how it compares to New Canaan, a very common situation, but then she asked me about Wilton and Fairfield, not towns that we usually compete against for buyers. Greenwich is doing just fine in this competition. Curiously, for all the talk of multiple bid situations, only 14 out of the 116 sales in September went for over list. With winter and the holidays coming up, now is not the best time to go with a premium list price. Save that for the spring market when you’ll have time to adjust the price if you over-price the house. We are seeing other stats that are likely to lead to increased prices. September sales were on for a median of only 96 days compared to 140 days in July. The sales price to original list price was 95% compared to 92% in July. Lastly our inventory is continuing to stay dow n, ma k ing for a competitive market. Normally, I don’t suggest listing your house in October, but I do this year and the sooner the better. The $2.5 billion question is will we make it to 800 sales this year. We’ll have no problem with 700 sales as we already have a total of 750 sales and contracts with a whole quarter to go. We’ll need about 75 sales in each of the next three months and that shouldn’t be a problem in October. But our contracts have dropped from 193 to 173 today and we have the holidays. We also have the election uncertainty, never a good thing for house sales and COVID cases are going up again in parts of NYC. We’ve still got a good shot at making it, if we get anything like the number of contracts signed in October as we saw in August and September. Stay tuned, it will be an interesting 4th quarter. Mark Pruner is a Realtor in Greenwich , CT with Berk shire Hathaway. He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or mark@bhhsne. com


51 WILLOWMERE CIRCLE, Riverside 4 Bedrooms | 4.1 Baths

At the very point of Willowmere is an impeccably maintained custom built home that features beautiful details in the cabinetry and finishes throughout and water views from every window.


247 Riverside Ave, Riverside 6 BR | 7.1 BA | 9,485 SQ. FT.

$5,795,000 Built by Sound Beach Partners

35 Dawn Harbor Ln, Riverside 5 BR | 6.2 BA | 5,138 SQ. FT.

$4,400,000 Water access

5 Northway, Old Greenwich 4 BR | 3.1 BA | 4,120 SQ. FT.

$4,050,000 Private Dock & Assoc.

4 Buxton Ln, Riverside 6 BR | 6.1 BA | 5,351 SQ. FT.

$3,099,000 Close to train & schools

Old Greenwich 200 Sound Beach Avenue | bhhsNEproperties.com ©2020 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel



Mark Pruner | Mark@GreenwichStreets.com | mark@bhhsne.com One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903


Robert Pulitano | RobertPulitano@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabillino | CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com Pam Toner | PamToner@bhhsne.com

For Market Updates and Listings Visit deborahferencegray.com



Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866


Original List Price

List Price

Sold Price

Cumulative DOM # Bdrms # FBths # HBths Acres +/-

SqFt +/-

Sold Price/SqFt



2 Homestead Lane 210












9 River Road 403












Cos Cob

50 Weaver Street













45 Ettl Lane 206













36 Butler Street












Cos Cob

414 Lyon Farm Drive 414













114 Lyon Farm Drive 114













3 Walnut Street












Cos Cob

1 Lyon Farm Drive 1













9 Comly Avenue













13 Meyer Place













11 Tomahawk Lane












Cos Cob

11 Marshall Street












Old Greenwich

26 Bayside Terrace













15 Edgewater Drive












Old Greenwich

200 Palmer Hill Road












Old Greenwich

16 Tod Lane












North Parkway

30 Sawmill Lane












South Parkway

324 Overlook Drive












South of Post Road

21 Watchtower Lane












North Mianus

1 Spring Road












South of Post Road

325 Taconic Road












North Parkway

55 Rockwood Lane












South Parkway

84 Meadow Road













7 Chieftans Road












North Parkway

19 Meadow Lane












South Parkway

22 Normandy Lane













53 Rock Maple Road












South Parkway

8 & 14 Fox Run Lane












South Parkway

18 Hillcrest Lane












Old Greenwich

33 Meeting House Road












North Parkway

36 French Road












South Parkway

4 Old Round Hill Lane












North Parkway

66 Glenwood Drive


$13,750,000 $12,500,000









South of Post Road

Featured Open House


18 Circle Drive (off Indian Field Rd.)

Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092



12 Relay Place

Cos Cob Cos Cob Greenwich Cos Cob Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Riverside Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich

46 Mianus View Terrace 77 Taconic Road 18 Cat Rock Road 130 N Water Street 23 Oak Street 18 Circle Drive 160 Bedford Road 44 Stirrup Lane #44 6 Knoll Street 9 W End Avenue 84 Hunting Ridge Road 45 Circle Drive 21 Harkim Road 128 Putnam Park #128 41 Baldwin Farms North 26 Nicholas Avenue 56 Prospect Street #56 7 Gerald Court 20 Indian Field Road Open House S u n d a y 1 0 /11 1 : 0 0 P M - 3 : 0 0 P M Five Bedrooms Three Full Baths One Half Bath Two Fireplaces Two Car Garage 5,222 Sq. Ft. $2,150,000



$899,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,195,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,790,000 Sun 1-4 PM $2,395,000 Sun 11-1 PM $725,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,975,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,150,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,600,000 Sun 1-3 PM $850,000 Sun 1:30-3:30 PM $2,349,500 Sun 2-4 PM $1,990,000 Sun 11-1 PM $1,525,000 Sun 2-4 PM $1,695,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,125,000 Sun 1-3 PM $675,000 Sun 1-3 PM $3,150,000 Sun 2-4 PM $638,000 Sat 1-3 PM $810,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,195,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,249,000 Sun 2-4 PM


Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Douglas Elliman Douglas Elliman Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's William Raveis William Raveis William Raveis William Raveis




“Tender Baby Lettuces” ALSO HARVESTING



Versailles Farms 56 Locust Road, Greenwich

Weekends 9am – 5pm

Pak Choi

Featured Open House 41 Baldwin Farms North

Open House S u n d a y 1 0 /11 2 : 0 0 P M - 4 : 0 0 P M Three Car Garage Six Bedrooms 4,152 Sq. Ft. Four Full Baths, One Half Bath $3,150,000 Four Fireplaces


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

List Price





3 Putnam Hill Road 1J $359,000 $364 985 1 1465 Putnam Ave 127 $429,000 $470 912 0 1 351 Pemberwick Rd 824 $574,900 $493 1,166 0 2 26 Nicholas Avenue $648,000 $500 1,296 0.13 3 141 Putnam Park 141 $650,000 $534 1,218 2 51 Forest Avenue 32 $670,000 $578 1,160 1 301 River West $695,000 $384 1,812 0 2 45 Ettl Lane 201 $699,000 $298 2,348 3 130 Water Street $725,000 $591 1,226 0.3 3 7 Green Lane $725,000 $495 1,464 0.17 2 60 Ivy Street $735,000 $449 1,636 0.16 4 19 Comly Avenue $835,000 $422 1,980 0.17 4 12 Relay Place $899,000 $681 1,320 0.2 3 104 Ritch Avenue 5 $919,000 $404 2,274 3 261 Cognewaugh Road $1,125,000 $428 2,631 1.01 3 630 Steamboat Rd 2B $1,175,000 1 46 Mianus View Terr $1,195,000 $664 1,800 0.28 4 3 Florence Road $1,275,000 $516 2,472 0.2 4 23 Porchuck Road $1,295,000 $348 3,724 3.09 4 30 Hendrie Avenue $1,395,000 $485 2,877 0.36 4 19 Azalea Terrace $1,445,000 $530 2,728 1.02 5 23 Griffith Road $1,565,000 $563 2,779 0.17 4 630 Steamboat Rd 2A $1,599,000 3 10 Rockland Place $1,650,000 $768 2,148 0.12 4 80 Elm Street UNIT A $1,695,000 $533 3,183 0.18 3 25 Mac Arthur Drive $1,775,000 $522 3,400 0.17 4 71 Wildwood Drive $1,850,000 $528 3,506 0.32 4 343 Sound Beach Ave $2,195,000 $876 2,506 0.36 3 83 Howard Road $2,445,000 $441 5,547 0.5 4 40 Elm Street 5D&E $2,495,000 $863 2,890 0 3 40 Elm Street 3D $2,595,000 $898 2,890 0 3 21 Norton Lane $2,650,000 $462 5,741 1.03 6 70 Cedar Cliff Road $2,950,000 $698 4,229 0.69 5 215 Milbank Avenue E $3,200,000 $839 3,815 0 4 3 Fairfield Road $3,400,000 $598 5,690 1.63 6 71 Glenville Road $3,495,000 $707 4,945 2.5 5 21 Old Club House Rd $3,950,000 $823 4,800 0.45 4 138 Havemeyer Place $4,100,000 $763 5,377 0.16 4 267 Riverside Avenue $4,350,000 $582 7,468 0.54 6 54 Orchard Drive $4,750,000 $809 5,871 0.43 5 45 Wilshire Road $5,195,000 $525 9,887 6.83 5 21 Deer Park Drive $6,195,000 $751 8,252 2.14 6 186 Shore Road $6,250,000 $710 8,803 0.7 6 201 Clapboard Ridge Rd $7,880,000 $750 10,509 5.38 5 22 Pilot Rock Lane $15,999,000 $2,204 7,258 1.31 5 Water Restriction Greenwich Sent 5.25 x 10.5.qxp_Layout 1 8/25/20 3:16 PM



1 South of Post Road 1 Old Greenwich 2 Glenville 1 Pemberwick 2 South of Post Road 2 Old Greenwich 2 Glenville 3 Glenville 1 Byram 1 Pemberwick 2 Byram 2 Glenville 2 Cos Cob 2 Byram 2 Cos Cob 2 South of Post Road 2 Cos Cob 3 Riverside 3 North Parkway 3 Riverside 3 Cos Cob 3 Riverside 3 South of Post Road 4 Old Greenwich 4 South of Post Road 4 Old Greenwich 3 South of Post Rd 2 Old Greenwich 4 North Parkway 3 South of Post Rd 3 South of Post Rd 6 Old Greenwich 3 Riverside 3 South of Post Rd 3 South Parkway 6 South Parkway 4 Old Greenwich 4 South of Post Rd 5 Riverside 5 South of Post Rd 6 North Parkway 6 South Parkway 7 Old Greenwich 6 South Parkway 4 Riverside Page 2

It’s Time To Conserve

For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport

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Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule GLORIA FALCON 203.559.1604 GloriaFalcon@bhhsne.com

CESAR RABELLINO 203.249.9866 CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com

Greenwich 136 East Putnam Avenue | bhhsNEproperties.com ©2020 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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