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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown with Greenwich news, people, and events.
December 4, 2020
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A Hungry Humpback
New Hope Against Severe COVID-19
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy administered by Ellen Stacom, RN, (left) and Sandra Wainwright, MD, medical director, Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Healing.
By Emma Barhydt Emerging evidence shows hyperbaric oxygen therapy – best known for treating scuba divers for decompression sickness – can effectively deliver much-needed oxygen to COVID-19 patients. Greenwich Hospital is one of six medical facilities nationwide – and the only one in Connecticut – slated to take part in a yearlong trial to treat 600 COVID-19 patients with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The hospital has already treated three COVID-19 patients with hyperbaric oxygen therapy with some promising results. One patient who had severe symptoms, including difficulty breathing, said his airways began to
medicine is often used to treat difficultto-heal wounds that have not responded to traditional treatments. Now COVID-19 patients are finding relief in hyperbaric chambers that increase oxygen levels to extremely high levels when patients need it the most. Delivered while patients lie in an enclosed chamber, the treatment fully saturates red blood cells and plasma with oxygen to combat the harmful effects of the coronavirus on the lungs. Patients receive the 90-minute treatment for five consecutive days. “Patients with severe pneumonia due to COVID-19 can’t get enough oxygen on their own to sustain their organs,” explained Dr. Wainwright. “They’re
One patient who had severe symptoms, including difficulty breathing, said his airways began to clear after 10 minutes in the chamber. clear after 10 minutes in the chamber. “This treatment may help some critically ill COVID-19 patients avoid intubation and mechanical ventilators, which so often impact recovery and survival,” said Sandra Wainwright, MD, medical director of Greenwich Hospital’s Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Healing. At Greenwich Hospital, hyperbaric
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CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836
G r e e nw ich i s aw a sh w it h f i sh . Thousands and thousands of fish. “They’re below the Mianus River Dam in Cos Cob – thousands of f ish,” reports Cynthia Ehlinger. “They’re in the Byram River at the Mill Street bridge, going almost all the way down to Costco – maybe 50,000+ fish,” reports Matt Popp. And John Ferris Robben has “seen them die in mass up stream in Binney Park and near the dam on the Mianus River... someone said they died from lack of oxygen in the water.” These fish sightings by Ehlinger, Popp, and Robben as reported on Facebook last weekend, Ehlinger identifies as Atlantic menhaden. “AK A bunker. Schools in session. They spawn in late fall, supposedly off the Atlantic coast. This group may have had a detour. Sometimes a predator can drive them upriver.” So, perhaps it was a predator driving that swarm of menhaden this reporter found this Tuesday swarming around at the foot of Greenwich Harbor where the ferry boats are docked. They were a sizeable size bunker – 10 to 12 inches in length. And they were swarming there three weeks earlier. They've obviously found a safe haven. Thus, what also was found in that Facebook thread intrigued. Greenwich’s former Conservation director, Denise Savageau, had added her take on Ehlinger’s mentioning a predator might be driving these fish up and into our
shores. “Definitely. This is what the whales are following. They saw a whale in Old Lyme a [few] weeks ago.” On October 28, fishing guide Joe Diorio, as owner of the Joe Diorio Guide Service was out on the Sound with a client off Old Lyme when he saw some action on the water. As reported in the news he says to his fishing client, “We must be having some dolphin around, but the next thing you know, I see this big bunker shooting out of the water and this big mouth shooting up and ate 1,000 bunker in one gulp." Diorio managed in his excitement to take a video of that fleeting feed. What he captured on camera of that humpback’s breach is what stays in the memory worthy of a call of congratulation. “I've been f ishing that area for 25 years,” says Diorio. “And I've never seen one. Never in Old Lyme. But I've seen them in Block Island. I've seen them in other spots but never inside Long Island Sound.” To learn more about that menhaden fo o d s ou r c e m a k i n g t he S ou nd s o attractive to a humpback, we contacted Dr. Justin Davis, Assistant Director of the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Fisheries Division. “We’ve had a very high abundance of Atlantic menhaden in Long Island Sound this year,” he says, adding, “which is a great thing for our local ecosystem.” He cites the “robust nature of the coastal population or ‘stock’ is due in part to more conservative
management of menhaden f isheries by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) in recent years…so Mother Nature has been good to the coastal menhaden stock in recent years.” “Menhaden tend to be ‘patchy’ in the marine environment,” he tells, “They will concentrate in different areas from year to year, for no apparent discernible reason (who knows why a fish decides to swim where it does). So, while we definitely have been in an era of high menhaden abundance coastwide – the abundance in Long Island Sound this year was even higher than it’s been in other recent years due to this ‘patchiness.’ For whatever reason, menhaden really wanted to be in Long Island Sound this year. “They will migrate south in the fall – wintering in the New Jersey– Carolinas area. However, they will sometimes linger into the late fall (like they seem to be doing in large numbers this year) and we have seen instances in the past where menhaden have successfully overwintered in Connecticut.” It was Dr. Davis’s DEEP Fisheries Division that reportedly confirmed Diorio’s film capture as a humpback whale, with added news of another humpback sighting made earlier that week near New London. One has to wonder - was that humpback headed in our direction? Read more about these whales from Jim Knox on page 16.
Charity Calls to Action from Kate Noonan The Battle of the Badges Blood Drive is this Saturday, December 5 between 8:00am and 1:00pm at the Greenwich Public Safety Complex, 11 Bruce Park Drive. Join in this friendly competition by picking your favorite Greenwich emergency response organization and giving blood for their team. To schedule your appointment call 1 800 733-2767 or go to Nugs not Hugs ~ Holiday Edition, sponsored by Garden Catering and local non-profits is providing full holiday meals to 500 local families. A $9 donation will cover the cost of a holiday meal for one, a $54 donation covers a family meal and Garden Catering is offering a buy one give one deal. Donations can be made at Police Toy Drive: Let’s fill up a police cruiser with toys for Toys for Tots this Saturday, December 5th.
Come to the Greenwich Police Station at 11 Bruce Park Drive from 8:00am to 1:00pm. No need to sign up, just come fill up the cruiser. The Junior League of Greenwich is supporting the YWCA Domestic Abuse Services and families in need with a Merry Meal Drive. Locally cooked meals along with a bottle of wine can be ordered through the Junior League’s website: Order you meals today to enjoy on Sunday December 13, 2020 and support domestic abuse services. TAG needs volunteers to help drivers deliver bags of food from Neighbor to Neighbors Food Pantry on Arch Street from Monday to Friday at 9:30am-12:30pm. Come join TAG to help your neighbors. Please call 203-637-4345, email: or just stop by Arch Street any weekday morning before 9:30am. TAG is Covid responsible: using masks, gloves and social distancing.
Connection & Safety
STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@
By Anne W. Semmes
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT During moments of marital stress, each of us favors either connection or safet y. Both are essential to relationships. We typically choose a partner with the opposite priority because we are attracted to his or her complementary personality. Which is your priority? Connectors tend to be effervescent and outgoing. Partners who prioritize safety are usually reliable and steady. The challenge arises during inevitable disagreements when the one who favors connection pursues an argument the way a dog pursues a bone and the one who favors safet y w ithdraws behind a stone wall. One yells and the other won’t talk. The more connectors won’t let go, the more partners who prioritize safet y retreat. This often escalates into an infinity loop of unhappiness.
Brighten Christmas at Nathaniel Witherell The residents at Nathaniel Witherell, Greenwich’s skilled nursing facility, will only have a handful of visitors for Christmas this year, if any, because of COVID-19 restrictions. You can help make their Christmas bright by sending personally signed holiday cards. Please encourage family, friends and organizations in which you participate, to send signed Christmas cards with a note of cheer. Please send holiday cards to: Chaplaincy Card Drive; Nathaniel Witherell, 70 Parsonage RoadGreenwich CT 06830. You can also contribute towards a fund that will provide an appropriate small gift for each resident by including a check for $5.00 (or any amount), with the notation XMAS GIFT and made payable to “Friends of Nathaniel Witherell”. A deluge of Christmas cards will warm the heart, raise the spirits, and brighten the holiday for each resident, just knowing that someone cares.
All is Bright on the Avenue
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
constantly panting for air, breathing at about 45 to 50 breaths per minute. That’s a breath almost every second.” Fourteen to 18 breaths per minute is considered normal. But once in the chamber, patients begin to relax and their breathing slows down. “You see the fear start to leave their eyes. Their muscles relax. Some patients take a nap,” she said. “For a precious 90 minutes, they actually feel normal again.”
The spotted humpback whale breaching off the coast of Old Lyme. Photo by Joe Diorio.
Though it is diff icult in the moment, when we remem ber that the “attacker” really wants connection, and the “stone wall” longs for safety, we can shorten our arguments and become allies. Jordan and Caitlin were at each other’s throats until they understood that Jordan was d e s p e r a t e fo r c o n n e c t i o n a n d Caitlin wanted safet y. Prior to that, the more Jordan “came after” Ca itli n , th e m ore Ca itli n “ ra n away.” Seeing each other’s need as 100 percent normal changed their perception of each other from hostile to compassionate. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or or at Amazon.
Photo by Neil Vigdor
On Thanksgiving Night, the final touches were made on a s p e c t a c u l a r d i s p l ay of lights along Greenw ich Av e n u e . T h r o u g h t h e col la b orat ive f u nd ra isi ng efforts of Greenwich residents, Sebastian Dostmann and Alyssa Keleshian-Bonomo for Greenwich Community Projects Fund (GCP), the ageold custom of lighting the trees in the town center once again graces the Avenue. The
gorgeous tree lighting of past tradition is a much-needed diversion in a most unusual holiday season. “With so much uncertainty about what lies ahead, we believed that bringing back the tree lighting t r a d it i o n wo u l d b e m o r e important than ever. We hope it provides much-needed joy and vitality to our beloved downtown during the holiday se ason “, sa id Kelesh ia nBonomo.
Dostmann and KeleshianBonomo would like to thank a l l G r e e nw i c h r e s i d e nt s , commercial businesses, the Office of the First Selectman F r e d Ca m i l lo, R ick K ra l , and the Greenwich Parks & Recreation Tree Division for their gracious support of the tree lighting effort and help in its’ execution. Under the d i rection of S ebast ia n Dost ma n n, t he C h r i s t m a s Tr e e L i g ht i n g Comp a ny a nd G r e enw ich Pa rk s & Recreation ca me together to prepare, prune, a nd ador n t he t rees w it h lights and holiday cheer. “It has been an absolute pleasure to raise money for and facilitate something that makes so many of us smile. We hope everyone will come out to see the lights, visit our downtown, and support our vibrant local community of shops and restaurants.” For more information, visit
KJUS has returned to Greenwich Ave. Come shop our latest ski and lifestyle collections in our new Shop-In-Shop location within the Rodd & Gunn store!
Rodd & Gunn | 354 Greenwich Ave | Greenwich, CT 06830 | Tel. 203-302-1014 Su.- Fri. 11a - 6p | Sa. 10a – 6p
Arguimbau Moves Peter and K im Arguimbau have r e op e n e d t h e i r a r t gallery to the public located in back country Greenwich this holiday season. After exhibiting on Greenwich Avenue a nd R iverside over the past few years, A rg uimbau A rt has relocated back to the original historic Red B a r n , w h e r e Pe t e r has painted, been c om m i s s i on e d a n d One of Peter Arguimbau's extraordinary paintings: Classic Regatta off Castle Hill restored paintings for over 30 years. Arguimbau paints in the traditional Flemish Technique, grinding his own colors from powdered pigments. His paintings exude luminous light combined with old world luster. New works, along with his collection of older paintings including classic marines, water views, landscapes, portraits and animals can be viewed in this unique, picturesque setting overlooking Grays Pond. Come visit and select from his new works before they are sent off for exhibition in galleries up and down the eastern seaboard. Arguimbau will display an entire wall of moderately priced small works, great for holiday gifts. His son, Andre, will also exhibit his beautifully hand crafted live edged tables harvested from over 25 New England hardwood specimens. Holiday Show Hours: December 4, 5 and 6 from 1 – 5 pm By appointment 203-274-6176 Red Barn Gallery, 121 E. Middle Patent Road; (We Social Distance)
Ho, Ho, Ho!
Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 4 - Saturday, December 5
Rudy’s great-great-great Grandfather Rudolph set the standard for being on-time years ago. Today, Rudy’s fleet is the largest in the Northeast, with over 100 luxury vehicles including Cadillac and Mercedes. Happy Holidays and our heartfelt thanks to our clients who have supported us for over 60 years.
Private and virtual appointments available.
Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Icy Frantz It's near ing the end of Thanksgiving weekend and I am anticipating the exodus of our children back to their lives. This morning I have returned to our breakfast room to write; it’s early and peaceful and I am the only one awake. It’s been a while since I have written here, and I realize immediately that I have missed this spot and the view of the water. In the distance, there is a scull with four rowers making their way forward as the rising sun reflects on the Sound. A little closer to the house, in our backyard, sits a big rusty anchor secured by its weight to the ground; it functioned as a jungle gym for the kids while they were growing up. A less weighted tree that stood beside it came down in the tornado a few weeks ago and now the anchor stands alone. It’s hard to miss. A few months ago, I moved my computer and my work and files
and papers and a fancy detachable Zoom lig ht to our daug hter’s room. We were ref inishing the wood f loors in the kitchen and I needed to evacuate for the week. Since our daughter left to attend boarding school in September, her sprawling white desk has been empty, so that seemed like a logical place to relocate. I settled into it quickly, spreading out, with a plan that I would stay for a while and I did. I liked the privacy her room gave me, which the kitchen lacked. It was quiet; I could close the door to the world. And there was something comforting about working in her room, submerged in her scent and the things she left behind. And that was my work lair u nt i l she a r r ive d home f rom school on the Saturday before Thank sg iv ing. I relinquished her room and moved into one of our sons’ rooms where there was another unused desk, but he returned home too, so I moved again, took out my laptop, and looked for a quiet place to work. And maybe I should have felt free, unencumbered, and not restrained by one particular workplace, but I felt as if I was living out of a suitcase, displaced and a little lost. Sometimes our dogs get a little lost too. They are familiar to most of our neighbors (and the surrounding neighborhood).
The Anchor It’s been a year of high winds and strong currents, but we are reminded by that old relic from bygone days to look to those things in our lives that keep us anchored and grounded until the worst of it passes us by. Maui is an eight-year-old Golden Retriever who last year suffered a stroke that left him partially lame in one leg. He has a big head and good shoulders, enviable traits for his breed, and a scruffy coat from hours logged in the Long Island Sound. Sailor, also a Golden, is smaller, still a puppy at almost two, not smart, but sweet. They go on daily walks throughout our neighborhood and they stop along the way to greet the other dogs who are out doing the same. They are known for these walks, but mostly they are known for their unleashed adventures. “Hi. I live in Old Greenwich; I think your dogs may be here?” I got a call one morning after the two had been out all night. Grateful and relieved, I also felt quietly in awe of Sailor who managed to stay with Maui as the older dog usually tries to shake his younger sidekick (and of ten does). A nd f rom a neighbor who feeds them biscuits: “Maui and Sailor are here visiting Gus.“ Gus is a Golden Retriever
too, and it seems obvious that our wayward boys would wind up there at the end of a journey for social stimulation and treats. We must be the Canine Fence company’s best customer. At this point, our fence and the correlating collars are set at the highest level. The strength has increased from a gentle nudge to an electric shock; it pains me to think about it but it’s necessary. It’s been weeks since they have escaped, thank God. They are moored, stuck in what many dogs would consider a pretty great deal. But it is clear that, unlike me, they would rather be drifting aimlessly, unanchored through the streets of our neighborhood released from the tethers of an invisible boundary. The absence of normal rituals and routines in 2020 has been physically and emotionally upr o ot i ng. I fe el s e c u r e i n a regular schedule; it centers me, but my husband finds that same security through occasional trips away (surgical strikes he calls
where he can travel without the need for multiple COVID tests and two weeks stuck in quarantine. And we look to congregate outside in the cold winter air around firepits in small groups to make up for the loss of larger celebrations. I’m sure too that our dogs are planning an illustrious escape and dreaming of biscuits with friends. A nd I consider the vessel once attached to the old rusty a nchor t hat now l ives i n t he backyard with Maui and Sailor. The Sugarboat, built in the early 1900s, was used to carry sugar and other raw materials to Boston, though some speculate that the sugar was actually used to supply the bootleggers in Byram during Prohibition. Its final voyage ended in a tragic explosion right off of Great Captains Island, and today, all that remains is the anchor, a device that provides a connection between a boat and the water’s f loor to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. It’s been a year of high winds and strong currents, but we are reminded by that old relic from bygone days to look to those things in our lives that keep us anchored and grounded until the worst of it passes us by.
them), though travel is challenging right now. Graduations, birthdays, and even Thanksgiving looked d i f f e r e n t t h i s y e a r. A n n u a l gat her i ng s a nd ret re ats t hat we have come to rely on have been mostly canceled. And in looking ahead to a season that is typically social and decorated in bright lights and Santa suits, I am wondering if this December will be largely spent on the family room couch catching up on the final season of The Crown. And without these usual outings, to release and connect, I feel a sense of disengagement that I imagine our two dogs experience bound to the confines of our backyard. A kayaker is gracefully gliding by, and likewise, I picture our children gliding out the front door later today, and then back again in a few weeks, lugging their laundry bags behind them. My computer is aching for a permanent home, See more from Icy at The Icing a secure dwelling where I can unpack and remain. My husband on the Cake at hunts for a safe corner of the globe
Donate Blood at Battle of the Badges 12/5 By Emma Barhydt
Po l i c e D e p a r t m e nt , P u b l i c Safety Complex, 11 Bruce Place, Local fire, law enforcement Greenwich, Conn. and emergency medical services “EMS, fire and law personnel are teaming up with enforcement know f irsthand the American Red Cross for the how important it is to have blood annual Greenwich Battle of the readily available for emergencies. Badges Blood Drive. Battle of the This time of year, as many give Badges is a friendly competition thanks for family, friends and t o e n c o u r a g e c o m m u n i t y good health, it’s important to members to join their local first remember that patients across responders and perform their the countr y cannot sur v ive shelves before it is needed,” said PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentinel (Stam-donors can play a big part LIVE: in None own heroic act with CODE: a blood HSS-2020-95 without the donations ford) generous - 10/9 issue (Due Date: 10/1/2020) PRODUCTION: N/A Stephanie Dunn Ashley, CEO, ensuring lifesaving treatments donation. DESCRIPTION: Dr.of Hannafin WORKORDER #: 74939 TRIM: 11” x 10.5” lifesaving blood. Because of American Red Cross Metro New a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r p a t i e n t s I nd iv idua ls c a n joi t he the busy holidays and cold and FILE:n03A-74933-07C-HSS-2020-95-V1.indd SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.20005.B.011 BLEED: None York North. throughout the winter months. B at t le of t he B adge s blo o d flu season, winter is traditionally 212.237.7000 To make an appointment By hosting this blood drive, our drive by donating on Saturday, hard on the nation’s blood supply. or to learn more, download the f irst responders are helping December 5, 2020 from 8:00 Add in the ongoing coronavirus American Red Cross Blood Donor ensure that blood is on the a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Greenwich pandemic, and healthy blood
Battle of the Badges is a friendly competition to encourage community members to join their local first responders and perform their own heroic act with a blood donation. App, visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-7332767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device. Completion of a RapidPass® online health history questionnaire is encouraged
to help speed up the donation process. To get started, follow the instructions at RedCrossBlood. org/RapidPass or use the Blood Donor App. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identif ication are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.
At HSS Stamford, patients receive the same famous level of care they get at our main location in Manhattan. We treat everything from minor injuries to chronic conditions both virtually and in person. As always, our commitment to safety protocols is unwavering. “I am thrilled to lead the team at HSS Stamford in delivering the quality care HSS is known for in a location closer to home for our patients.”
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Services Include: Pediatric orthopedics Pediatric rheumatology Physiatry and nonsurgical spine Spine care Sports medicine Trauma (complex fracture care)
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Now open Saturdays. To learn more, visit or call 203-872-6923. 1 Blachley Road, Stamford, CT 06902 | Most major insurance plans accepted.
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Town Government
Updates from Town Hall By Richard Kaufman Every week, the Greenwich Sentinel will bring you alternating updates from the BET leadership and the First Selectman. Greenwich Avenue/Elm Street Improvement & Roger Sherman Baldwin Park Recently, the Greenw ich Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved plans to improve the aesthetics and public safety at the Greenw ich Avenue/ Elm Street intersection. Part of the project, which has a preliminary estimated cost of around $300,000, includes the installation of “bulb outs” — sometimes referred to as “bump outs” — which would extend the curb-line to the edge of the existing parking areas on east/west Elm Street, and the angled parking areas on Greenwich Avenue. The pur pose of the bu lb outs are to increase the visual connection between pedestrian a nd d r iver, a nd re duce t he crossing distance and crossing time for pedestrians. Additiona lly, the project addresses green space around the intersection. Cu r rently, within the proposed work area, there is about 340 square feet of green space. DPW is looking to
increase that by 1,860 square feet — or roughly 550%. First Selectman Fred Camillo said he was excited to see the project move forward. Construction is expected to begin in March and wrap up potentially by Memorial Day. "Not on ly do we want to beautify the Avenue and enhance it aesthetically, but we want to really improve public safety and sightlines. This certainly does both," Camillo said.
can offer the town," Camillo said.
Fred Camillo First Selectman
to do some solitary sports. Go jogging, go hiking, work out Public Playing Fields Closed with two or three people. But Last week, Camillo made the we're on a pause right now [with decision to close all public playing playing fields]." fields in Greenwich. The move came on the heels of an Executive One Year on the Job Order from Gov. Ned Lamont, Camillo has held off ice as limiting participation on playing Greenwich's top elected official f ields to no more than four for a little over a year; he was people. Without the manpower sworn-in on Dec. 1, 2019. to keep watch on every field and Camillo said earlier this week make sure guidelines are being that on the anniversary, he took a followed, and because Greenwich few moments throughout the day
"I believe things happen for a reason. I look at this not as a pandemic that sets us back, I look at it as a pandemic that's going to offer us opportunities," First Selectman Fred Camillo said. The project is viewed as a test pilot for other areas around Greenw ich. Camillo said he wants to work with people in different parts of town and see where such projects would work. Camilo spoke with residents from Old Greenwich via Zoom on Monday night about public safety issues and indicated that he'd look to see what he could do there as far as aesthetics and enhancing business in the future. "We're also going to try and do some things in Glenville. It's case by case, section by section,
but right now we're focused on Greenwich Avenue. Hopefully, when people see what's going on there, it's going to really motivate them to work with us to improve their sections of Greenwich," he said. Elsewhere, Camillo said he continues to meet with the firm that is tasked with redesigning Roger Sherman Baldwin Park. "The public is really going to like what's going on there. Each time we meet, there's more improvement and we go back and forth on what we think that space
was recently labeled as a "red zone'' for COVID-19, the fields will remain closed. The EO is set to expire on Jan. 19. Camillo stressed that the parks, tracks, and trails will remain open for people looking to get out and exercise. The beach is also open to Greenwich residents only. "A lot of the spread we see, n ot on l y i n G r e e nw ich but in the state and all over the country, is coming from sports," Camillo said. "We want people to continue to play sports but
Otherwise, indecision can be worse than the wrong decision at a time like this," Camillo said. Camillo thanked those a t To w n H a l l a n d i n t o w n government, volunteers, and residents for continuing to follow protocols. He said the pandemic has a silver lining to it. "I believe things happen for a reason. I look at this not as a pandemic that sets us back, I look at it as a pandemic that's going to offer us opportunities," Camillo said. "We're going to come out of this more effective a nd more ef f icient. We had always talked about last year making Greenwich Avenue a new pedestrian-friendly Greenwich Avenue with outdoor dining. "We always thought that would be the last part of what we're planning for the Reimagine Greenwich effort. It turned out to be one of the first things we did when the pandemic hit, because had we not, there'd be no restaurants left standing there," Camillo said. For more on Camillo's first year in office, be sure to keep an eye out for the Greenwich Sentinel’s print edition on Dec. 18.
in between meetings to ref lect on the past year, and especially the last nine months during the pandemic. Those months have been filled with difficult decisions, but Camillo said he has learned valuable lessons throughout. "This has taught me that when you're faced with a crisis, you rise to it and meet it; you don't sit there and you don't Stay Up tp date. Check back complain. You can't be scared to make a move. You have to here each week for alternating act fast and you have to work updates from the BET leadership and collaborate with people. and First Selectman Fred Camillo.
Our Local News, In Brief The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol's Operation Santa The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol, Inc. (The Patrol) will host “OPERATION SANTA” a benefit in support of this all-volunteer agency celebrating ninety-three years of service to the Town of Greenwich. The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol volunteers will deliver holiday cheer complete with Santa and The Grinch on December 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, and 20. Santa and The Grinch will be escorted through Greenwich to deliver your pre-wrapped holiday presents to your children. The joy on your children’s faces will warm your heart and make a lasting memory for years to come. Because of COVID-19 there will be safety guidelines in place, but have no fear, Santa and The Grinch will make sure your little ones still get a photo! To participate, please sign up on the website with your desired day and time for Santa to come by. In lieu of the Cos Cob Fire Police benefit this year, the donations made for this special delivery will help offset funds that would have been raised at that benefit. Please join at Tod's Point Winter Rules Here are the following rules for the winter regarding access to Greenwich Point Park (Tod's Point). Drivers must show a 2020 Beach Pass or a State Issued ID with a Greenwich address. Walkers, joggers, and bicycles do not need to show a pass or proof of residency. Single day entry and parking passes purchased for the 2020 season will still be honored until December 31. Traffic restrictions started on November 22 and will last until next April. Social distancing of 6 feet is required and if unavoidable a mask must be worn.
GFD Deputy Chief Larry Roberts Retires The Greenwich Fire Department’s Deputy Chief Larry Roberts worked his last day on Monday after 20 years with the department. Chief Roberts has held many titles over the years: firefighter, worker in the Fire Marshal’s Office, Chief of Training, Health and Safety Officer for the department, Lieutenant, Training Captain, and ultimately Deputy Chief. Good luck in retirement. Ballet Academy Digital Nutcracker Production The Greenwich Ballet Academy has adapted to the current pandemic and will be performing their production of the Nutcracker digitally. They filmed the entire production and it will go live on Saturday, December 12 at 10:00am and will remain open for viewing until Sunday December 13 at 11:59pm. To register to watch for free please visit https://
Miles Langhorne will play baseball at Vanderbilt. Olivia Schnur will be a part of the crew team at Yale. Thomas Cass will play water polo at the University of California Irvine. Mari Noble will be attending Princeton University for track and field. Meghan Lynch will be attending Stanford for swimming. Lilly Saleeby will be attending Colgate to play volleyball. Alex Plavoukos will be attending Loyola for swimming. Nick Malchow will be attending University of Pennsylvania for swimming.
eventdetails?EventId=53418. Junior League Merry Meals The Junior League of Greenwich invites you to join their Merry Meals on December 13 to support the YWCA Domestic Abuse Services and provide meals to families in need. The meals are prepared by Simply Delicious and includes a bottle of wine from Cap, Cork & Cellar. For more information, to order, or to donate, please visit rrymeals/?fbclid=IwAR2ePZI5mYQG5ua-_19pg9qiJzyNMyhE1skn_Czc8wTLogWl8eOQ51OHyk.
GHS NHL Bound Greeniwch’s Phil Kemp, a Brunswick graduate, joined the United States National Team Development Chamber Holiday Decorating Contest Program, helped the US win gold at the 2017 Under-18 Greenw ich Chamber of Commerce inv ites World Championship and helped to win silver at all businesses (retailers, restaurants and service the 2019 World Junior Championship. He was slated prov iders) in tow n to par ticipate in its 2020 to become captain of his Yale men’s hockey team Holiday Decorating Contest where all participants for the senior season but it was canceled due to the are winners. In the spirit of this unique year, the Playing Fields Shut pandemic. He has signed his three year entry level Chamber will publish on its social media sites all First Selectman Fred Camillo has announced that contract with the Edmonton Oilers after being a holiday pictures submitted. They ask organizations to the town has closed its playing fields, including the ones seventh round pick in 2017. take pictures of their businesses with festive indoor at Cos Cob Park and GHS due to COVID spreading. or outdoor decorations or of their staff in holiday garb Potential New GEMS Station and send them to Greenwich Hospital Restricting Visitors The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to The Chamber reminds all shoppers to support local Due to the increasing numbers of positive COVID allow GEMS to seek municipal improvement status businesses during this holiday season and beyond. cases at Greenwich Hospital, they have made the from the P&Z Commission for a project about a new decision to restrict all visitors. Effective November station in the northwest part of town. If the project Honoring Joe Kaliko 24, there will be no visitation to hospitalized patients, is approved and included in next year’s municipal The City of Bridgeport is honoring Greenwich’s the exceptions are as follows: visitors for maternity budget, construction can start as early as summer Joe Kaliko, the founder of Needs Clearing House, by patients; children who are patients; patients for 2021. The location will be at the current location of a naming a street after him. Kaliko is known for his whom end-of-life is imminent; NICU patients; and GEMS trailer, the Griffith E. Harris Golf Course. many fundraisers to help the homeless and relieve patients with disabilities, such as altered mental the burdens of those in dire straits. He was honored status, physical, intellectual or cognitive disabilities, Library Author Meet and Greet by Mayor Joseph Ganim and the Bridgeport City The India Cultural Center, The Culture Tree and Council for his community service and long standing communication barriers, or behavioral concerns. Without exception, visitors who are sick will not be Greenwich Library are partnering to present author dedication and generosity to those in need. The street permitted to enter the hospital. Simran Jeet Singh on December 5 at 11am via Zoom. will be called Joseph J. Kaliko Way and will stretch The webinar will have a special presentation of the the portional of the former John Street from the Tree and Wreath Benefit picture book “Fauja Singh Keeps Going: The True intersection of Walter Street to the intersection with The First Congressional Church of Greenwich is Story of the Oldest Person to Ever Run a Marathon” Fairfield Avenue. holding a Tree and Wreath Benefit on December 5th followed by a Q&A session. “Fauja Singh Keeps Going through 6th from 9am to 4pm at 108 Sound Beach tells the inspiring true story of Fauja Singh, who Grants Available from the GIFF Avenue Old Greenwich. Proceeds will go to Children’s broke world records to become the first one-hundred- The Greenwich International Film Festival will award Learning Center, Inspirica, Kids in Crisis, Mothers for year-old to run a marathon, shares valuable lessons one or more charity partners a significant financial Other, New Covenant House Soup Kitchen, and Pacific on the source of his grit, determination to overcome grant, up to $100,000, to be used toward the benefit House Young Adults Program. obstacles, including a disability that prevented of an underserved portion of the population within him from walking until age 5, and commitment to the broad community of Fairfield County. The grant P&Z: Bump Outs at Avenue Intersection positive representation of the Sikh community. The recipients will be announced in February 2021. Any P&Z has approved a municipal improvement for book is the first children’s book by a major publisher Fairfield County based tax-exempt organization that the Department of Public Works project to improve to focus on a Sikh story and produced by an all provides education, health care, or basic human rights the intersection of Greenwich Avenue and Elm Street. South Asian team.” To registar for the event please benefits to those in need can apply within the month The project will include bump outs which involves visit of December at pushing out the sidewalks so that the walking distance is shorter. The center of the intersection will also be raised. Major landscaping and lighting improvements will also be involved which will result Serving Greenwich since 1989 in a few lost parking spaces. The work will tentatively start next spring.
GPD Welcomes New Officer Earlier this week, on Monday, the Greenwich Police Department welcomed a new officer into its ranks. In a small ceremony for family and friends, Edwin Escobar was sworn in as a police officer, by GPD Chief Jim Heavey. Escobar will now be required to complete an 18-month probationary period. Escobar graduated from Greenwich High School in 2009. Prior to becoming a Greenwich Police officer, Escobar served in the Army National Guard for six years and held the rank of Military Police First Lieutenant. Escobar is combat lifesaver certified and has earned numerous awards in the military, including the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Armed Forces Medal With M Device. Heavey said Escobar is a welcome addition to the department. “He has a wealth of experience as a leader in the Army National Guard. He already comes to us with a lot of valuable training. That, with the training we’re going to provide him, will put him in a good position as a regular patrol officer when all is said in done.” GHS All-State Girls Volleyball Team The 2020 GameTimeCT All-State Girls Volleyball GPD Celebrates Ryan Beattie as New Detective Team has been announced and there are a few On November 30 2020, Chief James Heavey mentions of Greenwich students. Lilly Saleeby, an presented Detective Ryan Beattie with his gold Outside Hitter and senior at Greenwich High School, Detective badge. made the team for her second time. Also GHS seniors, Det. Beattie completed his six month training Cornelia Roach, a Middle Blocker, and Adele Sotgiu, period and is officially appointed to the Detective an Outside Hitter, both made the second team. Division. Detective Ryan Beattie has been with the Greenwich Police Department for seven years. In GHS All-State Girls Swimming Team 2019, Det. Beattie was awarded the Greenwich Lions The 2020 GameTimeCT All-State Girls Swimming Dr. John Clarke Officer of the Year. Team has been announced and there are many As a Patrol Officer he investigated and solved Greenwich High School students on the team. Meghan numerous crimes and served on the Department's Lynch a GHS senior was named swimmer of the year, Organized Retail Crime Activity Unit. He will continue she has set many FCIAC-records and was “fastest his Diligence and Service for the Town of Greenwich in the state” last year. Annie Bingle, a GHS junior while assigned in the Department's Detective Division, was also named to the team for diving and won the Investigations Section. FCIAC West Region diving title this year. Another on the team is GHS freshman Payton Foster who placed GPD Domestic Violence Hotline at many races at this year's FCIAC West Region In any domestic violence incidents, officers are Championships. On the second team is Caterina mandated by law to make an arrest if there is probable Li, a GHS junior. There were also two honorable cause, usually resulting in the arrest of both parties mentions, Samantha Ennis, a senior, and Victoria Liu, in a situation. Connecticut has enacted a Dominate a sophomore at GHS. Aggressor law which enables police to just arrest the initiator of the violence and therefore prevent further GHS Division I Bound victimization of domestic violence victims. There is Greenwich High School held a ceremony honoring a 24 hour hotline for domestic violence which is free their nine Division I bound athletes on November 18. and confidential and can be reached at 203-622-0003. Delaney Roth will play lacrosse at William & Mary.
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Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
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These Days of Dangerous Driving By Anne W. Semmes
"What has changed is that our cars have become our cocoon." Lt. John Slusarz - Greenwich Police Public Information Officer.
Journey onto I95 and you’re bound to meet up with those speed demons ta k ing adva nt age of t he somet i me half empty lanes. We’re talking here way over 80 mph. And as often happens, one speeder emboldens others to follow. It’s frightening to see. It brings to m ind that f r iend’s w ife’s r e a c t ion w he n , “s om e b o dy would blow by us at 100, she would say, ‘That person is in a hurry to get to heaven.’” So, yes, I’m distracted these Covid days by distracted and dangerous drivers. They are making me nervous, especially this Thanksgiving time said to be the peak travel time of the year on the roads. And yes, Trooper First Class Christine Jeltem a of t he Con ne c t ic ut State Police conf irms, “With less traf f ic we can surmise that operators are traveling faster.” Her stats show: “From 3/1/2020-10/31/2020 we issued 11,007 citations for speeding and 1,413 distracted driving citations,” and that’s way down from last year but in this year’s earlier days drivers were not going anywhere. Driving around town has its red alert moments, w ith drivers suddenly pulling into lanes, or making left turns from the right lane, or bearing down unmercifully from behind. How many times a day do I shake my finger at them! “So, distracted driving is probably our biggest concern a s fa r a s c ra she s go,” s ays Lt. John Slusarz - Greenwich Po l i c e P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o n Officer. “Consider this, if you're driv ing dow n the road, and you're yelling at the k ids in the backseat, or you're singing t o yo u r f a vo r i t e m u s i c , o r you're talking on the telephone or somet h i ng l i ke t hat, not paying attention to what the speedometer is reading…” And then there’s this crazy presidential election time, and spi k i ng Cov id, a nd Slusa rz adds, “You've got Facebook and Twitter and tweets, all the other i n st a nt news s ou r ce s. A nd people wanting always to be connected. And all these things take part of your conscious thought, and driving requires all these sk ills, all these different decisions you need to make.” “I've been a police off icer
now for 30 years,” tells Slusarz, “A nd when I sta r te d i n t he early 90s, we didn't have cell phones. The distracted driving we saw were people driving around with their little puppies on their laps, drinking coffee a nd read i ng the paper. I've seen people get cha nged in their cars. That hasn't really changed. What has changed is that our cars have become our cocoon. So, now you've got phones, you've got computer maps as big as a TV was in the 80s on the car's dashboard. We've got t he s e i nc r e d i ble stereo systems, and all kinds of infotainment that goes on in cars. And all these things take away a person's ability to drive, because driving is what we call divided task drills. You have to look ahead and see what's in front of you, you’ve got to make a decision which way to turn the steering wheel, and even make a decision how much to press down on the gas and how much to press dow n on the brake, to be able to navigate from where you start from to where you end.” “There's like this threat, this sort of cloud that's over everybody's head right now,” says Dr. Nichola Bott, a local chiropractic physician skilled i n i nte g rat ive a nd l i fe st yle medicine, who kindly addressed for me what’s going on in these distracted drivers heads! “We're not really thinking clearly, and we're maybe not p ay i n g at te nt i o n to w h at 's actually happening in the moment. And we have a short fuse because we've lost
compassion for others. What about the other drivers? No, it's a survival mechanism, it's about survival for us.” Bott gets to the bottom of this survival mechanism by describing it as ref lecting one of t h re e st re ssors we have i n o u r b r a i n s . T h e r e ’s t h e “good stressor …it gets things mov ing…it stimulates the brain…like taking a challenge and succeeding.” There’s the stressor that deals with “family illness, going through a difficult period…that are short term but we can handle them.” Then t her e’s t h at tox ic st r e s s or, “where we feel t h reatened, where we feel like we have no control, where there's no end in sight, where you are separated from other people. So, what does that sound like? When we're not being able to see those people we love and not being able to get hugs. It's isolating, and that isolation is a part of the stress response.” “ S o , i n t h e l o n g t e r m ,” she continues, “we see more people speeding. Remember at the beg inning when they were saying ever ybody was speed i ng li ke cra z y. It's a l l about the survival…When we are having these longer term [toxic]stressors, that part of the brain that deals with survival is actually growing and making new cells, and the attention is going towards that area… So, people have short fuses they're trying to get ahead of the next guy, or they don't have patience for someone who's going too slow. These things are all magnified with this Covid.”
But wary Greenwich drivers take heart! Our police department is on the job. “We are trying every day to change driving behaviors,” says Lt. Slusarz. “We have what is called the selected traffic enforcement program. The traffic sergeant correlates all the numbers of the crashes around town and he looks for hotspots - those areas where people seem to crash a whole lot. And then he works with engineers to try to determine from these crash investigations what the causes of crashes are.” Perhaps the hazard is a roadway design, or an especially long winding road like Riversville Road, he says, “when people come down the hill and go into the curves. If they're driving too fast, they crash. So, what we do is target that area for enforcement. If they see us making stops there every day, if it's a 30-mile-an hour zone and they normally drove at 45 miles an hour, now t hey ’ve slowe d dow n to 3 0 miles-an-hour, and everybody b e h i nd t h e m h a s got to go 30 miles-an- hour. So, we've slowed a whole group of people down.” “That's the idea,” he says, “And it's been very successful we've seen crash rates reduce dramatically in some parts of the tow n where we've done this.” “Did you see in the news this morning,” Slusarz adds, “A kid of 17 was driving 92 mph on High Ridge Road in Stamford! Than k goodness he did not crash!”
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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Greenwich COVID-19 Numbers Continue to Rise By Richard Kaufman COV I D -19 nu m b ers a re continuing to increase across the board in Greenwich, according to an update given on Wednesday by First Selectman Fred Camillo and Greenwich Hospital President Diane Kelly. As of press time on Wednesday, Dec. 2, COVID-19 cases increased by 181 since Nov. 25, marking the biggest weekly increase in Greenwich to date. In total, 1,656 residents have tested positive since the pandemic began. Since Nov. 25, three people have died from the virus, bringing the total to 58. "With all the positive news that's in the background that we hear every day about vaccines and the companies that have been
working on them, this is just another reminder that we're not there yet, especially with the holidays upon us," Camillo said. Although vaccines are imminent, experts have warned that the United States is expected to go through a dark winter as the holidays come and go. Camillo said he wants residents to enjoy the holidays and have some sense of normalcy, but in a safe manner by wearing a mask, washing hands, and keeping one’s distance. “Know that we're in a danger zone right now and everything has to be done with that in mind,” Camillo said. At Greenwich Hospital, as of press time on Wednesday, there were 34 patients being treated, with three of those patients in the Intensive
Care Unit on ventilators. Kelly noted that they were showing signs of improvement. Through the hospital's testing, they're seeing a positivity rate of 11% over a seven-day average, up from 9.7% on Nov. 20. Before this second wave, the hospital was hovering around 6-8%, Kelly said, reminding that not everyone with a positive test comes into the hospital, and some don’t show any symptoms at all. On the vaccine front earlier this week, Britain gave emergency authorization to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, becoming the first Western country to do so. The United States is expected to follow suit in the coming weeks. Kelly said that Yale New Haven Health System and Greenwich Hospital are working with the state
of Connecticut on what the vaccine delivery system will look like, and what vaccines they will actually get. The hospital is equipped to store the Pfizer vaccine, which must be kept in extremely cold temperatures in order to remain effective. Kelly mentioned that the first group of people to get vaccinated will be frontline and healthcare workers, possibly in mid to late December. "We're getting our processes ready," Kelly said. After healthcare workers, prioritization on who gets the vaccine will be determined by people beyond the Yale New Haven Health System. "There are medical ethicists and epidemiologists and other people nationally that will be working on what this prioritization is."
As the pandemic stretches into its ninth month and the second wave continues to rise, fatigue has set in with the public. Kelly said it's no different at Greenwich Hospital amongst the staff. "We actually have been worried about this, really at the peak of the first wave," Kelly said. "There's a lot of work being done at Yale New Haven Health System and Greenwich Hospital to try and help support people through that pandemic fatigue." Greenwich Hospital has made special conf idential counseling sessions available to healthcare workers, with online self assessments. There are also virtual meetings, called "Healing Circles," in which different clinicians come
together and talk through their stressors and how the pandemic is impacting them. "People didn't know what to expect before [when the pandemic started], and they just ran into the fire. They did what great healthcare workers do, and they didn't walk away; they went full on to do what they needed to do, and now they're more tired and they k now the stressors," Kelly said. "One of the ways I'm actually able to manage through some of these areas is I just walk on the floor and see the amazing spirit they have and the amazing care they're providing. You would not know it if you're looking at them delivering care. We're being mindful of it, and we are putting things in place [to help]."
GPS COVID-19 Update By Richard Kaufman Greenw ich P u bl ic Schools recorded a milestone earlier this week, as they surpassed the 100mark for COVID-19 cases since school began in September. According to an update from the district, on Tuesday Dec. 1, there have been 110 COVID-19 cases between students, faculty and staff over the past three months. However, there are currently just 17 active cases in the district, affecting nine schools: Greenwich High School, Eastern Middle School, Western Middle School, ISD, Cos Cob, Glenville, New Lebanon, North Street and Riverside Schools. Of the 110 cases, 90 students have
been infected, along with nine service providers, eight teachers, two nonteaching staff, and one administrator. Just one of the cases has been attributed to exposure w ithin schools, and 95 have been linked to outside activities. Fourteen cases are due to “undetermined exposure” or “community spread.” "This seems to prove that our systems and guidelines are working and our schools are remaining safe for students and staff," said GPS spokesperson, Jonathan Supranowitz. The su rge i n cases across Connecticut can partially be traced to non-school sponsored athletics. In Greenwich, in particular, of the 11 total positive cases reported at Eastern
Middle School, eight can be traced back to non-school sponsored sports. To that end, Gov. Ned Lamont recently issued an Executive Order that limits athletic participation on playing fields to no more than four people. First Selectman Fred Camillo made the decision last week to close all public playing fields in town, including those at Greenwich High School. Parks, trails, and tracks remain open. "Prior to [Tuesday], we recorded three consecutive updates with decreasing positive cases that we attribute to the halting of sports in the state," Supranowitz said. He added that the district remains "hopeful" following Thanksgiving that
there won't be a surge in cases. The next update is expected on Friday, Dec. 4. "Prior to the break, we reminded all GPS families about Governor Lamont’s executive order regarding out-of-state travel, and after the holiday continued to do our contract tracing procedures and communication efforts to parents," Supranowitz said. Add it iona l ly, accord i ng to Tuesday's update, the district has made 1,196 phone calls as part of contact tracing since Oct. 1. There have been 246 reported student ne gat ive te st s over t he s a me timeframe, and 93 cases have been resolved.
Buying Local, Buying Second-Hand By Kris Herndon For some, holiday shopping is a chore; for others, it’s a pleasant diversion. Whichever camp you belong to, this year, more than ever, you might consider shopping local and pre-owned. Thrift shopping and buying secondhand benef its the environment and boosts the local economy. It’s also a great way to support charitable causes while saving a little money. Greenwich and the surrounding towns boast lots of great thrift stores, consignment shops, and secondhand stores, many of which support local charitable organizations as part of their mission. Leanne Meyer, manager at The Rummage Room on Sound Beach Avenue in Old Greenwich, says, “Every dollar we make is allocated by the Congregational Church Committee, and it goes to support women’s and children’s charities, almost all local.” Proceeds from Yale New Haven Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store on Hamilton Avenue (formerly Greenwich Hospital Auxiliary Thrift store) go to support patient care. This kind of charitable giving is particularly important this year, as the impact of coronavirus has hit many area residents hard. Unemployment in Connecticut has risen sharply since the crisis b e ga n. For t he lo c a l fa m i l ie s
struggling with job loss or illness, local charitable organizations can help bridge the gap. Thrift shopping is also more env i ron menta l ly susta i na ble. “There’s a whole new generation of thrift store shoppers coming up, who like to buy used because they really care about the environment,” Meyer, of the Rummage Room, says. “They want to reuse what we already have instead of adding to consumerism and waste.” The environmental impact of fashion and home goods is significant: think pollution from manufacturing processes, waste from packing materials, and the impact of shipping and transporting goods. Jea n ine Beh r G et z , a loca l consultant and author who specializes in sustainability and environmental issues, points out that the fashion industry is the second largest consumer of water worldwide. “That’s the number one endangered natural resource we have -- not oil or gas, but clean water.” And while manufacturing and transport are necessary drivers of the global economy, their environmental costs are offset when the useful life of a consumer good is extended by reuse and recycling. Plus, re-sale means that furniture, home goods, and clothing that might otherwise have ended up in a landfill find a new home. That’s significant: “18 million tons
of textiles end up in landfills every year,” says Getz. Still, buying local and buying secondhand remain an important part of that ecosystem. And, as Getz points out, waste is an economic issue, too. “You have to talk about economics whenever you talk about the environment,” she says. “It’s becoming more expensive for towns to dispose of their waste. And as these costs go up, well, that directly impacts residents, right?” By contrast, when you buy preowned, you help your municipality divert textile waste and cut costs. Auctions, estate sales and tag sales round out the list of options for finding great secondhand goods. Sites like Auction Ninja, and Facebook groups like Greenwich Tag Sale, can point you to local auctions, tag sales, and estate sales, where you can score bargains on home furnishings, décor and lighting, as well as clothes, jewelry, and other gifts. And ReMix Market in Stamford offers upcycled, refinished or restored furniture and other household items that it reclaims from its sister business, Junkluggers. Meyer and Getz both mentioned one more reason to shop secondhand: quality. “I volunteer at a thrift store,” says Getz. “You ask people why they are there, and they’ll tell you they want quality.” She says that’s why she started shopping vintage, years ago: “I used to comb Astor Place in the East Village years ago, just to look for
unique items, timeless quality, and a bargain.” Devoted thrift shoppers come to recognize certain brands for their durability; Getz has a pair of Frye boots she bought secondhand. “I’ve had them for twenty-five years,” she says. “I think I had to get the heel replaced once.” Meyer, of the Rummage Room, agrees; she says her customers recog nize that, unlike some goods today that seem made to be disposable, “things were made with a lot of care and intent long ago.” Mending, recycling, reusing, and charitable giving are old ideas that align with local values of thrift and community-building. Though it’s almost too easy to click “buy” on Amazon, especially amid pandemic fears, it’s also a crucial time to support the local economy. Indeed, Connecticut state and local elected officials recently held a series of webinars highlighting the benefits of supporting small businesses during the pandemic. So whatever you’re looking for this holiday season, there’s a good chance you can find it pre-owned at one of Greenwich’s local thrift stores, auctions or tag sales. Your holiday spending can benefit the community, help the environment, save your town money, and keep your dollars circulating in the local economy. As this difficult year comes to a close, that’s something you can feel great about.
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Editorial Page
Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
How our Brains Determine our Politics By Liliana Kilkenny
Please Buy Local This year, more than ever, it is vital that we patronize our local businesses. Yes, it is scary out there for many; cases of COVID-19 are increasing, people are leery of going into stores, but we must support our local business owners. Do not simply stay home and do all your shopping on-line. This does not help our store owners. Use the internet to research what gifts you want to get for Uncle Buck this year, and then call a local store that carries the item. When asked, any local store you call in town will do whatever they can to accommodate you. Why? Because your business is that important to them. These local businesses are owned by our neighbors and friends. For years, we have asked them to support so many non-profit events or sports’ team fundraising efforts and they have always responded positively. Now they need our help in the face of a pandemic that has seen their businesses suffer because of it.
Yes, you can easily buy a book online, but is it really too much trouble to call Diane’s Books, order it, then swing by Grigg Street to pick it up? Yes, you can easily buy a book online, but is it really too much trouble to call Diane’s Books, order it, then swing by Grigg Street to pick it up? In a normal year (do you remember when that was?), for every $100 you spend in a local small business, $68 remains in the community in the form of taxes and ancillary spending. This is a good thing because it then enriches the entire business community, giving people jobs and is even good for the environment. When you buy local you tend to develop a relationship with those establishments you frequent which leads to better customer service and experience. We have all been frustrated by calling an 800 number to return a poorly purchased item, then been transferred four different times only to give up and re-gift the item for someone’s birthday. Buying local and supporting small businesses is at the core of our local economy and is such an important part of what makes Greenwich, well, Greenwich. If we did not have stores such as Sophia’s, McArdle’s, Diane’s Books, and many others, the feel of our community would be very different indeed. It is not just the merchants - we need to support our local restaurants as well. Did you know when you order food to be delivered through Uber Eats, Grub Hub and other online platforms they charge the restaurant a deliver fee? These can be as much as 65 percent of the total bill, meaning the restaurant is actually losing money on your order and that helps no one. When you want to order from a restaurant, go to their website to place your order. Make sure you are not using a third-party platform. We want to ensure restaurants are not paying unreasonable fees. Many now have their own delivery people. Or, they will be happy to do curb-side pick-up. With the colder weather here and outdoor dining more challenging, it is important we support our restaurants as well. To overstate the obvious, this holiday season is different. For many of us, we are fine hunkering down, mostly, for the holidays. However, for those merchants who depend on the holiday season to make their profit, this is starting off to be a very scary few weeks. Anecdotal information says the first weekend of the holiday shopping season was the slowest in memory. We need to change that. We hope you will join us in supporting as many local businesses as possible. Already purchased all your gifts online? We will not judge, but you can still help. You can purchase gift cards from every store and restaurant that can be used after the holidays. It is small thing we can do, and Uncle Buck will totally appreciate it. Key words for 2020 are not pandemic and COVID-19 - they are: please buy local.
Politica l pola r ization in America is not a new concept. Po l i t i c a l p a r t i e s e x i s t f o r a r e a s on , b e c au s e t h e p a r t i e s have, at their core, very different moral, ideological, and economic g uidelines for understanding the world. If everyone agreed on exactly how the country should be run, the party system would not exist. That being said, it is no secret that in recent years political division has heightened. A Pew Research Center study done one month before the 2020 election found that 89% of Trump s up p o r t e r s s a i d t h e y wo u l d be ver y concer ned a bout the country’s leadership and future if Biden were elected. Conversely, 90% of Biden supporters said they would be very concerned about the country’s leadership a n d f u t u r e i f Tr u m p w e r e elected. These num bers help LETTER
to highlight what makes 2020 politics appear so different from political division of the past: we are eliminating space for common ground and eroding our ability to come together under a national identity outside of a two-party battleground. So, the question is: why? One reason that is not often talked about in mainstream political debate is the extent to which our political preferences are, in par t, shaped by our neurology and genetics. In recent years, our understanding of neuroscience has greatly expanded. Studies have show n that there are personality differences between conservatives and liberals that have sig nif icant neurolog ical markers. Typically, conservatives have personalit y preferences for conscientiousness, stability, tradition, order, and structure. Highly conservative individuals tend to prefer organization and limited grey areas (they are “hard categorizers”). Whereas liberals show preferences for creativity, curiosity, novelty seeking, and new experiences. Highly liberal i n d i v i du a l s t e n d to to l e r a t e more disorganization and favor f lexibility. Neuroimaging backs up these findings and has shown differences in grey matter and activity in areas of the brain such as the a mygda la, insu la, a nd anterior cingulate cortex. Add it iona l ly, r e se a r chers
have found that there is increased sensitivity in neural circuitry associated with threat responses in individuals who self-identified as conservatives, as compared to l i b era l s . T h i s me a n s t h at conser vatives tend to g ive more attention to negative and threatening stimuli than liberals, relating back to that preference for order. Liberals tend to be more open to change, even at the cost of chaos. Of course, there have been no studies identifying a singular gene as being conservative or liberal, but our growing body of knowledge suggests that some of the traits and responses that underlie our ideolog y have physiological and genetic bases. These markers and associations are not one size fits all, and it is worth noting that not everyone will f it into categories that are so easily defined or explained by neuroscience. Regardless, it is important not to reduce ourselves solely to genetics, or into believ ing the views of others are entirely uncontrollable and pre-determined. The way that we think and feel is also signif icantly inf luenced by our env i ron ment, wh ich ca n’t be discounted. Perhaps though, if we consider how these differences in personality, and ultimately n e u r ob i ol o g y, c a n b e u s e f u l in different contexts, it might b e e a sie r to u nde r s t a nd t h e
a lter nat ive p ersp e c t ive . The next time you are in a political argument, and you can’t help but think the person you are debating is completely illogical, it might be helpful to consider the way that their brain structure is biased for preferring certain approaches. Maybe considering predispositions to certain behaviors, can help to give us the patience needed to understand someone with whom we disagree. T h i s r e s e a r c h i nto p o l i t i c a l preference is only in its beginning stages as neuroscience and neurotechnology has increased r e m a rk a bly eve n i n t he l a s t ten years. However, continued research on the subject could be helpful for the future of politics and bridging the party divide. Understanding the ways in which we are different and allowing space for those differences within our own understanding of the world, is an essential part of being human. Ultimately, keeping in mind how our neurology or genetics affects our leadership preferences may make it easier to understand other's points of view. Greenwich resident, Bucknell student, and former Greenwich Sentinel intern Liliana Kilkenny completed a course this semester on neuroethics, which involved writing an op-ed on a topic of interest. We are pleased to publish her findings here.
Thanksgiving Thoughts for our Schools
Letter to the Editor: W h i le we t a ke t i m e to c e le brate Thanksgiving holidays with our immediate families, let us pause and reflect on where we are as a school district and where we are going through these strange times. We have much to be thankful for this year. We are very thankful that we were able to open our schools to our students this year and meaningfully improve remote learning for those who chose that option. We are thankful for our Superintendent a n d h e r t e a m f o r p r ov i d i n g s t a b l e leadership and for the parents, teachers and community that supported these efforts. We are also thankful for the partnership with the Greenwich Department of Health, who have been with us every step of the way. Most of all we are thankful for our students who have adapted to the new
protocols and continue to bring us their excitement, energy and enthusiasm every day. There is plenty of uncertainty in the world, but we are doing our best to ensure that quality local education is a constant. While some changes were necessary for health and safety, great strides have been made to continue to provide opportunities for our students to grow. We learned from our early experiences this spring and we continue to adapt and improve the offering for all of our students. Beyond that, there is also a focus on supporting the social and emotional needs of all of our students. Even in this dark hour we can begin to see the light at the end of this tunnel, with multiple vaccines on the horizon. We look forward to a return to normal with all of our students back in classrooms, on
fields and participating in all of the other activities we’ve missed in the past several months. Like the students, we truly miss being in the schools and the special energy that comes from being in a classroom where teaching and learning is happening – where teachers are making t hose con ne c t ions a nd ena bl i ng t he students to truly access the content. Please be safe during this holiday season. Each of us can play a role in protecting our schools and our community. We hope you all enjoy the holiday and we thank you for your continued support of the Greenwich Public Schools. Board of Education members Peter D. Bernstein (Chair) and Kathleen Stowe (Vice Chair).
Pandemic Perspectives: Greenwich Library
Letter to the Editor: Hello. I’m Hadrian Nobay, age 12, a Central Middle School seventh grader and a Boy Scout. I’m writing this Letter to the Editor to share the impact of the Greenwich Library on my life. Even now, throughout the pandemic, our library has worked to provide the town with things like nocontact pickup, and an amazing virtual collection. You can find all of these things at Greenwich Library’s website. For Boy Scouts, I had to interview s ome one whom I g r e at ly r e sp e c t . I immediately thought of my favorite town institution, the Greenwich Library. I asked to interview Ms. Deirdre Sullivan, the Head Children's Librarian to find out how the LETTER
To the Editor:
“ W hat a r e s ome of you r favor ite Thanksgiving traditions and memories?” was the neighborly question posed by the kind Icy Frantz Thanksgiving morning on social media. My family mused possible answers. Thanksgiving for our family meant packing our silver F150 truck with pies, cinnamon bread, suitcases, special clothes for Thanksgiving supper, basketballs, hiking gear and a dog bed for our yellow la b, Rosy Honeybu nch But terscotch (“Ro”). The children wouldn’t moan about sitting for hours on the long drive to Massachusetts, on the busiest travel day of the year – only to sit and watch football once we arrived. Scrunched beside each other, elbow to elbow, arguing with dad about his country music radio station (guess who won that discussion) -someone would need a restroom within ten minutes of hopping onto 95N. Once we arrived at Aunt Anna’s (Anna Pastore Sommers), the cousins hugged or hung out, playing foosball and air hockey, as the adults sipped Manhattans (Poppy’s favorite; he’d passed long ago: Cheers to Poppy!). Texan kin drove or flew in; one family had 7 in an SUV with their dog Scout. Grammy, God rest her soul, was 5th generation Texan. We’d reminisce about her Thanksgivings in Old Greenwich,
library was faring during the pandemic and what they were doing with all of the renovations. For the first couple of weeks, the library, especially the Children's Library, was devastated, because the in-person library was completely off line. Soon after, the library was able to get no-contact pickup, phone calls, and virtual activities running. Things like virtual storytime allowed Ms. Deirdre and the rest of the Children's Library to connect with the kids. “My favorite part of being a Children's Librarian is definitely interacting with children and interacting with their families.” Ms. Deirdre says. With no one walking around the library to collect books, the library has ramped
up the renovation job that they were working on before the pandemic. They are planning to add an Innovation Space, with laser engravers and 3D printers. They are lowering all the shelves, adding new lighting, connecting the auditorium to the main building, and also, the library will offer a new street-level cafe to be run by Heather Brown, of the Abilis charity (a Cub Scout Denmaster). All in all, the library is doing amazing things to support the town and community, and hopefully we can return soon. For now, call, email or Zoom to connect with this uplifting town resource - one of the gems that makes Greenwich great. Hadrian Nobay
Happy Memories grateful that Aunt Anna was carrying on the family tradition of gathering us all together, at least once a year, from various parts of the country. After Aunt Anna’s amazing feast was an intense basketball game in her driveway o f “ Un k s v s . P u n k s .” B o t h g r o up s would get sweaty and competitive. Not uncommon was an Unk’s (uncle’s) pulled hamstring. The “punks” (cousins) always won. With unbridled determination, the Unks looked like they were on their last breaths, jumping and charging toward the rim. Their eyes and effort said: “I’m 18!” Their bodies: not so much. “It’s Youth vs. Beauty,” an Unk would holler, then: “Go Beauty!” referring to the older uncles. With grace and kind sportsmanship (and barely any sweat) the punks always won. Undefeated. Every Thanksgiving. Each family’s rule regarding bedtime or snacks was different. One’s involved cocacola after 11 pm and no lights-out time for children. Jaws & horror movies at midnight or later in the basement were fine. My kids delighted in this magical 1 night a year that afforded scary movies- and freedom from “lights out, please” or my common phrase they still tease me about: “Best frigate for transport: a book.” *1 Morning (or noon, to be honest) meant another hike along Aunt Anna’s trails, with Liberty (“Libby”), Anna’s black lab and
our Rosy gently hip-checking each other to be Line Leader. Uncle Rob, a coach and teacher, just-married to cousin Kelse, walked with my youngest, quietly asking what he loved most about school. My heart sang, as my young gentleman described in thoughtful, careful detail every sport they played during recess, gym or group sports. Eventually, everyone packed up their cars & headed home, or to an airport or to sight-see in Boston or Manhattan before flying home to Texas. Aunt Anna & Uncle Jack probably napped for a week.
Robin DuCharme Pastore is a mom in Old Greenwich.
A Thanksgiving Reflection
By Dan FitzPatrick OK, everyone. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Repeat as necessary. You likely have heard the phrase “May you live in interesting times,” most notably quoted by Robert F. Kennedy in a speech in Cape Town, South Africa in 1966 and described as an ancient C h i n e s e c u r s e . It s o n g o i n g popularity lies in the fact that what appears at first blush to be a blessing implies the opposite when you consider the possibility that the “uninteresting” times of peace and tranquility could be more desirable and life-enhancing than the “interesting” ones of challenge, strife, insecurity and doubt. With all due respect to Mr. K e n n e d y (a n d c e r t a i n l y n o t
intending to be an apologist for China), the phrase is neither ancient nor Chinese. According to the website, it originated in the 20th century as “May you live in an interesting age,” f irst recorded in opening remarks made by Frederic R. Coudert at the Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in 1939. I vastly prefer the original phraseology. The current age, and 2020 in particular, has become a bit too interesting for my taste. I recently felt the need to get away from everything and everyone to clear my head and try to regain some sort of perspective on the pandemonium (pun intended) su r rou nd i ng us a l l. S o, l i ke Thoreau, “I went to the woods,” in my case to a f ish and game preserve on the top of a mountain in northwestern Connecticut, “far from the maddening crowd.” Growing up near the Adirondack Mountains, I spent quite a bit of my time outdoors. The woods are like home to me. I knew what to expect. And I found the unexpected. Sitting down at a favorite spot with a beautiful view of a large pond su r rou nded by densely wooded hills, I let myself relax.
The worries of today are like the leaves on the trees. They come and go, in fairly predictable cycles The air was clear and still, and the woods were quiet, though not silent. The more I relaxed, the more I noticed the little details. The sounds of squirrels foraging in the leaves, the mirrored reflection of the trees in the water, the occasional rise of a fish, the hawks and eagles soaring and circling lazily yet with purpose. The trees were mostly bare of leaves, ta l l a nd spa re a nd devoid of t he color t hey had boasted just weeks ago. In that condition, they revealed details of the surrounding landscape hidden from view during the leafy season. I saw what appeared to be miles and miles of rock walls, dry stone fences running back and forth and up and down in patterns and in places and for purposes I could not fathom. The closer I looked, the more revealed itself: stone foundations of buildings long abandoned; the barest hint of old logging trails leading
seemingly to nowhere; strange 30-foot f lat, circular imprints in the forest floor (not alien landing sites but old charcoal hearths); and everywhere, the symbiotic i nter play of stone a nd t rees, with the latter springing almost i mp o s s i b l y f r om c r a ck s a nd fissures in the former. Eventually it dawned on me that I was being taught a lesson, given a message I really needed to hear. The worries of today are like the leaves on the trees. They come and go, in fairly predictable cycles, and when in full bloom, they obscure the view of other realities of a less transient nature. At times they stridently demand our attention and occupy it fully by being so urgently colorful that we see nothing else. Yet, in time, they will fall away and ultimately be forgotten. The leaves mean little to the squirrels, except to the extent that
they help the trees produce nuts. Squirrels have dichromatic color vision, which means that they cannot see the difference between the green leaves of summer and the red leaves of fall. They are oblivious to the foliage changes that entrance us humans. They are content enough to forage and spend the winter months snugly in their dens. The f ish don’t even see the leaves, and so live untroubled by their arrival, change or departure. The hawks and eagles find them troublesome in terms of seasonally blocking their view of the forest floor, and presumably are pleased when they are gone. It would be hard to imagine that any of these animals spend much of their life energy worrying about the leaves. We humans consider ourselves to be the top of the food chain, far superior in most ways to the rest of the animal world. We have managed to adapt best in terms of survival (well, maybe cockroaches outdo us t here) a nd excel i n manipulating the resources of nature to our advantage. Why, then, do we insist on spending most of our waking hours anxious and worrying about everything, including things we can do nothing
about? Another breath. Release. This Thanksgiving, I am going to try really hard to focus on the less transient aspects of my life, following the words of St. Paul -- “my friends, f ill your minds with those things that are good and deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable.” Notwithstanding our differences and difficulties, our divisions and challenges, we are a good people, blessed to live in a great nation. We still enjoy the freedoms the Pilgrims came here to find 400 years ago. Those freedoms require constant vigilance and protection; let’s all take a moment to reflect on them. They are the foundation stones of our democracy, the walled barriers against tyranny and oppression, the green saplings sprouting from rock. They are so much easier to see and appreciate when the leaves of distraction have fallen. And when we clearly see and appreciate how much we have to be thankful for, we should be in a better position to come together as a people to heal our divisions and unite in the common effort to bequeath these blessings on generations to come. Let’s shake some trees!
in The Club, 86 Valley Rd. 203-618-9036. TOWN HALL MEETINGS: For all meetings go to: Dec. 3 12 p.m. FS Sustainability Committee Virtual Web Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Conservation Commission Meeting. Via Zoom. Dec. 7 7:30 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 7:30 p.m. Public Works Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/ Phone. 8 p.m. Education Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/ Phone. 8 p.m. Land Use Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/ Phone. 8 p.m. Legislative & Rules Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. Dec. 8 8:30 a.m. OPEB Trust Board Meeting. Via Zoom. 10 a.m. BET Investment Advisory Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Mazza Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 12 p.m. FS Diversity Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting. Via Zoom. 5:30 p.m. Board of Ethics Regular Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Gisborne Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 7:30 p.m. Town Services Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/ Phone. 7:30 p.m. Transportation Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Mazza Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 8 p.m. Appointments Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/ Phone. 8 p.m. Health & Human Services Committee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 8 p.m. Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Parks & Rec. Conference Room, 101 Field Point Rd. Dec. 9 2 p.m. FS Re-Imagine Greenwich
Virtual Web Meeting. Via Zoom. 2 p.m. RTN Blight/Nuisance Ordinance Subcommittee Meeting. Zoom Webinar/ Phone. 7 p.m. Historic District Commission Regular Meeting. Zoom Webinar. 7:30 p.m. District 8 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 8 p.m. District 4 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. Dec. 10 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Virtual Web Meeting. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. BET Law Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall – Law Department Conference Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 7 p.m. District 12 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 7:30 p.m. District 10 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 7:30 p.m. District 2 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 7:30 p.m. District 3 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 7:30 p.m. District 9 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 7:45 p.m. District 7 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone. 8 p.m. District 6 Meeting. Zoom Webinar/Phone.
Calendar Items GREENWICH LIBRARIES: Dec. 3 4 p.m. Virtual: Junior Book Club (Grades 4-6). mwalsh@ 7 p.m. Greenwich Alliance for Education and YWCA of Greenwich: Virtual Greenwich Student Identity: A Community Conversation on Diversity at Greenwich High School. 203-625-6533. mmartin@greenwichlibrary. org Dec. 4 10 a.m. Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. ywang@greenwichlibrary. org 2 p.m. Virtual: Protect Yourself from Viruses, Worms, Hackers and Other Computer Lowlife. Free. Register. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@ 3:45 p.m. Virtual – World Music with Anitra. lmatthews@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: “20th Century Women.” 203-6227910. friendsfridayfilms@ Dec. 5 10 a.m. Virtual – Saturday Story Time (Toddler, Preschool). Free. Register. 203622-7940. dsullivan@ 11 a.m. Virtual – Bookworms Book Club (Grades 2-3). dsullivan@ 11 a.m. Virtual – Simran Jeet Singh, Author of “Fauja Singh Keeps Going” and Q&A. 203- 622-7940. children@ 2 p.m. Virtual: Spotlight on Apps: Streaming Movies and TV with Kanopy & Hoopla. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. csherman@ Dec. 7 10 a.m. Virtual: Story Time (Baby, Toddler, Preschool). Free. Register. 203622-7940. dsullivan@ 11 a.m. Make it Monday (Grades K-2). Free. Register. Dec. 8 11 a.m. Virtual Drop-in Computer Lab. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@ 1 p.m.
SCORE Webinar: The 5 Step Marketing Strategy During a Pandemic. 203-622-7924. 3 p.m. Virtual - Laser Engraved Journals. 203-6227979. innovationlab@ 4 p.m. Virtual: Robert Rogers Puppet Company: “The Magical Toy Soldier.” 203531-0426. 7 p.m. Virtual: Date with an Author: “Deepfake” by Sarah Darer Littman. emorrissey@ Dec. 9 10 a.m. Virtual: Story Time (Baby, Toddler, Preschool). dsullivan@ 11 a.m. Virtual: Author Talk: “Eleanor” by David Michaelis. 203-622-7948. rhansen@greenwichlibrary. org 1 p.m. Virtual: Get Started with Investing II: Intro to Important Concepts & Considerations. 203622-7924. ywang@ 7 p.m. Virtual: How COVID-19 is Changing College Admissions. 203-6227918. emorrissey@ Dec. 10 9 a.m. Virtual: Parent & Child Yoga (Ages 2-5). 203-622-7940. children@greenwichlibrary. org 10 a.m. Virtual: Fiesta de lols Cuentos! Bilingual Storytime. 11:30 a.m. Virtual: Qi Gong. 203622-6883. lmatthews@ 1 p.m. SCORE Webinar: Credit Card Processing Secrets that will Save Your Small Business Big Money. ywang@ 4:30 p.m. Virtual: Food Explorers: Make Your Own Pretzel Bites. lmatthews@ 5 p.m. Virtual: Tai Chi for Kids with Ken Dolan. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. Virtual: Crafts for Adults: Gift-Worthy Tassel and Button Bookmarks. 203-5310426. COS COB FIRE POLICE: Dec. 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 & 20 “Operation Santa” – a benefit in support of The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol, Inc., celebrating 93 years of service to the Town of Greenwich.
EMERGENCY RESPONDERS: Dec. 5 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Battle of the Badges Blood Drive. Greenwich Public Safety Complex, 11 Bruce Place. To schedule an appointment, call: 800-7332767 or visit redcrossblood. org ARCH STREET 7 p.m. ‘Coaching Our Teens During the Uncertainty and Isolation of COVID-19’. Via Zoom. RSVP. info@ GREENWICH HOSPITAL: events 888-305-9253 Dec. 3 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Webinar: “Mediterranean Diet for Long, Healthy Life.” Free. Dec. 5 9 - 11 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln., Greenwich. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Webinar: Bariatric Informational. Free. Dec. 7 12:30 - 2 p.m. Webinar: Hip Replacement Education. Free. Call 203863-3598 or 203-863-3646 for assistance. 5 - 6 p.m. Support: The Bariatric Surgery Pre- and PostSurgery Support Group. Via Zoom. Dec. 8 12:30 - 2 p.m. Webinar: Anterior Total Hip Replacement Class. Free. 203-863-3646. 6 - 7 p.m. Webinar: How to Make SMARTER Resolutions. Free. Dec. 9 5 - 6 p.m. Webinar: Stroke Education Support Groups. Free. (This will be an interactive meeting). Dec. 10 1 - 2 p.m. Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. Free.. ABILIS Dec. 3 10 a.m. ‘Little Crafters & Mommies’ - A Mommy & Me craft class for 2-4 year olds. Abilis, 1150 Summer St., Stamford. Register. 5:30 p.m. Abilis/Greenwich Hospital Project SEARCH Info Session. Via Zoom. Open to
the Public. Registration is required. Dec. 10 10 a.m. ‘Little Crafters & Mommies’ - A Mommy & Me craft class for 2-4 year olds. Abilis, 1150 Summer St., Stamford. Register. BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE: events Dec. 10 8 p.m. BCA Virtual Livestream Poker Tournament. Host & Live Commentary by Professional Poker Player and Commentator, Jamie Kerstetter & Faded Spade. AUDUBON CENTER: events Dec. 9 4 p.m. Conservation Conversations. Facebook homepage. Free. All ages. 203-900-3349. Caroline.Bailey@audubon. org FLINN GALLERY: Through Jan. 6 The Flinn Gallery presents ‘Heidi Johnson, Animal Attraction’, for in-person and virtual viewing. Free. BRUCE MUSEUM:, 203869-0376 Dec. 3 7 p.m. Bruce Presents: “The Origin of Species… Survival Plans” - a panel of wildlife conservation experts discuss the species survival plans to save endangered and at-risk species worldwide. Followed by a Q&A session. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: friendsofgreenwichpoint. org Dec. 6 9 - 11:30 a.m. First Sunday Bird Walks at Greenwich Point Park. (Bring binoculars). Meet near the main concession stand at the south end of the beach. All ages. (Group size limited, up to first 15 participants). birdwalk. YWCA GREENWICH: Dec. 9 7 - 8:30 p.m. Express Yourself online support group - for members of the non-binary, gender-fluid, and transgender communities regardless of labels or self-identification. Via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 508 855 477. Password: 605979). ST. LAWRENCE SOCIETY Dec. 4 5:30 - 9 p.m. Pub Pizza Fridays. The Pub
ARGUIMBAU ART GALLERY Dec. 4, 5 & 6 1 - 5 p.m. Peter Arguimbau will display an entire wall of moderately priced small works. His son, Andre, will also exhibit his hand crafted live edged tables. The Red Barn Gallery, 121 E. Middle Patent Rd., Greenwich. By appointment: 203-274-6176. BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE Dec. 5 4 p.m. Booze and Boughs. Bedford Playhouse, 633 Old Post Rd., Bedford, NY. programming@ Dec. 10 7 p.m. Bourbon Tasting with Hillrock Estate Distillery. Bedford Playhouse, 633 Old Post Rd., Bedford, NY. programming@
Children and Education
Preparing to Switch to Remote Learning By Jim Heus
For many of us – parents and educators alike – going back to an entirely remote educational program is not a choice we would make in an ideal world. At Eagle H i l l, we’ve love d hav i ng ou r students back on campus (with thorough and appropriate health and safety measures in place, of course!) and we are working hard to ensure that students are able
to continue learning on campus after the Thanksgiving and winter brea k s. Sti l l, w it h t he r isi ng COVID-19 infection rates in our area and around the country, the return to remote learning is a very real possibility. For our part, we have spent a significant amount of time and resources during the fall looking back on t he spr i ng when we were all learning from home and thinking about what worked for our students and teachers and what could be improved. We’ve purchased laptops and iPads so every student is now equipped with the proper technology at home, created a faculty position dedicated to enhancing our program for remote learners, and continued to hone our plans for a possible switch back to distance learning. As Eagle Hill – and schools across the country – prepare for
For our part, we have spent a significant amount of time and resources during the fall looking back on the spring when we were all learning from home and thinking about what worked for our students and teachers and what could be improved. this switch, we’re often asked by parents “what can I do to better suppor t my student lea r n i ng from home?” This question is particularly meaningful for parents of students who learn differently, like our students at Eagle Hill. Here are a few ways you can make preparations at home to make the possible transition easier: • Scheduling is key: be ready to have your student wake up with enough time to prepare for the
school day. Your student should have breakfast, get dressed (casual might be ok depending on your school, but not pajamas), and take time to review their schedule before starting their school day. Work with your child to create an easy-to-follow daily schedule so they can easily keep track of their remote classes and projects. • Break time: In our daily schedules for at-home learners, we maintain break periods– time for
students to be off their screens and out of class. It’s important for all students to have a break from their screens and time for exercise and fresh air. • Learning zone: Preparing a dedicated spot at home that is as distraction-free as possible is incredibly important. Students should have a spot that is dedicated to their school work/classes, and a centralized space to keep all their materials when school is done for the day. • Passion projects: If your child loves to cook or bake, draw or paint, or write and read, encourage them to do “work” that they love! Time that was spent on the bus or in the car could be spent exploring new interests. • Stay in touch: Maintain and plan for ways for your student to keep in contact with their friends. Even though we all want to limit screen time, maintaining social
interactions and working them into your child’s schedule will be beneficial. Consider a bi-weekly social Zoom call with your child’s closest friends/classmates! With winter nearly here, and the cold weather already started, we must all remain vigilant and dedicated to maintaining the health of our school communities. Although we hope to continue our on-campus program this winter, all of us at Eagle Hill are working hard to prepare for the possible return to distance learning. Jim Heus is the Interim Head of School at Eagle Hill. Jim brings more than 40 years of independent school experience to this role, including the past 21 years as a Head of School. Eagle Hill School enrolls students in g rades K–8 with lan g ua gebased learning differences (such as dyslexia, executive function disorder, and ADHD).
Distance Learning - Five Questions to Ask Schools By Laura Berzolla McDermott
When learning transitions from on-campus to distance learning, we move from the familiar to the unfamiliar, and we find ourselves asking, "How do I know if my child is learning?" To answer this, we need to know that thoughtful, purposeful, and intentional planning for the assessment of ou r ch i ld ren’s learning is continuing. To slow dow n or suspend assessment during distance learning would be to slow down learning. As we worry about how much our children are actually learning from our homes, we need to understand that assessment is still an integral part of teaching and learning.
1. Is assessment still an ongoing part of the teaching and learning cycle? For m at i ve a s s e s s m e nt o f learning is critical during distance learning so teachers can assess student understanding “along the way.” Assessment is how teachers know if students understand the concepts taught day-to-day. And this is how teachers are making instructional decisions, and schools are making curricular decisions. Teachers are implementing different assessment tools and strategies that better match this new learning environment as they gather information about students' understandings and a b i l i t i e s . Fo r a s y n c h r o n o u s lessons, students can respond to teachers' discussion questions through technological innovations such as Pear Deck and Flip Grid. During sy nchronous lessons, teachers can create Zoom breakout rooms with small groups and guide student discussions or ask students to share their reasoning or thinking. Students can share their knowledge and understanding through presentations to peers, as
To slow down or suspend assessment during distance learning would be to slow down learning. teachers observe to determine if the learning objectives are being met. Through these ongoing or formative assessments, teachers identify learning needs, monitor prog ress, and decide what to teach next and how to teach it. No matter the platform, it is critical that assessment continues to be an integral part of everyday teaching and learning. 2 . Are teachers meeting students more frequently in small groups and individually so that cu r r icu lu m-base d classroom assessments are effective? As distance learning adds another layer of separation between teachers and students, the teachers' need to meet with students in smaller groups becomes vital. In these small groups and individual student settings, teachers can target instruction based on the students' needs in the group or monitor an
individual student's progress more closely. An opportunity for a student to meet with a teacher to review a writing piece together, describe the growth of a character, or explain one’s mathematical reasoning of a problem is an opportunity for a teacher to assess a student’s understanding and application of a concept or skill. 3. Are teachers continuing to design assessments that align with the curricular goals of the school? As the location of the teaching changes, it is important to remember that the substance of what is taught - the curriculum - does not cha nge. The r igor and richness of a program are maintained as teachers design assessments aligned with the curricular goals established for a particular grade level. Students present their k nowledge a nd
demonstrate their conceptual understanding through podcasts, ora l presentations, a nd roleplay ing over Zoom. Teachers continue to collect information and snapshots from multiple sources and perspectives to understand children as learners, with clear objectives in mind. These objectives and learning standards are not compromised whether we teach students while they are on campus or at home in their living rooms. 4. Do teaching teams meet regularly to discuss assessment data? Incorporating assessment data analysis and review into curricular meetings within and across grade levels prov ides teachers a nd administrators the opportunity to engage with data they have been collecting about their students. Using the comprehensive data col le c te d f rom b ot h i nter na l teacher-designed and external standardized assessments, teachers and administrators can identify specif ic strategies to support students in certain areas and enrich or stretch them in others. This collaborative perspective
of assessment ensures a school embraces and values assessment information and its impact on student learning. 5. Are students engaged in selfassessment and reflection? As students learn from their kitchens and family rooms, they continue to be stakeholders in their learning. They can assess their thinking and understanding -setting goals and reflecting on their progress in the context of those goals. As students self-assess, they exercise their metacognitive muscle, helping them be aware of their ow n think ing and learning processes. Through selfassessment and reflection, students learn to pause and think critically about themselves as they reflect on their progress, adjust their strategies, and look ahead towards their goals, a skill we all value even as adults. Laura Berzolla McDermott is currently the Assessment Coordinator for Whitby School, a position she has held for 9 years. She has taught in both public and private schools in Greenwich, Connecticut.
Greenwich Public Schools 2020 Enrollment Analysis By Alex Popp
2020 PreK-12 Enrollment Year over year, the district’s total PreK12 enrollment declined by 239 students (-3%). Currently it stands at 8818 boys and girls. 2 020-2021 vs 2019-2020 PreK: 143 vs. 189 (-46 students, -24%) Gr K-5: 3804 vs. 3944 (-140 students, -4%) Gr 6-8: 2044 vs. 2088 (-44 students, -2%) Gr 9-12: 2797 vs. 2802 (-5 students, -0%) Outplaced: 30 vs. 34 (-4 students, -12%) Total: 8818 vs. 9057 (-239 students, -3%) The Covid-19 pandemic was expected to produce an enrollment spike as New Yorkers fled to the suburbs. However, that was a false assumption. The bounce never materialized. As forecasted, district enrollment continued on its predictable, downward trend. Long term, over the next decade, total enrollment is expected to decline an additional 686 students (-8%) falling from
8818 to 8132. 2020 K-5 Enrollment For the current school year, the total number of K-5 students declined by 140 (-4%). Three of the eleven elementary schools experienced a decline of 7% or greater (NS: -12%, OG: -10%, CC: -7%), and the number of students dropped at each of these schools was sizable (NS: -46, OG: -39, CC: -29). 2 020-2021 vs 2019-2020 CC: 360 vs 389 (-29 students, -7%) GL: 398 vs. 404 (-6 student,-2%) HA: 314 vs. 313 (+1 students, +0%) ISD: 361 vs. 369 (-8 students, -2%) JC: 275 vs. 282 (-7 students, -2%) NL: 261 vs. 260 (+1 students, +0%) NM: 489 vs. 497 (-8 students, -2%) NS: 325 vs. 371 (-46 students, -12%) OG: 351 vs.390 (-39 students, -10%) PS: 225 vs. 212 (+13 students, +6%) RV: 445 vs. 457 (-12 students, -3%) Total: 3804 vs. 3944 (-140 students, -4%) Parkway School: PK continues to be the smallest school in the district. Surprisingly the school experienced a 6% gain in K-5 enrollment (13 students). However, the elimination of the PreK program resulted in a PreK-5 enrollment loss of 14 students (-6%). Today, PK’s total enrollment is 225 students. 2017-2018 “Look Back” Over the past four years, the district’s K-5 enrollment declined by 350 students (-8%), a number that is greater than or close
to the enrollment at eight of the district’s elementary schools. The decline at five of the schools was greater than or close to 50 students, with OG (-77 students), CC (-74 students), and JC (-63 students) topping the list. 2 020-2021 vs 2017-2018 CC: 360 vs 434 (-74 students, -17%) GL: 398 vs. 450 (-52 student, -12%) HA: 314 vs. 318 (-4 students, -1%) ISD: 361 vs. 365 (-4 students, -1%) JC: 275 vs. 338 (-63 students, -19%) NL: 261 vs. 258 (+3 students,+1%)
NM: 489 vs. 505 (-16 students, -3%) NS: 325 vs. 371 (-46 students, -12%) OG: 351 vs. 428 (-77 students, -18%) PS: 225 vs. 216 (+9 students, +4%) RV: 445 vs. 471 (-26 students, -6%) Total: 3804 vs. 4154 (-350 students, -8%) Julian Curtiss: The four year loss of 63 students (-19%) coupled with the projected decline highlighted in this month’s enrollment report poses a dilemma. The building is scheduled for a $22 million expansion/renovation in the upcoming FY ‘21-22 capital budget. However,
in seven years, 2027 enrollment is projected to fall below 200 students. That would represent a loss of 75 students (-27%) from today’s enrollment and 139 (-51%) from 2017. Therefore, rethinking this capital investment would be prudent. The district appears to be at a crossroad. Expanding capacity and space during a period of declining enrollment is problematic. For example, back in 2016, the district made the decision to grow the inventory of excess capacity by funding the new and larger New Lebanon School (PreK-5 Target Enrollment: 425 students). That same year, enrollment projections forecasted a slow and steady decline across the district. Looking forward, facility utilization will drive major decisions. Addressing long term building usage will ensure the delivery of high quality programming and services. Otherwise, the district’s ability to adequately fund these essential services in the face of rising operational and maintenance costs will be a significant challenge. Given tight budgets and the district's declining enrollment, the system is facing difficult choices. The question of the long term viability of all eleven elementary schools arises. Promoting efficient facilities and reducing excess capacity will help strike a balance between needed capital projects and high quality programming and services. Alex Popp is a WMS & GHS Parent
Greater Good
“Live life as though everything is rigged in your favor” – Rumi By Maggie Young
While navigating life through the Corona Virus Pandemic we have had a number of FIRSTS. Another FIRST is approaching, is celebrating the holiday season during a pandemic. Let us step back, be still and take advantage of the quiet time that holidays offer, and live in the moment. Although nothing about the Pandemic feels positive, maybe this is divine intervention for us
to practice “BEING” vs. “Doing” which allows us moments to be present with love ones and enjoy the essence of that presence. Moments to engage in conversations with those we love like never before, to; listen and hear not only with our ears, but with our heart and soul and to see one another. Holidays are often associated w ith large family gatherings, however, we are cautioned to gather safely and to limit gatherings to no more than 10 individuals and when possible to avoid gatherings with anyone other than those living in our household. Family t i me i nclude s a fe ast, e at i ng favorite meals, with favorite family members and drinking favorite beverages inclusive of alcoholic ones. While we maintain our safe distance, mask-up, and frequently wash our hands let’s not lose sight of individuals near and dear who are struggling to GET or STAY
sober. Consider if there is someone in your family, close circle of friends or neighborhood who could use your support over the holidays. While reading ref lect on if you have ever experienced a gathering where a family member or visitor had “one too many drinks” and became the topic of discussion, and an embarrassment to the family? Someone who dutifully managed to spoil dinner by having the first drink or one-too-many and spoiled the day’s ambiance, said something hurtful or embarrassing of damaged the home after having one too many. If you commit to an alcohol-free holiday there is no need to contemplate the “what if” or again of that happening. Consider an alcohol fast or sabbatical and support a love one in their recovery this holiday? If you cannot think of anyone you love to support are you willing to make a commitment to an alcohol-free holiday, just because? It’s simple, skip the holiday drink
for the sake of a love one who may be triggered to drink by your ability to have; one glass of wine one shot of scotch, one martini, or one beer. Create a plan for the holidays; if you are a social drinker, plan to drink, limit your drinks, and do not drive after. If you are not drinking in your home, do not take your car and have a plan to get home that does not include driving; schedule Uber/LYFT/Taxi or sleep over. Remember that children are always paying close attention to what we do; an easy flowing conversation, great meal, favorite TV show or movie breeds one or one more favorite drink. It is simple to move from the dinner table to the family room, grab another drink and relax. Within a two-hour period and four to six drinks later, it may seem like a great idea to go out for a drive or take a ride to the store. Remember only one-drink places us at risk for impaired driving. Holidays foster, the desire to have fun and fun is
associated with taking a drink, limit your intake and stay safe. Tips for traveling, if you must travel over the holiday season; make a plan and travel safely; avoid traveling during peak hours to circumvent crowds as much as possible, if driving limit stops to reduce contact and exposure, pack snacks and create a safety kit of; gloves, masks, hand sanitizer and wipes. I wish everyone joyful holiday season with family and friends while following CDC and State guidelines. Be Safe! Anyone seeking treatment for substance use disorders (SUD) can contact Liberation Programs, Inc. at admissions@liberationprograms. org or by calling 855-LIB-PROG (855-542-7764). To learn more about Liberation Programs, please visit www.liberationprograms. org or email us at info@ If you are seeking peer-to-
peer support groups consider; Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery and Al-Anon and Alateen family groups as well as All Recovery Meeting (ARM) and Telephone Recovery Support (TRS) through CT Com munit y for Addiction Recovery (CCAR). Maggie Young is Chief Recovery Officer at liberation Programs, Inc. is a person in long-term recovery for 28 years. Maggie joined the Liberation family in 1994 and currently has oversight of Greenwich Prevention and Education as well as inpatient care. Liberation Programs is one of Fairfield County’s leading behavioral health organizations specializing in treatment for all types of substance use disorders. We provide services for youth, adults and families including inpatient and outpatient treatment and educational and prevention resources for adolescents and their families.
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Positivity Tribe at By Julia Lucey With 2020 being the challenging year it has been for many of us, we have found o u r s e l ve s m o r e t h a n e ve r looking for comfort in others and in ourselves. Something as simple as a friendly hello or a meaningful compliment can go a long way after several months of isolation. It can make someone’s day; it can help someone keep pushing throug h a dif f icult period in their life. Greenwich resident Christopher J. Wirth has recognized this and has dedicated his time and work to spreading positivity throughout both our community and communities nationwide. Wirth is the author of The Positivity Tribe, a new book that follows the story of high school students who, as they e ndu r e t hei r ow n d i f f ic u lt times, create a “positivity tribe” with the purpose of spreading e n c ou r a g i n g n o te s a r ou n d t h e i r c o m m u n i t y. A s t h e y
You never know what someone is going through. spread these kind messages, the students f ind that their consideration for others has positive impacts on their own l ives, somet h i ng cent ra l to Wirth’s work. The Positivity Tribe book w a s l au n c h e d t h i s Au g u s t 20. Having it published and accessible this year was very i mp or t a nt to W i r t h due to the tough times in business, p e r s on a l l i ve s , a nd f a m i l y lives as a result of shutdowns and other effects of the virus. Given these circumstances, he saw a heightened need for the story’s positive messages. In January and February, Wirth was actually writing a different book , one more businessrelated, but after the pandemic hit, he realized the power The Positivity Tribe could have in
helping its readers. T h e Po s i t i v i t y Tr i b e can be purchased online at thepositiv it y, and your copy will come with your own set of positivity notes to distribute in your community. A l t e r n a t i ve l y, t h e b o o k i s also available for purchase at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. The idea behind the novel actually came from Wirth’s ow n l i fe , w h e n i n t h e l ate sum mer of 2019 he and his company star ted spreading positivity notes of their own around Greenwich and neig hboring tow ns, leav ing them in places for strangers to find, such as tucked in the windshields of parked cars. The notes contain various kind m e s s a ge s a nd q uo te s , a nd today Wirth reported these
efforts to extend positivity have led to the spread of over 13,000 notes in over 40 states and six countries, “ Yo u n e v e r k n o w w h a t someone is going throug h,” Wirth explained. “We all have challenges, especially this year with the pandemic.” He also hig hlig hted other stressors that have surfaced this year, from racial issues to an intense election, and thus an increasingly important role for pockets of positivity in our lives and in those surrounding us. In addition, Wirth anticipates the holidays will be difficult for many this year and hopes his book will provide solace and inspiration to its readers. Wirth is the founder and president of No Quit Living, a speaking, training, and coach i ng compa ny fo c use d on inspir ing clients to stay true to their goals, with the ultimate mission of motivating people to never give up. No Quit Living coaches and trains individuals, companies,
Home For The Holidays This year has looked different for all of us compared to other years. For many, our homes had to be transformed into offices, classrooms, gyms, art studios, playgrounds and more. And with the holidays ap p r o a c h i n g , w h e t h e r you are planning on hosting a small gathering of family & friends or keeping it to just your household, your home furnishings are in need of a deep clean in preparation. And let’s be honest...they deserve a little love! Fabricare Cleaners has been a trusted dry cleaner for over 40 years throughout Fairfield County, and they have a whole division of highly trained experts focused on in-home care. Their HomeCare experts of fer best-in-class cleaning
for household items including r u g s , c a r p e t s , up h o l s t e r y, furniture, window treatments, linens and more. They use the best methods, products and equipment, and the team is highly trained on caring for all types of materials and stain removal methods so no job is too big. Many of our home furnishings have fallen victim to their fair share of stains this year. Whether you have a wine spill on your white rug, finger paint on your favorite drapes, coffee on your new couch or mud stains on your entryway carpet, HomeCare by Faricare’s got you covered. What many don’t realize is that it is just as important to remove the dust, bacteria and allergens that you DON’T see
that get trapped between your home furnishings’ fibers. It is so important to professionally clean your rugs, upholstery, window treatments and other furniture in order to remove these allergens so you can keep your family healthy and your home lo ok i ng br ig hter a nd smelling better. Having your home cleaned by Home Ca re by Fa br ica re can mean the dif ference between your family suffering from airborne allergens and them breathing in fresh air. And another big bonus is that having regular professional, deep cleanings will keep your home furnishings healthier as well which results in lasting far longer. So this year as you create you r hol iday prep l ist, you
c a n g ive t he pr ofe s sion a l s at HomeCare by Fabricare a call and cross cleaning your furnishings off that list! They will also clean & press linens so don’t have to worry about cleaning and ironing tablecloths, napkins, bedsheets, blankets or comforters. And if you need even more of a reason to love HomeCare by never have to leave your home. A team member will safely come to your home and clean on-site, or can pick up pieces, bring back to the plant & deliver back to you at no extra cost so you ca n spend you r t i me doi ng better things. You can book a service by emailing homecare@, calling 2 03 -957-3 8 3 8, v isit i ng
GCC Donates to Kids In Crisis At Greenw ich Countr y Club, the Turkey Open is the long-standing tradition where every player receives a turkey for the holiday. Rather than keep the turkeys this year, the 100 players chose to donate them. "Now more than ever we recognize the importance of reaching out to our neighbors who need and deserve a little help this holiday season. Both the Greenwich United Way and Kids In Crisis provide critical programs for our community and we are honored to support
Now more than ever we recognize the importance of reaching out to our neighbors who need and deserve a little help this holiday season. t h e m ,” s a i d G C C m e m b e r Karen Hopp, who helped coordinate the donations. G r e e nw i c h Un ite d Way received turkeys specif ically for families participating in GPAT (G r e e nw ich Pa r e nt s as Teachers), a program that
work s w it h p a r ent s l iv i ng at or below the poverty line. GPAT helps prepare children for kindergarten so they begin their education on equal play ing f ield as classmates who have received extensive e a rly ch i ld ho o d pr e s cho ol
education. "Thank you to GCC for this amazing donation of turkeys,” said Shari Shapiro, executive director of Kids In Crisis. "The turkeys are being distributed to the families of Kids In Crisis, both past and pr e s e nt , ac r o s s s eve ra l of our programs as well as our Safe Haven shelter, and will cer tainly make the holiday br i g hte r. K id s I n Cr i si s i s grateful to the generosity of the members of GCC."
and teams, promoting skills i n c l u d i n g a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, time maximization, personal development, a nd more, as well as offering motivational speaking services. Additionally, it s No Q u it L iv i ng p o dc a st addresses topics of business, health, and self-help, featuring conversations w ith “ h ig h ly suc c e s sf u l p e ople f r om a l l w a l k s of l i fe” a b out “wh at motivates and drives them to successfully attack life head on
and never give up.” As the holiday season approaches and this long year comes to a close, whether you read The Positivity Tribe, or give out some positivity notes of your own, or spend some time listening to the No Quit Living podcast, spreading positivity in any way you know how can go a long way in both your life and in the lives of those around you.
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Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel
Dorothy Tipke Dorothy M. Tipke, 85, died peacefully at home surrounded by family after a long and valiant battle with COPD on November 29, 2020. "Dottie" was born on June 30, 1935 to the late Frank and Frances Zygmont. A graduate of Greenwich High School, she raised her three children before becoming an Executive Assistant at Flik International in Purchase, NY. Dottie and her husband Erich lived most of their life in Greenwich, CT before retiring to Port Charlotte, Florida where they enjoyed the constant warm and sunny weather, especially on their boat. Dottie was an active volunteer for Habitat for Hu ma n it y a nd CA R E ReUse Store of Charlotte County, always looking for ways to help others in her community. Known for her big heart, she never hesitated to give money to the homeless, a ride to those in need of a lift, or help find the occasional odd job for anyone in hard times. She was loved by her community, and would often be treated to breakfast by the “burly men� who saw her sitting on her own. Make no mistake--Dottie was not lonely. Small yet mighty, she brought her spunk wherever she went. Dottie was the Recipient of the 2014 United Way Community Spirit Award. In 2019, Dottie moved back to Greenwich, CT to be closer to her family. She was not one to sit around. Her strength will always be admired by those who knew her, and her spirit will be dearly missed. Dottie is sur v ived by her s o n s , E r i c h ( F l o) T i p k e o f Stratford, CT; Jeff (Linda) Tipke of Queensbury, NY and daughter R honda ( M ichael) Ta r t ag l ia of Greenwich, CT; Sister, Jean Lynagh of Greenwich, CT; she is lovingly remembered by her grandchildren, Thomas (Kelly) Flannery, Jonathan (Kim) and Kevin Tipke, Joseph DiBetta, Kimberly and Michael Tartaglia; and her great-grandchildren, Aver y and Tommy Flanner y, Nathan and Alexander Tipke. She is preceded in death by her loving husband, Erich Tipke, daughter-in-law Sharon Tipke, and great granddaughter Kylie Flannery. The fa m i ly wou ld l i ke to give a special thanks to Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Fairfield County, and to Dr. Steven Glasser, Dr. Sandra Wainw rig ht, and Dr. Alissa Greenberg for their exceptional care. Services will be Private. In lieu of f lowers, please honor Dottie by carrying out a random act of kindness that makes someone's day better or donations in her memory may be made to: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St.Jude Place, Memphis, TN. 38105 or online: John Hutchins, Jr. John Traver Hutchins Jr., loving husband, father, son, and brother, passed away peacefully surrounded by family at age 59 after a 12-year journey with multiple myeloma. Traver was born on March 6, 1961 in Minneapolis, MN. He was preceded in death by his father, John Hutchins Sr. S u r v i ve d b y h i s m o t h e r Ann Hutchins, wife, Elizabeth Hutchins, children, Jack (17), Alley (16) and Davis (9), brothers Web Hutchins and Grant Hutchins and countless friends. Traver attended The Blake School in Minneapolis, MN and the University of Minnesota. His entrepreneurial spirit took him to New York where he was successful in multiple company start-ups. Traver had a sharp business mind for new trends and was constantly bringing his new
ideas to fruition. Traver married the love of his life, Elizabeth Andrews, on June 22, 2002, at the Ausable Club in the Adirondacks. To g e t h e r t h e y m ove d t o Greenwich, CT to raise their children. Tr a ve r l ove d a l l s p o r t s , whether playing or watching his Minnesota "home teams." Traver also had a passion for golf, was an excellent player, and treasured the rounds played with his family and friends. Traver was known for his quick wit, eternal optimism and his kind and compassionate spirit. Traver was one of the good guys and he will be missed greatly. He cultivated countless friendships wherever he went. If you sat on a flight next to Traver, you got off the plane with a new friend. Traver felt a call to give back and mentored many younger busi ne ss ent repreneu rs. He star ted a family tradition of delivering food to Neighbor to Neighbor. After his diagnosis, Traver spent much time and energy raising funds and aw a r e n e s s fo r t h e Mu lt ip l e Myeloma Research Foundation. He also made a series of videos for other patients, explaining the path of the disease and using his experience to guide others. But when asked, Traver would say his greatest success was his wonderful family, Elizabeth, Jack, Alley, Davis and Coco. A true family man. A pr iv ate f a m i ly s e r v ic e will be held at Christ Church Greenwich at 2 p.m. on Saturday, December 5. Friends are invited to join through a link that will be posted on the church's website. Donations preferred to Neighbor to Neighbor and The Mu lt iple Myeloma Resea rch Foundation. Helen Shimeski
Helen Frano Shimeski, 100, p a s s e d aw ay p e a c e f u l l y o n November 26, 2020 in Palatka, Fla. Helen was born on April 6, l920 to the late Joseph and Anna Frano. She moved to Florida in 2011 to be close to her daughter, Marilyn. Helen was a founding member of the First Lutheran Church in which she devoted many years of worship and volunteerism. S h e w a s a n a v i d r e a d e r, gardener, baker of fine pastries and enjoyed long walks. Helen cherished sitting on her porch with the lovely Mianus River just a few steps away, crocheting, challenging crossword puzzles or catching up in conversation with family. Helen was very generous with her time and love for helping others. Her love for family, God, church and friends led her to a long, healthy life. Helen was predeceased by her husband Matthew J. Shimeski, Sr. and son Matthew J. Shimeski, Jr. She is survived by daughters Marilyn, (Mike) and Janet (Joel). She was the loving grandmother to Elizabeth, Joseph (Andrea), S t a c y ( R y a n) a n d M a r c u s (Jennifer) and great-grandmother to Christopher, Joseph, Jason and Cindy. Services will be private. Eugene Cleaves, Jr. Eu g e n e L e e C l e ave s , Jr., (Jinx), 90, of Riverside, passed away on November 25, 2020. He is reunited in heaven with his lov ing w ife, Sheila Mar y Hennessy Cleaves who passed away just 3 weeks before him. Jinx was born on October 4, 1930 in Manhattan, NY to Eugene Lee Cleaves and Esther Habersham Nichol Cleaves. He was raised in New Rochelle where his fond memories included ice hockey games on local ponds with other neighborhood boys and attending New Rochelle High School spor ti ng events. Ji n x fond ly recalled his days as a camper at Camp Dudley in his youth. He
was a passionate golfer and it was at a golf member-guest at Wykagyl Country Club where he first met his future wife, Sheila. They were married on Feb. 7, 1959 in Scarsdale, NY. Ji n x a n d Sh e i l a r a i s e d 3 children in Riverside and were residents for over 60 years. He loved his kids, grand kids, the NY Football Giants, and playing golf. However it was his wife Sheila whom he revered and was a loving partner since 1959 that he loved most. "Mimi" was his everything and they were virtually inseparable. He loved to host family events and he will always be remembered for his poems, toasts, and songs from Camp Dudley that he was always more than willing to share with his children and grandchildren at family gatherings. Jinx and Sheila enjoyed late lunches, going to sporting events, and in their later years hanging out along the Mianus River in their Riverside home. Jinx attended the Kent School in Connecticut. He was inducted into the Kent "Hall of Fame" for his success on the hockey team a nd excel led at footba l l a nd baseball as well. At Princeton University he was a member of t he Va r sit y ho ckey te a m where he formed many lifelong friendships. He led his team to victory in the 1952-53 Pentagonal Championships and Ivy League Championship earning All-Ivy honors. He was honored for this achievement 50 years later at a Princeton University ceremony. Jinx was proud of his hockey success and enjoyed going over his games in remarkable detail generally ending with him scoring the game-winner. His love of sports was passed on to his children and grandchildren and he and Sheila followed all of their youth teams closely. Ji n x ser ved as a n of f icer with the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War. He trained at Camp Pendleton and was stationed in Japan. Eu g e n e a n d S h e i l a we r e members of Innis Arden Golf C lu b fo r ove r 5 0 ye a r s . A n outstanding golfer, he won the Men's Club Championship in 1975 as well as the Member-Member events in which he later would partner with his son, Gene. Jinx was a passionate golfer and a regular fixture on the Innis Arden G olf course and was a lways working on his game. There were very few days that he did not play or hit balls and he was a solitary figure on the course in the Winter months. He played many rounds with his wife Sheila and in his later years he enjoyed playing golf with his grandchildren who absolutely adored him. Jinx will be missed by the many people that he played golf w ith and whose lives he touched. Jinx was a Vice President and Creative Director for Dancer Fitzgerald Sample, in Manhattan, conceiving many advertisements. Most notably, he created Sonny the Cuckoo Bird in 1962 along w ith the slogan "Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs." Other campaigns included Toyota's "Oh what a feelin", as well as Lifesaver's "You bet your lifesavers." He also did long-running commercials for Schick Razors and Bayer Aspirin commercials which often featured sports stars of the 1960 and 1970s. Jin x is sur v ived by his daughter and son-in-law, Esther Cleaves Burke and Br yant W. Burke, of Austin, TX; son and daughter-in-law, Eugene Lee Cleaves III and Samantha Fahnestock Cleaves, of Riverside; s o n a n d d a u g h t e r - i n - l a w, D a n iel O ' Br ien Cle ave s a nd Kimberly Cleaves, of Summit, NJ; 14 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren. Memorials may be given in Eugene's name to Bendheim Cancer Center Greenwich, CT. The family wishes to extend
our sincere thanks to Casey and Dr. Hollister who gave him loving care in his later life. A private burial will take place. Edith Sax
Ed it h Va rga s S a x , 8 8 , of Spring Lake Heights, NJ and a former resident of Greenwich, CT and Palm Bay, FL passed away Tuesday, November 2 4, 2020 at Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune. Edith was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico to the late Thomas and Alicia Vargas. She had lived in Greenwich, CT for 40 years. She was an active member of Westchester Country Club, where she enjoyed playing Bridge and Golf. She later moved to Palm Bay until moving in with her son and daughter in law in Spring Lake Heights 6 months ago. Surviving is her husband Anthony C. Sax, her son Ralph and his wife Kathy, her daughter Christine Sax Stotesbery and hu sb a n d To d d , h e r b r o t h e r Deacon Thomas Vargas, her sister Marie Gunn and 4 grandchildren Christopher Sax and wife Briana, Emily and husband Drew Martinez, Andrew Stotesbery and Lauren Stotesbery. Edith was predeceased by her sister Gladys Califano. She was a proud and loving Aunt to many nieces and nephews. Visitation and Funeral Service took place November 28 at the O'Brien Funeral Home, Wall, NJ. Private committal will be at the convenience of her family. Due to the current executive orders, all gatherings must follow capacity limitations. Guests must wear masks and maintain social distancing. Sabina Alonzo Sabina Alonzo, 90, passed away peacefully at her home in Greenwich, CT on November 22, 2020. Her beloved husband, Martin, of 64 years predeceased her in 2016. They built a wonderful life together. Survived by their children, Martin (Judy), Marlene and Sabrina and three wonderful grandchildren Martin Kyle, Jillian Brooke and Devin Charles. As a young girl, Sabina loved to ice skate and roller blade, but her dream came true when she married her high school sweetheart, Martin Alonzo, in 1952. She graduated from New Utrecht High School, Brooklyn, NY and Drakes Business School. She worked at Electrolu x Corporation in New York City for five years. She had an unwaver ing faith in God and was a member first of Saint Michael's Church in Greenwich where she was a Eucharistic Minister and a member of the Saint Michael's Guild. Later in life, she became a member and supporter of Saint Mary's Church. Sabina was an active member of the Women's Club of Greenwich where she made lasting friends and played bridge. She volunteered in the Fa m i ly Ro om at G r e e nw ich Hospital for 35 years helping fa m i ly mem b ers wh i le t hey visited loved ones in the OR. She was also an active participant a t t h e Y WC A e n j o y i n g h e r Boutelle exercise classes. Sabina enjoyed a long membership with Westchester CC where she was active in the 9-holers and theater group. She will be remembered for all her different babushka hats that she wore during theater season. In her later years, Sabina watched her beloved Mets on TV and was caught many times shouting at the TV saying "sand lot" baseball! She also enjoyed w atch i ng t he g a me shows Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune with her daughters. It sometimes became competitive. Her positive out look a nd inner strength lifted her through
challenging times. Her gift was making those around her feel welcomed and at eased. She relished time spent with family and friends. We will miss her wit, one-line zingers, kindness and her smile. Calling hours are Thursday, December 3, from 3-6 p.m. at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, 31 Arch Street, Greenwich. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Saturday, December 4, at St. Mary Parish, 178 Greenwich Ave. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made in her memory to Yale Stem Cell Center and the Yale Eye Center. Please send memorial gifts to: Sharon McManus Yale School of Medicine Development Office, PO Box 7611, New Haven, CT 06519-0611. Please ma ke a notation that the gift is: In Memory of Sabina Alonzo. Mary De Genaro Mary Jane "Midge" Lloyd De Genaro died November 21, 2020 in Rowayton, CT. She was 85. Mary Jane, also called Midge, was born in Jersey City, NJ on June 10, 1935. Midge grew up in Brooklyn and Queens, N Y and a lways considered herself a New Yorker. She l ive d i n Gre enw ich a nd Roxbury, CT; Manhattan, Boca Grande and Sarasota, FL and at Edgehill in Stamford, CT. She was predeceased by her husband, George De Genaro. Mary Jane was called "an original" by many. A childhood friend described her as "a unique treasure, brilliant, funny, amazing in her approach to life." A pioneer music educator, Mary Jane was one of the first teachers to adopt the Pace Piano Met ho d , te ach i ng hu nd r e d s of children to make music. In 1985 she created MusicShapes sof t wa re for t he Apple I IGS computer. In Greenwich, in the 70's she co-founded Opera Action, to bring people from the suburbs into the Metropolitan Opera. With the Metropolitan Opera Guild, she brought opera to the Greenwich schools. She co-founded the G r e e nw i c h A r t s C o u n c i l i n 1972. In Sarasota, FL she helped establish Pierian Spring Academy for lifelong learning, teaching operas performed at the Sarasota Opera where she also lead tours. Mary Jane published a novel entitled "Call It Paradise" and composed the musical "Rajah," performed by the Royal Palm Players in Boca Grande, Fla. She wrote poetry, stories and memoir. She holds a BA in Music from Smith College & Sarah Lawrence, and an M A from Columbia University Teachers College. Mar y Jane is sur vived by three daughters, three stepchildren, 12 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. A virtual memorial will be held on December 9, 2020 at 3 p.m. eastern time. ( mary-jane-lloyd-de-genaro/5863) Phyllis Weiss Phyllis Jean Weiss, age 91, of Greenwich, CT passed away peacefully Friday, November 20, 2020, at the Laurel Ridge Health Care Center in Ridgef ield, CT where she was a resident for 2 1/2 years and received the best loving care. She was predeceased by her husband Alfred Weiss, the love of her life, daughter Lorraine Nelson and grandson Richard Congiu. She leaves behind her loving memories to be cherished by her ch i ld ren Aud rey A sh ley (Arthur), Arleen Cumisky (John), Ly n n A n d r i g h e t t i ( B o b b y), David Weiss (Betty Ann) Alan Weiss, 14 grandchildren, 21 greatgrandchildren, brother Albert Farish, Jr. and son-in-law Roger Nelson. In her younger years, she typed the scripts for "Backstage Wife" an American soap opera radio program that detailed the
travels of Mary Noble, a girl from a small town in Iowa who came to New York seeking her future. For many years she worked at the Greenwich Hospital cafeteria and Amex in Greenwich, CT. She loved most of all being with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and sharing happy and memorable times with them. She belonged to the North Baptist Church in Port Chester, NY, before attending G r e e nw i c h B ap t i s t C hu r c h . A t No r t h B ap t i s t s h e l ove d participating in church activities and especially singing in the choir as well as serving as a Deaconess. She had a special gift of playing the piano when she was younger a nd d id a solo p er for ma nce play i ng "Cla i r D e Lu ne" her favorite and so many more. She loved sewing and always made her kid's clothes when they were young, clothes for Barbie & Ken dolls, and when her daughter's were preg nant, maternity clothes. She enjoyed walking and truly enjoyed gardening. She loved going to the Dollar Tree, McDonald's, Windmill Diner, and Dunkin Donuts. She loved sports, her favorite teams; Dallas Cowboys and NY Yankees. There was a private service for fa m i ly mem b ers on ly at Castiglione Funeral Home in Greenwich on November 24. In lieu of f lowers, she would have loved contributions to be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Pl., Memphis, TN 38195 and the American Cancer Society, 250 Williams Street NW, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA. Jane K. Shedlin We are ver y sad to share the news that our Mom passed away peacef ully on Friday morning November 20th after a very long struggle with several forms of cancer and other health issues. She had been living at her son Stan's house for the past 8-months with ongoing visits and more with Toni and Laurie. We are comforted to know that the golf game in Heaven is a little more competitive today as Janie, an ace putter and super straight shooter has joined the next round of angels heading out on the green. Janie, as everyone called her, was born in New Haven, CT on September 27, 1933. She lived in Greenwich, CT and Singer Island, FL. Ja n ie i s su r v ive d by he r three loving children and their spouses, four grandchildren and two grand dogs. This includes her son Stanley Lee and his wife Debbie and their children Steven, Adam and Heidi; daughter Toni Lee and her husband Richard Saglimbene and Toni's son Eric Smolen; and daughter Laurie Lee and her husband Keith Martin. And her step-children Chuck and Dori Shedlin and their respective families. For Jane, as one friend noted, "There was never a cloudy day. She on ly s aw t he su n ." She sent da i ly ema i ls to f r iends and fam ily of jokes, stor ies, v ideos a nd more, a ll hoping to bring a smile to everyone's day. Despite her challenges, she never complained. She brought chocolate to the servers at her favorite restaurants, sent edible arrangement bouquet's to the chemo nurses and fed every wild cat, bird, turtle and more that crossed her path. Golf for her was more than a game. While she won trophy's large and small, the real joy was in being with friends. She collected friends everywhere she went, and kept them. Friends from grade school, college, the PTA, golf games and her many travels around the world. She loved to travel and explore. We were blessed to have enjoyed many bucket list trips with Mom including a trip to the
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Advent is Upon Us
By Marek Zabriskie E a c h y e a r, a s t h e f a l l was end i ng a nd w i nter was approaching, the ancient Celtic Christians moved their flocks of sheep, goats, cattle and horses into enclosures near their homes. They had no idea a bout t he earth’s orbit and the sun’s rotation and how the seasons worked. So, they prayed throughout the dark season that the light would return. The ancient Celts viewed the of the harvest and the beginning of winter as a “thin place,” where heaven and earth briefly touched and the dead returned to seek revenge on those who had hurt them. They celebrated a Gaelic festival called “Samhain” and wore disguises to ensure that the dead could not recognize them. This gave birth to Halloween as we know it and ushered in the “darker half” of the year. Like the ancient Celts, as the days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, and the weather gets colder, we, too, move indoors. We build fires, hunker down and sleep under warm blankets and quilts as the darkness envelopes us. Like the Celts, we must learn
Galapagos Islands with just Jane, Toni, Stan and Laurie. She took the entire family to Israel, The Bahamas and Mohonk Mountain House and even went camping in the Adirondacks, in a wood cabin (with no electricity) three years ago as the off icial elder stateswoman with her extended fam ily of cousins whom she adored. She wanted us all to celebrate her life and planned a party that we will host in the spring/ summer of 2021. So get your favorite Janie stories ready. In lieu of flowers, she asked that anyone who wanted, to give a donation to your favorite charity in her name. Bernadette Deveau June 12, 1929 – Nov. 18, 2020 Bernadette Thibault Deveau, or "Bernie" as her friends liked to call her, passed away peacefully at T h e Nat h a n i e l W it h e r a l l Nursing Home in Greenwich, CT at the age of 91. Born in Nova Scotia, Canada, one of 1 2 ch i ld r en , she wa s dubbed the "Tomboy" of the family. She could outmatch her older brothers whether they were hunting, playing hockey or driving the big family stick shift pickup truck in snow or mud. She married Ross, the boy next door who was one of 14 children, in September of 1963 and their journey through life together began. They settled in Stamford, CT to work and start a family. B e r n adet te h ad a s t r on g work ethic. She worked at State National Bank in the early years, waitressed at Friendly's and eventually retired in 1995 from Bristol Myers Squib. In her retirement she kept busy work i ng d if ferent jobs and volunteering many hours at Stamford Hospital delivering cookies to patients. She never hesitated to help family and friends alike with whatever they needed. She enjoye d re ad i ng a nd watching old movies but her greatest love was being outdoors, she preferred cutting the grass to housework any day of the week. She was an avid gardener and was especially proud of the vegetable garden she planted every spring and would give away bags to all who came to visit. Bernadette was predeceased by her husband Ross J. Deveau and eight siblings. She is survived by her daughter Nicole Gannon (Jim) and three grandchildren, B r i a n , S a r a a n d K a t e . Tw o sisters, Marie Murphy (Art) and Pauline Muise, a brother Bernard Thibault as well as many nieces and nephews.
how to navigate in the dark. This year, we are moving into an specially dark winter with COVID on the rise. Everyone is worried. Much of life is shutting down – gyms, bars, some indoor dining, concerts, professional sporting events. Many fear taking public transportation. We are urged not to gather with family for the holidays, and for the first time in a century there are no Christmas parties. Whatever challenges we face – isolation, illness, uncertainty, f inancial worries, or the loss of a loved one – COV I D has compounded our diff iculties. The dark ness is darker than ever. Hence, this year we are not worried about wreaths and Christmas lights or finding the exact right gift. Instead, we are thinking about how not to get infected or infect others, and we wonder when we ca n be vaccinated and when COVID will end. In the Evening Prayer service, Episcopalians pray: Be our light in the darkness, O Lord, and in your great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night… To the encroaching darkness, the Church speaks one word, which is strange to some and familiar to others – Advent. It signif ies one of the principle seasons of the Church Year. It began last Sunday and continues until Christmas Eve. Advent comes from a Latin word meaning “coming”, and it signifies the coming of Christ – the Light of the World – into our lives.
It is in the difficult times that we learn how to walk in the dark. Walking in the dark teaches us how to be resilient, courageous, use common sense, seek wisdom and exercise selfcare. In the dark, we discern what truly matters in life. We learn that we need cannot go it alone, but need support to survive the dark chapters of life. We need sunlight, balance, a schedule, things to keep us busy, friends and family to lean on and a faith in God to light our way. Advent always begins in the dark. Darkness is often associated w i t h f e a r a n d u n c e r t a i n t y. Advent is a season of waiting and watching in silence and solitude for the light to enter the darkness of our lives and dispel our fear. The great A merican rabbi Abraham Heschel wrote, “The inner history of Israel is a history of waiting for God, of waiting for His arrival.” The psalms speak constantly of waiting for God. “My soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning,” Psalm 130 says. “For God alone my soul in silence waits,” Psalm 62 declares. “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength,” the prophet Isaiah announces.
As Christians we live our lives in a perpetual Advent between the first and the second coming of Christ, waiting for God’s light to shine into our darkness. O. Henry, was a prolific writer of countless short stories. He was a heavy drinker, who knew dark times and died early at the age of 48. His biographer, Alphonso Smith, reports his last words were, “Turn up the lights: I don’t want to go home in the dark.” None of us likes to dwell in the dark. All of us have a history with darkness. When I was a boy, nighttime brought on fear, and it was hard for me to fall asleep. I was afraid of snakes and monsters under my bed. When I was a teenager, my parents began their divorce. My
Heath Methodist Church, Romford, Essex, England. Together, they immigrated to Old Greenwich, Connecticut in 1964, where they stayed and raised a family until moving to Somerville, Tennessee in 2014. I n he r yout h , F ion a w a s an acrobat and tumbler in many pantomimes in London, England. At the age of 16, she started preforming professionally with The Six Dynamites, and subsequently the Marie De Vere Da ncers, appea r i ng a l l over England with stage notables Spike Mulligan, Harry Secombe, and Danny La Rue. She performed across Ireland with The John Hinde Show Circusmania. Her dancing and acrobatic career also took her to France, and then on to America, the Dominican Republic and Mexico. She toured along with the Flying Wallendas, and the Lacey Troop Globe Rollers and with the Shrine Circus. After settling in Old Greenwich, Fiona worked for Patsy Crucitti & Sons Florist for 27 years, until the shop closed and she retired in 2009. The owners and employees of Crucitti's were her American extended family. She very much enjoyed helping the generations of customers that came to the shop; crafting beautiful floral arrangements and spreading joy, happiness, and comfort with her kind, caring, and genuine smile. Fiona is predeceased by her husband of 54 years, Eric John Squirrell, her brother, Roderick Martin, her parents Herbert and Margaret Martin, and her best friend in America, Anne Flynn. Fiona is survived by her Beloved Sister, A ndra Smith and her husband Ron, her four children, Christine Halmose and husband Jack, Robert and wife Anita, Susan Supliski, and Betty Tassone, Seven grandchildren Briana Quirk and husband Brian, Robin Robinson, Catherine and Carolynn Supliski, Mary Kate and Justin Halmose, and Michael Tassone, Jr., a nd t wo g reatgrandchildren, Brennan Quirk and Zoey Robinson, and many nieces and nephews in England, New Zealand, and Canada. Fiona Squirrell will always and forever be remembered for the loving, caring, protecting, and nurturing individual she was. Services to celebrate her life may be held after COVID-19 subsides in the community.
Born in Stratford, CT on July 14, 1925, she was the youngest of five children of Bernard and Julianna Gudell. All of her siblings pr e de c e a s e d her a s d id her beloved husband of 52 years, John W. Stanger, who died in 2003. Growing up in Stratford and graduating from Stratford High School, she worked at Sikorsky Aircraft during World War II, later accepting assignment at American Airlines in New York. It was upon her return to work in Connecticut at New England Bell where she met and married her husband, John W. Stanger, who was relocating from Boston to open an office for GE. The couple moved to Presque Isle Maine in 1951, where Captain Stanger was recalled during the Korean War to train pilots at the Air Force base located there. Completing his duty, they relocated to Old Greenwich where they resided, but for a brief move to Wellesley, MA, before returning and settling in Greenwich. A s a c or p orate w i fe a nd homemaker who loved to entertain, Valerie was a selftaught and accomplished cook in the pre-Food Channel days, and would never consider having anything catered! As a matter of fact, she was quoted in the February 1998 issue of Fortune as being someone other corporate wives studied and emulated, "t hey wou ld watch how she dressed, how she acted, how she entertained. You'd watch to see how she treated others and how she always had a kind word and was very interested in people." Val's husband certainly appreciated her character and partnership, as he penned in his 55th Harvard Reunion report six weeks before his passing, "I met, married and have had a wonderful life with a great woman." An avid golfer, as much for the friendships she formed as for the golf, she was a member of Greenwich Country Club and Jupiter Hills Club in Florida. She and her husband enjoyed travelling with their friends all over the world to play different courses…even more so in their r e t i r e m e n t ye a r s . S h e a l s o enjoyed playing bridge and going to theatre with the ladies. After fifteen years as a Florida resident, she decide d Greenw ich was where she felt most at "home," particularly after her husband, John's passing. While her Florida residency had interrupted her volunteer efforts, in her pre-retirement y e a r s , Va l v o l u n t e e r e d a t Nathaniel Witherell and served on the sanctuary guild at St. Michael's Church.
mother plunged into depression, drank heavily and tried to take her own life. It was a dark time. After college, I lived in Paris on $3 a day, struggled to learn French and fell into a depression of my own despairing of my future. It is in the difficult times that we learn how to walk in the dark. Walking in the dark teaches us how to be resilient, courageous, use common sense, seek wisdom and exercise selfcare. In the dark, we discern what truly matters in life. We learn that we need cannot go it alone, but need support to survive the dark chapters of life. We need sunlight, balance, a schedule, things to keep us busy, friends and family to lean on and a faith in God to light our way. St. John of the Cross is a famous Christian mystic who endured much spiritual darkness. His fellow monks locked him in prison for attempting religious r e for m s t h at t hey r e si s te d . He had moments when he felt utterly bereft of God. He wrote, “The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.” Darkness teaches us to value the light. A study of 21,000 students found that those studying in classrooms with the most daylight improved 20 percent faster on math tests and 26 percent faster on reading tests over one year than students in classrooms with the least light. It revealed that moving a child from the classroom with the least daylight to one with the most light produced the same improvement a s mov i ng a ch i ld f r om t he
Private services will be held at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. A celebration of her life will be celebrated at a later date. Douglas Watson
June 16, 1932 – Nov. 18, 2020 Doug Fredr ick Watson, a native and longtime resident of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully in Brandon, FL at the age of 88. M r. Watson at tended t he University of Connecticut where he studied Physical Therapy and played on the basketball team. He enjoyed calling square dances and worked as a soda jerk in-between studies. Before graduating in 1956 he met his wife to be, Theresa E. Futie. The two married and had 5 ch i ld r en. M r. Wat son had a successful practice as a Physical Therapist in Greenwich, CT for many years. He was a sports enthusiast and avid golf, tennis, and paddle ball player. Occasionally he would volunteer his time by calling square dances and treating patients in nursing homes. In 1976, Watson married Claire Iantorno of Port Chester, NY. After retiring to St. Petersbu rg , F L i n 19 92 , M r. Watson re-instated his Physical T h e r apy L i c e n s e a n d a g a i n volunteered his time. He also volunteered at his local parish, driving the church van to help bring parishioners to and from chu rch. M r. Watson was a n Ombudsman for residents of local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. His focus was for the best interests, personal rights, health, safety and welfare of the residents. If you met Mr. Watson, you were most likely greeted with "let me give you My Card". Mr. Watson is survived by his wife Claire Watson, his son Douglas B. Watson of Lighthouse Point, FL, his daughters Maria Payton of Dover FL, and Melissa Watson of Lake Worth, FL, his sister Marcelle Sher wood of Lake Worth, FL, 4 stepchildren, 9 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren. Mr. Watson was predeceased by his son John Watson of Boca Raton, FL and daughter Susan Strazza of Cedar Creek, TX. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made to the American Cancer Society. Fiona Squirrell Fiona M. (Martin) Squirrell, 8 2 , p a s s e d aw ay Nove m b e r 18, 2020, at her son's home in Moscow, Tennessee. Fiona was born October 29, 1938 in Romford, Essex, England. She married Eric John Squirrell, March 30, 1963 at the Gidea Park and Squirrel's
Valerie Stanger Valerie G. Stanger, a resident of Greenwich, CT and former resident of Tequesta, Florida, died peacefully at home, on November 17, 2020, surrounded by family.
Valerie is survived by her l ov i n g d au g hte r, Pa m e l a B . Stanger, of New York, NY; her nieces, Barbara Glass of Branford, CT and Patricia Cacace of Milford, CT; her nephew, Michael (Debbie) Fedorko, of Orange, CT, and her great-nephew, Stephen J. (Stephanie) Fedorko of Southport, CT. A funeral mass was celebrated Monday, November 2 3 at St. Catherine's Church, Riverside, followed by a private burial at Putnam Cemetery. In lieu of f lowers, memorial donations may be made to M i c h a e l J . Fo x Fo u n d a t i o n for Pa rk i nson's Resea rch at or to Memorial Sloan Kettering Research at Alan B. Simon Beloved husba nd, fat her, g ra nd f at he r, br ot he r, u ncle and friend. Died peacefully at h is Greenw ich residence on November 17 at the age of 87. A dentist for many decades, w o r l d t r a v e l e r, f a n t a s t i c photographer, great sense of humor and a lifelong Giants fan. He was born to the late Gertrude and Harry Simon. He is survived by his loving and adored wife, Debbie; children, Jill and Jeffrey and Gary who predeceased him; step-children, A u d r e y, A m y a n d M e l i s s a ; brother, Richard Simon and wife Freyda; 15 grandchildren; 1 greatg randson; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and greatnephews and friends. Our beloved Alan will live in our hearts forever. Gifts in h is memor y ca n be made to Greenwich Hospital Heart and Vascular Department. James Wasilko James Flynn Wasilko died on November 16 at his home in Greenwich, CT. He was 72. Born on Christmas Eve, 1947, in Youngstown, Ohio, Jim was the son of Dr. Joseph J. Wasilko and Eleanor Flynn Wasilko. He graduated from Mercersburg Academy, (where he ea r ned the nick name "Topper"), and Georgetown University where he received a BS/BA Degree in Business Administration. He later completed his MBA at Loyola University in Chicago. It was there that he noticed an index card on a bulletin board stating that NBC Television / Chicago was hiring an entry level media sales planner. Thus in 1970, the journey began. Jim joined the ABC Television Network in 1980, after stints at Draper Da n iels (Ch icago) and Foote Cone & Belding (San
lowest to the highest performing school in the district. Darkness is debilitating. We humans crave the light. I n t he d a rk , we c om e to value those who walked through the darkness and can guide us towards the light on the other side. When I worked one summer for the church in Kenya, I had to travel from one remote village to another in the jungle in the darkest night that I can ever recall. A Christian woman from one of the villages served as my guide. She wore a white dress. I could see nothing around me as we walked through the dark jungle, so I just followed closely behind her, watching her white dress like a flashlight to guide my way. Whenever life casts us into the dark, it is wise to find a guide, someone who knows how to walk through the darkness that we have encountered because they have been there before us. One day, we won’t have to wear masks or be afraid to fly in airplanes or enter movie theaters. One day, our children will play together without fear. One day, we will fill our places of worship a g a i n f o r p r a y e r, r e l i g i o u s services and baptisms, weddings and funerals.. One day, the light w i l l overcome the da rk ness and COVID will be gone. In the meantime, we pray during this season of Advent, O come, O come Emmanuel. The Rev. Marek Zabriskie is the Rector at Christ Church
Francisco). His various roles at ABC included: Senior Vice President Prime Time Sales, Vice President Sports Sales, Vice President/Director Sports Sales, Vice President/Director Daytime Sales. Prior to that he had been Manager of Daytime Sales at the ABC Central Division in Chicago. I n 1 9 9 5 , J i m j o i n e d Ja c k Nicklaus Productions as Executive Marketing Consultant. He later formed MDM Enterprises w ith JN P to coordinate all television sales, secure sponsorships, purchase time buys and create new events. Jim is survived by Kathy, his wife of 51 years, and their three children, Max, Demi Ferraris (Eric), Margaret Gugelmann (Christopher), a sister Judith Garrett (Marv), and 5 glorious grandchildren.
Robert Fortunato, Jr. Robert Paul "Rob" Fortunato, Jr., 42, of Greenwich, CT, passed away on Nov. 15, 2020. He was born March 25, 1978 to Robert Paul For tunato and Barbara A nn Fortunato, who sur vive h i m. He is a lso su r v ived by two sisters Bonnie Fortunato, Wendy Cantavero, and a brotherin-law A nthony Ca ntavero who Rob always considered a brother. He is also survived by 3 nephews Anthony Cantavero Jr, Christopher Cantavero, and Michael Cantavero. As well as one niece Kayli Cantavero. Rob had many friends that he loved to spend quality time with. They would often attend Pearl Jam concerts together. When he was younger Rob enjoyed bonding with his father while fishing at Grass Island. Rob was a compassionate, loving, and caring person who always put others above himself. He found true joy in making others happy, whether it be orchestrating family trips or bringing family and friends toget her for a co okout. Rob always manned the grill and was affectionately known as the "grill master". Rob was also a sports fanatic. His favorite teams were the Mets, Rangers, and especially the Eag les. Even thoug h his teams often disappointed him, he always found himself cheering them on. Rob was a kind soul gone too soon. He will be missed and loved dearly by his family and friends. Fly high Rob! Services will be private.
Worship Services Information Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite). Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Children’s Ministries: Wed, 7-8:30pm ( Evening Prayer Meeting: Fri, 7-8:30pm. ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration).
reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (All masses are Live Streamed on Zoom. Log onto the website at to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System).
Worship: Outdoor Service: Sun 8-9am, Memory Garden (signup online or call the church office); Virtual Worship: through live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM or 105.5 FM). Connect during the week: Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All and Faith Formation for Children (sent by Rosemary Lamie). Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale 2020: through Dec. 6: 9am4pm, front lawn. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@northgreenwichBaptist or call the church). St. Timothy Chapel First Baptist Church Second Congregational Church 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Face- 9:30am. Adoration of the BlessServices available online, details book Live or for Devotion: 11- ed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; at Contemporary Wor11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Live-streamed, 10-11am. Confesship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday sions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. Access code 360922). Service: 10:30am. St. Paul Church Greenwich Baptist Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, Public Mass Celebration: MonThu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 streamed through Facebook 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am ( and website (greenwichbaptist. org/livestream). Sunday Morn- tion is required only for Sunday Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Euchaing Prayer: Sun, 8:30-9:15am, via Mass by visiting the homepage rist. Sunday School during acaor by calling 203-531-8741, ext. demic year. Google Meet. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am Christ Church Greenwich & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at 254 E. Putnam Ave.; Catholic, 8am with encore at 203-869-6600 12pm. Daily Mass also available Sacred Heart Church on Bishop Robert Barron’s web95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 site at Worship: Outdoors: Sun, 8am, Tomes-Higgins-Front Lawn (in In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am Confessions by appointment only the event of heavy rain, services (in Chapel); Sat: Vigil, 4pm (also – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. will be moved to the Chapel), regSt. Roch Church live streamed); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & istration is required (akryzak@ 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by; registration - call or text: 203-559tual: Sun, 10am, livestream. Sun9256 or email: sacredheartgrn@ Mass: (Reservations and/or for day Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Sacrament of Rec- viewing via live streaming): Weekdays: Mon-Fri, 8am, on onciliation (Church) by appt.; Sac- Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: Zoom. Eucharist & Healing rament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm 7:30am (Concelebrated for PrePrayer: Tue, 10am, in-person. Cho(call the parish office in advance). viously Scheduled 9:30am Mass ral Evensong: Sun, 5pm & Thu, The 2021 Mass Book is open for Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Span6:30pm, in-person & livestream. Mass, Altar Flowers and Altar ish). Mass Intentions: consult the Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 Bread & Wine requests. bulletin for time. & 9am at Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena and the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: St. Agnes Mon, 7-8pm. Terry’s Bible Study: Christian Science St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. First Church of Christ, Scientist The Book of Esther: Wed, 10am, Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203Chapel In-person or via Zoom. 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 637-3661 Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, book Live. Women’s Book Study greenwich Masses: Mon-Fri: Daily Mass at Fire & Wine: Dec. 3 & 10, 7-8pm, St. Catherine’s Church – in-person Sunday and Wednesday services behind the Tomes-Higgins House. and livestream, 7am; Distribution via live tele-conference: 203-680- Dec. 4: CC Youth - Cookie Baking, of Holy Communion at front door 9095, code is 520520*. 6pm; Youth Group, 6pm. Dec. 6: of Rectory; Mask and Social DisForum: ‘Heavenly Inclusion and tance required: 5:15-5:45pm. Sat: Exclusion: Apocalypse, Plague, Community Confessions at St. Agnes Church and Immigration’, 11am; Fiesta de First Church of Round Hill (specific dates in the bulletin), 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 San Nicolás, 2-4pm, Tomes-Hig3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Cath- gins House; San Nicols Socially erine’s Church – in-person and Distant Christmas Open House, livestream, 5pm. Sun: Distribution (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. 4pm; Advent Lessons & Carof Holy Communion at front door Curry, pastor, or any other per- ols, 5pm. Giving Trees – benefiting of Rectory; Mask and Social Dis- sonnel, call 203-629-3876 and Family ReEntry: through Dec. 14. tance required, 7:30-8am; Mass leave a message or email fcroundSt. Barnabas Episcopal Church at St. Agnes Church – in-person, 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 8:30am; Mass at St. Catherine’s Round Hill Community Church Church – in-person and lives- 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Sunday Worship: Outdoor Holy www.roundhillcommunitytream, 10:30am; Language MassEucharist, 8-9am; Live & Virtual es at St. Agnes Church – in-perHoly Eucharist, 10-11am (signupson, 11am (French: 2nd Sun of Worship, Children’s Ministries month; Spanish: 4th Sun of and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10a3ff2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee the month); Distribution of Holy 10:30am, in the Church, registraHour: Sun, 10:45am. The Town Communion at front door of Rec- tion is required. Weekly service of Greenwich has been elevated tory; Mask and Social Distance re- also available online. Thrive: to RED Covid status The 8am quired, 5-5:30pm. Ongoing: Food biweekly high school gathering, spoken service will take place in & Essentials Drive for Neighbor Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekperson. The 10am Holy Eucharist to Neighbor (there will be a car ly middle school gathering, Fri, service will be Livestream (There or SUV with an open trunk in the 6pm. November Bible Study: is no in-person attendance at this parking lot across from St. Cather- Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 service). ine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am am, registration required. RHCC St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for drop-off donations. Donations Virtual Open House: Dec. 3, 7pm. can also be dropped at the Sign-in FOUNDATIONS - Middle School 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at Youth Group Gathering: Dec. 4, St. Agnes). 6pm. Dec. 6: Annual Congrega- Worship: Sun, 8am, indoor, regtional Meeting, 11am; Hanukkah & ister. Discovery Hour - ConverSt. Mary Church Christmas - Similarities and Dif- sations on Racial Reconciliation: 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869Sun, 9:30am, outside the library. ferences, 6:30pm. 9393 Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individPublic Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm Congregational uals available at dofaithathome. (no reservations are needed - The First Congregational Church org. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighlimited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 108 Sound Beach Ave; 2 bor Food Drive: Every Thu, 104pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 03-637-1791 11:30am, in the parking lot. Inspirifor reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, ca Harvest of Hope: Thanksgiving 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make
basket food and donation collection for Inspirica, contact Paul Lindemeyer - plindemeyer@gmail. com or Deacon Liz - liz.skaleski@ St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: MonThurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Pop-Up Choir Rehearsal (or a class if pop up choir cannot happen): Dec. 7, 7:30-9pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. GRS Reads Holy Envy: Dec. 3, 7:30-8:30pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:15am. Rashi with the Rabbi: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship followed by a time of Fellowship, 10-11am, via Zoom (; via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-4362866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom.
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 2703 Summer St. Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: stanwichchurch. org/event Sunday Service: 10am, Online. *Christmas Carol Hymn Sing: Dec. 6, After Morning Service, In-Person. *Art & Advent: Waiting for Hope: Dec. 9 & 16, 12pm, Online. *Advent Meditations: Instrumental Advent Music: Dec. 10 & 17, 4pm, In-Person. *Indoor Christmas Eve Service: Dec. 23, 5 & 7pm, In-Person. *Outdoor Christmas Eve Service: Dec. 24, 5 & 7pm, In-Person (7pm Also Streaming). The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6374615 Sunday Service held online via Zoom. Workshop: ‘Inspired, Automatic and Independent Writing’ with Rev. Stacy Kopchinski: Dec. 6, 1-3:30pm, $20, register, Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, TrinityChurchLife/live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:308:45pm. Fall Zoom Intercession: Dec. 3, 7pm. Christmas Tailgating at Rye Playland: Dec. 5, 10am12pm, 1 Playland Pkwy., Rye, NY. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at fpcg. org/live. Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 www.gracechurchgreenwich. com Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 1011:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. Prayer for the Nation: Dec. 10, 7:30pm, online.
A Time of Expectation
By Stephanie Johnson In many Christian traditions on t he Su ndays i n Advent , the four weeks leading up to Christmas, candles in a wreath a r e l it a n d a r e a d i n g f r o m scripture is read. The Advent candles are lit during shared worship and at home. By the l i g ht i n g of Adve nt c a nd le s together dur ing church, we celebrate with others as a sign of the importance of being together in a faith community. Advent wreaths placed on our kitchen
tables or on our counters are a daily reminder of the special se ason wh ich we have just entered. The season of Advent is a time of expectation and longing for the arrival of Jesus, who came to share in our humanity. Advent is also a wonderful time to reflect deeply on our own spiritual path through prayer and intentional living. Advent also invites us to be alert to seeing the light of Christ revealed in others and ourselves through loving actions and a generosity of spirit. The f irst Advent candle, which we lit this past Sunday at our outdoor worship at St. Paul’s represents “hope.” In Psalm 132, we are reminded that “We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, For we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” The Psalmist reminds us
Hope provides us with courage to face our realities, even if sometimes we want to pull the blanket over our heads and hide from the world. that our hope is not for fleeting material gains, for professional status or the trappings of success, but for the indwelling of God in times of both need and joy. Hope, then is the blessing of knowing God in our lives, even when we may not be optimistic about what comes next. It is our willingness to live today, tomorrow and the next days in meaningful, faithful ways with the assurance that God is always our help for the journey of life. As the days grow darker
and the pandemic rages into unknown heights, our sense of anxiety and worry may deepen. The hope of God or even a sense of optim ism may, for some, seem out of reach. Financial strains, loneliness and overall stress is increasing. COVID has touched many people personally through our own health or the death and illness of a loved one. Growing reports in the media remind us about a concerning uptick in depression, drug and alcohol use. Those foundations
in life - connections with others, a regular routine, a sense of possibility for the future- have all become more uncertain. For those who are struggling with depression or addiction, many resources are available including the Nationa l A ssociation of Mental Health, Con necticut Chapter (w w m ic Clergy are also available for conversation and prayer to offer prayer and spiritual support. Making the first effort to seek help and support is an act of
strength and hope. Yet hope in God during these times isn’t a pollyannish view that all will just return to normal or even s omewh at nor m a l . Rather hope in God reaches into our souls with the sense that whatever life gives us and whatever happens next, we are being held by God who never leaves us. Hope provides us with courage to face our realities, even if sometimes we want to pull the blanket over our heads and hide from the world. Perhaps poet Emily Dickinson said it best when she wrote “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. ” In this blessed season of Advent, may your soul be touched by the Hope of God and may that Hope linger there filling you with God’s unceasing love. Stephanie Johnson is the Rector at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Riverside
Essential Workers Santa and Rudolph get travel ban exemption as "Essential Workers" on Saturday November 29th at Round Hill Community Church. Santa received Christmas Wish Lists, and Rudolph on hand to receive directions to each child's home .Gingerbread houses and Advent Calendars were distributed to help to kick off the advent season.
AGE Home For The Holidays HE THINGS ARE FOR December Skies: Almanac
Meeting with families and getting wish lists
This year has looked different for all of us compared to other years. For many, our homes had to be transformed into offices, classrooms, gyms, art studios, playgrounds and more. And with the holidays approaching, whether you are planning on hosting a small gathering of family & friends or keeping it to just your household, your home furnishings are in need of a deep clean in preparation. And let’s be honest...they deserve a little love! Fabricare Cleaners has been a trusted dry cleaner for over 40 years throughout Fairf ield County, and they have a whole division of highly trained experts focused on in-home care. Their HomeCare experts offer best-in-class cleaning
By Bob Kelly
Find a clear southwestern sky to see Jupiter and Saturn early in December and follow them as they slink toward the horizon through the Great Conjunction on the 21st. You’ll be able to cover them with one finger for a week around the 21st, so if the weather isn’t going to be great that day, you still have several days around closest approach to see this impressive sight. Conjunctions of the two planets occur every 19.6 years, but there hasn’t been one this close since 1623, when Galileo was still alive (and still had his eyesight)! See page 4 for more information on this rare event. Saturn, magnitude +0.6, would be a prominent object if it wasn’t paired with ten times brighter Jupiter at -2.0. It seems dull by comparison, belying its beauty in a telescope. While Jupiter’s fantastic four (the Galilean moons) will still be visible in a telescope, Saturn’s moons will be harder to see as it gets lower and more of our atmosphere gets in the way. It’s also 20% farther away than at July’s opposition.
for household items including rugs, carpets, upholstery, furniture, window treatments, linens and more. They use the best methods, products and equipment, and the team is highly trained on caring for all types of materials and stain removal methods so no job is too big. Many of our home furnishings have fallen victim to their fair share of stains this year. Whether you have a wine spill on your white rug, finger paint on your favorite drapes, coffee on your new couch or mud stains on your entryway carpet, HomeCare by Faricare’s got you covered. What many don’t realize is that it is just as important to remove the dust, bacteria and allergens that you DON’T see that get trapped between your
Early morning Venus moves closer to the horizon, while still keeping over 20 degrees from the Sun. Keep track of the magnitude -3.9 morning star and you’ll follow it into February. Mercury passes by the Sun on the 20th. It’s only a Solar & Heliospheric Observatory object this month. Mars is still a bright red gem high in the evening sky. It’s getting dimmer and smaller. Details will be harder to see even in a large telescope. Watch and see if the reddish tint fades this month. Observers are seeing dust storms expanding over the planet, so the lighter colored dust may take the edge off Mars’s reddish glow. It’s also a good time to spend some of our longer evenings on the other outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, which are highest in the evening. The meteors from the Geminid shower come slow and furious. They peak at a meteor or two per minute (on average) on the 14th at 01:00 UT, which is 8 p.m. on the 13th our time. You might see a satisfying number of chips off of asteroid 3200 Phaethon after
Rudolph and Santa getting some holiday dance moves in before the first car arrives
home furnishings’ f ibers. It is so important to professionally clean your rugs, upholstery, window treatments and other furniture in order to remove these allergens so you can keep your family healthy and your home looking brighter and smelling better. Having your home cleaned by HomeCare by Fabricare can mean the difference between your family suffering from airborne allergens and them breathing in fresh air. And another big bonus is that having regular professional, deep cleanings will keep your home furnishings healthier as well which results in lasting far longer. So this year as you create your holiday prep list, you can give the professionals at HomeCare by Fabricare a call and cross cleaning your furnishings
dark on the evening of the 13th, unlike other showers which are vastly better after midnight. We have some comets that might be observed in binoculars this month. C/2020 M3 ATLAS (magnitude around 8) dims as it moves across Auriga from magni- tude +1.6 Elnath to magnitude 0 Capella in the even- ing sky. C/2020 S3 (Erasmus) is bright at magnitude 6-7 but sinks quickly into the morning Sun, moving across the northern part of Scorpius. It will show up in SOHO’s cameras around Christmas. The Big Dipper starts to rise from its annual scooping up of water on the northern horizon. Cygnus, the Northern Cross, f lies to the northwestern horizon, taking the Milky Way with it. Orion looks lazy, lying on his side at its rising after sunset early in December. The hunter and his menagerie are well up in the evening sky by the end of the month. Our Winter Solstice occurs at 5:02 a.m. on the 21st. The earliest sunsets of the year are at 4:27 p.m. EST on the 7th and the 8th, so the evenings are insurance going ■ to getAutomobile a bit brighter with sunset ten minutes later by end of the year. Morning darkness will ■ theHome insurance
off that list! They will also clean & press linens so don’t have to worry about cleaning and ironing tablecloths, napk ins, bedsheets, blankets or comforters. And if you need even more of a reason to love HomeCare by never have to leave your home. A team member will safely come to your home and clean on-site, or can pick up pieces, bring back to the plant & deliver back to you at no extra cost so you can spend your time doing better things. You can book a service by emailing homecare@, calling 203-957-3838, visiting
last later into early January. If you want to calculate sunrise and sunset times for yourself, make a spreadsheet from the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory, solcalc/index.h tml since the US Naval Observatory site is still down for repairs. On the 14th, a Total Solar Eclipse will occur across southern South America. We won’t even see a partial eclipse in the USA. The brightest star to be occulted by the Moon this month will be ν Piscium on the evening of the 23rd. The magnitude +4.5 star, formerly known as 51 Ceti, will be covered up by the dark edge of 69% illuminat- ed Moon just after 10 p.m. EST. The International Space Station, with seven souls aboard, may be visible during the evenings through the 12th, and in the mornings starting on the 17th. This ar ticle or ig inated in Sk yWA Atch , the newsletter of Westchester Amateur Astronomers, used with permission . To f ind out more about a m a t e u r a s t r o n o m y, c o n t a c t WA A a t w w w . or Greenwich’s own astronomy organization, the Astronomical Society of Greenwich,
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Wildly Successful
A Model for Species Facing Regional Extinction By Jim Knox
E a r l i e r i n O c t o b e r, T h e National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a warning to sailors, ferry captains and other boaters on Long Island Sound. This alert was not for a Nor’easter, nor was it for a toxic spill, or even a cruising Great White. This was a collision warning to ensure human and animal safety alike, for a rare yet increasingly more frequent occurrence--encounters w ith Humpback Whales. After an absence of decades, conf irmation of the return of Humpbacks to Fairfield County waters was a welcome sight to all over the past several years. With full protection in 1973 under The Endangered Species Act, these whales are now frequenting their historic feeding grounds in the 21st century. This resurgence is a sign that our conservation protections are working and that prey populations of fish and krill
"My first sight of these creatures was from 4,000 feet up, aboard a single-prop Dehavilland Beaver bush plane, over Alaska’s Cook Inlet. Seated to his right, I asked our pilot if he could take us down for a closer look." are robust. What’s more, their reemergence restores balance and energy f low to recovering ocean food webs. Having grown up hardly more than a surf cast from the sound’s sheltered waters, I was at f irst incredulous, and then elated, at the homecoming of the great whales. M e g ap te r a n ov a e a n g l i a e , more commonly known as the Hu m p b a c k W h a l e , i s o n e o f Mother Nature’s marvels. In a sea of astonishing creatures, the huge beasts have few that rival their
scale or grace. Latin for “big wing of New England” referring to their massive 16-foot-long winglike pectoral f lippers, and their discovery off New England’s coast, Humpbacks use their f lippers to maneuver in pursuit of prey, and to evade the occasional orca pod. These beasts are impressive. As one of the only animals to employ “the power of the bubble”, they utilize a strategy known as bubble-netting to corral fish such as Menhaden into their enormous, baleen-curtained maws. They are
Astrology for Week of Nov. 22, 2020 SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Who can you trust apart from yourself? Can you even trust your own instincts? It’s not like you to be suspicious but you’ll have good cause as the Sun in your sign challenges duplicit Neptune. Nothing will be as it seems so do nothing until the weekend.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June Someone who appears to know what they’re talking about will give you what seems to be good advice this week but you’ll sense something is wrong. Listen to your instincts. Thank the “expert” for their advice and do the opposite – or better still, do nothing.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan You will want to keep yourself to yourself and if others don’t understand that’s just too bad. Don’t force yourself to join in social events if you’re not in the mood. You may be in the doldrums for a day or two but you will make up for it later in the week.
CANCER 22 June-23 July You may be tempted to tamper with your working routine but the planets warn you to stick with what you know and trust for now. And don’t get carried away with a new health kick or fitness fad – in the long term it could do you more harm than good.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb It’s important that you stay calm and let nothing ruffle your feathers this week. If others think you are feeling sensitive they’ll delight in trying to get under your skin. Pretend you don’t have a care in the world. Better still, don’t pretend – believe it.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug Don’t worry if it’s hard to get through to those you live or work with as what occurs later in the week will force them to be more receptive. They too have mastered the art of passive resistance and are pretending not to hear what you’re trying to say.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You may go through a crisis of confidence over the next few days. You’ll get over it later in the week but until then keep a low profile and do nothing that will attract the attention of employers, authority figures or anyone else who enjoys playing on your fears.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If your sixth sense tells you someone isn’t being honest with you do a bit of digging and find out what’s really going on. It may be nothing to worry about but you don’t like being lied to or have others think you can be deceived. You’ll get your own back soon.
ARIES 21 March-20 April You may think you see the full picture but with the Sun at odds to Neptune you’ll be deceiving yourself. What you see may be worth knowing but don’t believe your little bit of the truth is the whole truth. It’s just one tiny step towards enlightenment.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct You should know by now that as one door closes another opens so don’t be dismayed if you find your way blocked this week. Instead of banging on a door that will never open try to find another way to gain entry. It could be your best move ever.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May You may be suspicious of those who want to help you but the planets indicate you have no reason to be. The Sun in Sagittarius tends to make you distrustful – even of people who want only the best for you. Suspect them if you must but it’s your loss.
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov By drawing attention to yourself you give your rivals something to aim at, so keep your head down this week and don’t complain out loud. Also, the way to lift a creative project out of the doldrums is not a fresh injection of cash but a fresh injection of ideas.
Discover more about yourself at
also famous for their mournful calls, k now n as whale songs, which are believed to advertise male fitness to females over vast distances. Cornell University researchers estimate Humpbacks can actively communicate at a distance of 100 miles, and that their songs can travel 10,000 miles through the world’s oceans without loss of their acoustic power. My f irst sight of these creatures was from 4,000 feet up, aboard a single-prop Dehavilland Beaver bush plane, over Alaska’s Cook Inlet. Seated to his right, I asked our pilot if he could take us down for a closer look. He kindly obliged and we were rewarded with a spectacle few have the great fortune to witness--and none have the ability to forget. From directly above the great whales, we saw them rocket free of the glacial waters in a process known as breaching. The sight of these 50foot, 65,000-pound behemoths launching their bodies skyward to completely escape the water is hard to convey. Whether it is to rid themselves of parasites, as researchers surmise, or simply to express excitement, Humpbacks breach to demonstrate what no other great whale achieves. I told you they were impressive... Along with the return of Bald Eagles, Wild Turkeys, Peregrine Falcons, Harbor Seals, moose and Black Bears to Fairfield County, the return of this iconic species to our
waters represents far more than a good news story. The reclaiming of their native habitats by these diverse species is an unqualified success. It confirms our suspicions that our efforts are paying off, that a cleaner environment is more diverse and resilient. It also gives us well-founded hope. This success didn’t happen overnight and it didn’t happen by accident. The foundation for the return of this species was carefully laid brick-by-brick, and the identity of these meticulous masons might surprise you. Of course their ranks include wildlife biologists, wildlife professionals and com m itted public of f icials. Yet they also include commercial f ishermen, coastal residents, scouting groups and students. Their individual and collective efforts include: educational talks, advocacy, beach clean ups, species monitoring and countless other actions to make their corner of the wild world healthier and stronger. One such local group which is making a profound difference in the lives of marine creatures, and the humans who cherish them, is Future Frogmen. Founded by Cousteau-expeditionist, author and educator, Richard Hyman, Future Frogmen preserves the legacy of Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau and shares the lessons learned aboard Calypso exploring the world’s waters. Welcoming conservationists of all ages, Future
Frogmen fulfills its grass-roots student-run initiative to share information about our planet’s waters. In doing so, it empowers high school, college, graduate, and PhD students, and members of the community, with the knowledge and the network to educate, share and conserve. Though his exploration has taken him around the world, Mr. Hyman traces his roots back to coastal Fairfield County. It was here, he learned the power of the waves to reach us, and to teach us. Following his lead, and that of the young stewards of Future Frogmen, there are simple, tangible actions each one of us can take to protect our coastal waters and the magnificent creatures which inhabit them. While it may be only an occasional visit for now, the mere sight of whale spout above the waves off Greenwich, gives me hope that--with enough caring-anything is possible. Long Island Sound’s waters continue to inspire. They also continue to nurture both creatures conservationists of all ages and Captain Cousteau’s p h i l o s o p hy o f “ K n ow, L ove , Protect” is as vital, as essential, now as it has ever been. Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Adviser for The Bruce Museum. Jim shares his passion for working with the world's wildlife with audiences and readers of all ages.
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 12.
Very Hard
Very Hard
Sales Set Another Record, for How Much Longer?
By Mark Pruner
The human mind tends to get bored with the same thing over and over, even when it’s another superlative, which is my way of saying that we set another record for s a le s i n Novem b er 2 02 0. November 2020’s 91 sales did not beat last year by just a little bit; it was more than twice November 2019’s 40 sales. These 91 sales are also more than our 10-year average sales in our busiest month of June, which only averages 86 sales. Or course, our sales in August, September and October 2020 exceed our June average as well. The question is can December do the same thing and the answer is very likely, yes! But this may not be the answer for January, but more about that later. Right now, we have 171 contracts waiting to close. The odds are that December will be better than November as many of these buyers and sellers are tax motivated and want to wrap it up before year-end. Over the last 10 years we’ve had 38% more sales in December than in November. We also have more sales in January than in February as today’s sellers want to put off paying capital gains taxes until 2022. Right now, I have two clients who are pushing me for a sale this year. In bad years, life-changing moments drive the market: births, marriages, divorces, and deaths. Covid and its associated changes are causing some changes in these life-chang ing moments; more deaths and divorce pressure, a nd some delayed ma r r iages (Though my niece got married in our backyard last month. The groom’s father got ordained as a minister, so that they could keep the number of attendees under the state limit of 10 people.) Supposedly, births are down, but since blackouts lead to increased births, wouldn’t lockdowns do the same things? Regardless, these 2020 life changes in aggregate are not what is driving the number of contracts up 163% and November sales up by 127%. So, if life changing moments aren’t increasing sales much, what is it? We have multiple factors that have combined with synergistic effect to increase our sales in
Greenwich. The desire for young families to have an outdoor space for their kids to play is a major and well publicized factor, but maybe not the majority factor. Low mortgage rates also are driving
median sales price is up from $1.87 million in 2019 to $2.1 million in 2020. This is an increase of 12.5%, and I would love to tell folks that their $2,000,000 houses last year are worth $2,250,000 this year,
For 2020 so far, the median sales price/s.f. is up 4.0% and the sales price to assessment ratio is up 2.4%. Both metrics are better measures of overall price appreciation than the change in
increased sales nationwide. If we did not have record low mortgage rates, the nu m ber of Cov id motivated buyers actually buying would be smaller. L o w i n t e r e s t r a t e s d o n ’t accou nt for the fact that ou r
but that’s not the case. As usual, and as most reporters don’t focus on, what is driving the change in the median price is not a general price appreciation, but more sales of houses above the median price point pushing the median up.
the average or median price. Above average-priced sales are up, but what is driving these sales? Part of it is buyers looking for more home amenities, the “mini-country club effect.” Last year many buyers saw a pool as an
additional expense that required daily maintenance. In the Covid era, a private pool means summer fun, without having to be part of the crowds at the beaches and clubs, and also a personal sized hockey rink in the winter (well OK maybe not that yet.) People also want room for other adult family mem b er s to joi n t hem when needed. Buyers also need two, three or even more home offices/ remote schooling locations. What was not needed last year is now a requirement for many buyers. Another factor that has really impacted the very high-end sales are concerns about increased unrest and shootings in New York City. From Jan. 1 through Nov. 29, the NYPD recorded 420 murders, compa re d w it h 30 4 mu rders during the same period last year. The number of shooting victims in the city has more than doubled. All this is encouraging more sales, and especially sales at the high end. I’m also seeing a few buyers with houses in the Hamptons who are realizing that the Hamptons are not the ideal place to sit out the Covid era. It’s not an easy commute to New York City, even if you only have to go once a week. School space is limited, and they don’t have a Yale affiliated hospital minutes away like we have at Greenwich Hospital. For Covid motivated buyers, Greenwich looks pretty good. L a s t l y, i n my e x p e r i e n c e a not he r m ajor f ac tor i s t h at people in Greenwich are upsizing. For decades, Greenwich people moving up was a major factor in purchases and sales. You bought a house and in five to eight years, you could take the appreciation and buy a bigger house. Postrecession there wasn’t lots of appreciation. The move-up pipeline got clogged and many people f ixed up their present houses. This year, we’ve had a Covid roto-rooter clearing out this pipeline of people whether waiting to upsize, downsize or move out of town.
Can we keep this high level of sales up? Year to date, we have 940 total sales and contracts. This is up 385 transactions from last year or 70%. Where did those additional 358 homes sales come from? Very little is from new construction as only 4.6% of our inventory was built in the last two years. Much of the rest of the 95% of inventory comes from Greenwich homeowners that wanted to change their present housing situation and felt stuck. The problem is that we are rapidly running through this shadow inventory of homeowners that have been waiting years for this market. You can see that it is shadow inventory coming on, as house prices have not gone up much even with the increased demand and sales. Once we see the people wanting to move who have actually done so, are we going to get additional inventory? Our present inventory levels of only 378 single family homes listed on the GMLS make this question of more concern. We are down 142 listings from this time last year. We always see inventory drop in November, but usually not this low and not this early. Our demand has not slackened, transactions were down last week, but only because it was a 3-day work week. On a per diem basis our sales were up last week. Prices are going up slightly, a nice turn around for backcountry a n d m i d- c o u n t r y a n d o t h e r areas of town. Increased prices do lead to increased inventory. This summer even some of our wea lth iest fa m i lies put thei r houses on the market as summer rentals at prices we hadn’t seen before, which led to inventory we hadn’t seen before. I’m putting a couple of new listings on the market in the c om i n g we e k s of D e c e m b e r, something I probably wouldn’t have done last year at this time, but “Winter is the New Spring” in this real estate market. So, if you are thinking about selling your house in the next 12 months, now may actually be an excellent time to do so. Check out this week’s sales and new listings that Cesar Rabellino creates for the Real Estate Dashboard (page 18): 54 sales and only 28 new listings. Inventory is down a lot this month and sales and contract signings continue to be just as hot as they have been for the last five and a half months. It’s worth a call to your Realtor. Mark Pruner grew up in Old G r e e n wi c h a n d d e l i v e r e d t h e newspaper in 3 consecutive hot Aug u sts in early ' 70s . He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or
Beautiful Waterfront Old Greenwich
Lucas Point beautifully turn-key waterfront home renovated inside and out to the highest standard. K a y a k / b o a t / paddleboard from your own dock into the scenic Greenwich Cove. Private Lucas Point Association Beach and dock yard. Incredible sunsets from porch, balconies and terraces.
Open House Sun, Dec 6 | 2pm - 4pm Offered by Susie Parkin Susie.Parkin@ (203) 524-4652 $6,999,500 4 bedrooms 4 full baths 1 half bath 4,420 approx sq.ft
Frank J. Gaudio President/CEO 203.302.4375
Mark Pruner | |
One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830
Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903
For Market Updates and Listings Visit
NEW LISTINGS (2 weeks)
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
NEW SALES (2 weeks)
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
Original List
List Price
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres
1465 Putnam Avenue 532 89 Putnam Park 20 Church Street B20 28 Homestead Lane 18 Rippowam Road 2B 149 Lake Avenue 27 Byram Terrace Drive 11 River Road 120 20 Church Street B61 86 Valleywood Road 73 Weaver Street 18 48 Hillside Road 6 Robin Place 29 Marshall Street 41 Sundance Drive 21 Linwood Avenue 33 Sachem Road 414 Riversville Road 92 Old Stone Bridge Road 6 Miltiades Avenue 15 Ronald Lane 20 Park Avenue 40 Riverside Lane 23 Oak Street 77 Taconic Road 5 Holman Lane 85 Overlook Drive 121 North Street 386 Riversville Road 35 Boulder Brook Road 21 Cherry Valley Road 67 Circle Drive 9 Cliff Road 310 Old Church Road 17 Dandy Drive 31 Hillside Drive 36 Birchwood Drive 120 Dingletown Road 150 Riverside Avenue 4 Sound Shore Drive 2A 49 Sumner Road 15 Sherwood Farm Lane 55 Zaccheus Mead Lane 276 Riversville Road 37 Birchwood Drive 1 Pear Lane 3 Partridge Hollow Road 7 Hearthstone Drive 3 Dunwoodie Place 2 Huntzinger Drive 267 Riverside Avenue 50 Vineyard Lane 11 Nawthorne Road 743 Lake Avenue
$385,000 $565,000 $699,000 $669,000 $849,000 $975,000 $849,000 $899,000 $1,190,000 $1,050,000 $1,275,000 $1,299,000 $995,000 $1,250,000 $1,129,000 $1,000,000 $1,199,000 $1,275,000 $1,475,000 $1,625,000 $1,598,000 $2,200,000 $1,950,000 $2,495,000 $1,995,000 $1,890,000 $1,765,000 $2,275,000 $1,795,000 $2,295,000 $2,200,000 $1,999,999 $2,150,000 $2,795,000 $2,275,000 $2,475,000 $2,450,000 $2,375,000 $2,650,000 $2,850,000 $2,795,000 $2,795,000 $2,895,000 $3,050,000 $3,995,000 $3,000,000 $5,295,000 $3,895,000 $3,925,000 $4,375,000 $4,350,000 $4,995,000 $6,395,000 $6,595,000
$370,000 $535,000 $699,000 $669,000 $825,000 $925,000 $849,000 $899,000 $1,095,000 $1,050,000 $1,125,000 $1,199,000 $995,000 $1,150,000 $1,129,000 $1,000,000 $1,199,000 $1,275,000 $1,325,000 $1,625,000 $1,598,000 $1,900,000 $1,799,000 $1,975,000 $1,790,000 $1,795,000 $1,765,000 $1,895,000 $1,795,000 $1,995,000 $2,050,000 $1,999,999 $2,150,000 $2,295,000 $2,275,000 $2,475,000 $2,450,000 $2,375,000 $2,650,000 $2,850,000 $2,795,000 $2,795,000 $2,895,000 $3,050,000 $3,245,000 $2,900,000 $3,825,000 $3,895,000 $3,925,000 $4,375,000 $4,350,000 $4,995,000 $6,395,000 $6,595,000
$335,000 $525,000 $650,000 $670,000 $780,000 $825,000 $835,000 $890,000 $1,000,000 $1,025,000 $1,075,000 $1,075,000 $1,100,000 $1,122,500 $1,129,000 $1,136,000 $1,170,000 $1,230,000 $1,330,000 $1,515,000 $1,598,000 $1,631,250 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 $1,746,000 $1,775,000 $1,785,000 $1,810,000 $1,900,000 $1,900,000 $1,900,000 $2,075,000 $2,165,000 $2,275,000 $2,300,000 $2,300,018 $2,325,000 $2,432,000 $2,500,000 $2,640,000 $2,640,000 $2,895,000 $2,917,500 $2,950,000 $3,357,777 $3,520,000 $3,850,000 $3,925,000 $4,050,000 $4,600,000 $4,750,000 $6,150,000 $6,250,000
272 106 92 39 87 109 129 74 260 72 526 86 78 94 265 47 92 135 279 76 63 524 233 168 81 342 53 63 21 1,187 174 83 46 137 199 257 34 88 145 215 270 24 37 76 862 224 900 42 260 14 573 379 98
1 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 5 5 3 6 5 4 3 6 3 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 6 5 6 7 6 6
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 4 4 3 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 6 1 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 7
0 0.14 0 0.21 0.11 0 0 0.25 0 1.3 0.31 0.23 0.3 0.18 0.5 1.9 1.01 0.18 0.28 0.67 0.2 1.5 4.2 0.35 0.32 0.92 4.02 1.07 5.64 0.45 0.51 0.85 0.28 1.12 2.9 1.89 0.49 0 4 1.06 4.08 3.76 2.06 0.72 4.03 0.31 2.36 1.03 0.54 2 0.52 2.65
1,634 1,755 1,630 1,694 1,548 1,270 1,858 2,102 3,527 1,913 1,066 2,289 2,613 1,822 2,972 3,316 4,288 2,508 3,670 2,794 4,076 4,378 3,630 4,532 3,581 4,013 3,185 4,700 4,055 4,386 3,773 3,550 5,067 4,737 5,489 4,775 6,241 3,072 4,542 5,811 4,178 5,274 7,047 2,536 9,222 6,005 7,741 7,000 7,468 8,292 5,692 10,433
List Price
19 River Avenue 51 Forest Avenue 72 5 Putnam Hill 3G 69 View Street 18 Stone Avenue 5 63 Indian Harbor Dr 7 22 Spring Street 2 3 Georgetowne N. 3 1065 King Street 41 Mary Lane 299 Riversville Road 44 Valley Road B 124 Shore Road 15 Azalea Terrace 24 Crescent Road 52 Burying Hill Road 73 Bowman Drive 14 Stepping Stone Lane 167 Bedford Road 20 Martin Dale 150 Weaver Street 12 Carrington Drive 209 Round Hill Road 131 Woodside Drive 3 Juniper Lane 124 Lockwood Road 702 Steamboat Rd, 3 123 Dingletown Road
$550,000 $629,000 $675,000 $699,000 $799,000 $949,000 $950,000 $989,000 $1,000,000 $1,050,000 $1,100,000 $1,225,000 $1,395,000 $1,475,000 $1,575,000 $1,695,000 $1,795,000 $1,990,000 $2,250,000 $2,300,000 $2,450,000 $2,495,000 $2,500,000 $2,765,000 $2,845,000 $3,375,000 $4,950,000 $5,250,000
$470 $664
1,170 947
0.18 0
$428 $384 $666 $503 $425 $234
1,634 2,082 1,426 1,889 2,328 4,269
$472 $465 $932 $508 $660 $531 $338 $433 $375 $608 $487 $577 $714 $665 $547 $689 $2,437 $765
2,331 2,632 1,496 2,904 2,385 3,190 5,313 4,601 6,000 3,782 5,032 4,324 3,500 4,161 5,198 4,895 2,031 6,864
0.13 0 0 0 0 1.52 0.27 2.02 0 0.31 1 0.33 3.71 1.11 1.08 5 0.67 1.07 4.01 2.07 0.42 0.29 0.32 0.69 4.73
3 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 4 6 5 2 4
1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 3 5 5 2 4
Byram Old Greenwich South of Post Road Byram South of Post Road South of Post Road South of Post Road Glenville North Parkway North Mianus South Parkway Cos Cob Old Greenwich Cos Cob Riverside North Parkway Glenville South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway Glenville North Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road Riverside Riverside South of Post Road South Parkway
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
301 River West (rental) 50 Lafayette Place #1I 1012 North Street 51 Forest Avenue #72 301 River West 5 Relay Court 37 Riverside Lane 46 Mianus View Terrace 19 Richmond Drive 10 Brook Drive 1044 North Street 6 Sunshine Avenue 20 Shore Road 20 Shore Road 168 Bedford Road 14 Stepping Stone Lane 3 Juniper Lane 123 Maple Avenue 282 Round Hill Road 5 Indian Knoll Place 18 Lower Cross Road 18 Lower Cross Road
Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Riverside Cos Cob Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
$3,400 Sun 1-3 PM $329,500 Sat 1-3 PM $595,000 Sun 1-3 PM $629,000 Sun 1-3 PM $695,000 Sun 1-3 PM $859,000 Sun 12:30-2:30 PM $949,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,195,000 Sun 2-4 PM $1,245,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,265,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,275,000 Sun 1-4 PM $1,295,000 Sun 1-4 PM $1,725,000 Sat 1-3 PM $1,725,000 Sun 11-2 PM $1,749,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,990,000 sun 12-2 PM $2,845,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,895,000 Sun 1-3 PM $3,750,000 Sun 1-3 PM $4,250,000 Sun 1-3 PM $6,995,000 Sat 11-2 PM $6,995,000 Sun 1-3 PM
Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis New England Land Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway
COLDWELL BANKER REALTY 2020 Old Greenwich Village First Light Holiday Celebration Postponed Our Old Greenwich Team will truly miss seeing you all at First Light and serving you chili and assorted goodies this year! In lieu of our participation in this event, we will be donating those funds to Neighbor to Neighbor. Coldwell Banker has generously agreed to match our contributions.
We invite the whole Greenwich community to join us in giving to those in need. Link to donate or QR code below. Neighbor-to-Neighbor is a nonprofit organization serving residents in need throughout the greater Greenwich area. They improve lives by providing for the exchange of food, clothing and basic living essentials in an atmosphere of kindness and respect.
The Old Greenwich Team | 203.637.1300 Jane Owen Brash • Laura Calabrese • Susan Calabrese • Pat Cameron • Jackie Chamandy • Trish Clark • Jean Dana • Emile de Neree Cynthia De Riemer • Margaret Dietz • Diane Dutcher • Russ Dutcher • Shanna Fischer • Cristy Fraser • Nora Giovati • Sheila Goggin Liz Johnson • Michelle Luksic • Brid Mortamais • Erin Murphy • Sally Parris • Cliff Paulson • Diana Whyte 278 Sound Be ac h A ven u e | O l d G reen w i ch , C T 0 6 8 7 0 • 6 6 Fi el d Po i n t R o ad | G r e e n w i c h , CT 0 6 8 3 0
Moshe Niv | Senior VP of Mortgage Lending CELL: 310.863.7290 | p: 203.974.1707 | f: 727.509.8662 | NMLS #486125 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER | © 2020 Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC | 1800 W. Larchmont Ave. Chicago, IL 60613 | NMLS ID 1598647 | NMLS Consumer Access ( Coldwell Banker and Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC share common ownership and because of this relationship the brokerage may receive a financial or other benefit. You are not required to use Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC as a condition of purchase or sale of any real estate.
Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty and Coldwell Banker Devonshire are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2020 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
$1 Billion
and counting in 2020 sales
One Community moving forward together
Thank You to our clients and agents
17 WILMOT L ANE, RIVERSIDE CT | 203.698.1234
Source: GMLS, 1/1/20-11/10/2020, total dollar volume sold by company, Single Family Homes, Greater Greenwich.