The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.
January 15, 2021
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COVID-19 Numbers Show Improvement in Greenwich
By Richard Kaufman
After seeing a surge in cases which stemmed from the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays, it appears as if the COVID-19 curve is f lattening in Greenwich. First Selectman Fred Camillo and Vice P resident of P ublic Relations at Greenwich Hospital, Dana Marnane, relayed some positive news on Wednesday du r i ng t he week ly COV I D -19 briefing. As of Tuesday, Greenwich had 180 active cases, down 55 from the week before. However, cases
increased by 240 over that time period, bringing the total number of residents who have tested positive since the pandemic began to 2,905. The death toll increased by two since last week, to 75, since March. At Greenwich Hospital as of Wednesday afternoon, 27 COVID-19 patients are being treated in-house, down from 34 last week. Of the 27, four are in the Intensive Care Unit, two of whom are on ventilators. To date since March, Greenwich Hospital has discharged 1,010 patients home or to a rehab facility. “We a re def i n itely seei ng a f lattening of that curve, and
we’re starting to see a downward trend. We’re starting to feel a little hopeful,” Marnane said, noting that outpatient offices and procedures a r e op en , a nd t he ho spit a l’s Emergency Room is accepting all patients. “We want to urge people not to delay care. If they’re having any concerns, especially if they’re heart or stroke related, don’t delay, come in,” Marnane added. The State of Connecticut is slated to move into Phase 1B of the vaccine distribution campaign on Jan. 18. Officials from Greenwich Hospital, the tow n health
department, and Camillo were scheduled to have a meeting on Wednesday afternoon to iron out details on how the distribution will be implemented. Greenw ich Hospital has administered more than 1,900 vaccinations to staff, and will expand outward in Phase 1B, which is expected to, as of Wednesday, include people aged 75 and above, front line essential workers and individuals and staff in congregate settings. However, the priority groups could change, as Gov. Ned Lamont will have the final say on who gets the vaccine next.
“We are working on our plan and plan to start that [vaccination] process next week, and hopefully by the end of this week start to register people. We encourage eve r yon e to b e v a c c i n ate d ,” Marnane said. Information for Greenwich residents who are eligible to be vaccinated will be released shortly, Camillo said. “We’ll get a plan in place and get it out as soon as possible. We want to see what the Governor’s committee says Thursday on the next phase,” Camillo said. At Greenwich Point, Camillo
said workers at the admission booth will remain indefinitely due to high volume in recent weeks. Because Greenwich is still in a COVID red zone, capacity is set at 75%, which equates to about 750 cars. Only those with valid Greenwich ID can be admitted. Many people have had to be turned away. “Hang on, and hopefully with the stabilization and flattening of the curve and we see more people get vaccinated and we start to turn the corner, we’ll be able to go back to the normal winter policy,” Camillo said.
Local News Briefs You Need to Know Portal Opens for Vaccine Registration Local doctors are recommending a portal through the Town of Fairfield for vaccine registration. For our Connecticut residents: there is a website from Fairfield CT that may help residents register for a COV I D-19 vaccine more easily. According to the website, registration is currently for people 75 and older. The site form is actually listed as a survey with the following language, "The survey below is to enable registration for COVID-19 Vaccination for those eligible at this time. This survey enables the Health Department upload your initial information into the Vaccine Ad m i n ist rat ion M a nagement System ( VA MS) wh ich is the system you will use to register for vaccination. Within 24 hours, each individual will receive an email from CDC.GOV/VAMS providing instructions to register in VAMS, complete the required medical forms and to select a vaccination appointment." The form is available here: The Town of Greenwich should be rolling out their plan shortly.
Bruce Museum Announces Temporary Closure The Bruce Museum announced today that it will be temporarily closed to the public ef fective Tuesday, January 12, 2021, due to challenges encountered during the ongoing construction project to create the New Bruce, which make it difficult to keep the public galleries open. Museum staf f will continue to work, and public programs, which are all online already due to the pandemic, will continue as planned. This closure comes as the Museum looks to the future, with the construction of a major 43,000-square-foot addition that will double the size of the Museum by fall of 2022. “We are enduring some of the g row ing pains associated with any major expansion,” said Robert Wolterstorff, The Susan E. Lynch Executive Director. “I’m very hopeful that we will reopen soon.”.”
the table this winter. The GPD w i l l hold a fo o d drive at the town’s Public Safety Complex off Greenwich Avenue at 11 Bruce Place from 8 a.m. to noon Jan. 23, rain or shine. The most needed items are cereal, oatmeal, beans, peanut butter and jelly as well as canned tuna, chicken and chili. The food drive is part of their ongoing initiatives to help the community.
Drought Update Aquarion Water Co. is showing that the Greenwich reservoir was at 62.3% capacity as of the end of December. Water restrictions, which function on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the worst, remain at Level 3.
Stadium Update
Members of a Representative Town Meeting committee did not endorse a resolution calling for greater oversight of stadium construction improvements at Greenwich High School. Greenwich Police The full RTM is also expected Organizing Jan 23 to vote on the resolution, which Food Drive calls for the creation of a building The Greenwich Police committee to run the project, at Depar tment is ask ing for the their next full meeting on Jan. 19. community’s help for their drive to ensure all residents have food on
EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; promotions, achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. These are free. Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com SPORTS ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-4850226; or buy online at Advertise STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ JIM KNOX LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT We have been trained to solve relationship problems the way we’d solve any ot her problem. Th is is what got us good grades in school and promotions at work. However, our ability to fix the problem is not what our partner wants when he or she is upset. Rather, he or she wants to be seen and heard. An easy way to know what to do is remember the acronym L.O.V.E. Listen twice as much as you want to listen. Open space for your partner to talk more by asking what else happened. Va l i d a t e t h a t w h a t upset your partner really happened and is worthy of concern. (“That was a rough morning!”) And Empathize by sharing how you would have felt in that situation. (“I would have been angry, too.”)
Discounted Radon Testing
nation has stood for more than 244 years. Every American of all political stripes, backgrounds, and viewpoints must stand together in condemnation of this lawlessness and di srespect for our nation . There is NO excuse for what we are witnessing in Washington, DC, and there should be zero tolerance nor should there be excuse making for those who are involved in actions that are creating a stain upon the image of the greatest nation on Earth. Our forefathers who wrote the foundation of our Democracy would most assuredly be appalled by this lack of respect. This degradation of Democracy needs to end now. The world is watching, and history is recording the actions of those in charge, and especially of those who remain silent. No nation can claim to be the world’s leading democracy when it can’t secure its own Capitol. We are better than this. We are a nation of laws. We are a country that has led by example. We are American s . We mu st retur n to the moral compass of respect and bipartisanship that have made this country the global leader it is. First Selectman, Fred Camillo
The month of Januar y has been designated as Radon Action M o nt h b y t h e Un i t e d S t a t e s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Greenw ich health officials are urging residents to safeguard against the “silent killer.” T h r o u g h o u t Ja nu a r y, t h e town of Greenwich is offering discounted radon testing kits for air and well water, which can be obtained from the Department of Health Laboratory, located on the ground floor of Town Hall during COVID/GPS Update In-person classroom learning lab hours, Monday through Friday, r e s u m e d t h i s w e e k i n t h e 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visit Greenwich Town website. Greenwich Public Schools. According to the school district’s online tracker, as of Camillo Issues Statement Wednesday, 19 new coronavirus on Washington Events cases had been reported. One of the most honored There are 29 active cases. traditions of our great Republic is Of those, 19 are students, 5 are the peaceful transition of power. te achers, 2 a re non-te ach i ng What is transpiring today in our staff and 2 are outside providers, Nation’s Capitol is disgraceful and New Briefs Continue on Page 2 according to the tracker. against everything good that this
Become the voice of Greenwich young people. Apply to the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation Student Journalism Institute (SJI). The institute has one opening per school in Greenwich and will serve as a venue for students to learn about the writing and editing process; engage with their peers; and publish their work. SJI is excited to provide our community with broader insight into how our local youth see the world while connecting and bringing our large community closer. To receive an application or find out more send an email to:
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
Eleven of those cases are from Greenwich High. Three each are from Hamilton Avenue School and Western Middle School; two each at Eastern Middle, Glenville and North Mianus Schools; and one each at Central Middle, Cos Cob, New Lebanon, Old Greenwich, Parkway and Riverside schools.
Calls to Action
SUBSCRIBE www.GreenwichSentinel. com/subscribe SUBSCRIBER DELIVERY ISSUES & REQUESTS Thomas@maninmotionllc. com or call 203-515-2288
Legislators Sworn In T h e C o n n e c t i c ut G e n e r a l Assembly opened its 2021 session, taking the oath of office outdoors. From the windblown blacktop on the south side of the Capitol, Secretary of State Denise Merrill called the roll for the Senate. The House followed at the north steps of the Capitol, overlooking Bushnell Park. With Democrats winning super majorities of 24-12 in the Senate and 97-54 in the House, re-election of Senate P resident P ro Tem Martin M. Looney, D-New Haven, to a fourth term, and the election of Rep. Matt Ritter, D-Hartford, as the new speaker were pro forma. Democrats will fully control all three branches of government in Connecticut this legislative session.
I n it ia l ly, prac t ic i n g L .O.V. E . m a y b e counterintuitive. When we treat others with L.O.V.E, it c a l m s t hei r d ist re ss and often enables them t o d i s c ove r t h e i r ow n solutions. Ian and Amanda are both doctors. Professionally, they have impressive toolkits. It wasn’t easy for them to learn to keep their toolkits closed—until they began practicing L.O.V.E. with each other. “I’m ready for your suggestion s” is their way of signaling to each other that they feel sufficiently heard to engage in problem-solving. G r e e n wi c h r e s i d e n t , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
Community Centers Inc. needs paper bags or large handled bags for food deliveries (think fresh direct bags). The bags can be dropped at CCI’s new home at 2 St. Roch Avenue, Greenwich CT. Reach out to Vanessa at (203) 869-1276 or Vanessa.Cardinal@ for more information. TAG, the Transportation Association of Greenwich needs volunteers to deliver groceries MondayFriday between 9:30am and 1:00pm. Volunteers are desperately needed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Hop on the TAG bus one of these mornings to deliver grocery bags via contactless delivery. Go to and click on volunteer to get started or reach out to TAG at 203 637-4345 or Come join the Kids In Crisis Winter Scavenger Hunt, an exciting family-friendly virtual event. The game will be ‘live’ February 5 – February 15, 2021. The Scavenger Hunt is full of fun challenges including
Winter Wonderland, Cold as Ice and Bundle Up. Proceeds help support Kids in Crisis. To join in the hunt sign up on their website today: https://www. or call 203 661-1911. Jewish Family Services needs shoppers for their Supermarketing for Seniors program. Take an extra shopping trip during the week to help a senior fill their cupboards. Each senior provides a shopping list and grocery money. Reach out to JFS to partner with a local senior: email ebrown@jfsgreenwich. org, call 203-622-1881 or go to their website: https://, for more information. Inspirica needs dinners for the women and children living in their Stamford shelter. Order a meal from a restaurant or grocery store to be delivered to: 141 Franklin Street Stamford, CT 06901. Please reach out for more information or with any questions, by contacting Sydney DeLago at sdelago@InspiricaCT. org or call (203) 388-0122.
Mary Marino Schomp
Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel
New Briefs Continued from Page 1
Greenwich Excellence in Dementia Care
DISCOVER The Greens at Greenwich
Pizza Post Looking to Reopen in Feb. According to Matt Criscuolo, the owner of Pizza Post on Putnam Avenue that was forced to shut down because of a fire in 2019, he is hoping to have the doors open in early February. Criscuolo said he will open sooner if he can, but there's still a lot of work to do on the newly expanded space. Criscuolo expanded the restaurant by taking over space next door - formerly a hair salon creating room for a larger dining area.
Art as a Partner in Health Program Has Been Canceled
Your silver lining. Your answer for the best care for your loved one with memory impairment. The Greens at Greenwich has been providing Excellence in Dementia Care for over 20 years. Whether you call it Memory Care, Alzheimer’s Care or Dementia Care, we are the silver lining for your loved ones new normal.
About Us • We are the recognized leader in creative arts therapies, the new best medicine, providing comfort and joy. • We are unique in providing an all-inclusive monthly fee covering all levels of care. • We are a small privately owned assisted living community for people with memory impairment located in a beautiful residential neighborhood on the Westchester/Greenwich border.
Our People and Our Home • Our staff is carefully selected for qualities of compassion, empathy and a passion for working with people with memory impairment. • Our extensive training and support are reflected in the longevity of our staff.
Excellence In Dementia Care • We are dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of our residents. • New friendships, socialization and connections provide for self affirmation. • We understand the diseases related to memory loss. We guide your loved ones as they change, helping them to develop coping skills and a sense of purpose related to their new normal.
SCHEDULE A VIRTUAL TOUR TODAY Call Maria Scaros, Executive Director 203.531.5500
Un for t u nately, t he Br uce Museum has had to close due to a construction related issue and the "Art as a Partner in Health" program - planned in partnership with the Greens at Greenwich, on Friday, January 15th, from 1:00pm2:30pm - has been canceled. The Greens at Greenwich and the Bruce Museum are committed to continuing to work together to create programming focused on the intersection of mental health and the arts. If you have any questions, please contact Maria Scaros, 203. 531. 5500 or mscaros@
Delay On Property Taxes Greenwich will again offer relief for property tax payments that are due Jan. 1 — just as it did for the summer payments. Ta x C o l l e c t o r H e a t h e r Smeriglio put a deferment program in place that gives taxpayers 90 additional days to make their property tax payments. Real Estate Ta x Bills and Supplementa l Motor Veh icle bills were mailed out on Friday, December 18th, 2020. The Town of Greenwich is offering a Deferred Tax Program to taxpayers on the 2019 Grand List for the January 2021 taxes as required by the Governor's Executive Order 9R. This means that ta x payers w ill have the option to delay paying the second installment of Real Estate taxes and Supplemental Motor Vehicle taxes until April 1, 2021 without interest or penalty. On April 2, 2021 interest will be charged back
to the Original Due Date of January 1, 2021 (6% interest) if not paid. For taxpayers there is no application or notice needed. For questions please call the Tax Collector office at 203-622-7891 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Scam Alert Governor Ned Lamont and other state off icials today are warning Connecticut residents that as the COVID-19 vaccine continues to become available to more people, they should be aware of potential scams related to the vaccine and be on the lookout for certain warning signs that can help them avoid being scammed. • Residents are reminded that: No one from a legitimate vaccine distribution site will ever ask for your Social Security number of bank i n fo r m at i o n i n o r d e r to receive a vaccine. • Nobody will ever need to pay to get early access to the vaccine. • When providing personal information, people should double check the UR L to ensure its legitimacy. • There are a limited number of federally approved vaccines and treatments. • People should be aware of anyone offering a “miracle c u r e ,” t r e at ment , or medication that claims to prevent the virus and is not one of the federally approved vaccines. Fo r t h e m o s t u p -t o - d a t e information about where, when, and how to receive the vaccine in Connecticut, visit the state’s website at The 2-1-1 information hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer questions.
Police Chief Heavey Introduces New Officers Chief James Heavey introduced two of GPD's newest off icers. Officers Kassidy Schupp and James Ketterer were sworn in by First Selectman Fred Camillo within the Margenot Atrium at the Town of Greenwich Public Safety Complex. Of f icer Schupp is from Somers, New York. She graduated f rom Somers H ig h School in 2015. She then attended Penn St ate Un iver sit y, wher e she graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree (double major) in Criminology and Labor and Employment Relations. She later graduated from Saint Joseph’s
University in 2020 with a Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Federal Law. Before becoming a Greenwich Police Officer, Officer Schupp worked as a security off icer for SSC Inc. and G4S – IBM. She is also a certified Fitness Clinician. Of f icer Ketterer is from Greenwood Lake, New York. He graduated from George F. Baker High School in 2009, during which time he also earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He then graduated from Allegheny College in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a minor in Biology. Before becoming a Greenwich Police Off icer, Off icer Ketterer worked as a Territory Relations Manager for both Floodco USA and Blue Cloud Pediatric Surgery Center. He also worked for DialAmerica as an Account Executive. Officers Schuipp and Ketterer, and Off icer Hamilton, will be starting the Connecticut Police Officers and Standards Academy next week.
125 Birthday for GPD 2021 is the Greenwich Police Department's 125th birthday. This year Chief Heavey has some fun Community and Police activities planned.
Valentine's Gift The Executive Director of Pa rsonage Cottage Sen ior Residence, has announced their "To My Valentine" Project, requesting Valentine's Day cards for the residents. Lore is encouraging community members, schools, churches, etc., to write Valentine's Day cards that can be dropped off or mailed to Parsonage Cottage and will be given to the residents on Sunday, February 14. Write a handwritten card so they know that people care and are thinking about them. The collection of Valentine's D ay c a r d s w i l l r u n t h r oug h Wednesday, February 10. Those wishing to participate will have the option to either mail their card by February 8 to "To My Valentine," 88 Parsonage Road, Greenwich, CT 06830, or drop them off in the collection box on the front porch. For those choosing in-person delivery, please remember to maintain social distancing and to wear a mask. Fo r q u e s t i o n s , c o nt a c t Penny Lore at (203) 869-6226 or
Call the experts in PPP Loans at the First Bank of Greenwich. We can help you get the money you need to keep your business running! We SAVED over 4,200 local jobs, processed over 300 loans and closed 100% of qualified PPP Loans in Round 1 and the extension.
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We love the First Bank of Greenwich. It is the absolute best bank we have ever used. The customer service is outstanding! During this difficult time, the loan department went above and beyond to help our small business with the PPP loan. We will be forever grateful for their dedication to us and the community at large. Cindy and Lee Milazzo Samuel Owen Gallery They know who you are, and are there when you need them! Incredible service during the most trying of times. Andrew R. Castellano, Owner/CEO Sharc Creative Inc
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Town Government
Updates from Town Hall By Richard Kaufman Every week, the Greenwich Sentinel will bring you alternating updates from the BET leadership and the First Selectman.
with other towns in Connecticut, but with other states."
Camillo Presents Certificate of Special Recognition to Greenwich Centenarian O n Tu e s d ay, G r e e nw i c h BET Accepts Town Fire Study resident Marie Bologna D'Elia Camillo to Present Budget on celebrated her 100th birthday, Jan. 26 as family and friends visited her, First Selectman Fred Camillo from a distance, at her home. will unveil his budget for the next fiscal year during a virtual meeting on Jan. 26. Camillo acknowledged the operating side of the spending plan is easier to put together than the capital side. "There are so many worthy projects that the town would like to see get done, some of them decades in the making. It's just about prioritizing them and trying to get support for what you think will make the town an even more attractive place and will help us both to recruit and retain businesses and residents, both now and into the future," Camillo said. But policies in Connecticut, as well as New York and New Jersey, The Women's Club organized have made it easier for people a car parade, visitors dropped off to move and work down south, cards and flowers, and Camillo Camillo added. presented a certificate of special "Even though Greenwich has recognition to D'Elia. always been the best run town “It was great to see Mrs. and it's in a great geographic D’Elia on such a momentous location and we have a lot of milestone as well as speaking amenities, we still have to battle with her about her recollections of the state's policies and high tax Greenwich over the years. Born in rate," Camillo said. "We have to up a year when the town was nearly our game." a third of its size today, Marie Therefore, Camillo believes has not only witnessed the many the town must spend a little bit changes that have helped shape more money. the Greenwich we know in 2021, " T h a t ' s w h a t I w i l l b e but she has also been present for asking the Board of Estimate many of the nation’s historical a n d Ta x at i o n , a n d v a r i o u s events that most can only read stakeholders throughout town about,” Camillo said. “The large government and the town, for crowd that gathered throughout their support. It's critical that the day to greet her is a testament you keep moving forward with a to just how much she is loved in plan that will certainly push us our town.” forward into the future and put us A Greenwich High School in a position to compete not only graduate, D'Elia worked as a
Fred Camillo First Selectman
or notice needed. The application can be found on the Tax Collector page at The deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2021. Vaccines in Greenwich As of press time on We d n e s d a y, C a m i l l o s a i d Greenwich was in "kind of a hold i ng p at te r n" r e g a r d i ng vaccine distribution as he waited
"It's critical that you keep moving forward with a plan that will certainly push us forward into the future and put us in a position to compete not only with other towns in Connecticut, but with other states," said First Selectman Fred secretary and office manager -- at Greenwich Trust Co., Greenwich High School, the Greenwich E duc at ion A s s o c iat ion a nd Emerson Television.
for guidance from the state. Phase 1B, which is expected to begin next week, will likely include people over the age of 75, as well as frontline essential workers and individuals and staff in congregate settings. However, the priority groups could change as Gov. Ned Lamont has the final say on who gets the vaccine next. Camillo was scheduled to have a meeting with the town health department and Greenwich Hospital to go over vaccination plans. Information on the vaccine and how to get it will be released by Greenw ich of f icials as it becomes available.
Tax Payment Deferral Applications Available Greenwich's Tax Collector, Heather Smeriglio, announced recently that the 90-day Deferred Tax Program on the 2019 Grand List for the January 2021 taxes is being offered to all non-escrowed taxpayers. Ta x payers w i l l have t he option to delay paying the second installment of Real Estate taxes and Supplemental Motor Vehicle taxes until April 1, 2021 without interest or penalty. Stay Up tp date. Check back On April 2, 2021, 6% interest here each week for alternating will be retroactively charged to updates from the BET leadership the original due date of January and First Selectman Fred Camillo. 1, 2021, if the bill is not paid. For taxpayers there is no application
COMMUNITY CALENDAR PLANNER BRIDGE REHABILITATION PUBLIC MEETING: DOTGreenwich0056-0316 Jan. 21 6:30 p.m. The CT Department of Transportation will conduct a virtual public information meeting concerning proposed State Project 00560316, involving resurfacing, bridge rehabilitation and safety improvements on I-95 in Greenwich and Stamford. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: Jan. 23 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Police and Neighbor-to-Neighbor will be hosting a drive-thru food
drive. Greenwich Police Department, 11 Bruce Pl. Rain or shine. GREENWICH LIBRARIES: Jan. 14 9 a.m. Virtual – Parent & Child Yoga for Tots (Ages 2-5). Via Zoom. dsullivan@ 10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ - Bilingual Storytime. dsullivan@ 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong, mindful movement and breathing. Register. 203-
622-6883. lmatthews@ 2 p.m. SCORE Webinar: SEO Simplified in 30 Minutes. Free. Register. 203-622-7910. ywang@greenwichlibrary. org 4:30 p.m. Virtual – Food Explorers: Make Stacked Sweet Potato Fries. Register. lmatthews@ 5 p.m. Virtual: Proust Club. 203531-0426. Jan. 15 10 a.m. Virtual – Simple and Nutritious Recipes for the New Year. 203-625-6549.
2 p.m. Virtual - Better Communication with Google Calendar and Gmail. 203625-6508. trainingcenter@ 3:45 p.m. Virtual – CactusHead Puppets Presents: "The Tale of Juan Bobo." Register. lmatthews@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: "The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock." 203-6227910. friendsfridayfilms@
The Second Installment of Town Real Property and Sewage System Maintenance Taxes are due January 1, 2021 and must be paid by February 1, 2021. Delinquent taxes are subject to an interest charge of 1.5 % per month (A fraction of a month is defined by statute as a whole month) from the installment due date. Minimum interest charge is $2.00. Taxes may be paid by mail or at the Tax Collector Office, Town Hall located at 101 Field Point Road, from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. You may pay online with a credit card or electronic check (ACH/EFT). A convenience fee is charged by the provider for this service. Any taxpayer who pays by check must submit the second half remittance stub with the payment and the canceled check will be the receipt.
The Tax Collector of the Town of Greenwich hereby gives notice that any person who registered a Motor Vehicle between October 2, 2019 and July 3l, 2020 is liable for the payment of property taxes due January l, 2021 and must be paid by February 1, 2021 without penalty as per Public Act 76-338 as amended (as enacted by the Connecticut State Legislature). Taxes are delinquent if not paid by February 1, 2021, subject to interest at the rate of 1.5 % per month (A fraction of a month is defined by statute as a whole month) from the due date. Minimum interest charge is $2.00. Taxes may be paid by mail or at the Tax Collector Office, Town Hall located at 101 Field Point Road, from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. You may pay online with a credit card or electronic check (ACH/EFT). A convenience fee is charged by the provider of this service. Any taxpayer who pays by check must submit the second half remittance stub with the payment and the canceled check will be the receipt. Tax Collector Town of Greenwich
Free Delivery 203-869-2299
Jan. 16 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Children's Winter Craft and Stories with Nicole and Miguel. Free. Register. 203-531-0426. 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Sing Along with Tom Weber (Toddler, Preschool). Free. 203622-7940. dsullivan@ 11 a.m. Virtual Drop-in Computer Lab. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@ Jan. 18 7 p.m. Virtual: Data Analytics. Free. Register. 203625-6533. mmartin@ Jan. 19 10 a.m. Virtual – Weekly Job Search Accelerator Group. Free. Register. mmartin@ 11 a.m. Virtual Drop-in Computer Lab. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@ 1 p.m. SCORE Webinar: How to Find and Get a Small Business Grant. Free. Register. 203-622-7924. ywang@greenwichlibrary. org 4 p.m. Chess Club (Grades K-5). Free. Register. children@ 5 p.m. Virtual: International Book Club: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. Virtual: Foreign Affairs Book Discussion Group: ‘They Will Have to Die Now: Mosul and the Fall of the Caliphate’. Register. ywang@ 7 p.m. Virtual: SQL - understanding of concepts of with extensive hands-on experience. Register. mmartin@ Jan. 20 10 a.m. Virtual – Brown Bag Book Club: ‘Tales of the Jazz Age’. Register. 203-622-6883. 10 a.m. Virtual – Story Time (Toddler, Preschool). dsullivan@ 1 p.m. Virtual – Career Coach: Microsoft Word Beginner. Free. Register. 203-6256550. trainingcenter@ 7 p.m. Virtual – Cybersecurity. Free. Register. 203625-6533. mmartin@ Jan. 21 9 a.m. Virtual – Parent & Child Yoga for Tots (Ages 2-5). Via Zoom. dsullivan@
10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ - Bilingual Storytime. dsullivan@ 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong, mindful movement and breathing. Register. 203622-6883. lmatthews@ 1 p.m. Virtual – Career Coach: Microsoft Word Intermediate. Free. Register. 203-6256550. trainingcenter@ 5 p.m. Virtual – Python, from basics, all the way to using machine learning packages. Free. Register. mmartin@ Jan. 22 10 a.m. Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. Register. ywang@ 3:45 p.m. Virtual – World Music with Anitra. Register. lmatthews@ 4 p.m. Virtual – Kripalu Cooking for Kids with Chef Jeremy Rock Smith. 203-622-7940. Free. Register. children@ PERROT LIBRARY: Jan. 20 Virtual Discussion with Greg Kramer, Greenwich Tree Warden. Via Zoom. Free. Register.
GREENWICH HOSPITAL: events 888-305-9253 Jan. 14 1 p.m. Webinar: Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. Via Zoom. Register. Free. Jan. 19 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Hip Replacement Education. Via Zoom. Register. Free. 1:30 p.m. Webinar: Parkinson's Disease Support Group. Free. Jan. 20 12 p.m. Webinar: Bariatric Informational. Via Zoom. Free. Register. Jan. 21 1 p.m. Webinar: MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Support Group. Free. Register. GPS MAGNET SCHOOLS: magnetschools Virtual Open House - 20212022 School Year
Jan. 19 Julian Curtiss: 9:15 a.m. ( Hamilton Avenue: 6:30 p.m. ( Jan. 20 Western Middle School: 6:30 p.m. ( Jan. 21 Western Middle School: 9 a.m. ( YWCA GREENWICH:
THE GREENWICH ARTS COUNCIL: calendar Jan. 20 12 - 1 p.m. Play With Your Food annual lunchtime theater series produced by JIB Productions and presented at the Greenwich Arts Council, 299 Greenwich Ave. Share a gourmet buffet lunch with friends; savor staged readings of funny and poignant short plays performed by professional equity actors; engage in provocative discussion with the directors and cast after the performance.
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Luxury Goods of Greenwich is an enthusiastic buyer of new and gently used luxury items. Weof offer top dollar with Luxury Goods Greenwich is an for brands such as... immediate payment enthusiastic buyer of new and gently used luxury items. We offer top dollar with Gucci immediate payment for brands such as...
Louis Vuitton Gucci Hermès Louis Vuitton & Chanel. Hermès & Chanel.
BRUCE MUSEUM: Jan. 15 1 - 2:30 p.m. Art as a Partner in Health Part 2: Music and Movement. Via Zoom. Free. Advance reservations required.
Jan. 21 7 p.m. Webinar: “Overcoming Racial Health Disparities: During and Beyond COVID-19.” Via Zoom. Free and open to the public. Register. drkingevent. e.crosby@ 203869-6501, ext. 104.
Jan. 16 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Virtual Art Workshop: Illustrations with Emily Curran. Via Zoom. $15, members; $20, nonmembers. (Participants will receive a list of materials prior to the program). Register.
RETIRED MEN'S ASSOCIATION: Jan. 20 11 a.m. Webinar: Kai Harada, sound engineer for theatrical productions: “The Role of Sound in the Performing Arts.” Free. Register. GREENWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY: greenwichhistory. org/visit Jan. 16 12 p.m. ‘In Lost Landscape Revealed: Childe Hassam and The Red Mill, Cos Cob, Works by Hassam and Impressionist Artists Demonstrate Importance of Cos Cob in History of American Art’ exhibit opens. On view through March 28, 2021. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF GREENWICH: afgreenwich. org Jan. 16 2 p.m. ‘Oysters: How to Choose and Open them’. Free to members. RSVP for a Zoom link, ARCH STREET Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th12th Grade Free. Online. Wednesday, By Appointment Only Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Free. AUDUBON CENTER: events Jan. 20 4 p.m. Conservation Conversations - get the scoop on the latest conservation happenings. All ages. Free. On Audubon’s Facebook page.
Jan. 18 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Winter Family Day. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. and online. Jan. 19 7 - 8:30 p.m. Bruce Presents: See Hear: Revealing the Links Between Impressionist Art and Music. Webinar via Zoom. $20. RSVP.
Located inside The Happy Coin. Located 203-340-9778 inside The Happy Coin. 203-340-9778
Jan. 20 10 - 11 a.m. Print Making Art Workshops with Nancy McTague. Via Zoom. (Students will receive a materials list, which will be available at Jerry’s Artarama in Norwalk). RSVP. cflax@brucemuseum. org GREENWICH CHORAL SOCIETY: Jan. 19 7:30 - 9 p.m. Zoom rehearsals. No auditions are required to participate, just an interest in choral music. For more details contact admin@ NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: Jan. 20 7 p.m. Friends and Family Support Group - Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. (3rd Wednesday of the month). Free. Register in advance.
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Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt
Editorial Page the goat path
EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
What A Week What a week. We have all been left transformed by what happened at the United States Capitol last week. While we seldom comment on national issues, we did ask our spiritual community to share their thoughts. We have shared them online and they are printed in this week’s paper. However, more needs to be said. The storming of the Capitol was horrific. The deaths as a result were senseless and tragic. They are events that cannot be unseen or undone. The question is where do we go from here? Next Wednesday, January 20, is Inauguration Day. Since the founding of our Republic, we have always had a peaceful transfer of power. Perhaps the most uncivil was when Andrew Jackson was sworn in and his predecessor John Quincy Adams refused to attend the inauguration in 1829. Nonetheless, it was a peaceful transfer. This year’s inauguration will be very different from any we have ever witnessed. For the first time, it will not be open to the public. The Capitol will be surrounded by a security fence and National Guardsmen. You will only be allowed to attend if you have a ticket. Perhaps the most disheartening scene we have seen this week is that of hundreds of National Guardsmen, young men and women, sleeping on the floor of the Capitol with their rif les within reach. This is not the type of duty they signed up for, but it is what is requested of them now, securing our nation’s Capitol. The inauguration next week must be peaceful. What happened last week to the very heart of our
Perhaps the most disheartening scene we have seen this week is that of hundreds of National Guardsmen, young men and women, sleeping on the floor of the Capitol with their rifles within reach. democratic republic cannot be allowed to happen ever again. Those responsible for the riot and the destruction must be held accountable. After next Wednesday, after Vice President Biden becomes President Biden, a bipartisan commission should be formed to investigate the elections. Just like the one President Carter and Secretary of State James Baker led after President Bush took the oath of office peacefully on January 20, 2001. Like then, this commission should review the election, investigate any allegations of fraud or abuse and then make recommendations to improve our voting process. This should also include recommendations to individual states on what they can do to improve their voting system’s transparency. Often, we have heard people say our democracy is young and fragile. If there is to be any consolation from the events of the past few weeks perhaps it is that it will strengthen our democracy. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, authors of The Federalist Papers, wrote extensively about the need for civility in order for a self-governed society to succeed. There needs to be civility not just in our three branches of government, as Adams and Hamilton wrote in “Federalist No. 1,” but among the citizenry as well. We are hopeful that after January 20 we will be able to return to a more civilized tone of discourse throughout our nation and even here in our own community. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in 2020: “Each generation has an obligation to pass on to the next not only a fully functioning government responsive to the needs of the people, but the tools to understand and improve it.” The incoming administration is inheriting a sharply divided nation. Let us hope they will lead from the center and work to unify our country so that civil discourse replaces hyperbole. In this “grand experiment” that is our democratic republic, we know extremism does not work. It is now time to move forward from the violent events of last week and ensure we are passing a fully functioning government onto the generation.
By Icy Frantz If I am lucky, about once a year I get the opportunity to visit one of my favorite places in the world. I fell in love with it and my husband - when we first started dating in the late 1980’s. I didn’t know at the time that a simple goat path on the side of a hill would have such an impact on me, or that I would return to it annually, taking in its surroundings and allowing my mind to meander off course for just a little while, the closest I get to practicing meditation. This past week, I got that chance, albeit with plenty of administered COVID tests, a pocketful of masks and handfuls of sanitizer. Maybe because of that, I appreciated this little piece of earth that much more. Maybe because of the year, the unrest, the turbulence, and my unsettled feelings, I needed this pilgrimage. I have never been great with intricate details; I am more of a big picture kind of person (broad strokes and large concepts are my comfort zone). I think that is why math has always been difficult; an extra zero or two can easily go unnoticed. Grammar is not my strength. I was not destined to be a lawyer. Thankfully, I am surrounded by some who find joy in the f ine print. They are quick to catch the errors that I might otherwise overlook. And it’s that big picture that always grabs me when I set foot on that dusty goat path. If I look too closely, it’s hard to ignore the poop. Goats live on the hill, and the trail NEWS BRIEFS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Eliza Sammis Named to the Fall 2020 High Honors List at Pomfret School Eliza Sammis of Old Greenwich, CT from the Class of 2 021 was na med to t he Fall 2020 High Honors list at Pomfret School. To achieve this level of distinction, Eliza earned a grade point average of at least 3.670 and received no grade lower than a B+. Founded in 1894, Pomfret S cho ol i s a n i ndep endent college preparatory school for boarding and day students in grades 9 through 12. We a l s o of fe r a p o s t g radu ate year. Set on 500 acres in the celebrated Last Green Valley of Northeastern Connecticut, our mission is to cultivate a healthy interdependence of mind, body, and spirit in our students. We offer 8 academic disciplines, more than 100 elective courses, 25 athletic options, and numerous opportunities to participate in community outreach and service programs.. 4 GHS Students Honored Society for Science & the Public announced that Greenwich High School seniors Hannah Goldenberg, Alexander Patti, Sofia Pronina, and Edgar Sosa were honored in the list of Top 300 Scholars in the 2021 Regeneron Science Talent Search (RSTS), the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. Student scholars are each awarded $2,000. See page 7 for more details.
is nothing more than a thin crossing that has been created over time by the animals, so it makes sense that there is poop, a lot of poop. But as I hike, one foot in front of the other, I look out, not down. A nd out is outstanding. The path is set on a ridge, and below, the ocean rages, crashing into the rock and land, rhythmically, rocking me into the calm. It’s easy to get lost in the water and sun and lush green hills off in the distance. I fa l l into step beh ind Brady. It ’s amazing to me that even in paradise, spending a week with a teenage daughter can be full of beauty and love as well as tension, and can quickly confirm - I am so not cool. Any thought or hope for the contrary is nullified. I wear my favorite bathing suit too much and the others I packed not enough. I walk too fast, too slow. I go to bed too early. I don’t spend enough time in the ocean; I spend too much time in the ocean. I remember putting my mother through a similar routine, so it makes me smile; I am more than willing to be the boulder from which she pushes off or the rock she uses to stretch her growing limbs. But it makes me sad to recall the amount of angst I felt as a teenager before I was okay with not being cool. We walk on. Sometimes I sing to myself. I do that on a ski slope too; not loud, just a hum, but the same tune over and over again, and I wonder how it got in my head. It seems so random. But these moments merit an expression of appreciation, no matter how private, for being alive, for being there, for the joy that I am feeling right now, and it’s hard to stay silent. If my daughter only knew. And I offer up prayers and wishes. Coming from this beautiful place, they seem louder, as if the beauty can propel my appeals to the front of the line. Or maybe it’s just that I feel a few steps closer to heaven here. I am grateful, and my
Bucknell Dean's List Buck nell Un iversit y has r ele a s e d t he de a n's l i st for out st a nd i ng ac adem ic achievement during the fall semester of the 2020-21 academic year. A student must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a scale of 4.0 to receive dean's list recognition. The following students have achieved dean's list status: Nadine Anderson, class of 2023, from Cos Cob, CT Gerty Hisler, class of 2024, from Cos Cob, CT Gigi Jervis, class of 2023, from Cos Cob, CT Lucy Saleeby, class of 2023, from Cos Cob, CT Margaux Vaccari, class of 2022, from Cos Cob, CT Chloe Burraway, class of 2024, from Greenwich, CT Niki de la Sierra, class of 2023, from Greenwich, CT Charlie Hanson, class of 2021, from Greenwich, CT Lili Kilkenny, class of 2021, from Greenwich, CT Lily McKenna, class of 2021, from Greenwich, CT Christian Ruf, class of 2022, from Greenwich, CT Zach Tucker, class of 2022, from Greenwich, CT Seve Calderini, class of 2022, from Greenwich, CT James Howe, class of 2023, from Greenwich, CT Bethany Johnson, class of 2021, from Greenwich, CT Christina Lawrence, class of 2022, from Greenwich, CT Andrew Liebers, class of 2021, from Greenwich, CT Bladen Smith, class of 2024, from Greenwich, CT John Colbert, class of 2022, from Old Greenwich, CT Kyle Ferguson, class of 2021, from Old Greenwich, CT Melissa Madden, class of 2022,
concerns seem more manageable. I worry about our children - big worries, like will the world be safe and supportive, will they f ind meaningful work and meaningful relationships? And smaller ones too, like will they make that dentist appointment? Out on the trail, I am convinced that I am not alone in handling these fears. This year, it’s just four of us; two of our boys stayed home. They are not really boys anymore, but to call them men feels too conclusive. They are in the middle, somewhere between outgrowing diapers and raising their own children in diapers. And it makes me think of how dynamic life is in comparison to the goat trail. For so many years I have walked along this path, and while it’s the same, I have changed. I first came single, to watch the sun rise or after a run (now the hike is my run). I came early in my marriage, and then with young children, clutching their little hands to keep them from chasing the goats or from toppling over the edge, and today with these children bigger, older and able to navigate on their own. Here time stands still, but elsewhere it moves on. And then just like that, we are back in Connecticut, and the moment has passed. The goat trail is an image in my mind, on my camera roll; something that I will yearn for until I return again. We all need a good pilgrimage. It doesn’t need to be far or exotic, religious or too time consuming, just the chance to feel restored, refreshed. My path indented on a hillside allows me to step out of the daily busyness and walk through the concerns that are on my mind with a new perspective, one that ignores the minutiae (the poop) and takes in the entire view. And even when I return home, and the world is raging like the thrashing ocean, I hold onto the calm for just a little bit longer, and I settle my uncool self back into life.
from Old Greenwich, CT Harley Marks, class of 2023, from Old Greenwich, CT Grayson McIntyre, class of 2024, from Old Greenwich, CT Rachel Bellissimo, class of 2022, from Riverside, CT Molly Cadman, class of 2023, from Riverside, CT Nick Dagnino, class of 2022, from Riverside, CT Katie Kulesh, class of 2024, from Riverside, CT Alexea Papanicolaou, class of 2022, from Riverside, CT Sydney Pelletier-Martinelli, class of 2021, from Riverside, CT Regina Stieglitz, class of 2023, from Riverside, CT Aisling Sullivan, class of 2023, from Riverside, CT Nicole Vassiliou, class of 2021, from Riverside, CT Alexa Vassiliou, class of 2023, from Riverside, CT Isabel Abt, class of 2023, from Bedford, NY Christian Baccay, class of 2023, from Bedford, NY Emily Bayuk, class of 2021, from Bedford, NY Abby Bayuk, class of 2024, from Bedford, NY Sophia Giannelli, class of 2022, from Bedford, NY Maddie Goodman, class of 2023, from Bedford, NY Brian Gourd, class of 2021, from Bedford, NY Annabell Knollmeyer, class of 2022, from Bedford, NY Jack Quinn, class of 2023, from Bedford, NY Tallulah Samberg, class of 2022, from Bedford, NY
and cheese f ireside chat on Fe b r u a r y 5 t h at 7 p m . A l l proceeds will go to support GEMS as the staff works on the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic. Event par ticipants w ill r e c e i v e a “ Ta s t i n g - I n -AB ox ” a nd p a r t ic ip ate i n a conversation with Josh Cellars Wine Founder, Joseph Carr, Sommelier Theo Rutherford a nd Cheese Monger Lyd ia Caspari from Arethusa Farm. Joseph Carr's father was a First responder. The “Tasting-In-ABox” includes three bottles of wine from Josh Cellar Wines, and a beautifully presented cheese, charcuterie, and chocolate box from Marcia Selden Catering. Tickets beg in at $200 f o r t wo a d u l t s , a n d w i t h a “Lifesaver Ticket” at $350, GEMS staf f w ill use an am bu la nce to deliver t he “ Tast i ng-I n-A-B ox ” to participants’ homes. In addition to tickets, GEMS is hosting an online silent auction and opportunities for people to donate to the lifesaving work GEMS provides to the residents of the Town of Greenwich. To purchase tickets, bid the silent auction or donate, visit
GEMS TO HOST VIRTUAL WINE AND CHEESE G r e e nw ich E m e r ge n c y Medical Service, Inc. (GEMS) is hosting a virtual wine
Correction from Reader Last week we had a typo in one of our headlines and received this amusing note from a reader: He wrote: I was overjoyed to read about the great multitude of Transcations provided to fellow members of our community in 2020 ("Over 1,000 Transcations - One Amazing Year, 1/8/21) . One thousand! Wow! We all
really need a vacation after all this staying at home stuff. Reading in your paper that our lovely and diverse community was able to support the LGBT community in this way in these trying times warms the heart and gives us all hope for the future. Bob Traenkle Glenville
making me smile this morning. This is very clever! We’ll correct t he head l i ne i n t he d ig ita l version and I appreciate you letting us know.
my wife would laugh) if you published in ‘letter to editor’ next week. Maybe others can have some fun from one silly litt typo ? Just saying ...pretty please...
Then Mr. Traenkle wrote: We applaud Mr. Traenkle's Glad I could provide a chuckle. sense of humor and encourage You all run a great paper. Keep the same from all our readers. up the great work! Please send us your corrections It’s worth mentioning, I’d be f o r t y p o s t o e d i t o r @ We replied: Thank you for famous in my little bubble (well online.
Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Don’t Turn Your Back on the Past. Learn from It.
By Patrice Kopas What is a resolution, really? Typically, resolutions are made in an effort to change who you are, how you look, or maybe even the way you think. This year, a resolution may be to simply forget the past year and forge on. But when was the last time your resolution focused on continuing with the things you’re doing “right”? For Greenw ich Cat hol ic School, this is a year for us to look ahead, but keep an eye on the past. As we mark our school’s 50th Anniversary, it has never been more important for us to focus on what’s worked in the past, to celebrate our successes, and to continue on a path of growth for years to come. Since opening our doors in 1970, we have had the honor of
seeing our distinguished alumni graduate from the country’s top colleges. Making an impact in the fields of medicine, science, and mathematics, they give back to their communities as volunteers. Our alumni hold leadership p osit ion s i n ou r cou nt r y ’s military, become educators, f ront line workers, f irst responders,and enter religious life. They even serve in political office (We are proud of you, First Selectman Fred Camillo, ‘76!) Mu c h o f w h a t we h a ve accomplished in our 50-year h istor y has b een ach ieve d using the same methodology that many “resolution makers” invoke. Find your motivation. Our students are the reason behind every decision we make at Greenwich Catholic School. Providing a lifelong intellectual and spiritual foundation for our students isn’t just an idea - it’s our mission. By focusing on educating the “whole student,” our graduates move on to high school with the skills necessary to navigate academic rigors and social pressures. We build students of character and faith.
Much of what we have accomplished in our 50-year history has been achieved using the same methodology that many “resolution makers” invoke.
Our g raduates motivate us to continue striving to create leaders of tomorrow who are shining examples of the strength in the foundation that was formed during their years at GCS. Remembering “where you came from” is key to deciding where you’re headed.
Make a plan. Research shows that consistency is key for elementary students. Many members of the Class of 2021 have been at GCS since entering the PreK program. It’s important to recog nize that attending a Catholic school is both an investment and a sacrifice. However, that investment is worthwhile when your child is receiving a rigorous education in an environment that is welcoming, inclusive and supportive. Guided by our Strategic Plan “Innovate and Inspire: 2021,” we continue to make informed and responsible updates to curriculum, student life, and infrastructure to secure the future of our school. Planning
ahead is key to identifying, and fostering, your strengths. Be patient. A t G r e e nw i c h C a t h o l i c School, we are a true family. We are lucky to be a community who support each other through our trials and celebrations. Our parents are engaging with GCS virtually, and attendance at our Parents Association meetings is at an all-time high. Of course we are waiting patiently for the day we can safely have them return to volunteering around the school, but in the meantime we are proud of the partnerships we continue to build within our community. Keep in mind that no matter what we accomplish, further improvement is
always possible. Progress, not perfection, is the goal. So be sure to look forward, but never forget your roots. The accomplishments of our alumni speak volumes about the vitality and legacy of our school. As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week at the end of January, we will keep our alumni, their parents, and the community at large in our prayers. We look forward to the day when we can be reunited on campus to celebrate 50 years of excellence at Greenw ich Catholic School. Continued best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to our GCS families, and the Greenwich community at large. Pat r ic e Kopa s became Principal of Greenwich Catholic School in 2009. Throughout her time at GCS, Mrs. Kopas has also served as Chair of NEASC Visiting Committees, a member of the NCEA, and on both the Catholic Identity Committee (Chairperson) and the Education Committee of the Diocese of Bridgeport. Greenwich Catholic School serves students in PreK through Grade 8 on their 38-acre campus located at 471 North Street in Greenwich.
Mental Wellness In Young Children During Challenging Times By Carly Adames We’ve entered perhaps the darkest winter we will ever face in our lifetime. COVID-19 infections have spiked in countless states, and a new, more contagious strand has been identified and has entered Connecticut. Despite a vaccine, access for most of the general public is limited in the near future. As we brace ourselves to make it through the cold, dark months of winter, a mental-health crisis looms over our heads due to isolation and the influx of negative news. Winter is already a challenging time for many people. According to the Psychiatry Department at the Yale School of Medicine, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or winter depression, affects approximately 5-10% of the population in the northeast region of the United States as opposed to just 1% of Floridian residents. As the days become shorter and we face a season of cold weather and darkness, people tend to report a depressed mood or sadness, decreased interest and enjoyment of activities, poor energy or severe fatigue, and decreased self-esteem. These are statistics of ordinary times—not amidst a pandemic, economic recession and an intense, divided political climate. What is very scary to consider is that we do not know how these times will impact this generation of children in the future. We do not have data from another recent pandemic to demonstrate the socioemotional and academic impact on children. This is something we should
"We do not know how these times will impact this generation of children in the future. We do not have data from another recent pandemic to demonstrate the socioemotional and academic impact on children." be considering seriously and proactively addressing. Families with young children face the pressure of not only tending to their own mental health and wellness, but must realize that young children observe everything we do. Young children have the reputation of being egocentric, focused on their own play and entertainment, and perhaps u nawa r e of t hei r su r rou nd i ng s. However, young children perceive and absorb adults' vibes, moods, and energy more than we realize. Early childhood educators hold endless stories testifying to the keen and observant nature of
children and how in-tune they are to their surroundings. For example, a teacher who lost a family member came to work and, though she was not crying and was instructing her class as usual, a two-year-old child went over to her, put his head on her lap, asked if she was ok, and asked why she was sad. It brought tears to the teacher’s eyes. Given this awareness, it is all the more important not to try and mask our worries or anxieties in front of children, but to acknowledge them, practice selfcare, and create a positive environment in our homes. What makes this time more
wor r i s ome for you ng ch i ld r en’s psyche is the fact that their brains are still rapidly forming and developing. Adults' brains are fully formed; we may feel down this winter but are able to bounce back next year. However, young children’s brains are forming an intricate roadmap of neurological connections that form a foundation for the rest of their lives. Thus, it is essential to ensure not only our own mental wellbeing but ensuring that of our children’s as well. How can we endure through such a tough time of year while being isolated from our loved ones? Mental health professionals realize the importance of actively addressing these issues, and there are a variety of resources online. Some practical ways to care for your family’s mental wellness during this season include getting outdoors, being exposed to sunlight, eating healthy, exercising, and practicing positivity. Since it is cold, sometimes you may feel like bundling up on the couch and watching Netflix all day. Instead, bundle up and get outside with your child! Fresh air and spending time outdoors is essential for young children's wellbeing, and for that of adults as well. Getting outside during the daylight for at least 30 minutes a day provokes the release of serotonin, affects melatonin production (which regulates sleep), and allows the absorption of vitamin D. Try taking a 30-minute walk midday during your lunch break or in the afternoon with your child. Open your curtains and shades from the early morning to let the light in. Whether in the office or
working from home, try moving your desk near a window to let in the light. Although there are many challenges and stressors surrounding us, speaking positive words, encourag ing and complimenting your family members, expressing gratefulness, and saying daily positive affirmations are ways that have been scientifically proven to benefit one’s mental and even physical health. Share things that make you happy or that you are grateful for with your child with a smile, and encourage them to do the same. In preschool, we always start the day by welcoming children by name and saying, “I’m so happy to see you today!” Kind, encouraging, and reassuring words go a long way. At this point in history, we have no idea how the rippling effects of the pandemic will impact the mental health and wellness of this generation of children. No such research exists on such a grand scale since the situation is unprecedented. We can support young children by practicing wellness techniques to support both ourselves and our families to minimize the longterm socioemotional and psychological effects of the pandemic. Stay well! Carly Adames i s the Executive Director of Children's Day School located in Greenwich. She has over fifteen years of experience as an Early Childhood Educator and is a certified Education Consultant in the state of Connecticut. Carly volunteers as the Education Program Manager for the International WeLoveU Foundation.
Four GHS Seniors Top 300 in Regeneron Talent Search Society for Science & t he P u bl ic a n nou nced t hat Greenwich High School seniors Hannah Goldenberg, Alexander Patti, Sofia Pronina, and Edgar Sosa were honored in the list of Top 300 Scholars in the 2021 Regeneron Science Ta lent S e a rch ( R STS), t he n a t i o n ’s o l d e s t a n d m o s t prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. Student scholars are each awarded $2,000. “Over the past 14 years, an astounding 37 GHS students have been selected as RSTS scholars, f ive of which have gone on to become finalists in the competition,” GHS Science Teacher and Research Advisor Mr. Andrew Bramante said. “This places the GHS Science Research program alongside the most prestigious sciencespecialized and public high school programs throughout the country.” T he Re gener on S c ienc e Ta l e n t S e a r c h s c h o l a r s were selected f rom 1,760 applications received from 611 high schools across 45 states, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, and 10 countries. According to the competition program, “Scholars were chosen based on thei r exceptiona l
research skills, commitment to academics, innovative thinking and promise as scientists, and hail from 198 American and international high schools in 37 states, Puerto Rico, Chinese Taipei, and Singapore.” On January 21, 2021, 40 of the 300 scholars will be named R e g e n e r on S c i e n c e Ta l e nt Search finalists. From March 10-17, 2021, all 40 finalists will compete for more than $1.8 million in awards provided by Regeneron. M r. B r a m a n t e a d d e d , “Greenw ich High School continues to shine as one of the leading research programs in the nation. These students are so amazing in their creativity, imagination, hard work, and intellect, all of which have been nurtured by our amazing staff in the Greenwich Public School system.” The Greenwich High School S chola rs a nd t hei r proje c t titles include: ● Hannah Goldenberg Project Title: Link ing Continued Exposure to E-Cigarette Vapor Constituents w i t h C h r o n i c O b s t r u c t i ve Pulmonary Disease ● Alexander Patti Project Title: Plant Growth Enhancement & Fungal
Disease Suppression via Copper, Zinc, and Manganese Nanoparticle Foliar Sprays ● Sofia Pronina Project Title: Carbon Nanotube Lab-on-Chip as a R apid , I ne x p e n sive , Ly m e Disease Detection System ● Edgar Sosa Project Title: Metal Oxide Na n o p a r t i c l e S up p r e s s i o n of Cof fee Rust Using an Alternaria, StomataSporulating Model Fungus “An exceptional group of student leaders and innovators comprise this year’s Regeneron S c i e n c e Ta l e n t S e a r c h s chola r s , w it h a n a r ray of projects that demonstrate the power of science,” Regeneron’s Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications and Citizenship Hala Mirza said in a press release. “We are honored to celebrate the next generation of young scientists and inventors who can elevate the STEM community and our broader society through their h ig h- q ua l it y r e s e a r ch a nd novel discoveries. These are the inspiring problem solvers who w i l l help add r e s s t he current and future challenges facing our world.” The f u l l l ist of schola rs can be viewed on Society for
Science’s webpage. About the Regeneron Science Talent Search T he Re gener on S c ienc e Ta l e nt S e a r c h , a p r o g r a m of Society for Science since 1942, is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and mat h comp et it ion for h ig h scho ol sen iors. Each ye a r, nearly 2,000 student entrants submit original research in critically important scientific fields of study and are judged by leading exper ts in their f ields. Un iq ue a mong h ig h school competitions i n t he U.S. and around the world, the Regeneron Science Talent Search focuses on identifying, inspiring and engag ing the nation’s most promising young scientists who are creating the ideas that could solve society’s most urgent challenges. In 2017, Regeneron became only the third sponsor of the Science Talent Search as a way to help reward and celebrate the best and brightest young minds and encourage them to pursue careers in STEM as a way to positively impact the world. Through its 10-year, $10 0 m i l l ion com m it ment , Re gener on ne a rly dou ble d the overall award distribution t o $ 3 . 1 m i l l i o n a n n u a l l y,
increasing the top award to $ 2 5 0,0 0 0 a n d dou b l i n g the awards for the top 300 scholars and their schools to $2,000 each to inspire more you ng p e ople to engage i n science. Program alumni include
recipients of the world’s most c ove te d s c i e n c e a n d m at h honors, includ ing 1 3 Nobel Prizes, 11 National Medals of S cience , si x Bre a k t h roug h Prizes, 21 MacArthur Foundation Fellowships and two Fields Medals.
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The Only President to Receive the Medal of Honor Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt DATE OF BIRTH: October 27, 1858 PLACE OF BIRTH: New York, New York HOME OF RECORD: New York, New York DETAILS AWARDED FOR ACTIONS DURING Spanish-American War Service: Army Division: 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders) DATE OF ISSUE: JANUARY 16, 2001 CITATION The President of the United States of America, in the name of C on g re s s , ta k e s pr i d e i n presenting the Medal of Honor
(Posthumously) to Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Un ite d S ta te s Ar my, for extraordinar y heroism while serving with 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalr y ( Rou gh Riders), in action at Santiago, Cuba. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt distinguished himself by acts of bravery on 1 July, 1898, near Santiago de Cuba, Republic of Cuba, while leading a daring charge up San Juan Hill . Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt, in total disregard for his personal safet y, and accompanied by only four or f ive men , led a desperate and gallant charge up San Juan Hill, encouraging his troops to continue the assault through withering enemy f ire over open countryside. Facing t h e e n e m y's h e a v y f i r e , h e displayed extraordinary bravery throu ghout the charge , and was the first to reach the enemy trenches, where he quickly killed one of the enemy with his pistol, allowing his men to continue th e a s s a u lt . Hi s le a d e rsh i p and valor turned the tide in the Battle for San Juan Hill . Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt's e x t raord i n a r y h e roi s m a n d devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great
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credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army. Theodore Roosevelt served in the New York National Guard before active duty ser v ice. Many historians believe the Medal of Honor was denied him after the end of the war, based upon political pressure from Secretary of War Alger as a personal vendetta. Roosevelt subsequently was elected President of the Untied St ate s . A f te r a c e nt u r y of debate Congress authorized a belated award in 2000, and the following year his longsought Medal of Honor was presented, mak ing him the ON LY president to receive it. During World War II his son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. received the Medal of Honor for his own heroic leadership. President Theodore ' ' Te d d y ' ' R o o s e v e l t w a s Army Lt. Col. Teddy Roosevelt in Cuba, 1898. k now n for m a ny t h i ng s — most notably his two terms as president, his exploration of the South American wilderness, having his profile carved into Mou nt Rush more, a nd t he many nonf iction stories he wrote. But he was most proud of his service during the 1898 Spanish-American War, which liberated Cuba from Spanish rule. Before the war, Roosevelt s e r v e d i n t h e N e w Yo r k National Guard and had worked as the assistant secretary of the Navy. But he wanted to be part of the fight, so he lobbied the secretary of war for an Army commission. He got it and was named lieutenant colonel of the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment — famously known as the ''Rough Riders.'' Deployed to Cuba, Roosevelt led a few other men on a charge up Kettle Hill, part of San Juan Heights, on July 1, 1898. Roosevelt encouraged his troops to continue fighting against a faltering enemy. He Theodore Roosevelt
Calendar from Page 9
Jan. 16 1 - 3 p.m. The Portrait Studio (Beginner & Intermediate levels). In studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. Through March 27. Register.
Jan. 19 9:50 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. Introduction to Acrylic Painting - teens & adults. (11 Tuesdays). Online. Register. 1 - 3 p.m. Mixed Media Techniques: Collage with Drawing & Painting. In studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. (11 Tuesdays). Register. BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: Jan. 21 7 p.m. “Maybe It’s Not Just
Experimentation: Mental Health and Substance Addiction” with Dr. Jonathan Avery. Register. THE MARITIME AQUARIUM: Jan. 15 10 - 11 a.m. Fish Tales (ToddlerKindergarten). Via Zoom. Suggested donation. Jan. 18 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Meet the Seals (Pre-
rode up and down the hill on horseback, leaving no doubt that he was one of the enemy's most important targets. Yet he wasn't hit by any bullets. Instead, Roosevelt was the first to reach enemy trenches, where he quick ly k illed an enemy w ith his pistol. The assault helped turn the tide of the war in America's favor. Despite Roosevelt's efforts and lobbying by his superior officers, he was initially denied the Medal of Honor by the War Department. It took more than a century for the nation to change its mind. On Jan. 16, 2001, the former president finally received the honor. Three years after gaining fame for his charge up San Juan Heights, Roosevelt was elected president. Roosevelt's son Theodore Roosevelt Jr. also received the Medal of Honor, one of only two father-son pairs to do so (the other is Arthur MacArthur Jr. and Douglas MacArthur). He served in World War I and WWII and gained a reputation for leading from the front. At 56, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the oldest man and only general to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day with the f irst wave of American troops. He earned his medal at Utah Beach for ''gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty'' while leading successive waves of troops inland to their objectives. Thi s a r t icle wa s wr it ten by Katie Lange as part of a weekly series in which Defense. gov highlights one of the more than 3 , 500 Medal of Honor recipients who have earned the U.S. military’s highest medal for valor.
K-Grade 2). Via Zoom. Suggested donation. Jan. 20 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. ‘Safari de Tiburones’ (All ages). Via Zoom. Suggested donation. Jan. 23 & 24 1 - 3 p.m. Seal Spotting & Birding Cruise (ToddlerKindergarten). Aquarium Dock, 10 N. Water St., Norwalk. $31.50.
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F. Richards Ford, III
Long time Greenwich resident, F. Richards Ford III, passed away peacefully at home at the age of 92. A nyone luck y enoug h to have k now n " Dick" w i l l b e forever touched by his kindness, generosity, and charm. Nothing gave him a bigger thrill than to help people with caring advice drawn from a vast reservoir of knowledge and experience. Not surprisingly, he coined his "handle" in the 70's as "The Cou nselor" to the CB rad io truckers of America. Born June 12, 1928 in New York City to Frank Richards Ford, Jr. and Cornelia Ward Burchell, he attended A llen Stevenson School and was a member of The Knickerbocker Greys before his family moved to Southport, CT. Developing a passion for sailing, he competitively sailed Atlantic Sailboats for the Pequot Yacht Club. Graduating cum laude from the Hotchkiss School (1946), he excelled in academics and sports as well as performing leading classical roles acquitting h i mself w ith d isti nction i n many of the school's dramatic productions as well as serving as its President. Dick's early appre ciat ion for t he ac t i ng craft led to his supporting the Hartman Theater in Stamford and later the Westport Country Playhouse. He was a lso a n active board member for The Acting Company, in New York. Following his graduation f r om P r i nc eton Un ive r sit y ( 19 5 0) h e m a r r i e d M a r y Hope Lewis. They relocated to Charlottesville, VA where he attended the Law School at the University of VA. Upon graduation in 1953 with a Juris Doctor Degree, Dick accepted a position with Cummings and Lockwood and moved his young family to Greenwich, CT. From 1960-'63, Dick was honored to accept a position as consultant for the US Department of Defense. Moving h i s w i fe a nd you n g f a m i ly to G enev a , Sw it z erla nd he worked on disarmament for the Eisenhower administration. He remained there during the John F. Kennedy administration, working on the test ban treaty and nuclear disarmament. Retu r n ing to Greenw ich in 1963, Dick accepted a Senior VP position at the State National Bank, later becoming Executive VP heading the Trust Dept. when the bank became Connecticut Bank and Trust (CBT). Dick returned to private law practice in 1986. Dick married Natasha Boissevain (Pray) in 1982 and enjoyed an adventurous life and entrepreneurship until her untimely death in 2005. Together they created the state of the art AMFIT (American Fitness Institute) in Greenwich, in 1980. He was stepfather to her children Sabrina, Melanie, Tina and Malcolm, Jr. (dec.). A member of the Round Hill Club for over 60 years, he loved playing golf and rarely missed his personal f itness training sessions. He enjoyed attending lectures in Manhattan at The Brook Club where he was a long time member. Dick believed it was important to engage w ith one's community and as such, served on the boards of many local institutions such as the Greenw ich Academy, Bruce Museum, and was a founding mem b er of t he L a nd Tr u st d i v i s i o n o f t h e G r e e nw i c h Audubon from '71-'79. Dick married his present w ife Phoebe Brow n Ballard i n 2 0 0 9. T h e y e n j o y e d a n active life together, travelling and spending time with their extended families. They both served on the Advisory Board of At Home in Greenwich and enjoyed membership events at the Field Club in Greenwich.
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OBITUARIES Phoebe has three sons, Jahn, Bob and Michael. Dick was a handsome, charming gentleman, with an engag ing sm ile. That sm ile prompted Bill Duke, a close friend from Southport, to call him "The Smiler". Dick's mother had told him "A smile is one of the most important things you carry throughout your life", He was the very embodiment of her advice for the rest of his life. Dick is survived by his wife Phoeb e, h is you nger sister Susan Hammaker. He is also survived by Mary Hope Lewis, his f irst wife and their f ive children: Emily Cox, Madison Fo r d , F. R i c h a r d s " R i c k " Ford I V, Ch r istopher Ford, Mariah Brown and his eight grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to At Home in Greenw ich, The Round Hill Community Church and the Westport Country Playhouse. Because of COVID restrictions all services will be private.
LtCol. Richard Hebert
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Francis Hebert, USMC (Retired), passed away peacefully at the Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, CT on Friday, Dec. 18, 2020 at the age of 89. He was born to Adelaide Marietta McKewen and Frank Peter Hebert in Sacramento California on July 10, 1931. He grew up in Sacramento, Calif. He leaves behind, his daughter Candice Croxton, and his sons Richard Hebert II and Sean Hebert, and grandsons R i c h a r d H e b e r t I I I , Ty l e r Croxton, Andrew Hebert, and granddaughter Jenny Croxton, a n d g r e a t- g r a n d d au g ht e r s Madd ie, A lyssa a nd K aylee and great-grandson Liam, and fiancé Diane Bistany. He enlisted in the United States Navy as a Naval Cadet on Jan. 5, 1951 and was stationed at the Naval Air Basic Training Command in Pensacola, Florida. He later transitioned to the United States Marine Corps as a 2nd Lieutenant where he was a student pilot. Throughout his career in the Marine Corps, LtCol. Hebert flew hundreds of combat missions in Vietnam and was a decorated Marine Cor p s f i g hte r p i l o t h av i n g served three tours overseas in Vietnam. LtCol. Hebert logged over 5, 000 hours of flight time in over 27 dif ferent Marine Corps aircraft. During his last combat tour in Vietnam, LtCol. Hebert was the Commanding Off icer of Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron II flying the TA-4F Skyhawk and leading t he Pl ay b oy Fa s t FAC-TAC squadron in South Vietnam. He received the Presidential Legion of Merit with a combat V, and the Navy Commendation Medal for his service during his last tour of duty. He was many things but f i r s t a n d fo r e m o s t h e w a s always a Marine. When asked if he had become burned out or tired of the Marine Corps before he retired, he replied, "I was just as excited and motivated to put on my uniform as a Marine on that last day as I was the first." Semper Fi! Lt.Col Richard Francis Hebert, remarkable Marine Aviator and Fighter Pilot, beloved husband, father, and g randfather ser ved his country with honor and loved his family deeply. The family would like to thank Diane Bistany for the loving care she gave Richard in his home. The family also wants to express their appreciation and gratitude to the dedicated staff and medical doctors who provided care for LtCol Hebert over the years and f inally at Greenwich Hospital. A Memorial Ser v ice w ill be held at a later date. A ny me mor ia l c ont r i but ion s i n his memory may be made to
Wounded Warriors or a charity 1992, as CEO, he brought his u n iq ue m a n age me nt sk i l l s of your choice. to L e a r n i n g I nte r n at ion a l . Carol Pascal Fol low i n g h i s c a r e e r at Learning International, John Carol Good Pascal, 88, found his passion as a strategic passed away on Dec. 14, 2020 business consultant and in Greenw ich Hospital in exe c ut ive coach at Vist age Greenwich, CT. Carol Pascal Worldwide, Inc. He served as was born in Cambridge, MA a Vistage Chair sharing his on April 8, 1932. She attended knowledge and experience with Belmont High School in senior executives of small and Belmont, MA and graduated mid-size businesses. John was from The College of Practical ad m i red by col leag ues a nd A r ts a nd L et ters at Boston clients and known as a patient University. Carol worked at and thoughtful leader. Loomis Sayles as an Assistant I n add it ion , Joh n w a s a before leaving the investment board member of BlessingWhite f irm to marry Mr. Donald D. Inc. for 11 years; Hampford Pascal on May 31, 1958. Carol Research, Inc. and Preservation and Don Pascal started their Trust in Greenwich. family in New York City and Before grandchildren then moved to Scarsdale, NY in became his obsession, John 1962. She raised four children enjoyed losing golf ba lls in and was active in organizations the pursuit of perfecting his supporting both her children golf game. While a member and the Scarsdale community. of Burning Tree Country Club Carol was interested in forms of he achieved his hole in one. artistic expression and enjoyed Recently, he continued playing playing the piano and making golf at Silvermine Golf Club. enamel pieces. She volunteered When the course was not her time as both a Girl Scout f r ust rat i ng h i m, Pop cou ld leader and Cub Scout leader be found as a f ixture on the to connect with her children. sidelines of ice rinks, playing Later in life, she supported the f ields and pools with his Brookfield Craft Center in CT, grandchildren. making foundational gifts to Joh n i s su r v ive d by h i s the Center as well as launching loving wife of 53 years, Diane; their blacksmithing program at his two daughters, Jill Franco Brookfield's "Good Forge". (Bill Adams) of New Milford Carol supported her late a n d K r i s t i B y r n e ( J o e) o f husband Donald D. Pascal in his Ridgefield; five grandchildren various capacities as President, whom he adored, Willa, Harper, CEO and Chairman of the Board and Sam Adams, Caitlin of National Starch & Chemical a nd Au st i n By r ne; brot her Corporation. In this role, they Dom i n ick ( Rosema r ie) a nd traveled around North America, nephews Dominick ( Jessica) Europe, Middle East, Japan and and Jonathan (Poliana). China. Mass of Christian burial Carol is survived by her four w i l l b e celebrate d at 10:0 0 children: Donald T. Pascal of on Thu rsday, Ja n. 14 at St. Greenwich, CT, Carol P. Curtis Cather i ne's/St. A g nes, 4 of New York , N Y, Je a n n i ne Riverside Ave. Burial will be K. Pascal of Old Greenwich, private. CT and Elaine Ly ria Pascal In lieu of flowers, donations of Santa Fe, NM. Her brother in John's name can be made to Timothy W. Good III and sister St. Jude Children's Research Claire Crane passed away some Hospital or a charity of your years ago. Carol delighted in choice. her 9 grandchildren, and they will miss her greatly. Carol's Frederick Zieba children hosted a very intimate pr ivate Celebrat ion of L i fe Service in her honor on Dec. 21, 2020. Amidst the challenges of the Pandemic, the family is not suggesting a specific charity to receive donations, but rather encouraging friends of Carol to support their local health care workers.
John Franco
On Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, John J. Franco loving husband, father, and grandfather passed away at age 76. John was born on July 24, 1944 to the late Saverio and Josephine Franco in Greenwich. He grew up in Cos Cob and attended Greenwich schools graduating from Greenw ich H ig h School i n 196 3 where he developed his lifelong love of football during his 4 years pl ay i n g for t he G r e e nw ich Cardinals. John pursued his BA and M BA deg rees f rom the University of Bridgeport quickly focusing his energy and talent in pursuit of a successful career in executive leadership. John joined Xerox Learning Systems in 1972 as a product manager holding marketing positions of increasing responsibility before serving six years as vice president and general manager of U. S. operations. He was appointed president and chief executive off icer in 1983 and led the company th roug h a dramatic period of growth over the following decade. Under John's leadership, the small start up business grew to become a worldwide leader in corporate training and development with a remarkable list of Fortune 500 clients and operations in more than 30 countries. In
6/22/1929 - 1/7/2021 Fred J. Zieba “Zeb” a lifelong resident of Cos Cob, CT passed away on Jan. 7, 2021. F r e d w a s a g r a du ate o f Greenwich High School and served in the US Army. Fred will be remembered as a devoted husband and is survived by his wife Patricia Brigham Zieba. Zeb was a n av id boater, fisherman, clammer and golfer, spending most of his free time on the Long Island Sound a place he longed to be. Zeb was a founding member of the Cos Cob Yacht Club and longtime member of the Mianus Yacht Club. As a skilled cabinet maker and former partner of Greenwich Woodworking, Fred could make or f ix anything, fondly k nown as the rocker doctor. Fred also had a love for all things antique. Fred was predeceased by his parents Nellie and John Zieba, brother Joe Zieba, sisters Gene Zieba, Evelyn Zieba and Helen Fletcher and nephew Jeffery Zieba. F r e d i s su r v ive d by h i s nephews Hoagy Fletcher and Jay Zieba, nieces A llyson Halm, Tracey McGuiness and Claudia Devita. Fred shared muc h o f h i s t i m e w it h h i s beloved grandnephews, Jeffery Fletcher, Mathew Fletcher and Rob Fletcher along with many grandnieces, cousins and many good friends. Zeb will forever remain a Cos Cob legend.
9, 1949, John was the son of the late William Lemon Shea and Georgina O'Brien Shea of Old Greenwich and brother to Mary Anne Shea of New York, NY, and William Shea of Greenwich, CT. John was educated at the R ive r side Conve nt S cho ol , S t M a r y 's H i g h S c h o o l i n Greenwich, and Georgetown University in Washington, DC. John worked as a staf f aide at t he Repu bl ica n Nationa l Committee Headquarters in Washington, as a teacher at Iona Preparatory School, and, from the late 1970s until his retirement in 2011, as an editor in academic and educational publishing at Garland P u blishers, Routledge, a nd Facts On File. A resident of the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn, NY for many years, John loved ta k i ng long wa l k s w ith h is b elove d do g She a , r e ad i n g British mysteries, collecting books, and researching family history. John is survived by his sister and brother, his niece Lindsay Te n e r S h e a , s i s t e r - i n - l a w Mary Weir Shea, his cousins Polly O'Brien Morrow, Patrick O'Brien, Marnie Edwards, Jane Edwa rds Ajel lo, A lexa nder Edwards, Jr., Robert Edwards, Neal Gallagher, Jane Gallagher Severo, and by his "adopted" family Thiago, Nichole, Allan, Fel ip e , Br u na, a nd Si lva na Marques, Helio Nascimento, Thea Thoren, and Helena Ryder. D on at ion s c a n b e m a de i n Joh n's memor y to t he AdoptABook Program of the Ferguson Library in Stamford, CT. A graveside service will be held at St. John's Cemetery, Darien, CT when the current pandemic is officially over.
Maria DiPaola
Maria Lucia DiPaola, a longtime resident of Greenwich, passed away Jan. 7, 2021, at age 89. Maria was born Feb. 15, 1931 in Morra de Sanctis, Italy to Angelo Michele and Gerarda Pennella. In 1968, she immigrated to the United States with her husband and children in tow. For more than 20 years she worked in laundry services for Greenwich Hospital. Maria w a s a d e vo t e d a n d l ov i n g homema ker. She fa it h f u l ly cared for her husband, Amato, for t welve years before his passing in 2008. Maria was a fixture in Chickahominy. She cooked for and cared for her neighbors, always with a smile on her face and wave when she passed by. Her family fondly recalls her love of gardening and cooking. S h e i s s u r v i ve d b y h e r cher ished ch i ld ren, A ngelo DiPaola (Maria), Gerry DiPaola (Maria) and Caterina Lowery (Scott), loving grandchildren, Amanda, Marisa, Ricky, Jessica, Andrew, Brandon and Noelle and great grandchildren, Jimmy, Danny, A lexander, Michael, Gianna and Matteo. To h o n o r M a r i a ' s l i f e , family and friends gathered on Sunday at Coxe & Graziano Fu nera l Home, Gre enw ich. Funeral Mass was held at St. Roch's RC Church followed by entombment at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Leo Kweller
John Shea John Shea, age 71, died at the home of close friends Thiago, Nichole, and Allan Marques on Leo “Lee” Kweller, of White Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020 after Plains, NY, age 74, passed away a brief struggle with cancer. at Calvary Hospital, Bronx, NY Born in Stamford, CT, on Jan.
on Dec. 13, 2020 after a decade long courageous battle with Parkinson’s disease. He was pre-deceased by his father, Jack Kweller, and beloved mother Sylvia Schwartz Kweller, his uncle Ned Schwartz a nd u ncle a nd au nt M i lton Schwartz and Penny Schwartz and cousin Adam Schwartz. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Lee had fond memories of growing up there: summers at Brighton Beach, his grandmother’s “appetizing” stor e , D o dgers ga me s, a nd play ing basketball w ith his childhood friends, the Levine brothers. After the Dodgers left NY, he became a fervent lifelong Yankees fan. He skipped two grades, graduated with a B.S. f rom Brook ly n Col lege a nd earned an M.S. in biochemistry from University of Pittsburgh Medical School by the age of 21. He then embarked on an almost four decade teaching career, including close to 35 years as a chemistry teacher at Mamaroneck High School, teaching generations of students. Lee was also an avid reader and often collaborated with English teachers on various educational projects. These collaborations ultimately led to the publication of the Edusong Series – a collection of original songs and learning activ ities for high school literature. Throughout his time at Mamaroneck High School, students and faculty were often entertained by Lee at school parties and performances. While teaching was Lee’s career, music was his passion. He was a talented songwriter, played piano, keyboards a n d a c c o r d i o n , a n d wo n a prestig ious nationa l awa rd as best new songwriter. Lee started writing songs in his teens. He was an accomplished musician and while he could read music, Lee usually played by ear and could switch from pop to country, to Broadway musical scores effortlessly and play for hours without sheet music. Lee wrote nearly a thousand songs. He worked over thirty years as the musical director at two summer camps, Camp Pontiac and Tyler Hill, where he wrote the camp songs that created lifelong memories for many. Lee also used his talents to write songs for children with terminal illnesses to brighten up their lives. Lee continued to write songs up to a short time before his passing. His songs will live on as his legacy. From the time he learned chess as a child, Lee was an avid chess player and in his last years got great pleasure from playing chess with friend and fellow songwriter Marv Conan. Above all, Lee was unfailingly kind, generous and goodhearted and he always was looking for ways to help ot her s , e sp e c ia l ly t h r oug h h is g if t of song w r iting a nd his sense of humor. He loved The Honeymooners and knew the dialog of practically every episode by heart. He was also a big fan of Groucho Marx and his imitations and joke telling – corny as some were – made us all a little happier. We all miss hearing him tell those jokes in his beautiful, deep baritone voice. That sense of humor helped Lee retain his positive out lo ok on l i fe de spite h i s illness. Lee is survived by his longtime partner, Mary Elle Bucci, his cousin Phillip Schwartz, and numerous friends who all miss him greatly. The family would especially like to thank his friend and caregiver, Precie G u e r r i e r, fo r h i s c a r e a n d k ind ness a nd the ex tended Guerrier family for all they did to help him through the last part of his life. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research and Guide Dogs of the Desert. Due to COVID-19, a future memorial service will be held at Zion Memorial Chapel in Ma ma rone ck , N Y when we c a n a l l g a t h e r s a f e l y. T h e arrangements will be posted on the website:
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Listening is Love
of presence. As a Chaplain for Greenwich Chaplaincy Services at Nathaniel Witherell, I spend a lot of time listening. I have the privilege of being present for those I serve: the elderly and their families. When I sit with a family who has lost a loved one, I listen. When I spend time w ith a resident whose loneliness is almost too much to bear, I listen. When I pray with the staff at Nathaniel Witherell as they share their fears By Kate Noonan and worries, I listen. I am learning through I spent the second half of 2020 enveloped in the ministry c h a p l a i n c y t o s t a y p r e s e n t
during difficult and sometimes heartbreak ing conversations. When the conversation is hard or stymied I pause, stay present and hold the space. In order to hold the space, I sit silently and attentively. There is dignity in the quiet. A space is created where feelings can come to the surface to be felt and shared. As I become more seasoned in my ministry, I’ve discovered the pause allows a space for healing. This space is sacred. My colleagues at Greenwich Chaplaincy Services model this
behavior. They have shared their experiences, strengths, and hopes both with those they minister at Nathaniel Witherell and in their interactions with me. They hold the space between us with care and kindness. They listen. Listening is tough. I easily get caught in my own chatter and before I know it I am listening to the noise in my head. An array of questions come to mind before I even realize I am not listening. How can I answer this? Will what I say even make sense? Or maybe even: I know how to fix this. In
the age of rapid fire information, I find it is hard to be still enough to listen. I need to practice letting the chatter go and settle into being present. Once I settle into that stillness, my heart and mind are open to listen to others wholly and without judgement. It is in this space that we support one another. The space is sacred. As I listen, I see angst ease. I watch smiles emerge through tears as people feel recognized and supported in their feelings through the gentle act of listening. I can actually feel loneliness ease
as people are accompanied by someone who will truly listen. Think back to the last time someone really listened to you. It is a gift to be heard. Offer that gift to others. Try the practice of listening. You may be surprised what you hear not only from the other person but from your own heart. Listening is love. Kate Noonan MSS MAR is a Chaplain for Greenwich Chaplaincy Services and a community liaison for the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation.
Worship Services Information ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Read The Bible 2021: join here facebook. com/groups/bible2021. Fire in the Night - worship and prayer: Jan. 22, 6pm-Jan. 23, 12am, in the Sanctuary, also available on live stream. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 In-person Worship and live stream (Facebook & YouTube): Sun, 11am. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: Vigil, 4pm (also live streamed); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203-559-9256 or email: Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). The 2021 Mass Book is open for Mass, Altar Flowers and Altar Bread & Wine requests. St. Catherine and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Masses: Mon-Fri: Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory; Mask and Social Distance required: 5:15-5:45pm. Sat: Confessions at St. Agnes Church (specific dates in the bulletin), 3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm. Sun: Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory; Mask and Social Distance required, 7:30-8am; Mass at St. Agnes Church – in-person, 8:30am; Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 10:30am; Language Masses at St. Agnes Church – in-person, 11am (French: 2nd Sun of the month; Spanish: 4th Sun of the month); Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory; Mask and Social Distance required, 5-5:30pm. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). Volunteer Opportunity: Meals on Wheels Greenwich currently delivers to approximately 100 individuals, delivering daily meals and to approximately 50 preschoolers food for the weekends. If you are interested in serving, please call Brian Maher at: H - 203637-5203; C - 203-981-7029. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:453:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (All masses are Live Streamed on Zoom. Log
onto the website at stmichaelgreenwich. com to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). First Holy Communion Preparation: begins Jan. 17, via Zoom, reledstmichael@ St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Live-streamed, 1011am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at wordonfire. org/daily-mass. Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. Bereavement Group: Jan. 21, 5-6:30pm, in the Parish Hall (meets every other week), contact Dianne Deachan at 914-327-0447 or with any questions. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Worship, Children’s Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. Lifeline Health Screening Event: Jan. 22, 8am-4pm, Community House. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: Outdoor Service: Sun 8-9am, Memory Garden (sign-up online or call the church office); Virtual Worship: through live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM or 105.5 FM). Connect during the week: Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All and Faith Formation for Children (sent by Rosemary Lamie). Experience the Enneagram: every Thursday beginning Jan. 14 through Feb. 18, 7-8:30pm, register. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. Services available online, details at 2cc. org.
EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist 8am, (Chapel)* & 10am (Church)*; Ceremony of Carols, 5pm (Church)*, registration required to attend in-person; Compline, 8pm (Tune in). Weekdays: Mon-Fri, Morning Prayer on Zoom, 8am; Tue: Eucharist & Healing Prayer, 10am (Chapel)*. Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (Church)*. Terry’s Bible Study: Wed, 10am, Chapel (inperson) or via Zoom. Pacific House Meal-a-Month: Pacific House seeks volunteers to cook dinner to feed 40 men. ‘Truth, Tribes, and Trauma: Is Forgiveness Possible in Politics?’ Jan. 17, 11am, via Zoom. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship Service: every Sun, 10:15am, Outside on the Meadow. Longest Night Service: 7pm, outside in the Courtyard - registration required. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. Evening Prayer: Jan. 14, 7pm, via Zoom. Bible Study: Jan. 92, 10:30am, via Zoom. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Resilience Series: ‘Transforming Fear & Anxiety into Strength & Faith’: Jan. 18, 8pm, via Zoom ( Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Virtual Essential Jewish Conversation Class: Beliefs and Values: Jan. 18, 7:30-8:30pm, via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services: live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri, 6:30pm; Sat, 10am; Sun, 8:15am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue, 121pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, lori.baden@templesholom. com. The Future Of Hate Online And Offline And How We Fight Back: Jan. 14, 7-8pm, via Zoom, register. Pajama Shabbat: Jan. 15, 5:30pm, via Zoom. Sisterhood Program: ‘From Germany to China’: Jan. 21, 7pm, register, sisterhood@ LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School
program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship Service: every Sunday, 10am, followed by a time of Fellowship (Zoom details can be found on the website). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. ‘Stronger Together’ Laity Celebration 2021: Jan. 16, 10am, register, bit. ly/38zEkoR. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 2703 Summer St. Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook (facebook. com/myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail. com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: event Sunday Service: 10am, Online. *ALPHA Series (13 Weeks): starts Jan. 4, 7pm, Zoom. How to Live Out Your Faith (6 Weeks): Jan. 6-Feb. 10, 7pm, Zoom. Let Us Pray: every Thursday through Feb. 11, 7pm, in the Sanctuary. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6374615 Sunday Service held online via Zoom. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, youtube. com/c/TrinityChurchLife/live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at fpcg. org/live. Sunday School online, 10:1511am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Cooking for the Shelter: Jan. 14, 1:30-4:30pm. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. Prayer for the Nation: Jan 14, 7:30-8pm, Online. Prayer Time for Alpha Online: Jan. 20, 7-8pm.
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The Fellowship of the Spirit Through the Eyes of Tolkien A c c o r d i n g t o To l k i e n himself, the answer is no. Tolkien’s biographer, Humphrey Carpenter, sets out Tolk ien’s genuine motivation: “He wanted the mythological and legendary stories to express his own moral view of the universe, and as a Christian he could not place this view in a cosmos without the God that he worshipped.” Tolkien himself explained, “The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Christian work; unconsciously so at f irst, but consciously in the revision.” He added, “God is the Lord, of angels, and of men—and of elves.” As our family traveled together through this fascinating adventure, I was struck once again by Tolkien’s portrayal of the extraordinary power that lies at the heart of authentic “fellowship”. Dr. Ralph Wood wrote, “In the unlikely heroism of the small and the weak, Tolkien’s pre-Christian world becomes most Christian. Their greatness is not self-made. As a f ledgling community, the Nine Walkers experience a faroff foretaste of the fellowship that Christians call the church universal… They are united not only by their common hatred of evil, but by their ever-increasing, ever more self-surrendering regard for each other.” In much the same way, Paul wrote about the community of the Church and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit: “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Eph 4:4-6 So, what might Tolkien be showing us about the fellowship of the Spirit? 1 . To b e g i n w i t h , i t i s a fellowship in which everyone shares the load. Every member of Tolk ien’s fellowship has a cr it ic a l role i n br i ng i ng t he Ring to its destination. No one member would have been able to do it alone. It is a fellowship
By Drew Williams Ju st r e cent ly, ou r fa m i ly decided to take the perilously long journey to Mordor and to Mount Doom via J.R.R Tolkien’s grueling adventure The Lord of the Rings. Rather heroically, we voted for the extended editions of Peter Jackson’s legendary three films. And so for 682 minutes (over eleven hours!), we were gripped by the nearly hopeless quest of Frodo Baggins and his unlikely companions. We managed about an hour of their adventure each night! The Lord of the Rings was written as a sequel to Tolkien’s 1937 classic, The Hobbit. Between 1937 and 1949, as the Second World War raged on, Tolkien c ra f te d a la rger work of fa r greater depth and complexity. The Lord of the Rings is one of the best—selling novels ever written, with over 150 million copies sold. The trilogy has become widely recognized as classic literature, among the best written in the 20th century. Over the years, there has been much ink spilled over about whether or not the series is an allegory for Christianity. Tolkien was certainly a man of deep faith – indeed played a very significant part in leading his close friend, C.S Lewis, to the Lord. So do the characters of Middle-Earth r epr e s ent d i f fer ent Bi bl ic a l figures? Did Tolkien set out to seize the hearts of 150 million readers w ith the message of salvation through a story about a Hobbit?
that continually bears hope, strength and accountability to one another and to the mission. They encourage one another with hospitality — a safe place to sleep, good food and celebration of small victories. In the midst of these brief interludes we see their fellowship deepen; the open hand of hospitality becomes the outstretched hand to rescue in the midst of the fiercest battle. 2. It is also remarkable that in the darkest and most hellish moments, members of the fellowship continually bear light to each other with the gift of humor. In stark contrast, none of their many adversaries ever says anything witty or funny. Not once. C. S. Lewis suggests the reason for this. In Lewis’ understanding, “humor involves a sense of proportion and power of
life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.” Frodo concurs,“It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing.” Tolkien lived through two World Wars; he knew that no victory comes without a cost. The theme of sacrifice permeates his writing, and is represented in the life of Frodo, who gives up everything to fulfill his calling. It is poignantly illustrated in the last moments of the trilogy where the fellowship rides out to what they believe will be their own destruction in order to distract the enemy from Frodo’s f inal ascent to Mount Doom. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends [John 15:13].
Hobbit is the hero in this story is perhaps the most fantastical facet of the novel. Knowing that another Child would be born for our salvation, Tolkien may have drawn his confidence from this scripture, among so many others: “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 Jim Ware writes, “This idea— that God uses small hands to accomplish great deeds—could almost be called the heart and soul of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. It’s Moses and Pharaoh, David and Goliath, Gideon and the Midianites all over again. But the mission of Frodo and Sam isn’t just your typical ‘underdog’ story. It’s something much more. In a way, it’s a desperately needed
For it is in the fellowship of the Spirit that we find the strength, security and courage to both make our way home, and to play our full part in the transformation of this world through the power of His love. seeing yourself from the outside… we must picture Hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of envy, selfimportance, and resentment…” 3. It is also a fellowship that is distinguished by a culture of mercy and acts of self-sacrifice. There are many forces at work in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but when the wizard Gandalf is asked what it is that keeps evil at bay, he answers: “Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve
During the years when Nazi Germany stood ready to overshadow the world, Tolkien w itnessed ordinar y people p er for m ex t raor d i na r y ac t s of heroism. Dr. R a lph Wood observes of the Fellowship, “They are not death-defying warriors like Ajax or Achilles or Beowulf; they are frail and comic footsoldiers like us. The Nine Walkers – four hobbits, two men, an elf, a dwarf, and a wizard – constitute not a company of the noble but of the ordinary.” And out such a fellowship, whom would you have chosen to bear the ring? That a child-like
reminder that God’s ways are not our ways—that when the power of evil confronts us with overwhelming odds on its side, the answer is not to fight fire with fire, but to look for deliverance in unexpected places. Hope and salvation, Tolkien seems to say, often arise in small, unnoticed corners. Like a hobbit-hole in the Shire, a manger in a Palestinian stable.” 4 . A n d To l k i e n w o u l d remind us that The Fellowship experienced victory. Whatever was true, honorable, just, pure, loving, merciful, kind, courageous, commendable and excellent,
all that was so worthy of praise [ Ph i l i ppi a n s 4:8], u l t i m a te l y prevailed over evil. As followers of Jesus, we know the final victory over evil has already been won for us through His death upon the cross, and it is in His risen Body that we are made one in the fellowship His Spirit. In contrast to the Narnia Chronicles and other writings of C.S Lewis, Tolkien does not point us to a clear Christ figure; but Lewis himself understood that Tolkien was working at a level beyond the simply allegorical. Of Tolkien’s work, Lewis wrote, “Here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron. Here is a book which will break your heart.” In the depths of Middle Earth, we are invited to have our hearts broken, to recognize ourselves, the battles we face, the weak nesses that besiege us and the frailty of isolation— even as we are empowered to rejoice in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and a foretaste of His Heavenly Kingdom. For it is in the fellowship of the Spirit that we find the strength, security and courage to both make our way home, and to play our full part in the transformation of this world through the power of His love.
The Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams, Bishop of New England Bishop Andrew William s began training for ordination at Trinity College, Bristol, England. After graduating with an honors d e g r e e i n t h e ol og y, h e w a s ordained in the Diocese of Exeter in 2000, after which he spent six years as Associate Vicar of St. Andrew’s, Chorleywood, just outside London. Bp. Andrew served as the Senior Pastor of Trinity Church in Greenwich, CT for ten years and was a weekly Faith columnist for the Greenwich Sentinel before becoming bishop for the Anglican Diocese of New England.
OBITUARIES continued from page 9 Gennaro Cardarelli
Stewart Douglass Stewart Edward Douglass passed away at his home with his beloved wife Diane on Nov. 27, 2020. He sadly leaves behind the love of his life Diane (Dudas) of 52 years. He i s s u r v i ve d by s on , Jamie, daughter-in-law Patricia ( F r iend), g ra nddaug hter s , Parker, Sara Grace and Georgia and son Keith, daug hteri n-l aw K at i e ( T h omp s o n), granddaughters, Kylie, Kolbie and Kamren. Stewar t was a g raduate of White Plains High School, served in the Army as a Medic with 2 tours of Vietnam and retired as Lieutenant af ter 30 proud years in the White Plains Fire Department. Greenwich was his home for many years before moving back to White Plains. Pops' passion was h is amazing granddaughters, not to be missing the bus-stops and games of f lag football, cheerleading, volleyball and road trips for Grandparents Day. Hunting was his enjoyment as well as golf and f ishing. Especially enjoying the post discussions of such adventures long after they happened with
Gennaro ("Gerry") Cardarelli, 91, of Lexington, SC died on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. He was born and raised in Port Chester, NY, the only child of the late Antonio and Vilma Cardarelli. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He later moved to Greenw ich, CT where he spent much of his career at Fawcett Publications. He was also a long-standing member and ser ved on the Board of Directors of the Triple A Federal Credit Union in Port Chester, NY. He is sur v ived by his w i fe o f 5 3 ye a r s F l or e n c e Cardarelli (née McPherson), his daughter and son-in-law Tracy and Rick Rosenthal, his daughter and son-in-law Kerry
1976. He worked as a Traffic Control Flagger at Certif ied Utility Services Frank loved physical f itness, sports, outdoors and his dogs: Wee Jee and Luna. In addition to his family, he will be missed by many friends. A private interment was held at St Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich, CT. Arrangements are entrusted to Thomas M. Gallagher Funeral Home.
sons, nephews, cousins, friends and great neighbors. He was predeceased by parents, Gladys and Harold, brothers Harold and Richard. He was a powerful presence and leaves behind a large void, he will be greatly missed.
Skye and Bill Koehler, and his granddaughters Allison and Elizabeth Koehler.
A wake and funeral will be held in the Spring when we can gather in better health at McMahon, Lyon & Hartnett Funeral Home.
graduating she married Albert a nd t hey s e t t le d ne a r he r mother and father in Stamford. Vivian was what you would call a modern woman, strong willed and determined, insisted on using her degree to work as a nurse despite the norms for women in the 40's to stay home and raise the children. With much finesse she raised 3 daughters, Gale, Beverly, and Allyson, had her career and was a devoted wife and daughter. Vivian used her degree to work 30 plus years as an RN. Her experiences include the operating room, an ALF and finally a school nurse before mov ing to Florida. In Vero Beach she was the nurse for a Head Start chapter working with preschool children and support staff. She eventually retired from nursing but put her skills of caring for others to good use when she moved to Englewood, Fla. There she volu nte e r e d to t a ke blo o d pressures at a local bank and at Englewood Hospital she talked to patients about their care. Vivian had many interests a n d a s t r o n g g o a l t o g i ve back to her community. Viv volunteered for the Englewood Methodist Church and clothes closet and in pursuit of her own interests traveled, dabbled in acting, singing, holding office at Eastern Star, being a member
Vivian Slimak
Frank Castronovo, Jr.
Frank J. Castronovo, Jr. age 62 of Greenwich, CT passed away on Jan. 5, 2021 at Yale New H ave n Ho spit a l f r om complications of COVID-19. He was born on Feb. 19, 1958 to Frank "Cy" and Yolanda Popoli Castronovo. He is survived by his wife Heather L. Castronovo and his sister Donna Castronovo. Frank was a graduate of St Mary's High School class of
July 1923 – Dec. 30, 2020 Vivian R Slimak was born 1923 in Greenwich, CT. She grew up an only child, attended the private all-girls school Sacred Heart Academy, in Stamford, CT. When she g raduate d, she at tende d a diploma nursing program at Stamford Hospital. She learned from the ground up the old school method to care for the sick and inf irm. Soon after
of the Woman's Club chapter of Eng lewood and meeting with friends to play cards and make crafts for charity; all this well into her 90's. She even won runner up in the Mrs. Englewood beauty contest. W hen people a re asked to describe Vivian the words sweet, k ind and lov ing are often used. She was a devoted wife, mom, grandma, greatgrandmother, and friend. She loved God and lived a Christian life of service. She is survived by her three daughters, six grandchildren, Kelly Kim, Rebecca, Heather, Justin, and Christopher, and her seven great-grandchildren, J.J., Tr ipp, Kei ra, M ichael, Oliver, Teale and Collins; all who are scattered across the U.S. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her and who were blessed by knowing her. Due to COVID-19, Vivian's family will meet for a small private ceremony in March to celebrate Vivian's life. In lieu of f lowers we encourage those who wish to, to donate to Tidewell Hospice at, the Florida Nurses Foundation scholarship fund 12 35 East Concord St Orlando Florida 32 803, or direct donations or the Alzheimer's Association at
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Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel
COVID-safe Winter Activities for Teens By Julia Lucey The pandemic has affected life in the wintertime in different ways than it did this past summer. Most obviously, it’s cold. Too cold to spend the entire day outside. Too cold to lie on the beach, or swim in the Sound, or have a picnic in the park. Of course, this isn’t news for the year’s coldest months, but when you mix cold weather with social distancing efforts, it can be difficult to find things to do that are both fun and safe this year - especially if you’re a teen who looks to the weekends as a chance to step away from schoolwork and spend some time with friends. Here are a few Covid-friendly but fulfilling ways to fill your free time as a teenager (or any age!) as we await sunnier, warmer days. It should go without saying to any Greenwich resident that Tod’s Point is a year-round destination. For most teens, this typically means driving around the Point and park ing their cars facing Manhattan and enjoying a brightlycolored winter sunset. This is still a great way to get out of the house
and stay warm, But for those avoiding sharing close quarters with people from outside their household, bundle (and mask) up and get walking! It will take more than a few trips to discover (or rediscover, if it’s been a while) every Tod’s Point trail connecting the beach’s pathways. Have you visited the seaside (or secret garden depending on who you ask)? When was the last time you walked under the Holly Grove? Choose a sunny day and plan to meet some friends for a loop around the Point -- once you get moving and talking, the cold will be the last thing on your mind, and some fresh air certainly can’t hurt! If you have been frequenting Tod’s Point and are ready for a change of scenery. Stamford’s Bartlett Arboretum has some very beautiful trails to explore, along with a greenhouse to peek into, and a charming little pond. The Wetland Walk, in particular, is something to make a point of visiting -- the boardwalk trail passes over the park’s marshy area, surrounded by all sorts of plants (and frogs!). Have an outdoor meal -- in the
So, as we count down the days to summer, throw on a few extra layers, and let’s make the best of this winter in the ways we know how. winter! It’s not every year you can sit outside on Greenwich Avenue for a meal in the dead of winter, but this year many restaurants have extended the outdoor seating we saw this summer, placing patio heaters between tables to keep customers warm while they dine outside. Grab a friend (and a pair of gloves) and treat yourself to a nice meal in the safety of the outdoors. Last week, we published an article about the best hot chocolate in Greenwich -- consider this a challenge to find out for yourself. With some friends or on your own, spend some time trying every hot
cocoa, from Sweet Pea’s to Ada’s, Meli-Melo to Joe Studio, CFCF to La Fenice, and any other cafe you can think of. Nothing will keep you warm in the winter like a hot cup of cocoa. Or, perhaps, search for your own “best of Greenwich” item -- maybe an egg sandwich? Or a coffee? Most cafes are open for takeout and some are offering online ordering in advance, if you prefer to avoid entering restaurants altogether. On those days that you simply can’t brave the cold, or maybe you’ve had the unfortunate fate of being contact-traced from school
and are waiting out a quarantine, check out all the online events the different organizations around tow n have been so diligently organizing this past year. The Greenwich Library, for instance, has been and continues to o f fe r a nu m b e r o f o n l i n e presentations ever y week on all sorts of topics. If you bingewatched Netflix’s new Bridgerton series over the winter break, consider sig ning up for the upcoming webinar “Tea with Jane Austen: A Literary Celebration” for the Cos Cob Library’s “virtual tea party.” The presentation will
discuss the history of English tea and tea in Austen’s novels, and the first 40 registrants will receive a complimentary “Tea Party in a Box” by the Drawing Room! If you’re an art-lover, some of the Bruce Museum’s upcoming online events may just be right up your alley. On January 19, the Museum will virtually host Bruce Presents: See Hear: Revealing the Links Between Impressionist Art and Music, and on the 28th, Bruce Experiences: A Virtual Conversation about Emily Mason’s Printmaking. Some new knowledge can never hurt! So, while we miss the trips to the city, and Saturday night gatherings, and movie nights, and study days at the library, and all the other indoor activities that typically come with wintertime as teenagers, there are ways to stay safe and connected to each other this season. The safer we are now, the sooner articles like this won’t be necessary. So, as we count down the days to summer, throw on a few extra layers, and let’s make the best of this winter in the ways we know how.
Rev'd Jarrett Comes To Meet The Challenges Of The Day By Anne W. Semmes Rev ’d Sha ncia Ja r rett has journeyed into many f ields of need in her life - most recently to Ch r ist Church Greenw ich, soon after graduating from Yale’s Berkeley Divinity School. Come February 6 she’ll be ordained as priest with her job title of Curate, the Rev’d Shancia Jarrett. “So, you know I'm Jamaican,” she introduces. But her family early on came to live in New York Cit y, where she ea r ned impressive degrees. “Shancia is a very talented young woman,” tells her superior The Rev. Marek Zabriskie. She has “a warm heart” cites her Church’s Senior Warden, George Belshaw. “Her references spoke of her ‘persistence’ and ‘grace’ in challenging situations,” notes Randy Schwimmer, who co-chaired the Church’s search committee. Certainly, a challenge to come to a church and a town where she is such a minority. But she feels, “God is calling me to this place. The fact that I'm receiving a hospitable experience thus far, affirms the fact there is a desire for my presence. There's so much work to do in the world that I would not focus my energy in a place where I'm not wanted. Will I experience racism? Of course, I 'm a black woma n l iv i ng i n America. So, racism for people of color is just a natural. But I don't dwell on that. The mission is what's most important.” “For right now,” she says, arriving at a time of COVID-19, “pastoral care ministries are vital to the heart of our church. Even if someone is in hospice, or they can't see their parents, or they're having dif f iculties with zoom interviews, you have to be able to
“I know that God is calling me into a place where pressure is going to be on a lot of parishioners in need of pastoral care.” healing ministries in Scripture, S h e t h e n b e g a n t o r e a d is a beautiful satire. He's able to and this schism didn't need to be scripture “in different voices” she express a political position, or there.” recalls, “and my mother would a truth about society through J a r r e t t b e g a n t o s t u d y laugh.” And then, a little older, humor.” Christ Church Greenwich welcomes newly arrived theology, often questioning her when she would accompany her Jarrett believes, she says, “that Rev'd Shancia Jarrett - "She has a warm heart." priest in her church in New York mom to the hairdresser, “I would God is calling us to lean into who minister to these people. I know place at Christ Church. “These City. One day he questioned her. read the children's Bible with the we are. We are people of culture that God is calling me into a place conversations are very important “Shancia, you have been serving pictures. And I would pretend as I and faith. And many times, we're where pressure is going to be b e c au s e t h e r e's a p r e d i c te d in our church. What will you do read that it was Greek mythology, looking back to our past to help on a lot of parishioners in need foreclosure crisis coming our way - will you serve man, or will you because shows like ‘Hercules’ us understand our future. serve God?” Jarrett responded, a nd ‘Xena’ had i n spi r e d me , That is the prophetic message of pastoral care, because people after the pandemic is over.” have lost their jobs, or their I n h e r e d u c a t i o n J a r r e t t “What are you talking about?” and I would think of David and i n S c r i p t u r e . T h a t 's w h a t a prophet does, looks at the reality salaries have been reduced as a h a d p u r s u e d a d e g r e e i n The priest replied, “You are called Samson.” In high school she chose to and uses that to understand and result of the pandemic.” Science, Speech Pathology and to be a priest.” B ut t h e r e we r e r e l i g i o u s study Shakespeare and saw in to anticipate a future. And I think Ja r r e t t br i n g s sk i l l s t h at Aud iolo g y a nd a m a s te r s i n address other growing challenges Disability Studies. Her working influences early on. “When I was “Macbeth” how “Shakespeare that's what we're doing right now having worked as an Affordable with children with disabilities, a little girl, my father would say to often makes the drunken person as a church. And that's what I'm Housi ng Consu lt a nt for New especially nonverbal autistic me, and I hated it, ‘I want you to or the fool the most conscious doing as a person. I am using my H ave n’s A f for d a ble Hou si n g ch i ld r en wou ld s et her on a read scripture to your mom and person. [She referred to Macbeth experiences to be a blessing to Task force. “ There's a st rong journey that would lead her to I, as we go lay down to bed.’ And in her f irst sermon at Christ others and to myself, and also to awareness of housing insecurities the ministry. She discovered how it was so bad that one night when Church.] Shakespeare speaks deepen my relationship with God. a n d s t r e s s i n G r e e n w i c h , important socialization was with my dad told me to do it, I started to me in what I love so much And that's all I can do.” about life, for most of his work and particularly in Stamford. nonverbal autistic children, thus singing Whitney Houston!” P e o p l e n e e d t o u n d e r s t a n d worked to encourage clinicians the difference between public to create different approaches housing and affordable housing for social engagement. But then – safe, reasonable places for a mem b er of her fa m i ly was our teachers to work and live in found to have a disabilit y. “I our community, for our public realized that there were very AQUARIUS LEO ser va nts, a nd for ou r sen ior conflicting opinions of disability 21 Jan-19 Feb The past few months 24 July-23 Aug The Sun in Aquarius citizens who are retiring and and theology. Even in American have been tough but now the tide is marks the halfway point of your solar will have a loss of income and c u l t u r e p e o p l e i n t e r p r e t e d turning as your solar year begins. The year so this is a good time to look back can no longer maintain what d i s a bi l it y a s a c on s e q ue nc e Sun in your sign alongside Jupiter and on how far you have come in the last t hey u s e d to m a i nt a i n .” She of sin. And I knew that God is Saturn, means you can start doing the six months and how far you have still tells of an upcoming housing compassionate, and there are things that make your life more fun. to go. Focus not on your failures but on seminar for parishioners to take This could be your best year ever. your successes. There are more to come.
Astrology for Week of Jan. 10, 2021
Weekly COVID Update By Richard Kaufman First Selectman Fred Camillo and Greenwich Hospital President Diane Kelly gave their week ly COVID-19 briefing on Wednesday. As of Jan. 5, since last week, there has been an increase of 233 COVID-19 cases, bringing the total number of Greenwich cases since the pandemic began to 2 ,665. Since last week, active cases have increased by 70 to 235. The total death toll has also increased, from 67 to 73. At Greenwich Hospital, numbers have remained consistent. As of Jan. 5, 36 COVID-19 patients were being treated i n house -- t he sa me number reported last Wednesday. As of Jan. 5, five patients were in the Intensive Care Unit; four were on ventilators. "The numbers are the same, which means we're really not decreasing. The number of people coming in and being discharged is pretty constant," said Kelly. "This goes to the mantra we've been saying. Social distancing is ex tremely impor tant, as is wearing masks and good hand hygiene. We really have to keep our vigilance up on that." On the vaccination front, Yale New Haven Health System has inocu lated 15,000 hea lthca re workers since Dec. 15. Greenwich Hospital has vaccinated 1, 300 employe e s so fa r, w it h some people getting their final shots. Greenw ich Hospital w ill expand its vaccinations outward
when word comes down from the state on who will be next in line. Kelly urged residents to get vaccinated when their number is called. "When it comes time, it will be very important. We really need 80% of the public to help curb the spread of this pandemic," she said. Camillo added that the town w ill put out information on vaccinations when it becomes ava i la ble a nd when t he t i me comes for the public to get their shots. "Rather than getting things out there and having to adjust, we don't want to put out information that people are going to take to the bank, and then find out we had to backtrack a little bit," he said. Phase 1B of the distribution, which could include people aged 75 and above, along with frontline essential workers, could begin as early as the end of January or early February. Camillo gave an update on Gr e enw ich Poi nt, wh ich s aw 4,762 visitors last week, and 2,700 vehicles. Six hundred vehicles had to be turned away because they had no Greenwich ID. "We are going to be extending the people at the booth until the end of the month. We're still in that zone with capacity limits there. I know it's frustrating for a lot of people who live out of town and come in the w inter time, but we're still in the middle of a pandemic. As soon as we're able
to, we'll get back to normal with visitations from people outside our town borders, but we're not there yet," Camillo said. Since the pandemic began, the demand to get outside and remain active in a safe way has increased. Camillo said he recently spoke with a property owner in town who was look ing to renovate. The man asked Camillo what he thought, and Camillo suggested the creation of more space -- a smaller footprint for the building itself, but more space for outdoor activity. "Not only aesthetically is it nice, but it gives you that ability i f G od forbid t here's a not her pandemic, to be outside without having to always get every single inch via permit with the town," he said. Kelly said that outdoor space has been very important in the healthcare industry, and it's part of Greenwich Hospital's vision with its new cancer center. " We s h o u l d b e u s i n g t h e outside more, we should be using fresh air more," Kelly said. "On the proposal for the cancer center that we're trying to work through, we actually have outside space that's adjacent to each of our infusion bays. For people who are sitting there getting an infusion, if they want to do part of that treatment in the outside space, that's part of our vision." Greenw ich week ly COV I D br ie f i n g s w i l l c ont i nu e i nto
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March This is invariably a hard time to be Pisces with the Sun in the most sensitive area of your chart. But there is still a lot you can do to make your life lighter and brighter. Start by dwelling on the things going right instead of on those going wrong.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If you need to change your lifestyle in any way this is the time to do so. Most important just now is your health so avoid anything that might put your wellbeing at risk – even if the risk is relatively small. If you feel the strain, stop immediately.
ARIES 21 March-20 April It may be tempting to impose your views on others but it will be self-defeating. If they’re too dim to see sense it’s not your job to convert or convince them. Focus on your own ideas and behaviour: are they as positive and progressive as they could be?
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct There should be a spring in your step this week. The Sun’s move into your fellow Air sign of Aquarius means the best time of the year is about to begin and it’s going to be something truly special. Creatively and romantically you can do no wrong, not even if you try.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May The Sun’s transit of the midheaven angle of your chart makes you capable of great things. As you already are, of course, but the current cosmic setup will give you a major boost. Don’t be afraid to step into the limelight – it won’t hurt a bit.
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Letting go of unrealistic ideas and assumptions will be easier than usual this week as your outlook changes with the Sun’s change of signs. Don’t snap at loved ones if they try to point out where you’ve been going wrong. They’re just trying to help.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June The Sun alongside life-enhancing Jupiter in Aquarius for the next four weeks will make you feel good about yourself and, more importantly, reawaken your sense of adventure. Deny yourself nothing. Let your desires set the agenda for once.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Whatever the pressure you won’t crack this week – in fact, you’ll rather enjoy being put to the test. The Sun’s change of signs will give you that extra bit of confidence to see challenges as opportunities and setbacks as blessings in disguise.
CANCER 22 June-23 July Intriguing opportunities will come your way this week but will you have the courage to make use of them? It may be true that you have to risk a lot to gain a lot but there is still the chance you’ll lose it all. Gamble if you dare but weigh the odds carefully.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan You will have to be a bit more responsible, and a bit more responsive to the needs of others, now that the Sun is leaving your birth sign. You will also have to take money issues more seriously than you have done recently. Which may be just as well.
Discover more about yourself at
Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel
Restaurant Review: Slurping is Encouraged By Emma Barhydt There is something magical about good food. The k ind of food where just the smell alone fills you with a sense of warmth, where ever y bite is somehow better than the last, and where you leave heartily full -- emotionally and physically. In my experience, restaurants are harder to come by than a sparkly, pink unicorn in downtown Manhattan. How lucky for us, then, that we have just such a restaurant in our backyard. Just over the border in Stamford sits our unicorn, ripe for the tasting. Mecha Noodle Bar (slurping encouraged) is just such a restaurant. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve gone to Mecha, at this point walking in the doors feels like coming home. I’m friends with some of the bartenders and servers, and I think they’re starting to question whether or not I know how to cook my own food. Before the lock down happened, I went to Mecha probably two or three times a week from September to February. I’m not going to do that math, both because I’m terrible at math and because I don’t want to know… The point being that I have been to Mecha a lot - enough so that any reasonable person would be sick of the food already, r ig ht? Wr ong. S o completely wrong. Every time I go, the food is somehow still as good if not better than the last time I went. This isn’t even an uncommon occurrence. One of the bartenders I speak with has said that Mecha has a “cult following” and that people here are a particularly intense version of regular customers, often coming even more than I did. Another bartender has said that “once you eat here, you’re a customer for life.”
That is how good the food is. I’ve been frequenting Mecha since a dreary, snowy day in December of 2018 and the food has only gotten better since then. Mecha has an interesting mix of southeastern Asian food that makes their menu completely unique. I’ve never seen another restaurant with a selection quite like Mecha’s. Mecha means mom and pop in Vietnamese - an homage to the heritage of the company. While Mecha may incorporate many different Asian flavors, don’t call them f usion! Mecha, i n thei r ow n words, is an “A mericanV i e t n a m e s e -J a p a n e s e -T h a i Chinese-Korean-New EnglandMomofuku-Totto-and-Ippudoinspired” restaurant. Their menu is both perfectly balanced and eclectic. The main focus of their menu is broth dishes like Vietnamese pho and Japanese ramen balanced by smaller dishes like steamed buns, dumplings, and other “snacks” as well as seasonal specialties. Part of what makes it so easy to eat there time after time is the sheer number of food combinations you can make to create a different dining experience every time you go there. I heavily encourage you to try everything on the menu. I’ve had the whole menu, and while I prefer some dishes over others, I’ve never had a bad dish. Seriously, not one dish has been bad. There are, however, a couple of dishes to die for. The first thing you must try on the menu is actually a snack. It’s their “KFC” - Korean fried chicken. In my humble opinion it is the single best thing on their menu. This snack is perfectly balanced in both flavor and texture. It’s never too rich or too light and it’s always delicious. The dish combines
There is something magical about (really, really, really) good food. gochujang (red chili paste), pickled daikon-carrots, kewpie (Japanese mayo), and of course Korean fried chicken in one delicious, soft, and bouncy steamed bun. The ot her snack I a lways order is the roasted mushroom dumplings. It’s a perfect dish for a cold winter day. Crispy dumplings come stuffed with mushrooms on a rich and decadent bed of brown butter miso sauce, surrounded by arugula. It fills you with warmth, and while it is on the more rich side you can balance it out with the other dishes you choose. As for main dishes you can’t go wrong with any of their phos or ramens.
My particular favorite (and their f lagship dish) is the tonkotsu ramen. The tonkotsu ramen takes traditional pork broth, chashu (braised pork belly), corn, butter, scallions, and soft-boiled eggs and combines everything into a symphony for your tastebuds. Mecha also has an amazing selection of vegetarian options with dishes like shiitake mushroom steamed buns, a miso kale salad (which my mother requests three of for takeaway every time I go to Mecha), and vegetable noodle options. If you have other dietary restrictions or preferences just be sure to tell your server - they’re
able to accommodate just about anything you need. While they don’t have a dessert menu (unless you know who to ask), they do have a well-rounded drink menu to finish off your night. Their drinks are interesting and unique. My particular favorite drink is the “grow a pear” which is bourbon, spiced pear, nonino amaro, honey, ginger, and lemon. It’s an intense flavor combination that never comes off too heavy. Their cocktails are always something new and different, but they do also have more traditional drinks like beer or wine, as well as Sake.
After experiencing the f lavor explosion that is Mecha, you’ll never be the same again. It’s the kind of restaurant that people either love or hate, and if you love it you’ll never stop going back. Mecha is the perfect restaurant - warm, inviting, delicious. And it never takes itself too seriously. But do you want to know what the best part is? The food, obviously! But also, the people. The people who work there and frequent Mecha are some of the funniest, most interesting people I know, and they elevate your dinner from just a fantastic meal to a fantastic experience where you want to keep coming back again and again. I drag everyone I possibly can to Mecha. New friends, old friends, business partners, my boyfriend, and even my parents. I hope that after reading this, I have now emotionally dragged you to Mecha as well. When you go (and go again and again), remember… slurping is encouraged! Mecha is located: FAIRFIELD CT 1215 POST ROAD FAIRFIELD, CT 06824 (203) 292-8222 NORWALK CT 116 WASHINGTON STREET NORWALK, CT 06854 (203) 295-8718 NEW HAVEN CT 201 CROWN ST NEW HAVEN, CT 06511 (203) 691-9671 STAMFORD CT 151 BEDFORD STREET, STAMFORD, CT 06901 (203) 801-7577
Why Are You Still Eating Regular Bread?
By Emma Barhydt
This recipe is a personal favorite. It can be eaten at literally any time day or night w ith almost any topping and it always tastes good. To d a y ’s r e c i p e i s C h e e s y Bread. Cheese in general has a special place in my heart, but good warm cheesy bread really takes the cake (badum tiss). Enjoy! 1 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded on large holes of box grater 3 cups unbleached allpurpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon table salt
⅛ teaspoon ground black pepper About 1 cup of extra-sharp cheddar cheese, cut into ½-inch cubes, or mild Asiago, crumbled into ¼- to ½-inch pieces 1 ¼ cups whole milk 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1 large egg beaten lightly ¾ cup sour cream -Adjust oven rack to middle position; heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 5 by 9-inch loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray, then sprinkle 1/2 cup Parmesan evenly in bottom of pan.-In large bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, cayenne, salt, and pepper to combine. Using rubber spatula, mix in
-Bake until deep golden brow n and toothpick or skewer inserted in center of loaf comes out clean, 45 to 50 minutes. Cool in pan on wire rack 5 minutes; invert loaf from pan and continue to cool until warm, about 45 minutes. Cut into slices and serve.
cheddar or Asiago, breaking up clumps, until cheese is coated with f lour. In medium bowl, whisk together milk, melted butter, egg, and sour cream. Using rubber spatula, gently fold wet ingredients i nto d r y i ng re d ients u nt i l
just combined (batter w ill be heavy and thick). Do not overmix. Scrape batter into prepared loaf pan; spread to sides of pan and level surface with rubber spatula. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup Parmesan evenly over surface.
-Freezi ng I nstr uctions: Although the recipe title Quick Cheese Bread is no misnomer (the batter is in the pan in 15 minutes), when you add time for baking and cooling, the recipe does require a total of two hours. Luckily, like many of our other bread recipes, a baked loaf of cheese bread freezes beautifully, meaning
a wa r m loa f ne e d b e on ly minutes away. To freeze the bread, wrap the cooled loaf tightly with a double layer of aluminum foil and place in the freezer; it will keep for up to three months. When you’re ready to serve the bread, place the frozen, wrapped loaf on the middle rack of a preheated 375 -de g re e oven a nd he at for eight to 10 minutes, until the loaf yields under gentle pressure. Remove the foil and return the unwrapped bread to the oven for f ive minutes to crisp the exterior. Take the bread out of the oven and let cool on a rack for 15 minutes to make slicing easier. Enjoy.
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Reclaiming the Center
By Marek Zabriskie This is past week we w itnessed one of the most trying moments in our nation’s history as fellow Americans attacked our Capitol and threatened hundreds of police, legislators and staffers. While some say, “This is not America,” it actually is part of America. We have empowered some of our basest, angriest and least discriminating thinkers to want to “take back” America. We have pandered to lies, enabled bad leadership and d i v i s i ve b e h av i o r, t u r n e d facts into fiction, and attacked the press. We are starting to resemble a banana republic led by a dictator. So, how do we move forward and repair our wounded nation? One answer is to stop feeding the dualistic thinking, the “us against them outlook” and tribal loyalty that refuses to see any
faults in our leaders or party. Many act as if they are in a cult, taking in only information that reinforces their biases and listening to talking heads that leave us barking mad. The author of John’s Gospel divides the world into light and dark, good and evil, spirit and flesh, God and Satan, Jew and Gentile, life and death in order to force readers to make stark choices. John is a binary thinker. but dualistic thinking can be dangerous. Today, we have created countless divisions – Republican vs Democrat, Red State vs Blue State, conservative vs liberal, black and white, male/female, gay/straight. It’s perilously divided. None of us sees the truth unfiltered. We all see reality through the lens of our gender, race, age, religion, nationality, political outlook, etc. And just as social media and the internet h ave h e l p e d t o r a d i c a l i z e Islamic extremists, these tools are now being used to turn us on each other. Cherished friends, family, col le ag ue s, a nd neig h b ors say, “If that’s what you think, unfriend me.” The time has c ome to he a l , r eu n ite a nd reclaim the center.
I believe that God is inviting us to adopt a more generous-spirited way of seeing the world, and to move away from our binary, us against them outlook, and reclaim the middle ground, where we can unite and heal our nation. In 1352 A.D. the English Commons began meeting in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey, adopting the Benedictine principle of one person, one vote. Hence, democracy was born in a Benedictine Abbey. W hen Hen r y V I I I, k i ng o f E n g l a n d , d i s s o l ve d t h e monasteries in 1536, venerable Catholic monasteries became Anglican cathedrals and adopted St. Benedict’s spiritual concept of the via media or middle way. This implies that truth is found in the center rather than in any extreme polarities. Take any polarized issue, note the extreme views, then find the middle ground. That is where Christians are called to be. We
are to maintain the center and never side with extremists. I believe that God is inviting us to adopt a more generousspirited way of seeing the world, and to move away from our binary, us against them outlook, and reclaim the middle ground, where we can unite and heal our nation. The insurrection in Washington took place on the Feast of the Epiphany, which is one of the holiest days of the year, where we celebrate three Wise Men, who followed a star to find Jesus. Now more than ever, we need Wise Men and Women, people of good character who put their faith and values ahead of their political careers or their
selfish desires to pillage and destroy. On January 6, our nation and world had an epiphany. We saw what could happen if we move to the extremes and the center does not hold. Fortunately, the center held. Democracy prevailed. But Democracy is fragile. It has been gravely threatened, and if we permit the spread of lies, misinformation and malicious attacks, it can be destroyed. William Sloan Coffin once said: Th e worl d s wi n gs on a n ethical hinge. Loosen that hinge and all of history and even nature will feel the shock. We now find ourselves in a political and social wilderness. Fortunately, God often appears in
the wilderness. Sarah, Abraham, Hagar, David, Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus encountered God in the wilderness. It’s in the barren places of life where we have our epiphanies. I n the w i lder ness, Joh n the Baptist displayed humility, pointing to Jesus and saying, “I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandal.” We need humble leaders for pride corrupts. Wit hout hu m i l it y t here can be no civil society, healthy ma r r iage , t r ue f r iendsh ip, f a m i l y, c i v i l d i s c o u r s e o r democracy. Humility means that we are always growing and gleaning wisdom. I suspect that when our elected of f icials f led dow n secret corridors fearing for their lives surrounded by heavily armed SWAT teams, they had an epiphany and realized that the time has come to avoid polarization and reclaim the m i d d l e g r o u n d . We m u s t demand that they do so. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart… Blessed are the peacemakers.” The time has come for us to meet in the middle and reconcile. The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie i s Re c t o r o f C h r i s t C h u r c h Greenwich
What Is Hateful To You, Don't Do To Anyone Else
By Mitchell Hurvitz Last week's violent mob attack at the U.S. Capitol was a continuation of Charlottesville 2017. The location was different, but the situation was the same. Hate g roup members felt encouraged and permitted to come out from the darkness and raise their fists. A truism within our lives is that words matter, both what is said and what is not said. When leaders morally equivocate, violence rationalized, hate not actively combatted, and good people stay silent for too long, bad things are bound to happen. Charlottesville 2017 didn't merely occur, and neither did D.C. 2021. Judaism posits the formula for the Golden Rule as "what is hateful to you, don't do to anyone else." Th is la ng uage is the starting point for understanding that ever y hu ma n being is created equally in the image of God. God calls upon us to refrain
from any improper actions to others that we would not want to be done to ourselves. But, refraining from improper action is the starting point for our moral behavior. God commands: "justice, justice you shall pursue" and "do not stand idly by while your neighbor is bleeding." On January 18th, our Nation observes together the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday that commemorates Rev. King's life and Civil Rights legacy. MLK Day is described as "a day on, not a day off," and it is the only federa l hol iday desig nated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. God's intention, and God's servants like Rev. King, understand that every day is a "day on" by which we are called to improve our communities' lives. Charlottesville and D.C. are causalities to our failure to do enough. Most terrible events in histor y come about as a consequence of good people not doing enough. There is a natural tendency to blame others when bad things occur, but the blame game serves little purpose. Looking back is only useful when it focuses on the here and
We ask God to plant within us: "Love and Companionship" and "Peace and Friendship." now and what we desire for our future. What are we doing to e n g e n d e r l ove w i t h i n o u r communities actively? How a re we developi ng meaningful relationships with people different than ourselves, not merely a tolerance of the "other," but a real "love" of the other? It should be emphasized that this real "love" is not a feeling within our heart but a call for sacred words and actions in every aspect of our relationships. If we want to change course for our Country, it begins with building real bridges with those who think dif ferently from us, look different from us, act differently from us, etc. Leadership should seek the opportunity to hear the concerns, validate the feelings, and build a broader consensus on moving forward best together. American citizenry needs to reaffirm our collective commitment that we
are all created equally in the image of God, and we, in words and actions, must actively love one another. The COVID 19 pandemic attacks all human beings; no one has a natural immunity to be safe. We all understood that a safe vaccine needed to be created and distributed to save life as quickly and efficiently as possible. Hate and evil is the historically constant "virus" that attacks all human beings. There is no "natural" immunity. The only way to combat hatred is to quickly and efficiently implement the words and actions that save lives. Suppose you are aware of hate speech that attacks an individual or a group because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, etc. In that case, you can engage in "counterspeech." When you witness hate, make a point to stand up and speak
out for eq ua l it y, d iversit y, and inclusivity. Respond to hate speech with loving and compassionate words and stick to logic and verified truths, not personal feelings. It is essential to take on the educator's role when we witness hate and reach out to the victim with our empathy. We also help foster a better future when we actively search out the opportunities to combat injustice and fulf ill Tik kun Olan (To Repair the World). Lack of preparedness has never been a good option. Within our Prayer-book, we offer every Sabbath the Prayer for our Country. We ask God to share with all of us blessings upon our Nation: "Our Land," "Our Inhabitants," "Our Leaders." We ask G od to g rant us all: "Peace and Security" and "Happiness and Freedom." We ask God to share the Divine Spirit of Love within all
the inhabitants of our Nation, to uproot from our hearts: "Hatred a nd Ma l ice" a nd "Je a lousy and Strife." We ask God to plant within us: "Love and Companionship" and "Peace and Friendship." We ask God to grant us the knowledge to: "Judge Justly" and "Act with Compassion and Courage." Finally, we ask God that our Nation be a blessing to all who dwell on earth so that we might live together in: "Friendship and Freedom." P rayer f u l words of love a r e ne e de d to pr ompt ou r sacred actions. We ask God for help, but ultimately we are the ones who have to become God's "Outstretched Arm of Deliverance." To g e t h e r, w e r e c e n t l y celebrated our New Year, and it has not been a good start. But, with new resolve, solidarity, and hope, let's create the sacred environment of love and caring for each other that God wants for us. B'Shalom U'vracha – With Peace & Blessings, Rabbi Mitchell M. Hurvitz is the Senior Rabbi at Temple Sholom and the immediate past president of the Greenwich Fellowship of Clergy
Lament Helps Us See with Fresh Eyes
By Ed Horstman There is a word that describes our response when we feel overwhelmed by the onset of tragedy and disorder. That word is lament. To lament is to know firsthand the deep ache of grief that can well up within us when life is lost and the foundations of hope and human flourishing are shattered. As awful as it can be to know this rending pain, to lament can also be a movement in the direction of healing. As the theologian, Nicholas Wolterstorff, said after the death of his son: “I shall look at the world through tears. Perhaps I shall see things that dry-eyed I could not see.” I lament the events that took place in the nation’s capitol on January 6, 2021. It broke my heart to see the devastation that
occurred there, and I watched it through tears. Five people died, a treasured public space was desecrated, and we witnessed an attack on democratic values and institutions by a mob of people driven by rage and Lord knows what else. On that day the largest crime scene in the United States of America was located in and around the Capitol Building. While trying to absorb this staggering news I wondered: when are we ever going to use t he word “u npre ce dente d” without attaching to it a negative meaning? The combination of global pandemic and ongoing threats to the natural environment gives us cause to believe that we are living at a time of “unprecedented” crisis. We have witnessed an “unprecedented” ref usal to accept the results of a national ele c t ion . W hen P r e sidentelect Joe Biden issued a statement on Januar y 6 he said, “Our democracy is under unprecedented assault.” W h at to ok plac e i n t he Capitol Building in Washington D.C. was an insurrection, a wanton act of violence and desecration, and through public speeches and social media posts
and visible physical gestures, some of our nation’s elected leaders encouraged those outrageous acts. They gave permission for those so inclined to destroy, frighten, and subdue. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of those who died or were wounded, and my gratitude to the law enforcement officials who set
the work they were meant to do and so certified Joe Biden as President of the United States of America and Kamala Harris as Vice President. I also need to pray for those who carried out violent actions on January 6. If we are ever deserving of prayer, it is when we have ceased to regard others as fully human, and in doing
the most beautiful thing in the world to be part of an endeavor that might one day come to be described as an “unprecedented” act of generosity and caring? So, dream a little dream with me, or dream a dream larger than life, about how we can make 2021 a year of “unprecedented” commitment to the future well being of the world. About how we can make that question the main topic of daily conversation. Just imagine how great our country might be if we can begin to see “unprecedented” goodness and justice in its future. I believe that God is always at work in us and with us and for us to bring new life from disaster, new hope from shock, new love from old grudges. Our courage to lament the deeply unsettled life of our nation might set us moving in the right direction. We can look at not perceive it?” Not always, the world through tears, and to be perfectly honest. But the see things that dry-eyed we Elusive Presence we call God cannot see. does not need much room to The Rev. Dr. Ed Horstmann work. Maybe our f irst move forward is to clear a little space is the Senior Pastor at Round Hill Community Church. for God to help us match the word “unprecedented” with something good and healing and hopeful. Wouldn’t it be the prayers of others; I hope my devotions can also be a healing force. Nicholas Wolterstor f f is right: lament can help us to see with fresh eyes, and maybe with stronger and more resilient faith. “Even now I am doing a new thing,” says God through the voice of the prophet Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible. “Do you
“Even now I am doing a new thing,” says God through the voice of the prophet Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible. “Do you not perceive it?” Not always, to be perfectly honest. aside their own safety to ensure the security of others. I applaud the efforts of congressional staf fers who rescued the Electoral College ballot boxes from the Senate f loor before the invaders vandalized the Capitol Building. I am proud that our elected leaders rose to the occasion and completed
so become less fully human ourselves. This spirit of prayer did not rise up spontaneously as I watched men and women smash a nd sack t hei r way through the Capitol Building. It has gathered momentum ever so slowly in the days since that violent intrusion. I know what it is like to rely on and benefit from
How We Get Out of This Mess
By Nathan Hart By now there seems to be broad agreement that something is deeply wrong in our society. We have long aspired to be a city shining on a hill, but the light sure appears to be dim or f lickering now. So, what went wrong? In my view the diagnosis can be summarized in two words: narrative and identity. We have lost the narrative and confused our identities. Narrative: Two neighbors living across the street from each other could be living in two different realities depending on which news source they watch. With the society-wide expansion of televised news (and opinion), social media, and “infotainment,” every person is constantly being presented with a version of reality that may or may not be based in actual facts, or they are only hearing about some of the facts. (See: The Social Dilemma on Netflix). The latest iteration of this trend is that one citizen firmly believes t hat t he 2 02 0 pre sident ia l e l e c t i o n w a s s to l e n w h i l e another citizen, living in the same country, firmly believes instead that the 2016 election was interfered with by a foreign power. Both think the other one is crazy or even evil. As long as these competing, splintering narratives exist, a nation has no chance of uniting.
Identity: In previous generations, more people belonged to organizations like t he Rot a r y Clu b, t he tow n softball league, or a local church. Over the last few decades, these local communities have almost entirely collapsed (read Bowling Alone by Robert D. Putnam). These memberships provided space for people with different backgrounds and worldviews to be in close proximity with one another. Those proximate relationships humanized the “other” in meaningful ways. Membership in these clubs was never intended to offer people a complete identity–rarely would a person introduce himself as the first basemen on his town’s softball team–because primary identities were found in higher ideals like patriotism and faith. Nowadays, without proximity to people of differing perspectives, and being isolated in our homes with those above-mentioned narratives constantly offered to us on our screens, we begin seeing ourselves–our primary identities–as belonging to those narratives. One citizen wraps himself in a Trump flag while another proudly displays a BLM yard sign. Both are signals of more than just politics; they are statements of identity. Once we have sublimated our very selves into such narratives, we cannot accept new/different ideas because they come as a t h r e at to ou r e x i s te n c e . Political disagreements become personal attacks that must be avenged. It’s mutually assured destruction. Thank God, there is a solution. If the diagnosis is s u m m a r i z e d i n t h e te r m s na r rative a nd identit y, the solutions are word and worship. Both are time-tested traditions that will offer the best way out
of this mess. Word: The Bi ble (G o d’s word) offers us a complete, better narrative of the grand sweep of history. From Genesis to Revelation, it shows us the universal story to which we all belong, that of a world created perfectly by God, broken by humanity as a result of our sel f ish reb el l ion (si n), but redeemed by the sacrif icial death (grace) of Jesus who will come again to bring all nations under his authority as the King of Kings who conquered death. While we wait for his return, we are called to participate in his restoration plan as people of love and reconciliation in a world still stained by sin. God’s word tells the story of this eternal Kingdom which predates and will outlast all nations. Reading the word, instead of watching the news or scrolling Twitter, reminds us of our place in this better narrative. On a practical level, for example,
and instead spend the hour chatting about the crazy news. But we’re not going to do that. We’re going to step into the eternal story told in Scripture.” We then read a chapter from the New Testament and had a wonderful conversation to start the day. The passage started with the phrase, “We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” (2 Peter 1:16). That’s a statement reminding us that there are false narratives always competing with the Truth. Reading the whole p a s s a ge w it h t ho s e men on Thursday morning, I felt peace and even joy (!) while gaining some hopeful perspective on the previous day’s troubling headlines. I believe that if everyone in our nation started their days in Scripture like this, we would become a far more peaceful and
makes us want to ignore or remove that core piece so that we can replace it with the god of Self. In this distorted state we exhaust ourselves (being our own gods is hard work!) while we endlessly seek other means with which to fill the void. This is what Blaise Pascal described as a God-shaped hole: “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself.” (Pascal’s Pensees, 1670) When we worship God we come back into alignment with the way our core identities were created to be, that is to say, we
Thank God, there is a solution. If the diagnosis is summarized in the terms narrative and identity, the solutions are word and worship. Both are time-tested traditions that will offer the best way out of this mess. last Thursday morning (the day after the riots at the U.S. Capital), I started my day in a men’s Bible study on Zoom. I started the meeting by saying to the twenty participants, “Guys, I’m sure the headlines are top-of-mind for all of us this morning. I feel tempted to set aside this week’s Bible passage
united people. We would all belong to the same story. Worship: The solution to our identity problem is found in how we worship. Each person was created with a divine stamp (or “image”: see Genesis 1:27) at the core of who we are. This means that God defines our identity. But our own sinful selfishness
behold who we truly are and who God truly is: creatures with a Creator, sinners who have a Forgiver of Sins, sheep in the care of a Good Shepherd. Our identities are collected into the glorious identity of God; we are safe in him. In worship, when we sing the hymn Rock of Ages, for example, we behold
these truths in the opening line: “Rock of Ages, cleft for me; let me hide myself in Thee.” (Augustus Toplady, 1776). Or in a more contemporary praise s ong we si ng t he s e wor d s to God: “You’re a good, good Father, it’s who You are… And I’m loved by You, it’s who I am.” (Chris Tomlin, 2015). These are identity statements that ground us in eternal realities. Without routinely worshiping, we forget who we are and who God is. We are left vulnerable to fill our God-shaped holes with imitation identities offered by the prevailing false narratives of the day. Falsehoods can never really satisfy us, but worshiping God brings us back into the Truth. Word and worship. These are our ways out of the mess we’re in. The solution is not political but spiritual. It’s not in revenge but grace. It’s not in ourselves or our screens, but comes from God and his word. So, t hat ’s t he d iag nosis and remedy. Now here’s the prescription: Join a Bible study that actually studies the Bible. Attend every week. Read the wor d i n com mu n it y. A l s o, worship. Sing! This can be done even through virtual worship services but is best experienced in person. How will we get out of this mess caused by narrative and identity problems? Through word and worship. Let’s get to it. It’s our only hope of once again becoming a light shining on a hill. The Rev. Dr. Nathan Hart is the Senior Pastor at Stanwich Church, receiving his Masters f rom P r i n c eton Th e olog ic a l Seminary and his Doctorate from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Following the Prince of Peace If it's not about love, it's not about God.
By Stephanie Johnson A My heart is heav y and sad for our nation. From conversations with many of our parishioners, I have also heard their grief and worry over our country. As a people of faith, we turn to God in our moments of
worry and fear knowing that God is ever present. In a v irtual prayer v ig il o n We d n e s d a y n i g h t , o u r congregation gathered together to pray to God for healing and courage, to mourn those who were wounded and died, for all our elected leadership and those who were traumatized by the destruction at the Capitol. We also pealed the church bells into the cold dark winter night, not as a sign of mourning or a death knell for our nation, but rather a vibrant sound of our conviction that God is still with us. As followers of Jesus who sought peace, we condemn
all violence but this week we most particularly condemn the violence which erupted in our nation’s Capitol on Wednesday afternoon as a threat to our shared values as a democratic n a t i o n . We a r e c a l l e d t o recognize that these actions threaten all our desires for justice equality, and a peaceful nation, while further breaking open the deep divide we face as a country. I am so very mindful that these horrific events of violence h ap p e n e d o n t h e Fe a s t o f Epiphany, the last day of our Christmastide celebration. It is the day when we remember
that the violent desire of Herod to maintain power included slaughtering innocent children when he felt threatened by Jesus, the new born King. It is a stark reminder that the human desire for power and control can come at an incredibly deep cost to innocent people. Yet importantly Epiphany is a feast
day when we celebrate that the Light manifest in Jesus would overcome the darkness and that the Prince of Peace would reign in our hearts and minds, guiding us into action of love and care for all. As the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry often says “if it’s not
about love, it’s not about God.” Our nation and community need the light of love to shine through in these dark days. May you all be guided to share and spread that love to help in the healing of our nation. The Rev. Stephanie Johnson is the Rector of St. Paul’s Church in Riverside.
On My Watch
Sounding Out Our Religious Leaders At A Difficult Time By Anne W. Semmes
With five days to go before our government of the people, by the people, and for the people transitions to a new commander in chief, we’re surely saturated by the views of politicians, historians, and newscasters on the events of January 6. So, I thought to sound out how our town’s religious leaders are addressing this fractious and divided time, and reached out to a number of them to share their sermons last Sunday. What I learned both consoled me and surprised me. Rabbi Mitchell “Mitch” Hurvitz of Temple Sholom described last week’s “violent mob attack at the U.S. Capitol as “a continuation of Charlottesville 2017… Hate group members felt encouraged and permitted to come out from the darkness and raise their f ists. When leaders morally equivocate, violence rationalized, hate not actively combatted, and good people stay silent for too long, bad things are bound to happen…Judaism posits the formula for the Golden Rule as ‘what is hateful to you, don't do to anyone else.’ This language is the starting point for understanding that every human being is created equally in the image of God.” “If we want to change course for our Country,” he said, “it begins with building real bridges with those who think differently from us, look different from us, act differently from us, etc. Leadership should seek the opportunity to hear the concerns, validate the feelings, and build a broader consensus on
moving forward best together.” R e v ’d Te d P a r d o e o f S t . B a r n a b a s Episcopal Church began his sermon sharing that two days after the Capitol siege the head of the Episcopal Church in the U.S., Presiding Bishop Michael Curry “had joined with other church leaders and the National Council of Churches to send a letter to Vice President Pence, demanding that the President be removed from office.” Pardoe spoke of the numerous “Jesus Saves” signs seen outside the Capitol. A Virginia friend had pointed out to him of those in the crowd wearing the Proud Boy organization t-shirts. "Did you happen to notice the logo on the T- shirts of 6MWE?” his friend asked, “The 6MWE stands for 6 million Jews wasn't enough, referring to the 6 million Jewish people who died in the Holocaust.” Pardoe was also informed about the presence of the Jericho March [motto: “pray, march, fast, and rally for election integrity”] in the Capitol siege that was formed soon after the November elections. “This group has allegedly been peacefully protesting the election in state capitals across the country.” “Now to have had this Wednesday event occur on the Epiphany,” Pardoe said, “This is one of my favorite times of the church year… with the wise men arriving at Jesus's bedside to offer him their gifts and to indeed manifest this son of God being with us. And then after Epiphany comes today, the Sunday of the baptism of our Lord.” “I don't know how we're going to find our
way forward,” concluded Pardoe, “But I know that we have a very, very critical time that we're facing. Because many of the people who stormed the Capitol would profess to be Christians. So how will we find the way to share God's love and mercy, and justice with brothers and sisters in Christ to whom God, that voice from heaven said "You are my beloved. With you I am well pleased.” That's a huge challenge, but it's one that we need to think and pray about as the days and weeks unfold here in 2021.” At Harvest Time Church, the Rev. Glenn A. Harvison did not address the violence in Washington DC in his sermon. “We have started a new Sunday sermon series in 2021 on the Life of Christ.” But prior to his sermon he shared a scripture verse from Isaiah 26:34. “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock." And he encouraged his Harvest Time Church family “to neither succumb to anxiety nor anger, but to remain prayerful and hopeful. We then shared a prayer for peace.” From Senior Pastor Patrick Collins, of the First Congregational Church came, “As I thought and as I prayed about what words to offer this morning, I was drawn to one word in particular – grounded. So much of what I was encountering and consuming, the passionate pleas and deep laments - they’ve left me feeling afloat, lost and fearful. “Now, don’t get me wrong. Those pleas
and laments, they are good and necessary. We need those deep and visceral emotions. We need to feel the sting, unleash the anger, and unmask the wrongs all around us if we are to move forward. But I could not escape that sense of feeling lost. And so, I turned to the scripture for this week the story of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptizer to see if I could find that sense of grounding, connection and purpose.” “And as they always seem to do, these stories from these ancient texts, they do speak to us in our current condition. These deeply spiritual and remarkably human stories, time and again help us to realize that we are not the first humans to experience this civil unrest and violence… “Jesus stepped into the baptismal waters and emerged from the wilderness with a sense of identity and a clear purpose…To build a world where diversity is valued… Where violence is never the solution to our problems.” Ye s , i n d e e d , w e a r e s e e i n g t h o s e discordant and distressing views expressed across our American landscape. But these religious leaders are describing what holds us together, our faith, our ideals, our sense of what is right and wrong. They are showing “a hopeful pathway forward.” So, let us think positive with the words of Herman Melville, “We Americans are the peculiar chosen people – the Israel of our time; we bear the ark of the liberties of the world.”
Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel
Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!
Code Breakers
Word Search
Each number in the Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this Presidents - Find the 22 last names listed below in this box of letters. Words are horizontal, puzzle, 12 represents C, 26 represents I and 17 represents R, so fill in C wherever 12 vertical, and diagonal backward and forward. Answer on page 12 appears, I wherever 26 appears and R wherever 17 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid. Answers on page 12. 19
Adams Bush Carter Ford
Crossword 1
Roosevelt Taft Taylor Trump
Tyler Wilson
20 24
31 37
32 38
33 39
38 Egyptian solar deity 39 Legs it 40 Throw 41 Corrosive chemicals 42 Since 43 Canter 44 Surrealist Jean --45 Short musical passages 47 Dearths 50 Rider Haggard romance 51 Clash 52 Narrow road 53 The Queen City 57 Otherwise 58 Oil well firefighter Red --59 Terrible Russian leader 60 Morose 61 Specifically 62 Fencing stake 63 Storm centers
I T N O E N S C R T I Obama Pierce Polk Reagan
ACROSS 1 Turnpike exit 5 Reverential 9 Frown 14 60% of us live here 15 Of sound judgment 16 Carried 17 Former CIA director Porter --18 Electrical devices 20 Goals 21 Central 22 Reactor safety overseer: Abbr. 23 Crimson 25 Shuns 29 Kvetch 30 Hot air 31 Street guide 32 Severe 34 Spark generator 35 Scotch companion 36 Perfectly 37 Take pictures
44 47
Kennedy McKinley Monroe Nixon
Grant Harding Hayes Hoover
50 53
Anagram Crossword
29 32
DOWN 1 Fumed 2 Together 3 Minor crime 4 Travel documents 5 Get up 6 Rubbed off 7 Spot 8 Destructive computer key 9 Stiffener 10 Shell which can be blown 11 How some stocks are traded (Abbr.) 12 The --- small hours 13 S L C church 19 One way to preserve food 24 Scurried 25 Poet whose work led to "Cats" 26 Passionately 27 Walked kneedeep through water
46 48
28 Crosses 30 Fillip 32 Bag supporter 33 Knotty 34 Total confusion 35 Blasphemy 37 Filter out 41 Ambition 43 Collarless short-sleeved top 44 Devil dog 46 Computer information exchange code 47 Deadly 48 Follow 49 Appears 51 Programming language 53 Twin-hulled vessel (Abbr.) 54 Statement of agreement at the altar 55 Rural negative
ACROSS 1 Tahh 5 Ealmf 10 Iparc 11 Enulnst 13 Dovia 14 Ngriaco 15 Eseapskb 17 Uutt 18 Tna 19 Yks 20 Dsuef 21 Loal 23 Rpoer 25 Omept
27 Sadma 30 Snuta 32 Tael 34 Tgnsa 37 Aet 39 Rja 40 Eest 41 Helotarp 43 Ctpailo 45 Srukl 46 Egatnsm 47 Eigla 48 Sgool 49 Noys
DOWN 1 Nvaoeth 2 Plotsea 3 Irpt 4 Sdieh 5 Rusf 6 Gnl 7 Uanrtlaa 8 Sneum 9 Tilee 10 Lbaac 11 Kooty 12 Ucds 16 Nrkoa 20 Def
22 Samisgna 24 Esatp 26 Tpu 28 Rjaionm 29 Katlrys 31 Slelt 33 Seear 34 Otma 35 Lpean 36 Otegg 38 Sltaa 41 Tasp 42 Guoh 44 Oec
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Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 11.
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Page 18 | Greenwich Sentinel
A new level of commitment, and honesty in Real Estate.
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
List Price
7 River Road Slip F-1 Road 1465 Putnam Avenue 208 21 Putnam Park 21 17 Pemberwick Road 75 Richland Road A 17 Buena Vista Drive 60 Orchard Street 70 Riverdale Avenue 1004 14 Scott Lane 1 Putnam Hill Road 1G 70 Riverdale Avenue 703 51 Forest Avenue 53 40 Ettl Lane UNIT 5 522 Lyon Farm Drive 522 292 Davis Avenue B 2 Tree Top Terrace 1 Fairfield Avenue 67 Stonehedge Drive S 30 Heusted Drive 282 Sound Beach Avenue 311 Sound Beach Avenue 24 Stag Lane 24 Martin Dale North 41 Baldwin Farms N 21 Maher Avenue 54 Dingletown Road 120 Zaccheus Mead Lane 291 Round Hill Road 35 Bramble Lane 2 Midwood Road 477 Riversville Road 33 Broad Road 6 Khakum Drive 5 Meadow Wood Drive 44 Glen Avon Drive 504 North Street 38 Quail Road 1127 Lake Avenue 15 Reynwood Manor
$98,000 $399,000 $435,000 $450,000 $700,000 $710,000 $775,000 $775,000 $795,000 $799,000 $799,000 $825,000 $850,000 $950,000 $1,399,000 $1,495,000 $1,499,000 $1,545,000 $1,699,000 $1,895,000 $2,150,000 $2,175,000 $2,300,000 $2,800,000 $2,850,000 $2,995,000 $3,100,000 $3,650,000 $3,695,000 $3,700,000 $3,999,000 $4,695,000 $4,995,000 $4,995,000 $5,695,000 $6,495,000 $6,795,000 $7,095,000 $8,275,000
Price/ SqFt
$381 $290 $629 $398 $396 $398 $506 $361 $554 $415 $499 $639 $556 $592 $410 $799 $767 $606 $524 $605 $589 $855 $533 $591 $802 $672 $745 $490 $954 $610 $546 $927 $388 $755 $868 $852
1,182 2,418 1,128 1,948 1,956 1,996 1,580 2,215 1,488 2,050 1,904 2,188 2,688 2,534 3,772 2,126 2,472 3,546 4,149 3,801 4,754 3,333 5,619 5,246 4,553 5,498 4,965 8,159 4,922 8,193 9,141 6,141 16,758 9,000 8,177 9,712
0.14 0 0.24 0.17 0 0.48 0 0 0 0 0 0.46 0.12 1.54 0.17 0.21 0 4.08 0.47 2.8 0.37 1.54 1.01 1.73 0.29 1.4 5.65 0.9 3.39 1.13 0.73 3.33 2.1 13 9.43
Greenwich 136 East Putnam Avenue |
0 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 6 4 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 6 7 7 5 5
0 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 4 6 5 5 8 4 7 5 6 7 7 5 5
Cos Cob Old Greenwich South of Post Road Pemberwick Byram Glenville Cos Cob Glenville Banksville South of Post Road Glenville Old Greenwich Glenville Glenville South of Post Road Glenville Old Greenwich Glenville Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich North Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway Riverside South Parkway Glenville South of Post Road South Parkway South of Post Road Riverside South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway North Parkway
©2020 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092
51 Forest Avenue #150 14 Scott Lane 19 Richmond Drive 10 Brook Drive 2 Tree Top Terrace 27 Linwood Avenue 1076 Lake Avenue 282 Round Hill Road 504 North Street 18 Lower Cross Road 18 Lower Cross Road 2 Tree Top Terrace
Old Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
$3,800 $795,000 $1,195,000 $1,265,000 $1,495,000 $2,650,000 $3,200,000 $3,750,000 $6,495,000 $6,995,000 $6,995,000
Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 11-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1:30-3:30 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 11-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM
Keller Williams Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address Original List 52 Lafayette Place 1A $425,000 4 Lafayette Court 3A $645,000 312 Lyon Farm Drive 312 $1,225,000 18 Wyndover Lane $1,200,000 39 Crawford Terrace $1,250,000 59 Stanwich Road $1,395,000 209 Palmer Hill Road $1,769,000 7 Chapel Lane $1,895,000 339 Stanwich Road $1,895,000 11 Partridge Hill Lane $2,495,000 19 Rockwood Lane $2,195,000 642 Lake Avenue $2,595,000 11 Palmer Lane $2,545,000 124 Havemeyer Place $2,900,000 125 Field Point Road PH A6 $3,575,000 20 Steeple Chase $3,500,000 132 Lockwood Road $4,395,000 77 Rockwood Lane $4,600,000 12 Stanwich Road $4,995,000
List Price $420,000 $645,000 $1,025,000 $1,200,000 $1,250,000 $1,395,000 $1,699,000 $1,795,000 $1,895,000 $2,495,000 $2,195,000 $2,450,000 $2,499,000 $2,595,000 $3,775,000 $3,500,000 $4,395,000 $4,195,000 $4,995,000
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt $414,000 66 2 1 0 980 $585,000 144 1 1 0 895 $1,050,000 31 4 3 0 2,430 $1,175,000 75 5 3 0.27 2,688 $1,200,000 75 4 3 0.32 2,353 $1,260,000 446 4 3 0.28 2,365 $1,575,000 117 6 3 1.1 2,747 $1,725,000 74 5 3 0.22 2,650 $1,825,000 49 4 4 2 4,244 $2,150,000 432 5 4 6.43 5,163 $2,300,000 15 3 3 2.31 3,716 $2,342,000 957 4 5 2.01 5,697 $2,395,000 181 5 4 0.37 4,808 $2,405,000 270 5 5 0.16 4,893 $3,500,000 187 3 3 $3,500,000 14 4 3 2.18 4,891 $3,900,000 41 5 7 0.33 6,333 $4,000,000 147 5 7 1.24 6,796 $4,910,000 40 6 7 1.6 7,483
Casey Jones 561.440.0586
353 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 • 561.659.6400 50 Cocoanut Row, Ste 104, Palm Beach, FL 33480 • 561.659.6400 1970 Dixie Hwy., Ste C1, West Beach, FL 33401 561.805.5050 353 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, FL S. 33480 • 561.659.6400 50Palm Cocoanut Row, Ste 104,• Palm Beach, FL 33480 • 561.659.6400 1970 S. Dixie Hwy., Ste C1, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 • 561.805.5050
Page 19 | Greenwich Sentinel
Why are Some Neighborhood Stats Down? Some areas did well year for Greenwich real estate, thanks to Covid, some not it was really only an amazing
By Mark Pruner Neighborhood
Covid has had distinctly different effect on neighborhoods in town. It was very much the Goldilocks effect. You didn’t want lots that were too small, but you didn’t want them too far from town. And, while 2020 was amazing Average of Sold Price
Sum of Sold Price
for five months. The first seven months were up and down but averaged out to an average year. Several factors came together in the last five months to make the period from August to December a really incredible period.
AVG of List Price/ SqFt
AVG of Sold
Cos Cob
North Mianus
North Parkway
Old Greenwich
South of Post Road
South Parkway
Grand Total
Days on market also dropped by a month and half, while the sales price to original list price went up from 88% to 90.6%. Both are signs of a tightening market. If you are looking to buy in this area. For the value hunters you have 41 houses, but none are under $1 million. At the high-end you have 8 choices over $10 million, but this is down as we had 8 sales in 2020 over $10 million plus one under contract for $12 million. Riverside vs Old Greenwich
Haven. It’s a real mix, but sales were up 71% in that mixture of neighborhoods. Total dollar volume was up 102% to $329 million. When the percentage jump in dollar volume is greater than the jump in percentage number of sales, it is a sign of stronger high-end sales.
Townwide, we sold 2.3 billion dollars’ worth of single-family homes in Greenwich in 2020. This was up over a billion dollars or 84%. You can see how these sales were Covid driven as two areas that did particularly well were the four-acre zone North of the Parkway and the two-acre zone in the South of the Parkway neighborhood. The latter was the Goldilocks zone, having larger lots for plenty of social distance seen and being closer to town than the even larger lots north of the Merritt Parkway. Let’s take a look at the neighborhoods and see how each one did in 2020
In the continuing battle of angels on a head of a pin as to whether Old Greenwich is better than Riverside; Riverside has made a stunning comeback. Last year, Old Greenwich wiped the floor with Riverside as OG sales went up, while Riverside had the second biggest sales decline of any neighborhood after Cos Cob. In this case, SALT caused the wounds as Riverside sales dropped to only 78 sales down 23% from 2018. This year Riverside sales jumped up to 133 sales an increase of 70.5% compared to Old Greenwich’s below town-wide average of 33%. Old Greenwich had 128 sales after having 96 last year. Riverside also saw its average price jump by 30.2% to $2.60 million while Old Greenwich’s average sale price was $2,340,466 up $27 from 2019 or a .001% increase. Not to worry Old Greenwichites, your average sales price to assessment ratio was up 5.4% from last year, while those folks in Riverside actually saw a 4.7% decrease in their average sales price to assessment ratio. When someone from Old Greenwich put out this 10.1% difference, Riversideans should counter with the fact that their average sold price/sf was up 13.5% while the OG SP/sf was down 1.4% or 14.9% better. So, what does this mean? Just that we have a may have a very busy market, that is undergoing a paradigm shift. Last year we had a lot of shadow inventory, so we didn’t see an inventory shortage in 2020 in most areas of town including Old Greenwich and Riverside. Glenville, Byram & Pemberwick These three neighborhoods starkly illustrate the effect of Covid. You can drive from Glenville to Byram in 5 minutes (1 minute if starting on the Merritt counts). Sales in Glenville were up 43% this year, but this is over a poor 2019 and is also below our town-wide average of a 64% increase in sales. Glenville however looks pretty good when compared to Pemberwick where sales were down 18%, which means they dropped from 11 sales in 2019 to 9 sales in 2020. Part of this is that Covid refugees what more space and part of it is just data randomness. In Byram, sales went from 14 to 16 or an increase of 14%. If you combine Byram and Pemberwick sales were flat. You should actually take these numbers with an even larger grain of salt as several agents try to take advantage of higher price per sf in other neighborhoods. For example, a half dozen listings around Pemberwick are claiming to be in Glenville and several houses on Byram Shore Drive are using the South of the Post Road neighborhood. Bottomline, houses under $800,000 sell quickly in Greenwich if they are price properly. Summary Land, square footage, mini-country clubs are all in demand. However, we are still waiting to see a significant uptick in prices. If you slice and dice the data finely enough you can find groups of houses that saw double digit increases, but it will only be when we see the median, average, price/sf and sales price to assessment ratio all point up that we are seeing a general rising price trend. We may well see this in 2021. Our inventory hit an all-time low at the beginning of the year falling to 287 houses. We are not yet seeing any surge of new listings this year. Assuming we used up most of our shadow inventory of folks that wanted to move Greenwich inventory could stay tight all year. If the paradigm shifts back to historic norms of people preferring large houses, larger lots and more amenities continues in 2021, prices could spurt quickly On the other hand, we have world of big issues, so stay tuned.
South of the Parkway – The 2020 winner, mostly We had a total of 240 single-family home sales South of the Parkway in 2020. This is up an amazing 120 units from last year or 93%. The total value of houses sold in that neighborhood was $435 million. This was up 114% over 2019. Now you would think that when sales go up almost 100% that prices would also take a jump and they did but it was more like a small hop. The average sold price per square foot went up 3.2% and the sales price to the assessment ratio went up 2%. The average price actually did go up 11%, but as often happens in Greenwich the jumps in the average and medians is more due to the fact that we had more high-end sales last year pushing these averages up. Townwide sales over $3,000,000 are up 100% last year. While mid-country was where the action was this year, the sales price/sf only went up 2.0%. Lots of folks that were thinking about moving provided enough inventory for 120 more sales. Cos Cob Coming in second place for the largest percentage increase in sales was Cos Cob. This neighborhood checked a lot of the boxes that young families fleeing high-density NYC were looking for. Prices were more reasonable there, than in the two-acre zone in mid-country. Cos Cob also has a variety of lot sizes, 1/6-acre, 1/4-acre, 1-acre and 2-acre zones, so something for everyone. Another reason that Cos Cob did so well this year is that it had further to come. In 2019, Cos Cob and Riverside got hammered as the SALT limitations on property tax deductions took a big bite out of sales. In 2019, we only had 48 sales in Cos Cob compared to 75 sales in 2018. So, this year’s second place finish is more a Superball bounce. Sales went from 75 to 36 to 84 in 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. Having said that sales are up over 2018 which was a good year for Cos Cob as families that didn’t want to pay the premium for Old Greenwich and Riverside found Cos Cob a good alternative. North of the Parkway North of the Parkway had another good year for sales. I say another good year, because backcountry had been the weak sister of neighborhoods for almost a decade. Starting in the 4th quarter of 2018, backcountry properties were such a value, that we saw sales increases from 45 houses in 2018 to 59 houses in 2019 or an increase of 31%. Then came 2020 and sales jumped to 102 sales or an additional increase of 73%. In two years, we saw an increase of 126% in houses sold.
Mark Pruner is a Realtor with Berkshire Hathaway in Greenwich, CT. He can be reached at mark@bhhsne. com or 203-969-7900
Our Featured Listing 112 Shore Road 112 Shore Road, Old Greenwich | $2,500,000 4 bedrooms | 4 baths | 4,412 square feet
This increase was driven by multiple factors with Covid being the most public factor. Above our backcountry average of $2.95M we a big increase in high-end house sales. Below $3 million, low interest rates and good values drove sales. Another factor that didn’t get much attention, except for here in the Sentinel, was the number of Greenwich upsizers. The common wisdom is that lots of folks were selling their houses and moving to Naples or Hilton Head or Charleston and that does happen and has happened for generations. This year many Greenwich sellers are upsizing and moving to backcountry. They may be coming from a smaller Greenwich house, or a rental, or be desperate to get out of their parent’s home. (I had all three type backcountry buyers this year.) Backcountry houses continue to be good values. In 2020, the average sales price in backcountry went down $325,275 and the average price per s.f. went down 4.7%. On the other hand, the sales price to assessment ratio went up 1%. Whenever you see indicators pointing in different directions, it’s an indication that there isn’t only one trend going on in the market. One trend that we are seeing is that houses that have sat on the market in some cases for years are selling. Of our 102 sales 20% had been on the market for more than a year; two for 6 years. The actual percentage is higher as we still see lots of owners taking houses off for the winter and then putting them back on 90 days later. This tactic is used to reset the Greenwich MLS days on market back to zero so houses that had been on and off the market for years looked like a new listing. Also, big yards are easier to sell on sunny days when they are covered with grass and bordered by flowers rather than snow and dead bushes. Today, most buyers get their days on market information from the public websites who don’t use Greenwich MLS DOM, but their own DOW or days on their website. We have also seen a bunch of winters with little or no snow, particularly, this winter, so this year winter buys allow for spring renovations and weekends all summer. South of the Post Road This is an interesting area. It runs from Chickahominy to Mead Point and from Milbrook to Belle
This historic home in Old Greenwich was built in 1843 as a nine-acre farmhouse for Capt. John Ferris - one of the members of the family that founded Old Greenwich in 1656. It's now a fully renovated and expanded 4 bedroom/4.5 bath, 4400 square feet home on a deep and level .43 acre, oversized lot. Custom chef's kitchen adjacent to large sun-filled open family room with high ceilings and French doors to the terrace and backyard. First floor separate office with powder room. There's also a full basement and the large open third floor currently
serves as a playroom. The home is in the ''X'' zone and significant expansion is possible. Easy walk/ bike ride to Tod's point and the beach. Offered by: Susan Holey Mobile: (203) 969-4320 | Office: (203) 869-4343 Pete Danielsen Mobile: (203) 231-7784 | Office: (203) 869-4343
Sotheby’s International Realty Greenwich Brokerage Is proud to Congratulate the top two Greenwich Agents of 2020* Joseph Barbieri And Leslie McElwreath
*Per the GMLS for Closed Dollar Volume, as of 12/31/2020.
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