January 7, 2021

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper: local, local, local.

January 7, 2022


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The Local News You Need to Know COVID UPDATE I n a joi nt up date on We d ne sday, F i rst Selectman Fred Camillo and Greenwich Hospital president Diane Kelly, DNP, RN announced that Greenwich Hospital was treating 60 COVID positive patients, five of whom were in the ICU. Town wide, 466 cases were being monitored as of Wednesday. Kelly attributed the increased number of cases to the highly transmissible new omicron variant saying the challenges associated with this surge are different. Kelly said that, like elsewhere, COVID is affecting staffing levels, with 60 staff members out this week. “Some people are out and not feeling well, and some people are positive, and they can’t come in. These are new challenges.” She continued, “What we’re seeing is a different level of acuity. If you’ve been vaccinated twice, some of these people are still sick and requiring hospitalization. The very small group of people needing hospitalization that have had the booster, those people have other underlying issues, whether they’re being treated for cancer or have other immunosuppressant issues going on.” In response to a question about working with Greenwich Hospital, Fred Camillo said that “Greenwich Hospital has been terrific since day one and we certainly could not do it without them, the information they have given and cooperation they have given has been tremendous. It has helped calm people knowing we have such a great partner. We’re lucky. Not many towns actually have a hospital and a really good one. The health department has been there since day one as well.” In a separate briefing the Governor’s office announced there are currently 1,676 COVID patients hospitalized throughout the state, 67.3 Please turn to page 7

A 10 Reaction to a 1 Infraction

Record Real Estate Year Wraps Up

a goal that most people thought we would never see, and we did it on the last business day of 2021. Pre-Covid, our 2019 sales were only 528 sales, so we are looking at sales up 90% in just two years and we were up 16.8% this year over 2020; a year when many towns outside of Greenwich saw By Mark Pruner lower sales. For example, both Darien and 1,000+ Sales Fairfield saw single family home We broke 1,000 sales in 2021, sales decline in 2021, not because

of any drop in demand, but due to lack of inventory. In Darien sales dropped 3.4% and in Fairfield sales dropped an amazing 14%. Greenwich was not immune to such drops. Under $600,000 our sales were down 53% as many of the houses in our lowest price range appreciated over $600K, but that still didn’t raise sales from $600,000 to $800,000. In that price range, our sales were down 17% from 54 sales in 2020 to 45

sales in 2021. We also saw sales drop from $1.5 to $2.0 million, from 154 sales in 2020 down to 139 sales in 2021 and this is in the heart of our market in Greenwich. If sales were down in some price ranges, overall sales were up 16.8%, that means that we had to see big jumps in other price ranges and we did. Our biggest gainer by numbers of sales was from $2 – 3 million, where we had 59 more Please turn to page 10

Greenwich Gives Out COVID Test Kits Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT

Having a “10” reaction to a “1” infraction is usually a reaction to old pain, probably from childhood. If we feel betrayed, abandoned, rejected, insulted, or misunderstood, and our reaction sucks more energy out of u s t h a n we w a nt to expend, it helps to ask ourselves when we f irst experienced similar feelings. Chances are, we were powerless children then. We are adults now. When the intensity of our response is out of proportion to the “1” infraction, it helps to ask ourselves: how do we—as g row n-ups—want to respond? As adults, we have the ability to override ou r responses rooted in childhood trauma and lay down new memory track. W it h i ntent ion a l it y a nd

practice, we can teach ourselves to have “1” reactions, even when they weren’t modeled for us. When Tiffany was 19, the man in the seat next to her on a small plane offered to put her backpack in the overhead bin. As he did so, the blueberry yogurt in the side pocket of Tiffa- ny’s backpack exploded on his white shirt. His calm “1” reac- tion to this event amazed her even more when she learned that he was a college president en route to give a speech. Years later, as CEO of a company, she shared this lesson with her team. Excerpted from Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth's, b o o k , T h e Wa t e r w h e e l , available at Diane’s Books, Dogwood Bookstore, Amazon, and barnesandnoble.com. Jill is a therapist at the Greenwich Center for Hope & Renewal.

A procession of cars snaked around Grass Island Park on a bright and chilly January afternoon as Greenwich residents lined up in their vehicles this past Tuesday to pick up take-home COVID test kits and masks. At the end of the Grass Island loop, police greeted locals with smiles and warm wishes for the new year as they handed out Flowflex COVID tests and N-95 masks to residents from a pickup truck loaded with boxes of masks and test kits. Another test kit distribution site was set up at the rear entrance on Bruce Place by the Greenwich Senior Center for residents who were 60 years of age or older. Captain Mark Zuccerella expressed gratitude for town workers from the Parks Department, Cos Cob Fire Police, and Greenwich Senior Center. Zuccerella estimates that close to 20% of Greenwich’s population is over 60 and said there are plenty of people who would not be able to make it to the distribution sites. He says the people at the Greenwich Senior Center are working with the town to give test kits out to those who could not make it. The First Selectman’s office said that originally the number of kits expected was 8,010 kits containing two tests per kit, adding up to 16,020 total tests. Unfortunately, the town only received 6,000 test kits with only one test per kit. After the print edition was published, the Town received additional test kits from the State. Those kits will be distributed while supplies last and free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis to Greenwich residents from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 8, 2022, at Grass Island Park.

What’s in the January Sky By Albert Huang Grab a pair of binoculars or even a telescope and bundle up to see some celestial streaks in the sky! The comet C/2019 L3 ATLAS f lies by our solar system this month and reaches perihelion on January 10th, meaning it will be at its closest point to the sun. This comet actually does not orbit Earth, which means this is a once in a lifetime chance to see its faint trail high in the southern sky.

If you have access to a tele scop e , on Ja nua r y 18t h, comet 104P/Kowal will be flying high in the southern horizon in the constellation Cetus and on the 20th, comet 19P/Borrelly will reach its brightest right after sunset. Don’t sweat it if you only have your naked eye because du r i n g t h e s e e a rl y d ay s o f January if you go out for viewing right after sunset, you’ll be able to catch a rare glimpse of the moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter all in a line.

On the night of the 8th, take about 15 minutes to get adjusted to t h e d a rk n e s s or b r i n g a camera to point at the nebulas hidden within the constellation of Orion. The moon will set right around 11:30 with Orion high in the sky. You may be able to catch a glimpse of the nebulosity of nebula M42 in the center of Orion’s sword with the naked eye. On January 11th, Mercury is in great visibility at its evening peak above the southwestern hor i zon. Wit h t he help of a

stargazing app and neighbor Venus, you can locate the first planet right after sunset during twilight hours. O u r si s te r pl a ne t Ve nu s is get ting physica l ly closer, meaning the apparent diameter of the second planet will appear much larger. If you’ve got a pair of binoculars you can get a beautiful image of a crescent Venus during this month. Mars will be an early morning planet at the start of 2022. On the 29th of this month, you’ll be able to spot the red

planet bright in the morning sky joined alongside Venus and a crescent moon. The gas giants Jupiter and S at u r n a r e s t i l l p r om i n e nt objects in the sky this month. As the year goes on the two bright dots in the sk y move closer towards the sunset twilight glow. Uranus shines on the edge of naked-eye visibility as usual but binoculars or a small telescope is still the best to try and spot the cyan dot. Neptune is in a great spot t o o b s e r ve b u t o n l y i f yo u

have a telescope at the ready. The icy blue giant sits right outside naked-eye v isibility range. However, if you do have a telescope, the planet will be patiently waiting in Aquarius high in the night sky. The next full Moon will occur on Monday, January 17, 2022, at 6:48 PM ET, and is known as the Wolf Moon. During a Wolf Moon wolves were more likely to howl to def ine territor y, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and coordinate hunting.


Saying Goodbye to Three Heroes Who Walked Here and Stopped to Talk

By Anne W. Semmes All three of these extraordinary men who I was for tunate to know left this earth on Christmas weekend. Their lives were a gift to us all, their legacies ongoing. THOMAS E. LOVEJOY Biologist and conservationist Tom Lovejoy, who coined the term “biological diversity,” died at 80 on Christmas Day at his home in McLean, Virginia. Gentleman Tom was honored in Greenwich three years ago for bringing worldwide attention to the threats of tropical deforestation. He received Audubon Connecticut’s Environmental Leadership Award at the Belle Haven Club. To m g r a c i o u s l y o p e n e d the door to this reporter to the a s tou n d i n g wo n d e r s o f t h e Amazon rainforest in 1991, inviting me to his Camp 41, a research camp hung with a few hammocks set within his grand experiment the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, covering 620 square miles of rainforest north of Manaus in Brazil. Now called the Amazon Biodiversity Center, this largest ecological study project in the world has shown over the years what size forest fragments work to preserve the 1,800 tree species and over 400 bird species found across those fragments. Camp 41 has been visited by U.S. Senators, Congressmen, movie stars and journalists. Tom Lovejoy knew that seeing was believing in the enormous value of saving biodiversity. Those bluer-than-blue Morpho butterf lies would visit me each time I bathed in the camp stream. The largest insect in the world, the Rhinoceros beetle, climbed into my hammock one night. I awoke to the Screaming Piha birds that I can still hear on my saved cassette tape. We have so much to thank Tom for his dedicated life to preserve nature. ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU Greenwich was graced to have been visited by Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who died the day after Christmas at age 90. It was an honor for this reporter to meet this great man who had for so long fought apartheid across the world. In 2010 Tutu came to Christ Church Greenwich to honor his friend Rev’d Jim Lemler at his convocation, and for the Church’s centennial celebration, and as guest speaker of the Church’s Courage & Faith Conversation Series. Tutu’s wisdom was indeed inspiring but his wit that he often interjected in his talks brought down the house. Here are some memorable excerpts: “On one occasion I was in San Francisco, and a lady rushed up to greet me quite effusively and said, `Hello, Archbishop Mandela.’ It was like

Biologist and conservationist Tom Lovejoy at Camp 41 holding up a cecropia plant found in the rainforest of his Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project located outside Manaus in Brazil. Photo by Slodoban Randjelovic. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, guest speaker at the Garden Luncheon at Christ Church Greenwich in 2010. Photo by Joanne Bouknight.

On Virtual Half-Earth Day 2021 Ed Wilson addressed the need for efforts for saving half the earth along with Sir David Attenborough. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.

On Half Earth Day 2018 at the American Museum of Natural History Ed Wilson takes a break with this reporter, after engaging on stage with Tom Friedman and Paul Simon. Contributed photo. getting two for the price of one.” “My wife gave me a birthday card - the least you can expect from a spouse. On the front it said, `We have a beautiful and unique relationship.’ Inside it said, `I’m beautiful and you are certainly unique.’” “When you grow less young, and here I am at a press conference or being interviewed and you’ve got just the right word to show just how smart you are and, please and it’s hanging there (he taps his forehead), tantalizing you and then it disappears. Then when don’t want it anymore - you’re having a shower the following morning, it drops down - `Here I am!’” “It’s actually quite wonderful watching yourself growing old you know the things that you do without a thought - like standing up. I used to just, hmmmph. Well now, I have to have a discussion with my body - `Get up!’”

“When I was teaching at Emery University, a student took a photo of a billboard outside a church that read, `Do you have trouble sleeping? Let the church help. We have sermons.’ I hope she wasn’t trying to tell me something.” E.O. WILSON The same day Desmond Tutu passed, on December 26, E.O. Wilson died age 92, outside of Boston. I was privileged to call Ed friend. “Dr. Wilson devoted his life to studying the natural world and inspiring others to care for it as he did” is well described by Paula J. Ehrlich, CEO and President of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation that will carry on Wilson’s inspired ambition to save half the earth. The closest Ed came to Greenwich during our friendship was the New York Botanic Garden in 2014 when Tom Lovejoy was pre sente d w it h t he B ot a n ic

Tom Lovejoy knew that seeing was believing in the enormous value of saving biodiversity. Garden’s highest Gold Medal award and Ed spoke on Tom’s behalf. It was Ed’s breakthrough study with Princeton biologist Robert MacArthur on species diversity and the rates of extinction in isolated habitat published in their influential book, “The Theory of Island Biogeography,” that inspired Tom’s prev iously mentioned Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project in Brazil. So, Ed Wilson coined the word, “biophilia’ that describes the human bond to other species, or “our inherent human need to affiliate deeply and closely with the natural environment, particularly its living organisms.” I had the serendipity to be the only journalist invited to an extraordinary four-day conference in 1992 featuring Ed and his “Biophilia Hypothesis” at the Woods Hole Research Center, Massachusetts

where 15 top scientists shared their findings, addressing Ed’s biophilia idea. The underlying question seemed to be, does humanity love life enough to save it? Ed listened hard to environmental psychologist Roger Ulrich describe how hospital patients ex posed to nat u ra l landscapes “exhibited significantly speedier recovery from illness;” how ecologist Gordon Orians’ demon st rate d h i s “s ava n na hypothesis” as showing humans favoring landscapes similar to the African environment with “scat tered trees, opened-up woods…opened-up views.” Psychiatrist Aaron Katcher showed his moving video of an autistic child able to relate to a dog, “though frozen in the company of human beings.” But microbiologist Lynn Margulis, former wife of Carl Sagan, expressed doubt that “hard

science exists” to back up Ed’s hypothesis. Yet, in the end after showing her video of “the unseen smaller things of life,” she stated, “Our species requires biodiversity,” and “I am a biophiliac - I’ve said it in public.” This reporter has shared the great gift I received from Ed earlier last year of his book “Tales from the Ant World” addressed to me and my wildlife photographer daughter Melissa Groo, signed with his two hand drawn ants. So, when that Library of America compilation of Ed’s three books: “Biophilia,” “The Diversity of Life,” and “Naturalist” came out I thought to give it to my son for his 50th birthday, and wished to have it signed by Ed. With help from Ed’s assistant that wish came true. But, with sorrow his assistant wrote, “The book Ed signed for your son was the last book he signed.”

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Artist Carolyn Gamanos Captures Community Vignettes with Her Paint Brush By Anne W. Semmes A r t ist Ca roly n Ga ma nos of Cos Cob is a schoolteacher with two young sons who have inspired her to paint scenes of their community life – and ours. So, opening this Friday in the Gertrude White Gallery at t he Y WC A Gr e enw ich i s Gamanos’ new show with its title of “Community Vignettes.” Take a stroll around that gallery and you’ll f ind many familiar places charmingly captured in gouache set in different seasons of the year. “I started this project for my kids in 2018,” tells Gamano. “It was my son’s third birthday, and I got an idea from my son’s picture book, “Paris called Paris Mon Imagier”…there are all these little scenes of Paris… And I was like, I’ve got to do that for him with the places that he knows. And so, I started doing these and it just kept going.” But then Covid came. “Then a l l of a sudden t here’s t h is pandemic,” she shares, “So I made a copy of the beach painting I had done, but I put masks on everybody.” And there’s that spring scene in Binney Park before and then after Covid. “And there’s those protests around us. I have a vaccine clinic picture here which doesn’t have my kids in it. I don’t want to say it turns darker,” she says of her whimsical community vignettes, “Because they’re certainly all in color. But it’s just kind of more realistic.” Perhaps the pandemic had its influence on artist Gamanos. “We were all just kind of forced inside. My family didn’t go out at all. I was like doing maybe a drive by - we were very distant from even other family members…I’ve actually been a schoolteacher for 15 years, and I was an art major in college. I’ve been an artist for as long as I can remember being alive. But I got distracted for so long. Just doing my regular life.

So, I took a little time off after my second son was born. And I just started painting more and now I feel like I can’t stop. Something was dormant and I had to wake it back up. I had dabbled in all types of different media, now I feel that this is my thing.” So, when does schoolteacher Gamanos f ind time to paint? “So, it depends if there’s a show coming up. I’ll stay up until midnight and just keep going. I was talking to my dad about this yesterday. I’d noticed that Grandma Moses used to finish all of her farm work and then at the end of the day, she’d sit down at her table by candlelight and just paint. Sometimes I feel like that, but I also get my vacations from school and my kids are old enough now that they might paint alongside me or be engaged while I’m doing it.” On Friday, January 7, there will be an opening reception at the Gertrude White Gallery at the YWCA Greenwich from 6:30-8:30 pm with masks required. The show runs from January 8-30.

Carolyn Gamanos “St. Catherine’s Fair.” Contributed photo.


Carolyn Gamanos ”Christmas Tree Shopping” at left and “Kite Flying Fest 2019” above.


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BRUNSWICK SCHOOL: Alpine Skiing: Thu. vs. CISL Race (at Mt. Southington), 4 p.m. Basketball: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 2 p.m. Wed. vs. St. Luke’s School, 4 p.m. Ice Hockey: Today vs. Portledge School, 5 p.m. Mon. at Hotchkiss School, 5 p.m. Wed. vs. Millbrook School, 4 p.m. Squash: Tomorrow vs. Avon Old Farms, 3 p.m. Tue. at Greenwich Country Day School, 4:15 p.m. Wed. vs. Millbrook School, 4:30 p.m. Thu. vs. Delbarton School, TBA Swimming: Up next: Jan. 22 at Hotchkiss School, 1:30 p.m. Wrestling: Tomorrow vs. Salisbury School, Trinity-Pawling (at Trinity-Pawling), 3 p.m.

GREENWICH ACADEMY Basketball: Wed. vs. Masters School, 4:30 p.m. Ice Hockey: Wed. at Hotchkiss School, 4 p.m. Skiing: Thu. vs. CISL Race (at Mt. Southington), 4 p.m. Squash: Up next: Jan. 24 at Sacred Heart Greenwich, 4 p.m. Swimming & Diving: Up next: Jan. 22 at Hotchkiss School, 1:30 p.m. GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL Boys’ Basketball: Tomorrow vs. Brien McMahon H.S., 1 p.m. Tue. at Fairfield Ludlowe H.S., 6:30 p.m. Girls’ Basketball: Tonight at University (at Weaver H.S.), 6:30 p.m. Tomorrow at Brien McMahon H.S., 6 p.m. Tue. vs. Fairfield Ludlowe H.S., 6 p.m.

Boys’ Ice Hockey: Tomorrow vs. LaSalle Academy, 5:30 p.m. Sun. vs. Bishop Hendrickson, 5:45 p.m. Tue. vs. St. Joseph H.S., 4:30 p.m. Girls’ Ice Hockey: Tonight at Trumbull-St. Joseph, 8 p.m. Boys’ and Girls’ Indoor Track Tomorrow vs. Danbury, St. Joseph, Staples (at Staples Field House), 10 a.m. Gymnastics Tue. vs. Westhill H.S., Stamford H.S. (at Greenwich YWCA), 6:30 p.m. Thu. vs. Norwalk H.S., Staples H.S. (at Greenwich YWCA), 6:30 p.m. Boys’ Swimming and Diving: Mon. vs. Norwalk / Brien McMahon, 4:30 p.m. Thu. vs. Danbury H.S., 4:30 p.m. Wrestling: Wed. at Westhill H.S., 6 p.m. GREENWICH COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Girls’ Basketball: Mon. at St. Luke’s School, 4:30 p.m. Wed. at King School, 5 p.m.

Boys’ Basketball: Today at King School, 4:30 p.m. Wed. at Greens Farms Academy, 5 p.m. Girls’ Ice Hockey: Up next: Jan. 25 vs. Rye Country Day School, TBA Boys’ Ice Hockey: Today at St. Luke’s School, 3:30 p.m. Wed. at St. Luke’s School, 3:30 p.m. Girls’ Squash: Tomorrow at Hopkins School, 1 p.m. Tue. at Greens Farms Academy, 4:45 p.m. Boys’ Squash: Tue. vs. Brunswick School, 4:15 p.m.

SACRED HEART GREENWICH Basketball: Wed. vs. Rye Country Day School, 4:45 p.m. Squash: Wed. vs. Westover School, 4:45 p.m. Swimming & Diving: Wed. vs. Greenwich Country Day School, 4:45 p.m.

Local Inducted into Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame

Greenwich resident John J. Filippelli poses with his Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame award during a ceremony that took place Dec. 16 in NYC. (contributed photo)

By Paul Silverfarb As a legendary broadcasting executive producer, John “Flip” Filippelli has seen it all in the world of sports. If there’s an iconic moment throughout the sports landscape in the past 50 years, there’s a good chance his name isn’t far away. F i l i p p e l l i ’s l e n g t h y a n d prestigious resume has over 100 national Emmy nominations and over 100 local Emmy nominations. Now the longtime Greenwich resident can add “Hall of Famer” to his list of titles, as he was recently inducted into the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame. Filippelli, who couldn’t be more humble to receive such an amazing honor, said that he never really thought about it until a couple of days before the ceremony itself. “ W hen I sta r ted to t h i n k about it a few days before the ceremony and closer to the night itself, it had more and more of an impact on me,” he said. “By the time I was ready to g ive the speech, I was i n q u ite a state. Emotionally it was a very

interesting experience for sure.” Filippelli was inducted to the HOF on Dec. 14 at an event in the New York Hilton in Midtown. Flip was a member of the Class of 2020, however the ceremony was originally `postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “How you chronical a game is almost as important as the ga me itsel f,” s a id F i l ipp el l i. “ I t ’s h o w p e o p l e a r e g o i n g to remember a game. You’re building memories. In terms of sports, is there any greater responsibility for a production team than to build a memory? You’re building a legacy and it’s such a great honor to do that.” In addition to all the accolades Filippelli picked up throughout the years to get him to this point, he was also thinking about all the people that were around him. “I know it’s a cliché, but it’s tr ue…nobody gets any where unless you’re on the backs of others,” he said. “I couldn’t have gotten to where I am now without all the people that worked with me over a span of almost 50 years. I am very grateful for those people.”

And it’s all those people that Filippelli worked with throughout his career that he truly cherishes. “It’s a long and distinguished list of people,” he said. “It’s tough to do this because all the people I worked w ith made major contributions to me. Some taught me what to do and others taught me what not to do. You learn from every experience. I have been fortunate enough to work with people like Mike Weisman, who I think is the genius of all live producers and taught me the craft of being a live producer. I was fortunate enough to work with people like the great Harry Coyle, who was the Godfather of baseball coverage on television. When you work with people like that, they teach you the art of how to cover a baseball game and it’s hard for you to miss. Vince Scully, Al Michaels, Jim McKay, Bob Costas, Tom Seaver, Tony Kubek; those people behind the microphones were amazing. So many people contributed to my success and my good fortune.” To say that Filippelli has seen it all is an understatement.

According to a press release from the YES Network, he has produced the Olympic Games, Major League Baseball’s World Series and All-Star games, Super Bowls, Monday Night Football, Indianapolis 500, Wimbledon, National Hockey League, PGA Tour, British Open golf, BCS College Football Championship Series, and ABC’s Wide World of Sports, just to name a few. W h i le t here a re so ma ny memories during Filippelli’s career that he will treasure, he said that one that will truly stand out was being the producer for the famous Kirk Gibson home run during the first game of the 1988 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Oakland Athletics. Filippelli said that the big story leading up to the game was that Gibson wouldn’t play and that the Dodgers were handcuffed because [Orel] Hershiser wasn’t pitching for the Dodgers until game two. “That was such a memorable moment in the history of baseball,” said Filippelli. “The Dodgers had a very little chance of winning that game. Vince Scully’s call on the

Kirk Gibson home run was great and it was eclipsed by the great Jack Buck. That’s hard to do. Vince Scully had the ‘In the year of the improbable, the impossible has happened’ and that was a great call, but then Jack Buck said, ‘I don’t believe what I just saw’ and that eclipsed it. Ha r r y [Coyle] was i n t he production truck with Flip and in all the years he worked with Coyle, the duo never stayed on one central figure going around the bases or doing anything. Filippelli said that the usually showed cutaround to give the viewers a feel of the stadium during a big moment. “For whatever reason he stayed on Gibson and we got that iconic fist pump that we wouldn’t have gotten any other way,” Filippelli said. “I actually used that fist pump as a model when Mark McGwire broke [Roger] Maris’ record at the time. We stayed on McGwire. But that’s what I mean. You learn from great people.” A n o t h e r m a j o r accomplishment for Filippelli has been the Yankees Entertainment & Sports Network. Today the YES Network has been the most watched regional sports network in the country 16 of the past 18 years but getting to this point was no easy task. Filippelli was the first employee of the YES Network back in 2001 and was given five months to basically build a television channel from scratch. “There was no template and no one there to tell you how to do this,” Filippelli said. “George Steinbrenner wanted a regional sports network, but we only that in name only. That was it. In every other way we had to be able to compete with NBC, ABC, CBS, and any of them. We had to put a network-quality production on the air that would rival or exceed anything that was on the air before. This was historic in many ways. When George talked to me about it, I told him that it was a great idea. I said that the idea of a 24/7 network devoted to a team is a great idea and no one’s ever done that. I totally endorsed the idea.” When Steinbrenner offered Filippelli the position, he was a little hesitant on taking the offer. “There were no producers, no directors, no management, no offices, no mobile units, no c a meras, no t ap e mach i nes,

no graphics, no music, we had no programming of any kind,” Filippelli said. “And they were asking for a 24/7 network. It’s not like soup, where you add some water and you have soup. You can’t just make up a network. It doesn’t work like that.” After thinking it over, Filippelli signed his contract with YES on Sept. 10, 2001, a day before the unthinkable events that took place in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pa. So not only was Filappelli tasked w ith com ing up w ith building an entire network, but he had to do it against the backdrop of the 9/11 tragedy. Luckily, a previous project that he worked on earlier in his career helped him know all the people in the business to get a network off the ground. “There was nothing on our side that favored us,” he said. “We had some ideas and I hired some really good people that I’ve known throughout my career. Anybody that we would need for any kind of contribution to this thing I knew. That’s why I was perfectly tasked to do this. But it was still going to be difficult. I hired really great people and we made it work. We made history. Not only did we make the YES Network work, but we changed sports television. No one was doing regional sports networks. This was an incredible success.” With the Y ES Net work , Filippelli hasn’t been afraid to push the envelope. During his tenure with the network, he got WFAN Radio’s famous drive-time sports show Mike and the Mad Dog simulcasted on YES, was the first regional sports network to broadcast a baseball game outside out of the country when the Yankees traveled to Japan and took on the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in 2004, he broadcasted games in 3-D, he hired the first woman producer in the business, hired the first full time woman analyst, and changed the way replays were shown on television by using “Super Slo-Mo” technologies. “We’ve done a lot of interesting things at YES and really pushed the envelope here,” Filippelli said. “I am very proud of all the different things we did with all the people we used and of all the things we’ve done together in the business. I am very proud of everybody.”

SCOREBOARD Boys’ Basketball: Boys’ Ice Hockey Girls’ Ice Hockey Greenwich High 61 vs. Prince Darien High 4 vs. Greenwich Darien High 3 vs. Greenwich Tech 46 High 2 High 0 Achievement First 53 vs. Brunswick School 3 vs. Dexter Swimming & Diving Greenwich High 58 Southfield School 4 Brunswick School 8 vs. New Wrestling Hampton School 2 Girls’ Basketball: Fairfield Ludlowe 36 vs. New Canaan High 34 vs. Greenwich High 48 Greenwich High 40 Brunswick School 29 vs. Iona Prep School 45

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PUBLISHER Beth@GreenwichSentinel.com Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

Another Winter of Discontent? The anticipation of the holidays last month gave us hope for a kinder and gentler season, only to be overshadowed by a new COVID variant that sent everyone back into their own personal “lockdown.” No visitors, doors locked, shades drawn. Now we are entering our third winter of discontent. Gatherings have all been canceled. Social interactions are limited mostly to those in your own home. It can be hard to see where we go from here. But there are some brighter spots in this wintry darkness we should look to. The town this week gave out 6,000 at-home COVID tests kits. This is good news. While the state had to cancel its original distribution plans to municipalities because the supplies did not arrive on time, this distribution went off without a hitch. Yes, traffic was backed up in downtown Greenwich as one of the places to get the test was the Senior Center on Greenwich Avenue, but that was to be expected. First Selectmen Fred Camillo and his team organized a smooth operation and deserve two thumbs up for the job they did. With more than 400 students out of the Greenwich public schools because of COVID, having at-home tests make the most sense to be able to test quickly and easily. It is not just the students, but faculty and staff have been affected creating challenges. However,

Normally the passing of one year to the next is a time of renewal and self-improvement resolutions. We get to start a new year reinvigorated and with lofty goals of what we want to accomplish. Governor Lamont has made the right decision to keep the schools open. While we are at it, we also want to congratulate Fred Camillo on his vision to open up the view of Greenwich Harbor. Currently it is blocked by town maintenance building adjacent to Roger Sherman Baldwin Park. The plan is to remove them, leaving the Arch Street Teen Center and the Police Marine Division building. This will greatly improve the area. While this week has brought ice and snow, we do not feel it should be a harbinger of a “winter of discontent.” The reference is actually a quote from Shakespeare’s play Richard 111. “Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York; And all the clouds, that lour’d upon our house, In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths; Our bruised arms hung up for monuments; Our stern alarums chang’d to merry meetings, Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.” The moder n reference was made by L a r r y Lamb, the editor of The Sun in Great Britain in an editorial on May 3, 1979, He wrote that the Winter of Discontent was the period from November 1978 to February 1979 was characterized by widespread strikes by private, and later public sector trade unions demanding pay rises greater than the limits Prime Minister James Callaghan and his Labour Party government had been imposing to control inflation. Some of these industrial disputes caused great public inconvenience, exacerbated by the coldest winter for 16 years, in which severe storms isolated many remote areas of the country. We do not believe this winter will be quite so fraught with despair. Normally the passing of one year to the next is a time of renewal and self-improvement resolutions. We get to start a new year reinvigorated and with lofty goals of what we want to accomplish. There is no reason why that cannot be the case for this January as well. Here at the Sentinel, we have our goals for 2022. We want to continue to produce the best community newspaper possible. We want to report the news, not sensationalize it. We want to continue to celebrate all that is good in our community. And we want to continue to listen to you, our readers and advertisers, about ways that we can improve the paper. A winter of discontent? We see a winter of opportunity, growth, and community.


Thank you from the Greenwich Land Trust and Happy New Year

We’ve bid farewell to 2021 and now, who is ready for 2022? I know I am. But not before I would like to say one last thanks to all of you who contributed to our collective successes and milestone accomplishments this past year, while remaining f lexible and understanding throughout. Thanks to you, Greenw ich Land Tr ust has continued our vital mission to conserve and steward important open space in our community. I am grateful for all your support and generosity. After a wonderful holiday s e a s o n (a l b e i t s o m e w h a t

Here’s to a healthy, joyful, and bright new year! Happy New Year from all of us at Greenwich Land Trust. dif ferent AGA IN!) and now with January upon us, the GLT team is back at it. Chris and the stewardship staff will continue our annual cyclical maintenance of many of our meadows, taking advantage of the frozen ground to access wet areas. Soon the greenhouse will be filling with germination trays as Dan, Dean

and our dedicated volunteers start to bring them inside to begin the Seed-to-Seed journey. In the office, we welcome Lisa Carmona to the team. Lisa and I are planning an exciting year of events and programs. It is an exciting (and busy) time of year. “With the new day comes new strength and new

thoughts.” - Eleanor Roosevelt Here’s to a healthy, joyful, and bright new year! Happy New Year f rom all of us at Greenwich Land Trust. Stay Well. Will Kies is the Executive Director of The Greenwich Land Trust


Innovations Mark New Era for Spine Surgery Spine surgery will never be welcome news for many patients. But if surgery is warranted, innovations like augmented reality, robotics, and minimally invasive techniques are helping By Evan Sheha In recent years, there have been a number of advances i n how we appr o ach spi ne treatment, driven by a greater understanding of spine challenges and the advent of new technolog ies that help i mprove pat ient outcomes. T he s e i n nov at ion s del ive r s a fe , ef fe c t ive r e su lt s a nd faster recoveries for patients post-surgery. At HSS, we’re firm believers that surgery may not be the first nor best option for many patients. Any surgery involves certain risks. We have many non-surgical options to help patients get better and relieve their back issues. For instance, a c o m b i n at i o n o f p hys i c a l therapy and meds could be the right course. Spinal injections are another option. Time and a targeted exercise regimen could be a third path to follow. But for the patients who need it, spine surgery can be an ideal treatment option. Here are three innovations to improve spine surgery practice: augmented r e a l it y (A R), r ob ot ic s a nd minimally invasive techniques.

improve results and overall patient experiences.

of the real world, creating an interactive 3D experience. This same AR technology is now being used in spine surgery. Surgeons use AR to visualize the anatomy of a patient’s spine in 3D during surgery and then track progress in real-time with a transparent display headset f it te d w it h A R eye g lasse s. The he ad set lets su rge on s superimpose a patient’s CT scan or x-ray over the surgical site to guide the surgeon during the procedure. The headset projects 3D navigation data onto the surgeon’s retina to see and review data simultaneously without having to shift their focus back and forth from the surgical site to a remote screen. Surgeons can course-correct as needed during procedures. En ha nce d v i sua l i z at ion with AR enables ultraprecise alignment and positioning of spinal implants during surgery, with less cutting and movement of muscles and tissues to see a patient’s entire spine. Smaller incisions mean faster patient recoveries and improved outcomes. We can be more Augmented Reality: X-ray precise surgically while reducing a medical team’s exposure to Vision Augmented reality (AR) is a radiation by exporting CT scans technology that superimposes and x-rays onto the surgical field. digital elements on a user’s view Robotics: A Helping Hand

We ’r e c u r r e n t l y u s i n g robotics at HSS as an added navigation capability. Robotics can help surgeons accurately insert pedicle screws during spinal fusion to anchor and help encourage bone growth during the fusion process. The robot does not take the surgeon’s place but rather provides a helping hand and this assistance helps surgeons avoid nerve roots, the spinal cord or spinal canal when placing the screws. In addition, with robotics, we have less need for f luoroscopy, which means reduced x-ray exposure for patients and OR staff. While this innovation is being used primarily for nav igation purposes, we’re on the cusp of broader uses of robotics in the future, perhaps to safely decompress the spine.

trauma of surgery. Thanks to innovations including robotics, nav igat ion a nd aug mente d reality technologies, we have become less reliant on making large incisions to perform safe and accurate surgeries. Sma l ler i nc i sion s me a n less soft tissue damage during surgery, reduced blood loss, less pain for the patient, and less need for pain medications. Minimally invasive surgeries can include laminectomies, spinal fusions, and discectomies, among other procedures. Minimally invasive techniques translate into shorter hospital st ays a f ter su r ger y, fa ster patient recoveries, and less rehabilitation. Spine surgery will never be welcome news for many p at ie nt s . But i f su r ge r y i s warranted, innovations like AR, robotics, and minimally invasive techniques are helping improve resu lts a nd overa l l patient experiences. At HSS, we are singularly focused on using the latest technologies and expertise to get our patients back to doing what they enjoy most.

Minimally Invasive Techniques During standard open spine surgery, a surgeon makes a large incision in the back and then cuts the spinal muscles to pull them away to better visualize the spine. Minimally invasive te ch n iq ue s ut i l i z e sm a l ler Evan Sheha, MD, is an incisions and result in less soft assistant attending orthopedic tissue damage through use of surgeon at HSS Orthopedics at tubular retractors or endoscopic Stamford Health, specializing in technolog y to minimize the spine surgery.

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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel


My New Year’s Resolutions as Your State Representative

By Harry Arora It is my personal tradition to use the New Year’s holiday to set goals for the year. I like to write down the top three objectives for the coming year. This ritual informs me how to allocate my time and energy in the months to come. Over the last few days, I spent some time thinking about my top priorities as your state representative for this year. First and foremost, I want to make sure we continue to mount a robust and effective response to this pandemic. I will continue to advocate with the state DPH for clear guidance, ensure that

News Briefs From Page 1

percent of whom are not fully vaccinated. For the most up-to-date information from the State of Connecticut on COVID-19, residents are encouraged to visit ct.gov/coronavirus. Indiv iduals who have general questions that are not answered on the website can call 2-1-1 for assistance. The hotline is available 24 hours a day and has multilingual assistance. A nyone who is out-of-state or requires a tollfree number can connect to Connecticut 2-1-1 by dialing 1-800-203-1234. This is intended to be used by individuals who are not experiencing symptoms, but may have general questions related to COVID. Anyone who is experiencing symptoms is strongly urged to contact their medical provider. Mask Update for Town Hall First Selectman Camillo announced all visitors and e mploye e s e nte r i n g Tow n facilities, including Town Hall, will be required to wear face masks. Visitors will also be required to physically distance when in town facilities. Friends of Greenwich Senior Center Receives Grant The Friends of Greenwich Senior Center has been awarded a $300,000 g rant towards the renovation of the senior center, as well as towards programs that will benefit older Greenwich residents. The senior center will now only need $220,000 to complete the new facility, and currently, a new kitchen and dining room is in process of being built, with the expectation to open in the fall of 2022. Proposed Development on Mead Point A recent application for a house with a pool and cabana at the end of Mead Point raised concer ns at the Decem ber 21 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The construction would require removal of 175 trees, a concern when it comes to conservation. There are also concerns regarding climate cha nge i mpacts, d ra i nage, coastal habitat preservation, and runoff. 2022 Parks & Rec Fees There have been no proposed fee increases to any single entry or annual park passes for the upcoming year. Kamp Kairphree, Greenwich Adventurers, and The Music, Art, and Dance Camp fees will increase from $10 to $15 per session for residents, and from $40 to $50 per session for nonresidents. Admission to Hamill Rink for ages 5-15 will increase in fees from $7 to $8, Ice rental fees will increase from $475 to $ 4 8 5 p er hou r, a nd t he scoreboard fee will increase from $25 to $30 per game. The Griff will be increasing greens fees from $1 to $2. Boat wharf fees will

I wish all of you a Happy New Year and invite you to a conversation. Responding to your email or text message will always be a high priority for me. harry.arora@cga.ct.gov or text 203-571-9325 tests, PPE, and therapies are available to all in our community, and restrictions on our citizens are appropriate and kept to the minimum possible. I will also focus on how the substantial funds authorized under prior stimulus programs are being used to address the pandemic so that they are not used suboptimally. My next priority is a new state-wide energy policy centered around affordability, reliability,

and sustainability. Our energy prices are too high and act as a regressive tax. Although we have low-cost generation in our state, we have among the highest electric rates in the country. Our citizens are always concerned that they are one Noreaster away from an extended outage. We also need a new renewable strategy. Over the last decade, we have spent hundreds of millions subsidizing renewable energy, yet less than 3% of our

energ y supply comes f rom renewables. We need a reboot of our renewable policy. Finally, our community is under attack by outside forces to cede zoning control and force high rises in our towns. We have to oppose and defeat this attack on our local autonomy. The use of the 8-30g statute to bypass rules has to stop. Local control of our zoning does not negate the idea of affordable or diverse housing. I hope to bring

increase $25 at Byram, Cos Cob, and Grass Island. Rentals of the clambake area at Tod’s Point will increase from $275 to $300.

application to go forward. Chabad does however plan to refile at a later date

Two Trees Removed in Old Greenwich Two historic trees were r emove d la st we ek i n Old Greenwich; one was an Elm located on the corner of Edgewater and Sound Beach, and the other was a Linden Tree at 5 West End Ave.

Greenwich Schools Transportation Manager Appointed Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Toni Jones, has announced that Elmer Reynoso will be serving as the new transportation manager, effective immediately. Reynoso replaces Vicki Gregg, and will be in charge of supervising and coordinating transportation for all public and non-public schools in Greenwich. State Aid to Greenwich The State Bonding Com m ittee has approved $1 . 2 m i l l ion i n f u nd i ng to Greenwich. $400,000 will go towards the restoration of the 1896 Chimes Building at Tod’s Point, $104,000 will go towards body cameras for the Greenwich Police, $ 300,000 w i l l go towards renovations for the senior center, $200,000 will go towards a new Red Cross blood donation center, $200,000 will go towards Neighbor to Neighbor’s new food pantry building, and $100,000 will go towards the new GEMS station. Greenwich Symphony The Greenwich Symphony O r c h e s t r a ’s s c h e d u l e d per for mances for its th ird concert of the season with Conduc tor Mél isse Br u net on t he p o d iu m h ave b e e n p o s t p o n e d d u e t o C OV I D concerns. Garden Catering Donates Garden Catering has generously provided meals to families that participate in the Greenwich United Way’s Early Childhood Achievement Gap Solutions Program. Garden Cater ing has donated over 110,000 meals since March of 2020 and is proud to support ECAGS families, especially during the holiday season. 10th Snow Sculpture Contest Greenw ich Parks and Recreation and The Greenwich Arts Council are hosting the 10th annual Greenwich Snow Sculpture Contest. Residents can submit a photo of their best snow sculptures to billie.schock@ greenwichct.org until Friday, March 4, 2022 for the opportunity to win a prize. A long w ith the photo, submissions should include the title of the sculpture, names of the sculptor(s), and a home address. Chabad Lubavitch Withdraws P re-School Application The chair of the Planning and Zoning Committee a n nou nced th is past week that Chabad Lubavitch has withdrawn its application for a pre-school on the grounds of what was formerly Carmel Academy. The application was withdrawn due to the property owner rescinding their aut hor i zation to a l low t he

G r e e nw ich Ave nue Intersection Improvements The Department of Public Works has submitted a preapplication to upgrade two additional intersections on Greenwich Avenue. The next two intersections proposed to be upgraded are Arch St & Havemeyer Place, and Grigg St & Fawcett Place. 2022 Residency Verification Greenwich residents must provide new proof of residency for 2022 before they are able to register for any activities, purchase beach passes, or make facility reservations. Verification can be done on the Town’s website. Primary members of the online account w i l l n e e d t o p r ov i d e t w o proofs of residency, and family members over the age of 25 will need to provide one proof. Acceptable proofs include: utility bills, cable, telephone, or internet bills, leases, bank statements, or a drivers license. Greenwich Point Conservancy Grant The Greenw ich Point Conservancy has announced that it has been awarded a $400,000 State of Connecticut Urban Action Grant. This grant will be used to restore the Chimes Building at Greenwich Point. The restoration project will begin in Oct 2022, will take 12 months to complete, and will cost an estimated $1.2 million. Littering in Cos Cob Last week, Greenwich Police responded to complaints of bags of dog poop in the road outside the house of 26 Sinawoy. In responding, police found that the owner of the partially constructed house was frustrated with dog walkers throwing their poop bags in his dumpster, and threw them out into the road as a response. The property owner was issued a littering infraction.

new ideas to the table to ensure that our town stays vibrant and charming while still having good affordable options. While my plan is for these three priorities to be my focus, I know that leadership requires a certain amount of flexibility. Should conditions change, you can expect me to respond to those chang ing conditions. I believe that continued communication with residents is most important in working on

Hot Chocolate in the Park The Friends of Byram Park will be hosting “Hot Chocolate i n t he Pa rk ” t h i s Su nd ay, January 9 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Byram Park. Meet by the Christmas Tree Recycling for hot chocolate and connection with community members! GHS to Increase COVID-19 Precautions Following holiday recess, Greenwich High School will be implementing new measures to prevent COVID-19 spread. Lunches will be reev a luate d to en su r e mor e space between students when u n m a ske d , on ly e s s e nt i a l volunteers and consultants will be permitted to visit, a gym will be reopened for expanded lunch space, there will be a 5th lunch wave added, and aquatics classes will be temporarily suspended. Book Swap Closes In response to the rise in COVID-19 cases in town, the book swap at Holly Hill will be closed for the month of January, and will reopen on Friday, February 4, 2022.

its negative economic impacts due to COVID. The RFP will be funded from a portion of the A merican Rescue Plan funds. The RFP is available a t g r e e nw i c h c t . g ov/ 1 9 4 6 / American-Rescue-Plan through Jan 10, 2022.

Mary Parry

Tod’s Point Construction D ue to const r uc t ion on t he To d’s Poi nt Cau s ew ay proje c t t he c auseway w i l l be closed Monday through Friday, at which time vehicle traff ic will be permitted up to the main parking lot, and pedestr ia ns a nd bic yclists will be rerouted to access the back end of Tod’s Point. In this next phase of construction, reinforcement will be installed to t he back of t he seawa l l on the northeast side of the causeway. Construction will last three to four months, with an anticipated completion in the early spring.

Leonard (Lenny) Clark Wells, Sr., age 96, passed away on Dec. 23, in Greenwich.

Town RFP The Town has released an RFP for nonprofits to submit proposals to respond to the public health emergency or

Mary Louise “Dodo” Parry, age 98, died on Dec. 25. Bernard Long Bernard P. Long, 93, died on Saturday, Dec. 25. Leonard Wells

Carl Bennett Carl Bennett died peacefully in his home in Greenwich on Dec. 23 at the age of 101. Gail Knutsen Gail Knutsen died Dec. 22 after a sudden illness. She was 82. Erling Andersen Erling Andersen, 85, passed peacefully on Dec. 21. Janet Dunham Janet Burke Dunham, 83, died Saturday, Dec. 18, in Greenwich. Judith Lohman

DEATHS Marianne Baldino

Judith Lohman died on Dec. 17 at the age of 96.

Marianne Baldino, of Greenwich, passed away Dec. 31 at age 89.

Jeanne Scolamiero

Ann D’Andrea

David Hannon

A n n D ’A n d r e a , a l i f e l o n g Greenwich resident, passed away Dec. 28 at age 79.

David Hannon, 81, died on Dec. 16.

Diane Powis D i a n e Me r yl Pow i s , o f Greenwich, passed away on Dec. 26 at age 54. Shawn Zimmerman

Christmas Tree Recycling Ch r istmas trees ca n be recycled undecorated until Monday, Ja nua r y 31 , 2 02 2 at Byram Park, Bruce Park, Greenwich Point, and at the Holly Hill Recycling Center. All recycled trees will be chipped, and the wood chips will be used in parks as mulch. See page B1 for more details.

these priorities. I wish all of you a Happy New Year and invite you to a conversation. Responding to your email or text message will always be a high priority for me. (harry.arora@cga.ct.gov, text at 203-571-9325). Harr y Arora (Republican P a r t y) i s a m e m b e r o f the Connecticut House of Representatives, representing District 151. He assumed office on January 29, 2020.

Shawn Zimmerman, 62, passed away on Dec. 26 in Greenwich. Wendy Bailey Wendy Lewis Bailey, 82, passed away on Dec. 26 at her home in Greenwich. Paul Risher Paul David Risher, 86, passed away on Dec. 26. Eva Lanning Eva L. Lanning passed away on Dec. 25 at the age of 92.

Jeanne D. Scolamiero passed away at home on Dec. 16.

Regina Metz Regina Metz, 62, passed away Tuesday, Dec. 14. Ella Westphal Ella Lantz Westphal, 80, passed away after an illness on Dec. 12. William Barnum William Milo Barnum (Bill) passed away peacefully at his home on Nov. 28 at age 94. Stewart Gordon Stewart George Gordon, age 84, died of natural causes on Oct. 9.

Please see page B5 for the full obituaries.

Local Public Company Market Watch GREENWICH INDEX COMPANY AmBase Corporation



52 LOW










Hudson Global





Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.





Oxford Lane Capital Corp.





Oxford Square Capital Corp.





Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.





Starwood Property Trust Inc.





Townsquare Media Inc.





Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.





W.R. Berkley Corp.





XPO Logistics Inc.





Ellington Financial LLC

* as of close of business 1/5/22

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel


REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD EDITOR Mark Pruner | Mark@GreenwichStreets.com

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866

REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | RobertPulitano@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabellino | CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com Pam Toner | PamToner@bhhsne.com Carline Martin | CarlineMartin@bhhsne.com

A New Level Of Commitment And Honesty In Real Estate. Gloria Falcon 203.559.1604 gloriafalcon@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabellino 203.249.9866 cesarrabellino@bhhsne.com

Greenwich | 136 East Putnam Avenue | bhhsNEproperties.com ©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.



Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Price/ List Price SqFt AC BR FB SqFt

1465 Putnam Avenue 223 169 Mason Street 1A 17 Putnam Park 17 4 Wyndover Lane 189 Old Mill Road 18 Ivanhoe Lane

$440,000 $595,000 $605,000 $1,200,000 $1,295,000 $1,950,000

90 Lockwood Road 332 Riversville Road 132 Cutler Road 10 Wynn Lane 142 Cat Rock Road 60 Binney Lane 20 Hedgerow Lane

$2,500,000 $2,700,000 $2,775,000 $2,995,000 $3,295,000 $3,299,000 $3,395,000

$482 $661

912 900

0 0

$609 $692 $828

1,972 1,872 2,356


2,829 3,545 7,397 7,768 3,394 6,668

$783 $405 $424 $972 $509


0.28 0.63 1.91

1 2 2 3 4 3

1 1 2 2 2 2

Old Greenwich South of Post Road South of Post Road Cos Cob North Parkway South Parkway

0.28 0.7 4.3 3.26 1.27 0.26 2.46

4 4 4 4 7 4 6

3 2 4 5 5 4 5

Riverside North Parkway North Parkway South Parkway Cos Cob Old Greenwich South Parkway


Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt

207 River Run 207 147 Putnam Park 147 351 Pemberwick Road 403 11 Rex Street 10 Cary Road 56 Caroline Place 33 Long Meadow Road 16 Nedley Lane 35 Deep Gorge Road 299 Riversville Road 75 Taconic Road 117 Dingletown Road 172 Valley Road 65 Stonehedge Drive S 505 Putnam Avenue 40 W Elm Street 5D 27 Perryridge Road 191 Lake Avenue 746 Lake Avenue 27 Glen Ridge Road 54 Round Hill Road 10 Mackenzie Glen 21 Hedgerow Lane 94 Dingletown Road 181 Milbank Avenue E 135 Milbank Avenue west 6 Raymond Street 16 Grant Avenue 307 Shore Road 15 Windrose Way

$530,000 $649,000 $699,000 $749,000 $949,000 $939,000 $1,100,000 $898,000 $999,999 $1,100,000 $1,399,000 $1,150,000 $1,395,000 $1,450,000 $2,300,000 $1,995,000 $1,750,000 $1,795,000 $1,900,000 $2,195,000 $6,880,000 $2,550,000 $3,200,000 $2,895,000 $3,250,000 $3,395,000 $4,195,000 $3,995,000 $8,400,000 $12,500,000

$530,000 $649,000 $699,000 $749,000 $875,000 $939,000 $925,000 $898,000 $999,999 $999,000 $1,249,000 $1,150,000 $1,325,000 $1,450,000 $1,899,999 $1,950,000 $1,750,000 $1,795,000 $1,900,000 $2,195,000 $6,880,000 $2,550,000 $2,885,000 $2,750,000 $2,995,000 $3,395,000 $3,990,000 $3,995,000 $8,400,000 $12,500,000

$530,000 $649,000 $710,000 $720,000 $845,000 $865,000 $865,000 $905,000 $1,050,000 $1,100,000 $1,212,500 $1,250,000 $1,300,000 $1,425,000 $1,667,500 $1,875,000 $1,940,000 $1,953,750 $2,000,000 $2,195,000 $2,314,000 $2,525,000 $2,650,000 $2,675,000 $2,925,000 $3,395,000 $4,000,000 $4,100,000 $8,400,000 $13,300,000

57 82 14 42 55 222 162 14 8 145 437 45 46 71 476 260 12 2 15 156 418 65 204 129 508 50 29 7 10

2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 4 5 2 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 5 3 4 5 5 6 5

2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 3 5 3 3 4 5 5 6 6

0 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.28 0.28 1.25 2.02 4.48 1.24 0.66 1.06 1.68 0.19 0.2 2.65 1.08 2.52 1.16 2 1.98 0.22 0.3 0.29 0.35 0.47 2

1,306 1,557 1,064 956 1,650 1,656 2,228 3,178 2,331 3,763 3,468 2,902 2,841 4,059 1,510 2,208 2,391 3,577 5,277 9,924 4,090 5,106 3,722 3,758 5,000 5,400 5,620 8,882 8,562

FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address





332 Riversville Road 12 Cross Street 36 Mianus View Terrace 18 Ivanhoe Lane 10 Birchwood Drive 332 Riversville Road 16 Park Avenue 1 North Street

Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich

$5,000 $849,999 $1,575,000 $1,950,000 $2,395,000 $2,700,000 $2,900,000 $3,095,000

Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 10-12 PM Sun 1-3 PM

Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Realty Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway

Waterstone Appoints Second Senior Advisor

By Victoria Hochman

Waterstone on High Ridge has appoi nted Jea n ie R icci as a senior advisor to assist with marketing, community outreach and customer service in anticipation of its opening in February 2022. Located at 215 High R idge Road, Waterstone on H i g h R i d g e i s S t a m f o r d ’s most comprehensive senior community of fering lu xur y independent, assisted living and memory care. Ms. Ricci, a Norwalk r e s i d e nt , h a s s e ve n ye a r s of experience in the senior living industry with extensive additional background in sales and marketing. Prior to joining Waterstone of High Ridge, Ms. Ricci served as senior advisor at Bridges by EPOCH at Norwalk, a memory care and assisted living community. “Coming from our Bridges community in Norwalk, Jeanie is already familiar with our

“Coming from our Bridges community in Norwalk, Jeanie is already familiar with our high standards and that is a major plus for us and for the families she will serve,’’ said Joanna Cormac Burt, COO of Epoch Senior Living.

high standards and that is a major plus for us and for the families she will serve,’’ said Joanna Cormac Burt, COO of Epoch Senior Living. “She’s a proven professional with a strong background in sales and marketing, and her additional background in healthcare makes

her a perfect fit. We are excited to welcome her to the team.’’ In addition to her work at Bridges in Norwalk, Ms. Ricci served as Director of Sales and Marketing and Director of Sales and External Business Director at senior living communities in Stamford and in Brooklyn. Earlier in her career, Ms. Ricci worked as Marketing Director for a physical medicine and rehabilitation center. In her role as Senior Advisor at Waterstone, Ms. Ricci will be responsible for all aspects of internal and external sales and marketing. She will also build


relationships with families, clients and prospective families w ith in the com mu n it y a nd referral sources. Ms. Ricci said she is excited about the opening of Waterstone on High Ridge and finally getting to work with families. “This is a really exciting time to be joining Waterstone,’’ she said. “We can’t wait to open our doors and to welcome new families.’’ L o c ate d on a b e aut i f u l , wo o d e d c a m p u s n e x t to a conservation area, Waterstone on High R idge features 146 residences. There are 88

independent living apartments rang ing f rom one-bedroom and one-bedroom plus, to twobedroom and two-bedroom plus. The 36 assisted living residences include studio, oneb e d r o o m o r t wo -b e d r o o m apartments. Memory care has 22 suites. Waterstone on High Ridge is being built by leaders in the field Epoch Senior Living and National Development. It is currently under construction and scheduled for opening late 2021. Waterstone on High Ridge i s t h e l a t e s t b e s t-i n- c l a s s independent living community

created by leaders in the field E P O C H S e n ior L i v i n g a nd National Development. EPOCH Senior Living operates 12 senior living communities with four u n de r deve l op m e nt i n t h e Northeast. The Welcome Center for Waterstone on High Ridge is located at 30 Buxton Farm Road, Stamford. Open houses are scheduled this month and next month by appointment only to meet COVID-19 social distancing requirements. For more information about Waterstone on High Ridge, visit www.waterstoneonhighridge. com or call 203-361-9717.

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2021 N U M B ER ON E













P U T T H E P O W E R O F # 1 T O W O R K F O R YO U .

G R E E N W I C H B R O K E R A G E 2 0 3 . 8 6 9. 0 7 0 0



2 0 3 . 6 9 8 .1 2 3 4



Source 2021 total sales both on and off MLS. GMLS 2021 total dollar volume sold by agent, Greater Greenwich. GMLS, 2021, total dollar volume, participated in the list side, sale side or both, sold of single-family homes $2M+ sold by company, Greater Greenwich.

Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel

Record Sales – Record Low Inventory

Real Estate From Page 1

sales this year leading to 251 total sales. This was an increase of 31%. Pa r t of what le d to t h is big increase was that many Gr e enw ich ite s who ow ne d homes in the $2 – 3 million price range upsized their houses to get more offices, amenities, homework areas and just space in general. What that meant was that their homes were available for sale both to people coming from New York City and coming from smaller houses and rentals in Greenwich. These homeowners then listed their homes otherwise we would never have had the enough listings to make it to 1,005 sales in 2021. O u r big ge s t p e r c e nt a ge increase was from $6.5 million to $10 million where we saw sales jump 120% from 25 sales in 2020 to 55 sales last year. Some of this sales increase were those Greenwich people who were selling their $3 million house and moving to a $6.5 million, but we also had a lot of New Yorkers concerned about their safety in New York City as well as Covid. Hopefully, the new mayor, Eric Adams, with his police background will bring the crime rate down. Problems in New York City bode ill for Greenwich in the long run, even if they lead to a temporary influx of new residents in Greenwich. Overall, our high-end has been the strongest part of our market with sales from $5 – 10 million up 216% since 2019 and up 82% just from 2020, which was itself a record setting year. Interestingly, another price range where we saw a slight sales drop was over $10 million where we went from 15 sales in 2020 to 14 sales last year. I’d take that “drop” with a grain of salt. I know of a bunch of private high-end sales, such as the $19.3 million sale on Lower Cross Road that were never listed. I’d love to know how our private sales did both years. I’m betting that like the rest of the market, our private sales were up last year. Very Little New Inventory All this is happening while our inventory, which was never close to normal levels this year, dropped precipitously in the last part of the year. We started this year at 152 listings, when we should have around 400 listings. Pre-Covid you have to go back 21 years to Dec. 2000 for the prior record low number listings and that prior low was almost double what we have now. In 2000 we hit a low of 291 listings and this week we have 152 listings. In some areas of town, our inventory is almost comical. In

Byram we have 3 houses for sell. In Glenville, 5 houses, in Cos Cob we are up to 6 houses and we have 8 and 9 houses in Riverside and Old Greenwich. These incredibly low numbers mean that we have zero inventory in some price ranges in these neighborhoods. For example, in Cos Cob we have 6 listings, but nothing between $1.8 million and $3.2 million, i.e., if you are looking for a house anywhere around $2.5 million you won’t find anything to see in Cos Cob. This is after we sold 28 Cos Cob houses in that price range in 2021. This $2.4 million wide price range was mostly emptied last month, December 2021. In that month, we had 8 Cos Cob houses go to contract creating that big empty space where we would normally have a couple of dozen listings. Our inventory peaked at 342 listings in June and dropped for most of the rest of the year. In a normal year we peak at around 650 listings. As we had less to sell, contracts dropped in the second half of the year, then surprisingly flattened out in the last 3 months of the year as buyers rushed to buy, before interest rates and prices went up. At year-end, our contracts dropped, as our mini-yearend buyers’ frenzy started to see even a dearth of house priced reasonably. Strong Buyer Demand in Greenwich - While our new listings have slowed, demand has not slowed as winter is here. Buyers are snapping stuff up as quickly as it comes on the market. Of our 152 listings, only 30 have been on for 60 days or less. In Old Greenwich, our hottest market, buyers have a choice of 9 houses with only 3 houses under $1.5M. Of those 9 houses, only one has been on the market for less than two months. You can see that we have strong buyer demand f rom Westchester County, if you look at the map of 2021 sales in Greenwich. Our border looks like a Seurat pointillism painting w ith a series of sales right along our western and northern borders with New York State. These folks are in a new state, but in some cases their old friends are just across the street or only one exit away. Price Ranges – Sales, Inventory and Months of Supply We h ave l ow i nve nto r y across the board. In some price ranges, our contracts waiting to close exceed the inventory. From $1 – 1.5 million we have 13 contracts waiting to close, but only 10 listings. The ten listings in this price range are nicely distributed. You have one listing in Old Greenwich, Riverside, Cos Cob and mid-country. You have two listings in backcountry, Glenville and central Greenwich.


2021 10 YEAR AVG. 2019

At least the buyers in one of our most popular price ranges have a choice of neighborhoods. Another price range with more contracts than inventory is from $600,000 to $800,000, where we have 7 contracts and only 4 listings. To see just how tight the market is check out our months o f s up p l y. T h e t r a d i t i o n a l dividing line between a buyer’s a n d a s e l l e r ’s m a rke t i s 6 months of supply, i.e., all listings would sell out in 6 months at the present rate of sales, if no more inventory came on the market. We have less than 6 months of supply all the way up to $10M and less than 3 months of supply under $5M. Our total months of supply is an astounding 1.8 months, but is it really that tight? Looked at some ways our market really isn’t that bad as the stats make it out. In part, this is because these stats are designed for a normal market not the hot market we have. One of things that the traditional stats don’t show well are listings that go on and off the market in less than a month. In

a typical market, this isn’t a big factor, but last year, 351 of our 1,005 sales were on the market for less than a month. Many of these listing probably never appeared as “inventory” as they weren’t an active listing when stats were run at the end of the month or quarter. Of those 351 shooting star listings, 73 were on for zero days on market meaning they were private sales that were “listed” on the MLS “For Reporting Purposes Only”. And, there were a lot more of these private sales that weren’t reported on the MLS. Real Estate in 2022 Regardless of how much inventory we get on in the next two months we are going to have a tight market for a while and possibly the entire year. For the time being, the smart money is out their buying their houses before prices go up even more than the 10.6%, they did this year. Also, for the majority of our buyers that need mortgages, they are rushing to buy, before the Fed raises rates. The greatest imponderable is how many people are left

to sell their homes after 1,869 house sales in the last two years. In 2021, we had a stellar first half and a good 3rd quarter. We should have had a much slower fourth quarter and that the way it looked to be at the end of October, but some of the Frenzy that we saw in second quarter came back in the last two months and sales went up even as we had less and less inventory to buy. The one thing that we do know is that this year is going be different, than the prior two years. Covid will go away or at least no longer be at pandemic levels. During the year most people will have a much better idea of just when they will have to be in the office. People who are waiting out this uncertainty in rentals are likely to buy and we will get some more upsizers listing their “smaller” houses which will look big to those people in rentals. Interest rates will go up, me a n i ng some money may move from stocks to bonds, potentially flattening the stock market. But, a lot of Wall Street people are going to get some

nice bonuses for last year’s market. Also, a major economist says that stimulus money takes about a year to have its full effect, so lot of the $2.2 trillion of stimulus money is still sloshing and will be looking for a home well in to 2022 (preferably a nice home here in Greenwich.) If you have a home, January 2022 is a great time to list it. If you are buyer, it’s not as bad as the headlines look, but there is probably no more important time to have a good Realtor, banker, home inspector and at tor ney a nd if you need a mortgage pay the fee and get underwritten pre-approved. You are going to be going up against a lot of buyers that are bringing all cash to the table and no mortgage contingency. Stay tuned, it’s going to be a really interesting first quarter…

Mark Pruner is the Greenwich Sentinel Real Estate Editor and a sales executive with Compass at 200 Greenwich Ave. He can be reached at mark. pruner@compass.com or 203969-7900.

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G REENWICH , C T 0 6 8 30

Source: 2021 total sales both on and off MLS; GMLS 2021, total dollar volume of homes sold by agent, Greater Greenwich


Looking Ahead as the New Year Begins

By Yonni Wattenmaker Happy New Year! It always s e e m s to m e t h at , de s p ite knowing how a calendar works, January somehow comes sooner than expected. It is a time full of hope and promises of what we aim to do better in the twelve months ahead. I used to make New Year’s resolutions but they were usually about the smaller things: cooking more, exercising more, putting my phone down more. It’s not that those things don’t matter but if I fail, the only person I have to answer to is myself. But what resolutions can we make that have a greater impact? In what activities can we engage that not only improve our own well-being but the lives of those around us as well? I was raised in a family committed to community involvement and social justice. We helped Vietnamese boat families get settled in the US, volunteered in soup kitchens, brought groceries to the elderly, and engaged in interfaith and interracial dialogues to build understanding between different communities. As an adult I continue that involvement, not only in my professional life as Executive Director of Breast Cancer Alliance for over a decade now but in my personal life as well. For those of you reading this who aren’t aware, Breast Cancer Alliance has been around for twenty-five years, and while it is now a prominent national cha r it y ma k i ng sig n i f ica nt impact, we still have only two full-time staff members. Volunteering not only serves those who you are helping; it does wonders for the volunteers as well. Those who choose to make time for others find that they feel more of a connection to their community and increased self-con f idence. There is a reason people say kindness is contagious. Donating your time is a wonderful way to ‘pay

Those who choose to make time for others find that they feel more of a connection to their community and increased self-confidence. There is a reason people say kindness is contagious. Donating your time is a wonderful way to ‘pay it forward’ and do something altruistic. You might also just feel a little more gratitude about your own circumstances once you help others.

(l-r) Jennifer Dreilinger and Lori Kron, 2021 Annual Luncheon co-chairs, Meg Russell, BCA President, and Yonni Wattenmaker, BCA Executive Director with Sarah Meindl and Paige Siek, 2021 Annual Luncheon co-chairs it forward’ and do something altruistic. You might also just feel a little more gratitude about your own circumstances once you help others. Volunteerism is essential to the success we have achieved; it is the cornerstone of our foundation as is evidenced by the girls holding hands in our logo, and will continue to be as we move into the new year in constant pursuit of our mission. As you think about your resolutions, think about what speaks to you. Where do your talents lie? What professional skills or hobbies do you possess from which those BCA serves

could benefit? Here are some ideas for you to consider: If you are a sur v ivor or are living with breast cancer, we would love to share your story. It could be on Instagram in our Saturday Stories, in our newsletter, Outlook, or perhaps as a Model of Inspiration in our 2022 Luncheon and Fashion Show. Maybe you would be willing to be a peer mentor to someone who is starting a journey dow n a road you have already traveled. Your w i l l i n g n e s s to sh a r e you r experience might not seem like a significant way to donate your time but it could be invaluable to

someone else. A r e yo u a c a r d p l aye r? Enter into our virtual poker to u r n a m e nt to b e h e l d o n Thursday, January 27. Have little kids or grandkids looking for something fun to do in the cold days of winter? Purchase a Kids for a Cause gift box and join our family zoom cooking and baking class on the afternoon of Sunday, February 6. Interested in learning more about breast cancer in men? It strikes one in fewer than 1000 men, but how do they f ind it? How do they know if they are at higher risk? Learn from a panel of exceptional doctors a nd su r v ivors at a

symposium on March 2. Looking to build your wine repertoire? Learn from the best, Kevin Zraly of Windows on the World at The Village on March 31. Perhaps fitness is your thing? Help us bring back our 5K Run/ Walk on May 1, our first live spring fitness event since COVID began, or our Golf outing in September. Whether your contribution is time, talent or financial, it all brings us closer to a breast cancer-free future. Reach out to see what opportunities are available, and if you can attend an event or site visit to one of our grant recipients, in-person or online, join us. Our events

page is always being updated at breastcanceralliance.org/events. Regardless of the choices you make for the coming year, I wish you one of joy, health and peace. Yo n n i Wa t t e n m a k e r h a s been Executive Director of Breast Cancer Alliance (Instagram: @ breastcanceralliance) since June 2011. She was named one of 40 Fascinating Women by WAG Magazine in 2019 and was honored as one of the 2021 Women Who Inspire by the YWCA in Greenwich. She is also the founder of Yon Appetit (Instagram: @yonappetit) for health and nutritional coaching.

What to do with Your Christmas Tree The Department of Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce that residents may begin to bring their Christmas Trees for recycling starting Sunday, December 26. Christmas tree recycling will end on Monday, January 31, 2022. All trees to be recycled must be u ndecorated (or na ments, tinsel, lights, and stands must be removed). The Parks & Trees Division will be recycling resident’s Christmas trees by chipping them. The wood chips can be used by residents as mulch or compost. Tree chips retained by the Town will be used in parks as mulch for trails in woodlands, shrub beds, and soil stabilization. Nationally Christmas trees are recycled for five main types of large-scale uses:

• Lake and river shore stabilization on f lower beds to protect roots • Fish habitat: trees are sunk in and bulbs from winter cold in a lakes to serve as cover for young decorative way. fish and sustaining insects • R iver delta sed i mentation management. Homeowners may also consider retaining their Christmas trees for domestic uses such as: • Songbird and wildlife habitat: Christmas trees placed near bird feeding areas are used by the visiting birds as shelter from the wind and cold, and as protective c ove r f r om pr e dator s wh i le consuming the bird food. Trees can also be ‘decorated’ by hanging peanut butter filled pinecones, suet and seed mixes, or fruit.

These are just a few ways trees can be recycled without the energy expense of mechanized chipping. I f you have a ny ot her ide a s about recycling Christmas trees, share them with Parks & Rec. at parksandtrees@greenwihcct.org. Residents can bring their Christmas tree to the following collection sites: Byram Park: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. – the parking lot by the Concession. Bruce Park:

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. – the parking lot by the Children’s playground, opposite • Erosion control: Whole trees the entrance to Bruce Museum. can be placed in gullied areas to Greenwich Point: • Chipping: chips to be used for Holly Hill Recycling Center: place trees in the yard waste area. No trees will be accepted after prevent or slow erosion. mulch or compost Wood chips will be available to Monday, January 31. 6 a.m. until sunset – parking lot 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., weekdays and • Flower bed protection: Boughs across from the Nature Center. • Beachfront erosion prevention 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturdays – residents at each collection site. can be cut off the trees to place





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Page B2 | Greenwich Sentinel

GREENWICH LIBRARIES: greenwichlibrary.org Friday, Jan. 7 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. Learning Lab. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org 10 a.m. Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203622-7924. ywang@ greenwichlibrary.org 10 & 11 a.m. Storytime at Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org

Complete Town Wide Calendar

3:45 p.m. World Music with Anitra. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org 7 p.m. Friends Friday Films: “ Hail Caesar!” Berkley Theater. Saturday, Jan. 8 11 a.m. Technology Help. Lab Learning Lab. 203-625-6560. 1 p.m. Cloak and Dagger Book Club: “The Windsor Knot” by S.J. Bennett. Cos Cob Community

Room. Monday, Jan. 10 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. Learning Lab. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org 10 a.m. Wee Ones Storytime for 1s and 2s. Marx Family Black Box Theater. children@ greenwichlibrary.org 11:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Screening. Business Conference room. First-come, first-served. 203-625-6549. schan@

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greenwichlibrary.org 1 p.m. Byram Book Club: “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman. Community Room. 203-5310426. 1 p.m. Date with an Author: “Recalculating” by Lindsey Pollak with Nancy Collamer. Online. 203-625-6533. mmartin@greenwichlibrary. org 3:30 p.m. Fairy Tea Party with Food Explorers. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org 5 p.m. Food Riddle Bingo & Strawberry Shortcake Parfaits with Food Explorers. Cos Cob Library Community Room. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org Tuesday, Jan. 11 9:15 a.m. Baby Lapsit Storytime. Children’s Constellation Room. children@greenwichlibrary. org 10:30 a.m. Spanish Storytime at Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. 11 a.m. Petite Concert. Marx Family Black Box Theater. children@ greenwichlibrary.org 11 a.m. Indoor Preschool Storytime with Patty Byram Community Room. 203-531-0426. 1 p.m. Friends Book Group: “The Love Songs of W. E. B. Du Bois” by Honoree Fanonne Jeffers. 2nd Floor Meeting Room. friends@ greenwichlibrary.org 1 p.m. Sit n Stitch Knitting Group. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883. 5 p.m. Battle of the Books Trivia Challenge. Online/Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883. 6 p.m. Elements of Writing: Narrative Voice and Point of View. Online. 203-622-7915.

mwalsh@greenwichlibrary. org Wednesday, Jan. 12 10 a.m. Tales for 2s and 3s. Marx Family Black Box Theater. children@greenwichlibrary. org 10 a.m. Career Coach: Microsoft Excel Beginner. Check-in at the Reading Room desk before 10am. csherman@ greenwichlibrary.org 10:30 a.m. Baby Lapsit. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org 1 p.m. A Tale of Two Salaries. Online. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org 1 p.m. Career Coach: Microsoft Excel Intermediate. Check-in at the Reading Room desk before 10am. csherman@ greenwichlibrary.org 3:45 p.m. Afternoon Story/Craft. Ages 2 1/2 & up. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-6226883. Thursday, Jan. 13 11 a.m. Fiesta de los Cuentos! Bilingual Storytime. Children’s Constellation Room. children@greenwichlibrary. org 11:30 a.m. Qi Gong. Online. 203-531-0426. 3:45 p.m. Preschool Storytime & Songs with Miss Annie. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org 5 p.m. Proust Group: “Remembrance of Things Past.” Online. proust. society@gmail.com 5 p.m. Tai Chi with Ken Dolan. Online. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. Cleaning your Home with Herbs. Online. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. Learn the Secrets of Getting Top Scores on SAT/ACT. Online. 203622-7918. emorrissey@

greenwichlibrary.org Friday, Jan. 14 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. 203625-6560. csherman@ greenwichlibrary.org 10 & 11 a.m. Storytime at Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org 7 p.m. Friends Friday Films: “ True Grit.” Berkley Theater. Saturday, Jan. 15 11 a.m. Technology Help. Learning Lab. csherman@ greenwichlibrary.org GREENWICH HOSPITAL: greenwichhospital.org/ events 888-305-9253 Saturday, Jan. 8 9 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/ Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. Monday, Jan. 10 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. Wednesday, Jan. 12 11 a.m. Webinar: Better Breathers. 1:30 p.m. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. 260 Long Ridge Rd, Stamford. 5 p.m. Stroke Education Support Group. Online. 6 p.m. Webinar: The Curious Case of the Rotator Cuff. Thursday, Jan. 13 1 p.m. Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. 6 p.m. Webinar: Brain Emergencies 101. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: ntngreenwich.org Everyday, all day 24/7 Food Drive Collection site at North Greenwich Congregational Church, 606 Riversville Road. The weatherproof bin is located outside of the Parish Hall.

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Complete Town Wide Calendar Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pullups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. FRIDAY, JAN. 7 10 a.m. Alliance Francaise of Greenwich: ‘Café FrancoAméricain’ - Conversation in English and French. In person. sbenthal@aol.com 7 - 9:30 p.m. Greenwich Roller Skating public session. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. $12 (includes skate rentals). 203-322-4447. greenwichrollerskating@ gmail.com. greenwichrollerskating.webs. com 7:30 p.m. Karaoke Night. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. 203-6189036. stlawrencesociety.com SATURDAY, JAN. 8 10 a.m. “Community Viignettes” Art Exhibition by Carolyn Gamanos – Opening. YWCA Greenwich, 259 East Putnam Ave. ywcagreenwich.org 7:30 p.m. Postponed: Greenwich Symphony Orchestra with conductor Mélisse Brunet. Performing Arts Center at Greenwich High School, 10 Hillside Rd. greenwichsymphony.org SUNDAY, JAN. 9 10 a.m. Friends of Byram Park: Hot Chocolate in the Park. Byram Park parking lot, 4 Ritch Ave. (near the Christmas tree recycling drop off). Free. friendsofbyrampark.org 7:30 p.m. Postponed: Greenwich Symphony Orchestra with conductor Mélisse Brunet. Performing Arts Center at Greenwich High School, 10 Hillside Rd. greenwichsymphony.org MONDAY, JAN. 10 10 a.m. Greenwich Art Society: Intermediate & Advanced Oil Painting (in person). 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. 203629-1533. greenwichartsociety. org/classes 2 p.m. CT Ceramics Study Circle Lecture: “​A Birthday Bouquet: Madame de Pompadour’s Love of Flowers and Vincennes/Sèvres Porcelain.” Via Zoom. Free. Register. connecticutceramicscircle@ gmail.com. cceramicsc.org 4 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Introduction to Drawing (Teens & Adults). Via Zoom. Register. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/ classes TUESDAY, JAN. 11 1 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: The Art of Nature - Intermediate & Advanced. In person (299 Greenwich Ave) & on Zoom. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/ classes 4:30 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Collage and Assemblage Using Mixed Media. Via Zoom. 203-6291533. greenwichartsociety.org/ classes 5 p.m. Alliance Francaise of Greenwich: Apéro amis. RSVP. Gail.covney@gmail. com 7 p.m. The Disruptors: The Truth about ADHD. YWCA Greenwich, 259 East Putnam Ave. Register. 203-8696501. ywcagreenwich.org/ thedisruptors WEDNESDAY, JAN. 12 11 a.m. Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich: David Yermack: “Overview of Cryptocurrencies: The Basics.” First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich, 1 West Putnam Ave. & on Zoom. Free. Open to all. greenwichrma.org

5 p.m. Alliance Francaise of Greenwich: ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ - join in for lively discussions on French films. Via Zoom. Open to all. afgreenwich.org 6 p.m. ONS Webinar: The Curious Case of the Rotator Cuff. Via Zoom. Free. Register. onsmd. com/events 7 p.m. Book Discussion: Plants First: A Physician’s Guide to Wellness Through a PlantForward Diet, with Dr. Katie Takayasu. Via Zoom. Free. Register. perrotlibrary.org/ events 7 p.m. Bruce Experiences: The Fisher Dollhouse: A Conversation with Joanna Fisher. Free for Museum members. Reservations required. brucemuseum.org Winter Whites Floral Class - Registration deadline: Jan. 12. Event takes place Jan. 26 at Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $140. greenwichbotanicalcenter.org THURSDAY, JAN. 13 10 a.m. GPS: “Effective Ways to Foster Independence and Responsibility in Children” – an interactive workshop. Greenwich Town Hall Hayton Conference Room, 3rd floor. Free. RSVP - first come, first serve. GreenwichSchools. org 5 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Figure Drawing in The Studio – Beginner & Intermediate. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/ classes 7 p.m. Arch Street & Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich: A Conversation with Darby Fox. 100 Arch St. info@archstreet.org. archstreet.org 7 p.m. St. Catherine’s Support Circle: It’s Not All About You. Via Zoom. RSVP required by Monday, Jan. 10. cbrugo@ gmail.com. stc-sta.org FRIDAY, JAN. 14 9 a.m. Greenwich Art Society: Intro to Acrylic Painting – Beginner & Intermediate. In person (299 Greenwich Ave) & on Zoom. Register. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/classes 1 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Creative Arts for 5-6 year olds. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/ classes 1 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Critique & Collaboration. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/ classes 3:15 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Creative Arts for 7-8 year olds. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. 203-629-1533. greenwichartsociety.org/classes 6 p.m. Arch Street’s 6th grade event. 100 Arch St. $20 (includes games, food, DJ). info@ archstreet.org. archstreet.org 7:30 p.m. Live Music Night: Happy Accident. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. 203-618-9036. stlawrencesociety.com MONDAY, JAN. 17 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Acts of Community Service Family Day. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. brucemuseum. org THROUGH MON., FEB. 28: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Julie Tehrani exhibition. Greenwich Hospital Garden Café, 5 Perryridge Rd. greenwichartsociety.org WEDNESDAYS: 12 - 2 p.m. Waste Free Greenwich’s Food Scrap Recycle Program: Drop off scraps at Living Hope Community Church, 38 West End Ave., Old Greenwich. wastefreegreenwich@gmail. com. wastefreegreenwich.org

12:15 p.m. Greenwich Rotary Club Weekly Lunch Meeting. Greenwich Water Club, 49 River Rd. $68/person. RSVP. sally.parris@cbmoves.com. greenwichrotary.org 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents and primary caregivers of children & adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues. Free. namisouthwestct.org/onlinesupport THURSDAYS: 8 a.m. & 4 p.m. Tai Chi Basic Moves. First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Registration is required. Tuition is paid as a donation made directly by the participant to abilis, Neighbor to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church. experiencetaichi.org 5 p.m. Lighthouse, a Program of Kids In Crisis: LGBTQ Youth Group Meeting. Christ Church Greenwich. Free. No RSVP required. Open to all LGBTQ Youth & allies. 203-661-1911. lighthouse@kidsincrisis. org. kidsincrisis.org/get-help/ lighthouse EVERY FRI & SAT: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Book Exchange – choose from a huge selection of books. Holly Hill Recycling Center. Free, or, donate books. (Open every Fri & Sat. books4everyone.org EVERY SUNDAY: 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Safe Roads (Traffic Restricted) Sundays at Tod’s Point, sponsored by Friends of Greenwich Point. Through April 11, 2022. FriendsofGreenwichPoint.org RED CROSS: RedCrossBlood.org Friday, Jan. 7 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. Sunday, Jan. 9 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. Monday, Jan. 10 11 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. Tuesday, Jan. 11 11 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. Thursday, Jan. 13 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. St. Matthew’s Church, 382 Cantitoe St, Bedford, NY.

Friday, Jan. 14 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. TOWN MEETINGS: greenwichct.gov/calendar Monday, Jan. 10 9:30 a.m. Energy Management Advisory Committee and Planning and Zoning Team Meeting. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. Energy Management Advisory Committee Meeting. Town Hall Meeting Room 7:30 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 8 p.m. Land Use Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. Tuesday, Jan. 11 12 p.m. First Selectman’s Diversity Advisory Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 5:30 p.m. Shellfish Commission Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Appointments Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 8 p.m. Health & Human Services Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. Wednesday, Jan. 12 7 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing. 7 p.m. District 11 Meeting. Via Zoom. 7:30 p.m. District 8 Meeting. Via Zoom. 8 p.m. District 4 Meeting. Via Zoom. Thursday, Jan. 13 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Meeting In Person at Town Hall and Virtual. 7 p.m. District 10 Meeting. Via Zoom. District 3 Meeting. Via Zoom. 7:30 p.m. District 12 Meeting. Via Zoom. District 2 Meeting. Via Zoom. District 5 Meeting. Via Zoom. District 7 Meeting. Via Zoom. District 9 Meeting. Via Zoom. 8 p.m. District 1 Meeting. Via Zoom. District 6 Meeting. Via Zoom. Friday, Jan. 14 1 p.m. Public Tree Hearing 5 Brookridge Drive. Via Zoom.

SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, Jan. 27 6:30 p.m. The Greenwich Riding and Trails Association’s annual dinner. The Milbrook Club, Greenwich. Purchase ticket before Jan. 21. thegrta.org 8 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance’s Virtual Poker Tournament prizes, silent auction & special drawing. breastcanceralliance. org

Friday, Jan. 28 Bruce Museum’s Night at the Museum Family Benefit. brucemuseum.org Saturday, Jan. 29 Bruce Museum’s Night at the Museum Family Benefit. brucemuseum.org Sunday, Feb. 6 3 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance’s Kids for a Cause – dessert-making class with Chef Sarah Leff & drawing class by Jonathan Cohen. breastcanceralliance. org Friday, March 4 6 p.m. Pathways’ Music and Change featuring The Marcus King Band. The Capitol Theatre, Port Chester. $200. 203-8695656. sghabour@pways.org. one.bidpal.net/capitol/ticketing Wednesday, March 23 6 p.m. American Red Cross ‘Heroes Among Us’ Gala. Ziegfeld Ballroom, NYC. NYCGala@ redcross.org Thursday, March 31 7 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance’s Window on the World Wine Class. In person & online. breastcanceralliance.org Wednesday, April 6 Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich’s Youth of Year Dinner. 4 Horseneck Ln. bgcg. org Saturday, April 23 6 p.m. American Red Cross Red and White Ball. Riverside Yacht Club, Riverside. redcross.org Thursday, April 28 4 p.m. Swim Across America Fairfield County’s Sip & Shop. Safavieh, Stamford. swimacrossamerica.org Greenwich United Way’s Sole Sisters Luncheon. greenwichunitedway.org Friday, April 29 6 p.m. River House Adult Day Center’s Rolling on the River Annual Benefit. 125 River Road Ext. Amurdock@ theRiverHouse.org Saturday, April 30 Abilis’ Spring for Abilis Gala. Woodway Country Club. abilis. us Make-A-Wish Connecticut’s Evening of Wishes Gala. Mohegan Sun. ct.wish.org/gala Thursday, May 5 YWCA Greenwich 17th annual Old Bags Luncheon. Belle Haven Club. ywcagreenwich. org Friday, May 6 Kids In Crisis’ Spring Fling Gala. Greenwich Audubon Center. kidsincrisis.org

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Saturday, May 14 Bruce Museum’s 35th Annual Gala. Greenwich Country Club. brucemuseum.org Friday, May 20 Greenwich Hospital Annual Gala. Greenwich Country Club. events@greenwichhospital.org Saturday, May 28 Greenwich Town Party. Roger Sherman Baldwin Park. $85, general; $25, Seniors; free, children ages 12 & under. greenwichtownparty.org. Friday, June 3 7 p.m. Emily’s Chimes. The Village, Stamford. emsway.org Friday, June 10 5:30 p.m. Greenwich Land Trust’s annual An Evening at the Farmstead. GLT’s Mueller Preserve. will@gltrust.org. gltrust.org Thursday, June 30 Greenwich Sentinel Awards. Greenwich Audubon Center. greenwichsentinel.com Saturday, July 9 Greenwich Point Conservancy’s Beach Ball. Tod’s Point. greenwichpoint. org Saturday, Oct. 1 Greenwich Historical Society’s 90th Gala Celebration. greenwichhistory.org

Our Neighboring Towns SATURDAY, JAN. 8 11 a.m. Seal-Spotting & Birding Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, 4 North Water St, Norwalk. $34. 203-852-0700. maritimeaquarium.org WEDNESDAY, JAN. 12 7 p.m. An A Capella Evening with the Yale Spizzwinks. Bedford Playhouse Main Theater, 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. 914234-6704. bedfordplayhouse. org THROUGH THURSDAY, JAN. 20 Tara Blackwell and Cal Bocicault: American Iconography exhibit. The Norwalk Art Space @ ADK House, 455 West Ave, Norwalk. 203-252-2840. info@ thenorwalkartspace.org. thenorwalkartspace.org THROUGH FRIDAY, FEB. 11 The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum: calling for artists for the juried exhibition: Fragments of Light, Impressions of Color. 295 West Ave., Norwalk. $35 p/4 pieces. 203-838-9799. www.

lockwoodmathewsmansion. com

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Army Staff Sgt. Ty Carter enemy from capturing the position and saving the lives of his fellow Soldiers. Specialist Ty M. Carter’s e x t ra o rd i n a r y h e r oi s m a n d selflessness above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and ref lect great credit upon himself, Bravo Troop, 3d Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and the United States Army.

leans against a cargo pack beside a scope and a rifle. LITTLE SPACE TO HIDE Early that morning, Carter and 52 other American soldiers were woken by the sounds of an attack. About 300 Taliban f ighters hidden in the hills surrounding all four sides of the outpost fired on them using rocket-propelled grenades, antiaircraft machine guns, mortars and other small arms. Carter immediately jumped out of bed, threw on his boots and Kevlar vest and quickly began to do his job, which was to reinforce a forward battle position — in this case, a Humvee that housed the long-range advanced scout surveillance system. He ran at least twice through a 100-meter gauntlet o f e n e my f i r e to r e s up p l y ammunition to the men in the vehicle, and he voluntarily stayed with them to defend it. The Humvee’s tires had quickly been f lattened, which meant Carter and four other soldiers were trapped there as the barrage of gunfire continued. As Taliban fighters moved onto the outpost, the men knew they had to run to safety, or they would die there. So, Carter and Sgt. Brad Larson provided cover for the three other soldiers to try to escape. Two of the men went down quickly, while the third, Spc. Stephan Mace, disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Carter and Larson stayed in the Humvee for hours, taking shots out of the windows with their rifles when they could to defend themselves. Eventually, Carter saw something on the ground — a wounded Mace, about 30 yards away from the Humvee. Carter said he wanted to help his comrade, but Larson initially refused, saying it was too dangerous.

HIS STORY Carter was born in Spokane, Army Staff Sgt. Ty Carter receives the Medal of Honor Washington, on Jan. 25, 1980, from President Barack Obama during a ceremony at and the family moved to the the White House, Aug. 26, 2013. Photo: Army Staff Sgt. California Bay Area the following Bernardo Fuller year. A decade later, they moved fire. Specialist Carter reinforced a back to Spokane, where Carter DETAILS graduated from North Central Rank: Staff Sergeant; Specialist forward battle position, ran twice through a 100 meter gauntlet of High School in 1998. Within at the time. enemy fire to resupply ammunition months, he’d joined the Marines Organization: U.S. Army and voluntarily remained there as a combat engineer. Company: B Troop, 3rd After four years of service, to defend the isolated position. Squadron Carter left the Marines and went Armed with only an M4 carbine Division: 61st Calvary Regiment rif le, Specialist Carter placed to community college to study Conflict: War in Afghanistan accurate, deadly fire on the enemy, biology. However, he said he beating back the assault force and liked the sense of purpose he’d Date of Action: 10/3/09 preventing the position from being had in the military, so in January Date of Issue: 08/26/13 overrun, over the course of several 2008, five years after he left the Medal Presented By: hours. With complete disregard Marines, he joined the Army as President Barack Obama for his own safety and in spite of a cavalry scout. I n M ay 2 0 0 9, t hen-Sp c . his own wounds, he ran through CITATION Carter deployed to Afghanistan a hail of enemy rocket propelled S p e c i a l i s t Ty M . C a r t e r grenade and machine gun fire with his unit, the Black Knight distinguished himself by acts of to rescue a critically wounded Troop of the 3rd Squadron, 61st gallantry and intrepidity at the comrade who had been pinned Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade risk of his life above and beyond down in an exposed position. Combat Team, 4th Infantr y the call of duty while serving as Specialist Carter rendered life Division. Not long after their a Scout with Bravo Troop, 3d extending first aid and carried arrival in the country, the unit Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, the Soldier to cover. On his own was sent to Combat Outpost 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th initiative, Specialist Carter again Keating, one of the country’s Infantry Division, during combat maneuvered through enemy fire most remote and vulnerable operations against an armed to check on a fallen Soldier and spots. COP Keating was near the enemy in Kamdesh Di st r ict , recovered the squad’s radio, which Pakistan border in a deep valley Nuristan Province, Afghanistan allowed them to coordinate their surrounded by tall mountains on October 3 , 2009. On that evacuation with fellow Soldiers. and was known to the soldiers morning, Specialist Carter and W i t h t e a m m a t e s p r o v i d i n g stationed there as “the fishbowl” his comrades awakened to an covering fire, Specialist Carter because they were easy targets a t ta c k of a n e s t i m a te d 3 0 0 assisted in moving the wounded for hidden enemies. enemy f ighters occupying the S ol d i e r 10 0 m e te rs th r ou g h While COP Keating’s soldiers high ground on all four sides withering enemy fire to the aid constantly shielded themselves of Combat Out post Keat in g , station and before returning to from enemy fire, little was able employing concentrated fire from the fight. Specialist Carter’s heroic to prepare them for the events A BRAZEN RESCUE Larson soon relented, recoilless rifles, rocket propelled actions and tactical skill were of Oct. 3, 2009, which became grenades, anti-aircraft machine critical to the defense of Combat known as the Battle of Kamdesh. though, and Carter began a guns, mortars and small arms Outpost Keating, preventing the A soldier in combat gear treacherous journey outside the protections of the Humvee. The young soldier ran through a hail of rocket propelled grenades and machine-gun fire to get to Mace and tend to his devastating leg wounds. Carter then picked up his fellow soldier and carried him back through the heavy gunfire into the Humvee. Carter didn’t stay inside long, though. He got back out of the vehicle to search for something that would help rescue them. He managed to recover the squad’s radio, which allowed them to coordinate their evacuation with other soldiers at the outpost. Those soldiers, led by Staff Sgt. Clint Romesha, provided cover fire as Carter and Larson ran from the Humvee while carrying Mace on a stretcher. They made it through about 100 meters of withering enemy fire to get to the aid station. While they’d made it out of a tough situation, the battle wasn’t over, so Carter returned to the fight. By this point, much of the outpost had caught f ire, and f lames were bearing down on the aid station where they’d just delivered Mace. Several other soldiers lay wounded inside, too, so Carter left the safety of cover one more time. He grabbed a chainsaw that he’d found and cut down a burning tree, saving the aid station from being engulfed by flames. Carter then worked alongside his fellow soldiers to push back the enemy. After more than 12 hours of fighting, reinforcements arrived, and they were able to retake the outpost. Sadly, Mace didn’t survive the ordeal. He died in surgery hours later. But his mother, $350 Vanessa Adelson, was quoted as saying that her son died at peace $200 thanks to Carter’s courage. “I’m so grateful ... because Stephan could have died in the dirt,” Adelson said.

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HONORS AMID SCARS COP Keating, which had been scheduled to close, was evacuated within days of the battle, then destroyed. Ca r ter su f fer e d s evera l physica l and psycholog ica l injuries from the ordeal, but he remained on deployment for several months. He was stationed

A view of Combat Outpost Keating on the PakistanAfghanistan border in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, Jan. 2, 2005. Photo By: Army 1st Lt. Brad Larson

Army Spc. Ty Carter, a scout for the Black Knight Troop, waits at a post in Afghanistan in 2009. Army photo

Army Staff Sgt. Ty Carter, a Medal of Honor recipient, poses for a photo with his family after throwing the ceremonial first pitch during the Seattle Mariners vs. Houston Astros game at Safeco Field in Seattle, Sept. 11, 2013. Photo By: Army Spc. Glen Shackley

Carter’s actions in Afghanistan were depicted in a recent movie. “The Outpost,” released in 2020, was based on the 2012 book about the Battle of Kamdesh. Carter was played by actor Caleb Landry Jones. at Fort Lewis, Washing ton, when he returned to the U.S. He even deployed a second time to Afghanistan in May 2012. While Carter was notified shor t ly a f te r t he B at t le of Kamdesh that he was being considered for the Medal of Honor, the official news that it had been approved didn’t come through until nearly four years later. On Aug. 26, 2013, Carter received the nation’s highest honor from President Barack Obama during a ceremony at the White House. Carter’s wife, Shannon, their three children, a nd severa l of h is fa m ily members were able to attend. Carter has always said that the honor belongs to the entire Black Knight Troop, including the eight soldiers who died that day at COP Keating. A few months before Carter’s award, Romesha — the soldier who had led the cover fire that helped Carter, Mace and Larson escape the doomed Humvee — also received the Medal of Honor. It marked the first time since the Vietnam War that two living recipients earned the medal

during the same battle. Carter left the Army as a staff sergeant in 2014. He was very open about his struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder, so he decided to become a mental health advocate. In the years since his honorable discharge, he’s become a motivational speaker who works often with veterans on their mental health education. C a r t e r ’s a c t i o n s i n Afghanistan were depicted in a recent movie. “The Outpost,” released in 2020, was based on the 2012 book about the Battle of Kamdesh. Carter was played by actor Caleb Landry Jones in a movie which also starred Orlando Bloom, Scott Eastwood, and Milo Gibson. The Greenwich Sentinel encourages readers to let us know about connections they have with Medal of Honor recipients. This article was written by Katie Lange as part of a series in which Defense.gov highlights a Medal of Honor recipient each week. It is our nation's highest medal for valor.

Carl Bennett

at Stamford Hospital, Bennett Center for Judaic Studies at Fairf ield University, Jewish Senior Services (Bridgeport) or Greenwich Hospital.

Ann D’Andrea


predeceased by her mother, Madelon. A celebration of Diane’s life will be held in the spring when all who loved her can safely join together. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in Diane’s name to Discovery to Cure at wizathon.com/campaigns/1568.

Shawn Zimmerman Carl Bennett, entrepreneur and philanthropist and founder of Caldor department store, died peacefully in his home in Greenwich on Dec. 23 at the age of 101. He was the devoted husband of the late Dorothy (Becker) Bennett. Together, this dynamic team created a discount chain of department stores that spanned from the 1950’s to the mid 1980’s until he sold the company of 120 stores, all located in the northeast, to Associated Dry Goods. B o r n , J a n . 2 7, 1 9 2 0 , i n Greenwich, to Mayer and Rebecca (Lipsky) Bennett. He was raised above his father’s grocery store located on Steamboat Road, Bennett Grocers, with his two sisters and two brothers. Bennett credited his love of retailing from his father who encouraged him at an early age to be his own boss. He graduated from Greenwich High School and attended New York University. He served in WWII from 1942-1945 in the 466th Quartermaster Battalion. Upon returning home from his tour of duty, he became a wholesale liquor salesman for Connecticut Distributors in Norwalk. Through family connections, he met Dorothy Becker, of Forest Hills, New York. They soon married. While they were shopping together at E.J. Korvettes Department Store, Carl realized his dream – to open his own discount store, combining his name with Dorothy’s—Caldor. Carl had saved $8,000.00 from his military duty. Realizing he needed more money to open a store, his father suggested he go to Union Trust, a local Greenwich bank. There, he met Harold Rider, the president, who believed in Carl’s vision in discount retailing and loaned him $50,000.00. The Bennett’s opened their first store in 1951, in a walk up loft in Port Chester, NY. They soon expanded to Stamford, Norwalk and Riverside. “The customer is always right” and “Where shopping is always a pleasure” were his mantras for the company. In 1961, Caldor became publicly traded on the American Stock Exchange and he moved his company headquarters to Glover Ave. in Norwalk. In 1983, Caldor reached 1 billion dollars in sales. He received Israel’s Prime Minister Award for distinguished service in 1973, and was awarded Discounter of the Year in 1982. Bennett was inducted into the Retailer Hall of Fame in 1983 along with Sam Walton, who was his good friend, and the founder and chairman of Wal-Mart. He and his wife Dorothy, were partners in the truest sense. They were dedicated to family and their shared commitment to their community, education, health, medical research and the State of Israel. They gave generously to Stamford Hospital (Bennett Cancer Center), Fairfield University (Bennett Center for Judaic Studies), Greenwich Hospital, Jewish Senior Services (formerly known as the Jewish Home for the Elderly), in Fairfield/ Bridgeport, The Weitzmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel and Yeshiva University. B e n n e t t i s s u r v i ve d by his three children: Marc of Stamford, Robin ( Joseph Kanarek) of Greenwich, Bruce ( Jennifer) of Rochester, N Y and five grandchildren. He was predeceased by Dorothy in 2008, his siblings Frank, Sarah (Potash), Esther (Brandwein) and Harry, and his grandson, David Kanarek. Anyone who knew Carl was aware of his famous quote for the last twenty years of his life, “enjoy life while you can.” He was a wise man who inspired us with his resilience, passion, honesty, integrity and kindness. Funeral services will be private. Donations in his memory should be directed to the Bennett Cancer Center

Ann D’Andrea, a lifelong Greenwich resident, passed away Dec. 28 at age 79. She was born Nov. 23, 1942 to Anthony and Rose Intrieri. Ann was a graduate of Greenwich High School and went on to attend National Academy Beautician School. In earlier years Ann worked as a hairdresser for Anthony’s Salon and Michael’s Salon. She would later marry the love of her life, Richard D’Andrea, and together raise their family. A nn loved to travel, she always enjoyed a dance, and above all she cherished her fam ily. A nn loved the time spent with her grandchildren. She leaves behind her loving husband, Richard, cherished children, Andrea Schmeiler (Michael), Richard D’Andrea Jr (Doreen), John D’Andrea (Elena), and Kevin D’Andrea and loving grandchildren, Michael and Mark Schmeiler, Nicole, Julia and Ashley D’Andrea and Kate and Nick D’Andrea. She is the dear sister of Helen Intrieri and the late Jacqueline Sparan and is also survived by many nephews, nieces, cousins and friends. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Monday at St. Mary’s RC Church followed by interment at St. Mary’s Cemetery. Memorial donations can be sent to the Bendheim Cancer Center, giving.greenhosp.org/tag/ bendheim-cancer-center/

Diane Powis

Diane Meryl Powis (nee: Romley), of Greenwich, passed away on Dec. 26 at age 54 after a lengthy battle with cancer. She was born in Mount Vernon, NY to Victor and Madelon Romley. Diane grew up in Woodclif f Lake, New Jersey, graduated from Colgate University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and earned a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Diane worked for 16 years at Stamford Hospital as a Clinical Neuropsychologist and as a Senior Psychologist, followed by three years as a Health and Rehabilitation Psychologist at Greenwich Hospital. She joined Aspira Women’s Health in 2020 as Chief Spokeswoman. Diane was a passionate reader, often f inishing several books per week. With her guitar in hand, she enjoyed playing with her School of Rock bandmates and performing in front of friends and family. Diane spent years running casually and then, ultimately, in the New York City marathon, while other sports interests included tennis and basketball. In recent years, she became actively involved in women’s health advocacy, with a specific focus on ovarian cancer research, therapeutic drug development and disease detection. Her greatest joy in life, though, was her children. She will be remembered by all for her laughter, compassion, grace and bravery. Diane is survived by her husband of 27 years, Graham; children, Ben and Sarah; father, Victor, and his wife, Janice; brother, Ken, and his wife, Ditas; and numerous other family members and friends. She was

Shaw n Zi m mer ma n, 62 , passed away on Dec. 26 in Greenwich. Shawn was born in Greenwich, daughter of the late John ( Jack) and Marilyn (Macarell) Corcoran. Shawn was kind and generous, and loved by everyone who knew her. She was a dedicated employee of the Town of Greenwich and loved helping the people of Greenwich. Shawn is survived by her partner of 29 years, Stephen F. Rogowsk i; her daughters Dawn Zimmerman (Jack) and Jennifer Birdsall (Todd); her sister Wendi Corcoran (Joyce), brother John Corcoran (Karen), her 5 granddaughters, Lia, Rina, Paige, Ella and Quinn; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her parents, Shawn is predeceased be her beloved son, Ryan M. Zimmerman. Visitation was Thursday, Dec. 30 at Castiglione Funeral Home. A Funeral Mass was held at St. Catherine of Siena Church on Friday, Dec. 31 followed by burial at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Greenwich.

Wendy Bailey Wendy Lewis Bailey, 82, passed away on Dec. 26 at her home in Greenwich. She enjoyed f loral designing and making people laugh. Wendy is survived by her loving husband, Cornelius Bailey and her daughter, Robin Bailey Coury (George). She graduated from RCDS in 1957 and went on to attend Mt. Vernon Junior College and received her degree from Ohio State University. Wendy will be cremated with a remembrance ceremony being held on the beach in Cape Cod, one of her favorite destinations.

Paul Risher

Paul David Risher, 86, passed away on Dec. 26 of COV ID. Paul was born in Huntington, WV on Oct. 21, 1935 to Paul and Katherine (Estep) Risher. He studied Mechanical Engineering at Duke University and graduated in 1957. His career path took him to many companies including McK i n sey & Co. a nd c it ie s including Dallas where he met the love of his life, Patricia Munro Risher. Their first date was at a Dallas Cowboys game in 1962, which led to their marriage in New York City in 1965. They settled in Stamford where they raised their family and lived until she died in 2014. Early in their marriage he discovered sailing and thus began his lifelong passion. He said buying a boat “changed his life” and over the years, all of his loved ones spent time on the water with him. He raced his Ensign on Long Island Sound and served as the navigator on Wenden in various races including the Bermuda Race. In addition to spending time on his boat, Country Road, he loved cheering for the Duke

Blue Devils, the Boston Red Sox, and all of his grandchildrens’ sports teams. Through the years, he spent time giving back to organizations that he cared about. He was a member of the New York Yacht Club and the Antigua Yacht Club. He served as the President of the Duke University Alumni Association, Commodore of the Ensign Class, Commodore of the Greenwich Cove Racing Association and he cherished his time as Commodore of Indian Harbor Yacht Club (2013-2014). His greatest joy was his family. He is survived by his daughters Nancy Ward (Bill) of Wilton, CT and Cameron of Lincoln, NE and grandchildren Mackenzie, Jackson, and Parker Ward. F r iend s may c a l l at t he Nicholas F. Cognetta Funeral Home, 104 Myrtle Ave., Stamford, Friday, Jan. 7, 5 to 7 pm. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Jan. 8 at 11 am at the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford, 1101 Bedford St, Stamford. He will be buried in a private ceremony in Long Ridge Union Cemetery. The family respectfully asks that attendees be vaccinated and wear masks. Guests will be asked to sit in a socially distant manner. A live video stream will be available at the link below. It will appear as a scheduled service. events.locallive.tv/worship/ fishchurch In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to Mystic Seaport Museum - Community Sailing Program. Checks should be payable to Mystic Seaport Museum and mailed to Mystic Seaport Museum, 75 Greenmanville Avenue, Mystic, CT 06355. Please put “IMO Paul Risher” in the memo line. You may also give on-line at checkout.mysticseaport.org/all/ donate Please write Paul Risher in the “tribute box”.

Eva Lanning

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In addition to her husband, Richard, her daughter Lora (Joe) and son Steven (Karen), Eva is survived by Richard’s daughter Holly (Dale) and son Jim (Teresa), and grandchildren Jeshe (Chris), Riley, Katy (Dale), Patrick, Heidi (Thomas) and Grafton. A Celebration of Life is being planned for the Spring.

Mary Parry

Leonard Wells

Mary Louise “Dodo” Parry, age 98, a lifelong resident of Greenw ich, and long time summer resident of Siasconset, MA, died on Dec. 25. Dodo was the daughter of Judge William S. and Margaret Hirschberg, and attended Greenwich Academy and Bennett College. She was predeceased by her beloved husband of 74 years, Malcolm Parry. Among her many longtime friends, Dodo was known for her generosity, humor, and especially, her unwavering loyalty. She was a fierce but gracious competitor, becoming a Life Master in bridge at age 87, and winning numerous trophies in tennis and paddle tennis in both Greenwich and Nantucket. S h e i s s u r v i ve d by h e r children, Meg Parry, Ann Parry, Gwen Norris (Carl), David Parry (Sally Casey), and Jack Parry, and by her grandchildren. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Y WCA Greenwich or The Friends of Greenwich Point.

Bernard Long

Eva L. Lanning passed away peacefully on Dec. 25 at the age of 92, lovingly surrounded by her husband, Richard, and her children, Lora and Steven. Eva was born in Berlin, Germany in 1929 and emigrated t o t h e Un i t e d S t a t e s w i t h her parents, Erna and Ma x Lowell, MD, in 1939. The family eventually settled in Piedmont, Calif., where her father practiced medicine. Eva graduated early from Piedmont High School and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Eva was an accomplished dancer and actress, joining the San Francisco Ballet and performing in numerous stage roles. She met her first husband when they were co-leads in a production at the Monterey Wharf Theater. After moving to the east coast, the family eventually moved to Riverside, which she called home from 1964. Eva earned a master’s degree from Fairfield University and worked as a guidance counselor at Norwalk Center for Vocational Arts. It was at that time she met her husband, Richard Lanning, who became the love of her life for the next 45 years. Together they shared many travel adventures, beginning with Richard’s final years as a Captain in the US Navy. For his last two commands, they lived in Souda Bay, Crete, Greece and in Norfolk, Virginia where she was a guidance counselor on the faculty of Old Dominion University. After her husband’s retirement from the Navy in 1980, they returned to Riverside where she became a real estate agent and served from 1987 to 1989 as president of the Greenwich Chapter of the A merican Association of University Women. From Riverside they traveled ex ten sively, v isit i ng ever y continent where Eva continued to meet and charm new friends from around the world.

Fr. John Long, Steven Long and Ralph Long and his sister Loraine (Long) Roell. Visitation was held on T h u r s d a y, D e c . 3 0 a t t h e Alderson-ford Funeral home of Cheshire. His funeral procession lef t the funeral home and proceeded to St. Thomas Becket Church - Bridget of Sweden Parish, for a Mass of Christian Burial. Burial followed in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Meriden. Memorial contributions may be made to Elim Park Baptist Home Resident Benevolent Fund 140 Cook Hill Rd., Cheshire, CT 06410.

Leonard (Lenny) Clark Wells, Sr., age 96, passed away on Dec. 23, in Greenwich. Lenny was born in Stamford on Feb. 13, 1925, the son of the late Harold C. Wells, Sr., and Marie Clark Wells. He graduated from Greenwich High School in 1943 and the University of Connecticut School of Business in 1950. He was a veteran of the US Army Engineers and served in both the European and Asiatic Pacific Theaters of Operation during World War II and was the former Treasurer and a Director for Rings End, Inc., where he was employed for over fifty years. Lenny is survived by his wife Nancy Powers Wells, his sons Craig and Corey Wells, his daughter Carol Giordano, three grandchildren, and three greatgrandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his first wife Jean Walsh Wells, his son Leonard Clark Wells, Jr., his brother Harold G. Wells, Jr., and sisters Marjorie Storm and Lois Morgan. Services will take place (and be announced) at a later date. It was Lenny’s wish that any memorial tributes be made in the form of charitable donations to the University of Connecticut’s UConn Foundation, Inc., or the American Veterans (AmVets).

Gail Knutsen Bernard P. Long, 93, died on Saturday, Dec. 25 at Elim Park Health Care Center. He was preceded in death by his wife Marian B. Long (nee Johenning). Mr. Long was born November 14, 1928, in Brooklyn, N.Y., son of the late Steven and Anna (O’Connor) Long. He was a graduate of St. John’s University and an executive of GE Capital. Mr. Long, who was easily recognized by his twinkling blue eyes and pair of dimples, was an active member of the community and devoted to his wife, six children, brothers, sister, grandchildren, and all who became connected by marriage or friendship. He volunteered on the St. Catherine of Siena, Riverside, finance committee, Nathaniel Witherall Nursing Home, and Elim Park Healthcare. He loved organizing trips for his family and the Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich. He always looked forward to pinochle games, where he frequently relieved his brothers of a few quarters and ran a duplicate bridge game for many years at Elim Park. Mr. Long had a wide range of interests: baseball, opera, and art-whether painted by his mother or Monet. Mr. Long is survived by his daughters, Rita Long Cramer and her husband Michael Cramer, Catherine Long, and Tricia Long and her husband Michael Sires; his sons Daniel Long, and his wife, Lisa, Timothy Long and his wife, Lori Cain, Thomas Long and his wife Tina; his brothers Charles Long and Gerald Long; his grandchildren Patrick Long, his wife Susan Long and their daughter Madeline, Jessica Long, Vivian Long-Sires, Victor LongSires, Noah Long, Ryan Long, and Andrew Cramer. He was preceded in death by his brothers,

Gail Knutsen, beloved by her late husband, Knut Eric K nutsen (d. 2014), attentive and affectionate mother and g r a n d m o t h e r, m a t h w h i z , computer programmer, educator, lover of literature, games, puzzles, and gardening, died Dec. 22 after a sudden illness. She was 82. Born Gail Ann Antony in Brooklyn, raised in Clinton Hill and Bay Ridge, she attended the Packer Collegiate Institute (Valedictorian, class of ‘56). Gail enrolled at Mount Holyoke, then transferred to Barnard (class of ‘60; BA in mathematics). Upon graduation, she and Eric wed, relocating to Yorktown Heights, NY, to follow their careers, then settling in Riverside in 1971, where they spent the remainder o f t h e i r l o n g a n d d e vo t e d marriage. Gail’s pioneering career in tech included working at IBM as a programmer (1960-’66), and as systems and programming manager at General Reinsurance (1978 -’89), among other parttime contract work. Gail also tutored in the Greenwich High School Math Lab (1973-’75) and worked as an instructional aide with ESL students (1992 to 2019) for the school system. Her civicminded love of gardening earned her Greenwich Green & Clean’s Golden Trowel award. She is survived by a brother, Peter Anthony; a son, Eric (Rick), and his wife Frances; another son, Chris, and his current partner, Suzanne Ceresko, and ex-wife, Nuar Alsadir; and four granddaughters, Olivia, Charlotte, Isadora, and Sabine, who brought her immoderate levels of pride and delight. A memorial service will be planned some time in the spring. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to one of her favorite organizations: Planned Parenthood; the ACLU; the New York Botanical Garden.

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Erling Andersen

Erling Andersen, 85, passed peacefully on Dec. 21. Erling was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and lived his life in Greenwich. He proudly served in the United States Navy prior to marrying his high school sweetheart, the love of his life, Diane for 62 years until her passing in 2019. He is survived by loving son Eric (Patty) beloved daughter M i ndy ( Eugene) cher ishe d daughter Katrina (James). Loving grand children Eric (Danika), Victoria (Joe) Zackery, Freya, Magnus and great-grandsons Olen and Wylder. Erling is also survived by his loving sister-inlaw Donna Gargagliano. He is predeceased by his parents Poul and Gerda, brother Burt, his loving wife Diane, and cherished daughter Dana. Erling was a devoted father, grandfather and great-grandfather and loving known as Umpa. His greatest loves were his wife and his family. He was a friend to everyone who knew him. A private burial will take place at a later date.

Janet Dunham Janet Burke Dunham, 83, died Saturday, Dec. 18, in Greenwich, lovingly surrounded by her sons Corydon and Christopher Dunham. She is predeceased by her husband of 55 years, Corydon Bushnell Dunham Jr. Janet grew up in Larchmont, NY and West Springfield, MA. The daughter of Henry Nugent Burke and Victoria Schappert Burke. She was predeceased by her sister, Victoria Burke Lynn. Her brother, James Nugent Burke, resides in Dennis, MA and Vero Beach, FL. Her sister, Judith Burke Putalik, lives in Naples, FL. Many nieces and nephews, grandnieces and nephews remain. Upon Janet ’s g raduation from Marywood College with a Bachelor degree in theatre, she was engaged by WWLP T.V. to host Romper Room School as Miss Janet, where she was featured with six children live, five days a week. When asked by a friend, “how could you do live television with six children?” She responded at “twenty-two you can do anything” and the children were so effusive and fun that it never crossed her mind to be afraid. She followed this with working for KLM Airlines for whom she produced a film introducing the ABC island, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao to the American public. Before marrying Cory she was the director of Advertising and Public Relations for Mr. Thompson Sportswear. Janet resumed her career after marrying Cory, as the Director of Public Relations at Bloomingdales in Stamford. She affirms that she received her unofficial MBA from an unique and profound business environment. Janet resumed her career in theatre by receiving her Masters in Fine Arts from Sarah Lawrence College. She then assisted Laura Pels in the creation of The Laura Pels International Foundation for Theatre where she served as the Executive Director until her retirement. She continued as the Vice President of the Board of Directors. Laura and Janet refer to the Foundation as the child they birthed together. The Foundation is noted for being one of the most significant underwriters of not-for-profit theatre in New York and London. It continues today under Laura Pels’s leadership. Janet would always remark that it was the most exhilarating and fulfilling experience of her professional career. Janet acknowledged that the love and support from her husband, Cory, and sons Corydon and Christopher, along with the family dog Beauregard, made it possible for Janet to pursue her endeavors for which she is lovingly grateful. Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, a celebration will be postponed until March or April.

Judith Lohman

OBITUARIES John Z. Woytowicz. They were married in 1953, moving to Old Greenwich to raise their family. Jeanne was a homemaker, class mother and the gal who drove all the neighborhood kids to school on the rainy and snowy days. On any given summer Friday night you could find all the kids in the backyard of her Old Greenwich home enjoying a homemade spaghetti dinner. Throughout her life, Jeanne loved the beach, gardening, swing dancing and was a wonderful hostess to her family and friends, always preparing fine food for her small dinner parties to large family gatherings. She also enjoyed golf and tennis. In 1981 she and her second husband relocated to the Suntree Golf Club Community in Melbourne, Florida. As a snowbird, Jeanne spent the summers back in Greenwich and Stamford playing golf and working at the Sterling Farms Golf Course for over 35 years in the pro shop, range and first tee. At 86 years old she decided it was time to finally relax. Jeanne is survived by her son John D. Woytowicz (Grace) of Greenwich, her daughter Janice Powers (Jack) of Stamford, g ra ndch i ld ren K ate & Joh n Suscovich of Kent, Erin & Joe O’Brien of Cos Cob, Daniel & Anna Powers of Rowayton, Emily Powers of Hoboken, NJ, Brian Powers of Dallas, TX, and five great-grandchildren. Ser v ices w ill be private though memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Judith Lohman of Chapel Hill, NC, formerly of Old Greenwich, died on Dec. 17 at the age of 96, having lived a long and productive life. She was born Feb. 25, 1925 in New York City. Her parents were Arthur and Frances Grayson. Judy graduated from the University of Iowa in 1945 with a degree in political science. Returning to NYC, she worked for The New Yorker and Newsweek magazines. She then took a job at the Lohman Organization, a real estate public relations firm; it was during that time that she met her future husband. While raising her family in Old Greenwich, Judy earned a master’s degree in education from the University of Bridgeport. She spent many years working as an instructional aide and de facto counselor at Greenwich High School before retiring to North Carolina in 1990. She soon became a devoted volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill. Judy was predeceased by her husband of 62 years, Laurence, in 2016. She is survived by her four children; John (Ellen) of Longmeadow, MA, Tom (Tracy) and Andy (Sharon) of Anchorage, A lask a, a nd K ate ( Pau l) of David Hannon Providence, RI. She also leaves four grandsons: Laurence, Lucas, Jack and Isaac. Family and friends admired her character, intellect and work ethic and will miss her insightful advice, social commentary, and neatly typed letters. She was a voracious reader, literary critic, loyal friend, advocate for the disadvantaged, giver of curious gifts, and caring wife and mother. David Hannon, 81, of Lutz, Memorial donations may be Fla., died on Dec. 16. He was made to the Ronald McDonald born to Judge James Gerald and House of Chapel Hill or a charity Josephine Mahony Hannon on of one’s choice. March 7, 1940 in Greenwich. David was married 33 years Marianne Baldino to his wife Rusty who survives M a r i a n n e B a l d i n o , o f him. He was preceded in death by Greenwich, passed away Dec. 31 his parents and his two brothers, at age 89. She was born Feb. 29, Jerry and Danny Hannon. 1932 to Fortunato and Mary Rose A visitation was held at Leo P. Ambrogio. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Marianne performed clerical Stamford on Jan. 5. A Mass of and administrative work for many Christian Burial was held on Jan. years for Fawcett Publications 6 at the Church of the Holy Spirit, and later, Aerotec. She was active Stamford. in many senior organizations and volunteered her time at Act II Regina Metz Consignment in Greenwich. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, Leonard Baldino. Marianne is the cherished sister of Rosemarie Ginise and the late, Frank, Fred, Louie, Billy and Joe Ambrogio. She is also survived by a sister in law, Marie Ambrogio and many loving nephews and nieces. Family and friends gathered on Thursday at Coxe & Graziano Regina Metz, 62, of Norwalk Funeral Home, Greenwich, where passed away Tuesday, Dec. 14 a service took place, followed by at Norwalk Hospital. Born July interment at St. Mary’s Cemetery. 23, 1959, in Greenwich, she was Memorial donations can be one of nine children of the late G. sent to the Bendheim Cancer Harold and Mary C. Metz. Center at Greenwich Hospital. Ms. Metz attended Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich Jeanne Scolamiero and then graduated from Mount Holyoke College with a dual biology and chemistry degree. In 1981 she joined Rockefeller University in New York City, first working in a lab as a research assistant. Later, after receiving a certificate of accounting from Mercy College, she moved to the Finance Department rising to the position of Director, Research Administration. S h e i s s u r v i ve d by h e r siblings Betty Ann Casella, G. Harold Metz III, Thomas More Metz, Clare Horvath, Marie Forjan, Catherine Cuthbert and Jeanne D. Scolamiero passed Teresa Jennings and by 12 nieces away peacefully at home in and nephews. In addition to her Stamford on Dec. 16. parents, she was predeceased by Born in Stamford on March 5, her sister, Mary Ellen Johnston. 1933, she was the daughter of the She also leaves behind a group of late Frank and Jennie ( DiChiara) generous and caring friends who Salvaggio. She was predeceased saw her through her illness. by brothers Joseph and Frank A celebration of her life will Salvaggio. be held at the Saugatuck Harbor Jeanne attended local Yacht Club, 6 Great Marsh Rd, Stamford schools and Westport, on Sunday, Jan. 9 from subsequently worked at Yale & 2 to 4 p.m. A private interment Towne Lock in Stamford, where will follow a few days later. she met her future husband In lieu of flowers, donations in

her memory can be made to the ALS Association at als.org/donate or the ASPCA at aspca.org/waysto-give.

Ella Westphal

Ella Lantz Westphal, 80, passed away after an illness on Dec. 12. She was our beloved O m a , a l w ays t h e r e w it h a smile, a snack, a dog and a hug. She was Oma not only to her grandchildren but also to many, many others from Sag Harbor to Connecticut and will be dearly missed. Ella was a g raduate of Bayside High School in Queens, NY. She raised her children in Greenwich with deep ties to the community and worked as a real estate broker for 25 years. She also spent her summers in Sag Harbor, NY where she retired. Grandchildren brought her back to Rowayton, for 15 years. But the draw of the beaches of Long Island called her back east. She spent her last years with her children and grandchildren. Ella was an avid tennis player and magical gardener. She was a very accomplished painter, needlepointer, seamstress and top notch baker. She helped raise her grandchildren and was at every life and sporting event from baseball field, to dance recital, to surf ing lesson, basketball court and doctors appointments; sometimes in the same day. She was passionate about her dogs Tucker, Jack and Bill. And she adored her sports cars; some may remember her tooling around in the 70’s in a red Porsche with the plate “Wheee”. But most of all she loved the beach in Bridgehampton where she would watch for sharks and taught many many children to swim in the waves and love it as she did. Ella is survived by her loving family: Her daughter Kristin Fine of Westport, and Bridgehampton, NY, her son Todd Westphal of Santa Monica, CA, her son in law Scott Fine, her grandchildren Tatum Fine, Beckett Fine, Axel Fine and Marsden Fine, her sister Gail Parker of Portland, Oregon, her brother Doug Lantz of Oakland, CA, many cousins and nieces and dear friend Sandy Heller. She was a force and will be missed. Her life will be celebrated in a private gathering in Sag Harbor and Bridgehampton later this year.

William Barnum

of the Phelps Association, the parent organization of Wolfs Head. He was selected to join The Whiffenpoofs his senior year, where he was known for his distinguished bass voice. He kept active with his former “Whiffs” and would reunite for performances throughout the years. In 1952, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where he earned his Master’s in Architecture. Bill was a very active Yale Alum and was a top fundraiser for his class of 1950. Bill amusingly made it clear early on that Harvard was a bad word in his household. He was also a member and President from 1970-1972 of the Yale Club in New York City. Bill started his architecture career in New York City, where h e worke d for E g ge r s a nd H ig g ins, before join ing h is father’s firm, Phelps Barnum & Son Architects. In 1974, he started William Milo Barnum Associates in Greenwich along with his wife, Katharine “Kit”, who headed the Interior Design for the firm. He designed many buildings and homes in Greenwich and throughout New England. His designs included Pickwick Plaza in Greenwich along with the building he occupied with his firm at 115 E. Putnam Avenue. Bill also designed a number of other buildings such as One Lafayette Place. In addition to his career, Bill held many leadership positions which included: Serving as a Board Member for The Field Club of Greenwich, member of the Board of the Episcopal Church Building Fund in NY, President of the Concrete Industry Board, Chairman of the Greenwich Architectural Review Committee and President of the Hollenbeck Club in Cornwall, where he enjoyed Fly Fishing. Bill loved the peace and quiet of fishing and often exaggerated the size of his catch, which amused everyone. Bill was also passionate about sailing which he shared early in life with some of his closest lifelong friends and family. He was also a member of the Society of Colonial Wars of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. In 1996 he semi-retired and moved his firm to Providence, RI, where he and Kit found a lovely home on the East Side, the historic, Eliza Ward House, built in 1814. They enjoyed their time in Providence where Bill also rekindled his passion for the fine arts by attending art classes at the Providence Art Club where he studied oil painting and ultimately exhibited his artwork. Bill’s love of singing started as a boy when he was a member of Christ Church in Greenwich, where he later served on the Vestry. Bill became an active member of St. Andrew’s bythe-Sea Episcopal Church in Little Compton, RI, serving as Senior Warden. In 1998, Bill was the Architect for the redesign and renovation of St. Andrews’s by-the-Sea, including the columbarium where his ashes will be interred. Bill’s love of music was apparent to those around him –as his beautiful voice would echo throughout the church when singing hymns. In 2013, they retired to their Summer Home “Top of the Rock”, which he designed, in Westport Harbor, MA. He is survived by his devoted wife of fifty years, Katharine Miller Barnum, and their son, Caleb and his Stepdaughter, Elizabeth, and his children from his first marriage to Anne Savage Barnum, Anne, Catharine (Holly), William Jr. and Nathaniel. Bill also leaves behind 6 grandchildren. His services will be held at a later date.

At 94, Architect, William M i lo Ba r nu m (Bi l l) passed away peacefully at his home in Westport Harbor, MA on Nov. 28. He was the beloved husband of Katharine Miller Barnum, they shared fifty years of marriage. Bill was born on June 17, 1927 in New York City, NY. He was the son of Phelps Barnum and Catherine Cornelia Davis. Stewart Gordon He g r ew up i n Gr e enw ich, C o n n e c t i c ut a n d at t e n d e d Greenwich Country Day School and then Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, where he was a member of the Choir, Glee Club and Octet until graduating in 1945. At 19, Bill was drafted into the Navy and stationed in Saipan for the remainder of World War II. Upon returning from the War, he attended Calhoun College at Yale University, Class of 1950, following in the footsteps of Stewart George Gordon, age his father and grandfather. He cherished his time at Yale, where 84, died of natural causes on Oct. he rowed lightweight crew and 9, after a brief time in hospice at was a member of the Wolf ’s Wellmore of Daniel Island, SC. Stewart was born March Head Society and later President

21, 1937, in Searcy, Arkansas, to Oliver William Gordon and Frieda Stewart Gordon, a former schoolteacher. The family moved in 1943 to Coldwater, Michigan. His mother, and many others over the years, described him as “a handful” - precociously smart, he was given extra things to do, like learn Greek and Latin, to keep him out of the teacher’s hair. A talented pianist, he accompanied the choir at Coldwater High School while he was a student there, won statewide debate tournaments, and played fastpitch softball on his father’s factory team. He was awarded a Chemistry scholarship to the University of Michigan, but didn’t like the idea of wearing a white lab coat his whole life. Working his way through school, he took an extra year and eventually earned a degree in business administration, along the way starting a company that sold party favors and greeting cards to fraternities and sororities. On the side he accompanied Instrumental Music majors for their exams and recitals. Stewart married Sandra Elaine Russell after graduation in 1959, then spent three years in A n n A rbor developing a multi-state greeting card sales force in the upper Midwest. He next worked for a national card company founded by legendary Disney artist Joe Grant in Los Angeles, before joining Boise Cascade in Portland, Oregon in 1967, where he worked for his favorite boss of all time, Bob Bonaparte. After a brief stint commuting to Williamhouse Regency in New York City, in 1973 he became Chief Operating Officer of Reed International and moved the family to Oakville, Ontario, Canada. In 1979, Stewart was hired by ITT Rayonier, which brought the family to Greenwich, Con ne c t icut. F rom 1989 to 1991, he and Sandra lived in Melbourne, Australia, where he had been hired to turn around Pratt Industries, a cardboard packag ing and recycling company. Stewart was loved and revered by the people who worked for him. Stewart eventually retired to Amelia Island, Florida. Over the years, he took great pleasure in gardening, gourmet cooking, playing piano, fishing, tennis, skiing, finishing the New York Times crossword puzzle in pen, and making people groan with his incessant puns. He once played a round of golf with Tom Watson, and no doubt had suggestions on his putting stroke. He is remembered with love by Sandra, his three children (Leslie, Adam, and Ian), and five grandchildren. He is also survived by his second wife, Jessica Styers, and his third wife and Coldwater High School classmate, Marilyn Smith. He was preceded in death by his brother, Stephen. A burial service open to family and friends will take place at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Coldwater, Michigan at Noon on Saturday, April 30. For those who are unable to attend in person, the service will be broadcast by Zoom. In lieu of flowers, memorial gif ts can be made to the Coldwater (Michigan) Hig h School Music Department.

Through the generosity of the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation, this newspaper does NOT charge for obituaries. We believe families who are grieving should not be burdened with this additional worry. Please send obituaries, photos, and service information to Caroll@ GreenwichSentinel. com


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Could You Be One of the Thirty-Six?


By Rabbi Mitch A Tzaddik is someone who not only always behaves in a moral way, but they always try to help anyone else who might be in trouble. There is no title greater to bestow on someone than Tzaddik, essentially saying they are a righteous person. Jewish legend states that in every generation there are Lamed Vovniks; 36 truly righteous people who upon their merit the world is kept from utter destruction. (The numerical equivalent of the Hebrew letters Lamed and Vav = 36). The legend also teaches that these Lamed Vovniks are: “Unknown to the world and cannot be known, to others or to themselves. They are humble

Jewish legend states that in every generation there are Lamed Vovniks; 36 truly righteous people who upon their merit the world is kept from utter destruction. servants of their fellows, tirelessly work i n g to d r y te a r s , show compassion, and shoulder the burdens of those who suffer. Like the Israelites in the Sinai wilderness, they have felt of the Shekhinah, the Divine Presence. They have recognized the power of God in their lives – the pillars of cloud and of fire – which guides them and protects them. They help to save us all.” Author Andre Schwarz-Bart described the mission of the Lamed Vovniks in his novel “The

Last of the Just.” “Rivers of blood have flowed, columns of smoke have obscured the sky, but surviving all these dooms, the tradition has remained inviolate down to our own time. According to it, the world reposes upon thirty-six Just Men, the Lamed-Vov, indistinguishable from simple mortals; o en they are unaware of their station. But if just one of them were lacking, the sufferings of mankind would poison even the souls of the newborn, and humanity would

suffocate with a single cry. For the Lamed-Vov are the hearts of the world multiplied, and into them, as into one receptacle, pour all our griefs.” W h i le, we may not k now who the Lamed Vovniks are, it’s something we can all aspire to be. All of us can take the lead to be the Tzaddik who pursues at every opportunity stretching out our hands to those most in need. This number 36 is a recurring theme throughout Judaism. For example, on Chanukah, if we count

the total number of candles that we light during the eight nights, excluding the shames (servant) candle, we come to the number of 36 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36). The Shames candle doesn’t count as no blessing is said over the servant candle. We are to be like the Shames; adding in growing amounts, each day and night; God’s light to the world. Without our constant pursuit of bringing the light of holiness within our midst, the world would give into the curse of

darkness. I t ’s n o c o i n c i d e n c e t h a t Chanukkah comes at the physically darkest season of the year. Our light prompts God’s light to appear; sustains; perhaps even includes us; amongst the 36 Lamed Vovniks that sustain the world. This coming year may we be prompted to be like the Lamed Vovniks and pursue, at every opportunity, to bring God’s light within our world and to do good wherever we can. Happy New Year.

Worship Directory and Services


Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 www.htchurch.com

St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 www.stpaulgreenwich.org

First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 www.firstbaptistgreenwich.com

Mass: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am. Confession: Sat, 3-3:45pm. Mass on Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Visit the website for information regarding the Bereavement Group (twice monthly) and weekly volunteer opportunities at the Don Bosco Kitchen and Food Pantry with the St. Paul Mercy Volunteers. All masses are available via livestream through the website. First Friday Mass: Jan. 7, followed by Exposition and Adoration, 9am; Confessions available at 8:30am. First Saturday Rosary: Jan. 8, Recitation of the Rosary, 9am, in the Church.

Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701- 802-5355, Access code 360922).

St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave; 203-869-4176 www.strochchurch.com

Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 www.greenwichbaptist.org

Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time.

In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here facebook.com/groups/bible2021. BAPTIST

Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6- 7pm, Chapel. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 www.sacredheartgreenwich.org Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. Prayer Group: Wed, 5:15pm, in the Chapel, 38 Gold St, all are welcome. Eucharistic Adoration: Jan. 7, 6pm, in the Chapel, all are welcome. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting: Jan. 8, 9:30am, School Hall. St. Catherine of Siena & St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 www.stc-sta.org * All Masses at St. Catherine of Siena Church only are livestreamed. Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 7am, St. Catherine’s Church (livestream); 5:15pm, St. Catherine’s Chapel. Wed: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 8:30am-4pm, St. Catherine’s Church. Sat (Specific dates confirmed in bulletin): Confessions, 3-4pm, St. Catherine’s Church; Vigil Mass, 5pm, St. Catherine’s Church (livestreamed). Sun: Mass, 7:30am, St. Catherine’s Church (livestream); Mass, 8:30am, St. Agne’s Church; Family Mass, 9am, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed); Mass, 10am, St. Agne’s Church; Traditional Mass, 10:30am, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed); Teen Mass, 5pm, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed). Language Masses: St. Catherine’s Chapel: Korean Mass (every Sun), 9am. French Mass (2nd Sun of the month), Italian Mass (3rd Sun of the month), Spanish Mass (4th Sun of the month [not in September]), 11am. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). St. Catherine’s Support Circle: It’s Not All About You, Via Zoom, RSVP required by Monday, Jan. 10, cbrugo@gmail.com. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 www.stmarygreenwich.org Public Mass: Sun: 9, 10:30am, 12:15 & 5:15pm. Sat Vigils: 4 & 7pm (Spanish). Daily: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (Church doors will open from 10am-3pm). Confessions (English): Tue: 7-8pm; Sat: 3-3:45pm. Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Fri of the month: 12:30-5pm. Epiphany of the Lord Masses: Jan. 9, 10:30am, 12:15 & 5:15pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 www.stmichaelgreenwich.com

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Pl; 203-869-1555 christiansciencect.org/greenwich/ Sundays: 10:30am. Jan. 9: “Sacrament.” Jan. 16: “Life”. Sunday School: for students up to 20 yrs, 10:30am, Wed. 7:30, testimonies of healing call in for all services 203-680-9095 code 520520*. Reading Room, 333 Greenwich Ave. 203-8692503, M-F, 11-3, some Saturdays. Bibles and children’s books for sale. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd; 203-629-3876 www.firstchurchofroundhill.com No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@outlook.com). Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch.org Weekly Sunday Worship services in the Sanctuary at 10am or online at roundhillcommunitychurch. org anytime. Children’s Worship for grades K-5 is now available; nursery care is not yet being offered. Please call the church office or visit the website for the most up-to-date information, events, and schedules, which are subject to change based on current local health and safety protocols. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 www.fccog.org Worship: In-Person & Virtual: Sundays, 10am. Live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM). Connect during the week: Friday: Friday Email Blast (sign up by calling the church office); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am for preschoolers through grade 6. Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd; 203-869-7763 www.northgreenwichchurch.org Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ northgreenwichchurch.org or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave; 203-869-9311 www.2cc.org Traditional Worship: Sun, 10:30am (online only). Details at 2cc.org. EPISCOPAL

Mass: Mon-Fri: 7:30 & 9am. Sat: 9am & 5pm. Sun: 7:30, 8:30, 9:45am, 12 & 5pm. Confession: Sat: 4:154:45pm; Wed: 9:30-11am & 6:30-8pm. Eucharistic Adoration: Wed, 9:30am-8pm.

Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd; 203-861-2432 www.churchoftheadvent.org

St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421

Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year.

Mass: Sat: 4pm (Vigil Mass). Sun: 11am.

Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave; 203-869-6600 www.christchurchgreenwich.org Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/ondemand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand),

5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/on-demand). Worship: location: Parish Hall). Ongoing: Coat Drive for Families in Recovery Coats at Liberation Programs. Sunday Forum: “Estate Planning with a Conscience” with David Wilfert: Jan. 9, 11:15am. Christian Men’s Gathering around the Fire-pit: Tue, Jan. 11 & Feb. 8, 7:30pm, Rectory front yard, 10 Park Pl. Sign up for the Super Women’s Retreat in Vermont, Feb. 25-26, cmcfadden@christchurchgreenwich.org. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 www.stbarnabasgreenwich.org Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: signupgenius.com/ go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2 -sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 www.stpaulsriverside.org Worship: Sundays: Rite 1, 8am (in-person in the sanctuary & streamed). 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: 10:15am, in the Sanctuary. 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month: in the Meadow, 10:30am (weather permitting). Sunday School continues in Selleck Hall. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot (volunteers needed). St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 www.saintsaviours.org In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 www.chabadgreenwich.org

Outdoor Services: Shabbat Services: Sat, 9-11:30am, (Children’s Services: 10:15am). Torah Study: Sun, 9:30-11:30am, on Zoom. Weekly Torah Portion: Thu, 10-11am, In-person & on Zoom. Kabbalah Class: Fri, 10-11am, on Zoom. For class Zoom links and full class schedule, visit chabadgreenwich.org/torahclasses. Judaism 101 - Shabbat Experience & Guest Speaker Dr. Binyomin Abrams: Jan. 7, 7:30pm & Jan. 8, 9am, free & open to the community.


Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 www.diamondhillumc.com Sunday Worship Services: In-person or online, 10am, followed by a time of Fellowship. Wednesdays: Virtual Noonday Prayer & Evening Bible Study. (Details at diamondhill.com). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 www.fumcgreenwich.com Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) www.myrevive.org Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook (facebook.com/ myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@ gmail.com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 www.stanwichchurch.org Events marked with an ‘*’ require registration at stanwichchurch.org/events Worship Services: Sun, 9 & 10:45am (livestreamed). *Family Movie Night, Jan. 14, 7pm. *Men’s Retreat Weekend: Jan. 28-30 (Spots limited). *Valentine’s Fundraiser Dinner, Feb. 4, 7pm. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 www.albertsonchurch.org

Congregation Shir Ami One W. Putnam Ave; 203-274-5376 www.congregationshirami.org

Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 1010:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email Albertsonpcc@gmail. com for registration and Zoom Links).

All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Morning Shabbat Service: Jan. 8, 10:00am, on Zoom.

Trinity Church 5 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 www.trinitychurch.life

Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 www.grs.org

In-Person Services: Sun., 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave.; 10am, Radisson Hotel, New Rochelle, 1 Radisson Plaza; 11am, The Chapel at NPC, 2011 Post Rd, Darien. Online Service: Sun., 9:45am, youtube.com/c/ TrinityChurchLife/live.

Join Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Rubin every Friday, 6pm for Shabbat Services, and once a month for Tot Shabbat, 5:30pm. All in person services are also live streamed on Zoom. GRS Reads: Jan. 9, 10am, on Zoom. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 www.templesholom.com Services - In-person and virtual Friday night Shabbat services, 6:30pm & Saturday morning Shabbat services, 10:30am. Pajama Shabbat: Jan. 7, 5:30pm. Sisterhood Virtual Chocolate-Making: Jan. 13, 7pm. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 www.flcgreenwich.org Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm.

PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 www.fpcg.org Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service). Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at fpcg.org/live. Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: 2nd Thu of each month, 8-8:30pm, via Zoom. Service led by the final new Senior Minister candidate followed by a congregational meeting: Jan. 9, 10am. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280; 203-861-7555 www.gracechurchgreenwich.com Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email gracechurchofgreenwich@ gmail.com for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 www.LivingHopect.org In-person & online (LivingHopect.org/livestream) worship Sundays: 10am. Alpha: Is there more to life than this? Beginning Feb. 7, 7pm, on Zoom (The class is 11 weeks, feel free to try it out, no obligation). Register and more information: livinghopect.org/resources/alpha.

Page B8 | Greenwich Sentinel


Each row, column, nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on B11.



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Answers on page B10

Page B9 | Greenwich Sentinel

Universal Crossword

Your Horoscope for Next Week CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan You have been rather hyper of late but with the Sun in your birth sign joining forces with Venus, planet of harmony, and empathetic Neptune you will soon start to relax. The good times will soon be rolling again. How far they roll is up to you.

CANCER 22 June-23 July A perfect Sun-Venus union in your opposite sign makes one-to-one relationships that have been tense easier to handle. This is, in fact, the perfect time to patch up your differences with those you live and work with. Make the first move.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You will have to make a sacrifice this week but as it will be for someone you love you won’t mind too much. So many hands have reached out to help you recently that it’s nice to be able to give something back. Ultimately, what we do for others we do for ourselves.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug Others can scream and shout and say what they please but it won’t affect you in the slightest. You are in one of those laid-back moods in which you can relax in the face of imminent disaster. If only you could find a way to feel this good all the time.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You’ll be friends with everyone this week, even those who tend to get on your nerves. With the Sun, in the area of your chart that rules group activities, linked to fun-loving Venus, socially you’re about to enjoy one of the best times of the year.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept You’re giving off such warm and positive vibrations that you can’t help but be a big hit wherever you go. Also, cosmic forces in the most dynamic area of your chart suggest you could meet someone who very quickly becomes a big romantic figure in your life.

ARIES 21 March-20 April If you feel your talents are going unnoticed you’ll get at least one, maybe several, opportunities to make your mark over the next week or so. Decide who you want to impress and try making friends with people of influence. Who you know is important.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct At times the best way to deal with relationship issues is to leave them alone. No matter how annoying or obstructive partners and loved ones may have been there is no point in making an issue of it now. Time will heal any wounds that have been opened.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Others seem to be relying on you to give them a lead and you’ll happily do so, but your advice must be based on verifiable facts. With assertive Mars at odds with Neptune, planet of fantasy, all sorts of deception will come easy, including self-deception.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov However outrageous your words or actions, you’ll get away with it this week, just because everyone thinks you’re special. You’re not often allowed to behave as you please so make the most of it. But only for now – next week will be very different.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June You must be true to yourself this week. With the Sun close to Venus you may be tempted to alter your thinking to fit in with others but that’s not very wise. You’re entitled to your beliefs and opinions and if others dislike them that’s just too bad.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec With the Sun close to love planet Venus focussing on money it’s possible you’ll benefit financially from an affair of the heart. Exactly how that might happen is impossible to say but someone certainly likes you enough to put money in your pocket.

Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.com

Edited by David Steinberg September 13, 2021 ACROSS 1 Exclude 5 Cheer squad? 9 Microwave’s “Done!” 13 Route 14 Drink brand with a wintry logo 15 Pale purple 16 Ending for “teen” 17 Fashion journalist Garcia 18 Spot seller 19 Valuable designation for a collector 22 Zoning unit 23 How many ’00s mixtapes were stored 24 Prepare to order a drink 32 One-named Irish singer 33 Negative conjunction 34 Not just punctual 35 Boxer Nico ___ Walsh 36 Requirement when buying booze 39 Outdated 40 North Pole resident 42 Write 43 ___ gras (duck delicacy) 44 Balancing daredevil 48 Printer paper unit 49 “___ we there yet?”

50 Creature comforts? ... and a hint to the words that bookend 19-, 24- and 44-Across 57 Indifferent 58 Main point 59 “Ah, gotcha” 60 Drink with a pumpkin spice variety 61 Water, for a Super Soaker 62 Gluttony and greed 63 Great Basin indigenous group 64 Fiefdom laborer 65 ___ it out (settle a beef) DOWN 1 Libra’s birthstone, often 2 Travelers to Bethlehem 3 Romantic duo, in a tabloid 4 ___ in Manila (iconic 1975 boxing match) 5 Optimize with small adjustments 6 LSD 7 Hawaiian goose found in “pine needles” 8 Personal watercraft brand 9 “I wouldn’t do that” 10 French bread? 11 All tied up 12 Liveliness

15 Paired 20 North Pole product 21 Football turnover: Abbr. 24 Godzilla, for example 25 Zhou in Chinese history (A-LINE anagram) 26 Being deceitful 27 ’90s collectible disk 28 Von ___ (“The Sound of Music” surname) 29 Small stream 30 Nickname that sounds like a passageway 31 Winona of “Stranger Things” 36 Library penalty 37 Director Spike

38 Needing 41 Pushes forcefully 43 Dutch dialect spoken in Belgium 45 U.K. military flyers 46 High-end watches featuring a Greek letter 47 Singer Grande, familiarly 50 Fence component 51 ___ Modern (London museum) 52 It’s worth two nickels 53 Whispery video genre, for short 54 Himalayas’ home 55 Camera part 56 Group hangout, slangily 57 ___-ray disc



© 2021 Andrews McMeel Universal www.upuzzles.com

It’s a Zoo Out There by Tomas Spiers


The (K) Clues Are for Kids 36. Lively ballroom dance 38. (K) Best way to gain weight 39. (K) You’ll find two goalies in it 40. (K) Monkey’s desire 43. (K) Shared between you and me 44. “Not never but hardly ___” 45. (K) One working on a payback plan 50. (K) Like teams at the start of overtime 51. (K) Any young boy in a 12-Across 52. Pilot’s major test 53. (K) Puts 7 and 12 together 54. (K) “... ___ he drove out of sight” 55. (K) Pillowy DOWN 1. (K) Part of a winter storm, at times 2. (K) Way, way, way past mature

Can you find the answer to this riddle within the solved puzzle?

Take the bait? Look for the answer in next week’s paper.


3. (K) Game in which you could be “It” 4. Cause for fatigue and a lack of vitality 5. Person making horseshoes with an anvil 6. (K) ___ Angeles 7. (K) Nice layer for a cool day 8. (K) Hunting excursion in Africa 9. (K) Garb for a dude playing bagpipes 10. (K) Thing many people say they thought of first 11. “Sweetheart” alternative 16. (K) One direction in which to travel 20. Large tub 21. (K) 100% contaminant-free 22. Follow commands perfectly 23. Rich supply in a deep, dark mine 26. Acknowledge “Bravo!” 27. (K) Cereal go-with

28. (K) “So what ___ is in that box?” 29. Wipe out a dragon like the knights of yore 31. Newsworthy and significant 34. (K) Many are combed regularly 35. (K) Prepared to slide into third base 36. (K) Like the taste of gooseberries 37. (K) Direction you started with? 39. Moving swarm 40. (K) App version almost ready for widespread distribution 41. Wild and crazy, as a fan 42. (K) Absolutely require 46. (K) Good thing to have on your little boat 47. Try to win over with flowers, say 48. (K) Helper looking up to Santa 49. (K) Really decay

Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations will be necessary to complete the puzzle.



1 gutter water pipe (9) ___________ 2 iconic Dutch landmarks (9) ___________ 3 Latin pop singer Estefan (6) ___________ 4 wool from a goat’s undercoat (8) ___________ 5 mouth organ (9) ___________ 6 virtual marketplace (4) ___________ 7 Scottish lake denizen, maybe (6) ___________

Previous riddle answer:

Riot with no end? 14-Across) RIO





















© 2021 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel

Created by Timothy E. Parker October 4, 2021

ACROSS 1. Amount that you can barely see 5. Mercedes-Benz model, 2010-2015 8. (K) Lose traction and fishtail 12. Scottish family 13. (K) Handle that overgrown lawn 14. (K) General’s assistant 15. How you may try to get a word in 17. (K) Dog biter 18. (K) Greeted for the first time 19. (K) Animated version of you in a video game 21. (K) Shine maker 24. Road covering 25. WWII marine vessel 26. Early, in Old English 30. (K) Color on the flags of the USA and Mexico 31. “Neither” go-with 32. (K) Needing a day in bed 33. (K) Thing you can raise on your face

© 2021 Andrews McMeel Syndication syndication.andrewsmcmeel.com

Previous Answers Saturday’s Answers: 1. TANDOOR 2. CROSSBEAM 3. PUNTS



Page B10 | Greenwich Sentinel

Puzzles and Coloring for the Weekend: Have Fun! Download the Greenwich Sentinel APP today - now free for a limited time only for a chance to win local gift cards and prizes. Search Greenwich Sentinel in the APP store. The next prize is a gift card to Smart Kids for $50.

Answers on page B9


Page B11 | Greenwich Sentinel

From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.

A Calvin & Hobbes cartoon is in the printed edition of the paper in this space. It is not available in the digital edition.

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1992 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved. WILDLY SUCCESSFUL

The Golden Eagle, Unopposed Apex Predator

wilderness, in North America, the bird was considered a rare visitor east of the Mississippi. Although s c ie nt i s t s h ave k n ow n for decades that a small population of the raptors inhabited Eastern Nor th A merica, they didn’t know the life history or unique genet ic s of t he s e pha ntom raptor s . W it h adv a nc e s i n tracking technologies, a picture is emerging that offers to connect the dots and usher in enhanced conservation initiatives for these magnif icent birds. Known as Eastern Golden Eagles, these birds largely breed in eastern Ca nada a nd m ig rate s out h to overwinter in the forested Appalachians, from New York to Tennessee. Collaboration on both sides of the border is bringing Canadian


an astounding 440 pounds per square inch of bone-crushing pressure (15 times the power of a human’s grip)! What’s more, the Golden Eagle is one of the fastest flying birds on the planet, capable of diving speeds well in excess of 150 miles per hour. Such speed pack s a deadly punch, imbuing the huge birds with the ability to take down larger prey including waterfowl, foxes, coyotes and—in rare cases—bear cubs, grown deer, antelope, mountain goats, and even wolves! While the Golden Eagle is a bird known to people the world over for millennia, this almost mythic creature is still shrouded in mystery in the 21st century. Long regarded as a bird of vast, remote mountain and desert

a nd A mer ic a n re se a rchers a nd con ser vat ion ists f rom federal, provincial, state, and private agencies together to unravel the eagle’s secrets and enact necessary conservation measu res to sa feg ua rd the eastern population. With population estimates ranging between one dozen and one hundred birds as late as the mid 1990s, the curtain of mystery has been pulled back. Modern scientif ic data generated by T he E a s te r n G olde n E ag le Working Group has revealed a population of up to 5,000 birds spread throughout the northern barren reg ions of eastern Canada and the cloaking forests of the Appalachians. The combination of remoteness and dense cover habitat preference

Very Hard


e te r n a l . Ador n i n g f l a g s of nations from Egypt to Moldova to Me x ic o, a nd s e r v i n g a s the national bird of Austria, G er ma ny a nd K a z a k h st a n, the bird has been long been adm ired for its unden iable power and majesty. With no predators at adulthood, the Golden Eagle fulfills its role as an unopposed ap e x p r e d ato r t h r o u g h o ut its vast range. Utilizing its legendary “eagle-eye” vision, the G olden can spot a hare from a mile aloft and a mile away. But the eagle doesn’t limit its menu to just hares and rodents. Combining nearly unmatched gripping strength i n it s for m id a b le fe e t , t h e eagle can close its 2-inch-long recurved talons on its prey with

has enabled the birds to remain not just hidden—but virtually unknown—until the last few years. With discovery comes greater promise for these regal creatures. While I have always listened to the wisdom of those with sharper eyes and fewer years than I, when I think back on that special moment my son and I shared gazing up at the Golden Eagle soaring southward in an azure sky, I am eternally thankful for those who question and for those who look up. Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Advisor to The Bruce Museum. Jim enjoys conservation field work in New England and sharing that work with others.


Very Hard

“Is t hat a n e ag le , dad? ” my son excitedly asked one T h a n k s g iv i n g mor n i n g , i n between passes of the football in our backyard. “Maybe. Let’s take a closer look,” I responded, walking over to him so we could look together. “Do you think it’s a Golden Eagle?” he asked. “Well, eagle sightings are always really cool, but a Golden would be amazing,” I answered, thinking it was so cute that my 6-year-old thought he saw an especially rare raptor in the sky above. We looked together at the large brownish raptor riding t her m a l s hu nd r e d s of fe et above. The sky was clear and blue giving us great contrast. When the young bird angled overhead the white patches on the underside of its wings and tail f lashed in the bright sunlight, confirming its identity. My son had indeed spotted a rare Golden Eagle in the skies above Fairfield County! The Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, is a bird unlike any other. Despite its status as the world’s most widely distributed eagle, the great bird is only found sparsely throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere. With a maximum wingspan of 8’,4” and a maximum weight of 17 pounds, the Golden possesses a commanding presence and is among the world’s largest eagles. Sporting overall chocolate brown plumage with a black-tipped yellow beak, bare yellow feet and a striking golden head and nape, the bird is unmistakable at close range. Yet, even if we don’t glimpse this magnificent bird of prey, we cannot escape its inspiration which spans the globe. Featured on royal crests and coats of arms, as well as currency for millennia, the Golden Eagle is both ubiquitous and seemingly


By Jim Knox

Such speed packs a deadly punch, imbuing the huge birds with the ability to take down larger prey including waterfowl, foxes, coyotes and—in rare cases—bear cubs, grown deer, antelope, mountain goats, and even wolves!




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