July 3, 2020
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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, where we celebrate our hometown. Exclusively Greenwich news and events.
B ack Cou nt r y | Ba n k sv i l le | B el le Haven | By ra m| Ch ick a hom i ny | Cos Cob | Glenv i l le | Old Gre enw ich | Pem b er w ick | R iverside
THIS WEEK You are receiving this issue of the paper in your mailbox because it was sponsored this week by the Sentinel Foundation. Open Restaurants in Greenwich Which Greenwich restaurants are ready to serve you in person? Meli Melo (362 Greenwich Ave) has set up an outdoor seating area in front of the restaurant for some al fresco dining. They’re open daily from 7 am to 10 pm (8 am to 10 pm on the weekend) to serve you a delightful mix of French inspired flavors, including juices, crepes, soups, sa ndw iches, a nd salads. What’s more, they serve delicious ice cream to complete your meal! Visit to explore their menu. L i t t l e B e e t Ta b l e ( 3 7 6 Greenwich Ave) is open to seat you on their patio or in their indoor dining area -reservations can be made online at thelittlebeettable. com! Their hours are: 11 am to 9 pm Sunday through Thursday (to 10 pm Friday and Saturday). Little Beet Table serves “vegetableforward meals,” with all their entreés, whether it be spaghetti, a burger, or shrimp tacos, served with a hearty serving of veggies (their menu is available in its entirety on their website). Bistro V (339 Greenwich Ave) is now open for outdoor dining daily from 10 am to 8 pm. Reservations can be made by calling in (203-6616634) or emailing them at bistro@versaillesgreenwich. c o m . B i s t r o V s e r ve s a variety of popular French cuisine with a breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu and a special brunch menu available on the weekends. Explore their menu at! Terra Ristorante Greenwich ( 1 5 6 G r e e nw ich Ave) i s open daily from 11:30 am to 9 pm with outdoor seating on a first come first served basis. Their menu includes a selection of Italian dishes, with a number of delicious appetizers, pastas, pizzas, and entreés, including salmon, chicken breast, and steak. See their full menu at Beyond the Avenue, Burger Shakes & Fries (302 Delavan Ave) has set up outdoor seating around their Greenwich location and are currently not offering indoor dining. BSF is open Monday through Thursday from 11:30 am to 8 pm, Fridays and Saturdays from 11:30 am to 9 pm, and Sundays from 12 pm to 3 pm. Stop by for, well, a burger, a shake, and some fries (or chicken nuggets, a hot dog, or a salad, if you prefer)! Elm Street Oyster House (11 West Elm Street) is open daily 11:30 am to 9:30 pm (until 10:30 pm Fridays and Saturdays) with both indoor and outdoor dining. Stop by to enjoy some of the best seafood in town -- whether you prefer sca llops or salmon, oysters or tuna, or just about any other seafood item you can think of, Elm Street Oyster House is well equipped to serve you (and if you’re not a seafood person, there’s a cheeseburger with your name on it!). Their full menu can be found at
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Hospital's Evolving COVID Response
By Richard Kaufman
As coronavirus cases have declined, at least in the northeast, healthcare services that were once closed have opened up in recent weeks. Greenwich Hospital and all of it's off-site locations are fully open. Elective surgeries were reopened on May 20, and services were
rolled out gradually. To help with reopening, the hospital moved a lot of its ambulatory procedures offsite to the Holly Hill Ambulatory C e nte r. Cu r r e nt l y, t h e m a i n hospital is experiencing around an 80 percent volume for what they were doing pre-COVID. New safet y measures and procedures are in place to protect patients and staff, which allow
t he ho spit a l to r e m a i n f u l ly operational and treat patients with the coronavirus. On Tuesday evening, a panel of healthcare professionals from the surgical arena at Greenwich Hospital took part in a virtual Town Hall, via Zoom, to discuss how the hospital is functioning and what residents can expect if they need treatment or procedures
done. The panel was moderated by Peggy Lennon, the Executive Director for Surgical Services. She was joined by Carol Ann Doherty (BSN, RN), nursing manager for surgery/orthopedics; Dr. Steve Hindman, Director of Orthopedics; Helene K im mons (BSN, R N), nurse manager for ambulatory s u r g e r y/ PAC U a n d p a i n
management; Dr. Gavin McLeod, interim section head of Infectious Disease; and Dr. Alfonso Tagliavia, Director of Anesthesiology. All of the panelists stressed that the hospital is safe for all patients, and that no one should hesitate coming in if they need treatment.
See HOSPITAL page 2
GEMS Receives Anonymous Donation
By Richard Kaufman
If helping others in times of hardship and adversity is a sign of a st rong com mu n it y, t hen the Greenw ich communit y is certainly rock solid. R e c e n t l y, G r e e nw i c h
Emergenc y Medical Ser v ices (GE M S) a c c e p te d a $ 2 0,0 0 0 donation from an anonymous resident in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The donation was faci litated by Richards, as the donor is a longtime customer and friend of
the Greenwich Avenue clothing retailer. The funds will benef it both GEM S a nd lo c a l r e st au ra nt s -- $8,000 will be put towards installing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) status boards for GEMS -- and $12,000 will be
Brunswick Alum Sabato Drafted by MLB’s Twins in First Round
distributed in gift cards from local Greenwich restaurants to GEMS employees. Each gift card will be $100. "The donor wanted to make a donation specifically to support people on the frontline like the GEMS staff, but also to support
local business. We were thrilled with that because we want to support local businesses, because they've been very supportive of us. Many of the restaurants that we're getting gift cards from have been active supporters of the staff
See GEMS page 2
A Great Use for Library's 3D Printer By Zilana Lee
Former Brunswick School baseball standout Aaron Sabato (14) celebrates a homer with his teammates during a game his senior year. See story on page 15.
Nearly four months have gone by and the Coronavirus pandemic c ont i nue s to i mp a c t p e op le around the globe. Protective gear is a crucial part of preventing infection by the v irus and personal protective equipment (PPE) from face masks to gloves remain in high demand. T h e Tow n o f G r e e nw i c h has found a way to contribute to the supply of PPE. So far the Greenwich Library Innovation L a b s t a f f h ave p r i nt e d a n d assembled 90 face shields using t he L i bra r y ’s t wo ver y ow n Ultimaker 3D printers. The face shields followed a design template approved by the National Institutes of Health for use in clinical settings. After constructing and
assembling the face shields, the Library donated them to frontline workers through a program run by Covid Maker Response (CMR), the largest grassroots manufacturer of PPE in New York City. The Library delivered the face shields to the 92nd Street Y on the Upper East Side of Manhattan which were then distributed to hospitals citywide. CMR donates their manufactured equipment to hospitals in NYC including Columbia Presbyterian, Mount Sinai, Bronx Lebanon, and St. Charles. The organization was founded by members of Columbia University Libraries, Tangible Creative, and MakerBot. CMR produces and distributes 1000 PPE face shields a day.
See LIBRARY page 4
A Tried and True Tradition
Gramercy Typewriter Company keeps the doors open for nearly nine decades. By Foster Steinbeck Since opening their doors during the Great Depression, the Manhattan-based typewriter sales and repair store, Gramercy Typewriter Company, has never had to worry about any power outages or system crashes affecting their bookkeeping or customer logs. That’s because the business largely doesn’t use computers or modern electronic software. Instead, whether its keeping the books or recording customer information on index cards, they use old-fashioned typewriters. “When my dad came into the business in 1959,” said third-generation owner Jay Schweitzer, “he watched and learned from his dad, and followed what he was doing and learned that way. Then I came along, and I'm watching and learning what my dad is doing and doing it that way. We're still running the business the way it was done, ever since it started.” While acknowledging computers would be faster and more efficient at taking care of the business’s backend needs, Schweitzer has no intention of changing, as there’s
never been any problems with the way his grandfather started doing it in 1932. After opening in an age where every business had a typewriter, and weathering several economic recessions and hard times, the family business is now one of the last typewriter stores in New York City. However, sales have increased as typewriters have become popular with more people (including many in Greenwich and one of their more famous and loyal customers, Tom Hanks). Schweitzer said the business has stayed open because he, alongside his father, Paul, run it the same way their grandfather ran it — fixing and selling typewriters with an expert eye while attentively helping customers with their needs. “There's been so many changes going on around us in the last number of decades. Yet, we still stay true to what we've always done in that way,” Schweitzer said Kicking it old school When customers entered the store on 108 W 17th St, Schweitzer said he, his father (Paul) and part-time employees work with customers to weigh their options, such as helping match them with the best-suited
typewriter for their writing purposes. They also help customers determine whether it was worthwhile to repair their old typewriters, or whether they should buy a new one. “We don’t have to be salespeople, because these machines sell themselves,” Schweitzer said. “We’re just there to answer the question, point them in the right direction and the typewriter does the rest.” "There is something very special about typing a letter or receiving a typed letter. You want to keep it and treasure it," said Beth Barhydt, publisher of the Greenwich Sentinel. "We're having my grandfather's 1939 typewriter repaired so that I can use it to write letters and notes. It makes them more meaningful." “We’re the ones who recondition them from the bottom,” said Schweitzer. “We’re the ones that rebuilt them. Our hands were on them. [Customers] really get a birds-eye view of everything, top to bottom, about the machine … We don’t want them to leave until they have a full understanding of how that machine operates, so they can enjoy
See GRAMERCY page 5
Gramercy Typerwriter Company owner Jay Schweitzer works on a typewriter with employee Craig Nelson. Schweitzer's grandfather opened the business during the Great Depression
Tesei Takes Over Chairing The Greenwich Symphony By Anne W. Semmes Leadership of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra (GSO) - that gem in the crown of the town of Greenwich – has passed to former First Selectman Peter Tesei from Mary Radcliffe, who served the Symphony as President for 37 years. Tesei brings to the Symphony board 32 years of Greenwich government service. “Mary is an inspiration to us all,” says Tesei, “and carrying forth her mission is an honor. The Greenwich Symphony is such a talented and positive group of individuals whose energy is devoted to bringing world class musical talent to the community at large. I cannot think of a better way to maintain my civic engagement.” Tesei, as a longstanding member of the Greenwich Symphony Board of Trustees, was voted in at the Symphony’s June 11 NMLS # 510513
annual meeting, held with social distancing and face masks at Radcliffe’s Riverside home. Radcliffe is “delighted,” she says, that Tesei is succeeding her as president. “He is a good man and he has a good voice here in this community - the town knows him and respects him. I told him this is a fulltime job. You have to deal with all kinds of questions, but I'm staying on the board because there are certain things that I can help with. What we have with the Greenwich Symphony is a professional organization that is cultural, artistic and educational, that excels in these areas in this community.” Radcliffe, at age 92, is looking to Tesei, age 51, to bring in new subscribers to the Symphony concerts she says. Along with an “excellent orchestra making wonderful music,” she adds, “What is very, very
important is we have the most magnificent concert hall there, in the Performing Arts Center in Greenwich High School. The seating is good and the acoustics are good.” So, what might Tesei pursue to bring in those new subscribers? “The GSO has undertaken ef forts to sur vey the community and assess our programming,” shares Tesei. “Through this Board and musician-led effort we plan to offer more diverse music compilations and unveil new programming to attract a broader segment of the community.” Tesei credits Radcliffe’s impressive shepherding role over the years with the GSO. “She has developed a world class symphony and shown a genuine passion for classical music and deep commitment to the members of the orchestra. The caliber of the musicians and orchestra contribute greatly to Greenwich’s performing arts.”
Tesei looks upon chairing the GSO Board as “an exciting endeavor. There is an active search for a new music director/ conductor as the legendary David Gilbert is retiring. Working with fellow volunteer board members and the musicians to choose a successor is an important part of the GSO’s future success. I am pleased to be able to lend my leadership experience to this important endeavor.” Radcliffe points also to the supportive connection the GSO has with the town’s Board of Education, as with the Symphony’s Young People’s Concerts. “In Greenwich’s public schools, the music and art departments are excellent,” she notes, with “very good teachers.” Tesei tells of knowing Radcliffe since the early 2000’s, and often tuning into concerts on WGCH radio before becoming a
See TESEI page 4
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Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel
Be Prepared: What To Do
What To Do If There is a Fireworks Related Eye Injury By Dr. Robert Fucigna, M.D of the little 5 and unders.
Each Fourth of July, thousands of people are injured from using consumer fireworks , amounting to 9,000 a year in the US of A!! About 2,000 to the eyes alone, causing permanent damage or vision loss in about one forth of them. A n average of 2 80 people per day will go to the ER with fireworks related injuries during the two weeks prior AND after the July 4th holiday. Firecrackers, Sparklers and Bottle Rockets and, yes, LEGAL Fireworks cause the most injuries! July is Fireworks Eye Safety Awareness Month and withou any official fireworks, the American Academy wants us to be extra cautious. Those 15 and under account for 50% of eye injuries, and sparklers account for a third
HOSPITAL From Page 1
“Spineless Perfection Squash and the flavors of summer” ALSO HARVESTING
Swiss Chard
Gold Beets
White Russian Kale
Versailles Farms 56 Locust Road, Greenwich
Weekends 9am – 5pm
The hospital has designated COVID areas, and non-COVID areas, and Kimmons said plexiglass has been set up to separate patients, visitors and staff when they come in. Anyone who enters the hospital or an o u t p a t i e nt c e nt e r h a s t h e i r temperature checked, and all are required to wear a mask. For those who require surgery, a COVID test is needed three days prior to admittance. "We felt very strongly about providing a non-COVID area for our surgical cases. The rooms are kept spotless, they're cleaned throughout the day, the staf f continuously wipes down areas," said Doherty. "Our nurses are ta k i ng the utmost pr ide a nd care in their hand hygiene, their doffing and donning of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and also encouraging hand hygiene for the patient as well. We've worked very hard, we're very proud and excited." Hindman said there was a drastic decrease in people seeking
Older Ch i ld ren shou ld b e permitted to use fireworks under close ADULT supervision. Do NOT allow running or horseplay. If you do set off f ireworks, choose a clear area away from houses, dry debris, grasses or flammable material, while wearing polycarbonate protective eyewear.
fireman or policeman. If you do get an eye injury seek medical help immediately!!! G o t o t h e E R o r c a l l yo u r Ophthalmologist. D o Not tou c h r u b or a pply pressure to the eye. Do Not try and remove ANY object stuck in the eye.
DO k e e p a bu c k et of water Do Not apply ointment or drops. nearby. Only if a chemical exposure DO soak duds with water, and occurs should you flush with throw them away. plenty of water. DO NOT stand over a firework We a r a m a s k i f s o c i a l while lighting. distancing is unavoidable and of DO Observe Local Laws!
course wash your hands!!
Never never let small children play with any type of fireworks!
Sent from my eye phone! Dr. Fucigna can be reached at D o NOT to u c h u n e x p l o d e d (203) 348-7575. fireworks remains, contact a
medical attention during the peak of the coronavirus, and that most people likely stayed home even after suffering heart attacks or strokes. He urged people to see their doctors and communicate with their physicians about any health problems. "We are going to keep you safe in the hospital if you need surgery. I think it's time to take care of the things you need taken care of, and not to sit on them," he said, adding that there's currently a backlog of people who need surgery. "Some of those things get worse, and at some point you may be in a situation where the outcome is different than it would be if you addressed it early on." H i nd m a n a dde d t h at t h e transmission rate of coronavirus among Greenwich Hospital staff is "some of the lowest numbers in the nation." The staff gets their temperature checked twice a day. McLeod remarked that the r isk of get ting COV I D in the hospital "very, very low." As of Tuesday morning, there were three COVID-positive patients being treated in-house, an all-time low since the pandemic began. " Yo u c a n n e ve r s a y [t h e chance] is zero, but I think it's e x t r e mely low. You'r e mor e
GEMS From Page 1 through this nightmare," said GEMS Board Chair, Jenny Baldock, adding that several restaurants have donated meals to GEMS staff over the last few months. GEMS Executive Director, Tracy Schietinger, said she was overwhelmed, taken aback, and humbled when she heard about the donation. "I didn't expect anything like this," Schietinger said. "The community here has always been tremendous in supporting us. Throughout this whole pandemic, it's just been extremely highlighted with the outpouring of support for what we're doing everyday." Schietinger said the gift cards will help to lift the spirits of her staff, because they can share a good meal together with each other, or their families, and escape the everyday stress of confronting COVID-19. "Now that we're allowed to go out and eat at restaurants, this will bring our staff together outside of such a stressful environment. It will be something totally different from what they do day in and day out," Schietinger said. Colin Bassett, Director of Quality Assurance for GEMS, said it's hard to put into words what the donation means to him. Bassett remarked that it's been diff icult to adjust to a new normal in responding to calls and performing procedures. He said that during the peak of the coronavirus in town in the first three weeks of April, roughly 70 percent of total calls for medical assistance were screened for COVID-19. Of that total, about 38 percent ended up being positive. "Mentally, it's a strain to deal with all these new changes and having the support of the community. It's really just amazing to have so many people come to our side. It's really helped all of us get through this pandemic," he said.
likely to get infected going into a store or restaurant where not everyone is wearing a mask," he said. "Fortunately everyone in the hospital is wearing a mask, and I think the chances are very remote that one would get COVID now in the hospital." Visitors to non-COVID patients are now allowed back into the hospital. One family member or loved one is admitted per patient to the bedside. " We ' v e o p e n e d a s m a l l window [during the day] and we're being very careful about t h i s ," D o h e r t y s a i d . " I t 's a beginning to bringing operations back to normal." Tagliava said the hospital has come a long way in the last three months, as doctors and nurses have adjusted to the new normal in providing healthcare to patients. In closing, Lennon reassured the public that they can trust Greenwich Hospital. "We are here, and we are safe," she said. "We're looking forward to taking care of all of your needs." To v iew t he ent i r e p a nel discussion, go to the Greenwich Hospital Facebook page.
The CAD status boards, Bassett added, will help to provide staff awareness on where all GEMS ambulances are located at all times. "This just allows for crews to get an easier view of the system status of the town as a whole," he said. Scott Mitchell, owner of Richards, said he was happy to help facilitate the donation after a longtime friend and client called him and said he wanted to help local first responders and small businesses. "I've been in the store pretty much every day during quarantine, and I just saw GEMS trucks go by, fire trucks, police. No one was out, and it was all first responders, whether it was bringing people who had coronavirus to the hospital, or bringing people who didn't have it but needed emergency care at the hospital. It was a mess," Mitchell said. Being so close to so many restaurants on Greenwich Avenue, Mitchell knows what they’ve been through since March. "Every single [restaurant] is owned by someone local. They're small businesses, and they took a huge hit because they had to close. Being able to give back to that is equally rewarding to keeping it local,” he remarked. Mitchell's hope is that others can step up and help those in need, as recovery from the pandemic continues. "Inviting people into your world is what causes change. Inviting people into your philanthropy, inviting people into your community, inviting people to then give back and get involved by giving time and effort," Mitchell added. "That's our responsibility. To invite others to join us in giving back." Baldock recalled Mitchell's family's vision to "hug" the customer. "I feel so hugged," Baldock said. "It's like we're all in this together taking care of each other. That's just so uplifting." For anyone interested in donating to GEMS, go to
Demystifying the Assisted Living Search Dilemma By Maria Scaros In the past month, I have received more inquiries from frantic caregivers regarding their loved ones than I have in any other given month in the past six years of my tenure at The Greens at Greenwich. This pandemic has affected us all in extraordinary ways. Those persons with memory impairment are no exception. Like all of us, they require socialization; perhaps more than most. They require engagement and stimulation that is not conducive to being quarantined. Many with Alzheimer’s and other related dementias may have slipped further along in their disease or their families have realized they are not equipped to care for them properly. The journey to find just the right fit for a very special person, can be daunting. At this time, you would need to ask additional questions regarding how each facility has managed during this crisis. When I mentioned I was writing a column about helping families navigate the search for the right assisted living for their loved one, one of my family members offered a tip. “Get a map and draw a circle around the area you want to explore, and don’t go outside the lines.” For this family, proximity to mom was very important. They wanted to drop in before and after work. Thankfully, The Greens at Greenwich was the perfect choice. We landed smack in the middle of her circle. We also met other important criteria. And what are the criteria? What should families be looking for? What should they be looking at, and what are the questions they should be asking? Most importantly, how do they start? You can begin as Catherine did, by drawing a circle on a map and googling the assisted living facilities that lie within. There are so many these days, you will more than likely be able to make a solid list. One of the first questions should be, “Why now?” What is it that has brought you to the place where assisted living is your next step? Answering that question can help guide you to the level of care you are looking for. A traditional assisted living and a memory care assisted living will look and feel a bit different. The questions to ask will also be different. Before you walk in any door, do a bit of homework.
1. Make a list of those facilities you wish Most of the time, you will be meeting to visit….no more than three to start. with a sales representative when you tour. 2. Google each assisted living you find Ask to meet with the executive director or within your area of choice and explore the supervising nurse. If you are utilizing their website. Besides the “look” of the the help of a senior advisor, request they site and the facility, be sure to look at the come along on the tour and assist in asking the questions you might miss. levels of care that are provided. Trust your gut feeling. Does the facility Remember: When reading reviews remind appear bright, warm, inviting? Will your yourself that people write more often when loved one be able to navigate the space? they are upset than when they are happy. Is the staff friendly? Do they look happy? Reviews do not show the whole picture. See Are the residents engaged? Ask about the the facility for yourself and do not be afraid to food and ask to see a menu. Ask about the inquire about the review. social, cognitive, educational, and spiritual 3. At this time, ask what procedures the activities. Can you see your loved one being happy in the environment? Be honest. It is facility has in place for about them, not you. COVID: Trust your gut. While speaking to a) What are the staff’s procedures in the facility representative, do you feel comfortable? Are they truly sensitive to caring for residents currently? your loved ones’ needs and your questions? b) Do staff work in multiple places? How available will staff be to families. Do c ) W h a t a r e t h e i r d i s i n f e c t i n g you feel rushed? procedures? Trust your gut. Use all your senses. Are d) Have they had many cases of COVID? there unpleasant scents, sights, or noises? Any deaths? How did they manage to Observe the residents who live there. protect unaffected residents? How did Are they like your loved one in age, and abilities? they manage to care for those affected? If you are searching for a Memory Care 4. Ask about the longevity of the staff Assisted Living, first, do as much as you and how often they are provided with in can to educate yourself in the diseases of service education. dementia. Some facilities profess they are 5. Ask about the ratio of resident to staff. experts and offer interventions/activities It should vary from traditional assisted and programming for those with dementia. Ask them what these programs are and living to memory care. how they are different. Ask who facilitates 6. Ask if it is possible to speak with a the programs, their expertise and how family member of a resident residing at they change as the resident changes. Let the facility. them know what your loved one enjoys 7. If you find you are still overwhelmed, and what would pique their interest. Ask if do not fret. There are people who can they can accommodate them with special help, and their services are free of charge. programming. Ask how often residents You DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE. go outdoors and if they go on trips. Where Call the experts. do they go? Ask how often their staff is Be sure to use a local senior advisor as provided with in-service education on they have visited the facilities you are dementia care. Often, assisted living facilities do not exploring and can help you find the best provide an on-site RN 24/7. Ask about fit. They will offer you personal face to that. There are Nursing Care Aides 24/7. face service and help you navigate the system. Some of the best in lower Fairfield Remember; assisted living facilities are not medical facilities. Some have a license county include: for “higher level of care”. Ask them about a) OASIS Senior Advisors – Susan and that. If they do not provide a higher level of Paul Doyle; 475-619-4123 care, be sure to ask what the criteria is for b) Care Patrol – Richard Russo; 203- a resident to remain in the facility. Many residents remain in assisted living for their 244-9562 entire life, while others need to transfer to c) Assisted Living Locators - Mimi a nursing home (skilled facility). Santry; 203-651-6866. Assisted Living is not an alternative to
a Nursing Home. What does your loved one need? If they are medically compromised and require medical oversight; if they have chronic medical issues that require a nurse or doctor to monitor; if they are wheelchair bound and are unable to offer assistance to transfer in and out of bed, they may not be appropriate for assisted living. The criteria for assisted living are that one needs to be “chronic and stable.” If they have a chronic issue that is managed and stable, they most likely are appropriate for assisted living.
(dressing, bathing, and eating), costs increase. Be careful. The initial cost may seem low, but there are add-ons. When looking at price, ask “Is this allinclusive care?” In Memory Care facilities, it may be the case, but not always. Allinclusive care means, as your loved one requires more help, your cost does NOT increase. This is rare. If you are working with a Senior Advisor for a Memory Care facility, ask them to recommend those with all-inclusive care, especially if you do
This pandemic has affected us all in extraordinary ways. Those persons with memory impairment are no exception. Like all of us, they require socialization; perhaps more than most. They require engagement and stimulation that is not conducive to being quarantined. The above-mentioned issues do not apply. Each assisted living, as well as skilled nursing facilities, has their own criteria for admission, so be sure to ask about that. Some assisted living facilities which claim to provide a “high level of care” will accept someone who requires increased medical oversight. Some skilled nursing facilities will not accept someone who requires extensive medical oversight. Just let them know what you need. Be honest. It only hurts your loved one if they are not placed in the appropriate facility because you did not disclose their true needs. Assisted Living is for-prof it and therefore is private pay. Medicaid does not pay for assisted living. The costs range depending on the resident’s needs. As more help is required with medication management and activities of daily living
not have long term care insurance or are concerned about costs. The search for the right next home for your loved one is a daunting task. It can be overwhelming and bring up practical and impractical concerns along with emotions that will surprise you. You are not expected to be an expert. For most of us, this road is not on our radar. Do not be afraid to ask questions of the first person you get on the phone. Once again, trust your gut. Were they patient and empathetic? If so, make a date even if it is to collect information. You are entitled and your loved one is as well. Remember. Take a breath. Take the first step. Ask for help. Maria Scaros is the Executive Director of The Greens at Greenwich, an intimate assisted living home for people diagnosed with some form of memory impairment.
Eight Famous Figures (Plus One) Born On The Fourth Of July By Anne W. Semmes Calv in Coolidge: Our 30th President reigns supreme to t h i s d ate o f b e i n g t h e only U.S. President to have I ndep endence Day as h is birthday, born on July 4, 1872. On August 3, 1923, serving as Vice-President, he received news at his family homestead in Vermont of the sudden death of President Warren G. Harding and was sworn in that day by his father. Nathaniel Hawthorne, t he novel ist who gave us “ The Sca rlet L etter,” was b or n on Ju ly 4 , 180 4 i n a haunted town called, Salem in Massachusetts. He rued having a great, great grandfather c a l le d Joh n H at hor ne for having been involved in those Salem witch trials, so added a w in his last name to distance himself. S t e p h e n Fo s t e r, t h e renown song writer, was born in Pennsylvania on July 4, 1826 to become known as the “father of American music” for his 200 songs, many of them associated with the South, i nclud i ng “Oh! Susa n na,” “Camptown Races,” “Old Folks
at Home” (aka “Swanee River”) and “My Old Kentucky Home,” after only visiting the South once. He lost his winnings to his sheet music publishers and died age 37 in the charity ward of New York’s Bellevue Hospital. Rube Goldberg, the P u l it z e r pr i z e -w i n n i ng e d itor ia l c a r to on i st , w a s born in San Francisco on July 4, 1883. His cartoons of overdesigned machines led to h is na me becom ing a n adjective as well as a noun. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Rube Goldberg” as “doing something simple in a very complicated way that is not necessary.” George Steinbrenner – New York Yankees owner was born wealthy on July 4, 1930, near Cleveland, Ohio. He joined the family shipping business and did so well he managed to buy baseball’s most famous f ranchise in 1973. Under his watch the Yankees won seven World Series championships and 11 American League pennants. Ann Landers was born Esther “Eppie” Lederer on July 4, 1918 in Sioux City, Iowa. Her
Our 30th President, Calvin Coolidge, reigns as the only U.S. President to have a birthday on July 4th.
advice column was syndicated in more than 1,000 newspapers over the course of nearly 50 years. Her twin sister also born on the Fourth of July, Pauline Phillips, wrote the Dear Abby advice column. The two sisters attended the same college, held a joint marriage ceremony then became estranged over their newspaper rivalry. Ron Kov ic was wel l portrayed by Tom Cruise in the 1989 Academy Award winning movie “Born on the Fourth of July,” that was based on Kovic’s best-selling autobiography. Kovic was born in Wisconsin
on July 4, 1946. The Vietnam veteran on his second tour of duty was struck by enemy fire and left paralyzed from the chest down. He became a peace activist and an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War and the poor conditions inside America’s veterans’ hospitals. G e r a l d o R i ve r a , t h e television personality, was born on July 4, 1943, in New York City. While practicing law in New York, Rivera was offered a job as a television reporter by the local A BC aff iliate. As host of “Good Night America” in 1975, Rivera broadcast the Zapruder Film, which captured the a s s a s s i n a t i o n o f J o h n F. Kennedy for the first time on national television. Thomas Jenkins S em me s (fa mous to t h is r e p o r t e r a s h e r f a t h e r) was bor n on Ju ly 4 , 1900 i n M e m p h i s , Te n n e s s e e . While serving in Intelligence with the Army Air Corps in World War II, he took great (and mischievous) delight in introducing himself as Thomas Jef ferson S em me s on h is birthday.
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LOCAL NEWS Greenwich Sentinel Restaurant Review
Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
Miku, A Japanese Restaurant At 68 Greenwich Avenue By Daria Kozikowska Miku in Greenwich stood up to its name on a recent Friday afternoon visit. Miku in Japanese translates to “Beautiful Moment.” A nd there was a beautiful ambiance and execution of Japanese cuisine, served up in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Liam, the general manager, s t a n d s o u t a s a n Av e n u e professional while totally down to earth. The dishes were accompanied with a topping or special sauce to deepen the flavor of the fresh seafood that is their signature. Their menu reflects a knowledgeable style. Sitting in my comfy quilted leather seat on the patio, I could enjoy some great drinks. An offthe-menu Sake has become a new favorite: Nigori Genshu Sake with its cloudy, slightly sweet, long-lasting f inish. The “Pair Affair” gin cocktail was served i n a pret t y gold r i m me d Gi n Coupe with Lime zest for a nice garnish. The delicious “Peach Old Fashioned,” was presented in a double old-fashioned glass that made the drink feel luxurious. Every dish was full of authentic f lavors. Miku holds
a standard I will look for when trying delicacies elsewhere. And, let us remember, their restaurant never freezes their f ish, thus staying beyond fresh. Miku in fact owns their own distribution of foods that allows them to feature quality products for their diners. Fresh Sea Urchin from Santa Barbara, CA is served in its original spiky shell. The uni
was topped with caviar and gold f lakes. The f lavor, long lasting and extremely buttery, melted in my mouth. Japanese Komomoto oysters f rom t he West Coast deserve a trophy. The scallion and ponzu amplified the richness of the oysters and made it easy to eat, not chewy, with hardly any taste of the ocean. Miso Sea Bass with asparagus was nicely done.
The miso brings sweetness out of the fish. Baby Yellowtail with Yuzu and Plum drizzle is a nice light appetizer. Spice from the ja lap eno s a nd z e st f r om t he Yuzu seeds bring the dish to life. Another light snack nice to try is their sauteed shishito peppers with a tasty miso pepper mayo on the side.
I had the pleasure of trying r a r e i t e m s t h e y o f f e r. S u c h sp e c ia lt ie s a s K a matoro a nd White Salmon. The bluef in Tuna is in their Kama, meaning “neck” in Japanese. Its medium fat richness is delicious. The Kamatoro was seared and served on a bed of special onion sauce topped with a daisy. The same sauce is used for their Kobe Beef
when slightly grilled. The white salmon is indeed a rare breed. Miku only had two white salmons delivered last year. Interesting how you can taste the fattiness unlike reg ular w ild caught salmon. Miku is open daily for lunch and dinner without breaks in the day, u n li keother popu la r restaurants. They feature s e a s ona l c ra f t co ck t a i ls a nd a sake menu. Their quality ingredients cannot be overlooked. So, a memorable cultural dining experience with a beautiful staff. I have to f inish with mentioning how Miku gives back to our community, to well-known charities. Every month, they set a goal to raise $10,000 for charities such as Kids in Crisis. They do this by featuring special menu items that fully fund the cause from those sales. Including the Rock n’ Roll Sushi Roll stuffed w it h A lask a n K i ng Cra b a nd Avo c ado topp e d w it h se a re d Kobe Beef. A beautiful part of their commitment to donating is that even if the goal isn't reached, they add from their own pockets to support these charities. Now, that's truly a “beautiful moment.”
Surprisingly Zesty and Tasty Drinks In a Can By Jeb Fiorita and Peter Olson
The Summer of 2020 has arrived. And while it may not be the Summer we were hoping for, it is the one we have. Larger events have been replaced w i t h i nt i m a t e g a t h e r i n g s , s o c i a l distancing of course. In the past, I have written articles on wine, champagne, spirits and holiday beverage selections with an occasional favorite cocktail recipe. As I was sitting at the beach the other day with friends, I was handed a spiked seltzer in a can, Mango Bon Viv.
To be honest, I have had very few of these. The taste was quite refreshing. And with the weather being as hot as it has been very happy to accept. So, I was thinking about an article on what are called grab and go or ready to drink beverages. These beverages have been around for a long time. Many of us recall our formative college years where it was common to have the original wine cooler (Bartles and Jaymes) at parties.
Usually they were found sitting in a tub of ice sitting next to a Coors party ball and Mad Dog 20/20. And the f lavors were as numerous as Don Johnson’s colored tee shirts in the 1980’s hit show, Miami Vice! How many scenes started with Crocket and Tubbs pulling up to a club in the white Ferrari where club goers were drinking their Mango Kiwi Peach Bellini wine Coolers. Let’s fast forward to today. What I found so surprising are the choices that one has when it comes to canned beverages. For starters, those of us who have fond memories of the time frame I just mentioned, wine coolers have made a comeback, including Bartles and Jaymes. The multiple flavored four pack bottles have now been joined by flashy cans with a millennial taste appeal. The new f lavors include Watermelon & Mint, Ginger & Lemon, Grapefruit & Green Tea, and Cucumber & Lime. Other canned wines have joined the party, Beach Juice Rose is one example of a refreshing cool wine that can be enjoyed in the Summer heat. Other such wine producers include Latitude Wines which you may recognize from their 90+ cellars brand. The canned beverage they have brought to market is called Lila. And it comes in four varietals…a Pinot Grigio, a bubbly Rose, Italian Sparkling, and a French Rose. Union Wine Company, based out of Oregon, has introduced Underwood Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Rose
LIBRARY From Page 1
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The shields are primarily 3D printed at MakerBot (Brooklyn) and Tangible Creative (Newark), and delivered by volunteer drivers to the 92nd Street Y, and now the Greenwich Library has helped to make this truly a tri-state effort. For more information about CMR, visit their website at http://covidmakerresponse. com/ online. “The Greenwich Library Innovation Lab is committed to using the latest technology to serve the community,” said Vanessa Harrington, the Library’s Innovation Lab Coordinator. “We were thrilled to be able to put the Library’s 3D printers to good use, for a good cause, during such a challenging time. This project also highlights how you can make all kinds of incredible things using one of the Library’s 3D printers.” “I think it’s a wonderful use of a resource, before now I was unaware that the Library had their own 3D printers,” said Melanie Frank lin, a Greenwich resident. “Hopefully other places with access to a 3D printer will follow the Library’s example.”
and a Strawberry Cooler. But what about the quality of the wine? If you are a collector looking to purchase wine to hold onto hoping the value increases…this is not the wine for you. If you are looking for a dinner wine to serve at the perfect temperature with the best cut of meat, then no this wine is not for you either. This wine is quick to chill and easy to drink. All that is really required is the ability to enjoy good tasting wine with friends on the beach, on the boat, or at the bbq. The wine is refreshing and a great value. There are other canned options to enjoy. Two of my favorites are Fishers Island Lemonade and Litchf ield distillery cocktails. Fishers is a delicious canned beverage best served over the rocks. It is a whiskey/vodka (yes both) based mixer with a lemonade taste. Be careful as each can is 9% alcohol. And the refreshing taste of lemonade makes these easy to enjoy and go down easy. I have to be honest here and admit that two years ago when I was introduced to Fishers Island, I did not read the can or ask many questions. I thought I needed to add a shot of alcohol to it. Believe me, that is not necessary. Litchfield Distillery offers two ready to drink options. The first is vodka and lemonade based while the second is bourbon based with maple syrup and lemon juice. While these are a little less with 7% alcohol…again be careful as they are delicious! Again, they are best
enjoyed chilled or over the rocks and great to bring to any gathering. The most popular of the ready to go or ready to drink cocktails are the spiked seltzers. You can’t go down the grocery isle or into a liquor store w it hout se ei ng W h ite Claw, H ig h Noon, Truly, Bon Viv, etc. Typically, the flavor options are very sweet…Mango, grapefruit, watermelon, lime, cherry, pineapple, coconut, cranberry, etc. These options are usually a little lower in alcohol count, at 4.5% and usually around 90 -100 calories a can and under a few grams of sugar. This is definitely a healthier option when it comes to cool refreshing f lavored beverages. Like most, these are also best served chilled, either over ice or straight from the can. When it comes to ready to serve/ ready to drink cocktails, there are many options. We at Val’s have all that were mentioned in this article and more. So, when preparing for a small gathering or just looking for a quick cocktail that can be enjoyed while under quarantine please give us a call. And for your convenience, we take orders over the phone, deliver and offer curb side pickup. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Jeb is the owner of Val’s Putnam W i n e s & Li quors with lo c at ion s i n Greenwich and Glenville. Peter is in charge of business development. They can be reached at 203-869-2299.
While 3D printers have been around since the 1980s, many people are not familiar with how they work. If any Greenwich resident would like to learn about 3D printers and how to use one, the Library is offering a “Virtual – Intro to 3D Printing” workshop on Thursday, July 9, and also on Wednesday, August 5, from 2 – 3:15 p.m. The workshop advises those who are interested where to find free 3D printable designs and how to use a 3D printer to prepare and print a model. In addition, the Library is offering a virtual webinar titled “Prototype Your Ideas Using 3D Tech,” taking place on Wednesday, July 22, from 2 – 3:30 p.m. The webinar is for those seek ing to expand their knowledge of 3D printing and learn the best practices for developing their own prototype using 3D modeling, 3 D p r i nt i n g , a n d e s s e nt i a l o n l i n e resources to help make it all happen. You can register for both Virtual 3D webinars through the Library’s online c a lenda r (ht t p: //g r e enw ich l i bra r y. For more information about the Library’s 3D printer and 3D printing webinars, contact the Training Center staff at trainingcenter@, call (203) 6256508, or visit training. The online calendar contains
information about all upcoming Virtual programs. The Greenwich Library, located at 101 West Putnam Avenue, is accessible to all Greenwich residents with a vast array of archives and books, quiet study spots, educational programs and services, and a place for people to gather and share experiences. The Library has over 2,000 programs and events per year and has a total circulation of about 1.2 million, the highest reported in Connecticut. Greenwich Library was recently named a five-star library by Library Journal for the 11th time. The Gr e enw ich L i bra r y s ystem consists of the Main Library and its Byram Shubert (located at 21 Mead Avenue) a nd Cos Cob (located at 5 Sinawoy Road) branches. The Greenwich Librar y currently prov ides NoContact Pick Up of Library materials by appointment. Pick up will be available at the Main Library Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; at the Byram Shubert Library Monday-Wednesday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Thursday 12 p.m. – 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; and at the Cos Cob Library Monday 12 p.m. – 7 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m..
he says is “to learn to play the piano or guitar.” Te s ei w i l l l i kely pr of it i n ot he r music-infused ways from this volunteer opportunity from the sound of Radcliffe’s experience with the GSO. She would discover GSO’s unique “camaraderie and respect between musicians and conductor. They feel so strongly about each other.” She would develop a number of friendships with the musicians. “These are my friends. I respect them and love what they're doing.”
“When I go to hear an orchestra,” Radcliffe shares, “ I focus for five minutes on that oboist and see what she does, how she communicates with the conductor, I look at how the individual musicians communicate with the conductor, how they respond when the conductor does a little something with his hand. This is all fascinating. I grew up with music. I had a training. With other people they just let it float by and they enjoy it that way.”
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From Page 1 regular attendee of the GSO concerts with his wife and children. Though Radcliffe is steeped in degrees and years of studying music from her earliest years in her native Hungary, Tesei weighs in with his “modest attempts at playing an instrument; drum, guitar and piano.” On his bucket list
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Market Report: Home Sales Surge In June
By Mark Pruner
High-End Sales have a Good Month At the end of May we had 299 sales and contracts, then June came along and sales and contracts surged to 423 houses sold or under contract; an increase of 41% in one month. The story at the upper end is even more dramatic. Above $3 million we went from 68 sales and contracts at the end of May to 111 sales and contracts in June, an increase of 63%. By far our most dramatic jump was closed high-end sales over $5 million which are up 271% in just one month, but more about that later.
These numbers are actually understated as I’m writing this early Wednesday morning, July 1st, before we get the numbers for June 30th which will roll in over the next couple of days. This jump in sales is being driven by three factors. By far the largest is the continued flood of Covid buyers from New York City, which seem primarily fall into two categories. Most of these buyers are younger families who are looking in the $1 – 2.3 million range. These buyers have been cooped up in a New York City apartment, and often a nice apartment, with multiple children. More square footage, a yard, parks, and beaches look pretty attractive to them. A second less obvious sub-group of Covid-motivated buyers from New York City are newlyweds and DINKs. Often couples that met in New York City would move in to whichever person had the nicer apartment and live there until the first or second child came along. I’ve showed houses to lots of couples with where the wife is pregnant and wants to be settled in a new place before the baby is born. In the meantime, they would live in New York City enjoying all of the restaurants, cultural activities, and nightlife that NYC is so famous for. In the Covid era, all those activities are either gone or still dangerous to enjoy. As a result, many couples are skipping the NYC Dual Income No Kids period and moving directly to Greenwich. I’m working with three couples just like that. The second big group that is increasing sales in Greenwich are Greenwich upsizers and renters. Our Greenwich residents that have been waiting for the post-recession market to turn are seeing it and getting
out ahead of what looks like will be a continuing increase in market activity. Right now, most houses are priced at 2019 and pre-Covid 2020 prices. These folks have another month or two to enjoy these prices. After that we are going to see the closing prices of our 164 contracts. Many of these contracts which were signed after bidding wars involving multiple buyers and based on word of mouth are going to go for over list price. Indicative of this hot market is that in June 29 of the listings never made it to their one month anniversary. When we finally find out the sales price after closing, these prices are going to start the price resetting process. Another sign of a hot market is that our average days on market for sales and contracts is taking a big jump up. Nine of the 164 contracts were actually on the market for more than 1,000 days and 27 were on the market for a year. When the stale inventory is selling you know it’s time to get moving if you need a house.
The third thing that is driving the high-end Greenwich market is the state’s new Gold Coast conveyance tax. Last year the Connecticut legislature increased the conveyance tax on sales over $2.5 million by 1% effective July 1, 2020. As a result, we saw a lot of deals that would have closed in July and August get pushed up to June. On a $10 million dollar sale, the seller would save $75,000 by closing on June 30th rather than July 1st. This was all the motivation many high-end buyers needed to closer sooner. As I mentioned above, sales above $5 million were up 271%. We went from 7 sales over for $5 million and only one sale over $7 million at the end of May to 19 sales at the end of June. Of the 12 June over $5 million, 7 of them over $7 million or an increase of 600%. The high-end sales number will go even higher in the next couple of days as the final June sales come in. Unfortunately, this also means that July will likely be a poor month for high-end sales as the June accelerated deals aren’t there for a July closing. Right now, we have 12 contracts for houses listed over $5 million, all of whom will be helping to fund the Connecticut treasury by paying the higher conveyance tax.
See REPORT page 18
Four Generations Later: Rudy's Still Puts Safety First By Richard Kaufman In order to continue to provide services to customers in a safe and effective way, many businesses have had to adjust on the f ly to life in a time of coronavirus. As the country reopens with each passing week and a new normal beg ins to take shape, Rudy's Executive Transportation, a c a r s e r v i c e a n d e xe c ut i ve transportation company located in Greenwich and Stamford, is focusing on safety for both its employees and customers. Rudy's has installed clea r sa fet y sh ields b et ween passengers and drivers in over 100 of their luxury sedans, SUVs and transporter vans. "We at Rudy’s pledge to make every effort to continue to protect our customers during the COVID crisis. Our top priority continues to be their personal safety. We are committed to doing everything within our power to ensure their well-being and we believe our new safety shields are one more way we can make that happen,"
Present Rudy’s Executive Transportation CEO Roy Spezzano ‘back in the day’ as a chauffeur. (Circa 1975) said Rudy's CEO, Roy Spezzano. The safety shield precaution builds upon the rigorous safety protocols already in place. The entire Rudy's team already uses hand sanitizer, masks and gloves. A d d i t i o n a l l y, b e t w e e n e a c h
and every trip, the interior and exterior surfaces of the vehicle are wiped down and sanitized. "We’ve used Rudy’s twice now and they do a great job of keeping everything sanitized," said Lynne Sweckie, a customer of Rudy's.
the store in the 1990s and was struck by how much it reminded him of his 1960s childhood in New York City, thanks to its small nature. Since then, Gramercy Typewriter the machine to the fullest by has helped him buy and repair knowing and understanding all
GRAMERCY From Page 1
“We don’t have to be salespeople, because these machines sell themselves,” Schweitzer said. “We’re just there to answer the question, point them in the right direction and the typewriter does the rest.” the mechanisms.” Although closed on the weekends, those are the store’s busiest days, said Schweitzer, as he and his father spend all day in the work shop repa i r i ng a nd per for m i ng other maintenance work on customers’ typewriters. O u t s i d e o f p a r t- t i m e employees performing minimal repairs, the two Schweitzers perform the vast majority of the repairs and maintenance service due to their training and extensive experience. To become familiarized with the internal workings of different ty pew riters, makes, and models over several decades, t he t ra i n i n g t a ke s ye a r s , Schweitzer said. “We're blessed because we're able to put in that kind of hours and time and dedication, because, of course, it's a job, a nd we're t r y i ng to ma ke a living, but we're blessed because we really enjoy it and love the work,” he added Long-time customer Michael Leslie first came into
a half-dozen typewriters and Leslie remains good friends with Schweitzer. Leslie said letters from typewriters can be “valuable a r t i f a c t s ,” a n d t h at h e appreciates how the business has treated him. “I just love that … they’re a third-generation business and they have survived all these decades through the advent of the computer, through 9/11, through [Hurricane] Sandy, and they’re still alive which is to me so remarkable and a testament to their consistency and their ‘stick-to-what-youknow’ philosophy,” said Leslie. Weathering the storms A braham Schweitzer started the business by going door-to-door during the Great Depression, asking people if they needed help repairing their typewriters. After developing his clientele, Arnold bought some off ice space in the Gramercy District in Manhattan in 1932 , the namesake for the business. Needing more office space to conduct business and make
repairs, Abraham upgraded to a new office space in the Flatiron district later that year. His son, Paul started working at the business in 1959, immediately after serving in the U.S. Navy. In 2018, the business moved its retail services to where it currently sits on 17th St. “A lot of the other shops … kept wanting to gravitate towards the next big thing, whereas we always stayed true to how the business was started and developed a lot
A n o t h e r c u s t o m e r, A n n e White, said she was impressed w ith how Rudy's was able to adjust with the pandemic. " We never stress about it when they’re driving and they always make us feel like VIPs,"
of clients around the city,” Schweitzer said. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Schweitzer said t he su bse q uent c it y-w ide shutdow n was f inancia lly dif f icult. However, he and his father used the time to catch up on the back log of service orders. P a r t-t i m e e m p l oye e Hudson McFann, who was hired four weeks before the shutdow n b e g a n , s a id he used the time to set up the business’s Instagram page and polish its website. McFann started out as a customer who loved typewriters, saying he appreciates their durability and reliable nature. “F r om my ex p er ience , especially now, spending more time in front of a screen, I think there's something calming about using a typewriter,” he said. “You don’t have the distractions you have with digital devices.” Although certainly capable, thanks to its customer base, Schweitzer said there are no plans to expand operations and grow bigger. Out of concern the store might lose its close connection with its customers and its services and quality suffer, Schweitzer said the store will stick to what it knows best. “If someone else's hands are on the machine, and if someone else's hands are dealing with customers, if someone else’s hands are answering the phone and com municating ... we feel the business will suffer,” said Schweitzer. “We just like keeping it small, personable, so we can only give that type of service that people expect from us.”
White remarked. "With the pandemic, they had to pivot and f it their cars with shields and put all kinds of new measures in place. All the precautions make us feel secure – and still like VIPs."
Rudy's has been in business since 1956, and has provided safe, quality transportation services to Fa i r f ield a nd Westchester Counties, serving well over three million customers along the way. Over the years, Rudy's has p r ov i d e d t r a n s p o r t at i o n fo r several U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents, as well as Senators, to numerous gover n menta l m e e t i n g s i n N e w Yo r k C i t y, as well as at private homes in Fairfield County. Each driver is professionally t r a i n e d t o m e e t c u s t o m e r s' unique travel requirements, from delivering corporate executives to important meetings in Boston and Philadelphia, as well as to various vacation spots on Cape Cod and Long Island. The company now spans four generations, with Rudy's son Roy and his wife Sheila; their children, Dany and Dona; and Rudy's greatgrandson, Rob, all involved. As a result, Rudy's has been voted "Best of the Gold Coast" in 14 of the last 15 years.
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Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt
Believe it Or Not Ever y year a f riend sends out an email at the beginning of the 4th of July holiday. In it he asks us to read what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. He recognizes the political division that our country faces and implores us to see that which unites us rather than divides us. He cautions, and we do as well, that what he includes is likely not 100 percent historically accurate. It well sourced folk lore. In six years, we will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. We are a young nation. As we continue to grow and evolve, we must strive to live up to the most famous sentence from the preamble of our founding document: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” And so - Enjoy! "Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants; nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British
We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward. Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Rutledge, and Middleton. At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr. noted that the British General Cornwallis, had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates. Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruff ians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot about what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn't fight just the British. We were British subjects at that time, and we fought our own government! Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn't. So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid. Remember: freedom is never free!"
Editorial Page
Please Share the Road Carefully By Susan Fisher
In this day of sheltering in place, there is a preponderance of people on the roads. It is particularly hazardous in the Back Country where the roads are narrow, albeit wider roads closer to downtown, but still no sidewalks.. Today downtown and back I successfully passed about 35 people walking and bicycling. While some folks make fun of the outfits on the cyclists, at least they stand out and can
About a Book
be seen. Also most bicycles have lights or f lashers even on the helmets and reflectors on the heels of shoes. On the other hand, many walkers and joggers are new to the roads since the pandemic began and totally nonprofessional about their dress. Woe to the woman on her cell phone dressed in beige or brown walking a small dog, distractedly. Woe also to the walker in front of a stone wall with grass
behind wearing gray pants and a green top. Totally invisible! And then there is the man of a certain age in gray and none too steady at that, and the runner in back and gray with headphones, oblivious. It makes driving downtown quite an adventure, dodging this and that, sometimes at the last minute, with a car coming at you already in the middle of the road. That’s not even mentioning the happy couple hand in hand, never mind the dress, with an active dog slewing around, or the
lady again in black on her child's bike, not much experience there, or the two ladies in gray and black chatting and not even heading for the side when a car approached. Out of 35 individuals I saw in my morning trip down and back, only one had a brightly colored shirt and only some of the bicyclists were in anything resembling clothing appropriate to their activity. All I can say is “Yipes" and make sure I am not in a hurry behind the wheel.
Thank You Notes
By Charlotte Muhlrad The Splendid and the Vile brings light to the life of Winston Churchill during the Blitz starting in 1940. But the book demonstrates not just the ef forts of one man, but that of the British nation as a whole to survive the German air raid attacks. Churchill took over as Prime Minister in 1940, while the United States was still hesitant to join the Second World War. The British alone had to withstand the Germans’ bombing – thousands of victims lo s t t hei r l ive s , i nclud i n g children. Cities were devastated. Erik Larsen, author of the acclaimed In the Garden of Beasts, writes about the utter
destruction of the English town of Plymouth. The bombings lef t Churchill completely distraught. He toured Plymouth, determined for a solution. He dedicated research efforts to building a radar that would detect the German bombers, but to Churchill’s dismay, these efforts dragged slowly. The fruit of Larsen’s labor is nothing short of spectacular. He has scoured diaries, journals, letters; it appears he used every piece of research that he could get his hands on. His writing is poignant, ke epi ng a nd s a fe g ua r d i n g the reader’s attention. Some may find history a dull genre, but trhough his portrayal of Winston Churchill, Larsen shows that stubbornness pays.
One curiosity is the book’s a br upt end i n g. S ome m ay feel critical of Churchill, and I would understand, but it Is also difficult to deny that he was the right man in the right place. I am grateful history brought Churchill to that place, because if he had not resisted the Germans, Europe would perhaps look entirely different today. My family, victims of the Nazis’ atrocities, would perhaps h ave c e a s e d to e x i s t . B ut instead, because of Churchill, some of us survived. Erik Larsen quotes Churchill’s gratitude towards his country’s young soldiers, “Never in the field of human conf lict has so much been owed by so many to so few.” Mr. Churchill, I owe you that gratitude.
To Fabricare By Lynne Swanson
I would like to say thank you to Fabricare. When I called to ask if t heir of fer to prov ide f r e e lau nd r y s er v ice s for healthcare workers extended to first responders, they could not have been nicer and said yes right away. T hey ca me a nd picke d everything up and dropped off. They couldn't have made it any easier and they were very kind. My husba nd's u n i for m came back beautifully cleaned and sanitized every time. It was such a gift in every way. We are very grateful.
Greenwich's Great Candidates
By Dan Quigley As we head into summer, the election season will begin to heat up along with the weather. This will be a campaign season unlike any other. Due to COVID-19, the t r ie d a nd te ste d met ho ds of keeping voters informed (candidates going door-to-door to hear from voters; gathering, parties, meetings, and public events where candidates can speak) will be co-mingled with new less personal interactions. Suffice it to say, candidates will have to employ creative ways to connect with constituents in 2020. I know our slate of local Republican candidates will find every way they can to ensure you have a voice this election season. They
want to get to know you. In many ways, it is too bad that everyone cannot meet them in person because I couldn’t be more excited about these remarkable people! Ryan Fazio (State Senate, 36th), Harry Arora (State Rep., 151st), Kimberly Fiorello (State Rep., 149th) and Joe Kelly (State Rep., 150th) embody the diversity, dynamism, entrepreneurial spirit and intelligence of our community. Together they a r e r u n n i n g to r epr e s ent Gre enw ich i n Ha r t ford, a place t hat is in desperate need of strong Republican voices. As they prepare to hit the campaign trail they come equipped with fresh, new ideas rooted in the core Republican principles of fiscal
responsibility and limited, effective government. They are husbands, wives, parents, sons, daughters, immigrants, homegrown, self made, young, mature and experienced. They are us. This is an important e l e c t i o n s e a s o n . We w i l l b e f a c i n g u np r e c e d e nt e d economic challenges in our state. The ugly truth is that Connecticut’s economy was already in incredibly poor shape. We have been a red dot in a blue state and our outstanding local Republican legislators have held the line against immense pressure. We need them now more than ever. The path to repairing our state begins at the ballot box. As our candidates begin their campaign journey, I urge
you to take some time to meet them. They will be reaching out, utilizing platforms like Zoom, Social Media and old fashioned emails. Each one of them brings a unique spirit of v it a l it y, a n i mpr e ssive depth of policy knowledge and unwavering dedication to the community they each call home. As Chairman of the Greenwich RTC, I couldn’t be more proud of Ryan, Harry, Kimberly and Joe, and I can’t wait for you to get to know them. To me, they represent a high-energy, hard-working, compassionate and smarter future. Dan Quigley is the RTC Chair
Looking for a Path Forward
By Kimberly Fiorello I ta ke g reat joy f rom mak ing my home in the Const it ut ion St ate a nd i n celebrating July 4th where parts of the Revolutionary Wa r t o o k p l a c e – w h e r e patriots fought and died for freedom. There is much we can learn from that generation of 1776, especially those from Connecticut. Daring from Israel Putnam – He fought alongside General George Washing ton at the Battle of Bunker Hill and, at 61 years of age, he famously escaped capture by riding his horse down a rocky hill so steep no British Cavalrymen da r e d to fol low. A s q uat monument at the corner of East P utnam Ave and Old Church Road marks the spot of his ride! Bravery from Nathan Hale – When Washington needed someone to go behind enemy lines into New York City to spy on British movements,
only this 21 year-old from Yale volunteered. He was caught. Then, hanged. His last words are what legends are made of – “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” The Art of Compromise from Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth – When the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were at loggerheads, Sherman a n d E l l s wo r t h b r o k e t h e deadlock with the Connecticut Compromise. This was not compromise for compromise sake, but for a win-win-win. Good for small states, good for big states, and good for the United States. Sherman also has the distinction of being the only person to have put his name to the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and t he U.S. Constitution. Talk about steady habits! I celebrate July 4th
knowing that I am blessed to b e a n A m e r ic a n a nd a Nutmegger. To be sure, the founding generation had no t houg ht of me – a g i rl born in Seoul, Korea, who g r ew up i n V i r g i n i a , a nd who would decide with her husband to raise their four children in Connecticut. But, their fight for freedom is an inheritance I am grateful for, especially when I think of my grandmother’s courageous escape from North Korea and her journey to America on a ladies’ scholarship to a college in Illinois. Our Declaration of Independence told the world t hat A mer ica ns wou ld b e blaze their own trail, free f r o m t h e B r it i s h e mp i r e . What gave them such moxie? The self-evident truth that we “all…are created equal” w ith inalienable rig hts to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When I was elected to the Greenwich Representative
Town Meeting, I was thrilled to learn that, in 17 76, this body passed a motion, without a single dissenting vote, to support the audacious Declaration of Independence! I am K imberly Fiorello and I am running for State Representative for District 149 to succeed Livvy Floren, who has served us with such grace and distinction. My vision for our state is that we can tap our Connecticut can-do spirit and relaunch ourselves to be daring and brave, to seek winwin-win compromises, and to illuminate a path forward with just devotion to the equal rights of every resident within our proud state. In the coming weeks, I will share my thoughts about how we can work together to make Connecticut a better place to live for all of us. Happy Independence Day, Greenwich! Kimberly Fiorello is running for State Representative
Grateful, Expectant, and Inspired
By Richard Blumenthal O n t h e m o r n i n g o f Ju l y Fo u r t h , I a l w a y s a w a k e n grateful, expectant, and inspired. G ratef u l for t he i nc r e d i ble privilege of living in the United States. Expectant about a day to be f illed with enthusiastic parades across Connecticut, and parties at home. And inspired by the greatness of America— diverse, raucous, but resolute. It is a day to r emem b er the tremendous promise of a new nation, the ideals of our founding, and the resilience that has steadied America for more than 200 years. Th is Fou r t h w i l l b e
come together. Out of many, one. I’ve also been powerfully impressed by cries for justice and an end to racism by peaceful demonstrations around Con ne c t ic ut , i nclud i n g t he fifteen or more that I’ve attended personally. Young people leading them are at the forefront of a new movement, seeking reform in the spirit of revolutionary Americans who came before them. The m illions who have marched in our streets and communities remind us of just how much work remains to fulfill our founding promise – a promise that was, when it was written, limited by race, gender, and class and has been broken far too often, for far too many, in the generations since. Our country is built on the ideals of freedom and justice – compelling us to recognize inadequacies and disparities in generations of health care, economic opportunity, housing, a n d p o l i c e a c c o u n t a b i l i t y. These persistent inequalities are starkly evident amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,
which has claimed the lives of Black Americans and people of color at dramatically high rates. As July Fourth reminds us, America is always aspirational. We can do better. We must do better. And I believe we will do better. We are still debating and disag reeing, enjoy ing the precious freedoms they fought for and protected by the rule of law. The right to say what we wish, worship as we please, live with privacy free of government intrusion— such liberties, among others should never be taken for granted. The quiet of this Four th will give me— and I hope my colleagues in the Senate— some time to ref lect on what values truly define us. It should lead us to return energized to seek common g round and action worthy of our great nation. Please keep wearing your masks and maintain physical distancing. I wish each of you a safe and healthy summer! Ri c h a rd B l u m e n th a l i s a United States Senator for CT.
These Are Interesting Times
By Joe Kelly These are interesting times. Our Country, State, Community, a n d Fa m i l i e s a r e d e b at i n g important issues. This is good but only good if we listen as well as speak. It is incredibly important that we take the time to once again remind ourselves of the many things we agree upon. We all want to be free, happy, successful, respected, and healthy. We all desire the best for our family and friends. Most of us want to help. Eve r y A m e r i c a n h a s t o believe our country is better off
By Icy Frantz This year our local firework displays have been cancelled. And we are not alone. There w i l l b e no of f ic ia l 4th of July firework display in Philadelphia this year. The forecast for ma ny of this year’s 4th of July weekend plans in Western North Carolina communities is looking relatively quiet and dark. The coronavirus pandemic has snuffed out all the public fireworks displays in the area. Naples cancels Fourth of July parade and fireworks amid the pandemic. All of Flagstaf f, Arizona’s usual Independence Day events, including the parade, Lights on the
d i f f e r e n t— n o p a r a d e s o r parties— but no less special. Maybe even more so. In these past months, I’ve b e en de eply move d by the courage and strength of A mericans in the face of hardship and heartbreak caused by the COVID-19 health care emergency and economic crisis. The people of Connecticut have stepped up to care for each other tirelessly and boundlessly. I am especially thank f ul for Americans in uniform who protect our nation from foreign adversaries, but also millions of frontline workers – doctors, nurses, hospital employees, law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, grocery workers, truck drivers, sanitation personnel and other heroes – who have continued to report for duty and safeguard us. We should be inspired by them and by all who have served a nd sacr if iced, g iv i ng back bravely, without any expectation of applause or acclaim. They embody uniquely A merican values: when tested by adversity and menacing adversaries, we
Independent then not. We must appreciate and cherish what we agree upon and take the time to enjoy what is truly good. Saturday we celebrate our countries Declaration of Independence, adopted on 4 July 1776. The Thirteen Colonies of America declared that “We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these a re L ife, L i ber t y a nd the pursuit of Happiness.” No greater words have ever been spoken by any governing body
except possibly that of Abraham Lincoln. In his G ett ysburg address, Lincoln passionately spoke, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought for t h , up on t h i s cont i nent , a new nat ion, conceive d i n Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”. President Lincoln recognized the magnitude of this most important declaration of independence and it is time that we as a nation do the same. I suggest to the entire town of Greenwich, to my neighbors and friends, new and old that we take a break from arguing about
the things we disagree on and spend this weekend celebrating something we at many times take for g ranted, A merica’s Independence. Let us enjoy our families, friends, and neighbors, mourn those that we may have lost and are no longer with us, and embrace the precious tomorrows that we may be fortunate enough to share on this earth as a free society. Happy Fourth Of July!! Joe Kelly is a Candidate, for State Representative of the 150th
July 4th 2020 Lawn, and Art in the Park, have been canceled. Fair Saint Louis announced it is cancelling “America’s Biggest Birthday party” These headlines found in the papers across our nation indicate that missing out on the 4th of July festivities this year is a foregone conclusion. As we head into the weekend, a holiday that is arguably the most patriotic, the feelings about our country, our flag and our history are in flux. Hearty protests and quiet vigils have filled the streets of our biggest cities and our smallest towns and we are still reeling from a pandemic that is challenging our healthcare system and our economy. It might make some wonder if the 4th of July 2020 merits a celebration at all. Growing up, I spent summers on a small island in New York whe r e we p e r che d on itchy blankets and sandy towels, on a small piece of land that jutted out into Long Island Sound, to watch the f ireworks. Swatting away the no-see-ums with sparklers, we celebrated the 4th, slightly sunburned from a day in the sun and ocean, watching our own display as well as ones in the distance being set off along the Connecticut and Rhode Island coasts. In those early days, it
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was less about country for me and more about the food, and the chance to be out past my bedtime with friends dressed in our finest Lilly Pulitzer, enjoying the shift from dusk into darkness, and waiting impatiently for the very first blast. While raising our children, I adored our annual celebration of the 4th on or around the 4th , depending on where in the week the holiday fell. Although I was never one to fight over the way our children dressed, in honor of Independence Day, red, white, and blue were mandatory. There was always good food, good friends, pat r iot ic music, a nd love of country and the men and women in uniform. The merriment was rarely without incident, though. I visited the emergency room on more than one occasion, once to repair a broken nose that I got tripping over a chair in the dark, a kid in each arm which gave me nothing to break my fall. When the kids were young, the finale was the incredible show of fireworks, complete with oohs and ahhs, but as they grew, the last blast seemed to indicate not the close, but the start, of their night. I love the 4th of July, a holiday that stirs up good, wholesome memories from my past, and as I
have grown older, it has deepened my respect for our country and the many men and women who have protected our freedom. For a good friend, it is about all of this as well as her own birthday that she shares generously with our country. For school-age children, it’s the fact that summer vacation is almost halfway over by July 4th and that the return to school is inevitable. History buffs revel in the day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. And for our two knotty-haired dogs, it is a slightly terrifyingly loud day - not that dissimilar from a good thunderstorm - that forces them underneath the bed into a safe harbor. Fireworks are designed to explode in a controlled way. A fuse is lit which starts the charge burning and ignites similar fuses that make the interesting parts of the firework burst once in the air. The explosion causes the firework to break apart which allows for the wondrous display of colors and loud booms. The sky will be bare of fireworks this weekend, but the fuse is lit, and maybe we will discover in the quiet, that it’s okay to break apart in order to become whole, and truly embrace
ADVERTISING; call 203-485-0226; or buy online at STORY IDEAS COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at TOP 5 THINGS TO DO IN GREENWICH ADDITIONS the display of colors - not just the red white and blue - but all of the magnificent colors that make up our incredible country. These past few months, we as a country have been through a lot, and I have learned many things in this time of COVID-19 - about myself, my loved ones, my community, and my country. I have learned that a goldf ish can lose its color, that I actually like brussels sprouts, and that I can show up in little more than pajamas to pick up a car that is being serviced without anyone batting an eye. I have learned that in times of crisis, a community can truly come together. I have learned
t hat even t houg h i n-p er s on events, ceremonies, and services are cancelled, the people in our country have a way of showing up anyway. Americans may not be perfect, but we persevere and care. And we have learned to drag ourselves through and out of dark times. Let’s be clear, the 4th of July is not cancelled. It may look and sound different, but I know in my heart, we will celebrate with gusto because that is what Americans do and we will be back next year louder than ever. Icy Frantz Visit me at
See Dr. Robert Fucigna TODAY 203-348-7575
Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
• The Department of Health has five phone lines specifically dedicated to the public for questions and answers about COVID-19. They are: 203-622-7865; 203-622-7703; 203-622- 7614; 203-622-7842 and 203-622-7836. • Greenwich Hospital/Yale New Haven Health: call center for any questions about the virus, can be reached at 833-275-9644.
9 a.m. The suspensions of parking fees in Greenwich end. This includes all metered spaces, day parking fees, and permit locations.
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 2 - 4 p.m. Greenwich Performing Arts Studio Arts Summer Workshop: ‘101 Dalmatians’. Ages 7-14. Through July 17. Register. No experience necessary. 203-273-7827.
7 - 8:30 p.m. Anchor Health Initiative: Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Support Group - online. Open to all ages. Safe, private and free. 2nd and 4th Wed of the month. ( Meeting ID: 508 855 477, Password: 605979). 7:15 p.m. ‘Concerts in the Cars’ presents Echoes of Sinatra. Horseneck parking lot, corner of Arch Street and Horseneck Lane. 203-618-7649. (For rain cancellation, call 203-861-6100 after 4pm).
The Department of Human Services encourages residents to call if they need assistance with basic needs such as food, finances, and living arrangements. The number is 203-622-3800.
10 a.m. NAMI-CAN Online Support Group – for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues. Free. (1st Mon of the month). Via Zoom, Meeting ID: 771 786 639, Password: 559907.
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
The American Red Cross in Connecticut has a free Virtual Family Assistance Center to support families struggling with loss and grief due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. People can visit to access a support hub with special virtual programs, information, referrals and services to support families in need. The hub will also connect people to other community resources provided by 2-1-1, CT VOAD, and other partners. People without Internet access can call 833-492-0094 for help.
The Greenwich Art Society Studio School: ‘Storytelling Through Film Making’ - beginner and intermediate. Mondays through Aug. 3. Via Zoom. Register.
9 - 9:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Parent & Child Yoga for Tots (Ages 2-5). Free. Register. 203-622-7920. greenwichlibrary.
11 a.m.
11 a.m.
OGRCC Art-Summer Camp: ‘Desserts’ - Still life of favorite desserts. Ages 6-10. Through July 10. Register. 203-637-3659.
Client families in need of assistance are referred by The Greenwich Department of Human Services. Anyone can donate funds or buy food items for people in need. Simply select the food and click to pay. Visit SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES Kids In Crisis Trained Crisis Counselors are available around the clock to provide support to children and families. The helpline number is 203-661-1911. Kids In Crisis has a Wish List on their website (kidsincrisis. org/ways-to-give/wish-list) of items they need, which they will continue to update. DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES If you are in crisis, please call the 24/7 YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services Hotline at 203622-0003. MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUPS NAMI Southwest CT National Alliance on Mental Illness offers various online support groups. Visit VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX PROGRAM VITA, the IRS’s companion to the AARP volunteer income tax program, has initiated a virtual (online) option for the free preparation and e-filing of your taxes by the new July 15 deadline. You will need to complete and submit the form. VITA will then schedule a one-hour time slot on the portal to have a phone or video interview to complete and review returns. You may begin the process by using this link: form. INFRARED THERMOMETERS AVAILABLE the State of Connecticut will be distributing 50,000 infrared thermometers it has secured for small businesses, nonprofits, and places of worship to support safe reopening activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Entities that would like to request a thermometer can fill out the forms located at coronavirus in the “Access to Personal Protective Equipment” section. CENSUS 2020 Participate in Census 2020 - go to and enter your code or home address. For people who do not have access to a computer, they can complete it by calling these numbers: English: 1-844-330-2020; Spanish: 1-844-468-2020; Chinese (Mandarin): 1-844391-2020; Chinese (Cantonese): 1-844-398-2020; Haitian Creole: 1-844-474-2020. GPD NON-EMERGENCY LINE If you are concerned about an activity or a group not following COVID-19 protocols, please call the Greenwich Police Department’s non-emergency phone number: 203-622-8004. CT DMV PARTIALLY REOPENS The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles reopened select offices on June 23. Services will be offered by appointment only. For appointments and more information, visit: FRIDAY, JULY 3 10 a.m. Online Qigong Class with Greenwich’s Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte Whole Health. Via Zoom. (Every Friday). Classes are also available on donnabuntewholehealth 3 p.m. Georgia Peach Truck returns to McArdle’s Florist and Garden Center, 48 Arch St. Case: $46-$64. (Produce is curbside pick-up only). 203-661-5600. caitlin@ 5 - 5:30 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Virtual Hike: Join naturalist Ryan MacLean for a virtual summer hike through different areas of the sanctuary. No preregistration is required. All ages are welcome. 6 p.m. ‘We’re All in this Together’ Dinner to Go. The Club at St. Lawrence Society (SLS), 86 Valley Rd. $15.95, members; $17.95, non-members. Pick-up times: 4:30-5:30 or 5:30-6:30. 203-618-9036. trish@ 10 p.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: ‘Café FrancoAméricain’ - Conversation in English and French. RSVP for Zoom link. SATURDAY, JULY 4 9 a.m. Versailles Farms Summer Stand. Versailles Farms, 56 Locust Rd. 203-862-0400. 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Greenwich Farmers Market. 2 Horseneck Ln. (Every Sat. through December). 203-380-0580. MONDAY, JULY 6 ICC Greenwich Summer Camp begins - a virtual camp offering Competitive Math, Creative Writing, Hindi, Ramayana, Rubik’s Cubing and Breakfast Club. Through July 31. Register. upcomingevents
THURSDAY, JULY 9 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Audit Committee Webinar. (Password 5327267).
Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops ‘Introduction to Entrepreneurship’ - Online. For girls presents: ‘Don’t Say That! Email and Communications 12-18. Free. Register. Etiquette’ - Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register. 4 - 5 p.m.
TUESDAY, JULY 7 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Storytime (Toddlers & preschoolers). Free. Register. 203-622-7920. greenwichlibrary. 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Weekly Job Search Accelerator Group. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 11 a.m. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: Generation Innovation - Group Work: Solve a World Issue - Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Drop-in Computer Lab. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@ signup/Calendar 2 - 4 p.m. The Greenwich Art Society Studio School: ‘Drawing from Life’. Tuesdays through Aug. 25. Via Zoom. Register. 6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group (Every Tuesday) – Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. Free. Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/2084433181, or call: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays@Whitby virtual conversations learn about life at Whitby School. Register. Free. 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – STEAM storytime (ages 3-5). Via Zoom. Free. Register. econnell@ signup/Calendar
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Qi Gong. Free. Register. greenwichlibrary.
2 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar: Productize Steps to Turn Your Service Into a Product. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. 2 - 3:15 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Intro to 3D Printing (Adults, young adults). Free. Register. 203-622-7920. greenwichlibrary. 6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group. Free. (2nd Thu of the month). Join Zoom Meeting:, Meeting ID: 212 727 055. 7 p.m. Bruce Museum webinar: ‘Taking It to the Streets: A Conversation with Contemporary Street Artists’. $10, members; $15, non-members. 203-869-0376. info@ FRIDAY, JULY 10 10 a.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: Live Cooking Class with Master Chef Jean-Louis Gerin and Guy-Rene Gerin: United for Bastille Day. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – ‘How to Avoid the Paycheck to Paycheck Culture’. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 203-6227920. greenwichlibrary. 11 a.m. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: Create Your Own Website: ‘’ - Online. For girls 12-18. $15. Register.
4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – YA Book Discussion Group (Grades 6-8). Free. Register. 203-622-7918. 11 a.m. greenwichlibrary. Girls With Impact’s Future Ready Workshops presents: ‘Money Matters - Make Me a Millionaire’ - Online. For SATURDAY, JULY 11 girls 12-18. $15. Register. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Birds & Breakfast - join Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich webinar: naturalist Ryan MacLean for an online session focused Professor Steven Levitsky: “American Democracy in on questions or inquiries you may have about birds. Crisis: Outlook for the Future.” Free. Pre-registration No pre-registration is required. Birders of all ages required. and experience levels are welcome. GreenwichAudubonCenter 11 a.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: ‘Café Crème’ 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Conversation en Français. Free and open to all. RSVP The Greenwich Art Society Studio School: ‘Loosen for a Zoom link. Up!’ - oil & acrylic workshop. Via Zoom. Register. 1:30 p.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: Club de Lecture en Français. Free and open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. 2:30 - 6 p.m. Old Greenwich Farmer’s Market. Parking lot of the Living Hope Community Church, 38 West End Ave. (Shoppers are asked to wear masks and maintain social distance). info@oldgreenwichfarmersmarket. com. 3 - 3:45 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft (Ages 2 1/2 & up). Free. Register to get link password. 2036222-6883. Calendar 5 - 6 p.m. Greenwich Hospital: Stroke Education Support Group - information about prevention, nutrition and medication management for those who are at risk of stroke or have suffered a stroke. Via Zoom. Free. Registration is required (link will be distributed in advance of the session). 888-305-9253. 5 - 6 p.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: Focus on French Cinema (FFC) presents ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ each week FFC will recommend a French-language film that can be viewed online at home. Free and open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. 6 p.m. Greenwich Pen Women Zoom Open Mic Night. Open to artists and audience members. Registration is required. 203- 625-6536. sschugmann@ 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Groups - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wed). Free. Zoom Meeting:, or call: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181. 7 - 8 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Date with an Author: Elizabeth Cline, Author of ‘The Conscious Closet’. Free. Register.
Making Lemonade
By Chris Franco In popular culture one of our more uplifting expressions goes something like this: “When life gives you lemons, m a k e l e m o n a d e ”. We l ove t h is ex pression b ecause it exemplif ies optimism and a positive take on the inevitable bad news that we all encounter at different times of our lives, and we admire people who ex hibit a “can-do” attitude in the face of adversity. This proverbial phrase was f irst coined more than one hundred years ago in the obituary of t h e d w a r f-a c t o r M a r s h a l l Pinckney Wilder, praising his achievements in the face of adversity – “He was a sound mind in an unsound body… he picked up the lemons that Fate had sent him and created a l e m o n a d e - s t a n d .” T h e expression was popularized nearly 40 years later by the f a m o u s l y o p t i m i s t i c s e l fimprovement author and lecturer Dale Carnegie, with his mantra, “If you have a lemon, make lemonade”. I had a cha nce to catch up with First Selectman Fred Camillo earlier this month, and I'm happy to share that he has lately been
embodying the spirit of this ex pression as he work s to create opportunities for our town from the challenges that were inf licted upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fred is looking at these challenges and our response as a catalyst for Greenwich to re-imagine key parts of our town’s business areas. I love this approach, and f ind it exciting that we can already see signs of the promise of this “re-imagining” all around our town. Our restaurants in Greenwich suffered during the shutdown, and the need to open outdoors, so as to provide safer open-air dining opportunities and room to spread out for social distancing, has resulted in some wonderful new dining spaces that are a signif icant enhancement to patrons’ dining experience and enjoy ment. Examples that come to mind include Le Fat Poodle’s chic new “dining alley”, Applausi’s charming new outdoor “dining piazza”, and Louie’s new open air dining area. And of course t he big “ga me - cha nger ” i s t he d i n i ng a nd p e de st r ia n promenade now located at the bottom of Greenwich Avenue. O u r tow n w a s del iver e d a major “ lemon” i n the for m of the COV ID 19 pandemic, however these exciting new physical spaces, which are at present “temporary” measures to a c c o m m o d ate t h e n e e d for s a fe r d i n i n g f ac i l it ie s , are a perfect example of "making lemonade” out of this misfortune and, if we’re lucky, will be made permanent. Even before the pandemic, when Fred was running for First Selectman, he was
It is deeply encouraging that our First Selectman is showing leadership for this vision of reimagining our downtown and waterfront, and is thinking of ways to “turn lemons into lemonade”. articulating a vision for creating links between our downtown central business district and our central Greenwich waterfront. During his campaign, Fred spoke of re-thinking and redeveloping the Island Beach parking lot so that this valuable and key piece of real estate, located right between lower Greenw ich Avenue and the Roger Sherman Baldwin Park , could be repur posed and ser ve our residents in a much mor e p osit ive a nd impactive way. There are a nu m b e r o f o t h e r n e w a n d complement a r y i n it iat ive s underway in this area as well, that are being worked on by both the town and by private organizations that, taken together, have the potential to improve our downtown and waterfront in spectacular ways. These include the redesign and expansion of the Bruce
Museum, which will soon be launched and will be a fabulous facility, the redevelopment of the Greenwich train station and the adjacent retail stores along Railroad Avenue, which will provide a dramatic and upgraded entry point to our tow n , a nd t he r e de sig n of the Roger Sherman Baldwin Park , which would include removal of the Department of Public Works facility presently located between the Island B e a c h Fe r r y L a n d i n g a n d the Arch Street Teen Center (t h e D e p a r t m e nt o f Pa rk s and Recreation is currently considering proposals for the redesign of the park, which will be fantastic for our residents.) So imagine: You are walking down Greenwich Avenue, and at intervals along the way there are charming “bumped out” outdoor dining areas, adjacent to the cross streets and the terrif ic restaurants located
a l o n g t h e Av e n u e . W h e n you reach the lower part of Greenwich Avenue, you arrive at what is mostly a pedestrian promenade, w ith outdoor dining areas which are served by our great mix of restaurants located on that par t of the Avenue. As you continue toward t h e w ate r f r ont , you c r o s s R ailroad Avenue, and pass through the new “pocket park”, with benches, gardens and a “fountain wall”, that has been proposed for the present location of the movie theater as a part of the train station redevelopment proposal. You continue on under the highway overpass, to the beautiful new wide promenade that winds around the perimeter of the n e w l y r e d e ve l op e d I sl a n d Beach parking lot. This spot in particular has tremendous p ote nt i a l , a nd s om e ide a s include putting tiered parking tow a r d t he h ig hw ay, w it h shops and restaurants along a winding promenade adjacent to the road, or perhaps putting the parking below ground and building shops and restaurants on top, fronting the walkway and road. Either way, it would be a game-changer that would c o n n e c t l owe r G r e e nw i c h Avenue with the redesigned waterf ront park , as well a s con ne c t t he new Br uce Museum and the Delamar Hotel to downtown in a beautiful, flowing and pedestrian-friendly way. In addition, the number of park ing spaces could be significantly increased. Lastly, as you continue you would cross the street and enter the newly redesigned Roger Sherman Baldwin
Park throug h a beautif ul arched entry, and walk past the charming Ferry Landing around the entire length of the waterfront surrounding the park, now be dotted with gardens and other residentfriendly features made possible by t h e r e m ov a l o f t h e o l d municipal DPW buildings that are presently on the site. A bonus would be the enhanced v iews of the beautif u l a nd h i s to r i c A r c h S t r e e t Te e n Center Building, which was built on the waterfront site 150 years ago. One amazing thing about this vision is that much of it results from projects that are currently ongoing and are in various stages of development, by a mix of public and private organizations. Managed to get he r, we h ave a onc e in-a-generation opportunity to achieve something truly extraordinary for our town. The key to a fabulous result will be to assure these projects integrate seamlessly and work in a beautiful and effective way for our town. It is deeply encouraging that our First Selectman is showing leadership for this vision of reimagining our downtown and waterfront, and is think ing of ways to “turn lemons into lemonade”. Chris Franco is the President and co-founder of the Greenwich Point Conservancy. Chris is passionate about restoring and re-purposing historic buildings, which is the focus of his company, The Franco Group LLC. Chris and his wife Rachel reside in Riverside.
• Nominate a ‘Treasured Tree’ - The Greenwich Tree Conservancy wants to know if you have a ‘Treasured Tree’ on your property. A tree is treasured for many reasons: a special memory or story; magnificent size; unique shape; Spring flowers or Fall foliage; climb-ability. The Tree Conservancy wants to hear about YOUR Treasured Tree. Fill out the nomination form available at: • Starter Kits containing collection bins and compostable bags continue to be offered for sale to prepare the community for the launch of the Town Food Scrap Pilot Program. To arrange delivery and payment of kits, residents should contact or call Greenwich Green & Clean at 203-531-0006. For further information about the program and kit sales, visit THROUGH AUG. 2 The Bruce Museum’s ‘iCreate 2020’ Exhibition of High School Artists. A People’s Choice Award will be determined with public input and will be announced on August 2. In order to have a voice in the voting process, make sure to view the participating artists’ video in the online exhibition at Please cast your vote by email to youthatbruce@ by 5pm, July 31. THROUGH AUG. 21 • YMCA of Greenwich Summer Camp - daily free swim, and “Camper’s Choice” programming like dance, karate, kids’ fitness and more. dgonzalez@ • The Greenwich Stars (Outdoor) Summer Basketball Experience. Leffell School, 555 West Hartsdale Ave., Hartsdale, NY. Mon-Fri, through Aug. 21. $295/week. For Boys and Girls ages 6-14. 203-661-4444. john. outdoor-summer-basketball-experience ONLINE ALANON MEETINGS Saturdays 9:30 - 10 a.m. AlAnon Newcomers. 10 - 11:30 a.m. AlAnon. ONLINE AA MEETINGS Daily 9 p.m. 12 Step Study Group of AA - a recurring discussion in the format of a book study. No prior experience required. Open meeting. Zoom video chat. Zoom id: 799-468-887, Password: 156760. aaebookguy@gmail. com. Sundays
Hole In The Sky AA Meeting Schedule 25 online/virtual meetings per week at the Hole In The Sky, 7 days a week through the Zoom Platform A with video, audio and call in options. Rotating formats that include speaker, participation and mixed meetings: Email contact:
OUR NEIGHBORING TOWNS TUESDAY, JULY 7 8 p.m. Bedford Playhouse: Classic Tuesdays: ‘Some Like It B Hot’ Zoom discussion. Register. (Meeting ID# 873 6019 6257). THURSDAY, JULY 8 2 - 3 p.m. Rowayton Arts Center’s online Drawing Class for Children begins through Aug. 12). telephone(Wednesdays 631 957 8000 facsimile 631 957 7203 Register. $150. 203-866-2744, ext. 2. rowaytonarts. org/workshops
All artwork is the property of Viking and may be used with permission only.
JN 000000 PO 0000 7:30 p.m. Bedford Playhouse: ‘Queen of Hearts: Audrey Flack’ - Virtual Film Screening and Q&A with the Artist and Director. Register.
THURSDAY, JULY 9 4:30 - 6 p.m. Rowayton Arts Center’s online ‘Paint Along’ workshop. Register. $30 (for an extra $20 RAC will deliver supplies to your home, as long as you live within a 20-mile radius of RAC). You can even purchase a table easel for $15. 203-866-2744, ext. 2. rowaytonarts. org/workshops FRIDAY, JULY 10 8:45 p.m. Bedford Playhouse: Drive-In Movie Night: ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’. John Jay Homestead, Katonah, NY. Also offered on July 11. $30/car. 914-234-6704. ‘LET’S TALK’ - VIRTUAL GATHERINGS Bedford Playhouse offers ‘Let’s Talk’ - weekly virtual gatherings and conversations. Mondays: Let’s Talk Mental Health, 11am-12pm; Wednesday: Let’s Talk Parenting, 1-2pm; *Thursdays: Let’sTalk Cocktail Happy Hour, 6pm - get together with practical questions, shared strategies and a toast to our community. OPEN CALL TO ARTISTS Online submissions are now being accepted in an open call to artists for the juried “Photography and Sculpture” show at the Rowayton Arts Center (RAC) from Aug. 9 to Sept. 6. The show is open to all artists interested in exhibiting their photographs and/or sculptures. Submit pieces for consideration at Deadline is July 10 and accepted artists will be notified by July 17.
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• BackCountry Jazz (BCJ) is hosting intimate outdoor jazz concerts throughout the summer to support its music education programs. A variety of musical themes and guests artists will be featured throughout the summer series. For more information, contact Jeanette Wallace at 203-561-3111 or jeanette@ To learn more about the work of BackCountry Jazz and support music education, visit
BY PHONE Last Tuesday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Home Meeting of AA - discussion group with a 20-minute speaker. No computer needed however long distance charges may apply. Call: 978-990-5000, then enter pin: 426546
1 - 2 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Virtual – ‘Wild Wetlands’ - naturalist Ryan MacLean explains the importance of many wetland habitats and the special animals that live there. Pre-registration is required. Tickets begin at $10. 203-930-1353.
3 p.m. AA A New Hope Online - a Big Book Study format. Open meeting., passcode: USE ZOOM TOOL ON THE TOP TOOL BAR TO VIEW IMAGE DETAILS 121314. aa-intergroup. org/directory.php
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James Fahy
J a m e s J . F a h y, r e t i r e d Greenwich Police Lieutenant, passed away in the comfort of his home after a short illness. He was the beloved husband of Mary Ellen Monahan Fahy and dear father of the late James, Jr., his best friend. He is also survived by his sister-in-law, Penny Monahan, a dear friend. Jim was born in New York City on Dec. 23, 1937 and grew up in Queens. He graduated from All Hallows High School in N.Y.C. After graduation he joined the U.S. Air Force and served active duty for 13 years before joining the Greenwich Police Department in 1968. He then joined the U. S. Army Reserves and retired after many years of military service. Jim continued his education while serving as a Police Officer and received an Associate Degree from Nor walk Community College, a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Iona College and Masters Degree in Public Administration f rom t he Un iversit y of New Haven. After his retirement from the GPD in 1992 Jim was appointed Unit Chief of Security at the Division of Special Revenue for the State of Connecticut, where he served until his retirement. Jim was proud to be a member of the Greenw ich Police Department where he is a decorated Police Officer having received the numerous awards
including the Greenwich Police Department Medal of Honor and the State of Connecticut Medal of Valor. During his tenure with the Department and after retirement, Lt. Fahy stayed active in many groups and organizations within the community including the Silver Shield Association, Police Eme ra ld S o c iet y, S e c r et a r y of Police Insig nia Collectors Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Pol ice A nchor Clu b a nd t he American Federation of Police, Redmen Home Association and the Retired Men’s Association. He was a lifetime member of the Knights of Columbus and a member of Acacia Lodge 85 A n c ie nt F r e e a nd Ac c e p te d Masons. Shortly after joining the GPD he met Mar y Ellen and they recently celebrated 50 years of marriage. A Mass of Christian burial was held Tuesday, June 16 in St. Mary’s Church, Greenwich, followed by Interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
June Noble Larkin Gibson
June Noble Larkin Gibson, of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully on June 23, surrounded by family at her home on the property where she lived her entire life. She was born in New York City on June 17, 1922, to Ethel Louise Tinkham and Edward John Noble. She is survived by three of her four sons, Edward John Noble Smith (Maribeth), David Shiverick Smith Jr. (Jordan) and Jeremy Tink ham Smith; seven grandchildren; and two
great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son, Bradford Delano Smith (2008); her sister, Sally Noble (1944); her husbands, Frank Y. Larkin and John M. Gibson, and her former husband, David S. Smith. June’s father, Edward John Noble, was a well-known industrialist a nd ph i la nt h r opi st who c o founded the candy company Life Savers and later founded the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), in addition to several other companies and hospitals. June dedicated her adult life to philanthropic endeavors, serving on the boards of several charitable organizations dedicated to supporting the arts and education in New York, including in New York City, East Hampton and the Thousand Islands. She served as Chairman and President of the Edward John Noble Foundation and the St. Catherine’s Island Foundation. She particularly enjoyed her tenure on the board, and later as a life trustee, of the Museum o f Mo d e r n A r t . H e r l ove o f music and the arts was deeply inspirational. She served as the first woman chairperson of The Juilliard School from 1985 to 1994, and on the boards of Jazz at Lincoln Center, of which she was a co-founder, and Guild Hall of East Hampton. In 1981, President Ronald Regan appointed her to the Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities. Education was another of her passions. She served as the first woman chairperson and a life trustee of Sarah Lawrence College and as a life trustee of Eaglebrook School in Deerf ield, Massachusetts. She earned honorary degrees from St. Lawrence University, the Mannes School of Music and The Juilliard School. In addition to her philanthropic work, June served as a board member of U.S. Trust Company of Connecticut. Funeral services will be private.
after a long career with New York Presbyterian Hospital as an operating room technician. He was also an organist with St. Andrew's Church in Stamford, a nd at St. Ro ch's Chu rch i n Greenwich. He was an active member in the community and most recently volunteered h i s t i m e d r i v i n g s e n i or s to app oi nt ment s a nd stor e s i n Greenwich. Gary was an avid Ya n ke e f a n , love d a nd to ok excellent care of his cats, and enjoyed summer picnics with friends at Byram Shore and Tod's point. He leaves behind a brother Donald W. Carr of Waterbury, CT, nephew Matthew Carr, and nieces Kerri Carr of St. Louis, MO, a nd Cr ys t a l A ld r ich of Naugatuck, CT. He was preceded in death by his sister Cathy L. Aldrich, and his partner of 22 years, John DeCaprio. He will be dearly missed by many neighbors and friends as he was always a friendly, happy presence in many people's lives. A memorial will be held on Tuesday, June 30, 4-8 p.m. at Coxe and Graziano Funeral Home in 134 Hamilton Ave., Greenwich 203-869-5968. Memorial donations can be sent to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, w w or the ASPCA For more information or to place an online condolence, w w w.
Marie G. Audet
Gary Wayne Carr 08/15/1947 - 06/23/2020 Gary Wayne Carr was born August 15, 1947 in Waterbury, Marie G. Audet, 88, of CT and passed away suddenly Greenwich, CT, (previously of on June, 23, 2020 in Greenwich, Meriden, CT), beloved wife of the CT. Gary retired this December late Carl E. Audet, died at home after a long illness on Sunday, June 21, 2020 surrounded by her loving family. Family and friends are invited to calling hours on Saturday, June 27, 2020 from 8:30 - 9:30 am at the John J. Ferry & Sons Funeral Home, 88 E. Main St., Meriden, CT. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, masks are mandatory and visitors are asked to pay their respects promptly. At 10:00 am a Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Our Lady Queen of Angels, Holy Angels Church, 585 Main St., South Meriden, immediately followed by burial at Sacred He a r t Cemeter y, 2 5 0 Gy ps y Lane in Meriden, CT. For online condolences, please visit jferryfh. com.
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received an Honorable Discharge from the Air Force Reserve. After a few years as a proud member of the Greenwich Police Dept. Lou found his true passion in education. He was hired as the boys basketball coach and Phys. Ed teacher at Central Catholic i n Nor w a l k for t he 19 6 4 - 6 5 season. The team won the highly competitive Thruway League the following year. In 1972 he moved on to Westhill HS in Stamford winning the FCIAC championship in 1979 against Nor walk HS, coached by his good friend and former CCHS assistant Ray Barry. Leaving Westhill in 1980, Lou was hired to coach the girls basketball team at Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich. Besides his coaching and teaching skills, one thing that most people from Sacred Heart remember about Lou was that he was the king of “Simon Says”, especially with the younger students. When the parents wanted to try their luck at some of the fundraiser events he happily obliged. For those keeping score at home, the final record was Coach Lou 8, Parents 0. R e t i r i n g to F l o r i d a w it h his wife Flo in the mid 1990’s, Lou followed another one of his passions: golf. Living in the Foxfire golfing community in Naples he played countless rounds of golf and made many new friends. Not one to sit still, he continued to stay involved with high school basketball and assisted at many of the Naples area schools until 2014. The impact he had on the young people he coached over his 40+ year career transcended all the wins and losses. In many ways he was the father they didn’t or never had. One of his favorite sayings was “If all you got out of sports are the X’s and O’s, then you aren’t really paying attention”. I n t h e f i n a l ye a r s o f h i s life he lived at the Parsonage Cottage assisted living facility in Greenwich. The family would like to thank the Parsonage staff for all the love, compassion and empathy they showed both Lou and Flo during their time there. If you wou ld li ke to sha re a story or remembrance with the family, please send it to Lou III at as he would like to put together a compilation for those interested. D u e t o C o v i d -1 9 P a n d e m i c restrictions a private graveside service will be held at St. Mary’s cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family respectfully asks that you send a donation in Lou’s name to Parsonage Cottage, c/o Penny Lore, director, 88 Parsonage Road Greenw ich, CT 068 30. A celebration of Big Lou’s life will be scheduled at a future date.
Shelley Bull Granger
Louis Joseph Orlando Jr.
getting, lover, companion... Shelley is as much as one could ever hope for in a wife.” After eighteen years apart, they are reunited again. She described her second best decision as that to spend her ju n ior ye a r i n p ost-wa r Paris in 1948-1949 where she made lifelong friends and develop e d a love for t ravel. She did social work after college, and then she earned a Master’s degree in psychology at Teachers’ College at Columbia University to advance her passion for teaching children. She made a profound impact on the lives of many of her students. Shelley loved animals, including several dogs and cats and her childhood pet robin. She rode horses in college and at the Bull family farm in Woodbury, Connecticut. The family spent part of ever y summer on Cuttyhunk Island starting in 1961, where she developed many deep friendships. She was a trustee of the Cuttyhunk Union Methodist Church for many years, as well as a docent at the Cuttyhunk Historical Society. As a gardener, Shelley was known to have a green thumb, and through her cherished involvement in Hortulus she won several blue ribbons in the Horticultural Society of New York’s New York Flower Show. In her enthusiasm, she encouraged her husband Chick, who was also graced with a blue ribbon, to his bemused embarrassment. She enjoyed tennis and skiing, more for the comradery than the sport; her favorite professional athlete was Roger Federer. Late in her life she became an avid Duke basketball fan. Her greatest love was her family and friends. She made deep and lifelong friendships built on humor, passion, respect, and commitment. Laughter was regular part of her interactions. She was wholeheartedly committed to her husband a nd ch i ld ren. She loved her g ra ndch i ld r e n , a l l of whom were with her at the wedding of grandson Scott and Anya Zolkos in March, just three months before her death. Shelley was predeceased by her husband Chick in 2002. She is survived by her children (and their spouses), daughter Cate Granger Zolkos (Timm), her two sons Hal (Alison) and Chris (Bradi), her seven grandchildren, Brett (Kara) Zolkos and Scott (Anya) Zolkos; Amanda Granger Erlandson (Anthony) and Sam G r a n g e r ( R a c h e l Wa l k e r) ; Thomas, Eliza and Leah Granger; and her brother Sherman Bull (Peg) and sister-in-law Marcia McCrum. The family is appreciative of the tender care Shelley received in her f inal days. The family w i l l h ave a p r i v ate s e r v i c e i n Wo o d b u r y, C o n n e c t i c u t with plans to hold a memorial service when possible. In lieu of f lowers, the fa m ily requests that any donations be made to the Cuttyhunk Union Methodist Church or Hospice of the Fisher Home in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Lucio Marini July 10, 1928 - June 25, 2020
Sept 6, 1931-Jun 21,2020
We are here to provide heartfelt care to those who grieve.
134 Hamilton Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Louis J. Orlando Jr. (Greenwich CT/Naples FL) passed away at age 88 on Father’s Day June 21, 2020. He was predeceased by his wife Flo, parents Lou Orlando Sr. and Rose (Cardella), sister Phyllis Jervis, and nephew Colby Jervis. Lou is survived by his son Lou III, daughter-in-law Betsy, and grandchildren Matt, Jason, and Jennifer. He will be missed by h is n ie ce s a nd nephews. Big Lou grew up in the Chickahominy section of G r e enw ich , g raduate d f r om Greenwich High School and went on to play college basketball for Hugh Greer at the University of Connecticut. He was elected captain for the 1952-1953 season, a year that saw the Huskies rack up a 17-4 record, winning the Yankee Conference championship. Upon g raduation he was stationed at Mitchel Field in Long Island achieving the rank of 2nd Lt. and
Shelley Bull Granger died peacefully at age 91 on June 25th, 2020, shortly after moving to hospice care. Shelley was the second of f ive children of David and Catharine Bull. She is survived by her beloved brother Sherman and was predeceased by three other beloved siblings: Thomas, David and Vida. She grew up in Riverdale, New York City, where she attended Riverdale Country Day Girls School. She was graduated from Smith College in 1950. Not long after marrying Charles “Chick” Granger in 1954, the growing family moved to Greenwich, Connecticut where they happily raised three children and remained for 50 joy-f illed years. Five years ago, Shelley move d to L o om is Vi l lage i n South Hadley, Massachusetts, a wonderful community that she dearly loved for the many close friendships she enjoyed. Shelley said her life’s best decision was marrying Chick. The feeling was mutual. In 1996, in a genealogical-focused letter to g ra ndch i ld ren, re ga rd i ng Shelley, Chick penned: “Cheerful, energetic, go-for-it, f r iends-
Lucio Marini, 93, of Greenwich passed away on June 26, 2020. He was born in San Donato, Italy on August 15, 1926 to Donato and Cesidia Marini. Lucio was the proprietor of L & M Precision Grinding in College Point, NY. Lucio is the beloved husband of Loretta Marini (nee Mazzenga), loving father of Dina Mazzenga (James), Anthony Marini (Linda) and Maria Marini ( James Polidoro), cherished grandfather of Michael, Sarah, Raymond, Lucy, David and Amanda, greatgrandfather of Gabriel, Aiden, Sophia, Ruth, Abigail, Zoey and Miah. He is also the dear brother of Loreta, Antonia and the late Maria. Entombment is at St. Mary’s Cemetery
By Terry Elsberry God, bless America, land that we love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above. Now’s the time for us to tell the story again. Now’s the time for us to sing the song again. Now’s the time for us to pray the prayer again—and keep praying it. Not since the Civil War have we as a nation needed to sing the song and pray the prayer more than today. We need to sing the song to ourselves: the song of freedom. The song of hope. The song of promise. The song of healing. The song of America. We need to remind ourselves who we are and how we got here. And we need to pray the prayer: God, bless America.
On Faith
America’s Song
God, these men and women and children. They’d seen the worst, these who’d survived the worst. So they sang a song of thanks. They fell to their knees on the shores of New England, they prayed their thanks with their backs to the old country and with their faces to the still unexplored new. Anything was possible. Right that they should thank God. The idea began with Him in the first place. Only God could imagine a nation that so lines up with His idea that every single person is created in His image— created, therefore, EQUAL. God whispered in the ears of a bunch of brilliant, mettlesome g iants we remember as our Founding Fathers. He whispered t h e s a m e m e s s a g e H e ’d whispered to the cavaliers of the sea and to the Holy people of the New England shore. He whispered freedom. And they listened, these disparate men of genius; these risk-takers, these founders and they formed a blueprint of democracy. They used God’s own idea: “We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal.” They af f irmed E pluribus unum: out of many ONE! I look out t here a nd I see a lot of pluribus these days. Let’s build more unum. In the greatest of the great, we had ou r f i rst president: Washington. The general who led us to victory against the British, the president who set the stage for how to live as a new kind of people. In Washington we had our first president, we also had brilliant, humble selfless, WISE leadership. In Washington, we had not a politician, we had a leader, we had a hero. We need more heroes as leaders.
OU R S I S A MOV I NG ON S O N G . We ’ve a l w a y s b e e n mov i ng on . S ome c a me for freedom and gain. Came from Eng land South, to name a colony Virginia after the Virgin Queen. They were the great Sea Wolves—Drake and Raleigh and Hawkins with his ship called “Jesus.” Traders, ex plorers, adventurers, Anglicans. The others came for freedom of a different kind, freedom not to find land or wealth but freedom to worship God as they chose. They came from England north to found the Massachusetts Bay Colony. North and South they came for freedom. It was freedom that pierced their hearts, that drove their souls, that sometimes broke their bodies and all too often took their lives. Still they came. They never stopped. Movement. Motion. Action. All defined America. If America’s a noun, might it also M O V I N G O N , A LWAY S be a verb? MOVING ON. Eli Whitney came The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the northern up with the cotton gin. He was movers. They knew how to think only 31. No surprise. What’s the
that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 As a lay Catholic minister and a spiritual director I wonder who and how I am called to be in the These three sentences helped world. It is an elusive quest but keep me whole and grounded nonetheless the quest that guides through many tumultuous times my life. Left to my own devices I in my life. I practice reframing my stumble yet with some guidance thinking looking for what is true, and Grace I can often stumble and honorable, and right, and upwards. The following lines pure, and lovely, and admirable. from the New Living Translation As Christians we are called to be of St. Paul guide me to becoming in the world but not of the world. a better version of myself. However, the world so thoroughly steeped in its worldliness, quite And now, dear brothers happily usurps my thoughts and and sisters, one final thing. actions. Fix your thoughts on what is I need a practice, a mantra, a true, and honorable, and right, way, to remove my thinking from and pure, and lovely, and judgement. Judgement impedes admirable. Think about things my clarity and when steeped
There is a lot to write about t h e s e d a y s : t h e C OV I D -1 9 pandemic; a hy per-partisan a n d c onte nt i ou s Con g r e s s; activist courts; a capricious president; state shutdow ns; protests; vandalism; monument destruction/removal; the cancel culture; the Deep State; China; R u s sia ; I ra n ; Nor t h Kor e a ; bias in the media; the venality of politicians; the staggering hypocrisy of both on display daily, etc. Instead, I’ve chosen to write about a more timeless (pun intended) topic: eternity. War ning: this cou ld get heavy. For years I have been puzzled by the concepts of eternity and the infinite nature of the universe (a topic best saved for another column). Originally, I thought t hey wer e r elate d i n t hat I assumed that eternity was simply time that kept going forward on and on without end. I now think differently. I assume we have all experienced this: while time is an objectively measured and verif ied constant (though not
dream will last. Maybe we’ll even our men and boys were sent find leaders like Abraham, like overseas to save democracy. And George again. they did. Thank you, our beloved Vets: our forever heroes. HEALING TOOK A LONG Like Washington, another TIME. President Lincoln signed war hero turned president, a guy the Emancipation Proclamation. with a broad Midwestern face The slaves were freed at last—but and a cockeyed grin, presided from Reconstruction came Jim over the Fifties. I like Ike! A Crow. Egregious acts of racial nation at peace. Prosperous. The cruelty. All these years later, freeway system linked us as we’d we’re making progress. More never been linked. will come, must come. ALL are created equal. THE SIXTIES WERE S t i l l we m ove d o n . T h e SOMETHING ELSE. Golden Spike was struck. “ I h ave a d r e a m!” c r ie d Rails joined the two shores. Martin Luther King, Jr., and gave Now the tragedy was that his life for it. our native predecessors, the Elvis. The Beatles. Sputnik. indigenous ones, whose land this The Peace Corps. The Cold War. was before Jamestown, before Kruschev pounding his shoe on Plymouth, were cruelly thrust the table: “We will bury you!” aside. Nobody bu r ies A mer ica. But p r o g r e s s wou ld n ot Nobody from without. Only we b e s topp e d . Et he r r el ieve d can do that from within. That’s pain. McCormick’s threshing why we must sing the song, machine did ten times the work tell the story, pray the prayer, of one man. Alexander Bell: the LIVE the original intent of the telephone. Edison: electricity. Declaration of Independence and Eastman: photog raphy. The the Constitution. Wright Brothers: f light. Henry Our young president cried on Ford: a model T for every garage. the day of his inauguration: “Ask The move was on. Through not what your country can do Ellis Island f lowed the new for you. Ask what you can do for Americans. The City rose like an your country.” Good words. Are unearthly dream; skyscrapers we still asking? soaring “a thousand houses Men walked on the moon: high,” epitomizing opportunity, “One small step for man, one enterprise, prosperity, grit, know giant leap for mankind.” how, success. American virtues. A cloud set t le d over us. In 1920, women finally got T h e A s s a s s i n a t i o n s . O u r the vote. In twenty-nine, the ow n k ids ma rch i ng aga i nst Stock Market crashed, the Great their government. Kent State. Depression socked the country. Vietnam. Watergate. Ba n k s folded, thousa nds of We came through. Because unemployed men, the Dust the fabric of America is tough, Bowl lifting Mid-Western soil s u p p l e , r e s i l i e n t . A f a b r i c and Mid-western people (human designed by God rewoven in grains of dust) west to California, every generation by Americans. t h e n e we s t l a n d o f g o l d e n We s u r v i v e d a n d k n e w opportunity. prosperity beyond any seen in We ca me th roug h it. We the history of the world. prayed. When FDR said, “We A movie star from Illinois, have nothing to fear but fear Ronald Reagan, walked into the itself,” a whole lot of people White House and proclaimed believed him. “Morning in America.” Another We kept coming through— new beginning. He turned to two world wars and Korea-when the Russian premier and said,
Dwelling in Grace
By Kate Noonan Glaser
By Dan FitzPatrick
average age of Silicon Valley? America: movement, action, youth, vigor, ingenuity, boldness, risk-taking. That was us! Is it still? The move was on. In the 1830s: revival. The Great Awakening. Thousands of people got religion. We need revival today. We need more of us to discover where our real power lies A lot of people found the Lord, but a whole lot wanted gold, too. The gold rush of 1849 w a sn’t a movement , it w a s a stampede. The Wild West was laid open. In the miner’s wake, came the NEW pilgrims: settlers. Their Mayflowers, the Conestogas, had wheels. THEIR sea? Endless rolling waves of prairie grass, the unimaginable stretches of soaring mountains and spreading valleys. Then the aw ful, deepbedded canker, present from the beginning, erupted. Then the serpent, slavery, twisted around the table of the Constitution sig ners, cou ld no longer be ignored. The divisions present from the beginning—division over slavery, division over State’s Rights versus a strong central government—erupted at last. War raged. Blood soaked the Southern soil. The flower of our young manhood fell in battle. Then Vicksburg. Gettysburg. Such tragedy. Such loss. Such grief. Brothers killing brothers. Would we survive? We had ANOTHER hero as president. Abe Lincoln found no pleasure in Southern defeat. He said, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with f irmness in the right, as God gives us the right, let us bind up the nation’s wounds.” He said, “This nation, under God, shall have a new burst of freedom . . . government of the people, for the people, by the people, shall not perish from the earth.” We believe it today, don’t we? We know it’s true. America’s
absolute, per Einstein’s theory of relativity), we don’t always perceive it as such. When we are very busy, time seems to fly; when we are bored, time drags on. The forced conf inement and isolation imposed by the COV I D -19 p a ndem ic he a lt h restrictions have left many of us feeling that the days run i nto e ach ot her, w it h l it t le perceptible difference between weekdays and weekends. It’s as if we are caught in the real-life equivalent of Bill Murray’s movie “Groundhog Day.” I’ve long been a fan of science fiction, especially the British TV series “Dr. Who,” in which the title character travels through space and time. Though I’m no physicist, I think that’s actually impossible, as I believe that time is linear and one-directional (i.e., forward, not backward). But the series gave me an idea which, for me, potentially answers a number of questions I’ve had for a long time. I n the Judeo-Ch r istia n tradition, a pre-existing God c r e ate d eve r y t h i n g : l i g ht , darkness, the heavens, the earth and everything in and on it,
I believe when we observe the good in others we dwell in Sacred space. in judgment I become a lesser version of myself. As a practicing Christian my prayer is to be a worker among workers, perhaps even the hands and feet of Christ. These are tall orders, made even more impossible to accomplish if I am sitting here in judgement. When you are pointing a finger in judgement there are three
pointing back at you. From any perspective that is a lose- lose proposition. We have a better mission. I am not only called to look at the good in others, but in myself as well. Through the exercise of acknowledging God’s grace, I am granted strength and inspiration. In this place I can and do extend
No Time
including the human race. He (traditional styling) did so out of love for what he had created, particularly men and women, and asked very little in return: simply, that they respect his wishes. He also gave them the gift of free will, allowing them to decide whether or not to do exactly that. In the Bible story, God forbade Adam and Eve to eat or even touch the fruit from the tree of the knowledge or good and evil, or they “would die.” (Gen. 3:3). As the story goes, they nevertheless did so, committing the original sin, and bringing death into the world (Gen. 3:19, Rom.5:12). In my view, the experience of aging and death gives birth to the concept of time, for if no one ever grew old or died, time would have no real meaning. In that sense, time is the consequence of death, which is a consequence of sin, which is the consequence of a voluntary and knowing failure to respect God’s wishes. Thus, time itself is a product of creation, nonexistent prior to or apart from God’s creation of everything. If this is right, then G od exists outside of time, and every
moment of what we experience as time – past, present and future – is all “now” to God. I believe this is part of what God meant to convey when Moses asked him for his name and he replied: “I am.” G o d create d women a nd men “in his ow n image and likeness” (Gen. 1:27), with two natures: corporeal (body) and spiritual (soul). The body ages and dies, whereas the soul, being noncorporeal, is thought not to die (i.e., is immortal). If time does not exist apart from this created world, then when we die, we leave behind our body, as if taking off a shirt, and our soul continues in timelessness. In the Christian faith tradition, we are “united with God in eternity.” So, what questions have this world view helped me answer for myself? I had originally thought of eternity as time going forward without end; now I understand it as the absence of time – the past, present and f uture all becoming “now.” Basically, a state of constant existence. This has helped me accept the concept that God knows what we have done, are now doing and will do,
myself to others. Furthermore, I can extend myself to others in a pure and true way, from my heart, without judgement or neediness, truly being of service and wanting nothing in return. I believe when we observe the good in others we dwell in sacred space. It is in this place our souls sing inspired by the Holy Spirit and we are closer to the Divine. When we connect to the Divine, all things are possible. I become of utmost service to my fellow human in thought and deed. My hope is you tuck these 3 sentences into your pocket. Grab them, even if it is symbolically, and put them in the forefront of your thinking. When- not if- When you a re bothered,
yet at the same time we have and experience the ability to make our own decisions (free will) and direct the course of our lives, for better or for ill. Ch r istia ns believe that the death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth redeemed humanity from its original sin and “conquered death;” henceforth, all could be saved through faith. This was possible because Jesus was also God on earth (“Emmanuel”), having taken on human form and subjected himself to aging and death – and time – in an act of love and forgiveness (John 3:16). But what about all the good and righteous people (including Noah, Moses and the Old Testament patriarchs) who lived and died previously and without the opportunity to hear the Good News? Were they simply out of luck? And what about Heaven and Hell, reward and punishment? If I am right, then the souls of all who have died or will die step out of time and into the “now” of eternity, where past, present and future are all one. Those who died before the period of Jesus’
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” And the Berlin Wall came tumbling down, the Cold War over. Still we moved on. Te c h n o l o g y g a v e u s t h e information super hig hway. Billions of people connected i n w a y s t h a t we r e b e yo n d i m a g i n i n g . We b e c a me t he greatest multi-cultural society ever k nown. Hear every language. See every religion practiced. In America. THEN ON A BR ILLIANT, BRIGHT SEPTEMBER DAY, IT ALL GROUND TO A HALT. 9/11. W ho a re these people? How could they commit such atrocities? Why did they take so many innocent lives? So many of our loved ones? Why do they hate us? The new age of terrorism begins. Look at us today. Americans shooting innocent fellow A m e r i c a n s — m a ny o f t h e m children. The worsening effects of climate change. A desperate r e f u g e e p r o b l e m . Po l i t i c a l animosity. Anger. Division. Then the Pandemic hits, robbing precious lives,, throwing people out of their jobs and livelihood. A nd while we’re still in the midst of the Covid-19 upheaval there’s more: another eruption of racial inequality and he fall out. If ever we needed to pray the prayer it’s now. The times call for fervent prayer. The God who created us equal, who inspired our ancestors with the thirst for freedom for all, for unity among many has not deserted us. It’s time to come to Him and sing the old song and pray the old prayer, as never before: God, please heal, please save, please bless America. Te r r y s e r v e d a s A s s o c i a te Rector at Christ Church from 19861994, and has now returned as Priest Associate. He recently retired as the Rector of St . Matthew’s Church in Bedford, NY, where he served for the last 23 years.
frustrated, tired and about to be your least kind self, remember to look at what is right, what is true, admirable, what is lovely and pure. Turn your focus to the grace-filled part of your path. Ask for the grace to reframe your thinking both inwardly and outwardly. Look for the good in your fellow person. After all, we are all on this messy path together.
Ka te No o n a n G l a s e r M.S.S. M.A.R. is a Spiritual D i r e c t o r a n d Fo r m e r Pastoral Associate of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes Parish.
time on earth will have entered i nto t he t i mele ss ex istence in which the salutary effects of Jesus’ worldly death and resurrection are already present, and they too are redeemed. The last question is perhaps the most difficult. If free will exists, then its exercise must have consequences. I believe that God is above all loving and merciful, and is willing to meet us more than half way (see parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:20). For those who have been forgiven, I believe Heaven is the state of existence in constant unity with God. As corollary, Hell would be existence in the absence of that unity. While that understanding could seem inconsistent with the more graphic depictions of Hell in art and the Bible, I believe that the absence of that unity could be every bit as regretful. With luck, we will get past the worse of the current health crisis soon and be able to return to a semblance of our normal lives. In the meantime, let’s take a moment to appreciate all the blessings we have, including the power to use our time in the way we best see fit.
Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel
On Faith
Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sundays: 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (tickets will be made available each week via Eventbrite. Virtual events: Sunday Worship available at & social media outlets. Walking with The King: Mon, 8pm. Find Freedom: Tue, 8:30am, via Zoom. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce lesson ( ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied upon registration). Harvest Time Students - online: Wednesdays, 7:30pm, YouTube Channel. New: Prayer Meeting - Phase 1: Fridays, 7pm, Sanctuary (for additional details, reach out to Pastor Ruth). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( livestream). Sunday Morning Prayer: Sun, 8:30-9:15am, via Google Meet. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 In-person Mass: Mon-Fri: 7am (in Chapel); Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (in Sanctuary). (Only by registration - call or text: 203559-9256 or email: sacredheartgrn@ Sacrament of Reconciliation (Church) by appt.; Sacrament of Baptism: Sun, 12:30pm (call the parish office in advance). St. Catherine and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Daily Mass under the Tent: MonFri, 5:15-5:45pm (sign up through homepage). Virtual Daily Mass: MonFri, 7-7:30am, (sign up through homepage). Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon, 1:30pm; Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu, 1:30pm; Stations of the Cross: Fri, 1:30pm. The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners Hotline: 203637-3661 x375. No-Contact Food Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor: Tuesdays, 9-11am, (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church, please drop your bagged grocery donations in the trunk). St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Sunday Mass: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, on the patio (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Virtual Daily Mass: Mon-Sun, 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Confessions resume: Saturdays, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Summer Rosary: Sun & Tue, 7:30pm, via YouTube Live. Daily Mass resumes: July 6, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am, in the parking lot (make a reservation: stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be livestreamed. Mass Cards: Parishioners may request Masses and get Mass Cards, call 203 869-5421. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Outdoor public celebration of Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am, St. Timothy’s Chapel. Sun: 7:30, 9:30 11:30am, St. Michael’s Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm & Sun, 12-1pm. Confessions: Wed, 1011am & 3-4pm, St. Timothy’s chapel (make a reservation: signupgenius. com/go/stmichaelgreenwich). All Masses and Adoration will continue to be live-streamed.
St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 In-person Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 7:30pm; Sat, 5pm; Sun, 7:30am, 10:30am & 1pm (Spanish), sign-up ( Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until further notice. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@ The church will reopen for worship on Sunday, Sept. 13. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org In-person Public Outdoor Worship: Sun, 10-10:30am, registration is required ( go/70a084aafa72aa0fb6-inperson). Virtual events: Sunday Worship & Church School - Online: Sun 10am, Face Masks for BGCG: for more information on this project, contact The Gathering: A Virtual Potluck Supper: July 5, 4-6pm. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Fridays on Facebook (live @ 3pm with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Outdoor Worship: Sun, 9am, Tomes-Higgins-Front Lawn (during Summer weather permitting),
registration is required, akryzak@ Virtual Worship Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am, livestream. Sunday Forum via Zoom, 11:15am. Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 8am, on Zoom. Evensong: Thu, 5pm, livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice. org. Prayer of the Cloud Meditation via Zoom: Mon, 7-8pm. Organ Recitals: Fri, 5:30pm, Facebook Live. Virtual ‘Packathon’ – ongoing (onrealm. org/ParishChristChu/-/give/ outreach). St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Live and Virtual Morning Prayer: Sun, 8-9 & 10-11am ( go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Virtual Coffee Hour: Sun, 10:45am. July 8: Morning Prayer, 8-9am; Ladies Bible Study (canceled), 1011am. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Mass on the Grass: Sundays, 9:30am. Service on the Meadow: Sundays, 9:30am. Virtual events: Online Morning Prayer: Sun, 10:15-11:15am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: stpaulsriverside. org/online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at Summer Concert - Alexis Walls Trio: July 8, 7-8pm. Evening prayer via Zoom: July 9, 7pm. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6372262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sundays, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. July 3: Daily Tanya and Hayom Yom Inspiration, 8:308:50am; Chasidic Philosophy, 1010:45am; Sermons, Songs, and Candlelighting, 6:30-7pm, via Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; Shirami. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Shabbat service-Beach or Zoom: July 10, 7:30-9pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Shabbat on Your Own: July 3, 7pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-8697191 ext. 3. Beginning June 26: limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, pre-registration is required, lori.baden@ ‘From Racism to Gracism’ – Zoom discussion on Social Justice: July 9, 16 & 23, 7:309pm, lori.baden@templesholom. com. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 The Service of the Word is streamed live at 10am on Sundays. Holy Communion is offered throughout the week (at First Lutheran) by appointment. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Worship Services Live-streamed at METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship via Zoom. Hangout
with Pastor Carol: Tues-Sat, 5-6pm, (No agenda, no structure - just stop by to hang out, talk about what is on your mind. Join in for any portion or the whole hour. Prayer requests accepted). Via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). Called Church Conference: July 5, 11a.m. (immediately following worship), via Zoom. First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail. com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Worship online: Sun, 10am, (website, Facebook, YouTube). Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515-606-5410, punch in access code: 119748#). Alpha Online Sessions: Mon, 7:308:45pm, register. Facebook Live with Pastor David: Wed 7pm. Student Small Groups: Fri 6:30pm, via Zoom. Inperson Sunday Worship: 10am, Sanctuary, registration is required ( OnlineReg/196). The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘dropin’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. Host a House Church: through July 26, PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. Email with questions. Beginning June 3: Summer Wednesdays (Online) - Join Ellie and Tara on Zoom every other Wed, 4:305:30pm, ages 4-4th Grade, email ellie. (a Zoom link will be sent out bi-weekly). Cooking for the Shelter: July 9, 1:30pm, edna. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 Worship Service online: Sun, 1011:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee and fellowship: Sun, 11:15am12pm, via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage). Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am. Women’s Summer Bible Study – online: July 7, 9:30-10:30am. Coffee Break – online: July 7 & 9, 10:45-11:5am.
New England Hope
Column By Patricia Chadwick
Now ninety days – we’re wearied by this war Through winter’s cold, then spring’s unending chill But summer’s warmth is like an open door Embracing us with tidings of goodwill And bidding us to brave a step outside And dare forsake the fears of death and grave. Inspiring us to take it all in stride
On Faith Feature
And prove that we’re not COVID’s fearful slaveWe’ll pulverize this enemy for sure; A tribute to mankind’s undaunted will To soldier on until we have the cure. That turns this virus into less than nil And while we wait, let’s not forget to share Our gratitude to scientists with prayer.
Let Freedom Ring
By Marek P. Zabriskie
This Saturday, our nation will celebrate the 244th anniversary of our nation’s independence. A s a c h i l d , my f a m i l y a n d I spent our summers in Chatham, Massachusetts. We would spend this day watching a festive parade with floats, fire engines, clowns, antique cars and dune buggies. At n ig ht, we wou ld sit on the village green and listen to a volunteer band play the Star Spangled Banner and other p at r iot ic mu sic , fol lowe d by glorious f ireworks. Most of us have memories of the Fourth of July spent in a special place with meaningful celebrations that have
created lifelong memories. We Americans cherish our freedom and the opportunity to celebrate it. The word “freedom” occurs only 19 times in the Bible, while the word “free” occurs 132 times. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians we read, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” (Gal. 5:1) and “For you were called to freedom…” (Gal. 5:13) Ou r cou ntr y was fou nded on freedom. For twenty-three ye a rs, my fa m i ly a nd I l ive d outside of Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was signed in a brick building now known as Independence Hall. It was actually on July 2 that the delegates to the Continental Congress f irst took the plunge when in the then-State House, they “Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”
John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival… It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Pa rade , w it h Shews, Ga me s, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” Printed news of the document emerged f irst in German. The Pennsylvanishcher Staatsbote f i rst broke t he stor y on Ju ly 5: “ Ye s te r d ay t h e h on or a b l e Continental Congress declared the United Colonies free a nd i ndep endent st ate s. The d e c l a r a t i o n i s n ow i n p r e s s in Eng lish; it is dated July 4, 1 7 76 , a n d w i l l b e p u b l i s h e d today or tomorrow. The nowfamous signatures adorning the parchment copy were not affixed until August 2. What our nation honors and has striven to carry out is the ongoing struggle to ensure that
th is nation remains f ree a nd democratic and is inspired by our understanding that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Our nation was built on those words and the blood, sweat and tears of people who sacrif iced their lives to make sure that we could exercise “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Of the 56 sig ners of the Declaration of Independence, f ive signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes r a n s a c ke d a n d b u r n e d . Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another two had sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Thomas McKean was hounded by the British and was forced to move his family constantly. Thomas Nelson, Jr.’s home was
taken over by the British at the battle of Yorktow n. He urged G e n e ra l G e or ge Wa sh i n g ton to open f ire. His home was d e s t r oye d , a n d N e l s o n d i e d bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The British jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children f led for their lives. His fields and gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later, he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Those who foug ht for t he creation of our country, and those who resisted it, shared a common belief in the Judeo-Christian God. They disagreed over many things, i n clud i n g t h at a l l m e n we r e created equal. And because they were equal, they were free: free to resist conformity in all aspects of their lives: religious, political, communal, social and familial. Shortly before he died, the
lon g-t i m e a c t i v i s t , p r e a ch e r and pastor of New York City’s R i v e r s i d e C h u r c h , t h e R e v. William Sloane Coffin, said, “The true patriots are those who carry on a lover’s quarrel with their country as a ref lection of God’s eternal lover’s quarrel with the entire world.” That’s worth remembering as we celebrate our freedom and independence. True patriots are those who love country enough to address its f laws. Patriotism should never be blind or deaf. Our country affords its citizens the right to have honest debate and protest when our freedom is threatened. This is the essence of democracy. It took nearly a century to a b ol i sh slaver y. We a r e st i l l struggling mightily to ensure e q ua l it y across ou r cou nt r y. As people of faith, Jesus would demand that we pursue freedom and liberty for all. This is the gift that we celebrate every Fourth of July. The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie i s the Rector of Chr i st Church Greenwich.
On Children & Education Don't Panic: A Movement in Education
By Lockey Coughlin
A fellow veteran homeschooling mom, Adrianne Roberts, and I had a long chat last week about newbie homeschooli ng pa rents who have had that title, more or less, foisted upon them. Our children are all in college now and we ta l ked a bout ou r successes, failures, surprises, and joys along the way. We talked about this in the context of what parents are going through in a COVID world, wishing that we could impart some words of wisdom to them. Adrianne runs a small educational program, similar to mine, in Bethel, CT. As we talked, Adrianne said that she wished she could start a movement in education called “Don’t Panic”. I thought this was brilliant and suggested she write a book. She is a warm, bright, dedicated educator that we could all learn a lot from. Ye a r s a g o , w h e n w e confessed that we were
homeschoolers to nonhomeschooling parents, their response was almost always the same. “I could never do that. I am not ____________________.” Fill in the blank with ‘organized enoug h’ or ‘a n e duc at ion professional’ or ‘patient enough’ or even ‘well-educated enough’. Now most parents, having been drafted into homeschooling t h e i r c h i l d r e n , r e a l i z e t h at they can, in fact, educate their children at home. They have been doing it for months – even more accurately, since the day t h ey b e g a n t a l k i n g to t h e i r children in utero. Today, the oftrepeated phrases Adrianne and I are both hearing are more in line with, “How do I know my child is on track?” “It feels like they are not learning anything.” “Does my child have everything they need to move up a grade level?” My son, who is now 18 years old and has completed his first year of college with high honors, str ug g led sig n if ica ntly w ith reading and writing at the age of 10 years old. I really thought something was wrong. His older sisters had easily picked up these skills at 5 or 6 years old and were avid readers and writers. I tried a lot of approaches, but he was incredibly wile and stubborn in his refusal to cooperate in any way with my ef forts. He just was not interested. I wanted to give him the time and space he needed to learn at his own pace, but I began to panic around 7
years old. I had him tested – a lot, which I heartily regret. Not only did it cost a small fortune, but it made Tucker feel less than, plus the results were wholly inconclusive. Tests showed first that my son was a genius, and then, nope, he was developmentally delayed in many areas; oh, wait, then he was tota l ly nor ma l. Ug h. T he r e su lt s dep e nde d up on the test, the tester, and what he had for breakfast. I f inally recruited a private tutor and she was phenomenal. She had him at grade level in 18 months. Today he reads Dostoyevsky for pleasure. He is still a genius at getting out of things he would rather not do a nd he is sti l l stubborn. Looking back, I realize that Tucker could build almost any Lego set in about 3 hours. His level of focus, organization, and uncanny ability in this area were sources of never-ending joy for me and, consequently, this habit drained the checking account regularly. I thought he was a prodigy because his sisters had no such interest or sk ills. It turns out there are a lot of kids out there who can do the same thing at a young age. He is not a prodigal engineering genius, af ter all, but he does love to problem-solve and build stuff. Adrianne’s son, William, was the opposite of Tucker. He was an avid reader and writer. He was also terrific at math. And,
much to my chagrin, he was just as good at Legos as my own son. An incredibly sweet and humble kid, he focused a great deal on his academics. Even so, Adrianne went into panic mode occasionally, worrying if he was doing enough, if she was doing enough for him. This is one of her regrets. Of course, today he is also achieving great success in his post-secondary education. Two very different kids, with very different paths, and with pretty similar outcomes. Why tell these stories? The point is that, while intervention is necessary with certain issues, there is no need to panic. Barring serious learning disabilities or a genius I.Q., humans tend to be self-leveling and, if you allow them to move at their own pace, focusing on ef fort and workethic, rather than where they are in comparison to others, they will hopefully enjoy the process immensely. There is a lot of information about child development and education available. Much of
it is cont rad ic tor y. Much of it g ives ver y large ranges of what is ‘normal’ and, yet, will then focus on the ‘mean’ or the ‘average’. This is mathematics and statistics. It has very little to do with the reality of your unique and highly individualized circumstances. Was your child born premature? Deduct that time from your developmental ‘norms’. Does your child struggle with their personal identity in some way? This struggle takes precedence in their life; as well it should, and will take some focus away from other pursuits, at least temporarily. Has your child suffered from a serious illness? Undiagnosed food sensitivity? An emotional trauma? Is your child a twin or a triplet? Is your child trying to learn in the midst of a global pandemic? You get the picture. We all have issues - every single one of us. That is the only normal part of human development. Don’t even get me started on learning differences, poverty, or malnutrition. Those
are conversations for another day. So, Adrianne Roberts says “don’t pa n ic.” A nd I concu r. Hu m a n b ei ng s a r e r e si l ient and curious, by nature, literally. Allow that curiosity to bloom. Ask questions. Have conversations. Seek out pr ofe s sion a l he lp w he n necessary. Check-in with your children all the time and assure t hem t hat t hey a r e not le s s than anyone or anything, ever. R e m i n d t h e m a n d yo u r s e l f t hat t hey a r e i r r eplace a ble , irreproducible, wholly unique and that their existence on this planet is entirely miraculous. No norms, no means, no averages, no panic. Lockey Coughlin is the Founder of Education without Walls, LLC, and Webb Youth Services, Inc, a 501(c)3. & Adrianne Roberts is the Founder of Sunf lower S t u d i o i n B e t h e l , C T. w w w .
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay By Gordon Beinstein
As I take some time to compose a piece about the value of summer break for kids as well as for staff, I am reminded of the worst interview answer I ever heard. A candidate was asked, “Give us two reasons that lead you
to a teaching career?” His answer - “July and August.” It might not have gotten the interviewee the job, but you have to respect the honesty! Every now and then p eople i n p osit ions of p ower who, as evidenced from some of their mind-numbing decisions, likely have not been in a school since they graduated high school decades ago, question the need for a summer break. After all, the school calendar as we currently know it is a holdover from the old agrarian schedule when kids could not be at school during the summer months as they were ne e de d to tend to t he c rops. Not sure about any of you, but I haven't seen a single Greenwich kid reaping or sowing in a while. While the rationale for this break
from book learning has changed, the value of this time to ‘be a kid’ has not. In fact, I would argue it is more important than ever. I n ou r ove r-p r o g r a m m e d society idleness is v iewed as laziness, something to be frowned up o n a n d r e m e d i e d . W hy? I b el ieve t here nee ds to b e a n opportunity to just do nothing. (And I mean Otis Redding’s ‘Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay’ nothing!) Kids simply need to go outside and play, ride a bike, throw a ball, even daydream, none of which should be orchestrated by a nearby wellmeaning adult. I understand that af ter a day w ithout a parentcreated schedule, you are likely to hear ‘I’m bored’. This is our fault. Modern society views boredom as a problem that needs to be
solved by an adult rather than an opportunity for the child to figure out how to best spend their time. Some of the best thinking happens when kids are ‘bored’. So take away their phone, iPad, or Chromebook. Block Fortnite, and Instaface ( I know it's not really called that) and let them be ‘bored’. Rather than f ix it, encourage it. This is not to say the k ids shou ld n’t go to a c a mp, joi n a team, or even read a book . It is a long 10 weeks! While I a m cu r rently the ver y proud pr i nc ip a l of We ster n M idd le School, in my former life I was the director of Kamp Kairphree for many years and the duckduck-goosechampion 12 years in a row! I appreciate the value of
camps whether they are a typical classic by the late, great Otis ‘old school’ day camp like Kamp Redding: Kairphree or something more Sittin' in the mornin' sun specialized like computer, sports, or music camp. These experiences I'll be sittin' when the evenin' provide opportunities that are comes based on child interest and, for Watchin' the ships roll in many, are the highlight of the Then I watch 'em roll away year. The summer months are again also a great time for kids to enjoy I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay their teammates on travel or local Watchin' the tide, roll away teams. I would just encourage you I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay to find the balance. There should Wastin' be some time for your children time to do very little or even nothing preferably outside of your house Gordon Beinstein is the and away from a screen. The last three months have provided you Principal at Western Middle and your child with way too much School... #WestSideBestSide! of both of these options. I'll leave you with the opening lyrics from the aforementioned
By Kendra Farn Finz
20 years ago today my dad, my hero, and my role model in life was taken away far too early. Over the past few months, every time I reflect I am brought back to my father and left wondering how he would be feeling during these sad and challenging times in our country. What conversations he would be having with me. A proud 82nd Airborne guy he was the most patriotic person I've ever known, f ighting back tears during the National Anthem at every sporting event he attended. I remember as a reporter covering 9/11, staring at ground zero and thinking about how destroyed he would be to see the unthinkable attacks on US soil and the thousands of lives lost and actually relieved that he was spared from witness it all. And now I am here again with the state
My Dad, My Hero of our country today. As a serious asthmatic who would end up in the ER if he was without his inhaler, how would he handle COVID-19 isolation and not leaving his home? While he never got to meet my girls, I witnessed his love for being a grandfather to my nieces for the short time he was given that gift. How would he handle not being able to hug them? And would he watch the news every night as the death toll from Corona virus nears 127,000. or would it just be too upsetting for him? As a father who always told my sister and me when we were fighting "Love one another girls", how would he handle what I know would be deep sadness over the civil unrest in America today. As a very successful entrepreneur, how would his fragrance company be suf fering and what would he be telling me about the the unemployment rate and the future of our economy? I am quite sure he would remind me of one of his favorite books: "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw and the sacrifices EVERYONE made during the Great Depression and WW2. How on the home front today we should all have that mindset and be ONE. TOGETHER. Not f ighting one another. And finally I think he would tell me to
have HOPE. Without hope, we have nothing. So here's here's hoping my dad will be looking down in a few months on his beloved America and it looks more like the one he left in
20 years ago in 2000. Until then, he will continue to be an guiding light in my daily strength and reflection. Love and miss you dad more than you could ever know..
Policing in the Town of Greenwich By Richard Kaufman
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Racial injustice and policing in America have been highlighted in recent weeks, as protesters and demonstrators across the country 1:30and PM the world have taken to the streets demanding change. Last week, the Greenwich Police Department released an 11 page document detailing how they police and engage with the community in thoughtful, safe and effective ways. GPD Chief, James Heavey, also wrote a letter to the community. “At its core, the Greenwich Police Department is focused on protecting life and property, preserving the rights of every person, ensuring public peace and contributing to improving the quality of life for the benefit of the entire community. We share with the Nation feelings of outrage at brutal acts committed by police officers. These acts are wholly incompatible with our vision of Greenwich Police as guardians and protectors of the public,” the letter read in part. The GPD has long been known as one of the top agencies in the state. Over the last two years, the department has worked towards achieving state accreditation, which was finally granted last November. Accreditation demonstrates an agency’s voluntary compliance with contemporary, international standards of excellence for the delivery of policing services. "We became only the 39th out of 163 municipalities in the state of Connecticut to pass through this gauntlet of accreditation, which required us to demonstrate by both word and action that we follow 233 best practices, and those included everything from dealing with animal complaints, to a homicide, to domestic violence," Heavey said earlier this week, adding that the Department will look to achieve tier 2 status. "Many of the things we were doing were right, but they weren't always codified in a uniform policy." Community engagement is vital to any police department, and the GPD stays involved with its residents in various ways. The Department has a dedicated Community Impact Section which consists of officers who are focused on addressing hy p e r-l o c a l i s s u e s a n d w h o periodically meet with community groups. They also coordinate the Community and Police Partnership Program (CAPP) which fosters collaboration between the police and community. The Citizens Police Academy, for adu lts a nd yout h, a l lows the public to gain a better understanding of how the department operates, and the Coffee With a Cop Program lets residents interact and chat with officers in a relaxed environment. The Department helps residents who are struggling with mental health, as well as opioid addiction, through partnerships with the local of f ice of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and Greenwich's Department of Human Services. Heavey believes it's important to instill in children that the police are the good guys. He detailed a common scenario that he and many officers have found themselves in. "You're in a deli and you're waiting to get your lunch, and a mom or a dad will say to their
child, 'You better be good or that policeman will arrest you,'" Heavey said. "What our officers will often say is, 'Please don't make us the boogeyman or the person who is going to come and do bad things. We're going to be the helpers.' We try to reinforce the fact that we're not so much warriors as we are guardians," Heavey continued. "We're protecting people versus trying to be a force against people. Some of that involves the training we do in human relations." One aspect of com munit y engagement Heavey would like to see an improvement in is that currently 10 percent of GPD officers live in Greenwich. "That's unfortunate because then you can have even greater community engagement," he said. "I'm fortunate to live in town, and I can be active in the community as a volunteer outside of the police agency, so people don't know me as just the Chief." The topic of racial profiling is covered in the 11 page document released by the GPD. According to GPD's policy, “Targeting groups or individuals for law enforcement action, including motor vehicle stops, based solely on illegal profiling is unethical and illegal." According to an annual study released in May from The Con nec ticut R acia l P rof i l i ng Prohibition Project, the Greenwich Police Department did not exhibit a statistically significant racial or ethnic disparity in its traffic stop statistics. Heavey said that there are some challenges with looking at that data. "One of the challenges with some of the data is there's a veil of darkness. Many of the motor vehicle stops are made at night where you might not be able to identify the race of the person," Heavey remarked. "The other challenge for us in Greenwich is that when you look at the dynamics of our surrounding communities and the fact that we have I-95 and the Merritt Parkway and 684, that we're very transient. If our motor vehicle stops don't always
reflect the racial breakdown of the community, it's often because the total might not be from people who are from town." " Us e of For c e" i s he av i ly covered in the GPD document on policing. The GPD's policy “recognizes and respects the value of each and every life.” It requires that officers “shall use only that force that is necessary to effectively bring an individual under control, while protecting the life of oneself or a third party.” Heavey said police headquarters has a room specially made for defensive tactics and training, and they use inhouse instructors for all types of scenarios. Another aspect in making the department less vulnerable to potential complaints about use of force, is that there are educational requirements for off icers that exceeds the minimum standards of many other departments. " To b e c ome a G r e e nw ich Police officer, you have to have an associate's degree, and to be promoted to a certain branch you need to have a bachelor's degree," Heavey said. "The International Association of Chiefs of Police has kind of identified that as a strong point in preventing excessive force. It may make it harder for us to recruit, but it gives us a leg up when it comes to other agencies." Building the best possible police force is the foundation upon which the department stands, and it allows officers to do their jobs in a safe and effective manner. The hiring process includes extensive background i nvestigations w it h cr i m i na l history checks, multiple levels of interviews, polygraph exams, and psychological examinations. Of f icers receive a l most n i ne months of training and are initially on an 18-month probationary period. Those who fail to meet standards have their employment terminated. The GPD tries to recruit from top schools that have criminal justice majors and diverse student p o p u l a t i o n s . Cu r r e n t l y, t h e department has 10 percent women, and about 16 percent minorities.
"That doesn't sound like a lot, but it's sometimes more diverse than our community is currently. That's a certain advantage to us because it gives us the ability to address all different kinds of populations," Heavey said. Each officer receives training on employment topics, including sexual harassment, equal opportunity and other critical issues. The depa r t ment ha s a l s o partnered with outside agencies to assist in human relations training. Heavey called the recent events involving police brutality "terrible", and he recalled the powerful Martin Luther K ing Jr. quote, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Heavey hopes people understand that the actions of a few do not represent the majority of officers, especially the Greenwich Police Department. "The way in which a community becomes safe, is that the community and the police have to work together," he said. Heavey said the department is thinking of conducting a Town Hall type event with First Selectman Fred Camillo in the future, so residents can have their questions and concerns about policing in Greenwich answered. Nothing is scheduled as of yet, but Heavey said it would most likely be held online via Zoom due to crowd restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Going forward, Heavey expects t her e to b e s ome le g islat ion r e g a r d i n g b o dy c a me ra s for officers, which is something the GPD has been asking for. "That's going to be another topic of discussion for the town administration to consider adding that as a capital improvement. If you look at what people are looking for in the transparency of the department, that's one of the few things we don't have. Everything else we pretty much meet or exceed the standards," he said. For mor e i n for m at ion on Greenwich policing, check out their 11-page document at greenwichct. gov/DocumentCenter/View/16243.
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Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel
Thor’s Hero Shrew
By Jim Knox When I deliver presentations a n d t h e to p i c o f d i s c ove r y comes a rou nd, I i nva r ia bly a s k au d i e n c e s “ H ow m a ny new species do you think we humans discover each year?” It’s a simple question. Yet whet her it ’s a n element a r y school, a community library, or a research university, the answers are both surprisingly varied and similar. Contemplating, the audiences respond cautiously. A timid “25”, a questioning “100”, even a bold “500” fall far short of the mark. Would you believe, on average, 20,000 new species a r e d i s c ove r e d e a c h ye a r? Please do, because it’s a figure that astounds me as well! There are many likely reasons for this wellspring of discovery: more field scientists scouring the wilderness, greater and enhanced technolog ies, such as drone detection and satellite reconnaissance, and contracti ng w i ld reg ions of our planet. Regardless of the
reasons, the result is a vast assemblage of plants and animals the world has yet to meet. As a zoologist, such discovery ushers in the imperative to learn all we can about this “new” life, share its story with all those who would listen and learn, and do our utmost to protect it. T h e n , c o m e s t h e wow a n d wonder. As I read about such creatures and query my friends and colleagues who are at the forefront of these discoveries, I revel in amazement at the phenomenal diversity of life and the remarkable abilities these creatures possess. Meet Thor’s Hero Shrew. Recently discovered, this small insectivorous mammal sounds like a g raphic novel beast...a humble creature with superhero powers bestowed up o n it s m o d e s t f r a m e . I n this case, reality challenges fiction. When we consider the discovery of a small creature-less than one foot in length and two ounces in weight--living within the heart of Africa’s vast Congo wilderness, we begin to see how such creatures avoid detection a nd wonder what other life awaits discovery. When indigenous people introduced zoologists to t he He r o Sh r ew, t hey f i r s t proclaimed it’s invincibility. Then, they proceeded to demonstrate this invincibility by having a full grown tribesman stand on the back o f t h e t i ny a n i m a l . To t h e amazement of the scientists, t he sh r ew wou ld hold s t i l l
to w it h st a nd t he weig ht of a g row n man a nd q uick ly reanimate to scurry off with no ill effects. For comparison, that’s the equivalent of a human supporting the weight of the space shuttle on their back! Virtually any other creature of its size would have perished but Thor’s Hero Shrew is no ordinary creature. In fact, Thor’s Hero Shrew and its close cousin, the Hero Shrew possess something unique among mammals-The new hero shrew found in the Democratic Republic i nte rl o c k i n g ve r te b r a e . It s of the Congo. Photograph by William Stanley, The Field skeleton is one of Mother Museum of Natural History Nature’s engineering marvels, boasting a specialized spinal Shrew’s success, enabling them stout skull and thick, f lattened c o l u m n w i t h f e w b o n y to thrive in The Democratic ribs, Hero Shrews are alleged projections and a reinforced Republic of Congo’s Tshuapa to thwart the formidable teeth
"To the amazement of the scientists, the shrew would hold still to withstand the weight of a grown man and quickly reanimate to scurry off with no ill effects. For comparison, that’s the equivalent of a human supporting the weight of the space shuttle on their back!" cage-like design which can bear absurdly high weight loads. What’s more, through a process known as sagittal f lexing, the shortened spine enables the animal to turn back on itself-virtually folding itself in half-within the tight confines of a tunnel system. Scientists theorize this is one of the keys to Thor’s Hero
Astrology for Week of July 5, 2020
R i ve r fo r e s t s , p r o b i n g t h e ne a rly i n a c c e s si ble sp a c e s between concrete-like Palm Tree trunks and leaves where juicy grubs dwell. Such a design also confers an advantage over the competition--the ability to wedge beneath and lever extremely heavy rocks and logs to capture dinner and evade danger. With the addition of a
a n d c l aw s o f l e o p a r d s a n d Honey Badgers alike! While such defenses have yet to be documented, it’s safe to say you don’t get named after the God of Thunder for being meek or weak. Thor’s Hero Shrew is small yet mighty, impervious t o i nj u r y t h a t wo u l d s p e l l the doom of nearly any other creature its size, and it dwells
in one of the most dangerous and competitive habitats on the planet. Fo r m e , t h e f a s c i n at i n g a s p e c t t o d i s c ove r y i s t h e startling freshness which is sure to usher in further knowledge. When it comes to Thor’s Hero Shrew, what we do k now is remarkable, yet we still have a creature which is scarcely studied. Questions a bou nd. Is it capable of consuming up to 300% of its body weig ht each day like its smaller brethren? Can it navigate it’s labyrinth tunnels systems using e cholo c at ion l i ke its fel low shrews? Does it possess venom l i k e N o r t h A m e r i c a ’s o n l y venomous animal and Fairfield County resident, The Northern short-tailed shrew? What other secrets does this little forest god conceal? The wonderful thing about discovery is that it frequently crops up where and when least expected, and it is increasingly made by students. Yes...students. It’s one thing to d i s c over new sp e c ie s i n the Congo, yet in recent years students have discovered new species of spiders in Missouri, salamanders in Georgia and frogs in New York--within New York City limits (more to come on that mystery creature)! While we cer tain ly have our work cut out for us when it comes to the planet’s stewardship in the 21st century, I have good reason for optimism. With our next generation and Mighty Thor leading the way, I am ever more hopeful for our wild world.
Sudoku, above: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 7.
CANCER 22 June-23 July A Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign of Capricorn suggests that a platonic or romantic relationship is going through a bumpy phase. However, it would be a mistake to give up on it just because you disagree on something trivial. Smoother roads lie ahead.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan You know it’s a mistake to place your faith in others’ beliefs rather than follow your instincts in the opposite direction so have the courage of your convictions and maintain your independence. If your views are right you won’t be on your own for long.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug It is possible to take too many precautions, to hedge your bets until all the fun goes out of what should be an exciting situation. To win at any cost is self-defeating; to win with style should be your aim this week. If you lose you can claim you gave value for money.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You’re determined to make an issue of something that really isn’t much of an issue at all. Maybe you are looking at it from the wrong angle, or maybe you need an excuse for a confrontation. Before the week is out you’ll wish you’d left things as they were.
The Tax Collector of the Town of Greenwich hereby gives notice that Real
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Adaptable you may be, but if you try to accommodate every viewpoint you’ll find yourself chasing your tail. First impressions are the most reliable, so go with your instincts and refuse to change tack just because others are moving in a different direction.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Don’t get too involved in a new idea or intellectual interest – it has its merits, certainly, but your life is changing so rapidly that it would be a mistake to tie yourself down. You’ll see through completely different eyes once Mercury changes direction next week.
August 3, 2019 and subject to interest at the rate of 1 ½% per month (a
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Be sure of all the facts before giving advice to someone at an emotional crossroads. Others trust what you say and you have no right to let them down. Better to qualify your opinions than pretend to have a simple answer to a complicated problem.
ARIES 21 March-20 April If you find yourself under verbal attack from a colleague or loved one ask yourself why they are so angry with you. Could it be you have failed to honour your side of a bargain which meant more to them than to you? If so, an apology is called for.
paid by mail or online at A convenience fee is
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov You usually know what you want and where to get it. However, today’s Lunar Eclipse indicates you are torn between two extremes, unable to make up your mind either way. The picture will be clearer after Mercury resumes its normal direction next week.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May Don’t waste time on trivia – gossip may be fun but won’t pay the bills or do much to enhance your reputation as a serious, reliable person. Your ability to come and go as you please is about to be curtailed – it may be annoying but there is a reason for it.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Don’t act impulsively this week or you could end up paying out a lot more than you expected or can afford. A “great deal” is great only to the person trying to persuade you to part with your cash. The safest place for your money is always in your pocket.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June You’re naturally helpful but that doesn’t mean others can expect you constantly to put their needs ahead of yours. A Lunar Eclipse may make you emotionally aggressive, so drop the nice guy act and start getting tough with those who take your assistance for granted.
Discover more about yourself at
Estate First Half, Personal Property, Motor Vehicle, Sewer System Maintenance and Improvement tax on the Grand List of October 1, 2019 of the Town of Greenwich is due and payable July 1, 2020 and may be paid during the month of July without penalty. Tax is delinquent if not paid by partial month is considered a full month CGS 12-145) from the due date of July 1, 2020. Eligible taxpayers have until October 1, 2020 to pay without penalty under the 90 Day Deferment Program as declared by the Governor of the State of Connecticut. Minimum interest charge is $2.00. Tax may be charged by the provider for this service. Tax bills are issued in the name of owner of record. Tax Bills are scheduled to be mailed June 25, 2020. Notify the Tax Collector office if you do not receive a bill. Failure to receive a bill does not exempt you from liability (CGS 12-146). Heather Smeriglio Tax Collector Greenwich, Connecticut 203-622-7891
Have Some Fun!
Make Your Own Fortune Teller
Add Your Unique Fortune ideas in these squares.
Susan Riley, Arts Integration Specialist
Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel
Brunswick Alum Aaron Sabato
Sabato Drafted by MLB’s Twins in First Round
By Paul Silverfarb
The 2020 Major Leag ue Baseball draft has come and gone and still Brunswick alum Aaron Sabato has to remind himself that this isn’t a dream. On June 11, and surrounded by friends and family, Sabato was watching the draft transpire on his television and was wondering when he would see his name flash on the screen. He was lights out during his tenure with the Brunswick School baseball team and had a historic experience w ith the Un iversit y of Nor th Carolina. Sabato k new it was only a matter of time before his name could be called. Well, the Rye Brook resident didn’t have to wait long. In the first round of the Major League Baseball Draft on June 11, Sabato found out that he was the top draft pick (27th overall) of the
Minnesota Twins. “I have worked my enti re life for this moment and to see it come into fruition is a blessing,” Sabato said. “It’s still hard to put into words. I’m sitting with my family, and my parents would be like, ‘Can you still believe this is happening?’ and I still say no.” Sabato didn’t find out about t he Tw i n s d ra f t i ng h i m by a phone call, email or text. Instead, the Rye Brook resident learned of his MLB future the same way that a lot of baseball fans around the country found out who their favorite teams drafted. “I wa s watch i ng it on T V and I was surprised as anybody else was seeing my name getting called,” Sabato said. “It was pretty crazy. I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked. I have been given the opportunity to fulfill a dream. To know that someone has the belief in me, trusts me, sees my ability, and also my potential to get better
is amazing. First rounders are expected to be franchise guys, so to be in that category is something really special.” The reason for Sabato’s first round status was because of all his hard work and dedication to the sport shining through. In two seasons with the University of North Carolina, with the previous s e a s o n c ut s h o r t du e to t h e coronavirus pandemic, Sabato was putting up record numbers. “It was my d rea m to play (at UNC) since I was five-yearsold, so to play there for those two years was everything that I could have ever wanted,” Sabato said. “The fact that UNC got to be a stepping stone to my path to the Major Leagues and to be a professional baseball player, I couldn’t be happier.” In total, Sabato played 83 ga me s for t he Ta r He el s. He f inished w ith a career . 332 average and drilled 25 homers
- 18 of those home runs were smashed during his freshman year. Those 18 homers were a record at UNC for freshmen. He also finished with 21 doubles, 81 runs batted in and 98 hits. His onbase percentage was .459 and his slugging percentage was at .696. “We are all very happy for Aaron,” said UNC head coach Mike Fox in a press release. “He is a special talent and outstanding young man. He was not only a great player for us, but a very good student as well. His future is bright.” While attending Brunswick School, Sabato had a senior year to remember. According to the Bruins, Sabato finished his final year at the school with a .560 average and also belted 14 homers in 22 games. Three of his four years at ‘Wick, Sabato was one the keys that helped the school pick up three Fairchester Athletic Association championships.
“They held me to a higher standard,” Sabato said. “They knew what I was capable of and knew what I could do. The people at Brunswick really looked out for me. I built circles around those guys because I could trust them, and I knew they cared about me.” With his numbers at both Brunswick and North Carolina, and conf ident of his abilities, Sabato says he brings a lot to the table, especially when it comes to hitting. “I think I’m the best hitter in the country and as I get older, I’m going to be one of the best hitters in the big leagues,” Sabato said. “I think I have that power to hit 40plus homers and hit over .300. When I got to go on the field, I saw that the dimensions, right field and center is a little further and with a higher wall than UNC, but left to center is almost the same dimensions. But I am not worried about dimensions. I know that if I
put a good swing on, I can hit the ball pretty far.” Although COVID-19 stopped athletics, that hasn’t stopped Sabato keeping up with routine and making sure he’s in the best shape possible, so that way when he gets the call to report to camp, he will be ready to showcase his talents. “I have been working out at home and doing everything I can to keep a normal routine,” Sabato said. “For me, it’s all about how bad I want it. Regardless of the circumstances, I have to make sure I get my work done and have to make sure my body is in the best shape to play. Now I’m at a different level, I have to learn how to keep my body in the best shape and keep my baseball abilities in tip-top shape. Du r ing th is lockdown, it’s been about what is going to work for me and trying to figure out that stuff.”
Bobby Walker's Last Day Surprise
June 30 Declared 'Bobby Walker Jr. Day ' in Greenwich
By Richard Kaufman
Even though Bobby Walker Jr. has known since January that he needed to pack up his office at the Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich (BGCG), he delayed doing so until Monday night. He had hoped to continue on Tuesday afternoon, as June 30 marked his final day as CEO of the Club, but he was interrupted around lunch time and told to come outside. Walker came outside to the turf field, and was met by applause from his family, Club staff and campers. First Selectman, Fred Camillo, issued a surprise proclamation to Walker, declaring June 30 as "Bobby Walker Jr. Day in the Town of Greenwich" to honor his years of service to the Club and the community. "This is not what I was expecting. I thought I'd be packing up my office right now. I think I'm really at a loss for words," Walker said to everyone in attendance. "I was sort of dreading this day. It's hard to see what's going on behind
this mask. I wish you could see the big smile on my face." Walker announced earlier this year that he was leaving the Club to become the Assistant Head of Student and Community Life at Greenwich Academy, where his wife, Becky, is the Head of the middle school. Before coming to the BGCG, Walker served for nine years as head of the middle school at King School in Stamford, and was a teacher and dean of middle school students at McDonogh School, a school in the Baltimore area. He began his teaching career at his alma mater, St. Mark’s School in Dallas, Texas, where he taught U.S. history, language arts and life skills, and became the assistant head of the middle school. During his tenure with the Boys & Girls Club, Walker expanded its Academic Success programs, created the Youth of the Year Dinner, established the Friday Night Teen programs and increased the popularity of the "Muddy Up 5K" fundraising event.
Bobby Walker Jr. was surprised on Tuesday, his final day as CEO of the BGCG, with a proclamation. (John Ferris Robben photo) Camillo, a former Club Kid, called Walker "one of his favorite people" in town. "The last f ive years you've done great work here, and while we're going to miss you in this role, we're really happy you're still going to be involved," Camillo said, noting that Walker will join the Club's Advisory Board. "We really owe a big debt of
gratitude to Bobby Walker's family for letting us have him for the last five or six years," said BGCG Board Chair, George Fox. "I also speak for all of you kids, in telling Bobby how much we love him and how much we appreciate the time he gave to us." Wa l k e r c a l l e d t h e B G C G a "special place" to work. His most impactful memory at the
Club came in 2015 when he was interviewing finalists for theYouth of the Year Award. When asked to briefly describe the Club, six of the seven finalists, who hadn't spoken to each other, called it their "second home" or "family." Walker was blown away by the responses. " That's when I re a l i ze d how special this place is. It's so much more than an after school experience. It's just as important in a kid's upbringing as having dinner at their aunt's house, or visiting grandma or talking with their brothers and sisters. That's when it really hit me about what this club is about," Walker added. Walker believes he'll be able to take what he's learned at the BGCG into his new job at GA. He hopes to get students involved in the Club who might not have been involved otherwise. "The Club is such a big part of the community. I think I'll be able to take those community connections into the next job," he said. "I think I'll take a lot with
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me." Walker's wife, Becky, his two daughters, Mallory and Maya, and his son, Miles, surprised him at the Club on Tuesday for the proclamation announcement. He thanked them for their support over the years. "I've spent a lot of time here. I've worked eight hour days, I've worked 14 hour days, and you miss some things at home. Through it all they've understood, and they've supported me through everything," Walker said. Wa l k e r s a i d i t w a s h a r d driving into the Club on Tuesday, knowing it was the last time he was doing so as the CEO. "I'm going to miss you guys. I hope you know that," Walker said. "This doesn’t mean that I won't stop being a good friend and supporter of the Club." Cristina Vittoria, who previously directed the organization’s fundraising and marketing efforts, was named the new CEO earlier this month and began her new role on July 1.
Page 18 | Greenwich Sentinel
Mark Pruner | |
Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830
Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903
For Market Updates and Listings Visit
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
Original List
52 Lafayette Place 3B 1 Putnam Hill 2 G 351 Pemberwick Road 603 2 Nassau Place 2 1 Quaker Lane 609 Round Hill Road 46 North Ridge Road 43 Mianus View Terrace 2 Knoll Street 39 North Ridge Road 17 Willowmere Circle 613 Round Hill Road 16 John Street 28 Stiles Lane 2 Winthrop Drive 20 Greenbriar Lane 808 North Street 17 Sabine Farm Road 19 Meadow Drive 112 Indian Head Road
$295,000 $629,000 $679,000 $1,079,000 $1,695,000 $1,395,000 $1,325,000 $1,875,000 $1,950,000 $2,195,000 $2,695,000 $3,800,000 $3,495,000 $5,695,000 $3,400,000 $3,895,000 $7,900,000 $6,250,000 $10,750,000 $16,350,000
List Price
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres
$295,000 $272,500 $629,000 $587,500 $679,000 $645,000 $1,049,000 $980,000 $1,395,000 $1,015,950 $1,395,000 $1,395,000 $1,325,000 $1,395,000 $1,875,000 $1,800,000 $1,950,000 $1,950,000 $2,095,000 $2,000,000 $2,695,000 $2,500,000 $2,950,000 $2,775,000 $3,495,000 $3,050,000 $3,250,000 $3,100,000 $3,400,000 $3,400,000 $3,895,000 $3,750,000 $6,500,000 $5,300,000 $6,250,000 $5,800,000 $9,495,000 $7,650,000 $13,950,000 $12,500,000
20 18 174 204 183 291 35 150 43 398 29 494 82 633 136 92 867 312 712 436
1 3 2 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 5 5 6 6 4 7 6 6 9
1 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 6 5 7 5 4 9 6 7 9
0 10 0 0 2.45 3.78 0.54 0.27 0.36 0.29 0.51 3.1 7.57 6.35 0.31 2.22 4.65 2.73 2.1 2.08
585 1,580 1,710 2,283 5,613 2,429 2,140 4,580 2,595 5,700 3,108 6,965 5,468 7,190 6,400 4,861 14,172 10,546 11,658 12,340
Market Report From Page 5
One of the fun things to do is take these high-end June sales and annualize them. When you do that our months of supply over $10 million drops from 70 months of supply to 17.5 months of supply. From $6.5 – 10 million the drop in months of sales is from 60 months, or 5 years of supply, to 10 months of supply. Would that we could keep these June sales rate up all year round. Even with our present sales rate, things are still looking up for future sales over $3 million. When you include contracts over $3 million our months of supply is lower than when you only look at sales. This indicates an improving market though we may have to wait until August to see the number of sales increase. On the inventory side we are still down 20% from last year, but fortunately we are seeing lots more inventory come on the market, particularly in backcountry and mid-country where we particularly need new listings. I just put on 14 Gray Oaks Lane for $3.65 million and it has been getting good interest as midcountry seems to be the new sweet spot in the COVID-era, not too far from town, but with good acreage. When all sales are reported, June 2020 house sales will be a better month than June 2019, when we had 60 sales and a better month than June 2018 when we had 66 sales. We still have a ways to go to reach our 10 year average of 86 sales, but the trend is definitely in the right direction.
Mark Pruner is a Realtor in Greenwich, CT with Berkshire Hathaway. He has been the Greenwich Sentinel Real Estate page editor since 2015. He grew up in Old Greenwich and has lived in backcountry Greenwich for the last 20 years. He can be reached 203-969-7900 or
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
List Price
6 Wellington Place
36 Butler Street
12 Comly Avenue
1,791 0.12 4 2,006 0.17 4
Cos Cob
49 Burdsall Drive
50 Church Street 4
South Parkway
29 Sundance Drive
Cos Cob
608 Lyon Farm Drive
125 Hamilton Avenue 1
2,850 0.19
125 Hamilton Avenue 2
2,850 0.19
12 Osee Place
Cos Cob
318 Stanwich Road
2,715 2.06 4
South Parkway
62 Caroline Place
120 Hillcrest Park Road
3,220 0.28 4
Cos Cob
36 Crescent Road
2,280 0.43 4
9 Hillcrest Park Road
4,345 1.04
Old Greenwich
21 Orchard Drive
2,444 0.26 4
3 South of Post Road
1 Benjamin Street
Old Greenwich
1031 North Street
North Parkway
63 Valleywood Road
Cos Cob
633 Steamboat Road 1
1,805 0.55 3
2 South of Post Road
69 Londonderry Drive
62 Mason Street 2 E
149 Weaver Street
11 Hettiefred Road
26 Jeffrey Road
361 Maple Avenue
62 Mason Street PHE
0.2 0.17
2.03 4 2 2.57 5
South Parkway
2 South of Post Road 5
5,002 1.35
South Parkway
South Parkway
2 South of Post Road
418 Riversville Road
6,777 3.79
North Parkway
62 Pine Ridge Road
North Mianus
33 Khakum Wood Road
6,507 3.69 8
South Parkway
8 Hill Lane Avenue
4,419 0.54 5
6 Keofferam Road
4,953 0.47 6
Old Greenwich
2 Huntzinger Drive
South Parkway
33 Meeting House Rd
12,343 4.07
North Parkway
16 Marlow Court
4,294 0.84 3
179 Maple Avenue
6,350 0.87
South Parkway
4 Middle Way
5,297 0.49 5
Old Greenwich
134 Otter Rock Drive
6 South of Post Road
66 Cherry Valley Road
8,888 7.38
North Parkway
586 Round Hill Road
North Parkway
510 Stanwich Road
10,084 4.62 6
North Parkway
74 Rock Maple Road
7,942 4.08 5
South Parkway
516 Round Hill Road
North Parkway
50 Lafrentz Road
3,928 25.3 3
North Parkway
74 Upper Cross Road
14,000 16.68 7
North Parkway
20 Sherwood Avenue
12,402 4.02 6
North Parkway
17 Walsh Lane
15,136 2.49
7 South of Post Road
136 Field Point Circle
2.36 4
6 South of Post Road
1 0.6
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Outstanding Summer Reads
Summer reads that will transport you far away from here.
hen we read, not on ly a r e we improving memor y a nd empathy, research has shown that it makes us feel better and more positive. Reading has some amazing health benefits, including helping with depression, cutting stress, and reducing the chances of developing Alzheimer's later in life.
The library is now open for you to reserve books and pick them up at https://www. online. Yo u c a n e m a i l D i a n e 's Books a list of the books you would like and they will order them for you and have them waiting on their bench i n a bag for pick up at i n fo @ d i a n e s b o o k s . c o m online or you can call them at (203) 869-1515.
Beyond EVEN that, reading also, strengthens the brain, aids in sleep, educates you, improves your ability to speak intelligently on a number of topics, a nd i ncreases you r range of topics in social conversation. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%, working better and faster than other methods, such as listening to music or drinking a hot cup of tea. One of the most prolif ic readers we k now sug gests creating a space where you want to be. A place that is comfor table, f ree f rom d ist rac t ion s, r ela x i ng. L et your family know that when you're in this space reading, you would prefer not to be i nte r r up te d . M a ke it you r oasis. Put your current read in it. This will draw you in you will read more than if you try to pick up a book at your desk. Then: close your device, turn off the computer and the television and invite your mind and body into an incredible literary world. To t h a t e n d , w e h a v e compiled a list of great reads that range from heavy intellectual books to classics to very quick summer r oma nce s. We've i nclude d recommendations from Reese Witherspoon and Oprah a s wel l a s ou r ow n h ig h ly recommended books and, of course, the Greenw ich Library's 2019 Read Together book. A n d we wo u l d s u g g e s t as well a subscription to the Greenwich Sentinel, in which you can read a little more good news in Greenwich.
The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson
p r i m e -m i n i s t e r i a l c o u nt r y home, Chequers; his wartime ret re at, Ditch ley, where he a nd h is entou rage go when the moon is brightest and the bombing threat is highest; and of course 10 Downing Street in London. Drawing on diaries, original archival documents, and once-secret intelligence reports—some released only recently—Larson provides a new lens on London’s darkest year through the day-to-day experience of Churchill and his family: his wife, Clementine; their youngest daughter, Mary, who chafes against her parents’ wartime protectiveness; their son, Randolph, and his beautiful, unhappy wife, Pamela; Pamela’s illicit lover, a dashing American emissary; and the advisers in Churchill’s “Secret Circle,” to whom he turns in the hardest moments. The Splendid and the Vile takes readers out of today’s political dysfunction and back to a time of true leadership, when, in the face of unrelenting horror, Churchill’s eloquence, cou rage , a nd p er s evera nce bound a country, and a family, together.
frontrunner in the upcoming Presidential election. There must be a mistake, Link thinks. How do Mallory and Jake know each other? Fla sh back to t he s we et summer of 1993: Mallory has just i n her ited a b each f ront cottage on Nantucket from her aunt, and she agrees to host her brother’s bachelor party. Cooper’s friend from college, Ja ke McCloud, attends, a nd Jake and Mallory form a bond that will persevere — through marriage, children, and Ursula’s stratospheric political r ise — u ntil Ma llor y lea r ns she’s dying. Based on the classic film Same Time Next Year (which Mallory and Jake w a t c h e v e r y s u m m e r) , 2 8 Summers explores the agony and romance of a one-weekendper-yea r a f fa i r a nd t he dramatic ways this relationship complicates and enriches their lives, and the lives of the people they love.
Summer of ’69 by Elin Hilderbrand
oldest sister, is marooned in Boston, pregnant with twins and unable to travel. Middle sister Kirby, caught up in the thrilling vortex of civil rights protests and determined to be independent, takes a summer j o b o n M a r t h a’s V i n e y a r d . Only-son Tiger is an infantry soldier, recently deployed to Vietnam. And thirteen-yearold Jessie suddenly feels like an only child, marooned in the house with her out-of-touch grandmother and her worried mother, while each of them hides a troubling secret. As the summer heats up, Ted Kennedy sink s a car in Chappaquiddick, man f lies to the moon, and Jessie and her family experience their own dramatic upheavals along with the rest of the country. In her first historical novel, rich with the details of an era that shaped both a nation and an island thirty miles out to sea, Elin Hilderbrand once again earns her title as queen of the summer novel.
The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand
have spa r e d no ex p en se to host a lavish ceremony at their oceanfront estate. B u t i t ’s g o i n g t o b e memorable for all the wrong reasons after tragedy strikes: a body is discovered in Nantucket Harbor just hours b e for e t he c e r e mony-a nd everyone in the wedding party is suddenly a suspect. As Chief of Police Ed Kapenash inter views the bride, the groom, the groowm’s famous mystery-novelist mother, and even a mem b er of h i s ow n family, he discovers that every wedding is a minefield-and no couple is perfect. Featuring beloved characters from The Castaways, Beautiful Day, and A Su m mer A f fa i r, The Per fec t Couple proves once again that Elin Hilderbrand is the queen of the summer beach read.
Outstanding Classics The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
Summer Romances 28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand
O n W i n s to n C hu r c h i l l ’s f irst day as prime minister, Adolf Hitler invaded Holland and Belg ium. Poland and Czechoslovak ia had already fallen, and the Dunkirk evacuation was just two weeks aw ay. Fo r t h e n e x t t we l ve months, Hitler would wage a relentless bombing campaign, killing 45,000 Britons. It was up to Chu r ch i l l to hold h is country together and persuade President Franklin Roosevelt that Britain was a worthy ally— and willing to fight to the end. In The Splendid and the Vile, Erik Larson shows, in cinematic detail, how Churchill taught the British people “the art of being fearless.” It is a story of political brinkmanship, b u t i t ’s a l s o a n i n t i m a t e domestic drama, set against the backd rop of Chu rch ill’s
When Mallory Blessing’s son, Link, receives deathbed instructions from his mother to call a number on a slip of paper in her desk drawer, he’s not sure what to expect. But he certainly does not expect Jake McCloud to answer. It’s the late spring of 2020 and Jake’s wife, Ursula DeGournsey, is the
Four siblings experience the drama, intrigue, and upheaval of the ’60s summer when everything changed in Elin Hilderbrand’s #1 New York Times bestselling historical novel. We l c o m e t o t h e m o s t t u mu lt uou s su m mer of t he twentieth century. It’s 1969, and for the Levin family, the t i me s t hey a re a- cha ng i ng. Every year the children have looked forward to spending the summer at their grandmother’s historic home in downtown Nantucket. But like so much else in America, nothing is the same: Blair, the
F r o m N e w Yo r k Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand, comes a novel about the many ways family can fill our lives with love…if they don’t kill us first. I t ’s N a n t u c k e t we d d i n g season, also known as summer-the sight of a bride racing dow n Main Street is as common as the sun setting at Madaket Beach. The OtisWinbur y wedding promises to be an event to remember: the groom’s wealthy parents
Four adventurous siblings— Peter, Susa n, Ed mu nd, a nd Lucy Pevensie—step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, sig nals a g reat change . . . and a great sacrifice. Open the door and enter a new world! The L ion, t he Witch and the Wardrobe is the second book in C. S. Lewis’s classic fantasy series, which has been captivating readers of all ages with a magical land and unforgettable characters for over sixty years.
In Debt to a Traitor
By Dan FitzPatricks Our celebration this week of the birth of our nation will include public readings of the Declaration of Independence, officially approved by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 and signed (not all on that date) by 56 delegates representing thirteen expatriate British colonies then engaged in a war with Great Britain. Our popular tradition gives that date as the beginning of the American Revolution, but the reality is that the American War of Independence began more than a year earlier, on April 19, 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Siege of Boston. The Continental Army, commanded by General George Washington, was formed on June 14, 1775. In November 1775, Washington commissioned a 25-yearold bookseller, Henry Knox, to bring the heavy artillery captured at Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point across the frozen lakes and hills of New York and Massachusetts to Boston in the dead of winter. The story of that “noble train of artillery” is worth a separate telling. The Siege of Boston ended on March 17, 1776, but the British regrouped and sailed in June to attack New York Harbor, landing troops on Staten Island on July 2. Washington retreated, and “the outlook for the American cause was bleak.” It is frankly amazing that only two days later the signers of the Declaration had the courage to affix their names to a document that surely would serve as their death warrant should the war be lost. Many people nowadays would be surprised to learn of the role that a Connecticut merchant seaman, Benedict Arnold, played in the earliest days of the Revolutionary War. Elected captain in the Connecticut militia in March 1775, Arnold led his company northeast to assist in the Siege of Boston where he made a proposal to the Massachusetts Committee of Safety to seize Fort Ticonderoga, which he knew from previous travels contained valuable armaments but was poorly defended. He was issued a colonel’s commission on May 3, 1775 and rode north to Vermont to join with Ethan Allen in leading Allen’s militia (the “Green Mountain Boys”) in the May 10, 1775 capture of Fort Ticonderoga. Arnold’s role in that campaign is noted in the history books, but absent from popular retelling. After the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, the Continental Congress authorized an invasion of Quebec. Arnold was given a colonel’s commission in the Continental Army and participated in the December 31 assault on Quebec City, in which his left leg was shattered. Arnold was promoted
to brigadier general, moved to Montreal where he served as military commander of the city until the arrival of the British army in May 1776 forced the Continental Army to retreat to Fort Ticonderoga, and then turned his focus on building a fleet to defend Lake Champlain against an expected naval invasion from the north. His success in that endeavor may have been his most significant – and least known – contribution to the birth of our country. Lake Champlain is a freshwater lake located between the states of New York and Vermont, extending 107 miles from the Richelieu River in Canada to the Champlain Canal connection to the Hudson River. Given the state of land transportation in the 18th century, the lake served as the equivalent of an interstate highway for commerce and transport. Its strategic importance was inarguable: undefended, it would allow the British to move troops and armament from Canada all the way south to New York city. In the summer of 1776, Britain’s General Carleton had a 9,000-man army stationed at Fort SaintJean and was building his own fleet. Unstopped, New York would then be vulnerable from both the north and the south, and would surely fall. Overmatched in men and material, Arnold’s strategy was to delay and deny the British access to the Hudson. On October 11, 1776, he drew the British f leet into a position between the New York mainland and Valcour Island in an engagement known as the Battle of Valcour Bay. During the battle, many of the American ships were damaged or destroyed (the gunboat USS Philadelphia, sunk that day and raised in 1935, is currently on display at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.). That night, Arnold successfully sneaked the remaining ships past the British “with muffled oars and minimal illumination,” retreating to
Greenwich Excellence in Dementia Care
Fort Ticonderoga. The next morning the British British with “drawings of the works” by which discovered the deception and began pursuit. the British “might take [it] without loss.” The Most of the American f leet was ultimately plot was discovered on September 23, 1780 and either captured or grounded and burned, but the Arnold fled into an exile in which he was loathed winter snows began on October 20 and General by the Americans and never trusted by the Carleton was forced to abandon his southward British. He died in England on June 14, 1801at the push and withdraw to winter quarters. While age of 60. the Battle of Valcour was a tactical defeat for U n d e r s t a n d a b l y, v e r y f e w p u b l i c the Americans, it also served as a strategic acknowledgements of Arnold’s accomplishments victory in that it provided time to fortify the exist. Valcour Island is mentioned above. The Fort Ticonderoga defenses in preparation for monument to the American victory at Saratoga the return of British forces the next year. A has four niches; three of the niches contain monument to Arnold’s role in the Battle of statues of Generals Gates, Schuyler and Morgan, Valcour stands today on the shores of Lake while the fourth, which would have honored Champlain, and a wonderful video of the story Arnold, has intentionally been left empty. There can be found at is however a monument nearby that pays tribute watch?v=zzgIBRUYDO8”drwawings. to Arnold without mentioning his name. Often Washington later assigned Arnold to the referred to as the “Boot Monument,” it depicts a defense of Rhode Island. While traveling through left-side military boot surmounted with military Connecticut on his way to Philadelphia, on epaulettes and contains the inscription: "In April 27, 1777 Arnold led a small militia against memory of the most brilliant soldier of the the British in the Battle of Ridgefield, where he Continental army, who was desperately wounded was again wounded in the left leg. He fought on this spot, winning for his countrymen the valiantly in the Battles of Saratoga (September decisive battle of the American Revolution, and 19 and October 7, 1777), where he was once for himself the rank of Major General.” again severely wounded in the left leg. When Why acknowledge a traitor on the day we the British withdrew from Philadelphia in June celebrate the birth of the country he betrayed? 1778, Washington appointed Arnold military Because many hands worked the loom that wove commander of the city (historian John Shy the fabric of this nation. Some were heroes, described it as “one of the worst decisions of his some were villains, some were both. We needed career”). them all to play the role they played, and we all We all know how this story ends – badly. are the better for it. History must be understood For whatever reason or reasons, Arnold became for what it is, and viewed as it is, without the a turncoat. By July 1779 he was providing prism of modern-day sensitivities or prejudices. the British with information regarding troop If we seek only to learn that which makes us locations and strengths. On August 3, 1780, comfortable, we will ultimately be discomfited Arnold was given command of West Point, with by things we failed to learn. So on this day let’s authority over the Hudson River from Albany to celebrate all the remarkable people and events New York. He actively undermined West Point’s that birthed these Unites States of America! defenses and supplies and offered to provide the Water Restriction Greenwich Sent 5.25 x 10.5.qxp_Layout 1 6/15/20 12:52 PM Page 1
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DISCOVER The Greens at Greenwich Difference
About Us • Our residents are thriving through the pandemic and we continue to be Covid-free. • We are enjoying the beautiful summer days in the safety of our beautifully landscaped and secure garden. • We are unique in providing an all-inclusive monthly fee covering all levels of care.
Our People and Our Home • Through the COVID pandemic The Greens family, including staff and residents, have been self isolating and staying safe together. • Our residents are enjoying nature plus more independence and freedom in our beautiful garden. • Our staff has years of experience in memory care as well as ongoing training specifically for this pandemic that has prepared us all to care for your loved one. • Our residents are discovering the new experience of FaceTime and Zoom with family and loved ones. • We are a small privately-owned assisted living community for people living with memory impairment located in a beautiful residential neighborhood on the Westchester/Greenwich border.
With the lawn and garden season upon us, it’s time to remember how important
it is to avoid using water inefficiently – including over-irrigation. The average suburban household uses at least 30% of its water for irrigation. But most could use less – a lot less – and still enjoy healthy lawns and gardens. That’s why Aquarion, in coordination with town and state officials, continues to expand this conservation-focused irrigation schedule throughout its service area. Here are some tips to make it even easier for you: • If you have a built-in irrigation system, have a licensed irrigation professional make sure it’s working efficiently • Check our website to see if you qualify for a variance from the schedule – for new plantings, a large property, or a high-efficiency irrigation system. • Keep in mind, weather and other conditions may further reduce your watering needs. Together, we can ensure our communities always have enough water for all their vital needs. For more tips on improving your water efficiency, please visit our website. Questions? Call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678
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The Greens at Greenwich can be your silver lining, your answer for the best care for your loved one with memory impairment. We are beginning to accept new residents SCHEDULE A VIRTUAL TOUR TODAY • 203.531.5500 •
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Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight
© 2020 Aquarion Water Company
"Greenwich is very diverse, and what makes Greenwich special is we rise to the occasion to make sure we help each other... NtN does that. No one should ever go without food, and no one should be embarrassed.� Fred Camillo, First Selectman
thank you arch street teen center "Thank you for the food I have received. I am beyond happy. May God bless you everyday of your lives." A food recipient "The TAG delivery team is incredible, making sure all clients get their food every week." A volunteer
640 children receive food from NtN every week
"Neighbor to Neighbor is a model of service during the pandemic. The longer people aren’t working, the more referrals we are getting. More and more people are in need of food. It is very concerning." Dr. Alan Barry, Greenwich Commissioner of Human Services
thank you. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to make sure the people that need food are receiving it.
Neighbor to Neighbor has distributed 22,000 bags of groceries over the past 15 weeks. 550 Greenwich households receive food weekly.
"The outpouring by donors to Neighbor to Neighbor is so critical in meeting the needs of our community in this pandemic time. We are strategic in our purchasing and careful stewards of these dollars." Board member and donor
Thank you to all the schools, neighborhoods, places of worship, clubs, organizations, businesses, non-profits, services, and individuals. "COVID-19 has presented an increase in food insecurity impacting individuals of all ages in our community. Neighbor to Neighbor is an essential component of our community with their energetic leadership style, great volunteer spirit, and kindness shown to individuals and families in need. We look forward to continued Lori Contadino, Executive Director, Greenwich Commission on Aging collaboration."
"Neighbor to Neighbor is vital to the Greenwich community and never more so than during this pandemic. When it first hit, we immediately issued a grant to them, followed by a larger grant, to make sure all Greenwich residents have access to basic necessities." David Rabin, President & CEO of the United Way
For more information visit
O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight s' last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket s' red glare, the bomb bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
FROM PAGE 1 This is a stand-alone read, but if you would like to discover more about Narnia, pick up The Horse and H is Boy, t he t h i rd book i n The Chronicles of Narnia.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
PAGE 5 Natasha Rostov, the beautiful young daughter of a nobleman who intrigues both men. As Napoleon’s army invades, Tolstoy brilliantly follows characters from diverse backgrounds— peasants and nobility, civilians and soldiers—as they struggle with the problems unique to their era, their history, and their culture. And as the novel progresses, these characters transcend their specificity, becoming some of the most moving—and human—figures in world literature.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships,gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life.
Emma by Jane Austen
the prelude to The Lord of the Rings. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely traveling any farther than his pantry or cellar. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard Gandalf and a company of dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an adventure. They have launched a plot to raid the treasure hoard guarded by Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Bilbo reluctantly joins their quest, unaware that on his journey to the Lonely Mountain he will encounter both a magic ring and a frightening creature known as Gollum. “A glorious account of a magnificent adventure, filled with suspense and seasoned with a quiet humor that is irresistible . . . All those, young or old, who love a fine adventurous tale, beautifully told, will take The Hobbit to their hearts.” – New York Times Book Review
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television “family.” But when he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television, Montag begins to question everything he has ever known.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to f ind them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-sm it hs, a nd Sau ron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, f illing it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middleearth, it remained lost to him. A f te r m a ny a ge s it fe l l by chance into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. From Sauron’s fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor, his power spread far and wide. Sauron gathered all the Great Rings, but always he searched for the One Ring that would complete his dominion. When Bilbo reached his e leve nt y-f i r s t b i r t hd ay h e disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin Frodo the Ruling R ing and a perilous quest: to journey across Middle-earth, deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord, and destroy the Ring by casting it into the Cracks of Doom. The Lord of the Rings tells of the great quest undertaken by Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring: Gandalf the Wizard; the hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam; Gimli the Dwarf; Legolas the Elf; Boromir of Gondor; and a tall, mysterious stranger called Strider.
Something to Love Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
The first book collection of the classic and beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip! “Most people who write comic dialogue for minors demonstrate surprisingly little feel for—or faith in— the original source material, that is, childhood, in all its unfettered and winsome glory. It is in this respect that Bill Watterson has proved as unusual as his feckless creations, Calvin and Hobbes. Watterson is the reporter who’s gotten it right; childhood as it actually is.”—Garry Trudeau, from the Foreword This is the first collection of the classic comic strip that features Calvin, a rambunctious 6-year-old boy, and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, who comes charmingly to life. Filled with a mix of Watterson’s standard and full-page Sunday strips, this collection is sure to please fans and newcomers alike.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
Join Calvin and Hobbes on all their adventures in this four-volume collection of every comic strip from the comic strip’s eleven year history (1985 to1996). Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boy and his real-only-tohim tiger was first syndicated in 1985 and appeared in more than 2,400 newspapers when Bill Watterson retired on January 1, 1996. The entire body of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons published in a truly noteworthy tribute to this singular cartoon in The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Composed of four paperback, four-color volumes in a sturdy slipcase, this New York Times best-selling edition includes all Calvin and Hobbes cartoons that ever appeared in syndication. This is the treasure that all Calvin and Hobbes fans seek.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Twenty-one-year-old Emma Wood house is com for ta bly dominating the social order in the village of Highbur y, convinced that she has both the understanding and the right to manage other people’s l ive s—for t hei r ow n go o d, of cou rse. Her well-mea nt interfering centers on the aloof Jane Fairfax, the dangerously attractive Frank Churchill, the foolish if appealing Harriet Smith, and the ambitious young vicar Mr. Elton—and ends with her complacency shattered, her mind awakened to some of life’s more intractable dilemmas, and her happiness assured. Austen’s comic imagination was so deft and beautifully f luent that she could use it to probe the deepest human ironies while setting before us a dazzling gallery of characters— some pretentious or ridiculous, some admirable and moving, all utterly true.
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
From the awardwinning translators of Anna Karenina and The Brothers Karamazovcomes this magnificent new translation of Tolstoy’s masterwork Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read War and Peace broadly focuses on Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812 and follows three of the most well-known characters in literature: Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a count who is fighting for his inheritance and yearning for spiritual fulfillment; Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who leaves his family behind to fight in the war against Napoleon; and
The Picture of Dorian Gray is an 1891 philosophical novel by Irish writer and playwright Oscar Wilde. First published as a serial story in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine, the editors feared the story was indecent, and without Wilde’s knowledge, deleted five hundred words before publication. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding the public morality. In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in correspondence with the British press. Wilde revised and expanded the magazine edition of The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) for publication as a novel; the book edition (1891) featured an aphoristic preface — an apologia about the art of the novel and the reader. The content, style, and presentation of the preface made it famous in its own literary right, as social and cultural criticism. In April 1891, the editorial house Ward, Lock and Company published the revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
A great modern classic and
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A Learn to Cook Cookbook Cook’s Illustrated
The ultimate recipe resource: an indispensable treasury of more than 2,000 foolproof recipes and 150 test kitchen discoveries from the pages of Cook ’s I llustrated magazine. There is a lot to k now about cooking, more than can be learned in a lifetime, and for the last 20 years we have been eager to share our discoveries w it h you , ou r f r ie nd s a nd readers. The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook represents the fruit of that labor. It contains 2,000 recipes, representing almost our entire repertoire. L o ok i n g b a ck ove r t h i s work as we edited this volume, we were reminded of some o f o u r g r e ate s t h it s , f r o m Fo o l p r o o f P i e D o u g h (w e add vo d k a for a n e a s y-to r o l l - o u t b u t f l a k y c r u s t) , innumerable recipes based on brining and salting meats (ou r B r i n e d T h a n k s g i v i n g Tu rkey i n 19 93 lau nche d a n a t i o n w i d e t r e n d ) , S l o wRoasted Beef(we salt a roast a day in advance and then use a very low oven to promote a tender, juicy result), Poached S a l m o n (a v e r y s h a l l o w poaching liquid steams the fish instead of simmering it in water and robbing it of flavor), and the Ultimate Chocolate C h i p C o o k i e s (w e b r o w n the butter for better f lavor). Our editors handpicked more than 2 ,000 recipes from the pages of the magazine to form this wideranging compendium of our greatest hits. More than just a great collection of foolproof recipes, The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook is also an authoritative cook ing reference w ith clea r ha nddrawn illustrations for preparing the perfect omelet, car ving a turkey, removing meat from lobsters, frosting a layer cake, shaping sandwich b r e a d , a n d m o r e . 1 5 0 te s t kitchen tips throughout the book solve real home-cooking problems such as how to revive tired herbs, why you shouldn’t buy trimmed leeks, what you need to know about freezing and thawing chicken, when to rinse rice, and the b est met hod for season i ng cast-iron (you can even run it through the dishwasher). An essential collection for fans of Cook’s Illustrated (and any discerning cook), The Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook will keep you cooking for a lifetime - and guarantees impeccable results.
Brilliant The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell
T h e P o w e r o f Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Joseph Campbell and his work. A preeminent scholar, writer, and teacher, he has had a profound inf luence on millions of people-including Star Wars creator George Lucas. To Campbell, m y t h o l o g y w a s t h e “s o n g of t he u n iverse , t he music o f t h e s p h e r e s .” W it h Bi l l Moyers, one of America’s most prominent journalists, as his thoughtful and engaging i nte r v iewe r, T he Powe r of Myth touches on subjects from
moder n mar r iage to v irg in bi r t h s , f r om Je su s to Joh n Lennon, of fering a brilliant combination of intelligence and wit. This extraordinary book reveals how the themes and symbols of ancient narratives continue to bring meaning to birth, death, love, and war. From stories of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece a nd Rom e to t ra d it ion s o f Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianit y, a broad array of themes are considered t h a t to g e t h e r i d e nt i f y t h e universality of human experience across time and culture. An impeccable match of inter v iewer and subject, a timeless distillation of Campbell’s work, The Power of Myth continues to exert a profou nd i n f luence on ou r culture.
of man and the destruction of their home. Led by a stouthearted pair of brothers, they travel forth from their n a t i ve S a n d l e fo r d w a r r e n th roug h ha r row ing tr ia ls to a my s t e r i o u s p r o m i s e d land and a more perfect society. “A marvelous story of rebellion, exile, and survival” (Sunday Telegraph) this is an unforgettable literary classic for all ages.
Domino has always relied on tooth and claw to keep the barnyard vermin-free for his employers, the Browns. When he’s not on patrol, his main concerns are prowling with housecat friends and trying to impress the mysterious, lethal female that lives in the nearby woods. Then a brilliant and charismatic tom moves into the neighborhood, purring strange notions and introducing new “friends,” and Domino soon learns there’s no way to bite or scratch a poisonous idea. As the evil grows, life-long friends become unrecognizable, onceproud felines renounce their very identities in fear, and the natural order is turned upsidedow n . L o c ke d i n a d e a d l y rivalry, Domino must rely on his wits to save his territory, his family, and a time-honored way of life from the bloody scourge that descends. A tale of courage, strength, and love, Domino is a bracing tonic for a world gone mad.
The Scorpio Race by Maggie Stiefvater
Watership Down by Richard Adams
A worldw ide b e s t s el le r for more than forty years, Watership Down is the compelling tale of a band of wild rabbits struggling to hold onto their place in the world— “a classic yarn of discovery and struggle” (The New York Times). Richard Adams’s Watership D ow n is a t i mele ss cla ssic and one of the most beloved novels of all time. Set in the Hampshire Downs in Southern England, an idyllic rural landscape, this stirring tale of “suspense, hot pursuit, and derring-do” (Chicago Tribune) follows a band of rabbits in f light from the incursion
Other People's Picks Oprah Deacon King Kong by James McBride
A wedding celebration turns dark and deadly in this deliciously wicked and atmospheric thriller reminiscent of Agatha Christie from the New York Times bestselling author of The Hunting Party The bride – The plus one – T he b e s t m a n – T he wedding planner – The bridesmaid – The body On an island off the coast of Ireland, guests gather to celebrate two people joining their lives together as one. The g room: ha ndsome a nd charming, a rising television sta r. The br ide: sma r t a nd ambitious, a magazine publisher. It’s a wedding for a magazine, or for a celebrity: the designer dress, the remote location, the luxe party favors, the boutique whiskey. The cell phone service may be spotty and the waves may be rough, b ut e ve r y d e t a i l h a s b e e n expertly planned and will be expertly executed. But perfection is for plans, and people are all too hu ma n. A s t he cha mpag ne is popped and the festivities begin, resentments and petty jealousies begin to mingle with the reminiscences and well wishes. The groomsmen begin the drinking game from their school days. The bridesmaid not-so-accidentally ruins her dress. The bride’s oldest (male) friend gives an uncomfortably caring toast. And then someone turns up de a d . W h o d id n’t w i sh the happy couple well? And perhaps more important, why?
The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
Clay and his friends have grown up under a mountain, secretly raised by the Talons of Peace to fulfill a mysterious prophecy. The five young dragons are destined to end the war that’s been raging between the tribes of Pyrrhia -- but how they’ll do this, none of them knows. But not every dragonet wants a destiny. When one of their own is threatened, Clay and his friends decide to escape. Maybe they can break free and end the war at the same time -- or maybe they’ll risk everything ...
The Guest List by Lucy Foley
has ca ref u l ly cu ltivated as protection is threatened. Still she perseveres, applying her talents and lifting up those that surround her as she does.
Domino by Kia Heavey
Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland
Reese Witherspoon
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For Younger & Young Adults
For generations, four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest according to the laws laid down by their warrior ancestors. But now the ThunderClan cats are in grave danger, and sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day. In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary house cat named Rusty…who may yet turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.
Other People's Picks
Some race to win. Others race to survive. It happens at the start of every November: the Scorpio Races. Riders attempt to keep hold of their water horses long enough to make it to the finish line. Some riders live. Others die. At age nineteen, Sean Kendrick is the returning champion. He is a young man of few words, and if he has any fears, he keeps them buried deep, where no one else can see them. Puck Connolly is different. She never meant to ride in the Scorpio Races. But fate hasn’t given her much of a choice. So she enters the competition the first girl ever to do so. She is in no way prepared for what is going to happen. As she did in her bestselling Shiver trilogy, author Maggie Stiefvater takes us to the breaking point, where both love and life meet their greatest obstacles, and only the strong of heart can survive. The Scorpio Races is an unforgettable reading experience.
“Eloq uent a nd mov ing… Joshi masterfully balances a yearning for self-discover y w it h t he ne e d for f a m i l ia l love.”—Publishers Weekly Viv id and compelling in its portrait of one woman’s s t r ug g le for f u l f i l l me nt i n a societ y pivoting bet ween the traditional and the modern, The Henna A r t i s t op e n s a do or i nto a world that is at once lush and fascinating, stark and cruel. Escaping from an abusive marriage, seventeen-year-old Lakshmi makes her way alone to the vibrant 1950s pink city of Jaipur. There she becomes t he most h ig h ly re q ue ste d henna artist—and confidante— to the wealthy women of the upper class. But trusted with the secrets of the wealthy, she can never reveal her own… K now n for he r or ig i n a l designs and sage advice, Lakshmi must tread carefully to avoid the jealous gossips who could ruin her reputation a nd her l ivel i hoo d. A s she pursues her dream of an independent life, she is startled one day when she is confronted by her husband, who has tracked her down these many years later with a high-spirited you ng g i rl i n tow—a sister Lakshmi never knew she had. Suddenly the caution that she
From the author of t he Nat ion a l B o ok Aw a r dwinning The Good Lord Bird and the bestselling modern classic The Color of Water, comes one of the most celebrated novels of the year. I n S e p t e m b e r 1 9 6 9, a fumbling, cranky old church deacon k nown as Sportcoat shuf f les into the courtyard of the Cause Houses housing projec t i n sout h Brook ly n, pulls a .38 from his pocket, and in front of everybody shoots the project’s drug dealer at point-blank range. The reasons for this desperate burst of violence and the conseq uences that spring from it lie at the heart of Deacon King Kong, James McBride’s funny, moving novel and his first since his National B o o k Aw a r d-w i n n i n g T h e G ood L ord Bird. In Deacon King Kong, McBride brings to vivid life the people affected by the shooting: the victim, the African-American and Latinx residents who w itnessed it, the white neighbors, t he lo c a l c op s a s sig ne d to investigate, the members of the Five Ends Baptist Church where Sportcoat was deacon, t he neig h b orho o d’s It a l ia n mobsters, and Sportcoat himself. As the stor y deepens, it becomes clear that the lives of the characters--caught in the tumultuous swirl of 1960s New York--overlap in unexpected ways. When the truth does emerge, McBride shows us that not all secrets are meant to be hidden, that the best way to grow is to face change without fear, and that the seeds of love lie in hope and compassion. Br ing ing to these pages both his masterly storytelling skills and his abiding faith in humanity, James McBride has written a novel every bit as involving as The Good Lord Bird and as emotionally honest as The Color of Water. Told with insight and wit, Deacon King Kongdemonstrates that love and faith live in all of us.
Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family by Robert Kolker
The he a r t rend i ng stor y of a m idcent u r y A mer ic a n family with twelve children, six of them diagnosed with schizophrenia, that became science’s g reat hope in the quest to understand the disease. Don and Mimi Galvin seemed to be living the American dream. After World War II, Don’s work with the A i r Force broug ht t hem to Colorado, where their twelve children perfectly spanned
t he b a by b o om : t he olde st bor n in 194 5, the youngest in 1965. In those years, there w a s a n e s t a b l i s h e d s c r ip t for a family like the Galvins-aspiration, hard work, upwa rd mobi lit y, domestic harmony--and they worked hard to play their parts. But behind the scenes was a different story: psychological breakdown, sudden shocking v iolence, hidden abuse. By t h e m i d -1 9 7 0 s , s i x o f t h e ten G a lv i n b oys , one a f ter another, were diagnosed as schizophrenic. How could all th is happen to one fa m ily? W h at to ok plac e i n side the house on Hidden Valley Road was so extraordinar y that the Galvins became one of the f irst fa m i lies to be stud ied by the Nationa l Institute of Menta l Hea lth. Their story offers a shadow histor y of the science of schizophrenia, from the era of institutionalization, lobotomy, and the schizoph renogenic mother to the search for genetic markers for the disease, always amid profound disagreements about the nature of the illness itself. And unbeknownst to the Galvins, samples of their DNA informed decades of genetic research that continues today, offering paths to treatment, prediction, and even eradication of the disease for future generations. With clarity and compassion, bestselling and award-winning author Robert Kolker uncovers one fa m i ly ’s u n forget t a ble legacy of suffering, love, and hope.
American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins
También de este lado hay sueños. On this side, too, there are dreams. Lyd ia Q u i x a no Pérez lives in the Mex ican cit y of Acapulco. She runs a b o ok s tor e . Sh e h a s a s on , Luca, the love of her life, and a wonderful husband who is a journalist. And while there are cracks beginning to show in Acapulco because of the drug cartels, her life is, by and large, fairly comfortable. Even thoug h she k nows they’ll never sell, Lydia stocks some of her all-time favorite books in her store. And then one day a man enters the shop to browse and comes up to the register with a few books he would like to buy―two of them her favorites. Javier is erudite. He is charming. And, unbeknownst to Lydia, he is the jefe of the newest drug car tel that has g r uesomely t a ken over t he c it y. W hen Ly d i a ’s h u s b a n d ’s t e l l - a l l profile of Javier is published, none of their lives will ever be the same. Forced to f lee, Lydia and eight-year-old Luca soon find themselves miles and worlds away from their comfortable middle-class existence. I nsta ntly tra nsfor med into m i g r a nt s , Lyd i a a n d L u c a ride la bestia―trains that make their way north toward the United States, which is the only place Javier’s reach doesn’t extend. As they join the countless people trying to reach el norte, Lydia soon sees that everyone is running from something. But what exactly are they running to? American Dirt will leave readers utterly changed. It is a literary achievement f illed with poignancy, drama, and humanity on ever y page. It is one of the most important books for our times. Already being hailed as "a Grapes of Wrath for our times" and "a new American classic," Jeanine Cummins's American Dirt is a rare exploration into t he i n ner he a r ts of p e ople willing to sacrifice everything for a glimmer of hope.
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Happy 4 of July! th
The Old Greenwich Team 203.637.1300 | 278 So und Be a ch Av en u e | O ld G reen wich , C T 0 6 8 7 0 • 6 6 Field P o i nt Ro a d | Gre e nw i ch, C T 0 6 8 3 0 Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. ©2020 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.