The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.
June 11, 2021
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GHS Team Heads to Nationals
The Local News You Need to Know
A painted cow created by children enjoying the BGCG Spring Arts Day.
Special Issue On June 25th, the Greenwich Sentinel will be celebrating graduations with a town-wide issue being delivered to every home in town which is sponsored by the Greenwich Athletic Foundation (GAF).
Spring Arts Day 2021
COVID/GPS Update According to the school district's online tracker, as of Tuesday, 0 new coronavirus cases had been reported. There are two active cases in the district, and both are students from North Mianus School. Boys and Girls Club Gives Back This past week, members of the Boys and Girls Club Torch Club came together to gift and deliver lifesized Connect Four games to residents at Parsonage Cottage. With money raised from the club's “Tasty Tuesdays” fundraiser, the Torch Club was able to vote on local projects to support, including Parsonage Cottage donations such as the Connect Four games, as well as the sponsorship of a golf hole at Parsonage Cottage’s upcoming mini golf fundraiser. The Torch Club will also be donating 20 puzzles to Nathaniel Witherell, and a Connect Four to The Mews. Coastal Resiliency Assessment Plan Public Meeting to be Held The Greenwich Conservation Commission will be presenting an 18-month long study regarding sea level rise and its impacts on Greenwich during two public meetings. The second meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 16 at 7:00 p.m. virtually on Zoom. The virtual meetings can be accessed at aspx?AID=1121&source=homepagebanner
By Claire Moore
Big Red had a full season and now will head to the national stage. This Greenwich team’s "selflessness, grit, and determination" will be tested when they travel to the Swope Soccer Village in Kansas City for the 2021 High School Boys’ Rugby Nationals. See page 15 for the full story.
POLO is Back with More Matches
Old Greenwich Construction Update The Department of Public Works has announced that they will be rehabilitating part of the Old Greenwich Common Force Main. Starting in midJune, the area of the Riverside train station parking lot entrance to Summit Ave will be under construction. Sewer construction is anticipated to last until
Please turn to page 11
Water Main Break Aquarion announced that as of 3:15 p.m., water service in the area of Station Drive was restored on June 8. The water main break was originally reported that morning. A contributing factor was the increased demand over the past week.
Last Sunday, the Greenwich Polo Club launched its 2021 season in high-octane fashion as thousands of spectators convened at this famous bucolic sports facility to watch the kickoff of this year’s inaugural East Coast Bronze Cup high-goal tournament, making for an atmosphere of great excitement, energy and optimism. See page 3 for photos and page 15 for the full story.
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JULY 8, 9,10,11
Mosaics & Seasons
#GreenwichSidewalkSales #GSS2021
Calls to Action
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com ANNOUNCEMENTS Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com SPORTS ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-485-0226 STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ JIM KNOX LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836 PLEASE NOTE Free copies of this newspaper are sent through the U.S. mail to rotating areas of town. These contain an envelope for subscriptions. The Greenwich Sentinel telephone number listed on those envelopes is incorrect. The correct number is 203-485-0226.
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT Most p e ople’s l ive s and careers are more like mo s a ic s t h a n st ra ig ht lines. All those “wasted or wandering” periods we worry about are actually part of life’s beauty. Over t h e ye a r s , t h e s to r i e s we share from our most ch a l l e n g i n g s e a- s on s allow us to connect deeply with each other. There is no single path in our lives that we must “find.” H o w e v e r, h e a l t h y meandering is not passive. It requires actively paying attention to and accepting wher e we a r e i n t he moment in order to move forward with confidence. R at he r t h a n t r y i n g to engineer our perfect pathway and out- come, we can learn to expect twists and turns, surprises, and
closed doors, as well as new opportunities as they arise. Alex thought everything had to be done in one season, especially during her 20’s and 30’s. Learning to t r u st th at the piec es would cohere when she looked back on her life was hard for her. Now that she is 60, she is surprised by the variety of things she has done. At age 21, her circuitous path would have made no sense. It does in hindsight. Yours will, too. G re e nwi c h re s i d e n t , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
SUBMIT A CALL TO ACTION at for print next week. Help your newly adventurous kindergartener or first grader stay safe by Reg istering for Safety Town! This is an excellent comprehensive one-week education program offered every summer by ou r Re d Cross Chapter. It teaches awareness and accident pr event ion sk i l ls to ch i ld r en entering k indergarten or f irst grade. Graduates receive a Safety Town diploma and valuable skills. Space is still available for NEXT WEEK - the Week of June 14th for sessions at 10 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. If you do not have children this age, encourage those families you know! To register visit Give to Fill the Build! As Neighbor to Neighbor prepares to open the new food pantry this fall, they invite everyone in Greenwich to contribute to help stock & furnish the interior space. Visit filthbui/ to contribute. PLAY GOLF! Breast Cancer Alliance (BCA) hosts their 9th annual Golf Outing on September 14th with the goal of funding innovative, early-stage research in the f ield of breast cancer. The Golf Club of Purchase,
10 Country Club Drive, Purchase, NY; Foursomes are $4,000, which includes lunch, on course food and beverage, cocktails, and dinner for 4. Cocktails and Dinner Only: $250. Become a member of The Cos Cob Library: Go to GreenwichLibrary. org to join or follow th is lin k : https://friendscoscoblibrary.wufoo. com /for ms/z1q5r 0m n0lvc v 0h / Membership for families begins at $20. Sing: The Greenw ich Choral S o c ie t y i s hold i n g r e he a r s a l s open to all community members, free of charge from May to July, rehearsals will alternate between Zoom and in-person. Receive the full schedule by contacting admin@ Upcycle your Brown Bags and or Reusable shopping bags for food distribution to Community Centers Inc of Greenwich. Contact Vanessa Cardinal at (203) 869-1276 or vanessa.cardinal@ccigreenwich. org online. BUY TICKETS OR DONATE The Thirty-Fourth Bruce Museum Gala on Sat., June 12, 2021 at 6 PM on a Private Estate, honoring Susan E. Lynch. Please contact Melissa Levin, Special Events Manager, mlevin@, or (203) 413-6761.
The Developing A rtist Program hosted the Spring Arts Day at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich on Friday, June 4 from 4 - 5:30 p.m. Michael Manning and Ben Quesnel, local artists and educators, along with the association’s founders, held the session to empower children to express their creativity through a variety of mediums. Arts Day participants cong regated in an emptied p a rk i n g g a r a g e , w h i c h w a s transformed into a colorful space filled with art. Friday’s activities consisted of collaboration between professional studio artists Jacob Rhodes, Kris Racaniello, Antony Zito, and Leslie Cober-Gentry and young students to design creative pieces. One large group of children gathered around a ceramic cow and covered the structure with vibrant paint and draw ings while another created a solar system model with Styrofoam balls and wooden sticks. There was also a lively mask-making station in addition to a cardboard box which served as a mural medium. Ms. CoberGentry discussed her involvement in the day’s festivities as well as the importance of art as a vehicle for self-expression. “I created two murals on tarps for the kids to paint. I drew hearts and the kids painted faces and all kinds of other things around them while I was teaching them about mural painting and drawing. Art gives young people an opportunity to have a certain kind of freedom to be who they are when they’re creating and to really express themselves and be themselves when working, so it’s really important for kids to be creative.” The use of non-traditional materials during Spring Arts Day allowed students to explore installations, murals, photography, and video art with c omplete c r e at ive f r e e dom . This practice aligns with the Developing Artists Program's mission of promoting an interdisciplinary approach to art that draws connections between a c a de m ic cl a s s e s , p e r s on a l interests, and art history. Mr. Quesnel's goal for the session was to create a diverse variety of stations with very different types of art that students would not typically be exposed to in a classroom. He hopes to expand the program further to give more artists the chance to work with aspiring artists and see those children find mentors in these professionals. “We founded the program to introduce students to living contemporary artists that would give them an understanding of what it is to be an artist today and how artists use a variety of materials and mediums to create. We bring contemporary artists into different programs throughout Greenwich, whether they’re performance artists, video artists, or makeup artists to bring out the creativity in students. I really like to see how artists interact with students but also how students interact with artists. They get very excited to learn that they’re working with artists who have been in museums and galleries and it’s just interesting to see that dynamic.” Early exposure to art has numerous benef its for young children as the Spring Arts Day featured artists discussed. Not only does art broaden a child’s
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Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
(1) Palm Beach Equine flies down the famous Greenwich Polo Club field alongside Level Select CBD in hunt of the ball. (2) The Palm Beach Equine team at the awards ceremony after winning their first-round match against Level Select CBD, 11-7, in the East Coast Bronze Cup tournament last Sunday. Pictured left to right are Juan Redlich, Constancio 'Costi' Caset (MVP of the match), Gringo Colombres and Scott Swerdlin. (3) Coquito, the stunning gelding ridden by Gringo Colombres of Palm Beach Equine for more than five years now, being honored with the Best Playing Pony citation at last Sunday's match. (4) The iconic Greenwich Polo Club scoreboard is back in play. Below: Images of the day. All photos by John Ferris Robben.
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Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Glenville Glenville North Mianus South of Post Road Old Greenwich Cos Cob Cos Cob South of Post Road Old Greenwich South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich South of Post Road Cos Cob South Parkway North Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway North Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway Riverside Old Greenwich Old Greenwich South Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich South Parkway South of Post Road
Get Your Credit Ready By Cheryl MacCluskey Credit is ever y where. Credit scores have become part of our lives. Like it or not they seem to be here to stay. We need to care about and protect them. We cannot seem to move w it hout some one wa nting to pu ll ou r credit report. Since credit is defined by how you have paid (OR NOT PAID) your bills in the past, many businesses, landlords, mortgage lenders, utility providers, and even employers use you r cred it to pred ic t future financial responsibility. Anytime you need t o b o r r o w m o n e y, e v e n services, your credit is called i nto q ue st ion. Therefore , maintaining a healthy credit score is so important for any f uture number of reasons, especially buying a new home. How much will you pay: The question all mor tgage lenders ask “is t h is cl ient credit worthy, will this person default on their Mortgage? If you are not credit worthy a mortgage lender will consider it risky to give you a mortgage loan. Your credit can be the d i f ferent iat i ng fac tor t hat deter m ines whether you get approved for a mortgage because most bor rowers wou ld b e he sit a nt to lend money to those with low credit scores. Most banks require at least a 680 to get approved for a mortgage, FHA and CHFA will go down as low as 640. To be on the safe side, a credit
score of above 720 will make you appear more creditworthy. SIX TIPS TO HELP IMPROVE YOUR CREDIT 1. If you are already in debt, increasing your credit limit might seem like a bad idea, but you can do the opposite and it would be a smart move. When it come to your credit score, a good rule of thumb is to keep you r ba la nces below 30% of your total credit available. If you only have one credit card that is almost maxed out, opening another credit card with a higher limit and transferring 50% of the balance to the new card will bring down your total balance on the maxed card. 2. Pay bills on time: This is the easiest way to maintain good credit, but you would be surprised at how many people fail to pay their bills on time. One m issed pay ment on a mortgage could cost you 80 to 100 points for just one 30 day late payment. 3. Paying in full is another way to improve your score. Clearing your debt is a great way to boost your score without having to deal with annoying interest payments. 4. Use your Credit Card more frequently: If you have no credit, you have bad credit. Build your credit history by getting a credit card with a small limit. Then, make small purchases and pay them off right away. This will show lenders you can take on and pay back debts easily. 5 . M a ke a n A g r e e me nt with Collectors: if any of your bills have gone to collections, t he da mage u n for t u nately has already been done. This does not mean you are destined to have bad credit.
REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
As you pay your bills, send a note to a collection agency or the company that sent it to collections and see if you can get them to remove the not at ion f rom you r c r e d it report or have it marked as paid as agreed. 6. Find and Dispute Errors: There are times that your bad credit rating is a result of a banking error, or the credit c a r d c o m p a n y 's m i s t a k e . Having a late payment can resu lt in you r score going down by 80-100 points. If your score is a mistake of either the bank or credit card company, notify them in a letter detailing the mistake and asking them to correct it. Notify the Credit Bureaus and open a dispute. Once a dispute is claimed it can take up to a month to resolve. Su m ma r y : You r cre d it report and scores can affect your ability to get a loan, rent an apartment, or even qualify for a job. A cre d it rep or t s h ow s yo u r b i l l p a y m e n t h istor y, cu r rent debt, a nd other f inancial information. Companies and lenders use your credit report to calculate your credit score, a number u s u a l l y b e t we e n 3 3 0 a n d 850. If you have many late payments or collections it might be w ise to put of f applying for a mortgage until you have had time to clean up late payments and collections. Ta ke t he t i me to get you r report healthy and then apply for a mor tgage. It w ill be worth the trouble in the end with lower interest rates.
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address
1535 E Putnam Avenue #107 500 River Road #3 1 Sweet Briar Lane 42 Ritch Avenue 51 Forest Avenue #50 15 Heusted Drive 1 Palmer Lane 29 Bayside Terrace 29 Bayside Terrace 14 Buckingham Lane 8 Hillcrest Lane 6 Susan Lane 10 Sweet Briar Lane 8 Tomac Avenue 40 W Elm Street #6D 17 Marks Road 21 Hedgerow Lane 10 Frost Road 191 Milbank Avenue #P 19 Stoney Wylde Lane 107 Maple Avenue 107 Maple Avenue 252 Milbank Avenue 18 Lower Cross Road 18 Lower Cross Road 2 Lighthouse Lane 2 Lighthouse Lane 78 Pecksland Road
Old Greenwich Cos Cob Cos Cob Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Riverside Riverside Riverside Greenwich Old Greenwich Riverside Cos Cob Old Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich
$299,500 $839,000 $895,000 $1,125,000 $1,299,000 $1,595,000 $1,599,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,975,000 $1,995,000 $2,100,000 $2,695,000 $2,750,000 $2,970,000 $3,200,000 $3,695,000 $3,950,000 $3,995,000 $4,795,000 $4,795,000 $5,000,000 $6,495,000 $6,495,000 $8,500,000 $8,500,000 $8,900,000
Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 10-12 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sat 12-2 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sat 12-3 PM Sun 12-4 PM Sun 2:30-4:30 PM
Coldwell Banker Realty Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis Sotheby's Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Original List List Price Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt
102 Valley Road 19 50 Church Street 9 192 Hobart Avenue 40 Ettl Lane 5 1 Anderson Road 47 Sheephill Road 7a Fletcher Avenue 16 Hawthorne Street D 3 Chasmar Road 45 Hillcrest Park Road 81 Bible Street A 4 Orchard Street 10 Crescent Road 30 Spruce Street 11 Ben Court 65 Summit Road 50 Lockwood Road 11 Indian Head Road 223 Milbank Avenue B 6 Sheldrake Road 1 Cedar Hill 1 Keofferam Road 9 Tinker Lane 125 Field Point Road B1 82 Round Hill Road 610 Lake Avenue 11 Hurlingham Drive 14 Baldwin Farms South 504 North Street 315 Stanwich Road 31 Dublin Hill Drive 96 Conyers Farm Drive
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Price/ Address List Price SqFt AC BR FB SqFt 33 Ettl Lane $675,000 0.2 3 2 5 Douglas Drive $795,000 $470 1,692 0.33 2 2 One Sweet Briar Lane $895,000 $456 1,963 0.4 4 1 5 Glen Street 105 $925,000 $357 2,592 0 3 3 316 Sound Beach Avenue $1,475,000 $722 2,042 0.14 3 3 62 Valleywood Road $1,495,000 $700 2,136 0.26 3 2 15 Suburban Avenue $1,499,000 $411 3,643 0.18 6 3 636 Steamboat Road 1D $1,595,000 4 3 7 Ferris Drive $1,795,000 $623 2,879 0.24 5 3 293 Riversville Road $1,895,000 $461 4,110 2.51 5 3 459 Stanwich Road $1,899,000 9.15 5 3 7 Wyngate Road $1,995,000 $547 3,644 1 4 3 10 Lincoln Avenue $2,095,000 $587 3,569 0.19 4 2 130 Woodside Drive $2,095,000 $811 2,582 0.38 4 3 10 Sweet Briar Lane $2,100,000 $636 3,302 0.26 5 4 2 Old Church Road 1 $2,195,000 $891 2,463 0 4 3 7 Stallion Trail $2,198,000 $386 5,695 2.02 4 5 44 Benjamin Street $2,295,000 $804 2,853 0.42 4 3 8 Rustic View Road $2,295,000 $390 5,880 1.1 5 4 646 Riversville Road $2,400,000 $464 5,176 5 5 4 37 Deepwoods Lane $2,495,000 $553 4,511 0.34 4 3 145 Shore Road $2,495,000 $647 3,859 0.28 5 3 2 Old Farm Lane $3,195,000 $570 5,601 1 5 4 21 Hedgerow Lane $3,200,000 $627 5,106 2 5 5 13 Chieftans Road $3,495,000 $390 8,960 0.92 4 5 1 Brookside Park $3,995,000 $788 5,071 1.23 5 6 425 Stanwich Road $4,250,000 $661 6,433 2.01 5 5 633 Round Hill Road $4,495,000 $610 7,366 2.09 5 6 74 Cedar Cliff Road $4,699,000 $869 5,405 0.69 4 5 16 Benjamin Street $4,795,000 $661 7,253 0.37 6 6 47 Shore Road $4,995,000 $874 5,712 0.44 8 6 16 Stillman Lane $5,395,000 $725 7,437 1.18 6 7 9 Hobart Drive $5,700,000 $1,002 5,689 1.1 6 6 17 Nawthorne Road $7,495,000 $2,393 3,132 1.06 4 2 200 Shore Road $8,700,000 $1,543 5,638 0.5 5 4 25 Edgewood Drive $12,950,000 $855 15,150 3.7 11 13 25 Field Point Drive $13,950,000 $976 14,300 1.37 7 8
$541,900 $825,000 $795,000 $850,000 $1,195,000 $1,250,000 $1,100,000 $1,220,000 $1,435,000 $1,295,000 $1,495,000 $2,095,000 $1,395,000 $1,800,000 $1,695,000 $1,895,000 $1,975,000 $2,150,000 $2,100,000 $2,050,000 $3,100,000 $3,050,000 $3,450,000 $3,350,000 $3,995,000 $3,999,999 $5,997,000 $6,800,000 $6,495,000 $6,250,000 $6,850,000 $8,990,000
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1,000 1,571 2,112 2,050 3,032 3,437 2,250 2,711 2,375 2,998 3,000 2,006 2,618 2,055 2,348 2,663 2,898 3,132 2,364 3,031 6,158 3,943 6,789 2,334 5,862 6,789 12,684 9,072 16,758 9,003 7,240 13,661
Cher yl MacCluskey is the Senior Mortgage Consultant at Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC .cher yl .macclu skey@
A New Level Of Commitment And Honesty In Real Estate. Gloria Falcon 203.559.1604 Cesar Rabellino 203.249.9866 Greenwich | 136 East Putnam Avenue | ©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
Local Planning: Calendar of Events
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Here, everyone’s family.
1323 King Street Greenwich Located the Griff Golf Course on the Cob patio. 31 E. at Putnam Avenue, Cos 203.992.1333
BYRAM CLEAN UP DAY: Saturday, June 12 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Byram Community Clean Up Day. Look for the green booth at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, 286 Delavan Ave. Volunteers needed, please contact Wendy Figueroa: LIBRARIES: Saturday, June 12 11 a.m. Virtual – Mario the Magician Summer Reading Kickoff. 203622-7940. 1 p.m. Virtual – Cloak and Dagger Book Club: “The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville.” 203622-6883. Monday, June 14 10 a.m. Summer Storytime in the Courtyard at Greenwich Library. 203-622-7940. Tuesday, June 15 4 p.m. Virtual – Laser Engraved Ceramic Mugs. 203-622-7979. 4 p.m. Virtual – Cooking Demo for Dad with Lucia. 203-531-0426. 5 p.m. Virtual – International Book Club: “The Memory Police” by Yoko Ogawa. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. Virtual – Foreign Affairs Book Discussion Group: “The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder” by Sean McFate. Wednesday, June 16 10 a.m. Summer Storytime in the Courtyard at Greenwich Library. 203-622-7940. 12 p.m. SCORE Webinar: How to Use a Blog/Newsletter/Social Media to Get Clients. 203-622-7924. 1 p.m. Virtual – Get Started with Investing I: How to Assess Value. 3 p.m. Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft (ages 2 1/2 and up). 203-6226883. Thursday, June 17 9 a.m. Virtual – Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga (Ages 2-6). 203- 6227940. 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong: mindful movement and breathing. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org 2 p.m. Virtual – MoMA Talk & Tour - Alexander Calder: Modern From the Start. 203-832-9503. mmartin@greenwichlibrary. org 5 p.m. Virtual – Tai Chi with Ken Dolan. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. Virtual – Fathers in Art History with Beth S. Gersh-Nesic Ph.D. 203-531-0426. Friday, June 18 10 a.m. Outdoor Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ 10 a.m. Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203-6227924. 2 p.m. Virtual – Get Going with Google Maps. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org 3:45 p.m. Virtual – World Music with Anitra. 203-622-6883. 7 p.m. Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: “Miss Juneteenth” and Guest Speaker Millie Burns. 203-6227919. dsalm@greenwichlibrary. org Saturday, June 19 10:30 a.m. Outdoor Sing Along with Tom Weber in the Courtyard. 203622-7920. 10:30 a.m. Virtual – “Reading Colors Your World” Craft and Stories. 203531-0426.
HOSPITAL: 888-305-9253 Saturday, June 12 9 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/ Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. Tuesday, June 15 1:30 p.m. Webinar: Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. Wednesday, June 16 11 a.m. Webinar: “Heart Disease and Diabetes: Self-Management.” Thursday, June 17 12 p.m. Webinar: Lyme Disease. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pullups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Monday, June 14 7 p.m. “Better Together” Panel Discussion with Greenwich Community Organizations. Online. Free. Questions and comments welcome. utc-iqyd-pny PERROT LIBRARY: Monday, June 14 7 p.m. Virtual Book Discussion on “The Four Winds,” by Kristin Hannah, led by Greenwich Pen Women member Diane Morello. Via Zoom. Free. Register. THE UNDIES PROJECT: Friday, June 11 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. ‘Sip and Celebrate Summer’ – shop at J.McLaughlin Greenwich and 15% of sales will be donated to The Undies Project. Visit the store, 55 E. Putnam Ave, call 203-8629777, or email stctgreenwich@ to order PATHWAYS: lobster/ticketing Friday, June 11 3 - 5 p.m. Lobsterfest Dinner Party-ToGo. Your dinner will be packaged in a tote bag and available for pickup between 3-5pm at Pathway’s New Club, 8 Sinawoy Road, Cos Cob. Order by 5pm on Friday, June 4. UNDIE SUNDAY: Saturday, June 12 - Sunday, June 13 The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes ‘Undie Sunday’ - donate new underwear for men, women and children in need. All sizes & ages. Lobbies of St. Catherine’s (4 Riverside Ave) and/or St. Agnes (247 Stanwich Rd). COMMUNITY GARDENS: Saturday, June 12 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Bible Street Garden Scrub and Grub Workday. Bible Street Community Garden, 129 Bible St, Cos Cob. ST. PAUL TAG SALE: Saturday, June 12 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. St. Paul Lutheran Church Tag Sale – more than 40 tables of yard sale items. Front circle of the Church, 286 Delavan Ave, Byram. TENT WEEKEND: Friday, June 11 6 p.m. Ice Cream Social & Music under the tent. Second Congregational Church of Greenwich, 139 East Putnam Ave. Free, registration encouraged. 203869-9311. DOGWOOD BOOKSTORE: Saturday, June 12 10 a.m. Author Joe Belisle talks and sign his acclaimed book: “What If Wilhelmina!” Dogwood Bookstore, 254 E. Putnam Ave. 203-869-9030. FREE MUSIC FRIDAYS:
Friday, June 11 12:30 p.m. “Free Music Fridays” on Greenwich Avenue: Billy G. and the Boys. Across the street from the Senior Center. PARSONAGE COTTAGE: Sunday, June 13 11 a.m. The 2nd Annual “Tee Party” mini-golf tournament. Parsonage Cottage Senior Residence, 88 Parsonage Rd. Registration is open. 203-869-6226. AUDUBON CENTER: Saturday, June 12 6 a.m. Summer Bird Count. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. ryan.maclean@ BRUCE MUSEUM: Saturday, June 12 6 p.m. Green Gala – Honoring Susan E. Lynch. In person - outdoors, and live-streamed. 203-4136761. mlevin@brucemuseum. org Saturday, June 12 & Sunday, June 13 1 p.m. Art Adventures: New Bruce Community Mural. In-person, drop-in program for children ages 4 & up. Free, members & visitors with paid admission. Tuesday, June 15 9 a.m. Digital Bruce Beginnings – Juneteenth. Online. Wednesday, June 16 7 p.m. Bruce Presents: Forgotten Uses of American Flora with Justin Fornal. Via Zoom. Register. ST. LAWRENCE SOCIETY Friday, June 11 7 p.m. Comedy Night: Uncle Louie’s Variety Show. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. 203-6189036. CT CERAMICS STUDY CIRCLE Sunday, June 13 2 p.m. Lecture: “Life in the Studio ” with Frances Palmer. Via Zoom. Free. Register. BOTANICAL CENTER: greenwichbotanicalcenter. org Thursday, June 17 10 a.m. A Walk on Invasive Plants. Montgomery Pinetum, 130 Bible St. Wear appropriate footwear/clothing for trail walking. $10. Pre-registration required. (GLT Members call 203-869-9242 to register with discount). Friday, June 18 5 p.m. Rockin the Garden – Neal Spitzer on saxophone, Central
Middle School (CMS) performers and That’s What She Sang. GBC, 130 Bible St. (Concert benefits CMS & GBC). Rain date: Friday, June 25. $10-$30. YWCA GREENWICH: Tuesday, June 15 1 p.m. Become a Dementia Friend. Via Zoom. Free. Register. Thursday, June 17 11 a.m. Golf Tournament Fundraiser. The Stanwich Club, 888 North St. Register. ywcagreenwich. org/golf CONSERVATION COMMISSION: Conservation Wednesday, June 16 7 p.m. Coastal Resiliency Assessment Plan Public Meeting: Future Conditions Inundation mapping in Greenwich, Greenwich Assets and Critical Facilities, Actions - Q&A. Via Zoom. RETIRED MEN’S ASSOC.: future-speakers-3 Wednesday, June 16 11 a.m. Webinar: John Hibbing, Ph.D., Foundation Regent University Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln on his book “The Securitarian Personality: What Really Motivates Trump’s Base and Why It Matters for the Post-Trump Era.” Via Zoom. Free. Open to all. GREENWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY: greenwichhistory. org Wednesday, June 16 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tavern Markets – featuring all things “Home” – from food and flowers to specially curated items. Rain (in the Barn) or shine (in the Tavern Garden), 47 Strickland Rd. Alternating Wednesdays, through November. MARKET & FAMILY FESTIVAL: events Saturday, June 19 10 a.m. Old Greenwich Market & Family Festival. Binney Park, Entrance at Sound Beach Avenue & Weeskum Wood. $10/person; kids 1 and under, free. 917-4349960. BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE: breastcanceralliance. org/events Friday, June 18 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sip & Shop – Angela’s & JL Rocks 15% of sales benefiting BCA. 11 Magnolia Dr, Purchase, NY. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF GREENWICH: afgreenwich. org Wednesday, June 16 5 p.m. ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ - join in for lively discussions on French films. Open to all. Donation. RSVP for a Zoom link.
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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
Local Planning: Calendar of Events UJA-JCC GREENWICH: Sunday, June 13 9:30 a.m. Newcomers Walk. Tod’s Point, 11 Tod’s Driftway. Free. Register. Monday, June 14 7:30 p.m. Explore Israel in 2022 informational meeting. Via Zoom. Free. Register. Friday, June 18 10 a.m. Dignity Stroll - benefit for Dignity Grows. Cos Cob Park, Sound Shore Dr. Free. Register. Rain date: June 25. (To be part of the event you must sponsor a Dignity Pack). McARDLE’S: georgia-peach-truck Tuesday, June 22 9 - 10:30 a.m. Georgia Peach Truck. McArdle’s Florist & Garden Center, 48 Arch St. $48 per case Peaches, $64 per case Organic Peaches, $18 per pound Pecans. GREENWICH ART SOCIETY: June 28 – July 2 4:30 p.m. Kid’s Summer Art Camp: Kathie Milligan - Section 1, 10:30am-12pm, Ages 6-8; Section 2, 12:30-3:30pm, Ages 9-12. Register. GREENWICH ROTARY CLUB: Wednesday, June 16 12:15 p.m. Weekly Wednesday lunch meeting. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. The bell will ring at 12:15pm. Jackets for men are required. $30. GREENWICH GOLF TOURNAMENTS: Saturday, June 26 & Sunday, June 27 1 p.m. Men’s Town Golf Tournament. Griffith E. Harris Golf Course. 203-531-8253. Monday, June 28 10:30 a.m. Ladie’s Town Golf Tournament. Griffith E. Harris Golf Course. 203-531-8253. TAI CHI: experiencetaichi. org Tuesday, June 15, 4 p.m., First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Wednesday, June 16, 8:30 a.m. Binney Park. Registration is required. Tuition is paid as a donation made directly by the participant to abilis, Neighbor to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church. OLD GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: Wednesdays 2:30 - 6 p.m. Opening Day. 38 West End Ave, Old Greenwich. Held rain or shine. (No dogs allowed).
FARMER’S MARKET: Saturdays, through Nov. 19 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Opening Day (Order from Sunday to Wednesday for Saturday pick-up). Arch Street & Horseneck Lane Commuter Parking Lot. (Parking is free during market hours). (No dogs allowed). 203-380-0580. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: Ongoing Spring Scavenger Hunt @ Greenwich Point - Looking for something fun to do? Come out and explore the Point in springtime with a family friendly scavenger hunt. Break out your binoculars and explore all areas of the Point! OGRCC: Registration is open for the following Summer programs: Through June 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Dance – Ballet & Hip Hop (ages 2-13). Eastern Civic Center Upper Lounge. travelsoccer@ NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: Wednesday, June 16 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact admin@namict. org for the meeting password. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: Saturday, June 12 8 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 800 Long Ridge Road, Stamford. Wednesday, June 16 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Stamford Church of Christ, 1264 High Ridge Road, Stamford. Friday, June 18 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 200 Riverside Ave, Riverside. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. United Church of Rowayton, 210 Rowayton Ave, Norwalk. TOWN AGENCIES MEETINGS: Monday, June 14 10:30 a.m. Architectural Review Sign Meeting. Town Hall - Cone Room. 6:30 p.m. BET Regular Meeting. 8 p.m. Representative Town Meeting. Via Zoom. Tuesday, June 15 7 p.m. Board of Human Services Meeting. Wednesday, June 16
9 a.m. P&Z POCD Greenscape Implementation Task Force Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Architectural Review Committee Meeting. Town Hall - Cone Room. 7 p.m. Coastal Resiliency Assessment Plan public meeting. Via Zoom. Monday, June 21 1 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. FS Energy Management Advisory Committee Meeting. Second Congregational Church - Fletcher Room. 5 p.m. Nathaniel Witherell Board of Directors Meeting. Tuesday, June 22 5 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Via Zoom. Wednesday, June 23 9:30 a.m. P&Z POCD Greenscape Implementation Task Force Meeting. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. BET Audit Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 10 a.m. Dorothy Hamill Rink User Committee for Design and Planning Meeting. Via Zoom. Thursday, June 24 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Virtual Web Meeting. Via Zoom. 1 p.m. Public Tree Hearing Notice - 32 Willow Rd. Via Zoom. UPCOMING EVENTS: Saturday, June 12 6 p.m. The 34th Bruce Museum Green Gala – honoring Susan E. Lynch. In person – outdoors (Private Estate in Greenwich), and live-streamed. 203-4136761. mlevin@brucemuseum. org. Thursday, June 17 11 a.m. YWCA Greenwich Golf Tournament Fundraiser. The Stanwich Club, 888 North St. Register. golf Saturday, June 19 6 p.m. Caramoor Opening Night Gala. Caramoor, 149 Girdle Ridge Rd, Katonah, NY. 914-232-1492. Thursday, June 24 1 p.m. YMCA of Greenwich Golf Tournament Fundraiser. The Stanwich Club, 888 North St. Register. 203-869-1630. egrant@ greenwichymca. org/annual-ymca-golf-outing Tuesday, Sept. 14 1 p.m.
Breast Cancer Alliance Ninth Annual Golf Outing. The Golf Club of Purchase, 10 Country Club Dr, Purchase, NY. Saturday, Sept. 18 ‘Roaring Twenties’ Family Centers 2021 Benefit. Private home in Greenwich. familycenters. org/product/Roaring-Twenties Saturday, Sept. 25 YMCA of Greenwich Annual Gala. Burning Tree Country Club, 120 Perkins Rd. 203-8691630. Our Neighboring Towns BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: Tuesday, June 15 7 p.m.
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Let’s Talk: Mental Health During the Transition from High School w/ the JED Foundation. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. Register. Thursday, June 17 7 p.m. Flamer – Bedford Playhouse Book Club. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. MARITIME AQUARIUM: Friday, June 11 3 p.m. Virtual Program: All About Seals. 6:30 p.m. TGIF Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, 4 North Water St, Norwalk.
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Saturday, June 12 1:15 p.m. Marine Life Encounter Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, next to Parking Lot at 4 North Water St. $32.50 ($27.50 for Aquarium members). 7 p.m. Sunset Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, next to Parking Lot at 4 North Water St. BEDFORD RIDING LANES: Sunday, June 13 9 a.m. Second Sundays Series: Sunday RunDay - 4-mile BRLA trail run + group stretch. Location will be announced to registrants. Members, $10; non-members, $20. Register. CONNECTICUT’S BEARDSLEY ZOO: June 16 7 p.m. Lecture Series: ‘Return of the Sea Otters’, w ith natural history author Todd McLeish. Free, $10 donation suggested. LOCKWOOD-MATHEWS MANSION MUSEUM: Through Saturday, June 26 Call for Artists for the juried exhibition “Envisioning Space: Architecture Through the Ages.” Deadline: 12am, June 26. $25, first submission. 203838-9799.
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Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt
Editorial Page
EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Celebrating Our Greenwich Sentinels We are throwing a party and you are invited! On the first of July we are going to have a party and honor two Greenwich residents as our “Sentinel” of the year. We will be honoring Pam Pagnani who was named our Sentinel in 2020. Unfortunately, we could not hold our event because of COVID. We will be honoring Stephanie Dunn Ashley as our Sentinel for 2021. Pam is Senior Vice President and Brokerage Manager of Sotheby’s International Realty here in town. A lawyer by training, she manages the day-to-day operations as well as providing transactional guidance to the more than 90 agents in the office. With strong ties to the community where she was raised and lives, and a passionate believer in giving, Pam currently serves on a number of local boards including the Greenwich Land Trust, Greenwich Academy Alumnae Association, Greenwich Riding and Trails Association, and the InnerCity Foundation for Education and Charity. Stephanie Dunn Ashley has worked and volunteered in the nonprofit sector in Greenwich for over 20 years. Currently, she serves as CEO of the American Red Cross Metro New York North Chapter, which encompasses Greenwich, Westchester and Rockland Counties, and the West Point Military Academy. Prior to joining the Red Cross, Stephanie served as Director of Special Events for Greenwich Hospital, where she planned and executed more than 50 galas, major fundraisers, cultivation events, and community activities, resulting in over 15 million dollars in support of the Hospital during her 13year tenure. What are the criteria to be selected to receive the Sentinel Award? The recipient must be a Greenwich resident and exemplify the mission of the paper. The person must be someone who demonstrates leadership and seeks to strengthen our community. It is often said that “strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” Our recipient must understand that. They may or may not be at the conclusion of their career. They may have much to offer our community that is yet untapped or they may have earned this accolade because of a lifetime of achievement for the betterment of Greenwich. Pam and Stephanie clearly and selflessly exemplify these characteristics, and for those reasons we have chosen them to be our “Sentinels” for 2020 and 2021 respectfully. The awards are given by The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to building a stronger local community and working to support community causes in partnership with The Greenwich Sentinel media group and our other local partners. The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation is dedicated to supporting that which we believe is vital to the Greenwich community, and what keeps Greenwich strong: our local police department, fire department, GEMS and all first responders; our local non-profits doing excellent charity work; and our local faith communities. In addition, we celebrate our local volunteers and leaders through the Sentinel Award and work with student leaders through our new Student Journalism Institute. The Foundation is also responsible for The Student Journalism Institute, free community copies of the Sentinel, scholarships and donations for special projects (like the GPD signs), the Community Calendar, dedicated space for Faith and for a focus on Children & Education, front Page Calls to Action for Non-Profits and more! When we think of a Sentinel, we often think of that person standing watch to protect our community. However, a Sentinel can take many forms. James McArdle is passionate about supporting and improving our community through his support of numerous nonprofits, and through his advocacy for our environment. He does not like to draw attention to his own actions and is reluctant to accept accolades. But we were honored to have James McArdle as our 2019 Sentinel. The Sentinel Award reception is always a wonderful way to begin the 4th of July holiday. This year will be no different. The event is not just an opportunity to celebrate Pam and Stephanie and all they do in our community. It is also an opportunity for us to come together as a community, put aside differences, and acknowledge our diversity as one of the reasons our community is so special. Keep your eye on the newspaper or our social media over the next few weeks to learn how you can purchase tickets to the Sentinel Award reception.
Touchstones – Adieu Fred Brooks By Anne W. Semmes There is a photo this reporter took of the now late Fred Brooks, Sr., art collector with his wife Jane, of extraordinary Chinese ceramic art dating back to the 7th century, that brings Fred back to mind. He’s gazing at a magical Tang Dynasty ceramic camel, surely packed up to traverse that ancient Silk Road. Fred and Jane became smitten by this Chinese art on a trip to Hong Kong nearly 30 years ago. Their astute collecting would bring some 40 works from the Tang Dynasty to the collection o f t h e B r u c e Mu s e u m . “O u r collection,” Fred had shared, “will give the Bruce a unique and special niche and make it more of a destination. They’ll have the best collection in this f ield of Chinese art.” His hope was, “this will inspire other collectors to donate. They ’ll be in good company.” “ T h e s e Ta n g D y n a s t y ceramics are very rare indeed,” had agreed Peter Sutton, former h e a d o f t h e B r u c e . “ N o w,” he added, “the Chinese are ferociously collecting these Tang Dynasty ceramics,” He told of how the ceramic camels were often found in tombs. But Brooks appeared to be holding fast to his packed-up camel. Fred a lso held fast to h is community commitments. He s e r ve d on t h e Pl a n n i n g a nd Zoning Commission for some nine years. In an interview of him nine years ago, he talked of the changes
Fred Brooks gazes at his Tang Dynasty ceramic camel packed as if headed for the Silk Road. Photo by Anne W. Semmes he’d observed from first arriving in Greenwich in 1967. “There’s a lot more traf f ic. I’m on the Planning and Zoning Commission and we have all these statistics, and the amount of cars has about doubled but the population has
not changed. It was 60,000 when I first came and now it’s 61,000.” Fred had shared his main hobbies and interests: “Politics, finance, public service,” having s e r ve d a l s o on t he b o a r d of t he Un ite d Way, on t he Pla n
Implementation Committee of the Town of Greenwich, and the Republican Town Committee. But what Fred was most proud of was his “great wife, three great children and seven wonderful granddaughters. And what gave
Do Not Discard By Cadbury FitzPatrick With the weather improving and all the humans seeming to be much happier now that many no longer wear those pieces of cloth on their faces, Logan and I are starting to get visitors again. Just recently, one of the female humans in our family came home to visit from where she lives far away in a place called Colorado. That’s when we first met Adobo. Adobo refers to himself as an “American melting pot mix.” He is part Mastiff, part German Shepherd, part Australian Cattle Dog a nd pa r t va r ious ot her things. His colors and marking are like a German Shepherd, but his ears do not stick up and his head is more like Logan’s and mine in dimensions. He is not even a year old, so he is very much still a puppy. He is a very kind looking dog and fun to be with. Logan and I call him Dobo. Dobo is a rescue dog. At first, Logan and I thought that meant he was some sort of first responder like the local GEMS ambulance operators, but Dobo explained that the humans who had been w ith him when he was born for some reason did not want to keep him, and he had been placed in a shelter for homeless animals. Fortunately, this Colorado place has what he called a “no kill” policy, and the humans there try very hard to f ind new homes for all the animals placed in the shelter.
That’s where the female human in our family found him and brought him home to live with her. Dobo is very happy in his new home, and Logan and I can tell she is very, very happy with Dobo. It’s a good story, and Logan and I hope we will have many more visits from Dobo and his human. A few days later, Logan and I were sitting in our favorite spot in our yard enjoying the sights and sounds of a beautiful spring morning and discussing the state of the world, when our conversation turned to Dobo’s recent visit and his story of being a rescue dog. I mentioned to Logan that I thought it was terribly sad that humans would abandon their pets to these homeless shelters, w h e r e s om e o f t h e m m i g ht actually be killed, just because they were unwanted. I asked him why they would do such a thing? Logan agreed and said, “There are a number of common reasons, but I’m sure that in almost every case it is a very difficult decision.” “Sometimes humans simply aren’t aware that their female pets are pregnant, and are unprepared, emotionally, f i n a nc ia l ly or ot he r w i s e to incorporate more pets into their lives. Sometimes they acquire a pet only to find that they are unable or unwilling to accept the responsibility that caring for that pet entails, especially as the pet grows up, gets sick or grows older. Unfortunately, this happens a lot during the holidays, when pets are often given as gifts. And sometimes they realize too late that the particular breed of pet is not right for their lifestyle – for example, the pet is too big,
or too active or needs a lot of exercise or attention.” Sometimes – and this is very, very, sad – the humans fail to take proper care of their pets or even abuse them. In those situations, it is fortunate that these shelters exist because they provide a place for these pets to go where there is some hope that they will be adopted by more caring and loving humans.” “My uncle Charlie once told me a story he heard from his uncle Buddy about a dog named Boo who had been adopted from one of these shelters by relatives of our human family. Boo had been abused in his former home and had serious trust issues. It took quite some time for him to feel comfortable with his new surroundings and family, and he had a few instances of bad behavior, including one with a neighborhood cat that earned him a week in home confinement. But eventually he adapted, and his relationship with the youngest male human in that family was a joy to behold.” “I learned from Charlie that humans have many of these issues too, and that they also adopt young humans into homes where they can be safe and loved. In fact, he told me an amazing true story about a human family named Sweeney who lived just a few houses down the road from where we sit today. As Charlie related, a medical problem led the eldest male and female to think that they could not have any more children, so they adopted one from the human equivalent of a shelter. Apparently (and I am amazed at the thought of this), over the years there were more children to be adopted than families willing to take them in,
so the human shelters would ask the Sweeneys to adopt again, and they did -- over and over and over again. They were willing to adopt children regardless of breed or health, and they kept doing so even as they were having children of their own. In the end, the Sweeneys raised a total of 18 children in that big house down the street!” “So, I agree w ith you, Cadbury, that the idea of pets or humans being unwanted is tragically sad. But the good news is that there are humans who are willing to take them into their homes and lives and give them the care and love that they need. It is best not to judge anyone for their actions or motivations in giving up their pets or children. We cannot truly k now their hearts or their circumstances. Instead, we should celebrate the fact that there exist in this world people like Dobo’s human and the Sweeneys who are willing to turn a situation of sadness into great joy. They are real heroes, the “first responders” of hope. And we have seen with our own eyes, in the case of Dobo and his human, that the rewards of those actions and the relationships that they create, are nothing less than wondrous.” “Now, let’s take a break from all this deep conversation, and enjoy a little nap in this gloriously warm sunshine.” The Sweeney family’s remarkable story is told in the 1981 book “Patchwork Clan: How the Sweeney Family Grew,” by Doris Lund ( Patchwork-Clan-Sweeney-FamilyGrew/d p/ B004 H3J 7 D2). Th e Sweeneys gained one more child after the book was published!
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Saint Anthony of Padua - The Patron Saint of Lost Items
By Patricia Chadwick A daily distraction in a busy life is the hazard of misplacing things, or more accurately forgetting where items have been left – usually very useful ones: eyeglasses, cell phone, wallet, hearing aids, face mask and on and on. In my office that can include a favorite pen, even my still warm cup of tea. As the ad for the ghost busting agency in the movie, Ghostbusters, asked (and do pardon the appalling grammar), “Who you gonna call?” How a bout en listing the help of a long dead but still very active saint, whose feastday is this coming Sunday, June 13? You may (or may not) know that Saint Anthony of Padua is the Catholic patron saint of “things lost” – which mostly is interpreted to be physical possessions of any sort, from the missing steak knife in a set of four, to an heirloom diamond ring. In the rural religious community in Harvard, Massachuset ts where I g rew up (long ago), I was expected to memorize the entire Catholic
calendar of saints’ feastdays – yes, all 365 of them with some dates carrying as many as three or four celebrities. I had my favorites, often for their fascinating heavenly assig n ments. Some were t he patron saints of countries – in fact, every country has at least one; for example, you may be familiar with Saint Andrew for Scotland, Saint Patrick for Ireland. Some countries have more than one: Spain, for example has both Saint James and Saint Teresa of Avila, France has the duo of Saint Joan of Arc and Saint Louis IX, the King of France who led and lost the ninth (and last) crusade. O t her sa i nts a re cre d ite d with curing specific illnesses – Saint Blaise for ailments of the throat is an example. Some of my Catholic readers may be familiar with the ritual (still in practice in some parishes) on February 3, the feastday of Saint Blaise, in which the priest holds a pair of lit candles in the form of an X and gently (VERY gently) brings the crossed candles to your throat and recites a brief invocation (in Latin when I was growing up). As a child with long hair, I was terrified of being singed by the f lames and would hold my breath and pray to the Whole Court of heaven until the ten-second blessing was over. Then there is Saint Agatha, the patron saint for breast cancer. The grim story in my childhood book, “The Lives of the Saints” described how this third century virgin and martyr had her breasts
When you ask Saint Anthony to help you find things, what he does is find your MEMORY, thereby allowing you to recall your past steps and actions.
Picture of St. Anthony hanging in my office cut off by pagan soldiers in an unsuccessful attempt to force her to renounce Christianity. A similarly indecipherable rationale for a patron saint (in my young mind) was Saint Gerard Majella, whose specialty was, of all things, mothers in childbirth. I couldn’t understand what made him the designated favorite for the safe delivery of babies, since he was neither a doctor nor a dad. And then there are saints who have been assigned – or reputedly have earned the role of patron for other aspects of our lives. The example that first comes to mind is Saint Jude, the patron saint for desperate cases, and lost causes (which I think I was determined to be at the age of seventeen). He may be best known today as the patron
and namesake of Danny Thomas’ spectacular project dedicated to curing childhood cancer, Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. And of course, there is the su bje c t of t h i s c olu m n – St . Anthony, to whom one turns when anything is lost or missing. About twenty years ago my sister, Peggy, called to say she was sending me a small surprise present. “Put it in your office,” she told me and I wondered for several days what she knew I needed for my business. The envelope arrived and inside was a mag netized picture of Saint Anthony with the caption, “Invoked for Finding Lost Things.” I called to thank her – she had obviously heard me too often ranting over my inability to find things. She then cautioned me: “Remember, you can’t yell at Saint Anthony. You must always speak to him in a nice calm voice.” I promised to do my best. For the last two decades, Saint Anthony has more than earned my gratitude. And my sister’s warning
about using a gentle tone of voice was no doubt an essential element of my success. Of course, praying to Saint Anthony, or invoking him, or simply asking him gently to help find a misplaced item doesn’t produce the saint in his Franciscan garb, rummaging through your kitchen cabinets, or searching among the clothes hangers in your closets or peering under the seats in your car. But what Saint Anthony does do is help you to engage thoughtfully in a search that is nearly always successful. Here’s how it work s. The minute you realize that you need celestial support to find something you’ve misplaced (or worse, lost), and before you address Saint Anthony, you must bring yourself into a state of calm, allowing you to be in the right frame of mind to accept his help. Then as you start your search, you will realize that what Saint Anthony is really doing is finding your memory, thereby allowing you to recall your past steps and actions. For those prone to skepticism about the ef f icacy of Saint
Anthony, let me suggest that you try giving him a chance. I’ve gone on searches at times forgetting to invoke the dear saint, and I can assure you that when I remember him, my luck has always improved. Remember to treat him like the caring human being he was in life. He may have lived eight hundred years ago and died too young – at the tender age of 36 – but he’s been helping millions of people since and he can help you too. Perhaps as evidence, try a Google search: SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA PICT U R ES and you w ill f ind twelve pages of images. One f inal suggestion: Don’t forget to wish Saint Anthony a Happy Feastday on June 13. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. Her recently published memoir, Little Sister, the stor y of her u nu su al c hild h o od g rowin g up in a cult, is now available in paperback. She is currently working on her second book , Breaking Glass, about her “growing up” on Wall Street.
This Flag Day, Honor the Flag to Honor Our Heroes
By Stephanie Dunn Ashley Flag Day celebrates the history and symbolism of the American f lag. Since June 14, 1 7 7 7, w h e n t h e C o n t i n e n t a l Congress adopted the ‘Stars and Stripes’ as the official flag of the newly founded United States of America, the flag has represented hope and freedom to millions of people across the country and around the world. As a child, I remember reciting the Pledge of Allegiance each morning at the start of the school day. Before many sporting events, I stand a longside my fellow attendees to salute the Stars and Stripes as it f lies high while someone sings the National A nt hem. I proud ly f ly a f lag outside my home and have many patriotic things inside my home. Th is Flag Day, I wa nt to pay tribute to a special connection between the flag and our service men and women. Every day, service men and women ta ke a specia l pledge to the f lag when they serve in uniform. They proudly wear the flag as a patch on their uniform.
News Briefs From Page 1
December 2021, with final paving to take place in the Spring or summer of 2022. A work schedule has not yet been released, but is generally scheduled on weekdays during the day. For the major it y of con st r uc t ion , t her e w i l l b e alternating two-way traffic with police detail, with periods of road closures with detours around the work zones. Greenwich Libraries Reopen G r e e nw ich L i bra r y, Co s Cob Library, Perrot Memorial Library, and Byram Shubert Library have all reopened with no appointments required. The Main Library has completed its renovation project, and now shows off state-of-theart technologies in the innovation lab, a new cafe, reading room, and teen space. Socially distanced seating is available throughout the library, and masks are still required. Additionally, individual and group study rooms will remain closed. Mill now Offering Leasing The Mill in Glenville has beg un leasing luxur y rental apartments.
the Board of Directors has adopted Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, providing supplies, and keeping in close contact with the team located at this strateg ic site. Annually, the Red Cross chapter also collects and ships hundreds of medical support bags to Walter Reed Hospital, providing comfort and care to our service men and women as they heal from their injuries. We are so grateful for all our veterans and service members. This Flag Day, as you watch Old Glory wave in the wind, take a moment to say thank you to all of the service members who protect the hope and freedoms the f lag has represented for over 2 40 years and say ”Thank you, for your service.”
Sadly, for those who are killed i n a c t i o n , t h e y a r e c ov e r e d under the f lag and that f lag is presented to their family to be displayed w ith honor. Due to this relationship, Flag Day is also a day to pay tribute to these heroes, for their dedication and all they do to protect our nation. At the American Red Cross, supporting military members,
veterans, and their families is one of our oldest lines of service. Clara Barton, who founded the American Red Cross 140 years ago, began her life of ser vice on the battlef ields of the Civil Wa r, pr ov id i n g c om for t a nd care to wounded soldiers. Red Cross volunteers have deployed a l o n g s i d e m i l i t a r y i n e ve r y U.S. conf lict since the Spanish-
American War. Today, the Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the challenges of military service at home a nd overseas. Red Cross volunteers provide home comforts and critical services on more than 100 militar y installations and deploy ment
sites worldwide. The Red Cross has 36 overseas offices, including t ho s e i n E n g la nd , G e r m a ny, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Poland and Romania. This crucial overseas staff has delivered nearly 5,000 emergency messages and have prov ided comfor t ser v ices to over 100,000 deployed service members. These mission essential employees and volunteers serve the U.S. and Red Cross proudly by providing vital aid and services to our service members who are protecting our freedom and serving away from home and their loved ones. Our Red Cross staff serves to ensure that the service members never forget their humanitarian spirit and connection to the home front. Our Metro New York North Chapter, headquartered here in Greenwich, supports the West Poi nt M i l it a r y Ac ademy a nd Kel ler Ho spit a l. I n add it ion ,
Leasing officially kicked off this week, with a tentative movein date of August 15 for tenants. The Mill will be offering 59 residences, all of which boast new landscaping, modern layouts, lighting, and signage. For more information on The Mill, you can visit www.
So far, ever y application submitted by a business for the sidewalk sale has been accepted, with marked down inventory, and free refreshments offered.
Lexington Ave to the intersection at Lincoln Ave.
approved at the April 13 P&Z meeting.
25, Frank Rogers and the Sound Cats will be performing.
RTM Vacancies The Representative Town Meeting has two current vacancies in district 10. The RTM is the legislative body of the Town of Greenwich, discussing and voting on other town matters including budgets, nominations, ordinances, and more. I f you a r e i nte r e s te d i n joining, please contact Jerry Anderson at ganderson@amgas. com for further details. The interim election will be on Zoom on Thursday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. The Zoom ID is 811 6194 3292, and the password is 2036834 +1 646 518 9805
Food Scrap Recycling Program Opens New Location A second location for food scrap collection has opened at the Old Greenwich Farmers Market. This location is part of the Food Scrap Recycling Program, which allows residents to collect their food scraps and take them to a collection site for compositing. The first site opened on June 15, 2020 at Holly Hill, and became a major success. Residents participating in the program can now drop off food scraps at the Old Greenwich Farmers Market at the Living Hope Church on Wednesdays from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Greenwich COVID-19 Update As of this Friday, 62.17% of all eligible Greenwich residents have received at least one dose of the vaccine. 92.88% of residents aged 75 and older are fully vaccinated. There are currently 15 active c a s e s , w it h no new de at h s recorded. There is currently one COVID-19 patient being treated at Greenwich Hospital.
Greenwich Planning and Zoning Commission Sued over Ice Rink A complaint has been filed in state superior court by Round Hill Road residents, accusing the planning and zoning commissions of approving the application for a new open air ice rink as “arbitrary and capricious”, and an abuse of power. The complaint further states that the applicants did not provide adequate evidence for approval, and that development of the rink would impact the fair market value of the adjacent properties. The rink was unanimously
Free Music Friday T he Tow n of Gr e enw ich h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t e ve r y Friday from 12-1pm from June 4 to September 4, local bands and musicians will be playing in Greenwich Commons. This initiative is called “Free Music Fridays” and was started by the Reimag ine Greenw ich C o m m i t t e e , w h i c h a i m s to improve Greenwich for residents and visitors, and to generate attraction to business areas. On June 11, Billy G. and the Boys will be performing, on June 18, Cover Story with Megan Tyre will be performing, and on June
This Flag Day, I want to pay tribute to a special connection between the flag and our service men and women.
MIKU partners with Allan Houston Legacy Foundation MIKU Sushi is partnering with former New York Knicks player, A l la n Hou ston , a nd his legacy foundation to raise awareness for the FISLL Project this month. Houston’s foundation is a mentoring initiative that seeks to “empower youth from the inside out through a life learning, development, a nd coach i ng platform that teaches the and actuates essential values”. A special menu has been created at MIKU to promote the cause, and all proceeds will go towards the Allan Houston Legacy Foundation. Greenwich Sidewalk Sale Returns The Greenw ich Sidewalk Sale is returning this July! The Sidewalk Sale will take place from Thursday, July 8 to Sunday, July 11. Although hours will vary from store to store, general hours are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Second Annual “Art in the Park” Event The Old Greenwich Merchants have proudly sponsored the second annual Art in the Park event. The event will be happening in Binney Park on Sunday, June 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with a rain date of Sunday, June 13. The event w ill host over 30 local artists, exhibiting and selling their work to the public. Milbank Ave Street Parking A second parking ordinance change has been proposed by Deputy Chief Marino this week regarding the removal of parking on the West side of Milbank Avenue, spanning from Lexington Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. Currently, on-street parking is allowed on the west side of Milbank Avenue daily, except on Fridays from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. The section of Milbank Ave proposed becomes narrow and takes a curve, which, when cars are parked on the street, creates a line of sight issue. Marinos proposal is to create a no-park ing zone f rom 100 feet south of the intersection at
Stephanie Dunn Ashley is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Red Cross Metro New York North Chapter.
Fourth of July Fireworks This year’s firework show will be split into two shows on two separate days to ensure crowd control and capacity monitoring. Both shows will take place at Greenwich Point. The first show will take place on Saturday, July 3, and the second will take place on Monday, July 5; both shows will begin at approximately 9:10 p.m. Greenw ich Poi nt w i l l b e closed to vehicle entry at 8:00 p.m. or once parking has reached c apac it y on b ot h days, a nd residents will need either a Park Pass or parking pass to enter the park. Single entry tickets can be bought at the Eastern Greenwich Civic Center. Those who can attend by boat are encouraged to do so, and Greenwich Police will have several patrols on the water.
Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel
OBITUARIES Joseph Sarafin
97 years old, passed away peacefully at Greenwich Woods on the morning of June 3, 2021. Born on Sept. 19, 1923 in Glenville, CT to the late Stanley and Josephine Sarafin. He was predeceased by his siblings, William, Anna, Stanley and Genevieve all of Greenwich. He is survived by his nieces and nephews, Michele Gall of Greenwich, Mary Patch of Holliston, MA and Walter Roszkowski of Greenwich, as well many great-grandnieces and nephews. He was employed for many years at Rou nd H i l l Cou nt r y Clu b a s a groundskeeper and caddy. Joey was an avid golf fan and a talented artist, who painted countless paintings for his family and friends at Greenwich Woods. Joey will be greatly missed as he was known for his warmth, smile and great sense of humor. There was a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Paul Roman Catholic Church in Greenwich on June 5, followed by Burial at St. Mary's Cemetery in Greenwich. In lieu of flowers, his family asked for donations to Greenwich Woods.
Michael Lee Michael L. Lee, of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully on June 2, 2021, surrounded by family. The sixth son of a prominent industrial family from Wuxi, China, he founded and built a successful engineering services company, where his siblings joined him. He inspired his employees with a steady and calm leadership. Throughout his professional life he kept a close eye on technology and industry. This affinity was as much inherited as self-directed. He readily em braced cha nge a nd in novation in business and in his personal life. Michael was a modern man. He adopted personal computing, online trading and the Apple ecosystem early. He was truly excited by life and lived an exemplary one. He is survived by his loving wife, nephews and nieces, and grandnephews and nieces. Visitation hours and a f uneral service will be from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 12 at Leo P. Gallagher Funeral Home, 31 Arch St., Greenwich. In lieu of f lowers, please donate to the Greenwich Hospital.
Roberta Kochi Roberta M. Kochi, age 75, of Greenwich, passed away Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Born in New York City, the daughter of the late Charles and Mary Kochi, she lived in New York City for many years prior to moving to
Greenwich 20 years ago. A graduate of Roger Ludlowe High School, she received her Bachelor's degree from Colby College in Waterville, Maine. Roberta's career in banking spanned many years where she worked for Chem ica l Ba n k , the Ba n k of New York, Mellon Bank and retired as a Vice President for Putnam Bank in Greenwich. Roberta was an avid Bridge player and always looked forward to the New York Times crossword puzzle. Sur v ivors include her beloved brother, G. Dennis Kochi and his wife Cathy of Fairfield and two cherished nieces and nephews whom she adored, Kristina Hopkins and her husband Andrew of Wilmington Delaware and David Kochi of Fairfield. A private graveside service will be held at Oak Lawn Cemetery, Fairfield. If desired, memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart A s s o c i at i o n , 5 B r o o k s i d e D r i ve , Wallingford, CT 06492.
Neil Thomas Neil Robert Thomas, husband and father, passed away at the age of 94 on May 29, 2021. Neil was born in New Rochelle, NY, son of Ruth Marion Eklund and grandson of Joseph and Sarah McNeill. Neil graduated from FE Bellows High School, enlisted US Maritime Service, left as second class seaman. In 1945, he joined Esso, and voyaged on their ships to Europe, the Mediterranean, and coastline of the Americas. On returning to land in 1951, he went to work for American Cyanamid, retiring in 1983. In 1952, he married his beloved Ruth Edna (Schmaus) Thomas in Mount Vernon, New York . W it h employ ment i n Connecticut, Neil and Ruth made their home in Greenwich. Neil was drawn by the Sea and so the Thomas navy had many fine vessels: S-boat, a 27-foot Herreshoff, on which Neil brought Ruth for cruises on Long Island Sound, that being Ruth's introduction to sailing and the incentive for a sympathetic friend to gift Ruth a copy of the book "I Married a Boat" on their f irst anniversary; Escape, the wood lifeboat Neil decked to make a racing cruiser; Aeolus, a 19foot Flying Scot for racing; Caprice, a 26-foot classic Quincy Adams for racing; Gannet, a 30-foot Etchells for racing; Cryogenic, a 10-foot Dyer for winter racing; an unnamed Sunfish for a few seasons; Jibe-ho, the 36-foot trawler in which Neil and Ruth cruised the eastern seaboard and waterways from Canada to the Caribbean with a trusting cat along as passenger. Nei l joi ned the U. S. Power Squadron 1952, was a member 62 years and achieved the rank of Junior Navigator. He was a member of the Old Greenwich Boat Club, and the Riverside Yacht Club. Neil was predeceased by Ruth; they are buried together next to his grandparents in Bronxville, NY. Ruth and Neil are survived by their children, Karen Varbaro and Neil R Thomas Jr.
Christopher Andrea
Christopher Carr A ndrea of Stamford, husband of Jamie Lamborn, passed away unexpectedly on May 28. Born in 1987 in Greenwich, CT, Christopher was the son of Barbara Conway A nd rea a nd A nt hony B. Andrea of Pawlet, VT, formally of New Canaan, CT; brother to Jeffrey Andrea (Michelle), and Timothy W. Andrea; and a beloved uncle to Ella, Teagan, Marin, and Lucette. He also leaves behind his precious puppy, Banksy. After a meteoric career in digital marketing at Philips North America and Nestle Waters, Chris most recently became Director of eCommerce & Digital Media Strategy at Revlon, Inc. Chris was a graduate of Trinity Pawling and Fairf ield University. An outstanding prep and collegiate lacrosse player, he gave his talent back to his community by coaching Greenwich Youth Lacrosse and most recently as a Greenwich High School varsity lacrosse coach. Chris had a million-dollar smile and a heart to match. One of the most thoughtful people you would ever meet, he made friends wherever he went and treated all with love and loyalty. He cherished his four nieces who were honored to be his and Jamie's flower girls at their wedding. When Chris f irst met Jamie, he knew he had met his soulmate and the love of his life. They married in September 2020 in Dorset, VT, which had quickly become their special place to be together. Chris and Jamie were devoted to each other, and their love will never fade. Chris shared a love for music, photography, and the arts. Chris' motto in life was tabula rasa – he approached everyday as a new day and encouraged us all to do the same. A Memorial Service was held June 5 at the First Presbyterian Church, New Canaan. A walk through visitation was held June 4 at Hoyt Funeral Home, New Canaan. In lieu of f lowers, you can make a donation to the "Ch r is A nd rea Scholarship fund" on Go Fund Me.
Carol Kolb Carol Ann Kolb of Greenwich, CT and Tampa, Fla. passed away in Yale New Haven Hospital on May 23, 2021. Carol Ann was the beloved wife of Jerry Kolb, loving mother of daughters Katharine (Corey) Fogg and Rachel (Steven) Hor wat h a nd son Dav id Fleming II and loving grandmother of Sara (Robert), Hayley, Wilson, Eve and Steven and great-grandson, Finley.
We tell stories, we share laughs, we shed tears...
Carol Ann was born in Connecticut and was raised in Cromwell, CT until she moved to Greenwich. She received an RN degree from Greenwich Hospital School of Nursing, a BS degree from Iona College and an MBA degree from Columbia University. Carol Ann began her nurse career at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut where she retired as Director of Clinical Practice. She loved to travel especially to Paris which she visited every year since 1992 and where she especially enjoyed inviting her grandchildren to join her. She was an enthusiastic, competitive tennis player and played until several years ago when illness forced her to stop. An avid sailor, she and her husband cruised New England waters on their sloop Endquest and loved inviting friends and relatives to "live aboard" with them. She and her husband were members of New York Yacht Club, Indian Harbor Yacht Club (Greenwich) and Tampa Yacht Club.
Corydon Dunham, Jr.
Corydon Bushnell Dunham, Jr., 93 died peacefully on May 26, 2021 in Greenwich, CT, lovingly surrounded by his wife, Janet Burke Dunham and sons, Corydon B. Dunham III and Christopher B. Dunham. Cory was raised in Yonkers, NY with his late sister, Joan Dunham Dean, the son of Corydon B. Dunham Sr. and Marian Howe Dunham. Cory served as an 2nd Lt. in the military in Tokyo after World War II where he was assigned to the Judge Advocate Corp. Cory graduated from Bowdoin College and Harvard Law School '51. Upon graduation he joined the Cahill Gordon Reindel Law Firm. He served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel at NBC for 26 years overseeing legal, standards and practices, and government relations. During Cory's tenure at NBC, he developed his commitment to the stewardship of the First Amendment. As a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Institute in Washington, D.C., he wrote the book Fighting for the First Amendment which chronicles the establishment of First Amendment rights for Broadcasting. This followed with the endowment of the Corydon Dunham First Amendment Library Project at Bowdoin College and the Corydon B. Dunham Fellowship on the First Amendment at Harvard Law School. He is survived by his family, Janet, Corydon, and Christopher and nieces and nephews of the Charles F. Dean, Lyon Howe, James Burke and John Putalik families. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 12 at 3 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church at 200 Riverside Ave, Riverside with the reception following at the Riverside Yacht Club. In lieu of f lowers, memor ia l contributions may be made to Corydon B. Dunham Library Project at Bowdoin College, 255 Maine St, Brunswick, ME 04011.
Malcolm Stevenson
We gather together in their honor...
Because they lived.
Lois Scheuritzel
Lois A nne Strong Scheuritzel of Wilmington, NC passed away on April 13, 2021. Born April 16, 1929, in Greenwich, CT, she was the daughter of the late James Richmond Strong and Beatrice Bradley Strong. Lois was predeceased by her beloved husband of 61 years, Paul, and her grandson, Clayton Waterfield. L o i s , a n a v i d l e a r n e r, a n d a n unnervingly fast reader graduated a year early from Greenwich High School and continued her education at the Packard Business College in NYC. After losing her father at a young age, Lois credited her faith and her church for keeping her focused. A tireless volunteer throughout her life, many early memories of Lois were centered around Christ Episcopal Church where she was a lifelong member. She trained to become a Stephen Minister and, later in life, enjoyed volunteering as a visitor for women incarcerated at the Women's Federal Prison in Danbury. Outside of church, she served on the Greenwich PTA Town Council and was active with the Girl Scouts. In her spare time, Lois worked for nearly 25 years as a legal secretary with the law firm Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, a job she treasured. Lois had a great and enduring love for the outdoors. She and Paul were avid campers and hikers while raising their children and later in life, some of her happiest days were spent with Paul at their cabin in northern Maine. There was not a plant or animal Lois could not name and birdwatching was often an enjoyable pastime. She was a wonderful cook and fortunately for all concerned she was good at it. She was kind and generous with her entire extended family, who were at the center of her life. Lois never lacked optimism or missed an opportunity to offer encouragement and guidance (even if the timing could be problematic). With her love of language, she will be remembered for the many aphoristic and idiomatic expressions she used to convey her thoughts. Lois will also be remembered for her incredible will and indomitable spirit. Death labored long to overtake her. Lois is survived by her sister, Betty Jane Watson of Greenwich, CT, her three children, Lauren (James) Buchek of New Hampton, NY, Paula (William) Waterfield of Wilmington, NC, and Paul Jr. (Leigh) of Glenmoore, PA, her grandchildren, Danielle (Shane) and James Buchek, Brian (Laura) and Alex (Micaela) Waterfield, and Matthew (Alissa), Sarah, and Timothy Scheuritzel, step-grandchildren Gregory (Cebi) and Keith Waterfield, and her greatgrandchildren, Sofia, Emory and Samuel Waterfield and Westley Scheuritzel, and step-great-grandchildren Meghan, Nils, Riley, Faith and Hudson Waterfield.
Family and friends are invited to a memorial service at Christ Church, 254 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, on June 26 at 11 am. A reception at the Tomes-Higgins House will follow interment in the Memorial Garden. In
5/22/45 - 4/13/21
134 Hamilton Ave Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-5968
employed at Scholastic Book Fairs where he worked in distribution. Mac was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich. He enjoyed collecting rocks & minerals, fossi ls & coi ns. He a lso enjoye d photography, taking pictures of the 'ever changing' Town of Greenwich on his many walks. At home he enjoyed watch ing old hor ror mov ies a nd whatever the WWE was showing. Mac will be remembered for his quiet personality and wry sense of humor. Mac is survived by two sisters, Marjorie Turner and Dorothy Rabsey. He was predeceased by his parents, Jane and George Stevenson III, a brother, George Stevenson IV and two sisters, Cynthia Stevenson and Pamela Carroll. In lieu of flowers, please consider m a k i n g a d o n at i o n to t h e F i r s t Presbyterian Church of Greenwich or one of Mac's favorite places in Greenwich, the Bruce Museum.
Malcolm Allen Stevenson, a lifelong resident of Greenwich, passed away on April 13. He was 75. Born in Greenwich, CT, Mac was the son of Jane and George Stevenson. He attended and g raduated f rom lieu of flowers, donations in Lois' memory Greenwich High School. Mac served may be made to Lower Cape Fear Lifecare or a charity of choice. in the US Navy from '63 to '67. The last two years were served in active Obituaries may be submitted to duty aboard the USS Enterprise. After his honorable discharge in '67, he was
Answers to Puzzles on Pages 14 & 16 Easy
Very Hard
6 1
23 1
13 7
7 9 9
N D 64
28 36
I P 26
T 31
62 66
61 65
11 12
S 55
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Army Master Sgt. Henry Erwin
The crew of the B-29 bomber called "The City of Los Angeles." Army Staff Sgt. Henry Erwin is second from the right in the front row. Erwin received the Medal of Honor in 1945 after saving his crew by throwing a burning smoke bomb out of the window of the plane. Photo By: Alabama Department of Archives and History DETAILS Rank: Staff Sergeant (Highest Rank: Master Sergeant) Conflict/Era: World War II Unit/Command: 52d Bombardment Squadron, 29th Bombardment Group, 314th Bombardment Wing 20th Air Force Military Service Branch: U.S. Army Air Corps Medal of Honor Action Date: April 12, 1945 Medal of Honor Action Place: Koriyama, Japan CITATION He was the radio operator of a B-29 airplane leading a group formation to attack Koriyama, Japan. He was charged with the additional duty of dropping phosphorus smoke bombs to aid in assembling the group when the launching point was reached. Upon entering the assembly area, aircraft fire and enemy fighter opposition was encountered. Among the phosphorus bombs launched by S/Sgt. Erwin, one proved faulty, exploding in the launching chute, and shot back into the interior of the aircraft, striking him in the face. The burning phosphorus obliterated his nose and completely blinded him. Smoke filled the plane, obscuring the vision of the pilot. S/Sgt. Erwin realized that the aircraft and crew would be lost if the burning bomb remained in the plane. Without regard for his own safety, he picked it up and feeling his way, instinctively, crawled around the gun turret and headed for the copilot's window. He found the navigator's table obstructing his passage. Grasping the burning bomb between his forearm and body, he unleashed the spring lock and raised the table. Struggling
through the narrow passage he stumbled forward into the smokefilled pilot's compartment. Groping with his burning hands, he located the window and threw the bomb out. Completely aflame, he fell back upon the floor. The smoke cleared, the pilot, at 300 feet, pulled the plane out of its dive. S/Sgt. Erwin's gallantry and heroism above and beyond the call of duty saved the lives of his comrades. HIS STORY Few people would be able to survive what Army Master Sgt. Henry Erwin lived through after a midair accident over Japan during World War II. The 23-year-old suffered horrific burns down to his bones after a smoke bomb burst in his airplane. The efforts he put forth to save the rest of his crew from death earned him the Medal of Honor in an unprecedentedly quick fashion. Erwin was born on May 8, 1921, in Adamsville, Alabama, and was the eldest child in a large family. His father, a coal miner, died when he was 10, so Erwin took a part-time job to help the family financially. He eventually dropped out of high school to work for the Civilian Conservation Corps before getting a job at a steel mill. About six months after the U.S. entered World War II, Erwin joined the Army Reserve. He initially tried pilot training, but switched to radio and mechanic technical training. He completed that in April 1944, got married the following December, then was sent to the Pacific in February 1945 to be a radio operator with the 52nd Bomb Squadron, 29th Bomb Group in the 20th Air Force. Erwin and his crew — who
c a l le d h i m " R e d" due to h i s auburn hair color — f lew B-29 Superfortress strikes against Japan. For those missions, he earned two Air Medals and a promotion to staff sergeant. An Impossible Task On April 12, 1945, Erwin's B-29, called the "City of Los Angeles," was the lead bomber in a group attack on a chemical plant in Koriyama, about 125 miles north of Tokyo. Aside from operating the radio, Erwin was also in charge of launching phosphorescent smoke bombs to help assemble the bombers before they proceeded to their target. Erwin was positioned behind the forward gun turret toward the front of the plane. Once he got the order to light the bombs, he dropped them down a chute that launched them out of the aircraft before they exploded. But something went wrong with one of them. It didn't leave the chute, instead bouncing back into the aircraft, striking a kneeling Erwin in the face. The intensely burning bomb obliterated his nose and completely blinded him. To make matters worse, smoke quickly filled the front part of the plane, obscuring the pilot’s vision. Despite his wounds, Erwin knew the plane and crew would not survive if he didn't get the bomb outside. So, despite the fact that he was physically on fire and his skin was burning off, he picked up the incendiary at his feet and, feeling his way instinctively through the plane, crawled toward the cockpit. His path was blocked by the navigator's table, which he had to unlock and raise to get around. To do that, he had to clench the burning bomb against his body. Erwin then struggled through the narrow passage and stumbled forward into the pilot’s den. He groped around until he found a window and threw the bomb out. Completely on f ire, Erwin collapsed between the pilots. He had journeyed only 13 feet, but later he said it "seemed like miles when you are burning." A Gruesome Scene The plane had been on autopilot during the crisis, but to keep it from stalling out, the pilot had to drop altitude. When the smoke finally cleared, he realized they were only 300 feet from hitting water. The pilot managed to pull the plane out of its dive, abort the mission and head for Iwo Jima, the closest place
for medical aid. During that time, the crew sprayed Er w in w ith a f ire extinguisher to put the flames out, and they gave him morphine for the pain. Somehow, Erwin stayed conscious during the f light and even asked about the crew's safety. Once at Iwo Jima, doctors la b ore d for hou rs to remove the white phosphorus that had em bedded i n h is eyes. Si nce it combusts when it's exposed to oxygen, each f leck that was removed burst into flames – small bits of torture for the already struggling airman. No one thought Irwin would survive, but his entire crew knew he deserved the Medal of Honor for his actions. So, while he was getting treatment the night of their botched mission, the officers in his unit were preparing a Medal of Honor citation. The next morning, they presented it to Maj. Gen. Curtis LeMay, commander of the 21st Bomber Command, so he could sign it. LeMay managed to get it approved in an unprecedented amount of time. They were all hoping to give it to Erwin before he died. Three days after the incident, a still-living Erwin was flown to a Navy hospital on Guam. For days afterward, doctors performed blood transfusions, did surgery and gave him antibiotics to fight infection. On April 19, 1945 — one week after the incident — officials pinned the Medal of Honor on a heavily bandaged Erwin as he lay in a hospital bed. The medal itself was from a display case at U.S. Army Headquarters in Honolulu. It was the only available one in the entire Pacific Theater. A Long, Painful Recovery L eMay was a ble to have Erwin's Marine brother, who was also stationed in the Pacific, flown to be by his bedside. The two hadn’t seen each other in three years. "He stayed with me for 2 4 hours," Erwin said in an Air Force Magazine interview. "I couldn't see him, but I knew he was there, and that was a great comfort." Erwin said he dropped down to 87 pounds because he couldn't eat anything. When he was flown back to the United States about 30 days later, he said, he was still smoldering from the phosphorus, which doctors were still scraping out of his eyes. Over the next 30 months, he
went through 43 operations to restructure his face. He had already lost an eye, an ear, his nose and several fingers. But his sight in one eye was eventually restored, and he regained the use of his left arm. Er win was promoted to master sergeant in October 1945 and was honorably discharged at Valley Forge General Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 8, 1947. An Inspiration Once he returned to civilian life, Erwin spent 37 years working with burn patients and as a benefits counselor for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Birmingham, Alabama. He and his wife, Betty, had four children, including Henry Erwin Jr., who went on to be an Alabama state senator. "He embodied all the ideals of the Medal of Honor. He wore them like a well-pressed suit," Senator Erwin said of his father in an interview. "He was honest, thrifty and patriotic … and treated
ever yone w it h cou r te s y a nd respect." Accord i ng to a 2 014 Joi nt Base San Antonio article, Erwin spent his life inspiring airmen by emphasizing how many of them would have done exactly what he did if they were in the same position. In 1997, the Air Force created the Henry E. Erwin Outstanding Enlisted Aircrew Member of the Year award, which is presented to three deserving airmen every year. It's only the second Air Force awa rd na med in honor of a n enlisted person. Erwin died Jan. 16, 2002, at the age of 80. The Greenwich Sentinel encourages readers to let us know about connections they have with Medal of Honor recipients. This article was written by Katie Lange as part of a series in which highlights a Medal of Honor recipient each week. It is our nations's highest medal for valor.
The flight crew of the B-29 bomber “City of Los Angeles” and Henry “Red” Erwin at his Medal of Honor presentation. Photo By: Air Force photo
Medal of Honor recipient Army Master Sgt. Henry Erwin speaks into a microphone during a radio broadcast from Northington Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
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Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Kate Noonan Welcome back to the world. We’ve opened up. You can tell by the scurrying frenzy displaying itself in the awesome amount of traffic both around town and on the highways. I wonder where we are going, enmasse, in such a hurr y? There some g reat attraction we are headed to that alludes me. I’ve found I miss the slower pace we had adopted. Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled to have more freedom. I am excited for
Come, Be Known in Community restaurants, schools, libraries, nu r si n g home s , ho spit a l s , churches and the like to open their doors. Being sequestered at home got old. The screeching halt of our lives caused by the pandemic allowed me more time to be with God. I adopted a daily meditation practice which changed my life. I watched online church services from all around the country. In some ways sitting in front of the computer at a service was easier than attending in-person. And then there were the days I played solitaire in the middle of the service feeling disconnected and unsatisfied. I ’ve he ade d b ack to i nperson ser v ices. I recently assisted at a baptism. As a chaplain at a nursing home I'm
One of the joyous experiences of community is being known. I gain a clearer vision of myself in the eyes of others. Their vision illuminates both my worth and my growth edges. once again transport residents to r el ig iou s s er v ic e s . I do individual in person spiritual care. My multifaceted ministry feels better live. Witnessing the power of God in worship and through other people is both inspirational and humbling. One of the joyous experiences of community is being known. I gain a clearer vision of myself in the eyes of
others. Their vision illuminates both my worth and my growth edges. I’ve felt com mu n it y w rapping itself around my hu ma n ne ss a nd lov i ng me into wholeness. More often than I care to admit, my head is not a safe neighborhood. My busy ego likes to inform me of innumerable things I should have, could have or to need to do. My interior
dialogue is unkind. The harsh internal voice I hear I would never use to address someone else. An acronym for ego is: Easing G od Out. My ego is most certainly not the voice of God. My chattering mind often obscures the glorious possibilities born of faith. I need voices that are not my own to help me see the love I receive, the love I give and to quiet the
voice of my ego. Dorothy Day, the famous Cat hol ic ac t iv i s t , w r ote : “ We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love a n d t h a t l ove c o m e s w i t h community.” We are still coming out of the long loneliness of the pandemic. How about making a visit to your faith community as an antidote to the loneliness? Come to celebrate, come to lament, come to be with God in community. Each congregation is the sum of its parts and it needs you to be whole. Kate Noonan is a local lay minister, spiritual guide, and chaplain with a masters in education and a masters in theology from Yale Divinity School.
Worship Services Information Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here 2021 Empowered Conference with Dr. Randy Clark: June 11 & 12. Baptist First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6-7pm, Chapel. Catholic Sacred Heart Church 95A Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. Adoration Mass of the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: June 11, 6:30pm, followed by Benediction, in the Church. Prayer Group has resumed - Meetings are held on every Thursday, 5-6pm, in the Chapel, 38 Gold St, all are welcome. Ministry to the Homebound: if you, or someone you know, is homebound and would like a priest visit you, call the Rectory at 203-531-8730. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203637-3661 Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; 5:15pm, St. Agnes, in-person. Sat (1st Sat of the month): Confessions at St. Agnes Church – in-person (specific dates in the bulletin), 3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm. Masses - Sun: 7:30am, St. Catherine’s – in-person and livestream; 9am, St. Agnes – in-person; 10:30am, St. Catherine’s – in-person and livestream; 11am, Language Masses: St. Agnes & Lucey Parish Hall – in-person, (French: 2nd Sun of month; Italian: 3rd Sun of month & 4th Sun of month in May; Spanish: 4th Sun of month); 5pm, St. Agnes – in-person. *Under the tent from Memorial Day to Labor Day. ‘Undie Sunday’ - Donate new underwear for men, women and children in need: June 12-13, lobbies of St. Catherine’s and/or St. Agnes. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: Mass, 9am (In-person & Live Stream); Confessions, 3:153:45pm; Vigil Mass, 4pm (In-person only); Vigil Mass, 5pm (In-person & Live Stream). Sun: 7:30, 9 (In-person & Live Streamed), 10:30am, 12 & 5pm (In-person only). Mon: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Tue: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Wed: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30am-8pm; Confessions, 9:3010:30am & 7-8pm. Thu: 7:30 & 9am
(In-person & Live Streamed). Fri: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm. (Log onto the website at to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). Angel Group: 2nd Thursday of the month, 7-8:30pm at St. Michael’s Church. Graduate’s Mass for Class of 2021: June 20, 12pm, St. Michael, followed by light outdoor reception, all are welcome, St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Live-streamed, 1011am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at EWTN. com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at daily-mass. Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. Mass reservations are no longer necessary. Cocktails, Concert & The Legionaires of Christ: June 18, 6-7pm, $150, St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. Community First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Worship, Children’s Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. Round Hill Reads - When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions by Sue Monk Kidd: June 13, 1-2pm, Church patio, register. Pacific House Meal Preparation and Service: June 14, 4pm. Congregational The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: In-Person & Virtual: Sundays, 10am. Live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM). Connect during the week: Friday: Friday Email Blast (sign up by calling the church office); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am for preschoolers through grade
6. Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. “Friday Fun on the Front Lawn”: By Request – all your favorite songs: June 11, 7pm, on the front lawn, (bring your own picnic meal, & lawn chairs). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 8:30 & 10:30am. Email to reserve a seat. Tent Weekend: June 11: Picnic & Ice Cream along with “A Little Night Music”; June 12: Evensong Worship, 5pm; June 13: Summer Worship, 9:30am; Sepharadic Songs Concert, 3pm. All are welcome. Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/ on-demand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/ on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/on-demand). “Something Different” Summer Outdoor Worship: Sundays through August, behind the Tomes-Higgins House (rain location: Parish Hall), bring a chair or blanket. Registration ongoing for Vacation Bible School: June 28-July 2. June 12: “What If Wilhelmina!” Book Signing with Joe Belisle: 10am-12:30pm, Dogwood Bookstore; Arts & the Spirit: Watercolor Painting Class: 10am-12:30pm. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship: Sundays: Rite 1, 8am (in-person in the sanctuary & streamed). 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: 10:15am, in the Sanctuary. 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month: in the Meadow (weather permitting). Sunday School continues in Selleck Hall. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. May Worship on the Meadow: Sundays, 10:30am. Yoga on the Meadow: Fridays, 10am. VBS Arts Camp: June 21-30, 9am-12pm, in the meadow, $125/ week or $25/day; (family discounts available), St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6372262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube.
Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Coffee for Camp Gan Moms: June 8, 9:15am, 270 Lake Ave, RSVP, Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Essential Jewish Conversation Class: Beliefs and Values - What Exactly is the Messiah in Jewish Practice?: June 14, 7:30pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. In Person Outdoor Tot Shabbat for Kids: June 11, 5:30pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services: live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri, 6:30pm; Sat, 10am; Sun, 8:15am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, lori.baden@templesholom. com. Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online: Worship Service every Sunday, 10am, followed by a time of virtual Fellowship. Wednesday Noonday Prayer and Wednesday Evening Bible Study. (Details for all can be found on the website). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook (face- and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: Outdoor Sunday Service: 10am (livestreamed at 10am). Outdoor Worship Night: June 11, 7pm. Summer Hymn Sing: July 4 & Aug. 1. *Alpha Study: starting July 12, 7pm. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 10-10:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email for registration and Zoom Links). Heal Thy Self: A Releasement from Unnecessary Attachment with Chris DeSerio: June 13, 1pm, via Zoom, $20, register, AlbertsonPCC@ Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. Registration is open Sky Kids Greenwich (4th5th grades): June 28-July 1 (Mon-Thu), 9-11:30am, Stanwich Church, $65. Registration is open for SummerQuest - summer camp for middle and high school students: July 26-31. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Women’s Book Discussion Group: “The Idiot”, June 18, 9:15am, Edna Anderson Chapel, Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. ALPHA class - interactive online sessions to explore the big questions of life: Wed, 7pm, register at WF Movie Night: June 12, 7:45-10pm, Back of Church. WF Summer Bible Study: June 15, 9-10:30am, online.
Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel
The Hidden Lives of Four Slaves By Anne W. Semmes Forces have joined in the town of Greenwich to tell its hidden history, “To return the colors to the historical fabrics of our community,” so said Dennis Culliton, co-founder of the Connecticut-based Witness Stones Project that “seeks to restore the history and to honor the humanity and contributions of the enslaved individuals who helped build our communities.” Culliton was present on May 27 when the curtains were drawn back on that hidden history at a ceremony kicked off by First Selectman Fred C a m i l l o at t h e G r e e nw i c h Historical Society by his p r o c l a m a t i o n : “ To d a y ' s ceremony honors four of the 15 enslaved individuals who resided at the Bush Holley House in 1790 to 1830. They include Cull Bush Sr. and his partner Patience, and Candace Bush and her daughter Hester Mead.” “Some truths are hard to accept, some realities we would rather forget,” introduced the Rev. Thomas Nins, pastor of the First Baptist Church. The truth was, he told, that there were slave laborers in the Town of Greenwich for generations. And there was placed in the soil, in the back of Cos Cob's Bush Holley House on the Greenw ich Historical Society site, the four “witness stones” with those enslaved names, their dates, and their occupations. Those four are part of an estimated 300 enslaved individuals who lived in Greenw ich f rom 1790 to 1830. Until recently not much has been known of those four slaves. Enter Sacred Heart Greenwich middle schoolteacher Kelly Bridges with her inspired idea that wou ld em brace t hose fou r slaves. “I teach United States histor y f rom the colonial period through the Civil War. Slavery existed during that period throughout much of the country, and yet our textbook suggests that northern states abolished it shortly after the American Revolution… Not only did slavery exist in the northern states, but these states were also complicit in perpetuating it right up to the Civil War.” Br idges wa nte d her 7t h a nd 8t h g rade st udent s to understand “a more accurate h i s to r y.” L e a r n i n g f r o m a workshop how local museums we r e work i n g to pr e s e r ve African American history and culture, Bridges was introduced to Den n is Cu lliton and the Witness Stones Project, and found the Greenwich Historical Society “most willing to participate,” as was “important colleagues" at Sacred Heart in her research idea to enlist her students to research through the Historical Society Archives th ree of t hose fou r slaves: Cull Bush,Sr., his domestic partner Patience, and Candace Bush. What they learned was
“Candace is a woman whose name I say with extreme pride…She rose to freedom and finished her admirable life in approximately 1859.” Hazel Carrion, Sacred Heart 8th grader.
L to R: Sacred Heart 7th grader Lily Broughton and 8th grader Lillie Foster, Anna Greco and Heather Lodge of Greenwich Historical Society, Witness Stones Project CO-Founder Dennis Culliton, Sacred Heart 8th grader Hazel Carrion; local historian and genealogist Teresa Vega, Sacred Heart teacher Kelly Bridges, First Baptist Church Reverend Thomas Nins, Greenwich Academy teacher Kristen Erickson, Greenwich Historical Society Executive Director Debra Mecky, Greenwich Academy 10th grader Ana Gonzalez, and Sacred Heart 7th grader Clare Junius. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
"The Witness Stones commemoration at the Greenwich Historical Society is part of our commitment to use our resources to shine a light on our past,” welcomed Greenwich Historical Society Executive Director Debra Mecky. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
Newly laid Witness Stones for slaved individuals, Hester Mead and Candace Bush, Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
First Selectman Fred Camillo displays the Proclamation honoring “four of 15 enslaved individuals who helped build our communities,” Photo by Anne W. Semmes shared by four students at the ceremony. In 8th grader Lillie Foster’s opinion, “Slavery in the United States was one of the most unfair treatments of people in history. Many of the millions
of enslaved people…weren’t even recognized as human, but rather as property or objects.” Born into slavery Cull Bush, Sr. was a personal servant of David Bush, the largest slave holder in Greenwich. “In 1803,
Cull was finally emancipated… when he was about 28 years old,” Foster shared. Citing the scant information found on him, she said, “Cull didn’t even have a gravestone in memory of his life.”
HOST COMMITTEE (in formation) Mairead Finn Christine McArdle Courtney Fischer James McArdle* Nicole Fischer Margriet McGowan Harry Fisher Morgan Mitchell Katie Fong Andres Moreira The Hon. Scott Alexis Morledge Frantz Frank Murray Icy Frantz Wells Noonan Kathleen Godbold Jennifer Openshaw Jim Heavey* Pamela Pagnani* Kia Heavey Nora Yanet Parry The Hon. Jim Himes Mark Pruner Janice Hone Rob Pulitano John Hone Cesar Rabellino Alyssa Keleshian Mary P. Schroeder Rick Kral Randy Schwimmer
Cull’s partner Patience, “was bought by David Bush,” shared 7th g rader Lily Broug hton. “Patience had six children… she reclaimed her humanity by becoming a mother.” Broughton cited the dehumanizing seen in David Bush’s will, with Patience and other slaves “labeled as possessions.” With their value also stated: “Some slaves like Patience were on ly va lued at seven dollars,” Broughton learned, “even though she was qualified under Connecticut’s Gradual Abolition Act.” She was grateful that, “Today we will lay a witness stone in memory of Patience and to finally set her soul free.” Candice Bush received a higher value of “about $70” in David Bush’s will, recounts Sacred Heart 8th grader Hazel Carrion. “Listed in the 1790 census, we suppose she began working for the Bushes when she was 10 years old…w ith
Jeb Fiorita | Sabrina Forsythe | Giovanna Miller
Sarah Bamford Beth Barhydt Peter Barhydt John Blankley The Hon. Richard Blumenthal Laura Boutelle Jim Boutelle Karen Brown The Hon. Fred Camillo Mark Curtis Laurie Curtis Jen Danzi Denise Eagan Bobbi Eggers
Newly laid Witness Stones for slaved individuals, Patience and Cull Bush Sr. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
household chores…soap and candle-making, basic cleaning, cooking, and sewing.” Her slave quarters were “a small atticlike space without windows, causing extreme overheat in the summer, and terrible frigidness during the winter.” Candace would not be freed until 1825. “Candace is a woman whose name I say w ith extreme pride…She rose to freedom and f inished her admirable life in approx imately 1859. Candace was buried in Union Cemetery located in Greenwich, Connecticut.” According to Sacred Heart 7th grader Clare Junius they were asked to address their resea rch w it h f ive t hemes o f sl ave r y : t h e e c o n o m i c s of slavery, dehumanization, paternalism, treatment of the e n sl ave d , a nd a ge n c y a nd resistance. Her takeaway from the research was, “We need to keep telling and spreading these stories because …it brings an understanding of our history. Especially now, remembering our history is important.” Participating Greenwich Academy students were represented by 10th grader Ana Gonzalez whose class had researched Hester Mead. “She is still a woman surrounded How two Greenwich school students engaged in the Witness Stones Projects to research and honor the lives of four slaves who lived in the Bush Holley House in Cos obscurity,” she told. Documented to be living at Bush Holley from age 13 in 1820, there followed a 30-year-void in Hester’s life. Indentured to the founder of Greenwich Academy, Darius Mead, the question is still out of how she came to carry the name of Mead. Gonzalez paid tribute to “The remarkable work of the Greenwich Historical Society,” she said, “without it, it is very likely that Hester's story and many others like hers would be forgotten.” “Talk about hidden history,” sha r e d G on z a le z ’s h i stor y te acher, K r isten Er ick son, “some of the documents that the Historical Society shared with us included lists of property, and it would be a barrel of this, a wagon, and then a person's name. It's extraordinary, really sad and shocking.” Erickson has shared the impact of her students’ research. “For me, history is at its most powerful when it's emotional, when you have an emotional response to something. It's not just dry and happened a long time ago - if you can relate.” Erickson had engaged her students w ith the Witness Stones Project last w inter, a yea r a f ter Sacre d Hea r t, learning about it on a podcast called “Teaching Hard History.” “It was a way to bring to life a kind of hidden history. So, I thought that this was a way to bring that hidden history to life for our students.”
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Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!
Astrology for Week of June 13, 2021 GEMINI 22 May-21 June With restrictive Saturn energising disruptive Uranus across a particularly enlightening axis of your chart you’ll be reminded of something you got wrong. But don’t dwell on it when there are so many other things you are now ideally placed to get right.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec If a current project isn’t going right it is time to get help. There are lots of people able to advise but with Neptune strong you must first get rid of the idea that seeking help is a sign of failure or weakness. On the contrary, teamwork is the highest form of success.
CANCER 22 June-23 July If you have fallen out with a loved one in recent weeks or months affectionate Venus in your sign makes this the perfect time to kiss and make up. Don’t ask them to admit they got over emotional – the blame game is not worth playing.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Your ruler Saturn linked to Uranus, planet of changes, makes this a good time to follow a different path in your career or personal life. Make an effort to push yourself forwards and show off your qualities to the people you want to impress.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug You may have been deceiving yourself over the state of your finances and, if so, you won’t be deceived much longer. With the Sun at odds with misleading Neptune your miscalculations will soon be evident. Then you must do something about them.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Changes to your domestic life are in the cards but with your ruler Uranus at odds with restrictive Saturn it won’t be plain sailing. Something you have always believed may not be as straightforward as you’ve assumed. It may be time to alter your worldview.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If there is something you have been wanting to say but felt unable to do so this is the moment to speak up. There is a danger that you could hurt someone’s feelings by saying too much but rather that than keep it bottled up inside any longer.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March If, as seems likely, you’ve been squandering large sums of money you will realise, this week, what the consequences may be. The good news is that you’ll also have the chance to make up some of your losses but it will require some self-sacrifice.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct It will feel as if a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders this week. As your ruler Venus energises farsighted Uranus you will realise that so many of the things you have been getting uptight about are quite simply not worth the effort.
ARIES 21 March-20 April If you’ve fallen out with someone you care for this is the time to say sorry and return things to how they were. Don’t try to attribute blame but put it down to experience and promise yourself that next time you fall out you won’t let it go so far.
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Your recent concern with the past has warped your view of the world. Things always look better in hindsight but wishing for a time that has gone will not change the present. Now you must focus on how to make the future a time to look forward to.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May Your ruler Venus reminds you that life is meant to be fun so cheer up and stop worrying over things that may never happen. Mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing count for as much as physical health. If you’re feeling a bit low check these areas first.
Discover more about yourself at
Code Breakers
Each number in the Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this puzzle, 1 represents E, 9 represents F and 15 represents G, so fill in E wherever 1 appears, F wherever 9 appears and G wherever 15 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid. Answers on page 12.
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10.
Crossword 1
36 41 45
42 46
49 52
53 60
61 65
47 51 54
62 66
42 Calendar span
1 Ft. Collins campus (Abbr.)
43 Nigerian currency
4 Jacuzzis
45 White and blue in North Africa
8 --- fly, carrier of sleeping sickness 14 Berne's river 15 Cut grass
Very Hard
16 More smooth 17 Clumsy and unskilled 19 Met productions 20 And the rest 21 Luther's opponent 23 Cabbage 24 Harmless 25 --- lot (pigged out) 27 Vietnamese beef soup
47 Australian armed forces support org. 48 Transgressions 50 Most senior sailor 52 Ron Howard send-up of reality shows 53 Stovepipe 57 Mrs. George Clooney 60 Short publication? 62 Book page size 63 Nabokov novel
28 Dying in the wet
65 Made without leavening
32 Boise's county
67 Flat
35 Clemson athlete
68 Harvest
37 Second part of a play
69 The first "T" of TNT
38 Cozy retreat
70 Variant belief
40 "Belling the Cat" author
71 Some addresses 72 Inspect
DOWN 1 Mosaic spy 2 Cook in a wok, perhaps 3 Metropolitan 4 Dexterity 5 Persecution delusion 6 Hole puncher 7 Canadian sidechannel 8 Grew fond of 9 Nurse 10 Refinement 11 Radial, e.g. 12 Proof against leaks 13 Comes before "while" for once 18 Glitch 22 Louis Leon ---, who gave R M N a puppy 26 --- Beach, Hawaii 28 South Asian ex-pats 29 Brain passage 30 Actress Long and others 31 "Working ---", 1988 film
32 --- Domini 2015 33 Like Beethoven 34 "--- I care!" 36 Dutch gin 39 Above this, nothing much taller than grass 41 Thoracic 44 Boolean logic operator 46 Candy covered with nonpareils 49 Known in Greek as Theotokos 51 Young folk's sailboat (Abbr.) 54 Impetuosity 55 New York's --Fisher Hall 56 What Goldfinger expected James Bond to do 57 "Where --- the sacred river ran ..." (Coleridge, Kubhla Khan) 58 Sleeper 59 Chemical fruit growth regulator 61 Expert 64 --- in Tango 66 --- Tamid (synagogue lamp)
Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel
Kansas City, Here Comes the Cardinals By Paul R. Silverfarb The Greenwich High School boys’ rugby team has come a long way since the start of 2021. Head coach Mike Fina, who was an assistant under Joe Kelly for six seasons, coached only for 10 days during his first year at the helm in 2020 due to COVID-19, and he was concerned that 2021 might have the same fate. But that couldn’t be further f rom t he t r ut h. Not on ly d id Big Red have a full season, but they will once again be able to showcase their talents on the national stage. “I love this whole roster b e c a u s e t h e y a r e s e l f l e s s ,” Fina said. “Guys will play until they are absolutely exhausted, knowing that whoever we put in for them is going to do just as good of a job. There’s very minimal drop off. The kids know they don’t have to stay on the field because they need to lead the team. It’s more like they did their part, so they get out of the way so their teammates can get on the field and get the win.” And Greenwich’s selflessness, g r it , a nd deter m i nat ion w i l l be tested in a big way in just a few days. Although Big Red had another standout season, GHS is taking it one step further. Earlier this spring, Fina originally made an appeal to let the Cardinals travel to the Swope Soccer Village in Kansas City for the 2021 High School Boys’ Rugby Nationals, but t he appea l was rejec ted. With restrictions continually easing and more events taking place, a parent on the GHS team sent another appeal to the Superintendent of Schools at Greenwich Public Schools. And as luck would have it, the appeal wo rke d a n d t h e C a r d s we r e approved to fly to Nationals. “Giving the timing of everything, we got an approval,” Fina said. “It’s super exciting and we are leaving on June 16. But I won’t lie, it was a little chaotic to put logistics together. Normally we have three months to get everything together for this trip and we have three weeks. It ’s b e en a ton of work f rom our booster club and parents and players getting stuff to us. I n e e d e d p ap e r wo rk fo r t h e tournament and I handed it to them one day and had it back from everybody the next day.” G r e e nw ich H ig h S cho ol i s seeded seventh in the sing le school division of the Boys’ High School Nationals and will take the field against No. 2 seed Ignatius on June 17 at 6:30 p.m. “Just being able to get back there is great and super exciting,” Fina said. “The interesting thing is that as much as we have been to Nationals as a program, no player on this year’s roster has been there before. I am a little bit nervous because we don’t have
The Greenwich High School rugby team will be in action over the weekend, competing in Kansas City at the High School Boys Rugby Nationals. Greenwich will start play today as the No. 7 seed and play second-seeded Ignatius at 6:30 p.m.
Xavier High School. And before the rugby team could blink, their contest against Xavier was back on the schedule. Greenwich High School f inished their regular season 4-1 overall, beating Ridgef ield High 74-10, Fairfield Prep 39-10, Simsbury High 52-12, and rival Xavier High School 28-3. Their only loss of the season came at the hands of Staples High School, a 10-5 defeat. This year, GHS has two senior captains and both really stepped up in big ways throughout the offseason. Fina said that Dylan Maloney was consistently communicating with the team during the offseason and during the preseason, leading the team both on and off the field. About a week after Maloney was named captain, Fina was t a l k i ng to h is coaches a b out one of h i s for w a r d s , K ac p er Grabowski, really stepping up.
The Greenwich High School rugby team takes to the field against rival Fairfield Prep earlier this season. In the contest, it was Big Red that came away with the 39-10 victory. the experience of playing on such a big stage, but I think that’s also good. We want to win that first game at Nationals because it truly makes a huge difference how you finish overall. As a program we have historically had a tough time winning that first game. Whether we were in the single school tier or the second tier, didn't matter. This team has shown a lot of grit and determination. Just getting to Nationals truly is a win for us.” While Fina and his f lock of Cardinals are heading to Kansas City to represent the school at Nationals, the 2021 season didn’t seem so promising at the start of the year. Things were quite up in the air. Big Red didn’t know if there even going to be a season, as r ug by is not considered a
C o n n e c t i c u t I nt e r s c h o l a s t i c Athletic Conference sport. “Some people look at it as an opportunity to do whatever you want, which isn’t really true,” Fina said. “In fact, this year we had to do ex t ra work on ou r part. From the CIAC standpoint, it’s easier for them to say that you’re not a CIAC sport and it’s just easier for us to give you a hard no.” However, with the support of Connecticut high schools and youth rugby, they did some work over the winter to get a return to play action plan in place by outlining some changes to the way rugby is played to mitigate the risks. “ We pr e s ente d t h at to t he Connecticut Department of
Health and then all of the single school athletic directors were presented that as well,” Fina said. “They individually got on board and that’s when we started thinking that this can be done. We wanted to do this for our athletes.” F i n a s a i d t h at t h e s e a s o n started out with a few modifications to the game, such as playing single school in-state teams to limit travel and always wearing a mask. As the spring progressed and the country was improv ing, restr ictions were eased. According to Fina, Gus Lindine, athletic director at GHS, went to bat for GHS and spoke to headmaster Ralph Mayo about trying to get Big Red to battle t hei r r iv a l s f r om New York ,
“His work rate is of f the cha r ts,” Fina sa id. “ That k id never stops. Not only was he the f irst in f itness and the f irst in everything we needed to do, he was motivating everybody else and started to beat our backs in the fitness stuff. He makes a tackle during a game and is the first one back up in a defensive line ready to go. He’s been an amazing leader. He’s not a super vocal leader, but he doesn’t need to say anything. “Dylan is much more of vocal leader and is very selfless,” Fina adde d. “ We had t wo s en ior s vying for scrum half and both dealt with some medical issues. Dylan, who was locked in as a center, came up to me and said that he should get some reps at
scrum half. He thought the lack of hav i ng some one at scr u m half was affecting the team, so he tr ied to w in a spot there. He did that and his teammates reacted really well to Dylan doing anything he could to try and help the team.” Several other athletes have stepped up their game as well. Charley Beney, a big presence this season for GHS, is at No. 8. Luke Ware has been a rock for the team in the centers and has been a defensive monster for Big Red. Liam Kirkpatrick has played fullback, wing, and centers for Greenwich and has been lights out everywhere he’s been on the pitch. A plethora of other athletes have had the chance to shine for GHS and that’s due to some of the changes made with the rugby program internally. In the rich history at Greenwich High School, the boys’ rugby program has reached some incredible highs. And they didn’t reach those heights by selecting only the best to play rugby. Since t h e p r o g r a m b e g a n i n 19 8 6 , ever ybody t hat ca me out for rugby made the team, regardless of skill. Fina is keeping that tradition going during his tenure w ith the Cardinals, but has changed the structure of the team. Over the past year, the head coach has added some more volunteer coaches that are invested in the program. “ W hat I was a ble to do by doing that is staff our three levels of play,” Fina said. “In the past we had an ‘A’ team and ‘B’ team that was basically our subs for the ‘A’ team. Now we have coaches for each team and that ‘B’ team gets coached up separately. They are getting their own coaches and aren’t the last guys getting reps. A nd that has helped us immensely.” As the season grew for Big Red and there was a need to add more players to their Division I roster, Fina has been able to turn to the coaches of their Division II team and ask the coaches there who is ready to step in. “ Th is is g re at b e c ause it ’s helping our kids get the most out of every level,” Fina said. “There are some kids that aren’t get to their full potential during their four years of high school and peak during college. In the past, a senior might just sit on the D-I bench and get a few minutes here and there. That may turn him off from the sport. In having a competitive D-II level where seniors can play a good amount of time, advance, and get better is great. When he goes to college, he’s a l r e ady goi ng to have a wealth of knowledge that a lot of other guys on the rugby pitch won’t have.” To f ind out results from the National tournament, visit www.
Polo Launches High-Octane 2021 Season By Liz Leamy Last Sunday, the Greenwich Po l o C lu b l au n c h e d it s 2 0 2 1 season in high-octane fashion as thousands of spectators convened at this famous bucolic sports facility to watch the kickoff of this year’s inaugural East Coast Bronze Cup high-goal tournament, making for an atmosphere of great excitement, energy and optimism. Right from the outset on this sunny and warm June afternoon, the electricit y in the air was palpable as Palm Beach Equine faced off against Level Select CBD in fierce and formidable fashion, with the former team claiming victory over the latter, 11-7. Throughout the entirety of t h i s m atch , t h e s e t wo h i g hoctane teams staged a dramatic competition, roaring up and down the massive Conyers Farm field on their powerful charges with the ferocity, speed and focus of top world-class athletes, much to the delight of the spectators. For t he player s , it w a s a l l about getting out there and doing their job in order to accrue allimportant points in this esteemed annual 16-goal tournament. “It was a good match today and everyone was strong out there,” said Scott Swerdlin of Palm Beach Equine Clinic. “We are focused on play i n g wel l he r e i n t h i s tournament and it is wonderful
to be at the Greenwich Polo Club. It is one of the most wonderful places in the world and everyone is so nice.” Throughout the entire first half, both teams went neck and neck in regard to points, keeping the score tied. In the fifth chukker, however, Pa lm Beach Eq uine Clin ic (a veterinary medical organization dedicated to the health of horses based in Welling ton, Florida) surged ahead of Level Select CBD, racking up a three-point lead over their opponent at 9-6.
In the sixth and final chukker, Palm Beach Equine further increased their lead over Level Select CBD to wind up at the top of the leaderboard 11-7. According to the players, this was a memorable afternoon in all regards. “It was terrif ic to be out there today and it was a good match,” said Andrew Gundlach, who playe d t he nu m b er- one position for Level Select CBD in conjunction with his 17 year-old son, Max Gundlach. “I had a lot of fun playing on the team with my
son and it’s great to be here with my whole family.” Gundlach’s sentiments seemed to reflect the mood of so many of spectators at the match as well. “This is the f irst polo match I’ve ever been to and I had no idea what to expect. The whole experience has been amazing and I’ve had so much fun,” said Giyeon Choi, a nurse who works at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bron x, New York and who traveled from Queens to attend this game. “It’s been incredible to watch the horses run and see the teams
play. Everyone here is so friendly and I def initely want to come back.” Certainly, the horses, who, for decades, have been the standout stars at this celebrated venue, wowe d t he crowd w it h t hei r speed, power, agility and playing intelligence. In this match, Coquito, the stunning dark bay gelding ridden and owned by Gringo Columbres (for more than five years now), the highest-ranked high goaler of this match, was named Best P l a y i n g P o n y. (C o n s t a n c i o ‘Costi’ Caset, the talented up and coming Argentinian five-goaler, meanwhile, was named Most Valuable Player.) “These are world-class players a nd h or s e s t h at we h ave a n opportunity to see in person and it is all because of the Greenwich Polo Club,” said Carolyn Dempsey Arcuri, who lives in Greenwich with her husband, Gino and their three children, Sherlynn, Tigin and Sam. “The Greenwich Polo Club is so unique to Greenwich and is very special to the town and the whole surrounding [ N e w Yo rk a n d C o n n e c t i c ut m e t r o p o l i t a n] a r e a . T h i s organization has brought worldclass polo to our backyards and it is part of Greenwich tradition.” Eusi Skeete, Director (USA) of Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., whose New York City-based
company has been a partner with the Greenwich Polo Club since 2017, said it was wonderful to be back at this renowned destination again. “It is so exciting to be here today and it is great to be back. So many people are having such a good time and it’s just a wonderful ex p er ience a l l a rou nd,” s a id Skeete, whose Barbados Tourism cabana area is always a main stopping ground for spectators at the Greenwich Polo Club matches. “The people here are incredible and that, along with the [highgoal] level of polo, are what make the Greenwich Polo Club is so special and unique.” The players echoed a similar narrative. “I love Greenwich and it is so beautiful. Everyone is great here and playing at the Greenwich Polo Club is something that is really special,” said Scott Swerdlin of Palm Beach Equine. “Thank you Greenwich.” *The East Coast Bronze Cup Tournament will run through Sunday, June 27th . In addition, the Greenw ich Polo Club will host a live DJ who will play music, along with its ever-popular asado (Argentinian barbeque) every Sunday following the matches. For more information, please contact the Greenwich Polo Club at
Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!
Color in the wolf on the mountain. Discover your inner artist. Coloring is good for the brain and improves moods.
Easy Suduko
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10.
From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.
CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1993 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.
“Is my child ready for Kindergarten?” Part 3 By Amy DeNicola-Hickman The most talked about area of child development during the pandemic has been social emotional skills. It is key to success in life. During the early childhood years we break this down to healthy attachments to others, self reg ulation, recognizing and responding to emotions, self awareness/ concepts and social relationships. This sounds like a monumental task but you as a parent have been teaching these skills since the moment your child was born. B e c au s e yo u h ave b e e n responsive to your child as an infant you have built a strong and healthy attachment that is the foundation for all social emotional le a r n i n g . A s a p a r e nt , you respond promptly and sensitively when they are in distress. You ta ke interactive tu r ns w ith your child when you play and talk. Most importantly you are always available to your child both emotionally and physically. This builds a healthy attachment and now allows your child to begin to expand these healthy relationships with other trusted adults (preschool teachers, camp counselors, caregivers). Children who are entering Kindergarten are exploring new places and m ay ne e d s ome supp or t to adjust to the new setting and new adults. Over the first week of school teachers are prepared for a few tears and have lots of tried and true tricks up their sleeves to comfort students who are managing a separation and adjusting to a new situation. Be patient with your child and yourself during this time. Children at this age are also learning self regulation. They begin to be able to use some of the cues in the environment to assist them. They will continue to develop their skills through second grade. Teachers will use schedules with pictures and songs/music for transition from one activity to another to assist children with learning how to complete these tasks. Teachers also may have reinforcement practices in the classroom for following the school norms and regulating their emotions. Some ways you can support your child at home with self regulation for very young children are: Create a morning and or bedtime routine and follow it
The most talked about area of child development during the pandemic has been social emotional skills. consistently. Use pictures for your child to follow. They can be found all over the internet under visual schedules. Have your child learn to follow it as independently as possible. Use strategies to support sharing: When little Jorge is play ing w ith the toy I want what can we do….all mommy’s and daddy’s have a timer on their phone...set a timer for two minutes (no longer please) and help us wait by singing a song or reading a book….when the timer goes off we get a turn….reset the timer for Jorge who gets the toy back again in two minutes…. Use strategies for problem solving: We are out of Mia’s favorite fruit that she wants for snack and she is upset….offer two other choices for snack. Have her help you “write” a reminder to buy the fruit next time you go to the supermarket. Emotions are a very difficult topic for m a ny ch i ld r e n to understand. Emotions do not come with a tangible example. There is no “happy”. You just feel happy. Children need to learn the labels of their feelings first. They do this by hearing parents and caregivers label them “wow you look happy you are smiling playing with that truck” “I’m sorry you fell down and are crying and you are sad”. The more children hear and talk about feelings the higher their social emotional functioning. It is an exceptionally powerful tool to use emotion words. Teachers and families continue to develop skills to express, recognize and respond to emotions as they enter Kindergarten. Here are a few examples: “Model” emotions and feelings…”I am frustrated waiting in line. I sing a song when I wait”...ask your child how they are feeling...if they are unable to tell you verbalize for them “I can tell you are feeling____” children need constant practice with this and the more you describe and model the better they will be with talking about their feelings. Look at pictures in magazines and books discussing facial expressions; happy, sad, worried, angry, tired, thinking, frustrated, surprised, scared, silly.
Read stories that are centered around emotions and talk to your child about the theme of the book. (Ex: The Grouchy LadyBug By Er ic Ca rle, W hat ma kes you Grouchy?) Any of our local libraries can assist with books on emotions. As children are entering Kindergarten, they also begin to develop social relationships. They want to help adults, play with peers, and need to problem solve. It is important that we support children at this age in developing these skills and not just complete t h e s e s k i l l s fo r t h e m . T h e sk ills they are learning are very important in maintaining relationships and independence in the future. Give children the tools they need to play cooperatively with peers. Turn taking takes practice. Play games with your child and a sibling or peer at home where turn taking needs to occur (candyland or a match game are a good start). Have your child verbalize “my turn” and “your turn” Te a c h y o u r c h i l d t h e vocabulary of problem solving: “ I think we are having a problem here. How can we solve it?” “Can we set a timer and take turns?” “Can we find another XXX so you both have that toy?” “Should we ask for help?” “Should we play together” “Could I say Please stop” “Could I say Please” “Could I share” “Could I trade” Have your child begin to help with household chores. Small children can set the table, match socks from the laundry, stir and help measure for baking, dig and plant seeds in the garden...there are so many things and it builds so much self confidence. Finally children this age are developing self concept and self competence. We need to support learning experiences that develop sk ills in these areas for our littlest learners. When I went to Kindergarten many many moons ago, my teacher, Mrs. Sacks, taught me to state my first and last name, phone number and my address to anyone who would ask. The self identification we are looking for has changed dramatically. We want our Kindergarteners to be able to identify themselves as a part of a group, what roles they
play and what their preferences to try again and be resilient in are. Talk to your children about their efforts. being a big sister and a great artist If we want our children to or a football player. We want our be successful, building social Kindergarteners to be confident to emotional skills is key. Pandemic take some risks and try new tasks or no pandemic, social emotional (with adult support) and show sk i l l s a r e a c or ner stone of pride in their accomplishments. the kindergarten curriculum. To support children in this area Look for my next articles on is to praise them for trying even communication and literacy when it is hard and even when coming soon! Greenwich 5.25x10.5.qxp_Layout 1 3/26/21 10:48 AM Page 1 something fails. Support them
Amy DeNicola-Hickman is an educator with more than 25 years of experience. She holds a BS in Elementary Education, an MS is Early Childhood Education , an MS in Special Education and has completed an advanced certification in School Administration. She currently serves as the Special Education Preschool Administrator for the Greenwich Public Schools.
For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport
Smarter Watering Begins With You
Smarter watering is watering without wasting such an important, irreplaceable resource while also keeping your lawn and garden looking their best. Most importantly, it can be as easy as following Aquarion’s mandatory irrigation schedule. Or go a step further…upgrade to a high-efficiency, irrigation system. It’ll do all the work for you and may even qualify you for a variance from the schedule. Either way, you’ll reduce what the EPA has identified as one of America’s biggest water wasters – lawn and garden overwatering. Meanwhile, you’ll make more water available for vital needs throughout your community – like for fire protection and drinking. And that’s just plain smart. Questions? Contact Aquarion’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678 or speak to a licensed irrigation professional. For more information about the irrigation schedule and variance options, visit
Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule Last Digit of Your Address Number Please Water Only On: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers)
Saturday & Tuesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight
No address number
Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight
© 2021 Aquarion Water Company
Page 18 | Greenwich Sentinel
Frank J. Gaudio President/CEO 203.302.4375 COLUMN: ON MY WATCH
How To Prepare For Climate Change
By Anne W. Semmes David Pogue talks plain talk about that complex story of climate ch a n ge . Po g ue , who l ive s i n Westport, has a voice for science, often hosting PBS Nova science specials and explaining away on Ted Talks. He now has a userfriendly book, “How to Prepare for Climate Change – A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos,” that was a riveting topic at a recent RMA talk. His ability to simplify those key words of climate change, the greenhouse effect, began with a photo of two dogs in a car. “If we want to reach people, we should call it the dog-in-the- car- effect… how you come back to your car in the summer it’s like boiling inside. Same exact thing - trapped infrared energy reflected from the sun. In the climate analog - we are the dog.” He then shared a graph that starkly showed the dramatic rise in the levels of C02. “And if we zoom in on the last 150 years, we'll see that
it really began about the time we began burning coal and oil with the Industrial Revolution.” He has another term for global warming more inclusive, global weirding. “It’s heat waves,” his list begins, freak snowstorms, flooding, water shortages. historic rains, droughts. “We had the most hurricanes last season…Nature is a network of interconnected systems - you can't turn one knob without affecting a bunch of other things.” Addressing last year he said, “We were coping with COVID crisis, but the climate crisis did not slow down…2020 was tied for the hottest year ever reported on the planet. We also achieved the hottest temperature ever measured on the planet…over 130 degrees in Death Valley. We also had the most wildfires burning - the most areas in a season…five million acres burned, which is equal to the entire area of Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island. And another terrible wildfire season is coming up out west.”
Celebrating W
e have experienced what “home” truly means in the past 20 years. Home is a feeling. We have been providing excellence in dementia care by creating a loving, caring, creative and joyful home. The Greens at Greenwich has been privileged to care for extraordinary people of diverse ages and cultures who have become compromised by Alzheimer’s and other forms of memory impairment. We are a small privately owned residence located in a beautiful residential neighborhood. We are thankful for our frontline workers, most of whom have been with us for more than ten years. They continue to go above and beyond to care for the residents and families they have come to love. During COVID, snowstorms and power outages, our staff has ensured residents’ safety and provided uninterrupted daily routines. Further proof of staff commitment shows as 100% are vaccinated. We are grateful to our residents, families, staff, and community for sharing this journey with us. We look forward to continue to provide an exceptional quality of life to our community. SCHEDULE A TOUR TODAY Maria Scaros, Executive Director • 203.531.5500 •
A graph showing the dramatic rise of C02.
So, just how many climate change deniers are out there he posed? According to an annual study by Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, there are 29 percent of Americans believing climate change is just a natural cycle. “That’s actually the lowest number it's ever been in these surveys. Just as a point of comparison, remember that 20 percent of us believe that aliens walk among us. “ But Pogue quickly moved off to his “Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos.” So, how is that changing climate affecting us? “There's an epidemic in this country of what's called eco-despair or climate anxiety… After Hurricane Katrina, one in five residents are still suffering from PTSD…Since 2016 rates of depression are up 33 percent.” How to deal with this despair? Pogue’s’ “whole book is about taking action to sleep better at night.” Like choosing wisely where one lives. “Forty million Americans move every year, especially in the pandemic. The basic guideline is you want to be inland far enough from the sea level rising and flooding.” Check out the “cool” website called, “Surging Seas” - https://sealevel. “You plug in any address, and it'll show you the water levels over time as the sea levels rise…Coastal Connecticut is not as bad as Miami. I would not be buying real estate in Miami…already they're getting sunny day flooding 100 days a year, when it hasn't been raining, when there hasn't been a hurricane. And that happens because of the tides.” “You want to be north far enough to escape the heat waves, as well as the mosquitoes and ticks that we've got here, and you want to be west enough to avoid the hurricanes, and you want to be east far enough to avoid the wildfires. And you need fresh water - the entire western half of the country is in more or less perpetual drought.” Pogue picks 14 cities “basically above the 42nd parallel. The Great Lakes area, baby, that’s where it's at - no hurricanes and wildfires, plenty of drinking water, no sea level rise. All those great old rust belt cities are expected to have this huge resurgence. Places with a lot of culture, art museums, symphonies, zoos, and hospitals, very important in the climate crisis era. Another option is Burlington, Vermont. It feels like a seaside town because it's on Lake Champlain, a lake 500 miles long, no sea level rise, low obesity, highly educated, the lowest
Westport author David Pogue shared his new book, “How to Prepare for Climate Change” with the RMA.
crime rate in the country, really big on cheese and maple syrup and ice cream. Ben and Jerry's is nearby.” How to invest in climate change? “When you invest in a clean energy focused company, you are helping to solve the problem. You're making money at the same time. It turns out that 38 states, and growing now, have renewable energy mandates. They must get 50 percent of their power from renewable energy by 2030. Who stands to benefit f rom t hose laws? The ut i l it y companies, because they will be the people that the states are buying electricity from. So, companies like NextEra and Xcel Energy are good investments.” A nd, w ith General Motors intending to phase out of gas cars in 14 years, Pogue shared, “It’s the companies that mine lithium that will be sitting pretty.” Pog ue instructed all R M A attendees to download the app, “Emergency,” pronto. “It's free. It's from the American Red Cross, and it's really cool - you put in your address, or your children's a d d r e s s e s , g r a n d c h i l d r e n's addresses. If any disaster starts heading yours or their way it will come to life and start beeping and get your attention. even when the cell network is down, like where's the nearest shelter, basic first aid, how to survive a flood or hurricane. “Most experts also agreed that you should set up a go-bag. This is a backpack that you keep in the front closet with enough stuff in it, so that you can survive out of the house for a couple of days. So, snacks, first aid gear, flashlight…grab ID and cash, and any medicines. When another hurricane Sandy comes along and
you're told to evacuate, you don't want to be at the end of the line of cars stuck in traffic trying to escape.” But if you can’t, don’t forget your water heater. “There's 40 or 80 gallons of clean fresh drinking water already within the walls of your own home. So, what you do is you shut off the intake at the top, and then you can pour out water from the bottom spigot, let it cool off, and you've got clean drinking water.” And gear up against those ticks! “It turns out that the changing climate is not unpopular with everybody. Ticks love it. Tick territory is growing because the winters are not killing them…or killing off the deer.” Lyme Disease is increasing. “And the thing is you don't always know that you've got Lyme disease.” So those 30,000 reported cases in the 1990’s could now be 300,000 cases a year. Stock up on DEET, use antibiotics quickly if you come down with Lyme – “you can cure it for good. When you get back from a walk, take off your clothes and throw them in the dryer - it kills whatever is on them.” To remove a tick, “Just take some tweezers, grab it by the head, pop it right out.’ And encircle your house/ patio with nine feet of lawn. “Nine feet to them is like Death Valley, they can't cross it.” The last chapter of Pogue’s book is called, “Where to Find Hope.” It includes, “Look at the young people today…These people are going to replace us, and they feel very strongly about decarbonizing. I think it'll take eight years or so, but I do believe we'll get to a world that doesn't burn coal, oil and gas anymore.”
Page 19 | Greenwich Sentinel
Cohen Foundation Partners with Stamford Health By Kris Herndon Sta m ford Hea lth received a g rant f rom the Steven & A lexandra Cohen Foundation to expand its ‘No Barriers’ Vaccination Equity Program. Begun in mid-January, the ‘No Barriers’ program promotes e q u ita ble d ist r i but ion of t he COVID-19 vaccine by reserving vaccination blocks for socially vulnerable groups. The new, expanded version of the program will focus on doorto-door outreach in communities hard hit by COVID-19. That often means those with high vaccine hesitancy as well inadequate access to the vaccine. T h e i n -p e r s o n o u t r e a c h , which is expected to beg in th is week , w ill aim to dispel misinformation about the vaccine, as well as educating the com munit y about benef its of vaccination. Outreach workers will also assist individuals in locating clinics or vaccination sites. Kathleen Silard, President and CEO of Stamford Health, sa id t he Steven & A lexa nd ra Cohen Foundation’s grant will
“The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation is very proud to support Stamford Health in their expansive COVID-19 vaccination efforts,” said Cohen Foundation President Alexandra Cohen. help Stamford Health make a measurable difference in those hard-hit communities. Stamford Health, a non-profit hospital, has rapidly increased its vaccination efforts in recent weeks, opening a vaccine ‘super site’ in Stamford’s Harbor Point, and administering over 117,000 doses of the vaccine. The new door-to-door ef for t w ill expand that ef for t further, targeting underserved communities who may be most at risk. “This grant will allow us to continue the important work of growing vaccination efforts in our community with a focus on equitable distribution,” Silard said in a statement. “Thank you
to the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation and to our many ‘No Barriers’ Program partners for helping the communities we are so proud to serve receive these life-saving vaccines.” Since the start of the pandemic, Steven and Alexandra Cohen, both Greenwich residents, have granted Foundation support to a number of projects in aid of local communities struggling with the impact of COVID-19. The Fou ndation’s m ission is to support organizations that either help those in need, or solve complex problems. The Fou nd at ion a l s o sp e a rhe ad s grassroots campaigns to encourage others to give. “ The Steven & A lex a nd ra
Steven and Alexandra Cohen. Cohen Foundation is very proud to s up p o r t S t a m fo r d H e a lt h i n t hei r ex pa nsive COV I D -19 vaccination efforts,” said Cohen Foundation President Alexandra Cohen.
She added: “We are happy to partner with Stamford Hospital on their ‘No Barriers’ vaccine initiative to help close the vaccination gap for the members of our community who
the pandemic has already hit the hardest and affected most. Since the pandemic began, we have dedicated our resources to helping our neighbors make it through this dif f icult time, focusing on hunger relief, healthcare, and job training. We want to make sure people can stay healthy and protected, have meals on the table, and have a job to go back to.” Known for its person-centered approach to care, Stamford Hospital is the only hospital in Fairf ield County, CT to receive a grade of A from The Leapfrog Group, an independent watchdog organization for protecting patient safety. U.S. News & World Report has recognized Stamford Hospital as a High Performing Hospital. The American Nurses Credentialing Center has granted Stamford Hospital Magnet Status, which recognizes superior patient care w ith the highest level of safety, quality and patient satisfaction. Stamford Hospital is a Planetree G old-Cer tif ied Person- Center e d Hospit a l of D i st i nc t ion , a nd one of on ly seven in the world to attain that distinction.
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