From the beginning, the mission of my campaign has been to inform and engage voters so we can create a more effective and accountable government.
the icingt z an on I c ypFr ge a 9 the cake
As a former corporate attorney at Skadden Arps and current Yale PhD candidate, I researched the issues Connecticut faces to learn what other states are doing and find the best solutions. I learned that Connecticut has fallen behind because our leaders oppose many of the best ideas, while PRSRT surrounding states embrace them. We can’t afford to wait any longer. STD We must embrace innovation and good ideas!
Real Estate Insights from MarkpagePruner 3
U.S. Postage
I’ve published a concrete 5-step plan to fix the pension crisis, restore fiscal PAID stability, attract businesses to Connecticut, lower taxes across all brackets, and use public-private partnerships to make our economy Permit thrive for decades. #2475 We do not have to choose between progress and prosperity! Providence, We can and should have both.
Postal For our government to be truly accountable, we must be informedCustomer and engaged. We need to look at what our leaders actually do, not just what they say. And the “us” versus “them” mentality must end. Partisanship is a problem, not a solution. If we work together, we can create the thriving Connecticut we envision — with good governance, a balanced budget, faster trains, new companies and jobs, better education and a safe and sustainable future for all.
Connecticut is poised for a spectacular recovery if we engage in civil dialogue focused on real facts and solutions. Thank you for joining me on this mission!
The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.
June 25, 2021
Alex Bergstein
Back Countr y | Banksv ille | Belle Haven | By ram| Chickahominy | Cos Cob | Glenv ille | Old Greenw ich | Pember w ick | R iverside | Bedford, N Y
Greenwich Crew Wins Gold
The Local News You Need to Know
Alex Kasser, State Sen. (D-36)
Board of Selectmen Looking to Engage with Community The Board of Selectmen wants to engage with the community through several forums hopefully beginning this autumn. First Selectman Fred Camillo said he'd like to hold neighborhood forums to discuss residents' issues and concerns. These forums would be held yearly in order to give ample opportunity to discuss issues as they arise. Second Champion A Champion Golf Classic To Be Held In September Having been cancelled last year due to COVID-19, the Global Citizens Initiative (GCI) and the Matsui 55 Baseball Foundation will host the second annual Champion A Champion Golf Classic on Sept. 20 at the Tamarack Country Club in Greenwich. The event will help raise money for youth empowerment programs to help the next generation of global and ethical leaders at GCI and Matsui 55. Firework Picnic Fundraiser To Benefit Parks And Rec. Foundation The Town of Greenwich Parks and Recreation Foundation has announced a Firework Picnic Fundraiser in conjunction with the planned Town f ireworks on the evenings of July 3 and July 5. Supporters will be able to pre-order picnic boxes for curbside pick-up from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Eastern Greenwich Civic Center on the day of the fireworks, rain or shine. Marcia Selden Catering will handle the meals. $20 from each order will be donated to the Town of Greenwich Parks and Recreation Foundation. The number of meals available will be limited. Order no later than June 30. Greenwich Hospital Oncologist To Retire After Years Of Care According to an announcement from Greenwich Hospital, Dr. Dickerman Hollister Jr. will officially retire this month after treating scores of Greenwich families over the years. Mike's Organic Now Offering Prepared Foods Mike's Organic, based in Stamford and is the premier farm-to-home delivery service in Connecticut, recently announced the start of "Made By Mike's" — a new line of prepared foods. Greenwich Sidewalk Sale Days Greenwich Sidewalk Sales will take place from Thursday, July 8 to Sunday, July 11. Hours from Thursday through Saturday are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. with Sunday hours from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please turn to page 11
SENTINEL SUBSCRIBE subscribe SUBSCRIBER DELIVERY ISSUES & REQUESTS Thomas@maninmotionllc. com or call 203-515-2288
Paid for by the Alexandra Bergstein Committee. Peter Berg, Treasurer. Approved by Alexandra Bergstein.
By Tom Williamson
Greenwich Crew Youth Women's Youth 8+ boat, below, that captured the gold medal with a time of 7:21.133. Greenwich Crew finished with four boats taking first place during the USRowing Youth National Regatta. This year also was the first time that the boys' team took a gold medal at the national regatta. See page 17 for the full story.
Ryan Fazio's Phone May Be Buzzing but He is Not Quite Ready to Announce By Anne White U PDAT E: S i n c e we w e n t to pre s s Rya n h a s announced that he will be running. Please see stor y online for updated information. The special election to f ill the State Senate seat representing the 36th district - left vacant by the unexpected resig nation of Alex Kasser - will be held no more than 53 days
from today according to Connecticut state law. That do e s not le ave very much time for parties and candidates to make a decision to run and get their campaigns up and going before election day in early August. As soon as State Sen. Kasser made her announcement, those involved in the process of f inding a replacement started working
Stone McGuigan, who is running against incumbent Selectwoman L a u r e n R a b i n . Fe l l ow Selectwoman Jill Oberlander has announced she will not seek reelection. The Democratic candidates also include
The House of Truth vs. The House of Lies
EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com ANNOUNCEMENTS Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com SPORTS
STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ JIM KNOX LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836 PLEASE NOTE Free copies of this newspaper are sent through the U.S. mail to rotating areas of town. These contain an envelope for subscriptions. The Greenwich Sentinel telephone number listed on those envelopes is incorrect. The correct number is 203-485-0226.
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT Mo s t o f u s w a n d e r b ack a nd for t h ac r os s the psycholog ical road b et we en t he Hou s e of Truth and the House of L ies. Th is ca n happen many times during the s a m e d a y. N e g a t i v e messages draw us into the House of Lies without our even noticing it. There, anxiety is the wallpaper a nd de pr e s sion i s t h e flooring. The scent of fear permeates the house. Our reflections in the distorted m i r r o r s t e l l u s w e ’r e unlovable, unworthy, too much, or too little. Wise friends and mentors help us spend more time in the House of Truth where the solid floor of honesty, the art- work of the beauty of creation, and the comfortable chair of acceptance invite us to feel at home. While there may be thoughts and behaviors
the phones. One phone in particular was bu zzing a l l day on Tu e s d a y. T h a t p h o n e belonged to Ryan Fazio who ran against Kasser last fall but fell short of v i c tor y. T he c a mp a i g n was at times contentious yet Fazio expressed h is u ndersta nd i ng t hat this must be a dif f icult moment for Sen. Kasser saying that he wishes the best to Alex Kasser and
h e r f a m i l y du r i n g t h i s challenging time. Although he expressed gratitude for all the calls and emails he has received encouraging him to run ag a i n , he s a id he's not ready to make a decision quite yet. "I love our community and will make a decision ver y s o on a b out how I think I can best serve it in the future."
DTC Announces Candidates
First Selectman Fred Camillo w ill have an opponent in the local election this fall in Bill Kelly, a former member of the Board of Education and Board of Estimate and Taxation. He will be joined by RT M mem ber Ja net
ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-485-0226
State Sen. Alex Kasser Resigns
that you want to change in the House of Truth, situations are manageable, and change is possible. “I overeat 24/7,” moaned Angela . Her therapist responded, “Well, at least for this hour you’ll have a break. Did you over- eat this morning? Are you a middleof-the-night eater? How hard is lunchtime?” Initially put off by her therapist’s questions, Angela moved from the House of Lies to the House of Truth when she realized that she overeats only between 5 and 7 pm. Then she and her therapist were able to develop strategies for coping with one-twelfth of her day. G re e nwi c h re s i d e n t , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.
Molly Saleeby for town clerk, who lost previously to incumbent Carmella Budkins. The Democrats w ill also challenge incumbent Heather Smeriglio Trevor C r o w. F i v e o f t h e s i x Democrats on the BET will be running again: Leslie
Moriarty, Jeff Ramer, Laura Erickson, David Weisbrod. and Miriam Kreuzer. They will be joined by Stephen Selbst. Beth Krumeich is not running for reelection. For t he B o a r d of Education: Kathleen Stowe, Laura Kostin and Katherine LoBalbo.
Calls to Action SUBMIT A CALL TO ACTION at are needed to pull invasive a-Minute vine. Meet at the Holly action/ for print next week. Grove. Long sleeves, pants and gloves are a must! BYO H2O. Give to Fill the Build! As Neighbor to Neighbor prepares to open the V i s i t : B e a u t i f u l Wo r k : T h e new food pantry this fall, they A r t o f G r e e n w i c h G a r d e n s invite everyone in Greenwich to a n d L a n d s c a p e s t h r o u g h contribute to help stock & furnish September 5, 2021. Galleries open: the interior space. We d ne sday -Su nday 1 2 :0 0 to Visit 4:00 pm. For information: https:// filthbui/ to contribute. PLAY GOLF! Breast Cancer Alliance (BCA) Shop, Eat & Mingle at the Tavern hosts their 9th annual Golf Outing G a r d e n M a r k e t : G r e e nw i c h on September 14th with the goal Historical Society presents biof funding innovative, early-stage weekly Tavern Garden Markets research in the f ield of breast alternating Wednesdays, from cancer. The Golf Club of Purchase, June 30 through November 3, 10 Country Club Drive, Purchase, 2021. For more information: www. NY; Foursomes are $4,000, which includes lunch, on course food and beverage, cocktails, and dinner for Picnic & Music Under the Stars 4. Cocktails and Dinner Only: $250. at Greenwich Historical Society’s Music on the Great Lawn Concert Series Alternating Thursdays: June Upcycle your Brown Bags and 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August or Reusable shopping bags for 19, September 2, September 16 food distribution to Community 6:30 to 8:00 pm; grounds open at Centers Inc of Greenwich. Contact 5:30 pm. More information: https:// Vanessa Cardinal at (203) 869-1276 vanessa.cardinal@ccigreenwich. the-great-lawn/ org online. Time Travel w ith Greenw ich SPONSOR OR DONATE Historical Society’s History Camps Elegant evenings, over f low ing One-week camps July 12-16 (6thchampagne glasses and ragtime jazz 8th grades) & July 26-30 (Grades are all synonymous with the romance 2-5), 9:30am-2:30pm. For more and allure of the 1920s. On Saturday, information & registration call 203September 18, Family Centers brings 869-6899 or contact Heather Lodge the spirit of this iconic American era at to Greenwich for its Roaring Twenties benefit. For more information, email G e t C r e a t i v e a t G r e e n w i c h Katrina Dorsey, VP of Development, Historical Society Art Camp One-week camps July 19-23 (6that 8th grades) & August 2-6 (Grades Love Our Point! Saturday, June 26, 2-5), 9:30am-2:30pm. For more 9-11AM. Rain or Shine. Volunteers information call 203-869-6899.
On Tuesday, State Senator Alex Kasser (D-36) announced her resignation from the thirty si x th Senate District, which covers all of Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan. Kasser cited her acrimonious divorce f rom senior Morgan Stanley executive Seth Bergstein as the reason saying, “due to personal circumstances and ongoi ng d ivorce litigation, I ca n not conti nue to ded icate myself to this job in the way that it deserves.” She went on to say, “For nearly three years, I’ve been trying to divorce Seth Bergstein.” Kasser said that her husband has tried to destroy her and her par tner w ith “harassing court motions,” a claim which Bergstein has refuted in court filings. Within hours of the announcment Kasser's facebook page was filled with hundreds of messages from well wishers who said they were sorry to see her go. Many of the messages thanked her for her work and her
I will miss being a part of the legislature with its camaraderie and collective sense of duty. I will miss my colleagues and serving my constituents. courage and expressed distress over her situation. Senator K asser was f irst ele c te d i n 2 018. The for mer attorney served as the Chair of Banking Committee, Vice Chair of t he Jud ic i a r y Com m it te e as well as ser vice on the E nv i r on me nt a l a nd P u bl icHealth Committees. She was a strong advocate for women a nd ch i ld ren; most recently pushing for legislation that would expand the criminal definition of domestic violence to include coercive control. It passed with over whelm ing bi-pa r tisa n support. Senate Majorit y L eader Martin Looney received a call from Kasser Tuesday morning stating she was resigning shortly before she released her statement. I n a n n o u n c i n g K a s s e r ’s resignation, the Secretary of State said that “under state law, the governor has ten days to issue a writ of election to choose a successor in the 36th Senate District. That special election must be held on the 46th day after the issuance of the writ of election.” The timing of the special ele c t ion t he n w i l l l i kely b e during the f irst two weeks in August, a time of year when much of Greenwich is focused on vacations and is out of town. It is anticipated that voter turn-out will be low. In her statement, K asser concluded by saying, “I will miss being a part of the legislature with its camaraderie and collective sense of duty. I will miss my colleagues and serving my constituents. I am forever g ratef u l for hav i ng had th is opportunity and w ill always cherish the experience.” Candidates will need to move quickly to organize campaigns g iven the special election t i met a ble . A s of pr e s s t i me only John Blankley had officialy announced his intention to run.
The Real Estate Market Report
Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
How is Your Greenwich Neighborhood Doing in 2021?
By Mark Pruner May 2021 was a Dickensian month. It started out as the best of times and while it didn’t quite end as the worst of times, we won’t from possibly the best week ever in Greenwich with 85 transactions to 45 transactions by the end of the month. Having 45 transactions (sales and new contracts) in one week actually isn’t a bad week: it just that by the end of May it looked the Greenwich real estate boom might be over. Well, the short answer is that June transactions show it’s not, though it’s not quite as good as it looks. The first two weeks of June, we had 57 and 55 transactions and then last week we jumped up to 72 transactions. That exceeds the highest number of transactions that we had in our best weeks in 2020, which itself was a record year. The 72 transactions we had last week is 6% over the best week of 2020, but the details show it’s a maturing market. When we set the record of 85 transaction in the first week of May, we had 57 contracts and 28 sales or 2:1 ratio of contracts to sales. Our 72 transactions last week were in a 1:1 ratio of sales to contracts with 36 contracts a nd 36 sa les. That ratio is actually fairly normal as June is typically our month with the most sales and contracts start to fall these deals close. What we actually may be seeing is normal on steroids with more sales each month, but a more typical annual sales curve. In the first 20 days of June, we’ve had 82 sales which is very impressive given that our 10-year average for June sales in 86 single family home sales. If you gross up those 82 sales for the whole month, you’d be looking at new all-time June record of 120 single family home sales. I wouldn’t hold my breath, but it’s a definite possibility that June 2021 could be third alltime, consecutive record sales month af ter April and May 2021 (and February 2021 also). Having said that the general consensus among agents is that market is going from frenzied to just hot, and you can see that when you look at total contracts. In the third week of May we peeked at 267 contracts waiting to close. We are now down to 250 contracts, which is still very good, but we have had 4 weeks of a flat to slightly down trend. This is what happens every year, just not at these levels, as the spring contracts mature into summer sales.
The Neighborhoods So where are all the sales? The answer is everywhere. If you look at a map of our sales in Greenwich it looks like a we have blue measles with major
Frank J. Gaudio President/CEO 203.302.4375
concentrations in Old Greenwich, Riverside, central Greenwich, Glenville and Pemberwick, and not so much in north Greenwich, but what the map doesn’t show is zoning. All of our “busiest” areas are also the areas that are mostly half-acre and smaller zones. In an R-7 zone (7,500 s.f.) you get 6 sales per acre or 24 sales per 4 acres. So north of the Merritt Park way take the dots and mu lt ip l e by 2 4 t i m e s i n t h e four-acre zone and 8 times in the two-acre zone south of the Merritt Parkway. If you do that, backcountry, and particularly mid-country, are doing better than the hot front country, but will that continue? The best indicator of how each area will do over the next couple of months is the number of contracts and there Old Greenwich and Riverside stand out as they have 85 of the 250 contracts waiting to close. The other thing you see is the grouping of contracts along our western border with New York. It’s not only Covid buyers from New York City, but also a fair number of buyers from Rye and other Westchester town that want a short drive to their relatives and former neighbors. The other factor that’s having a big impact on sales this year is inventory. We have 3.5 months of supply and if you throw in those 250 contracts that are waiting to close, we have a super tight 2.8 months of supply. It looks like inventory is going to limit sales in Old Greenwich, and particularly in Riverside where we only have 26 listings with only 10 of those south of the Post Road. The other thing we are seeing is some pushback on prices as we saw in 2018, when we saw sales spurt in Cos Cob and Glenville as prices per s.f. in Old Greenwich and Riverside appreciated too rapidly for many prospective buyers. This year has been an amazing year for Greenwich real estate. Our sales are up nearly 100% from 191 sales through the end of May 2020, to 376 sales this year. Our average sold price is up $932,951 to $3,062,441 from $2,129,489. This is a jump of 44%, but that doesn’t mean that your house went up 44% in the last year. The huge jump in the average price is more of a mathematical curiosity, than a useful number when it comes to buying a house or refinancing. It is a real number and can be used when talking to your father in NYC or your brother in Silicon Valley or your sister in south Florida, since they are probably reading about average price changes in their states. Four things are driving the average pr ice cha nge . F i rst people want bigger houses. The median size of a Greenwich house sold in 2021 so far is 4,242 this is 573 square feet bigger than the median size for 2019. Arguably, 16% percent of the 44% average price increase is due to larger houses. Second, we are seeing some i n f lat ion a s t he Wa sh i ng ton continues to pour money into the economy and keep interest rates artificially low. Estimates put Y-o-Y inf lation at over 4% through April. Third, are our base comparison issues. All these year over year numbers are comparing a very robust first 5 months in 2021 to two and half months of recovery in early 2020 and 2 and a half months of lockdown after the mid-March 2020 lockdown. Lastly, we are seeing real appreciation
driven by increased demand for houses while at the same time we have decreased supply. Sales are up 97% while inventory is down 45%. A better way to look at this price appreciation is by comparing either the sales price per square foot or the ratio of sales price to the tax assessor’s assessment. When you look at the sales price per square foot, we are up 26% townwide. If you look at the sales price to assessment ratio, we are up 16% year over year. So how much have properties appreciated in Greenwich in the last year. Well, it’s kind of like the old lawyer joke. When the retiring CEO was interviewing for a successor, he asked his general counsel what is two plus two. The GC’s response, “What do you want it to be?” Our appreciation is like that. All of these numbers are mathematically accurate, they just measure price appreciation in different manners. One thing you can be sure of is, is that when all three factors are up, we are looking at real appreciation.
Greenwich Neighborhoods Booming and Boomlets If the CEO were to ask his COO/property manager what is 2+2 is response might be, “Well where are we talk ing about.” While our townwide average SP/ Assmt ratio is up 16% Y-o-Y, in Glenville and Cos Cob, we are looking at 26% and 21% increases respectively. These are the areas that didn’t do well in 2019 as the SALT tax deduction limitations impacted Greenwich and their recovery looks bigger as it’s off a smaller base. The other major area with a b ove a ve r a g e a p p r e c i a t i o n this year is Backcountry where the SP/Assmt ratio is up 18% Y-o-Y. Backcountry was a major beneficiary of the Covid driven lifestyle. If a buyer wanted the m u c h d e s i r e d m i n i- c o u n t r y club with pool, tennis court and basketball court/enlarged parking area; it’s a lot easier to do that on 4 acres rather than two acres.
Our Neighborhoods Leaders Greatest Y-O-Y Appreciation ($/sf) - Backcountry Backcountry posted a 51% gain on price per s.f. This astounding number is a lot of real appreciation along with some big sales at a premium price per square foot. In second place was South of the Post Road, where we are some big waterfront sales and some real volatility in the high-end market. We have a bunch of folks putting their house on the market and bunch of people buying them almost as fast as they come on.
Greatest 6-year appreciation (SP/Assmt) – Byram
with Pemberwick.) Old Greenwich continues to do well as it does year in and year out. Since 10/1/05, OG has racked up 30% appreciation.
Biggest percentage increase in sales Byram once again does very well here as does Banksville. In the larger neighborhoods South of the Post Road saw a 187% jump in sales in the first five months of the year. Backcountry was up 124%. (Backcountry is back.)
Biggest Sales Volume Increase South of the Park way our biggest GMLS neighborhood saw sales jump by $234 million from $156 million to $390 million in sales. Coming in second was South of the Post Road where all the move-outs allowed a lot of moveins resulting in an increase of $142 million in sales. Overall, it’s a hot year and we are staying at a very busy level.
Byram has some of our most affordable housing. It got hammered in the recession, but since the assessment it has come back strongly up 39% since our last assessment date of October 1, 2015. In fact, so strongly, that it’s up only 4% this year as there are Mark Pruner is a Realtor in good deals in other parts of town. Greenwich, CT. He can be reached (North Mianus actually did better or 203-969but with only 5 sales and the same 7900.
158 CLAPBOARD RIDGE ROAD | Greenwich | $5,850,000 6 Bedrooms | 6.1 Baths | 6,113 Sq. Ft.
Cesar Rabellino | 203.249.9866 Gloria Falcon | 203.559.1604
A rare opportunity, 6.3 acres in a 2-acre zone in Mid Country. This 6 bedroom, 6 and a half bath English Manor is tucked away in a serene oasis on Clapboard Ridge Rd. The manicured landscaping, with spectacular perennial gardens and rare trees, surround the terraces, beautiful pool, tennis/basketball court and brook that runs the length of the property. The main floor master bedroom with French doors opens to the terrace and the pool. The additional 4 bedrooms on the second floor are all en-suite and well proportioned. The large formal rooms with high ceilings make this home the perfect setting for everyday living and family entertainment. This listing includes lots for sale: 158 Clapboard Ridge Road with 3.218 acres and 0 Konneticock Road with 3.09 acres for a total of 6.308
38 Locust Road | Greenwich | $4,900,000 4 Bedrooms | 5.1 Baths | 5,966 Sq. Ft. Cesar Rabellino | 203.249.9866 Gloria Falcon | 203.559.1604
107 Maple Avenue | Greenwich | $4,795,000 8 Bedrooms | 5.1 Baths | 7,918 Sq. Ft. Kate Hohorst | 203.253.2662
15 Laub Pond Road | Greenwich | $2,945,000 4 Bedrooms | 6.1 Baths | 7,403 Sq. Ft. Mark Pruner | 203.969.7900
54 Doubling Road | Greenwich | $2,099,000 4 Bedrooms | 2.1 Baths | 2,852 Sq. Ft. Robin Bartholomew | 203.253.3575
90 Roton Avenue | Rowayton | $1,580,000 3 Bedrooms | 3.1 Baths | 2,600 Sq. Ft. Robin Bartholomew | 203.253.3575
1 Norias Road | Greenwich | $920,000 3 Bedrooms | 1.1 Baths | 1,860 Sq. Ft. Roberta Jurik | 203.561.6602
665 River Road | Cos Cob | $3,595,000 6 Bedrooms | 4.1 Baths | 5,894 Sq. Ft. Karen Scrivanos Oztemel | 203.921.8490
25 Stanwich Road | Greenwich | $1,649,000 4 Bedrooms | 3 Baths | 2,795 Sq. Ft. Mark Pruner | 203.969.7900
19 Tremont Street | Cos Cob | $789,000 3 Bedrooms | 1.1 Baths | 1,177 Sq. Ft. Roberta Jurik | 203.561.6602 Greenwich 136 East Putnam Avenue | 203.869.0500
Old Greenwich 200 Sound Beach Avenue | 203.637.1713
©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Stephanie Dunn Ashley – Giving Back is the Thread That Runs Through Her Life “I've really enjoyed giving back to not only my school but then taking that which was ingrained in me since a child, and how can I make a touch point on where I am in my world.”
YWCA Old Bags Lunch. Stephanie Dunn Ashley with L to R, Andy Bates GEMS, Chief Jim Heavey (GPD), Event Chair Lauren Walsh and David Parenti (GEMS).
By Anne W. Semmes Ste p h a n i e D u n n A sh l ey comes to her 2021 Sent i nel Award as if groomed for it. A thread runs through her life that resonates with the desire to g ive back . Wit h such a n impulse she is perfectly placed as CEO of the Greenwich based Metro New York North Chapter ( M N Y N ) of t h e Re d Cr o s s . Think emergencies, home fires, floods, building collapses - p r o v i d i n g s h e l t e r, f o o d , clothing, emotional support, and certified training – not only in Greenwich, but throughout Westchester County, Rockland County, and West Point Military Academy. That’s a population of 11 million. It w a s n’t e a s y s t e p p i n g into that role in the full force
of Covid last spring of 2020. “I’ve been a virtual employee since I started!” shares Ashley on her morning walk. (She’s a mu lt it a sker.) A sh ley h ad left behind her 13-year job as Director of Special Events for Greenwich Hospital working in “the hot zone for COVID,” to find herself working remotely from her Cos Cob home. “Instead of being able to me et her new ma nagement team, staff, 38 board members, and work in her new off ice,” says Giovanna Miller, board chair of the MNYN Red Cross Chapter, “she was forced to start her Red Cross career at home, online, and rarely having the personal touch of starting a new job. “In the true Stephanie Dunn Ashley fashion,” adds Miller,
who succeeded Ashley in the D i r e c to r j o b a t G r e e nw i c h Hospital, “she had a positive attitude and not only took on all the responsibilities as if she were a seasoned CEO, but also made quite an impression on all the Red Cross staff and volunteers in the region and even nationally.” New blood collection site Ashley is fully versed on the vital role of platelets and plasma, and proud of the new f i xed blood collection site included in the renovation of the Red Cross Greenwich headquarters. with a ribbon cutting planned this fall. The site will allow the collecting of whole blood, platelets, and plasma. “Platelet s a r e t he blo o d clotting material for your blood. If you have a clotting disorder,
Red Cross Red and White Ball: Stephanie Dunn Ashley and Sebastian Dostmann of Sebass Events. Photo by Fairfield County Look. if you have sickle cell anemia, if you're a cancer patient, a t r au m a p a t i e nt , i t ’s r e a l l y important to get platelets. And platelets have a shelf life of five
days. If you don't have that burn and shock patients, and supply, and you can't constantly for people with liver disease or replen ish it, t hose patients clotting factor deficiencies.” aren't able to get it. And plasma With the current nationwide is commonly used for trauma,
Please turn to page 13
The Greens of Greenwich Celebrates
Two Decades of Excellence in Dementia Care From the start, the community became their own Covid-19 pod, with all residents quarantined in the facility and all staff members committed to
only working at The Greens. The community remains safe and Covid-19-free. This year, we celebrate all the work they have done in the
community to support those with memory impairments and offer them a safe, enriching, and compassionate home.
The Greens Residents and Staff
By Susie Moore The Greens at Greenwich celebrate their 20th anniversary and 20 years of dedication to their residents. This specialized memory care community prides itself on its mission to understand and empathize with those with memory impairments, while work ing to help them live independent, fulfilling lives. The Greens at Greenwich, also known as The Greens, is a small residential assisted living facility with about 30 residents that specializes in dementia care. Over the last 20 years, The Greens have met the needs of the community by creating a space for residents to thrive that feels like home. Their 20th anniversary is not only a celebration of 20 years of devoted care but of the growth and development of their programming and understanding of memor y impairment. Over the years, The Greens’ top medical professionals and staff have studied the most current trends and information in science a n d p s yc h o lo g y to b e t te r understand each resident. “Our residents have always been the impetus for increasing our k nowledge about their disease and the inter ventions needed to provide them with the best quality of life,” says Executive Director Maria Scaros. The Greens continues to increase their knowledge of memor y impairment by facilitating educational training sessions for all staff members twice a month. This culture of education and understanding
Over the last 20 years, The Greens have met the needs of the community by creating a space for residents to thrive that feels like home. at The Greens is what makes them stand apart in the community. At The Greens, they understand the power of art and music to awaken the brain. T he Gr e ens use s cr e at ive e x pr e s sion i n a l l of t hei r programming to engage their residents’ brains in a unique way. They have programs in art therapy, dance and movement therapy, music therapy, and drama therapy, all facilitated by masters-level, licensed creative arts therapists. The Greens’ mission is to provide their residents with a fulf illing and meaningful l i fe . S c a r o s ex pla i n s t h at oftentimes, there is guilt and shame clouded around the idea of assisted care facilities. “Families feel like they’re giving up when they bring a loved one to us, but really, they are giving them a life,” says Scaros. Unlike families, the staff at The Greens meet each resident for the first time when they walk through the door and are able to completely accept and embrace them as the person they are today. Individuals w it h memor y i mpa i r ment need community and people who understand their disease.
Executive Director Scaros is an example of the hands-on approach taken at The Greens. As a licensed creative arts therapist, chaplain, mentor, and teacher, she works directly with the residents and their families to create a safe and fulfilling environment. Another pillar of The G r e e n s’ appr o ach to c a r e is engag ing w ith the local Greenwich community. The Greens at Greenwich created partnerships with community organizations like the Bruce Museum, facilitating creative arts therapy workshops. They also work closely with local schools such as Brunswick, Greenwich High School, and Sacred Heart to teach young students about art therapy and memory impairment. They are also a teaching site for masters level students studying creative arts therapy programs and social work, providing them with year long internships. During the height of the pandemic, the facilit y remained extremely cautious of introducing Covid-19 to the residents. They were able to take all of the necessary precautions without disrupting the lives of their residents.
The Greens at Greenwich Families
There are many kinds of families, and The Greens is one kind. When residents come to us, we welcome them and those who are important to them. Together as family, we take the journey to a new normal. We are grateful for sharing the journey with residents and their loved ones and providing a warm compassionate home where daily activities provide a sense of purpose, dignity, and joy.
Our People and Our Home Over the years we have experienced what home truly means. We recognize that home is a feeling, and it lives here at The Greens at Greenwich. Our staff continues to go above and beyond to care for residents and the families they have come to love. Most of our staff have been with us for more than 10 years and 100% are vaccinated. All staff assist residents with activities of daily living and engage with residents in creative programming and other group activities.
Discover The Greens at Greenwich Difference Twenty years ago, The Greens at Greenwich opened its doors providing a small residential assisted living community nestled on the Greenwich/Westchester border. Over the years we have been privileged to care for extraordinary people of diverse ages and cultures who have become compromised by Alzheimer’s and other forms of memory impairment. Discover for yourself how The Greens at Greenwich may be your silver lining to exceptional care for your loved one. SCHEDULE A TOUR TODAY Maria Scaros, Executive Director • 203.531.5500 •
Pam Pagnani For being awarded as the 2020 Greenwich Sentinel Honoree
The Feel Good Event of The Year
Thursday July 1st 6:00PM Nothing Compares.
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REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |
Area South Parkway South of Post Road Pemberwick South of Post Road Cos Cob South of Post Road South Parkway South of Post Road Byram Glenville Pemberwick Glenville North Mianus Cos Cob North Parkway Riverside Cos Cob Old Greenwich Riverside Cos Cob Riverside South of Post Road Cos Cob South of Post Road South Parkway South Parkway Riverside North Parkway North Parkway
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address
40 W Elm Street #6D 4 Putnam Park #4 193 Hamilton Avenue #19 5 Glen Street #105 349 Riversville Road 20 Byram Shore Road 20 Byram Shore Road 10 Rockland Place 12 Perna Lane 29 Bayside Terrace 14 Buckingham Lane 39 Riverside Avenue 459 Stanwich Road 53 Locust Street #2 53 Locust Street #1 53 Locust Street #2 53 Locust Street #1 40 W Elm Street #6D 125 Field Point Road #B2 125 Field Point Road #1A 13 Chieftans Road 282 Round Hill Road 51 Richmond Hill Road 53 Locust Street 53 Locust Street 702 Steamboat Road #5 702 Steamboat Road #2 107 Maple Avenue 702 Steamboat Road #1 78 Pecksland Road
Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Riverside Riverside Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
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Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis William Raveis William Pitt Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis Sotheby's William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Original List List Price Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt
1465 Putnam Avenue 617 45 Ettl Lane 503 7 Buena Vista Drive 104 Ritch Avenue 12 51 Forest Avenue 92 1020 North Street 71 Indian Harbor Drive 8 Norias Road 49 Sinawoy Road 5 Old Kings Highway 1 Greenway Drive 178 Milbank Avenue B 97 Hillcrest Park Road 34 Glen Road 48 Druid Lane 302 Sound Beach Avenue 12 Maplewood Drive 1 Echo Lane 6 Forest Avenue 69 Calhoun Drive 72 Sound Beach Avenue 8 Lockwood Road 183 Connecticut Avenue 11 Alden Road 70 Angus Road 150 Pecksland Road 52 Upland Drive 610 Round Hill Road 140 Park Avenue 1 Midwood Road 513 Lake Avenue 247 Riverside Avenue 450 Lake Avenue 47 Woodside Drive 417 Field Point Road 7 Turner Drive 396 Round Hill Road
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Price/ Address List Price SqFt AC BR FB SqFt 50 Lafayette Place 3B $275,000 $468 588 0 1 1 175 Putnam Park 175 $369,000 1 1 2 Homestead Lane 411 $429,500 $602 714 0 1 1 4 Putnam Park 4 $585,000 2 1 53 Bible Street 1 $625,000 $444 1,409 0 2 2 17 Le Grande Avenue 9 $729,000 $538 1,354 0 3 2 128 Halstead Avenue $785,000 $574 1,368 0.55 3 1 3 Putnam Hill Road 3H $795,000 $503 1,580 3 2 149 Byram Road B $825,000 $368 2,240 0 3 2 124 Lyon Farm Drive 124 $880,000 $516 1,704 0 2 2 99 Monica Road $899,000 $669 1,344 0.14 3 2 14 Comly Terrace $975,000 $460 2,118 0.18 3 2 21 Cary Road $995,000 $737 1,350 0.21 3 3 20 Maplewood Drive $1,020,000 $532 1,919 0.18 3 1 349 Riversville Road $1,265,000 $472 2,680 2 4 3 18 Amherst Road $1,495,000 $879 1,700 0.29 3 2 33 Mead Avenue $1,650,000 $473 3,492 0.28 4 4 8 Willow Lane $1,695,000 $872 1,944 0.17 4 2 44 Bonwit Road $1,750,000 $647 2,706 0.18 5 4 523 Putnam Avenue A $1,750,000 $682 2,566 0.83 2 2 105 Lockwood Road $1,788,000 $839 2,132 0.3 4 2 1 Sound View Court $1,795,000 $887 2,024 0.08 2 2 106 Orchard Street $1,895,000 $535 3,539 0.4 5 4 62 Mason Street 2 E $2,595,000 $1,658 1,565 2 2 34 Will Merry Lane $2,695,000 $516 5,227 2.05 5 4 188 Stanwich Road $3,495,000 $964 3,625 2.22 6 4 46 Club Road $3,795,000 $660 5,751 0.89 4 3 23 Meeting House Road $3,800,000 $684 5,556 4.01 6 4 434 Riversville Road $8,900,000 $586 15,200 4.01 7 9
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Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
4TH OF JULY - FIREWORKS Saturday, July 3 & Monday, July 5 9:10 p.m. Greenwich Fourth of July Fireworks Shows. Greenwich Point Park. (f it rains Saturday and the show is cancelled, the Town will shoot fireworks from both shows on Monday, July 5. At this time, there are not any additional rain dates scheduled). FLAG RAISING Sunday, July 4 9 a.m. Independence Day Flag Raising at Town Hall: Greenwich Scouts flags parade, live music by the Sound Beach Community Band, Good Citizen Award winners from Greenwich Schools, cake inside Town Hall after the ceremony. Rain or shine. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: Saturday, June 26 9 - 11 a.m. Love Our Point! - Volunteers are needed to pull invasive Mile-a-Minute vine at Tod’s Point. Meet at the Holly Grove. Rain or shine. Long sleeves, pants and gloves are a must. BYO water. Sunday, July 4 9 - 11:30 a.m. First Sunday Bird Walks at Greenwich Point Park. (Bring binoculars). Meet near the main concession stand at the south end of the beach. All ages. (Group size limited, up to first 15 participants). LIBRARIES: Friday, June 25 10 a.m. Outdoor Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. Saturday, June 26 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Homemade Meals Cooking Demo with Kevin. 203-531-0426. Monday, June 29 10 a.m. Summer Storytime in the Courtyard at Greenwich Library. 203-622-7940. 6 p.m. Virtual – Fiction Addiction Book Club: “Dear Edward” by Ann Napolitano. Tuesday, June 29 4 p.m. Innovation Lab for Kids. Via Zoom. 203- 622-7940 5 p.m. Virtual – Meditation and Breathing with Gail. 203622-7920. Wednesday, June 30 10 a.m. Summer Storytime in the Courtyard at Greenwich Library. 203-622-7940. 3 p.m. Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft (ages 2 1/2 and up). 203-622-6883. Thursday, July 1 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong: mindful movement and breathing. lmatthews@ Friday, July 2 10 a.m. Outdoor Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. Tuesday, July 6 4 p.m. Virtual – Chair Yoga with Kristin. 203- 531-0426. 4 p.m. Virtual – Intro to 3D Scanning. 203-622-7979. Wednesday, July 7 10 a.m. Summer Storytime in the Courtyard at Greenwich Library. 203-622-7940. children@greenwichli-
Local Planning: Calendar of Events 1 p.m. Virtual – Get Started with Investing III: Key Concepts and Considerations. 203) 622-7924 ywang@ Thursday, July 8 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong: mindful movement and breathing. lmatthews@ Friday, July 9 10 a.m. Outdoor Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. Saturday, July 10 1 p.m. Virtual – Cloak and Dagger Book Club: “Death in Brittany” by Jean-Luc Bannalec. 203-622-6883. HOSPITAL: 888-305-9253 Saturday, June 26 11 a.m. Webinar: Andrew Greco, police officer, Greenwich Police Department: “Bicycle Safety at Any Age.” Monday, June 28 10:30 a.m. Relax and Restore with Sound Healing Meditation. Greenwich Hospital, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Bring a yoga mat/pillow. Monday, July 5 12 p.m. Webinar: Bariatric Informational. Tuesday, July 6 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Hip Replacement Education. 1:30 p.m. Webinar: Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. 6 p.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. Thursday, July 8 1 p.m. Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. Saturday, July 10 9 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: ntngreenwich. org Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pullups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. TOWN CONCERTS: greenwich.audubon. org/events Wednesday Night Concert Series: Wednesday, June 30 7:15 p.m. The Bob Button Orchestra - Big Band, 30’s, 40’s Swing. Binney Park. Wednesday, July 7 7:15 p.m. Soul’d Again – Motown. Binney Park. Weather postponement/cancellation information: 203861-6100 (after 4pm). TOWN GOLF TOURNAMENTS: Saturday, June 26 & Sunday, June 27 1 p.m. Men’s Town Golf Tournament. Griffith E. Harris Golf Course. 203-5318253. Monday, June 28 10:30 a.m. Ladie’s Town Golf Tournament. Griffith E. Harris Golf Course. 203-5318253. FREE MUSIC FRIDAYS: Friday, June 25
12:30 p.m. “Free Music Fridays” on Greenwich Avenue: Frank Rogers and The Sound Cats. Across the street from the Senior Center. AUDUBON CENTER: greenwich.audubon. org/events Friday, June 25 8:30 p.m. Firefly Night. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. Ages 6 & up. $10, children; $20, adults. Registration required. (Bring your own plastic hole-punched jars. No glass please). ryan. Saturday, June 26 9:30 a.m. Pond Design Workshop. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. $45. Ages 12 & up. Registration required. 203-900-3349. Caroline. 1 p.m. Let’s Go Birding Together! Bird Drawing Workshop & Bird Tour for LGBT Pride Month. 613 Riversville Rd. Tickets start at $10. Ages 12 & up. Registration required. (bring pencils (regular or colored), paper and other art supplies). 203-9301353. ryan.maclean@ YMCA: Monday, June 28 – Friday, Aug. 20 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Summer Camp: Discovery Camp (Entering Grades 1-6). (Rising kindergarteners are eligible to attend Discovery Camp). • Summer Camp: Mini Camp (3-5 years). BRUCE MUSEUM: Tuesday, June 29 9 a.m. Digital Bruce Beginnings – Fourth of July. Online. Tuesday, July 6 9 a.m. Digital Bruce Beginnings – Toucan. Online. Thursday, July 8 7 p.m. Bruce Presents: NFTs: Separating the Myth from the Moment. Via Zoom. Free, members; $20, non-members. Saturday, July 10 12 p.m. Virtual Art Workshop with Sandy McDermott: New England Animals. $20. Register. BOTANICAL CENTER: Through Wednesday, June 30 “Glorious Gardens” Art Exhibit by Frank Smurlo, Jr. 130 Bible St. (A percentage of artwork sold is donated to GBC). Tuesday, July 13 Registration begins for “Little Rangers” Fall Sessions (September– December). (All children must be 3 1/2 by 12/1/2021). RETIRED MEN’S ASSOCIATION: future-speakers-3 Wednesday, June 30 11 a.m. Webinar: Nabeel Abboud-Ashkar, Executive Director, Polyphony Education. “Musical Bridges: bringing together Arab and Jewish communities in Israel.” First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich, 1 West Putnam Ave. Free. Open to all. Wednesday, July 7 11 a.m. Mark Nunan: “Fiorello La Guardia: Scourge of the Old Order, Inventor of the New.” First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich, 1 West Putnam Ave. Free. Open to all. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Wednesday, June 30 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tavern Markets – featuring all things “Home” – from food and flowers to specially curated items.
Rain (in the Barn) or shine (in the Tavern Garden), 47 Strickland Rd. Alternating Wednesdays, through November. Thursday, July 8 6:30 p.m. Music on the Great Lawn Series: Justine Goggin. 47 Strickland Rd. Grounds open 5:30. Bring your picnic. Registration is required. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE: Friday, June 25 10 a.m. ‘Café Franco-Américain’ - Conversation in English and French. RSVP for Zoom link. sbenthal@aol. com Wednesday, June 30 5 p.m. ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ - join in for lively discussions on French films. Open to all. Donation. RSVP for a Zoom link. Monday, July 12 – Friday, Aug. 27 Greenwich Arts and Language Summer Camp. In person. Ages 5-12. education@afgreenwich. org AMERICA’S BOATING CLUB: greenwichsps. Friday, June 25 6 p.m. Summer Fling - celebrating the re-opening of boating activities. 76 Tomac Ave, Old Greenwich. RSVP before June 20. GreenwichSquadron@ Tuesday, June 29 & July 13 6 p.m. Tuesday Sunset Sails. Meet at the dock at 6pm and return at sunset. (Bring a drink or nibbles to share). GreenwichSquadron@gmail. com HOP-A-PARK DAY Saturday, July 3 National Hop-a-Park Day encourages us to enjoy the public parks, green spaces, and outdoors as much as possible. SIDEWALK SALE DAYS: Thursday, July 8 to Sunday, July 11 Greenwich Chamber of Commerce 2021 Greenwich Sidewalk Sale Days. Greenwich Avenue and its nearby streets in downtown Greenwich. ROTARY CLUB: Wednesday, June 30 6:30 p.m. Changing of the Guard. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. Full Dinner, wine on table, cash bar: $68/person. RSVP to Sally Parris: sally.parris@ ART SOCIETY: Monday, June 28 – Friday, July 2 4:30 p.m. Kid’s Summer Art Camp: Kathie Milligan - Section 1, 10:30am-12pm, Ages 6-8; Section 2, 12:303:30pm, Ages 9-12. Register. Tuesday, July 6 4:30 p.m. Collage and Assemblage Using Mixed Media. Via Zoom. Register. Wednesday, July 7 10:30 a.m. The Craft of Painting and Your Personal Vision – Section 1. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. 1:30 p.m. The Craft of Painting and Your Personal Vision – Section 2. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. Thursday, July 8 1 p.m. Process Painting: Master Class in Contemporary Issues. In person, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. Friday, July 9 11 a.m. Critique and Collaboration, with Carol Dixon and Anna Patalano. Online. Register. PERFORMING ARTS: greenwichperforming- Monday, July 5 – Friday, Aug. 13 Summer Acting & Musical Theatre Workshops (Ages 7-10). Hyatt Regency Greenwich. 203-2737827. NEWCOMERS CLUB: greenwichnewcomers. org June 30 7 p.m. Wine About a Book Club: Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Private home. Register. OLD GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: Wednesdays 2:30 - 6 p.m. 38 West End Ave, Old Greenwich. Held rain or shine. (No dogs allowed). GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: greenwichfarmersmarketct. com Saturdays, through Nov. 19 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Arch Street Commuter Parking Lot. (Parking is free during market hours). (No dogs allowed). 203-380-0580. ARCH STREET Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Free. Online. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Wednesday, by Appointment Only. Free. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: Ongoing Spring Scavenger Hunt @ Greenwich Point Looking for something fun to do? Come out and explore the Point in springtime with a family friendly scavenger hunt. Break out your binoculars and explore all areas of the Point! NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: online-support Wednesday, June 30 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact admin@ for the meeting password. TOWN AGENCIES Monday, June 28 6:30 p.m. Board of Health Regular Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency Meeting. Via Zoom. Wednesday, June 30 9:30 a.m. P&Z POCD Greenscape Implementation Task Force Meeting. Via Zoom. Thursday, July 1 11 a.m. FS Sustainability Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Conservation Commission Regular Meeting. Via Zoom. Tuesday, July 6 1 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Town Hall – Hayton Room. Wednesday, July 7 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Town Hall – Meeting Room. 7 p.m. Architectural Review Committee Meeting. Town Hall – Cone Room. Thursday, July 8 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Meeting. UPCOMING EVENTS:
Friday, Sept. 10 6:30 p.m. Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich Annual Benefit: Moonlit in Mykonos. In-person and at-home options. e.givesmart. com/events/lA1 Monday, Sept. 13 Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County 5th Annual Golf Outing. Tamarack Country Club, 55 Locust Rd #2522, Greenwich. Tuesday, Sept. 14 1 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance Ninth Annual Golf Outing. The Golf Club of Purchase, 10 Country Club Dr, Purchase, NY. Saturday, Sept. 18 ‘Roaring Twenties’ Family Centers 2021 Benefit. Private home in Greenwich. product/Roaring-Twenties Saturday, Sept. 18 Dance for S.E.L.F Gala. Burning Tree Country Club, 120 Perkins Rd, Greenwich. ulrika_ Saturday, Sept. 25 YMCA of Greenwich Annual Gala. Burning Tree Country Club, 120 Perkins Rd. 203-869-1630. Monday, Oct. 4 Regional Hospice 10th Annual Golf Classic. Salem Golf Club, 18 Bloomer Rd, North Salem, NY. Tuesday, Oct. 12 12:30 p.m. Greenwich United Way Annual Golf Tournament. Greenwich Country Club, 19 Doubling Rd. bit. ly/3kHINcj Wednesday, Oct. 20 Breast Cancer Alliance 25th Anniversary Luncheon & Fashion Show Fashion Show Presented by Richards. 203-8610014. Saturday, Oct. 23 & Sunday, Oct. 24 Concours d’Elegance Greenwich. Roger Sherman Baldwin Park, 100 Arch St. Thursday, Oct. 28 6 p.m. Avon Movie Masquerade Cocktails and Costumes fundraiser. The Delamar Greenwich Harbor, 500 Steamboat Rd. 203-9673660. Our Neighboring Towns BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: Sunday, June 27 12 p.m. Priscilla & Prosecco: Brunch at the Playhouse followed by a screening of “Priscilla Queen of the Desert.” 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. ($10, or bottomless for $25). Friday, July 9 8:30 p.m. Out Door Cinema: “Sleepless in Seattle.” 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. THE MARITIME AQUARIUM: Friday, June 25 6:30 p.m. TGIF Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, 4 North Water St, Norwalk. Saturday, June 26 1:15 p.m. Marine Life Encounter Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, next to Parking Lot at 4 North Water St. $32.50 ($27.50 for Aquarium members). 7 p.m. Sunset Cruise. Maritime Aquarium dock, next to Parking Lot at 4 North Water St.
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Great Reads
Summer Reads Best Bet Books
By Emma Barhydt
School is out, days are long, and the ocean is sing ing my name. In my opinion, this is the best time of the year. While I might now be in school anymore, summer is still a time of transition, growth, and reading. Long weekend days on the beach and firef ly spotted evenings on my porch both provide magical places to conquer the my ever g r ow i ng to -r e ad pi le on my bedroom floor. What better way to celebrate the wonderful world of su m mer tha n w ith book s all about it? Enjoy this month's beach reads and hazy vignettes. And don't forget your sunblock at home. 7 and Under Sun It's the hottest day of the year, hotter than broccoli soup, hotter than the Atacama Desert, hotter than the surface of the sun. It's just the right kind of day for a boy and his granddad to go for a picnic. But as the sun beats down, Granddad keeps having to stop for a rest, and by the time they find the perfect picnic spot, some pirates have beaten them to it. Good thing they have enough food to share! The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
through the eyes of Jim Hawkins, the cabin boy of the Hispaniola, the action-packed adventure tells of a perilous sea journey across the Spanish Main, a mutiny led by the infamous Long John Silver, and a lethal scramble for buried treasure on an exotic isle. Confessions of a Dork Lord Mike Johnston Meet Wick. He's the son of the Dark Lord, heir to the throne of black and broken glass, and next in line to be the leader of the Grim World. Too bad he's stuck in Remedial Spell Casting (he can barely even cast the fartrevealer spell), he's allergic to fire and brimstone, and the bullies at school insist on calling him Dork Lord. Full of humor, hijinks, and lively illustrations, Confessions of a Dork Lord follows Wick through the pages of his journal as he comes up with a genius plan to defeat his foes, achieve greatness . . . and survive Middle Ages School. Echo Mountain - Lauren Wolk After losing almost everything in the Great Depression, Ellie’s fam ily is forced to leave their home in town and start over on Echo Mou nta in. El lie has fou nd a welcome freedom in her new life on the mountain. But a terrible accident leaves her father in a coma. Ellie is a girl who takes matters into her own hands, and determined to help her father she will make her way to the top of the mountain in search of the healing secrets of a woman known only as “the hag.” But the hag, and the mountain, still have many untold stories left to reveal.
When Mary Lennox comes to live at her uncle's great house on the Yorkshire Moors, she finds it full of secrets. The mansion has nearly one hundred rooms, and her uncle keeps himself locked up. The gardens surrounding the large property are Mary's only escape. Then, Mary discovers a secret garden, surrounded 14 - 17 by w a l l s a nd lo cke d w it h a missing key. With the help of two The Summer I Turned Pretty - Jenny Han unexpected companions, Mary discovers a way in—and becomes Belly measures her life in determined to bring the garden su m mers. Ever y t h i ng go o d, back to life. ever y thing mag ical happens between the months of June and How I Spent my Summer August. Winters are simply a Vacation - Mark Teague time to count the weeks until Most kids go to camp over the the next summer, a place away summer, or to Grandma's house, from the beach house, away from or maybe they're stuck at home. Susannah, and most importantly, Not Wallace Bleff. Wallace insists away from Jeremiah and Conrad. he was carried off by cowboys They are the boys that Belly and taught the ways of the Westhas known since her very first -from riding buckin' broncos to summer—they have been her roping cattle. Lucky for Aunt brother f igures, her crushes, Fern, he showed up at her house and everything in between. But just in time to divert a stampede one sum mer, one wonder f u l from her barbecue party! Perfect and terrible summer, the more for back-to-school read-alouds, everything changes, the more it here's a western fantasy with all ends up just the way it should s p a rk l i n g i l lu s t r at i o n s a n d have been all along. enough action to k nock kids' We Were Liars - E. Lockhart boots off! 8 - 13 Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson Tr e a s u r e I s l a n d s p i n s a heady tale of piracy, a mysterious treasu re map, a nd a host of si n ister cha rac ters cha rge d with diabolical intentions. Seen
A beautiful and distinguished f a m i l y. A p r i v a t e i s l a n d . A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy. A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive. A revolution. An accident. A secret. Lies upon lies. True love. The truth. Read it. And if anyone asks
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you how it ends, just LIE. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
w ith a 35 percent cha nce of survival. Just like that, the life she had imagined for herself had gone up in flames. By the time Jaouad flew home to New York, she had lost her job, her apartment, and her independence. She had spent the past 1,500 days in desperate pursuit of one goal—to survive. And now that she’d done so, she realized that she had no idea how to live.
Largely set in a futuristic Wo r l d S t a t e , i n h a b i t e d b y genetically modif ied citizens and an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientif ic advancements i n repro duc t ive te ch nolog y, sleep-learning, psychological m a n ip u l at i o n a n d c l a s s i c a l Grown Ups conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian societ y The Summer Book - Tove which is challenged by only a Janson single individual: the story's The Summer Book distills protagonist. the essence of the summer into College twenty-two crystalline vignettes. This brief novel tells the story Beach Read - Emily Henry of Sophia, a six-year-old girl A u g u s t u s E v e r e t t i s a n awakening to existence, and acclaimed author of literar y Sophia’s grandmother, nearing fiction. January Andrews writes the end of hers, as they spend bestselling romance. They’re the summer on a tiny unspoiled polar opposites. In fact, the only island in the Gulf of Finland. The thing they have in common is grandmother is unsentimental that for the next three months, a nd w ise , i f a l it t le c ra n k y ; they're living in neighboring Sophia is impetuous and volatile. beach houses, broke, and bogged Together they discuss things that down with writer's block. Until, matter to young and old alike: one hazy evening, one thing life, death, the nature of God and leads to another and they strike of love. “On an island,” thinks a deal designed to force them out the grandmother, “everything is of their creative ruts: Augustus complete.” will spend the summer writing something happy, and January Golden Girl - Elin Hilderbrand will pen the next Great American Viv ian Howe, author of Novel. She’ll take him on field t h i r t e e n b e a c h n o v e l s a n d trips worthy of any rom-com mother of three nearly grown montage, and he’ll take her to children, is killed in a hit-andinterview surviving members run car accident while jogging. o f a b a c k w o o d s d e a t h c u l t S h e a s c e n d s to t h e B e yo n d (obviously). Everyone will finish where she's allowed to watch a book and no one will fall in what happens below for one last love. Really. summer. Vivi also is granted The Summer of Broken Rules three “nudges” to change the outcome of events on earth, she’ll - K. L. Walther have to think carefully where to When Meredith Fox lost her use them. Her greatest worry is sister, Claire, eighteen months her final book, which contains ago, she shut ever yone out. a secret from her own youth The annual family vacation to that could be disastrous for her Martha's Vineyard seems like reputation. But when hidden the perfect place to reconnect. truths come to light, Vivi’s family She's excited to participate in will have to sort out their past the traditional Fox family game and present mistakes—with or of assassin that will take place without a nudge of help from during the week of wedding above—while Vivi f inally lets festivities. Claire always loved them grow without her. the game, and Meredith is determined to honor her legacy. The Country of Pointed Firs and Other Stories - Sarah Meredith tries to focus on the Orne Jewitt game and win it for her sister, but she can't help falling for the A female writer comes one groomsman she made an alliance summer to Dunnet Landing, a with. Maine seacoast town, where she follows the lonely inhabitants Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted - o f on c e -p r o s p e r ou s c o a s t a l communities. Here, lives are Suleika Jaouad molded by the long Maine I n t h e s u m m e r a f t e r winters, rock-f illed f ields and graduating from college, Suleika s t r o n g r e s ou r c e f u l wo m e n . Jaouad was preparing, as they Throughout Sarah Orne Jewett’s say in commencement speeches, novel and stories, these quiet to enter “the real world.” She had tales of a simpler American life fallen in love and moved to Paris capture the inspirational in the to pursue her dream of becoming ever yday: the impor tance of a war correspondent. The real honest friendships, the value of world she found, however, would family, and the gift of community. take her into a very different kind of conflict zone. A few weeks shy of her twenty-third birthday, she received a diagnosis: leukemia,
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Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt
Editorial Page
EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Summer's Here! If you listened very closely, a collective sigh could be heard across town this week…summer’s here. The heat and humidity were here this week for all to feel. But it is a different kind of summer this year. The many High School graduations that took place all over town are normally a true sign that summer is here. Congratulations to all the seniors who will be embarking on new adventures! Really, you will. We are reminded of the oft-repeated quote from Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” To all graduating seniors from our town’s many excellent high schools (and really everyone), enjoy this time and this summer. Enjoy and celebrate your many accomplishments and remember not to lose sight of what lies ahead. Whether it’s more education, a job, or even uncertainty, what lies ahead is an adventure worth running towards, even while it may seem scary.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Summer for many of us means shorts, flip-flops, escaping from work early on Friday, time on the water or in the woods, and generally turning down the hectic meter a notch or two. The hotter it gets, the slower we get. There is so much to enjoy in our town from the backcountry to the shore, and everything in between. If a friend has a boat and wants you to go out, go for it! Sneak out early on a Friday and enjoy a walk or swim at Greenwich Point! Take some time to enjoy all our town has to offer. Did you know there are elections this fall? Not just for out state elected official, but for our Selectmen, Board of Estimate and Taxation and Board of Education. We certainly have not heard much about the local campaigns. One thing we hope this summer does not bring is a temperature increase in our town’s political climate. The fall will be here soon enough and with it, election day. Let’s not spend time between now and then playing political “gotcha.” We have advocated before for all candidates to run campaigns based on the issues – not on sounds bites. We want to understand where the candidates we are electing this fall stand on issues that affect Greenwich, the community they will actually represent. There are plenty of opportunities to debate issues which affect us as a nation, and we should have those debates and look forward to them. However, creating litmus tests for our local candidates based on the national hot topic of the moment belittles the political discourse about what is best for our community. Our state has serious challenges ahead and we need to know how our local candidates are going to address those challenges. This summer, for now, we hope there will be more focus on community. It could be our community as a whole or even our family as a community. For much of the year, distractions abound that take us away from our community or spending quality time with our families. We hope everyone will take the extra step to reverse that, at least for the summer. Let us all make the conscious decision to put aside that which divides us and try to focus on that which brings us together. There are warm beach days ahead and the lazy, hazy days of August. Let’s find time to celebrate all that our community has to offer, all the diversity that makes Greenwich such a wonderful place to live. “Summer’s here, I’m for that. Got my rubber sandals, got my straw hat.” Thanks, James Taylor.
Summer Bird Discoveries, The Good and The Bad By Anne W. Semmes What was mak ing that screaming bird sound, like some angry kid? I raced to my window, and there was that bird immortalized by poet Edgar Allen Poe, in “The Raven.” “Open here I f lung the shutter, when, with many a f lirt and f lutter/In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore.” Yes, but there were three ravens in my maple tree - two angry juven i le s accost i ng t hei r parent feasting on the innards of some beast they wished to share! The raven is definitely back in town, having disappeared from the northeast awhile after Poe wrote his famed poem in the 19th century. I haven’t found a nest yet, but birder Cynthia Ehlinger knows of a raven nest atop a cell tower on the Greenwich/ Sta m ford border. There’s likely one near my area of Byram. They’re said to favor cliffs, bridges, and towers, and don’t confuse them with crows – they are 50 percent bigger! “R aven s a re a l l over they’re moving south, down from the mountains,” says noted bird watcher Tom Burke busily processing the just completed Audubon Summer Bird Count. “They started to appear in 2000,” he says, and now the Common Raven is, well, common. Burke began his summer bird counting of our area in 1976! An area he counts, “from the western edge of Rye through Darien, back to Bedford, from Chappaqua to New Canaan.” Over those years a total of 246 species have been counted, with each year an average number of individual birds of 20,000. Wit h over ha l f t he cou nt done he lists 124 species. “A little below recent averages of low 130’s. There’s been a decline overall in numbers and species,” True to form with National Audubon telling us we're down nearly three billion birds since 1970. “We used to get 30 to 40 yellow warblers,” conf irms G a r y P a l m e r, a v e t e r a n summer bird counter along with Burke, “This year we only got 10. The numbers were way down. There were no Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. It was so quiet in the woods.” But up at the Audubon C e n t e r, t h a t b i r d c o u n t brought some good news in the woods, says Audubon education specialist Ryan McLean. “The count is always a great opportunity to see how our local breeding bird species are doing and we did find a couple of Wood Thrush nests on the property.” And lots of singing from some 15 to 20 individuals he reports so surely more nests to be found! That songbird brings back my youth, hearing its haunting
The comeback Common Raven, double the size of a crow.
Found Wood Thrush nest with a hungry offspring at the Audubon Center. Photo courtesy of Ryan McLean
refrain in the early evening. “It's such an important p r i o r i t y s p e c i e s ,” s ay s McLean. “They're a species that needs forest understory to breed. But their habitat has become so fragmented, with overgrazing by deer, w ith development, w ith invasive plants. So, it's gotten much harder for them to find adeq uate breeding space. Knowing that these birds are only with us for two months of the year, they will fly to Belize, then come back . But how many will make it back next spring? And are they going to have enough space when they arrive?” McLean also made a startling discovery of a firsttime summer visiting species sited at the Center, just days away from the start of the summer bird count - on the morning of June 10. “I walked out into the orchard at about eight o'clock in the morning, and suddenly just behind me I heard from behind the trees a call I've heard so many times - that little bugle call. I'm thinking, no it can't be! And then, sure enough, right over the treetops, this Sandhill Crane is f lying over tree top level, flying over the orchard. And it’s getting chased by a black bird probably thinking what the heck is it, and then it just seemed to disappear behind the tree line.” Now, that’s a bird I had to travel to Nebraska to see, in
the Sandhill Crane migration! “This is another example of a species that we are starting to see more of just like ravens, more of an incursion of them starting to breed in areas of the Northeast.” He tells of one conf irmed breeding pair in northern Connecticut, “that happens to be in a very remote area on private property. “ Usua l ly, ever y fa l l at our Hawk Watch we’ll see a couple in the later part of the season migrating through.” For t hose wa nt i ng to see more of these amazing birds McLean points to the western part of upstate New York, “Places like the Finger Lakes r e g ion wher e t her e’s t he Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge where in the last 20 years there's been a fairly well-established population of Sandhills.” McLean had other bird news of the Audubon Cos Cob osprey webcam nest featuring parents, “Ted” and “Margaret,” so named for legendar y and now retired Audubon educator Ted Gilman and his partner, Margaret Lechner. “So, they did have four eggs, and as we've watched the camera, there's one less egg, and eventually it got down to just one egg - the likely culprit would probably be fish crows. But the one egg did hatch so they have an only child.” But then came the arrival of “a very large plastic tarp to the nest.” Ospreys do continue to
“feather” their nest through their parenting days. “But it was during one of the recent major heat waves when it was just brutally hot, and it appeared at one point that the chick was under the tarp.” McLean to the rescue! “It was my day off and I sprang into action calling everyone at DE E P ( D e p a r t m e nt o f Energy and Environmental Protection), and the wildlife rehabilitators, Christine's Critters. And our boat person was ready to jump in at the R i ve r sid e Ya cht C lu b, to remove the plastic from the nest and have the rehabbers w ith us to make sure the chick had fluids and was okay. But then the chick came out of the plastic and the parent was feeding it and the plastic was totally gone.” The moral of the crisis – the dangers of discarding plastic into our waters. “Unfortunately, birds see these things they think they can be materials that can line their nest. They have these f ledglings, and they have no idea how dangerous those plastic things are. The worst thing is fishing line, especially with hooks - both f ledglings and adults have gotten entangled and died.” And now, add to those dangers, those Covid mask throwaways with their entangling straps. “If we could just get people to cut the straps of those disposable masks!”
Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel
Being Happy is Big Business. By Icy Frantz I n t he last t went y yea rs, psychologists, scientif ic researchers, philosophers, academics, musicians, and aut h o r s h ave fo c u s e d t h e i r attention on a feeling that so many in America find so elusive. At Yale, you can take a course to improve your level of happiness (side note: it’s offered free online to non-students). You can read numerous books on the subject, meditate…even sing along with Pharrell Williams – Because I’m happyyyyy - and last month, you could have joined The Atlantic in an all-day online symposium entitled “In Pursuit of Happiness” (over six hours of lectures and breakout sessions - what joy! – and just in case you missed it, recorded and now available online). And because I am interested and believe there is always room for improvement, I have dabbled and participated in many of these offerings, even the singing. Is all this attention warranted? According to Laurie Santos, the professor at Yale who
teaches The Science of Well-Being (the course mentioned above), over 4 0% percent of col lege students are depressed. Looking beyond the college population, in a December 2020 US Census Bureau survey, more than 42% of respondents reported symptoms of anxiety and depression, which was an 11% increase from the same time period the previous year. It makes sense that the pandemic has negatively affected our level of happiness, but there was a problem long before the virus. There is a happiness crisis in our culture and cause for the growing concern. Certainly, there are obstacles that prevent us from achieving more happiness in our lives. Life is hard, and adverse circumstances can affect our mood. The way in which our brain is wired regulates how happy we feel, and this wiring can be genetic; genes make up 40% of our ability to be happy. Our kids may not want to hear this, but social media is a big deterrent, and I am sure this comes as no surprise. For adults (who also may not want to hear this), watching political talk shows and the news adds to discontentment. And the way in which we determine success m ay a l s o c o nt r i b ute to o u r lack of happiness. If success is determined by power, wealth, and fame, we won’t necessarily
Mathew Ricard, the smiley, 69-yearold Buddhist monk who was named The Happiest Man Alive says, “Happiness is a skill. Skills must be learned.” find happiness there. Here’s the good news, though: research indicates that we can actually positively af fect the level of happiness in our lives, no matter our circumstances or our genetic make-up. Mathew R icard, the sm iley, 69-yearold Buddhist monk who was named The Happiest Man Alive says, “Happiness is a skill. Skills must be learned.” And building better habits and prioritizing our relationships are encouraging first steps. Mediating boosts our immune system and changes our brain chemistry, which can lead to better health and better moods. If you are anything like me, you may find meditating as attractive and welcome as a colonoscopy, so I was “happy” to read that meditating just one minute a day can lead to positive changes. Feeling grateful, too, leaves little room for depression. Santos notes that although the pandemic
was traumatic and sad for many, our takeaway can actually be beneficial to our mood. What she calls “post traumatic growth” can lead us to greater amounts of gratitude, for example, for the things we once took for granted: concer t s , we dd i ng s , chu r ch services, and even grabbing a drink at a bar. But the most important predictors of a happy and healthy life are creating and maintaining social connections and relationships. In 1938, Harvard scientists began tracking the hea lth a nd wel lbeing of 268 Harvard sophomores with the hopes of revealing clues for what constitutes a healthy and happy life. Now, over eighty years later, the researchers have learned a few things. Robert Waldinger, d i r e c tor of t he st udy, note s “Tak ing care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too.” And he adds, “Loneliness
kills. It’s as powerful as smoking or alcoholism.” Psychiatrist George Vaillant, who joined the team in 1966, noted, “When the study began, nobody cared about empathy o r at t a c h m e nt . B ut t h e ke y t o h e a l t h y, h a p p y a g i n g i s relationsh ips, relationsh ips, r elat ion sh ip s .” A f ter a ye a r of isolation for many and less connection for all, we have a lot of tending to do. Last night, a singer caught my eye - and my ear, really. She was auditioning for one of those talent shows on tv, and the ohso-critical Simon Cowell was sitting in one of the judge’s chair. Another judge asked the singer the usual questions - What’s your name? What will you be singing? The singer said her name is Nightbird, and that she would be singing an original piece, called It’s Okay. The dialogue continued, and Nightbird revealed that she had been battling cancer in the
past year. When asked if she is “okay” she replied, “There are traces of the cancer still in my body - in my lungs, my liver and my spine.” She sang. It was beautiful. She has a remarkable voice. The judges and the audience were in awe. Even Simon Cowell was moved. I was crying. After her performance, before it came time for the judges to vote, Nightbird said something that really struck me - “You can’t wait for life to stop being hard to be happy.” And there it is - life is hard really hard sometimes, harder for some, but still hard. But we get to decide how we are going to live. The changes required to increase the level of happiness in our lives aren’t big. We don’t need to move to Nepal and sit under a tree in loincloth, and we don’t need to stand up on stage in front of millions of people and sing (thank goodness). Happiness - it’s in our own hands. Put aside the device. Turn off the news. Take a deep breath and close your eyes (for just one minute). Be grateful for the good - and also the hard - and embrace your friends, and their friends and their friends. “It’s okay.” Icy Frantz See more from Icy at The Icing on the Cake at
Keep These Handy: How to Have a Safe Summer
By Stephanie Dunn Ashley L a st we ek , we g radu ate d the latest class of Safety Tow n st udents. These r isi ng kindergarteners and first graders have now met our town helpers – the Greenwich Police, Fire, EMS and Animal Control teams – and learned about how to stay safe at the playground, on a school bus, while swimming, as well as how and when to call 9-1-1. As the Summer Solstice on June 20 marked the first official day of summer, the American Red Cross Metro New York North Chapter wants everyone – not just our Safety Town families – to have a safe summer. First, w ith beaches, pools and lakes open, be sure every family member is “water smart.” Th i s st a r t s w it h le a r n i ng to
be safe, making good choices, and learning to sw im to at least achieve the skills of water competency. Everyone should be able to enter the water, get a breath, stay af loat, cha nge position, swim a distance and then get out of the water safely. Some quick tips: • Prevent unsuper v ised access to water. Fence pools
and spas with adequate barriers and keep a constant eye for any water dangers such as portable splash pools/slides, buckets and bathtubs. • A du l t s s h o u l d a c t i ve l y sup er v i s e ch i ld r en a nd st ay w it h i n a r m’s re ach of you ng children and new sw immers. K ids should follow the rules. Designate a “water watcher” to
keep a close eye and constant attention on children and weaker sw immers in and around the water until the next water watcher takes over. • A lways wear a properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket when on a boat and if in a situation beyond someone’s skill level. • Sw im as a pair near a
Hangers in Short Supply for Cleaners
lifeg uard’s chair — ever yone, including experienced swimmers, should swim with a buddy even in areas supervised by lifeguards. Always maintain constant attention and actively supervise children even when lifeguards are present. • Download the Red Cross Sw im app, sponsored by The ZAC Foundation, for safety tips, kid-friendly videos and activities, and take the free Water Safety for Parents and Caregivers online course. One of the best parts of summer is BBQs and grilling! I love to grill burgers, hot dogs and fresh corn and I am sure you do as well. However, grilling sparks more than 10,000 home fires on average each year. To avoid this, please be sure you: • Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use. Don’t add charcoal starter f luid when coals have already been ignited. • Never grill indoors — not in the house, camper, tent or any enclosed area. • Make sure ever yone, including pets, stays away from the grill. • Keep the grill out in the
open, away from the house, deck, tree branches or anything that could catch fire. • Use the long-handled tools especially made for cooking on the grill to help keep the chef safe. F i n a l l y, p a r t o f a s a f e com munit y is a strong blood supply for hospit a l pat ients. R ig ht now, t here is a severe blood shortage as the number of trauma cases, organ transplants a nd elective su rger ies r ise – and deplete the nation’s blood inventory. Give blood, platelets or plasma this summer to help ensure patients get the medical treatments they need. Just one hour this summer can help save a life. Visit or call 800-RED-CROSS for more information and to schedule your donation. Looking forward to creating many wonderful summer memories around Greenwich this summer. Please continue to stay safe.
driver will pick up any unused hangers or packaging - they even take back hangers from other cleaners. Once back at the plant, the team sorts through the items and everything is either recycled or reused instead of ending up in a landfill. This simple effort can make a big difference for our environment. Learn more about
the initiative at fabricarecleaners. net/environment. Fa br ic a r e i s de d ic ate d to thinking of the future, and how t hey c a n ma ke a P OSI T I V E impact for our environment and community. In 2020, they were proud to receive the Aquarion Environmental Champion Award. Visit or call 203-229-0001.
Department Officers have been receiving a lot of training in June. Officers are currently being trained in detecting intoxicated drivers, search and seizure, use of the combat application tourniquet (CAT), and more. The Captains have been attending Executive Development Courses, and Sergeants have been receiving leadership training.
COVID caused major supply issues for many businesses and for us as consumers. For months, if you wanted a bicycle, you were on a very long wait list. A new couch came with a lengthy lead time. Even dry cleaners felt, and are still feeling, the pains of supply issues.
Hangers, products and packaging have been difficult to come by, leaving dry cleaners scrambling for solutions. Luckily Fabricare Cleaners is equipped with a solution that not only helps with the hanger supply issue, but also helps the
environment. Have you ever wondered what to do with all those hangers you get when your dry cleaning is returned? If you don’t use them in your own closet, you can return them to Fabricare as part of their FAB EARTH program! The Fab Earth initiative is
an effort to REDUCE waste by R E U S I N G a n d R E C YC L I N G packaging materials. Nearly all the packaging materials Fabricare uses is reusable, including their “Fab Bag” dry cleaning bags, hangers, and beyond. Call or email Fabricare and a
Two Pharmacies on Greenwich Avenue Burgled I n t he e a rly mor n i ng on June 20, Burglaries occurred at two pharmacies on Greenwich Avenue. The crimes took place at Grannick's Pharmacy and Greenwich Pharmacy.
Dennis Torres were named the inaugural winners of our Janet Hennessey Dilenschneider Excellence in Leadership Award.
where he will be traveling with his wife to Puerto Rico, and then going backpacking throughout South America.
was the first open membership club in Greenwich to be created, with no restrictions on race, religion, or color.
Greenwich Golfers Tee off to Support The Maritime Aquarium A nu m b er of Gr e enw ich c om mu n it y m e m b e r s we r e among the foursomes during The Maritime Aquarium's 10th annual Golf Classic on May 24 at the Wee Burn Country Club in Darien. This year's Golf Classic ra is e d mor e t ha n $18 5,0 0 0 toward the Maritime Aquarium.
Senator Kasser Resigns Senator Alex Kasser, who represented Greenwich, New Canaan, and Stamford in the 36th senate district, has resigned. In her statement, Kasser cites personal circumstances involving her marriage.
Parsonage Cottage “Tee Party” Parsonage Cottage recently held its second annual “Tee Party”, where over 200 people participated in and enjoyed a mini-golf tournament to raise f unds and awareness of the services provided to residents of Parsonage.
From Page 1 Democratic Nominee for First Selectman Race Chosen The Nominating Committee of the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee announced on Monday that William "Bill" Kelly, an attorney and longtime Greenwich resident who has served on the Representative Town Meeting, Board of Estimate a nd Ta xation, a nd Boa rd of Education will run for First Selectman. Next Generation Of Physicians Graduate From Greenwich Hospital Greenwich Hospital recently celebrate d t he 4 6t h a n nua l Internal Medicine Residence P r o g r a m g r a du at i n g c l a s s , including seven residents and seven interns. Greenwich Avenue Intersection Ribbon Cutting To w n o f f i c i a l s a n d com mu n it y mem b er s c a me together on the corner of E l m S t r e e t a n d G r e e nw i c h Avenue for a ribbon cutting to mark the completion of the Greenwich Avenue Intersection Improvement project.
Island Beach Stand Abilis, a Greenwich-based nonprof it, w ill be operating and staff ing the Island Beach Concession Sta nd. A bi lis is still waiting on the arrival of equipment, refrigeration, and permits, but the stand should open within the next few weeks. CMS Teacher Chosen Central Middle School's Allison Fallon is the Greenwich Public Schools selection for the 2022 Connecticut Teacher of the Year Program. Red Cross Severe Blood Shortages The American Red Cross is experiencing a severe blood shortage. Donors of all blood types – especially type O and those giving platelets – are urged to make an appointment to give as soon as possible. Family Centers Honors DislaToone, Torres for Excellence in Leadership Family Centers’ Director of Early Education Yenny DislaToone and Chief Health Officer
Homestead Inn Renovation The Home ste ad I n n a nd Restaurant, currently located at 420 Field Point Road, has submitted a pre-application to the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to renovate its buildings. The classic bed and breakfast inn hopes to renovate guest rooms into larger suites, and include new features such as windows, doors, and interior modifications. Greenwich Post Office Employee Retires Cesar Carde, a well known and loved Post Office employee, is retiring after 37 years of work at various Greenwich Post Office branches. Carde, 64, is moving on to the next chapter of his life,
Property and Vehicle Tax Bills Heather Smeriglio, G r e e n w i c h Ta x C o l l e c t o r, has announced that tax bills are scheduled to have been mailed out on June 21. The first installment of the 2020 Grand List for Real Estate is due on July 1, and will be considered delinquent after August 2, as w i l l p ersona l prop er t y a nd motor vehicle taxes. Bills may now be viewed and paid on the Tax Collectors website at www., and bills can be paid in person at the Tax Collector's office on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bailiwick Club Celebrates 50 Years B a i l iw ick Clu b, fou nde d by Bruce Warwick and Peter Malkin, is set to celebrate its 50th anniversary on June 27. Bailiwick
Greenwich High Hires New Girls Swimming and Diving Coach Greenwich High School has announced that Brendan Heller will be replacing Lorrie Hokayem as the new head girls swimming and diving coach. Cardinal Stadium Construction Update Greenwich Athletics Twitter has announced that construction has made progress on phase 1A at Cardinal Stadium, with the construction of new homeside bleachers which are ADA accessible with a press box, an elevator, new bathrooms, and a new team room set to be placed underneath the bleachers. Greenwich Police Department Training The Greenw ich Police
Stephanie Dunn Ashley is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Red Cross Metro New York North Chapter.
July 4 Flag Raising The Independence Day association will be sponsoring the f lag raising on the steps of Town Hall on July 4 at 9:00 a.m. At the event, the Greenwich Girls Scouts will parade the flags of the thirteen colonies, remarks will be made by town representatives, live music will be offered by the Sound Beach Community Band, and cake will be provided. All residents are welcome to attend a nd honor ou r patr iots a nd veterans. Phillip Morris Looks to CT Philip Morris International (PMI) -- the Swiss-American mu lti nationa l ciga ret te a nd tobacco manufacturing company -- announced the relocation of its corporate headquarters to Connecticut from New York. PMI said the relocation will bring approximately 200 jobs to Connecticut, and that the new headquarters is expected to be operational by summer 2022.
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Dr. Marcus John Suppo, aged 52 years, of Greenwich, CT, went to be with Our Lord and his loved ones after losing a courageous seven-year battle with cancer. Marcus was born March 29, 1969 on Staten Island, NY to Dr. Dominick A. Suppo and Jessica M. Suppo (nee Santora). He grew up in a home filled with love. Marcus was beloved by a large Italian family with two Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and frequent extended houseguests his parents' gave shelter to. The Suppo doors were always open, and their home was a hub for holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, pool parties, activities and projects that always brought family, friends, neighbors and local youth together. Dr. Suppo grew up learning the value of hard work at a very young age. As a toddler, he had his own hardhat and tool belt, which Marcus wore as he followed his Father into every building and project. Marcus would be under and around scaffolding that masons were on busily laying brick or block, stone or marble. The masons were a nervous wreck when Marcus was underfoot, but Marcus was never nervous. He was quite comfortable right in the middle of every project; ever learning, ever watching, and ever doing. Marcus was drilling and sawing, pouring concrete, sheet rocking, loading and unloading lumber, loading and unloading potted plants and trees, putting up 100 foot greenhouses, and taking them down, putting up fences and walls, moving 3,000 sq. ft. buildings, finishing basements and kitchens, planting trees and cutting them down all by his 13th birthday. Dr. Suppo worked a myriad of jobs before entering college. He worked at the family's nursery business, Nature's Garden, selling Christmas trees, poinsettia's and wreaths, Easter and Mother's day plants, pumpkins, mums and various potted plants and trees. He did commercial and residential landscaping for the business. When necessary he assisted his father at the dental chair. He stuffed newspapers at Georges, a local candy store in Oakwood, where he enjoyed breakfast sandwiches in the morning, ice cream and fountain drinks in the afternoon. Marcus worked at Roy Rogers making sandwiches; he was a bagger at Walbaums grocery store, a dishwasher at Capelli's restaurant in Oakwood quickly graduating to salad boy. Marcus spent a summer in Phillipsburg, NJ volunteering for an elderly farmer. He spent that summer sowing and reaping. Marcus repaired fences, painted barns, he fed, cared for and learned about livestock (cows, bulls and sheep). He spent his senior summer in high school working on his family's horse farm in Harrington, Delaware. There he and a friend built and put in paddocks and horse stalls which are still in use today. They cleaned horse stalls, hauled straw
and hay from the farms to store for the winter. He graded a track for the standard bred racehorses to practice on daily and assisted in the digging of three one-acre ponds; one of which was built for aqua therapeutics for the horses. No matter the task Dr. Suppo was given, he gave it 100% and always did a "Good Job." M a r c u s a t t e n d e d Wa s h i n g t o n College, in Cherstertown, MD where he graduated as a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity with a Pre-Law degree. Upon graduation he told his parents; "I don't want to be a lawyer, I want to be a Veterinarian." No one was surprised considering the menagerie of animals he grew up with as well as all the farm work and animals he enjoyed working with. So back to Washington College to take the Pre-Med requirements while at the same time working in and with a Chestertown Veterinary practice. Dr. Suppo applied to and was accepted by Ross University on the beautiful island of St. Kitts for Veterinary school. Marcus thrived at Ross and was at ease with the challenges. At that time, in the 90's, students began minor surgeries and working with anesthesia their freshman year. (As many of his colleagues and clients knew, Marcus was at ease with all phases of veterinary surgery, dentistry and general pet care.) Dr. Suppo took his Veterinary Boards his junior year at Ross and passed scoring in the 95th percentile. Marcus Suppo was a lifelong athlete and healthy living advocate. He was a member of his high school swim team. He was a long distance and mountain biking cyclist all through his elementary, high school and college years. Dr. Suppo competed in and won a few Iron Man and Triathlon competitions while at Ross. He kayaked the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea with one of his professors island hopping the British West Indies. Dr. Suppo loved mountain biking, hiking and camping in the rain forests and volcano of St. Kitts. His nickname was "Iron Lung" because nothing stopped him. He could just keep on going! While at Ross, Marcus began a love affair with St. Kitts, which never dissipated. He always dreamt of going back one day and opening an eco-friendly farm, resort and fitness retreat. Upon g raduating f rom Ross, Dr. Suppo purchased Mamaroneck Veterinary Hospital on West Boston Post Road in Mamaroneck, NY. It was broken down, dank, dirty and badly neglected 1928 establishment. With the beauty of a conductor, while practicing and caring for pets in the hospital, Dr. Suppo used all his acquired building skills. He tore down, rebuilt, expanded and systematically kept the architectural beauty and integrity of the original structure to create the magnif icent hospital and pet resort that it is today; complete with a dog pool for their guests and boarders. After selling Mamaroneck, Marcus and his family moved to CT where he took a 10,000 sq. ft. warehouse and built it out to become Stamford Veterinary Center and Pet Lodge on Hope Street. It was at this time that Dr. Suppo began merging his practice with a multi-practice group. Subsequently, he began working in multiple Hospitals in the tristate region including Greenwich Veterinary Hospital. Marcus gave care, love and surgical prowerness to clients and pets wherever he went. A Veterinary
Technician at the Greenwich Hospital shared a conversation he recently had with Dr. Suppo. He told Marcus how he respected and admired him because even after a 14 hour day of routine checkups and surgeries, Dr. Suppo would still jump in his car and travel to a distant hospital to do a surgery on a client he didn't even know that was having a life threatening emergency. Marcus' business acumen, veterinary skills and un-fatigueable work ethic made him a blessing wherever he went. Marcus John Suppo crammed a lot of living into his too short life. He lived for his family and tried so hard to teach his boys everything that is really important in life. In closing we would like to use Marcus John's own words from the Eulogy he wrote for his Father. Dr. Suppo's words are apropos for his own all too young boys. "In closing Dad, I want to thank you for giving me your unconditional love, generosity of spirit, devotion, wisdom and work ethic, the positiv it y, my compassion, my love for animals and the love of working the earth; just to mention a few! Thank you, God Bless You and God Speed. I'll see you when my work too is done." Dr. Marcus John Suppo is survived by his wife, Lis Suppo (nee Cazzaretto), three sons, Benjamin, Mateo, Oliver, his mother Jessica Parisi, sisters Sheila Fondren and Juliet Wells, bonus parents Dr. Joe Parisi and Roberta Suppo as well as many beloved Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Dr. Suppo is predeceased by his father Dr. Dominick A. Suppo.
Joseph Pontoriero Joseph M. Pontoriero, of Greenwich, CT passed away June 16, 2021, at age 81. Joe was born Dec. 13, 1939 in Newark, NJ to Michael and Lucia Pontoriero. He was the owner of Worth Construction, which he founded in Bethel, CT in 1978. His great love of cars began as a young man and continued throughout his life with his extensive collection of sports cars. He spent a number of years racing Ferraris on tracks all over North America. His passion for travel took him to many wonderful places but the two that were most dear to his heart were Anguilla and Italy. An avid sports fan who loved to watch football and boxing, he especially loved to be in attendance at his grandchildren's sporting events. Joseph is survived by his loving wife, Mary, and cherished children, Michelle Desrosier, Deborah Peeler (David) and Michael Pontoriero (Jodi), and adoring grandchildren, Brian Desrosier (Kelly), Nicole Desrosier, Mac Peeler, Brooke Peeler, Ian Peeler, Jagger Pontoriero, Brenden Pontoriero and Alexa Pontoriero. He is also survived by dear stepchildren, Carmen Florio and Mark Florio and sisters, Cathy Terrone and Gloria Rieci. To honor Joe's life, family and friends gathered on Wednesday, June 23 at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Greenwich. The Funeral Mass was held Thursday, June 24 at St. Michael's Church followed by private committal. Memorial donations can be sent to The Bendheim Cancer Center Greenwich, CT.
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Because they lived. 134 Hamilton Ave Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-5968 Answers to Puzzles on Pages 16 & 18 Easy
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Loretta Spezzano
Funeral Mass was held Thursday, June 24 at St. Matthew's Church in Norwalk followed by interment at St. John's Cemetery in Norwalk, CT.
Paul Squillace
Loretta Spezzano, longtime resident of Riverside, CT, passed away peacefully on June 16, 2021 at the age of 90 with family by her side. Born in South Norwalk, CT, on Feb. 8, 1931 to Lena (Mastriano) a nd Pasq ua le Testa. She was predeceased by her son, Pasquale Spezzano, and four sisters. She graduated from Norwalk High School and worked in the banking industry. She was a coowner of Michael's Beauty Salon i n Gr e enw ich a long w it h her spouse. Additionally, Lori served as bookkeeper for Greenwich FloorCovering. Lori was a devoted homemaker. She enjoyed knitting (especially personalized Christmas stockings for her family), crocheting (blankets for the new babies), needlepoint and sewing. She loved traveling and dancing. Lori was a card shark and loved the slot machines. She had a knack with numbers and enjoyed crossword puzzles. She will be remembered for her warm smile, big heart and love of her family. She was a wonderful, strong independent woman and quite the role model for so many. She is sur vived by Michael Spezzano, Jr., husband of 68 years, daughters Shayne Muller (Ken) and Tina Grabowski (Mark) and son Michael Spezzano, III (Liz). She is also survived by loving granddaughters Erica Sabatino ( Jonathan), Jessica Grabowsk i (Adam), Shelby Greger (Ben) and grandsons Michael ( Jackie) and Scott (Monica) Spezzano and Jason Grabowski (Christina) and nine great-grandchildren, all of whom she treasured. Family and friends gathered in Loretta's memory on Sunday, June 20 at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Greenwich. A Mass was held Monday, June 21 at St. Catherine of Siena in Riverside.
Joseph Yates, III
Paul F. Squillace, a lifelong Greenwich r e sident , p a s s e d aw ay p e ac ef u l ly Tuesday, June 15. He was 96. Born April 28, 1925 to the late Frank and Catherine Squillace; he attended St. Mary's Catholic School and later went on to work for the Greenwich School District. Paul served his community for 50 years as a volunteer firefighter as a member of Hose and Chemical Co. No. 2. He was also a diehard NY Giants fan. Paul is survived by his loving sister Minnie Mellor and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents and his siblings Anthony, James, John, Nellie, and Angelina. To honor his life, a Mass of Christian Burial was held Friday at St. Mary's Church on Greenwich Avenue followed by interment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.
Frances Smith
Frances Labouisse Smith (Fran), 54, of Wade, NC passed away on June 9, 2021, at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in Fayetteville, NC after a courageous five-and-a-half-year battle with breast cancer. Her battle with cancer showed her courage in facing life challenges with a smile, enjoying life to the fullest. No matter what was going on during her journey in life her presence left an impact on every life she encountered with her radiant smile of joy, peace, and love. She loved helping people from her job to everyone around her. The family will receive friends from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at Butler Funeral Home in Stedman. Fran was born July 13, 1966 in New York City and grew up in Greenwich. She graduated high school from the Purnell School in Bedminster, NJ. She earned a degree from Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH. She was married to Calvin Smith who was the love of her life. His dedication and devotion to her was unparalleled and he broug ht her happiness and joy every day. Fran adored her two "puppies" and had a passion for camping and road trips in their RV. She exhibited constant strength and positivity despite the many health challenges she faced. She was a loyal, loving and devoted wife, sister, stepmother, daughter, aunt and friend. She was very involved with South River Community Church in Wade, NC. Fran was truly grateful for the strength she gained and the time she spent with her breast cancer support group. Fran is survived by: her husband Calvin, father and stepmother Nat & Kenny Howe of Greenwich, CT; her twin brother and sister-in-law Nat & Mimi Howe of Charleston, SC; her brother and sister-in-law John & Amber Howe of Park City, Utah; her stepdaughter and husband -in law Caitlin & Tim Briggs of Cornersville, TN; her stepson and daughter-in-law Matt & Tess Smith of Lillington, NC and stepson and granddaughter Jeff Smith & Makenzie Smith of Stedman, NC and lifelong friend Janine Lepage of Spring Lake, NC. Fran was predeceased by her mother Isabelle Labouisse Howe of Greenwich. The family wishes to thank all those at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center who provided compassionate, loving support and care to Fran over the years. Services entrusted to Butler Funeral Home, 6535 Clinton Road,
Jo s e p h O we n Yat e s , I I I o f Norwalk, CT died June 16, 2021 at age 64. Born April 12, 1957, in Tiff in, Ohio to Joseph Owen and Doris (nee Hurt) Yates, Jr. Joseph attended the University of R ich mond a nd went on to have a distinguished career with Aq u a r ion Wate r Comp a ny i n Greenwich, CT. Joe's friends and family will forever remember him as a loyal friend, always willing to help those in need. His nieces and nephews cherish their memories of their "Big Uncle Joe" taking them on trips to Disney World, enjoying countless rides and of course sharing their love of chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. Joe was a devoted and loving "dog dad" to his beloved Rottweilers, whom he cherished. His passing leaves a void in his family that can only be f illed by sharing the fondest memories of him. Loving husband to Christine (ne e V ic e nte) Yate s , devote d uncle to Gianna, Mia, William, Jr., Jack and Nicholas and cherished br ot he r-i n-law to I s a b el a nd Michael Zadlo and Sandra and William Villanova. Joe was predeceased by his parents and his Stedman, NC 28391. sister Jane Coleman. Obituaries may be Visitation was Wednesday, submitted to Caroll@ June 23 at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Fu nera l Home, Gre enw ich. A
years as Director as “a rather robust career, just getting in a nd t r y i n g to ra ise money to change the lives of other p e ople … ad m i n i ste r i n g t he fundraising events, and events were a way to celebrate and to showcase all the good work and all the good things that were happening at the Hospital.” A tribute
Dunn Ashley From Page 5
blo o d shor t a ge , t h at f i xe d blood site is especially vital, as are the community blood drives Ashley’s chapter will be hosting, she says, “where you can have 100 to 150 people come in and give whole blood which is fantastic.” Red Cross to the rescue In January Ashley’s Red Cross chapter responded to a building collapse in Yonkers. “With 110 units,” she tells, “we housed 100 residents for over ten days… Again because of COV I D, we c ou ld n't s e t up shelters… So, we had to put them up in two different hotels.” Ashley was inspired by the stories from the recovered residents of “how thankful and hopeful they were that the Red Cross was there.” There was that lady in her late 80s who shared what she’d learned of Red Cross safety, Ashley tells. “She made sure before she went out of her apartment, she touched the door and the door was hot. So, she didn't open it, and she put a towel underneath the doorframe to make sure no smoke was coming in. And then she put a sheet outside her windows so that the firefighters wo u l d k n ow t h a t s h e w a s there.” Coming down the fire truck ladder, the lady shared, ‘Then I saw the Red Cross and they came and said we're going to take care of you.” “Whatever she m ig ht have lef t i n her apartment,” notes Ashley, “we were able to get her anything she needed, and she was so grateful.” Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol Ashley is no stranger to fire recoveries. For years she’s been f irst on the scene as a volunteer service member of the Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol CCFPP, the only organization in town she says that does salvage and recovery after a fire. She’d signed on with her fundraising skills as CCFPP board president but wanted to be able to “talk the talk” for that fundraising. So, she routinely passes r igorous te sts to ma i nt a i n her status as a firefighter and EMT, thus is able to see onsite what’s needed in firefighting equipment. School days lessons That community minded thread traces back to Ashley’s
The last word on Ashley comes from a special friend from childhood in those Sacred Hear t schooldays, A lex is Mo rl e d g e . “ S te p h a n i e i s a born and proven leader. Not only does she see, and execute to perfection, all the minute details, but she has the ability to grasp the big picture and build the teams necessary to
Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel get any project accomplished. We have been best f r iends for over 40 years, and been professional colleag ues for over 2 5, a nd it ’s a si ncer e pleasure to collaborate with her on anything. The Red Cross a nd Gre enw ich a re i nde e d fortunate to have such a strong and compassionate woman so involved in her community.”
Astrology for Week of June 27, 2021 Stephanie Dunn Ashley and family: Gary Ashley, Anneliese, standing, and Charlotte. Photo by Cara Gilbride. school days at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in New York City. “They are community service oriented from preschool,” she tells. “The child at Sacred Heart is supposed to give back and what they can do for others and how they can be of service. And that's not just in book smarts, but in spirit, mind, body, soul.” A s h l e y ’s u p p e r s c h o o l English teacher Victoria Allen confirms, “Stephanie’s innate love for people and her desire to serve her community were fostered during her years at Sacred Heart, where she was surrounded by living examples of faith and service to others.” Upon graduation, Ashley to o k c h a r g e o f h e r c l a s s ’s annual giving fund serving on the Alumni board. “So, I've rea l ly enjoye d g iv i ng back to not on ly my s cho ol but then taking that which was ingrained in me since a child, and how can I make a touch point on where I am in my world.” Choosing hospitality A sh ley wou ld t a ke t hat touch point into the hospitality business working for private clu bs. “I love d food, w i ne, e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Yo u ' r e providing the members with a b e aut i f u l opp or t u n it y to celebrate a milestone in their life, a happy moment, or even if it's a sad moment like a funeral. I'm ver y much a person of warm welcoming, opening, i nv i t i n g , w h i c h h a s m a d e COVID so hard for me. “Being in the hospitality industry was fantastic,” she says, and it was while serving up hospitality at Indian Harbor Yacht Club that she met her
husband-to-be, Gary Ashley, similarly engaged as manager of the Riverside Yacht Club. Married and moving off to the Aspetuck Valley Country Club in Weston, with twins on the way, Ashley realized with husband that “two people in the hospitality business that work nights, weekends, holidays, wasn't really going to cut it.” Working for a nonprofit would. No big stretch to find ideal a directorship of Alumni Relations in the development off ice of Sacred Heart Gre enw ich. “It was a good hybrid and transfer because it was still kind of hospitality in a different mindset,” she says. “It was still working for an organization, a school that was giving something back.” Greenwich Hospital years That Sacred Heart connection would bring Ashley next to her job at Greenwich Hospital as Director of Special Events. That Hospital had played a big part in the Ashleys’ life. “Our girls were premature tw ins, and they spent quite a few weeks in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) and they had incredible care and have thrived in their life since then.” Ashley had been contacted by the Director who was moving off. “She was also a Sacred Heart graduate a n d r e m e m b e r e d wo rk i n g w it h me when I worke d at Indian Harbor…When I had this opportunity to work for the organization that gave us the health and wellbeing of our children, I jumped at it… A NICU mom is like a Sacred Heart mom, once a NICU mom, always a NICU mom.” She looks back on those 13
CANCER 22 June-23 July Money matters are highlighted and there is a real chance you could get lucky. If you do come into extra cash try not to spend it on the kind of luxuries that make you feel good initially but then make you regret being so wasteful. Easy come, easy go.
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Never put profit before principle. Heed that message from the planets and you will be rich in ways that those who ignore it can never be. Hold true to your ideals and beliefs and don’t be seduced by those who think the material world is all there is to life.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug With Venus, planet of material and emotional values, in your sign from today you will be much more laid-back in your personal life and in your business dealings. Don’t just tell that special someone what they mean to you – show them too.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Before criticising others for what they have or haven’t done try to see things from their perspective. That will be easier with Venus in the partnership area of your chart from today. The results may surprise you. You’ll certainly be less critical in future.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept There are times when you can get too caught up in your own little world to take much notice of other people’s problems. But you will, to an extent, make up for it this week by helping someone who has not been as fortunate in life as you have.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Be aware of your limits and don’t be afraid to call a halt if others want you to take on too much. Well-balanced Venus changes signs today to focus on both your work and wellbeing which means, quite simply, that you must be kinder to yourself.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Social contacts will bring you great joy this week and, possibly, material and financial success too. This is a particularly good time to sharpen your networking skills. Even if you’re a shy and retiring Libra, you must make the effort to get out and meet new people.
ARIES 21 March-20 April Love is in the air as Venus enters the most passionate area of your chart. Even if you usually keep your feelings to yourself you won’t be able to disguise your affections in the days ahead. Why would you want to when you have so much love to give?
SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Charismatic Venus enters the midheaven angle of your chart this week. It means that if you are in any way ambitious this is a good time to get close to the people who can promote your career interests. A little bit of flattery will go a long way.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May This is a great week for domestic issues. You will be on the same wavelength as relatives and loved ones and they will bend over backwards to please you, no matter how unusual your needs and desires. Make the most of it – it won’t last.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Although you may be preoccupied with your career and finances you should still spend some time on less serious matters. The current cosmic setup will lighten your mood and make it easier to have fun – and that is every bit as important.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June You’ll encounter fun people and fun situations wherever you go this week. Affectionate Venus in outgoing Leo means you could also meet someone who becomes more than just a friend. If you already have a lover take them somewhere special.
Discover more about yourself at
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Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel
By Marek Zabriskie During the pandemic I went fly fishing once or twice a month on the Housatonic or Mianus River. It kept me sane. Perhaps, you, too, found being in nature a saving grace as you worked in a garden, took a walk or a hike, played sports or sat in a chair outdoors. I also read about fishing, which read reminded me how vital it is for a fisherman to approach the riverbank slowly and gracefully and pause to study the water and sight any fish. The most important piece of equipment for f ly f ishing is a pair of polarized sunglasses. These reduce the amount of light entering the eye and allow you to see better. The best conditions for sighting fish occur on windless days when the sun is overhead or behind the shoulders. The worst conditions occur when the winds are high, creating ripples on the water’s
Nicodemus Came to Jesus by Night surface or when clouds turn the water into an impenetrably grey. A fisherman must resolve that if there are fish that he will see them. He brings his willpower into play. Seeing fish is an attitude of the mind. The f ly fisherman doesn’t actually look for a whole fish, but part of a fish, indications of a fish, hints of a fish, perhaps a tail, not a clearly-defined tail, but simply the throbbing, rhythmic shadow of the tail suggesting that a trout is present. Only then does he cast and catch a fish. Something similar applies to experiencing God. We must resolve to train our senses to perceive what can easily go unseen, unheard and undetected. Like learning how to see trout in a river, learning how to see God at work is an attitude of the mind. We must train our brain to perceive the presence of the Holy One from above. In the story of Nicodemus (found only in John 3:1-21) Jesus demonstrates to a Pharisee named Nicodemus learned how to perceive the presence of God. Nicodemus belonged to a sect dedicated to keeping all 613 Jewish Commandments, which are found in the first five books of the Old Testament called “the Law of Moses” or “the Torah.”
Pharisees were extremely legalistic. They tried to apply the Ten Commandments to every conceivable aspect of life and believed that by keeping the law they could please God. Nicodemus also belonged to the Sanhedrin, Israel’s Supreme Court, which consisted of seventy prestigious members. They were like the Pope’s Curia or the House of Bishops. Nicodemus was also a teacher, but not just a teacher. The Greek uses a definite article, noting that he was “the” teacher of Israel – the finest theologian of his day. But despite his success, something was missing from his life. He was restless. Something gnawed at him from inside. He was seeking something that he could not find, searching for something that he wanted to possess. This is strange because he seemed to have everything. Nicodemus was widely acclaimed and highly regarded. He had a great intellect. People sought his advice, but his restless mind drove him to seek Jesus’ counsel. What was missing in his life was that spiritual piece that makes us whole and joyful and gives us inner peace. So, he came to Jesus to speak teacher to teacher, theologian to theologian.
Like so many of us, Nicodemus was typically cautious and highly diplomatic. He knew Jesus by reputation and was deeply impressed, but he was afraid to lend his support or to be seen with Jesus by day for fear of what his fellow Pharisees would think. So, he came to Jesus by night. Scholars says that this nocturnal visit is symbolic of the spiritual darkness that we often experience. There are many people, who seem to have almost everything – a wonderful family, home, work, lifestyle, vacations, education, and health care – but who are missing something. Jesus told Nicodemus, “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.” In Greek the word for “spirit” and “wind” is the same word. The wind is all around us. It fills us when we breathe. So it is with the Spirit, but we must develop spiritual eyes before we can see the Spirit at work. Jesus asked Nicodemus, “Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things?” To be open to the Spirit is to be open to a truth that sometimes startles and surprises, challenges and expands and sometimes inverts all that we know or believe. What was missing in Nicodemus’ life
was the experience of God’s unconditional love , merc y a nd accept a nce . Je sus instinctively knew what Nicodemus was seeking. Most of us are like Nicodemus. We are looking for answers, but we are playing it safe. We have so much, but something is missing. We have been baptized, Sundayschooled, and confirmed, but we are afraid to accept God’s unconditional love, and we struggle to bestow on others? The faith communities of Greenwich are Nicodemus kinds of places. The Spirit blows in these big places that are wide enough for all sorts of believers, for lovers of beauty and for seekers of truth, for people of much faith and for folks with little faith. All of them are places where we can seek the mystery that we call God. If you are seeking a more Spirit-filled life, then I invite you to pray this prayer each day over the coming month: Lord, Jesus Christ, you have bestowed the Holy Spirit upon me at baptism. Help me to be born anew and conceived from above so that I might see God as my spiritual Father and each person as a member of God’s extended family. Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: Mass, 9am (In-person & Live Stream); Confessions, 3:153:45pm; Vigil Mass, 4pm (In-person only); Vigil Mass, 5pm (In-person & Live Stream). Sun: 7:30, 9 (In-person & Live Streamed), 10:30am, 12 & 5pm (In-person only). Mon: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Tue: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Wed: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30am-8pm; Confessions, 9:3010:30am & 7-8pm. Thu: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Fri: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm. (Log onto the website at to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). Angel Group: 2nd Thursday of the month, 7-8:30pm at St. Michael’s Church.
vent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. Round Hill Reads - When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions by Sue Monk Kidd: June 27, 1-2pm, Church patio, register. Congregational The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: In-Person & Virtual: Sundays, 10am. Live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM). Connect during the week: Friday: Friday Email Blast (sign up by calling the church office); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am for preschoolers through grade 6. Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Saturday: Evensong Worship, 5pm. Sunday: Summer Worship, 9:30am. All are welcome. Details at Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/ on-demand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/ on-demand). “Something Different” Summer Outdoor Worship: Sundays through August, behind the Tomes-Higgins House (rain location: Parish Hall), bring a chair or blanket. Registration ongoing for Vacation Bible School: June 28-July 2. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship: Sundays: Rite 1, 8am (in-person in the sanctuary & streamed). 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: 10:15am, in the Sanctuary. 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month: in the Meadow (weather permitting). Sunday School continues in Selleck Hall. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. May Worship on the Meadow: Sundays, 10:30am. Yoga on the Meadow: Fridays, 10am. Courtyard Concert Series: July 14: Duetto Viello, Gunnar and Suzanne Sahlin, Cello and Viola, with David Johnson, piano, 7:30pm, free & open to all. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube.
Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www. All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Havdallah Service: June 26, 6-8:30pm, Tod’s Point Beach. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 In person Shabbat Services and Tot Shabbat are back! All in person services are also live streamed on Zoom. Join Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Rubin every Friday at 6 pm for Shabbat Services, and once a month for Tot Shabbat at 5:30 pm. Enrollment for Sunday Religious School and Mid week Hebrew School is now open! JCC-GRS Summer Preschool Program at GRS: July 5-Aug 20. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services: live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri, 6:30pm; Sat, 10am; Sun, 8:15am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, Pajama Shabbat & Picnic: June 25, 5:30pm. A Virtual Discussion with Rabbi Jacqueline MatesMuchin: July 8, 7pm. Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Sunday Worship Services: In-person or online, 10am, followed by a time of Fellowship. Wednesdays: Virtual Noonday Prayer & Evening Bible Study. (Details at First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center)
Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@ Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at:
The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie is the Rector of Christ Church Greenwich.
Worship Services Information
Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here Vacation Bible School: June 27-30, Ages 4-grade 5, $25/child. July 4: Baby Dedication Class, 10:30am, register at; Church Picnic, 12-3pm, RSVP. Baptist First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6-7pm, Chapel. Catholic Sacred Heart Church 95A Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. Prayer Group has resumed - Meetings are held on every Thursday, 5-6pm, in the Chapel, 38 Gold St, all are welcome. Ministry to the Homebound: if you, or someone you know, is homebound and would like a priest visit you, call the Rectory at 203-531-8730. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; 5:15pm, St. Agnes, in-person. Sat (1st Sat of the month): Confessions at St. Agnes Church – in-person (specific dates in the bulletin), 3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm. Masses - Sun: 7:30am, St. Catherine’s – in-person and livestream; 9am, St. Agnes – in-person; 10:30am, St. Catherine’s – in-person and livestream; 11am, Language Masses: St. Agnes & Lucey Parish Hall – in-person, (French: 2nd Sun of month; Italian: 3rd Sun of month & 4th Sun of month in May; Spanish: 4th Sun of month); 5pm, St. Agnes – in-person. *Under the tent from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). Summer Spirituality Series: Children’s Liturgy of the Word (1st-4th grade): June 27, July 18 & 25, 9am Mass, St. Agnes under the tent, Holy Listening - rooted in Ignatian spirituality principles: June 26, July 10, 24 & Aug. 7, 8:30am, St. Agnes under the tent, St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Sunday: 9 & 10:30am, 12:15 & 5:15pm. Saturday Vigils: 4 & 6:30pm (Spanish Mass). Daily: MonFri, 12:05pm. Confessions: Sat, 2:453:45pm (Alcove to left of Altar).
St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Live-streamed, 1011am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at EWTN. com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at daily-mass. Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. Cocktails, Concert & The Legionaires of Christ: June 18, 6-7pm, $150, St. Paul’s 50th Anniversary celebration: June 27, following 11:30am Mass, outside the Church, RSVP via Flock note. Bereavement Group: July 1, 5-6:30pm, in the Parish Hall (meets every other week), contact Dianne Deachan at 914-327-0447 or diannefdf@yahoo. com with any questions. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. Community First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Worship, Children’s Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Ad-
Events marked by an * require registration at Outdoor Sunday Service: 10AM (livestreamed); *Alpha Course: Online, Mon., 7PM Starting Jul. 12; Hymn Sing: Jul. 4 & Aug. 1, 11AM; Summer Baptism: Aug. 1 call to sign up The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 10-10:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email for registration and Zoom Links). Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. Registration is open Sky Kids Greenwich (4th-5th grades): June 28-July 1 (Mon-Thu), 9-11:30am, Stanwich Church, $65. Registration is open for SummerQuest - summer camp for middle and high school students: July 26-31. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. First Presbyterian’s Summer on the Sound: through Aug 29, 8:30am service (weather permitting), Tod’s Point in the Seaside Garden (no reservations, permits, or passes needed). Summer Wednesdays at Collyer Center: July 7, 4:30pm. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. ALPHA class - interactive online sessions to explore the big questions of life: Wed, 7pm, register at Nicaragua Mission Fundraiser: Car Wash/Bake Sale: June 27, 11:30am12:30pm, in Church. WF Summer Bible Study: June 29, 9-10:30am, online.
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From the Oral History Project
Daniel V. Barrett, Science Educator and Conservationist It is hard to put the two words “educator” and conservationist” together in Greenwich and not come up with the name Daniel Barrett. In 2007, Marian Phillips interviewed Barrett for the Oral History Project in order to encapsulate his storied career as a science educator at Greenwich High School (GHS), and as an inveterate conservationist in the town of Greenwich. What emerged was a portrait of a man whose legacy will live on in the minds of the students he taught and in the heart of the community he loved. Daniel Barrett began teaching in 1958 at GHS, after an interview that involved an unexpected, impromptu lesson to biology students on the third floor of the old GHS, now Town Hall. After his successful onthe-spot class, the immediate consensus was, “Hire him!” and thus began his 38-year career as a science educator. In the 1960s, after Russia launched the satellite Sputnik into space, the U.S. focused on more novel approaches to science education. Mr. Barrett was selected to test one of the new curriculums emphasizing ecology and field studies. O ver t he ye a rs, Ba r ret t i nt r o du c e d t h e s u b j e c t o f marine biology to his students. He believed in experiential learning and frequently took his students on field trips. “My whole concept had to do with hands-on, after you would study it from a cerebral point of view.” A favorite trip was to the Fulton Fish Market. “It was a whole experience of knowing about fish, and their requirements in the ocean . . . on how you sell f ish and keep it fresh. Then we’d bring it back, and how you prepare f ish, and then you’d enjoy it.” It helped that Barrett had two ovens in his classroom! Barrett had permission to hold two-hour morning classes to allow for field study. “I found I had lots of support to get out in the wild and do things. And that’s what I’ve always felt, hands-on, feeling, smelling, walking in a marsh, smelling the sulfur . . . And that’s where my strength came, was to get students to dig in. And touch it.” After a field study unit on beaches, including their sand structure, as well as their groins, stone walls, and jetties, Barrett marked off the classroom in four-foot squares. Teams of students were required to design and construct their own miniature beach communities utilizing sand, grasses, and building materials, and defend their projects. “So, it was sort of a summary of what we’d been doing all these field trips. I’m sure the custodians loved us…When we were all done, eventually we put everything away, swept up the f loor, and brought the furniture in.” I n 1 9 6 7, B a r r e t t w a s instrumental in the establishment of the Educational
Oceanographic Foundation, Inc. Donors could contribute money and equipment to be used for scientific educational research, speakers, trips, and projects that were not covered in the Board of Education budget. It also provided scholarships to deserving students pursuing marine-related science studies. Mr. Barrett was appointed to t he b oa rd of t he tow n’s Conser vation Com m ission, which he first chaired in 1964 and played a role in establishing the town’s Shellfish Commission. “We had all this activity that could take place, in shell fishing. O ysters, cla ms, a nd so on. And it was just sitting there… S o , we t h o u g h t we wo u l d form a commission, and start looking into the possibility of shellfishing…It took us five-toeight years of water testing, over and over again, to show that the waters eventually were clean enough that it was safe to open the beds.” Barrett served on the Shellf ishing Commission for twenty years. In 1986, Barrett became involved with Greenwich Land Trust (GLT). Kitty Starr, then GLT president, “was looking for someone who would have an environmental background, and yet would be able to manage Dan Barrett and students dragging a net in Eagle Pond. these properties, so that from a habitat point of view, they were being protected.” At the time of Barrett’s OHP interview in 2007, properties managed by GLT numbered 119, comprising over 600 acres. They included an island, 18 meadows, open spaces, apple orchards, marshes, woodlots, vernal pools, freshwater ponds, and the plants and animals that inhabited them. In 2012, the Dan Barrett S t e w a r d s h i p Tr u s t w a s established to honor his 24 years of service as Executive Director and Environmental Director of GLT, and to provide dedicated funds for the on-going care and management of present and future GLT properties. Shortly before this honor was awarded, Barrett told the reporter covering the event of the importance of cherishing the land for the benefit of future generations. He then quoted Ansel Adams: “Let us leave a splendid legacy for our children. Let us turn to them and say: ‘This you inherit; guard it well, for it is far more precious than money, and once destroyed, nat u r e’s b e aut y c a n not b e Daniel V. Barrett repurchased at any price.’” Therein lies the legacy of Daniel V. Barrett, teacher and conservationist.
“We have all the habitats you can think of. We have them in different areas in Greenwich . . . And our concern is education.”
Dan Barrett with student and barn owl.
Tending beehives on Greenwich Land Trust property. Dan Barrett on right.
The transcript of this interview “Di stin g ui shed Teacher and Conservationist” may be read at Greenwich Librar y and is available for purchase at the Oral History Project office. The Oral History Project is sponsored by the Friends of the Greenwich Library. Visit the OHP website at Class trip to Provincetown. Dan Barrett, second row, left. Mary A. Jacobson serves as blog editor.
How to Create a Spectacular Container Garden Gardening in containers is a fun and rewarding way to play with plants, experiment with colors and textures and bring a pop of beauty to a porch, walkway, patio or other area. The experts at McArdle’s Floral & Garden Design shared these tips to help you get started! Give your garden a proper start by selecting a container with a large drainage hole that is free of debris. For particularly large containers over 20” in diameter, fill the bottom third w ith large pine bark to increase airflow and prevent soil compaction. This will also reduce the overall weight of your container. Fill your container with a highquality potting soil close to the top. When using plants with a smaller root ball, fill your container nearly to the rim as they will need less space. Mix in a slow-release fertilizer, keeping in mind where the roots will reach. It is critical that you choose highquality, healthy plants for a long lasting and beautiful garden. Ask the experts at the garden center for the best plants for your particular setting. Consider your planting composition. To keep it simple, start with your favorite color and then add tones that are similar in shade or vibrancy. Monochrome
designs deliver more impact from far away than a mixed color scheme. Flowering plants are important because they deliver most of the color, but foliage plants bring balance to the composition. Introduce a silver leaf foliage to brighten up dark compositions or use a deep purple leaf to add definition to light compositions. Another way to make your container garden more eye-catching is to add height and volume. Select tall plants that will serve as a strong central point of your design, then consider where you want your height to sit in the container. Plant it in the center for designs that will be seen from all angles, or in the back for containers that will sit against a wall. From there, you will build around the height. The volume of your composition should be full yet appropriate to the container size. You want your container garden to look solid from a distance with no large gaps or visible soil. Use lush foliage plants that have a bushy growth habit to add density. If your flowering plants have very small leaves, choose foliage plants with broader leaves to break up the texture. If your f lowering plants have large broad leaves, choose foliage plants with a finer texture to create movement and add depth.
Now, prep your plants for their new home. Open up their root balls with your fingers, gently loosening the bottoms to help them drink water more effectively and establish themselves once transplanted. For sturdier plants like shrubs and trees, you may need to use a root saw. When placing your plants, make sure they are within a half inch of the rim of the container. If they sit too low, then they may not receive enough sunlight and airflow. If they sit too high, then they may not root properly will not thrive. Once you’ve finished planting, use a small hand trowel or your hands to ensure that there is enough soil between the roots of all plants in your container garden. This is a technique known as “back-filling” that helps to secure plants in place, evenly distribute moisture between roots, and prevent shifting of your composition over time. When you are satisfied with your composition, water-in your container garden. This first drink is critical because it helps rehydrate your plants, reduce transplant shock, settle the soil, and bind your composition together. Run water over the entire soil surface, being careful not to damage any leaves and blooms with a strong overhead
waterf low. Repeat this gentle soaking several times over the course of a few minutes to ensure maximum water absorption. Your beautiful new container garden will need special maintenance just like an in-ground garden would. Sun, shade, and the size of your container will affect how quickly your plants drink and, consequently, how often you need to water it. Water requirements vary based on the plant, so monitoring the soil is often the best indicator of thirst. Check the soil with your finger down to your second knuckle, or about two inches deep. When the soil is approaching dryness, it is time to water. Never water without checking the soil moisture first! All plants in your container garden will require some extra care to maintain their best appearance and longevity. Flowering plants will require dead-heading, a process in which you remove any spent flowers that appear to be brown, shriveling, dry, etc. Follow up every 3-4 weeks with a high-quality organic liquid fertilizer that you mix in a watering can or hose-send sprayer for easy application. This will continuously feed your container plants to ensure strong growth and healthy blooms. Fertilizer is especially key for
container gardens because frequent watering in a small soil volume diminishes nutrients in the soil. With all of that considered, the best pro tip we can offer is to shop at local, independent garden centers. Small garden shops, like ours, employ experienced gardeners who are familiar with our USDA growing
zone. This positions us to give you the most practical advice so that you can achieve the best results, saving time and money in the long run. We use our “right plant, right place” motto to help you select the best plants for your growing conditions, setting you up for success from the start.
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Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun! Universal Crossword Edited by David Steinberg May 5, 2021
The (K) Clues Are for Kids
ACROSS 1 Desert haven 6 “Door number 1, 2 or 3?” 11 Conducted 14 Moan and groan 15 Main artery 16 A third of tri17 Throw to the side, say? (see the last 4 letters in this answer ...) 19 Time in history (... + all 3 in this one) 20 Formal deal 21 Forearm bones 23 Ran into (all 3 letters in this answer ...) 25 Mishmash (... + the first 3 in this one) 29 Plum’s center 30 Highest peak in Alaska 31 Highlander (rhymes with “Braille”) 32 Hacienda brick 34 ___ box (Japanese lunch) 36 Certain football player (the last 3 letters in this answer ...) 39 Clash with foam ammo (... + the first 3 in this one) 43 Orange, but not apple 45 Submit taxes online
Created by Timothy E. Parker April 5, 2021
ACROSS 1. (K) Find a function for 4. Swampy, mucky ground 8. (K) Repeating sound off a nearby wall 12. (K) Indicate “yes” quietly 13. Big-time playing cards 14. (K) Tehran locale 15. (K) Auto plate 16. (K) Not messy 17. (K) Fishy breathing organ 18. (K) Show with lots of singing 20. (K) Softly 22. (K) “That was a long time ___” 24. (K) Cut off the sound 25. (K) 24 hours before now 29. (K) Tampa baseball player 32. (K) “Yes” answers from sailors
33. (K) “Believe it or ___” 34. Do a secretary’s job 35. Whistle’s noisemaker 36. (K) Stuff to make other stuff 38. Look as though 40. (K) Lion’s home 41. (K) Was a good buoy? 44. (K) Movie theater things 48. (K) Activated a bell 49. (K) Treetop construction 51. (K) Lobsters’ home 52. (K) Shape of the president’s office 53. (K) Snatch or grab 54. (K) Stuff on printing presses 55. (K) Strong wind 56. (K) Got dirty coming into home? 57. (K) Handled microwave dishes?
OWN D 1. (K) “Do ___ others ...” 2. (K) Hand cleaner 3. (K) Part of a saber 4. Supervise, as a business 5. (K) Walkable pond surface 6. (K) Actual 7. Made an “or so” guess 8. (K) Like many second graders 9. Measures and touchstones 10. (K) Divider between rooms on the left and the right 11. (K) Like a child with no brothers or sisters 19. (K) Creepy rodents 21. (K) Gal? No, the other 23. Christmas tree adornments 25. (K) Snappy, quick bark 26. (K) It might see quite a bit
27. Like farmers-market produce 28. (K) Really tiny circle 30. (K) Leave it ___ on the field (give 100%) 31. (K) “Is the sky blue?” answer 34. (K) “How are you doing?” reply 36. (K) A New York professional athlete 37. How you should feel after a vacation 39. (K) America’s bird 41. (K) Kermit is one 42. (K) Volcano stuff 43. (K) Shell out the cards 45. (K) One of the seven continents 46. (K) Camp housing 47. Drink with sushi 50. (K) Participate in a frigid sport
Can you find the answer to this riddle within the solved puzzle?
Constructor’s 2X4? Look for the answer in next week’s paper.
Previous riddle answer:
Place for a dusty fork? 9-D) Road
46 2012 film that won Best Picture 49 Drop in 52 Hack (off) 53 Overnight sensation’s trajectory (the last 2 letters in this answer ...) 55 Salt Lake City student (... + all 3 in this one) 56 St. Teresa’s Spanish birthplace 57 Humorist Lebowitz 59 Rapper ___ Nas X 60 Ending a relationship, or a theme hint 67 Snaky fish 68 Fire remnant 69 Fix, as a hair bow 70 Blow away 71 Honey Smacks frog 72 Very proficient DOWN 1 Hogwarts messenger 2 “I get it now!” 3 Take a load off 4 Not at all proficient 5 Vaccine fluids 6 Sam of Sam’s Club 7 Short flight 8 Spousal ___ 9 Pennies: Abbr.
41 Lotion additive 42 Single exercise 44 Sushi eggs 46 Flowering shrub 47 Critic’s write-up 48 Front piece on a car 50 Imagebuilding group 51 Brought into being 54 Wrapped, as an ankle 55 Like a groom-to-be 58 Taj Mahal’s city 61 French friend 62 Late SCOTUS great 63 Casual shirt 64 Absorbed, as a loss 65 Toy’s sound? 66 Group of exercises
© 2021 Andrews McMeel Universal
Gotta Split! by Roland Huget
© 2021 Andrews McMeel Syndication.
10 Invites to the penthouse 11 Angola’s capital 12 Hold the attention of 13 Semi fuel 18 Massage target 22 Sign out 23 Calf-length skirt 24 English prep school 26 Apply gently 27 Secluded valley 28 “___ kleine Nachtmusik” 29 Buddy 30 Floor model 33 “Keep your shirt on!” 35 Card that beats a deuce 37 Not to mention 38 Chris of “The Good Wife” 40 Become limp
Code Breakers
Each number in the Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this puzzle, 21 represents E, 1 represents H and 16 represents U, so fill in E wherever 21 appears, H wherever 1 appears and U wherever 16 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid. Answers on page 12. 18
Each row, column, nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 12.
Very Hard
Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel
Greenwich Crew Makes History in Sarasota By Paul R. Silverfarb
It was a weekend to remember for Greenwich Crew during the 2021 USRowing Youth National Regatta. Traveling down to the Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota, FL for competition in the national event, Greenwich Crew had four boats take top honors and a total of seven boats competing in the Youth Finals. “I'm so proud of our athletes,” said Car y Wasserman, head coach of the boys’ team. “We have an amazing group of young men and women on this team. The team culture is amazing and has driven us to this success. This was our first national title on the men's Squad and it's something that we've been working towards over the past five years. To see a ll t heir ha rd work come to fruition was amazing. Only one other program has won four national titles in the same year when Seattle Rowing Center did it back in 2014. We were the first program to ever do it in sweep. We also tied Marin Rowing for the most (athlete) gold medals when they won three eights in 2011. Just an unreal accomplishment.” “We are fortunate to be able to race the best teams here in the tri-state area all season so these athletes came in with a confidence that they could do well but when you move to a national regatta you know that anyone and everyone is fast which is really exciting,” said Catherine Starr, co-head coach of the girls’ team. “They really raced with a scrappiness and toughness that we try to embody as a team and that more than anything is what makes me proud. If a boat goes down the racecourse and it doesn’t look the prettiest but it races hard and really goes for it – I’m proud.” Meredith Blanchard, a member of the championship-winning Women’s Youth 4+ boat, said that one of the hardest parts was the heat of Florida. “All of our fitness was already solidified, and our coaches do a go o d job te ach i n g me nt a l toughness, so those parts weren’t a challenge,” she said. “The real difficulty was recovering after a whole day baking in 100-degree heat. We are not accustomed to those types of conditions in Connecticut, and it was a game of who could recover the best between the time trials, semis, and finals.” The girls’ team had two boats take home the gold medal. In the Women’s Youth 4+ final, the team of Blanchard, Isabelle Ritchie, Eva Andersen, Lucy Barratt, and coxswain Hannah Scott conquered stiff competition from RowAmerica Rye and San Diego
Above, Members of the Greenwich Crew Youth 4 picks up a national championship trophy as they took first place at the USRowing Youth National Regatta with a time of 6:26.418. Not to be outdone was the Greenwich Crew Youth Women's Youth 8+ boat, below, that captured the gold medal with a time of 7:21.133.
and crossed the finish line first with a dominating time of 7:21.133. San Diego placed second with a time of 7:23.817 and RowAmerica took third with a time of 7:24.792. “Hav ing been a member of Gre enw ich Crew for fou r years, it felt like nationals was a culmination of all of the hard work and growth I’ve witnessed here,” said Blanchard. “I arrived on this team while we were still the underdogs, and the dream of being the ‘fastest boathouse in the country’ was still a dream and not a reality. It feels like we both embodied the legacy of the rowers who came before us and left a legacy of our own. I can’t believe all of my hard work finally paid off, and I am so proud of all of my teammates.” Not to be outdone were the Greenwich Crew participants in the Women’s Youth 8+ Final A race. The team of Caroline Schmitz, Phoebe Wise, Olivia Schnur, Kathr y n A lexander, Witney Wise, Schuyler Hyde, Lilly Sutter, Brooke Legenzowski, and coxswain Frances McKenzie also
finished on top of the podium, edging out RowAmerica Rye and taking home the gold with a time of 6:33.844. RowAmerica Rye’s second place time was 6:36.032. “It was so exciting competing in Florida again with all of the biggest teams from across the U.S.,” said Schnur. “It was a very special experience to have everyone in one place and to be able to test our speed against our greatest competitors after such a long time.” Making history for Greenwich Crew was the team in competing in the Men’s Youth 4+ events, as the team of George Gilfond, Matthew Phillips, Samuel Terry, and Trent Boone gave the program its first top finish at the Nationals. Their time of 6:26.418 was heads and shoulders better than the rest of the competition, as the next closest team was OARS with a silver medal time of 6:30.453. A l s o p o s t i n g a l i g ht s o u t performance for the boys’ team was the group competing in the Men’s U-17 8+ event. The team of
Harry Waters, Felix Dosmond, Samuel Wilson, Max Willott, Ma rcus Chu ng, Ma x R aa b e , William Drinkall, Boris Gans, and coxswain Nick Walding finished golden by crossing the finish line with a blistering time of 6:09.528. The next closest time was just under five seconds away from Greenwich Crew. “This has been a twoyear mission for these guys,” Wasserman said. “W hen we lost our racing season last year, t he r e si l ie nc e of ou r s q u ad really showed. We weren't sure USRowing was even going to host the National Championship until a few months ago. The guys kept their eyes on the prize and never complained. Because of the pandemic, we started the fall out in groups of five athletes and couldn't make lineup switches at all. Over the winter, our athletes worked out exclusively outside, the freezing cold, during the darkness of the night. We lost our normal winter training trip down to Florida and most of our regular season races. The whole
time, the team stayed focused on the mission, and we now have the national titles. Nobody can take that away from them.” The girls team also picked up a silver and fourth place. Competing in the Women’s U-17 8+ event, the team of Catherine Ruf f, Nicole Urquiga, Maddy Sweet, Julia Doss, Adair Beck, Belle Bordier, Laura Nguyen, Laura Koester, and coxswain Lidia Dodaro f inished second overall in the event with a time of 6:50.273, just around six second quicker than the next closest squad. A l e x a n d r a Fe n a r o l i a n d Ella Moore were facing stif f competition in the Women’s Youth 2 event but still had a solid performance and finished fifth overall with a time of 8:02.624. Keeping the good times rolling for the Greenwich Crew girls’ side was in the Lightweight Women’s Youth 4+ event, as the foursome of Alexandra Wilkowski, Allison Millspaugh, Gianna Savianno, and Hannah Justicz f inished fourth overall with a time of
7:25.870. “This year was more about having a mental framework for being tough and adaptable,” said Starr. “To be honest, we did less actual work this year than we have ever just because of scheduling but each workout the athletes made count. Anytime we discussed how to approach the hard work or racing they faced it with such gratitude – once you know something can be taken from you, you hold on pretty tightly to it and I think that really showed up in how they raced – they were fearless because they love each other, racing and this sport.” A lso having a breakout performance was the group from Greenwich Crew that took part in the Men’s Youth 8+, as the team of Ryan Bucaria, Brandon M a rk , W i l lem L eBr u n , M a x Feenstra, George Lathrop, Robert Sherman, Andrew Cavanagh, Er ic G enden , a nd cox swa i n Elenna Seguin finished Nationals fifth overall and netted a time of 5:57.222. Greenwich was mere inches away from fourth, as Sarasota Crew took home a time of 5:56.153. “The seniors on this squad have been here for this transition,” Wasserman said. “They have always wanted to turn Greenwich into the fastest boathouse in the country. The leadership they've provided to the younger guys is unlike anything I've seen as a coach. Our Captains Sam Terry and Trent Boone have been fantastic as are the other senior leaders on this team. Matt Phillips, Ryan Bucaria, Mark Razanau, Max Feenstra, George Gilfond, Robert Sherman and Charlie Ellis all worked together to create a culture of excellence.” Starr believes that the seniors on the Greenwich Crew boys’ and girls’ programs always have a huge impact on the way a team operates. She also added this year they were able to keep the history and culture of the program alive while also putting their own brand of sauce on it. “Their racing mentality is their own but it’s also a product of so many alums who have set this program up so well,” she said. “We had incredible captains but also seniors who were really w i l li ng to mentor a nd show leadership across the board and the team will be forever grateful for their kindness and ability to make the hard work fun. Alongside this showing at nationals our regional success was huge and that was really the product of the seniors willing to take ownership of this team and our athletes across the board embracing them and what this team stands for.”
GHS Varsity Rugby Fifth in Country By Alexandra Walko Head coach Mike Fina, who was an assistant under Joe Kelly for six seasons, coached only ten days during his first year at the helm in 2020 due to COVID-19. This year was his f irst full season as head coach. The team f inished their regular season 4-2 overall, beating Ridgefield High 74-10, Fairfield Prep 39-10, Simsbury High 52-12, and rival Xavier High School 28-3. Their only losses came at the hands of Staples High School. COVID put many athletic events on hold for GHS athletes. Only a few short weeks ago it was a mere hope that the Greenwich High School Varsity Rugby team would even make it to this year’s High School Nationals being held in Kansas City, MO. A championship which brings together the top 1% of high school ruby teams in the country. However, with the drive only bef itting of a rugger, the collective force behind these boys worked hard to secure the bid, the school approval and the whirlwind of organization necessary to orchestrate the logistics necessary to turn the hope into a reality. The team, coaches, support staff and parents left on multiple flights and gathered well into the night on June 16th to get set up and ready to hit the pitch for three games that ensued over the next three 100-degree days. Thursday GHS, 7th seed, took on the #2 seed, St. Ignatius (OH), and fought a very close battle but ultimately lost 7-10. Many, many
Kansas City, MO first row: Strength Coach Offerdahl, C Laczkowski, S Borrego, M Tishler, B Thompson, J Gatherer, K Grabowski, D Maloney, A Panizza, G O’Dell, L Vivier, second row: Coach Gibbs, Coach Fox, Trainer Falla, L Kirkpatrick, I Rocco, C Walko, C Doyle, T O’Dell, W Janis, J Engelen, N Trogni, G Laczkowski, S Mas, C Beney, C Calvanese, A Kvaratskhelia, L Ware, M Lindberg, G Galletta, J Shreders, T Foster, Assist. Coach Laczkowski, Head Coach Fina.
cases of water later they suited up Friday to face St. Louis University High School (MO) and came away with a win with a final score of 28-5. Harnessing that energy, the
boys, some suiting up for the last time as GHS athletes, took the pitch for their final game of the event against St. Thomas Aquinas (KS). At halftime they were tied
3-3 and fans were on the edge of their seats. The beginning of the second half saw us earn 3 more points from another penalty kick and then finally a breakaway run for a try bringing the score to 13-8 where it would stay. This win earned the team a 5th place overall for the tournament - the best single seed since the introduction of the single school division. It was an honor for these boys to be able to represent Greenwich H ig h School a nd t hey made us proud. None of this would have been possible without the incredible coaching staff, lead by Mike Fina, the parents (both in Kansas City and working behind the scenes from Greenwich), the rugby board and, of course, the team. Go Big Red!
Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!
Greenwich 5.25x10.5.qxp_Layout 1 3/26/21 10:48 AM Page 1
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© 2021 Aquarion Water Company
Easy Suduko
Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 10.
From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.
Wildly Successful: The American Pika
By Jim Knox I didn’t think the view could get better. My friends and I had just trekked within sight of the summit of Wolverine Peak in Utah’s Wasatch Range. Gazing up from the basin, the Rockies were astounding, but at 10,000 feet the magnitude of the landscape and blue of the alpine sky eluded description. Before setting out, I privately dedicated the hike to the memory of a family friend we’d lost too soon. It was time to take in the wilderness, hear his voice at every vista and reflect on his legacy. Another friend and I were the last ones down the mountain. Our group had gone ahead while we savored the v iew on the descent. It sounded like a bird call, yet something was different. We paused to identify the animal and waited a good 30 seconds without success before continuing our return hike. No more than 20 paces downslope we heard it once more. We paused again, determined to remain rooted to the mountain until we identified the mystery creature. Finally, the whistle-like call called our attention to the talus slope off my left shoulder. These boulder fields
are common in mountainous reg ions worldw ide yet the creature it harbored was far from commonplace. With camouflage concealing the creature’s buff-gray form among the boulders, we waited for one more call before we could visually pinpoint the little beast. “A pika!” I announced with the excitement of a little kid, and an index finger pointing in the direction of the pocket-sized mammal. My friend was just as excited. Though we’d worked with some of the world’s most amazing creatures, the elusive pika was not among them. In fact, very few people have ever worked with, seen, or even know of the creatures. The American pika, Ochotona princeps is a little-known and r e m a rk a ble c r e at u r e wh ich s u r v i ve s w h e r e fe w o t h e r s can. One of 20 related species worldwide which inhabit some of t he pla net ’s most remote and inaccessible regions, American pikas are members of the lagomorph family, also compr isi ng t hei r la rger a nd better-known cousins, rabbits, and hares. Although they resemble their cousins with large, rounded ears, they have no visible tail, and have protective fur on the soles of their feet. Adults may reach 4 ounces in weight and just 6-8.5 inches in length. Pronounced, “Pie-Ka” these so c ia l a nd colon ia l a n i ma ls inhabit mountain talus slopes
"No more than 20 paces downslope we heard it again. We paused once more, determined to remain rooted to the mountain until we identified the mystery creature."
near tree line from 8,000 to 13,500 feet in altitude. These h a b i t at s a dj a c e nt to a lp i n e meadows afford food, cover, and protection. When the animal is absent, its presence is confirmed by telltale “haystacks” of flowers and grasses (some as large as a bushel) curing in the sun atop boulders. Due to the fact they
do not hibernate, pikas employ this strategy during the brief alpine summer to cut and dry the vegetation for easy winter storage, sustaining them through the long winter months beneath many feet of snowpack. We humans borrow this ingenious method to preserve the nutritional value of plants while avoiding spoilage
and the need for volumes of storage space. Yet the pika’s behavior offers much more than helpf ul dr y good storage practices. As one of the world’s mammals thus far identified as being ultra-sensitive to shifting climate patterns, they are the subjects of scientif ic behavioral study in their highaltitude range. As a species which has evolved to require cool mountain temperatures, the A merican pika possesses a metabolism which cannot regulate its body temp erat u res a b ove cer ta i n thresholds. Since they live at high elevations, such as the mountains and plateaus, pikas are frequently unable to migrate higher to seek cooler temperatures. Over the past de c ade , Ma m ma log ists have se en a de cl i ne i n pi k a numbers across their range in the American West. Loss of pikas from talus slopes affects other species due to their key role as a base species to their alpine ecosystem. As indicator species advancing the threshold of alpine science, American pikas require more research. So, what can we do to aid these scientifically c r it ic a l c r e at u r e s , w it h t he adorable distinction of looking like a cross between a hamster and a rabbit? It turns out that there is much that we can do as citizen scientists. Specifically, we can join in supporting the work of groups such as The Front Range Pika Project run in conjunction
w i t h C o l o r a d o Un i ve r s i t y ’s Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, or the Pika Poll run through partnership of the United States Geologic Survey and The Oregon Zoo. These groups apply emerging research to enhance survival for these tiny alpine dwellers. Termed, “fascinating” and “charismatic” by scientists and citizens alike, the pika possesses the rare ability to both reach us—and teach us—on scientific and personal levels of caring. Every creature that roams our planet’s lands, f lies across its skies, and swims in its waters, has something unique to offer us. We’d taken that hike beneath a blue September sky high in the Rockies seeking a glimpse of a Black bear or a Rocky Mountain goat, yet we were mesmerized by a creature half the length, and a quarter the weight, of my hiking boot. Though I learned much from our firsthand observation of these increasing rare creatures, just as significantly, it infused me with inspiration. I could feel my friend up there. I could hear his voice telling me, the pika needs the mountain, yet the mountain needs the pika.
Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Adviser for The Bruce Museum. He has a passion for conservation and for sharing his work in the wild world with audiences everywhere.
The printed edition has a cartoon of Calvin and Hobbes in this space which cannot be included in the digital edition.
CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1988 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.
Summertime Blues
By Andrew Niblock D u r i ng t he la st days of school, I had a conversation with a friend about the emotion of the remarkable year-end events that were taking place across our campus. We were joyful, we were profoundly grateful, and we were both tearing up— we had to change the subject to avoid literally weeping. While I am admittedly on the sappy side, I wager I am not the only one entering the f i rst days of su m mer w it h mixed emotions. We h a v e a l l e a r n e d a break. This year has been unprecedented and unpredictable. It has demanded
It wasn’t perfect. We slipped. We snapped. We whiffed. But, we learned, and we have reached the finish line with a flourish—our students have graduated knowing they can persevere through extraordinary circumstances. much and moved the goal post with frustrating regularity. That we were able to complete the school calendar largely in person and outbreak free is something special. This is the time of year we celebrate achievement m ilestones in commencement and moving up ceremonies. These events took on even greater meaning this
year, knowing what everyone had to do to get us to this point. Fa m i lies have entered into the education world with a required partnership like never before. Even in a return to campus, the added stress of COVID-19 restrictions made for exhausted children who needed support and guidance when they got home, even if
they didn’t always realize or appreciate it. For those families that participated in remote learning options by choice or necessity, it meant sacrificing their ow n com m itments to support their children’s learning at home. Thank you. Faculty who put in the hours to prepare perfectly in a normal year doubled down. They took online courses on how to deliver better online instruction. They were nimble in their planning so that they might be nimble in their instruction. They were relentless in their preparation so that they could feed the drive in their students to be relentless in their learning. They cared deeply so that their students would never doubt the transformative power of a caring classroom environment. Thank you. School staff cleared every hu rd le w it h a sm i le a nd a product that remained second to
none. The meals were delivered and delicious; the grounds were beautiful commensurate to the learning going on within; we welcomed a vibrant new group of students and families; our finance and development offices ensured our fiscal health; our technology team connected us; we continued to recruit and hire personnel that are second to none; we felt secure through the expertise and the care of our intrepid safety team; our nurses and trainers patched us up and propelled us forward; our administrative assistants organized the chaos; and we told the story of our amazing schools w it h he a r t a nd f la i r. O n ly through herculean collective efforts were our schools able to thrive. Thank you. I t w a s n ’ t p e r f e c t . We s l i p p e d . We s n a p p e d . We whiffed. But, we learned, and we have reached the finish line with a f lourish—our students
have g raduated k now ing they can persevere through extraordinary circumstances. So, now we head into summer… I am just not sure how I feel about it... and, I am definitely not alone. In an unpredictable year there was predictability in the joy to be found on campus. With hurdles around every corner it was nice to know there were friends to go over them with you. When it felt like everything was upside-down there was someone, a teacher, a friend, or a child, who was there to remind us that upside-down has its benefits. I love summer. I am really looking forward to the next few months. But, I am giving myself permission to miss a lot of things about this crazy year. I might even get a little misty. Andrew Niblock is the Director of Schoolwide Initiatives at Greenwich Country Day School.
Page 20 | Greenwich Sentinel
White Birch Claims Cup; 11-8 Victory Last Sunday, White Birch Farm, the renowned hometown high-goal polo squad, claimed the 2021 East Coast Bronze Cup with a stellar 11-8 victory against Palm Beach Equine Clinic of Wellington, Florida. Playing in front of a packed crowd at the Greenwich Polo Club on this quite sunny and breezy Father’s Day, these two toptier 16-goal teams, both of who qualified for this final by winning a series of highintensity matches over the past several weeks, were all about gamesmanship and skill with White Birch, the 2020 East Coast Open champions, clinching the title in the end. For the players, it was all about doing their best and using their experience, strength and skills to achieve an optimal result. “It was great to be out there. It was a beautiful day and we wanted to do our best,” said Pablo Llorente Jr., the electric Argentinian White Birch six-goaler who has come to be regarded as one of the standout marquis player at the Greenwich Polo Club over the past few years. “After the first half finished, we sat down and talked. That helped motivate us going into the second half.” Throughout most of the first half, White
By Liz Leamy
Birch and Palm Beach Equine Clinic ran head-to-head in terms of points. In the second half, however, White Birch flew past its opponent to wind up at the top of the leaderboard in the final tally. Certainly, the chemistry among the four talented and driven members of White Birch seemed to play a major role in their result. Collectively, this crew demonstrated a distinctive harmony, connection and understanding of one another out on the field, something that is interesting to consider in noting each of their individual stories. Christopher Brant of Greenw ich
is White Birch’s number-one player who is known for his steady and f luid gamesmanship and is always one to watch at matches. In this heated f inal, Brant played a formidable and aggressive game, knocking in more than three of his team’s goals to earn the match’s Most Valuable Player Award. Then, there is the disting uished Mariano Aguerre, the 2017 Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame inductee and star Argentinian eight goaler who plays the number four position and is one who always seems to bring tremendous electricity and energy to the matches.
A mong some of his recent feats, Aguerre helped guide White Birch to victory at the 2020 East Coast Open Championships at the Greenwich Polo Club last September. “It’s great to be back here in Greenwich and to be playing in this position,” said Aguerre. “I’m really looking forward to the rest of the season.” (Aguerre’s powerful charge, Machitos Odelay, was named Best Playing Pony of the match.) Pablo Llorente Jr., the number-three player for White Birch, is another force in this group and is an athlete who seems to be as much a technician as he is fierce in terms of his overall gamemanship. Juan Olivera Jr., meanwhile, the youngest member of White Birch who plays its number-two position with a two-goal handicap, is a strong player who instinctively seems to know how to function optimally with his colleagues. The talented members of Palm Beach Equine also worked in terrific concert together as they put up quite a f ight against their opponents. G r i n go Colom br e s , Pa l m B e ach Equine’s decorated Argentinian eightgoaler who has become one of the Greenwich Polo Club’s most popular players over the past several seasons, flew around the field with the command and aptitude of a seasoned world-class
professional, as did all of his teammates. As a whole, this group of accomplished athletes, along with their stunning charges, easily held the full attention of spectators throughout the entire match, as they could be seen clapping and cheering loudly in the stands and along the sidelines. “It is incredible to be here,” said Electra Walker of Darien. “It’s my f irst time attending a polo match and it’s been a fantastic experience. The players and their horses are amazing to watch and it’s just a perfect atmosphere. Everyone is so friendly and lively and there is such good energy here.” Further adding to the excitement of the day was the fact that Nacho Figueras, the famed Ralph Lauren model who spent several seasons playing at the Greenwich Polo Club, was a presenter at the awards ceremony. “It’s great to be back here and I’m very happy to see that the club is looking as good as ever. It’s an incredible place,” said Figueras, who said he is hoping to play at the Greenwich Polo Club again in the future. “Greenwich is a great community and you can see and feel that here. The Greenwich Polo Club and this whole town are places that mean a great deal to me. There is so much heart among everyone and that is everything.”
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Page 21 | Greenwich Sentinel
These Two Made in the USA Products Help the Environment and Your Boat By Beth Barhydt TERV IS: The push in our home these days is to end single use products. That means plastic straws, plastic cups, plastic k-cups, wooden chops sticks... pretty much anything plastic is not good. Our newest favorite is actually an old favorite from Tervis. Made in the USA, insulated, guaranteed, lucite, customizable: this product is a home run every single time. Their story is entrepreneurial. Tervis may be a staple of coastal life now, but it was originally sold Personalize these Tervis cups with a monogram like by entrepreneur John C. Winslow the one above or something a little bit more fun like from dock to dock as an alternative mine which says Keep talking, I'm busy disgnosing. Perfect to single-use with much better for boats, picnics and great gifts. insulation properties. Eventually, having a Tervis tumbler on your boat became a tradition — and still is. The Tervis company goals of zero waste by the end of next year is admirable as are their ecopartnerships and work all over the world. "Our goal is to be a Zero Waste to landfill facility by the end of 2022," they say. "This means that, as a manufacturer, we are not sending anything to a landfill. Instead, we will reduce, reuse or recycle all waste produced at our factory here in Sunny, Southwest Ending single use zip top bags does not need to be difficult. Florida. Many (eventually ALL) These reusable, silicone versions are even better. They are products we produce, can be dishwasher, freezer and microwave safe and they stand up!
retur ned to us to be broken down and reused as brand new products." Pop on one of their custom made tops, add a reusable straw and you are good to go anywhere. Customizable Tervis cups start at about $15 with lids for $1.99. To buy, go to online. ZIP TOP: Made with 100% platinum silicone, these bags won't leach harmful chemicals like plastics can and one Zip Top can replace 5000+ disposable bags. We use these containers for food prep, cooking, lunches, left overs, snacks on the go, travel, food storage, crafting, first aid kits, and just about anything you can imagine. They are work better than glass containers for picnics, hiking, and definitely on boats. We also love that all Zip Top containers are made in the USA. Right now they are on having a 20% off sitewide sale online at
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Summer Just Arrived... What's Already Trending in Summer Cocktail Upgrades By Jeb Fiorita & Peter Olson Summer 2021 has arrived! And while we could focus on what 2020 was, lets focus on today. There is light at the end of “the tunnel” and we are ready for social gatherings, family picnics, BBQ’s, travel as well as sitting in the backyard enjoying a cocktail. A s we w r ite t h i s c olu m n the sun is shining, and we are looking forward to great weekend beverage tastings. What comes to mind as a topic is the great selection of Ready to Drink (RTD) or “grab-n-go” canned beverages. Not on ly h a s t he p opu l a r it y increased with these beverages, but t he q u a l it y a nd pr o duc t offerings have skyrocketed. Can we give credit to our old friends of the early 90’s wine c o ole r s … B a r t le s a nd Ja m e s? Possibly. But we want to fast for w a r d to to d ay. T he r e a r e s o m a ny g r e at op t ion s f r om vod k a a nd wh iskey to ma lt based beverages. One of the most popular is Fishers Island. The great people at Fishers Island launched two new products just in time for summer…Pink Flamingo which h a s a c r a n b e r r y f l a vo r a n d Spiked Tea. These are delicious and complement the or ig inal Lemonade based drink. A nother ca n ned beverage
The Spiked Lemonade is vodka based and is great cold in the can or over ice with citrus fruit for garnish. Batcherita is a Margarita inspired cocktail with a delicious mix of Agave and Lime. which is gaining is popularity is by Litchfield Distillery. The Spiked Lemonade is vodka based and is great cold in the can or over ice with citrus fruit for garnish. Batcherita is a Margarita inspired cocktail with a delicious mix of Agave and Lime. While also great cold out of the can, may we suggest enjoyed over ice with some fresh strawberries muddled in and a lime wedge for garnish. The third option is a cocktail with straight
Bourbon… The Litchfielder. Here we have maple syrup and lemon juice mixed in for a sweet tweet. These are great on beach, at the neighborhood BBQ or sitting in the back yard. We have also seen a large increase in the spiked seltzer market. As not only a seller but also a purchaser, we are amazed at how many products there are to choose from. Almost every major player now offers a spiked product
of some sort. And while many have hit the ground sprinting… High Noon, White Claw and Truly El Luchador comes in at 8% alcohol and of fers three RTD options. The f irst is the Blood Orange Margarita. This is made with Agave Tequila and natural blood ora nge f lavor. Enjoy it over ice with a fresh orange slice for garnish. Another option is the sparkling Paloma which is g rapef r uit mi xed w ith Agave Tequila. You can pick your own garnish, but we would suggest the obvious…a slice of grapefruit. Then there is the original…Classic Lime Margarita. Do we really need to explain how to enjoy this one? These are all great options for a relaxing moment either solo or with family and friends. Su m m e r i s for t i m e w it h fa m i ly a nd f r iends. W h i le at the beach, in the back yard, or traveling, please enjoy while drinking responsibly. The Val’s family wishes you all the best in health and happiness. Please stop by at any one of our three locations between Greenwich and Stamford and say hello. Jeb is the owner of Val’s Putnam Wines & Liquors with locations in Greenwich and Glenville. Peter is the General Manager of Val's newest location at 66 Summer Street in Stamford. They can be reached at 203-869-2299.
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Thank you to the Greenwich Athletic Foundation and the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation for sponsoring this special section celebrating our graduates and allowing it to be sent to every home in Greenwich!
What Will Our Graduates Take Away From This Year?
Adam Rohdie As we close out this unprecedented school year, many accolades have been given to the incredible work of the teachers and staff in getting us through the pandemic— deservedly so. I am humbled by the effort and care that adults in the school buildings across this town have shown.
They did it not only in the time of COVID, but during a national movement for social justice, a polarizing presidential election, and an attack on our nation’s capital. All that time, teachers and school staff in Greenwich remained laser focused on providing an amazing learning experience for students. It cannot be said enough; this is no small feat and they deserve our deepest appreciation. That sentiment acknowledged and as we celebrate moving up ceremonies and commencements, my attention turns to the students themselves and what they have endured. I cannot think of more difficult circumstances through which these young people have persisted—mask wearing, social distancing, contact tracing, sports with no games to play, musicals with
Knowing they have overcome challenging circumstances before and using the strategies they have developed to push through this time, they will adapt; they will persist, and they will succeed. no audiences, classes held outdoors in 30 mph winds— we could go on and on. I also cannot help but wonder what they will take away from the experience of this past year. As I shared in an earlier article, I fear we are going to see a significant increase in mental health issues rising from young people and we must be watchful for signs of distress and be ready to support them. I also believe these students will emerge from this time period stronger and more ready to lead in a very changed and
ever-changing world. Our students may have suffered challenges never before imagined, but much like being vaccinated against the coronavirus, our students have been inoculated in facing adversity. When the next series of traumatic events strikes at this generation of students, they will access their ‘immunity’ and will be more likely to persevere. Knowing they have overcome challenging circumstance before and using the strategies they have developed to push
through this time, they will adapt; they will persist, and they will succeed. Their armor has thickened this year and it will serve to protect them in the future. This protection will be immensely valuable for the world they are about to enter, as it will look vastly different from the world of today. Our pace of change is so rapid that the only thing that remains a constant is change itself. Moore’s law basically tells us that computer capacity doubles every two years. It is
not a stretch to apply that same law to society and change. Thus, while I remain a bit heartbroken for this generation of students, the graduates who missed sports seasons and proms, I am also buoyed by the notion that they will be the ones leading the country when I am in my golden years. They will have been battle-tested and ready to lead our country through the next great struggle which inevitably will head our way. Graduates of 2021, your journey is our journey, and we know you believe as Tony Robbins believes that “the only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” Godspeed, Adam Rohdie Head of School, Greenwich Country Day School.
Honoring GA's Class of 2021
Molly King GA Class of 2021, you have earned our honor, respect, and affection like few others before you. Your academic prowess and widely recognized talents as writers, musicians, actors, artists, and athletes have all contributed to a remarkable legacy of achievement at Greenwich Academy. Think back to September, when none of us had any idea what this year would look like. We can all remember wondering how it was all going to work—the masks and the distance, the tents and
outdoor lunches, the remote classes, the one-way paths and cohorts, and yes, the weekly spit tests! But all of this and some construction were just background noise when your class determined that you were going to bring as much enthusiasm and energy as humanly possible to GA’s opening day of school. In one of my favorite improvisations of a most improvisational year, you reimagined our traditional opening day assembly senior gauntlet and lined the Upper School circle to welcome the rest of the student body back to school as they arrived on campus. With that joyous, clever, perfectly executed act, you found the sweet spot between celebrating the spirit of your class while promoting community, and set the tone for all of us, teachers and students alike, for the entire year. Another tone-setting mom e nt—l ite ra l ly—w a s back in October, when you performed GA’s first outdoor musical on the turf: Songs for a
You leave GA with a singular legacy of fortitude and fun, of daring and determination, of achievement and unlimited potential. New World. No fancy costumes or staging, a turf venue not known for its acoustics, and the directive to mask up and socially distance. But the cast was undeterred, performing with talent and passion. Another great example of the Class of ’21 leading the way to turn an enormous challenge into a total victory. You did the same in athletics even though you had precious few games, were masked up the majority of the time, and played under a variety of conditions and in multiple venues (erging
on the tennis court and playing volleyball outdoors to name a few). Sometimes teammates were in quarantine and you had to play without them. No matter the obstacles presented, you were fierce competitors and achieved tremendous victories in every sense of the word for yourselves, your teams, and for GA. And your elected student leaders perfectly captured the indomitable spirit of the senior class. They consistently strategized ways to build class unity and school morale,
planning Spirit Week and the spoon game, all the while leading and listening with equal amounts of empathy and confidence. It’s a common graduation trope that the path through life is rarely linear. You already know that. There will be unforeseen obstacles and impediments along the way. You already know that, too. More than any class I’ve ever encountered, you have been tested. You have been faced with an unprecedented number of challenges and you
Green Farms Academy Greenwich Graduates
have met them all, head on, with grace and grit, ingenuity and humanity. At GA we love to invoke our motto, Toward the Building of Character, because it’s forward-looking, hopeful, always growing, always improving, ever-aspirational. I might typically send a class off with a note of confidence that when their paths do take an unexpected turn they’ll be able to draw on their character and their community. You, however, already know that. You know it because you’ve done it. In fact, you’ve crushed it. You leave GA with a singular legacy of fortitude and fun, of daring and determination, of achievement and unlimited potential. And I cannot wait to witness all the promise and purpose that you will bring to your next life adventure. I am deeply grateful to the Class of 2021 for your lasting legacy of good at Greenwich Academy. Congratulations! Molly King is the Head of School at Greenwich Academy.
INSIDE 21 Acts of Kindness for the Class of 2021, page 5 Brunswick, page 15 Eagle Hill School, page 12 Frederick Gunn School, page 14 Green Farms Academy, page 1 Greenwich Academy, pages 1 & 10 Greenwich Athletic Foundation, page 9 Greenwich Country Day School, pages 1 & 4 Greenwich High School, pages 6, 7 Greenwich Scholarship Association, page 8 King, page 13 Sacred Heart, page 14 St. Luke's Academy, pages 2, 3 & 11 Whitby, page 12
We congratulate our 2021 Greenwich Green Farms Academy graduates! Back row from left, Oliver Kennon, Carsten Weis, Jonnie Jackson, and Oliver Weiser; front row from left, Charles Kolin, Lily Russian, Dasha Timasheva, and Seby Bodian. During the school’s spring awards ceremony, Bodian received the Martha Laffay Award for Spanish.
Thank you to the Greenwich Athletic Foundation and the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation for sponsoring this special section celebrating our graduates.
Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel
Above & Beyond
CLASS OF 2021 Hanaa Ahmar
Rex Noble Jensen
Caroline Marie Ross
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Zachary Ryan Amendola
Tigerlily Hope Jensen
Nicholas Orlando Rutigliano
American University
Scripps College
Austin George Andersen
Abigail Patten Johnson
Mae LePing Ryan
Boston College
Skidmore College
Adrian Stefano Antonioli
Jake Ashok Kavan
John Robert Sanders
Boston University
Southern Methodist University
Nicole Michele Ayoub
Elyse Cynthia Kim
Devon Kate Schiff
Bowdoin College
St. Lawrence University
Edward James Boris
Molly Dixon Kim
Samantha Teresa Schwartz
Stanford University
Ryan Michael Bradley
James Bryant Kontulis
Liana Katherine Seale
Brigham Young UniversityHawaii
John Harrison Briggs Jr.
John William Laibe
Emma Dorothea Seel
Bucknell University
Temple University
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
Trinity College
Cole Leander Bryant
Eloise Emerentienne Leclerc
Katherine Ryan Seth
Shane Salvatore Carbin
Pierce Eastland Leclerc
Ryan John Sherman
Nina Isabelle Castiglione
Doron Shai Loewenberg
William John Siverson
Jonathan James Conti
Julia Haley Lombardo
Cheyne Kainoa Aivao Smock
Hayden Sharp Critchell
Jasmine Yimo Ma
William Robert Thomas
Lewis Jay Cropper
Audrey Ashia Magnusen
Charles Logan Troeger
Julia Ann DeLuca
Gabriela Christina Martino
Cameron Philip Tyler
Marguerite Marie DeMarco
Catherine Cecilia Mathews
Matthew Edward Vogel
Vincent Anthony DiTeodoro
Kathryn Gail McCarthy
Jenna Marie Volpitta
Brian Kevin Douglas Jr.
Aisha Noor Memon
Claire Kittredge Watson
Kathleen Eleanor Ehlers
Marc Alain Mortamais
Ryan Olivia Weil
Lucy Studebaker Ehlers
Daniellejen Yap Nares
Skyler Evan Wilkes
John Robert Ellis
John Joseph Normile Jr.
Anders Jakob Ernberg
Dean Edward Pallas
Jillian Elizabeth Fisher
Evan John Panageas
Jack Ryan Fitzgibbon
William Highet Patty
Chase Fredriksen-Isaacs
Justin Henry Pearl
Charlotte Elizabeth Gold
Leila Audrey Pearson
Aidan John Gunn
Caroline Lawson Pellegrino
Blake Rich Haden
Huntley Jane Pizzarelli
Jackson George Hart
Desmond Chiedozie Pratt
Emma Eleanor Herdeg
Koy Idris Price
Ryan John Higgins
Andrew Thomas Priore
Cameron Montgomery Hill
Zaire Devon Profit
Jonathan Andrew Hobson
Jeremy Kirk Reid
Finn Friederich Hublitz
Adam Raza Rizvi
Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University
Syracuse University
Tufts University Union College
Chapman University
United States Military Academy at West Point
Claremont McKenna College
University of Alabama
Clemson University
University of Chicago
Colby College
University of Miami
Colgate University College of Charleston
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
College of William & Mary
University of Pennsylvania
Colorado College
University of Pittsburgh
Dartmouth College
University of Rhode Island
Dickinson College
University of Richmond
Duke University
University of South Carolina
Elon University
University of Southern California
Fordham University
University of Vermont
George Washington University
University of Virginia
Hamilton College
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Howard University
Villanova University
Kenyon College
Wake Forest University
Lafayette College
Wesleyan University
Lehigh University McGill University Middlebury College
100% of St. Luke’s graduates will attend a college or university.
Northwestern University Princeton University
Our Mission: An Exceptional Education St. Luke’s is a secular, college-preparatory day school for grades 5-12 serving 30 towns in Connecticut and New York.
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Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
Above & Beyond 13 of our last 18 Valedictorians and Salutatorians started St. Luke’s in Middle School.
Elyse as a St. Luke’s 5th grader.
The Kim family of Greenwich: David, Seth ‘19 (University of Chicago), Elyse ‘21, Molly ‘21 (US Military Academy at West Point), and Cynthia. Not pictured: Whit ‘17 (US Military Academy at West Point).
“Painters are Global Scholars. Chemists are stage managers. Actors are team captains. You pour yourselves into everything you do and always make time to support others. Your manifold passions have made St. Luke’s a more exciting and engaging place. You don’t just fly; you soar.” -Salutatorian Elyse Kim Elyse is a St. Luke’s Global Scholar. She is heading to the University of Pennsylvania.
Visit Us: St. Luke’s is a secular, college-preparatory day school for grades 5-12 serving 30 towns in Connecticut and New York. 2021 Top Ten Best Private College Prep High School in CT (203) 801- 4833 | | 377 North Wilton Road, New Canaan, CT 06840
Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
CLASS OF 2021!
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
21 Acts of Kindness to Keep with You Greenwich is home to some of the kindest, brightest, best educated students in world but we all need help remembering how to demonstrate that in the wider world. Here are the Acts of Kindness, re-imagined for you, our 2021 Greenwich graduates. We hope it helps you to demonstrate the best of our home town to the rest of the world. Be kind to others. Ask, How can I help? Take a breath before you speak and be an active listener. Avoid interrupting others when they are speaking, especially those who are younger than you. Say please, thank you, and you're welcome... every time. Remember that it really is someone just like you on the other side of the screen. Tell your parents and siblings that you love them. Be a considerate and patient driver. Open the door for others and hold the door for the person behind you. Remind yourself that everyone is the hero of their own story. Let someone go ahead of you if they are clearly in a hurry or have young children. Let your friends know when they have behaved badly. Write notes apologizing for your mistakes, thanking others for their kindnesses or celebrating their achievments. Overtip breakfast waitresses. Do your best to say YES when asked for help (make sure it is safe and legal). Make eye contact and smile. Compliment others when you notice something you like. Continue to be especially nice to hospitality workers. Count at least one thing for which you are grateful every morning. Be proud of your hometown. Be kind to yourself.
Best of Luck Theto Greenwich YouSentinel All! Foundation
Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel
A Year Unlike Any Other
Ralph Mayo It has been 50 years since I graduated from Greenwich High School. I have worked in the district for 44 years, the majority of those years were spent at GHS. However, this school year was unlike any other that I have experienced at this great high school. We as a school and school district had to overcome many obstacles and be flexible so our students, the children we are responsible for, could get the finest education possible. We learned new technologies
and presented our lessons with students in our classrooms and to those that were remote learners. We changed the way we passed from class to class and where and how we ate lunch. We continued our mitigation strategies throughout the year so that we could remain open. We discovered new ways to conduct choral and band classes and the majority of our teams had full athletic seasons. We stayed open in November, December, January and February as members of our community asked us to go full remote. Our students won a great many awards for their academic work and through their club activities because we stayed open so they could work closely with their teachers and receive feedback on their work. There were many days in a row when another local newspaper would print how many active cases we had in our schools and instead of praising the staff that came to work each day (my heroes) discussed how they were failing our students. Yet we stayed open and with each passing day became
We brought our students back to school by grade rather than all at once, which was a very smart move by our Superintendent. This gave us all (student, parents and staff) time to adjust to the additional number of students that would be on campus each day. better teachers because we didn’t want to let our students down. We brought our students back to school by grade rather than all at once, which was a very smart move by our Superintendent. This gave us all (student, parents and staff) time to adjust to the additional number of students that would be on campus each day. We learned more about what was needed after each grade level returned to school. This helped us to understand how to remain open. We are now fully reopened and our staff and students are so happy to be back so they could
see their friends and engage with their teachers. We are about to hold a Junior and Senior prom and our graduation will be outdoors with all our students together with their families for one last moment in the sun at GHS. Many didn’t believe this would happen, any of it, they thought we wouldn’t make it past September. We are a resilient community at GHS who refused to close our doors even as we quarantined many students and staff in those dark winter months. We spent a great deal of time in the classroom tending
to the social emotional needs of our students who needed this support as they were highly anxious and stressed out because of the health crisis we were all experiencing. We learned how to be better students and teachers not by choice, but because we had to do it or we would fail. The Greenwich Public Schools, and Greenwich High school led the way through this crisis and served as an example for surrounding communities on how to stay open and at the same time deliver both a rigorous curriculum and intense social
emotional learning. As I stated at the beginning of this piece, I have never witnessed anything close to this in the half-century in which I attended or worked for this school district. My teachers, my essential workers, came to work, disregarding their own health because they understood that our students needed to be in school so we had to stay the course. It wasn’t just the certified staff that kept us open and running. It was the leadership team at GHS and the central office; it was our administrative assistants, custodial staff, professional assistants, security staff, members of the IT staff and our Food Service workers who made it all happen so we could remain open. Everyone stepped up this year to engage with our students so they could have as many “normal” experiences as possible. What happened here at this school and across the district was nothing short of heroic. Ralph Mayo is the Principal of Greenwich High School. He along with his four children are all proud graduates of the high school.
Greenwich High School
2021 awards were earned by these students 2021 SALUTATORIANS
Colin Speaker; Mark Razanou
Patrick Taylor, Program Associate Louis Armstrong Jazz Award: Connor Sobieri John Philip Sousa Band Award: Madeleine Park Ray Malone Choral Program Award: Darian Fauser Joshua Winston Electronic Music Award: Kyle Yusi Orchestral Music Program Award: Sophia Eberwein Anne Modugno Music Program Award: Quinn Patterson
MEMORIAL AWARDS Taylor C. Bates Memorial Award: Zachary Ellner Christopher Chute Memorial Award: Timothy Abbazia; Meghan Lynch Scott Finneran Memorial Award: Joel Satir Hansen Memorial Golf Award: Matias Lew Claude Hawkins Award: Claire Dobbins Carol James Round Hill Association Women in Business Scholarships: Christina Cavin; Gabriella Meyerhoff; Alexandra Zeppeiro David Lippmann Memorial Award: Andrew Nahm Joseph F. McElvery Memorial Award: Braede Bailey Wataru J. Narita ESL Award: Lopsang Syangbo Peter Rubino Memorial Scholarship Award: Luc Bordier Chris Rurak Scholarship Award: Thatcher Danielson; William Noble Roger N. Saleeby Award: Grace Collier Renee Spellman Memorial Award: Kristen Berzolla Graham Stone Memorial Award: Alexander Patti A. Warren Memorial Award: Natali Fiscal Solano
PHYSICAL EDUCATION & WELLNESS Lillian Perone, Program Associate Physical Education Program Award: Cage Lasley Dylan Maloney; Olivia McClammy; Cornelia Roach; Delaney Roth; James Schmidt Wellness Program Award: Chelsea Cleary; Michael Mendes; James O'Malley; Uma Pendkar; Richard Santarosa; Allison Sobieri
SCIENCE John DeLuca, Program Administrator Science Program Award: Hannah Goldenberg
SOCIAL STUDIES Lucy Arecco, Program Administrator Barbara Belanich Social Studies Award: Wyatt Radzin
Eugene G. Blackford Memorial Scholarship: Tristen Pavlou Delta Kappa Gamma—Alpha Chapter Book Grant: Caitlin O'Brien Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation: Anahi Lopez Patino Greenwich Alliance for Education Senior Award: Lauren Herrera United States Military Academy Appointment: William Montesi United States Naval Academy Appointment: Robert Sherman US Presidential Scholars Program Award: Colin Speaker
Karen Foster, Director of Student Activities Student Activities/Leadership Award: Meredith Blanchard
PROGRAM AWARDS ATHLETICS Gus Lindine, Athletic Director Athlete of the Year: Atiim Barber; Mari Noble Scholar Athlete Award: Colin Speaker; Margaret Tracey
Richard Kohn, Theatre Department Musical Theater Award: Margaret Wardell Technical Theatre Award: Graham Ornstein Theater Arts Program Award: Ralph Bologna; Margaret Wardell; Joshua Winston
Lisa Dempsey, Learning Facilitator Business Program Awards: Atiim Barber; Marcelo GiglianiAlcantarilla; Christian Lanuza Dean Manos
Sean Mayo, Teacher Broadcast Journalism Awards: Alyssa Abreu; Charlotte Ashley; Naomi Buccieri; Elizabeth Casolo; Celine Cohen; Declan Garrett; Ryan Hirsh; Hunter Johnson; Liam Kirkpatrick; Kate Konigsberg Film Production Program Award: Ryan Djurkovic; Danforth Fales; William Grimes; Chloe Trogni
COMPUTER SCIENCE Kate Bolger, Program Associate Computer Science Program Awards: Avery Byrne; Carl Freyer; Joseph Hirsch
ENGLISH Brigid Barry, Program Administrator English Program Awards: Lilliane Bjerke; Skyler McDonnell; Gabriella Mendoza; Wyatt Radzin; Olivia Schnur
ESL Lorraine Hokayem, Program Associate ESL Program Award: Daniel Jaramillo
FINE ARTS Julie Nixon, Program Associate Art Program Awards: Lilliane Bjerke; Bailey Gordon; Benjamin Miller; Cordelia Papen; Sophia Porigow; Daniela Ramos; Stella Santini; Sarah Terceros; Ethan Tice; Nathalie Ventura; Annika Wolle
INNOVATION LAB Courtney Hawes, Program Associate Innovation Lab Program Awards Science Research: Graham Ornstein Social Science Research: Veronica Paez-Deggeller Leadership: Martina Phelan
MATHEMATICS Andrew Byrne, Program Administrator Mathematics Program Award: Skyler McDonnell; Iris Shi; Katherine Tibberts; Alexander Ye
TECHNOLOGY Tom Sartoris, Learning Facilitator Charles Peyton Program Award: Griffin Carey
WORLD LANGUAGE Christina Shaw, Program Administrator World Language Program Awards German: Fiona Busch Spanish: Bailey Gordon Spanish (Native): Marcelo Gigliani-Alcantarilla Latin: Lilliane Bjerke French: Meghan Lynch Italian: Marissa Morganti American Sign Language: Michelle Llerena Mandarin Chinese: Sofia Pronina
PTA AWARDS Stephanie Cowie and Terry Lamantia, Co-Presidents Elementary Schools: Andrew Bailey; George Bancroft; Lily Bartels; Lilliane Bjerke; Trent Boone; Caroline Carvalho; Elizabeth Casolo; Sophie Chaves; Mark Chen; Ryan Cleary; Charlie Decker; Kristina Desai; Charles Ellis; Katherine Feldmeth; Sabrina Fischer; Samuel Florin; Lorena Formento; Emiri Fukuchi; Jesika Garay; Marcelo Gigliani-Alcantarilla; Bailey Gordon; Athena Hartigan; Ryan Hirsh; Anna Ioffe; Autumn Kim; Alexander Kral; Kyle Lagano; Nicholas Malchow; Dylan Maloney; James McGuigan; Genevieve McQuillan; Christian Mingione; Dylan Mini; Oura Miyazaki; Beatriz Owens; Veronica Paez-Deggeller; Sarah Peng; William Quinlan; Wyatt Radzin; Caroline Regan; Abigail Reid; Hadley Rosenberg; Iris Shi; Artemis Shung; Ryan Smith; Colin Speaker; Katherine Tibberts; Margaret Tracey; John Trahanas; Olivia Turnbull; Christopher Walko; Brady Wallace; Quinlyn Westover; Alexander Ye
Middle Schools: Guadalupe Balaguer; Sophia Bastek; Alexandra Buchsbaum; Halla Clausi; Pieter Maximilian Feenstra; Christian Fikre; Samuel Florin; Lorena Formento; Gent Gashi; George Gilfond; Elliot Greenbaum; Adem Guldal; Catherine Harper; Ryan Ichida-Marsh; Kennedy King; Jordyn Libow; Skyler McDonnell; William Montesi; Patrick O'Brien; Kathryn O'Donnell; Wyatt Radzin; Erin Salvate; Benjamin Schinto; Iris Shi; Noemy Sigua; Colin Speaker; Katherine Tibberts; David Tovar; Eleanor Ybarra; Tiffany Zheng Greenwich Country Day School: John Cataldo, Anna Glasser Greenwich High School: Bella House Elizabeth Danielsen; Tom Mueffelmann; Benjamin Rosmarin; Seldon Salaj; Austin Towle; Valerie Zhang Cantor House Maximilian Brodsky; Myson Cummings; Charlotte Gans;; Daniel Mozer; Matea Sucic; Alexander Young Clark House Alexa Back; Benjamin Bates; Sam Elder; Kylie Faherty; Alexander Lyall; Carly O'Brien Folsom House Amy Najarro Borjorquez; Louisa Bound; Vincent Ceci; Agustina Ferrario; Lara Ysabelle Javier; George Papanicolaou Sheldon House Thomas Cass; Christopher Cataldo; Anjali Kishore; Sophia Moore; Lena Thakor; Maya Thakor
STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARDS Peter Bernstein, Chairman, Board of Education Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Meredith Blanchard; Mark Chen
HOUSE ADMINISTRATOR AWARDS Bella Lucy Arecco, House Administrator Recognition: Ashley Tweddle Service: Aidan Kriskey Cantor Christina Shaw, House Administrator Recognition: Zachary Ojjeh Service: Alexa Brust Clark David Walko, House Administrator Recognition: Sulma Aguilon Ambrocio Service: David Katz Folsom Andrew Byrne, House Administrator Recognition: Marielle Povinelli Service: Eadaoin Clarke Sheldon Brigid Barry, House Administrator Recognition: Jay Knight Service: Alexandra Bailey Windrose Diane Fox, Program Administrator Recognition: Nicolson Bosile Service: Lailie Shinsky
PRINCIPAL AWARDS Ralph Mayo, Principal Andrew Bailey; Guadalulpe Balaguer; Kristen Berzolla; Lilliane Bjerke; Meredith Blanchard; Trent Boone; Louisa Bound; Isabelle Busch; Elizabeth Casolo; Christopher Cataldo; John Cataldo; Christina Cavin; Mark Chen; Halla Clausi; Chelsea Cleary; Grace Collier; Elizabeth Cook; Madeline Cook; Charlie Decker; Sophia Eberwein; Pieter Maximilian Feenstra; Christian Fikre; Andrew Finkelstein; Samuel Florin; Lorena Formento; Marcelo Gigliani-Alcantarilla; George Gilfond; Anna Glasser; Hannah Goldenberg; Bailey Gordon; Elliot Greenbaum; Sydney Hines; Hailey Hires; Joseph Hirsch; Ryan Hirsh; Ryan Ichida-Marsh; Leena Jhamb; David Katz; Autumn Kim; Anjali Kishore; Emma Kornberg; Aidan Kriskey; Konoka Kurabayashi; Jordyn Libow; Julia Lucey; Meghan Lynch; Dylan Maloney; Skyler McDonnell; Genevieve McQuillan; Tadeo Mendive; Gabriella Mendoza; Gabriella Meyerhoff; Dylan Mini; Oura Miyazaki; Sophia Moore; Daniel Mozer; Caroline Mrdelja; Tom Mueffelmann; Mari Noble; Armin Ohadi; Agustin Panizza; Madeleine Park; Alexander Patti; Uma Pendkar; Sarah Peng; Martina Phelan; Sofia Pronina; Wyatt Radzin; Caroline Regan; James Rinello; Hadley Rosenberg; Seldon Salaj; Richard Santarosa; Benjamin Schinto; Olivia Schnur; Artemis Shung; Matthew Sisca; Eric Stehmann; Zachary Sturza; Lena Thakor; Maya Thakor; Katherine Tibberts; Austin Towle; Margaret Tracey; John Trahanas; Christopher Walko; Brady Wallace; Caitlyn Weil; Nathalie Williams; Joshua Winston; Annika Wolle; Alexander Ye; Tiffany Zheng
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Greenwich High School Class of 2021 National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalists & Finalists National Honor Society Inductees U.S. Presidential Scholar Academic Club Award Winning Teams Regeneron Science Talent Search Finalists Scholastic Writing & Art Award Winners FCIAC, CIAC and State Athletic Champions Principal Award Recipients
1 Incredible Senior Class
“Congratulations to our graduating seniors. They have persevered through a challenging year, and I look forward to seeing all that they will accomplish in their future.” - Ralph Mayo Principal, Greenwich High School
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Alyssa Abreu, Gabriela Acosta Rivera, Briana Aquino, Maximilian Armstead, Anneliese Ashley, Charlotte Ashley, Tyler Bacco, George Bancroft, Atim Barber, Austin Benison, Brandon Berkowitz, Ignacio Binaghi, Lilliane Bjerke, Calypso Boele, Nicolson Bosile, Calvin Breier, Jonathan Bria, Pietro Bria, Elliot Budkins, Gabrielle Burdick, Fiona Busch, Isabelle Busch, Robert Cardini, William Chartouni, Catherine Chin, Victor Colin, Bruno Cordova Apolony, Sergio Cordova Apolony, Chloe Dalton, Elizabeth Danielsen, Alexis Deleg, Anthony DeLuca, Vanna DelVecchio, Kevin Dias, Lorelyn Dino, Claire Dobbins, Alissa Elliott, Julius Engelen, Vincent Fama, Thalia Ferguson-Reid, Michael Fiorito, Emma Flintoff, Jonathan Forsyth, Thomas Fortunato, Sebastian Franks, James Fryer, Gent Gashi, Anna Glasser, Hannah Goldenberg, Killa Guerra Saavedra, John Holl, Nikhil Khanna, Kate Konigsberg, Aidan Kriskey, Konoka Kurabayashi, Sophie Lamine, Jacinto Leal, Adelyn Leder, Jordyn Libow, Vincent LoBalbo, Jorge Lopez-Aranguren Perez, Eloisa Malchado, Daniel Maddox, William Mahon, Nicholas Malchow, Gabriella Manuli, Joao Pedro Martins, Nicole Martins, John McGrath, John McShea, Grace Membreno, Michael Mendes, Jack Morocho, Matthew Morocho, Hudson Moskowitz, Tom Mueffelmann, Chege Mungai, Paris Murasso, Jayanni Nascimento, Kathleen Nedder, Erin Nell, Mari Noble, Filip Norell, Sacha Norton, Salome Nsereko, John O'Brien, Beatriz Owens, Quinn Patterson, Andreia Pelaez, Bryanne Pinheiro, Wyatt Radzin, Kaya Rahbar, Mariana Ramirez, Daniela Ramos, Melanie Isabella Riera, Benjamin Rosmarin, Katherine Rubich, Stephanie Rubio, Seldon Salaj, Siena Sandolo, Richard Santarosa, Maria De Jesus Santos, Kevin Schilace, Abigail Shropshire, Artemis Shung, Chloe Smith, Allison Sobieri, Connor Sobieri, Colin Speaker, Chloe Sumampong, Sarvesh Sundaram, Lopsang Syangbo, Grayson Thomas, Ethan Tice, Austin Towle, Margaret Tracey, John Trahanas, Chloe Trogni, Nate Trogni, Andrew Tseng, Ashley Tweddle, David Velazquez, Calebe Velozo, Nathalie Ventura, Serene Vernazza, Carmen Vivas Morales, Joseph Viviano, Paul Vranos, Brady Wallace, Andrew Weinstein, Irulan Williams, Nathalie Williams, Martin Wolfe, Emily Wong, Valerie Zhang
CANTOR HOUSE GRADUATES Ines Allan, Daniel Arnold, Sacnicte Arriola, Braede Bailey, Lily Bartels, Krista Beltran-Lemus, John Daryl Benites, Victor Bermudez, Matthew Bier, Seth Bier, Jeanel Boone, Isabella Brachet, Maximilian Brodsky, Jack Bruce, Alexa Brust, Rudolf Bulis, Avery Byrne, Griffin Carey, Kerri Carroll, Bryan Carvalho, Caroline Carvalho, Brian Cebanos-Monfil, Christine Chavez, Mark Chen, Halla Clausi, Ryan Cleary, William Clemens, Brayn Cordova, Alan Cruz Reyes, Myson Cummings, Mayra de Freitas, Elena Debnar, Isabella Delacruz, Kristina Desai, Sean Duffy, Sophia Eberwein, Jahzeel Esquivel, Sabrina Fischer, William Flynn, Lilianna Forrest, Victoria Forte, Carl Freyer, Charlotte Gans, Jesika Garay, Declan Garrett, Carissa Gennarelli, Jonathan Gonzalez, Gia-Rose Greschner, William Grimes, Jason Gussis, Aaron Herrera, Ryan Hirsh, Ines Irazu, Kyle Jampole, Hunter Johnson, Hayley Judice, Eriolla Kabashi, Hudson Kelley, Nikita Kikot, Kennedy King, Alexander Kral, Jack Kruper, Christian Lanuza, Emily Lanzarone, William Lau, Olivia Legein, David Levine, Matias Lew, Ryan Lewis, Michelle Llerena, Jairo Lopez, Michaiah Lopez, Alana Madigan-Sinclair, Nicholas Magda, Dylan Maloney, Kylie Marshall, Skyler McDonnell, Eric Meyer, Allison Millspaugh, Henry Minchin, Dylan Mini, Ashley Miranda, Joseph Mollica, Daniel Mozer, Caroline Mrdelja, Erika Mrdelja, Emma Norton, Caitlin O'Brien, Cristina O'Donoghue, Armin Ohadi, Zachary Ojjeh, Victoria Olivera Sanchez, Nicholas Orrico, Veronica Paez-Deggeller, James Pascale, Harsh Patel, Tristen Pavlou, Angela Pellegrin, Manuel Pembertty, Sarah Peng, Isabella Perlman, Madeline Ragusa, Sophia Robertson, Gisara Robles, Clayton Robinson, Miles Robinson, Keely Rodriguez, John Romano, Michael Rose, Hadley Rosenberg, Sydney Samalin, Leeza Santana, Zachary Santoro, Benjamin Schinto, James Schmidt, Hannah Scott, Zoe Seguin, Lailie Shinsky, Arthur Silva, Matthew Sisca, Ryan Smith, Matea Sucic, Katherine Tibberts, Shun Ueda, Ashley Vanegas, Justin Villalta, Helan Wang, Caitlyn Weil, Lily Wenzel, Madeline Wright, Sebastian Yamasato, Rocio Yanez, Alexander Ye, Alexander Young, Kyle Yusi, Alex Zhingri
CLARK HOUSE GRADUATES Rees Abbett, Emily Acevedo, Sulma Aguilon Ambrocio, Isabella Alves Souza, Sofia Amereno, Natalia Annibal, Isabella Antonetti, Maurizio Arango, Sharlin Archila, Alexa Back, Guadalupe Balaguer, Jake Banks, Carolina Barrientos Ubal, Gracen Barter, Benjamin Bates, Emily Bello, Kristen Berzolla, Matthew Bocanegra, Ralph Bologna, Luc Bordier, Kaitlyn Brown, Naomi Buccieri, Olivia Burton, Donata Buzolin, Cristobal Calvanese, John Carrera, Avalon Chadwick, Sophie Chaves, Lucas Christensen, Julian Chudy, Quentin Compeyre, Elizabeth Cook, Madeline Cook, Thatcher Danielson, Alexandra de la Sierra, Carlos DeWinter, Benjamin Diaz Torres, Alan Drew, Catherine Duffy, Sam Elder, Kayla Estrella, Kylie Faherty, Rebecca Falus, Anthony Febles, Pieter Maximilian Feenstra, Alina Fingold, Natali Fiscal Solano, Samuel Florin, Ignacio Garcia, Sofia Garcia, Alexandra Gonzalez, Bailey Gordon, Robert Grudzinski, Thomas Harford, Catherine Harper, Joseph Hirsch, Leena Jhamb, Michael Kaplan, Zefi Stefania Karakada, Adam Karrout, David Katz, Willow Kaufman, Conor Kelly, Daulton Kendall, Autumn Kim, Archil Kvaratskhelia, Cole Laczkowski, Greyson Laczkowski, Kyle Lagano, Miles Langhorne, Natalia Lemus, Patrick Liew, Anahí López Patiño, Julia Lucey, Matthew Luzzi, Alexander Lyall, Megan Maczuga, Anna Maldonado, Nicolas Mangini, James Martin, III, Hope McCarthy, Olivia McClammy, James McGuigan, Genevieve McQuillan, Julia Mendes, Grace Mertz, Gabriella Meyerhoff, Benjamin Miller, Christian Mingione, Keny Azucena Moran Coronado, Maximilian Muftic, Erin Naylor, William Noble, Thomas Julian Nonkovic, Carly O'Brien, Carli O'Neill, Jennie Olmsted, Sebastian Orbegoso, Cordelia Papen, Madeleine Park, Ivo Pasa, Johnna Pastore, Jorja Pastore, Julia Peldunas, Uma Pendkar, Martina Phelan, Aniya Pivalo, Justin Pool, Alessandro Portolano, Sophia Priatka, Mark Razanau, Caroline Regan, Ashley Rosales, Rebecca Scala, Iris Shi, Noemy Sigua, Jacob Smeriglio, Danielle Spitz, Zachary Sturza, Sarah Terceros, Andrew Traynor, Nicholas Troy, Braden Tuttle, Ila van Schaik, Christopher Walko, Emily Walko, Celeste Walstrom-Vangor, David Wnek, Annika Wolle, Eleanor Ybarra, George Younes, Samantha Younes, Stephanie Zeeve, John Zola
FOLSOM HOUSE GRADUATES Natalee Alicea, Jordan Ament, Brian Arias Pacho, Carolina Assis, Sophia Bastek, Tristan Bastien, Julianna Bastone, Kyla Bautista, Peter Benda, Meredith Blanchard, Kathryn Bleszinski, Ethan Bluhm, Ernie Bojorquez, Louisa Bound, Melanie Brody, Anthony Bueti, Carson Bylciw, Faith Cafagno, Jose Carrillo, Elizabeth Casolo, Christina Cavin, Victoria Ceci, Vincent Ceci, Samuel Chard, Nikolas Chavez, Eadaoin Clarke, Stephanie Clifford, Celine Cohen, Grace Collier, Mary Connolly, Jaime Contreras, Charles Courage, Fredy Coyt, Estefany Cuellar Alvarado, Lily D'Oliveira, Charlie Decker, Lauren Del Re, Anastasia DeMakes, Harold DeMuyt, Damian Desforges, Ryan Djurkovic, Ava Doherty, Nicholas Donohew, Jonathan Doyle, Felipe Echeto, Zachary Ellner, Tristan Fattedad, David Faugno, Darian Fauser, Kaitlyn Feighery, Matias Fernandez, Agustina Ferrario, Christian Fikre, Andrew Finkelstein, Diana Flores, Riley Geary, Marcelo Gigliani-Alcantarilla, George Gilfond, Mary Alexandra Heaven, Robert Heitkamp, Camilla Henrique, Lauren Herrera, Sydney Hines, Sena Honzawa, Ryan Ichida-Marsh, Ansel Allergen, Lara Ysabelle Javier, Kayla Johnson, Emily Jordan, Marika Kassaris, Grayson Kelley, Liam Kirkpatrick ,Louis Koletas, JayWoo Kook, Emma Kornberg, Dylan Kronengold, Claudia Lopez, Courtney MacDonald, David Mairs, Alexandra Marchetti, Hugo Mark, Justin Martinez, Michael Marullo, Joseph Mecca, Stephany Medina, Tadeo Mendive, Gabriella Mendoza, Samuel Milazzo, Michelle Monheim, Nicole Monheim, Andrew Nahm, Amy Najarro Bojorquez, Ashley Negron, Patrick O'Brien, Kathryn O'Donnell, Graham Ornstein, Jade Otterstedt, Alfred Otton, Victor Paart, Agustin Panizza, George Papanicolaou, Alexander Patti, Sophia Porigow, Marielle Povinelli, Caitlin Raftery, Daniela Reyes, Andrea Rivera, Jack Roath, Zane Robinson-Nye, Harrison Robledo, Kris Roldan, Victoria Romero, Delaney Roth, Emily Russo, Steve Salgado, Erin Salvate, Joel Satir, Karenna Schneider, Bianca Schwartz, Robert Sherman, Lucas Silva, Christopher Silveira, Sydney Steele, Liam Suarez Becker, Olivia Turnbull, Caroline Turner, Alexis Valenti, Katherine Van Duyne, Francesco Violanti, Ryan Walker, Jack Wallis, Margaret Wardell, Quinlyn Westover, Alexandra Wilkowski, Shannon Wills, Alexandra Zeppeiro, Aolani Zeppeiro
SHELDON HOUSE GRADUATES Timothy Abbazia, Ansh Ahuja, Zackary Alza, Jay Aponte, Sherlynn Arcuri, Martina Arlia, Alexandra Bailey, Andrew Bailey, Charles Barnard, Helen Bass, Julia Bayoumi, Carlos Bejarano, Sebastian Bejarano, Kloey Beristain, Trent Boone, Ryan Bucaria, Alexandra Buchsbaum, Thomas Cass, John Castaneda, Sarah Castellanos, Christopher Cataldo, John Cataldo, Matthew Chioditti, Chelsea Cleary, Kobe Comizio, Jack Cook, Bruno Da Costa, Kayla Darling, Aleksandra Demidova, Nicolette DeVito, Juan Diez de Bonilla, Thalia Doundoulakis, Timothy Drinkall, Charles Ellis, Samantha Ennis, Ryan Fabacher, Tomas Falcon, Danforth Fales, Katherine Feldmeth, Lorena Formento, William Frankle, Emiri Fukuchi, Erin Garces, Ryan Gath, Brian Goldsmith, Kacper Grabowski, Victoria Grandes, Jolie Graves, Elliot Greenbaum, Adem Guldal, Athena Hartigan, Maximilian Heiland, Hailey Hires, Allyson Hopper, John Hutchins, Charlotte Imperatore, Anna Ioffe, Larissa Iturriaga, Daniel Jaramillo, Lillian Johnson, Lucineh Kechejian, Samantha Kechejian, Riley Kiernan, Anjali Kishore, Jay Knight, Sarah Kocansky, Harrison Kriebel, Ava Krieg, Cage Lasley, Izabella LeeAmezcua, Jaden Lombardi, Daniella Lukes, Meghan Lynch, Megan Magalik, Dean Manos, Jacopo Marin, Tatiana Marrero-Addison, Mary McDonnell, Justin Mejia, Nicholas Mellendorf, Oura Miyazaki, William Montesi, Sophia Moore, Megan Morales, Marissa Morganti, Mason Muir, Adem Murad, Jessica Murphy, Anthony Nostro, Jaden Nygaard, Melanie O'Connor, Ashley O'Hara, James O'Malley, Deborah Orellana, Alexander Plavoukos, Kira Popa, Sofia Pronina, William Quinlan, Morgan Raabe, Rayhaan Rajput, Christopher Rebatta, Gina Redlinger, Abigail Reid, James Tinello, Cornelia Roach, Collin Ross, Casey Rozmus, Lillian Saleeby, Stella Santini, Valentin Santos, Romulo Sarto, Hayley Schmidt, Olivia Schnur, Alexandria Shaw, Jake Shreders, Jared Sitaramayya, Edgar Sosa, Eric Stehmann, William Sushon, Christofor Tella, Lena Thakor, Maya Thakor, Matthew Thomas, David Tovar, Isabella Ugrinaj, Cesar Valdez, Lane Weigel, Joshua Winston, Colin Ying, Lauren Young, Derrick Zevola, Andrew Zhang, William Zhang, Tiffany Zheng
Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel
Congratulations to the
GHS Class of 2021! On behalf of the Executive Board and all the members of the Greewich Athletic Foundation, we wish you all the best on your next journey.
A snapshot of our impact on the lives of Student Athletes in Greenwich.
The Greenwich Athletic Foundation was founded to create and support excellent youth and high school sports programs and facilities in the Town of Greenwich. Join us and help make a difference in the lives of student athletes.
Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel
Greenwich Academy Ceremony
Elena Tan, Schuyler Sargent, Kathryn Gregory.
Noor Rekhi walks ahead of Mackenzie Reynolds
Greenwich Academy Class of 2021.
Carina Daruwala
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St. Luke’s School 92nd Commencement
Mark Davis Commencement Remarks: St. Luke’s Head of School Mark Davis individually addressed all 88 members of St. Luke’s Class of 2021. As is tradition, each senior is named and Davis shares what he calls a “tiny snapshot” of the student’s personality, passions and contributions to the community. What follows are excerpts from the general remarks that came before and after the lengthy and personal senior tribute portion of Commencement. Good morning St. Luke’s. Good morning faculty, staff, parents, families, and, most especially, the Class of 2021. Welcome to the School’s 92nd Commencement, which we celebrate with a joy almost impossible to describe, given the year from which we have begun to emerge (what Queen Elizabeth might call the “annus horribilis”); a joy so different from what the St. Luke’s Class of 2020 experienced; an inperson Commencement that reminds us of the joy of being... simply...together. Today, more than any other
day in the school year, the faculty and I also feel the most conflicting emotions. We feel joy in what you have accomplished here and in who you have become, and we feel excited and optimistic for your futures. At the same time, we feel sad that our time together has come to an end. And so we feel...a beautiful sorrow that stems from the love and relationships that have grown during your time on the Hilltop, and the knowledge that the daily coming together that created and shaped those relationships now comes to a formal end. ...At St. Luke’s each individual has great value. At St. Luke’s, each student is known, and each student is needed. Each of you has been encouraged - in some cases prodded - to do your best, and ultimately recognized and celebrated for reaching a little - or a lot - higher than you thought you could. And each of you has been needed for the distinctive personal qualities you have brought to the School. At St. Luke’s, where we value the individual you, not just the collective you, each one of you has mattered in distinctive and powerful ways. The faculty and I have loved watching you contribute, prosper, and grow up before our eyes here on the Hilltop. We will remember you...and miss you terribly. ...We have great hopes and dreams for you. But this morning we celebrate you - who you are today and the journey through St. Luke’s that has brought you to this day. Each of you has given us faith in your ability to lead, in your capacity to make a difference in our world, and in your readiness to see difficult tasks through. Indeed, we would have been
Discover the wonderful irony that through service to others you find personal fulfillment. Rather than reducing your own prosperity, the act of giving actually makes you stronger, happier, and more successful in life. And, not least, it honors and gives meaning to your school’s motto: “Enter to Learn. Go Forth to Serve.” hard pressed to design a tougher test of your mettle and resilience than the pandemic that forced us to close the campus in March of your junior year and painted your senior year with brush strokes much different from what you had dreamed of. But you met that test. You are ready for the future. And here on the Hilltop, you leave behind a legacy of growth and accomplishment, marked by the countless memories of St. Luke’s that you’ll cherish in the years to come. ...Long after you’ve forgotten what I say to you today (probably just a few minutes from now….), I hope you’ll consider these questions about your voice because, more than what you accomplish or acquire in your life, what you do with your voice will determine both your character and how happy
you are. That’s why our school’s mission - a deep love of learning, a strong moral compass, the commitment to serve, and the confidence to lead - calls on us to encourage in you something more, something deeper and truer, something bigger than any of us as individuals. And that’s why the Center For Leadership asks you to “find your voice (and) make a difference.” By all means aspire to and do great things. Serve on the Supreme Court. Build a great company. Write the great American novel or a Broadway musical. Dance in Swan Lake. Solve climate change. Become your generation’s Jane Austen or Lin Manuel Miranda, Condoleeza Rice or Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela or Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie or Neil deGrasse Tyson, Colin Powell or Dwight Eisenhower, Langson
Hughes or Edith Wharton, Billie Jean King or Venus Williams. But whatever you achieve in your lives, remember that happiness and fulfillment have everything to do with who you become, and very little to do with what you become. And when you need inspiration to hope and to try, remember this school. Remember St. Luke’s, the people who have guided and cared for you and the mission that calls all of us to become our best selves. Remember that here we asked you to construct a strong moral compass...within yourself...which can be the most powerful engine of hope. It’s there. Use it. Whenever you feel uncertain, look backward before going forward, and remember St. Luke’s. Your teachers and I experience the beautiful sorrow
of beginning and ending every year. We never quite get used to it, yet it’s one of the things we love most about our profession. Its rhythms include the joy of investing emotionally in you as we watch you grow up, only to endure the wrenching sadness of having to say goodbye to you every year. Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve. You walked under those words every time you entered St. Luke’s, and they watched over you in the Commons. You go to college with academic skills and habits sharpened by working with great teachers. And because of these teachers, you are much better prepared for college than most of your first-year classmates will be. Just as important, this school has prepared you to be ethical, compassionate, truly kind adults. That will determine how significantly you improve the world, whether your impact is positive or negative, meaningful or superficial, lasting or fleeting. As you go forth, remember your talents and the blessings of your St. Luke’s education. Remember these, and know that your talents and your education confer upon you the opportunity to make a difference by serving. Discover the wonderful irony that through service to others you find personal fulfillment. Rather than reducing your own prosperity, the act of giving actually makes you stronger, happier, and more successful in life. And, not least, it honors and gives meaning to your school’s motto: “Enter to Learn. Go Forth to Serve.” Go forth, then, but return often. Congratulations to all of you. St. Luke’s Head of School Mark Davis
Students Chose Hope knowing it at the time, this became the most fundamental operating principle we ultimately embraced. As we close the books on the past year, it is important to look back and reflect on the lessons learned from our first attempt to teach and learn in a Covid -19 academic year.
Jack Creeden Yes indeed, the 2020 – 2021 academic year is over! All the events associated with the end of the year are complete. The graduation and moving up ceremonies have been celebrated, photographed and recorded. Who is ready for summer vacation? A year ago at this time, none of us who are responsible for leading schools knew what to expect. Most of us assumed that if we were able to open for the Fall of 2020, it would only be a matter of months before the coronavirus forced our schools to close. In some cases, that model prevailed. In other instances, schools opened, closed, moved to hybrid learning and struggled to stay aligned with the latest announcements from the CDC. When the leading medical authorities began to educate us about the virus back in March of 2020, Dr. Fauci, one of the world’s most respected scientists said, “The virus will set the schedule.” Without
Students Chose Optimism and Hope Regardless of their age and grade level, the majority of students across the country took on the daunting challenges Covid created. I have yet to meet a student who enthusiastically wore a mask, socially distanced, repeatedly washed their hands and readily adapted to distance learning and a hybrid schedule of classes. Every teacher will tell you there were days when the restrictions were too much for students. But when one looks back at the year, it truly was the behaviors of the students who kept most of us going. Call it the naivety of youth or the belief that these circumstances will not last forever, most students chose to believe in the future. They adapted their behaviors, followed the recommended protocols and went about the business of learning. In many ways, the students were models of hope and optimism for adults. Teachers are Life-Long Learners In March of 2020, highly experienced classroom teachers across America learned to teach in a virtual
Without highly intentional teaching practices that include supporting social-emotional growth, we fail to educate healthy and balanced students. classroom. Some had no more than a weekend to make the transformation. Admittedly we all struggled in those first few weeks, but by the end of the term, teachers were sponsoring virtual classroom workshops for their colleagues. At the beginning of this year, teachers took what they learned and created both in-person and distance learning classes for students, often toggling between the two modes during a single class. We took the best technology and utilized it to make both in-person and virtual classrooms more engaging and efficient. We soon discovered that teachers are nimble and adaptable. They were innovative in their Covid-driven practices in the classroom and cyberspace. They are true life-long learners. Social Emotional Learning Is Essential Everyone who has paid any attention to what has transpired in schools during
the last 16 months has an increased understanding of the importance of socialemotional learning. Yes, technology is an important tool in a faculty member’s repertoire. But without highly intentional teaching practices that include supporting socialemotional growth, we fail in our efforts to educate healthy and balanced students. I worry that in our datacrazed, SAT focused society, we will quickly return to paying lip service to this principle. The end result, as we all know, actually creates highly stressed, emotionally fragile students at every level. College health centers are overrun with medicated, agitated and despondent students who are the product of our K-12 systems and family pressures. We now know the real limitations of the all-day virtual classroom. School is both an academic and social experience. It is time for us to correct the imbalance and place a high value on
instruction within and outside the classroom that focuses on the social emotional. But how many of us will take the risk to try to change the culture? More Families Need More Technology Among the many Lessons Learned from the pandemic, yet another one is vividly clear: more families need more technology. Well-resourced schools were able to shift quickly to distance learning because the technology was already in place at school and at home. That is not the case in many urban and rural schools across the country. The technology divide is wide and deep, further increasing the gap in learning opportunities for students. We need to educate today’s students in wellresourced schools about these inequalities so they can correct the flaws in the models we have proposed that have failed so many children. This is a social justice issue we all can support.
A Real Sense of Loss – Empathy Required Finally, we cannot ignore that more than 600,000 people have died from coronavirus. Many families have been affected, and young children have experienced personal loss for perhaps the first time in their young lives. Children have not seen grandparents for over a year. Adult siblings have relied on Zoom conversations to keep their love for one another alive. We have both the opportunity and responsibility to teach students empathy, to help them try to understand their sense of loss or separation from loved ones. Our schools can play an important role working together with families to support students in this most important life lesson that Covid-19 has thrust upon us so rudely. 2020-2021 has been a year filled with challenges. Many thanks to the students, teachers and families who helped us navigate the difficult moments and modeled optimism and hope in the future. Jack Creeden, Ph.D., is the Head of Whitby School. He has taught and worked at the K-12 and college/university levels. He is an experienced independent school educator with expertise in governance, accreditation and crosscultural education.
Please Join Us at the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation Award Event The feel good event of the year honoring
Stephanie Dunn Ashley
Pamela Pagnani
& sacred heart graduate
& greenwich academy graduate
2021 Sentinel
2020 Sentinel
Thursday evening, July 1, six o’clock; Greenwich Audubon Tickets: A Sentinel Award honoree lifts up and brings together our community, identifies and fortifies that which makes us strong, and helps others whenever possible. They demonstrate leadership through their actions; which inspire action in others. They understand that strength lies in differences, not in similarities. They are unyieldingly positive and their caring for others belies their internal fortitude. Most important, a Sentinel Award honoree loves Greenwich.
Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel
The Entire Whitby Community Congratulates the
You are the embodiment of 2021 Graduate Acceptances and Matriculations Brunswick School Brighton College UK Eastside Preparatory School Ethical Culture Fieldston School Greens Farms Academy
Greenwich Academy Greenwich Country Day School Greenwich High School King School The Masters School
Co-ed Independent School Whitby Montessori Children’s House | 18 mos – Kindergarten International Baccalaureate | Grades 1 – 8
Riverdale Country School Rye Country Day School St. Luke’s School Wooster School
969 Lake Avenue, Greenwich CT 203.302.3900 |
CONGRATULATIONS to the Eagle Hill Class of 2021!
We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished! Eagle Hill School • • 45 Glenville Road
Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel
Own Your Future Congratulations to the Class of 2021
King School Class of 2021 Charlotte Alexander Abigail Anderson Ethan Anderson Andrew Athan Audrey Balazs Joseph Barocas Maya Becker Samantha Berman Anna Boeckman Olivia Boeckman Matthew Borchetta Jacob Boyar Carter Brown William Burke Elijah Busch Ava Bussan
Nicolas Camacho Douglas Conrod Hannah Cosgrove Maximillian Crook Jack Czaja James Davies Rebecca Degter Sarah DiModica Andre Dziurzynski Sydney Essex Harrison Feinberg Jackson Feinberg Tyler Ferdinand Adeline Fine Sydney Fishkin Christopher Flynn
Eva Fragner Olivia Fragner John Fredette Paul Funk Mark Garavel Gavriel Genger Crista Gerard Julian Gonzalez Lucas Graham Brown Hannah Greene Olivia Grubb Sarah Hammoud Ryan Heaton Samuel Hillenmeyer Greta Hoffmeister Sadie Houston
Olivia Iudicone Robert Jacobs Jackson Janney Christine Jansen Cassandra Jean-Baptiste Sarah Kadlick Thomas Kelly Addison Kline Nadiezhda Kucher Alisa Kukharkin Alexander Lim Kate Lockyer Jason Loeb Sabrina Machado Marina Malin
Thomas Mandel-Mantello Meredith Marra Ian Marsh Jay Martinez Alexander Millerchip Jacob Mizhen Sean Mullen Jake Murphy Conor Newman Wafa Nomani Sophia O’Connor Rachel Oberst Brian Ortiz Carolina Oxenstierna Nicholas Paris
“King offers so many opportunities, both in the classroom and outside of it, that pushed me to develop a variety of skills I know will help me in the future.”
Christopher Patten Alesia Paz Sophia Pigott Alexandra Ring Elizabeth Rizk Dylan Ross Arynn Rybalov James Schlesinger Joaquin Silvani Edward Smith Zoe Tinnesz Charles Wachter Oliver Waters Joseph Winterlich Milei Wyatt
“I feel ready to tackle new obstacles as they come, however challenging they may be.” – Alex ’21
When students engage in the college process understanding their values, goals, and interests, they can make better decisions about the colleges and universities they wish to attend. At King School, students work closely with their college counselors during their four years of high school to identify and apply to the schools where they will thrive.
College Matriculation List for the Class of 2021 Allegheny College American University Barnard College Berklee College of Music Boston College (5) Boston University (2) Brown University Bryn Mawr College Bucknell University (3) Colby College (2) Colgate University (2) Colorado College Columbia University Dartmouth College Denison University Drexel University
Elon University (2) George Washington University Georgetown University (2) Indiana University – Bloomington King’s College London, University of London Lafayette College (3) Lehigh University Marist College Michigan State University Muhlenberg College New York University (3) Northeastern University (2) Oberlin College (2) Occidental College Pennsylvania State University
Pitzer College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2) Rutgers University – New Brunswick Santa Clara University Southern Methodist University Texas Christian University (4) The University of Texas at Austin (2) Tufts University University of Bristol University of California – Los Angeles University of California – Santa Cruz University of Colorado Boulder (2) University of Denver University of Miami (4) University of New Hampshire
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Wilmington University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Rhode Island University of Richmond (2) University of Southern California (2) University of St Andrews (2) University of Vermont (2) University of Wisconsin-Madison (2) Villanova University (2) Wake Forest University (2) Washington University in St Louis Wesleyan University
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6/9/21 12:42 PM
Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Where young women become global leaders Class of 2021 College Matriculations Boston College (2) Boston University Bucknell University (6) Carnegie Mellon University Cornell University (5) Dartmouth College Duke University Eastern Connecticut State University Elon University Fordham University Georgetown University (7) Hamilton College (2) Middlebury College New York University (3) Northeastern University (2) Northwestern University
Penn State University Pomona College Princeton University (2) Rider University Saint Joseph’s University Sewanee, The University of the South Skidmore College Southern Methodist University St. Lawrence University Syracuse University (3) Texas Christian University (2) Trinity College Tulane University (2) Universidad De Navarra (Spain) University of Chicago University of Connecticut
University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania (4) University of Richmond (2) Vanderbilt University Villanova University University of Virginia (4) Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis (2)
Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel
Class of 2021: Pride in Spirit, Resilience
Thomas W. Philip There’s no denying it: This was a school year for the ages. As I said in my remarks at Brunswick’s graduation, seniors of the Class of 2021 endured not one, but four epic historical events in their senior year alone. The pandemic, of course, was one. But that global struggle was also accompanied by an historic economic collapse, significant political upheaval, and racial and civil unrest. Underlying all of that was the general sense of unease and anxiety that was part-andparcel of the year. Feelings of uncertainty, isolation, frustration and, frankly, fear
were all shared to greater or lesser degrees. So, this is a year we’ll never forget. But as hard as it was for so many, my takeaway as the year wound down was one of overwhelming pride in the spirit and resilience of our youth and hope for the future that awaits them. Seniors of the Class of 2021 missed so much: Opening class trips, athletic seasons, sit-down meals with friends, field trips and school dances, class meetings and assemblies — I could go on. Yet, as different as our masked and distanced school year was, I couldn’t help but be struck by how much managed to remain the same. At Brunswick School and Greenwich Academy, full, in-person classes met every day, friendships began and flourished, learning and curiosity abounded, and challenges were faced and overcome. In many ways, I could say the same of our nation. Despite the adversity the year brought, despite the work that remains, it’s probably worth reflecting for a moment on all that was achieved under the
Despite the adversity the year brought, despite the work that remains, it’s probably worth reflecting for a moment on all that was achieved under the most daunting of circumstances. most daunting of circumstances. An apparently effective vaccine was developed and administered with stunning speed; despite the obvious polarization of our politics, a peaceful transition of power was effected after our national election this past November; our economy has rebounded with stunning strength and, thus far, our judicial system has proven capable of fairly adjudicating the George Floyd tragedy that, last summer, served as such a catalyst for police reform and social justice. As with all things, perspective is really –
REALLY – important. Certainly, there is much to be concerned about (this is probably always true). But there’s also no denying the fact that much in our world has never – ever – been better. The news and the ease and accessibility of social media tend to give us and our kids a disproportionately dire sense of things. But it’s important to remember that, generally speaking, the facts prove otherwise: The world has never had so little poverty, so few armed conflicts, such widespread medical promise, so much appreciation for the differences amongst us that
make us collectively stronger. As we remind our boys often, challenge tends to bring out the best in many. Just consider how our first-responders so selflessly stepped into the breach during the worst of the pandemic, how swiftly an otherwise divided government enacted legislation to stem the worst economic impact of the local and national business shutdown, how communities and businesses responded and reacted to calls for greater racial equity. As so, the end result is that our community and nation seem well on the way to recovering from what may well have been —
and still is, in many areas — one of the most widespread medical disasters in history. And we are coming out of it more aware and sensitive to needs and rights of others, more conscious of the importance of an ordered and respectful society, more grateful for the bravery and dedication of the overwhelming majority of police and first-responders, more conscious our own ability to be resilient and courageous when tested, and (we hope) more appreciative of the good that can come when we work together for the betterment of all. America is a special place – one of the greatest forces for good in the history of humanity. And seniors of the Class of 2021 are more prepared than ever to continue that trajectory long into the future. They are an honor to know. Thomas W. Philip is Head of School at Brunswick School in Greenwich, Conn., an independent, college-preparatory day school providing characterbased education for boys in grades Pre K through 12.
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6/7/21 4:20 PM
Please Join Us at the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation Award Event The feel good event of the year honoring
Stephanie Dunn Ashley
Pamela Pagnani
& sacred heart graduate
& greenwich academy graduate
2021 Sentinel
2020 Sentinel
Thursday evening, July 1, six o’clock; Greenwich Audubon Tickets: A Sentinel Award honoree lifts up and brings together our community, identifies and fortifies that which makes us strong, and helps others whenever possible. They demonstrate leadership through their actions; which inspire action in others. They understand that strength lies in differences, not in similarities. They are unyieldingly positive and their caring for others belies their internal fortitude. Most important, a Sentinel Award honoree loves Greenwich.