April 24, 2020

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April 24, 2020

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Hospital Participating in Plasma Therapy Trial

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Sentinel Information SUBSCRIBERS Delivery questions or changes, contact: Tom at thomas@ maninmotionllc.com or call 203-515-2288 GREENWICH ANNOUNCEMENTS These are free. Weddings & engagements; local, boarding or university school achievements; births; Letters to the Editor; obituaries. There is no charge for local announcements. Contact Beth at Beth@ GreenwichSentinel.com

By Richard Kaufman Until a vaccine for the coronavirus is found, which could take anywhere between 12-18 months to develop according to top U.S. health officials, effective treatments, therapeutics and increased testing will be key. Earlier this week, it was announced that 10 Greenwich Hospital patients who are critically ill with COVID-19 have received plasma therapy, an experimental treatment that involved blood plasma from people who have recovered from the disease. Greenwich Hospital is participating in a nationwide clinical trial overseen by the Mayo Clinic, which was designated as the lead investigative institution by the federal government, to administer what is known as convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19. Plasma is the f luid part of the blood left once the red cells, white cells and platelets are separated. Dr. James Sabetta, Chief of Staff and

Director of Infectious Diseases at Greenwich Hospital, is the study's principal investor in Greenwich. "In theory, the plasma contains protective antibodies that can transfer immunity to the coronavirus from a patient who had COVID-19 to someone who is suffering with the disease," Sabetta said in a statement from Yale New Haven Health earlier this week. "The patients who have received the plasma are still in the hospital recovering." Dr. Tom Balcezak, Chief Clinical Officer for Yale New Haven Health System, said everyone is waiting for answers on plasma therapy. He noted that it has worked in treating other diseases, such as SARS and Ebola, but coronavirus is different. "This disease has some interesting features to it, including the fact that the immune response in some individuals actually causes the disease to be worse. All hospitals within the Yale New Haven

System and many other hospitals across the state of Connecticut and in the United States have entered into this trial," Balcezak said. Plasma is being collected locally in the New York and Rhode Island blood centers. "We are all participating in this together as really a national trial to see if it will work, and if so, what are the parameters to give the plasma, and what are the parameters when not to give the plasma?" Balcezak added. To q u a l i f y f o r t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l treatment, “patients must have a severe or life threatening infection with COVID-19 or be judged to be at high risk of progression to life threatening disease,” said Sabetta. Patients or their families must also give informed consent. Sabetta noted that the ability to offer the treatment is dependent on the limited supply of plasma. Pla n s a r e c u r r ent ly u nder way to screen recovered patients who were tested at Greenwich Hospital to determine if they can register as potential COVID convalescent plasma donors with the New York Blood Center. While it w ill take some time to u n d e r s t a n d i f c o nv a l e s c e nt p l a s m a therapy is of benefit, preliminary data is encouraging, according to Balcezak. "There's a little bit of data that suggests that in very severely ill patients, that it might work," Balcezak said. "It's not the gold standard, but it's encouraging and a little bit of encouraging news given the fact that there are no treatments yet for this disease. It's very welcome." Greenw ich Fi rst Selectma n, Fred Camillo, pointed out that plasma therapy

La Taqueria on the Ave. Farms & Markets

Opening On Time

Take Out Review

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CT NOFA has partnered with the CT Dept of Agriculture to expand the list of farms, farmers' markets, and farm stands beyond the current CT NOFA membership free of charge and online. It is a joint effort to promote the availability of all Connecticut farmers who can provide food and other farm products in this time of crisis. Go to: https://guide.ctnofa.org/ to see what is opne right now. Greenwich can also look forward to our regular farms and farmers markets opening on time. Check back here for specific locations and times next week.

EVENTS Charity events, religious events, sporting events, community events, all local events. Contact Caroll at Editor@ GreenwichSentinel.com ADVERTISING Contact: Peter at Peter@ GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-485-0226; or buy online at www. GreenwichSentinel.com/ Advertise SPORTS All sporting events and news. Contact Paul at Paul@ GreenwichSentinel.com STORIES All story ideas. Contact the Publisher at Publisher@ GreenwichSentinel.com COLUMNISTS All columnists and community involvment stories. Contact Jenny at CommunityImpact@ GreenwichSentinel.com VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSES The Sentinel is accepting virtual open houses as part of our 5 Things emails on Sundays and on our website. Contact Peter@ GreenwichSentinel.com

DONATIONS Donations to the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation can be made here: https://secure. anedot.com/sentinel_ foundation/donate

was used during the pandemic of 1918. "Plasma therapy is one of several things that we hear is going to be tried [with coronavirus], and we pray it's met with success. Let's hope it's widely successful," Camillo said. "In the meantime, while people are working hard to find treatments and vaccinations, all we can do is keep our distance and keep following the protocols to make sure this thing slows down." Increased testing, specif ically for antibodies to coronavirus, will also remain a key component in the battle of coronavirus, especially as states begin plans to reopen. "Antibody testing will be important in determining the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic infections. The key question will be, does a positive antibody test represent immunity or protection against future infection? This is not known," said Dr. Gavin McLeod, from Greenwich Hospital's Department of Infectious Disease. "All new tests need time to become more precise and accurate. For example, antibody testing for HIV and Hepatitis C needed years to improve the sensitivity and specificity," he added. "As an initial step, having antibody testing for this virus will help determine the scope of infections and provide a starting point for further research and improved knowledge of COVID-19." Balcezak said that Yale New Haven Health is just starting to bring antibody testing on-line. "Our laboratory is working very hard to be able to do that. I anticipate we should be able to provide laboratory antibody testing here, I'd say probably within the week or so," he said.

Affirm, Affirm, Affirm

By Emma Barhydt Just over eig ht months after opening its doors, I have frequented La Taqueria more times than I care to admit. La Taqueria has become an almost week ly (a nd occasiona l ly biweekly) stop for myself and my best friend. This isn’t a surprise, as anyone who has tasted the food from La Taqueria knows exactly how good it is. I must admit, when my parents invited me to the opening of another Mexican restaurant, I was highly skeptical. Personally I’m not a huge fan of tacos, avocados, spicy food, or really Mexican food in general, so I wasn’t exactly enthusiastic (and when I found out that it wasn’t just a Mexican restaurant, it was specif ically a taqueria… forget it). I was already in a sour mood, but I agreed to go with my overly cheerful family to this new taco place. I stepped through the doors, looked at the menu completely unsure of what to order. I was out of my element and the place was packed. I ended up ordering a Veggie Taco and the Fish Taco, and a strawberry Jarritos soda. My parents and I found a little spot in the back corner and to my surprise the wall across from me was covered in Frida Khalo style f lowers. That detail seemed so carefully chosen that it actually snapped me out of my mood. By the time the guac and chips got to our table, I was even smiling. My mother inspired me to try the guacamole (“you’ll actually like it this time, I promise”). I was feeling

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adventurous so I took a bite. Low and behold, I was wrong (for the first time ever). The guacamole was more delicious than I could ever hope to describe with mere words. Dennis Lake has created a guacamole at La Taqueria that isn’t just a food, it’s an experience. The creamy, rich, and pure avocado flavor shines through with a hint of time and goes perfectly with the crispy and salty homemade chips. After devouring the guac, I was both nervous and excited for the tacos to come out. I was not disappointed. Rather than the traditional yellow corn hardshell taco, these tacos came on a soft, blue corn tortilla that held its own against the absolute f lavor explosion that are the tacos at La Taqueria. W hen I say my m i nd was blown, I’m not kidding. These tacos changed my entire word view. Gone were the days when Mexican food meant semi-soggy quesadillas, no. Mexican food was redef ined for me forever, and I was officially a believer. Since that fateful day, I’ve had more tacos than just the veggie and the fish -- and all were fabulous -- but I keep coming back to those two. I can’t pick a favorite between them, and please don’t make me (it’s like picking your favorite child). On most menus, the vegetarian option is more of an afterthought than anything else, but here it’s the star. I would say that the veggie taco is one of the most flavorful dishes on the menu. The unique blend of f lavors creates a masterful symphony that leaves you both satisfied and looking forward to

the next time you get to eat it! The fish taco is amazing. The fish is perfectly crispy, just a little spicy, and topped with sweet purple cabbage. The f ish is perfectly flaky, and the flavor combination is unique and incredible. The tacos are phenomenal, but the desserts really take the cake. For only having three simple desserts on the menu, La Taqueria covers a wide range of flavors. The first dessert is the tres leche. Perfectly creamy and with a refreshing lightness, the tres leche is the perfect summer dessert. The flan is bouncy and rich with a sweet caramel taste (and my best friend’s favorite). The chocolate chip cookie is just wow. Crumbly and chewy with a hint of cinnamon and a rich and deep f lavor profile. My friend and I have aptly dubbed this cookie the “giggle cookie” since every time you take a bite you can’t help but giggle. It’s just that good. I can happily say that eight months later, every dish from La Taqueria somehow manages to get better every time I eat there. If you’re looking for a light bite; the perfect menu for a date night; a family meal; brunch, lunch or dinner; or a late night snack, La Taqueria is perfect for any occasion. However, La Taqueria would not be nearly as successful without the warmth a nd de d ication of its creator Dennis Lake. Dennis Lake’s hard work and genius menu has created a warm and fun atmosphere. He has put so much thought and effort into La Taqueria, that it is impossible not to enjoy yourself while you’re there.



To contribute to the Greenwich Hospital Foundation, visit giving.greenhosp.org.

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT By the time our children turn 18, they have absorbed everything we have taught or modeled for them. They can predict how we would respond to most questions or statements. They can mimic us mercilessly. We have tried to praise their efforts rather than their outcomes. We have tried to make our boundaries few and firm, and our consequences f it the crime. We have tried to raise children who feel empowered, but not entitled. It has been exhausting and exhilarating. The good news is that after age 18, unless we see behavior that is immoral, illegal, or dangerous, our job is to affirm, affirm, affirm. Parents worry about their children’s choices of mates, jobs, and behaviors. Our kids will choose mates not on our short list, have jobs that didn’t exist when we were their age, and behave in ways that surprise us. They have seen how we handle relationships, careers, and integrity issues. It is time to affirm their own abilities to make decisions, handle problems, and choose a good partner. Our fear does them no good. Our affirmation quiets our fearful brains and theirs—and helps them figure out their next steps. When Tyler was a high school senior, his father thought he wasn’t working up to his academic potential. They fought constantly and sought counseling. What Tyler needed was his dad’s affirmation that he was a hard worker, capable of doing whatever he set his mind to. When Dad learned to high- light his son’s successes, their relationship improved, and his son was motivated to pursue his own dreams. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is the author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books.

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Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel

RISE Brewing Co. Delivers Care Packages to Healthcare & Emergency Response Workers Amid the global pandemic, R ISE Brewing Co. the nitro cold brew cof fee compa ny, i s show i n g t he c omp a ny ’s appreciation for local healthcare a nd e m e r ge nc y r e sp on s e s workers by initiating a buy RISE, give RISE program. For every can sold on their website, RISE will donate one can to healthcare workers on the front lines. Since launching the program a c ouple we e k s a go, R I SE Brewing Co. has delivered over 37,000 cans of organic nitro cold brew coffee to 100+ hospitals a n d m e d i c a l c e n t e r s (a n d growing) across the country, with a particular focus on the greater NYC area, California and the Pacif ic Northwest – which are among the zones getting hit the hardest.

“A t R I S E , w e h a v e tremendous gratitude for what our nation’s healthcare and emergency response workers have done and are continuing to do to fight this virus, so as a team we are doing what we can to keep them fueled,” said RISE Brewing Co. chief operating officer, Melissa Kalimov. “On March 25th we announced that for each can of coffee we sell on our website, we will donate one to the healthcare teams on the front lines – and our marketing team is working aggressively to get the product into the right hands.” If you know of a team or organization that could use this support, please reach out to hello@risebrewingco.com. RISE Brewing Co. flagship, award-winning Original Black


Town Hall will remain closed to all employees through May 20. Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the Town’s Emergency Alert Notification System at greenwichct.bbcportal.com/Entry QUESTIONS ABOUT COVID-19 • The Department of Health has five phone lines specifically dedicated to the public for questions and answers about COVID-19. They are: 203-622-7865; 203-622-7703; 203-6227614; 203-622-7842 & 203-622-7836. • Greenwich Hospital/Yale New Haven Health: call center for any questions about the virus, can be reached at 833-275-9644.

We are here for YOU! Our office is PREPARED and Will remain OPEN To care for all your eye needs. Stay safe and sanitized!

See Dr. Fucigna 203-348-7575

ASSISTANCE WITH BASIC NEEDS The Department of Human Services encourages residents to call if they need assistance with basic needs such as food, finances, and living arrangements. The number is 203-622-3800. GPD NON-EMERGENCY LINE If you are concerned about an activity or a group not following COVID-19 protocols, please call the Greenwich Police Department’s non-emergency number: 203-622- 8004. NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR Neighbor to Neighbor is temporarily operating from Arch Street Teen Center. TAG, the Transportation Association of Greenwich, schedules and drives the grocery deliveries throughout town. (Client families in need of assistance are referred by The Greenwich Department of Human Services). Anyone can donate funds or buy food items for people in need. Simply select the food and click to pay. Visit ntngreenwich.org SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES Kids In Crisis Trained Crisis Counselors are

cof fee is organic, non-GMO Project Verified, non-dairy and 0 calories. Think a super light, refreshing stout beer meets iced coffee with a frothy head. An infusion of nitrogen gives RISE its distinctive, creamy cascade. The company was developed by four tight-knit childhood friends—three from Greenwich, who attended the Brunswick S cho ol—Ja r ret t Mc G over n, Grant Gyesky, Justin Weinstein, and Hudson Gaines-Ross, from Brooklyn. Now you ca n get R ISE cof fee for 35% of f their regular price using the code Stockup35GreenwichSentinel and every can you buy will b e matche d for he a lt hc a re workers. Visit www.risebrewingco. com for more information.

available around the clock to provide support to children and families. The helpline number is 203-661-1911. Kids In Crisis has a Wish List on their website (kidsincrisis.org/ways-togive/wish-list) of items they need, which they will continue to update. DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES If you are in crisis, please call the 24/7 YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services Hotline at 203-622-0003. MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUPS NAMI Southwest CT National Alliance on Mental Illness offers various online support groups. Visit namisouthwestct.org VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX PROGRAM VITA, the IRS’s companion to the AARP volunteer income tax program, has initiated a virtual (online) option for the free preparation and e-filing of your taxes by the new July 15 deadline. You will need to complete and submit the form. VITA will then schedule a one-hour time slot on the portal to have a phone or video interview to complete and review returns. You may begin the process by using this link: form.jotform. com/200751255209146 VIRTUAL PROGRAMS AT LIBRARY Greenwich Library is offering a wealth of helpful, educational and fun virtual events, including storytimes, book clubs, job search coaching, author conversations and more. Virtual programs can be found on the Library’s online calendar (greenwichlibrary. org), where you can register and then receive a join link and password. TUTORIALS FOR KIDS Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC) offers weekly free tutorials and challenges. For more information, visit myogrcc.org and/or follow them on facebook. com/myogrcc VIRTUAL EXHIBIT TOURS The Bruce Museum goes digital: ‘Under the Skin’ and ‘House on the Hill: The Changing Face of the Bruce Museum’ Virtual Exhibit Tour. The Bruce is also offering STEAM activities for families with children at home. Visit brucemuseum.org for more information. DECORATIVE ARTS The Greenwich Decorative Arts Society offers “Decorative Arts From Your Couch,” a free program that provides links to Virtual continued on page 4

LET US LIGHTEN YOUR (LAUNDRY) LOAD Take laundry off your to-do list. Fabricare makes it easy: Schedule a FREE pick up at 203-229-0001 or download our FAB APP Place your clothes, sheets & bedding into a bag. We will pick up, clean & deliver.

203-869-2299 for FREE Delivery

It’s going to take a community to beat this. And what a community we have. In these challenging times, our talented and tireless team of doctors, nurses and staff is doing everything in its power to research, diagnose and treat this virus in the cities and towns we all call home. Because our community deserves world-class care, right here. 833-ASK-YNHH (833-275-9644) | ynhhs.org/covid19

Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel | April 24, 2020

Museum Tours, promoted by The Decorative Arts Trust. Visit greenwichdecorativearts.org MUSIC LESSONS Greenwich Music offers lessons online via Facetime, Skype and Zoom. If you have lesson-related questions or would like to sign up for a virtual trial lesson, please text at 203-637-1119. For additional information, visit greenwichmusic.com ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF GREENWICH The Alliance Française is offering distance-learning via Zoom. For more information, visit afgreenwich.org ART CLASSES Greenwich Art Society Studio School is offering classes online. Online registration for Spring Term 2020 classes are available at reg130.imperisoft.com/ GreenwichArtSociety/Login/ Registration.aspx

MEALS FOR GREENWICH HOSPITAL Caren’s Cos Cobber is offering curbside pick-up and donating one meal for every meal purchased to Greenwich Hospital staff. facebook.com/ carenscoscobber QUARANTINE CARE PACKAGES SPLURGE - Unique Gifts, Home Decor and Jewelry – has created a collection of Quarantine Care Packages that can be purchased in person or by phone (203-869-7600). Staff will wrap these items and deliver them curbside, or to your home in Greenwich. Want to create a customized gift package? They can set up a FaceTime appointment or take photos and send them for your review. Check their website: splurgegifts.com

FRIDAY, APRIL 24 POSTPONED to Oct. 2-6: Alliance Française of Greenwich’s ‘Focus on French Cinema’. focusonfrenchcinema.com

8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi - via Zoom (zoom. us/j/6114505034). Consider donating $10/class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 10 a.m. Online Qigong Class with Greenwich’s Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte Whole Health. Via Zoom. (Every Friday). Classes are also available on facebook.com/ donnabuntewholehealth 12 p.m. YWCA Greenwich’s Stand Against Racism: discussion with YWCA Greenwich President and CEO, Mary Lee Kiernan and Professor Gautam Makunda about the importance of civic engagement in today’s environment. ywcagreenwich.org. facebook. com/YWCAGreenwich 5 - 5:30 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Meet the Animals Livestream join in online to meet and learn about ambassador animals who live at the Audubon Center. facebook.com/ GreenwichAudubonCenter 7 p.m. Round Hill Community Church invites the community to watch “Keep The Hives Alive” (youtu. be/2DSODl2vjoQ). Then, on April 24 at 7pm, join in for a live Zoom discussion of the movie. The link for the Zoom discussion will be posted Friday, April 24 on roundhillcommunitychurch.org 7 p.m. POSTPONED to Oct. 15: Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities ‘Make Waves’ 20th anniversary gala. Indian Harbor Yacht Club, 710 Steamboat Rd. $200-1500. info@smartkidswithld.org. smartkidswld.schoolauction.net/ makewaves2020/homepages/ show CANCELED: The Garden Club of Old Greenwich Meeting at the Greenwich Botanical Center. Gardenclubofoldgreenwich.org CANCELED: Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County event with Gloria Gaynor. clcfc.org SATURDAY, APRIL 25 7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and experience levels are welcome. (Wed & Sat during Spring). facebook.com/ GreenwichAudubonCenter 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Warblers & Neotropical Migrants Webinar. Zoom link and password to be provided upon RSVP’ing. $20. RSVP. 203-930-1353. Ryan. MacLean@audubon.org 11 a.m. POSTPONED: Wizard of Oz theatre production for children and families. Greenwich Central Middle School. 203- 869-1979. jlg@jlgreenwich.org. jlgreenwich. org

3 - 4 p.m. Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC): Virtual Chess Spring program. Pre-K to 5. (Saturdays, through June 20). $200. myogrcc.org 6:30 p.m. RESCHEDULED to June 12: Alzhiemer’s Association Celebrating Hope Gala. Belle Haven Club, 100 Harbor Dr. 203807-5845. dmmaynard@alz.org. celebratinghope.givesmart.com 7 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Sunset Session Livestream. facebook.com/ GreenwichAudubonCenter SUNDAY, APRIL 26 1 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Wildflower Walk Live - join naturalist Ryan MacLean for a special live online experience from Audubon’s trails to learn about spring wildflowers. facebook.com/ GreenwichAudubonCenter 3 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: How to Attract Monarch Butterflies Webinar. Zoom link and password to be provided upon RSVP’ing. RSVP. Andrew.Chapin@audubon. org 3:30 p.m. CANCELED: Astronomical Society of Greenwich Lecture: Leo Smith, International Dark Sky Association. 203-413-6762. GreenwichStars@gmail.com. astrogreenwich.org MONDAY, APRIL 27 9 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Budget Decision Day - Virtual Meeting. Password: 332936. greenwichct.gov 10 a.m. ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: East Meets West: Restorative Yoga. Via Zoom. Mondays through May 11, or Wednesdays @ 4pm through May 13. $80 each session or $150 all sessions. 11:30 a.m. CANCELED: REACH Prep’s Annual Benefit Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. 203-4870750. egphillips@reachprep.org. reachprep.org 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA Manga Group (Grades 6-8). Register. 203-622-7920. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 6 – 7:30 p.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar - Email Newsletters... Why It’s Worth the effort and How to Get the Most Out of Yours. Register. 203-622-7920. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 6:30 p.m. CANCELED: Greenwich Board of Health Meeting - will not be rescheduled. Greenwich Town Hall, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-6226488. greenwichct.gov

TUESDAY, APRIL 28 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi - via Zoom (zoom. us/j/6114505034). Consider donating $10/class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Weekly Job Search Accelerator Group. Register. 203-622-7920. mmartin@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 1 p.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar: Increase Brand Awareness with Promotional Products and Retail Packaging. Register. 203-622-7920. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA Book Group (Grades 9-12). Register. 203-622-7920. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org

POSTPONED: Kids in Crisis’ ‘Have A Heart’ benefit. Silver Spring Country Club, 439 Silver Spring Rd. e.givesmart.com ONGOING • Document Greenwich – Covid-19: Help the Greenwich Historical Society document this extraordinary time in history as they collect materials, photos and stories that speak to our shared experience during the coronavirus pandemic. Photographs, journal entries, letters, emails, instagram posts, news clippings, poetry or reflections on the sense of isolation, uncertainty, hope, gratitude, unanticipated joy, or fear paint a picture of the human experience in this unprecedented time. The Historical Society’s archival collection will tell a story of life in Greenwich in 2020 - tell them yours. Visit greenwichhistory.org/uploadimage

6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group (Every Tuesday) – Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. Free. Join Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/2084433181. Dial-in info for those without video: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181

• Starter Kits containing collection bins and compostable bags continue to be offered for sale to prepare the community for the launch of the Town Food Scrap Pilot Program. To arrange delivery and payment of kits, residents should contact wastefreegreenwich@gmail. com or call Greenwich Green & Clean at 203-531-0006. For further information about the program and kit sales, visit wastefreegreenwich.org



7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. facebook. com/GreenwichAudubonCenter

‘Spring for Abilis Virtual Gala’ join in and take part in the Cause Appeal, Giving Garden, Abilis Art Gallery and Silent Auction. abilis. us/springforabilis

2 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Blender Graphics Software for Beginners. Register. 203622-7920. innovationlab@ greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 4 p.m. ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: East Meets West: Restorative Yoga. Via Zoom. Mon through May 11, or Wednesdays @ 4pm through May 13. $80 each session or $150 all sessions. 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA Manga Group (Grades 6-8). Register. 203-622-7920. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org THURSDAY, APRIL 30 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Creating Art from Nature: Beginner and Intermediate, via Zoom. Thursdays, through June 18. Members, $315; nonmembers, $340. Register. greenwichartsociety.org 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar: SBA Economic Disaster Loans for Coronavirus Related Economic Disruptions. Register. 203-622-7920. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Uncovering the Hidden Job Market with Reference USA. Register. 203-622-7920. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Happy Code Club Presents Robotics Simulator (grades 4-6). Register. 203-622-7920. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA Manga Group (Grades 9-12). Register. 203-622-7920. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org. greenwichlibrary.org FRIDAY, MAY 1 GIFF - attend the first-ever Virtual Greenwich International Film Festival, May 1-3. The virtual 3-day event will include a selection of documentary films, narrative films, ct shorts, along with exclusive interviews. GreenwichFilm.org

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THROUGH JUNE 1 In honor of National Poetry Month, Perrot Library is sponsoring a haiku poetry contest open to students in grades 3 and up, as well as adults. The Library is seeking original haikus (3-line, 17-syllable poems) describing your experience with COVID-19 – the pandemic, the closures, and their impact on your daily life. Poems will be accepted beginning April 13 through June 1. For additional information on the contest and how to enter, go to perrotlibrary.blogspot. com/2020/04/haiku-poetrycontest.html

ONLINE ALANON MEETINGS Saturdays 9:30 - 10 a.m. AlAnon Newcomers. 10 - 11:30 a.m. AlAnon. al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/ electronic-meetings

ONLINE AA MEETINGS Daily 9 p.m. 12 Step Study Group of AA a recurring discussion in the format of a book study. No prior experience required. Open meeting. Zoom video chat. Zoom id: 799-468-887, Password: 156760. aaebookguy@gmail.com. aa-intergroup.org/directory. php Sundays 3 p.m. AA A New Hope Online - a Big Book Study format. Open meeting. zoom.us/j/117872240, passcode: 121314. inboundmed@ gmail.com. aa-intergroup.org/ directory.php BY PHONE Last Tuesday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Home Meeting of AA - discussion group with a 20-minute speaker. No computer needed however long distance charges may apply. Call: 978-990-5000, then enter pin: 426546 Hole In The Sky AA Meeting Schedule 25 online/virtual meetings per week at the Hole In The Sky, 7 days a week through the Zoom Platform with video, audio and call in options. Rotating formats that include speaker, participation and mixed meetings: Monday to Friday: AA Spiritual Discussion, 6:45pm PST. zoom.us/j/705311870 Monday & Friday: AA Big Book Study, 12pm PST.

102 Bruce Park Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 Mon-sat: 9am - 9pm sun: 10am - 5pm zoom.us/j/867060088 Tuesday & Saturday: 12&12 Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/295712428 Wednesday: Living Sober Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/295712428 Wednesday: Beginner’s Workshop, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/609275263 Wednesday: Candlelight Meeting, 8pm PST. zoom.us/j/659596548 Thursday: Secular AA Meeting, 12pm PST. zoom.us/j/295712428 Thursday: Grapevine Meeting, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/282018390 Friday: Daily Reflections Meeting, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/137609502 Friday: West Valley Speaker Meeting, 7:30pm PST. zoom.us/j/514586368 Saturday: Sobriety Speaks Out Speaker/Participation Meeting, 6pm PST. zoom.us/j/980772892 Sunday: Big Book Study Meeting, 12:30pm PST. zoom.us/j/787468826 Sunday: Sunday Meeting at HITS, 4:30pm PST. zoom.us/j/831719356 Email contact: holeinthesky.zoom@gmail. com

OUR NEIGHBORING TOWNS THROUGH MAY 2 Carver Center Spring Benefit - Carver Cares Challenge. carvercenter.org/2020-spring-benefit SATURDAY, APRIL 25 1 p.m. Clay Virtual Youth Class: Coil Built Vase. Ages 7 & up. $18, beginners are welcome. Via Zoom. Supplies are available at Clay Art Center (Port Chester, NY) curbside pickup. Register. mail@clayartcenter. org. clayartcenter.org/learn TUESDAY, APRIL 28 7:30 p.m. Bedford Playhouse Virtual Classic Tuesdays: ‘Tunes of Glory’ (1950). Submit your questions and queries about the film to programming@ bedfordplayhouse.org in advance of the online gathering date, and

then join online at the appointed hour for an interactive Zoom session. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 7:30 p.m. Bedford Playhouse Virtual Event: ‘Code Name Helene’, Author Event with Ariel Lawhon and moderator Elisabeth Weed. Via Zoom. Meeting ID# 574474023. CURTAIN CALL - Streaming Curtain Call is streaming past productions for free. Using the Vimeo platform, anyone with the link can see the library of 15 shows that have been added, and more will be added on a regular basis. A second channel features several original musicals and two plays. Here’s how to view these past shows: vimeo.com/channels/ CCSOG (for Shakespeare) and vimeo.com/channels/CCLIVE for the others. ROWAYTON ARTS CENTER Open Call to Artists RAC is extending an invitation to all artists interested in exhibiting their artwork online in their ‘Shutdown Throwdown 2020’. Accepted now until May 8. The show will run through June 30. Visit rowaytonarts.org for the prospectus and other information. There is a $100 cash prize for Best in Show. STAMFORD SYMPHONY Members of the Stamford Symphony have each recorded their part of ‘Amazing Grace’, which has been edited into an inspiring video rendition, showing each musician playing their part from home. This performance is dedicated to the Fairfield County healthcare workers on the front lines. The video is available on the new Stamford Symphony Channel on their website (stamfordsymphony.org), a free virtual hub of classical music and entertainment. BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE Bedford Playhouse offers ‘Let’s Talk’ - weekly virtual gatherings and conversations. Mondays: Let’s Talk Mental Health, 11am12pm; Wednesday: Let’s Talk Parenting, 1-2pm; *Thursdays: Let’sTalk Cocktail Happy Hour, 6pm - get together with practical questions, shared strategies and a toast to our community.

Editorial Page

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Beth@GreenwichSentinel.com Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

Crushing Quarantine We have come through, for better or worse, another week of “Stay Home - Stay Safe.” Our lives have reluctantly taken on a more sedate routine. The Rev. Abby Vanderbrug, of Christ Church Greenwich, in a recent sermon said: “No one is doing great. No one is crushing quarantine.” And she is right. To stay at home, except when absolutely necessary to go out, is an unnatural hardship for many to endure. It is necessary, but unnatural. The social distancing is creating new landscapes that we must learn to navigate. For some this can be an adventure. Playing “Cards Against Humanity” with our children has been “interesting.” The dogs love us being HEROES ON THE FRONT LINES AT A PARADE IN THEIR HONOR home all day, every day. The cat a little less so. Greenwich Police Department, Greenwich Fire Department, first responders and some members of the Port Chester There can be silver linings as well. A good friend of Police Department formed a "pop up" parade around Greenwich Hospital complete with sirens and lights flashing to the paper has been systematically cleaning out every thank healthcare workers last Thursday. John Ferris Robben photo. closet in his house. It is not a small house, so it is a big project. We have been enjoying the weekly reports of Letter what he has found. A suburban archeological step back in time through the entire time he has lived there. Earth Day on April 22nd is of us to make a concerted effort material is still being managed. and the Town. Food scraps With more time on our hands we are witnessing here once again to remind us to minimize the amount of The staff at Holly Hill have make up about a quarter of and participating in more acts of kindness and gratitude. to consider how our actions waste we produce, even if it is implemented systems which the waste stream, are heavy This past Wednesday and last Wednesday Greenwich i mp ac t ou r e nv i r on me nt . recyclable. We need to be ever allow for social distancing. and wet to incinerate and can came out of their homes to “make some noise” to honor Sadly, the 50th anniversary has vigilant about what we buy in They are planning creatively be turned into nutrient rich and support everyone at Greenwich Hospital who is on arrived in the midst of a global the first place and how much of and adapting procedures to compost, a valuable resource. pandemic, forcing a somewhat it will be discarded. maintain safe and eff icient We all produce trash but we the front lines fighting COVID-19. It was amazing! limited celebration. However, O n t h at note , I shou ld operations. need to produce less of it. On Throughout town there came reports of whole despite these extraordinarily like to express my sincere Looking forward, a new this 50th Earth Day, let’s take neighbors clamoring up a storm. Many churches joined difficult and unprecedented appreciation to all those on p r o g ra m w h i c h w i l l h e lp up the challenge to reduce our in and their bells rang loudly and beautifully. There times, we must continue our the front line of managing our reduce waste is the soon-to-be- waste and think about making stewardship of the planet we waste. We should be thankful launched food scrap recycling every day Earth Day. was even cannon fire coming from various locations, call home. that trash and recycling is pilot, organized in conjunction Sally Davies, Chair, Greenwich especially down by the water. It is incumbent upon each still being picked up, that with Waste Free Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board

Earth Day Stewardship


The social distancing is creating new landscapes that we must learn to navigate. For some this can be an adventure.

Welcome to Earth Week

Welcome to Earth Week. Out of catastrophe, new views of life may just emerge. Spring 2020 has been impossible to ignore. Walk, jog, bicycle or drive around Greenwich and feel the power of the flowers and the hourly unfolding of leaves and blossoms. Greenwich Green & Clean

Last week our first responders honored hospital workers as well. If you happened to be at the hospital Letter on Thursday, it was quite a sight to see. You could hear the sirens approaching before they were drowned out by the noise of a helicopter at tree-top level. Our During these challenging t i m es, posta l employe es state police helicopter was leading the parade and put are working hard to ensure on a wonderful show as it circled and banked over residents stay connected with the hospital. their world through the mail. What followed was approximately 30 vehicles from Whether it’s medications, a Greenwich, Port Chester, Rye Brook, North Castle, package, a paycheck, benefits pension check, a bill or letter Metro North, Harrison and Bedford. Fire Trucks, Police or from a family member, postal Vehicles, Red Cross and GEMS. All with their sirens workers understand that every and lights blaring away. It was terrific and emotional piece of mail is important. While and community all at once. Several hundred hospital service like this is nothing new to us, we need help in staff were there applauding, all with face masks on. the communities with social And they were smiling! How can you tell when someone who is wearing a face mask is smiling? Their Letter cheek bones rise up a little bit and you can see it in their eyes. There have been countless other acts of kindness There are a lot of volunteers and gratitude towards all who are on the frontlines helping overwhelmed of this pandemic. There has been an outpouring of organizations get their job done restaurants that are delivering meals that have been during the Covid-19 pandemic. donated. If fact, so many are being delivered there is Meals on Wheels of Greenwich now a schedule of who donates on what day so that the is one of those organizations. We have had many new clients food is not wasted. added to our daily routes. The hospital and its staff are very appreciative as O u r Di re c tor Ly n ne well. How do we know? Well, on social media you can see photos of them saying thank you and they all have Letter their face mask smiles on. It is not just the hospital that everyone is saying thank you to. It is also our police and fire departments The Nathaniel Witherell, and GEMS as well. They too are on the front lines. like all nursing homes There is some good news that is slowly emerging. throughout the country, has We are beginning to f latten the curve here in been impacted by the COVID-19 Greenwich. There are fewer cases of patients in (c o r o n av i r u s) p a n d e m i c . the hospital. More are being sent home to recover. A s s o o n a s t h i s h e a l t h emergency was identif ied, The increase in positive tests seems to be slowing we implemented a rigorous down as well. COVID-19 Response Plan to We may not be “crushing quarantine,” but we are prevent the spread of disease. certainly not letting it crush us either. It will be over Th is i nclude d mon itor i ng and screening residents soon, and then there will be no more face mask smiles a n d s t a f f f o r s y m p t o m s , - just smiles. And hugs, lots of hugs.

wa nts to t ha n k t he ma ny residents and merchants who have beautified public space adjacent to sidewalks or roads, especially all the new daffodils, as well as those who display f lowers and shrubs in front of their homes for all to enjoy. Thanks also to the Town Parks D epa r t ment wh ich adde d

thousands of daffodils near the North Street School and behind Town Hall. There are no laws requiring anyone to create beauty, but there is an emotional interaction between a cheerful environment and one’s state of mind. Since 1986, GG&C has recognized a number of those who add

the joy of nature’s glories to Greenwich. The local nurseries are open and summer may get us out of our houses. Caring for the earth might make the trauma of the Coronavirus just a little bit less onerous. Happy Earth Week and happy planting! Mary Hull, Executive Director, Greenwich Green & Clean

A Message from USPS distancing. For everyone’s safety, our employees are following the social distancing precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health officials. We are asking people to not approach our carriers to accept delivery, including the vehicle. Let the carrier leave the mailbox before collecting the mail. With schools not in session, children should also be encouraged to

not approach a postal vehicle or carrier. If a delivery requires a signature, carriers will knock on the door rather than touching the bell. They will maintain a safe distance, and instead of asking for a signature on their mobile device, they’ll ask for the resident’s name. The carrier will leave the mail or package in a safe place for retrieval. We are proud of the role a l l ou r employees play i n

processing, transporting, and delivering mail and packages for the American public. The CDC, World Health Organization, as well as the Surgeon General indicate there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 is being spread through the mail. With social distancing, we can keep the mail moving while keeping our employees, and the public, safe. Kevin Clark , U.S . Postal Service – Connecticut Valley

Meals on Wheels Delivers Thanks to Staff, Volunteers Stewart and her assistant Cathy Goff have taken it all in stride. Establishing safety pr oto cols , r e c r u it i n g a nd training volunteers. Many of our dedicated volunteers are in the most vulnerable population and they are taking a break right now.

Fortunately, many have stepped up and we are able to adjust to the increasing requests for meals for our primarily elderly population who don’t want to go to the grocery or are not able to cook for themselves. Meals on Wheels continues to work hard to be sure to deliver

meals sometimes for 7 days a week. Meals on Wheels is able to meet the rising need because of the wonderful volunteers of Greenwich and our staff to all of them we say thank you for your continued effort. Lori Jackson, Board Member Meals on Wheels of Greenwich

Statement from the Nathaniel Witherell implementing environmental safety precautions, restricting visitors, and practicing social isolation. We’ve also maintained consistent and transparent communication with our residents and their families. Any COVID-19 positive residents were immediately isolated in a separate unit. Our team at The Nathaniel W it her el l wh ich i nclude s RN’s, LPN’s, CNA’s, our Nurse

P rac t it ione r, Re spi rator y Therapist and Dr. Francis Walsh, our Medical Director, have provided exceptional care. As a result, many of the residents afflicted by the coronavirus have recovered, and even more are in stable condition. Our hea r ts a re full from the outpouring of community support we’ve received through donations of PPE and other essentials.

We continue to follow all recommended guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers fo r Me d i c a r e & Me d i c a i d S e r v i c e s (C M S ), a n d t h e Connecticut Department of Health to continue to safeguard the health of our residents and staff. Joanne L Kotulski, Interim Administrator, The Nathaniel Witherell.

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Column: On My Watch

Some Amazing Animal Discoveries

By Anne W. Semmes So, I’m curled up with a good book near light’s out time when I hear the distant sound of a buzzing saw. Who in the world is doing carpentry at this late hour? That distant buzz grows louder. And louder. Suddenly, the buzzing flies into my bedroom. A giant buzzing bee flies directly to my bedside light, terrifying me! Help! Death by a bee sting! I slide out of bed away from him and his giant buzzing. He flies around the room. Where on earth did he come from? Reach the bathroom - find a large towel. Hold it before me like a shield and step back into bedroom to see him landed on my sweater shelf. I throw the towel over him - he’s buzzing mad. I crunch him inside, best I can. Must get him outside! Hugging the towel towards me to keep the beast inside, I can feel his buzzing near my breast! I race down the stairs and manage to open the front door and throw the towel into the night. Shut the door and breathe again! It’s only after Greenwich High Schooler William Frankle, a zoomer-to-boomer, has kindly brought my groceries (no charge for shopping or delivering them) that I find that bee recovering outside my door and am able to photograph it and identify it as, of course, a carpenter bee! “He wasn’t likely to have stung you,” opined my sister, “He was just looking for a way out.” My neighborhood came to the rescue of a raccoon last week in a not so distant cousin’s basement, when photographer Christopher Semmes sent out an “Emergency Help Needed ASAP” message to online Nextdoor Byram. Christopher defines his emergency as “when you have a wild animal in your house… disrupting anything in its path and doing it's business as it pleases!!” Yes, sir! And, in the steady stream (88 plus) of responses and suggestions on Nextdoor came a familiar one of, “throwing a big quilt over it and grabbing it up and tossing it out the back door (quilt and all until it ran out).”

Recommended services included trappers, wildlife rehabilitators, and I chimed in with Greenwich Audubon’s Ryan Maclean who suggested, “Call Wildlife in Crisis.” But it was a neighbor’s outreach that saved Christopher’s day. “One of our nice Neighbors Rosemary Annunziato - lent me her Havaheart trap and baiting it now…within 4 hrs… He/She was captured and released…Thank you all again. Love Nextdoor.” A rare animal discovery was made online this past weekend. Having signed up for the CT Bird sightings I was seeing the droves of birders traveling to Hartford (Cedar Hill Cemetery) to see the first time visit in our state of a rare bird, the Townsend’s Warbler. That same Ryan MacLean of Greenwich Audubon made the trip on Sunday afternoon and found the female Warbler an “absolutely beautiful bird!” For three days in a row, he said, “She was able to bring some much-needed joy to hundreds of birders who amazingly did a phenomenal job social distancing and wearing masks while going to see her.” That siting made history with another Connecticut birder, Frank Mantlik, of Stratford, a member of Connecticut Audubon Society. The Townsend’s Warbler was his 400th species spotted in the state, the highest number since that of the late Noble Proctor. The Townsend’s Warbler is now officially added to a total of 466 bird species seen in Connecticut. Townsend's Warbler territory is in the Rocky Mountains and out west. Ryan cites the bird’s arrival here as likely, “a result of some of the significant storm systems that moved across the eastern United States last week that brought extremely strong westerly winds. A bird the size of a warbler can be pummeled by this and blow them completely off-course. Sadly, climate change has only increased these particular situations, so we will likely see more and more birds whose migrations will be affected by major weather events. “This particular bird was lucky to survive, and she seemed able to find plenty of food such as insects on budding trees but now she has to navigate northward to hopefully find breeding grounds and a mate.” That rare bird sighting provided Ryan and his fellow birders “much-needed light in the darkness,” he shares, “and probably the only time many of us who knew each other would see each other until the situation improves. Here at Audubon it’s disheartening not being able to gather for bird walks and since we had to close our trails I know that many people are sorely missing the opportunity to go birding here and in many other places that have had to close.” “This has really driven me and the rest of the staff,” he noted, “to bring as much of nature as we can to people virtually in all of our online videos, livestreams and webinars.” In that vein, I recommend tuning into Ryan every Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a.m. on for his live stream “Dawn Chorus” at www.facebook.com/ GreenwichAudubonCenter/

A rescued raccoon making its way to freedom via a good neighbor’s Havaheart trap. Photo by Regina Semmes

The carpenter bee takes a rest outside the front door after being evicted. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

The Townsend's Warbler newly makes the list of 466 bird species officially seen in Connecticut.

Fairfield County House Offers Connection During Covid-19 An unsettling and stark reality of COVID-19 is that many people who are at the end of their natural lives are now forced to die alone. “Because of the pandemic, hospitals have revised their policies and are not permitting visitors, which means that many patients will die without their loved ones surrounding them and without the ability to say goodbye,” said Dr. Donna Coletti of Greenwich Hospital who specializes in hospice and palliative care. Palliative care focuses on improving one’s quality of life by alleviating symptoms of a life-threatening illness and/or reducing psychosocial distress, providing a holistic approach to support the person physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Fairf ield County House, a local non-prof it organization which provides 2 4-hour care to

individuals receiving hospice care, is focused on providing ‘compassionate palliative care’ to the front lines in the wake of COVID—and has been doing so since it opened its doors in 2012. Dr. Coletti serves as a Board Member at FCH, which has the overarching mission to be a warm, welcoming residence for people at the end of life with top-notch professional care combined with tenderhearted attention, enveloped in a place that feels very much like home. “While there is much concern for those suffering with COVID-19, at FCH we remember and support the families whose loved ones are dying of causes other than the virus,” said Loretta Lacci, Executive Director at FCH. The house, which has 6 private bedrooms ensuite

with a patio was designed to allow family members to enter directly into their loved one's room— without needing access through the common areas of the house. The open-air architectural design, which invites an abundant amount of natural light, also includes a large full suite for family members to stay when visiting from out of town, as well as a sanctuary and garden. Margarete Catalano, a resident at FCH from Greenwich shared similar sentiments. “My family and friends are my life and their love and care give me strength, comfort, stability and much joy. They are helping me face the most difficult time in my life and am so grateful they can visit me here.” “I don’t know what I would have done if my husband had been in any other facility,” said Donna

Kelley, the wife of a current FCH resident. “My heart goes out to all the families that cannot do so because of quarantine regulations.” FCH is licensed by the state of CT and works with all local hospitals, community referral sources, and hospice agencies. They are dedicated to filling the gap in the delivery of care for those receiving hospice services. “To bear witness to the meaningful time spent between residents, their families and our staff has been a great blessing,” said Lacci. “We encourage joy in sadness and laughter in sorrow but believe that all those that come through our doors still have a lot of living left to do while here." Visit https://www.fairfieldcountyhouse.org or call (203) 907-7444 for more information.

Round Hill Community Church celebrates Earth Day! The world will come together this week to mark the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. Round Hill Community Church invites the community to join us in celebrating this milestone with a virtual “green” Movie Night and film discussion of "Keep The Hives Alive," a fascinating documentary that raises awareness about the plight of pollinators, how toxic pesticides are contributing to their decline, and

the devastating consequences this could have on Information for joining the Zoom discussion will humanity. Watch the movie at your leisure anytime be posted to the Church’s website on Friday. over the next week and join us for a live film discussion On via Zoom on Friday, April 24th at 7 p.m. Participating Sunday, April 26 at 10:00 a.m., join us for our on the Zoom discussion will be local apiarists, Paige ONLINE Greytok and Doug Conn who will offer their insights SERVICE with a special Earth Day focus. on amateur beekeeping in Greenwich. For a link to the Visit us at our YouTube channel, Round Hill TV, to video, visit www.roundhillcommunitychurch.org. find our Sunday service and

to catch up on previous services. You can also go to our website, www.roundhillcommunitychurch.org, to find links to other services, resources, and information. Although we cannot physically gather in the Sanctuary right now, we encourage you to continue to find home with us as we worship together from a cautious distance.


Judgement Calls Coming in Greenwich Budget Process

How does our Greenwich Government weather the fiscal storm accompanying the pandemic? Although I believe that we can agree there is a fiscal storm, there is much we don’t know? What will be the storm’s full economic impact? How long might it last? Will it be worse than the 2008 economic meltdown? Also, how will the State fund its higher spending for the pandemic? Highway tolls? Allocation of its teacher pension liabilities to the towns in the State? Increase State taxes? Although we may not be able to answer these questions, it is critical to know the options that Town leaders have to address the current challenge of the upcoming FY 21 budget and greater future challenges beyond. Next week the BET will submit to the RTM a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning in July. Compounding the budget challenge of higher costs, our budget planning anticipates reduced revenues from building permits, conveyance taxes, interest earned on our cash balances, parks revenues, State grants and more. The BET has four levers which it can use to address revenue shortfalls and increased future costs that will likely escalate faster than the rate that inflation (in sequence); • In its departmental budget guidance in the beginning of the budgeting cycle, ask for operating efficiencies.

• Reduce the budget appropriations proposed to the RTM, • Increase the mill rate for property taxes, and • Apply a portion of the Town’s cash balance as incremental funding for the proposed budget.

in the departments will suffer. We won’t be able to maintain our assets.” Of course, there will be the lots of discussions about the BOE budget. There won’t be as many conversations about who has more options to address the challenges. Can we remove the “Can’t” in our solutions? What we know today for the fiscal 20-21 budget:

There may be an additional measure or two, • Revenues will drop next FY by but they don’t have immediate impacts. approximately $6 to $8 million (for The First Selectman, other appointing permits, conveyance and interest). authorities and the BOE have seemingly more • Other fee revenues will be reduced options, including: Revision of certain town/ (they already are for FY 19 for Parks) school operations. Reduction of current spending. Suspension of hiring for full- and part-time • The Nathaniel Witherell will need positions, consideration of an early retirement somewhere near $4 million to fill the plan. Reduction of discretionary programing. deficit for this fiscal year. Discussion with the labor bargaining units in Town Then here are some issues expected for the to help (every labor union in our Town sincerely fiscal 21-22 budget: assisted in 2008-2011). Reduction of facility usage. The ‘freezing’ of capital projects that have not been • The Charter-mandated increase committed yet. The rescheduling of capital projects in Town contributions to the pension for the upcoming FY 21 budget. Probably more. fund due to market performance could Yet, it has been somewhat difficult to achieve easily be an additional $4 to $6 million meaningful budget savings through these options. above the $26 million contributed this After years of these discussions, these have been year. the all-too-frequent responses: “You can’t cut XXX • Health care costs this year rose 7% departments budget or capital projects. We need (or $5 million). Next year, should we the money. Our elderly will suffer. Services levels

expect an additional 5% or more? 3M to 5M additional revenue needed. • In any typical year in Greenwich the incremental cost of the operations for all the Town’s routine activities rollsup a certain amount. In FY 19 to FY 20 the amount was $16 million. We need to anticipate and prepare for the roll up for FY 22 being an additional $20 million higher than we would have expected 2 months ago. Again, the BET’s choices would be to use fund balance, raise taxes or reduce budget appropriations quite further for FY22. I support reducing operational and fixed costs this year a reasonable amount. We should reduce expenses to offset lost revenues in order to balance the operating budget. I am also in support of rescheduling a sizeable amount of the requested capital commitments. I support for the most part, trying to keep up with maintenance and indicatives in play already. Are there right and wrong decisions here? No. There are Judgement Calls. Michael S. Mason Chairman, Board of Estimate and Taxation

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Pursuing Excellence in Education


Looking Back on the Year Ahead – A Preschooler's Perspective By David Cohen

I help a lot with the cooking. Now that I know how to divide things into portions, I am really good at math!


During the recent Jewish holiday, Passover, it is tradition to talk about celebrating next year in Israel. This year, we might follow that up with hoping to celebrate anywhere but our solitary homes. The following is a peek into the future, from the perspective of a preschooler. April 2021… It has been an amazing year! Last year was rough. My parents seemed worried and I didn’t get to visit anyone. We were home all the time and there were no friends to come over. Then, things began to change. We started seeing our friends again and got to go back to school. We got really good at washing our hands and started giving “air fives” instead of touching. Circle time is different, since we now sit on circles that are far apart. I’ve gotten really good at estimating six feet! I heard some adults talking about “learning loss.” I’m not sure what they mean. I feel like I learned so much. I learned about being safe and taking

care of other people. Even though my friends weren’t sick, my parents explained that staying home would keep people healthy. Did you know that doctors and nurses are superheroes? I’ll never forget that. I’m in preschool, so following rules is hard. But, I will do anything to keep people safe. I learned that my family is pretty amazing. My parents told me stories about when they were kids. We spent time drawing, looking at pictures and playing together – they weren’t even on their phones! I still don’t know how read on my own. But, I love reading with my parents. I feel like my love of books is going to last a long time. I’ve learned how to do a lot of things that I thought were just for adults. I get to help dry the dishes. I sort the laundry, because I know which item goes with which person. I help a lot with the cooking. Now that I know how to divide things into portions, I am really good at math!

I ’m g l a d t h a t we c a n g o o u t to like good goals, or if you have some of your restaurants again, and that the parks own, be sure that your daily decisions

I learned about being safe and taking care of other people. Did you know that doctors and nurses are superheroes? are open. Everyone is so much friendlier than before. My parents say that people appreciate being healthy and social. I guess if I’ve learned that, I’m doing pretty well. - Signed a 4 year old If these learning opportunities sound

help your family to get there. There are lots of hidden moments when are kids are learning important lessons. Some we don't even realize. Wishing you a happy and healthy year ahead. Stay safe and enjoy this unprecedented amount of togetherness.

Self-isolation: A 17-Year-Old's Perspective

By Maya Hurst To be completely honest, I don’t fully remember the first time I heard about the Coronavirus. From what I can recall, it was most likely some mention in the news or some post on social media. I remember thinking that the outbreak would never impact my life in any way; sure, news of this far-off virus was interesting and new, but I felt so removed from the situation that I couldn’t believe that life would ever come to what it has now. I read news about the outbreak in Wuhan with sadness and compassion, and yet in the same regard that I would my history textbook — as if these events took place long ago and were no longer something to be concerned about. I suppose that this is a naive way to view things, but I have yet to process what the world is going through. The idea that this entire situation is happening globally in this day and age is a concept that I still can’t wrap my mind around.


By Jennifer Openshaw

In these few weeks, I have found myself taking the time to appreciate and acknowledge the privilege I possess more often than I may have three months ago. Although I get constant news updates about new discoveries or the latest death count due to COVID-19, my immediate life is not all that different. An incredible juxtaposition is present in my everyday life; I am somehow completely isolated and dissociated from the world around me while also somehow living out a similar experience to millions of people throughout the world. It is as if the world is together for once, fighting against a common enemy. On top of that, I have also found that humor finds a way into hard times. I have found myself letting go of my typical angsty demeanor and laughing with my parents more than I have in years. Having school online has worked out significantly better than I thought it would. The shortened days give me more time to relax while also providing a productive and worthwhile part of my everyday life. Our days have become more focused on learning rather than memorizing or being tested on anything. I love seeing my classmates and teachers over Zoom, and the classtimes just act as another time in which we can all connect and relate to one another in our respective struggles. My teachers have all been incredibly supportive and empathetic — they completely understand what we are going through, and consistently check up on our mental health. I feel remarkably connected to the class of 2021 around the world — we are all confused about APs, SATs, and what is going to happen to our college admission process. My class at Greenwich Academy is missing each other more than ever, bonding over

boredom, books to read, online classes, and movies to watch. While I do miss going into my job and to school, I do not need these things to survive. I have spent my days in isolation well-fed, healthy, and inside the walls of my home with my loving family. I have a backyard

out of anyone’s control. It terrifies me that, by being isolated, I might not actually be fully realizing how horrific this circumstance is. I feel selfish in saying that I have enjoyed the time I have been given to relax and spend some time with

All of this feels completely out of my control, out of anyone’s control. It terrifies me that, by being isolated, I might not actually be fully realizing how horrific this circumstance is. to walk in, and my parents, grandparents, aunt, and four younger siblings to keep me company throughout these lonely weeks. In my experience, self-isolation involves online school, working out, trying new recipes, hanging out with my family, and FaceTiming friends. While I am concerned about my own future, I worry about the countless teenagers and children who do not have a place to be during this time, or who do not have a steady income or food supply. I feel terrible for those who have lost family members or who have lost their jobs. Yet, despite all of this, my everyday life does not change. I am unsure how to help or what influence I can have. All of this feels completely out of my control,

myself. I have gotten to read, to write, to journal, to watch movies and TV, and to create. This has become my new normal — a new normal that everyone is having to deal with at once. In a way, I feel blessed to have experienced such a global phenomenon during my life. Living through this moment in history has forced me to engage in self-reflection, look deeper into the lives of others, and connect to people I never thought I would. Maya Hurst is 17 years old and currently a junior at Greenwich Academy. She writes for the Greenwich Academy Press and Daedalus, the GA Art and Literary Magazine. Maya has four younger siblings and adores photography.

College Admissions: Amid Covid-19

this moment of downtime into a re st i l l work i ng a nd t hey college advantage time. want to meet you. In fact, they Schools have closed. College understand how many times tours were cancelled. The SAT Here are a few ways: you visit their site and that is off… for now. So, if you’re a 1. Take virtual college shows interest. student or parent, what are you tours – They’ll save you tons 2. Bolster your resume, to do? of money and help you whittle essays Now that you have Video games? Feel sad? I down your top choices. So, get some time, make it awesome. don’t think so. your college list out and logEver y club, spor ts activ ity The smart ones will turn on. College admissions officers goes on there. But focus on leadership roles. Not enough? Look for online classes. Better yet, show them how you manage in a crisis. Girls joining Girls With Impact are not only learning business -- they’re c re at i ng t hei r ow n i mpac t businesses or projects, many focused on solving some of the issues that have emerged

during Covid-19. 3. Prep for the SAT / ACT - We know your jumping for joy you may NOT need to take the test but read the fine print: test optional means you need to consider what’s in your best interest. If you’re not a perfect student, chances are, it’s only going to help you. So, don’t opt out just yet. Testing resumes in August/September. 4. G et good g rades Use th is v ir tua l lea r n ing opportunity in front of you to get the best grades possible. Remember that your teacher is probably also struggling so those students who complete

their work and go the extra mile will really stand out. As with any crisis, there’s opportunity. If you’re a parent or student, your opportunity is to use this time to really shine. And that’s the takeaway turn this moment of downtime into college advantage time. To ease the burden of working families during #Covid19 the Girls With Impact spring cohort is now free and all live & online. Register now at https://buff.ly/3a4eyaU Jennifer Openshaw, nationally known financial expert and CEO of the nonprofit Girls With Impact, a modern business and innovation

academy for NextGen women leaders, 12-18.

She's appeared on Oprah and CNBC's Power Lunch and is a LinkedIn Influencer.

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Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel


A Thank you Note in the Time of Corona

By Gaby Rattner A s w ith many people, my experience of this virus is colored by nu m bers: How ma ny new cases? How many deaths? How many hotspots? And those other numbers: How many more pay rol ls c a n I cover? W h ich agency bills should I pay first and which can I defer without penalty? A nd like nearly ever yone, my life has been dramatically circu mscr ibed, my a bilit y to be with others and enjoy usual pastimes completely eradicated. But this dif f icult time has

also brought some extraordinary moments, and even aromas, that I will remember always. While many have been separated by this scourge, so too it has brought together so many amazing people performing so many tremendous acts of kindness. First and most powerful is the self-made army of volunteers who came to Community Centers Inc. (CCI) beginning in early March toting empty grocery bags, staying to pack them with food donations (including some of their own), and then helping to distribute them to our needy clients and seniors. Stalwart supporters such as Alan Barry, Janeene (our program of f icer from Fairf ield County Community Foundation), Lou, Rev. Ted and so many others reaching out to ask what we need and how they can help. And colleagues from all over town sharing moral support, conversation, and virtual hugs. The wonderful people at the Greenwich public library who responded to an inquiry by issuing

a library card, immediately and digitally, to one of our senior citizens who has difficulty seeing, so that she could have access to audio books during this lonely time. A local caterer answering the call for seder plates for two elderly couples in need by providing complete Passover din ners instead. My dear friend Eileen

banana bread baking in the CCI kitchen, thanks to a large delivery of the fruit and a staff member’s spur of the moment decision to transform them into a sweet surprise for sixty people. My son’s birthday celebration, spent not at the DMV as he had hoped, but instead in a “pretend” hu ma n ities sem inar secretly organized by his fellow classmates,

heads, our lungs, and have a “date hour.” And the enduring words of thanks from some of our clients, for whom we continue to work each day · The food delivery is very helpful. My mom can’t really leave the house because she’s sick . · It helps because then my mom doesn't have to go to the

While many have been separated by this scourge, so too it has brought together so many amazing people performing so many tremendous acts of kindness. from Temple Sholom procuring matzah and sparkling cider to complete the meal. And Danielle Blaine from Food Rescue bringing chocolate Easter eggs and other holiday goodies for all our CCI kids unable to enjoy our canceled Easter egg hunt. I smile as I recall the smell of

friends and teachers, so that he could blow out a real candle and hear happy birthday sung to him in a virtual surprise party. My parents’ neighbors checking in on them by phone and email and bringing them masks. A daily walk with my husband (weather permitting) to clear our

store as often. And it's easier to find stuff to eat like today I ate the ramen noodles that were in there. · My husba nd a nd I work together and we have essentially l o s t o u r b u s i n e s s . We a r e completely shut down and have no source of income coming in at all. We have applied for aid which has

been hard to get through and have not heard anything yet from either of them. We are a family of 5 and the food delivery helps us greatly with 3 kids home hungry! Our bills are mounting for our mortgage and insurance and it all seems like one big dark tunnel until this is all over. I hope it is ok that I asked for help, we would never have asked if we were not in this situation. But truly it has been wonderful. Abigail Adams said: “…It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. … Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised, and animated by scenes that engage the hear t, then those qualities which would otherwise lay dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman.” Thank you to all the heroes who are helping to make the current difficult world a little bit of a better place. Gaby Rattner is the Executive Director of CCI

Is my child’s anxiety ‘normal’?


By Dr. Dan Villiers Knowing when to seek help for your teenager’s anxiety Spending so much time with your kids as we quarantine together may lead you to wonder about their behaviors you may not have seen before. How much anxiety is “reasonable” in our current circumstances? Quarantined teenagers face a staggering array of challenges. Navigating complex social dynamics is even harder with no physical contact with friends. The lack of privacy afforded by quarantining ex p ose s ever yone to cha nge s to their bodies. The technical changes to teaching and learning and the uncertainty of graduation and college admissions can make the future feel in jeopardy. All of us have to deal with managing parental expectations, and we are all likely to be over-consuming social media and entertainment, seeking comfort in this strange new world. It’s no surprise that feeling anxious is normally a big part of many teenagers’ experience. We proba bly a l l feel some anxiety these days; our world is in a pandemic. Could a teenager “outgrow it” or will it “pass” after Covid-19 is managed? How can we assess the severity of the anxiety and how we can help our kids? This ar ticle prov ides an overview of anxiety disorders in

teens, with an eye toward providing you w ith answers to these important questions. Let’s start with five tips for parents of anxious teens 1. You need not feel alone. Almost one-in-three adolescents, 31 .9 % , e x p e r i e n c e a n a n x i e t y disorder. 2. Your teen’s anxiety disorders may not look like anxiety. For example, your child may exhibit def iance, aggressiveness, manipulation, or other acting-out behaviors to avoid situations that make them anxious. 3 . R e m e m b e r, y o u r t e e n can’t “just relax.” While you may experience anxiety as “no big deal,” your child experiences it as a very big deal…a persistent, negative feeling that they can’t control. 4. Don’t be surprised if your teen resists seeking therapy. After all, the last thing an anxious teen wants to do is talk about the thing that makes them anxious. 5. D on’t put of f se ek i ng treatment. The longer your teen’s anxiety disorder goes untreated, the more conditioned they become to escaping and avoiding their fear. Feeling anxious is both normal and beneficial Anxiety is a normal and helpful response to danger: it puts us into a mentally and physically alert state of “fight or flight” to prepare us to fend off attacks from predators. We all experience the emotion of anxiety at some point in our lives. Adults recognize the symptoms of feelings of tension and fear, worried thoughts, and physical symptoms such a s shor t ne s s of br e at h , sweating or a rapid heart rate typically triggered by a perceived threat as anxiety.In the modern age, anxiety still serves a valuable purpose. For example, the anxiety you feel in advance of an upcoming presentation is often the alert you need to be adequately prepared.

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A n xiety disorders: When anxiety becomes persistent and intrusive When recurring, persistent feelings of anxiety start limiting a teenager’s functioning in one or more areas of life, it may signify the presence of an anxiety disorder. Sometimes a level of anxiety seems out of proportion to the actual threat. Many teens feel nervous about starting high school; but for

your behavior to accommodate your child’s anxiety? • Is your child’s world getting smaller because they are avoiding things? • Does your child complain regularly about physical symptoms such as stomach pain, headache, or fatigue? • Has there been a sudden change in follow-through, punctuality, sle ep ha bit s , hyg iene , s cho ol attendance, or grades? • Does your child seem more

been somewhat nervous in social sit uations, he has completely stopped joining any social activities with friends or classmates. He claims to be happy staying in doing his schoolwork and watching videos online.” Complete w ithdrawal from social life is a red f lag in these quarantined circumstances. His life has gotten even smaller as a result of his fear. When anxiety

Quarantined teenagers face a staggering array of challenges. Navigating complex social dynamics is even harder with no physical contact with friends. some the fear becomes so great that it impacts the ability to function. Persistent worr y can ruin the summer and they may shut down emotionally and verbally in their classes. Some may even try to avoid school all together. “Anxiety disorder” is the term mental health professionals use to describe a group of conditions including panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and selective mutism. W h i le r e ad i n g t h i s l i s t of scar y-sounding illnesses may make any parent an x ious, it’s important to know that anxiety d isorders a re both ex tremely common and highly treatable. So which is it: “normal” anxiety or an anxiety disorder? Here are some helpful questions for you to determine if you’d like to consult with a mental health professional. In this time of q ua ra nti ne, t here is a f i ne balance between adjustment to new circumstances and general uncertainty and being overwhelmed by anxiety. • As a parent, are you adjusting

emotional, sensitive, defensive, or easily frustrated? If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, reaching out to a counselor or therapist to conduct an assessment may be helpful. For example… Here are examples of teen anxiety we encounter in our practice and an assessment of whether a professional evaluation is warranted Ex. 1: Test anxiety “My 13-year-old daughter gets extremely anxious before every math exam, obsessing about it for days in advance. Her anxiety peaks on exam days, and the relief she experiences post-exam is palpable. In spite of her nervousness, all of her exam grades have been A’s and B’s.” Without any other significant incidents of anxiety, this case doesn’t appear to be an anxiety disorder. Despite discomfort, she performs on the exams and her anxiety doesn’t linger after the test is done. Learning some relaxation techniques would be beneficial but professional help doesn’t seem warranted. Ex. 2: Social Avoidance “Our son is a sophomore in high school. While he’s always

starts limiting significant aspects of a teenager’s world, as is the case here, then I suggest speaking with a mental health professional. Ex. 3: Graduation and beyond It’s not clear what will happen to our high school juniors and seniors. Are pass/fail grades acceptable for a transcript? AP, ACT and SAT tests are being altered and even cancelled. So many kids balance academic loads with extracurricular activities to enrich their lives and find ways to engage in college life. How will their loss affect college admissions? What happens to graduation celebrations? These questions and the lack of clear answers can be very distressing. Is your child avoiding doing whatever leads to completing high school? Have they closed down emotionally and socially? As in our second example, anxiety is making the student’s world smaller. Thus I would suggest meeting with a mental health professional who can help determine if an anxiety disorder is present. There is effective treatment for your teenager’s anxiety Cognitive B ehav iora l Therapy (CBT ) i s particularly effective in treating

anxiety disorders, especially when the treatment involves exposure therapy. Ex posu re therapy to increase the teen’s anxiety in a controlled environment. Through this exposure, the patient becomes desensitized to the source of their fear. This enables them to face their fear with greater confidence. We advise parents to seek out an anxiety specialist who utilizes e x p o su r e t he rapy. Che ck t he websites of the Anxiety Disorder Association of America (adaa.org) and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (abct.org). Here are a few questions to ask when interviewing therapists: • W h a t r o l e d o e s C o g n i t i v e Behavioral Therapy (CBT) play in your approach? (You will want a therapist that makes extensive use of CBT.) • Do you use exposure therapy in your treatment? (Look for a therapist that answers “yes” and can explain how they utilize this approach.) • How do you use video? Do you have other strategies, especially with social distancing restrictions? ? (Exposure therapy works most efficiently when done with different strategies), How do you measure progress in using exposure in the treatment of anxiety? (The key here is that the therapist believes in measurement, collecting data to track your child’s progress.) Dr. Dan Villiers is the Founder and Executive Director of the Anxiety institute in Greenwich , CT a comprehensive outpatient practice specializing in the treatment of a n x iet y, OC D a n d t ra u m a . D r. Dan has been called the "Anxiety Whisperer" for having motivated over 950 treatment avoidant and resistant teenagers to go from housebound to school-bound through their commitment to intensive treatment.

Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to Editor@ GreenwichSentinel.com. Maureen Kelly

Maureen “Joy” Kelly, born March 9, 1932 in New York , N Y, passed away peacefully on April 21, 2020 in Greenwich CT. Joy had a long, colorful and wonderful life well lived with many friends and a family that adored her. Joy was educated at The Academy of Saint Joseph in Brentwood, NY. Growing up the daughter of a celebrity had its privileges and Joy spent many nights singing and partying at the 21 Club and the Stork Club with moguls and movie stars, but found happiness surrounded by neighbors and friends when she worked at “the Bearfort,” a local pub in West Milford, NJ where she spent 2 decades as a barkeep. Joy worked there every holiday and always prepared a feast for those less fortunate. She enjoyed telling tales of her beloved grandfather, Welterweight Boxing Champion of the World, Jim Judge. She often exclaimed at family gatherings “Mysterious Billy Smith wasn’t so mysterious after getting in the ring with my grandpa!” Joy loved music and her home was always filled with song. Even as Alzheimer’s stole her memory she could recall every line to every song she ever heard. She entertained residents, visitors and staff at Nathaniel Witherell in Greenwich with her beautiful voice. Joy su r v ive d 4 husba nds a nd whenever asked why she married so many times would reply, “I like we d d i n g s .” Joy w a s s t u n n i n g l y beautiful on the outside, but inside she was even more so. She treated everyone with true k indness and compassion. A nyone that met her knew that “Joy” was the most appropriately named person - ever. She enjoye d t ravel a nd sp ent


many vacations around the world with her daughter Liz. They traveled often to the Caribbean, St. Tropez, and even celebrated Oktoberfest in Munich. However, no vacation was as memorable as New Year’s Eve 1958 when Cuban rebels held her hostage. She recalled, “One minute I was drinking champagne and looking gorgeous in a red velvet evening gown and the next I was being loaded onto a cattle boat bound for Miami with a gun to my head.” A colorful life indeed! Joy is survived by her son Robert (Lanie) Kern, daughter Liz (Tom) Eckert, stepchildren Wayne (Linda) Kelly, Jeffrey Kelly, Patricia Singer a nd Ca ndy ( Jef f ) L or d . Joy w a s predeceased by her father, famed poet, song w r iter a nd colu m n ist Nick Kenny, mother Kathryn Kenny (Judge), sister Patricia Goebel, as well as her children James Dickens and Kathryn (Don) Crosta and step-son Tom Kelly. Her true joy in life was spending time w ith her 5 grandchildren M ich ael , Je n i a nd Kel ly R ep ac i , Kathr y n Kern and Kali Crosta. She was blessed w ith two g reatg ra ndch i ld ren Jeremy a nd Rya n Shanks. Her family would like to ack nowledge and thank the staf f of The Nathanial Witherell for the amazing care they provided our Joy in her final years. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate a donation in Joy’s honor be made to the Alzheimer’s Association at alz.org. Mass and a celebration of Joy’s life will be held in the future when it is safe for everyone to attend.

St. Mary's Girls' High School in 1969. An avid reader and a gifted writer, she earned a bachelor's degree in Women's St ud ie s f r om G o dda r d College in Vermont and worked as a paralegal. She raised her three children in Richmond, VA, and later returned to Greenwich, where she fought valiantly and uncomplainingly against Multiple Sclerosis. Dia ne had a brave hea r t, a nd her ready smile brought joy to all at Greenwich Woods. Her family gives heartfelt thanks to the Greenwich Woods staff for everything they did for Diane over her many years there.

In addition to her loving mother, Diane is survived by: her son Christopher Fraker, his wife Sara, and their children, Ethan (8) and Hazel (4), of Tucson, AZ; her son Whitney Fraker of Fayetteville, NC; her daughter Alison Fraker of Chicago, IL; brother Robert Gill and his wife Karen of Granbury, TX; sister Julie Gill Kast and her husband Peter of Greenwich; sister Nancy Gill Gleason and her husband Scott of Westfield, NJ; brother Billy Gill and his wife Priscilla of Nashville, TN; sister Moira Gill of Solvang, CA; and many nieces and nephews. Due to the COV ID-19 crisis, a memorial service for Diane will be held at a later date. Donations in Diane's memor y may be made to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (nationalmssociety. org).

Maureen Hopper

Molly Cook

Diane Fraker

Sept. 26, 1951 - April 18, 2020 Diane Marie Gill Fraker died at Greenwich Woods Health Care Center, a victim of COVID-19. She was the beloved daughter of Marianne Gill and the late George R. Gill of Greenwich. D ia ne at tende d S ac re d He a r t Elementary School in Byram and Glenville School, and graduated from

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Maureen Paula Hopper was welcomed into heaven on April 14. A Greenwich native, Maureen was born on Nov. 2, 1952 to Gloria Belmont Hopp er a nd D r. Pau l F. Hopp er. Maureen was an integral member of the Greenwich community and her loss is immeasurable. Maureen was a graduate of Villa Walsh Academy (Morristown, NJ) and Marymount College of Virginia. Maureen's love and care for people was evident in her first career at the former St. Agnes Hospital in White Plains, NY. Maureen was the Founder of the Greenwich YWCA's Nursery School and camp program and oversaw these programs as Director for many years. Maureen was a highly recognized member of the Greenwich Red Cross, she was awarded the distinguished Clara Barton Award, one of the highest awards bestowed upon exceptional volunteers, recognizing her leadership and meritorious service. Maureen's primar y focus was her devotion to the Disaster Relief program where she traveled around the country supporting countless people in need. Ms. Hopper was a former member of the Burning Tree Country Club and St. Agnes Church choir where she was the lead mezzo-soprano. Her angelic voice will be missed by all of us here on earth. Maureen was predeceased by her parents. She is survived by her brothers, Paul F. Hopper Jr., John A. Hopper (Greenwich), Mary Lynn (Hopper) Martin and Robert Martin (Darien). Her eternal badge of pride was as the loving and devoted aunt to Jonathan, Allyson, Katey and Perry Hopper and Christopher, Timothy, Kiki and Kateri Martin. With a great sense of humor and song in her heart, her positive mark on this world and especially her family will forever be remembered. As we come together to celebrate Maureen in this time of social distancing, please honor her memory by s up p o r t i n g Tr i n it y C hu r c h's Stephen Ministry program in her name. (trinitychurch.life/give-1)

Matthew Brown, III 134 Hamilton Avenue

Bigler and Matthew Barclay Brown Jr., he was a beloved son, brother and a friend to all. He is survived by his mother Renee Bigler; his brother George Holt Brown; his sister Diane Justine Buck; and four nieces and nephews. Tam, as he was k now n to all, grew up in Pelham Manor, NY. He was a gifted athlete, an avid golfer, tennis player, and skiing enthusiast. Tam loved family time and the many adventures he experienced as part of a large and extended family. Tam will be remembered for his gentle, kind and loving heart, and his quick wit. His legacy is one of hope and courage. For most of h is adu lt l i fe , he suffered from the devastating effects of mental illness, and in that suffering, became the inspiration for Pathways Inc., a sanctuary in Greenwich, CT for those like Tam who need a place they can call home. Today, Pathways serves the needs of many people, who, like Tam, have had much of their lives stolen from them by a disease that, like the COVID virus, knows no boundaries. We will miss him terribly but can take comfort in knowing that he has escaped the strangling grip of schizophrenia, and that he is now in the arms of God. A memorial service to celebrate his life will take place later this year. Memorial contributions can be made in his memory to, Pathways, Inc., 175 Milbank Ave., Greenwich, CT, 06830.

Greenwich, CT 06830




M a t t h e w B a r c l ay B r ow n , I I I of G r e e nw ich , C T, p a s s e d aw ay on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at Greenwich Hospital, as a result of COVID-19. He was 70 years old. Born Sept. 28, 1949, the son of Renee Holt

Molly Cummings Minot Cook, a resident of Greenwich, CT since 1923 and a homeowner in Edgartown, MA since 1973, died peacefully in her sleep on April 2, 2020 at the age of 102 years in her Greenwich home. She was born Aug. 5, 1917 in Seattle, WA. Her father, Wilbur L. Cummings, had been sent to Seattle as a Judge Advocate during World War I where he married Marian Engle, the daughter of Alice Warbass and Abraham W. Engle of Seattle. Mrs. Cook moved with her parents to Greenwich when the war was over. She attended Greenwich Academy, Rosemary Hall in Greenwich, CT, and then Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY. As a young woman, Mrs. Cook was a passionate equestrian, competing in many horse shows. She was a member of the Fairfield Westchester Hounds. Her mother also took her under her wing (literally), encouraging her to become a pilot. Marian Engle Cummings was the f irst woman to receive a commercial pilot license in the US. Mrs. Cook obtained her pilot license at the age of 18 and f lew her own plane in many intercollegiate air meets. She loved to stunt f ly in Armonk, NY, thrilling the spectators who came to watch at the airport on Sundays. I n 1939, she ma r r ied Wi l lia m Amory Gardner Minot. When World Wa r I I s t a r t e d , M r. M i n o t w a s commissioned an Ensign in the US Navy, and his wife joined the Civil Air Patrol in Westchester County, NY, where she was commissioned a Second Lieutenant. She taught aerial navigation and communications to the Enlisted A ir Corps Cadets in preparation for active duty. She rose to the rank of Captain by the end of the war. A d d i t i o n a l l y, s h e w a s a R e d Cross Nurse's Aide at the Greenwich Hospital, before and during World War II. She was among the f irst group of women to train for this job in the US. Her brother, Wilbur (Bill) L. Cummings, Jr., was a Navy pilot who was the first serviceman from Greenwich to die in the war. A f t e r t h e w a r, s h e a n d h e r husband managed the Coca Cola Bottling Company in St. Thomas, VI. Mr. Minot went on to work for the government service, requiring a move to Paris, France, where he was the head of Foreign Aid to France. Upon their return to the US, Mr. Minot was the President and owner of Canada Dry of Fairfield County, CT. During this time, his wife attended classes at the New York School of Interior

Design and the New York School of Modern Photography, two careers she actively pursued throughout her lifetime. Sadly, Mr. Minot passed away in 1963. Mrs. Cook then took over management of Canada Dry until 1968. Mrs. Cook remarried in 1965 to Hobart Amory Hare Cook. Mrs. Cook was a passionate gardener and conservationist who greatly enjoyed teaching others. She was President of The Greenw ich Garden Club, as well as Treasurer of the Garden Club of America (GCA), becoming an Honorary Member. In May 2015, the GCA recognized her 65 years of service as an exemplary member. Sailing provided new opportunities for adventure and learning which she and her husband, known as Hoby, enjoyed throughout their marriage. Their home in Edgartown, MA on Martha's Vineyard provided the ideal place to pursue this mutual pastime. Both were active members of the Edgartown Yacht Club (EYC), and Mrs. Cook served as the Secretary of the Club for nine years. Mrs. Cook also attended celestial navigation courses at the Hayden Planetarium and became a celestial navigator, a vital talent to assist on the couple's frequent long voyages abroad. Mr. Cook passed away in 1983. In his memory, his wife hosted an annual cookout at her Edgartown home to welcome Academy sailors from the Navy, Coast Guard, and Maritime who competed in the in the annual 'Roundthe-Island ('RTI) Race at the EYC. She also created the Hobart A.H. Cook Trophy at the EYC, which is awarded to the Academy sailing yacht with the best corrected time for the 'RTI Race. After Mr. Cook's death, she took over management of the family cattle ranch in Montana, where she enjoyed many summers horseback riding with her family. O n c e m o r e , fo l l ow i n g i n h e r m o t h e r 's f o o t s t e p s . M r s . C o o k enthusiastically took up painting, f rom ca nvases to f u r n itu re. She attended the Isabel O'Neil School of Art of the Painted Finish in New York City. She became an instructor there, and she taught art courses at the Round Hill Community Church. Mrs. Cook became well-known for her skill in creating magnificent Sailor's Valentines, artistically arranged tiny seashells that form geometric designs and messages within an octagonal wooden frame. Mrs. Cook's eldest child, Marian Cu m m ings M inot, k now n as Gil, passed away from cancer in 1986. Mrs. Cook is survived by her son, Winthrop Gardner Minot, and his wife, Marilyn, of Cohasset, MA. She is also survived by her three beloved granddaughters, Hilary Russell Minot of Boston, MA; Amory Minot Hollis of New York , N Y; and Constance Gardner Minot of New York, NY; and their mother, Gale Winslow Minot of Newton, MA. A memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of f lowers, donat ions wou ld b e appre ciate d to the Greenw ich Garden Club Honorary Members Scholarship Fund (Greenwich Garden Club, P.O. Box 4896, Greenwich, CT, 06831) or the Greenwich Land Trust (370 Round Hill Rd, Greenwich, CT 06831).

Marion Neal

Marion Keegan Neal, age 93, a Greenwich, CT native and Registered Nurse passed away at home on April 16, 2020. Daug hter of t he late F ra nc is, Sr., a nd A l ic e Mc Cou r t Ke e g a n , Marion attended Byram School and g raduated f rom Greenw ich H ig h School in 1944. As a member of the Cadet Nursing Corps she graduated from Misericordia Hospital School of Nursing in Manhattan, NY, in 1947, earning her RN degree. She worked for 44 years at United Hospital in Port Chester, NY. After her retirement from nursing, she volunteered in kindergarten at North Mianus School for several years and most recently as a volunteer teaching assistant at Sacred Heart Church Religious

Education Program with the First Communion class. Marion is sur v ived by her daughter, Alice Neal of Greenwich, CT. She is also survived by her brother, Thomas Keegan (Marie) of Murrells Inlet, SC; sister-in-law Marie Keegan of Venice, F L; cousins Marianne Coughlin (Dr. Robert Davis, MD) of New York, NY; and Dr. Jim Coughlin (Dr. Mary Quinn) of Carmel, NY; and several nieces and nephews. Sh e w a s pr e de c e a s e d by h e r parents and brothers Paul Keegan, Sr., James Keegan, and Frank Keegan, Jr. Marion will always be cherished and remembered as a gentle (yet very strong), loving, faith-filled, kind woman with a great sense of humor. She taught beautiful life lessons to her family and friends by the way she lived her life. Marion was humble and always worried about others rather than herself. A child of the Depression she valued empathy, a strong work ethic, loyalty, honesty and compassion. Marion was known as a great listener and observer, which made her such a great nurse, mother and friend. She dealt with her illnesses for so many years and always did so with such grace and dignity, minimizing that anything was even wrong. She greatly loved her daughter, her brothers and families, her friends, her church, her home and her canine companion. The family would like to thank Dr. Dickerman Hollister, MD and Dr. Frank lin Loria, MD and their wonderful staff for their outstanding care and extraordinary compassionate throughout the years. D ue to t he c u r rent pa ndem ic situation, a graveside service was held for family on Monday, April 20 at St. Mary's Cemetery in Rye Brook, NY. A Memorial Funeral Mass will be scheduled at a later date at Sacred Heart Church in Greenwich. In lieu of f lowers memor ia l contributions can be made to Sacred Heart Church, 95A Henry Street, Greenwich, CT 06830.

Anne Hallock

A n ne M . O' H a ra H a l lo ck , 90, of G r e e nw ich , C T, p a s s e d aw ay peacefully on April 15, 2020 after a long battle with dementia. A n ne w a s b or n i n K i l l i m au n Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland on June 16, 1929 to Catherine and Patrick O'Hara. She was the wife of John Robert (Bob) Hallock Jr. for almost 65 years. Anne left Ireland in 1948, met Bob and they married on May 21, 1955. Anne worked hard for her family and always put them f irst. She worked throughout the Greenwich area for numerous families who treated her as if she was one of their own. Her compassion for others and quick wit will be remembered fondly. Anne attended mass at Sacred Heart Church in Byram, CT daily until her health declined. You always felt blessed because she always ended her conversations with "God is good" or "God bless you." Anne was predeceased by her parents and siblings: John Patrick, Elizabeth Kelley and Michael Joseph, all of Ireland. She is survived by her sisters Bridie Courtney and Theresa O'Neill, husband and love of her life, Bob, children; Kevin of Greenwich, J. Robert III (Darah) of Henderson, NV, Brian of Cedar Park, TX, Kathy Martinelli (Tony) of Marlton, NJ and Michael (Cheryl) of Bethel, CT. She is also survived by grandchildren; J. Robert IV (Nichole), Christopher, K e l l y, S a r a h , K a y l e e , S t e p h e n , Emily, Matthew & Anthony, greatgrandchildren: Briallen, Cayden, J. Robert V, Bentley and many nieces and nephews who all loved her very much. We would like to thank the staff members at the R iver House and Nathaniel Witherell Nursing Home who took care of mom during her illness. A special thank you to Dr. Nazanine Khairkhah for her years of caring for Anne. Ar dheis DĂŠ go raibh a anam uasal (May her noble soul be at the right side of God). A private graveside service will


be held. A memorial ser vice w ill be planned at a later date. In lieu of f lowers, memorial donations can be made to the Alzheimer's Association at alz.org

Dorothy Slutz

Brighton Gardens of Stamford, CT for the extraordinary compassionate care they extended to Dorothy during her time of need. Charitable donations in her honor may be sent by check to: The Schubert Club of Fairfield County, Attn: Penny Mardoian, P.O. Box 24, South Bristol, ME 04568. In the memo line please indicate, "In memor y of Dorothy Slutz."

John Lafferty

Eleanor Kieft

John Yankowich, Jr.

Dorothy F. Slutz, age 92, was a dedicated, selfless wife, mother, sister, aunt, and grandmother who's greatest joy came from her family and the music she created throughout her life. She passed away peacefully on April 8, 2020. Dorothy was a retired piano teacher and resident of Old Greenwich since 1962. She was born in Detroit, MI. on Oct. 3, 1927, as the f irstborn in America to Frank and Ida Olenzek, hard-working Polish im m ig rants, joined by t wo older step-brothers, a younger sister, and a younger brother. She spent her youth in Detroit, MI. As a member of the "Greatest Generation," she never forgot her modest roots or the shadow left by the depression, expressed through her frugality and service to others. She found her love for music after receiving a baby grand piano as a gift from her father on her sixteenth birthday. She would continue to share her musical talent throughout her life in performing her piano music, teaching, and participating in choral/ music organizations. Dorothy excelled in baking and sewing. She was a loyal servant of God, displaying a deep responsibility for others. She consistently modeled unconditional empathy by regularly inviting guests to family celebrations not to be left behind or forgotten. Her slender and fragile stature disguised her feisty nature and inner strength. She met Howard, the love-of-herlife, at Albion College in MI, where they were known as Dot & Howie. When asked what attracted her to Howard, she always replied that it was his over 6' height, good teeth, and sense of humor. After obtaining their corresponding degrees in Music Education and Art, they married, settling in "cereal city" Battle Creek, MI where Howard became employed by Post Cereals, halfway between t hei r hometow n s of D et r oit a nd Muskegon. Applying their true-blue mid-western values, they started a f a m i l y. I n 1 9 6 2 , H o w a r d w a s transferred to White Plains, NY. The relocation was difficult, but Dorothy found joy in her music and began teaching piano from her home. She also joined the choir at Diamond Hill United Methodist Church and a music organization, The Schubert Club. Dot and Howie enjoyed 68 years of marriage, healthy active lifestyles, 31 quality years of retirement, plus the benef its of prosperity, travel, and grandchildren. Dorothy was an accomplished pianist who taught privately for over twenty years and performed many choral arrangements i n he r b e aut i f u l S opra no voic e . Together Dot and Howie touched the lives around them with music and art. Dorothy suffered a stroke in March '17 from which she never fully recovered, but she never lost her deep love for song and classical music. Howard predeceased his wife in June '18, and were once again reunited on April 8. Dorothy will be remembered for her humility, joyful heart, limitless strength, and selfless spirit. She will live on through those she loved and all who loved her. Surviving Dorothy is her youngest brother, Richard Olenzek of Livonia, MI and her four children: Ca roly n ( Ter r y) Ba ra nousk as of Pleasanton, CA, Barbara (Don) Eagles of Raymond, NH, Robert Slutz of Norwalk, CT, Anita (John) Windels of Cos Cob, CT. Also surviving Dorothy are eight beloved grandchildren: Maya Baranouskas of Corvallis, OR, Leah Baranouskas of Pleasanton, CA, Brian (Liz) Slutz of Baltimore, MD, Matthew and Gregory Slutz of Norwalk, CT, and Charles, Daniel, and Lauren Windels of Cos Cob, CT. A private memorial service will take place at a later date. The family wou ld l i ke to t ha n k t he st a f f of

John Yankowich, Jr., 76, of Crested Butte, CO. passed away after a hard fought fight with the coronavirus in Grand Junction, CO. T he s on of Joh n a nd Pau l i ne Yankowich, he grew up in Byram and was a member of the GHS Class of 1962. The consummate athlete, John played football, baseball and wrestled at GHS, played league basketball and baseball, was a champion gymnast at Sokol USA, and excellent golfer. John was a graduate of Western Colorado University where he was a stalwart member of the football team becoming the leading scorer for the Rock y Mountain Conference playing fullback and kicker. After serving in the U.S. A r my Joh n made Cre ste d But te , Colorado his home where he worked as a builder for forty years. He is survived by sister Diane Woolery of Lakewood, CA, brothers G e orge (Cy nt h ia) of Gr e enw ich , Edward (Patricia) of Longwood, FL, and Paul (Danae) of Phoenix, AZ, many nieces and nephews, and his extended family of friends in the Crested Butte community.

John Laf ferty passed away on Monday, April 13, 2020 in Des Plaines, IL af ter a three-year battle w ith lymphoma cancer. He was 57 years old. Joh n l ive d i n Cos Cob du r i ng the 80's and 90's. He is an alumnus of Greenw ich Hig h School and UConn, with a degree in History and Economics. He was very well known in Cos Cob as a fixture at the service station once known as the Cos Cob Gulf on the corner of Orchard Street and Putnam Avenue. He was known by many as Laffs, Laff ie, Johnny and Big John; he also gave a nickname to everyone he knew. John is survived by his parents, Hugh and Barbara Lafferty, formerly of Cos Cob, his brother Hugh, sisters Kathleen, Rose and Susan, and by his nephews and nieces, Julie, Ken, Laura, Olivia, Molly, Brian, Stephan and Emma. It has not yet been determined when a celebration of John's life will take place out in Illinois. You may email his sister Susan to be kept up to date. susan.chassagnoux@gmail.com Those who so desire may make memorial donations in memory of John to The First Step House: firststep-house.org

Georgena Fowler

Gertraude Larsh

Gertraude Marie "Trudi" Larsh, died April 11, 2020 aged 100. She was born in Germany and lived through the tumult of World War II. Immigrating to the U. S. in 1957, she settled in New York City where she worked as an executive secretary on Wall Street, and in similar capacity with the U.S. branch of Krupp AG. She has lived in Greenwich since 1964. Trudi, an excellent pianist, had a lifelong love for classical music, hav ing studied w ith t h e i c o n i c Wa l t e r G i e s e k i n g i n p o s t w a r G e r m a n y. S h e rarely missed a concert by the Greenwich Philharmonic. Her civic involvement included tutoring foreign language at Greenwich High School and taking leadership roles with the YWCA International Women's Club and the German Club. A lways outgoing and active, Trudi kept up with tennis, swimming at the town beaches, c ycling, foreig n travel, and downhill skiing, well into her late 80s. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Yvonne and Lee Lacy of Denton, Texas, h e r g r a n d d au g hte r s , Mo n i c a Bennett and Melissa Lacy, and niece and nephews Maja Dubois, James Goldschmidt and Gregory Fe l s m a n n-D u b o i s , a n d t h e i r families. She was predeceased by her son Er ic A. Larsh and her husband, Joseph A. Larsh. Memorial arrangements will be made at a future date. Hers was a life rich in experiences, adventure, and love; a life well-lived, a woman to be wellremembered.

Georgena S. Fowler, 101, resident of R indge, NH died on April 13, 2020 at the Pheasantwood Nursing Center, Peterborough after a period of declining health. She was born on June 16, 1918 in Montreal, Canada the daughter of the late George H. and Edna C. (Steele) Gillin. She graduated from St. Mary's Ho s p it a l S ch o ol o f Nu r s i n g i n Montreal in 1940 and worked as a pediatric nurse through WWII. After the war she moved to Greenwich, CT where she met William Fowler. They were married on April 3, 1948. Gena worked as a bookkeeper in his store, Fowler & Graham, until its closing and then went on to work at the Putnam Trust Co. in their Savings Department. In 1972 they retired to Flagler Beach, Florida, where they lived until William's death in 1992. She then moved back to Greenwich for a short time before moving in with her daughter in Rindge, NH. Sh e i s s u r v ive d by h e r s on Lawrence of Greenwich, CT, her daug hter Jean of R indge N H, he r honora r y d au g hte r s Ca r ol Chamberlain and Paula OBrien of Freeport ME, and her grandchildren a n d g r e a t- g r a n d c h i l d r e n . S h e was predeceased by her husband William, son John, and brother Patrick. The family would like to thank everyone at Pheasantwood Nursing Center for their kindness and compassion while she was a resident. She was repeatedly telling her family how friendly and caring the staff was to her. Gena requested that there be no services. In lieu of f lowers memor ial contr ibutions can be made to Monadnock Kitty Rescue, 11 Plantation Dr., Jaffrey, NH 03452

Eleanor ("Lin") O'Brien Kieft passed away on March 28, 2020 after an extended illness, with her loving husband Richard at her side. She was born on Nov. 9, 1953 in Greenwich to Eleanor (Kauffner) O'Brien and Robert E. O'Brien, Sr. Lin attended Cos Cob and Dundee Elementary Schools, Eastern Junior High School, and graduated from Greenwich High School in 197 1. In 1974 she graduated from the School of Design at Chamberlayne Junior College in Boston, Mass. and relocated to Huntington Beach, Calif. where she married Adam Myers and raised her son Shane. After the death of her husband Adam, Lin remarried and moved to Mesa, Ariz., where she lived for the remainder of her life. She is survived by her husband R ichard Kieft of Mesa, Arizona; her mot her Elea nor O'Br ien of Riverside, CT; her brother Robert (Dale) O'Brien, Jr. of Old Greenwich, CT; and her son Shane and his family of Las Vegas, Nevada. Lin is also survived by her niece Elizabeth Goodwin of Kennebunk, Maine, and nephews Robert J. O'Brien of Los Angeles, Calif. and Jeffrey O'Brien of Fairfield, CT. Lin was predeceased by her first husband Adam Myers, her brother Victor O'Brien, her sister Doris Glabowitz, and her father Robert O'Brien, Sr. Lin was a talented artist who loved to work in many media. Her career as an interior decorator helped to satisfy her artistic muse. S h e a l s o l ove d g a r d e n i n g a n d cooking, and wrote and published a gluten free cookbook. A gentle and fun loving person, Lin brought great joy and love to those who knew her. Funeral services will be private. Contributions may be made to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Foundation in Lin's memory.

Stasia Kaliszewski

Stasia (Kopec) Kaliszewski, age 93, passed away peacefully under Vitas Hospice Care at Spring Village in Stratford on April 15, 2020. She was widow of Carl J. Kaliszewski. Mrs. Kaliszewsk i was born in Rzeszow, Poland on March 13, 1927, daughter of the late Valentinus and Aniela (Storey) Kopec. She was a longtime resident of Waterbury and worked for Uniroyal and Sperry. A n accompl ished homema ker who took great pride in her home, she especially loved entertaining family and friends. She was always kind and loving to everyone, gracing all with her beautiful smile. Faith was an important part of her life. Stasia was a devout Catholic saying the rosary daily and attending daily mass at her neighborhood church, Our Lady of Loretto. Stasia is survived by her daughter Doris K. Mayone; her loving grandson Tyler Storey Mayone, both of Greenwich, CT; her two sisters of Poland, Genia and Zosia; and several nieces and nephews. A private service will be held, and burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Watertown. To celebrate her life, a memorial mass will be scheduled at a later date.

Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

On Faith Feature

God’s Real Name is Resurrection

By Marek Zabriskie A woman recently asked me, “Does God creates pandemics?” I replied, “God never hurts people. God is a God of love, who loves everyone on this planet. God didn’t create Covad-19.” Fred Rogers, the Presbyterian pastor and star of “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood” for 33 years, said, “When something bad happens, my mother taught me always to look for the helpers.” That’s where God is at work. Look for the helpers. Better yet, become a helper. To help yourself, start by helping others. Science reveals that people who help others

are more resilient, stronger, experience greater well-being and emotional health and less stress. The best anti-stress medication is to help others. We are hard-wired by God to serve. That’s why we get a “helper’s high.” If you cannot physically help others, during this pandemic, then make financial contributions, write letters, make phone calls, offer the gift of laughter, attentive listening and love. A lot of people celebrate Easter for a day. We forget that Easter is a Church Season that lasts 50 days. In Lent, we traditionally give up or take something on as a spiritual discipline. Perhaps we should do the same for Easter. On Easter day, a loving couple in my parish delivered freshly grilled lamb chops to my home for dinner while my family was in Philadelphia due to the pandemic. It was a gift from the heart. “Our goal,” said the wife, “is to do one nice thing each day – to be a helper.” How inspiring!

It’s manageable and impactful. Goodness is contagious. For those who know Jesus, Easter is not the dramatic conclusion to a story. Rather, it’s the beginning. Easter is meant to change and inspire us to lead transformed lives. William Sloane Coffin notes, “The Bible says that Christ is risen, pro nobis – for us – to put love in our hearts, decent thoughts in our heads, and a little more iron in our spines. Christ is risen to convert us, not from life to something more than life, but from something less than life to the possibility of full life itself.” Irenaeus said, “The glory of God is a human being fully alive.” One of the ways that we become fully alive is to focus on others and be a helper. God will guide us through this pandemic, and God will raise us up. Easter tells us that the worst things are never the last things. God’s real name is Resurrection. God has the power to take the

worst things and bring forth incredible things. That’s why the cross is ultimate sign of hope. Easter means that nothing is impossible with God. It’s radical and subversive to our normal, measured lives. God triumphs over death. Love triumphs over hatred. Hope tr iu mphs over despair and suffering never has the last word. Resurrection says, “Listen. Rethink your life.” So, the real question is how will God use this pandemic to open our eyes in new ways, to draw us together, to make us more loving, more interconnected and to help us reset our priorities? God can and will use this pandemic to make us more altruistic, united and empathetic. We just need to come together, stand strong, act wisely, tell the truth, and do the right things. While we’ve spent trillions of dollars on nuclear weapons, we have discovered that a little germ can bring the world to its knees. T h i s p a nde m ic h a s b e e n

an inv itation to stop, ref lect a n d r e s e t . It h a s g i ve n o u r environment a break. For the first time in decades, people in India can see the Himalayas and people China see blue skies. The week marks the 50th celebration of Earth Day. It’s a big deal, because we have been killing our planet. Some call Climate Change fake news, just like they called Covad-19 fake news. We must listen to our scientists. This pandemic has taught us how interconnected we are and how precious our planet is. We are learning other lessons as well. People now working from home rather than commuting great distances are have more family and personal time – precious gifts. While for some this pandemic is a speed bump, we see that others are just a paycheck away from disaster, 30 million in the US lack healthcare and have no paid sick leave. A shift is underway. This virus is calling us to evolve, to be

humane, to live a simpler life and to be kinder to our environment. These are spiritual lessons. The big question is: how will God use this moment in time to transform us into the kind of people God created us to be – a true resurrection people? Christ easters in us. Resurrection is ongoing and occurring right now. Grace abounds. Easter tells us that God is at work in every arena of our lives, even at the depths of our sorrows, pain and losses. Though we’re quarantined, we can and must connect. So, sow seeds of faith. Become a helper. Do one significant act of kindness each day. Contact those who are alone or worried and share words of hope and love. Write a letter each day. Call those who rarely hear from you. While there were no parades or large gatherings this Easter, the Empty Tomb still speaks, perhaps more powerfully than ever. By the Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Rector of Christ Church Greenwich

On Faith Column


During this challenging time, many of the faithful are unable to attend Mass. MAGNIFICAT is providing complimentary access to their online versions of MAGNIFICAT and MagnifiKid! MAGNIFICAT can be accessed through their website at https://us.magnificat.net/home. Below is an Art Essay on The Royal Portal Tympana of Chartres Cathedral, west facade (c. 1145–1155) published in April's MAGNIFICAT.

By Jake Kircher During this season of “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” our family has committed to regularly going on walks together. On one recently my son was given clear instructions about holding my hand to ensure that he would avoid the poison ivy on the edge of the path. Rather than listen, he decided to fight it tooth and nail. He wanted his independence to go wherever he wanted. “ Yo u n e e d t o s u r r e n d e r,” I frustratingly told him. As soon as I said it, I knew that I just as easily could have said it to myself. The truth is I like my independence as much as my son does. Many of us are the same way as a sense of being in control makes us feel safe. We want to call the shots and have life go the way

from now, let alone what “normal” will look like eventually, or how long it will actually take to get to that point. No one even truly knows if we will have to face a second or even a third wave of infections. When we find ourselves anxious, scared and feeling out of control, rather than fighting for more control, it is important to understand the importance of surrender. This is exactly what Jesus does in the Garden of Gethsemane just before he is arrested as he prays, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42 ESV) What Jesus models through this experience, and even more so with his approach to the cross, is that he purposefully enters into his pain and his intense emotions and surrenders them to God. Jesus doesn’t avoid them or seek comfort instead, but he prayerfully brings them before God in honesty and humility. He asks for the pain to be removed, and yet at the same time declares trust in God’s bigger plan that there is a purpose behind what he is facing. In many ways, what Jesus prays

My son was given clear instructions about holding my hand to ensure that he would avoid the poison ivy on the edge of the path. that we want it to. In a sense, this is part of what we are watching play out as protests about reopening states have taken root over the last week. We have all found ourselves in a situation that is highlighting just how little control we really have and we want it back. Don’t get me wrong, there are ways we can control some areas of our day to day lives. We can set schedules to help our kids do school work. We can choose to stay in our homes or not to. We can control how we go out if we need to run an errand or get out of the house. But there is so much we can’t control. We can’t control the person who isn’t taking social distancing as seriously as we are. We can’t control whether Peapod has an available delivery spot. We can’t control when the weather makes it harder to even get outside. For every dynamic in our lives that we can control right now, we can probably find many more that we can’t. Even more so, on a larger scale there are no g uarantees about tomorrow (see James 4:13-17). For every opinion piece that looks at how all this ends, there is an alternate view. No one can tell us exactly what the world is going to look or feel like a month

before facing death, was the original version of the serenity prayer which encourages us to pray: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. The things that we cannot control or change simply aren’t worth the fight. Yes, we can and should lament and bring our authentic feelings to God, but eventually, we can either choose to let our feelings own us, or we can choose to trust and surrender to a Father who has a bigger perspective than we do and who is ultimately in control. What would it look like for you to be fully honest with God this week about your feelings and emotions? What friend or family member can you be vulnerable with to share what’s going on inside of you in this time and how it’s revealing your true trusts? What would it look like for you to surrender the things you can’t control to God today? What would it mean for you to pray the same surrender prayer as Jesus? Jake Kircher is the Executive Pastor at Trinity Church

Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 www.htchurch.com Online Sunday Worship: 9 & 11am, htchurch.com & social media outlets. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce the lesson (bit. ly/HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ begins April 20, meets weekly (Meeting will be online and credentials to participate will be supplied to you when you register). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 www.firstbaptistgreenwich.com Sunday Service via FB Live: 11:30am. Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 www.greenwichbaptist.org Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website (greenwichbaptist.org/ livestream). CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 www.sacredheartgreenwich.org All weekday and weekend masses are celebrated without the presence of the faithful until further notice. The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 www.stc-sta.org Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon 1:30pm. Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu 1:30pm. Stations of the Cross: Fri 1:30pm. (All worship spaces at both campuses are locked and all staff is working from home. A sacred space has been created on St. Catherine’s campus in the vestibule of the Chapel to be viewed from outside. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has also been moved to this sacred space). The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners offers hotline & daily prayer at 203-637-3661 x375. Daily Worship Offerings: through May 1. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 www.stmarygreenwich.org Daily Mass (Mon-Sun), 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit EWTN. com for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 www.stmichaelgreenwich.com Daily & Sunday Masses - livestreamed, 9am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Sun 12-1pm, livestreamed. Postponed: “In Praise of Women” - An evening celebrating the diversity of female composers: April 24. St. Michael’s Parish Food Drive Drop-Off: May 2, 11am-1pm, St. Michael’s Church Parking Lot, 469 North St. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 St. Timothy’s Chapel is open for daily private prayer from 7am-7pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 www.stpaulgreenwich.org Online daily Mass at EWTN.com, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at wordonfire.org/dailymass. Confessions by appointment only – leave a message at 203-5318741 ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 www.strochchurch.com Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat

8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am12pm.

- A Virtual Retreat Series for Women: April 25, 8:30am, via Zoom. Family Matters Class: Sun 11:15am-12:15pm, via Zoom April 26: Topic TBD.


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 www.stpaulsriverside.org

First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 www.christiansciencect.org/ greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tel-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 www.firstchurchofroundhill.com Worship services are cancelled until at least May 10. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-6293876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@outlook.com) Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Online Worship: Sun 10am, youtu.be/ CNjyLHzsRlI. Temporarily postponed: Drop-off for The Great Lawn Sale. Green Screen Virtual Movie Night and Discussion – ‘Keep The Hives Alive’, April 24, 7pm (The link for the Zoom discussion will be posted on Friday, April 24 on the Church’s website). CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 www.fccog.org Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Friday: Fridays by the Fireside (live with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 www.northgreenwichchurch.org Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at Pastor@northgreenwichchurch.org any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 www.2cc.org Services available online, details at 2cc.org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 www.churchoftheadvent.org Regular services are being held at this time. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 www.christchurchgreenwich.org Virtual Worship Services (posted weekly on the homepage). Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice.org. Virtual Sunday Evening Bible Study on Zoom – email Andrew Kryzak (akryzak@ christchurchgreenwich.org) to be included. Women at the Tomb

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 www.stbarnabasgreenwich.org Sunday Virtual Service, 10am. Virtual Coffee Hour, 10:30am.

Online Morning Prayer: April 26, 10:1511:15am. Bible Study - via conference call: April 28, 10:30-11:30am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: stpaulsriverside.org/ online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at dofaithathome.org. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6372262 www.saintsaviours.org Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 www.chabadgreenwich.org Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: MonThurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. April 24: Chassidic Philosophy and Daily Inspiration, 8:30-8:50am, zoom. us/j/4881360762; Sermons, Songs, and Candlelighting, 7-7:27pm, zoom.us/j/4881360762 Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; Shirami.info@ gmail.com www.congregationshirami.org All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Virtual Shabbat Service & Oneg: April 24, 7:30-9pm, Zoom link to be provided. Women’s Rosh Chodesh: April 27, 7-8:30pm, Zoom link to be provided. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 www.grs.org All programs are streamed virtually on zoom.us. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5:30pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 www.templesholom.com Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. Lunch ‘n Learn: April 28, 12-1pm. Pam Schuller speaker: April 29, 7-9pm. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-8697191 ext. 3. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 www.firstpaul.com The Service of the Word will be streamed live at 10am on Sundays. The Service of the Sacrament will be offered throughout the week (at First Lutheran) by appointment to groups of ten or less. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Worship Services Live-streamed at firstpaul.com/live-stream.

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METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 www.diamondhillumc.com Online Worship via Zoom. Hangout with Pastor Carol: Tues-Sat, 5-6pm, zoom.us/j/262529082 (No agenda, no structure - just stop by to hang out, talk about what is on your mind. Join in for any portion or the whole hour. Prayer requests accepted). Via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 www.fumcgreenwich.com Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, every Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. 1 Corinthians Bible Study, every Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, every Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​ 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) www.myrevive.org Online sermons available on Facebook (facebook.com/ myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups will be online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@ gmail.com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 www.stanwichchurch.org Worship online: Sun, 10:45am, stanwichchurch.org/live-streaming. Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515606-5410, punch in access code: 119748#). Student Small Groups: Fri 6:30pm, via Zoom. Food Drive - benefitting local food pantries (contact-less drop off): April 29, 8am-1pm, tables will be set up in the church parking lot. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6374615 www.albertsonchurch.org Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 www.trinitychurch.life Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, youtube.com/c/ TrinityChurchLife/ live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch. Life. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 www.fpcg.org Online Worship at fpcg.org/live. Email info@fpcg.org with any questions. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 www.gracechurchgreenwich.com Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 www.LivingHopeCT.org Sunday Service online on YouTube or Facebook, coffee and fellowship after the service via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage).

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By Richard Kaufman

Ever-So-Slight Decline in COVID Cases

Yale New Haven Health officials on Tuesday gave an update on COVID-19 during a virtual media conference, and indicated that they’ve seen an "everso-slight decline" in positive cases across the state of Connecticut. "We've experienced that in our health system after a period of a month where we saw consistent growth, we have actually seen a little bit of a downturn, particularly at Greenwich," said Yale New Haven Health CEO, Marna Borgstrom. "Greenwich was particularly hard-hit, coming across the border from Westchester County. At one point, Greenwich had more than half of their total licensed beds occupied by COVID-19 patients. They have seen a continual decline." Overall across the Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) as of Tuesday afternoon, there were 790 COVID-19 positive inpatients, with 450 at Yale New Haven Hospital, 213 in Bridgeport and just under 100 in Greenwich. YNHHS has experienced 185 fatalities as of Tuesday, but over 1,000 people have been discharged. The state is seeing an increase of cases in Eastern Connecticut. "The numbers are relatively small, but it's not surprising because what we've seen is that the growth in COVID positive patients has followed the commuter lines and the I-95 corridor," Borgstrom said. Dr. Tom Balcezak, Chief Clinical Officer for the Health System, said he believes Connecticut as a whole is near its COVID-19 peak. "The fact that the peak keeps getting later is actually good news. It means that our social

distancing is working and that we are flattening that curve and pushing the peak date out. I think we're very close to where we will peak, and we'll start seeing cases go down across the state of Connecticut," Balcezak said. "There are a lot of ifs in that statement; if we're continuing to practice social distancing, if we're able to hold fast on our hand hygiene, in our self isolation, I think we're very close. Because the population across the state of Connecticut has experienced this at different times, there will be some local variation, but if you take the population of Connecticut as a whole, I think we're very close. At least I hope so." Balcezak also reminded people that COVID-19 does not just single out those above 60 years old. "It's a myth that this disease only impacts above the age of 60. That's absolutely not the case. We've seen very sick people in their 20s and 30ss, and we've actually seen a couple in their teens and younger," he said. Borgstrom highlighted the fact that the Health System has, to date, not seen the dire predictions of the pandemic come true in the state of Connecticut, as was originally projected. "When the Governor stood up his task force to look at how we were going to be providing care, we had some models that had been put together starting with the experiences in Washington State and New York, that looked at needing 10 times the number of hospital beds that we have in the state of Connecticut. Even though we have extra beds set up, we have been able to meet the needs of our patients and their loved ones in the existing spaces that we have," said Borgstrom. One of the reasons she said the curve is flattening out is because people have heeded the state's requirement for social distancing.

"It's been a tremendous personal price for families with kids at home, for people who haven't been working, but we've all played a role in helping to flatten the curve and make the way we've been able to deal with this pandemic much more manageable than some of the earlier projections. For that, I think we're all grateful that we've come together as a real community and we hope we'll continue to see that spirit prevail," she said. Yale New Haven Health System is looking to expand testing -- a crucial step that's needed in order to reopen the state and the economy. As of Tuesday, Yale New Haven Health System has performed 23,000 tests, with approximately 5,000 coming back positive. The Health System has diversified its testing into three different streams to help ensure that testing remains available. There is a rapid in-house test on a commercial platform which yields results in two hours, a lab-developed in-house test with a six hour turnaround time, and testing in an outpatient reference laboratory at the Mayo Clinic. "Should our supply chain position improve and we get more access to reagents and testing kits, we will be able to expand testing,” Balcezak said. “That's going to be one of those important things that we should do before we open up the economy here." Antibody testing, which is aimed at finding out the reach of the virus and who has been infected, is expected to be rolled out soon. "We are just starting to be able to bring antibody testing online. Our laboratory is working very hard to be able to do that. I anticipate we should be able to provide laboratory antibody testing here I'd say probably within the week or so," Balcezak added. Opening up elective surgeries are something that the Health System, and Yale New Haven Hospital, will

be looking at in the days and weeks to come. COO of Yale New Haven Hospital, Dr. Keith Churchwell, said they've started a process to do a deep dive on how to approach elective surgeries. "We hope over the next few weeks that we'll have a plan put together, and bring it forward in regards to how we're going to develop the overall process for these patients to be as safe as possible and make sure we can have the best outcomes for those individuals," Churcwell remarked. "We have a number of facilities that are available to us to think through how to do this actively and do this well. We have brought together a team across the spectrum of Yale New Haven Hospital, Yale University and our Northeast medical group colleagues, to help us think through this." Borgstrom, Balcezak and Churchwell all praised their healthcare workers and staff for their heroic work, and communities around the state for their support. "We've had almost a daily parade outside of our Emergency Departments here of institutions and individuals, fire, police, who have taken the time and effort to come and let us know how much they appreciate the hard work our nurses, physicians and staff are doing to take care of the sick population," Churchwell said. "It's been amazing to see." Borgstrom called this a "challenging time" and praised healthcare providers around the state for coming together. "The work is challenging. In my over 40 years of experience in healthcare, the one thing that never has disappointed me, is that people who have chosen healthcare as a profession show up and they show up in a big and positive way when people need it the most," she said.

Directory of Restaurants Delivering be open Monday through Wednesday from 8am to 3pm, and Thursday through Saturday from 8am to 8pm with special ABIS is open regular hours -- Monday “night menu.” Call to order or order online through Sunday from 11:00am to at corbosdeli.com. 9:30pm. They are only serving takeout and delivery. Call (203) 862-9100 or visit DOPPIO is offering complimentary abisingreenwich.com to place your order. delivery -- call in at (203) 340-9470. You may also order online at eatdoppio.com APPLAUSI OSTERIA TOSCANA is open for pickup. Doppio is also serving a familyfrom 4pm to 8pm daily for curbside pickup, style menu with half or full tray options. takeout, and delivery. Call 203-637-4447 DOURO is open for curbside pickup to place an order. and free white glove delivery. They are ARCURI’S PIZZA is offering delivery offering “family meal” trays and a “Take and curbside pickup services. To order, away” menu. Douro will be open daily call (203) 869-6999 or order online at from: 11:30am - 8pm. Order can be made accurispizza.com. They are open daily online at dourogroup.com. from 10:45am to 8:30 pm (until 9:30pm EMPANADAS ON THE GO is offering on Fridays and Saturdays). free pickup and optional delivery fee in AUX DELICES is open for pickup, curbside Greenwich. Call or text 917-208-3590 to pickup, and home delivery (free of charge). place an order. To order, visit auxdelicefoods.com to use their online ordering system. They have EXECUTIVE CORNER DELI is open for an online menu available including all your delivery and pick up. (203) 531-8087 or online at executivecornerdeli.com. favorites and frozen items.

By Julia Lucey

BACKCOUNTRY BAR & GRILL is offering curbside pickup and delivery until further notice on Wednesdays through Sundays, from 11:30am to 8:30pm. Call (203) 6812881 to order or find them on Grub Hub or Uber Eats.

FAIRFIELD PIZZA is offering curbside pickup and delivery. They are open daily Monday through Thursday from 10am to 10pm, Friday through Saturday from 10am to 11pm, and Sunday from 10:30am to 10 pm. Call 203-661-7777 to order.

FAMOUS GREEK KITCHEN is open for curbside pickup and delivery. Orders can be made online at famousgreekkitchen. com or by phone at (203) 531-6887. Delivery hours are from 11am to 3pm Monday through Friday, 5pm to 10pm BISTRO VERSAILLES is open for Saturday, and 5pm to 9pm Sunday. You takeout and delivery daily from 10:00am can also place ordres on Grub Hub or to 8:00pm. To order, call (203) 661-6634. Seamless. BOXCAR CANTINA is offering local FJORD FISH MARKET is offering curbside delivery and curbside pickup for dinner pickup and fresh seafood delivery. Order Monday through Sunday from 5pm to at ShopFjord.com or call (203) 661-5006. 8pm. Call 203-661-4774 or 475-419-3639 They are open Monday through Saturday for takeout or delivery. from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Sunday BURGER, SHAKES, AND FRIES is from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. operating regular hours and is only serving FLEISHERS CRAFT BUTCHERY is open food to-go or curbside pickup. Order via for curbside pickup and home delivery. Chownow links on burgersshakesnfries. Orders can be made through their online com or call in (203) 531-7433. order request form found on their website, BY THE WAY BAKERY is open Tuesday fleishers.com. Their temporary hours are through Saturday from 10am to 6pm and 1pm to 5pm on Tuesday through Sunday. Sundays from 10am to 3pm. Order online GARDEN CATERING is open for delivery at btwbakery.com or call (203) 489-3610 and curbside pickup. Orders can be in advance for in store pickup. placed online at gardencatering.com. For CARDILLO’S DELI is open daily and curbside pickup, call upon arrival to have offering takeout and delivery only. Call your order brought out to you; for the Old 203-661-3354 to place an order. Greenwich location, call (203) 698-2900 CAREN’S COS COBBER is offering and for Hamilton Ave, call (203) 422-2555. curbside pickup 4pm-9pm Thursdays, Temporary hours for the Old Greenwich Fridays, and Saturday. Phones open at location are Monday through Thursday 3:15pm to place your order -- call (203) 6am to 7pm, Friday 6am to 8pm, Saturday 6am to 6pm, and Sunday 7am to 5pm, 992-1333 to order. and for the Ham Ave location, Monday to COFFEE CAFÉ ROASTERS is open for Saturday 8am to 4 pm. For family meals orders of freshly roasted whole bean or to be heated and served at home, call the ground coffee. They are offering local OG location by 3pm for a delivery from deliveries for orders 2+ bags, and are 2-4 the next day, or if you need it the open 6am to 6pm daily for pickup and same day, just ask. delivery. GARELICK AND HERBS is open for walkCHICKEN JOE’S is offering delivery and in, curbside pickup, online ordering and curb side pickup. To order, call their Cos delivery. Order at Garelickandherbs.com Cob location at (203) 861-0075 or the for delivery between 10am and 5pm. West Putnam location at (203) 625-3322. They are only accepting credit/debit card GELATO & CIOCCOLATO is open for transactions only (no cash). The West delivery and curbside pickup. Call (203) Putnam location is open Monday through 900-1288 to place your order. Orders can Saturday from 9am to 9pm and Sunday be made every day until 7:30 pm, and from 10am to 8pm, and the Cos Cob deliveries will be available every day from location is open Monday through Friday 6pm to 8pm. You can also order through 6am-5pm, Saturday from 6am to 4:30, Grub Hub, DoorDash, or Uber Eats. BEACH HOUSE CAFE is open for curbside pickup (20% off with promo code “beach”) and free delivery if you order through Toast (within 3 mile radius). Delivery is also available through Uber Eats.

and Sunday from 8am to 3pm.

THE GINGER MAN is now open for Pickup CHOPT is open for delivery, pickup, and and Curbside. Go to www.Gingermanct. curbside pickup only. Order online at com for menu details. choptsalad.com or on the Chopt app. Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 4PM - 8PM

G-VILLE DELI is open for curbside pickup CORBO’S DELI IN OLD GREENWICH and delivery. Call (203) 202 9737 to place IS CLOSED, BUT CORBO’S STAMFORD your order. They are open Monday through AND CORBO’S WEST are open! Call Saturday from 8:00am to 3:00pm. (203) 998-7600 (Stamford) or (203) GREEN AND TONIC is offering curbside 629-4987 (Corbo’s West) for takeout or pickup at their Cos Cob location through delivery to all of Greenwich and Stamford. online orders at greenandtonic.com or Corbo’s Stamford and Corbo’s West will order home delivery through Uber Eats.

Their temporary hours are 8am to 3pm 9705 to order. daily. PEMBERWICK EXCHANGE “The PX” is GREENWICH FLAVOR BY MYRNA’S is open for delivery and curbside pickup. Call offering delivery, take-out, and curbside (203) 531-7110 to place your order. Their pickup from 10am-8pm Monday through temporary hours are Monday through Saturday. Orders can be placed online at Friday from 6am to3pm, Saturday from greenwichflavorbymyrnas.com. 7am to 2pm, and Sunday from 8am HAPPINESS IS MARKET & CATERING to12pm.

is open for prepared meals for pick up. IL PASTAFICIO is open for curbside Visit https://www.happinessiscatering. pickup or delivery (free delivery over com/ for menus and options. $60!). Call (203) 900-1199 or email JERSEY MIKE’S is open for takeout and orders@ilpastaficio.com to place your delivery. Orders can be made online at order. Deliveries are also available on on jerseymikes.com or through the Jersey DoorDash and GrubHub. Mike’s app (delivery is free when ordered PLANET PIZZA is offering pickup and through the app!). delivery, and they are operating regular JOEY B’S is offering takeout and curbside hours. Call 203-622-0999 or order online pickup. Delivery is available through Grub at planetpizza.com.

Hub, Seamless, and Uber Eats, or call PLAZA RESTAURANT is open for pickup (203) 661-0573 for curbside or takeout. and delivery available from as early as LITTLE THAI KITCHEN is open for 6:00am to 4:00pm daily (until 3:00pm on deliveries and pickup. Orders can be Sundays). Call (203) 622-9260 or order placed online at littlethaikitchen.com. 10% online (plazarestaurant.com) off orders! Temporary hours are Monday through Thursday from 11am to 9:30pm, Friday from 11am to 10pm, Saturday from 12pm to 10 pm, and Sunday from 12pm to 9pm

PLUM Pure Foods & Catering

MEDITERRANEO Greenwich is open for takeout and curbside pickup. Their temporary hours are 12pm to 8:30 pm daily, and they are currently serving their dinner menu only. Call (203) 629-4747 to order.

SOUND BEACH PIZZA & GRILL is offering pickup and delivery from 10am7pm. Delivery is also available through Grub Hub, Uber Eats, and Doordash.

THE MUMBAI TIMES Indian Cuisine is open for curbside pickup and contactless delivery. Their temporary hours are Monday through Friday from 11:30am to 2:30pm & 5:00pm to 9:30pm, and Saturday & Sunday from 5:00pm to 9:30pm. Orders can be placed online at mumbaitimesct.com or by phone at (203) 625-5500.

TERRA Ristorante Italiano is open for takeout and curbside pickup. Their temporary hours are 4pm to 8:30pm daily, and they are currently serving their dinner menu only. Call (203) 629-5222 to order.

236 West Putnam Ave, Cos Cob (203) 869-7586

Pick up and delivery. Or order online LITTLE PUB is open for takeout or before 1:45pm delivery every day from 12:00pm to POLPO Restaurant and Saloon is open 8:00pm. Order online at littlepub.com or noon to 8 pm (1-8 on Sundays) for delivery call in your order to (203) 612-4567. and curbside service. Orders can be LOUIE’S is offering delivery and curbside placed online at polporestaurantsaloon. pickup, available from 4pm to 9 pm. Call com or called in at (203) 629-1999. (203) 422-2177 to place your order. RANDY’S WINES is offering curb side Louie’s is also available through Uber Eats. pick up and some deliveries. 230 E Putnam LUGANO is open for take-out, curbside Ave, Cos Cob. Call (203) 661-0292 pickup (10% off), and delivery (10% off). RE NAPOLI PIZZERIA is offering Call (203) 990-0955 or UberEats to place takeout, curbside pickup, and delivery. your order. They are open 7 days a week Orders can be placed online at renapoli. 3pm-8pm. Additionally, they are offering com or called in to (203) 689-9300. 25% off Wines when called in. RINALDI’S COUNTRY DELI is offering MIKE'S ORGANIC order by phone or from outside with one https://mikesorganicdelivery.com/how- window for ordering and one for pickup. 70 Orchard St, Cos Cob. Call (203) 622mikes-organic-delivery-works/ 8315 MACDUFF’S Public House is offering curbside pickup or delivery through Grub SOMETHING NATURAL Greenwich is Hub. Orders can also be called in for pick open for curbside pickup -- call (203) 863up at (203) 422-0563. Their temporary 2100 or order online at somethingnaturalct. hours are 4pm to 8pm Monday through com. Delivery is also available through Grub Hub, Doordash, and Uber Eats. Saturday.

LA TAQUERIA is open for delivery and curbside pickup. Orders can be made MELI-MELO Creperie is open for delivery online at taqueriact.com or called in to and pickup. Call in ordres to (203) 629- (203) 992-1199. They are also using 6153. They will be open daily from 10am delivery services Grub Hub, Uber Eats, and Chownow. to 8pm.

TONY’S at the J House is open for curbside pick up -- call (203) 698-6999 to order. Pickup is available from 11am to 6pm, and delivery is available 11am to 4pm with a MYX CREATIVE KITCHEN is offering $15 Delivery Fee. online orders (myxkitchen.com) or on TOWNHOUSE Restaurant is open for their app for curbside pickup. For delivery, curbside pickup and delivery. Their order from Uber Eats or Grub Hub. Their temporary hours are Tuesday through hours are Monday through Sunday from Saturday from 12pm to 7pm. Call (203) 11am to 7pm. 622-4223 to order. OLD GREENWICH WINE MERCHANTS UPPER CRUST BAGEL Company is are open for free delivery and curbside offering curbside pickup and free deliveries pickup. They are offering a 5% discount within a three mile radius. Orders can be for 6 Bottles and 10% discount for 12! To placed by calling (203) 249-2883. order, fill a cart online at ogwinemerchants. VAL'S PUTNAM WINE & LIQUORS is com and then call 203-990-3030 to offering Free Delivery or Curbside Pick-up. complete your order. Orders may be placed over the phone or PASTA VERA is open for takeout, via email for those customers that would delivery, and curbside pickup. They are rather not come into the store. www. serving their full lunch and dinner menu valsputnamwines.com or call (203) 869Monday through Friday from 10am to 2299 in Greenwich or (203) 813-3477 in 8pm, Saturday from 10:30am to 8pm and Glenville. Sunday from 4pm to 8pm. Call 203-661-

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Is this a Fiction Movie

of dollars worth of mortgage back securities and cut the short-term rate. But, with this said, it is extremely difficult to put a home on the market during this isolation period. The homes or rentals being shown are usually vacant. The Feds cut interest rates to help stimulate the economy when the worst of the pandemic passes and people get back to work and are getting a full paycheck again. Lower rates do drive refinances higher and may entice home buyers to start looking by virtual tours. But again, if buyers are hesitant to start looking because of the virus this could also dampen sales. I have seen adjustable-rates, conventional, 15 year and equity lines of credit with lower rates. I have seen many banks pull Jumbo loans and rates for high balance, jumbo and investment properties jump higher. 5/1 By Cheryl MacCluskey arms haven’t changed much and HELCO rates are averaging about .125 percent points lower in midI woke up this morning thinking about how April than in mid-February. life as we once knew it has been altered forever. My son who is a senior at Greenwich High School is home schooling, his prom is canceled and we are not sure what is happening about Graduation, not to mention the isolation from his friends and classmates. I use to have road rage driving through Greenwich, now I would welcome the congestion on the roads. I fortunately am able to come into my office and shut my door but who am I kidding, there is no one in the office to be shut off from. I miss my YMCA buddies, my routine of going to the Y every morning, seven days a What to know if you are buying a home. week, complaining the entire drive there is sorely missed. I now turn my heat up to 90 degrees in There is only so much lower mortgage rates the guest room, put on a sweat suit and do online can do to stimulate home sales. Sales have Bikram yoga! Waiting in line at Whole foods for declined when going into the spring Market. 35 minutes for a bag a lemons. Let’s not get me Mortgage rates are not the difficulty today, it is started about the food situation. I am eating things the lack of inventory and not being able to show my stomach has never been introduced to. I don’t homes. There are some positive things you can do even know what I am eating half the time! But, given this environment. Secure a mortgage lender through all of this I have such gratitude for my and get pre-approved, a letter will give the sellers health, my families’ health and the precious time confidence that you are in fact able to obtain a we are spending together since isolating. We must loan through the pandemic. Let the seller know be thankful for what we do have. It does seem like you could be flexible about the closing date if that a science fiction movie doesn’t it? I just wish the is possible. movie would finally end!! Let’s just remember we are all in this together. What the Coronavirus means to you buying We as a community should be proud of all the or refinancing a home. strides we have made during the isolation. I wish A s ever yone k nows by now the Federa l all of the Greenwich Community Health and wellReserve did take steps in March to keep the money being in the upcoming month of May. flowing through the mortgage financing system. Cheryl MacCluskey is a Senior Loan Officer for They have had two rate cuts, which were part of Fairfield County Bank located at 850 East Main the central banks effort to protect the economy Street in Stamford. For more information call for all the damage the Coronavirus could cause. 203-536-1297 or 203-328-3531 or email Cheryl. Rates on conventional and equity lines of credit maccluskey@ fairf ieldcount ybank .com NMLS have fallen since the Feds pledged to buy billions #379814

Will this movie ever end?


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

351 Pemberwick Road 826 $495,000 330 Cognewaugh Road $925,000 108 Weaver Street B $679,000 307 Lyon Farm Drive 307 $910,000 51 Forest Avenue 95 $1,299,900 21 Sound Beach Avenue $945,000 32 Sound Beach Avenue $1,039,000 9 Deluca Drive $1,189,000 51 Forest Avenue 107 $1,325,000 10 Old Forge Road $1,688,000 46 Sound Beach Avenue $2,395,000

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres


$495,000 $775,000 $679,000 $910,000 $950,000 $945,000 $999,000 $1,189,000 $1,325,000 $1,388,000 $2,295,000

$500,000 $598,000 $679,000 $865,000 $948,000 $957,000 $975,000 $1,110,000 $1,250,000 $1,328,888 $2,236,000

1,054 1,658 1,512 2,404 2,886 1,690 2,158 2,620 2,757 4,131 4,269

19 176 55 511 344 51 41 49 81 260 209

2 4 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 5 5

2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 4

1 0 0 0 0.24 0.2 0.28 0 2.1 0.18

Deborah Ference-Gray

One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903

For Market Updates and Listings Visit deborahferencegray.com


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Mark Pruner | Mark@GreenwichStreets.com | mark@bhhsne.com


Robert Pulitano | RobertPulitano@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabillino | CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com Pam Toner | PToner@HoulihanLawrence.com


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

List Price

140 Putnam Park 36 Sheephill Road 13 Cross Street 450 Valley Road 1 Milbank Avenue 3E 50 Church Street 7 558 River Road 27 Lyon Farm Drive 27 755 Riversville Road 48 North Ridge Road 1385 Putnam Avenue 21 Londonderry Drive 39 Edgewater Drive 25 Windabout Drive 7 Highgate Road 8 Bradbury Place

$425,000 $500,000 $700,000 $775,000 $849,000 $1,195,000 $1,350,000 $1,515,250 $1,595,000 $1,850,000 $1,975,000 $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,650,000 $2,650,000 $2,900,000

24 Maher Avenue 32 Sawmill Lane 183 Connecticut Avenue 14 Lockwood Avenue 22 Wooddale Road 79 Brother Drive 28 Welwyn Road 9 Ridgeview Avenue 98 Doubling Road 11 Sherwood Avenue 41 Hurlingham Drive

$2,975,000 $3,100,000 $3,200,000 $3,400,000 $3,495,000 $3,950,000 $3,995,000 $4,695,000 $6,295,000 $11,500,000 $23,000,000





$315 $445 $587 $547 $662 $476 $425 $423 $400 $1,116 $437 $959 $454 $719 $513

1,586 1,573 1,320 1,551 1,805 2,838 3,564 3,772 4,627 1,769 5,248 2,394 5,840 3,688 5,656

3 3 4 3 2 3 5 3 4 5 2 4 4 4 5 6

2 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 5 2 5 3 5

South of Post Road Riverside South of Post Road Cos Cob South of Post Road South Parkway North Mianus Glenville North Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich South Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway Riverside Riverside

$623 $635 $1,053 $770 $600 $648 $746 $858 $762

4,772 0.23 5 4,882 1 5 3,040 0.11 3 4,417 0.36 6 5,822 1.34 5 6,098 0.34 5 5,352 0.45 6 5,470 1 5 8,265 2.05 7 28.44 17 16,810 12.66 6

3 4 3 3 4 7 5 5 8 16 8

South Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich South Parkway South of Post Road Riverside South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway North Parkway




0.14 0.12 0.23 0 0.38 0 5.88 0.4 0.21 2 0.15 2.01 0.68 0.29

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel

Just for Fun

Bring Back Lost Words


Noun. 19th Century Scottish meaning an uninvited guest who appears only at mealtimes.


Sudoku, each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Hard

crossword puzzle

Astrology Column For Week of Apr. 26, 2020

TAURUS 21 April-21 May You have played by the rules in recent weeks but with the Sun so close to rebellious Uranus in your sign you’ll feel an overpowering urge to buck the system over the next few days. Just remember that being a law unto yourself can cause problems with the real law.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov You may not agree with the way the world is going but you are wise enough to realise that time doesn’t stand still: those who pretend it does invariably get left behind. Open your eyes to the new ways and you may be surprised how much you enjoy them.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June Anyone who thinks and speaks faster than a Gemini should be applauded but don’t be intimidated just because they’re quick and confident: it doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about. You are moving at just the right pace. Don’t change a thing.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Just working harder won’t get you far this week. With the Sun linked to ingenious Uranus you should look for ways to cut corners, streamline your schedule, delegate your workload. Anything that makes your energy go further is to be commended.

CANCER 22 June-23 July Today’s Sun-Uranus link makes this a week for enjoyment even if it means just a change of attitude to your work and chores. Happiness is a state of mind and how you approach the day can make all the difference between it being a pleasure or a pain.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Planetary activity in the most dynamic area of your chart urges you to think the unthinkable and ask the impossible of yourself. If you have any creative or artistic leanings this is the time to encourage them. Affairs of the heart are also particularly well-starred.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug You may wish you could get rid of someone who has caused you grief but deep down you know such an extreme reaction will only make matters worse. If your reputation means anything to you you must be fair to your rivals, even if they have never been fair to you.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb The most important thing this week is that you don’t let yourself be rushed, especially by those whose sense of time differs from yours. Let them battle to beat the clock: the only clock that matters to you is your inner clock and that says it’s time to wind down.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If your priorities have been tested in recent weeks, cosmic activity in the most enlightening angle of your solar chart is now giving you the chance to reassess them, as well as some of your most ingrained attitudes and beliefs. Take advantage of it.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You may think twice before speaking your mind this week but it’s unlikely. You may be patient with those who move slower than you but few would bet on it. There is a distinct lack of tact in your chart just now. Try not to upset too many people.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct With the Sun forming a close alliance with Uranus, planet of disruption and changes, you are being encouraged to think outside the box this week. If you can reason and act in unorthodox ways - and you know that you can – almost anything is possible.

ARIES 21 March-20 April If you are involved in business or worried about money be ready for major changes over the next few days. With the Sun close to Uranus there is no telling what might happen. All you can do is be ready to take advantage of unexpected events.

Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.com

“The soul is healed by being with children.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky Discover your inner artist. Coloring is good for the brain and improves moods.

Answers on page 13

The Fox & the Goat From Aesop's Fables in The Library of Congress

A Fox fell into a well, and though it was not very deep, he found that he could not get out again. After he had been in the well a long time, a thirsty Goat came by. The Goat thought the Fox had gone down to drink, and so he asked if the water was good. "The finest in the whole country," said the crafty Fox, "jump in and try it. There is more than enough for both of us." The thirsty Goat immediately jumped in and began to drink. The Fox just as quickly jumped on the Goat's back and leaped from the tip of the Goat's horns out of the well. The foolish Goat now saw what a plight he had got into, and begged the Fox to help him out. But the Fox was already on his way to the woods. "If you had as much sense as you have beard, old fellow," he said as he ran, "you would have been more cautious about finding a way to get out again before you jumped in." Look before you leap.

“Children see magic because they look for it.� Christopher Moore

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