February 28, 2020

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February 28, 2020

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B ack Cou nt r y | B a n k sv ille | B elle Haven | By ra m| Ch icka hom iny | Cos Cob | Glenv ille | Old Gr e enw ich | Pem b er w ick | R iverside | B e d for d, N Y

May 3, 2020 – Conservation Commission is hosting lecture at First Sunday Science Series on World Fish Migration Day and Mianus River fish ladder. May 16, 2020 – World Fish Migration Day and Mianus River fish ladder Open House event. On March 4 the Greenwich Conservation Commission, Wa s t e F r e e G r e e n w i c h , GRAB, and CT DEEP will hold a lecture at Central Middle School titled, “Is Greenwich top of the garbage pile in global waste crisis: Pay-As-You-Throw Program Explained.” The event will run 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Sp e a ke r s w i l l i n c lude Kristen Brown, of WasteZero Inc, a consultant for the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and Julie DesChamps of GRAB & Waste Free Greenwich. I f approved, t he PAY T program would begin on Oct 1, 2020.

DARKHOUSE PROGRAM Homeowners in the Town of Greenwich can notify the Greenwich Police Department when leaving their homes vacant. Officers are informed and make periodic checks of the house until the homeowner returns. The ser v ice can not guarantee checks of the residence. Call volume for the post car on a given day may prevent the officer from checking the house. All efforts will be made, however, to check the home. The service is designed for when homes are vacant for three days or more. To app l y for t h e D a rk House Service follow the link: Greenwich Police Dark House Service

GREENWICH RANKED 7TH SAFEST CITY IN CONNECTICUT The Town of Greenwich was ranked the 7th safest place to live in the State of Connecticut by Alarms.org for 2020. This 7th place ranking is impressive because of the size of Greenwich. Greenwich is double the size of all of the towns in the top ten. To see the full report on where the other towns and cities compare follow the link: https://www.alarms.org/ safest-cities-in-connecticut/

HAPPINESS IS 1067 NORTH ST. Dinner at the Market "POP UP RESTAURANT" on March 19th. A Pop up dinner with a complete gourmet four course meal for just $69.00. BYOW [bring your own wine]. A nd A N OPEN HOUSE is in the works at their new space on Thursday, March 29th from 6:00-9:00 pm. They are calling it their "Spring Fling". They will be featuring sample bites from their spring menu along with introducing you to some of their vendors. Live music, wine tasting, floral arrangements....plus much more! Mark your calendars.

By Richard Kaufman Katie DeLuca, the town's director of Planning & Zoning, stopped by the Retired Men's Association last week to discuss the 2019 Plan of Conservation and Development, and how it will be implemented. The POCD is essentially a blueprint for the future. It's a com munit y v ision that guides Greenwich both physically and economically, and sets new policies that direct future growth and development. It also helps aide town leaders in coming up with strategies to make thoughtful decisions for the community. The plan is written by residents, and after months of workshops and meetings, it was approved last December. DeLuca talked about the importance of the plan, which is put together every 10 years. "People don't tolerate change well in this town. So what do you do when you go to the public and say, 'We

have this great town, what should we do about it,' and the answer is, 'Nothing, it's great, just keep it the same,'" she told the crowd. "That's great, but you can't keep things the same by doing nothing. You do have to recognize that we have to have some turnover, some growth, and we have to keep things moving in order to stay a top community." The vision statement of the plan is, "To preserve Greenw ich as a premier residential community by enhancing our exceptional neighborhoods, schools, environment, culture and recreational amenities while focusing investment in the town's infrastructure, school facilities, storm resiliency measures, and the downtown core as the means to increasing the town's value." The structure of the plan is based around six guiding p r i n c ip l e s: to p r e s e r ve community character and sense of place; to develop housing opportunities for

Doors Open at Townhouse After serving the community as an Italian steakhouse for the past decade, the historic Church Street manor formerly known as Gabriele's has re-opened as Townhouse, bringing new cuisine and a redesigned space to downtown Greenwich.

longtime friend and colleague Drew Nieporent of Myriad Restaurant Group, a restaurant advisor. Nieporent is best known for his ventures Nobu, Tribeca Grill, and Bâtard. Cifone is formerly of Starr Restaurants, The One Group,

The new venture features the cuisine of Executive Chef Stephen Lewandowski, restauranteur Drew Nieporent, and the operational experience of Dana Cifone. L e w a n dow sk i i s fo r m e rl y o f H a rl a n Restaurants and Tribeca Grill where he continued on page 6 was the Executive Chef and a partner of his

and Douro of Greenwich. L ewa ndowsk i's New A mer ica n menu combines local ingredients with Mediterranean and Asian flavors and cooking techniques. Dishes like Tuna Tataki Crudo

the future; to provide top quality educational facilities; to su st a i n a nd i mprove the natural environment and landscape; to maintain economic vitality and thriving commercial centers; a nd to prov ide the best q u a l it y i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , municipal facilities, cultural i n s t it ut ion s a nd he a lt h services. "With any good p l a n , i t 's o n l y a s g o o d as the implementation," DeLuca added, noting that i mple me nt at ion h a s it s cha llenges because of a decentralized government with a lot of moving parts.

continued on page 6

Town Expands Merchant Parking Downtown By Richard Kaufman The Town of Greenwich is currently in the process of ex pa nd i ng mer cha nt parking downtown, specifically for the Lafayette Place parking lot. Earlier this week, Park ing Ser v ices began to accept applications for the expanded Merchant Permit Parking Program. During this initial rollout, 2 0 a n nua l p er m it s w i l l be offered for 2020 at the annual cost of $720. This cost, which includes the required Connecticut sales tax (6.35%), will be prorated to the first day of the month in which the permit is sold. The purpose and goal of the Merchant Per m it Parking Program is to offer business owners and their employees a long term daily parking option at a reduced rate. In turn, this will free

u p s h o r t-t e r m p a r k i n g locations for those shopping and dining along Greenwich Avenue. The deadline to submit applications will close at 4 p.m. on March 10. A ll approved applications will then be given a number and a random drawing will take place. The first 20 numbers drawn will determine which applicants will be offered a permit. A ll remaining applicants will be placed on a wait list, based on the sequential order in which the remaining numbers are drawn. The Board of Selectmen u n a n i mou sl y app r ove d the program last month. Deputy Police Chief Mark Marino of the Greenwich Police Department, who oversees Parking Services for the town, presented the agenda item to the Board.

"We're not looking to generate more revenue," Marino told First Selectman Fred Camillo, and Selectwomen Lauren Rabin and Jill Oberlander last month. "We're actually looking to offer a parking alternative for long term parkers and kind of make better use of that parking lot." Marino noted that t h e L a f aye t te Pl a c e l o t gets especially full on We d nesdays due to t he Retired Men's Association of Gr e enw ich me et i ng s at the First Presbyterian Church. G r e e nw i c h Ho s p it a l also uses it for overf low parking when their staff lot is full, but Marino said he would reach out to the hospital to work out special a r ra ngements a nd ease congestion, particularly on

Wednesdays. Marino added that h e h a s g o t t e n p o s i t i ve feedback and support for the program from Planning & Zoning Director, Katie DeLuca, as well as area business and landowners. Merchant Permit parking is also offered at the West End parking lot in Old Greenwich, at the William Street and Henry Street park ing lots in Byram and at the Sound View parking lot and the Town Hall Garage in central Greenwich. The application form can be obtained a t g r e e nw i c h c t . g ov, o r in person at Parking S e r v i c e s b e t we e n 8: 3 0 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, contact Parking Services at 203618-3060.

Racoon Illness Concern

Avoiding Triangles

Facts and Rumors


Earth Day, April 22, 2020 – 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

Six Guiding Principals

By Mia DaSilva Police, Animal Control, and and health off icials have been investigating cases of dead or sick raccoons found in Greenwich since the beginning of February. On Saturday, February 22, t he tow n close d Tod's Poi nt (Greenwich Point Park) to all dogs, causing a delay to get into t he pa rk a s A n i ma l Cont r ol Off icers stopped cars, turning back those containing dogs. Since then, more than four a dd it i o n a l s i c k o r d i s e a s e d raccoons have been reported in the area. These four most recent animals have not yet been tested for a specific disease. Greenwich Animal Control reports that although the raccoons have been reported near the area where those infected were originally found, until they are tested, there are several possibilities to explain the behavior. All confirmed instances of these reports thus far have been located in or near Tod’s Point. They have not occured in other areas of Greenwich, despite rumors on the internet picked up by blogs, including unverified claims of a sick raccoon in Cos Cob and one in Backcountry.

Last weekend at Tod's Point, a disoriented raccoon wanders on the beach during the day. It was quickly handled by an Animal Control officer. Thankfully the disease is not rabies, rather, after extensive testing, health authorities have conf irmed that the deceased raccoons have tested positive for distemper. Distemper is a viral disease that is contagious in many animal species, especially dogs. Animals can become infected from saliva or direct contact with an infected animal. While distemper does have some similar symptoms to rabies (both exhibit neurological



sy mptoms, such as partial p a r a l y s i s a n d s e i z u r e s) , distemper is considered an upper respiratory disease, meaning fever a nd a r u n ny no s e a r e common symptoms not found in rabies-infected animals. The key visual sympton found in animals infected with rabies is foaming at the mouth. Un l i ke ra bie s, d istemp er cannot transfer to humans, so


By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT Amanda and Casey argue. Amanda calls Beth to complain about Casey. Beth’s best bet is to duck the triangle and avoid being sucked into a “helper role.” When she suggests that Amanda work it out directly with Casey, everyone benefits. Exceptions would be if Amanda is truly powerless to help herself, or if Beth has a professional responsibility to manage the relationship between Amanda and Casey. Triangles are unhealthy in most relationships, but they are especially dangerous in nuclear families with siblings and adult children. When you need advice or a place to vent, it’s helpful to limit sharing to the smallest possible number of trustworthy friends. This limited sharing can help calm your mind and reboot your perspective. Then your work is best done directly with the offending party. After years of feeling obligated to help, Anthony, the eldest in a family of six, realized that he was not helping and refused to participate when his siblings called to complain about each other. His siblings continued to try to bring him in, but he was firm. When he avoided family triangles, his life became more peaceful. Nadia believed she had to be the go-between for disputes between her adult daughter and her ex-husband. When she gave up this role, her daughter grew stronger.

continued on page 5 Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is the author of the book, The

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FRIDAY, FEB. 28 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Meditation Workshop. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. No registration is required. All ages. 203-625-6549. 10 a.m. Qigong with Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. Register. $10-$20. 203869-9242. info@greenwichbotanicalcenter.org 11:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. American Red Cross Community Blood Drive. Convent of Sacred Heart, 1177 King St. 800-7332767. RedCrossBlood.org 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Exhibition Highlights Tour. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. (Every Tue, 1:30pm & Fri, 12:30pm) 203-869-0376. info@brucemuseum.org. brucemuseum.org 2 - 3:30 p.m. Cybersecurity Risks to Know and Protect Against. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. Register. Adults, young adults. 203-6256560. csherman@greenwichlibrary.org 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Marine Tank Animal Feeding. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. (Every Tue & Friday, 2:30-2:45pm) 203-869-0376. 6:30 p.m. Pathways, Inc: ‘Music & Change’ benefit concert featuring Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Hazel Miller and 10,000 Maniacs. The Capitol Theatre, 149 Westchester Ave., Port Chester. $150. 203-869-5656. sghabour@pways.org. one.bidpal.net/pathways/ ticketing 7 p.m. 2020 BMF Music Competition for the Blind Fundraising Concert. The Greenwich Arts Council, 299 Greenwich Ave. Free admission and reception to follow. BellaMF.org 7 - 8:30 p.m. ‘Spring is Around the Corner’ with GBC Youth Coordinator, Jen Behette. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. Register. $5-$20. 203-8699242. info@greenwichbotanicalcenter.org. greenwichbotanicalcenter.org 7 - 9:30 p.m. Friday Night Roller Skating. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. $12 (includes skate rentals). All ages. 203-3224447. greenwichrollerskating@gmail.com. greenwichrollerskating.webs.com 7 p.m. - 12 a.m. ‘Aprés Ski’ - Arch Street Benefit 2020. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. 203-629-5744. info@ archstreet.org. archstreet.org 8 p.m. St. Catherine’s Players presents ‘Matilda The Musical!’. St. Catherine, 4 Riverside Ave. Also offered on Feb. 29, March 1, 6, 7 and 8 (curtain times: Fri., 8pm; Sat., 7; Sun., 2. $21 in advance, $25 at the door. 203-637-3661 x327. scplayerstickets@gmail.com. stc-sta.org 8 p.m. St. Lawrence Society (SLS) Live Music Night: J & The B-Sides. The Pub in The Club, 86 Valley Rd. No cover. 203-618-9036. stlawrencesociety.com/ events SATURDAY, FEB. 29 8:30 a.m. Talk: ‘The Benefits of Fathers in Their Children’s Lives’ (8:30, breakfast; 9-10, presentation). Greenwich YMCA, 50 East Putnam Ave. Free. RSVP. 203810-5202. sara.brown@liberationprograms.org. liberationprograms.org 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tax Prep with AARP Foundation. Greenwich Library, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. 203-625-6534. ghayes@greenwichlibrary.org 10 a.m. Find Balance Through Ayurveda: An Introduction. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. Members, $20-$35. 203-869-9242. info@greenwichbotanicalcenter.org. greenwichbotanicalcenter.org 10:30 a.m. ‘The Transformative Power of Daily Reminders’. YWCA Greenwich, 259 East Putnam Ave. Free and open to the public. 203-869-6501. ywcagreenwich. org 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Family Fun Saturday: Legos, Games, and Craft. Cos Cob Library - Community Room, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. Ages 3 & up; under 7 must be accompanied by an adult. 203-622-6883. 12 - 12:45 p.m. Greenwich Historical Society Gallery Tours. 47 Strickland Rd. Free with museum admission. No registration necessary. Meet at the information desk in the Museum Lobby. (Every Wed and Sat). 203869-6899. greenwichhistory.org 3 - 4:15 p.m. Tibetan Bells: Sound Healing with Karin Reetz. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. Adults. 203-531-0426.

7 p.m. ‘Music Made for Two’ classical concert: mezzo, baritone, piano. Reception to follow. First Presbyterian Church, 1 West Putnam Ave. Free. 203- 869-8686. robinlynnefrye@gmail.com. robinlynnefrye.com/music-made-for-two.html 8 – 11 p.m. Second Chance for Love High School Dance. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. 203-6295744. info@archstreet.org. archstreet.org SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:30 - 11 a.m. St. Lawrence Society (SLS): Breakfast Buffet. The Club, 86 Valley Rd. Adults, $12; children, $8. RSVP. (1st Sun. of the month). 203-618-9036. trish@ stlawrencesociety.com. stlawrencesociety.com/ events 9 - 11:30 a.m. Friends of Greenwich Point: First Sunday Bird Walks at Greenwich Point Park. Free. info@friendsofgreenwichpoint.org. friendsofgreenwichpoint.org 10 - 11 a.m. Nature Yoga. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. $10. RSVP. Ages 12 & up. All ages, experiences levels, and abilities. 203-900-3349. Caroline.Bailey@audubon.org. greenwich. audubon.org/events 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Family Yoga. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. All ages are welcome. $5, children; $10, adults. RSVP is requested. 203900-3349. Caroline.Bailey@audubon.org 1 p.m. “Night Sky Landscapes” - Photographer Stan Honda shares images of landscapes and astronomical phenomena and discuss how he combines astronomy and photography into artistic statements. Seaside Center, Greenwich Point. Free. 203-4136762. GreenwichStars@gmail.com. astrogreenwich. org 2 - 3 p.m. The Bruce Museum Seaside Center’s Fred Elser First Sunday Science Series: Night Sky Landscapes. Greenwich Point Park. Family activities: 1:30-3:30pm. Free. brucemuseum.org 3 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance: Kids for a Cause Carnival Day. Round Hill Club, 33 Round Hill Rd. Adults, $50; Children, $30. 203- 861-0014. info@ breastcanceralliance.org. breastcanceralliance.org/ events 6 p.m. LGBTQ+ Social Gathering. Family Room at Christ Church Greenwich, 254 East Putnam Ave. Free. All are welcome. 203-869-6600. cmcfadden@christchurchgreenwich.org. christchurchgreenwich.org MONDAY, MARCH 2 Town of Greenwich Parks and Recreation Spring Skateboarding clinics registration. The program is for children 6 to 12 years of age. All children must have their own skateboard and full pads to participate. The cost for the four sessions is $95. 203-496-9876. greenwichct.gov 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Budget Decision – Day 1. Greenwich Town Hall - Meeting Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 9:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga with Helena Svedin. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. Members, $25$35. 203-869-9242. 10:45 a.m. Chair Yoga with Helena Svedin. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. Members, $10-$15. 203-869-9242. 9:30 a.m. Vinyasa based on the principles of Embodyoga. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. Members, $25-$30. 203-869-9242. info@ greenwichbotanicalcenter.org 1:15 p.m. Henry DuPont and the Entire History of the Winterthur Americana Collection. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. $25, guest fee payable at the door. greenwichdecorativearts@gmail.com. greenwichdecorativearts.org 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Children’s Program: Live Owls from A Place Called Hope. Byram Shubert Library – Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. 203-531-0426. 6:30 - 8 p.m. Cristina Young Therapy: The College Send Off Series: ‘Defining The Practical and The Pragmatic’ – Session 2. 45 East Putnam Ave., Suite 102. Register. ​203-769-1655. cyoung@cmytherapy.com. cmytherapy.com/book-an-appt

continued on page 4


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31 E. Putnam Avenue, Cos Cob 203.992.1333 7 p.m. Trinity Networking Group (TNG) - for those currently unemployed, underemployed, facing job uncertainties or looking to make a career change. Trinity Church Ministry Center, 5 River Rd. Free. (1st & 3rd Monday of the month.) willirogers@gmail.com. trinitychurch.life/events TUESDAY, MARCH 3 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Auditorium, 108 Sound Beach Ave. 203-504-4678. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Budget Decision – Day 2. Greenwich Town Hall - Meeting Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Tech Assistance at Byram Shubert Library. Conference Room, 21 Mead Ave. Drop-in program, no reservations are required. Free. Adults, all ages. (First Tue. of the month). 203-531-0426.

5744. info@archstreet.org 6:30 - 8 p.m. Road To College: Essential Steps. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. Register. 203-6227918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary.org 7 p.m. Movie screening: ‘Upstanders’, followed by Q&A. Bow Tie Criterion Cinema, 2 Railroad Ave. Ages 13 & up. Free. 650-868-5208. joanneireed@yahoo. com. eventbrite.com/e/the-upstanderstickets-90976734863 WEDNESDAY, MAR 4 8 - 9 a.m. Tai Chi lessons. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Auditorium, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Drop-ins welcome. $10. Also offered Thursdays, 9-10am. 203-504-4678. fccog.org/fccogcalendar 9 a.m. Whitby Parents Association Speaker Sessions: Dr. Chris Bogart on “Executive Functioning: The ability for children to plan, organize and self-regulate.” Whitby School, 969 Lake Ave. Free

3:30 - 8:30 p.m. Open Studio Time at Andrew’s Studio. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Grades 7th-12th. Free. (Every Tue and Thu). Reserve a time. 203-629-5744. info@archstreet.org. archstreet.org 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Yoga Takeover. Grades 7th-12th. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Free. (Every Tue and Thu). Register. 203-629-

and open to the public. RSVP. 203-3203918. communications@whitbyschool.org. whitbyschool/bogart 9:45 a.m. & 12:45 p.m. The Perfectly Polite Bridge Group Relaxed Duplicate Bridge: 9:45am-12pm; Duplicate Bridge with Conventions, 12:45-2:45pm; Beginners, 3-5. YMCA of Greenwich, 50 E. Putnam Ave. $10, $12, $30, $34. Register. (Every Wed). 203-

524-8032. ppolitebridge@icloud.com 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness - Support Group. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich Lounge, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Free. 860882-0236. epagano@me.com. namict. org/nami-basics-registration 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Celebrating Women Artists Film Series: ‘The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo’, followed by discussion. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. Free to members and visitors with paid admission. Reservations are required. 203-869-0376. brucemuseum.org 11 a.m. Amy Siebert, Director of Public Works, Town of Greenwich: “Greenwich Public Works: What Does the Future Hold?” First Presbyterian Church, 1 W. Putnam Ave. Free and open to the community. info@greenwichrma.org. greenwichrma.org 11 - 11:30 a.m. Storytime - explorations of historical events and figures through storytelling, songs, and movement. Ages 2-5. Greenwich Historical Society, 47 Strickland Rd. Free. (Every Wed). 203869-6899. 12 - 2 p.m. ICC Greenwich: March Chaat & Chew: “Beyond Rice and Naan” with Silu Sao Narvekar, author of “Bite Me” and Health Coach. Hampton Inn, 26 Mill Rd., Stamford. $10pp; $25, seniors. Lunch will be served. iccgreenwich.org 3 - 4 p.m. Avoiding Imposter Scams & Other Frauds. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. Register. Adults. 203-625-6560. csherman@ greenwichlibrary.org 4 - 5 p.m. YA Graphic Novel Book Group (Grades 6-8). Greenwich Library - Health Information Center, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@ greenwichlibrary.org 6 - 8:30 p.m. Greenwich Restaurant Week Opening

Night Party. Tony’s at The J House, 1114 E Putnam Ave. 21 & older. greenwichrestaurantweek.com/openingnight-party 7 p.m. Architectural Review Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Meeting Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 7 - 8:30 p.m. Greenwich Conservation Commission Spring Environmental Series: “Is Greenwich Top of the Garbage Pile in Global Waste Crisis? – Pay-as-you-throw Program Explained.” Central Middle School, 9 Rock Ln. Free and open to all. 203-622-6461. greenwichct.gov/295/ Environmental-Education 7 - 8:30 p.m. Panel: ‘Launching Your Teen Into Adulthood for Parents’. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Free. RSVP. 203-629-5744. info@archstreet.org. archstreet.org 7 - 8:30 p.m. Greenwich Toastmasters Meeting - Leadership & Public Speaking. Greenwich Town Hall, 101 Field Point Rd. Open to the public. (1st, 3rd & 5th Wed of the month). 203-502-7552. toastmasters. org 7 - 9 p.m. Bowman Observatory Public Nights (1st and 3rd Wed of the month, if skies are clear). On the grounds of Julian Curtiss School, 180 E. Elm St. Free. 203-4136762. GreenwichStars@gmail.com. astrogreenwich.org 8 - 9:30 p.m. Byram RTM Meeting. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. 203-531-0426 THURSDAY, MARCH 5 Greenwich Library’s 2020 Peterson Business Award honoring Cliff Asness. Greenwich Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1800 E. Putnam Ave. 203-622-7957. nklein@ greenwichlibrary.org 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Chair Yoga. Cos Cob Library Community Room, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. Adults. 203-622-6883.

3 - 4 p.m. Drop-in Computer Lab - assistance with email, online forms, social media, creating documents and more. Greenwich Library - Health Information Center, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@ greenwichlibrary.org 3 - 5 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Law Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Law Department Conference Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Greenwich Wine Society: Italian Wine Tasting. Polpo Restaurant, 554 Old Post Road #3. $55 in advanced, $60 at the door. greenwichwinesociety.com 7 p.m. Board of Education Meeting - Board PD. Western Middle School, 1 Western Jr. Hwy. michael_antonaccio@greenwich. k12.ct.us. greenwichschools.org 7 p.m. Conservation Commission Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Cone Room, 2nd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-622-6461. greenwichct.gov 7 p.m. Lecture: Celebrating Women’s History Month: Female Architects with Beth Gersh Nesic. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Adults. Free. All are welcome. 203531-0426. 7:30 - 9 p.m. Zen Group - Twining Vines Sangha. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Daniels Center, 108 Sound Beach Ave. twiningvines.org 7:30 p.m. Greenwich Grind Teen Coffee House featuring Open Studio time. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Free. Grades 7th-12th. Free. Every Wednesday. 203629-5744. info@archstreet.org 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Thursday Evening Book Group. Cos Cob Library - Community Room, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. Adults. 203-6226883.

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Judge Not


Feature Column

By Icy Frantz What if we could step back from our life and take a good lo ok f rom b eh i nd a one-way screen (think police lineup and eyew itness). What wou ld we notice? What would we see? A crumb on our shirt collar leftover from breakfast? Five extra pounds around the middle we have been dying to lose? Our shoes that are too old, too pointy and too fashion backward? An awkward moment or an unattractive tic? Or would we notice the lines on our face created by years of smiles and laughter? The warmth of our glow brought on by a quick exchange with a friend? Or the look of satisfaction at the end of the day? Would our observations be kind or harsh? Complimentary or critical? Sometimes the way in which we see ourselves affects the way in which we see and treat others. I would like to think that I am not a judgmental person, but in

truth I am, and it something I need to work on constantly. Personally, I am my own worst critic. You would never know by the look of my messy car, with a slight dent on the exterior, or the way in which I go about the day, most of the time in comfortable sweats and my hair pulled carelessly back in a ponytail, but I can be a bit of a perfectionist. I would notice the crumb on my collar. But perfectionism is more of an inside job. It is that high expectation we have for ourselves that can never be reached. It’s the should have been better, prettier, smarter, thinner. And, it’s a set up for failure. Perfectionism leads to negative self-talk and a harsh and judgmental way in which we view not only ourselves but others. Because the more accepting we are of ourselves, the more accepting we are of others and conversely, the more we judge ourselves, the more we judge others. So, I fight against my perfectionism because I know it skews the way in which I see myself and others. Being judgmental also robs us of so much. We miss the chance to impact others and to be impacted. We miss the gift of connection. We are so busy feeling a false sense of superiority that we lose out on the potential of relationships. We avoid working on and accepting our own flaws and we miss the chance to learn about and understand others. Isn’t it better to nourish each other through difficult times? We need each other. Of course, we make hundreds of decisions every day and we base these on judgment and that is not a bad thing. It keeps us safe

and organizes our world according to our values. For example, we wear a coat when it’s cold out (unless you are my 13-year-old daughter) and we base this on a judgment we make about the weather and the consequence of feeling cold if we forgo the coat. But being judgmental is rushing to a conclusion without reason and without knowing the whole story.

We listened to their stories. We heard about lost jobs and illness a n d h a r d lu c k . We l e t g o o f judgment and allowed ourselves to feel a real human bond. I drove home thinking that any of these people could easily be me. In fact, the learning was so profound that it led me to my current understanding that no matter what the affliction, it could

they had the same initials, implying that it would be a real injustice to his daughter. The teacher, however, took the time to get to know him, to look beyond his disobedience. She didn’t judge him. She tried to understand him. She recognized something in him that may have easily been missed. And what transpired was pretty incredible. Halfway through the year,

Isn’t it better to nourish each other through difficult times? Surprises await. You just never know. Being judgmental is often critical and harsh and based more on a moral and social evaluation rather than fact. Early in my career, I worked as a community service coordinator at a high school. It was in this capacity that I had the opportunity to spend a weekend with a group of teenagers at Y.S.O.P (Youth Service Opportunities Project) in New York City working with the homeless and spending a night in a homeless shelter. I imagine we all went into the weekend with preconceived ideas, judgments t hat we had made a b out t he homeless, but we left feeling very differently. During the weekend, we had the chance to sit with the guests after we had served them and it was through these conversations that our real education occurred.

be me, and that just about any we arrived at the parent-teacher circumstance could be followed by conference with trepidation these eight words: because that was just the way it was with this child - and the But for the Grace of God go I. teacher brought out the most intricate and beautiful picture. Addiction- But for the grace The assig n ment had b e en to of God go I Disease- But for the Grace of God go I create a constellation and our son Struggling children-But for the Grace had created a masterpiece. Today he is studying architecture and I of God go I Poverty-But for the grace of God go I have to believe that his teacher’s Mental Illness- But for the Grace go I ability to work beyond judgment played a hand in his cur rent W h e n o u r s o n w a s i n calling. You just never know. elementary school, he was pretty Our dear friend Wilson Alling disruptive, diff icult and trying gave us the most wonderful gift and it would have been easy to ma ny yea rs ago, a col lection simply write him off, stick him in of obser vat ions, i nspi rat ion, a timeout and attend to the better- ref lections, and quotes that he behaved children. I may have, if I presente d i n a b ook ent it le d had not been his mother. I recall Silence to Light. The book sits on one parent who was concerned my bedside table and I treasure that his daughter’s work might get it, but this story, in particular, is mixed up with our son’s because one of my favorites.

On a stormy night, many years ago, an elderly and disheveled man and his wife entered a hotel lobby. “All the big hotels are full. Could you possibly give us a room here?” The clerk replied “all of the rooms are booked, but I can’t possibly send you back out in the rain in the middle of the night. Take my room.” The next morning while the couple was preparing to leave, the elderly man said to the clerk, “you are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel in the world. Maybe someday I will build one for you." Two years passed and the clerk received a letter from the elderly man and a round trip ticket to New York City. When the clerk arrived in New York, the elderly man led him to the corner of 5th Ave and 34th street and pointed at a great new building that looked like a castle from a fairytale thrusting up into the sky. “That,” said the old man, “is the hotel I have just built for you to manage.” “Who are you?” asked the clerk. “I am William Waldorf-Astor.” The hotel was the original Waldorf Astoria and the young clerk who became his first manager was George C. Boldt. (condensed from the Economic Press) So, let’s throw off the black robe and come down from the bench. It’s not our job. Let’s treat ourselves k indly and in turn be k ind to others too. Let’s support rather than gossip, and try to understand rather than condemn; embrace rather than reject. Connect. Su r pr ises awa it. You just never know.

Plunge for Elodie

Elodie Kubik is three years old, a Riverside resident, and was b or n w it h a ra re , l i fethreatening genetic disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa, also referred to as EB. This disease means that Elodie is missing a critical protein (collagen 7) that helps bind the layers of the skin together, making her skin extremely fragile. Her skin breaks or blisters with everyday contact. There is no cure or treatment for this disease, and many children

with EB do not live to see their 30th birthdays. The only option is to care for her through extensive bandages that are changed daily. “Despite the severe pain, discomfort and challenges from her disease, Elodie remains a happy, well-adjusted little girl.” Elodie’s mother writes on her website, “She inspires us to fight daily to bring her a much needed treatment, and ultimately a cure.” L eading researchers say treatments and a cure for EB are within reach. The EB Research Partnership grew out

of collaboration between the Jackson Gabriel Silver Foundation and Heal EB, two organizations that were founded by families on separate coasts that shared a singular goal: to find a cure for their sons, Jackson Silver and Michael Fullmer, and all others that suffer from EB. The EB Research Partnership is the largest nonprofit dedicated to funding research aimed at treating and ultimately curing Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a group of devastating and lifethreatening genetic skin disorders

that affect children from birth. ​ Though they have made significant progress, they need greater resources in pursuit of a cure. For the first time this year there will be a Plunge For Elodie taking place in Old Greenwich on Sunday, March 8th in addition to plunges in two other new locations in Staten Island, NY and San Francisco, CA. You can show your support by plunging, cheering on the Epidermolysis Bullosa and Plunge p l u n g e r s , o r d o n a t i n g a n d for Elodie. spreading the word a bout Location: Lucas Point Beach

(opposite 3 Tod's Driftway Old Greenwich, CT 06870) Parking: Please park in the Tod's point parking lot and walk north 1/4 mile to Lucas Point Beach. Limited parking will also be available in the Lucas Point boat yard opposite Lucas Point Beach. Schedule: 8:00 Plunge; 8:30 leave to attend event breakfast; 8:45-10:00 breakfast and remarks at Riverside Yacht Club. Visit: EBresearch.org / plunge-for-elodie.html for more information.



By Emma Barhydt

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PUBLISHER Beth@GreenwichSentinel.com Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

Editorial Page

The OHP Blog

Gertrude Johnson Steadwell

A Nostalgic Moment

Nostalgia (noun): a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. More than a few current Greenwich residents may remember the town as it was decades ago, when Greenwich Avenue was a two way street (yes, we have photographic evidence) featuring an F.W. Woolworth “Five-and-Dime” store where you could buy pets and get an ice cream f loat at the lunch counter. When everyone got their children’s back-to-school clothes in the basement floor at Richard’s, where the sales receipts were transported in little hermetically sealed capsules through tubes snaking up the walls and along the ceilings. When police cars had single red or blue lights on their roofs that looked like gumballs, and ambulances were simply converted Cadillacs. Life was in many ways like the TV show “The Wonder Years” and seems so simple now, viewed through the gauzy prism of time. All times have their challenges which are immediate and pressing at the moment. These times are no different. Greenwich has weathered many storms, both physical and political, and yet remains a wonderful place to live. We owe so much to philanthropic visionaries like Robert Moffat Bruce who donated his property to be “a natural history, historical, and art museum for the use and benefit of the public” and who, with his sister Sarah, donated 15 acres of land on Parsonage Road to house the first Greenwich General Hospital. And to Rebecca and Nathaniel Witherell, whose fortune transformed that facility into what we now know as The Nathaniel Witherell home. And to John Kennedy Tod and his wife Marie Howard Potter Tod, whose gift of their property to charity led to the purchase by our town of Greenwich Point, now affectionately known as “Tod’s Point.” We’ve had our fair share of colorful scoundrels as well, including William Magear (“Boss”) Tweed, who founded

We’ve had our fair share of colorful scoundrels as well, including William Magear (“Boss”) Tweed the Americus Club of New York at Indian Harbor and owned two steam powered boats to commute to New York City. (He was also reputed to have diverted trees and other plantings purchased for Central Park to decorate his 40-acre Greenwich estate.). And even been involved in presidential intrigue: in 1893, President Grover Cleveland had surgery to remove a cancerous growth from his jaw; in order to keep the press from finding out, the surgery was performed in Greenwich Harbor aboard the yacht Oneida, owned by Cleveland’s friend Elias Cornelius (“Commodore”) Benedict. Granite from the quarries in Byram were used to build iconic local houses of worship such as St. Mary’s and the Second Congregational Church, and it is said that Greenwich granite was used for the facing of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty and the abutments of the Brooklyn Bridge (the town of Guilford maintains a competing claim). A private suspension bridge in Greenwich harbor designed by John Roebling & Sons, designers of the Brooklyn Bridge, pays silent homage to the primacy of our claim. While much has changed over the years, much has remained the same. Notwithstanding Greenwich’s population growth and vast physical size, it has resisted characterization as a city and instead has steadfastly maintained its small-town appeal. Blessed with fabulous natural advantages such as public beaches and parks, our town is a gem to live and grow families in. While our decidedly New England form of local government can be unwieldly at times (the Representative Town Meeting has 230 members), it somehow has worked well over the many years. And despite multiple attempts at revising the town charter, it appears likely to remain as is for some time to come. The past few years have been difficult for our town and our nation, with public discourse conflating political differences with personal discourtesies. Would that we could look past the recent past and drew lessons from our rich and positive history, coming together as citizens of this wonderful community to address our challenges constructively and collaboratively. As the weather begins to warm, perhaps we can thaw out the chill in our conversations and find more common ground upon which to build the Greenwich we want for our children and our children’s children. We may no longer have the Woolworth Five-and-Dime, but there certainly remain lots of diners and other places at which we can sit down together to share an ice cream float together. And just about everybody likes ice cream!

TOP: The Maypoles of Greenwich, a favorite memory. BELOW RIGHT: Gertrude Johnson Steadwell. Th is week t hat concludes Black History Month, the Greenwich Library Oral History P roject presents a tr i bute to Gertrude Johnson Steadwell, an early advocate for civil rights in Greenwich. Ms. Steadwell was interviewed at the age of 81 in 1990. Her interview is one of a collection of OH P i nte r v iews honor i n g African American residents. Her e i s volu nte er Je a n P. Moore’s blog post based on this interview: Gertrude Johnson Steadwell, born in 1909, says she is happy for the opportunity to tell of the strug gles she encountered in Greenwich as an early activist in the civil rights movement. “It was tough going,” she says, but it was worth it. It was really worth it.” Gertrude Johnson Steadwell, was by nature, a gregarious, open young girl, a joiner. She has warm memories of all the girls in their pretty dresses and the boys all dressed up for the annual Maypole

activities, once a Greenwich schools tradition. She played basketball and field hockey, was interested in art and had her work exhibited and began to show an early talent for design. As involved as she was in high school, she also knew that in athletics she had crossed the color line, being generally the only “woman of color” on her teams. Longing to become a member of the Camp Fire Girls, she was disheartened to learn that she could not. “Because of my color I couldn’t get in. I was really very disgusted about it,” she says. She was determined from that time on to do something about racial discrimination. She seems to have been born with a gene enabling her to recognize injustice when she saw it, igniting in her a desire to work toward change. As an adult she seized the opportunity to make a difference. In the late 1930s, she and her husband, Orville Steadwell, joined The Action Committee on Jobs for Negroes, an

organization that became a part of the Greenwich chapter of the NAACP, of which Gertrude and her husband were founding members. She also formed the Southwestern Connecticut Committee on Fair Employment Practices. Her work led to a bill being passed in the state legislature ensuring fair employment for blacks. “This was the biggest thing I’ve ever done,” she says of this period in her life. In the midst of all her work to enhance workplace opportunities, M s. Ste adwel l fou nd t i me to raise a family of four, to break another color line becoming an interior decorator in Greenwich, being a member of many civic organizations, an active member of her church, and a recognized community leader. Looking back over the years and the changes that have occurred, Ms. Steadwell concludes in her interview that much has changed for the better. She cites improved employment opportunities and

improved choices, much as a result of aff irmative action. Her own children were able to see the fruits of these changes having achieved good educations and jobs. “I’m really glad that I could tell you,” she tells our interviewer. “I figured one day it would come in good. Not for me, for my children, I was thinking.” And “good” for the many others who followed after her, in the path she helped to clear. Gertrude Johnson Steadwell died in Greenwich, August 15, 2007, at the age of 98.


Architectural Review Committee, town tree warden, Department o f P u b l i c Wo rk s , tow n Tr e e Conservancy, Greenwich Green & Clean, Planning & Zoning, and the state of Connecticut, are meeting to try and figure out how to enhance greenspace along the Post Road corridor. Additionally, the Planning & Zoning Commission has planned quarterly meetings, and will report annually to the Representative To w n M e e t i n g o n h o w t h e implementation process is going. Biannually, P&Z will go to the RTM to confirm that the town is still aligned and on track with the POCD. "I think how you add value to a community that already has such tremendous value, is you continue to work together and you have great communication and you continue to work on creating this sense of place," DeLuca said. "I think with this new effort that we're putting forth as starting to work on being the point group on how to get projects planned for and effectuated in town, we're taking baby steps along that path. We have checks and balances in place, and we want to make sure that we're doing right by the community." The entire RMA video can be viewed at greenwichrma.org. For more information on the POCD, go to greenwichct.gov.


original abstracts by New York Artist Rachel MacLeod, large flower arrangements, plush seating, and original fireplaces in the bar, dining room, atrium lounge, and banquet hall complete the new warm and comfortable look. The Townhouse venture began with local developer and Greenwich native James Cabrera, on behalf of the property ownership group. "We knew we had a great location, lots of parking, and a big beautiful building with great bones. We stepped back and took the opportunity to re-assess what the community needed. We knew that if we found the right fit for the community and the right restaurant partners, we couldn't help but have a huge success," Cabrera said. Townhouse is open for lunch throughout the week, featuring lighter fare of salads, sandwiches, and a signature burger. Weekend brunch features a variety eggs dishes, chicken and waffles, and french toast with berries. Townhouse has a large catering and events business and offers a large variety of catering menus which are available and possible for those looking to host any type of event in any of Townhouse's private rooms or banquet hall. For more information, contact Dana Cifone at 203-990-1050 or dc@townhousegreenwich.com

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Generally, the plan is carried out through zoning regulations, and the budget process, as all capital projects that are put forth must be in compliance. But DeLuca said the town is “looking to do something slighly different” with the 2019 plan. “What we’ve heard for many years through outreach is that there’s no planning in planning and zoning; there’s no coordinated approach. Who’s in charge?” she said. As part of the implementation, there are three action items: priority, vision and education. Priority action items, DeLuca said, are things that are tangible -for example, updating lighting or signage regulations in town. Vision items deal with the promotion of events that are going on around town. Education involves perhaps explaining how zoning regulations work to realtors, or working with the historical society to educate people on what the town is doing with historical structures. DeLuca said the town must work together to better coordinate between the various town bodies. DeLuca gave a current example of how a group comprised of members f rom the RTM

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highlight this combination of flavors and styles- fresh tuna flash seared and served with crispy garlic over a soy shallot vinaigrette. Traditionally simple menu items like a roasted chicken entrée are transformed with f lavor when rubbed with a blend of Moroccan spices and served with a coconut carrot purée and balsamic glazed vegetables. For local purists, Townhouse will retain some of the steaks and fresh seafood that were staples of its predecessor. "I'm ver y excited about the versatilit y of ou r menu," Lewandowski added. "We have a great line-up of local purveyors and ingredients, a crew of talented chefs who are blending European, Asian, and American techniques. There are a lot of bold flavors coming out of the kitchen, and I don't think there's anything else quite like it." The space was redesigned by Richard Granoff in collaboration with Cifone, Lewandowski and Nieporent. The formerly dark stained wood, commensurate with hefty steaks and black-tie service, is now light, bright, and colorful- a nod to the new menu. Sleek neutral finishes, bold pops of color provided by gold hardware,

Note: As with all our interview transcripts, the Steadwell transcript may be read at Greenwich Library and is available for purchase at the Oral History Project office. The Oral History Project is sponsored by the Friends of the Greenwich Library.

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Hear Ye, Book Club Members

Feature Column

By Patricia Chadwick Have you ever stu m bled upon a product that was so brilliant or so invaluable you wondered why it took so long to invent? That happened to me recently and I thought I’d share the story. Tara Keiter is a friend with whom I worked on Wall Street more than twenty years ago. As is often the case with office cohorts, we kept in touch through our annual holiday cards, which brought us up to date on the lives of our respective husbands and children. When she and her husband Eric became empty nesters, they moved to central Florida where she could play golf for days on end and could be active in her other favorite past time – reading. Last summer, she reached out to me

after having read my book, Little Sister, and we had more than a few laughs over how I could have kept my past such a secret. But she loved the story and brought it to her book club, which was followed by an invitation to fly to Orlando last month for an evening with her book club members. Ta r a h a s s o m e v e r y s p e c i a l qualities – not only does she epitomize organization, she also laughs easily, and she remembers the most amazing details that matter. For the buffet dinner at the club, she specif ically ordered, among other things, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, because, as she told me, “You always had them when I came to your house.” And right she was – if only I could still indulge in such “not-quite-healthy” foods. The evening went swimmingly – no less than 50 people in attendance – with lots of laughs, wonderful repartee and thoughtful questions. The next day was quiet time for Tara and me, and an opportunity to get caught up and that’s when she told me her discovery. We were discussing her involvement in the book club and then her role as head of it, a couple of years earlier. As she put it, “Being the leader of this large and active book club, I wanted to avoid the ‘Reply-All’ explosion when coordinating via email, or the need to track attendance totals, or

fielding requests for such essentials as ‘What’s the next book?’ and ‘When’s the next meeting?’ So, I searched the internet for a tool and discovered Bookclubz.com, a site that offered one place to coordinate my efforts and consolidate all the necessary information. The ease and functionality of this site has even led to a 30% increase in membership in just 15 months!” This gem of a company is owned and

large book club, and beginning to drown in reply-all emails. “I became our club’s de facto leader, scheduling meetings and tracking books through email,” she recalls. “When our club ballooned to twenty members, our email threads got tangled. People were asking, when’s the next meeting? What book do we read next? As the logistics grew complicated, we met less often,

Five years later, over 8,000 clubs worldwide are using the site to manage their affairs....

run out of Camden, Maine by a bright and energetic woman, Anna Ford, an alumna of both Georgetown University and Harvard Kennedy School. An avid reader, Anna founded the idea for Bookclubz several years ago. Like Tara, she was leading a

attendance went down, our numbers dwindled. Book club was so important to me, I didn’t want to see our club fizzle.” In 2015, in partnership with a friendof-a-friend from her book club, Anna built the f irst version of Bookclubz.com as

an organizational tool for her club. Five years later, over 8,000 clubs worldwide are using the site to manage their affairs – send messages, schedule meetings, track RSVPs, share recommendations, allow members to rate books, poll the membership and even keep a digital library of all the books a club has read. Currently a member of five – that’s right, FIVE – book clubs, each with a different theme, Anna maintains that her involvement with the array of clubs and members is an ongoing source of ideas for new tools and features for Bookclubz, such as a brand new mobile phone app and the opportunity to post pictures. Importantly, book clubs pay no fee for the use of the online tool. The costs are picked up by publishing houses and booksellers, who are the beneficiaries of the book club industry, which provides a platform for promotion and discovery. Authors, small presses and the big five publishers alike are eager to authentically engage and connect with book clubs. Bookclubz, the genius idea of entrepreneur Anna Ford, may be the perfect solution for your book club. Check it out. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. She recently published Little Sister, a memoir about her unusual childhood growing up in a cult. www. patriciachadwick.com

Tim Corvino Takes Over as CEO of ONS March 1 Effective March 1, Tim Corvino, M.D., will begin serving the community at Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists (ONS) as the new Chief Executive Officer. Corvino’s father, Frank Corvino, served as the president of Greenwich Hospital for 23 years before retiring in 2014. A g raduate of Greenw ich Hig h School, Corvino gained a first-hand understanding of the healthcare needs of the region at every level, from a summer job in the Greenwich Hospital cafeteria to serving as an attending Emergency Medicine physician at Stamford Hospital. “Tim Corvino’s experience as an executive, as well as a physician will be a tremendous asset to ONS. As CEO, he will be invaluable in guiding the next chapter in the life of this organization that is centered around growth, while continuing a commitment to providing exceptional patient care,” said Seth R. Miller, M.D., a founding partner of ONS.

Most recently, Corvino served as Chief O p erat i ng O f f icer of Covena nt Physicia n Partners, where he prepared the company for t he sig n i f ica nt g row t h t hat occu r re d during his tenure. Corvino helped to build the infrastructure needed to evolve the company into a physician services organization that now serves 19 states through more than 60 physician partnerships. Prior to Covenant, he served as President, Integrated Acute Care for U.S. Acute Care Solutions, the nation's leading physician-owned provider of integrated acute care services for 6 million patients annually. “ONS’ physician founders have built a leading organization that’s highly successful and known for excellent clinical care, and I am honored to be part of the team,” said Tim Corvino, M.D., CEO of ONS. “As a physician and someone with strong ties to the Greenwich area, I care deeply about the clinical excellence

LEGAL NOTICE If you received a Hepatitis A vaccination, blood test, or immune globulin (“IG”) shot within 14 days of consuming food or drink products prepared at the bartaco restaurant located at 1 Willett Avenue, Port Chester, New York, you could be eligible to share in a Class Action Settlement valued at $125,000. Qualified Class Members must submit claims by APRIL 3, 2020.

A Settlement has been reached in the lawsuit entitled Lajqi, et al., v. Bar Taco Port Chester, LLC d/b/a “bartaco”, (Index No. 68455/2017), pending in the Supreme Court of Westchester County. Visit www.PortChesterHepA.com for complete information.

Who Is Included in the Settlement?

The “Class” includes all persons (a) who were potentially exposed to Hepatitis A virus (“HAV”) as a result of the consumption of food or drink prepared at a restaurant owned by the Defendant Bar Taco Port Chester, LLC, known as “bartaco” restaurant, located at 1 Willett Avenue, Port Chester, New York 13165 (the “Restaurant”), between October 12, 2017, and October 23, 2017 (the “Class Period”), and (b) who obtained a blood test, HAV vaccine, or immune globulin (IG) shot within 14 days after such potential exposure. Persons employed at the Restaurant during the Class Period are excluded from the Class.

What Is This Case About?

Plaintiffs seek to recover damages for the economic loss arising from obtaining a blood test, IG shot, and/or HAV vaccinations (collectively referred to as “Treatment”) in response to alerts from the New York State Department of Health and Westchester County Health Department (collectively “DOH”) concerning potential exposure to HAV at the Restaurant between October 12, 2017, and October 23, 2017.

What Does the Settlement Provide?

Class Members who submit qualified claims will receive as general damages a pro-rata share of the aggregate class fund of $100,000.00 (“General Damages Fund”) not to exceed $100.00 per person. Class Members who did not obtain free Treatment from a DOH facility may also seek reimbursement of documented, out-of-pocket expenses from a Special Damages Fund of $25,000.00. The named Class Plaintiff, Kushtrim Lajqi, will receive an incentive payment of $1,000.00. Further details are available at www.PortChesterHepA.com.

Who Pays the Class Counsel Fees and Costs?

Class Counsel has waived their fees and costs.

How Do I Receive Payment?

To receive payment, you must be a member of the Class and submit a signed claim form by APRIL 3, 2020. If you do not submit a complete, valid, and timely claim form, you will not be entitled to payment. Claim forms and instructions are available at www.PortChesterHepA.com.

What Are Your Rights?

If you do nothing, members of the Class will be bound by the Court’s decisions. If you do not want the benefits of the Settlements and, instead, you want to keep your right to sue the Defendant, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement by writing to the Settlement Administrator at the following address: Exclusions – Bartaco Settlement c/o The Notice Company P.O. Box 455, Hingham, MA 02043

we provide our patients, and I’m excited to be back in the community as ONS charts our next era of growth. I look forward to working with the physicians, employees and community to further enhance the ONS legacy.” Under Corvino’s leadership, ONS will focus on growing its regional footprint and expanding the number of communities served through partnerships with like-minded musculoskeletal physicians, while also upholding the superior quality of care that ONS has always delivered to the community. “ONS has built a legacy of delivering excellent care and exceptional patient experience through a highly personalized approach,” said Mark Camel, M.D., a founding partner of ONS. “Tim understands the truly unique model on which we’ve built our successful practice, as well as the healthcare needs and expectations of our community.”

Siebert on Public Works’ Future

The Retired Men’s Association of Greenwich (R MA) will present Amy Siebert speaking on “Greenwich Public Works: What Does the Future Hold?” on Wednesday, March 4 at 11 a.m. The program is free and open to the community. Siebert, Greenwich’s Commissioner of Public Works, and some of her staff will discuss current and planned activ ities and issues facing her department. T h e C o m m i s s i o n e r o f P u b l i c Wo r k s i s r e sp on si ble for a l l m at te r s i nvolve d i n t he construction, development, and maintenance of the physical properties of the town, except for the design and maintenance of school property. The department also provides technical and engineering services to other town departments and agencies.

Specif ically it handles waste removal, sewers, highway maintenance, (including leaf and snow removal), permits, building inspections, building construction, maintenance, and engineering. S i e b e r t h a s s e r ve d a s C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Greenwich’s Department of Public Works since 2008 and as Deputy Commissioner since 2007, following three and a half years with the Sewer Division. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree from Cornell University and a Master’s of Science and Master’s in Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin. The event w ill take place at the First Presbyterian Church, 1 West Putnam Ave. For additional information, visit greenwichrma.org or contact info@greenwichrma.org

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preventative measures need to be taken for pets. Unvaccinated dogs and puppies are the most susceptible to canine distemper, mak ing vaccination the best cou rse of ac t ion to prevent your pet from getting infected. Distemper is one of four vaccinations that veterinarians recommend to all dog breeds and the vaccine takes as little as

three days to become effective. While distemper is certainly less fatal than rabies, it still has a fatality rate of 50%. If infected, supportive treatment is the only available option, since there is currently no known cure for the disease. In order to protect Greenwich from further illness, the Director of Health has ordered a ban of all dogs from Tod's Point Greenwich Point Park - in the hopes of preventing the disease from spreading to the canine population.

“For now, we’re going to see how things progress with the population and if it continues or not,” said Michael Long, Director of Environmental Services. Officials are also encouraging pet owners to keep their dogs on a leash and avoid wildlife. Since cases of distemper seem localized in Old Greenw ich, unless it continues to spread, no other action will be taken by officials. In the mean time, contact your veterinarian with questions or to talk about the distemper vaccination.

The Court will exclude from the Settlement any Class Member who submits a timely, written request for exclusion which must (a) state your full name and mailing address, (b) be signed and dated, and (c) state that you “Request to be excluded from the Port Chester Bartaco Hepatitis-A Class Action (Index No. 68455/2017) in the State of New York”. To be valid, exclusion requests must be postmarked on or before APRIL 3, 2020. If you do not exclude yourself, you may object to the Settlement or enter an appearance through counsel by filing an objection or notice of appearance with the Court and sending copies to Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel. See the instructions at www.PortChesterHepA.com. The deadline to file objections or a notice of appearance is APRIL 3, 2020.

When Is the Final Hearing?


The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on APRIL 30, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. The Court’s address is: Westchester County Supreme Court, 111 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, White Plains, NY 10601. At the hearing, the Court will consider whether the proposed settlement should be granted final approval as fair, adequate, and reasonable, and in the best interests of the Class as a whole. This date may change so please check the website at www.PortChesterHepA.com. You or your own lawyer may appear and speak at the hearing at your own expense.

How Do I Get Additional Information?

This is only a summary notice of the proposed settlement. You may obtain a detailed notice, the claim form, and other Settlement information by visiting www.PortChesterHepA.com, by calling toll free 1-800-641-6530, or by writing to Bartaco Settlement, c/o The Notice Company, P.O. Box 455, Hingham, MA 02043.


An Animal Control officer last weekend at Tod's Point deals decisively with a raccoon that had been wandering on the beach during the day.

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

On Faith Column

By Edward Horstmann Suddenly there was hope! During the early days of fourth grade I learned that by tak ing trombone lessons it was possible to miss an entire period of math every week. How was this not going to be my best year in school ever? But everything you need to know about my experience with that trombone can be said in a few words. Within one month, I was back in math class and had put my musical career away for good. I decided to take my chances with word problems rather than musical notation. I have heard it said that p e ople who show a n e a rly interest in artistic expression are also likely to exhibit some skill with mathematics. If this is so, I cannot be counted in that

Lee Leonard

With Faith and A Little Math number. Over the years I have filled hundreds if not thousands of sketchbook pages and canvas and sheets of cardboard with collage, landscapes, and abstract figures. But the sight of a mathematical formula can stop me in my tracks. Not long ago, when I was asked to assist a ten-year-old with her math homework , it soon became clear that I was the student and she the teacher. And yet over the years I have grown more and more conscious of the debt we owe to mathematicians whose ingenuity has made it possible for us to build, nav igate, create, compute, and invest. In her book, Hidden Figures: T he A m e r ic a n D r e a m a nd the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race, Margot Lee Shetterly brings to light how those individuals wer e i nd i sp en s a ble to t he development of the American sp ac e pr o g ra m . K at he r i ne Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, M a r y J a c k s o n , a n d D r. Christine Darden all received the Congressional Medal of Honor for their work at Langley Research Center in Hampton,

Virginia. Shetterly says that g u ide for n av ig at i n g d a i ly numbers was not accidental. “they turned their desks into a life: “Add peace where there’s Their presence and precision were an important part of the narrative that drew men and women to the healing power of So on our Lenten journey, let’s join forces Jesus alive and at large in the with all those who have gone before us, world, both before and after his death. who are rooting for us to add peace, As the season of Lent subtract violence, divide hate, and multiply unfolds we can continue love. Lord, I want to be in that number. to work a little mag ic w ith n u m b e r s i n o r d e r t o g i ve greater meaning to our faith. trigonometric war room, poring none, subtract violence when Nothing too fancy, just some over equations, scrawling ideas you see it, multiply love when simple subtraction and addition on black boards, evaluating you can, and divide hate when that can have a multiplier effect their work, erasing it, starting you must.” for the good. In fact, subtraction over.” Their abilities advanced W h i l e t h e s t o r i e s o f may prove to be a particularly the space program in the early the gospels do not conta i n valuable practice as we seek days of NASA and inspired r e f e r e n c e s t o c o m p l e x to live on planet earth in ways conf idence in the astronauts mathematical formulas, it is that are sustainable for our whose lives depended on the clear that for those who wrote ge ne rat ion a nd t ho s e who accuracy of their calculations. those stories, and most likely come after us. By subtracting The kind of mathematics for Jesus himself, numbers our carbon consumption, our practiced by Katherine Johnson mattered. Before the launching r el ia nce on m ater ia l s t hat a n d h e r c o l l e a g u e s w i l l of his public ministry Jesus cannot be recycled, and any always be out of reach for my w ithdrew for for t y days in sense of discouragement about understanding. Yet math does a desert retreat, eventually the f uture, we can become not have to be complicated in called twelve disciples, on one ambassadors of hope. order to be useful for human occasion multiplied a few loaves As we become familiar with faith and f lourishing. Colman and fish to feed five thousand the joys of subtraction, we can McCarthy, a former journalist people, and was buried for explore the benefits of addition. who is an advocate for peace three days in a tomb before an The forty days of Lent give studies at every level of the upsurge of resurrection power us enough time to build some educational journey, developed released him into life beyond new and healthful behaviors t h is for mu la as a p or t a ble life. The inclusion of these into our routines that can be

good for our world and us. We can add a tiny habit like thirty seconds of silence every day at a set time in order to be mindful of God’s life intertwined with our own. If we already support an organization that is a force for good, how about adding an unexpected contribution to their work as a Lenten gift? What about adding some new music to the familiar playlists, just to spice things up a bit and refresh our souls. After all, even though I subtracted playing the trombone from my life, I eventually added a great appreciation for jazz to my love for music. Brass instruments nourish my soul. So on our Lenten journey, let’s join forces with all those who have gone before us, who are rooting for us to add peace, subtract violence, divide hate, and multiply love. Lord, I want to be in that number.

brother-in-law of Thomas and Jean DeGrippo and Thomas and Nancy Troy. To honor Lee’s life, family a nd f r iends w i l l gat her on Friday, Feb. 28 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Hom e , 1 3 4 H a m i lton Ave ., Greenwich. A Funeral Mass will be held Saturday, Feb. 29 at 10 a.m. at St. Roch’s Church followed by entombment at St. Mary’s Cemetery.

home with her. Audrey is survived by her four children and their spouses: Stephen Fox (Kim); David Fox (Patty) and daughters Eileen Fox a nd Sh a r on Fox . A l s o surviving Audrey are her four grandchildren: Kim Lee Wholey ( Jeff ); Daniel Fox (Brooke); Meghan Fox and Kyle Weiman (Rachel). She also leaves behind th ree g reat-g ra ndch i ld ren; Di l lon, L oga n, a nd Con nor Wholey. Audrey loved all her grandchildren and g r e a t- g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d would never pass up the opportunity to f ill you in on all their accomplishments and milestones with pride. There will be a graveside service on Saturday, Feb. 29 at 10:30 a.m., at St. Mar y's C e m e t e r y, N o r t h S t r e e t , Greenwich. In lieu of f lowers, contributions may be made to: Paws Crossed Animal Rescue, 100 Warehouse Lane, Elmsford, NY 10523

Susan Clarkson

not your face." Apart from her personal successes, Marie cared most about her family, especially her grandchildren – she kept many secrets. Later in life, she and her husband, John relocated to Naples, FL where they enjoyed a long retirement. After her husband's death in 2015, Marie returned to CT to be with her family. She enjoyed her time at an independent living facility, The Mews, in Greenwich, where she celebrated her 90th birthday. There was a funeral procession on Tuesday, Feb. 25 in West Haven. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Anthony's Church. Internment followed in All Saints Cemetery. Calling hours were Feb. 25. In lieu of flowers, Memorial Contributions may be made to The Mews: themewsingreenwich.org or The Mews, ½ Bolling Place, Greenwich, CT 06830.


Carolyn (Audrey) Fox Lee E. Leonard, passed away suddenly on Feb. 24 at age 63. He was born Nov. 9, 1956, in Port Chester to Leon and Rose Leonard. Lee worked for many years as a maintenance technician for the Town of Greenwich. A man of incredible physical strength, Lee enjoyed fitness and working out. He loved to ride his 3-wheel moped and also his trips to Grass Island. He was an avid fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. Lee is the beloved husband of Barbara Leonard, the che r i she d f at he r of M a r yLeigh Weidmann (Frank), and devoted grandfather of “Finn” Weidmann. He is the loving brother of Gaye Simon (Mike) and Valerie Salito (Dave) and

Carolyn (Audrey) Fox passed away on Feb. 7, just days before her 92nd birthday with her loving family by her side. Audrey was born on Feb. 19, 1928 and raised in Greenwich. A graduate of Greenwich High S cho ol, she worke d at t he Putnam Trust Bank and U.S. Tobacco Company. However, her primary calling was being a wife and mother to her four children, raising them in Riverside. Audrey took special pride in her independence. She lived by herself and had an active life, even driving, until very recently. Ever since moving to Bel Air, MD, she found her passion for taking care of shelter animals. She was truly for the underdog a nd gave ma ny of t he le ss adoptable animals a wonderful

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Vivian Magee

Vivian A. Magee, a lifetime resident of Greenwich passed away peacefully on Feb. 21, 2020 at the age of 94 surrounded by her loving family. Vivian was born Dec. 9, 1925 to the late William and Marion Dalto. Vivian was predeceased by her loving husband Frank J. Magee; her parents, her brother William V. Dalto Jr. (Dora) and is survived by her sister Janeth Esposito (Domenick), her sister Marion Chila (d.Raymond). She is also survived by 6 nieces and a nephew along with several great-nieces and nephews. Vivian was a graduate of Greenwich High School. She worked at the Greenwich YMCA serving as the membership director for many years until her retirement. After retirement, she enjoyed spending her time vacationing with her family and attending large family events, she also spent time at River House, meeting and making many new friends. Visitation took place on Monday, Feb. 24 at Castiglione Funeral Home, Greenwich. A Mass was held Tuesday, Feb. 25 at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Riverside. A burial followed at St. Mary's Cemetery in Port Chester, NY.

Susan Clarkson of Old Greenwich, CT passed away on Feb. 12 in St. Augustine, Fla. The funeral service will be held at Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Susan was born in Mineola, NY to Laurence and Bernice Sherwood on Dec. 28, 1948. She attended high school at Greenwich High School in CT. Susan graduated from Wells College in 1970 and received a graduate degree from Syracuse University in 1971. She worked in sales for Xerox and Digital Equipment in the Bay Area during the 1980s. Most signif icantly, Susan was the lifeforce and glue for her family. She showered her spouse and children with abundant love – whether or not they made it easy. And she never hesitated to share her warmth with friends. Her love and devotion were a blessing to all she encountered. Su s a n w a s pr e c e de d i n death by her father Laurence Sherwood and mother Bernice Sherwood. Susan is survived by her husband Ted, her son Tyler, her daughter Cami, her daughterin-law Kristin, and her sister Carolyn Flemming. In lieu of f lowers, the Clark sons k indly request donations in Susan's honor be made to the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Frank Calabrese, Sr.

Frank V. Calabrese, Sr., a lifetime resident of Greenwich passed away peacef ully on Feb. 21 at the age of 87. Frank was born April 12, 1932 to the late Serif ina and Vincenzo Calabrese. Fra n k leaves to cher ish his memory his son Frank V. Calabrese, Jr. of Rhinebeck, NY; three grandsons, Christopher Ca la br e s e ( D ebi), M ich ael Walley, and Jef frey Walley;

s i x g r e a t- g r a n d c h i l d r e n ; many adopted grandchildren and g reat-g randchildren of Rhinebeck, NY; his two brothers Joseph and Mario Calabrese; and his extended family and friends. Fra n k was predeceased by his loving w ife Marie P. Calabrese (Pioli); his daughter Sharon Walley and, her husband James Walley of Tucson, AZ; his brother Patrick Calabrese, his sister Grace Alessi; and h is daug hter-i n-law Ly nda Calabrese of Rhinebeck, NY. Frank was the Service Manager of the former Putnam Motors Ch r ysler-Ply mouth dealership in Greenwich for 28 years. He later worked at Pitney Bowes until his retirement. Frank was a long-time member of St. Roch Parish in Greenwich, where he served on the parish council and did volunteer work. Visitation took place Tuesday, Feb. 25 at Castiglione Funeral Home, Greenwich, CT. A Mass was held at St. Roch Church followed by burial at St. Mary's Cemetery in Greenwich.

Th e Re v. D r. E d w a r d G . Horstmann is the Senior Minister a t Rou n d Hi l l C om m u n it y Church, 395 Round Hill Road.

Paul Horch, Jr.

Marie Cuticelli

Pau l ( Ji m my) A . Hor ch Jr., 88, of Floral City, FL and Greenwich, CT, passed away Jan. 19 at his residence in Floral City. He was born in Mt. Vernon, NY on Dec. 9, 1931 to the late Paul A. Horch and Violet (Favre) Horch. Paul served our country honorably in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He was a mechanic for the town of Greenwich for many years and retired in 1992. He moved to Floral City, FL with his late wife, Edith (Morrell) in 1999. Jimmy was a member of the Cost Guard in both CT and FL. He loved boats, Square Dancing, camping, tinkering with anything mechanical and spending time with his family and friends. He is sur v ived by his ch i ld r e n , C h r i s t i a n Hor ch (Lisa), Tiffany Chila (Steven), Heather Chila (Patrick) and Hillary Clifford (Steven), sisterin-law Pamela Merritt (Robert), 8 g ra ndch i ld ren a nd ma ny nieces and nephews. Paul was predeceased by his wife Edith in 2017, and his first born son Christopher in 1959. A g raveside memorial service was held Saturday, Feb. 22 at Putnam Cemetery.

M a r ie V i r g i n ia B one s si Cuticelli, 93, of Greenwich, CT passed peacefully on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at The Nathaniel Witherell in Greenwich, CT. She was born on March 31, 1926 in New Haven, to the late Joseph Sylvester Bonessi and Elvira "Vera" Bonessi. Ma r ie was pre de ce ase d by her husband of 67 years, John Joseph Cuticelli and her brothers, George and Joseph Bonessi. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, John J. and Elizabeth Cuticelli, Jr. of Naples, FL, five grandchildren: Elena (Christopher) Cuticelli Garrett of Toano, VA, Lauren (Michael) Cuticelli Patton of Greenwich, Jonathan (Erica) Cuticelli of New York, NY, Ryan Cuticelli of New York, NY and Luke Cuticelli of Naples, FL and five great-grandchildren: Ava and Lucy Garrett, Molly and Tristan Patton and Hazel Cuticelli. Marie spent most of her life in the greater New Haven area. She graduated from Hillhouse High School. In addition Obituaries, which are to work i ng i n her fa m i ly's restaurant, Knotted Gables, she free in the Sentinel, may owned and operated her own be submitted to Editor@ beauty salon. Her signature line GreenwichSentinel.com. was, "I can fix your hair, but

On Faith Feature

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel | February 28, 2020

This Lent, Feast and Fast

By Marek Zabriskie O n We d n e s d a y, C h r i s t i a n s began their observance of Lent, a religious season that lasts forty days f rom Ash Wednesday until Palm Sunday, excluding Sundays. This religious season is based on the forty days that Jesus spent fasting and praying in the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil. Jesus’ ministry did not begin until he had spent time in the wilderness. The wilderness prepares us for ministry. We read in the Bible that Jesus was baptized by his cousin, John the Baptist. Then the Spirit drove him into the wilderness, where he had a significant time for spiritual exercise and ref lection. Fasting and prayer strengthen our Spirit and clarify our spiritual vision. The word “Lent” comes from an Old English word that means “spring season.” Ma ny of us do a spr ing cleaning of our homes or watch our favor ite baseba l l tea m i n spr i ng training. Lent offers a spring cleaning and training for our soul. Yo u d o n’t h ave to b e R o m a n

Catholic or Episcopalian or part of a Christian church that observes Lent to make your own journey through this season. Lent can be for everyone. It is, quite simply, a time to focus on how to be a better follower of Jesus. For centuries, it has been common to give up something for Lent. The famous “Butter Tower” of the cathedral in Rouen, France, was built by citizens who gave up butter every Lent and contributed the money that they saved to help build the cathedral tower. In this consumer culture where we are awash with plenty, it’s good to give up something to draw us closer to God, whose spiritual ways are ways of simplicity and joy. It is also good to take on something for Lent that draws us closer to God. Think of these as ways to fast and feast. Here are a few suggestions. Consider choosing one of these for the forty days of Lent: Feast on Worship and Fast on Frenzy Honor the Sabbath and attend church each Sunday, even when you are out of town. Rest a full day, turn off electronics, read, walk, nap, cook and savor time with friends, family and God. You will wonder why you aren’t doing this every Sunday. Feast on The Good News and Fast on Negative News Choose one of the four gospels and read a chapter to a portion of it prayerfully each day. Give up following whatever news sources you follow. You will become more grounded, less fearful and more hopeful than ever.

Feast on Prayer and Feast on Simplicity and Fast on Television Fast on Clutter Set aside ten to f ifteen minutes Simplify your life and your home each day to pray. There are many ways by collecting one item per day, putting to go about this – walking, sitting in them in a container and giving it to silence, meditating or read from a book Neighbor to Neighbor or Good Will. of prayers. Give up television. God will Feast on Fasting and

You don’t have to be Roman Catholic or Episcopalian or part of a Christian church that observes Lent to make your own journey through this season. Lent can be for everyone. be much more real to you come Easter. Feast on Gratitude and Fast on Taking God’s Gifts for Granted Say grace together as a family each night before dinner. It will help you savor each meal and add peace, su bsta nce a nd g ratitude to you r meal. Write down three things each night that you are grateful for having experienced during the day. Your outlook on life will be transformed.

Fast on Satiating Yourself Give up one meal each day and eat lightly at other meals. Give up dessert. Do it for spiritual reasons, not as a diet. You will be rewarded by greater clarity in prayer and ability to sense God’s presence and hear God’s voice as well as weight loss and a feeling of being happier and healthier.

Feast on Perrier and Fast on Alcohol If you cannot give up alcohol for Feast on Generosity and Lent, you should give it up for life. A Fast on The Fear of Scarcity steady diet of drinks can destroy our Give alms. Carry around lots of $1 bodies, relationships and ability to bills and distribute them to those in function. need or make a special contribution Feast on Affirmation and Fast on to the church to care for the poor. Criticism and Complaining Consider tithing (giving 10% of what Just to live in Greenwich is to live you would earn during Lent to your in the top one percent of the world. So, church or a worthy cause). Good why complain? Curb negativity. Push things will happen in your life that you yourself to express affirmation and never expected.

positivity and see how it transforms those around you. Feast on Phone Calls and Fast on Electronic Communications Limit the time that you spend communicating electronically each day. Reduce how many emails and texts you send. Have more face to face conversations and phone calls. Let people hear your beautiful voice. Feast on Savings and Fast on Luxuries Stop ordering from catalogues and shopping. More than half of the 1.2 billion people in India live on less than $2 a day. Add up your savings and contribute it to your church or the charity of your choice. Feast on Letter Writing and Notes and Fast From Social Media Stop posting and instead call, send a car or write a letter each day to a friend or family member. Surprise those you love with a heartfelt, oldfashioned message. Come Easter, you w i l l have r e su r r e c te d for t y relationships. Feast on Conservation and Fast on Carbon Participate in a carbon fast. Take for t y small steps to reduce your environmental footprint by reducing ener g y, w ater u s age , w a ste a nd travel. To learn more, visit https:// anglicanfocus.org.au /2019/02/22/ carbon-fast-and-prayer-for-lent/ May God bless you during this season of spi r itua l clea n i ng a nd training. The Rev. Marek Zabriskie, is the Rector of Christ Church.

Dr. Deborah McCauley Visits RHCC As part of the Round Hill Community Church (RHCC) Green Church Initiative, is holding a presentation and conversat ion w it h w i ld l i fe ve te r i n a r i a n , D r. D e b ora h M c C a u l e y, f o u n d e r o f t h e Ve t e r i n a r y I n i t i a t i v e f o r Endangered Wildlife (VIEW). Dr. McCau ley w i l l be at R HCC on Su nday, Ma rch 8 at 4:00 p.m. addressing the impact of the enviroment on endangered animals in her talk, Saving Animals—Saving Our Planet. D r. M c C a u l e y r e c e i v e d her train ing at the Roya l Veterinary College in London. A s a w i ld l i fe vete r i n a r ia n she has been involved with wildlife disease surveillance, capture and immobilization, f ield surgery, research, and disease prevention. Through her work , she rea lized the need to focus on w ildlife health and subsequently founded VIEW, which offers

workshops and training for local wildlife veterinarians to ensure healthy local wildlife and build sustainable wildlife

health initiatives that can be replicated globally. VIEW is the only conservation organization focused solely on the urgent

National Park, and the Rajaji Tiger Reserves in India. In the past year, RHCC has taken steps in an initiative to "become a faithful steward of this planet." RHCC reports that it has dedicated itself to education and positive, hopeful action on behalf of the earth. In S e p t e m b e r o f l a s t y e a r, R HCC r e c eive d it s L evel 1 Green Certif ication from the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network, a Connecticut, faithbased, env ironmental nonprofit. RHCC is the first church i n G r e e nw ich to e a r n t h i s designation and is work ing toward achieving Level 2. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n about the event, please contact the RHCC off ice at 203-8691091 or via email at church@ roundhillcommunitychurch.org. need to address health threats Dr. McCauley’s work has Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n as part of a comprehensive taken her around the world, a b o ut V I E W, p l e a s e v i s i t s t r a t e g y f o r p r o t e c t i n g including to Chitwan National viewwildlife.org. endangered wildlife. Park in Nepal, Yellowstone

Patty's Portico Annual Sale Coming Up

Growing up, Patty DeFelice wanted to teach and eventually earned her MAT in Education. Her plans, though, detoured when her father had a heart attack in the early 70s. Needing someone on the phones at his West Putnam Avenue bodyshop, DeFelice answered the call and never left. “It was a long phone call,” she jokes. Now, Patty is celebrating what appears to be an early spring with a big sale. “When you have positive energy, it comes back to you,” DeFelice assured. Her PRE-SPRING BLOW-OUT WAREHOUSE SALE lets you choose from a collection of vintage and high end outdoor/patio furniture. Most have been professionally restored in a powder coated finish. Name brands include: Brown Jordan, Woodard, Tropitone, Salterini, Winston and more. Chaise lounges for the pool, wrought Iron - aluminum, sling fabrics, strapping, and her list goes on and on. Visit PattysPortico.com for more information or call 914-935-8839 or email Patty at PattysPortico@gmail. com.

Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel

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Worship Services & Events


Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 www.htchurch.com

Mass: Mon-Fri: 7:45am, 9am; Sat 9am, Vigil Mass 5pm; Sun: 7, 9, 10:30am, 12, 5pm. Bible Study: Thu 7pm. Adoration: Wed 9:30am8pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed 7-8pm & Sat 4:15-4:45pm. Youth Group: March 1, 6-7:30pm. Walking with Purpose – ‘Can God Really Change Me or is that Wishful Thinking?’: March 3, 9:30-11:30am. Adoration: March 4, 9:30am-8pm.

Service: Sun 9 & 11am; Wed 7pm - Family Life Night. Spanish: Thur & Sat 7:30pm; Sun 4pm. Sunday School, 10:30-11:15am. Service - Stamford campus, Sun 10am, Palace Theatre, 61 Atlantic St. Every Wed, from Jan. St. Timothy Chapel 10-March 28: The Alpha Course, 7-8:30pm. 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Connie’s Circle - Every Sat., 10am-1pm. Worship Practice: Feb. 29, 7-8:30pm (Last Mass: Sat 4pm; Sun: 9:30 & 11am. Sat. of the month). Discovery Track – new St. Paul Church session begins: March 1, 9:30-10:30am. 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 BAPTIST www.stpaulgreenwich.org First Baptist Church Mass: Vigil Sat: 4pm; Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 11:30am; Mon to Thurs 9am. Holy Day www.firstbaptistgreenwich.com schedule: Vigil: 5:30pm Holy Day: 9am and Sun: Service 11am, School 10am. Bible 12:15pm. First Friday Mass & Benediction: 9am. St. Paul Volunteers in Action, Fri Study: Wed 7:30pm. mornings, office@stpaulgreenwich.org or Greenwich Baptist Church 203-531-8741. Sacrament of Reconciliation 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Sat 3-3:45pm or by appointment. www.greenwichbaptist.org Bereavement Group: March 5, 5:30-7pm. Sun: Prayer in chapel 9:15-9:30am; Bible First Friday Mass & Benediction: March 6, Study, 9:30am; Worship 11am. Wed: 9-10am. Prayer & Bible Study 7-8:15pm. Every first St. Roch Church Sat. of the month: Men’s Bible Study and 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Breakfast, 8-9:30am. www.strochchurch.com CATHOLIC Mass: Mon, Tue, Frid: 7:30pm; Sat 4pm, Sacred Heart Church Vigil Mass 4pm; Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Social Hour (immediately after 9:30 Mass). Mass: Mon-Fri 7am, Sat 4 & 5:30pm, Sun: Confession: Sat 3-3:45pm. Prayer Group 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am Confessions: Sat 3:30 & (Spanish): Fri 8pm. 5pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE St. Catherine & St. Agnes First Church of Christ, Scientist St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 www.christiansciencect.org/greenwich www.stc-sta.org Service and Sunday School: 10:30am. Wed. Worship: Sat: St. Catherine (Church) 5pm Service: 7:30pm. Childcare. (Vigil) Celebrated with organ and cantor. COMMUNITY Sun: St. Catherine (Church) 7:30, 9, 10:30am ßFirst Church of Round Hill and 5pm; St. Agnes: 8:30 and 10am. Daily 464 Round Hill Rd.; Mass: St. Catherine (Chapel) Mon through 203-629-3876 Fri: 7am and 5:15pm. Holy Day: St. Catherine www.firstchurchofroundhill.com (Church) Eve: 5:15pm (Vigil); Day: 7am, 12:10 and 5:15pm. Masses in other Languages: Service: Sundays 10am Holy Communion: St. Catherine (Chapel)September to June: first Sun every month. French Mass 2nd Sun, 11am; Italian Mass, Round Hill Community Church 3rd Sun, 11am; Spanish Mass 4th Sun, 11am. 395 Round Hill Rd.; Year-round: Korean Mass Every Sun, 5pm. 203-869-1091 Reconciliation - Sacrament of Penance: www.roundhillcommunitychurch.org St. Catherine (Sacristy) Sat: 3-4pm or by appt at St. Catherine or St. Agnes. New Service & Church School: Sun 10am Bible Study Series: “Second Corinthians”, (childcare available) followed by Coffee through March 24, Mon.: 7:30-9pm & Tue: Hour; Summer Meditation Schedule: 10-11:30am ($30 materials fee). Stations of Thurs, 6:30pm. Green Screen Movie & Talk Cross: Feb. 28, 7:30-8:30pm. SCP-‘Matilda’: Series: Feb. 28, 7-9pm. March 1: Bible Study Feb. 28, 8pm; Feb. 29, 7pm. March 1: Family - ‘The Gospel of Matthew’, 11:30am; The Program, 10-11:30am; SCP-‘Matilda’, 2pm. Gathering: Church Potluck Supper, 5pm, all March 6: Adoration of Blessed Sacrament, are welcome. 5:35-6:35pm; Stations of Cross, 7:30CONGREGATIONAL 8:30pm. SCP-‘Matilda’: March 6, 8pm; The First Congregational Church March 7, 7pm; March 8, 2pm. 108 Sound Beach Ave; St. Mary Church 203-637-1791 178 Greenwich Ave.; www.fccog.org 203-869-9393 Regular Worship and Church School: Sun www.stmarygreenwich.org 10am in Meetinghouse. Caregivers Support Mass: Mon-Fri 7am & 12:05pm; Sat 8am; Group, 1st Sun 11:15am-12pm. Hats Off Sun 7, 9, 10:30am, 12:15 and 5:15pm Sat Book Discussion Group, Thu 10-11:30am. Vigils: 4 and 7:30pm (Spanish). Confession: Free Lent Lunchtime Recitals: Feb. 27: Dr. Sat 2:45-3:45. Adoration of the Blessed Craig Scott Symons, 12:15-12:45pm. Faith Sacrament Mon 11am-12pm. Walking With Formation Meeting 2019-2020: March 3, Purpose, Tue 9:30am. Choir Rehearsals, 7-9pm. Lenten Dinner#2: March 4, 6-8pm. Thu: Children 5:30-6pm, Youth 6-7, Adults Free Lent Lunchtime Recitals: March 5: 7:30-9:15. Stations of the Cross: Feb. 28, Jonathan Vaughn, 12:15-12:45pm. 7pm. Social Concerns Meeting: March 2, North Greenwich Congregational 7-8pm. Lenten Fish & Chips Supper: 606 Riversville Rd.; March 6 & March 13, 5:45pm, $7. Stations of 203-869-7763 the Cross: March 6, 7pm. www.northgreenwichchurch.org St. Michael the Archangel Service: Sun 10:30am. Communion: first 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Sunday of month. www.stmichaelgreenwich.com

Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 www.2cc.org

Feb. 28, 7:15pm. Feb. 29: Learner’s Minyan, 9-10am; SMNS Snow Ball, 7:30pm. Family Bingo: March 1, 11:30am. PJ Shabbat: Family-friendly Evensong Service, Sat 5pm. March 6, 5:30pm. BBYO Regional Beau/ Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30am. 2CC Sweetheart Dance: March 7, 8-11pm. Greenwich Moms’ Group: March 3, 9:30am. LUTHERAN Youth Choir Spring Concert (Free): March First Lutheran Church 14, 3pm. All are welcome. 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 www.churchoftheadvent.org

Service: Sun 10:30am followed by coffee and fellowship. Education, ages 3.5 & up, Wed 2:30-5:15pm at St. Paul Lutheran. Christianity: The Core Beliefs - an Service: Sun 9am Holy Eucharist. Sunday introductory class on the core beliefs of the Christian faith as found in the Bible: School during academic year. Mondays, 7-8:30pm, through April 13, 203Christ Church Greenwich 962-8700 or escamman@gmail.com to 254 E. Putnam Ave.; register. 203-869-6600 St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran www.christchurchgreenwich.org 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Sunday Worship: Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, 8am (Chapel), 9 & 11am (Church); Compline Service: Sun 9am, Bible Study 10:30. & Commuion, 5pm. Sunday Educational METHODIST Offerings: Exploration Series, Youth Diamond Hill United Methodist Formation & Church School, 10:10am. Tue: 521 E. Putnam Ave.; Holy Eucharist, 10am. Family Matters: 203-869-2395 supports Christ Church parents and www.diamondhillumc.com grandparents in helping them find ageappropriate ways for them to talk to their Worship & Sunday School, 10am. children, Sundays, 10:10am, Bookstore First United Methodist Church Mezzanine. TBC: Parish Lenten Retreat: 59 E. Putnam Ave.; Feb. 29, 9am. LGBTQ+ Wine and Cheese 203-629-9584 Social: March 1, 6-7pm, cmcfadden@ www.fumcgreenwich.com christchurchgreenwich.org. Faith on Sunday Service: 9:30am; Korean, 11:30am. Fire: March 6, 7:10 & 10am, jtredinnick@ Sunday School: 11:30am (English/Korean). christchurchgreenwich.org Bethel African Methodist Episcopal St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Service: Sun 11am Bible Study: Wed. 6pm. www.stbarnabasgreenwich.org Sun: Holy Eucharist Rite I 8am, Holy Eucharist Rite II, 10am; Worship, Church School & Nursery 10am. Serve dinner at Pacific House, fourth Tue of the month, 5:30pm.. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 www.stpaulsriverside.org Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 8am; Christian Education Formation (Sunday School), 10; Holy Eucharist, 10:15; Coffee Hour, 11:30. “Candlelight Nights” - candlelight service of prayer with Holy Communion, 7pm, followed by a simple supper and discussions, Thursdays in Lent, through April 2, eric.fialho@stpaulsriverside. org. St. Paul’s and Troopers Light Opera present a Pirates of Penzance “sing-along”: Feb. 29, 4pm, admission is free with schores available for $5 at the door. Mission Conference 2020 – keynote speaker The Rev. Michael Walrond: March 7, 8:30am3pm. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 www.saintsaviours.org Sun: Rite I Eucharistic Service, 8am. Rite II Eucharistic Service, 10am. School and childcare offered during 10am service. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 www.chabadgreenwich.org Shabbat Prayer, Study and Kiddush, Chassidic Philosophy: 8:45am, Sat 9:30am; Torah reading and discussions 10:30am; Youth Services 11am. Women’s Torah Study Group, Wed 9:30am. Mommy & Me: Musical Shabbat Tue & Fri, 9:15-10:15am, during summer: 12:30pm. Through Dec. 22: Mommy & Me Fall Session (0-24 months), 9:20am, register. Congregation Shir Ami One W. Putnam Ave; 203-274-5376 www.congregationshirami.org Shir Ami Religious grades K-6, Tues, 4-6pm, B’nai Mitzvah Classes; Shabbat Services two Fridays a month. Shabbat Service and Oneg: Feb. 28, 7:30-9:30pm, First Presbyterian Church. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 www.grs.org









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NONDENOMINATIONAL Dingletown Community Church 376 Stanwich Rd.; 203-629-5923 www.dingletownchurch.org Service & Sunday School: Sundays 10:30am followed by coffee hour. Holy Communion: first Sun of each month. Sunday School, 11am. Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) www.myrevive.org Service: Sunday 10am. Childcare and children’s ministry available. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 www.stanwichchurch.org Sunday Services: Greenwich location (202 Taconic Rd.), 9 & 10:45am (June 9-Sept 2, 10am only); Stamford location (579 Pacific St.), 6pm. Lent & Holy Week Events: beginning Feb. 26-Easter Sunday, April 12. Student Winter Weekend: Feb. 28-March 1, CAMP-of-the-WOODS, 106 Downey Rd, Speculator, NY. S. Norwalk Meals for BRM: Feb. 28, 5:30-7:30pm. Elder Prayer Available: March 1, at each campus. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 www.albertsonchurch.org Worship Sun: 11-12:30pm. Wednesdays: Spirit speaks-beginner psychic & mediumship development, 7-9pm, $20 per class. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 www.trinitychurch.life Worship: Sun 10am, Greenwich Hyatt Regency, 1800 E. Putnam Ave. Middle School Winter Weekend: Feb. 28-March 1, register. Pledge Sunday: March 8. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 www.fpcg.org Worship Sun: 10am with childcare, Chapel, 5pm (new); Children’s Mini-Chapel 10:15am. Food for the Table 2nd Thurs 3-5pm; Shelter for the Homeless 2nd Thurs 5:307pm. Music Made for Two: A Recital with Robin Lynne Frye & Bob Mobsby: Feb. 29, 7-9pm, free. FPCG Academy - Rev. Chuck Cary: March 1, 11:30am-12:30pm. March 4: Wednesdays In Lent Supper, 6-7pm; Wednesdays In Lent Service, 7-8pm.

Shabbat services, Fri 7pm. Adult Jewish Grace Church of Greenwich Learning, Sun 10am. Religious school, Sun 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 9-11:30am. Introduction to Judaism: Tue, 203-861-7555 7pm. Through Dec. 21: ‘Baby & Me’ program, www.gracechurchgreenwich.com 11am-12pm. March 1: Guest Speaker - Mark Oppenheimer, 10-11:30am; Club 6-7-8 goes Worship Sun: 8:45 & 10:45am at 89 Maple to the Jewish Museum, 11:30am-5pm. Ave.; childcare provided. March 6: Community Shabbat, 6pm; Purim Living Hope Community Church Family Shabbat services led by 2nd/3rd grade 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 class, 7pm. www.LivingHopeCT.org Temple Sholom Worship Sun: 10am. Bible study: Mon 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 7:15-9pm. Women’s Bible Study Tue 9:30203-869-7191 11:30am. Mothers of Preschoolers: 1st/3rd www.templesholom.com Wed of month, 9:15-11:45am. Bibles & Service: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. Bagels: Sat 7:30-8:30am. Community Bible Candle Lighting: Fri night. Shabbat Study: Study: March 2, 7:10-9:10pm. Financial Sat 9am. Minyan: Sun 8:30am. Lunch ‘n Peace University: March 4, 7-8:30pm. Learn: Tue 12pm. Itsy Bitsy Playgroup: Wed 10:30am. Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood:

Greater Good in Greenwich

Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel

Listening Is An Action Verb

Feature Column

By Connie Blunden Years ago my friend Wendy gave me a book entitled “Listening Is an Act of Love” edited by Dave Isay. The book is a compilation of personal stories collected by The StoryCorps Project.

Since 2003 StoryCorps has worked, in the tradition of acclaimed historian Studs Terkel, to preserve and document oral histories nationwide through recorded conversations. The formula is simple: ask and listen with the intent to receive. The title of the book reminds us that listening is an action verb and through listening we honor and respect one another. Tr u ly ef fective listening draws us to a deeper understanding of the person who is speaking. When I was in college I interned for the Washington, D.C. Superior Court as a court-based mediator. In addition to being an intake specialist I was assigned to mediate dayof-trial cases. Although I dealt primarily with consumer-merchant and landlordtenant disputes, I distinctly remember mediating a personal loan case. The claim involved two close friends and

a sizable amount of money. You might think that the conflict centered around repayment of the loan, and while that was a consideration, the underlying

each person was bringing to the table. The mediation turned into an open dialogue that both resolved the dispute and healed the relationship.

"It was important to ask questions and listen with the intent to receive what each person was bringing to the table" issue dealt more with a communication b r e a k d ow n b e t we e n f r i e n d s a n d the resulting damage done to their friendship. In order to move forward it was important to ask questions and listen with the intent to receive what

Can asking questions and listening with the intent to receive be a pathway to understanding when conf lict is experienced on a larger scale? Many people believe so. Organizations such as Seeds of Peace and Living Room

Conversations emphasize the importance of recognizing our shared humanity while working to address larger and more complex issues. StoryCorps newest initiative, “One Small Step” builds on this idea as well. So, if we believe that conversations bring us closer together, and that listening contributes to the overall success of a conversation, then we must prioritize stepping towards one another with the intent to receive what we hear. Connie Blunden is the Jane Bagley Lehman Director of the Center for Public Purpose and an upper school histor y teacher at Greenwich Academy. Her curricular and programmatic work focuses on social justice, participatory citizenship and service leadership.

Catching Up with Drew Williams The Sunday in 2019 that Drew Williams, senior pastor of Trinity Church Greenwich, announced h i s c a l l to b e Bi shop of t he Anglican Diocese of New England (ADNE) before what must have been 1,000 congregants in the Hyat t Regenc y ba l l room, he spoke about serving as a beacon, a desire to be a blessing in the wider community, to reach out and grow the church. When Drew was consecrated as Bishop on March 19 last year, it was in Amesbury, Massachusetts, the headquarters of his new diocese. He now presides over some 63 congregations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Connecticut. Wit h a n a re a to cover of 7 2 ,0 0 0 s q u a r e m i l e s , D r e w predicted he would be “like a guy on a horse, except it will be in a car.” His most recent blog post is a testement to his ability to put his words into action having traveled to Hartford, Connecticut to visit the congregation there. Catching up with Drew Williams, here is what he has been up to in his own words: One of the Largest & Most Vibrant Churches in Our Diocese by Bp Andrew Williams T he A ng l ic a n D io c e s e of New England remains full of ex traord i na r y G od-centr ic surprises! Canon Brian Bethke and I drove 130 miles yesterday to visit a church that meets on Saturdays. With a congregation of over 200 people, this is one of our larger ADNE church families. It was so good to be with them. They worshipped with all of their hearts. They shared bread and wine together, praying the liturgy with real conviction. They read the word together and the word was preached with passion. The entire congregation leaned in and audibly sounded their agreement. They took up an offering. They prayed for their city. They prayed for each other. And at the close of the service, they had lunch together – some really good soup and fresh bread. I have to add that their coffee was spectacular. I learned later that a local supplier had sourced and provided the best coffee in the city. I am a something of an expert on church coffee and let me tell you, this really was exceptionally good! In many ways, I am sure that our own Sunday experience is not entirely dissimilar. Except this church has no roof, no walls, no pews or chairs. Instead, they meet on the steps of City Hall in Hartford every Saturday morning come rain, freezing rain, snow blizzard, hail, or blistering heat and the large majority of its members are homeless. Sharing Holy Communion with our church family in Hartford that morning was deeply moving. Bruised and cold hands, shaped by the harshness of the elements, reached out for the sacrament. Prayer pervaded every moment of

their time together. At one point in the service church members were encouraged to huddle up in groups of three, laying hands upon each other and praying with power and compassion. Prayers

of this nature broke out all of the time; in the coffee line, standing together with soup or in the line for clean clothing. At one point, they invited me into the middle and prayed for

me as their Bishop. The man who prayed for me had recently given his life to the Lord. My intercessor was homeless and had given his life to the Lord in prison. The presence of the Holy Spirit was profound. There was a particular quality of glorious silence that fell, as we celebrated communion, that spoke to me of the inbreaking of heaven. As the service drew to a close, spontaneous worship broke out as a young man called Eric (whose father had died that week) sang, “You are here, touching every heart, I worship you, I worship you. You are here, healing every heart. I worship you, I worship you. You are here turning lives around, I worship you, I worship you. You are here Mending every heart. I worship you, I worship you.” The entire operation was seamless. I met two members of the leadership at a U-haul storage facility, just a few miles outside the city. A U-haul truck was packed to perfection with open-sided tents, tables, coffee, food, and clothing. As we arrived in the van, the volunteer set-up team had already assembled in front of County Hall in readiness. We stood in a circle, introductions were made, and we prayed together. Many of the set-up team were themselves home-less. Within fifteen minutes the contents of the truck were unloaded, and the church rose up out of the cold, concrete sidewalk. A sound system was assembled together with a fold-out communion table complete with chalice and patent that was set before a small iron cross. Tables were unpacked, unfolded and positioned under the open tents to keep coffee, soup, and sandwiches

dry. And in this simple but extraordinarily thoughtf ul process, the Lord established a place where his Spirit began the work of recovering the beauty and nobility of the image of God, in each person. This included the simple grace of holding out the dignity of choice. What kind of sandw ich would you like? Would you like cream and sugar with your coffee? I was helping distribute new underwear to the guys. They got to choose – boxers or briefs? The simple task of ask ing someone who feels forgotten and has lost sight of themselves, what they would prefer, was a simple but beautiful act of recovering God’s image buried within them. This remarkable ministry started with just one-man, ADNE clerg y ma n, Reverend Br ya n Bywater. This one man, w ith one fold-out ta ble, a nd a broken heart for the forgotten and the marginalized also had faith that, if we came together, in the power of God, we could really can make a difference. The problem is when the Bible says, “you” we have a tendency to take it as “me” when we should take it as “we.” In God’s power and leading, we are supposed to work in this together. This is now gloriously evidenced by the large number of volunteers, including students and older children, who now come each Saturday to worship and serve as part of this church family. One lady told me that she had felt God’s call to join this church fellowship for some time and yet Saturday was always crowded with other demands. At the same time, she asked the Lord, “But if I came, what could I possibly do? She prayerfully sensed the Lord encourage her, “My prayer, poured out upon your heart and lips – is the prayer that keeps them alive until you pray for them again the following week.” She is now there every week and men and women wait patiently in the cold to have her pray with them. She knows them by name and by heart. If Hartford were not quite such a drive, do you think you might be persuaded to be a part of one of the largest churches in

the Diocese? And yet, maybe we don’t need to drive 130 miles to be part of a church like this? What if we let the Spirit take the lead and asked him where to set up His table? What miracles is He longing to perform through His presence in us – if we had the courage to step out in faith? How many more might know His life, through His prayer, poured out upon our hearts and lips? Is it possible that God is calling us to build church family for the outcast, the prisoner and the homeless up and down New England? Can any of us think of a city or town in New England where this kind of vibrant street church is not desperately needed? Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” As I was headed back to the welcome warmth of my car (my feet so cold, I could no longer feel them), I noticed three Street Church members sat on a low wall. A young man with an older man and woman. The older lady asked me if I would pray for her arthritic knee and so we stopped. After we had prayed, she asked me if I had anything to eat. I said we had given everything away but before I could say another word, the young man (also homeless) reached into his back-pack and reassured her, “Don’t worry you can have my sandwich. I was saving it for later, but here, you take it.” Here is the church of Jesus Christ, alive and serving on the streets of Hartford. Jesus is where He always said He would be. The only question is, are we willing to join Him? If you would like to sign up to receive Drew's daily devotional email and his blog, visit https:// mailchi.mp/35030a791411 / watchwords-2702237 or you can contact Bishop Andrew and the Anglican Diocese in New England by emailing ad-ne@ad-ne.org or calling the diocesan office at (978) 388-0650, or visit www.ad-ne. org or go to Watchwords blog at https://watchwordsonline.com//

Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel


Just for Fun SATURDAY, FEB 29

Get your spoons ready,

Leap Day - a day of traditions

Chocolate Soufflé Day!

introduced by Julius Caesar

February 28 is National

& folklore ever since it was over 2000 years ago.


Peanut Butter Day

Our dogs might love it even more than we do.


Dr. Seuss’s Birthday

Celebrate! Read his books.

Oh, the Places He'll Take You!


World Wildlife Day The 2020 theme is "Sustaining all life on Earth",



We have special affection

Boston Massacre, which


Bring Back Lost Words Leap Day, on February 29, has been a day of traditions, folklore and superstitions ever since Leap Years were first introduced by Julius Caesar over 2000 years ago. Women Propose According to Scottish and Irish legend, St. Brigid struck a deal with St. Patrick to allow women to propose to men every four years.


Noun | doo-drah-per | Early 20th Century Unemployed young adult who sleeps all day. The dewdropper was exhausted from bingewatching Netflix all night.

This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in the way that leap day balances the calendar.

Color It.

National Grammar Day for this day!

The anniversary of the

contributed to the start of the Revolutionary War.

JOKE BOOK What time is it when the clock strikes 13? Time to get a new clock.

What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador.

How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut.

How do you talk to a giant? Use big words.

What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday? Hoppy Birthday.

12 Pair of Gloves In some places, like Denmark, leap day has become known as Bachelors’ Day. A man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day.


In other European countries, especially in the upper classes of society, tradition dictated that any man who refuses a woman's proposal on February 29 has to buy her 12 pair of gloves. The intention was that the woman could wear the gloves to hide the embarrassment of not having an engagement ring.

Bow Tie Greenwich (203) 869-4030 FRIDAY

Parasite - 4:15pm, 6:45pm, 9:10pm Ordinary Love - 4:30pm, 7:15pm, 9:30pm Pizza, A Love Story - 4:45pm, 7:00pm, 9:35pm

St. Oswald’s Day Leap day is also St. Oswald’s Day, named after the archbishop of York who died on February 29, 992. His memorial is celebrated on February 29 during leap years and on February 28 during common years. In Leap Year News, Satire La Bougie du Sapeur is a comical French newspaper that was first published in 1980, and only publishes once every four years— making it the least frequently published newspaper of all time. The name translates to "sapper's candle," which comes from an old French comic book character who was born on leap day. We've been waiting for it for four years. Below is the front page of La Bougie du Sapeur , the only periodical which, since 1980, has appeared every February 29, the 366th day of leap years. This 11th edition has been printed in 200,000 copies while 130,000 copies of number 10 were sold in 2016. It is 20 pages, including a 4-page ecological supplement, La Bougie Verte. It will be sold for 4.80 euros for one month only beginning Thursday

(yesterday) afternoon. Part of the profits will go to the association "A Tire d'Aile", which takes care of autistic people in Indre.

SATURDAY Parasite - 3:45pm, 6:45pm, 9:10pm Ordinary Love - 11:15am, 1:30pm, 7:15pm, 9:30pm Pizza, A Love Story - 12:15pm, 2:30pm, 4:45pm, 7:00pm, 9:35pmm

Astrology Column For Week of Mar. 1, 2020

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Pin your colours to the mast this week, even if you know some people will be offended. If freedom of speech means anything it means that those who dissent from the majority view have as much right to be heard as those who support it. Shout if necessary. ARIES 21 March-20 April You will annoy some important people this week and that’s good because they need reminding that they cannot act as if the world belongs to them. You may not win any popularity polls but since when has that been the be all and end all of life?

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Someone you are secretly attracted to will send you the kind of signals you’ve been longing for but can you be sure you’re interpreting them correctly? By all means be friendly but don’t confess your undying love just yet – it’s possible that you’re wrong.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Sit back, relax and let fate guide you in the right direction. That may be difficult advice to take when it appears that you are heading straight for the edge of a cliff but your solar chart indicates you have nothing to fear – even if you fall you will fly.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Do you listen to your head or your heart this week? In fact, there’s no easy answer as either choice involves a degree of risk, but you can make things easier for yourself by being consistent: if you chop and change you will only cause yourself problems. SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov You may be a little dissatisfied with your lot but don’t let it get to you as once Venus changes signs on Thursday your outlook will change too – behind those grey clouds there’s a sky full of sunshine. One of the best times of the year is about to begin.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June With Venus squaring up to Saturn you may at times feel that partners and loved ones are less than supportive. But is that really the case or are you just expecting too much of them? Focus on work and career issues and your outlook will quickly improve

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You want to have fun and indulge yourself in pleasurable things, but you won’t be free to do so until you have discharged your responsibilities to partners and loved ones. There’s no point hitting the town if a guilty conscience gets to tag along.

CANCER 22 June-23 July Set yourself targets by all means but make sure they are ones you can reach. You sometimes have a tendency to push yourself too hard and then get annoyed when you don’t accomplish as much as you hoped. Even Cancers must respect their natural limits.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan With Venus at odds with your restrictive ruler Saturn you may not be full of the joys of Spring but nor should you be so depressed that you simply cannot be bothered to make an effort. Spend more time with your family – they know how to cheer you up.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug This may be a slightly frustrating week as work and domestic responsibilities cut into your social life and it seems that everyone but you is having fun. However, you’ll be storing up lots of goodwill for the future – so maybe you’ll make up for it next week.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Your fears could easily get the better of you this week. You seem to have got it into your head that you feel more for someone than they feel for you. Nothing could be further from the truth. Focus on more positive thoughts until your fears subside.

Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.com

SUNDAY Parasite - 12:45pm, 3:45pm, 6:45pm Ordinary Love - 12:30pm, 2:45pm, 5:00pm, 7:15pm Pizza, A Love Story - 12:15pm, 2:30pm, 4:45pm, 7:00pm

Avon Theatre Stamford (203) 967-3660 FRIDAY Parasite - 4:20pm, 9:00pm

Portrait of a Lady on Fire - 4:45pm, 7:15pm, 9:45pm The Assistant - 7:05pm

SATURDAY Parasite - 4:20pm, 9:00pm Portrait of a Lady on Fire - 11:45am, 2:15pm, 4:45pm, 7:15pm, 9:45pm The Assistant - 2:25pm, 7:05pm 63 Up - 11:30am

SUNDAY Parasite - 4:20pm Portrait of a Lady on Fire - 11:45am, 2:15pm, 4:45pm, 7:15pm The Assistant - 2:25pm, 7:05pm 63 Up - 11:30am

Bedford Playhouse (914) 234-6704 FRIDAY Parasite - 1:15pm, 4:15pm, 7:15pm Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band 12:30pm, 3:00pm, 5:30pm, 8:00pm Bombshell 12:00pm, 2:30pm, 5:00pm, 7:45pm

SATURDAY Parasite - 1:15pm, 4:15pm, 7:15pm Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band 12:30pm, 2:45pm, 5:15pm, 7:45pm Bombshell 1:45pm, 4:45pm, 7:30pm

SUNDAY Parasite - 1:45pm, 4:30pm, 7:15pm Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band

I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinions of himself than on the opinions of others. Marcus Aurelius

1:30pm, 4:45pm, 7:00pm Bombshell 2:00pm, 7:30pm Lonely Are the Brave 4:00pm


Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel

In Sudoku, each row, column, and nonet can contain each number once.

Answers can be found on page 11



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Pursuing Excellence in Education

Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel

Education Column: Feature

The Little Women Advantage

By Linda Vasu

Little Women. Again. First published in 1868. Never out of print. Scores of multimedia adaptations -- radio, stage, an opera, a musical, silent f ilms, black and white, color. For 150 years, Louisa May Alcott’s text has endured as an iconic rite of passage in young girls’ lives, proffering keys to an imagined world of female intellectualism, strength, and agency. Little Women. Again. How come? Still there: firelit domestic i nt e r i o r s a n d n e i g h b o rh o o d poverty. And dreams to surpass ge nde r r e s t r ic t ion s bu r n i n g brighter than ever. What’s new? The cultural moment. The 2020 iteration reframes women’s quest for agency, ongoing since the

Education Column By Gordon Beinstein

As a building principal, I often have the opportunity to speak with colleagues of mine who hold the same title. This is a result of both the need to collaborate with those dealing with similar issues and the fact that no one else will speak with us! It is not uncommon for these conversations to quickly turn to stories of negative interactions with the parents of the students in their schools. They speak about contentious PPT meetings and unsupportive discipline calls. They

1848 Seneca Falls Convention that launched the women’s rights movement. This version presents a dynamic, future-forward narrative. There are gender-f luid fashion statements: vests, waistcoats, flowing skirts and scarves, eyelet blouses, laced boots. Director Greta Gerwig’s innovative vision re-imagines Louisa May Alcott’s sisterhood as women of strength, with aspirational goals that defy traditional hierarchies of power. These March women are set free to set their own standards of excellence. Key themes? A m bition, practicality, self-ef f icacy, and problem-solv ing. A my March is reinvented as a calculating strategist. Freethinking Marmee wrestles with anger in her heart. And adventuresome Jo negotiates both marriage, a lucrative entrepreneurial publishing deal, and opens a school to channel her wisdom for future generations. Time has moved slowly for women’s rights. But not in women’s education, where all-girls’ schools like Sacred Heart Greenwich have always cultivated an atmosphere for girls to thrive. So how do girls thrive? We empower girls to explore, to dig deep, to become

solving problems, with empathy and understanding. These are the traits nurtured in an all-girls environment. I asked my high school aged English students about the

Time has moved slowly for women’s rights. But not in women’s education, where all-girls’ schools like Sacred Heart Greenwich have always cultivated an atmosphere for girls to thrive. that infuse girl-centered research into a robust liberal arts core curriculum; partnerships and programming hone leadership skills. Student-centered pedagogy creates relevant, immersive, and engaging learning experiences designed just for girls. All-girls education intentionally inspires bold, collaborative approaches to

advantage of an all-girls education. Their responses: communication, relationships, risk-taking. Chances to develop individually because discussions because everyone is on equal footing. Higher selfconf idence inside and outside the classroom. The ability to share opinions and ideas freely without judgment.

So what does this look like? In an eighth grade computer science class, using the design-thinking process, girls identify and address a ne e d w it h i n t he s cho ol by creating, developing, and testing their own apps. They pitch their ideas to peers and teachers. In machine learning classes, teams crowdsource data to develop a Tourist Information Assistant and a Library Recommendation Model. The girls drive all of this. Preschool through grade 12 students visit the state-of-theart Hardey Observatory to view the sun. The astronomy teacher teaches the girls to operate the dome, telescope and cameras. E le m e nt a r y a ge d g i rl s work together brainstorming active verbs and vivid describers to craft poems based on their experience of wonder. The girls drive this too. In AP Literature, students collaborate using math and computational think ing to deconstruct and analyze characters in Hamlet. They discover that Ophelia has 58 speech lines; Hamlet has 358. The data is clear; they analyze the evidence, claiming that Ophelia i s dom i n ate d by p at r ia r ch a l “m a n spla i n i n g .” T hey a r g ue that she is clever and speaks in

botanical code to express her voice and her intelligence. Yet again, the girls drive this. In my role as faculty member and as head of preschool through grade 12 curriculum, I observe on a daily basis the growth and development of young women with the habits of mind and skills of expert critical and creative thinkers. They take on challenges. They take risks with ideas. They a re cou rage ous sp e a kers for themselves and others. They reach out to help others: in service programs, in global studies and international exchanges, in the a r ts, i n sc ience re se a rch, i n theology, ethics, and philosophical thinking. Each girl finds her voice. She discovers the power. She f inds mentors. She is a leader. She becomes an expert in the room. She understands the relationship between the classroom and the i mpor ta nce of ca r i ng for t he world. This is the Little Women Advantage.

Linda Vasu is the Assistant Head for Curriculum at Sacred Heart Greenwich and a member of the Upper School English and world literature faculty.

School and Families as Partners share tales of parents demanding teacher changes or a course level switch. They lament the pushback they get when enforcing school rules and student expectations. I have little to share during these discussions. I have been blessed with a parent population that is willing and eager to work with our staff in the best interest of their kids. This doesn't mean that we always agree on what that should look like, but we have gotten to the point where both parent and school personnel trust that all involved have the child’s best interest at heart. This will surprise none of you who live in town, but some parents can be ‘high maintenance’ (not anyone reading this article of course, but those ‘other’ Greenwich parents) I understand that you have little choice but to be emotionally invested in your child’s success. But it is equally important that you understand that we too want only what is best for your child. So, how did we get to this point where you

Together In Kindness Day The Faith, Service, Outreach Committee of the Parents Association at Greenwich Catholic School will celebrate their 2nd Annual “Together in Kindness” Service Day on Thursday, March 5th. Students in Grades PreK8 will be partnered with their “buddies” throughout the day to complete creative activities that w ill help f ill baskets for the residents of Malta House in Norwalk, CT. Students will

their very best selves so that by graduation, they’re prepared to forge their own paths and take the lead. This is our superpower. Couple that with professional growth opportunities for teachers

complete multiple projects based on grade level, including writing and decorating cards of encouragement, wrapping baby gifts, and assembling diaper bags. T h i s ye a r ’s eve nt w i l l b e led by Mrs. K im Garcia, Mrs. Andrea Kopilak, and Mrs. Melissa Kennedy. The event chairs and pa rent volu nteers have b een preparing by k nitting baby blankets and hats, and donating baby items and other supplies.

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trust us to do what is best with your most prized possession? It didn’t happen overnight. There has been a conscious effort on our part to earn this trust. First and foremost, we communicate …...often. A parent pointed out to me the other day that between my weekly emails, the unit summaries from the teachers, and the once per cycle communication from their child about their academic progress, they will hear from us 12-13 times in a month. This doesn't even include the individual calls and emails from the teachers if a child is struggling academically or behaviorally or if they had a moment of excellence. (I am testing the theory taught in ‘principal school’ that you can never over-communicate!) But it isn't just THAT we communicate but it’s HOW we communicate. We are open and we are honest. You will hear the truth. If your child makes a mistake, you will know it. If they shine, you will know that as well. We don't inundate you with

‘edubabble’ in an effort to confuse you or demonstrate intellectual superiority. We speak with you like the partners you are. We

shared responsibility to also make have dug for themselves. them smarter, more well rounded, Finally, we truly enjoy our and prepared for the rigors of high students. My staf f and I have school. So, when in a meeting with chosen to work with these moody, egocentric, hygiene-challenged, quasi-psychopathic adolescents because we actua l ly l i ke t he children. You can’t fake this with the kids or their parents. You don't fight with people who like your kids; you work with them. To paraphrase from the old U.S. Army commercial, the middle school years are ‘not just a job, they’re an adventure’. This ‘adventure’ a parent and child about some is much mor e enjoya ble a nd poor choice a student has made, productive w ith families and we spend less time focusing on schools in a trusting partnership. what happened and, instead, focus on what we can learn from this. Gordon Beinstein is currently We create actual action steps to in his 32nd year as a middle school get there. It's one thing for a child educator (and he still can’t get out to say ‘I'll behave better’ or ‘I'll get of 8th grade!). This is his seventh better grades’, but without specific year as the principal of Western steps to achieve these goals, these Middle School and was recently are just empty words. Parents n a m e d t h e 2 019 C o n n e c t i c u t recognize that it is not our intent to Association of Schools Principal of beat their child down but rather to the Year. pull them out of the hole they may

This will surprise none of you who live in town, but some parents can be ‘high maintenance’ know that you are your child’s first teacher and best advocate. When done well, these are back and forth conversations about the child and not a one-way monologue. Th i s t r u st i s a l s o e a r ne d through a mutually shared belief t hat ever y m ista ke a nd each success is a teachable moment. We have adopted a ‘growth mindset’. The 10/11 year old you send to us is not the same child we return to you three years later. They will be smellier and hairier, but it is our

8 - 10 p.m. RTM District. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - 6 Lounge, 108 Sound Beach Ave. FRIDAY, MARCH 6 Greenwich Restaurant Week. Through March 13. For participating restaurants, visit greenwichrestaurantweek.com 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Meditation Workshop. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. No registration is required. All ages. 203-6256549. 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Exhibition Highlights Tour. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. (Every Tue, 1:30pm & Fri, 12:30pm) 203-869-0376. info@ brucemuseum.org. brucemuseum.org 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Creating Advanced Websites with WordPress. org. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. Register. Adults. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@greenwichlibrary.org 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Marine Tank Animal Feeding. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. (Every Tue & Friday, 2:302:45pm) 203-869-0376. 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. World Music with Anitra. Cos Cob Library - Community Room, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. All ages. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ greenwichlibrary.org 7 p.m. Trivia Challenge - a night of competition to benefit the Greenwich Alliance for Education. First Presbyterian Church, 37 Lafayette Pl. $150, high school age and adults welcome. Register. 203-912-9543. julie@ greenwichalliance.org. greenwichalliance.org 7 - 9 p.m. America’s Boating Club of Greenwich: Change of Watch. Innis Arden Country Club, 120 Tomac Ave. GreenwichSquadron@gmail.com. greenwichsps.wordpress.com SATURDAY, MARCH 7 The Junior League of Greenwich Community Service Award application submission deadline (for female high school students in grade 9-12, who live in or attend school in Greenwich). jlg@ jlgreenwich.org. jlgreenwich.org 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tax Prep with AARP Foundation. Greenwich Library, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. 203-625-

6534. ghayes@greenwichlibrary.org 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Greenwich Community Gardens: 2020 Garden Sign Up Days. Cos Cob Firehouse, 2nd floor, 200 E. Putnam Ave. Also offered on March 8, 1-4pm. greenwichcommunitygardens.org/ events 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Yoga Series for Adults with Inger DeGroat. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. 203-531-0426 12 - 12:45 p.m. Greenwich Historical Society Gallery Tours. 47 Strickland Rd. Free with museum admission. No registration necessary. Meet at the information desk in the Museum Lobby. (Every Wed and Sat). 203-869-6899. greenwichhistory.org 1 - 3 p.m. Nest Box Building Workshop. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. $10. Ages 5 & up. RSVP is required. 203930-1353. ryan.maclean@audubon.org. greenwich.audubon.org 2 - 3 p.m. Seeding the Garden with Jay. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. Adults. 203-531-0426. 2 - 4 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Screenings. Cos Cob Library, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary.org 7 - 10 p.m. Pinewood Derby Social. Miller Motor Cars - Ferrari Dealership, 342 West Putnam Ave. $200 per couple; Individual racer, $100; Spectator, $100. greenwichscouting.org SUNDAY, MARCH 8 8:30 - 11 a.m. St. Lawrence Society (SLS): Breakfast Buffet. The Club, 86 Valley Rd. Adults, $12; children, $8. RSVP. (1st Sun of the month). 203-618-9036. trish@stlawrencesociety. com. stlawrencesociety.com/events GREENWICH HOSPITAL EVENTS: MONDAY, MARCH 2 5 - 6 p.m. Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Seminar. Greenwich Hospital’s Hyde Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. Bring your questions. 888-305-9253. 6 - 7 p.m. The Prostate Cancer Education Forum: “Prostate Cancer: Detection, Diagnosis and What’s Next.” Greenwich Hospital’s Noble

Conference Center, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. Bring your questions. 888-305-9253. 6 - 7 p.m. Pre- and Post-Bariatric Support Group. Greenwich Hospital’s Hyde Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. TUESDAY, MARCH 3 1:30 - 3 p.m. Parkinson’s Support Group: Exercise with Miriam Shaw, RPT; caregiver support. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. Free. 203-863-4444. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 1 - 2 p.m. Education: “Searching the Internet for Medical Solutions.” Greenwich Hospital’s Hyde Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. (Bring your laptop or mobile device to follow along). 888-305-9253. THURSDAY, MARCH 5 1 - 2:15 p.m. Family Caregiver Support Group - for adults who care for a family member with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. Center for Healthy Aging at Greenwich Hospital, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Support: “Caregiver Stress Group.” Long Ridge Medical Center, 260 Long Ridge Rd., Stamford. Free. Register. Most insurance accepted. 203-863-2939. 6 - 7:30 p.m. Cancer Wellness Series: “Surviving Day By Day with Cancer and Treatments.” Greenwich Hospital’s Pemberwick Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. ONGOING THROUGH MARCH 9 The Undies Project Mardi ‘Bra’ Community Clothing Drive (new and gently used (clean) bras to donate to those less fortunate). Aux Délices, 3 W. Elm St. & 1075 E. Putnam Ave.; First Bank of Greenwich, 444 E. Putnam Ave.; First United Methodist Church, 59 E. Putnam Ave.; Inside the Armoire, 45 E. Putnam Ave. and Sophia’s, 1 Liberty Way. theundiesproject.org/event THROUGH MARCH 12 Women of Atelier 17. The Bendheim Gallery, 299 Greenwich Ave. Gallery Hours: Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm; Sat & Sun, 12-4pm; Closed on Mondays. 203-862-6750. info@greenwicharts.


Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel


BOYS’ BASKETBALL: Trumbull High 48 vs. Greenwich High 46 vs. Trinity Catholic High 65 vs. Brunswick School 56 vs. Greens Farms 77 vs. Brunswick School 52 vs.

Greenwich High 45 Ridgewood (N.J.) 48 Greenwich High 42 EF International 40 Brunswick School 63 St. Luke’s School 87

GIRLS’ BASKETBALL: Bridgeport Central 24 vs. Wright Tech 12 vs. Greenwich Academy 27 vs. Greenwich Academy 33 vs. Suffield Academy 52 vs.

Greenwich High 62 Greenwich High 62 Greens Farms 65 Millbrook School 58 Sacred Heart 33

BOYS’ ICE HOCKEY: Greenwich High 4 St. Joseph High 2 Albany Academy 1 The Gunnery 8

vs. vs. vs. vs.

GIRLS’ ICE HOCKEY: Greenwich High 3 vs. 1 Greenwich Academy 4 vs.

Staples High 0 Greenwich High 7 Brunswick School 6 Brunswick School 2 Fairfield Warde-Ludlowe Newton Country Day 1

INDOOR TRACK: Greenwich High Girls’: 3rd place at CIAC State Opens (22 points)

SQUASH: Brunswick School: 1st Place at U.S. High School National Championship (beat Episcopal 7-0 in championship match) Greenwich Academy: 1st Place at U.S. High School National Championships (beat Agnes Irwin School 5-2 in championship match) Sacred Heart Greenwich: 4th place at U.S. High School National Championships (fell to Baldwin School 4-3 in consolation finals match) WRESTLING: Greenwich High: 12th place at CIAC Championships Class LL championships (79.5 points) Brunswick School: 22nd place out of 118 teams at National Prep School Wrestling Tournament

Lady Cards Rally Late But Fall to Wreckers in FCIAC Semis By Paul R. Silverfarb Although the Greenwich High School girls’ basketball team gave Staples High School everything they had during Tuesday night’s Fairfield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference semif inal ga me , it was t he top -se e de d Wreckers that held on down the stretch, beating the Cardinals 62-59 inside the Trumbull High School gym. “ We n e e d e d to do a mu c h better job containing penetration, controlling the boards, and taking care of the ball,” said Greenwich High School head coach Chrys Hernandez. “But despite that, I think that the team came out hard and played with heart the entire 32 minutes. We would have loved to be playing for a championship [Thursday night] but we must now take the loss as a learning experience and focus on the state tournament.” B i g R e d w a s l e d b y Av a Sollenne, as she netted a teamhigh 20 points and was a stellar 6-for-7 from behind the threepoint line. In addition to Sollenne, Mackenzie Nelson took home 19 points and pitched in with a teamhigh seven steals and two blocks. Not to be outdone was Ciara Munnelly, as she ended the night with six points and five rebounds. Jordan Moses also had a strong game, taking home seven points.

“Mackenzie paced us most of “This year was unique because existed throughout the league. weeks of the regular season, it would be seeded where.” the game as she has all year, and of the diverse talent pool that As you can see from the last two was a neck-in-neck race as to who we had a breakout game from Ava Sollenne that we have been waiting for all season,” Hernandez said. “Jordan Moses hit a few clutch shots at key moments, and Ciara’s hustle plays and rebounds fueled our comeback. But it takes a lot of energy to close a deficit as large as 13 points multiple times.” Despite the outcome, Her na ndez was proud of her team’s performance against the Wreckers. “Obv iously, we would have liked to come out on the other side of the decision, but it was not due to the lack of ef fort,” Hernandez said. “We did a lot of great things, and there were a lot of things that could have been improved. We were not able to go as deep into our bench as we have been all season, and ultimately Staples was able to capitalize on our mistakes.” W it h t he CI AC cla s s L L tournament kicking off Monday night, Hernandez is excited about her team’s chances at making a run at a title and credits the tough conference play that helped her f lock of Cardinals improve throughout the year. “The FCIAC has historically been a powerhouse conference, and this year is no different with 13 of its 18 teams making the state Greenwich High School’s Mackenzie Nelson works the ball past her opponent during a recent game at the tournament,” said Hernandez. GHS gymnasium. (Paul Silverfarb photo)

Brunswick Squash Dominates En Route to Fifth National Title By Paul R. Silverfarb Although the Greenwich High School girls’ basketball team gave Staples High School everything they had during Tuesday night’s Fairfield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference semif inal ga me , it was t he top -se e de d Wreckers that held on down the stretch, beating the Cardinals 62-59 inside the Trumbull High School gym. “ We n e e d e d to do a mu c h better job containing penetration, controlling the boards, and taking care of the ball,” said Greenwich High School head coach Chrys Hernandez. “But despite that, I think that the team came out hard and played with heart the entire 32 minutes. We would have loved to be playing for a championship [Thursday night] but we must now take the loss as a learning experience and focus on the state The Brunswick School squash team poses for a team photo with both the tournament.” B i g R e d w a s l e d b y Av a national championship banner and the Justi Cup at the 2020 HEAD U.S. High Sollenne, as she netted a team- School Division I National Championships held at Trinity College. high 20 points and was a stellar



GYMNASTICS: Tomorrow vs. CIAC Class L Championships (at Jonathan Law H.S.), TBA

GIRLS’ BASKETBALL: Up next: March 3 vs. CIAC class LL First Round, 6:30 p.m.

BOYS’ SWIMMING & DIVING: Tue. vs. FCIAC Swim Trials (at GHS pool), 3 p.m. Wed. vs. FCIAC Diving Championships (at Westhill H.S.), 4:30 p.m. Thu. vs. FCIAC Swim Championships (at Greenwich H.S.), 6:30 p.m.

BOYS’ ICE HOCKEY: Up next: March 4 vs. FCIAC Semifinals (at TBA), TBA Up next: March 9 vs. FCIAC Championships (at TBA), TBA GIRLS’ ICE HOCKEY: Tonight at Fairfield Warde-Ludlowe, 8 p.m. Wed. vs. Darien H.S. (FCIAC semis at Darien Ice House), 7:40 p.m.

6-for-7 from behind the threepoint line. In addition to Sollenne, Mackenzie Nelson took home 19 points and pitched in with a teamhigh seven steals and two blocks. Not to be outdone was Ciara Munnelly, as she ended the night with six points and five rebounds. Jordan Moses also had a strong game, taking home seven points. “Mackenzie paced us most of the game as she has all year, and we had a breakout game from Ava Sollenne that we have been waiting for all season,” Hernandez said. “Jordan Moses hit a few clutch shots at key moments, and Ciara’s hustle plays and rebounds fueled our comeback. But it takes a lot of energy to close a deficit as large as 13 points multiple times.” Despite the outcome, Her na ndez was proud of her team’s performance against the Wreckers. “Obv iously, we would have liked to come out on the other side of the decision, but it was

WRESTLING: Today vs. CIAC State Open Championships (at Floyd Little Athletic Center), 3 p.m. Tomorrow vs. CIAC State Open Championships (at Floyd Little Athletic Center), 9 a.m.

BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOYS’ & GIRLS’ INDOOR TRACK: HOCKEY: Tomorrow vs. New England Track and Field Tonight vs. Trinity-Pawling School, 7 p.m. Championships (at Reggie Lewis Track Athletic Wed. vs. NEPSIHA Opening Round (at TBA), Center in Boston, Mass.), 9 a.m. TBD

SQUASH: Today vs. New England Championships (at Harvard University), TBD Tomorrow vs. New England Championships (at Harvard University), TBD Sun. vs. New England Championships (at Harvard University), TBD SWIMMING: Tomorrow at FAA Championships (at Hopkins School), TBA GREENWICH ACADEMY ICE HOCKEY: Today at Worcester Academy, 6 p.m. SQUASH: Today vs. New England Championships (at Deerfield Academy), TBD Tomorrow vs. New England Championships (at Deerfield Academy), TBD Sun. vs. New England Championships (at Deerfield Academy), TBD

not due to the lack of ef fort,” Hernandez said. “We did a lot of great things, and there were a lot of things that could have been improved. We were not able to go as deep into our bench as we have been all season, and ultimately Staples was able to capitalize on our mistakes.” W it h t he CI AC cla s s L L tournament kicking off Monday night, Hernandez is excited about her team’s chances at making a run at a title and credits the tough conference play that helped her f lock of Cardinals improve throughout the year. “The FCIAC has historically been a powerhouse conference, and this year is no different with 13 of its 18 teams making the state tournament,” said Hernandez. “This year was unique because of the diverse talent pool that existed throughout the league. As you can see from the last two weeks of the regular season, it was a neck-in-neck race as to who

SWIMMING & DIVING Tomorrow at FAA Championships (at Hopkins School), TBA SACRED HEART GREENWICH BASKETBALL: Up next: March 4 vs. NEPSAC Quarterfinals (at TBA), TBD SQUASH: Today vs. New England Championships (at Deerfield Academy), TBD Tomorrow vs. New England Championships (at Deerfield Academy), TBD Sun. vs. New England Championships (at Deerfield Academy), TBD SWIMMING & DIVING: Tomorrow at FAA Championships (at Hopkins School), TBA

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel | February 28, 2020



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Robert Pulitano | RobertPulitano@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabillino | CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com Pam Toner | PToner@HoulihanLawrence.com

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Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866

Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092

Address 128 Valley Drive 24 Stag Lane 24 Stag Lane 8 Serenity Lane 183 N Maple Avenue 13 Chieftans Road 18 Lower Cross Road 54 Nicholas Avenue 56 Caroline Place 33 Thornhill Road 10 Sunshine Avenue 14 Indian Pass 33 Ridge Street 24 Midbrook Lane 10 Northwind Drive 107 Havemeyer Place 25 S End Court 75 Old Orchard Road 142 Lower Cross Road 128 Valley Drive 19 Hill Road 43 Mianus View Terrace 4 Nimitz Place 22 Brown House Road 469 Field Point Road 13 Old Club House Road 24 Stag Lane 24 Stag Lane 183 N Maple Avenue 33 Wesskum Wood Road 104 Meadow Road 23 Meadowbank Road 282 Taconic Road 16 Greenbriar Lane 613 Round Hill Road 1 Lismore Lane 13 Chieftans Road 34 Annjim Drive 62 Lockwood Road 27 A Bayside Terrace 215 North Street 31 Lindsay Drive 487 Lake Avenue 1 Tower Lane 291 Stanwich Road 93 Old Church Road 170 Old Mill Road 27 Evergreen Road 105 Parsonage Road 65 Clapboard Ridge Road 18 Lower Cross Road 344 Shore Road

Area Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Riverside Greenwich Cos Cob Old Greenwich Stamford Greenwich Old Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Old Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Riverside Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich

Price $7,500 $8,000 $8,000 $11,500 $11,500 $13,500 $25,000 $529,000 $679,900 $750,000 $774,900 $825,000 $849,000 $1,195,000 $1,395,000 $1,495,000 $1,595,000 $1,635,000 $1,730,000 $1,785,000 $1,849,995 $1,875,000 $1,875,000 $1,895,000 $1,900,000 $2,095,000 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $2,199,000 $2,395,000 $2,695,000 $2,795,000 $2,795,000 $2,800,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $2,999,000 $3,275,000 $3,375,000 $3,395,000 $3,400,000 $3,575,000 $3,685,000 $3,695,000 $3,700,000 $3,995,000 $4,945,500 $5,150,000 $5,395,000 $6,995,000 $7,995,000 $8,950,000

Day/Time Sun 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM

Broker Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway New England Land Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway New England Land Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's William Raveis Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence


Original List

2 Homestead Lane 413 11 Rockland Place 4 Shelter Drive 3 Bote Road 49 Morningside Drive 373 Taconic Road

$465,000 $715,000 $1,477,000 $2,095,000 $2,349,000 $7,495,000

List Price

$465,000 $715,000 $1,345,000 $1,895,000 $2,050,000 $4,995,000

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres

$460,000 $640,000 $1,250,000 $1,795,000 $1,900,000 $4,600,000

119 252 433 287 251 1,410

2 2 4 4 5 7

2 2 2 3 3 9

0 0.23 1 0.28 0.47 4.28


870 1,268 3,463 3,491 3,706 12,232


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866

Your Luxury Greenwich Movers Address

List Price



351 Pemberwick Road 826 19 Whiffletree Way 19 50 Weaver Street 174 Putnam Park 174 8 Whiffletree Way 8 20 Hunt Terrace 33 Thornhill Road 99 Monica Road 12 Mary Lane 1 Cross Ridge Drive 28 Home Place C1 40 Oak Ridge Street 1 56 Byram Shore Road 7 Tree Top Terrace 5 Shady Brook Lane 3 Fairfield Avenue 633 Round Hill Road 18 Benenson Drive 4 Nimitz Place 25 Selden Lane 8 Ridge Road 40 Riverside Lane 13 Old Club House Road 71 Fairfield Road 3 Gaston Farm Road 35 Boulder Brook Road 23 Annjim Drive 329 Stanwich Road 35 Lauder Lane 15 Grossett Road 270 Stanwich Road 3 Intervale Place 23 Boulder Brook Road 55 Rockwood Lane 31 Lindsay Drive 60 Hillcrest Park Road 22 Old Club House Road 364 Cedar Hill 94 Rockwood Lane 78 Zaccheus Mead Lane 16 Chimney Corner Lane

$495,000 $569,000 $630,000 $639,000 $640,000 $645,000 $750,000 $875,000 $885,000 $999,000 $1,100,000 $1,225,000 $1,295,000 $1,295,000 $1,525,000 $1,595,000 $1,600,000 $1,825,000 $1,875,000 $1,899,000 $1,899,000 $1,950,000 $2,095,000 $2,195,000 $2,200,000 $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,450,000 $2,450,000 $2,695,000 $2,695,000 $2,895,000 $2,995,000 $3,495,000 $3,575,000 $3,699,000 $3,875,000 $3,875,000 $5,895,000 $5,995,000 $8,995,000

$470 $402 $481

1,054 1,416 1,310

0 0.15

$590 $378 $541 $651 $573 $651 $570 $415 $433 $431 $442 $854 $284 $422 $419 $278 $539 $478 $702 $658 $248 $488 $584 $521 $628 $738 $502 $663 $483 $458 $622 $740 $1,050 $621 $692 $451 $1,191

1,085 1,706 1,386 1,344 1,544 1,534 1,930 2,950 2,991 3,008 3,452 1,868 5,638 4,324 4,474 6,821 3,520 4,076 2,986 3,334 8,880 4,700 3,932 4,704 3,903 3,652 5,367 4,366 6,203 7,628 5,749 5,000 3,692 6,242 8,516 13,305 7,551

0 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.42 0 0 0.71 0.72 0.34 0.12 2.09 1 0.23 7.73 0.39 0.2 0.26 1 2.12 1.07 0.28 2 2.06 0.77 1.07 0.88 1.33 1.77 2.02 1.11 0.47 2.02 1.75 5.02 1.04

(203) 990-1535

ClancyMoving.com/Greenwich-CT President's Quality Winner





2 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 3 6 5 4 4 5 6 5 4 6 5 5 5 4 6 5 6 6

2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 6 4 4 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 4 4 3 6 4 4 4 4 6 4 7 6

Glenville Riverside Pemberwick South of Post Road Riverside Glenville Riverside Pemberwick Riverside Old Greenwich South of Post Road South of Post Road South of Post Road Glenville Old Greenwich Old Greenwich North Parkway Cos Cob Old Greenwich North Parkway Cos Cob Riverside Old Greenwich South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway Riverside South Parkway South of Post Road South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road

Your Luxu Greenwich M

(203) 990-1535 ClancyMoving.com/Greenwich-CT President's Quality Winner


Happy Hunting

The Information You Need on FHA Loans

By Cheryl MacCluskey Connecticut, how people love Fairfield county, the quintessential charm of New England, with its rich heritage of revolutionary history, small beautiful cities, top quality Universities and a quality of life that lends to raising a family. It is no wonder why so many people would like to call Connecticut home. FHA loans were developed by the U.S. Federal Housing Administration to help veterans, Lower income borrowers and first time homebuyers. FHA are provided by FHA approved Lenders and have different eligibility requirements than conventional lenders. FHA loans seem like the answer for many people because of their benefits but there are also drawbacks to FHA loans. It is always advised to discuss your options with your Loan Officer but here are the Pros and Cons of FHA Loans so you have the information needed to make an educated decision. PRO: One of the top selling points of the FHA loan program is that borrowers only need to put down 3.5%. The bonus for FHA is if you are approved you can use funds from domestic partners, friends and family members for the down payment. PRO: If you find a home that is in need of TLC and your heart is set on the home, you can apply for an FHA 203 (K) loan. It is designed to help homeowners secure the necessary funds to complete all the renovations that are needed. The 203(K) loan is not calculated on the value of the property but rather on the value after the repair. PRO: FHA loans are assumable! If you are purchasing a home from someone who has an FHA mortgage you have the option to assume their mortgage rather obtain a new

mortgage. If you choose to do so, you could secure a lower mortgage rate. PRO: Another great selling point is that FHA has no prepayment penalties, with conventional loans, some lenders do reserve the right to charge a prepayment penalty if you choose to pay off your loan early. This gives the lender the opportunity to recoup some of the cost for lost interest overtime. CON: It is true that the FHA loan program is more forgiving on borrowers who have lower credit scores than non-traditional credit history, but even with FHA a borrower has to have at least a 580 or higher to take advantage of a lower

at closing or you can roll it into the loan amount. The annual premium is added to your monthly mortgage payments and can range anywhere from 0.45% to 1.05%, this is all dependent on the size and terms of the loan. FHA now will not take off the PMI insurance once you are below the 80% loan to Value. This is something that FHA implemented recently. So the only way to stop paying PMI once you have hit the 80% LTV is to refinance into another loan. CONS: Although a 203(K) loan can certainly expand the range of property options that are available to you, it will not open all the doors. One

New England, with its rich heritage of revolutionary History, no wonder people want to call Connecticut home! down payment. If the borrower has a credit score lower than 579 but above 500, you could still have to put down around 10%. CON: With FHA loans there are stricter loan limits. Limits vary from county to county based on factors such as median cost of housing per county and type of housing. Conventional loan limits are generally higher than FHA limits. A good example is a Conventional loan limit for a single-family home in Hartford is $510,400, while the FHA loan limit for the same home is $353,050. In Fairfield County the limit for a Conventional loan and FHA is $601,450. There are 8 Counties in CT with different limits. CON: FHA loans are considered by a lender as higher risk than other loans because they are granted to the borrower who usually has lower credit scores and higher debtto-income ratios, and lenders are more likely to see that borrower as higher risk to default on their Loans. This means to the borrower that if you are approved for an FHA loan in CT, you will pay a higher insurance premiums. There are two premiums all FHA borrowers must pay. An upfront premium and an annual premium. You pay the upfront premium usually 1.75% of the loan amount. You have the option to either pay this premium

of the most important stages of the FHA Loan application is to work with a Department of Housing and Urban Development-approved appraiser to review the condition of the home you choose. These appraisers are trained to ensure that the home meets Minimum Property Standards, that the home is safe, livable and up to code. You must choose a Loan Officer that has the expertise necessary to not only help you determine which type of loan best fits your specific situation, but to connect you to the right lender and secure the best loan terms possible. You want a Loan Officer who strives to develop relationships built on mutual trust and respect. You should not settle for anything less. Happy Loan Hunting. Cheryl is a resident of Greenwich where she lives with her family. Cheryl is a graduate of Bennett College, Marist College and Columbia. Throughout her mortgage career she has held origination positions at Citizens Bank, Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bank in Westchester, and First Republic in Greenwich CT. Prior to Cheryl’s mortgage career she was a Principle at M & M Development residential builders in Greenwich. She is a member of the Greenwich Board of Realtors, Chamber of Commerce of Greenwich and an active member of the YMCA.






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One convenient location with new and expanded services. Yale New Haven Health has made it even easier to access care in Greenwich. From primary care to a wide range of specialties, more services are available in one convenient location, close to home. New patients are welcome. West Putnam Medical Center 500 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT

Greenwich Hospital Center for Healthy Living Rehabilitation and wellness services for many conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular and pulmonary. Monday 6:30 am - 6 pm Tuesday 8 am - 5:30 pm Wednesday 6:30 am - 6:30 pm Thursday 8 am - 7 pm Friday 6:30 am - 5 pm 203-863-3756 Greenwich Hospital Pediatric Clinic Services for eligible Greenwich residents. Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm 203-863-3970 Greenwich Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physiatry, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy for all ages. Monday - Thursday 7 am - 6:30 pm Friday 7 am - 4:30 pm 203-863-3290 Greenwich Hospital Blood Draw and Lab Services Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm Closed noon - 1 pm No appointment needed.

Greenwich Hospital Radiology Ultrasound: Tuesday - Wednesday 8 am - 4 pm X-ray: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm No appointment needed for X-ray. 203-863-4710 Northeast Medical Group Internal Medicine Primary care for adults. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7 am - 5 pm Thursday 7:30 am - 5 pm 203-422-7250 Northeast Medical Group Obstetrics & Gynecology Full services for teens and adults. Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4:30 pm Friday 8 am - 3 pm 475-240-8222 Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital Pediatric Specialty Center Comprehensive care for infants to adolescents in more than 35 specialties. Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm 877-925-3637 Yale New Haven Health Heart & Vascular Center Comprehensive care for all cardiovascular conditions. Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm 203-863-4210

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