May 1, 2020

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May 1, 2020

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DONATIONS Donations to the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation can be made here: https://secure. foundation/donate

BET Holds Budget Numbers to Current Fiscal Year By Richard Kaufman & Anne White As the coronavirus has spread across the world and the United States, cities and towns have had to adjust on the fly to an unprecedented situation, including an unprecedented fiscal reality. On Monday, the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) approved a hold on budget increases across all town departments. The vote was tied at 6-6 along party lines, with BET chair Michael Mason using his tie breaking vote. The move will keep operating budgets in town departments where they are in the current fiscal year budget. Increase requests that did not make it into the budget for next year include $367,471 by the police department; $143,011 by the fire department; $501,128 for Highways by the Department of Public Works; and $3 million for the Board of Education. BET Democrat, Leslie Moriarty, said the decision to keep town departments

to the current f iscal year was a "blunt approach." Before the COVID-19 outbreak a nd su bseq uent f ina ncia l shut dow n of many businesses, the BET Budget Committee had recommended a $459 million budget with a 1.35 percent increase in the mill rate. "By tak ing a blunt approach by moving every department back to fiscal 20, you are negating all of the work we've done, and we're sending messages to managers that they need to live with not just a little bit less than what they had before, but signif icantly less than what they had before," Moriarty said. "I think this methodolog y doesn't do the BET justice, and I'd say we have a better way of handling this." BET member Karen Fassuliotis, said that holding the line is needed at this time. "No one anticipated the pandemic or the shutdown of our economy. This is indeed a different budget than the one that was proposed by the budget committee,

and one that ref lects the economic times currently that we find ourselves in, and likely in the near future and the year ahead," she said, noting that one in five Americans at the moment are unemployed. BET Democrats said not allow ing increases to Greenwich school budgets would be damaging. Mason said the BET and Representative Town Meeting (RTM) can always use interim appropriations to address spending needs if they come up. "I think the community has thought of interim appropriations as taboo. Well, the forefathers before us and many finance b o a r d s a nd tow n me e t i n g me m b e r s specifically carved out actions for things to be re-looked at at any time during a fiscal year," he said. "There's nothing on this page that we don't have the resources to correct, replenish portions of, and some departments may need additional [funds]. We have that ability in front of us, and we're not stopping after today in

monitoring government." BET member, Debra Hess, agreed. "If things start going back to normal and we have all the after school activities and sports, we can always add money back into the budget, but we can't take money away. That's what I think about and what I grapple with," said Hess. "When we have a bit more clarity, we can look at this in six months or nine months. I hope the world comes back to some level of normal that slightly resembles what it was like before, but we just don't know. I just don't want to be sitting here in a year or two from now and say we could've done more and we didn't." In an open letter to Board of Education, Board of Estimation of Taxation and Board of Selectman, more than 81 residents asked town leaders to, "work in a bi-partisan fashion to make every effort to reduce the town budget to reflect the reality that the f inancial resources for the town’s taxpayers are intensely strained."

Continues on page 14

Joe Kelly Running for Rep Emerald Society Kelly Seeks Nomination for State House Seat Parade Set

By Paul Silverfarb Joe Kelly has worn a plethora of hats as a longtime resident of Greenw ich. W hether it ’s coaching youth or high school sports in town, helping out as a volunteer firefighter, seeing his four children go through the

public school system, or most recently being elected to Board of Education, Kelly certainly knows his way around town. A lthoug h Kelly enjoys being in Greenwich as much as possible, he has his sights set on spending a good amount of time in the State Capitol Building up in Hartford. Last week Kelly announced that he is seeking the Republican n o m i n a t i o n to r u n fo r t h e Connecticut 150th District State House seat. “If I were to be so fortunate to be elected to represent the 150th District, it would be one of my proudest moments of the 22 years I have lived and served our community,” said Kelly. “In my opinion Greenwich is the best town in the state and Connecticut has the potential to be one of the best states in America.” Currently, Democrat Steve

Meskers occupies the 150th District seat in Hartford. Back i n Novem b er of 2 018, Meskers stunned the Town of Greenwich when he beat twoterm incumbent Mike Bocchino and ended over 100 years of a Republican holding that seat. Meskers has yet to announce if he is going to run for reelection. K e l l y, w h o h a s l i ve d i n Greenwich for the past 22 years and is a lifelong Republican, describes himself as a fiscally responsible conservative. In November of 2018, Kelly was elected to the Greenwich Board of Education. Kelly started his career on Wall Street and later became a senior managing director in the fixed income business, spending 25 years working in London, Tokyo and New York for financial companies. Upon moving back to

Continues on page 14

Here Comes the Sun

By Chris Franco I n 1969, G e orge Ha r r ison was coming off a bad year. He had br ief ly q u it t he Beat les, been arrested for possession of marijuana, and suffered from some minor health problems. George had endured “a long, cold lonely winter”, and while he was staying at the country house of his friend, Eric Clapton, he was feeling a sense of relief at the imminent arrival of spring. Inspired by that feeling, George composed the classic Beatles song, “Here Comes the Sun”, which went on to become an anthem for the hope and promise of better times. Better times. My brother, Dr. Michael Franco MD, is a top pulmonologist and the Medical Director of the Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Respirator y Care Ser v ices at Greenwich Hospital. He told me some things a few days ago that made me feel hope for better times. When I asked him what it was like to be on the front line in the COVID 19 pandemic, working to save the lives of very sick people, he said that in many NMLS # 510513

respects “it has been unbelievable, like being under siege in a battle”, but also that “it has been amazing to work with such courageous professiona ls, especia l ly t he nurses, who work shift after shift, not knowing if they are putting their own lives on the line”. Dr. Mike went on to say that it feels incredibly rewarding when they are able to save a patient. He explained that almost all of the patients in the ICU are “intubated” - placed on a ventilator - and that it’s a big deal when one of these very sick patients gets “extubated”, and comes off a ventilator; many ICU patients never do. And then Dr. Mike told me that Greenwich Hospital has long had a practice, when a new baby is born, of playing a short, sweet nursery rhyme over the hospital sound system, and that since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic a new practice has been instituted; when an ICU patient is extubated - taken off a ventilator - the hospital sound system now plays “Here Comes the Sun.” It has become almost common to say that our nation’s health care professionals have been the “heroes” of this pandemic. While that’s certainly true, the genera l it y of t hat st atement should not deflect attention from the specif ic and extraordinary accomplishments of our own local health care professionals during the pa ndem ic. At Greenw ich Hospital, the staff – including the senior management, who wer e r ig ht t her e work i ng i n the trenches - did an amazing job managing through the COVID 19 crisis, from the initial “preparedness planning”, to the “peak management”, eventually leveling off to the “plateau”, and ultimately receding to where we a r e p r e s e nt l y - “s e r i o u s

but manageable”. The work to accomplish all of that was intense, arduous, and fascinating, and the professionals who pulled it off did it with competence, endurance and grace under pressure. The COVID 19 pandemic has been a huge medical challenge for Greenwich. Dr. Mike described the disease as “an extremely virulent bug” due to its newness, and that as a result “it has ripped through our population, much the same way smallpox did with the Native Americans”. Worse, he explained that the virus may involve multiple organs, not just the lungs, and that we may find that it has negative influences on the kidneys, blood vessels, blood clotting, and possibly even our blood platelets. The ICU at Greenwich Hospital is designed for 10 beds; at the peak of the pandemic there were 24 patients in the unit, and as of the end of April they were down to 15. To accommodate the surge in patients, one of the biggest cha llenges was to physica lly prepare the ICU for two to three times its normal capacity. To do that the hospital took over the adjacent telemetry “step-down” unit supporting the ICU, which required significant upgrades to qualify as a proper ICU. Other than the actual addition of the b e d s t hem s elve s , one of t he most significant was the addition of appr opr iate “mon itor i n g ” capabilities. Intensive monitoring is a foundation of modern ICU care, and these capabilities were added in real time, while the patient load in Greenwich was soaring. These included bringing i n IC U- q u a l it y m o n ito r s , a s well as reconstructing rooms to allow medical professionals to monitor the patients

Continues on page 14


By Richard Kaufman Although these last couple months have been stressful and the immediate future remains uncertain due to the coronavirus, Greenwich residents will have something to look forward to in September. Last week, the Greenwich Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to approve plans for the Greenwich Police Emerald Society parade and celebration, which is slated to be held on Sunday, Sept. 13. Lt. James Bonney of the Greenwich Police Department, and retired GPD Lt. Tom Keegan, went before the board to discuss the event, which would feature a parade and a bagpipe competition. It will be free, and very family and kid friendly. Bonney is a member of a local Greenwich bagpipe band, and over the last few years, he's been pitching the idea of having a parade with bagpipers from all over the region to come and compete in a competition afterwards. After deciding to do it in Greenwich, Keegan had the idea to dedicate the event to first responders, hospital staff, doctors, nurses and everyone who is putting themselves on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic. "This would be a great way to show appreciation for everything they've done. They put themselves in peril to help the town, and I think the town would really show up in force to thank them," Bonney said. The event will be put on by the Greenwich Emerald Society, and the Combined Organization of Police, which is a 501(c)(3) organization that Keegan is involved with. The parade will feature classic police cars, fire trucks and convertibles. It will depart from Town Hall and go up Field Point Road to the Post Road, and down Greenwich Avenue where there will be a small reviewing stand. The parade will then go right onto Railroad Avenue to Arch Street, where vehicles will enter the Horseneck Lot. All marchers will go north on Arch Street and make a left on Bowling Place, and go into the park behind Town Hall. Bagpipers will play on the field and play en masse. Bonney said

Continues on page 14


To contribute to the Greenwich Hospital Foundation, visit

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT No one intentionally trips a land mine, but we frequently do so by accident in relationships. Partner A does or says something that trips a land mine and blows up Partner B. Outraged, Partner B lobs back a verbal grenade and blows up Partner A. Grenades fly back and forth. Both lie bleeding on the ground, expecting the other to provide care: an apol- ogy, a hand up, a glass of water. We continue to bleed as we argue about who started it. A marital fight is like walking into a field of land mines. Imagine that we could be immediately transported to a hospital’s I.C.U. as we would hope to be if we were hit by grenades. No one would be yelling. A medical team would be caring for us. We’d ask each other gently, “How are you doing?” We’d be grateful to be alive. Jeff and Anita learned to go straight to the Intensive Care Unit with minimal damage when an argument started. They took turns saying, “I think I just tripped a land mine” or “Did I just trip a land mine?” Their teens adopted the same language to work things out with their parents and with each other. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is the author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books.

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Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel


EMERGENCY ALERT NOTIFICATION Town Hall will remain closed to all employees through May 20. Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the Town’s Emergency Alert Notification System at greenwichct.bbcportal. com/Entry QUESTIONS ABOUT COVID-19 • The Department of Health has five phone lines specifically dedicated to the public for questions and answers about COVID-19. They are: 203-6227865; 203-622-7703; 203-622- 7614; 203-6227842 and 203-622-7836. • Greenwich Hospital/Yale New Haven Health: call center for any questions about the virus, can be reached at 833-275-9644. ASSISTANCE WITH BASIC NEEDS The Department of Human Services encourages residents to call if they need assistance with basic needs such as food, finances, and living arrangements. The number is 203-622-3800. GPD NON-EMERGENCY LINE If you are concerned about an activity or a group not following COVID-19 protocols, please call the Greenwich Police Department’s non-emergency phone number: 203-622- 8004. NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR Neighbor to Neighbor is temporarily operating from Arch Street Teen Center. TAG, the Transportation Association of Greenwich, schedules and drives the grocery deliveries throughout town. (Client

We are here for YOU! Our office is PREPARED and Will remain OPEN To care for all your eye needs.

families in need of assistance are referred by The Greenwich Department of Human Services). Anyone can donate funds or buy food items for people in need. Simply select the food and click to pay. Visit

– two (2) days per week - to Town marinas for boat owners whose vessels are in winter storage. Specific details on which days and the hours of access will be communicated via email to those boat owners.



Kids In Crisis Trained Crisis Counselors are available around the clock to provide support to children and families. The helpline number is 203661-1911. Kids In Crisis has a Wish List on their website ( of items they need, which they will continue to update. DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES If you are in crisis, please call the 24/7 YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services Hotline at 203-622-0003. MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUPS NAMI Southwest CT National Alliance on Mental Illness offers various online support groups. Visit TAG (Transportation Association of Greenwich) TAG is extending their services to help residents who are homebound during the Coronavirus emergency by delivering food and bringing seniors to critical appointments. VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX PROGRAM

See Dr. Fucigna 203-348-7575

TUTORIALS FOR KIDS Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC) offers weekly free tutorials and challenges. For more information, visit and/or follow them on CERAMICS FROM HOME Join the Connecticut Ceramic Circle for their “Ceramics from Home” – a free virtual tour of the world of ceramics. Visit VIRTUAL GARDEN TOURS Join the Greenwich Botanical Center for virtual tours of the world’s most exquisite gardens and far-(and not so far)-flung natural habitats. Visit

VITA, the IRS’s companion to the AARP volunteer income tax program, has initiated a virtual (online) option for the free preparation and e-filing of your taxes by the new July 15 deadline. You will need to complete and submit the form. VITA will then schedule a one-hour time slot on the portal to have a phone or video interview to complete and review returns. You may begin the process by using this link:



Caren’s Cos Cobber is offering curbside pick-up and donating one meal for every meal purchased to Greenwich Hospital staff. carenscoscobber

The state of Connecticut announced that small essential businesses – with 50 or less employees - will be able to receive masks from their local municipality. Local essential businesses will need to submit an application for the masks to the State. The Town of Greenwich is in communication with the State to receive details about the distribution logistics. The Office of the First Selectman will announce details as they become available. The list of essential businesses can be found at: portal. NEW LEBANON KINDERGARTEN PREREGISTRATION If you are planning on registering for Greenwich Public Schools 2020-2021 school year, complete the Pre-Registration form ( The complete Registration packet is still required and will be collected -and residency validated - when schools are open for visitors. For support and questions, contact Christina at 203548-7711 or 203-531-9139, or LIMITED PARK USE

Stay safe and sanitized!

Greenwich Library is offering a wealth of helpful, educational and fun virtual events, including storytimes, book clubs, job search coaching, author conversations and more. Virtual programs can be found on the Library’s online calendar (, where you can register and then receive a join link and password.

Binney, Bruce and Byram parks re-opened for the use of walking paths. The fields, playgrounds, parking lots and restrooms at those facilities are not open. The beach at Byram Park remains closed. Cos Cob Park will be open to walkers from 7:30am-2pm, Monday to Friday, beginning Monday, May 4. There will be park monitors on site to allow for controlled access and to ensure walkers adhere to social distancing protocols. The playing field, playgrounds and restrooms will remain closed. Visitors will be able to park at the Cos Cob train station. TOWN MARINAS Starting April 30, there will be limited access

Garden Catering will donate 10,000 meals to healthcare and essential workers who are keeping us safe. You can support their mission with your purchase of a ‘Special’ in-store or online ( 100% of these donations go to preparing and delivering food to the front line heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. MEALS FOR GREENWICH HOSPITAL

QUARANTINE CARE PACKAGES SPLURGE - Unique Gifts, Home Decor and Jewelry – has created a collection of Quarantine Care Packages that can be purchased in person or by phone (203-869-7600). Staff will wrap these items and deliver them curbside, or to your home in Greenwich. Want to create a customized gift package? They can set up a FaceTime appointment or take photos and send them for your review. Check their website: FRIDAY, MAY 1 GIFF - attend the first-ever Virtual Greenwich International Film Festival, May 1-3. The virtual 3-day event will include a selection of documentary films, narrative films, ct shorts, along with exclusive interviews. 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi - via Zoom ( Consider donating $10/ class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 10 a.m. Online Qigong Class with Greenwich’s Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte Whole Health. Via Zoom. (Every Friday). Classes are also available on facebook. com/donnabuntewholehealth 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. signup/Calendar 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA Manga Group (Grades 6-8). Register. 203-622-7920. emorrissey@ 5 - 5:30 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Meet the Animals Livestream - join in online to meet and learn about ambassador animals who live at the Audubon Center. GreenwichAudubonCenter POSTPONED: Kids in Crisis’ ‘Have A Heart’ benefit. Silver Spring Country Club, 439 Silver Spring Rd. SATURDAY, MAY 2 CANCELED: Greenwich Botanical Center (GBC) May Gardener’s Market.

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During the COVID-19 state of emergency Rudy’s Executive Transportation has been designated an ‘essential’ service and will remain open for our customers. Rudy’s will continue to provide transportation services to our customers who absolutely, positively have to get there. And to help combat the spread of the virus, Rudy’s has also established additional protocols to maintain safe, clean vehicles between rides, while ensuring effective infection control by all drivers.

“We at Rudy’s pledge to do everything within our power to protect our customers during the present crisis. Our top priority continues to be the safety and well-being of our passengers.” - Roy Spezzano, CEO

Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel | May 1, 2020

7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and experience levels are welcome. (Wed & Sat during Spring). GreenwichAudubonCenter 10 – 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Meditation Workshop. 203-6227920. Calendar 10:30 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Sing Along with Tom Weber. 203-6227920. Calendar 3 - 4 p.m. Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC): Virtual Chess Spring program. Pre-K to 5. (Saturdays, through June 20). $200. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. ‘Spring for Abilis Virtual Gala’, with celebrity guest Billy Blanks Jr. abilis. us/springforabilis 7 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Sunset Session Livestream.

GreenwichAudubonCenter SUNDAY, MAY 3 1 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Wildflower Walk Live - join naturalist Ryan MacLean for a special live online experience from Audubon’s trails to learn about spring wildflowers. GreenwichAudubonCenter 2 p.m. Historical Society: Area Suffragists Build National Movement Zoom Online Conference. Free. MONDAY, MAY 4 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Griffith E. Harris Golf Course reopens. Tee time reservations will only be available online – no walkups allowed. Only credit/debit card payments accepted. (Face masks are mandatory at all times). thegriffgolf. org 10 a.m. ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: East Meets West: Restorative Yoga. Via Zoom. Mon through May 11, or Wed @4pm

through May 13. $80 each session or $150 all sessions. 10 a.m. NAMI-CAN Online Support Group – for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues. Free. (1st Mon of the month). Via Zoom, Meeting ID: 771 786 639, Password: 559907 1:15 p.m. CANCELED: The Greenwich Decorative Arts Society: ‘Wyeth Paintings: More Than Meets The Eye’, lecture at the Bruce Museum. 7 p.m. Perrot Library and The Greenwich Pen Women: Virtual Book Discussion on ‘Machines Like Me’, by Ian McEwan. Free registration on Zoom is required for participation. To receive an invitation to this meeting, contact lending@ TUESDAY, MAY 5 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi via Zoom ( Consider donating $10/class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265.

8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Audit Committee - Virtual Meeting. 10 – 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Storytime. 203-622-7920. Calendar 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Weekly Job Search Accelerator Group. Register. 203-622-7920. Calendar 12 - 1 p.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar: Copyright Basics for Artists, Photographers, and Other Creatives. Register. 203-622-7920. Calendar 12 - 1 p.m. Greenwich Library: SCORE Webinar: How to Hire a Good Website Developer. Register. 203-622-7920. Calendar

4 p.m. ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: East Meets West: Restorative Yoga. Via Zoom. Wed through May 13 or Mon through May 11. $80 each session or $150 all sessions. 5 – 6:30 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual - New Yorker Stories Discussion Group. (Register to receive attendee join link and password). 203-622-6883. signup/Calendar 6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group (Every Tuesday) – Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. Free. Zoom Meeting: Dial-in info for those without video: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181 7 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Meeting Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-622-7894. 7 p.m. The Nantucket Project & Greenwich International Film Festival present: ‘A Path to Harmony: A Neighborhood Project of Our Time’. GreenwichFilm. org WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and experience levels are welcome. (Wed & Sat during Spring). GreenwichAudubonCenter 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual: Uncovering the Hidden Job Market with Reference USA. Register. 203622-7920. ywang@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 2 – 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Bookworms Book Club. 203-6227920. dsullivan@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 3 - 5 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Law Committee - Virtual Meeting. 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Groups for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/2084433181 Dial-in info for those without video: 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 208 443 3181 7 p.m. Architectural Review Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall Meeting Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 7 – 8 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Date with an Author: John deBary, Contributor to “Family Meal.” signup/Calendar THURSDAY, MAY 7 May 7-9: YWCA Greenwich’s Virtual Old Bags Luncheon – all proceeds help fund the YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services. 8:30 - 10 a.m. OPEB Trust Board - Virtual Meeting. 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Creating Art from Nature: Beginner and Intermediate, via Zoom. Thursdays, through June 18. Members, $315; nonmembers, $340. Register. 10 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Investment Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting.

Z2dz09 (Password: 5898033). Listen, and/or participate by calling: 1-646518-9805 (Webinar ID: 984 7556 2257, Password: 5898033) 2 – 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Junior Book Club. Register. 203-6227920. dsullivan@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 7 p.m. Public Board of Education Meeting. Through Zoom teleconference: Submit comments to: boardofedmembers@greenwich.k12. 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Introduction to iPhone. Register. 203-625-6560 csherman@ signup/Calendar 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA Graphic Novel Discussion Group (Grades 6-8). Register. 203-6227918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar ONGOING • Nominate a ‘Treasured Tree’ - The Greenwich Tree Conservancy wants to know if you have a ‘Treasured Tree’ on your property. A tree is treasured for many reasons: a special memory or story; magnificent size; unique shape; Spring flowers or Fall foliage; climb-ability. The Tree Conservancy wants to hear about YOUR Treasured Tree. Fill out the nomination form available at: • Document Greenwich – Covid-19: Help the Greenwich Historical Society document this extraordinary time in history as they collect materials, photos and stories that speak to our shared experience during the coronavirus pandemic. Photographs, journal entries, letters, emails, instagram posts, news clippings, poetry or reflections on the sense of isolation, uncertainty, hope, gratitude, unanticipated joy, or fear paint a picture of the human experience in this unprecedented time. The Historical Society’s archival collection will tell a story of life in Greenwich in 2020 - tell them yours. Visit upload-image • Starter Kits containing collection bins and compostable bags continue to be offered for sale to prepare the community for the launch of the Town Food Scrap Pilot Program. To arrange delivery and payment of kits, residents should contact or call Greenwich Green & Clean at 203531-0006. For further information about the program and kit sales, visit MAY 1 THROUGH 8 ‘Greenwich Virtual Sip and Shop’ - A special week of promotions and events supporting local small business. THROUGH MAY 2 ‘Spring for Abilis Virtual Gala’ join in and take part in the Cause Appeal, Giving Garden, Abilis Art Gallery and Silent Auction. springforabilis THROUGH JUNE 1 In honor of National Poetry Month, Perrot Library is sponsoring a haiku poetry contest open to students in grades 3 and up, as well as adults. The Library is seeking original haikus (3-line, 17-syllable poems) describing your experience with COVID-19 – the pandemic, the closures, and their impact on your daily life. Poems will be accepted beginning April 13 through June 1. For additional information on the contest and how to enter, go to perrotlibrary.blogspot. com/2020/04/haiku-poetry-contest. html ONLINE ALANON MEETINGS Saturdays

11 a.m. - 2 p.m. YWCA Old Bags Luncheon. Belle Haven Club, 100 Harbor Dr. 203869-6501, ext. 102. j.stam@ e.givesmart. com/events/dQ2


12 p.m. Virtual Public Hearing: Removal of Town Trees. Via Zoom at ?pwd=OU8xN1ZjZllsVnlpbFRqVlhtU1

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10 – 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Parent & Child Yoga for Tots (Ages 2-4). Register. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Qi Gong. Register. lmatthews@ signup/Calendar

alWays the right ChoiCe

9:30 - 10 a.m. AlAnon Newcomers. 10 - 11:30 a.m. AlAnon. electronic-meetings Daily 9 p.m. 12 Step Study Group of AA - a recurring discussion in the format of a book study. No prior experience required. Open meeting. Zoom video chat. Zoom id: 799-468-887, Password: 156760. aaebookguy@ directory.php Sundays 3 p.m. AA A New Hope Online - a Big Book Study format. Open meeting. zoom. us/j/117872240, passcode: 121314.

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102 Bruce Park Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 Mon-sat: 9am - 9pm sun: 10am - 5pm BY PHONE Last Tuesday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Home Meeting of AA - discussion group with a 20-minute speaker. No computer needed however long distance charges may apply. Call: 978990-5000, then enter pin: 426546 Hole In The Sky AA Meeting Schedule 25 online/virtual meetings per week at the Hole In The Sky, 7 days a week through the Zoom Platform with video, audio and call in options. Rotating formats that include speaker, participation and mixed meetings: Monday to Friday: AA Spiritual Discussion, 6:45pm PST. zoom. us/j/705311870 Monday & Friday: AA Big Book Study, 12pm PST. Tuesday & Saturday: 12&12 Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom. us/j/295712428 Wednesday: Living Sober Book Study, 12pm PST. zoom. us/j/295712428 Wednesday: Beginner’s Workshop, 6pm PST.

let them know you are part of the healthcare community, and they will send a driver to pick up your clothing. CLAY VIRTUAL PROGRAMS FOR ESSENTIAL WORKERS Clay Art Center in Port Chester wants to show their gratitude and support for Essential Workers and their families who are maintaining the vital resources and services we are all currently relying on by offering Clay Virtual Programs to them for free upon filling out an application. For more information and to register, visit CURTAIN CALL - Streaming Curtain Call is streaming past productions for free. Using the Vimeo platform, anyone with the link can see the library of 15 shows that have been added, and more will be added on a regular basis. A second channel features several original musicals and two plays. Here’s how to view these past shows: channels/CCSOG (for Shakespeare) and for the others.

Friday: Daily Reflections Meeting, 6pm PST.

OPEN CALL TO ARTISTS Rowayton Arts Center (RAC) is extending an invitation to all artists interested in exhibiting their artwork online in their ‘Shutdown Throwdown 2020’. Accepted now until May 8. The show will run through June 30. Visit for the prospectus and other information. There is a $100 cash prize for Best in Show.

Friday: West Valley Speaker Meeting, 7:30pm PST. zoom. us/j/514586368


Wednesday: Candlelight Meeting, 8pm PST. Thursday: Secular AA Meeting, 12pm PST. Thursday: Grapevine Meeting, 6pm PST.

Saturday: Sobriety Speaks Out Speaker/Participation Meeting, 6pm PST.

Sunday: Sunday Meeting at HITS, 4:30pm PST. zoom. us/j/831719356

Bedford Playhouse offers ‘Let’s Talk’ - weekly virtual gatherings and conversations. Mondays: Let’s Talk Mental Health, 11am-12pm; Wednesday: Let’s Talk Parenting, 1-2pm; *Thursdays: Let’sTalk Cocktail Happy Hour, 6pm - get together with practical questions, shared strategies and a toast to our community.

Email contact: holeinthesky.


Sunday: Big Book Study Meeting, 12:30pm PST. zoom. us/j/787468826

OUR NEIGHBORING TOWNS LAUNDRY SERVICE FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS Fabricare Cleaners in Norwalk is showing their appreciation to healthcare providers by offering them free laundry service during this pandemic. To schedule a laundry pick-up, call 203-229-0001 or email and

“The 2nd Annual LAA Sketchbook Project” Virtual Exhibit, in collaboration with Purchase College, through May 30. To view the exhibit, go to: dL94uVO5nxSuorJF8eQA7byqFCk8 yf/view. The Loft Artists Association Gallery will continue to be closed through June 5.

Editorial Page

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

We Need Unprecedented Leadership Earlier this week, it was reported that the Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) “cut” the school budget for the 2020/21 school year. That is not exactly true. The language here is tricky. The Superintendent, Dr. Toni Jones, proposed a FY 2020-21 operating budget of $167,141,586 (excludes employee benefits which are accounted for elsewhere) representing a 2.31% increase over the current year’s budget. The BET did not vote to cut, but rather voted to eliminate the increase, creating a zero or flat yearover-year change for next year. Here is the problem: full-time salaries account for approximately 80% of the expense budget and most WOW! employees are part of unions or collective bargaining The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, the Thunderbirds, and the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, units that require annual salary increases. For the the Blue Angels, over Riverside as part of their flyover of the tri-state region on Tuesday to honor FY20-21 school year, these salary increases add frontline COVID-19 responders and essential workers. John Ferris Robben photo. approximately $2.4 million to the current budget and accounted for 63% of the district’s year-over-year Letter increase. That means that either the salary increases need to be eliminated or the Superintendent needs to Our entire community is facing environment, which includes home- what your gift could provide right now: find another $2.4 million from other areas. hardships right now. Keeping distance schooling and comprehensive care that $100 - Immunizations for one child Prior to Monday’s vote, emotions ran high. There from friends and loved ones can create these children need and deserve. $125 - Diapers for 1 month was a lot of misinformation about programs and feelings of loneliness, an x iety and As Chairman of the Board of Directors, $375 - Provisions for 1 week teachers being cut. There was also an orchestrated sadness. And many vulnerable children I am always impressed with the resiliency $500 - Psychiatric evaluation effort from parents to inf luence the BET vote. A and their families are in even more of the children Kids In Crisis serves. Our $1,000 - PPE for staff tenuous situations than usual. dedicated staff, committed volunteers and demonstration was held on Sunday where about 100 Kids In Crisis is here. generous donors play a crucial role in that, $2,700 - Deep sanitizing for the shelter cars drove by Town Hall honking their horns. It is We continue to be active and essential especially during these challenging times. $3,000 - Helpline crisis counselor Kids In Crisis is currently facing a likely no one was at Town Hall to witness the drive by during this global pandemic. We are for 1 month supporting children and families who are significant deficit as a result of having to but we understand the point. $5,000 - Dinners for 1 year our neighbors and friends: cancel several key fundraising events, It is important to realize that if more money is $15,000 - Additional staffing for TeenTalk counselors are helping as well as having to incur added costs COVID-19 crisis needed, Dr. Jones and the BOE can and should come hu nd r e d s of st udent s , 2 4 hou rs a to ensure the safety and well-being of

Kids in Crisis

These are unprecedented times that require unprecendented leadership. We need to come together to find better answers than we have before. back to the BET and ask for interim appropriations at that time. There is precedent for this approach and the BET has said outright that they are very willing to do this. The BET has asked ALL town departments to hold the line on expenses to the current year’s level. The only exception we noted, for obvious reasons, is healthcare costs. This is a prudent step given our current state of affairs with a pandemic, the state's already dire fiscal problems, and our town’s potentially difficult economic outlook. Why then should the Board of Education budget be exempt from following the same guidelines? Flat budgets and/or reductions are happening in school systems all around us like Westport, New Canaan, and Darien just to name a few. In the midst of a pandemic and unprecedented economic uncertainty, the most prudent course of action is to plan for the worst and hope for the best. This is not the end of the discussion, rather a midway point where we can wait and see. Over the past five years the BOE has asked for and received $20 million to invest in distance learning programs. This is not a school district that has suffered the word no as much as some would have us believe. Nor should it. Our children's education should come first but that is not always about money. In order to shield our children as much as possible, short term concessions from adults in the public school system will be necessary. These are unprecedented times that require unprecedented leadership. We need to come together to find better answers than we have before. Many employees have taken a voluntary pay cut or lost their jobs entirely. There is so much angst in the world right now. Let’s not add to people’s stress level by resorting to the same old rhetoric - fear mongering and politics. To demand that the anyone should expect to get their standard pay increase when so many others are going without anything at all is simply entitled and tone deaf. It is time for unprecedented leadership from everyone.

day, via telephone, video, and digital communication. Our 2 4 -Hour Helpline is ta k ing calls around the clock, where our crisis counselors are offering critical support to families and children. SafeHaven Emergency Shelter staff is caring for young homeless children in-house, providing a safe, nurturing

everyone. In order to help Kids In Crisis continue to meet the full needs of the community, please join me in making a gift towards filling the $750,000 gap in funding Kids In Crisis will incur by June 15, 2020. Your donation, in any amount, makes a difference. Every dollar you give goes a long way. Here are some examples of

$25,000 - Food for 10 months for shelter

As we stay safe and stay apart, let us come together as a community by looking out for one another. Thank you for your support. Together we will make a difference in the lives of thousands of children. Bill Pierz, Kids In Crisis Board Chair


What Happened with Last Fall's Signs

Recent columns appearing in the news attempt to malign Fred Camillo and portray Mark Kordick in the best light possible. I have no interest in commenting on the status of the former police captain. He has a long history that is well known, and the people of Greenwich can be the judge of that. What I do have an interest in is the attempt to paint the Camillo campaign in a false and less than flattering way. Let me set the record straight. On October 25, 2019 lawn signs, not approved by the Camillo campaign but designed to look as if they had been, popped up all around Greenwich. While trying to determine where they came from, we instructed our volunteers not to remove them. Some people not associated with the campaign plucked a few out, however, and brought them to the Republican headquarters. While we were discussing what if anything needed to be done, a local resident came into HQ pretending to be interested in the BET race, but was nervously sca n n ing t he room wh i le a volunteer assisted him. When he spotted one of the signs, he excitedly tried to photograph it. I removed the sign and explained it was a fraudulent campaign sign,

not connected to our campaign. Apparently, I was not quick enough because soon after we received a call from a reporter asking for comment on the sign and insinuating we had been “caught”. That same morning, I accompanied Fred to police HQ to see what could be done to remove the signs. The sergeant on duty said nothing could be done. When I insisted that she take a report she checked with a superior upstairs and told us no action would be taken. I asked if our campaign volunteers would be arrested if we removed the unauthorized signs and she could not answer me. The Chairman of the Republican Town Committee then contacted the Democrat Chairman and together with input from the Town Attorneys decided they could be removed. That would have been a good time for Mr. Kordick to speak up and claim ownership, but he remained silent. My instructions to Fred’s campaign team that evening were to ignore what had happened, it was just a distraction. There were only days left in the campaign and we had spent enough time on the misleading campaign signs. However, one campaign

volunteer could not let it go and, with my blessings, he began to investigate. Kordick had so cleverly disguised his actions that we wondered if the deception had indeed come from within our own campaign. Months earlier, on March 10, 2019, Kordick had purchased (and has recently renewed) the web domain www. and redirected it to Fred’s campaign website. The volunteer had noticed that site earlier and assumed another campaign volunteer had set it up. After the signs went up with that web address printed on them he looked into who owned it, but Kordick had taken the additional steps and cost of having his name shielded from public view. His curiosity peaked, the campaign volunteer began his quest for the origins of the signs. He searched the internet for signs resembling the ones that popped up that day. He hit upon one that was quite similar and when he entered the text in the website’s design tool, it was identical. He called the printer in Texas to ask who had purchased them. He was told they could only search their data with a name. He tried a few and there were no matches. He then posted on a message board in the area that he would pay someone

willing to drive to the printer with a photo of the lawn sign to pick up a receipt. The effort was successful. After receiving a copy of the receipt on October 28th, just a few days before the election, we were shocked to see it was a Greenwich police officer and relieved it was not someone associated with Fred’s campaign. We immediately contacted First Selectman Tesei, as the Police Commissioner, and requested a meeting with him, the Town Attorney and the Police Chief. We met with them that afternoon and turned over the document that finally led to Kordick’s admission. Since that date Fred and the campaign have never interfered with or commented on the process. We cooperated fully when asked for background information by investigators. Throughout the entire saga Fred stayed positive and insisted his campaign do the same. I am proud of the way Fred conducted his campaign and the people who implemented his policy. It is rare in today’s political environment and Fred should be commended, not condemned for it. Jack Kriskey, Campaign Chairman, Fred for First

Retirement Portfolio Report Recently, numbers have been bandied around on the radio, in print and in the public arena that the Town of Greenwich Retirement portfolio is down 28%. This is not true. Today, the Retirement Board held its monthly meeting with our financial advisor, Neuberger Berman, and reviewed the plans’ performance. For the nine months of the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2020, the Town of Greenwich portfolio is down 8.26%. This number has a one quarter lag for the investments held in privately placed equities and fixed income, so it does not reflect the performance of those investments for the first quarter of this year, which make up 24% of the portfolio. The most accurate and up to date performance measurement is derived from the 76% of the portfolio that is invested in the public markets. For the nine months ending March 31st, the public market investments are down 11.75%.... a far cry from 28%. These performance numbers do not ref lect the strong rebound in the public market that has taken place in the month of April. In the Retirement Board’s discussion this morning with Neuberger Berman, we understand that it is their estimate that the public market investments are now down closer to 6% ‐8%, and that the private market investments

will probably come in even better after the quarter lag catches up. While no one can foretell how the next two months of the Fiscal Year will play out, in the public markets, it is not unreasonable to make the assumption that come June 30th, we should expect the retirement plan to be down for the Fiscal Year around 6%, maybe more, maybe less. But 6% is a fairly good base to work from for now. Given what appears to be this magnitude in decline in the portfolio, I estimate that the additional contribution from the Town to the Retirement System (the Annual Required Contribution or ARC) for the next Fiscal Year to be in the range of $2 ‐$4 million higher than what was previously estimated. In closing I want to add this last thought. The Retirement Plan staff— Kenneth Berkson and Daniela Barcello, Department Heads—Mary Pepe and Peter Mynarski, and Neuberger Berman have all done an extraordinary job in a difficult environment. There is no play book for what has transpired, and they have all risen to the challenge of making the administration of the plan and the management of the assets work on behalf of the plan participants and the taxpayers of the Town. Joseph L. Pellegrino, CFA, Chairman of the Retirement Board


Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel

We Are All In This Together

By BET Members These are extraordinary times. Few ever imagined that a single virus would bring havoc and take the lives of so many loved ones in our town and beyond. We remember those who we lost and offer our sympathies to their families. Your loss is our community’s loss. The pandemic is also taking a toll on others as well. As this is being written, the number of unemployed Americans are staggering. Approximately 1 in 5 Americans are now out of work. The U.S. unemployment rate has reached 20%, if you combine the number of Americans who were jobless before the pandemic, with the number of Americans who are now jobless during the pandemic. To put it in perspective, the number of individuals who are jobless in 2020 has surpassed the highest of levels of unemployment following the 2008 financial crisis of 15.3 million Americans. Our neighbors in Greenwich have not been immune to what is happening nationwide. Many find themselves now unemployed or, if retired, with lowered investment income. With this in mind, the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) has passed a budget that now goes to the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) for

consideration and a final vote. The RTM can either further reduce the budget or make no changes. Once the RTM acts, the budget will then be the budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Locally, we voted this budget knowing that many of our neighbors are unemployed or have found their salaries reduced significantly because they are not considered “essential” and are working reduced hours. And, of course, there are those who are on fixed income who are wondering if their social security will be reduced significantly. We also voted this budget knowing that our RTM provided some relief to all our taxpayers by voting to extend the tax due date from July 1 to October 1. The so-called “rainy day” fund will be needed to allow the town to continue to operate until then. Whether many of our neighbors will be able to pay their taxes when their tax bill becomes due remains to be seen. BET Republicans heard from many individuals during the budget process. We applaud those that took time out to make their voices heard. We would be remiss if we did not recognize those who voiced their opinion that the BET Republicans were overreacting, especially with respect to the education budget, and that we did not need to reduce spending at the levels

we had proposed, or that the economy would rebound quickly. We valued each of these voices as we deliberated before passing a budget. In making the difficult final decision to keep spending f lat, BET Republicans believe it would have been reckless to continue to act as though the economy is going to rebound quickly or that it is “business as usual”. Even our Democratic colleagues realized that it could not be “business as usual”, and our caucus worked hard to reach a consensus with our colleagues, which, in the end, was not possible. Ultimately, the BET Republicans decided on a relatively conservative approach to the FY 2021 recommended budget. The budget passed by the BET keeps spending by both the town and the Education Department to 2020 levels, the current fiscal year budget amounts. Once the RTM acts, it is then up to the First Selectman, Town Boards and Commissions, and the Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Board of Education (BOE) to determine how to meet the spending levels contemplated by this budget. These town leaders need to find a solution as to how this spending will be done in a way that will not


Why I Did a 180° on PAYT

I have lived in Greenwich for over 30 years and have been satisfied with the present set-up with how municipal solid waste is handled. As a single person, my “disposal needs” have been minimal, and therefore, over time, I have dispensed with a contracted trash hauler. I make one or two trips a month to recycle items and much less frequently to bring a 30-gallon Hefty bag filled with garbage. Much of my food scraps wind up on a compost pile. When PAYT was first proposed, I was incensed! “You mean now I will have to purchase special bags to dispose of my garbage, when before it was free!” Well, the fact is, it was never “free.” The cost of operating Holly Hill and taking Greenwich garbage to a disposal site was being paid by my taxes… my real estate taxes to be precise. So my share of the disposal cost was based upon the value of my home, not by how much garbage I tossed. This is similar to the sewer tax. It is not based upon how many flushes you make, but rather, the assessed value of your home.

And non-profit institutions, like private schools, the hospital, etc. were getting a “free ride” because their properties are tax exempt! They could dispose of enormous amounts of trash without paying a dime. Under PAYT, yes, I would have to purchase approved garbage bags, but my taxes would be reduced by the amount of the mil rate that currently goes to fund the operations at Holly Hill. As a result, my disposal costs would actually be tied to the amount I was tossing out, not how much my house was worth. (A hidden savings… I already pay for the garbage bags I get at the hardware or grocery store, so the approved bags are only a substitution, not an additional cost.) But how would PAYT affect the trash haulers and how much you currently pay them? Not at all, with one small exception: Haulers could only dispose of items that were in approved garbage bags. So haulers that pick up trash in other towns could not dispose of that trash in Greenwich because they wouldn’t be in approved bags. This would certainly eliminate the concern of some residents who claim that because Greenwich had no tipping fee these haulers were


incentivized to bring their trash here. Whether you realize it or not, the amount you pay to your hauler is only to transport your disposables to the dump, not the cost to dispose of them. That cost is what is currently paid for by your real estate taxes. Were the Town to institute a tipping fee, the hauler would have to add the cost of the tipping to his hauling bill. Yes, your real estate taxes would be reduced by the amount that covers the Holly Hill operation, but the tipping cost charged to you would now be determined by the hauler. It is reasonable to assume that haulers would charge the customers an averaged per household rate consisting of tipping fees and administrative costs. And as tipping fees rise as projected, you would have no control over what is charged Further, under the proposal I read, individuals such as myself, who don’t use a hauler and instead transport our own disposables to Holly Hill, would be required to pay @$75 per year for a facilities access permit. Now that is outrageous. That would be far in excess of the cost of the approved garbage bags that I

use in a year. Were the Town to implement a tipping fee, it would require a reconfiguration of the facility so that trucks could be weighed going in and out so they were charged for the weight of the garbage they disposed. And what about the cost of the employees needed to man the scales, collect fees, and check for facility access permits? To make those reconfigurations would take both time and money, whereas PAYT could be implemented in October, as originally planned, and with no real capital cost. Even those who favor a tipping fee should at least be willing to consider trying PAYT on a trial basis, since it could be implemented quickly and inexpensively. Then, at the end of the trial period, if it didn’t seem to be a viable solution, we could always consider a tipping fee or return to the current situation by again tacking it on to the real estate taxes. So that’s why I have done a 180° and am now in favor of PAYT. Aren’t you? Gary M. Silberberg

Bravo to the Entire BET for Hard Work

Bravo to the entire Greenwich BET (Board of Estimate and Taxation) for the inordinate amount of time spent this year to craft a budget for 2020/21 in the face of a pandemic and uncertain economic times. As the twelve members of the BET hashed out the Town of Greenwich budget for ten hours straight on Zoom this past Monday, they ultimately came up with a flat budget - exercising fiscal restraint for Operating

Expenses and Capital Projects. Greenwich taxpayers need to be aware of mounting losses in the millions at The Nathaniel Witherell, rising pension costs, and a stagnant real estate market as well as the sinking economy of the State. Naturally, there are disappointed residents who would like increased spending in certain departments, but hopefully the administrators of those departments

will adjust to this budget with equanimity. year ahead. Town budgets are not “business as usual” Even before COVID-19 drove the country into right now, and everyone looks forward to brighter self-quarantine, various nearby municipalities (such times. Thank you, BET, for a job well done! as Darien, New Canaan, Weston, and Westport) had made significant revisions to their budgets on account Nancy B. Burke of looming worries about the State of Connecticut. Greenwich Resident 42 years Likewise, the Greenwich BET has tried to protect residents and business owners from disaster in the

An Open Letter to the BET

Letter The Greenwich PTA Council, which is composed of leadership from the 15 public school PTAs in Greenwich, would like to express its strong support for the 2020-2021 Board of Education Budget as currently proposed and approved by the Board of Education. We oppose cuts to the education budget which were discussed in the BET Budget Workshop on Thursday. We believe these cuts would have a drastic impact on our public school system, and the over 9000 students it serves. We also believe: 1) After years of restricted growth, the proposed

budget is already lean. The proposed reductions would have devastating and lasting impacts on the quality of education delivered to our students by the Greenwich Public Schools. 2) Our students and teachers are already greatly affected by this period of social distancing. What they will need as we emerge from this crisis is more support, not less. 3) To shift so much of the cost of COVID-19 onto our schools is unfair and unnecessary. The Town has a healthy rainy day fund. If the pandemic isn't a rainy day, then what is? A draw on this fund would help us

weather this storm without raising our mill rate. We understand the GPS administration is reviewing the budget to determine potential savings necessitated by this crisis. While we understand the need and support the effort, we want to ensure the impact to students, both short term or long term, is minimized, given the lasting effect such cuts could have. We recognize the financial strain on many of the families in our community, including those who do not have school age children. We don’t know the duration of the turmoil to come. We do know that,

even in a well funded district like Greenwich, students - our students - are losing valuable educational time now. Are we willing to compound this loss by cutting funding which would directly impact students? Strong schools attract new families to our community and keep our property values high. An investment in our schools is an investment in Greenwich. We urge you to fully fund the education budget for the families and children of the Greenwich Public Schools. Cricket Dyment and Brian Peldunas on behalf of PTA Council Board of Directors

Thank You to King's Market


Dear King's Market CEO, I'm w riting to than k your Old Greenw ich (OG) employees for their consistent kindness and professionalism, and for adhering strictly to social distancing rules, and their kind rationing of some coveted products (toilet paper packages some days. . :)) over these past unprecedented few weeks, in my experiences at your OG store. Your employees, in my experiences, have been completely stellar. Please - let your employees in Old Greenwich know how much the OG community appreciates them.


impact the services and education for our kids that members of our community have come to expect. It is likely that a dialog with the various labor union leaders, who undoubtedly understand the impact of the economic shutdown, both locally and at the state level, will be part of the solution to minimize department costs and not impact service levels to the residents they serve. It is our hope that all of these leaders will work in partnership in the year ahead, which will likely be a difficult year for members of our community. We challenge them to all work together in the month and year to come. We do not have a crystal ball to know how long the pandemic will last, but we do acknowledge that all our lives have changed as a result of it. How long the economy will take to recover to pre-pandemic levels is anybody’s guess. By all accounts it may be many years before that will happen. The budget passed by the BET is a small step in recognizing that we are all in this together. And together we will emerge a stronger community. Michael Mason, BET Chair, Karen Fassuliotis, BET Vice-Chair, Bill Drake, Andy Duus, Debra Hess, Leslie Tarkington (These are the Republican members of the BET)

They have treated every customer like family for years and they are appreciated. Their dedicated unflinching adherence to maintaining social distancing even when it had come on occasion to asking customers to please move back, in a line - or away from each other over this past month or so of social distancing is appreciated and respected. I've witnessed elderly people ask them to re bag groceries as the customer comes too close; but always, with kindness, respect, grace and gentleness your OG employees have managed to help as best they can, while stepping a few steps back, adhering to the rules.

Your employees at King's OG always - without exception, in my experiences since 1991 - treat customers with respect, kindness and care - while adhering to the rules. Sometimes, over these past few weeks, customers have ranted on social media about rules - such as: "it's not fair! I can only buy one .. (toilet paper package; or disinfectant; or whatever the fair share requested was asked of them). Such rants are not helpful, nor show how King's goes above and beyond whenever possible. King's didn't make these rules. They just adhered and enforced them.

But would these customers who may have complained switch places for one minute with any one of King's staff? Just wanted to communicate your OG staff in over 20 years as a customer is Dedicated. Professional. Kind. And has adhered to ALL rules re: social distancing. Even as customers complained - they remained kind, gentle - and firm. Sending good wishes and prayers to all at King's OG. With Gratitude to all at King's OG. Robin Pastore

Counting on Fiscal Responsibility

Thank you for your service to our town during this unprecedented time of a national health and economic crisis. As you know, residents of Connecticut, and especially Greenwich, have been hit hard on many levels due to Covid-19. Our lives have been impacted emotionally, socially and f inancially. Jobs are insecure, businesses are desperate, and savings accounts are demolished. It is not unreasonable to say, “We don’t know what our future holds, but we know it will not be business as usual.” As town leaders, you have the very important role in shaping our budget and in deciding which capital projects

the town will undertake. We are writing to urge you to work in a bi-partisan fashion to make every effort to reduce the town budget to reflect the reality that the financial resources for the town’s taxpayers are intensely strained. We ask that the town should take ever y appropriate measure to f ind pr udent op erat iona l s av i ng s , a nd eliminate non-essential capital spending, such that the FY21 budget will be flat to lower than FY20 and that a negative mill rate be reached! It is important that this mill rate reduction be achieved through lower spending rather than increased borrowing or raiding our General Fund,

which are not sustainable solutions. We are all making prudent f inancial decisions in our own lives. It is only appropriate for the town government to do the same. We, the undersigned residents of Greenwich, thank you in advance for being the kind of principled leaders that our town needs now. Our resilient community, with strong town leadership, will overcome the challenges of these times. We are counting on you for fiscal responsibility, which is a true necessity in these vital times.

Submitted by the following Greenwich Residents: Natalie Adee, Pepper Anderson, Nancy Armstrong, Nisha Arora, Ana Arsov, Walter Auch, Mike Brescia, Brook Bremer, Jude Collins, Whitney Connor, Lucy Conrod, Doug Conrod, Tina Courpas, Allyson Cowin, Holli Cutting, John Cutting, Scott Diddel, Anne Driscoll, Kevin Driscoll, Kim Fiorello, Icy Frantz, Sarah Gallagher, Kaity Geren, Laura Gladstone, Ingrid Hang, Hilary Haroche, Andre Haroche, W. Brooks Harris, Gale Hartch, Tom Hartch, Lisa Hurst, Katherine Hynes, Katie Johnson, Kimberly Johnson, Penelope Kassaris, Heather Khuu, Rick Kolman, Felicity Kostakis, Beth MacGillivray,

Suzanne Branch Martin, Wynne McDaniel, Tog Pearson, Doreen Pearson, Alex Popp, Trey Reynolds, Kim Salib, Frank Salomone, Suzanne Sennatt, Daniel Schreck, Stephen Schmalhofer, Patrick Smith, Jane Sprung, Lloyd Sprung, Sheryl Sorbaro, Liz Tomassino, Kristen Waldorf, Sage Withrow, Morgan Withrow, Sherry Jin Yi, Dr. Wendy Zhou, Melissa Devaney, Maya Tichio, Gerrit Argento, Laura Tobias, Kristen Webb, Tyler Webb, Larry Codraro, Alexandra Codraro, Carl Anderson, Aldo Pascarella, Scott Diddel, Michael and Mita Spilo, Phil Connor, John Lucarelli, Geoff Gentile, John Straus, Jasbeena Layman, Ralph Layman, Don Whamond, , Kathy Georgas.

The Volunteer Service is Now Free As many organizations cope with how to handle COVID-19, The Volunteer Service (TVS) has taken steps to use its unique platform to find volunteers to help the local community. Starting today, and in perpetuity, access to volunteer opportunities on thevolunteerservice. com is entirely free to both volunteers and organizations. Each member will still have an account to help track volunteer

hours, past and future opportunity sign ups, and the ability to search and filter volunteer experiences. TVS has been working with local organizations to find COVID-compliant volunteer opportunities. Currently, they have many of them posted on the TVS site, and are working to post more in the coming weeks. We hope that our unique platform will be able to help those that need help now more than ever.

Volunteer opportunities range from meal delivery and making cards for those in isolation, to at home data entry and virtual volunteering. “We hope that, during this time, now that the site is entirely free to b o t h m e m b e r s a n d o r g a n i z at i o n s , TVS can foster connections within the community to assist those individuals and organizations who need help now. By

seeking COVID-compliant opportunities, we are optimistic that TVS can be an outlet for those who want to volunteer in whatever way is most comfortable for them,” said Franscioni about the new initiative. TVS was founded by Anne Silvey Franscioni, Debra A. McLaughlin, and Heather Woodbridge of Greenwich. The website lets volunteers search for and

find opportunities that fit their schedules, while enabling organizations to reach a large pool of volunteers. To sign up for a volunteer opportunity, users click the BECOME A T VS VOLUNTEER button on the website. For more information or to sign up for TVS, visit or email

Our Columns

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

On My Watch By Anne W. Semmes

Greenwich Authors Speak To The Moment

Two books authored by Greenwich women have special value in our present moment. One found on my shelf unread for too long is “Rescuing Memories – An Offering to Our Families,” co-authored by Arlene Mark, Bebbie Chickering, and Judy Crystal. The other - hot off the Little, Brown press is, “Coming To Age, Growing

Older with Poetry,” co-authored by Mary Ann Hoberman, U.S. Children’s Poet Laureate, National Book Awardee, and Carolyn Hopley, founder of Third Wave Television (impressive films on women’s history seeable on YouTube). Arlene, Bebbie, and Judy, who all grew up in different parts of the country, had gathered years ago around a kitchen table, determining to write about the challenges, and the choices they made, the times that made them “laugh or cry,” and the people who made the difference in their lives. They had asked, “Oh, I wish I knew how my mother felt when…” or “I wonder why my father...We kept wishing we had asked them. We wondered what our children, in turn, might someday want to know about us…So, we simply asked them.” The resulting, “Rescuing Memories,” has their individual stories with similar constructs: “Early On,” “A Little Later On,” “Leaving Home,” “Along the Way,” “Standing Back.” What a rich opportunity this q uarantine of fers for fam ilies w ith homebound teenaged and college age

students there to ask questions like those of the “Rescuing Memories” authors. To that end, Arlene Mark shared her recent letter to The New York Times, responding to its editorial, “It’s Time to Talk About Death.” “It’s also time to talk about life,” she countered, “Time for children to ask how their parents lived their lives…how they got through tough situations, what their hopes and dreams were as young people.” S o, w h e n I c r a c ke d op e n M a r y Ann Hoberman’s and Carolyn Hopley’s “Coming To Age” poetr y antholog y, featuring poets from “Nobel Laureates to the recently published,” my eye fell upon: “Since the poet is concerned with the particular - this time, this place – a poem by example might encourage us to look at the wonder of our situation as the gift it is. We might call it, as Ursula K. Le Guin does, the present as a present.” Indeed, a time to enjoy the magic in the comments Mary Ann and Carolyn have woven through their intriguing sections of poetry, much of that poetry

surely read aloud in Mary Ann’s poetry group ongoing for over a decade. But they had a special audience in mind, “a pioneering age group, the “old old” that is now, they note, “the fastest growing segment of the over-sixty-five population.” “Our experience is one unknown to most of humanity, over time,” the authors quote Penelope Lively, the 80-year-old novelist in their introduction. “And if we are pioneers,” noted Lively, “We owe it to those who follow to make somethings worthwhile of our good fortune.” The book’s title of “Coming To Age,” came to Mary Ann as a play on those words, “coming of age” that address departure, a “leaving youth for maturity,” while “Coming to Age” addresses arrival. But all ages can learn a heap in the authors’ brief bios of the poets, and in their great definition of a poem. A poem, “conveys one individual’s particular experience in language. It is as much an object as a painting or a piece of music… And like other art objects, it can become a precious talisman.”

Take that f irst verse, for now, of Billy Collins’ poem, “Consolation:” “How agreeable it is not to be touring Italy this summer,/wandering her cities and ascending her torrid hill towns./How much better to cruise these local, familiar streets, fully grasping the meaning of every road sign and billboard/and all the sudden hand gestures of my compatriots.” We are treated to three of Mar y A nn’s poems in the book, w ith two addressing the loss of loved ones, and one, “Reconsideration” on growing old. Its ending – “I once was young. That tale’s been told./But only lucky folk grow old.” This August, Mary Ann – author of over 40 books, will turn 90. “Com ing To Age” is availa ble at Diane’s Books of Greenwich, and also at, “Supporting Local Book stores.” “Rescuing Memories,” pu bl i she d i n 2 0 0 8 by iUn iver s e i s available at (Fervent wish of authors is to have their book available on Amazon)

Finding Joy

Great Futures

By Bobby Walker Number of infections. Number of hospitalizations. Number of deaths. Stay in place orders. Schools closure extended. Social distancing. Masks in public. These are the topics of every news station and media source in the country right now. There are daily reminders that there is an invisible "enemy" that threatens our personal safety every day. So many people that I know have a constant fear that this menace will impact them personally or someone they know and love. Over the past several weeks, the precautions we have taken to minimize our personal and the public's risk have seemed to produce a new problem that many are contending with: emotional and psychological struggles. There are no masks that will make you deal with the constant barrage of feeling like you are perpetually in danger. There is no hand sanitizer that cleanses your spirit when you feel lonely or miss your family and friends. No social distancing that makes up for the missed hugs from loved ones. Like everyone else, I was beginning to deal with the genuine emotional toll that we are dealing with right now. I have watched psychological experts speak on the topic and read some articles and scholarly publications about how to deal with these new emotions. But I am a very

practical person. I wanted to know what real people, 13. The ritual of our whole family sitting down together like me, are doing to cope with all that is happening every night for dinner has been amazing. today. 14. Staying active and helping out in the community. I asked the incredible Staff of the Boys & Girls Club 15. Staying connected with our members and of Greenwich to tell me how they are managing their my co-workers. emotional fragility, fears and concerns while strictly 16. Finding time to devote to genealogy research. following the guidelines provided by local, state and federal health officials. Below are the responses I received. They reminded me that in these moments, small things matter so much! I wanted to share their activities with all of you in hopes that you will find a pearl of wisdom or a suggestion that might help you through these difficult days. 1. Listening to instrumental music 2. Reading and working in the yard 3. Listening to the radio during the day instead of having the TV on. Too much news is depressing. 4. Going for walks and exercising. I'm calling family members and my elderly friends checking in on them and reconnecting, and not watching the news before bed. 5. Staying active and structured. 17. Doing great online courses, one with Coursera 6. Helping others when I can. called "Learning How to Learn," mastering 7. Staying in touch with people. tough subjects. 8. Margaritas (maybe not a good one to share???) 18. Watched a seminar with New Canaan Library on 9. Walking every day and finishing with yoga or a organic lawn care. weight workout and take a few nights to just read in 19. Doing Scottish Gaelic on Duolingo. quiet. Helping others and getting to see co-workers 20. Trying a little bit of Spanish and Latin. when volunteering. 21. Revisiting Shakespeare's sonnets, which are 10. Being home with my family, playing a lot of ping amazingly beautiful. pong with my sons, and just talking to them. Taking 22. Doing some vegetable gardening. walks every day. I also started reading a book. 23. Blitzing Netflix, especially French crime dramas. 11. Watching a lot of DJs and producers play live sets on Instagram and YouTube nightly. Baby Face going 24. Talking to my children a lot more than usual. against Teddy Riley was great. Just lots of listening 25. Breaking out my guitar that I haven't touched in 20 to music. years. Can't sing anymore! LOL. 12. Taking a daily walk and playing cards every 26. Garage workouts, jogging, moped rides, ping pong, night with my family. We have never had so much perfecting my golf swing, and lots of family stuff. uninterrupted time before—a real treat. 27. Completing small projects around the house.

These simple, real-world suggestions reminded me that I need to find and remember those things that make me happy. My youngest and I have reignited our love affair with the Harry Potter series. My son and I have had the most animated debates about who is better, Lebron James or Michael Jordan. My oldest daughter and I have been discussing her hopes and

Over the past several weeks, the precautions we have taken to minimize our personal and the public's risk have seemed to produce a new problem that many are contending with: emotional and psychological struggles. dreams for college next year and her possible career choices. My wife and I have called old friends from college and love telling our kids what great athletes we were a very long time ago! And I have reconnected with my love affair of old-school 80s R&B and my obsession with funk music! Find those small things that bring you joy. Reconnect with old friends. Cook a new dish. Support a local small business that has remained open. Learn a new skill. Every little thing you do will bring you that much-needed injection of happiness and hope that we all could use now. A former independent school administrator and teacher, Bobby joined Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich in 2014 as Chief Executive Officer. In his column, Great Futures, Bobby Walker, Jr. brings his unique voice and perspective to topics affecting youth and families in our community.

Healthcare Heroes


By Jennifer Dayton A hero is compelled to achieve a greater good, undertakes a journey of trials and overcomes the odds. First responders and healthcare workers in Greenwich are authentic heroes throughout our lives but never more so than today, and they are our greatest asset in the Greenwich community. Gratitude to first responders and medical staff involved in Covid-related care is overflowing. Tens of thousands of calls to Greenwich Hospital have been

answered with compassion and action. Our Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) qualified 500 new workers to respond to the pandemic. Tens of thousands of people have been tested for Covid-19. This capacity for wide testing not only benefits individuals, it is the lynchpin for rapid recovery of our economic health. How fortunate we are to be surrounded by excellent health professionals and access to all medical specialties, given that the coronavirus has various effects. So far, the virus has adapted to avoid detection by antibodies. This is a time when we need Yankee ingenuity. Greenwich hospital was founded a century ago and is still the oldest laboratory operating in the state. When I moved to town, it had already become a regional teaching hospital allied with the Yale University School of Medicine. This alliance produced in-house tests for Covid-19, named after its discovery year. When I moved to my first house in Greenwich, my new neighbors told me about the hospital’s traditional champagne and lobster dinner in the maternity ward, but I scarcely believed it. Less than a year later, I was pregnant with our first child, who was born in the old hospital. As a new mother, I venerated the nursing staff and became a true believer when champagne arrived. By my second house in Greenwich and the delivery of our second child, I raced to a brand new Greenwich Hospital. At dawn, I awakened, mystified by what appeared to be a room off an upscale hotel corridor. As I watched an orange disk of morning sun welcoming

a new life into the world, I could not have known how important to me Greenwich Hospital would become. Over my sons’ early teenage years of accelerated physical growth combined with demanding sports, my sons and I felt indebted to emergency room staff. Years later one of my grown sons became a hospital volunteer, and I myself became conscious of the benefit

Town health workers complement the hospital by providing critical services. Health Department staff manage data, plan for emergencies, fill unmet needs, provide flu vaccines and in future may provide Covid-19 vaccines. I am thankful to our hospital and town for prioritizing their workers, in the face of losses. In the town budget discussions, there is talk among

First responders and healthcare workers in Greenwich are authentic heroes throughout our lives but never more so than today, and they are our greatest asset in the Greenwich community. of great diagnostic care and medical advice. Those working in hospital care have been with us on many of life’s journeys and faced their own trials. After many years of impasse, CT hospitals had just settled state reimbursements, when confronted with this pandemic that unbalanced revenues. It will be a journey back to economic health, but well worth it, as the alternative to necessary spending is a risk to us all.

RTM members of cost-cutting to town operations. At this time, most enterprises interconnected with each other and with town government are struggling with reorganization. What residents want at a time of uncertainty is stability. The ability of town government to serve the public’s need for information, health and safety is our best defense.

The OHP Blog – Ted Gilman In recognition of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Greenwich Library Oral History Project student blogger Noor Rekhi offers highlights of an interview with Ted Gilman by OHP Project volunteer Laurie Heiss. Ted Gilman retired at the end of January after 43 years with the Greenwich Audubon Center, where he served as Senior Naturalist and Education Specialist. His love for flora and fauna was kindled as a young child in Montclair, NJ, where he grew up playing outdoors and developed a love for ornithology. He continued this passion at Earlham College, where he studied natural history, and at Cornell University, where he participated in a graduate program in the Department of Natural Resources. Gilman first honed his skills as an educator in the 1970’s when he worked for a Toledo-based program that sought to give fifth graders in Ohio a chance to experience the great outdoors. His experience with Audubon began in 1974 when he became a bird life instructor at an

Audubon camp in Maine. Gilman continued to spend two more summers at the camp before coming to Greenwich the summer of 1977 to work for Greenwich Audubon as an education specialist and naturalist. During that summer he worked in the Audubon Ecology Workshop for Educators and was named director of the program the following year. The workshop taught teachers from across America and overseas how to embrace and connect with natural surroundings so that they could bring those same lessons to their students. Gilman greatly enjoyed many aspects of teaching in that program, noting that it “was the opportunity to help adults have child-like experiences.” Through this workshop he gave an invaluable experience to the teachers involved and their future students; everyone should have the opportunity to embrace nature and hone the ability to connect with it. During the other seasons of the year he worked in the Volunteer Teacher-Naturalist program, which

allows children to explore nature and wildlife in small group settings. Through this program, Gilman reached thousands of students, many of whom have gone on to pursue natural history studies themselves. Gilman fondly expressed his enthusiasm towards helping children get in touch with the outdoors, saying, “It’s that fun of seeing the kids have the opportunity to get out and explore outside the four walls of the school. And whether it is peering at a tiny little nymph of the spittlebug on a stem of a plant in spring, or tadpoles and frogs, or seeing hawks soaring overhead, I think it’s trying to help children have that ‘oh, wow’ experience of the new—the new discovery, the new awareness and exploring and discovering of the natural world, hopefully widening their horizons.” Through his work, Gilman has taught many children and adults to cherish the environment and realize the need for conservation not only in protected wildlife sanctuaries, but also in our own backyards. Although

in this modern world many of us find ourselves more connected to our screens than the environment, Gilman works to preserve our Earth for all its future children. The next time you gaze upon the foliage and fauna that grace Greenwich or experience an “oh, wow,” moment while watching nature, note Ted Gilman’s contributions in sustaining our communal home. None of us are alone; we are connected to every person, animal, plant, and mineral in the universe. By connecting children and adults with feathered and finned friends alike, Gilman allows us to return to a child’s awareness of the interdependence of everyone and every living thing. As with all our interview transcripts, the Ted Gilman transcript may be read at Greenwich Library and is available for purchase at the Oral History Project office. The Oral History Project is sponsored by the Friends of the Greenwich Library. Visit the OHP website at Mary Jacobson serves as OHP blog editor.

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel


Earth Day in the World of COVID-19

By Patricia Chadwick It was fifty years ago when E a r t h D ay w a s d e c l a r e d – I remember the event as though it were yesterday. In Cambridge, M a s s a c hu s e t t s w h e r e I w a s living at the time, the denizens of Harvard Square were elated to have another cause for demonstration – at least this was less disruptive than the daily and nightly clashes between the police and an assortment of students, supportive professors, beatniks and members of the Hari Krishna sect, in opposition to the Vietnam War. That f i r st Ea r t h Day had special meaning for me. I lived within walking distance of the b e aut i f u l Cha rle s R iver, t he w i n d i n g b o u n d a r y b e t we e n Boston a nd Ca m br idge a nd I

had vivid memories of picking buttercups along its banks when I was no more than four years old. My mother had told me many times how she, as a teenage girl, loved to swim in the river, but by 1970, a mere 25 years later, the waters of the Charles were so polluted that it was toxic. If a sailor or a sculler accidentally fell into the river, it necessitated a trip to the hospital for a tetanus shot. The last half century has seen the river return to health along with many other rivers in this country. Giant strides have been made in restricting industrial discharge, ridding lakes, rivers and streams of their pollution; and wetlands restoration has also made huge gains. Even air pollution is trending, albeit slowly, in the right direction, but global industrial growth makes it a “twosteps-forward, one-step-back” process. Vehicular and air traffic continue to grow unabated. That was all part of yesterday and yesteryear. Then COVID-19 hit us, and the world as we knew it came to a screeching halt. In the space of a few weeks, we followed the dictate to quarantine ourselves in our houses and apartments; “work f rom home” became the new order – for those who were lucky

instead of rushing out to commute to work , could have a couple of ex tra hours in the day for themselves and their family – time to exercise, go for a walk, have a leisurely breakfast, or take a child to school. The lack of stress associated with commuting, in and of itself, would add to human productivity. And with millions of cars no longer being driven to and from work, the congestion, as well as the wear and tear on t he h ig hway system, w i l l b e measurably reduced. And, to the point of this missive in honor of Earth Day, those millions of cars will no longer be spewing carbon dioxide exhaust into the atmosphere, thereby reducing one of the main causes of climate change. If a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a picture of Los Angeles (Courtesy of Getty/ Reuters/Business Insider) before Gone too, as we work from a nd a f ter G over nor Newsom home, is the “daily commute” issued the stay-at-home order. – that often two to three hours of each day spent by millions of Patricia Chadwick is a Americans in traffic congestion or businesswoman and an author. crammed onto a subway or train. She recently published Little Sister, Could that too be a thing of the a memoir about her unusual past? childhood growing up in a cult. www. Think of the benef its. On a human level, there would be a reduction in stress as employees,

Might COVID-19 open the way to improving the environment? enough not to be laid off. Until a few weeks ago, the notion that huge swaths of our economy could carry on without a single employee showing up i n the of f ice or even leav i ng home, was unfathomable. While telecommuting has been in existence for decades, and has been a growing trend, the proclivity to make it a

corporate-wide practice has not materialized, particularly among large companies where corporate culture tends to be slow to change. Now, in the space of a month, the workplace in our country has been altered forever. We have proven that Zoom and Webex meetings can obviate the need for conference rooms and intercity travel.

Jet Plane


Icy Frantz I woke up this morning humming the tune, “I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane” and it wasn’t hard to figure out why John Denver’s 1966 song had found its way into my subconscious. Wouldn’t it be great to take a little break? “All my bags are packed. I’m ready to go.” A change of scenery would do me wonders. Virtual Zoom backgrounds and s c e n i c r o u t e s o f f e r e d o n my stationary bike screen are nice, but I could really use some time away. Usually, by early March, I am

ready to escape the cold, gray days of winter. I want to throw off the boots and down coat and put on my white jeans and sunglasses. I am ready to trade in the steaming soup on the stovetop for summer salads and fresh fruit. I want to roll down the windows in my car and pop open the sunroof. My body, deficient of vitamin D and pasty white, longs for the warmth of the sun. I agree with John Denver, “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.” So here we are, a few days shy of May 1st and, like many, I have been home since early March. I am dreaming of vacations past and crafting itineraries of future escapes. I reminisce about Christmas 2018, when my family traveled to A f r ica, excited ly ex plor ing Cape Town and Botswana. A few years earlier, we visited Paris and Normandy and stood on Omaha Beach and walked solemnly through the American Cemetery and Memorial. We love to ski, and there have been many Vermont vacations wishing away the ice and

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rock, praying for powder. Growing up, I spent school breaks in Florida, visiting grandparents, now gone, in the age before jetways took passengers off the plane and directly into the airport but rather down makeshift stairs and right into the hot air of the southern state. While the details of each trip are lost on me, the feelings remain. T i m e a w a y a l w a y s g i ve s m e perspective, renewed energy, and

strengthens relationships. Sheltering at home during these past few months has provided me a lot of time to think about where I would go if I could. Let me tell you where that “jet plane” might take me: The dogs would cock their heads as if to say, “Where do you think you are going?”, surprised by the fact that I was actually going somewhere. Out the door, leaving

And, when we were finished, we would shake hands, a good hearty shake. From there, I would meet a friend for a coffee or a green drink ordered in real-time, and we would catch up in person with a walk in the park. I would eagerly drive the carpool, full of girls leaning into each other like a litter of puppies, to an afternoon game and cheer with abandon from the sidelines. And, in the evening, I would meet my

shoulder to shoulder in the pews, and congregate in groups larger than six. I would ride a crowded train into NYC, unworried about the length of time Metro-North might be taking. In addition to getting my family’s essentials from the grocery store and pharmacy, I would stop in at a few of my favorite non-essential local stores and waste precious time, a guilty pleasure. I would get waxed, colored, and cut! I would visit a friend in the hospital, and leave only after a good long hug. Yes, this is what my dream vacation would look like. No need for an intricate packing list or concern for the size of my carry-on; no need to buy a new outfit or perfect beach read or healthy snack for the trip. I am sure that the crystal blue waters and the snow-tipped peaks will beckon me, one day, and that the immortal lyrics of John Denver will a heightened sense of appreciation mask and gloves behind, I would husband at a local restaurant, and whisper to my soul once again, but for life. Some who have studied drop my daughter, dressed fully in we would wait for our food with no what I really want right now is just a the ef fects of ta k ing vacation her school uniform - not just waist complaint, just pleased to be out little more of what I had. say that time away helps relieve up - at school and head to the squash among the other diners. See more of Icy at stress, prevents heart disease, and courts for a game and some laughs. And I would go to church, sitting

Sheltering at home during these past few months has provided me a lot of time to think about where I would go if I could. Let me tell you where that “jet plane” might take me:

Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to

Norma Carlson


thought, driving her children and grandchildren to their music lessons and activities and always being their biggest cheerleader. When she was together with her sisters, there was always much laughter and love; she adored spending time in her beloved Montreal. Her parents, Alfred and Pearl, a daughter Susan Agnes Carlson, and her siblings, Clara Kane, Pearl Hubert, James Hubert, Gertrude Turchin, Florence Garvey, and Marie Anne Brunone, preceded Norma in death. She is survived by her five children: Thomas (Susan) Carlson, Christine (C h r i s to p h e r - d e c e a s e d) D o n e y, Robert (Barbara Urso) Carlson, Mary (Thomas) Waicul, and Eileen (John) Sierra. Norma is also survived by six grandchildren: Anthony (Nikki) Waicul, Doreen Dimitri, Courtney (Jefrey Bulla) Carlson, Justin Sierra, Stephen ( Josie) Carlson, and Keli Sierra Bradley, as well as five greatgrandchildren: Kaylin Dimitri, Ella Waicul, and Bradley, Benjamin and Zachary Carlson, plus many nieces and nephews. Norma was loved deeply by her family and friends and they will miss her unconditional love, one-liners making them laugh, devotion to her family, and strong spirit. A special thank you to the staff at Brightview on New Canaan for the wonderful care they provided to Norma in her final years, and to the doctors, nurses and staf f at Norwalk Hospital for their compassionate care, holding her hands and comforting her in her final moments. Burial is private; a celebration of life will take place at a later date. In lieu of f lowers, please consider memorial contributions to the Alzheimer’s Association or Norwalk Hospital.

Nor ma Mar y Huber t Carlson of Cos Cob, CT passed away from COVID-19 on April 24, 2020 at the age of 91. Born on Dec. 22, 1928 in Montreal, Canada to Alfred Hubert (a boxer known as Kid Hubert) and Pearl McKerness, she attended French school in Montreal and dreamed of being a figure skater. Meeting her future husband, the late John (Jack) Carlson of Cos Cob, at Chez Maurice Danceland in Montreal, Norma was smitten by Jack’s “unique” dance style. They fell in love the next day on a bicycle built for four. She moved to New Jersey and after a short courtship, married Jack and they moved to Cos Cob to raise their family. They were happily married for 63 years. Norma worked as a bookkeeper at Aero-Nautical Boats in Greenwich and Rings End in Darien. A talented seamstress, she loved ma k ing beautiful quilts for family and friends a nd was a n av id bowler a nd ice skater. She volunteered with the Cos Cob Ladies Auxiliary and as a driver Arthur Wichman with the Greenwich Red Cross. She loved ice cream (a shared family trait), playing Bingo, the color blue, Mardi Gras beads, and music from all decades and genres. She especially loved attending concerts and plays where her children or grandchildren performed. Her favorite song was “Sentimental Journey,” and even as Alzheimer’s stole her memory, she could recall every line to songs from her past. She loved speaking French, “C’est bon!” being one of her frequent expressions, along w ith “Old age doesn’t come alone” and when asked how she was doing, “Still alive and kicking – not too high!” She and Jack traveled the world and loved visiting family and friends. A r t h u r J . W i c h m a n (A r t) , a She was a devoted and lov ing wife, mother, grandmother, great- resident of Riverside for almost 40 grandmother, aunt, and friend, always yea rs, passe d away at h is home there for everyone without a second on April 24, 2020. The cause was

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pancreatic cancer. He was just short of his 78th birthday. Art was born in Paterson, NJ, the son of Jacob ( Jack) Wichman and Charlotte (Weiner) Wichman. He graduated from Rutgers University in 1963 and did his graduate studies in finance at New York University. Art worked in several investmentrelated jobs before beginning a long and distinguished career with JP Morgan Investment Management in 1981. He rose to Managing Director in the Healthcare and Biotech investment group, where he remained until his retirement in 2005. A r t was k now n by a l l for h is kindness, his warmth, his devotion to his family, and his generosity. This led him to volunteer with Greenwich CallA-Ride and Jewish Family Services of Greenwich, where he served as Treasurer and then President. In recent years, he continued to be an active JFS board member and also tutored children twice a week at Bu i ld i ng O ne Com mu n it y, a n immigrant support center in Stamford. He loved theater, opera, sports, and was an avid bridge player. He is survived by his beloved wife of 50 years, Anne, his adored children – Daniel, of Greenw ich, Michael, of Darien, and Sarah, of Brooklyn, and his cherished daughters-in-law Rosanne and Karin. He took so much joy in his four grandsons - Jacob and David, and Charlie and Ethan. Nothing made him happier than spending time with his family and friends. Please consider a donation in his name to Jewish Family Services of Greenw ich ( jfsg reenw / donate/) or Building One Community (

Barbara Rippel

Barbara D. Rippel (Fischer) a life long resident of Greenwich, CT has passed on April 24, 2020. Barbara was born in Greenwich, CT on Nov. 17, 1962 to late Erika Schaffer Fischer and Henry A. Fischer JR. She was the beloved wife of predeceased Scott Rippel with whom she spent the last 40 years of her life. Scott passed away just 4 months ago. She was a loving mother to Melissa Carroll (Matthew), Stephanie Hastings (Michael), Erika Hughes (Christopher) and Tori Rippel. She is survived by her brothers John Fischer (Nancy) and Henr y Fischer and her six grandchildren, Cayla Hughes, Tyler Hastings, Emily Hastings, Brayden Hastings, Anthony Hughes, and Rylee Carroll, as well as many loving friends and extended family. Barbara went to Greenw ich Hig h School and g raduated f rom cosmetolog y school. She went on to raise her 4 daughters before she returned back to work. Most people will remember Barb for her immense love for her family, her silly personality and her infectious laugh. Barbara opened her doors to anyone in need, making sure whom ever it was found comfort in her home. We will miss her forever but find peace in knowing she is in heaven with the love of her life, her true soul mate. A celebration of life will be held at a later date where friends and family can gather and remember what a beautiful woman she was.

23, 2020 succumbing to the insidious Covid-19 virus after a valiant struggle. He was 87 years old. Born on Aug. 10, 1932 to the late Anne C. Johann and Otto G. Johann, “Dick ” was a lifelong resident of Gr e enw ich . He w a s e duc ate d i n the local schools, graduating from Greenwich High School where he established many lifelong friends. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Bridgeport which prepared him for a long illustrious career in international industry. Before embarking on his professional career, Dick proudly served his country during the Korean conf lict as a seaman in the United States Navy aboard the USS Darby DE-218. Upon his return to Greenwich, Dick started his family and entered the realm of the corporate world. Mentored by the late Theodore Greeff of Greenwich, Dick became national Sales Manager and then succeeded Mr. Greeff as President of the then renowned luxury fabric company, Greeff Fabrics. Dick’s tenure was marked with many awards and high accolades from his peers. He served in that capacity for twenty years after which time he became President and Chief Operating Officer of the British fabric company Osborne & Little. After 10 years Dick retired from the company but couldn’t stay retired long. He was asked to serve as the United States Managing Director for the venerable German luxury fabric company Zim mer & Rohde. Dick finally retired at the age of 80 after over 40 years in the industry, a true legend in his profession. Dick was a former co-owner of Hoagland’s of Greenwich, active in many civic and community activities in and around Greenwich, always willing to give of his time or resources. He is a proud and unabashed Catholic and a lifelong communicant at St. Marys Church. More importantly than his professional accomplishments, Dick most wished to be remembered for his love and devotion to all his family. Dick is survived by his loving and caring wife of 43 years, Barbara (McGrath) of Greenwich, his “rock;” h i s d a u g h t e r D e b o r a h ( K e v i n) Blanchette of Byfield, MA; daughter Susan (Richard) Coates of Katy, TX; son Richard (Jon) of Ft. Lauderdale, FL; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his brother and best friend, John “Jack” Joha n n a nd w i fe Ja ne of V ic tor, Montana. In addition to his parents, Dick was predeceased by his son, James J. “Jimmy” Johann; sister Betty Anne Marciniak; and sister Edwinna Dittmar. The family extends its deepest appreciation to the doctors, especially Dr. Marcus Mayus, nurses and staff at Greenwich Hospital for their care in this terrible pandemic. A memorial Mass in celebration of Dick’s wonderful life will be held at a later date when the world returns to normal.

George Crapple

G e or ge E . Crapple , of F i she r Island, FL and Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on April 25, 2020 following a heroic year-long battle with cancer. He was 76. Richard Johann George is survived by his beloved wife Carol (Tuyn) Crapple; daughters Stephanie Stapleton (Van), Heather Fargis (John), Holly Lawson (Rich); son Eric Halloran; brother Robert Crapple (Margaret); and ten grandchildren, Nathan, Emma, and Samuel Stapleton; Madeleine, Brian, Dylan, and Patrick Fargis; and Lauren, Trey, and Noelle Lawson – all of whom will miss their Poppy immensely. He was preceded in death by his parents. G eorge was born on April 2 3, 194 4 in Chicago, Ill. to George A. Richard C. “Dick” Johann, lifelong a nd Ma r ion A . ( Ke a ne) Crapple . resident of Greenwich, CT passed He attended Lyons Township High away at Greenwich Hospital on April

School in LaGrange, Knox College for two years, and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1966 with high scholastic distinction and election to the Phi Beta Kappa Society. He attended Harvard Law School, where he served as an editor of the Law Review and graduated magna cum laude in 1969. He practiced law with the Chicago-based firm Sidley & Austin for 14 years, specializing i n com mo d it ie s , s e c u r it ie s , a nd corporate law, becoming a partner in 1975. In 1983, George joined the pioneering investment management firm Millburn Ridgefield Corporation, one of the world's longest operating alternative investment managers. George was with Millburn for the remainder of his distinguished career, leading the f irm as Co-Chairman and Co-CEO for over 30 years. In add ition, G eorge held nu merous le ade r sh ip p o sit ion s w it h i n t he industry. Past roles include: National Futures Association (NFA) Director and Executive Committee Chairman; Managed Funds Association (MFA) Chairman; Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Global Markets Advisory Committee; and Futures Industry Association (FIA) Board of Directors. George testified before Congress as a Futures Industry representative in April 2000 and b e fo r e t h e C o m m o d i t y F u t u r e s Trading Commission in 2002. George was a patron of the arts and a committed supporter of the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, CT, and served as Co-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, member of the Executive Committee, and Chairman of the Investment Committee. He was also a Trustee of the Pérez Art Museum Miami and on the Collectors Council, Finance Committee and Audit Committee. G e orge wa s a mem b er of t he Metropolitan Club New York, Harvard Club of NYC, GlenArbor Golf Club, Belle Haven Club, Greenwich Country Club, Fisher Island Club, and Indian Creek Country Club. George played football in high school and at Knox College. In his prime, he enjoyed a competitive game of hoops, tennis, and waterskiing behind the family boat By George, built by his father. He relished golfing with Carol, his daughters and sonsin-law, and his grandchildren. George especially adored spending time at the cottage in Wisconsin surrounded by his family. George was exceptionally wellread, with a sophisticated grasp of a wide range of subjects, from law, finance and politics, to wine and art. He dependably held strong opinions and had a my r iad of facts at his disposal to back them up, making him the uncontested victor in many a debate. To his admiring family and friends, George was well known for his sense of humor, including clever anecdotes and masterful joke delivery. Although he enjoyed quiet time alone with his books, he did not hesitate to belt out tunes from his extensive reper toi re at pa r t ies a nd fa m i ly gatherings. G eorge had a unique ability to assess complex issues and was consistently sought after for advice by family and friends alike. Above all, George will be remembered for his devotion and loving relationships with family and dear friends, to whom his kindness and generosity was unparalleled. He will be sorely missed. A memorial service and celebration of his life will be held in Greenwich, CT at a date to be announced. In lieu of f lowers, donations in George's memory may be made to The Prostate Cancer Foundation at

Samuel Trachtenberg

Samuel L. Trachtenberg, 86, of Gre enw ich, CT, passe d away on April 20, 2020 due to complications from Covid-19. Sam was smart, kind, talented and wickedly funny. Sam is survived by his wife, Alice McAtee of Greenwich, CT enjoying 32 very happy and devoted years;

his daughters, Susan (Mario) Paula of Q ue e n s , N Y, M i ndy ( D on a ld) Miles of Merritt Island, FL and Ilene (Timothy) Grimes of Marietta, GA; grandchildren, Katie Miles, Sarah (Charles) Grounds, Jack, Aidan and William Grimes and Hillary Paula; great-grandchildren Kalea Priester, Kayden and Charlie Grounds; nephew Alan (Shira) Honigstein. Sam was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1934. At 6 years old, he both went to school and worked to help support his family after his father passed away. He learned to play the drums and was a prominent drummer in a band. Sam also ran errands for Bugsy Siegel, earning $.25 per errand, a lot of money back then. Sam proudly served his country as a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army during the Korean War. An entrepreneur, Sam purchased a taxi medallion and owned his own cab in the 1960's and 1970's in New York, an interesting time to be a taxi driver. Sam loved to strike up conversations w it h h is r iders, i nclud i ng ma ny famous and inf luential people such a s Ro ck y G ra z ia no, Moh a m m ad Ali, Walter Cronkite, Mike Wallace, Howard Cosell and Dennis Weaver, just to name a few. In 197 3, Sam relocated w ith his family to Old Greenwich, CT to become co-owner of beloved general merchandise store Cuf f 's, in the heart of the village. In addition to building a strong connection with the community as a small business owner, Sam was a father figure and role model to the many teenagers who worked for him at Cuff 's, becoming known lovingly as Mr. T. Never one to waste a minute of his time, Sam joined the Greenwich Police Department in the Special Off icers Division, spending many hours on patrol when he wasn't at the store. He was the recipient of several police service commendations over many dedicated years of service, including the special police Exceptional Service Award. Sam was very community oriented and enjoyed being of ser v ice, so after selling Cuff's in the late 1980's, Sam became a Vocational Counselor, helping people with mental illness acquire employment. In his later years, he volunteered for several orga n i zat ions i n Gre enw ich a nd S t a m fo r d , i n c lu d i n g G r e e nw i c h Hospital where he always brought a smile to the patients' faces. Sam had many creative talents, though known mostly to his family. He never took an art class, yet he was a talented artist who could sketch, paint, and sculpt. He also had a beautiful singing voice and wrote a song or two. Sam loved history and traveled all over the world, but his greatest past time was ship modeling. Sam was an avid model ship builder, well known in that community all across the country. He was always happy to donate his time, giving advice to other builders or fixing their ships that were in disrepair, requiring a special talent not known to many. His greatest joy was spending time with his family. He was fiercely proud of his daughters and took great joy in teasing his sons-in-law, all in good humor. He especially loved taking his grandchildren to the local hobby shop to share his love of any and all creative interests. His loss is deeply felt by his family and he will be sorely missed. A memorial service will be held later this summer, date to be determined. On behalf of his family, they would like to extend a heartfelt "thank you" to the doctors and nurses at G r e enw ich Ho spit a l for t hei r kindness and for standing by him as his family was not able to physically be with him due to the virus.

Donald Morrell

Donald Morrell age 83, a lifelong resident of Greenwich, passed away peacefully on April 26, 2020, after a brief illness. Don was born on Dec. 16, 1936 in Greenwich, CT, son of the late Gordon and Gladys Morrell.


Don retired a career Firefighter from the Town of Greenwich, and worked many jobs throughout his lifetime, including Estate keeper, Handyman, and Office Maintenance Technician. D on love d l i fe a nd l ive d it to the fullest. He and his wife Mary traveled to many destinations over the years, and whether traveling to the rocky shoals of the coast of Maine or cruising the Caribbean, Don thoroughly enjoyed these times and enthusiastically partook in the local cuisine. Don loved sharing his knowledge of fishing and Long Island sound with his children and grandchildren. He was known as (Smokey) to many and will be greatly missed by all that knew him. Don was an avid Gardener and enjoyed planting his vegetable garden and f lowerbeds yearly and did so w ith g reat pride. Don also loved the holidays and being surrounded by his family. He particularly loved Christmas and took great pride in decorating multiple Christmas trees as well as the outside of his house every year. His love of Christmas and holiday spirit has been passed on to all three of his children who continue with his traditions. Don was also very involved in the lives of all four of his grandchildren and one great-grandchild and enjoyed talking about their accomplishments as well as attending as many of their special events as possible. Don is survived by his wife of 61 years, Mary P. Morrell, their daughter, Donna Bourn and her fiancé, Thomas Sullivan, his granddaughter, Chelsea Bourn and her husband Erich Moylan, his son Craig Morrell and his fiancée, Maureen Wing, his grandaughter, Jessica Blechner, husband Joe and their son, Bo Blechner, his son Kurt Morrell and his wife Maria, and their sons Kyle and Connor Morrell. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Greenwich Fire Department.

Margaret Laffan Peggy Laffan of Greenwich died peacef ully of complications from Corona Virus on Friday, April 17, 2020 at Stamford Hospital. Peggy was born on Oct. 12, 1930, the third and youngest daughter of John and Helen Crane of Queens, NY. Peggy was a graduate of St. Lawrence Academy in Manhattan and of St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn. Peggy e a r ne d a D e g r e e i n E le me nt a r y Education and became a teacher, delighting in teaching children how to read. Peggy married Robert E. Laffan, also of Queens in December 1953. They began their married life in New York, moving to Pittsburgh, Chicago, Philadelphia and Columbus, Ohio before eventually settling in Greenwich in 1966. Peggy and Bob had two daughters early in their marriage, Joanne (Laffan) and Regina (Kraft) and they all enjoyed family life in Greenwich. Peggy was a dog lover and the Laffans had two dachshunds, Fritz a n d G u s . Pe g g y l ove d s u n s e t s , reading and Greenwich Point. Mostly, she enjoyed being with her family, especially her grandchildren, Renny, Bobby and Margaret. Peggy was a devout Roman Catholic and belonged to St. Mary's Church on Greenwich Avenue. Peggy was predeceased by her parents, John and Helen Crane, her husband Robert Laffan, her sisters Helen Crane and Joan Medvecky and her grandson, Renny Kraft. Peggy is survived by her daughters Joanne Laffan of Stamford and Regina Kraft, her son-in-law Warren Kraft and her grandchildren, Robert and Margaret Kraft of Cold Spring Harbor, NY and nieces and nephews. Burial will be private and there w i l l b e a M a s s fo r Pe g g y w h e n churches are open again.

on April 14. She was 100 years old. She was born in Hampshire, England living in London during World War II. She was predeceased by her husband Willard Bradley Sechler, whom she met in Cambridge in 1944 while he was stationed there with the American Forces before being shipped to France. She knew him for six weeks and then 2 years after the war she emigrated and joined him in Philadelphia where they were married. She was a member of the Daughters of the British Empire and joined in many charitable efforts. She left many dear friends to move to Riverside in 2011 to be closer to family. She was also predeceased by her mother, father and three siblings in England. She is survived by her son John T. Sechler of Hampton, NH, her daughter Diana Whyte (Tony) of Fairf ield; her grandchildren, Brian Whyte (Tina), Lauren DaLan (Diego), (step) grandson Evers Whyte (Laura) a nd (step) g ra nddaug hter A lex a Cedolin (Brad); great-grandchildren Matteo and Sebastian DaLan, Christian Whyte and Pia and Chloe Whyte; a niece, Janet Heller and many great nieces and nephews in England. Irene had a quick wit and charmed ever yone who met her. With her st r eng t h a nd deter m i nat ion she celebrated her 100th bir thday in January with her family and friends. She loved to read and travel returning to her beloved England several times. Her two aides Tameka and Maxine cared for her with love. Her ashes will be interred in St. Paul’s Memorial Ga rden a nd a celebrat ion of her life will be planned at a later date. Donations can be made in her name to Hill House, 10 Riverside Avenue, Riverside, CT 06878.

Matthew Brown, III M at t hew B a r clay Br ow n , I I I , of G r e e nw ich , C T, p a s s e d aw ay on Wednesday, April, 15, 2020, at Greenwich Hospital, as a result of COVID-19. He was 70 years old. Born Sept. 28, 1949, the son of Renee Holt Bigler and Matthew Barclay Brown Jr., he was a beloved son, brother and a friend to all. He is survived by his mother Renee Bigler; his brother George Holt Brown; his sister Diane Justine Buck; and four nieces and nephews. Tam, as he was k now n to all, grew up in Pelham Manor, NY. He was a gifted athlete, an avid golfer, tennis player, and skiing enthusiast. Tam loved family time and the many adventures he experienced as part of a large and extended family. Tam will be remembered for his gentle, kind and loving heart, and his quick wit. His legacy is one of hope and courage. For most of h is adu lt l i fe , he suffered from the devastating effects of mental illness, and in that suffering, became the inspiration for Pathways Inc., a sanctuary in Greenwich, CT for those like Tam who need a place they can call home. Today, Pathways serves the needs of many people, who, like Tam, have had much of their lives stolen from them by a disease that, like the COVID virus, knows no boundaries. We will miss him terribly but can take comfort in knowing that he has escaped the strangling grip of schizophrenia, and that he is now in the arms of God. A memorial service to celebrate his life will take place later this year. Memorial contributions can be made in his memory to, Pathways, Inc., 175 Milbank Ave., Greenwich, CT, 06830.

Mahmoud Essaid

Mahmoud Ihsan Essaid passed away on April 7, 2020 at his home in Old Greenwich. He was 86 years old. Mahmoud was born in his grandfather's home in Jaffa, Palestine on Dec. 21, 1933 to the late Ihsan and Zuleikha Essaid where he lived until 1948. Over the subsequent years, Mahmoud lived throughout the Middle East and the United Kingdom finally settling in Greenwich, CT in 1979. He Irene Sechler came to America seeking a better life for his family and found it. Mahmoud attended St George's School in Jerusalem, Victoria College in Alexandria, Egypt, and Fitzwilliam College of the University of Cambridge. More recently, he was a member of the Columbia University Seminar on the Middle East, where he was remembered for his kind intelligence. Ma h moud was a devote d a nd loving husband to his wife of 54 years, Rana Essaid. He was generous, a true gentleman in all his dealings. He was also admired for his courage, Irene M. Sechler passed away i n d e p e n d e n c e a n d s t u b b o r n peacefully at Hill House in Riverside conviction. He was a caring family

man, a successful businessman, an Harry Antebi erudite scholar and a passionate advocate for his homeland and his adopted home. O ve r t h e l a s t 2 0 ye a r s o r s o Mahmoud could be found almost ever yday r iding h is bike a rou nd Tod's Point. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Greenwich Point Conservancy (greenwichpoint. org) in his name. In addition to his wife Rana, his brothers Said Essaid and Nadim Essaid, Mahmoud is survived by four sons and their families: Ihsan Essaid Harr y A ntebi passed away on of Old Greenwich, Ghazi Essaid of New March 28, 2020; he was 92 years old. York City, Zeid Essaid of Norwich, Born on June 4, 1927 in Cairo, Vt. and Ramzi Essaid of Los Angeles, Egypt, he studied at the French Lycée. Calif., as well as six grandchildren. In 1950, he left Egypt to live in Milan, Italy for several years and later moved Mrika Xhema to Paris, France where he studied law, was married to Danielle Tari and had his first child. In 1963, he transferred to Manhattan and became president of Cosid, Inc. and later also Yale Steel. In 1974, he moved his ever growing family to Greenwich where he lived for the rest of his life. In Greenwich, he established Continental Trading Corporation and ran the firm into his late 80's. Harry was a linguist; he spoke French, English, Italian, Hebrew and Arabic f luently. His life experiences, l i v i n g i n d i ve r s e c ou nt r i e s a n d cultures and traveling extensively in his professional career provided Mrika Xhema, a longtime resident him with an objective world view of Greenwich, CT, passed away at her and a passion for politics and modern home on Friday, April 17, 2020 at 10 history. p.m. He was a long distance swimmer Mrs. Xhema was born in Livari, and a member of the Master Swim Montenegro on Feb. 2 4, 1946 and P r o g r a m fo r d e c a d e s . H a r d l y a moved to the United States in 1969, weekday went by when he was not w h e r e sh e s e r ve d a s E xe c ut i ve in the pool at either the YWCA or the Secretary of Xhema Industries, owned YMCA. In his later years, he and his by her husband Jim, who she met late partner Arlette Alcalay could be in Belgrade, where they were both seen most afternoons walking at one educated. of the many town parks in Greenwich. Mrs. Xhema was a devout Catholic He i s r e m e m b e r e d a s a k i n d and a member of Saint Mary Church and generous family man whom all in Greenwich, where she was noted confided in, a good storyteller and a for her kindness and philanthropy. great mentor. He is survived by his She was recog nized many, many 5 children, Pola, Robert, Francois, times for her generosity, especially Michael and Ariel, his daughters-infor her significant donation to the new law Carol, Emma and Lisa, his two construction of the Cathedral of Saint grandchildren Carter and Olivia, and Mother Teresa in Pristina, Kosovo his numerous nephews and nieces. which was built after the U.S.-led war Owing to the current situation, a in 1999. She was considered by friends memorial service will be scheduled at and parishioners as "a very charitable a later date. and giving person who never had a bad word to say about anyone." One Jane Vecchione of her former doctors once described It is with sorrow that the family her fa it h as "q ua nt u m," a nd she maintained this devotion to faith daily, of Jane Julian Vecchione announces even consulting with her childhood her passing at Stamford Hospital on priest via video conference from Tivar, March 5, 2020 after a fall at her home. Jane was born on April 27, 1937 Montenegro, most recently, to help her to Richard and Martha Julian in Bay through the final days of her life. Despite her long illness, Mrs. Ridge Brooklyn. She graduated from X h e m a w a s a l w a y s h a p p y a n d Francis Xavier Academy for Young optim istic, possessing a u n iq ue, Ladies and matriculated at St. John's distinctive quality that positively Col le ge i n New York w he r e she affected everyone around her. Friends received a B.A. in English. She taught always cited her wonderful sense of third grade at public school in Red humor and dry wit. A close friend Hook, Brooklyn, but having met the recently described Mrs. Xhema as "an love of her life, John Joseph Vecchione, exceptional woman: the embodiment at St . Joh n's , sh e j oi n e d h i m i n of dignity, gentility, intelligence and Bolonga, Italy to be wed during his beauty." The last years of her life were last year at the University of Bologna difficult as she battled illness, yet she Med ica l School. The couple was never complained or showed any self- married there among lifelong friends in 1962. As her husband finished his pity whatsoever. During her healthy years, Mrika studies, Jane taught English to Italians loved to socialize and travel with and tried to learn Italian, the latter her husband and their many friends. task with mixed results. Returning to The States she had Mrika felt blessed that she saw so much of the world and was sincerely a son, John Julian, and a daughter, grateful to have experienced so many Brenda. Dr. Vecchione was called different countries and cultures. She to ser v ice i n t he U. S. A r my a nd spoke four languages f luently and t hey sp ent t he nex t t h re e ye a rs was renowned for her photographic i n B au m holde r a nd He ide l b e r g , memor y. M r i k a love d A mer ic a n Germany. Returning to Brooklyn with cinema and had an encyclopedic her family on the last voyage of the knowledge of the genre and was a jazz U.S.S. United States, she set up house aficionado as well. Mrika always had again in Brooklyn. Then came two moves, one to a distinct understanding of fashion, jewelry and interior design, something Riverdale in the Bronx where her she studied in her early years. Even third daughter Laura Ann, was born, in the last years of her life, she was and thence to Ardsley, NY. In Ardsley always dressed for the occasion often she joined the Leag ue of Woman meeting friends out for lunch, dinner Voters a nd stayed active i n that or shopping to lift her spirits. As her organization for many years. She took health declined in her final days, she a keen interest in voter participation was still impeccably dressed every and various environmental causes, day, even though some of those days including the then new recycling initiatives. She maintained contact she could not leave the house. Mrika Pecaj Xhema is survived with Brooklyn where her parents and by her husband Jim Xhema and a beloved brother, Richard Julian still large, proud family throughout the lived, as well as spending summers on tri-state area. She left us peacefully, the "Irish Riviera," Breezy Point. In the late 70's, she and the family su r rou nded by her husba nd a nd moved to the house at 195 Shore Rd., friends while listening to Jazz. ( D u e t o s o c i a l d i s t a n c i n g Old Greenwich where she and her regulations during this difficult time, husband would stay for 35 years, only a private Catholic burial will enjoying wonderful neighbors and take place. A full funeral mass and beautiful sunsets. As her children celebration of life will be scheduled as grew, she took a renewed interest soon as permitted.) In lieu of flowers, in education, receiving a Masters please make a donation in Mrika of Science in Marriage and Family Xhema's name to UNICEF or Save the Counseling from the University of Children; two of her favorite charities. Bridgeport as a part time student. Shortly thereafter she helped start

the food coop SHARE in the South Bronx when it began providing fresh produce to the disadvantaged. Contemporaneously, her husband contracted cancer, leading her to study nutrition and then new therapies i nte g rat i n g t he m i nd a nd body in hea ling. Upon h is recovery she graduated from an Externship at the well-regarded Ackerman Institute for Family T h e r apy. I n h e r te a m s at Ackerman and at Jewish Family Services she worked to help countless families dealing with family trauma. She also began a life-long practice of Zen meditation with Father Bob


Kennedy. In the late 90's Jane volunteered as a facilitator at Family Centers Den for Grieving Kids in Greenwich. This took on a special poignancy after 9/11, when the Den was flooded with families of those who died on that day. In her later years, she also volunteered at Greenwich Hospital, teaching meditation in person to those in the hospital and over the phone to elderly shut-ins through Greenwich Family Connections. She was also an integral and beloved Healing Touch volunteer at Greenwich Hospital. She took great joy in her children, their spouses and her beloved grandchildren, as

well as the doings of relatives and friends locally and around the country. She traveled all over the world and the United States, to Europe, Centra l America, Africa and Asia, with a particular love for Africa. Her love of theatre, politics and in ameliorating injustices never left her. In early March, at her apartment in the Gables, Old Greenwich she suffered a fall that caused a brain injury. Her daughters and son were able to be with her before she succumbed and were with her at her death. She is survived by John J. Vecchione and his w ife, Rebecca M. Vecchione and their

sons Tommy and Joe, daughter Brenda Julian Spezialy, her husband Tom Spezialy and g randson Hudson, stepgranddaughter Sophia, daughter L au r a Ve c c h i o n e a n d h e r husband David Queeley, as well as a host of beloved cousins and friends who mourn her passing. A Mass of remembrance will be held at St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church in Riverside Connecticut when conditions allow it. Timing, directions, f ull schedule and any changes due to the ongoing viral pandemic will be announced at dignitymemorial. com/obituaries/greenwich-ct/ jane-vecchione-9075793

Vera Schapps

J a n e R i c h m a n . Ve r a w a s predeceased by her husband of 43 years, Harold William Schapps who died in 1980. Some noteworthy experiences of her long and fulf illing life include being quarantined during the 1918 Spanish f lu pandemic, attending the WWI Woodrow Wilson Victory Parade, being a WWII air-raid warden in NYC, and in 2014, receiving a 100th birthday celebration letter from President Barack Obama. Donations in her memory can be made to the Jewish museum of NYC or the charity of your choice.

Vera Kutcher S chapp s , 106, died on April 24 of natural causes, in her apartment in NYC. A graduate of Hunter College at the age of 18, she is survived by her 2 daughters, Ann Schaffer and husband Mel, and Ellen Schapps Richman and husband Richard who live in Greenwich; 4 grandchildren, Rober t Scha f fer a nd w ife, Julie, Jeffrey Schaffer and wife, Laura, Scott Richman and wife, Laura and Brooke Richman; and 6 great-grandchildren, Ellie Schaffer, Will Schaffer, Maddy Schaffer, Olivia Schaffer, Charlie Schaffer and Caroline

Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD


Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778

First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 greenwich

Online Sunday Worship: 9 & 11am, & social media outlets. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce the lesson ( HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied to you when you register). BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Service via FB Live: 11:30am. Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 All weekday and weekend masses are celebrated without the presence of the faithful until further notice. St. Catherine and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon 1:30pm. Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu 1:30pm. Stations of the Cross: Fri 1:30pm. (A sacred space on St. Catherine’s campus in the vestibule of the Chapel can be viewed from outside. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has also been moved to this sacred space). The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners offers hotline & daily prayer at 203-6373661 x375. Daily Worship Offerings: through May 1. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Daily Mass (Mon-Sun), 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily & Sunday Masses - live-streamed, 9am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Sun 12-1pm, live-streamed. St. Michael’s Parish Food Drive DropOff: May 2, 11am-1pm, St. Michael’s Church Parking Lot, 469 North St.

Sunday and Wednesday services via live tel-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until at least May 24. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email fcroundhill@ Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091

Online Worship: Sun 10am, CNjyLHzsRlI. Temporarily postponed: Drop-off for The Great Lawn Sale. Postponed: Trip to the Neue Galerie: May 2. The Gathering: A Virtual Potluck Supper: May 3, 4pm, via Zoom. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791; Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through live-streaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Friday: Fridays by the Fireside (live with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at 2cc. org. Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432

St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421

Regular services are being held at this time.

St. Timothy’s Chapel is open for daily private prayer from 7am-7pm.

Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600

St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – leave a message at 203-531-8741 ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm.

Virtual Worship Services: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am – livestream; Weekdays: Morning Prayer, 8am, on Zoom; Thu: Evensong, 5pm - livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at dailyoffice. org. Virtual Sunday Evening Bible Study on Zoom – email Andrew Kryzak ( to be included. Organ Recitals: Fri 5:306pm, FB Live. Tea Time Book Group: Sundays May 3-24, 4pm, via Zoom. Family Matters Class – ‘Emotion Identification & Coping Skills’: May 3, 11:15am-12:15pm, via Zoom. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Virtual Service, 10am. Virtual Coffee Hour, 10:30am. Postponed: Ghostlight Concert, May 3. Canceled: House Church, May 7.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447

Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395

Online Morning Prayer: May 3, 10:1511:15am. Discovery Hour returns: May 3, 11:30am, via Zoom. Bible Study - via conference call: May 5, 10:30-11:30am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at dofaithathome. org. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-6372262 Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. May 1: Daily Tanya and Hayom Yom Inspiration, 8:30-8:50am, (; Sermons, Songs, and Candlelighting, 7:107:34pm, ( Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Havdalah Service and cheesecake making: May 2, 7:30-10pm, (Zoom link to be provided). Virtual Essential Jewish Conversation Class: Power in the 21st Century: May 4, 7-8:30pm, (Zoom link to be provided). Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5:30pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. Lunch ‘n Learn: April 28, 12-1pm. Pam Schuller speaker: April 29, 7-9pm. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-869-7191 ext. 3. The History of Zionism & Antisemetism: May 7 & 14, 7pm, via Zoom. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 The Service of the Word is streamed live at 10am on Sundays. Holy Communion is offered throughout the week (at First Lutheran) by appointment. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Worship Services Live-streamed


METHODIST First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. 1 Corinthians Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom.

Online Worship via Zoom. Hangout with Pastor Carol: Tues-Sat, 5-6pm, (No agenda, no structure - just stop by to hang out, talk about what is on your mind. Join in for any portion or the whole hour. Prayer requests accepted). Via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups will be online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Worship online: Sun, 10:45am, ( Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515-6065410, punch in access code: 119748#). Facebook Live with Pastor David: Wed 7pm. Student Small Groups: Fri 6:30pm, via Zoom. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch. Life. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Online Worship at Email with any questions. Last Chapel Online Service: May 3, 5-6pm. Cancelled: Confirmation Retreat: May 1-3. FAB Women’s Group - Online: May 4, 12-1pm. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 Sunday Service online on YouTube or Facebook, coffee and fellowship after the service via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage). Men’s Prayer Night - online: May 1, 7-8pm. Men’s Bible and Bagels online: May 2, 7:15-8:30am.

Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel

On Faith Feature

Being Resilient while Living in a Ghost Town

By Marek Zabriskie L a s t su m m e r, one of my closest high school friends and I heard The Rolling Stones play Gillette Stadium in Fox boro, Massachusetts. It was an amazing event. Now they’ve just premiered their f irst original song since 2012. It’s called, “Living in a Ghost Town.” In his timeless voice, Mick Jagger sings: I'm a ghost Living in a ghost town…. You can look for me But I can't be found You can search for me I had to go underground Life was so beautiful

Then we all got locked down…. Once this place was humming And the air was full of drumming…. I'm going nowhere Shut up all alone So much time to lose Just staring at my phone…. Please let this be over Not stuck in a world without end Preachers were all preaching Charities beseeching…. There's no beds for us to sleep in Always had the feeling It will all come tumbling down…. I was your man about town Living in this ghost town Ain't having any fun If I want a party It's a party of one As I watched Andre Bocelli’s Milan Easter Day concert with video footage of empty landscapes in London, Paris, and Rome, it suddenly sunk in. The world has become a ghost town. Universities might not reopen next fall. Summer camps could be cancelled. After paying tons of tuition, my wife and I won’t savor the joy of watching our youngest daug hter g raduate f rom t he University of Pennsylvania.

No party. No hugs of farewell. Students will just leave college with a whimper, cleaning out an apartment while wearing a mask. Yes, we’re living in a ghost town, but it’s a small price to pay. By now, most of us k now someone who has died f rom Cov id-19. A colleag ue’s g ra nd fat her d ie d f rom it on Sunday. A friend’s wife died on Wednesday. Friends and family cannot gather. No hugs or tears shed in solidarity. No Shiva. No funeral. Really surreal. Yes, it’s just a ghost town. O u r chu r ch s a nc t ua r y is empty. We preach to a television camera. Our members watch on Live Stream, but we see no faces, can’t gauge reactions. Some need humor. Some need antidepressants. Yes, it’s a ghost town. The resilient ones among us are turning this pandemic into an opportunity. They’re losing weight, studying a language, delivering face masks, dropping off groceries, cleaning closets, exercising, taking long walks, and calling friends around the country.

They ’re holding spir itua l retreats at home – praying and r e ad i ng t he Bi ble . T i me for silence, solitude and simplicity. It’s a spiritual reset. Isolation weakens our immune systems, but we can tra nsfor m ou r isolation into solitude, which is positive. Stick to a routine. Wake up. Shower. Make the bed. Eat breakfast. Work reasonable hours. Tidy the house. Connect on the phone. Have family dinners, even over FaceTime. Read a book. Go easy on the news. Get sufficient sleep. This is a marathon. We’re not going back to crowded theaters, worship spaces, restaurants and bars, packed planes, trains and airports anytime soon. We need to focus our energy on optimism and positivity. This is the time to be resilient. To let our grit shine forth. Elisabeth Lukas, a protégé of psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, writes, “The forces of fate that bear down on man and threaten to break him also have the capacity to ennoble him.” The term “resiliency” means

hav i ng t he capacit y to bend without breaking, to return to our original shape or condition. We can be bent, but we cannot be broken. Resilient people bounce back after encountering difficulty. W hen no cle a r s olut ion s appear to their problems, resilient people often turn to God. They confront their fears, find ways to grow, accept support, and calm themselves. They maintain an optimistic but realistic outlook, imitate resilient role models, employ spiritual practices, and they are guided by their own inner moral compass. They find a way to accept that which they cannot change. They stay physically fit, mentally sharp and emotionally strong. They find humor even in the darkness. Above all, they take responsibility for their own emotional well-being. Employers prize resilient people. One CEO writes, “More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails.” W hen w r iti ng thei r book

“Resilience: the Science of M a s t e r i n g L i f e ’s G r e a t e s t Challenges,” Steven Southwick, M.D. and Dennis Charney, M.D. assumed resilient people were a rare. “But we were wrong,” they wrote, “Resilience is common. It can be witnessed all around us, and for most it can be enhanced through learning and training.” So, pump up your faith. Go light on the bad news and heavy on the Good News. Highlight powerful Bible verses. Talk to those who possess a strong faith. Start your own Bible study. Commune with nature. Speak and listen to God as you walk. Enjoy silence, solitude, and little pleasures. The market will rebound. All things will return in time. We’ll receive them as gifts. We can soldier on. Breathe. Be calm. Give thanks before eating a meal, because though much is taken, much remains. We’re in a ghost town, but we’re in it together, and it won’t be forever. By the Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Rector of Christ Church Greenwich

On Faith Column

During this challenging time, many of the faithful are unable to attend Mass. MAGNIFICAT is providing complimentary access to their online versions of MAGNIFICAT and MagnifiKid! MAGNIFICAT can be accessed through their website at Below is an excerpt from MAGNIFICAT.

Neither Here Nor There

The Month of May with Mary ‘‘...It is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary at home within the family. The restric- tions of the pandemic have made us come to appreciate all the more this ‘ family’ aspect, also from a spiritual point of view. ‘‘For this reason, I want to encourage everyone to rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in the month of May. This can be done either as a group or individually; you can decide according to your own situations, making the most of both opportunities. The key to doing this is always simplicity.... ‘‘I am also providing two prayers to our Lady that you can recite at the end of the Rosary, and that I myself will pray in the month of May, in spiritual union with all of you.... ‘‘Dear brothers and sisters, contemplating the face of Christ with the heart of Mary our Mother will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial. I keep all of you in my prayers, especially those suffering most greatly, and I ask you, please, to pray for me. I thank you, and with great affection I send you my blessing.’’ —Pope Francis, 25 April 2020 First Prayer O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith. “Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers, and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity, and continued health. Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone. Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus. Second Prayer Support national leaders, that with “We fly to your protection, O Holy wisdom, solicitude, and generosity they Mother of God.” may come to the aid of those lacking the In the present tragic situation, when basic necessities of life and may devise the whole world is prey to suffering and social and economic solutions inspired anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God by farsightedness and solidarity. and our Mother, and seek refuge under Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, your protection. so that the enormous funds invested in Virgin Mary, turn your merciful develo- ping and stockpiling arms will eyes towards us amid this coronavirus instead be spent on promoting effective pandemic. Comfort those who are research on how to prevent similar distraught and mourn their loved ones tragedies from occurring in the future. who have died, and at times are buried Beloved Mother, help us realise in a way that grieves them deeply. that we are all members of one great Be close to those who are concerned family and to reco- gnise the bond that for their loved ones who are sick and unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity who, in order to prevent the spread of and solidarity, we can help to alleviate the disease, cannot be close to them. countless situations of poverty and need. Fill with hope those who are troubled Make us strong in faith, persevering in by the uncertainty of the future and service, constant in prayer. the consequences for the economy Mary, Consolation of the aff licted, and employment. embrace all your children in distress Mother of God and our Mother, pray and pray that God will stretch out his for us to God, the Father of mercies, that all-powerful hand and free us from this great suffering may end and that this terrible pandemic, so that life can hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead serenely resume its normal course. with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, To you, who shine on our journey so that the families of the sick and the as a sign of salvation and hope, do we victims be comforted, and their hearts entrust oursel- ves, O Clement, O Loving, be opened to confidence and trust. O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

By Edward Horstmann Ju s t b e for e Ch r i s t m a s of my sophomore year in college my family was shocked into a whole new world when my older brother, Gary, was struck and killed by a car while jogging. He and his family had only just moved to Pennsylvania to start a new chapter of their lives. So rather than try to develop a life where they had no friends or family, my sister-in-law and her two children came to live with my mother and me in Bennington, Vermont. With no warning or preparation we were thrust into a way of life that required constant adjustments and f lexibility even as we went about the long, hard work of grieving my brother’s death. Somehow we made it through the Christmas holiday that year, which

These conditions might sound familiar. Over the past several months the world has been rapidly shutting down into a state of global pandemic. D ra mat ic t ra nsit ions a re t a k i ng place at every level of our lives, and the stress and strain create a heavy drain on inner reservoirs of energy. Families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19 are often unable to mourn t hei r deat hs i n trad itiona l ways because of the necessary practices of physical distancing. Medical providers are stretched to the breaking point, teachers are f ig uring out how to transmit knowledge in a virtual world, and parents have been thrust without preparation into the brave new world of home schooling. It is a steep learning curve everywhere you look, and if this is not a liminal world we’re living in, I don’t know what is. While liminal space is usually marked by a feeling of being thrown into a swirl of uncertainty, it is not without promise. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan monk and writer, observed that even while liminal time may not feel “graced” in any way, it can still be a season of life when we are surprised and sustained by a deep, abiding goodness that fashions creative possibility out of chaos. So even as we

We lose track of time, become anxious about the least little thing, and may find ourselves lost in thoughts that don’t seem to promise any additional clarity for the lives we are living. These conditions might sound familiar. I do not remember clearly at all. But I do remember the small decisions we made from day to day to help my sister-in-law and her children shape new lives. My niece and nephew were registered for school. I convinced the coach of the middle school basketball team to add my nephew to the roster so he could make new friends. We ate dinner together, mourned together, and very slowly over time, the heavy haze of grief began to subside enough for us to lift our faces towards the future with hope. When we were in the midst of recreating our lives back in those difficult days we were neither here nor there, unable to go back to the life we knew, unclear about how to develop a vision of what the world might look like without Gary in it. The great spiritual traditions of the world refer to this awkward and disconcerting time as liminal space. The word liminal comes from a Roman word, limin, and it refers to the stone that was sometimes used as a threshold in the homes of ancient Rome. It’s a positive image because it suggests the hope of finding firm footing as we move from one phase of life into another-like those stepping stones of small actions that my family and I used to make possibility out of despair. But we know that such transitions, especially at times of crisis, are disorienting. We move one step forward, and three steps back. We lose track of time, become anxious about the least little thing, and may find ourselves lost in thoughts that don’t seem to promise any additional clarity for the lives we are living.

move unsteadily into the future, I see that energy of grace at work all around us: in our capacity for humor, our passion to find and tell stories of hope and healing, and through our inventive ways of reaching out even while staying in. John Krasinski, an actor who starred in the long-running television show, The Office, created a television station from his home and called it, SGN: Some Good News. In cities across the world people who live near hospitals are flashing lights, honking horns, and shouting from balconies to say thank you to those who are providing care for patients. Here and there we are reprioritizing our lives for the better. My family and I lived through the liminal world that followed my brother’s death. And we did so because we traveled that rough terrain together, and because a force not of our own making nourished us. I call it the resurrection power of God and I believe it is alive and at large in our wounded world. This Energy of Life is present to us, so lean into it, and lean on it. It will help us to find and offer grace in our personal lives. It will guide us to create new policies and practices for the common good, and most especially for the most vulnerable. Yes, we are living in a liminal world, but God knows the terrain and how to help us through it. God is with us and for us: God needs us and loves us. Thanks be to God. The Rev. Dr. Edward G. Horstmann is the Senior Minister at Round Hill Community Church.

Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel

High-End & All Greenwich Rentals; What Does $50k/Mo Get accessory apartments, studios and 1-2 bedroom condos, i.e. something that looks very much like the rental market in much of NYC, so demand has dropped. Below $2,000/mo we have no single family home inventory and have not had a house rental under$2K since 2017.These units don’t give folks the social distancing that today’s motivated NYC renter is looking for. From $2,000 to $4,000 apartments and condos still dominate with only 71 house rentals out of 354 total rentals in 2019. From $4,000 to $6,000 per month apartments and houses are evenly split. The house share of rentals continues to increase as you go up in price and once you get to $14,000/mo all the rentals are single family homes. But, that is market share. If you look at the market as whole, the large By Mark Pruner percentage of our rentals are from $2,000 to $8,000, which represents 61% of the market T h e COV I D -19 v i r u s h a s t u r n e d t h e this year so far and was 72% last year before Greenwich rental market on its head. We COVID-19. This market is always active with have seen the demand for lower-end rentals listings coming and going every week. fall while the demand for high-end rentals surge. Much of this change in demand is due Our overall rental market also has a marked pandemic motivating New Yorkers to get out of seasonality with rentals peaking in May a their city apartment into larger homes, that are month earlier than house sales, which peak in larger than we have seen in the past. The result June. Rentals are also less peaky than house is some extraordinary rental prices for our sales with a decent market throughout the premier houses, but more about that latter. year. You can still rent a property in January, Overview of the 2020 Greenwich Rental just not as easily as you can in May. Rentals Market also stay on the market for a much shorter The COVID-19 pandemic is driving both period of time. So far this year our median days the high-end and the low-end, but in opposite on market for a rental is 68 days, while it is 182 directions. Below $4,000/mo, our rentals are days on market for house sales. With rentals if down. Below $2,000/mo you are looking at you don’t see what you want just wait a little bit

another new listing will come along soon. This year we are on pace to set a record for rentals. As of April 27th, we have had 308 rentals. If you annualize that number, you come up with 961 rentals compared to 863 rentals last year and a 10-year average of 836 rentals. Nearly all that growth will be from the rental of single family homes. However, the one thing you can be sure of in this ever changing COVID-19 driven market is that just as our January market didn’t look like our April market, our 4th quarter market is going to be different than today’s market.

BET from page 1

After a flat budget was approved by tie-breaking vote, Moriarty introduced a Democrat-supported motion to add $2.3 million in BOE funding, instead of the $3 million increase that was requested. “Our community prides itself on excellent public schools. We pride ourselves on high real estate values which is driven by excellent public schools. We have problems we know we have to address. Money doesn’t solve all those problems, we do know that. But certainly the lack of funds will make them worse.” That motion to increase the public school budget from the current fiscal year's amount by $2.3 million failed along party lines, as well.

Board member David Weisbrod said that the BET is unified in the fact that some changes to the initial recommended budget need to be made in light of the current financial situation, but that schools should be looked at differently. Word that budgets would not be increased for Greenwich public schools caused many residents to voice their opposition in the form of a drive-by protest outside Town Hall last weekend. BET member, Beth Krumeich, noted that she read scores of emails from parents who were in favor of the requested increase. "Almost all of the other items in our budget can

Joe Kelly from page 1 Greenwich, Kelly’s entrepreneur spirit was k icked into hig h gear, as he started, owned and invested in several businesses. In addition he has purchased, sold and developed properties in London and Morocco, as well as in New York and the Nutmeg State. For the past 12 years, Kelly s t a r te d Ura n iu m M a rke t s , a Globa l OTC excha nge for uranium that facilitates the transaction of millions of pounds a year of uranium for the peaceful generation of electricity. Uranium Markets is one of the largest uranium exchanges in the world. In the Greenwich sporting community, Kelly as a household name. He has coached both

be moved and deferred. Children can't be deferred. Children are spending time at home with their parents trying to work with teachers and stay on top of the work that needs to be done," she said. "It's very important for us to recognize that these decisions have consequences we can't even begin to wrap our arms around because it's the life of these children. It's their education." Mason responded by saying the entire situation is difficult. "We’re all struggling. I don't think anyone enjoys the virus, I don't think anyone enjoys making any of these decisions that, in essence, are very difficult judgement calls," he said.

recreation and travel boys’ and girls’ youth soccer teams; youth basketball for the YMCA, Boys & Girls Club of Greenw ich, and the Greenwich Basketball Association; and youth football w it h t he Gr e enw ich Yout h Football League. He has also coached rugby at the OGRCC and was the head coach of the Greenwich High rugby team that has captured the state championship in eight of the nine years he led the team. “I have done a lot of cool things in town over the last 22 years and if elected I can take much of that experience with me to Hartford,” Kelly said. “As an entrepreneur, I figured out how to start things, as a CEO I know how to lead things, as a coach I understand how to teach things, as a volunteer

The Sun from page 1 through glass that was added to the “new ICU” room doors. In addition, rooms were re-wired, video carts and remote tele-medicine carts were added, and various necessary medical technologies was “hijacked” from other areas of the hospital and re-deployed in the ICU. In addition to the physical work necessary to expand the ICU, Greenwich Hospital needed to supplement its staff of nurses and attending physicians. In this regard, the hospital’s status as a member of the Yale New Haven Health System was a significant benefit. The hospital was able to recruit nurses, and to a lesser degree, attending physicians, from other YNHHS hospitals in Bridgeport, New Haven, New London, and Westerly RI. These supplemental staff people – mostly nurses - stayed at local hotels, such as the J-House, and at other facilities that were arranged for them. Incredibly, Greenwich Hospital was able to maintain the desired ICU ratio of nurses to patients throughout the arch of the pandemic. This was invaluable, because in the words of Dr. Mike, “Greenwich Hospital was hit first and hit hard”, with many patients coming

fireman I know when to storm into things, as a member of the Board of Education I know how to compromise on things, and as a community leader I know how to listen to things. All these experiences will enable me to succeed in the capitol.” Although Kelly is confident in his abilities, he’s tak ing nothing for granted. “I am thrilled about the opportunity to campaign and eager to serve,” said Kelly. “To succeed, I will need your help. I know how to set up successful businesses and run profitable companies. I know how to put together and manage winning teams and I am confident that my experience, when combined with your help, will lead us to victory in November.”

from Westchester, Yonkers and the Bronx. The health care professionals at Greenwich Hospital did an amazing job working through the physical and staffing challenges of getting through the worst of the pandemic. Perhaps as difficult, however, were the emotional challenges they experienced from the pandemic. T he work e nv i r on me nt w a s of te n frightening – it was common for nurses to be called upon to rush in to a room when a patient was in distress, or in severe cases, when a patient had “coded” and had ceased breathing or showing a pulse. This might require a nurse to quickly put on the necessary “PPE’, or personal protective equipment, before they could attend to the patient. At other times a ventilator might have become dislodged, discharging infected air in to the room. Also, nurses were called upon to compassionately support their patients, as well as the affected families, under circumstances where most families were not permitted to visit in person with a desperately ill family member. Nurses had to provide emotional support to the very sick, and at the same time support grieving families. This has all been very

The Single Family Home Rental Market • Big jump in rentals • Under $6K down though • Up overall, particularly over $14K/mo • Over $20K/mo 21 rentals more than we had all last year, up 378% annualized This year our single family home rental market looks different than any prior year. House rentals are on pace to be up 50% over 2019 with an annualized 471 house rentals compared to a 10-year average of 374 house rentals. (Please take these annualized numbers with a large grain of salt. It is just a way to compare this year’s different trend with last year’s rentals.) We started out the year with a fairly normal January and February, then came March and the COVID-19 shelter in place requirements and the house rental market took off. Not only was the home rental market more active, but the prospective tenants that were

Parade from page 1 trophies will be handed out to the best band. "We don't know what the future holds for us, and people might be wearing masks on the side of the road and keeping distance from each other. But it's an outside event, and rather large so people can have plenty of space to stretch out," Bonney added. "The actual band people will be down in the pit, and there will be availability for people to stand and sit in the fields above, so it's not a confined area. It's going to be wide open." Keeping the event in the heart of Greenwich was important for Keegan and Bonney. Keegan said he believes the day will allow the community to come together and let loose. "We want to keep this local. We want to ask the merchants

out there wanted bigger houses, more land and shorter rental periods. If you had a smaller house, then we saw lower demand. We actually saw a drop in house rentals from $2,000 to $6,000 (and as mentioned before we no longer have any house rentals under $2,000/mo.) This lower range is usually in heavy demand. The higher you went in price the bigger the price change. From $8,000 to $10,000 single family rentals were up 23%, while above $20,000 per month our house rentals were up or 378% on an annualized basis. If we had more inventory, we would have many more rentals above $20,000. Presently, we have 199 rental listings, but only 25 of those are for $20,000 per month and only 6 of those houses are on for more than $40,000 per month. This new demand for high-end rentals is also reshaping what some Realtors business. I was showing a prospective tenant a house for $40,000/month and my client asked one of our top brokers a question about the rental and the agent replied, “I’m sorry, I don’t know, I don’t traditionally do rentals”. I rented a house for $25,000 per month in March and we had 5 offers in a day and a half, two at full list price. The very nice woman who had made the losing full price offer lived in a beautiful Manhattan co-op on Park Avenue. I asked her why she was willing to pay $25,000 per month for a house she had never visited. She said, “Every time I get in our building’s

Continues on page 15 The BET did come together to add a capital appropriation of $100,000 to the budget for a special education study. To review the actual Greenwich Public S cho ol budget and the Super intendent's Propos ed 2 0 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 Budg et, v is it http s : / / files/BHNQ7T673460/$file/FY21%20SUPT%20 Budget%20Book%20110119.pdf online. To review the BET documents, visit https:// online.

within the town itself to help us celebrate. We intend to use all local vendors and restaurants to provide food and drink to the participants," Keegan said. "It will probably be time for all of us to let it all out and celebrate something, because everyone's been sitting on the edge of their seats for the last several weeks, and hopefully this will be well over by September 13. We think this is a great thing for the town." The Board of Selectmen agreed. "I'm a little choked up thinking about it. In anticipation, I think it's just a wonderful idea," said Selectperson, Lauren Rabin. First Selectman Fred Camillo said hopefully the town will be "on the other side" of the pandemic by September. "This is an exciting thing, and maybe it could be the beginning of a tradition here in town," he remarked.

The outpouring of support makes us feel proud of what we have accomplished, and makes us feel connected to the community tough for the nurses, and the support they have given to the patients, to the families and to each other has been draining. Greenwich Hospital is now providing several different types of support for health care staff who might experience a form PTSD as the pandemic winds down. Several counseling experts have been employed who can help the staff work through their frayed emotions, and the hospital has established “quiet

rooms” where staff can go to decompress. This is helpful and welcomed by the health care professionals, many of whom feel like they have lived through a war. Also helpful have been things that the community has done to show appreciation a nd g ratit ude for t he sacrifices made by our brave medical professionals. People sending lunches, dinners and well-wishes have been deeply appreciated, and spirits were lifted when the town organized a parade of fire

trucks and police vehicles to pass by the hospital to show solidarity, and when a local landscaping company flew a giant American flag from a tree-pruning rig to honor our hospital workers. Dr. Mike spoke for many of them when he said, “a ll of that ma kes a difference – to feel appreciated is an important positive emotion to counter t h e n e g at i ve s . T h e o ut p o u r i n g o f support makes us feel proud of what we have accomplished, and makes us feel connected to the community.” I would say to my brother, and to all of his colleagues, that they are our local heroes and we thank them. The pandemic has left an indelible mark on them and on our community. It is good that we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel – as spring unfolds in Greenwich we can hope that “sun, sun, sun here we come”. Chris Franco is the President and c o-founder of the Greenwich Point Conservancy. Chris is passionate about restoring and re-purposing historic buildings, which is the focus of his company, The Franco Group LLC. Chris and his wife Rachel reside in Riverside.

Closet Cleanout During Quarantine

If you are utilizing some of your quarantine time to clean out your closets, you aren't alone. It’s that time of year where you get to break out your warmweather wardrobe and bedding, and pack away your coats, quilts & cashmere. Fabricare Cleaners has some tips to help with your closet cleanout: Clean Everything Before Packing It Up. It is important to have your winter clothing and bedding cleaned before you store them away to help keep moths at bay. Plus, this way when you take out your clothing next Winter, they will be ready to wear. You can trust Fabricare Cleaners with your favorite, hardto-care-for winter fabrics – from wool and cashmere to fur, down and more. Their team has expert

knowledge on the best techniques & products to use on even the most delicate of fabrics. Clear the Clutter. This is a good time to sort through your closet and decide: Keep, Toss or Donate. It’s time to part ways with that sweater that has a hole on the elbow, or find a new home for that jacket that you haven’t worn in 3 years. Fabricare has a FAB LOVE initiative where they will pick up items you no longer use, refurbish them and find someone who is in need of those items in our community to donate to. Just give them a call at 203-229-0001 to schedule a pick up, or drop by one of their 3 locations. Say Yes to Storage. Fabricare offers storage solutions and can store any of your winter wear,

including furs and fine outerwear. The FURCARE division of Fabricare can pick up your fur & outerwear pieces from your home for inspection, cleaning and/or repair & storage in their on-site STATE-OF-THE-ART facility that is complete with a modern, high-security, climate-controlled vault. With everything going on right now, Fabricare knows that you have enough to worry about. Their team of experts is ready to help with all of your clothing needs. Give us a call, sign up at or download our Fab App on the App Store or Google Play to schedule a FREE pickup today. Fabricare is a full-service, eco friendly dry

Selectperson Jill Oberlander thanked the officers for coming up with the event. "I want to thank you for all you're doing now, but also for giving us something to look forward to. I think it's sorely needed by the community, and it's something to think ahead and be excited about." Since the theme will be Celtic, Bonney encouraged the wearing of traditional kilts. He then invited the Board of Selectmen to help lead the parade in their own convertible. "I challenge anyone to keep a dry eye when 300 bagpipers play Amazing Grace together," Bonney said. "It's going to be awesome. Yo u' ve n e ve r e x p e r i e n c e d anything like it. It's going to be really moving, and a good tribute to those we lost in town also." More details on the event will be announced as September 13 gets closer.

cleaning and laundry service with dry cleaner locations in Darien, Fairf ield, and Norwalk, Connecticut. We offer Fairfield County's best home pickup and delivery dry cleaning and laundry service across Fairfield county & Westchester County If you're looking for wash and fold, but want a toprated home pickup and delivery dry cleaner, call us today! We also offer specialty cleaning, same day cleaning, and even wedding dress cleaning, as well as leather, suede, and fur coat cleaning. Customers are encouraged to visit the company website or contact the company by phone, as well as to visit its convenient locations.

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel


Mark Pruner | |


Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866

Continued from page 14 elevator even if it is empty, I feel like I’m risking my life a nd my ch i ld ren’s l ives.”. These folks are also really getting cabin fever and want to escape the confines of their condo, co-op or apartment to our beautiful open spaces. A ndrews Farm New Listing To see what the ultra-highend looks like check out the new listing that Jill Marchak and I are putting on in the Andrews Farm association. This stone Georgian is in top condition, with 6 bedrooms, 8 full and 3 half baths. It has all of the amenities that today’s renter who have to shelter in place are looking for. It comes with a well-equipped home off ice, a large gym, a game room with lots of activities and a home theater. Outdoors the gardens are extraordinary and very peaceful. They include a koi pond and a koi pond with a waterfall. The backyard also has a large heated pool, with a spa, a nd t wo acce ssor y buildings. With the weather warming, the tenant has a full outdoor kitchen for cook outs and to enjoy the longer days. It’s the kind of place for

someone looking for an escape from the city on its 4.2 acres of space in backcountry with the privacy you would expect from a gated community. As with most of the real high-end rentals, it is available to rent for a 1 year minimum term and is listed for $60,000/ mo. You can have it either furnished or unfurnished. Trends & Action Items Clearly, high-end rentals a re g row i ng , pa r t ic u la rly short-term rentals. With May just around the corner many of these renters are looking at extended rentals through Labor Day. The other thing we are seeing is that many of the families that are looking at shor t ter m r ent a ls a r e also considering buying in Greenwich and using their rental is an explorator y mission base. For those that are looking to rent, particularly a short term high-end rental you have a lot of competition and not a lot of choices. One rental that is on for over $50,000 per month has 12 people on a waiting list including several well-known names. Now is not the time for a tenant to get overly demanding. Despite the high rental price, this often comes down to one family

renting to another family. Making a lot of demands for what you want before you move in w i l l i m med iately move your offer to the bottom of the list. A nother th ing we see at the upper-end is that the tenant often sends the standard GMLS lease to t h e i r N e w Yo r k a t t o r n e y who sends it back with 20 sug ge ste d cha nge s , s ome dow n r ig ht oner ou s. Such “offers” are DOA. A $50,000 a month rental is $600,000 per year and is worth having an attorney examine, but if you are looking to do a deal get a Greenwich attorney who knows what works and more i mp or t a nt ly what do e sn’t work in Greenwich. If you have a house to rent, particularly over $10,000/mo you are looking at very good demand and limited inventory. Please give Jill or me a call. Febr ua r y was a pret t y normal rental market; March was not and April had it’s share changes; you can expect even more in May. It’s an especially good time to have an experienced agent who k nows about another $85,000/mo rental that is coming soon.


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres


2 Putnam Hill 3K 52 Lafayette Place 1C 25 Indian Harbor Drive 9 16 Georgetowne North 16 1 Tinker Lane 33 Montgomery Lane 41 Frontier Road 6 Carissa Lane 15 Anderson Road 82 Lockwood Road

$295,000 $349,000 $975,000 $1,195,000 $1,950,000 $1,895,000 $1,600,000 $1,899,000 $2,395,000 $2,550,000

$274,900 $349,000 $975,000 $1,195,000 $1,495,000 $1,499,000 $1,600,000 $1,799,000 $2,395,000 $2,450,000

$257,500 170 $330,000 84 $940,000 62 $1,135,000 38 $1,200,000 1,483 $1,400,000 670 $1,600,000 319 $1,635,000 231 $2,240,000 424 $2,250,000 387

985 740 1,912 2,678 5,638 3,292

1 1 3 3 5 4 5 5 6 4

1 1 2 2 5 3 3 3 4 5

0 0 2.16 1.29 1.39 1.11 0.49 0.34

4,735 4,065 4,312

Deborah Ference-Gray

One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903

For Market Updates and Listings Visit

Sign Up for the popular Top 5 Things To Do Today to get our new virtual open houses each weekend!


List Price



2 Homestead Lane 210




45 Ettl Lane 406




63 Indian Harbor Drive 5



5 Ferris Drive


72 Havemeyer Place B
















South of Post Road






Old Greenwich







South of Post Road

488 Cognewaugh Road







Cos Cob

39 Greenway Drive Lot 8A








17 Steeple Chase







North Parkway

1110 Lake Avenue







North Parkway

8 Laurel Lane







South Parkway

132 Cutler Road







North Parkway

7 Highgate Road








9 Knoll Street








63 North Street







South Parkway

15 Meadow Marsh Lane







Old Greenwich

7 Wahneta Road







Old Greenwich

187 Shore Road







Old Greenwich

22 Marks Road








85 Zaccheus Mead Lane







South Parkway

7 Fairway Lane







South Parkway

37 Maher Avenue







South Parkway

9 Fairway Lane







South Parkway

504 North Street







South Parkway

969 North Street







North Parkway

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel

Just for Fun

Bring Back Lost Words


Noun. 19th Century Scottish meaning an obedient, submissive person who willingly bows to authority.


Sudoku, each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Hard

crossword puzzle

Astrology Column For Week of May 3, 2020

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Abandon all attempts to interfere in other people’s lives this week. Even if the advice you have to offer is sound and given in a spirit of cooperation it won’t look that way to them. Let them learn from their mistakes. There’s no better way to learn.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov This week’s Scorpio Full Moon means that if you’ve the courage to face your emotions, especially negative ones, you can control and, where necessary, conquer them. You won’t escape feelings of inadequacy or doubt by pretending they don’t exist.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June Focus on the big issues now, both in your personal life and the world at large. With dynamic Mars at its most enlightening you have the power to change things for the better. But you won’t change anything if you are constantly having to deal with trivia.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Much as it annoys you to admit it, there are things going on in your life you can’t change alone. You sense the time has come to choose sides: to defend the stagnant status quo or to fight for the kind of progress that cannot be won without a struggle.

CANCER 22 June-23 July You may not fully understand what is going on but you sense there’s little to fear. The changes taking place may seem profound but they’re really quite simple and natural. All you have to do is let them happen and not let your ego get in the way. LEO 24 July-23 Aug Are you getting wiser or just older? The way you deal with an annoying situation will answer that question. If you get angry with yourself because you can’t change things you are just getting older. If you smile and ignore it you’re getting wiser, too. VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept You’re in no mood to let others claim the credit for something you’ve done. They’d better not try. You are starting to realise that not everyone shares your integrity and modesty. If you’ve done something worth shouting about, make sure it’s you who shouts. LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Although the Full Moon in Taurus will make this a rather emotional week, self-assertive Mars in Aquarius means you won’t let anything stand in the way of your ambitions. You can be quite ruthless when you need to be – and you need to be now.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan While your conscience warns you that certain important issues must be dealt with immediately you are not at all in a serious frame of mind. So instead of changing your intentions every few minutes resolve to make this a less stressful week. AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb Don’t settle for less than you are entitled to this week – or, indeed, any week. If something you are offering or selling is worth a certain price then hold out for that price, even if it means you have to wait a bit longer to get it than you expected. PISCES 20 Feb-20 March This week’s major incident may seem to have arrived out of the blue but it has been developing beneath the surface for months, maybe years. Consequently, it won’t just go away if you try to ignore it. Deal with it now or it will continue to haunt you. ARIES 21 March-20 April Anything can happen this week and probably will. A Scorpio Full Moon should break the deadlock in your financial affairs, while Neptune in Pisces will give you a fresh perspective on what your life means and what you should now be aiming to achieve.

Discover more about yourself at

“The soul is healed by being with children.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Answers on page 9 Discover your inner artist. Coloring is good for the brain and improves moods.

The Stag & His Reflection From Aesop's Fables in The Library of Congress

A Stag, drinking from a crystal spring, saw himself mirrored in the clear water. He greatly admired the graceful arch of his antlers, but he was very much ashamed of his spindling legs. "How can it be," he sighed, "that I should be cursed with such legs when I have so magnificent a crown." At that moment he scented a panther and in an instant was bounding away through the forest. But as he ran his wide-spreading antlers caught in the branches of the trees, and soon the Panther overtook him. Then the Stag perceived that the legs of which he was so ashamed would have saved him had it not been for the useless ornaments on his head. We often make much of the ornamental and despise the useful.

“Children see magic because they look for it.� Christopher Moore




29 Crescent Road, Riverside | $3,595,000 6 Bedroom | 7/1 Baths | 7489 SF | 0.42 Acres

11 Indian Head Road, Riverside | $2,150,000 5 Bedroom | 3/1 Baths | 3,132 SF | 0.32 Acres



35 Leonard Avenue, Riverside | $1,999,500 5 Bedroom | 4/2 Baths | 3,793 SF | 0.28 Acres

187 Dolphin Cove Quay, Stamford | $1,795,000/$10,000/mo 4 Bedroom | 3/1 Baths | 2,392 SF | 0.20 Acres



52 Frontier Road, Cos Cob | $1,650,000 4 Bedrooms | 4 Baths | 3,195 SF | 1.32 Acres

15 Rockland Place, Old Greenwich | $1,450,000 3 Bedroom | 2/1 Baths | 1,762 SF | 0.17 Acres

Greenwich | $6,800,000

Greenwich | $1,595,000

Cos Cob $799,000/$4,200/mo

Old Greenwich | $5,895,000

Stamford | $1,500,000

Stamford $602,500

Riverside | $3,500,000

Stamford | $1,500,000

Old Greenwich $399,000

Greenwich | $3,150,000

Old Greenwich | $1,500,000

Old Greenwich $8,000/mo

Old Greenwich $5,600/mo

Stamford | $1,449,000

Riverside $3,200/mo

The Old Greenwich Team 203.637.1300 278 So und Be a ch Av en u e | O ld G reen wich , C T 0 6 8 7 0 • 6 6 Field P o i nt Ro a d | Gre e nw i ch, C T 0 6 8 3 0 Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty and Coldwell Banker Devonshire are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2020 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.

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