May 8, 2020

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May 8, 2020

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By Richard Kaufman

Parks Opening, COVID Update

With the limited reopening of Byram Park, Greenwich Point Park and four marinas that took place on Thursday, First Selectman Fred Camillo called it “a big milestone” for the town in the fight against coronavirus. “When I look back at the numbers in Greenwich, the surrounding communities and the state and around the country, I feel better and better about the decisions we’ve made. I think this is a good way to reopen in a measured way, and it’s exciting. This also coincides with nicer weather and it gives people hope and an outlet. We want people to stay healthy both mentally and physically, and this will surely aide in those endeavors,” Camillo said. “This is a big milestone, and hopefully people won’t take things for granted anymore and appreciate the small things in life.” Visitors should wear masks when it is not possible to social distance and refrain

from congregating including picnicking or playing sports. If social distancing protocols are not followed, access to those facilities will be reduced or closed. The Greenwich Police Department and park monitors will be on site to observe compliance. “We’ll try and use common sense,” said Camillo on how monitors will operate. “I don’t anticipate very many problems. The town has overall been really, really good and I think the numbers show that.” Residents must have a 2019 or a 2020 Greenwich park pass, or a state-issued ID or a driver’s license that show a Greenwich address to access Greenwich Point and Byram Park. Marina access will be limited to those with a 2019 or 2020 marina facility use permit. The last entry to all parks and marinas will be an hour before the posted closing time. Full guidelines and maps can be found on the town website. As of Wednesday, according to the

Greenw ich Health Department, there were 710 Greenwich residents who have tested positive for COVID-19, up from 706 reported on Monday. Greenwich Hospital reported that as of Wednesday, 56 COVID-19 positive patients are being treated in several dif ferent hospital units. So far, 417 patients have been discharged from the Hospital and are recuperating at home. There have been 5,344 people tested at the Hospital outpatient test site with 1,737 testing positive. These numbers ref lect patients who live in Greenwich as well as those from other municipalities in Connecticut and in Westchester County. According to the Connecticut Department of Public Health, 40 Greenwich residents have died from the COVID-19 virus, as of Tuesday, May 5.

Alliance Against COVID-19 which has distributed more than 15,300 PPEs to the Town of Greenwich. Through the Grace Farms Foundation’s donation, the Greenwich emergency service providers have received N95 masks, disposable masks, face shields, goggles, coveralls and gloves. “The Grace Farms Foundation has stepped up and been really helpful to all municipalities throughout Connecticut, and Greenwich is no exception,” Camillo said. “They are very eager to continue helping.”

Filling Out the Census Camillo is urging residents to do their part and get counted in the 2020 Census. Camillo noted that 10 years ago, about 70 percent of the town was counted, and they hope to blow by that this year. “It’s critical when it comes to our Camillo Thanks Grace Farms representation at the state and Congress, Camillo has extended his thanks on and also funding on the local and state behalf of the Town to the Grace Farms level. It’s very important,” he said.

Classes Canceled for Rest of the Academic Year By Richard Kaufman Governor Ned Lamont today announced that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, he is ordering in-person classes at all K-12 public school facilities in Connecticut to remain c a ncele d for t he re st of t he 2019-2020 academic year and continue prov iding distance learning during this period. Schools will also be required to continue prov iding meals to children under the school lunch and breakfast programs for consumption at home, as they have been throughout this emergency. The governor is consulting with state and local education of f ic ia ls r e ga r d i ng whet her summer school programming should commence as scheduled. He anticipates having guidance on that matter toward the end of this month. G ove r n o r L a m o nt , S t ate Department of Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona, and Off ice of Early Childhood Commissioner Beth Bye will d iscuss these issues du r i ng the governor’s 4:00 p.m. news briefing this afternoon. “I k now how important it is for so many students and teachers to finish out the school year, and I was holding out hope – particularly for high school seniors – that we’d at least be able to complete the f inal few weeks, but given the current circumstances and to protect

everyone’s safety, it has become clear that it’s just not possible,” Governor Lamont said. “I want to thank the many educators a c r o s s o u r s t a t e w h o h a ve stepped up to provide remote learning during this time, as well as the many staff members who’ve been putting thousands of meals together for students each and every day.” During the initial outbreak, G over nor L a mont sig ned a n executive order directing inperson classes at all K-12 public school facilities to be canceled effective March 17. That order was initially set to expire on March 31 but then was extended twice, most recently to May 20. Upon the cancellation, the Connecticut State Department of Education immediately began wo rk i n g w i t h e ve r y s c h o o l district in the state to assess distance learning needs. A state team was formed to support districts that indicated having high or moderate needs in the area of distance learning. These teams have been in frequent communication with district leaders to of fer and prov ide support and technical assistance. The state continues to provide vet te d resou rces, g u ida nce, and answers to questions on issues such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, attendance, grading, special education, and social emotional learning. “The dif f icult decision to cancel classes for the remainder

of the year is based on the health and safety of our students, their families, and our Connecticut c o m mu n i t i e s ,” E du c a t i o n Commissioner Miguel Cardona said. “While technolog y and r e m o te l e a r n i n g w i l l n e ve r replace the experience of our students in their school community, we are committed to constantly improving access to high-quality materials and connectivity for our students. Districts are working hard to find creative ways to celebrate t he suc c e s s of ou r s e n ior s , as well as students who are transitioning f rom f if th and eighth grade. With the Reopen Connecticut Education Team, we are committed to preparing re-opening plans for summer school, as well as fall classes. While we do this, we also thank our dedicated educators today for their service to their students’ academic and social emotional needs.” Governor Lamont will soon sign an executive order regarding today’s announcement. It will be publicly noticed and published on the governor’s website shortly after he signs it. Distribution of donated laptops and Scholastic books The State Depa r t ment of Education and the Governor’s Learn from Home Task Force have been continuing to c o or d i n ate t he d i s t r i but ion of remote learning resources that have been donated to Connecticut, including 60,000

Raising Money for Local Charities by Selling Sports Equipment

Dell laptops from the Partnership for Connecticut, and more than 185,000 high-quality Scholastic book packs for prekindergarten to eighth grade students from the Nooyi family. Due to global supply chain shortages during the pandemic, the laptops and b o o k p a c k s a r e a r r i v i n g to Connecticut in staggered waves. The task force has implemented a tiered shipment plan for the laptops in three r o u n d s o f d e l i ve r y u s i n g a formula-based approach prioritizing equity, student need, and safe distribution. The first round of nearly 17,000 laptops, targeted for delivery around May 25, will be delivered to 19 districts where fewer than 60 percent of students have one-toone device access at the school level. The staggered shipment plans are focused on connecting students who have been identified as in greatest need as soon as possible. Initial eligibility for the donated laptops was limited to high schools across the state’s Alliance District program. Once the needs were identified for those schools, elig ibilit y expanded to include high schools beyond Alliance Districts where more than 40 percent of students quality for free or reduced-price meals. The majority of the Scholastic book packs are expected to begin arriving from the manufacturer this week. Last week, the first shipments of 340 book packs

arrived in Bridgeport schools, and 119 arrived at Bristol’s Early Childhood Center. Additional shipments to sites in Hartford and Norwalk are expected today and will continue over the next several days. Connecticut schools have served four million meals under emergency meals programs Throughout the emergency, Connecticut’s public schools have ser ved more than four million meals to students under the emergency meals programs. A total of 130 school districts are currently ser v ing meals at 4 5 8 lo c at ion s s t atew ide . I n a c c or d a n c e w it h fe de r a l requirements, the state is operating two emergency meals programs: • Under one program, certain school districts are authorized to serve meals only to students who attend their schools or any other child 18 years of age and younger residing in the same household. • Under the other program, cer t a i n s cho ol d ist r ic t s a r e authorized to serve meals to any child 18 years of age and younger, regardless of which town or city the child lives or what school they attend. Households should check w ith the indiv idual school districts for information on the time and location the meals are being served, and further guidance regarding their distribution.

Parent Your Best Friend’s Child

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT John Cataldo, Jack Cook & Christopher Cataldo are founders of Sports Give Back, which collects used sports equipment and sells it to benefit charity. Sports Give Back launched this month, raising funds for local charities, all the while providing a mechanism for people to purchase new and gently used sports equipment at low prices. Founded by Christopher Cataldo, John Cataldo and Jack Cook of Greenwich, the online platform enables individuals to request a pickup for locally donated sports equipment, to inquire about equipment for sale, and to donate money to the cause. All the money collected helps support local community nonprofits that do good in Greenwich. Co-founders, Cataldo brothers and Cook, are all juniors at Greenwich High School and have embraced the opportunity to give back. The three students have been actively working over the past 18 months on this endeavor, are passionate about sports, and are proud to help support many great local causes. Jack Cook declared, “After seeing the amount of unused sports equipment in my own town, we recognized the opportunity to give back to the community.” In light of COVID-19, Sports Give Back has donated $1000 to Neighbor to Neighbor in Greenwich to help expand its food pantry and its ability to provide

groceries to residents during this time of insecurity. Clients of Neighbor to Neighbor are able to choose from a healthy array of food. The money was raised by selling an astounding 200 pieces of equipment, including lacrosse helmets, lacrosse shafts, hockey helmets, hockey sticks, and cleats. “In Greenwich, many families have excess sports equipment that just sits in their garage for years to come. To make the most out of this gear, we decided to sell this equipment and donate the money to different foundations throughout Fairfield County,” said John Cataldo. Donating funds to this cause is simple. Go to https:// and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the web page. To donate/purchase sports equipment, email “Through Sports Give Back, we hope to foster a greater social awareness of the volunteer needs in the community, and provide the opportunity for people to purchase sporting equipment at low prices. It is nice to be able to help out the community, particularly in this time of need given COVID-19,” stated Christopher Cataldo.


To contribute to the Greenwich Hospital Foundation, visit

Pausing to consider how we would respond if our child belonged to our best friend moves our egos out of the way so that we can be firm and calm. It takes our fear of being an inadequate parent out of the equation. We would not let our friend’s child act rudely or get hurt. Take a deep breath and picture what you would say or do for someone else’s child— and then do the same for your own child. Every parent worries about discipline. Setting boundar- ies and consequences is hard— and harder still when we fear that we might fail at it. Imagining that our children belong to someone else makes it easier to set and maintain appropriate boundaries. It allows us to handle children’s inevitable moments of misbehavior without taking it personally. Will used this framework to send his only child to a treatment center for drug addiction. When he considered what he would do for his nephew, he saw that there was nothing else he could do at home to fix the problem for his son. Shannon’s daughter screamed for candy in the grocery store checkout line. People stared. Shannon pretended for a moment that her daughter was the child of her best friend, Julia. Julia’s son, Philip, could be a handful, too. Shannon felt less alone. She imagined what she would say to Philip and said those words to her daughter. It worked. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is the author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books.

Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel


EMERGENCY ALERT NOTIFICATION Town Hall will remain closed to all employees through May 20. Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the Town’s Emergency Alert Notification System at: greenwichct. QUESTIONS ABOUT COVID-19 • The Department of Health has five phone lines specifically dedicated to the public for questions and answers about COVID-19. They are: 203-6227865; 203-622-7703; 203-622- 7614; 203-6227842 and 203-622-7836. • Greenwich Hospital/Yale New Haven Health: call center for any questions about the virus, can be reached at 833-275-9644. ASSISTANCE WITH BASIC NEEDS The Department of Human Services encourages residents to call if they need assistance with basic needs such as food, finances, and living arrangements. The number is 203-622-3800. GPD NON-EMERGENCY LINE If you are concerned about an activity or a group not following COVID-19 protocols, please call the Greenwich Police Department’s non-emergency phone number: 203-622- 8004. NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR Client families in need of assistance are referred by The Greenwich Department of Human Services. Anyone can donate funds or buy food items for people in need. Simply select the food and click to pay. Visit

We are here for YOU! Our office is PREPARED and Will remain OPEN To care for all your eye needs. Stay safe and sanitized!

See Dr. Fucigna 203-348-7575

SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES Kids In Crisis Trained Crisis Counselors are available around the clock to provide support to children and families. The helpline number is 203661-1911. Kids In Crisis has a Wish List on their website ( of items they need, which they will continue to update. DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES If you are in crisis, please call the 24/7 YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services Hotline at 203-622-0003. MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUPS NAMI Southwest CT National Alliance on Mental Illness offers various online support groups. Visit TAG (Transportation Association of Greenwich) TAG is extending their services to help residents who are homebound during the Coronavirus emergency by delivering food and bringing seniors to critical appointments. VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX PROGRAM VITA, the IRS’s companion to the AARP volunteer income tax program, has initiated a virtual (online) option for the free preparation and e-filing of your taxes by the new July 15 deadline. You will need to complete and submit the form. VITA will then schedule a one-hour time slot on the portal to have a phone or video interview to complete and review returns. You may begin the process by using this link: form.jotform. com/200751255209146 FACE MASKS FOR SMALL ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES The state of Connecticut announced that small essential businesses – with 50 or less employees - will be able to receive masks from their local municipality. Local essential businesses will need to submit an application for the masks to the State. The Town of Greenwich is in communication with the State to receive details about the distribution logistics. The Office of the First Selectman will announce details as they become available. The list of essential businesses can be found at: Coronavirus-Business-Recovery/BusinessExemptions-for-Coronavirus LIMITED REOPENING OF PARKS Greenwich Point, Binney, Bruce, Cos Cob and Byram parks are open for the use of walking paths. At this time, none of the restrooms will be open at any facility. The beach at Byram Park remains closed. There will be park monitors on site to allow for controlled access and to ensure walkers adhere to social distancing protocols. Visitors must wear masks at all times, refrain from congregating including picnicking or playing of sports. The last entry to all parks will be an hour before the posted closing time. GRIFFITH RE-OPENS The Griffith E. Harris Golf Course reopened Monday, May 4. The operational and playing protocol changes include one person per cart, tee times are by reservation only which can be made online, and the putting green, practice bunker and chipping green remain closed. The complete list of operational and playing protocols can be found at

Marina access will be limited to those with a 2019 or 2020 marina facility use permit. The last entry to all marinas will be an hour before the posted closing time. NEW LEBANON KINDERGARTEN PREREGISTRATION If you are planning on registering for Greenwich Public Schools 2020-2021 school year, complete the Pre-Registration form ( new-lebanon-school). The complete Registration packet is still required and will be collected -and residency validated - when schools are open for visitors. For support and questions, contact Christina at 203-548-7711 or 203-531-9139, or VIRTUAL PROGRAMS AT GREENWICH LIBRARY Greenwich Library is offering a wealth of helpful, educational and fun virtual events, including storytimes, book clubs, job search coaching, author conversations and more. Virtual programs can be found on the Library’s online calendar (, where you can register and then receive a join link and password. TUTORIALS FOR KIDS Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC) offers weekly free tutorials and challenges. For more information, visit myogrcc. org and/or follow them on CERAMICS FROM HOME Join the Connecticut Ceramic Circle for their “Ceramics from Home” – a free virtual tour of the world of ceramics. Visit VIRTUAL GARDEN TOURS Join the Greenwich Botanical Center for virtual tours of the world’s most exquisite gardens and far-(and not so far)-flung natural habitats. Visit ‘NUGS FOR HUGS’ Garden Catering will donate 10,000 meals to healthcare and essential workers who are keeping us safe. You can support their mission with your purchase of a ‘Special’ in-store or online ( 100% of these donations go to preparing and delivering food to the front line heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. MEALS FOR GREENWICH HOSPITAL Caren’s Cos Cobber is offering curbside pick-up and donating one meal for every meal purchased to Greenwich Hospital staff. carenscoscobber

Outdoor Furniture Restorations & Sales Before & After

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LIMITED REOPENING OF MARINAS As of April 30, there is limited access – two (2) days per week - to Town marinas for boat owners whose vessels are in winter storage. Specific details on which days and the hours of access will be communicated via email to those boat owners.

Pick-up and Delivery Available Powder Coated Finishes • Restrapping • Welding Sandblasting • Sling Replacement 140 Highland Street, Port Chester, NY 10573 914.935.8839

LET US LIGHTEN YOUR (LAUNDRY) LOAD Take laundry off your to-do list. Fabricare makes it easy: Schedule a FREE pick up at 203-229-0001 or download our FAB APP Place your clothes, sheets & bedding into a bag. We will pick up, clean & deliver.

QUARANTINE CARE PACKAGES 10 – 11 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: 2020 SPLURGE - Unique Gifts, Home signup/Calendar Bird Day Live - a virtual celebration Decor and Jewelry – has created of World Migratory Bird Day. RSVP. a collection of Quarantine Care 4 - 5 p.m. 203-930-1353. ryan.maclean@ Packages that can be purchased Greenwich Library: Virtual - YA in person or by phone (203-869Graphic Novel Discussion Group 7600). Staff will wrap these items (Grades 6-8). Register. 203-6221 – 2 p.m. and deliver them curbside, or to your 7918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary. Cos Cob Library: Virtual - Cloak home in Greenwich. Want to create org. and Dagger Mystery Book Club. a customized gift package? They can signup/Calendar (Register to receive attendee set up a FaceTime appointment or join link and password). 5 - 5:30 p.m. take photos and send them for your Greenwich Audubon Center: Meet review. the Animals Livestream - join in signup/Calendar FRIDAY, MAY 8 online to meet and learn about ambassador animals who live at the 3 - 4 p.m. 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Audubon Center. Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Balance and Focus through Tai Chi GreenwichAudubonCenter Center (OGRCC): Virtual Chess via Zoom ( Spring program. Pre-K to 5. Consider donating $10/class to SATURDAY, MAY 9 (Saturdays, through June 20). $200. charity. First Congregational Church 7 a.m. of Old Greenwich or text message Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 5:30 - 8 p.m. Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Children’s Learning Centers of 10 a.m. Ryan MacLean to hear morning Online Qigong Class with birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and Fairfield County’s (CLC) ‘Mother’s Greenwich’s Donna Bunte of experience levels are welcome. (Wed Day Eve Virtual Dance Party’ with DJ April Larken. To attend, follow @ Donna Bunte Whole Health. Via & Sat during Spring). PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentiaprillarken on Instagram and tune in CODE: HSS-2020-9 PRODUCTION: N/A LIVE: None Zoom. (Every Friday). Classes are nel-2/3/2020 GreenwichAudubonCenter (Due Date: 1/24/2020) to her “Live” feed by clicking on her DESCRIPTION: World leader in orthopedics (w/border) WORKORDER #: 74058 TRIM: 10.75” x 10.8” also available on 10 – 10:30 a.m. profile picture. Free, but donations FILE: 03A-73968-03B-HSS-2020-9-NWS.indd SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.19025.B.011 BLEED: None donnabuntewholehealth Greenwich Library: Virtual to CLC are welcome. 212.237.7000 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Meditation Workshop. 203-6227 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual 7920. schan@greenwichlibrary. Greenwich Audubon Center: Sunset Introduction to iPhone. Register. org. Session Livestream. 203-625-6560 csherman@ signup/Calendar T:10.75”

GreenwichAudubonCenter SUNDAY, MAY 10 8:30 - 11 a.m. CANCELED: Old GreenwichRiverside Community Center (OGRCC) Mother’s Day Bike Ride. 10 a.m. The Walk to End Epilepsy - virtual kickoff celebration. epilepsyfoundationct. Through June 15, walkers can join the Virtual Walk to support epilepsy efforts in Connecticut. Register at epilepsyct. com/walk/register.php MONDAY, MAY 11 10 a.m. ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: East Meets West: Restorative Yoga. Via Zoom. Mon through May 11, or Wed @4pm through May 13. $80. 2 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual: Financial Apps & Websites 101. Register. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar

WORLD LEADER IN ORTHOPEDICS. LOCAL ADDRESS. The same expertise that earned HSS U.S. News & World Report’s #1 ranking for orthopedics in the nation can be found locally through its unique collaboration with Stamford Health. As a U.S. News & World Report Best Hospital in the Faireld County area, Stamford Health attracts world-leading specialists, including HSS for orthopedics. HSS Orthopedic specialists see patients at HSS Stamford at Chelsea Piers. If surgery is necessary, the HSS surgeons operate at the award-winning Stamford Hospital and Stamford Health Tully Health Center. We’re here for you because how you move is who you are, how you are and how you live. To learn more or make an appointment with an HSS specialist, please call 877-589-8545 or visit

HSS Stamford, 1 Blachley Rd, Stamford, CT 06902 Most major insurance plans accepted. New patients welcome.


HSS Orthopedics and Stamford Health have teamed up in Connecticut.

Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel | May 8, 2020

HR Committee - Virtual Meeting. 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Greenwich Art Society: Creating Art from Nature: Beginner and Intermediate, via Zoom. Thursdays, through June 18. Members, $315; nonmembers, $340. Register. 10 – 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Parent & Child Yoga for Tots (Ages 2-4). Free. Register. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar 11 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Budget Committee - Virtual Meeting.

5 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Virtual Yoga for Adults. Free. Register. signup/Calendar TUESDAY, MAY 12 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi via Zoom ( Consider donating $10/class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 10 – 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Storytime. Free. Register. 203-6227920. schan@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Weekly Job Search Accelerator Group. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Drop-in Computer Lab. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 1 – 3 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Friends Book Group: A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley RSVP to to receive the join link and password. signup/Calendar 2 p.m. Greenwich Hospital Webinar: ‘Food Safety and COVID-19’, with Erica Christ, RD, CDE. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. 5 – 6:30 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual - New Yorker Stories Discussion Group. (Register to receive attendee join link and password). 203-622-6883. signup/Calendar 6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group (Every Tuesday) – Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. Free. Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/2084433181. Dial-in info for

those without video: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181 WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and experience levels are welcome. (Wed & Sat during Spring). facebook. com/GreenwichAudubonCenter 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays@Whitby virtual conversations - learn about life at Whitby School. Register. Free. 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual: Leveraging LinkedIn to Land a Job. Free. Register. 203-625-6533. signup/Calendar 10 – 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Fiesta de los Cuentos - a Spanish and English storytime live. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar 4 p.m. ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: East Meets West: Restorative Yoga. Via Zoom. $80. 5 - 6 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Deep Relaxation and Self Help Tips, with Roberta Brown, BSN, RN, LMT. Free. Register. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Groups for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Zoom Meeting: Dial-in info for those without video: 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 208 443 3181 7 – 8 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Date with an Author: Ada Calhoun, Author of ‘Why We Can’t Sleep’. Free. Register. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar THURSDAY, MAY 14 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET)

THURSDAY, MAY 14 11 a.m. Family Centers presents NY Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman for a virtual conversation to support local families most affected by COVID-19. Via Zoom. $25. Donations can be made by texting CASHMAN to 41444 or by visiting familycenters. org/cashman 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Qi Gong. Register to receive attendee join link and password. signup/Calendar 12 - 1 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual SCORE Webinar: Trademarks for Creatives. Free. Register. 203-6227920. ywang@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 2 p.m. Greenwich Hospital Webinar: ‘Exercise and Activity at Home’, with Richard Becker, MS.Ed, RCEP, CDE. Via Zoom. Free. Register. 888-3059253. 3 - 4:30 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Protect Yourself from Viruses, Worms, Hackers and Other Computer Lowlife. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. trainingcenter@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 5 - 6 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Virtual Tai Chi with Ken Dolan. Free. Register. signup/Calendar 6 p.m. Greenwich United Way’s ‘One Table One Town’ presents Cook at Home with Chef Geoff Lazlo – in support of the Greenwich COVID-19 Relief Fund. Via Zoom. Register. 6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group. Free. (2nd Thu of the month). Join Zoom Meeting:, Meeting ID: 212 727 055 6:30 – 8 p.m. Greenwich Historical Society: Designer Lecture: Born to Party, Forced to Work with Bronson van Wyck - Zoom cocktail hour. $50, $100, $150. event-tickets 7 - 8 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Playwrights with Mark Schenker: ‘Six Degrees of Separation’ by John Guare. Free. Register. 203-6227920. ksoboleva@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar POSTPONED: Kids in Crisis’ ‘Cards for Kids Poker Tournament’ benefit. pin Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, NY. FRIDAY, MAY 15 May 15-May 17: NAMI Connecticut Virtual Walk. As a virtual walker, participants will use email and social media to fundraise and build awareness about the free support groups and education programs provided by NAMI CT and NAMI Southwest CT. event/walk2020 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. Free. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Spotlight on Apps: RBdigital. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. signup/Calendar 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtul World Music with Anitra. Free. Register to receive attendee join link and password. Children.

signup/Calendar 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual YA Book Discussion Group (Grades 6-8). Free. Register. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar ONGOING • Nominate a ‘Treasured Tree’ - The Greenwich Tree Conservancy wants to know if you have a ‘Treasured Tree’ on your property. A tree is treasured for many reasons: a special memory or story; magnificent size; unique shape; Spring flowers or Fall foliage; climb-ability. The Tree Conservancy wants to hear about YOUR Treasured Tree. Fill out the nomination form available at: • Document Greenwich – Covid-19: Help the Greenwich Historical Society document this extraordinary time in history as they collect materials, photos and stories that speak to our shared experience during the coronavirus pandemic. Photographs, journal entries, letters, emails, instagram posts, news clippings, poetry or reflections on the sense of isolation, uncertainty, hope, gratitude, unanticipated joy, or fear paint a picture of the human experience in this unprecedented time. The Historical Society’s archival collection will tell a story of life in Greenwich in 2020 - tell them yours. Visit upload-image • Starter Kits containing collection bins and compostable bags continue to be offered for sale to prepare the community for the launch of the Town Food Scrap Pilot Program. To arrange delivery and payment of kits, residents should contact or call Greenwich Green & Clean at 203-531-0006. For further information about the program and kit sales, visit wastefreegreenwich. org ONLINE ALANON MEETINGS Saturdays 9:30 - 10 a.m. AlAnon Newcomers. 10 - 11:30 a.m. AlAnon. electronic-meetings ONLINE AA MEETINGS Daily 9 p.m. 12 Step Study Group of AA - a recurring discussion in the format of a book study. No prior experience required. Open meeting. Zoom video chat. Zoom id: 799-468-887, Password: 156760. aaebookguy@ directory.php Sundays 3 p.m. AA A New Hope Online - a Big Book Study format. Open meeting. zoom. us/j/117872240, passcode: 121314. BY PHONE Last Tuesday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Home Meeting of AA - discussion group with a 20-minute speaker. No computer needed however long distance charges may apply. Call: 978-990-5000, then enter pin: 426546 Hole In The Sky AA Meeting Schedule 25 online/virtual meetings per week at the Hole In The Sky, 7 days a week through the Zoom Platform with video, audio and call in options. Rotating formats that include speaker, participation and mixed meetings: Monday to Friday: AA Spiritual Discussion, 6:45pm PST. Monday & Friday: AA Big Book Study, 12pm PST. Tuesday & Saturday: 12&12 Book Study, 12pm PST. Wednesday: Living Sober Book Study, 12pm PST. Wednesday: Beginner’s Workshop, 6pm PST. Wednesday: Candlelight Meeting, 8pm PST. Thursday: Secular AA Meeting, 12pm PST. Thursday: Grapevine Meeting, 6pm

10th Anniversary of Greenwich Town Party Cancelled All GTP 2020 Tickets will be Transferred to GTP 2021 Organizers Encourage Community to Nominate Unsung Heroes in Annual Campaign

The organizers of the Greenwich Town Party (GTP), the annual family-friendly music festival that serves as the townwide celebratory kickoff to summer, announced today that this year’s event will be cancelled due to COVID-19. Originally scheduled for the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend but later rescheduled for this August, the Greenwich mainstay attracts 8,000 people to Roger Sherman Baldw in Park and features Grammy Awardwinning musicians and fan-favorite local bands. For the past 10 years, the non-profit organization has remained steadfast in their mission: for people to come together and celebrate the strength of the Greenwich community. After much deliberation and working closely with the First Selectman’s office and local health officials, organizers have concluded that holding the event this year is not possible. “The health and wellness of our community is our top priority, and there are just too many unknown variables at this time,” said GTP copresident Ray Rivers. “Even though this decision

comes with great disappointment for all of us, we are looking forward to next year when we can all come together again in celebration.” Next year’s GTP is scheduled for May 29, 2021, once again the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, and organizers are already working on an outstanding musical line-up that will be announced later in the year. All GTP 2020 tickets will be transferred to GTP 2021, and all current ticket holders are encouraged to save the date. No further action is required for current ticket holders who plan to attend GTP 2021. If a ticket holder cannot attend the 2021 event, he or she will be issued a full refund. Once refund logistics are secured in the coming weeks, the organizers will email each ticket buyer on how to process that request. “We are grateful to GTP organizers for creating an event that brings the community together to celebrate town pride every year,” said Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo. “We collaborated with the non-profit and it was determined that in the interest of public health and safety, the best course of action this year is to cancel GTP 2020.” O ver the past t wo months, ma ny people have exhibited great feats of courage, kindness and philanthropy in Greenwich. GTP honors the Greenwich community through the annual GTP Heroes program, and organizers encourage residents and businesses to nominate the unsung heroes who are giving back during these unprecedented times. GTP will highlight these submitted heroes on the web site and on social media. One hundred heroes will be randomly selected to receive a pair of Community tickets for the 2021 party. “As always, we appreciate everyone’s generous support and endless enthusiasm for the Greenwich Town Party,” said Rivers. “Next year, we will have even more reason to celebrate together.”

The Department of Human Services Funding The Greenwich Department of Human Services Fund (DHS Fund) now welcomes contributions that will help meet the growing demand for services due to the stress caused by the COVID-19 virus. The Department has seen a significant increase in new referrals and anticipates a much greater caseload than usual in coming weeks. The increased demand is primarily for food, rental assistance, and assistance with utility payments. The mission of the DHS Fund, launched in the summer of 2018, is to accept charitable contributions to support programs and services offered by the Greenwich Department of Human Services and to promote community awareness of the needs that these programs and services address. Among the Department programs that have trad itiona l ly received suppor t f rom pr ivate contributions are the Campership Program, Back to School, the Greenwich Youth Conservation Program, and Holiday Aid. The Fund is a 501 ( c ) 3 organization, with contributions fully tax deductible. To make a contribution, visit the Fund’s website: http://www.

The Greenwich Department of Human Services (GDHS) is also soliciting proposals to disburse funds to social service and behavioral health agencies for town residents through its Community Partnerships Program. The Community Partnerships Program p r ov i d e s f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t t o c o m m u n i t y organizations that offer essential services and programs that reflect the GDHS mission. Eligibility to apply for this funding is limited to 501(c) (3) notfor-profit organizations. Not-for-Profit community agencies are needed to provide services in the following service priority areas: 1) Education: child/youth development; 2) Employment and Vocational Training: increase skills for self-sufficiency; 3) Medical/Behavioral Health: access to timely and quality health services; 4) Personal Safety: protection against abuse, neglect and domestic violence; and 5) Housing: access to available emergency/crisis shelter Interested agencies may obtain a copy of the Request for Proposal (Community Partnerships) by accessing the Town of Greenwich web-site or https:// The deadline for submitting is June 22, 2020.

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‘One Table One Town’

Do you miss going out to eat? Would you like to learn how to prepare a gourmet dinner along with a world-renowned chef? Please join in as the Greenwich United Way presents: ‘One Table One Town’, on Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. Chef Geoff Lazlo, Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits, Fairfield County Look, Starr Films and the Greenwich United Way have teamed up to bring the community together through a fun night of cooking and cocktailing via Zoom. Event registration is free, and here’s how it works: 1. Register at: 2. After registering, you will get an email with the Zoom information and how to get your ingredients for the evening from Chef Lazlo. You will also receive instructions for making a cocktail, created by Deutsch’s mixologist, to start off the night. Additionally, they will explain what wine(s) would

be best to pair with the dinner you will be cooking and where to find them. 3. Chef Geoff Lazlo will walk participants through preparing and cooking a delicious meal. To make this as easy as possible, Chef will be preparing kits of food for purchase that have every ingredient and can be delivered to you. Each kit feeds 2 people. If you would like to donate to the Greenwich United Way, the proceeds will benefit the Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund. The Fund will help alleviate the social and economic consequences of this global pandemic and to prevent the widening of disparities in education, employment, housing, and health. For more information about the Greenwich COVID-19 Community Relief Fund, go to

Historical Society Hosts Bronson van Wyck Greenwich Historical Society calls all party animals for a Virtual Happy Hour with Bronson van Wyck on Thursday, May 14. He wowed guests at last year’s Antiquarius with his wit and creativity and expertise at staging fetes of historic proportion, significance, and bacchanalia. Now back by popular demand, Bronson and his acclaimed editor Billy Norwich, who worked with him on his recently published book “Born to Party, Forced to Work,” will take an intimate look at the parties that made Van Wyck one of the most in demand party planners on an international scale

today. Their rollicking, first-hand accounts of what made the events so special will entertain and delight. The Zoom cocktail party is at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are offered at several levels: $150: A complimentary copy of “Born to Party, Forced to Work” will be safely hand delivered to participants, along with a special “Mom’s Night In” box, filled with tasty treats and mixers to enjoy during the Zoom Party. $100: A complimentary copy of “Born to Party, Forced to Work”

will be safely hand delivered in time for the event. $50: General admission participants join the party and participate in the Q&A. For those interested in making a night of it, the Historical Society is offering a homemade, family-friendly dinner for four, including lasagna, green salad, crusty Italian bread, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. $80 serves 4. For tickets and more information, go to event-tickets

Greenwich Rotary Club Supports Community Greenwich Rotary, established in Greenwich in 1921, states that its mission as a community civic organization is to provide support, financial aid and good will in the areas of health, education and peace to bring about lasting change in the community and around the world. To this end Greenwich Rotary announces that its financial requests from Greenwich agencies have been met. They were proud of their ability to donate $4000 to Neighborto-Neighbor, most of the funding coming from the members themselves. The members also personally donated 250 sets of

underwear to the Undies Project. For 24 years Greenwich Rotary has sponsored the Citizen of the Year benefit giving them the means to support Greenwich organizations and International endeavors as well. As a result of the generosity of Rotarians and guests who attended the 2019 event, Greenwich Rotary was able to make donations to Family Centers for their RITE Program and the Greenwich Head Start Program. They also contributed to the United Way Reading Champions program, Meals on Wheels and Kids in Crisis, and

CHAMPS. (Children in support of mine detection dogs in third world countries.) Rotary yearly sponsors the Greenwich Reads student essay contest, two substantial scholarships for Greenwich High School graduates and two scholarships for Greenwich students to attend the Connecticut Boys and Girls State Commission program. Due to the Corona virus, this year’s Citizen of the Year event is postponed until the Fall.

Greenwich Hospital Offers Virtual Classes Making wise meal choices, staying healthy and managing chronic medical conditions are more important than ever, given the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis that require social distancing and avoiding large gatherings. To guide individuals during this unprecedented time, Greenwich Hospital’s Center for Behavioral and Nutritional Health will offer six classes via Zoom in May. To register for the free classes, call 888305-9253 or visit The zoom link will be sent to participants in advance of the session. Participants will be on mute without camera access and can comment via chat. Title: Diabetes Care at Home Date: Thursday, May 7, 2 p.m. Presenter: Richard Becker, MS.Ed, RCEP, CDE Learn the benefits of monitoring your diabetes while at home by controlling your daily blood sugars and minimizing the risks of complications. Learn about the advantages of making simple changes in your diet, activity and self-management routine.

Title: Food Safety and COVID-19 Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2 p.m. Presenter: Erica Christ, RD, CDE Food safety has taken on a new meaning during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to cooking foods properly and preventing cross contamination, there’s the added stress of safely shopping for food in the age of social distancing, curbside pick and more. Is our food safe? Can we get COVID-19 by eating contaminated fruits, vegetables and other foods? Learn how to manage food safety issues without the stress. Title: Exercise and Activity at Home Date: Thursday, May 14, 2 p.m. Presenter: Richard Becker, MS.Ed, RCEP, CDE Learn about the benefits of simple and safe activities – including stretching, cardiovascular and strength exercises – that can be done at the home with little to no equipment by using typical items around the house.

Title: Immune-Boosting Cooking: Minestrone Soup Date: Thursday, May 21, 3 p.m. Presenter: Erica Christ, RD, CDE Spend an hour in the kitchen of Erica Christ, dietitian with Greenwich Hospital’s Center for Behavioral and Nutritional Health. Learn how to prepare a simple, plant-based immune boosting hearty meal with kitchen staples that are affordable. Plenty of leftovers! Title: Immune-Boosting Cooking: Single Pan Stir Fry Date: Thursday, May 28, 3 p.m. Presenter: Erica Christ, RD, CDE Spend an hour in the kitchen of Erica Christ, dietitian with Greenwich Hospital’s Center for Behavioral and Nutritional Health. Stir-fry meals can be easily made with either plant-based or animal-based protein foods. Learn how to prepare this immune boosting meal, which is rich in vegetables, grains while meeting protein requirements.

Editorial Page

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

In the Face of Immense Pressure Are you expecting a pay raise this year, in the middle of a pandemic? Or - like so many others - have you already endured a job loss, a furlough or pay "cut"? Language is a powerful tool in shaping public opinion. One of the most powerful is when the word "cut" is used. If you are actually getting a pay cut, it may upset you to hear that people simply not getting a raise are calling that a "cut". Last week the Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) decided not to cut year over year spending but also not to increase it. Never-the-less the word “cut” started to get used everywhere, especially in headlines and talking points. This is either a purposefully manipulative use of the word or an unintentional misuse of the word. Either way, it is not accurate. What happened is straightfoward: 1) the budget submitted by the Superintendent of Schools included a budget increase, mostly for pay raises; 2) there was a subsequent pandemic causing widespread economic distress; 3) the BET decided to keep spending flat for all departments. In this time of disruption, shouldn’t we be discussing programs to help kids with distance learning, coping with lost team seasons, mourning no spring terms or graduations for seniors, overcoming what students may have missed during this academic year, dealing with their more sedentary lifestyles and limited social interactions with peers, and how to combat the effects of being in front of a computer for additional hours each day? Unfortunately, because so much of the Board of Education request was for pay raises, it is impossible to have an accurate discussion of the subsequent denial without discussing salaries. In 2018 the Greenwich Board of Education salaries for just over 1,000 employees averaged $97,543 with a median salary of $102,048. According to

This is an emotional issue during a time when parents are already feeling that their children are losing out on an incredibly important part of their childhood. And they are right., this was already 135 percent higher than the national median, before including additional benefits packages. It represents a total of $98 million per year. The highest paid 45 employees, mostly administrators, earn a minimum of $150,000 per year representing over $7 million in annual salaries. Too many of the people paying for these salaries are sharing computers within families and between children for distance learning because they cannot afford a new one. They may even be facing the prospect of losing their incomes entirely, losing their health insurance and their benefits and wondering how they are going to put food on the table. Most in the private sector are already looking into the future and seeing at least a reduction in their paychecks while hoping to keep their jobs. That is a real cut and we know it is painful. Our understanding is that what needs to be done to solve the BOE budget problem is to put off pay raises. This would eliminate $2.7 million of the requested increase. Thus far, the Superintendent of Schools and cabinet (top 5-8 school administrators) are forgoing their pay raises, which is a great start. We thank them for their leadership. We wrote last week that the BET has asked all town departments to hold the line on expenses to the current year’s level. The only exception we noted is healthcare costs. We need to correct that. In addition to a 1.3% increase for health benefits for public school employees the BET has also authorized an increase in pension benefits for the non-teacher public school employees and more than $16.4 million for public school capital projects. All over Greenwich, the state, and the country there are people experiencing very real cuts. Their jobs are being cut. Their salaries are being cut. Their benefits are being cut. Being paid the same amount next year that you were paid last year is not a cut. Having the same benefits is not a cut. This is an emotional issue during a time when parents are already feeling that their children are losing out on an incredibly important part of their childhood. And they are right. What is wrong is to manipulate that very real and justified emotion arguing over spending that will have absolutely nothing to do with the incredibly important issue of children's educational experience. Instead, we should focus on funding what families, parents, and children actually need right now and will need next year and how to provide that for them. That is what real caring and leadership might look like, coming together to find solutions to the really hard issues in the face of immense pressure.


First responders organized two parades to show support to their fellow front line workers at Greenwich Hospital. John Ferris Robben photo.


Funding Our Public Schools

By BET Members We are proud of our superb Greenwich Public Schools, the Administration, teachers, students and the support staff. We fully support the efforts of the Board of Education and the Superintendent to manage through the uncertainty and hurdles that conf ront us during this COVID-19 pandemic environment. We will continue to monitor the progress towards our Schools’ educational goals and the achievements of our students and offer our support as needed. All residents benefit from an excellent Greenwich Public School system. We will continue to provide the substantial resources which sustain the excellence of the Greenwich Public Schools. The recent financial shocks accompanying the coronavirus pandemic have prompted much more attention by the public on the Town’s budget than usual. Of particular interest for many, and confusion for some, has been the proposed funding of our public schools this coming fiscal year. Last week , the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET), approved a proposed operating budget for the Greenwich public schools for next year of $163.0 million, the same as this year. The related employee benefits are in a second category. These costs for health benefits for public school employees and pension benefits


costs are large and growing. The share of the State teachers annual pension payment allocable to the pensions for Greenwich teachers is estimated to be $38.7 million next year. Twice within the past several years, the State has tried to require municipalities to assume their proportionate share of teacher pension costs. Given the pandemic’s devastation of the State’s finances, we would not be surprised to see another effort by the State. When these pension costs are considered, the operating budget of Greenwich Public Schools next year would be $239.1 million. Greenwich Public Schools are not under-resourced. In addition to the operating budget, the BET also approved last week more than $16.4 million of capital projects for our public schools. Most of this will improve the physical condition of our school buildings. Other special projects include Cardinal Stadium construction (home side bleachers and press box, handicap parking, entry kiosk, and new light fixtures on the existing poles), Greenwich High School new security entrance, and architectural renderings for Old Greenwich Elementary School improvements. In addition, the BET expects substantial progress towards remediation at both GHS Fields 6 & 7 and Western Middle School playing fields with currently approved funds available. We have received hundreds of emails expressing concern that

the BET voted to “cut” a proposed budget which was carefully prepared by the School leaders and the Board of Education, who have responsibility for our schools and our student’s education. We sympathize with this point. That budget, however, was proposed before the coronavirus pandemic. The economic effects of the virus and the shutdown are massive, as everyone is seeing. Many Town residents are suffering the loss of income and assets. Connecticut announced an unemployment rate of 21.5%. The Federal government has carried out unprecedented remedies. State f inances are being radically altered. Almost every municipality is responding with measures to save money. Many other towns are reducing budgets, furloughing employees and adjusting salaries dow n, although Greenwich is tak ing none of these measures. The context for our budgeting is very different from when the schools’ budget was created months ago. In this adverse environment, our action to hold the budget stable is a careful recognition of our duties to act prudently and to balance the interests of parents, students, taxpayers and residents. Michael Mason, BET Chair, Karen Fassuliotis, BET Vice-Chair, Bill Drake, Andy Duus, Debra Hess, Leslie Tarkington. (These are the Republican members of the BET)

About That Education Budget

Greenwich’s finance board, the Board of Estimate and Taxation, the “BET,” wields enormous power and many of our townsfolk, not previously engaged in town politics are finding out just how powerful this body can be. By its decision to cut $3mill from the Board of Education’s proposed budget it has stamped its big foot on a matter dear to every parent (and grandparent – that would be me) of a public school child. Outraged parents are learning that what the BET taketh away the RTM cannot add back. Unknown at this point is how the superintendent and the BOE are going to respond to the new constriction but teacher layoffs are threatened. I have sat on the RTM, ran for First Selectman and served two terms on the BET and therefore have some acquaintance with both the institutions and individual board members. When I served on the BET I argued as best I could for less micromanaging and a less heavy-handed approach. It is difficult however when you have the power of the purse to use it


for the non-teacher public school employees total $37.4 million, up 7% from this year. The sum of the total operating funding approved for the public schools next fiscal year is $200.4 million, or 1.3% above the $197.9 million budgeted for this year. The proposed operating budget continues the record of a high level of funding of our public schools. According to the CT Department of Education, for 2018 (the most recent available data), Greenwich Public Schools’ operating cost per pupil was $22,222. This was the second highest per-pupil expenditure among our peer communities (highest being Weston at $22,789). Contrary to a wide-spread m isconception, there was no cut to the schools’ budget. The f igures above show that next year’s schools’ budget is slightly larger than this year’s budget. The schools were treated like every other department, in principle: held flat. In this time of unprecedented economic crisis and uncertainty, it is responsible and careful to hold budgets flat and use a portion of our reserves to deliver a slight reduction in residents’ property taxes. The full cost of our public s c h o o l s , h o w e v e r, i n c l u d e s the pensions of public-school teachers. The State government in Hartford has funded these pensions. Due primarily to prior years of underfunding and underperformance, the annual pension

judiciously. But I sat on the board in what we can now see were the good times. We exercised sound financial management, Republicans and Democrats alike; though let us not forget that our town finances are helped enormously by our massive Grand List and the fact that a third of our school children attend private schools. If there is such a thing as the Greenwich brand it is a reputation for financial stability, location of course, and good education. Over time we have managed to keep tax increases moderate and yet preserve town services and above all the quality of education in an annual budgetary balancing act that has satisfied majority opinion. We still haven’t achieved perfection, witness the matter of school fields, Cardinal Stadium renewal and we only just managed to navigate the MISA project through some very heavy weather. But by and large most would say the balance has been about right. And the proof is that we have continued to attract young families migrating from the big city.

On this occasion however BET Republicans have abandoned the well tested playbook, citing the corona virus crisis. No doubt t he BET shou ld r e sh ap e t he budget to take into account the unprecedented pressures of lost revenue caused by the pandemic. If ever we could say we have a rainy day, this is it. But here’s the thing: thanks to good management in prior years we have a significant reserve fund whose very purpose is to deal with a crisis. Democrats wanted to dip into the fund, call it a rainy day fund, to preserve the school budget. BET Republicans wouldn’t have it. Here’s another point I don’t u nderst a nd; t her e app e a r to have been no talks between the chairs of the boards as there were in previous times of crisis, no exploration of the consequences of a cut. I don’t doubt there are some efficiencies that the BOE could find, as Mike Mason, the Republican chair of the BET, has intimated but that won’t cover a $3 million hole. I don’t question the sincerity of BET Republicans but their intransigence

on the education budget does make me question their judgment. Th is wou ld have b e en a n occasion to differentiate ourselves from other towns by demonstrating our ability to weather a crisis. We could have maintained the key selling points we have as a town: good education and a low mill rate. So I believe that BET R e p u b l i c a n s h ave up s e t t h e balance between these competing interests, carefully fashioned over time, and for no good purpose. The budget now goes to the RTM but the RTM has no power to add to any part of the budget. It would be unprecedented but even now the BET could reconsider, negotiate with the BOE and send the RTM a revised budget with restored funding for our public schools. Absent that, my only comment can be, to parents and board members alike – elections have consequences. Even in an age of short term political memory this is an issue that won’t be forgotten. John Blankley, Former member of the BET

Following BET Rules

I just watched the webinar of the special meeting May 5th, of the BET, which was requested by the democrats. They wanted to revisit the budget passed a week before. It is clear that the democrats do not understand or respect Roberts Rules of Order, which is the bible of how government meetings

proceed. They presented a motion that was out of order, the chairman ruled it out of order, the democrats appealed to the full board, and lost the vote. The ruling of the chairman and the vote were in line with guidance given at the meeting by the town attorney. Unfortunately about 300 people

were on the webinar and may not have understood the process. That is unfortunate. But the simple reason the motion to reconsider was out of order is that it was not presented by a member of the board who voted for the budget. The democrats could have foreseen this and had one of their

members vote for the budget on April 26th. The republicans followed the rules and the democrats tried to circumvent them. I do not believe that the public was not well served by democrats grandstanding. Harry Fisher, Former vice chairman of the BET.

Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel

On My Watch

If Music Be Your Passion - Please Play On!

By Anne W. Semmes

When it comes to great classical music, Mary Radcliffe is a town cha mpion. A s president of t he Greenwich Symphony Orchestra (GSO) for the last 37 years – she presided over a rare canceling in April of the season ending concert of the great music of Paul Hindemith, Victor Herbert, and Hector Berlioz. “The Greenwich High School had a problem with hosting 82 musicians,” Mary shares from her Riverside home. “They could not do it with the COVID-19 virus.” Mary is hoping the GSO’s 62nd season will kick off this September, of fering a program of the great music of William Walton, Richard Wagner, Maurice Ravel, and Vaughan Williams. “Everything is so shaky – you can’t plan anything,” says Mary, stalwart at 92 years. She has regularly hosted a meeting of her board members at her home, but they are choosing a more protective zoom meeting. How then can she give them brochures of the upcoming season to “hand out to their friends?” She has, she says “plenty of room for everyone to be 6-feet apart, with two adjoining rooms and an adjoining porch.” But Mary is “a lawabiding citizen,” she notes. “Whatever the Governor tells me to do I do.” Mary has been a “can do” person from her first arrival to our shores, on yes, May 8, 1946, as Mary de Csepel, age 17, after being placed on a Portuguese cargo ship by her mother in Lisbon where her family escaped to from Budapest, Hungary, post WWII. Steeped in music in her growing up years, Mary found her way to Oberlin Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College in Ohio. With her knowledge of music history, music theory, and piano playing, she was welcomed as sophomore, received her degree in piano, obtained her masters at Manhattan School of Music, then

taught piano for 30 years. “Music has a lot of dimensions. It’s also fascinating – full of all kind of surprises. We’ve had 400 years of great music.1685 brought Johann Sebastian Bach, Handel and Scarlatti. Beethoven was born in 1770. We’re still celebrating his 250th this year. There is no one like Bach. I love music of different eras.” Did Mary know of pianist, teacher, author David Dubal, whose weekly program on piano greats, “Reflections from the Keyboard,” I find captivating on classical WQXR radio? Yes, she knows of him. She listens to music from her CD collection. She once told me her best music listening time was playing CDs in her car. I recall visiting her years ago and hearing a stream of classical music she said came from Hungarian radio 24/7, that is still a steady part of her life. David Dubal recently featured a memorable two-part series on “The Colorful life and Music of Gabriel Fauré.” Dubal has the gift of bringing alive the life and music of the great piano composers, and leaves you with great quotes such as Fauré’s, “For me, art, and especially music, exist to elevate us as far as possible above everyday existence.” But jazz piano is another great escape! Thank you, Bennie Wallace of BackCountry Jazz for sending me a video of great jazz piano player Ahmad Jamal, playing “Poinciana.” Wallace, an esteemed saxophone player, has entertained Greenwich jazz lovers for years with his concerts featuring stellar jazz artists at St. Bede’s Chapel in Greenwich. Fa n s we r e lo ok i n g for w a r d to his annual June BackCountry Jazz fundraiser set to be held at I nd ia n Ha rbor Yacht Clu b, but realities of COVID-19 has brought a cancellation. All while Bennie’s inspiring BackCountry Jazz tuitionfree “A f ter-School Prog ram” in Bridgeport has been, since March, “engaging, enriching and elevating,” in Bennie’s words, “the lives of underserved students with one-on-one virtual lessons and group workshops throughout the week.” That fundraiser was to bring support to that A f ter-School Program’s group of some 20 dedicated jazz masters, music professionals, and university professors giving their time, says Bennie, “when they have also lost their performing incomes of tours and concerts.” Add to that, Bennie’s to-be

At Top: Greenwich Symphony Orchestra President Mary Radcliffe addresses the audience at Greenwich High School\'s auditorium. Contributed photo. At Bottom: BackCountry Jazz founder and saxophonist Bennie Wallace, with fellow saxophonist guest artist Godwin Louis at a concert at St Bede’s Jazz Club. Contributed photo.

10th “Summer Music Camp” held at the University of Bridgeport now likely to be held online. “Now more than ever,” notes Bennie, “our programs are strengthening the importance of teamwork, creativity, self-expression, commitment, and courage.” But let’s return to that Ahmad J a m a l “ Po i n c i a n a ” v i d e o t h a t B e n n i e s h a r e d . Yo u ’ l l f i n d i t a t h t t p s : // w w w.yo u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=cytUz9KkK9M. It has a

Bennie connection. “This performance features my friend, and BackCountry Jazz favorite, Herlin Riley on drums,” tells Bennie. “We've been fortunate to h ave h i m on ne a rly a l l ou r BackCountry concerts for the last 10 years.” Jamal’s Poinciana arrangement has inspired pianists for over half a century,” according to Bennie, who heard it played by a local trio in his hometown of Chattanooga when he

was in high school. And likewise, as a Memphis high schooler, I was introduced to Ahmad Jamal, by my jazz-loving family, along with those other great jazz pianists, Errol Garner, Oscar Peterson and Dave Brubeck. Listening to that Jamal arrangement one has to start dancing and remembering those happy days of sharing a dance floor in the dim light with others caught up in that rhythm.


Thank You From Norman Roth and Diane Kelley

We w a nt to t a k e a m o m e nt to publicly thank all of the first responders who came to Greenwich Hospital to demonstrate their support for our staff during this pandemic – not just once, but twice. Our community first responders are themselves impacted every day at work and at home with COVID-19,


yet they took the time to organize an amazing parade of lights, signs and love for our staff. It was a moment that none of us will forget and brought so many of us to tears. The depar tments who participated included the Greenwich Police Department, Greenwich Fire

Department, GEMS, Westchester County Police Department and its helicopter, Rye Police Department, Rye Brook Police D e p a r t m e nt , Po r t C h e s t e r Po l i c e Department and the Red Cross. We were in awe of the huge amount of vehicles and officers who turned out

during the day and then returned a week later in the evening so our night staff could enjoy this amazing experience. We can’t express in words how grateful we are to the community of Greenwich and beyond for all they are doing – from these parades and food donations to the signs and cards of

encouragement that arrive at the hospital every day. Thank you to everyone in this amazing community and beyond from the entire staff of Greenwich Hospital. Norman G. Roth, President and CEO and Diane Kelley, Chief Operating Officer, Greenwich Hospital

The BET’s Difficult but Balanced Approach

We want to thank the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET), led by Chairman Mike Mason, for your long hours spent debating the FY21 Budget and your fiscally prudent decisions in these unprecedented times. Thank you for approving the NO-CUT Town and Board of Education (BOE) operating budgets that provide the same operating funds for the BOE in 2021 as in 2020. What many people do not realize is that when you include benefits, the BOE budget actually INCREASES by 1.23% over last year. It is ironic that people have been misled to think the BET imposed “draconian” cuts when they worked so hard to ensure education is a top priority in a very tough environment. While many towns are actually reducing their school budgets, our BET leadership is striking the right balance to protect our students and respect the real economic pain facing families, friends and neighbors. As the BOE did in the Great Recession of 2008 , the question is whether Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones and Board of Education Chairman Peter Bernstein will show the leadership required during this pandemic and ask the teachers’ union to protect our students with a zero percent wage increase. Currently, one in five Americans have lost their jobs and the economy has shrunk by $1 TRILLION DOLLARS in February and March alone. If the BOE requested and received

a raise freeze from its bargaining units, we would save about $3,000,000, which would allow us to retain our full programming and staff. Given the current economic situation with many people losing their jobs or getting furloughed, we do not think it is an unreasonable request. Stamford Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Tamu Lucero, recently announced that due to the impact of the COVID -19 pandemic and projected decreases in revenue, their BOE leadership will freeze salaries for the next two years to be able to retain programs and services for the schools. Greenwich is more generous versus neighboring towns. The BET prioritizes education as one of the top investments our town can make. Despite the financial crisis that affects our jobs and our savings, the BET voted not to reduce the School Budget by even $1 from FY20 to FY21. Greenwich is the only town that does not include healthcare costs in the BOE budget. If included, these benefits increase the BOE budget by 1.23% year over year. Many people criticize the BET because they did not authorize the $3 million increase as the schools requested. Before the crisis, the BET was prepared to approve 100% of the BOE budget increases. Post COVID 19, the BET voted to keep the school operating budget flat to FY20. Neighboring towns are also revising down their school budgets

to prepare for economic uncertainty caused by this pandemic. The Democratic members of the BET claim that the so-called “rainy day” fund is robust and that it can be used to allow the approximate $3 million INCREASE in the Pre-Covid FY21 education budget to remain intact. This is after the BET had already allocated the highest amount ever from the fund, $19.1 million, to cover Post COVID FY21 budget shortfalls. These same BET members were worried that our town would not have enough money to weather the deferral of real estate taxes to October 1st. It seems unfair to say that we have enough money to keep the increase in the education budget, but the town may not have enough money to help struggling residents with a two-month deferment of taxes. We are confident that the Superintendent and the Board of Education will make the most of the 2021 school budget and determine what can be done even better in this upcoming fiscal year with the same resources as last year. Greenwich schools are fortunate to have a FY21 budget that mirrors FY20 budget, and we are thankful for our teachers and the job they do. They are our partners, and we would ask no more of them than what we ourselves face during these tough times.

Finally, we wish to state that the attacks on the Republican members of the Board of Estimate and Taxation are undeserved. We, the undersigned, applaud the prudent leadership of Mike Mason, Karen Fassuliotis, Bill Drake, Debra Hess, Andy Duus and Leslie Tarkington, that both protects our schools and acknowledges the painful economic uncertainties of this crisis. Serving on the BET is a full time job, and we are lucky to have such experienced and dedicated people willing to volunteer their time to help our community. You may not agree with every decision, but you should not impugn their motives. Their service reflects their love of our Town, and at the very least, that should be recognized. Greenwich Residents and Parents: Nancy Armstrong, Ana Arsov, Walter Auch, Mike Brescia, Whitney Connor, Phil Connor, Tina Courpas, Allyson Cowin, Andy Cowin, Despina Fassuliotis, William Fassuliotis, Kim Fiorello, Andre Haroche, Hilary Haroche, Brooks Harris, Gale Hartch, Katherine Hynes, Nan Levy, Peter Levy, Drew Oliver, Nancy Ozizmir, Doreen Pearson, Brad Radulovacki, Frank Salomone, Daniel Schrek, Jane Sprung, Lloyd Sprung, Mita Spilo, Rick Kolman, Trey Reynolds, Stephan Schmalhofer, Katie Johnson, Sheryl Sorbaro, Dan Quigley, Gary M. Silberberg

The Volunteer Service is Now Free As many organizations cope with how to handle COVID-19, The Volunteer Service (TVS) has taken steps to use its unique platform to find volunteers to help the local community. Starting today, and in perpetuity, access to volunteer opportunities on thevolunteerservice. com is entirely free to both volunteers and organizations. Each member will still have an account to help track volunteer

hours, past and future opportunity sign ups, and the ability to search and filter volunteer experiences. TVS has been working with local organizations to find COVID-compliant volunteer opportunities. Currently, they have many of them posted on the TVS site, and are working to post more in the coming weeks. We hope that our unique platform will be able to help those that need help now more than ever.

Volunteer opportunities range from meal delivery and making cards for those in isolation, to at home data entry and virtual volunteering. “We hope that, during this time, now that the site is entirely free to b o t h m e m b e r s a n d o r g a n i z at i o n s , TVS can foster connections within the community to assist those individuals and organizations who need help now. By

seeking COVID-compliant opportunities, we are optimistic that TVS can be an outlet for those who want to volunteer in whatever way is most comfortable for them,” said Franscioni about the new initiative. TVS was founded by Anne Silvey Franscioni, Debra A. McLaughlin, and Heather Woodbridge of Greenwich. The website lets volunteers search for and

find opportunities that fit their schedules, while enabling organizations to reach a large pool of volunteers. To sign up for a volunteer opportunity, users click the BECOME A T VS VOLUNTEER button on the website. For more information or to sign up for TVS, visit or email

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

GIFF Announces 2020 Award Winning Films A Peloton Of One Receives Firstever JP Morgan Chase Audience Award Greenwich International Film Festival announced today the recipients of the 2020 Virtual Festival Awards. A PELOTON OF ONE, a documentary feature directed by Steven E. Mallorca and John Bernardo, won the new JP Morgan Chase Audience Award which is accompanied by a $1,000 cash prize. MUSIC GOT ME HER E, a documentar y feature directed by Susan Koch, received the Festival’s Best Social Impact Film Award presented by the Bill & Ann Bresnan Foundation. This prestigious award is accompanied by a $10,000 cash prize. THE OTHER SIDE, a short film directed by Josh Leong, received the Best Connecticut Short Film Award, presented by the Connecticut Office of Film, Television & Digital Media and will receive a $1,000 cash prize. “It has been an honor to showcase the prize winning films in our inaugural online 2020 program. Our filmmakers took a leap of faith screening with us virtually, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the audience turnout this year. Our filmmakers are bold and brave. They shared with us incredibly personal stories. We wish them the best of luck during these uncertain times and will continue to follow them on social media and spread the word about their journey navigating this new festival circuit. Congratulations to teams MUSIC GOT ME HERE and THE OTHER SIDE. We were thrilled to share your films with our community this year and wish you the best of luck with your future projects,” Colleen deVeer, Co-Founder and Director of Programming, GIFF. The JP Morgan Chase Audience Award was determined via online audience votes. All Festival narrative and documentary feature films were eligible for the Audience Award. The Best Social Impact Film Award and Best Connecticut Short Film Award were voted on and determined by a jury of acclaimed film professionals and community leaders. This year’s jurors and film nominees included:

Best Social Impact Film Award Jury: Ann Bresnan Young, Philanthropist, Susan Bevan, Philanthropist, Emily Garnet, Producer N o m i n e e s : M U S IC G O T M E H E R E , B A S TA R D ’ S R OA D , T H E E U P H O R I A OF BEI NG, T H E BL ACK EM PEROR OF BROADWAY, TEAM MARCO Best Connecticut Short Film Award Jury: Gorman Bechard, Director, Valerie Jensen, Founder, The Prospector Theater, Ed Ruggiero, Film Tax Credit Administrator of the Connecticut Office of Film, Television & Digital Media Nominees: THE OTHER SIDE, CONVICTION, ELVIS, GRETA, MOMMY’S NIGHTMARE, MORNING MOURNING, THE OLD MAN, THIS BODY HAS NO TEXT, WAX PAUL NOW “ O u r f i r s t- e v e r v i r t u a l G r e e n w i c h International Film Festival was an incredible success. Thousands of people from all over the world were able to attend the Festival, which featured 50+ events including film screenings, Home Q&A discussions, and exclusive interviews. We Files thank all of the filmmakers, supporters, staff and attendees who quickly rallied to make this Paper event happen and look forward to the future of GIFF both at the theater Transfer and online,” Ginger Stickel, Executive Director & COO, GIFF. Showcase Award-winning films are: A PELOTON OF ONE:

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In a snowboarding accident, Forrest, age 18, suffers a traumatic brain injury that leaves him trapped inside himself, unable to speak or walk for nearly two years. Desperate to connect with her son, Forrest’s mother contacts Tom Sweitzer, a music therapist with a troubled childhood whose own life was “saved” by music. Tom uses a music therapy method to teach Forrest to breathe, then hum, and find his “pitch.”After many months, the hums turn into Forrest’s first words, “Good Morning.” Soon, he’s singing entire songs and speaking in sentences. Forrest’s finally getting his voice and life back when he’s faced with one medical setback after another. A serious infection requires surgeons to remove the prosthetic implant that is protecting his brain, where a large part of his skull was removed after his accident. Without any protection for his brain from atmospheric pressure, Forrest’s ability to survive is uncertain. A groundbreaking surgery is Forrest’s last hope. This is a story about the power of music to heal NC 11 Share and transform lives, often in miraculous ways. THE OTHER SIDE:


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in GIFF Programm… Virtual GIFF 2020


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Days before his 18th birthday, Abel (Ethan Herisse, “When They See Us”) finds himself MUSIC GOT ME HER…hot_Susan Koch.jpg pm orphanage and leave about to3/26/2020 age out 5:28 of his in GIFF Programm…SIC GOT ME HERE his younger brother, Kiya, behind. But when a BOD Meeting Minutes - 9-17-19 (1).pdf prospective adopting couple threatens to break in Board File/2020/Minutes 12/12/2019 1:40 pm their relationship apart, the brothers wrestle with Microsoft Word - BOD Meeting Minutes - 9-17-19.docx the reality of never being adopted. Inspired by a GIFF Board Meeting …tes - 11-7-19 (1).pdftrue story. in Board File/2020/Minutes

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It's Not the Activities We Miss - It's the People GIFF Board Meeting …inutes - 11-7-19.pdf

admit, through creative home cooking and take-out meals. Many have read more books in a month than they have in a year. Thousands have caught up on movies by streaming them on digital devices. Some of us are spending more than we should, shopping online

By Stuart Adelberg

Theaters, restaurants, stores, libraries, religious sanctuaries and so many other valued places bring people together to share experiences and create a sense of community. The activity that occurs in each of these venues can certainly happen alone and in a different locale – but it is the gathering and the people that make the experience meaningful. This is among the losses brought on by this pandemic and as much as we try, it cannot be replaced at home.

It can be comforting to use “truisms,” simple expressions of the obvious, to cope with difficult situations. “This too, shall pass” and “We’re in this together” are helping us remain optimistic amid today’s terrible pandemic. In order to limit the spread of COVID 19, we have substituted many of the activities we once cherished with other activities, yet these substitutes are only partially successful at filling the void. I believe this can be explained by another truism, “it’s not the activities we miss, it’s the people.” We are months into a crisis that has tragically taken lives while revealing the selfless heroism of health care providers and other essential members of our workforce. In our efforts to contain this virus, we are appropriately staying home and forsaking many of the activities we once took for granted. I can’t remember the last time we went to a restaurant, a library or theater. Visits to retail establishments are and religious observances have moved to Zoom! limited to “necessities” and even places of worship are I am guilty of all the above, and then some. Among closed. new activities, my wife and I have taken advantage We have continued to eat, more than most will of the Avon Theatre’s virtual cinema to watch


By Lee Longo I reflect back to several weeks ago of what our everyday life looked like. Many of us were on the hamster wheel in constant motion. Always on our phones, half listening to what we were supposed to hear, wanting instant gratification, sometimes unable to make quick adjustments or be flexible. Even in our dream state we may sometimes be tumbling over ideas in our minds, conversations, scenarios of our waking hours. We had a plan as to what we were going to be doing tomorrow in the spring, and summer and now it

wonderful movies. I was previously one of those who vigorously eschewed streaming movies. I believed, as I do today, that great films were meant to be seen on the big screen for which they were created, and I understandably feared the impact of streaming media

beloved theaters. The activities cited above help sustain us through days of separation, but the joy each of them provides is limited. The following is what has become obvious to me as I eat, read, shop, watch movies, and observe holidays at home: wonderful restaurants provide much more than food. . . quality libraries are not simply repositories for books. . . an inspiring concert isn’t just for hearing music. . . local retailers offer us more than the products on their shelves. . . religious traditions are not merely repetitive actions. . . and, of course, the wonderful experience of “going to the movies” is not solely defined by what we see on the screen. Theaters, restaurants, stores, libraries, religious sanctuaries and so many other valued places bring people together to share experiences and create a sense of community. The activity that occurs in each of these venues can certainly happen alone and in a different locale – but it is the gathering and the people that make the experience meaningful. This is among the losses brought on by this pandemic and as much as we try, it cannot be replaced at home. I pray that this crisis will soon come to an end, that the afflicted will recover and that our “heroes” will safely and successfully complete their missions. I believe, when this happens, that we will carefully, very cautiously, yet enthusiastically go back to enjoying the activities, special places and wonderful people that truly make life worth living! See you there!

Old Greenwich resident, Stuart Adelberg, is the Executive Director of the historic Avon Theatre Film Center a non-profit, community-supported, independent on the vitality and future of theaters. Though the cinema in downtown Stamford. He has a long history of Avon’s exceptional selection of online films has been involvement in the region's non-profit human services a welcome gift that I encourage readers to try, I am and arts communities. now convinced that streaming can never replace our

A Glimmer of Hope all seems to be on hold. With so much negative news swirling I can see a glimmer of something positive. Being in the preschool setting daily, I can see how sometimes our plan is just not going to work on that particular day. In the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we must take the children’s lead. It is our constant and an ongoing part of our daily routine. As teachers we have to observe and then ask ourselves, what are the children saying about their behavior today? What do we see them gravitating toward? Are they in conversation or conflict with others? Do they want to be heard? Are they in thought trying to problem solve? Are they alone reading a book or drawing? In the classroom plans can never really be concrete they must always be adjusted. Now we find ourselves in this time of Covid-19 with no particular plans, we must adjust our lives to this situation. Children can really teach us about our own behaviors most especially in this very difficult time if we just stop, listen, observe them and begin to selfreflect. Now that most children are home with their families I wonder if it may be the universe telling us to slow down. Perhaps our own children can be our teachers right now. What do children really need to survive and thrive? Of course, we all know the basics, food, shelter and an education to name a few. But what we teach our children in the home truly shapes them. Children are not born with their family’s values; they do not know what their families are all about. This is something that they learn by our examples. Children make good choices by having family beliefs that help guide them.

There are many studies on family relationships that show strong family relations play a central role in a child’s well-being across their lifetime. When I reflect back to when my own children were small or in high school, in our house, we had a back staircase that came down into the middle of our kitchen. My children at times would sit one at a time

We can spend time really being engaged with them whether reading a book together, playing a game, watching a movie together or just talking and listening to them. We are showing them that sometimes we must be flexible and adaptable, life changes all the time and part of being able to adjust to change will benefit them their entire life. We can show by example that we

Children make good choices by having family beliefs that help guide them. on those steps as I was cooking. Sometimes I knew they needed to tell me something, and I would wait and listen. Sometimes I had to have difficult conversations with them, where they didn’t really want to hear what I had to say, and would storm back up the stairs. But I knew they were getting a clear understanding of what we as a family were about. During this time and because of this situation although it can be one of the most challenging in our life time, it can also be one of the most beneficial for our families as we are forced to be together for entire days, weeks and perhaps months. What children also need to survive and thrive is family time. Because we are home now, we can show them patience, we can show them empathy for others by teaching them we can help others in small ways.


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A Peloton of One follows a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Dave Ohlmuller, as he conducts a solo bicycle ride from Chicago to New York to raise awareness of this scourge. Along this 700mile journey, Dave meets other Survivors abused by coaches, teachers, family members, and like Dave himself, Catholic priests. Through these interactions and common stories, Dave tries to find a way to connect and heal, mile by mile, as he heads east towards his hometown. Dave also meets high-profile advocates like Senator Joe Vitale of New Jersey, Kathryn Robb of New York, and Marci Hamilton of Pennsylvania, who each scored major victories in 2019 by reforming their states’ long-standing Statute of Limitations laws that favored the abusers. Dave Ohlmuller begins this trek as a lone Survivor. Today, he realizes he is part of a movement bigger than just the sum of its victims. Co-Produced by Greenwich filmmaker and fellow Survivor, Joe Capozzi, this film aims to MUSIC GOT MEstories HERE_still inspire others to tell their and1.JPG to educate the music got me masses on the personal and legal obstacles victims often face alone during their long road to recovery.

are not being fearful we are being careful. Sitting with them curled up in your arms offers them assurance of their safety no matter the difficulty at hand. Whether you have preschoolers that may be crying because they can’t do something or a high school child crying that you are ruining their life. What both children at these ages need is a safe space to be heard and an understanding of what their family is all about. For some reason we have been given this time to hunker down with our families and make some new memories, this is the glimmer of hope that Covid-19 has to offer. Lee Longo is the director of Sound Beach Day School. A private progressive school who's philosophy is inspired by the Reggio Emilia model of teaching. Located on the Greenwich/Stamford border.

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel


Joyful Discovery Together... and You Can Too!

By Eli Shaffer “Wookahpoo! Wookahpoo!” My 22-month-old son exclaims. As director of the Greenwich Audubon Center, I must admit I have encouraged an early love for birds in our son, Jude. We have kept our bird feeders filled even though the many year-long residents and spring migrants now have insects to feast on as the plant life of our region roars back to life. We have seen many birds from our back door, and Jude can now identify some by sou nd a lone i nclud i ng “Boo-

Jays” (Blue Jays), “Kohs” (Crows) and adorably, “Mac-n-Cheese” (Chickadees.) However, there is one bird that has proved to be his favorite, and that up until a few days ago, we had only seen in a YouTube video – about a thousand times, the Pileated Woodpecker. The largest woodpecker i n A mer ic a c a n b e i n st a nt ly recognized by its bright red head feathers and its almost monkeylike call. They use their specially evolved heads – complete with tongues that wrap around their brains – to excavate large nesting cavities, find insects to eat, and to communicate by drumming. For a nyone w ho s e sid i n g unfortunately served the purpose of territory or mating drumming, t hey k now a l l to o wel l , t h at the Pileated Woodpecker has a powerful peck that can be heard from far away. A s we were ta k i ng i n t he evening bird call chorus recently, we heard the distinctive call followed by a deep drumming

on a dead tree nearby and Jude did what he does every time he hears a bird. He stopped, turned his head, put a finger to his cheek and said “What’s that noise?”

and even from your computer as you join us every Wednesday and Saturday morning on the Greenwich Audubon Facebook page for our Dawn Chorus Live

about and to discover. It won’t take long before you begin to notice distinct personalities and signature behaviors. For little learners, see if they can call out

As the weather warms and windows open, join us in celebrating the many ways exploring nature can bring us together through joy, adventure and appreciation of our beautiful natural world. We ran towards the sound and looked up. To his amazement and my joy, he pointed and yelled “Wookahpoo! Wookahpoo!” I share this story, not only because I hope it ma kes you smile, but also because it features an activity that you can do alone, with children of any age, from a window, sidewalk or city park

program with Bird Education Specialist, Ryan MacLean. Birding is a fantastic way to bring a little direction and purpose to a nature exploration, wherever you choose to explore from. With instantly recognizable backyard favorites and rare neotropical migrants alike, birds offer so much to look at, to talk

the colors they see, or where they are (high up in the sky, on a branch, walking on the ground, etc.) For grade school students, let your imaginations take the lead and try narrating what the birds might be saying to each other. Anyone can participate as a f le dg l i ng or n it holog ists (bird scientists) by recording

observations in a nature journal or on the eBird app. With migration and nesting season here, a great way to round out your birding adventure is to take a conservation action with real and lasting positive impact for the over 200 birds that call Greenw ich home for some or all of the year. Check out our website or social media pages for ideas like providing nesting material or crafting your own window decals. As the weather warms and windows open, join us in celebrating the many ways exploring nature can bring us together through joy, adventure and appreciation of our beautiful natural world. Eli Schaf fer is the Center Director of the Greenwich Audubon Center. With a passion for fostering new understanding through experiences outdoors, Eli is living his dream of leading a community of those who love and appreciate nature as much as he does.

Make It Your Home Sweet Home


Bobbi Eggers If the last several weeks have taug ht us nothing else, more than ever, your home is your least it should be. Even as mobility eases up, we will be more house-centric than before. This moment is giving us an opportunity to get to know and get to truly live in our homes. We are sitting in chairs we hadn’t really sat in, using a corner as a Zoom space. I actually hadn’t realized my two favorite cowhide chairs that look so nice are so uncomfortable. They have now been banished to an unused corner, replaced by my comfy chair that is lovingly worn. The Velveteen Rabbit.

How can we create a happier, more user-friendly environment for the increased hours we are spending at home? It cannot be just about aesthetics but about the feeling it evokes. We know that doesn’t fix everything, but it certainly can help. As a Creative Director, my surroundings can make or break me. They matter. I have several professional interior design friends. I admire their sense of style, each one uniquely different. As the walls close in, I’ve asked them for some advice. Andrea Jovine has decades of experience in the fashion industry and in interior design and has a magnificent sense of proportion and textural blends. We have spent many hours passionately dissecting style trends, where they come from, and where they are going. Our friends all agree, her dinner parties are gloriously styled, setting tabletops with fabrics and textures, candles in various sizes, fresh produce or flowers cascading along the center- an Instagrammers delight. Andrea can magically transform a room. She offers some quick fixes you can do on your

SPring is around the corner! • Lawn & garden care • Plant health care • Spring/Fall Clean-ups • Edging, weeding and mulching • Weekly lawn cutting • Pruning of hedges, shrubs and small trees • Annual planting • Seasonal bed maintenance

• Masonry • Weed control • Lawn renovation • Clean-up/Trash removal • Firewood • Snow-plowing • Emergency storm response • Power washing


own and also some longer term solutions. “Paint has always been an inexpensive way to change the feeling of a room. It’s easy to do and can be a fulfilling activity during these stressful days. Color is a good elevator of moods,” she says. “Be brave and pick something uplifting that makes you happy or create a peaceful canvas with a neutral palette.” Reorganizing space and the things you own helps the flow of the house but is also cathartic. What was old is new again- just in a different place. Maybe your library would make the perfect intimate dining room. Rearrange the flow. Get rid of the things that make you uncomfortable, like my erstwhile cowhide chairs. It feels much better. “Take your old photos and create a family art wall to remind you of the joy in your life,” Andrea suggests. “Move your artwork around. In doing so, it creates a sense of newness and you begin to appreciate things by seeing them in a new light. We tend not to notice something if it’s been in one place too long. Artwork has a way of changing a room better than

anything else.” Guess what? Antiques are coming back in style, if they are carefully mixed with the new. Happy colors, wood tones and wall papers, too. Brown is the new black. Chippendale? Time will tell. We’ve gotten away from the hotel/austere to authentic design that reflects your personality, interests, and the places you have travelled- a storytelling of you, in your home sanctuary. That should make you much more comfortable. One look at Douglas Graneto and you know he has incredible style. His color combinations and talent for color and pattern collections is breathtaking. With a background in furniture design, he is known for juxtaposing modernism with vintage and individuality. Douglas and his partner, Wear Culvahouse, live in a mid-country contemporary space with walls of glass that bring the outdoors inside. Blending the peacefulness of the outdoors into their home comes naturally to both of them. “Try adding some plants or fresh cut branches from outside. There are some helpful floral arranging tutorials out there

to spark creativity,” Douglas says. Their irresistible sense of warmth and calm comes naturally to both of them. “There isn’t a better time to embrace the Hygge lifestyle; light your favorite scented candle, slip on a pair of cozy slippers and transform your workspace into a special sanctuary.” The Danes created Hygge because they need to survive cold, dark days and boredom. By adopting simple rituals into their daily life, it brings a sense of comfort and peacefulness. Intimidated by design? Don’t know how to take the first step? Facetime or Zoom w ith your favorite decorator. Walk around the room with your tablet and talk with a professional who can offer suggestions. A consultation is usually free and can be a nice way to connect, to see if they are a good fit to work with. It’s probably smart to get a jump start now. When they can come into people’s houses again, they are all going to be super busy. Doug las enjoys hav ing an initial conversation with people to understand their goals and dreams and then likes to create a mood board, shared digitally,

and discussed on Zoom. “It’s a nice way to visualize a room, make adjustments, and manage expectations. After this, the nuts and bolts of putting your room together flows naturally.” Andrea agrees, “With Facetime, Skype and Zoom, I am able to see the space and communicate with my clients. We’re used to working remotely with so many clients around the country, around the world. It’s not as hard as you think.” And the good news is, “Many of my suppliers are offering deep discounts to designers during this time, so there are some great opportunities now.” This is the time to make your house perfect for you, to bring familiarity and calm into your life. You are home. Build the life you love. B obbi Eg ge rs i s a C re a t ive Director and Marketing Consultant for non-profits and small businesses to rethink their PR and marketing st ra teg y goi n g for wa rd . www.

Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to

Alice Cherico

Alice Cherico, 96 of Greenwich, CT passed away on April 24, 2020 at Wilton Meadows Health Care Center from complications due to the Corona Virus. Alice will be joining her loving husband of 72 years Bob Cherico who died on Oct. 16, 2019 at the same facility. Alice is survived by her daughter Sandra Kiley, son Robert, daughters-inlaw Carol and Cindy, son-in-law Ed Kiley and brother Donald. In addition, she was blessed with grandchildren, Brian, Chris, Russell, Danny, Katie, Haley, and Jon and great-grandchildren, Christopher Jr., Jake, Brenna and Ashlyn. Alice was preceded in death by her son David, sister Marian (Cook) Lloyd and brother Richard Cook. Alice was born in White Plains, NY and graduated from White Plains High School. It was there that she fell in love with the man that she would ultimately spend the remainder of her life with and in 1947 Bob and Alice were married. In 1949 Bob and Alice moved to Greenwich, Connecticut where they were active in many civic and community organizations and happily raised their family until 2012. Alice worked as a legal secretary in Greenwich, Ct for the law f irm of Dougherty & Dougherty for over 10 years where she was respected and admired for her work ethic. She later joined the Town of Greenwich Law Department in a similar capacity and faithfully served the town that she loved so much for over 25 years. In both jobs she was known as a tireless worker that strove for accuracy and perfection. Alice was always quick to lend a hand to any coworker or project that needed her expertise and provided the town legal professionals invaluable support. After retirement she enjoyed working as a volunteer for the Town of Greenwich Department of Health and developed lasting friendships with many of the other volunteers she worked with. An accomplished gardener, Alice t r e a s u r e d work i n g i n he r g a r de n nur tur ing the beautif ul f lowers t h at b e c a m e t h e e nv y a n d j oy o f the neighborhood. She also enjoyed


excursions on Long Island Sound with her family and friends and spent many happy summer days on Island Beach and Captains Island. Alice had a great love of the outdoors which included swimming, hiking, nature walks and picnics. As an avid reader of books, Alice was known to read several books a week as she had an unrelenting desire to learn and expand her knowledge. Alice will be remembered as a loyal and dedicated daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and aunt who took great pride in her family and their many accomplishments. She was the consummate host for the many family and holiday gatherings at her home and as the organizer of many other joyful celebrations. During her children's school years, Alice spent time supporting their school and sports activities and volunteering as a room mom, Scout troop leader, and in other capacities. Later in life she enjoyed attending the recitals, plays, sporting events and other important events of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He r f a m i ly lo ok s for w a r d to a celebration to honor her life later this summer.

Willard Rowley

Willard George Rowley of Greenwich, CT passed away on April 27, 2020 at the age of 66. Born in Princeton, Ill. to Willard and Monna Rowley, he grew up with his siblings David, Deborah, and Howard on their family farm in Lockport. He attended the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) and Northwestern University, where he excelled and explored his passion for academia. He was accomplished in his career as an investment banker in Manhattan, where he worked with various firms, traveled extensively, and made lifelong friendships along the way. W i l l a r d w a s a p r o u d l i fe l o n g member of the Mayf lower Society and the National Rifle Association. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoyed deep sea fishing and going on hunting trips throughout his life. He had a passion for collecting and restoring antique cars, trucks, and tractors. Wherever Willard went, he was a force to be reckoned

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with; he always had a vivid story to tell and could make the best of friends with someone he had just met. Known for his incredibly strong work ethic and love for his family, he took extreme care to instill these values in his children. Willard will be deeply missed by all those who knew him. He is su r v ive d by h is ex-w i fe Catherine, his four children: Chase, Samantha, Bruce, and Mary, and his three siblings: David, Deborah, and Howard, along with numerous cousins, niece, and nephews. There will be a celebration of his life to come in the following months. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial donation to the American Heart Association or the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

James Schmidt James H. Schmidt, 87, passed away on April 21, 2020 in Greenwich, CT. A longtime resident of Greenwich, he was born on July 14, 1932 in Columbus, Ohio to Charles and Theresa Schmidt. A graduate of North High School in Columbus, he attended the University of Hawaii while serving in the U.S. Army. After his discharge from the service, he continued his education at The Ohio State University and worked in sales and management positions over a seven-year period with local automobile dealerships. In 1961, he joined the Columbus off ice of Paine, Webber, Jackson and Curtis as a broker-trainee where he became one of the firm's top producers. He was promoted successively to Sales Manager, Office Manager, and Regional Manager before a transfer to manage the firm's Chicago office and its surrounding region. While there, he was appointed Senior Vice President, named to the PaineWebber Board of Directors, an Allied Member of the New York Stock Exchange, and was also named to the NASD Business Conduct Committee. In 1977, he was appointed Central Division Manager fol low i ng t he com bi nat ion of t he Chicago Region with five other Regions. In 1979, he transferred to the New York headquarters to manage the firm's 234 office Branch Division; and was named a Director of the PaineWebber holding company Board. In 1981, he became Vice Chairman and Director of the Fixed Income Division in charge of Government, Corporate, Municipal, and Mortgage-backed Bond Trading, Preferred Stock Trading, and Municipal Investment Banking. He served as Chairman of the Board of PaineWebber Real Estate Securities Co. in addition to B o a r d me m b e r sh ip of s eve ra l PaineWebber Mutual Funds. In 1985, he moved to a consulting role as part of his transition to retirement and pursuit of other business activities. He purchased Timer Digest, a financial newsletter, in 1987 to fulfill a career-long interest in the community of professional market analysts. Outside of business, he was a d e v o t e d h u s b a n d , f a t h e r, a n d grandfather. His competitive spirit was dedicated to sailing in several different cla s s e s of b o at . A nd , he enjoye d restoring and maintaining his collection of several old cars. His cherished wife of 63 years, the former Nancy Ann Nowe, passed away in April of 2018. He is survived by his two sons Jim of Greenwich, CT and Jeff of New Canaan, CT; daughterin-law Liz; six grandchildren: Hillary, Alexandra, Charlotte, Andrew, James, and Anna; along with sister-in-law Janet W. Schmidt of Kerrville, Texas, as well as other relatives. In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial donation to a charity of your choice.

Robert Henlee

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Greenwich, CT 06830


Oct. 19, 1928 - April 20, 2020 Bob was born in Ballinger, Texas. He graduated from Ballinger High School and went on to study at The University of Texas at Austin, where he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, then Texas A&M University. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas Technological College in Lubbock, Texas. Mr. Northington was a proud Eagle Scout and veteran of World War II. He served in Seoul, Korea, as a U.S. Army Sergeant. After the war, he married the love of his life, Sara Carolyn Bigby (also from Ballinger, Texas). Bob and Carolyn had three beautiful children: Diana Lynn, Robert Charles and John Wesley Bigby. In 1967, Bob and Carolyn moved the family to Midland so that Bob could pursue his career in the oil and gas industry as a Certif ied Professional Landman. He worked for Phillips Petroleum Company, Mesa Petroleum Company, Mid-America Petroleum Compa ny a nd as a n I ndep endent Landman throughout North America. Later in his career, he worked as a

Municipal Bond Consultant for the Loews Corporation in New York. Bob and Caroly n eventually settled in Marble Falls, Texas, to enjoy their golden years. Bob served as a Member of The Texas Silver-Haired Legislature, while also serving as the Mayor of Meadowlakes, their beloved lakefront community. Sadly, Carolyn lost her battle to cancer in 2002. Bob later married fellow Ballinger Bearcat Charlotte Miller Flynt. They enjoyed many good years together in the Dallas area before her passing in 2018. Mr. Northington then moved to Austin to spend his remaining years near family. Mr. Northing ton was preceded in death by his parents, Rena and K inchen Northington; his brother, Kinchen Volentine Northington Jr.; his wife of 49 years, Sara Carolyn Bigby Northington; and wife Charlotte Miller Flynt Northington. Bob is survived by his sister, Martha Butler Northington, of Austin, Texas; his three children: Diana Northington Samponaro and her husband Peter of Greenwich, CT; Charlie Northington and his wife Dina of Austin, Texas; John Northington and his wife Pamela of Washington, D.C. He is survived by his 11 beloved grandchildren: Caroline Samponaro, Amanda Samponaro Runne, Peter Samponaro Jr., Nichola Samponaro, Chase Northing ton, A lexandra Nor thing ton, Car ter Nor thing ton, Patricia Northington, John Northington Jr., Henry Northington and Virginia Northington. Bob is also survived by loving family members Elizabeth Gallo Baskin, Michele Denise Black and six beautiful great-grandchildren.

Timothy Morris

1954-2020 Timothy D. Mor r is, for mer longtime Greenwich resident, passed away from complications due to lung cancer treatment. Timothy passed away at home in Stamford, CT at the age of 65 surrounded by his family. Timothy is survived by his wife, Maria Morris; his children, Frank Telesco, Lizette Morris, and Danielle Morris. He is also survived by two aunts and many cousins, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his father, John (Scotty) Morris; mother, Caroline Morris; sister, Deborah Telesco and brother, James Morris. Timothy was born on July 16, 1954 in Greenwich, CT. As a kid he played baseba ll and as a young man he played softball for many teams. He worked for the Town of Greenwich Tree Depar tment for 10 years as a tree climber and also a waiter at Manero's Restaurant. On July 2, 1983, he married Maria Morris, who stole his heart one day after a happy accident involving a broken garbage bag. Timothy was a loving husband and father. He devoted himself to the betterment of his family throughout his entire life and will be missed by everyone. A memorial service to celebrate T i m o t h y 's l i f e w i l l b e h e l d a t a later date. In lieu of f lowers, please consider mak ing donations to St a m ford He a lt h B en net t Ca ncer Center, Stamford Hospital Foundation, 1351 Washington Boulevard, Suite 202, Stamford, CT 06902, support.

William Gilbreath, III

William "Bill" Sydnor Gilbreath III, a long-time resident of New Canaan, CT, passed away in Greenwich, CT on Saturday morning, April 18, 2020 at the age of 89. Bill was born on July 31, 1930 in Detroit, MI, to Marion Dickens and William S. Gilbreath II. He was the youngest of three children. Bill graduated from the Cranbrook School, where he was captain of the football team and a school prefect. He

went on the study at Yale University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts and was a member of "Book and Snake". He graduated in 1954. Bill served briefly in the Air Force during the Korean War, where though never deployed, survived what he called "The Battle of Phoenix Arizona"! H e b e g a n h i s c a r e e r o n Wa l l Street selling adding machines for the Burroughs Corporation. He went on to join Morgan Stanley where he had leading roles in Syndicate in New York and Paris. He moved on to Europartners i n N e w Yo r k t h e n o n t o l a u n c h Woodman, Kirkpatrick and Gilbreath in San Francisco, CA. After a merge with Hambrecht & Quist, he returned to New York and continued his career at First of Michigan which was originally founded by his father. Bill was the consummate "connector" on Wall Street, both in managing syndications and mentoring young professionals. He absolutely loved people and was known by many as "Mr. Sunshine" for making people laugh. There was never a day that he didn't try to see the bright side of things. He will be remembered fondly by all that were fortunate enough to meet him. Bill was passionate about family, music and sports, including playing golf and listening to MET Opera. He belonged to numerous organizations and clubs including The Bond Club of New York, the DTA, Yale Club, Union Club, Old Baldy, Country Club of New Canaan and Blind Brook Country Club. Bill was preceded in death by his loving wife of fifty-two years, Anne Tyson Gilbreath, his parents and sisters Nan Chandler and Marion Skinner. He is survived by three children; Cab Gilbreath (Cab's mother Emillie Smith) of Austin, TX, Rollin Tod (Dav id) of Westport, CT and Sydney Maley (Robert) of Darien, CT, as well as seven grandchildren Jules "Syd", Holly, Parker, Hilary, Andrew, Tyson and Avery. A memorial service will be held in New York City at a later date when social distancing is no longer required. Memorial donations can be made to the Red Cross to support their aid to victims of the coronavirus.

Silvio Berni

On April 12, God called his son, Silvio A. Berni, home to heaven at the age of 67 after a courageous battle with the COVID-19. Silvio was born in Italy to Bruno and Teresina Berni. He was a dedicated family man and leaves behind his wife, Cathy, and their children; Erin, Michael, Teresina and Faith and is also survived by his son-in-law, Jason, two grandsons, Bradley and Beckett as well as his sister, Maria, and her daughter, Katerina. Si lv io had a la rge fa m i ly t hat included many in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins around the world and he loved keeping in contact with and visiting so many of them. Even though he would tell you that he was "just an accountant," he was the Vice President of Corporate Development and Controller at GGCP, Inc. in Greenwich. Silvio was known among those who loved him for his generous and compassionate nature. He was always willing to help everyone, however they needed it. He was an active member at Christ the Redeemer Church and the Knights of Columbus. Throughout his life and career, he loved interacting with family, colleagues, friends and strangers. He could have a long conversation with anyone, and often did! He had many lifelong friends he kept in touch with until the very end. Si lv io's event ua l f i na l re st i ng place will be in Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, NY, so he can be with his parents and nephew, Alex. Due to the current climate, a celebration of his life will happen when it is deemed appropriate. A mass was offered for him by the Gabelli Family at Fordham University on April 20 and can be viewed online. In lieu of ever y thing being of fered, please consider mak ing a donation in his name to any of the following organizations whose work Silvio admired: The Beth-el Shelter, t he Wo o d r u f f Fa m i ly Y MC A , t he Connecticut Food Bank or the Boys and Girls Village in Milford.

Protocols, Maps for Park & Marina Openings

By Richard Kaufman The Town of Greenwich and the Office of the First Selectman on Monday released protocols and maps for the reopening of several parks and the town’s marinas this week. With the restricted openings of Byram and Greenw ich Point pa rk s, a nd the ma r inas on Thursday, May 7, visitors must wear masks at all times, refrain from congregating including picnicking or playing of sports. If social distancing protocols are not followed, access to those facilities will be reduced or closed. F i r s t S e l e c t m a n F r e d C a m i l l o s a i d h e ’s conf ident that residents will continue to follow guidelines as the weather warms up. “There’s a chance that a few may ruin it for all, but we’re doing our best to make sure that doesn’t happen. We will monitor and make sure people are doing the right thing. We’ll assess and reassess on a daily basis. I’m proud of what the town has done so far,” he said, noting that he visited the park behind Town Hall over the weekend and noticed people complying. D i a n e K e l l y, C h i e f O p e r a t i n g O f f i c e r a t Greenwich Hospital, said that while the hospital watches its discharges increase and the number of positive cases slow, there still needs to be a surge plan if the easing of restrictions causes a spike in infections. “I’m cautious [about easing restrictions]. I can’t say I’m overly concerned, but I’m very hopeful that people will continue to do the good job they’ve been doing with social distancing. A lot more people are wearing masks, so that’s moving in the right direction. We’re all going to watch this cautiously,” she said. I n or der to ac c e s s Gr e enw ich Poi nt a nd Byram Park, visitors must have a 2019 or a 2020 Greenwich park pass, a state-issued ID or a driver’s license that show a Greenwich address. Marina access will be limited to those with a 2019 or 2020 marina facility use permit. The last entry to all parks and marinas will be an hour before the posted closing time. At this time, none of the restrooms will be open at any facility. Over the weekend, Camillo reposted a photo on

Facebook from the Greenwich Police Department showing littering at Bruce Park. As people begin to head out to the parks and marinas, he stressed the importance of throwing out trash. “Whatever you bring into the parks, you bring out with you. If you don’t see a garbage can, that’s no excuse to throw garbage on the ground,” Camillo said. “I expect more from people… We’re not going to tolerate it. If we have to step up enforcement and start handing out citations, then we will. There’s no excuse for throwing garbage on the ground.” Cos Cob Park map (above) Cos Cob Park Re-Opening on Monday, May 4 Open Daily: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Last entry 2 p.m. Social Distancing of at least six feet must be maintained at all times when on the property, including in the parking lot (train station). Only handicapped parking (with permit) by entrance gate, all others must park in the train station lot. Everyone must have a face covering at all times, including upon entry into the park. You must immediately leave the property after your visit and not congregate in the parking lot The pavilions, benches, playgrounds and fields will remain closed. T h e m a x c a p a c i t y i s 2 0 0 p e o p l e . To avo i d overcrowding and to allow others to enjoy the park, please limit your visit to 1 hour or less. The town requests that parkers walk in a clockwise direction starting at the entrance. Please follow arrows. The Greenw ich Police Depar tment and park monitors will be monitoring for rule compliance. Map of Byram Park. (above) Byram Park Reopening on Thursday, May 7 Open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Last entry 4 p.m. No dogs as of April 1 Social Distancing of at least six feet must be maintained at all times when on the property including in the parking lot. You must immediately le ave t he pr op er t y a f ter you r v i sit a nd not congregate in the parking lot. Everyone must have a face covering at all times

including upon entry into the park. Drivers, bikers, walkers, joggers a nd b o ate r s mu st show t hei r 2019/2020 park pass OR drivers l i c e n s e /s t a t e i s s u e d I D w i t h Greenwich Address. Single entry and parking passes will not be sold until further notice. Ve h i c l e s m u s t p a r k i n t h e designated parking spaces. For the purpose of walking, follow the arrows in a clockwise direction. NO chairs, cookouts, picnics, swimming or sun bathing. The beach area, pool, playg rounds, pavilions, tennis courts and fields will REMAIN CLOSED. Trash: carry in, carry out. The max capacity will be 150 vehicles. To avoid overcrowding and to allow others to enjoy the park, limit your visit to one hour or less. The Greenw ich Police Depar tment and park monitors will be monitoring for rule compliance. Greenwich Point Park map. (above) Greenwich Point Park Reopening on Thursday, May 7 Open daily from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Last entry at 4 p.m. No dogs as of April 1 Social Distancing of at least six feet must be maintained at all times when on the property including in the parking lot. You must immediately le ave t he pr op er t y a f ter you r v i sit a nd not congregate in the parking lot. Everyone must have a face covering at all times including upon entry into the park. Drivers, bikers, walkers, and joggers must show their 2019/2020 park pass OR drivers license/state issued ID with Greenwich Address. Single entry and parking passes will not be sold until further notice. Vehicles must park in the front parking lots. The town will use the traff ic restricted model, and request that parkgoers walk in a counterclockwise direction starting at the main road. Follow the arrows.

NO cha i rs, co okout s, pic n ics, sw i m m i ng or sunbathing. Trash: carry in, carry out. The concessions, Innis Arden Cottage, OGYC will REMAIN CLOSED. Church services have been suspended until further notice. The max capacity will be 500 vehicles. To avoid overcrowding and to allow others to enjoy the park, limit your visit to one hour or less. The Greenwich Police Department and park monitors will be monitoring for rule compliance. Byram Shore, Cos Cob, Grass Island & Greenwich Point Marina Reopening, ef fective Thursday, May 7. Open daily from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Boat docks, Launching Ramps and storage areas open. Restrooms closed. Social Distancing of at least six feet must be maintained at all times when on the property including when on your vessel. Everyone must have a face covering at all times while on the property and while accessing your vessel. You must immediately leave the property by 5 p.m. DO NOT congregate in the parking lot. Residents must provide their 2019 or 2020 Marina Facility Use Permit in order to gain access to the facility. If you do not provide this proof, you will not be allowed access. Permitted marina vendors will also be allowed on property to perform work on the vessels during these hours. The Byram Shore Boat Club, Greenwich Boat and Yacht Club, Mianus River Boat and Yacht Club, and Old Greenwich Yacht Club members will have dock use ONLY. Clubhouses and patios REMAIN CLOSED.

Impact Fairfield County (FFC) Announces Grants On May 27, 2020 from 9:30am to 11:30am, Impact Fairf ield County (FFC) will hold its 5th Annual Meeting to hear from its local non-profit finalists and select two $100,000 Impact FFC Grant winners. The Meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom and is expected to draw the attendance of a vast majority of its 243 local women membership. Impact FFC, the women’s g iv ing circle of Fairfield County, is celebrating its fifth year as a philanthropic force in the community. In addition to the two $100,000 Impact FFC Grants, given to Fairfield County non-profits for new projects or the signif icant expansion of existing programs, Impact FFC will also grant over $10,000 in general operating funds to each of its finalists. The 2020 $100,000 Impact FFC Grant finalists, carefully and methodically selected from an initial pool of 52 non-profit applicants, are: All Our Kin (Expanding the Supply, Quality and Sustainability of Family Child Care, Danbury) Career Resources, Inc. (Entry Point Staffing, Bridgeport) Hall Neighborhood House (Reading Ready Hall, Bridgeport) Horizons Greens Farms Academy (Horizons Career Launch Program, Bridgeport) To honor this 5th Anniversary milestone, Impact FFC’s Advisory Council and some Founding Members contributed an additional $50,000 in funding for a Core Mission Grant (CMG) to enhance, expand or strengthen existing programs, services and organizational capacity that advance a non-profit organization’s core mission. On April 2 2 , 2020, Impact FFC awarded Building One Community, a Stamford-based non-profit serving the vast needs of the local immigrant community, its inaugural CMG to invest in staff development

to better serve its growing population through education, employment and empowerment. Catalina Horak, Executive Director of Building One Community, captured their organization’s gratitude and excitement upon learning they had won the Grant: “Many, many thanks for all you have done to understand the needs of the most vulnerable among us and to roll up your sleeves and support us in so many actionable ways. We can’t wait to work with all of you closely and to ‘tell the world’ how honored we are.” Including this $50,000 Core Mission Grant, $10,000 general operating grant to the other CMG finalist, and the upcoming two $100,000 Impact FFC Grants in addition to substantial general operating grants, Impact FFC is poised to award over $300,000 in 2020 and surpass $1 million in total grant funding over its five years of investing to transform the lives of Fairfield County’s neediest. F rom its gene sis i n 2 01 5 w it h 1 5 5 fou nd i ng members eager to join their passions and talents with other like-minded philanthropic women to exponentially increase the impact of their time and money, Impact FFC has steadily grown its membership to 243 women from all over Fairfield County. Women like… Lindsay Wyman of Wilton who is “so proud to be a part of local women joining forces to improve our communities and is inspired by the collegial and collaborative way of exponential giving,” Felicia Rubinstein of Rowayton who “loved meeting the nonprof it organizations and seeing that my donation was part of a larger fund that really made a difference in the community,” Helaine Winer of Greenwich who was “so inspired by the high level of organization, commitment and involvement of the members,” Ronice Latta of Stamford who

“loves the meaning f ul work and net work ing opportunities,” and Margaret Schwabe of Westport who reflects that “each ‘season’ of Impact activities has given me the renewed chance to shift my focus from ME and MINE to think of others who have great unmet needs.” In this current trying time for all, amidst so much tragedy and unprecedented need, Impact FFC recognizes that its mission has taken on far greater urgency than ever before. The dynamism of Impact FFC’s collective membership allowed the organization to adjust readily and effectively to the new virtual environment, never skipping a beat to ensure its most powerful and “impactful” year

ever. To further support its community and address the most immediate, critical Covid-19 related local needs, Impact FFC’s membership joined together to raise $25,000 and become a “Fund Partner” for The Fairfield County Community Foundation’s (FCCF) Covid-19 Resiliency Fund. The FCCF established The Fairf ield County Covid-19 Resiliency Fund to rapidly deploy resources to trusted, frontline community organizations that meet the basic needs of local residents in Fairfield County. To learn more about Impact FFC, please visit our website at: or contact us at

Hinkle Wins CT Outstanding Art Educator Greenwich Public School Teacher Ms. Le Ann Hinkle was recently awarded the 2020 Connecticut Outstanding A rt Educator of the Year by the Connecticut Art Education Association. Ms. Hinkle, an art teacher at Julian Curtiss School and North Mianus School, was selected for this award in recognition for her significant contributions to the field of art education. Greenwich Public School District Coordinator

for the Arts and Music Ms. Laura Newell shared, “We are so proud that Le Ann was selected for this prestigious award. Our schools have such dedicated and passionate arts teachers, instilling a love of learning in our students and helping them to grow and develop their artistic abilities. Le Ann always goes above and beyond for her students, and it is great to see her recognized for her continuous contributions.”

Award Recipient Ms. Hink le shared, “It is an honor to have the opportunity to represent Connecticut art educators and advocate for visual arts education. I am incredibly blessed to be in a district that continues to support my work with art educators across the country. My students are the brightest stars, always my inspiration for seeking out new solutions and innovative practices to best meet their needs.”

Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 Online Sunday Worship: 9 & 11am, & social media outlets. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce the lesson ( ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied to you when you register). New: Walking with The King, Mon 8pm. Pray with the Pastors: May 7, 8pm. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Service via FB Live: 11:30am. Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( livestream). CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 All weekday and weekend masses are celebrated without the presence of the faithful until further notice. The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon 1:30pm. Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu 1:30pm. Stations of the Cross: Fri 1:30pm. (A sacred space on St. Catherine’s campus in the vestibule of the Chapel can be viewed from outside. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has also been moved to this sacred space). The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners offers hotline & daily prayer at 203-637-3661 x375. Volunteer: Help Seniors Stay Well: The Commission on Aging is seeking volunteers from the Senior Providers Network to assist in placing “wellness” calls to households in Greenwich with residents over the age of 75, email New Covenant Center live stream Celebrity Breakfast: May 8, 8-9am, NewCovenantCenter. org/virtual-Celebrity-Breakfast. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Daily Mass (Mon-Sun), 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Pray the Rosary: Every night in May, 7:30pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily & Sunday Masses - live-streamed, 9am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Sun 12-1pm, live-streamed. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 St. Timothy’s Chapel is open for daily private prayer from 7am-7pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – leave a message at 203-531-8741 ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live telconference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until at least May 24. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091

Online Worship: Sun 10am, Postponed: Campus Clean-Up Day: May 16. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through livestreaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Friday: Fridays by the Fireside (live with Rev. Patrick Collins). North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 www. Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Regular services are being held at this time. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Virtual Worship Services: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am – livestream; Weekdays: Morning Prayer, 8am, on Zoom; Thu: Evensong, 5pm - livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at Virtual Sunday Evening Bible Study on Zoom – email Andrew Kryzak (akryzak@christchurchgreenwich. org) to be included. Organ Recitals: Fri 5:30-6pm, FB Live. Tea Time Book Group: Sun through May 24, 4pm, via Zoom. Family Matters Class: May 10, 11:15am-12:15pm, via Zoom. Family Matters Class - “Parenting Strategies” with psychologist Dr. Natalie Richton: May 12, 7:30-8:30pm, via Zoom. The New ‘Normal’: How to Return to a Changed World – A Virtual Retreat for Women, May 16, 8:30-9:45am, via zoom. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Virtual Service, 10am. Virtual Coffee Hour, 10:30am. Virtual Vestry Meeting: May 12, 7-8pm. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Online Morning Prayer: May 10, 10:15-11:15am. Discovery Hour: May 10, 11:30am. Bible Study - via conference call: May 12, 10:30-11:30am. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. May 8: Daily Tanya and Hayom Yom Inspiration, 8:308:50am, (; Sermons, Songs, and Candlelighting, 7:10-7:34pm, ( Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. Lunch ‘n Learn: April 28, 12-1pm. Pam Schuller speaker: April 29, 7-9pm. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the

clergy, dial 203-869-7191 ext. 3. The History of Zionism & Antisemetism: May 14, 7pm, via Zoom. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 The Service of the Word is streamed live at 10am on Sundays. Holy Communion is offered throughout the week (at First Lutheran) by appointment. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Worship Services Live-streamed at live-stream. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship via Zoom. Hangout with Pastor Carol: Tues-Sat, 5-6pm, (No agenda, no structure - just stop by to hang out, talk about what is on your mind. Join in for any portion or the whole hour. Prayer requests accepted). Via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. New: ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, begins May 6, 7:30pm. First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Online sermons available on Facebook (facebook. com/myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups will be online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail. com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Worship online: Sun, 10:45am, (stanwichchurch. org/live-streaming). Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515-6065410, punch in access code: 119748#). Facebook Live with Pastor David: Wed 7pm. Student Small Groups: Fri 6:30pm, via Zoom. Alpha Online begins May 11, 7:30pm, via Zoom, register ( Life After Quarantine Webinar - Wednesday, May 13, 7pm ( OnlineReg/178). The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, TrinityChurchLife/live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Online Worship at Email with any questions. FAB Women’s Group - Online: May 11, 12-1pm. Women’s Book Discussion Group - Online: May 15, 9:15-10:30am. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 Sunday Service online on YouTube or Facebook, coffee and fellowship after the service via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage). National Day of Prayer: May 7, 12:30 -1:30pm.

Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel

The Healing Begins

On Faith Feature

By Marek Zabriskie During this pandemic, most of us have seen someone and have chosen to pass “on the other side.” Everyone becomes a potential threat during this time of Covid-19. This makes me think of the biblical story were not one, but people pass “on the other side.” It’s one of the world’s best known stories. People who have never opened a Bible know it. Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan as a way of teaching each of us about how to care for our neighbors and how to heal those who are different from us. The story opens with a traveler who was mugged, beaten, stripped and left bleeding to death on a public road. A Levite or Temple off icial

eventually passed by as did a priest on his way to offer sacrifices at the Temple. Both passed “on the other side” of this broken human being bleeding to death. In other words, they tried to get as much distance as possible from the pain, agony and violence of human suffering. Many of us do the same. When we see a TV ad seeking support for children starving in Africa we switch channels to something more pleasant. We pass “on the other side.” Then Scripture notes that a Samaritan – a national and religious outcast of that ancient Jewish society – arrived. Jews despised Samaritans for worshipping on a different mountain and possessing different religious books. But when t he S a m a r it a n arrived, the healing began. After all, the Samaritan knew something about what it was like to suffer, to be set apart, abandoned, looked down upon and shunned. Because the Samaritan had suffered, he had developed compassion for those who suffer. He recognized his own suffering in the other. He understood the

victim’s pain and rejection. He knew how loneliness and misery feel. So, he reached out to help. The Samaritan poured oil on the beaten man’s bloody wounds. It was expensive medical gift. He put the victim on his mule and brought him to an inn, where he paid the cost of his care, and promised to reimburse the innkeeper for any additional costs. So, the healing continued. Hea li ng doesn’t beg i n philosophically or politically when we discuss the plight of certain peoples or how unjust it is that some have so much and others so little. Healing doesn’t occur if we distance ourselves from those with AIDS, illness, race, color, poverty or addiction. Healing begins when the one broken person recognizes the brokenness in another and stops to do something about it. The Samaritan who had wept stopped to care for someone now weeping. The Samaritan faced into the pain of another, which the others who passed “on the other side” failed to do. It took courage. It required empathy – a gift which is too often in short supply.

The Samaritan faced the pain. He didn’t put his own needs first. Some of us are too busy to stop and help. Others are too narcissistic to care. Some pillars of their faith communities get too caught up in rituals to focus on those who truly suffer. The Samaritan shows us that sometimes we have to take a risk to bring about healing. We must get rid of old attitudes and values in order to see the needs of others whom we would not previously have been caught dead helping. We have to change our petrified beliefs. Sister Joan Chittister writes, “Healing depends on our own resolve to transcend our canonical confines, to go out of our way to be, to think, to do what we would not, under any standard circumstances, choose to do otherwise. She notes, “when I heal the other, I heal something in myself as well.” Hence, the Parable of the Good Samaritan is not the story of one person being healed, but two. The stranger lying in the road and the Samaritan who has suffered throughout his life are both healed. One has been mugged. The other has been ostracized, looked

down upon and marginalized. Their wounds are different, but both suffer from wounds that cripple and diminish a person, limiting their freedom, their speech, their upward mobility and their future. The Levite and the priest who passed “on the other side” bear wounds as well, but they are blind to their own suffering. As a result, their wounds do not serve as tools to heal others. Throughout history, people have been encouraged not to heal others simply because they fell outside their religious, moral or tribal boundaries. They failed to care for those with AIDS, addiction, color, sexual orientation or poverty and received religious or group approval while viewing themselves as virtuous. But he a l i ng c ome s when someone steps across the boundary lines that separate us from others. It comes when we see ourselves in another’s situation and when we are secure enough in ourselves to accept and care for another and not let fear cripple our ability to love. We need to become Samaritans ourselves. I think of Russell Carpenter, who graduated from

Vanderbilt University, married his sweet heart, Amy, started a family and created a successful business. He had everything going for him until a drunk driver killed him on the night before New Year’s Eve over 35 years ago. Russell never got to see his children grow up. I interviewed his family a year after his death. They told me, “Russell always carried two cans in the back of his car – a gas can and a water can. When anyone was broken down on the side of the road, no matter where, Russell would stop to help.” Sounds like a Good Samaritan to me. The whole world is in pandemic mode right now, crying out in pain, grieving, feeling isolated, depressed, anxious, beaten down and afraid. Wounds are every where. We ourselves have more wounds than we can count. They come bubbling up in times like these. Now is the time to be a Good Samaritans. Look for persons who are beaten down and suffering. B e c o m e a h e a l e r. Us e yo u r woundedness to heal the wounds of others. By the Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Rector of Christ Church Greenwich

On Faith Column

During this challenging time, many of the faithful are unable to attend Mass. MAGNIFICAT is providing complimentary access to their online versions of MAGNIFICAT and MagnifiKid! MAGNIFICAT can be accessed through their website at Below is an excerpt from MAGNIFICAT.

Neither Here Nor There

The Month of May with Mary ‘‘...It is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary at home within the family. The restric- tions of the pandemic have made us come to appreciate all the more this ‘ family’ aspect, also from a spiritual point of view. ‘‘For this reason, I want to encourage everyone to rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in the month of May. This can be done either as a group or individually; you can decide according to your own situations, making the most of both opportunities. The key to doing this is always simplicity.... ‘‘I am also providing two prayers to our Lady that you can recite at the end of the Rosary, and that I myself will pray in the month of May, in spiritual union with all of you.... ‘‘Dear brothers and sisters, contemplating the face of Christ with the heart of Mary our Mother will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial. I keep all of you in my prayers, especially those suffering most greatly, and I ask you, please, to pray for me. I thank you, and with great affection I send you my blessing.’’ —Pope Francis, 25 April 2020 First Prayer O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith. “Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers, and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity, and continued health. Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone. Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus. Second Prayer Support national leaders, that with “We fly to your protection, O Holy wisdom, solicitude, and generosity they Mother of God.” may come to the aid of those lacking the In the present tragic situation, when basic necessities of life and may devise the whole world is prey to suffering and social and economic solutions inspired anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God by farsightedness and solidarity. and our Mother, and seek refuge under Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, your protection. so that the enormous funds invested in Virgin Mary, turn your merciful develo- ping and stockpiling arms will eyes towards us amid this coronavirus instead be spent on promoting effective pandemic. Comfort those who are research on how to prevent similar distraught and mourn their loved ones tragedies from occurring in the future. who have died, and at times are buried Beloved Mother, help us realise in a way that grieves them deeply. that we are all members of one great Be close to those who are concerned family and to reco- gnise the bond that for their loved ones who are sick and unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity who, in order to prevent the spread of and solidarity, we can help to alleviate the disease, cannot be close to them. countless situations of poverty and need. Fill with hope those who are troubled Make us strong in faith, persevering in by the uncertainty of the future and service, constant in prayer. the consequences for the economy Mary, Consolation of the aff licted, and employment. embrace all your children in distress Mother of God and our Mother, pray and pray that God will stretch out his for us to God, the Father of mercies, that all-powerful hand and free us from this great suffering may end and that this terrible pandemic, so that life can hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead serenely resume its normal course. with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, To you, who shine on our journey so that the families of the sick and the as a sign of salvation and hope, do we victims be comforted, and their hearts entrust oursel- ves, O Clement, O Loving, be opened to confidence and trust. O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

By Edward Horstmann Ju s t b e for e Ch r i s t m a s of my sophomore year in college my family was shocked into a whole new world when my older brother, Gary, was struck and killed by a car while jogging. He and his family had only just moved to Pennsylvania to start a new chapter of their lives. So rather than try to develop a life where they had no friends or family, my sister-in-law and her two children came to live with my mother and me in Bennington, Vermont. With no warning or preparation we were thrust into a way of life that required constant adjustments and f lexibility even as we went about the long, hard work of grieving my brother’s death. Somehow we made it through the Christmas holiday that year, which

These conditions might sound familiar. Over the past several months the world has been rapidly shutting down into a state of global pandemic. D ra mat ic t ra nsit ions a re t a k i ng place at every level of our lives, and the stress and strain create a heavy drain on inner reservoirs of energy. Families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19 are often unable to mourn t hei r deat hs i n trad itiona l ways because of the necessary practices of physical distancing. Medical providers are stretched to the breaking point, teachers are f ig uring out how to transmit knowledge in a virtual world, and parents have been thrust without preparation into the brave new world of home schooling. It is a steep learning curve everywhere you look, and if this is not a liminal world we’re living in, I don’t know what is. While liminal space is usually marked by a feeling of being thrown into a swirl of uncertainty, it is not without promise. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan monk and writer, observed that even while liminal time may not feel “graced” in any way, it can still be a season of life when we are surprised and sustained by a deep, abiding goodness that fashions creative possibility out of chaos. So even as we

We lose track of time, become anxious about the least little thing, and may find ourselves lost in thoughts that don’t seem to promise any additional clarity for the lives we are living. These conditions might sound familiar. I do not remember clearly at all. But I do remember the small decisions we made from day to day to help my sister-in-law and her children shape new lives. My niece and nephew were registered for school. I convinced the coach of the middle school basketball team to add my nephew to the roster so he could make new friends. We ate dinner together, mourned together, and very slowly over time, the heavy haze of grief began to subside enough for us to lift our faces towards the future with hope. When we were in the midst of recreating our lives back in those difficult days we were neither here nor there, unable to go back to the life we knew, unclear about how to develop a vision of what the world might look like without Gary in it. The great spiritual traditions of the world refer to this awkward and disconcerting time as liminal space. The word liminal comes from a Roman word, limin, and it refers to the stone that was sometimes used as a threshold in the homes of ancient Rome. It’s a positive image because it suggests the hope of finding firm footing as we move from one phase of life into another-like those stepping stones of small actions that my family and I used to make possibility out of despair. But we know that such transitions, especially at times of crisis, are disorienting. We move one step forward, and three steps back. We lose track of time, become anxious about the least little thing, and may find ourselves lost in thoughts that don’t seem to promise any additional clarity for the lives we are living.

move unsteadily into the future, I see that energy of grace at work all around us: in our capacity for humor, our passion to find and tell stories of hope and healing, and through our inventive ways of reaching out even while staying in. John Krasinski, an actor who starred in the long-running television show, The Office, created a television station from his home and called it, SGN: Some Good News. In cities across the world people who live near hospitals are flashing lights, honking horns, and shouting from balconies to say thank you to those who are providing care for patients. Here and there we are reprioritizing our lives for the better. My family and I lived through the liminal world that followed my brother’s death. And we did so because we traveled that rough terrain together, and because a force not of our own making nourished us. I call it the resurrection power of God and I believe it is alive and at large in our wounded world. This Energy of Life is present to us, so lean into it, and lean on it. It will help us to find and offer grace in our personal lives. It will guide us to create new policies and practices for the common good, and most especially for the most vulnerable. Yes, we are living in a liminal world, but God knows the terrain and how to help us through it. God is with us and for us: God needs us and loves us. Thanks be to God. The Rev. Dr. Edward G. Horstmann is the Senior Minister at Round Hill Community Church.

Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel | May 8, 2020



Mark Pruner | |


One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903


For Market Updates and Listings Visit

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres


51 Old Kings Highway 16 6 Arnold Street 1 Nedley Lane 407 Lyon Farm Drive 407 2 Grove Street 40 Oak Ridge Street 1 11 Ricki Beth Lane 82 Old Orchard Road 64 Hillcrest Park Road 10 Dewart Road 23 Annjim Drive 44 Husted Lane 55 Richmond Hill Road 12 Chieftans Road 16 Greenbriar Lane 64 Old Church Road 1 Tower Lane 90 Club Road 55 Winding Lane

$515,000 $600,000 $679,000 $887,000 $795,000 $1,225,000 $1,795,000 $1,825,000 $2,195,000 $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,875,000 $3,250,000 $2,850,000 $3,100,000 $3,675,000 $3,925,000 $3,695,000 $5,995,000

$515,000 $600,000 $679,000 $795,000 $795,000 $1,225,000 $1,499,950 $1,762,500 $2,000,000 $2,150,000 $2,295,000 $2,395,000 $2,925,000 $2,595,000 $2,800,000 $3,375,000 $3,695,000 $3,695,000 $3,395,000

$495,000 218 $608,000 15 $720,000 40 $725,000 307 $775,000 191 $1,175,000 70 $1,375,000 667 $1,667,000 161 $1,800,000 37 $2,000,000 514 $2,150,000 518 $2,180,000 221 $2,450,000 358 $2,550,000 319 $2,750,000 564 $3,000,000 356 $3,100,000 422 $3,350,000 1,343 $3,370,000 1,080

905 1,598 2,502 1,904 1,846 2,950 4,654 3,990 8,300 5,075 3,932 4,193 7,830 4,140 6,160 3,939 6,093 3,897 8,956

2 3 5 2 3 4 4 4 6 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 4 7

2 1 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 6 3 7

0 0.17 0.22 0 0.12 0 1.02 0.3 1.11 2.14 0.28 2.32 4 0.88 2.44 0.38 0.33 1.36 2.6

Renting or Selling in a COVID 19 World By James Hoffman As a Greenwich broker, I’m optimistic about the future of the Greenwich real estate market. H e r e a r e s o m e c u r r e nt details regarding Greenwich residential listings and sales. There are approximately 800 listings on the Greenwich with a median list price of 1.9M and a sold median list price of $1.1M. Compared to the same time last year we have a slight increase of active listings of 7% and an overall increase of sold listing in the $4M to $7M category of 120% and a 43% jump for homes listed from $1 to $2M to date. Over all we have a 31% increase in sold listing across the board. The average sale price in Greenwich is currently $1.6M with 170 days on the market.

I’m aware of some devious groups of individuals who are making cash offers to property owners and not necessarily in the back country where sales are not as numerous as let’s say in Old Greenwich and Riverside. Ty pically these g roups are attempting to take advantage of older folks who have had their home on the market for many months are want to take advantage these disastrous times that many feel they are in. Some senior citizens who want to enjoy their remaining years are concerned that if they don’t sell now they will be stuck with the property for many years to come. What is interesting in this time of the coronavirus pandemic is a justifiable desire

for residents in New York City to leave for the suburbs over the last several weeks as a direct result of the virus, I’ve noted an increase in rental transactions as well from New York City residence. My c o nve r s at i o n s w it h New York City brokers, many of which are not affiliated with the larger brokerage firms and work with the high end property owners are actively looking at Greenwich and the Greenwich real estate market in earnest. The potential renters and buyers a r e fol k s who h ave you n g children and are concerned about their susceptibility to COV I D 19 a nd who b est to distance themselves from the heavily populated environment in New York.


List Price







57 Richland Road








1 Putnam Hill 2 G







South of Post Road

51 Forest Avenue 162







Old Greenwich

515 River Road







Cos Cob

73 Weaver Street 9








10 Mortimer Drive







Old Greenwich

64 Orchard Street







Cos Cob

2 Sound View Terrace







South of Post Road

5 Ferris Drive







Old Greenwich

2 Halsey Drive







Old Greenwich

25 Weston Hill Road








52 Frontier Road







Cos Cob

1 Fairfield Avenue







South of Post Road

24 Winthrop Drive






73 Orchard Place B






South of Post Road

475 Stanwich Road







North Parkway

57 Old Mill Road







South Parkway

49 Benjamin Street







Old Greenwich

28 Oak Street







South Parkway

6 Lockwood Drive







Old Greenwich

16 Round Hill Road







South Parkway

7 Bryon Road







Old Greenwich

33 Highland Farm Road







North Parkway

35 Winding Lane







South Parkway

17 Windabout Drive







South Parkway

27 Midwood Road







South Parkway

For those of us who have a s e c o n d h o m e a n d m a ny of us who have experienced t he closi ng of scho ols a nd busi nesses, t h is is a g reat time to plan to move out of G r e e nw i c h a n d r e nt t h e i r primary residence. There can be provisions in the lease that will allow for the owner’s lease

to have the tenants to pay for a thorough cleaning etc. If you think about it, there will be a pent-up demand for homes either rentals or for sale in Greenwich when the virus is conquered. For now, we will have to wait it out the best we can keeping in mind that a return to normality will be here

in the near future. Ja m es B . Hof f m a n i s the Managing Broker for Greenwich Connecticut P roperties , LLC and a For mer Connecticut Re a l E s t a t e C o m m i s s i o n e r, S t a te of C o n n e c t i c u t . J i m@ greenwichconnecticutproperties. com or 203-273-1759.

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel

Greenwich Real Estate April Market Report

By Mark Pruner The Covid virus finally caught up with the Greenwich real estate market, but so far not in a very bad way. The market doesn’t need to be intubated; it’s more like when you have fever and the doctor tells you to go home and monitor your symptoms. The present prognosis is that things will get better in the coming months, but the health of the market bears close watching. April 2020 Single Family Home Stats for Greenwich CT Last Mo Solds+ Contracts

YTD Solds

Mos Supply

Last Mo. Annlzd



< $600K






































































As of 5/2/2020

YTD+ Contracts

Mos w/ Contracts

Last Mo. Solds































> $10M




















Surprisingly, one of the things that makes the market less robust now is how good sales were in the first quarter of the year. Up until the third week in March, our sales and contracts had been doing much better than in 2019. These sales and contracts meant that houses were going off the market. In a normal year, these listing would have been more than replaced with new inventory in our spring market. However, just as new listings should have been accelerating the virus restrictions hit and people decided to hold off on listing their house and we even had 10% of the owners who had publicly listed their house take their homes off the market. If you take those 52 listings that have been withdrawn and combine it with over 100 new listings that didn’t happen you end up with a 26% lower inventory or 180 fewer listings. At the same time, our year-to-date sales are still up 25% over 2019. That sounds like good news and it is, we are doing better than last year in sales to date. Our market is better than last year’s depressed market caused by tax restrictions in the Tax Cut and Job’s Act. If, however, you compare our sales this year to our ten year average our sales are down 11.7% for the first four months of the year. April 2020 vs. April 2019 SFH Stats

For the entire month of April, we had 32 sales down slightly from our 35 sales last year, but significantly down from our 10 year average of 47 April sales. The drop in overall sales was essentially across the board, though we did a few less sales in the $3 – 5 million range, once again showing that we are seeing less demand in the upper half of the market. This may be due to our older buyers, who have higher net worths, being more careful, given that the consequences from getting the virus are worse for older age groups.

The market does continue to move along with 20 transactions, sales and contracts last week. This is, nearly the same as the 21 transaction we saw the week before. For me, I had another accepted offer this week to make the third week in a row with an accepted, all of which have been in backcountry Greenwich. As backcountry has come back, I’ve concentrated more of efforts in backcountry, so these results may be more personal to where I’m focusing my efforts and hence are purely anecdotal. You’ll have to wait until next week, when I’ll do my neighborhood report to see what the numbers say about which areas are actually up. What I can say is that for me, and other agents I’ve talked to, people are now asking for backcountry and mid-country properties with more land. I took out a great couple to see houses in the $1.5 to $2.3 million range over the weekend and they only wanted to look at 2 and 4 acre properties. This interest in larger lots is different from last year, when backcountry sales were up, but most of this was due to the fact that many backcountry properties were selling at bargain prices. At that time, many buyers were still seeing extra land as an extra expense rather than being the desirable attribute that it is for today’s buyers. For the month of April, 44% of our inventory was between $1 and $3 million dollars, but a surprising, 72% of our sales were in that same price range. We also have 62% of our contracts in that price range, so that segment should continue to see good sales in May.

The drop in inventory and the increase in sales over 2019 has resulted in huge drops in months of supply. From $2 – 3 million we are down 13.2 months of supply to only 10.5 months of supply from 23.7 months of supply last year. This drop of over a year in months of supply is mainly due to having 40 fewer listings on the market; 108 listings rather than 148 last year, and with a little help from having 6 more sales this year from 25 sales last year to 31 sales this year. The result is that in one of our most popular price ranges, when a buyer starts slicing and dicing the market, by their desired neighborhood, type of house and amenities, we don’t have nearly as many choices as we normally do.

High-end rentals, over $20,000/month, continue to do well with high-end summer rentals with pools doing particularly well. Many of these new tenants are actually using these rentals to see just what living in Greenwich is like before making a decision about buying a house here. From $5 – 10 million we only have 76 listings compared to 111 listings last year at this time. That’s the good news for high-end sellers. The bad news is that 2020 has not been a good year for sales in the high-end with only 5 sales over $5 million dollars compared to 8 sales in 2019 and 14 high-end sales in 2018. Our highest sales so far this year is for $6.5 million, however, we do have 6 contracts pending above $5 million. Of those 6 contracts we have list prices of $21 million, $13.9 million, and $8.6 million. So, what we may be seeing is the law of small numbers which says you don’t need to be too worried in the short term if you only need a couple of sales to restore the market.

Every day brings changes in how the virus is progressing or recessing. As a result, crystal balls are even cloudier than normal. At the moment, there are several trends that bode well for our market in the second half of the year. Lastly, thank you to everyone that is out their on the front lines battling this pestilence and particularly to my niece who just graduated medical school early so she could take a position in the ICU at a NYC hospital that only handles COVID-19 cases. Let’s all pray for all of these folks who put their lives on the line every day to save others and keep all of us safe. Mark Pruner is the editor of the Greenwich Sentinel real estate section and is also a sales executive with Berkshire Hathaway. He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel

Just for Fun

Bring Back Lost Words


Noun. Ancient Greek meaning a state of peaceful serenity, calmness, and bliss.


Sudoku, each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Hard

crossword puzzle

Astrology Column For Week of May 10, 2020

TAURUS 21 April-21 May You have a lot going for you just now but with your luxury-loving ruler Venus turning retrograde in the money area of your chart you must curb your more extravagant tendencies. This is an important time for finances so hold on tight to those purse strings.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Preparation is half the battle. If you prepare the ground carefully this week you’ll be well on the way to achieving your goal. Rivals and competitors may look confident but don’t be fooled: in reality they’re more scared of you than you need be of them.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June With your clever ruler Mercury in your sign until 28th May this is the time to make plans. Start by writing down what you want to achieve by the end of the year because if it’s there in black and white you’re less likely to be distracted by other things.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Reach out to someone you love this week. Say something that makes them feel good. Putting your feelings into words will come easily so make the most of it. And make sure any minor misunderstandings don’t turn into major problems.

CANCER 22 June-23 July It would be easy to think the world is ganging up on you but also foolish. Others don’t care about your agenda any more than you care about theirs. With feisty Mars moving in your favour just carry on doing your own thing – and have more self confidence

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Common sense is not as common as it should be so make it your job to promote logic and discourage wishful thinking. Practical problems require practical solutions so there’s no point in getting emotional about things that needs to be dealt with sensibly.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug Honesty is everything this week: you must be honest with yourself, with your friends and even with those who are not being honest with you. Others may choose to bend the rules and distort the truth but you have higher standards. Live up to them.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb With articulate Mercury joining diplomatic Venus in dynamic Gemini you will have no trouble getting your message across if you need to explain what you’re trying to do. In fact, all forms of communication should go well for you and could even make money.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept You may have to yield to some kind of higher power this week but it shouldn’t be too hard. And once you’ve given respect where respect is due you will find that doors which had been closed to you in the past will begin to open of their own accord.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March Partners and loved ones may be unreasonable this week and the more you pick holes in their arguments the more unreasonable they will be. The answer, of course, is to let them get on with it and resist the urge to criticise. It will just make matters worse.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Your own needs must come first this week but as your needs coincide with others’ desires you won’t encounter too much opposition. If you have been thinking of studying something new this is the perfect time to take it a step further.

ARIES 21 March-20 April Negotiations and discussions will go well this week but they’ll go even better if you avoid being too serious-minded, even when talking about serious things. The world does not have to be all doom and disaster. There is still plenty to laugh about.

Discover more about yourself at

“The soul is healed by being with children.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Answers on page 9 Discover your inner artist. Coloring is good for the brain and improves moods.

A timid little Mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright and haste to get away, ran across the Lion's nose. Roused from his nap, the Lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny creature to kill her. "Spare me!" begged the poor Mouse. "Please let me go and some day I will surely repay you." The Lion was much amused to think that a Mouse could ever help him. But he was generous and finally let the Mouse go.

The Lion & the Mouse From Aesop's Fables in The Library of Congress

A Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws.

“Children see magic because they look for it.� Christopher Moore

Some days later, while stalking his prey in the forest, the Lion was caught in the toils of a hunter's net. Unable to free himself, he filled the forest with his angry roaring. The Mouse knew the voice and quickly found the Lion struggling in the net. Running to one of the great ropes that bound him, she gnawed it until it parted, and soon the Lion was free.

"You laughed when I said I would repay you," said the Mouse. "Now you see that even a Mouse can help a Lion." A kindness is never wasted.




29 Crescent Road, Riverside | $3,595,000 6 Bedroom | 7/1 Baths | 7489 SF | 0.42 Acres

11 Indian Head Road, Riverside | $2,150,000 5 Bedroom | 3/1 Baths | 3,132 SF | 0.32 Acres



35 Leonard Avenue, Riverside | $1,999,500 5 Bedroom | 4/2 Baths | 3,793 SF | 0.28 Acres

187 Dolphin Cove Quay, Stamford | $1,795,000/$10,000/mo 4 Bedroom | 3/1 Baths | 2,392 SF | 0.20 Acres



52 Frontier Road, Cos Cob | $1,650,000 4 Bedrooms | 4 Baths | 3,195 SF | 1.32 Acres

15 Rockland Place, Old Greenwich | $1,450,000 3 Bedroom | 2/1 Baths | 1,762 SF | 0.17 Acres

Greenwich | $6,800,000

Greenwich | $1,595,000

Cos Cob $799,000/$4,200/mo

Old Greenwich | $5,895,000

Stamford | $1,500,000

Stamford $602,500

Riverside | $3,500,000

Stamford | $1,500,000

Old Greenwich $399,000

Greenwich | $3,150,000

Old Greenwich | $1,500,000

Old Greenwich $8,000/mo

Old Greenwich $5,600/mo

Stamford | $1,449,000

Riverside $3,200/mo

The Old Greenwich Team 203.637.1300 278 So und Be a ch Av en u e | O ld G reen wich , C T 0 6 8 7 0 • 6 6 Field P o i nt Ro a d | Gre e nw i ch, C T 0 6 8 3 0 Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty and Coldwell Banker Devonshire are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2020 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.

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