November 8, 2019

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FRIDAY, November 8, 2019

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Fred Camillo Wins with 57%

S A ribbon cutting event, h o s t e d b y Ya l e N e w Haven Health, took place on Thursday to mark t he opening of t he West Putnam Medica l Center, located at 500 W. Putnam Ave. The new outpatient faci lit y of fers ser v ices prov ide d by Gre enw ic h Hospital, Northeast Medica l Group and Ya le New Haven Health Heart and Vascular Center. S Republica ns rega ined c ont rol of t he B oa rd of E s t i m a t e a n d Ta x a t i o n ea rlier t his week, as t he GOP tallied (unofficial as of Wednesday afternoon) 53, 512 votes to t he Democrats’ 41,756. Nether party is allowed to hold a majority on the board, but t he pa r t y w it h t he most v o t e s ge t s t o a p p oi nt a chair, which holds the tiebreaking vote. S First time Democratic c a nd id ates Ka ren Hi rsh a n d C h r i s t i n a D ow n e y won seats on the Board of Education, as they received more votes than incumbent candidate Gaetane Francis. Republicans Joe Kelly and Karen Kowalski also were elected to the board, as they were guaranteed to fill two vacant seats. S According to unofficial totals Wednesday afternoon from the Registrar of Voters in Greenwich, this year’s municipal election in Greenwich received a voter turnout of 45.82 percent, up from 2017’s turnout of 39.86 percent. This year, 17,188 votes were cast in town, which includes 1,208 absentee ballots.

The lighting at the Arch Street Teen Center could have been better for photos but not the mood of the crowd or the candidates. The crowd cheered enthusiastically as the numbers came in showing that republicans swept the 2019 municipal elections. Upper left: Peter Tesei and Fred Camillo; Jimmy Caparelle reacts to initial vote counts; Fred Camillo, Mary O’Connor, Lauren Rabin. At right: Fred Camillo just before he takes the stage. Republican Fred Camillo, a native of Cos Cob who has served as a state representative since 2008, will take over for Peter Tesei as first selectman beginning December 1. Lauren Rabin will serve as Selectman. Voters have chosen a new first selectman, two new selectmen, and a new tax collector but in many ways Tuesday's election is a return to the past. In 2017 and 2018, democrats spent a record-breaking amount, totaling almost $600,000 over the two year period, and successfully turned over seats traditionally held by republicans. Tuesday reversed many of those gains and more but Greenwich democrats are finding consolation in the fact that their registration numbers continue to rise. After 12 years in office, Tesei announced earlier this year that he would not seek another term.

Republ ic a n S elec t ma n Joh n Toner also announced that he would not be seeking reelection. Tesei is a fifth-generation Greenwich resident, and was elected as the youngest member in the history of the Representative Tow n Meet ing in November 1987 at the age of 18. He served as the District 9 (Pemberwick/ G l e n v i l l e) D e l e g a t i o n V i c e Chairman and Chairman during his time on the RTM until 1997. He was later elected to the Board of Estimate and Taxation and served there for 10 years, before getting elected to his first term as First Selectman in 2007. Camillo shares a commitment to service as well as native roots. Camillo is a fourth generation Greenwich native. He says that his family taught him the value of giving back, which sparked his interest in volunteering. C a m i l lo s a id du r i ng h i s

speech that while some political partnerships are created for the job, he and Rabin will have no trouble working together because they’ve been friends since Rabin moved here with her family when she was nine years old. R ic h D i P re t a , c h a i r m a n of t he RTC sa id he bel ieves having Camillo at the top of the ticket had an impact. “Fred Camillo at the top of our ticket was important to our success on Election Day,” he explained. “Fred is so wel l k now n a nd respected as a state representative and from his decades of civic involvement.” DiPreta went on to say, “All of our candidates - Carmella Budkins, Laurin Rabin, Heather Smeriglio, the BET and Board of Education - worked tirelessly to get out our message.” That message, according to DiPreta, was unifying Greenwich.

Column: On My Watch

It’s All About Getting The Help We Need

In his speech, Camillo speci f ic a l ly t ha n ked a l l t he democrats and unaffiliated voters that came out to vote for him as well as republicans. According the Secretary of State, the final unofficial results from yesterday’s election tally 17,145 residents who voted which represents a 45.70% turnout. 15,980 voted in person and 1,165 were by absentee ballot. This is a significant increase from 2017, the last municipal election. Camillo earned 10,045 votes, to Oberlander’s 7,466, a win with 57.36% of the vote. While Camillo will serve as First Selectman and Rabin as Second Selectman, Jill Oberlander - who received 9 votes more than Sandy Litvak - will fill the remaining spot as Third Selectman. Ca rmen Bud k ins returns as the Town Clerk but Howard Richman will be replaced by

Excerpts from The Waterwheel


By Anne W. Semmes

Some years ago I gifted my California son (with a smile) a rough-hewn wooden block painted with the words “Call Mom.” Surely meant to sit visibly in his quarters – it fell from sight. But on the whole I can’t complain, as all four offspring do regularly give a call. I have yet to graduate to what my older sister lovingly received in her last years: a call morning and night from her two daughters and a weekly check in from her two sons. This important connecting with loved ones was underlined recent ly when a dea r f r iend shared her challenges with her aging husband’s forgetfulness, his slipping on his responsibilities in their home, with that ever occurring question, “Where are the keys?” Taking away those responsibi l it ies u ndermi nes his masculinity does it not, she voiced. And yes, he’s now faced with selling, for his safety, his prize motorcycle as urged by his children. Gone are the days when there were generational families living

Heather Smeriglio as the town's Tax Collector. There were many big winners on Tuesday but perhaps t he biggest of all were the republicans on the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) who won back leadership of the powerful board. It will now return to republicans Michael Mason, Debra Hess, Andy Duus, Bill Drake, Karen Fassuliotis, and Leslie Tarkington who won with 53,512 - 11,756 more votes than the combined total for democrats running for the BET. A lt hough t he Board of Selectman will be sworn in on December 1, giving the Tesei f a m i l y a mu c h ne e d e d re s t before the holidays, the change in the BET will not take place until January when Republicans will once again have leadership positions and the tie-breaking vote. Click here to jump to page 3


S The annua l By ra m Shubert Library book sale will take place from Nov. 7 t hrough Nov. 10, at St Paul's Lutheran Church, 55 William St. W. More than 40,000 books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, and more to choose from. All proceeds go to support programming at t he By ra m Shuber t Library.


S Sg t. Patrick Smy t h of t he Greenw ich Police Department was awarded with the AAA Gold Award f o r Tr a f f i c S a f e t y, a n d Of f icer Mat Sw i f t was re c o g n i z e d a s t h e 2 019 Traffic Safety Hero of the Year for Greenwich earlier this week.


S The Town of Greenwich will commemorate Veterans Day, beginning this weekend with a slate of e vent s . On S at u rd ay, t he C os C ob V F W Pos t 1011 2 w i l l h o s t a b r i e f ceremony at the monument on Strickland Road across f rom t he Bush-Hol ley House. On Mond ay, t he 11t h a n n u a l P a t r i o t i c Wa l k w i l l com mence at 10:30 a.m., followed by a ceremony at 11 a.m., at the World Wa r I monu ment dow ntow n. At noon, a luncheon will be held at the Redmen’s Hall at 17 E. Elm St.

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT

“It’s family and healthy communities where we learn the golden rule,” shared author and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman. together. The younger being caretakers of the older. Doesn’t that still happen somewhere in Europe? My friend with the forgetful husband has far f lung kids as we all do. She wondered where there might be support groups

for couples with like-minded problems. “Back in my early anxious days,” shared friend, the Rev. Terry Elsberry, addressing my friend’s concerns over coffee in Glory Day’s Diner, Click here to jump to story on page 3

Kindness is the most important character trait of all. It cannot be put on like a shirt for a special occasion because it develops through repeated daily decisions to think and act kindly. Kindness is a key quality to look for in all relation- ships, especially in a mate. Pay attention to how you and others treat the less powerful or socially awkward—the needy friend, the elderly grandparent, waitstaff, rambunctious children, grumpy customers, and bad drivers—just to name a few. These often-overlooked situations can reveal and help us measure kindness both in others and in ourselves. When Sasha was in college, her boyfriend came to the house where she was babysitting to help her care for two little kids. As she bathed the older girl in the bathroom, she overheard his kind, playful voice as he fed dinner to the one-year-old in his high chair. She remembers thinking that she wanted this man to be the father of her children. He is.. This is an excerpt from The Waterwheel by local author, Jill Woolworth, available through Amazon. Alternatively, we encourage you to shop locally where it is also available at Diane's Books or Dogwood Books and Gifts).

Page 2 | Greenwich Sentinel

yourCOMMUNITYcalendar FRIDAY, NOV. 8

9:30 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Newcomers Club: Kids at Play Thanksgiving Crafts and Cookies. Greenwich Historical Society, 47 Strickland Rd. 12 - 1:30 p.m. The Moon Our Celestial Mother: The Light of Your Soul. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $25-$40. 203-8699242. 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Exhibition Highlights Tour. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. (Every Tue, 1:30pm & Fri, 12:30pm) 203-869-0376. info@brucemuseum. org. 1 - 2 p.m. Meditation Workshop. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. 203625-6549. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Marine Tank Animal Feeding. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. (Every Tue & Friday, 2:302:45pm) 203-869-0376. info@brucemuseum. org 3:45 - 4:30 p.m. World Music with Anitra. Greenwich Library - Children's Room, 101 W. Putnam Ave. Free. 203-622-7940. dsullivan@greenwichlibrary. org 5 - 8 p.m. Friends of the Byram Shubert Library Book & Media Sale. St Paul's Lutheran Church, 55 William St. West. Also, Saturday, Nov. 9, 9am-4pm & Sunday, Nov. 10, 12-4pm. 203531-0426. 7 - 9:30 p.m. Friday Night Roller Skating.Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. $12 (includes skate rentals). All ages. 203-3224447. 8 p.m. Live Music Night: The Bards. The Pub in the Club at St Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. No cover. 203-618-9036. cappy@ SATURDAY, NOV. 9


9 - 10:15 a.m. Yoga Class. Banksville Community House, Inc., 12 Banksville Rd. Also, Sunday, Nov. 10. 203-622-9597. thebch. org 9 - 11 a.m. Sensory-Sensitive Saturday. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. (2nd Sat. of the month). Free. RSVP. 203-900-3349.

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9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Greenwich Farmers Market. Arch Street Parking Lot, 100 Arch St. (Every Sat through December, weather permitting). 203-380-0580. 10:30 a.m. The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Cos Cob, Post 10112, Veterans Day Ceremony. Cos Cob VFW Post 10112 Veteran's Memorial on Strickland Road. 203-869-0364. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Yoga Series for Adults. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. 203531-0426. 12 - 12:45 p.m. Greenwich Historical Society Gallery Tours. 47 Strickland Rd. Free with admission. (Every Wed & Sat). 203-869-6899. greenwichhistory. org 1 - 3 p.m. Science Solvers: Pine Cone Lab (ages 4 and up). Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. Also, Sunday, Nov. 10, 1-3pm. 203-869-0376. brucemuseum. org 2 p.m. Greenwich High School Cheerleaders' 13th annual Fashion show, auction and holiday shopping event. GHS Performing Arts Center, 10 Hillside Rd. $25, adults; $10, students/ children. 203-496-7892. Cardinalspiritclub@ 2 - 3 p.m. American Classical Orchestra Classical Music for Kids: The Magic Recorder. Greenwich Arts Council, 299 Greenwich Ave. Free, advance registration required. 203-862-6750. 3 - 4 p.m. S.O.S. Talk/Support Group for Busy Woman. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Lounge, 108 Sound Beach Ave. 203-637-1791. 3 - 5 p.m. “Quilts of Common Threads 2019” exhibit - Opening Reception. Cos Cob Library, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. 203-622-6883. 5 - 6:30 p.m. Hob Osterlund: Lecture and Book Signing. Audubon Greenwich, 613 Riversville Rd. Free. RSVP. 203-900-3349. Caroline.Bailey@ 6:30 p.m. The Inner-City Foundation for Charity & Education 28th Annual Benefit Gala. Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E. Putnam Ave.

The Woman’s Club of Greenwich

Holiday Boutique

Friday, Nov. 8th, 10am-5pm Saturday Nov 9th, 10am-4pm 89 Maple Avenue, Greenwich FREE ADMISSION 2 FLOORS OF VENDORS

Come to the Holiday Boutique and get your holiday shopping done early! Admission is free, two floors of vendors, home-baked goods for sale, and raffle prizes. Free Parking Proceeds benefit the philanthropies of the Woman’s Club of Greenwich, a non-profit organization established In 1910

Local News

Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel

Fred Camillo Wins with 57%, continued

continued from page 1 Leslie Tarkington, who received the most votes of any candidate for the BET said, “I am ver y humbled by the huge Republican suc c e s s of t h i s c a mpa ig n . I listened to many citizens when campaigning. Many Greenwich families expressed concern about the Town’s increasing property taxes. We must continue to make Greenwich the best place to live, raise a family, start a business, or retire.” Karen Fassuliotis said she also heard a consistent theme o n t h e c a m p a i g n t r a i l . “A consistent theme I heard as I campaigned was a concern about

the upcoming property valuation, In addition to increased taxes and a fervent desire of not establishing a policy unity and fiscal of long term borrowing to meet our capital financing.” prudence, Camillo Fassuliotis went on to say that residents, “concerns were heard talked a lot on loud and clear and, while we have many budgetary challenges the campaign ahead, we will be working with trail about our democratic colleagues to assure that Greenwich remains encouraging the premiere fiscally managed town in our state.” public-private That theme of fiscal cautiousness and forethought partnerships. was consistent among all the BET winners. “Greenwich citizens showed a s t rong pre ferenc e for t he

Republicans’ message of careful spending on high quality services and short maturities for our municipal debt,” according to BET member Bill Drake. He said that, “Credit goes to the top of the ticket – Fred Camillo, and to all who worked hard to bring our message to voters. The voters expressed a strong preference for elected officials to succeed at home, for Greenwich. This will be our goal.” DiPreta also believed Republicans won on the strength of their message. “Greenwich united resonated with the voters,” DiPreta said.

In add it ion to u n it y a nd fiscal prudence, Camillo talked a lot on the campaign trail about enc ou r a g i ng publ ic-pr iv ate partnerships. At debates, Camillo spoke about a desire to pursue public/ private partnerships, the majority of which would be “philanthropic in nature,” to get projects done. “Greenwich is the best run town in the state of Connecticut, and has been for 90 years. That’s not in doubt. But it’s not perfect, and no town is. That’s why we do what we do,” Camillo said. “That’s why I will push, along with [my running mate] Lauren Rabin, to engage our private citizens and

our private organizations and work with them to get naming o p p o r t u n i t i e s . We n e e d t o encourage and embrace that.” Oberlander said government needs to spearhead those projects and ensure infrastructure problems are fixed faster. On election night Oberlander said that democrats have come a long way in Greenwich and that they’re certainly not finished. Oberlander is an attorney who has worked in the mayor’s office in New York City under Ed Koch and David Dinkins. Click here to jump to pages 6 for the full election results.

Back Row: Andy Duus (BET), Bill Drake (BET), Mike Mason (BET), Joe Kelly (BOE). Front Row: Carmen Budkins (Town Clerk), Karen Fassuliotis (BET), Fred Camillo (First Selectman), Lauren Rabin (Second Selectman), Leslie Tarkington (BET), Debra Hess (BET), and Heather Smeriglio (Tax Collector). Bob Capazzo Photo.

It’s All About Getting The Help We Need From Our Community CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “There was Emotions A nony mou s .” Pau s e . “I k id you not,” he added. Indeed it still exists. What’s needed for my friend he suggested was a “Partners Anonymous!” So, I went in search of where couples might go for help with similar challenges of aging in our town. Lise Jameson, executive director of At Home in Greenwich, w it h it s m i s sion to “en a ble Greenwich seniors to confidently age in place,” recommended such a couple might benefit from a visit and consultation with a social worker which At Home in Greenwich provides to its members. “It’s difficult to be a caregiver

for spouses,” offered Commission on Aging Director Lori Contadino, “There’s an emotional impact on caregiving. Caregivers reach a saturation point. They need to find a new balance with what they’re experiencing.” “ We r e f e r t h e m t o a geriatrician who can create a baseline and come up with a road map,” sa id C ont ad i no. “This is a good place to begin.” She recommended checking out the Commission’s impressive 10 0 -pa ge “Re s ou rc e Gu ide” of what individual and group support is on offer. Readable online at Docu mentC enter/ View/286/ Re s ou rc e - Gu id e -for- Old erAdults-PDF

O u r t o w n a l s o o f f e r s for this journalist was Friedman’s individual and group support at especially personal focus on the Jewish Family Services, the Family importance of community in our Center, and the Center for Hope lives. & Renewal. There is indeed a Citing how social media has support group at Elsberry’s Christ us all connected, he refuted, “We Church Greenwich, and surely may be highly connected but we there’s a heap of pastoral care are isolated.” And yes, Facebook available for couples in yes, 37 has not brought us together other churches I counted in this “It’s the contrary.” Friedman has town, including four synagogues! learned that isolation-depression The importance of a couple’s is having the most negative effects ability to find support in their on our health. This reality has him c om mu n it y w a s re i n forc e d traveling the country in search last Sunday evening when an of what makes for well-working, a stou nd i ng est i mated 1,0 0 0 healthy communities. Friedman pe ople f i l led Chr i st Church who lives in Bethesda, Maryland, Greenwich to hear author and shared that he often returns to his New York Times columnist Tom origin community, St. Louis Park Friedman speak on his “World outside Minneapolis, “to keep T:10.75” Views.” The surprising takeaway centered.”

“It ’s f a m i l y a nd he a lt hy st r uck h i m on a recent t r ip communities where we learn the visiting Air Force bases around golden rule,” he said. That golden the world was seeing an Air Force

“Caregivers reach a saturation point. They need to find a new balance with what they’re experiencing,” rule I grew up with was - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Fried ma n was asked by Christ Church rector, Rev. Marek Zabriskie, how faith communities can help connect us? ”Saying g r a c e c o n n e c t s u s ,” n o t e d Friedman. What had particularly

female officer saying grace before her lunch. “I don’t know enough people who say grace,” he said. Postscript: My friend and her challenging husband regularly say grace and she has found the help she needs in her nearby Quaker meeting.


Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel

7 - 10 p.m. Miller Motorcars hosts Pinewood Derby Challenge & Social, benefiting Greenwich Council, Boy Scouts of America. 342 W. Putnam Ave. Adults. 203-869-6600. PWchallenge_2019 8 - 11 p.m. Greenwich Rugby Night at The Ginger Man, benefiting the Men's Rugby club and the Greenwich Youth Rugby Club scholarship fund. 64 Greenwich Ave. 203-6373659. 8:30 - 11 p.m. '#Fight Like Ike' - a concert celebrating ike's life and all the "good stuff". Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. $25, suggested minimum donation. 203-629-5744. SUNDAY, NOV. 10

yourCOMMUNITYcalendar Veterans’ Day Collection Drive - benefiting ABRIHomes for the Brave in Bridgeport. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Ave. 203-637-1791. fccog. org/event/veterans-daycollection-drive 10 - 11 a.m. Nature Yoga. Audubon Greenwich, 613 Riversville Rd. $10. RSVP. Ages 12 & up. All experiences levels and abilities. 203-900-3349. Caroline.Bailey@audubon. org 11:15 a.m. FPCG Academy: The Search for a Cure for AIDS with Dr. Jeffrey Laurence. First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich, 1 W. Putnam Ave. Free. 203-869-8686. 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Family Yoga. Audubon Greenwich, 613 Riversville Rd. $5, children; $10, adults.

RSVP. All experiences levels and abilities. 203-900-3349. Caroline.Bailey@audubon. org

3 p.m. Hilltop Music Collective concert featuring the work of female composers. Second Congregational Church of Greenwich, 139 E. Putnam Ave. $40, family; $20, adults; $10, student. 347-426-6156. hilltopchambermusic@ HMCGreenwich MONDAY, NOV. 11 9:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $25-$35. 203-869-9242. info@ 10:30 a.m. Veterans Day 7th annual Patriotic Walk, followed by a ceremony at 11 a.m. at the World War I monument downtown. At 12 p.m., a luncheon will be held at the Redmen’s Hall, 17 E. Elm St.

12 - 1:30 p.m. Lecture: “Advances in Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer.” Greenwich Hospital’s Noble Conference Center, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. 1:15 p.m. Lecture: Enlightenment in the Staffordshire Potteries - Phyllis Simons Memorial. Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. $25. 4 - 6 p.m. Clarinet Lessons. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Rainbow Room, 108 Sound Beach Ave. (Also, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 4-6pm). 203-637-1791. fccogcalendar 5 - 6 p.m. Bariatric Surgery Seminar. Greenwich Hospital's Hyde Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. Bring your questions. 888305-9253. 6 - 7 p.m. Pre- and Post-Bariatric Support Group. Greenwich Hospital's Hyde Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253.

Greenwich Town Hall Human Services Conference Room, 3rd floor, 101 Field Point Rd.

12 - 8 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance Holiday Gift Boutique. Christ Church Greenwich, 254 E. Putnam Ave. Suggested door donation: $10. Also, Nov. 13, 9am-3pm. 203-861-0014. info@breastcanceralliance. org. breastcanceralliance. org/events 1 - 3 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Law Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Law Department Conference Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 1:30 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Land Trust: Fall Walk: Forest Path. Westfall Preserve (via Babcock Parking lot), 714 North St. Free. 203-629-2151. gltrust. org 1:30 - 3 p.m. Parkinson’s Support Group:

“Normal Aging and How to Keep Your Brain Alert!”. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. Free. 203-863-4444. 3 - 5 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) HR Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Cone Room, 2nd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. Open Studio Time at Andrew's Studio. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Grades 7th-12th. Free. (Every Tue and Thu). Reserve a time. 203-629-5744. info@ 4 - 5 p.m. Music Lessons. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Music Room, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Also, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 4-5:30pm. 203-637-1791. 5 p.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Budget Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town

6:30 - 7:30 p.m. “Blood Glucose Monitoring: Using the Information at My Fingertips.” Greenwich Hospital’s Noble Conference Center, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. TUESDAY, NOV. 12 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. OPEB Trust Board Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall Human Services Conference Room, 3rd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 10 a.m. Workshop: Cut Evergreen Garden. McArdle's Florist and Garden Center, 48 Arch St. $95. Register. 203-6615600.


10 - 11:30 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Investment Advisory Committee Meeting.

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Feature Column

Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel

Civics – Do the Schools Teach it Anymore in this Country? in 2015. The girls call themselves The Pink Panthers – they chose the name and how apt. They are girls at heart with their love of fashion and style; at the same time, they have an animal instinct to take on the

prepared to give an extemporaneous twominute talk on “What Our Elections Mean to Me.” This was an exercise with two purposes – on the one hand to hone the girls’ speaking and communication skills and additionally to address issues that

If only that model could be replicated across this country. By Patricia Chadwick It is my great honor and one of my most enjoyable and uplifting volunteer engagements to mentor middle school girls at Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Harlem. If the name of the school is familiar to you, perhaps it’s because OLQA (as we who work there lovingly refer to the school) hosted a visit by Pope Francis

world and forge a career for themselves. Their motto is: Dare to hope, promise and dream. This class of four Pink Panthers are now in the eighth grade. We meet once a month for about 90 minutes – and it so happened to be Election Day when we gathered for our November session. The assignment had been for each girl to come

impact our daily lives. The conversation spontaneously led to a discussion regarding how the Federal Government functions and I asked the girls if they had studied civics yet. Their response was a unanimous and resounding: “YES – we learned it last year in the seventh grade.” They promptly enumerated the three

branches of our government, together with the roles each plays in the functioning of our society. For twenty minutes, the Pink Panthers engaged in a lively discussion of the workings of our government. They truly comprehended the rationale for the separation of powers and how it was designed to protect the rights of citizens. Our session came to an end and we made plans to meet in December and have our celebratory Christmas lunch at a nearby restaurant. On the drive home, I thought about the energy that the girls brought to the subject of the structure of our government as well as their appreciation of the what it means to have a government that was designed to safeguard its citizens. And I reflected on the fact that it seems – or at least one reads and hears – that many schools in this country give short shrift to coursework on Civics these days. But here in a Catholic school in the middle of an underprivileged neighborhood in upper Manhattan, four eighth graders had not only retained what they had learned a year ago about our Constitution and our Government, they were able to put it in context.

Bravo! – Our Lady Queen of Angels School and the other six Catholic schools that comprise the Partnership Schools network (an independently run network of urban Catholic Schools in New York City) should be proud of the education they are providing to more than 2000 primary school children in Harlem and the South Bronx. Bravo also to the parents of these children for keeping education as a priority in their family life. Catholic college preparatory schools, including the prestigious Marymount School of New York and the Jesuit run Cristo Rey New York High School, have reached out to the Pink Panthers to solicit their applications for the fall. Everything about OLQA and its sister/ brother schools – the leadership, the curriculum, the teachers, the values, the respect for learning – speaks to dedication, commitment and excellence. If only that model could be replicated across this country. Patricia Chadwick is a businesswoman and an author. She recently published Little Sister, a memoir about her unusual childhood growing up in a cult.

Greenwich Fire Department Adds New Member, Honors Peter Tesei The Greenwich Fire Department welcomed a new firefighter into the ranks last week, and also honored outgoing First Selectman and acting f ire commissioner, Peter Tesei, during a ceremony at the Central Station in downtown Greenwich. T h e c e r e m o ny w a s a l s o a first for the town, in that a sign language interpreter was used to communicate with the hearing impaired, either in attendance or watching on News 12. GFD Chief, Peter Siecienski, said it was "an important step" for the department and for the town in accessibility and inclusivity. "We hope it's a stepping stone for us, so our first responders can also learn a little more about sign language and some basics so when we're in our emergency functions and the need arises, we'll have the ability to do that," he said. S i e c i e n s k i i nt r o du c e d t h e newest member of the department, S c o t t Te u l i n g s , w h o c o m e s to Gr e enw ich f rom H a mden, Conn., where he was a volunteer firefighter since 2017. "Our expectations are ver y simple. We expect that you're goi ng to cont i nue to develop and perform at the highest level possible. You're joining the most highly trained and competent individuals in fire service. By all accounts, you have the tools and you have the capabilities to allow you to excel in this career f ire department," Siecienski added. Teulings was born and raised in Hamden, and is a graduate of the

Greenwich Assistant Fire Chief Robert Kick, Scott Teulings, First Selectman Peter Tesei, Fire Chief Peter Siecienski. (Richard Kaufman photo) University of Connecticut (Storrs). Teulings comes to the department hav i ng a l ready complete d 1 5 weeks of recruit training at the Connecticut Fire Academy. As a result, Teulings will be able to operate f ire apparatus as soon as he's done with basic training. Siecienski praised Teulings for being a "self-starter". "This saves the department t r a i n i n g t i m e ," S i e c i e n s k i said. "He'll be on the streets of Greenwich probably 16 weeks sooner than our average recruit." Teulings was then sworn-in by Tesei, who in his tenure as First Selectman, has hired roughly 35 firefighters and promoted over 30. "I wanted to become a firefighter for a long time," Teulings said

impact Tesei has had on the GFD since he was first elected in 2007. "There are few positions in the workforce that lets you look into a person's soul, and allow you to gauge their depth and substance as an individual," Siecienski said. "Since 2007 when Peter Tesei became the First Selectman and f ire commissioner, we've been honored to be able to take that view and all that's come with it." Siecienski stressed that Tesei always made public safety in Greenwich a main priority. He recalled that immediately after taking office, Tesei was faced with the Great Recession, and was forced to cut the workforce in Greenw ich in excess of 4 5 positions. However, he was able to sustain public safety and spare any reductions in staff. Siecienski highlighted Tesei's involvement in various station renovation projects around town, such as the Glenv ille Station

after the ceremony. "I like helping Tesei said he will remain a people." "loyal and dedicated voice" for the Tesei addressed the audience department when he's out of office. and thanked the department for Fol low i n g h i s r e m a rk s , their support and service over Siecienski spoke briefly about the the years. Tesei did not seek reelection this year, so he'll be leaving office in the coming weeks. "It's been a great honor to serve as both commissioner of police and fire, and to truly develop a deep and abiding appreciation for the work that you do," Tesei said. SCORPIO "I don't believe many people have 24 Oct-22 Nov Stop focussing on what an appreciation of the complexities sets you apart from others and focus on t hat t he role of a f i r ef ig hter what you have in common. To make the confronts on a day-to-day basis. best of this week’s Taurus Full Moon You're putting yourself out there, ignore minor differences of opinion you're giving it 150 percent to which are not worth arguing over and assure that lives are saved and talk about things you agree on. property is salvaged."

Astrology Column For Week of Nov 10, 2019

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec A point of no return looms. Now you can finally admit to yourself that some of the assumptions you’ve run your life on are no longer valid. But don’t rush to replace them as you won’t know what you really want until the Sun enters your sign on 22nd November. CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Try not to say anything upsetting or walk out on a project you were enjoying. There are bound to be teething problems and differences of opinion but they’re nothing compared to what you’re trying to achieve. If you can’t keep your temper, keep your distance.

First Selectman Peter Tesei was presented with this plaque to honor his years of service as the fire commissioner in Greenwich. (Richard Kaufman photo)

Congratulations to Our Columnists Mark Pruner and Icy Frantz

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You must now decide to follow your dream with all its problems or live a relatively quiet life without the trappings of success. The Sagittarian Sun urges you to be more ambitious; the Gemini Full Moon wants you to take things easy. Make your choice. PISCES 20 Feb-20 March A Taurus Full Moon will make minor disputes seem more important than they are and if you overreact in one direction you’ll have to pay for it in another. No need to be soft but control your temper and take care not to do anything stupid. ARIES 21 March-20 April Having made some assumptions and drawn conclusions it may surprise you to find you still have doubts as to whether you’ve got it right. However, don’t change direction yet. Trust your initial instincts, especially where financial issues are concerned.

A special congratulations to two of our regular columnists at the Greenwich Sentinel who ran for positions. Mark Pruner, our Real Estate columnist and Dashboard Editor, was the top vote getter for the Board of Assessment Appeals and Icy Frantz, our Feature Columnist, received the most votes of any candidate for the RTM in town.

add ition a nd renovation, t he construction of a new training facility, and of course the Central Station and overall Public Safety Complex. The Chief also noted Tesei's ongoing support of a new Northwest Fire Station. and the decision to equalize staff ing to three-person engines. "That has proven to be the most significant safety benefit and improvement to efficiency in this department," Siecienski said. A l l o f t h e n e w e q u ip m e nt protective clothing and apparatuses are "In a condition never seen before, all under [Peter Tesei's] command." Siecienski then presented Tesei with a plaque, which honors him for his 12 years of service to the town. "I can't, nor can any of us, do justice to the mark that Peter Tesei has left on the department and the entire community," Siecienski concluded.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Partners and loved ones will be passionately friendly or unduly distant this week. A Taurus Full Moon warns you not to jump to conclusions and you’ll soon see there’s nothing to worry about. Unproven accusations will create more trouble than good. GEMINI 22 May-21 June These are challenging times and you probably fear your life could fall apart at any time. It won’t. In a few days you’ll notice a definite pattern to events. Once you identify the pattern you can find ways to make your life simpler and less restrictive. CANCER 22 June-23 July It may be annoying that someone can’t make up their mind as fast as you but making a big issue of it will increase their doubts. By letting them think you’re not really bothered whether the deal goes through or not you’ll speed them up immeasurably. LEO 24 July-23 Aug The Full Moon highlights both family and professional issues so you’ll be torn between two equally inviting extremes. Not wanting to offend either side you may have trouble deciding. Prevaricate and you might find a decision has been made for you. VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Too much of your time is being taken up by trivia. Start to cut back now to avoid problems later. Do too much for others and they’ll expect it of you all the time. If that’s where you already are, Tuesday’s Full Moon will fuel your outrage and help you resolve it. LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Typical Librans tend to be indecisive but something that happens around the time of Tuesday’s Full Moon will encourage you to take risks and make a decision you’re likely to regret. Be careful what you decide on: it may be the opposite of what you should do.

Discover more about yourself at

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

Final Election Results for All Candidates

Fred Camillo Jill Oberlander Lauren Rabin Sandy Litvack

First Selectman


10,045 7,466

57.36% 42.64%

9,633 7,457

56.37% 43.63%

Town Clerk Carmella C. Budkins 9,606 Mary "Molly" Saleeby 7,310 Tax Collector Heather Smeriglio 9,125 Howard Richman 7,737 Board of Estimate & Taxation Leslie L. Tarkington 9,137 Karen Fassuliotis 9,029 Debra Hess 8,994 Bill Drake 8,955 Michael S. Mason 8,883 Andy Duus 8,514 Total for Leadership of the BET 53,512 Leslie Moriarty 7,348 Elizabeth Krumeich 7,296 Laura Erickson 7,206 David Weisbrod 6,664 Jeffrey Ramer 6,667 Miriam Kreuzer 6,575 Total for Leadership of the BET 41,756

56.79% 43.21% 54.12% 45.88% 9.59% 9.48% 9.44% 9.40% 9.32% 8.94% 56.17% 7.71% 7.66% 7.56% 7.00% 7.00% 6.90% 43.83%

Board of Education (Four elected. Not more than Two from One Party) Karen Kowalski 10,635 Joe Kelly 10,196 Christina Downey 8,243 Karen Hirsh 7,805 Dr. Gaetane Francis 6,844 Board of Assessment Appeals Mark Pruner 10,197 Jeff Reardon 10,046 Jack M. Kriskey 9,979 Joseph S. Huley 7,498 Constables Donna Maloney 9,755 John J. Thompson 8,632 Bob Dustin 8,577 Martin C. Blanco 8,526 Dawn Fortunato 7,442 Donnie Romeo 7,394 Ed Heflin 21 RTM District 1: Top 19 Were Elected Elizabeth Mills "Sanders"* 499 Andrea Edwards Anthony* 431 Helma H. Varga* 396 Alanna M. Hynes* 388 Lihong Zhang* 384 Alison Ghiorse* 380 Katharine Ashworth* 373 Judith G. Goss* 359 Daniel Quigley* 351 Marla M. Weston* 346 William B. Lewis, Jr.* 344 Ryan C. Oca* 344 Edward D. Dadakis* 343 Laura A. Feda* 341 Joshua Hamilton Brown* 326 Carl G. R. Carlson, Jr.* 322 Robert Robins* 319 Dean C. Goss* 300 Frederick Lee, Jr.* 297 Jaysen Lee Medhurst 279 Dean L. Goss 276 Maxwell P. Wiesen 270 RTM District 2: Top 14 Were Elected Jill T. Kelly* 479 Nancy B. Burke* 464 Eileen J. Toretta* 427 Wilma Nacinovich* 420 Averardo "Aldo" Pascarella* 400 Michael E. Basham* 399 Laura P. Gladstone* 397 Erika Walsh* 393 Mary Ellen D. Markowitz* 389 Duncan G. Burke* 383 Jessica B. DelGuercio* 376 Donald R. Conway* 370 Michele F. Klosson* 348 Katherine N. LoBalbo* 345 Kristine S. Lowe 324 Brad I. Markowitz 322 Frank J. Baratta 294 Lorelei O'Hagan 283 Cecilia H. Morgan 280 Pragati Soni 279 Douglas J. Wells 276 Kenneth S. Greenberg 240 RTM District 3: Top 10 Were Elected Ed J. Lopez* 274 Thomas Philip Conelias* 268 Sylvester J. Pecora, Sr.* 267 Allison M. Walsh* 260 Louise T. Bavis* 236 Rosalind Nicastro* 232 Martin Cristian Blanco* 220 Steven Paul Rubin* 219 Elias Judd Cohen* 205 Adam A. Rothman* 195

24.32% 23.32% 18.85% 17.85% 15.65% 27.03% 26.63% 26.46% 19.88% 19.38% 17.15% 17.04% 16.93% 14.78% 14.69% 0.04% 6.51% 5.62% 5.16% 5.06% 5.01% 4.96% 4.86% 4.68% 4.58% 4.51% 4.49% 4.49% 4.47% 4.45% 4.25% 4.20% 4.16% 3.91% 3.87% 3.64% 3.60% 3.52% 6.07% 5.88% 5.41% 5.32% 5.07% 5.06% 5.03% 4.98% 4.93% 4.86% 4.77% 4.69% 4.41% 4.37% 4.11% 4.08% 3.73% 3.59% 3.55% 3.54% 3.50% 3.04% 11.53% 11.28% 11.24% 10.94% 9.93% 9.76% 9.26% 9.22% 8.63% 8.21%

RTM District 4: Top 17 Were Elected Elizabeth J. “Liz” Eckert* 449 Maria Madeleine Popp* 389 John J. Thompson* 366 Lucy H. von Brachel* 366 Diego Sanchez* 365 Alex J. Popp, Jr.* 356 Donald R. Vitti* 356 Andrea J. Casson* 324 Robert J. McKnight, Jr.* 321 Bonnie Zeh* 312 Ronald Francis Carosella* 305 Samarpana Tamm* 298 Javier Alejandro Aleman* 292 Josiane M. Schaffner-Parnell* 286 Romulo E. Samaniego* 282 J. Robert Tuthill* 278 Ryan T. Smith* 274 RTM District 5: Top 18 Were Elected Allison C. “Icy” Frantz* 1003 Edward T. Broadhurst, III* 794 Nancy E. Cooper* 779 Danyal Ozizmir* 779 Catherine L. Whitaker* 743 Allison W. Rogers* 730 Paul A. Olmsted* 703 Patricia H. “Patty” Roberts* 697 Peter G. Van Duyne* 677 Ashley M. B. Smith* 666 Joseph H. Benoit, Jr.* 643 Christopher J.A. “Skip” Parker, Jr.* 634 Stephen F. Dolan* 616 Bruce P. Pflug* 612 Jennifer L. Baird* 581 Joan Button Thakor* 563 Hale Hunter McSharry* 548 Lucy B. Krasnor* 536 Stephanie L. D’Alton Barrett 512 Paul R. Herman 509 Kathryn Louise Walker 478 Anna M. Monteiro 474 RTM District 6: Top 20 Were Elected Stephen R. Meskers* 720 Carol C. Ducret* 670 Barbara E. O’Neill* 647 Victoria Martin Young* 638 Candace V. Garthwaite* 608 Thomas J. Byrne* 578 Victoria B. Quake* 573 Leander Krueger* 536 Jo Ann Dagy O’Hara* 533 Alexis Voulgaris* 533 Coline Jenkins* 530 Monica Prihoda* 525 Janet L. Stone McGuigan* 516 Brian J. Maher* 508 Arline Lomazzo* 482 Robert A. Cenci* 461 Gunnar E. Klintberg* 440 Marilyn Ross Cahn* 433 David P. Snyder* 423 Gary Segal* 397 David H. Rudolph 308 Emily V. Hunt 70 RTM District 7: Top 20 Were Elected Alice B. Duff* 624 Thomas Cahill* 524 Jill S. Cobbs* 518 Kimberly Morgan Blank* 517 Mary G. “Nanette” Burrows* 512 Elizabeth “Wynn” McDaniel* 506 Kimberly Song Fiorello* 499 Elizabeth J. “Betsy” Galindo* 468 Lucia D. Jansen* 467 Debbie L. Appelbaum* 466 Hilary Adams Gunn* 463 William W. Galvin, III* 456 Ellen M. Brennan-Galvin* 444 Henry A. Orphys* 373 Doreen M. Pearson* 372 Luke T. Szymczak* 369 Elizabeth Anne Perry* 357 Scott E. Kalb* 327 Mike Warner* 319 James Edwin Cecil* 295 Denis Matthew Cronin 295 Kamran Ahmad Kashef 291 RTM District 8: Top 26 Were Elected Randy Caravella* 925 Jill Marie Capalbo* 870 Mary M. “Molly” Saleeby* 870 Peter E. Berg* 818 Richard J. Margenot* 810 Linda A. Moshier* 756 M. Irene Dietrich* 688 Janet L. McMahon* 689 Laura I. Kostin* 687 Lisa Becker Edmundson* 680 Cheryl A. Moss* 673 Jennifer L. Freitag* 662 Hector E. Arzeno* 637 Dana Gordon* 622 Alison F. Soler* 607 Carol S. Marino-Zelenz* 594 Adele Caroll* 591 Christine L. Edwards* 590

7.99% 6.92% 6.51% 6.51% 6.50% 6.34% 6.34% 5.77% 5.71% 5.55% 5.43% 5.30% 5.20% 5.09% 5.02% 4.95% 4.88% 7.03% 5.56% 5.46% 5.46% 5.20% 5.11% 4.92% 4.88% 4.74% 4.66% 4.50% 4.44% 4.31% 4.29% 4.07% 3.94% 3.84% 3.75% 3.59% 3.57% 3.35% 3.32% 6.47% 6.02% 5.81% 5.73% 5.46% 5.19% 5.15% 4.82% 4.79% 4.79% 4.76% 4.72% 4.64% 4.56% 4.33% 4.14% 3.95% 3.89% 3.80% 3.57% 2.77% 0.63% 6.59% 5.54% 5.47% 5.46% 5.41% 5.35% 5.27% 4.95% 4.94% 4.92% 4.89% 4.82% 4.69% 3.94% 3.93% 3.90% 3.77% 3.46% 3.37% 3.12% 3.12% 3.08% 5.31% 4.99% 4.99% 4.69% 4.65% 4.34% 3.95% 3.95% 3.94% 3.90% 3.86% 3.80% 3.65% 3.57% 3.48% 3.41% 3.39% 3.38%

Francis J. "Kip"Burgweger, Jr.* 573 Caryn S. Rosenbaum* 558 Philip A. Dodson* 543 Carlton Milo “Carl” Higbie, IV* 525 John R. Eddy* 496 Robert Byford Moss* 488 Andrew Oliver, II* 485 Neil A. Caton* 464 Jonathan M. Perloe 301 Jonathan Olsson 232 RTM District 9: Top 21 Wewe Elected Barbara T. Darula* 541 Patricia “Patti” Strazza “DeFelice”* 491 Lauren B. O’Keefe* 490 Carol A. Zarrilli* 457 Betsey S. Frumin* 436 Michael P. Brescia* 417 Donna F. Gaudioso-Zeale* 413 Melissa Evans* 407 Phyllis R. Alexander* 402 Joanne I. Steinhart* 371 Ferdinando G. Schiro* 369 Anne Noel Jones* 365 Brian Richard Raney* 358 Seth Bacon* 357 Abbe F. Large* 350 Brian J. Malin* 344 Lillian “Sharon” Shisler* 338 Claudia A. Carthaus* 333 Jane C. Weisbecker* 330 Deborah R. Krautheim* 320 Jonathan R. Shankman* 318 Mark Robert Kordick 279 RTM District 10: Top 20 Were Elected Natalie J. Adee* 602 Jane S. Sprung* 572 Katherine V. Hynes* 547 Sheryl B. Sorbaro* 541 Allyson Tucker Cowin* 528 Peter Jude Collins* 516 W. Brooks Harris* 515 Diana Dale Singer* 464 Granit Balidemaj* 445 Louisa H. Stone* 415 Sophie Marr Veronis* 379 Rachel Khanna* 374 Lawrence S. Malkin* 365 Joanna Swomley* 364 Svetlana Wasserman* 364 Mareta C. Hamre* 353 Nancy H. Marshall* 314 John Mastracchio* 313 Sara A. Kessler* 312 Gerald L. Anderson* 287 Alan A. Small 281 David W. Blob 258 RTM District 11: Top 23 Were Elected Susan D. Fahey* 679 Elisabeth G. “Lisa” Stuart* 658 Karen B. Giannuzzi* 540 Victoria C. Bostock* 529 Kimberly Dawn Johnson Salib* 506 Margaret G. Heppelmann* 504 Dana George Neuman* 503 Tracy H. Freedman* 498 Adam M. Brodsky* 496 Susan C. Khanna* 494 Richard J. Neuman* 492 Michael L. Spilo* 475 Cathryn Fineman Steel* 475 Ronald G. Strackbein* 458 Thomas Meade West* 446 Gregory J. Zorthian* 440 Stuart E. Reider* 427 Brad Radulovacki* 409 Ralph E. Penny* 403 Thomas M. Devaney* 400 Gregg O’Neill Pauletti* 370 David E. Oliver* 337 Adam L. Leader* 83 Victor F. “Frank” Pottow 51 Nerlyn G. Pierson 40 RTM District 12: Top 22 Were Elected Barbara G. Hindman* 749 Ellen Murdock* 630 Mary Connolly Flynn* 585 Robert T. May* 578 Craig W. Amundson* 546 Mary A. Keller* 538 Jane S. Sulich* 520 Ryan Michael Fazio* 508 Paula Legere Mickley* 506 Francia Alvarez* 502 Jeffrey Warren Crumbine* 491 Andrew S. Winston* 463 Thomas Agresta* 450 Miriam Mennin* 450 Jocelyn Y. Riddle* 441 Glen A. Canner* 433 Donald T. Whyko* 432 Hajime Jonathan Agresta* 431 Joseph S. Smith, Jr.* 431 Aaron J. Leonard* 375 David L. de Milhau* 364 Frederick R. “Fred” Lorthioir* 99 Frank J. Alfano 41 Joonun Choi 2

3.29% 3.20% 3.11% 3.01% 2.85% 2.80% 2.78% 2.66% 1.73% 1.33% 6.38% 5.79% 5.77% 5.39% 5.14% 4.91% 4.87% 4.80% 4.74% 4.37% 4.35% 4.30% 4.22% 4.21% 4.12% 4.05% 3.98% 3.92% 3.89% 3.77% 3.75% 3.29% 6.61% 6.28% 6.01% 5.94% 5.80% 5.66% 5.65% 5.09% 4.89% 4.56% 4.16% 4.11% 4.01% 4.00% 4.00% 3.88% 3.45% 3.44% 3.43% 3.15% 3.08% 2.83% 6.34% 6.14% 5.04% 4.94% 4.72% 4.70% 4.70% 4.65% 4.63% 4.61% 4.59% 4.43% 4.43% 4.28% 4.16% 4.11% 3.99% 3.82% 3.76% 3.73% 3.45% 3.15% 0.77% 0.48% 0.37% 7.09% 5.96% 5.54% 5.47% 5.17% 5.09% 4.92% 4.81% 4.79% 4.75% 4.65% 4.38% 4.26% 4.26% 4.17% 4.10% 4.09% 4.08% 4.08% 3.55% 3.45% 0.94% 0.39% 0.02%

Editorial Page

From Livvy Floren

Veterans Day Events

Veterans Day, Monday, November 11th, is a time to honor and thank the brave service men and women who fought to defend our country and our freedoms. Please join me at the following special events: Friday, November 1st - Friday, November 8th, 2019 On various days and at various times between 11/1 and 11/8, elementary and middle public schools in Greenwich and Stamford will host appreciation assemblies and classroom presentations with area veterans. Saturday, November 9th, 2019 At 10:30 a.m., the Cos Cob VFW Post 10112 will host a brief ceremony at the monument on Strickland Road across from the Bush-Holley House. Parking is available in the marina lot adjacent to the monument. Monday, November 11th, 2019 At 10:30 a.m., the community is invited to gather at the top of Greenwich Avenue (at Amogerone Crossway) for the seventh annual “Greenwich Veterans Day Patriotic Walk.” Participants are invited to bring photographs of relatives and friends who served in the military. At 11 a.m., American Legion Post 29, in

cooperation with the Greenwich Veterans Council, will host a ceremony at the World War I monument at the corner of Greenwich Avenue and Arch Street. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the Lobby of the Public Safety Building across the street from the monument. The Stamford Veterans Day Parade will begin at 9:30 a.m. starting at the intersection of Bedford/ North Street and will culminate with a ceremony at the newly renovated Veterans Park (130 Atlantic Street) at 11:11 a.m. All those who have courageously served our country will receive free admission to the Bruce Museum of Arts and Science (1 Museum Drive, Greenwich) and to the Greenwich Historical Society (47 Strickland Road, Cos Cob) on Veterans Day. Splash Car Wash is an active supporter of the Grace for Vets initiative and will be offering a complimentary car wash to military personnel as a “thank you” for service in the name of freedom. At 5 p.m., the Byram Veterans Association will host a parade, which will step off at the organization’s Headquarters, 300 Delavan Avenue. An open house at Hornik Hall follows.

GPD Honor Roll: 22% of GPD are Veterans Veterans Honor Roll Greenwich Police Department Matthew Robert Roger Dennis Robert Shawn Kraig Yolanda Michael James Daniel Edward Carl John Lyden Troy Jeffrey Mark Robert Jeffrey Ernest Sean Yves-Gerald Justin Robert Kyle Max Michael Peter Vladimir Joseph Paul Craig

Adamchak Coast Guard Berry U.S. Army Drenth Marine Corps Feery Marine Corps Ferretti U.S. Navy Fox U.S. Navy Gray U.S. Army Greenhaw U.S. Army Hall U.S. Army Heavey U.S. Army Hendrie Marine Corps Isidro Air Force Johnson Marine Corps King Marine Corps Latiak U.S. Army Lloyd Marine Corps Loock Air Force Marino U.S. Army McKiernan Marine Corps Morris Marine Corps Mulhern U.S. Army O’Donnell U.S. Army Pierre U.S. Army Quagliani U.S. Army Repik U.S. Army Rilett U.S. Army Rinaldi Coast Guard Rooney Marine Corps Schmitt U.S. Navy Souffrant U.S. Army Turcsanyi U.S. Army Zazzero Air Force & U.S. Army Zottola U.S. Navy

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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

Local Tip O’Neill was the Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1977 to 1987. As a Congressman he represented northern Boston from 1953 until 1987. He knew politics and famously said “all politics is local.” That certainly proved to be the case this week in our local elections. Greenwich republicans won every contested seat in town and re-took the majority on the Board of Estimate and Taxation. They are to be congratulated for running a successful campaign. They did not emerge from the contest without any bruises, but while faced with an opposition that attempted several times to nationalize the campaigns they remained on message and proved again that all politics is local. Local campaigns are important because they bring to the forefront the issues that are top of mind for our community. This year one of the main issues was how do we moved forward, as a community, to address infrastructure projects and their funding. A majority of voters have said they favor the “pay as you go” concept over taking on long-term debt. While the voters said this, it is important to remember not every citizen agrees with this approach. On Tuesday, 17,145 voters cast their ballot, almost 46% of those registered to vote. This is a very high

"The future ain’t what it used to be." Yogi Berra turnout for our local elections. However, it means that 54%, more than half the registered voters in town, did not vote. Why? It could be that people are so tired of being assaulted from the left and the right that they are not participating. That is a problem and one that we hope everyone elected on Tuesday, republicans and democrats, will recognize as an issue they can come together to help address. Here, locally, in our community we need to move beyond from the politics of destruction. We need to talk less and listen more. Opposing someone just because they are from a different political party without regard for their ideas or what they can do for our community is not just wrong, it harms our town. There is no doubt that everyone who ran on Tuesday loves our town and wants to help improve it. Just because the republicans won does not mean that the democrat’s ideas were all without validity. Now is the time for Fred Camillo and others to reach out across the aisle, listen and build the best possible team for Greenwich. A team that will appeal not just to the 46% who voted, but for all of Greenwich There is another reason why we admire Tip O’Neill who also said: “That politics. After six o’clock, we can be friends, but before six, it’s politics.” He and President Ronald Reagan would battle over policy issues in the 1980’s. They were polar opposites ideologically, so it is no surprise. However, at the end of the day, it has been reported, they would sometimes have a drink together and tell bawdy Irish jokes. They did not immediately suspect the worse in each other. That is what we need more of today. Every election offers a unique moment in time. A moment when there is the opportunity to bring our community together. Now is that time here in Greenwich. Our incoming First Selectman Fred Camillo likes to quote Yogi Berra who once said: “The future ain’t what it used to be.” That is certainly the case if republicans and democrats can come together for the betterment of our community. Finally, we want to thank everyone who ran for public office. It is not easy to put yourself forward as a political candidate these days. Everyone who does we applaud and hope you will continue to be involved in helping our community improve. We can only benefit from your ideas.

Pursuing Excellence in Education

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

Education Column

Worried About Worrying?

By Catherine Neiswonger The beginning of the school year can be anxiety-provoking for parents and children alike. Anxiety is normal and can even be beneficial when faced with a difficult situation. You may be anxious about how something may turn out, how others will react to you, or if you will do something right. Adults experience this all the time, and we understand these anxieties can provoke us to focus and push through on important tasks. In children, anxiety can present itself as fear or worry. There are development stages where specific fears typically present themselves. In young children, we see them being

scared of the dark, monsters, separation, animals, and strangers. As children grow, these fears change to fears about being accepted socially, academic and sport achievement, health, mortality, and family. Fear can also come from everyday LIFE. Transitions/changes to our routines and rituals can cause anxiety, a new sibling being born, starting school, moving into a new house, death, making or not making new friends or, trying to master a new task. Add to this the demands that are put upon children and their understanding of their ability to meet expectations. If expectations are appropriate that we can minimize anxiety and stress. Extraordinary events like parent conf lict or separation, illness or injury to a loved one, separation from parents, family or community, violence, and natural disasters can produce an appropriate r e sp on se of wor r y but c a n le ad to prolonged and more profound issues of anxiety. Children may demonstrate anxiety in many ways Physically your child may complain of headaches or stomachaches, even though there's no medical reason for them. They may refuse to eat snacks or lunch at daycare or school. Maybe they won't use bathrooms except at home or have trouble falling or staying asleep. Emotionally your child may cry a lot, be overly sensitive, or be grouchy or angry

without an apparent reason. They may be afraid of making even minor mistakes or worry about things far off in the future. They may even have frequent nightmares about losing a parent or loved one. Behaviorally your child may avoid

you're scared, and that's okay, and I'm here, and I'm going to help you get through this." Recognizing and validating a feeling makes it easier to know what to do with it. If you feel good, it is easier to approach any circumstances positively. A proper

There are development stages where specific fears typically present themselves- will you know what to do to support your child to overcome fears and the worry and anxiety that they produce? joining class activities or remain silent or preoccupied when expected to work with others. They may avoid social situations like birthday parties, refuse to go to school, or have meltdowns or tantrums. They may need constant approval from parents, caregivers, and friends. Whatever the signs are, we need to appreciate that they FEEL it. It is real to them, even if they don't know how to define it. Helping a child recognize and label how they are feeling goes a long way into assisting them to move through it. Children are not fully capable of understanding how they feel about things. Some responses may take even them by surprise. You don't want to belittle fears, but you also don't want to amplify them. The message you want to send is: "I know

good about getting through it. A child's fears are very real to them, and we shouldn't try to convince them otherwise. You can express confidence that they're going to be okay, they can manage it, and that, as they face their fears, the anxiety level will drop over time. This gives a child confidence that your expectations are realistic, and that you're not going to ask them to do something they can't handle. What you don't want to do, with your tone of voice or body language, is unintentionally send a message that he should, indeed, be worried. Be realistically positive. The goal is to help a child manage anxiety not to eliminate it. None of us wants to see a child unhappy, but the best way to help children overcome fear isn't to try to remove stressors that trigger it. Helping children avoid the things they are afraid of will make them feel better in the short term, but it reinforces the anxiety over the long run. We want them to know that they can tolerate anxiety in order to do what they want or need to do, and the more we try, the less we fear. It might not drop to zero, it might not drop as quickly as you would like, but that's how we get over our fears.

diet, healthy activity, and plenty of rest are so important. That includes a daily routine and structure that your child can rely upon to be predictable. Regular routines give us all a sense of control. When we know what is going to happen and how we are expected to respond, we can relax and be in the moment. Set limits and enforce them consistently. Inconsistency in our responses to children can provoke anxiety because they can't determine when something is okay and when it is not. Be the good you want to see in your child. Let your child see how you cope with anxiety yourself. Children are perceptive, and they're going to take it in the ways you Catherine Neiswonger is the Director respond to life's frustrating and distressing of Round Hill Nursery School with 30 years situations. Let your child hear or see you of experience helping families raise young managing it calmly, tolerating it, feeling children.

Education Column

Sideline Behavioral Expectations for Parents

By Gordon Beinstein Having spent way too much of my adult life on ball fields all around the East Coast, I have witnessed some abhorrent parental behavior. As Western offers competitive sports in which we encourage parents to attend, and having heard a

few questionable comments on our own sidelines, I figured now would be a good time for a reminder about your role as a parent at a sporting event, both at Western and beyond. In short: You are there to cheer on your child and your child’s team. Period. It really is that simple. Anything else has the potential to take away from the experience for your child, and others within earshot. There are four particular infractions of parental etiquette that I have witnessed that need to be addressed: 1) You are not your child’s coach. Regardless of your opinion of the coaches’ aptitude, the coach is in charge and what he/she teaches and communicates is all the child should hear throughout the course of the game when it comes to strategy, playing time, technique, etc. Even if you really were Pele or Lebron as a child, you need to know your role as a parent. 2) The refs are not to be questioned or

Remember, as scary as this may seem, your child is watching and listening to you. If you choose to criticize and question the refs calls, the coaches’ decisions, the skill level of your child and his/her teammates and opponents, then your child will mimic those same behaviors and attitudes. criticized in any way. While you might feel it clever to ask the ref if he left his Seeing Eye dog at home, or to offer him your glasses, the message it sends to your child is that something isn’t fair. Trust me; the refs could care less about the outcome of the game! Do they miss calls? Of course, but you need to let it go so that your child will. 3) Be positive with your own child! If you want to ensure that your child resents you and/or hates the sport, continue to tell him/her everything they did ‘wrong’. This

is true both during the game and on the ride home (something, in full disclosure, I have been guilty of). The best advice I ever received on this topic was simply to tell your child how much you enjoy watching him / her play. 4) Finally, and perhaps the most egregious violation of parental etiquette, and one that I have heard too often on our own sidelines is criticism of other players. It is never ok, for any reason, to insult a player from either team. While most parents know

enough not to outright state that a child is ‘no good’, comments such as ‘he can’t cover you’ and ‘don’t pass it to her’ send the same message. Your words can hurt! Remember, as scary as this may seem, your child is watching and listening to you. If you choose to criticize and question the refs calls, the coaches’ decisions, the skill level of your child and his / her teammates and opponents, then your child will mimic those same behaviors and attitudes. They will begin to make excuses for loses, hate the game, resent you, and lose all of the good qualities that sports can instill when parents, coaches and players are on the same page. Sermon over! Now go and enjoy the game..and let others do the same! Gordon Beinstein has been working in middle schools for 32 years and still can’t get out of the 8th grade! He is currently the principal of Western Middle School and was recently named the CT Association of Schools 2019 Principal of the Year.

Osterlund Lecture & Book Signing at Audubon


There will be a special lecture with awardw in n ing author Hob Osterlund on Saturday, November 9, at 5:00 pm at the Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Road. Albatross have likely nested in the Hawaiian Islands for millions of years, but disappeared with the arrival of humans more than a thousand years ago. A few decades ago, individual birds began returning to Kaua'i, and the population has gradually grown since then. Now, as their mother ship at Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands becomes more and more treacherous, Kaua'i may become the birds' Noah's Ark. In this presentation, Hob will be showing her award-winning documentary Kalama's Journey and exploring what she's learned about the meaning of the moli (albatross) in Hawaiian culture. After the lecture, she will be signing copies of her book Holy Moli. All are welcome to this free event. RSVP is requested For questions and to RSVP, please contact

Caroline Bailey at or is the author of Holy Moli: Albatross and Other 203-900-3349. Ancestors (Oregon State University Press) now in its fourth printing. She is the founder of the Kaua'i Albatross Network. Her work includes direct services such as systematic monitoring of all Laysan albatross on those properties, assisting with predator control and serving as a link between private landowners and state and federal wildlife agencies. For five nesting seasons Hob worked as a Kaua’i Coordinator for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Bird Cam project. As a result, Laysan albatross live streaming images were played via the “TrossCam” as the chicks grew from hatch to fledge. From 20142018 there were 60 million views and 450 million Hob Osterlund is an award-winning writer, minutes watched by viewers from 190 countries. photographer and conservationist living on the I n 2 019 Hob’s pr i m a r y fo c u s i s he r new island of Kaua'i. Her work has appeared in The New documentary Kalama’s Journey. The film is about York Times, National Geographic Explorer, Audubon, an albatross chick adopted by a female pair of birds National Wildlife, Nature Conservancy, Hana Hou on Kaua’i, and about the chick’s role in facing her (Hawaiian Airlines), Ms. Magazine and more. She species’ biggest threat. It also describes how the



Laysan albatross species is seen through the eyes of Hawaiian culture. Hob is currently scheduled to speak for the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Volcano Arts Center and Hawai’i Wildlife Center. Hob will also be talking to local audiences in libraries and schools. She has submitted the documentary to several national film festivals and will attend as many of those as feasible. Hob holds a bachelor’s degree in Ecological Geography from the University of CaliforniaBerkeley and a master’s degree in Nursing from the University of Hawaii. As an advanced-practice nurse, Hob founded Hawaii’s first pain and palliative care program at The Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu. She was the Principal Investigator for the Comedy in Chemotherapy (COMIC) Study. She and her colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial demonstrating the positive impact of comedy on the symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy.

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Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel

Pursuing Excellence in Education

Education Feature

It's Conference Time: Use It Wisely

By Patrice Kopas

of what to expect in the next quarter. child participate in class discussion?” or anticipate in the coming months. In Reviewing these specific examples will “What are the signs that my child may younger grades, a long-term goal may be help you gain insight into your child’s need extra help?” When your conference writing letters or recognizing additional sig ht words. A s students prog ress through their elementary years, goals can be tied to improving presentation sk ills, explaining a complicated mathematical concept, or the ability to work productively in a group setting. Keep in mind that while a “Make the Honor Roll” goal is attainable for many, it’s not necessarily the right goal for all students. As you review your child’s report card, think about their time commitments. How well are daily classroom experience. Keep in is over, you should have an idea of they balancing academics and extramind that the 1st Quarter is a new start what you can do to support your child’s curricular activities? Are they working for everyone. Students are learning new academic development at home. hard for the grades they earn, or are they routines and managing the expectations putting in just enough effort to do “fine”? One Size Doesn’t Fit All. of their teachers, and that takes time. Particularly in middle school, when Using conference time to compare Teachers may define “success” differently your child to others in their class is students are preparing for the rigors of during this part of the school year versus not productive - in fact, it’s quite the high school, don’t let your child always the remainder of the year. opposite. “No two children are alike” take the easy road. If your student feels Ask the Right Questions. is as true in the classroom as it is on that being “good enough is good enough,” When parents ask me how to prepare the soccer field. Comparing your child you cannot expect to see their effort, or for conferences, I suggest they bring to another can undermine your own their grades, improve over time.

When your conference is over, you should have an idea of what you can do to support your child’s academic development at home.

The 1st Quarter has come to an end, and it’s been a long stretch for students, teachers, and parents. The end of the quarter also means that Parent/Teacher conferences are not far off. So what’s the best way to approach the time you’ll spend with your child’s teacher? Listen first. When you arrive at your conference, l e t y o u r c h i l d ’s t e a c h e r l e a d t h e conversation. Our teachers typically p r e p a r e a s a m p l e o f yo u r c h i l d ’s classwork, some comments about their performance in school, and an outline

3-4 questions with them. At Greenwich Catholic, our teachers get to know each child as an individual, which helps shape the student’s academic goals for the year. Consider asking questions like “Does my

professional understanding of adolescent development and the way that outside factors can affect academic achievement. W hen a teacher u ndersta nds you r family’s dynamic, they will be better prepared to help your student balance those outside factors and succeed in class. Ask for a Follow-Up. If you feel like you didn’t have enough time with a teacher, or if you want to keep an eye on a problem your child is having, ask for a follow-up meeting. Our teachers never hesitate to accommodate follow-up conferences to keep an open dialogue with parents, which fosters a positive partnership throughout the year. Take a breath. Most of a l l, remem ber it ’s on ly been about 50 days. The 2nd Quarter is a fresh start - There’s a lot of time for i mprovement, a lot of t i me for adjustments, and a lot of time to succeed. And luckily, a few well-deserved breaks for Thank sg iv ing and Christmas sprinkled in.

child’s accomplishments, and create an Be Honest. unnecessary competitive atmosphere. If your family is in a transition period, Pat r ic e Kopa s i s the P r incipal of Con fer ence s shou ld b e u s e d to or if your child is struggling socially Greenwich Catholic School, a co-ed, private, discuss your child’s progress thus far, outside of school, let their teacher know. Catholic school serving students from PreK3 and set expectations for what you can Remember that your child’s teacher has a through Grade 8.

Serving the Greater Good


Tis the Season… For Some of Us

By Gaby Rattner The holiday season is drawing near. Yet for many in our community, these next two months will feel more like A Tale of Two Cities than It’s A Wonderful Life. We l i ve i n a tow n r e p l e te w it h abundance. Indeed, Greenwich is among the most affluent locales in the country.

According to the US Census Bureau, the median income in Greenwich was about $138,000 in 2017. Nearly 70% of the adult population owned their homes, whose median value that year amounted to $1.2 million. And so it is difficult to imagine that work ing and residing among us are members of the community unable to experience this season as joyful. Food insecurity, economic hardship, broken families, and advanced age will leave some of the most vulnerable more in need than ever. You mig ht be surprised to learn that nearly 30% of Greenwich residents find meeting daily financial obligations a challenge. Imagine how much more difficult life becomes when these same residents tr y to shou lder the ex tra burdens of making a holiday for children who look enviously at the bounty that their classmates enjoy. Imagine trying to create a Thanksgiving feast in the face of

daily anxiety over having sufficient food. Imagine seniors sitting alone while others celebrate togetherness with family and friends. For these people, feeling thankful can be a challenge.

with the ingredients of a Thanksgiving meal to families who have exhausted all other resources in the effort to produce a holiday repast. For over ten years, employees at the Saks Fifth Avenue store on Greenwich Avenue have graciously

You might be surprised to learn that nearly 30% of Greenwich residents find meeting daily financial obligations a challenge. With the help of our generous benefactors, each holiday season Community Centers, Inc. (CCI) works extra hard to meet this challenge by restoring holiday cheer to our clients. In years past, thanks to our local Whole Foods and Stop & Shop, we have been able to deliver huge grocery bags filled

donated clothing for our younger children, the items arriving each year beautifully gif t wrapped and ready to be handdelivered to our eager youngsters. Our teenage clients have received gift cards donated by the Greenwich United Way. Each year we fete our seniors with gala parties featuring live music, festive

decorations and of course, a big holiday dinner. Through these activities, we seek to spread the holiday spirit to as many as we can reach. In a perfect world, ever y person would have what they need to care for themselves and every family would have the ability to celebrate the season as they wish. CCI and so many other local organizations are working individually and collaboratively toward that goal. In the meantime, as this season of warmth and thanksgiving begins, we are grateful beyond measure to the charitable donors who make it possible for us to bring the joys of the season to those most in need. And our wish for these holidays is that all who are hungry will come and eat, and all will enjoy fellowship with others. Gaby Rattner is Executor Director of Community Centers, Inc; www.ccigreenwich. org. She has lived in Greenwich since 2004 and has worked as a non-profit executive for most of her career.

Congratulations to Our Education Columnists Connie Blunden and Julie Faryniarz

Congratulations to our Sentinel contributing columnists Connie Blunden (left) and Julie Faryniarz (right) as two of the recipients of the YWCA Greenwich Annual Women Who Inspire Awards. We are so honored to have you and all the honorees as part of our our community.

Warm Up This Winter

YWCA held its 2nd Annual Women Who Inspire Awards to recognize exceptional women in our community today. YWCA Greenwich's Women Who Inspire Awards was established to recognize and celebrate outstanding women who have excelled in philanthropic, professional and volunteer pursuits. Importantly, these honorees have enriched the lives of many in our community. This event, which was launched last year, combines the best of the YWCA Greenwich BRAVA and Spirit of Greenwich Awards and acknowledges the changes in society that have led to the fluidity of work/ life pursuits for women of today.

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This annual incorporates the best of the YWCA’s two signature events, the Spirit of Greenwich and BRAVA Awards. Since the BRAVA Awards were established in 1977 and the Spirit of Greenwich Awards in 1994, nearly 500 women have been honored by YWCA Greenwich for their outstanding professional achievements and commitment to philanthropic causes that have benefitted so many in our community. The decision to combine these events is an acknowledgement of the dramatic changes in society that have led to the fluidity of work/life pursuits for women of today.

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Connie Blunden is the Director, Center for Public Purpose and the Director, Global Initiatives at the Greenwich Academy Upper School. She also teaches History and is a Certified Nonviolence Trainer. Julie Faryniarz is the Executive Director at the Greenwich Alliance for Education.

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Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel

Guido Ciampi Guido Victor Ciampi, age 93 of Greenwich, CT passed away at his home peacefully on the morning of Nov. 2, 2019. A kind and gentle soul to all who knew him. He truly lived a full and blessed life. At the age of 12, as a delivery boy in Bronx, NY, Victor began his career in the meat business. He went on to operate three gourmet food stores in Westchester County. For over 53 years, he owned and operated "The Larchmont Meateria" located in Larchmont NY, the pride and joy of his life. He was known as the 'MeatMan to the Stars' with notable celebrities as his customers. Victor's kindness to children was unparalleled and he made sure no child left his store without a gift of a homemade cookie. The food business, family, laughter, a positive attitude, and a double scoop of chocolate ice cream was his life. For 7 1 yea rs Guido Victor Ciampi was married to Marie DiStefano Ciampi. His children, Debra Ciampi Kolman of Greenwich, CT, Steven Ciampi of Princes Risborough, England, and Joan Ciampi of Lexington Kentucky, as well as his g randchildren, Thomas Ciampi, Sof ia Ciampi, and William Kolman will always love and remember him for his simple kindness, honesty, and extraordinary compassion for others. He was our angel. The viewing services were on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at Leo Gallagher Funeral Home, Greenwich, CT. A funeral mass was held Wednesday, Nov. 6 , at S t . M a r y C hu r c h , Greenwich. In lieu of f lowers, donations can be made to City Harvest, at

Dorothy Kennedy D o r o t h y E i l e e n , " D u f f ", Kennedy died on Oct. 24, 2019. Born Nov. 20, 1936, to J. Wilfred and Dorothy McNally of Baldwin, NY, Duff attended Visitation Academy and Fontbonne Hall high school in Brooklyn, and Marymount College in Tarrytown, NY. She received an M.A. in Psychology from Brooklyn College, NY. In 1958 she married the love of her life, William "Bill" Kennedy, a graduate of Holy Cross College, then serving as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Duff 's concern was always helping others and making them happy. Her kind and generous spirit enriched many lives. She taught school in Hempstead, NY, and later, after moving to Greenwich, CT, worked with high school students with special needs. Duff was a 4-H leader and worked with the American Red Cross. She served on the Rosary Altar Society and the Parish Council at St. Frances d e C h a nte l i n Wa nt a g h , N Y, and volunteered as a religiouseducation teacher at St. Catherine of Sienna in Greenwich. Duff also volunteered at the Stamford, CT, soup kitchen and shelter for the homeless. Duff loved to spend time with friends and family, telling stories, laughing and making memories. She took great pleasure in sailing and golf and was an off icer of the Women's Golf Association at Rosedale in Sarasota, FL, where


she retired with Bill in 1998. To her great delight, her children and grandchildren made frequent visits to Rosedale, and Duff was constantly on the lookout for fun and exciting adventures to enjoy with her many visitors. Duff and Bill traveled extensively with friends, particularly in France, Italy and Greece. They were very fond of the arts and were season subscribers to the Asolo Theater and the Sarasota Opera. Duff was also an avid competitor in duplicate bridge. In her last years, the Kennedys moved to Atria Assisted Living in Sarasota, where she enjoyed two happy years before a heart related condition limited her activities. In addition to Bill, her husband of 60 years, Duff is survived by her children and their spouses: Eileen and Charles Hansmann, Karyn and Barry Kurland, Robert and Karen Kennedy, Patricia and Joseph Feeney and William and Kathleen Kennedy; by her sister and brotheri n-l aw K at h l e e n a n d G e r a l d Andersen; and by her brother-inlaw Father Robert Kennedy, S.J. She leaves behind many nieces and nephews whom she loved dearly and 14 grandchildren who were the joy of her life. Duff 's passing leaves a void in the lives of those she touched. Although she has left us, she will live on in our memories.

Julia De La Cruz Ju lia De L a Cr uz , 91, of Cambridge, Mass., and Greenwich, CT, passed away on Oct. 30, 2019, i n Ca m br idge . She was b or n i n Corongo, Per u to Eu fem ia Iparraguire and Dionisio de la Cruz in 1928. She was preceded in death by her parents, her siblings, Juan, Alvina, Dina, Dionisio, and Isaias. She is survived by her brother Teรณdulo, and sisters, Antonia, and Aniana, all residing in Peru. Julia leaves her daughter, Rosie, her daughter-in-law, Rachel Burckardt, grandsons, Stephen Burckardt of Maryland, and Matthew Burckardt of Cambridge; her son, David (Rick) Sotomayor, her son-in-law, Robert Anderson, and her granddaughter, Celia, of New York. Visiting hours were Sunday, Nov. 3 at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Greenw ich. Funeral services were held in her home country of Peru. The family would like to thank Cambridge Health Association, Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, Care Dimensions and Privatus for their assistance in caring for Julia in her final months. In lieu of flowers, people may make a donation to the Peace Community Chapel (Old Greenwich, CT) or S omer v i l le Ca m br idge Elder Services (Somerville, MA).

Rosemary Wilson Rosemary Wilson, 65 of Norwalk passed away on Monday, October 28, 2019. Beloved wife of James Wilson, Jr. Much loved mother of James Wilson and wife Venus, Tom Wilson and wife Patti and aunt of Candice McHale and Jay Kanozik. Cherished grandmother of Marley Rose Wilson, Dexter McHale and Xavier Roman, and

proud owner of dog Maggie. Bor n to t he late Joh n a nd Frances Kanozik on August 12, 1954 in Port Chester, she spent her youth in Chickahominy with her siblings: the late Barbara Kanizok, John Kanozik, Jr., and Judy Miller. She later moved to Norwalk with her husband and two sons. R o s e m a r y w a s e mp l oye d for over 24 years as a Parking Enforcement officer for the Town of Greenwich. Her love of animals led to a previous career in dog grooming. She enjoyed gardening and Sunday brunches, but her greatest passion was spending time with her family. Rosemary's family will truly miss her warm smile, sense of humor and unconditional l ove . S e r v i c e s we r e h e l p i n Greenwich on Thurs., Oct. 31.

George Ferris

May 8, 1927 in Keene, NH, Harriet grew up in Athol, MA. with her three siblings who are all deceased - Maude (who passed away at age 11 in 1936), Joe Wilcox formerly of Riverside, CT and Marion Kolbe formerly of Darien. Harriet met her late husband Robert Starr through the Riverdale Ski Club in 1957 on a ski trip to Stowe. They married in 1958 and raised their family in Cos Cob, where they resided until 2013. In Greenwich, Harriet was an active member of the Junior Women's Club, a deaconess of the First Congregational Church, and a volunteer at the Rummage Room and in Greenwich Public Schools. She enjoyed skiing and hiking with her family in the Berkshires, and the White and Green Mountains a nd eve nt u a l ly sh e a nd B ob pu rchased a second home i n Franconia, which became a wellloved gathering place for family and friends to hike and ski Cannon Mountain, where the couple had honeymooned in 1958. She w ill be missed dearly by her family, friends and all who knew her. She is survived by three daughters, Marguerite Starr (husband Bob Crawford) of Woodbury, CT; Natalie Starr of West Windsor, VT (husband David Putnam); and Sarah Starr (husband Stan Starr) of Hood River, OR; and six grandchildren. A celebration of Harriet's life will be held in the spring in Old Greenwich, CT. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Harriet's name to the Friends' of Greenwich Point or the First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich.

George B. Ferris, Jr., 51, died suddenly on October 26, 2019. Born and raised in Greenwich, Connecticut, George graduated from Greenwich High School and went on to earn his Bachelor's Degree in Vocational Education at NYIT. He came to Long Island in 1994 and worked for the past twenty years with Western Suffolk BOCES as an auto shop teacher and for the past seven years with Verizon Fleet Services as a f leet mechanic. George was a classic car fanatic and loved restoring classic Mustangs in particular. He was also a huge Star Wars fan and collector and an eternal animal lover. George is survived by his wife, Kristen, his son, Zacharia, his mother, Marilyn Bivona and her husband Chuck, his father, George Sr, a brother, Andrew and his wife Demetria and his sister, Sherri Brown and her husband Matt, as Longtime Greenwich resident, well as several nieces and nephews. Robert "Bob" Fred Negele, 96, passed away on September 13, 2019 in Stamford, Connecticut. He was born on Aug. 21, 1923 in Forest Peter was born in Schenectady, Park, Illinois to the late Fred and NY. He was a longtime resident Clara Negele. Bob grew up in Brookf ield, of Beaufort and Dataw Island, South Carolina, and formally Illinois, graduating from Riverside of Greenwich, Connecticut. He Brookfield High School in 1941. passed away on October 25, 2019 in From 1944 to 1947 he served as Beaufort Memorial Hospital from an Ensign in the U.S Navy. He lung cancer. Peter was the widower earned his B.S. in Mechanical of Susan Hendricks Beekman and Engineering from the Illinois is survived by his three children, Institute of Technology in 1945, Christopher of Sonoma, California and on November 4th, he married and Kelly and Matthew, both the love of his life, Martha (Marty) Jean Ross of Garden City, Kansas, residing in New York City. P e t e r w a s a s u c c e s s f u l a g r a du ate o f No r t hwe s te r n entrepreneur and a businessman. University. After getting married, He started at IBM and was able they lived in Norman, Oklahoma to venture out on his own by where Bob was an instructor in the leveraging new technology. He NROTC program at the University enjoyed playing golf and spending of Oklahoma. I n 1 9 4 7, B o b a n d M a r t y time with his family and his dogs. He proudly served as an officer in returned to Chicago where Bob the US Navy during the Vietnam began working as an engineer and conf lict, receiv ing honorable they started their family. After discharge after several additional their first son, James Robert, was years in the Naval Reserve. He was born in 1949, they moved to Forest Park, Illinois. Their first daughter, a good man, and will be missed. Kathryn Sue, was born in 1951 and their second, Debra Jean, in 1954. In 1955 Bob became General Manager Harriet Wilcox Starr, devoted of Star Metal Products in Chicago wife of 56 years to the late Robert and their second son, Andrew Starr, lov ing mother of three Ross, was born in 1956, the same daughters, and a talented artist year Bob earned his MBA attending and community volunteer, passed Northwestern University at night. In 1958, Bob became Vice away peacefully on Oct. 20, 2019, surrounded by her family. Born to President of Chicago Magnet Wire Marguerite and Joseph Wilcox on in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, and the Negele Family moved to River Forest, Illinois, where they joined the River Forest Tennis Club and Bob began his lifelong love affair with tennis. In 1967, the Negele family moved to Brunswick, Maine after Robert became President of Philips Elmet, in Lewiston, Maine. In 1974, Bob and Martha moved to Cos Cob, Connecticut when Bob became President of Kulka Electric in Mount Vernon, New York. In 1982, Bob retired from Kulka and started his consulting business. With their children grown, Bob and Marty enjoyed their lives together until Marty succumbed to cancer in June of 1997, after 52 years of marriage. In 2000, Bob moved into Edgehill where he became active on its finance committee and was an active member of Milbrook Country Club, playing golf and doubles tennis as founder and member of the Good Ol' Boys ("GOBs") tennis team. Rober t is sur v ived by h is two sons, James of Hidden Hills, California and Andrew and his wife, Daryl, of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, his two daughters, Kathryn of Danbury, Connecticut and Debra and her husband, Mike Yacenda, of Stamford, Connecticut, f ive grandsons, five granddaughters and four great-granddaughters. The family will greet friends and relatives at a Celebration of Bob Negele's Life, on Sunday November 10, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Edgehill, 122 Palmers Hill Road, Stamford.

Robert Negele

Philip Beekman

Harriet W. Starr

Anna E. Bull

Anna Ewing "Nan" Bull died peacefully on October 25th at her home in Amherst, Massachusetts. She was 89 years old. Born November 16, 1929, in New York City, Nan was the third of six children and was always proud of her large family. She was very close to her parents, Mary Heffelfinger Morrison and Sherman Ewing, and to her stepparents, General H. Terry Morrison and Marjorie Hughes. She had loving relationships with her siblings: Sherman, Lucia, and Heff Ewing, and Truxton and Nick Morrison; she enjoyed lasting friendships with her stepsiblings: Ned and Tom Walsh, Gray Morrison, and Jane Morrison Dwight. She also cherished a close relationship with Ada Cunningham, who lived with Nan's family for over fifty years. N a n g r a du at e d f r o m T h e Westover School in Middlebury, Connecticut. She briefly attended Bryn Mawr College before transferring to Mills College in Oakland, California, where she studied literature for her freshman year. In Oakland, Nan was courted by David F. "Dave" Bull, then a sales representative for General Foods, and the two were married at Wayzata Community Church in Minnesota, on August 29, 1950. Nan then devoted herself to her husband and growing family. She and Dave moved from Oakland to Wayzata in 1952, and then to Greenwich in 1961. Dave predeceased Nan in September of 2008. In 2017, Nan moved to Amherst, where several of her children live. Nan was a woman of many talents. Her children all know that she learned to read and to knit at just four years old; each of her many grandchildren still has a hand-knit Christmas stocking made by Nan when they were born. In the 1970s, she served as president of the Greenwich Center (now the Family Centers). After raising her children, Nan continued her formal education, graduating from Manhattanville College and earning her Masters of Social Work from Hunter College in 1978, after which she practiced social work for the Town of Greenwich and later at Greenwich Hospital. Nan was an accomplished photographer; she also practiced calligraphy, ref inished furniture, w rote memoirs, gardened, and was an excellent cook. Her children all benefited from her lifelong interest in the arts, enjoying trips to New York's museums and Metropolitan Opera, as well as dance and theater performances. She was deeply loved and had many friends in Greenwich and in Peru, Vermont, where she and Dave had a home. Nan is survived by her six children, to whom she was devoted: Webster, of Beverly, Massachusetts; A n na ( Na nc y), of New York , New York ; Dav id, of H ad ley, Massachuset ts; Eliza beth, of Amherst, Massachusetts; Sarah, of Los Angeles, California; and Mary, of Amherst. She also leaves eleven grandchildren: Samuel, Daniel, and Lina Mendez; Martha and Marian Bull; Ethan, Henry, and Matthew Mantel; and Anna, Elsa, and Trudie Seterdahl; and a greatgranddaughter, Amalia Cuomo. Nan is survived by her brother Truxton Morrison, of Wayzata, Minnesota. She is also fondly remembered by Karin Buchholz, of Amherst, Massachusetts. A service to honor Nan's life will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 16th, at Saint Barnabas in Greenwich.

Robert J. Cherico Robert J. "Bob" Cherico passed away peacef u l ly Wed nesday, October 16, 2019 at Wilton Meadows Health Care Center at the age of 98. He is survived by Alice; his loving wife of 72 years, daughter Sandra Kiley, son Robert, daughters-inlaw Carol and Cindy, son-in-law Ed Kiley, 7 grandchildren, 4 greatgrandchildren and brother Rudy. Bob was preceded in death by his son David, sisters Frances and Frieda, brothers Vincent, Frank, Ross, Jerry and Arthur. Bob was born in White Plains, NY and graduated from White Plains High School. It was there that he fell in love with the girl of his dreams, Alice, whom he married in 1947. During WWII Bob was a Flight Engineer in the Army Air Corps flying B-17 Flying Fortress bombers. After the war Bob and Alice settled in Greenwich, CT where they raised their family. Bob was a GM Car Dealership Service and Parts Manager until his retirement in 1990. After retiring, Bob was an active member of the

Art Group with the Greenwich S en ior Center. H i s b e aut i f u l paintings of Greenwich landscapes, o f t e n i n c l u d i n g h i s b e l ove d companion Kyle the "wonder dog", won him much acclaim. Bob will be remembered as a warm, caring, and fun-loving soul who often had a twinkle in his eye. He was a dedicated and loving husband and father. Rarely would you find Bob and Alice apart, and if you were lucky enough to have befriended one, you were also blessed to befriend the other. Bob loved to fish and boat on Long Island Sound. In lieu of f lowers, the family requests that donations be made in honor of Bob to Save the Sound: donate. A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. at Bouton Funeral Home, 31 West Church St., Georgetown, CT. Friends may greet the family prior to the service from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. To offer the family online condolences, please visit www.

Larry Metter Larry Metter passed away at Norwalk Hospital at 61 years of age on October 28, 2019, of cancer and related complications. Larry was born in Merrick, Long Island, one of three sons born to Roslyn and Bert Metter of Greenwich, CT. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Corinne, sons Jeff and Brian, daughter Lianne, and granddaughter Gabriella. Larry and Corinne settled in Norwalk and have lived there for 25 years. L a r r y w a s b r ou g ht up i n Greenwich before studying at Hartt School of Music, graduating from the University of Bridgeport, and earning a Master of Science degree from New York University. He was an accomplished musician, a talented pianist, saxophone p l a y e r, a n d l y r i c i s t . L a r r y enjoyed a rewarding career as an instructional designer and loved skiing, traveling and spending time with his family. The memorial for friends and family will be held at the home of Danny and Amy Metter, 56 Sherwood Avenue, Greenwich, CT on Sunday, November 24th from 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Antoinette Romano Antoinette Delogu Romano, 91 years old, died peacefully on Oct. 31. We mourn the loss of Antoinette, a wa r m, k i nd a nd honora ble woman. Beloved mother of Celeste Wilson and Gina Romano. Loving grandmother of Lauren Wilson, Arianna Wilson, Andrew Romano and John Romano. Loving motherin-law to Gary Wilson and Fran O'Rou rke. Chu rch Ser v ice to be held at St. Mary Church, 178 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9. In lieu of flowers, donations to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Patricia M. Pannone passed away peacefully on Friday, October 25, 2019 surrounded by her loving family. She was 82.

Patricia Pannone Patricia (better known as "Pat" to family and friends), was born in Stamford, Connecticut to John and Mary Maciejewski and was the loving wife of Louis M. Pannone. The couple raised five children in their home in Greenwich. Among Pat's interests were art, education, music, travel, and classic movies. But her husband, children and grandchildren were at the center of her world, and there were few things she loved more than being in their company. She was very artistic and instilled an appreciation for nature and creativity in her children and grandchildren. Throughout her life, Pat's love and deep faith brought comfort to her family, friends and those in her community. She will be fondly remembered for her calm and charming personality, witty sense of humor, and her exceptional cooking. For those reasons and a million more, she will be deeply missed. Patricia is predeceased by her father John Maciejewski, mother Mary Wituck Maciejewski and brother Stephen, all of Greenwich, CT. She is survived by her devoted husba nd, L ou is M. Pa n none, sons Louis S., Gregory, and Marc, and daughters Julie Mitchell, and Patricia Crawford, as well as nine grandchildren. Family will receive relatives and friends on Friday, Nov. 1st, 2019 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Bosak Funeral Home (453 Shippan Ave.), with a memorial service at 7:30 p.m. Interment will be private.

On Faith

On Faith Feature

Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel

Civil Discourse, Big Concerns, Family and Community By Marek P. Zabriskie

Last Sunday, Christ Church Greenwich was privileged to host three-time Pulitzer-Prize winning author and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, perhaps the world’s most famous journalist. He spoke to a packed sanctuary and overflow seating in our chapel. Tom came to us courtesy of Bi l l a nd A n ne Ha r r ison, who know Tom as a personal friend. His talk was a gift to the community. Christ Church has brought s ome a m a z i n g sp e a ke r s to G r e e n w i c h ove r t h e ye a r s – P r e s ide nt Ji m my C a r te r, Secretary of State James Baker, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Terry Wait, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s envoy, who was kidnapped and held captive in Beirut for four years. Over the past decade, our Courage and Faith Series has shared a wonderful array of

poets, writers and theologians with the wider community. Before Tom’s talk, someone emailed me, “Why do we have to have politics in our church?” Our focus, however, wasn’t on politics, but rather on issues that impact all of us. Before becoming a parish priest, I was a journalist. For 90 minutes, I resumed my old role. A faith community should be a safe place for inquiry, where we can ask important questions about life and civilly discuss the major societal concerns. If God created the universe, then all things have a religious dimension and the world cannot be neatly divided into things sacred and secular. Thus, our faith communities should not be afraid to explore economics, the environment, politics, cultural shifts, health, technology, artificial intelligence and social media, because these concerns impact all of us. Tom addressed US-China r elat ion s, t he M idd le Ea st, protests in Hong Kong and the rise of nationalism, populism and fascism, but he focused most of all on the importance of family and community. He explained that he was born in the northside of Minneapolis in 1953. His g ra ndpa rents had m ig rated from Russia. Eventually, his entire Jewish community moved

almost overnight to St. Louis Park, Minnesota. T h e c o m mu n it y w a s 2 0 percent Jewish and 80 percent Protestant Scandinavian. “We called ourselves ‘the frozen

it, it’s going to express itself in everything around you. The challenge today is that we’re having an uncivil war. We’re uncivil to each other.” “We now spend 51 percent of

Big issues can and should be addressed in a civil manner in our faith communities, because these issues impact all of us. But Tom is right. Ultimately, it is our family and our community that embrace us, build us and shape our world. Chosen,’” notes Tom. “If I wrote my autobiog raphy, I wou ld have to call it, ‘Always looking for Minnesota,’ because family and community shaped my life. That’s where I learned values, where I learned pluralism and where I learned respect for pluralism.” He elaborated, “I’m ver y old-fashioned. I believe that 90 percent of everything is family and parenting. It’s education. It’s community. Ninety percent of what you learn you learn at home. If it has a positive slope to

our time is spent in cyberspace. Today, we turn to cyberspace to find a date, find a spouse, find a house, get a mortgage, f ind a book, write a book, do your brokerage, buy your car, get your clothes, f ind your news and generate news. We’re all connected, but no one is in charge,” he notes. Tom explained that, “For the f irst time in history, humans stand at a juncture in space where one of us could kill all of us and where together we have all the tools that we need to feed, house and educate everyone on

the planet. We stand at a moral intersection where no one has ever stood before.” Tom is not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. He notes, “In my book, Thank You for Being Late, I interviewed the Surgeon General Vic Murthy and I asked him, “What is the most common disease in America? Is it cancer, diabetes or heart disease?’ He said, ‘It’s none of these.’ He said, ‘It’s isolation.’ “I said, ‘Wait a minute. We’re living in the most connected age in history and you’re telling me that depression-related isolation is the most common disease in the country,’ and he said, ‘Absolutely’.” Tom concluded by addressing the importance of community and why he is so optimistic. He said, “The things that are impor tant today are all the things that you cannot download – all the things that you have to upload the old-fashioned way, good parenting to a good child, good pastoring to a good f lock, good teaching to a good student, good bureaucrat to a good citizen. That’s what really matters. That’s why I’m not on social media.” He noted, “In America, we’re a checkerboard of communities that are rising from bottom up and communities that are collapsing from bottom down.

We have both. I have really been on a journey to try to understand why one rises and one falls. “So, I have written a lot about Lancaster, Pennsylvania and how it went from a dying town to one of the ten coolest cities in America according to Forbes magazine. These communities have lots of leaders without authority, who network together and create what I call a complex adaptive coalition. I take this from nature, because that’s what an ecosystem does to survive when it’s confronted by climate change. These communities form partnerships.” “In Lancaster, they meet ever y Fr iday mor ning for breakfast at Art Mann’s house. Art told me, ‘You see that hook by the door. The rule here is that you hang your politics on that hook, because in this room our politics is called ‘what works.’” Big issues can and should be addressed in a civil manner in our faith communities, because these issues impact all of us. But Tom is right. Ultimately, it is our family and our community that embrace us, build us and shape our world. By the Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Rector of Christ Church Greenwich To m ’ s t a l k c a n s o o n be found at: www.

Worship & Events Calendar ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778

Service: Sun 9 & 11am; Wed 7pm - Family Life Night. Spanish: Thur & Sat 7:30pm; Sun 4pm. Sunday School, 10:30-11:15am. Service - Stamford campus, Sun 10am, Palace Theatre, 61 Atlantic St. Every Wed, from Jan. 10-March 28: The Alpha Course, 7-8:30pm. Connie's Circle - Every Sat, 10am-1pm. Saturday Life Groups: Every Saturday through Nov. 23. Sunday Life Groups: Every Sunday through Nov. 24. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988

Sun: Service 11am, School 10am. Wed: Bible Study 7:30pm. Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807

Sun: Prayer in chapel 9:15-9:30am; Bible Study, 9:30am; Worship 11am. Wed: Prayer & Bible Study 7-8:15pm. Every first Sat. of the month: Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast, 8-9:30am. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730

Mass: Mon-Fri 7am, Sat 4 & 5:30pm, Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am Confessions: Sat 3:30 & 5pm. The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine of Siena: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661

Worship: Sat: St. Catherine (Church) 5pm (Vigil) Celebrated with organ and cantor. Sun: St. Catherine (Church) 7:30, 9, 10:30am and 5pm; St. Agnes: 8:30 and 10am. Daily Mass: St. Catherine (Chapel) Mon through Fri: 7am and 5:15pm. Holy Day: St. Catherine (Church) Eve: 5:15pm (Vigil); Day: 7am, 12:10 and 5:15pm. Masses in other Languages: St. Catherine (Chapel)September to June: French Mass 2nd Sun, 11am; Italian Mass, 3rd Sun, 11am; Spanish Mass 4th Sun, 11am. Yearround: Korean Mass Every Sun, 5pm. Reconciliation - Sacrament of Penance: St. Catherine (Sacristy) Sat: 3-4pm or by appt at St. Catherine or St. Agnes. Men's Group: Nov. 9, 9:15-11:15am. Concert in the Church - Andrea Howland, mezzosoprano & Pamela Howland, piano: Nov. 10, 3pm, $20 (17 and under, free). Social Seniors: Songs Across America at the Grand Oak Villa in Oakville: Nov. 12, 203-637-9619. Bereavement Group: every Thursday through Nov. 14, 1:30-3:30 & 7-8:30pm, free, registration required, 203-637-3661 ext. 375 or Support Circle - “Nobody’s Smarter than Everybody" Interactive Workshop: Nov. 14, 6:30-9pm. Thanksgiving Food Drive: donations must be brought to the Faith

Formation Office by Nov. 18, 203-6373661 x330. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393

Mass: Mon-Fri 7am & 12:05pm; Sat 8am; Sun 7, 9, 10:30am, 12:15 and 5:15pm Sat Vigils: 4 and 7:30pm (Spanish). Confession: Sat 2:45-3:45. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon 11am-12pm. Walking With Purpose, Tue 9:30am. Choir Rehearsals, Thu: Children 5:30-6pm, Youth 6-7, Adults 7:309:15. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421

Mass: Mon-Fri: 7:45am, 9am; Sat 9am, Vigil Mass 5pm; Sun: 7, 9, 10:30am, 12, 5pm. Bible Study: Thu 7pm. Tony Coscia Book Discussion: Nov. 14, 9:30-10:15am. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat 4pm; Sun: 9:30 & 11am. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave. | 203-531-8741

Mass: Vigil Sat: 4pm; Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am; Mon to Thurs 9am. Holy Day schedule: Vigil: 5:30pm Holy Day: 9am and 12:15pm. First Friday Mass & Benediction 9am. St. Paul Volunteers in Action, Fri mornings, or 203-531-8741. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat 3-3:45pm or by appointment. St. Paul Bereavement Group: Nov. 14, 5:30-7pm. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176

Mass: Mon, Tue, Frid: 7:30pm; Sat 4pm, Vigil Mass 4pm; Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am - Social Hour (immediately after 9:30 Mass). Confession: Sat 3-3:45pm. Prayer Group (Spanish) Fri 8pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503

Service and Sunday School 10:30am Wed. Service 7:30pm. Childcare. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876

Service: Sundays 10am Holy Communion: first Sun every month. Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091

Service & Church School: Sun 10am (childcare available) followed by Coffee Hour; Summer Meditation Schedule: Thurs, 6:30pm. New Member Sunday: Nov. 10, 10am. Pacific House Meal Preparation and Service: Nov. 11, 4pm. Friday Night Live: Nov. 15, 6-8pm. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church

108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791

Regular Worship and Church School: Sun 10am in Meetinghouse. Caregivers Support Group, 1st Sun 11:15am-12pm. Hats Off Book Discussion Group, Thu 10-11:30am. Veterans’ Day Collection Drive: Nov. 10. Nov. 10: Community Hour & Parenting Discussion Group, 11am-12pm. Confident Parents, Capable Kids - Fall Parent Training for Preschool Parents: Nov. 13, 9:30-11am, free, RSVP, 203-9217493 or North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 www.

Service: Sun 10:30am. Communion first Sunday of month. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311

Family-friendly Evensong Service, Sat 5pm. Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30am. Theatre Games each Wed, 4:15pm. Act II Consignment Shop Pop Up Sale: Nov. 8 & 9, 10am. High School A Cappella: Nov. 15, 5pm. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432

Service: Sun 9am Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600

Sunday Worship - May 18-Sept 15: Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, 8am; Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, 10am; Compline & Commuion, 5pm. Sunday Educational Offerings: Exploration Series, Youth Formation & Church School, 10:10am. Tue: Holy Eucharist, 10am. Faith on Fire: Nov. 8, 7:10-8:30am. Spiritual Inspiration: Discover the Art of Christ Church: Nov. 9, 5-7:30pm, lrinaldi@ Nov. 10: Holy Eucharist and Commemoration of Veterans, 11am; All Souls Requiem, 5pm. Nov. 16: Newcomers Reception, 5-7pm, The Tomes-Higgins House; “The Crown Revisited” concert, 7pm, $25 general seating and $10 students, 203869-5421 or St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526

Sun: Holy Eucharist Rite I 8am, Holy Eucharist Rite II, 10am; Worship, Church School & Nursery 10am. Serve dinner at Pacific House, fourth Tue of the month, 5:30pm. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447

Service: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 8am; Christian Education Formation (Sunday School), 10; Holy Eucharist, 10:15; Coffee Hour, 11:30. ​Public Theology Forum: Nov. 11, 7pm, The Little Pub in Cos Cob. Inspirica Thanksgiving Collection: contributions need to be donated by Nov. 20.

St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262

Sun: Rite I Eucharistic Service, 8am. Rite II Eucharistic Service, 10am. School and childcare offered during 10am service. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059

Shabbat Prayer, Study and Kiddush, Chassidic Philosophy 8:45am, Sat 9:30am; Torah reading and discussions 10:30am; Youth Services 11am. Women’s Torah Study Group, Wed 9:30am. Mommy & Me: Musical Shabbat Tue & Fri, 9:15-10:15am, during summer: 12:30pm. Through Dec. 22: Mommy & Me Fall Session begins (0-24 months), 9:20am, register. Congregation Shir Ami One W. Putnam Ave; 203-274-5376

Shir Ami Religious grades K-6, Tues, 4-6pm, B’nai Mitzvah Classes; Shabbat Services two Fridays a month. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018

Shabbat services, Fri 7pm. Adult Jewish Learning, Sun 10am. Religious school, Sun 9-11:30am. Introduction to Judaism, Tue 7pm. Through Dec. 21: ‘Baby & Me’ program, 11am-12pm. Terrific Tots at the JCC Preschool: Nov. 13, 9:30am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191

Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099

Service: Sun 11am Bible Study: Wed. 6pm. NONDENOMINATIONAL Dingletown Community Church 376 Stanwich Rd.; 203-629-5923

Service & Sunday School: Sundays 10:30am followed by coffee hour. Holy Communion: first Sun of each month. Sunday School 11am. Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center)

Service: Sunday 10am. Childcare and children’s ministry available. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420

Sunday Services: Greenwich location (202 Taconic Rd.), 9 & 10:45am (June 9-Sept 2, 10am only); Stamford location (579 Pacific St.), 6pm. Hymnsing: Nov. 9, 4-5pm, Continue the Conversation Group: Nov. 13, 7-8:30pm, Emmaus Hall. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615

Worship Sun: 11-12:30pm. Wednesdays: Spirit speaks-beginner psychic & mediumship development, 7-9pm, $20 per class. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808

Service: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. Candle Lighting: Fri night. Shabbat Study: Sat 9am. Minyan: Sun 8:30am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue 12pm. Itsy Bitsy Playgroup: Wed 10:30am. Itsy Bitsy Playgroup: Nov. 13, 10:30am, free,

Worship: Sun 10am, Greenwich Hyatt Regency, 1800 E. Putnam Ave. Nov. 15: Kingdom Come, 7-9pm, Trinity Ministry Center. Nov. 16: Men's Breakfast, 8:3010am, Trinity Ministry Center, RSVP,



First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032

Service: Sun 10:30am followed by coffee and fellowship. Wed: education ages 3.5 & up 2:30-5:15pm at St. Paul Lutheran. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466

Service: Sun 9am, Bible Study 10:30. METHODIST

Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395

Worship & Sunday School: 10am. Public Theology Forum: Nov. 11, 7pm, The Little Pub in Cos Cob. First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584

Sunday Svc.: 9:30am; The New Life Korean Methodist congregation is at 10:30am. Sunday School: 11:30am (English/Korean).

First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686

Worship Sun: 10am with childcare, Chapel, 5pm (new); Children’s Mini-Chapel 10:15am. Food for the Table 2nd Thurs 3-5pm; Shelter for the Homeless 2nd Thurs 5:30-7pm. FPCG Academy: The Search for a Cure for AIDS with Dr. Jeffrey Laurence: Nov. 10, 11:15am, free. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr, Suite 280 203-861-7555

Worship Sun: 8:45 & 10:45am at 89 Maple Ave.; childcare provided. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669

Worship Sun: 10am. Bible study: Mon 7:15-9pm. Women’s Bible Study Tue 9:3011:30am. Mothers of Preschoolers 1st/3rd Wed of month 9:15-11:45am. Bibles & Bagels Sat 7:30-8:30am.


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1455 East Putnam Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT (203) 348-7575 • Hall - Cone Room, 2nd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 6 - 7 p.m. 'How to Pay for College' for parents and teens. Cos Cob Library - Community Room, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. Registration is encouraged. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ 6 - 7 p.m. “Setting and Achieving Heart Health Goals.” Greenwich Hospital's Noble Conference Center, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. 6 - 7 p.m. Yoga Takeover. Grades 7th-12th. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Free. Every Tuesday and Thursday. Register. 203-629-5744. info@ 6:30 p.m. League of Women Voters of Greenwich's Harvard Case Discussion: “A Nation Divided : The United States and the Challenge of Secession.” Greenwich High School, Room 900, 10 Hillsdie Rd. Open to all. Free, but space is limited. League. 6:30 p.m. Acacia Lodge No. 85 meeting and dinner - Stated Communication and Fellowcraft Degree. Putnam Cottage - Tavern Room, 243

Congregational Church Lounge, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Free. RSVP. 203-9217493. info@emilytrotman. com.

9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Greenwich Newcomers Club: Coffee Morning. Diane Jones' Home. greenwichnewcomersclub. event-3512508 11 a.m. Curtis Fisher: “Offshore Wind Energy in Connecticut and Beyond." First Presbyterian Church, 1 W. Putnam Ave. Free and open to the community. 11 - 11:30 a.m. Storytime - explorations of historical events and figures through storytelling, songs, and movement. Ages 2-5. Greenwich Historical Society, 47 Strickland Rd. Free. (Every Wednesday). 203-869-6899. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Greenwich Newcomers Club: Recipe Group. Rosemary Sen's House. 12 - 1 p.m. Parkinson’s Body & Mind Support Group. YMCA of Greenwich, 50 E. Putnam Ave. Free. 203-869-1630.

203-253-7632. dunn. 6 - 7:15 p.m. Kindergarten Spotlight - for families that are considering their options for enrollment for the 20202021 school year. Cos Cob School, 300 E. Putnam Ave.

6 - 7:30 p.m. Lecture: “What is Your Neck Pain Telling You?” Greenwich Hospital’s Noble Conference Center, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253.

6:30 p.m. Paint Night. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $40-$55. 203-869-9242. info@ 7 p.m. Author talk: Elaine Sciolino: 'The Seine: The River That Made Paris'. Greenwich Arts Council/Meeting Room, 299 Greenwich Ave. GAC/ AFG members, $35; nonmembers $50. 203-629-1340. 2 - 5 p.m. Old Greenwich Farmer's Market. Living Hope Community Church of Old Greenwich, 38 West End Ave. Rain or shine. (Through Nov. 20). oldgreenwichfarmersmarket. com

4 - 5 p.m. Stroke Education and Support Group: Community services for caregivers. Greenwich Hospital’s Pemberwick Conference Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253.



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3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Tween Hip Hop with Colleen Flynn. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. 203-5310426.

3:45 - 5:15 p.m. Yoga Class - Greenwich Adult Continuing Ed. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Daniels Center, 108 Sound Beach Ave. (Also, 5:15-6:30pm). 203-637-1791.


Our mission is to provide extraordinary service to all clients, making sure they receive the highest level of satisfaction on a consistent basis, while providing you with hair styles and colors that are modern, glamorous, and purely you.

2 p.m. Workshop: WreathDecorating. McArdle's Florist and Garden Center, 48 Arch St. $150. Register. 203-6615600.

8 - 9 a.m. Tai Chi lessons. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Auditorium, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Drop-ins welcome. (Also, Thursday, Nov. 14, 9-10am). 203-6371791.

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Salon Stella is a new and innovated hair salon that caters to each individual’s style. Our team of highly experienced hair stylists and trained specialists, have a passion for creativity and individuality, striving to help you achieve your best self.

1 - 2:15 p.m. Women’s Spousal Support Group - for women who provide care for a chronically ill spouse. Center for Healthy Aging at Greenwich Hospital, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 203-863-4375.


19 Putna m Avenue Por t C hester , NY 10573 914 .939.94 4 3

10 a.m. Paperwhites & Amaryllis Potting. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $10. 203-869-9242. info@

7 - 9 p.m. America's Boating Club of Greenwich: Weather Course begins. Greenwich Police Headquarters, 11 Bruce Pl. $80, members; $180, nonmembers. Register. 203-9981864. GreenwichSquadron@


A Passion That’s Rarely Found

10 a.m. Workshop: Wreath-Making. McArdle's Florist and Garden Center, 48 Arch St. $200. Register. 203-661-5600.

7 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall Meeting Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-622-7894

We’re Dedicated to the Health of Your Smile ...


Meeting Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-622-7702.

6:30 - 8 p.m. Time to Talk: A Conversation Series for English Language Learners. Byram Shubert Library - Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. 203-5310426.


at our new location!

6 - 8 p.m. Mystic Aquarium: First Responder Training. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. Free. Must be 18 or older. info@

E. Putnam Ave. Public is welcome to attend dinner. (2nd and 4th Tue of the month). acacia85@gmail. com

9:30 - 11 a.m. "Confident Parents, Capable Kids" - Fall Parent Training for Preschool Parents. First



Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

4:30 - 8:30 p.m. Val's Putnam Wines & Liquors open their wine cellar for one-night curated sale of wines and spirits. Tengda Asian Bistro, 21 Field Point Rd. 203-869-2299. 6 p.m. Alliance Française of Greenwich: Apéro Amis practice French over a glass of wine. Bistro Versaille, 339 Greenwich Ave. (2nd Wed of the month). All are welcome. Free + cost of beverage.

7 - 8:30 p.m. Greenwich Conservation Commission Environmental Lectures Series: Waste Management – Ecological and Economic Impacts. Town Hall - Meeting Room, 101 Field Point Rd. Free and open to all. 203-622-6461. Conservation@greenwichct. org 7:30 p.m. Greenwich Grind Teen Coffee House - featuring Open Studio time. Arch Street Teen Center, 100 Arch St. Free. Grades 7th-12th. Free. Every Wednesday. 203-629-5744. 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Perinatal Bereavement Support Group - for families who have suffered a perinatal loss through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. Greenwich Hospital, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. 203-8633417. THURSDAY, NOV. 14 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Audit Committee Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Gisborne Room, 1st floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 10 a.m. Greenwich Board of Selectmen Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall -

5:30 p.m. Abilis hosts LEAP Transition Information Session. First United Methodist Church,

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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42 Cross Rd., Stamford. Free. 203-531-1880. 6 - 7 p.m. Lecture: “New Approaches to Chronic Pain Management.” Greenwich Hospital’s Noble Conference Center, 5 Perryridge Rd. Free. Register. 888-305-9253. 6 - 8 p.m. Sip N' Shop with Floral Preservation Demonstration. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. 203-869-9242. info@ 7 - 8 p.m. Parkinson’s Body & Mind Support Group. YMCA of Greenwich, 50 E. Putnam Ave. 203-8691630. 7 - 8 p.m. Family Muisc Night: "The Andrew Sisters: A Salute to the American Soldiers". Byram Shubert Library Community Room, 21 Mead Ave. Free. 203-531-0426. 7 - 8:30 p.m. GRT: Uncovering Censorship and Identity in Art. Flinn Gallery at Greenwich Library, 101 W. Putnam Ave. Free. Register. 203-625-6550.


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Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel


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Real Estate Column

Sleazy Practices, Bad Numbers & Soil Types

By Mark Pruner Over four decades as an attorney, business owner and Realtor, I’ve learned some hard lessons about negotiations a n d w h o you c a n t r u s t i n negotiations. In the Greenwich real estate market, we have over 1000 mem b ers of t he G r e e nw i c h A s s o c i at i on o f Realtors, but there are probably only about 200 that do the very large majority of all the deals each year. We all know each other, or at worst know somebody who knows the other agent’s reputation for honesty and fair negotiating. The Greenwich real estate community’s reputation for fair dealing is self-reinforcing in that the Realtors that are sharp dealers are actually at a disadvantage as other Realtors don’t take what they say at face value. This means that even when they are actually being truthful, the other agent still has her doubts. As a result, deals that could be done if there were more trust between the parties don’t get done. Let’s look at some of the tactics and situations to be aware of when negotiating a deal. The Phantom Second Bidder Buyers tend to make higher of fers and quicker counter offers when they are competing against another buyer. No one likes to get beat out for the house that they want and our surfeit of Type A personalities i n tow n ju st hate “ losi ng ” period. If it’s a hot house in a hot market, multiple offers are to be expected. Unfortunately, the other bidder is not always real, or their level of interest may not be as high as represented. This is when having a good broker can be very helpful, to help determine just how worried a buyer should be about the other buyer. The Off-Market Buyer Some buyers want particular neighborhoods or a particular type of house. In such cases, agents may contact owners whose properties aren’t listed inquiring whether they might want to sell their house. Every year several houses are sold this way. The problem comes when an agent purports to have a buyer for a property as a tactic to get a listing. One easy way around this is to sign a listing agreement with agent, but limit it to that one showing. Simultaneous bidding Buyers sometimes make offers on two or even more houses at once, trying to play one homeowner against another or just to hedge their bets. It’s a risky strategy as one seller or both may decide they don’t want to get involved in such a negotiation and decide to pullout. If the agent reveals that there are simultaneous bid, then

everyone is on a level playing field. Where this is a problem is when there are multiple offers on one house and the simultaneous bidder doesn’t want their of fer tainted by the fact that they are bidding on another house. The simultaneous bidder can win the bidding war on house “A” a nd t hen t u r n a rou nd a nd accept an offer on house “B”. The owner of house “A” can then find that the other bidder for their house has moved on. One way to fight this is to simply have your agent ask by email if the other party is making simultaneous offers. Ver y few agents, w ill want to misrepresent something in writing. FAR In Greenwich we can only use the house square footage from an architect, builder, or most commonly the square footage of the house on the tax card. The problem here is that this square footage may or may not include the basement depend i ng on whet her t he basement is a walkout basement or is underground (and it’s even a little more complicated than that.) Lots of our financial types like to look at cost/square foot to figure out whether the house is fairly priced or not. Our median price per square foot so far this year is $521/s.f. It’s a lousy number to use as it does not take into account; the size of the lot, the presence of wetlands, or whether the basement is included. If you do want to use that number, always ask if the basement and/or “attic” is included in the square feet. Even better go see the house and decide whether what is there works for you. Houses with identical square footages can feel spacious or cramped depending oh how they are laid out.

Wetlands and Maps We t l a n d s s e r ve a v it a l pu r p os e i n pr ote c t i ng ou r natural resources and controlling flooding. State law mandates their protection and we have a town agency with a hardworking staff and welleducated board members to he a r m at te r s i nvolv i n g wetlands. We also have a town GIS department that puts out ver y usef u l maps show i ng where wetlands are located. Wetlands however are defined by soil types which can only be determined by a licensed professional. As a result, the wetlands shown on the Town GIS maps don’t always coincide with what a soil scientist would map out. The presence of wetlands can greatly affect what you can do on a property. Also, the wetlands don’t have to be on your property to affect what you can do there. The presence of wetlands can greatly affect the value of a property. The presence of wetlands on the property of in the area can prevent or cause modifications in what someone can do with a property. As a result the FMV will be different depending on where and how extensive the wetlands are. B o t h we t l a n d s a n d t h e allowed above ground square footage (FAR) change the value of a property and some agents may not make this info readily available so if you are thinking of buying a property that might be affected by wetlands or if you want to expand a house that is already near it’s FAR limit, you want to do your own homework on this matter. The people at the at the Tax Assessor’s office and the IWWA can be very helpful. Mark Pruner is a real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway and member of it’s President Circle. He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or by email at


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres


1465 Putnam Avenue 119 33 Halsey Drive 14 Ferris Drive 224 Lyon Farm Drive 224 11 Blind Brook Lane 15 Spring Street 2 Glen Court 350 Riversville Road 59 Park Avenue 1016 Lake Avenue 7 Nawthorne Road 553 North Street 22 Hurlingham Drive

$439,000 $750,000 $1,200,000 $1,399,000 $1,595,000 $2,195,000 $2,195,000 $2,295,000 $2,475,000 $4,750,000 $3,550,000 $3,195,000 $12,475,000

$439,000 $675,000 $800,000 $1,099,000 $1,595,000 $1,995,000 $2,195,000 $2,150,000 $2,275,000 $2,895,000 $2,995,000 $2,995,000 $8,700,000

$420,000 $675,000 $780,000 $1,000,000 $1,375,000 $1,800,000 $2,075,000 $2,075,000 $2,100,000 $2,205,000 $2,812,500 $2,895,000 $8,625,000

912 1,655 1,966 2,016 3,029 3,027 3,400 6,600 3,530 2,245 3,488 5,400 12,377

75 95 100 196 155 94 64 144 191 1,104 185 103 768

1 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 7

1 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 5 9

0 0.17 0.2 0 1.99 0.24 0.3 1.7 0.21 9.8 0.57 2.01 14.48


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

List Price



4 Putnam Hill 4F 54 Putnam Park 54 147 Putnam Park 147 1 Putnam Hill 3G 55 Mary Lane 113 Pilgrim Drive 333 Palmer Hill Road 3C 27 Glen Ridge Road 87 Lockwood Road 4 Chestnut Street 19 Old Stone Bridge Road 30 Annjim Drive 25 Halsey Drive 2 Buckingham Lane 12 Wildwood Drive 60 Lockwood Lane 6 Stanwich Lane 11 Anthony Place 28 Hassake Road 11 Partridge Hill Lane 82 Glenville Road 5 Crossway 6 Loch Lane 881 Lake Avenue

$279,500 $345,000 $649,000 $669,000 $699,000 $715,000 $879,000 $950,000 $1,245,000 $1,249,995 $1,275,000 $1,299,000 $1,349,000 $1,475,000 $1,485,000 $1,565,000 $1,895,000 $1,995,000 $2,150,000 $2,495,000 $2,650,000 $4,695,000 $4,995,000 $8,950,000

$284 $196


$423 $433 $320 $367 $558 $750 $404 $431 $514 $448 $458 $482 $454 $637 $499 $443 $483 $530 $1,275 $426 $559

1,580 1,614 2,236 2,396 1,704 1,661 3,093 2,956 2,525 3,009 3,219 3,084 3,448 2,973 4,000 4,851 5,163 4,999 3,683 11,723 16,000





0.17 0.26 0 1.08 0.26 0.36 1.12 0.36 0.2 1.07 0.33 0.28 0.42 0.15 0.18 6.43 1.25 0.31 2.18 5.5

1 1 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 6 6

1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 7 5

South of Post Road South of Post Road South of Post Road South of Post Road Riverside Glenville Riverside Glenville Riverside Cos Cob Cos Cob South Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway South of Post Road Riverside South Parkway Riverside Old Greenwich North Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway North Parkway

Day/Time Sun 12-2 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sat 3-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-5 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1:30-3:30 PM Sun 12-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sat 2-4 PM

Broker William Raveis William Raveis Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis Executive Real Estate William Raveis Coldwell Banker Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis Kinard Realty Group William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis William Raveis William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis William Raveis William Raveis Compass Connecticut Coldwell Banker Charles Paternina Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis


Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092

Address 27 Elskip Lane 257 Bruce Park Avenue #B 55 Putnam Park #55 351 Pemberwick Road #603 7 Upland Street East 11 River Road #108 115 River Road #7 51 Forest Avenue #36 87 Lockwood Road 2 Farley Street 63 Wildwood Drive 30 Annjim Drive 4 Shelter Drive 25 Halsey Drive 1 Mansion Place 40 Crescent Road 12 Wildwood Drive 1 Lia Fail Way 14 Rockview Drive 31 Guinea Road 37 Meyer Place 72 Havemeyer Place #A 60 Lockwood Lane 27 Elskip Lane 257 Bruce Park Avenue #A 257 Bruce Park Avenue #B 10 Northwind Drive 255 Bruce Park Avenue #D 8 Tinker Lane 77 Indian Harbor Drive #A 3 Bote Road 191 Palmer Hill Road 1361 King Street 255 Bruce Park Avenue #C 6 Meadow Drive 480 Cognewaugh Road 15 Mountain Laurel Drive 378 Taconic Road 1 Widgeon Way 34 Annjim Drive 12 Long View Avenue 62 Sherwood Avenue 29 Glen Avon Drive 27 Evergreen Road 27 Evergreen Road 255-257 Bruce Park Avenue

Area Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Cos Cob Old Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Old Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Cos Cob Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Stamford Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Old Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich

Price $6,800 $11,000 $349,500 $679,000 $699,000 $725,000 $850,000 $1,100,000 $1,245,000 $1,245,000 $1,295,000 $1,299,000 $1,345,000 $1,349,000 $1,395,000 $1,397,000 $1,485,000 $1,495,000 $1,495,000 $1,495,000 $1,495,000 $1,500,000 $1,565,000 $1,575,000 $1,595,000 $1,595,000 $1,695,000 $1,795,000 $1,850,000 $1,880,000 $1,895,000 $1,895,000 $1,925,000 $1,965,000 $2,550,000 $2,750,000 $2,950,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $3,395,000 $3,799,000 $4,495,000 $4,995,000 $5,150,000 $5,150,000 $6,900,000


Swim/Dive Takes Silver at FCIAC By Paul R. Silverfarb In a Fairf ield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference championship meet that saw nearly every event go down to the wire, the Greenwich High School girls’ swimming and diving team ended the Tuesday night meet second overall. “We were really excited for this meet,” said junior Samantha Ennis. “We knew that our team was going to do the best that it could, and that’s all that we could expect. Everybody gave it their all, so I am happy with how this worked out. We had some insane swims tonight, and I thought everybody performed out of their minds.” Big Red took home 303 points during the FCIAC championships. For the first time since 2014, it was Darien Hig h School that grabbed the FCIAC title, posting 335 points. Staples High was third on the night with 288 points, while New Canaan High School took home fourth overall with 241 points. Rounding out the top five was Wilton High School with 229 points. “It was a ver y competitive me et ,” s a id GH S he ad co ach Lorrie Hokayem. “It was fun to have three or four teams in the mix. Hats off to Darien, as they swam a fantastic trials and came back today and just took over the meet. They deserved it, but I was also really happy with the way that we swam today and dove yesterday. There were a lot of competitive races and a lot of our swimmers got some best times. I couldn’t be prouder of our performance.” When it came to individual events, Meghan Lynch and Reggie Frias led the way for Big Red. Ly n c h f i n i s h e d to p i n t h e 100-meter breaststroke, posting a blistering time of 1:04.39, just under two seconds faster than second place f inisher Ellen Holmquist from Wilton. Not to be outdone was Frias on t he d iv i ng b oa rd. D u r i ng Monday night’s FCIAC diving championships, held at Westhill High School, Frias stole the show. After finishing second to recent

Greenwich High School standout junior Meghan Lynch takes to the pool during the 200-yard individual medley at this year's FCIAC championship meet. (John Ferris Robben photo)

The Greenwich High School girls’ swimming and diving team competes during Tuesday night’s FCIAC championship meet, which was held at the GHS pool. (John Ferris Robben photo) GHS alum Maddie Muldoon during last year’s event, Frias came out on top this time. Her score of 474 gave her the title of FCIAC champion. In the 200-meter individual medley, Ly nch and Trumbull H ig h S cho ol’s L au ren Wa lsh battled neck-in-neck throughout the event. However, it was Walsh who touched the wall mere inches quicker, posting a time of 2:02.21 compa red to Ly nch’s ti me of 2:02.43. Fellow junior Samantha Ennis also had a stellar show ing at FCIACs, as she netted two top10 f inishes. Competing in the 100-meter back stroke, En nis

took the lead from Darien’s Olivia Golden and took home a time of 57.93 seconds. That was good enough for fourth place overall, as Golden finished with a time of 58.01. “I felt really good out there tonight,” Ennis said. “They were hard races and they were very competitive, but I felt good. I was well prepared for this meet and so was the team.” In addition, Ennis g rabbed sixth overall in the 200-meter individual medley, grabbing a time of 2:14.51 and again besting a Darien opponent, as Emma Mansourian f inished seventh with a time of 2:14.80.

When it came to top-5 finishes, Greenwich freshman Victoria Liu did that twice. In the 200-meter freestyle Liu grabbed a time of 1:55.74 and that was good enough for fifth place on the day. She just missed out on fourth place, but Staples’ Jessica Qi took home a time of 1:55.49. However, in the 500-meter freestyle, the longest event of the night, Liu was able to grab that fourth spot. Her time of 5:09.94 was actually just short of the bronze medal, as New Canaan’s Maddie Haley finished with a time of 5:09.92. Compet i ng i n t he q u ickest events in the championship meet,

the 50- and 100-meter freestyle, senior Jenna Handali was lights out. She ended the night f ifth overall in the 100-meter event, taking a time of 54.07. Handali’s time of 25.20 placed her 12th overall in the 50-meter freestyle. Greenw ich’s Cater i na L i, a sophomore, picked up a pair of top-10 finishes during the FCIAC finals. Competing in the 100-meter butterfly, Li won the consolation heat and took ninth overall with a time of 59.06. She also took to the water in the 100-meter breaststroke and finished ninth overall and first yet again in the consolation final by touching the wall with a time of 1:08.05. Rounding out the top performances for GHS during the FCIAC swimming finals was Julia Lucey. The sophomore joined Lunch and Ennis in the 200-meter individual medley and finished top 15, as her time of 2:16.55 was good enough for 12th overall. Joining Li and competing in the breaststroke was teammate June Akpata, as the senior ended the night 12th overall with a time of 1:11:77. “We had some best times up and down the roster,” Hokayem said. “There were a lot of p e ople t hat had s e a s on b e st performances. I can’t be anything but proud of this group. They rose to the occasion and they are now

ready to go. I’m excited to see what they can do during the LL meet.” T he Ca r d s a l s o fa r e d wel l during the relay events. Du r ing the f irst event of the championships, the 200-meter medley relay, the foursome of Ennis, Lynch, Liu and Li picked up the silver medal, posting a time of 1:47.25. They were also a few feet away from Trumbull, as they won the event with a time of 1:46.86. B at t l i n g i n t h e 4 0 0 -m e te r freestyle relay, the team of Lynch, Li, Handali and Ennis posted a second-place time of 3:34.12. While Frias took home gold during the FCIAC diving finals, severa l other GHS ath letes stepped up for some key performances. Not to be outdone was fellow senior Saylor Kirsch, as her score of 401.10 placed her sixth overall. Rounding out the top-15 performers for GHS during the div ing f inals was Jav iera Garcia, as her total of 377.20 gave her 12th overall. Greenw ich w ill have a few seconds to regroup and prepare for the competition throughout the state. On Nov. 16, GHS will travel to East Hartford for CIAC class LL time trials. The championships w i l l t a ke p l a c e at We sl e y a n University on Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. But, the divers take the stage first, as they compete in the CIAC class LL diving championships, on Nov. 13, at Middletown High School, starting at 5:30 p.m. “We’re ready for competitive meets at those as well,” Hokayem said. “Cheshire is a fantastic team, so we are look ing for ward to another competitive meet like this one. The CIAC State Open diving finals will kick off on Nov. 21, at 5:30 p.m., at Middletown High, while the swimming finals will take place on Sunday, Nov. 24, at the Yale University pool, starting at 2 p.m. “I definitely think that we got the energ y,” Ennis said. “The fact that we didn’t get it this time makes us want it more for next time. I think we will be alright.”

USWNT Star Rapinoe Dazzles at Sacred Heart

By Paul R. Silverfarb

For the nearly 500 g irls in the Greenw ich a rea who a re passionate about soccer, Saturday was a very special day. United States Women’s National Team standout Megan Rapinoe, who took home the gold during this past summer’s FIFA World Cup tournament, took her clinic to the turf at Sacred Hear t G r e e nw ich , i n spi r i n g you n g athletes and teaching them about soccer, determination and life. “It’s an incredible honor to have such an amazing athlete and role model visit our school,” said Taylor O’Meara, one of the two captains of the Sacred Heart Greenwich soccer team. “Amelia [Sheehan] and I have both been fans of the USWNT and of Megan Rapinoe for as long as we can remember, so when our coach told us she would be on Sacred Heart’s campus, we found it really hard to believe him until I got to see Megan with my own eyes.” “We were just so incredibly excited for her to come,” added O’Meara. “I think that the Rapinoe Soccer Clinic was really well done; Amelia and I got to help out the staff and watch all the young players really enjoy themselves while developing their skills.” And Rapinoe was all in for the clinic, as she was highly involved

Megan Rapinoe, who recently won the World Cup with the U.S. Women’s National Team, works with young soccer stars during her clinic that was held at Sacred Heart Greenwich. (John Ferris Robben photo) in teaching several aspects of the sport. In addition, she took questions from young athletes and was very relatable to all in attendance. “ T he k id s had s ome g r e at questions for her,” said Sacred Heart Greenwich varsity soccer coach Stuart Smith. “They learned as much just from speaking to her as she they did watch her perform skills. One of the girls asked if she felt pressure when she went and took penalty kicks and it was interesting to hear her say no. She said that stepping into the game is far more pressure for her. Megan said that she sees a penalty kick as an opportunity to win a game for

her team and that it’s less pressure because it’s an unopposed kick. “Kids see that moment as a nerve-racking experience, where she views it the other way,” Smith added. “It was great for the kids to ask her questions like that or other ones that they always wanted to. She also spoke about growing up and that she wasn’t always the strongest person on the team.” Sacred Heart Greenwich athletic d i rector El i za b et h Den n ison said that it’s always great when people get the chance to meet elite athletes in person because it becomes obvious that they are just another person, just like everybody else.

“The kids that see these types of athletes see all the time, energy, and effort that they work on their craft and work on their skills that has gotten them to where they are today,” Dennison said. “I think her being there and them seeing that she’s just another person that started off like many of them did, not knowing how to play and then playing for their school and club teams, was great. To hear that and then to see how it’s paid off is a special thing for the students to realize. Whatever their goals and pursuits are, if they work hard and continue to put in the time and energy required to do well, they can achieve anything.”

Smith said that it was hard for the members of the Sacred Heart Greenwich soccer team not to have smiles on their faces throughout the clinic. “It’s a lot of fun and it’s great for our kids and younger kids to interact with her,” Smith said. “It’s great to see how the varsity players are all inspired by her. I have had players that have been on the team for four years and they have been following her ever since they were a freshman, and it’s great to see that they are still just as inspired now as they were when they were younger. She inspires them on the field by the way she plays the game and inspires them by all her achievements on and off the field.” And, it’s hard for Smith to not be excited to have Rapinoe chat with his varsity soccer team. Afterall, Rapinoe picked up a World Cup gold medal this past summer, as well as the Golden Boot Award, given by FIFA to the World Cup’s top scorer, and the Golden Ball Award, given by FIFA to the World Cup’s best performer. She was also named the FIFA World Player of the Year “She’s achieved every thing that she possibly could have as a player on the field,” Smith said. “It’s an inspiration to our players and to our soccer program. Seeing a female athlete that can have so much influence off the field as well

is inspiring.” The soccer team at Sacred Heart is having quite the season. The team became the Fairchester Athletic Association’s regular season champions and is competing in the FAA postseason as of press time. “It’s exciting to see someone like Megan in person and our varsity soccer team was certainly excited,” Dennison said. “It’s been a long season, so to have that little bit of boost, excitement, energy and momentum heading into the postseason will be helpful for them. To know that there are people out there that believe in them is a big deal.” For Dennison, one of the perks with Sacred Heart Greenwich is its top-level athletic facilities that can attract people to utilize it as a part of their clinic. That was the case with Rapinoe. “It’s great that this school can host these really great clinics and athletes who are excelling in their sport that want to come to Sacred Heart to run their clinics and be a part of our community,” said Dennison. “We had people from all over the area come to this clinic. Having Megan be here and having our students and other students from around the area work with her and practice their skills is amazing.”


Below are results from the previous few games for athletic teams from Greenwich High, Brunswick, Sacred Heart and Greenwich Academy. The home team is on the right and the team that was victorious is highlighted in bold:

FOOTBALL Greenwich High 49 vs. Trinity / Wright Tech 8 Trinity Pawling 7 vs. Brunswick School 20 GIRLS' SOCCER Rye Country Day 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 6 Millbrook School 2 vs. Sacred Heart 6 BOYS' SOCCER Brunswick School 5 vs. Millbrook School 2

Wilton High 3 vs. Greenwich High 2

GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL Greenwich High 3 vs. Fairfield Ludlowe 2 Fairfield Warde 3 vs. Greenwich High 1 Greenwich Academy 3 vs. Kent School 2 Choate Rosemary Hall 3 vs. Greenwich Academy 1 St. Luke's School 0 vs. Sacred Heart 3 Sacred Heart 1 vs. St. Luke's School 3 Hotchkiss School 3 vs. Sacred Heart 1 FIELD HOCKEY Deerfield Academy 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 3 Oak Knoll 3 vs. Greenwich Academy 0 Greenwich High 0 vs. Ridgefield High 4

Greenwich High 0 vs. Staples High 2 Choate Rosemary Hall 0 vs. Sacred Heart 8

CROSS-COUNTRY GHS Girls': 10th place at CIAC State Open finals GIRLS' SWIMMING Greenwich High: 2nd place at FCIAC Championship Meet (303 points) WATER POLO Hopkins School 5 vs. Brunswick School 16 Hotchkiss School 4 vs. Brunswick School 16 Suffield Academy 11 vs. Brunswick School 19 Choate Rosemary Hall 0 vs. Brunswick School 18

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel





Dr. Rikin Patel Unfortunately, from the age of thirty my bones, like yours have begun the gradual descent to fragility. Often called the silent killer, osteoporosis, “loss of bone density�, is not something that only effects post-menopausal women — yet is a disease that troubles each and every one of us in the form of function. How we move, how we perform and the quality of our everyday living. 10 million Americans currently have osteoporosis and another 44 million are at increased risk of developing it. Worldwide 1 in 3 women over age of 50 will experience




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Be Good To The Bone

osteoporotic compression fractures as will 1 in 5 men over 50. Our skeletal system is the frame on which we move. Like the chassis of a car it supports us throughout our ride called life. My 2006 Honda Odyssey hit 150k miles recently and the engine still hums, but the frame rattles like the roof is about to fly off. In our own lives the importance of maintaining our chassis was never as important as it is today. In the 1960’s life expectancy was around 70. By 2000 it became 75. And today, its 85+. The trouble that I have seen in my 10 years of practicing orthopedics and spine care is that your engine will go but the chassis will begin to say no. That leads to pain, debility and a compromised quality of life. So what can we do about it? We can now prepare our bodies for ag i ng. We c a n ac t ua l ly strengthen the skeletal frame, so that no matter how long we

live we can do so with greater vitality, strength and balance. Science has shown that to strength our skeletal system (bones), we must be able to

pain, functional impairment and disability. Several medications exist in the market that can improve and/or preserve bone density.

We can now prepare our bodies for aging. We can actually strengthen the skeletal frame, so that no matter how long we live we can do so with greater vitality, strength and balance.

load our bones in order for it to grow (strengthening). That can be done many different ways: jumping and running are common ways that we can impact bones, a concept known as osteogenic loading. The issue? Those repetitive activities can be detrimental to the longevity of our joints and may lead to

These medications are often considered the gold standard to treating osteoporosis. However, aside from cost, many of them come with undesirable side effects or risks which many would prefer to avoid. Those of us taking calcium and vitamin D supplements may think we are preventing bone loss. However,

we are only given our body the building blocks for bone health without a stimulus that will actually use those key nutrients to build bone. Bone density generation requires intense loading. A newly developed robotic musculoskeletal development s y s t e m h a s a l l owe d u s t o emulate the force required to stimulate osteogenesis (bone growth) without the risk of injury, with minimal effort and ma x imu m outcome. A tr ue biohack, the Spectrum system is available at Osteostrong locations and consists of a series of machines that only require a total of 60 seconds of effort, 1x/week to improve your bone strength and balance. A force of 4.2 multiples of body weight is the minimum required force to trigger bone growth in the hip joint (the most important place to avoid fracture) and p e a k force s w it h adu lts i n conventional resistance exercise only show 1.26 to 1.54 multiples of body weight. Spectrum allows

4/2/19 9:38 AM

you to experience the required force while minimizing your risk for injury. In 2015, In the Journal of Osteoporosis & Physical Activity, Jaquish et al. demonstrated a 14.9% average increase in bone density in post-menopausal women af ter 6 months of osteogen ic load i ng usi ng a robotic muscular developmental system. The benefits of osteogenic loading goes beyond building strong bones. Improvements can be seen in balance, posture, strength and athletic performance for any age group, as long as you’re 4’11". Furthermore, while it maybe a little premature to proclaim, in my opinion, this may turn out to be the key to a future of painfree living. Dr. Rikin Patel is board certified in both PM&R with subspecialty board certification in both Sports Me d i c i n e a n d Pa i n Me d i c i n e . S p e c i a l i z e d i n No n- o p e r a t i v e Orthopedic and Spine Care.

Wisdom And Wellness Cancer Symposium By Liz Leamy The last Sunday in October was a gray and rainy day, yet the sun still seemed to shine inside at the Greenwich Senior Center on Greenwich Avenue where a dynamic group of more than 65 individuals comprised of cancer survivors and prominent doctors and professionals specializing gathered together to collectively share their experience, knowledge, strength and hope with important and helpful information, insights and suggestions regarding this formidable ailment. This standing-room only event, titled the Wisdom and Wellness Integrative Cancer Symposium, kicked off at 8am and concluded at 5pm, and was a runaway hit in all regards, as those individuals in attendance could be seen chatting, learning and embracing all of the information, shared experiences and wonderful energy provided throughout the day. The vibrant and lively contingent of people on hand, who had traveled from all over the East Coast and from as far away as Germany to be part of this event, certainly seemed to create a mood among this environment that was positive, uplifting and optimistic as they enthusiastically took part in the seminars, speaker forums and sound healing sessions complete with tuning forks, chimes and bells, among other things. This inaugural Symposium was created, coordinated and put

on by Julia Chiapetta, a well-known force in the community who had faced and overcome breast cancer nearly two decades ago, along with Kathryn Dougherty, Symposium Director and various other individuals dedicated to educating, enlightening and inspiring people in regard to preventing, understanding, handling and work ing through the issue of cancer. “I’m so grateful to be here and part of this amazing conference,� said Chiapetta, who grew up in Greenwich. “It’s incredible to be here with all of these amazing people and to be healthy and happy.� Speakers at this event included Michael Diamond MS DC, founder of Diamond Integrative Health i n Patchog ue , New York ; D r. Michael Finkelstein MD, founder of Sun Raven, a wellness center in Bedford, New York and Dr. Henning Saupe MD PhD, who i s ba s e d out of t he A r c ad iaPraxisklinik Clinic, a health care and cancer treatment center in Bad Emstal, Germany that utilizes integ rative medicine in their practice. All of these speakers talked about the variety of dif ferent aspects, effects and solutions to help prevent, understand, face and deal with cancer so that one can effectively render an optimal result. Ann Fonfa of Delray Beach, Florida, a survivor and thriver who is the President of the Annie

Appleseed Project, a provider of information, education and advocacy for individuals dealing with cancer (and also a source of fering natural strateg ies to

importance of maintaining a sense of coolness and calmness as much as we can in life’s daily journey.) “Our nervous system pretty much controls everything,� said

“Look at that, the sun has come out,� said an attendee as she was leaving the building. “I definitely think this means something.� reduce cancer risk to others) also gave an interesting talk. She said the three primary things to help one operate at optimal health mode are to eat an ‘extra’ piece of organic fruit and vegetable each day, do something physically active to be mindful of one’s breathing by taking in seven deep breaths several times daily. According to other experts at this symposium, one of the key factors in wellness related to the issue of cancer is to understand, honor a nd b e m i nd f u l of t he importance of the nervous system, as its state and f unctionality affects the body, mind and spirit in a powerful and profound way. (“You cannot heal when you’re in a f ight or f light mode,� said one of the attendees, citing the

Jo h n M a l a n c a , w h o g ave a n informative seminar via a Zoom video connection. “The goal is to bring the body to [a homeostatic (centered and calm) state.� Another highlight was the t h r e e -mem b er p at ient p a nel discussion featuring three extraordinary survivor/thrivers, Julia Chiapetta of Greenwich, Ann Fonfa and Elisa Gorman, who all courageously and generously shared their journey and experience in regard to having dealt with the issue of cancer. “My whole life totally changed and I essentially became the CEO of my own body,� said Chiapetta. “I prayed and God answered me in amazing ways. Prayer became my foundation and my focus.� D r. Hen n i ng S aup e ,

meanwhile, who specializes in integ rative a nd natu ropath ic cancer treatments and had traveled from Kassel, a German city located between Frankfurt and Hanover in order to be at this event, shared a treasure trove of information in his standing roomonly seminar. During his discussion, Saute spoke about how stress, pollution, toxins and lifestyle are some of the main causes of cancer and that the process of sharing information and reaching out in an event such as this one represents a vital way to help individuals prevent and navigate through this issue effectively and optimally. “Ninety-f ive percent of the causes of cancer are from the outside not inside (of the body),� said Saupe. “We have to find ways to deblock our immune system. The complexity of the immune system is the problem [due to] too much inflammation and toxicity.� Describing cancer as a metabolic disease, Saupe a d d r e s s e d t h e p owe r o f t h e connection between our psyche and body and said there “is no difference between our feelings and our immune system.� Saupe also spoke about the importance of getting the proper amount of sleep, drinking lots of water, getting out and ‘sweating’ through some form of exercise and breathing and getting ample oxygen into one’s system everyday. In addition, Saupe said it is important for individuals to utilize

B t G ĘŚ d by

a low-carbohydrate diet with lots of vegetables, fruit, fish and other anti-inflammatory ingredients and foods in their daily diet and also use Epsom salts in the bath and shower to help the immune system function at an optimal rate. “This is a pro health, not anticancer [way of living],� said Saupe. “There’s a holistic grid and all of the factors interact.� Fittingly, at the end of the day, this symposium wrapped up with a peaceful and tranquil sound healing session lead by Christopher Cherney, a musician, composer and award-winning pia no te acher f r om t he New York metropolitan area and his colleagues, Sara Galassini and Eileen Moran that was excellent. Somehow, by the end of this memorable symposium, the rain had subsided and the sun started to peek out from the clouds. “Look at that, the sun has come out,� said an attendee as she was leaving the building. “I definitely think this means something.� Indeed, truer words could not have been spoken. In order to get in touch with some of the above individuals, please contact them at: -K at h r y n D ohe r t y/ w w w. integrativewisdomandwellness. com -Ann Fonfa / 561-749-0084 / -Dr. Henning Saupe / +49 5624 92379 18 / -Christopher Cherney/ chris@

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel



7 - 9 p.m. YMCA of Greenwich 2019 Dodgeball Tournament. YMCA of Greenwich, 50 E. Putnam Ave. $50 per person, $500 per team. Ages 21 & up. 203-869-1630, ext. 112.

9 - 11 a.m. CPR Friends and Family (Infant/Child). Greenwich Hospital’s Medical Education Room, 5 Perryridge Rd. $65. Register. 888-305-9253.

2 p.m. Family Storytelling Concert featuring Tim Lowry. Perrot Memorial Library, 90 Sound Beach Ave. Free. Ages 5 & up. Seating will be on a firstcome, first-served basis. 203637-1066.

FRIDAY, NOV. 15 10 a.m. Qigong with Donna Bunte. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $10$20. 203-869-9242. info@ 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Newcomers Club: Walking Group. Montgomery Pinetum, 130 Bible St. Dogs are welcome. greenwichnewcomersclub. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. & 6 - 8 p.m. Professional Headshots. Greenwich Library - The Jewel, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. Register. Walk-ins are welcome, time permitting. 203-625-6533. mmartin@ 2 - 3:30 p.m. Budgeting with Excel. Greenwich Library - Meeting Room, 101 West Putnam Ave. Free. Register. 203625-6580. trainingcenter@ 6:30 p.m. Chicken Parm Family Night Dinner. St. Lawrence Society Club (SLS), 86 Valley Rd. Adults, $23; SLS members, $20; kids, $10. 203-618-9036. 7 p.m. "Story Barn: Finding Home" - biannual event, cabaret setting. Greenwich Historical Society, 47 Strickland Rd. $15, members; $20, non members. 203-869-6899. cpandolfino@ 7 - 9:30 p.m. Friday Night Roller Skating. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. $12 (includes skate rentals). All ages. 203-322-4447. greenwichrollerskating@ greenwichrollerskating.webs. com 8 p.m. Live Music Night: Tor & The Newcomers. The Pub in the Club at St Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. No cover. 203-618-9036. cappy@

10 a.m. Cornucopia Workshop. Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible St. $25$40. 203-869-9242. info@ 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Researching Italian-American Families: All Roads Do Not Lead to Rome. Cos Cob Library - Community Room, 5 Sinawoy Rd. Free. 203-6226883. 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Intro to Backyard Bird Feeding & Project FeederWatch. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. $5, members; $8, non-members. RSVP. 914-417-5234. rmaclean@ greenwich. 7 p.m. “The Crown Revisited” concert inspired by British royalty. Christ Church Greenwich, 254 E. Putnam Ave. $25, general seating; $10, students. 203-869-5421. stmichaelsttim@optonline. net. 7 p.m. Operation Smile Greenwich - cocktails, buffet & silent auction. Belle Haven Club, 100 Harbor Dr. 757-6441991. alexandra.bitonti@ SUNDAY, NOV. 17 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Mindful Self-Compassion Workshop with Karen Pacent. The First Congregational Church of Greenwich - Rick’s Room, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Free. 203-637-1791. fccogcalendar 1 - 2:30 p.m. Bruce Explorers: Thanksgiving Food Science Lab (ages 7 to 16). Bruce Museum, 1 Museum Dr. $45, members; $55, nonmembers. 203-869-0376. 1 - 3 p.m. 'Invertebrates: No Backbone, No Problem!'. Innis Arden Cottage, Greenwich Point. Live Animal Presentations: 1:15, 1:45 & 2:15pm. Free. info@

3:30 p.m. Astronomical Society of Greenwich: “How do we find planets around other stars?”. Audubon Greenwich, 613 Riversville Rd. Open to the public. GreenwichStars@ astrogreenwich. org AA MEETINGS Monday

'Tis the Season

yet 1 in 4 don't feel merry, cheery, jolly or joyful.

6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting - "Greenwich Morning Men's Group." Greenwich Baptist Church, 10 Indian Rock Ln. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-869-2807. ct-aa. org/meetings Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting - "Greenwich Morning Men's Group." Greenwich Baptist Church, 10 Indian Rock Ln. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-869-2807 12 - 1 p.m. AA Meeting - "Getting It Together Group." Christ Church - Parish House Loft, 254 E. Putnam Ave. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-869-6600 7 - 8 p.m. AA Meeting - "12 & 12 Group." Christ Church Parish House Loft, 254 E. Putnam Ave. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-869-6600

Offering clinically excellent counseling in a discreet and caring environment grounded in faith. Individual, Couple and Family Counseling Grief Support Addiction Recovery Support Groups Children's Play Therapy

Friday 12 p.m. AA Meeting - "AA Friday." Diamond Hill United Methodist Church, 521 East Putnam Ave. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-869-2395 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. AA Meeting - "Greenwich Friday Night Group." Christ Church - Parish House Loft, 254 E. Putnam Ave. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-869-6600 Sunday



Home is a Feeling

Excellence in Dementia Care

1 - 2 p.m. AA Meeting - "Brunch Bunch Group." Greenwich Hospital - Behind Cafeteria, 5 Perryridge Rd. This meeting is open and anyone may attend. 203-863-3000


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