May 15, 2020

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May 15, 2020

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B ack Cou nt r y | B a n k sv ille | B elle Haven | By ra m| Ch icka hom iny | Cos Cob | Glenv ille | Old Gr e enw ich | Pem b er w ick | R iverside | B e d for d, N Y The First Bank of Greenwich has sponsored the paper this week which is why you are getting an extra copy. If you haven't already, please subscribe!

YOUR NEWS BRIEF Greenwich Hospital a n nou nced on Wed. that COV ID-19 patients in the hospital continue to decline, and were down to 40. They had treated and sent home over 2 326 patients si nce March 14.

Reopening Plans Last week, Gov. Ned Lamont released rules that eligible businesses fa lling u nder phase 1 of Con ne c t ic ut ’s reopening plans must follow during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Phase 1, which is slated to begin on May 20, focuses on the limited reopening of hair salons and barbershops, museums and zoos (outdoor only), off ices, restaurants (outdoor only), and retail and malls. (full story on page 7)

RTM Resolution Criticizing Camillo Fails A Sense of the Meeting Resolution criticizing First Selectman Fred Camillo and the Board of Estimate and Taxation for actions taken during the coronav irus pandemic failed on Monday night. (full story on page 7)

New Witherell Director Larry Simon, Chairman of the Board of The Nathaniel Witherell, announced John Mastronardi has been named the new Executive Director. (full story on website)

Merritt Honored

How a Community Bank Changed Everything By Richard Kaufman As the coronavirus has s we p t a c r o s s t h e g l o b e a n d the United States over the past two months, countless towns and neighborhoods have found themselves in unchar tered territory. Daily life has seemingly come to a halt and social distancing has become the new normal. For sma ll businesses, the backbone of the economy and countless communities in the country, times have been very scary. In times of crisis, community strength can make all the difference, and the First Bank of Greenwich (FBOG) has played a big role in helping those businesses stay afloat. For t he past eig ht week s, the bank's entire staff has been working diligently and endlessly on delivering Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to many qualified small businesses

Fif ty-two percent of beneficiaries were customers of the bank, and 48 percent were non-customers. "Besides working with all our customers, we got to work with many non-customers who were lost in the shuff le with their big four banks. Bigger is not always better," Gaudio added. Bank staff stayed ahead of the curve and participated in daily SBA Program webinars to stay upto-date on the changing situation, and entered each application manually to ensure everything got approved in both rounds of the program. "We did it the old fashioned way, worked hard and got all of our applications in one by one. Some of them took hours to get in. The staff worked through the night sometimes until 2-3 a.m. making sure that these applications got in," Gaudio remarked. The ability of the bank to

Frank Gaudio, President & CEO of the First Bank of Greenwich speaks to a group of young artists from Eastern Middle School at an art exhibit last year that was sponsored by the bank. been keeping up to date with working remotely. We were able to do it at lightning speed so that we could keep the business going," Gaudio said. As restrictions nationally and locally begin to ease, the bank is

We did it the old fashioned way, worked hard and got all of our applications in one by one. Some of them took hours to get in. The staff worked through the night sometimes until 2 or 3 a.m. making sure that these applications got in. and nonprof it organizations in our community. The extraordinary effort made by the First Bank of Greenwich saved 4,200-plus jobs, and made it possible for 100 percent of qualified loan submissions in round 1 and round 2 to receive vital funding. "I couldn't be more proud of my staff. They literally worked 24/7 to get this accomplished. The st a f f c a me toget her a nd rose to the occasion. This was a monumental feat for the bank to do this," said FBOG President and CEO, Frank Gaudio. "My staff kicked it into another gear that I've never seen before."

operate at a hig h level stems from what Gaudio refers to as his "secret sauce." "I n t he b e st a nd worst of t i me s, ba n k s a r e def i ne d by r i sk m a n a g e m e nt , c u s to m e r commitment and employee engagement," he said. But they're also def ined by preparedness. As the pandemic began to unfold and the financial wave was headed towards banks, the FBOG staff mobilized into action and began to work remotely from home. " Eve n t h ou g h we'r e ve r y personally oriented with face-toface type meetings, we've always

already planning on adapting to what the new normal will look like. The bank has remote deposit, mobile banking, full Automated Clearing House (ACH) capacity, drive thru windows, night deposit drop boxes and fully functional ATM's. They also continue to operate a successful charitable checking program and a startto-save program. FBOG is also a leadersh ip ba n k for IOLTA accounts for attorneys. Branches are preparing to reopen with safety features such as plexiglass partitions and distance marking on the floors. The bank hasn't furloughed or

laid off any employee so that they can continue to provide a high level of service. “We have to figure out how to do business going forward,” Gaudio said. In the future, Gaudio said the bank is prepared to handle anything that comes its way. Being a small, community bank definitely has its advantages. "We're a f inancially strong bank, and by being the size we are, we're able to act so much more quickly than the big banks in every aspect," Gaudio said. "When something changes, we can change faster than anyone else because we don't have that big ship to turn." FBOG Chairman, Bruno Gioffre, said he's proud of the role the bank plays in the community. "In good times and in difficult, trying times, our friendly and experienced staff is ready and highly qualif ied to satisfy the demand for f irst rate banking service and expertise," he said. "Whether you know us as a child opening their f irst savings or holiday account or as someone looking to purchase a home or as a successful business seeking to fund a growth opportunity, we are available to fulf ill your financial objective." Gaudio praised his staff for navigating the last few months. He said he has received many

positive messages from clients he has served. "That makes me very happy," he acknowledged. "But there's been a lot of sad things that have happened and we've lost a lot of people. Some of my staff lost family members and they've had a lot of hardships during this. Everybody is getting through this, and I'm very proud of my staff. I'm sorry for everybody's losses; I have no way of fixing that. We did whatever we could during this event to service the clients and stay in touch with them and help them with whatever they needed." The bank's commitment to small and midsize businesses in the community, as well as many nonprof it organizations, the Greenw ich Chamber of Commerce, first responders and local journalism will continue, Gaudio said, even as the new normal begins to take shape. He urged fellow residents to support small and local businesses as well. "This is not over yet, and people are going to need help c o m i n g o u t o f t h i s ," G au d i o remarked. “[Over the last eight w e e k s] I t h i n k w e h a n d l e d ourselves well and did a great job. It's something I'll be proud of for a long time.”


The Merritt Parkway won the ‘2020 Byway Organization Public-Private Partnership Award’ for the Lake Ave. bridge project. (full story on website)

Tennis Reopens Beginning today, Friday, May 15, tennis courts at Binney, Bruce and Byram parks and at Greenwich High School will be open for singles-only play. The courts will be available via online-reservations for residents with either a 2019 or 2020 tennis pass.

COVID Update As of May 13, there were 736 Greenwich residents who tested positive. That is 7 more cases than Monday. T h e r e w e r e 4 0 p o s i t i ve patients being treated in several different Hospital units. So far, 459 patients have been discharged from the Hospital and continue their recuperation at home. There have been 5,966 people tested at the Hospital outpatient test site with 1,802 testing positive who live in Greenwich as well as those f rom other municipalities in Connecticut and in Westchester County. Reports on Wednesday were that a total of 42 Greenwich residents have died from the COVID-19 virus.

Graduation Options G H S i s c o n s i d e r i n g t wo g raduation options since school cannot resume until the fall. The first would be for each house to graduation separately. The second would be a drive through graduation.

GPD Food Drive The Greenw ich Police Department is holding a food drive. Place donations in the back of your car and go to police headquarters (11 Bruce Place) between 9am and 1pm. Officers in PPE will remove the food with no personal contact and bring it to N2N.

Ryan Fazio (left), who says he has a passion for helping others, has had to forgo the usual campaign trail activities necessary to run for election to the state senate. Instead he is spending that time volunteering. Here he is delivering donated masks to a nursing home. On March 17th, Greenwich native Ryan Fazio unceremoniously announced his candidacy for state Senate over social media, and without a cheering crowd of supporters, because it began at the onset of a historic pandemic. Political campaigns normally involve shaking hands, slapping backs, and working crowds. But this one will likely be different from every election season before it. Fa z io s ays he con sider e d carefully the time, effort, and energy needed to run a campaign for state senate and weighed many of the challenges he would face before deciding to run. He did not anticipate that he might not be able to campaign much at all. “It only became clear to me at the beginning of March, when I filed to make my candidacy official, that the world was about to change dramatically,” said Fazio, who is running to represent Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan. Fazio obser ved that there would be a lot of extra needs in the community during the outbreak, so he started spending the time he had set aside for campaigning on

volunteering instead. He said that early in March, he called his neighbor Lynne, who is the director of Meals On Wheels, to offer his help because he assumed they would face rising demand. Ly n n e s a id t h ey a c t u a l l y already had. Since then, Fazio has been delivering meals at least twice a week to elderly Greenw ich residents. Fazio, who is an elected member of the Greenwich RTM, also volunteered time at a food bank in New Canaan while it was open. “It was apparent to me early on that low-income families would suffer most from the economic fallout. Food banks are doing vital work now to help feed families who have lost their jobs and income.” Fazio says his ex per ience has been valuable. He has added iniative that address the greater need to help poor Connecticut families to his campaign platform. Those iniatives include eliminating the income tax on low-income workers, relaxing labor regulations, and expanding eligibility for certain benefit programs in the near term. He has also been involved in

a statewide effort to distribute free masks to nurses, doctors, and first responders called, “Masks For Heroes Connecticut.” The organization was started by Amy and Bob Stefanowski, the 2018 Republican candidate for governor, and has now given away around 1 million free masks. Fazio has been deliver ing ma sk s a r ou nd s out hwe ster n Con ne c t ic ut w it h a fo c u s on Stamford and Greenwich, including nursing homes like Nathaniel Witherell. “The shortage of PPE for our heroic nurses, doctors, and other front-line workers is a tragedy,” says Fazio. “Government doesn’t a lw ays r i s e to t he o c c a sion , but our community constantly does. Masks For Heroes is a clear example of that.” As the year goes on, it is not clear what campaigning will look like in Greenwich or anywhere. Fazio hopes he w ill get to meet voters in person but says he will adapt. “We will roll with the punches," he said. "As eager as I am to talk with voters in person, other things are more important right now.”




ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. No charge.


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From The Waterwheel


By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT G.E.M.S.—Gratitude, Exercise, Meditation and Service—are simple things we can do for ourselves when we’re feeling disconnected or discouraged. G.E.M.S. raise our bodies’ natural levels of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins—our bodies’ feel-good chemicals. Best of all, G.E.M.S. are immediately available and free of cost. It is impossible to be anxious and grateful at the same time. The neurons in your brain fire in either one direction or the other. If you name three things you are grateful for when you sense anxiety creeping in, you will gently shift the blood flow in your brain. Do this before you go to bed and you will sleep better. You don’t have to run a race to get a runner’s high. Exercise in any form works. Dancing, walking, yoga, even climbing a flight of stairs benefits your mind and body. Meditation activates the calming part of your nervous system. It helps you respond to life, rather than react to it. Service—doing something for someone else—activates the parts of our brain that feel connected to others, and purposeful.

G.E.M.S. can travel with you wherever you go. Jenna, a college student, referred to gratitude, exercise, meditation and service as “the gems in her pocket” during her study abroad, valuable tools she could use to handle the normal fears and anxieties that come from being in a new place. Greenwich resident Jill Woolworth is the author of the book, The Waterwheel available locally at Diane's Books. STORY IDEAS


Virtual open houses are part of our Top 5 Things To Do in Greenwich emails and on our website. Contact for more information.

What Makes a Great Community Bank? A Special Message from The First Bank of Greenwich COO, Mark L. McMillen

Mark L. McMillen, COO The First Bank of Greenwich

I have worked for community banks in and around my home town of Greenwich for over thirty years. Never in my career have I been more proud than I am to be part of The First Bank of Greenwich family. While most banks serve the communities in which they’re located; we go above and beyond to actually be a part of the fabric that makes this community so special and great. Many of The First Bank of Greenwich Management, Staff and Board have strong, long standing ties here and feel we put our personal, as well as professional, reputations on the line with every customer we serve and every event we participate in. I believe it’s this commitment to being truly involved that makes us the hometown community bank in Greenwich.

Thank you to everyone in our community…who shared kind words and encouragement! The First Bank of Greenwich made the process of applying for a PPP loan quick and easy. The personal attention we received was above and beyond our expectations and helped to simplify what would have otherwise been a very confusing process.” Amy Montimurro, President/CEO Abilis, Inc Maureen and Mallory–Thanks again for everything you did over the weekend to help with my application. I cannot say enough about what it meant and how grateful I am. Frank - You have an AMAZING TEAM and thank you! Tracey Stetler Stetler Associates During these difficult times The First Bank of Greenwich made it incredibly easy for me to receive the funds needed to continue operating our business. I am amazed how professional and efficient this bank has been and honestly no one can touch how good they truly are at what they do Frank Cortese New England Oil Company During this unprecedented time, we are truly grateful to the First Bank of Greenwich for their quick action and assistance in ensuring that Adopt-A-Dog receive the PPP Loan. Continuing to employ our dedicated staff is crucial to saving the lives of homeless dogs, and the First Bank of Greenwich has made this possible. Kristen Alouisa, Executive Director Adopt-A-Dog Inc The entire process lasted only a few days and surprise, the funds I had hoped for showed up in my account. What a wonderful experience! We were able to bring back our employees and pay them. Your help has been tremendous and I am so happy to have such a great banking resource across the street. The First Bank of Greenwich is a local gem. Thank you Frank, Mallory, Kevin and Amy. Rodica Brune Atelier Constantin Popescu

We are so deeply grateful for your help. We know how hard all of you are working and that the logistics of doing so from your homes is an incredible challenge. With warmest gratitude, Jordan Silva, Treasurer St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church Thank you Maureen! And Thank you to your entire team at First Bank for all of your efforts. All of you give true meaning to the words “community bank” with the sincere way you try to serve the people and small businesses. I greatly appreciate it, and look forward to visiting the branch and thanking you in person when everyone is back at work! Julie Chen Hutchinson First Greenwich Realty LLC Great speaking with you this morning. I want to thank Frank, Evan and the entire Team for all their hard work & dedication to all of their customers during this time. They are amazing, the BEST bank anywhere! You have my loyalty forever! God Bless! Stay Safe! Dominic Franchella Stamford Ford Lincoln Working with The First Bank of GREENWICH was wonderful.They were there every step of the way. We asked and they delivered, on schedule with no surprises. The personal attention makes so much difference. Thank you. Clint Steen, Vice President Toyota of Greenwich We got a call last night at 10pm from you just to be sure we were all set.Awesome! We cannot thank you enough for helping us and every single person we sent your way. Now we can take care of our people because you cared so much for our community. Thank you!!!!! Peter Barhydt We love the First Bank of Greenwich. It is the absolute best bank we have ever used. The customer service is outstanding! During this difficult time, the loan department went above and beyond to help our small business with the PPP loan. We will be forever grateful for their dedication to us and the community at large. Cindy and Lee Milazzo Samuel Owen Gallery

For the past eight years, I have enjoyed an exceptional working relationship with everyone at the bank however, during the past 2 months everyone at the bank has gone above and beyond the call of duty to not only provide routine banking services but assistance with PPP Loans. I must especially commend Maureen, Mallory and Emily, who have been working 24/7 to ensure that bank and non-bank customers’ applications have been processed efficiently and expediently. Thank you FBOG for helping to ensure that our small businesses and charitable organizations can stay afloat and pay their employees through the pandemic! Mary Jo Lovetri Whelan, Esq. The First Church of Round Hill We are so grateful for our friends at First Bank of Greenwich! The team at FBOG understands the needs of small businesses and non-profits, and is always attentive and helpful. They’ve truly got the best interests of our community at heart. It’s a pleasure to work with them! Rev. Glenn Harvison Harvest Time Church Thanks to FBOG for the Paycheck Protection Loan – you are a lifesaver. Michael Kelly, Chief Operating Officer YMCA of Greenwich When so many exclaim, rightfully so, their bank let them down and they plan to switch immediately, our business has never felt more strongly that we made the right choice in First Bank of Greenwich Dr. Philip Putter, DVM Spot On Veterinary Hospital & Hotel Promises made, Promises Kept! The community bank that really cares about the community and went over & beyond to help me. I am eternally grateful. The First Bank of Greenwich has my business forever! Sophia Scarpelli Sophia’s Gallery

These are just a few in the community who sent kind words and encouragement.

On My Watch

Building Extraordinary Community

By Anne W. Semmes

Audubon Connecticut thought it fitting to honor Greenwich Audubon naturalist/ educator Ted Gilman, who taught many a Greenwich child what a bird looks and sounds like, and his partner, Margaret Lechner, for their longtime beneficial presence in this town. The pair have recently f lown away to retirement in their shared college town in Indiana. Cos Cob artist paints portraits in support of her community News of another honoring came from Cos Cob artist Josie Merck, who keeps her “community alive at a distance” with painting portraits of them. So, why not surprise her friend Florence Phillips, actress and teacher of poetry at Cos Cob School, with a painting of the iPhone The bright opening of Greenwich photo she took of Florence on her recent Poi nt la st F r iday br oug ht sp e c ia l birthday - at a safe distance. “Florence surprises of new birdlife activity. While loves to receive in her beautiful peachy the humans were away the wildlife did dressing gown & Cos Cob Library green play their hand! Beginning that waterside apron… land line phone in hand and walk around the Point, not far from the iconic Easter Wreath on door.” As Josie concession stand, from the rocks came a has painted. “When the painting dries,” smart-looking shorebird with two black Josie plans to “prop it outside Florence’s breast bands, a Killdeer, displaying a house somewhere.” “Florence IS,” she broken wing! Her tactic for distracting us notes, “one of my MUSES!” from her four speckled eggs, set among Inspired witness to stateside loss of the pebbles. Thank goodness for the lives to Covid-19 in Old Greenwich fencing off with sign, “Do Not Enter – Senior Pastor Patrick Collins Important Nesting Area.” of Fi rst Cong regationa l Chu rch i n Even more surprising was a Old Greenwich had an inspired idea discovery on the alternate wooded some weeks ago looking across the route around the Point of a straggly expanse of his Church’s green lawn. new osprey nest set atop a slender W hy not place a wh ite f lag i n the tree. Wasn’t there just built an osprey grass to commemorate each person platform provided near the entrance to in Connecticut lost to Covid-19. His the Park, waterside - occupied the day congregation supported him. “It brings after it was built? But here was a backit home,” he says, “It makes it real. to-nature in-the-trees nesting site! People stop and say thank you, having Yes, there is an osprey resurgence had people they know who have died.” in town – ospreys are on parade these Over the weeks those f lags have days over Greenw ich Point, Br uce quickly multiplied into a sea of white Park, and the Byram Park area, and flags. Stopping by on Tuesday morning now there are three inland nests. For I found Collins ready to plant 41 new those who know of that Cos Cob Harbor flags, after checking each morning with osprey nest visible from Cos Cob Park, John Hopkins University & Medicine's they can see it up close and personal on tracking site for the Connecticut count. the Greenwich Osprey Cam featuring Those flags now count into the 3000’s. o s p r e y p a r e nt i n g -i n-t h e m a k i n g . There’s an impact for those seeing such Check it out at a swell, says Collins, “It gives them an act-osprey-cam. Brought to us by an opportunity to grieve. PUB/POST: Greenwich Senti- The grieving Audu b on Con ne c t ic utCODE: a nony mous HSS-2020-9 PRODUCTION: N/A LIVE: None nel-2/3/2020 (Due Date: 1/24/2020) process is important.” Bringing his representing Connecticut’s Four th donor. And, yes, an uncommon fourleader in orthopedics (w/border) DESCRIPTION: World WORKORDER #: 74058 TRIM: 10.75” x 10.8” faith forward he notes, “You can’t get to D i s t r i c t , n e w l y e n d o r s e d b y t h e eggs have been spotted inFILE: the03A-73968-03B-HSS-2020-9-NWS.indd nest! SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.19025.B.011 BLEED: None Easter Sunday without going through Democratic Party to run for his seventh Also, most def initely uncommon 212.237.7000 Good Friday.” term. He wanted to take pictures of those is the news these osprey parents-toWho should stop by, also pulled in flags to share with his staff and put on his be are now officially named “Ted” and by those f lags, was Cos Cob resident Facebook page. In his recent travels he “Margaret” as of last Saturday’s virtual Jim H imes, our U. S. Cong ressman says he had come across nothing like it. T:10.75” celebration of World Migratory Bird Day.

TOP LEFT: A rarely seen down low migrating scarlet tanager alights near the concession stand at Tod's Point. Anne W. Semmes photo TOP: Congressman Jim Himes lends a hand to Pastor Patrick Collins to plant 41 new white flags commemorating the lost lives to COVID-19 across the state. Anne W. Semmes photo LOWER LEFT: Cos Cob artist Josie Merck’s surprise birthday painting of her friend and muse, Florence Phillips. LOWER RIGHT: A killdeer watches over four eggs behind a barrier at Tod's Point. Rana Essaid photo. “People drive by and are in tears,” says Jim spoke of knowing a few people Collins, “They appreciate the gesture.” lost to the virus – Collins had lost “You’ve really hit on how to make friends, but he was grateful to report no losses from his congregation. Hearing it real,” says Jim. “Even in a dark time those numbers of 80,000 deaths in people understand things viscerally.” the U.S. and 3000 in Connecticut they agreed did not speak as those flags do.

WORLD LEADER IN ORTHOPEDICS. LOCAL ADDRESS. The same expertise that earned HSS U.S. News & World Report’s #1 ranking for orthopedics in the nation can be found locally through its unique collaboration with Stamford Health. As a U.S. News & World Report Best Hospital in the Faireld County area, Stamford Health attracts world-leading specialists, including HSS for orthopedics. HSS Orthopedic specialists see patients at HSS Stamford at Chelsea Piers. If surgery is necessary, the HSS surgeons operate at the award-winning Stamford Hospital and Stamford Health Tully Health Center. We’re here for you because how you move is who you are, how you are and how you live. To learn more or make an appointment with an HSS specialist, please call 877-589-8545 or visit

HSS Stamford, 1 Blachley Rd, Stamford, CT 06902 Most major insurance plans accepted. New patients welcome.


HSS Orthopedics and Stamford Health have teamed up in Connecticut.

Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel | May 15, 2020


QUESTIONS ABOUT COVID-19 The Department of Health has five phone lines specifically dedicated to the public for questions and answers about COVID-19. They are: 203-6227865; 203-622-7703; 203-622- 7614; 203-622-7842 and 203-622-7836. Greenwich Hospital: call center for any questions about the virus, can be reached at 833-275-9644. ASSISTANCE WITH BASIC NEEDS The Dept of Human Services encourages residents to call if they need assistance with basic needs such as food, finances, and living arrangements. 203-622-3800. LOSS, GRIEF VIRTUAL SUPPORT The American Red Cross in Connecticut is launching a free Virtual Family Assistance Center to support families struggling with loss and grief due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. People can visit RedCross. org/vFAC to access a support hub with special virtual programs, information, referrals and services to support families in need. The hub will also connect people to other community

resources provided by 2-1-1, CT VOAD, and other partners. People without internet access can call 833-492-0094 for help. NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR Client families in need of assistance are referred by The Greenwich Department of Human Services. Anyone can donate funds or buy food items for people in need. Simply select the food and click to pay. Visit www. SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES

Kids In Crisis Trained Crisis Counselors are available around the clock to provide support to children and families. The helpline number is 203661-1911. Kids In Crisis has a Wish List on their website ( of items they need, which they will continue to update. DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES If you are in crisis, please call the 24/7 YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services Hotline at 203-622-0003. MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT National Alliance on Mental

Illness online support at www. TAG (Transportation Association) TAG is extending their services to help residents who are homebound during the Coronavirus emergency by delivering food and bringing seniors to critical appointments. VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX PROGRAM VITA, the IRS’s companion to the AARP volunteer income tax program, has initiated a virtual (online) option for the free preparation and e-filing of your taxes by the new July 15 deadline. You will need to complete and submit the form. VITA will then schedule a one-hour time slot on the portal to have a phone or video interview to complete and review returns. You may begin the process by using this link: form.jotform. com/200751255209146 FACE MASKS FOR SMALL ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES Small essential businesses – with 50 or less employees – will be able to receive masks from their local municipality. Local essential businesses will need to submit an application for the masks to the State. The list of essential businesses can be found at: Coronavirus-Business-Recovery/ Business-Exemptions-for-Coronavirus CENSUS 2020 Participate in Census 2020 - go to and enter your code or home address. For people who do not have access to a computer, they can complete it by calling these numbers: English: 1-844-330-2020; Spanish: 1-844-468-2020; Chinese (Mandarin): 1-844-391-2020; Chinese (Cantonese): 1-844-398-2020; Haitian Creole: 1-844-474-2020. GPD NON-EMERGENCY LINE If you are concerned about an activity or a group not following COVID-19

protocols, please call the Greenwich Police Department’s non-emergency phone number: 203-622- 8004. PARTIAL REOPENING OF TENNIS FACILITIES Further details on tennis court use can be found at: DocumentCenter/View/15392/TennisCourt-Re-opening-Rules LIMITED REOPENING OF PARKS Greenwich Point, Binney, Bruce, Cos Cob and Byram parks are open for the use of walking paths. At this time, none of the restrooms will be open at any facility. The beach at Byram Park remains closed. There will be park monitors on site to allow for controlled access and to ensure walkers adhere to social distancing protocols. Visitors must wear masks at all times, refrain from congregating including picnicking or playing of sports. The last entry to all parks will be an hour before the posted closing time. THE GRIFF RE-OPENS The Griffith E. Harris Golf Course reopened May 4. The operational and playing protocol changes include one person per cart, tee times are by reservation only which can be made online, and the putting green, practice bunker and chipping green remain closed. The complete list of operational and playing protocols can be found at LIMITED REOPENING OF MARINAS As of April 30, there is limited access – two (2) days per week - to Town marinas for boat owners whose vessels are in winter storage. Specific details on which days and the hours of access will be communicated via email to those boat owners. Marina access will be limited to those with a 2019 or 2020 marina facility use permit. The last entry to all marinas will be an hour before the posted closing time. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

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Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel


Holding onto the Extraordinary

Icy Frantz The images of people dying alone in hospital beds and their lifeless bodies being transported to makeshift morgues have us grappling with the meaning of this pandemic. We woke up to its severity after reading about the painful decisions being made in Italy. Who gets a respirator, when there aren’t enough to go around? It’s hard to fathom. And yet, it got our attention and we, in turn, did our best to alleviate the devastation, by sheltering at home, hand washing, and wearing masks. COVID-19 prompted our nation to close up shop, invest in medical research, diagnostic tests, and vaccines. As Americans, we paused, something we rarely do, reprioritized and considered how to best protect the vulnerable

and the elderly, and pay homage to the medical professionals and the essential worker in harm’s way. This disease has brought he a r t ache a nd su f fer i ng not exclusive to the infection but also felt in its unintended side effects: an increase in unemployment and hunger, and in the widening of the political divide. It’s bleak, but the American spirit is bright and has given us a renewed sense of life, and wouldn’t it be extraordinary if we could maintain some of that goodness long after the virus has subsided. Musical artists came together to create “One World: Together a t H o m e ”. C e l e b r i t i e s a n d athletes collaborated in the AllIn Challenge. And our leaders and former leaders are stepping up to give speeches for our high school and college seniors who will miss their graduations. In our community, a masked man in the check-out line took the time to say to the cashier, “Thank you so much for being here.” Many have responded to the countless food drives and PPE distributions. Homemade signs hang in store w indows, messages to the frontline “You are my hero” and coordinated church bells ring. Our town government an organized outreach to the elderly. There’s a

return to an appreciation for the simple things; family dinners, ga me n ig ht s , a nd u n hu r r ie d time listening to children at their bedside. We are learning to connect and show love despite being physically divided. I have been a participant

other crises that have warranted similar responses. After 9/11, we saw a world that had changed. New Yorkers were friendlier and proud. They greeted each other on the street. And that feeling was felt across the country. Twenty years later, we see the change in the

preparing to become the best in sport. Sobriety is maintained one day at a time, and champions are made in the sweat of tireless training. In order for our world to be extraordinary, we must be ready to make a similar commitment, one that is deliberate

As the mother of four, I am desperate for this extraordinary world, for my children and others, and I am willing to grasp at whatever I can to see that we do not return to a world that is anything less. in a birthday parade, the chance to celebrate another from the safety of my car. And I have joined in a memorial service, in front of the house of a friend mourning the loss of her father: car by car, candles in hand, and the sound of a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace. But what happens when we get through this time, and we will. What then? The shackles will come off, and we will be in a world more protected from disease, I am sure, but can we hold onto the spirit that Covid-19 has instilled in us? Historically, there have been

increased security at airports, but we have not been able to sustain that renewed sense of life that was so prevalent in the months that followed 9/11. Every September, we celebrate the anniversary and then return to business as usual. I hear many say, “imagine the extraordinary world we could become”, but I fear that the farther away from the crisis we get, the more collectively we will forget. What lengths are we willing to go to hold onto the good that we are witnessing during the pandemic? Consider the alcoholic trying to stay sober or the elite athlete

and far exceeds a modest pledge to cleanliness. As the mother of four, I am desperate for this extraordinary world, for my ch ildren and others, and I am willing to grasp at whatever I can to see that we do not return to a world that is anything less. To do so would be one of the great tragedies of this pandemic. Do we close up shop on Su ndays to honor pr ior it ie s; family, community, service, and a God? Do we find time in our week to commit to these values that are giving us hope and resolve

during this crisis? Are we willing to slow down in order to reach out to those in need; care for the vulnerable and the elderly? Are we prepared to make the societal shift and sacrifice that are needed to bring about change? Because if we really want an extraordinary world, we might need to make some extraordinary changes. Last week, in the tri-state area, we all looked up at one sky to witness the incredible precision and expertise of the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds. It was the launch of their cross-country tour, Operation America Strong, a salute to the heroes of COVID-19. The flyover elicited criticism. “Not worth the money spent.” “Not what America needs now.” But, for my family, it was the f irst planned excursion in six weeks. We came out to see a show and headed back inside proud to be an American and thankful for all of those caring for our nation. And on that sunny April day, we watched until the last of the residual white smoke that trailed the planes dissipated, hoping that our renewed sense of life, hardearned, would not dissolve, too, and we would remember it’s not business as usual. Visit me at


Dos and Don'ts of Schooling at Home

Lockey Webb Coughlin Set them up for success. Of course, we want to set our children up for success, but all too often, we end up doing the opposite, playing the role of saboteur rather than mentor. No matter the task, there are definitive dos and don’ts. Do create clear expectations and predictable structure. Do not create excuses or open doors which will encourage skipping work. This applies to athletics training, academics, and chores. Why? Because both send clear messages about a parent’s priorities, which always translates into their children’s priorities. While emotional distress and mental health always overshadow everything else, most issues with children are manageable through clear, consistent boundaries, structure, consequences, and conversation. Of course, these require a parent’s or guardian’s attention and time. Hold yourselves as accountable as you hold your children’s teachers and coaches, and you will be ahead of the game. While consulting for twentynine families with children of varying ages, academic interests,

and abilities, I have seen only one family that is not experiencing push back from their children or other indications of a slow descent into injurious habits. The one family without issues includes a mom with a master’s degree in elementary education. If you are experiencing diff iculties, I promise, you are not alone. To clear through the enormous amount of advice and suggestions currently available to parents schooling at home, here is a simple, go-to checklist of strategies that I have seen work time and again, with great success. Be honest with yourselves as you read through this list. Most of us sabotage our children in some way. Physical space: Do create a dedicated space in which your child may work. Do not place it far away from you or behind closed doors. I have detailed this before, but it bears repeating. Set up a place close to where you are during the day, where your child can work consistently without interruption or the need to constantly move their things. Make sure you can see their computer screen as you walk by or from where you are working and look at it often. Make sure that your child keeps non-academic tabs closed during dedicated academic time. I cannot stress this enough. Set their phones aside, as well. Distractions abound online. Schedule: Do create a schedule with your child. Do allow for flexibility within the schedule, but do not change it constantly. Keep a schedule of their online classes

or expected tasks throughout the day posted where it is a quick and easy reference for everyone. This is one of the best ways to ensure that expectations are clear and communicated to all parties. Your schedule should include a list of daily and weekly household chore expectations. A planner, detailing homework assig n ments, a nd required teacher communications is also essential. Remember that your child has difficulty planning because their brain is not fully formed. The more you guide them through this process, the more you will help them to learn executive functioning skills, as their brain develops. Eventually, they will be able to manage all of this on their own. A win-win. Exercise: Do encourage your child to exercise regularly and to get outside often. Do not make it regimented or onerous for them. Studies show that exercise before classes increases test scores and class participation. Schedule a walk or other physical activity first thing in the morning, near the middle of the day, and ideally, between classes. A quick stretch, a run around the house, or dancing to a favorite song works wonders. Daily check-ins: These are essential. Do communicate with your child often about their classes, how they are feeling about their peers, their teachers, and their work. Do not make this time stressful or contentious. Do remind yourself often that you are there to listen and to problem-solve with your child. Check-in both at the beginning

and end of their academic day, every day. In the morning, look at their schedule with them, make sure they understand it, and checkin that their homework is complete for each of their classes. Strategize and problem-solve with them around incomplete or diff icult assignments. This could involve contacting teachers to request an extension, carving out time during the day to complete an assignment, or preparing something quickly on the spot. In the afternoon, check-in on how each class went, asking them specifically about each class. Help them update their planners and strategize to complete assignments on time. Interruptions: Do remember how much you like to be interrupted when you are trying to complete a task. Do not interrupt your child while they are working on their academics to ask them to do a chore, take a walk with you, or if they like your newest pandemic baking, painting, or re-decorating project. This is their time and if you do not respect the importance of their work, neither will they. Quality: Do look over their homework and assignments to make sure they are complete and that your child has followed the instructions, as written. Do not do their work for them, ever. Rewards: Do reward your children for a job well-done, for continued effort, and for being honest with you, even if they are telling you they blew off their homework . Do not prom ise

rewards that are over-the-top or are unrealistic. Most often, making an announcement to your family that your child has done well or thanking your child for their hard work is enough. A dinner in honor of their work on Friday night, playing a favorite game together as a family, or letting them pick the movie for the night all are wonderful ways to let them know they are on the right track. Conse q uences: Do ma ke consequences for a lack of work or effort clear upfront. Do not make idle, angry, or unenforceable threats. Push back: If you are experiencing push back from your children, check this list to make sure you are doing everything possible to set them up for success. If you have checked all the boxes and your child is still giving you push back, it is time to start looking at what is sabotaging your efforts. I have found that this is almost always from a lack of sleep and/or a perceived interruption to social time/online games. Take away all electronics at night. Remove the X-box or Switch, and/or remove their gaming computer and give them a simple Chromebook instead, and be clear that they need to earn these privileges back by participating actively in their other obligations. How and when they will earn back these privileges is up to you, of course, but I suggest clear expectations and a slow return of privileges based on verifiable behavior changes. Contact a professional to help guide you if you are at a loss. Once

again, I promise, you are not alone. Mental health professionals are busier than ever helping people manage the challenges we all are facing right now. Asking for help is healthy and sets a great example for your children. Remember that children crave structure because it makes them feel safe. Knowing the rules, k now ing what is expected of them, knowing the answers to who, what, when, where, why, and how, and understanding that these are expectations and rules that everyone must live by are all extremely comforting when one is tasked with anything unfamiliar. Whenever I grade a paper or complain that my class is not doing as I have requested, my collegeage daughter asks me the same question, “Did you give them a rubric?” A rubric, of course, answers all these questions. It communicates to students exactly what is expected of them, as well as from every other student in the class. It communicates structure, expectations, and an underlying sense of fair play. Knowledge is power. Empower your children and set them up for success. L ockey is the Founder and President of Webb Youth Services and Education without Walls. Lockey is a consultant for schooling at home families all over Fairfield and Litchfield Counties and she can be contacted at or by phoning 860-350-3006.

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Editorial Page

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Caroll Melgar, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes, Emma Barhydt

What Will Your Story Be? There are many great news stories and columns in this week’s Sentinel. We hope you will read them all. When you do, you will see that this issue is all about community. While it may seem like we are in week 72 of “stay home/stay safe” or “self-quarantining” or “social distancing” or whatever you want to call it, in reality we are in week 7. That is a long time. For some it has been a time of economic uncertainty and an emotional roller THE GREAT GREENWICH BEAR HUNT coaster. For others it has been a time of innovation and Thank you Greenwich for finding those adorable teddy bears and their friends and putting them in your windows. a time to shine. Children (and adults) all over town have something to "hunt" for on their walks now. As important, they know that The front-page story about The First Bank of you were thinking of them. We love our neighbors! John Ferris Robben photo. Greenwich and all they did to help local businesses is truly remarkable. They literally helped save over 4,000 Opinion local jobs. When the big banks failed to help local small businesses The First Bank of Greenwich stepped in allows us all to have a voice. gatherings have allowed all Let me explain… and had 100 percent of the loan applications approved. One of my first initiatives walks of life to come together, W h e n I f i r s t v e n t u r e d Wow! t h r o u g h t h e d o o r s o f T h e at the Bank was to build the whether in our Bank’s lobby There are countless other stories of organizations F i r s t B a n k o f G r e e n w i c h most diversified and energized as we celebrate ar tists and rising to the occasion to help others; Neighbor-toheadquarters in Cos Cob, I hit adv isor y board the likes of musicians or our annual B2B the ground running. Going out which no other ban k could Net work Event held at t he Neighbor, Red Cross, even individuals who purchased into the community to attend claim. As we met and shared JHouse Hotel. There 2000 eager face masks and then willingly donated them to first events and support the local business tips, it became clear attendees, 60 hand selected responders. Thank you to you who are known and cha m b er a nd va r ious non- that this group would be the e x h i b i t o r s a n d f i ve b a n d s profits; to really become a part springboard to a much larger gather with me and my team unknown. Our community has come together in large of Greenwich. Essentially we vision I had for the community. to celebrate, learn and build ways and small to ensure no-one is left behind, no-one By Frank Gaudio The First Bank of Greenwich relationships. wove a tapestry of connections is hungry. It is heartfelt and remarkable. We believe in our credo adding support to the already has grown to be a provider o f m a n y s e r v i c e s t o t h e “ To g e t h e r W e G r o w o u r s t r o n g a n d c o u r a g e o u s With Governor Lamont allowing Phase One of I have seen many difficult the reopening of Connecticut to begin on May 20, times in the banking industry p a r t n e r s e x i s t i n g i n o u r community, but beyond that we Businesses”. It is even more see things through a different poignant now at a time we truly vibrant community. we are beginning to see the end slowly come into over the past 30 years working One such partner was the lens t ha n most ba n k s. We need to work together in order in Fairf ield and Westchester focus. This is exciting! Have you scheduled your hair counties, but nothing could be Greenwich Sentinel, which is so truly believe and operate with to rebu i ld a nd soa r to new a mission to bring together heights. Let’s roll up our sleeves appointment yet? more challenging then the times much more than a newspaper. It families, businesses and non- and encourage one another with reaches from business owners, For many this also coincides with their receiving we are in today. prof its. To g ive something kind words, genuine empathy to churches, schools, emergency One might say, it would be stimulus money from the federal government and the back to t he com mu n it y we and a combined hope for the responders, hospitals, the many impossible to have prepared state government. This is an opportunity to do some for the current economic crisis. worthy organizations that call b e g a n p r o d u c i n g o u r ow n future.

Let Me Explain...

The front-page story about The First Bank of Greenwich and all they did to help local businesses is truly remarkable. They literally helped save over 4,000 local jobs.

While that may be true in the literal sense, I believe my team and I have built a solid foundation over the years which can weather many storms including this one.


Greenwich home and to the generations of families that make our community so rich with history. In other words the Sentinel is the conduit which

unique events garnering quite a f o l l ow i n g a n d a f f o r d i n g eve r yo n e o p p o r t u n it i e s to network, mingle and simply get to know one another. These

Frank J. Gaudio The First Bank of Greenwich President & Chief Executive Officer

The Town’s ‘Rainy Day’ Fund

In recent discussions about funding our schools, many have asked why not draw additional funds for next year’s BOE budget from the so-called ‘rainy day’ fund of the Town. The answer is that a significant amount of this fund has already been allocated to next year’s budget to cover anticipated revenue shortfalls, cover losses incurred by Nathaniel Witherell, and provide taxpayers with modest tax relief during these difficult times. ‘Rainy Day’ fund is actually a poor description. The Town always has cash in the bank, but much of this is already committed for various expenses the Town is responsible for. It is those excess funds not already committed that are available for other uses. The Town uses these extra funds primarily as working capital to help the Town operate;

as a cushion against potential unanticipated costs or revenue shortfalls; and to address cash flow timing delays. An example of the latter is the unanticipated State mandate to extend local property tax deadlines three months from July 1 to October 1 of this year that will temporarily consume a meaningful proportion of the Town’s cash reserves. This could require as much as $45 million to be used to cover operating expenses until the deferred taxes are received. It is the BET’s current policy to ma i nta i n t he si ze of t he uncommitted cash balance, or excess funds, within a range of 5% - 10% of the proposed General Fund budget, which for FY 20-21 is $448.4 million. Having sufficient excess cash on hand for emergencies is one of the critical components of

good with that money. Shop local and support the businesses hardest hit by this pandemic. It has been reported that Jeff Bezos is on track to become the world’s first trillionaire, in part because of all the business Amazon has done recently. We do not fault him for that, but instead of buying a book from Amazon, how about buying one from Dogwood Bookstore or Diane’s Books. I am sure they would greatly appreciate the gesture. In fact, we encourage you to take a look at all our amazing advertising partners in the Sentinel. They are all local heroes who understand that to support the local economy you have to spend money in the local economy. We are so very grateful to each and every one of them and wish them continued success. They have been there for us and we will be there for them. We are coming out of an unprecedented time. Never Letter before has our community and state shut down, for the most part, for seven-soon-to-be eight weeks. The panic The Greenwich Athletic Foundation was and excessive toilet paper purchasing has subsided and founded in 2017 to create and support excellent and high school sports programs and facilities been replaced with a tired monotony of zoom meetings youth in the Town of Greenwich. Our goal is to work in and watching the birds at the bird feeder. Opening up cooperation with the various Town of Greenwich departments to improve, maintain, and support the our community and state will also be unprecedented. town’s athletic infrastructure. GAF believes that Certainly, as we begin to open, there will be things strong youth and high school athletic programs that are never to return to how they were before. are vital to the active, healthy culture and shared values of our community. This foundation provides With so many people working from home, it will be a channel through which residents and other interesting to see how corporate America returns to big interested parties can unify and partner with each other for the advancement of the athletic facilities office buildings. We suspect the local businesses that and programs in town. For the past four years, GAF and it’s board have weathered this storm will be stronger for it. We members have participated as stakeholders in a certainly hope so. BOE lead plan to redevelop Cardinal Stadium. In We wanted to give a shout-out to another advertiser. the spring of 2019, after input from multiple stadium Not because they advertise, but because of what they users, the BOE chose a KG+D a 3 phase design. Phase 1 included home & away bleachers, press have also done during this pandemic. Here is why. box, elevator, new electric service, related roads We all know that the hardest hit, besides those that and parking, toilets, revamping of existing light poles, and a portion of project costs for Site Plan lost loved ones, are the doctors, nurses, cleaning staff Approval. Phase 2 included relocation of the tennis and everyone at Greenwich Hospital. Fabricare, a dry courts, utility modifications, a new road and bridge, areas, landscaping, site improvements, cleaning and home care cleaning service in Norwalk parking and a portion of project costs for complete design that services Greenwich, has offered medical personnel of phase 3. Phase 3 included construction of a new that contains accessible toilet rooms, team free laundry service with pick-up and delivery include. building rooms, an athletic training center, a tennis building, That is a most generous offer. storage building, and related landscape and site When this pandemic is long over, we will hear many improvements. The home bleachers would be moved forward to the existing chain link fence next stories of heroes large and small. What will your story to the track. The total budget for all three phases was be? What will you look back on and think, “This is $18,700,000. After the March 2019 release of this plan, the what I did to help my community.”

maintaining the Town’s Aaa credit rating. At the end of this fiscal year, the Town projects it will have $49.6 million in excess uncommitted cash which is 11% of the operating budget. While the excess cash balance of 11% of the proposed budget is above the 10% maximum amount, it is lower than most of our Aaa peers in the State, and dramatically lower than those around the rest of the country. O u r c o u n t r y ’s c u r r e n t situation has been characterized as the worst economic crisis i n g e n e r a t i o n s , s o i t ’s n o t unreasonable to assume that our excess fund balance could soon be considered much too low by the rating agencies, given the current economic uncertainties we face. Maintaining a Aaa rating could require a significant increase in our excess cash balance, and this

would result in increased taxes and/or spending cuts to reach the required levels. Alternatively, a downgrade in our rating would result in millions of dollars in additional interest expense on the borrowing needed for our future capital needs. The BET has had to make some difficult decisions for the upcoming FY20-21 budget, and not all of the decisions have been popular ones. However, it is far from clear that our current excess cash balance will be sufficient to provide the financial cushion the Town may need in the foreseeable future. Demanding more of it now than maybe prudent, could be a costly mistake we might come to regret. Mike Basham is Chairman of the RTM Finance Committee (The opinions expressed herein are not intended to represent the those of the Committee.)

What is the Greenwich Athletic Foundation? bleachers at Greenwich High School were found to be in such disrepair that they were closed permanently, pending repair or replacement. GAF funded and shored up the condemned bleachers in August of 2019 in time for use during the fall sports season. This $120,000 gift included 4 months worth of rental fees for the scaffolding put in place. While continuing to support the stadium plan, GAF has questioned the BOE roadmap, especially it’s timing and lack of land use approvals. The GHS campus is currently 55,000 sqft over it’s FAR usage, and any additional buildings would require a variance from P&Z. As many of us have experienced, this can be a drawn out process, especially with the conditions and restrictions in place at GHS. The GAF strongly believes that the most timely and cost effective path would be to locate as many stadium rooms as possible underneath the new bleachers. Included in this space would be two team rooms and ADA compliant bathrooms. An ADA elevator will be included in this project to provide access to the press box. Today, after multiple changes and revisions, the scaled back project has a budget of 5-7 million dollars. GAF has offered to fundraise for 20% of the cost of replacement bleachers at Cardinal Stadium. The current version of this multi-phased project includes a new entry/exit for cars to the south campus, which will require state and local approval. The home bleachers, lighting fixture upgrade, and ADA parking lot are all a part of phase one. Away bleachers, a driveway connecting the stadium to the back parking lot, and bridge are phase two. GAF has suggested that the away bleachers should be a part of phase 1 for obvious efficiencies, and is willing to include this cost as a part of our fundraising effort.

Other very important athletic facilities in town, including the Hamill Rink and EGCC, are in desperate need of repair or replacement. The Dorothy Hamill Skating Rink is 50 years old with a slab that is 25 years past it’s expected lifespan. One of the largest open field spaces on the eastern side of town, the EGCC is likely going to be torn down with a similar size/type building built again in its place. No additional athletic facilities such as a pool, ice rink, field house, or squash courts would be included. To date GAF has donated: The GHS Gymnasium Bleachers; The Sound System at Dorothy Hamill Rink; The Scoreboard at Cardinal Stadium; The PA System at Cardinal Stadium; The Local Live Streaming service to the Greenwich High School Campus; A wireless mic system to Cardinal Stadium; Shored up Cardinal Stadium Bleachers; A 50% contribution to new wrestling; mats at Greenwich High School. GAF is holding a fundraiser in October of 2020 to raise money for this project and many others. We are awaiting approval from the BOE for naming rights to the stadium and bleachers as well as a brick campaign. More importantly, GAF asks that a building committee be formed immediately for the stadium project. Every recent BOE project including New Lebanon School, Hamilton Avenue, Glenville School and the MISA/PAC wing at GHS all had building committees. We are eager to continue with an achievable project as a true partner with the BOE. We know that the entire town would support the long overdue replacement and development of our largest recreation and athletic facility in Greenwich! John Fulton for The Greenwich Athletic Foundation Board @

Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel

Greenwich Working With Governor on Reopening By Richard Kaufman Last week, Gov. Ned Lamont released rules that eligible businesses falling under phase 1 of Connecticut’s reopening plans must follow during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Phase 1, which is slated to begin on May 20, focuses on the limited reopening of hair salons and barbershops, museums and zoos (outdoor only), offices, restaurants (outdoor only), and retail and malls. " We'r e wo r k i n g w i t h t h e gover nor to see what we can do here locally around May 20 and we'll try to have something ready to go in the next couple of weeks," said First Selectman Fred Camillo. "There are some things we're hoping to carry beyond the pandemic that would transform the way people do business and how it's conducted in our business areas, especially in central Greenwich." The endeavor to re-open is two-fold, Camillo said, which is to return some normalcy to people's lives and to keep them safe at the same time. One aspect of Phase 1 which Camillo believes is going to


be important for the community is the partial reopening of restaurants for outdoor seating only, with proper social distancing and safety protocols. "I think there are some people who are still nervous about doing it, which is understandable. But I think that if it's done right and we have people spaced out and it's outside, I think that's going to be fine," Camillo continued. "We want people out there working, we want people out there patronizing, we want people out there having some sense of normalcy restored but done so in a measured way. We've done extremely well seeing that we're really close to a few hot zones. I don't want to see us take any steps backwards." The tow n is a lso work i ng w it h t h e Pl a n n i n g & Z on i n g Commission, Health Department, Po l i c e , F i r e a n d E m e r g e n c y Operations personnel to go over safe reopening plans for residents and businesses. There are several issues that need to get resolved first in order to comply with the outdoor dining guidelines, such as preventing blockage of accessible exits and

separate Executive Order “in the coming days” providing for limited increased economic and recreational activity, including outdoor dining and outdoor retail, with conditions designed to protect pu blic hea lth. The Executive Orders from Lamont will also require action from the Board of Selectmen. "Businesses, our local politicians, and the public at large appear to all want the same thing, which includes potentially closing roadways and allowing the use of sidewalks to provide the necessary room for outdoor d i n i ng a nd commerce," DeLuca added. "There has been a strong collaborative effort for weeks now on behalf of the applicable town departments to effectuate the type of change that is needed to keep the economy going and supporting business." Camillo said Lamont is supportive of how Greenwich has handled the pandemic, and that the town has had a good rapport with the administration in navigating the coronavirus. "[ L a mont] i s a ver y go o d partner in this because he asks questions, and we ask questions of

him. Whether it's Ned, or Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz, they've been very good at getting back right away and actually reaching out to us sometimes unsolicited. We have a very good relationship." Greenwich Hospital is also looking to shift into the reopening stage. With hospitalization numbers and COVID-positive cases declining a c r o s s t he s t ate , G r e e nw ich Hospital staff is beginning to feel some relief. At one point, the 200bed facility had over 120 COVID-19 patients. “ We’re ta k i ng a ver y t i ny breath. Our daily frontline staff is starting to feel some relief, and they’re also feeling encouraged because the more patients you discharge, and with less coming in, you’re starting to feel a sense of accomplishment,” said Chief Operating Officer of Greenwich Hospital, Diane Kelly. At the same time, though, the Hospital is working hard on f iguring out how to slowly and cautiously reopen some outpatient services that had previously been closed. The Hospital will likely follow

along with the May 20 date outlined by the governor, but small, noninvasive services could open up earlier if there’s adequate Personal Protective Equipment for staff and patients, and proper protocols such as social distancing and maskwearing are in place. Kelly said this transition period and figuring out what the “new world order” looks like is complex. “It’s a little easier to shut things down. But when you’re talking about having to reopen things and do it in a way you have not operated before, every area might be a little different. It’s far more complex, and it has to be done in a far more measured and thought out way as you analyze the data as it becomes available,” Kelly said. “The added pressure is everybody wants it now. That could be the worst thing we could all do. We’re excited, but we also know we have a lot of work ahead of us. We know we will accomplish that work, but it will be gradual and it will be well thought out.” More information and g uidelines about Phase 1 of reopening in Connecticut can be found at

Capital Budget Highlights Fiscal Concerns

The proposed 15-year Greenwich Town Capital Budget has just arrived and is posted on the Town’s website. Few people have given this much attention. But what it shows is that we are spending way beyond our means, and we are not likely to slow that spending until we are forced to by unbearable taxes and debt. In budgets, as in life, choices must be made, even in Greenwich. You will have to choose between today’s spending and future spending, and if you do not choose, the choice will be made for you. And you may not like the results. That $3 million increase in the school operating budget you think you need will total more than $45 million over 15 years and force us to give up 2 major school renovations the BOE has said we need but will not be able to afford. Historically, Greenwich has paid a lot of attention to next year’s budget, but has had the luxury of not worrying about the future beyond that. Our Grand List was robust, our debt was low and our capital needs were modest. It seemed that regardless of our plans and priorities, financial distress was not a concern. Some argued that our financial health was a result of frugality. Concerned that we were underspending on our schools, the Board of Education commissioned a “Master Plan” to identify the needed investments school administrators felt had been neglected. This plan called for over $1 billion of spending over 15 years, and dramatically changed the outlook for taxes and borrowing. Against this backdrop, we could no longer assume that future spending would be well within our means nor that our enviable position of low taxes and borrowing would be maintained. Now, the future looked a lot more troubling. We could no longer assume that if we could afford our budget for next year, we would not need to worry. Here are our projected mill rate and debt levels based on this year’s Capital Plan:


entrances, ensuring appropriate f ire connections, securing any p ote nt i a l b a r r ie r s , a nd A DA acce ssi bi l it y. Ther e a r e a lso questions about how to properly ba r r ic ade d i n i ng a r e a s f r om vehicular traff ic. According to Greenwich Planning & Zoning Director, Katie DeLuca, there are over 50 approved outdoor dining establishments in Greenwich, subject to renewal every year. On Tuesday, Lamont issued an Executive Order which calls for ex pedited approva l and permitting for expanded outdoor dining. Specif ically, it allows municipalities to expedite changes to zoning amendments; allows the suspension and modification of certain permitting and approval processes for outdoor activities; allows restaurants with liquor licenses to serve outdoors only with food without applying for a separate patio or extension of use permit; and allows private clubs to sell alcohol only to members for pickup or delivery. The Order also addresses the use of parking lots, sidewalks and vehicular rights of way. Lamont intends to issue a

The mill rate goes up from 11.59 to 16.73 and debt increases from $188 million to $586 million. If that is not enough, this capital budget does not even include all the expenditures you might expect. Fist of all, it excludes about half of the BOE masterplan. Eastern and Western Middle Schools, Glenville and Hamilton Avenue among others would not be funded. And these projections assume inflation will run at 0% for 15 years! Every point of inflation is another $120 million of taxes or debt we will face. Finally, this assumes no added expense for state cutbacks to Greenwich, pension shortfalls or toxic waste remediation we may face. And it does not include a Northwest Fire Station. The point of looking ahead is to realize we cannot do all we may want, at least not unless we are willing to raise taxes even further. Even when the mill rate

goes up by 44% and debt triples, we still cannot fund all the capital projects we have identified. This also shows current spending will crowd out future projects. Advocates of current spending will dismiss all of this. Who can see the future? But this is all misdirection. The capital budget is primarily a function of what projects we want to do and how soon we want to do them. If I want a $20 million renovation, I know I will spend $20 million (plus inflation) and then have to raise taxes or borrow that $20 million. Once we decide what we want, we can get a very good sense of the impact on taxes and debt. Similarly, the operating budget grows at a fairly predictable pace. A large portion of our budget is salaries of teachers, firefighters and police. Those salaries will grow with cost of living adjustments which are fairly predictable.

The on ly way these ex penses wou ld cha nge dramatically is if we changed headcount, and even in tough times that is hard to do. The final piece of the puzzle is understanding why small changes in the operating budget matter. A $1 million reduction in spending may seem small in the context of our $450 million annual operating budget, but if we could find an ongoing reduction of that magnitude, with inflation it would add up to $17 million of savings over 15 years. That would be enough for almost any one of the school renovations recommended by the BOE Master Plan but not currently in the Capital Plan. If we can save $2 million per year, we can restore 2 of those projects. In reality it is easier, politically, to push capital projects back indefinitely or forego them completely rather than making even small cuts in the operating budget. Sadly, our well-intentioned support for avoiding efficiencies in our budget ensure this sub optimal result. We are seeing this play out before our eyes in the debate over the current school budget. We all prioritize education, but by insisting on full increases in the BOE budget we are implicitly delaying or cancelling future school projects we may need. People have derided the BET for approving no increase in the school budget versus the $3 million increase requested. While the hyperbole associated with the criticism is very ugly, I respect people advocating for their spending priorities. I only hope those who want to spend more today will be OK when it crowds out spending in the future. If your insistence on granting the schools the full increase they seek postpones or eliminates desired school renovations, are you prepared to be accused of not caring about the kids? Brooks Harris is an RTM representative from District 10 and is Chair of a Working Group on Capital. The opinions expressed here are not those of the RTM or any of its committees.

A Primer On Our Town’s Budget Process

This year determining the budget has been a difficult process literally marked with anger and emotion as people fight for items in the budget they feel are essential. Economic realities make it impossible to please everyone. Thanks to the pandemic, this upcoming fiscal year will probably be marked by hard choices. No one knows what will happen for sure, but by all predictions the economy will likely be slow to rebound. This will likely affect town revenues as fewer houses may be sold, people may not be able to afford to pay their taxes, and businesses may close. In addition, health insurance costs are rising and pensions for town employees may require more funding to offset losses in investments. When the town budget in a fiscal year is being contemplated, two budgets, one for the schools and the other for town departments (police, fire, human services, library, etc.), are worked on separately, but taxpayers fund both. The Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education submit a proposed budget for the schools. The First Selectman, working with department heads, submits a town budget. The First Selectman is also responsible for submitting the capital budget for both the town and the schools. Once the two schools and the First Selectman finish, the budgets go to the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET). The town's 12-member fiduciary body (6 Republicans and 6 Democrats) has the power to set the size of the budget. Prior to f inalizing their recommendations, the BET holds a public hearing to hear the concerns of the public on the budget recommended by its Budget Committee. On Decision Day, the members of the BET go through each line item of the operating budget, as well as the capital budget. This year the budget discussions on Decision Day were extremely contentious and required a tie-breaking vote to finalize the expenditures. In the end, for FY21 the

BET kept both the town and education budgets level to current FY20 spending. This decision was made in anticipation of the economic tsunami that is projected from the ongoing pandemic. In actuality, however, when benefits are included, the education budget actually increased by 1.23%. The town budget also increased slightly when benefits are considered. Much of the capital was deferred to future years recognizing that many buildings were not accessible and the anticipated capital projects that were originally contemplated would not be possible in FY21. When the BET approves the budget, it is certified by the Chair and Clerk of the Board and is filed with the Town Clerk. The budget then goes to the Representative Town Meeting (RTM). The town's 230-member legislative body cannot increase the budget, they can only reduce the budget if enough votes are garnered. The RTM is the final step towards approving the FY2020-2021 town, education and capital budgets. The last major act is performed by the BET. Once they have a budget that is approved by the RTM, BET members then crunch the numbers, decide whether to offset a mill rate increase with additional use of the unrestricted fund balance, and ultimately vote on what the mill rate (tax rate) should be in the coming fiscal year. The tax collector then sends out your tax bill in June and December. This year, thanks to Governor Lamont’s Executive Order and a vote by the RTM, those that do not pay their taxes through their mortgage company or bank will have until October 1st to pay their tax bill. The budget process is a lengthy, convoluted and at times an intimidating process. In the end, a budget is created, with some people who are pleased with the outcome, others who are not. Time will tell whether the decisions made for FY21 were the correct ones. In the meantime, Greenwich


Thank You for Salary Figures

Thank you for the research and ef fort that you clearly put into last week's editorial a bout what t he educat ion budget increases were actually supposed to be used for. I was surprised and upset to learn that almost all of the

money being fought over in the education budget is actually for raises, not programming for children at all. I was told that the money was for t he k ids a nd t hat without it teachers and staff and programming would all

have to be cut. I actually am having trouble understanding how anyone could demand a raise in today's world. Why isn't everyone agreeing to a pay freeze? Karen Johnson

is fortunate to have so many volunteers in town to provide the services our residents have come to government that devote countless hours of their expect and enjoy. Karen Fassuliotis is the Vice-Chair, time without compensation to make the budget Board of Estimate and Taxation process work and to assure that our town continues

Congratulations Emmet Fucigna Cum Laude Villanova Engineering Class of 2020 & all his fellow 2020 graduates

Some advice…

LIVE SIMPLY DREAM BIG BE GRATEFUL GIVE LOVE LAUGH LOTS Know your family loves you & all you can achieve This is the beginning of anything you want.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 WATER MAIN CLEANING Aquarion Water Company will launch a water main cleaning project starting May 17 and through July 31. The cleaning will take place Sunday through Thursday nights from 9pm to 5am. The schedule of areas of Greenwich where the cleaning project will take place can be found at: VIRTUAL PROGRAMS AT GREENWICH LIBRARY Greenwich Library is offering a wealth of helpful, educational and fun virtual events, including storytimes, book clubs, job search coaching, author conversations and more. Virtual programs can be found on the Library’s online calendar (, where you can register and then receive a join link and password. TUTORIALS FOR KIDS Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC) offers weekly free tutorials and challenges. For more information, visit and/ or follow them on: myogrcc

CALENDAR FRIDAY, MAY 15 May 15-May 17: NAMI Connecticut


Virtual Walk. As a virtual walker, participants will use email and social media to fundraise and build awareness about the free support groups and education programs provided by NAMI CT and NAMI Southwest CT. event/walk2020 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi via Zoom ( Consider donating $10/class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 9:30 - 10 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Historical Greenwich Time Database Review. Free. Register. 203-6227920. rhansen@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 10 a.m. Online Qigong Class with Greenwich’s Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte Whole Health. Via Zoom. (Every Friday). Classes are also available on donnabuntewholehealth 10 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. Free. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Spotlight on Apps: RBdigital. Free. Register. 203-625-6560. signup/Calendar 1 p.m. ‘Borrow. Read. Repeat.’ - join the experts at Penguin Random House to hear what they recommend for your reading and listening pleasure. Free registration required. bit. ly/2Lb9KFy 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtul World Music with Anitra. Free. Register to receive attendee join link and password. Children. signup/Calendar 4 - 5 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual YA Book Discussion Group (Grades 6-8). Free. Register. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 5 - 5:30 p.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Meet the Animals Livestream - join in online to meet and learn about ambassador animals who live at the Audubon Center. GreenwichAudubonCenter

5/8/20 8:56 AM

CANCELED: Greenwich Hospital Benefit 2020. Greenwich Country Club, 19 Doubling Rd. 203-8633865. events@greenwichhospital. org. benefit-2020/ SATURDAY, MAY 16 ICC (India Cultural Center) Greenwich: Children’s Classes Extensions begin - includes Hindi for new students and for adults. $125/5-week class. (ICC offers tuition assistance). Email info@ if you think you qualify. 7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream - join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and experience levels are welcome. (Wed & Sat during Spring). facebook. com/GreenwichAudubonCenter 10 a.m. Children’s Concert: Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County presents Sonia De Los Santos Live on Instagram @soniadls. More information at: 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Meditation Workshop. Free. 203622-7920. schan@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar 10 a.m. Cancelled: Greenwich Audubon Center: 2020 Annual Native Plant Sale. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Virtual French Home Cooking with Sylviane. Free. Register. greenwichlibrary. 1 p.m. Greenwich Art Society’s “Conversations, In the Raw” Episode 1: “The State of Artists, Art, & the Art Market during the Pandemic” with James Lancel McElhinney visual artist, author, oral historian, and publisher. Via Zoom. Register. conversationsintherawmay16. 1 – 2 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - “The Night Diary:” Living and Writing through Extraordinary Times. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. signup/Calendar 3 - 4 p.m. Old Greenwich-Riverside Community Center (OGRCC): Virtual Chess Spring program. Pre-K to 5. (Saturdays, through June 20). $200. 3 - 4 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Student Writing Workshop (Grades 7-10) with Sarah Darer Littman. Free. Register. 203-622-7918. emorrissey@greenwichlibrary. org. signup/Calendar SUNDAY, MAY 17 Cancelled: The Greenwich Preservation Trust’s 2020 Preservation Leadership Award, presented to Stephen L. Bishop. 203-661-6343, 203-570-6343. 10 a.m. Cancelled: Greenwich Audubon Center: 2020 Annual Native Plant Sale. 9 a.m. Breast Cancer Alliance ‘Get Fit for Hope’ Challenge. At home - pick your workout of choice, alone, or with family, and support the life-saving work of BCA. $25. Register. 203-8610014. 1 - 3 p.m. Postponed: Friends of Greenwich Point: Baby Farm Animals - Live Animal Presentations. Innis Arden Cottage, Greenwich Point. info@ MONDAY, MAY 18 Canceled: Greenwich Board of Health Meeting - will not be rescheduled. 203-622-6488. May 18 to 23: Junior League of Greenwich’s “#JLGThankourheroes” social media campaign: JLG wants to know who your hero has been in the Town of Greenwich over the past couple months. Create thank you cards, video messages, drawings or simple posts of thanks and post them to your Facebook page with the hashtag #JLGThankourheroes. 8 a.m. Corbo’s Deli & Catering in Old Greenwich re-opens. 1380 East Putnam Ave. Monday through Friday, 8am-3pm; Saturday, 9am-2pm; closed on Sundays (for now). 203354-4675. 9 a.m. Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Virtual Meeting (Password 5005166). CONTINUED on PAGE 13

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel


We Are All In This Struggle Together

Richard Blumenthal Over recent months, I’ve b een deeply move d by t he hardship and heartbreak people are enduring and overcoming. In countless video conferences, telephone calls, and personal v isits, I have w itnessed loss and grief, courage and p e r s e ve r a n c e , c a r i n g a n d


generosity. Greenwich and all of Connecticut are meeting an unparalleled and unprecedented challenge unlike anything we have faced in our lifetimes. In our town, like the state, families and small businesses are struggling with health care and financial issues – inspiring me to work for bip a r t i s a n Cong r e ssiona l ac t ion. The service of our frontline workers is especially moving. So many of our neighbors continue to do their jobs and face this insidious disease. We must never take for granted these heroic sacrif ices of essential frontline workers who courageously confront the horrors of COVID-19 every day. I’m championing a Heroes

Fund to reward and recognize the sacrifices and tireless work of nurses, doctors, healthcare providers, and first responders, police, fire, grocery and delivery workers, and many others. They

advocates, and others, I have seen and heard firsthand their struggles and challenges, and the support they’ve given their communities. I have visited businesses

have volunteered to organize food distribution sites. I’ve read stories of crafters across C o n n e c t i c u t vo l u n t e e r i n g their skills to fill the demand for much needed masks

The resilience and resoluteness of Greenwich as well as our entire state should give us all strength. are the heroes of this pandemic. I’ve also worked for more small business assistance, and aid to our hospitals for testing and personal protective equipment. I have met with businesses across the state, as well as faith leaders, homeless shelters, food banks, domestic violence

who’ve paused their production lines to support the state’s c r it i c a l n e e d for p e r s on a l protective equipment (PPE). I have met with restaurant owners keeping their kitchens open to deliver meals to our frontline workers and members of our communities who

we may feel more isolated, our com munit y has found new ways to come together, with rolling parades for birthdays, virtual commencements, and more frequent video chats with family and friends. Congress has produced three major relief packages seeking to address both health care and economic needs but more must be done. All of us have been impacted by this virus. We are all in this struggle together, and we will get through it together. If you, or a member of your family, needs help during this time, I encourage you to reach out to me.

a n d c o m mu n i t y m e m b e r s who’ve made time to check on neighbors. I’ve watched mobile food banks distribute groceries to miles long lines of cars. The resilience and resoluteness of Greenwich as Richard Blumenthal i s a well as our entire state should Greenwich resident and the senior give us all strength. Even as US Senator from Connecticut.

Delivering Care, Decency and Love

Jim Himes This week, I washed my hands, put on a mask, and paid a careful v isit to Reverend Patrick Collins of the First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich. Pastor Collins was adding the 3,000th f luttering white flag to the growing flock on his church’s lawn. He has placed a f lag there for each

citizen of Connecticut lost to the coronavirus, hoping, as he told me, to help people understand t he m a g n it ude of t he lo s s and the fact that each person lost is not a number, but an individual—someone’s daughter or father, coach or neighbor. I realized that Pastor Collins’ f lags had just surpassed the nu m b er of A mer ic a ns lost on 9/11: 2,977. I couldn’t help ref lect on how different the coronavirus tragedy is from the one we all lived through almost 20 years ago. On 9/11, evil had a face. Or to be more precise, 19 faces. Our response was clear: we would deliver justice, largely through our men and women in uniform. Our job was to support

them, to comfort the bereaved, a nd to r e m e m b e r t h e lo s t through memorials like the one that stands sentinel over Cos Cob harbor.

touche s , ch at s a nd ra i s e d glasses that are so important to keeping us calm and centered. But ou r t a sk i s no le s s important. And in some ways,

we do: caring for others. Our food pantries need help more than ever. Mary and I realized that our many wonderful nonprofits are terribly squeezed

Just as importantly, we can distract and consume ourselves doing the most meaningful thing we do: caring for others. Today our task is less clear. Our foe has no face. It can arrive on an extended hand or a careless sneeze. Although we have been hit harder than most, no place and no one is spared. Very few of us are not feeling economic pain. And all of us are denied the hugs, reassuring

we can each play a more active role than most of us could after 9/11. For starters, we can keep up the hand washing, mask wearing and care that is beginning to reduce the virus’ spread. Just as importantly, we can distract and consume ourselves doing the most meaningful thing

right now, so we did our “yearend” giving in March. Governor Lamont has asked for medical and non-medical volunteers. O u r te a ch e r s , h e a lt h c a r e workers, letter carriers and first responders are doing their duty under excruciating conditions. You can’t thank them enough.

It costs us neither money nor time to end someone’s fear and isolation. We’re all feeling it, but none more so than our senior citizens and those who live alone. A phone call, a mailed card or even a text can make all the difference to someone feeling scared and isolated. As I drove home to Cos Cob from my visit to Pastor Collins, I passed a sign on a lawn on Sound Beach Ave. “This too shall pass” it read, in colorful childish letters. Made my day. Today, we are all soldiers. Not delivering justice, but delivering care, decency and love. Jim Himes is a Greenwich resident and the US Congressman representing the fourth congressional district.

Sudoku Answers from page 15.



We Want To THANK Our Fellow Healthcare Workers Who Continue To Strive

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Corinne Hale

Obituaries, for which there is never a charge or fee of any kind, may be submitted with photos to

Anthony Cossu

June 17, 1932 - May 10, 2020 Anthony "Tony" Cossu, formerly of Greenwich, passed away Sunday, May 10 at the Masonicare Health Center in Wallingford, CT. He was 87. Born June 17, 1932, in Greenwich, CT to the late Phillippe and Rosa Cossu. Anthony graduated from Greenwich High School class of 1950, after which he joined the US Navy serving on the USS Richard E. Kraus during the Korean conflict. After returning from the war, he married his beloved wife, the late Frances (nee Getz) Cossu on April 12, 1958. Anthony was a tool and die maker and then engineer for Pitney Bowes, retiring in 1993 after a 33year career. He later went on to work for the Ivey, Barnum and O'Mara law f irm as well as volunteer at Greenwich Hospital. Anthony also served as Post Commander of the American Legion Post 29 along with being a part of the Post 29 Drum Corps; and was also a member of the Greenwich Knights of Columbus Council 39. Anthony is survived by his loving children John (Teresa) of Rye Brook, NY and Michael of Waterbury, CT; his cherished granddaughter Sharon Caggiano (Domenic) of Winsted, CT; and son-in-law Jay Brennen of Hudson, NY; his dear sisters Theresa Cossu of Redding, CT Renata Gayno (George) of Edgewater, MD; and his nephew and niece George Gayno, Jr. of Edgewater, MD and Lynn Gayno of Annaoplis, MD. He was predeceased by his daughter Elena Brennen and former daughter-in-law Janet Cossu. During this time a private service will be held on Thursday, May 14 for Anthony. He will be interred at St. Mary's Cemetery in Greenwich.

Corinne Elaine Hale, 56, began her new life on May 5, 2020. She was born on April 26, 1964 in Olean, NY to Richard and Melina Waldo. As a child, her family moved several times with two of those places being Tokyo, Japan and Paris, France. She graduated with a bachelor's deg ree f rom Pen nsylva n ia State Universit y in Special Education. Children were a joy to her and that showed in her work when one year she received "Teacher of the Year" award in the Greenwich CT school system. She married Mark Mckee Hale on May 17, 1997 in Stamford, CT. They had one son, Andrew Michael Hale, who is currently serving in the US Navy. In 2009, when Andrew was 11, they moved to Knoxville, TN. She was a devoted wife and mother. Corinne will be desperately missed for her constant love and generous nature. Her natural ability to connect with those around her fostered deep and meaningful friendships. Corinne's smile and warmth brought so much life to so many and her sense of humor was a highlight of any gathering. She is survived by her son, Andrew Michael Hale; her husband, Mark McKee Hale; her sisters, Elise Major and Cara Tully; her brother, Craig Waldo; and her father, Richard Waldo. She also is survived by many nieces, nephews, and in-laws. Her memorial service will be held later this year when large gatherings are permitted. To Plant Memorial Trees in memory, please visit our Sympathy Store.

Dorothy Haas

Lawrence Littig A f ter a multi-year battle w ith dementia and short-term illness with COVID-19, Lawrence (Larry) W. Littig passed away at the age of 81 in Norwalk, CT on Sunday, May 3, 2020. Born July 18, 1938 in Kalamazoo, MI to John and Dorothy Littig, Larry was a competitive youth tennis player coached by the legendary Vic Braden. After graduating Dorothy W. Haas, of Greenwich, State High School in Kalamazoo, Larry beloved wife of 62 years to Frederick attended the University of Michigan in C. Haas, passed peacefully at home Ann Arbor, graduating with a BBA. He surrounded by her family on May 10, met his future wife at Michigan, the

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former Ann Strickland of Saginaw, MI with whom he had three children, John, Rip and Lisa. After serving in the U.S. Army, a long career in finance followed beginning at John Nuveen in Chicago where he traded municipal bonds. Larry moved his young family to Chappaqua, NY in 1966 where he commuted to Manhattan for many years selling municipals at firms including Loeb Rhoades, Dillon Reed, Smith Barney, Dean Witter and Integrated Resources among others. A constant in Larry's life was his love of Christ. He was an active member for many years at the First Congregational Church of Chappaqua and later Stanwich Congregational Church of Greenwich. He sang in the choir and led Bible Study at Stanwich where his detailed examination of The Old Testament was admired by many. Larry and his wife Ann shared a proud love of their alma mater evidenced by many Michigan vs Ohio State Football parties at their home in Chappaqua. In retirement, Larry volunteered frequently at Norwalk Hospital visiting sick patients as well as at the New Covenant Soup Kitchen in Stamford. He continued his active involvement in Stanwich Church well into his late 70's. L a r r y is su r v ive d by h is son Lawrence (Rip) W. Littig Jr. and his wife Jill of Fairfield, CT, and by his daughter Lisa Ann Tucker and her husband Adam of Chappaqua, NY, and grandchildren Emma, Lauren, Trescher, Lyla, Bradley, Julia and Miles. Funeral and burial are private due to COVID-19 restrictions and the safety of all people who Larry loved throughout his well-lived life. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to Norwalk Hospital (nonprofit) online at

Greenwich, CT 06830


2020 at the age of 86. Dorothy was born June 24, 1933 in Buffalo, NY to the late Charles and Else Wittlief. Dorothy appreciated ar t and althoug h she had little formal training, she had a talent for composition and painted many beautiful oils which adorn her home. Dorothy enjoyed all animals and birds, but most of all she loved dogs. She bought her first dog, a Shetland Sheepdog, when she was a teenager and the breed became her lifelong interest. One of her greatest joys was to play with a puppy. Her beloved dogs were a central part of her life and she shared and instilled her love of dogs in all her children. A legacy that continues. Dorothy was a past member of the Ox Ridge Kennel Club and past president of the TriState Shetland Sheepdog Club. Her second love was the Arabian Horse. She studied the breed's structure and movement which allowed her to appreciate the finer points of that marvelous breed. D or ot hy i s su r v ive d by he r beloved husband Frederick, her children: Kenneth K. Haas, Lawrence F. Haas and his wife Jill, and Sandra D. C h a i s s o n a n d h e r hu s b a n d Thomas. She is also survived by her grandchildren: Jennifer E. Press and her husband Aaron, Carl R. Haas, and her great-grandchild Asher J. Press. Dorothy was predeceased by her siblings: Charles, Marion Mohr, Eleanor and Dolores. In lieu of f lowers, donations may be made in Dorothy's memory to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine C/O Cornell University Foundation, Ithaca, NY for canine research purposes. A private family service was held at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Greenwich.

Theresa Kelly

grandchild) of Cos Cob, daughter-in-law Sandi Miles of Norwalk, sister Diana White of Bethel, brother Donald Miles (Dee) of Cocoa and many nieces and nephews. There was a graveside service on Monday, May 11 at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich, CT. Then, at a later time, there will be a celebration of life for Bobby for family and friends. The family would like to thank the staff, especially Tim (4th floor) at Nathaniel Witherell for the care and support they have given Robert and to Keesha at Hospice Constellation for her care and support as well. In lieu Theresa Rose Kelly, 88 passed away of f lowers, please send donations to May 8, 2020. Nathaniel Witherell Nursing Home, 70 Theresa was born and lived in Parsonage Road, Greenwich, CT 06830 Greenwich her entire life. Predeceased in his memory. by her husband John "Yosh" Kelly. Brother George "GT" Taris. Father, William Richardson, Jr. Frank Taris and mother, Julia Taris. Survived by son Wayne Kelly and his wife Debra. Daughter Lynne Kelly and partner Deb, grandchildren, Jessica Kelly and Bryan Kelly and his wife Megan, and her great-granddaughter Morgan Kelly. Theresa was ver y active in the Glenville community. She was employed as a book-keeper, and officemanager for Dr. Dinmore and Ilardo for over 20 years. She was very involved in Glenville school PTA activities while her children attended. And especially the school fall fair. She worked on many fundraisers for the Bendheim Civic William P. Richardson Jr., a lifelong Center construction. Theresa was also resident of Greenwich, passed away on the president of the Glenville AARP May 5, 2020 from complications due to for many years. As well as frequenting the coronavirus. He was 68 years old. the Greenwich Senior Center. She Known to all as Bill, he owned never had a drivers license, but always and operated Babco Automotive in found a ride from one of her many Banksville for 20 years until he started wonderful friends. Whether it was to his second career, retiring as the Fire the hairdresser, movie theater, grocery Marshal and a building inspector for store or Frank's Italian restaurant. the Town of North Castle after 25 years. Theresa read thousands of books. She Bill was a member of the Banksville was a big baseball fan, especially the Independent Fire Department for 53 NY METS. She could give you stats years serving as chief for a total of on many players from memory as if 16 years. He was a New York State she were a sportscaster. A talented, fire investigator and a member of the unofficial travel agent organizing many Westchester County Cause & Origin one day and multi-day trips, picnics, team, a past member of the Greenwich dinners, and more. One time she RTM, served on the Middle Patent promised a tour company she could fill Rural Cemetery board, and a member an entire bus for a trip to Manhattan of the Cos Cob Revolver and Rifle Club. and a Broadway show. It was down to Bill's free time included spending time the wire, but she did it and filled that with his family, working on cars, all bus! things racing and hanging out at the Everything she did was 100% as firehouse and the gun club. He will be a wife, mother, and grandmother. missed by many friends. Theresa never gave up her secret for the Bill is survived by his wife of 47 delicious turkey gravy at Thanksgiving. years, Jinny; daughter Rebecca Lane We will always remember how good it and husband Chris of Austin, Texas; was and what a special person she was. grandchildren Gianna, Derek, and Keira; There will be no calling hours. A son Bill of Monroe, CT; mother Frances memorial service will be held at a later of Easton, Mass.; brother Martin and date. wife Abby of Bedford, NY; and a large extended family. He was predeceased Robert Miles by his father William Sr. and in-laws Anthony and Mary Gumina. A service will be scheduled for a later date. In lieu of f lowers, please consider making a donation to a charity of your choice.

Silvio Archino

Robert (Bobby) Lewis Miles, Sr. 82 years old, of Greenwich passed away peacefully on May 6, 2020 at Nathaniel Witherell Nursing Home. Bobby was born on Nov. 10, 1937 to the parents of Christie Lewis Miles and Adele Louise (Carpenter) Miles. Bobby attended Greenw ich H ig h School. He was married to Barbara (Brown) Miles on Jan. 11, 1958 and they just celebrated 62 years of marriage. Bobby was a wonderful husband, dad, father-in-law, pop-pop, brother, uncle, and friend. He had his own landscaping business, Miles Landscaping, for years and then retired. His hobbies were softball in which he got the nickname "Roadrunner," hunting and fishing with his children and loved to watch his two favorite teams the New York Mets and New York Rangers, big time fan. Bobby was a kind, loyal, thoughtful and a family man. In January, 2008 his only grandchild was born, Shane Patrick O'Connor. Shane was his pride and joy from the moment he was put in his arms. His world revolved around Shane and the close bond they had together. Bobby was predeceased by his parents, Christie and Adele, his brother Christy, his sisters Gloria, Jeannie, Ellie, Ginger, and his son Robert Miles Jr. who passed away on June 4, 2013 whom he is now in heaven with. Surviving in addition to his wife Barbara (Brown) Miles, is his daughter Lisa (Miles) O'Connor, her husband John and their son Shane (Bobby's

Silvio Joseph Archino of Greenwich, CT passed away on May 3, 2020 at the age of 88, after complications related to the Covid-19 Virus. Silvio was known by many as "Sal." Silvio was born Aug. 1, 1931 in Port Chester, NY to Dominick and Rosina Iamundo Archino who both immigrated to the US from Italy. He graduated from Port Chester High School and then served in the Korean War during the years 1952 and 1953 where he obtained the rank of US Army Corporal. On Sept. 5, 1954 he married Mary Bellantoni at Holy Rosary Church in Port Chester, NY. Silvio and Mary remained married for over 65 years. After working for a number of years at Matt & Joe's Diner in Port Chester, he and his brother Sam opened up their own business, Sam and Sal's Wedge Restaurant in Port Chester. Silvio also worked for many years for the Town of Greenwich in the Highway Department, eventually retiring as a foreman. He was a loving and dedicated husband, father and grandfather. He is survived by sons Dominick (and wife Lynn) of Massachusetts and Stephen (and wife Deidre) of Greenwich. Silvio was also the proud grandfather of six: James, Jessica Gattoni, Megan, Bryan, Betsy, and Kelly Archino, Caitlin and

Collin Shapiro. He was predeceased in this life by his father Dominick, his mother Rosina Iamundo, his brothers Angelo and Domenico "Sam" and his sister Giroloma "Jerrie" Cusumano. Silvio was an active member at several Roman Catholic Churches including Holy Rosary Church in Port Chester, Saint Mary's Church in Greenwich and Saint Catherine's Church in Riverside where he regularly attended Mass. He was a member of Our Lady of Mercy/Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Knights of Columbus. After his retirement, he spent time as a volunteer at Greenwich Hospital. Silvio was an avid New York sports teams fan for many years. He would love to share stories about the old sports venues such as the Polo Grounds, old Yankee Stadium and the old Madison Square Garden. He eventually decided that he would primarily follow the New York Rangers and the New York Jets and would enjoy making trips to the Garden or to Shea Stadium to see his teams. Silvio had a passion for spending time with his wife Mary and his family. He thoroughly enjoyed Sunday dinners with her and his family. He dedicated his life to his grandchildren. He enjoyed visiting his family in Massachusetts and cheering-on his grandson from the bleachers at Bryan's hockey games. It was not uncommon to hear Silvio singing an old time song in his Italian language dialect that was passed-on to him by his mother and father so many years ago. His character was best demonstrated by the love and compassion he showed towards others through his selflessness and drives to make everyone happy. His smile was infectious and touched everyone that he met. A private service will be held at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home interment will follow at St. Mary's Cemetery.

Kevin Slusarz

Cemetery, Greenwich, CT. Please make Angie, Leo, Jo, Terry and Fred. any donations to the American Heart Special thanks to Suzette who spent Association. 3 years lovingly caring for our mother and the staff at Monmouth Crossing for providing a safe and caring home for Patricia Ellis Pat over these last five years. All arrangements are private and under the direction of the Clayton & McGirr Funeral Home, Freehold Township. A memorial service will be held at a later date when the family can safely come together and celebrate Pat’s life.

Dr. Timothy Nolan Kevin Stanley Slusarz, 56, a lifelong resident of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully on April 30. Kevin was born March 19, 1964 to Irene McTeigue Slusarz, and the late Stanley Slusarz. Kevin attended Greenwich public and parochial schools. Throughout his life, Kevin worked as a painting contractor and tradesmen. He enjoyed several trips to Ireland, visits to California, and summers on the beaches of Greenwich, CT. Kevin is survived by his Mother Irene Slusarz of Greenwich, CT. His sisters, Eileen Varian (Donald), of Sta m ford, CT. Joa n Gia m ma r i no ( John) his nephew John Anthony Giammarino, of Melbourne Florida. Maureen Hoff kins (Jeffrey) of West Melbourne, Fla., and his sister Sheila Slusarz of Greenwich, CT. In addition to his mother, and sisters he is also su r v ive d by h is daug hter Ci ndy Thomas (Jermaine) of California his granddaughters, Amora and Olivia. He is also survived by his daughter Shannon Brewer (Michale) and his grandchildren Myles and McKenzie of California. We all love and miss you dearly. Rest in peace Kevin. There will be no calling hours. Kevin will be laid to rest in St Mary's

Patricia “Pat” Zumbo Ellis departed this life on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. She was born on Aug. 5, 1929 in Greenwich, CT where she spent her life devoted to her family. Pat spent her career at the Greenwich Librar y, where she passionately served the Town of Greenwich for more than 30 years in support of her love of reading and education. Following her retirement from the library, Pat and her husband, Les traveled to the shore - Cape Cod and Sanibel Island being their favorites for long wa l k s, shel l i ng a nd t he beautiful Gulf of Mexico. Pat is survived by her children, Steve and his wife, Charmaine, Kevin and his wife, Karen, Margaret and her husband, Gerard, Kathy and her husband, Bill; grandchildren, Megan, Alex, Chris, Amanda, Darrel, Joey and his wife, Jennifer; and greatgrandchildren, Leela and Isabel. Pat was preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, Leslie “Les” Stevenson Ellis, Jr.; parents, Patsy and Margaret Zumbo; and siblings, Dom,

Dr. Timothy F. Nolan of Greenwich, CT passed away peacefully at Nathaniel Witherell Nursing Home on April 20. He was 94 years old. D r. N o l a n h a d a l o n g a n d distinguished medical career. He received both his B.S. and M.D. degrees from Yale University. He interned at Albany Medical Hospital and completed a G enera l Su rg ica l Residenc y at Newington V.A. Hospital. After a twoyear tour of duty in the U.S. Navy where he was a Lieutenant in the Field Hospital in Korea (where he performed 1,000 surgeries) and later at the San Diego Naval Hospital, he completed a Surgical residency and Urology residency at West Haven V.A. Hospital. In 1956, he joined the staff of Greenwich Hospital. Over the next 40 years, Dr. Nolan served in many capacities, among them Chief of Urology, Chief

of the Department of Surgery and Chief of Staff. He served numerous committees in the hospital including the Executive Committee, Credential Committee, and Bylaws Committees. He was he Speaker of the House of Delegates for the State Medical Society and was on the Board of the Greenwich Medical Society where he served as president. He was a member of several medical organizations, among them the American Medical Association and the American Urological Association. In 1951, he married Mary O'Hara with whom he had four children. After her death, he married Barbara Cashel who was the executive director of Community Centers, Inc. She has one son. Dr. Nolan was an active member of the Greenwich community. He participated on the Planning Counsel of the United Way. He served on the Board of Directors of the Red Cross and on the Board of the Directors of the Hill House. He was a member of Retired Men's Association, the Harpoon Club of Greenwich, the Horseneck Club and the First Friday Club. He was a member of the Indian Harbor Yacht Club and a 45year member of The Millbrook Club. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Barbara Nolan; his stepson, Robert Cashel (Sheila); his children, M a r y B e t h Nola n , Pau l V i nc e nt (Susanne), Timothy (Trish), and predeceased by daughter Margaret Ann. He is also survived by nine grandchildren. A true gentleman, a man of unquestionable integrity, a lover of blueberry pie, with a radiating kindness, he will be missed by all who knew him (including Jasper his beloved dog). The family is deeply grateful for the loving care he received while at Nathaniel Witherell.

Worship Services & Events ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 Online Sunday Worship: 9 & 11am, htchurch. com & social media outlets. HTKidz Worship – a weekly Bible story and simple activities parents can do at home to reinforce the lesson ( HTKidzList). ‘GriefShare’ online weekly meeting (credentials to participate will be supplied to you when you register). Walking with The King, Mon 8pm. GriefShare: Wed through June 24, 1-2:30pm. Pray with the Pastors: Thu, 8pm. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Service via FB Live: 11:30am. Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Online Worship - Sunday, 11am, streamed through Facebook and website ( CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 All weekday and weekend masses are celebrated without the presence of the faithful until further notice. St. Catherine and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 | org Virtual Mass via Zoom: Sun 10:30am & Wed 1:30pm (Daily). Virtual events: Rosary: Mon 1:30pm. Prayer and Conversation: Tue & Thu 1:30pm. Stations of the Cross: Fri 1:30pm. (A sacred space on St. Catherine’s campus in the vestibule of the Chapel can be viewed from outside. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has also been moved to this sacred space). The priests of the parish will celebrate Mass privately for your intentions. Parish Partners offers hotline & daily prayer at 203-637-3661 x375. ‘NeedUndies’ Campaign: through May 31, consider either making a donation to the campaign or purchasing a pack of underwear from the Amazon Wish List, needundies. Book Discussion Group resumes on Zoom - The Universal Christ, by Richard Rohr: May 20, 7-8pm, Volunteer: Help Seniors Stay Well: The Commission on Aging is seeking volunteers from the Senior Providers Network to assist in placing “wellness” calls to households in Greenwich with residents over the age of 75, email St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Daily Mass (Mon-Sun), 12pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Pray the Rosary: Every night in May, 7:30pm.

St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily & Sunday Masses - live-streamed, 9am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Sun 121pm, live-streamed. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 St. Timothy’s Chapel is open for daily private prayer from 7am-7pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – leave a message at 203-531-8741 ext. 2. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass - via live streaming: Mon-Sat 8am (Latin), Mon-Sat 9am (English), Sun 7:30am (English), [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 7:30am & 9:30am Mass Intentions], Sun 1pm (Spanish) [Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 11:30am & 1pm Mass Intentions]. The Church will be open as follows (for private prayer): M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 3-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. Eucharistic Adoration (silent): M-F 7-8pm, Sat 5-6pm, Sun 9am-12pm. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live telconference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 Worship services are cancelled until at least May 24. The office is also closed until further notice. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Online Worship: Sun 10am, Postponed: Campus Clean-Up Day: May 16. Postponed: Round Hill Reads: Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life: May 17. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Online Worship Service: Sun 10am, through livestreaming on YouTube and broadcast on WGCH (or tune to AM1490 or FM105.5). Virtual Community Hour: Sun 11am, via Zoom (meeting ID: 909 415 108, password: 003930). Connect during the week: Monday: Music on Mondays (sent by Craig Symons); Wednesday: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by Rev. Patrick Collins); Thursday: Faith Formation at Home for All (sent by Rosemary Lamie); Friday: Fridays by the Fireside (live with Rev. Patrick Collins). Postponed: Women’s Fellowship Annual Luncheon: May 20.

North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun 10:30am, via Zoom. Please email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ any day and at any time until 9am on Sunday and you will receive an invitation link. Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Sunday Services: 8:30 & 10:30am. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Regular services are being held at this time. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Virtual Worship Services: Sun: Holy Eucharist, 10am – livestream; Weekdays: Morning Prayer, 8am, on Zoom; Thu: Evensong, 5pm livestream. Morning Prayer live-sessions: 7 & 9am at Virtual Sunday Evening Bible Study on Zoom – email Andrew Kryzak ( to be included. Organ Recitals: Fri 5:30-6pm, FB Live. Tea Time Book Group: Sun through May 24, 4pm, via Zoom. Children’s Tea Party Time: May 14, 3pm, via Zoom. The New ‘Normal’: How to Return to a Changed World – A Virtual Retreat for Women, May 16, 8:30-9:45am, via zoom. Family Matters Class: May 17, 11:15am-12:15pm, via Zoom. Family Matters Class: “Activities and Resources” with psychologist Dr. Natalie Richton, for parents to help guide children through the Pandemic: May 19, 7:30-8:30pm, via Zoom. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Virtual Service, 10am. Virtual Coffee Hour, 10:30am. Canceled: House Church: May 21. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 May 17: Holy Eucharist, 8am; Online Morning Prayer, 10:15-11:15am; Virtual Coffee Hour, 11am, via Zoom. The Book of Common Prayer is available online in PDF format: stpaulsriverside. org/online-worship-resources. Faith At Home - crafted devotional materials for families and individuals available at St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Marriage During COVID-19, with Dr. Dale Atkins: May 17, 8pm, ( or call 646.558.8656, meeting #4881360762).

Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203900-7976; All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Virtual Shabbat Service & Oneg: May 15, 7:30-9:30pm, Zoom link to be provided. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom. us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Jewish meditation and text study with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Fri, 12pm. Storytime for Kids with Rabbi Gerson, Tue-Thu 5:30pm. Kids Sing Along with Cantor Dunkerley, Mon-Thu, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services – live-streamed: Fri 6:30pm; Sat 10am; Sun 8:30am. If you have an emergency and need to reach a member of the clergy, dial 203-869-7191 ext. 3. The History of Zionism & Antisemetism: May 14, 7pm, via Zoom. Lunch ‘N Learn: May 19, 12-1pm. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 The Service of the Word is streamed live at 10am on Sundays. Holy Communion is offered throughout the week (at First Lutheran) by appointment. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Worship Services Live-streamed at firstpaul. com/live-stream. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online Worship via Zoom. Hangout with Pastor Carol: Tues-Sat, 5-6pm, (No agenda, no structure - just stop by to hang out, talk about what is on your mind. Join in for any portion or the whole hour. Prayer requests accepted). Via phone: Dial-in: +1-929-436-2866 US (NY), Meeting ID: 262 529 082. New: ‘What Happened to the Disciples?’, Wed, 7:30pm, via Zoom (or Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866 US. Meeting ID: 940 2222 0303, Password: 516742). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands, Mon 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian, Tue 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce, every Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture, Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study, Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk, Fri 3pm, via Zoom.

Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) | Online sermons available on Facebook ( and on Youtube. All groups will be online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-5362686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Worship online: Sun, 10:45am, (stanwichchurch. org/live-streaming). Prayer Hour: Mon 7pm, Wed 6:30am, Fri 7am, via conference call (Dial 515-606-5410, punch in access code: 119748#). Facebook Live with Pastor David: Wed 7pm. Student Small Groups: Fri 6:30pm, via Zoom. Alpha Online - begins May 11, 7:30pm, via Zoom, register ( OnlineReg/134). The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Services and all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Online Sunday Services: 9:45am, TrinityChurchLife/live. Digital Devos (a 30-minute ‘drop-in’ devotional and prayer via Zoom call: Tue & Fri, 11:30am; Thu, 7pm, TrinityChurch.Life. Give and receive help during Covid-19 – join the Covid-19 Crisis Care Team or request help and support, visit TrinityChurch.Life. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Online Worship: Sun 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. Email info@ with questions. FAB Women’s Group Online: May 18, 12-1pm. The Prayer Room: May 19, 12-12:45pm, via Zoom. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280; 203-861-7555 Worship is cancelled indefinitely. Sermons available on the website. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee and fellowship: Sun, 11:15am-12pm, via Zoom. Following the service prayer teams will be available to pray for you (fill out a form on the webpage). Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am. Men’s Prayer Night: May 15, 7-8pm. Men’s Bible and Bagels: May 16, 7:15-8:30am. Building Your Life in Christ: May 17, 12-1:30pm.

On Faith Feature

By Marek Zabriskie When I was first ordained, I took the youth group from my church in Nashville, Tennessee rappelling near Sewanee, where the University of the South is located. I had never rapp el le d b e for e , but a f te r rappelling down a 30-foot wall, I felt like Superman. Our next challenge was a 110-foot cliff. When my turn came, I slowly edged backwards over the cliff, suddenly dropped 10 feet and realized that there was no place to plant my feet against the wall. It was a free fall. I had 100 feet still to descend

On Faith

Choose Love, Not Fear

and nothing but my rope, my hands and a little dev ice to squeeze the rope like a brake. I was scared out of my wits. My adrenaline was f lowing. My heart was beating faster and faster. I tried not to panic, but every time I released some rope and squeezed the break, it burned my hands. I dropped the last 40 feet like a rock and hit the ground hard. We have all been in the grip of fear. It’s like having a twisting screwdriver turn in the base of your stomach. It sends shivers down your spine, tightens your chest, and dries your throat. Fe a r i s u biq u itou s . No one escapes it. Yet, fear can be both good and bad. It can protect us or cripple us. Life is full of fear: the fear of failure, the fear of getting sick, the fear of growing old, the fear of losing someone we love, and above all the fear of dying. To be afraid is to be human. Fear strikes even the most courageous individuals. Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned

for the 28 years in South Africa, said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind the mask of boldness. The brave man,” said Mandela, “is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Likewise, the poet Michael Leuning writes, There are only two feelings. Love and fear. There are only two languages. Love and fear. There are only two activities. Love and fear. There are only two motives, two procedures, two frameworks, two results. Love and fear. Throughout our lifetime, we must constantly choose between love and fear. A mentor of mine, John Claypool, said, “We are never less loving than when we are most afraid.” Fear brings out the worst in us. Best-selling author Brené

Br ow n h a s a n ew p o dc a s t . It ’s c a l l e d “ Un l o ck i n g Us ,” which teaches people how to navigate fear. She says, “A crisis highlights all of our fault lines,” she notes. “We can pretend that we have nothing to learn, or we can take this opportunity to… make a better future for ourselves and others.” Brown notes that we need to look beyond ourselves. She said, “We need to take a step back and look at the loneliness, and the joblessness, and the racial disparities, so that we can understand how to help different communities that were disproportionately affected.” For anyone feeling destabilized by fear, she cautions against lashing out, saying, “We have to be intentional about choosing kindness and generosity.” We c a n w a l l ow i n f e a r, or we can enlist it as an ally. Whichever we do has an enormous impact on our lives. The Har vard physiolog ist Walter Cannon was the f irst to speak about the “f ight-or-

f light” response that occurs in every frightened human being. Chemicals w ithin our body, like dopamine, unconsciously prepare us to react to danger by either fleeing or fighting. US Special Forces Sergeant Tim Cooper notes: You can control fear. I can even use it to my benefit. But with panic, I can’t control it. And if I let fear get so big that it turns into panic, then that’s when it immobilizes me, keeps me from doing what I need to do. One way to manage our fear is to face it with friends, family a nd col le ag ues at ou r side . Together, we can size up the situation more realistically, and it reduces the physiological stress responses like spiking blood pressure or hyperventilation. Reca ll how the disciples handled the ultimate fear. After Jesus was crucified, the disciples were terrified that they could be next. So, they came together the Upper Room behind closed doors, cloistered in fear, like all of us who are quarantined.

There is strength in solidarity. While they were together, Jesus came to them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then a remarkable event occurred. Instead of displaying his resurrected power, Jesus showed them his wounds, and they recognized him. He wasn’t a ghost. When we boast or brag, we create distance. But when we share our vulnerability and our wounds, we invite others to come closer, and we create a bond with them. As we fear for our health, our loved ones and wonder what this pandemic means for our future, we can find God in the midst of our fear. God is always found in the wounds of life, in those who suffer and in those who help. Jesus’ wounds were part of his resurrected life. They are a powerful indication of God’s presence. Easter does not destroy suffering. It transforms it. By the Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Rector of Christ Church Greenwich

During this challenging time, many of the faithful are unable to attend Mass. MAGNIFICAT is providing complimentary access to their online versions of MAGNIFICAT and MagnifiKid! MAGNIFICAT can be accessed through their website at Below is an excerpt from MAGNIFICAT.

Coronavirus The Sentinel Large REV3.qxp_The Sentinel CoronaVirus Ads 3/23/20 4:00 PM Page 1

During the COVID-19 state of emergency Rudy’s Executive Transportation has been designated an ‘essential’ service and will remain open for our customers. Rudy’s will continue to provide transportation services to our customers who absolutely, positively have to get there. And to help combat the spread of the virus, Rudy’s has also established additional protocols to maintain safe, clean vehicles between rides, while ensuring effective infection control by all drivers.

“We at Rudy’s pledge to do everything within our power to protect our customers during the present crisis. Our top priority continues to be the safety and well-being of our passengers.” - Roy Spezzano, CEO

Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel

On Faith Column

By Nathan Hart To be read in springtime of 2021. Hello, Future Self! It’s your Past Self during quarantine about a year ago with a few friendly reminders. On a Saturday morning when you wake up, even before you get out of bed, take a moment to consider your schedule for the day. Are there any items on your calendar that you don’t really need to do today? Because here in quarantine, Saturdays

A Letter To My Future Self have slowed down a lot, and it’s been pretty nice. Try not to get back into the frantic busyness that can distract your soul from finding pleasure in the simple things. It’s okay to stay home for a couple hours and enjoy a good book. When you enter your kitchen to have breakfast, take a look in your pantry and your refrigerator. As you grab that box of cereal and gallon of milk, pause to think about all the supply chain employees who made it possible for you to buy these things. You might have forgotten by now, but during quarantine those folks were rightly praised as unsung heroes of our society. Sitting around the breakfast table, take a good look at your wife and your children. Are they all healthy? Thank God for every breath in their lungs. During the crisis a lot of people couldn’t

breathe easily and some even died from it. As you consider the gift of your family’s health, take a deep breath and pray for those families who lost a loved one last year. Is there a vaccine? Be grateful that God has given such creative and skillful minds to Scientists. Ok, now it’s time to get into your car and run some errands in town. If I know you at all (and I’d like to think I know you pretty well), you’ll feel impatient and annoyed about all the traffic. Don’t fall into that temptation, Future Self! Instead, praise God that so many people are filling the streets, supporting small businesses, and gathering to enjoy in-person com munit y and friendship. That’s right, I’m telling you to praise God for traffic jams. Trust me, it’s a good thing that all those people are there. While you’re out, stop by your local food pantry or

homeless shelter and talk to the person managing the place. Ask what needs they have and how you can meaningfully help them. Later in the afternoon you’ll be faced w ith an impor tant choice. Your wife will ask you to join her on a walk through your neig h borhood. Im mediately yo u’ l l c o m e up w i t h a f e w excuses of things you really need to accomplish before dinnertime, you know, to be eff icient and get a head. But please don’t forget what joy and peace you experienced during quarantine when you took leisurely walks with your wife. Those tasks that seem so urgent right now are not nearly as valuable as fortyfive minutes walking and talking with your life partner. As you stroll, you’ll notice people and trees and flowers of such beauty that you’ll totally forget what was on your urgent list of tasks to efficiently accomplish. Plus,

you’ll become more emotionally connected with your wife as you share what’s on your hearts. Listen to her. Go on the walk. When you arrive back at the house, toss the football with your kids, join your wife to make dinner together, turn on some good music, pour a bottle of wine, slow your pace. And “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32) After dinner, don’t turn on the TV to watch cable news, Netflix shows, or YouTube viral videos. You don’t need any of that. Ask the family if they want to play a board game--your kids enjoyed Sorry! and Uno during quarantine. Eventually it’ll be bedtime a n d s i n c e i t ’s a S a t u r d a y your mind will shift to what’s happening tomorrow. Church. During quarantine you became

accustomed to doing church in your pajamas w ith the livestream. This might make you less motivated to get dressed, rally the kids, and enter the Sanctuary. Do it anyway. It’ll be glorious and noisy and complicated--I don’t know if we’ll be shaking hands during fellowship hour--but it’ll be worth it. Amazingly, you’ll get to hear the live voices of the congregation singing heartily a nd pra i si ng G o d who w a s sovereign last year and still is now. Don’t ever take this for granted. Sing to God, praise him, and love his people well. Sincerely, Your Past Self Re v . D r. N a t h a n H a r t i s Senior Pastor of Stanwich Church, a m u lt i-site c on g rega t ion i n Greenwich and Stamford , CT. Nathan and his wife Nancy have two children.

Dear Glenville and Greenwich Residents, For the past three months, the Covid-19 pandemic has created unprecedented personal and financial hardship across the country, and around the world, taking hundreds of thousands of lives, and sickening millions. The civil stay-at-home and social distancing orders have resulted in a ruptured economy worldwide, and caused massive unemployment. In this difficult time, we want the public to know that the Glenville Volunteer Fire Company remains committed to ensuring the maximum fire protection and emergency response to the residents of Glenville and, when needed, to all of Greenwich. Throughout the Fire Company’s 117-year history, the people of Glenville and Greenwich have supported our Volunteer Mission, not only with men and women, but also with contributions to our Annual Fundraising Fund Drive. Because of your generosity, the Company has been able to purchase vital equipment and vehicles to meet the operational needs required to provide the fire protection and fire safety you have come to expect and deserve. In light of the pandemic, and the uncertainty in the months ahead, we have decided to cancel our Annual Fundraising Event and David N. Theis Award this year. We believe that it would not be appropriate to request financial assistance at this time of physical and economic hardship. Rest assured, we are still committed to protecting the residents of Glenville and the entire Town of Greenwich, as we have been doing through two World Wars, the Great Depression, the 9/11 terror attacks, and so much more, over the past 117 years. We are confident that, TOGETHER, as Citizens and Volunteers, we will endure this latest challenge, and be stronger for it. Our commitment to you remains steadfast and unshakable. Thank you.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 10 a.m. NAMI-CAN Online Support Group – for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues. Free. (3rd Mon of the month). Via Zoom, Meeting ID: 596 783 943, Password: 024327. 12 - 1 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Votes for Women! A Zoom Lecture from CT Women’s Hall of Fame. Free. Register. 203-622-7919. dsalm@ signup/Calendar 5 - 6 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: Virtual Yoga for Adults. Free. Register. signup/Calendar 6 - 7 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual – Fiction Addiction Book Club. Free. Register. 203- 625-6534. signup/Calendar 6:30 p.m. Greenwich Board of Health

The Members of the Glenville Volunteer Fire Company Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Josephine C. Evaristo Conference Room, 3rd floor, 101 Field Point Rd. 203-6226488. TUESDAY, MAY 19 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Balance and Focus through Tai Chi - via Zoom (zoom. us/j/6114505034). Consider donating $10/class to charity. First Congregational Church of Old Greenwich or text message FCCOG TaiChi to 73265. 10 - 10:30 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Storytime. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. dsullivan@ signup/Calendar 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Drop-in Computer Lab. Free. Register. 203-6256560. trainingcenter@ signup/Calendar 12 - 1 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual - Google Keyword Planning for SEO. Free. Register.

203-622-7920. ywang@ signup/Calendar 3 - 4:30 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Creative Writing Workshop with Newbery Honor Author Veera Hiranandani. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. dsullivan@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 5 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Greenwich Town Hall - Meeting Room, 101 Field Point Rd. 203622-7894. 5 - 6 p.m. Byram Shubert Library: International Book Club. Free. Register. greenwichlibrary. 5 - 6:30 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual - New Yorker Stories Discussion Group. (Register to receive attendee join link and password). 203-622-6883. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar

6:30 p.m. NAMI Southwest CT Online Family Support Group (Every Tuesday) – Peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. Free. Zoom Meeting: zoom. us/j/2084433181, or call: 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 208 443 3181. 7 - 8 p.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Stone Walls & Structures of England and New England: An Evolution. Free. Register. 203-622-7948. rhansen@ signup/Calendar WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 7 a.m. Greenwich Audubon Center: Dawn Chorus Livestream join naturalist Ryan MacLean to hear morning birdsongs live. Birders of all ages and experience levels are welcome. (Wed & Sat during Spring). GreenwichAudubonCenter 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. American Red Cross Community Blood Drive. Christ

Church Greenwich, 254 East Putnam Ave. 800-733-2767. 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays@Whitby virtual conversations - learn about life at Whitby School. Register. Free. 10:30 - 11 a.m. Greenwich Library: Virtual Sing Along with Tom Weber. Free. Register. 203-622-7920. dsullivan@greenwichlibrary. org. greenwichlibrary.evanced. info/signup/Calendar 12 - 1:15 p.m. Cos Cob Library: Virtual – Brown Bag Book Club. Free. Register. greenwichlibrary. 2 p.m. Storybook Trail Live - join Greenwich Audubon Center staff for a virtual stroll along their Storybook Trail. facebook. com/GreenwichAudubonCenter CALENDAR IS CONTINUED ON LINE AT GREENWICHSENTINEL. COM

Just for Fun

The Ant and The Grasshopper One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving Grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat. "What!" cried the Ants in surprise, "haven't you stored anything away for the winter? What in the world were you doing all last summer?" "I didn't have time to store up a ny food," whine d t he Grasshopper; "I was so busy making music that before I knew it the summer was gone." The Ants shrugged their shoulders in disgust.

The Ant and the Grasshopper, also known as The Grasshopper and the Ant (or Ants) is one of the most famous of Aesop's Fables.

"Making music, were you?" they cried. "Very well; now dance!" And they turned their backs on the Grasshopper and went on with their work.

There's a time for work and a time for play.

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel

Astrology Column For Week of May 17, 2020

GEMINI 22 May-21 June The Sun enters your birth sign this week and although you may not feel any immediate benefits you can expect many positive changes in the weeks ahead. Those changes will be even more positive if you have a firm idea of what you want out of life.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec One-to-one relationships are especially important this week. In all close relationships there are some things in which you are similar and some in which you could not be more different. Focus on the former and the latter won’t seem so important.

CANCER 22 June-23 July You can be happy or you can be sad: the choice is yours entirely. Most people let their environment dictate their moods but you like to be in control. Whatever happens this week remember that it is how you choose to react that counts.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan You may think that someone is trying to undermine your position and that your talents are being ignored. But your solar chart tells a different story. It’s curious that you think the world’s against you when usually it’s you against the world!

LEO 24 July-23 Aug Any doubts you may have should be swept away in the days and weeks ahead. You are entering a more upbeat phase but to get the most from it you must maintain a positive attitude, no matter how great the challenges you encounter on the way.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You will be on striking form this week and will make a good impression on whoever you encounter – in person or online. You won’t even be fazed by the one or two people who seem reluctant to give you the praise you deserve. You’ll know it’s only envy.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept A stunning Sun-Jupiter aspect gives you the chance to look far beyond your immediate surroundings when it comes to your future direction. No matter how great your past failures or successes this is the moment to start thinking along new and different lines.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March If you have to tell a partner or loved one something they may not want to hear it would be a good idea to plan what you intend to say, down to the last word and comma, before you start to say it. Keep it short even if you can’t keep it sweet.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct Your mind will be full of ideas – some of them feasible – in the weeks ahead, and you will get many opportunities to demonstrate your awareness and creativity. But don’t waste time trying to impress – do something that makes a difference.

ARIES 21 March-20 April Do something different this week, something to take your mind off what has been bothering you recently. You just might find that once you stop thinking about it the problem will go away by itself. Could it be it wasn’t such a problem after all?

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov You can’t do everything yourself nor should you want to try. However gifted an amateur you may be, some things need the expert touch. You may resent paying for something that needs mending but you will pay more in the long run if you do it yourself.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May The Sun leaves your birth sign this week so perhaps you should slow down a little and reappraise the thousand-and-one plans you have no doubt made in recent weeks. One or two of them might be worth continuing with.

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The Greens of Greenwich

The Greens at Greenwich were fierce about protecting residents from COVID and it worked. By Liz Leamy Over the past few months as virtually everyone on a global, national and local level has been dealing with the uncertainties and effects of the coronavirus pandemic-19 in some way, shape or form, there have been some inspirational and positive stories that have emerged from this challenging experience. O ne such news ite m h a s been the recent report that right here in town, all of the 30 fulltime residents at the Greens at Greenwich, the unique award winning assisted-living facility located on King Street, have been maneuvering through this historic and challenging period in healthy, steady and happy fashion. Since early March, this highenerg y a nd robu st g roup of senior citizens, all of whom have been diagnosed with a memory impairment due to a ty pe of dementia, brain or head trauma, as well as the entire Greens at Greenwich staff have remained covid free, with their physical, emotional and spiritual well – being functioning at optimal level, designating this as a win-win situation in every respect. According to Maria Scaros, Executive Director of the Greens at Greenwich, this inspirational story is a result of the commitment and dedication of the staff as well as the result of the residents’ overall approach to their daily lives, one that revolves around the idea of just living in the moment. Qua ra nti n i ng, wh ich is a different type of experience in a memory-care assisted living environment due to the nature of memory impairment, so the Greens at Greenwich has adapted their care and isolation methods for this situation. R e s i d e nt s a r e u n a b l e to practice social distancing among themselves, therefore the staff has had to be hyper vigilant about caring for themselves. Si n c e l ate Fe b r u a r y, t h e Greens at Greenwich residents and staff have been practicing selfisolation as a family. So this was implemented several weeks prior to the implementation of official CDC orders that were issued statewide throughout Connecticut in midMarch when the pandemic began to spread at a rampant level. Since that time, residents have not had any direct contact with those individuals who either do not reside or work at the Greens at Greenwich facility, a contingent that includes their family members and friends along with outside vendors. During this period, residents have been communicating with their family and friends through such social meeting computer sites as Skype, Zoom and FaceTime on a regular basis, which have been most effective tools. Meanwhile, outside vendors have been leaving all deliveries and packages outside of the Greens at Greenwich building. (These items are always cleaned and disinfected by the staff prior to being brought inside the facility as a means to insure maximum safety and protection for everyone.) “Our staff members have been working diligently to make sure to disinfect everything here. At the start of the day, they start cleaning at one end of the building and when they get to the other side, they work their way back to the area at which they started,” said Scaros. “Everyone on the staff, all of whom have been here for many years, is extremely dedicated to doing everything they can to make this a safe and sound environment for the residents in every way.” According to Scaros, the Greens at Greenwich staff always make sure to wear their masks and wash their hands as much as possible throughout the day. Staf f members are also adamant about adhering to social distancing rules when they are not present at the facility and do not work at any other venues, which helps minimize the notion of unnecessary exposure to germs and other potentially risky healthrelated situations. “We are doing everything we can to make the Greens at Greenw ich a safe, f u lf illing, healthy and happy experience for everyone here,” said Scaros. “I am always smiling when I think of the residents just enjoying their day. I think the most important thing for any human being is to feel safe and loved and this is how we try to approach everything we do in relation to everyone here.”

A golden living spot Certainly, everything about the Greens at Greenwich seems to be of a golden standard, which is a primary reason for its runaway success. The residents’ living quarters are lovely apartment-like dwellings that consist of spacious studios with a kitchenette. Patio areas serve as comfortable spaces for residents to either gather or take some alone time. Then there is the breathtaking great room, the facility’s main “home base,” with its huge picture w i n d ow t h a t ove rl o o k s t h e picturesque grounds outside where residents can enjoy their meals and activities. Residents have the option to choose dishes such as specialty pastas or chicken, fish or meats with assorted vegetables with an alternative to choose such go-to staples like cheeseburgers or ham and cheese sandwiches as well. Activities serve as food for the soul Throughout the day, there is a litany of enriching cultural and arts-oriented activities available to residents that appear to play a critical role in regard to their general happiness and health and that also revolve around the concept of ‘living in the moment.’ Interestingly, the Greens at Greenwich is the only assistedliving facility in the tri-state area that employs full-time creative arts therapists in art, music, dance/ movement and drama therapy, discovering that it represents the new best medicine in dementia care. On any given day, residents have the option to attend groups (conducted under the guise of social distancing) that revolve around the arts, music, culture, education, games, spirituality, exercise and f loral creation, among other interesting and fun things. “These activities are meant to engage, empower and give voice to the human spirit,” said Scaros. “There is something joyful about the arts that I believe everyone can understand and identify with. The arts help empower and tie people together and also provide an incredible form of human expression.” Physical exercise is another main activity for the Greens at Greenwich residents, who make it a point to walk daily around the facility’s lush gardens in order to get some aerobic exercise along with some fresh air and sunshine. (Those residents who opt to refrain from going outside instead usually choose to walk around the halls and other areas of the facility.) There are also Zumba, tai chi, yoga and aerobics groups for residents to partake in as well. Another hotspot is the popular in-house spa, where residents can experience a range of different hair care and nail services provided by the enthusiastic Greens at Greenwich staff members. Since the beauticians and manicurists are furloughed, the Greens staff has stepped in. “The Greens at Greenwich is easy to navigate, softly decorated and intimate,” said Scaros, adding that it is an environment that encourages community, physical, emotional and mental well being for all of its residents. On most weeknights following

dinner, many residents also like to watch ‘Jeopardy,’ the popular television game show. In addition, they are said to also enjoy watching romantic comedies, like the 2002 runaway hit, ‘Maid in Manhattan’ starring Jennifer Lopez and Ralph Fiennes, among other well-known titles from that particular genre. In addition, the residents are offered spiritual services. Maria Scaros is not only the Executive Director and an arts psychotherapist, but also an interfaith minister and clinical chaplain who provides Christian and Jewish services weekly. At the end of the day, the spirit, dedication and mindset of everyone involved at the Greens at Greenwich seems to be the key to their success, not only in terms of getting all of the residents through this pandemic in a safe and sound

fashion, but also in regard to providing a method for virtually anyone to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life on a daily ongoing basis. Tr u ly, t h i s ‘ l iv i ng i n t he moment’ approach clearly seems to be one that is effective and universal. “Our lives are all a story and everyone has something unique and incredible to contribute with their stories. That is what is so special about everyone here,” said Scaros. “I believe somebody else’s story always has a piece of yours in it, which is really what makes this experience so incredible.” For more information please contact Maria Scaros, Executive Director, The Greens at Greenwich at ( 2 0 3) 5 31- 5 5 0 0 o r w w w. online.

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Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel

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What About a Margarita? By Jeb Fiorita & Peter Olson During these uncertain times, it is easy to sit back, contemplate and wonder what tomorrow will bring. And in many cases, it is very easy to take the train to “negative town,” as I sometimes do myself. But then today, I was sitting outside on my patio, next to my early Father’s Day present a new grill and it occurred to me that sometimes you have to count your blessings and look for the good. The sun is out and there is a mild breeze in the air. My son is practicing soccer drills on one side of the yard while my oldest is practicing f ield hockey. The youngest is jumping rope next to me, timing herself for her virtual gym glass. Our oldest who just turned 15 goes away for school, so having her home is a blessing. And while it is only Tuesday, my mind moved ahead to Friday...the day I set aside for cocktails. We are able to socially distance ourselves from friends and neighbors, while still enjoying our favorite beverages. I thought an article on fun, festive cocktails would be appropriate. These are cocktails that take a few minutes to make but are well worth the effort. I

credit my father in law (as I have done in pat articles) as well as my mother for a few of these recipes and the memories that I cherish that they bring. We (as a large community) may have missed Cinco de Mayo celebrations ...which for most of us may have included great Mexican food, with you guessed it...Margaritas with immediate fa m i ly or a few f r iends. So I thought I would pass along two of my all-time favorite margarita recipes. The first is pretty straight forward... 3 oz - Tequila (White, Rapasado or Anjeo) 1 oz - Grand Marnier 1 oz - Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice 1 oz - Agave Nectar Take the ingredients and add them over a full rocks size glass of ice. Then transfer all contents (including ice) into a shaker and give it a good shake for a few seconds. While the shaker is sitting for a minute, salt the rim of the glass and add a lime wedge. Then transfer contacts back to the glass. My second favorite margarita recipe is a watermelon margarita. The key to this is the watermelon syrup. The process to make the syrup is as follows...

1.5 cups of fresh cubed watermelon 1 cup of white sugar Add contents to a saucepan and reduce on medium heat until it becomes a gel/liquid. It is best to mash the watermelon while reducing. Once that is complete, set aside to cool. You make the regular margarita with the directions mentioned earlier. Now you just add 2 oz. of the watermelon syrup and shake in a shaker. I would recommend using sugar instead of salt around the rim. If you want to add a little something fun to your margarita, add one oz of St. Germaine. This is an elderflower liquor that can liven

But then today, I was sitting outside on my patio, next to my early Father’s Day present a new grill and it occurred to me that sometimes you have to count your blessings and look for the good. 5 oz Tangerine Juice up the cocktail. 2 oz Gin While my father in law has introduced me to several artisan .5 oz Agave Syrup cocktails over the years, one in 2 wheels of a cucumber, peeled and particular has always stood out. muddled And when weather starts to turn Add all ingredients in a shaker (with warmer and days get a little longer, ice) and give a few good shakes. that is when I know it is time to Serve on the rocks with a cucumber create this cocktail. It is the perfect sliced (not peeled). The mix of drink for this time of year. To make cucumber with the gin and tangerine you will need… is a refreshing break from your basic

gin and juice. Grow ing up in Wisconsin, my parents loved to entertain on Friday nights, especially after big games. No, I was not a high school football star, playing under the “Friday Night Lights” … I was in the band. Don’t laugh…marching while playing memorized music is tough as well. As I was saying, parents would gather at our house a f ter t he ga me where , o dd ly

enough, mom would be the party coordinator and bartender. And she would make her favorite drink (introduced to her by her father) a Gin Sling. Now, this can be made in various ways. But my favorite is with Pimm’s No.1 Cup. This is a British gin-based liquor founded by James Pimm in 1823 and currently owned by Diageo. To make, take… 2 oz. Pimm’s No 1 Cup 4 oz. Sprite, Ginger Ale or 7 up 1 Cucumber stick cut length wise (for garnish) 1 Wedge of lime (for garnish) Serve over ice in either a tall glass or as my parents did in a large glass beer mug. That limited your number of trips you had to make to the bar. I hope you enjoy these cocktails and remember, the team at Val’s Putnam Liquors is here to assist you with your cocktail, wine and beer needs. We are offering free delivery as well as curb side pickup. A s we appr o a ch Su m m e r with a sense of caution combined with a desire to be with family and friends, please be safe and responsible. We look forward to seeing you soon. The Val’s Family Jeb is the owner of Val’s Putnam Wines & Liquors with locations in Greenwich and Glenville. Peter is in


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PAGE 3 | Greenwich Sentinel

24 ACTS OF KINDNESS Greenwich is home to some of the kindest people in the world, but we may need help remembering this as we reintroduce ourselves to it as restrictions lift a bit. Here is an updated list of the Sentinel's iconic Acts of Kindness that we hope will smooth the way. You know your intentions are good, others only know what you do and say. Be nice. Ask "How can I help?" Say out loud to the people you love that you love them. Let someone into your lane. They’re probably in a rush just like you. Open a door for someone and hold the door for the person behind you. When you grocery shop, pick up one extra and drop it off at Neighbor to Neighbor. Remember that everyone is the hero of their own story. Put your phone away and be an active listener. Avoid interrupting others when they are speaking. Say please, thank you, and you’re welcome. Avoid gossip, especially on social media, unless it is good news. Let the person behind you in line go ahead of you if they are in a hurry or with children. Let the other driver have the parking space ... even on the Ave. Give flowers. Write a thank you note, on paper. Reach out to the elderly and those who may be alone. Be kind to yourself and count your blessings. If you’re shopping, try to find a way to buy locally. Share what you have learned with others. If you can, say YES! Jump in when children ask for donations or help with a project. Make eye contact and smile. Be patient with yourself and others. Continue to always thank those healthcare workers, FedEx, UPS and USPS folks, grocery store employees and truck drivers for a job incredibly well done.

Thank you & have a great summer! An anonymous neighbor.

Page 19 | Greenwich Sentinel

Practicing Mindfulness

By Barbara McLaughlin The practice of mindfulness helps children develop two very important skills for success in school and in life: increased focus and decreased impulsivity. The same holds true for adults. There are countless studies proving that quieting distractions and focusing on being present in the moment a n d a c k n ow l e d g i n g yo u r own feelings and thoughts, improves outcomes across the board: sleep, mood, academics and overall health. What is mindfulness all about? At its core, it is about pay ing attention. If yo u e x a m i n e a l m o s t a ny mindfulness practice, you will find that it always starts with quieting your body and your thoughts and paying attention to your breathing. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, not when you consider the millions of things, internally and externally, competing for our attention every second. On the inside, we have the running dialog of our thoughts, as well as bodily sensations that individually or collectively can become louder as we try to grow quieter. Externally, the distractions are endless: televisions, devices, conversations, sirens, music and so many others. Sometimes a completely quiet room can become full

of strange noises we have never heard before, making it impossible to concentrate. I h ave s p e n t t h e p a s t 10 years practicing some type of mindfulness every day. Despite this, there are days I sit down for my practice and suddenly the bird chirping outside becomes deafening a nd I a m u na ble to fo cus inward and pay attention to my breathing, no matter how hard I try. Kids In Crisis staff teaches, i n a l l of ou r pr og ra m s , a variety of mindfulness practices to help our k ids and teens increase focus and decrease impulsivity, as well as learn to self-regulate. We believe mindfulness is a key ingredient to the success of all children. Our Safe Haven shelter builds mindfulness exercises such as yoga and journaling into the schedule at least once per day. Our TeenTalk counselors have a huge arsenal of mindfulness activities for their students such as visualizations, audio concentration and coloring mandalas. In SafeTalk, one of the most important lessons we teach children is to be mindful and pay attention when out in public, in order to be safe. Lighthouse, our LGBTQ teen program, regularly includes mindful drawing activities as a way for teens to express their feelings. Our newest program, Emotion Locomotion, starts every session with a breathing e xe r c i s e i n or de r to help children focus during the lesson, as well as for use at school and home. Some of our little Emotion Locomotion students have even gone home and taught their parents. Here are a few easy ways to begin a mindfulness practice at home:

• R a i n b ow Br e at h i n g : Stand up straight and tall, close your eyes and put your arms out to a “T”. You are about to make a rainbow, so begin to imagine all of the colors in your rainbow. As you take a deep breath, bring arms all the way up until palms touch while inhaling, making a rainbow. On the exhale, bring arms back down to a “T” and make another rainbow. • Flower/birthday candle: Pretend as if you have a flower in one hand and a birthday cupcake in the other hand. Take a big sniff of the flower and then blow out the birthday candle. Repeat several times. • Go on a Mindful Walk (respecting social distance): As you walk, first focus on your breath, taking deep breaths. Begin concentrating on one or more of the five senses. For example, focus on everything you can hear during your walk or everything you see on your walk. Another method is to walk and name everything you are grateful for during the walk. Practicing mindfulness can be simple and soothing, and is something anyone can take time out to do, even if only for a moment. Barbara McLaughlin, Mana ger of Volunteers and Early Education Programs has been with Kids In Crisis since April of 2018. She has played a pivotal role in bringing the a g e n c y ’s n e w e s t p r o g r a m , Emotion Locomotion to schools throughout Fairf ield County. Barbara has a B.A. in Political Science from Binghamton Un ive rs i t y a n d a J. D . f ro m Albany Law School. She is a former practicing attorney and switched gears over 15 years ago, devoting her career to children’s nonprofits in Fairfield County.

Greenwich Excellence in Dementia Care

Home is a Feeling DISCOVER The Greens at Greenwich Difference About Us • Our residents continue to thrive even through the pandemic. • We are unique in providing an all-inclusive monthly fee covering all levels of care.

Excellence In Dementia Care • Through the COVID pandemic the creative arts therapies confirm they are the new best medicine as they assist residents to communicate their needs while providing comfort and joy. • Our programming also includes mind body spirit groups to ensure an optimal quality of life.

Our People and Our Home • Through the COVID pandemic The Greens family, including staff and residents, have been staying safe together. • Our staff has years of experience in memory care as well as ongoing training specifically for this pandemic that has prepared us all to care for your loved one. • We are a small privately-owned assisted living community for people living with memory impairment located on the Westchester/Greenwich border. The Greens at Greenwich can be your silver lining, your answer for the best care for your loved one with memory impairment.

RYE RADIOLOGY ASSOC., LLP is now OPEN We look forward to once again providing all your imaging needs 3-D mammography, CT, MRI Open and High Field Strength, Ultrasound, Bone Density, X-Ray COVID precautions will be reviewed at scheduling Outdoor parking at our private entrance

30 Rye Ridge Plaza Rye Brook, New York



How is Your Neighborhood Doing?

BY MARK PRUNER Last week we looked at the overall Greenwich real estate market and the thing that stood out the most was the dramatic drop in inventory. At a time when inventory should be picking up we are looking at the same number of listings that you see at the end of winter. This week we only have 523 single family home listings, up 2% from last week, and down 25% from last year. We are seeing more buyers in the market and as I said before, anyone that is looking to buy a house in a pandemic is a motivated buyer. Our showing are down, but our transactions continued to increase. Last week we had 23 transactions; (sales and contracts) up 3 from the prior week. We also had another 15 transactions just in the first 2 days of this week so this week is looking good so far. I had two showings on Tuesday and the lease on a rental also got signed. Most of the

agents that I speak with say they are busy, but deals in a pandemic can be both harder and more difficult and sometimes easier. For the cash buyer deals can go very quickly. My backcountry land deal may close in 12 days from the first showing, which would be a record for me. On the other hand, deals involving mortgages are getting more difficult. Some of the big national banks have tightened up their lending requirements. Wells Fargo had already dropped their loan to value ratio last year in Fairfield County. (This is a problem of a big national bank who treats New Fairfield, the same a Milford ,and the same as Greenwich. Counties are about as granular as they can get. ) Other regional and local banks continue to lend, so it’s an important time to have a good mortgage broker who can steer you to the bank and the product that is best suited for your situation. Our biggest sale of the year, 54 Byram Drive in Belle Haven just sold for $17 million. Up until this week our highest sale had been $6.5 million at 19 Brookridge, so this sale was very welcome news. We also have two other listings at $13.9 million and $8.6 million waiting to close. Our high-end market is slow, because these folks already have another home that they can go to. I’ve heard of apartment buildings in New York City that are two-thirds empty as people go to their vacation homes, their kid’s place or even their motherin-law’s place. (Of course, it helps to have a nice mother-in-law as I do.).

The Neighborhoods April 2020 Byram Cos Cob Glenville North Parkway Old Greenwich Pemberwick Riverside South of Post Rd South Parkway Grand Total

time listings in backcountry are down 26%. I’ve got all three of my listings in contract. So if you live in backcountry and are thinking of selling please give me or another agent a call, we need more houses to sell and the buyers are out there.

Mid-Country The place we are really seeing an increase in sales is “south of the parkway” as the GMLS calls mid-country and all the way down to the Post Road. There sales are up 46% from 28 sales in the first third of 2019 to 41 sales this year. For those folks that want land, but don’t want to be too far from town, mid-country may be it.

Riverside & Old Greenwich Last year, Riverside was in the doldrums, while its sister neighborhood, Old Greenwich was up. This year sales in OG are up 9%, while sales in Riverside are up 54%, albeit off a smaller base. Riverside went from 11 sales in 2019 to 17 sales in the first third of 2020. Old Greenwich, on the other hand, had a very respectable 23 sales in 2019 and gained 2 sales to 25 sales through the end of April.

Pemberwick & Byram The southwest section of town traditionally does well, because it is where you find our best values and where you have seen some of our greatest appreciation since our last revaluations in 2020. We’ve seen a combined 5 sales here so far this year, which is up 2 houses from last year. What folks in this part of town are likely to see next year is a big jump in taxes as their increased values mean they will likely take on a bigger share of the town’s budget obligations.

Cos Cob Cos Cob is neighborhood, where I spend lots of holidays at my brother’s house. It had the greatest fall in sales last year. Partly, this was due to robust growth in prior years. This year sales are back with a 36% increase over a bad 2019. So far, we’ve seen 15 sales in Cos Cob up from 11 sales in the first 4 months of 2019.

Inven- Sum of List Prices DOM # Sold Mos of tory Supply

Sum of Sold Price


8 47 22 81 57 4 57 63 171 513

$ 4,425,000 $ 17,445,500 $ 5,598,000 $ 27,272,500 $ 50,390,356 $ 1,935,000 $ 36,897,500 $ 24,825,000 $ 107,784,198 $ 278,278,054

Overall, our average sales price is down from $2.52 million to a paltry $2.06 million or a drop of 18%. (Of course, most towns aspire to be this paltry.) But don’t panic, the large drop in the average sales price is mostly due to poor sales at the high-end. We are going to see big changes this year, it all depends on just how long the virus hangs around. We’ve got a good chance at having a very good year as a few million New Yorkers try to jam into our fair town. The question is will they have enough money if the economy doesn’t recover quickly.

$ 9,708,300 $ 78,115,900 $ 26,182,900 $ 421,512,500 $ 151,015,999 $ 3,194,000 $ 232,792,500 $ 424,962,500 $ 755,941,400 $ 2,108,249,749

122 227 223 369 138 91 189 283 296 262

2 15 5 13 25 3 17 12 41 135

16.0 12.5 17.6 24.9 9.1 5.3 13.4 21.0 16.7 15.2

Apr 19 vs Apr. 20

Inven- Sum of List Prices DOM tory

# sold

Mos of Sum of Sold Price Supply



$ (24,717,100)




$ 2,636,000


Cos Cob







$ 1,320,650

Last year backcountry Greenwich had a good year with sales up 30%. Its percentage sales increase was even greater than Old Greenwich. Most of this growth was focused in the $1 – 3 million range as young families looked at what they could get in Riverside or OG and what they could get in backcountry and a bunch decided having 4 acres was really nice.



$ (18,984,100)




$ 917,000

North Parkway


$ (133,096,382)




$ (22,764,850)

Old Greenwich


$ (70,459,501)




$ (7,670,804)







$ 1,935,000



$ (14,151,590)




$ 14,209,678

South of Post Rd






$ (14,262,600)

South Parkway


$ (285,053,421)




$ 29,189,160

Grand Total


$ (552,713,942) 19



$ 5,559,234

This streak is continuing for backcountry this year as sales in the first third of the year are up 18% to 13 sales from 11 sales last year. I expect that backcountry will continue to do well as post-Covid people are going to want even more land. At the same

(2,388,000) 11,503,500

Mark Pruner is the editor of the Greenwich Sentinel real estate section and is also a sales executive with Berkshire Hathaway. He can be reached at 203-969-7900 or

This Issue of the Greenwich Sentinel printed edition is brought to you this week by our community partners, The First Bank of Greenwich and The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation. Receiving the paper IN PRINT is the best way to know what is happening in your home town every week. Get your subscription for a limited time on SALE. Subscribe now for $50 off the regular annual rate.


Deborah Ference-Gray


Mark Pruner | |


One Pickwick Plaza Greenwich, CT 06830

Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |

Office: 203.618.3155 Mobile: 917.584.4903


For Market Updates and Listings Visit



Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres

36 Putnam Park 36 49 Water Street 1L 8 Scott Road 2 Putnam Hill 1F 8 Whiffletree Way 8 223 Lyon Farm Drive 223 1364 King Street 4 Chestnut Street 24 Upland Drive 17 Hendrie Avenue 62 Lockwood Road 54 Byram Drive

$369,000 $390,000 $749,000 $525,000 $640,000 $825,000 $850,000 $1,249,995 $2,495,000 $3,575,000 $3,495,000 $21,000,000

$310,000 $390,000 $649,000 $525,000 $640,000 $710,000 $850,000 $1,249,995 $1,750,000 $3,575,000 $3,375,000 $21,000,000

$300,000 $368,000 $500,000 $515,000 $608,000 $668,280 $800,000 $1,150,000 $1,600,000 $3,200,000 $3,225,000 $17,100,000

495 196 296 224 63 171 70 357 543 58 436 294

2 3 4 2 2 2 4 5 4 5 6 9

1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 8


0.12 0.57

848 1,824

0 0 0.75 0.36 1 0.45 0.38 3.96

1,085 1,704 1,928 3,093 3,400 6,780 6,419 10,000

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 List Price Price/SqFt SqFt AC BR FB

1525 Putnam Avenue 303 9 Cottage Court 11 Elm Place B 515 River Road 31 Scott Lane 139 Lake Avenue 10 Hendrie Lane 5 Osee Place 46 North Ridge Road 79 Tomac Avenue 115 Dingletown Road 277 Cognewaugh Road 37 Fairway Lane 43 Druid Lane 2 Old Church Road 1 73 Bowman Drive 17 Dandy Drive 9 Stallion Trail 18 Cat Rock Road 74 Summit Road 70 Cedar Cliff Road 3 Juniper Lane 491 Riversville Road 107 Overlook Drive 8 Meadow Marsh Lane 6 Perkely Lane 14 Hycliff Road 54 Orchard Drive 751 Lake Avenue 127 Byram Shore Road

$335,000 $839,000 $849,000 $849,900 $1,125,000 $1,175,000 $1,195,000 $1,295,000 $1,325,000 $1,475,000 $1,499,000 $1,680,000 $1,695,000 $1,895,000 $2,195,000 $2,250,000 $2,275,000 $2,299,000 $2,495,000 $2,865,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $3,200,000 $3,285,000 $3,599,000 $3,895,000 $3,999,000 $5,400,000 $7,495,000 $13,500,000

$504 $838 $732 $451 $230 $651 $659 $586 $619 $635 $353 $559 $699 $598 $891 $423 $449 $309 $412 $585 $698 $576 $773 $576 $878 $628 $430 $692 $703 $1,227

665 1,001 1,160 1,886 4,900 1,806 1,813 2,211 2,140 2,323 4,244 3,006 2,425 3,171 2,463 5,313 5,067 7,450 6,058 4,900 4,229 5,198 4,138 5,708 4,100 6,200 9,291 7,807 10,656 11,000

0 0.07 0.12 0.33 0.49 0.2 0.24 0.2 0.54 0.28 2.13 1.12 1.14 0.32 0 1.11 0.28 2 0.56 0.26 0.69 0.29 10.39 0.31 0.26 0.37 6.46 0.43 2.34 2.54

1 2 2 4 5 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 4 5 6 5 6 6

1 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 6 7 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 5 6 5 7 8


Old Greenwich South of Post Road South of Post Road Cos Cob Banksville South Parkway Riverside Cos Cob North Mianus Old Greenwich South Parkway Cos Cob South Parkway Riverside South Parkway North Parkway Cos Cob North Parkway Cos Cob Riverside Riverside Riverside North Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich Riverside North Parkway South of Post Road South Parkway South Parkway

Sale of the Week at $17.1 Million Down From $21 Million

This truly spectacular Belle Haven estate sold for almost $4 million less than its original price. It carries almost 4 acres with panoramic views across the Long Island Sound. Beautifully renovated in 2014, this 1915 Georgian Colonial boasts 10,000 square feet of living space with high ceilings, period architectural detailing and gracious formal rooms. Covered verandas and terraces extend the living spaces on the south side overlooking the water f rom the 1st and 2nd f loors. The outdoor environment is spectacular. The gorgeous rolling lawns, over-sized swimming pool, stunning garden and contoured golf practice green with bunkers.

For those on a journey GREENWICH | NEW LISTING

Mid-Country Custom Colonial


Cheryl Makrinos (203) 912-1699 OLD GREENWICH | NEW LISTING


Stunner in Waterfront Association

Renovated Cape Style Home



Daphne Lamsvelt-Pol (203) 391-4846

Stephen Kane (203) 733-0503



Contemporary Colonial

Coastal Charmer in Old Greenwich Village



Krissy Blake (203) 536-2743

Daphne Lamsvelt-Pol (203) 391-4846



Water Views of the Mianus River

Spacious Living at Putnam Park



Carol Zuckert ( 203) 561-0247

Marje Vance Allocco (203) 912-8605

GREENWICH BROKERAGE | ONE PICKWICK PLAZA | 203.869.4343 | SOTHEBYSHOMES.COM/GREENWICH © Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. All rights reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a registered trademark. Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Real estate agents affiliated with Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity.

This is Greenwich

Please enjoy this community created crossword Thisfor is Greenwich puzzle. See Please below the co-creators. Enjoy Our Community Built Crossword 1



























28 29








37 38




42 43


45 47



49 50

51 55






58 59

60 61

62 63












75 77










88 89








95 96




96 Home of the nugget 98 Bridge collapse in 1983

5 The number of Top Things To Do in Greenwich from the Sentinel’s daily email 8 The animal that appears on the Town of Greenwich seal 10 Children come out in droves to get candy in their neighborhoods on All Hallow's ____ 12 July 4 Fireworks are launched from this park 15 Town organization that helps children 17 Greenwich High School mascot 19 First name of long-time RTM moderator, US senator, and father and grandfather of US presidents 21 willing to put the needs of others before one's own personal gain 22 2017 recipient of the Greenwich Sentinel award 24 Graduate of GHS 1982 who played in two Super Bowls for the Denver Broncos 25 GHS student newspaper editor and author of In Cold Blood 26 Greenwich icon best known for making the town more beautiful 27 the only professional sport played in Town 30 Former restaurant across from the Greenwich Library 32 The community pool is located here 33 Agree to pay you back later 35 former Glenville School 37 Refusing to behave in a rude way is being this 38 pizza restaurant that needs our help 40 Location of the largest town pool 42 Grandfathered walkways through neighborhoods 43 This institution offers lectures, educational programs, book readings and more. You can also borrow books to read! 46 We listen with these 47 The road that houses Greenwich High 48 Direction of Greenwich Avenue 49 Either ___ 52 What children help parents with 55 Five generations of these have run the oldest family business in town 58 favorite fishing spot, and on the charts, just outside of RYC 59 This issue’s sponsor 61 Word that connects other words 62 Where many Town events are held all summer long 64 Architect that designed the Audubon Arch Street 65 Greenwich Scout camp; named after BSA founder who once lived in Cos Cob 66 Town golf course 67 Town’s oldest (1928) and largest neighborhood association 68 Location of Memorial Day Parade 71 Located in backcountry Greenwich, home to the Les Beaux Arts Gallery, certified Green Church 73 Greenwich’s beloved “candy lady” 76 What the mill in Glenville used to make 78 Comic Piano Virtuoso who lived in Greenwich before he died at the age of 91 80 original post office on Greenwich Ave used to be where 84 Old Greenwich's main road is Sound Beach ___ 86 The lighthouse is on ___ Captain Island 87 The St Lawrence Society Bar is called this 89 Young Grand Old Party in Greenwich, a social group started by Prescott Bush 90 Not the beginning 93 911 memorial architect 94 The name one of First Selectman Fred Camillo's dogs 95 able to adapt action to changing situations & requirements

DOWN 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 13 14 16 18 20 21 23 28 29 31 34 36 39 41 44 45 49 50 51 53 54 56 57 60 63 69 70 72 74 75 77 79 81 82 83 85 88 91 92 97

The only club in town devoted to being funny pleasing the senses or mind NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback and GHS alumnus Long,long before Frank Bertino, better known as “Hotsy”, was a part of Garden Catering, he owned what blue collar establishment on West Putnam Ave (Post Rd) That had the best steak and chili cheese wedges. Former Greenwich High school Overlooks a majestic waterfall Being a volunteer is a ____________ to the community Where salad is a topping inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous Greenwich Point was originally named this Greenwich ferry name Our Oldest museum 24 hour diner Unusual, different, special Farmer created boundaries able to adapt to new conditions The oldest family owned business in town Red Cross program for kindergarteners that teaches awareness and accident prevention skills The hotel that sate atop Greenwich Avenue First recipient of the Greenwich Sentinel award 2019 recipient of the Greenwich Sentinel award Also Known As contemporary art gallery on North St. with Warhols in the collection Not in but _____ Water near Old Greenwich-Riverside rotary 2018 recipient of the Greenwich Sentinel award Steakhouse famous for its Gorgonzola salad The mascot of the largest independent school in Greenwich The location of the Chapter house of the American Red Cross the old movie theater on the Avenue was where What the Greenwich Sentinel’s Anonymous friend promotes with a list of 24 acronym for Yale New Haven Health system an intense feeling of deep affection This year’s recipient of the Greenwich Sentinel award Famous author attended Greenwich High School Pet care help organization Name of the Drug Store with a soda fountain in Cos Cob involving important duties, independent decision-making Long time camo island 911 memorial location Mets World Series champion and namesake of Byram baseball field Hometown Polo team and the paper on which the Sentinel is printed Location of our British croquet course Most of our government officials are this Last name of the legendary guitarist to perform at Roger Sherman Baldwin Park initials for backcountry country club Our Greenwich is located in this country Not out but ___

With thanks to the puzzles co-creators. Stephanie Dunn Ashley Peter Barhydt Mike Bocchino Jenny Byxbee Julia Chiappetta Bobbi Eggers

Kim Eves Ryan Fazio Livvy Floren Icy Frantz Kia Heavey Sasha Houlihan

Alex Kashing Cary Keigher Patricia Kerr Nancy Mazzoli Morgan & Betsy Mitchell Susie Moore

Jill Oberlander Sally Parris Mark Pruner Rob Pulitano Lauren Rabin John Robben

Adam Rohdie Stapley Russell Paul Silverfarb Clawson Smith Leslie Tarkington Tony Turner

An interactive version of this crossword puzzle can be found on the Greenwich Sentinel website at Answers can be found on page 9 of the main section of this paper.

ICC Kids Provide Relief Supplies for Healthcare Workers The India Cultural Center (ICC) Kids launched a mission to provide relief supplies to area healthcare workers du r i ng t he COV I D -19 cr isis. Under the name “India Cultural Center Kids Love You,” the ICC k ids, ranging in ages 5 to 13, set up a GoFundMe page that raised $1,900. The fund provided dr in k s and energ y snack s for local healthcare providers at both Greenwich and Stamford Hospitals and Greenwich Emergency Medical Services (GEMS).

As medical professionals and first responders continue to work tirelessly providing round the clock care to keep our communities safe, putting their own lives at stake, the kids of ICC knew there was more they could do themselves. “We were thrilled when we heard from a group of ICC Kids who wanted to give back to local doctors and nurses,” said Margie French, Executive Director, ICC. “The fund was entirely driven off of their desire to do more and is proof that

kids do great things.” I n b et we en v i r t ua l cla s s e s a nd homework, the kids carved out time from their day to set up home production lines to assemble care packages. In addition to water and an energy snack, each bag contained a “love note”” – a personal thank you note handwritten by the ICC k ids to boost healthcare workers morale as well as their energy. The handwritten messages with statements “You are a hero. Thanks for

helping the COVID-19 patients,” are sure to warm hearts. “We are so fortunate to have brave healthcare workers putting themselves and their families at risk to take care of those suffering from the Pandemic,” stated Aran Basu 7th grader. “This is the least we can do to support our community at this time.” Since April 9, over 500 bags and notes have been delivered to Stamford Hospit a l, Gr e enw ich Hospit a l, a nd GEMS. Another 500 are in production

to be delivered. The ICC K ids are thank ful to all those who supported the campaign and contributed to their goal. India Cultural Center is a non-profit organization that celebrates the arts and culture of India. Its mission is to foster inclusion by educating and engaging the community in Indian culture. Programs are targeted towards both the Indian American diaspora and the community at large.

More Than $250,000 in Emergency Funding Donated The Inner-City Foundation for Charity & Education has granted more than a quarter of a million dollars in Emergency Funds to local Fairfield County organizations who responded to the Foundation’s call last month for Emergency Grant Funding requests. “Thanks to the generosity of our donors we have been able to respond quickly to help,” said Karen Barry Schwarz, Executive


Director of The Inner-City Foundation. “The pandemic has put tremendous pressure on the kinds of programs and organizations we support, and on their clients – we are happy we have been able to get funds out there in the community quickly.” On April 1, The Inner-City Foundation put out a call for grant requests related to increased or specific need related to COVID-19 in Fairfield County. Throughout the past month, through an expedited but thorough evaluation process, The Inner-City Foundation has awarded $272,000 in grants to 27 different Fairfield County organizations. “Funds are already in the hands of or on their way to our grantees so they can be put to use right now, when and where they are needed most,” said Schwarz. “The need in Fairfield County is great, and even greater now, at the time of this pandemic, especially for those who fall below the poverty line.” The majority of the funds went to programs providing food and/or shelter, but also to new online education needs, tax help for refugees and immigrants, domestic violence help, mental health services, personal protective equipment for EMS programs, and financial aid for basic needs like rent and utilities for many.

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Catholic Charities Immigration Services Center for Family Justice Domestic Violence Safe House Circle of Care Help for Familes Affected by Childhood Cancer Connecticut Association for Human Services Tax Help for Low-Income Families Connecticut Food Bank Essential Food Items CT Institute for Refugees & Immigrants Youth Home Education Support Continuum of Care Mental Health Services Council of Churches Greater Bridgeport Food Pantry Domus Kids Food & Hygience Products for Kids Filling In The Blanks Weekend Meal Program for Children Greenwich Emergency Medical Service Personal Protective Equipment Homes with Hope Food & Shelter for Homeless Inspirica Food & Shelter for Homeless Mercy Learning Center Relief for ESL Students' Financial Distress New Covenant Center Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry Norma Pfreim Breast Center Emergency Financial Help for Patients Open Doors Shelter Food & Shelter Pacific House Emergency Meals Program Pathways Shelter for Adults with Mental Illness Person to Person Food Pantries and Mobile Food Truck Thomas Merton Center Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry Women's Center of Greater Danbury Domestic Violence Help The Inner-City Foundation For Charity & Education was originally created by Greenwich businessmen to raise money from corporations to fund nonprofits serving needy people. Over the last quarter century, The Inner-City Foundation has granted more than $30 million to 200 Fairfield County programs and organizations: Programs and organizations providing the most basic human needs to members of our Fairfield County community, like food, shelter, schools and programs providing childhood, teen and adult educational opportunities, clearing a path that can change the trajectory of a person's life forever. They also support programs and places providing safety from domestic violence, help for addiction and recovery, and so much more.

#JLGThankourheroes Campaign to Thank All the Heroes in our Community The Ju n ior L eag ue of Greenw ich (JLG) announces “#JLGThankourheroes”, a new social media campaign in r e cog n it ion of Nat iona l E M S we ek . The J LG is inv iting ever yone in the community to create thank you cards, heart-felt video messages, drawings or simple posts of thanks and use the tag #JLGThankourheroes. The g ratitude display is not just limited to EMS, the JLG wants to know who your hero has been in the Town of Greenwich over the past couple months. It could be an individual person or a group working in a support field.

These cards, art work, and messages should be posted to one’s individual Facebook page starting Monday, May 18 through Saturday, May 23 with the hashtag #JLGThankourheroes so that a virtual collection of all the cards and photos on Facebook can be seen as a united expression of appreciation from t h e c o m mu n i t y o f G r e e nw i c h . T h e purpose of this campaign is to celebrate the bravery and ongoing dedication of our Greenwich heroes during the COVID 19 pandemic weeks. “We a re so g ratef u l for a l l t hose heroes working to make our community

safe and secure. We can never express enough gratitude for all they are doing. We hope many will join us to say lots of “virtual” thanks!” said Hilary Watson, JLG President. The J LG encou rages residents to recognize as many of their everyday heroes as they can, from doctors, nurses, and teachers, to delivery drivers, and g rocer y and dr ug store staf f. There have been so many unsung heroes who continue to work each day to support the community of Greenwich by providing essential food, medicine, and services to our citizens during this time.

Front Steps Project

Finding Grace at Home Our Front Porch Steps By Amanda Kaye

Over the last two weeks, I have had t he pleasu re of meeting the beautiful folks in my community. F r om a s a fe d ist a nce , I documented families to share w h at l i fe h a s b e e n l i ke i n quarantine. For anyone who does not know what I have been up to, you can see my up-todate posts on my instagram @

amandakayephoto. Inspired by photographers f r om M a s s achu s et t s , Ca ra Soulia and her friend Kristen Collins who started shooting families on their porch, I decided I had to get out and connect with my neighbors. My urge to create and also have some human-to-human interaction was overwhelming.

Families of the Front Steps Project can donate to the project or ven mo@a ma nda-rose- 6 towards the cause and for a photographic print. Families have also been encouraged to donate to a charity. I have linked with the Food for the Front Lines fundraiser which supports local restaurants and

feeds EMS, Fire Department, and Police Department workers at can be reached at http:// i4 and Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich who are helping feed our families who relied on school meals and can be reached at online. This week, I am getting out there again and am ready to

capture families. Contact me at amanda@amandakayephotos. com to secure your slot. Be well, Be safe, and stay connected. Amanda is a therapist and photographer in NY and Connecticut and can be reached a t www.a k a ye ph otog ra phy. com online and 201.407.5238 for appointments.

UPPER LEFT "We had to cancel our wedding, so we got a puppy." Brittany and Brian UPPER RIGHT "Even though each day is a rollercoaster between chaos and quiet and all the emotions that come along with this quarantine, we are enormously grateful to be healthy and to have each other." Amali Premawardhana and Family LOWER LEFT "A time of confusion. A time to embrace when family and community means. A time to be empathetic. A time of strength and resilience. A time that has changed the future for us." -Marsha and Family UPPER RIGHT "We focus on living in the moment, can be a little crazy and messy, but a whole lot of love." -The Pearson Family

LEFT "Being quarantined we have really used our imagination and have let our inner princess shine out. My daughters dress up and accessorize daily so this makes the day together all the more special. " -The Powers Family LOWER LEFT "We are blessed to be in this together. We are especially grateful that Annie has this time with her grandparents too." -Sam and Paul LOWER RIGHT "Our two youngest children are definitely having an interesting experience in (online only) college this spring. Making the best of it together as a family!" -The Novakowski's

UPPER LEFT "The Saving Lives 2020 Quarantine is a new era in human history and for our family it represents unity, love, kindness and community. " -The Ponce Family UPPER RIGHT "Listen to one another with your ears, eyes, hearts, mouths and the palms of your hands, and keep the roaring of the noise of the world away from your homes because it is like raging storms and violent waves; once it enters the home, it will sweep away everything and disperse everyone. Preserve the warmth of the family, because the warmth of the whole world cannot make up for it." -St. Charbel -The Bottaro Family CENTER LEFT "Even in times of crisis and hardship, there can be found silver linings. Rediscovering old passions, finding new ones, and uncovering new ways of doing things will be with us long after this emergency has passed." Fred Camillo, First Selectman of Greenwich

CENTER RIGHT "We are a family of five and our message would be to 'keep believing in LOVE! Love heals all troubles." -The Ash family LOWER LEFT "The best thing about being quarantined with my two sons (12 and 10) is being able to spend so much time with them. I feel like I missed a lot of their younger years, since I used to travel a lot for work. Now I get the chance to spend every day with them and that is the biggest gift of all." -Suzanne Darmory LOWER RIGHT "We're all missing things we love so we don't have to miss people we love." -The McTeigues

Behind every amazing nurse is the amazing support of friends, family, and the community. We’re grateful to all of you. At Yale New Haven Health, we see the tireless dedication and commitment that our nurses put into their jobs every single day. That’s why, during Nurses Week, we’d like to thank everyone on the front lines for the hard work and sacrifices they make. And in these challenging times, we encourage everyone to reach out and thank a nurse that you know personally. Their year-round devotion to patients and peers alike is more vital than ever. And warrants our gratitude like never before.

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