May 21, 2021

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.

May 21, 2021

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Local News Briefs You Need to Know

In Person Fundraisers Are Back


BET Flat Mill Rate for 2021-2022 The Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation has retained a flat mill rate for the next fiscal year. The BET unanimously approved the Democratic motion to utilize savings from state healthcare premiums to keep the rate at 11.590, which is used to calculate property and vehicle taxes COVID/GPS Update According to the school district's online tracker, as of Tuesday, 2 new coronavirus cases had been reported. There are 3 active cases. Of those, all 3 are students according to the tracker. Two of those cases are from Western Middle, and two are from Greenwich High. This does not include independent schools. GPD Celebrates GEMS The Greenwich Police Department is celebrating the life-saving efforts of Greenwich Emergency Medical Service (GEMS). with whom they have partnered for the past 35 years. This past week was EMS Week 2021. According to the GPD, GEMS "excellence in providing basic and advanced life support in the f ield plays a large part in why Greenwich has a high survival and recovery rate in many medical emergencies, most especially heart related emergencies." Thank you GEMS for being great First Responder partners.

The YWCA hosted their 16th Annual Old Bags Luncheon and Auction earlier this month. Proceeds from the event went to support the life-saving work of YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services. Pictured here at the event with volunteer GEMS officers are Cissy Ix, Helen Fitzpatrick, Colin Bassett, Joy Ubiña, Diane Davol, Elaine Ubiña, and Susan Ness.

Ashley is Award Honoree

The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation has announced that their 2021 Sentinel Award recipient is Stephanie Dunn Ashley. The typically sold out event honoring her and the 2020 Award recipient Pamela Pagnani, will be held on Thursday evening July 1 at the Audubon to kick off the Independence Day holiday weekend.

Greenwich High Schools Spring Musical will be Performed Outdoors Greenwich High School’s Spring Musical, Bye Bye Birdie, will be performed outdoors, just outside of the black box theater. Performers will use theater wing entrances as stage exits, and musicians will be set up under a tent. The audience will be asked to bring their own lawn chairs to be set up inside of the viewing area. There will be two shows, the first on May 21 at 7:30 pm, and the second on May 22 at 3:00 pm. Tickets are $10, and can be bought on the Greenwich Schools Website at

The award honors a member of the community who demonstrates leadership and seeks to strengthen the community and support others. Stephanie serves as CEO for the Metro New York North Chapter of the Red Cross and is President of the Board of Directors as well as a service member of The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol. She previously served as Director of Special Events for Greenwich Hospital. The Sentinel Foundation’s mission is to create a strong sense of community that fosters mutual respect, support, and understanding among Greenwich residents. Congratulations!

Connecticut COVID-19 Updates Governor Lamont has announced that beginning Wednesday, May 19, that Connecticut would be practicing the updated recommendations released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Masks will no longer be required outdoors, and indoors, vaccinated individuals will not be required to wear masks, however, businesses, state, and local

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JULY 8, 9,10,11

Full or Busy?

ANNOUNCEMENTS Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com SPORTS ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-485-0226 STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ JIM KNOX LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836 PLEASE NOTE Free copies of this newspaper are sent through the U.S. mail to rotating areas of town. These contain an envelope for subscriptions. The Greenwich Sentinel telephone number listed on those envelopes is incorrect. The correct number is 203-485-0226.

Calls to Action

Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry

EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT We feed each other anxiety pills when we talk about our “busy” lives. Busy makes our egos puff up and blow harder to fight our common fear of inadequacy. Talking about a “full” life is more positive. A full life is peaceful; it nourishes a sense of abundance, and it offers the option to add or subtract activities from your sched- ule. When you talk about your full life, your activity level doesn’t change—only your experience of it. A busy life can control you. But a full life, you control. The words we choose influence how we feel about our- selves and others. People who make a habit of substituting “full” for “busy”

#GreenwichSidewalkSales #GSS2021

feel less anxious and more productive. Raj was a frantic executive who described himself as “crazy busy.” When he began to substitute the word “ full” for “busy,” he noticed that he was calmer. The only change Raj made was his use of this one word. He shares his reasoning with anyone who asks. Most have never thought about the differ- ence. Those who copy him and make the switch from “ busy” to “ full” are grateful. Greenwich resident , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.

SUBMIT A CALL TO ACTION FOR NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE at Feed Those in Need: St. Paul’s Church continues a weekly drive on Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the parking lot at 200 Riverside Avenue. Donate Your Old Sneakers: Got unwanted sneakers cluttering up your garage? Drop them at the collection containers at St. Paul’s Day School all week (through Friday, May 28). There are clearly marked bins at each of the main entrances of the church, and one at the top of the covered walkway. Donations will be recycled or reused through @gotsneakersusa reducing air and soil pollutants from incineration, cutting carbon emissions from new manufacturing and supporting a circular economy. It's a win-win! Become a member of The Cos Cob Library: Go to GreenwichLibrary. org to join or follow th is lin k : https://friendscoscoblibrary.wufoo. com /for ms/z1q5r 0m n0lvc v 0h / Membership for families begins at $20. Order You r Bu lbs Now: The Riverside Garden Club is holding its annual fall bulb sale this month. Be sure to order your bulbs by June 1. Bulbs will be available for delivery

by mid-October. Bulbs this year will include a variety of Daffodils, Double Daf fodils, A llium and Muscari. Money collected from the sale will go to the Club’s community beautification programs. To learn more about our bulb sale and about our organization, go to www. Sing: The Greenw ich Choral S o c ie t y i s hold i n g r e he a r s a l s open to all community members, free of charge from May to July, rehearsals will alternate between Zoom and in-person. Receive the full schedule by contacting admin@ Upcycle your Brown Bags and or Reusable shopping bags for food distribution to Community Centers Inc of Greenwich. Contact Vanessa Cardinal at (203) 869-1276 or vanessa.cardinal@ccigreenwich. org online. BUY TICKETS OR DONATE Children's Learning Centers of Fairf ield County (CLC) Dance Party on Friday, June 4 from 7 – 10 pm. $300 per person for purchase at The Thirty-Fourth Bruce Museum Gala on Sat., June 12, 2021 at 6 PM on a Private Estate, honoring Susan E. Lynch. Please contact Melissa Levin, Special Events Manager, mlevin@, or (203) 413-6761.

Hand Surgeon Designs New Wrist Implant By Kris Herndon In April, Dr. Scott Wolfe, a hand surgeon, performed the first wrist-replacement surgery using a new implant he designed. D r. Wo l f e , a G r e e n w i c h resident, is chief emeritus of Hand and Upper Extremity Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York. T he new i mpla nt , c a l le d t he K i nem at X ™ Tot a l Wr i st Arthroplasty System, has just been cleared by the FDA. Wrist replacement surgery isn’t new. But implants for other major joints, such as knee and hip, are more common – and have historically been much m o r e s u c c e s s f u l . Fo r w r i s t replacements, though, “the failure rate was over 50%,” Dr. Wolfe says. As a specialist whose patients have i ncluded world-class musicians and athletes, restoring total mobility to the hand and wrist is a top priority for Dr. Wolfe. But older wrist implants tended to wear out or cause pain, leading to repeated surgeries to correct the problems. “We needed to build a better mousetrap,” says Dr. Wolfe. To f u l ly u ndersta nd why existing wrist implant designs weren’t succeeding, Dr. Wolfe and his co-inventor, Dr. Joseph J. (Trey) Crisco, spent decades studying the movement of the human wrist. “There is a particular motion called dart-throwers motion,” Dr. Wolfe explains. “Our research showed that it’s a unique motion of the human wrist. Apes don’t have it . A nd it may wel l b e much more important than the opposable thumb, in terms of what separated us from the other hominids out there.” Once prehistoric man evolved that motion, Dr Wolfe explains, he ga i ne d mu lt iple su r v iva l advantages. He could throw rocks or swing a club to defend his young, and he could use tools in a more complex way. What’s more, he could throw a spear to hunt meat. Hunting meat was a gamechanger, says Dr. Wolfe: “In doing so, we became carnivores, which in turn allowed brain size to increase. And the rest is history.” As it turns out, the dartthrow ing motion is also one reason older wrist implants fail. They aren’t designed for that kind of complex, fluid motion -- which occurs as part of a multitude of normal human activities, from golf ing and f ishing to beating eggs, pouring a cup of coffee, or driving. “If patients a re tr y ing to do those activities, and their prosthesis won’t let them – if it impinges that motion, or is resisting that motion -- it’s going to transfer all those energies to the interface,” Dr. Wolfe explains. That means wear and tear where the implant meets the bone – which, in turn, leads back to that 50% failure rate for wrist implants. One reason the human wrist is capable of such complex motion is that it is actually comprised of two joints. Having analyzed dartthrower’s motion, Dr. Wolfe and his co-inventor, Dr. Crisco, had an epiphany when they began considering those two joints separately. They realized that what’s called the radiocarpal joint, where the radius bone joins the first of two rows of wrist bones, is the locus of such complex movements. That was the joint they needed to duplicate in order for the new implant to succeed. “It was a big a-ha moment,”

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The YWCA Celebrates and Breaks Ground

Marybeth Gilmartin, Shelly Tretter Lynch, Trish Kirsch, and Lauren Walsh at the YWCA's 16th Annual Old Bags Luncheon and Auction earlier this month.

Connie Anne Harris and Joey Magliocco at the YWCA's 16th Annual Old Bags Luncheon and Auction earlier this month.

Mary Lee Kiernan, Connie Anne Harris, Jeremiah Harris, and Geri Smiles at the ground-breaking of the Connie Anne and Jeremiah Harris Playground.

On April 29, the YWCA broke ground on the Connie Anne and Jeremiah Harris Playground. with thanks to YWCA Greenwich Board Member, Connie Anne Harris for her generous gift to fund this project.

Anne Juge, Mary Lee Kiernan at the YWCA's 16th Annual Old Bags Luncheon and Auction earlier this month.

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Greenwich Grown Artist to Raise Hope

By Anne W. Semmes Anne Mimi Sammis is a Greenwich native transplanted to the rocky shore of Narragansett, Rhode Island, with a vista that has inspired her artist life for decades. Her front row view of the moonscape she captures on canvas. Her bronze sculptures celebrate peace, hope, love - and her five grandchildren dancing on the rocks, their arms outstretched to the heavens. Sammis and her art are coming to Greenwich on June 5, for an exhibit (until July 11) at the newly opened Sorokin Gallery on Greenwich Avenue. On view will be a number of her works, paintings and sculpture, including a life-size bronze horse with an exuberant child astride. So, how has artist Sammis su r v ive d t he pa ndem ic? She quickly brings up that St Francis prayer. “When you say, ‘Make me an instrument of thy peace’ and love and forgiveness every day, it becomes such a fabric of your being that with the outside that's going on, you just keep looking for the best…We haven’t had any wars this last year, the air has gotten cleaner, the water's gotten cleaner… and people have started meditating and spending more time with their families.” Sammis’s sculpture life has been focused she says on families. “I've been doing these wonderful figures, and you'll see them at the show. They're dancing families and they are families in joy. Some of them have one child, some have two, or three or four and sometimes just dancing children - that's what I've been working on this past year, the family structure.” It was a family disaster that led Sammis into her bronze sculpting. Sammis in her married Greenwich life with two grown children had fallen into art, but in 1979, her husband, Avery Rockefeller, was killed in an automobile accident, she tells, “right on Lake Avenue, and I was devastated.” So, she journeyed to San Miguel Allende in Mexico “to create.” “To do sculpture was really easy for me. When I put my hands on the wax or the clay, the work just comes

Anne Mimi Sammis’s sculptures of her five grandchildren dancing on her rocky shoreline.

“I paint peace basically, and I sculpt peace.” Anne Mimi Sammis through me. I don't have to think about it…and they had a school down there that actually cast in bronze. And so you learn how to do that - we all sit around a little table… And once you got your wax made, you put a ceramic mold around it, and you put the whole thing in the oven with the wax inside and the ceramic mold. What happens is it bakes the ceramic mold and melts out the wax. And you've left a hole at the top of this mold, and in that mold you pour the bronze, and then after it cools you crack the ceramic mold open and there's the bronze. This is very simplified.” Sa m m is chose to work i n bronze, “Because bronze is practically indestructible. You have to melt it down to 1500 to 2000 degrees. I wanted something that could not be destroyed easily.” But alas Sammis would find out differently a decade or so ago. Her 300-pound bronze female sculpture, “Embrace of Life” that graced the Tiverton Four Corners in Rhode Island was stolen away by two thieves. “They were looking for scrap metal, because they were on oxycontin and heroin, and they were hacking it up into pieces.” Observed doing so by a neighbor, they were reported and arrested. “But we couldn't find any pieces,”

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she shares. Soon after she was contacted by the state attorney general asking her, “What do you want to do with these two people?” Her response, “I would really like for them to get clean,” and no, don’t prosecute them. Sammis would reach out to one of the thieves to find him applying himself how to “fix up boats.” A year later Sammis arranged a press con ference, w it h t he installment of Embrace of Life II, “to show that nothing can destroy you. Like Einstein said, ‘Nothing can be destroyed, it can only be transformed.’” Proof positive came with a sudden visit from the boat fixer. “He made amends to me. It was absolutely astounding. That whole thing might have happened just so that guy got straight and has a good life now - who knows.” That event in Sammis’s life became part of a PBS documentary, “Mimi Sammis: Sculpting Peace” that movingly spells out “how art connects people and deepens selfunderstanding.” Preceding that documentary Sammis was airing her own weekly television series, “Mimi's Art Studio” on Rhode Island PBS, with an outreach to 20 states. Her ability to draw the viewer in her creative process had viewers calling her "the Julia Child of painting."

“I feel this peace w ith my painting,” says Sammis returning to what drives her creative process. “I paint peace basically, and I sculpt peace.” Her images of peace, of rising figures, outstretched arms, have been on exhibit at shows at the United Nations. Perhaps it was those images that inspired Marnie Dawson Carr, a longtime Greenwich friend to commission Sammis for a sculpture honoring the Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, for his work globally with the Anglican Communion. Carr was serving as president then, in 2002, of the Archbishop of Canterbury Anglican Communion Fund. The Archbishop chose to unveil Sammis’s sculpture of a globe held by the hand of God with a dancing circle of figures of youth “bringing peace to the world,” on an occasion in the Archbishop’s official residence of Lambeth Palace to honor Queen Elizabeth on her Golden Jubilee. “She loved it,” says Sammis of the Queen’s take on her art. Sammis and Carr were present at the occasion. Sammis can thank her grandparents for having brought Narragansett into her life. “They had a family house so I would come there for summers. And then after my husband died, my uncle

Above: Anne Mimi Sammis’s bronze sculptures celebrate peace, hope, and love. Below: Anne Mimi Sammis joins Queen Elizabeth in the unveiling of her Marnie Dawson Carr commissioned sculpture for the former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey. died the same year so his house went up for sale - and I wanted it so badly, and I got it!” And, in that house she hosted for many years an “Artist Circle” gathering of painters, sculptors, writers, dancers, musicians, singers and photographers, there for support of their creative process. “A lot of miraculous things happened doing that,” she says. “People who didn't think they were artists, became very successful. We had people making videos, writing books. I did it for 21 years, every Monday night, an hour and a half. But it’s time for a younger person to take over.”

One finds on Sammis’s website a brief but apt description of her artist self: “The art created by Anne Mimi Sammis, whose passion for love and peace embody the joy, the dance of love between ourselves and others.” She adds to that for this reporter, “It's all about the love. If people can't get that, I say, it's all about being kind - just be kind. And if you can't be kind, just be nice.” Anne Mimi Sammis’s exhibit, “Raise Hope Through Art” opens Saturday, June 5, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Sorokin Gallery, 96 Greenwich Avenue. For more information call 203-856-9048.

Le t’s Finally get together and celebra te!

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YMCA's Camp Scholarship Fundraiser

Police Chief Jim Heavey with YMCA Board Chair Shahryar Oveissi.

Christopher Jennings, State Rep. Harry and Nisha Arora, First Selectman Fred Camillo, and Anne Franscioni.

Camp scholarships will cover eight weeks of fun and swimming lessons.

The YMCA's new Summer Camp Scholarship Program for the children of COVID-19 essential workers kicked off with a fundraising event on Tuesday, April 27th. The YMCA is partnering with Greenwich Hospital, the Greenwich Police Department, the Greenwich Fire Department, and GEMS. Hosted at the YMCA, the kick-off was attended by State Representative Harry Arora, Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, Police Chief Jim Heavey, GEMS Executive Director Tracy Schietinger, Tom Milucci and Heather Studwell of Greenwich Hospital, and YMCA Chairman of the Board Shahryar Oveissi, among others. The YMCA has provided services supporting the community for over 100 years. This program continues that tradition. Pictured above are Kim Rosenbaum, Blaine and Matt Peck, Al Brodbeck, and Diane Ohl. PHOTOS BY ELAINE AND CHI CHI UBINA; FAIRFIELD COUNTY LOOK.

These scholarships show the YMCA’s commitment to the community, healthcare workers, and first responders.




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Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866

Address 1535 Putnam Avenue 107 98 Valley Road 14 93 Weaver Street 494 Den Lane 30 Grey Rock Drive 38 Riverside Lane 58 Riverside Avenue 42 Ritch Avenue 43 Mallard Drive 75 Long Meadow Road 14 Surrey Drive 35 Nutmeg Drive 29 Home Place B 15 Heusted Drive 56 Winthrop Drive 14 Buckingham Lane 302 Sound Beach Avenue 4 Cat Rock Road 24 Indian Field Road 51 Pine Ridge Road 46 Pine Ridge Road 2 Carriage Road 1 Stepping Stone Lane 362 Davis Avenue, 3 8 Pinetum Lane 470 Taconic Road 3 Orchard Place A 29 Buena Vista Drive 19 Lakeview Drive 15 Laub Pond Road 12 Shore Road 34 Porchuck Road 106 Lockwood Road 41 Baldwin Farms 409 Stanwich Road 12 Martin Dale 107 Maple Avenue 25 Grove Lane 252 Milbank Avenue 66 Binney Lane 32 Meadowcroft Lane 16 Deerpark Meadow Rd 100 Sterling Road

Price/ SqFt $299,500 $428 $599,000 $594 $699,000 $416 $745,000 $409 $799,000 $307 $925,000 $667 $1,075,000 $405 $1,125,000 $419 $1,225,000 $771 $1,290,000 $589 $1,299,000 $563 $1,300,000 $509 $1,350,000 $426 $1,695,000 $798 $1,795,000 $852 $1,850,000 $624 $1,895,000 $762 $1,950,000 $583 $1,985,000 $593 $1,995,000 $571 $2,250,000 $593 $2,350,000 $659 $2,350,000 $571 $2,350,000 $871 $2,495,000 $486 $2,495,000 $428 $2,499,000 $568 $2,500,000 $1,150 $2,715,000 $2,834 $2,945,000 $398 $2,950,000 $737 $2,999,000 $730 $4,245,000 $710 $4,495,000 $497 $4,625,000 $799 $4,795,000 $876 $4,795,000 $606 $4,995,000 $1,174 $5,000,000 $595 $5,495,000 $1,472 $7,795,000 $931 $9,995,000 $1,092 $35,000,000 $1,591 List Price



700 1,008 1,681 1,820 2,606 1,386 2,652 2,688 1,589 2,190 2,309 2,556 3,168 2,123 2,106 2,967 2,486 3,347 3,348 3,496 3,796 3,565 4,115 2,698 5,130 5,824 4,403 2,173 958 7,403 4,004 4,108 5,975 9,042 5,785 5,471 7,918 4,253 8,400 3,732 8,371 9,150 22,000

0 0 0.6 0.12 0.28 0.23 0.34 0.21 0.34 0.27 0.24 2.07 0 0.17 0.57 1.02 0.24 0.38 0.3 1.22 1.17 1.01 1


2.76 4.82 0.22 0.61 1 4.24 0.3 1.84 0.33 2.46 1.49 0.71 0.44 2.5 0.25 0.33 2.2 1.7 85

1 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 5 2 3 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 8 5 6 5 7 6 6

1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 4 2 2 6 5 4 5 8 4 5 5 5 7 4 8 6 5

Area Old Greenwich Cos Cob South Parkway Pemberwick Glenville Riverside Riverside Byram South of Post Road Riverside Riverside North Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich Riverside South Parkway Old Greenwich Cos Cob South of Post Road South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway Downtown Cos Cob North Parkway South Parkway Pemberwick Riverside North Parkway Old Greenwich North Parkway Riverside South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address Original List List Price Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt 37 Woodside Drive $4,500,000 $3,750,000 $3,700,000 406 5 5 0.69 5,053 21 Norton Lane $2,650,000 $2,499,000 $2,525,000 200 6 6 1.03 5,741 33 Highland Farm Road $6,725,000 $5,350,000 $5,850,000 283 6 8 7.59 9,051 74 Upper Cross Road $8,975,000 $7,450,000 $7,295,000 307 7 7 16.68 14,000 82 Cat Rock Road $4,100,000 $3,995,000 $3,850,000 143 6 5 2 9,578 1465 Putnam Ave APT 127 $429,000 $399,000 $387,500 207 1 1 0 912 54 Orchard Drive $4,750,000 $4,500,000 $4,281,250 363 5 5 0.43 7,055 10 Lighthouse Lane $8,499,000 $7,900,000 $6,580,000 180 7 3 0.63 4,874 150 Weaver Street $2,450,000 $2,450,000 $2,400,000 99 5 5 1.07 5,032 3 Georgetowne North 3 $989,000 $989,000 $968,940 118 3 2 0 2,328 341 Shore Road $2,975,000 $2,975,000 $2,900,000 98 5 4 0.42 2,932 311 Sound Beach Ave 311 $2,150,000 $1,995,000 $1,950,000 61 4 2 0 3,546 9 Witherell Drive $4,195,000 $3,995,000 $3,750,000 88 5 4 1.45 6,725 29 Cottontail Road $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 47 4 3 1.58 3,860 212 Valley Road $995,000 $995,000 $960,000 367 6 3 0.33 2,400 310 Lyon Farm Drive 310 $1,325,000 $1,325,000 $1,400,000 47 3 3 0 2,831 34 Meadowcroft Lane $7,495,000 $7,495,000 $7,445,000 38 5 7 2.12 9,700 149 Weaver Street $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,090,000 279 3 5 2.57 4,218 38 Park Avenue $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,350,000 44 4 4 0.23 3,424 36 Francis Lane $839,000 $839,000 $865,000 26 3 2 0.18 1,522 7 Hoover Road $855,000 $855,000 $838,000 72 3 2 0.18 1,496 26 Pleasant Street $1,395,000 $1,395,000 $1,425,000 9 6 3 0.16 3,200 24 Bayside Terrace $1,400,000 $1,400,000 $1,490,000 50 4 2 0.32 2,472 11 Byram Dock Street $2,995,000 $2,995,000 $2,995,000 15 4 3 0.24 3,626 3 Tomac Lane $3,950,000 $3,950,000 $3,850,000 10 5 5 0.36 9 Knollwood Drive $4,500,000 $4,500,000 $4,200,000 584 5 6 1.76 6,563 69 Rockwood Lane $6,295,000 $6,295,000 $6,000,000 17 6 7 1.95 9,405 117 W Lyon Farm Drive 117 $1,275,000 $1,275,000 $1,325,000 12 3 2 0 2,236 7 River Road Boat Slip D-4 $69,000 $69,000 $55,000 25 0 0 37 Meyer Place $1,480,000 $1,480,000 $1,480,000 3 6 4 0.29 3,843 99 Lockwood Road $1,945,000 $1,945,000 $1,945,000 0 4 2 0.35 2,820

FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address





93 Weaver Street 45 Cos Cob Avenue 3 Whiffletree Way #3 3 Whiffletree Way #3 500 River Road #3 38 Riverside Lane 51 Forest Avenue #50 94 Indian Field Road 14 Buckingham Lane 18 Hilton Heath 29 Londonderry Drive 24 Daffodil Lane 17 Carrington Drive 100 Woodside Drive 15 Laub Pond Road 340 Cognewaugh Road 17 Marks Road 14 Gray Oaks Lane 51 Richmond Hill Road 51 Richmond Hill Road 665 River Road 106 Lockwood Road 11 Hedgerow Lane 252 Milbank Avenue 252 Milbank Avenue 78 Pecksland Road

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First Bank of Greenwich Community Corner By Richard Kaufman Dr. Bina Park grew up in Arizona, and received dental training at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, Texas, before obtaining her master's degree for Orthodontics at the University of Michigan. After working in New York City for a bit with a group

Park said she enjoys orthodontics because of the process and the connection she makes with families. "Over a period of time, you get to watch young children grow up. You start to get to know family details. Afterwards, you're seeing them for retention. Your teeth don't stay stable for the rest of

"People know you. It's a small-town community feel," said Dr. Bina Park about the First Bank of Greenwich practice, Park decided to open up her own business on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in 2014. Park's parents retired to Greenwich, so she decided to move there as well. Her family fell in love with the town, and she opened up her second orthodontic practice in 2017, located at 42 Sherwood Place in Greenwich. "I've found a lot of down to earth, really sweet people that really support me," said Park, who works two days a week at her New York location, and spends the other time at the Greenwich office. Park's services include invisalign treatment, early interceptive orthodontics for children, adult orthodontics, surgical orthodontics and oral appliances.

your life. You have to come in and monitor them," Park said, adding that she is now seeing patients in their 30's after first treating them at age 12. " You c a n sp e c ia l i z e i n different [areas] in dentistry. Out of all them, orthodontics is hands-on, and it's something you can see from beginning to end,” Park said. COVID-19 has certainly been difficult, especially on small businesses like Park's. "As far as orthodontics, people have to get to know you, and you need to finish some cases so you can generate that word of mouth. Right around that time [that was happening], we got closed down. It kind of made you breathe and take stock of what's important, but it was

very stressful with spurts of major anxiety,” she noted. The First Bank of Greenwich helped Park with Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans when the pandemic hit, even coming to the Greenwich office to help with paperwork. Park has k now n F BOG President and CEO, Frank Gaudio, for several years. "The bank is so supportive," Park said. "It's not like a large place where people don't know you. People know you. It's a small-town community feel." Amy Huertas, Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager at the First Bank of Gre enw ich, sa id it felt g reat to help Park during challenging times. Park is now a part of the bank's Women's Leadership Network. "She's very welcoming, very sweet and she tries to get involved in the community,” sa id Huer tas, poi nt i ng to P a rk 's i nvo l ve m e nt w it h va r ious cha r it y events in town. "It's just great to have Bina at our bank." Fo r E m i l y N e w c a m p , F BOG Vice President and Retail Banking Manager, it's all about supporting local businesses. " We wa nt to b e a pa r t of the local businesses. It keeps our community going,” Newcamp said. Even though Park studied and practiced orthodontics in different parts of the country, she now c a l ls Gre enw ich home. "You never envision where life is going to take you,” she said. “I love what I do. This [office] is my home away from home.”


Finding A New Home in Greenwich

First Bank of Greenwich Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager Amy Huertas, Dr. Bina Park, FBOG Vice President and Retail Banking Manager Emily Newcamp.

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Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

Local Planning: Calendar of Events x


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MEMORIAL DAY: May 30 2 p.m. The Byram Veterans Association Memorial Day parade and ceremony. 5 p.m. The Glenville Fire Department’s Memorial Day parade and ceremony. May 31 9 a.m. The annual Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department Parade. Sound Beach Avenue, with a ceremony held in Binney Park. (The memorial day events will go on as planned as long as COVID-19 numbers continue to improve). FIXX MEMORIAL DAY RUN: May 31 8:15 a.m. Registration is open for the Jim Fixx Memorial Day Run - taking place on Greenwich Avenue. There will be no in-person race day registration or check-in - all registration must be done online. Runners can pick up their bib numbers and check in for the race at Betteridge Jewelers on May 29, 10am-2pm, and on May 30, 12-3pm. $35 per runner. LIBRARIES: May 21 10 a.m. Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203-6227924. ywang@greenwichlibrary. org 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Ann. 203-622-7920. 2 p.m. Virtual – Take Better & Fewer Photos on Your Phone. 203-6256560. 3:45 p.m. Virtual – World Music with Anitra. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ 7 p.m. Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: “Logan Lucky.” 203-622-7919. May 22 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Sing Along with Tom Weber. 203-622-7920. May 24 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Lauren. 203-622-7920. 7 p.m. Virtual – Annual Meeting of The Friends of Cos Cob Library. 203622-6883. May 25 11 a.m. Virtual – Petite Concert. 203622-7940. 5 p.m. Virtual – Meditation and Breath-

ing with Gail. Adults/young adults. 203-622-7920. 6 p.m. Virtual – Clean Up Your Laser Engraved Pictures with GIMP. 203-625-6541. May 26 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Melissa. 203-622-7920. 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong - mindful movement and breathing. 203622-6883. 2 p.m. Virtual – Spotlight on Apps: Libby. 203-625-6560. csherman@ 3 p.m. Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft (ages 2 1/2 and up). 203-6226883. 7 p.m. Date with an Author: Deborah Goodrich Royce, Author of “Ruby Falls”. Register. May 27 9 a.m. Virtual – Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga (Ages 2-6). 203- 622-7940. 10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ - Bilingual Storytime. 7 p.m. Virtual – Balance & Fall Prevention: The Art of Rising and Falling with Kristin. 203-531-0426. May 28 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Ann. 203-622-7920. June 2 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Melissa. 203-622-7920. 12 p.m. SCORE Webinar: Networking Resources for Women & Minorities. 203-622-7924. ywang@ 3 p.m. Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft (ages 2 1/2 and up). 203-6226883. 4 p.m. Virtual – Bookworms Book Club: “Big Foot and Little Foot” by Ellen Potter. June 3 9 a.m. Virtual – Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga (Ages 2-6). 203- 622-7940. 10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ - Bilingual Storytime. 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong, mindful movement and breathing. Adults. 203-622-6883. 4 p.m. Virtual – Junior Book Club: “Clean Getaway” by Nic Stone. 7 p.m. Virtual – Architectural Styles of Byram with Patricia Baiardi Kantorski RA. 203-531-0426. GREENWICH HOSPITAL: events 888-305-9253 May 24 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Hip Replacement Education. May 27 1 p.m. Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. June 1 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. 1:30 p.m. Webinar: Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. June 2 5:30 p.m. Webinar: Total Joint Replacement. June 3 7 p.m. Webinar: Update on COVID-19 Vaccines. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pullups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. EMILY FEDORKO FOUNDATION: May 22 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Emily Catherine Fedorko Foundation Life Jacket Swap. Innis Arden Cottage, Tod’s/Greenwich Point. GIRLS WITH IMPACT: May 25 7 p.m. Resilient Women Workshop: Remaining Resilient & Empowered Through a Positive Mindset. (For teens & young women). Via Zoom. Register. UNITED WAY: May 25 10 a.m. Reading Champions Webinar – learn how to help your kids overcome the summer & COVID reading slide. Via Zoom. RSVP. AUDUBON: May 29 1 p.m. Turtle Time! Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. Tickets start at $25. Ages 6 &




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Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel

up. Registration required. June 5 10 a.m. Let’s Go Birding Together! A Pride Month Birding Celebration. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. Ages 12 & up. Registration required. BRUCE MUSEUM: May 22 12 p.m. Virtual Art Workshop with Sandy McDermott: New England Animals. Via Zoom. $15, members; $25, non-members. May 22 & 23 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 36th Annual Outdoor Crafts Festival. 1 Museum Dr. Time Ticketed Reservations suggestion as admission numbers are limited. May 25 7 p.m. Curator’s Talk: The Amazon Rainforest: Beauty – Destruction – Hope. Via Zoom. Free. Register. May 29 9 a.m. Digital Weekends: Grow Your Own Seed. 1 p.m. Art Adventures: New Bruce Community Mural. In-person, drop-in program for children ages 4 & up. Free, members & visitors with paid admission. May 30 1 p.m. Art Adventures: New Bruce Community Mural. In-person, drop-in program for children ages 4 & up. Free, members & visitors with paid admission. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: May 22 1 p.m. Spring Fête - A Family Garden Party for all Ages, galleries open, landscape tours, Tavern Market. 47 Strickland Rd. Free for children under 2. May 27 1 p.m. Witness Stones Placement Ceremony – honoring Cull Bush, Patience, Candice Bush, and Hester Mead. 47 Strickland Rd. June 3 5 p.m. Cocktails with the Curator - a gallery tour of Beautiful Work: The Art of Greenwich Gardens and Landscapes, followed by a casual reception in the Tavern Garden. . 47 Strickland Rd. Members, $10; non-members, $20. Tickets required. YMCA: May 27 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Community Blood Drive. 50 E. Putnam Ave. June 3 4:30 p.m. Guest Bartender Night at Townhouse. 35 Church St, Greenwich.

Local Planning: Calendar of Events

RIVERSIDE GARDEN CLUB: May 25 9:30 a.m. “Classic Containers” - Containers can be your base for beautiful Floral Designs, with Carol King Platt. Via Zoom. Free. RSVP. riversidectgardenclub@ GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS: com/arm-hbjd-yvy May 26 7 p.m. “Parent Video Chat”: Performance Anxiety and Stress (for Elementary School Parents). Via Google Meet. May 28 10 a.m. “Parent Video Chat”: Performance Anxiety and Stress (for Secondary School Parents). Via Google Meet. GREEN & CLEAN: May 27 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Starter Kit Sale - starter kits make food scrap recycling easier. 113 Pemberwick Rd. RETIRED MEN’S ASSOCIATION: speakers/future-speakers-3 May 26 11 a.m. Webinar: David Pogue, Technology and science writer and TV presenter; Emmy winning correspondent for CBS Sunday Morning; author of the Crowdwise column in the New York Times Smarter Living section; “How to Prepare for Climate Change.” Free. Open to all. ST. LAWRENCE SOCIETY May 22 7 p.m. ‘Sing-A-Long Night/Kara-No-Ke’. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. Free. Registration required. 203-618-9036. May 29 7:30 p.m. Karaoke Night. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. Registration required. 203-618-9036. ST. CATH SPRING LECTURES: May 26 5 p.m. How the West came to Encounter the East Lecture Series: Part 3: The Portuguese Century of Discovery. Via Zoom. Free. CONVERSATION CIRCLE: May 25 7 P.m. Reparative Justice and Restorative Practices with Jo Ann Freigberg. Via Zoom. Free. Open to all. TAI CHI: experiencetaichi. org May 25, 4 p.m., First Congregational Church, 108 Sound Beach Ave. May 26, 8:30 a.m. Binney

Park. Registration is required. Tuition is paid as a donation made directly by the participant to abilis, Neighbor to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF GREENWICH: afgreenwich. org May 25 5 p.m. Meditation and Breathing. Via Zoom. May 26 10 a.m. Café Créme Conversation. RSVP for Zoom link. clairenegrin@ ART SOCIETY: May 22 1 p.m. Landscape Workshop: “Plein Air Plus + Take One,” with James McElhinney. Via Zoom. Register. May 27 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Hands, Feet & Faces Workshops with Nomi Silverman. (Take one, two or all three). In Studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. Through June 6 The Annual Bendheim Exhibit 2021 - entry ongoing. Allison Rudnick, Associate Curator from the MET, NYC, will jury the exhibit. ROTARY CLUB: May 26 12:15 p.m. Weekly Wednesday lunch meeting. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. The bell will ring at 12:15pm. Jackets for men are required. $30. GREENWICH NEWCOMERS CLUB: May 25 1 p.m. Book Discussion Group: “Apeirogon.” Private home. Register. May 26 6:30 p.m. Wine About a Book Club: “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.” Private home. Register. PERROT LIBRARY: June 1 7 p.m. Author Talk with Deborah Goodrich Royce on her book, Ruby Falls. Via Zoom. Free. Register. FAMILY CENTERS: June 1 12 p.m. Family Centers’ Center for HOPE Luncheon featuring best-selling author and Emmy winner Suleika Joauad. Via Zoom. kdorsey@ REACH PREP: reachprep. org/news/golf-outing June 1 11:30 a.m. REACH Prep Spring Golf Outing “Swing for Our Scholars.” Greenwich Country Club, 19 Doubling Rd. 203-487-0750,

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Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt

Editorial Page CARTOON

EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

Gratitude While we are emerging from the pandemic and mask wearing, the stress of living with COVID has not really lessened. If there is a COVID hangover it is “intolerance.” Prior to last year’s election, people were on a hair trigger when political topics came up in conversation. We still are. Many now refuse to engage in political discourse. While freedom of speech is our most favorite constitutional amendment (obviously), we believe it is time to put the political rhetoric down and stand up as adults. We can have differing opinions while demonstrating respect. We do not have to “uninvite” ourselves to dinner out of fear of what the conversation may turn to. That is just silly, and in fact lets fear take root, which is never healthy. Instead of letting fear get a grip on you, instead of practicing your rights as loudly and disruptively as possible, we suggest practicing something else - gratitude. We can all do with a little more gratitude in our lives. What is gratitude? According to the dictionary, gratitude is the “quality of being thankful; readiness

Let us change intolerance into gratitude for we live in the greatest community in the greatest country. Let us show gratitude for all that our community has to offer. Let us really show it. to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” That sounds simple enough, but in fact it is something you need to practice every day. When did we stop being grateful? As kids we had nothing but gratitude. Every toy we received, every chance to spend time with a parent, every walk in the woods, or sail out on the sound was awesome. We may not have identified it as gratitude, but that is what it was. As we grew to working adults and establishing careers, we lost some of that “awesomeness.” For some of us, we may have allowed a disillusioned adult perspective of life to take hold. In our rush to continually build the ideal vision of our lives we missed the opportunity to be thankful for what we accumulated along the way. The practice of gratitude can be found in the origins of every major religion and even indigenous tribes as far apart as Australian Aborigines and the American Indians. Clearly the practice of gratitude is important if it was encouraged and developed throughout the world when there was no common messenger and no communication capable of delivering such a message. Gratitude is what allowed communities to develop and grow and thrive before there was the rule of law. As communities became more complex, laws were a necessity. But gratitude remained an integral part even today. Go to any church or synagogue in town when they hold a service and listen closely, really closely, and you will hear words of gratitude being spoken, preached, and prayed. We need to do a better job of hearing that message and incorporating it into our daily lives. Yes, this COVID year has been unlike any we have previously seen, but we are coming out of it. Let us be grateful for that. Let us dial back the ongoing rhetoric and respect differing opinions. Let us change intolerance into gratitude for we live in the greatest community in the greatest country. Let us show gratitude for all that our community has to offer. Let us really show it. We challenge you to live the definition of gratitude every day - be thankful, show appreciation and return kindness. You will be surprised. The more you practice gratitude the more gratitude will befall you, and that would not be a bad thing, would it? It may be too much to wish for, but wouldn’t it be “awesome” if enough of us lived this way, that there were fewer honking horns, fewer nasty looks because of whatever bumper sticker was on your car, or fewer ill manners in the supermarket? It would certainly lessen people’s anxiety levels and we would all be grateful for that.


How to Work Across the Aisle

By Tony Turner W hen I look today at t he stories coming through variety of media channels, I can’t help but think that maybe our democracy at the national, state and in some cases, local levels is at an impasse. Our politics seem tox ic w ith warfare between the two parties and our norms seem to have collapsed. Political institutions at most levels are deteriorating with Democrats and Republicans cutting off contact with each other instead of hearing each other out. The goal of getting to some kind of next step for the mutual benefit of everyone has been thrown out the window. And, when you think about all the activities of government: tax, regulate, grant, subsidize, educate, budget, produce information, structure ou r p r i v ate r i g ht s , f i n a n c e , contract, reform, provide services and provide models for economic activity, etc. the situation, is, well, downright scary. The partisan trench warfare has got to come to an end. It’s driving us all crazy. It’s time we require elected officials take pause and get back to the fundamentals of what real democracy is all about and get the republic (e.g., power is held by the people and their elected representatives) back to working again and with successful outputs. Here’s my take on how they can renew and work better across the aisle. Have a team perspective. P rac t ic e for a fo ot b a l l te a m

requires the players to either play defense or offense and play each other. Regardless they still represent a team despite the on-the-f ield rivalry to ensure a n a d e q u ate p r a c t i c e . T h e y all wear the same jersey and ultimately want to win the games in the off icial season. What can you do to help bring about teamwork in your par t y and across the aisle? Do you need new leaders or new communication standards, or combination? Ask a nd listen. Tea ms get bet ter r e s u lt s t h a n “g r o up s ”; t h e y have complimentary skills and common goals. Elected officials should remember they represent people for the collective benefit of our nation, our state, our town, and not their own. Understand where your opponent is coming f rom? Don’t have a paradigm that the ot her pol itica l pa r t y is you r enemy. They’re not. They do have different beliefs or desires. What are they and why? Be curious about yourself to understand why you are objecting so strongly. Do you really know your colleague p ersona l ly---t hei r stor y? Collaborate with your most fierce opponent somehow. Listen for the 10-20% you actually agree with and start your response from there. If it is an emotional reaction you are having, don’t respond at all in that moment. Are you objecting because the political bosses are insisting you vote a certain way or that you truly see a bigger benefit if it were “your way?” Is their position constituent driven, par t y boss driven, a m bition, d r iven by interest groups or good old-fashioned values and merits based on the strength of the proposal? What is your position being driven by: fear, need for approval or control, avoiding conf lict or old grudges maybe? The opposing side is

made up of people—they have feelings, personal lives, stress, sensitivities, etc. just like you--is your approach taking into consideration all these things? Lastly, maybe you have a “seeing” problem, noting you have to be able to work with ambiguity, complexity and possess agility yet stay grounded. Your truth depends on where you stand so speak your truth but be open to other ways of seeing. Timing is everything. From a process and political point of view timing is everything. When change Is proposed and you are against it, get on board the train early and help guide t h e o p p o s i t i o n , p r o a c t i ve l y informing your opponent very early on where you stand and why and v ice versa if you support the change. However, constantly being resistant or in opposition feels powerful but can be destructive and reduce your effectiveness over time. Your style of opposition should be to let the other side down at levels that are sustainable so you don’t lose that effectiveness and not be heard. Rarely, if ever, should you introduce something entirely new at the last minute or just as a decision is being made. Have a process for vetting a proposal. Your colleagues should know how you plan to or have historically evaluated a proposal and not just say no because it’s from across the aisle or from someone with whom you are holding a grudge. This is about having a “legislative brand.” One notable resource for vetting policy and proposals is the book entitled A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis by public policy p r o fe s s o r s Eu g e n e B a r d a c h a nd Er ic Pat ash n i k of UCBerkeley and Brown University, respectively. They discuss the following eight step process: 1.

Define the Problem 2. Assemble Some Evidence (e.g., gather some information) 3. Build Alternatives 4. Select the Criteria (for making t he de c i sion) 5 . P r oj e c t t he Outcomes 6. Confront the TradeOffs 7. Narrow and Decide and then, 8. Tell Your Story. “These steps are not necessarily taken in precisely this order, nor are of then necessarily significant in every problem. However, an effort to define the problem is usually the right starting place, and telling the story is almost inevitably the ending point. Constructing alternatives and selecting criteria for evaluating them surely come toward the beginning of the process. Assembling some evidence is actually a step the recurs throughout the entire process, and it applies particularly to efforts to define the problem and to project the outcomes of the alternatives.”1 It ’s t i me t hat we r e q u i r e renewal from our elected officials and get back to working across the aisle with a sense of fairness, legitimacy and dignity. It’s time they repledge their allegiance to truly fulfill the job in the ways they were elected to. 1. Bardach , Eugene and Eric M. Patashnik, A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis, Sixth Edition, page xvi, Washington, D.C. CQ Press, 2020. Tony Tur ner most recently served as a member of the Greenwich Board of Est imate and Taxation and former founder and CEO of an online regulatory software company based in Conn; he is currently the founder and CEO of My Voting Power Greenwich (MVPGreenwich), a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to enabling ease of voting and more informed voter decisions by 18–35-year-olds. He resides in Old Greenwich, CT.

Celebrating Learning This Year

By Julie Faryniarz It is MAY! Greenwich students and teachers are still in school but nearing the finish line and, with the trees in bloom, starting to think about summer. While many of the “norms” of school were reset this year, learning happened. The Greenwich Public School Distinguished Teachers were just announced and WOW it is heartwarming to read about these impressive and dedicated educators. High fives all around for teachers, administrators, staff and students. Let’s all take a moment to celebrate the year that was and look optimistically to the year ahead. As the Executive Director of the Greenwich Alliance for Education, I keep up with the learning taking place in the schools th roug h anecdotes and prog rammatic updates from the many Reaching Out Grants we fund. I am consistently inspired by our “grant champions” as they innovate and

make new learning opportunities accessible to so many. G a s p a r e L ip a r i , We s t e r n Middle School teacher, champions the “Unbound Innovations XR Makery” grant. The Alliance has awarded nearly $100K to purchase the technology needed for this project and he has spearheaded the development of a robust program with a strategic post-pandemic roll out to over 200 students. Recently, as part of our Reaching Out Grants review, Mr. Lipari was visited by two Grants Committee members, Esther Bushell and Debbie Appelbaum. “I was awestruck, and I’m still reeling and soaring from the slide show that he presented to explain his program. I am a retired teacher, and I cannot even begin to understand how Mr. Lipari has single handedly accomplished all that he has done,” Esther reported to the committee. “Unbound Innovations is cutting edge technology that combines Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and together they are referred to as XR. During the year, Mr. Lipari worked with Mr. Hauer, Science teacher, and incorporated the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality to plot a path for a satellite through our solar system. Students used Merge Cubes, Merge software and applications, & CoSpaces (licensed software). Unbound Innovations stirs the imagination and provides users with impossible

experiences that will certainly spur new ideas and innovation.“ At Greenwich High School’s Education and Wellness Center (The Center) another Alliance grantee, Danielle Polizzi, GPS Social Worker, said “the students have refined their skills in the area of executive functioning in order to manage the hybrid schedule, the changing days, and remote learning. More importantly, the students have exhibited resilience and perseverance, by adapting to the continual changes, coping with their fears about Covid, working through challenges with technology, and by working with staff to overcome obstacles in order to meet their goals.” The Center responded to the uncertainty students faced due the Covid-19 pandemic by offering consistent outreach and opportunities for connection. While these examples represent two very different types of grant programs, they both illustrate how teachers and students innovated, accessed, adapted and kept on learning. I was recently forwarded an article from the Atlantic (March 20, 2021) entitled “Our Kids Are Not Broken” by Ron Berger, a senior adviser at EL Education and teacher at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The article addresses the current and possibly harmful dialogue surrounding suspected losses or deficits students faced

as a consequence of remote and hybrid learning. It encourages us to instead focus on the potential of each student by urging teachers to continue to set high expectations and focus on student goals and desired educational outcomes. As I was writing this column, I received an email from an AVID student from GHS Class of 2017. He wrote to let me know that he is graduating from UCONN next week with a B.S. in Foreign Language Education and a B.A. in Spanish. In September, he will begin a Masters Program in Curriculum and Instruction at UCONN. We are paying it forward when we invest in AVID and I am feeling such joy to know he will be pursuing a career in education. His students will be very lucky to have him as their teacher. The Alliance is committed to supporting public education in Greenwich. The 2021-2022 academic year is not really so far away. We are excited to offer continued encouragement and community support for the new year ahead, and at the same time, we can’t wait to see in what ways our educators will once again innovate and inspire our students to learn and grow. Executive Director; Mother of three Greenwich Public School graduates; Married 30 years; Recipient YWCA Women Who Inspires Honoree; Past PTA Council president.

Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel


Getting Ducks In A Row By Icy Frantz Early on in my writing career - which, to be honest, hasn’t been all that long, give or take a few years, or 365 trips around the sun - a close friend of mine, who happens to be a very good writer in his own right, gave me some advice worth its weight in gold: “At the end of the day,” he said, “avoid clichés like the plague.” My friend is not one to beat around the bush; he calls a spade a spade, he knows the ropes, and he’s been in the business for donkey’s years. Of course, his advice is easier said than done; our language is jam-packed with clichés and idioms that we use without giving them much thought at all. But maybe we shouldn’t throw out the baby with the bathwater; maybe cliches are a bit of a double-edged sword? Perhaps sometimes a cliché is just the ticket to get our point across. And while we search for novel ways to replace a cliché, we are really just pointlessly attempting to reinvent the wheel. On Mother’s Day, I texted a friend of mine - “I hope your

News Briefs From Page 1

government offices and events may choose to require universal mask ing. Mask s w ill remain a req uirement in hea lthcare f a c i l it ie s , f a c i l it ie s hou si n g vulnerable populations, public and private transit, correctional facilities, schools, and childcare.

men spoil you rotten!” - and then I stopped and thought about what I had just written. Gross. The image of a piece of rotten fruit flashed through my head, and I quickly realized that there is probably more than one way to skin a cat; I could have expressed my sentiments differently. It got me thinking about some of the other common phrases that are a little gruesome or, at the very least, not appealing. There was a bald eagle flying over our house recently, and my husband commented, “Just keep your eyes peeled.” I ran into a friend with young children at the park; “Wow,” I said, “they are growing like weeds.” After a particularly filling dinner, one of our children exclaimed, “I am stuffed to the gills.” Which is, of course, slightly better than going belly-up, a term that is derived from the position of your dead goldfish. But there are a few that are truly the cream of the crop of unpleasant descriptions and origins: Drinking the Kool-Aid has little to do with the sugary drink we enjoyed as children; it is a reference to the 1978 event at Jonestown, Guyana, in which hundreds of members of the Peoples Temple, a Californian cult, committed suicide by drinking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. Bite the bullet, an idiomatic way of saying to have courage and force your way through a constructing a stand alone building at the east of the Tomes Higgins House, which will be named the Cohen Center for Neighbor to Neighbor, providing a space for clients, staff, and volunteers all under one roof. The building will have many susta ina ble desig n featu res, furthering the organization's commitment to serving their clients with dignity and respect.

Elm Street Detour T h i s p a s t T hu r s d ay, t h e Greenwich Board of Selectmen approved an 18 day detour around t he crosswa l k at Greenw ich Avenue and Elm Street. The detour will be in effect from May 24 to June 11 in order to get the last section of sidewalk poured, planting beds in, paving, and imprinting. This project will improve the sidewalk, as well as make the intersection safer to walk through.

Greenwich Farmers Market T h e G r e e nw i c h Fa r m e r s M a rket i s b ack for t he 2 021 season! The market will open on May 15th, and will continue to operate in Horseneck Lot this year. The ma rket w i l l i nclude several family-owned, organic certified, and local vendors, and will run from May 15 through November at the lot located at the corner of Horseneck Lane and Arch Street, right by exit 3 on I-95.

Neighbor to Neighbor Receives $1.5 Million Donation Neighbor to Neighbor has received a $1.5 million leadership gift from the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation. Ne i g h b o r to Ne i g h b o r i s

Tree Wardens Decision on Cardinal Stadium Project T h i s p a s t We d n e s d a y, Greenwich Tree Warden Greg Kramer held a public hearing to discuss the fate of 34 trees p l a n n i n g to b e r e m ove d o n


corresponding about Eisen’s case. Eisen recalls: “Pretty early on, I realized, you know, this guy is one of the top guys in the world for this. He told me about the KinematX™ implant and where it was going, and I said, ‘Look, I’ll wait.’ But I didn’t think it was going to take seven years!” B u t w i t h E i s e n ’s o t h e r options so unsatisfactory, he kept monitoring Dr. Wolfe’s work. “Over the seven years, I would email Dr. Wolfe and he’d always email right back.” Indeed, Dr. Wolfe had taken an interest in the case: “Mark’s case was different from the average in that it had been going on since he was a young kid. And in the process, his wrist had collapsed quite a bit. Some of the bones were eroded; all of them were rotated out of position.” Eisen’s bones had degenerated, and cysts were present. “Those are f luid-filled spaces in the bone, and they don’t support the prosthesis very well, so we have to remove them,” Dr. Wolfe explains. “When you’re doing a total prosthesis, you have to cut off the portions of the bone that have degenerated, leaving behind the portions that are still very healthy. It sounds easier than it is,” Dr. Wolfe says with a rueful laugh. “Those cuts have to be very precise.” Dr. Wolfe knew he needed twelve millimeters of healthy bone, and after removing the cysts, they were down to about thir teen. “So we were really cutting it close. We had to have a

From Page 1 Dr. Wolfe recalls. “And so, the design of the prosthesis basically emulates that particular joint, and, in so doing, it allows the dartthrowing motion.” Mark Eisen, a Georgia resident who traveled to HSS for the surgery, is the recipient of the new KinematX™ Total Wrist implant. E i s e n s u f fe r e d f r o m s e ve r e arthritis in his right wrist, and, when he sought treatment way back in 2011, he wasn’t satisfied with the options described by his regular physician. “Basically, either they take the wrist bones out, or they fuse them together,” Eisen recalls. One common result of either type of surgery is limited mobility, or, as Eisen sums it up: “If it hurts when you move it, don’t move it.” “ I d i d n’t r e a l l y l i k e t h at solution,” said Eisen, who is an avid golfer and hoped to resume his ordinary activities to some extent. Frustrated, he turned to the Internet. “I’m really good at Google,” he says, laughing. “I started doing some research.” His research led him to Dr. Wolfe, who at that time, in 2011, had performed several midcarpal hemiarthroplasty surgeries, using an implant – the first-generation design that would later give rise to the new KinematX™ Total Wrist implant design -- that replaced half the wrist joint. Dr. Wolfe and Eisen began

Our language is jam-packed with clichés and idioms that we use without giving them much thought at all. But maybe we shouldn’t throw out the baby with the bathwater; maybe cliches are a bit of a double-edged sword? Perhaps sometimes a cliché is just the ticket to get our point across.

holes is what Italians say to mean things aren’t going quite the way they would like them to go, and in Iceland, they describe an unexpected surprise as the raisin at the end of the hot dog (really? I have never found a raisin at the end of my hot dog - ever! – nor do I think I would ever want to find one there). And last but not least, a phrase that became popular in England and Australia after the British Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (“Bob”) appointed his nephew Minister for Ireland and means it’s as simple as when Bob’s your uncle. But don’t get you knickers in a twist; I am almost done. My writer friend must be rolling over in his grave, and I bet you are thinking, “Icy certainly didn’t knock it out of the park with this one!” In fact, you may be thinking that I am somewhere out there in left field, or that I have completely missed the boat, or maybe even that I am not playing with a full deck and I should go cold turkey and think long and hard before I get back in the saddle, but at the risk of leaving no stone unturned, this really won’t be complete until pigs fly, or at the very least until the fat lady sings. But you made it! And here it is - the raisin at the end of the hotdog!

difficult situation, originates from battlefields where, before the invention of anesthetics, soldiers were given a bullet to bite down on to endure the pain of an excruciating procedure. One for the road is a relic from the Middle Ages that refers to the final drink a convict is offered on his way to execution. But really, these are just the tip of the iceberg. While we are at it, have you ever wondered how we have come to rely on an egg for a lot more than a sunny side up breakfast? In fact, the egg is descriptive; you are a hard egg to crack, a good egg, a bad egg, or should you fall behind, the last one in is a rotten egg. But don’t egg me on; I would hate to be left with egg on my

face. I am not one to put all of my eggs in one basket, so let’s spend a moment talking about animals. While the dog is man’s best friend, in a dog-eat-dog world, it is also possible to work like a dog, be dog tired, or sick as a dog in the dog days of summer. But hold your horses; let’s give the cat her moment in the sun. We all know that while the cat’s away, the mice will play, but who killed the cat? Curiosity, of course, but not before the cat got your tongue. But don’t let the cat out of the bag; isn’t it all just the cat’s meow? I could go on until the cows come home. But we can’t let the animals steal all of the thunder;

weather and food definitely take the cake when it comes to interesting expressions that have seeped into our language. And while some expressions may not cut the mustard, others may also be the best thing since sliced bread. And frankly, we can sometimes find ourselves in the calm before the storm or the perfect storm or under the weather. There are many others, but I will save them for a rainy day. Americans don’t hold a candle to some of the amusing expressions found in other languages. The Japanese say my cheeks are falling off when they have eaten something tasty, and the French exclaim when chicken have teeth to mean that something will never Icy Frantz at The Icing on the happen. Not all doughnuts have Cake at

Greenwich High School’s campus. The number of trees to be removed has been changed to 14, all of which are necessary for fire and emergency access, utilities, storm drainage requirements, and ADA access and parking.

New Restaurant Hinoki Opens on Greenwich Ave A new Japanese restaurant, Hinok, has had their soft opening at 363 Greenwich Avenue. The restaurant serves special menu items for their tapas-style concept of “Izakaya”, as well as shareable appetizers, main dishes, cocktails, exclusive sake, and whiskey. Hinoki is open for lunch and dinner seven days a week, and reservations can be made at 203900-0011.

Free Music Fridays The Town of Greenwich has announced that every Friday from 12-1pm starting in June, local bands and musicians will be playing in Greenwich Commons. This initiative is called “Free Music Fridays” and was started by the Reimagine Greenwich Committee, which aims to improve Greenwich for residents and visitors, and to generate attraction to business areas. Those interested in performing can contact Selectperson Lauren Rabin at Greenwich Town Hall or at (203) 622-7710

Parkway School’s New Assistant Principal Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones has appointed Cindy Boucard as the new assistant principal at Parkway School beginning July 1. Boucard has been serving as interim assistant principal, and will take on the position per manently follow ing the retirement of Jeffrey Libby. Greenwich Vaccine Updates Governor Ned Lamont has a n nou nce d t hat t he P f it zerBioNTech COVID-19 vaccine will now be available to Connecticut residents ages 12 to 15. Parents and legal guardians can sign their children up for an appointment, or visit a clinic that accepts walk up patients. Locally, Yale New Haven Health Services, Community Health Centers of Stamford, and Family Centers of Greenwich will be offering app oi nt me nt s for t h i s ne l ly eligible age group.

League of Women Voters of Greenwich Announce Essay Contest Winners The League of Women Voters in Greenwich and their affiliate high school clubs have announced t he w i n ners of t hei r se cond annual essay contest. This year's prompt was to write a letter to Vice President Harris, sharing their stories, advice, and wishes. The winner of the high school division was 9th grader Amrutha Nandakumar, the winner of the middle school division was 6th grader Devi Pelletier, and the winner of the elementary school division was 5th grader Madeline Liew.

Affordable Housing Trust Fund Approved T he G r e e nw ich B o a r d of Selectmen has approved plans for the Greenwich Affordable H o u s i n g Tr u s t F u n d , a n d the item has been sent to the Representative Town Meeting for its final vote. Th is Fu nd hopes to of fer affordable housing at no cost to the town, with an 11-member board overseeing it and allocating ra i s e d money to develop er s to purchase af fordable units, renovate ex isting u n its, a nd enhance overall affordability.

Greenwich High School Senior Named U.S. Presidential Scholar Greenwich High School senior, Colin Speaker, was one of the 161 students across the country named United States Presidential Scholars. This program honors students who have demonstrated leadersh ip, schola rsh ip, a nd contribution to school and community. Neighbor to Neighbor Launches “Fill the Build” Campaign Neighbor to Neighbor has launched a new campaig n to celebrate their founding women. The “Fill the Build” campaign will honor the outstanding and committed founding members who have turned Neighbor to Neighbor into what it is today. The campaign inv ites the community to help people in need by filling the interior space of the new Neighbor to Neighbor building and contributing towards purchasing fresh and shelf-stable food, chairs, tables, and shelves. The campaign will run through November 2021.

The game-changing new wrist implant designed by Dr. Wolfe and Dr. Crisco back-up plan, which was to use cement.” Poly met hyl met hacr ylate (PMMA) bone cement is common in fixing implants to bone; indeed, until fairly recently, it was the only option. “But it’s not ideal. It generates heat; it can actually burn the bone. And it’s inert,” Dr. Wolfe says. “The bone doesn't grow into it.” The preferred option for the KinematX™ interface, if enough of Eisen’s remaining healthy bone

could be preserved, was to apply a porous coating only a millimeter or two thick. “It’s shaped a lot like normal bone, so the bone recognizes it, and grows through it,” Dr. Wolfe explains. “It’s a lot like how tooth implants work, actually.” So, bottom line: Will Eisen be able to golf again? D r. Wo l f e i s o p t i m i s t i c : “Right now it’s a lot of theory. We’ve tested it; it took all kinds of experiments to show that it

Dr. Wolfe in surgery. actually does work, and that people do get that dart throwing motion using this wrist implant. But we’ve done all of two so far.” Eisen’s was the f irst; another patient in Florida received the new wrist implant just last week. Still, things are looking good: the first-generation design, the he m ia r t h r opla st y, h a s b e e n

successfully implanted in many UK patients. “ We ’ve d o n e 2 5 o r 3 0 o f them and they ’re holding up beautifully,” says Dr. Wolfe. “We have golfers golfing, and all sorts of t h i ngs. S o we have ever y reason to believe this will be an important contribution to science

and to clinical practice.”

Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

OBITUARIES Theresa Borchetta Theresa A. Borchetta, of Greenwich, passed away peacefully Sunday, May 16. She was 93. Born in Greenwich April 2, 1928 to Anthony and Mary Gasparino. Theresa worked for many years at Fawcett Publishing, as well as being a devoted wife and mother. She was predeceased by her beloved husband Albert; and is survived by her loving sons Albert D. Borchetta Jr. (wife Jill) and Dominic Borchetta (wife Nancy); her cherished grandchildren Reid Ann, Aaron, Theresa and Matthew and three great-grandchildren. To honor her life, family and friends gathered Thursday at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Greenwich. A prayer service was held Thursday at the funeral home followed by interment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.

Richard Birdsell Richard C Birdsell of Stamford, CT, a former Greenwich resident passed away peacefully at his home Thursday, May 14. He was 85. Born May 20, 1935 he was a son of the late Clifford F. and Alexina Cockburn Birdsell. Mr. Birdsell worked for the AVCO Corporation as the AVCO Corporate Headquarters Care Taker and Grounds Keeper until his retirement. After retiring he enjoyed fishing, gardening, trips to the casino and sharing his extensive horticulture knowledge with all who asked. He is survived by his wife Sandra D. Birdsell, five children, Daughters Wendie S. Birdsell, Michele R. Coscia, Stephanie A. Rogers. Sons Roy S. Birdsell, and Christopher P. Rogers. Seven grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren. Two sisters Nancy Schofield, and Jean Salvatore. And one brother, William Birdsell. He was predeceased by his first Wife Alyce Birdsell, a son Richard C. Bi rdsel l a nd a g ra nddaug hter Cassandra Elizabeth Coscia. Calling hours were Thursday, May 20 at Leo. P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Stamford. Interment followed at Middle Patent Rural Cemetery, Banksville, NY.

Richard Boris Richard (Dick) Sedwick Boris, 81, loving husband, father and grandfather passed away unexpectedly on May 14, 2021. He is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Lynn Boris, and his children Jamie Boris of New Canaan, CT and John Boris of Piedmont, CA, his son-in-law, Paul Lapin, daughterin-law, Tara Boris, and his cherished grandchildren Eleanor, Madeleine, Anderson, Henry, Charlotte and Eloise. Born in Brooklyn, NY to Shirley and Sam Boris and raised in Albany, Dick graduated from Cornell University and NYU Law School. He practiced employment law for over 50 years and was a founding partner in the law firm Moss & Boris in New York City. Dick and Lynn moved to Greenwich, CT in 1976 where they raised their children. Dick loved his family more than anything else in the world. He was a devoted husband and an exceptional father and grandfather. Dick had remarkable group of loyal friends who were so near and dear to him. Once you were his friend, you were his friend for life. He genuinely loved helping others and was always there for those in need. A larger-thanlife figure with a huge personality, Dick filled every room he entered. He was unabashedly gregarious, with wicked sense of humor and always entertained his family and friends with jokes, stories and smiles. He was smart as whip and well-versed in all subjects. As an avid Yankees and Knicks fan, he was always keen to discuss game highlights and season predictions. Above all else, Dick was an incredible force for good and touched the lives of so many in ways large and small. With a big belly and hardy laugh, he did it his way to very end. We will miss him so dearly and he will remain in our hearts forever.

MaryEllen Quinn MaryEllen Johann Quinn passed a w a y Tu e s d a y, M a y 1 1 , 2 0 2 1 a t Greenwich Hospital. MaryEllen was the daughter of Ellen Clare Doyle & Conrad Paul Johann. She was pre-deceased by her first husband, Frank Curcio and her second husband, Hugh Quinn. Mar yEllen is sur v ived by her brother Robert Johann of Jupiter, FL & her sister Nancy McGrath of Gr e enw ich , CT. She is su r v ive d by her three children, Son Frank (Jennifer) Curcio of Mt. Pleasant, S.C., Daughter Gale (David) Beun of South Londonderry, VT, and Son James Curcio of Ruskin, FL. MaryEllen is survived by seven grandchildren: Nicole, Madely n, Nicholas, Ja ke, Tyler, Annah & Jack and f ive great grandchildren: Quinlin, Kole, Troy, Ashton & Tessa. Services to be held at a later date.

Isabella Butkiewicz Isabella M. Butkiewicz (Izzy), 90, a resident of Greenwich, passed away peacefully on May 10, 2021. She was born on Jan. 21, 1931 in Boston, the daughter of Henry C. and Gertrude P. Valcour. Izzy graduated from Boston College with a Bachelor of Science and a degree in Nursing, in the second class to admit women. Izzy worked for many years as a nurse in addition to raising 5 children and running a household. She is survived by her 5 children: Vincent Butk iewicz, Jane Parker, Patricia Parsons, Mary Mahoney, and Peter Butkiewicz; 9 grandchildren: Liz, Kate, Harry, Will, Izzy, Jake, Laura, Kathryn, and Jamie; and one great-grandchild: Teddy. Izzy was predeceased by her husband of 49 years, John V. Butkiewicz, who died in 2006. She is happy to be with him now. Izzy was a proud longtime volunteer at Greenwich Hospital. She lived life to the fullest and enjoyed needlepoint, golf, and anything with frosting on it. We will miss her sense of adventure and optimistic spirit. The family wishes to acknowledge the caring and compassionate staff at the Nathaniel Witherell. A Funeral Mass was held at St. Ma r y's Chu rch i n Greenw ich on Wednesday, May 19. The family also plans to have a memorial service for Izzy in June.

Barbara Honig

painting. Her home is adorned with many of her creations. She possessed an amazing flair for interior decorating. She frequently visited NYC to enjoy the Met and Whitney museums and was a great admirer of architecture and fashion. Barbara loved the springtime, getting her hands dirty in her garden and designing her f lower boxes. She always had a smile for her friends and loved spending as much time as she could with her 7 grandchildren. In lieu of f lowers please make a donation to your favorite charity. A celebration of her life will be in the near future.

Peter Rubino

Peter Martin May 8, 1942 – May 8, 2021 Peter J. Martin, age 79, died from complications related to Parkinson's Disease on May 8, 2021 at home surrounded by his family. Peter was born in Greenwich, CT, the 6th of 7 children, to the late Helen Kelley Martin and Patrick Martin. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Edie Martin and his children Kevin Martin (Kimberley) of Tampa, F L , Kel ly Ma r ti n of Ch icago, I L , Erin Martin Boucher of Greenwich, CT and Sarah (Sean) Schuyler of Huntsville, AL as well as his cherished grandchildren Brendan, Chloe and Gavin Boucher, Cuyler and Ashlyn Martin, Benjamin, Charlie And Peter J. Schuyler. Additionally Peter is survived by many cousins, nieces and nephews whom he loved dearly. Peter was predeceased by his loving siblings Patricia, Virginia, Mary Lou, Roberta, Sandra and James. Peter attended elementary and high school at St. Mary's in Greenwich, CT. After graduation he joined The National Guard and then became an electrician and long time member of IBEW Local 3 working on many projects through out the area. Peter retired in June 2003 and moved to Charleston, SC where he kept busy building a house and then out of retirement to work as a Facilities Project Coordinator for the Medical University of South Carolina Hospital system until September 2020. Peter loved his family above all else as well as traveling, softball, hockey and yard work. Peter had a great sense of humor and was always quick with a joke or comeback and constantly had his kids and grandkids laughing. Peter was greatly loved and we miss him dearly. A memorial service will be planned for Peter in the fall of 2021. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donation in Peter's name to The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, m, PO Box 5014, Hagerstown, MD 21741-5014.

On Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, Peter Benjamin Rubino, adored son and brother, passed away. Peter was born on Aug. 3, 1987 in Greenwich, CT to Vincent and Marie (Megaw) Rubino. He received his B.A. from Manhattanville College with department honors in 2010, having previously attended Greenwich Public Schools and Eagle Hill School. As a financial administrator, web designer and a research reporter, Peter was a lifelong resident of Riverside. Peter had a youthful, naive spirit and a perpetually optimistic view of life. He experienced Asperger's syndrome, was bright, creative and had a vivid imagination. Peter enjoyed talking about financial investments and guiding others with their financial questions. He was also passionate about all aspects of skateboarding from its physical form to its mathematics, tirelessly worked on new skateboarding tricks, and spent his social time with friends in the skating community. He is survived by his mother and father, his brothers, Stephen and David, and a large extended family, including many uncles, aunts, and cousins. Family was always a great comfort to him. A memorial will be held at a later date. Donations may be sent to the Marcus Autism Center,, 1920 Briarclif f Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4010 or to

James Hurlock, III

Robert Suggs

Barbara Honig passed away peacefully at her home in Greenwich, CT on May 13, 2021 at the age of 80 surrounded by her family. She w a s pr e de c e a s e d by he r parents, Gertrude and Arthur Freed, and her brother, Ronald Freed. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Ira Honig of 45 years and her children, Wendy Chakrin of Cos Cob, Mark Chakrin of Norwalk, stepchildren Jodi Honig Przybisiki (Eric) of Norwalk and Scott Honig of Woodstock, GA, her brother Simon Freed of Round Rock, TX and grandchildren Zach, Christine, Samantha, Jason, Ellie, Blake and Kyle. Barbara was born in Yonkers, NY on Jan. 24, 1941, attended University of Miami and Hunter College. She lived in Greenwich for 50 years and was an avid tennis and paddle player, winning many club and town tournaments with her husband. Barbara is a member of The Milbrook Club and was chairwoman of the "Nine Holers" for many years, although she would often come home and declare, "I can't hit the ball". When she first came to town she worked with autistic children, then later in retail at several Greenwich boutiques. Barbara attended art classes at NCC, studying ceramics, sculpture and

Feb. 24, 1932 - April 17, 2021 On April 17, 2021, Robert "Bob" Carl Suggs, PhD, 89, passed away peacefully at his home in Boise ID, due to heart failure. Son of Middleton O. a nd A l m i ra Ba r nes Sug gs, he grew up in Byram, CT, graduating from Greenwich High School in 1949. He interrupted his college years by serving in US Marine Corps, married Rachel Brown, a Greenwich RN, in Sept. 1951, returned to obtain his BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Anthropology at Columbia University, NYC. He spent 17 months doing archaeology on the Polynesian Marquesan island of Nuku Hiva. He was author of more than 8 books, on a variety of subjects from archeology to Alexander the Great to nuclear survival. After years of private, government jobs and attaining the rank of Captain in the USNR, he

Answers to Puzzles on Pages 17 and 21 Easy

retired to teach karate and lecture on cruise ships for the next 15 years. He moved to Boise ID to be near family in 1999. Bob was preceded in death by his brother William, two children Jennifer and Wayne. He leaves behind his loving wife of 69 1/2 years Rachel, his son Donald Suggs, 2 granddaughters Em ma and Eva Sug gs, and Terri Suggs. He will live in the hearts and minds of family and friends. Interment took place in the Idaho State Veteran Cemetery, May 12.


Very Hard

James Bickford Hurlock III, 59, of New Canaan, CT, died peacefully with family by his side on May 12, 2021 after a long battle with cancer. Jim was the beloved husband of Kathryn Buck Hurlock, and father of James Ross-Lewin Hurlock and Warren Bickford Hurlock. Born May 3, 1962 in New York City to Margaret Lyn (Holding) Hurlock and James Bickford Hurlock, Jr., Jim spent his childhood in Paris, Brussels, London and Greenwich, CT before attending the St. George's School and Duke University, from which he graduated in 1984. He em ba rke d on a c a r e er i n journalism, starting as a reporter for the Pine Bluff Commercial in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, before reporting from Dallas, Texas for BusinessWeek, and eventually joining the CN N business news bureau in New York where he was lead writer for

CNN's "Moneyline." He went on to join The Blackwell Corporation in Washington, D.C. to produce the PBS Series "American Interests." He attended Columbia Business School, from which he graduated in 1992 with an MBA, and joined HBO that year, moving with his young wife to Prague to establish HBO's presence in the recently formed Czech Republic. He joined MGM in Sydney, Australia, where he led the studio's Asia-Pacific distribution operation, before bringing his knowledge of the region's film market to Paramount, with which he returned to the United States, settling with his family in Los Angeles. Anticipating the impact of technology on film distribution, Jim returned with his family to the east coast, repositioning himself in the burgeoning wealth management business, f irst at JP Morgan, and then Morga n Sta n ley. He was a long-serving board member of the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, CT. Jim formed lifelong friendships at every stage of his journey – from his fraternity brothers at Duke, to the many close friendships he formed on his adventures in Prague, Sydney, Los Angeles, New York, and New Canaan - his friends were never far. He was an accomplished sportsman: a capable lake and blue water sailor, completing a Bermuda Race, and an instinctive hunter and fisherman. Jim had a lifelong love of the sea and all its wonders. He remembered fondly his summers at Camp Monomoy, and delighted in nothing so much as the company of his immediate family. He will be greatly missed. Jim is survived by his wife of 29 years, Kathryn Buck Hurlock, his two sons, James Ross-Lewin Hurlock and Warren Bickford Hurlock, his mother, Margaret Lyn (Holding) Hurlock, and two brothers, Burton Charls Hurlock and Matthew Hunter Hurlock. A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at a later date due to COVID restrictions. I n h o n o r o f h i s l ove fo r t h e Aquarium, and in lieu of f lowers, donations can be made in his name online at / donate or via mail to the following address: The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, Attention Danielle Tranzillo, 10 North Water Street, Norwalk, CT 06488. Please indicate that the gift is in Jim's honor.

Elizabeth Green Elizabeth Stevens Green, a lifelong Greenwich resident, passed away peacefully on April 27, 2021. She was born in Greenwich on May 11, 1923 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Stevens. One of four children, she was predeceased by her sisters Barbara Sturges and Helen Laury and her brother Charles Henry Stevens Jr. She was married in March of 1944 to her beloved husband Bradley H. Green, who predeceased her in December of 1993. She is survived by her sons B. Gordon Green of Thornwood, NY and Steven J. Green of Jupiter, FL as well as her six grandchildren Jeremiah, Nicole, Jocelyn, Alison, Catherine, and Bradley, and her seven greatgrandchildren. Lib was educated at Greenwich Academy and Pine Manor College. She was always active in the Greenw ich community as a Boy Scout mother and longtime volunteer at the Greenwich Hospital, Meals on Wheels, At Home in Greenwich and various other Greenw ich organizations. She loved to read, cook and work in her gardens. She also enjoyed traveling and was an avid golfer, belonging to both The Stanwich Club in Greenwich and the Mid-Ocean Club in Bermuda. Funeral services will be private. Memorial contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society. .

Obituaries may be submitted to Caroll@


From Page 9 ext. 103. akiser@ YWCA GREENWICH: June 3 6:30 p.m. “Technology in Relationships: The good, the bad, and the dangerous.” Via Zoom. Free and open to all. Register. genetics CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTERS: clcfc. org June 4 7 p.m. The Magic Moment Dance Party, with DJ April Larken. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. (Attend or donate). BYRAM SHUBERT LIBRARY: June 4, 5 & 6 The Friends of the Byram Shubert Library Outdoor Book & Media Box Sale. Opening Night Sale: June 4, 4:30pm, $25 admission; General Sale: June 5, 9am-2pm & June 6, 12-4pm, free admission on both days. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 286 Delavan Ave. 203-5310426. BOTANICAL CENTER: June 4 & 5 10 a.m. Grandiflora Garden Tour - private gardens in Greenwich, New Canaan, Westport, Rye and the surrounding area (In-person/Virtual, Self-Guided Tour). $30-$305. Register. June 6 10 a.m. Brunch in a Box at GB. 130 Bible St. Must order by June 1. ROUND HILL ASSOCIATION: June 6 3 p.m. RHA in-Person Spring Event, with Special Guest Speaker First Selectman Fred Camillo. Round Hill Community House, 395 Round Hill Rd. ABILIS June 7 8:30 a.m. Second Annual Golf Scramble – golf, BBQ, beer, raffle. E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course, 451 Stillwater Avenue, Stamford. Register. GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: Saturdays, Through Nov. 19 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Opening Day (Order from Sunday to Wednesday for Saturday pick-up). Arch Street & Horseneck Lane Commuter Parking Lot. (Parking is free during market hours). (No dogs allowed). 203-380-0580. ARCH STREET Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Free. Online. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Wednesday, by Appointment Only. Free. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: friendsofgreenwichpoint. org Ongoing Spring Scavenger Hunt @ Greenwich Point Looking for something fun to do? Come out and explore the Point in springtime with a family friendly scavenger hunt. Break out your binoculars and explore all areas of the Point!

SYMPHONY: Ongoing The Greenwich Symphony is now accepting entries for its Teen Talent Contest. Open to all 7th to 12th-grade students, age 13 and above, in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. Judging will be conducted by select members of the orchestra, with winners receiving cash prizes of up to $500. JUNIOR LEAGUE: Through May 22 Packs for the Pack – doggy donation drive & photo contest for a chance to win a $100 gift card to Pet Pantry in Old Greenwich. CCI GREENWICH: Through May 23 Move for CCI (Community Centers Inc.) – run, walk, bike, dance, kayak, golf, treadmill, and support programs that aid those most in need in our community. BCA: Through May 31 Breast Cancer Alliance of Greenwich Wellness Month & Get Fit For Hope Challenge - nationwide fitness challenge raises money for

breast cancer services for underserved patients. Create your own schedule with a day pass or all-access monthly pass at breastcanceralliance. org/getfit THE ARTS COUNCIL: Through May 31 Art to the Avenue. A complete Map/Guide is available at participating stores and at the Greenwich Arts Council office, 299 Greenwich Ave. All the art on display is for sale, and a 30% tax deduction for the purchaser benefits GAC. OGRCC: Registration is open for the following Spring & Summer programs: Through June 2 U9-U11 Girls Coerver Skills Clinic. Loughlin Park (time/day varies by age group). Through June 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Dance – Ballet & Hip Hop (ages 2-13). Eastern Civic Center - Upper Lounge. NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: May 26 6:30 p.m.

NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact for the meeting password. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: May 22 7:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Union Baptist Church, 805 Newfield Ave, Stamford. May 26 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 200 Riverside Ave, Riverside. 1 – 6 p.m. Temple Beth El Stamford, 350 Roxbury Rd, Stamford. May 27 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. YMCA of Greenwich, 50 East Putnam Ave, Greenwich. TOWN AGENCIES MEETINGS: May 21 12 p.m. RTM Call Closes. May 24 1 p.m. BET Budget Committee Special Meeting. Via

BROADWAY IN BEDFORD Best of Broadway May 23, 5pm Broadway Role Reversal June 26, 5pm Leading Ladies July 25, 5pm Golden Age of Broadway August 22, 5pm

Music in the Air, featuring June 5, 7pm

Zoom. 1 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Via Zoom. 6:30 p.m. BET Special Meeting. Via Zoom. 6:30 p.m. Canceled: Board of Health Regular Meeting. 7 p.m. Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency Meeting. Via Zoom. May 25 5 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Via Zoom. May 26 9 a.m. P&Z POCD Greenscape Implementation Task Force Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing. Via Zoom. May 27 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Meeting. Via Zoom. June 1 10:30 a.m. Architectural Review Sign Meeting. Town Hall - Cone Room. June 2 8:30 a.m. BET HR Committee Meeting.

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9 a.m. P&Z POCD Greenscape Implementation Task Force Meeting. Via Zoom. 12 p.m. FS Re-Imagine Greenwich Meeting. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. BET Law Committee Meeting. 7 p.m. Architectural Review Committee Meeting. Town Hall - Cone Room. June 3 11 a.m. FS Sustainability Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Conservation Commission Regular Meeting. Via Zoom. Our Neighboring Towns BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: May 21-23 Celebrate the Classics Weekend: Big Movies for the Big Screen - a rotation of four movies. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. May 23 5 p.m. Best of Broadway Live Music on the Playhouse Lawn. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. May 26 7 p.m. I Am Smartacus: Trivia Night at the Playhouse. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. Register. FOREVER FAMILIES THROUGH ADOPTION: May 25 6:30 p.m. Adoption: Everything You Need to Know. Via Zoom. Register. 914-939-1180. adopt@ FERGUSON LIBRARY: event May 27 6 p.m. Lawyers in Libraries: Looking for Legal Advice? - meet with a volunteer attorney for 20 minutes regarding your case. Main Library, DiMattia Building, 2nd Floor Study Room. Book an appointment: 203-351-8221. THE MARITIME AQUARIUM: May 21 11 a.m. Virtual Program: Fish Tales (Jellies). (Ages 1-5). Via Zoom. Register. May 28 11 a.m. Virtual Program: Fish Tales (Frogs). (Ages 1-5). Via Zoom. Register. CONNECTICUT’S BEARDSLEY ZOO: May 21 6 p.m. Endangered Species Day Lecture: The Rarest Wolf of All Jim Knox Lecture. Via Zoom. Free, $10 donation suggested. June 5 6 p.m. 2021 Virtual Wild Wine, Beer & Food Safari the Zoo’s largest fundraiser of the year. $200 per party box. LOCKWOOD-MATHEWS MANSION MUSEUM: Through June 4 The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum’s 8th Annual Young Writers’ Competition. Open to all middle school students 6th-8th grade in the Tristate area. Through June 4. 203838-9799, ext. 6.

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Professor Peter Enns on Reimagining God

By Anne W. Semmes L a st Su nday, t he Ch r i st Church Greenwich Forum Zoom attendees were presented with the challenge of reimagining G od by g uest speaker Peter Enns, the Abram S. Clemens professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. Enns also hosts the podcast The Bible for Normal People. His most recent book is How the Bible Actually Professor Peter Enns Works. engages his listeners “The biblical writers portray in how the writers of God in different ways,” Enns the books of the Bible bega n, “depend i ng on t hei r interpreted their ideas of circumstances. Christians today God and how we can do the must accept that same sacred same in our own time. responsibility of asking, ‘What is God like for us, here and now?’… The Bible forces us to face that

question for ourselves…We're going to look first at how the Old Testament writers themselves faced that question. What we'll see is that they don't always agree with each other.” In this exercise, Enns told of a query he’s often asked, “There's a lot of violence in the Bible, and its violence that God seems to be okay with, and another is the flood story… God has to press reset on all of creation and start over again which is basically what the flood story is about. Do we believe that violence is a part of the nature of God?” “Does God divvy out weather as reward and punishment,” he continued. “You know, if you obey you'll have the rains that come that make your crops grow but if

not, there will be drought?” Enns cited an example from a favorite book of his in the Old Testament, the book of Job with its “core” question, “whether G od is transactional. If you obey you’ll get rewarded. If you disobey you get punished. That's the question – is that what God is really like?” Jumping to the New Te s t a m e nt h e p o i nte d to a similar dialog ue going back and forth between the writers. “A very big issue in the New Testament is whether Gentiles who want to be followers of Jesus need to conver t to Judaism f irst?... Circumcision and maintaining dietary laws were very important for Jews in Jesus's day. But Paul's preaching was Gentiles don't have to do that. They can be part of the

family of Abraham.” “Paul had a hard sell,” said Enns. “Paul had to go around the Roman Empire preaching to Jews that a crucified Messiah is your King, and Gentiles are equal with you. I'm surprised t h i s t h i n g e ve r g o t o f f t h e ground, quite frankly.” Enns in his teaching was discerning that “what makes Christianity d i f ferent a nd d ist i nc t f rom other religions is the very act of how God aligns himself with the cr ucif i x ion. In the f irst century crucifixion is a form of humiliation of bringing shame to the person who's being crucified – they’re naked, they’re at eye level, they're tortured…Because it’s in that that you see the glory of God revealed through this act.” “That's called a paradox.”

Enns noted. “The Christian stor y is so rooted in this paradox. Maybe God is vulnerable. Maybe God puts God's self into a place of aligning with humiliation rather than with honor. And to me that's a very compelling idea…And if I could boil down the whole hour that we just spent that would be it. It's a different perception of God, a different understanding of God because we're humans, and we only understand from within our culture.” N e x t S u n d a y, t h e C h r i s t Church Greenwich Forum 11 a.m. Zoom is hosting Bishop Diocesan, The Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas who will ask the attendees what is on their hearts and minds. Fr more information, visit https:// c h r i s t c h u r c h g r e e n wi c h .o rg / sunday-forum/

Worship Services Information Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here Discovery Track May session: Wed, through June 2, 7-8pm. Baptist First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6-7pm, Chapel. Catholic Sacred Heart Church 95A Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. As of April 17, there is no phone calls, emails or text messages required to attend Masses in-person. Mass in Honor of all Healthcare Workers: May 29, 11am, St. Joseph Church, Brookfield, registration required at The Mass will also be livestreamed, on the diocesan and the parish website of St. Joseph ( St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; 5:15pm, St. Agnes, in-person. Sat (1st Sat of the month): Confessions at St. Agnes Church – in-person (specific dates in the bulletin), 3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm. Masses - Sun: 7:30am, St. Catherine’s – in-person and livestream; 9am, St. Agnes – in-person; 10:30am, St. Catherine’s – inperson and livestream; 11am, Language Masses: St. Agnes & Lucey Parish Hall – in-person, (French: 2nd Sun of month; Italian: 3rd Sun of month & 4th Sun of month in May; Spanish: 4th Sun of month); 5pm, St. Agnes – in-person. *Under the tent from Memorial Day to Labor Day. As of May 1: there is no sign up required to attend Masses in person. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). How the West came to Encounter the East Lecture Series: Part 3: The Portuguese Century of Discovery: May 26, 5pm, via Zoom. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: Mass, 9am (In-person & Live Stream); Confessions, 3:15-3:45pm; Vigil Mass, 4pm (Inperson only); Vigil Mass, 5pm (In-person & Live Stream). Sun: 7:30, 9 (In-person & Live Streamed), 10:30am, 12 & 5pm (In-person only). Mon: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Tue: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Wed: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30am-8pm; Confessions, 9:3010:30am & 7-8pm. Thu: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Fri: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm. (Log onto the website at to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). Angel Group: 2nd Thursday of every month starting May 13, 7-8:30pm at St. Michael’s Church. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Livestreamed, 10-11am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741

Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. Mass reservations are no longer necessary. Bereavement Group: May 20, 5-6:30pm, in the Parish Hall (meets every other week), contact Dianne Deachan at 914-327-0447 or with any questions. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live teleconference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. Community First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Worship, Children’s Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. An evening with Brian Hehn – virtual Hymnposium: May 20, 7pm, via Zoom. Congregational The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: In-Person: Sunday, 10am (signup via website or Friday email blast); Virtual: Sun, 10am (live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM)). Connect during the week: Wed: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by the Ministerial Staff); Fri: Friday Email Blast (sign up through the website); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am (preschool-grade 6). Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 8:30 & 10:30am. Email Pam@2cc. org to reserve a seat. Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/on-demand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/ondemand). Registration ongoing for Vacation Bible School: June 28-July 2. Celebrate Pentecost with Bishop Diocesan, The Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas: May 23: 10am, Livestream Eucharist; 11am, Sunday

Forum; 12pm, Outdoor Baptism, Confirmation, Reception & Eucharist. (wear red). Conversation Circle: Reparative Justice and Restorative Practices with Jo Ann Freigberg, May 25, 7pm, via Zoom. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 The Sanctuary has re-opened for in person worship on Sundays for the 8:30am service; the 10:15 service will also be in the sanctuary on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, worship will be in the Meadow (weather permitting.) Sunday School will continue in Selleck Hall. Ongoing: Neighborto-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. May Worship on the Meadow: Sundays, 10:30am. Yoga on the Meadow: May 21, 10am. Blood Drive: May 26, 8am. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Outdoor Mommy & Me Musical Shabbat: Fri, through June 4, 9:30am, Carmel Campus, registration required. Outdoor Mommy & Me Yoga: Mon, through June 7, 9:15am, Carmel Campus, registration required. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; www.congregationshirami. org All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Annual Meeting: May 30, 11am, via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom. us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services: live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri, 6:30pm; Sat, 10am; Sun, 8:15am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, May 21: Itsy Bitsy Playgroup, 10am; Pajama Shabbat, 5:30pm. Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Online: Worship Service every Sunday, 10am, followed by a time of virtual Fellowship. Wednesday Noonday Prayer and Wednesday Evening Bible Study. (Details for all can be found on the website). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom

(203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: MonFri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​ 612220). Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@ Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: Outdoor Sunday Service: 10am (live-streamed at 10am). Alpha Course: *On-line, Mon, 7pm. World Vision 6K “Walk for Water” fundraiser: May 22, 9am-5pm. Stamford Evening Live Music: May 23, 5pm (Winfield Street Coffee, Stamford). The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 1010:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email Albertsonpcc@gmail. com for registration and Zoom Links). Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. Registration is open Sky Kids Greenwich (4th-5th grades): June 28-July 1 (Mon-Thu), 9-11:30am, Stanwich Church, $65. Registration is open for SummerQuest - summer camp for middle and high school students: July 26-31. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Middle School Ministry: Fridays through May 27, 4:15-5:15pm, Youth Suite. Women’s Book Discussion Group: “Secret Connecticut”, May 21, 9:15am, Edna Anderson Chapel, Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email gracechurchofgreenwich@ for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:309am, online. ALPHA class - interactive online sessions to explore the big questions of life: Wed, 7pm, register at Men’s Bible Study: May 26, 6:30pm, Church. May 27: Book Study: How to Fight Racism, 1pm, online; Prayer for the Nation, 7:30pm, online.

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The Hidden Treasures of Greenwich

By Rabbi Yossi Deren My dear friends, fellow citizens of the Town of Greenwich! Like many of the gifts that G-d bestows upon us throughout our lives, there is a vast treasure trove of immense value that is hiding in plain sight - right here in our community. I’m referring to our beloved senior citizens. Leviticus 19:32 states: "Stand up before a white-haired person and respect an elder." The Hebrew word for "elder" is “zakein”; which alludes to a Hebrew phrase meaning "one who has acquired wisdom." Respecting our elders is a moral obligation, and ostensibly the reference to our elders’ wisdom underscores why it

is that they are so deserving of our respect. But the message about their wisdom is much deeper than the respect that it commands. The very act of giving to others - no matter what it is that we are giving (money, time, talent, etc.), and no matter to whom we are giving (the elderly, the ill, the poor, the vulnerable, etc.) - the very notion of being able to be the one who is giving, as opposed to being the one who is receiving, is itself a gift and a privilege for which we must be humbly grateful. The respect, the honor, the time and the attention that we give to our elders and to any human being for that matter, should never be seen as a burdensome obligation but rather as a blessed opportunity, because giving is itself a very real form of receiving. When it comes to the general idea of giving, the ROI is obvious to everyone; we all know and feel the benefit we receive from doing a good deed for someone else. What is not so obvious is how abundantly overwhelming the ROI is when it comes to the good deed of engaging our elders. It is not just the benefit that comes with every good deed of providing someone

Our senior citizens have so much to contribute to the issues that we face as a community. They know the solutions to so many of our problems, and they can provide encouragement when we face various setbacks. We ignore that at our own peril. with assistance, friendship or companionship. There is something much more: There is the vast treasure trove of immense value that comes to us from the counsel and wisdom that our elders have gleaned through their decades of real-life experience. How and why do we overlook that?! “In 2020, the consulting market size in the United States reached a value of 64.4 billion U.S. dollars.” ( Consultants provide value, as is evident from what we are willing to pay them. But I will venture to say that there is something to the value of our

elders’ counsel that far exceeds the value of a consultant whom we hire off the street. Our senior citizens are educators, businesspeople, housemakers, medical professionals, public servants everything! They have so much to contribute to the issues that we face as a community. They know the solutions to so many of our problems, and they can provide encouragement when we face various setbacks. We ignore that at our own peril. What’s more, our elders’ are incredibly eager to share those life experiences and lessons with us.

Just think of what it would do to their morale, to their mental health and even to their physical health, if they could be re-engaged in community life. But alas, our hypermaterialistic society measures productivity in very crass terms - mostly having to do with the number of man-hours and intercontinental f lights that can be extracted from a person per week. Old people are seen as burdens, and so they are cast aside... The “Seniors’ Sunshine” initiative that we’ve started at Chabad of Greenwich hopes to turn that around; we intend to create a new paradigm for how our community views our elders. In the words of the Spiritual Leader of our generation, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory “We must change the attitudes of the leaders of the business and professional worlds, and of society as a whole. Most of all, we must change the self-perception of the aged (and the near-aged, and the near-near-aged) themselves. We must tell them: You are not useless; on the contrary, you are a greater

asset to society then ever before, and with each passing day and experience your value increases.” ( We must recognize and support the noble efforts of the various agencies and centers in our town that are already providing vital services to our senior citizens. “Seniors’ Sunshine” will augment those efforts through community outreach that will engage people of younger ages and inspire them to volunteer their assistance, to provide companionship and to establish consulting relationships with the beloved senior citizens of the town of Greenwich. Our hope is that in the future when you hear the term “sunset years”, the image that comes to mind will not be the darkness of the impending dusk, but rather the colorful rays of sunshine in a beautiful sunset... R abbi Yos s i D e re n i s th e Spiritual Leader and Executive Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich, the local branch of the worldwide Chabad Lubavitch movement, a Jewish educational and social service organization.

Rogation & Anti-Racism

By Ted Pardoe There is a low-key event that takes place during the season of Easter. It is called Rogation Sunday. I say low key since compared with the celebration of the Ascension of Jesus Christ and the indwelling in the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Rogat ion Su nday do e s not have the same prof ile. The word rogation comes f rom the Latin rogare “to ask (for God’s blessings and mercy)”. Blessings and mercy for the crops that sustain and nourish us humans. The observance of Rogation Sunday a llows Christians to ask for G od’s blessings and mercy and to acknowledge our dependance on the gifts of God given to us

in creation. It is a combination of giving thanks for God’s creation and expressing our human role in planting and harvesting crops and declaring that we must also be stewards of this great gift. Now Earth Day has come and gone so Rogation Sunday may serve as a timely reminder of this responsibility that we have. I would like to give a shout out to a fellow clergy person here in Greenwich for her work to help us live into this work. The Reverend Stephanie Johnson, Rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Riverside has written a book with the title “How Can I Care for Creation?” Stephanie has developed her passion for stewardship of this fragile planet on which we reside since we were each ordained a little over ten years ago. She has made impor tant contributions to climate care being a priority in the national Episcopal Church, merry little band that we are in Christendom. Her voice is heard on this critical topic in the House of Bishops

I glance at a picture of five Labrador Retrievers. Above the picture are the words “WE ARE THE SAME ANIMAL” and below it “RACISM IS STUPID.” and the General Convention of our church. But it is clearly a universal message. Get a copy of her book and make a contribution to a life of grace for the whole world. The intersection of prayers for the fruits of the earth and the role and needs of hu ma n k i nd on rogat ion Sunday prompts me to turn to a related role that a good number of people in Greenwich are pursuing. This is engaging in conversations and related activities around becoming anti-racist. For this another shout out is in order. This one

goes to Erin O. Crosby the Y WCA Greenw ich Director of Women’s Empower ment and Racial Justice. She and her colleagues have given the tow n the g if t of the 21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge. A daily e-mail has been arriving and each one i s pr ov id i ng excel lent opportunities to go deeper into my thinking and understanding about race and racism which I see tak ing me toward the possibility of participating in an anti-racist future. I applaud this venture and will eagerly

continue on the journey. I also look forward to connecting with others who are participating and those who have not to expand this important work in our community. Let’s keep going Greenwich! There is a nother clerg y colleague in our community who likes to ask “what are you reading?” when we connect for one reason or another. I have very much enjoyed our discussions about the variety of different books that we have shared with one another. I have not had a recent talk with him but I would like to share with you readers of this column a book that is making a large impression me. It is “Caste The Origins of Our Discontents.” The author is the Pulitzer Prize winner Isabel Wilkerson. “Caste” takes a new direction in the sizeable body of work on race which is a social construct, but with a real lived reality. Wilkerson takes a true deep dive into an exploration of how our country has been shaped by a hidden caste system. That’s right, a

caste system like the ones in India and Nazi Germany. The author presents to her readers how t he Na z is st ud ie d t he racial systems in America to plan their strategy for handling of the Jews. I encourage people to get their heads and hearts into this meaningful new book. A s I w r ite t h is pie ce at my of f ice desk , I g lance at a pic t u r e of f ive L a brador Retrievers. Above the picture are the words “WE ARE THE SAME ANIMAL” and below it “RACISM IS STUPID.” Simple but effective. It is my prayer around this time of Rogation Sunday that each one of us m ay, i n w h at e ve r w ay we are comfortable, seek to be blessings and offer mercy to one another to see our way together to an anti-racist future. Let the people say “Amen.” Rev. Ted is the Rector at St. B ar n aba s Epi sc opa l C hurch in the backcountry. He is an alumnus of a wonderful Wall Street firm who was ordained in 2009 and called to Greenwich in 2012.

Shepherding Those Around Us

By Marek Zabriskie W h i le mo s t of u s m ay neve r meet a shepherd, all of us do some shepherding. The Bible tells us that the good shepherd will leave the flock to rescue the one lost lamb. So, too, God seeks after us when we stray or get lost. Sheep get lost by eating their way out of the flock. They look down, eat for hours, and eventually look up and see that the flock is gone. We h u m a n s d o s o m e t h i n g similar when we get over-engrossed in our work, studies, hobbies, or become consumed by fear, anxiety or addiction. We become lost, isolated and vulnerable. A good shepherd can hurl a sling full of stones and drop it right by the nose of a stray sheep. The startled sheep suddenly realizes its predicament and can quickly rejoin the flock. Each of us needs to exercise the shepherd-like courage and be willing to startle a friend, loved one or colleague who may be going astray or eating his or her way out of the flock. Some loving souls have shepherded me when I became lost. How about you?

The good shepherd expends himself or herself for the sake of the sheep, and doesn’t count the hours, but works until the job is done. Life is busy. We can wear our busy ne ss l i ke a badge of honor, signaling that we are important and in demand. Being busy makes us feel needed, as if the world could not run without us. But Eugene Petersen wisely notes in his book The Contemplative Pastor, “How can I lead people into the quiet place beside the still waters if I am in perpetual motion?” A good shepherd but operate from a calm center. Constant activity can be a vice when left unchecked. A spiritual director once told me, “A good priest must have some holy hanging around time, where people feel that they can come and share their problems with him or her and their minister will have time for them.” Parenting is similar. It is when we’re at home seemingly doing nothing and our child returns from school and dissolves into tears that we instantly become a shepherd. We stop, listen and empathize, then wrap our shepherdlike arms around our child and whisper, “We’ll get through this together.” I love the Japanese author Tokio Megashia’s paraphrase of the Psalm 23, which reads: The Lord is my pace-setter, I shall not rush; He makes me to stop for quiet intervals. He provides me with images of stillness which restore my serenity. He leads me in ways of efficiency through

The Lord is my pace-setter, I shall not rush; He makes me to stop for quiet intervals. He provides me with images of stillness which restore my serenity. He leads me in ways of efficiency through calmness of mind and his guidance is peace calmness of mind and his guidance is peace Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day I will not fret, for his presence is here; his timelessness, his all-importance will keep me in balance, as he prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity. When he anoints my mind with his oils of tranquility, my cup of joyous energy overflows. Truly, harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours. For I shall walk in the pace of my Lord. And dwell in his house forever.

The Good Shepherd takes risks for the f lock. The shepherd is not a hired hand. When you’re paid by the hour, then you don’t care as much. But when it’s your flock, you do everything possible to support and protect it. The sheep know their shepherd’s voice , touch, a nd wa l k . W hen a shepherd calls to the flock, his or her sheep can separate from other sheep

in a matter of seconds. The shepherd knows them by name. Billy is a bully. Sally is shy. Max is prone to stray. There is an intimate relationship. The Good Shepherd who guides us through difficulties. “Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I will fear no evil.” The 23rd Psalm is written mostly in third person singular. “The Lord is my shepherd… He leadeth me beside the still waters… He restoreth my soul… He leadeth me in paths of righteousness.” But when the psalmist refers to the most devastating moments of life, the author switches to first person singular. “Yea, though I walk through the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.” So it is that God leads us through our darkest days. We are never alone as we face career setbacks, cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression, divorce, death of loved ones, or battles with addiction. God leads us.

Shepherds walk in front. I once saw a Palestinian shepherd walking over a hill as the sheep followed like metal filings drawn to a magnet. There is no place that we can go where the Good Shepherd has not already been. The renowned theologian Karl Barth said, “This Lord is never absent, passive, non-responsible or impotent, but always present, active, responsible and omnipotent. [God] is never dead, but always living; never sleeping, but always awake; never uninterested, but always concerned…” The Good Shepherd uses a rod and staff nudge us back onto the path of abundant life. I find at times that the only way that I can salvage my role as a shepherd is to to marinate myself in Scripture and have time for quiet prayer and spiritual reading. When Eugene Petersen sensed that he was burning out, he blocked out an hour each day to read the spirituallyinfused novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. This discipline replenished his soul and kept him from burnout. He was able to serve one church for many years while becoming a famous author himself. In order to be a shepherd, we must ask ourselves three questions. Can I be a shepherd who prays? Can I be a shepherd who conveys the love that God? Can I be a shepherd who listens? The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie is Rector of Christ Church Greenwich, editor of seven books in The Bible Challenge series and author of "Doing the Bible Better: the Episcopal Church and The Bible Challenge."

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel

Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!

Astrology for Week of May 23, 2021 GEMINI 22 May-21 June Someone, somewhere plans to stand in your way and you must do all you can to push them aside. No need to be nasty but they do need to know you’re not the sort who can be bullied, bribed or otherwise deflected from the course you have chosen.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec A Lunar Eclipse in your sign will tempt you to take on someone bigger and tougher than you. Maybe your tenacity will overcome their obvious advantages, but don’t count on it. Do you really need to make an issue of whatever you disagree about?

CANCER 22 June-23 July The more other people criticise you and your working methods the more determined you must be to prove them wrong. Don’t change your routines simply to impress employers or colleagues. You don’t have to impress anyone – let them impress you.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Don’t feel bad about an enterprise that didn’t work out as you hoped. A particularly sensitive Eclipse warns you to avoid anything that might depress you, as well as people who remind you of your failure. At least you tried, which is more than most can say.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug You may well fall out with a loved one this week but don’t take it too seriously as you will be the best of friends again in a matter of days. This week’s Lunar Eclipse will make everyone a bit touchy, so make allowances for others, and for yourself.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb If someone challenges you this week you must stand up for yourself and let everyone know you are not one to roll over and play dead. You don’t have to pretend you’re a toughie but you do have to show that you know how to bite as well as bark.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept Compromise solutions will be hard to come by this week leading to heated arguments. Don’t back down but don’t insist that others see things your way either as that will annoy them intensely. Maybe best just to avoid those you don’t get along with.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March If you’re faced with forces hard to control, back off. With an Eclipse cutting across the home and career angles of your chart there is much at stake and long-term interests must come before short-term pride. Live to fight – and win – another day.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct You’re not one to ignore a wrongdoing or injustice so you’ll be in the thick of the action this week. Just remember that while you may see yourself as in the right, some of those you fight with may see themselves the same way. Everything is relative.

ARIES 21 March-20 April This could be a fun week, especially if you’re on the move. It could also be a week when nothing worthwhile is accomplished no matter how hard you try. Is that such a big deal? Does every encounter have to end profitably? Enjoy the week for what it is.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov If you make changes this week, especially ones that affect your finances, you won’t be able to change back later so get it right. If you are tempted to take a gamble, try to spread the risk around. If there are no takers you might like to give it a miss yourself.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Some people always try to take advantage and you must be on your guard this week as someone who thinks they are better than you will try to get ahead at your expense. They will only succeed if you let your guard down – and how likely is that?

Discover more about yourself at


Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 13.


Code Breakers

Each number in the Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this puzzle, 24 represents M, 21 represents S and 15 represents W, so fill in M wherever 24 appears, S wherever 21 appears and W wherever 15 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid. Answers on page 13. 24




























































































































































































































Crossword 1













34 38 43




45 48





















ACROSS 1 Emperor --Selassie 6 Not Apples 9 Wooer 13 Con men? 14 Calgary's prov. 15 Cousin of -trix 16 Chess whizz 17 Italian patriot 19 Simulated gold 20 Could be applied to a Pk. or a Mon., e.g. 21 Perjurer's confession 22 For looking out or in 24 Something excellent 25 100 bani, in Romania 26 Variety of chopper 30 Competition 33 "---, and quit my sight" (Shakespeare, Macbeth) 35 Ado 36 Printing units 37 Three times, in a prescription 38 "Eureka!" 40 Cardinal point













9 15






25 30





Very Hard


suffix 41 Puerto --43 Let 45 "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" author Brown 46 Sandy 48 Org. for math pros 50 Amorous cartoon skunk 51 Toscanini and others 55 Bloodhound's clue 57 Go for 58 Not yet final, at law 60 Buyouts 62 Bearded ruminants 63 A Swiss army knife has lots of them 64 Gulf of ---, off the coast of Yemen 65 Missouri city and university seat 66 Quite a while 67 Low power light source 68 Dawn

DOWN 1 Den ---, Dutch government seat 2 Miss Oakley 3 "Enchanted April" setting 4 Beam 5 Dallas prep school 6 The Mato Grosso e.g. 7 ----Alt-Del 8 Capuchin monkey 9 Ability to stay afloat without being ill 10 Boundless 11 Author of 'The Never Ending Story' 12 "American Pie" actress Tara --14 One known to live in Kalamazoo 18 Oscar Robertson, the --20 Type of cuisine 23 Furnace output 24 Where to hear arias in N Y C 27 Some, in Toledo 28 To laugh, in Bayonne 29 D-Day invasion

54 59

river 30 "Chicago Hope" actor 31 Arabic commander 32 Way out of a computer? 34 Field of study 39 Bricktop and the first programmer 42 Unity 44 Protected like a tank 47 Involved in 49 When there's darkness, in a Koestler title 52 Org. 53 Omani coins 54 Basket fiber 55 Fastener 56 House in Mexico City 57 Give up 59 "The wolf ___ the door" 61 Kilmer of "At First Sight" 62 Miracle----

Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel

Page 18 | Greenwich Sentinel

Belle Haven Waterfront Estate Sells for $27.75

In what is the highest waterfront selling price this year in the Greenwich market, Hou l i h a n L aw r e n c e to d ay announced the sale of 23 Smith Road, an extraordinary Belle Haven peninsula waterfront estate encompassing 5+ exquisite acres on a private road with an extensive 681 feet of shoreline on Greenwich Harbor. The sale price was $27,750,000. Sally Maloney was the exclusive listing agent of the property. Classic elegance defines the richly detailed 1939 residence designed by noted 20th-century architects, Henry O. Chapman, Jr. and Harold Beder, and the or ig i na l home of Ol iver D. Mead. The residence, which was renovated and expanded to 8,100+SF of beautifully scaled living space by current owners, showcases sophisticated i nte r ior s by t he e s te e me d interior desig ners Cullman and Kravis of New York. There are panoramic water views from most main f loor rooms, many opening to a magnificent wraparound waterfront terrace w ith f ireplace prov iding s p l e n d i d i n d o o r /o u t d o o r entertaining flow. The elegant formal living and dining rooms, handsome library, stunning Great Room with built-ins, coffered ceiling, and 4-season radiant-heated solarium, also desig ned by John Murray, all feature woodburning fireplaces. The family room /casual dining area is wa l le d w it h w i ndows t hat adjoin a grand gourmet custom kitchen centered by two granite islands. The main f loor has a powder room and full bath.

There are seven bedrooms served by eight baths, including a luxurious primary suite with fireplace, his & her baths, and walk-in custom closet; a private suite ideal for guests; and a charming children's bunk room with built-ins. There is also a rooftop Captain's Walk with

amazing vistas of Indian Harbor r o o t s i n o u r c o m m u n i t y, Yacht Club and across majestic Houlihan Lawrence proudly Long Island Sound. marketed this bespoke home to “ G r e e n w i c h ’s 3 2 m i l e s a local, regional, national, and o f c o a s t l i n e c o n t i n u e s t o international audience,” said captivate the attention of today’s David H. Haffenreffer, Brokerage luxury buyers. As the leading M a n a g e r f o r H o u l i h a n brokerage serving Greenwich, Lawrence’s Greenwich office. 10:48 AM Page 1 Greenwich 5.25x10.5.qxp_Layout 1 3/26/21 Connecticut, and with deep


Store Manager Wayne Sara Stepping Down At Stop & Shop

For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport

Smarter Watering Begins With You

Smarter watering is watering without wasting such an important, Wayne Sara, store manager of Stop & Shop, West Putnam, steps down after 48 years. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

“When I was a kid on Sundays you sat down with your family at five o’clock and ate dinner and that was something sacred.” Two weeks ago Wayne Sara, store manager of Stop & Shop on West Putnam, mentioned to this customer it was his last day on the job, He was retiring after an impressive 48 years working for Stop & Shop, six days a week, including most Sundays. Wayne is the father of five children and is looking forward to getting his Sundays back. “When I was a kid on Sundays you sat down with your family at five o’clock and ate dinner and that was something sacred, but then everything opened up on Sundays.” But Wayne liked his job, having overseen some 90 to 91 employees. “I gotta tell you that the people in the store I worked with overall are good hardworking people, and I'm going to miss the customers. And Greenwich is a very friendly town. The people that I chatted with were really down to earth customers and they seem to enjoy coming.” He reflects on his last year dealing with the pandemic. “The first months were really crazy trying to keep the shelves stocked - people were just panic buying – and just trying to control the sanitation in the store to make sure my associates didn't get sick and that my customers were safe…trying to get everybody to follow the rules, wearing a mask and walking up and down the aisles the right ways.” So, what’s he looking forward to? “With every day I would leave the house [in Stratford] at 6:30 and not get home till 7:30, so, a lot of lost family time. I'm just looking forward to spending time with my family and really enjoying them. My wife and I have some plans to do some traveling. Connecticut has a lot of history I'd like to visit.” And, he adds, “I'm trying to get myself in a better shape, so I’ll go to the gym and just invest a little bit of time in myself.”

irreplaceable resource while also keeping your lawn and garden looking their best. Most importantly, it can be as easy as following Aquarion’s mandatory irrigation schedule. Or go a step further…upgrade to a high-efficiency, irrigation system. It’ll do all the work for you and may even qualify you for a variance from the schedule. Either way, you’ll reduce what the EPA has identified as one of America’s biggest water wasters – lawn and garden overwatering. Meanwhile, you’ll make more water available for vital needs throughout your community – like for fire protection and drinking. And that’s just plain smart. Questions? Contact Aquarion’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678 or speak to a licensed irrigation professional. For more information about the irrigation schedule and variance options, visit

Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule Last Digit of Your Address Number Please Water Only On: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers)

Saturday & Tuesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

No address number

Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

© 2021 Aquarion Water Company

Page 19 | Greenwich Sentinel



SOFTBALL: Up next: May 29 vs. CIAC Playdowns (at higher seed), TBA BOYS’ LACROSSE: Mon. vs. FCIAC Quarters (at higher seed), TBA Wed. vs. FCIAC Semis (at New Canaan H.S.), TBA

Thu. at Ridgefield H.S., 2:30 p.m.

BOYS’ TENNIS: Up next: May 28 vs. CIAC Playdowns (at higher seed), TBA

BASEBALL: Today vs. FCIAC Playdowns (at higher seed), TBA Mon. vs. FCIAC Quarters (at higher seed), TBA Wed. vs. FCIAC Semis (at Cubeta Stadium), TBA

BOYS' RUGBY: Tomorrow at Simsbury H.S., 2:30 p.m.

GIRLS’ TENNIS: Up next: May 28 vs. CIAC Playdowns (at higher seed), TBA

GIRLS' RUGBY: Today at Southington H.S., 4:15 p.m. Thu. vs. Simsbury H.S., 5 p.m.

BOYS' OUTDOOR TRACK: Tue. vs. FCIAC Championships (at Danbury H.S.)., 4 p.m.

GIRLS’ LACROSSE: Mon. vs. FCIAC Quarters (at higher seed), TBA Wed. vs. FCIAC Semis (at Wilton H.S.), TBA


BASEBALL: Today vs. Avon Old Farms, 3:30 p.m. Tomorrow at Avon Old Farms, 2 p.m. Tomorrow at Avon Old Farms, 4 p.m.

GIRLS' OUTDOOR TRACK: Mon. vs. FCIAC Championships (at Danbury H.S.)., 4 p.m.

BOYS' VOLLEYBALL: Today at FCIAC Opening Round (vs. Westhill H.S.), 4 p.m. Mon. FCIAC Qaurterinals at Trumbull H.S., 5 p.m. (if GHS wins FCIAC Opener)

BOYS' GOLF: Mon. at Darien H.S., 3:15 p.m. Tue. at Staples H.S., 3 p.m. Thu. at CHAPPA Tourney, TBA GIRLS' GOLF: Mon. vs. Ridgefield H.S., 3:30 p.m. Tue. at Wilton H.S., 3:15 p.m.

CREW: Tomorrow at Fairfield Prep, 9 a.m. LACROSSE: Today at Avon Old Farms, 3:30 p.m. Tomorrow vs. Avon Old Farms, 3:30 p.m.

TENNIS: Today vs. Avon Old Farms, 3:30 p.m. Tomorrow at Avon Old Farms, 1 p.m.

Thu. at Hopkins School, 3:15 p.m. GIRLS' GOLF: Mon. at Hamden Hall Invitational, 12:45 p.m.

GOLF: Tomorrow at Avon Old Farms, 2 p.m.

BOYS' LACROSSE: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 11 a.m.

TRACK & FIELD: Tomorrow at Avon Old Farms, 2 p.m.

GIRLS' LACROSSE: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 12 p.m.

SACRED HEART GREENWICH LACROSSE: Tomorrow vs. Rye Country Day, 11 a.m.

SOFTBALL: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 12 p.m.

TENNIS: Tomorrow vs. Rye Country Day, 11 a.m.

BOYS' TENNIS: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 10 a.m.


GIRLS' TENNIS: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 1 p.m.

BASEBALL: Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School, 11 a.m.

BOYS' GOLF: Mon. at Hamden Hall Invitational, 12:45 p.m.

By Paul R. Silverfarb

a share for the FAA title this season. Not that bad for a team that was considered rebuilding at the start of the season and also lost seven games this year due to being in quarantine. “After losing eight players to college baseball last year, this was supposed to be a rebuilding year,” Montanez said. “What’s pr et t y a m a z i n g is t h at ou r pitching staff has been incredible and they have really done a great job winning games for us.” And after missing an entire season last year, Montanez and the rest of the Bruins were just thrilled to step onto the field once again. Just before the 2020 was canceled, Brunswick traveled down to a tournament and, out of 55 teams competing nationally, the Bruins finished third overall. “It’s simply great to be on the field again,” Montanez said. “I am fortunate enough to coach other seasons at Brunswick and we missed out on football and basketball and it was a bu m mer watch i ng t he k ids not get a chance to play their season. Last season we would have had probably one of the best baseball teams we’ve ever assembled, on paper. We had a great tournament in March and when we came home the world shut down. So this year it’s really cool to be back out there again.” With no spring training trip this year, Montanez’s team was more than eager to get the season underway. “We have been very fortunate,”


In what started out as a A lt houg h t he sta r t of t he season was li ke being on a roller coaster for the Brunswick School baseball team, head coach Johnny Montanez and the rest of the Bruins wouldn't trade it for the world. After starting 1-2 overall, the Bruins turned the corner and were able to right the ship and up their record to 9-8 as of press time. On Monday they kept the good times rolling in dramatic fashion. Needing a victory to claim at least a share of the Fairchester Athletic Association championship, the Bruins got some timely hitting and clutch pitching to upend Hopkins School 1-0. In the regular season finale on the Edwards campus, it was a battle of top-notch pitching. Brunswick’s Josh Feldman was lights out, throwing a complete game shutout. He struck out nine batters and walked only four while giving up three hits on the afternoon. A lt h o u g h Fe l d m a n w a s dealing, his counterpart from Hopkins was also battling. Also pitching a complete game, he gave up only three hits and struck out nine while walking one batter. “He threw the ball in the mid- to upper 80’s, he had great offspeed stuff and his changeup was great,” Montanez said. “His curveball was good and kept us

off-balance all game. But our boys didn’t give him easy outs. The first time through the lineup, their pitcher threw 41 pitches. Our lineup just battles and there isn’t a sure out.” Brunswick broke through in the fifth inning. With two outs, Nick Bianco drew a walk on a seven-pitch at bat and stole second base two pitches later. With Riley Redahan at the plate, he crushed a liner up the middle that drove home Bianco and gave the Bruins their 1-0 lead. In addition to Redahan, Aidan Redahan and Adonys Guzman each picked up singles in the game. “Between the timely hitting and having such a great pitcher like Josh Feldman commanding the strike zone tonight, it was brilliant,” Montanez said. “Even early in the game was great, as Josh walked their first hitter, and our catcher picked him off at first. Adonys called the pitchout so he could pick the kid off on his own. It was really cool to see and I think it set the tone.” The way that the FAA held its season was that each team played each other at least once and only the first time that two teams played each other would count on their record. The overall best record after everybody played each other is considered the FAA champion. With their 1-0 victory over Hopk ins School on Monday afternoon, the worst the Bruins could do this season is capture

Brunswick School second baseman Aidan Redahan fired the ball to first during a recent game. The Bruins finished the regular seson 7-1 in the FAA and were co-FAA champions.


Forget the Rebuild, 'Wick is Co-FAA Champs

Brunswick School standout catcher Adonys Guzman preps for the ball during a recent game at Brunswick's baseball field. said Montanez. “We had a bunch of kids come out for try outs. Not having athletics in the fall and winter this year, that encouraged kids that might have been on the fence to come out and play. It was great because we had a record high amount of kids at try outs. We picked our kids and they were young, but they were definitely ambitious and hard working. I can’t express enough how great of a season this has been.” At one point, Brunswick was 1-2 overall and just before the game started for their fourth game, two kids tested positive for COVID-19. Just like that, the rest of the squad was put in quarantine and the season was put on hold. “Our excitement was curbed by reality, but what was really cool was that we stayed connected with the kids,” Montanez said. “We did virtual workouts and made sure we connected. And when t he boys ca me out of quarantine I think they saw how fragile sports is right now and how vulnerable we are to this epidemic.” A nd getting back into the sw ing of t h ings was toug h. A couple of games after coming back from quarantine, Brunswick couldn’t seem to find its way. They dropped a few games where Montanez thought

the team should have won, and barely won others that they should have easily come away with the victory. “Then we put it together,” the head coach said. “Kudos to the coaching staff and captains for keeping everyone together and driven. Before you know it, we went from 2-6 to 6-6. Now we are 9-8 and 7-1 in our league. It was a great turnaround for us. Tremendous work by the boys and they bought in. Our pitching staff, offense and defense really got better as the days went on.” Leading the way for the Bruins this season have been senior captains Aidan Redahan, Cole Mascolo, and Billy Carangelo. “Our captains have done a phenomenal job of doing what’s asked of them,” Montanez said. “They aren’t being knuckleheads and not asking others to do it. They are setting the bar and achieving whatever it is that we’re asking. One of the captains took it upon himself this year to walk up and down the dugout between innings making sure that every kid has a mask on. Billy isn’t a starter, but he’s making sure every kid is involved and supporting each other. He’s a phenomenal kid. All three captains are leading in their own way and it’s great to see.” On the mound, Brunswick has been led by Feldman. In

four games, Feldman has gone 3-1 overall and struck out 20 batters. Two newcomers to the team, sophomore Player Crosby and freshman Mike Yaeger, have stepped in to throw some key innings. Crosby has a 4-0 record and has struck out 27 batter and walked only eight, while Yaeger has gone 2-1 and has given up 15 hits. Helping the pitchers out has been Guzman, who Montanez said could be one of the best catchers in the country and one of the best players to ever come out of Brunswick. At the plate, Guzman has belted four homers in 17 games and picked up 23 hits and 15 doubles. In addition to calling a solid game behind the plate, Guzman has picked off eight runners on base and six runners have been caught stealing. “One of the great things about our guys, and I say it proudly, is that they compete above their ability,” Montanez said. “It’s crazy to me that kids so young know how to do that. The way they come together was great because they all want to work their tails off and be a part of something bigger than them. Everybody is making a sacrifice in order for them all to be successful. To me, that’s what being on a team is all about. They are putting the ‘we’ in front of ‘me.’”


Danbury High 3 vs. Grenwich High 6 Bridgeport Central 0 vs. Greenwich High 25 Greenwich High 2 vs. Fairfield Ludlowe 0 Greenwich High 7 vs. Norwalk High 1 Brunswick School 8 vs. Rye Country Day 5 Brunswick School 2 vs. St. Thomas More 1 Brunswick School 3 vs. St. Thomas More 4 Brunswick School 2 vs. St. Luke's School 3


Greenwich High 7 vs. Danbury High 9 Norwalk High 10 vs. Greenwich High 8


Stamford High 2 vs. Greenwich High 5 Brunswick School 7 vs. Taft School 0


Greenwich Academy 1 vs. Hopkins School 6 Sacred Heart 2 vs. Greenwich Academy 5 Taft School 3 vs. Sacred Heart 6


Norwalk High 1 vs. Greenwich High 15 Wilton High 9 vs. Greenwich High 8 Fairfield Ludlowe 5 vs. Greenwich High 14 Taft School 7 vs. Brunswick School 14 New Canaan High 8 vs. Brunswick School 14

Brunswick School 9 vs. Malvern Prep 12


Trumbull High 5 vs. Greenwich High 15 Greenwich High 19 vs. Norwalk High 1 Greenwich High 9 vs. Fairfield Ludlowe 14 Ridgefield High 2 vs. Greenwich Academy 12 Greenwich Academy 11 vs. Sacred Heart 10 Greenwich Academy 6 vs. Lawrenceville 11 Taft School 8 vs. Greenwich Academy 16 Ridgefield High 11 vs. Sacred Heart 14 Sacred Heart 16 vs. Hamden Hall 0


Greenwich High 197 vs. Darien High 215

Fairfield Ludlowe High 210 vs. Greenwich High 196 Greenwich High 181 vs. Danbury High 244 Greenwich Academy 3.5 vs. Rye Country Day 2.5


Wilton High 352 vs. Greenwich High 326 Ridgefield High 160 vs. Greenwich High 155 Brunwick School 195 vs. King School 207 Brunswick School 6 vs. Taft School 1 Greenwich Country Day 452 vs. Brunswick School 361 Hopkins School 424 vs. Brunswick School 361 St. Luke's School 413 vs. Brunswick School 361 King School 413 vs. Brunswick School 361 Greens Farms 401 vs. Brunswick School 361 Hamden Hall 370 vs. Brunswick School 361


From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1986 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

Wildly Successful: The Eastern Newt

By Jim Knox “I found one Dad!” My son excitedly called from the stream at the base of the spillway. “There’s one there too! And another one! Dad, they ’re all over the place!” he announced in amazement. I followed his gaze to see the creatures capturing his attention. There, just beyond his outstretched arm and pointing index finger, were small green salamanders clustered at the head of the stream--dozens of them. What we’d found that sunny spring day on our hike in the woods of Fairfield County was a congregation of native Eastern newts. Much like toads are dry, bumpy-skinned species of frogs, newts are dry granular-skinned species of salamanders. The Eastern newt, (Notophthalmus viridescens) is one of our most recognizable and well-known amphibians, yet it holds mysteries which continue to elude science. The adult new ts we found

swimming and hunting in the stream’s cool shallow waters that day were beautiful animals. At five inches long with deep green backs, golden bellies and broad, flattened, sculling tails, they caught our eye. Black “masks'' extending from their snouts through their eyes to the back of their jaws marked them boldly. Fine black speckles cloaked with an overlay of an irregular t w i n r ow of r u by r e d blackbordered spots adorning their backs completed their appearance. In fact, the species’ scientific name is Greek for “back eye”, referring to this striking feature. While these creatures are known to many, most hikers do not know their connection to another, even more striking amphibian. The forest-dwelling counterpart to these stream and pond-dwelling amphibians known as the red eft, is hard to miss. The three-inch-long eft ambles through deciduous and coniferous forests advertising its travels. Unlike fellow tiny woodland creatures which scurry and hide, these granular-skinned brilliant redorange newts explore their world with near impunity. They can do so due to the potent toxin hidden within their glands and skin. These little beasts roam the woodlands--especially after rainfalls--exhibiting aposematic or warning coloration. By advertising their powerful toxin, known as tetrodotoxin, they avoid predation

from nearly all woodland predators. If you look closely, you’ll notice a twin row of familiar-looking ruby spots with black borders adorning the backs of these little landdwelling salamanders...and there’s our connection. The Eastern newt undergoes meta mor phosis a nd ex h i bits multiple life stages. Hatching from eggs in the spring, the halfinch-long, green-brown larvae or tadpoles possess gills to breathe underwater. Once they transform in the fall to a four-legged land form-the red eft--they are equipped to leave their home wetland. This radical transformation confers the ability of these little amphibians to travel great distances overland to disperse, colonize new wetlands, expand their territory and outcross their genetics. In short, this inborn wanderlust of three to four years, enables the newts to introduce their genes to new populations, i nc r e a si n g ge ne t ic d ive r sit y and protecting individuals from local diseases or environmental conditions. After their long forest journeys of up to four years, the efts “settle dow n” i n new we t l a nd s a nd transform into the green and gold Eastern newts we encountered that sunny morning in the spillway stream. This adult stage of the newt is accompanied by a surge in length, weight and a large, laterallyf lat tene d scu l l i ng ta i l wh ich

"By advertising their powerful toxin, known as tetrodotoxin, they avoid predation from nearly all woodland predators."

propels the newts through the water to both seize prey and evade predators alike. Regardless of their life stage, like their fellow amphibians, Eastern newts are strict carnivores. Con su m i ng a mph i bia n e g g s , insects, snails, aquatic crustaceans, worms, leeches and the occasional small fish, if it moves and it can f it into a newt’s mouth, it’s on the menu! Employing a different strategy than their tadpole and adult incarnations, the efts benefit from an exponential boost of tetrodotox in 20 times that of its adult stage, protecting them from amphibian, reptile, bird and

mammal predators alike. So what does this beautiful, adaptable and toxic little amphibian hide from the ever-searching eyes of science? While we have been able to unlock the newt’s astounding attributes, one tantalizing trait hints at an amazing ability. Eastern new ts a re k now n to possess uncanny orientation homing ability, facilitating their travels within their forest habitats. Utilizing suspected sunlight orientation in combination with our planet’s geo-magnetic properties, the tiny creatures are able to successfully navigate vast distances relative to their size. At the core of this ability is the poorly understood link to naturally occurring traces of Magnetite-an iron ore and one of the planet’s most magnetic naturally occurring minerals--within the newt’s bodies which enable them to align with earth’s magnetic f ields. Study by such prom inent academ ic institutions as CalTech, offers to shed more light on this ability, which could aid our species in innumerable ways. While the newt promises to aid

us through scientific discovery, we owe our slimy friends the benefit of protection in exchange. Right here, in Fairfield County, our amphibian neighbors face pressing threats such as habitat fragmentation, introduced invasive species and climate shift, which compromise their sur vival. Whether it be through promoting education and conservation through organizations such as The Greenwich Land Trust or The Bruce Museum, or through enhancing habitat on your own property to achieve Backyard Habitat Certification through The National Wildlife Federation, there are things each one of us can do to make a difference. In The Eastern newt we have a backyard species which possesses i n n a t e a b i l i t i e s w h i c h h a ve protected it for untold generations and offer to expand our scientific knowledge and well being. So if you’re lucky enough to glimpse one of these little red guys wandering the vast green of the forest, I’d suggest you follow because, rest assured, he knows exactly where he’s headed. Jim Knox serves as the Curator of Education for Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Adviser for The Bruce Museum. He works with the planet's rarest creatures and especially enjoys connecting Connecticut audiences with the amazing wildlife in our own backyards.

Post-COVID Acclimatization Advice for Parents

By Lockey Coughlin After a long winter, I finally had a little time to sit in the sun this afternoon. It felt so good! Still, I only spent about 10 minutes in the full sun. By the end of the summer, I will be able to spend a good hour or two without fear of getting burned. Baby steps; regular graduated baby steps. The same is true of exercise, learning a new skill, or any other transition, really, if comfort is key. Go too fast and you become very uncomfortable very quickly. How do you transition your child into a post-COVID world? This is a question that has been discussed quite often over the last month or so. Now that the northeast, specifically, and the United States, more generally, seems to be nearing the end of this crisis, what does the path to something resembling normalcy look like? Is it possible to take this difficult and stressful year

and transition it into one that is filled with joy and learning and more possibilities than ever before? No matter what, transition slowly back into the craziness of the world outside your door. S-l-o-w-l-y. After all, a small fraction of your life (say, 1/35th), when compared to the huge portion of your child’s life (say, 1/8th), has just been spent in a world dominated by a fear of others. No matter how you translate it or spin it, we have all been afraid to be around one another for a long time. Through the lens of a child in their formative years, this is not going to go away because the CDC says so. As it always does with raising and educating children, the answer begins with listening. Beyond listening comes interpretation, understanding, empathy, discussion, a nd, f i na l ly, supp or t. B efore anything else, though, we need to listen for implied meaning to get to what our children and students are trying to communicate. We need to act as translators. Stop talking to your children, stop talking at your children. Stop lecturing, requesting, poking, and prodding. They need a haircut, or they just shaved it all off, or they dyed it purple. This does not matter. Their room is a mess, or their clothes are rumpled. Nope, do not mention it. Their mental health is of paramount importance, so just listen. We need to listen to their young, inexperienced vocabularies and

No matter how you translate it or spin it, we have all been afraid to be around one another for a long time. Through the lens of a child in their formative years, this is not going to go away because the CDC says so. perceptions, and superimpose our own experiences onto them, to come to an understanding of how they are experiencing this return to normalcy, whatever that is. This really hit home for me last week when my son, who has suffered from depression since he was twelve years old, explained his early struggles with depression. Today, he is a sophomore in college, double majoring in neuroscience and computer science, able to manage his own mental health with a myriad of tools that he has acquired over the last seven years. He has knowledge, education, and experience on his side. This makes him excellent at communicating his needs to those around him quickly, clearly, and concisely, but when he was twelve, the word depression was not even part of his vocabulary. He reminded me that, at twelve years old, he would claim boredom 24-7. I, of course, offered chores as an alternative to boredom, thinking I was so clever. One of his teachers

told him regularly that being bored just meant you were a boring person. That was helpful. He would try to explain, no, he was bored all the time. Tucker just did not have the words that he needed to explain how he was feeling and, as adults, we failed him miserably, not understanding that boredom, in this case, equaled depression. Once we were fully engaged in therapy – five years later – I finally realized that the more things felt out of control, the more I wanted to be in control, and this was not an effective strategy. I was just making things worse because I was still not listening to my son. My son was telling me what he needed. I just needed to listen. And so it is with all of our children in a post-COVID world. Every person’s experience is going to be slightly different, their needs nuanced and complicated. Watch your children for signs of stress. Check-in with them often. Our quote today is, “If parenthood came with a GPS, it

would mostly just say recalculating.” When your child seeks you out to chat or ask a question, do not seize the opportunity to wag your finger at them. It turns out that finger wagging, you might be interested to know, raises dopamine levels in the person giving the lecture. Do not give in! Instead, listen to what your child is trying to communicate and act accordingly. I promise the dopamine that comes from delayed gratification and a happy kid will surpass the finger wagging tenfold. After listening comes interpretation. You may need to sit on what was said for a few days, or ask an admired friend or therapist for advice, but you will eventually come to understand what your child is trying to tell you. Try then to understand what is the root cause of the issue? This will require some reflection. “Oh, I remember”, might be the signal of an aha moment. Following this step is, hopefully, empathy, a moment of recognition that you have also felt this way at some point in your past. Another discussion with your child to make sure you are both on the same page, and, finally, support, which may or may not require the assistance of a professional. For a person to learn, no matter their age, they need to feel safe, they need to be well-fed, they need to feel physically well. It helps if they feel supported and are generally relaxed

and happy. Look to your child’s other needs first and they will zoom right along academically. They have not lost a year. Kids catch up very, very quickly when given the resources that they need to do so. A private tutor that they connect with or a teacher that they love will work miracles if their foundational needs are addressed. Remember to build in what we have learned from the pandemic in a joyful and supportive way. Ask your child if there was anything they really enjoyed about this last year. Almost every child I have spoken with notes more time with mom or dad. Reassure them that you will still make time to spend with them regularly and show them how and when. Sometimes a weekly family game night or movie night will do the trick. Or maybe Sunday brunch. More time outside? Build that into their schedule. More time to read. Ditto. A lot of good has come from our forced slow down. Embrace it! Leave the rat race to the rats. Lockey Coughlin is the Owner of Education without Walls, LLC, a Resource Sharing Group dedicated to excellence in education, as well as the Founder of Webb Youth Services, Inc., a 501(c)3 created to support educational and mental health services for students in need. Contact Lockey at 860-350-3006, option 1, option 1 or at Lockey@

Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!

From Aesop's Fables in The Library of Congress

The Heron A Heron was walking sedately along the bank of a stream, his eyes on the clear water, and his long neck and pointed bill ready to snap up a likely morsel for his breakfast. The clear water swarmed with fish, but Master Heron was hard to please that morning. "No small fry for me," he said. "Such scanty fare is not fit for a Heron." Now a fine young Perch swam near. "No indeed," said the Heron. "I wouldn't even trouble to open my beak for anything like that!" As the sun rose, the fish left the shallow water near the shore and swam below into the cool depths toward the middle. The Heron saw no more fish, and very glad was he at last to breakfast on a tiny Snail.. The moral: Do not be too hard to suit.

Color in the Fox. Discover your inner artist. Coloring is good for the brain and improves moods.

Beginners Suduko Each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 13.

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