May 7, 2021

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.

May 7, 2021

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Osprey Cam Captures Good News

Local News Briefs You Need to Know PLEASE NOTE Free copies of this newspaper are sent through the U.S. mail to rotating areas of town. These copies contain a subscription envelope for those wishing to receive the paper every single week. The Greenwich Sentinel telephone number listed on those envelopes is incorrect. The correct number is 203-485-0226.

By Kris Herndon

Fred Camillo and Lauren Rabin Will Run Again Fred Camillo announced that he will seek a second term as First Selectman. Lauren Rabin will run again as Selectperson. COVID/GPS Update According to the school district's online tracker, as of Tuesday, 3 new Coronavirus cases had been reported. There are 9 active cases. Of those, 8 are students, and 1 is a teacher according to the tracker. Four of those cases are from Western Middle, two are from Greenwich High and Julian Curtiss, and one is from Central Middle. Independent schools are not included. Teamsters Union Local 456 Rally in Front of Town Hall This past Monday, members of the Teamsters Union Local 456 assembled in front of town hall to fight for a pay increase. 1-95 Detour Begins this week Starting this past Saturday, May 1, the bridge replacement project in Bruce Park has created a detour via 1-95, where drivers will drive from exit 3 to exit 4 rather than drive through the park. Both the bridge project and detour are approximated to last 4 months. Upcoming Public Hearing Regarding Cardinal Stadium Tree Removal: The town’s tree warden has announced a public hearing regarding the removal of 34 trees as a result of the Cardinal Stadium renovations goal to support handicapped parking. The hearing is set for Wednesday, May 12 at 1:00 p.m. and will be held over Zoom. The link to join is j/83085471021?pwd=cHZkVjZMYk1ZcjMzYlRuR2M4aE1SUT09, and the passcode is 2846555.

Audubon's Cos Cob Harbor osprey cam brings the good news of another bumper crop of four brownspeckled eggs courtesy of parents Ted and Margaret. The ospreys are named for retired and esteemed Audubon educator Ted Gilman and his partner, Margaret Lechner. To view the Osprey family occupying this platform as they care for their young visit:

The Eye-Catching New Greenwich Library By Anne W. Semmes

Entering the new Greenwich Library at last is a treat. Yes, you must make an appointment f irst and enter with a mask - and social distance, but be in the mood to browse, to let the new displays of books speak to you. You’ll first see the all-in-one welcome and reference Town Parking Permits Still Available desk. “It’s more one-stop shopping,” The Department of Parking Services has ans ays B a rb a ra O r me r o d- G ly n n , nounced that many parking permits are still available Library Director. as part of the new parking program in Central Green“We have two ways that we're wich. This new program includes a limit of 100 parkserving patrons right now to get our ing permits to qualified employees, and will permit 12materials,” she says. “The first way is hour parking in any of the 10 long term municipal lots with no contact pickup, which we've in central Greenwich The cost of the permit is $725, been doing since last summer. And Please turn to page 9 now, people can make 20-minute appointments by phone, or online,

SUBSCRIBE subscribe SUBSCRIBER DELIVERY ISSUES & REQUESTS Thomas@maninmotionllc. com or call 203-515-2288

Life Is the Story We Tell Ourselves

SUBMIT EVENTS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddings & engagements; promotions, achievements; births; letters to the editor; obituaries. These are free. Beth@GreenwichSentinel. com SPORTS ADVERTISING Peter@GreenwichSentinel. com; call 203-4850226; or buy online at Advertise STORY IDEAS Publisher@ COLUMNISTS Columnists and community impact. Jenny at CommunityImpact@ JIM KNOX LETTERS Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com CORRESPONDENCE PO Box 279 Greenwich, CT 06836

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT C h o o s e you r s to r y wisely. Most of us have experienced signif icant challenges. How we tell our story to ourselves and to others matters. Do you plant the ladder of your story on the sinking sands of victimhood, or on the solid ground of survivorship? If you’re reading this book, you are a survivor. Tell your story from that perspective. You will not diminish what happened; you w ill be telling the truth about the present. H ow yo u t e l l yo u r story changes the way you r bra i n stor e s t he information each time you tell it. You literally have the choice to lay new tracks over old in your memory. Stories of courage, hope, strength, and transformation rein- force your ability

from 1 to 4 p.m., or different evenings at the Main, Byram Shubert, and Cos Cob Libraries, to browse the new book display section on the first floor or come with children to go up to the children's room. “The area that our patrons are able to browse now includes not just the materials that were here before, but we broug ht the entire DV D collection down here.” “These are the hottest, most exciting books,” says Kate Petrov, Library Public Relations Officer of the Express Books display, so hot you can only take them out for a week. “We have a resources management team,” Ormerod-Glynn notes, that counts the holds on those bestsellers that

drive their Express Books choices. “What's really different is over here,” directs Petrov, “There's a table devoted to cookbooks, and a table devoted to staff picks. We make little notes for each of the staff members who picked the book they feel you would be interested in.” There are Mystery, Romance, and Magazine tables, Non-Fiction and Japanese selections. “The Japanese are very big library users.” says Ormerod-Glynn. What intrigues is to see audiobook s alongside the print books. “The audiobook collection is in a different place in the library,” Ormerod-Glynn explains.” So, now

Please turn to page 4

Calls to Action

Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry


Everest Leadership Academy Honors L'Escale

to continue taking courageous, hopeful, strong, transformative actions. Kendall was terrified of the things her ex-husband said about her and of the awful things he might do. For years, she told her story from the perspective of a helpless victim. With coaching, she learned to share her story as a courageous survivor. She was amazed by her new abilities to pay less attention to his threats, to land a more lucrative job, to raise their children, and to develop a large network of supportive and fun-loving friends. Greenwich resident , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-8691515) or info@dianesbooks. com) or at Amazon.


beautification programs. To learn more about our bulb sale and about our organization, go to www.

Become a member of The Cos Cob Library, a volunteer organization de d ic ate d to encou rag i ng a nd assisting the work of the Cos Cob Branch of the Greenwich Library by providing information to the community, sponsoring programs, and coordinating the volunteer activities of the Cos Cob Library. The Friends reach out to children, students, teachers, and adults to nurture a lifelong love of reading and to introduce the vast print and non-print resources of the Library. The Friends membership d o l l a r s h e lp d e f r ay e x p e n s e s outside the Library’s budget with gifts of equipment, extra supplies, and by sponsoring outstanding events. Go to GreenwichLibrary. org to join or follow th is lin k : https://friendscoscoblibrary.wufoo. com /for ms/z1q5r 0m n0lvc v 0h / Membership for families begins at $20. Give to CCFPP at the 2021 fundraising Boot Drive…Saturdays, May 1st and 15th between 9am and 4pm at the intersections of East Putnam Avenue and Sinawoy Road and also the Intersection of Indian Field Road and Sound Shore Drive. #bootdrive #theccfpp #volunteer #firefighter #fundraiser

The Greenwich Choral Society w ill resume rehearsals for the Summer. These rehearsals will be open to all community members, free of charge. From May to July, rehearsals will alternate between Zoom and in-person. Zoom rehearsals will be held two Tuesdays a month from 7:30 to 8:45 PM. In person rehearsals will be held one Saturday a month from 10 to 11:30 AM. To express interest and receive the full schedule please contact campaign/moveforcci

T he R iverside G a r den Clu b is holding its annual fall bulb sale this month. Be sure to order your bulbs by June 1. Bulbs will be available for delivery by midOctober. Bulbs this year will include a variety of Daf fodils, Double Daffodils, Allium and Muscari. Money collected from the sale will go to the Club’s community

Greenwich Pollinator Pathway has commissioned a mural to raise public awareness of pollinator habitat and native plants. The mural is being installed on East Putnam Avenue across from the Greenwich High School Football stadium on May 10. To donate: https://www.patronicity. com/project/post_road_pollinator_ pathway_mural#!/

Donate your Brown Bags and or Reusable shopping bags for food distribution to Community Centers Inc of Greenwich. Contact Vanessa Cardinal at (203) 869-1276 or vanessa.cardinal@ccigreenwich. org online. BUY TICKETS OR DONATE The Thirty-Fourth Bruce Museum Gala on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 6:00 PM on a Private Estate, honoring Susan E. Lynch. Please contact Melissa Levin, Special Events Manager, mlevin@brucemuseum. org, or (203) 413-6761, with questions.

The Everest Leadership Academy presented L’escale Restaurant Bar w ith the Greenwich Community L e a d e r s h i p Aw a r d , i n r e c o g n it ion of e xe mpla r y leadership sk ills show n by ma nagement a nd st a f f throughout the pandemic. David Fletcher, Director of Operations for L’escale, accepted the award on behalf of the restaurant. Restaurant servers and staff, from chefs to cleaning staff, were on hand to hear Ray Sozzi Sr., who is Founder and CEO of the Everest Leadership Academy, speak about the award and about the mission of his nonprofit organization. “It gives us great pleasure to recog nize L’esca le, and bestow upon them our highest honor for leadership excellence,” Sozzi said to those assembled. “This award is a testament to the commitment and ingenuity L’escale and its staff have shown throughout t h e p a s t y e a r, a n d t h e leadership sk ills it took to ensure their customers a fivestar dining experience during the pandemic.” The Everest Leadership Academy focuses on helping ch ild ren in u nderser ved com mu n it ie s a nd s cho ol s reach their full potential as leaders. Sozzi said the way L’escale rose to the occasion, continuing to ser ve the community in uncertain times, was a perfect example of the kind of leadership his organization seeks to teach. “Leadership in tough times is the real test,” he said. “That is when true leaders emerge.” First Selectman Fred Camillo, who presented the award, began by noting that S o z z i s p o k e f r o m h a n d son, lived experience: “I’ve read a lot of books on leadership,” Camillo said, “but it’s something else again to learn about leadership from someone who didn’t get it from books, but actually lived it. Ray grew up very humble in the Bronx, made something of himself, and now he gives back. And that should inspire all of us.” Tu r n i n g to t h e m a t t e r at hand, Camillo noted that the past year would be remembered as one of the most difficult in world history. He compared it to the Spanish flu of 1918, which, he said, had claimed the lives of his own great-grandparents. Camillo continued: “When the story of this pandemic is written, years from now… that story will not only include the lives lost and how terrible the virus was. It’s also going to spotlight the heroes.” Those heroes, he observed, were often people who possessed the simple courage to show up and work. “Most of my life I worked with my hands,” Camillo said, “and I've always thought that people who work with their hands get overlooked a lot of the time.” But, during the pandemic, that dynamic had shifted, he said: “We found out what an essential worker is. It’s all Please turn to page 8


Deborah Royce’s New Thriller, “Ruby Falls”

By Anne W. Semmes Deborah Goodrich Royce is a spinner of tales residing in Riverside intent on capturing the reader page by page. With her waterside v iew, w r iter Royce is able to harvest ideas for her story lines from the varied landscape of her life. Such is how her third and latest novel “Ruby Falls” took shape. “My father is from Tennessee,” says Royce, “from a town called Dickson, which is near Nashville… So, every summer we did a pilgrimage f r om D e t r o it [t h e i r h o m e] down south.” Their destination was Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, with its enduring tourist attraction located deep inside Lookout Mountain, “Ruby Falls,” featuring “the tallest and deepest underground waterfall open to the public in the United States.” Royce visited only once, age six with her dad, but that visit in that deep dark cave left an indelible memory. “It did scare the bejesus out of me,” she says. Her novel k icks of f with Ruby’s father suddenly taking leave of her in that cave, never to be seen again. Royce defines “Ruby Falls” as a “psychological thriller” as was her first novel (2019), “Finding Mrs. Ford,” but with “gothic tones.” Think Daphne Du Maurier’s “Rebecca” with its haunting characters. “I love all those Victorian Gothic stories,” she tells. That six-year-old character is named Ruby, from Eleanor Ruby Russell, she writes, “in the way that Southerners do, being extremely fond of middle names.” Ruby grows up with that childhood trauma and inevitable flashbacks, becomes an actress, then marries a man she meets in Italy she hardly knows who is half British, half Chinese, with the odd name of Orlando Montague. Royce bega n her ca reer as an actress in the soap

“Ruby Falls” author Deborah Goodrich Royce writes on the back terrace of her Riverside home.

“Having read the book now, you know the story of Ruby Eleanor, how fragile she is, the trauma she has endured, and the book cover should have her story.” opera, “A ll My Children” in the 1980’s, and still marvels at the day she arrived at her first studio, Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, “Those gates took my breath away.” The story unfolds with the young couple starting out in Hollywood, where Ruby has a starring role in a dark Hitchcock remake, not surprisingly of “Rebecca.” Their first home they find in Hollywood Hills is a rosecovered cottage on Primrose Lane. “I lived in that house,” says Royce. “There was a crazy cat lady across the street…a twin house next door.” All gone now, but very much alive in the plot of Ruby Falls. “I tend to write in places as they are, or as they were,” she says. “I use real place names, real street names. I think it's kind of fun, a literary puzzle.” And she gives us a real sense of what it was like as an actress on set.

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Important to note is how Royce followed her 10 years as an actress with 10 years work ing with writers in an editorial capacity. She found it “a natural progression from being in front of the camera to being behind the camera.” Those years spent at Miramax Films as a story editor she likens to being in a “writing school.” “One of the most important things a writer can do,” she learned, “is to get involved with the right writing group. As other people recognize your voice, you start to recognize your own voice.” In Royce’s Greenwich writing group artist-writer Becky Ford had found the evocative cover photograph used for character Ruby. “Having read the book now,” she shares, “you know the story of Ruby Eleanor, how fragile she is, the trauma she has endured, and the book cover should have her story.” So, back to that story and

the rose-covered cottage and neighborhood where things begin to fall apart in Ruby’s life. “Her husband reveals a sinister side, secrets from the past are unearthed, and the specter of the cave becomes unavoidable,” the flyleaf reads. It ’s t hat myster y of t he missing father that seems to rise out of the deep like a humpback whale. Royce has the reader wondering was he good or bad or malevolent? You’re thinking was it money, or cr ime, or spy stuff that caused him to disappear? Royce’s own mystery was finding that photograph of her and her father at Ruby Falls. “I didn't even remember that picture. It dropped out of a book in November,” she says, “when the book was almost going to print, and I did a speed dial to my publisher - we have to put this picture in the book.”

Sounds like how the story of Ruby Falls first came to Royce. “It all just kind of downloaded into my brain one day,” she says. “I was not planning to write that book.” Her third book in the works has evolved from “the pandemic of 2020” and is called “Reef Road.” It is set on a real Reef Road in Palm Beach where Royce and husband Chuck have a home. She likes the sound of Re ef Road. “It sou nds a little spooky like Cape Fear, or Lookout Mountain,” she says, and has “a very complicated stor y. It's got two dif ferent narratives.” One includes a murder and the other has, again, a disappearing person, “and you will see,” she adds, “how these stories intertwine.” Add “Reef Road” as number three psychological thriller,” she says, but with “film noir tones.”

Speaking of films, one has to ask this co-rescuer and cofunder with husband Chuck of the Avon Theater Film Center in Stamford as to when will a Royce book-made-into-movie make it to the Avon? “Well,” she confides, “Ruby Falls” has been optioned as has “Finding Mrs. Ford” but nothing concrete yet. So, I'm crossing my fingers and saying novenas and whatever else you can do because a million things can go wrong along that path.” Deborah Goodrich Royce w i l l t a ke p a r t i n a v i r t ua l author talk at 6 p.m. May 19 with the Greenwich Library, hosted by Laura Matthews, Cos Cob Library Branch Manager. To register, visit www. /. Other live and online author events are listed on her website at

Le t’s Finally get together and celebra te!

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Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866


List Price Price/ SqFt SqFt AC BR FB

$615,000 15 Lafayette Court 1F $725,000 17 Le Grande Avenue APT 8 $775,000 66 Pemberwick Road $800,000 69 Riverdale Avenue 101 $829,000 14 Riverview Court $925,000 69 Riverdale Avenue 503 $936,000 8 Linwood Avenue $949,000 39 High Street $990,000 39 Sunshine Avenue $999,000 255 Valley Road $1,250,000 77 Mallard Drive $1,398,000 40 Bruce Park Drive $1,400,000 141 Weaver Street $1,449,000 2 Grant Avenue $1,495,000 16 Chestnut Street $1,495,000 12 Coachlamp Lane $1,550,000 190 Weaver Street $1,595,000 19 Gregory Road $1,595,000 45 William Street UNIT A $1,595,000 28 Center Drive $1,625,000 64 Benjamin Street $1,795,000 24 Bedford Road $1,799,000 94 Indian Field Road $1,849,000 34 Buckfield Lane $1,985,000 233 Milbank Avenue 9 $2,125,000 47 Harding Road $2,289,500 72 Summit Road $2,295,000 92 Hillcrest Park Road $2,295,000 552 River Road $2,375,000 36 Old Wagon Road $2,495,000 47 Stanwich Road $2,499,000 53 Edgewater Drive $2,845,000 16 Chieftans Road $2,895,000 22 Dairy Road $3,195,000 50 Sound View Dr 2 S $3,295,000 101 Dingletown Road $3,595,000 92 Rockwood Lane $3,950,000 4 Old Camp Lane $3,995,000 7 Hawkwood Lane $4,150,000 15 Tomahawk Lane $4,200,000 26 Parsonage Road $4,295,000 3 Hycliff Road $5,250,000 450 Lake Avenue $5,750,000 100 Old Church Road $5,900,000 36 Upland Drive $5,995,000 528 Riversville Road $6,880,000 98 Doubling Road $7,495,000 20 Ballwood Road $7,550,000 551 North5.25x10.5.qxp_Layout Street $9,750,000 Greenwich 1 3/26/21 435 Round Hill Road $21,995,000 25 Elm Street 12

$636 $634 $640 $1,053 $376 $402 $441 $632 $421 $455 $709 $711 $740 $495 $1,154 $642 $524 $519 $466 $785 $582 $844 $498 $514

$648 $732 $688 $663 $687 $563 $548 $481 $762 $415 $632 $773 $472 $771 $726 $609 $543 $1,065 $484 $852 $840 $714 $655 $907 $1,142 $984AM 10:48 $1,987

967 1,144 1,211 760 2,204 2,300 2,124 1,502 2,354 2,198 1,763 1,967 1,891 2,930 1,295 2,329 2,959 3,072 3,420 2,032 2,791 2,127 3,612 3,600 3,064 2,904 3,329 3,460 3,339 4,218 4,549 5,200 3,734 6,971 5,054 4,262 7,619 5,125 5,503 6,811 7,733 4,031 10,850 6,747 7,020 8,400 10,509 8,265 6,614 9,912 Page 1

0 0 0 0.14 3.1 0.68 0 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.27 0.34 0.75 1.2 0.36 0.22 0.53 0.36 0.28 0 0.35 0.36 2.52 0.22 2.9 0.34 0.26 1 0.28 0.47 4.24 0.16 0.92 2.74 2.01 1.39 2 1.09 1.66 3.05 4.95 1.91 0.69

1.59 4 2.05 0.78 2.02 11,068 4

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South of Post Road South Parkway South of Post Road Pemberwick Glenville Glenville Glenville Riverside Byram Riverside Cos Cob South of Post Road South of Post Road South Parkway Old Greenwich North Mianus South Parkway Glenville Cos Cob South Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich North Parkway South of Post Road North Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich Riverside Old Greenwich Cos Cob Old Greenwich North Parkway Old Greenwich North Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road South Parkway South Parkway Cos Cob South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway South Parkway South Parkway North Parkway South Parkway Old Greenwich South Parkway North Parkway

For Aquarion Customers in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford and Westport

Smarter Watering Begins With You

Smarter watering is watering without wasting such an important, irreplaceable resource while also keeping your lawn and garden looking their best. Most importantly, it can be as easy as following Aquarion’s mandatory irrigation schedule. Or go a step further…upgrade to a high-efficiency, irrigation system. It’ll do all the work for you and may even qualify you for a variance from the schedule. Either way, you’ll reduce what the EPA has identified as one of America’s biggest water wasters – lawn and garden overwatering. Meanwhile, you’ll make more water available for vital needs throughout your community – like for fire protection and drinking. And that’s just plain smart. Questions? Contact Aquarion’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-732-9678 or speak to a licensed irrigation professional. For more information about the irrigation schedule and variance options, visit

Mandatory, Maximum Twice-Weekly Sprinkler Irrigation Schedule Last Digit of Your Address Number Please Water Only On: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers)

Saturday & Tuesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

No address number

Sunday & Wednesday 12:01 am – 10:00 am, or 6:00 pm – Midnight

© 2021 Aquarion Water Company

REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |


FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address





37 Sheephill Road #7 105 Hamilton Avenue #12 16 Chestnut Street 111 Lockwood Road 249 Bedford Road 18 Lower Cross Road 11 Alden Road 82 Rockwood Lane 18 Lower Cross Road 340 Cognewaugh Road

Riverside Greenwich Cos Cob Riverside Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob

705,000 1,150,000 1,495,000 1,980,000 3,495,000 6,495,000 3,375,000 2,695,000 6,495,000 2,950,000

Sat 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sat 1-4 PM Sat 12-2 PM Sat 12-2:30 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1:30-3:30 PM

Coldwell Banker Realty Sotheby's Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address Original List 1525 Putnam Avenue 409 $290,000 4 Putnam Hill 2A $369,000 4 Putnam Hill 2C $559,000 5 Glen Street 206 $699,000 106 Putnam Park 106 $685,000 21 Hartford Avenue $687,000 35 Sheephill Road $700,000 70 Riverdale Avenue 1004 $775,000 114 Greenwich Hills Drive 114 $865,000 1 Milbank Avenue 3E $849,000 5 Relay Court $849,000 101 Lyon Farm Drive $1,095,000 56 Sherwood Place 8 $950,000 5 Angus Lane $1,399,000

60 Caroline Place 67 Stonehedge Drive South 1 Fairfield Avenue 9 Lyon Farm Drive 9 5 Park Street 45 Circle Drive 175 Riverside Avenue 5 Idar Court B 2 Jenifer Lane 11 Red Coat Lane 1 Macarthur Drive 6 Strawbridge Lane 100 Orchard Street 329 Stanwich Road 2 Glen Avon Drive 19 Pintail Lane 56 Old Orchard Road 6 Jofran Lane 10 Pine Ridge Road 241 Lake Avenue 18 Saint Claire Avenue 22 Bramble Lane 5 Northway 35 Dawn Harbor Lane 70 Old Mill Road 6 Khakum Drive 85 Taconic Road 21 Deer Park Drive 78 Rockwood Lane 5 Sylvan Lane 549 North Street 59 Mooreland Road

$1,588,000 $1,545,000 $1,499,000 $1,475,000 $1,595,000 $1,735,000 $1,850,000 $1,995,000 $2,195,000 $2,175,000 $2,200,000 $2,100,000 $2,095,000 $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,795,000 $2,395,000 $3,995,000 $2,695,000 $2,995,000 $3,325,000 $3,595,000 $3,925,000 $4,400,000 $4,695,000 $4,995,000 $4,850,000 $6,195,000 $5,900,000 $6,250,000 $7,995,000 $9,250,000

List Price $290,000 $369,000 $559,000 $699,000 $685,000 $687,000 $700,000 $775,000 $789,000 $765,000 $800,000 $949,000 $945,000 $1,100,000

$1,459,000 $1,545,000 $1,499,000 $1,475,000 $1,595,000 $1,695,000 $1,850,000 $1,995,000 $2,195,000 $2,100,000 $1,999,000 $2,100,000 $2,095,000 $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,750,000 $2,395,000 $2,950,000 $2,695,000 $2,995,000 $3,325,000 $3,595,000 $3,925,000 $4,250,000 $4,695,000 $4,995,000 $4,850,000 $6,195,000 $5,900,000 $6,250,000 $7,250,000 $9,250,000

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt $290,000 23 1 1 0 674 $335,000 79 2 1 $535,000 69 2 2 $670,000 55 2 2 0 2,004 $675,000 76 3 2 1,632 $680,000 94 2 2 0.12 1,398 $705,000 28 2 2 0.19 1,008 $750,000 102 2 2 0 1,956 $755,000 114 3 2 2,150 $765,000 377 2 2 1,551 $801,000 243 4 2 0.09 2,122 $875,000 155 2 3 0 1,904 $940,000 57 2 2 0 1,467 $1,057,000 150 4 3 1.26 2,464

$1,432,500 301 $1,460,000 79 $1,500,000 236 $1,535,000 35 $1,580,000 55 $1,630,000 186 $1,885,000 59 $1,950,000 169 $1,975,000 176 $2,000,000 479 $2,025,000 248 $2,050,000 9 $2,095,000 13 $2,295,000 $2,370,000 35 $2,545,000 56 $2,550,000 9 $2,600,000 1,055 $2,805,000 12 $2,850,000 48 $3,100,000 191 $3,750,000 7 $3,925,000 $4,025,000 284 $4,450,000 357 $4,600,000 99 $4,700,000 301 $5,352,100 129 $5,900,000 $6,250,000 $6,975,000 2,361 $8,500,000 244

4 5 5 3 4 4 5 3 6 6 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 5 5 4 5 6 7 6 6 5 6 7 6

3 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 6 4 5 3 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 8 7 7 6 6 6 8 9

0.17 3,600 1.54 3,772 0.12 2,534 0 3,070 0.29 2,500 0.45 4,008 0.28 3,258 0.22 3,496 0.48 5,706 2.09 4,272 0.19 5,800 1.01 3,866 0.42 4,782 2 4,704 0.45 3,504 0.18 4,240 1 3,524 1.52 5,346 1.4 3,629 0.36 4,794 0.29 5,401 0.28 5,110 0.32 4,120 0.95 5,138 4.97 11,214 3.39 8,193 4.12 10,438 2.14 8,252 2.91 10,274 0.46 6,081 2.3 10,940 4.18 9,946

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they have been pulled forward so that people don't have to walk throughout the building. We want to try and keep people coming in and out w ithin a limited amount of time.” A tall bookcase is full of DV D’s. “ We f i nd t hat it's a collection that's going out in a declining way,” says OrmerodGlynn. “But nevertheless, we still have some folks who still have their equipment and are still borrowing. So, we're not ready to abandon DVDs, because we still circulate about 80,000 of them a year, which is no small number. “We'll buy TV series, and if somebody missed the series, sometimes what happens on Netf lix or Amazon Prime is that they start to charge you for certain seasons. So, this way you can see the different seasons for free.” And there on the shelves is the Outlander series and Prime Suspect, the long-running British series. Ormerod-Glynn adds, “For quite a few years now we've been purchasing TV seasons from HBO and other premium channels.” And last but not least is a bookcase full of new music CDs. We head for the third floor for the expansive new Children’s Department. In the elevator Ormerod-Glynn shares a story of a mom who videotaped her t wo b oys excite d ret u r n to the Children’s Depar tment, “embracing the librarians and g ra b b i n g for b o ok s on t h e shelves because they were so happy to be able to come back into this space.” During the long absence a popular service has been offered to parents: “If a parent wanted a bunch of books on truck s or fair y tales, the librarians would bundle up to 10 books for parents to pick up. We e n t e r a r o o m m o s t spacious. “People come in and think it's bigger because the shelving units that were in the middle were very tall,” says Ormerod-Glynn. “And now we are using space all along the walls for materials in a way that we didn't do before. And wait

The Cookbooks table is one of many subject featured displays. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

“We want to try and keep people coming in and out within a limited amount of time.” Barbara Ormerod-Glynn, Library Director. Standing beneath the newly enhanced constellation ceiling is Barbara Ormerod-Glynn, Library Director. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

Barbara Ormerod-Glynn, Greenwich Library Director, stands by the Express Book display table. Photo by Anne W. Semmes till you see the view from over there.” Two windows look out as far as Long Island Sound. “The workmen referred to this floor as the penthouse because of the view.” “There are nooks for different age g roups now,” she says, “and the chairs can be pulled

together.” There are games and interactive toys,” tells Petrov. She shows a book that children can listen to while reading it. “Some people are visual, and some are audio, and so doing both can be really broadening,” says Ormerod-Glynn. Surely broadening is that inthe-round magical space with the



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circular constellation-paintedon-blue ceiling lit up with tiny fiber optics that has new lighting giving its perimeters a lovely glow. Story times for attending children will surely be magical. Back on the first f loor, the tour takes us down the new staircase that leads to the café. “ We're encou rag i ng a l l t he folks that come in, on their way out to patronize the café,” says Ormerod-Glynn. There’s a counter with food listings. “We don't yet have tables assembled for people to eat inside. But we have tables outside in the Baxter Courtyard. And the Abilis folks do such a fine job of providing service.” Ormerod-Glynn then guides us to the surround sound spaces “Within 100 yards we have a learning lab with 18 seats for computer learning. We have the Black Box on the right for author talks and webinars in person. We have the new auditorium, the Berkley Theater. It used to seat 368, but now seats 299.” But the critical news she ends with as we face the Baxter Courtyard. “There’s another entrance to the Library. And it's very handicap accessible. Outside here on the left is a sloped ramp for somebody who might be in a wheelchair, or incapacitated, not walking, and the elevator is right around the corner.” To m a ke a s a m e d ay or next day appointment, visit

Audiobooks brought down to be beside point books. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

The new Berkley Theater auditorium seats 299. Photo by Anne W. Semmes

Barbara Ormerod-Glynn, Library Director shows the newly spacious Children's Department. Photo by Anne W. Semmesterrace of her Riverside home. w w w.greenwichlibrar / expressvisits or call the main library at 203-622-7910, the Cos

Cob Library at 203-622-6883 or the Byram Shubert Library at 203-531-0426.


SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE May 1 - May 31 Exhibition at VW Contemporary 353 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT 06830

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

Local Planning: Calendar of Events














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GARDEN CLUB OF OLD GREENWICH: May 8 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Annual Plant Sale – annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetables, flower baskets. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. 203253-7412. LAND TRUST: May 7 & 8 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Seed-to-Seed Native Plant Sale. GLT, 370 Round Hill Road. LIBRARIES: May 7 10 a.m. Virtual – Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203-622-7924. 10 a.m. Virtual – Morning Storytime. 203-622-7920. 7 p.m. Friends Friday Film Reel Talk: “The Farewell.” 203-622-7919. May 8 10:30 a.m. Virtual – Mother’s Day Craft & Story with Nicole and Miguel. 203-531-0426. 1 p.m. Virtual – Cloak and Dagger Book Club: “Gorky Park” by Martin Cruz Smith. 203622-6883. May 10 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Lauren. 203622-7920. 4 p.m. Virtual – Make it Monday (Grades K-2). 203622-7940. May 11 12 p.m. SCORE Webinar: Become a Trusted Advisor in Your Business & Community. 203-6227924. 1 p.m. Virtual – Friends Book Group: “Transcendent Kingdom” by Yaa Gyasi. RSVP to 4 p.m. Virtual – Family Dancing with Brandon. All ages. 203-531-0426. 5 p.m. Virtual – New Yorker Stories Discussion Group. 203-622-6883. 6 p.m. Virtual – 3D Printed Whistle. 203-622-6541. May 12 10 a.m. Virtual – Storytime with Ms. Melissa. 203622-7920. 11:30 a.m. Virtual – Qi Gong, mindful movement and breathing. Adults. 203-622-6883. 12 p.m. SCORE Webinar: So You Want to be an Entrepreneur. What’s Next? 203-622-7924. 12 p.m. Virtual – Leveraging LinkedIn to Land a Job. 203-625-6533. mmartin@greenwichlibrary. org 1 p.m. Virtual – Career Coach: Social Networking For Employment. 203-625-6560. 3 p.m. Virtual – Afternoon Story/Craft (ages 2 1/2 and up). 203-622-6883. May 13 9 a.m. Virtual – Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga (Ages 2-6). 203- 622-7940. children@greenwichli- 10 a.m. Virtual – ‘Fiesta de los Cuentos’ - Bilingual Storytime. 12 p.m. Virtual – Osteoporosis: What Women Need to Know. 203-625-6549. 5 p.m. Virtual – Proust Group: ‘Remembrance of Things Past.” To receive the attendee join link and password, contact Fereshteh Priou at 7 p.m. Virtual – Tai Chi with Ken Dolan. Adults. 203-531-0426. May 14 10 a.m. Virtual – Morning Storytime. 203-622-7920. 3:45 p.m. Virtual – World Music with Anitra. 203-6226883. HOSPITAL: 888-305-9253 May 6 1 p.m. Webinar: The Migraine Lifestyle: Headache Hygiene. May 10 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Hip Replacement Education. 203863-3598. May 11 1:30 p.m. Webinar: Parkinson’s Disease Support Group (for people with Parkinson’s disease and caregivers). 4 p.m. Webinar: “Why Am I Dizzy?”. 1:30 p.m. Webinar: Parkinson’s Disease Support Group (for people with Parkinson’s disease and caregivers). 5:30 p.m. Webinar: Biological Clock: Control Your Fertility. 6 p.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. May 12 10 a.m. Spinal Fusion Pre-Operative Video. 12 p.m. Webinar: DASH Diet for Cardiac Health. 5 p.m. Webinar: Stroke Education Support Group. May 13 12 p.m. Webinar: Osteoporosis: What You Need to Know. 1 p.m. Virtual Support Group: Chronic Physical Disability. 5 p.m. Webinar: The Effects of COVID-19 on The Heart. 7 p.m. Webinar: Where to Find Resources for Better Sleep. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pull-ups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: May 8 1 p.m. Baby Farm Animals - with a naturalist from Heckscher Farm at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center. Via Zoom. us02web.zoom. us/j/82923660931 GARDEN TOUR May 9 10 a.m. Mother’s Day Garden Tour. Bringing The Greenback, 129 Doubling Rd. $50. Registration required. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: May 13 8:30 p.m. Government & Community Affairs Update: Discussion of Important Local Topics, with guest presenter Rep. Harry Arora. Via Zoom. Open to all. Send your questions to: greenwichchamber@greenwichchamber. com UJA-JCC GREENWICH: May 13 7 p.m. A Conversation About Hate Crimes and Bias in Connecticut – with Attorney General of CT William Tong and Deputy Chief, Major Crimes Unit at U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of CT, Sarala V. Nagala. Via Zoom. Open to the community. Register. FRIENDS OF BYRAM PARK: May 15 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Byram Park Clean Up Day. Meet at the beach entrance. Garden tools will be provided. RSVP. ARGUIMBAU ART: May 7 1 - 5 p.m. Mother’s Day Show - Oils by Peter Layne Arguimbau. Red Barn Gallery, 121 E. Middle Patent Rd, Greenwich. Through Sunday, May 9. CT CERAMICS CIRCLE May 10 2 p.m. Lecture: “Earth, Wind, Air, Fire and Hands” with Kate Malone MBE, British Studio Potter and Glaze Research Specialist, London, England. Via Zoom. Register. THE ARTS COUNCIL: May 6 5:30 p.m. Art to the Avenue Opening. All the art on display is for sale, and a 30% tax deduction for the purchaser benefits GAC. A complete Map/Guide is available at participating stores and at the Greenwich Arts Council office, 299 Greenwich Ave. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: May 12 6 p.m. 2021 Art History and Landscape Lecture: The Pen and the Trowel: Authors, Their Gardens and Mine with Marta McDowell. Via Zoom. $10, members; $15, non-members. Register. AUDUBON CENTER: May 8 7 a.m. Spring Migration Bird Tour. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville Rd. ages 6 & up. Free. Registration required. Ryan. 203-930-1353. 10 a.m. Warblers & Neotropical Migrants Workshop. Greenwich Audubon Center, 613 Riversville



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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel

Local Planning: Calendar of Events Rd. Ages 12 & up. Registration required. Tickets start at $35. 203-930-1353. May 12 7 a.m. Dawn Chorus Livestream. Online with Facebook Live. Birders of all ages and experience levels. Free. RETIRED MEN’S ASSOCIATION: May 12 11 a.m. Webinar: Carl Steinitz, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Emeritus, at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, author of Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes: “Urban Planning and Landscape Design.” Free. Open to all. YWCA: Through May 8 Old Bags Auction - proceeds help fund YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services. Online. ST. LAWRENCE SOCIETY May 8 7 p.m. Underground Comedy. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. Members, free. Register. 203618-9036. KAIA YOGA: May 9 5 p.m. Mother’s Day Restorative. Kaia Yoga, 1455 E. Putnam Ave, Old Greenwich. 203-532-0660. SUNDAY FORUM: May 9 11 a.m. “Why Bother Being Good?”. Via Zoom. Free. Open to all. ST. CATH SPRING LECTURES: stc-sta. org May 12 5 p.m. How the West came to Encounter the East Lecture Series: Part 2: India prior to the Arrival of the Portuguese. Via Zoom. Free. TAI CHI: May 11, 4 p.m., First Congregational Church, 108 Sound Beach Ave. May 12, 8:30 a.m. Binney Park. Registration is required. Tuition is paid as a donation made directly by the participant to abilis, Neighbor to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church. WHITBY SPEAKER SERIES: May 6 7 p.m. “Boys Will Be Boys: Insights from the Science on Gender Differences” with Dr. Joseph Demers, Licensed Psychologist, Sasco River Center. Via Zoom. Free and open to the public. Register. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE: May 12 5 p.m. ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ - join in for lively discussions on French films. Open to all. Donation. RSVP for a Zoom link. May 14 10 a.m. ‘Café Franco-Américain’ - Conversation in English and French. RSVP for Zoom link. ART SOCIETY: May 8 10:30 a.m. “Back in the Studio!” - Young Artists In the Studio. Ages 6-8. Greenwich Art Society, 299 Greenwich Ave. (May 8-June 19). Register.

12 p.m. “Back in the Studio!” - Drawing and Painting for the Junior Artist. Ages 9-12. Greenwich Art Society, 299 Greenwich Ave. (May 8-June 19). Register. May 10 4:30 p.m. Art History Lecture: “Great Artists of Latin America” with Sue Altman. (For Adults and Teens). Via Zoom. Register. SYMPHONY: Ongoing The Greenwich Symphony is now accepting entries for its Teen Talent Contest. Open to all 7th to 12th-grade students, age 13 and above, in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. Judging will be conducted by select members of the orchestra, with winners receiving cash prizes of up to $500. ROTARY CLUB: May 12 12:15 p.m. Weekly Wednesday lunch meeting. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. The bell will ring at 12:15pm. Jackets for men are required. $30. ARCH STREET Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Free. Online. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Wednesday, by Appointment Only. Free. NEWCOMERS CLUB: May 13 9:30 a.m. Wellness Group - Spring Yoga for All with Sarah Stemp (Upper Body Stretch and Opening). Online. $10 donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich. Registration required. BCA: Through May 31 Breast Cancer Alliance of Greenwich Wellness Month & Get Fit For Hope Challenge - nationwide fitness challenge raises money for breast cancer services for underserved patients. Create your own schedule with a day pass or all-access monthly pass at OGRCC: Registration is open for the following Spring & Summer programs: Through June 2 U9-U11 Girls Coerver Skills Clinic. Loughlin Park (time/day varies by age group). Through June 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Dance – Ballet & Hip Hop (ages 2-13). Eastern Civic Center - Upper Lounge. NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: May 12 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact for the meeting password. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: May 8 7:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Union Baptist Church, 805 Newfield Ave, Stamford. May 9 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Temple Beth El Stamford, 350 Roxbury Rd, Stamford. May 11 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Stamford Church of Christ, 1264 High Ridge Road, Stamford.


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10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Stamford Museum & Nature Center, 39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford. TOWN MEETINGS: calendar May 10 1 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Representative Town Meeting. Via Zoom. May 11 12 p.m. FS Diversity Advisory Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 5 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. FSYC May Virtual Board Meeting. Via Zoom. May 12 9 a.m. P&Z POCD Greenscape Implementation Task Force Meeting. Via Zoom. 1 p.m. Public Tree Hearing Notice - GHS Cardinal Stadium, 10 Hillside Road, Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Historic District Commission Regular Meeting. 7 p.m. May 12th Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing. Via Zoom. May 13 8:30 a.m. BET Investment Advisory Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 10 a.m. Board of Selectmen Meeting. Via Zoom. 11 a.m. PBET Budget Committee Meeting. Via Zoom. 11:30 a.m. Board of Selectmen Special Meeting. Via Zoom. Our Neighboring Towns FERGUSON LIBRARY: fergusonlibrary. org/event May 8 11 a.m. Family Concert and Craft for Mothers and Caregivers. Via Zoom. Free. (Webinar ID: 864 0417 4178 Passcode: 744992). BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: May 7 7 p.m. Café Epicurean Series – Tequila & Tex-Mex. May 11 7 p.m. Metropolitan Stories – Bedford Playhouse Book Club - a discussion with Elisabeth Weed and Christine Coulson. BEDFORD RIDING LANES: May 7 8 a.m. Second Sundays Series: Mother Earth, Mother Nature & Mother You! Location will be announced to registrants. Members and non-members welcome. Register. LOCKWOOD-MATHEWS MANSION MUSEUM: Through June 4 The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum’s 8th Annual Young Writers’ Competition. Open to all middle school students 6th-8th grade in the Tristate area. Through June 4. 203-838-9799, ext. 6.

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Editorial Page

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt


EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

Are You Listening? It seems as though no one is really listening at the moment. Fifteen months of a pandemic, where we have been constantly bombarded with news of COVID spread, death tolls, f lattening the curve, safety precautions, etc. have left us all numb. We are just trying to survive. The result is we have stopped listening. We don’t mean that literally. We hear what others are saying, but we are no longer engaging as we did prior to this COVID reality we are now living in. The stress of living as we have been has lessened our ability to hear another person’s opinion, especially one that may differ from our own. There are two common responses when we disagree with someone. The first is to say nothing, not engage at all. The second is to attack that person’s position and to do so aggressively. We long for discussion, debate, understanding and respect. We have witnessed a signif icant increase in attacking aggressively opposing viewpoints. It is almost like the quicker a discussion can be slammed shut the safer everyone will be. But that is not the case. COVID

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian said: “The first service one owes to others in a community involves listening to them.” has made us all stressed. Our nerves and emotions are raw. This has made us less empathetic, less willing to listen. We want to push stress away however we can. If that means pushing away people we disagree with, then so be it. The COVID Pandemic has created a “Culture Pandemic.” What is that you may ask? The cancel culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or profession circles. It can happen online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been “cancelled.” This is not healthy and not how we, as a society and community, should behave. Once the pandemic passes and we emerge into a new sense of normal, we will find many things have changed. We will either need to change with them or relearn what we missed. One of the major things we will need to relearn is … listening. It is too important to us as a community. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian said: “The first service one owes to others in a community involves listening to them.” We believe he is correct. It is important, also, to understand the difference between listening and hearing. We can hear another’s words without listening to their meaning. When we actively listen to someone, we are not yelling at them. We are not doing other things. We are quietly focused on what they are saying so we can understand. It has been said we have two ears and one mouth; we should use them proportionally. We will need to learn again how to participate in a conversation with someone whose position is opposite ours without completely losing our cool or simply shutting down. Healthy debate, divergence of opinions, individuality, diversity are all elements of a healthy society. It is what has made Greenwich such an incredible community to live in. There are many important conversations going on in our community and around the country at the moment. We should be able to discuss these topics without fear of the cancel culture and ostracism regardless of what side of the issues you are on. If we cannot discuss them rationally then there is little hope that something positive will result Dietrich Bonhoeffer also said: “The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.” We need to show our children that we care about their future as much as our own. COVID has affected the entire world. As we come out of it, we must ensure we are once again building a strong community. Listening, really listening, is the first step.


A Negativity Inoculation By Jim Heavey

to use it. B u t h e r e ’s a s t a r t l i n g concept: Negativity is a choice. Those of us who grew up a while back were taught simple rules for civil society, and one of them was this little ditty: When you’ve thought it over twice, and you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all . The media could choose to highlight the positive. Letter-writers could elect to praise and encourage. Entertainers and corporate CEOs could refrain from wading into divisive politics and instead highlight what we have in common. It i s l ate l y h a i l e d a s a patriotic duty to vaccinate yourself against the COVID pandemic; my challenge is to consider it a civic duty to vaccinate yourself against the negativity pandemic. Here’s how:

town, and you are privileged to live here. It’s all too easy to overlook the gifts on your plate and instead see only the problems, but the truth is that we abide in a unique, beautiful, peaceful, prosperous, safe, and orderly town. See a problem? Step up and donate your time, treasure or talent to help fix it.

As an Eagle Scout, I still struggle the hardest with one particular point of the Scout Law: A Scout is cheer f ul. I wrote this piece mainly as a reminder to myself, but I’m sharing it here. I realize that you don’t have to look far these days to f ind examples of negativity 2. G et away f rom scre ens. and incivility. Local, national, Our interconnectedness is a or international, it seems the technological wonder and has news med ia is a n end less the potential for endless good stream of intractable and union. But it is all-tooproblems, dispiriting stories, often seized upon by those who a nd bla me- c ast i ng. Oncewould pump dissatisfaction, thoughtful editorial pages now div ision, a nd despair into resemble social media f lame society. Turn off the news. wars. People fill the streets, Take a social media break. Get often to agitate and sometimes outside—it’s springtime! Talk causing even more discord and to your neighbors, have a meal injury and material damage. at a sidewalk eatery, plant Entertainment, workplaces, f lowers, hike in one of our and even faith services have stunning nature preserves. morphed into sanctimonious 3. Bring back the once-sacred moral scoldings. Everywhere socia l r u le: No p ol it ics i n you turn, people seem to have 1. Recognize—and be grateful public. The nex t time you an endless supply of negative for the fact—that Greenwich feel the urge to disparage a energy, and they’re not afraid remains an above-average

public figure, policy, or belief system in any forum that isn’t explicitly political, please keep it to yourself. This one step alone would probably do more to restore our civility and unity than any other. 4. Worship. Go back to church, temple, or wherever you go to connect with God. Remember that God made every single one of us for a reason and that none of us is more important than any other, and a whole world of civ ilit y w ill f low f rom th is one rea lization. Treat others as you wish to be treated. 5. B e t he b e e , not t he f ly. Flies feast on excrement and carrion, whereas bees seek out f lowers and sweetness. Honor yourself by refusing to spend your time wallowing in negativity, but instead seek out the timeless positives: Truth, Beauty, Love, and Joy. Your soul will thank you.


What is Motivating this Meanness? What a rotten, unwarranted attack on Ryan Fazio and h i s c a mp a i g n by G r e e nw i ch Democrats, who have lowered the political tenor in this town right into the gutter. I have never seen the State Election Enforcement Com m ission(SEEC) move as quickly as they did in Apr i l d ism issi ng Democrats’ complaint against Fazio’s Senate campaign and the CT GOP. They expeditiously, without tak ing testimony, cleared Ryan Fazio, his campaign, and the Connecticut Republican Party likely because the phantom charges were so ridiculous. It seems the SEEC wanted to quickly dispel any impression of a campaign violation. The member of the Greenw ich Democratic Party who signed the complaint, Bob Brady, admitted in a story for another paper that he didn’t even

read the applicable regulations before filing the complaint. Yet refused to apologize for his action or his ignorance. We’ve now seen several petty filings by Greenwich Democrats in the last two years. One might ask why they are doing it. After all, campaign treasurers, w h o b e a r t h e b r u nt o f s u c h investigations, are usually just kind local volunteers trying to help a campaign with paperwork. Violations, if there are any, are almost always unintentional, clerical mistakes. Complaints over such minor items are divisive and upsetting, not only to the individual but also their families. Is that how we should treat kindly volunteers? Greenwich Democrats clearly do. But what is motivating Greenwich Democrats’ meanness? I think they’re look ing for retribution against Republicans


From Page 1 of you. Everybody that delivered food, everybody that cleaned a building, picked up the trash – that was essential.” “I salute L'escale,” Camillo concluded. “Thank you for what you did. You did provide a safe haven.” David Fletcher, speaking with this reporter after the event, said the year had been one of competing pressures, as he balanced the need to ensure his staff felt safe to come to work, while also reassuring customers that they could feel safe and enjoy dining at the restaurant. Beginning last March with lockdown restrictions, Fletcher found he had to make numerous quick decisions, keeping current with regulations as the health guidelines rapidly changed, sometimes within a week or even a single day. That difficult balancing act, he said, paid off in the benefit to his customers and workers alike: “I believe it was almost like therapy for people,” he said. “To know, during that crisis time, that they could come here and have a glass of water and some warm fresh bread, and be greeted by friendly staff asking, ‘How are you? Are you doing okay tonight?’ It let the pressure off them during a tough time.”

because BET Democrats were held responsible for epic and historic SEEC v iolations r ig ht before the 2019 municipal election. By making these petty filings against local campaigns they are also trying to minimize the enormous impact of their own, well documented, campaign financing wrongdoing. A s a r em i nder, D emo c rat Tony Turner funded his last BET campaign committee with close to $250,000 of mostly his own money, which is perfectly legal. But what was a violation was that the other BET Democrats— attorney Jeff Ramer, attorney Jill Oberlander (now Selectperson Oberlander), Leslie Moriarty, and others allowed his campaign to fund many of their own campaign activities. Now, that is not perfectly legal. After a long investigation, the six Democrat BET members were

And now, Fletcher said, with vaccines rolling out and the weather growing wa r mer, he felt a renewed sense of

all fined by the SEEC. Together the BET Democrat6 and their staff received the largest cumulative f i ne for a lo c a l c a mp a ig n i n Connecticut history at the time, totaling $72,000. The amount of the cumulative fine was staggering. Most local campaigns, if they are fined, are fined $100 or less. A cumulative fine of $72,000 is a clear message that their wrongdoing was extensive and severe. Many of the BET Democrat6 still lack remorse for their actions and try to blame others, but, of course, take no responsibility for themselves. So now the Democrats attack honest men, like Ryan Fazio, and, when proven wrong, r e f u s e to ap olo g i z e or show remorse for their actions. This is the Greenw ich Democratic Party today. Edward Dadakis

optimism. “I think we’re turning the corner,” he said. “I do have hope.”

First Selectman Fred Camillo with L\'escale\'s Director of Operations, David Fletcher. Photo credit: Kris Herndon

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel

Gratitude Groves - A Living Monument to First Responders By Anne W. Semmes T h e Tow n o f G r e e nw i c h has grown significantly greener c om i n g out of t he g r ip of a pandemic thanks to a humane gesture toward those frontline workers and local heroes who have ser ved the com mu n it y i n t h i s d e v a s t at i n g t i m e o f Covid-19. The Greenwich Tree Conservancy (GTC) partnering with the Department of Parks and Recreation are planting a total of 42 trees in four Gratitude Groves across town. Last Friday, the first Gratitude Grove located on t he slopes of H avemeyer Pa rk , b eh i nd Greenwich Common, was officially celebrated on Arbor Day. Some 30 people gathered before a half dozen of 15 newly planted Carolina Silverbell trees. First Selectman Fred Camillo did not have far to travel to salute this new green gift to the Town. “ W h e n t h e s to r y o f t h i s pandemic is written,” he began, “It's not going to only be about the devastation that it caused, it's going to be about frontline workers, first responders, people who cleaned our buildings and kept us safe and clean. People

GTC founding chairman Peter Malkin and Francis Alvarez, GTC board member and advocacy chair with a Gratitude Groves supporters’ poster. Photo by Anne W. Semmes delivered food, people who picked up our trash…A nd we salute them…This is what this Gratitude Grove is going to be.” Cheryl Dunson, GTC president, in her opening remarks, cited the Gratitude Grove as “a living remembrance and recognition for those today who have helped us so much during this pandemic” “Heroism comes in many forms,” she said, “Whether they be in the hospital, on the road, in our homes.” Dunson introduced surely

one of those heroes, Greenwich Hospital CEO Diane Kelly. “We're grateful to be here to honor the first responders in a beautiful tribute to see something at the end of what we think is the crisis part of the pandemic. It's spring. Its hope, its renewal.” Kelly had spoken earlier of how she sees the Greenwich community putting “in the forefront what everyone can enjoy and that's the nature –especially during this time of COVID when we've all been isolating.”

Chief of Police Jim Heavey addressed attending Greenwich Fire Chief Joseph McHugh, and GEMS director Tracy Schietinger in his remarks. “It was a difficult position that we were a l l in responding to all these multiple emergencies. But the community backed us up with just small gestures of support which really made a difference - and this is even a bigger gesture of support. We're going to make sure that all of our staff know about this, and the recognition that they're

continuing to get because they're still out there doing the job for us every day.” JoAnn Messina, GTC executive director, then invited Acting Deputy Tree Warden Joe Kaye to address the specific species of each of the four Gratitude Groves. “Each Grove has been created to have their own unique scenery in our Parks,” he said. At the Montgomery Pinetum, seven Pawpaw trees planted. At Greenwich Point 13 Persimmon t r e e s p l a n t e d . A t We s t e r n Greenwich Civic Center seven hackberry trees planted. And in Havemeyer Park those 15 Carolina Silver Bells, he said, “will delight both insects and people with their early white bell-shaped spring blooms.” Messina also introduced CT DEEP Western Region Service Forester Dave Beers. “He is here for a special designation. “Greenwich is one of a handful of communities in CT,” he said, “that has a Tree City USA designation meaning you guys are dedicated to trees in your community and all the benefits it provides your citizens. The state of Connecticut is honored to bring this award to you every year - as long as you

continue to qualify for it which we hope you do. So, I present this to JoAnn, and you should be proud to be one of a handful communities in Connecticut and a larger handful of communities in the United States at similar ceremonies across the whole United States today.” Peter Malkin, as founding chairman of the Greenwich Tree Conservancy had the last words. “ Tha n k you a l l for b ei ng here first of all. And I want to congratulate Joe Kay at a time when we still have daffodils, and we have our trees in bloom all at the same time.” Citing the GTC partnership w ith the Park s Depar tment, Malkin noted, “We've been doing this now for 15 years. And it gets better every year. It’s a pleasure to work with Fred Camillo, and particularly the first responder g r oup, but a l s o t he r e g u la r workers who treat people.” Malkin, who takes pride in the nearly 5000 trees GTC has added to the Greenwich landscape, cited those four new Gratitude Groves as “creating a living monument to the brave people who carried G r e e nw i ch t h r ou g h a g r e at pandemic to a new beginning.”

Meet Student Journalism Institute Member, Zara Haque

By Jenny Byxbee

Meet Zara Haque, an eighthgrader at Eastern Middle School. She will be a freshman at Greenwich High School in the fall. In her free time, Zara enjoys baking cupcakes and painting. She is passionate about public speaking, debate, writing, and the intersection of science and society. Zara ranked in the top ten sp e a ke r s at t he Con ne c t ic ut Middle School Debate League’s Apr i l tou r n a me nt . He r te a m will represent EMS at the state championships this May. Zara won first place in the Life Sciences division and received the PepsiCo/

Pfizer Life Sciences Award at the 2021 CT Science Fair. Additionally, her research was acknowledged by the Connecticut Science Teacher’s Association. She has been nominated to represent Connecticut at the national Broadcom M ASTER S science research competition! "I am excited to be a part of SJI because I believe that the youth of Greenwich have so much to offer, and by bringing their voices to the table we can strengthen our town and community. I look forward to honing my writing and journalism skills under the guidance of the wonderful Greenwich Sentinel team!"

"I am excited to be a part of SJI because I believe that the youth of Greenwich have so much to offer, and by bringing their voices to the table we can strengthen our town and community. I look forward to honing my writing and journalism skills under the guidance of the wonderful Greenwich Sentinel team!" If you are interested in le a r n i ng mor e a b out t he SJ I or the Greenw ich Sentinel Foundation and its initiatives, please contact Jen ny By x bee at communityimpact@

The Greenw ich Sentinel Community Foundation’s mission is to create a sense of community t h at fo s te r s mut u a l r e sp e c t , support, and understanding among Greenwich residents. A s t r o n g c o m mu n it y h a s

residents that are supported, happier, more willing to serve others, and that produce leaders that will bring ideas with which t hey were ra ised beyond t he borders of their own home town. Together, we will continue

to lift up and bring together our community and each other, help Greenwich reach for unparalleled potential for good, and instill a sense of community and values in the world’s future leaders.

Extending the Beach Season at Tod's For Dogs

By Fred Camillo After reading a recent oped on the proposal to extend the beach season at Tod's Point for dog s, I b el ieve I ne e d to respond to clarify the intention of the proposal, and to offer the alternative viewpoint. Currently, residents and nonresidents alike are allowed to bring their pets to Tod's from Dec. 1st through March 31st. That equals a total of only four months. A recent review of neighboring shoreline towns, both north and south of Greenwich shows that, on average, municipalities allow for a six-month season (some are even

longer). What I am proposing is just to mirror what is allowed in other towns so that our residents and their dogs can enjoy one of our Town's jewels. While many have suggested we add one month at the end of the season (April), and one to three at the beginning (September to November), I would prefer focusing on the fall. Each spring Tod’s Point offers a natural habitat for migratory birds to nest which is a critical part of the beauty and wonder of the Point. The Fall compromise would be, I believe, welcomed by so many of our residents (and their four-legged best friends). While opponents have suggested that a policy adjustment would have adverse effects on the park and our fellow residents, I would remind everyone of the last great dog debate here in Town. In 2000, myself and a few others met in the cafeteria of Town Hall to embark on an endeavor to provide the Town with its first ever dog park. We thought it was strange


which includes CT sales tax and a $5 processing fee. Application forms can obtained in person at Parking Services, or online at Local Incentives for Affordable Housing Brought up in P&Z Meeting An amendment to zoning designed to incentivize affordable and inclusionary housing in Greenwich business zones was proposed at last week's planning and zoning commission meeting. The amendment proposes, among other things, that once more than 5 units of a building are built, there will be a requirement to include a below market rate component, and adequate open space, while the incentives include driveway allowances, coverage, and development leniencies. Mandatory Immunizations: Governor Lamont has announced that Connecticut’s immunization requirements for all students attending schools and daycares (public, private, and non-public) will no longer allow non-medical exemptions. A list of requirements can be found here: Forms/Immunization_Requirements.pdf Art to the Ave Returns: The Greenwich Arts Council has announced the 24th annual “Art to the Avenue”. This year's event will feature 100 artists and 35 participating merchants throughout the month of May. To find out which merchants have matched with which artists, you can view the “Art to the Avenue Map” online, which can be found on signs of retailers' windows

While opponents have suggested that a policy adjustment would have adverse effects on the park and our fellow residents, I would remind everyone of the last great dog debate here in Town. that in a Town this size, and with so many dog lovers, that our residents had to go to neighboring towns to enjoy a dedicated space for dogs. We determined that these towns had no issues, and even places like New York City, with many more obstacles and issues to consider, didn’t have any trouble in approving dozens within the city's limits. We also heard predictions of lawsuits, dogs running wild, land values being negatively

featuring a QR code. For those who are interested, all of the art displayed in stores this month will be exhibited in the Bendheim Gallery by appointment, as well as virtually, from May 6 to June 10. Greenwich Cardinal and Stanford University player Scooter Harrington signs with the Chicago Bears Greenwich’s Scooter Harrington signed an undrafted free agent deal with the Bears. Audubon’s Osprey Nest Cam is Back! The Greenwich Audubon has brought back its Osprey Nest Camera, with live footage of Osprey that can be viewed during the breeding season as they build their nests, feed, incubate their eggs, and care for their young. The Osprey pair that can be seen in the Nest Cam is Ted and Margaret, in honor of Ted Gilman and Margaret Lechner, and can be viewed at Greenwich Alliance for Education Supports Remote School Enrichment The Greenwich Alliance for Education has announced its support for the Remote Learning School’s enrichment program of virtual assemblies. Since early 2021, the program has held monthly, virtual experiences regarding black history, women’s rights, poetry, marine biology and more through virtual assemblies featuring guest speakers. Single-Entry Park Pass Sales Resume Greenwich Residents can now buy single-entry park passes for the town’s parks and beaches. These passes allow one-time access to Tod's Point, Byram Park, Island Beach, and Great Captain’s Island, although parking and ferry fees apply. For those interested, passes can be bought online for those that verify their residency for the year, or can be picked up in person through October 31 at the Eastern Civic

affected and messes all over the place. It was a constant battle with neighbors of potential park locations threatening suits and issuing warnings. Nevertheless, after a five-year effort, we finally secured the Town's first ever dog park at Grass Island. Since 2005, none of these predictions came true. In fact, there are loud and varied calls for a second dog park to be found in Town, an idea I wholeheartedly support. The first successful 16 years of the Grass

Island park has shown that the claims of future problems made by opponents must be answered with fact, reality, and honest dialogue. I believe in listening to all concerns, but also in making decisions that are based on fact, research, and evidence. When considering the beach extension for dogs, I would also like to remind everyone that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. For those who may have a fear, I would propose that the

Town also take a page out of other towns’ playbooks and cordon off an area on the sand for dogs to run freely. In this way, a part of the sand at Greenwich Point would be available to those who prefer to not be in close proximity with the dogs so they could enjoy that area 12 months a year, rather than avoid it during the dog (off) season. This compromise would complete an adjusted policy that respects the rights and wishes of our dog loving community, wildlife supporters, and those who love Tod's Point, but are more comfortable being at a distance from our canine friends. In the coming months, we will be discussing these proposals and listening to your feedback. In the meantime, stay safe, keep the leashes close by, have the clean-up bags handy, and enjoy our many parks and trails! Fred Camillo is the First Selectman of Greenwich and Canine Dad to Teddy Roosevelt Camillo and Reagan Camillo.

Choral Society Concert

Western Middle School Student Wins National Art Award

The Greenwich Choral Society will be presenting their second Summer Sing-In at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Riverside on Saturday, May 15 at 10:00 a.m. In the chance of rain, the event will be moved to 4:00 p.m. The event will provide an opportunity for Choral Society members to gather in song with members of the community. The Choral Society asks that only those who are fully vaccinated and accept a waiver agreement attend. Masks must be worn at all times and social distancing will be in place.

Gabriela Aliaga, a sixth grader at Western Middle School and member of the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich was named a winner of the 2021 Boys & Girls Club of America National Youth Talent Search. The theme of this year's contest was to create a submission that responded to the events of 2020. Gabriela submitted a digital art piece titled “If 2020 Was a Person”, and was one of eight winners out of over 120 entries to be featured in the Art Gallery of this year's national conference.

Greenwich Tree Conservancy Contest

GHS Students Win Earth Day Competition

The Greenwich Tree Conservancy has announced the 2021 “Awesome Tree Express yourself Contest”. The contest will include four different categories and will allow for tree related photography, art, and poetry submissions that fit one of the four categories: spring flair, a walk amongst trees, all in the details, and ode to a tree. More information on category specifics and rules can be found at Entry forms must be emailed to by May 26, or mailed to GTC Tree Contest, P.O. Box 4215, Greenwich CT 06831.

Six Greenwich High School Students have won the 51st annual Mother Earth Day Competition: Diego Ayala, freshman (website), Josephine Bai, freshman (poster), Emma Harvey, freshman (video), Maya Ito, freshman (poster), Audrey Lin, freshman (slide presentation), Madeline Minichetti, sophomore (poster).

Center on weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Where was This Photo Taken?

GHS Contest and Award Winners: Aaron Hull: Greenwich High School’s Aaron Hull has received the 2021 UConn ECE Jan Pikul Award for Continued Excellence in Instruction in recognition of his dedication and commitment to excellence in teaching. Hull teaches multiple political science courses, and coaches the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution team, which competes in civics-centered competitions at the State and National level.

We were asked where the front page photo from last week was taken. The answer: Villa Candia on Vista Drive in the private Indian Harbor association across from IHYC.

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A Toast to My Mom "Mother Mary"

By Icy Frantz In celebration of Mother’s Day, may I present the toast I gave to my mom, Mary Lynch, on the occasion of her 80th birthday: I have a friend who calls my mom “Mother Mary”, and then breaks into a rather dramatic version of the old Beatles song, Let It Be. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be My friend is a devout Catholic, and I have always found it very generous that she would substitute my mother for the Virgin Mary. But I will let that be…. So, this is for you, Mom, our Mother Mary. I have been thinking about the whole concept of turning 80. Some may claim it’s the new 70, or even with the help of a few doctors, it’s the new 60. But when I turn 80, I am going to own it. I mean, really, you earned it every darn trip around the sun. So why dumb it down? And doesn’t turning 80 come with a few perks? Or at the very least a few excuses? Eat two desserts, stay in bed all day, buy that piece of jewelry you have been coveting, park wherever suits. And certainly, ignore what irritates you - what? I can’t hear you. So, my wish for you mom is that you bask in it all- and while you may feel every day 80, you

also marvel at being here. We h a v e w i t n e s s e d o u r mother though so many stages. She was the young - very young – mother, married with three girls. And then she was the uber hip, blue jean wearing, bean sprout g row ing, meditating, college attending, tap dancing young mother, single and dating (a lot). She was a serious volunteer, and, as a result of her work, a recipient of the Connecticut Swimming Outstanding Service Award. She was a realtor and entrepreneur who flipped houses for a profit (we moved a lot - a LOT!). She was the amazing caregiver to her aging mom, and a grandmother who has found time to take each grandchild on a special trip, attend graduations, send birthday and Christmas greetings, and even house the more wayward ones. She is a golfer, a reader, her dog Ollie’s person, a master bridge player, and now a lover of croquet. A nd th roug h these ma ny stages, there are a few stories in particular that stand out to me and will provide a little extra color. The f irst one is a little fuzzy; I was in my junior year at a boarding school in New H a mpsh i re , a nd a f ter a few months of school, I returned home on what was known at the time as “The Greenwich Bus”. Students were making their way off while eager parents stood close by. When it came time for my grand exit, I did so with an unexpected pet in hand - a cat or dog, I can’t remember. Other parents watched me with a look that seemed to say, “Thank God that is not my child.” My mother,

Mother Mary, you inspire us, always. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. with a similar look, held her tongue - wanting desperately to scream I am sure, “Get back on that bus and go back to wherever you came from!” - but she didn’t say any of that, and somehow, we found our car and brought the uninvited, unappreciated guest home with us. But t h i s w a sn’t t he on ly animal mom took in. She, along with my younger sister, found a dog on the side of the Merritt Parkway that had possibly been thrown from a car; we named her Honey. Honey settled in quickly and gave birth to five puppies. Beyond animals, there were people, friends of ours who came to visit and never left. I remember my mom, after one graduation party, whispering to me while pointing to a young man who was sitting on our couch, dressed in his smoking jacket, “Do you think he will ever leave?” There was just something about our home - our mom that attracted stowaways and wayward souls. Another story occurred a few years later; I was getting married. We were shopping for a wedding dress and a going away outf it with a few of my close friends when my mom whispered to me, “Couldn’t you have at least worn proper underwear?” (I was wearing the latest fad - a thong.) The wedding was wonderful, a nd it was ti me for my new husband and me to leave. We went upstairs to change and then bounded into the reception…

dressed in what? My mother said out loud to no one in particular, “That is not the outfit I bought m y d a u g h t e r… m y f a v o r i t e daughter,” (ok, she didn’t really say the “favorite daughter” part, especially in that moment). Scott and I had also shopped, and we had bought outfits made of head-to-toe leather (mine in bright blue) - tight leather pants and a matching leather motorcycle jacket, and we left on a motorcycle. It made sense. I imagine my mother was once a g a i n h o l d i n g h e r to n g u e wanting to scream, “Go back to wherever you came from!” And there is one more story that touches my heart really. I was years into my marriage at this point, and the parent of three little boys under the age of three as well as a new baby, Sargeant. At just eight weeks old, Sargeant began to have seizures. We didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he was living at Yale New Haven Hospital and we were desperately trying to care for him while caring for the three others. It was Christmastime and balancing normal traditions and a sick baby can be tricky. My mom stepped in and offered to stay the night with Sargeant on Christmas Eve. In fact, she did more than offer; she basically told us (she can be quite forceful) that she was spending Christmas Eve with Sargeant, because she knew if she offered, we would have turned her down. Spending Christmas Eve in a pediatric

ward, on a chair that pulled out to an extremely uncomfortable makeshif t bed, went far and above the role of even the best grandmother. And the fact that she gave us a night of normalcy with our other three was the greatest gift of all. And while stories of returning home from boarding school with an animal in my arms might be fuzzy, this is a story that remains clear as day. A c o up l e o f ye a r s a g o , I started to write a column for a local paper. And then I started a blog, which is really just a hor r i ble word for a website where a writer collects his or her writings and occasionally sends them out through email to those very nice souls who have subscribed. I don’t have a huge number of subscribers, but among them is my mom. O n t he site , r e ade r s c a n leave a comment after reading my “featured” pieces. I work alongside a very nice and talented Texan; I write, and she does all of the tech and social media stuff. We are a good team. And the mornings when we push send, we wait and see how my writing will be received by that outside universe. But we have come to joke that it’s not really a piece until my mom has added her own two cents (though I am actually very grateful to know that she reads them; that anyone reads them really). I thought I would share a few of her comments, her words of wisdom…

So nice to see your memories. Surprisingly I was just thinking about fruitloops yesterday and wondering who had removed all the good stuff. Thanks for enlightening me. xoxo mom Side note: at 80, randomly thinking about “fruitloops” is totally acceptable. One of my favorites. Happy, happy anniversary. Remember that fateful day very well. xoxo mom Side Note: Fateful is defined as “having far-reaching and often d isast rous conse q uences or implications”. I am not sure what my mother is saying here. Ice, you were smart enough to go to Yale. They were not smart enough to accept you xoxo mom Side Note: If your mom says it, it must be true. Yo u w e r e n e v e r u n c o o l whatever you may think. You wer e a lw ays a nd a r e st i l l a wonderful human being. Am honored to be your Mother. xoxo mom Side Note: except when you wear a thong to a wedding dress fitting. I will end my remarks hereb ecause at 80, ta k i ng a nap during a longwinded toast or sermon is definitely a perk. Wake up- It’s over!!! Mother Mary, you inspire us, always. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Happy Birthday (and now Happy Mother’s Day), Mom. I love you. Your Favorite Daughter, Icy PS . And A big huge Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mothers out there!! You are all inspiring even if you are not “Mother Mary”. The Icing on the Cake

Mother's Day - A Decade of Remembrances

By Patricia Chadwick Some holidays are accompanied with fanfare – of the fireworks sort. Others are somber events, celebrated w it h f lag s a nd f lower s on gravestones. There are also relig ious holidays – better known as holy days – which generally entail going to church, and some holidays celebrate history with parades and bands. Mother’s Day falls into none of those categories. It’s a “quiet” holiday – meant just for the family. I h a ve n o m e m o r i e s o f Mother’s Day as a child. In fact, I was eighteen years old before I became aware that there was a Sunday in May called “Mother’s Day.” That’s because the community in which I grew up valued holy days far more than holidays. Another story all together. It wasn’t until I reached the age of forty-five that I celebrated my own very f irst Mother’s Day with my two-month-old twins (and my husband) on a deliciously warm May 8th. A bouquet of sensations is the way I remember the occasion – joy, peace, equanimity, pride (the good kind!). The memory will never fade away even if the photos from that day somehow get lost. Before the children were old enough to understand what Mother’s Day was all about, they were excited to go out to the garden with their dad, select a daffodil from the garden and bring it to me. It was the perfect Mother’s Day present. By the time they reached the age of four, they seemed to get the gist of what the day was about – treating Mom in a special way. I believe it was my husband who suggested that they “surprise” me with breakfast in bed, and I was all for it. It was a ritual, as choreographed as a religious ceremony. When I woke up – and I was an early riser, so the day was young – I knew that it was my obligation to remain in

It wasn’t until I reached the age of forty-five that I celebrated my own very first Mother’s Day with my two-month-old twins (and my husband) on a deliciously warm May 8th. A bouquet of sensations is the way I remember the occasion – joy, peace, equanimity, pride (the good kind!). The memory will never fade away even if the photos from that day somehow get lost. bed until my children arrived with my Mother’s Day breakfast on a tray. Not surprisingly, as I awaited the surprise meal, I spent the time imagining what kind of catastrophes might befall the kitchen crew – husband and two children. Could their father manage two tiny ones hovering over a toaster and an electric kettle? And then the clink of plates bu mpi n g i nto g la s s e s , t he pitter patter of feet and muffled whispers let me know that my “surprise” breakfast was on its way up the sixteen steps from the front hall to the bedroom. Through the door way they came, each holding one side of the wooden tray. I held my breath as they came around the foot of the bed and landed the tray (ok, with the help of dad) on my lap. Carefully arranged were toast with strawberry jam spread thickly on top, English Breakfast tea, a cream pitcher with milk, a cloth napkin and a teaspoon. “Happy Mother’s Day,” they said with pride. That was the first of what would be close to a decade of Mother’s Day Breakfasts in bed, except for a few missed Sundays

by my daughter who had to sing in the church choir. With each progressive year, while the ritual remained the same, the production grew more and more elaborate. The practice might never have ended were it not for the fact that by the time my children were heading into their teenage years, they were no longer early risers. The last Mother’s Day breakfast in bed was an ordeal – at least for a person who rises with the sun and wants to get on with the day. Abiding by the dictate that I not leave my bed until I had been served my breakfast, I had read the Sunday New York Times from cover to cover and was in a state of famish by the time the tray arrived and I took my first bite. Admittedly, it was a feast – a cheese, mushroom, broccolini omelet (my favorite), some silver dollar pancakes (with butter but no maple syrup), the essential pot of tea with milk on the side and an array of cut flowers. I love family traditions, and while our Mother’s Day breakfast-in-bed custom had to come to its own natural end, I hope the memories of that

Patricia Chadwick is a annual event will inspire my children to carry it on to the businesswoman and an author. Her recently published memoir, next generation. Little Sister, the stor y of her Happy Mother’s Day! u nu su al c hild hood g rowin g up in a cult, is now available

in paperback. She is currently working on her second book, Breaking Glass, about her “growing up” on Wall Street.

St. Paul’s invites you to...

Enjoy the beauty of God's creation every Sunday (weather permitting) Worship at 10:30AM Sunday School 10:30AM under the tent 200 Riverside Ave, Riverside, CT 06878 |

Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel


Tribute to Tempa Arguimbau

Deborah Andrews

Betty Hauptman

Carl Blair (Penny) and Patricia Taylor, cherished granddaughter, Leslie LaClair, dear sister Marilyn Schmehl and adored niece and nephews, Linda Carriere, Carl Schmehl and Michael Schmehl. To honor his life, family and friends gathered on Tuesday at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Greenwich. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Wednesday at St. Catherine of Sienna R.C. Church, followed by interment at St. Mary's Cemetery in Greenwich.

Mary Gagliardi

Maria del Carmen Perez de Guzman San Roman, wife of Vincent C. Arguimbau Jr., known as Tempa, passed away peacefully at home with family on April 15 in Seville, Spain. She was born on Sept. 8, 1929 in Lucena del Puerto, Huelva, Spain, to Admiral Pedro Perez de Guzman y Urzaiz of Huelva and Seville, the most decorated warrior in Spain, and Carmen San Roman Malagarriga, of Barcelona, Spain, whose father was the mayor of Barcelona. Born into a dominant reigning family of Southern Spain, Tempa was schooled at Colegio de las Irlandesas in Castilleja de la Cuesta. In 1948, she met her ‘Don Vicente’ who was working as a third generation American olive importer in Seville. They married six months later in the chapel of Jesuit Covent, ‘La Rabida’ in Palos, Huelva, the chapel where Columbus took his last Mass before setting sail to discover America. Fearless at 19, embarking on a new life, they too sailed to America to build a home, start a family on the shores of Darien, Connecticut. She entered the United States on June15, 1949; where she learned English and became naturalized in 1956. Tempa would often be seen swimming or sailing her sailfish off Tokeneke Beach Club in Long Island Sound. Devoted to her family, she spent hours producing splendid gourmet meals. Her home fires centered around the kitchen, elegant dining room or in the summer months on the patio overlooking the idyllic Scotts Cove. Tempa was famous for her lemon meringue cake that became a tradition at each birthday. She never missed a chance to bring family and friends together especially for the holidays. Ever the perfect hostess, and always immaculately dressed, her sense of style led her to partner with Ann (Orsi) Lunn in the 60’s to launch ‘Ann Y Tempa’, a successful fashion boutique; selling hostess and party designs to all the major retailers of the day such as Bergdorf and Saks; featured regularly in fashion magazines. She was remembered in the 70’s and 80’s as an active member of the Darien RTM. On her regular trips back to Seville, Tempa started ‘Los Amigos de Sevilla’ joining with the Venice Charter to protect the ‘Green Zones’ around the historic monuments of the world from developers. Tempa had the poise to handle any situation by finding common ground with people from all walks of life. What had taken two years for the U.S. Navy to accomplish, Tempa was able to secure the Tall Ship, “Sebastian el Cano” for “Operation Sail 1986”, by just one meeting with King Juan Carlos, which set the stage for other tall ships to join the celebrated 4th of July Tall Ships Parade in New York Harbor. Often, Tempa would be found entertaining a delegation of Spaniards in her home along with working to promote the Hispanic Society Museum & Library on upper Broadway in NYC. Tempa was named Dame of Malta in 2008, the highest honor conferred by the Catholic Church. Having lived in Darien for 68 years, she was predeceased by her husband, Vincent of 51 years, in 2000, and her brother, Pedro Perez de Guzman, in 2019. She is survived by her brother, Gonzalo Perez de Guzman; four children: Vincent Arguimbau (Hilarie) of Darien; Peter Arguimbau (Kim) of Greenwich; Mariette Scott (Edward) of Darien; Suzanne Gebelein (George) of Dedham, Mass.; grandchildren: Alexandra, Quintin, George, Andre, Maria, Olivia and Terra; greatgrandchildren; Hadley and Holden, along with her many nieces and nephews both in the US and Spain. Humble and principled, always devoted to her family here and abroad; Tempa remained true to herself and there was no challenge she wouldn’t take on. She never missed an invitation or lost her composure and always carried herself with dignity and grace throughout her life. Tempa’s unforgettable Spanish accent, warm accepting gaze and sumptuous cuisine will be sorely missed. A memorial service will be scheduled at a later date.

It is with great sadness that the family of Deborah ("Debbie") Andrews announces her passing on April 3, 2021 at the age of 77 years old. Debbie was born in Toledo, Ohio to F. Guild and Barbara Devere (Perkins). She grew up in Scarsdale, New York and attended The Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, NY. A f ter g raduation, Debbie began dating Gordon, her brother Denny's best friend, whom she had k now n since childhood. The two married a year later. Shortly thereafter, Gordon and Debbie moved to Riverside, CT where they raised their three daughters. Debbie actively volunteered in the Greenwich community, most notably in the competitive swimming community in various capacities with the Greenwich Country Club Gators Swim Team, the Greenwich YWCA Dolphins Swim Team, including as the team's Treasurer and Chairperson for many years, and the Greenwich High School Swim team. She also volunteered with the Fairfield County Swim League, most notably in the position of Vice-Chairperson. In recognition of her volunteer service, Debbie was inducted into the Greenwich YWCA Dolphins Aquatic Hall of Fame in 2009. Debbie sat on the Board of the Greenwich YWCA, where she actively fundraised for the expansion of the swimming pool. She was a member of the Junior League of Greenwich, and fondly recalled being a member of the "Festival of Christmas Trees" committee. Debbie enjoyed tennis and golf, which she played often as a longtime member of both Greenwich Country Club and Jonathan's Landing Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida. She enjoyed acting as Co-Chair of the nine holers at Greenwich Country Club for many years. In her down time, Debbie enjoyed reading, needle pointing, gardening, cooking for her family, and doing home improvement projects. She loved interior design and made her own curtains and slip covers. For a time, Debbie had her own business named, "Designs by Andrews." Debbie and her late husband, Gordon, also had a passion for travel with Barcelona and Venice among their favorite cities. Debbie will be lovingly remembered by her three daughters, Christine Andrews of St. Paul, Min., Cynthia Andrews DiPreta (Richard) of Old Greenwich, CT, and Carey Sweetser of Jupiter, Fla.; her brother, Dennis Devere (Gaylord) of Darien, CT; and her four grandchildren. Debbie was predeceased by her husband, Gordon, and her parents, F. Guild and Barbara Devere. A celebration of Debbie's life was held on Thursday, April 29 at Greenwich Country Club.

JoAnn Stein JoAnn P. Stein passed away peacefully on May 2, 2021 after a prolonged illness. Born Dec. 31, 1939 to the late Henry and Josephine K o e l l i s c h o f Po r t C h e s t e r, N Y, a n d w a s predeceased by her former husband, Alan H. Stein in 2013. A long time resident of Greenw ich, CT, JoA n n had b een a n accou nt a nt u nt i l her retirement and she enjoyed many hobbies and activities such as golfing, boating, gardening, music and dancing, and taking long walks with her dog. She is sur v ived by her brother, Henr y Koellisch, Jr. She is also survived by her four daughters, Janice Stein of Norwalk, Nancy Stein of Greenwich, Kathy Schlosser and her husband Kenneth of Greenwich, and Karen Heller and her husband Jeffrey of Bridgeport as well as six grandchildren, Alan Stein and his wife Diana, Nicole Schlosser and wife Ruthie, William and Andrew Schlosser, and Kendall and Brooke Heller. Finally, she is survived by the newest arrival, her first great-grandchild, Eli Stein. A graveside service will be held at 11:30 am on Thursday, May 6 at St. Mary's Cemetery, High Street, Rye Brook, NY. In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to: Alzheimer's Association, Connecticut Chapter, 200 Executive Blvd., Suite 4B, Southington, CT 06489.

Bet t y Hauptma n (née Hol zma n), 8 4 , of Portland, Maine, and formerly of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully on May 1, 2021. Betty was born on Nov. 26, 1936, in Brooklyn, NY, the daughter of Herman and Regina Holzman (née Greenberg). She attended primary school in Brooklyn and graduated from the City College of New York, now called Baruch College at CUNY, where she studied marketing and public relations. During college, Betty met Michael (Mike) Hauptman, and they were married in Brooklyn on Nov. 28, 1957. After college, Betty worked in the advertising field with Cunningham & Walsh and later with Young & Rubicam. In 1968, Betty and Mike moved to Greenwich, CT to raise their two sons; they were married for 56 years until Mike's passing in 2013. While busy raising her boys, Betty found the time to be a leader in her community and as a result, she touched and improved the lives of many people, the vast majority of whom she never even met. Betty served as President of the Greenwich Chapter of the League of Women Voters where she helped shape and advance progressive, womenfocused initiatives. She later served as the Chair of the Greenwich Library Board of Trustees, ViceChair of the Greenwich Board of Health, and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Stamford, CT, Shelter for the Homeless. In 1993, Betty joined Greenwich Hospital's Development Office, where she rose to become Executive Director and Head of Development. While at Greenwich Hospital, Betty led the successful campaign to raise tens of millions of dollars to fund the construction of a brand new, state-of-the-art hospital building. At the same time, Betty served as the Chair of the Greenwich Commission on Aging. Upon leaving Greenwich Hospital in 2006, Betty took on yet another challenge and helped found At Home in Greenwich, an organization that supports and empowers seniors to live independently in their preferred environment. Betty also served for many years as a Justice of the Peace, where she delighted in marrying hundreds of happy couples. In 2011, after more than 40 years in Greenwich, Betty and Mike moved to Portland to be closer to family and also, in Betty's case, to lobster rolls. Even in retirement, Betty continued to serve her community on an advisory board with the Southern Maine Agency on Aging. A longtime survivor of breast cancer, Betty also battled Multiple Sclerosis for the last two decades of her life, and was an exemplar of strength, courage and grace in her perseverance against the disease. Betty reveled in her time with family and friends, and enjoyed politics, reading, cooking and experiencing diverse cultures through travel. A city girl at heart, she would indulge (always in good humor) family skiing and sailing adventures in pursuit of quality time together. Most of all, throughout her long and fulfilling life, Betty was known for her unceasing kindness, warmth, caring, optimism, devotion to her family and friends, and her easy and winning smile. She will be greatly missed. Betty is survived by her son James and daughter-in-law Jennifer Ellis of Falmouth, Maine, and son William and daughter-in-law Michele Lindsey, of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Betty is also survived by her five loving grandchildren, Natalie, Graham, Ella, Samantha and Mia, who range in ages from 25 to 14. Betty's only sibling, Irwin Lloyd Holzman, passed away in 2015. The family would like to thank all of Betty's friends and caregivers for their kindness, support and good wishes through the years. A private memorial in celebration of Betty's life is planned when it is safe for her family and friends to be together. In lieu of flowers, contributions in her memory may be made to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society ( May her memory be a blessing to us all.

Mary K. Gagliardi, 51 of Old Greenwich, CT passed away peacefully in her childhood home surrounded by family on April 29, 2021 following a 2½ year battle with cancer. Mary was born in Poughkeepsie, NY, Sept. 3, 1969; a daughter of Joseph F. and Kathryn (Glavin) Gagliardi of Riverside, CT. She is pre deceased by grandparents Charles Clarke & Elizabeth “Betsy” Glavin of Greenwich, CT and Honorable Joseph & Eleanor Gagliardi of Larchmont, NY; and survived by many cousins, nieces and nephews. Mary graduated from Providence College and after working several years with Oxford Health; she landed her dream job working at International Exposition Company in Westport, CT. She loved the challenge the work provided and the camaraderie she had with so many of her coworkers. The Steven’s family treated her as family and really meant it. Mary was exceptionally good at staying in touch with all her siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins and Aunts & Uncles and had a special talent for finding the perfect greeting card for everyone no matter what the occasion. Mary had a gift for always knowing the name of any actor on TV or in a movie, making beautiful needlepoint pictures for many family members and making delicious cookies. Mary was an active member of her Church and her strong faith was exemplified in the manner in which she lived. It was a beautiful revelation to learn Mary died on the Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena, who herself was another strong woman of faith. Mary experienced many challenges throughout her life, yet handled them with grace, humility and her quick and wonderful sense of humor. She will be missed by all whose lives she has touched and subsequently learned to be better humans through her example. She is survived by her sister Anne Herzog and her husband Stephen, and brothers Joseph Gagliardi and his wife Mary and Clarke Gagliardi and his wife Kara. Funeral Services were held on Tuesday, May 4 at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Riverside. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to St. Catherine’s or a favorite charity of your own.

Caleb MacDonald Caleb Alan MacDonald, 87, of Greenwich, CT died peacefully, and surrounded by family, on April 29, 2021. Known to most as Alan, he lived a life borne of curiosity and momentum. He was a great storyteller, who had remarkable conviction and grit. Alan was born in Norwalk, Ohio, a community for which he always held great affection, and where his dedication to the food industry began with his first job picking st rawb er r ie s for 10 cents a cont a i ner. He graduated from The Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, leading to a wonderful and fulfilling career in the hospitality and food industries. There he met many of his nearest and dearest life-long friends through his program, and as a brother of Delta Chi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon – which he remained a supporter all his life. Alan began his professional career in 1955 at the Stouffer's Restaurant Company doing everything from washing dishes, taking out the trash, and ensuring that every customer got the very best of service. Having done every job gave him an appreciation for the honor and dignity of every role – an appreciation he carried to every job that he had. Anyone who talked business with Alan heard him recount how early experiences are rich learnings for the future. Even The New York Times quoted Alan at the height of his career, 'When you produce a meal, the full business cycle takes place. Raw materials are bought, converted, and served to customers. Cash is collected and with the proceeds, raw materials are bought again. All the activities take place in a tight time frame and the skills involved in the process are

Edward Ailleo Edward F. Ailleo of Cos Cob passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on April 30, 2021. He was 90. Born in Greenwich on March 24, 1931 to Fred and Virginia Ailleo (nee McDonough) Edward was predeceased by his beloved wife Janice Ailleo (nee Nardiello) in 2017. He is survived by his loving children,

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the same as those in the larger business world – buying, selling, marketing, production, and public relations. Restaurant management was a training ground for me for what I am doing now.' Alan's energy and passion for delighting customers were infectious. He epitomized what one would call a gentleman. Sincere, well-spoken, and a wonderful listener, he rose through the ranks at Stouffer's. He lived by a mantra of decisiveness and always made sure to receive counsel from employees who were closest to the customers and products. He later served in various managerial and executive positions at Stouffer Foods and the Stouffer Corporation, culminating in his role as President of the Stouffer's Frozen Food Division, where he directed the conceptualization, development, and implementation of Stouffer's groundbreaking Lean Cuisine. Nestle acquired Stouffer's in 1972 and promoted Alan to President and CEO of Nestle Foods Corporation in 1982. That promotion took him to Greenwich, CT, a community that he cherished for nearly 40 years. Whether he was negotiating multi-million dollar deals in the boardroom or walking the plant line with the people he so valued, Alan got his energy from debating ideas and uncovering the very best of solutions. Continuing his legacy as an innovator, Alan was credited with bringing white chocolate to the U.S market and reinvigorating Nestle's existing strong North American market share in food products. Over the course of his career, Alan was the Chairman and CEO of Lincoln Snacks, served as the Chairman of the American Frozen Food Institute, and was on the Board of Directors at Lord Abbett & Company, Fountainhead Water Company, among others. Alan loved the game of golf and practiced it regularly for his entire adult life. He belonged to The Scottish Golfing Society and annually traveled to Scotland – home of the game – for more than 25 years. He was known by his golfing pals as "The Radish" due to his ruddy complexion and snow-white hair. Alan will be remembered for his love of life and family, his generosity, and his strength of character. He always made a point to talk to every person in the room and truly touched everyone he met. He will be missed dearly. He's su r v ive d by h is brot her Ju l ia n F. MacDonald (Allen) and his sister Helen MacDonald Whitehouse. He is also survived by his children Mark Alan MacDonald (Maril), Diane MacDonald Mackenzie (Don) and Mallor y MacDonald Molenkamp (Gregory); his four grandchildren, Morgan MacDonald Manion (Thomas) and Killian Grace MacDonald, Jessica Laylin Tranter (Connor), Winston Alan Molenkamp, his great grandson Mac Miller Manion, former spouses Marilyn Miller MacDonald and Barbara Heinen MacDonald, and many cherished extended family members. The family is very grateful for the compassion and care of his team of caregivers and nurses who made him comfortable in his last few months. In their honor and in lieu of flowers, we ask that memorial contributions be made to RVNAhealth, 27 Governor Street, Ridgef ield, CT, 06877 or Donations can also be made to the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, May 22 at 3 pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich. You may also join the service virtually

Edwannah Perna

E d w a n n a h Pe r n a , 9 4 , p r e v i o u s l y o f Riverside, CT passed away on April 28, 2021 In Spring Hill, FL. Mrs. Perna was a member of the Stamford Baptist Church in Connecticut and the Northcliffe Baptist Church in Florida. She was a graduate of Oklahoma City High School and was employed for many years at the Stamford Branch of Bloomingdales in the lamp department, but once she and her husband retired to Florida, Edwannah pursued her real passion as a tap dancer with the Top Hats, the Wowettes, and the Tap 'N Dolls. To say she loved performing on stage at local nursing homes, senior centers, county fairs, and in dance recitals was an understatement. The coordinated costumes, the makeup, the wigs and other accessories, learning the dance numbers, and choosing the dance program, all the glamour and glitter is what she really enjoyed when she danced out. Edwannah died of complications from Dementia. She is survived by her daughter Sharon Perna and son-in-law Richard Dennis of Mobile, AL. Mrs. Perna is predeceased by her husband of 74 years Charles Perna and her parents Roy and Dora Hopper. As requested she will be cremated in Florida and her ashes will be scattered with those of her husband. A memorial luncheon will be celebrated in her honor at a local restaurant. My mother may have been frail and dying, but she is now forever at peace, loved and whole again in the presence of God. /Dobies FH

Matthew Sabanski Matthew W. Sabanski (Matt) passed away on April 27, 2021 at his home in Greenwich, CT. He was born on June 17, 1933 in Oyster Bay, NY

to the late Sophie and Fred Sabanski. Matt was raised in Cos Cob, CT and attended Greenwich schools. Matt served proudly in the US Navy on the tanker Severn during the Korean War. Matt was a carpenter in Carpenter's Union 326 for over 50 years. He loved fishing on Long Island Sound with his sons and grandsons. Matt is survived by his wife of 64 years, Marcia (Krajewski) Sabanski, his daughter Michele Nelson (Bob) and sons Mark Sabanski (Natalie) and Michael Sabanski (Kathy) and seven grandchildren, Geoff Nelson, Ali Nelson, Kyle LaRocca, Jared Sabanski, Justin Sabanski, Jayson Sabanski and Madeline Sabanski. Funeral arrangements will be private. In Matt's memory a gift can be made to Save the Sound or the charity of your choice.

Andre Merz

On Monday, April 26, 2021 Andre Merz, longtime Greenwich resident passed away at the age of 88. Of Swiss descent where he trained and worked as a professional coiffure, Andre was the beloved son of Ida and Alfred Merz and brother to Madeleine. He was known as an avid tennis player, snow skier, swimmer and "such a kind man" by everyone who knew him. He immigrated to the United States in the early 60's and gained employment at the illustrious Saks Fifth Ave Salon in White Plains. He was perceived as one of the top stylist of his day and customers felt like the "in" crowd should they land in his chair. Once settled in Greenwich, Andre called for his soon to be wife Rosly Katherine, also a hair stylist, to join him. Marriage, a tour of the world via planes, trains and automobiles, a son Jean-Claude and daughter Suzanne soon followed. He was an avid sports fan and enjoyed learning American sports like baseball, telling anyone in ear shot, with his Swiss French accent, "You have to know the rrrules!" But life can throw its own curveball sometimes. In 1981, Rosly lost a brief battle to an unknown illness leaving two young children and Andre to fend for themselves... but they were never alone. The Ryan, Fidelibus, Hilgefort, Biedermann and Troller families, neighbors and customers volunteered their time as sitters, drivers and cooks to help for many years. Andre was forever grateful to all of you who gave your time and emotional support when needed. Andre was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and recently began a slow decline into memory loss... but he never lost his gentle kindness and ability to appreciate a helping hand with a sincere, "thank you." He continued to be most proud of his accomplished son Jean-Claude (JC), owner of JCM Services and daughter Suzanne (Sue) two time Olympic Medalist in Women's Ice Hockey (1998 Gold, 2002 Silver) and medical device sales professional. In his last weeks, he frequently told his companion aid Winifred that Sue was a "pretty good" hockey player. Andre leaves behind his son JC Merz and his wife Karen, daughter Sue Merz and her wife Margaret, granddaughters Sophie and Bella and several cousins in Switzerland. We would like to thank Solace Care for providing Andre with companionship during a critical stage of his life. Winifred, we are forever in your debt for giving Andre such great experiences in his last months. He loved his first taste of fish and chips! A private memorial service for the family was held at Castiglione Funeral Home. We would like to thank them for treating Andre with such dignity and respect. In lieu of f lowers, please make a donation in Andre's honor to your local Alzheimer's Association.

Harry Twitchell

After a long, interesting and happy life, longtime Greenwich resident Harry Gilhespie Twitchell passed away peacefully on April 24, 2021, in Pittsfield, Mass. Mr. Twitchell was born on Sept. 15, 1921, in Lisbon, Portugal. He resided in Lisbon for the first five years of his life while his father Karl Twitchell, the noted geologist and explorer, oversaw copper mining operations nearby. With his mother Nora Gilhespie Twitchell, he migrated to Devonshire, England in 1926, and began attending school at Winchester Lodge. He then graduated from the Tonbridge School in 1939. As World War II became imminent, Mr. Twitchell and his mother moved to the United States while his father continued his career in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Twitchell attended the

University of Vermont, from which he graduated with a B.A. in Political Science in 1943. After graduation, Mr. Twitchell enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving at several bases in this country as well as in the Philippines. He was honorably discharged with the rank of Lieutenant. Upon returning to civilian life, Mr. Twitchell attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, receiving a second B.A. in Architecture and lettering in tennis. He spent the largest part of his career working in New York City for the national YMCA, where he specialized in designing swimming pool buildings and facilities. Beginning in 1975, he was self-employed, preparing drawings for a variety of residential and commercial projects. In 1955, he married the former Elizabeth Jane Cassatt, with whom he had three sons. She predeceased him in 2002. One of Mr. Twitchell's proudest achievements was designing and having built the Hillside Road house where he resided for well over fifty years. A classic mid-century modern design, it included a variety of innovative features. Mr. Twitchell was active in several aspects of Greenwich life. He served on the Representative Town Meeting for many years, as well as with the Greenwich Land Trust, At Home in Greenwich, and the Greenwich YMCA. In later years, he was an active participant in the Retired Men's Association. Mr. Twitchell was also very involved with Christ Episcopal Church, where as a Lector his clear English accent made him a popular reader of the gospel for decades. He chaired the church's Property Commission, lending his architectural talents to several projects; he also served on the History Commission and helped count contributions after services. He was also a graduate of the "Education for Ministry" program. An avid sailor, Mr. Twitchell spent countless happy hours on Long Island Sound in his small boats, and was an officer and instructor with the Greenwich Power Squadron. He was so committed to sailing, rather than pulling out the outboard motor, that on more than one occasion in light airs, he ended up drifting onto the rocks. When not testing those waters, he was also an enthusiastic tennis player. Mr. Twitchell also enjoyed travel; in addition to visiting most of the United States, he ventured to such exotic locales as Russia, Tanzania, China, and the Greek Islands. Well into his 80s, he visited old friends in England and did a cruise of the fjords of Norway. In 2012, Mr. Twitchell married again, to Elizabeth Hankwitz, the widowed former college roommate of his first wife. The companionship they provided for each other in their later years was a blessing for them both. Mr. Twitchell is survived by his wife Elizabeth Carr Twitchell; sons Keith, Colin and Owen Twitchell; and stepdaughters Amy Meyer, Bonny Saulnier, Jenny Hankwitz, Molly Hankwitz, and Lucy Hendricks, A memorial service will be held at Christ Church at 1 p.m. on June 5, followed by interment of the ashes in St. Albans, Vermont on June 9.

Carol LoPresto

Anne Hotchkiss

Anne Whitney Hotchkiss died April 10, 2021 due to complications of pneumonia. She was born January 16, 1954 to Joseph and Janie Hotchkiss of Greenwich, Connecticut. Anne will be remembered for her grace, positive outlook, wry sense of humor, tenacious zest for life, and above all, the neverending joy and love she brought to all who were fortunate enough to know her. A diving accident at the age of 13 forever changed Anne's life, leaving her a quadriplegic. Despite the many obstacles thrown in her path, Anne graduated from Greenwich Academy and St. Andrews Presbyterian College. She then went on to enjoy a successful and impressive career as a systems analyst, starting out at the Reader's Digest and moving on to General Reinsurance, where she worked for 20+ years. Wherever Anne lived, worked, or studied she forged deep connections and created a sense of community. She was known for organizing festive class reunions, fun family vacations, and other celebrations to mark special occasions of those within her circle. Likewise, Anne embraced all that Greenwich had to offer. She was the first to rally a group to attend a new exhibit at the Bruce Museum or Bush-Holley House or alert her friends to concerts on the Island Beach ferry. She especially looked forward to the Greenwich Town Party, where she would rock out with her friends until late in the night. With a passion for water, Anne sought every opportunity to be near a lake or ocean. If not paddling on Squam Lake, you could find her on her daily jaunts at Tod's Point, taking in the sun at Island Beach, having a picnic dinner at the Greenwich Boat and Yacht Club, or visiting her dear friends in Rhode Island. Anne was also not without a streak of competitiveness and had a love of sports, particularly tennis. She was a formidable Scrabble opponent and was unusually good at picking the winning teams in Super Bowl and March Madness office pools. Above all, Anne had a deep love for her family and friends. She was especially dear to her nieces and nephews, great-nieces and nephews, and many godchildren, always showing interest in their achievements and celebrating the milestones in their lives. Anne was preceded in death by her brother Noah Hotchkiss and her parents Joe and Janie Hotchkiss. She is survived by her siblings Polly Boynton (Perry) of Greenwich, CT, Jody (Kris) of Darien, CT, and Hannah of Ann Arbor, MI and her nephews and nieces, Jason and Sam Hotchkiss, Rachel Murphy, Meiko and Suki Boynton, Sophie, Graham, and Leah Hotchkiss, and Fin and Charlie Seely. She is also survived by her many beloved godchildren, a covey of cherished friends, and her dear companion, Bayard Gross. A memorial service will be held in Anne's honor in the near future. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Anne's memory to The Greenwich Point Conservancy: P.O. Box 377, Old Greenwich, CT 06870 or go to

Kirk Broomhead

Carol LoPresto, nee Bisanzo, age 79, resident of Greenwich, CT and Port Chester, NY passed away peacefully on April 19, 2021. Carol was born in Port Chester, NY on Feb. 25, 1942 to Raphael & Angelina DonFrancisco Bisanzo. She resided Port Chester until moving to Greenwich in the early 1990's. Carol married her high school sweetheart Joseph LoPresto on July 8, 1962. This July would have celebrated 59 years wed. Carol loved her family. She enjoyed cooking and baking for the holidays. Her home was always spotless and she could always be found with a sponge in her hands. Carol cooked and cared for her husband Joe until almost the end. She refused to give in to her cancer diagnosis and remained a true warrior. In addition to her husband Joseph, Carol is survived by her daughters; Pamela (Nicholas) Paolicelli of Mahopac, NY and Jo Ann (Peter) Ehnes of Goldens Bridge, NY. She also leaves behind her grandchildren; Angela (Alfred) Mosiello, Jennifer Paolicelli (f iance Andrew Herman), Peter Ehnes, Christian Ehnes and Symantha Ehnes; step-grandchildren; Nicole Cross, Nicholas Paolicelli and Vincent Paolicelli; great-grandchildren; Jaxson & Isabella Mosiello and Evelyn & Thomas Herman. Carol’s brother Raymond (Patti) Bisanzo of New Milford, CT also survives her. Carol was predeceased by her parents Raphael and Angelina Bisanzo and in-laws Joseph and Margaret (Lonzo) LoPresto. A walk through visitation was held Tuesday, May 4 at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Greenwich. A Catholic Prayer Service was celebrated in the funeral home. Burial was private. In lieu of f lowers, the family respectfully requests that you donate to Regional Hospice. Donations can be mailed to: 30 Milestone Road, Danbury, CT 06810 or given online.

Kirk Broomhead, 68, passed away in March 2021, a few weeks after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Kirk was born in New York, NY to Jack and Jean Broomhead. He grew up in Riverside, attended Riverside School and Eastern Junior High School, and was a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, Tufts University and the training program in technical writing at Fitchburg (MA) State College. He worked at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory at Hanscom Air Force Base (MA) and for many years at Digital Equipment Corporation in Nashua, NH. He had a natural aptitude for technology combined with a great ability to communicate. He prided himself in taking difficult technical concepts and making them clear and understandable for others. Over the course of his life, he lived and worked in the Boston area and southern New Hampshire, and on the west coast. Music was very important and significant to Kirk throughout his life, and he played piano and guitar for his own enjoyment. Kirk also had a passion for architecture. He designed his own post-and-beam house on a wooded property in Brookline, NH and oversaw all the details of construction himself. It was designed for music with soaring 28-foot ceilings that allowed the piano or guitar music to fill the entire house. He is survived by his sister Barbara Estabrook, her husband, Jay Estabrook, and their children, Abby and David, all of Acton, MA. Kirk is also survived by very close life-long friends who loved him very much. He was wonderful man who will be greatly missed. Donations in Kirk's memory may be made to Doctors Without Borders, the Oregon Food Bank, or Monterey Bay Aquarium.

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Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel

Author Eliza Griswold - The Crisis of Climate Change

By Anne W. Semmes Last Sunday, the guest speaker on the Christ Church Greenwich Forum Zoom was Eliza Griswold, at 48, a prize-winning author, journalist and poet, and daughter of former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Frank Griswold. She dove i nto t he i s sue s of climate change and our individual responsibilities in the care of our planet. “There are now more people displaced by the climate and climate change then there had been displaced since World War Two. So, we have these massive geographic flows of people moving from place to place… We're seeing life can no longer be sustained in places that have grown too hot, too dry, too driven by extreme weather, whether that's flooding

Pulitzer prize-winning author Eliza Griswold shared her concerns on climate change on a Christ Church Greenwich Zoom. Photo by Kathy Ryan.

and sea rise or desertification.” She shared a poem that speaks to the suffering of refugees that begins her Pulitzer winning book, “Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America.” Griswold’s book relates the suffering she witnessed of a family in Appalachia “profoundly affected by the unconventional gas drilling operation going on next to their house,” with “contamination of not only their air, but their water as well. And that sickened the kids in this family. And the first death that they encountered was the death of a puppy.” Her book spells out what happ ene d when t hat fa m i ly “took on an oil and gas company, trying to f ind justice for what had happened to their family, and f inding only that neither the company nor the state of

Pennsylvania was willing and able to protect them from the chemicals that were 800 feet away from their house.” She then opened up the zoom to questions to “talk about healing a divided America” …to address, “What is our responsibility to the suffering of the world, and how that begins with taking care of ourselves…Until we address our own needs, we perpetuate those needs in the world in unconscious ways.” “There's such a g reat divide,” queried host Rev. Marek Zabriskie, “that has come up politically and ecologically and it's really important for us to understand this, along with the stewardship of our environment and our planet, which is probably the most pressing issue of our day.”

“ T h at 's a g r e at q ue s t ion Marek,” said Griswold, “as there is so much faith-based advocacy for creation care for the environment. A nd one of the reasons that churches are so key in this is that their networks that have been on the frontlines of the greatest social and environmental crises of our time.” “How would you recommend that we depoliticize this,” asked Zabrisk ie, “and bring people together to address it?” Griswold suggested a book by David Wallace Wells, “The Uninhabitable Earth.” “It depoliticizes climate change in a really effective way…He's not an environmentalist…He demystifies how climate will affect all of us… like, when we see people moving up to Maine and Vermont. We're seeing climate migrants within

our own communities, who aren't fully cognizant of why they're moving.” Griswold believes, “We are getting to a point where even with climate change, both right and left are pretty on board that it's happening and the question of how to address it, then becomes the question we need to deal with.” Next Sunday, May 9, at 11 via the Christ Church Greenwich Zoom, the Church’s Rev. Shancia Ja r r e t t wi l l e x p l o r e wi t h D r. John Hare , the Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology at Yale University, the relationship between ethics (the study of obligation and virtue) a n d th e C h r i st i a n Fa i th . For more information visit https:// chr istchurchg reenwich .org / sunday-forum/.

Worship Services Information Assemblies of God Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here National Day of Prayer: May 6, 12:30pm (Regional online event). Baptist First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701-802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6-7pm, Chapel. Catholic Sacred Heart Church 95A Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. As of April 17, there is no phone calls, emails or text messages required to attend Masses in-person. May Crowning: May 8, 4pm, livestreamed Mass. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory (mask & social distance required): 5:15-5:45pm. Sat (1st Sat of the month): Confessions at St. Agnes Church – in-person (specific dates in the bulletin), 3-4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm (sign-up required). Sun: Distribution of Holy Communion Masses at front door of Rectory (mask & social distance required), 7:30-8am; St. Agnes Church – in-person, 8:30am (sign-up required); St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 10:30am (sign-up required); Language Masses at St. Agnes Church – in-person (sign-up required), 11am, Parish Hall (French: 2nd Sun of month; Italian: 3rd Sun of month; Spanish: 4th Sun of month); Distribution of Holy Communion at front door of Rectory, 5-5:30pm (mask & social distance required). As of April 5: there is no sign up required to attend Masses in person. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). How the West came to Encounter the East Lecture Series: Part 2: India prior to the Arrival of the Portuguese: May 12, 5pm, via Zoom. St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (no reservations are needed - limited to 50 people). Sat: Vigil, 4pm; Spanish (call 203-912-0246 for reservations), 7:30pm. Sun: 9, 10:30am & 12:15pm, (must make reservation in advance by calling the Parish Office, Thu or Fri, 9am-3pm and speak to the receptionist). Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm, on the patio. Virtual Mass: Sun, 12:15pm, with Fr. La Pastina on Facebook. Visit for daily Mass at 8am with encore at 12pm. Sunday Family Rosary: Sun, 7:30pm (No registration is necessary), live-streamed on YouTube (also listen by phone). Eucharistic Adoration: May 7, 12:30-5pm. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: Mass, 9am (In-person & Live Stream); Confessions, 3:15-3:45pm; Vigil Mass, 4pm (In-person only); Vigil Mass, 5pm (In-person & Live Stream). Sun: 7:30, 9 (In-person & Live Streamed), 10:30am, 12 & 5pm (In-person only). Mon: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Tue: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Wed: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30am-8pm; Confessions, 9:30-10:30am & 7-8pm. Thu: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed). Fri: 7:30 & 9am (In-person & Live Streamed); Stations of the Cross, 6:30pm.

(Log onto the website at stmichaelgreenwich. com to access the Zoom Link or the LIVE Stream Masses and the Mass Reservation System). St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 7:30 & 9:30am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed, 10am-4pm; Livestreamed, 10-11am. Confessions: Wed, 10-11am & 3-4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Public Mass Celebration: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am (Reservation is required only for Sunday Mass by visiting the homepage or by calling 203-531-8741, ext. 4). Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Online daily Mass at, 8am with encore at 12pm. Daily Mass also available on Bishop Robert Barron’s website at Confessions by appointment only – call 203-531-8741, ext. 2. Bereavement Group: May 6, 5-6:30pm, in the Parish Hall (meets every other week), contact Dianne Deachan at 914-327-0447 or with any questions. Malta House Annual Gala: May 7, 6:30pm, Woodway Country Club in Darien, malta-house-annualspring-gala. First Saturday Devotion of the recitation of the Holy Rosary in honor of our Lady: May 8, 9am. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave.; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. Community First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd.; 203-629-3876 No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd.; 203-869-1091 Worship, Children’s Ministries and Youth Fellowship: Sun. 10-10:30am, in the Church, registration is required. Weekly service also available online. Thrive: biweekly high school gathering, Wed, 6pm. Foundations: biweekly middle school gathering, Fri, 6pm. November Bible Study: Stories of Advent, Mondays at 11 am, registration required. Pacific House Meal Preparation and Service: May 10, 4pm. Congregational The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: In-Person: Sunday, 10am (signup via website or Friday email blast); Virtual: Sun, 10am (live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM)). Connect during the week: Wed: Wisdom on Wednesdays (sent by the Ministerial Staff); Fri: Friday Email Blast (sign up through the website); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am (preschool-grade 6). Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave.; 203-869-9311 Services available online, details at Contemporary Worship: Sat, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 8:30 & 10:30am. Email to reserve a seat. Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd.; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year.

Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/on-demand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/on-demand). Registration ongoing for Vacation Bible School: June 28-July 2. Christian Man Cave - men of the parish to gather around the fire pit for fellowship and conversation: Tue, through May 11, 7:30-8:30pm, behind the Rectory. Living in Communion - Evening Study: Mon, through May 16, 7-8pm, via Zoom. Living in Communion - Daytime Study: Wed, through May 19, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Sunday Forum: “Why Bother Being Good?”, May 9, 11am, via Zoom. May 8: MOTHER’S DAY MUFFIN BOXES: 9:30am, Parish Hall; Organ 101: 5pm, Chapel, RSVP, jvaughn@christchurchgreenwich. org. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2-sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship Service: Sun, 8:30am, Live Streamed. Bible Study: Tue, 10:30am, via Zoom. Evening Prayer: Thu, 7pm. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot. May Worship on the Meadow: Sundays, 10:30am. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. Jewish Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Outdoor Mommy & Me Musical Shabbat: Fri, through June 4, 9:30am, Carmel Campus, registration required. Outdoor Mommy & Me Yoga: Mon, through June 7, 9:15am, Carmel Campus, registration required. Congregation Shir Ami 1273 E. Putnam Ave, PO Box 312, Riverside; 203-900-7976; All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Shabbat Service: May 7, 7:30pm. Women’s Rosh Chodesh: May 10, 7:30pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Online programs streamed virtually on Zoom. us: Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 5pm. Shabbat services with Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Dunkerley, Fri, 7pm. Religious School: Sun, 9:30am. Hebrew School: Wed, 4:30pm. In Person Outdoor Shabbat Service: May 7, 6-7pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services: live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook: Fri, 6:30pm; Sat, 10am; Sun, 8:15am. Lunch ‘n Learn: Tue, 12-1pm, via Zoom. Limited in-person Friday night Shabbat service, registration is required, In-Person Shabbat Services: May 8, 10am-12pm. Lutheran First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. Methodist Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395

Online: Worship Service every Sunday, 10am, followed by a time of virtual Fellowship. Wednesday Noonday Prayer and Wednesday Evening Bible Study. (Details for all can be found on the website). First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code:​​ 612220). Nondenominational Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: Outdoor Sunday Service: 10am (live-streamed at 10am). Alpha Course: *On-line, Mon, 7pm. Outdoor Worship Night: In-person, May 14, 8pm. Spring Concert: May 16, 4pm. World Vision 6K “Walk for Water” fundraiser: May 22, 9am-5pm. Stamford Outdoor Worship Evening: May 23, 5pm (Winfield Street Coffee, Stamford). The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 1010:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email Albertsonpcc@gmail. com for registration and Zoom Links). Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 10:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, live. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. Registration is open Sky Kids Greenwich (4th-5th grades): June 28-July 1 (MonThu), 9-11:30am, Stanwich Church, $65. Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: Tue, 11am & Thu, 8pm. Middle School Ministry: Fridays through May 27, 4:15-5:15pm, Youth Suite. Women’s Book Discussion Group: “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent”, May 14, 9:15am, Edna Anderson Chapel, Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email gracechurchofgreenwich@gmail. com for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person Worship: Sun, 10am, Sanctuary (tickets available at EventBrite by Friday 10am). Worship Service online: Sun, 10-11:15am (YouTube or Facebook). Coffee & Fellowship: Sun, 11:30am-12pm, via Zoom. Wednesday Prayer: Wed, 8:30-9am, online. ALPHA class - interactive online sessions to explore the big questions of life: Wed, 7pm, register at National Day of Prayer: May 6, 12:30-1:30pm, online.

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel


Finding Contentment in a World of Comparison By Nathan Hart At some point during my Middle School years, I remember suddenly becoming very aware of the differences between myself and my classmates. In particular, I noticed material things like physic a l at t rac t ivene s s a nd whether my friends’ parents had more or less money than my parents did. As a young child, these factors hadn’t really crossed my m i nd ver y much. But i n adolescence, a switch turned on somewhere in my consciousness, and a constant comparison game arose to the top of my mind. When my friend Danny got three pairs of Umbro soccer shorts but my mom said we could only afford one pair for me, I thought about it a lot. My experience is not unique. In the 1950s, A social psychologist named Leon Festinger developed the now widely accepted Social Comparison Theory. The theory suggests two things: 1) human beings have an inherent tendency to assess our ow n opinions, abilities, and attributes, and

2) instead of evaluating those things against an absolute ideal, we simply compare them with the people we see around us. According to Festinger, we feel a little better about ourselves if we determine that our own stuff is better than someone else’s, and we feel worse if we determine the opposite. When Dr. Festinger conducted his research seventy years ago, he observed that the number of acquaintances with whom a person compared himself or herself was a few dozen at most. Now, by logging onto our social media accounts, our number of comparable acquaintances can rise into the thousands. This can lead to personal despair because the images we see on Instagram are taken at the best moments of someone’s day. For instance, I might be sitting in my living room, frustrated and within earshot of my own bickering children, while I scroll through your social media feed only to view a curated collection of images from your most recent vacation depicting your children seemingly behaving perfectly and looking beautiful. “Why can’t my life be as good as theirs?” I might wonder. In that moment, if Dr. Festinger is right, I’ll feel pretty miserable about myself, at least until the next time I have a beautiful image of my children that I can upload to my accounts.

Like going to the car wash when your windshield is dirty, going to church cleanses your soul and clears your perspective so you could see clearly again. I call this cycle “compare and despair.” Once you’re aware of it, you’ll notice it everywhere in our society and possibly in your own life. Compare and despair didn’t start with the recent rise of social media and it didn’t start in the 1950s with Festinger’s research. It’s an inherent part of human nature and stretches back to the earliest records of humanity. For example, a man named Asaph lived in Bible times. Asaph was a music director in the Temple in Jerusalem around the time of King Solomon. We know about Asaph because he wrote several psalms that are in the Bible to this day. One of them, Psalm 73, is an honest prayer in which Asaph compares and despairs before finding the best remedy for that terrible cycle. In the first part of the psalm, Asaph laments “the prosperity of the wicked.” These are people that Asaph noticed who were living materially blessed

lives even though they didn’t seem to deserve it. Think Bernie Madoff on a yacht. (Have you ever resented someone’s wealth or beauty as you viewed their Instagram profile? Be honest.) By comparison, Asaph felt that he had far fewer blessings even though he righteously “washed his hands in innocence.” The wicked, on the other hand, wore “pride as their necklace.” Even though they were undeserving, he noticed this about them: “always at ease, they increase in riches.” It’s as if Asaph opened his Instagram app and saw some friends on vacation enjoying a perfect life while he himself stayed at home slaving away with good deeds, “all in vain.” Poor Asaph. So how did Asaph f ind contentment in a world of c o m p a r i s o n ? S i m p l y, h e remembered where to go when h is sou l was t rou ble d. L i ke going to the car wash when your windshield is dirty, going to church

cleansed his soul and cleared his perspective so he could see clearly again. Halfway through the psalm, Asaph “enters the sanctuary of God.” After that phrase, the tone of the psalm and the posture of his heart completely shifts: contentment replaces comparison. In the sanctuary, Asaph recalls some wonderful things that God has provided for him, for example, “You hold my right hand; you guide me with your counsel,” and realizes that God is the truly incomparable gift, freely given to us. If we have God, we don’t need anything else that our friends seem to have. “Whom have I in heaven but you?” Asaph asks, “And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.” Here, Asaph invites us to look at the beauty and delight of having closeness with God, then he invites us to look at the whole world and everything in it, and ask ourselves, Is there anything there that compares to God’s worth? No, there is nothing on earth that compares to the preciousness and supreme beauty of G od. When we ma ke that comparison, we do not despair. We rejoice. If we have God, we have everything we need. From this vantage point we are reminded of who God really is, and who we really are as well. In the presence of God, Asaph no longer resents the apparently perfect enjoyments of his wicked friends’

lives. He now sees that their “feet are on slippery places,” meaning that under the surface, they might be far less spiritually secure than their profile pictures suggest. As for how he views himself, Asaph now realizes that “when his soul was embittered,” he was being “ignorant” and acting “like a beast.” Whereas previously he was looking down in judgment on “the wicked” and viewing himself quite highly (“righteous”), now he feels sympathy for others and is honest about his own brutish behavior. Want to stop comparing and despairing? Enter the sanctuary. Worship God. Sing praises, get close to God. In doing so, we discover that there’s “nothing on earth” that compares to God’s infinite worth. True contentment cannot be found in the perfect Instagram picture, but in the presence of our most beautiful Creator. Rev. Dr. Nathan Hart is the Senior Pastor at Stanwich Church. Na t h a n g r e w u p i n Ho l l a n d , Michigan , where he attended Hope College. He later received his Masters from Princeton Theological Seminary and his Doctorate from G o r d o n- C o n w e l l Th e o l og i c a l Seminary. He was serving in New York City before being called to Stanwich in 2011 and was elected as Senior Pastor in 2018.

The Healing of Shame

By Drew Williams This week we will unpack together the Lord’s healing of shame through the account of Jesus and the woman thrown at his feet as an adulterer (John 8:1-11). Let’s set the scene. And so very early in the morning, Jesus had gone to the Temple. The crowds had d iscovered H i m a nd so He sat down (as is the classical Rabbinical tradition) to teach them. The scene is interrupted when the scribes and the Pharisees push a woman before Jesus with the accusation that she had been caught in the act of adultery. The scene is wretched and utterly shameful. Here is shame that is publicly exposed, naked, unclean. This is shame so toxic that it strips this woman of her humanity w it h no v a lue s ave but to satisfy the law and the blood lust of the crowd. In cases of proven adultery, Deuteronomy 2 2:2 2 clearly called for a mandatory death

p e n a l t y. H o w d o e s J e s u s r e s p o n d t o t h i s w o m a n ’s shame? Because in her story and in Jesus’ response, we find our story, our freedom, and healing in Christ. The woman has been thrown at Jesus feet and the public accusation is made that she has been caught in the act of adultery. What is Jesus’ opening response? We read, “Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, 'Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.' And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground.” So, we are told that Jesus bends down and writes twice on the ground with His finger. Various theories as to why He might have done this abound. Perhaps Jesus was play ing for time? Maybe He is deep in thought or prayer. I would like to suggest that Jesus is being much more deliberate. There are only two other instances i n t he Bi ble whe r e G o d i s described as writing with His finger. In the book of Jeremiah is written, “Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the Lord, the spring of living water” (Jeremiah 17:13).

Why would He ask the question that He already knows the answer to? Because he is making a space for her to see the bigger event. And in the book of Daniel in King Belshazzar’s palace we read, “Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace, opposite the lampstand. And the king saw the hand as it wrote.” (Daniel 5:5). And then a little later Daniel gives the interpretation, “…you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting…” (Daniel 5:27). W h at we f i nd i n Je su s’ seemingly enigmatic writing in the sand is a parabolic action that immediately turned the Pha r isees’ f i nely educated m inds to these scr iptu res. In Daniel we read, “Then the king's color changed, and his thoug hts a lar med him; his limbs gave way, and his knees knocked together” (Daniel 5:6). We can imag ine that there is a similar physical reaction going on w ith in the crowd that has pressed in around

Jesus and this woman. Jesus is communicating to her accusers: “You are those of whom these Scriptures speaks.” He need not have written the Scriptures in the sand—the gesture was more than enough. And in writing on the sand, Jesus silences their accusation and meets her accusers’ judgment with judgment. He is rejecting their unforgiveness and mercilessness. It is as if He is saying – “You think you are being faithful to the law – you hypocrites, if you knew the law, if you truly knew the heart of God you would find mercy and not condemnation.” In denying God’s mercy - we will always call down judgment upon ourselves. Is there a voice that says somewhere inside of you, “You never were any good, you are no good and you will never be good enough?” In the healing of toxic shame – Jesus will always begin by

silencing this voice of merciless condemnation. He will literally derail the enemy’s accusations and in the silence, that prevails, He will lead us into mercy. “… [Jesus] straightened up and said to [the crowd], “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” A ga i n, He stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones f irst, until it was only Jesus left, with the woman st i l l st a nd i ng t her e . Je su s straig htened up a nd asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. ‘Then neither do I condemn you…” Notice that as the crowd press in around her bearing their rocks to stone her – there is not one moment when Jesus is not standing at her side. Initially, He is literally her shield from their condemnation – and in standing at her side -he is also placing his life in peril. But as the crowd moves away it is just Jesus standing alone with her. Around them are littered the debris of discarded rocks that had been held in angry fists. And as the dust settles – in that moment of silence, he asks her a question: “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

W hy wo u l d H e a s k t h e question that He already knows the answer to? Because he is making a space for her to see the bigger event. She says, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you…” (John 8:11). He is the only one in the crowd w ithout sin – he is the only one who could legitimately have cast the first stone – but He is the one who chooses not to condemn her but to stand with her, shield her and forgive her. This is God incarnate, the embodiment of all that is holy, the same “I am” who met Moses at Mount Sinai in glory, who now stands before a proven adulterer and says, “I do not condemn you.” This is the radical mercy of God. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” (John 3:17). We discover that at the very heart of God is mercy. Drew Williams previously se r ve d a s a S e nior Pa s tor in Greenwich and was a contributor to the Sentinel. He is now the bishop for the A n g l i c a n D i o c e s e o f Ne w England (ADNE). Read more or si g n u p for D rew's d a i ly devotionals at watchwords online.

Living Hope in the World Today

By Stephanie Johnson Even though it’s a few weeks past Easter Sunday, we still have some Easter decorations a r o u n d o u r h o m e . I t ’s a reminder for our family that in the Christian tradition, Easter is not just a Sunday in April (or March) but rather a season of hope and new creation through the Resurrected Christ. We celebrate the Season of Easter for 50 days until the Feast of

Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descends upon a gathering of the faithful. In reflecting about a season of hope and new creation this year in particular, I’ve been considering how we find hope a m id t he on slaug ht of t he da i ly news. W hen we face the realities of our world and nation- the pandemic, racism and the climate crisis - a sense of hope may be overshadowed w ith pessimism or even despair. We ’v e w a t c h e d w i t h hope as the vaccine rollout was announced, only to see increases in cases around our country, even a recent slight upt ick her e i n Gr e enw ich. W it h hor r or a nd s ad ne s s , the pandemic news from

I nd ia r e m i nd s u s t h at t he virus is continuing to kill a heartbreak ing amount of people on a daily basis. We recognize that many nations of the world have limited or almost no access to the vaccine that has given many of us in the US a renewed sense of freedom. If I fully pause for a few minutes to face the absolute enor m it y of over 3 m i l lion people dead, I can hardly stop from weeping. I experienced a sense of relief when Derek Chauvin was held accountable in the brutal murder of George Floyd. After the verdict was announced I felt a sense of hope. I also recog nize that the work of ending systemic racism and s e ek i ng me a n i ng f u l rac ia l

reconciliation is a long path a head, and that one sing le verdict doesn’t represent a sea change in our nation. I faced my own sense of despair at the enormity of what, I believe, we as a nation need to do to seek racial equality. This past week as we ex p er ience d t he a r r iva l of spring f lowers while we marked the 51st Annual Earth Day celebrations. I was filled w it h hop e for t he 5 0 plu s yea rs of work ou r cou ntr y has done to take care of the earth. Plus, I felt a renewed sense of optimism as our country again began taking an international leadership r o l e i n f a c i n g t h e c l i m at e crisis. Yet, again that hope was tempered by the reality

of rising waters, increasing catastrophic weather events, a nd g row ing d roug hts a nd floods threatening food supplies worldwide. As I always do when the world seems to be overwhelming, I turn to God. In this Easter Season of hope I remember that faith means not that everything is going to be perfect, but rather that God will be present to us in the despair and sadness. I recall that the God of Abraham and God manifest in Jesus Christ has been with humankind and the earth throughout time. As I remember and reflect, I turn my hope into action – getting vaccinated and keeping COVID safe, teaching and preaching a b out cl i mate cha nge, a nd

learning more about how I can respond and act to end system ic racism. My Hope in God inspires me to move forward into a world full of new possibilities. Christian artist and poet Jan Richardson in her poem “Rough Translations*” sums up how I experience that Hope in God: Hope nonetheless. Hope despite. Hope regardless. Hope still. Hope that takes us past our fear. Hope that calls us into life. ( Jan Richardson , Wanton Press, Circle of Grace, 2016, The Rev. Stephanie Johnson i s t h e Re c t o r o f S t . P a u l' s Episcopal Church in Riverside.

Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel

Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!

Astrology for Week of May 9, 2021 TAURUS 21 April-21 May Anything creative will go well and, possibly, profitably this week. Money should not be your prime motive but a Taurus New Moon and your ruler Venus moving in your favour make it a potential plus. If you enjoy what you’re doing it’s even more likely. GEMINI 22 May-21 June With Venus in your sign you may not feel like making much of an effort this week. In fact, if you feel like watching the world go by, that is fine. There’s no cosmic law that says you must be busy at all times. Be an observer rather than a doer for once.

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov Time is not a factor in what you are doing so there is no need to impose deadlines. The more pressure you put on yourself the more likely you are to make a mistake and have to do it again. Relax - everything will work out for the best in the end.

CANCER 22 June-23 July You seem unbeatable just now and maybe you are. However, everyone has weaknesses and one of them – pride – could be your undoing. The fact that all is going well now does not mean it will always be this easy. Take too much for granted at your peril.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You’ll be in a romantic mood this week as Venus, planet of love, moves to focus on partnerships. The danger is you’ll put the one you adore on a towering pedestal and feel devastated when they fall off. You are only human, as are those you love. CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Someone you are fond of will ask you to cover up for them this week and you will be tempted to do so. If you do, the planets warn they will pay dearly for it later. Maybe you should suggest, gently, that it might be wise to face the music now.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug There are those who may be hoping you will fall flat on your face, but most people are willing you on to succeed. Ask for help if you need it - you don’t have to soldier on alone. You have friends – good friends – and they want you to use them.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb As Venus enters one of the most loving areas of your chart you will feel more affectionate and forgiving towards relatives and friends. Even strangers will be attracted to you over the next few days. They will sense the warmth in your heart.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept With Venus, planet of material and emotional values, at your chart’s midheaven, you’ll have to decide which is more important to you, love or ambition. You can, of course, have both but if you’re wise you will put personal happiness before professional success.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You are changing things all over the place – rarely have you been so active on so many levels. However, you do need to take it easy occasionally and if you are sensible you will do so at some point this week. Try spending more time with your family.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct You have been pushing yourself hard recently - maybe you know this is one of those “now or never” times. However, you will achieve more long term if you balance your physical and intellectual efforts with a relaxation technique such as learning meditation.

ARIES 21 March-20 April At times the people you deal with on a daily basis make you want to scream with frustration which cannot be good for your health. Your task this week is to release all that pent-up emotional energy in a way that does you good without harming others.

Discover more about yourself at


Sudoku: each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 15.


Code Breakers

Each number in the Codeword grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this puzzle, 2 represents L, 24 represents T and 18 represents U, so fill in L wherever 2 appears, T wherever 24 appears and U wherever 18 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid. Answers on page 12. 26






























24 25



























































































































































































Crossword 1




















25 28


26 31




49 55





52 57



73 76








5 Crossed ds 9 "--- ! What fray was here?": Romeo

45 Van man who lost his ear

12 "You've got ---!"

47 Repositories for undeliverable mail

17 Distress signal



44 Code-cracking org.

16 --- Nova

48 Dead center? 49 Like collegiate dicts.

18 Parasitic arachnid

51 Undertake, with "out"

19 Impost on asset values

53 Kind of market

33 Bows for strings

2 --- la guerre

34 The Dutch Royal Air Force

3 "--- Boot" (1981 war film)

37 "--- on Down the Road"

4 Corns

39 Chem. finisher

5 "La Bamba" actor --- Morales

40 Salinger dedicatee

6 Fond treatment (Abbr.)

43 Evidence of bugs fighting back? (Abbr.)

7 Invisible ditch

46 Vietnamese coin

8 Super Mario World console: Abbr.

48 Airspace control order (Abbr.) 50 Address to a fella

57 Kind of dance mus.

9 Beyond reasonable limits

24 Born female

59 Ant.'s ant. (Abbr.)

10 Prohibitory law

60 Accounting major's deg.

11 Shine

26 Carols

63 Be seeing you, on the web

28 Russian peninsula

64 Big bell in London

31 Mozart's "L'--- del Cairo"

67 Heavy, durable furniture wood

34 Frequency measure (Abbr.)

69 Machu Picchu builder

35 Expressed surprise

71 Speed Racer actor --- Hirsch

36 Pitcher --Hershiser

73 Actress --- Lenska

38 Observe

75 Spokes

74 Clout 76 Polite email wd. 77 Catalina, e.g. 78 "Frozen" reindeer


1 "I wouldn't send --out in this."

22 Volcanic type buried Pompeii

43 Former Portuguese province


32 Black diamond

20 Seven, old style

42 Not a frequent typo



54 Habsburg alphabetic device

25 Convert, with "over"


58 64


1 Flexible, electrically

14 Checker, perhaps




on the south coast of China

13 Irish farewell


















32 36


Very Hard



12 Simplicity simile

41 Yaba --- doo

52 Examine a case 54 Carl Sagan's subj. 55 Ogle 56 As a whole

15 Big --- (selfimportant men, in Southern slang)

58 Mets and Marlins, e.g. (Abbr.)

21 Queen of Thebes

61 Israel's Netanyahu, familiarly

23 Hydrogen isocyanide formula 25 Large amount of money

62 French cordial flavoring 63 --- noir

27 City near Tashkent

64 Tarry

28 King ---

65 Tiger Woods's ex

29 "___ Be Back With You": Steve Forbert song

66 "In the," in Italy 68 Egyptian spirits

30 Carroll of "Spellbound"

72 Dallas basketball player, for short

70 B C Lions' org.

Page 17 | Greenwich Sentinel



Mon. vs. St. Joseph H.S., 4:30 p.m.




Tue. vs. Stamford H.S., 4:30 p.m.


Tomorrow vs. Greenwich Country Day, 2 p.m.

Today at New Canaan H.S., 4 p.m.

Thu. vs. FCIAC Tournament, TBA

Tomorrow at St. Thomas More School, 12 p.m.

Wed. at Hopkins School, 3:30 p.m.

Mon. vs. Trumbull H.S., 4:30 p.m.


Tomorrow at St. Thomas More School, 2 p.m.

Wed. vs. Danbury H.S., 4:30 p.m.

Mon. at St. Joseph H.S., 4 p.m.

Mon. at St. Luke's School, 4:30 p.m.




Tue. at Stamford H.S., 4 p.m.

Wed. vs. Taft School, 2:30 p.m.

Tomorrow vs. Hamden Hall, 3 p.m.

Today vs. New Canaan H.S., 4:30 p.m.



Tomorrow vs. Sacred Heart Greenwich, Holy Child (at Hopkins), 2 p.m.

Mon. at Trumbull H.S., 4:15 p.m.

Mon. vs. St. Joseph, Trumbull (at Cardinal Stadium), 4 p.m.

Up next: May 14 at Stotesbury Cup, TBA


Mon. vs. King School, 3:30 p.m.

Wed. vs. Sacred Heart Greenwich, 2:30 p.m.



Mon. at Sacred Heart Greenwich, 4 p.m.



Mon. vs. Greenwich Country Day, 4 p.m.

Tomorrow vs. Hamden Hall School, 3 p.m.



Tomorrow vs. Holy Child, 3 p.m.

Tomorrow vs. Hamden Hall School, 3 p.m.

Mon. vs. Summit High School, 6 p.m.

Wed. at Greenwich Academy, 3:45 p.m.

Tomorrow vs. New England Prep Golf Championships (at The Club at River Oaks), TBD

Wed. vs. Greenwich Academy, 4:30 p.m.



Tomorrow vs. Hamden Hall, 3 p.m.


Today at Greenwich Aquatics, 7 p.m.

Wed. vs. King School, 4 p.m.


Wed. at Greenwich Academy, TBD


Mon. at Rye Country Day, 4:30 p.m.


Tomorrow vs. Hamden Hall School, 3 p.m.


Tomorrow vs. Holy Child, 3 p.m.


Tomorrow at Deerfield Academy, 4:30 p.m.

Wed. vs. Taft School, 4 p.m.

Tomorrow at Greenwich Academy, 2 p.m.

Wed. at Sacred Heart Greenwich, 4:30 p.m.


Wed. vs. Sacred Heart Greenwich, 4:30 pm.

Wed. at Danbury H.S., 4 p.m.



BOYS’ LACROSSE: Tomorrow vs. Fairfield Warde H.S., 3 p.m. Tue. at Trumbull H.S., 5:30 p.m.

Tomorrow at Salisbury School, 2 p.m.

Mon. vs. St. Joseph, Trumbull (at Trumbull H.S.), 4 p.m.

Wed. vs. Taft School, 2:30 p.m. Thu. vs. New Canaan H.S., 4:30 p.m.


Wed. vs. Norwalk H.S., 5 p.m.


Tue. at Fairfield Warde H.S., 3 p.m.

Thu. vs. Wilton H.S., 5 p.m.

Wed. at Taft School, 2:30 p.m.

Wed. vs. Wilton H.S., 3:30 p.m.

GIRLS’ LACROSSE: Tomorrow at Fairfield Warde H.S., 3 p.m. Tue. vs. Trumbull H.S., 4:30 p.m.

GIRLS' GOLF: Mon. at Danbury H.S., 3:15 p.m. Wed. at Trumbull H.S., 3:15 p.m.

Thu. at Norwalk H.S., 6:30 p.m.


Thu. vs. Staples H.S., 3:30 p.m.

BOYS' VOLLEYBALL: Tomorrow vs. St. Joseph H.S., 3 p.m. Tue. at Danbury H.S., 4:30 p.m.

BOYS' RUGBY: Today vs. Staples H.S., 5 p.m. GIRLS' RUGBY:

Wed. vs. Stamford H.S., 4:30 p.m.

Up next: May 15 vs. Darien H.S., 3 p.m.


Tomorrow vs. Hopkins, Holy Child, Greenwich Academy (at Hopkins), 2 p.m.



Brunswick Names Former N.E. Patriot as Next AD A on e - t i m e p r o fe s sion a l athlete who played nine seasons with the New England Patriots is stepping in to lead the athletic program at Brunswick. Cedric Jones will serve as director of schoolwide athletics, and will oversee all athletic programming from Pre-K through 12th grade. “I am excited and thrilled to join Brunswick and its work towards character development in young boys,” Jones said. “Brunswick has a celebrated and growing athletic program, and I’m happy to build on that tradition.” Jone s w i l l b e t a k i n g t h e reins from Ron VanBelle, who oversaw the rapid growth of Br u nsw ick at h let ics i n h is s i x ye a r s a s A D, a n d n ow will be focusing his efforts on Upper School interscholastic competition and scheduling. “This is a great, big-picture move for Brunswick,” VanBelle said, “as Cedric will be able to devote 100 percent of his time and energy to the full scope of our athletic program from our

youngest boys all the way up to our seniors.” Jones, a versatile w ide receiver who spent his entire career with the Patriots, was the first pick in the third round of the 1982 National Football League draft. He was a member of the 1985 AFC Championship team that played in Super Bowl XX. On, Jones, the football player, is remembered this way: “The epitome of a team player, always putting collective goals ahead of individual ones. He often found himself backing up Stanley Morgan and Irving Fryar, but when either one was out of the lineup he was always called upon and he produced.” “Each person who comes into the National Football League has to find their niche,” Jones told the website in 2006. “Mine was always being dependable and I was able to play all four w ide receiver positions, so when someone got injured, I was the swing guy. I wanted to do whatever I could to help the team.”

The Brunswick soccer team takes to the field earlier this year against Cheshire Academy. The athletic program will have a new athletic director starting in the fall, as Cedric Jones, a former wide receiver for the Patriots, was hired. He played college football at Duke, where he was team captain, 2nd team All-American, and winner of the Michael P. Suglia Award for being the top football scholar in his class. He is a member of the Duke Athletics Hall of Fame. After his career on the field, Jones remade himself into a tireless champion of athletics, especially youth athletics. He worked for 14 years at

the NFL, serving as director of club marketing, senior director of consumer products/on field operations, and senior director for youth football/domestic and international. Jones, initially, declined the invitation to work in youth player development. “At first, I said no, but then I thought about it, and what better business to be in than prov iding curriculums and

programs for young people to help them achieve their goals in life,” he told years ago. For the last 13 years, Jones has served as athletic director for the celebrated New York Athletic Club in New York City. During his tenure, the c lu b h a s p r o du c e d a hu g e number of successful athletes, including 164 Olympians, 57 Olympic champions, 127 world

cha mpion s , 7 3 world te a m medalists, and hundreds of wo r l d t e a m m e m b e r s a n d national champions. “C l e a rl y, Ce d r i c h a s t h e athletic experience, both at the player and management level, to serve the needs of Brunswick boys,” said Head of School Tom Philip. Jones is the father of Connor ’25, a Brunswick eighth grader.

GHS Laxmen Upends St. Joe's for Fourth Win in a Row By Paul R. Silverfarb The Greenwich High School boys’ lacrosse team has been rolling lately. After falling to Fairfield Prep back on April 24, the Cardinals have run through its opposition and won four games in a row. T h e l a t e s t w a s Tu e s d a y night when Big Red traveled to

Trumbull for a contest against St. Joseph Hig h School and came away with a commanding 15-8 victory. “It was a good win against a talented FCIAC opponent,” said GHS head coach Bobby Lutz. “We have played three in a row this week with Darien in less than 24 hours, so I think the boys lost a little focus in the first

half but they regrouped and played well enough to secure another win. Against the Cadets, Big Red was paced by Bryce Metalios, who finished with seven goals. As of press time, Metalios has 25 goals and five assists. “Bryce is off to an excellent start, but to be honest, I am not that surprised,” said Lutz.

“He can score off the dodge, in open space, or when cutting. He has hands like a goalie, so I tell everyone to just throw him the ball and he will catch and finish. We have been very luck to go from Jack Feda to Bryce Metalios without skipping a beat. He’s only going to get better, so it will be fun to watch.” In addition to Metalios,

Greenw ich picke d up a hat trick from John Cataldo. James Pilc scored twice, while Chris Cataldo, Will Montesi and Quinn Warwick each tallied a goal. Montesi led the way with two assists, while the group of Jack Cook, Brian Collins, and Flynn Milledge each netted one assist. In net, Will Clemens finished with six saves for the Cardinals.

On Wednesday, Greenwich hit the road for a huge contest against Darien High School. “We got a little banged up on Saturday and lost another player today, but I know they are now focused on a very solid Darien group,” said Lutz. “If you can’t get excited to play the No. 1 team in the state, why play at all?”

SCORE BOARD BASEBALL Greenwich High 10 vs. Wilton High 0 Westhill High 2 vs. Greenwich High 7 Greenwich High 6 vs. Ridgefield High 7 Poly Prep Country Day 8 vs. Brunswick School 3 Brunswick School 19 vs. King School 4 Brunswick School 1 vs. Brunswick School 5 St. Luke's School 10 vs. Greenwich Country Day 1 Greenwich Country Day 3 vs. Greens Farms 6

SOFTBALL Greenwich High 11 vs. Westhill High 15 Westhill High 18 vs. Greenwich High 2 Ridgefield High 9 vs. Greenwich High 6

BOYS' TENNIS Greenwich High 4 vs. Ridgefield High 3

Greenwich High 7 vs. Danbury High 0 Brunswick School 7 vs. St. Luke's School 0 King School 0 vs. Brunswick School 7

GIRLS' TENNIS Ridgefield High 2 vs. Greenwich High 5 Bridgeport Central 0 vs. Greenwich High 7 Danbury High 0 vs. Greenwich High 7 St. Luke's School 3 vs. Greenwich Academy 4 Greenwich Country Day 1 vs. Sacred Heart 6 Sacred Heart 3 vs. King School 4 Sacred Heart 8 vs. Kingswood Oxford 2

BOYS' LACROSSE Greenwich Country Day 15 vs. Kingswood Oxford 11 Westill High 3 vs. Greenwich High 17 Greenwich High 12 vs. Brien McMahon 6

Greenwich High 15 vs. Ridgefield High 13 Greenwich High 15 vs. St. Joseph High 8 Lawrenceville School 7 vs. Brunswick School 6 Brunswick School 9 vs. Darien High 8

GIRLS' LACROSSE Greenwich High 16 vs. Westhill High 3 Brien McMahon High 5 vs. Greenwich High 20 Ridgefield High 12 vs. Greenwich High 11 (OT) Greenwich Country Day 17 vs. Wooster School 6 Greenwich Country Day 8 vs. Greens Farms 17 Darien High 15 vs. Greenwich Academy 5 Sacred Heart 6 vs. Greenwich Academy 8 Greenwiwch Country Day 1 vs. Sacred Heart 15 Sacred Heart 6 vs. Greenwich Academy 8

GIRLS' GOLF New Canaan 177 vs. Greenwich High 206 St. Joseph High 199 vs. Greenwich High 193 Greenwich High 210 vs. Staples High 190 Sacred Heart 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 5 Sacred Heart 4 vs. Holy Child 1

BOYS' GOLF Brien McMahon High 190 vs. Greenwich High 152 Westhill High 188 vs. Greenwich High 163 Greenwich High 154 vs. Danbury High 188 Brunswick School 190 vs. Hamden Hall 191

GIRLS' WATER POLO Sacred Heart 15 vs. Hopkins School 4 Greenwich Aquatics 12 vs. Sacred Heart 3 Sacred Heart 12 vs. Greenwich High 18


From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

By Ralph Mayo As I write this article, spring has arrived in all of its glory. Our spring sports season is well underway and as we begin the month of May, our senior class can return to Greenwich High School for five days a week of in-person instruction. Those who would like to remain at home and access their learning remotely may do so. Our Juniors will have the same opportunity on May 17th and our

ninth and tenth grades may return in-person on June 1st. Returning in waves is an excellent strategy and will help us to maintain the health and safety of all students. Plans have been made and shared for various class events and both the Junior and Senior proms are scheduled and tickets are currently on sale for each of those events. Graduation will be held outdoors (weather permitting) and I cannot wait to see the entire senior class be recognized for their many achievements. The GHS Commencement Ceremony is one of my favorite days of the year and after being cooped up for so long it will be an extra special one for our community. The students, staf f and

Having worked as a team, not as individual departments we have accomplished so much and learned a great deal about teaching and learning as we had to be flexible throughout the school year. parents of our great high school have done their best to create a positive learning environment while enforcing our mitigation strategies and teaching to two audiences at the same time. The staf f has worked tirelessly to make sure that the students who are remote receive the same high quality of instruction that the inperson students receive. Our staff

is extremely creative and have employed a variety of different technologies to make it work for all their students. I am so proud to be the Principal of Greenwich H ig h S cho ol. I wou ld l i ke to commend our students who have been extremely cooperative, wellmannered and have demonstrated excellence in the classroom, in the arts and on the athletic fields. The

enormous amount of awards that our students have earned this year are so numerous that they will not fit in this column. However, rest assured I will be discussing these accomplishments at our commencement ceremony. Having worked as a team, not as individual departments we have accomplished so much and learned a great deal about teaching and learning as we had to be flexible throughout the school year. As I write this column, it is imperative that we remember the lessons learned so we can make improvements to all aspects of the “experience”, which is Greenwich High School. While this is not the end of the pandemic, we can finally see the

light at the end of the tunnel. It is truly a miracle that we will all be back together by June 1st. I hope the members of our community understand what we (students, staff, parents, administration) accomplished through persistence, team work, empathy and solid, thoughtful communication. As it turns out the light at the end of the tunnel was the education that our students received throughout the pandemic. Ralph Mayo is the Principal of Greenwich High School. This is his 44th year in Greenwich. He along with his four children are all graduates of the school.

Good-Enough Parenting: How to Listen Like a Rabbit By Georgette Q. Harrison, EdM, LPC

My toddler doesn’t usually have separation anxiety, but a few months ago, he arrived to the classroom he knows and loves, and clung on to me for dear life, crying. His favorite teacher approached him and tried to coax him with a toy, to no avail. Disconcerted by this turn of events, I gave him lots of hugs, but alternated the hugs with gentle nudges off my lap. We tried to distract him, dangled different toys in front of him while ooh-ing and aah-ing, sung songs, but he continued to cry and hold on to my neck. One of his friends, a little girl around 20 months of age, watched as we tried to comfort him. She ran to his cubby, grabbed my son’s lovey, brought it over and gave it to him. She sat down right next to him, and began patting him on the leg. My son sighed a deep sigh, stopped crying and we all sat in

silence until he recovered. He was then ready to go play with his little friend. I’ve ref lected many times on this day and thought about Cori Doerrfeld’s book “The Rabbit Listened.” In the story, little Taylor works hard on a project, a labor of love, when something happens that destroys it. Different animals come by, well-intentioned, hoping to help. They encourage him to talk, to scream, to forget about it, pretend it never happened, fix it. But Taylor isn’t ready to do any of these things and the animals, unsure of how to help, leave him. Until the rabbit comes by, sits next to him, and listens as Taylor tries to make sense of what just happened. I often think about that rabbit as a good example of a good-enough parent, a parent who can sit with their child and tolerate all the feelings in the room. Sitting with children when they’re crying and in pain is not an easy thing to do, though. Even for rabbits (and apparently child therapists). I once treated a very insightful patient who told me “When I start to feel nervous, overwhelmed, it’s

Sitting with children when they're crying and in pain is not an easy thing to do. Our job as good-enough parents is not to take away the feelings; it's to help our children feel like the emotional train they're on won't be a runaway train, and that they don't need to take that ride alone. Here's how to listen like a rabbit. like the train has left the station. My parents try to help, but they tell me to breathe, or think about something positive. All the words overwhelm me. I just need to wait for the train to run its course and wait to see the light at the end of the tunnel. What I need is for someone to hang out with me so that I don’t feel like it’ll be a runaway train.” Hearing a child cry and not do everything we possibly can to take the pain away seem counterintuitive, even from an evolutionary standpoint. We can all imagine the importance of keeping our offspring quiet in order to keep

predators from f inding us. But nowadays, the feeling of anxiety when our children cry is not based on the fear that it’ll attract a sabretoothed tiger. Instead, the feeling of anxiety and threat comes from within us. The call is coming from inside the house, so to speak. For one parent, it might remind them of the times that their own childhood pa i n a nd a nger me a nt b ei ng reprimanded by their parents. For another parent, it might remind them of the promise they made themselves to never let their child feel pain the way they did as children. For every parent, there

will be a different meaning. To be able to listen like rabbits, we need to shift the way we think about our role as parents in those moments. Our job as good-enough parents is not to take away the feelings; it’s to help our children feel like the emotional train won’t be a runaway train, and that they don’t need to take that ride alone. When we try to take away the feelings as quickly as possible, we risk sending the implicit message that those feelings are dangerous, and must be done away with in order to return to safety. Our children might also interpret our attempts to make things better as attempts to do away with their feelings because we can’t tolerate them (and sometimes they might be right). Next time your child is sad, angry, frustrated, sit with your child (regardless of age). Listen like a rabbit, not judging, not fixing, not saying anything other than the occasional “I’m right here, you’re not alone.” Notice your natural compulsion to try to fix or distract, and think of the acronym W.A.I.T. Why Am I Talking? Most of the time, our desire to fix or distract comes from a place of our own

discomfort with the situation. In those moments, think about where that discomfort comes from. What keeps you from just being present, holding, and waiting for that train to get to the other side? My son’s little friend knew to do what the grownups, in our anxiety and desire to make my son feel better, forgot. In the throes of distress, we don’t need to be sung to or distracted. When we’re in pain, scared, feeling alone, what we need is for someone to sit with us, hold us, with no rush to get us moving away from the pain. As good-enough parents, we can strive to remember to listen like rabbits, and stay with our children until the train arrives to the next station. If your child experiences a lot of runaway emotional trains, or if you’re finding it hard to listen like a rabbit, there’s support for your family. Don’t hesitate to call the Child Guidance Center of Southern CT at 203-324-6127 for assistance. Georgette Harrison, EdM, LPC is the Director of Clinical and Community Partnerships at the Child Guidance Center of Southern CT, an affiliate of Community Health Centers, Inc.

“Is my child ready for Kindergarten?” Part 1 By Amy DeNicola-Hickman

As a preschool administrator, the question I hear most often is “Is my child ready for K indergarten?” My answer to families is “Kindergarten will be ready for your child.” All children from 3-5 years of age develop skills at different rates and in different areas. Two children born in the same month almost never begin to talk, crawl or walk at the same pace or in the same order. Some babies seem to jump from sitting up to walking and others follow the natural path of sitting, then crawling and then walking. Each of these may occur over different

periods of time. Neither child is following the “correct” path; they are only developing skills differently. Each child develops each skill at their own pace. Throughout early childhood preschool - third grade children's sk i l ls conti nue to develop at different rates. Their brains are developing. Children do not develop all areas in a linear fashion. While a growth spurt may be occurring in your child’s cognitive skills, all other areas may not grow at the same rate. This is completely normal and other areas will have their time for their “growth spurt” shortly. Kindergarten teachers are keenly aware of child development

and are “ready” to meet each child where they fall in the standards to support their developmentally appropriate growth across all areas. P reschool i n fac t is not a mandated grade in Connecticut. Ch i ld r e n at te nd a l l t y p e s of preschool programs with varying hours, school years and experiences. Some children attend full day daycare all year, others attend 3 days a week at half day, or four days a week at 4 hours a day with summers off. The preschool programs are all very different and families chose prog rams for many reasons. However, all preschools introduce children to

learning, socializing and following routines that will be built upon in Kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers are ready to educate each and every child that enters their classrooms. The CT State Department of Education makes the following statements about holding your child from Kindergarten. “Keeping ch i ld ren out of k i nderga r ten typically does not have long-term benefits. In fact, some education e x p e r t s h ave fou n d ke e p i n g children out of kindergarten may be detrimental for some children.” Because of the varying rates of development and varying areas of strengths that children possess,

repetition with younger children despite good intentions, can support stagnation of skills. Let’s look at an example of one of these skills. A child who has learned to play games with turn taking and premath skills is playing the game with children who are developmentally unable to take turns. The one child becomes the model for all others in the game. The concern presented is who is the model for the older child to expand their skills? The Kindergarten classroom has peer models for children at all stages and developmental levels with all types of experiences. Kindergarten certif ied professionals and the suppor t teams built w ith the

district schools are ready to meet each and every child where they enter and move them forward to the next level of development. Over the next few weeks, I will provide strategies families can use to support the different areas of development and maybe even have some fun at the same time. I sincerely hope you look for the next article in our series. Amy DeNicola-Hickman is an educator with more than 25 years of experience. She currently serves as the Special Education Preschool Administrator for the Greenwich Public Schools.

The printed edition has a Calvin & Hobbes Cartoon in this space which is not available in the digital edition.

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1988 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

Puzzles for the Weekend: Have Fun!

From Aesop's Fables in The Library of Congress

The Fighting Roosters & the Eagle Once there were two Roosters living in the same farmyard who could not bear the sight of each other. At last one day they flew up to fight it out, beak and claw. They fought until one of them was beaten and crawled off to a corner to hide. The Rooster that had won the battle flew to the top of the hen-house, and, proudly flapping his wings, crowed with all his might to tell the world about his victory. But an Eagle, circling overhead, heard the boasting and, swooping down, carried him off to his nest. His rival saw the deed, and coming out of his corner, took his place as master of the farmyard. The moral: Pride goes before a fall.

Color in the Bear. Discover your inner artist. Coloring is good for the brain and improves moods.

Beginners Suduko Each row, column, and nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 15.

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