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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper: local, local, local.
November 12, 2021
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The Local News You Need to Know
Thank You For Your Service
WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND BUYS BETTERIDGE According to WATCHPRO, Betteridge has been acquired by Watches of Switzerland which includes its locations here on Greenwich Avenue, plus two stores in Vail and Aspen, Colorado. The deal does not include the Betteridge Palm Beach, Florida, store, which trades mainly in high end estate jewelry. Terry Betteridge will take on an advisory role, particularly sharing his expertise in jewelry (his primary passion), which will continue to be sold through the Greenwich, Aspen and Vale boutiques. For more information see the story in WATCHPRO at CCF PP A N NOU NCE S 2 02 1-2 2 SL AT E OF ELECTED BOARD AND SERVICE MEMBERS President – Stephanie Dunn Ashley; Vice President – Brian M. Kelly; Secretary – W. Christian Andersen, Jr.; Treasurer – Felix Dostmann; Asst. Secretary – Luis Alarcon; Asst. Treasurer – Alexander Buffone; Chief – Sebastian C. Dostmann; Captain – Alec Sachs; 1st LT. – Nik LaBorne; 2nd LT – Robert Wilson; Sgt: – Alexander Buffone; Sgt. – Edward Graham; Directors: Robert S. Lucas; A. Pat Mead; D. Peter Yeskey. COVID UPDATE The Town of Greenwich and Greenwich Hospital on Wednesday announced that since the beginning on the pandemic there have been 5,902 COVID positive Greenwich residents, an increase of 23 since the previous week. The town is currently tracking
Please turn to page 9
Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry
The Elder Brother Cliff
By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT In the biblical story of the prodigal son, the elder brother is the one who does everything right and his younger brother does everything wrong. When the younger brother comes home from squandering his inheritance, his forgiving father throws him a banquet. The elder brother thinks this is unfair and refuses to come to the party. When we think we are in the right, we often feel good for a while up on the cliff, but it’s lonely. Stewing on the cliff of self-righteous superiority does not make relationships better. Come down to level ground and listen to the other person’s story. A person’s behavior may be illegal, immoral, or reprehensible. We may ultimately choose not to be in relationship with that person. However, by getting off the elder-brother cliff, we may also move beyond anger and judgment to feel sadness and compassion. After a year of meeting together, members of a small group were bothered by one another’s “quirks.” Then each member was given 45 uninterrupted minutes to share his life story. This experience was most memorable because these stories effectively replaced annoyance with empathy. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203-869-1515) or or at Amazon.
A warm sun washed over the crowd as 70 people gathered around a small memorial park on a beautiful Saturday morning to honor service members. Cub Scouts Packs 20 and 23 kicked off the event serving as the color guard. Afterwards the National Anthem was performed by Greenwich resident Stephanie Kies. Among the crowd were First Selectman Fred Camillo and Tax Collector Heather Smerigilio. Alongside them were many generations of Greenwich residents including Girl Scout Troop 50432. The honor bell was rung in memory of Peter Perry Jr. and Robert Intrieri, two veterans who died in September. “These veterans only ask two things of us in return,” said Bill Cameron, Post Adjutant. “One: That we never forget the selfless service made by those who lie beneath the white marble headstones in US Veterans cemeteries around the world. And number two: That we all fully enjoy the life and freedom that these veterans earned for us.” “VFW is very important to me,” said Service Officer Anthony Marzullo. “I like helping other members and veterans obtain help, otherwise it’s very difficult to do it on your own.” “You may see a veteran wearing a medal in the shape of a purple heart because they have suffered wounds in battle. Many veterans carry scars, unfortunately many bear scars of the mind, which may take decades to heal,” said Cameron. “Whenever you see a veteran wearing a service hat, please stop for a moment and say to them, ‘Thank you for your service.’”
By Albert Huang A smok y scent f illed the air alongside the children’s laughter on a beautiful Saturday morning as Mike’s Organic held its first pop-up event in celebration of the opening of the organic market’s flagship location. Crates of orga n ic f r u its a nd vegetables lined tables under colorful tents in the parking lot outside the newly-purchased marketplace. Other tables were stocked with organic and locally crafted items like juices, spices, and condiments and more. Steam rose from another nearby tent that boiled dumplings for guests to enjoy while exploring other tents. Mike Geller, owner and founder of Mike’s Organic, is a Greenwich local
“I grew up here and basically lived here my entire life, so I really want this to be a true community place for the town" who lived in backcountry Greenwich before leaving for college. Geller said after college, he ran a hip-hop studio in Atlanta and ran celebrity events, but never enjoyed what he did. “I never loved what I was doing so after eight months I quit and ended up spending three months living in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, hoping to build a photographic safari camp,” said Geller. “I had to hunt for all of my own food. I went to the market over there and all the food looked better than it did here! And this was in 2008.”
Geller said after he came home, he worked at a restaurant in New York and began to learn about the local food system. Afterwards, he started Mike’s Organic out of his parent’s house and in his Nissan Pathfinder, making food deliveries in 2009. After the pandemic struck, Geller said his business grew after working with more small farms around New York and Connecticut. “A lot of farmers relied on us. Within five days, we were delivering to p e op l e ’s h o m e s . We h a d 3 0
Family Centers Holiday Drives
Greenwich Symphony Orchestra has a new tagline …..Your Orchestra...Your Music. The slogan, meant to emphasize the personal connection between the orchestra and Greenwich residents, became necessary when the board learned that not everyone knows about the GSO and its long role in Greenwich. On Saturday, November 20 at 7:30 and Sunday, November 21 at 3pm, the orchestra will perform The Chairman D a n c e s by Jo h n A d a m s , P i a n o Concerto in G Major, by Maurice Ravel and the beloved ‘Pastoral’ Symphony No.6 by Beethoven. Conductor Martin Majkut, one of five talented musicians v y i ng to b e come t he nex t Music Director of Greenwich Symphony Orchestra, will conduct. George Li, a 26 year old Harvard a nd New E n g la nd Con s e r v ator y graduate, will be the soloist for the Ravel Piano Concerto in G Major. He is young, charming and a major talent who performs with the finest orchestras and conductors. Don't miss the chance to experience a live orchestra performance with George Li, Martin Majkut and the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra. Individual tickets are $40 for adults and $10 for students. To learn more about Greenwich Symphony Orchestra, go to https:// online or call 203-869-2664.
Mike's Organic is Coming Home
GSO Your Orchestra, Your Music
By Albert Huang Family Centers is beginning their annual Thanksgiving food drive to help families in need for the holiday season. Last year, due to COVID restrictions, the food drive was limited to gift cards only. However, this year the organization w i l l b e accept i ng a hybr id of donations via non-perishables and gift cards. “L ast yea r, b ecause of t he pa ndem ic , we had a b out 4 0 0 requests from our families,” said Bill Brucker, chief advancement officer of Family Centers. “This ye a r, we’r e r ig ht a r ou nd t he same number. Anybody in the community that’s willing to provide a Thanksgiving meal to families in need, we can make sure anything that’s donated gets right out in time for the holiday.” Donors can now purchase nonperishable foods as well as gift
cards to support families. Brucker recommends donating items such as macaroni and cheese, stuffing, canned vegetables, and instantmashed potatoes, alongside a gift card so families can complete their Thanksgiving with a turkey. Brucker says Family Center serves about 20,000 people in lower Fairfield County every year, and the pandemic has amplified needs, particularly requests for food. “We’re very fortunate to live in a community where there’s great opportunities and resources. At the same time there's a tremendous amount of need. We’re eternally grateful to donors, supporters, and volunteers who step up year after year to provide the support to our clients, to make sure they have the best possible holiday season.” After the Thanksgiving season, Family Center plans to hold a winter holiday donation drive
where donors can “adopt a family,” and help complete wish lists for the holiday season. “ We c a n’t t h a n k o u r communities enough for having the backs of our family centers and we hope they continue to be as generous as possible,” says Brucker. To donate to a family in need this Thanksgiving, you can drop off donations at 40 Arch Street from November 15 to 18, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. For monetary donations either v isit https://app.mobilecause. com/form/9evKNw?vid=n4j8i or text “fcthanksgiving” to 41444. Donations made v ia text goes directly to purchasing grocery store gift cards. For more information, you c a n cont ac t t he development coordinator Tyler Shanafelt at
farmers tell us they would’ve lost their farms without Mike’s Organic last year.” Peter and Carol Sepe manage Sepe Farm out of Sandy Hook, CT. The husband and wife farming duo brought wool blankets, sheep hide, and the fuzzy friends who produced them to the pop-up event. Three sheep sat in a pen for all to admire and pet. Throughout the event, the Sepes would bring out one of the sheep and shear them for the crowd. As Sepe sheared sheep, he talked about his farm’s whole animal concept, where, if the farm decided to use an animal for meat, they try to utilize as much as that animal can produce. Sepe explained that for sheep this means wool for blankets, blood for blood sausages, intestines for kokoretsi, and much more. “We save as much as we can from the whole animal when it comes to consumption,” said Sepe. “As a producer, we even save the bones for raw-meat feeders, AKA, the people who want to raise dogs but don’t want to feed them kibble.” “Connection and transparency are two big words for us. What’s on it, what’s in it, when was it picked, and who grew it,” Geller commented. Geller says he plans to turn the f lagship location into “something special for the town.” “We’re buying a local kitchen in Stamford, so we’ll also have a full line of prepared foods here. Come in, get a salad or a wrap and sit outside on the picnic table and enjoy!” Geller says his plans include weekly events. “This is going to be like a playground for food out here. Every weekend a donut machine with hot fresh donuts, apple cider, and hot chocolate. We’ll have lobster men coming down from Maine with live lobster off the coast.” “ We’r e goi ng to do d r ive -i n movies. We’re going to have all kinds of great stuff where you can meet a farmer, eat something delicious, learn about your food, and know where it came from.” “I grew up here and basically lived here my entire life, so I really want this to be a true community place for the town of Greenwich.” Mike’s Organic will be opening their flagship market location at 600 East Putnam Avenue, Cos Cob in 2022. Until then, look out for more pop-ups to come.
Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel
Finding Inspiration in an Odd Place
obituaries often speak about impact, and prompt to me to ask: where do I want to make mine? By Icy Frantz A good friend let me in on a secret the other day. “I read obituaries,” she said, “and at my age, I often know the deceased.” I read them, too. I don’t skim them like I do the other sections of the paper - just glancing at headlines, and if interested, committing to the first paragraph and then racing ahead to the last. I read every word. It i s n o t a m o r b i d o r c r e e p y obsession with death or dying, but more a zealous curiosity about people and their lives. Who was this person? Did they fall in love? Where did they go in their life? Did they have a happy place, a favorite quote, a furry friend? How did they impact the world? And what is their “in
lieu of flowers”? I don’t know, maybe I am hoping to learn something (what’s the secret to life?), or maybe I just like a good story. Some obituaries are standard name, date of birth, cause of death while others add color. I like color. Joe Smith is survived by Roger, his beloved dog. Harry died on August 15th, to avoid having to make a decision in the upcoming presidential election. (or my father who hung on long enough to be able to cast just one last vote.) Joan took fashion cues from no one. A lifelong New York Mets fan and season ticket holder, Jill sent a letter to the managers every year offering advice on how to run the team. Marilyn was always the life of the party. Most people don’t talk about their lives (okay, some talk too much).
They don’t discuss the details that transported them from childhood to maturity and onward, so we are left observing just a slice of their life the part that is staring back at us at a particular moment, no backstory, no history. I knew my grandfather when I was young, and mostly we talked about me. He was this robust and gregarious man, presiding over family dinners from the head of the table with a fine cocktail in hand. It wasn’t until he died, and I read his obituary that I learned about his career, the scholarships he created, and the fact that he was D-Day plus 2. I wish I had thought to ask more questions. I wish I had known all of this while he was alive. Reading obituaries reminds me that for many of us (or at least the lucky ones), life is long, and the worries
that concern us today are often gone tomorrow. A mishap in kindergarten does not define us; a failed marriage or career does not need to be the end of our story. Often they are a new beginning or an interesting twist. And obituaries often speak about impact, and prompt to me to ask: where do I want to make mine? What can I do with my little life to make a small difference? They remind us that we don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner to make a difference; we can start with the people we love or a cause that we care about. But mostly, for me, obituaries inspire. Reading about how someone overcame adversity or was generous to a fault or could whip up dinner for ten unexpected guests or was committed to a spouse for over 50 years or was remembered as the best boss or an amazingly loyal friend leaves me
wanting to be a little better, do a little better, and love a little better. There is really so much to be gained by reading obituaries. It ’s t h e c h a n c e t o h o n o r t h e deceased, and to consider their legacy and the choices they made throughout a lifetime. It’s about connection: to the living - those left behind - and the dead; the celebration of life and closure. And it’s introspective - what will a loved one write about me? She hated to be late, was nothing without her morning coffee, and longed to be organized. Or something like that. Oh, and she bypassed the headlines, the sports pages, and even the Style section of the New York Times Sunday paper, to read the obituaries. Check out Icy's The Icing on The Cake at
Give Me This Day My Daily Bread, Please!
By Anne W. Semmes I ’m def i n itely i n a love bread stage after avoiding it as no-no in my diet. So, of f to Coffee for Good (CFG), the new meeting place in Tow n found on the campus of historic Second Congregational Church. But, inside this 19th century Mead House, the attraction was in those exquisitely glazed croissants, and yet just a sip of my latte and I was sold on the exemplar brand - Path Coffee Roasters. This is a coffee house w it h Eu r o p e a n s t y l e , h i g h ceilings and wood paneling. Baristas paint the surface of your coffee with cream like I first saw done in Italy. The wonderment is it’s a nonprof it enterprise w ith a mission to “improve the lives of people with intellectual and
bars, cupcakes and chocolate chip cook ies sprink led with sea salt. But if its muffins, or blueberry scones on your mind thank artisanal bakery Leaven & Co. Just pull right in to ample parking next to the Teslas and S U Vs at 4 8 M aple Ave nue , Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. “Daily” is the new foodie launch of Debra Ponzek’s who continues to gift us with her many Aux Delice specialties. Daily is conveniently located next door to Apple on Greenwich Avenue for those with iPhone/computer issues. It’s modern enough inside to be in a spaceship, where space travelers will be comforted by those sizeable and healthfullyf illed sandwiches, made with First visit to Coffee for Good finds newly reelected First Selectman Fred Camillo perched breathtaking breads that are on the front terrace with power-type females, L to R, Andrea Jaffe. Dorothy Simone and instantly heated for you with the Nisha Arora. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
suit your taste, What a fun meal that would be with all that meat incrusted with warm toasty bread. Never mind the expense. The holidays are on their way. We have Cai Pandolf ino, Historical Society Director of Communications, Strategy and Business Development, her cochair Catherine Tompkins, and Daniel Suozzo, special events manager to thank for coming up with this winning Tavern Garden Market idea that kicked off this past spring. Bring on that prepared food they said for us to enjoy for lunch or to take home for dinner, from May to November - now destined to return next spring, rain (in the Barn) or shine (in the Tavern Garden). Life is too short not to enjoy all this great bread. Let’s break bread together. Bring it on!
“And there before my hungry eyes was an abundance of delicious looking loaves of handmade breads, Wild East Sour Dough,Three-Grain Baguettes, plus popovers and scones.” developmental disabilities by reducing the unemployment rate in that community.” And that’s the CFG back story - Abilis is benef iting here. But it’s what CFG is serving that is my focus for the moment. Those yummy croissants are coming from Jackie’s Empanadas on the Go. Those sandwiches, salads and soups come from Meli-Melo (delivered by Abilis delivery crew). That first rate coffee in my latte comes from Jason Richter of Port Chester, a fourth generation coffee roaster, and CEO of Path Coffee Roasters. And all these f irst rate food vendors I am told are doing their best to be supportive of this nonprofit with their pricing. A d d S i l v i a ’s K i t c h e n , a local bakery in town that is entici ng us w ith her lemon
cold coming on. But you might want to start with those outsized chocolate chip cookies... “We really love our grab and go concept,” describes Deb who k nows me long as her ginger scone fancier, “But we [with husband Greg] wanted to do a more modern take on t he fo o d of fer i ng of a w ide variety of sandwiches, salads, and breakfast items that were different from what we were doing at Aux Delices.” So, Greg and Deb partnered with their friends Jim Hoffman and Doron Sabag from SBH (Sound Beach H o m e s) a n d t h e i r g e n e r a l manager Chris Berzolla with a look and cuisine they thought “perfect for Greenwich Avenue.” The Daily Café & Eatery is open daily at 360 Greenwich Avenue, from 10 to 8.
As regards the Greenwich H istor ica l Societ y ’s Taver n Garden Market, I was a Johnnie come lately, only arriving at the end of its summer run last Wednesday week. And there before my hungry eyes, along w it h f resh e g gs, f r u its a nd vegetables, was an abundance of delicious looking loaves of handmade breads: Wild East Sour Dough and Three-Grain Baguettes, plus popovers and scones. There was Wave Hill Breads of Norwalk, “one of the best 100 bakeries in America” according to Food &Wine 2020. And black c u r ra nt s c one s (s che du le d for my Sunday breakfast) and popovers from Rule Britannia in Fairfield, And, then laid out as if in A libaba’s cave were Jackie’s to go empanadas with every manner of meat filling to
DISCOVER NEW MEMORIES When your loved one has a memory impairment and needs a new home providing support and compassion directly related to the challenges of memory impairment, we invite you to Discover The Greens at Greenwich.
The Greens has been providing excellence in memory care for 20 years. Privately owned memory care assisted living community All inclusive fees Unique programming Recognized leader in providing the creative arts therapies Choose your bread, your healthy filling, then have it heated a bit at the Daily. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
Often called the new best medicine in dementia care, creative arts therapies go beyond painting and singing to provide personal enrichment, empowerment, comfort and joy to individuals who have difficulty communicating in a conventional way.
When you walk the hallways and gardens of The Greens, you feel truly at home. Home is a Feeling and it lives at The Greens at Greenwich. SCHEDULE A TOUR TODAY
Glazed croissants and assorted muffins abound at Coffee For Good. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.
Maria Scaros, Executive Director • 203.531.5500 •
Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel
Greenwich Teams Top Head of the Charles
The Greenwich Crew women’s youth 8+ is all smiles after becoming the fastest boat in the water during their event in the Head of the Charles regatta.
Members of the Greenwich Crew men’s youth 8+ and men’s youth 8+ U17 boats pose with their gold medals during this year’s Head of the Charles regatta.
By Paul Silverfarb To say that the fall has been a good one for Greenwich Crew would be a massive understatement. With the talent in place and the hard work put it during countless practices and regattas, Greenwich Crew traveled up to Boston for the annual Head of the Charles regatta. Against some of the best competition in the country, not only did they fare well, but they dominated. They won three gold medals, one silver medal, and took home the MacMahon Cup Team Points trophy for the first time in program history. “We were rea l ly proud of the way all of our boats performed at the Charles,” said Heidi Hunsberger, head coach of the women’s team. “It was a chance to showcase the hard work of every athlete in all of our boats. They've progressed well physically, but we have been impressed with their fortitude and adaptability. We were really pleased to place two eights in the top ten of a challenging regatta, and have our fours compete strongly against some of the best in the country.” A nd it ’s a s a fe b et t h at Ca r y Wasserman, head coach of the boys’ squad, was also quite proud of his team. “We have a very young team (only nine seniors) but our squad depth is incredible,” he said. “The men’s team set the highest goals for themselves
Against some of the best competition in the country, not only did they fare well, but they dominated. this fall and they all pushed each other to be better every day. Everyone on the team worked incredibly hard to become faster and stronger and to see all of that hard work come to fruition is inspiring.” C o m i n g o ut o f t h e COV I D -1 9 pandemic, where there was little to no racing, 2021 was gearing up to be a competitive fall season. And Greenwich Crew was lights out during the fall, highlighted by their performance at the Head of the Charles. Having 14 total entries eligible to secure points for the program, Greenwich finished w ith a total of 904.87, almost 20 points ahead of second place Harvard University Crew and beating teams like Dartmouth College Rowing, Yale University, and Riverside (Mass.) Boat Club. “The Head of the Charles is the largest regatta in the world and brings the best teams together every fall,” said Wasserman. “Over three miles, everything has to go right to win. We are going up against the best teams in the country as well as some select international crews. To win this regatta is one of the biggest achievements in the sport of rowing and I’m so proud of
their accomplishment.” For Hunsberger, winning was extra special this year. “It was special to be back in Boston, after COVID cancelled the Charles last year,” she said. “The Charles brings the best teams from all over the country, and it's a challenging race course due to tight turns and the sheer numbers of competitors. The top five to 10 boats at the Charles are all within seconds of each other, and it really makes you appreciate the idea that every stroke counts.” During the Head of the Charles regatta, the top women’s and men’s youth 8+ boats from Greenwich Crew lead the way, besting their respective fields to take home gold medals in each event. T h e Wo m e n’s Yo u t h 8+ b o a t comprised of Frances McKenzie (GHS), Eva Andersen (GHS), Lucy Barratt (GHS), Whitney Wise (GA), Isabelle Ritchie (GHS), Kathryn Alexander ( P e l h a m) , P h o e b e W i s e (G A) , Lauren Koester (GHS) and Brooke Legenzowski (John Jay) crossed the finish line with a time of 16:56.465, ahead of crews from Marin Rowing Association, RowAmerica Rye and
Saugatuck Rowing Club. The Men’s Youth 8+ that include Elena Seguin (GHS), Brandon Mark (GHS), Willem Lebrun (Fox Lane), Max Willott (GHS), Marcus Chung (GHS), Andrew Cavanaugh (GHS), George Lathrop (GHS), Eric Genden, Jr. (Bronxville), Sam Wilson (GHS) completed the 3-mile course in a time of 14:49.530 and upended boats from St. Joseph’s Prep (PA), RowAmerica Rye and Saugatuck Rowing Club. The Greenwich Crew men’s side took home another gold medal. During the Youth 8+ U17 event, the boat of Nick Walding (Horace Greeley), Harry Waters (GHS), Felix Dosmond (RCDS), William Drinkall (GHS), Max Raabe (GHS), Hunter Garcia (GHS), Alex Willott (GHS), Neelam Govindaraj (Blind Brook) and Boris Gans (GHS) ended the day with a time of 15:42.401 and bested the next U17 boat by almost a minute. “To watch our Varsity-8 win on the Charles, especially after the past few years of hardship that these guys have gone through was perhaps the most spectacular moment I’ve had in my coaching career,” said Wasserman. “I’m so proud of the varsity and the whole
team. Then to find out that not only had the U17 Eights come in 15th out of 80 overall and win the U17 gold and that they had done it together, along with the women’s team was so special. These guys hold themselves to an incredibly high standard. Our Four’s also did fantastic.” In addition to the junior rowers, Greenwich Crew also had a strong showing from their Masters (Adult) rowers. The Women’s Masters 4+ (40+) of Julia Fullington, Susannah Mills, Kendall Atterbury, Katie DeLuca and Juliet Brocki took the silver medal in their race, finishing with a time of 19:49.211. “As a coach, it was incredibly rewarding to see the girls race the way that they did,” said Hunsberger. “Only a couple of our athletes had ever been to the Charles before, and so we had 25 or so that were new to the course. We have a really nice group who enjoy going fast, and they are incredibly supportive of each other and the men's team while doing so. To have both the women's and men's eights win was something we've been working towards for a long time.”
Get ready for this Saturday's GHS Homecoming Game at 1:00 in Cardinal Stadium!
Brunswick School 6 vs. Greenwich Country Day 1
Choate Rosemary Hall 2 vs. Greenwich Academy 3
Brunswick School 35 vs. Avon Old Farms 28
St. Joseph High 5 vs. Greenwich High 1
Water Polo
Greenwich High 41 vs. Danbury High 8 Field Hockey
Girls’ Soccer
Greenwich High 52 vs. Farmington High 5
Kent School 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 3
Brunswick School 18 vs. Suffield Academy 6
Greenwich Academy 0 vs. Loomis Chaffee 2
Hopkins School 1 vs. Greenwich Academy 3
Brunswick School 21 vs. Choate Rosemary Hall 2
Sacred Heart 7 vs. Greenwich Country Day 0
Girls’ Volleyball
Greenwich High Girls’ X-C: 8th place at CIAC State Open Finals (236)
Greenwich Academy 3 vs. Deerfield Academy 1
Rye Country Day 2 vs. Sacred Heart 1
Choate Rosemary Hall 0 vs. Sacred Heart 8
Darien High 1 vs. Greenwich High 3
Norwalk High 1 vs. Greenwich High 0
Sacred Heart 3 vs. Miss Porter’s 0
Boys’ Soccer
Brunswick School 6 vs. Millbrook School 0
Sacred Heart 3 vs. St. Luke’s 0 St. Luke’s 3 vs. Sacred Heart 1
Girls’ Swimming and Diving
Greenwich High: 1st Place at FCIAC Championships (405 points)
Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Greenwich Academy Celebrates National Signing Day
Parents, coaches, and teachers convened to recognize the nine Greenwich Academy seniors planning to compete at Division I and II colleges and universities. Between them, these student-athletes will be playing eight different sports at the college level, speaking to the breadth and depth of GA’s athletic program. Those signing national letters of intent at the event were Cameron Brower, field hockey at Quinnipiac University, and Maddie Holden, lacrosse at Duke University. Also celebrating their plans to continue as student-athletes in college were: Ava Butz, lacrosse at Cornell University; Mary Duffy, squash at Stanford University; Josephine Genereux, golf at University of Virginia; Ellie Harned, sailing at Stanford University; Hutton Saunders, swimming at Columbia University; Whitney Wise, rowing at Princeton University; and Evie Kay Girard, volleyball at University of New Haven. “We are so proud of this group of young women,” said Head of School Molly King, “they are impressive not only for their athletic and academic achievements, but for always leading with character. We can’t wait to see where their college careers take them.” Above: Hutton Saunders, Mary Duffy, Maddie Holden, Josephine Genereux, Ellie Harned, Evie Kay Girard, Ava Butz, Whitney Wise, and Cameron Brower.
GHS Celebrates National Signing Day
Greenwich High School celebrated a signing day event for student-athletes who have committed to taking the next step in their athletic careers at Division 1, Division 2, and Ivy League schools. The list of student-athletes so far who have committed to play at the collegiate level is: Eva Anderson, Georgetown, Crew; Chason Barber, Brown, Football, Lucy Barratt, Boston College, Crew; Annie Bingle, University of Pennsylvania, Diving; Isabelle Blackburn, Syracuse University, Crew; Andrew Cavanaugh, Yale University, Crew; Zita Cohen, Brown University, Field Hockey; Marian Cracraft, University of Wisconsin, Crew; Bianca Granitto, University of Pennsylvania, Crew; Zachary Jelinek, Bucknell University, Track/Cross Country; George Lathrop, Princeton University, Crew; Brandon Mark, Northeastern University, Crew; Ella More, Stanford University, Crew; Andrew O'Donnell, University of Pennsylvania, Track; Isabelle Ritchie, Harvard University, Crew; Liana Sarkissian, University of Dayton, Volleyball; Isabella Schraa, Bucknell University, Water Polo.
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to us from far away, we Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel appreciate each and every one of you.
Invest in Your Wardrobe & the Environment
By Michael Astorino
Did you k now that the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that in 2017, the United States generated approximately 16.9 million tons of textile waste? That’s nearly 80 pounds PER American! And of this almost
17 million tons, only 15% was recycled resulting in 11.2 million tons of textile waste ending up in landfills which can take up to 200+ years to decompose. These numbers are staggering and scary, but it is important to spread the word so we can all help make a difference. So….what can you do to help
reduce textile waste? It’s actually simpler than you may think but requires a shift in how we think about purchasing our clothing. We should consider clothing as investment pieces. Instead of spending less on more pieces, we need to think about how each item will last through the years. Make sure it’s made well and will last
the test of time. It is also important to properly care for these investment pieces. Read the instructions on the labels carefully, or trust the experts at Fabricare Cleaners. Our team knows how to care for the most luxurious and delicate of fabrics, and we do it without harming the environment. Our eco-conscious
operation always has the earth in mind. And when you're sick of your wardrobe, don’t throw it away. Consider donating it to charity (Fabricare will even pick up & deliver items to charity for you!) or selling/thrifting items. With all the online consignment options available today like ThredUp,
Poshmark, and The Real Real, there is NO reason to toss your garments in the trash. To l e a r n m o r e a b o u t Fa br ic a r e’s e co -m ission a nd how you can get involved, v isit environment or call 203-229-0001. Stay tuned for the next article in our environmental series.
Film Allows Important Stories to Tell Themselves Diane's Books 8 Grigg Street A, Greenwich, CT 06830 of Greenwich (203) 869-1515 • is celebrating Diane's Books 30 years!
is Celebrating Diane's Books 31 Years! of Greenwich is celebrating 30 years!
Thank you to all our loyal and devoted readers, big and small, who have made it possible to say hooray for reading! Here's to many more years to come on Grigg Street, serving our Thank you tocommunity all our loyal in and the heart of downtown devoted readers, Greenwich. big and small, who have made it possible to say Tohooray those who are near to for reading! us and those who come to usHere's from far away, we to many appreciate and more yearseach to come every one Street, of you. on Grigg serving our community in the heart of downtown Greenwich. To those who are near to us and those who come to us from far away, we appreciate each and every one of you.
By Stuart Adelberg A few weeks ago, the Avon screened an exceptional documentary called THE FIRST WAVE in partnership with the Greenwich International Film Festival. It was our privilege to have the filmmaker, Matthew Heineman, in attendance. THE F I R ST WAV E r efe r s to t he earliest days of the pandemic, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure when first presented with the idea, that I was ready to see a documentary dealing w ith a deadly v irus that has still not loosened its grip on the world. I was wrong. Not only is THE FIRST WAVE worth seeing immediately, but I personally believe that had we all seen it a while ago, it may have changed the trajectory of the virus. THE FIRST WAVE was shot at Long Island Jewish Medical C e nte r, o n e o f t h e e a rl i e s t epicenters of the pandemic. The f ilm begins with the horrible sounds of a deadly disease. . . a m bu la nce si rens, hea r t monitors, 911 calls, hospital loudspeakers, etc. These were so loud that it was uncomfortable sitting in the theatre. I wanted to ask someone to lower the volume, and then I realized that this was the point. There was no escaping these incessant, jarring sounds and this is what those on the front lines dealt with every single day. The sounds alone put me in their shoes in a way that the news stories, interviews, and first-hand descriptions could never do. This is the power of a quality film. Mr. Heineman’s documentary focused on a few individuals – a young doctor and two patients. We experienced the physician’s exhaustion, her prayers, her drive, her disappointments, and occasional victories. She wasn’t a story - she was a real person. When she temporarily fell apart from physical and
Perhaps, if each of us had been exposed to the realities of the pandemic, as in THE FIRST WAVE, without interpretation, politics, or spin, we might have allowed our shared humanity to direct our response. The story isn’t yet over. Maybe there’s still time.
Wendy Stapleton and Matt Heineman discuss The First Wave at the Avon Theatre Film Center emotiona l fatig ue, we were with her. When she questioned, momentarily, whether she could continue, we understood. The same effect happened with the patients, real human beings with unique stories. We could see and feel the fear in their eyes. We understood how hard they were f ighting to stay alive through pain and uncertainty. We felt their frustration and loneliness as they tried to connect with terrified families through phones and tablets held for them by empathetic hospital staff. I could share many more details of this incredibly moving f ilm, but I would rather encourage you to experience it for yourself. At t he conclusion of t he screening, GIFF Chairwoman Wendy Stapleton, led a discussion with Mr. Heineman which further
enhanced the meaningful impact of his provocative film. I could not believe that Mr. Heineman and his film crew, in a heroic effort to tell this story, were willing and able to place themselves in this hospital for months at great risk to their own safety. I was shocked that the subjects were so open and ready to share their circumstances. I wondered how one approaches a project like this, recording a tragedy whose end is not yet known. Mr. Heineman explained that this is what documentary filmmaking is all about. He noted (apologies for my paraphrasing) that a good documentarian allows the subjects to take you wherever they go, and an honest storyteller doesn’t decide at the beginning of a film how that story will end. I found these comments to
be particularly meaningful when reflecting on the pandemic. Mr. Heineman deftly allowed this important story to tell itself. Perhaps, if each of us had been exposed to the realities of THE FIRST WAVE in this same way, without interpretation, politics, or spin, we might have allowed our shared humanity to direct our response. The story isn’t yet over. Maybe there’s still time. Stuart Adelberg is the Executive Director of the Avon Theatre Film Center, a historic, non-profit community supported independent cinema in downtown Stamford that specializes in first run art house, documentary, foreign language and classic f ilms. Stuart has a long history of involvement and leadership within the region's nonprofit arts and human services communities.
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Page 7 | Greenwich Sentinel
A Hundred Tulips to Bloom For Cos Cob Vets Spring of 2022 Thanks To Cub Scout Troop 20 By Anne W. Semmes A dozen Cos Cob Cub Scouts of Pack 20 have made history planting over 100 tulip bulbs in honor of the Veterans of Cos Cob in their Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10112 Memorial Park on Strickland Road. Come spring there will be a celebratory burst of color, in red, pink, and purple blooms. The tulip bed idea came to the Cub Scouts’ leader, Canadian born Chris Asmis, who shared having grown up amongst “miles and miles of tulip gardens” planted in his hometown of Ottawa. “In World War II, Canada had a big role to play in liberating Holland,” he says, “And so since World War II Holland sends Ottawa millions of tulips.” Asmis proposed the tulip garden to Bill Cameron, Post Adjutant of the Cos Cob VFW Post. “Bill loved it right away, and he cleared it with the Town,” says Asmis, and last Sunday after the Saturday Veteran’s Day ceremony, “we dug in the tulips, over a hundred of them.” All 12 Cub Scouts had their hands in the planting in the two foot by 8-foot garden. “Bill was there to meet the kids during the digging of the garden,” shares Asmis. “We introduced Bill as having served in the Navy and our country many years ago. And he talked just a little bit.” Asmis’ nine-year old son Ryder, a fourth grader also in the Cub Scout group, was chosen as flag bearer of the VFW flag in the
Veteran’s Day ceremony. “He was excited he got to carry the flag,” says father Asmis. “He was very honored to be a part of the Color Guard as flag bearer. He knew it was a big job and he knew the VFW flag was heavy!” Ryder had responded to this reporter via his dad: “I had a lot of fun being out with my friends and meeting the veterans.” Jackson Toohey, another fourth grader, was “super excited to show the garden to his grandfather, who served in the Air Force, in the spring." And Isabella Cartolano, a kindergartener, liked "planting the tulips and covering it with the dirt!" Father Asmis who in his youth had attained the level of Chief Scout which is the equivalent of Eagle Scout in this country, had surely found the way to engage his Cub Scouts in a hands on way with Veteran’s Day. “A big core tenet of Scouting is to help your Cos Cob Cub Scouts Pack 20 rest after planting behind them 100 plus tulips in the community, and then the extra bonus here Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10112 Memorial Park on Strickland Road. Photo by is this [tulip bed] is a bit of a magnet to draw Chris Asmis. kids back to visit the Veterans Memorial that they're invested in.” Asmis has informed his Pack 20, “We'll come back in the spring when the tulips are in full bloom - we'll check on them.” Perhaps they’ll come on Memorial Day, if the tulips will keep their bloom, for, “there's a connection there for them to tie Veterans Day to Memorial Day. Then, when we're there in the spring, I'm sure we will tidy it up or weed it - or whatever it might need. The beauty about tulips is they'll come back every spring.”
"All 12 Cub Scouts had their hands in the planting in the two foot by 8-foot garden.”
The 100 or more tulip bulbs in red, purple, and pink being planted by Cub Scout Pack 20. Photo by Chris Asmis.
Greenwich Highest Scoring Certification Sustainable CT, a statewide initiative that inspires and supports communities in becoming more resilient, inclusive and efficient, announced its 2021 fall certified communities last week. Greenwich was the highest scoring municipality among the twenty-three towns which qualified for certification during the 2021 fall submission c y c l e . S u s t a i n a b l e C T, m a n a g e d under the leadership of the Institute for Sustainable Energ y at Eastern Connecticut State University, includes actions that help towns and cities build community connection, social equity, and long-term resilience. The program’s action road map and support tools are especially relevant as towns seek practices and resources to address climate change, promote racial justice, and recover from the impacts of COVID19.“Cong ratu lations to ou r newest Sustainable CT certified communities,” said Lynn Stoddard, executive director of the program. “It’s particularly gratifying to see so ma ny mu n icipa l ities ach iev i ng cer ti f ication t h is yea r. A g row i ng
number of Connecticut tow ns and cities are demonstrating practices that make our communities more inclusive, healthy, connected, and strong, and that bodes well for the entire state.”Certified communities demonstrated significant achievements in at least eleven sustainability impact areas, ranging from community building, thriving lo c a l e conom ie s a nd v i bra nt a r t s and culture to clean transportation a nd d iverse housi ng. I n add it ion, certif ied municipalities addressed issues of belonging, equity, diversity, a nd inclusion when implementing sustainability actions. Sustainable CT provides free coaching and a virtual equity classroom to help municipalities with issues related to equity and racial justice. “I am so proud of the breadth and depth of efforts in our community around sustainability,” said Patricia S e sto, D i r e c tor of Env i ron ment a l Af fairs. “Three years ago,when we achieved our first SustainableCT silver certification, we scored 410 points in 29 categories. We were one of just five towns to receive silver certification, the
highest level of certification currently of fered. Just three years later, we achieved 1025pointsin 52 categories– an improvement of two and halftimes. This achievement would not have been possible without the time, expertise a nd col la boration f rom nu merous town departments, town officials, and community organizations. A special thanks to Sarah Coccaro, Conservation Resource Manager, for her hard work i n su bm it t i n g ou r Su s t a i n a ble CT application.” Canaan (Falls Village), Chester, Essex, the Town of Groton, North Stonington, Pomfret, Ridgefield, Suf f ield, Washington, West Haven, and Weston all met high standards in a broad ra nge of sustaina bilit y accomplishments to qualify for bronzelevel certification. Towns that achieved silver-level certification include Fairfield, Glastonbury, Greenwich, Hartford, Litchfield, Milford, New Milford, Old Ly m e , Po r t l a n d , Tr u m b u l l , We s t Hartford, and Westport.“We are thrilled to recognize additional communities that are using the Sustainable CT framework to recover from the pandemic and
build long-term resilience,” said Laura Francis, first selectman of Durham and co-chair of the Sustainable CT Board of Directors. “Supporting local businesses, streng thening food net work s, and safeguarding natural spaces for our residents have always been important, but the pandemic further illuminated their importance.”Sustainable CT has seen strong momentum and growth as a valuable, high-impact program. Onehundred twenty-five municipalities have registered for the program, representing 8 6 % o f t h e s t a t e ’s p o p u l a t i o n . Collectively, sixty-four municipalities, 60% of the state’s communities, have earned Sustainable CT certif ication. Certif ication lasts for 3 years, with su bm issions r igorously eva luated by independent exper ts and other Sustainable CT partners.“Sustainable CT Certified communities are models for all forward-looking local governments,” said Joe DeLong, executive director and CEO of Connecticut Conference o f Mu n i c i p a l i t i e s (C C M ). “ T h e s e mu n i c ip a l it i e s h ave sh ow n g r e at leadership in completing many actions
that increase sustainability while also saving money, promoting health, and deepening residents’ connection to community.” CCM will hold an awards ceremony to recognize Sustainable CT certif ied towns at their annual convention on November 30.Sustainable CT is independently funded, with strong support from its three founding funders: the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, the Com mon Sense Fund, and the Smart Seed Fund. Additional support is provided by the Connecticut Green Bank and many community foundations.For more informationor to view Greenwich’s application, visit
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Editorial Page
Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel
PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes
Let There Be Lights! If you have been down Greenwich Avenue recently you may have noticed elves are at work. Okay, not actual elves, but something pretty close. Electricians and tree crews are busy putting the finishing touches on lights that will grace the Avenue, Post Road, and hopefully Cos Cob during the coming holiday season. That’s right, the lights are back. Beginning November 25 and continuing through January festive lights will illuminate our business districts as we go about our holiday shopping and dining. It will be nice during some of the shortest and darkest days of the year to illuminate our major shopping and dining destinations in town. The merchants in Old Greenwich have their First Light Festival which kicks off on December 4 at 6 p.m. They come together every year to offer extended shopping hours and horse drawn carriage rides. There is pride and excitement and the spirit of the holidays in in the air. Over the years Greenwich Avenue has stumbled around a bit in celebrating the holidays. One year just the trunks of the tress were wrapped in lights, giving one the sense of driving through a colonnade. Another year there were no lights at all, except for in front of the
We should light up as much of Greenwich as possible this holiday season. No one ever said the holidays were too sparkly. Senior Center. It was dark and depressing and certainly not helpful to the merchants who want happy shoppers visiting their stores. Some mistakenly blamed the town for lack of holiday lights. It was not their responsibility to decorate the town for the holidays. It is ours. Thankfully, several organizations and people have stepped forward to lead the effort to light up Greenwich Avenue, not just for this year but for future years as well. Spearheading this effort are Sebastian Dostmann and Alyssa Keleshian-Bonomo. Both are quick to say it is a group effort with many merchants, residents, and building owners leading the charge, and when you look at their website (, it is an impressive list. However, even in a brief conversation with Sebastian or Alyssa you can feel their passion for this project is (dare we say) electrifying and contagious. Let There Be Lights is accepting donations to purchase durable and reusable lights and to have them professionally installed on approximately 120 trees that line Greenwich Avenue and Post Road. The cost is not inexpensive. The effort to light the business district is lean, with no paid staff. Sebastian, who owns Sebass Events (and who is perhaps the head elf), has done a remarkable job of not only purchasing the lights, but finding the professional crews willing to donate a portion of the time and effort to ensure the project gets done as cost-efficiently as possible. Indeed, everyone is coming together as a community to support this effort. And that is where we come in. We, as residents and businesses should support Let There Be Lights. Efforts such as this and the First Light Festival in Old Greenwich are good for our community. They showcase our merchants at the time of year they should be at their busiest. They give us a sense of pride and lift us up. If enough monies can be raised, they will extend the tree lighting to Cos Cob, and wouldn’t that be great? We should light up as much of Greenwich as possible this holiday season. No one ever said the holidays were too sparkly. Lighting Greenwich Avenue was a tradition we took for granted. Perhaps the best way to shine light on the holiday light challenge was to turn the lights off as of a few years ago. It certainly got our attention. Thank you, Sebastian Dostmann, Alyssa Keleshian-Bonomo, and the many others who are leading the effort to ensure that the tradition of holiday lights throughout town burns brightly into the future. We hope others will join us in supporting Let There Be Lights. The more the merrier.
Are You Prepared For A Sharp Increase In Your Utility Bills This Winter? Again..
By Harry Arora Our state energy policy needs a reset. Residents and businesses require more affordability, reliability, and sustainability in the electricit y supply. The administration and the CT legislature may have the best intentions, but the regulatory framework and overall strategy have resu lted i n ou r state's unacceptable situation of high and unreliable supply. In my conversations with residents, this concern is shared widely without regard to politics. Last week, Eversource wa r ne d t hat re sidents should be prepared for higher utility bills this w inter. The utility bill is composed of energ y, deliverability, and other charges. Eversource warned residents to expect a sharp increase of 37% in the energy portion and an overall increase in the bill by 17%, starting Jan 1st. Eversource attributed the increase to high natural g a s p r i c e s b e c au s e o f global forces. Every year, LETTER
The administration and the CT legislature may have the best intentions, but the regulatory framework and overall strategy have resulted in our state's unacceptable situation of high and unreliable supply. there is some reason or the other, which drives up prices. In the prior three years from 2017 to 2020, the deliverability portion of the bill went up, leading to similar increases in the overall bill. As a result, Connecticut ranks in the worst five states in terms of electricity prices. Despite having some of the lowestcost generation in CT, our electricity prices are nearly double the median of all 50 states. Electric supply service, specif ically the deliverability, is a monopoly reg u late d by t he st ate through Public Utilities Re g u lator y Aut hor it y, k now n as PUR A. In Connecticut, PURA is not independent and reports to the Department of Energy (DEEP). This arrangement is not typical, and in most states, the state regulator is an independent body entrusted with ensuring t h a t u t i l i t i e s p r ov i d e r e a s on a ble , ade q uate , and efficient services to c u stomers at ju st a nd reasonable prices. PURA's
subordination to the state energy department has inserted substantial politics into our regulatory framework and decisionmaking. Events from last week show t he si g n i f ic a nc e of this institutional arrangement. Last week, E v e r s o u r c e a n d G o v. Lamont's administration agreed on a settlement to approve the price increases of last year despite the dissent of the PUR A chairwoman. It is common to read a dissent f rom independent judges, but to read one from the head of a regulatory agency is quite unusual. In her dissent, the chairwoman made a case that the high rate of return asked for by the utility is no longer justifiable in the current low-interest rate environment. Clearly, she has the justification and the tools to challenge these rate increases if she were not over-ruled. Last year, I introduced a bill in the legislature to make PURA independent, outside the purview
o f DE E P, a n d d i r e c t ly accountable to the people's body. The bill had bipartisan support in the legislature but w a s not supp or te d by the administration and did not make it out of the committee. The legislature had t r ie d ma k i n g t h is change, in past years, with similar objections from the administration. If the PURA were independent, we would have an improved regulatory framework that would make our electricity service more affordable, reliable, and renewable. Getting the regulatory framework right is the most critical element of fixing our energy problem, but not the only one. Increasing competition and providing a supportive environment to renewable producers are other must-do steps. Our state energy policy needs a reset, and the first step must be to make our regulator independent. Harry Arora is the State Representative for the 151st general assembly district in Greenwich.
Lauren Rabin with Sincere Gratitude
With sincere gratitude and humility, I thank the Greenwich community for your trust in me to serve you in another term as Selectwoman. It is a privilege to continue working alongside our town
employees and the countless vo lu nt e e r s t h a t m a k e o u r community so wonderful. A s you r Select woma n, I will continue to make our Town work better for all of us; working on the issues that
connect us through compassion live, work, play and stay! and collaboration. Thank you again for the I feel fortunate to work with honor to serve you and enjoy Fred and Janet on the Board of the start to the holiday season. Selectmen to further our vision Warmest regards, Lauren to ensure Greenwich continues Lauren Rabin is a Member of the Board of Selectmen to be the most desirable town to
A Thank You to the Town of Greenwich
As a newly elected member of the Board of Selectmen, I would like to extend my thanks to Greenwich for your support. It will be an honor to serve our Town in this role. I also extend my congratulation to First Selectman, Fred Camillo, and Selectwoman, Lauren Rabin, I look forward to serving with them. As an elected official you can be assured, I will always put the best interests of this community first. I understand the decisions I am entrusted to make will impact our entire Town, now and into the future. I will work collaboratively and inclusively, across the political aisle, and with the broadest range of public input. I will return your faith LETTER
in me with the service you deserve. One of the greatest assets of Greenwich is its people, and their willingness to give so generously of their time and talent. It takes a Town to run an election and there are many individuals to thank. First and foremost, thank you to all who turned out to vote. Municipal elections matter; what happens at the local level often has the greatest impact on our daily lives. Thank you to everyone who stepped up to run for office, especially my running mate, Bill Kelly, from whom I learned so much. As worthwhile as the campaign experience is, it is no easy thing, yet it is what keeps our democracy so strong. Thank you to our
Town registrars and all the poll workers and volunteers who made this election happen. Thank you to my friends with whose help I was able to knock on almost a thousand doors throughout Greenwich; I thoroughly enjoy talking with my neighbors and believe conversation brings us together. And finally, thank you to my family for all their support and encouragement. They are my inspiration, and I couldn’t do this without them. Please know my door is always open. I look forward to serving you! Janet Stone McGuigan Member-Elect of the Board of Selectmen
BET Members Grateful to Serve
Thank you to the voters of Greenwich for your vote and continued support in entrusting us to lead the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET). We are deeply moved by the expression of conf idence you have placed in us. We will work with our colleagues across the aisle to serve our Town. To the many volunteers in this election
who worked tirelessly for our campaign make our Town the best place to live, work, and who worked for all the candidates, to all raise a family and retire. of you who opened your doors and shared Thank you again for your support. ideas, to the Registrars of Voters and their Nisha Arora, Mike Basham, Bill Drake, staff, our Town Clerk and her staff, our Karen Fassuliotis, Dan Ozizmir, and Leslie tireless poll workers, our families, friends Tarkington are the Republican Members-Elect of and loyal supporters, we say THANK YOU! the Board of Estimate and Taxation We are grateful to serve all the residents of Greenwich and pledge to continue to
By Dan FitzPatrick I’m no career counselor, but for some reason people ask me for advice when seeking to make a job change. Perhaps it is because I once made the switch from law to business, or perhaps it’s because much of my career to date has been in f inance, a notoriously f ickle industry subject to the wild gyrations of the markets and the economy in general. Or perhaps it’s simply that, as the Farmers Insurance advertisement goes, “I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two.” My st a nda rd adv ice for someone seeking to make a job change is quite simple: resist the temptation to simply go do the same thing somewhere else. Instead, recognize that in performing your previous job or jobs you have picked up valuable skills that may have application beyond the scope of what you’ve done before. You also may have gained good perspective on what you like to do and what you dislike doing. I then suggest you sit down and list all of this on a piece of paper with the aim of placing some value on each of the items (note: this should be the value to you personally, not the value that the expectations of others may suggest). You should end up with a sense of what you can do that will make you most happy and/
News Briefs From Page 1
28 active cases. Four people with COVID are in the hospital, which is one less than last week. B OA R D O F E D U C AT I O N FINAL TALLY The f inal vote tally for the Board of Education has officially been announced after a recount. O n F r iday, Novem b er 1, t he Registrar of voters confirmed that Republican candidate Cody Kittle had received one vote more than Megan Galletta. The new Board of Education will be sworn in November 17, when they will also elect new officers. COMMUNITY SAILING TO CLOSE After 24 years, Greenwich Community Sailing will not be reopening at Tod’s Point for the 2022 summer season. The decision to close for the season comes as a result of the town being unable to guarantee that the Chimes Building would be usable, creating an “impossible” timeline to complete a lease, enroll students, hire staff, and purchase equipment.
Angling For New Opportunities or fulfilled. Now, broaden your mind and look for opportunities that best match that. If you can f ind something that you will enjoy, you will be good at it; if you are good at something, you will enjoy doing it. It is a beautifully virtuous cycle. That’s usually the sum total of my advice. It seems to be well received. But it frankly
for growth. Look for areas of market transition or developing need that point in the direction you want to go. Remember that it is much better to ride a wave than fight against it. 2. Use the right fly. The best anglers I know like to “match the hatch,” meaning they carefully investigate what the fish are
It.” While perfecting one’s cast is a worthy goal, no one ever caught a fish with a fly that high above the surface of the water. The entire purpose of casting is to get the f ly in the water; hopefully as close to a fish as possible (which is where practice does come in handy). Once you have done your research and developed your personal value
And the number one piece of advice I give everyone? Try fly fishing. It can change your life.
fishing spot, hoping by sheer force of will to catch fish that are either not there or are simply uninterested. The same can be said of the typical job seeker. If you are consistently striking out with one industry or market, step back and reevaluate your strategy, broadening your scope of potential targets.
hook and be gone forever. In angling, this is called “playing” the fish; in job seeking it is the delicate dance of convincing the potential employer that they cannot succeed without you, and negotiating the terms of employment. The trick here is not to either overplay or underplay your hand.
6. Keep your fly moving. In angling terms, this is called “stripping your line,” pulling your fly along back towards you in a quick motion which causes the fly to move through the water in imitation of a live creature that would be attractive food for a fish. If you do not move the fly, it can appear dead, and in any event the motion is necessary to catch the f ish’s attention. Similarly, it is not enough just to send out an email, expecting the recipient to rush to read it. Follow-up is crucial, just make sure that it is appropriate and not pushy; no one likes to feel they are being “sold,” harassed or railroaded.
9. If you don’t land it, you haven’t caug ht it. M a ny anglers prefer to “catch and release” fish rather than keep them. But the rule of thumb is, if you have not managed to get the fish on land, or in the boat, or in your hand and completely within your control, you have not caught that fish. Once caught, it is your decision whether to keep or let go. The same is true with job seeking; the goal should be to get to a position where the decision whether or not to accept the opportunity is yours. And that is a wonderous feeling.
eating at the time of year and the spot in which they are fishing, then pick a lure (“fly”) that matches that as closely as possible. The equivalent in job seeking terms is to assemble a n d t a i l o r y o u r “e l e v a t o r speech” value proposition to the needs and opportunities you’ve d i s c over e d i n you r market research. Employers and fish are both smart: they will ignore something that does not resemble what they are looking for. And never send out a resume until requested for one; it’s a bit presumptuous and no fish or employer will be 1. Go where the f ish are. interested in going after a fly that You would think that this was involves too much work. obvious, but I’ve seen a lot of anglers waste time in the wrong 3. Get your fly in the water. fishing spots. The same can I get a big kick out of watching be said of job seekers. Do your newer anglers waving their rods research: find the industries, back and forth trying to perfect sectors, companies and firms their cast, hoping to get it as that are engaged in what interests beautiful as Brad Pitt’s in the you and have good prospects movie “A River Runs Through
proposition, get out here and start networking, “putting your fly in the water” so to speak. In my experience, this is the most difficult step for most people to take, but if they don’t, they won’t get anywhere fast.
for community connection, social HOLLY HILL PUMPKIN DROP equity, sustainability, and more. OFF Instead of trashing pumpkins NEW LEBANON SCHOOL and squash this year, residents SAFETY UPDATE can bring them to the Holly Hill Crosswalks surrounding New Re sou r ce Re cover y Fac i l it y Lebanon School have been made for composting. Undecorated more visible through new striping pumpkins and squash can be and stop signs, as well as safer dropped off at the designated through more vigilant speed limit area, next to the yard waste area enforcement. on the operations field. CHRIST CHURCH ARCH STREET CORRIDOR ANNOUNCES NEW TALKS Christ Church Greenw ich TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS A new phase of the has announced that National A rch Street Corridor Traf f ic Geographic’s Adventurer of the Improvements Project began last Year, Jennifer Pharr Davis, will week. There will be occasional be holding two talks on Sunday, lane closures on Arch Street for N ove m b e r 2 1 i n t h e P a r i s h the next week, both during the Hall. The first lecture will take place at 11:15 a.m., where Davis day and night. Construction as w i l l d isc uss t he con ne c t ion part of the project is being done in between faith, the outdoors, and efforts to reduce traffic congestion community. The second lecture and improve air quality on Arch will be at 5 p.m. and will include a Street, consider ing its close vicinity to the I-95. Construction book signing. teams ask that residents look for POMERANCE PARK signage from officers directing CLEANUP traffic, slow down, and follow the Friends of the Montgomery directed routes. Pinetum, Pomerance and Tuchman Parks will be partnering G R E E N W I C H A L L I A N C E with Greenwich Green & Clean EDUCATION’S 11TH ANNUAL this Saturday, November 13 for TURKEY TROT A f ter a yea r-long h iat us, a clean-up and planting event the 11th a n nua l Tu rkey Trot at Pomerance Park. During the will be returning on November cleanup, trash will be collected, 27! Nearly 2,000 participants invasive plants will be removed, and spectators are expected and native shrubs will be planted. t o a t t e n d f o r the largest Volunteers will meet at both the community fundraising event Orchard Street and Greenwich o f T h a n k s g i v i n g w e e k end. Botanical Center entrances to Participants can choose from a Pomerance from 9 a.m. until 12 5k race and a non-competitive noon. Buckets and tools will be available, but organizers ask that volunteers bring sturdy shoes, gloves, and a water bottle.
1 mile run/walk, both of which end at the Arch Street Center and pace through Bruce Park. The run /walk begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by the 5k at 10 a.m. Registration costs $15 for those 13 and under, and $30 for adults until October 31, after which adult pricing increases to $35, and then to $40 on race day. All proceeds go towards the Greenwich Alliance for Education programs. To register, visit www. /turkeytrot-2021
LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM November 2 officially marked the beginning of the Town of Greenwich’s annual leaf collection prog ram. This ser v ice is for properties on public streets in building zones R-20 that are a half-acre or smaller. There will be two pickups between November 2 and mid-December. Schedule details can be found at Leaf-Collection.
does not go far enough. It does not address the much more difficult issue: how do you find and secure these great new opportunities? I enjoy f ly f ish i ng, a lso known as “angling.” I won’t say I am good at it, just that I really enjoy it. I’ve learned a lot from it, including things that have nothing to do with fish. Things that have a lot to do with life. Here are my observations, set out as a list of ten rules, on how the process of pursuing a new job opportunity is very much like angling:
TREE WARDEN ON WEST END AVE TREE The tree warden has ruled regarding the fate of the 28” European Linden tree in Old Greenwich on West End Avenue following a public hearing.The request for the tree's removal was approved with the caveat that if the tree be removed, four 3” caliper trees must be replanted in ABILIS WALK/RUN RAISES the vicinity of West End Avenue. OVER $166,500 TOWN HALL MASK This year’s Abilis walk/run REQUIREMENT UPDATE around Tod's Point was a roaring First Selectman Fred Camillo success, with the organization has announced that employees raising over $166, 57 7 for the and visitors of Town Hall will no nonprofit and its work with the longer be required to wear a face special needs community. mask as of Monday, November PROPERTY 8. In addition, social distancing REASSESSMENTS requirements will be eliminated The Town’s Assessors Office in conference and meeting rooms. is reviewing preliminary values O P E N A R T S A L L I A N C E for the 2021 revaluation. HOLDS CINDERELLA Greenwich completed its last AUDITIONS revaluation for the 2015 Grand The Open Arts Alliance has List in order to keep assessments a n nou nce d aud it ions for its equitable and reflect the current spring musical: Cinderella. All fa i r ma rket va lue . P rop er t y youth ages 8-18 are welcome owners will receive a notice of to audition.Auditions will take assessment change the week place on December 7 and 9 at 6 of November 8, at which time p.m. at the River House, with there will be informal hearings callbacks on December 10 at 6 available for all taxpayers to p.m. Performances will take place d iscuss or appea l their new on April 28, 29, and 30 at The assessment. Discussion hearings Powerhouse Theatre. will be available November 8 GREENWICH RECERTIFIED through January, and appeals will be available February 1 to BY SUSTAINABLE CT Sustainable CT, a statewide February 20 of 2022. initiative, has given Greenwich one of the highest scoring marks
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4. Don’t expect feedback. It is a glorious day, you make your perfect cast, the fly lands right in front of the fish, but the fish just swims away. Why, you wonder? Was it my choice of fly? My cast? You will never know. Accept it. The fish has neither the time nor the interest in giving you feedback. Ditto for most of the people and companies you reach out to. Don’t expect it, don’t dwell on it, just move on. 5. If you a re not se eing or catching f ish, move to another spot. Hope springs eternal in the heart of the angler. He or she is quite likely to spend too much time in a single
7. Watch for nibbles or bites. These can be both exciting and frustrating, for they do not “deliver the goods.” But they do provide feedback that the fish are there and that they might be interested in what you are showing them. Take it for the encouragement that it is, and get your fly back in the water, close to where you felt the nibble, and keeping it moving, no more and no less than normal.
10. Enjoy the outing. It can be a very “zen” experience to be outdoors fishing a lake, pond or stream, enjoying nature; it isn’t really necessary to catch anything in order to feel like you’ve had a good day fishing (some note that “it is called f ishing, not catching,” which definitely distinguishes fishing from playing golf!). Job seeking is a bit different, because the entire purpose of the exercise is to secure a new opportunity, but that does not mean you can’t enjoy the journey along the way.
8. If you hook a fish, keep tension on the line: not too And the number one piece of much, or you may break advice I give everyone? Try fly the line, or too little lest fishing. It can change your life. you let the fish spit out the “Tight lines” everyone!
away peacefully on Oct. 22.
PARKING PERMIT RENEWALS Parking Permit renewal will be occurring online only this year. In order to renew your permit, residents must submit an application proving residency and making a payment. Residents can renew at www.greenwichct. gov/572 by December 31, 2021. However, tiered late fees will be assessed for payments received after December 2.
Michael Dudas, Sr. Michael L. Dudas, Sr., Big Mike, passed away on Nov. 3. Leonard Ginise, Jr. Leonard J. Ginise Jr., of Riverside, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 3. He was 82.
Nell Otto Ne l l D u n c a n Wa l l O t to l o s t her valiant battle with cancer GREENWICH BALLET’S surrounded by family on Nov. 3. NUTCRACKER Jane Hall G r e e n w i c h B a l l e t Jane Lucia Goodyear Hall, age 95, Academy’s annual production died peacefully on Oct. 30. of the Nutcracker has returned! P e r f o r m a n c e s w i l l b e o n Calvin Breier November 13 at 7:45 p.m. and Calvin Julius Breier passed away N o v e m b e r 1 4 a t 2 p . m . a t on Thursday, Oct. 28. t he G r e enw ich H ig h S cho ol Performing A rts Center. V IP James Starkweather backstage access passes will be James Oliver Starkweather slipped available for the performances. his final mooring lines, passing To purchase tickets, visit www.
Kathleen Healy Kathleen Healy passed away Oct. 19. She was 71. Charles Dingee, Jr. Charles Montgomery Dingee, Jr. (Monty) entered eternal rest on Oct. 14 at the age of 87. Elinor Carr Elinor Heiner Carr passed away on March 3, 2020. Frank O'Toole Frank O'Toole, a longtime Greenwich resident, died u n e x p e c t e d l y o n M o n d a y, Novem ber 8, 2021. He was 39. Frank was a Connecticut Certif ied Level 1 Firef ighter, Medical Response Technician and dedicated volunteer with the Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol. For the past fifteen years he worked as a dispatcher at the Greenwich Police Department and recently accepted a promotion to Lead Dispatcher. Friends may call at Castiglione Funeral Home from 3:0 0 pm to 7:0 0 pm , Su nd ay, Novem ber 14th; a Mass of Christian Burial will be held M o n d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 5 t h , 10:00am at Sacred Heart Church, 95 Henry St., followed by burial at St. Mary's Cemetery, 1 High St., Rye Brook, NY.
Local Public Company Market Watch GREENWICH INDEX COMPANY
AmBase Corporation
52 LOW
Hudson Pro
Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.
Oxford Lane Capital Corp.
Oxford Square Capital Corp.
Starwood Property Trust Inc.
StoneRiver Inc.
Townsquare Media Inc.
Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.
W.R. Berkley Corp.
XPO Logistics Inc.
Ellington Financial LLC
* as of close of business 11/10/21
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Negotiating in a Tight Market Plus Mid-November Market
By Mark Pruner
inventory, we have new sales. As a result, we saw a spurt in weekly transactions, the total of contracts that week and sales. To me transactions is the best indicator of how active our market is. Transactions aren’t quite as straight forward as the phrase, weekly contracts plus sales seems. Contracts come in t wo t y pes according to FlexMLS, service provider for the Greenwich MLS. You have contingent contracts a nd pend i ng cont rac ts. Most contingent contracts become pending contracts, so the contingent contracts are counted twice, but getting contingencies removed is another sign of market momentum.
Greenwich R.E. Market Update If we did not sell another house this year, 2021 would still be our best year for sales ever. As of mid-week, we have sold 905 single family homes. Add in the 111 contracts that are waiting t o c l o s e a n d yo u h a ve 1 , 016 transactions so far this year. We need another 95 sales this year to Negotiating the Contract Offer reach 1,000 sales in Greenwich. Contingent contracts mean There are some weekly indicators that that buyer has an out. Most that we may make it. of the time this is a mortgage contingency. If the buyer can’t get Inventory Our real estate engine has a mortgage, they have the right been running on less than half to exercise the contingency and of tank of gas all year. We hit an terminate the contract. The seller’s amazingly low high-inventory attorney then returns the buyer’s lever of only 342 listings in the first 10% deposit. Of the 876 singleweek of June. We then slid steadily family home sales in Greenwich down to only 229 listings in the through the end of October 2021, last week of October. The fear was 499 or 57% of the contracts had that this five month’s slide would contingencies. Now, in Greenwich, not all continue, and our market would essentially die. If earlier this year of those 449 contingencies were we were the Olympian clearing for mortgages. Back in the 80’s new heights, we aged into the when I was in private practice, it older guy hobbling along insisting was common practice for their to be two contingencies. The first that he doesn’t need a cane. The good news is that our contingency was an inspection inventor y has ticked up by 6 contingency for a week to ten listings at the end of last week to days, followed by a mortgage 235 listings and as of the middle of contingency of 30 to 60 days. This this week we added 3 more houses meant that once the contract was to the listing. Now 9 listings may signed, the buyer was in control of not seem like a lot, but what it the deal. If there was something does is taking a line that was on a they didn’t like in the inspection, steady decline and actually turn they could call the deal off. More it up a tiny bit. Our inventory commonly, the buyer would ask normally drops as we approach the seller to reduce the price or to the year-end holidays, but the make repairs. Sellers weren’t big on losing normal year’s low was this year’s control of the deal for their house, high. so unlike many other places, the Contracts & Transactions Greenwich standard is that the We have also seen contracts buyer has to do the inspection turn up slightly from a low of 101 before the seller’s attorney even contracts at the end of September starts to draft the contract. If the to 111 contracts this week. Our seller get’s a better offer, they are contracts rose throughout October free to accept it. This gives either as our fall market inventory, what party the ability to back out of the there was of it, made a bunch of “deal”. new houses available for sale. Some sellers are of the old In this market, if we have new school and a deal is a deal and they
won’t accept the higher offer. Even so the higher backup offer puts tremendous pressure on the first buyer to accept the house ‘as is” regardless of what the inspection turns up. On the flip side, the seller who accepts the higher offer runs the risk of losing both deals. If the second buyer does an inspection and decides there are problem, they can back out. If the second buyer backs out, the seller has to go back to first buyer hat in hand and ask them to go through with their original offer. Often the f irst buyer has found another place, or they are still ticked at the seller and tell them to take a f lying leap out of pure pique. One thing, the seller can do to lessen the first buyer’s reaction is to offer the pay the cost of their inspection and any other reasonable expenses that they incurred. If the seller does that, she can also ask for a copy of the inspection they are paying for which comes in very handy. Once the contract is signed, the prevailing buyer needs to work closely with their mortgage broker or ba n ker to ma ke su re t hat every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. In this market you don’t want to be asking for an extension on the contingency. Mark Pruner is a Sales Executive at Compass and can be reached at mark.pruner@compass. com or 203-969-7900. His website is
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We are an authorized dealer and installer Air Solutions, Inc. 430 Fair field Ave, Stamford, CT 06902
Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel
We set the standard for Personalized Service Personal & Business Accounts | Experts in Commercial and Residential Lending
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address
Original List
List Price
Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt
7 River Road Boat Slip F-1 6 Sherman Avenue 1 38 Riverside Lane 5 Dale Drive 39 Old Church Road 155 Field Point Road 3N 6 Miami Court 8 Butler Street 10 Rockland Place 2 Flintlock Road 21 Annjim Drive 14 Pleasant View Place 262 Stanwich Road 4 Steep Hollow Lane 6 Dialstone Lane 10 North Street 170 Overlook Drive 569 Round Hill Road 11 Old Forge Road 311 Shore Road 45 Willow Road 85 Indian Head Road
$98,000 $565,000 $925,000 $999,000 $1,177,777 $1,195,000 $1,150,000 $1,195,000 $1,650,000 $1,397,000 $1,695,000 $2,450,000 $2,895,000 $2,350,000 $2,595,000 $2,495,000 $3,395,000 $3,050,000 $3,900,000 $5,750,000 $4,750,000 $5,995,000
$88,900 $565,000 $859,000 $999,000 $1,177,777 $1,195,000 $1,150,000 $1,195,000 $1,575,000 $1,397,000 $1,499,000 $2,200,000 $2,495,000 $2,350,000 $2,595,000 $2,495,000 $3,250,000 $3,050,000 $3,900,000 $4,995,000 $4,750,000 $5,500,000
$100,000 $571,000 $835,000 $990,000 $1,177,777 $1,231,000 $1,255,000 $1,359,542 $1,440,000 $1,440,000 $1,475,000 $2,135,000 $2,345,000 $2,350,000 $2,675,000 $2,800,000 $3,100,000 $3,628,888 $4,250,000 $4,800,000 $4,800,000 $5,412,000
266 112 131 89 0 7 13 31 373 11 176 86 276 95 58 11 186 7 341 152 44 117
0 3 3 3 6 3 4 3 4 4 3 6 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 5 6 5
0 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 6 4 5 5 3 5 7 6 5 5 6
0.16 0.23 0.12 0.27 0 0.11 0.17 0.12 1.27 0.28 0.77 3.09 1.91 0.2 0.41 0.72 4.01 2.06 0.46 0.33 1.68
1,892 1,386 1,722 3,585 2,184 1,690 1,742 2,148 2,520 2,560 5,225 3,856 5,289 3,749 2,853 5,705 8,238 4,515 5,621 6,141 7,701
Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866
List Price
9 Maple Street 19 Le Grande Avenue 17 14 Concord Street 16 Nedley Lane 10 Cary Road 630 Steamboat Road 2B 117 Dingletown Road 5 Choctaw Lane 45 Sound Beach Avenue 8 Park Avenue 19 Lyon Farm Drive 19 746 Lake Avenue 77 Indian Harbor Drive A 66 Mooreland Road 8 Hillside Drive Rock Ridge 15 Windrose Way
$675,000 $699,000 $749,000 $898,000 $949,000 $995,000 $1,150,000 $1,337,500 $1,395,000 $1,650,000 $1,650,000 $1,900,000 $1,975,000 $4,700,000 $5,195,000 $12,500,000
Price/ SqFt
$913 $518 $379 $403 $993
739 1,350 1,977 2,228 956
0.11 0 0.11 0.28 0.15
$332 $646 $663 $557 $624 $531 $691 $885 $641 $1,460
3,468 2,070 2,105 2,960 2,643 3,577 2,859 5,308 8,100 8,562
1.24 1.35 0.14 0.53 0 2.65 0.2 7.81 2.17 2
1 2 3 3 3 2 5 4 2 4 4 5 3 5 6 5
1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 6
REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabellino | Pam Toner | Carline Martin |
Cos Cob South of Post Road Pemberwick Glenville Riverside South of Post Road South Parkway North Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich South Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road North Parkway South Parkway South of Post Road
A New Level Of Commitment And Honesty In Real Estate. Gloria Falcon 203.559.1604 Cesar Rabellino 203.249.9866
Greenwich | 136 East Putnam Avenue | ©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.
FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address
80 Brookside Drive, rental 8 Hillside Dr. Rock Ridge, rental 12 Cross Street 12 Cross Street 41 Valley Road 41 Butler Street 36 Mianus View Terrace 86 Howard Road 25 Greenbriar Lane 1 North Street 107 Maple Avenue 123 Dingletown Road 8 Hillside Drive Rock Ridge 62 Sherwood Avenue 62 Sherwood Avenue 75 Perkins Road 78 Pecksland Road
Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Cos Cob Cos Cob Cos Cob Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich
$14,800 $25,000 $879,000 $879,000 $1,295,000 $1,375,000 $1,575,000 $1,850,000 $2,950,000 $3,095,000 $4,495,000 $4,800,000 $5,195,000 $5,200,000 $5,200,000 $6,295,000 $7,995,000
Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 11-1 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM
Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway William Raveis Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Realty
203.940.0779 |
To move or not to move? To sell or not to sell? To buy or not to buy? Those are the most frequently asked questions these days. Put my commitment to my clients, local knowledge and integrity to work for you.
Old Greenwich Office | 200 Sound Beach Ave | 203.637.1713 | ©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Complete Town Wide Calendar of Events Technology Help. Lab Learning Lab. 203-6256560.
7 p.m. Foreign Affairs Book Discussion Group: “Iran and Saudi Arabia: Taming a Chaotic Conflict” by Ibrahim Fraihat. Online. 203-622-7924.
1 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 17
Cloak and Dagger Book Club: “The Stranger Behind You” by Carol Goodman. Cos Cob Library Community Room.
10 a.m. Tales for 2s and 3s. Marx Family Black Box Theater.
Sunday, Nov. 14
10:30 a.m.
2 p.m.
Baby Lapsit. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883.
Theater. 11 a.m.
GREENWICH SENTINEL FOUNDATION SUBSCRIBE SUBMIT Calendar Items, Obituaries, Services, Charity Events, and Announcements to COMMUNITY IMPACT Columnists and community impact to Jenny at CommunityImpact@ DONATE PO Box 279, Greenwich, CT 06836
Flinn Gallery Artist Talk: Book Artists Chris Perry and Shiela Hale. Flinn Gallery. Free. Monday, Nov. 15 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. 203-625-6560. 10 a.m. Wee Ones Storytime for 1s and 2s. Marx Family Black Box Theater. 203-622-7940. children@ 2 p.m. Decode the Mystery of Social Media. Marx Family Black Box Theater & Online. 203-6256560.
12 p.m. Brown Bag Book Club: “Hamnet” by Maggie O’Farrell. Adults. 203-622-6883. 1 p.m. Investment Basics V: Why a Portfolio Review is Important and How to Do It. Online. ywang@ 3:45 p.m. Afternoon Story/Craft. Ages 2 1/2 & up. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883. Thursday, Nov. 18 11:30 a.m.
7 p.m.
Qi Gong. Online. 203-531-0426.
Resume Writing Crash Course. Online. 203622-7924.
5 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 12
Tuesday, Nov. 16
9 a.m.
5 p.m.
9:15 a.m. Baby Lapsit Storytime. Marx Family Black Box Theater. 203-622-7940.
Tai Chi with Ken Dolan. Online. 203-531-0426.
LifeSkills Learning. 203-625-6560. 10 & 11 a.m. Outdoor Toddler Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. 3 p.m. Spotlight on Apps: Libby. Learning Lab. 203625-6560.
10:30 a.m. Spanish Storytime at Cos Cob Library. 203622-6883. 11 a.m. Indoor Preschool Storytime with Patty Byram Shubert Library Community Room. 203-5310426.
3:45 p.m. World Music with Anitra. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883.
11 a.m. Petite Concert. Marx Family Black Box Theater.
7 p.m. Friends Friday Films: “ They Shall Not Grow Old.” Berkley Theater.
1 p.m. Sit n Stitch Knitting Group Cos Cob Library Cos Cob Community Room. 203-622-6883.
Saturday, Nov. 13
4 p.m.
10 a.m.
Family Dancing with Brandon. Online. 203531-0426.
Innovation Lab for Kids: Robot Dinosaur. Online. Ages 10 to 12. 10:30 a.m. Holiday Cooking Demonstration with Rosalyn. 203-531-0426. 11 a.m. Mario “The Maker Magician” Live! Berkley
5 p.m. International Book Club: “Interior Chinatown” by Charles Yu. Online. 6 p.m. Elements of Writing: Characters. Online. 203622-7915.
Proust Group. Online. 203-531-0426.
7 p.m. AuthorsLive: “Shuggie Bain” by Douglas Stuart. Berkley Theater. kcihi@greenwichlibrary. org. 7 p.m. Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships Pt II: Jennifers’ Law and Coercive Control. Online. 203-531-0426. Friday, Nov. 19 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. 203-625-6560. 10 & 11 a.m. Outdoor Toddler Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. 10 a.m. Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203622-7924.
Page B1 | Greenwich Sentinel
Community Room. 203-622-6883. 7 p.m. Friends Friday Films: “ Smoke Signals.” Berkley Theater. Saturday, Nov. 20 10:30 a.m. Genealogy 101: How Best to Research and Record Your Family History. Online. 203-6226883. 10:30 a.m. Sing-a-Long Music Time with Tom Weber. Baxter Courtyard. 203-622-7940. children@ 11 a.m. Technology Help. Lab Learning Lab. 203-6256560. 2 p.m. Poet’s Voice: Award Winning Poet Erika Meitner. Berkley Theater. GREENWICH HOSPITAL: 888-305-9253 Saturday, Nov. 13 9 a.m. AARP-Safe Driving Course. Greenwich Hospital, 5 Perryridge Rd. Monday, Nov. 15 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. Tuesday, Nov. 16 1:30 p.m. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. 90 Harding Rd, Old Greenwich. 5 p.m. Webinar: Neurological Complications of COVID-19. 6 p.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. Thursday, Nov. 18 6 p.m. Webinar: Added Sugars: Get the Scoop, Kick Habit. Saturday, Nov. 20 6 p.m.
2 p.m. Get Creative with Sketchbook. Learning Lab. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org
Webinar: Bariatric Informational.
3:45 p.m. World Music with Anitra. Cos Cob Library
Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m.
Page B2 | Greenwich Sentinel
CPL-03 Rev 06/ 13
Complete Town Wide Calendar (continued on next page) OF CONN STATE
Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pullups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Epis-
copal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave.
Monday, Nov. 15 - Friday, Nov. 19
- Panel. Field Club of Greenwich, 276 Lake Ave. $60.
Wednesday, Nov. 17 Thanksgiving Food Drive 4:30 p.m. COURAGE & FAITH: All those who participate must Saturday, Nov. 13 & Sunday, The J House Greenwich. be willing to drop off bags at 7 p.m. portJ groups members Nov. 14 The Gallery atfor thefamily J House, joan-chittister Friday, Nov. 12 & Saturday, 40 Arch St. 203-869-4848. 1114 East Putnamliving Ave. $10. Review Com of individuals with mental Nov. 13 7 p.m. Saturday,Architectural Nov. 20 203-698-6980. cdesouza@ Meeting. health conditions. (1st Tue of 7the The Nutcracker. Greenwich p.m. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. BREAST CANCER month). Free. Register in advance. Thursday, Nov. 4 High School Performing Arts Woman’s Club Holiday Gift Joan Chittister – The Time is ANCE: Center, 10 Hillside Rd. Tickets GREENWICH 11 a.m. Wednesday, LAND Nov. 3TRUST: Now, followed Show – gifts, clothing, food. 89 by reception start at $30. FS Sustainability Committ Maple Ave. Free. and book signing. Christ 6:30filled p.m. out by the permittee and events The below must be signed ing. Via Zoom. BYRAM VOLUNTEER FIRE Church Greenwich. Freewith and the sign Thursday, Nov. 18 and Adolescent NAMI-CAN (Child DEPT: Monday, Nov. 15 open to the1 public. p.m. RSVP. Network) Online Support Group 10 a.m. 12 p.m. Permittee Name: STEPHAN RAPAGLIA PZ ORCHESTRA: Commission and The HT byramvolunteerfiredepartSYMPHONY for parents and primary caregivers Converse Brook Hike. Meet at Breast Cancer Awareness: District Commission Virtu of children and adolescents, under GLT’s Mueller Preserve, 370 Ultimate Lifestyle For Prevenshop. I solemnly swear that I affixed said placard by 10/28/2021 and the placard has bee Sunday, Nov. 14 age 21,Hill with Rd.behavioral Registrationand emoSaturday, Nov. 20 tion & Recovery. Online. Free. Round 7 the p.m.notice of applica 11:30 a.m. the instructions. I also have published 7:30 p.m. required. tional issues (Every Wednesday). Celebrate 130 Years of Service Conservation Commission Free. ContactSOCIETY: HISTORICAL ConductorMeeting. Martin Majkut; and the Rededication of the Tuesday, Nov. 16, 12 p.m. & Via Zoom. DID YOUR LOCATION REQUIRE Program: John Adams, TheTHE 4’ X for the meeting password. Renovated Byram Fire Station. Wednesday, Nov. 17, 9 a.m. 7 p.m. Chairman Dances; Ravel, 266 Delavan Ave. RED CROSS DRIVE: BCA Holiday Gift Boutique. BoardBeethoven, of Education Budge Thursday, Nov.BLOOD 18 Piano Concerto; CHAMBER PLAYERS: Burning Tree Country Club , School. 6:30 p.m. Symphonying. Nº 6.Cos GHSCob Perform120 Perkins Rd. $20 suggested Applicant Signature: ____________________________________ chamberplayersofthegso. ing Arts Center. $40, adults; Monday, Nov. 8 Friday, Oct. 29 & Sunday, Oct. 31 The Thanksgiving Tablescape admission at the door. com $10, students. 203-249-3653. 8:30 a.m. -7Aa.m. Unique Succulent – 3:30 p.m. Pumpkin YWCA GREENWICH: Personally appeared the foregoing Centerpiece workshop with signer BET HRstatement Committee and Meetim Sunday, Nov. 14 Greenwich Blood Donation Center, Red Flower Truck. 47 Strick4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21 Hall –Cone Room. Town 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. land Rd. Register. 3 p.m. 9:30 a.m. “Sympathetic Resonance.” Tuesday, Nov. 16 Monday, Nov. 1 & Tuesday, Nov. 2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Management Advi Round Hill Community 7 p.m. ConductorEnergy Martin Majkut; Notary Public Signature: 11 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.______________________________ Church, 395 Round Hill Rd. Program: John Adams, The Committee and Planning a Join the Journey: Becoming Greenwich Blood Donation Center, $30 adults, $5 students. 203Chairman ing Dances; Ravel, Team Meeting. Via Zoo Antiracist. 259 East Putnam Thursday, 99 IndianNov. Field18Rd, Greenwich. 637-4725. chamberplayers@ Piano Concerto; Beethoven, Ave. $25/person. Register. 1 p.m. Symphony Nº 6. GHS Perform12 p.m. Nov. 5 Friday, Planning & Zoning Comm BOYS & GIRLS CLUB: ing Arts Center. $40, adults; Monday, Nov. 15 7 a.m. –Who 3:30 p.m.PresentaWomen Matter Briefing. Via Zoom. The below be203-249-3653. filled out by the pu $10,must students. 7:30 p.m. tion With JoanBlood Lunden. Online. Center, Greenwich Donation 3 p.m. 203-869-3500. mokane@ Tuesday, Nov. 16 “Sympathetic Resonance.” 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. BET Law Committee Meet Name of Newspaper_________________________________ City/Town ______ ALLIANCE FOR Winter Program Registration Greenwich Historical Society, Town Hall – Conference R TOWN AGENCIES MEETINGS: TION: Opens. 47 Strickland Rd. $30 adults, ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF $5 students. ThisCONSERVATION is to certify that this notice appeared twice in the newspaper indicated, havin GREENWICH: COMMISWOMAN’S CLUB:
203-957-3838 I
MARK YOUR Monday, Nov. 1 Saturday, Nov. 27 CALENDAR FOR 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Signed: ______________________________________________ Title: Tuesday, Nov. 16 Energy Management Advisory UPCOMING EVEN 11th Turkey Trot 5K Race/1 Wednesday, Nov. 17 Sunday, Nov. 14 and Planning andMile Zon1Committee p.m. Fun Run. Bruce Park. Oct. 30 2 p.m. Reed Lecture. In person. ing Team Meeting. Via Zoom.Register bySaturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Nov. 15 and get 7 p.m. a.m. “Autumn Revelations” - a con- Treasure Hunt – look for “river RSVP. a t-shirt & goody bag. $35, REACH Prep’s bugs” or macroinvertebrates cert in commemoration of All Review Sign Meetthrough Nov. 26; $40, day ofMasquerad 5Architectural p.m. The Village, 4 Star Point, S Souls Sunday. St. Catherine of in our local streams. Open to race. 203-912-9543. julie@ International Book Club: “Ining. Via Zoom. Siena Church, 4 Riverside Ave. all. Register. sarah.coccaro@ terior Chinatown.” On Zoom. 3 p.m. Free, donations welcome. 203- html LIGHTHOUSE: FS Energy Management Advisory 637-3661. music.director@ BRUCE MUSEUM: Wednesday, 17 Town Hall 6:30 p.m. Committee Nov. Meeting. – Cone Room. lighthouseICC Gala Benefit: “A Celebr 1:30 p.m. FLINN GALLERY: Club de Lecture:Nov. “Le pays Wednesday, 3 des Thursday,Light.” Saturday, Nov. 13 & Sunday, Nov. 18Hilton Stamford, 1 S autres.” RSVP for a Zoom link. 5 p.m. Nov. 14 SAMPLE PUBLICATION Pl. ALL SOULS CONCERT:
Sunday, Nov. 14 2 p.m. Artist Talk with Shiela Hale and Chris Perry. Flinn Gallery Greenwich Library, 101 West Putnam Ave., 2nd Floor. Free. 203-622-7947.
1 p.m.
GENERATION IMPACT: Sunday, Nov. 14 4 p.m. Generation Impact: The Big Learn 2022. Arch Street, The Greenwich Teen Center. Free. UJA-JCC GREENWICH: Sunday, Nov. 14 5 p.m. Davis Film Festival (at home):
Free Delivery 203-869-2299
“The Tiger Within.” $9 per link. FAMILY CENTERS:
LIQUOR Lighthouse, a Program of Kids PERM 5 p.m. In Crisis: LGBTQ Youth Group Science Solvers: Pumpkin Ex‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ Meeting. Christ Church Greenploration. 1 Museum Dr. Ages 4 Notice of Applica join in for lively discussions wich, 254 E. Putnam Ave. & up. Free with admission. No on French films. Open to all. Free. No RSVP required. Open reservations required. RSVP for a Zoom link. to all LGBTQ Youth This is and to allies. give notice Thursday, Nov. 18 203-661-1911. lighthouse@ Thursday, Nov. 18 7 p.m. STEPHAN RAPAGLIA, 8 OLD MUSKET LN, 5 p.m. Bruce Experiences: A Special Apéros amis. Bistro V BeauROTARY CLUB: Evening with the Curator: The jolais Nouveau. gail.covney@ Have filed an application placarded Hat that Changed the Native Wednesday, Nov. 17 of Consume American World. RSVP. Department 5 p.m. 6:30 p.m. BOTANICAL CENTER: Proust Group Fereshteh for a PACKAGE STORE Weekly Wednesday lunchLIQUOR P Priou. RSVP for Zoom link. meeting. Riversideliquor Yacht Club, greenwichbotanicalcenter. alcoholic on the p 102 Club Rd. Full Dinner, wine org E PUTNAM A on table, cash130 bar: $68/person. Friday, Nov. 19 Tuesday, Nov. 16 RSVPGREENWICH to Sally Parris: sally. CT 068 10 a.m. 10 a.m. ‘Café Franco-Américain’ Chair Yoga. GBC, 130 Bible St. TAI CHI: Conversation in English and $20. The business will be owned by: COS French. In person. sbenthal@ Wednesday, Nov. 17 Tuesday, Nov. 16, 9 a.m. & Entertainment will co 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, 4 p.m. FAIRFIELD COUNTY LOOK: First Congregational Church Native Habitat & of Greenwich, 108 Sound ity Series: Living Landscapes Objections must isbe filed by Beach Ave. Registration Inspired by Native Plants. On- Wednesday, Nov. 17 required. Tuition is paid as a line. $30. 203-869-9242. info@ 10 a.m. donation made directly by the STEPHAN Women’s Wellness Series participant to abilis, Neighbor RAPAG
Warm Up This Winter Atko Bros Landscaping is now providing top quality Kiln Dried Firewood Delivered and Stacked for the best prices GUARANTEED. $300 1 face cord 8x4x16” $350 $180 and 1/2 face cord 4x4x16” $200
We also stock woodhaven Firewood racks with covers We deliver to Greenwich, Cos Cob, Old Greenwich, Riverside, Byram and surrounding areas in Fairfield County, CT and Westchester Country, NY.
Please contact us at (203) 253-1089 for delivery price and time estimate.
LIFE IS SHORT...WORK SOMEPLACE FUN!!!!! Call Christine 914-659-0595
Complete Town Wide Calendar to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church.
Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd.
OLD GREENWICH FARM- Tuesday, Nov. 16 ER’S MARKET: 11 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. oldgreenwichfarmersmarGreenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. Wednesdays 2:30 - 6 p.m. TOWN MEETINGS: Farm stands & food recycling program. 38 West End Ave, Old Greenwich. Held rain or shine. (No dogs Monday, Nov. 15 allowed). info@oldgreen9:30 a.m. Energy Management ART SOCIETY: Advisory Committee and Planning and Zoning Team Meeting. Via Zoom. Through Feb. 28, 2022 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Julie Tehrani exhibition. Architectural Review Sign Greenwich Hospital Garden Meeting. Café, 5 Perryridge Rd., 3 p.m. 8:30am-3:30pm, daily. Energy Management AdviBOOK SWAP: sory Committee Meeting. Town Hall – Cone Room. Every Friday & Saturday 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Nathaniel Witherell Board Book Exchange – choose of Directors Meeting. from a huge selection of books. Holly Hill Recycling Tuesday, Nov. 16 Center. Free, or, donate 8:30 a.m. books. (Open every Fri & BET Audit Committee MeetSat. ing. Town Hall – Gisborne FRIENDS OF GREENRoom. WICH POINT: 7 p.m. friendsofgreenwichpoint. Board of Human Services org Meeting. Ongoing: Scavenger Hunt @ Wednesday, Nov. 17 Greenwich Point - Looking for something fun to do? 12 p.m. Come out and explore the Public Hearing on the Point in springtime with a proposed removal of one family friendly scavenger hunt. Break out your binoc- (1) town tree located at 66 Mead Ave. Town Hall - Diviulars and explore all areas sion of Parks & Trees. of the Point! ARCH STREET:
12 p.m.
FS Re-Imagine Greenwich Meeting. Via Zoom.
FERGUSON LIBRARY: events/upcoming Saturday, Nov. 13 3:15 p.m. A Story of Diwali, a Children’s Play. Main Library Branch. Register.
information or to make an appointment, call 203-3518292. (Two forms of ID with your signature required).
Diwali: The Festival of Lights. Main Library Branch. Register. Tuesday, Nov. 16 11 a.m.
Medicare Educational Seminar. Main Library Branch. Register.
Saturday, Nov. 20 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 17 2 - 4 p.m.
Comedy Night @Curtain Call. 1349 Newfield Ave, Stamford. $35/50.
Notary Public Hours - get official documents notarized for free. Harry Bennett Branch Auditorium. Appointment required; for
Robert J. Fucigna, M.D. Advanced Ophthalmology.
1455 East Putnam Avenue, Old Greenwich (203) 348-7575 •
Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & 7 p.m. Architectural Review ComThu., 4-5pm Free. Online. mittee Meeting. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. 7 p.m. Wednesday, by AppointBoard of Education Busiment Only. Free. ness Meeting. Greenwich NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: High School. Thursday, Nov. 18 line-support 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17 BET Budget Committee 6:30 p.m. Meeting. Town Hall – MeetNAMI-CAN (Child and ing Room. Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents Friday, Nov. 19 and primary caregivers of 12:01 p.m. children and adolescents, RTM Call Closes. under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact for the meeting password.
7 p.m. Friends and Family Support Group - peer-led support groups for family members of individuals living with mental health conditions. (3rd Wed of the month). Free. Register in advance. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE:
BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: Sunday, Nov. 14 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd. Monday, Nov. 15
Saturday, Nov. 13 6 p.m. Make-A-Wish Connecticut’s Wish Night. Greenwich Country Club. agoodman@
Our Neighboring Towns Thursday, Nov. 18 7 p.m.
Don’t Forget to book your Holiday Parties Today! Multiple Packages available for hosting a wonderful and memorable event!
Cocktails and Cornucopias - Designers from Bedford Village Flower Shoppe.
11 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
See Dr. Fucigna
Thursday, Nov. 18 6 - 7:30 p.m. Lawyers in Libraries: Looking for Legal Advice? You could meet with a volunteer attorney. Main Library Branch: Main Library Room: 2nd Floor Study Room 1. Book an appointment: 203-351-8221.
Sunday, Nov. 14 4 p.m.
Page B3 | Greenwich Sentinel
203-717-1770 HUNTER DOUGLAS ♦ GRABER® HARTMANN & FORBES SHADES DESIGNER FABRICS Free measuring & installation.
JSJ WINDOW TREATMENTS, INC. Serving Greenwich since 1989
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Page B4 | Greenwich Sentinel
OBITUARIES Michael Dudas, Sr.
May 27, 1949 – Nov. 3, 2021 Michael L. Dudas, Sr., Big Mike, was born in Greenwich, son of the late Julia and Lawrence (Lefty) Dudas and attended Greenwich High School. Mike went on to work in the Oil service Industry which he retired from in 2019. He was predeceased by his beloved wife of 39 years, Dianne (Cudnik) Dudas, brother Philip Dudas and David Dudas. He will be deeply missed by his 3 sons, Michael Dudas Jr. and his wife Joy Dudas of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, John Jason Dudas and his wife Dina Dudas of Wilmington, NC, Timothy Dudas and his wife Jolyne Dudas of Bethel. His most treasured grandchildren, Sampson, Jason and Isabella. His sister Diane Douglass (Stew Douglass). He leaves behind many loved nieces, nephews, close cousins, extended family and dear friends. Memorial contributions in his memory may be made to the American Cancer Association or have a tree planted in his name.
oil painting, sculpture, printmaking and collage paperwork. Her work was regularly exhibited at local galleries and art organizations including The Greenwich Art Center, Hurlbutt Gallery; The Festival of Arts show in Stamford; The Westport Arts Center; and a one-person show, at the Greenwich Arts Center Gallery in May of 1986, entitled "MonoPrints". During the 1960's, she also taught at the Museum of Modern Art, NYC; the Art Barn, and Greenwich Academy, both in Greenwich. Mrs. Hall summered regularly in Stonington, ME, where she enjoyed spending time with family and friends over lobster and clam feasts. She enrolled in the art programs at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and exhibited artwork at several wellknown established local art galleries including The Turtle Gallery in Deer Isle, and the Leighton Gallery in Blue Hill, ME. In 1979, Mrs. Hall obtained an M.A. in Art History from Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY. With a strong personal interest in ancient civilizations and archeology, she also pursued several summer volunteer opportunities at excavation sites in Greece and Spain. Mrs. Hall had a passion for travel with particular interest in areas of ancient civilization including Egypt, Italy, Greece and England. She enjoyed sharing her passion for travel, theatre, music and the arts with her family. She is survived by her two sons, Jeffrey S. Hall, (wife Marti) Snowmass CO, and Douglas M. Hall (wife Mei Hua) Waltham, MA. and daughter Hannah G. Hall-Alicandro (husband Bernie) Princeton, MA. She is also survived by her grandchildren Penh, Kahnya, Jeffrey and William, and her sister Martha Ann Mason, Exeter, NH. She was predeceased by her brother Henry (Hank) Goodyear, Albany, GA. Private memorial services will be held.
Nell Otto
Calvin Breier
Nell Duncan Wall Otto was born on Oct. 6, 1951, the cherished daughter of May Howard Wall and Edwin Craig Wall, in Conway, SC. She lost her valiant battle with cancer surrounded by family on Nov. 3. She is survived by her husband of 46 years, John Francis Otto, Jr. of Greenwich, twin daughters Blair Otto Bijou (Craig) and Sarah Otto Kohart (Brett), both of Darien, and son John (Jay) Russell Otto of New York City; incredible grandchildren Maisie and Armstrong Bijou, Campbell and Nell Kohart; her sister, Harriet Wall Martin (D.G.) of Chapel Hill, NC; sisters-in-law Suzie Otto and Diane Otto and Karen Otto of Greenwich, plus numerous adoring nieces and nephews, all entertained and buoyed by her vibrant and loving presence. Nell was predeceased by her brother, Edwin Craig Wall, Jr., and her sister, May Ervin Wall. Nell also was devoted to her long time aid Luz, a devoted caregiver and friend. After an idyllic childhood in Conway and on the beach in South Carolina, Nell went on to graduate Summa Cum Laude/ Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was also president of Delta Delta Delta. After graduation, Nell moved to New York City where she began her family. After the of her third child she moved to Greenwich from where she expanded her magnetic presence and gift of entertaining. Nell spearheaded and chaired many events throughout the years in Greenwich, as well as Nantucket and Palm Beach. She dazzled everyone with her attention to detail and infused all of her events with her sense of fun. Nell could turn any ordinary occasion into a magical experience. She had a gift of disarming anyone around her by dropping an 'off color' remark or story at exactly the right moment or making a joke at her own expense. Her self-deprecation was as outrageous and joyful as her competitiveness was spirited and contagious, with no one enjoying her own foibles more than Nell herself! She was especially accomplished at writing and delivering witty, commemorative poems and toasts. She was an expert at entertaining and party favors, sophisticated in her décor style, nearly encyclopedic in her k nowledge of book s and grammar and a virtual authority on bridge. She shared her knowledge of bridge through teaching and tournament play complete with an admirable accumulation of Master points. Her extensive roster of "best friends" will miss her expertise and advice on all things and will treasure her memory years to come. Nell is unforgettable. She was a unique-one of a kind personality. Those of us who knew and loved her will remember her always for her generosity of spirit, her wit, her humor, and her inimitable charm and style. To Nell, everyone she met was a peer and she left adoring memorable impressions at every introduction. Her light will continue to shine in our memories as it did throughout her wonderful life. Thanks be to God for the life of Nell Duncan Wall Otto. A memorial service is planned at a date in early December.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Calvin Julius Breier on Thursday, Oct. 28 in his hometown of Old Greenwich. Beloved son, grandson, brother, cousin, nephew and friend, Cal was born on Feb. 12, 2003. He was a positive and good-hearted young man who loved basketball, football, music, video games and most of all, spending time with his friends and family. Nothing made Cal happier than meeting up with his "boys" and the camaraderie that came with being surrounded by close friends. Cal is survived by his parents - Lynnette Breier and Max Breier and his sister Fiona Breier. Ca l at tended Fi rst Chu rch preschool a nd Greenwich public schools thereafter including The International School of Dundee, Eastern Middle School and Greenwich High School. He recently received his High School diploma from the Glenholme School in Washington, where he spent his senior year. Most recently, Cal was taking classes at Norwalk Community College. Some of Cal's happiest times were playing for the Putnam Generals football team, GBA recreation basketball, wrestling his freshman year at GHS and high diving at various local pools and swimming holes. A lover of the outdoors, Cal loved skiing with his dad and sister in Vermont and spent many summer vacations in Cape Cod where he fished, swam, dove and perfected his well-known, epic back-f lips. If you ever found yourself at Tod's Point on a random summer weekend, you might have spotted Cal doing backflips in the sand. He was naturally athletic and quite the daredevil. For a slight kid, Cal was a voracious eaterhamburgers, tacos and lobster were among his favorite foods. His love of tacos and hot sauce eventually landed him a job at the local Taco Bell where he started learning the value of hard work and responsibility. But most of all it was about breaking bread with good friends and family. Cal brought people together and brought out the best in all of us. A closed celebration will be held at Temple Sholom in Greenwich. Prior to the service, Cal will be laid to rest at a private burial, alongside his grandfather Morty in Glenville. In lieu of flowers, we humbly ask that donations be made to the Glenholme School in Washington. /site/Donation2?df_id=3343&3343. donation=form1. Calvin will live forever in the hearts of his family and friends and all the people whose lives he touched and now leaves behind. Rest easy and God speed. We will always love you Bucky (Mom) Shums (Dad).
Kathleen Healy Kathleen Healy, of Greenwich, passed away Oct. 19. She was 71. Born in the Bronx Feb. 10, 1950 to William and Mary Ellen Healy. Kathleen taught in the Bronx for many years. She was also a devoted friend to many and was well loved in her parish of St. Roch's. Sadly, her lifelong partner Dav id Johnson preceded her in death the day before Kathleen had passed. She leaves behind many loving nieces, nephews, and grand nieces and nephews. A memorial for Kathleen will be held in May.
Charles Dingee, Jr.
James Starkweather
Jane Hall Jane Lucia Goodyear Hall, age 95, a former teacher and professional local artist, died peacefully on Oct. 30 in Greenwich, with her family by her side. A resident of Greenwich since 1954, Mrs. Hall was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1926, to Dr. Henry Marks Goodyear and Hannah Taylor Shipley. Mrs. Hall was a devoted daughter to her dear loving parents. Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio she built a lifelong passion for the visual arts and took studio art classes at the Cincinnati Art Museum. She attended Sarah Lawrence College, graduating in 1947 with a B.A. degree in Painting and Fine Arts, Composition and Design. She later moved to New York City, and earned her teacher's certif ication, specializing in Early Childhood Education and Art Education from Bank Street College of Education, New York, NY. She went on to teach in the New York City public school system in the late 1940's and early 1950's. She met her future husband, Howard Earle Coffin Hall in New York City, and they were married in Maine, July 12, 1953. She was later divorced in 1976. Mrs. Hall was an active artist in Greenwich, working in a wide range of mediums including
with a Mechanical Engineering degree. Narrowly missing an assignment to a ship involved in the invasion of Europe, Jim served for a few years on a destroyer protecting the San Francisco ship channel out to the Farallon Islands. Jim also recalled patrolling endlessly offshore during the formative sessions of the United Nations in San Francisco. Following the end of the war, Jim transited the Panama Canal and visited Guantanamo Bay. Back in New England after the war, Jim got his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. Before long he and his bride "Tommy" were headed to Millinocket, Maine, where he continued his career in the paper industry with a new job with Great Northern Paper Company. As Chief Engineer, he supervised construction and start-up of their large new paper mill. Millinocket in 1951 was a town "carved out of nowhere" in the remote North woods near Mount Katahdin where there were reportedly two seasons: winter and the 4th of July. It was Jim and Tommy's home for seven years, during which time the first three of their daughters were born. Jim was utterly in his element, sailing on Ambajejus Lake, hiking, skiing, exploring and shoveling vast amounts of snow! In 1957, Jim and family moved to Old Greenwich to be closer to extended family. Jim's long career in the paper industry evolved from designing mills to focusing on energy conservation. He became active in paper industry association efforts to analyze industry energy usage and reduce dependence on foreign oil, especially after the 1973 embargo. Jim and his family lived in Old Greenwich and Riverside for almost sixty years. There, the Starkweather family grew to include five daughters, and their busy lives blossomed. Jim led by example and the whole family soon shared his passion for his favorite sports, sailing and skiing. Jim was recruited as expert crew for all kinds of oceanracing opportunities, including several Newport-toBermuda races as well as Vineyard, Block Island and Halifax races. He was an accomplished navigator, famously documented on the August 1949 cover of Yachting magazine, sextant in hand, finding his way to Bermuda. His love of sailing extended to the littlest boats, too - he thoroughly enjoyed frostbiting Dyer Dinghies and Sunfish every weekend for many decades. The family enjoyed many wonderful cruises in southern New England aboard their Cal 29, Peace & Plenty. Jim's contributions to the Greenwich community during his nearly 60 years there were legion. A member of Riverside Yacht Club since 1960, he was active in club governance and served as Commodore in 1975-76. He also served on the RYC Board of Governors and was awarded the Trenary Trophy, the club's highest service award, in 1984. He served as a Deacon of First Congregational Church of Greenwich; Treasurer of the Greenwich Hospital Auxiliary; an elected member of the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting; a member of the Retired Men's Association; and a longtime volunteer in the national AARP/tax assistance program. Jim was rarely the loudest person in the room, but he never missed a trick either – even in his final days. His sterling reputation for loyalty, integrity and devotion to family and community were well earned. While Jim had much to be proud of during his long life, it was his family that brought him his greatest joy. In addition to his wife Mary, Jim is survived by his beloved daughters, Anne Karfopoulos (Michael), Sarah Starkweather, Martha Altreuter (R.W. "Sam"), Julie Halloran (Todd), and Mary "Molly" Bushman (Tom). Gramps had twelve grandchildren: Dylan (Kellyann), Katharine "Katie," and Curtis Marlow; Dan (Rachel), James "Jamie" (Róisín) and Kristin Altreuter; William, Kyle, Meghan and Christina Halloran; and Charlie and Emma Bushman. He also had four great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 22 at First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Ave., Old Greenwich. In lieu of flowers, donations are welcomed to the First Congregational Church of Greenwich; or to the Essex Meadows Scholarship Foundation, 30 Bokum Road, Essex, CT 06426.
James Oliver Starkweather slipped his f inal mooring lines, passing away peacefully in Essex on Oct. 22, two weeks shy of his 98th birthday. He was born in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA on Nov. 5, 1923, son of the late Blanche Mason Starkweather and John Kent Starkweather. He was the beloved husband of Mary "Tommy" Tompkins Starkweather, with whom he shared 70 years of marriage. Jim grew up in Scarsdale, NY and graduated from Rye Country Day School, Deerfield Academy and Brown University. His Brown education began in the fall of 1941, just before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He described being at a classmate's family's home in Providence that Sunday afternoon in December, where "the news hit us like a ton of stone. But somehow everyone knew what was coming and what had to be done." Jim joined Brown's Naval ROTC, graduating in two and a half years as a Navy Ensign
Charles Montgomery Dingee, Jr. (Monty) - of Hobe Sound, Fla. and New Canaan, entered eternal rest on Oct. 14 at the age of 87. Monty was a general manager of an automobile dealership in New Milford and after his retirement from the automobile business, he joined his wife Janice at the Canaan Parish Sweet Shoppe which she opened in 1975. Monty enjoyed making fresh ice cream daily, serving fresh Italian Ices, chatting with the customers and enjoying the chocolates which featured their private label New England style favorites and gourmet chocolates from around the world. Monty was an avid sports fan of the NFL and MLB and a loyal supporting fan of the New Canaan High School Rams football, baseball and hockey teams attending all the practices and games for more than 45 years. After attending Greenwich High School he joined and served 3 years in the US Army and received his honorable discharge in 1957. Monty was predeceased by his parents Almeda Calder Dingee of Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Charles Montgomery Dingee of Old Greenwich, his brother Frederick Dingee of Old Greenwich and Stamford, and his beloved grandmother Louise Lutkins Dingee of Lucas Point, Old Greenwich, who took care of him after his parents early demise.
Surviving are his wife of 62 years Janice Moseley Dingee of Hobe Sound, FL, a son, Douglas M. Dingee of Celebration, FL a daughter, Miranda L. Dingee of New Canaan, three grandsons, Charles D. Dingee and wife Stephanie of Raleigh, NC, Douglas M. Dingee Jr. of Oakland, FL and Kevin M. Dingee of Celebration, FL. After many years of traveling in throughout the United States with their children, Monty and Janice retired to Florida and enjoyed vacationing on cruises and playing golf especially at new courses along their vacation travels. A memorial donation may be made to the New Canaan High School Athletic Dept. Services were held privately and a memorial will be announced at a later date.
Elinor Carr
Elinor Heiner Carr, loving mother, grandmother and friend to all whose lives she touched, passed away on March 3, 2020. Elinor was 88 years old and died peacefully at her home in Greenwich. Elinor was born on Oct. 7, 1931 in Flushing, NY and attended St. Agnes Academic High School in College Point, NY, where she was a leader of the Debate Team. She was a 1953 graduate of St. John's University where she met her loving husband Frank. Elinor and Frank were married in New York in January 1953 and celebrated 67 years of marriage. Elinor later obtained a Master's in Education at Fairfield University. In her 50s, her thirst for learning compelled her to study ancient Greek. For numerous consecutive summers, with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Elinor studied with Gregory Nagy, Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek and Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University. Elinor was truly beloved: by her husband Frank Carr of Greenwich; by her children Maeve Carr Heath of West Norwalk, and Frank Jay Carr of Tarrytown, NY; and by her four grandchildren Keira Heath, Andrew Carr, Devon Heath and Cristina Carr. She is also survived by her brother John O'Hare of Chester, CT and by her sister Lorraine Moran of Mt. Sinai, NY. Elinor was predeceased by her sister Rosemary Heiner and her brother Edward O'Hare; her brother Edward Heiner and her husband Frank both passed away since her death. Teaching and continually learning along with her students were Elinor's passions. For over 25 years, Elinor excelled as an English and Humanities Teacher in Bella House at Greenwich High School and was co-creator of the noted Shapers of the World Program. She hosted yearly trips for her students to Greece, Italy and throughout Europe, making sure to sample the best available cuisine along the way. She brought the ancient classics to life for her students, often acting out, in costume, the parts of famous mythological Greek women, creating an academic experience that was equally engaging, informative, and instructive. Elinor sincerely believed "'Every human being is capable of noble thought." She taught Greek as an independent study course and founded the Greenwich High School Poetry Society. She initiated a yearly poetry contest which was open to all students. She was a very active member of the Greenwich Arts Council and Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG), an international organization of women educators. She was an officer on the executive board with the local chapter of DKG and served as the chairperson of its major fundraiser and chair of the Sunshine Committee. A celebration of Elinor's life will be held at St. Paul's Church, 84 Sherwood Ave., Greenwich on Saturday, Nov. 13 beginning at noon. A funeral mass will be followed immediately by a reception for close friends, family and her students in the St. Paul's Parish Hall. Please email your remembrances, condolences and pictures of Elinor to her son Frank at or her daughter, Maeve at Donations to Greenwich Scholarship Association are welcome. Greenwich Scholarship Association, P.O. Box 4627, Greenwich, CT 06831.
Leonard Ginise, Jr. Sept. 17, 1939 - Nov. 3, 2021 Leonard J. Ginise Jr., of Riverside, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 3. He was 82. Born in Stamford, Sept. 17, 1939 to Leonard J. Ginise Sr. and Catherine Ginise. Leonard was a graduate of Greenwich High School class of 1957. He went on to work as a heavy equipment operator for the Town of Greenwich, until his retirement. Leonard was an avid Yankees and New York Giants fan. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, Carolyn "Mitzie." Leonard is survived by his loving children Leonard J. III Ginise (Janet) and Toni DeMasi; his cherished grandchildren Leonard J. Ginise IV, Michael W. Ginise, Gianna M. DeMasi, and Jenna K. DeMasi. He is also survived by his dear sister Mary Ann Tiriolo (Frank) and his sister in law Rosemary Ginise. He was predeceased by his brother Charles Ginise. To honor his life, family and friends gathered Saturday at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Saturday at St. Catherine of Siena, Riverside. Interment followed at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.
Obituaries in the Greenwich Sentinel are free of charge courtesy of the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation. To submit an obituary please email Please send upcoming memorial services to Editor@GreenwichSentinel. com if you would like them published here.
Page B5 | Greenwich Sentinel
Like a Child: Ever-Expanding Concentric Circles
center of ever-expanding concentric Kingdom circles. W hen G od’s children trust Him completely, pray constantly and surrender their lives to the will of God, this is the kind of light that shines in the dark ness, completely, prays constantly, and the darkness cannot and surrenders his life to overcome it. the life of God. This is what it is to put on the armor of Andrew Williams is The light. Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams, In The Greatest Story, B i s h o p o f t h e An g l i c a n this is who we are and this Diocese of New England. is our calling. You are His Watchwords began as adopted child. You are His a daily text from Bishop masterpiece - created in W i l l i a m s t o h i s e l d e s t Him so that you can do the daughter when she started good works that He planned college. In the years since, for you long ago. As His it has expanded in scope, child, your life has a noble becoming available a s a and mighty purpose. Your personal daily e-mail with story in Christ is important. audio narration. Your dreams count. Your You can subscribe here voice matters. As His child - You were born to live at the
What we discover in this story is that, set against the darkness, the light of Christ burns brighter. The Kingdom of God cannot be contained. By Bishop Andrew Williams
I r e a d a lo t ove r my sabbatical. Curiously, it was my “just for fun” novel that made one of the most profound impacts on my heart. A few years ago, I was given a copy of Ken Follet’s masterpiece, “The Pillars of the earth.” This 973-page turner is set in the ElevenHundreds of England’s Dark Ages. Medieval England was a vile, brutal, cruel place where terrible injustice and violence reigned
freely. A little bit bawdy in places so viewer discretion encouraged! I was initially a little intimidated by the sheer physical weight of the book, but the sabbatical seemed like a good time to dig in. And so, in all my travels, medieval England c a me w it h me (even to England!). In darkest of ages, there is one character who truly s t a n d s o ut . Ph i l ip w a s orphaned as a child when his parents were murdered. He was ta ken in by t he church, which raised him as a monk. In due course,
Philip ascends to the rank of Abbot. In a world of chaos and cruelty, Philip is a man who is constantly in prayer, and just as importantly, when he gets off his knees – he simply does what the Lord asks of him. His acts of kindness, mercy, love and courage, transform for good the lives of ordinary people, the towns they live and the earthly kingdom that would rule over them. Philip’s life is at the center of ever-expanding concentric Kingdom circles that evidence the rule and reign of God. The narrative
follows the construction of a magnificent Cathedral but even more dramatically it is the Kingdom of God that is being raised from the earth. What we discover in this story is that, set against the darkness, the light of Christ burns brighter. The Kingdom of God cannot be contained. Mighty doors swing open and close on the small hinges that are simple actions fulfilled in obedience to the will of God. Prior Philip is a man who, in a dark world, clearly knows His identity as a child of God. A man who trusts God
Worship Services Information ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here bible2021. BAPTIST First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701- 802-5355, Access code 360922). Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6- 7pm, Chapel. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. Prayer Group: Wed, 5:15pm, in the Chapel, 38 Gold St, all are welcome. Volunteers needed for the following Ministries: Money Counters, Religious Education Teachers and Assistants, Prayer Shawl, Hospitality, contact the Rectory at 203-531-8730. Adult Confirmation Workshop: Nov. 13. Thanksgiving Food Drive: through Nov. 14: non-perishable food donations for Thanksgiving baskets - leave items at the front or rear entrances of the church each weekend, Suggested items: $20 Store gift cards (Stop & Shop or Shoprite), John Innominato: 914-565-1637. St. Catherine of Siena & St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 2 03-637-3661 | * All Masses at St. Catherine of Siena Church only are livestreamed. Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 7am, St. Catherine’s Church (livestream); 5:15pm, St. Catherine’s Chapel. Wed: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 8:30am-4pm, St. Catherine’s Church. Sat (Specific dates confirmed in bulletin): Confessions, 3-4pm, St. Catherine’s Church; Vigil Mass, 5pm, St. Catherine’s Church (livestreamed). Sun: Mass, 7:30am, St. Catherine’s Church (livestream); Mass, 8:30am, St. Agne’s Church; Family Mass, 9am, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed); Mass, 10am, St. Agne’s Church; Traditional Mass, 10:30am, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed); Teen Mass, 5pm, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed). Language Masses: St. Catherine’s Chapel: Korean Mass (every Sun), 9am. French Mass (2nd Sun of the month), Italian Mass (3rd Sun of the month), Spanish Mass (4th Sun of the month [not in September]), 11am. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). New Day Bereavement: Thursdays 4-5:30pm, through Nov. 18, (No class: Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11), registration required, 203-637-3661
ext. 375, Join Music Ministries for their choir rehearsals - contact Music Director, Dr. Liya Petrides at music.director@ with questions. Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes: fill and deliver by Nov. 14. Autumn Revelations – a concert in commemoration of All Souls: Nov. 14, 2pm, free (donations welcome). St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Sun: 9, 10:30am, 12:15 & 5:15pm. Sat Vigils: 4 & 7pm (Spanish). Daily: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm (Church doors will open from 10am-3pm). Confessions (English): Tue: 7-8pm; Sat: 3-3:45pm. Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Fri of the month: 12:30-5pm. Thanksgiving Food Drive: through Nov. 15, leave items at the Parish Center the week of Nov. 15 or bring to Church the weekend of Nov. 20-21. St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Mon-Fri: 7:30 & 9am. Sat: 9am & 5pm. Sun: 7:30, 8:30, 9:45am, 12 & 5pm. Confession: Sat: 4:15-4:45pm; Wed: 9:30-11am & 6:30-8pm. Eucharistic Adoration: Wed, 9:30am-8pm. Coat Drive: through Nov. 9, contact Mary Rolla at maryrolla@ or 203-644-2215 or Diane Clehane at or 845-430-3572 with questions. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: 4pm (Vigil Mass). Sun: 11am. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 Mass: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am. Confession: Sat, 3-3:45pm. Mass on Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Visit the website for information regarding the Bereavement Group (twice monthly) and weekly volunteer opportunities at the Don Bosco Kitchen and Food Pantry with the St. Paul Mercy Volunteers. All masses are available via livestream through the website. Bereavement Group: Nov. 18, 5-6:30pm, in the Parish Hall (meets every other week), contact Dianne Deachan at 914-3270447 or with any questions.. St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave; 203-869-4176 Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Pl; 203-869-2503 greenwich Sunday and Wednesday services via live tele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*. COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd; 203-629-3876 No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Weekly Sunday Worship services in-
person at 10am or online anytime; preregistration via the website is required to attend in-person services. Children’s Worship for grades K-5 will resume on Sunday, Sept. 19. Pre-registration to attend Children’s Ministries is required and can be done via the website beginning Sept. 12. Please call the church office or visit the website for the most up-to-date information, events, and schedules, which are subject to change based on current local health and safety protocols. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: In-Person & Virtual: Sundays, 10am. Live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM). Connect during the week: Friday: Friday Email Blast (sign up by calling the church office); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am for preschoolers through grade 6. Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. Harvest Sunday: Nov. 21, 11:30am4pm, Meetinghouse. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave; 203-869-9311 Saturday: Contemporary Evensong Worship, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 8:30 & 10:30am. Please email & they will save you a seat. Livestream available. Details at EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/ondemand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/on-demand). “Something Different” Summer Outdoor Worship: Sundays through August, behind the Tomes-Higgins House (rain location: Parish Hall), bring a chair or blanket. Fire and Wine Women’s Gathering: Thursdays, 7-8pm, through Nov. 18. An Introduction to Synoptic Gospels: Mon, through Nov. 22, 7-9pm, in The Rectory, register. Harvest Dinner: Nov. 14, 5-7pm, Parish Hall. Courage & Faith: Joan Chittister – The Time is Now: Nov. 20, 7pm. A Cry in the Desert – Jennifer Pharr Davis: Nov. 21: Forum: 11:15am, Parish Hall; Lecture: Faith & The Outdoors: Hearing a Voice in the Wilderness, 5pm, Church; followed by book signing and reception at Dogwood Books and Gifts. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for inperson service:
go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2 -sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 Worship: Sundays: Rite 1, 8am (inperson in the sanctuary & streamed). 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: 10:15am, in the Sanctuary. 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month: in the Meadow, 10:30am (weather permitting). Sunday School continues in Selleck Hall. Yoga on the Meadow: Fridays, 10am. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot (volunteers needed). Ongoing: Inspirica Turkey Drive, or liz. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube. JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Raising Spiritual Children: Nov. 16, 7:30pm, private home. Shabbat Guest Scholar: Dr. Dovid Imbo: Nov. 19 & 20. Congregation Shir Ami One W. Putnam Ave; 203-274-5376 All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Pop-Up Choir: Nov. 16, 7:30pm. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Join Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Rubin every Friday, 6pm for Shabbat Services, and once a month for Tot Shabbat, 5:30pm. All in person services are also live streamed on Zoom. Collage Making Family Workshop: Nov. 14, 10am. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services - In-person and virtual Friday night Shabbat services, 6:30pm & Saturday morning Shabbat services, 10:30am. SMNS Virtual Book Fair: Nov. 12 & 13. Sisterhood Membership Dinner: Virtual Cook-Along: Nov. 18, 5pm. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 Sunday Worship Services: In-person or online, 10am, followed by a time of Fellowship. Wednesdays: Virtual Noonday Prayer & Evening Bible Study. (Details at First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via
Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service:Sun,10am,Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail. com. Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Worship Services: Sundays, 9 & 10:45am (live-streamed). Fall Concert: Nov. 20, 4pm. Thanksgiving Eve Service: Nov. 24, 7pm. Service of Remembrance & Hope: Dec. 1, 7pm. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 10-10:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email for registration and Zoom Links). Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, ive. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:308:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service). Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: 2nd Thu of each month, 8-8:30pm, via Zoom. Christmas Pageant Auditions: Nov. 20, 9-10am. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person & online (LivingHopect. org/livestream) worship: 10am. Coffee & fellowship after the service on the patio, weather permitting. Operation Christmas Child Collection: Nov. 14, 1011:15am, Church.
Page B6 | Greenwich Sentinel
Universal Crossword
Astrology for This Week SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov There are times when you’re a law unto yourself but a tricky Sun-Jupiter aspect warns that if you take too much for granted this week you’ll be disappointed. So proceed with caution - especially on the home front. Things won’t go as well as you planned.
TAURUS 21 April-21 May With the Sun at odds with Jupiter this could be a tricky week. Every time you want to do something the people you want to do it with will decide they want to do something else. Avoid the frustration by doing your own thing, at least for a little while.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec You’re trying to control events that can’t be controlled and it’s sure to end in tears. A wiser strategy is to accept that your powers are limited, to react to events as they occur and let things work out as they will. If others yell at you to get a grip – just relax.
GEMINI 22 May-21 June You will start off at a hectic pace this week and be shattered by the end of it. The reason is that you have worked so hard of late that you are already at a low ebb physically. At some point you must give your body a break and say “enough is enough.”
CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan If you start the week with a smile on your face, you won’t have a care in the world. If you start it with a frown on your face, everything will go wrong and nothing you do will change that. The choice is yours so make it and enjoy the kind of week you deserve.
CANCER 22 June-23 July This is an especially good time of the year for you but do not assume you will always come out ahead of the game. A Sun-Jupiter link warns that too much optimism may be bad, for your health, your relationships and, above all, your bank balance.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb You have got a bit out of touch with reality, no doubt due to the presence of Jupiter in your sign. Jupiter endows you with optimism but also exaggerates things and makes you believe the impossible is easy. It’s time to get your feet back on the ground.
LEO 24 July-23 Aug Like it or not you’ll have to get tough with someone this week, especially if they’re in one of their “woe-is-me-nothing-ever-goes-right” moods. That is something you don’t need so tell them to stop whining and start doing something with their life.
PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You’ll be on top of your game this week which is good as you’ll face some big challenges. The planets warn a secret enemy is plotting to cause problems in your personal life so your reputation suffers. They’ll only succeed if you make it easy for them.
VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept If you have been partying a bit too hard lately you need to take care of your health over the next few days as the planets warn that you cannot go on burning the candle at both ends. Everyone has their limits so know yours and stay within them.
ARIES 21 March-20 April Someone will set a trap for you this week but you’ll spot it swiftly and evade it with ease. You will then have to decide whether to make an example of the culprit or forgive and forget. A silly question really. If you are a typical Aries you’ll want revenge.
LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct A dramatic start to the week will catch you unawares. In your personal life and at work things are going on behind the scenes and what happens this week will make you want to find out what it is. But you must get evidence before making accusations.
Edited by David Steinberg September 6, 2021 ACROSS 1 Word before “Sea” or “snake” 6 Sounds at pounds 10 Musician’s booking 13 “Am not” retort 14 Medicinal succulent 15 “Duke of ___” (’60s song title that contains two titles) 16 *“Thrift Shop” rapper (Theme hint: Note the last several letters of each starred clue’s answer) 18 Fruit in a gin cocktail 19 Bang shut 20 National Gallery of British Art, today 21 Part of an act 22 The best man gives one 24 Soul seller? 25 *“Cagney & Lacey” co-star 31 Hiking trails 35 Clearing in the woods 36 Threelayered cookie 37 Order a la ___ 39 Penalize, informally 40 Bras and slips 42 Polite chaps
Discover more about yourself at
43 *Former country that residents called Deutsche Demokratische Republik 46 Veer, like a jet 47 Vice President Harris 51 Ice’s state of matter 54 Musical about hippies protesting the draft 56 Show up for 58 Analogous 59 *Out too late 61 Pull with effort 62 ___ Pet (terra-cotta “companion”) 63 Lead or gold 64 Corn unit 65 Lip or cheek 66 Little brothers, maybe DOWN 1 Engine parts 2 Ph.D. students’ exams 3 Summarize 4 Words on a volunteer’s name tag 5 Texter’s chuckle 6 Kawasaki rival 7 Tons 8 Skin opening 9 Take notice of 10 Wind that may blow down a tree
11 Golf club with grooves 12 Elation 15 Cadillac SUV 17 Engrave 21 Leo or Libra 23 Start’s start? 24 Leg joint 26 Composer Ned 27 Make a choice 28 CNN anchor Burnett 29 No longer in Drafts 30 Droops 31 ___ vault (Olympic event) 32 Opera solo 33 Two ___ for a twenty 34 Hampering 37 Ship’s staff 38 Make public, as grievances 41 Old oath that anagrams to “aged” 42 Dodgeball venue
44 Dogs from Japan 45 DEA agent 48 Concur 49 Garrets’ relatives 50 Vexed constantly 51 “The Sweetest Taboo” singer 52 Gumbo vegetable 53 One may cheat a polygraph test 54 “That’s funny!” 55 Yard sale stipulation 57 Birds that fly almost silently 59 Lenovo laptops, e.g. 60 Person who’s often booed, briefly
© 2021 Andrews McMeel Universal
Final Amount by Chris Gross
The (K) Clues Are for Kids 31. Hors d’oeuvre food, often 33. (K) What many do nightly 34. (K) Divided 39-Down nation 36. (K) November tuber 37. According to (2 words) 38. Owns 41. Nonstick pan spray brand 43. (K) Least puzzling 45. (K) What Sicilians are 48. Sister of Erato 49. Lemon ___ pie 50. Royal name of Norway 51. (K) The iguana in your room 52. Dropper’s shout 53. (K) Not a single one DOWN 1. (K) Hexagon or square, for example 2. (K) Mates of mamas
3. On one’s toes 4. Type of list 5. (K) Keyboard stars? 6. What to do after a tough loss (2 words) 7. (K) What you can find worms in 8. (K) Related to 25-Down 9. To distinguish or elevate 10. Contend 11. Have a lapse in judgment 14. Arizona-toKansas dir. 18. (K) Bound or spring 22. (K) Lessens or subtracts from 24. (K) “I guess so” 25. (K) Lamb’s mom 26. (K) “Results ___ vary” 27. (K) Sailor’s domain 28. Mole in the bushes?
29. ___-la-la 30. Defensive structure in “The Star-Spangled Banner” 32. (K) Belonging to the wife 35. Police officer’s shout from outside (2 words) 37. Acid variety 38. (K) Very common greeting 39. (K) Chinese or Thai 40. (K) Winter heat provider 42. Last name among boxing legends 44. (K) Clickable thing 45. Troublemaking little kid 46. (K) From whence to drive golf balls 47. Back then
Can you find the answer to this riddle within the solved puzzle?
Plotted plant? Look for the answer in next week’s paper.
Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations will be necessary to complete the puzzle.
1 people with patients (10) 2 quality of a good witness (11) 3 antagonism (9) 4 Blue Jays stadium, once (7) 5 took for granted in advance (11) 6 Scottish model Olumide (6) 7 asks to the party (7)
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Previous riddle answer:
© 2021 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel
Created by Timothy E. Parker August 16, 2021
ACROSS 1. Disagreement on the small side 5. (K) BBs and cannonballs 9. (K) First lady? 12. (K) Angel’s accessory in paintings 13. (K) Keepsake 15. Mimicked 16. Microwavable meal (2 words) 17. One not required to finish a sentence 19. Prefix meaning “new” 20. (K) Guinness World Record suffix 21. (K) Wear away, as shoreline 23. (K) Word of departure 26. Down east, strangely, in the U.S. 27. Huge amount 28. (K) Belts in a barber shop
© 2021 Andrews McMeel Syndication.
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CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1987 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.
Spring ahead, fall back.
As we move into the month of November, the leaves are turning, the frost has returned and we are preparing for the Holiday Season. It is going to be a wonderful time to celebrate family and friends and to By Ralph Mayo
GHS Homecoming 2017. John Ferris Robben photo. identified. We have certainly learned much about how teaching and learning should be conducted over the years and since many st udent s had l i m ite d t i me in the classroom last year, c ol la b orat ion w i l l help u s return to our standard routines. Ou r students w i l l re-lea r n to interact with one another again in a positive manner instead of looking and talking to screen. It is also time for our students to develop those
strong connections with our high school. Whether it is with an individual teacher, joining a club (there are over a 150 of them) or participating on one of our athletic teams (a total of 101 teams) or just taking advantage of our special events like Homecoming will help our students develop that positive connection with our school. T he s e s t r on g c on ne c t ion s will assist our young adults on t hei r jou r ney back to a sense of normalcy and in the
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field, is another key to student success as they work together to solve complex problems, which is what they will have to do when they begin their careers. Communication between student and teacher has improved immensely, and the student to student discussions/ questions has improved a great deal over the years. This was a hallmark of our winning teams, communicating with each other to change a play or a defense when a different formation was
development of the academic skills they will need to pass the rigorous courses on their schedules. Go Cards!
Ralph Mayo is the Principal of Greenwich High School. He has worked for the school district for over for ty-four y ear s . Mr. May o ha s four children who all graduated from our great high school.
better students and citizens. As it turns out many of the ideas that we had as coaches c a n a nd a r e b ei ng appl ie d i n o u r c l a s s r o o m s t o d a y. Teachers establish goals for their students and once they have met them, they continue to set the bar higher. We coach the students in our classroom making use of detailed lesson plans so they will grow and mature into young adults with purpose. Collaboration in our classrooms, just as on t he
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As we move into the month of November, the leaves are turning, the frost has returned and we are preparing for the Holiday Season. It is going to be a wonderful time to celebrate family and friends and to count our blessings after all that we have been through over the last year and a half. As we turn back the clocks this weekend (spring ahead, fall back), I can’t help but think about the FCIAC Football Championship game, which used to be played on Thanksgiving morning. It was a fantastic tradition in which we would see the best team in the Eastern Conference play the w inner of the Western Conference. We no longer play that game as the FCIAC teams now play t hei r t rad it iona l rivals on Thanksgiving, which is unfortunate, but I will save my opinion on that for another time. Gre enw ich H ig h S cho ol was often in that championship game and it was so exciting to see those teams battle for supremacy on the gridiron. The amount of work that it took to get to that game by the coaches, players and families w a s u n b e l i ev a b l e . W h at I remember best about my very short time with Greenwich Football was the teamwork that was displayed every minute of time that we were on the practice f ield or playing an opponent. The student athletes supported one another and worked in a highly collaborative manner, those teams did not seek individual awards. They wa nted to do t hei r b est to accomplish the goals they had established for themselves at the beginning of the year in the heat of August. I also cannot forget how connected these athletes were to the school, which helped them to become