October 29, 2021

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Greenwitch Sentinel The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper: local, local, local.

October 29, 2021

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The Local News You Need to Know $2.7 MILLION GHS ENTRYWAY PROJECT The Board of Education is officially moving f o r w a r d w i t h p l a n s t o i m p r ove t h e m a i n entrance at Greenwich High School including a rebuilt entryway, making it blast resistant and bullet resistant, as well as more functional and complimentary to the existing school buildings. The current cost of the project is estimated at $2.7 million and scheduled for a preliminary review this coming week. RTM A PPROV ES GIF T FOR NEW CIVIC CENTER FROM THE COHEN FOUNDATION At the RTM meeting on October 25th, the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation gave five million dollars towards the replacement and construction of the Eastern Greenwich Civic Center. The new civic center will be named the Cohen Eastern Greenwich Civic Center to memorialize their gift. $24 MILLION PROJECT TO IMPROVE OLD GREENWICH SCHOOL Guidelines for a $24 million project to renovate the Old Greenwich School have been unanimously approved by the Board of Education. Renovations and expansion would include three new kindergarten classrooms, a new first grade classroom, updates to the HVAC system, multipurpose room renovations, a new resource

Bandaged in a Wheelchair

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT

V i sua l i z i ng d i f f ic u lt people in our lives as “injured” can often help us cope, because they truly are “injured” insofar as they relate to us. Of course, they don’t know this, and we have learned that telling them so doesn’t help either of us. V i sua l i z i ng d i f f ic u lt people in humorous ways can also work. Imagining a boss as a petulant fouryear-old w ith pig- tails, a demanding parent as a mummy in a wheelchair, or an annoying relative as a hippo bellowing in the mud can help us smile instead of scream. Both approaches take away the power of the difficult person and calm our fearful brains. We can also limit our exposure to these people, s h ow i n g o n l y c o m m o n

Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry

Please turn to page 7

courtesy unless the toxic relationship changes. We can pray for them from an emotional distance, and for ourselves as we seek wisdom to understand our own part in the dynamic of the relationship, the only part we can change. Christina pictured her controlling mother in a s t ra i t ja c k e t . Jo n a th a n pictured his angry father on a hospital bed with his leg in traction. Laura and Gabe pictured Gabe’s intrusive mother as a monkey banging two cymbals. These images kept them all from taking o t h e r p e o p l e’s d i f f i c u l t behavior personally. Greenwich resident, Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's B o ok s ( 2 0 3-8 69-1 51 5) or info@dianesbooks.com) or at Amazon.

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Round Hill Association Debate

By Anne White

The Round Hill Association candidate debate was held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. The debate was held virtually and featured the candidates for First Selectmen, incumbent Republican Fred Camillo, and his Democratic challenger, Bill Kelly. Incumbent Second Selectwoman, Republican Lauren Rabin, also debated her challenger, Democrat Janet Stone McGuigan. Two-minute statements were read by the candidates for Town Clerk and Tax Collector in support of their candidacies. The debate was moderated by John Conte, President of the Round Hill Association. The questions asked of the candidates were su bm it ted by t he pu bl ic a nd Rou nd H i l l Association board members in advance of the event. John Conte opened by saying, "we look forward to a lively and friendly discussion." In answer to the question of priorities, Kelly said his priorities are, "school infrastructure, f looding infrastructure. I'm the construction litigator. I represent some of the biggest projects in New York City. And I understand I have my hard hat, I got my boots and I got my vest." Camillo answered, "my priorities are public safety, schools, public health." The discussion covered a range of topics, including capital projects, Greenwich Public Schools, Greenwich Avenue safety, fire safety in the back country, and the overall vision of each candidate. The discussion also centered on the Board of Estimate and Taxation and the issue of financing and long-term debt. Kelly said, "I served on the BET, and we actually do long-term bonding for Nathaniel Witherell. We also do it for the sewers. So we we're going to do a major project, certainly with the treasury rates at what, 2.1 for 20 year treasury bonds right now? This is not the 1980s when the treasuries were 15%. They are 2%. So, yes, you would have some long-term for a major project." Camillo responded by saying, "Long-term bonding, long-term debt is not a good thing. We saw what happened with a lot of cities and some

of our neighbors. So I don't support that. When I was on the parks board, we acquired two thirds of the Tuchman Pomerance property. So we did a modified pay as you go. I think it was a five year note. We paid it off quickly. That I'm open to. We do have some long-term, as my opponent said, that's dedicated to Nathaniel Witherell and the sewers, but, you've got to be very, very careful." As the debate moved forward, the tone got more contentious as Kelly said, "I don't want to get political. I'm not the career politician here." Camillo, whose only full-time political position has been as First Selectman said, "I was in the private sector most of my life. That's just a cheap shot, and it's not needed here." H e we nt o n to s ay, " t h a t 's n o t w h a t everybody's here for. They're here for your vision. And, yes, my record is open. As Bill Parcells says, 'You are what your record says you are.' I'm running on my record and my vision, but I'm not going to keep deflecting and going over about the Democratic BOE members or the Democratic BET members. It's not fair to the audience here." Kelly countered, "you don't get a vote in the BET," Kelly said, "but you do use your bully pulpit. You do get to prioritize. You do get to say, 'That should come first. This should come second. That's what you need to do.' That's what we need to do as First Selectman." Camillo said, "I work well with both parties and the BET... But it's not a dictatorship. Our government's set up in a way where you have

checks and balances. Anybody who thinks they can run roughshod over somebody is going to be in for an awful hard time." B e fo r e t h e d e b ate b e g a n t h e r e we r e staements from Town Clerk candidates and Tax Collector candiddates. Jack ie Bud k i n s empha si z e d p ersona l interaction, trust and service in the Town Clerk's office as priorities while Molly Saleeby emphasized modernization and technology. Heather Smeriglio, the current Tax Collector, said that she was able, "to work with the town's RTM to put into place a 90 day deferment program, helping many residents and business owners. Despite the delay in payment, I am pleased to report the collection rate of real estate taxes for 2020 was 99.64." She went on to say "I brought in three million in back taxes, without running a tax sale. This year, I was able to precollect $35 million before the July 1st due date, putting the town in one of the best financial positions ever." Her opponent, Trevor Crow, sa id she understands the job better because she has a degree in f inance and in family therapy, "understanding both, the emotional and financial aspects of the job." She went on to say, "When I am tax collector, I will keep Greenwich residents and The Board of Estimate And Taxations, apprised of delinquent tax accounts and the steps my office is taking to collect on them." The transcript without commentary can be found on the Greenwich Sentinel website.

What Every Parent Should Know

By Molly King Fall is a time when families are trying to find their footing in terms of establishing routines and expectations. The transition from relaxed summer schedules to the new school year typically requires resets and reminders. Whether you’re setting bedtimes or screen times, you are likely to face a barrage of questions and pushback from your children that often occur as a response to close parental supervision. R e c e n t l y, l e a d e r s f r o m Gr e enw ich Toget her, a lo c a l prevention council consisting of more than 30 community groups, local public and private schools, and youth advocates, reported the results of the Greenwich Together Youth Survey at a virtual meeting open to all parents. This was the second time they have shared survey results on youth behaviors and there were some significant takeaways intended specifically for parents and the schools that partner with them. Highlights from the data are worth repeating: * Ac ross a l l g rade s, most youth did not use alcohol or any substances. * Among those who did use su bst a nce s, a lcohol was t he substance most frequently used and older students were more li kely to d r in k tha n you nger students. *Students who were abusing substances were typically doing so in their own homes or the homes of other people. *When researchers compared d r i n ke r s w it h non- d r i n ke r s across all grades, the predictors of alcohol use in general and alcohol use w it h i n t he past 3 0 days were correlated with parental

supervision and expectations. Other data showed that there w a s a d i s c r e p a n c y b e t we e n parent and youth perceptions of clear family rules discouraging alcohol use: * Parents overestimated the clarity of their family rules around alcohol. * A quarter of high school parents surveyed said they felt pressure to teach their child to drink so they will be prepared for college. * Parents of youth in 11th and 12th grades (when alcohol use spikes, in relative terms) who were most committed to having clear rules regarding drinking and who monitored their children’s whereabouts had children who were much less likely to drink. These results are clear and compel ling. Pa rents ca n a nd should feel confident that when they engage in discussions with their children and clearly communicate their behavioral expectations, it has a positive impact. B o b b y Wa l k e r, J r. , G A’s assistant head for student and community life, is one of GA’s representatives for Greenwich Together. Encouraged by the survey results, he said: “The committee was pleased to see in the survey that the data disproves the popular theory that everyone drinks or uses drugs. There are more children not consuming alcohol or taking drugs than doing so. With this knowledge in hand, parents should feel empowered to continue encouraging their children to abstain from using substances without thinking that their child will miss out on social activities." Also representing GA on the committee is Dr. Lauren Winston, chair of Greenwich Academy’s Health and Wellness Department. Armed with great information and a shared purpose, Lauren is keenly aware of the opportunity

we have at this par ticular moment in time. She said, “We all came to the same conclusion that parent involvement is the key to preventi ng su bsta nce use. The messages parents send their children about alcohol are critically important and have a tremendous impact on their children’s behavior. Frequent, consistent, and unequivocal rules from parents forbidding alcohol really work! Youth need to hear a strong message from parents repeatedly throughout their entire time in middle and high school.” I want to commend Greenwich Chief of Police Jim Heavey and then executive director of the Department of Human Services Alan Barry for establishing the Greenwich Prevention Council back in 2018. The council evolved to become Greenwich Together, uniting leaders from all of our town’s public and private schools as well as key community advocates for health and safety. T h e G r e e n w i c h To g e t h e r Committee and survey represent the f irst time that all school leaders have teamed up on a survey and a critically important message of partnership. The bulk of the school year i s a h e a d o f u s a n d we h ave a wo n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n it y to st reng t hen t he t ie s b et we en school, home, and the shared values of the broader community. I often speak of the vital partnership that exists between GA and our parent body, for which I am deeply grateful. Let’s all work together to keep our kids safe and to help them feel the confidence and sense of promise that we see in them. Onward! Molly King is the head of school at Greenwich Academy; she holds a BA from Bowdoin College and a master's degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

11 Year Old's Incredible Sock Drive

Th ree yea rs ago, elevenye a r- o l d Ja c k s o n B o g a r du s decided to start a local sock drive, “SOCKTOBER”, for the month of October. He learned that socks are one of the items most needed in homeless shelters so he is collecting new socks for both adults and children and donating them to Inspirica in Stamford and other local charities. Inspirica seeks to break the cycle of homelessness by p r ov i d i n g t h e p r o g r a m s and ser v ices that help their clients achieve – and maintain – permanent housing and stability in their lives. Last year, Jackson held his 2nd annual sock drive called Socktober during the month of October in the Greenwich, CT Community and collected 8,380 pairs of new socks for Inspirica in Stamford, CT. The sock company Bombas contacted Jackson and also donated pairs of socks to support his drive. "I am so proud of Jackson's effort with his drive and Jackson hopes to inspire other kids to get involved helping others," said his father, Bill. J a c k s o n ’s S O C K T O B E R donat ion bi n s c a n b e fou nd throug hout the Greenw ich community. In addition, socks can be purchased and donated at Threads and Treads. Let's help Jackson reach his goal of collecting 2000 pairs of socks by the end of this month (in three days!). Bins are available at the below locations for you to bring socks to donate: Threads and Treads Greenwich; Aux Delices - Riverside; Greenwich Pediatric Dental Group - Greenwich; Riverside School (for students only); Eastern Middle School (for students only); and the Greenwich Botanical Center - Cos Cob. Visit https://www. jacksonssocktober.com/ online for more information.

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SUPPORT YOUNG ATHLETES AT THESE UPCOMING GAMES BRUNSWICK SCHOOL: Crew: Sun. vs. Head of the Schuylkill (at Schuylkill River), 8 a.m.

Mon. at Kent School, 4:15 p.m

Soccer: Today at St. Luke’s School, 4 p.m. Mon. vs. FAA Tournament, TBA Wed. vs. FAA Tournament, TBA

Cross-Country: Mon. at FAA Championships (at Sherwood Island State Park), 2:20 p.m. Football: Tomorrow vs. Cheshire Academy (Homecoming), 2 p.m.

Field Hockey: Today vs. FCIAC Quarterfinals (at higher seed), TBA Tue. vs. FCIAC Semifinals (at Brien McMahon H.S.), 6 or 7:30 p.m.


Boys’ and Girls’ Cross-Country: Tomorrow at CIAC class LL championships (at Wickham Park) 1 p.m.

Football: Tomorrow vs. Ethical Culture Fieldston School, 1 p.m.

Volleyball: Tomorrow at Berkshire School, 2 p.m. Wed. vs. Choate Rosemary Hall, 3:30 p.m.

Soccer: Today vs. Hopkins School (Homecoming), 5 p.m. Tomorrow vs. Cheshire Academy, 10 a.m. Wed. at Millbrook School, 3 p.m.

SACRED HEART GREENWICH Cross-Country: Mon. at FAA Championships (at Sherwood Island State Park), TBA

Water Polo: Tonight vs. Greenwich H.S. (Homecoming), 6:15 p.m. Tomorrow vs. Hopkins School (Homecoming), 2 p.m.

Field Hockey: Mon. vs. St. Luke’s School, 4:30 p.m. Wed. at Greenwich Country Day, 3 p.m.

GREENWICH ACADEMY Cross-Country: Tomorrow at Loomis Chaffee School, 3 p.m.

Rowing: Sun. vs. Head of the Schuylkill (at Schuylkill River), 8 a.m.

Boys’ Soccer: Today at Greens Farms Academy, 3:45 p.m. Wed. vs. Christian Heritage School, 3:45 p.m. Field Hockey: Wed. vs. Sacred Heart Greenwich, 3 p.m. Girls’ Soccer: Tomorrow vs. King School, 11 a.m. Water Polo: Mon. at Staples H.S., 6:30 p.m. GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL Football: Tomorrow vs. New Canaan H.S., 1 p.m.

Soccer: Tomorrow vs. Holy Child, 3 p.m. Tue. at Masters School, 4 p.m.

Field Hockey: Tomorrow at Westminster School, 1 p.m.

Volleyball: Tomorrow vs. Hotchkiss School, 3 p.m. Wed. at St. Luke’s School, 5 p.m.

Girls’ Soccer: Mon. vs. FCIAC Semifinals (at Wilton H.S.), 5 or 7 p.m. Boys’ Soccer: Today vs. FCIAC Quarterfinals (at higher seed), TBA Mon. vs. FCIAC Semis (at Fairfield Ludlowe H.S.), 5 or 7 p.m. Girls’ Volleyball: Tomorrow at Stamford H.S., 12:30 p.m. Tue. at FCIAC Quarterfinals (at Greenwich H.S.), TBA Thu. At FCIAC Semifinals (at Fairfield Ludlowe H.S.), 5 or 7 p.m. Girls’ Swimming and Diving: Wed. vs. FCIAC Swimming Trials (at Greenwich H.S.), 5 p.m. Thu. vs. FCIAC Diving Finals (at Westhill H.S.), 5 p.m. Nov. 6 vs. FCIAC Swimming Finals (at Greenwich H.S.), 4 p.m.

Big Red Thumps Eagles, Await Rams in FCIAC Showdown

Members of the Greenwich High School football teams listen to their coaches during a recent game earlier this year. Against Trumbull High on Friday night, Big Red came away with a dominating win against Trumbull High School, 44-12. (contributed photo)

By Paul Silverfarb The Greenwich High School football team righted the ship last weekend against a powerful Trumbull High School squad, coming away with a commanding 44-12 victory Friday night at Trumbull’s McDougall Stadium. “Every game is important,” said Greenwich High head coach Anthony Morello. “We have been in every game this year. We have had some trouble at times finishing games this season, so it was even more important to have success in the second half against Trumbull. Coach Petroccio and his team are big and fast and will win many more games this season.” And in that second half, Greenwich exploded. Taking a 13-12 lead into halftime, Big Red came out firing on all cylinders, scoring 17 points in the third quarter and another 14 in the final frame. L e ad i ng t he w ay for Big Re d was James Babb, as he scored both touchdowns for Greenwich in the first half and added another in the early

moments of the third quarter. After finding the end zone on a short run to the end zone to get things going for Greenwich, Babb took the catch-andrun pass from GHS quarterback Jack Wilson and darted down the field 81 yards for the touchdown with less than two minutes to play in the half. The duo of Wilson and Babb struck again to start the second half. On the second play from scrimmage, the duo connected on a 49-yard touchdown reception that extended the GHS lead to 20-12. A f ter a Sergot Boone 2 3-yard field goal, Greenwich found the end zone again when Wilson called his own number and scampered in the end zone for four yards. Ending the scoring on the offensive side of the ball was Jack Konigsberg, who pick up the 2-yard touchdown to end the scoring for Big Red. “Offensively we still have areas that we can improve on,” Morello said. “What’s exciting about this group is their eagerness, and willingness to improve week to week. The offense is

just beginning to hit its stride, and it couldn’t come at a better time. James Babb had a terrific performance with two receiving TDs and a rushing TD. Jack Wilson is progressing very nicely at quarterback.” While the offense was clicking, especially in the second half, defensively the Cardinals were tough to handle, holding Trumbull scoreless in the second half. The defensive per for mance was hig h lig hted by John Scariata, who picked off THS q ua r terback Hu nter A gosti nea r midf ield, sprinted down the near sideline and cruised in for the 56-yard interception return for a touchdown. “Coach Hocter and his defensive assistants, Erik Lee and Rodney Joyner, do an excellent job of preparing our athletes every week,” said Morello. “They have faced some top tier offenses this year, and held many of the state’s best players in check. John Scarlata has been a jolt of energy to this team every week in the secondary. His attitude, hard work in the of f season, and mental toughness has a lot to do with

his success this year. He’s been vital to our defensive success.” With the victory, the Cards kept their sights on the postseason and upped their overall record to 4-2 on the season. Morello said that since the Shelton defeat earlier this season, his team has been mentally tuned in at practice. “We let St. Joes off the hook two weeks ago, which was unfortunate, but not due to lack of talent on our side or execution with game plan,” the head coach said. “We simply didn’t make enough plays when we needed to. Not a lot has been said about our schedule this year. We have been on the road five out of six weeks, and our last five games have been against current or previous top 10 teams in the state for this year. The resiliency of this team is one of its biggest strengths and it’s a very fun group of guys to be around. They have embraced the challenges week by week and this Saturday will be no exception.” Despite the victory, Greenwich had little time to celebrate. It seems like the

theme of the season has been another week, another top-tier opponent GHS will play and tomorrow afternoon Big Red will host rivals New Canaan High School. Last week, the Rams were stunned by Wilton, and for the first time since the 1995 season, it was the Warriors that came away with the last second field goal and the 20-17 victory. So to say New Canaan will be traveling to Cardinal Stadium with a chip on their shoulder is an understatement. “Every game is important from here on out,” said Morello. “New Canaan is a tremendous program with a legendary Coach. We expect them to have their best game against us. It’s a great rivalry game, and the atmosphere should be electric on Saturday. Things didn’t go their way against Wilton, but this is a very good football team and coaching staff coming to town on Saturday. The way this season has gone in the FCIAC, anyone can win on any given week, so we need to be prepared for another slugfest.”


Greenwich High 44 vs. Trumbull High 12

Girls’ Soccer

St. Joseph High 6 vs. Greenwich High 2

Water Polo

Greenwich Masters 12 vs. Brunswick School 15

Stamford High 0 vs. Greenwich High 3

New York Athletic Club 16 vs. Brunswick School 18

Field Hockey

Greens Farms Academy 2 vs. Greenwich Academy 1

Girls’ Swimming & Diving

Greenwich High 5 vs. Newtown High 0

Frederick Gunn School 0 vs. Greenwich Country Day 1

Sacred Heart 3 vs. Greenwich Academy 1

Miss Porter’s School 1 vs. Sacred Heart 2

Brunswick School 40 vs. Phillips Andover Academy 0

Norwalk High 1 vs. Greenwich High 5

Holy Child 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 6 Rye Country Day 0 vs. Sacred Heart 7 Boys’ Soccer

Westminster School 2 vs. Greenwich Academy 0 Kent School 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 3

Darien High 80 vs. Greenwich High 106

Sacred Heart 7 vs. King School 2


Greens Farms 2 vs. Sacred Heart 2 Girls’ Volleyball

Greenwich High Girls’ X-C: 2nd place at FCIAC Finals (102) Greenwich High Boys’ X-C: 5th place at FCIAC Finals (146) Greens Farms Academy 29 vs. Brunswick School 26 Greenwich Country Day 43 vs. Brunswick School 19 Hopkins School 26 vs. Brunswick School 33

Greenwich High 6 vs. St. Joseph High 0

Danbury High 0 vs. Greenwich High 3

Brunswick School 0 vs. South Kent School 6

Masters School 0 vs. Sacred Heart 3

Rye Country Day 42 vs. Brunswick School 18

Taft School 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 3

The Masters School 42 vs. Brunswick School 19

Brunswick School 5 vs. Salisbury School 1

Greenwich Country Day 4 vs. Cheshire Academy 0

Greenwich High 3 vs. Westhill High 0

Hamden Hall 0 vs. Greenwich Academy 3

King School 42 vs. Brunswick School 19

St. Luke’s School 39 vs. Brunswick School 20

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Concours d’elegance Showcase of Luxury, Novel, and Antique Cars the Main Event By Liz Leamy Last weekend was an affair to remember as thousands of spectators, exhibitors, vendors, officials and car industry greats convened at the picturesque Roger Sherman Baldwin Park i n G r e e nw i c h fo r t h e 2 5 t h annual Concours d’Elegance, designating it as a runaway success. This famed weekend annual show, reputed to be one of the top-three luxury car events in the U.S., had been run by the legendary Wennerstrom family for nearly two and a half decades b efore b ei ng t a ken over by Hagerty, the esteemed Michiganbased classic car insurer this season following a year’s hiatus due to the pandemic and lived up to its stellar reputation in every way, leaving a lasting golden imprint in its wake. “ G r e e nw i c h h a s a l w ay s been an important town of car enthusiasts,” said Larry Auriana of the iconic Fratelli-Auriana R acing Team that has been an exhibitor at the Concours d’Elegance since its inception back in 1996. “It’s great to be here. This has been a lively and good event.” Throughout the weekend, scores of indiv iduals, many of who had traveled from all over the U. S. to par ticipate in this extravaganza, teemed around this popular waterside park all weekend, taking in the stunning display of American and international classic and modern vehicles while also visiting and chatting with one another, enjoying its many range of activities and checking out the wares of the retail vendors, among other things. “There is so much happening here. It’s a passion, particularly to collect cars, so you see and meet a lot of people who are passionate about all aspects of this pursuit,” said Joe Colasacco, driver for the internationally renowned Fratelli-Auriana Race Team and Auriana Car Collection

that features Ferrari, Maserati, Lancia and Alfa Romeo vehicles. (Joe’s son, Dominic Colasacco, who works for Ferrari Factory Motor Sp or t at t he Fe r ra r i headquar ters in Eng lewood Cliffs, New Jersey, carrying on his family’s racing tradition, was also in attendance.) “Everyone here is very friendly and you run into a lot of people you know. There are so many dimensions to being involved with cars and that’s what always makes the whole experience so great.” The roster of activ ities offered at this year’s Concours was extensive and included seminars, a live auction, meet and greet events with industry personalities and of course, the opportunity for attendees to interact with the owners and overseers of the automobiles on display, something they seemed to very much enjoy. “It’s so exciting to be here at the Concours d’Elegance in Greenwich. It’s such a beautiful place with so much history,” said Jay Ward, Grand Marshal of the 2021 Concours d’Elegance and Pixar Animation Studio’s Creative Director of Franchise. “Everyone here, including so many of the younger children and teenagers, are passionate about the whole concept of cars, and you can feel that in the air. It’s just electric.” O t h e r s , i n c lu d i n g M ay a Cig a l , who s e work i n g 19 67 Good Humor Truck was a main stopping spot for attendees, echoed similar sentiments. “This event is awesome. The cars are incredible and everyone is so nice,” said Cigal of Redding, Connecticut who has been a vendor at the Concours d’Elegance for 19 years running. “I just love being here. You can see everyone having fun and enjoying being around all of the cars. That, I think, is what makes the Concours so special.” In its traditional custom, the cars at this event were judged by a distinguished group of officials who evaluated the entries in

“It’s so exciting to be here at the Concours d’Elegance in Greenwich. It’s such a beautiful place with so much history,” said Jay Ward, Grand Marshal of the 2021 Concours d’Elegance and Pixar Animation Studio’s

The 1927 Mercedes-Benz Model K that was named winner of the 2021 'Best in Show' trophy. (Photo courtesy of Hagerty)

The stunning 1958 250 Tour de France Ferrari that is owned by Nick Soprano of Motor Classic & Competition Corporation in Bedford Hills, New York (Photo by Liz Leamy)

Officials and spectators check out a pre-war Allard at the Concours d'Elegance (Photo by Liz Leamy)

various classes ranging from the pre-war era to contemporary supercars based upon specific criteria. The dedicated members of this contingent were excited and honored at the prospect of being able to participate in this event at this capacity. “ I l o v e b e i n g h e r e . I t ’s a lways an honor,” said Bob Pfister, a Concours d’Elegance official from the Bronx who has been a judge at the Greenwich Concours d’Elegance for nine years running. “The cars are incredible, the people are great and the weather’s been fantastic.” This year, the judges selected a stunning 1927 light green and silver Mercedes-Benz Model K owned by Michael and Joannie R ich of Pennsylvania as the Concours d’Elegance Best of Show winner. (The coach work for this car was provided by Fle et wo o d Met a l B o dy, t he famous 20th century automobile coachbuilder based out of Fleetwood, Pennsylvania.) “The car world has a belief system. And the belief system is that certain cars are just super important, deserving of celebration and recognition,” said McKeel Hagerty, Chief Executive Of f icer of Hagerty, based in Traverse City, Michigan. “The Mercedes-Benz Model K selected as Best of Show represents that greatness-one that the judges recognized following significant deliberation.” Th is ye a r, w it h Hager t y in charge of this event, some changes had been made in rega rd to the trad itiona l Greenwich Concours d’Elegance format. During the period the Wennerstrom family had been in charge of this event from 1996 to 2019, the American classic and luxury cars had been displayed on Saturdays, while the international luxury and classic automobiles had been shown on Sundays. This year, however, both

A 1931 Duesenberg Convertible Victoria, owned by Ralph Marano, on display at the Concours d'Elegance (photo by Liz Leamy)

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The Greenwich Exchange At 120 Years Has Some New Fears

By Anne W. Semmes An icon of our town, t h e G r e e n w i c h ( Wo m a n ’s) Exchange on Sherwood Place, was celebrated for its 120 years l a s t T h u r s d ay we e k . W i t h the front house chock a block with beautifully hand-crafted children’s clothes, and women’s wear, and a myriad of gifts, and the rear cottage filled with antiques and Christmas gifts, the middle terrace offered foods and drinks galore. And a table of history of the Exchange was spread out to be explored. That history includes the E xc h a n g e f i r s t o p e n i n g i n 1901 elsewhere in town until it became rooted on Sherwood Place in 1937. The Federation of Women’s Exchanges of which the Greenwich Exchange is a part, was founded in 1832 to help women support themselves “by selling valuable possessions of arts and crafts of their own creation” so shares the long-serving

Exchange President Roni S c h m i t z . B u t n o w m e n ’s handiwork is included. The Exchange’s historical nature is further enhanced as it is located within the Town’s Fourth Ward Historic District that r uns f rom Sher wood Place over to Church Street to William Street. Thus, a topic of discussion amongst many of the celebrating and busily shopping attendees was the proposed seven-story apartment building of 192 units to be built on Church Street that would encroach upon that historic district. With the arrival of the First Selectman Fred Camillo, he became part of the discussion of the impact of that development upon the Exchange and the Historic District w ith the increased traff ic and parking issues. Attendee Betsy Galindo who represents District 7 on the RTM shared the concern she and her District have for the development with its plan to take down 11 houses in the

Historic District. L o n g s e r v i n g E xc h a n g e President Roni Schmitz conf irmed that the Exchange had presented a “Position Paper” of concern to Town Hall. “We have deeded rights to Putnam Court,” she shared. “They want to take down four houses on Putnam Court and use that road as a service road that we have used for parking since 1937. The developer Jim Cabrera owns the house behind us and next to us on Sherwood, and he wants to take them down, along with the dance studio and doctor’s office on Sherwood.” The development she added would cover in toal a two-acre expanse from Church Street to Sherwood Place. Yes, the celebratory day was well attended, said Schmitz, “and we had a lot of sales.” But there was that development cloud that was hovering over 28 Sher wood Place on an otherwise sunny day.

Christmas arts and crafts for sale in the Exchange cottage. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.

The Exchange’s historical nature is further enhanced as it is located within the Town’s Fourth Ward Historic District that runs from Sherwood Place over to Church Street to William Street.

Kristi Hutter with First Selectman Fred Camilloin the Christmas decorated Exchange cottage. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.

First Selectman Fred Camillo in conversation with attendees about the Church Street develpment plan. Photo by Anne W. Semmes.

All Souls Day Mass TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2021

11:00 am, rain or shine

This Mass will be offered for the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed. Catholics are encouraged that day to pray that all those who have died may rest in the peace of Christ.

GATE OF HEAVEN CEMETERY 1056 Daniels Farm Road, Trumbull Principal Celebrant: Bishop Frank J. Caggiano LIVE STREAMING of Bishop Caggiano, follow us on facebook: facebook.com/bridgeportdiocese ST. MARY-PUTNAM CEMETERY 399 North Street, Greenwich Celebrant: Father Ian Jeremiah



Page 5 | Greenwich Sentinel






Experienced. Diverse. & TAXATION BOARDPrepared. OF ESTIMATE

years of experience managing

An experienced financial executive and

ions and technology for investment

39 year Greenwich resident,

Nisha Arora is also an


An investment executive and lifelong resident of Greenwich,

Bill Drake has

Basham is a former senior US Treasury

served on the BET for the last eight annual

Department official, current Chair of

budgets. He is presently Chair of the Audit

tly serves on the Boards of the YWCA,

the RTM Finance Committee and

Committee and Vice Chair of the New

nd the Avon. Nisha has an engineering

member of the Labor Contracts

Lebanon School Building Committee. Bill


has an MBA from Harvard.

ement firms,

volunteer in the community. She


e from Rutgers and an MBA from Yale.

Keep Greenwich the best place to work, raise a family, and retire Provide strong fiscal stewardship Invest in our infrastructure Support excellence in schools





Over the last ten budgets, approved $532 million in capital improvements, including a new Central Fire Station, Byram Pool, MISA, Cardinal Stadium, New Lebanon School and a new Eastern Greenwich Civic Center

Provided for the best-funded school system in Connecticut

Twenty years of experience managing

An investment executive and lifelong

An experienced financial executive and

exceptional town services whileGreenwich keeping taxes low Mike operations andDelivered technology for investment 39 year resident, management firms, Nisha Arora is also an Basham is a former senior US Treasury

resident of Greenwich,

Bill Drake has

served on the BET for the last eight annual

Vote now by Absentee Ballot or in person Tuesday, NOVEMBER 2

NISHA ARORAQuestions? MIKE BILL DRAKE BASHAM Visit www.greenwichRTC.com

active volunteer in the community. She

Department official, current Chair of

budgets. He is presently Chair of the Audit

currently serves on the Boards of the YWCA,

the RTM Finance Committee and

Committee and Vice Chair of the New

ICC, and the Avon. Nisha has an engineering

member of the Labor Contracts

Lebanon School Building Committee. Bill

degree from Rutgers and an MBA managing from Yale. Twenty years of experience

Committee. An experienced financial executive and

operations and technology for investment

Nisha Arora is also an


resident of Greenwich,

Bill Drake has

Basham is a former senior US Treasury

served on the BET for the last eight annual

active volunteer in the community. She

Department official, current Chair of

budgets. He is presently Chair of the Audit

currently serves on the Boards of the YWCA,

the RTM Finance Committee and

Committee and Vice Chair of the New

ICC, and the Avon. Nisha has an engineering

member of the Labor Contracts

Lebanon School Building Committee. Bill

management firms,


degree from Rutgers and an MBA from Yale.

orney and resident of Greenwich for

0 years,

39 year Greenwich resident,

has an MBA from Harvard. An investment executive and lifelong

Karen Fassuliotis is

ly Board Chair, chairs the HR and

ommittees, and is liaison to the BOE,

essor and Tax Collector. Over 20

experience managing multi-million


LESLIE TARKINGTON has an MBA from Harvard.


An investment professional,

Dan Ozizmir

A corporate finance executive,


has served on the RTM for the last 12 years

Tarkington is Chair, BET Budget

where he is currently the Chair of the Labor

Committee and previous Chair, BET Law

Contract Committee and Vice Chair of the

and Human Resources Committees and

Budget Overview Committee. Dan

Clerk of the Board. Leslie holds an MBA

graduated from Columbia University.

from the UVA Darden School.

budgets for corporations.

Paid for by Greenwich RTC. Approved by Nisha Arora, Mike Basham, Bill Drake, Karen Fassuliotis, Dan Ozizmir & Leslie Tarkington



An attorney and resident of Greenwich for

over 50 years,

Karen Fassuliotis is

An attorney and resident of Greenwich for


An investment professional,

Dan Ozizmir

has served on the RTM for the last 12 years An investment professional,

Dan Ozizmir


LESLIE TARKINGTON A corporate finance executive,


Tarkington is Chair, BET Budget

A corporate finance executive,


Committee and previous Chair, BET Law

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Law Committees, and is liaison to the BOE,

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Budget Overview Committee. Dan of the Contract Committee and Vice Chair

the Board. Leslie holds Committees and an MBA and Clerk Humanof Resources

over 50 years,

Karen Fassuliotis is

currently Board Chair, chairs the HR and

years’ experience managing multi-million the Assessor and Tax Collector. Over 20

years’ experience managing multi-million dollar budgets for corporations.

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where he is currently the Chair of the Labor

Budget Overview Committee. Dan graduated from Columbia University. graduated from Columbia University.

and Human Resources Committees and

from the UVALeslie Darden School. Clerk of the Board. holds an MBA from the UVA Darden School.

dollar budgets for corporations.

Paid for by RTC. Approved by Nisha Arora, BillDrake, Drake, Karen Fassuliotis, Dan Ozizmir Leslie Tarkington PaidGreenwich for by Greenwich RTC. Approved by Nisha Arora,Mike MikeBasham, Basham, Bill Karen Fassuliotis, Dan Ozizmir & Leslie&Tarkington

Editorial Page

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

PUBLISHER Beth@GreenwichSentinel.com Elizabeth Barhydt EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Editor@GreenwichSentinel.com Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

Our Non-Profits We are just going to say it - we have been spoiled in Greenwich. Now you could be asking yourself, in what way? Our beautiful beaches, our scenic parks and hiking trails, our awesome libraries are just a few of many other reasons we may think we are spoiled. In actuality, we are spoiled because of our non-profits. It is an interesting idea, right? All the many nonprofits make our town unique and special for a number of reasons. More often than not, they provide services at a fraction of the cost to taxpayers than if our town government provided the same services. Imagine if the town took over and ran counseling services like that provided by the Child Guidance Center or recreational centers like Arch Street. The costs would be huge. Here is another idea. Even if you personally do not utilize any non-profit services, we are still better off because they help improve our community and increase our property values. This realization came to us after attending the recent “Go Wild! Movie Night” for the Greenwich Land Trust (GLT). Normally the GLT holds a large outdoor gathering for families with all sorts of activities, hot-air balloon rides, petty zoo and more.

We can all be philanthropists. There is no minimum bank balance you must have before you can help another. Because of COVID they decided to host a drive-in movie night at the polo grounds on North Street. It was amazing! Where else in Greenwich do you get to watch an outside movie on polo fields, with every possible thought taken into consideration for everyone's health and safety? It occurred to us, after watching a presentation about all the great work of the GLT prior to the movie starting, that the real reason we were there (to see Harry Potter outside and that great swag bag) was for the needed money raised to continue their efforts. Moreover, we in Greenwich have not only been spoiled by our nonprofits in the value they bring to our town, but also by their events. $300 may seem a little pricey for a movie ticket, but we were glad to pay it and support GLT. We wish we could do more. We need GLT and our non-profits to thrive and survive, and this is how we do so. We will say it - we have been spoiled by being able to attend fundraising events in town, with Cirque de Sole, with celebrity chefs, professional comedians, and musicians, and swag bags that are the envy of all our out-of-town friends. Many of us have volunteered at non-prof its wearing different hats over the years. It has given us an inside perspective on not only all the great work they do, but how they do it. The shelves at Neighbor to Neighbor do not stock themselves. There is a wellorganized operation that ensures the food is there and that it is distributed to those in need. Likewise, at Kids in Crisis and Community Centers Inc. and too many others to list here. We can all be philanthropists. There is no minimum bank balance you must have before you can help another. You can help financially, or you can help by volunteering. Often, organizations need help to complete their mission that only volunteers can provide. Arch Street, our teen center, never would have come into existence without a core group of volunteers working tirelessly to ensure it did. What organizations in town do you benefit from? It can often be a religious institution. Have you made a donation recently? Have you volunteered an hour of your time? We encourage you to do so. You will feel good doing so, and not only will it benefit the organization but our whole town as well. Finally, in the words of Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”


Republican BET Members: Debt and Moral Hazard

Local government officials all confront the age-old economic d i l e m m a : h ow t o m e e t e ve r increasing constituent demands for services and infrastructure w ith limited w illingness or inability of taxpayers to support the necessary level of spending. All too often, these demands can be met more easily by issuing more debt instead of making and difficult and unpopular decisions about controlling spending or raising taxes. Taking on more debt allows spending and taxing decisions to be deferred well into the future when they become someone else’s problem, typically after current elected officials have retired from public service. This is referred to as moral hazard when there is a motivation to assume more risk by spending more, or deferring tax increases because someone el s e w i l l b e a r t he bu r den of these actions. While Greenwich is perceived, locally and nationally, as a wealthy community, our taxpayers are much more economically diverse and expect a prudent approach to managing the Town’s finances. We all appreciate our low mill

rate and high real estate values relative to our peers, and our low levels of borrowing. At the same time, there are ongoing demands for maintain ing, improv ing and replacing our existing infrastructure. Hence the debate a b out how we f i na nce t he s e capital expenditures. Funding with debt increases the cost of f inancing assets, so paying cash is always more cost effective. However, larger capital needs are usually financed with some combination of taxes and debt. What is the optimal maturity of the debt? Those who want more spending favor extending debt maturities because annual principal payments are smaller. Those who are concerned about the moral hazard associated with long-term debt, favor short-term maturities that result in debt being paid down more quickly. While the Town has issued longer dated debt to build and expand sewers, the debt service is paid for from the sewer assessment taxes, not general tax revenues. Currently, Greenwich issues debt every January to fund those capital expenditures approved by the RTM. We only issue debt

for the cash we expect to spend on projects and physical assets that year. Typically, we finance this spending over seven years: two one-year short term notes followed by term debt of five years. In reality, capital projects can take longer to complete, so the last debt issue that includes funds to complete a project, would mature well beyond the date of the initial financing. Historically, municipal bond short-term borrowing rates have been lower than long-term rates, so limiting each subsequent term financing to five years saves on interest costs. The Board of Estimate and Taxation and The Representative Town Meeting have appropriated over $700 million for Town and school capital projects spread out over the last 14 years. This constant level of expenditures a l lows t he costs to b e b or ne equally by current and future residents. It is important to note that the Town’s financial advisor has said that other municipalities also fund these recurring levels of c apit a l ex p end it u re s w it h shorter term debt. In fact, Moody’s analysis shows that, as of December 2020, in addition to

Greenwich, seven of the sixteen Aaa rated Towns in Connecticut would be able to pay off 85% or more of their current debt in 10 years or less. Limiting debt maturities helps to avoid the trap of moral hazard. It pr ov ide s mor e i m m e d i ate fe e d b ack to ele c te d of f ic ia l s and taxpayers of the f inancial consequences of increasing sp end i ng level s b efor e t hei r impact becomes too burdensome a nd i r r eve r si ble . G ive n t he current level of capital spending, a “modified-pay-as-you-go” policy of financing capital expenditures over 7 years, continues to be more appropriate for the overwhelming majority of the Town’s ongoing capital needs. This approach has served the Town and taxpayers well since 2008 by providing for the completion of hundreds of millions of dollars of infrastructure and asset acquisitions; keeping our mill rate and debt levels low relative to our peers; and saving millions of dollars in interest costs. Nisha Arora, Mike Basham, Bill Drake, Karen Fassuliotis, Dan Ozizmir and Leslie Tarkington are Republican candidates for the BET this November 2nd.


Budkins "Wonderful Member of Community"

To the Editor, Ja c k i e B u d k i n s h a s b e e n a wo n d e r f u l m e m b e r o f ou r community throughout her lifetime. She is a kind, caring, compassionate and hardworking person who has always given her time for so many good causes in Greenwich. Now, Jackie is running for the position LETTER

Jon Redmond

She has the ability to rally people, build consensus and complete a given task. Jackie’s hands-on experience accessing the records of the Clerk’s office and working with other Town Departments in conjunction with real estate transactions gives her real time experience that is highly

relevant to the duties expected of our Town Clerk. The customer service skills she has cultivated over the years give her a leg up in the position of Town Clerk, where she would be expected to respond to questions from the general public, members of the RTM and the many commissions and

boards about process and substance on the agenda items placed on the monthly call. She is approachable, friendly and always willing to go the extra mile to help. Please join me on November 2nd and vote for Jackie Budkins! LiIe Gibbons , Retired State Representative, 150th District

campaign where she focuses on her relevant qualif ications and work experience. Considering the town clerk’s office is very costumer service oriented, isn’t this the type

of person you want to interact with? Her temperament and kindness along with her qualifications are the perfect match for this position and that’s why I feel she is the best

candidate for Town Clerk. Please join me in casting your vote for Jackie Budkins for Town Clerk on November 2nd. Caren Vizzo St. Phillip

BET Needs to Stay Pay as You Go

In the race for seats on the Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET), the democrats are politicizing our schools. Please do not be fooled. First, my background. I am a current member of the BET elected in July to fill out Michael Mason’s term. I am not standing for election, but I k now all the republican candidates well. I endorse them all. Back to school budgeting and the democrat distortions. First on the operating basis, despite cuts LETTER

I have no doubt that Jackie will build on the successes of the past and leverage technology to continue to bring the Town Clerk’s Office into the future. She is a great person who will make a tremendous Town Clerk for our community.

"Impressed" with Budkins

To the Editor I’ve been following the town campaigns and have been impressed with Jackie Budkins, candidate for Town Clerk, for running a positive LETTER

person” who loves engaging with and meeting new people in the community. Jackie has enjoyed a successful, twenty year career in Greenwich Real Estate and is well versed in the processes and procedures of the Office of the Town Clerk. Her learning curve will not be too steep.

Budkins "Highly Competent"

Dear Editor: I have known Jackie Budkins for several years and have found her to be highly competent, personable, and fully engaged in her endeavors be they working in Greenwich real estate, for the Republican Town Committee or with residents and professional staff at town hall. LETTER

of Town Clerk, and I am happy to declare my support for her. The Town Clerk is an important p o s i t i o n a t To w n H a l l , a n d oftentimes it is the first office new residents visit when they move to Greenwich. Jackie has the right spirit, personality and enthusiasm for the job. She is a true “people

to the Board of Education (BOE) budgets, in most years the BOE does not spend all the budgeted money and returns funds to the town’s general fund. On the capital side, no reasonable request for capital has been refused by the republicans on the BET. Never. Why does this matter? Whichever party garners the most votes on November 2nd gets the chairmanship of the BET. That carries with it a tie breaking vote, which often has been important

to preserving the modified pay-asyou-go policy that has served the town well for decades. Operating expenses are paid from current tax revenues and funding for large capital projects is spread over a short period with public market financing. The democrats have advocated selling long term bonds to increase capital projects that have not been requested by the BOE. Not only does that make zero sense, but it would endanger the town’s triple A credit rating.

C ap it a l p r oj e c t s mu s t b e requested by the BOE; the BET cannot force them onto the BOE. There is a new multi-year plan that was developed with cooperation of everyone on the BOE and BET. Funding for schools should be nonpartisan, but the democrats think otherwise. Please join me in voting the entire republican ticket for the Board of Estimate and Taxation. Thank you. Harry Fisher

Penny Monahan for Bill Kelly

To The Editor As a lifelong Greenw ich resident, a retired Greenwich Police Department employee, and elected to three terms on the Greenwich Board of Selectmen, I have worked with several First Selectmen over the years. Having a knowledge of the Town, experience in municipal government, integrity and being transparent with the public are all essential attributes that best serve all of the residents of Greenwich. That is why on November 2nd I will cast my vote for Bill Kelly. Bill

has served on the Representative Town Meeting as the Sixth District Leader, 2 four-year terms as a member of the Board of Education and two terms on the Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation. He is a litigation attorney and has experience in construction law. This experience is particularly helpful as the Town and Board of Education complete and embark on hundreds of millions of dollars in capital improvements. As First Selectman, Bill Kelly will restore the process of developing the annual capital

budget through the transparent and inclusive capital improvements projects committee that the past two First Selectmen have used. He will hire the best people to serve in Town management positions rather than resorting to political hires as the incumbent has done with the Town Law Department and Labor Contracts Director. As First Selectman Bill Kelly will be fully transparent and conduct business in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, using only Town email and not withhold information from the public until

after an election. He will respect the Town Department heads and work full time and be on the job. He will communicate with residents not just through self-serving email blasts but being available and present in neighborhoods. Th is elec t ion I a m vot i ng to restore professionalism and integrity to the First Selectman’s Office, I am voting for Bill Kelly and hope you will, too. He is for ALL of Greenwich. Sincerely, Penny Monahan, Selectman 2001 - 2007

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Help Break the Cycle of Negativity - Vote Mercanti-Anthony and Kittle for the BOE

As I leave the Greenwich Board of Education after eight years with the last four as chairman, I remain committed to the quality and success of our schools and our students. Who we elect to the Board will have a significant impact on the Greenwich Public Schools going forward, even more so as we move beyond Covid. That is why I will be voting for Republican BOE candidates Michael-Joseph Mercanti-Anthony and Cody Kittle on November 2nd. Both believe in working collaboratively to ensure that the focus rightfully remains on our students. Mike is a career educator who previously served on a Board of Education and understands accountLETTER

ability as a means of driving student achievement and success. Cody has a finance background and understands governance and the proper role of boards. Mike and Cody will add greatly to a Board that benefits from diverse skills and opinions. While there is voter choice in this election, we need to put an end to the cycle of electing people to the board whose sole purpose is to create division and chase away superintendents. This is detrimental to our students and staff as it hampers positive change meant to increase achievement for all. Voters need to be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Both Megan Galletta, the other Republican candidate, and Kara Philbin, the possible write-in

candidate, have declined to answer whether they are affiliated with the local freedom fighters who claim they are patriots but are instead part of a misinformation campaign. Since they won’t answer they should be judged on their records and you can certainly draw your own conclusions by watching their public comments at prior Board of Education meetings here: https://www. youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm8FNog9pSW1mot1hnDLAobecdGWGhd8k). They both spoke at the June 17th, May 20th, and April 22nd meetings. Ms. Philbin also spoke at the September 23rd meeting. Their comments and confrontational manner would only serve to create division on the Board. Ultimately, it is

ironic that those that claim that teaching and learning has been politicized in our schools are the ones politicizing it. Break this vicious cycle and join me by voting for people that are committed to working cooperatively and positively to support our students, teacher and the superintendent. On election day please vote for Republican BOE candidates Michael-Joseph Mercanti-Anthony and Cody Kittle as well as the two Democrat BOE candidates Kathleen Stowe and Laura Kostin. Peter D. Bernstein, Chair Greenwich Board of Education

Crossing Party and Family Lines To Vote For Molly Saleeby

Ever wonder why we are still licking stamps and writing a check for a few dollars to pay for our dog license? Or why some important town records have still not been digitized? Wonder why many other CT municipalities including Stamford, Westport, and Fairfield offer electronic real estate transaction recordings but Greenwich doesn’t? Unfortunately, our Town Clerk has not adequately modernized! I am proud of Greenwich and the progress we make. Our Department of Parking Services introduced parking apps and online payments. Thank LETTER

We are writing in support of Megan Galletta, Republican Candidate for the Board of E duc at ion ( B OE). Me g a n , a Greenwich resident for 21 years, has 4 children, ranging in ages 1524, who attend and have graduated from Greenwich Public Schools. Me g a n , t he on ly Repu bl ic a n BOE candidate with kids in the Greenwich Public Schools, has seen it all and understands the issues. She is a business executive in the technolog y industr y, a collaborator, coach and volunteer. In recognition of her extensive community service, Megan was appointed by Fred Camillo to serve

you. Our Planning & Zoning Commission did not miss a beat converting meetings online during the pandemic, and even making them available for future viewing. Thank you. Our Registrars of Voters made voting during the pandemic clear and easy, providing online videos. And one of them even hosted the first RTM website on his personal server back in the early days when the State did not provide for it. As a registered Republican, I was therefore sorry to see that the very Registrar of Voters who drove selfless innovation at the RTM, was passed over as

the nominee by the Republican Town Committee for the position of Town Clerk. Instead the daughter of the current town clerk was picked as the Republican candidate. I want innovation in the office, not a town clerk who will hear at the Thanksgiving table about how the old ways were just fine. I have known Molly Saleeby, the Democratic nominee, for fifteen years. She is resourceful and driven, organized and proactive. Molly is warm and caring and a person of high integrity. Her corporate experience at Skadden Arps, Thirteen/WNET and

Time Magazine will be of great benefit to the town. As an engaged member of the RTM, Molly takes her work very seriously and the commitment she has to Greenwich is very apparent. Molly has already been in contact with town clerks around our state on how to make services more efficient and easily accessible. I am crossing party lines to vote for Molly. Molly Saleeby’s agenda will bring change into a part of Town Hall that has not kept up. It is time for new blood —literally. Reinhard Koester

Megan Galletta: Your Voice for Your Children on the GHS Secure Entry way Building Committee. Megan loves our community and recog nizes that students have been struggling, test scores are at the lowest level in years and learning has been lost due to t h e p a n d e m i c . H e r m a i n i nspi rat ion for r u n n i ng is to refocus Greenwich Public Schools toward academic excellence for all students, improve student achievement and district scores, b o ost Sp e cia l Educ at ion a nd remediate American Disabilities Act deficiencies. She will work to ensure freedom of thought in classrooms and curriculum

Alison Belknap Elysia Borelli Erin Chang Allyson Cowin Andrew Cowin Laura Darrin Elizabeth Deluca Elizabeth Fagan-Herman Kimberly Fiorello, CT State Representative Sunghi Frauen Gina Furano Alison Gillott Loredana Grandis Amaris Guadalupe Ingrid Hang Hilary Haroche

t r a n s p a r e n c y. M e g a n w i l l work with administrators and educators to promote a standards based enriching and challenging curriculum addressing the needs of Greenw ich’s diverse community. It’s time for a change. Megan Galletta will collaborate with board members, empower parents, and be The Voice for our Children. We ask for your vote for Megan on November 2. Natalie Adee Ana Arsov Simpa Baiye Kate Bates Mariana Begonja

Gail Hartch John Herman Ramya Hopley David Lancaster Gail Lauridsen

Kara Philbin Natalie Razov Cheryl Resnick Kim Salib Virginia Sanden Liza Scullin Natalie Skara Jane Sprung Stephanie Thompson Laura Tobias Glenn Tobias Sharon Varriano Sue Vigilante Christina Volkwein Heidi Vossler Wendy Walsh

Leora R. Levy, RNC National Committeewoman - CT Martha Lindstrom Alex Lindstrom Kiera Lynch Beth MacGillivray Betsy McCaughey, Former Lt. Governor of New York Marla Maytin Vicki Morton Margharet Nash

While the Greenwich Sentinel normally makes an effort to fact check letters to the editor, we did not have time to fact check them all this week. We felt it was more important to have as many opinions included in advance of the election as possible. Please keep this in mind as you read them. Greet and Treat! The event will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on October 31. Businesses will participate with special in-store promotions r o o m , b e t te r a c c e s s i b i l it y, and treats, and there will be food security improvements, and trucks on site during the event. outdoor upgrades. NOR’EASTER WRAPUP REVALUATION NOTICES A s o f O c to b e r 2 7, 2 8 The Town’s Assessors Office Eversource customers have is reviewing preliminary values been reported without power for the 2021 revaluation. in Greenwich following strong Greenwich completed its last northeast wind gusts of 40-50 revaluation for the 2015 Grand mph along the coast. There have List in order to keep assessments been no reports of roads closed equitable and reflect the current or flooded. On Stag Lane, there is fair market value. a wire/tree branch issue, but the P r o p e r t y o w n e r s w i l l road remains passable. receive a notice of assessment Maximum rainfall rates of change the week of November ¼ to ½ inch were seen following 8, at which time there will be the storm, with wind gusts of 45informal hearings available 60 mph. As of Wednesday, most for all taxpayers to discuss or impacts subsided and the storm appeal their new assessment. began to depart to the east. Discussion hearings will be available November 8 through G R E E N W ICH HO S PI TA L January, and appeals will be A D M I N I S T E R S P F I Z E R available February 1 to February BOOSTERS 20 of 2022. Greenwich Hospital announced that it has begun POLL WORKERS NEEDED scheduling appointments The Registrar of Voters is for b o o ste r a nd t h i r d do s e searching for poll workers for the vaccinations at the hospital. November 2 municipal election. Appointments will be offered Poll workers must be registered at the Noble Conference Center voters in the state of Connecticut on the first floor of the hospital. and be fully vaccinated. Those eligible for the booster Most positions will require doses include those 65 a nd one hour of Zoom train ing, older, those aged 18-64 with and will be paid between $230 underlying conditions, and those a nd $2 75. Those i nterested 18 and older at increased risk shou ld cont ac t pr e sident@ for COVID-19 exposure. Booster lwvgreenwich.org. doses can be given six months af ter the initial vaccination C A L L -A- R I D E D R I V E R S series. NEEDED Call-A-Ride is looking for GR EEN WICH EXCHANGE volunteer drivers to provide C E L E B R A T E S 1 2 0 T H essentia l travel ser v ices to ANNIVERSARY seniors. Drivers will use one The Greenwich Exchange for of three provided vehicles to Women’s Work celebrated 120 t ra n sp or t s en iors , a nd c a n years of service this year with an commit to a weekly shift, or a event to mark the anniversary few times a month. this past week. For more information, or to Customers a nd f r iends sign up, call (203) 661-6633. gathered in the shop's private c o u r t y a r d g a r d e n to e nj oy COVID UPDATE refreshments, goodies, and a The town reported a COVID celebration.

News Briefs From Page 1

related death bringing total related deaths to 96 people in Greenwich. G R E E N W I C H B A L L E T ’ S At Greenwich Hospital as of THE NUTCRACKER Wednesday there were two COVID Greenwich Ballet patients being treated. Academy’s annual production

G R E E N W IC H AV E N U E ’ S GREET AND TREAT Greenwich Avenue will be offering a safe trick-or-treating event this year: The Greenwich

of the Nutcracker has returned! Performances w ill be on November 13 at 7:45 p.m. and November 14 at 2:00 p.m. at the Greenw ich H ig h School

Performing Arts Center. VIP backstage access passes will be available f o r t h e p e r f o r m a n c e s . To purchase tickets, visit www. greenwichballetacademy.org.

been two reports of stolen Land Rovers from a local country club this past Sunday morning. Both vehicles reported stolen had been left unlocked with ignition devices inside. The GPD continues to stress BRUCE MUSEUM APPOINTS t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f l o c k i n g CURATOR OF ART personal vehicles and removing T he Br uc e Mu s eu m h a s keys and fobs from inside when appointed Margarita Karasoulas away from the vehicle. a s t he new Cu rator of A r t . F R E E S M O K E A L A R M K arasoulas comes f rom the INSTALLATIONS Brook ly n Museum, where The American Red Cross she previously served as the will be installing smoke alarms assistant curator of American and running a discussion on fire Art for 4 years. Karasolas will safety for free on Fri, October 29. begin her position at the Bruce Visit www.soundthealarm. on November 29, 2021. org /mnyn to schedule a free GPS TEACHERS MARCH This past Thursday, over 100 public school teachers gathered to walk from Greenwich High School to the Board of Education m e e t i n g at C e nt r a l M i d d l e School. Educators held signs with phrases “Stop Harassing Te acher s”, “Stop At t ack i ng Teachers” and “We Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” UNLOCKED CARS STOLEN Greenw ich Police have a n nou nce d t hat t here have

smoke alarm installation. COVID-19 UPDATE There are currently 19 active cases being monitored by the Greenwich Health Department. Greenwich Hospital currently h a s t h r e e C OV I D p o s i t i v e patients, none of whom have been vaccinated; two of those p at i e nt s a r e i n t h e IC U on ventilators. Another resident has died of COVID this past week, bringing the total number of COVID-19 deaths in town to 95.

PARKING PERMITS Parking Permit renewal will be occurring online only this year. In order to renew your permit, residents must submit an application proving residency and making a payment. R e s i d e nt s c a n r e n e w at www.greenwichct.gov/572 by December 31, 2021. However, tiered late fees will be assessed for payments received af ter December 2.

shelters and Jackson has managed to donate 10,000 pairs of socks in the first two years of the drive. Socktober collection bins can be located at Threads & Treads, Greenw ich Pediatric Dental Group, Eastern Middle, Riverside School, Old Greenwich Farmers Market, Greenwich Botanical Center, Mikes Organic, and Aux Delices. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , o r t o d o n a t e , v i s i t w w w. ABSENTEE BALLOTS FOR jacksonsocktober.com LOCAL ELECTIONS A bsentee Ba llots for the DEATHS November 2 local elections are DUNCAN SMITH available now. Applications Duncan Campbell Smith, 84, can be found on the Town of passed away unexpectedly on Greenwich Website, and can be Thursday, Oct. 14. returned to the Town Clerk’s MICHAEL PIORKOWSKI office, the address of which is Michael G. Piorkowsk i died on the application. Ballot boxes unexpectedly at home on Oct. 11. are available. They are located LAWRENCE SPANN at Town Hall and at the Public Lawrence A. Spann passed away Safety Complex at 11 Bruce Place. peacefully on Oct. 8. HEDDA VON GOEBEN JACKSON’S THIRD ANNUAL Hedda Windisch von Goeben SOCKTOBER DRIVE died Oct. 8 at 90 years of age. 11 year old Jackson Bogardus WILLIAM H. BRYSON i s t he fou nder of Jack s on’s William H. Bryson, a lifelong Socktober, a drive collecting Greenw ich resident, passed socks for those in need. away Monday October 25. He Socks are one of the most was 85. requested items in homeless

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Hudson Pro





Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.





Oxford Lane Capital Corp.





Oxford Square Capital Corp.





Starwood Property Trust Inc.





StoneRiver Inc.





Townsquare Media Inc.





Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.





W.R. Berkley Corp.





XPO Logistics Inc.





Ellington Financial LLC

* as of close of business 10/27/21

Page 8 | Greenwich Sentinel

While the Greenwich Sentinel normally makes an effort to fact check letters to the editor, we did not have time to fact check them all this week. We felt it was more important to have as many opinions included in advance of the election as possible. Please keep this in mind as you read them. LETTER

BET Democrats: Priorities and Selling Points for Greenwich

When did “investment” become a dirty word in Greenwich, one of the nation’s premier financial centers? We are the Democratic candidates for the BET. Our core belief is that investments to support essential Town services and priority capital projects need to be properly planned for and funded. We are a team with financial, business and legal expertise and each of us has deep community connections. As the minority party for the past two years, we’ve had a front row seat to a failure of Republican leadership to enact forward-thinking planning. We watched as they’ve slashed the BOE operating budget and cut, deferred or eliminated critical infrastructure projects, which ultimately raises the bill for taxpayers who have to pay for inflated construction costs, emergency fixes, increased insurance premiums and legal settlements. Now, in the midst of campaign season, we have to stand up for facts. The Republicans running for the BET are not being honest about their record. Here’s a partial recap of the votes we lost because we did not have that crucial tie-breaking vote afforded to the party with the most collective votes: • All Town departments and the BOE had their FY21 operating budgets held flat to the prior year. The cut to the BOE budget of $3.1 million created a tremendous amount of disruption and distress to administrators and families. The cut came just days after the public hearing process concluded and without any input from the elected BOE or school administrators, who were left scrambling to address the shortfall. During the onset of the pandemic, instead of laser-focus on

• Funds to plan for more frequent flooding and a proposed bike route study were blocked. The lack of forward thinking puts the safety of our residents at risk. As your Democratic BET Candidates, we believe that true fiscal prudence is analyzing the risk and reward of every investment made in our Town with our residents in mind. We believe in thinking beyond the short term and planning for the future, which is how to maintain low and predictable property taxes. Making sure public safety is a priority, town services are delivered efficiently, our schools are first rate, our parks and recreational amenities meet our needs are selling points for Greenwich. A government that is working for residents should transcend politics and it should make decisions based on common sense and sound financial principles. Greenwich is diverse and our approach should be bipartisan and solution-oriented. We vow to collaborate with the First Selectman, the Board of Education and the RTM in setting realistic goals and priorities in our budgets, and to listen to constituents. After all, the Town budget reflects our community values and our plan for the future. We vow to not waste people’s time or money. Needless bureaucratic delays aren’t fiscal prudence. They are costly to our tax bills, our property values and our quality of life. We respectfully request that voters vote for ALL 6 of the Democratic candidates listed below on November 2. Laura Erickson, Miriam Kreuzer, Jeff Ramer, Leslie Moriarty, Stephen Selbst, and David Weisbrod

Board of Selectmen Election


I write in support of the candidacy of Janet Stone McGuigan for the Greenwich Board of Selectmen. I have known Janet to volunteer for many community-supporting organizations over the past two decades, and we have worked together closely on several. Janet is one of the most collegial, supportive, dedicated, hard-working, and positive people I have ever encountered, personally or professionally. Even under trying circumstances she is unfailingly cheerful and friendly to everyone. If LETTER

delivering educational services and meeting the needs of students and families, school administrators were left crunching numbers. It was totally unnecessary given the Town’s ample Rainy Day fund, and GPS’ long history in returning unused funds at the end of the fiscal year. • After the ceiling collapse at North Mianus School, Republicans delayed the funding for repairs and created needless bureaucratic delays. The Republicans eliminated an engineering study for Central Middle School which would have provided critical information for future planning for that facility. • Julian Curtiss School renovations to address air quality, security, accessibility, and insufficient educational spaces have been stalled for two years because the six seated Republicans did not believe that the addition of a science room, Pre-K classrooms and larger common spaces is necessary. It is the elected Board of Education that is responsible for educational specifications. The BET is charged with a funding plan. The needless delay has a domino effect on other school projects. Old Greenwich School is next in line. With high inflation of construction costs, the outcome of the Republican BET’s overstepping would be a lesser asset for more money. This is poor financial asset management. • The Republicans did not provide for design funds for a combined volunteer/career firefighter station at Round Hill, one of the several recommendations made in the Matrix Fire Study. We have a study but no ability to implement the recommendations because the Republicans have chosen to stall again. • Roadway maintenance, vehicle replacements, ADA accessibility funding, improvements to Holly Hill – cut, deferred or eliminated.

there is something to be done to help others, or to improve life in our to rise above the pettiness of partisan politics, and to prioritize civic town, Janet will answer the call to serve with a smile on her face, and benefit. As anyone who has benefited from her enthusiastic commitment her intellectual ability means her contributions are always valuable would echo, our government would be lucky to have her. and significant. I am in awe of her capacity to be both considerate and upbeat in all situations, and I have yet to meet the individual who does Lisa Beth F. Savitz, Greenwich not like her. I cannot imagine a personality better suited to the Board of Selectmen, to balance the interests and needs of everyone in Greenwich,

Vote For The Entire Slate Of Democratic Candidates

To the Editor: One of the silver linings of the past 18 months, is that so many new neighbors have chosen Greenwich as their new home. Like you and me, they probably chose our community because of its natural beauty, great schools (public and private), wonderful Town services and amenities, and predictable tax rates. To these new residents, I say, “Welcome!” And I add: to ensure that Greenwich remains the community we all want to live in, please vote in the municipal elections for the entire slate of Democratic candidates. Why? Because these dedicated public servants both talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk. Greenwich Democrats have a proven track record of support for our schools, our environment, our local institutions, and our residents.

The Town Clerk’s Office is built on service, trust and integrity. The one person I truly believe to continue to build on that reputation is Jackie Budkins. I have had a front-row seat to Jackie’s

professionalism as we have partnered on many real estate transactions. I can unequivocally exclaim that Jackie is a f ierce advocate and guiding force for her clients whom have trusted her with

We are a group of your neighbors running in the upcoming election on November 2nd to be members of the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting (RTM) from District 10 (Northwest Greenwich). We are united in our commitment to work in an inclusive and bipartisan manner to: - Ensure our treasured town of Greenwich has first rate schools - Facilitate modern, efficient infrastructure investments - Maintain our beautiful parks - Promote effective po-

their significant and complex real estate transactions for 20-years. Jack ie w ill absolutely bring this level of attention and focus to the role of Town Clerk and deliver a high-quality

experience to the people of Greenwich. that I agreed to serve as her Treasurer. Lastly, she exemplifies service to others Please join me in voting for Jackie Budkins as an avid community volunteer and will for Town Clerk on November 2nd! bring these qualities to Town Hall. I felt strongly enough to support Jackie Joseph Romano

Pleasure of Working with Jackie Budkins

To the editor, I had the pleasure of working with Jackie Budkins many years ago when I was the office manager for a heating and air-conditioning company. Jackie worked in the office for me, where she communicated extensively with customers. As you can imagine, especially during the hottest and coldest times of the years, our office could get quite busy and LETTER

investment in public infrastructure (impacting our schools, our storm water system, and a Northwest fire station); delayed implementing climate and energy solutions (which would have saved millions); and moved costs “off-balance-sheet” in the form of additional fees charged to residents (e.g., tipping fees); all the while claiming to have saved money. In today’s environment, we know that career politicians will say whatever it takes to get elected. However, the facts show that only one slate of candidates actually supports all of our fundamental community values with action as opposed to mere statements. If you want to know what you are voting for, you will join me in voting for the Democratic slate on or before November 2nd. Sincerely, Lori Jackson

Town Clerk's Office Built on Integrity



Their education and experience are unparalleled by their rivals and they believe in qualifications for public positions, not family connections. Don’t take my word for it, compare their biographies on www.lwvgreenwich.org, and investigate their voting records. If you take these simple steps, you will find that the Democratic candidates advocated for: funding both the operating and capital budgets for the Greenwich Public Schools as requested by the Board of Education; focusing on climate resilience; improving our energy footprint (saving Town costs); and ensuring that residents in all parts of Town have adequate fire coverage; all while applying their professional expertise to keeping our taxes low, managing risk and building community. In contrast, their opponents have: deferred funding critical

being able to help customers in an expedient and professional manner clients and she has maintained her client focused and service oriented was key to maintaining high quality service. And Jackie did just that. attributes. I have no doubt that Jackie will provide that same high She was very conscientious, courteous, respectful and friendly to all quality customer service as Town Clerk. of our customers. She provided high quality customer service as well as effectively deal with our contractors and service personnel. Jackie Joan Pellegrino, Riverside, CT & I have remained close since then, I know many of her real estate

Fiscal Responsibility for RTM District 10 lice and fire protection - Protect the environment of Greenwich Our objective is to accomplish these goals while keeping your taxes low. Greenwich raises over $380 million in taxes each year. This should be enough to make every aspect of our town the best, but only if we spend the money with thoughtfulness. Greenwich is facing some large challenges, but if we are prudent in how we prioritize and spend our tax dollar we can handle them and maintain our high standards and quality of life for all of our residents.

Greenwich public schools should be the very best. Our per capita spending is very high, yet there are issues of school maintenance we must confront. It is widely known many of our schools need significant physical improvements. We DO want to spend money on our schools but in an efficient, thoughtful way – by making sure the most important items such as safety, having modern HVAC systems and making sure our schools are up to code are prioritized over wish list items which do not enhance the education of our children. Almost everyone agrees these are priorities,

so we should get them done quickly and efficiently. Another item that will be of great importance to us is dealing with Hartford’s mandate of affordable housing in our community. Under State law, Greenwich must add over 1,100 units of low-income housing or face sanctions from the State. Until we comply with this mandate, developers can be exempted from our Greenwich zoning laws and build large, incongruous projects, irrespective of local objections. Several have recently been announced, including a 192-unit, 7-story project on Church Street. This term, the RTM passed an

ordinance that would use charitable contributions to fund a small number of affordable housing projects which are more in line with Greenwich’s sensibilities. It is possible town money may eventually be needed to fully comply with State law. If we use town funds, we must do so as prudently as possible. These are just a few of the issues that will challenge our town. We will need to manage these thoughtfully to get the maximum benefit for our tax dollars. We are your neighbors who have real-world skills and want to bring a responsible approach to managing our

wonderful community. We ask for your vote on November 2nd for the RTM in District 10. D10 RTM Candidates (Incumbents in bold): Jude Collins Steve Katz Allyson Cowin Debbie Kolman Anne Driscoll Radhika Patel Hilary Haroche Kara Philbin Brooks Harris Dan Schreck Sandy Harris Sheryl Sorbaro Ramya Hopely Jane Sprung Katie Hynes


Richman: Why I Am Running for the Board of Assessment Appeals In early 2020 our First Selectman reached across party lines and appointed me to fill a vacancy on the Board of Assessment Appeals. He did that because as Tax Collector in 2018 - 2019 while working with the public, I was able to explain how tax bills are calculated as a relationship between property assessment and mill rate. The 2021 Grand List was completed this October 1 and will be signed

off by the Assessor in January, 2022. The first-half tax bills will be due past few years, reason enough to have an experienced member remain in July. The situation is unconventional in that it will be a "six-year" on the BAA. Experience leads to good government. Grand List having been extended because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to continue serving Greenwich residents and welcome Normally, the State requires new assessments every five years. your vote on November 2. With each property in Town getting a new assessment, the Howard Richman , Greenwich expectation is the number of appeals will be much higher than in the

Page 9 | Greenwich Sentinel LETTER

Why I am Seeking Re-election as your Selectwoman

“It’s only what you give away that enriches you from day to day.” This quote sums up my perspective on life and it is why I want to continue to serve the community that has given so much to my family and me. I have the great honor of serving our community with my classmate (GHS 1980), running mate (2019) and teammate for the past two years, Fred Camillo. Our overarching goal is simple; to ensure Greenwich continues to be the most desirable town to live, work, play and stay. Fred and I have the proven and trusted experience that will help Greenwich successfully navigate future challenges and harvest opportunities that will make our town work better for all our residents. Below is a glimpse of some of my accomplishments and plans to continue my work and vision. • Liaison to the Commission on Aging (COA): Co-chaired a "Hello Neighbor" campaign where 100 volunteers phoned 3000+ households (with a resident LETTER

parking pilot). In my next term, I plan on continuing to work with Greenwich Forward to enhance not only the experience of Greenwich Avenue, but other business districts in town (Byram, Cos Cob, Glenville, Old Greenwich, Riverside) • BOS representative to the POCD committee to create Affordable Housing: Participated in the Housing Trust Fund proposal that was approved by the RTM. In my next term I envision being the BOS representative on the Trust Fund Committee. Being on a 3-member board I was given the opportunity to work on areas where my skills and interests aligned as to not duplicate the work of my fellow board members. I am just as committed to work on i s sue s i nvolv i ng E duc at ion , t he Environment, and our Economic vibrancy. I am a team player and will be just as effective regardless of the configuration of our next Board of Selectmen. Greenwich is a unique and special place to live. I was raised here, and my husband and I raised

our two sons here as well. Our community is part of the fabric of who we all are, and it helps shape our value system. As your Selectwomen, I dedicate myself to making our Town work better for all of us. There are always challenges to meet, and the current economic and political environment will require leadership, experience, hard work and a commitment to civil discourse. I have demonstrated these qualities throughout my time serving our community in the Cub Scouts, all levels of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the Greenwich Alliance for Education (GAE), the Greenwich Youth Football League (GYFL), the Representative Town Meeting (RTM), the Board of Human Services, Board of Education (BOE) and Board of Selectmen. I very much look forward to earning your support and trust to extend my service as your Selectwoman for another 2 years. Lauren Rabin

DiPreta Endorses Mercanti-Anthony and Kittle for Two Republican BOE Spots

Friends, I am writing to encourage you to vote for two great Republican candidates for Greenwich Board of Education Tues, Nov. 2nd: Michael-Joseph MercantiAnthony and Cody Kittle. There are two Republican spots for the BOE in this race (and three candidates running) and every voter can cast two votes on the GOP line. Both Cody and Michael are caring, intelligent, hardworking fathers with a passion for education policy who will work well with others to improve our town’s BOE—which is sorely in need of effective leadership. Cody Kittle: Cody is the father of a young girl, a Greenwich native, and an accomplished private equity investor. He is uniquely intelligent and hardLETTER

over the age of 70) to check in on them during the early days of the pandemic. Contributed to the COA Strategic Plan. In my next term, I intend to complete my action items on all Greenwich has to offer seniors and their caregivers as an Age and Dementia-friendly community. • Liaison to the Selectmen's Nominations Advisory Committee: Reorganized and streamlined the candidate interview process that allowed the Board of Selectmen to interview over 120 candidates for Boards. Commissions and Committees. In my next term I intend to bring similar groups together to share best practices and develop more efficiencies in how we serve our community. • Co-Chair of the First Selectman's Reimagine Greenwich Committee: Worked alongside town Departments to provide outdoor dining and develop ideas to make Greenwich Avenue a destination (Free Music Friday's, Patriotic Flags on the lampposts, Resident parking pilot, Employee

working and has been deeply interested in public policy, especially education for many years. In his time working for a private equity firm and a large hedge fund, he has served on several corporate boards, public and private, and understands the proper governance role of a board member. He has experience hiring and dismissing executives and ensuring that organizations have the right leadership in place and overarching mission. Those are top needs for Greenwich Public Schools. He believes in focusing on results and measurement, which large bureaucracies often fail at. Cody has an understanding and interest in public policy that will help guide his public service. He has led many organizations to success and can help guide

the board and schools in Greenwich to academic success like never before. Michael-Joseph Mercanti-Anthony: Michael is a father of two young boys and career educator. He spent many years as a history teacher and special educator. He led the special education system at Mamaroneck Public Schools. He has served as a senior administrator focused on academic achievement in the New York Public Schools since the Bloomberg administration. Michael is a deeply thoughtful policy expert, who has written extensively on policy, and experienced educational leader. He is running because he thinks the town should have the top schools in the country, a functional BOE, fiscal prudence, and leadership.

He has been a Republican his whole life, including serving as a party off icial in his home state of New Jersey when he was younger. He is earnest, understated, charming, and running for all the right reasons. He is uniquely qualified and prepared to solve the biggest problems facing our schools. I am very excited about these candidates and think they are both uniquely and historically situated to turn the BOE around and make Greenwich schools the envy of the state in the future. Please join me in voting for these two, Cody Kittle and MIchael-Joseph Mercanti-Anthony, (you only get two votes for Republican BOE candidates on the ballot) on November 2nd! Regards, Richard DiPreta

Stowe Brings A Voice Of Reason To The Board Of Education

Kathleen Stowe is collaborative and brings a voice of reason to the Board of Education. As an unaffiliated voter, I am particularly impressed by how she continually reaches across the aisle and puts the needs of our schools ahead of party politics. This comes across in Board meetings and through her joint communications with the Republican BOE Chair. Kathleen is a straight shooter, but she is always LETTER

I am writing to enthusiastically endorse Kathleen Stowe for the Greenwich Board of Education. I have known Kathleen for almost ten years and as a fellow parent and friend I can attest that she is smart, warm and inclusive. She has always been quick to volunteer her time for her kids and the community, which is highlighted by her work on the Greenwich Board of Education. As a current BOE member and a resident, she has worked tirelessly to improve, advance and support

collegial. She is receptive to public input, genuinely listening to and acting on community feedback. As Vice Chair of the BOE, she worked to successfully keep our schools open through Covid, even when most other schools in Connecticut were not. She has three children in Greenwich Public Schools, one at each level, giving her a current snapshot of what it is like to be a parent of an elementary, middle and high

school student. This unique perspective enables her to have a deeper understanding of the issues and a motivation to address challenges efficiently and effectively. Kathleen has also leveraged her decades of financial experience to bring expertise and business strategies to the BOE. For example, she added a retention bonus to the Superintendent’s contract to

Kathleen Stowe for BOE

our public schools. She brings a history of financial acumen and deep understanding of balancing budgets to support her chairing the BOE finance committee. Under her stewardship on the financial committee (and on the BOE as a whole), Kathleen has provided unmatched guidance for our complex and multifaceted needs as a large public school system. As a fellow working mother, not only am I impressed with her ability to multi-task, but forever thankful that, as part of her role on the BOE,

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our schools were open for all of last year during this unprecedented pandemic. Kathleen is approachable and affable and, most importantly she has common sense to steer the BOE through these tumultuous times for the benefit of all of our children. Her love for this town and desire to bring out its best, along with her deep experience in both the private and public sector, further combined with her engagement and warmth (and we shouldn’t forget her humor!) makes Kathleen Stowe a

help address turnover. In addition to Vice Chair, she is also is the current Chair of the Budget Committee and a Member of the Policy and G overnance Committee. As the only incumbent seeking reelection, her experience will be critical to navigating the next four years. Please vote for Kathleen Stowe for Board of Education. Lori Fields, Greenwich, CT

great choice for re-election to the Greenwich Board of Education. I would be remiss if I didn’t also add that, as a school parent engaged with our PTAs, for the BOE to be truly successful in the coming years, please also vote for all 6 Democrats on the BET so we can truly have town support to move our schools forward! Meredith Curreri

Page 10 | Greenwich Sentinel

OHP Blog: Warren White - Childhood Memories of Bygone Days in the 1920’s

When we recollect our childhood days in a community, certain memories may surprisingly surface. It may be a favorite ice cream parlor or sledding down a steep hill in the depths of winter. For Warren Wh ite, it was a ll these a nd more. In his 1983 interview with Marian Phillips, Warren shared his recollections of growing up in Greenwich. Wa r ren W h ite was bor n in Westchester County in 1916 and moved to a home on Field Point Road when he was two years old. “In those days nearly all over town, every house had a porch, and they were used continuously in the summer. All you had to do was walk up and down the street, morning, noon, or night, and there’d very frequently be somebody sitting on the porch.” White remembers that there was a cow pasture where Town Hall now stands. “There were cows pastured there in the summertime. That must have been until 1921 or 1922 at least.” White’s recollections also extended to reminiscences of Conyers Farm. “In those days, it was a large working farm. I can remember there seemed to be acres of fruit trees . . . there were apples and peaches and pears. I can remember being quite impressed as a child.” Freig ht trains, cars, and trolleys all featured prominently i n W h i t e ’s m e m o r i e s . T h e town freight yard was at the i nte r s e c t ion of F ie ld Poi nt Road and R ailroad Avenue. “. . . virtually everything we used came by rail right to the community. . .. It would come in by train and be unloaded into the freight house and then the trucks or cars from the stores would come down and pick it up.

There were freight trains day and night on this line.” “Hav ing a car in those days was tough.” For a brief t i m e , W h ite ’s f at he r h ad a Ve l i e , “o n e o f t h e l o w e s tpowered automobiles that was successfully marketed. It was dreadful. If you came to any sort of a hill, you’d have to shift down, then down again and gun the thing, and when it got to the top, you could have walked by it. I can remember the family. . . all kind of rocking forward to see if we could move this thing over the hill.” Trolley cars evoked much happier memories. “. . . they were great, big old red cars. They seemed to lumber, and sort of sway back and forth. And then in the summer they had open cars . . . I always loved it because there were these benches that went right across the car. And the conductor went along on the running board and took your ticket.” W h ite r emem b er s , w it h s o m e d i s m a y, t h e a n n u a l May pole festiva ls. “We had to get out there and do these folk dances . . . the minuet, the tarantella, boys and girls dancing together . . . Then at the end they had a pole with these big streamers on the top and then we’d have to weave in and out and wind these streamers. I hated it . . . I used to complain to my mother, and she’d say, ‘Warren, you have to do it. It’s required.’” For special treats, White r e c a l l s fond ly L i b a no’s ic e cream parlor, across from the Post Off ice (now Restoration H a r d w a r e) o n G r e e n w i c h Avenue. “You went in on a hot day in the summer and it was cool and dark, with marbletopped tables . . . They would

have these ceiling fans turning slowly, just enough to move the air, and having ice cream under those conditions was delightful.” In the wintertime, sledding was a favorite pastime. “People rarely drove in the winter, and we could sled down that hill (Field Point Road) and never see a car. It was done all over town wherever there was a hill.” Eventually, in the late twenties, according to White, workers shoveled cinders from the back of a truck onto the hills to make them safer for driving. Fourth of July and firecrackers were ubiquitous in town in those days. “. . . it used to be bedlam, but it was great. Everybody shot off firecrackers . . . They called them ‘salutes,’ those large things that came i n a r e d p ap er a nd m ade a great, smashing bang . . . We purchased our f irework s in Breslow’s News Store, between Grigg Street and Railroad Avenue.” Another traditional event that White cherished was t h e M e m o r i a l D ay P a r a d e . He recalled as a child seeing v e t e r a n s o f t h e C i v i l Wa r marching. “I noted the k ind of awe that people expressed over the fact that these bearded old men still marched. Then later they rode . . . Then all of a sudden one year there weren’t any. It was like the end of an era.” The transcript of this interview, “Ice Cream and A u t o m o b i l e s ,” m a y b e r e a d at Greenwich Librar y and i s available for purchase at the Oral History Project office. The OHP is sponsored by Friends of the Greenwich Library. Visit the website at glohistory.org. Mary A. Jacobson, OHP blog editor.

School children participate in a Maypole Festival at Byram Beach Park. Courtesy of the Greenwich Library, John Gotch Photo Collection.

The Exchange’s historical nature is further enhanced as it is located within the Town’s Fourth Ward Historic District that runs from Sherwood Place over to Church Street to William Street.

Horses and wagon exiting cold storage barn at Conyers Farm. Courtesy of the Greenwich Library, John Gotch Photo Collection.

Dedication ceremony of World War I Memorial at Post Office Square on Greenwich Avenue,1927. Courtesy of the Greenwich Library, John Gotch Photo Collection.

Conyers Farm Fruit Stand. Courtesy of the Greenwich Library, John Gotch Photo Collection.

Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel

The Haunted History of Halloween By Emma W. Barhydt The holiday of Halloween is as fun as it is fascinating, but is it that on October 31st, we get dressed up and ask our neighbors for candy? The Halloween we k now today originated as the celtic ritual of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward of f and hide from ghosts. The Celts celebrated their new year on Novem b er 1st, ma rk i ng t he definitive end of summer and t he b e g i n n i ng of t he ha rsh winter. The Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the veil between worlds was at its thinnest and celebrated Samhain, when they believed that spir its retur ned to the living. In addition to damaging crops, causing trouble, and occasionally taking people back to the world of the dead, Celts thought that the presence of ghosts made it easier for their priests and priestesses to make v it a l pre d ic t ion s a b out t he coming year. To celebrate, they would burn large bonfires and sacrifice crops and animals to their gods and goddesses as well as wear costumes in order to hide from the ghosts. Once Rome had conquered most of the land belonging to the Celts, two Roman festivals ended up being combined with the ritual of Samhain. Feralia was a Roman festival held in late October to commemorate the passing of the dead, and the festival of Pomona the goddess of fruit trees. Pomona’s symbol

is the apple which could explain w h y we b o b f o r a p p l e s o n Halloween. People also would p er for m Sa m ha i n a nt ics i n exchange for food or drinks, thought to be the precursor to trick-or-treating. Then in the 8th centur y, November 1st was designated All Souls’ Day and was introduced to previously pagan and celtic lands in order to supplant the celtic traditions and replace them with churchsanctioned practices. All Souls’ Day incorporated many of the traditions found in Samhain, including the burning of bonfires and dressing up in costumes, though these costumes were fo c u se d on Ch r ist ia n icon s such as angels and devils. All Souls’ Day was also called Allhallowmas, from Middle English A l holow messe mea n i ng A l l Saints’ Day. The traditional celtic celebrations held the night before then became called AllHallow’s Eve. In the spirit of All Souls’ Day, poor people would go to the houses of the wealthy and receive pastries called soul cakes in exchange for promising to pray about the wealthy person’s dead relatives. This practice was known as “souling.” In the early days of America, Ha l loween i n New Eng la nd was very limited because of t he str ict prodesta nt b el ief systems. Halloween was a much more common occurrence in Mar yland and the Southern Colon ie s . A s t he b e l ie f s of different European colonizers and Native Americans began to i nte r m i n g l e , a u n i q u e l y

American Halloween celebration began to take shape. The first kind of celebrations to emerge wer e “play pa r t ie s,” pu bl ic events to celebrate the end of the harvest. Neighbors would share stories of the dead, tell each other’s fortunes, dance and sing. By the middle 19th century, annual autumn celebrations were common, though Halloween wasn’t celebrated everywhere yet. In the second h a l f o f t h e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y, Irish immigrants f locked to America to escape the potato famine, and -- along with t he spi r it ua l ism movement

Selectwomen Opening Statements to RHA

Lauren Rabin opening statement to Round Hill Association: Thank you. Good evening everyone. And thank you to the Round Hill Association for hosting this debate. "It's only what you give away that enriches you from day to day." This quote sums up my perspective on life and why I want to continue to serve the communit y that has given so much to my family and me. I had the great honor of serving our communit y with my classmate, running mate, and teammate Fred Camillo. Our overarching goal is simple: to ensure that Greenwich remains the most desirable town to live, work, play, and stay. And that includes the back country. I want to highlight some of my accomplishments and my plans to continue my work and my vision. I chaired a Hello Neighbor campaign to check in on seniors during the early stages of the pandemic. Next term, I plan to promote all Greenwich has to offer as an age and dementia friendly community. I streamlined board and commission candidate i n te r view pro c e s s , a n d next term, I intend to share best practices and develop efficiencies in how we serve our community. Being on a three member board, I worked in area s where

my skill s and interests aligned as to not duplicate e f fo r t s w i t h m y fe l l o w board members. I am just as committed to work on issues involving education, the environment, and our sense of place. I'm a team player and will be just as effective regardless of the makeup of our next board of selectmen. Greenwich is a unique and special place. I was raised here and my husband and I raised our two son s here . As your selectwoman, I will dedicate myself to making our town work better for all of us. There are always challenges to meet that will require l e a d e rs h i p e x p e r i e n c e , hardworking commitment, and civil discourse. I have demonstrated these qualities through my time serving our community in Cub Scouts, the PTA, the Alliance for Education, the GYFL, the RTM, the Board of Human S e r vi c e s , t h e B o a r d of Education, and the Board of Selectmen, all the while, working full time. Janet Stone McGuigan opening statement to Round Hill Association: Thank you. I'd like to begin by thanking the Round Hill Association for hosting tonight's debate. It's an honor to be here. And thank you to the audience for letting us share our priorities with you. You have the right to know where we stand on important issues, such

as schools, sustainability, services, and infrastructure. A n d n e i g h b o rh o o d s d o matter. Each is special in its own way, and we want to preserve that. We love back countries, hiking and riding trails. We love Augustine's, Conyers Farm , the Polo Club, Seton Reservation, Audubon, the list goes on. If elected, I will serve back country just as I will all of Greenwich. And with that, I'd like to introduce myself. Since moving to Greenwich in 2006 with my family, I've immersed myself in this community. Currently, I serve on the RTM on the board of Communit y Centers, Inc a s a s u sta i n e r a dvi s or for the junior league , and until recently, on the boards of the PTA council a n d L e a g u e o f Wo m e n Vo te rs . I h a v e d e g r e e s in civil engineering and economics from Cornell and a master's in public policy from Harvard's Kennedy s c h o o l of G o v e r n m e n t . I have professional e x p e r i e n c e wo rk i n g a s an environmental policy analyst and mediator on federal regulator y negotiations. Now I'm ready to take my service to the next level. This is what I'm trained to do. I understand the public process. And even though it can be challenging at times, I do believe that the robust outcome that results is worth it. Thank you.

-- helped to popu la r i ze t he celebration of Halloween. These poor immigrants revived the old world tradition of souling, although pranking became the activity of choice by the end of the 1800’s. In the early 1900’s, there was a movement to make Halloween a more community oriented event and away from witchcraft, pranks, and mischief. At the beginning of the 20th century, Halloween parties became a popular way to celebrate for both kids and adults alike. The parties were focused on games and food, and festive costumes.

Parents were encouraged to take anything “grotesque” out of Halloween celebrations, and thus Halloween lost a lot of it’s superstitions and mysticism. By the 1920’s and 1930’s, Halloween had become a full blown community celebration. There were parades and townwide parties. But despite the ef for ts of schools and adults, there were still a lot of adolescent vandalism incidents around Halloween. In order to curb that, Halloween started to become more focused on kids and young adults. Along the same vein, in order to keep kids from getting up to mischief, the tradition of trick-or-treating was also re-established in a big way. The thought was that adults could stop any tricks

from being played by supplying the neighborhood k ids with treats. By the 1950’s Halloween had become a mostly “for kids” event, with parties being held in schools or at homes in order to accommodate more children. Before the pandemic bega n, A mer ica ns spent a n estimated $2.6 billion on candy on Ha lloween, according to the National Retail Federation, and the day, itself, has become t he nat ion’s se cond-la rge st c o m m e r c i a l h o l i d a y. A n estimated 65% of Americans are planning to celebrate or par ticipate in Halloween activities, up from 58% last year, according to the National Retail Federation. A nd Ha l loween spending is expected to reach an all-time high.


We’re Dedicated to the Health of Your Smile ... TM





Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

Haunted Horror Stories to Enjoy this Halloween With interwoven tips on writing with suspense, adding in plot twists, hooks, interior logic, and dealing with writer’s block, this Halloween is this Sunday and while you’ll probably be getting is the ideal book for budding writers and all readers of delightfully all of your scares out Friday and Saturday, try bringing some just-dark-enough tales. scares in with a great read! Sundays are the perfect day to cozy up with a book and what could be more appropriate than curling up with a scary book on Halloween. So get yourself a cup of your favorite witch’s brew and a cozy blanket and prepare to be scared! To acquire these devilishly delightful books, head over to Diane’s Books on Greenwich Avenue or Barnes & Noble in Stamford, or download them as e-Books on your Apple device, kindle, or from Barnes & Noble!

By Emma W. Barhydt


your sophisticated Goosebumps, and enjoy equal parts horror and nostalgia. The four brilliant tales in If It Bleeds prove as iconic as their predecessors. In the title story, reader favorite Holly Gibney (from the Mr. Mercedes trilogy and The Outsider) must face her fears, and possibly another outsider—this time on her own. In “Mr. Harrigan’s Phone” an intergenerational friendship has a disturbing afterlife. “The Life of Chuck” explores, beautifully, how each of us contains multitudes. And in “Rat,” a struggling writer must contend with the darker side of ambition.



Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson This fun family read-aloud is the perfect way to start Halloween celebrations and an ideal gift book. A sweet story of quick wits, friendship, and inclusivity. The witch and her cat are happily flying through the sky on a broomstick when the wind picks up and blows A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson away the witch's hat, then her bow, and then her wand! Luckily, three helpful animals find the missing items, and all they want in High school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, return is a ride on the broom. But is there room on the broom for so Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk many friends? And when disaster strikes, will they be able to save about... Five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her the witch from a hungry dragon? town. But she can't shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. Now a senior herself, Pip decides to reexamine the closed case for her final project, at first just to cast doubt on the original investigation. But soon she discovers a trail of dark secrets that might actually prove Sal innocent... Someone in Fairview doesn't want Pip digging around for answers, and now her own life might be in danger.



Nightbooks by J.A. White Alex loves all things spooky and scary, but what happens when If It Bleeds by Stephen King he gets trapped in a real-life nightmare? After being lured into a neighboring apartment by a young witch, he teams up with fellow Reminiscent of a more grown-up version of Scary Stories to prisoner Yasmin to find a way out of the enchanted home while also Tell in the Dark, this collection of short stories is perfect for college writing scary stories to keep the witch (and apartment) entertained. kids who have to pack so much into their schedules. Consider this

The Shadows by Alex North Perfect for Halloween, you won’t be able to get through this book without looking over your shoulder at least once. Twenty-five years ago Charlie Crabtree committed a murder that’s attracted that strange kind of infamy that only exists on the darkest corners of the internet--and inspired more than one copycat. Paul Adams remembers the case all too well: Crabtree--and his victim-were Paul’s friends. Years later, Paul learns that detectives are investigating another copycat that has struck a nearby town. His mother, sick with dementia, is insistent that there's something in the house. And someone is following him. Which reminds him of the most unsettling thing about that awful day twenty-five years ago. It wasn't just the murder. It was the fact that afterward, Charlie Crabtree was never seen again...

Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel


Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel


REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD EDITOR Mark Pruner | Mark@GreenwichStreets.com

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt

40 Elm Street 1M 196 Byram Road 151 Putnam 151 27 Indian Field Road 89 Prospect Street 10 Ridge Road 40 Hillside Drive 116 Pecksland Road 45 Buena Vista Drive 37 Davenport Avenue 1 61 Hunting Ridge Road 32 Perryridge Road 54 Hillcrest Park Road 185 Milbank Avenue W 138 Havemeyer Place 13 Aiken Road 7 Hawkwood Lane 4 Middle Way

$495,000 $469,000 $689,000 $789,000 $1,175,000 $1,295,000 $1,700,000 $1,595,000 $2,250,000 $2,350,000 $2,950,000 $2,495,000 $2,950,000 $2,875,000 $3,900,000 $4,250,000 $4,150,000 $7,375,000

$495,000 $469,000 $689,000 $789,000 $1,150,000 $1,295,000 $1,500,000 $1,595,000 $2,250,000 $2,350,000 $2,695,000 $2,495,000 $2,750,000 $2,875,000 $3,900,000 $3,999,000 $3,925,000 $7,375,000

$490,000 328 $500,000 18 $689,000 59 $815,000 45 $1,135,000 228 $1,315,000 14 $1,525,000 39 $1,700,880 19 $2,250,000 5 $2,350,000 66 $2,500,000 197 $2,535,500 8 $2,700,000 166 $2,775,000 197 $3,525,000 94 $3,818,750 1,443 $3,925,000 142 $7,375,000 -

0 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 5 3 6 4 6 3 4 6 5 5

1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 5 3 4 9 5 5

0 0.12

545 960

0.12 0.08 0.2 0.44 2 0.2 0 4.08 0.21 1.05 0.2 0.16 4 1.09 0.49

1,695 2,100 2,795 2,855 3,811 4,317 3,421 6,712 4,012 4,643 3,500 5,377 11,566 6,811 5,297

REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | RobertPulitano@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabellino | CesarRabellino@bhhsne.com Pam Toner | PamToner@bhhsne.com Carline Martin | CarlineMartin@bhhsne.com

A New Level Of Commitment And Honesty In Real Estate. Gloria Falcon 203.559.1604 gloriafalcon@bhhsne.com Cesar Rabellino 203.249.9866 cesarrabellino@bhhsne.com

Greenwich | 136 East Putnam Avenue | bhhsNEproperties.com ©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.

FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866


List Price

Price/ SqFt


1465 Putnam Avenue 302 22 Putnam Park 7 River Road 303 11 Rex Street 39 Sinawoy Road 48 Spring Street 10 20 Church Street B34 16 Orchard Place B 33 Midbrook Lane 1 Milbank Avenue 3C 117 Shore Road 636 Steamboat Road 4A South 37 Davenport Avenue 2 25 Greenbriar Lane 98 Lewis Street 27 Orchard Drive 3 Hekma Road 22 Round Hill Club Road

$380,000 $520,000 $648,000 $749,000 $750,000 $1,099,000 $1,450,000 $1,700,000 $1,750,000 $1,795,000 $1,895,000 $1,995,000 $2,350,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $4,200,000 $14,600,000 $19,000,000

$424 $539 $697 $704 $515 $553 $919 $531 $714 $716 $980 $976 $876 $504 $908 $858 $1,089 $1,989

896 0 965 930 0 1,064 0.11 1,456 0.1 1,987 0 1,578 0 3,200 0.27 2,452 0.32 2,508 0 1,934 0.41 2,045 2.27 2,684 0 5,852 2 3,300 0.08 4,893 0.29 13,409 4.01 9,552 4.75


1 1 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 2 5 4 4 7 6

1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 2 2 5 4 4 7 5



Old Greenwich South of Post Road Cos Cob Pemberwick Cos Cob South of Post Road South Parkway South of Post Road Old Greenwich South Parkway Old Greenwich South of Post Road South of Post Road South Parkway South of Post Road South of Post Road North Parkway South Parkway


150 Prospect Street #21 Greenwich 111 Halstead Avenue #1 Greenwich 111 Halstead Avenue #1 Greenwich 20 Church Street #B51 Greenwich 45 William Street #A Greenwich 1465 E Putnam Avenue #302 Old Greenwich 7 River Road #303 Cos Cob 45 William Street #A Greenwich 75 Taconic Road Greenwich 41 Butler Street Cos Cob 20 Church Street #B51 Greenwich 36 Mianus View Terrace Cos Cob 117 Shore Road Old Greenwich 40 W Elm Street #5D Greenwich 8 Tomac Avenue Old Greenwich 25 Greenbriar Lane Greenwich 89 River Road #305 Cos Cob 123 Dingletown Road Greenwich




$3,495 $3,900 $3,900 $8,500 $8,500 $380,000 $648,000 $1,195,000 $1,299,000 $1,375,000 $1,550,000 $1,575,000 $1,895,000 $1,950,000 $2,500,000 $2,950,000 $2,995,000 $4,800,000

Sun 11:30-12:30 PM Sat 12-2 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 2-4 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 2-4 PM Sun 11-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sat 1-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM Sun 12-2 PM Sun 12:30-3 PM Sun 1-3 PM

Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Houlihan Lawrence Houlihan Lawrence William Raveis Sotheby's Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Sotheby's Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Realty

203.940.0779 | asimpson@bhhsne.com

To move or not to move? To sell or not to sell? To buy or not to buy? Those are the most frequently asked questions these days. Put my commitment to my clients, local knowledge and integrity to work for you.

Old Greenwich Office | 200 Sound Beach Ave | 203.637.1713 | bhhsNEproperties.com ©2021 An independently operated member of BHH Affiliates. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel

The Real Scoop: Answering Your Questions

By Carline Martin Welcome to The Real Scoop. This monthly column is intended to help homeowners and potential homeowners in our community address a variety of home related and real estate issues. As a realtor, I am often approached by many homeowners and buyers to provide answers for a variety of questions pertaining to all things home related. In my quest to provide answers, I have relied on my own expertise, as well as that of many trade professionals I have come to k now in our community. The information I have prov ided has been deemed very useful and greatly appreciated, so I have decided to share what I know with the Greenwich community. Here are this month’s selected questions: Q: I am a homeowner planning on selling my house. Would it be wise for me to conduct a home inspection before listing my home? A: While home inspections are most often conducted by the Buyer in a real estate transaction, it is sometimes wise for a Seller to conduct one before putting their home on the market. As it is a good idea for all homeowners to consider an inspection before sel l i ng , t h is is pa r t ic u la rly important in the case of older homes, which are sometimes likely to have issues arise at inspection. Knowing what these issues are gives the homeowner an opportunity to make necessary repairs before putting the home on the market and to properly prepare to negotiate the cost of the repair. Unless a home is being sold “as is,” where a Buyers inspection will be for information purposes only, it is generally a good idea for a few reasons. Knowing the true condition of your home will help you price it most accurately. Your realtor will work with you to determine what this price may be and having more i n for mat ion w i l l help them determine that number. A seasoned realtor will know how to account for any defects that may need to be addressed. Making necessary repairs before listing your home will bode well for you not only getting top dollar for your home but may facilitate a quick and easy sale. Our current real estate climate has brought Buyers who are most interested in homes that have been well maintained and are in good condition. Preparing your home before listing will put you in the driver’s seat. This being said, many homeowners do not wish to incur the expense of a home inspection when the Buyer’s will be conducting their own inspection. With the average Buye r ’s i n sp e c t ion c o s t i n g anywhere between $500-$1800, depending on the age and square footage of the home, this can be a valid argument for forgoing a prelisting inspection. However, it is important to note that because a pre-inspection is more of a punch list of items that the homeowner may wish to address and it does not require a full report with photos, it is generally about half this amount. When you consider the risk of the sale falling apart due to uncovered defects in the buyer’s inspection, this could b e money ve r y wel l sp e nt . Also, many Buyers will use the inspection as an argument to renegotiate their offer. Limiting the issues that their inspection may uncover will limit further negotiation. So, what does a preinspection involve? According t o K e n Ta y l o r w i t h N e w England Home Inspection, a pre-inspection will look for the same possible defects as a fullinspection but for information pu r p ose s. I n t h is c ase , t he lengthy report detailed with photos that is generated with a full-inspection is excluded, which amounts to considerable savings. A typical inspection looks for evidence of structural damage, presence of radon, roof damage,

plumbing defects, proper window and door operation, evidence of pests and pest damage, electrical issues and the overall operation of the home’s mechanicals. If the home has a septic system and/ or well, Ken highly recommends a septic inspection and testing of the well water. Among the issues that may arise, one of the most concerning for Buyers is one that is, thankfully, easy to fix. Radon is a naturally occurring, odorless gas that emits from bedrock and is quite common all along the east coast of the United States. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. A s f r ig hten i ng a s t h is may sound, the presence of radon should not affect the sale of your home. Radon can be present in any home regardless of age or structure. The installation of a radon mitigation fan will successfully eradicate radon from your home by pushing the radon through a tube that vents through the roof. This is a highly effective method that is successfully used, routinely. For more information on radon and its effects, please refer to the following information from the EPA https://www.epa. gov/radon/health-risk-radon. Electrical issues can also be of concern as many home fires can be traced to a faulty electrical source. Your inspector should check for signs of electrical impairment and proper installation of GFI outlets throughout the home. Roofing issues can, also, be a considerable cause for concern and can present themselves in a variety of ways. Most often, if the shingles on a home’s roof appear to be new or in reasonably good shape, one would assume that the roof has no issues. This can be deceiving because even a roof that looks to be sound can have issues that a trained inspector knows to look for. For example, the presence of mold on the roof could be an indication that there may be seepage and mold in the attic. Additionally, a poorly ventilated attic can cause roof damage. A lack of integrity in a home’s roof can be the source of many headaches, so it is wise to address any roof-related issues immediately. Additional steps will involve the inspection of plumbing. The inspector will, typically, run all faucets to check the water pressure. Poor water pressure could indicate that pipes are deteriorating. This is most risky in older homes. By the mid 1970’s, most home builders started to move toward the installation of plastic piping. Windows and doors will be checked for leaks and proper operation. Poorly operating windows and doors can not only be an inconvenience but a safety issue, as well. Fo r m a ny h o m e ow n e r s , the process of selling a home can feel daunting but this does not need to be the case. Skilled

professionals, such as myself, are here to guide you through the process Now is an excellent time to sell a home in Greenwich. The market is active with Buyers who have limited inventory to choose from. If you are entertaining the idea of selling your home, please contact me to discuss how I can guide you through the process and pair you with the perfect Buyer. Q: I am helping my elderly mom renew her homeowner’s insurance policy. I see a tree that may fall directly onto her house. What does she need to do in communicating/ documenting with the owner of the property on which the tree stands if they do not trim or remove it? A: Neighbors arguing over trees is an issue, virtually, as old as time in Connecticut. It seems that everyone loves trees for their shade a nd beaut y, until they require maintenance. Trimming or removing a tree is more involved than many realize and can be quite costly. It is for this reason that many homeow ners w ill neg lect m a i nt a i n i ng t r e e s on t hei r property, resulting in a situation that can be hazardous. Often trees will fall on neighboring properties and homes. When this happens, the question arises of who is responsible. This is a very grey area and can be somewhat difficult to answer. Ty p i c a l l y, i f a h e a l t h y t re e fa l ls on a neig h b or i ng property during a storm, it is considered an act of God and the responsibility for clean-up and for repairing damage to the neighboring property will lie with the neighbor whose property was affected. If the neighbors are friendly they can try to work something out where, perhaps, they split the cost but according to the law, the owner of the tree is pretty much off the hook. What lands on the neighbor’s property, is the neighbor’s responsibility. This being said, if the tree’s limbs or roots encroach onto the neighbor’s property, the neighbor has the right to trim the tree as far as the property line. It may not seem fair to some that a homeowner should have to incur the expense of trimming a neighbor’s tree or to others that a neighbor has the right to touch a homeowner’s property but, again, it’s the law. T h e r e a r e , h owe ve r, circumstances where tree ow ners can be less than n e i g h b o rl y a n d t h e y a l l ow their trees to deteriorate and become hazardous. In such cases, if a homeowner feels that a neighboring tree is unhealthy and may come down due to rot, they may have some recourse if they take the following steps. The homeowner may wish to consult an arborist for their opinion regarding the integrity of the tree. Having a professional opinion to support their concern

can bode well for the concerned homeowner. If the tree is visibly rotting and falling down, this step may not be necessary. The important thing is that the owner of the neighboring property inform the owner of the tree of their concerns regarding the tree. They should request that the tree owner remove the tree to prevent future damage from occurring. They should then send the request to the tree owner by certified mail. This method is not fool-proof as this is a very grey area. However, if the situation should result in litigation, it is wise to have documentation of what has transpired. Insurance companies will, typically, respond to the law.

There is no clear rider that exists to address this issue. So, if the neighbor would like the tree owner’s insurance to pay the claim for any damage to their property, they will need to make a strong case. Very often, legal fees for fighting such a case may amount to more than the claim for damage. A conversation with an attorney and insurance agent will provide the most accurate a d v i c e fo r e a c h p a r t i c u l a r case and wou ld be hig h ly recommended. The best approach, however, would be to have ongoing, civil dialogue with the owner of the tree to address any issues before they arise. If you have a real estate or

Integrity Commitment Community

home related question for which you would like a professional opinion, please email me at carlinemar tin@bhhsne.com with “Sentinel” in the subject line. Each month, I will provide answers to a couple of selected questions. Email me your Real questions. I look forward to hearing from you! This article does not express the views of BHHS and is not intended to provide legal advice. Carline Martin is a Greenwich native and realtor with Berkshire Ha t h a w a y/ Ne w E n g l a n d Properties in Greenwich. She may be reached at carlinemartin@ bhhsne.com or at 203-249-9975.


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Charming European-Flair Home in Back-Country

Direct Waterfront – Greenwich Cove

29 Richmond Hill Road, Greenwich | $3,995,000 5 Bedrooms | 5/1 Baths | 8,079 SF | 4.15 Acres

17 Marks Road, Riverside | $2,770,000 4 Bedrooms | 3/1 Baths | 3,249 SF | 0.31 Acres

OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY 1-3PM New to the Market! A Must See!

Incredibly Spacious, Updated, Custom Built Home

117 Shore Road, Old Greenwich | $1,895,000 3 Bedrooms | 3 Baths | 1,934 SF | 0.41 Acres

236 Briar Brae Road, Stamford | $1,389,000 5 Bedrooms | 5/2 Baths | 5,254 SF | 1 Acre

Charm, Space, Privacy & Convenient Location

Direct Waterfront Rental

16 Cat Rock Road, Cos Cob | $1,060,000 4 Bedrooms | 2/1 Baths | 1,664 SF | 0.27 Acres

46 Carriglea Drive, Riverside | $22,500/mo 4 Bedrooms | 3/1 Baths | 3,334 SF | 1.14 Acres

Happy Halloween!

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Paid for by Re-Elect Fred for First, Joseph Romano, Treasurer. Approved by Fred Camillo.

Page B2 | Greenwich Sentinel

Complete Town Wide Calendar of Events






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LIBRARIES: greenwichlibrary.org Friday, Oct. 29 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary.org 10 & 11 a.m. Outdoor Toddler Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203622-6883. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary.org 3:45 p.m. Outdoor World Music with Anitra. Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary.org 7 p.m. Friends Friday Films: “ Cat People.” Berkley Theater. Saturday, Oct. 30 10:30 a.m. Halloween Stories and Craft with Nicole and Miguel. (Pick up your free craft kit prior to the event.). 203-531-0426. 10:30 a.m. Mining DNA Results: Lessons Learned While Searching for Birth Families. Online.

Here’s to Nights to Remember



They’ll Never Forget




in a Costume

lmatthews@greenwichlibrary.org 3 p.m. Afternoon Story/Craft. Ages 2 1/2 & up. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883. 4 p.m. Bookworms Book Club: “Fergus and Zeke” by Kate Messner. Grades 2-3. Children’s Constellation Room. 7 p.m. Literary Connections with Mark Schenker: “The Triumph of the Egg” by Sherwood Anderson. Online. 203-622-7948. rhansen@ greenwichlibrary.org Thursday, Nov. 4 1 p.m. SCORE: 2021Year-End Tax Planning for Your Business. ywang@ greenwichlibrary.org 4 p.m. Junior Book Club: “Millionaires for the Month” by Stacy McAnulty. Grades 4-6. Children’s Constellation Room, 3rd-floor. 7 p.m. “Know Herbs and Nourish Your Body.” Online. 203-531-0426. 7 p.m. The Science of Astro-Meteorology. Online. 203-625-6533. mmartin@ greenwichlibrary.org Friday, Nov. 5 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary.org 10 a.m. Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203-622-7924. ywang@ greenwichlibrary.org 10 & 11 a.m. Outdoor Toddler Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203622-6883. lmatthews@greenwichlibrary.org 3 p.m. Introduction to Scanning. Marx Family Black Box Theater. 203625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary.org 7 p.m. Friends Friday Films: “ Puzzle.” Berkley Theater. Saturday, Nov. 6 10:30 a.m. Stories and Craft with Lucia & Miguel. Online. 203-531-0426.



11 a.m. Technology Help. Lab Learning Lab. 203-625-6560. csherman@ greenwichlibrary.org 1 p.m. Outdoor Halloween Crafts and Treats with The Friends of Cos Cob Library. 3 p.m. Outdoor Stop and Pick-up Halloween Treats with the Friends of the Byram Shubert Library. Monday, Nov. 1 9 a.m. LifeSkills Learning. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary.org 10 a.m. Wee Ones Storytime for 1s and 2s. Marx Family Black Box Theater. 203-622-7940. children@greenwichlibrary.org Tuesday, Nov. 2 9:15 a.m. Baby Lapsit Storytime. Marx Family Black Box Theater. 203-6227940. children@greenwichlibrary. org 10 a.m. Bloomberg Training. Online. 203622-7924. ywang@greenwichlibrary.org 10:30 a.m. Outdoor Spanish Storytime at Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. 1 p.m. SCORE: 2021 Year-End Tax Planning for Your Business. ywang@ greenwichlibrary.org 4 p.m. Laser Engraved Ceramic Mugs with Photos. Online. 203-622-7979. innovationlab@greenwichlibrary. org 7 p.m. Literacy Landmarks: An Architectural Tour of Historic Libraries Off the Merritt Parkway. Online. 203-622-7948. rhansen@greenwichlibrary.org Wednesday, Nov. 3 10 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Tales for 2s and 3s. Marx Family Black Box Theater. children@ greenwichlibrary.org 10:30 a.m. Baby Lapsit. Cos Cob Library Community Room. 203-622-6883.



VOTE! Tuesday, Nov. 2 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. Polls are open for voting between 6am and 8pm. Voting takes place in the following locations. District 1, 1A - Julian Curtiss School District 2 - Greenwich Town Hall District 3 - Western Middle School District 4 - New Lebanon School District 5, 5A - Riverside School District 6, 6A - Old Greenwich School District 7, 7A - Greenwich High School District 8 - Central Middle School District 9 - Bendheim Western Greenwich Civic Center District 10, 10A - Glenville School District 11, 11A - North Street School District 12 - North Mianus School Page 16 | Greenwich Sentinel Go to https://www.greenwichct. gov/1191/Voter-Information-Lookup online to find your voting location


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Page B3 | Greenwich Sentinel

Complete Town Wide Calendar (continued on next page)

11 a.m. Graphic Novelist & Author Nathan Hale Live! Berkley Theater. children@greenwichlibrary.org 11 a.m. Technology Help. Lab Learning Lab. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary.org 2 p.m. Graphic Novel Workshop with Author Nathan Hale (Grades 3+). Berkley Theater. children@greenwichlibrary.org HOSPITAL: greenwichhospital.org/events 888-305-9253 Monday, Nov. 1 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. Tuesday, Nov. 2 1:30 p.m. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. 90 Harding Rd, Old Greenwich. Friday, Nov. 5 12 p.m. Webinar: Bariatric Informational. Saturday, Nov. 6 9 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: ntngreenwich.org Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pull-ups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. RHCC LAWN SALE: roundhillcommunitychurch.org Friday & Saturday, Oct. 29 & 30 9 a.m. Round Hill Community House’s The Great Lawn Sale. 397 Round Hill Rd. 203-869-1091. GREENWICH YMCA: greenwichymca.org Saturday, Oct. 30 12 p.m. Halloween Fun Fest. 50 E. Putnam Ave. Reservations required for Arts & Crafts. dgonzalez@gwymca.org THE GREENWICH ARTS COUNCIL: greenwichartscouncil.org Saturday, Oct. 30 6:30 p.m. Arts Alive! – art, classical music and catered food by Chef Jean-Louis Gerin, in support of the Greenwich Arts Council. info@greenwicharts.org INDIA CULTURAL CENTER (ICC): iccgreenwich.org Saturday, Oct. 30 6:30 p.m. ICC Ninth Annual Gala Benefit “A Celebration of Light” with Guest of Honor Indra Nooyi. Hilton Stamford Hotel, 1 Stamford Pl, Stamford. RSVP.

JUMPIN’ JAMS: jumpinjams.com/halloween-2021 Saturday, Oct. 30 9:30 a.m. Jumpin’ Jams Halloween Party. Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Rd. Register. JUNIOR LEAGUE: jlgreenwich.org Sunday, Oct. 31 4 p.m. Halloween ‘Grab N’ Go’ Pumpkin Patch. JLG House, 231 E. Putnam Ave. Sunday, Nov. 7 Harvest Sunday Supper benefitting JLG initiatives and projects. Order prior and pick up your “home cooked” meal via “drive-through” style pick-up between 4-6pm on Nov. 7. Home delivery: $25. (Every order includes a bottle of wine from Cap, Cork & Cellar). GREENWICH AVENUE HALLOWEEN: greenwichmoms.com Sunday, Oct. 31 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Greenwich Greet & Treat, a Halloween-centric community event - in-store promotions & goodies, food trucks and more. Greenwich Avenue. EARLY ENCOUNTERS LECTURE: stcath.org Sunday, Oct. 31 11:45 a.m. Deacon Robert Henrey: “A Japanese-European Honeymoon.” St. Catherine’s Lucey Parish Hall, 4 Riverside Ave. Free & open to all. DECORATIVE ARTS SOCIETY: greenwichdecorativearts.org Monday, Nov. 1 1 p.m. Lecture: “Celebrating Self-Taught Genius: The American Folk Art Museum in New York City.” $25, payable by check in advance. greenwichdecorativearts@ gmail.com FRIENDS OF MIANUS RIVER PARK: friendsofmianusriverpark.org Monday, Nov. 1 9 a.m. ‘Pliking’ event - a combination of jogging/hiking and ‘plocka upp’ (Swedish for ‘to pick’): jogging while picking up garbage. Meet at the bridge on Merribrooke Lane, Stamford. (Bring gloves and a small trash bag). 203-918-2548. PERROT LIBRARY: perrotlibrary.org/events Wednesday, Nov. 3 7 p.m. Virtual Book Discussion: Lee Woodruff in conversation with Laura Munson about her novel, “Willa’s Grove.” Via Zoom. Free. Register. PARENTING SEMINAR: 2cc.org Thursday, Nov. 4 6 p.m. “Navigating New Norms & Managing Children’s Stress During the Holidays.” Second Congregational Church , 139 East Putnam Ave. Free. 203-869-9311. Jenny@2CC.org

HISTORICAL SOCIETY: greenwichhistory.org Wednesday, Nov. 3 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Tavern Garden Market – featuring all things “Home” – from food and flowers to specially curated items. 47 Strickland Rd. Rain or shine. Alternating Wednesdays, through Nov. 3.

Warm Up This Winter Atko Bros Landscaping is now providing top quality Kiln Dried Firewood Delivered and Stacked for the best prices GUARANTEED. $300 1 face cord 8x4x16” $350 $180 and 1/2 face cord 4x4x16” $200

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NOTICE OF APPLICATION This is to give notice that I, DAVID FITZPATRICK 4 LEXINGTON AVE APT 7D NEW YORK, NY 10010-5461 Have filed an application placarded 10/22/2021 with the Department of Consumer Protection for a RESTAURANT LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at 257 GREENWICH AVE # 265 GREENWICH CT 06830-6503 The business will be owned by: RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES OF CT LLC & YFGREENWICH LLC Entertainment will consist of: Acoustics (not amplified), Disc Jockeys, Live Bands Objections must be filed by: 12-03-2021 DAVID FITZPATRICK

Page B4 | Greenwich Sentinel

Complete Town Wide Calendar HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Thursday, Nov. 4 6 p.m.

KJUS revolutionizes the market with its Ski, Golf, and Lifestyle collections season after season. Join our passionate team as a Retail Sales Associate in our seasonal shop located at 117 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich, CT. $15-$17 /Hour DOE with additional earning potential through commission program. Uniforms consisting of KJUS product provided. Generous discount for additional product purchases. Does this sound exiting to you? Then we should get in touch! Please submit resume to jobs.na@kjus.com

Supporting our Children During the Pandemic: Navigating New Norms and Managing Stress During the Holidays

An in-person event hosted by The Second Congregational Church of Greenwich November 4 6:00 – 7:30 pm Join Georgette Harrison, EdM, LPC, from the Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut to learn how to best support your child during the pandemic. Learn how to identify stress, anxiety and depression in children, and how you can help. You will also learn how to manage stress during the upcoming holidays and when to call for help. This is currently an in-person event. If local guidelines regarding in-person events were to change, participants will be sent a Zoom link. Therefore, registration is strongly encouraged. REGISTER: https://chc1.co/cgcchildsupport SUBMIT QUESTIONS FOR PRESENTERS: https://chc1.co/cgcchildsupport_questions Georgette Harrison, EdM, LPC, is the Director of Clinical and Community Partnerships at the Child Guidance Center of Southern CT. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Connecticut, an agency trainer for the Attachment-RegulationCompetency treatment model, a rostered ChildParent Psychotherapy clinician, as well as a Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator.


Fall Fête fundraiser. Foundation House at Old Mill Farm, 124 Old Mill Rd., Greenwich. 203-869-6899. cpandolfino@greenwichhistory.og ST. LAWRENCE SOCIETY stlawrencesociety.com Saturday, Oct. 30 7 p.m. Underground Comedy. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. 203-618-9036. Friday, Nov. 5 6:30 p.m. Nostalgia Night Dinner: Remember Manero’s. Members, $39.95; non-members, $49.95. St. Lawrence Society, 86 Valley Rd. RSVP. 203-618-9036. AUDUBON CENTER: greenwich. audubon.org/events Saturday, Nov. 6 9 a.m. Cove Island Park Birding Trip. 1125 Cove Rd, Stamford. $15. All ages. Register. 203-930-1353. ryan.maclean@ audubon.org. BOTANICAL CENTER: greenwichbotanicalcenter.org Friday, Oct. 29 4 p.m. Ghouls In The Garden. GBC, 130 Bible St. Members, $20; non-members, $25. LisaC@greenwichbotanicalcenter.org Through Saturday, Oct. 30 Leonora Meyerhoff: “Of Clover & Noon: Encaustic Works.” GBC, 130 Bible St. Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm. LIGHTHOUSE: kidsincrisis.org/get-help/lighthouse Thursday, Nov. 4 5 p.m. Lighthouse, a Program of Kids In Crisis: LGBTQ Youth Group Meeting. Christ Church Greenwich, 254 E. Putnam Ave. Free. No RSVP required. Open to all LGBTQ Youth and allies. 203-661-1911. lighthouse@kidsincrisis.org ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE: afgreenwich.org Wednesday, Nov. 3 10 a.m. Café Créme Conversation. RSVP for Zoom link. clairenegrin@gmail.com 5 p.m. ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ - join in for lively discussions on French films. Open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE: breastcanceralliance.org/events Through Sunday, Oct. 31 ‘Go For Pink!’ - Shop, dine and celebrate with a series of events marking National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to support BCA. info@breastcanceralliance.org HOLLY GROVE CLEAN UP: friendsofgreenwichpoint.org Saturday, Nov. 6 9:30 a.m. Annual Greenwich Point Holly Grove clean up and bulb planting – volunteers



Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Free. Online. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Wednesday, by Appointment Only. Free. NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: namisouthwestct.org/online-support

Tuesday, Nov. 2 6:30 p.m. Family Support Group – peer-led sup-

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needed. Wear long sleeved shirts and pants and bring water, gloves and clippers. Rain date: Nov. 13. info@friendsofgreenwichpoint.org COMMUNITY CONCERTS: community-concerts-of-greenwich. square.site Saturday, Nov. 6 7 p.m. Ben Rosenblum and the Nebula Project perform. Christ Church Greenwich (Loft), 254 East Putnam Ave. $25, general admission; $10, students. ROTARY CLUB: greenwichrotary.org Wednesday, Nov. 3 6:30 p.m. Weekly Wednesday lunch meeting. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. Full Dinner, wine on table, cash bar: $68/ person. RSVP to Sally Parris: sally. parris@cbmoves.com TAI CHI: experiencetaichi.org Tuesday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m. & Thursday, Nov. 4, 4 p.m. First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Registration is required. Tuition is paid as a donation made directly by the participant to abilis, Neighbor to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church. OG FARMER’S MARKET: oldgreenwichfarmersmarket.com Wednesdays 2:30 - 6 p.m. Farm stands & food recycling program. 38 West End Ave, Old Greenwich. Held rain or shine. (No dogs allowed). info@ oldgreenwichfarmersmarket.com GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: greenwichfarmersmarketct.com Saturdays, through Nov. 19 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Order from Sunday to Wednesday for Saturday pick-up. Arch Street & Horseneck Lane Commuter Parking Lot. (Parking is free during market hours). (No dogs allowed). 203-380-0580. gfmct@optimum.net GREENWICH ART SOCIETY: greenwichartsociety.org Through Feb. 28, 2022 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Julie Tehrani exhibition. Greenwich Hospital Garden Café, 5 Perryridge Rd., 8:30am-3:30pm, daily. BOOK SWAP: books4everyone.org Every Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Book Exchange – choose from a huge selection of books. Holly Hill Recycling Center. Free, or, donate books. (Open every Fri & Sat. ARCH STREET:

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Complete Town Wide Calendar

Page B5 | Greenwich Sentinel


7 p.m. port groups for family members Thursday, Nov. 4 Architectural Review Committee of individuals living with mental 6 p.m. Meeting. health conditions. (1st Tue of the Greenwich Historical Society’s Fall Happily Serving month). Free. Register in advance. Thursday, Nov. 4 Fête. Foundation House at Old Mill Greenwich for Over 11 a.m. Farm. greenwichhistory.org/fallWednesday, Nov. 3 120 Years! FS Sustainability Committee Meet- fete 6:30filled p.m. out by the permittee and must be signed with the signature notarized and dated after the specified 21 days. ing. Via Zoom. 7:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent 1 p.m. MONTAUK SWORDFISH Virtual Cocktails & Comedy. info@ Network) Online Support Group ermittee Name: STEPHAN RAPAGLIA Type of Permit: PACKAGE STORE LIQUOR MAINE STEAMERS PZ Commission and The Historic for parents and primary caregivers District Commission Virtual Work- theundiesproject.org. undiesprojLOBSTERS (ALL SIZES) ect21.givesmart.com of children and adolescents, under shop. affixed said placard by 10/28/2021 and the placard has been maintained through 11-18-2021 in the proper location pursuant to JUMBO ALASKAN age 21, with behavioral and emoNov. 6 7 the p.m.notice of application twice Saturday, KING CRAB LEGS he instructions. I also have published as certified by the publisher below. tional issues (Every Wednesday). Conservation Commission Regular 6 p.m. Free. Contact admin@namict.org Fallen Patriots 12th Annual GreenTHE BEST FISH YOUR MONEY CAN BUY Meeting. Via Zoom. DID YOUR LOCATION REQUIRE THE 4’ X 6’ SIGN? YES NO for the meeting password. wich Gala. Riverside Yacht Club. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 p.m. greenwich@fallenpatriots.org RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: Board of Education Budget MeetConvenient Location • Ample Parking • Curbside Pick Up 100 Bruce Park Avenue • Greenwich • (203) 869-0462 RedCrossBlood.org Saturday, Nov. 13 ing. Cos Cob School. nt Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ www.lobsterscanfly.com 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29 & Sunday, Oct. 31 Monday, Nov. 8 Make-A-Wish Connecticut’s Wish 8:30 a.m. 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Personally appeared the signer foregoing made oathNight. to the truth ofCountry the matters Greenwich Club. contained herein BET HRstatement Committee and Meeting. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, agoodman@ct.wish.org Town Hall –Cone Room. 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. 9:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 1 & Tuesday, Nov. 2 OUR NEIGHBORING Energy Management Advisory tary Public Signature: 11 a.m. – 7:30 p.m._______________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Committee and Planning and Zon- TOWNS Greenwich Blood Donation Center, ing Team Meeting. Via Zoom. BEARDSLEY ZOO: 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. PUBLISHER'S CERTIFICATE 1 p.m. beardsleyzoo.org Friday, Nov. 5 Planning & Zoning Commission Saturday, Oct. 30 & Sunday, Oct. 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.The below mustBriefing. Zoom. be filledViaout by the publisher and be signed. 31 from 12 - 3 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 3 p.m. 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. BET City/Town Law Committee Meeting. ‘Boo at the Zoo’ –Dates come in _________________________________ _______________________ ofcostume Publication__________________ Town Hall – Conference Room. for seasonal activities, spooky aniTOWN AGENCIES MEETINGS: greenwichct.gov/calendar mal talks, storytown times,where Scarecrows his notice appeared twice in the newspaper indicated, having a circulation in the the place of business is located. MARK YOUR Monday, Nov. 1 on Parade, and more. 1875 Noble CALENDAR FOR 9:30 a.m. Ave, Bridgeport. __________________________________________ Title: ___________________________ Date: _____________ Energy Management Advisory UPCOMING EVENTS Committee and Planning and ZonSaturday, Oct. 30 CHILD GUIDANCE CENTER: ing Team Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. childguidancect.org 10:30 a.m. REACH Prep’s Masquerade Bash. Architectural Review Sign MeetFriday, Oct. 29 at 12 p.m. The Village, 4 Star Point, Stamford. ing. Via Zoom. Panel: It Happens Here: What to reachprep.org/news/masquerade. 3 p.m. Know and How to Help Children html FS Energy Management Advisory Experiencing Domestic Violence. 6:30 p.m. Committee Meeting. Town Hall – Via Zoom. Free. To submit quesICC Gala Benefit: “A Celebration of tions in advance, email info@ Cone Room. Light.” Hilton Stamford, 1 Stamford wiltonyouth.org Wednesday, Nov. 3 SAMPLE PUBLICATION NOTICE Pl. iccgreenwich.org/gala



Notice of Application This is to give notice that I, STEPHAN RAPAGLIA, 8 OLD MUSKET LN, RIDGEFIELD, CT 06877-4213 Have filed an application placarded 10/28/2021 with the Department of Consumer Protection for a PACKAGE STORE LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at 130 E PUTNAM AVE GREENWICH CT 06830-5626 The business will be owned by: COS COB BEVERAGES INC Entertainment will consist of: Objections must be filed by: 12-09-2021




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Page B6 | Greenwich Sentinel


Duncan Campbell Smith, 84, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, Oct. 14 at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield. Born on May 10, 1937 in Milwaukee, WI to Hermon E. and Catherine (Campbell) Smith, he was raised and educated in Greenwich, and Marblehead, MA. He was a graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover and earned a degree in English literature from Princeton University. After serving his Country honorably as a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Artillery Division, Duncan earned his Law Degree from Yale Law School. Duncan began his legal career serving as a clerk for a Supreme Court Justice for the Oregon Supreme Court in Salem, Oregon. He later returned to Connecticut, eventually residing in Greenwich, CT, to raise his family and continue his law career. Duncan became a partner in the Greenwich law f irm of Parker, Badger, Fisher, Cohen, and Barnett. Duncan later in his career moved to Chemical Bank in New York City to become the Deputy General Counsel. In 1993, Duncan moved back to Oregon and began a consulting business. This move led him eventually to working for the Oregon Building Congress where he was instrumental in helping develop a partnership with Oregon public schools to help decrease high school drop outs and provide training prog ra m s for e duc ators show i ng t he crossover between the teaching of math and science with the building trades. During his time in Oregon, Duncan cherished his volunteering in the City of Portland Public Schools, reading to classes and working with students on their reading skills. Duncan leaves his loving children, Gregory Langdon Smith and his wife, Julie, of London, England, Gordon Campbell Smith and his wife, Marianne, of Springfield, and Andrew Gilbert Smith and his partner, Kathleen, of Portland, OR; his brothers, Bink Smith and his wife, Linda, of Steam Boat Springs, CO, Norman Smith and his wife, Wilma, of Vermont, Pamela Harvey and her husband, Paul, of Florida, and Richard Gilbert and his wife, Barbara, of Florida; nine grandchildren: Christine, Caylie, Campbell, Paige, Myles, Michaela, Maeve, Willa and Neve; and two great-grandsons, Archer and River. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his former wife, Carol Langdon Smith in 2000, stepbrother, Jerry Gilbert and stepsister, Louisa Gilbert Alexandre. Family and friends gathered on Friday, Oct. 22 for Duncan's funeral home service at Hafey Springfield Chapels. Committal prayers with military honors followed at the Massachusetts Veterans' Memorial Cemetery, Agawam. In lieu of f lowers, memorial donations in Duncan's name may be made to the Springfield School Volunteer Read Aloud Program. Checks should be made payable to Springfield School Volunteers and mailed to 1550 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103.

Michael Piorkowski Michael G. Piorkowski died unexpectedly at home on Oct. 11. He was 58 years old. M ichael was bor n on Aug. 5, 196 3 i n Greenwich and graduated from J.M. Wright Technical School in Stamford. Always good with his hands, Michael first worked as a carpenter with Richie Belmont in Greenwich, then earned his HVAC license and worked for many years as a technician, predominantly at Sound Energy in Darien. In recent years, Michael was an emissions technician at the Shell Gas Station in Greenwich. Michael loved the outdoors and loved animals, especially wolves. Some of Michael's hobbies included watching NASCAR (and going to races in New Hampshire and North Carolina,) f ishing, trap shooting, music, watching and feeding birds in the backyard, and spending time with his cat Cyrus. Michael is survived by his children Tyler Piorkowski of Woodbridge, and Emma Piorkowski of Santa Cruz, CA, his mother Judy Piorkowski of Greenwich, and his sister Maureen Piorkowski of Norwalk. Michael also leaves behind aunts and uncles including Lee and Genaro Lopez, Donna and Tom Piorkowski, Johanna Tole, Anne and Bill Sisson, Patty O'Hanlon, and many cousins. Michael was predeceased by his father Walter, and grandparents Genevieve and Leo Piorkowski, Jennie and George Tole, and uncles Leo Piorkowski and Denis Tole. Visitation was held Friday, Oct. 22 at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Greenwich. A prayer service and interment followed at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial donation in Michael's name to a charity of your choice.

Lawrence Spann Lawrence A. Spann, known as Bud to family and friends, and as Larry in the Greenwich Fire Department, passed away peacefully on Oct. 8. He was born under the rockets' red glare on July 4, 1930 to Lawrence D. and Alexandra Clarke Spann. He was raised in Greenwich and graduated from Greenwich High School in 1949. After graduation, Bud enlisted in the US Army. He was stationed in Okinawa as a heavy equipment operator/mechanic with the Corps of Engineers. He was honorably discharged in January 1953. Bud married his "Ever Lovin" wife Betty on Sept. 20, 1958. They were married for over 58 years before Betty's death in 2017. On Nov. 12, 1968 Bud began his career with the Greenwich Fire Department as the Fire Equipment Mechanic. He spent nearly 19 years with the Department based out of Central Station. When not maintaining the equipment, he entertained many a school child on their field trips to the firehouse. He retired from the Town of Greenwich in August 1987. Bud and Betty retired to Thompson, CT in 1988. He immediately became involved with the Quinebaug Volunteer Fire Department. He also joined the Thompson Memorial VFW Post 10088 and was quickly elected Quartermaster. He continued his involvement with both until he and Betty returned to the Stamford area in 2012. In addition to his wife and parents, Bud was predeceased by his sister and brother-inlaw Lee and Tim O'Keefe, his nephew Peter O'Keefe and his sons-in-law Arnold Johnsen and Kenny Young. He is survived by his son Charles and his wife Debbie of Sherwood, WI, his daughters Lori, Rosemary Johnsen and Leslie Young, all of Stamford and his adored cat, Ophelia. He

is also survived by his nephew John O'Keefe and nieces Betsy Bellantoni and Cathy O'Keefe as well as many great and greatgreat-nieces and nephews. Calling hours and a prayer ser v ice were held Saturday, Oct. 23 at the Nicholas F. Cognetta Funeral Home & Crematory, Stamford. Interment will be privately held at a later date. In lieu of f lowers, the family would appreciate donations to either Thompson Memorial VFW Post 10088, 654 Quinebaug Road, Quinebaug, CT 06262 or to the Amogerone Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Inc., Central Fire Station, P.O. Box 121, Greenwich, CT 06836-0121.

Hedda von Goeben

Hedda Windisch von Goeben was an equestrienne, artist, and world traveler. She was curious, enthusiastic, and disciplined, sharing her intelligence and generosity with the multitude of friends she cultivated around the world. She died Oct. 8 in Granville, Ohio at 90 years of age after a brief illness. Friends describe her as unique - loyal, fun, meticulous, persistent, and giving- a class act- gifted as a horseperson and artist, ready with a smile, outspoken and no pushover. Her unstinting philanthropy throughout her life included cherished educational communities, artists and museums, churches in need of restoration or renovation and individuals who needed a leg up. Born in Greenwich on March 8, 1931, of Margaret and Carl von Goeben, Hedda pursued horses and art. From the early 1950s, after graduating from Westover School in CT and Bennett College in NY, she was a horse breeder and a trainer of both horses and students. She also judged horse shows and fox hunted along the East Coast, even across the formidable fields of Ireland. Until 1970, she operated from her family's Church Hill Farm in Washington. From 1958 to 1966, she also managed the equestrian program at Miss Porter's School in Farmington, while earning her bachelor's degree in biological sciences cum laude from the University of Hartford. For 40 years, until 2004, she considered herself a worker bee for the Professional Horsemen's Association. She was secretary under five presidents for the group she described as "horsemen helping horsemen." And from its start in 1950, she remained a loyal supporter of the United States Equestrian Team. A visit to the Elkhorn Dude Ranch in Tucson, Arizona in the 1950s introduced Hedda to ranch life and the Sonoran Desert country of the Altar Valley. She returned through the years, and even in her 80s, she'd ride up into the Baboquivari Mountains. Hedda credited an Elderhostel trip to Australia and New Zealand with her yearning to see the world. So, in her final decades, when others often slow, she traveled the globe seeking the unusual and historic in the countryside of such places as Japan, South Africa, Peru and Greenland. Ever the

artist, she'd often return with folk art from the streets. She became a frequent traveler with the Carriage Association of America, blending her wanderlust with her love of horses. She attended the annual Windsor Horse Show in London at least five times. Even more often, she could be found at the annual week-long Festival of the Gauchos in Argentina – an event highlighted by a parade of 4,000 horses, some ridden and many more loose, negotiating narrow, cobbled streets in a unique demonstration of horsemanship. Hedda also became a frequent participant on trips led by the late Yale University Professor Brian Skinner. She was proudly a 'Skinnerite," one of the gregarious travelers that Skinner led from Russia to Machu Picchu. At 75, Hedda relocated from Connecticut to Granville, Ohio, to be closer to her extended family, whose roots are in Cincinnati's historic Windisch-Muhlhauser Brewing Company. She was a fourth generation relation to Conrad Windisch, who, in 1866, with Gottlieb and Heinrich Muhlhauser, all German immigrants, founded the brewery that was known as the Lion Brewery. She became instrumental in gathering the relatives to Cincinnati, organizing and funding numerous family reunions. Throughout her life, in her art, Hedda nimbly moved among media, from drawings, watercolors, printmaking and ceramics to photography and bronze sculpture. She also revealed her playful and sometimes, spunky humor. Once in Granville, she returned to the art studio and to college, enrolling in semester- long art classes at nearby Denison University. She worked alongside coeds in the studio for much of the past fifteen years and taught a summer art course there for senior citizens. Encouraging to both young and older artists, Hedda said her goal was to help them feel good about their work. But it was not just artists she helped. Her energy and her eagerness to continue learning inspired so many who knew her. Hedda lived fully every day. Her sister, Christine Curtis, predeceased Ms. von Goeben. She leaves three nephews, Carl Gavin, A llen R ichard and Robert Frederick Curtis. A memorial service was held on Oct. 27 at St Luke's Church, Granville, Ohio. A graveside service will be held at 11am on Nov. 3 at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Obituaries in the Greenwich Sentinel are free of charge courtesy of the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation. To submit an obituary please email Caroll@ GreenwichSentinel.com. Please send upcoming memorial services to Editor@ GreenwichSentinel.com if you would like them published here.

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Indulging in the Pleasures of Life - Sinful or Virtuous? By Rabbi Yossi Deren

Is this pleasure for the sake of pleasure? Or will this contribute something to the quality of my life, thereby enabling me to be more successful at fulfilling my purpose in my life?

I cringe whenever I hear the “novel” explanation as to why the Bible narrative contains stories of individuals who made some really bad mistakes. “This just goes to show how nobody is perfect. We are all flawed.” Really? A re you tel l i ng me t hat G-d revealed Himself at Sinai in order to teach me and my 7 billion counterparts that we have the capacity to sin? We don’t need the Five Books

of Moses to teach us that we can make mistakes. We know we can make mistakes because we make mistakes. Period. The Biblical episodes describing human failure have a much more meaning f ul relevance than to simply announce humanity’s errors. Take Adam and Eve and their sin of consuming the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Or Noah and his post-Flood fall from grace as he imbibed in the fruit of the vine and got so disgracefully drunk. Sins, no doubt. But what was really so bad about what they did? Were they wrong to enjoy the pleasures of life? What’s the problem with

some festivity? Did not Abraham and Sarah spend most of their time happily hosting guests around their table, providing plenty of good food and drink? Did not Joseph and his brothers of fer up a hearty “L’Chaim - To Life!” at the table when they were reunited with each other? The great Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, 19th century German rabbi and scholar, once quipped when asked why he took a trip to the Swiss Alps so late in life, “When I come to Heaven, G-d will surely ask me, ‘Nu? So did you get to see My Swiss Alps?’” Jewish tradition places an emphasis on thanking G-d for the great blessings and the little

pleasures in life. “Shehechaynu!” we s h o ut o ut - e ve n fo r a beautiful suit or dress that we acquire. This is a wonderful world, w ith a bounty of resources that bring us pleasure and joy. There is something sinful about NOT benefiting from G-d’s blessings. So where did our Biblical figures go wrong? The issue is context. Some things in life are black and white. Murder is wrong. Charity is right. But what about the vast gray gulf that lies in between right and wrong - all those bountiful pleasures of life? It depends. The pertinent question to ask

when you're about to indulge, is 'Is this a means or an end?'. Is this pleasure for the sake of pleasure? Or will this contribute something to the quality of my life, thereby enabling me to be more successful at fulfilling my purpose in my life? Vacation, sex, money, food. What for? Because it feels good? Is that it? Is life about just feeling good? How does that play out? Or, conversely, is life about the higher purpose of serving a greater good? About contributing to something larger than ourselves? If the latter, then there is most definitely a meaningful place for vacation, sex, money and food. We could not be the

people we are, fulfilling the roles we were created for, without those important components of life. Wit h i n t he contex t of a purposeful life, those things serve as the means to a greater end. A ll we need is a dose of humility. Life is not about what I can get, but about what I can give. With that humble approach, even the pleasurable things that I do get, become a part of what I give, inasmuch as they help me become a more effective giver. S o g o a h e a d a n d e nj oy ever y t h i ng t hat l i fe has to offer you, as long as it helps you in your endeavors to offer something to others. Rabbi Yossi Deren i s the Spiritual Leader and Executive Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich, the local branch of the worldwide Chabad Lubavitch movement, a Jewish educational and social service organization. www.chabadgreenwich.org

Worship Services Information


Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 www.htchurch.com

3661 ext. 375, parishpartners4@gmail. com. Join Music Ministries for their choir rehearsals - contact Music Director, Dr. Liya Petrides at music.director@stcsta.org with questions. Deacon Robert Henrey: Early Encounters: European and Asian Cultures at the Crossroads: “A Japanese-European Honeymoon”, Oct. 31, 11:45am.

In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s St. Mary Church website and social media outlets. Bible 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. www.stmarygreenwich.org Read The Bible 2021: join here facebook. com/groups/bible2021. Fire In The Public Mass: Sunday: 9 & 10:30am, Night: Nov. 5, 6pm. Membership Class: 12:15 & 5:15pm. Saturday Vigils: 4 & Nov 7, 7pm. 6:30pm (Spanish Mass). Daily: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm. Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm BAPTIST (Alcove to left of Altar). First Baptist Church St. Michael the Archangel 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 www.firstbaptistgreenwich.com www.stmichaelgreenwich.com Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in Mass: Mon-Fri: 7 & 9am. Sun: 7:30, 8:30, 9:45am (Family Mass), 12 & 5pm. Wed: 701- 802-5355, Access code 360922). Adoration: 9:30am-8pm; Confession: Greenwich Baptist Church 9:30-11am & 6:30-8pm. Sat: 9am & 5pm 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 (Vigil Mass); Confession: 4:15-4:45pm. www.greenwichbaptist.org Coat Drive: through Nov. 9, c o n t a c t maryrolla@ Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and Mary Rolla at me.com or 203-644-2215 or online through Facebook & YouTube). Diane Clehane at dclehane@ Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer 845-430-3572 with Gathering: Fri, 6- 7pm, Chapel. Harvest aol.com or questions. Festival: Oct. 23, 4:30pm. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 www.sacredheartgreenwich.org Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. Prayer Group: Wed, 5:15pm, in the Chapel, 38 Gold St, all are welcome. Volunteers needed for the following Ministries: Money Counters, Religious Education Teachers and Assistants, Prayer Shawl, Hospitality, contact the Rectory at 203531-8730. Thanksgiving Food Drive: through Nov. 14: non-perishable food donations for Thanksgiving baskets leave items at the front or rear entrances of the church each weekend, Suggested items: $20 Store gift cards (Stop & Shop or Shoprite), John Innominato: 914-5651637. St. Catherine of Siena & St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 www.stc-sta.org * All Masses at St. Catherine of Siena Church only are livestreamed. Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 7am, St. Catherine’s Church (livestream); 5:15pm, St. Catherine’s Chapel. Wed: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 8:30am-4pm, St. Catherine’s Church. Sat (Specific dates confirmed in bulletin): Confessions, 3-4pm, St. Catherine’s Church; Vigil Mass, 5pm, St. Catherine’s Church (livestreamed). Sun: Mass, 7:30am, St. Catherine’s Church (livestream); Mass, 8:30am, St. Agne’s Church; Family Mass, 9am, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed); Mass, 10am, St. Agne’s Church; Traditional Mass, 10:30am, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed); Teen Mass, 5pm, St. Catherine’s Church, (livestreamed). Language Masses: St. Catherine’s Chapel: Korean Mass (every Sun), 9am. French Mass (2nd Sun of the month), Italian Mass (3rd Sun of the month), Spanish Mass (4th Sun of the month [not in September]), 11am. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for dropoff donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). New Day Bereavement: Thursdays 4-5:30pm, through Nov. 18, (No class: Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11), registration required, 203-637-

St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Sat: 4pm (Vigil Mass). Sun: 11am. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741 www.stpaulgreenwich.org

and can be done via the website beginning Sept. 12. Please call the church office or visit the website for the most up-to-date information, events, and schedules, which are subject to change based on current local health and safety protocols. The Great Lawn Sale: Oct. 28-30 – Thu & Fri, 9am-2pm & Sat, 9am12pm. CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 www.fccog.org

Worship: In-Person & Virtual: Sundays, 10am. Live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM). Connect during the week: Friday: Friday Email Blast (sign up by calling the church office); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am for preschoolers through grade 6. Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd; 203-869-7763 www.northgreenwichchurch.org Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ northgreenwichchurch.org or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave; 203-869-9311 www.2cc.org Saturday: Contemporary Evensong Worship, 5pm. Traditional Sunday Service: 8:30 & 10:30am. Please email Pam@2cc.org & they will save you a seat. Livestream available. Details at 2cc.org. Parenting Seminar: “Navigating New Norms & Managing Children’s Stress During the Holidays”, Nov. 4, 6pm, free.

Mass: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am. Confession: Sat, 3-3:45pm. Mass on Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Visit the website for information regarding the EPISCOPAL Bereavement Group (twice monthly) and weekly volunteer opportunities at Anglican Church of the Advent the Don Bosco Kitchen and Food Pantry 606 Riversville Rd; 203-861-2432 with the St. Paul Mercy Volunteers. All www.churchoftheadvent.org masses are available via livestream Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. through the website. Faith Study Group Sunday School during academic year. - Bishop Barron’s presentation on the Christ Church Greenwich Seven Sacraments: Nov. 1, 7-8:30pm, 254 E. Putnam Ave; 203-869-6600 register, mack42741@gmail.com. www.christchurchgreenwich.org St. Roch Church Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-per10 St. Roch Ave; 203-869-4176 son); 10am (in-person & livestream/onwww.strochchurch.com demand); Choral Evensong (in-person & Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing livestream/on-demand), 5pm; Compline, via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; 8pm (livestream/on-demand). MonSat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for & livestream/on-demand). “Something time. Different” Summer Outdoor Worship: Sundays through August, behind the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Tomes-Higgins House (rain location: First Church of Christ, Scientist Parish Hall), bring a chair or blanket. 11 Park Pl; 203-869-2503 Fire and Wine Women’s Gathering: www.christiansciencect.org/ Thursdays, 7-8pm, through Nov. 18. greenwich Women’s retreat at Camp Washington: Sunday and Wednesday services via live ‘The Healing Art of Storytelling’, Nov. 5-6, $175, cmcfadden@christchurchtele-conference: 203-680-9095, code is greenwich.org. Men’s Bible Study: 520520*. Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 7:30-9pm, Rectory. COMMUNITY Seeking Everyday Faith with Thomas Merton – Author Sophfronia Scott: Oct. First Church of Round Hill 31. Ben Rosenblum and the Nebula Proj464 Round Hill Rd; 203-629-3876 ect perform: Nov. 6, 7pm, $10 & $25. An www.firstchurchofroundhill.com Introduction to Synoptic Gospels: Mon, No in-person service at this time. (If through Nov. 22, 7-9pm, in The Rectory, you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, register. pastor, or any other personnel, call 203St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 629-3876 and leave a message or email 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526 fcroundhill@outlook.com). www.stbarnabasgreenwich.org Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd; 203-869-1091 www.roundhillcommunitychurch. org Weekly Sunday Worship services inperson at 10am or online anytime; preregistration via the website is required to attend in-person services. Children’s Worship for grades K-5 will resume on Sunday, Sept. 19. Pre-registration to attend Children’s Ministries is required

Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: signupgenius. com/go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2 -sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447 www.stpaulsriverside.org

to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Worship: Sundays: Rite 1, 8am (in- Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & person in the sanctuary & streamed). Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 10:15am, in the Sanctuary. 2nd & 4th 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Sunday of every month: in the Meadow, Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am 10:30am (weather permitting). Sunday and until further notice (Dial-in number: School continues in Selleck Hall. Yoga 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). on the Meadow: Fridays, 10am. Ongoing: NONDENOMINATIONAL Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking Revive Church lot (volunteers needed). ‘Socktober’: 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old collecting socks for men, women, and Greenwich Civic Center) children at INSPIRICA and Pacific www.myrevive.org House in Stamford - drop off in the green Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn and red bin outside the church or have 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons sent to the church via mail, Deacon Liz available on Facebook (facebook.com/ - liz.skaleski@stpaulsriverside.org, Ann myrevivechurchgreenwich) and on Post - ann.post@stpaulsriverside.org. Youtube. All groups are online. Direct St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262 203-536-2686 or revivecfm@gmail.com. www.saintsaviours.org Stanwich Church In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Online Worship Services available on www.stanwichchurch.org Youtube. Events marked by an * require JEWISH registration at: stanwichchurch.org/ events Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Worship Services: Sundays, 9 & 10:45am www.chabadgreenwich.org (live-streamed). *Gospel-Centered Parenting: Oct. 29 (2 Sessions), 7pm. Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Outdoor Music Night @ Winfield Street Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, Coffee (Stamford): Oct. 31, 5pm. *How 2pm. to Share Your Faith Workshop, Nov. 6, Congregation Shir Ami 8am. One W. Putnam Ave; 203-274-5376 The Albertson Memorial Church www.congregationshirami.org 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 All services, programs and celebrations www.albertsonchurch.org are available online via Zoom. Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 3rd Sunday of the month, 10-10:40am. www.grs.org Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the Join Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Rubin month, 7-7:30pm. (Email Albertsonpcc@ every Friday, 6pm for Shabbat Services, gmail.com for registration and Zoom and once a month for Tot Shabbat, Links). 5:30pm. All in person services are also Trinity Church live streamed on Zoom. 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 www.templesholom.com


Services - In-person and virtual Friday night Shabbat services, 6:30pm & Saturday morning Shabbat services, 10:30am. Kristallnacht Speaker: Holocaust Survivor Andy Sarkany: Nov. 9, 8pm, free, RSVP, alice.schoen@ templesholom.com.

In-Person Services: Sun, 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, youtube.com/c/TrinityChurchLife/l ive. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am.



First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 www.flcgreenwich.org

First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 www.fpcg.org

Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm Study: Sun, 11:45am. (Contemporary Service), register. Online St. Paul Lutheran Church Worship: Sun, 10-11am at fpcg.org/live. 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Prayer Room: 2nd Thu of each month, Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School 8-8:30pm, via Zoom. Oct. 31: Dedication program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Sunday, 10am; Trunk or Treat:, 11:30am. Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Grace Church of Greenwich Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible 8 Sound Shore Dr., Suite 280 Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. 203-861-7555 METHODIST www.gracechurchgreenwich.com Diamond Hill United Methodist Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395 of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. www.diamondhillumc.com Please bring a mask and a chair or a Sunday Worship Services: In-person blanket). All Bible Study studies through or online, 10am, followed by a time zoom (email gracechurchofgreenwich@ of Fellowship. Wednesdays: Virtual gmail.com for zoom links). All are Noonday Prayer & Evening Bible Study. welcome. (Details at diamondhill.com). Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 First United Methodist Church www.LivingHopeCT.org 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 www.fumcgreenwich.com In-Person & online (LivingHopect.org/ Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via livestream) worship: 10am. Coffee & Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily fellowship after the service on the patio, Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking weather permitting. Community Bible with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading Study (Women): Nov. 2, 9:30am, in the this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back Church.

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Universal Crossword

Astrology for Week of Oct 31, 2021 SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov You’ll overcome a challenge with ease this week which is good as your confidence needs a boost before an even bigger challenge around 19th November. Take action swiftly and decisively and don’t doubt for a moment that you will succeed.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Things may get bumpy as Uranus in your sign is opposed by the Sun but if you sit tight and wait for the turbulence to pass you’ll be none the worse for the experience. If others throw tantrums that’s up to them – you are under no obligation to do likewise.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec With the Sun opposing Uranus, planet of surprises, across a particularly sensitive area of your chart there’s a danger you’ll act hastily and regret it later. Slow down, consider carefully what you want and work slowly and surely towards that goal.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June Don’t take on any new tasks – you’re doing too much already. The Sun in Scorpio is about efficiency, ordering your affairs to get the most out of them. This week’s Sun-Uranus aspect could cause unexpected, tricky issues if you don’t pace yourself sensibly.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Something will happen this week that will make you wonder if maybe you’ve been too hasty in reaching certain conclusions about people whose way of life differs so radically from your own. It may be time to revise your opinions.

CANCER 22 June-23 July Don’t be too set in your opinions. Progress comes through the clash of ideas and the cosmic set-up warns that one particular clash will get heated this week. In fact, it is what you need to get you thinking in a new and, ultimately, more profitable direction.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb There may be times this week when it feels as if you’re at the beck and call of almost everyone you live, work and do business with and to a certain extent that may be true. It’s pointless to let it upset you - sit tight and wait for the cosmic setup to change.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug With the Sun opposing Uranus across an important axis of your chart, one way or another your world will be rocked by what happens this week. What you must remember is that change is good and, that in the long-term, everything must evolve.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You may be tempted this week to start a project that takes you in a radically new direction but the planets warn this is not a good time to venture into areas outside your comfort zone. Wait until the Lunar Eclipse on 19th November has come and gone.

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept This is generally a positive time for you but what happens this week will reinforce the impression that you’ve been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe you have but it’s no big deal. You’re robust enough to handle whatever fate sends your way.

ARIES 21 March-20 April Stay calm whatever happens this week and tell yourself that everything will come right in the end – and it will. Don’t get hysterical about money or business issues in particular. Despite what others might say there’s no reason to fear the worst.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct You seem to want to do everything the hard way just to prove you’ve still got what it takes. It’s not only unnecessary but self-defeating: if you take on too big a task there’s a chance you might fail. Be who you are, not who you think you should be.

Edited by David Steinberg September 4, 2021 ACROSS 1 Scored perfectly on 5 Producer of milk 8 Clock face 12 Devastation 14 If-then-___ statement 15 Actress Roberts 16 Stadium’s relative 17 Southern pronoun 18 Circular piece of dough? 19 2005 Coldplay hit whose title is sung after “And birds go flying at the ...” 22 Bikini top 25 Fixtures in entertainment centers 26 “We ___ please” 27 Person from Perth, e.g., informally 29 Toss out 31 Footwear item with no laces 33 Single strand found in hair 36 Roomy vehicle 37 British bathroom 38 Annoy 40 Sleep acronym 41 Success-vs.failure choice 43 Sweetheart

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45 Capital of Dominica 46 Like hot fudge 48 Chest muscle, for short 49 E.R. workers 50 Make a deal with the devil 54 Notified 55 ___ Spunkmeyer cookies 56 Not at all urban 60 Falco in “The Sopranos” 61 One may taste more sweet than sour 62 Run away to get hitched 63 Colleague 64 Cheer for Team Spain 65 Run easily DOWN 1 “Eureka!” 2 One may do laps ... or be found in a pool 3 The night before 4 Dresses in 5 Dressed (in) 6 Norway’s capital 7 Good fortune 8 Relax at a spa 9 “Catch you later!” 10 Essential ___ acids 11 Sea’s counterpart 13 Aid for a deaf person watching a video

14 Organs Brahma has eight of 20 Like 42 or 420 21 “Chandelier” singer 22 Low guitar variety 23 Measuring stick 24 Remark that other actors pretend not to hear 28 What’s usually full of junk 29 Gleamed 30 One mixing things up at work 32 Like improbable chances 34 More recent 35 Birdlike 38 Manage to get 39 Australian birds

41 Reject 42 Cookie in many crosswords 44 Lion sign 46 It often contains quartz crystals 47 Skateboarder’s jump 48 (I have something to tell you) 50 Staircase part 51 List-ending abbr. 52 Royal address 53 Awkward moment on a first date 57 Pooh’s jumping friend 58 It may be coded in Java 59 Martial artist Bruce



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SOS by Saswat Mishra


The (K) Clues Are for Kids ACROSS 1. (K) Get earth off your skin 5. (K) Was in the front, directing 8. Each, to a grocer 11. Variety of saxophone 12. (K) “Do you have __ more?” 13. Burden to bear 15. (K) Like something in shreds 16. (K) How do you crush a spider’s spirit? (3 words) 18. Polo period 20. (K) By oneself 21. Meaty stuff 22. (K) Construct, as a 10-story building 24. Fluffy accessory 25. Defy authority 26. Grad 27. Fishing net

29. Things hanging around a roof 31. (K) It can hold many things 32. Knowing what’s going on 34. (K) Call off 35. (K) Intelligent 36. (K) It can be booted 39. Love to pieces 41. (K) Having a little pre-stuffing nibble? 43. Wave a fist at 45. Mix ingredients 46. Firefighter’s tool 47. (K) Rainbow’s shape 48. Shaving-cream additive, sometimes 49. Salon goo 50. (K) “Ta-ta” 51. The landlord wants what? DOWN 1. Fob-ulous item

2. (K) “Hi” in HI 3. Make music with one’s fingers 4. (K) “Get out of my lane!” sound 5. CD player’s important part (2 words) 6. Main dish 7. (K) Make an egg an Easter egg 8. (K) Summer refresher 9. Confer honor upon 10. Catastrophic, to an archaeologist? 14. (K) Old engine output 17. (K) Butter portion 19. Like a freshly sharpened knife 23. (K) Big sale type 25. Free from (with “of”)

26. Park in NYC, for one 27. Underwater construction worker 28. (K) Say “That’s my pick for class president” 30. ___ and sciences 31. Moor plant 33. (K) Like soup that’s too thin 35. (K) Last word of “America the Beautiful” 36. (K) “Ozma of Oz,” for example 37. (K) Vegetable made into rings 38. Crane relative 40. (K) Fishing line holder 42. House of Romanov ruler 44. Amount to pay in a restaurant

Can you find the answer to this riddle within the solved puzzle?

What many people hamper? Look for the answer in next week’s paper.


Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations will be necessary to complete the puzzle.



1 sternum and clavicle (5) ___________ 2 throw under the bus (6) ___________ 3 largest city in Jordan (5) ___________ 4 seek information on the web (6) ___________ 5 attractive trinket (6) ___________ 6 it may need a change (6) ___________ 7 unexpected, serious event (9) ___________

Previous riddle answer:

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© 2021 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel

Created by Timothy E. Parker August 2, 2021

Previous Answers Wednesday’s Answers: 1. VACANCY 2. COURTENEY 3. TRANCE 4. BERNIE 5. ALPHABETS 6. DERAIL 7. MESSAGE 9/9

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Each row, column, nonet can contain each number only once. Answers below.


Very Hard



Very Hard




Very Hard



Very Hard

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CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1993 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

Wildly Successful: The Quaker Parrot "Yet, these established Connecticut residents are highly particular about their “neighborhoods,” selecting key habitat, hugging our coastline, rarely ranging north of the Merritt Parkway." By Jim Knox I heard them long before I saw them. Loud, screeching calls echoed back and forth between members of the f lock, tracing their progress as they streaked through the sky high above. At a glance, the bright green birds with the sharply pointed wings and tail looked both familiar and exotic. There was good reason for this. The Quaker parrot, (Myiopsitta monachus) strongly resembles familiar parakeets or budgies, yet parrots are among the last birds you expect to see flying through the skies of New England. With eye-catching plumage, a g reen back and wings, contrasting gray breast, yellow abdomen, and bold blue tail, make this compact, 12-inchlong parrot hard to miss. Native to Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, Quaker parrots derive their name from their characteristic quaking or bobbing movements. They also known to many as the Monk parrot, thought to describe the green plumage which extend down the back of the bird’s head and neck, like a monk’s cowl. These birds are exceptionally adapt a ble — ex p a nd i ng a nd establishing new range wherever opportunity permits. It is this adaptability that has become the hallmark of the species. Likely due to their popularity as pets in the 1960s through the 1980’s, escaped or intentionally released birds soon established themselves. Rare among parrots in their tolerance of temperate climates, Quaker parrots proliferated wherever temperatures and conditions were favorable. This trait is further bolstered by the species’ unique nest bu i ld i ng c apa bi l it y. W h i le the remainder of the parrot family are strict cavity nesters, Quaker parrots are the world’s only parrot species k now n to construct nests. This fact likely conjures up an image of a simple twig and feather nest the size and shape of a soup bowl. Like their bold calls and colors, Quaker parrots prefer to “advertise” when it comes

to their home, constructing enormous colonial stick nests which can top four hundred pounds in weight and reach the size of a Volkswagen Beetle! T h e a dv a nt a ge s to s uch a massive and elaborate structure are many. A colonial nest can contain more than two dozen nesting chambers, boosting the protection of the colony through vigilance of its many residents. With a fully enclosed, “roofed” design, the intricate nest is protected from the elements and serves as a year ‘round shelter. Perhaps its most signif icant benef it to the parrots is its design which traps the body heat of its residents—boosting the temperature of the nest interior more than 25 degrees when the mercury plummets! With such a weatherproof design, Quaker parrots are

well-equipped to handle harsh winters and extreme conditions far beyond their native range in South A merica. The list of countries the birds have colonized includes Chile, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, France, Canada, Bermuda, Cyprus, Puerto Rico, South Korea, and Japan. Did I mention the United States? With successful populations i n 1 5 st ate s , t he bi r d s a r e rapidly colonizing additional territory. Yet, these established Con ne c t ic ut r e side nt s a r e highly particular about their “neighborhoods,” selecting key habitat, hugging our coastline, rarely ranging north of the Merritt Parkway. What does such adaptability mean for our native birds? W i t h t h e i r p r e fe r e n c e fo r nuts, seeds, blossoms, fruit

and berries, Quaker parrots compete with native species for limited seasonal food resources. Large f locks of the birds also consume agricultural crops. In the case of most species, eradication campaigns would be waged to rid the pest from our midst. In fact, numerous states—including California, Hawaii, and Connecticut—have banned the sale, ownership, and importation of the species. Yet, despite its competition with native songbirds, destruction of agricultural crops and its tendency to nest adjacent to transformers and telephone lines—causing power outages— the Qua ker pa r rot, li ke its distant cousins the introduced Mute s w a n a n d t h e R i n gnecked pheasant, is far from reviled. These attractive little parrots have cultivated quite a

fan base of devoted birders and neighbors alike. Introduced species, like the Quaker parrot, cause a spectrum of environmental and human impacts. While some can devastate an industry or native species, few invasive species can be truly eradicated, and each poses unique challenges, requiring specif ic mitigation measures. This is essential to protect native biodiversity, resilience against disease (both animal and human), agriculture and industry. By studying these newcomers r igorou sly, we are better equipped to guard against their establishment and their impacts. Species are desig ned to be adaptable by nature. With the generalists being more adaptable than the specialists, creatures such as the Quaker

parrot move in for the excellent accommodations the existing habitat of fers. While we must always work to protect New England’s wild legacy, introduced species have been a chapter in the story of wild New England since the days of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Connecticut residents since the 1960s, the little birds are likely here to stay, and with them, an opportunity for us to appreciate their beauty, adaptability, and learn the many lessons they can impart. Jim Knox s e r ves a s the Cu rat o r o f E d u c at i o n f o r Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo and as a Science Advisor to The Bruce Museum. Jim enjoys sharing his passion for wildlife conservation with audiences in Connecticut and beyond.

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