September 10, 2021

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The Greenwich Weekly Newspaper, Local, local, local.

September 10, 2021

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Your Briefing: Local News You Need to Know 9/11 Events Throughout Town Glenville Volunteer Fire Co. Ceremony The Glenville Volunteer Fire Company is holding its annual ceremony to honor those lost in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, September 10, at the Glenville Firehouse, beside the 9/11 memorial. First Congregational Church 9/11 Service The First Congregational Church of Greenwich on Sound Beach Avenue will host an outdoor 9/11 prayer service memorial on Saturday, September 11 at 10 a.m. The service will be 30 minutes and will include prayer, music, a moment of silence, and words from Rev. Collins. A special dedication of a f lowering tree will be made to honor the memory of Greenwich residents who lost their lives that day. Cos Cob Memorial Ceremony Greenwich will host a remembrance ceremony at the September 11 Memorial in Cos Cob on Saturday, September 11 at 8:46 a.m. The service will begin promptly with a cannon and bell ringing, denoting the time that the North Tower was hit, with five tones following until 10:28 a.m. Following the service, there will be a procession where flowers will be available to lay at the base of the memorial, with a prayer, laying of wreaths, presentation of colors, and 21-gun salute following. All are invited to pay their respects. Fa m ily mem bers in attenda nce w ill be supported by Town and State elected officials, military members, the American Red Cross, local and regional first responders, and the community at large as those fallen are remembered and honored. Christ Church Community Worship Christ Church will be holding a 9/11 20th Please turn to page 10

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Ida came through late Wednesday evening dumping 8 inches of rain in just a few hours. Pemberwick, mid-country, parts of Cos Cob and other localized areas all over town were devastated. According to some residents, water rose and engulfed basements and first floor apartments like the one shown above in the Pemberwick area of Greenwich in just 20 minutes. It was just enough time for a mother and her two children (1 and 5 years old) to grab some clothes and get out safely before everything they owned was englufed. "We take turns stepping away from the kids," she said, "so they don't see us crying." Photo by Albert Huang. Inset: During the storm, the Greenwich Fire Department (GFD) received over 250 calls. GFD members worked tirelessly throughout the night and all the next day performing approximately eight water rescues. "The actions of our department that night was extraordinary under such difficult conditions," said GFD Chief Joseph McHugh. "Damage throughout the town was extensive and responding was a challenge for us with roads being impassable due to flooding conditions and trees being down." At one point 911 was overwhelmed with calls. Please see page 11 for the full story.

Christmas Trees




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GTP: Page 4 Illustrated by Wajih Chaudhry

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Areas of Town Still Reeling from Destruction

By Jill S. Woolworth, LMFT A Christmas tree is glittery and beautiful, and unaware that it has been cut off just above t h e r o o t s . S i m i l a r l y, we humans enjoy decorating ourselves with clothing, social status, accomplishments, and possessions. It is good to enjoy these things. Just remember that they are decorations. They are not our real substance. Fr iendship, fam ily, faith, and service to others—these are substance, not d e c o r at i o n . T h e y a r e the roots that help us f lourish. They provide meaning, connection, and purpose. Fashions and fame, like decorated Christmas trees, are only with us for a season. People of

substance, like healthy t r e e s , g r ow for ma ny years and give shelter and shade to others. Alyssa refers to friends who remind her of Christmas trees as “shiny people.” These are people she can’t get close to because they are intent on impressing her with th ei r be au t i- f u l live s . She decided for herself to focus on being a blessing to her friends instead of impressing them. As she did so, the roots of her confidence and well-being grew deeper. Greenwich resident , Jill Woolworth is author of the book, The Waterwheel, which is available locally at Diane's Books (203869-1515) or info@ or at Amazon.


Acts of Kindness, Page 2 Greenwich Town Party, Page 4 From Anne W. Semmes, Page 5 Editorial: 20 Years On, Page 8 Column from Mairead Finn: Page 9 News Briefs continued on Page 10 Flooding, Page 11, 17 Obituaries, Pages 13 Worship Column & Worship Calendar, Page 12, 13 Community Calendar, Pages 6 & 7 Puzzle Pages 15, 16 Astrology, Page 15 Sports, Page 14 Education Column, Calvin & Hobbes, Page 20 Real Estate, Pages 17, 18, 21

Zac Brown. Photo by John and Bailey Robben. See more photos online at

Unfazed by the rain and mud. Photo by John and Bailey Robben

How to Prepare for Help for Henri or Ida Damage

UPDATE: Residents can now go to the town website and complete damage assessment form: The Town of Greenwich is working with the CT Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) on an Initial Damage Assessment (IDA) for both Tropical Storm Henri and the remnants of Hurricane IDA. In order to determine if the damages from these events meet the criteria for federal disaster assistance programs, municipalities must report all damages including residential and business damages. In other words: in order to receive help from federal government assistance programs, the Town of Greenwich needs everyone to do the following: If your home or business sustained damage from either Henri or Ida or both please take the following steps: • Document damages for each storm event seperately. Write down as many dates and details as you can remember including specifically what was damaged. • Contact your insurance company to determine if the damages are covered by your policy. • Take photos of all damaged property and items. • Keep all receipts for repairs/costs. • Report details on the damages, provide photos, insurance information and your contact information to the Town of Greenwich. Gather together all of your information and documents so that once it is ready, you can upload your information. This way as much information as possible will be included in the initial damage assessment the town submits to DEMHS making assistance more likely. Once all of the damage data is received, DEMHS will assess whether the damages approach the federal criteria for disaster assistance programs. If a resident has given info to the Red Cross, they still need to provide it to the town as well. All residents who experienced damage are encouraged to document and share it with the Town of Greenwich even if they will not seek assistance so that the town and DEMHA have an accurate assessment of the total damage. Thank you to Brenda Bergeron from the Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security for her help pulling this together.

Twenty years ago our lives changed forever. Today, every act of kindness, every act of service to each other is an opportunity to honor those we lost.

20 Acts of Kindness Be nice.

Ask "How can I help?" Ask yourself and others: What makes you smile when you get up in the morning? Open a door for someone and hold the door for the person behind you. Remember that everyone is the hero of their own story. Put your phone away and be an active listener. Avoid interrupting others when they are speaking. Say please, thank you, and you’re welcome. Practice Empathy. Avoid gossip, especially on social media, unless it is good news. Write a thank you note, on paper. Reach out to the elderly and those who may be alone. Be kind to yourself and count your blessings. Share what you have learned with others. If you can, say YES! Jump in when children ask for donations or help with a project. Make eye contact and smile. Avoid jumping in to criticize others. Continue to always thank those healthcare workers, FedEx, UPS and USPS folks, grocery store employees and truck drivers for a job incredibly well done. Show up for our town's 9/11 services this weekend.

Thank You! An Anonymous Neighbor

Page 3 | Greenwich Sentinel

Touchstones: A Treasured Copper Beech Tree Falls to Ida because you know that costs a lot of money.” Parker, who serves on the GTC board, said of the Copper One of Greenwich’s “Treasured Trees,” the Copper Beech, “This tree like all trees was a gift – beautiful, Beech that graced the lawn of First Lutheran Church provides shade, provides shelter and habitat for on Field Point Road, today is sawdust. Said to have animals, and stores carbon. This tree being so old been 100-plus years standing, it was felled a week ago did its job very well while surviving the effects of Friday-Saturday, a few days after a major branch fell development.” on the next door office building at 66 Field Point Road, But it is the parishioners of First Lutheran who exposing an unhealthy interior main trunk calling for have special appreciation of the Copper Beech. “I've the tree to be cut down. been a member of First Lutheran church my whole “It had a lot of cabling done – it just had some life,” said Leah Liptak, “and that’s 67 years. The structural problems,” said Lutheran Pastor Evan tree has always been there welcoming us Sunday Scamman. “And once half of it was down, we could mornings. We’d go out from Sunday school and play see inside the trunk of the other half and realized under the tree. It just was a big, awesome comfort, that it was hollow and there was a lot of rot. It was like God Himself put it there to protect us.” a beautiful tree, and when they took it down the Parishioner Amy Young too was a lover of the tree arborist told me it was a good thing that we did and recalled office workers next door with their big because it was full of carpenter ants - it was at the windows telling, “It was like working in a tree house.” end of its life.” So, what tree will be chosen to replace it? “It Many a passing motorist has seen the grandeur would be nice to put back a White Oak,” suggests of that Copper Beech and surely it will be missed by our Town Tree Warden Dr. Gregory Kramer. “The neighbor Peter Malkin. When the Greenwich Tree larger you get with a tree in terms of transplanting Conservancy (GTC) that Malkin chairs awarded it the riskier and more input you have to put into it, so PUB/POST: Greenwich Sentinel; a issue as a “Treasured Tree,” as submitted by the Lutheran I was suggesting maximum of six CODE: HSS-2020-42A PRODUCTION: N/Ainches.” Kramer LIVE: None dates: 6/1 - 6/14 (5/26/2020) Above: The impressive stump of the felled Church in 2020, Malkin hadDESCRIPTION: happily The shared. “It’s a had inspected the felled Copper Beech and responded TRIM: 10.75” x 10.8” Best Orthopedics WORKORDER #: 74554 Copper Beech measured 6-1/2 feet, proof of wonderful thing every day when we go out, we see to requests for replacement ideas from Frank Parker, FILE: 03A-74550-04A-HSS-2020-42A.indd SAP #: HSS.HSSGEN.20000.B.011 BLEED: None its 100-plus years. Anne W. Semmes photo. that beautiful Copper Beech.” Peter Malkin and the Greenwich Tree Conservancy. 212.237.7000 Frank Parker III, whose family are property Kramer found “some serious rot going on” in the Below: Named a 2020 “Treasured Tree” owners of 66 Field Point Road, cited the Copper Beech Copper Beech, “particularly in the crotches and upper by the Greenwich Tree Conservancy, this as “the most significant tree in central Greenwich.” parts of the trunk.” He noted the tree’s “wide canopy” Copper Beech recently succumbed to age and Parker was praised by Pastor Scammam for his and thought “where it split was at a junction pointT:10.75” interior rot. Contributed photo. generosity, “in helping to care for and support the tree where there was so much weight. And, once it split

By Anne W. Semmes

exposed a lot of inner rot.” He saw no sign of Beech Leaf disease that he sees spreading across town “at a very fast rapid rate. “I don't know if you've noticed a lot of the beeches around town and particularly in some of the northern areas look dry. The leaves look very dry, very sparse and they're falling off the trees, very early in the season, mid-summer and early summer.” Kramer then addressed the loss of trees from Hurricane Ida “A lot of trees blew over,” he said. “And I was kind of surprised because they didn't have any prior issues to make me think they were problematic. It was just a weird storm where trees uprooted and fell over. It ran the whole gamut from Elm trees to Norway Maples to Oak trees, and a Linden tree that came down on Marshall Street. So, there were some issues getting around town with trees across main thoroughfares.” He added, “There were a bunch of trees that came down in the Pinetum at the end of the trail going toward Montgomery Lane. And in Bruce Park, “We lost a beautiful Red Oak that by looking at it was structurally sound and hard as can be with a beautiful canopy and it fell over.” Kramer had featured it on a tree tour last year. “Luckily it just missed the tennis court, so it didn't break the fence.” Found too was that inner rot, “which you would never know for looking at it.” So, with all this tree felling from hurricanes might Kramer have a suggestion for planting extra durable trees? “Yes, we are planting more bald cypress trees. Even the strongest hurricanes rarely blow them over.”

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Page 4 | Greenwich Sentinel

Eagles Land Triumphantly At Greenwich

By Liz Leamy

Last Sunday was a triumph in all regards, despite several passing rainstorms, as the Eagles, the Zac Brown Band and Caroline Jones dazzled the sold-out audience of several thousand people at the Greenwich Town Party, an event reputed to be one of the most celebrated music com mu n it y happenings in the U.S. due to its famous historic lineup of superstar bands and artists it has featured over the years. This highly anticipated event, held at Roger Sherman Baldwin Park, marked its 10th anniversary and was, once again, a runaway hit on all fronts as the Eagles, the iconic Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band who dominated radio airwaves for decades with their string of number-one hits, the Zac Brown Band, Caroline Jones and other standout artists and bands entertained the hundreds of spectators there at an full-throttle level. This wildly popular event, formulated by Ray Dalio, co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater, the world’s largest hedge fund that is based in Westport, Connecticut back in 2010, has become nationally renowned due to the fact that it is a full-day event that has, over the years, featured the likes of such superstar acts as Eric Clapton, Lynryd Skynrd, Earth, Wind and Fire, Santana, The Doobie Brothers and Hall and Oates and others, as well as a wide selection of delicious food and a terrific merchandise tent. Th is ye a r, t he Gre enw ich Town Party gold bar was further raised to another level due to the performance and presence of the Eagles, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band whose members include such musical luminaries as Don Henley, Joe Walsh, Timothy B. Schmit, Vince Gill and Deacon Frey, son of the late Glenn Frey, the famed founder of this band who had sadly passed away in 2016. On this balmy Sunday night e ve n i n g , t h e E a g l e s h a d a l l cylinders firing, much to the delight of the cheering crowd. They sang their hits such as ‘Take it Easy,’ ‘One of These Nights,’ ‘Take It to the Limit,’ ‘Lyin’ Eyes,’ ‘The Long Run,’ ‘In the City’ and ‘Already Gone,’ among other standout tunes, demonstrating exactly why they have become k now n as one of the most successful bands in contemporary culture. For Henley, it was about all about putting on the best show possible. “After the last year and a half, a little rain isn’t going to dampen our

spirits, “ said Henley to the vibrant crowd. “We’re not going to talk much now, we’re just going to cram in every song we can.” Henley and the Eagles certainly delivered the goods in ever y respect, performing their extensive library of hits and then some, much to the thrill of the lively crowd, a group, despite its visible age range, wound up all singing together to most of the songs, which made a special one. According to Scot Weicke r, t he e ste e me d he ad of SBW EventsGroup, the organization that has had the Herculean task of organizing and putting together the Greenwich Town Party since its inception in 2010, it was a night for the books. “If there were any word I would use to describe this year’s Greenwich Town Party, I would say it has been ‘epic,’” said Weicker, a longtime Greenwich resident who is the son of Lowell P. Weicker, the former U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator and 85th Governor of Connecticut. “Everyone seems to be having a great time which is nice to see because we’ve worked really hard.” Most def initely, the efforts of Weicker and his entire team rendered golden results on all fronts and also seemed to be much appreciated by everyone there, including the spectators, who could be seen chatting, laughing and enjoying their time together at this extraordinary musicfest. “Th is is the 10th yea r my husband, Tyler, and I have come to the Greenwich Town Party and there is nothing else like it. It’s incredible. The music here is awesome and you run into friends everywhere,” said Joan Stewart P rat t, a long t i me Gre enw ich resident who has been involved with several non-profit groups in town over the years, including the Junior League of Greenwich. “You get to relax, eat some great food, catch up with people and enjoy some of the best music around. We are so happy to be here.” Meanwhile, the Zac Brown B a n d , t h e f a m o u s G r a m mywinning country music contingent, brought down the house with a memorable high-octane performance. This dynamic band, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, sang their famous tunes, including ‘Chicken F r i e d ,’ ‘ K n e e D e e p ,’ ‘C o l d e r Weather,’ ‘Toes’ and ‘Highway 20 Ride,’ all of which generated roaring applause from the crowd. “The Zac Brown band was absolutely amazing,” said Kristie Lynch Capone, a professor at Adelphi University in Garden City, Long Island, who lives in Greenwich with her husband, Paul, a culinary chef, and their one yearold son, P.J. “I loved them.” Caroline Jones, the renowned Greenw ich native who has exploded on the American country music scene over the past several years and also had been named as one of the Nashville music scenes’ rising stars, was another stunner at this event. K n ow n for h e r p owe r f u l , expressive and f luid style, Jones wowed the crowd with such songs

Joe Walsh playing Life's Been Good to Me so Far with Don Henley in the background on the drums. Photo by Albert Hunag.

Photos above by John and Bailey Robben as ‘Come In (But Don’t Make Yourself Comfortable),’ among other tunes, all of which generated huge applause from the audience. “It was truly a joy to return to the Greenwich Town Party,” said the ever-amiable Jones. “Sunday held the best of both worlds for me-I got to play my first full band solo show in 18 months and then play a second set as part of one

of my all-time favorite bands, Zac Brown Band. I am sincerely humbled by and grateful for all the friends who came out to support me and my music.” Other standout acts at this year’s Greenwich Town Party included the Brunswick Music I m p r o v, P a l o m a S k y e , t h e Preservation Hall Jazz Band, RangA-Boom and Charlie King & the

Next Big Thing, among others. In addition to prov iding attendees with a full day and night of incredible music, the Greenwich Town Party also featured an area where attendees could purchase some great event merchandise, as well as a host of different food selections at one of the culinary ve ndor te nt s , b ot h of w h ich were teeming with big crowds

throughout the entire event. It was especially f un to watch all the throes of people shopping and walking around the busy merchandise tent who wer e t her e to che ck out a nd purchase Greenwich Town Party memorabilia such as tee shirts, hats, water bottles, magnets and other items emblazoned with the iconic Greenwich Town Party logo. “This has been an incredible event. Everyone has been so great here and the bands and singers have been just phenomenal,” said Mark D’Agostino, who, along with his lovely wife, Silvani, own and manage Party Staffers, the proprietors of the Greenwich Town Party merchandise venue, which has been part of the Greenwich Town Party for six years running. “This is an event that is one-ofa-kind and we love being here. Memories are made here that will probably last a lifetime.” At the same time, scores of people could be seen lining up at the food vendor tents throughout this event. Vendors representing such local eateries as Tomatillo, the popu la r Cos Cob-based spot, Longford’s Ice Cream, which has a store in Rye, New York and other spots located throughout Greenwich and the surrounding area, had ongoing lines of people anxious to order their fare. “We love being here. This is our eighth year here and it’s always an amazing event,” said Ralph Pietrafesa, president and Director of Sales at Longford’s Ice Cream based in Stamford. “This is a main event we look forward to being at every year. It is very special to us.” At the same time, First Aid stations were set up around the park as a means to provide those indiv iduals w ith any medical assistance, if need be. Meanwhile, the GTP Hospitality tent, situated right near the entry of Roger Sherman Baldwin Park, was a main hotspot with its friendly volunteers and workers providing answers and information to those with any questions. “They thought of everything and that’s why this is such an amazing event,” said Kristie Lynch Capone. “The music has been incredible and the people have been so great. It’s the place to be in every respect.” Conclu sively, a fac t ion of boaters lined the water by the park who were able to watch the performances of the bands and singers from their designated anchored spots, something that also added to the wonderful energy of the whole Greenwich Town Party experience. This faction, who spent the day hanging out on their boats, were docked alongside one another in organized fashion enjoying the bands and singers perform on a jumbo video screen set up near the edge of the park. “Scot Weicker is just a great g uy who always covers all of the bases here. You can see how amazing this all is,” said Ralph Pietrafesa of Longford’s Ice Cream. “It’s great to be here with everyone today. It’s a real celebration.”

We look forward to seeing you at Christ Church Greenwich! Worship with us at 10:00 am and attend the 11:15 Forum afterward

Su n day fo rum s Adult Sunday Forums at Christ Church Greenwich seek to inspire a deeper dive into the mind and spirit of Christianity and the world around us. How do we, as Christians, process current events and information, not only for our own good, but for the good of people in our lives and a global future.

September 12 Our Shelter from the Stormy Blast: The Spiritual Dimensions of 9/11

with the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke, former Executive Assistant to the Rector of Trinity Wall Street

September 26forward to seeing you at Christ Church Greenwich! We look Safeguarding Greenwich and Honoring Our Police 125th Worship with us and attendDepartment’s the 11:15 Sunday Anniversary with Greenwich Police Chief James Heavey

Forums afterward

All are welcome

October 3

Join our Governor for a Candid Conversation about CT

Governor Ned Lamont served as a Greenwich Selectman and ran for U.S. Senate. He will share some of our CT challenges in conversation with our Rector

October 10 The Generous Life: A Secret Recipe for Fulfillment

with The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead, Dean of St. John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville, Florida, and author of seven books

october 31 Seeking Everyday Faith

In conversation with author Deborah Goodrich Royce, author Sophfronia Scott will share her deep dive into the private journals of Trappist Monk, Thomas Merton

november 7 What is the Right Religious Response to Injustice, Intolerance, and the Rise of Nationalism? with Senior Rabbi Gregory Marx of Congregation Beth Or, Maple Glen, PA

november 14 Living with a Saint: A Spiritual Biography of South Africa’s Confessor, Desmond Tutu (This forum will take place in the Chapel) Our Rector will be in conversation with The Rev. Michael Battle, author, Episcopal Priest, and professor at General Theological Seminary

november 21 A Cry in the Desert

with Jennifer Pharr Davis, Author, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year. She has hiked more than 14,000 miles of trails on six different continents

december 5 From Sunday School to CEO

Heyward Donigan, CEO of Rite Aid, a 40-year veteran of the health insurance, technology and behavioral health business. She joined Rite Aid just before the pandemic

december 12 Do Companies have Souls and Does Moral Leadership Make a Difference?

Tom Chappell, Founder of Tom’s of Maine, and Reuben Mark, longest serving CEO of Colgate-Palmolive,will focus on the future of healthy, environmentally friendly products

Guest Preachers Saturday, 9/11, 20th Anniversary Interfaith Service, 11:00 am The Rev. Stuart Hoke, eyewitness to the blazing towers as Exec. Assistant to the Rector of Trinity Wall Street on 9/11 Sunday, September 12 – The Rev. Stuart Hoke Sunday, October 10 – The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead, Dean of St. John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville, Florida Sunday, November 7 – Rabbi Greg Marx of Congregation Beth Or, Maple Glen, PA

All are welcome in person or via livestream (visit our website for the link) CHRIST CHURCH GREENWICH (Parish Hall) 254 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT (203) 869.6600

Christ Church Sentinel Full Forum ad.indd 1

9/8/21 2:21 PM

Page 6 | Greenwich Sentinel

SEPTEMBER 11TH CEREMONIES: Friday, Sept. 10 6 p.m. The Glenville Volunteer Fire Company’s September 11 Ceremony. 266 Glenville Rd. Open to the public. Saturday, Sept. 11 8:46 a.m. September 11th Remembrance Services. Cos Cob Memorial

Local Planning: Calendar of Events Park. 10 a.m. First Congregational Church of Greenwich September 11th Prayer Service Memorial. On the front lawn. 11 a.m. Christ Church Greenwich September 11th 20th Anniversary Community Worship with the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke. Open to all.

Free Delivery 203-869-2299

LIBRARIES: Friday, Sept. 10 10 & 11 a.m. Outdoor Toddler Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. 10 a.m. Senior Chinese Book Discussion Group. 203-622-7924. 2 p.m. Introduction to Google Photos. Via Zoom. 203-625-6560. csherman@greenwichlibrary. org 3:45 p.m. Outdoor World Music with Anitra. Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ Saturday, Sept. 11 10 & 11 a.m. Cloak and Dagger Book Club: “Drive Your Plough Over the Bones of the Dead” by Olga Tokarczuk. Monday, Sept. 13 10 a.m. Storytime in the Courtyard. Baxter Courtyard. 203-6227940. 3 p.m. Apps on Your Wrist! Intro to the Apple Watch. Via Zoom. 203-625-6560. csherman@ Tuesday, Sept. 14 10:30 a.m. Outdoor Spanish Storytime at Cos Cob Library. 203-6226883. 1 p.m. Friends Book Group: Hamnet: A Novel of the Plague by Maggi O’Farrell. RSVP. friends@ 4 p.m. Animals Color Your World with Jason and Animals. Via Zoom. 5 p.m. New Yorker Stories Discussion Group. Via Zoom. 203-6226883. 7 p.m. 3D Printed Cookie Cutters Using Tinkercad. Via Zoom. 203-622-7979. innovationlab@ Wednesday, Sept. 15 10 a.m. Storytime in the Courtyard. Baxter Courtyard. 203-6227940. 11:30 a.m. Qi-Gong: mindful movement and breathing. 203-622-6883. 12 p.m. Brown Bag Book Club: “Homeland Elegies” by Ayad Akhtar. Via Zoom. 203-622-6883. 1 p.m. Investment Basics I: How to Create and Reach Investment Objectives. 203-622-7924.

3 p.m. Online Afternoon Story/Craft. Ages 2 1/2 & up. 203-622-6883. 7 p.m. Stone Walls and Structures of England and New England: An Evolution. Via Zoom. 203-6227948. Thursday, Sept. 16 7 p.m. Outdoor Music Night: Tere Luna and Her Mariachis. Byram Shubert Library. 203531-0426. Friday, Sept. 17 10 & 11 a.m. Outdoor Toddler Storytime. On the front lawn of Cos Cob Library. 203-622-6883. Saturday, Sept. 18 10:30 a.m. Mexican Cooking Demo with Tere Luna. Via Zoom. 203-5310426. 10:30 a.m. Sing-a-Long Music Time withTom Weber. Baxter Courtyard. 203-622-7940. children@ 12 p.m. The Friends of Cos Cob Library Open House and Book Sale. 203-622-6883. lmatthews@ HOSPITAL: 888-305-9253 Saturday, Sept. 11 9 a.m. CPR Friends & Family (Infant/ Child). 38 Volunteer Ln. $65. For discount information call 888-305-9253. Monday, Sept. 13 12:30 p.m. Webinar: Knee Replacement Education. Tuesday, Sept. 14 1:30 p.m. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. 6 p.m. Webinar: Where to Find: Food Safety Facts. 6 p.m. Webinar: Car Seat Safety. NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR: Tuesdays, 9 - 11 a.m. Food Drive (drive-thru) at St. Catherine of Siena’s parking area across the street from the rectory entrance, 4 Riverside Ave. (Non-perishable foods, personal care products, large sized diapers (5 & 6) and pullups, and knit hats (hand knit or store bought). Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Food Drive at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church parking lot, 200 Riverside Ave. BOOK DRIVE: Through September Saving Angels & Miss Carol’s Literacy Project – help Greenwich Kempo support


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18 Field Point Rd. Greenwich, CT 06830

BIKE HSS Register at



local resident Bonnie Stallings – donate any books for kids or teens. Drop off donations in the bins located in the lobby at 1156 E. Putnam Ave. FREE MUSIC FRIDAYS: Friday, Sept. 10 12:30 p.m. “Free Music Fridays” on Greenwich Avenue: Long Meadow. Across the street from the Senior Center. FRIENDS OF BYRAM PARK: Sunday, Sept. 12 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Byram Park Nature Walk, with Marine Scientist and Naturalist Sue Baker. Free. Meet at the beach entrance. RSVP. THE ARTS COUNCIL: Friday, Sept. 10 5 p.m. The Greenwich Arts Council & The Greenwich Art Society: Closing Reception of the 104th Annual G.A.S. Juried Exhibition. Bendheim Gallery, 299 Greenwich Ave. RSVP. Friday, Sept. 10, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m. O.G. Pop-Up Art Exhibit. 177 Sound Beach Ave. All artwork is for sale. Ticket is suggested $10 donation. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB: bgcg. org Friday, Sept. 10 6:30 p.m. Moonlit in Mykonos Benefit. BGCG, 4 Horseneck Ln, Greenwich. At-home options available. events/lA1 AUDUBON CENTER: Saturday, Sept. 11 10 a.m. Hawk Watch Kickoff & Intro to Hawk ID. 613 Riversville Rd. $15. All ages. Registration required. 203-930-1353. ryan. Wednesday, Sept. 15 4 p.m. An Inside Look: Remarkable Raptors & Their Highways in the Sky. In-person & online. Free. Register. 203-930-1353. NEWCOMERS CLUB: Sunday, Sept. 12 3 p.m. Lobsterfest. Tod’s Point – Clambake area. $50, adults; $20, kids. judy.rayner@gmail. com BRUCE MUSEUM: Sunday, Sept. 12 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Family Gallery Tours. 1 Museum Dr. Best for ages 6-10. Free with admission. No reservations required. Sunday, Sept. 12 1 - 3 p.m. Science Solvers: Make Your Own Kaleidoscope. 1 Museum Dr. Ages 4 & up. Free with admission. No reservations required. Tuesday, Sept. 14 11 - 11:45 a.m. & 1 – 1:45 p.m. Bruce Beginnings: Backyard Bugs. 1 Museum Dr. Ages 2 1/2-5. Free with admission. No reservations required. POLO MATCH: Sunday, Sept. 12 3 p.m. East Coast Open Final. Greenwich Polo Club, 1 Hurlingham Dr. BOTANICAL CENTER: greenwichbotanicalcenter. org Friday, Sept. 10 5 p.m. Rockin’ the Garden Outdoor Concert Series: That’s What She Sang (benefiting Central Middle School and GBC). 130 Bible St. $15. Wednesday, Sept. 15 9:45 a.m. Namaste Nature - Experience Mindfulness Among Nature’s Beauty - Flow Vinyasa class. GBC, 130 Bible St. $25. INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL: greenwichfilm. org Monday, Sept. 13 7 p.m. GIFF and Avon Theatre partner for a special screening of “The Disruptors” - featuring a Q&A with the producer and subjects from the film. Avon Theatre, 272 Bedford St, Stam-

ford. RSVP. CHORAL SOCIETY: gcs-ct. org Auditions for Prospective Members: Sopranos, altos, basses and tenors. Saturday, Sept. 11 & 18, 10am; Monday, Sept. 13 & Tuesday, Sept. 14 & 21, 6pm. Call Bill Fulton at 203-322-2990 or e-mail cbful@ to schedule a date and time. GREENWICH PERFORMING ARTS: Sunday, Sept. 12 12 p.m. On-Camera TV/Film Audition Technique Workshop. Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 East Putnam Ave. Ages 9 -17. 917763-1777. YMCA: Tuesday, Sept. 14 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginner Bridge with The Perfectly Polite Bridge Group. YMCA members, $30; nonmembers, $35. New players welcome. (Register by Monday, 6pm). 203-524- 8032. Wednesday, Sept. 15 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - & 12:30 2:30 p.m. Relaxed Bridge with The Perfectly Polite Bridge Group. Members, $10; nonmembers, $12. New players welcome. (Register by Tuesday, 6pm). 203-524-8032. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF: Friday, Sept. 10 10 a.m. ‘Café Franco-Américain’ Conversation in English and French. RSVP for Zoom link. Sunday, Sept. 11 9:30 a.m. Back to School – Ecole du Samedi. 299 Greenwich Ave. Wednesday, Sept. 15 5 p.m. ‘Worldwide Wednesdays’ join in for lively discussions on French films. Open to all. RSVP for a Zoom link. Thursday, Aug. 12 5 p.m. Proust Group Fereshteh Priou. RSVP for Zoom link. Fereshp@ UJA-JCC: Sunday, Sept. 12 3 p.m. Picking for the Pantry. Silverman’s Farm, 451 Sport Hill Rd, Easton. $36/family for a bag of apples to be donated to Schoke Jewish Family Service Kosher Food Pantry & to JFS Greenwich. ART SOCIETY: Monday, Sept. 13 10 a.m. Intermediate & Advanced Oil Painting (12 Mondays). In studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. 203-629-1533. 2:30 p.m. Acrylic Painting for beginners (12 Mondays). In studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. 203629-1533. Tuesday, Sept. 14 1 p.m. The Art of Nature - Intermediate & Advanced (13 Tuesdays). Hybrid: In studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. & on Zoom. Register. 203-629-1533. 4:30 p.m. Collage & Assemblage Using Mixed Media (13 Tuesdays). Via Zoom. Register. 203-6291533. Wednesday, Sept. 15 9 a.m. Introduction to Drawing / Teens & Adults (13 Wednesdays). Via Zoom. Register. 203-629-1533. 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. The Craft of Painting and Your Personal Vision (13 Wednesdays). In studio, 299 Greenwich Ave. Register. 203-629-1533. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Thursday, Sept. 16 6:30 p.m. Music on the Great Lawn Series: Vinny Nobile & The Jazz Alliance. 47 Strickland Rd. Grounds open 5:30. Bring your picnic. Registration is required. HAPPINESS IS CATERING: Thursday, Sept. 16 6 p.m. Summer Celebration Picnic/ Concert Series featuring Kelsey Jillette. Happiness Is Back Country Market, 1067 North St. Order a picnic. LAND TRUST: calendar

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Calendar of Events Friday, Sept. 17 5:30 p.m. An Evening at the Farmstead. The Mueller Preserve. Registration required. sophie@ AT HOME IN GREENWICH: Friday, Sept. 17 6:30 p.m. At Home in Greenwich Cocktail Party fundraiser. Delamar Greenwich Harbor, 500 Steamboat Rd. COASTAL CLEANUP: Saturday, Sept. 18 9 a.m. Conservation Commission annual International Coastal Cleanup. Great Captain Island. Registration is required. (Bring water, sunscreen, and dress appropriately). GREENWICH YMCA: Saturday, Sept. 18 12 p.m. Discover Your Treasure at the Y - try the YMCA’s programs and enjoy water fun, a treasure hunt, bounce house, giveaways, and more. 50 E. Putnam Ave. GPD GRAND PARADE: Sunday, Sept. 19 1 p.m. “The Wearing of the GREENwich Thank You Parade & Tattoo” – including a Bagpipe Celebration, food and refreshments. Parade starts at Town Hall and continues down Greenwich Avenue. 203-6223374. CaptainBagpipe@gmail. com ROTARY CLUB: Wednesday, Sept. 15 6:30 p.m. Weekly Wednesday lunch meeting. Riverside Yacht Club, 102 Club Rd. Full Dinner, wine on table, cash bar: $68/person. RSVP to Sally Parris: sally. TAI CHI: experiencetaichi. org Tuesday, Sept. 14, 9 a.m. & Thursday, Sept. 16, 4 p.m. First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Ave. Registration is required. Tuition is paid as a donation made directly by the participant to abilis, Neighbor to Neighbor, or the First Congregational Church. OLD GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: Wednesdays 2:30 - 6 p.m. Farm stands & food recycling program. 38 West End Ave, Old Greenwich. Held rain or shine. (No dogs allowed). GREENWICH FARMER’S MARKET: Saturdays, through Nov. 19 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Order from Sunday to Wednesday for Saturday pick-up. Arch Street & Horseneck Lane Commuter Parking Lot. (Parking is

free during market hours). (No dogs allowed). 203-380-0580. BOOK SWAP: Every Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Book Exchange – choose from a huge selection of books. Holly Hill Recycling Center. Free, or, donate books. (Open every Fri & Sat. FRIENDS OF GREENWICH POINT: Ongoing: Scavenger Hunt @ Greenwich Point - Looking for something fun to do? Come out and explore the Point in springtime with a family friendly scavenger hunt. Break out your binoculars and explore all areas of the Point! ARCH STREET: archstreet. org Virtual Yoga Takeover. 7th-12th Grade. Every Tue. & Thu., 4-5pm Free. Online. Open Studio. 7th-12th Grade. Wednesday, by Appointment Only. Free. NAMI SOUTHWEST CT: Wednesday, Sept. 15 6:30 p.m. NAMI-CAN (Child and Adolescent Network) Online Support Group - for parents and primary caregivers of children and adolescents, under age 21, with behavioral and emotional issues (Every Wednesday). Free. Contact admin@namict. org for the meeting password. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: Friday, Sept. 10 1 - 6 p.m. YMCA of Greenwich, 50 East Putnam Ave, Greenwich. Monday, Sept. 13 11 a.m. – 7:15 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. Tuesday, Sept. 14 11 a.m. – 7:15 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. Friday, Sept. 17 7 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Greenwich Blood Donation Center, 99 Indian Field Rd, Greenwich. TOWN AGENCIES MEETINGS: Monday, Sept. 13 9:15 a.m. FS Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Meeting. Via Zoom. 1 p.m. BET Pension Liability Special Project Team Meeting. Town Hall - Gisborne Room. 1 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Briefing. Via Zoom. 3 p.m. FS Energy Management Advisory Committee Meeting. Town Hall - Mazza Room.

5 p.m. Nathaniel Witherell Board of Directors Meeting. Tuesday, Sept. 14 1 p.m. BET Budget Committee Meeting. Town Hall - Meeting Room. 1 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Via Zoom. 5:30 p.m. Board of Ethics Regular Meeting. Via Zoom. 7 p.m. Budget Overview Committee Meeting. Wednesday, Sept. 15 8:30 a.m. BET Investment Committee Meeting. 10 a.m. Rink User Committee for Design and Planning Meeting. Parks & Rec. Conference Room. Friday, Sept. 17 8:30 a.m. BET HR Committee Meeting. Town Hall – Cone Room. 11 a.m. BET Law Committee Meeting. Town Hall – Law Dept. Conference Room. UPCOMING: Friday, Sept. 10 6:30 p.m. Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich Annual Benefit: Moonlit in Mykonos. In-person and at-home options. e.givesmart. com/events/lA1 Tuesday, Sept. 14 1 p.m. Breast Cancer Alliance Ninth Annual Golf Outing. The Golf Club of Purchase, 10 Country Club Dr, Purchase, NY. Saturday, Sept. 18 ‘Roaring Twenties’ Family Centers 2021 Benefit. Private home in Greenwich. familycenters. org/product/RoaringTwenties Saturday, Sept. 18 Dance for S.E.L.F Gala. Burning Tree Country Club, 120 Perkins Rd, Greenwich. Saturday, Sept. 25 Postponed: YMCA of Greenwich Annual Gala. Burning Tree Country Club, 120 Perkins Rd. 203- 869-1630. egrant@ Monday, Oct. 4 Regional Hospice 10th Annual Golf Classic. Salem Golf Club, 18 Bloomer Rd, North Salem, NY. makingthebestofeveryday. org Tuesday, Oct. 12 12:30 p.m. United Way Annual Golf Tournament. Greenwich Country Club, 19 Doubling Rd. bit. ly/3kHINcj Sunday, Oct. 17 9 a.m. Walk/Run for Abilis. Tod’s Point. In-person or virtually. Registration: free for walkers; $40, adult 5k; $20, runners ages 11-17. Wednesday, Oct. 20

Breast Cancer Alliance 25th Anniversary Luncheon & Fashion Show - Fashion Show Presented by Richards. 203861-0014. Saturday, Oct. 23 & Sunday, Oct. 24 Concours d’Elegance Greenwich. Roger Sherman Baldwin Park, 100 Arch St. Thursday, Oct. 28 6 p.m. Avon Movie Masquerade Cocktails and Costumes fundraiser. The Delamar Greenwich Harbor, 500 Steamboat Rd.

203-967-3660. Our Neighboring Towns BEARDSLEY ZOO: Saturday, Sept. 11 10 a.m. Fairy Tails - story time at multiple locations on grounds, face painting, glitter tattoos, bubbles & animal presentations. Buy tickets online. BEDFORD PLAYHOUSE: Friday, Sept. 10 7 p.m. Orchestra914 on the Playhouse

Lawn. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. Sunday, Sept. 12 2 p.m. 9/11, 9/12 & Today - Book Talk with Bill Groner. Tuesday, Sept. 14 7 p.m. “The Last Thing He Told Me” Bedford Playhouse Book Club. 633 Old Post Rd, Bedford, NY. Thursday, Sept. 16 7 p.m. Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention. Online.

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PUBLISHER Elizabeth Barhydt

Editorial Page

EDITORS & COPY EDITORS Peter Barhydt, Daniel FitzPatrick, Stapley Russell, Anne W. Semmes

20 Years On This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. The word anniversary is perhaps not the best word to use here. Anniversaries are often events that we celebrate. There is nothing celebratory about the attacks 20 years ago. In last week’s Sentinel, Greenwich resident Peter DaPuzzo, who was President of Cantor Fitzgerald & Co’s Institutional Equities Division for many years, wrote movingly of personal memories of many from the area who died. Their names are familiar. They are on memorials and read aloud every year. This week, the media has been filled with the grim images of the events as they unfolded in 2001. Watching even for a few moments the numbness we felt when we originally saw them returns. It is not how we want to mark 20 years on.

Thirty-three people with ties to Greenwich died on September 11, 2001. Thirty-three people did not return to their loved ones. Wives lost husbands, mothers lost sons, sisters’ brothers, sons,’ fathers, and fathers lost daughters. We will never forget the events. We want to remember the people. Like how Peter DaPuzzo wrote his memories of those he knew, we honor those lost when we celebrate their memories and who they were. Thirty-three people with ties to Greenwich died on September 11, 2001. Thirty-three people did not return to their loved ones. Wives lost husbands, mothers lost sons, sisters’ brothers, sons,’ fathers, and fathers lost daughters. Their losses cannot be replaced; they left our entire community mourning and grasping to comprehend the enormity of what happened. We are fortunate in Greenwich that we have two opportunities this weekend that honor those who died. The first ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 10 at the Glenville Volunteer Fire Company station. A piece of steel from the World Trade Center has been turned into a memorial at the fire station. The ceremony will recognize the Greenwich citizens who were killed as well as all of the first responders. The second ceremony will be held at the memorial in Cos Cob Park beginning at 8:46 a.m. Sept. 11. Some family members of those who died in the attacks will attend as well as town and state elected officials, members of the military, the American Red Cross, and local first responders. Attendees will place f lowers at the base of the memorial. The service will begin with a cannon shot and a ringing bell to mark the moment that the first hijacked jet hit the World Trade Center. Another bell will ring at 9:03 a.m., when another plane hit the second tower. It will ring again at 9:37 a.m., when a plane hit the Pentagon; at 10:03 a.m. for the plane crash in Shanksville, Pa.; and at 10:28 a.m., when the first tower collapsed. Efforts to build the memorial in Cos Cob Park to those lost began soon after the attacks, when a small group of family members and friends came together because they wanted a place where they could remember those who died. The memorial would be a place for quiet reflection, remembrance and spirituality. When the memorial was officially unveiled, given to the town, and opened for all to visit, it was an opportunity to celebrate completion of the memorial and to thank the thousands of our neighbors who contributed financially to its success. It was also an opportunity to say to the families that we will not forget their loss, and we honor and celebrate their loved ones. As we come together once more as a community, let us stand quietly and reverently before these memorials. Let us bow our heads as each name of the 33 victims is read aloud and listen as a bell is rung. Let us comfort those who still mourn. Let us lay a flower at the memorial in honor of all who perished. Let us remember and honor those we lost. Washington Irving wrote: “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief... and of unspeakable love.”

Photo by John and Bailey Robben

Grateful for the Greenwich Town Party!

By Dan FitzPatrick The Town of Greenwich has many blessings, and one of them certainly is the annual Greenwich Town Party, which was held this past Sunday, September 5. And what a blessing it was! Forced by COVID to be canceled last year and rescheduled from its traditional Memorial Day slot, the 10th annual GTP was a much needed shot in the arm (pun intended), for a Greenwich community aching to get out and celebrate the glory of being alive together. Rain dampen their spirit? Fuhgeddaboudit! What the heck; party on! With children’s activities and local food vendors kicking the event off at 10:00 AM, and live music performances running constantly from 11:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night, the GTP is a music-lover’s dream. As such, it is exactly the vision that Barbara and Ray Dalio, the event’s inspirers, sought to achieve in replicating the tradition of large parties held by the great cities and towns of Europe which the family, and Barbara in particular, had come to know and love. Ray’s father, Marino Dalio, was a jazz musician, and Ray grew up to love music of all sorts. So it was natural that Greenwich’s town party would feature great music. And with their contacts in the world of music, the Dalios helped ensure that GTP music would be truly awesome. Helen and I arrived in time to see Greenwich native Caroline Jones perform on the main stage. What a wonderful experience. Growing up, our two girls were

classmates with Caroline and her younger sister, and we have watched Caroline transform from a young girl to a folk artistcomposer to a full-blown country music star and composer, with her own unique style and presence. The crowd absolutely loved her, and it will be fun to watch her career continue to soar, so that we can say “we knew her when!” Next up was the band Happy Accidents, featuring Michael Mugrage, Mark Zelenz and Greenwich resident Annie Seem, performing original music and covers of classic songs. True to their name, the band kept the crowd’s spirits up and flying. At around 3:00 PM, Ray Dalio took to the stage to introduce one of his favorite bands of all time, the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, featuring his good friend Charlie Gabriel. The band delighted the audience with its outstanding energy, rhythm, variety, virtuosity and even some mischievous humor. No laid-back, drawing room style jazz was this; we were all blown away by the big, bold, brassy sound of saxophones, trumpets and trombones combining, clashing and raising the (metal) rafters with their glorious sound. Individual solos showcased the exceptional genius of these performers, including the drummer and keyboard artist. Ray promised that they would “put a smile on everyone’s face,” and they certainly did. What a treat. Shane Kirsch and his band Rang-ABoom played next with a great mix of funk, blues and rock to pick up where the PHJB left off, keeping the (increasingly rain soaked) party going strong! Then, at 5:00, the Zac Brown Band took the main stage and an explosion of great fun ensued. Joined by Caroline Jones, the group played a mix of their own hits (which everyone in the audience seemed to know by heart) and covers of songs by Billy Joel, Elton John and others, which absolutely delighted the crowd. As hard as it tried, the rain could not make a dent in the singing, dancing and fun. Longtime Greenwich resident Charlie King performed next with the band The Next Big Thing. We’ve known Charlie and his family for many years, and it

never ceases to impress us that our town contains so many multi-talented people. Charlie gave an absolutely top-notch performance which included original music that many in the crowd knew by heart and sang right back in defiance of the everthreatening rain. No one, and no thing, was going to stop the fun. And then, about 8:00, came the main attraction. The Eagles. No need to say more. What an exceptional gift to be able to listen to a band that helped craft an era of music that defined the lives of so many in the audience of a certain age, and that also captivates the attention of subsequent generations. If music is a language, then it is the lingua franca of generations. Hit after hit they played, inviting the crowd to sing along, which it did with gusto. When the stage lights first went down, we knew the show was not over, as we had not yet heard “Hotel California.” Once we did, and the show was truly over, we all traipsed through the shoetrapping mud toward our respective destinations. The rain, and the mud, and the (unfortunately common) trash on the ground reminded us of Woodstock. Perhaps GT P 2 021 shou ld b e ca l led “Greenwichstock.” It certainly was that memorable. So what exactly is this Greenwich “attitude?” Certainly, it includes a mixture of community, conviviality, joy in collective celebration, and weather resistance. But at its core, the attitude is one of gratitude. Gratitude for the vision that gave birth to the GTP, appreciation for the initial and continuing support of Ray and Barbara Dalio for this terrific gift to our community, kudos and thanks to the citizens and friends that worked so hard to make it happen (at the risk of leaving out many important contributors, special shoutouts to GTP co-president Ray Rivers for organizing the event, and to Scot Weicker and his team for pulling off event logistics that would give the US Army Corps of Engineers a run for their money), and showers of thanks to the performers and their crews who helped make “a soggy day in Greenwich-town” one we will not soon forget.

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A Month I Hope No Reader Must Face the Loss of A Child By Mairead Finn

September is Child Cancer Awareness Month and a month where I hope no Greenw ich Sentinel reader needs to contemplate the loss of a child. I do hope you care about this m o n t h a s I n e e d yo u t o b e involved in lobbying and funding research to get equity for future pediatric cancer patients that embark on this journey called cancer. And I need your grace. I will have to admit it is the most soul searching, gut wrenching, chest crushing loss and tragedy that can befall a family. You see, I lost my youngest daughter, Vivienne, to pediatric cancer when she was only 11 years old. I sometimes feel the presence of Vivienne in my heart and marvel at the double rainbows seen in the sky and heart shaped stones and leaves littering my path that remind me of her. But, some days I don’t feel her at all. A numbing silence and void. I will have to admit from the get go my baseline mood was happiness. I never f ixated on problems and I never asked to be pitied. I was grateful for my lot in life. Yet, now being hurdled down the route of a bereaved mot her of a ch i ld who d ie d from an inoperable cancerous brain tumor, I f ind I need my community to give me grace to carry on. Every ounce of my being wants to be with my child. Even smiling hurts me, because I feel like I’m cheating Vivienne out of the reverence of missing her. The grace I ask for is what all parents need after losing a child to pediatric cancer. Sit with me and do not turn away from me. Talk about the lost child and never avoid mentioning his or her name. This child lived and is loved. Traveling down the road of pediatric cancer is like being shipwrecked on a deserted island. I see people avoiding me in the grocery store, I hear them say it is too painful to talk to me as a grieving parent since these people claim they don’t know what to say and don’t want to say the wrong thing. So, these people do what is right for them and leave the grieving parent alone on the deserted island. G r a c e c a n a l s o b e g i ve n to those families grieving for the terminal pediatric cancer diagnosis of a child in the form of simple actions. Perhaps taking siblings to athletic practices or prov iding Uber Eat cards for the dinners the parent will never get to make can be part of you r g rac e of fe r e d to a n anguished parent. Parents of pediatric cancer children are navigating treatments, radiation, immunotherapy, symptoms of chemotherapy, school, sports, washout periods between clinical trials, researching the next new clinical trial, and trying to reduce the anxiety within the family. Instead of sending an email asking for an assignment from the grieving parent in the form of ‘what can I do to help’, express your empathy for the family through graceful actions. Empathy cannot be expressed through distancing yo u r s e l f f r o m a g r i e v i n g parent. Our natural reaction to offer privacy to a parent who is dealing with an ill child or who has laid to rest a child who was taken from this earth too soon by pediatric cancer can be perceived as callus. My family was grateful for those playdates with Vivienne who needed to giggle with a friend to be distracted from her reality. I was grateful for the grace of friends who called me, took me to lunch or stopped by the house, thereby, fueling my ability to handle another day in my nightmare. Ref lecting on our ow n humanity is uplifting. Being a friend or helper to the

downtrodden is one of the most rewarding actions to give and receive. For Vivienne and my family traveling through the dark clouds, there emerged heroes who checked on us regularly and sur pr ised us w ith their empathetic hearts and love. They shone their light brightly and gave us optimism. They sat with us in our pain and they didn’t need a trophy, but wanted to let us know they were here for whatever the next day brought. They sent us pictures of candles being lit, prayers and thoughts. Please do not think any of this is meaningless to a person in pain and show this grace to the next family you encounter who is faced with pediatric cancer. Be gentle with a family suffering and give them the respect that is warranted. Maybe write a condolence card and let your heart be seen. Sad emojis on Facebook don’t count. I once had a lady say she didn’t want to give her condolences so as not to remind me of Vivienne’s death. I prodded it out of her anyhow! I will assure you there is not a second of any minute of any day I don’t feel my child’s absence. A parent will never ever get over a child’s death. Yet, please don’t take that grieving family off your invitation list. Such loneliness only increases life’s sufferings. The grim truth of pediatric cancer can sometimes be seen most i n t he st at ist ic s of it s reality. One in 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20. Approximately 16,000 children are diagnosed annually with childhood cancer in America. Within 5 years, 20% of those children diagnosed will die. Childhood cancer comprises of more than 12 major types of cancers and over 100 subtypes. Due to the lack of research, there are only 4 drugs pharmaceutically engineered for a child’s body in the last 30 years. Sadly, as was the case with Vivienne, she trialed adult drugs and was forced to deal with the consequences of the toxicity of these drugs in the hope of a cure. Many treatments will affect a child’s fertility and endocrine system. There are over half a million children living in America that are childhood cancer survivors. They are immune suppressed and 2/3’s of them will deal with life threatening ailments before the age of 50 because they had to endure toxic treatments in their childhood. Pediatric cancer is not a rarity. Those families with children diagnosed with pediatric cancer w ill be ushered into a small room where a team of doctors utter the worst 4 words that a parent can hear “Your child has cancer.” Disbelief and numbness are exasperated by the fact that 25% of families lose 40% of their annual income as a result of childhood cancer. What do you do when you walk out of the room after b ei ng told you r ch i ld has cancer? One very helpful nonprofit that assisted our family up on d iag nosi s w a s Ca ncer Commons. It truly is advanced cancer care. They can review your treatment plans and find the very best in treatment options. They helped us on September 6, 2019 when we told Cancer Commons that Vivienne’s MRI showed her brain cancer tumor was growing back and we were frantically trying to get her into a new clinical trial. They helped us mitigate symptoms and figure out the best approach for our next trial. To have access on the phone to a nurse practitioner 24/7 is comforting to say the very least. Fortunately, our geographic location gave us access to some of the very best hospitals in the country for pediatric cancer. I w i l l n e ve r s t o p t h a n k i n g t he oncolog ists, nu rses a nd caregivers of Memorial Sloan Kettering and the team at Yale New Haven Hospital. They never left us without hope until all hope was gone. They were respectful of my child and cared and loved her as if she was their own. Lobbyist groups are laboring hard to push funds into pediatric cancer research and I want to advocate and endorse them. The federal budget for the National Cancer Institute is $4.6billion and childhood cancer only receives 4% of this amount. D e m o g r a p h i c a l l y, c h i l d r e n account for 20% of the country’s p opu lat ion. Pha r maceut ic a l companies fund 60% of adult cancer research and no childhood

cancer research. To turn “This Ph e n o m e n a” a r o u n d , m a ny fou ndat ion s l i ke “Smash i ng Wa l nuts” a nd “ The Musel la Foundation for Brain Tumor Research and Information” lobby gover n ment to f i nd non-ta x paying monies to fund childhood cancer research. The Gabriella Miller K ids First Research Act 1 (GMKF 1) authorized $12.6 million per year of monetary penalties imposed upon pharmaceutical companies, cosmetic supplement entities and medical device manufacturers to fund pediatric cancer research. By 2023 this funding will run out and help will be needed to lobby your state representatives to support GMK F 2 H.R.62 3. This bi-partisan legislation will help fund pediatric research dollars and create a database of knowledge where all scientists can share clinical trial findings. This pediatric cancer research database will support the development of computational tools that are very large, with complex genomic data and clinical trial sets. I applaud Senator Tim Kaine and Senator Warner again for picking up this legislation and fighting to secure dollars for pediatric cancer research. GMKF 2 H.R.623 was introduced to the House of Representatives in April 2020 and is now is in the House and Senate awaiting approval. Ga br iel la’s mom, El ly n, is a regular at Capitol Hill working with officials to ensure this bill will get funding each and every year. T h e P r o m i s i n g P at hw ay Act H.R. 3761 will allow pharmaceutical companies to petition the FDA for provisional approval for drugs that have p a s s e d e a rl y s t a g e c l i n i c a l trials and have proven safety and efficacy rates. This act has so many upsides. The current system of FDA approval is too rigid and too slow. This slow system dramatically increases the cost and time to bring a new drug that shows promise in the labs to clinical trials. End result: the new drug never makes it to the market in an attempt to save a child’s life. Introduced in June of 2021, this act once passed will allow patients access to treatments quickly and combination cocktails will be more readily available. As many know, rare cancers need combination drugs to have the best opportunity of success. An article published in indicated that the funding for childhood clinical cancer trials in 2008 was $26.4 million, federal funding for AIDS research was $254 million and funding for breast cancer was $584 million. Why the great divide between dollars spent on these diseases and pediatric cancer? Can it be because children are not among the voting population of this country? Nonetheless, these children have families that miss them dearly and want to highlight this social injustice of distributed cancer research dollars. Children’s lives matter and they need a voice to assist in funding cures for their cancers. My husband and I are honored to b e Fa m i ly Pa r t ner s w it h ChadTough Defeat DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma). A nonprofit organized to fund research for t he ra re p e d iat r ic bra i n cancer, DIPG. In 2015, the Carrs and Mosiers endured the tragic loss of their sons and formed two separate foundations to invest in clinical trials to go after a cure for this horrendous disease. They have come together and it is not a matter of “If” but “When” they will find a cure. To date they have funded $12 million in cutting edge clinical trials for DIPG. Our daughter was also lost to DIPG. It is a sad fact that families who lost a child to pediatric cancer are forced to fundraise for a cure. Remembering the statistic that 1 in 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20, it is clear that these pediatric cancers are not rare occurrences. Pediatric cancers fuel the nightmares of parents. My family understands this and as such raising awareness and money for a cure to pediatric cancer is now my passion. Fa m i ly f r iends, A lec a nd Cristy Fraser of Old Greenwich are literally cycling coast to coast across America in September to bring awareness to childhood cancer. Their son, Julian, lost his heroic battle with Osteosarcoma at the tender age of 20. The parents are honoring their son by

raising awareness and funding for Memorial Sloan Kettering’s “Cycle For Survival”. Alec and his best friend, Jamie Meehan, are biking across 17 states beginning from Rocky Point, Connecticut August 15th and ending October 21st in California where they will host The Julian Fraser Memorial Water Polo Tournament at Santa Clara University where Julian was a student. Follow their journey via satellite: share.garmin. com/73AZN. I applaud their drive and ef forts to honor their son. Go Team JF! August 31 would have been

Vivienne’s 13th birthday and marks a life of future adventures and dreams which will never take place. I ask that in September you please be aware of the children lost to pediatric cancer and the families who push forward each day without them. Be aware of what you can do to honor your friends going through such a journey such as lobbying and fundraising on their behalf for greater pediatric research dollars. Or perhaps supporting these families by driving siblings to school, preparing a cooked dinner for the family or simply sending

a picture of a f lower living in a barren dessert. Never shy away from mentioning those children who have been lost to pediatric cancer to their families. Show grace to these families by showing up to support them. Kindness matters. CS Lewis once wrote. “My child may have died; but my love – and my motherhood never will.” Acknowledge the month of S epte m b e r a s Ch i ld ho o d Cancer Awareness Month and bring awareness for funding, lobbying and support for the most vulnerable in our community.

Greenwich Town Party: Rain or Shine By Albert Huang The Greenwich Town Party (GTP) returned stronger than ever for its 10th anniversary. Alongside rain and shine, the GTP sold out 8,000 tickets and was at full capacity at the Roger Sherman Baldwin Park venue. The town party was a massive success in stark contrast to the cancellation of the 2020 GTP from the pandemic. The first half of this year’s town party was more like a town shower. However, the air was still filled with laughter and music throughout the day as locals refused to let rain dampen their spirits. Festivities persisted through the pouring rain. In the morning, families enjoyed children’s activities, including face painting, balloon artists, bounce houses, craft stations, and more. The first set of performances was “God Bless America,” by Grace DeLoe and the “National A nthem” by Sg t. Joseph Colav ito who sang alongside the Byram Veterans Association Color Guard. “I’ve been attending and volunteering at the town party for nine years,” said Kenna Metter. “I look forward to coming every year and connecting to the people we haven’t seen for years. It’s incredible what this town does.” The GTP kicked off the day-long music festival with performances on the town stage, which was reserved for performers who had connections to Greenwich.


anniversar y community worship with the Rev. Stuart Hoke, eyew itness to the 9/ 11 at t ack s, on S at u rday, September 11, at 11 a.m. Christ Church welcomes the com mu n it y to joi n i n t h is dedicated commemoration and worship service. Greenwich Boaters Boaters may now renew winter storage and pressure washing online. Boaters will receive an email from g reenw ichc t@rec t with information about the new process. The application must be completed by Oct. 1. Winter storage is available at the Byram, Cos Cob and Grass Island marinas, as well as the boat yard at Greenwich Point, from Sept. 1 through June 15. Anyone interested in storing for the w inter can email or speak to the Dockmaster. Greenwich Hospital currently has nine COVID positive patients, two of whom are in the Intensive Care Unit. Bu i ld i ngs i n D ow ntow n Greenwich to be Demolished The Planning and Zoning Committee has received an application from 189 Davis

Brunswick Music Improv, a group of young musicians led by teacher Shane Kirsch, started off festivities. Afterwards Robert Genna Sings took the stage, a versatile singer and vocalist for the rock band, Your Mutha. That’s What She Sang, a rock and pop cover band, followed shortly after. Roctopus, a rock ba nd or ig inating f rom Brunswick, was up next performing covers and originals. Paloma Skye, a blues and alternative rock band, performed both original music and reinvented covers incorporating elements of hip hop, folk, and R&B to their unique sound. The GTP had a power-lineup featuring the Eagles, Zac Brown Band, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, and Caroline Jones headlining the event. “To me, the ability to bring in top artists to a venue right in our backyards is incredible,” said David Lewis. “The venue might be small but the quality is so great!” Caroline Jones started the first performance on the main stage. Jones, a Greenwich local and country star, said it had been 18 months since she’d played a full set on stage. Jones has a history of touring with both the Eagles and Zac Brown Band. Back on the town stage Happy Accidents rocked out showing off their versatility in their original songs alongside classic rock and pop cover songs. Ray Dalio then took the main stage shortly after, introducing Preservation Jazz Hall Band (PJHP) coming up all the way from New Orleans. Catherine Collins, a New Orleans native who married a

Avenue LLC to demolish five buildings on the property. The demolitions would be part of a development project regarding 3 t h roug h-lots con nec ti ng LeGrande Ave to Davis Ave.

pants, bags, shin guards, and st ick s . E q u ipme nt c a n b e dropped of f any time until Friday, September 10, and can be left on the porch.

David Ogilvy to be Honored David Ogilv y will be awarded posthumously with t h e G r e e nw i c h H i s to r i c a l Society’s f irst annual David Ogilvy Preservation Award to recognize his lifetime of work dedicated to historic preservation in Greenwich, and his major accomplishments. The award will be presented to Anne Ogilvy and family at the Historical Society’s Annual Meeting on September 30. DART to the Finish Charity Walk The fourth annual DART to the Finish charity walk will be taking place on Saturday, September 25, both at Greenwich Point and virtually. T he w a l k b e nef it s D a n a’s Angels Research Trust, funding research for the rare childhood disease Niemann-Pick type C, or children’s Alzheimer’s. Registration is $25 for adults and $10 for children aged 10-21. Registered walkers will receive a t-shirt and are eligible for gift rewards. To register, visit

Greenwich Symphony Orchestra is back The Greenwich Symphony O r che st ra ha s a n nou nce d that they will be returning with live performances, with a five-concert series. Opening concerts will be on Saturday, September 25 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, September 26 at 3 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at Greenwich High School. A five-concert subscription will be $175, and individual tickets are $40 for adults and $10 for students.

Greenwich Skating Club Equipment Swap The Greenw ich Skating Club has announced that they will be holding their annual equipment swap on Saturday and Sunday, September 11 and 12, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Greenwich Skating Club. T he e q u ipment s w ap w i l l be a way to pass equipment along to others in the hockey community. The club is looking for skates, gloves, helmets, shou lder a nd el b ow pads,

Greenwich local said she came solely for PJHB. “It’s gonna feel like being back at home,” said Collins. “Their original venue in New Orleans can fit about 100 people in it, I’m excited to see them perform here!” Following the PJHP, Shane Kirsch returned to the town stage with his band Rang-A-Boom. The band jammed out to a blend of funk, blues, and rock. Zac Brown Band rocked out the main stage afterwards. Caroline Jones made a reappearance performing her and Zac Brown’s co-written song, “All of the Boys.” Between the Zac Brown Band and the Eagles, Charlie King & the Next Big Thing kept the music going. Charlie King is a lifelong Greenwich resident and his band The Next Big Thing is comprised of friends, many of whom are teachers around Greenwich. The showers f inally settled in time for the Eagles to take center stage. The Rock & Roll Hall

5-box max per car. The event is open to residents only, and participants are asked to bring cash.

September 1 Declared Steve Gospodinoff Day First Selectman Camillo has proclaimed September 1 as Steve Gospodinoff Day. Gospodinoff has spent 34 years with the Town of Greenwich i n t h e Tr e e D i v i s i o n a n d r et i r e d e a rl ier t h i s we ek . His dedication, teamwork , leadership abilities, and work to improve the Tree Division staff will leave a lasting legacy on his division.

Flooding in Greenwich and Storm Updates The remnants of Hurricane Ida that passed through the region last Wednesday night left 8-inches of rain, resulting in extensive flooding in several Greenwich neighborhoods, as well as downed trees and power lines. Following the storm, eig hteen roads in town were fully closed, with numerous others having partial obstructions. On Thursday morning, G overnor Ned Lamont signed a declaration of civil preparedness emergency in response to f lood damage. Greenwich Police responded to 355 calls for service throughout the storm, and the fire department responded to about 200.

Alongside rain and shine, the GTP sold out 8,000 tickets and was at full capacity at the Roger Sherman Baldwin Park venue.

Paper Shredding Event This years’ 10th annual p ap e r sh r e dd i n g d ay w i l l be held at the Island Beach p a r k i n g l o t o n S a t u r d a y, September 25 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The cost to shred is $3 per box, with a

Coastal Cleanup Day The Conservation Commission will be hosting a cleanup on Great Captain Island for International Coastal Cleanup Day! The event will take place on Saturday,

Local Public Company Market Watch GREENWICH INDEX COMPANY AmBase Corporation



52 LOW










Hudson Pro





Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.





Oxford Lane Capital Corp.





Oxford Square Capital Corp.





Starwood Property Trust Inc.





StoneRiver Inc.





Townsquare Media Inc.





Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.





W.R. Berkley Corp.





XPO Logistics Inc.





Ellington Financial LLC

* as of market close 9/8/21

of Fame band brought in Deacon Frey to fill in for his father, the former co-lead singer and front man for the Eagles. “I can’t believe we got to see Glenn Frey’s son,” said Spencer Loweth, “He sounds so much like his dad, It was unreal listening to two legendary guitar players like Joe Walsh and Don Henley right in front of me.” The GTP is hosted and funded by sponsors of the event, merchandise sales, and auctions. This year’s auction featured 196 items for bidding. Two of the top items of this year’s auction were two guitars, one signed by the Eagles which sold for $8,100 and one signed by the Zac Brown Band that sold for $3,000. The GTP is a 501-c3 non-profit organization. Sales and auctions go back into funding the next event. You can get on the list to receive news and 2022 ticket lottery updates at mailing-list-link

September 18, and participants are asked to meet at the Grass Island ferry dock at 8:45 a.m. for a 9 a.m. ferry ride to the island. The return ferry will be at 11:40 a.m. Participants must register, can do so by calling (203) 622-6 461, or visiting FormCenter/Conservation-10/ International-Coastal-CleanupGreat-Capt-180 G r e e n w i c h T h a n k Yo u Parade The Greenw ich Police Emerald Society and Combined Organization of Police are hosti ng a “Wea r i ng of t he Green-wich thank you Parade” on September 19 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., beginning at Town Hall. The parade will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Greenwich Police Department and w ill honor Greenw ich Hospital staff, first responders, and essential workers who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. Utilize Senior Energy Reopens Utilize Senior Energy, or USE reopened on September 8, after ceasing operations due to COV ID-19. USE matches seniors w ith employers willing to hire seniors. The off ice is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and is located at the Greenwich Senior Center or can be reached at (203)-862-6712. Macelleria Opens in Greenwich Macelleria, a new Italian stea k house, celebrated its grand opening this past weekend. The restaurant is located in Byram at 2 S Water Street, and boasts a Michelin featured menu, exceptional quality, and reasonable prices. GPD Appoints New Detective The Greenw ich Police Department has presented new detective Michael Hall with his detective badge. Hall has now officially joined the detective division, and will be investigating crimes such as burglaries, robberies, and financial crimes. Old Greenwich Sewer Project The Department of Public Work s b e ga n work on t he sewer line in Old Greenwich on Monday, August 16. The project will require periods of construction where there will be alternating two-way traffic one lane of the road. There will be periods of temporary daytime full road closures and

detours between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Work Zone 1 is lo c ate d bet ween Lake Dr ive and Ter race Ave. Work Zone 2 will be located on Oval Ave beginning late August or early September. Work Zone 3 will be located on Summit Ave and will begin in mid to late September. Work Zone 6 will be located at the intersection of Summit Ave, West End Ave, and Arch Street and will begin in October. Skatepark Open The Skatepark near Arch Street Teen Center will remain open all week through October, and daily and monthly passes – as well as information about hosting birthday parties at the park – are available online. T he Sk atep a rk i s op e n weekdays from 3:30-6 p.m. and on weekends from 12:30 to 6 p.m. weather-permitting. Passes must be purchased by residents for $10 daily or $30 monthly. Visit the Parks & Rec Department online for more information. MIKU Sushi Partners with GPD MIKU Sushi will be raising money for the Greenwich Police Department Scholarship through a special menu featur ing th ree new dishes during the month of September. 100 percent of the proceeds from the new items will be donated to the fund. Mary Baker Mar y York Reidy Baker passed away at home in Old Greenwich on Sept. 4, after a long illness. Patricia Ferraro Patricia Ferraro, a lifetime resident of Greenwich, passed away Sept. 3 after 102 beautiful years. Margaret McIllaney Margaret Carr McIllaney passed away peacefully with her daughters Karen and Tricia by her side on Tuesday, Aug. 31. Hans Storr Hans Storr passed away peacefully on Aug. 31, aged 89, at his home in Greenwich, of Alzheimer's. Nancy Mathis Nancy J. Mathis, 90, passed away on Aug. 30. Frank Petillo Frank (a.k.a Francesco) Petillo, 80, died on Aug. 7 surrounded by his family. See page ## for full obituaries.

Fareri Joins HVEDC Board Hudson Valley Economic Development Corp. (HVEDC) announced that John Fareri, C E O o f Fa r e r i A s s o c i a t e s LP., has joined its Board of Directors. Fareri is a well-established and highly regarded developer, o w n e r, a n d m a n a g e r o f commercial, industrial, and residential real estate in Westchester County and the L owe r Hud s on Va l ley a nd

Fairfield County, Conn. The company is in the final approval stages for the North 80 project, a 1.2 million square foot science and technology center to be created on an 80-acre site adjacent to the Westchester Medical Center, New York Me d ic a l Col le ge and the nearby headquarters complex of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Phase One of the $2 27

million project is expected to create nearly 490,000 square of innovatively designed buildings whose tenants will bring an estimated 1,17 7 new jobs to Westchester County and the Mid-Hudson Valley. Farer i A ssociates is a family-owned and operated company based in Greenwich, Connecticut. The f irm specializes in real estate development, investment and

construction in Westchester Count y, N.Y., and Fair f ield C o u n t y, C o n n . R e c e n t projects include The Harbor at Greenwich, Old Track in Greenwich, Conn., Purchase Professional Park in Harrison, N.Y., Greenwich Off ice Park, and 19 Broadhurst Avenue in Hawthorne, N.Y. Fareri is also well known for his charitable work in New York and Connecticut. John

and his wife, Brenda are the founders of the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, a $200 million-plus state-of-the-art facilit y at the Westchester Me d ic a l Center c a mpus i n Valhalla, N.Y., that was built in honor of their you ngest daughter, Maria. To learn more, call 845-2202244 or visit

Page 11 | Greenwich Sentinel

Areas of Town Devastated, Still in Shock By Albert Huang & Beth Barhydt It seems ever yone has a stor y from the night of September 1, 2021, when Ida arrived dumping 8 inches of rain within hours. Most stories include flooded basements or small streams and ponds appearing in their yards. S ome , l i ke on D e a r f ield Drive, include a sink hole under the road which made the front page of the Sentinel last week. On Sunday, Stephanie Dunn Ashley, CEO for the American Red Cross Metro N Y Nor th

Chapter, and a resident of Cos Cob, had been with the teams, going door to door and speaking with neighbors. She had just returned from giving out flood clea nup k its a nd su r vey ing da mage in the Pem ber w ick section of Greenwich. The stories she heard and the damage she saw left her visibly shaken. “It’s really heartbreaking to speak with families that have emptied the contents of their home on to their front yards. The families are worried and unsure what to do, and this is where the Red Cross can help,”

she said. Residents ranged from angry to grateful. Some were still in shock. Overall neighborhoods are coming together to help one another. "Usually we get an automated emergency call," said Stephanie Belmonte, who barely escaped her first f loor ap a r t m e nt w it h h e r 1 ye a r old daughter and 5 year old son. "There was nothing from anybody. It is a good thing we weren't sleeping." She was grateful though that no one in her family was hurt. Things can be replaced she said,

"but it is still a devastating loss. My son, who is f ive, doesn't really understand the fact that t h is k i nd of st u f f happ en s. He ju st k nows t hat he lost everything." Stephanie lost all her furniture, her high chair, her c r i b s , h e r c h i l d r e n's t oy s , everything - now in a pile in her front yard. She wanted to get it out of the house quickly to avoid the spread of mold but says she cannot completely get it into a dumpster yet because the insurance company is insisting on seeing it upon inspection. "With insurance, there is a lot of

being left on hold." She did manage to save her son and daughter's beta f ish, Sparkles and Pikachu before the water engulfed everything else it took about 20 minutes before the water was overhead. " There has been a lot of crying," she said. "We all need to take turns when someone needs to step away from the kids so they don't see it." Ne a rly a we ek a f ter t he stor m h it, a not her woma n, Suzanne, was still pumping muddy water out of her home. One resident, Matt Slater, who had moved in just a

few mont h s e a rl ier, was i n remarkably high spirits. Although his entire basement was ne a rly su bmerge d a nd two workers from landscaping companies peeled off drywall, collected insulation, and ripped out carpet that was ruined by all of the flooding, he remained optimistic. "Everybody's been great. The neighbors have been great," he said. His neighbor across the street, whose slightly higher elevation spared them from da mage, have b een g r i l l i ng burgers and hotdogs every night and feeding the others who

Page 12 | Greenwich Sentinel

Seeking Energy for The Joys And Challenges of Life

By Stephanie Johnson

As the summer winds down, I’ve been catching up with people about their summer. Many have mentioned that it was busier than they ever remem ber. Some took the past months, as the pandemic seemed to ease, as a wonderful opportunity to fill their social calendars that had been void of engagements for nearly 18 months. Others happily jumped into an increase in children activities which has also been put on hold for so long. Reconnecting with family has been prioritized, even if travel has proven sometimes to be challenging. The August lament of “I’ve been so busy where has the summer gone”

seems to have reached a peak this past week. In the midst of all this energy, I hear a wistfulness for the lazy, hazy days of summer…lying in hammocks rather than sitting in cars, sipping lemonade on the front porch rather than grabbing a to-go coffee, and long BBQ dinners on the patio rather than a last minute pizza. Perhaps this longing is a false sense of nostalgia that never really was part of our summer, but a collective hunger for something else. I’ve begun to wonder if our deepest longings are a desire for life-sustaining rest in the midst of fear, uncertainty and hyper-activity. For me, this type of rest is “Sabbath rest.” Sabbath is an important biblical theme. God rested on the final day after Creation after all God’s work. (G enesis 2:2-3 ) In the Book of Leviticus (25:3-5) we read that a year of Sabbath should be given to the

"put Sabbath rest on your calendar like any other appointment and turn off your phone and laptop." land as even the soil needs renewal. In the Ten Commandments, the third Commandment requires us to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This past summer I was blessed by our church leadership with the gift of a sabbatical, an extended time for Sabbath rest. For six weeks, I stepped back from the blessedness of daily ministry to rest, renew and ref lect. For my sabbatical focus I used the Biblical passage “Be Still and Know that I am God” (Psalm 46: 10) allowing me the freedom to be present in the moment, giving up the stress of the past years and

joy and challenges of our daily lives. Sabbath rest should be considered as important as work. Numerous books and blogs have been written about the spiritual practice of Sabbath rest. But the best way is to just do it – put Sabbath rest on your calendar like any other appointment and tur n of f your phone and laptop. See and smell the abundance outside in God’s creation. Sit quietly in a House of Worship or in a room in your home. Breathe deeply. Pray. Push worries and preoccupations out of your mind. Be still. Then repeat regularly. Imagine how future summers, and in fact all the seasons of our lives, could be if we rested regularly with God and were restored for the journey through life.

pushing away worries of the future. I wandered in parks, forests and beaches for hours with no plan. I sat for long periods of time listening to the rain (which we had plenty of!) or watching the birds and rabbits frolic in my backyard. I understand that it is an incredible privilege and rarity to have such an abundance of time to be still. Yet I can’t help but wonder if an intentional spiritual practice of Sabbath rest – a few hours every week or even a full day every monthwould offer a beautiful space for Reverend Stephanie M. Johnson is renewal and restoration. Sabbath the Rector of St. Paul's in Riverside. rest deepens our relationship with God and leaves us energized for the


Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, Mary York Reidy Baker passed away at home in Old Greenwich on Sept. 4, after a long illness. Born in Manhattan on Aug. 3, 1939, she was the only child of the late Marian Lochen Reidy and Maurice Prendergast Reidy. Known as York, she spent her childhood in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. She graduated from Manhattanville College in 1960 and attended Georgetown University as a graduate fellow in European History. After graduation, York began a twenty-year career with Business International Inc., a publishing and advisory firm dedicated to assisting American companies in operating abroad. While at BI, she authored a research paper, Organizing the Worldwide Corporation. In 1968, York and Frederick Lloyd Baker, III, were married at St. Thomas More Church in New York. Two years later they moved to Tokyo where their f irst two children were born. While in Tokyo, in addition to her professional activities, York served on the board of the Tokyo American Club and authored the club's successful cookbook series, In a Tokyo Kitchen. Returning to the U.S. in 1974, the Bakers resided in Riverside, where York took on a robust agenda of volunteerism. She served as the VP of Finance for the Greenwich YWCA, chairman of Hotline, president of the Riverside School PTA, and member of the United Way Finance Committee. A surprise move back to Tokyo in 1983 shook things up for York. She put her ta lent a nd busi ness experience to work by co-founding Tokyo Orientations, with friends. Tokyo Orientations is a relocation consulting firm supporting expatriates of mu lti nationa l cor porations i n their moves to and from Japan. Even with the success of her business, York continued her dedication to volunteerism, becoming a trustee of the American School in Japan, which her children attended, and president of its PTA. She also rejoined the board of the Tokyo American Club. After returning to Greenwich in 1989, York spent eighteen years in development at the Bruce Museum. Her tenure as Director of Development saw sig nif icant g row th to the Museum's endowment as well as its cultural reach. Her achievements were recognized in 2006 when she won the YWCA's BRAVA award for women's commitments to philanthropy and community service. After retiring from the Bruce, York returned to volunteerism, becoming a

member of the Flinn Gallery, the nonprofit exhibition space at Greenwich Library, where she volunteered from 2007 until 2021. In the past twenty years York and Fred spent many leisure days in their vacation home in Vermont where they enjoyed skiing, hiking and entertaining family and friends. They were usually accompanied by one of a series of pet rescue dogs which they adopted. In addition to her husband, York is survived by two sons and a daughter and their spouses. They are Frederick Baker and Kerry Nolan of Brooklyn; Marian and Jason McNaughton of San Francisco; Tim Baker and Nina Erck lentz of Old Greenw ich. She is also survived by seven beloved grandchildren, whose visits York cherished: Laurel and Fian Baker of Miami; Whitney, Kelly, and Matthew McNaughton of San Francisco; Reese and Brooks Baker of Old Greenwich. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Bruce the Museum, 1 Museum Drive, Greenwich, CT, 06830; or Stowe Land Trust, Stowe, VT, 05672. A memorial service was held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Riverside on Thursday, Sept. 9.

Margaret McIllaney Margaret Carr McIllaney passed away peacefully with her daughters K a ren a nd Tr icia by her side on Tuesday, Aug. 31. Margaret was born on April 1, 1934 in Rutherglen, Glasgow Scotland to Henry and Margaret Carr. She was born into what would become a very large Catholic family. Margaret immigrated to New York in 1952 and later moved to Greenwich in 1964 where she resided until her passing. Although living 15 minutes from each other in Scotland, Margaret met her future husband at a dance in Greenw ich Con necticut. They fell in love and she married Patrick McIllaney, on Oct. 22, 1962. Margaret "Maggie" worked at Innis Arden Golf Club for many years and retired from the club in 2003. She loved spending time playing with her grandchildren and teaching them wee Scottish songs from her childhood. Margaret was a loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt and friend. Known for her clever quick wit and warm smile, she created a life filled with laugher, love and close friends. She loved to travel, especially back to her home in Scotland where she had friends and relatives that adored her. In this country, she had met Scottish immigrants like herself with whom she developed an immediate bond that lasted over 65 years. She could be often found at Byram Beach with her circle of friends around her. She was a kind women who cared for her family and friends deeply and always ready to lend a hand or bring laughter to a soul. In her last days, she was surrounded by the love and caring of her family and Scottish community that she held so dear. Her memory will remain in the hearts of her daughters, Karen ( John) Brooks of Las Vegas, Nevada and Patricia (Marek) Maczuga of Greenwich, CT. She will also be missed by her 5 grandchildren Megan,

Christopher, Tyler, Brian and Kasey as well her sister Elizabeth Bain (Tam) and brother John Carr (Maureen) of Rutherglen, Glasgow Scotland. She is predeceased by by her husband Patrick McIllaney. Calling hours were Friday, Sept. 3 at Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home, Greenwich. A funeral mass occured Saturday, Sept. 4 at Sacred Heart Parish, Greenwich. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial donation to St Jude Children's Research Hospital. Stjude. org.

Hans Storr

Hans Storr, for 17 years the Chief Financial Off icer of Phillip Morris, masterminded the financing of the $5.6 billion acquisition of General Foods in 1984 and the $13.6 billion acquisition of Kraft four years later. But he spoke with more satisfaction of having been able to buy his little sister a green bicycle and his mother a Grundig radio before he left his native Germany as a 22 year old to try his luck in America. He passed away peacefully on Aug. 31, aged 89, at his home in Greenwich, CT, of Alzheimer's. He was born on October 28, 1931, in Kirschweiler, a small hilly village in the west of G er ma ny. Grow i ng up, he was a scoring threat on the soccer field and a reader, with an interest in stories of the American west. When World War II interrupted his schooling, he and his buddies collected loose ammunition in the woods. He also studied the records in the attic of his parents' failed motorcycle dealership. Interested in business, he wrangled a job at one of the American military bases in the area, helped by his ability to speak not only English but also French. In four weeks he learned the military's accounting system. His first job was overseeing a soda fountain. Within a year and a half he was running three clubs for American soldiers. With a sponsorship, he came to America in 1954. He got a job doing bookkeeping at the Pfister hotel in M i lwau ke e a nd to ok accou nt i ng classes at the University of Wisconsin. Eight months in, his new country decided to draft him and send him to South Korea as part of the peacetime occupation. Back in Milwaukee, he married Karin, a fellow German immigrant. They had a daughter, Suzanne. Karin passed away suddenly. On New Year's Eve 1964, he had a blind date with Carol Schoenfeld, a Wisconsin native. They married in 1965 and had two children, John and Tina. In the meantime, Storr had finished

his studies and gotten a job at Milprint, an industrial company in Milwaukee, with the help of a professor he had impressed. Shortly after he started there, M i lpr i nt was acq u i red by Phillip Morris, part of an early wave of diversification in the tobacco industry. Years later the joke at PM was that the one valuable thing they acquired from Milprint was Hans Storr. His rise was rapid. In 1966 he moved to the Manhattan headquarters of PM. By 1973 he was the head of finance for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, which meant living in Lausanne, Switzerland. By 1976 he was back at the HQ in NYC, as vicepresident of finance for Philip Morris International. In 1979 he was named the CFO, and in 1982 he became a member of the board of directors. He also created and headed up a new division, the Philip Morris Capital Corp. He credited his success to his ability to set up accounting systems, and to his study of international banks and currency movements. After his retirement in 1996, he partnered with a hotel developer in Edwards, CO, founded the Hans Storr Professorship in International Finance at his alma mater, traveled with Carol to Egypt, Alaska, the North Atlantic, Australia, and Kenya, skied and played tennis and golf for as long as an old soccer injury to his knees would permit, and beat up on his children and grandchildren at trivial pursuit and backgammon. Carol and Hans enjoyed a long and prosperous partnership. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 2015, before Carol passed away the next year. Ha ns is su r v ived by ch i ld ren Suzanne Storr of Greenwich, CT, Joh n Her na ndez-Stor r ( Lua n ne) of Pasadena, CA, and Tina Wilson (David) of Vail, CO; grandchildren Megan Carson, Colby and Nicole Wilson, Jonah and Naomi Storr, and Cassidy, Billie and Austin HernandezStorr; as well as many nephews, nieces, and friends.

Nancy Mathis

Providence Forge, VA; grandchildren, Hope Mathis, Jaime Krajewski and Jesse Ritch; three great-grandsons; one great-great-granddaughter; sister, Karen Mackewicz and her husband, Michael of Lebanon, CT; and numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews. She w a s pr e de c e a s e d by he r parents; sister, Linda and her husband, Richard Vertefeuillle; grandsons, Alan and Adam Ritch; and her grandson-inlaw, Robert Krajewski. Nancy's funeral service will be Friday, Sept. 10 at 11 a.m. at Potter F u nera l Home , 4 5 6 Jack s on St ., Willimantic. Her burial will be on Saturday, Sept. 11 at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenwich.

Frank Petillo

Frank (a.k.a Francesco) Petillo, 80, died on Aug. 7 in Woodbur y, surrounded by his family. He is survived by his children: Anthony Petillo and daughter-inlaw Anna of Woodbury, CT, Mary Majcherek and son-in-law Edward of Berlin, CT, and Frank Jr. of Stamford, CT, grandson: Micah Petillo, sister: Angela Pallonetto of Naples, Italy, cousins, nieces, nephews, and dog Lucky. He was a long time resident of Stamford, CT and worked for the Town of Greenwich as a custodian for over 40 years. A celebration of life for Frank will be held at a later date.

Patricia Ferraro Patricia Ferraro, a lifetime resident of Greenwich, passed away Sept. 3 after 102 beautiful years. She was born March 17, 1919, to Edward & Maryann Cooper. Patricia was devoted to her family and was able to witness 4 generations grow throughout her lifetime. She was also an avid reader. Patricia is the beloved wife of the late Frank Ferraro. She is survived by her cherished children, Robert Ferraro (Lynda), Frank Ferraro (Gail), Carol Ferraro (Peter Chonowsk i), 9 loving grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her daughter, Maryellen. To honor Patricia's life, family and friends gathered on Tuesday at Coxe & Graziano Funeral Home, Greenwich. Funeral services will be conducted privately.

Nancy J. Mathis, 90, of Windham, CT passed away on Aug. 30. She was born on Dec. 16, 1930 in Greenwich, CT, daug hter of L loyd a nd Ma r y (Polaski) Juan. Nancy worked for many years as a bookkeeper/accountant. A true beach lover, a wonderful conversationalist, caring shoulder and a cherished friend to all. To know Nancy was to love Obituaries in the Greenwich Sentinel Nancy! are free of charge. To submit an obituary She is survived by her daughter, please email Caroll@GreenwichSentinel. Jen n ifer Sm ith of Wind ha m, CT; com. son, John and his wife, Kendra of

Answers to Puzzles on Pages 13 & 14. Easy


Very Hard



Very Hard


Page 13 | Greenwich Sentinel

Watchwords: From Dissonance to Harmony By Drew Williams

Accepting the prestig ious Templeton Awa rd t h is yea r, t h e e s te e m e d s c i e nt i s t a n d Christian, Dr. Francis S. Collins, remarked, “…I have chosen to sp e a k a b out a phe nome non that I believe ought to attract our interest and devotion, but which seems to have suffered some significant downgrading. The phenomenon I speak of is Harmony… the profound way in

which the combination of musical tones chosen… can touch your very soul. [Harmony] is to be contrasted with dissonance. In many areas of current experience, harmony seems to have lost out to dissonance and polarization.” He goes on to add, “dissonance can, of course, be a powerful motivator – but one that should inspire an effort to resolve it. The third to the last great “Amen” at the end of Handel’s Messiah, ending in a crashing, wrenching, unresolved, and prolonged A7 chord, with the 7th ominously prominent in the bass line, never fails to bring to me a tightening of body and spirit that is almost unbearable – but then after a

The phenomenon I speak of is Harmony… the profound way in which the combination of musical tones chosen… can touch your very soul. terribly long pause, moves to the most powerful resolution of D major imaginable, accompanied i nv a r i a b l y, at l e a s t fo r m e , with a f lood of tears. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a lot of dissonance in our current experience. We need to resolve that. We need more harmony.” Is this simply a naive yearning for some kind of vanilla accord, where we say, “'Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace” (Jeremiah

6:14)? I don’t believe that this is Dr. Collins's intention but more importantly, the harmony or unity that Jesus is pointing us to is far from vanilla or faux. The source of such a deep and authentic unity is located in Jesus’ divine glory. Jesus’ continuing prayer for us is this: “I have given them the glory that you [Father] gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought

to complete unity” (John 17:20-23). This is not an intellectual unity nor an academic consensus, but a unity of heart. And when this occurs, the Psalmist tells us that it opens up a kind of oasis in the desert, a place that is a gift from God where, in good times and in challenging times, in the fullness of His presence, every spiritual gift and blessing is fully available. Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams is the bishop for the Anglican Diocese of New England. Learn more about him or sign up for his writings at https://

Worship Services Information


Harvest Time Church 1338 King St., 203-531-7778 In-Person Worship Services: Sun, 8:30, 10 & 11:30am (meeting on a limited basis in accordance with CDC guidelines and Connecticut’s executive orders). All services are streamed on the church’s website and social media outlets. Bible Study: The Glory of Christ, Wed, 7pm. Read The Bible 2021: join here Sept. 23: Big Daddy Weave & Anne Wilson - Worship Night, 7pm.

Mass: Sat: Vigil Mass, 4pm. Sun, 11am. Mass Dedication of the Building: Sept. 11, 4pm. St. Paul Church 84 Sherwood Ave.; 203-531-8741


Mass: Mon-Thu: 9am; Sat: 4pm (Vigil); Sun: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am. Confession: Sat, 3-3:45pm. Mass on Holy Days: Vigil: 5:30pm, 9am & 12:15pm. Visit the website for information regarding the Bereavement Group (twice monthly) and weekly volunteer opportunities at the Don Bosco Kitchen and Food Pantry with the St. Paul Mercy Volunteers. All masses are available via livestream through the website.

First Baptist Church 10 Northfield St.; 203-869-7988

St. Roch Church 10 St. Roch Ave; 203-869-4176

Sunday Servings: 11:30am, Facebook Live or for Devotion: 11-11:25am (Dial in 701- 802-5355, Access code 360922).

Mass: (Reservations and/or for viewing via live streaming): Mon-Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 5pm; Sun: 7:30am (Concelebrated for Previously Scheduled 9:30am Mass Intentions), 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish). Mass Intentions: consult the bulletin for time.

Greenwich Baptist Church 10 Indian Rock Ln; 203-869-2807 Worship: Sun, 11am (in person and online through Facebook & YouTube). Adult Bible Study: 9:30am. Prayer Gathering: Fri, 6- 7pm, Chapel. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 95 Henry St.; 203-531-8730 Mass: Mon-Fri, 7am, in the Chapel. Sat, 4pm. Sun: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am. Confessions: Sat, 3:20-3:50pm. Prayer Group: Thu, 5-6pm, in the Chapel, 38 Gold St. All are welcome. Birthright Baby Shower: Sept. 11-26, items can be placed in the bassinet in the Baptismal area (diapers, wipes and new clothing for both girls & boys in toddler sizes 2, 3 or 4, or any item you wish to donate). For monetary donations, please make check payable to “Birthright of Norwalk” and leave in an envelope in the bassinet, 203-559-8086. Lourdes in a Day: Sept. 18, 9:30am3pm, St. Peter Claver Church, 47 Pleasant St, West Hartford. St. Catherine of Siena & St. Agnes St. Agnes: 247 Stanwich Rd; St. Catherine: 4 Riverside Ave; 203-637-3661 Masses: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: Daily Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 7am; 5:15pm, St. Agnes, inperson. Sat (1st Sat of the month): Confessions at St. Agnes Church – inperson (specific dates in the bulletin), 3- 4pm; Vigil Mass at St. Catherine’s Church – in-person and livestream, 5pm. Masses - Sun: 7:30am, St. Catherine’s – in-person and livestream; 9am, St. Agnes – inperson; 10:30am, St. Catherine’s – inperson and livestream; 11am, Language Masses: St. Agnes & Lucey Parish Hall – in-person, (French: 2nd Sun of month; Italian: 3rd Sun of month & 4th Sun of month in May; Spanish: 4th Sun of month); 5pm, St. Agnes – in-person. *Under the tent from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Ongoing: Food & Essentials Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor (there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays, 9-11am for drop-off donations. Donations can also be dropped at the Sign-in table at Sat, Sun or Daily Mass at St. Agnes). New Day Bereavement: Thursdays 4-5:30pm, Sept. 16-Nov. 18, (No class: Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11), registration required, 203-637-3661 ext. 375, parishpartners4@ Emmaus Women Retreat: Sept. 17-19, St. Mary Church 178 Greenwich Ave.; 203-869-9393 Public Mass: Sunday: 9 & 10:30am, 12:15 & 5:15pm. Saturday Vigils: 4 & 6:30pm (Spanish Mass). Daily: Mon-Fri, 12:05pm. Confessions: Sat, 2:45-3:45pm (Alcove to left of Altar). St. Michael the Archangel 469 North St.; 203-869-5421 Mass: Mon-Fri: 7:30 & 9am. Sat: 9am & 5pm (Vigil Mass). Sun: 7:30, 9, 10:30am, 12 & 5pm. Confessions: Sat, 4:15- 4:45pm; Wed, 10-11am & 7-8pm. Eucharistic Adoration: Wed, 9:30am-8pm; Confessions (Times are subject to change). Angel Group: 2nd Thursday of the month, 7-8:30pm at St. Michael’s Church. A volunteer is needed to care for the plants and flowers inside the church: 203869-5421. Mass Dedication of the Building: Sept. 11, 12pm, reception to follow. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North St.; 203-869-5421

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Pl; 203-869-2503 Sunday and Wednesday services via live teleconference: 203-680-9095, code is 520520*.

5pm; Compline, 8pm (livestream/on-demand). Mon-Fri: Morning Prayer, 8am (via Zoom). Tue: Eucharist, 10am (in-person). Thu: Choral Evensong, 6:30pm (in-person & livestream/ondemand). “Something Different” Summer Outdoor Worship: Sundays through August, behind the Tomes-Higgins House (rain location: Parish Hall), bring a chair or blanket. Volunteers needed for Domus’ Work & Learn Program in Stamford. 9/11 20th Anniversary Community Worship with the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke: Sept. 11, 11am, Parish Hall. “Our Shelter from the Stormy Blast: The Spiritual Dimensions of 9/11” with the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke: Sept. 12. Great Fall Gathering: Sept. 19 - Worship, 10am; Gathering, 11:30am, sign up to volunteer. Women’s retreat at Camp Washington: ‘The Healing Art of Storytelling’, Nov. 5-6, $175, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church 954 Lake Ave.; 203-661-5526

Sunday Worship: Spoken Eucharist, 8am, Church; Holy Eucharist with music, 10am, Church and Livestream; Family Eucharist, 10am, Parish Hall. (sign up for in-person service: go/4090e4aadac2ea3ff2 -sunday1). Coffee and Morning Prayers Podcast: Mon-Fri. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 200 Riverside Ave.; 203-637-2447

No in-person service at this time. (If you need to reach Rev. Leo W. Curry, pastor, or any other personnel, call 203-629-3876 and leave a message or email

Worship: Sundays: Rite 1, 8am (in-person in the sanctuary & streamed). 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: 10:15am, in the Sanctuary. 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month: in the Meadow, 10:30am (weather permitting). Sunday School continues in Selleck Hall. Yoga on the Meadow: Fridays, 10am. Ongoing: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food Drive: Every Thu, 10-11:30am, in the parking lot (volunteers needed).

Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd; 203-869-1091

St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church 350 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-2262

Weekly Sunday Worship services in-person at 10am or online anytime; pre-registration via the website is required to attend in-person services. Children’s Worship for grades K-5 will resume on Sunday, Sept. 19. Pre-registration to attend Children’s Ministries is required and can be done via the website beginning Sept. 12. Please call the church office or visit the website for the most upto-date information, events, and schedules, which are subject to change based on current local health and safety protocols.

In-person Outdoor Service: Sun, 11am. Online Worship Services available on Youtube.

COMMUNITY First Church of Round Hill 464 Round Hill Rd; 203-629-3876

CONGREGATIONAL The First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-1791 Worship: In-Person & Virtual: Sundays, 10am. Live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook, and broadcast on WGCH (1490 AM). Connect during the week: Friday: Friday Email Blast (sign up by calling the church office); Church school before worship most Sundays, 9am for preschoolers through grade 6. Online programming available via Zoom. A joyful community diverse in spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. 9/11 Memorial and Tree Dedication: Sept. 11, 10am, the community is invited. North Greenwich Congregational 606 Riversville Rd; 203-869-7763 Online Worship Service: Sun, 10:30am, via Zoom (email Rev. Halac at Pastor@ or call the church). Second Congregational Church 139 E Putnam Ave; 203-869-9311 Saturday: Evensong Worship, 5pm. Sunday: Summer Worship, 9:30am (childcare available). All are welcome. Details at Homecoming Sunday: Sept. 12, 10:30am, RSVP to Pam@2CC. org. EPISCOPAL Anglican Church of the Advent 606 Riversville Rd; 203-861-2432 Service: Sun, 9am, Holy Eucharist. Sunday School during academic year. Christ Church Greenwich 254 E. Putnam Ave; 203-869-6600 Worship: Sun: Eucharist, 8am (in-person); 10am (in-person & livestream/ondemand); Choral Evensong (in-person & livestream/on-demand),

JEWISH Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich 75 Mason St.; 203-629-9059 Services available via Zoom. PJ Library Zoom Storytime: Mon-Thurs, 3pm & Fri, 2pm. Congregation Shir Ami One W. Putnam Ave; 203-274-5376 All services, programs and celebrations are available online via Zoom. Kol Nidre: Sept. 15, 7:30pm. Yom Kippur: Sept. 16, & 3:30pm, all events on Zoom. Greenwich Reform Synagogue 92 Orchard St.; 203-629-0018 Join Rabbi Gerson and Cantor Rubin every Friday, 6pm for Shabbat Services, and once a month for Tot Shabbat, 5:30pm. All in person services are also live streamed on Zoom. Yom Kippur: Sept. 15 - Kol Nidre Service, 7pm; Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Indoor Adult Congregational Service, 7:30pm. Yom Kippur Services – Sept. 16, 8:45am-5pm. Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-7191 Services - In-person and virtual Friday night Shabbat services, 6:30pm & Saturday morning Shabbat services, 10am. Ongoing: Amazon Wish List to Support Midnight Run; Commemorative Brick Campaign - purchase a brick and support Temple Sholom. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church 38 Field Point Rd.; 203-869-0032 Indoor Service: Sun, 10:30am. Bible Study: Sun, 11:45am. St. Paul Lutheran Church 286 Delavan Ave.; 203-531-8466 Indoor Service: Sun, 9am. Bible Study: Sun, 10:15am. Wednesday After-School program: Snacks & Crafts, 3-4pm; Bible Stories & Catechesis, 4-5pm; Community Dinner, 5:30pm (all are welcome); Bible Study on Romans (adults), 6:30pm. METHODIST Diamond Hill United Methodist 521 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-2395

Sunday Worship Services: In-person or online, 10am, followed by a time of Fellowship. Wednesdays: Virtual Noonday Prayer & Evening Bible Study. (Details at First United Methodist Church 59 E. Putnam Ave.; 203-629-9584 Virtual Sunday Worship, 9:30am, via Zoom (203 629 9584). Virtual Daily Gathering: Mon-Fri, 3pm, Zoom. Talking with Your Hands: Mon, 3pm. Reading this World as a Christian: Tue, 3pm. Back to Rock – music with Mr. Bruce: Tue, 3pm, via Zoom. Reading the Shape of Scripture: Wed, 3pm, via Zoom. Spring Bible Study: Thu, 3pm, via Zoom. Tea & Talk: Fri 3pm, via Zoom. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal 42 Lake Ave.; 203-661-3099 Worship via teleconference: Sun, 11am and until further notice (Dial-in number: 425-436-6380, Access code: 612220). NONDENOMINATIONAL Revive Church 90 Harding Rd., Old Greenwich (Old Greenwich Civic Center) Worship Service: Sun, 10am, Holiday Inn 980 Hope St, Stamford. Online Sermons available on Facebook ( and on Youtube. All groups are online. Direct any prayer needs to the prayer chain at 203-536-2686 or Stanwich Church 202 Taconic Rd.; 203-661-4420 Events marked by an * require registration at: Worship Services: Sundays, 9 & 10:45am (livestreamed). *Alpha Course: Explore Your Faith: Sept. 13 (12-wks), 7pm, Zoom. *God & Grief Women’s Study: Sept. 16 (11-wks), 12pm, Zoom. Outdoor Worship Night: Sept. 17, 7pm, on church property. *Journey Mates Women’s Prayer Group: Sept. 20 (meets monthly), 10am, Zoom. The Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave; 203-637-4615 Sunday Service: 7pm, via Zoom. Virtual Children’s Lyceum (ages 5-14): 3rd Sunday of the month, 1010:40am. Healing Service: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-7:30pm. (Email Albertsonpcc@gmail. com for registration and Zoom Links). Theta Wave Meditation with Rev. Bonnie Crosier: Sept. 12, 12:30pm. Trinity Church 1 River Rd.; 203-618-0808 In-Person Services: Sun, 9:45am, Hyatt Regency Greenwich, 1800 E Putnam Ave. Online Services: Sun, 9:45am, ive. House Churches: Sun, 9:45am, Fairfield County, CT & Westchester County, NY. Alpha (online): Tue, 7:30-8:45pm. Receive Private Zoom Prayer: Sundays, 11-11:30am. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church 1 W. Putnam Ave.; 203-869-8686 Sanctuary Worship: Sun, 10am (Traditional Service); 5pm (Contemporary Service), register. Online Worship: Sun, 10-11am at Sunday School online, 10:15-11am. The Prayer Room: 2nd Thu of each month, 8-8:30pm, via Zoom. Grace Church of Greenwich 8 Sound Shore Dr, Suite 280 203-861-7555 Worship: Sun, 10am, Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Ave. (Outside. Please bring a mask and a chair or a blanket). All Bible Study studies through zoom (email for zoom links). All are welcome. Living Hope Community Church 38 West End Ave; 203-637-3669 In-Person & online ( worship: 10am. Coffee & fellowship after the service on the patio, weather permitting. Sunday School kick-off: Sept. 12, all are invited. Alpha class-interactive online sessions to explore the big questions of life: Mon, 7pm beginning Sept. 13, register at

Page 14 | Greenwich Sentinel


Greenwich High School Football

By Paul R. Silverfarb

While it can seem like the Greenwich High School football team can’t catch a break, head coach Tony Morello and the rest of the Cardinals would rather look at this year’s obstacles as a minor speed bump on the road to a state championship run. After a year of high school football in Connecticut silenced due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Cardinals are back on the gridiron this season ready for what everybody hopes will be a complete season of football. “Words can’t describe what it feels like to be back on the field with all the 200 football players in this program,” Morello said. “A f ter we went through what we all did last season, to see the looks all of the senior’s faces was really dif f icult. Time seemed like it would never end. But I am thrilled to just be back on the field and back into a routine with the student-athletes. I am sure all the coaches around the state are as well. There was a big void left last season and just being able to be out there every day is just a big relief.” Due to construction at Cardinal Stadium that’s seeing the bleacher being replaced, as well as addition of locker rooms and restrooms to the facility, GHS will not get to experience the roar of the Cardinal Crazies until at least the second half of the season. The f irst six games of the season, two of which were slated as home games, will be on the road. Greenwich’s game against Ridgefield will be played at New Canaan High School on Sept. 18 at noon, and the location for their home game against Prep has not been announced as of press time. “We’re not going to be able to use our home stadium for at least the first few home games,” Morello said. “On top of it being a tough schedule, we’re likely going to be on the road for the first five or six games. We’re going to put a lot of miles on the buses this year. We’re just going to take it week by week. We are rolling with it. It helps that

we have amazing support from the families in the program and they will make sure that they take care of the players and make sure they have everything that they need.” To prepare the road warrior Cardinals for its tough schedule, Big Red boarded their buses and played three top quality preseason opponents, Daniel Hand High School, Newtown High School, and Brunswick School. “ It ’s n o t i d e a l to h ave to travel, but it’s a part of the game,” Morello said. “Ultimately, when the whistle blows, it’s the same dimensions on the field and the same goal posts. For me, I’ll play anywhere. This team just wants to play football, no matter where we play it.” This year’s captains will be seniors Michael Sinisi, a starting center; Tyler Cusimano, a starting safety; Zach Mantione, a starting wide receiver; and Luke Ware, a starting inside linebacker. Sinisi started every game as a center his sophomore year and has the most experience on the roster. All four were elected by their peers back in March and Morello couldn’t be happier with the selections. “The minute they were elected c apt a i ns, t hey ju mp e d he adfirst in that role and have done an amazing job of keeping things organized,” said Morello. “They are keeping everyone involved in all levels and make sure that the sophomore class, who lost their freshman season, understands the culture and expectations that come with being a part of this program. I am incredibly proud of the job they have done to this point.” While Morello has some lofty expectations for his senior captains, they are getting help from their classmates throughout the process. “The senior class is a very close group,” he said. “A lot of them have been together since their GYFL days and I am looking forward to seeing all that the senior class can do.” Behind Sinisi will be junior quarterback Jack Wilson, who was

in a quarterback battle for most of the preseason with Holden Brown. “ H e ’s 6 - 0 4 a n d t h r ow s a really good ball,” Morello said. “He played football as a freshman at Greenwich High School and played in our sevens as a sophomore. He moves very well in the pocket and can run, but like so many in the program, these will be his first varsity reps. You never k now what the outcomes are going to be until you start playing these games, but he has all the pieces and have the coaches to get him to where he needs to be. We are very excited to have him as our QB.” Joining Wilson in the backfield will be seniors James Babb and Thomas Foster, who Morello said have done a tremendous job in the preseason and will see a bunch of touches in games. Junior Jack Konigsnerg will be the bruiser in the back f ield and will give the opposing team’s defensive lines fits throughout the season. Sophomore George Vomvolakis is one of the fastest athletes on the GHS roster and w ill be a contributor as well on some key plays. “We are definitely going with the running back by committee approach and will stay with the hot hand in certain situations,” the head coach said. “We will find a way to utilize all their strengths week by week.” Leading the way at wideout will be senior standout Chason Barber, who recently committed to Brown University. Morello said that Barber is a very talented 6-04 athlete who is extremely quick, a vertical threat and runs very solid intermediate routes. Joining both Barber and Mantione will be Brunsw ick transfer Logan Galletta, who will also use his quick ness to return k icks for GHS as well. James Waligum and Charlie Dixon, both juniors, will be rounding out the receiving core. Defensively, the secondary will be led by Cusimano at safety. Mor el lo s a id t hat t he s en ior has played safety before and is

The Greenwich High School football team listens to their coaches during a preseason game against Newtown High School. familiar to the position. Seniors John Scarlata and Jake Prieto have exceeded expectations for GHS and will help the team at the corner positions. At linebacker, Ware will be a dominant force for Big Red this season and will be joined by fellow senior Luke Vivier at the inside linebacker position. Matt Trimmer is a solid tackler and will be called upon in big situations. Both the of fensive and defensive lines will be a strong asset for GHS football. Leading the way defensively will be two seniors, Andrew Guillaume and Cameron Doyle. Junior Dominic D e L uc a a nd f r e sh m a n Pe te r Vomvolakis will round out the line. Offensively, the line will be anchored by Sinisi at center, with fellow senior Josh Grijalba playing left guard. Junior Jake Kiernan is the team’s left tackle and the right guard will be a mix of juniors Ted Flinn and Drew Falla. Rounding out the line at right guard will be junior Vincent Insinga. A pleasant surprise this preseason has been the team’s k ick i ng ga me . I n add it ion to kickoffs consistently reaching the end zone, Sergot Boone blasted field goals from 30, 35, 40, and 45 yards on consecutive kicks during a preseason scrimmage at Daniel Hand. Sebastian Parra also has a strong leg and has been

reaching the back of the end zone on kickoffs. “Those are huge weapons for us, when it comes to games and field position,” Morello said. “I am very excited about our kicking game. They are going to make a difference.” While Morello said that it’s obvious that the strength of the team will be its wideouts, with excellent talent up and down the position, he also said that he’s thrilled with both his offensive a nd defensive li nes. W hen it comes to improvements, the GHS head coach is hoping the speed of play improves quickly. “We need to make sure we are aligned properly and that we are set properly,” Morello said. “Everything is going between 75 and 80 percent of the speed that it needs to go. We need to develop chemistry. You can’t simulate the speeds of the games in practice, no matter how hard you try. You also can’t teach experience and reps. Those will come as game go on and as athletes get more comfortable in their positions.” The expectations are always high in this town. For Morello, it’s all about making sure the athletes are having the quality experience within the program and developing at all levels of the sport. “ Fo r m e , t h a t ’s a m a j o r

emphasis because u ltimately these are the years that the kids are going to remember for the rest of your life,” he said. “You want everybody to look back on their high school football years as a fun time and you want to continue keep Greenwich football in their minds, years after they leave the prog ram. Our alumni are the best alumni you could possibly imag ine. The suppor t in th is town is like no other. With all that come high expectations and being successful on the f ield and we want to continue that this year.” On paper, Greenwich football w ill have quite the challenge this season. From top to bottom, their schedule is a list of top competitors. A f ter starting t h e s e a s on a g a i n s t We s t h i l l tomorrow afternoon, GHS will play Ridgefield, Shelton, Fairfield Prep, St. Joseph, and Trumbull. Greenwich will then return home to play New Canaan, but that’s not a guarantee either. “ The sche du le , compa re d to yea r ’s past, is much more challenging on paper,” Morello sa id. “Ever ybody that I have sp oken to a r ou nd tow n s ays that it’s the toughest schedule that they’ve seen for Greenwich. It’s def initely going to be a big challenge, as teams up and down t h e s c h e du l e a r e i n c r e d i b l y talented.”

Thrilling Faceoff Between Ellipse and Gardenvale By Liz Leamy Last Sunday was one for the books at the Greenwich Polo Club as Ellipse and Gardenvale went head-to-head against each other in a four-chukker exhibition match, amidst somewhat damp skies, to mark the continuation of the 2021 East Coast Open and its summer high-goal season, with the former coming out ahead of the latter, 7-2 in the final tally. These two explosive teams, representing half of the four total world-class 20-goal contingents participating in this year’s East Coast Open, battled it out against each other in fierce fashion much to the delight of spectators who could be heard oohing and ahhing as the players and horses flew up and down the field with incredible speed and aptitude. “The athleticism and precision of the players and their horses out there is unmatched,” said Tyler Del Vento, a Kentucky native who lives in Weston, Connecticut and was there attending the match with her husband, Maximilano Del Vento and their three year-old son, Hudson. “I’m so glad everyone came out today. The rain has cleared and it’s been a wonderful day. I especially love seeing all of the fashion here. It reminds me a lot of being at the Kentucky Derby.” C e r t a i n l y, t h e s u c c e s s o f the afternoon, despite the uncertain weather, seemed to

Christian 'Magoo' Laprida Jr., the renowned Gardenvale eight goaler (in red), goes head-tohead with Robert (Robi) Bilboa, the dynamic Ellipse five goaler (in white). Photo courtesy of Peter T. Michaelis be logical considering the stellar standard and reputation of the Greenwich Polo Club and its entire organization, who always manage to step up to the plate, as all of the competitors in this faceoff, both equine and human, effectively brought out their A game, making it a good day for all. “It was really nice to play out here today and I’m looking forward to play ing again,” said L ouis Devaleix, the number one player for Ellipse, which is based out of Jupiter, Florida. “We’re all good

friends and we’ve worked hard and had a good time preparing for this tournament. The horses have also been incredible.” Others shared the same level of excitement as Devaleix. “It’s been incredible to watch the game and the people here have been nothing but fantastic. We’re so happy to be here,” said Joseph Sancio, Senior Marketing Manager of Yieldstreet, an investment firm and corporate sponsor of the Greenwich Polo Club. “This is our f irst year with the [Greenwich

Polo Club] and it will not be our last. We plan on coming here for a long time.” Notably, the skills and presence of Hilario Ulloa, the sensational A r g e n t i n i a n 1 0 (m a x i m u m number) goaler and numberthree Ellipse player known for h i s sup erb st yle , te ch n iq ue , horsemanship and understanding of the game, was a standout at this match. Hailing from Lincoln, Argentina (a homebase for many of highgoal polo’s star equine and human

athletes), Ulloa knocked in the crux of his team’s goals and played with extraordinary expertise, command and energy, an exciting thing for everyone there, including his colleagues. “ H i l a r i o i s g r e a t a n d i t ’s incredible to play with him. He ha s so much k nowle dge a nd understanding and I am always learning so much from him,” said Robert (Robi) Bilboa, the talented and reputable Ellipse five goaler. “It felt good to be out there today. We’ve worked hard and have been waiting for this tournament.” Devaleix agreed. “It’s incredible to be playing with Hilario Ulloa,” said Devaleix. “He’s a great guy and brings so much to the game and to the team.” Ulloa, who, like most of the players after the match, graciously spent time chatting and posing for pictures with spectators and also signing their programs and polo balls, agreed the day was a good one. “It was great to be here today. The horses are in great shape and so are the players. It’s also really good to be back here,” said Ulloa, who had played at the Greenwich Polo Club for three to four years du r i ng t he lat ter pa r t of t he 2010s. “I love to play here at the Greenwich Polo Club. Everyone is so nice.” Ulloa’s sentiments were strongly echoed by others, including the

spectators, who represent a main force at the Greenwich Polo Club. “We are having such a good time and being here means a lot to my husband, who is Argentinian and loves this sport,” said Tyler Del Vento. “This is a magnificent venue, t he people have b een wonderful and the match has been fantastic. My son, Hudson, is also having a really fun time. We definitely want to come back.” Meanwhile, the mem bers of Gardenvale, the formidable high-goal contingent who won last we ek ’s East Coast f i rstround opening series game, also expressed excitement over the prospect of competing at the Greenwich Polo Club in the East Coast Open. “We’re excited to be here and play. It’s such a g reat place,” said Felipe Viana, the esteemed Gardenvale number four player and six goaler. Conclu sive ly, S a lt a n a , t he gorgeous charge belonging to the number one player for Gardenvale, Shane Finemore, was awarded the Best Playing Pony citation for her outstanding work out on the field. For more information regarding Greenwich Polo Club matches and the East Coast Open, which will be running through the end of the month, please visit the organization’s website at www.

SUPPORT OR TEAMS AT THESE UPCOMING GAMES Greenwich High School Football: Tomorrow at Westhill High School, 1 p.m. Boys’ Golf: Tue. vs. Fairfield Ludlowe H.S. (at Griffith E. Harris G.C.), 3:30 p.m. Wed. vs. Danbury H.S. (at Round Hill C.C.), 3:30 p.m. Field Hockey: Tomorrow vs. Mamaroneck H.S., 3 p.m. Tue. vs. Ridgefield H.S., 4:30 p.m. Boys’ and Girls’ Cross-Country: Tue. vs. Westhill, Ridgefield, Stamford (at Scofield Magnet M.S.), 4 p.m.

Girls’ Soccer: Mon. vs. Fairfield Ludlowe H.S., 4:30 p.m. Boys’ Soccer: Today vs. Brien McMahon High School, 5 p.m. Tue. at Fairfield Ludlowe H.S., 7 p.m. Girls’ Volleyball: Mon. vs. St. Joseph H.S., 5:30 p.m. Wed. at Trumbull H.S., 4 p.m. Girls’ Swimming and Diving: Tue. at Danbury High School, 5 p.m. Brunswick School: Crew: Oct. 9 vs. Head of the Housatonic (at Indian Well State

Park), 8 a.m. Cross-Country: Sept. 18 at Wilton Invitational (at Allen’s Meadows), 9:30 a.m. Football: Tomorrow vs. Trinity Pawling (scrimmage), 3 p.m. Soccer: Wed. at Choate Rosemary Hall, 3:30 p.m. Water Polo: Today to Sunday at Santa Barbara Invitational, TBA Greenwich Academy Cross-Country: Sept. 18 at Choate Invitational, TBA

Field Hockey: Tomorrow vs. Holy Child, 4:30 p.m. Tue. vs. Greenwich Country Day School, 4 p.m. Soccer: Tomorrow vs. Greenwich Country Day School, 2 p.m. Tue. at Masters School, 4:30 p.m. Volleyball: Tomorrow at Fieldston School, 2:30 p.m. Tue. at Sacred Heart Greenwich, 4:30 p.m. Sacred Heart Greenwich Cross-Country: Sept. 18 vs. Wilton Invitational, TBD

Field Hockey: Wed. at School of the Holy Child, 3:45 p.m. Rowing: Oct. 3 at Head of the Riverfront, TBD Soccer: Wed. at Taft School, 2:30 p.m. Volleyball: Tue. vs. Greenwich Academy, 4:30 p.m. Greenwich Country Day School Football: Tomorrow at King School, 2 p.m.

Page 15 | Greenwich Sentinel

Universal Crossword

Astrology for Week of Sept 12, 2021 VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sept You’ve been on a bit of a high with the Sun and Mars in your sign but now that Mars is leaving Virgo you’ll have to be more careful about how you use your time and energy. Focus only on the things that means something to you. Don’t spread yourself too thinly.

PISCES 20 Feb-20 March You’ll be forced to face up to issues you’ve been trying to avoid or forget this week. Common sense should tell you that the sooner you face up to the demons playing with your mind the sooner you’ll defeat them. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

LIBRA 24 Sept-23 Oct With energetic Mars entering your sign you can, and must, set your sights high. You’ve played second fiddle too much lately and need to convince others that you’re special, that you can get things done and were born for better things. First convince yourself.

ARIES 21 March-20 April With your ruler Mars highlighting your relationships you have cause for celebration and concern. While it will make you more dynamic in love it could also make you abrasive with people who get on your nerves. Try not to offend everyone you meet!

SCORPIO 24 Oct-22 Nov If you need to approach someone in authority now is the time. Don’t worry your ideas will be rejected – if you don’t let them know what you’re thinking you may never get the chance to prove yourself. Ideas are only half the story – you’ve got to be ambitious too.

TAURUS 21 April-21 May Mars in Libra warns that you’ll have to show your ruthless side this week, especially on the work front where, if you don’t deal with certain people swiftly, they will make your life a misery. Just don’t get so angry that you damage your health.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov-21 Dec Don’t just go with the latest trend, start a trend of your own. The more others follow the herd, the more you must prove you have a mind of your own and aren’t afraid to use it. You were born to lead and people will believe in you if you believe in yourself.

GEMINI 22 May-21 June As from this week you’ll start to feel more confident and dynamic and will translate that feeling into action of some sort. You know what you want and that all you need is the self-belief to get started – well, now you have it and there can be no more excuses.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-20 Jan Mars, planet of action and energy, enters the success angle of your chart this week, endowing you with a burning desire to succeed. The more challenges you face, the more you will achieve and the more you will earn the respect of authority figures.

CANCER 22 June-23 July You will need to work closely with relatives and loved ones over the coming weeks and it won’t always be easy. Think of it as a test or strategy to turn you into a more forgiving and easy-going human being. It’s a test you’ll pass with flying colours.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan-19 Feb One of the best times of the year starts for you this week as Mars enters the most exciting area of your chart. Even if you’re not the daring kind you’ll be a lot more adventurous in the weeks ahead so broaden your horizons. There are many roads to success.

LEO 24 July-23 Aug You need to be bold this week. You need to be brave. Crucially, you need to understand that if you want to succeed you have to network. What you know is important but unless you’re on good terms with the right people it’s doubtful you’ll get the chance to shine.

Edited by David Steinberg May 13, 2021

ACROSS 1 Action movie features 8 Long recliners 15 ___ Falls 16 What covers a dome in construction? 17 Pharma salesperson 18 Wrap around 19 Brain division 20 Ticked off 21 Singer born Eithne Padraigin Ni Bhraonain 22 Speck 24 *Air current from an engine 27 Narrow bay 30 Post cereal inspired by a cookie 31 Oozy stuff 32 Dolphin’s detection process 33 What fills a tank ... or fuels a tank 36 Cold relief medication 38 Speaker of the House since 2019, and from 2007 to 2011 40 Be in debt 41 Pulsate 45 Crannies’ partners 46 Pink cat in “Garfield” 47 Bunches of hairs 48 *Yogi’s companion 52 A plastic bag is not one

53 Kuwaiti leader 54 Olympic code for Moscow’s country 55 Worship from ___ 58 Some seasoned sausages 60 Prime cut 63 Jeffrey Lebowski’s nickname 64 Really suffering 65 Facial features that could aptly be blue? 66 Gap between neurons DOWN 1 Finish 2 Christmas evergreen 3 *San Andreas, for one 4 Frozen pancake brand 5 Diet no-no, often 6 Their bark is silent 7 Gunk from 6-Down 8 Diminish in value 9 Cake associated with good health? 10 Rainbow, e.g. 11 Inactive people 12 Glistened 13 Simple course at school

14 Vapor that cooks vegetables 20 Catalan artist Joan 22 Ball club? 23 Playing softly 25 ___ Alamos 26 Apartment’s availability sign 28 CPR provider 29 Milan’s ___ alla Scalla 33 *Early ’90s TV show featuring a Disney dog 34 Invite for 35 Spacek of “Tuck Everlasting” 37 Sodium ___ (salt) 39 Albano or Gehrig 42 Puzzles in which a ewe may mean “you”



© 2021 Andrews McMeel Universal

Discover more about yourself at 5/13

My Bad! by Zachary David Levy

The (K) Clues Are for Kids Created by Timothy E. Parker May 31, 2021

ACROSS 1. Einstein’s M 5. (K) Prefix with “light” 8. (K) Small part of a dance lesson 12. ___ Spumante 13. (K) “The Cat in the ___” 14. Any native of Lampang 15. (K) Players not on the bench 17. (K) “At ___, soldier!” 18. (K) Tot’s reward 19. “Uhh ...” relative 20. (K) Something to put your legs in 21. Dwindle 23. (K) Barbershop specialty 25. A la follower? 27. (K) When your homework needs to be done 28. (K) “Could you ___ little faster?” (2 words) 31. Wonderfully strange

33. (K) “You ___ kidding!” 35. (K) 632 pounds plus 21,888 ounces 36. (K) Cute house critters 38. (K) Can on a grocery store conveyor belt 39. (K) Action movie protagonist 40. Sci-fi container 41. (K) Keeps going up 44. (K) Goat’s quote 46. “___ Be There” 49. Not working at the moment 50. Australian critter 52. (K) Give out cards 53. “How was ___ know?” 54. Use a nonlethal gun 55. (K) Enjoys peas or popcorn 56. (K) “___ interested” 57. Jekyll’s counterpart

OWN D 1. (K) Mayflower’s pole 2. Memo phrase 3. Didn’t log off (2 words) 4. Very polite term of address 5. (K) Us? No, the others 6. Start liking more and more (2 words) 7. (K) “___ been real!” 8. (K) Cook crabs 9. (K) “Easier said ___ done” 10. (K) Major direction 11. (K) Sweet potato and pumpkin concoctions 16. (K) Hot water holder 20. “Lonesome” tree 22. (K) Wager 24. (K) Moves a dinghy 25. (K) Said, “I’ve heard good things about you”

26. Tic-tac-toe line that wins zip 27. (K) Surgery line 28. (K) Play in the mud (2 words) 29. (K) Single person in a sentence 30. Dispenser of bills 32. (K) Some Italian desserts 34. City in Brazil, for short 37. V8 ingredient 39. (K) Boot parts 40. (K) Good friend 41. (K) Enjoy a Ferris wheel 42. Lightbulb, to a toon 43. Thin piece of wood 45. “Thanks ___!” (2 words) 47. (K) Cranked up 48. (K) Unassisted 50. (K) Take first place 51. (K) Volcanic eruption stuff

Can you find the answer to this riddle within the solved puzzle?

One holding a hot dog after a fire? Look for the answer in next week’s paper.


Previous riddle answer:

Present for a teacher? 27-A) Here © 2021 Andrews McMeel Syndication. subscribe Previous Answers

43 Singles 44 “I’ll ___ monkey’s uncle!” 46 Rub the wrong way? 48 Defeats 49 Nebraska’s largest city 50 Lubricated 51 Wet, weather-wise 56 Kukla and Ollie’s friend, on old TV 57 Bit of aquarium gunk 59 Very, en Espanol 60 Bro’s counterpart 61 Business connections 62 Occasion to stay up until midnight: Abbr.


Each row, column, nonet can contain each number only once. Answers on page 8.



Very Hard



Very Hard

August 2021 vs. 2019 – Covid & WOOFH Drive Massive Market Changes

By Mark Pruner August 2021 is the inflection point when the fuel that drives the market, listings was finally choked off. At the beginning of the week, we hit an alltime low of 259 single family homes on the market. In the first couple of days


suffered damage. "They have a little wagon too. They were bringing down drinks and stuff for everybody," said Slater. He is waiting now for an electrician to come and make repairs. A lthough he has power, the electrician told him to "turn everything off that he does not need." Slater says he was told, "Don't mess around or everything could blow but I think we'll be alright. There is no water in the panels, thank God." Renee Wallace f rom the Department of Public Works (DPW) said, "this was a unique event that brought eight inches of rain in nine hours. Over four inches of rain fell in just one hour, which caused significant flash flooding." She went on to explain that in preparation for the storm, the DPW ensured storm water structures were clear and free of debris, so that the storm water structures could best handle the increased water f low prior, during and after t he stor m. A lso, t hat DPW staff began working at 10pm the n ig ht of the stor m a nd crews have been out this week cleaning up. However, due to saturated conditions from this storm, residents should remain extra cautious. Wallace said neig hbors helping neighbors in Greenwich is the best way to help. "We have found that Greenw ich residents support each other and work together during these trying times. We ask for the public to be both patient with each other and crews working at areas in town impacted by

of September, the beginning of the fall market, we have not gotten a burst of new listings, hopefully that will come next week when we get back to a 5 business day week. The concern is that most people who wanted to sell have done so, but never underestimate supply and demand. The demand is def initely there, it’s driving up prices which should elicit more supply. It’s just we had over 1,100 sales in the 12 months from July 2020 to June 2021. July 2021 was the all-time sales month with 143 sales, while we “dropped” back to 96 sales in August 2021, still 43% above her 10 year average.

flooding." The Red Cross is helping support Greenwich families across Pemberwick, Cos Cob and other Greenwich areas. These a reas have received visits since Friday from volunteers with the American Red Cross, offering cleaning supplies and support. “We start with offering a clean up kit with supplies and then connect families with our trained and caring health and emotional support volunteers. Sometimes having someone to just listen to them changes their outlook for the day, and we have received many kind words of thanks and gratitude,” Dunn Ashley added. Volunteers set off on daily routes in town, both delivering supplies and gathering information as part of their damage assessment process. To help p e ople a f fe c te d by these emergencies, visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS, or text the word RED CROSS to 90999 to make a donation. Residents can also make a significant impact as a Red Cross volunteer. Margaret Tjimos Goldberg, Executive Director of Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) urges residents who need assistance w ith food or personal care items to reach out. She said, "A n y o n e i n n e e d o f f o o d assistance or personal care ite m s sh ou l d r e a c h out to Neighbor. We are here to help!" Call or email N2N at (203) 622-9208 ext. 11; email: mtgoldberg@ntngreenwich. org. Goldberg wants people to k now that if they lost their transportation, N2N partner, TAG , i s m a k i n g de l ive r ie s throughout town.

S o h e r e a r e 10 b u l l e t p o i nt s about what is going on in our market c o m p a r i n g p r e - C ov i d 2 01 9 to a Covid and WOOFH (Work Often or Occasionally From Home) driven market. OVERALL 1. I n v e n t o r y i s w a y d o w n from 585 listings at the beginning of September 2019 to 267 listing in 2021 or a drop of 54% 2. Solds are up over 100% from 393 in 2019 to 752 in 2021 3. As a result, months of supply have fallen off a cliff from 13 months of supply in 2019 to less than 3 months of supply in 2021

4. Total Sales volume is up by 8. South of the Parkway (down $1.37 billion in town of 63,000 people to the Post Road) saw sales volume go 5. Days on market have gone from $295 million to $836 million an from an average of 235 DOM to 129 increase of 184% DOM or a drop of 45% 9. Riverside saw the average sold price per s.f. increase by 23% in 2 NEIGHBORHOODS years from $540/s.f. to $666/s.f. in 2021 6. Old Greenwich has had 117 10. Cos Cob saw the average sales sales in 2021 vs 55 sales by August price to assessment ratio increase by 2019, an increase of 89% 19% from August 2019 to August 2021 7. C o s C o b ( 1 5 7 %) , G l e n v i l l e It’s been amazing, if we get more (129%), South of the Parkway (122%), listings, it will continue to be that way. Pemberwick (120%), Riverside (105%), South of the Post Road (103%) and Ma rk P r u ner i s a Realtor in North of the Parkway (100%) have all Greenwich , CT. He can be reached seen sales double or more from 2019 to or 203-969-7900. 2020

Stephanie Dunn Ashley, CEO for the American Red Cross Metro NY North Chapter, and a resident of Cos Cob, has been with the teams, going door to door and speaking with neighbors. “It’s really heartbreaking to speak with families that have emptied the contents of their home on to their front yards. The families are worried and unsure what to do, and this is where the Red Cross can help,” she said.




REAL ESTATE DASHBOARD CONTRIBUTORS Robert Pulitano | Cesar Rabillino | Pam Toner |

FEATURED OPEN HOUSES Data Compiled by Rob Pulitano [203] 561-8092 Address


40 W Elm Street #6D Greenwich 66 Binney Lane Old Greenwich 37 Almira Drive Greenwich 53 Dagmar Road Stamford 53 Dagmar Road Stamford 29 Cary Road Riverside 8 Butler Street Cos Cob 8 Butler Street Cos Cob 1044 North Street Greenwich 33 Mary Lane Riverside 282 Bruce Park Ave #1 Greenwich 47 Cognewaugh Road Cos Cob 25 Stanwich Road Greenwich 12 Thistle Lane Greenwich 36 Mianus View Terrace Cos Cob 10 Rockland Place Old Greenwich 316 Valley Road Cos Cob 297 Cognewaugh Road Cos Cob 40 W Elm Street #6D Greenwich 1 North Street Greenwich 282 Round Hill Road Greenwich 29 Stanwich Road Greenwich 138 Havemeyer Place Greenwich 66 Binney Lane Old Greenwich 311 Shore Road Greenwich 49 Fox Run Lane Greenwich 78 Pecksland Road Greenwich



$14,000 Sun 1-3 PM $16,500 Sun 1-3 PM $699,000 Sun 12:30-3 PM $725,000 Sat 2-4 PM $725,000 Sun 2-4 PM $990,000 Sat 1-3 PM $1,195,000 Sat 1-3 PM $1,195,000 Sun 12-3 PM $1,225,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,295,000 Sun 1-4 PM $1,375,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,395,000 Sun 11-1 PM $1,499,000 Sun 2-4 PM $1,528,000 Sat 1-3 PM $1,575,000 Sun 2-4 PM $1,575,000 Sun 1-3 PM $1,635,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,495,000 Sun 1-3 PM $2,750,000 Sun 1-3 PM $3,095,000 Sun 1-3 PM $3,399,000 Sun 1-3 PM $3,795,000 Sun 1-3 PM $3,900,000 Sun 2-4 PM $4,395,000 Sun 1-3 PM $5,250,000 Sun 1-3 PM $6,350,000 Sun 2-4 PM $8,900,000 Sun 2-4 PM


Berkshire Hathaway Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Realty Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway New England Land Coldwell Banker Realty Coldwell Banker Realty Houlihan Lawrence Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty Nest Seekers Berkshire Hathaway Douglas Elliman Berkshire Hathaway Coldwell Banker Realty William Raveis William Raveis Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Sotheby's Houlihan Lawrence Coldwell Banker Realty

Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Price/ List Price SqFt AC BR FB SqFt

4 Putnam Hill 3G 15 Lafayette Court 1C 35 Greenwich Hills Drive 35 71 Richland Road A 8 Butler Street 45 Old Mill Road 65 Stonehedge Drive South 26 Caroline Place 1 Roberta Lane 1 Shady Brook Lane 10 North Street 3 Selden Lane 27 Stiles Lane 15 Sherwood Farm Lane 68 Meadow Road 6 Little Cove Place 849 Lake Avenue

$765,000 $825,000 $837,000 $950,000 $1,195,000 $1,450,000 $1,450,000 $1,585,000 $1,850,000 $2,425,000 $2,495,000 $3,875,000 $4,795,000 $4,795,000 $5,795,000 $6,495,000 $6,995,000

$484 $699 $425 $474 $686 $499 $510 $391 $576 $706 $875 $545 $645 $825 $823 $1,588 $1,340

1,580 1,180 1,968 2,003 1,742 2,904 2,841 4,050 3,212 3,435 2,853 7,104 7,438 5,811 7,043 4,089 5,221

0 0 0 0.17 2.15 1.06 0.17 1 0.25 0.41 3.2 4.34 1.06 0.67 0.28 4

3 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 9 6 5 6 3 5

2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 9 7 5 6 4 4


South of Post Road South Parkway Glenville Byram Cos Cob South Parkway Glenville Glenville South Parkway Old Greenwich Old Greenwich North Parkway North Parkway South Parkway Riverside South of Post Road North Parkway


Data Compiled by Cesar Rabellino (203) 249-9866 Address

Original List

List Price

Sold Price DOM BR FB Acres SqFt

9 Whiffletree Way 9 $669,000 44 Hickory Drive $698,000 140 Field Point Road 9 $735,000 32 Fletcher Avenue $739,000 19 Tremont Street $839,000 273 & 277 Pemberwick Rd $1,150,000 14 Comly Terrace $975,000 73 Weaver Street 4 $1,295,000 115 Stanwich Road $1,099,000 48 Indian Field Road $1,025,000 39 Halock Drive $1,499,000 20 Sunshine Avenue $1,550,000 29 Bayside Terrace $1,815,000 99 Stanwich Road $2,095,000 99 Winthrop Drive $1,965,000 474 North Street $3,599,000 11 Fairgreen Lane $2,800,000 16 Chieftans Road $2,895,000 486 North Street $4,195,000 61 Lower Cross Road $5,900,000 4 Tods Driftway $6,350,000 9 Conyers Farm Drive $13,900,000

$669,000 $698,000 $720,000 $739,000 $749,000 $995,000 $975,000 $1,195,000 $1,099,000 $1,025,000 $1,475,000 $1,550,000 $1,695,000 $2,095,000 $1,965,000 $2,995,000 $2,800,000 $2,895,000 $4,195,000 $5,900,000 $6,350,000 $8,750,000

$645,000 $700,000 $708,975 $719,000 $765,000 $800,000 $935,000 $1,150,000 $1,250,000 $1,265,000 $1,425,000 $1,525,000 $1,610,000 $2,025,000 $2,327,000 $2,850,000 $2,850,000 $3,000,000 $4,195,000 $5,500,000 $6,632,000 $8,800,000

49 7 38 101 90 154 69 90 7 57 127 27 170 42 11 99 9 28 24 512 41 2,125

3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 6 6 4 5

2 2 2 2 1 1 2 5 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 5 3 5 5 7 4 6

0 1,997 0.39 1,656 0 1,155 0.12 1,258 0.1 1,177 0.65 1,425 0.18 2,118 0 4,200 0.52 2,701 0.27 2,667 0.23 3,166 0.34 2,849 0.26 2,278 0.5 2,720 0.33 2,612 1.14 4,592 0.24 3,082 0.92 6,971 2.32 7,403 14.13 13,134 0.55 4,272 22.5 12,863

Downtown Proposed Apartments Seek to Address Demand for Market-Rate, Affordable Rentals

By Anne White A joint venture between N e w Yo r k C i t y-b a s e d S J P Properties and local developer Eag le Ventu res may resu lt in a new option for renters i n dow ntow n Gre enw ich – one that is needed. A s the rental market soars in price and inventory shrinks, some renters are having diff iculty finding a place to call home. Eagle Ventures is a local family office founded in 2010 by Greenwich native James

Cabrera. Cabrera is an active member of the local community and former chairman of the loca l Y MCA as wel l as t he Greenwich High School Sports Foundation. His development team has submitted a pre-application for a pr op os e d r e sident ia l development ju st nor t h of East Putnam Avenue between Church Street and Sherwood Plac e to t he Pla n n i n g a nd Zoning Commission (P&Z). The proposal was submitted under Connecticut’s

8-30g statute because it will desig nate thirty percent of the residential units as local affordable housing. The 8-30g statute is intended to promote an increase in the availability of new high-quality and accessible community housing — particularly in towns like Greenwich, which currently fall short of the state’s requirement o f te n p e r c e nt o f e x i s t i n g housing set aside as affordable. The proposed building would contain 192 residences

with a mix of one, two and t h r e e b e d r o o m l ayout s a s well as outdoor green space. A preliminary concept for the building ’s desig n is still in very early stages but the initial rendering has been released and is shown above. The building is intended to blend with the neighborhood, which is comprised of a mix of commercial and residential buildings. Representatives from Eagle Ventures and SJP Properties are expected to present their

preliminar y plan for the proposed development to P&Z t h is fa l l. I f approved, t hey say the development works towards increasing inventory for young professionals and families and empty nesters. Upon completion, the developme nt w i l l c r e ate a m i xed use a rea w it h more foot tra f f ic for loca l shops and restaurants downtown. Housing will be conveniently located near police headquarters, the hospital, and local schools making it ideal for

teachers and first responders. Recent multifamily deve lopm e nt s sp e c i f ic a l ly for the rental market include J-Lofts, which opened in 2016 w it h 6 5 r e s i d e nt i a l u n it s , and The Mill, which has 59 apartments. Both developments have been well received, attracting a wide demographic. According to the development team, if approved the new building would take approximately 24 months to complete.

Greenwich Land Trust

Go Wild!

Drive-In Movie Nights Friday, October 1 & Saturday, October 2 Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Movies begin at 7:00 p.m. (no admission after 6:45 p.m.)

Greenwich Polo Club, 1 Hurlingham Drive, Greenwich, CT

General Admission Patron Packages

$300 $1,000 & up

Purchase tickets at:

All tickets include exclusive gift bags with snacks and soft drinks for everyone in your car. Patron packages also include VIP or Priority Parking and specialty dinner boxes by Marcia Selden Catering. Wild at Heart, Forever Wild, and Born to be Wild Patrons will be treated to custom cocktails!

As always, proceeds from Go Wild! will support Greenwich Land Trust’s efforts to conserve open space, connect our community with the natural world, and inspire the next generation of conservationists.

Greenwich Land Trust would like to thank our very generous sponsors for helping put on the show for our 2021 Go Wild! Drive-In Movie Nights!




Finocchio Brothers, Inc. • The First Bank of Greenwich • Greenwich Neighbors Magazine Horseneck Wine & Spirits • LesserEvil • RISE Brewing Co. • ShopRite • Wegmans Wells Fargo Private Bank • Whitman Breed Abbott & Morgan

MEDIA SPONSORS As of August 27, 2021


From the Greenwich Sentinel Foundation: the weekly newsletter from educators to Greenwich parents.

CALVIN AND HOBBES © 2015 Watterson. Reprinted with permission of ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. All rights reserved.

How to Keep Doors Open

By Lockey Coughlin

Allow your children, whenever possible, to advocate for themselves.

“Keep as many doors open as possible.” This is one of my favorite education metaphors. I visualize this as a child in a round white room, no walls, just French doors all the way around, and every door is wide open. Each door represents an avocation for the child – artist, healthcare worker, engineer, researcher, musician, environmentalist, New Skete brother or sister. Certainly, the hope for children born in developed countries is that, upon their birth, every door is wide open; no choice is out of the realm of possibility for them. Granted, this is not always the case and that is another conversation, but for our purposes, in Fairf ield County, CT, the doors are all open.

Our job as parents and educators, then, is to keep them from closing, a llow ing ch ild ren the g if t of choice. One of my teachers at Education without Walls, Monica Hruschka, recently related to me a conversation she had with her grown daughter. With a PhD in Agricultural Economics, a master’s degree in secondary education, and an undergraduate degree in biology, Dr. Hruschka is very well educated. She is fluent in German, plays the violin, and has spent years traveling the globe. Even so, her daughter recently asked a question she could not answer. The question? “If everyone wants a better life for their children, where does it end?” When we initially discussed this question, I also was f lummoxed. Where does it end? What is good enough? Is that really what we are talking about here? After a couple of days of reflection, I decided that, for me, it is all about choice. Giving your children a better life is not about

bigger houses or faster cars. It isn’t about having better toys or more leisure time. It is about providing your children with more choices, more control over their own lives. Schools, friends, occupations, living arrangements, vacation destinations, life partners, and on and on. We naturally equate choice with happiness. Change your mind, and then cha nge it again. Ex plore the options, have fun with it. Imagine a three-year-old checking out a new space. That curiosity, that joy in new discoveries is glorious. So, how do we maintain the breezes in the round room? How do we keep all those doors open? We prepare. Money helps, of course, but in my experience, nothing beats an excellent education. Build a life for our children that prepares them for unmitigated, joyful discovery of their world, while also building one that prepares them for many eventualities. Te a c h t h e m t o t h i n k f o r themselves, to solve problems on

their own. Encourage questions and curiosity. Arm them with the ethic of hard work, but also of working smart. Model the forging and maintenance of relationships for them. Teach them to appreciate the things that make each of us unique in ourselves and in others. Show them the power of a strong and vibrant community, as well as the importance of strong communication skills. This, my friends, brings us to your child’s school, cohort, homeschool co-op, or play group. As parents, you must make time to lead by example and support your child’s educational c o m m u n i t y. S h o w u p f o r orientation, talk with your child’s teachers, and school leaders. Check in often with these incredibly influential individuals. You need them and they need you. Listen to what they have to say. Encourage them to be forthright and honest in their assessments of your children. Advocate for your child in the

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best way possible, by supporting their educational mentors, peers, and community; and allow your children, whenever possible, to advocate for themselves. That last one bears repeating. A llow your child to advocate for themselves. If they have a question or concern involving their educational community, opportunities, or just what is on the lunch menu, encourage them to address this themselves. You might want to stand right next to them, but please do not speak for them. They need this practice. Remember to emphasize hard work over natural talent when they have achieved an honorific. “You must have worked hard on that A paper, congratulations!” for example. Remember to emphasize the need to learn math even if they think a calculator is enough. Reading is important. A liberal arts education will inform almost any path they choose. All these things will help to keep doors open, but the most important one is strong communication skills. Acting helps with exchange of ideas, as does visual art, creative writing, and dance, all of which are excellent ways to connect.

Improv classes are excellent for positivity and quick interaction training: “Yes, and …” Mostly, though, just talking with other people (not through an app) is the best way to improve this skill. Post-quarantine, this is a great place to focus your parental energy. I used to have my k ids where f unk y hats whenever we went out – they are a great conversation starter. Pins on jackets work the same way. Anything that allows for a quick comment and response. Whatever your trick is, encourage conversation, communication, and personal interaction. Computers off, phones down, doors open, lights on, heads up. Let’s talk! Lockey Webb Coughlin is the Founder and Director of Education without Walls, LLC , located in New Milford, CT, a small private e d u c a t ion a l prog ra m s e r vi n g children 11 - 19 years of age. She is the President of Webb Youth Services, a 501(c)3, whose mission is to assist children with mental health and anxiety issues. Lockey is a ridiculously proud mother of three children, all of whom she homeschooled through high school. Two are currently in college (Skidmore and Connecticut College) and the oldest recently graduated Suma Cum Laude with her BFA in Musical Theater.

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